Cake ideas for 65 year old


2009.03.21 19:20 Post-Rock

Post-rock: an umbrella term to describe the mostly instrumental music genre that uses rock instrumentation but disregards typical “rock” song structure. For post-rock music discussion, discovery, news, reviews, and your favorite tracks and videos.

2013.04.25 10:25 KennethFresno im14andthisisdeep

A place to talk about stupid 'deep and meaningful' philosophy found on blogs, tumblr, facebook, reddit, or anywhere else. Insights that people should have outgrown by the time they were 14. Jaden Smith is our patron saint, along with many deep twitter posts.

2020.12.14 00:52 otherside_b ClassicBookClub

A book club where we read and discuss a work of classic literature chapter by chapter. Currently reading A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens.

2024.05.16 18:26 Disastrous-Writer296 What to do with my money?

Hello guys, I am looking for advice on what steps I should be taking for financial success,
some information about me:
I am 24 years old, $18,000 in capital one 360 savings earning 4.25% interest,
$29,900 of student loans with an average interest rate of 3%,
I make $60k a year, I get an employer match 401k after a few more months and will start contributing to that.
I have very low monthly expenses since I live with family still, I have about $600 of expenses a month.
What should I do with my money?
submitted by Disastrous-Writer296 to debtfree [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:25 Gaze1112 Ilan Pappé, a 70 years old Jewish 'Israeli' historian, was interrogated for 2 hours by the FBI at the Detroit airport and asked if he was a Hamas supporter. Just the slightest inconvenience makes them discard their veneer of "inclusiveness" of their demonic Empire.

Ilan Pappé, a 70 years old Jewish 'Israeli' historian, was interrogated for 2 hours by the FBI at the Detroit airport and asked if he was a Hamas supporter. Just the slightest inconvenience makes them discard their veneer of submitted by Gaze1112 to Palestine [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:25 tacmedrn44 Second Shotgun: Remington 870 Express or Maverick 88?

I currently have a Remington 870 Express that is at least 20 years old that I use for everything shotgun related: bird hunting, trap shooting, etc. At the end of each session, the gun comes home, gets cleaned, and gets the barrel and stock changed out to be more compact and serve backup home defense duty.
Lately I’ve been trap shooting A LOT more frequently, so I’m doing all this part swapping at least three times per week; it’s getting very old.
I’m looking to get a second shotgun so I can just leave one in each configuration.
I went to just about every store in town that sells guns, including a few big box stores, and narrowed my choices down to a new Remington 870 Express or a Maverick 88. There were zero used guns within my price range ($450), and I prefer not to order online sight unseen.
The 870 express costs twice as much as the 88, and I’ve heard good things about the 88; it seems like a no brainer, but one thing is holding me back: The Maverick 88 forend.
With the action bars pinned right to the forend, I’m screwed if the forend breaks since there’s no way to replace it. I looked all over, and there are zero Mossberg 500 action slide tubes available, and only a handful of aftermarket pinned forend replacements. Even contacting Mossberg directly turned up empty.
Basically, I’m concerned that with heavy usage, the forend will eventually break, and I’ll be SOL.
How worried should I be? Is it worth it to spend twice as much on the 870 Express?
I appreciate your thoughts!
submitted by tacmedrn44 to Firearms [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:25 Striking_Win_9410 Weight loss success from tracking calories, macros, and exercise!

Hi all!
Female 28 here!
I know lots of people have struggled to be able to lose weight but I’m wondering if there’s people who have had an easier time? I find when I am committed and truly eating well+high protein and in my caloric deficit with workouts I lose weight. I would say I am currently 240 (haven’t been able to workout for 2 months because I had a minor emergency surgery and got cup open and it’s a wound healing in a spot that doesn’t permit physical activity). I was down from 245-230 in about 3.5 months but I’m just gunna go with 240 to be cautious lol
I’m wondering if anyone else has an easier time and has been able to get to their goal weight naturally? Mine is roughly 165. That would be an excellent goal. I was doing weights 3-4x a week, I am now playing slow pitch on Thursdays again (modified right now), and yoga and Pilates once a week sprinkled with some walks in there.
Even though I’ve had an idea for years, ultrasounds couldn’t seem to confirm it but I guess after the one I just did we can now. I want to get back to my body, the one that was an athlete ready for anything and able to compete in sports at the level my body was capable of. For any other sport gals out there IYKYK!
Anyone else have success this way? I feel my body could potentially do it without medical intervention but would love to hear some of the positive outcomes to help boost my spirits!
Thanks queens!!
submitted by Striking_Win_9410 to PCOSloseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:25 Nothebrightescrayon2 I don’t know what to do

