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2024.05.11 11:34 sinomaltanews "越南數百人因食用越南三明治而生病

超過 500 人因食用越南南部一家商店的 bánh mì 三明治而疑似食物中毒,被送往醫院。
Bánh mì 是一種傳統的越南三明治,由法國長棍麵包組成,裡面塞滿了冷肉、肉醬和蔬菜。
週一,隆慶鎮當局證實,至少 560 人在 4 月 30 日食用隆慶 Bang 麵包店的三明治後生病。
他們也表示,目前已有 200 人出院。
據當地當局稱,這家麵包店位於 Tran Quang Dieu 街,每天出售約 1,100 個三明治。
Tran Ngoc Phuong 告訴該報,她為孩子們買了三個三明治,還有額外的肉。 24小時之內,他們都開始出現食物中毒的症狀。
根據 Tuoi Tre News 報道,當地衛生工作者已將 banh mi 樣本帶到實驗室進行進一步檢測。

成為天主教徒將為您永恆的命運奠定堅實的基礎。天主教信仰代表了人類所有相互競爭的哲學中最複雜、最一致、最完整的思想體系。這是名副其實的人類思想大教堂。天主教會教導說,上帝如此愛我們,以至於祂派遣祂的獨生子為我們的罪而死,並為我們的救贖而復活。透過相信耶穌基督為我們的主和救主,我們可以接受上帝的恩典並與祂永遠生活在天堂裡。 -
瑪麗亞電台大中華區(中國大陸、香港、澳門、台灣) - - 「瑪麗亞電台是聖母的禮物。透過節目編排、每一份社論產品以及我們所有的活動,我們必須成為帶有強烈瑪麗亞印記並呼籲皈依的祈禱和福傳的電台。 (利維奧神父)
VisitMalta:取得馬耳他之旅所需的所有資訊!預訂門票、發現新的遊覽地點、發現令人驚奇的事情等等! -
超过 500 人因食用越南南部一家商店的 bánh mì 三明治而疑似食物中毒,被送往医院。
Bánh mì 是一种传统的越南三明治,由法式长棍面包组成,里面塞满了冷肉、肉酱和蔬菜。
周一,隆庆镇当局证实,至少 560 人在 4 月 30 日食用隆庆市 Bang 面包店的三明治后生病。
他们还表示,目前已有 200 人出院。
据地方当局称,这家面包店位于 Tran Quang Dieu 街,每天出售约 1,100 个三明治。
Tran Ngoc Phuong 告诉该报,她为孩子们买了三个三明治,还有额外的肉。 24小时之内,他们都开始出现食物中毒的症状。
据 Tuoi Tre News 报道,当地卫生工作者已将 banh mi 样本带到实验室进行进一步检测。

成为天主教徒将为您永恒的命运奠定坚实的基础。天主教信仰代表了人类所有相互竞争的哲学中最复杂、最一致、最完整的思想体系。这是名副其实的人类思想大教堂。天主教会教导说,上帝如此爱我们,以至于他派遣他的独生子为我们的罪而死,并为我们的救赎而复活。通过相信耶稣基督为我们的主和救主,我们可以接受上帝的恩典并与他永远生活在天堂里。 -
玛丽亚电台大中华区(中国大陆、香港、澳门、台湾) - - “玛丽亚电台是圣母的礼物。通过节目编排、每一份社论产品以及我们所有的活动,我们必须成为带有强烈玛丽亚印记并呼吁皈依的祈祷和福传的电台。” (利维奥神父)
VisitMalta:获取马耳他之旅所需的所有信息!预订门票、发现新的游览地点、发现令人惊奇的事情等等! -
"Mijiet morda wara li kielu bánh mì fil-Vjetnam
Aktar minn 500 persuna ttieħdu l-isptar b’suspettat ta’ avvelenament mill-ikel wara li kielu sandwiches bánh mì minn ħanut fin-Nofsinhar tal-Vjetnam.
Tnax minnhom, fosthom żewġ subien ta’ bejn sitt u seba’ snin, jinsabu f’qagħda kritika.
Il-forn, li huwa bbażat fil-provinċja ta’ Dong Nai, ingħalaq temporanjament.
Huwa maħsub li s-sandwiches setgħu tħassru bħala riżultat tas-sħana attwali.
Spezzjoni inizjali tal-forn żvelat li ma ssodisfatx l-istandards tas-sikurezza tal-ikel.
Bánh mì huwa sandwich tradizzjonali Vjetnamiż li jikkonsisti f'baguette ta' stil Franċiż mimli b'laħam kiesaħ, paté u ħaxix.
Nhar it-Tnejn, l-awtoritajiet ta’ Long Khanh Town ikkonfermaw li mill-inqas 560 persuna kienu mardu wara li kkunsmaw sandwiches mill-forn Bang fil-belt ta’ Long Khanh fit-30 ta’ April.
Iddikjaraw ukoll li 200 persuna minn dak iż-żmien kienu ħarġu.
Il-forn, ibbażat fuq Tran Quang Dieu Street, ibigħ madwar 1,100 mill-sandwiches kuljum, skont l-awtoritajiet lokali.
In-numru ta 'każijiet ta' avvelenament mill-ikel suspettat żdied b'mod kostanti kuljum, jgħidu rapporti tal-isptar lokali.
Is-sintomi kienu jinkludu dijarea, rimettar, deni u uġigħ addominali qawwi.
Gazzetta Vjetnamiża waħda, Health and Life, tkellmet ma’ mara waħda li t-tlett itfal tagħha kienu qed jiġu kkurati fit-taqsima tal-kura intensiva fl-Isptar tat-Tfal Dong Nai.
Tran Ngoc Phuong qalet lill-karta li xtrat tliet sandwiches għal uliedha b'laħam żejjed. Fi żmien 24 siegħa, kollha bdew juru sintomi ta’ avvelenament mill-ikel.
Id-Dipartiment tas-Saħħa tar-reġjun qal nhar il-Ħadd li testijiet tad-demm ta’ wħud minn dawk li kienu morda b’mod kritiku wrew il-preżenza ta’ E. Coli – batterju li tipikament jidher fi prodotti friski inklużi ċ-ċanga, ġobon u frott.
Skont Tuoi Tre News, ħaddiema tas-saħħa lokali ħadu kampjun tal-banh mi f'laboratorju għal aktar ittestjar.
Il-Pulizija qalet li fetħet investigazzjoni dwar il-kawża tal-avvelenament mill-ikel.

L-Amazon Deals tal-lum (Afljat) -
Li ssir Kattoliku jagħtik pedament sod għad-destin etern tiegħek. Il-fidi Kattolika tirrappreżenta l-aktar sistema ta’ ideat kumplessa, konsistenti u kompleta fost il-filosofiji kollha tal-umanità li jikkompetu. Huwa katidral veru tal-ħsieb uman. Il-Knisja Kattolika tgħallem li Alla tant iħobbna li bagħat lil Ibnu l-waħdieni biex imut għal dnubietna u jqum mill-ġdid għas-salvazzjoni tagħna. Billi nemmnu f’Ġesù Kristu bħala Sidna u Salvatur tagħna, nistgħu nirċievu l-grazzja t’Alla u ngħixu miegħu għal dejjem fis-sema. -
Radio Maria Greater China (Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan) - - “Radio Maria huwa rigal mill-Madonna. Permezz tal-programmazzjoni, kull prodott editorjali, u l-attivitajiet kollha tagħna, irridu nkunu radju ta’ talb u evanġelizzazzjoni b’impronta Marjana qawwija u sejħa għall-konverżjoni.” (Fr. Livio)
Radju Marija jwieġeb għall-istedina kontinwa ta’ Ġesù: “Mur fid-dinja kollha u ħabbar l-Evanġelju lil kull ħlejqa” (Mk 16:15).
It-temi ewlenin tal-ipprogrammar tagħna huma:
Is-sejħa għall-konverżjoni;
Formazzjoni umana u soċjali;
Aħbarijiet mill-Knisja u mis-soċjetà.
VisitMalta: Ikseb l-informazzjoni kollha li għandek bżonn għall-vjaġġ tiegħek lejn Malta! Ibbukkja biljetti, skopri postijiet ġodda biex iżżur, sib affarijiet aqwa x'tagħmel u aktar! -
Ċaħda ta' responsabbiltà: Dan is-sit huwa għal skopijiet informattivi biss u m'għandux jitqies parir legali [saħħa, taxxa, professjoni]. Aħna m'aħniex responsabbli għal kwalunkwe telf, ħsarat, jew obbligazzjonijiet li jistgħu jinqalgħu mill-użu ta 'dan il-blog. Dan il-blog mhux maħsub biex jissostitwixxi parir mediku professjonali. Il-fehmiet espressi f'dan il-blog jistgħu ma jkunux dawk tal-host jew tal-maniġment.
submitted by sinomaltanews to SinoMaltaNews [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 07:01 BasilWonderful5233 chuyen khiep luon ma

submitted by BasilWonderful5233 to u/BasilWonderful5233 [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 04:41 Benjamin_059 Soạn văn chê

Soạn văn chê
Ae soạn văn chê vf3 như con vf7 này chưa :)))
submitted by Benjamin_059 to VinFastCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 18:55 hazelrichardson52 The old London Transgender clinic facebook page has either been sold to or hacked by a company in Vietnam.

