Fatigued, funny tummy and brown discharge

Small companies that abuse their employees run rampant in Malta

2024.05.16 02:35 RevolutionaryCry7230 Small companies that abuse their employees run rampant in Malta

A couple of years ago while in between jobs I wanted to spend the time looking for a job by accepting any job that came my way for a short while, until I found what I was looking for.
I applied for and was accepted by a small company (number of employees 14) as an office manager. Basically I had to look after all the staff and manage day to day office duties plus make longer term plans. I was shocked when I was told that I would be on minimum wage, but I said nothing because I knew I'd leave after a few weeks.
The owner was a Pakistani and he made use of a government scheme where the government would pay the salary or part of it if he employed persons with disabilities. So two of the three other workers in my office had disabilities. On the first day I asked the older of the office workers to explain some things to me. He had some form of disability. I do not know what it was but the guy was morbidly obese and he stank. He was on minimum wage which was being paid by the government, so the owner was getting his services for free. He managed one aspect of the work and I was curious about what happened when he was not at work because the sort of work involved necessitated communication with many countries on different time zones. He told me that when he was home he used his own mobile instead of the office computers to keep things going. He also told me that he was in the office much more than 40 hours per week. I asked him if he was paid overtime but he was not. So this poor sod could not find work anywhere else and found a parasitic man to milk him to death.
The owner was very vague when it came to giving me a brief to work to so I often just took my own initiative. For example I started marketing the services of the company to other businesses. Once I had arranged a meeting with the owner of another business and I met him in the morning in his office. When I arrived late at work, the owner shouted at me for being late. I am not a boy and I do not take being shouted at kindly.
Most of the workers used company cars and the owner discussed with me the problem of what would happen if any of them would get tickets since the cars were registered in his name. I told him that I knew which worker was using which car at any time so if a ticket came our way we would handle it on a case by case basis. But he did not agree. He made me prepare a short legal document to be signed by all drivers that made them culpable for any traffic tickets and that they had to pay out of their own pocket without any questions asked.
I prepared the documents, asked drivers to give me their driving licenses, which I photocopied (probably breaking data protection laws) and attached to a very unfair document which they had to sign. The workers who asked me what the document really meant before they signed it got the truth from me - "If I were you I would not sign it".
Once while I was bored in the office I got talking to another worker and jokingly I told him, If he fires me, I'll first delete all material I prepared for him from the computers. Apparently the obese disabled worker who was being abused by the owner went and blabbed to the owner and the next day I was fired.
What was funny was that the moment I walked into the office the owner unplugged my computer. Apparently the obese guy had told the owner that I really had intended to sabotage the company and the owner believed him.
Sometimes I pity people like that obese guy who are abused and are forced to act as brown nosers and spies on other employees so that they can keep their job.
These are the stories about employment that are never told.
submitted by RevolutionaryCry7230 to malta [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:25 nerdykitteh33 Am i gaslighting myself?

Hey all, I am currently going thru the beginning process of diagnosis. This started about 3 years ago when medication stopped helping my blood pressure. I’m not sure it ever did help. I am obese and over 30 so I instantly get dismissed. Here’s my thoughts from my own deep dive. I think I have some form of disautonomia, the fatigue I experience even on stimulants is debilitating. I cannot tolerate heat/humidity. I have not fainted but I do “brown out” regularly. I have done an at home tilt test and my BP drops when standing. The dizziness is also severe at times. I was currently on 5 BP meds with my BP steadily around 185/112 on a good day. My heart rate is normally resting around 95-115. I got so frustrated last week that I just stoped taking all BP meds. My BP is now around 145/99 heart rate it down to 85. I’m going to my PCP tomorrow and I’m going to tell him all of this with records of my BP. Am I gaslighting myself into thinking this could be a form of POTS? Or is this just really me being obese? I’m so lost here. Also I have asked my PCP to be referred to the disautonomia clinic 4 times all with dismissive answers.
Also for reference I have had my kidneys fully checked for issues regarding my BP and my cortisol is not off the charts (on the low end of normal) for cushings.
I feel like I am going insane and just gaslighting myself into thinking it’s a form of pots
submitted by nerdykitteh33 to POTS [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:50 Pyxil Death poops

So I've had colitis since I was 18, 29 now and recently something new has started, but I've also started on new meds: gabapentin and acetaminophen-hydrocodone for ongoing hand surgeries I take all my meds as prescribed at the same times, I started in January but since end of March something strange started happening.
I felt what felt like a mild flare but nothing else, then some blood, then....the death poop...
There was no urgency, felt like the normal need to go number 2 but about 5 minutes in I started hearing the Jaws theme song and then....my insides locked up like the fingerprint reader on my phone after a round of garlic Parmesan wings.....and cramp like my calfs after trying to do a tiktok dance.... I was bearing down so hard and so aggressively my "innie" started to become an "outtie" and I'm NOT talking about my belly button. I was in spain but the "s" was silent, my legs were aching, I was hot then cold back and forth, getting dizzy, grabbing a hold of anything around me, texting my roommate that I might need an ambulance (yes it was THAT bad) I was getting chest pain that shot through my back, arm and neck, breathing heavy and dreading every push that came up. For a moment flashes of the show "I didn't know I was pregnant went through my, a 29 year old sexless anime video game nerd who hasn't been laid since the dinosaurs, head. The weird thing was, while I was fighting for my life trying to avoid my rendezvous with Jesus where id show up with my pants down wondering why its called a "REST" room if I'm fighting for my life...there were moments where it would all just stop completely...I'd feel like I was done, that little piddle of pee that signifies youre almost free would come out...and then...IT WOULD START ALL OVER AGAIN the cramps and urge to push would rush in and id once again be dueling a swift visit to our Lord and Savior while my intestines did the mambo no.5 Again with cramping, aching legs, chest pain, pushing, sweating, splashing water on my face dizzy...it would just go on...oh and it BURNED even my PEE WAS HOT...this would go on for about and hour till I limped and penguined my miserable way out of the bathroom praying my brown eye would return to its socket, id climb into bed, one heat pad on my tummy the other on the blast site...and just sit there shakey, weak and traumatized...no really I'm TERRIFIED of these poops to the point where the first time they happened in the words of Dean Winchester "I didn't poop for a week" I stopped eating basically...
So...this sound familiar to anyone? Some things to consider...about 4 months ago I found out I have MILD celiacs disease and apparently had had it for a while but this never happened before...I'm not lactose intolerant but this has me scared I may have some new things to discover about myself and my affairs with cheese...other than that I'm just a girl with a poop problem like all you other porta potty passengers
Any suggestions would be wonderful! I wonder about constipation but I've been constipated before and it never tried to john wick me while in the porcelain prison 😩
So...this sound familiar to any of you
submitted by Pyxil to UlcerativeColitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:49 Valuable-Profile-704 Are certain ulcer symptoms, such as dark stools, dangerous/in need of emergency?

