Astro gambling

Does BC.Game work in Nigeria?

2024.05.15 16:14 webmaster_z Does BC.Game work in Nigeria?

Yes, BC.Game operates legally and accepts players from Nigeria. Here are the key points of my research about working BC.Game in Nigeria:
submitted by webmaster_z to BC_Game_Code [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:29 goodnewsjimdotcom GAME RELEASE! Starfighter General first official lasting MMO patch. Space is boring, so you must design around making it fun, and all good mmos now are designed around end game.

A video of some random game play:

If you want to jump in and play:

I'm trying to make the spiritual successor to Xwing for 90s DOS everyone craved, but Lucas Arts never delivered. I was also inspired by Wing Commander Privateer who's title led me to imagining building a giant fleet by buying more and more ships and making friends.
It has a bunch of bugs but these will be fixed in a week or two. It's still pretty fun and a base by which a HUGE HUGE potential WOW killer will be made on. fairly long patch notes of a subset of what I plan on doing in the future are at the bottom.

My take Diablo2 skill tree/Path of Exile Talent tree: Very pretty to watch.

I'm exhausted... I spent close to a year on this patch... And the last 3 months was nothing but sleep, code, sleep, code, body necessities, balanced against being stress sick, normal sick, and trying not to break down due to being isolated non stop working... About 2000 hours in this patch alone, on top of 10,000 hours in the past 6 years before that, and I use an anthology of game resources that took me 20,000 hours to make. There's some bugs due to Unity compiling standalone improper from editor, but they'll be fixed, as well as the story line not in... It's a spoiler, but people say my SCI FI is better than any scifi man's ever written, it's at least good:

Cut scene spoiler of next patch assemble link by hand:

rum /v4tf892-spoiler-female-ai-voice-all-of-starfighter-general-mmo-patch-1-quests.html

-> What's next timelinie

NOTES:COMING SOON, AND FORECAST->Story missions non stop, techs around em, story's awesome!

Future Patches ->Non Stop Missions in Star System Sol until that story arc panned out and the next enters.
->Bounty System:Allows Player vs Player... Except people who don't want to be doing PVP will get insurance refund money of damages if/when the offending player pays up or gets captured as Bounty.
->70,000ish star stystems per core, 24 cores to dive.
->Warp drive lets you see actual stars warp by you that exist, aim for the star you want to explore, hit warp.
->Space Opera of partially Ai driven, partially Next Gen personality Memento system to have realistic aliens who grudge match you or befriend you.
->Unlimited player MMO
->Fleet building and Fleet Destroying, soft perma death hardcore means its a thrill of the rise and thrill of fall, rinse and repeat! Aim for higher personal bests of fleet sizes
-> Star System capture, control, taxing, law imposing. People can challenge to take over your star in an 2 hour window where your friends are on... If they're not on, AI will use their craft. So build big alleginances for star control power.
->Better UI hull/shields/armoetc such as NES style Brick Icons for stats ->Transfer between shields/thrusteweapons power
->more sanity loss special effects
->Better targetting
->Multi Targetting of friend/foe/neutral/quest...
->Fleet General Commands to allies of flight style: ie defend me, skirmish(fight optimally), attack target, bomb target, evasive manuevars, flee(rout) ta
->Weapon escalation: I) rockets/homing missile/cluster rockets, rocket spam mitigated by chaff, ECM, or a bold force shield ejection II) Lasers will always hit, and heat up your ship, so you're encouraged to rotate your ship's sides to absorb heat in multiple places. III) Bombs you need to travel in a straight line without much damage for 7 seconds ->very long range for shelling bases out of turret range IV) Rail Gun V) Destroyers/Capital Ships VI)
->Bounty Combat PVP system
->Magic enabled
->Cockpit overlays
->Custom Attribute Allocation to stats you prefer from leveling up.
->96 most bilious bosses
->More Galactic News Network tickers
->Enable reduction in manueverability based on encumberance, volume limit of cargo
->Crafting based on real world Molecular structures, make materials out of periodic chart elements, and use those materials to make gears, levers, switches, interchangeable parts of a variety of styles. .Hopefully this becomes educational to people entering Chemistry Class later and beneficial to humanity.
->Favorite foods, drink, sanity preservation
->Elaborate 16 supernatural elemental magic systems
->traders and galactic encounters randomly, get cosmos gems to access untold areas, maps of places no one can get to...
->Secret, get ingame podcasts when available by hitting alt+p, ALT+P AGAIN CYCLES THROUGH THEM, CTRL+P CLOSES EM,
-Memento system
-Scientific items system elaborations evident
-power recover of various systems rates, shots costing powers
-Allegiance & Dark Allegiance system where by helping others or the illusion of helping them raises your power, fame, and status in the Galaxy.
-Live Omnipotent roleplay
--MMO Mode leaderboards such as EXP
--More enemies with fun catch phrases?
--what ASPECTS DO YOU WANT WORKED ON MORE? Send ideas and buy triderium. Forums or email is cool.
--multi drops, more rares, uncommons
--more advanced inventory->Scroll deeper, limited by volume, weight slows your thrust + adds collision damage & kickback, sort with different filters, better descriprtion, items catch on fire in inventory, emit toxic gases, melt, get destroyed by oncoming heat attacks or collisions
--Ability to dimensionally recover items picked up previous session... You have em saved on server, just can't see when you load until next patch.... Use upgrades when you got em!
-Conquer Stars and setting taxes and laws
-story history replay dialogue
-more achievements
-Asteroids properly breakinto more than oen
-Give android race an android sounding voice
--Three forms of Ground Combat: GROUND COMBAT FORM I) One is a classical First Person Shooter (FPS) with vehicles.
GROUND COMBAT FORM II) One is tactical Real Time Turn Based Game(RTTG) from top down, almost isometric. RTTG will give you the feel of a classic orthogonic chess like game with cover, vision and such, yet everyone plays at the same time. RTTG mode happens when you enter populated towns, not because the server can't handle infinite players in a small zone, but because it feels more intense when any action and fight can start from the shadows. Movement is freer and faster when no one has fights going on nearby.
GROUND COMBAT FORM III)One is a 3d Fighter Game you'd see in Arcades from the 90s, but with the ability to change targets.
Starfighter General is the Everything Game. And it's for real. Let me know what you want me to dev next. Virtual Goods buys lets me sub contract parts out to make the game faster. Talk about what you want, and if you got the money, be a driver, push this game's development faster. I'm a 64x coder, people who meet me don't believe people like me exist, so I get things done... I just have literally 0$ funding at the moment. You'll see things in Starfighter General you thought were impossible and things never done before... Be a believer, or heck, just play and enjoy.
KNOWN BUGS: 1) Iron ore is called a book 2) Collision detection on giant space ships is clunky and can be very annoying if you get close 3) Vision obscuring of mesh fog in junk yard 4) Laser angle not straight 5) TEXT RENDDER DEPTH of chatting aliens, or targetting computer needs fixed so always visible.
Enable Prime Skils(21):
Attribute is the attribute that influences the skill, Min Int is the minimum intelligence to acquire skill, skill point costs is the number of skill points required (each intelligence you get 1 point), and the name, well, that's the Name:
Mining ships, transport friggates, shipping containers, tugs, destroyers, capital ships, limi
Closing about determination and the long play... If you're of meager means like myself... You can enjoy the challenge MMODE over the long haul... Always getting stronger, never weaker, the ship upgrades, your level, your ascended masteries, your money, your credits, and most of all your own skill level and reflexes that you don't notice but is always increasing.
Name:"Munitions Motorhead" //assault damages Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:4
Name:"Fleet Architect" //general gains to larger fleet Attribute:intelligence MinInt:13 PointCost:10
Name:"Quarry Champion" //mining bonuses Attribute:intelligence MinInt:9 PointCost:6
Name:"Pet Sympahthyry" //charm pets, higher battlemon fight with you, higher morale, Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:5
Name:"Merchant Maestro" //merchant Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:4
Name:"Diplomatic Impunity" //diplomat Attribute:charm MinInt:12 PointCost:4
Name:"Space Speed Ace" //go fast Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:4
Name:"Universal Researcher" //science-shield Attribute:intelligence MinInt:16 PointCost:5
Name:"Intruder Adept" //sneaky Attribute:stealth MinInt:11 PointCost:3
Name:"Astro Archaelogist" //relic finder Attribute:intelligence MinInt:12 PointCost:4
Name:"Midnight Star Drifter" //preserver of self Attribute:agility MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Mixmaster Mechanologist" //crafter Attribute:intelligence MinInt:15 PointCost:6
Name:"Celestial Trailblazer" //explorer Attribute:intelligence MinInt:9 PointCost:2
Name:"Gangster of Smug" //running contraban, con artist Attribute:stealth MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Name:"Cuthroat of the Constellation" //assassin +crit hit Attribute:stealth MinInt:0 PointCost:6
Name:"Seeker of Destiny" //find magic, starts weak due to 10 missing Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:10
Name:"Wing Broman" //buffs//alliance//loyalty Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Dimensional Void Shifter" //cult of the cloak, friends up phantasms dimensionally more Attribute:stealth MinInt:0 PointCost:5
Name:"Racing Destruction Vet" //Ex destruction derby guy Ram Offense/Defense Attribute:endurance MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Name:"Motley Steward" //Friends with Disgraces in Underground Places...Rowdy good for nothin but keeping company with other rowdy good for nothins:+Hires +Recruit enemy Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Trash Baron" //+1 tractor beam lolz extra drops Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Enable Flex s(66)
Name:"Combat" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:4
Name:"Electronics" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:13 PointCost:3
Name:"Cyborgs" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:17 PointCost:4
Name:"First Aid" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:9 PointCost:3
Name:"Surgeon" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:17 PointCost:8
Name:"Androids" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:17 PointCost:4
Name:"Weapon:Plasma Bolts" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Greater Reasoning" //core Attribute:intelligence //order MinInt:9 PointCost:1
Name:"Decipher Codes" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:12 PointCost:1
Name:"Martial Arts" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:4
Name:"Chemistry" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:5 PointCost:3
Name:"Forage" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:1
:Name:"Quick Draw" //core Attribute:dexterity //blade MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Taunt" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Annoy & Pester" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Lie" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Politics" Attribute:charm MinInt:12 PointCost:3
Name:"Disguise" Attribute:stealth MinInt:9 PointCost:2
Name:"Critical Hit" //core Attribute:luck //chaos MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Name:"Atomic Energy" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:18 PointCost:4
Name:"Pulse Engineering" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:16 PointCost:4
Name:"Fly Aircraft" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Drive" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Pilot Shuttle" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:12 PointCost:3
Name:"Read Instruments" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Navigate" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Remember" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Pick Lock" Attribute:stealth MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Ambidexterity" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:4
Name:"Pick Pocket" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Distract" Attribute:stealth MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Explosives" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Construct Trap" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Fire Artillery" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Fortitude" //core Attribute:endurance //body MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Interrogate" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Law" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:13 PointCost:2
Name:"Popularity" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Confidentiality" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Sport" Attribute:agility MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Facilitate" Attribute:luck MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Gamble" Attribute:luck MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Cheat" Attribute:stealth MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Deceive" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Intimidate" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Space Craft Repair" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:14 PointCost:2
Name:"Aircraft Repair" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Automotive Repair" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Labor" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Advanced Mathematics" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:12 PointCost:1
Name:"Detective" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Name:"Perception" //core Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Soliciting" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Rapid Fire" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Name:"Safe Crack" Attribute:stealth MinInt:9 PointCost:3
Name:"Auto Mechanic" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Investigate" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Forensics" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:13 PointCost:3
Name:"Survival" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Lore" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Butt Kiss" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Insult" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Hardware" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Bureaucracy" Attribute:charm MinInt:9 PointCost:1
Name:"Leadership" //CORE Attribute:strength //earth MinInt:13 PointCost:4
Name:"Solicitating" //core Attribute:charm //storm MinInt:7 PointCost:1
Name:"Negotiation" Attribute:charm MinInt:14 PointCost:3
Name:"Vetinarian" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:13 PointCost:3
Name:"Junkyarder" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Tactical Analysis" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Name:"Resourceful Mining" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Name:"Evasive Manuevars" //core Attribute:agility //water MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Nanotech Engineering" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:17 PointCost:4
Name:"Astrobiology" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:17 PointCost:3
Name:"Metallurgy" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:14 PointCost:3
Name:"Infiltrator" Attribute:stealth MinInt:14 PointCost:4
Name:"Stealth Ops" //core Attribute:stealth //dark MinInt:9 PointCost:2
Name:"Tough Grit" //core Attribute:willpower //fire MinInt:0 PointCost:2 //LOWER EFFECT OF SANITY HITS, lower hungewater costs lacking/etc
Low coolness Upgrade the targeting computer:3 target classifications:Enemies/Missions/Allies:With allies, you can then send fleet commands to them. Encounter rates-Different random encounters in space
submitted by goodnewsjimdotcom to spacesimgames [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:22 goodnewsjimdotcom Starfighter General official lasting MMO patch, I tried to make space fun.