The old London Transgender clinic facebook page has either been sold to or hacked by a company in Vietnam. submitted by hazelrichardson52 to transgenderUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 18:52 CreativeCritical247 What do you like about "Strange, Surreal, Psychological, Fantastical & Colorful Science Fiction Stories" ? :)

I always feel speechless and mesmerized when i consume/read/watch these Sci-Fi Stories:
  1. Eden (1958) by Stanisław Lem
  2. Dune (1963-1965) by Frank Herbert
  3. Le Mystère des abîmes / The Mystery of the Abyss (1966) by Philippe Druillet
  4. Creatues of Light and Darkness (1969) by Roger Zelazny
  5. Solaris (1972) by Stanisław Lem & Andrei Tarkovsky
  6. La Planète Sauvage / Fantastic Planet (1973) by René Laloux
  7. Total Eclipse (1974) by John Brunner
  8. Le Vagabond des Limbes / The Vagabond of Limbo (1975-2003)
  9. Fracture (1977 Animated Short) by Gaëtan Brizzi & Paul Brizzi
  10. Сталкер / Stalker (1979) by Andrei Tarkovsky
  11. La Foire aux immortels / The Carnival of Immortals (1980) by Enki Bilal
  12. Heavy Metal (1981) by Gerald Potterton
  13. Les Maîtres du temps / Time Masters (1982) by René Laloux & Tibor Hernádi
  14. Chronopolis (1982) by Piotr Kamler
  15. Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (Manga 1982 + Movie 1984)
  16. World of Edena (1983) by Jean Giraud / Mœbius
  17. Misiunea spatialã Delta / Delta Space Mission (1984) by Calin Cazan & Mircea Toia
  18. Metroid (1986) by Satoru Okada, Gunpei Yokoi, Hiroji Kiyotake, Yoshio Sakamoto
  19. Lilith's Brood / Dawn (1987) by Octavia Butler
  20. Dragon's Heaven (1988) by Makoto Kobayashi
  21. Akira (1988) by Katsuhiro Otomo
  22. Na srebrnym globie / On the Silver Globe (1988) by Andrzej Żuławski
  23. Hyperion (1989) by Dan Simmons
  24. Aeon Flux (1991-1995) by Peter Chung
  25. Les Mondes d'Aldébaran / The Worlds of Aldebaran by Léo/Luiz Eduardo de Oliveira (1994-)
  26. Magnetic Rose (1995) by Kōji Morimoto & Satoshi Kon
  27. Moon Face (1998) by Alejandro Jodorowsky & Francois Boucq
  28. Eclipse (2012) by Théo Guignard, Noé Lecombre, and Hugo Moreno
  29. Made in Abyss (2012) by Akihito Tsukushi
  30. Saga (2012) by Brian K Vaughan
  31. Prophet, Volume 1: Remission (2012) by Brandon Graham & Simon Roy
  32. Area X: The Southern Reach Trilogy: Annihilation, Authority & Acceptance (2014) by Jeff VanderMeer
  33. Aâma by Frederik Peeters (2014)
  34. Ant Colony (2014) by Michael Deforge
  35. Panda Bear - Boys Latin (2014)
  36. Children of Time (2015) by Adrian Tchaikovsky
  37. Mare Internum (2015-2019) by Der-Shing Helmer
  38. No Man’s Sky (2016) by Hello Games
  39. BURN OUT (2017) by Cécile CARRE
  40. Satania (2017) by Kerascoët
  41. Stages of Rot (2017) by Linnea Sterte
  42. Rain World (2018) by Videocult
  43. Subnautica (2018) by Unknown Worlds Entertainment
  44. Annihilation (2018) by Alex Garland
  45. Semiosis (2018) by Sue Burke
  46. LOVE DEATH + ROBOTS (2019) by Tim Miller
  47. Outer Wilds (2019) by Mobius Digital
  48. Ultraviolet Grasslands (2019) by Luka Rejec
  49. IN ORBIT (2019) by Soham Chakraborty, Hanxu Chen, Meton Joffily, Justin Polley, Julia Trouvé
  50. Raised by Wolves (2020) by Aaron Guzikowski
  51. Sable (2021) by Shedworks
  52. Journey To The Savage Planet (2021)
  53. Birds of Maine (2022) by Michael Deforge
  54. Vesper (2022) by Kristina Buožytė
  55. Strange World (2022) by Don Hall, Qui Nguyen and Roy Conli
  56. Voyage (2022) by Ratalaika Games
  57. Planet of Lana (2023) by Wishfully Studios
  58. Moonray by Brandon Graham and Xurxo G. Penalta (2023)
  59. SUNSCREEN (2023) by Xinzhi MA, Yuan LIU, Yufan CHEN, Zixiao YUE
  60. SCAVENGERS REIGN (2023) by Joseph Bennett and Charles Huettner
Novels recommended by others:
Special Mention: 蟲師 / Mushishi (1999-2008)
I don't know how to find the right words to explain on why I am so fond of this concept or sub genre.
Maybe you can share with me your arguments on what attracts you to these kinds of Sci-Fi Stories?
Thank you for reading my post.
submitted by CreativeCritical247 to scifi [link] [comments]


BSOP EXPO MÙA 4: CÔNG BỐ NỘI DUNG CHI TIẾT SỰ KIỆN TẠI HÀ NỘI submitted by congtydinhcuBSOP to u/congtydinhcuBSOP [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 20:53 SocialDemocracies Megapost: A list of statements, press releases, and other sources reporting and expressing concern and criticism about Israel's war in Gaza and related aspects of the war. (Part 2)

Megapost: A list of statements, press releases, and other sources reporting and expressing concern and criticism about Israel's war in Gaza and related aspects of the war. (Part 2)