For the last week I have been having these horrible stomach pains/burning sensations, loss of appetite, sometimes my throat refuses to swallow food.
Whenever I drink omeprazole 40mg 30 mins before eating, the pain instantly goes away. If I eat without it, I get really bad tummy pains.
My stool is sometimes very dark, sometimes brown to yellowish brown. My recent one was very dark and I am beginning to worry if I am internally bleeding. Apart from omeprazole, I am taking duspatalin, vitamin A, D and Iron.
Please let me know if my dark stools are ok and I shouldn’t go to ER.
submitted by Valuable-Profile-704 to Gastritis [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:14 lk7shoe 6yr old neutered cat marking suddenly

Apologies in advance, I’m newish to Reddit and on mobile. (I also posted this in catadvice)
We have 2 six year old tabby cats, one orange and one brown. They are both neutered and are littermates. We adopted them 5 years ago from a local shelter.
About a year after adopting them, the orange boy started peeing on my husband’s stuff/side of the bed. He even once peed on my husband (was kinda funny at the time, but still not good). Took them to the vet, cleared of having a UTI, and prescribed mood stabilizers as well as given some feliaway diffusers to use. They have been on them for about 4 1/2 years now.
About a month ago, myself, hubs and our kiddo went out of town for the eclipse. Our normal pet sitter was also going on the trip so we had other family members stop by the house to check on the cats. When we got home, 5 days later, we smelled cat pee as soon as we got to the main area of the house. After a bit of searching, we discovered one of the cats peed in a cardboard box scratcher. We threw the box away, cleaned the floors, and moved on. A few days later, we could still faintly smell pee and after a bit more searching, discovered someone had peed outside their second litter box and on the hardwood floor. Bought some urine enzyme cleaner after the previous incident so we used that to clean the floor and put the litter mat in the washer to clean that up.
Now it’s nearly an everyday occurrence for the past month. At first we weren’t sure which cat was doing it till I witnessed the orange boy marking a hung towel in our master bathroom. So we’re sure it’s just him marking. I have bought 2 different enzyme cleaners, we changed the litter in both of their boxes (after adding a second one back after not needing it for nearly 3 years), and we try not to leave them unattended anymore.
So far he has marked: a cardboard cat scratching box, the second litter mat, our front door, the corner of my kiddo’s room, our guest bathtub (twice), my dresser (3 times), hung towels (3 times), my grandmother’s china cabinet (twice), 2 different bath mats, and our big trash can in our garage.
I am nearly in tears every night having to spend every night scouting the house for puddles/urine smell. We have an in home appointment with a pet behaviorist next week, but in the meantime, does anyone have any advice on how to curb or discourage this behavior? How can you “discipline” a cat for this? I absolutely REFUSE to give up on my cats. I made a commitment to them when I adopted them and rehoming them is an ABSOLUTE last resort, please do not advise that as I will not be doing that unless absolutely necessary.
TL/DR: 6yr old cat is marking on furniture and I have no idea how to discourage this behavior.
Thank you in advance.
submitted by lk7shoe to CATHELP [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:04 Snaeeek [18/M] - Super Silly SoCal Snake >:p (not gay, sorry all you amazing himbos i still love you <3)

Hhhh here we gooo!11
I am: -Conventionally attractive according to various sources (not me lmfao my ass is NOT that confident) -Pretty physically average, maybe skinny, 5'10", blue eyes, dirty blonde hair -I guess dressed like a stoneskater(?) according to some of my friends, even though I'm completely sober (I know I'm sooooo boring)
Hobbies: -Games!11! (RE, Terraria, MC, MGS, etc.) -Singingggg (making funny voices has given me a good vocal range deadass) -Collecting records (huuuuuuge sucker for physical music, my main genres are punk/grunge/alt) -Comically kicking my legs in the air like a hyperfixated 5 y.o. upon looking at pictures of silly animals (froggers, fatass cats, anything that visibly has no brain activity besides basic instinct)
What I'm *GENERALLY* looking for (I really hate having preferences because it feels exclusionary but I also would hate to get in an awkward situation with someone who's lovely but just isn't my type-): -Soft but vivacious personality -Call me a weirdo but someone with a lil' bit of tummy heft ;p (it's comforting and soft and cool) -Doesn't mind the clingy- 🥺
If I sound ok enough feel free to DM me ^^
submitted by Snaeeek to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:02 Snaeeek 18 [M4F] #online - Super Silly SoCal Snake >:p

Hhhh here we gooo!11
I am: -Conventionally attractive according to various sources (not me lmfao my ass is NOT that confident) -Pretty physically average, maybe skinny, 5'10", blue eyes, dirty blonde hair -I guess dressed like a stoneskater(?) according to some of my friends, even though I'm completely sober (I know I'm sooooo boring)
Hobbies: -Games!11! (RE, Terraria, MC, MGS, etc.) -Singingggg (making funny voices has given me a good vocal range deadass) -Collecting records (huuuuuuge sucker for physical music, my main genres are punk/grunge/alt) -Comically kicking my legs in the air like a hyperfixated 5 y.o. upon looking at pictures of silly animals (froggers, fatass cats, anything that visibly has no brain activity besides basic instinct)
What I'm *GENERALLY* looking for (I really hate having preferences because it feels exclusionary but I also would hate to get in an awkward situation with someone who's lovely but just isn't my type-): -Soft but vivacious personality -Call me a weirdo but someone with a bit of tummy heft/chubb/fluff ;p (it's comforting and soft and cool) -Doesn't mind the clingy- 🥺
If I sound ok enough feel free to DM me ^^
submitted by Snaeeek to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:00 Careless_Wonderingz Found out my IUD moved + i have cysts in my ovaries and i have no one will similar experiences