I need advice on a lot of things. This is a long post but I feel none of it’ll my situation is cut and dry so I’m adding details I feel are important.
Back story: divorced co-parent to a 2 year old. My ex and I met in 2015. I moved in with him a year later and he convinced me to work fowith him on the family farm. Right before we got married, my grandmother died my mom had a severe stroke. They were the only real family I had to rely on. I have two sisters: one has been gone to another state for years(not mentally stable) and the other is a narcissist mooch who has made my life hell recently and doesn’t take good care of my mother. I had a horrible pregnancy and told him he needed to hire help for the farm, because it was just me and him running everything. After the baby shower, he said he wanted a divorce and admitted he was having an affair with the hired help. As soon as I was cleared to go back to work, I got a part time job for six months, then was offered a position at a new farm that paid very well based on my experience. Christmas of 22, I kicked him out after he told me it was none of my business what he and the mistress were going to do. (He and I were still living together and the mistress was living on the property as well). I filed for divorce a month later since he had yet to do so. I got a local lawyer, who ended up being absolute garbage. At mediation in August of 2023, she didn’t fight for me or a say a single word on my behalf. The mediator ran the whole thing and told me to stop fighting or asking questions or I wouldn’t get anything if I made my ex mad. My lawyer just sat there and did nothing. Mediator said if I didn’t sign an agreement that day, I’d get nothing. Stupid doormat me believed every word, so I signed. I had six months to find somewhere else to live, we had our 50/50 schedule, and we are required to live in the county we’ve been in, which is BFE, Texas. No child support either. The contract I signed with the new employer guaranteed housing, and I had to fight like hell to make that happen. January of 2024, I was allowed to move into a camper at the end of the month once the previous occupant moved out.
Current situation: today is Thursday. I had my son with me Monday and right after the babysitter (who gets paid $15/hour) left, I take over but get a text message from my boss saying she sent an email with a letter of termination. I was in shock. I started spiraling. I called my ex and asked if he could please take our son, which he did. I’m devastated. I’m infuriated. I never thought my boss would do this but she says the owner of the ranch was cutting costs and deemed my position non-essential. I don’t have a degree, and all my knowledge and experience is with animals/veterinary medicine (I’m not a vet). They are allowing me to stay in this camper on the property for one month. I was signed on as an independent contractor so I believe unemployment is not an option.
Where I need advice:
1) I have nowhere to go. The land and housing market in this area has skyrocketed over the last two years. Single acre plots of land are $50k+. No apartment complexes. My only legitimate option is to move back to my ex’s farm. A friend has mentioned section 8/ or government assistance. Does anyone have good knowledge about this? Is it offered in towns/counties with low populations and rural areas?
2) with the divorce decree stating that we have to live in this county, would I get in trouble if I took my son back to my hometown when I have possession of him? The only work I’m seeing available in this area is gas stations and fast food restaurants. I have no problem applying for that kind of work but I’d rather stick to a position where my skill set is.
3) would I need to contact a lawyer before I try to do number 2? I’d hire someone else, definitely not go back to the fraud.
4) how do those of you with no village cope? I have severe adhd(undiagnosed) and I feel like I have some sort of autoimmune condition that seems to be directly related to stress. My body is in pain all the time. I’ve gotten chiropractic adjustments and messages but it provides minutes of relief at best.
5) willing to take any and all advice. Thank you for making it this far in the post and offering to help me out. I appreciate it more than you know.
submitted by Nothebrightescrayon2 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:25 -IntrospectivePlasma Kidney issues

I’m curious if acupuncture has been a good treatment for chronic kidney issues such as kidney stones? I know someone who’s had multiple surgeries and continues to form stones. They aren’t even 30 years old yet. Should I encourage them to seek proper acupuncture treatment?
submitted by -IntrospectivePlasma to acupuncture [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:24 louise24xx Lone girl gerbil do I attempt bonding again or leave her be?

Lone girl gerbil do I attempt bonding again or leave her be?
My over 3 year old girl gerbil had her sister pass around 6 months ago. Since then I brought in two younger girls (around 12 weeks) but after weeks of split cage and very bad introductions I’ve realised her and the dominant gerb out of my pair just refuse to get along/figure out who’s boss. After a month I separated them finally and have the other girls in a 65gallon homemade bin cage and had her in the 40 gallon alone. She seemed to be thriving so i decided to leave getting a different pair of younger girls until she started showing signs of loneliness etc Before she started showing signs of being lonely I noticed she had a cut on her ear that weekly would just reopen. It would get cleaned by me and I’d ring the vets but each time they’d say cleaning it myself would be best, rather than stressing her out bringing her in. After months of this i was finally recommended a basic small pet cream that helped after them telling me for AGES to only use the antibacterial powder. It’s been a month and she’s back to thriving and looking healthier than ever tbh she looks the same as she did a year ago! She is over 3 but less than 3 and a half so I’m unsure about attempting with another pair of young girls. She doesn’t seem to be lonely and acts the exact same as she did when her sis was here but I’m not a gerbil so im unsure if she misses having other gerbs around. I don’t think I could attempt split cage with the other two gerbils again just by how dominant one of the sisters is and my eldest was also the dominant one before her sister passed away, so the chances of one if the sisters backing down and letting my eldest be boss is slim to none. If I need to get a new younger pair I can but I don’t know if this is going to stress her out more than being alone as she is “old” in gerbil years but she looks v healthy still. Any advice is appreciated I want her to just have the easiest rest of her life thanks!
submitted by louise24xx to gerbil [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:24 KatharineStepburn First time ever taking the pill!

Hi hi! I am 26f and just started taking the bc pill after having an IUD for 5 years. The IUD caused me so much angst and pelvic pain, generally got in the way of me living my life. Generally not good for the ol’ mental health! I decided it was all enough and got it out 2 months ago. Instantly felt normal. I started taking lo loestrin fe 1mg/10mcg two weeks ago, and feel so much more free and normal than I did on the IUD! I was really scared of taking any bc pill due to horror stories but so far it seems okay. Only thing is I am MAJORLY constipated. I’ve struggled w bad body image and ED stuff in the past, so the bloating/constipation is the only thing giving me pause on this whole thing as I can feel my old behaviors/thinking patterns coming back. Does this subside, or does anyone have tips on how to manage it w supplements (or good mantras lol) ? Is it worth it? I’m surprised that the pill seems to be going better for me than IUD since I always hear the opposite. Thank you all!! 💗💗
submitted by KatharineStepburn to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:24 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] For children around 8/9 years old, which one of these do you think is more approachable and more importantly, fun?