A video of some random game play:

If you want to jump in and play:

I'm trying to make the spiritual successor to Xwing for 90s DOS everyone craved, but Lucas Arts never delivered. I was also inspired by Wing Commander Privateer who's title led me to imagining building a giant fleet by buying more and more ships and making friends.
It has a bunch of bugs but these will be fixed in a week or two. It's still pretty fun and a base by which a HUGE HUGE potential WOW killer will be made on. fairly long patch notes of a subset of what I plan on doing in the future are at the bottom.

My take Diablo2 skill tree/Path of Exile Talent tree: Very pretty to watch.

I'm exhausted... I spent close to a year on this patch... And the last 3 months was nothing but sleep, code, sleep, code, body necessities, balanced against being stress sick, normal sick, and trying not to break down due to being isolated non stop working... About 2000 hours in this patch alone, on top of 10,000 hours in the past 6 years before that, and I use an anthology of game resources that took me 20,000 hours to make. There's some bugs due to Unity compiling standalone improper from editor, but they'll be fixed, as well as the story line not in... It's a spoiler, but people say my SCI FI is better than any scifi man's ever written, it's at least good:

Cut scene spoiler of next patch assemble link by hand:

rum /v4tf892-spoiler-female-ai-voice-all-of-starfighter-general-mmo-patch-1-quests.html

-> What's next timelinie

NOTES:COMING SOON, AND FORECAST->Story missions non stop, techs around em, story's awesome!

Future Patches ->Non Stop Missions in Star System Sol until that story arc panned out and the next enters.
->Bounty System:Allows Player vs Player... Except people who don't want to be doing PVP will get insurance refund money of damages if/when the offending player pays up or gets captured as Bounty.
->70,000ish star stystems per core, 24 cores to dive.
->Warp drive lets you see actual stars warp by you that exist, aim for the star you want to explore, hit warp.
->Space Opera of partially Ai driven, partially Next Gen personality Memento system to have realistic aliens who grudge match you or befriend you.
->Unlimited player MMO
->Fleet building and Fleet Destroying, soft perma death hardcore means its a thrill of the rise and thrill of fall, rinse and repeat! Aim for higher personal bests of fleet sizes
-> Star System capture, control, taxing, law imposing. People can challenge to take over your star in an 2 hour window where your friends are on... If they're not on, AI will use their craft. So build big alleginances for star control power.
->Better UI hull/shields/armoetc such as NES style Brick Icons for stats ->Transfer between shields/thrusteweapons power
->more sanity loss special effects
->Better targetting
->Multi Targetting of friend/foe/neutral/quest...
->Fleet General Commands to allies of flight style: ie defend me, skirmish(fight optimally), attack target, bomb target, evasive manuevars, flee(rout) ta
->Weapon escalation: I) rockets/homing missile/cluster rockets, rocket spam mitigated by chaff, ECM, or a bold force shield ejection II) Lasers will always hit, and heat up your ship, so you're encouraged to rotate your ship's sides to absorb heat in multiple places. III) Bombs you need to travel in a straight line without much damage for 7 seconds ->very long range for shelling bases out of turret range IV) Rail Gun V) Destroyers/Capital Ships VI)
->Bounty Combat PVP system
->Magic enabled
->Cockpit overlays
->Custom Attribute Allocation to stats you prefer from leveling up.
->96 most bilious bosses
->More Galactic News Network tickers
->Enable reduction in manueverability based on encumberance, volume limit of cargo
->Crafting based on real world Molecular structures, make materials out of periodic chart elements, and use those materials to make gears, levers, switches, interchangeable parts of a variety of styles. .Hopefully this becomes educational to people entering Chemistry Class later and beneficial to humanity.
->Favorite foods, drink, sanity preservation
->Elaborate 16 supernatural elemental magic systems
->traders and galactic encounters randomly, get cosmos gems to access untold areas, maps of places no one can get to...
->Secret, get ingame podcasts when available by hitting alt+p, ALT+P AGAIN CYCLES THROUGH THEM, CTRL+P CLOSES EM,
-Memento system
-Scientific items system elaborations evident
-power recover of various systems rates, shots costing powers
-Allegiance & Dark Allegiance system where by helping others or the illusion of helping them raises your power, fame, and status in the Galaxy.
-Live Omnipotent roleplay
--MMO Mode leaderboards such as EXP
--More enemies with fun catch phrases?
--what ASPECTS DO YOU WANT WORKED ON MORE? Send ideas and buy triderium. Forums or email is cool.
--multi drops, more rares, uncommons
--more advanced inventory->Scroll deeper, limited by volume, weight slows your thrust + adds collision damage & kickback, sort with different filters, better descriprtion, items catch on fire in inventory, emit toxic gases, melt, get destroyed by oncoming heat attacks or collisions
--Ability to dimensionally recover items picked up previous session... You have em saved on server, just can't see when you load until next patch.... Use upgrades when you got em!
-Conquer Stars and setting taxes and laws
-story history replay dialogue
-more achievements
-Asteroids properly breakinto more than oen
-Give android race an android sounding voice
--Three forms of Ground Combat: GROUND COMBAT FORM I) One is a classical First Person Shooter (FPS) with vehicles.
GROUND COMBAT FORM II) One is tactical Real Time Turn Based Game(RTTG) from top down, almost isometric. RTTG will give you the feel of a classic orthogonic chess like game with cover, vision and such, yet everyone plays at the same time. RTTG mode happens when you enter populated towns, not because the server can't handle infinite players in a small zone, but because it feels more intense when any action and fight can start from the shadows. Movement is freer and faster when no one has fights going on nearby.
GROUND COMBAT FORM III)One is a 3d Fighter Game you'd see in Arcades from the 90s, but with the ability to change targets.
Starfighter General is the Everything Game. And it's for real. Let me know what you want me to dev next. Virtual Goods buys lets me sub contract parts out to make the game faster. Talk about what you want, and if you got the money, be a driver, push this game's development faster. I'm a 64x coder, people who meet me don't believe people like me exist, so I get things done... I just have literally 0$ funding at the moment. You'll see things in Starfighter General you thought were impossible and things never done before... Be a believer, or heck, just play and enjoy.
KNOWN BUGS: 1) Iron ore is called a book 2) Collision detection on giant space ships is clunky and can be very annoying if you get close 3) Vision obscuring of mesh fog in junk yard 4) Laser angle not straight 5) TEXT RENDDER DEPTH of chatting aliens, or targetting computer needs fixed so always visible.
Enable Prime Skils(21):
Attribute is the attribute that influences the skill, Min Int is the minimum intelligence to acquire skill, skill point costs is the number of skill points required (each intelligence you get 1 point), and the name, well, that's the Name:
Mining ships, transport friggates, shipping containers, tugs, destroyers, capital ships, limi
Closing about determination and the long play... If you're of meager means like myself... You can enjoy the challenge MMODE over the long haul... Always getting stronger, never weaker, the ship upgrades, your level, your ascended masteries, your money, your credits, and most of all your own skill level and reflexes that you don't notice but is always increasing.
Name:"Munitions Motorhead" //assault damages Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:4
Name:"Fleet Architect" //general gains to larger fleet Attribute:intelligence MinInt:13 PointCost:10
Name:"Quarry Champion" //mining bonuses Attribute:intelligence MinInt:9 PointCost:6
Name:"Pet Sympahthyry" //charm pets, higher battlemon fight with you, higher morale, Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:5
Name:"Merchant Maestro" //merchant Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:4
Name:"Diplomatic Impunity" //diplomat Attribute:charm MinInt:12 PointCost:4
Name:"Space Speed Ace" //go fast Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:4
Name:"Universal Researcher" //science-shield Attribute:intelligence MinInt:16 PointCost:5
Name:"Intruder Adept" //sneaky Attribute:stealth MinInt:11 PointCost:3
Name:"Astro Archaelogist" //relic finder Attribute:intelligence MinInt:12 PointCost:4
Name:"Midnight Star Drifter" //preserver of self Attribute:agility MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Mixmaster Mechanologist" //crafter Attribute:intelligence MinInt:15 PointCost:6
Name:"Celestial Trailblazer" //explorer Attribute:intelligence MinInt:9 PointCost:2
Name:"Gangster of Smug" //running contraban, con artist Attribute:stealth MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Name:"Cuthroat of the Constellation" //assassin +crit hit Attribute:stealth MinInt:0 PointCost:6
Name:"Seeker of Destiny" //find magic, starts weak due to 10 missing Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:10
Name:"Wing Broman" //buffs//alliance//loyalty Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Dimensional Void Shifter" //cult of the cloak, friends up phantasms dimensionally more Attribute:stealth MinInt:0 PointCost:5
Name:"Racing Destruction Vet" //Ex destruction derby guy Ram Offense/Defense Attribute:endurance MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Name:"Motley Steward" //Friends with Disgraces in Underground Places...Rowdy good for nothin but keeping company with other rowdy good for nothins:+Hires +Recruit enemy Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Trash Baron" //+1 tractor beam lolz extra drops Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Enable Flex s(66)
Name:"Combat" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:4
Name:"Electronics" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:13 PointCost:3
Name:"Cyborgs" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:17 PointCost:4
Name:"First Aid" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:9 PointCost:3
Name:"Surgeon" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:17 PointCost:8
Name:"Androids" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:17 PointCost:4
Name:"Weapon:Plasma Bolts" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Greater Reasoning" //core Attribute:intelligence //order MinInt:9 PointCost:1
Name:"Decipher Codes" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:12 PointCost:1
Name:"Martial Arts" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:4
Name:"Chemistry" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:5 PointCost:3
Name:"Forage" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:1
:Name:"Quick Draw" //core Attribute:dexterity //blade MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Taunt" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Annoy & Pester" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Lie" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Politics" Attribute:charm MinInt:12 PointCost:3
Name:"Disguise" Attribute:stealth MinInt:9 PointCost:2
Name:"Critical Hit" //core Attribute:luck //chaos MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Name:"Atomic Energy" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:18 PointCost:4
Name:"Pulse Engineering" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:16 PointCost:4
Name:"Fly Aircraft" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Drive" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Pilot Shuttle" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:12 PointCost:3
Name:"Read Instruments" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Navigate" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Remember" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Pick Lock" Attribute:stealth MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Ambidexterity" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:4
Name:"Pick Pocket" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Distract" Attribute:stealth MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Explosives" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Construct Trap" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Fire Artillery" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Fortitude" //core Attribute:endurance //body MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Interrogate" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Law" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:13 PointCost:2
Name:"Popularity" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Confidentiality" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Sport" Attribute:agility MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Facilitate" Attribute:luck MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Gamble" Attribute:luck MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Cheat" Attribute:stealth MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Deceive" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Intimidate" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Space Craft Repair" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:14 PointCost:2
Name:"Aircraft Repair" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Automotive Repair" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Labor" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Advanced Mathematics" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:12 PointCost:1
Name:"Detective" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Name:"Perception" //core Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Soliciting" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Rapid Fire" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Name:"Safe Crack" Attribute:stealth MinInt:9 PointCost:3
Name:"Auto Mechanic" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Investigate" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Forensics" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:13 PointCost:3
Name:"Survival" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Lore" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Butt Kiss" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Insult" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Hardware" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Bureaucracy" Attribute:charm MinInt:9 PointCost:1
Name:"Leadership" //CORE Attribute:strength //earth MinInt:13 PointCost:4
Name:"Solicitating" //core Attribute:charm //storm MinInt:7 PointCost:1
Name:"Negotiation" Attribute:charm MinInt:14 PointCost:3
Name:"Vetinarian" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:13 PointCost:3
Name:"Junkyarder" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Tactical Analysis" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Name:"Resourceful Mining" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Name:"Evasive Manuevars" //core Attribute:agility //water MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Nanotech Engineering" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:17 PointCost:4
Name:"Astrobiology" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:17 PointCost:3
Name:"Metallurgy" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:14 PointCost:3
Name:"Infiltrator" Attribute:stealth MinInt:14 PointCost:4
Name:"Stealth Ops" //core Attribute:stealth //dark MinInt:9 PointCost:2
Name:"Tough Grit" //core Attribute:willpower //fire MinInt:0 PointCost:2 //LOWER EFFECT OF SANITY HITS, lower hungewater costs lacking/etc
Low coolness Upgrade the targeting computer:3 target classifications:Enemies/Missions/Allies:With allies, you can then send fleet commands to them. Encounter rates-Different random encounters in space
submitted by goodnewsjimdotcom to spacegames [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 18:20 Awilliams338 10 cents and a dream, catch yall in the other side🍀🤞🏻

