Sample interview status email


2019.11.06 17:26 niapattenlooks TheOrdinarySkincare

Forum for discussing The Ordinary skincare regimens, getting advice and sharing skincare tips

2024.05.02 17:11 Jazzlike-Side2573 shld i still wait

hi everyone, i applied for scholarships in nus, ntu and smu and have been offered the ntu usp scholarship + smu merit scholarship, but no news from nus regarding the merit scholarship interview till now
for me personally, a scholarship to cover my uni education is quite important because i don’t wish to put extra financial burden on my parents (though they have mentioned several times that they are more than capable and willing to support me) and the prestige of a scholarship is like a recognition of my hard work over the years. as much as how im super grateful for being awarded the ntu usp, i dont think i will accept ntu because the course i applied for is much more recognised + better career prospects in nus and smu
ntu gave me time to decide by 24 may but smu requires me to accept their scholarship by 10 may and if i do accept it, it means that i would be matriculating into smu… however, nus has been my dream school for the longest time because of the overall school environment + rc life there (which i’ve applied for and went for the interview already) so idw to hastily accept smu first
i’ve been patiently waiting for any nus scholarship updates but now that smu has come knocking, there’s not much time left for me till 10 may, and i dont even think nus will get back to me by then, should i email smu to give me more time (would they even?) or should i email nus to inquire about the status of the scholarship interview offer? this is all assuming im even being considered though, not sure about the competition this year, but 88.75rp + decent portfolio may hv a good chance?
submitted by Jazzlike-Side2573 to SGExams [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 17:11 ZestyclosePen1843 LIVE BET

Jump on Matt Wallace end of first round leader!!!
submitted by ZestyclosePen1843 to fanduel [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 17:10 ZestyclosePen1843 LIVE BET

Jump on Matt Wallace end of first round leader!!!
submitted by ZestyclosePen1843 to sportsbetting [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 17:10 GOU-FOTNMC Student Loan from the UK living abroad - Planning for moving forward after default.