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:24 YoBoatDontFloat Heartbroken and don't know how to go on

I spent 5 years of my life on off with someone I thought I'd spend my entire life with. We were long distance (200miles) but marriage and babies and pets and holidays were discussed so much. 'I've never been in love like I have with you', the whole shabang. We saw eachother every month or 2 for a week for these years, and I thought I had it all down.
She ended up getting addicted to benzos, and cheated on me a few times and lied about it. Once I finally found out I cut ties, and we were separated for 6 years. I still didn't get over her, and my therapists thought I had PTSD from all the false suicide attempts she called me about and the cheating manipulation and lies.
She messaged me on discord last year (6 years later) and said she was going through AA to get sober from alcohol, and they encouraged her to apologise to the people she'd hurt. 'I promise it's not to get back with you, I'm not allowed to date until I'm sober'. These were lies.
After about a month we were talking like we used to, fantasising about a future where she is sober and we can be official, but until then just dating without the labels (her therapist said she's not allowed to label or date apparently). I spent a year like this, constantly visiting and spending all my money to be there when she needed, because she was still mentally unwell (suicidal) and often made attempts to OD meaning I'd have to call off my work and travel 200 miles to see her.
Well, this obviously didn't end well, she wasn't getting better like she said, and 2 bottles of wine a day became 3. 3 bags of ket a week became that plus acid 2cb coke, borrowing money from me to then lend to her coke dealers? When i put my foot down about money boundaries she seemed to pull away and become a different person.
As much as I was in love and it broke me, I stayed around until it effected my mental health. And I plummeted. I was suicidal and done with life. As much as id bent over backwards for her, put up with so much, when i was unwell she didn't care. She couldn't put up with me and dumped me there and then. Said 'you will never ever hear from me again'.
I'm still in contact with her best friend because luckily she's an angel and always loved and had my back. When I told her about the ongoings of recent, she actually confessed to me my ex had told her we were NEVER together. 5 years of my life were apparently a lie.
She had told her bestie we were just friends that whole 5 years, while she had her other partners over for Christmas meals with her, and all this other stuff. It was a double life.
And I find out now. 6 years later. After wasting another year, all my sanity, dignity, happiness, and life savings. Not only this, but she now has a girlfriend as of a month ago. So much for 'not allowed to date until sober'. Just a rule so she didn't have to be with me.
I am 45 days sober from alcohol, and 5 days from weed, and I refuse to let her ruin my sobriety. But fuck is it hard sometimes.
Thank you if you read this far. Honestly I just had to vent because it feels like my life Is falling apart at the seams, and at 30 years old starting again feels really uncomfortable.
All love to this community, and if anyone has any words to help me through I'd really appreciate it. It feels like I've been living a lie, and I don't know how to deal with it
submitted by YoBoatDontFloat to LesbianActually [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:24 DalysDietCoke Is my account gone?

Feeling nostalgic and looking to play bf2 again. I was able to find my old keys for bf2 and SF and got the game downloaded and bf2hub setup but I can't remember my login details or if it's even still there. Last logged in probably close to 15 years ago. Is there anyway to recover my account and rank since I have the keys? May even have the old folders on a hard drive somewhere. I'm still going to play if I can't get on but it would be nice!
submitted by DalysDietCoke to Battlefield2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:23 Still-Ad-7382 What stroller do you recommend?

Hello gorgeous peeps. I am a new parent here to a 10 week old. I am in the market for a stroller. Initially I was gifted a used PegPerego stroller. However I find this brand to be heavy. Also stroller has been used for several years, it rattles, shakes, front wheels sometimes block.
I am super active person and want to go for long walks and terrain is either flat or some hills. And I do plan on travelling and flying internationally in the upcoming months while on maternity leave. I just need to get out of the city. What stroller do you recommend. I am not like super balling. But if it’s a good product and durable I don’t mind then spending.
I am thinking Nuna … what else do you recommend?
submitted by Still-Ad-7382 to NewParents [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:23 blackmarket95 Lost shoegaze. Forgotten bands, great songs.