10 cents and a dream, catch yall in the other side🍀🤞🏻
It ain’t gonna hit, but worth a try🫡
submitted by Awilliams338 to sportsbetting [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 21:31 JoeDiBango A Cool Guide for Families to Avoid Expensive Stadiums When Attending an MLB Game

A Cool Guide for Families to Avoid Expensive Stadiums When Attending an MLB Game submitted by JoeDiBango to Padres [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 20:30 Ppwata A Cool Guide for Families to Avoid Expensive Stadiums When Attending an MLB Game

submitted by Ppwata to dirtysports [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 15:54 euan-b02 The Most Expensive Stadiums to attend an MLB game

The Most Expensive Stadiums to attend an MLB game submitted by euan-b02 to Infographics [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 15:52 euan-b02 A Cool Guide for Families to Avoid Expensive Stadiums When Attending an MLB Game

A Cool Guide for Families to Avoid Expensive Stadiums When Attending an MLB Game submitted by euan-b02 to coolguides [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 05:56 AmbassadortoPhobos Anyone a huge MLB fan without a team preference?

I’ve become a huge baseball fan in the past 5 years or so after pretty much exclusively watching and playing football my entire life. I dated a girl for a while who was a huge Astros fan. So I’d occasionally begrudgingly watch games with her. Somehow along the way I’ve become obsessed, and now thinking about baseball consumes a large chunk of my day during the season. I feel like it would be even more fun if I was a fan of a particular team, but I don’t feel affiliated with any team whatsoever. My first game was at Fenway, been to the reds, a few Braves games, Mets, Marlins, and Arizona. I’m gonna try to watch a game at every other park this year. Anyone else have no team preference? I gamble a lot, so it definitely helps with being objective, but like I said having a rooting interest would be fun.
submitted by AmbassadortoPhobos to mlb [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 07:53 FancyInvestment397 Most Reputable Casinos Not On GAMSTOP In The UK (2024 List)

Most Reputable Casinos Not On GAMSTOP In The UK (2024 List)
In this article, we'll be taking a closer look at the best casinos not on GAMSTOP that anyone has the power to play at any time they want. Not all online casinos are created equally, and there is no doubt that many out there have bad reputations, lack proper security channels, and are out to gobble up and sell as much of your data as they can get ahold of. Therefore, it's best to thoroughly review any casino you visit online, whether part of the GAMSTOP scheme.
Casinos Not On GAMSTOP
The UK's self-exclusion gambling control app is excellent for limiting bad online gambling habits, but when the need arises to play a quick bet or have a bit of fun, its lengthy series of control functions that must be undone can be a royal pain. Fortunately, many non-GAMSTOP casinos online don't fall under the scheme's watch list.

Most Reputable Casinos Not On GAMSTOP In The UK

While GAMSTOP has an excellent reputation and works with various UK online casinos, non-GAMSTOP casinos are still safe. This is because they choose to avoid aligning with GAMSTOP's policies and want to offer their clientele the ability to gamble whenever they want to.
In this article, we'll be taking a closer look at the best casinos not on GAMSTOP that anyone has the power to play at any time they want. Not all online casinos are created equally, and there is no doubt that many out there have bad reputations, lack proper security channels, and are out to gobble up and sell as much of your data as they can get ahold of. Therefore, it's best to thoroughly review any casino you visit online, whether part of the GAMSTOP scheme. We've handpicked the following 20 reputable casinos that are not on GAMSTOP based on personal experience with them and their overall reputations in the gambling and online casino community.

MyStake - Best Overall Casino not on GAMSTOP

MyStake Casino
One of the top casinos not on GAMSTOP is MyStake, an online casino registered in Curacao and headquartered in Cyprus. MyStake is an all-inclusive online casino where you can bet on sports, play virtual sports, wager on Esports, play a ton of fun minigames, and all of the online casino classics everyone loves.
Even better, the MyStake Bonus Club offers many perks to make time spent in the online casino much more enjoyable. The MyStake Casino Welcome Bonus includes free spins. It's one of the top non-GAMSTOP casinos with no deposit bonus. When you're a newcomer, MyStake will match 100% of your spending up to the first £1,000 and give you one free spin for every euro you deposit.
If you have yet to hear of MyStake, it's a relatively new casino coming online for the first time in 2020. However, since then, it's gotten lots of rave reviews as one of the most trusted non-GAMSTOP casinos in the world.
Payments options are vast and suit just about every lifestyle out there. MyStake takes your deposits in several safe formats, including eWallets, bank transfers, VISA, Mastercard, and cryptocurrencies. In addition to accepting payments in Euros and US Dollars, MyStake also takes Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Tether (USDT), Monero (XMR), and Dash (DASH). Furthermore, if you deposit your funds via crypto, you can get an added perk of a 170% crypto deposit bonus, meaning if you drop £100 via your crypto account, MyStake will give you an additional £170 to play with.
With a minimum deposit of just £20, MyStake is available to just about any level of gambler. It offers a quick withdrawal time for both eWallets and card payments of 72 hours or less, with limits of £7,500 per week and £15,000 per month.
While MyStake is a casino site not on GAMSTOP, that doesn't mean it doesn't care about helping people with gambling problems. MyStake houses its self-exclusion program that allows users to request shorter time-out periods and more extended self-exclusion periods for six months up to five years.
The free stuff doesn't end once you're done being a newcomer to the MyStake site. If you follow the casino's accounts on Telegram and Discord, you can get free weekly spins and free bets as well. The casino wants to keep customers returning and has lots of fun stuff to ensure this happens, with regular promotions happening.
While many sites not on GAMSTOP let you bet on traditional sports like football and cricket, MyStake is one of the best for betting on Esports games and tournaments. The site has an entire section dedicated solely to Esports, where you can bet on many different titles regardless of whether pre-match or in-play.
MyStake also has a robust sports betting section, including Greyhound and horse racing.

Goldenbet - The Most Trusted Online Casino not on GAMSTOP

Goldenbet Casino
If you're looking for a great sports betting environment among online casinos not on GAMSTOP, look at Goldenbet. It has an awe-inspiring library of games, everything from progressive slots to traditional table games to video slots that dazzle you with the lights, the sounds, the colors, and the payoffs!
Goldenbet's array of slot games includes such fun titles as Jungle Spirit, Dragon Shrine, Wild Ape, Fairie Nights, Piggy Riches, and Chillipop. When you start looking for the big payoffs, you can head to the Megaways Slots and try to cash in versus Zulu Gold, Wolf Legend, Templar Tumble, Deadwood, and Aztec Gold.
Into table games? It's hard to top the classics, and Goldenbet has some of the best non-GAMSTOP casinos. The casino offers Punto Banco, European Roulette Small Bets Blackjack VIP, Baccarat, Roulette Crystal, Multi-Hand Blackjack, and Baccarat. Every hand is safe and fair, so you never have to worry about someone gaming the system.
While these titles are all done by automation, Goldenbet also offers the live casino experience online for anyone who wants the feel of Las Vegas or Monte Carlo from the cozy comfort of their home or while on the go! Live casino games at Goldenbet include Speed Baccarat, Instant Roulette, Crazy Time, Mega Roulette, and Mega Wheel.
Gameplay and Payments
Goldenbet carefully selects experienced, affectionate dealers who get to know you, look out for you, and celebrate your victories just like in a real casino environment! Brilliant technology from Ezugi and Evolution Gaming allows these dealers to engage live with you and other players and bring the magic of the casino home through responsive technology.
Speaking of technology, you can access Goldenbet from any device you want - from traditional desktops and laptops to mobile devices and tablets. The website is streamlined to be responsive to the type of device you are using and loads very quickly, so you never miss a spin, a chance, a call, or a victory!
Regarding payment methods among the best non-GAMSTOP casinos, Goldenbet is exceptionally convenient. Players can use credit card payments and e-wallets like Visa, Mastercard, Skrill, Neteller, and others to perform deposits and withdrawals.
Even better, Goldenbet does not charge fees for deposits or withdrawals, meaning no hidden costs are incurred when you try to get the money you've won fair and square in the first place.
Goldenbet is very fast regarding money transfers, with rare exceptions. All deposits made are instantly credited to your account, and nearly all withdrawals happen just as quickly. The only payouts that take a little longer are bank transfers, which can take 5-7 business days to arrive in your account.
Deposit minimums are £20, while the minimum withdrawal is £100.
If you run into trouble, the casino website has a brilliant FAQ that will knock most questions out. If you still struggle, utilize the live chat function to talk to the casino staff or email them from the contact form.