ABOVE ALL IM SEEING DOCTORS RN!! just looking for similar experiences:( and PLEASE dont fear monger, i just want to feel like im not crazy for how im feeling
TLDR: this week my ovaries and uterus felt weird? mainly my right ovary, feels like a bar is being pressed against my ovary (idk how else to describe it other than what it feels like to press your hips against a gymnastics bar when youre doing those flips on them?) and i found out my IUD moved and my right ovary at least has a 5cm cyst. they couldnt get a view of the left ovary. i also just feel exhausted most of the time and crappy. i cannot explain the feeling other than it washes over me completely.
main questions are; should i avoid certain things? silly problem but my 21st bday is coming up and i was gonna drink with friends, is that going to be something thatll cause a cyst to be irritated (in any other persons personal experience?) + i also smoke weed/disposables pretty regularly and wonder if that also has effects (probably does bc life is just peachy that way)
More Details: In january of this year i had a termination of pregnancy and an IUD put in. For a while it was okay, definitely had to get used to it but its also a foreign object inside of you changing your hormones so..i can understand that. Before I had an IUD i had very heavy periods up until 17 (im trans ftmtnb & was on t for 3 years but had to stop bc of other personal complications + testosterone just wasnt helping) and then my uterus ‘went to sleep’ for 3 years and then came back. it came back ANGRIER. i would be doubled over in pain and wincing and over are struggling during my period. but i knew my body well enough at this point to know besides it being annoying it was what usually happened before. i also know when id get my period bc 3 days before id FEEL it, y’know? like cramps. Now that i have my IUD, my period is irregular and at first was less painful (i have mirena(?) and im well aware that it can cause irregular periods or stop it completely over time) but this past week i have been able to realize how things have changed a lot. i work most days so i never have the time to sit there and feel it how i feel but ive realized by my pelvic where my ovaries should be it feels so uncomfortable and painful. i also dont have my period atm (legit just got brown discharge) and discharge way way different than before when i get it. i know IUDs can cause these things but i just feel so alone and unsure. im getting my IUD taken out next week, but if it gets worse i will probably push them to have it done sooner. thats kinda it tbh. im just scared. ive been sobbing a lot and feeling anxious every time i feel uncomfortable because im so scared its gonna burst and ill be in agony. i hear stories about women/females going in for these issues and never being taken seriously or everyone never knowing. i dont wanna celebrate my 21st birthday and end up on the floor crying in pain (and ik its probably dramatic but im just very scared. i hear how awful its been for others)
submitted by Careless_Wonderingz to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:55 Careless_Wonderingz Found out my IUD moved + i have cysts in my ovaries and i have no one will similar experiences

ABOVE ALL IM SEEING DOCTORS RN!! just looking for similar experiences:( and PLEASE dont fear monger, i just want to feel like im not crazy for how im feeling
TLDR: this week my ovaries and uterus felt weird? mainly my right ovary, feels like a bar is being pressed against my ovary (idk how else to describe it other than what it feels like to press your hips against a gymnastics bar when youre doing those flips on them?) and i found out my IUD moved and my right ovary at least has a 5cm cyst. they couldnt get a view of the left ovary. i also just feel exhausted most of the time and crappy. i cannot explain the feeling other than it washes over me completely.
main questions are; should i avoid certain things? silly problem but my 21st bday is coming up and i was gonna drink with friends, is that going to be something thatll cause a cyst to be irritated (in any other persons personal experience?) + i also smoke weed/disposables pretty regularly and wonder if that also has effects (probably does bc life is just peachy that way)
More Details: In january of this year i had a termination of pregnancy and an IUD put in. For a while it was okay, definitely had to get used to it but its also a foreign object inside of you changing your hormones so..i can understand that. Before I had an IUD i had very heavy periods up until 17 (im trans ftmtnb & was on t for 3 years but had to stop bc of other personal complications + testosterone just wasnt helping) and then my uterus ‘went to sleep’ for 3 years and then came back. it came back ANGRIER. i would be doubled over in pain and wincing and over are struggling during my period. but i knew my body well enough at this point to know besides it being annoying it was what usually happened before. i also know when id get my period bc 3 days before id FEEL it, y’know? like cramps. Now that i have my IUD, my period is irregular and at first was less painful (i have mirena(?) and im well aware that it can cause irregular periods or stop it completely over time) but this past week i have been able to realize how things have changed a lot. i work most days so i never have the time to sit there and feel it how i feel but ive realized by my pelvic where my ovaries should be it feels so uncomfortable and painful. i also dont have my period atm (legit just got brown discharge) and discharge way way different than before when i get it. i know IUDs can cause these things but i just feel so alone and unsure. im getting my IUD taken out next week, but if it gets worse i will probably push them to have it done sooner. thats kinda it tbh. im just scared. ive been sobbing a lot and feeling anxious every time i feel uncomfortable because im so scared its gonna burst and ill be in agony. i hear stories about women/females going in for these issues and never being taken seriously or everyone never knowing. i dont wanna celebrate my 21st birthday and end up on the floor crying in pain (and ik its probably dramatic but im just very scared. i hear how awful its been for others)
submitted by Careless_Wonderingz to WomensHealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:35 NinjaKitty818 Allergies or Cold ?

I wondering if I could get help figure out if I have a cold or it’s just allergies. On Sunday, my throat felt a little funny and by Monday morning I woke up with a sore throat no other symptoms. Monday night I took 50mg Benadryl and ibuprofen 600mg. Tuesday morning my sore throat was gone but I began to have nasal irritation. Today, I still have the nasal irritation and I’ve been sneezing and coughing more, my eyes little are swollen. I don’t feel fatigued nor do I have muscle aches. I took a Covid and strep throat test on Monday both came back negative. I took another Covid test today it’s negative. Does this sound like allergies?
submitted by NinjaKitty818 to Allergies [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:08 AutumnFanatic [22/M4F] Hi! Cute nerdy guy who gets zero social interaction looking for a female interested in forming an intimate connection