Forgotten treasures of the shoegaze/dreampop genre and closely related styles (influenced by the time in which they were released) Most bands are pretty much forgotten with less than 200 monthly listeners on Spotify, despite excellent songs. (The Songs mentioned below are my favourites from them).
Feat. bands so far:
• Artist name: Tse Tse Fly Country: Leeds, UK Latest release (Spotify): Mudflat Joey (1994) Highlight song: Itchy (1994) Info: From 1988 to 1994, three founding members later joined The Wedding Present. u/weddingpresent
• Artist name: Morellas Forest 1988 Country: California, US Latest release (Spotify): Tales (1988) Highlight song: Cherry Tree Prairie Info: Recorded by a pair of 16-and-18-year-old brothers
• Artist name: Strata Florida Country: Wales, UK Latest release (Spotify): Made of Stars (2014) Highlight song: Monster (2014) Info: Formed in 2012 by Louise Trehy, known in the early 90s as one half of the fantastic band Swallow @swallow_theband
• Artist name: LOCO-HOLIDAYS Country: Japan Latest release (Spotify): Screw (1992) Highlight song: The Fountain (1992) Info: one of the first shoegaze bands from Japan
• Artist name: For Those Who Know Country: Austin, Texas Latest release (Spotify): Pop Sickle (2011) Highlight song: Wimbledon (2011) Info: Formed in 2003; besides „Pop Sickle“, the debut from 2006 is also legendary
• Artist name: Believo! Country: Belgium Latest release (Spotify): Hard To Find (2012) Highlight song: It’s Now (2012) Info: Formed in 2003
• Artist name: Decahedron Country: Washington D.C., US Latest release (Spotify): Disconnection_imminent (2004) Highlight song: Landscapes (2002) Info: Formed in 2001, emerged from DC punk band Frodus
• Artist name: Mindscape Country: Stockholm, Sweden Latest release (Spotify): Bring You Down (1992) Highlight song: Blueprint (1992) Info: Formed in 1992; in 1993 it was all over. Nice to hear the influences of the time (roaring guitars and Madchester dance music beats)
• Artist name: Lenola Country: New Jersey, US Latest release (Spotify): Sharks & Flames (2003) Highlight song: Shared a Route (1996) Info: Formed in 1994
• Artist name: We Need Secrets Country: Nova Scotia, Halifax (Cn) Highlight song: How you remember (2013) Info: Solo project of Kestrels’ Chad Peck
• Artist name: A Shrine Country: Sweden Highlight song: Foursome (1994)
• Artist name: Soðin Fiðla Country: Iceland Highlight song: Fyrirmind (1997)
• Artist name: clear horizon Country: Ohio, US (2003) Highlight song: Open Road (2003)
• Artist name: You Walk Through Walls Country: Sussex, UK Highlight song: Burning Inside (2014) Info: Matt Bartram and James Harrison are both in successful Brighton band Air Formation This album was created after the (temporary) split in 2011
• Artist name: Monsterland Country: Connecticut, US Highlight song: Rid Of You (1993)
• Artist name: Lavender Faction Country: Durham, UK Highlight song: Ride (1990)
• Artist name: Mollycuddle Country: Minnesota, US Highlight song: king me (1998) nfo: Active from 1994 to 2000. Irresistibly listenable candy-glazed voice.
• Artist name: suā Country: New York, US Highlight song: All You Have (2013)
Artist name: Old Magic Pellas Country: Sao Paulo, Brazil Latest release (Spotify): Pull My Daisy (1995, remastered 2024) Highlight song: Stargazer (1995) Info: Formed in the mid 90's. Nice that this treasure has been polished up!
Artist name: The Great Wilderness Country: Costa Rica Latest release (Spotify): In The Hour Of The Wolf (2013) Highlight song: Nicholas Cage (2013) Info: Still playing live, sometimes...
Artist name: Astreal Country: Singapore Highlight song: Wallflower (2006) Info: Formed in 1992
Artist name: The Caulfield Sisters Country: Brooklyn, NY Highlight song: Box of Glass (2013) Info: Formed in 2000.
Artist name: Colfax Abbey Country: Minneapolis, MN Highlight song: Chameleon (1996) Info: Mid '90's indie band
Artist name: Laboratory Noise Country: Bradford, UK Highlight song: You Can Never Get Inside Someone Else’s Head (2006) Info: Formed in 2005
Artist name: Study of the Lifeless Country: US Highlight song: Promised Land (1999)
Artist name: Moral Mazes Country: US Highlight song: Gold Beach Fortress
Artist name: The Crash That Took Me Country: Dallas, US Highlight song: Deeper Than The Sun’s Pulse (2007)
All songs can be found in one playlist! (The playlist will be updated in the coming weeks with further forgotten bands and great songs. So stay tuned...)
🔥P*laylistcover: OLD MAGIC PALLAS *(Brazil) (just remastered their brilliant album „Pull My Daisy“ from 1995)
Link to the playlist:
submitted by blackmarket95 to shoegaze [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:23 F1CycAr16 Jacco Verhaeren will succeed Merijn Zeeman at Visma Lease a Bike as technical director