Blood Moon - One of the Best Casinos not on GAMSTOP for Blackjack

Blood Moon Casino
The name of this casino might be a little spooky, but there's nothing scary about the concept. Blood Moon Casino is one of the rare non-GAMSTOP UK casinos. So if you are in the UK and want to play on this website, you don't have to worry about extraneous protocols or trying to use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to escape security.
Blood Moon is a big-time sports betting casino with many virtual games to bet on alongside action from more than 40 sports worldwide. It has a convenient app that you can download onto any smartphone or tablet to take the gaming fun along for the ride, whatever your financial destination. Blood Moon Casino has one of the finest welcoming bonuses of any UK online casino not on GAMSTOP.
If you make your deposits using Bitcoin (BTC), you will be in for a royal treat. Blood Moon Casino offers its biggest casino bonus of a stunning 500% for up to £500. That means if you put £500 of BTC into your account, you'll get an additional £2,500!
For this remarkable bonus, ensure your deposit is at least £25 of BTC and use the coupon code "CRYPTO." You'll also need to wager at least 40x the deposit to claim your winnings.
If you are a sports betting fan, you can get a 100% bonus for a deposit of up to £100. You must deposit at least £25 to get that bonus and use the code "FREE BET." The bonus credits must be spent on a sporting event with minimum odds of 70:1.
If you love the gaming aspect of an online arena, then Blood Moon is one of the best non-GAMSTOP casinos in the UK. It has over 400 interactive online and old-school slots like Fruit Vegas, Disco Fruits, Golden 7 Fruits, and Fruitshop Christmas. The high-end video slot titles include Dracula, Demon Train, Dazzle Me, Penalty Series, and Golden Legend.
There's also a handful of progressive slots up for grabs, with prizes ranging from £1 million to 3 million euros. These titles include Miss Cherry Fruits, Christmas Jackpot, and Monkey Jackpot.
Then, of course, there are also all of the usual fun aspects of the online casino, including live games like roulette, more than 200 premium games from the likes of SA Gaming and Vivo Gaming, table and card games like Fan Tan, BattleShip, and Blackjack Perfect Pairs, and more! In addition, blood Moon Casino has eight ways to pay and withdraw, including Visa, Mastercard, AMEX, Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Litecoin, and USDT.

Tropical Wins Casino - Best Non-GAMSTOP Gambling Site for Roulette

Tropical Wins Casino
A clever play on words, especially considering that it is headquartered on the island nation of Curacao, Tropical Wins Casino is one of the newest big players on the market, coming into existence in 2023. It is protected and licensed by the Curacao Gaming Control Board, meaning it complies with a reputable casino not on GAMSTOP.
This casino stands out thanks to its trio of new player offers you can choose from upon arrival to the website or app. The first is for regular game players, extending across the first six deposits. Although none of the individual offers are incredibly lucrative, you can get close to £1,000 if you add them. The first deposit of £40 earns you a £100 bonus.
The second deposit of £50 and the third of £150 earn you £75 each. The rest of the warranties are particularly impressive. The fourth deposit is a £50 investment for a £300 bonus. The fifth deposit is £150 for a £225 bonus. The sixth and seventh deposits are matched euro for euro. The first is a £300 deposit for an additional £300, and the fourth is a £400 deposit for £400.
If you aim to gamble on sports, you'll get a 150% bonus on your first deposit. You can get this bonus for as little as £20, but it goes up to £1,000, which means you could get a bonus of £1,500 if you maximize that first sports deposit.
You get the same bonus percentage if you invest in Esports first and deposit up to £1,000.
Like most non-GAMSTOP reputable casinos, Tropical Wins loves scoring repeat business, so it offers a Loyal Player Rewards program.
This loyalty program includes free spins, new deposit perks, and other offers that players who don't sign up for the perks never get and usually need to be made aware of.
Tropical Wins likes to mix it up with slot machines, going with various themes, pay lines, and jackpots. Its most popular titles are Bonanza Billion, Queen of the Sun, Thunder of Olympus, and Lucky Lady Moon Megaways.
Among the fun table games Tropical Wins offer are First Person Baccarat, 21 Burn Blackjack, and Pontoon 21.
The casino's sports betting page is flexible and multidimensional, including live streaming for select games and matches and some ESports events. There is also an early payout option for sports like the NFL, basketball, ice hockey, and tennis that can get kicked in while the game is still ongoing! Additionally, tropical Wins accepts Visa, Mastercard, and various forms of cryptocurrency.

Sweety Win Casino - Non GAMSTOP Casino for High-Rollers

Sweety Win Casino
Sweety Win Casino is not for the faint of heart but for the gambler with a sense of adventure. It has an enormous welcome bonus, and the platform is simple to use, making it one of the best non-GAMSTOP casinos in the world.
There are tons of bonuses on hand for players at Sweety Win Casino. When you first sign up, you qualify for the quadruple welcome bonus, which is relatively unique among casinos not on GAMSTOP.
The first deposit, a maximum of £1,000, includes a 10% bonus and ten free spins on the Lucky Dama Muerta game.
The second deposit repeats the offer on the bonus and adds ten or more spins on Candy Monster.
The third deposit repeats it, with the 10% bonus and ten free spins on Candy Monster. Finally, the fourth deposit ups the ante with a 15% bonus plus 75 free spins on Platinum Lightning.
All it takes to unlock any of these bonuses is to deposit at least £40 and click on the bonus box feature on the payment page. Perhaps the most significant positive of these bonuses is that they have no wagering requirements, although you must activate the prize within 72 hours of setting things up.
Slots and Table Games
Sweety Win has an impressive display of slot machines, with more than 2,800. Many slots have a unique feature in common, the scatter function, which can lead to bigger payouts in bonus rounds.
The scatter function is a specialty of Gaming Labs Certified, which uses a random number generator to ensure that nothing falls into a pattern and the house is no more capable of stacking the odds than any individual player. Some popular online slot titles at Sweety Win include Rio Gems, Book of Riches, and Brave Viking.
Sweety Win also features live casino games with an actual dealer, thanks to the innovation of Evolution Gaming. These live games include Blackjack, Crazy Time, Roulette Olympic, and Andar Bahar.
Sweety Win wants the best for its customers when looking for the most reputable non-GAMSTOP casinos, so it has a live chat service available 24 hours a day without registering. Emails or contact form requests typically take 48-72 hours to answer and address.

Winstler - Best Mobile Casino not on GAMSTOP

Winstler Casino
Another newcomer to the list of casinos not on GAMSTOP is Winstler. It opened in 2022 and accepted players from the UK and other parts of Europe. Still, it won't let you onto the site if your IP address says you're in the United States, Spain, France, The Netherlands, Italy, and many other countries, including China, Mexico, UAE, and most of the Middle East and Russia. United NV Casinos own the casino out of the island nation of Curacao, which also owns and runs Gxmble Casino.
Winstler has a great variety of online casino games to try your hand at, including legendary classics like poker, bingo, roulette, blackjack, and slot machines. Live dealers are on hand for many casino games, accessible to players on mobile devices and phones throughout Europe and Asia. Winstler offers live dealers for both roulette and blackjack and has a loyalty program available to all active players.
You are entitled to a signup bonus once you've registered, and there are plenty of online slots on the site that come with progressive jackpots that allow players to win big if their luck holds. Unlike some contemporary sites not on GAMSTOP, Winstler does not offer free spin bonuses or waver no-deposit bonus terms. It's hard to beat Winstler's commitment to variety, however.
The casino has 17 game providers and more than 900 slot machines on hand. The slots come from top manufacturers, including Apollo Games, Wzadan, and IGT. The online site is quite diverse in its language selection; users speaking English, Norwegian, French, Polish, Finnish, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Spanish, Italian, and German will all find a home there in their native tongue.
If you like getting your money quickly, WInsterl offers instant withdrawals and allows for payments and deposits using cryptocurrency and traditional methods. If you sign up paying bash, the casino is exceptionally generous, offering a 300% deposit match up to £500. The minimum deposit to play is £25. The maximum withdrawal time is listed at 1-2 hours. The withdrawal limit is £10,000 per month. That service is available once players submit proof of identity, address, and payment accounts. Deposits can be made via Mastercard, Tron, Via, Tether, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Maestro, Bitcoin Cash, or Ripple. Winstler is a dedicated site and one of the best sources of slots not on GAMSTOP. It has over 4,000 games on its desktop version and over 3,000 on its mobile app.

Seven Casino - Best Non-GAMSTOP Casino for Slots

Seven Casino
Seven Casino is one of the hottest new brands among gambling sites not GAMSTOP. It opened in April 2023, is licensed in Curacao, and is owned by Group GAEM B.V. With more than 4,000 games on tap, it's got something special for every type of gamer and has a flexible model that lets players who speak Danish, Finnish, Dutch, Polish, Italian, French, Spanish, German, Norwegian, Swedish, and English to all feel right at home when they log on.
Seven Casino features non-GAMSTOP sports betting and Esports betting operators and accepts more than ten payment methods, including several cryptocurrency options. If you need help with anything on the site, Seven Casino has a help center open 24 hours a day for customer support.
Like several other casinos that are not on GAMSTOP, you have to be careful where you're trying to log onto Seven Casino from, as it is not supported in many countries, including the US, Spain, France, Italy, China, The Netherlands, and Russia. Fortunately, the UK does not fall onto that list, meaning you can win big on video slots, table games, jackpots, megaways, sportsbooks, and more!
Payments and Gameplay
Headquartered in Curacao, you can set up an account with Seven Casino using Visa, MasterCard, Sofort, Skrill, PaysafeCard, Neteller, GiroPay, Astro Pay, American Express, Instant Banking, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, and Tether.
Seven Casino offers live dealers for roulette and blackjack, along with poker, keno, and baccarat. BetSoft, Quickspin, EZugi, Evolution Gaming, and 1x2 Gaming manufacture their games.
Seven Casino has no shortage of bonuses and promotions that can make for an enjoyable time, whether you are a new player or a returning one. The standard website and mobile app theme are dark black, which reminds one of the ambiances of being inside an actual casino on a fun night out.
If you're a new player, you can get a 10% cashback bonus, which is always a nice touch when you're a new player trying to learn the lay of the land online.
While Seven Casino is brand new, its parent company is more than a decade old and has come to be known for its reliability and variety.
Seven Casino's VIP program lets you earn rewards as you accrue wages. For every 10 pounds you wager on slots, you make 1 Diamond; for every 10 pounds you wager on table games, you earn 0.1 Diamonds. As you build up those Diamond totals, you'll be able to achieve all sorts of perks and rewards that will make any trip to Seven Casino a night (or day) to remember.
For example, if your first deposit is at least 10 pounds or more, you'll also get a spin on the Seven Casino Mega Wheel. How big is that wheel? You can earn a staggering 500 extra free spins with a maximum of 8 pounds per 10 spins.