Notes: This is a work that is currently in progress; please check back for updates. Titles have been edited to provide details.
Part 1 is here:
Part 3 is here:
Part 4 is here:
British Association of Social Workers (BASW) and the Social Workers Union (SWU) statement on situation in Israel and Palestine/Gaza (November 15, 2023):
More than 50 UK Labour Party lawmakers defy leader to back Gaza ceasefire (November 15, 2023):
Trade Union for the Public and Welfare Sectors (JHL) condemns all strikes targeting civilians: Trade Union JHL appeals to the Government of Finland: Demand a ceasefire in the Gaza war. JHL will donate EUR 5,000 to Doctors Without Borders. (November 15, 2023):
Humanist Society Scotland calls for ceasefire in Gaza (November 16, 2023):
Irish Congress of Trade Unions calls for humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza (November 16, 2023):
Longtime Israeli policy foes are leading US protests against Israel’s action in Gaza. Who are they? (November 16, 2023):
Cori Bush: Calls for Ceasefire Grow in Month Following Introduction of Ceasefire Now Resolution ["A growing coalition of over 100 organizations has also endorsed H.Res 786, the Ceasefire Now Resolution. Endorsing organizations include:, About Face: Veterans Against the War, ActionAid USA, Action Center on Race & the Economy, Adalah Justice Project, American Center for Justice, American Federation of Ramallah, Palestine (AFRP), American Muslims for Palestine, American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), Americans for Justice in Palestine Action, Amnesty International, Arab American Civil Rights League (ACRL), Arab American Institute, Arab Resource & Organizing Center (AROC), Avaaz, Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, Center for Civilians in Conflict (CIVIC), Center for Constitutional Rights, Center for Jewish Nonviolence, Center for Popular Democracy Action, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Churches for Middle East Peace, Common Defense, Communities United for Status & Protection (CUSP), Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), Defense for Children International - Palestine, Demand Progress Action, Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN), Democratic Socialists of America, Detroit Action, Dream Defenders, Emgage Action, Freedom Forward, Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL), Gen Z For Change, Grassroots Global Justice Alliance, Highlander Research & Education, Hindus for Human Rights, The House of the Lord Churches, IfNotNow, Institute for Middle Eastern Understanding (IMEU), International Refugee Assistance Project (IRAP), IRAP Osgoode Hall Law School, IRAP Rutgers, IRAP UVA Law, IRAP University of Virginia School of Law Chapter, IRAP The George Washington Law School Chapter, Institute for Policy Studies New Internationalism Project, International Refugee Assistance Project at Berkeley Law, Islamic Foundation of Greater St. Louis, The Jerusalem Fund for Education and Community Development, Jewish Voice for Peace Action, Just Foreign Policy, Justice Is Global, Leadership Conference of Women Religious, MADRE, Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns, Michigan United, Migrant Roots Media, Movement for Black Lives, Movement Law Lab, Movement Generation, MoveOn, MPower Change Action Fund, Muslim Advocates, Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), Muslims for Progress, National Campaign for Human Dignity, National Domestic Workers Alliance, National Iranian American Council Action, National Lawyers Guild, Detroit & Michigan Chapter, National Network for Arab American Communities (NNAAC), NYC-DSA, Pax Christi USA, Peace Action, Peace Action Montgomery, Peace, Justice Sustainability NOW!, Progressive Democrats of America, Progressive Jews of St. Louis (ProJoSTL), Project on Middle East Democracy (POMED), Project48, Rainbow PUSH Coalition, Refugee Council USA, ReThinking Foreign Policy, Rising Majority,, Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference, Sisters of Mercy of the Americas Institute Justice Team, Southeast Asian Freedom Network, Sunrise Movement, Transgender Law Center, UndocuBlack Network, Union of Palestinian American Women, Unitarian Universalist Association, United Church of Christ, United We Dream Network, Until Freedom, US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR), US Council for Muslim Organizations, Vietlead, Women Cross DMZ, Women for Weapons Trade Transparency, Working Families Party, Zero Hour."] (November 17, 2023):
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada and Anglican Church of Canada: Church leaders urge Prime Minister Trudeau to call for a ceasefire and open corridor for humanitarian aid (November 17, 2023):
Jewish American Calls for a Ceasefire Highlight Divisions in the Community (November 17, 2023):
Jews for Ceasefire holds demonstration outside Schwarzman, demands Yale divest from weapons manufacturing (November 17, 2023):
Josh Ruebner, adjunct professor in Justice and Peace Studies at Georgetown University: Israel is threatening a second Nakba — but it’s already happening (November 17, 2023):
I Am the Grandchild of Holocaust Survivors, and I Am Calling for Ceasefire Now (November 18, 2023):
Diseases spread in Gaza amid water and sewage crisis, cholera feared (November 19, 2023):
Association of Black Anthropologists Statement on Solidarity with Palestine (November 20, 2023):
With the world’s eyes on Gaza, attacks are on the rise in the West Bank, which faces its own war (November 20, 2023):
Derek Duba: Army veterans like me know that 'war is hell.' Let's push for a ceasefire in Gaza (November 21, 2023):
Middle East Studies Association Board Letter to Biden Administration on Ceasefire in Gaza (November 21, 2023):
This Union Is Famous for Opposing South African Apartheid. Now It’s Standing With Gaza. In 1984, ILWU Local 10 refused to unload goods shipped from South Africa. Today, it’s demanding a cease-fire. (November 21, 2023):
‘Not in my name’: Jews in UK take a stand against Israel’s Gaza assault (November 24, 2023):
British Sociological Association: Sociologists’ Letter on Gaza (November 27, 2023):
Opinion by Ermina Mustafic-Harambasic: As the daughter of Bosnian genocide survivors, I stand with Palestine: There are many parallels between the denial of the Srebrenica genocide and the denial of the Palestinian genocide (November 27, 2023):
Changing course, Senator Peter Welch calls for ‘indefinite’ cease-fire in Gaza (November 28, 2023):
National Council of Churches in the Philippines: An Urgent Statement on the Situation in Gaza, Pray for Peace and Justice in Palestine and Israel (November 29, 2023):
Rae Abileah: Never Again means Never Again for Anyone, including Gazans (November 9, 2023):
Public Services International: International Trade Unions Urgently call for Ceasefire in Gaza amidst Ongoing Human Rights Violations (November 30, 2023):⟨%3Den
Spanish prime minister Pedro Sánchez says he doubts Israel is respecting international law (November 30, 2023):
Open Letter from Professionals at Jewish Organizations to President Biden and Congress [850+ signatures] (December 2023):
Bubba Fish, Culver County Democratic Club: A Jewish Case for an End to the War (December 1, 2023):
United Auto Workers Statement on Israel and Palestine (December 1, 2023):
Jane Fonda: "I join with millions of others in calling for —in the words of the UN Secretary General —‘a true humanitarian ceasefire’ in Gaza." (December 2, 2023):
Daanish Faruqi: Israel is using the same tactics in Gaza that al-Assad employed in Syria (December 3, 2023):
Catholic Workers Speak Out for Ceasefire, Peace (December 4, 2023):
Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières: The US must call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza: An open letter to President Biden from MSF-USA executive director Avril Benoît (December 4, 2023):
Greta Thunberg and Fridays for Future Sweden activists Alde Nilsson, Jamie Mater, and Raquel Frescia: We won’t stop speaking out about Gaza’s suffering – there is no climate justice without human rights: Young climate activists haven’t ‘been radicalised’ – solidarity with marginalised people has always been at the heart of our message (December 5, 2023):
National Union of Journalists condemns unprecedented death toll of journalists in Gaza (December 5, 2023):
‘These are very hard times’: Pastor of Gaza Catholic church gives update on Christians’ plight (December 6, 2023):
Catholic progressives in Brazil call Gaza war a ‘true genocide’ (December 7, 2023):
Corporate Europe Observatory: Gaza: Ceasefire now (December 7, 2023):
Faculty and staff members in American University’s School of International Service call for ceasefire in Gaza: “We now call on our governments and campuses to bravely Wage Peace instead.” (December 8, 2023): &
International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group statement: Canada Must Oppose Genocide in Gaza and Defend Free Expression at Home (December 8, 2023):
Senator Bernie Sanders: AIPAC is a right-wing organization that supports extremist Republican election-denier candidates. Now, they want to spend $100 million to defeat Progressives. Whether AIPAC likes it or not, the U.S. must not give a blank check to Netanyahu’s horrific war policies. (December 10, 2023):
Ahead of White House Hanukkah celebration, a wave of faith-led cease-fire demonstrations (December 11, 2023):
Edward P. Djerejian Center for the Middle East, James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy: Israel’s Mass Displacement of Gazans Fits Strategy of Using Migration as a Tool of War (December 11, 2023):
Letter: What 'pro-life' justification can Hoeven, Cramer and Armstrong offer for opposing a ceasefire? "Thousands of dead children in a few weeks seems like an obvious pro-life issue," writes Mercedes Saylor. (December 11, 2023):
International Federation for Human Rights (Fédération internationale des ligues des droits de l'homme): The unfolding genocide against the Palestinians must stop immediately (December 12, 2023):
Unitarian Universalist Women's Federation: Statement on Gaza/Israeli conflict (December 13, 2023):
Exclusive: Nearly half of the Israeli munitions dropped on Gaza are imprecise ‘dumb bombs,’ US intelligence assessment finds (December 14, 2023):
Los Angeles Times Editorial Board: U.S. should join the world’s nations in demanding a Gaza cease-fire (December 14, 2024):
1199SEIU, nation’s largest healthcare union, calls for Gaza ceasefire (December 15, 2023):
A Long History of Antifascism Is Driving the Jewish Demand for Gaza Cease-Fire (December 15, 2023):
Senator Bernie Sanders Introduces Resolution to Investigate Israel’s Indiscriminate Bombing Campaign in Gaza (December 15, 2023):
Union for Reform Judaism Alumni and Current Members for Ceasefire (December 16, 2023):
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ President Pleads for Peace as Innocent People are Killed in the Land of Jesus' Birth (December 16, 2023):
Auschwitz Museum Decries Israeli Mayor's 'Sick' Call to 'Empty' Gaza: "We do hope that Israeli authorities will react to such shameful abuse, as terrorism can never be a response to terrorism." (December 18, 2023):
Jews for Racial and Economic Justice: Stop the Bombs! Ceasefire Now! (December 18, 2023):
Nontombi Naomi Tutu and Nompumelelo (Mungi) Ngomane, respectively the daughter and granddaughter of Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu: We have failed in the fight for justice — we need ceasefire in Gaza now (December 18, 2023):
Representative Betty McCollum: AIPAC Dangerously Trafficking in Hate Speech Amid Israel-Gaza War (December 18, 2023):
Association of Legal Aid Attorneys, United Auto Workers Local 2325: Resolution Calling for a Ceasefire in Gaza, an End to the Israeli Occupation of Palestine, and Support for Workers’ Political Speech (December 19, 2023):
Joint Statement by Current and Former Australian Elected Representatives on the Situation in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories [300+ signatures] (December 19, 2023): &
Liberal International bureau supports humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza (December 19, 2023):
Fox News host Mark Levin's hateful defenses of civilian casualties, calls for war crimes, and xenophobic attacks on Palestinians (December 20, 2023):
I’m a Palestinian Christian in Gaza. I want peace—for my homeland and my family. (December 20, 2023):
Israel Defense Forces and Yom Kippur War veteran from Woodstock urges ceasefire in Gaza [Israeli veteran Mark Hammel on Israel's war in Gaza: “It's an unmitigated horror story ... It's literally on the cusp of genocide."] (December 21, 2023):
Public Citizen Statement on the Violence in Gaza and Israel (December 21, 2023):
Franciscans International: Amid rising death toll, Security Council must call for a ceasefire in Gaza (December 22, 2023):
Holy Land: Caritas Internationalis joins today’s Global Day of Action calling for a Ceasefire Now (December 22, 2023): &
Marianne Williamson on her US presidential campaign, the economy and Gaza: ‘The death of a Palestinian child is no less horrifying than the death of an Israeli child,’ author tells Al Jazeera. (December 22, 2023):
The Human Rights Institute of the International Bar Association condemns the indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks on Gaza and reiterates the call for an immediate ceasefire (December 22, 2023):
Who Is Funding Canary Mission? Inside the Doxxing Operation Targeting Anti-Zionist Students and Professors (December 22, 2023):
Rebecca Alpert, Reconstructionist Rabbi and Professor Emerita of Religion at Temple University: “Ceasefire Now!” Means Peace for All and Justice for Palestinians (December 28, 2023):
Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov appears to liken Israel’s war on Hamas in Gaza to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: FM Labrov praises Netanyahu since ‘he never dared’ to criticize Russia, says Israel’s campaign against Hamas ‘sounds like denazification,’ echoing Moscow’s justification for its war (December 28, 2023):