Jacco Verhaeren will succeed Merijn Zeeman at Visma Lease a Bike . After this cycling season, Zeeman will leave for football club AZ in Alkmaar to work as general manager. As a result, the position of sporting director at the cycling formation has become available.
Several sources have indicated to WielerFlits that Verhaeren (55) will fill the position of sporting director from next season. Verhaeren was added to the performance staff of the Dutch cycling team at the end of last year.
The intention is for Verhaeren to take charge of the entire top sports policy within Visma Lease a Bike and control the sporting event with a helicopter view. A large part of Zeeman's cycling technical affairs will be taken over by Grischa Niermann and Mathieu Heijboer, who are also taking a step up within the organization.
Verhaeren and the cycling team indicated last year that they firmly believe in cross-pollination between the different sports. This year, Verhaeren would mainly support a number of processes in the background. Verhaeren is currently fully focused on his position as national coach of the French swimming team, with the Olympic Games in Paris as his absolute main goal.
Verhaeren has been extremely successful as a swimming coach for decades and guided, among others, Inge de Bruijn, Pieter van den Hoogenband and Ranomi Kromowidjojo to Olympic gold.
At the end of last year, Verhaeren said about his role at Visma Lease a Bike : “Knowledge sharing is the reason for this collaboration. I want to get to know cycling better and will provide my input on performance processes and training. I am still 100 percent committed to the French swimming team in the run-up to the Olympic Games, but I would like to shed some light on Visma 's current performance approach Lease a Bike . I do that 'with my swimming goggles on'. What they do with it is then up to them.”
Zeeman said about Verhaeren at the time: “In recent years I have often exchanged insights and ideas with Jacco,” said Zeeman. “After our best season ever, it is important for us that we continue to look for improvement and new insights. Together with Mathieu Heijboer, I came to the conclusion that Jacco can give us these new ideas and other insights from another sport. We are starting with a modest collaboration, which will hopefully lead to more in the future.”
submitted by F1CycAr16 to peloton [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:23 Balki807 Endor 3 v3 SE

Hello, I got a 3d printer for my 12 year old son and it currently just prints string and struggles to adhere to the base I’ve messed with the settings with no success, the z offset was at -1.60 and I changed it to -1.70 with no difference. Any thoughts?
submitted by Balki807 to ender3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:23 Sea_Occasion6614 Snapped on 5 y/o for not listening at all

Feeling horrible for snapping on my son. We’ve been sick for months with just a week or two break in between illness from school and today is day four of five staying inside with each other for 24 hours non stop and I feel horrible.
Tried to put his shoes on with him he kicks off, pulls his clothes off after I just put them on and being super defiant / normal 5 year old BS but it feels unbearable.
I’m not sure if it’s because of how tired I am physically and mentally but I just feel like giving up.
Yes I appologized to him and explained mommy had big feelings and was angry and got sad and shouldn’t have yelled but mommy’s get sick and sleepy too. He came and hugged and kissed me and I still feel so horrible.
I have husband that takes him to the park or plays after dinner where I get an hour break and I shouldn’t complain some moms get none and other kids have way more severe and complex needs than my son but I just think m about how difficult everything feels right now.
Part of me wants to home school bc I can’t stand the sickness, the other part cannot mentally handle anymore responsibilities added on to my plate as I feel like all the appointments and meetings are for nothing and that we are in this on our own.
Looking for happy stories, tips, encouragement or anything really, feeling so alone and isolated. My husband doesn’t want to hear me complain anymore but I’m a robot that doesn’t turn off unless I’m cleaning or doing laundry (as my break) and I really hope life feels easier and better.
Also tips on strengthening immunity would be great! We are on elderberry, zinc, vitamins c&d so always looking for any sort of help there because I feel like I’m drowning.
submitted by Sea_Occasion6614 to Autism_Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:23 KajAmGroot Help with snowboard type recommendations