Gxmble Casino - One of the Top Casinos not on GAMSTOP for Bonuses

Gxmble Casino
Gxmble Casino entered the online gaming world with a big splash at the end of 2022. It has a massive game library of slots and other fun stuff that feels right at home in a real casino. It's one of the best UK-friendly casino sites not on GAMSTOP, with interfaces available in English, Spanish, Swedish, Norwegian, Spanish, Italian, and several other languages to make just about any player feel right at home.
It also has one of the most impressive sports betting sections of any non-GAMSTOP casino worldwide. More than 35 professional sports leagues are covered at Gxmble Casino, including handball, football, basketball, baseball, F1, tennis, golf, and so much more!
Gxmble Casino likes to roll out the red carpet to anyone coming to its friendly confines for the first time, making it one of the top new casinos not on GAMSTOP.
The initial bonus from Gxmble Casino is a welcome package that gives you lovely matches on your first three deposits. The first is a 200% bonus up to £500 on any deposit. The second deposit is a 100% match up to £750, and the third is suitable for a 100% matchup up to £1,250. Do a little math, and you will realize that if you deposit a maximum of £2,500 over those first three deposits, Gxmble Casino will give you a free total of £3,000 just for playing there!
Every bonus requires a wagering requirement of five times the bonus amount, and there are some stipulations there you should be aware of as well. For example, if you bet on the slots, those best count at total value towards the wagering requirements, but money spent on table games and card games only has a 10% value on it. The good news is that you have 30 days to meet all those requirements from the time you first get the offer.
Even if you're no longer a newcomer, you can still get some fantastic bonuses from Gxmble just for showing up at one of the top casinos not on GAMSTOP, on certain days of the week. For example, it offers a 100% bonus of up to £250 on Mondays, a 50% bonus of up to £500 on Wednesdays, a 150% bonus of up to £500 on Fridays, and a massive 100% bonus of up to £1,250 on Saturdays!
There are more than 5,000 games to try at Gxmble casino from game studios, including Playtech, Evolution Gaming, NextGen, Microgaming, and NetEnt, to name a few. The platform is user-friendly on any device, but if you experience difficulties, remember that there is a 24/7 live chat service available to help smooth things over and get you back to having fun whenever you want at one of the best non-GAMSTOP casinos.


There is a fantastic array of non-GAMSTOP casinos to choose from out there. No one should feel shut down from playing the games they love and enjoying a bit of gambling now and again just because they have GAMSTOP activated on their tablet, phone, or another device. Researching other online casinos and finding the one that is best for you can be done quickly and efficiently to find the very best online casino entertainment for you!
submitted by FancyInvestment397 to OnlineCasinoWorld [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 14:44 143autos Lets go braves first 5

Lets go braves first 5
submitted by 143autos to sportsbetting [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 12:16 ttvhighest Toronto Roleplay (18+, Whitelisted, Semi-Serious, Active Staff, Friendly Community, E-Girl Friendly, Weekly Events, Custom Content, Streamers Welcome)

Toronto Roleplay invites you to join our whitelisted semi-serious RP server, featuring a dynamic community and dedicated staff. Immerse yourself in a well-balanced economy, a comprehensive housing system, an interactive phone system complete with social media integration, valet services, bespoke clothing and weaponry, custom locations and interiors, player-owned businesses, engaging drug smuggling activities, unique vehicles, music players, DJ booths, car and drift meets, race tracks, and weekly events. Explore the myriad possibilities and experiences we offer – come be a part of our vibrant community!
Some of our jobs and activities include
Custom Locations
Explore our server's vast landscape to uncover hidden locations and discover points of interest and activities scattered throughout the map!
We are seeking new players that would like to become apart of Police, Fire, or EMS. We are also looking for active gangs! For more information, fill out a whitelist application in our discord server! Our whitelist application process is quick and easy!
submitted by ttvhighest to GTA5Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 12:15 ttvhighest Toronto Roleplay (18+, Whitelisted, Semi-Serious, Active Staff, Friendly Community, E-Girl Friendly, Weekly Events, Custom Content, Streamers Welcome)

Toronto Roleplay invites you to join our whitelisted semi-serious RP server, featuring a dynamic community and dedicated staff. Immerse yourself in a well-balanced economy, a comprehensive housing system, an interactive phone system complete with social media integration, valet services, bespoke clothing and weaponry, custom locations and interiors, player-owned businesses, engaging drug smuggling activities, unique vehicles, music players, DJ booths, car and drift meets, race tracks, and weekly events. Explore the myriad possibilities and experiences we offer – come be a part of our vibrant community!
Some of our jobs and activities include
Custom Locations
Explore our server's vast landscape to uncover hidden locations and discover points of interest and activities scattered throughout the map!
We are seeking new players that would like to become apart of Police, Fire, or EMS. We are also looking for active gangs! For more information, fill out a whitelist application in our discord server! Our whitelist application process is quick and easy!
submitted by ttvhighest to FiveMRPServers [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 12:12 ttvhighest Toronto Roleplay (18+, Whitelisted, Semi-Serious, Active Staff, Friendly Community, E-Girl Friendly, Weekly Events, Custom Content, Streamers Welcome)

Toronto Roleplay invites you to join our whitelisted semi-serious RP server, featuring a dynamic community and dedicated staff. Immerse yourself in a well-balanced economy, a comprehensive housing system, an interactive phone system complete with social media integration, valet services, bespoke clothing and weaponry, custom locations and interiors, player-owned businesses, engaging drug smuggling activities, unique vehicles, music players, DJ booths, car and drift meets, race tracks, and weekly events. Explore the myriad possibilities and experiences we offer – come be a part of our vibrant community!
Some of our jobs and activities include
Custom Locations
Explore our server's vast landscape to uncover hidden locations and discover points of interest and activities scattered throughout the map!
We are seeking new players that would like to become apart of Police, Fire, or EMS. We are also looking for active gangs! For more information, fill out a whitelist application in our discord server! Our whitelist application process is quick and easy!
submitted by ttvhighest to FiveMServers [link] [comments]

2024.04.14 00:29 niiro_ow [US][SELLING] Manga Sale: DBS, Eden it's an Endless World, Edens Zero, Erased, FAKKU, Figures, 4 Knights of the Apocalypse, Fly Me to the Moon, Hi Score Girl, Kaiji, New Engineering, Pandora Hearts Box Set, Takane & Hana, Tokyo Revengers, To Love Ru, Undead Unluck, and more Selling

Hey, here's some manga I have for sale. Shipping not included in price unless noted. Shipping is free for $50+ purchases. Will provide pics of everything upon interest. Open to offers, feel free to shoot.
PSA: Beware of scammers pretending to be me. Needless to say, I will only message you from this account u/niiro_ow , do not accept any messages from others posing as me. Stay safe fellow collectors.
Nura Rise of the Yokai Complete vol. 1-25 (g5 all volumes brand new/like new) - $450 shipped and insured PENDING
Eden it's an Endless World vol. 1-7, 9, 10, 12-14 (g4/5 all volumes in great condition with very minor yellowing/shelfwear, volume 12 is still sealed, most other volumes wrapped in protective plastic sleeve) - $500 Shipped and Insured
Astro Boy Omni 6 (g5 brand new) - $12
Kurosagi Corpse Delivery vol. 8 (g4 slight yellowing and shelf wear) - $9
Lone Wolf and Cub singles vol. 5 & 15 (g5 white chess piece edition) - $10
Battle Angel Alita vol. 1-2 [new paperback editions] (g5 brand new) - $10
Four Knights of the Apocalypse vol. 1-3 (g5 brand new) - $15
Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie vol. 1 (g5 brand new) - $7
The Wallflower vol. 5, 11 (Vol 5: g4 has yellowing and slight shelf wear, Vol 11: g5 new) - $8
The Witch and the Beast vol. 1-3 (g5 like new read once) - $21
Dragon Ball Super vol. 1-2 (g5 brand new) - $10
Drifting Classroom Single vol. 9 (g5 brand new sealed) - $6
Fly Me to the Moon vol. 1, 2, 4, 6 (g5 brand new) - $20
Itsuwaribito vol. 2 (g4 like new has slight yellowing) - $5
Mao vol. 4 (g5 brand new) - $5
Master Keaton vol. 1 & 9 (g5 brand new) - $20
Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt vol. 1 (g5 like new read once, slight yellowing) - $7
Pokemon Adventures Collectors Edition vol. 1 (g5 brand new) - $10
Ranma 1/2 (2-in-1 Edition) Vol. 1 (g5 brand new) - $8
Spy x Family vol. 1 (g4 like new, slight yellowing) - $5
Takane & Hana vol. 1-3 (g5 brand new) - $15
Undead Unluck vol. 1-7 (g5 brand new) - $42
Elder Sister-Like One vol. 1-5 (g5 brand new all sealed except vol. 1) - $40
Erased vol. 1-3 (g5 brand new) - $62 shipped
Interspecies Reviewers Manga vol. 1-2 (g5 like new read once) - $14
Pandora Hearts Box Set (g4/5 everything is in perfect condition only the first 5 volumes were read once, unfortunately there is a slight crease on the spine of volume 5, it only goes about halfway down the spine and isnt that noticeable unless you are looking at the book up close) - $185 shipped
The Intuition of Haruhi Suzumiya LN Hardcover (g5 brand new) - $13
Trinity Seven vol. 1 (g5 brand new sealed) - $7
At Night, I Become a Monster LN (g5 like new, has a remainder mark) - $5
Kemono Jihen vol. 1 (g5 read once like new) - $7
Lupin the Third Greatest Heists (g5 like new read once) - $15
Saki the Succubus vol. 1 (g5 sealed) - $7
Tokyo Revengers Omni vol. 1 Barnes & Noble Edition (g5 brand new) - $22
Tokyo Revengers Omni vol. 1 (g5 read once like new) - $15
To Love Ru vol. 1-2 and Darkness vol. 1-5 (g5 brand new, Darkness sealed) - $60 shipped
Yuuna and the Haunted Hotspring vol. 1-4 (g5 like new) - $30
Ai Yori Aoshi vol. 1-16 (g4/5 great condition some yellowing) - $130 shipped
A Zoo In Winter by Jiro Taniguchi (g5 brand new) - $15
Fist of the Blue Sky vol. 1 Raijin Comics (g4/5 slight yellowing) - $14
GetBackers vol. 12, 15 (g4 some yellowing but overall great condition, they have remainder marks) - $5
Hi Score Girl vol. 1-6 (g5 like new only read volume 1 and 2) - $42
Homunculus vol. 1-3 *Japanese volumes* (g5 brand new never read) - $12
Kaiji: Gambling Apocalypse vol. 1-2 (g5 read once) - $30
Knights vol. 1 (g5 sealed brand new) - $3
New Engineering by Yuichi Yokoyama (g4/5 slight shelf wear but overall pretty much like new) - $60 shipped
Saiyuki vol. 9 (g3 front cover has a crease otherwise is in pretty good condition) - $2 or FREE with any purchase
Super Dimensional Love Gun (g4 like new read once) - $6
The Swamp by Yoshiharu Tsuge (g5 brand new) - $14
Tokyopop Sneaks 2005 (g4 overall good condition, some yellowing and shelf wear) - $2
A Healthy Appetite by Sugaishi (g5 sealed) -$16
Lovely by Kyockcho (g5 sealed) - $16
Netorare New Heroine by (g5 sealed) - $16
School Love Net by Koume Keito (g5 sealed) - $20
Whispers After Class by Hinasaki Yo (g5 sealed) - $16
Jujutsu Kaisen - Megumi Fushiguro ArtFX J Figure (open box, still in new condition, original box included) - $80 shipped
Psychic Squad Collection 3 (g5 sealed) - $2
Un-Go The Complete Collection (g5 sealed) - $2
submitted by niiro_ow to mangaswap [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 07:00 BevoBot [4/9/2024] Tuesday's Free Talk Thread

/LonghornNation Daily Off Topic Free Talk Thread

Today: 4/9/2024
Last Thread

Current Austin Weather: 74° and Mist

Seven Day Forecast:
4/8 4/9 4/10 4/11 4/12 4/13 4/14
78°, Rain 81°, Rain 75°, Rain 80°, Clear 79°, Clouds 81°, Clouds 85°, Clouds

Your go-to place to talk about whatever you want. From the dumb shit aggies do on a near daily basis, to the latest whatever happening wherever. What ya got?