Palestine: Intersectional Solidarity: Statements from Afghans, Iranians, Hongkongers, Tibetans, Kurds, Syrians, Taiwanese, Uyghurs, and Ukrainians (December 28, 2023):
Physicians for Social Responsibility: Urgent Call for Ceasefire and Humanitarian Aid in Gaza (December 28, 2023):
World Council of Churches calls for immediate end to brutal violence in Gaza (December 30, 2023):
Database of Israeli Incitement to Genocide (January-February 2023):
Muslims for Progressive Values: Never Again? (January 4, 2024):
Social workers send letters from Gaza (January 4, 2024):
Anti-Defamation League staff decry ‘dishonest’ campaign against Israel critics (January 5, 2024):
"We Support South Africa's Genocide Convention Case Against Israel": Over 1,000 popular movements, political parties, unions, and other organizations call on states around the world to support South Africa's genocide case against Israel. [Including: Amazon Labor Union, USA; American Friends Service Committee - AFSC, USA; AFSCME Local 526, USA; Antipoverty Centre, Australia; Australian Unemployed Workers' Union; Black Workers for Justice (BWFJ), USA; Boycott from Within (Israeli citizens for BDS); Canadian Friends Service Committee, Canada; CGT - Confederación General del Trabajo, Spain; Church Women United in New York State, USA; Civil Engagement Group of Seanad Éireann (Senate of Ireland), Ireland; Coalition Against Fascism in India (International); CODEPINK, USA; Columbia Law Students for Palestine (CLSP), USA; Community Peacemaker Teams; Confederación Intersindical, Spain; CUNY for Palestine, USA; Defence for Children International; Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN); Democratic Socialists of America, USA; Egyptian Social Democratic Party, Egypt; Faculty for Justice in Palestine at Syracuse University, USA; GEO-UAW Local 2322, USA; GSOC-UAW Local 2110, USA; Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers, London; Harvard Jews for Palestine, USA; Hindus for Human Rights, USA; International Peace Bureau (IPB), International; Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions USA; Jewish Voice for Labour (UK); La France Insoumise, France; Labour For Palestine - Canada; Labour International, UK; Landless Workers Movement MST, Brazil; Medical Association for Prevention of War, Australia; Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC), USA; Mississippi Immigrants Rights Alliance (MIRA), USA; National Lawyers Guild, USA; National Single Payer, USA; Nonviolence International; NYC City Workers for Palestine, USA; NYU Alumni for Palestine, USA; Palestinian Christian Alliance for Peace, USA; Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions, PGFTU, Palestine; Pax Christi Canada; Pax Christi USA; Physicians for Social Responsibility Kansas City (PSR-KC), USA; Physicians for Social Responsibility/Sacramento, USA; Progressive Democrats of America, Oregon Chapter, USA; Progressive International; Sarah Lawrence Faculty for Justice in Palestine; Scholars Against the War on Palestine, Canada/International; Science for the People - Canada; Science for the People, USA; Secours Catholique, France; Servicio Internacional Cristiano de Solidaridad con America Latina (SICSAL Mexico); Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Enseñanza de Cantabria (STEC), Spain; Sínodo Luterano Salvadoreño, El Salvador; Transnational Institute; Trinity Lutheran Church, Brooklyn NY, USA; Tunisian General Labor Union UGTT; UMass Amherst Faculty for Justice in Palestine, USA; UMKC Students for Justice in Palestine, USA; Union Juive Française pour la Paix (UJFP - French Jewish Peace Union); Unionists for Palestine, Australia; United Church of Christ Palestine Israel Network, USA; United Jewish People's Order, Canada; United Methodists for Kairos Response (UMKR); US Committee to End Political Repression in Egypt] (January 8, 2024):
Etan Nechin: The far right infiltration of Israel’s media is blinding the public to the truth about Gaza (January 9, 2024):
Michelle Goldberg in the New York Times via U.S. Representative Lloyd Doggett: America Must Face Up to Israel’s Extremism (January 9, 2024):
Q&A: Former Biden appointee Tariq Habash says US policy is ‘dehumanising’ Palestinians (January 9, 2024):
State and Local Elected Officials Open Letter to President Biden Calling for a Ceasefire [350+ signatures] (January 9, 2024):
I led strike cells against ISIS — Israel’s strike campaign in Gaza is unacceptable (January 10, 2024):
Naomi Klein: We have a tool to stop Israel’s war crimes: BDS (January 10, 2024):
Revealed: Congress backers of Gaza war received most from pro-Israel donors: Guardian analysis finds top recipients of pro-Israel contributions in last elections were centrist Democrats who defeated progressives in primaries (January 10, 2024):
Why I Resigned: Meet Tariq Habash, First Biden Appointee to Quit over U.S.-Backed Israeli War on Gaza (January 10, 2024):
Robert C. Koehler: The Cry of the Wounded and the Dead: End the War! End the War! (January 13, 2024):
On MLK Day, Representative Ayanna Pressley and Interfaith Coalition Call for Ceasefire in Gaza ["Rep. Pressley joined over 90 leaders from the Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist and other faith traditions in signing the statement, including Rev. Nikira Hernandez, Brighton Allston Congregational Church, Rev. Darrell R. Hamilton II, The First Baptist Church in, Jamaica Plain, Imam Ahmad Barry, Rev. Aisha Ansano. Rev. Otto Concannon, First Parish in Malden, Rev. Ashlee Wiest-Laird, First Baptist Church in Jamaica Plain, Imam Abdullah Faaruuq, Mosque for Praising Allah, Rev. Elizabeth Nguyen, Community Justice Exchange, Chaplain Ylisse C. Bess, Rev. Jo Murphy, Rev. Shea Thompson, Rev. Rob Mark, Rev. Erica Rose Long, Rabbi Rebecca Zimmerman Hornstein, Boston Workers Circle, Imam Taalib Mahdee, Masjid Al Qur’an, Rev. Art J. Gordon, St. John Missionary Baptist Church, Rev. Fred Small, Rev. Heather Concannon, Rev. Miniard Culpepper, Pleasant Hill Missionary Baptist Church, Rabbi Leora Abelson, Rabbi Leah Nussbaum, Rev. Willie Bodrick, II J.D., M.Div., Twelfth Baptist Church, The Very Rev. Amy McCreath, Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Boston (Episcopal), Rev. James Harrison Jr., Southern Baptist Church, Rev. Bernadette Hickman-Maynard, Rev. Erica F Richmond, Arlington, MA, Rev. Arrington Chambliss, St Mary’s Dorchester, Rev. Dr. Michelle A. Walsh, Tuckerman Creative Ministries for Justice & Healing, Rev. Dr. Clyde Grubbs, Tuckerman Creative Ministries, Muslims for Justice, Rev. Isaac P. Martinez, The Allston Abbey, Rev. Ashley Popperson, Rev. Lindsay Popperson, Old North Church, Marblehead, Rev. Myozen Joan Amaral, Zen Center North Shore, Rev. Dr. Andre K. Bennett, Marc Fredette, UU Minister, Rev. Edmund Robinson, First Parish in Hingham/Old Ship, Chaplain Christie Towers, Rev. Kenneth Read-Brown, Rev. Martha Schick, Cassandra Montenegro, Esq., First Parish in Cambridge, Unitarian Universalist, Rev. Dr. William J. Gardiner, Rev. Wendy Page, Rev. Elizabeth Bukey Saunter, Rev. Mel Pace, Rabbi Becky Silverstein, Rev. Katie Omberg, Rev. Rali M Weaver, First Church and Parish Dedham, Rev. Anne M. Rousseau, Rev. Brett R. Johnson, Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Wakefield, MA, Rev. James Leavitt, Rev. Daryn Bunce Stylianopoulos, Mohanad Mossalam, Khateeb, Malden Islamic Center, Daniela Harrigan, Movement Chaplain, MC Miller, Candidate for Ordination in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, University Lutheran Church, Cambridge, MA, Allison N Brown, Pastoral Candidate for Ordination , The Episcopal Church, India Wood, Seminarian, Boston University Theological School, Rhea Brown-Bright, Director of Faith Formation, First Parish Dorchester, Boston University School of Theology, Linden Jenkins, St Cecilia Parish Social & Racial Justice Ministry, Vincent Ware, Director of Public Affairs & Civic Engagement, MAS Boston (Muslim American Society), Becca Heisler, Rabbinical Student, Jayce Koester, Rabbinical Student, Hadar Ahuvia, Rabbinical Student, Sam Tygiel, Rabbinical Student, Alex Bailey Dillon, Rabbinical Student, Hannah Limov, Rabbinical Student, Chaim Spaulding, Rabbinical Student, Aaron Berc, Rabbinical Student, Rivka Nechemya Thrope, Rabbinical Student, Max Davis, Rabbinical Student, Sivan Piatigorsky, Rabbinical Student, Rayden Marcum, Rabbinical Student, Rumni Saha (MDiv, MEd), Ian Evans, Clergy in training, McKayla Hoffman, Ministerial Intern, Nichole Mossalam, Muslim Activist, Elizabeth Claggett-Borne, Friends (Quakers) for Racial Justice, Carole Rein, Quaker, North Shore Friends (Quakers), Polly Attwood, Quaker, Friends Meeting Cambridge, Isabella Bates, Quaker, North Shore Quaker Meeting, Dr. Esther Ngotho, Zen Center North Shore, Nora Williams, Zen Center North Shore, Michael Carey, Peace and Social Justice Committee, Friends Meeting Cambridge, Don Gianniny, Peace and Social Justice Committee, Friends Meeting Cambridge, Holly Aloha Jaynes, Unitarian Universalist Church of Marblehead, Ehab Hilali, Community Organizer, Independent Drivers Guild, Nicole Moore, UU Church of Marblehead & Zen Center North Shore, Sarah Manasrah, Community Organizer, Salimah Adawiya, Educator, Rabbi Victor Reinstein, Dr. Jamal Carlos Saeh, Palestinian Catholic, Friend Kristina Keefe-Perry, Three Rivers Worship Group, Rev. Carrie Ballenger, University Lutheran Church, Rev. Tricia Brennan, and Rev. Dr. Christopher Ney, United Church of Christ."] (January 15, 2024):
Canadian Labour Congress Executive Committee reiterates its support for International Trade Union Confederation's call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza (January 16, 2024):
Bosnia war, genocide survivors back ICJ Gaza genocide case against Israel (January 18, 2024): /
Unions tell Starmer of members’ anger over Gaza ceasefire position (Members of Britain’s biggest unions used a regular meeting with Starmer this week to urge him to be more critical of Israel, following weeks of tension within the Labour party over the issue. [...] “Several people at the meeting were pretty clear with Starmer,” said one person with knowledge of what happened at the meeting. “They told him, ‘Your position on Gaza is alienating working people, you are out of step with the majority’.”] (January 18, 2024):
Anglican Bishop Christopher calls for ceasefire ‘to end appalling suffering’ in Gaza (January 19, 2024):
Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor: Israel kills dozens of academics, destroys every university in the Gaza Strip (January 20, 2024):,-destroys-every-university-in-the-Gaza-Strip
Gaza activist tells of beating and abuse in Israeli detention: Human rights worker Ayman Lubbad is among the Palestinian prisoners claiming abuse in Israeli custody, where six have died (January 21, 2024):
Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions (SAK) calls for ceasefire in Gaza (January 22, 2024):
Service Employees International Union (SEIU) President Mary Kay Henry's Statement on War in Gaza (January 22, 2024):
‘I just want to run’: Mental health care yet another casualty of Gaza war (January 23, 2024):
Progressive Baptists Call for Gaza Ceasefire (January 23, 2024):
Israeli police repressing anti-war protests with ‘iron fist,’ say activists: Since October 7, Israel's police have systematically banned, restricted, and attacked protests against the army's assault on Gaza, instilling a sense of fear among Jewish and Palestinian citizens alike. (January 24, 2024):
More than 250 humanitarian and human rights organisations call to stop arms transfers to Israel and Palestinian armed groups: An open call to all UN Member States to stop fueling the crisis in Gaza and avert further humanitarian catastrophe and loss of civilian life. [Including: ActionAid France; American Baptist Churches USA; American Friends Service Committee (AFSC); Amnesty International; Anglican Church of Canada; Anglican Church of Mexico; Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development; BDS Berlin; Belgian Academics and Artists for Palestine; Cameroon Youths and Students Forum for Peace (CAMYOSFOP); Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD); Center for Jewish Nonviolence; Christian Aid; Christian Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament; Christian Jewish Allies for a Just Peace in Israel/Palestine; Church and Peace – Ecumenical Peace Church Network in Europe; Colombian Campaign to Ban Landmines; Community of Christ; Danish Refugee Council; Doctors Against Genocide; Episcopal Peace Fellowship-Palestine Israel Network; Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada; Federation Handicap International – Humanity & Inclusion; Finnish-Arab Friendship Society; France Palestine Mental Health Network; International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH); Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions – UK; Japan International Volunteer Center; Jewish Network for Palestine; Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns; Mercy Corps; Muslim Delegates and Allies Coalition; Muslim Peace Fellowship; National Organization of Yemeni Reporters SADA; Norwegian Refugee Council; Oxfam; Palestinian Farmers Union; Pax Christi England and Wales; Pax Christi International; Pax Christi Italia; Pax Christi Scotland; Pax Christi USA; Presbyterian Church in Canada; Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.); Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft; Salam For Yemen; Save the Children; Socialist Movement of Ghana; Syrian Network for Human Rights; United Church of Canada; United Church of Christ; United Methodist Church – General Board of Church and Society; War on Want; Women for Peace and Democracy Nepal; Young Christian Students Movement South Africa] (January 24, 2024):
submitted by SocialDemocracies to Social_Democracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 17:42 TradedMedia Lene Guertin & Van Nguyen Facilitate $1M Multifamily Sale In North Oxford