Hoping for someone to point me in the right direction with snowboard sales! I’m 32 and recently get back into snowboarding after not going for about 12 years. I ended up going 6 times this year but the snowboard I have from highschool is beat, stiff and heavy with rusty bindings. Idk what my skill level is but I surf shortboards about 3-5 times a week so I’m pretty comfortable on my feet. I like to push speed on black/ double blacks (southern California though), I’m working on 180s and landing/riding switch, and like to try to boost on side hits. I’m generally w/e about park and powder, but will hit jumps sometimes.
I’m 5’9 and 158 lbs, and I have no idea what board length means or does. I don’t really understand what flex I want either and was trying to get buttering worked on next season. Any suggestions for example models, and recommendations for length and flex would help.
submitted by KajAmGroot to snowboarding [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:22 The-Unseen-1 The awakening of the heart

Walking the Path together (Part 16)
Part 16: The awakening of the heart
As the Mysterious Stranger and the Seeker leave the old castle behind, they continue on the snow-covered path. A path appears on the right side, following parallel to their own. The two paths merge into one, which leads towards a volcano. As they progress, another parallel path from the left side merges as well with the current one.
In the distance, the Seeker spots a building, where the path tilts uphill. A sign points at a crossroad. An intersection, between realms. The crossroads, where all timelines meet up: Where the westward and the eastward paths meets the northern road.
Where the paths meet, stands a tavern. The lights are on. The chimney is smoking. A sign shows its name:
'The Red Ditch Inn'
“Wanna get something to drink,” asks the Stranger the Seeker.
“Sure, why not,” accepts the Seeker.
Before he opens the door knob, the Stranger hesitates and speaks to the Seeker:
“This is the bar, where the timelines of our souls meet up. This is the crossing of our life-paths, the intersection of fate. Be prepared, for what happens next.”
The Seeker and the Stranger walk into the building. As they open the door, they are started by the loud conversations. The inn is full. Many tables with different animals of all species.
The table in the center of the bar, has a label saying: ''
Around that table sit all kinds of different birds and animals. Pigeons, squirrels, Reptiles, cats, dogs, wolves, foxes, crows, mice, sloths. They are mostly talking about crystals and past lives.
There was a table, which said: ''. There sat an old bear, who carries many scars, wounded by countless battles, teaching young bear cups, who attentively listen to their elders. Some are making notes.
Next to it, is a table with a label saying: ''
There sit some parrots all repeating the same mantra in unison:
There is another table, called: ''
There sit a caterpillar, a spider, a scorpion and an eagle.
“You have an Ego,” shouts the caterpillar at the spider, pointing his finger.
“No, you have an Ego,” shouts the spider back at the caterpillar.
“You both have an Ego,” accuses the scorpion both the caterpillar and the spider.
“Hey,” shouts the bird. “I am the eagle here!”
Next to it, is the table of ''. The chairs are completely empty. There is no one here.
On the other side there is another table with many different birds and mammals, some more exotic animals from all around the world. The label says ''. There is someone constantly screaming at the top of their lungs:
One table next to it is called ''. The people sitting there do not look like animals, but like strange aliens. Some small and green beings, others big and gray, some with fur, some with scales, some humanoid. They were mostly talking about the past, exchanging some old memories. Among them is a chicken, who wears an alien costume.
As one of the Grey beings stands up to go to the toilet, the chicken whispers to the others:
“Psst guys, I think Fred may not be an actual Starseed.”
The other beings around the table start mumbling.
There is one more table called ''. The Stranger walks towards their table.
“Jo, wazzup Shawty,” greets the Stranger an old friend at the psychonaut-table, with a fist bump. “Long time no see.”
“Whoa, it's YOU,” responds the Tiger at the table, with red eyes, smoking his bong. “Last time I've seen you, I was like in DMT realm.”
“Is Burt anywhere around?” asks the Stranger.
“He is sitting there in the corner,” responds Shawty. The tiger points at a traumatized racoon sitting in the dark corner.
“I have seen too much,” mumbles the Burt the Racoon with eyes wide open, like a scratched record.
“I have traveled too far... I have seen, what lies within the emptiness. Never again... I will never do shrooms again...”
Suddenly the waiter taps the racoons shoulder, ripping him out of his thought loop.
“Sir... Do you wanna order anything?”
“Do you have McKennaii?”
“Yes,” responds the waiter.
“Then I'll have 7 grams,” orders the racoon.
The Seeker has a sudden thought and looks at the Stranger.
“What does the ' slash' on the tables, stand for?”
“I don't know...,” shrugs the Stranger. “ It's probably to reserve the table at this inn.”
The Stranger looks at all the tables, they are all talking and talking. Some are playing poker, others are playing dart, some drunks fight each other. Others talk about their identity or their favorite dogma. Some are showing off, how enlightened they are.
As they stand at the crossroads, they can either go Westwards, Eastwards and Northwards. Many have taken the western route, many have went eastwards, but they always ended back at the 'Red Ditch Inn' again.
The newbies, were unsure, whether to go west or east. The experienced ones, knew it doesn't make a difference, they would end up at the bar again anyway. Some were stuck in the bar since many decades, they had given up hope to ever find a way out. But few of them ever dared to walk northwards.
The Stranger sighs, as he looks around. His eyes flame up, he inhales deeply and climbs on a chair. With a raised voice he speaks:
When did we lose our heart?
We lost our heart collectively.
Did we lose it, when we were still cavemen? When we had to survive the cold winters of the ice age? When we hunted down the last Homo Neanderthalensis? Or later on, when the first tribes waged war against each other? Did we lose our heart, when we enslaved each other? Did we lose our hearts, when we dropped atom bombs, or when we caused our first mass extinctions...The crimes, that Humans do in wars... All of us carry the sins of our forefathers on our shoulders.
We lost our hearts individually.
For the person it starts pretty early in their childhood. We lose our trust, when we are lied to. Almost everyone tastes the pain of Betrayal at least once in life. We are deeply wounded from childhood on. We learn early on, that humans hurt us and thus we become suspicious of humans. We learn not to trust each other. Because we are afraid of being hurt again. And so we close off our heart to protect it.
What is the heart?
I am not talking about the physical organ. I talk about this part in your 'soul', if I may call it that. It's like the core of our 'soul', of our 'astral body'. The centre of our 'energy' or chakras. We are afraid to open it, because it's very vulnerable. That's why we protect it. We are afraid to open it, because we don't trust each other.
But unless your heart is open, you can never experience unconditional love. Its flame must be activated.
The heart is your connection to everything. The heart is what connects you to 'source', if that's the word, you'd like to use. The heart is from where our love flows.
We have cut off the connection and became separated from the ALL. We made love conditional. We split hating from loving, dislike from like and created duality. We became attached. We let ourselves be corrupted by the Ego.
Now that we have closed the heart, what have we done to the world?
We turned the world into a place, that almost no one likes. We created a society, that keeps us in narrow boxes. We made the world a lonely place, for everyone to be in. Even in groups, we often feel lonely. We allowed money to rule over us. We allowed ideologies to split us and dogmas to control us.
We have so many different issues, that we just can't seem to overcome. Climate change. Wars. Corrupt politicians. Poverty. Starvation. Meaninglessness. Nihilism.
Where should we start with all that mess?