Here's a look at upcoming Longhorn Sporting Event(s):

  1. 4/9 University of Texas Women's Golf vs Silverado Showdown
  2. 4/9 6:00 PM University of Texas Baseball at Texas State
  3. 4/10 University of Texas Women's Golf vs Silverado Showdown
  4. 4/10 4:30 PM University of Texas Softball vs Texas State - Presented by Clean Simple Eats
  5. 4/10 7:00 PM University of Texas Baseball vs Texas State
  6. 4/12 University of Texas Track & Field / Cross Country at Bryan Clay Invitational
  7. 4/12 3:30 PM University of Texas Women's Tennis at TCU

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  4. [Auerbach] News: The NCAA’s Division I Council can adopt emergency legislation for a new transfer eligibility rule at its April 17-18 meeting. Proposed legislation would allow all undergraduate athletes to transfer and play immediately as long as they meet specific academic requirements.
  5. What happens if a generation of sports fans is swallowed up by gambling?
  6. [Discussions] With John Calipari leaving Kentucky to go to Arkansas, what is an example of a surprising move where a head coach left a Blue Blood national champion to go to a significantly worse school?
  1. [4/8/2024] Monday's Sports Talk Thread
  2. [4/8/2024] Monday's Free Talk Thread
  3. Former Longhorn Pitcher Blair Henley to start for the Houston Astros tonight in MLB debut
  4. [Post Series Thread] 🥎 Texas defeats Oklahoma 2-1 and win their first series against 0U since 2009!
  5. T'Vondre Sweat arrested for DWI
  6. Softball takes down OU in their own sport with one of the best plays in any Red River game ever!
  7. 2025 4* RB Rickey Stewart has committed to Texas
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This thread was programmatically generated and posted on 4/9/2024 12:00 AM. If you have any questions or comments, please contact brihoang or chrislabeard
submitted by BevoBot to LonghornNation [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 23:28 bribonzuelo92 Dodger fans reading ohtani gambling jokes after leading the league in astro trashcan jokes for the last 4 years

Dodger fans reading ohtani gambling jokes after leading the league in astro trashcan jokes for the last 4 years submitted by bribonzuelo92 to SFGiants [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 18:48 lovetape Off-Day Free Talk Thread

Discuss whatever you like.
Weather's nice. Knockout Roses are looking especially beautiful if you are around the College Station area.
Possible topics if you want:
submitted by lovetape to Astros [link] [comments]

2024.04.02 00:54 JBBlack1 Can someone please explain to me why Manfred is so terrible.

Why is Othani allowed to play right now. The fact is money from his accounts went straight to an illegal bookie in a state we're betting is not legal. That violates rule 21.3. The reason there is even a commissioner of baseball is because of gambling. Manfred needs to enforce the rules and at least suspend him until the investigation is complete because clearly the rules were broken under his name. To me this proves once again that Manfred does not care about the integrity of this game he did basically nothing when the Astros cheated and were caught and now another high-profile scandal under his tenure and he's doing nothing. Had this been a lower profile player they would not be playing today. Manfred has also treated other players unfairly causing them to be blacklisted when no crime was committed. Here a crime was clearly committed and nothing is being done. I don't understand
submitted by JBBlack1 to mlb [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 19:42 Ryanjohnson266 😄

😄 submitted by Ryanjohnson266 to espnbet [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 02:43 Gazooonga Just a bit of luck

Damnable primates.
Two of my four webbed hands gripped my holo-pad so hard that the metallic surface nearly bent. I had been dealing with the fallout of their ever-growing presence in the galaxy, their foolish, clumsy, and reckless attempts at exploration and colonization outside of what they had identified as the Orion arm. Why they insisted on constantly spreading their idiocy across the galaxy, I didn't know, and even if I had one in front of me to explain their reasoning, said reasoning was most likely so far from standard logic that I'd find it incomprehensible.
My department of the Volluix government, The Human Observation and Reactions Department, spent its days doing exactly what its name implied: observing human activity and reacting to said activity in the name of preserving the Volluix state and its allies. Change was rare and often quite unpopular amongst the largely conservative government on Nurmrendu, but humanity was such a grave threat that the United Technocratic Directorates had unanimously agreed to begin the organization of a new department dedicated entirely to preparing Volluix society for the eventual and inevitable first contact with humanity. Over the past two centuries, we had spent our days quietly observing human socio-political, scientific, and economic development to gauge just how close first contact was to becoming a reality, and informing the central constituency of our findings so they could enact policy accordingly.
And now, somehow, all of our meticulously laid plans had come to ruin by the intervention of one singular group of humans who decided that breaking every single law of physics was somehow simultaneously possible and a good idea. I'd never understand them, so why did I even try?
“Well, howdy there! Wow, a real life alien, I never expected to see one in my lifetime!” The human gushed, “We always thought we were alone in the universe, maybe that all the other aliens died out or something, since all we found were empty ruins.” The human in front of me said. He was a tall thing, over six feet, with bulging muscles, tanned skin, and a coarse beard, definitely not the type you'd associate with being a scientist, much less an award-winning astrophysicist. His ship was ugly and bulky, like some box someone painted silver and flung past orbit, and yet he seemed proud of it.
I wanted to break my pad in my hands then and there, but I didn't: I was too busy attempting to figure out how we would contain these humans before they inevitably alerted the rest of humanity to our existence. I had to stall.
“Greetings, traveler!” I greeted through grit teeth, “My name is Chu-Karan, representative of the Volluix government, and I am honored to be the first to welcome your kind to the stars!”
“We'll, A’hm honored to make your acquaintance! I'm Atticus, and me and my friends here are in a bit of a… pickle. We hadn't exactly expected the tachyon threader to work, we were just making a few minor adjustments and then Bam! We were shot halfway across the stars,” The human explained as he scratched his head meekly, causing me intense frustration, “Lucky for us, we found you guys! Well, I hope we're lucky, at least, right? You'll help us get home?”
“Yes… how lucky…” I grumbled to myself, his particular choice of words causing two of my four eyes to twitch in sync out of irritation. The human’s words were painfully ironic to me, since I knew just how literal his words were. Luck had always been considered a foolish concept by lost aliens in the galaxy, being the embodiment of when factors deviate from what is predicted in such a way that ends up determining one’s own success or failure, apparently brought by chance rather than through a purposeful action. Most alien species in the galaxy saw luck as exactly what it was considered to be for the entirety of modernity: another variable to quantify. It was the margin of error, and nothing more.
We had learned a long time ago that nothing should be left up to chance: whenever we sought answers or solutions through faith or hope, we were crushed and tossed aside. Whenever we gambled or took chances, our actions were proven worthless. Such events throughout our shared histories shaped us and our alien constituents into many cold, dour, and prosaic species who rely on nothing but themselves. Life has no purpose other than to perpetuate itself, and any who deviated from the statistically superior option I'm that pursuit, or those who did not pursue that goal themselves, was a fool who would perish. Luck was a dirty word applied to malingerers and nonconformists, not something to be appreciated. All of society relied on such a stigma to continue to exist, or we'd all fall into chaos.
But humans changed every rule we had thought concrete about luck, probability, and superstition. They seemed to live on luck, practically breathing it in. They went about their days unbothered by the irresponsible levels of uncertainty in their lives. They performed reckless and idiotic feats on the daily, actions that would certainly lead to the deaths of any other alien, and yet humans… persisted and oftentimes benefited from them. Sure, some died or were maimed, but their continuous, foolish, absolutely nonsensical ways of life would have led to the extinction of entire species. We learned to confirm to survive, to not question the wisdom of our forefathers, but humans craved entropy and delusion like I would thirst for water when left to shrivel underneath the hot suns of Tuk’kal. And the universe just seemed to… let it happen.
When studying about humans to prepare for qualifying exams for this role, I had read a human article about chemistry named Robert Augustus Chesebrough was intrigued by the potential uses for petroleum, a toxic chemical used to fuel primitive vehicles. Chesebrough's observation that the workers drilling for petroleum would apply a byproduct of the pumping equipment, some jellylike substance that was cleaned off of it and often applied to their skin to treat cuts and burns. Chesebrough not only thought that this was somehow a brilliant idea, but decided to commercialize the product as a medical ointment and proceeded to become unfathomably rich. If a Volluix had suggested something similar, they would have immediately become a laughingstock and cast out, possibly even sent in for a mental screening and reeducation.
But such dangerous foolishness described humanity as a whole perfectly: they were risk-taking to the extreme, completely oblivious of just how stupid everything they did was, and oftentimes entirely at ease with how dangerous their actions were.
My long-time research and observation partner, Kar-nex, had described them in a very concise and surprisingly accurate way: Humanity failed upwards. Somehow, they were lucky enough that their idiotic nature was justified by their propensity for good fortune.
“Uh, mister?” the human asked, concerned on his face, “You seem a little distracted. Is everything alright?”
The human words pulled me out of my intense bout of brooding. “Yes, of course. I was just wondering how many of you are present. We would need to…” My mind was blank. I might have joined HORD to observe humans, but the reaction part of the job was a field in its infancy. We hadn't predicted to be caught off guard by some humans abusing tachyon strings to slingshot themselves across the known galaxy, but I had learned long ago that doubting a human’s ingenuity, determination, and sheer dumb luck was equivalent to betting against yourself.
“Need to what?” The human asked, a little suspicious, “And say, how are we able to talk? I figured there'd be a language barrier.” His initial shock and giddiness were beginning to wear off, being replaced by surprisingly sensible suspicion, “And this is a mighty big fleet to have just in the middle of nowhere. Anything you want to tell us, partner?”
“You are awfully brash for someone who just meant aliens,” I hissed, doing my best to hide my disdain for the humans.
“I am just concerned that me and my crew might be abducted or worse,” Atticus replied, “And I'm willing to do whatever is necessary to protect my fellow scientists.”
I had to do my best to hide my laughter. That would be the easiest way to handle this situation: a scientist and his crew disappear after a freak FTL test gone wrong. We could just blow them apart here and now, their puny ship incapable of withstanding our plasma cannons, and we could clean up the corpses and wipe our hands clean of the mess.
“Ah, wait a minute, I got a call from my superiors.”
And in that moment, I screamed on the inside. I cut the call and immediately turned to my bridge crew. “Fire on that science ship now, before the secret of our existence is revealed to the entire human population!”
“We're trying, but something is wrong with the magnetic acceleration engines: they're not spooling up!”
“What! We just had maintenance perform a check on them a cycle ago! How could they be failing now?”
And then the realization hit me: it was the damnable human luck again. It always seemed to pop up at the most inconvenient time for everyone else, and it foiled our plans again and again. We had nearly been discovered on multiple occasions, usually by inane events we couldn't possibly explain. The most recent was a human astro-cruise liner on a trip to over fifty systems, and yet somehow they had gone off course and stumbled right into a Teshim listening post. The Saurian species had been caught completely off guard, and a HORD ‘sanitation’ fleet had been dispatched to contain and eliminate the breach in galactic safety as soon as possible. The sheer amount of death that event had necessitated forever scarred my predecessor, him having described it as having to be stoic in the face of thousands screaming for mercy, all to prevent such a species from discovering the rest of the galactic community. He retired soon after, and I was promoted in his wake. I wished I had taken an office job elsewhere, because I was starting to understand why he was under the influence of mind-altering psychedelics so often.
But the defining moment of that event wasn't even the level of death: the astro-cruise liner didn't even have the highest number of casualties, but rather how human luck had struck again: apparently the ship had flown through a small nebula with plenty of copper particulate, shielding the ship just as it entered the range of the Teshim listening post. It was such an unlikely event, and even with the amount of copper particulate found the shielding should have been inadequate, but it was as if the universe was looking for any excuse imaginable, no matter how flimsy, to support humans in their escapades. Human luck bordered on the mythological, its propensity entirely unexplainable and its frequency almost purposeful in its timing.
And now I was potentially facing a much bigger event, one that could lead to the upturning of the entire galactic order, one that would force us to welcome humanity into the folds of the galactic community. How would their luck tear apart our societies then? They would have all sorts of unfair advantages over us, ones we couldn't even calculate readily to counter, and they might even see the galaxy as ripe for the taking: we were no fools, we knew that humanity could be just as bloodthirsty as curious.
Suddenly, there was a rift in spacetime a few thousand kilometers behind the ratty little science ship, and an entire human armada, one much larger than our own, practically popped into existence. We were hailed, and I began to feel my twin hearts sink into my stomach.
“Answer the hail,” I croaked, “elimination is no longer a viable option.”
The entire bridge rustled with barely hidden panic at my words, but my communications officer heeded my order. The same scientist from earlier looked back at me, his facial expression almost smug. “Sorry about that, we must've lost signal. My superiors at NASA just can't wait to talk to you.”
“Splendid,” I croaked, dying a little on the inside. “And who might your friends be? I thought you said you were lost…”
“Oh, our navigation systems were malfunctioning just long enough for the United Earth Space Force to track our location, ain't that neat? We were actually only a few light years away from the colony we were testing our new FTL drives at, so they could show up darn quick.”
I wanted to curl up into a little amphibious ball and cry. “I see,” I mewled, “And you've notified them of our existence?”
“Why of course we did! We've been waiting to meet real aliens for so long! It's as if y'all have been avoiding us on purpose or something,” he said cheerfully, “I guess we were just really unlucky until now.”
“Yeah… unlucky,” I tasted bile in my throat. I was starting to believe that humans weren't lucky at all, and the rest of the galaxy was just cursed. “I suppose you'd like to talk further?”
“Definitely! And we'd love to visit your planets, although we understand if your a little hesitant.”
“I believe that will take some time,” I replied, now completely dead on the inside, “but I, Chu-Karan, am honored to represent the Volluix government on their behalf as is my duty, and I wholeheartedly welcome you to the galactic community,” I lied through my slimy lips, “Why don't you and your fleet join us? I'm sure you'd love to visit our homeworld.” I had to salvage this. We'd have to figure out something, but violence was not the answer. My career was now in shambles, and I'd have to figure out a way to ensure humanity would not be a threat to the Galactic community.
“No can do, partner,” Atticus replied, “My superiors would prefer if you joined us at our local colony: we'd love to treat you with some of our best hospitality! Nothing says friendship like welcoming you into our home, right? We're so lucky to have you!”
“Yeah… lucky,” I repeated, “so, so lucky. I couldn't agree more.”
submitted by Gazooonga to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 12:59 CalicoLime Bobobo Test