Why did the farmer visit the pharmacy? To speak with the farm-assist.
Hi and welcome to my post! Wanted to start off with a funny to me dad joke.
Nice to meet you, I'm Dylan! To put it simple, I am a single 22 year old man who has been pretty lonely in life and lacking in female connection and interaction. And part of what comes with that is the desire to be intimate with a person. I am very mature for my age and will always be respectful of your boundaries and feelings, especially with anything sexual. Lately all I have is myself when it comes to sexual desires, so I would like to have someone to keep company with in that regard too.
I'm just relaxing at work since there's nothing really going on and thinking about going home tonight and burning a woodwick candle. Perfect for when there's a storm outside. I love candles! 🕯️ Sometimes a campfire outside on a fall night or a crackling WoodWick candle is a relaxing constant among our busy and hectic world. It's nice to just disconnect, feel grounded and happy in your own little cozy space. Feeling calm and collected and at peace. Something that fewer people take the time to do these days.
I am seeking a woman around my age or older to build a close connection with that could possibly lead to a relationship and something intimate which includes the possibility of teasing/sharing pics etc. but only when we were comfortable. Figured I would be open in my Intentions as that's the best way to be.
Kind, respectful, and easy going.
Comfortable with the idea of eventually sharing intimate things together.
Willing to eventually move off of Reddit.
Want something genuine and fun!
Are honest in your intentions and a good person to be around!
That's about it, we will get along great I know it.
I've been feeling a little bummed out lately. I always try and stay happy and see the best in things. But.. I've just been so alone. Most of my whole childhood and adult years have been spent feeling lonely. I grew up surrounded by cornfields which was peaceful but also has a lonely aspect to it. My family never really were close and never did anything as a family really. And part of it too is the fact that I never had any neighbors my age to interact with. But aside from that, my adult life has been very lonely. I'm just always by myself. I barely have any meaningful adult relationships or experiences, or even any friends.
I work a 3-11 job in building maintenance at my company world headquarters building which I love, but again it's very lonely. I work the off shift so the building is always empty. I don't get normal social interaction with people my age or a chance to build relationships. I only have 3 older men as co-workers and we are mostly in the basement away from any people on the floors from knowing our existence. I always walk the floors and see office people laughing and chatting with their coworkers and I just don't have that kind of experience. And just.. no one knows I exist really. Everyone probably assumes I have a lot of friends, but I'm struggling inside with being so alone and trying to meet people and get past the "hi how are you?" "I'm good thanks" stage. Most people don't seem to want to talk beyond that. And most women are already in relationships and thus it would seem weird to approach them in an office setting trying to get to know them deeper. But man those "hi how are yous" are the only real interactions I get during my day.. so thus I decided to come here lol. Rant over, sorry! I promise I'm not a downer. 😅
Now for some things about me!
As you can tell, I am very mature for my age and am polite and have good grammar which unfortunately not everyone my age does anymore lol. I am not active at all on social media/internet culture really and don't know much about all the slang the younger people these days use. I feel like I'm 50. 🤣
I am left handed which is pretty cool. I'm not much of a party person or a drinker, I much prefer a quiet night at home and maybe a beer or two on a weekend but that's about it. I am simple and stay out of drama and trouble and don't get much into politics or other things that cause drama with people. I much prefer a relaxing campfire and a night at home and to just let the world keep on turning haha. I consider myself pretty intelligent and mature, especially for my age which is why I'm open to older ladies.
Physically I'm 180 pounds, have brown hair, green eyes, and a typical build. There's a few pictures on my profile.
Some of my hobbies are:
• Photography
I have a Nikon D200 and D5500 that I love to shoot with. I love nature scenes, abstract, black and white/goth kinda photography, sunsets, etc. it's so fun to just let your mind explore. It's not about what camera you have, but those who are behind the camera! I'm gonna try and photograph the northern lights tonight!
• Cooking and baking
I loveeee to cook and bake! I enjoy making various meals but also love to just have a frozen pizza once in awhile or something like that. I recently made homemade chili which turned out great. I love to bake, especially in the fall! I love pies, cakes, pastries, cookies, etc. I restored a vintage KitchenAid mixer that needed tbe gearbox rebuilt. Eventually I would love to practice home canning my own food.
• Music
Oh my gosh, I like so much!! Alternative rock, punk, post punk, electronic, synth pop, psychedelic rock, hard rock, etc. I am very non judgemental and open when it comes to music. My three current favorite bands are Type O Negative, Joy Division, and the Cure.
• Nature walks and camping
I really enjoy camping, making fires, and relaxing by a campfire. I love to take walks outside and just enjoy the beauty and simplicity of nature. It's wonderful, especially in a world so focused on everything digital.
• Repairing things
I'm a maintenance guy and one of my hobbies is electronics repair so I am good with my hands and just all around good at troubleshooting and fixing all sorts of things around the house. Last week I helped my elderly neighbor get his tractor started, it needed a new component in the starting circuit. So I'm pretty handy which... Comes in handy! 😂
• Autumn 🍁
This isn't a hobby per say, but man do I love the fall!!! It's my absolute favorite time of the year. Oh my gosh. The beautiful colors, crisp cool air, misty and foggy days, rain, lack of bugs, being cuddled up with a candle or by the fire drinking a tea, etc. I love it! There's only two seasons for me. Fall, and waiting for fall! Haha.
• Scented Candles and incense
Going along with my love for fall, I absolutely love candles! I have like 30 something lol. 😂 Currently my favorite are WoodWick, which are owned by Yankee candle. They have such a soothing crackle and the scents are great! I also love to burn incense from time to time as well. I have cottagecore hippie vibes.
• Old houses and architecture
I love old houses! Especially 1900s and Victorian era homes. Old homes have so much character to them and are just so beautiful from a time when people took pride in their craft. I strongly dislike the modern cookie cutter cheap construction of homes today. I would love to live in an old home one day. I also love their architecture and uniqueness, as well as architecture of old cathedrals and other buildings.
• Relaxing
Basic I know, but sometimes on the weekend I just love to get cozy in bed and relax and put on a YouTube video or an album! 😊
That's about it for me, I'm a pretty laid back and simple person. My ideal person is someone who is respectful and honest! I am very straightforward and open minded and would hope that you are as well.
If I seem interesting to you at all I would love to hear from you!
Thank you so much for reading.
submitted by AutumnFanatic to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:57 Derangedbuffalo Has anyone experienced this before?