Located at 35-41 Watch Street in North Oxford, MA, this multifamily property spanning 5,990 square feet was recently sold for $1,000,000. The transaction was facilitated with Lene Guertin of Re/Max representing the buyer, and Van Nguyen of Coldwell Banker representing the seller.

Summary of transaction details:

The sale of the multifamily property at 35-41 Watch Street was successfully completed, showcasing the expertise of Lene Guertin from Re/Max as the buyer's representative and Van Nguyen from Coldwell Banker as the seller's representative.
Learn More: Lene Guertin & Van Nguyen Facilitate $1M Multifamily Sale In North Oxford
submitted by TradedMedia to tradedboston [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 05:16 Low_Sheepherder5478 dao dien chuyen am ngoc quyen

submitted by Low_Sheepherder5478 to u/Low_Sheepherder5478 [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 18:06 Silver-Ad6390 ma nguyen nhan co ban nhat

submitted by Silver-Ad6390 to u/Silver-Ad6390 [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 08:39 Hot-Code7025 cau ngoc that lam gi co chuyen do

submitted by Hot-Code7025 to u/Hot-Code7025 [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 07:16 SFSUStudentLife This Week's Events at SFSU

Hey Gators! Wondering what's happening on campus this week? Check out our roundup of over 20 events from Monday May 6th to Friday May 10th below. There's something for every student!
Monday May 6th
Book Loan Mixer: 10:30am - 1:30pm @ Cesar Chavez Student Center Plaza Level
Financial Literacy Workshop: 1pm - 3pm @ Rosa Parks Room E
Hoes & Clothes: 1pm - 4pm @ The Quad
Different From The Others Film Discussion: 4:30pm - 5:30pm Fine Arts 344A
Haus Blaque Study Session: 6pm @ Rosa Parks A-C
Tuesday May 7th
Jazz Evening: 5pm - 8pm @ The Depot
Pride Prom: 7pm - 10pm @ Jack Adams Hall
Wednesday May 8th
EOPP Study Session: 10:30am - 4pm @ Library Room 286
Memory Luncheon: 12pm - 2pm @ Student Services Building Room 206
College of Ethnic Studies Undergrad Research Symposium: 1pm - 3pm @ Admin Building 5th floor patio
Project Connect Intern Celebration: 2pm - 3:30pm @ Rosa Parks A-C
Flip da Skript: 5:30pm - 8:30pm @ Rigoberta Menchu Hall
Spoken Word Open Mic: 6pm - 8pm @ The Depot
SFSU Theatre & Dance presents She Kills Monsters: 6pm @ Creative Arts 107
Thursday May 9th
Alli Gator’s Closet: 11am - 3pm @ Mashouf Wellness Center
Wags for Wellness: 12:30pm - 1:30pm @ Health Promotion and Wellness Office
BE-STEM Study Session: 1:30pm - 3pm @ Creative Arts 114
Depot Dynamic: 6pm - 8pm @ The Depot
No More Stolen Sisters Discussion and Vigil: 6:30pm @ Cesar Chavez Student Center Room C-137 (Vigil at 7:30pm, Malcolm X Plaza)
United Greek Council Banquet: 7pm @ Jack Adams Hall
SFSU Theatre & Dance presents She Kills Monsters: 7pm @ Creative Arts 107
Last Night of Telescope Viewing at the Observatory: 8:15pm - 9:30pm @ Thornton Hall 9th Floor
Friday May 10th
Taiwanese Student Association End-of-Semester Picnic: 11am - 2pm @ the Quad
Bouldering Competition: 12pm - 3pm @ Mashouf Wellness Center
K-pop Adventures Random Dance Play: 2pm - 3:30pm @ Mashouf Wellness Center Room 122
Summertime Slime: 2pm - 4pm @ Village Centennial Square Plaza
Board Games Night: 3pm - 7:45pm @ Rosa Parks Room D
K-pop Adventures Powerpoint Night: 5pm - 7pm @ Cesar Chavez Student Center T-160
Pacific Islander Student Association Bonfire and Potluck: 5:30pm @ Ocean Beach
SFSU Theatre & Dance presents She Kills Monsters: 7pm @ Creative Arts 107
submitted by SFSUStudentLife to SFSU [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 05:50 bahute67 Điển hình bọn cánh tả nữ quyền brain-dead.

submitted by bahute67 to TroChuyenLinhTinh [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 03:17 ResolutionFun4303 chuyen di hoang da voi ban tay ma thuat

submitted by ResolutionFun4303 to u/ResolutionFun4303 [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 04:55 5conmeo Câu chuyện cô Nhíp ngày xưa

Mũ tai bèo (Tưởng Năng Tiến)
Tôi đã trót có dăm ba lời về nón cối, mũ cối, và dép râu nên (lỡ trớn) cũng xin được thưa luôn – đôi câu – về cái nón tai bèo.
“Theo một tài liệu, chiếc mũ tai bèo đầu tiên xuất hiện ở một đơn vị võ trang ta trong đêm Đồng Khởi (17-1-1960) ở Bến Tre. Dần dần chiếc mũ vải mềm, màu xanh, vành tròn, có làn sóng giống như những cánh bèo trên sông nước, càng được đông đảo các chiến sĩ giải phóng quân sử dụng.
Đến những năm 1966-1967, chiếc mũ tai bèo “dễ thương như một bàn tay nhỏ”, với nhiều tiện lợi ở một xứ sở nhiệt đới nắng lắm mưa nhiều, trong hoàn cảnh chiến trận cần cơ động, gọn nhẹ, đã được đưa vào hành trang của anh bộ đội Giải phóng. Nó chính thức nằm trong trang phục của Quân giải phóng miền Nam. Và từ đó, chiếc mũ tai bèo cùng đôi dép cao su cũng hiện lên trong thơ, văn, nghệ thuật, gần gũi, giản dị mà đầy tự hào, cao vợi.” (Đàm Chu Văn. “Nhớ Chiếc Mũ Tai Bèo.” Đồng Nai Online 13.11.2019).
Trí nhớ của tác giả đoạn văn thượng dẫn e có vấn đề, chứ thực sự thì cái mũ bèo nhèo này chưa từng bao giờ được ca tụng (“tự hào, cao vợi”) như nón cối hay dép râu cả. Lý do dễ hiểu vì nó không thuộc về lực lượng chính quy mà chỉ là trang phục dành cho đám binh lính Mặt Trận Giải Phóng Miền Nam (M.T.G.P.M.N) thôi. Chả những thế, cái mặt trận này đã chết. Vì chút “nhậy cảm chính trị” (hay cũng có thể là do “tế nhị”) nên không mấy ai muốn nhắc nhở (xa gần) gì đến sợi giây thừng trong một căn nhà đã có người bị treo cổ!
Thảng hoặc, mới thấy một vị quan chức cấp địa phương có cố gắng “nâng cấp” cái mũ tai bèo nhưng nỗ lực này – xem ra – cũng chả đến đâu. Ký giả Đoàn Nguyễn (Sài Gòn Tiếp Thị Online) tường thuật:
“Tại một hồ nước trên cánh đồng thuộc xã Đại Cường (Đại Lộc, Quảng Nam) có một pho tượng cô du kích đầu đội mũ tai bèo, vai mang súng. Bức tượng khi xây có thể là thạch cao trắng, nhưng bây giờ, người ta thấy đã loang lổ nhiều mảng đen.
Trong hồ nước, nông dân làm chuồng nuôi vịt. Qua mấy ngày mưa lũ, đàn vịt không còn, chỉ còn lại cái chuồng xiêu vẹo tả tơi. Một bác nông dân vác cuốc đi ngang dừng lại góp chuyện: “Mấy tháng trước, hồ nước sạch sẽ lắm, không ai dám thả vịt, thả cá, nước trong vắt. Nhưng từ khi thay Phật bà bằng cô du kích thì ra như ri đây”. Phật Quan Âm? Tôi ngạc nhiên và nhìn kỹ thì thấy có điều lạ là cô du kích này đứng trên… toà sen.
Trước đó, tuy cô du kích chưa bao giờ có chỗ đứng “ngang hàng” với Phật Quan Âm nhưng cũng chiếm được vị trí tương đối khá trang trọng trong tranh ảnh cổ động và sách báo của nhà đương cuộc Hà Nội. Cùng với những thành viên của lực lượng Dân Công Hỏa Tuyến hay Thanh Niên Xung Phong, họ luôn được xưng tụng là những bông hoa nở giữa chiến trường, bông hoa trên tuyến lửa, hoa lan trong rừng cháy …
Sau khi chiến trường đã ngưng tiếng súng thì mọi hy vọng về một cuộc sống an lành (“đôi chim bồ câu trắng hẹn nhau về làng xưa”) cũng đều biến thành ảo vọng. Những bông hoa từng nở trên tuyến lửa đều héo úa trong các “xóm không chồng” giữa thời bình. Họ trở thành những con số không tròn trĩnh: không chồng, không con, không nhà, và không chế độ!
Họ chỉ được hưởng trợ cấp mỗi một lần thôi nhưng rất tượng trưng, và cũng rất muộn màng. Quyết định 290/2005/QĐ-TTg của Thủ Tướng Chính Phủ – Về Chế Độ, Chính Sách Đối Với Một Số Đối Tượng Trực Tiếp Tham Gia Kháng Chiến Chống Mỹ Cứu Nước nhưng chưa được Hưởng Chính Sách Của Đảng và Nhà Nước – ký ngày 8 tháng 11 năm 2005, quy định như sau:
Dân quân tập trung ở miền Bắc từ ngày 27 tháng 01 năm 1973 trở về trước, du kích tập trung ở miền Nam (bao gồm cả lực lượng mật) từ ngày 30 tháng 4 năm 1975 trở về trước do cấp có thẩm quyền quản lý đã về gia đình phải được hưởng trợ cấp một lần theo số năm thực tế tham gia dân quân, du kích tập trung, cứ mỗi năm được hưởng 400.000 đồng. Mức chi trả trợ cấp một lần thấp nhất bằng 800.000 đồng.
Những con số bạc bẽo và thảm hại này hoàn toàn tương phản với tâm tình chứa chan của những kẻ đã từng chiến đấu bên nhau, dù họ không hẳn đã là đồng đội cùng chung lực lượng hay đơn vị. Một cựu chiến binh tâm sự:
Sáng ngày 30-4-1975, sau khi Sư đoàn 10 (thuộc Quân đoàn 3) đánh chiếm xong một số mục tiêu đã định, ông Việt khi đó là Thượng sĩ, Tiểu đội trưởng Tiểu đội xe, thuộc Phòng hậu cần Sư đoàn 10, lái chiếc zeép (chiến lợi phẩm) có gắn máy thông tin 2W và rơ-moóc, đưa đồng chí Võ Khắc Phụng-Phó sư đoàn trưởng, Tham mưu trưởng Sư đoàn 10 cùng một số sĩ quan chỉ huy tổ chức đánh chiếm Bộ Tổng tham mưu ngụy.
Trên xe có một thiếu nữ độ 20 tuổi, gương mặt tươi sáng, đội mũ tai bèo, luôn luôn mang khẩu tiểu liên AK bên mình. Đó là nữ chiến sĩ biệt động Sài Gòn Nguyễn Thị Nết (biệt hiệu: Nguyễn Thị Trung Kiên, nguyên mẫu nhân vật Cô Nhíp trong bộ phim truyện cùng tên – bộ phim đầu tiên của điện ảnh miền Nam sau ngày giải phóng).
Theo sự dẫn đường thông minh, chủ động và linh hoạt của cô Nết, đội hình tấn công vừa vận động, vừa chiến đấu, vượt qua mọi trở ngại, thần tốc xốc tới…
Đã 40 năm trôi qua. Ông Việt và những người bạn chiến đấu ngày ấy … vẫn thường xuyên liên lạc, thông báo cho nhau chuyện vui, buồn. Những lúc như thế, các ông thường nhắc tới cô Nết, mong biết tin tức về người nữ biệt động xinh đẹp, gan dạ, mưu trí, dũng cảm và thông minh ấy… (Phạm Xưởng. “Cô Nhíp Đang Ở Đâu.” TIẾNG NÓI CỦA CỰU CHIẾN BINH VIỆT NAM – 01.06.2015).
Câu hỏi trên đã nhận được hồi đáp, qua một status ngắn của FB Văn Toàn, vào hôm 13 tháng 4 năm 2016:
Sáng ngày 29-4-1975, xe tăng của bộ đội Bắc Việt tiến vào cửa ngõ Sài Gòn theo hướng Tây bắc. Trên xe có một thiếu nữ độ 20 tuổi, gương mặt xinh đẹp, đội mũ tai bèo, luôn luôn mang khẩu tiểu liên AK bên mình dẫn đường cho bộ đội.
Đó là nữ chiến sĩ biệt động Sài Gòn Cao Thị Nhíp (tên hoạt động là Nguyễn Thị Trung Kiên,). Vốn thông thuộc đường xá, Cô Nhíp đã ngồi trên xe chỉ huy để hướng dẫn toàn đơn vị của Thiếu tá Bùi Quan Bùi Quang Đấng đánh chiếm sân bay Tân Sơn Nhất. Sau này, đạo diễn Nguyễn Trí Việt của Hãng phim Giải Phóng đã dựa vào hình tượng này để dựng thành bộ phim “Cô Nhíp” khá nổi tiếng. Hiện nay bà Nhíp đã sang định cư tại thành phố Garden Grove, Nam California, Hoa Kỳ từ lâu và mang quốc tịch Mỹ với tên họ khác…