With ourselves. That is the place, where the transformation needs to start. We need to evolve. One person at a time. Only then, can the collective transform as well.
We need to open the mind and the heart. To see and to feel. To be aware and to love. We need to find harmony within ourselves. End the inner conflict and find peace within.
Find your own truest path.
Let go of any limiting beliefs. Let go of any attachments. Forgive whoever needs forgiveness and apologize to clear your regrets. Find Love.
Find your light within. See your light in all people. Love your enemies.
Recognize the Ego, be aware of what makes it grow. Become aware of any negative thought patterns. Be disciplined.
Clear your own shadows. Face your Trauma. Heal your inner child.
Get free from all bodily addictions. Be free of fear. Be free of suffering.
See the beauty of all things. Find joy in every moment.
Surrender yourself. Follow the heart. Be proud and courageous. Accept your life and your story. Embrace your story, without being attached to it.
Find your purpose. End the Seeking.
Be your authentic Self. Express Love through your character.
Become Love.
This is a possible path. And I just gave you the map. It can be walked. It was walked before. But it is a path into unknown territory. Only the bravest of you can walk this path. It's not for the faintest of heart.
You see, you all either follow the path of the left and go westwards or you follow the path on the right and go eastwards... But no matter how far you go, you'll always end up at the crossroads again. You never make any real progress.
What if there is another path? What if there's another way? What if I say, 'let us go north?!'
Some of the crowd are in shock. Some are laughing. Others are mumbling.
“You can't walk north,” says a crow from the projectors. “It's impossible.”
“Everyone knows, that the northern road is a dead-end,” says an awakened Caterpillar. “It's a waste of time going up there. You can't go further, than the volcano.”
A psychonaut horse laughs. “That will be fun. Can't wait to see their disappointed faces, when they walk all the way back down.”
The Stranger continues undeterred:
Why are you walking the spiritual path?
You felt called to do it, didn't you? You felt something within you. Something made click. You understood, that there is a deeper truth, that you must find. There was this deep longing within you. So you started walking.
What were the first things, that you were seeking?
You were seeking answers.
What were your first questions? You were asking, 'What is my purpose?' You were asking 'Why am I here'?
And you have searched in so many places. But no matter which answer you got, you were never fully satisfied. Because it wasn't your answer. Because it was someone else's answer.
So you stopped seeking. Either you were content with some unfulfilling answers or you just simply gave up. When did you stop finding your own answers?
Dogma or tradition give us easy answers. When we are attached to them, when we build an identity around them, we become unable to find our own answers. But you can't end Seeking with someone elses answers. Only when you have claimed the answer for yourself, can the Seeker transform into something different. Into something new.
Just ending the Seeker, like cutting off a limb, won't do it. The Seeker needs to find their answer to the question 'What is my purpose?' Not one, they read from textbooks. Not an answer, that someone else can give them. When ONE has found their own unique purpose in life, then instead of 'seeking', there is only 'expressing'.”
“I see that you are advanced,” speaks an enlightened owl. “However you are blinded by idealism. When you stare into the abyss long enough, the abyss will stare back at you.”
“My friend,” says the Stranger. “I have not only stared into the abyss, I went to hell and back again to find my answer.”
Everyone falls silent, the Stranger continues:
“It was always here on earth. Heaven. It was always within us. Take a look around you. There is beauty in all things. If you search for it, you can find joy in every moment. Look for love in the world and you shall find love everywhere. Meet Life with gratitude and wonder. Face your experience, like an adventurer faces his challenge. Express unconditional love through your very being. Because this is how we heal Humanities greatest wound: The scar of nihilism.
It has all become so meaningless to us, hasn't it?
Memorizing knowledge at school or college, that you'll never need in real life. This feeling of being stuck in life. Day to day, going to a dead-end job for minimum wage. Living an unfulfilled life. The shattering of broken dreams. The tears of our suffering.
You know, why everything has become so meaningless?
We let our hearts get cold. After falling, we stopped getting back up again. We stopped facing our challenges.
You see, after every defeat, Humanity always got back up again. No matter how tough the challenge may seemed, Humanity never gave up.
We have forgotten, who we are.
All of us are Humanity. You, Me, everyone. We are all humanity. You, the individual human are HUMANITY. You are the Rest of mankind. Because we are all the same in our essence. When you open your heart, then this is your name: 'HUMANITY'
Because you see yourself in every other human. This is the name of the divine spark that sits within all of us. It is the fire, that burns in our eyes. This is Humanity: An archetype of victory and an idea of unity.
Let me ask you a very direct question. If we all came together to do our part, do you think that we could actually clean up the mess we have created? Do you think we have a chance of not only to survive but even to evolve as a species? And perhaps write even greater stories, than ever before?”
The entire crowd is silent. Most of them avoid eye contact. People start mumbling.
Then the crowd slowly gets louder again and the conversations on each table, continue as if nothing ever happened.
As the Stranger steps down from the chair, a monkey gets up from one of the tables, points his finger and screams:
“Look guys, this dude has ketchup on his outfit.”
While the crowd laughs at him, the Stranger goes to the bar and orders two beer. While he waits, he rubs off the ketchup stain from his clothes with his fingernails.
People are looking at him and the Seeker. The Seeker can't bear standing next to the Stranger and leaves the tavern. The Stranger pays for two beers. 140 Pesos. He then follows the Seeker outside.
“Wanna go already?” asks the Stranger while sipping from his beer.
“Those guys hate you now,” sighs the Seeker.
“Who cares?” shrugs the Stranger, while gulping down the beer in a single go.
A couple of animals exit the bar. All the animals, that had no place to fit in. All the animals that didn't belong. A rabbit, a cat, a goldfish, a squirrel, a bear, a fox, a goat, a pigeon, an eagle, a chicken in an alien costume and a dog.
“I will also follow my destiny,” speaks the eagle with determination. His heart is also activated.
“Alright,” says a bear with burning eyes. “Let's try going north... Perhaps this is how we'll finally get to Axis Mundi.”
“Going north... that sounds fun,” says the smiling fox. “Let's see how far, we'll come.”
“We are all gonna die anyway,” sighs the pessimistic goat.
“I never tried going north before,” contemplates the curious pigeon.
“10 bucks, that I am first at the top of the volcano,” bets the black cat, while looking at her claws.
“Deal,” agrees the dog, while hunting his own tail.
The rabbit thinks about the taste of carrots. She is hungry.
The squirrel is simply happy and excited for the new adventure. She can't stop dancing.
The goldfish has no idea, what he's actually doing. He just rolls around in a plastic bag.
“I... I will also walk my path,” speaks up the brave chicken in an alien costume. For the first time, the chickens eyes start burning.
Together, the new group of friends are traveling the northern road. Towards the volcano. As the sunset illuminates their backs, the animals start singing a new song. A song of excitement, of wonder and of bravery. A song, that goes something like: “We have found a way.”
for more content visit: We_Are_Humanity
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Checkpoint 4
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submitted by The-Unseen-1 to enlightenment [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:22 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] For children around 8/9 years old, which one of these do you think is more approachable and more importantly, fun?