This period has been really weird and it’s kinda scaring me at this point. It started with more abdominal pain than usual but was just a regular heavy period for the first 5 days. I then started to get heavy clotting, thick chunks about 2cm long a good 10+ times a day for 3 days. It then stopped abruptly out of now where for 2 entire days with just one instance of brown discharge. This evening I’ve had a mixture of old and fresh bright blood and am bleeding again.
I spoke to my doctor the day it stopped and they said it was likely just hormones. Should I go back now it’s started again or is it likely my nexplanon causing all this mess? (It was inserted in January and is my third implant - the other two I had completely stopped bleeding and having periods by the 5th month)
I feel quite anxious about what could be causing this now
submitted by Derangedbuffalo to Periods [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:12 Valuable-AssETs69 Guilty as Charged By Reason of Self Defense

I have a problem. I am addicted to knowledge. I believed in the myths of the 1989s and 90s. NBC said "The more you know..." One of my former attorneys told me that I am too smart for my own good. How funny is it that the people we give power over us are the ones we need to defend ourselves against. I stayed in a horrible marriage too long. I should have never married him the second time. That being said, I am grateful for the life I lived. The song says "I could have missed the pain, but I'd a had to miss the dance... it's MY life, and it's better left to chance.". I don't believe in chance or fate. I believe that we have a certain measure of control over our lives and we allow others to derail us. What we do about that impact is a choice. I choose to be the captain of my own vessel until the river runs dry. No lawyer, no judge, no man, and no institution will force me to do anything else that is not for my own good or for the good of my family. Everywhere I go, I am turned away. I sat in an ER having a reaction to spider bites. I drove myself to an ER 2 hours from home because the ER here said nothing was wrong. I did call the individual who should have driven me, but he could not leave work he said. Funny how quickly he runs to help a woman he thinks will inherit money some day. When I got to the ER, I could barely breathe and had lost sensation in my hands and arm. I am not a doctor but know the difference between an ant bite and a venomous spider bite. And no, you don't feel a Brown Recluse bite. You will certainly feel a Black Widow bite IF bitten by an adult spider. Spiders are not insects, and if we are going to practice medicine, then we need to learn that yes, there is a difference between a 2, 4, or 6 leg creature and one with 8 or more legs. I was told there are no species of insects in this state that are poisonous. Well venom and poison are not the same thing and arthropods, arachnids, and serpents all have venomous species in this state. But if you really want to be technical about it, yes, there are poisonous insects in this state as well. Certain species of beetles have a coating on their exoskeleton that poison predators that eat them. I should sue that hospital, but when I try to do so, I am told constantly about statute of limitations. Well, that would be correct unless we are discussing a conspiracy. If even one party of a conspiracy is an employee of the business or government involved in the series of crimes which include a cover up of epic proportions, then the statute clock does not begin into the last probable occurrence of the group. Preventing someone from seeking legal counsel is the main reason statute of limitations cease to apply in all jurisdictions. Considering my 5g gateway I hold in my hand is alerting me that my IP address is being traced and altered, I am documenting that the time clock has not started ticking on this knowledge bomb. My confession here is that I have procrastinated in filing paperwork necessary to begin the next phase of my life. I don't intend to procrastinate, but it is something I cannot help. I have attention deficit disorder with hyperdiatractability. Oh yes, I thought you might bring that up. My ex-userband is a master manipulator when it comes to taking genuine disabilities and twisting them to fit his current need. Like using the multiple personality possibility to steal and then say it must have been one of the others living in my head. The truth is that I do have multiple entities dwelling within me. He is no longer living rent free in my head. And he of all people should have known better than to try to hurt me and my family. He knows good and well what I am capable of. Why in the hell would he or any of my close degree relatives even think about throwing me to the wolves? Think about that for a minute. He says I am unstable. He says I am dangerous. He says I am a genius. My doctor has said he fears for the world if I ever have a breakdown. Lol. A weapon of mass destruction? Come on you idiots. I am not a villain. And the AI shit can create crap about Darth Vader being a good guy and laugh all they want. I don't blackmail people or take money in romance schemes. What are you talking about now? I am talking about the tangled web we mortals weave that is host to a very dangerous arachnid. I don't know how to write code or do math. I don't know anything about the occult arts nor do I need to. I believe in one philosophy that you should read about a cave. The allegory in which we wage war with ourselves and have to ultimately decide to be or not to be. So why would anyone who knows me choose to strike against me? That would be me. They did not betray me. I stepped in front of them myself to make myself the target. There's your confession my dears. Clueless? Still don't know what the hell I am talking about? Let me ask you a question about something I observed once. Do you know what a dead ringer is ? How many kids do you see in the yard playing horseshoes or volleyball or hopscotch or anything? How are the enrollment numbers for youth sports in your area? How many 4-H clubs exhibit in your local fair? What is the pH level in the community pool? So if you can't make a profit from it, then it is something that should be eliminated or monetized? Well I guess I am the idiot here. I actually don't think like that. I would rather have a generation of healthy children who learn morals and ethics than to be a billionaire. Ever watched the movie Congo? Yeah, I am that level of crazy. You think I care about the money? I will not hesitate to burn every dollar I could possibly ever own to stop the children from being hurt by us. You want the truth? You can't handle the truth. Because the truth is that I am a good woman who loves very deeply and cares about people regardless of ethnicity or national origin. And that pisses people off like nothing else will. And that is the absolute truth. You didn't earn any right to be born in a free country any more than a child born in the deepest jungles of an unpronounceable country did anything wrong to be porn into starvation. You are no better than that person. So call me what you want to call me. But if I were you, I would not call me at all. Go ahead and tell me more about what I can and cannot do. Because the entire time you are busy searching for the next thing you can find online about me, the less time you are handling your own affairs and that allows the chance for something to invade your life. One. One chance. That's all I needed. Your motion for mercy has been denied. Well thank you for your consideration. Have a good day. Oh, and one more thing, how do you feel about NPR? Are those radio waves still available for broadcast? Or would you like to sell those to private investors as well? One chance. Lord give me one chance for a fair fight. You are not going to get me to do something that gives you the chance to shoot me or arrest me unless you intend to do so in a public place such as the private property you call county land, aka, my front porch. And the next time that happens, please allow me to call my father instead of unlocking my phone to call the ex-husband using my own device that you somehow unlocked using the passcode. And that was the one you actually needed, sir. How ironic that you gave that gateway to the man who broke it beyond repair. You did that. I'm done with money. I'm done with the man. And I am done trying to prove myself. Charge me now with whatever you think you have or make sure everyone connected to your organization ends all active tracking of us. I don't need a phone or any piece of paper to make my case. That's where you and whomever snatches my device to transfer shit doesn't understand. Yahoo! Yippee kai yah mother fuckers. Pass it on around. You want to go one more round? Or do you want to run? I'm not using Google on my train. I'm on my bridge. I'm using free tokens. I'm not doing anything more than playing a game using cartoon characters. And those Xs are beacons using analytics for the trackers to pinpoint the ones who joined the conspiracy against us. Just because you logged me out and changed my information to your information doesn't work. I asked you to give it back. You ignored me. Fine. Keep it. You want to be famous and rich beyond your wildest dreams? Be my guest, but don't say I didn't warn you what would happen. I can't stop it. I didn't start it. Rufus=the time traveler with a phone booth. James=King James. Travis=country music singer. Don=American Pie. Jerry=Maguire. Tom=Hanks. Bridge=the bifrost. And you can waste your time trying to figure it out but you will never do so. Because there is no "it ". Lmao. Hell yeah. The multiverse is full on all servers. Damn. Looks like I'm not as crazy as you made me out to be. All freaking servers on the Dark Web that bridges the US and Japan are full. Not one vacancy to let me play my game. Wow. I wonder how many of these players are from within the same state as me. Why do so many of you keep running up to St. Louis? That's not the geoblock zone anymore. You better get outside the continental US and any outlying territories if you want to be on the real web. The former president said it would crash harder than it did in 1929 if he was not elected. Wtf is that supposed to mean? Damn let me get a history book and look that up. Maybe it hasn't changed yet. But let me warn you about time travel. If anyone ever tells you to write an email to yourself in the future, call Interpol and file a report. That's a violation of international law. And it will get you on the list even if it is an assignment. Bet I don't do that again. Gee, Roger. You made me an international fugitive for that assignment. Wish I knew who to call for help on that one. Damn. Never trust anyone who is so well organized to guide your future. You never know what to expect from the shock waves. I opened the damn email on June 3, 2020. The day I died. How ironic. I wonder what would have happened if I had not received that email. Scary. But back to the spider bites...I didn't get help from that ER either. I ended up buying a knife and an onion. Actually I ordered Arby's, used the onion off my sandwich, and the knife to open my horsey sauce. I put the onion on my hand, wrapped it using the plastic from the knife, and several days later, the venom had drained from my hand enough that the swelling in my feet was going down and my blood pressure was returning to normal. Baby black widows don't have the kick mama does, but they are 1,000 times more deadly because they don't know how much of their spit to stick in you. And your earlobe and nostril don't have a pulse in them, by the way. So keep on bullshitting with the fake crap. If you have insurance for something highly unlikely to occur prior to the occurrence, doesn't that mean that you have a sixth sense and can predict the volcanic eruption that spewed counterfeit currency all over the state without a volcano? 💩♾️😱 Damn girl, just shut up and let them have it. I tried that. They keep trying to send it back to me when they can't make it work. It is never going to work again because you idiots changed everything so much that it can't be fixed. And that is all I am going to say about it ever because you don't want help. You want someone to do it for you so you can blame that person when it fails and cut them out when it succeeds. No. There's no solution. I'm not sure if you even know there's a problem. You will. But don't ask anyone for help when you do figure out how bad things already are. I am disinclined to aquiese to your request on grounds of I don't give a damn. Haha. What else do you want me to confess to for you to add to that admission you started in 2020? That's so funny that I forgot to laugh. I wonder how bullshit sounds in Morse code pinging on nft relays from me to you. Oh yeah. Well here's your tip for the day, big guy. You are not a good person. You are a bully. And some day, someone will knock you off that horse and when you land in shit just like me, I hope someone hands you hand sanitizer and a baby wipe. 😘
submitted by Valuable-AssETs69 to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:43 cryfieri I'm afraid that my anxiety is slowly becoming depression and I can't get a handle on it.