"Whenever there's a head of hair being threatened by a criminal clipper, I'll be there."

Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo

Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo is the cool and incomprehensible hero, swarthy and musclebound, sporting sunglasses and a large golden afro. He is called "Bo-bobo" for short, as he refuses to let people call him "Bo".

Hanage Shinken

Bo-bobo's primary form of offense is a technique called the "Hanage Shinken". This technique involves stretching out his nose hairs in order to whip or constrict his enemies. He is one of the few people who knows this technique, so he believes that it is sacred and that he shouldn't overuse it. It is powered by Taiyaki.


Merciless Nose Hair Fist
Burning Hair Spirit Deadly Armpit Hair Fist
Nose-Hair Revolution
Kamemura Suibotsu
A long equation I am not typing out
That's Goro! That's Goro!
Destruction of the Fried Chinese (Deep Fried) Faction
Armpit Chop
Nosehair Alley
Yes I'm Leaving Hakata
A Decided Can't Tell Me Where to Go On My Journey: Pure Story
Burning Hand Hell-Fire
Hell Shrike Fall
Friendship Power
Fighting Double Punishment
Nosehair Victory
Leg Snap
Tetori Legtris Fist
Gesopotamia Civilization
Yie Ar Kung-Fu
Our Friendship is Eternal
Wherever Nata De Coco Is It's Still Alive
Violent Nosehair Fist
Planet Judge
Kitten Fist
Hell Nosehair Drop
Lightning Nosehair Ball
Super Godly Strong-Fanged Beast Smash Shot
Tokoro Nosehair
Bontan Bontan Bontan Bontan Bontan Bontan Bontan Bomb
Please! Drench Me!
Super Sonic Stupid Beigoma
Bo-Bobo Wave
Legendary Hustler Shot
Dummy Bomb
Bagworm Laser
Dosukoi Bungee
20-Ton Press
Keristian Dior
Wan-Wan Giant Slalom
Slipper Sole Flap
Southern Cross
Bosses' Chair Great Rotating Attack
Seal Release
Dance of the Angry Bears
[Super Bo-Bobo] Thousand Nosehair Wave
[Super Bo-Bobo] Unnamed Attack
[Super Bo-Bobo] Nosehair Sword
[Super Bo-Bobo] Flap Flap Kamaitachii
[Super Bo-Bobo] Look Look Hello There
[Super Bo-Bobo] Pleasant Plate Destruction
[Super Bo-Bobo] Bo-Bobo Big Eruption
[Super Bo-Bobo] Carp Waterfall Climb
[Super Bo-Bobo] Cross Goddess
[Super Bo-Bobo] Mecha Nosehair Lock-On!
[Super Bo-Bobo] Fire the Stupid Satellite!
[Super Bo-Bobo] Needle Sandbag
[Super Bo-Bobo] Sleep Flames
[Super Bo-Bobo] Kome Shinken
[Super Bo-Bobo] Great School Field Trip
[Super Bo-Bobo] Monkey Year End Gift Attack
[Super Bo-Bobo] Golden Awakening
[Super Bo-Bobo] Romantic Sensation Movement
[Super Bo-Bobo] Judgement of Me Judged By Tennosuke Judged By Don Patch Judged By Babylon
[Super Bo-Bobo] Desperation Mirrorball
[Super Bo-Bobo] Buyou Of Darkness: First Dance!
[Super Bo-Bobo] We've Done It! Mechanical Attack Electro Destructive Mecha Three Plates!!!
[Super Bo-Bobo] Eat Hard-Boiled Egg
[Super Bo-Bobo] Return the Hanpen
[Super Bo-Bobo] Dozaemon Kick
[Super Bo-Bobo] Ekiben for Sale
[Super Bo-Bobo] Twinkling Star Shou
[Super Bo-Bobo] Mysterious Chiropractor Dr. Bo's Wild Treatment
[Super Bo-Bobo] Weapon Dance
[Super Bo-Bobo] Triangle High Tension
[Super Bo-Bobo] Super Powerful 3-Idiot Bazooka
[Super Bo-Bobo] Hundred Animal King Fist
[Super Bo-Bobo] Zitabata Beam
[Super Bo-Bobo] Leg Pin
[Super Bo-Bobo] Unnamed Bear Attack
[Super Bo-Bobo] Double Dentists
[Super Bo-Bobo] Human Express by Nosehair!
[Super Bo-Bobo] Master! The Daughter's Way Over There Get Service from Me
[Super Bo-Bobo] Nosehair from under a Kotatsu
[Super Bo-Bobo] Babylon
[Super Bo-Bobo] Taiyaki to the Future
[Super Bo-Bobo] Hairy Heavens
[Super Bo-Bobo] We Two Colors Enter the Rainbow Typhoon
[Super Bo-Bobo] Bo-Bobo Monster House
[Super Bo-Bobo] Diablos Hand
[Super Bo-Bobo] Dog Punch! Dog Punch! Dog Punch! Dog Punch! Dog Punch! Dog Punch!
[Super Bo-Bobo] Flyswatter
[Super Bo-Bobo] Aim to be a Bump Big Leaguer
[Super Bo-Bobo] Gutsy Bat
[Super Bo-Bobo] Nosehair Style Welcoming Party
[Super Bo-Bobo] Huge Wafer Toppings
[Super Bo-Bobo] Yansu Gansu Revolution
[Super Bo-Bobo] Sharks Gnawing Underwater
[Super Bo-Bobo] Dream of Raising Tiles in Janki Ryu Dance
[Super Bo-Bobo] I Recently Was Put in Charge of The Work Phone and I Always Use It for Mahjong Instead.
[Super Bo-Bobo] Pig Emptying Attack
[Super Bo-Bobo] One-Night Dinner Show
[Super Bo-Bobo] Random 360-Degree Tokoroten Magnum
[Super Bo-Bobo] Stealth Slash
[Super Bo-Bobo] Metro Destruction
[Super Bo-Bobo] Sorrowful Tofu Impact!
[Super Bo-Bobo] Bull's Eye Scooping
[Super Bo-Bobo] Missed Wrestle Ball
[Bo-Bobo 100%] BoBo-BoBoBoBoBoBo-BoBoBoBo-BoBo
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Smashing the Top of his Head
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Booger Machine-gun
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Drop It Down
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Hanage Musou
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Lunch Providing Duty of the Sky
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Delete Commando
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Cow Shower
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Bo-Bobo Sports Premiere Issue!
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] The Forest's Three Squirrel Children
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Good Morning Teacher!
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Tokoroten Impact
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Congratulate Jump Super Stars Newest Game, Creating Excitement for Winter
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Ninety-Nine Nights: Nagoya Edition
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Himeji Castle! Himeji Slice!
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] The Teachings of Mori are Absolute
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] The Sightseeing Arranged Commemorative Photograph Immediate to the Left Side as You Enter the Main Gate of Nagoya Castle
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] I Want to Do Thrusting Professional Sumo After A Long Time
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] We're the Strgonest Bo-Bobo Army Corp
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] A Passing Through Leopald
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Fierce World Cup 2006: The Summer of Germany
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Western Game Scramble
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Nosehair Style Hyakke Rokujuuyonshou
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Astro Bobo Sasa
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] The Royal Family's Conviction
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Honekko Machinegun
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Boinal Boight Boy
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Running Wild Takuan Young-Tough Gang
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] It's Terrible For Even the Author To Draw a Large Quantity of Hair Hunters
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Personal Experience of the In-Vogue Balance Ball
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] The Great Parade of Nostalgic Stickers
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Perfect Hanpen-Shou!
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] The Angels Who Call Out for Victory Pure Prayer
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Water Boys Three
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Crackling Great-Flame Shuriken.
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Daikon Whole Sale is Humble
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Jump Ultimate Stars Bo-Bobo Strongest Dream Deck Demon Combo S
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Have a Merry Shitmas and Go To Sleep
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect-Edition] Onigawara Bomber
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect-Edition] Present for You
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect-Edition] A Man's Tokoroten Magnum
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect-Edition] Length-Wise Tokoroten Magnum
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect-Edition] King Nosehair Typhoon
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect-Edition] I Can't Forgive Foolishness
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect-Edition] Disorderly Kabosu of OVER
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect Edition] Pokomi's Scribble Cannon Wave
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect Edition] The Wave That Begins the Tonkatsu Revolution
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect Edition] The Wave That Starts Formula-1 Japan
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect Edition] Kamehameha
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect Edition] The Beauty of Japan
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect Edition] Geneha Rush
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect Edition] Digest the Anger of Hair
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect Edition] Armpit Chop
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect Edition] Nosehair Violent Fist