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:22 jackzy0y0 What do you think?

I am 20 years old from Central Asia, Uzbekistan. For the last year or so I became very interested on moving to another country where I would also study for masters. I did a lot of research on Norway since it is always on the top in many aspects like quality of life, average income, air quality and etc. I know that if I am serious about moving there the first thing I need to do is to learn Norwegian. However, I don't know if I will be able to cover financial aspect of it. I am from middle income family and although most probably I will be able to cover tuition fee for uni, I am sure that my family will not able to send me 1000$ or so every month so that I can just enjoy Norwegian nature and study. I will have to find a part time job but I wonder if it is possible with a degree that is outside of EU/EEA. The reason behind all of it is of course moving from third world country to the first one, to achieve better financial opportunities for myself and my family in the future. Do you think I should take the risk and dedicate time for Norwegian, job search and others aspects or would you recommend to stay where I am since the life I have here is not bad? Thank you and sorry for not perfect English.
submitted by jackzy0y0 to oslo [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:22 ThrowRA_2dop I (23F) and alimony situation to my father (49M), how to solve this situation?

Hello. I (23F) still getting alimony from my father which is (49M) and he currently wanted to end it with paying - he have foreclosure, so they take his money from his paycheck and send it to me. He cant end it with just signed paper, he will need to take it to the court. So he tried to matipulate me to end it, saying I am not eligible for take it from him anymore and keep saying i need to end it right now so i will not pay fine for taking his money. He ended up plan meeting for me and court clerk to end this. But i ended up going to this meeting and court clerk said me i still can take it so why end it? Im currently in “disability pension” as im european and im getting half of minimal wage paycheck from country. He pay my whole life since i was 5 y.o. Same amout of money (my classmate had 2x bigger alimony and her dad had similiar paycheck, she had 3 sibilings), i have only one other brother which i never met (from father side).. (its like 6,5% of his whole paycheck), my younger brother get 11% of his paycheck.
So as i found out i can still get these money i tell him why he said me to end it? He answered im adult and i dont need it, i can get a job and its my problem and im ungrateful. Also he said my boyfriend (25M) need to take care of me - we live with our families, not together. He sometimes help me with financial things but he still do school, so its not much from him and i didnt expected from him take care of me.
I had my hip joint broken and docs didnt repair it well, so im waiting since i was kid to had it replaced (probably in 2-3 years, im on wait list which was stopped since covid in past), i also have knee problems and back problems. Got migraines and headaches multiple times per month and also i have mental health problems (bpd, adhd, anxiety and social anxiety). I tried in past jobs but i suffered from pain very much, so i just cant handle it.
Since then he cant stop spam me with messages like “when u will end it” or “how its possible to have bf which didnt take care of u, liar”, “ure bad person and ur dissapointed ur grandma”. He dont believe i can take from him the alimony. If he want to stop, he will need to take me to the court - court empoye said me.
Also he beat my mother as i was 1 y.o., cheat on her, was alcoholic and make big debt.. my mother divorced him when i was 2. Since then my mother and grandma from her taked care of me. In court he said he dont want to meet me. I didnt see him until i was 14, when my mother and i was on court bcs doctors fcked up my hip joint operation - so i can get compensation (i didnt get). Since then he sometimes messaged me and was mad when i was not like “i forgive u”, he wasnt ever like father to me. He start more messaging to me since he want to end alimony.
I dont know how to solve this. Im sure i dont want to be in contact with him, but also grandma from his side dont deserve stop contact - but she will defend my father, im unsure if shes good person as she still takling about my other grandma from mother side which died, in bad ways which idont like.
Am i bad person for taking alimony still? It help me very much with my live, as i pay for many medications and rehabilitation to live without pain.
How to solve this? One of my part says we need that money for important things - even ending at court.. but other side of me feels bad about taking it and feel anxious about it, even with lost that money wanna end it.
I plan to cut my father from my life, just for his actions to me. But dont know if stay on contact with grandma is good idea as she will defend him.
Am i bad person? Do i need to cancel alimony? Or keep? What to do.. i feel sad and anxious about this.
submitted by ThrowRA_2dop to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:22 Kaslight Hotbar Action Change is the biggest win for 7.0 and XIV

Hotbar Action Change is the biggest win for 7.0 and XIV
They're adding an option to make basic 1-2-3 and Followup skills operate on a single button press (Like PVP mode)
I was praying they finally made this change in PvE after playing the new PVP. And Dawntrail has confirmed to have delivered.
Yes, there's video footage of it working on Basic 1-2-3 Combos. Go look it up.
Seriously, this is a complete win for both camps, and the future of the game.
For people concerned about "difficulty".....many of us have been pressing some version of "Fast Blade > Riot Blade > Rage of Halone" for 10 years now. You can't screw it up, you won't screw it up, a 5 year old can consistently do it, and it doesn't make dungeons or ultimates any harder. Quit crying.
Now that that's out of the way, the problem as of 2024 is that it does make the game more complicated for casuals to play efficiently. Not in any significant way mind you, I started playing XIV on PS3 playing pad exclusively and the game has multiple options to make openers and weaves perfectly doable. But most people aren't me, and won't be bothered finding the L2>R2 hotbar options + Double Press cross bars + shared/non shared hotbar switching and customize them per-class in order to have enough space to make tight openers accessible on pad.
And XIV devs have been fighting against issue since Heavensward. It's probably not the only reason why, but it's almost certainly a big reason why Tanks lost their Enmity Combos, and classes like DRK lost their secondary DPS combos.
Every new expansion, classes lose multiple skills each (sorry Arcanist) and have others consolidated into traits (sorry Samurai). The result is that class complexity and breadth of skills have been hard-capped by button bloat...not because the devs don't want to add skills, but because they are forced to accommodate all input methods when adding new skills to the jobs and have to consider how it affects the accessibility of the class.
And now we have the Auto-Combo Feature.
It's optional, but the important thing is that there is no longer any real excuse against adding more varied skills to classes for the sake of identity. Newer classes (Like Viper) are built with this system in mind, and future improvements to existing jobs can leverage this in order to pile on new abilities and OGCDs.
Taking Dragoon for example, a typical crossbar for rotation needs:
  • True Thrust > Vorpal Thrust > Heaven's Thrust (3)
  • Disembowel > Chaotic Spring (2)
  • Wheeling Thrust > Fang and Claw (2)
  • Raiden Thrust > Sonic Thrust > Coearthan Torment (3)
  • High Jump > Mirage Dive (2)
  • 2 other jumps
  • Geirskogul and Stardiver (2)
  • Wyrmwind Thrust (1)
  • All your buffs (4)
  • 6 role abilities
  • Piercing Talon and Elusive Jump (2)
  • Whatever potions you use
that's approaching 30 buttons. Typical hotbar holds 16, 32 with R2>L2 / L2>R2.
Perfectly doable....except the aux hotbars are not visible unless you're using them, meaning these skills (and their CDs) are invisible to the UI unless you make another hotbar specifically to have them on the screen just to tell you when they're up again if you dont have a 2 minute rotation down.
Square will not add any more abilities to this class under these circumstances. However, with the new system, Dragoon looks like this:
  • True Thrust Combo (1)
  • Disembowel Combo (1)
  • Front or Back Positional Combo (1)
  • AoE Combo (1)
  • High Jump Combo (1 or 2, depends)
  • 2 other jumps
  • Geirskogul and Stardiver (2)
  • Wyrmwind Thrust (1)
  • All your buffs (4)
  • 6 role abilities
  • Piercing Talon and Elusive Jump (2)
From 30 buttons to 22. This means 70% of your skills can fit on the initial 16 crossbar spaces, with 100% of them fitting on a single aux window, and 100% of your active skills fitting on the visible 16.
The reason this is great for XIV's future is because we now know the maximum amount of bloat Square will allow. And as of 7.0, we will be far below that threshold. Meaning, whether 8.0 increases by 10 levels or 50 (like ARR), using their current methods they can realistically double the amount of active skills.
This feature removes the single biggest hurdle Square has been struggling with when it comes to action design with jobs with each increasing expansion. And the best part is that it works for both PC and Pad players.
If they want to add 2 more GCD combos with 6 buttons each to a class next expansion, they're free to do so because they have a feature to make it manageable. And the people who just want to have 45 buttons on their hotbars still can.
OFC this doesn't do much for mages, but they don't really have this issue the way DPS and Tank classes do.
submitted by Kaslight to ffxiv [link] [comments]