I don't really have anyone to talk to about this, so I'm just kind of here to vent.
I'm pretty sure that I've had anxiety for as long as I can remember. I recall being as young as 4 or 5 years old and experiencing major existential crises that turned into breakdowns. I was scared a lot, slept on my parents' bedroom floor a lot. Feelings of death and doom have always kept me up at night. There was one bout when I was about 14 where I spent around 3 months sleeping in my parents' room until they got us a family dog to keep me company in my own room at night. I was generally always able to keep busy and had a very active social life. I was always the funny one, outgoing, had lots of friends, and nobody knew what I was dealing with when I was alone. I was able to distract myself by keeping a busy social life, playing sports, studying, focusing on my hobbies. My anxieties were always brushed under the rug by both me and my family members, we all just thought I was quirky and would get over it. We never addressed my issues as "anxiety" or any kind of mental health issue.
I'm older now (31F) and my anxiety has snowballed to the point where I don't know what to do or how to be truly happy anymore. Any second I'm left alone with my own thoughts, it's darkness. My friends and family wouldn't know I'm struggling because being with them, socializing, doing activities are what tend to keep me sane and my mind off the stress of it all, so I probably appear happy. When I'm distracted and with my loved ones it's like I'm taking a break from my mind and I can finally take a breath.
I've always had an overwhelming fear of death. I'm terrified of dying and I'm terrified of my loved ones dying. With this comes extreme health anxiety, which has resulted in ER visits, being probed, having my blood drawn, being hooked up to IVs. When I think that something is wrong with me health-wise, it's all consuming. The blood rushes from my face and I panic, cry, and shut down until it's resolved. It could be something as simple as a lump in my throat or back pain. Simple things that come along with aging send me into a spiral and no matter how hard I try to tell myself "it's just your anxiety" it doesn't help. This constant stress tends to cause me physical symptoms which is like a vicious cycle when it comes to health anxiety. I've experienced shortness of breath, the feeling that my throat is closing (apparently this is called globus), tension everywhere, ice pick headaches, constipation, blurred vision, fatigue, chest pains, numbness, dry mouth. To name a few.
At this point, any time spent alone without a distraction is unbearable. I don't remember the last time I actually relaxed without my mind going crazy. It's starting to bleed into my relationships at this point, I get these compulsions where I can't stop engaging in what my therapist called "checking behavior". I am constantly asking my husband if he thinks I'm dying, then when he reassures me I'll move onto asking my mom, then I'll move onto my best friends, and then my other best friends. It's like I lose all self control and become to convinced that whatever this issue is will FINALLY be the thing that kills me, so everyone needs to listen. It got to the point where my mother begged me to consider medication because I was causing her so much stress, so I just stopped talking about it. Stopped checking (with people, I still google everything), stopped talking about my feelings, and now I just feel like I'm so mentally exhausted and miserable all the time that I don't find joy in the things I used to anymore. It's like a cloud of darkness over me all the time, with a looming feeling of doom in the back of my mind 24/7. I don't even know if I'm scared of death anymore, I just don't feel anything.
I sought conselling last year and spoke with a therapist for the first time, and it felt nice at first, but after 4 or 5 sessions I felt like I couldn't truly open up to them. Maybe I need to try a new one.
If I was being honest with my therapist I would have told them that I feel doomed. My partner wants to have kids and I've always wanted children, but there's a voice telling me that I'll die soon so what's the point. I would never harm myself, I just feel like something bad will happen to me. At night when I'm trying to sleep I sometimes imagine myself dead and in a morgue, and the thoughts won't leave my brain until I grab my phone and start scrolling TikTok. I sometimes have moments where I look at my husband and see a stranger and feel like I'm in an alternate universe. I'm not sure what that's about.
I feel like there's a chemical imbalance in my brain that can only be fixed with medication, but I'm terrifired of going on meds. Talking about my feelings isn't helping me, and anything a therapist can tell me or any CBT methods won't work. I felt like I already knew what my therapist was going to say before they said it, I could finish their sentences, I had the answers to all of their questions. I know what exercises I need to do to help myself and it doesn't matter. Nothing helps.
Anyway, that felt nice to write. I'm not sure what's going on with me, if it's anxiety, depression, both. I was diagnosed with PCOS last year and apparently depression and anxiety can be a symptom, so maybe that's where it comes from. Not really sure where to go from here, but I don't think I can take feeling like this anymore. I am mentally exhausted. Should I try medication?
Thanks for reading.
submitted by cryfieri to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:30 lk7shoe 6 yr old cat marking unexpectedly