Stress Relief Fist
Bo-Bobo Armor
Equipped: Battle Armor "Faith": Chaos of Oden
Tokoroten Guard
Don Patch Guard
Hidden Talent
Bagworm Defense
School Curtain
Love-Love Umbrella
[Super Bo-Bobo] Snack Time
[Super Bo-Bobo] Coating of Life
[Super Bo-Bobo] Angel's Bathroom
[Super Bo-Bobo] Wildlands Lasso Johnny
[Super Bo-Bobo] Ora-Ora Aura
[Super Bo-Bobo] Spinning Old Man and Old Woman Dining Table
[Super Bo-Bobo] Konnyaku Guard
[Super Bo-Bobo] Nice Butt Defense
[Super Bo-Bobo] Teru Teru Bo-Bobo
[Super Bo-Bobo] Gum Stick
[Super Bo-Bobo] Strong Wind! Carry Out A Kite Flying Tournament!
[Super Bo-Bobo] Bamboo Shoot Jump
[Super Bo-Bobo] Outrageous Barbecue Brawl
[Super Bo-Bobo] Fishing Key Attack
[Super Bo-Bobo] Bean Changing Technique
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Unnamed Brush Attack
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Bo-Bobo Omikuji
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Perfect Defense Reborns S.D.C. (Sakurayama Defense Club)
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Dummy Guard
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect-Edition] Stance of Heaven and Earth
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect-Edition] Full-Armor Bo-Bobo
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect-Edition] I Think It's Great When It's Funny
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect-Edition] Yodel Step


Fishy Fish Manipulation Dance
Hanage Bunshin
Bo-Bobo World
[Super Bo-Bobo] Bo-Bobo World: Nightmare
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Shintetsu Bo-Bobo World
Becoming Giant!
Big Gojo Bridge
Legend of Kage Jump
Fidgeting Typhoon
Cooked Sanma Hour
Bo-Bobo Roulette
Bo-Bobo Typhoon
Nosehair Bridge
Skating Rink
Hopping Jump
Tororo Field
Nosehair Spider-Harden
Snack Time!
Floating Angels
Super Flash
Cinderella Story
Bo-Bobo Elevator
[Super Bo-Bobo] Spike Cultivation
[Super Bo-Bobo] Weekly Shonen Jump
[Super Bo-Bobo] Phantom Shutter
[Super Bo-Bobo] Bo-Bobo TV-Chan Nel Hour
[Super Bo-Bobo] Nice to Meet You! Ero-Grappa!
[Super Bo-Bobo] Tame the Rowdy Wind
[Super Bo-Bobo] Love Attack
[Super Bo-Bobo] Torpedo Quiz
[Super Bo-Bobo] Hanage Change
[Super Bo-Bobo] Okama Bar
[Super Bo-Bobo] Bo-Bobo Pinball
[Super Bo-Bobo] Light of Hope!
[Super Bo-Bobo] Retro Game Playing
[Super Bo-Bobo] Party of the Tennyo
[Super Bo-Bobo] Giant Slalom Lock
[Super Bo-Bobo] Afterburner
[Super Bo-Bobo] Afro Golden Village
[Super Bo-Bobo] Bo-Bobo Tufts
[Super Bo-Bobo] Hair Manipulation Jutsu
[Super Bo-Bobo] Gutsy Cycling
[Super Bo-Bobo] A Greedy Boy Eats Meat
[Super Bo-Bobo] A Ban Order on Dolphin Nightlife!
[Super Bo-Bobo] Big Orange Tower
[Super Bo-Bobo] Scaffold Jump
[Super Bo-Bobo] Physical Sensation Paradise Game Zone: X Summer Version
[Super Bo-Bobo] Joumon People Every Day
[Super Bo-Bobo] Shika Senbei Introduction Technique
[Super Bo-Bobo] Climbing University Mountain Circle Like Uezono-San
[Super Bo-Bobo] Our Tenth Ally...Pickles Great Spy Operation
[Bo-Bobo 100%] Secret Fairy-Tail Flowerbed
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Our Workplace * Expedition Log
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Mid-Winter Courage Test Tournament
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Tender Memory Lesson
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] A.D.H.B.
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Patched Patch
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] The Eight Legendary Nurses
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Transfer of Arts of the Blue Sky.
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Speed-Of-Sound Arcadia "Unfinished Manga"
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Legend of Kage Jump
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] 70's Period Anime-Like Jump
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] 70's Period Gag Manga Running Method
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Super High-Grade Tactics
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Newly on Sale! The Rumored Bokkuriman Stickers
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Nostalgic Retro Game Killing Match S
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Hell's Train Train
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Hair Hummings
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect-Edition] Future Pitch Dark Darkness
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect-Edition] Active Adventure RPG: Underwear Thief II
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect-Edition] The New Discovery
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect-Edition] Dummy World
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect-Edition] Hot-Blooded Yelling Soul! Fight, Ouendan!!!.
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect-Edition] Gal Circle 2007


These are Hanage Shinken techniques that have no explanation, use, or are just plain weird.
Black Snake
Squeezing Nose Hair Fist
School Trip
The Three Bo-Bobo Pigs
Nosehair Festival
Principal Speech
Ca Is Whom I'm Showing Hana no Asuka-Gumi
Summon Goat
Gondola Tour
Golden Phoenix
Funny Sugoroku
Nosehair Jumprope
Money Tree
Wonderful Nosehair Seven Days!
Hondarapo I's HogeHoge Po
Bo-Bobo Mystery Box
Great March of the 300 High School Girls
Massively Aesthetic Objet Summon
The Crab and The Monkey 2003
The Art of the Tanaka House
[Super Bo-Bobo] Revived Tennosuke
[Super Bo-Bobo] E-Su E-Fu
[Super Bo-Bobo] 7 Extraordinary Phenomenon Traveler
[Super Bo-Bobo] Tokoro Balloon of Friendship
[Super Bo-Bobo] Send Out The Peep Peep Corp!
[Super Bo-Bobo] Challenge the World Record in Dominoes!
[Super Bo-Bobo] Go On A Hike
[Super Bo-Bobo] Baka Saver
[Super Bo-Bobo] J-Melody Great Thanks Ritual!
[Super Bo-Bobo] My Amazing Home
[Super Bo-Bobo] 400-Character Gekkou Youshi Festival
[Super Bo-Bobo] Hair Growth
[Super Bo-Bobo] Starry Sky Glittering Dinner
[Super Bo-Bobo] Here Comes the Groom!
[Super Bo-Bobo] Great Tickling
[Super Bo-Bobo] Cormorant Training Hell
[Super Bo-Bobo] Rolling Movie Appreciation
[Super Bo-Bobo] The Kappa's Super Spartan Studying Group
[Super Bo-Bobo] Cute Peepers Appear
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Healthy Nametake
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Midnight Torture SL
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Kansai Explosive Demon Young Toughs Gang
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Tokoroten's Great Counterattack!
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Pretty Transformation Love Dreamer!!!
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Adult DP Training for Disciplining Nosehairs
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Super Dimensions Custom Lifeform Boidon
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Octopus-San
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] The Legendary Ora Ora Ora
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] The 53-Stages of the Tokaido Grenade-Throwing Bontarou
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Youkai Legend: A Tour of Hell
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] 24-Hour Police Siege Network Simultaneous Control
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Luffa Cultivation Diary
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Legend of Discovering the Tokugawa Buried Treasure
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Super Gamble: A Match of Hitting Good Music in Cover-Buying A CD of Western Music
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Super Gamble: Russian Mayonaisse
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Mission Hanpossible: Camoflagued Dice Operation
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect-Edition] Go To Bear-San's Home


In the world of Bo-bobo, Hajike is the art and philosophy of doing bizarre or unexpected things in order to confuse, fight, out-do others, or as a regular way of life. It is the main fighting style of several characters including Bo-Bobo, Don Patch, Tennosuke, and multiple Hair Hunters.


When Super Bo-Bobo is pushed to his limit against his brother Be-Bebe, he does the unthinkable; turns his sunglasses upside down and declares "Ganeme!" after shouting his name a bunch.

Landmine Dandy

When Bo-Bobo is killed by Bi-Bibi he is quickly revived by Torpedo Girl's father, Landmine Dandy, who becomes his Stand for the final battle with Bi-Bibi.

Genaha Break

After training for a year with Torpedo Girl, Bo-Bobo acquires a more serious fighting style, the Genaha Break. This form is powered by the Shintetsu Jacket, a jacket that increases his power times 3 and draws out the eight forces that hide within his body: Roppongi, Yukhoe, Oolong Tea, 300 Bikkuriman Stickers, Viagra, A Weather Forecaster, 2 glasses of Campari Orange, and a red DS Lite
submitted by CalicoLime to CalicoLime [link] [comments]