(Hình ảnh của cô Nhíp 48 năm trước và Nhíp của hiện nay…) Ảnh: Đậu Ngọc Đản, phóng viên thuộc Tổng cục Chính trị cộng sản Việt Nam
Bên dưới thông tin thượng dẫn có không ít những lời lẽ vô cùng cay nghiệt:
Tung Thu Tran: Bà nầy ăn cơm quốc gia thờ ma cs!
Hoang Nam: Mẹ kiếp sao bà không chết cho rồi?
Kim Oanh Tran: Loài ký sinh trùng dơ bẩn ai biết bà ta ở đâu làm ơn thông báo để đồng bào tránh xa
Anh Nguyen Hung: Bên thắng cuộc mà cũng đu càng à, LOÀI VÔ SỈ.
Quyền Toàn Lâm: Thiên đường ko ở qua đó làm j chòi.
Bà Nhíp không phải là người duy nhất đã rời khỏi Việt Nam, và đã thay tên cùng quố́c tịch. Hơn nửa thế kỷ qua đã có vài triệu người bỏ đi như thế, và dòng người này chưa bao giờ ngừng lại cả. T.S Phương Mai gọi đây là cuộc “tị nạn niềm tin.”
Cũng như bao nhiêu kẻ khác, khi niềm tin đã mất, bà Nhíp có toàn quyền thay đổi chính kiến và đổi thay nơi cư trú để tìm đến một nơi có cuộc sống an toàn và khả kham hơn. Chỉ có điều đáng tiếc (và đáng nói) là số nạn nhân của những cái nón tai bèo thì quá nhiều mà kẻ may mắn, có cơ hội làm lại cuộc đời, lại quá hiếm hoi – và dường như chỉ có mỗi một thôi!
Tưởng Năng Tiến
(Hình ảnh của cô Nhíp 48 năm trước và Nhíp của hiện nay…)
Ngày 29/4/1975, xe tăng của quân Bắc Việt đã vào đến cửa ngõ Sài Gòn theo hướng Tây Bắc. Trên xe có một cô gái trẻ, xinh đẹp, đầu đội mũ tai bèo, dẫn đường.
Cô Nhíp (Cao Thị Nhíp – VC thì gọi cô là Nguyễn Trung Kiên), tên thật, người thật, việc thật (có nhiệm vụ dẫn xe tăng vào Sài Gòn), giờ cô ở đâu? Sau khi hoàn thành nhiệm vụ cao cả đó, cô được gì? Cô làm gì? Cô ra sao?
Trả lời: cô Nhíp đã qua Mỹ sống từ lâu. Cô đã mang quốc tịch Mỹ với tên họ khác. Một khoảng đời với cái tên Nhíp trước đây, cô đã tự chôn vùi.
Mùa hè cách đây vài năm, ở thành phố Garden Grove, Nam California, tôi gặp lại Nhíp. Vẫn xinh đẹp như xưa nhưng khi được hỏi về ngày 29/4/1975, Nhíp trả lời: “Tôi đã quên rồi. Quên lâu lắm rồi”.
Một buổi sáng thượng tuần tháng 10 năm ngoái, “Cô Nhíp” đến nhà thăm tôi khi vừa từ Cali về lại VN.
Tôi và nó là đôi bạn thân trước khi nó rời bỏ Sài Gòn để đến nước Mỹ xa xôi và trở thành cư dân ở đó.
Hai mươi năm có lẽ. “Cô Nhíp” năm xưa đã mất dấu thật rồi. Chỉ còn đây, một người Mỹ gốc Việt.
Chuyện gì đã xảy ra trên quê hương VN tôi vậy? Sử sách sẽ ghi chép thế nào đây? Cả tôi lẫn nó đều không ai nhắc về “Cô Nhíp” với chiếc xe tăng từ Củ Chi tiến về Sài Gòn cách đây 48 năm, về cái chuyện nó rời bỏ VN và quên đi quá khứ “hào hùng” của nó.
Có nỗi xót xa không thể nói thành lời.
FB Saigon Báo
Ảnh: Đậu Ngọc Đản, phóng viên thuộc Tổng cục Chính trị cộng sản Việt Nam
submitted by 5conmeo to TroChuyenLinhTinh [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 04:16 aTypicalIntrovert [Vietnam] Does anyone have more detailed plans for the Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City Metros?

Hanoi Metro
Ho Chi Minh City Metro
With Line 1 of the Ho Chi Minh City Metro opening this year, I was interested to know if there were any more detailed plans about these two metro systems. What I found off their websites were these low-resolution proposed system maps with little to no station information. Much appreciated if you find something!
submitted by aTypicalIntrovert to transit [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 20:21 Appropriate_Sir_6684 Grand World Phu Quoc: Luxury Resort and Villas - A Billion Dollar Scam

Thanks to Albert1165 for investigating and disclosing many findings about Vingroup and Vinfast's scams. Albert may also be aware of the close relationship between Vingroup - Techcombank - Masan. TCB has repeatedly pumped money into Vingroup and Vinfast, as revealed on this subreddit. But perhaps one question that Albert1165 cannot answer is why TCB keeps rescuing Vingroup and where does TCB get the money to keep pumping it into Vingroup? And I think the revelation of this truth might be the answer to the above questions. Vingroup and Techcombank are no different from the largest loan shark organizations and scam corporations in Vietnam, so they absolutely have to cover for each other.

Grand World Phu Quoc, a high-end resort and villa complex, is located on Gan Dau - Cua Can Street in Bai Dai area, Phu Quoc Island district, Kien Giang province, Vietnam. The project has a scale of 85.3 hectares, with over 2,733 units and a TOTAL PROJECT VALUE OF 1 BILLION USD. It was SOLD OUTGrand World Phu Quoc, a high-end resort and villa complex, is located on Gan Dau - Cua Can Street in Bai Dai area, Phu Quoc Island district, Kien Giang province, Vietnam. The project has a scale of 85.3 hectares, with over 2,733 units and a TOTAL PROJECT VALUE OF 1 BILLION USD. It was SOLD OUT in 2021 through a Vingroup subsidiary called New Vision. The project includes:
Grand World Phu Quoc was introduced by Vingroup as a real estate resort project that was highly sought after by investors. However, in response to these expectations, Vingroup and Techcombank have set up a maze-like scam to blatantly seize customer investments, estimated at OVER 1 BILLION USD.
The Grand World land has two certificates, CU 861652 and CU 861653, with a total area of 85.3 hectares. Certificate CU 861652 is state-owned land leased with annual payments, with an area of 407,951.7 m2. And certificate CU 861653 is state-owned land leased with a one-time payment, with an area of 374,975.4 m2. Both of these certificates clearly state that they are COMMERCIAL AND SERVICE LAND.
In addition, according to Decision No. 02/QD-BQLKKTPQ of 2019 of the Phu Quoc Economic Zone Management Board on the planning of the Grand World project, Article 1 clearly states: New Vision Real Estate Company Limited leases land for use for commercial and service purposes (to implement the project to build the Grand World high-end resort and villa complex).
Decision No.: 230/QD-BQLKKTPQ of 2018 of the Phu Quoc Economic Zone Management Board on the planning of the Grand World project also clearly states the project's planning function and nature: "Identified as a mixed-use tourism and service area with tourism services, resort guests, squares, trees, technical infrastructure,...".
Thus, from the project's red book to the decision documents of the BQLKKTPQ, it is clearly confirmed that the Grand World project land is planned as tourism and commercial land and is land leased with annual payments (certificate CU 861652) and a one-time payment (certificate CU 861653). According to Article 175 of the 2013 Land Law, land leased with annual payments is not allowed to transfer the right to use land [2]. And according to Article 174 of the current 2013 Land Law, the lessee is allowed to transfer the right to use land and attached assets owned by the investor to the land [3]. But that is in the case of transferring the entire land lot, project and all assets, facilities, not dividing and selling like dividing lots and selling land. Similarly, LDG Investment can only sell the entire right to use the land to Vingroup, not a part of the project.
Additional Information
[2] Government newspaper responds to questions about state-owned land leased with annual payments not being transferable:
[3] State-owned land leased with a one-time payment:
Further explanation:
In this case, it is important to note that the land on which the Grand World project is built is state-owned land leased with annual payments. This means that Vingroup does not own the land outright and cannot legally sell it to individual buyers. They can only transfer the right to use and exploit the land, which is what they have done with Melia Hotels.
In the case of the Vinpearl to Melia transfer, Vingroup could only transfer the management and exploitation rights of the Vinpearl hotels to Melia, not sell the entire hotels outright. This is because the land on which the Vinpearl hotels are built is leased land, and the hotels themselves are not separate projects. Therefore, Vingroup cannot sell individual hotels to Melia, but can only transfer the management and exploitation rights. This is why the Melia Vinpearl Phu Quoc brand was created.