Apologies in advance as I’m newish to Reddit and on mobile.
We have 2 six year old tabby cats, one orange and one brown. They are both neutered and are littermates. We adopted them 5 years ago from a local shelter.
About a year after adopting them, the orange boy started peeing on my husband’s stuff/side of the bed. He even once peed on my husband (was kinda funny at the time, but still not good). Took them to the vet, cleared of having a UTI, and prescribed mood stabilizers as well as given some feliaway diffusers to use. They have been on them for about 4 1/2 years now.
About a month ago, myself, hubs and our kiddo went out of town for the eclipse. Our normal pet sitter was also going on the trip so we had other family members stop by the house to check on the cats. When we got home, 5 days later, we smelled cat pee as soon as we got to the main area of the house. After a bit of searching, we discovered one of the cats peed in a cardboard box scratcher. We threw the box away, cleaned the floors, and moved on. A few days later, we could still faintly smell pee and after a bit more searching, discovered someone had peed outside their second litter box and on the hardwood floor. Bought some urine enzyme cleaner after the previous incident so we used that to clean the floor and put the litter mat in the washer to clean that up.
Now it’s nearly an everyday occurrence for the past month. At first we weren’t sure which cat was doing it till I witnessed the orange boy marking a hung towel in our master bathroom. So we’re sure it’s just him marking. I have bought 2 different enzyme cleaners, we changed the litter in both of their boxes (after adding a second one back after not needing it for nearly 3 years), and we try not to leave them unattended anymore.
So far he has marked: a cardboard cat scratching box, the second litter mat, our front door, the corner of my kiddo’s room, our guest bathtub (twice), my dresser (3 times), hung towels (3 times), my grandmother’s china cabinet (twice), 2 different bath mats, and our big trash can in our garage.
I am nearly in tears every night having to spend every night scouting the house for puddles/urine smell. We have an in home appointment with a pet behaviorist next week, but in the meantime, does anyone have any advice on how to curb or discourage this behavior? How can you “discipline” a cat for this? I absolutely REFUSE to give up on my cats. I made a commitment to them when I adopted them and rehoming them is an ABSOLUTE last resort, please do not advise that as I will not be doing that.
Thank you in advance.
submitted by lk7shoe to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:29 suprisebang implantation bleeding?

i haven’t been able to take a test yet but heres a quick rundown… had intercourse about 2 days before my period while on the pill, stopped the pill about 2 days after i had sex while on my period. its now aprox 3 weeks after i had intercourse, im experiencing brown discharge and light spotting. is it likely that im pregnant?
submitted by suprisebang to pregnancy_care [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:24 No_Loss_733 Duende Encounter in Mexico - "Goblin/elf" story

So this isn't my story as I grew up in United States but my cousin from Mexico came to live with us for a while. This is his personal encounter.
I'm not a story teller so sorry if this is all over the place.
So growing up in a Mexican household and Hispanic friends, I’ve heard all types of stories. However, as I know my cousin and his family and how they are, I 100% believe this. My mom’s sister does not fuck around and is one of the most serious people I know. Alright so my cousin, let’s call him “Jose” who is only a year older than me, 26 now, grew up in a town outside of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, this is where my family is from. He lived in his house along with his parents, older brother, and two older sisters. As he was the youngest, he was the baby of the family, therefore he didn’t know what “no” meant when it came to food, pretty much he was a very overweight kid growing up.
When he was around 8, he and his siblings would all sleep in the same room as the house only had two rooms at the time. Over the years, his parents have added areas and rooms to the house so it’s still the same house to this day, only much bigger.
He recalls that during this period he was always extremely fatigued. He would sleep a lot and still wake up feeling exhausted and irritable. He never thought too much into this as again, he was very overweight and figured he was so drained because of that. However, when his siblings would get up at night to go to the bathroom or get water, they would tell him they would see a duende sleeping on his chest, best way to describe it is a small brown goblinlike creature.
Now anyone would freak out if they saw this right? I know I would..but nope, apparently this is super common to happen in Mexico in other latin american countries. Not only would his siblings see this, but also his parents. Of course, they would do all the religious stuff such as prayers and cleanses to keep the duende away. After my cousin told his parents how he was feeling and his siblings confirming what they saw, they took my cousin to a curandera, a healer in town, whom confirmed that the duende was draining my cousin of his energy, not necessarily maliciously, but more so because he was the youngest in the house. They did quite a few cleanses and rituals and soon after the duende no longer slept on him. However, they say he still shows up at the house to this day.
“Jose” also told me that there’s a picture out there at some family member’s house in Mexico, and apparently my own mother whom is a very honest women, has seen this picture, that shows my cousin and his family standing in front of their house, and you can see the duende at one of the windows in the background. If I ever see this picture when I go visit I will make sure I take a picture and post it!
Still so crazy to me. Now the most recent encounter gave me chills! This happened about 2 years ago. My cousin’s older sister “Ana” has a 6 year old daughter who at the time was 4 years old. Now my aunt being the intense serious woman that she is, forbid any of her kids, whom are all grown adults between the ages of 33-26 but again the woman is scary lol, to tell the grandkids about the duende so they wouldn’t be scared to go over to their house. Well, my cousin Ana, sent a video of the family groupchat of her daughter crying and explaining to her that she went to my cousin “Jose’s” old room and described an “ugly brown monster man” sleeping in the bed. I saw this video myself with my mom and we were in such shock that this happened. No one has ever told her about the duende and yet she described exactly what everyone else had seen. There’s a few other sightings that’s happened over the years by them but just things like seeing this thing sleeping or running by.
I’ve never visited my hometown but when I do I definitely will be in full monster hunter mode in my aunts house trying to take a picture of this thing lol! It’s so crazy to me but according to my family and other hispanic friends who grew up in their own countries, things like this along with ghost and witch stories are all but too common over there.
Now I don’t need any asshole commenting how this is fake, this is my family so I’ll be quick to delete this post if it gets any negative comments, I just thought it would be cool to share as it still blows my mind too lol.
submitted by No_Loss_733 to Paranormal [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:08 crustboi93 30 [M4F] Iowa/Online - goofy nerdy guy seeking rad busty woman