As stated above, the land of the Grand World project is state-owned leasehold land and cannot transfer land use rights (for land with annual rent) or must transfer the entire land use rights (for land with one-time rent). Vingroup cannot transfer the land use rights of the leased land to be divided into lots and sold. If Vingroup wants to sell to small and individual investors, it can only resell the right to exploit apartments and services.
But if it only sells the right to exploit, Vingroup will not be able to sell for much money. For that reason, there is reason to suspect that "Vingroup has taken advantage of investors' lack of legal knowledge to SCAM" by being vague with customers about "SELLING ALL REAL ESTATE" and issuing a sales contract as a "TOURISM SERVICE CONSTRUCTION SALES CONTRACT".
Sale contract:
Article 19 of the 2014 Real Estate Business Law stipulates that the principle of buying and selling houses and construction works (or tourism works as Vingroup calls it) must be attached to land use rights. This is what Vingroup cannot separate and transfer to customers as mentioned above.
According to Appendix No. 01 issued with Circular 27/2018/TT-BTNMT, commercial and service land is land used to build business, service, commercial establishments and other works serving for business, services and trade. That means that the commercial and service land here is only state-owned land leased for businesses to exploit and operate commercial and service activities, not land for subdivision and sale of land plots with accompanying construction works. Thus, it is clear that all transactions transferring tourism service works in Grand World Phu Quoc are "ghost" transfers.
According to the signed TOURISM SERVICE CONSTRUCTION SALES CONTRACT, in clause 5.2 "Obligations of the seller", it is clearly stated that the seller "is responsible for procedures with the competent authorities of Vietnam to apply for a certificate of land use rights, house ownership rights and other assets attached to land for the buyer". According to Article 1 of Circular 23/2014/TT-BTNMT dated May 19, 2014: "This Circular provides for the Certificate of land use rights, house ownership rights and other assets attached to land (hereinafter referred to as the Certificate)".
The "Certificate" in the Sales Contract is understood to mean "Certificate of land use rights, house ownership rights and other assets attached to land".
Even though Grand World sold out the entire project in 2021, by September 15, 2023, the Kien Giang Provincial Department of Construction issued Document No: 2479/SXD-QLN in response to legal matters for a citizen (a project customer) as follows:
"Upon verification, the Department of Construction has the following comments: The Grand World high-class resort and villa project in the Bai Dai eco-tourism area, Ganh Dau commune, Phu Quoc district, Kien Giang province. So far, the Department of Construction has not received any legal documents related to the sale of houses in the project. Therefore, the Department of Construction has no basis to respond."
Legal response to the Grand World project from the Department of Construction of Kien Giang province:
Why is it that when the project was sold out in 2021, but by 2023, the provincial agencies of Kien Giang province still do not have legal documents related to the sale of houses in the project? So are all real estate transactions in the Grand World project "ghost" transactions and is Vingroup SCAMMING CUSTOMERS by selling something they CANNOT SELL?


The sales contract for the tourism project that New Vision signed with customers, referred to as buyers, is an illegal contract. Therefore, it is certain that the sales contract and the credit contract for payment are not eligible for notarization of "guaranteed transaction assets" at the Department of Natural Resources and Environment for mortgage in accordance with legal regulations.
As mentioned above, the "tourism projects" in the Grand World project are assets that cannot be "divided into parts or subdivided" for transfer. Therefore, when customers buy products in the Grand World project and need to borrow money, Vingroup and Techcombank colluded with each other to deceive customers. Techcombank lends money to customers, referred to as borrowers, in a mafia-like manner.
Specifically, in order to disburse the loan, Techcombank required the borrower, who is also the buyer of Grand World Phu Quoc tourism projects, to sign a power of attorney for all purchased assets and everything belonging to/located in the purchased assets to Sao Thuy Company at Nguyen Ngoc Notary Office. Sao Thuy is a subsidiary of Techcombank, responsible for collecting debts and harassing buyers/borrowers if they pay late or have the right to seize the property because the borrowebuyer has signed a power of attorney with them. This is a way to avoid going to court to enforce the auction of assets according to the legal process of the Law.
But why did the customer, who is also the borrower, have to accept this unreasonable request from TCB? Because before working with Techcombank on the loan and the method of borrowing, the buyer, who is also the borrower, had made an advance payment to Vingroup from 30% - 40% of the total value of the real estate that they had agreed to transact on the sales contract. Therefore, if they do not agree to sign the power of attorney as required by Techcombank, they will either not be approved for the loan, lose the entire amount of money that has been paid in advance, or have to pay the full 100% of the amount.
In fact, this method is no different from mafia loan sharking. Because it is clear that from the time the customer signed the power of attorney for Sao Thuy Company, the customer has transferred all of their assets to Techcombank. Thus, Techcombank and Vingroup can completely collude with each other to appropriate for other purposes. And this act is a complete violation of the regulations on banking activities.
With the above tricks, Techcombank has violated the regulations on lending in the activities of credit institutions as stipulated in Article 179 of the Criminal Code of 1999. By the 2015 Criminal Code, amended and supplemented in 2017, the name has been changed to the crime of violating the regulations on banking activities and other activities related to banking activities. The crime of violating the regulations on banking activities is committed intentionally and in an organized manner.
Not to mention that these "construction project" sales contracts are illegal and void as mentioned above. Then the property itself when foreclosed when the property is liquidated cannot be transferred. Techcombank and Vingroup can only transfer the entire project. And that's when Vingroup uses the project land itself as collateral to raise capital through bond issuance.
Credit contract:
Authorization Contract:


Accordingly, on October 25, 2023, Thien An Investment Management Co., Ltd (Thien An) completed the issuance of the DTACH2328002 bond lot, with a value of 1.070 trillion VND, for a term of 5 years. Thus, the maturity date of this bond lot is October 25, 2028. Previously, on October 17, 2023, Thien An successfully issued the DTACH2328001 bond lot, with a value of 1.076 trillion VND, along with an interest rate of 9.7%/year, for a term of 5 years from October 17, 2023 – October 17, 2028.
Notably, the Grand World Phu Quoc project continues to be used by Thien An as collateral for the DTACH2328002 bond lot, after having used this asset as collateral for the DTACH2328001 bond lot, a few days earlier. That is, the total pledged value is 2.146 trillion VND.
Information about Thien An’s bond lot - Collateral is the Grand World Phu Quoc project:
Looking at the media, these are just two normal bond issuances. However, as everyone knows, the Grand World project at this time has been sold out to customers, even being disputed between Vingroup and customers. But the fact that Vingroup continues to mortgage to borrow through bond issuance is exactly the act of SEIZING THE ASSETS of customers. And TCB, which is also the lender and is holding many AUTHORIZATION CONTRACTS of customers, is definitely related to Vingroup mortgaging to borrow this bond.
Furthermore, we can also question the responsibility of the Securities Commission, the Ministry of Finance, VPBank, the Appraisal Department, Auditing, and Asset Evaluation. How could they continue to allow Vingroup to mortgage and issue bonds like this? Mortgaging assets that have been sold is precisely a second scam on the Grand World Phu Quoc project itself.
And it’s also funny, up to this point, Vingroup has NOT FULFILLED FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS for the Grand World Phu Quoc project but still got the Department of Natural Resources and Environment and other departments to approve all transactions, “skillful” to the point of “catching the thief with bare hands” when there are signs of collusion with the Management Board of Phu Quoc Economic Zone to waive 97 billion VND of land rent for the project.
At this point, there’s no need to say more, surely Article 174 of the Penal Code 2015 (amended and supplemented in 2017) with a prison sentence from 12 to 20 years or life imprisonment is for Vingroup, Techcombank, Sao Thuy, Thien An, along with the officials who manipulate and cover up for the wrongdoings of the Grand World Phu Quoc project.
Many pleas for help and denunciations have been sent to the Police Investigation Agency but have not been answered and handled.
The first plea for help sent by the victims who bought 198 mini hotels (boutique hotels) to the competent authorities and the press:
The second plea for help sent by the victims who bought 198 mini hotels (boutique hotels) to the competent authorities:
The third plea for help sent by the victims who bought 198 mini hotels (boutique hotels) to the competent authorities:
The crime denunciation of 105 victims who bought Mini Hotels (Boutique Hotels) sent to the Kien Giang Provincial Police:
The crime source receipt of the Kien Giang Provincial Police with the crime denunciation of Ms. Nguyen Lan Phuong:
The denunciation transfer form from Ho Chi Minh City Police to Thu Duc Police:\_Cv\_i7bPtvYsPLEFXmuP/view?usp=sharing
submitted by Appropriate_Sir_6684 to VinFastComm [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 11:46 congtydinhcuBSOP Đội ngũ diễn giả

Đội ngũ diễn giả submitted by congtydinhcuBSOP to u/congtydinhcuBSOP [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 09:52 Temporary-Spite-6001 [Full analysis] The whole truth about UNESCO "recognizing" Ho Chi Minh as a "danh nhân văn hóa thế giới"("world cultural celebrity") - English version.

[Full analysis] The whole truth about UNESCO
This post's original is from here.
Main idea of the analysis:
  • There is no evidence that UNESCO officially recognized Ho Chi Minh as a "world cultural celebrity".
  • The Communist Party of Vietnam invented that title from a self-written pleading letter sent to UNESCO. I begged to organize a celebration of the 100th birthday of Ho Chi Minh in 1990 to help Vietnam, but then in 1990, UNESCO and its member countries did not comply with this request. UNESCO also copied the entire letter that Vietnam sent and presented it to the council for consideration, without writing down the words honoring HCM. The entire process was performed by the Vietnamese side themselves.
  • The Communist Party of Vietnam also made up the word "world" to add it to make it "cool", but UNESCO has never recognized any individual as a "world cultural celebrity", but only recognized world cultural heritages. .
  • Just like the Viet A case, the Covid-19 rescue flight, the Communist Party of Vietnam took advantage of the low intelligence of the Vietnamese people, who are not familiar with logic, clarity and emotional living, to freely fabricate cutting words together, exaggerating events to distort them for one's own purposes.
  • These self-edited words only appear within Vietnam and cannot be found internationally or in documents in the UNESCO library. Because the Vietnamese Communist Party's evidence has no logical value and cannot be used in any international discourse, it can only be used domestically to deceive ignorant people.
Like, my dad speaks 29 languages because:
  • My father is Vietnamese (1 language)
  • My father once met a Cambodian person, so he probably knows Cambodian (2 languages).
  • My father has a Lao boss, so he probably knows Lao to chat with him (3 languages).
  • My father once sat in front of the TV showing Bloomberg channel, so he probably knows English (4 languages).
  • (continue like that...)
This is a dangerous trick for readers who operate according to the mechanism: first bend the truth a little, then let irrational, lazy fact-checkers bend the rest, then keep this twisted truth alive as long as possible for it to become true. This trick is used a lot in media censorship because of its effectiveness.

Structure of the analysis:
Consists of 2 parts:
1 - Fact-check from what the Communist Party of Vietnam said
2 - Fact-check from what UNESCO says
3 - The truth about Vo Dong Giang's letter

Full analysis:
1 - Fact-check from the Vietnamese communist side says:
If you look up the keyword "ho chi minh unesco" from Vietnam's IP, the Vietnamese Communist press dominates all of the first results, not even seeing the official page of UNESCO. This shows that the Vietnamese Communist Party has put very strong SEO resources in the country to propagate the importance of Ho Chi Minh City to UNESCO.
In Vietnamese

In English
Continuing, if you search for a more specific keyword "ho chi minh danh nhân văn hóa thế giới" (world cultural celebrities) you will see up to 93,200 results using this word and most of them belong to official agencies of the Vietnamese Communist Party, even mentioning it specifically, is "the 21st world cultural celebrity".
First, check what UNESCO officially calls "danh nhân văn hóa thế giới" (world cultural celebrities) in English:
In Vietnamese

In English
Each place translates differently and there is no source from UNESCO talking about this title!
=> UNESCO does not have any award title called "Danh nhân văn hóa thế giới" ("World Cultural Celebrity")!
Continue, look up the keyword "list of honored individuals by UNESCO" and you will not find a UNESCO list of these individuals (which means the number 21 is somehow counted by the Vietnamese Communist Party). .
What's more interesting is, any result with the words "UNESCO honors..." comes from Vietnam! but even UNESCO does not use this word honor!
Let's try to ask ChatGPT to see what the answer is:
Because this list could not be found:
=> "21st" is counted by the Vietnamese Communist Party to create the feeling that this list is real.
This trick of pretending to invent specific information to create a sense of credibility is very common. For example, a US investigative detective once threatened a suspect, "Tell me honestly because the US Government has advanced satellites that can take pictures through walls and see the shapes of residents inside the house. Therefore, just by comparing that appearance and the testimony, we can determine the lie", this clearly has more weight than the old saying "tell the truth, we know everything".
Thus, UNESCO does not have the title "World Cultural Celebrity" and there is no list of these people, so the Vietnamese Communist Party took information about this "21st world cultural celebrity" from where?
The Vietnamese Communist press relies on a document called:
Documents of the 24th meeting of UNESCO, held from October 20 to November 20, 1987
This document has Document code: 24C
The part that CSVN uses is the proposed section 18.65 so CSVN records it as 24C/18.65

In Vietnamese

In english
This is an official document from UNESCO, anyone can read it directly or download it:
=> Thus, the only document that the Vietnamese Communist Party issued was Proposal No. 18.65 in UNESCO's meeting documents, coded 24C. Note: This is just a suggestion, not a decision!
Let's start with the UNESCO side.
2 - Fact-check from UNESCO side says:
This document records the content discussed at that meeting.
Scroll down to section 18.6 (located on page 140 in PDF pages), this section talks about proposals to Member States and the Director-General of UNESCO on celebrating the birthdays of certain people proposed by countries themselves. .
From sections 18.62 to 18.67 are proposals from 6 countries about 6 people who should celebrate the anniversary, including Ho Chi Minh, located in section 18.65 (page 142) as cited by the Vietnamese Communist Party.
=> So here we know that Section 18.65 in UNESCO's document 24C is a suggestion and request, it is not a announced decision at all! So are the words in this proposal written by UNESCO? Did UNESCO see Ho Chi Minh as a great man and wrote so themselves?

3 - The truth of Vo Dong Giang's letter
We all know that to win awards like music and movies, we don't just have to sit in one place and someone will come and invite us to the podium and present the awards, but we ourselves have to apply to attend the awards first, then The new board reviews the applications and they begin their evaluation.
To be recognized by UNESCO, countries must submit proposal documents. So there must definitely be a proposal from Vietnam, but UNESCO cannot come to Vietnam on its own!
Then we will look into the documents prepared before this 24th meeting to see if there is such a proposal.
Absolutely such documentation exists:
Preparation of the provisional agenda of the twenty-fourth session of the General Conference
This is evidence of documents read directly and downloaded from UNESCO
This document contains content to prepare for the meeting. For example, in section ADDENDUM 2 (Appendix No. 2) (page 34 in PDF) is a letter from the Permanent Delegation of the Netherlands to the Director General of UNESCO.
In section ADDENDUM 3 (page 35), it is about a letter from Vietnam.

=> So, UNESCO received a letter from Vietnam requesting to celebrate the birthday of Mr. Ho Chi Minh as well as other countries, and they suggested putting it on the agenda for consideration.

And here is the full text of the letter (on the next page 36) with both English and Vietnamese versions:
=> Do you find the words in this letter familiar? Because the words in this letter were later copied and pasted verbatim into Proposal No. 18.65 in Document 24C earlier! UNESCO never wrote it! How can UNESCO check whether HCM is "outstanding and heroic" or not and compose those words?
=> So, UNESCO has followed the correct process of "you are a member, you have the right to propose - I will put your proposal up to submit - and it's up to everyone to approve it or not", content is to implore members and Directors to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Ho Chi Minh's birth in 1990!
=> So, in 1990, did anyone organize a celebration? There is no one, you can't find any photos or documents proving that UNESCO and its member countries followed that request :)
=> So, in the end, there is no "WORLD cultural celebrity" like the Communist Party of Vietnam who fabricated and put words into UNESCO's mouth! Yet they used a birthday request letter to push that lie into generations of children, students, all Vietnamese people for more than 30 years! This is what they wrote more than 30 years later :

In Vietnamese

In English
=> Isn't this a petition? As for these words, it was Vietnam who wrote the request, not UNESCO!
=> They wrote as if the meeting that day was solemnly dedicated to Ho Chi Minh, HCM was the center of the meeting?!? While it's just a small section near the end of the proposal "Everyone, please celebrate my grandfather's birthday next time"?!?!
=> If we organize a general fact-check of everything the Vietnamese Communist Party has written in history books and newspapers over the past decades, will it take 100-200 years to check all these distortions?
Another interesting fact is:
If you look at item 18 of document 24C, you will see that along with Ho Chi Minh there are 5 other people:

  • 18.62 is proposed to celebrate the 100th birth anniversary of Phya Anuman Rajadhon of Thailand
  • 18.63 is a proposal to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the birth of Thomas Muntzer of Germany
  • 18.64 is the proposal to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Anton Semionovich Makarenko of the Soviet Union
  • 18.66 is the proposal to celebrate the 100th birth anniversary of Jawaharlal Nehru in India
  • 18.67 is the proposal to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the birth of Sinan in Türkiye

But then, of all these people, only Jawaharlal Neru was specially honored by UNESCO when a medal was cast in his memory in 1989. However, UNESCO only wrote about him:
"Recognized his scholarly works as part of the world's cultural heritage" but did not give him the title of "World Cultural Celebrity" at all!

The only person on the proposed list that year was honored by UNESCO
If you still don't feel convinced, the Head of the "UNESCO campaign to honor Nguyen Du" committee has officially responded: UNESCO does not have the title of world cultural celebrity.
And that person suggested that this way of calling should be changed to another name (perhaps because he had worked with UNESCO so he clearly understood that calling it so was nonsense and had no official basis), but the Vietnamese communists, for the sake of The purpose of indoctrination has been disregarded.
This is from Vietnam's official newspaper:
submitted by Temporary-Spite-6001 to VietNamPolitics [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 16:24 Ok-Arugula6148 Bạn mình vừa đăng status bảo bị lừa tiền. Mọi người nghĩ với công nghệ càng hiện đại càng dễ ghép ảnh/video để lừa tiền không?

Bạn mình vừa đăng status bảo bị lừa tiền. Mọi người nghĩ với công nghệ càng hiện đại càng dễ ghép ảnh/video để lừa tiền không? submitted by Ok-Arugula6148 to vozforums [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 12:28 noir1_ 16 tấn vàng?

T mới lướt báo thấy cái bài này, báo đồ đăng là do nhà nước tiếp quản mà sao gặp ai cũng kêu Thiệu mang đi lúc từ chức v. Đã vậy còn thấy 40 tấn qua cho anh đại Liên Xô
Chuyện về những người tiếp quản 16 tấn vàng ngày giải phóng (
16 tấn vàng của Việt Nam Cộng Hòa sau sự kiện ngày 30/4/1975 được sử dụng như thế nào? (
Ngân hàng thu hồi 5,7 tấn vàng từ Thụy Sĩ - Tuổi Trẻ Online ( "Riêng vàng của Việt Nam cộng hòa lúc ấy để lại có hai nguồn. Thứ nhất là nguồn trong nước với 16 tấn vàng dự trữ ở tầng hầm Ngân hàng Quốc gia.
Về sau, lượng vàng này được đưa qua Liên Xô bán cùng với các loại vàng có trong nước gồm tất cả 40 tấn, để trả nợ và giải quyết các nhu cầu khó khăn."
Những người canh giữ “núi vàng” sau ngày giải phóng (
submitted by noir1_ to TroChuyenLinhTinh [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 06:32 Alert_Table3437 Vì sao Trung Quốc phát triển

Vì sao Trung Quốc phát triển
  1. Giao thông thuận lợi, các tuyến xe lửa,xe cont chạy cao tốc 160km/h phà phà chi phí rẻ bằng 1/2 Việt Nam
  2. Các nhà máy sx rất chuyên biệt, chuyên môn hóa ví dụ như sx 1 cái nồi sẽ có xưởng sx nắp riêng, Xưởng sản xuất tay cầm riêng , xưởng sản xuất đế riêng,… không như VN làm rất ăn cả chi phí cao
  3. Nhà nước hỗ trợ xuất khẩu hết mình, còn VN thì …
  4. Giá đất xây nhà xưởng và chi phí xây nhà xưởng khá rẻ so với Việt Nam ( ví dụ hình ảnh là nhà xưởng sx trụ quạt gió 6ha siêu hiện đại và chuẩn bị lắp robot chạy 500 tỉ, anh boss bảo do thừa đất nên cứ xây thêm cho vui 🤩) 5 Chi phí vốn vay thấp ( mấy dn việt lãi vay quá tiền lãi kinh doanh nên toàn tìm cách né ) nhưng hiện tại pháp luật hoàn thiện thì truy thu và phạt khiến không ít ae bỏ nghề 6 Tầm nhìn xuất khẩu: hiện tại VN qua giai đoạn vàng FDI chi phí sx ngày càng tăng, lao động gen Z không thích làm công nhân thì tương lai không xa khi FDI chuột rút thì DN xuất khẩu phải được ưu tiên hàng đầu để có $ mà phát triển
Nghiên cứu mở cty bên TQ xuất khẩu được không anh em :)))) hoặc đào tạo xk cho doanh nghiệp Trung Quốc 😂
Mai ae nào ở thượng Hải cfe Ko
Cre: Van Đich Nguyễn
submitted by Alert_Table3437 to vietnamtoday [link] [comments]