I'm white, 5'3", with an average build, green eyes, brown hair (currently shaved), and a mustache. Goofy, shy, with a touch of the 'tism.
Music lover. I'm a massive metalhead and punk, who also enjoys goth, psychedelic rock, and dungeon synth. I occasionally dabble in concert promotion. A few favorite artists are Judas Priest, Black Sabbath, Blind Guardian, Candlemass, Testament, Gulch, Napalm Death, and Darkthrone. Record collector.
Big ole nerd. Sci-fi, fantasy, and horror nerd. Love animation, video games, D&D, and manga/graphic novels. Enjoy learning about history, cultures, and religion. Aspiring writer who listens to a lot of media criticism. Tolkienite.
Leftist. Agnostic. Don't want kids.
Here for the goths, goofs, and geeks. I love women who are smart, funny, passionate, affectionate, empathetic, and curious. Bonus points if you're tall, busty, or muscular.
Let's talk and see what happens. Tell me about the things that make you happy.
submitted by crustboi93 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:56 maybunniee Do you bring your mobility aid into doctors appointments?

This may seem like a silly question but I use a cane for my pots and vasovagal due to fatigue, weakness and other things. I have an appointment today with a new doctor and I’m still embarrassed to use it in public. I don’t want to seem like I’m exaggerating my illness or get looked at funny as I am only in my 20s but I’m feeling really bad today. Does anyone have any advice or feel like this as well. I’m looking to get a disability parking pass and I don’t want them to think I’m putting on a show.
Update….. I ended up bringing the cane as some of you suggested and I’m glad I did because I was very weak just sitting in the waiting room. The PCP was amazing and didn’t hesitate with the parking. She was very familiar with my condition and read my medical history. She even complimented my cane as it is pink and I crocheted a handle for it. Thank you to everyone for the advice :)
submitted by maybunniee to POTS [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:51 maybunniee Do you bring your mobility aid into doctors appointments?

This may seem like a silly question but I use a cane for my pots and vasovagal due to fatigue, weakness and other things. I have an appointment today with a new doctor and I’m still embarrassed to use it in public. I don’t want to seem like I’m exaggerating my illness or get looked at funny as I am only in my 20s but I’m feeling really bad today. Does anyone have any advice or feel like this as well. I’m looking to get a disability parking pass and I don’t want them to think I’m putting on a show.
Update….. I ended up bringing the cane as some of you suggested and I’m glad I did because I was very weak just sitting in the waiting room. The PCP was amazing and didn’t hesitate with the parking. She was very familiar with my condition and read my medical history. She even complimented my cane as it is pink and I crocheted a handle for it. Thank you to everyone for the advice :)
submitted by maybunniee to ChronicIllness [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:48 BigRhubarb6681 Probable miscarriage, but possible ectopic?

(posted in another group but I thought I'd also try here)
I should have been about 7.5 weeks pregnant now. Everything was going smoothly until Monday. All throughout since my positive test, I had some mild nausea, fatigue, a lot of boob pain, and some dull cramps, sometimes in the middle, more often on the right side, sometimes on the left. I had one HCG drawn I think around 5 weeks, which was at 760.
Went to my first ultrasound on Monday, and they didn't see anything other than thickened endometrium. They said my ovaries and tubes were clear. Next step was to draw HCG, which was at 745. So pretty obviously will be a miscarriage, but they said they can't rule out ectopic.
That night, I had become so anxious about an ectopic pregnancy because I was still having some dull cramps, so I went to the ER. I got a transvaginal ultrasound that revealed a structure that looked abnormal in my uterus, measuring a 5 weeks, suggestive of a gestational sac but it was abnormal (obviously, since my pregnancy clearly isn't viable). They also looked closely at my tubes, ovaries, and abdomen, and everything was clear. Pelvic exam was clear too. My HCG in the ER had dropped to 712, about 12 hours after my initial HCG draw that was 745. The doctor in the ER said suspected miscarriage, but again ectopic is not excluded.
The next morning after the ER (yesterday) I started to bleed very slightly, just a bit of pinkish blood, and ever since then have had a small amount of brown spotting consistently. I have minor period-like cramps which move from the center to either side. I also got my HCG drawn today, so I'm waiting on those results. I can't get over hearing twice now that an ectopic is not excluded.
If there is something in my uterus that looks like it would've been a sac, and everywhere else is clear, isn't that pretty obviously a miscarriage and not ectopic?
submitted by BigRhubarb6681 to ectopicpregnancy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:44 Nag-Nag How would you feel about a Link of a different race/ gender?

So you know a few years ago when we got that BotW teaser (when it was still refered as Zelda for Wii U) and people started speculating about Link possibly being a woman in this installment? Even had Aonuma doing a little bit of trolling. It was just funny nonsense at the time and the discussion has sort of moved to Zelda as a protag instead of a female Link, but now the Hero's Aspect from TotK is implying that at least one incarnation of Link was a deviantart furry oc non-Hylian. So how would you guys feel about a future Zelda game featuring a Link of a different race or gender like say a young Gerudo woman or a Goron?
Personally, I'd want them to stick to the established design elements of a young, pale Hylian dude with brown/ blonde hair and green tunic. I know Link varies a bit from time to time but the basics have stayed mostly the same since he's such an iconic character. I'm not opposed to an additional/ different player character but I feel like whoever they are should be a "real" character instead of a tokenized version of Link for the sake of it. What do y'all think?
submitted by Nag-Nag to truezelda [link] [comments]