Hi everyone,
I have some questions about my UK student loan and the legal implications of not being able to pay it anymore. I'm currently living in the US and working as a public defender.
Here's the situation:
My questions are:
If the Student Loans Company (SLC) sues me in the UK for non-payment, how will they serve me since I'm abroad?
Which court would likely hear the case initially? What happens if they get a judgment against me but don't try to enforce it in the US? Does the debt expire after a certain time?
Can UK statutes of limitations apply to my situation?
If sued in the UK, can I file for bankruptcy there even though I live in the US? Does this apply differently since the loan would be considered "foreclosed" on?
Does my plan outlined below seem like a sound approach? Are there any legal steps I'm unaware of that I should take?
(A thousand apologies it's so lengthy, but as with my work in criminal law, I like to have a well planned strategy.)
Thanking you kindly, in advance.
My plan
Known stages - From researching their procedure via FOI
  1. I not acknowledge SLC communications.
    1. Receive letters and emails reminding me about my noncompliance.
    2. Arrears delegated to transcom to collect. I don't acknowledge the debt to transcom.
    3. Transcom runs into someone in the legal field who makes sure they're following every relevant local statute on debt collection practices, while avoiding acknowledging the loan. If they don't meet the (honestly pretty onerous) requirements, there are quite a lot of remedies available in local court.
    4. Transcom gets bored, fails to collect, I start hearing from SLC again with pestering letters.
Next the possibilities bifurcate.
Ideal scenario 1. SLC sends me letters forevermore. 2. Eventually I move house and they get returned to sender. 3. Wait for local statute of limitations to expire. Being careful to not acquire money or property that isn't protected under local debt collection statute. 4. If they pester me after SOL expires, I'd just remind them it exists. 5. If I'm still feeling angsty about not fulfilling a contact years in the future.. Once my children are grown up, and I don't have obligations there or child support, I'll just pay off the entire balance, in a year or two, as voluntary repayments.
Less ideal scenario 1. SLC decides to litigate against me and forecloses on the loan. Once I am aware it is foreclosed on, I would retain local counsel to attempt to settle. SLC has never settled for less than their balance, but I also don't see evidence they've foreclosed (foreclosure flips it to regular debt so it makes sense they'd want to maintain their privileged debt status in the UK.
  1. Either as a means of me finding out about foreclosure or after me finding out, I am presumably served with either the complaint if direct filed to local court or a UK summons if they go foreign judgment enforcement as a route.
  2. If it's a UK judgment they seek, I'd be in a bind as I've never studied British contract law. So my instinct would be to try to seek affordable local counsel or put up a pretty basic pro-se response just articulating my objections. There are a number of objections I understand that could be made under UK law that might not be applicable in the US. I know there's been legal debate about court enforceability from the UK legal community, but it's all untested.
  3. If they sue me in the US and/or try to enforce the UK judgment in US court, I'm much more confident about what I'd do. Essentially, try to settle, then commence legal scorched earth. Every possible and defensible motion, brief, appellate process etc is utilized. Consistently offer a settlement throughout. There's a fair bit of "there" in terms of debtor protection statutes, their whole mess of constant ex-post-facto term and conditions modifications, etc etc. Suffice to say, I believe I could make it cost (even with their lawyer being the cheapest bargain basement guy, a lot more than the value of my debt).
  4. If despite this, they don't settle and I lose and have a local judgment against me options are - I declare bankruptcy. I don't borrow at all since my student loan, so it'd trash my redundant good credit but that's about it. SLC gets $0 - I allow SLC to garnish my salary.
Via local metrics, courts only can garnish a percentage of my disposable income, not my entire income. That is to say, with five children, two child support payments and a very expensive autoimmune condition, very little money I have is viewed as "disposable" in local courts.
I (out of curiosity) ran the algorithm they use, and my maximum court ordered repayment is actually about half of what I pay to SLC. So, I would then be following the terms of the judgment and still be paying less. If I did get into significant hardship with these payment levels, I'd take the bankruptcy route later.
submitted by GOU-FOTNMC to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 17:10 mike-reporter REQUEST: Looking to talk to homebuyers in Des Moines

Hi there,
First off, I just want to say that this post has been approved by this Reddit's moderators. :)
I'm a CNBC reporter looking to talk to millennial-or-younger homebuyers in Des Moines who are willing to talk about their experience buying, ideally in the last year or so. It's part of a broader story on the housing market squeezing out buyers:
But more generally, for the Reddit:
Would love to hear more about the market, any context is appreciated. And feel free to DM if you are interested in being interviewed (you would have to use your name, which we verify, if so).
submitted by mike-reporter to desmoines [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 17:10 AdSpecialist1637 Not able to fetch the all fields in API end point in Aircall

Hi All,
In aircall API point, while working on call objects for getting all info I am not able all fields/info such as comments, tags. API point for getting all the calls objects info is :
Is there anything I am missing in my code? Here is my Python code:
from datetime import datetime, timedelta import pandas as pd import requests import time import numpy as np class AircallAPI: def __init__(self, api_id, api_token): self.base_url = "" self.auth = (api_id, api_token) def get_calls(self, from_date=None, to_date=None): """Fetch a list of calls within a specified date range, handles various HTTP response codes.""" endpoint = f"{self.base_url}/calls" params = {} if from_date: params['from'] = from_date if to_date: params['to'] = to_date response = requests.get(endpoint, auth=self.auth, params=params) # Check for various HTTP response codes and handle them if response.status_code == 200: # Request was successful return response.status_code, response.json() elif response.status_code == 401: # Unauthorized access return response.status_code, "Unauthorized: Check your API ID and Token." elif response.status_code == 404: # Endpoint not found return response.status_code, "Not Found: The requested endpoint is incorrect." elif response.status_code == 429: # Too many requests return response.status_code, "Too Many Requests: Rate limit exceeded." elif response.status_code >= 500: # Server error return response.status_code, "Server Error: The server encountered an error." else: # Other errors return response.status_code, response.text def get_calls_detailed(self, from_date, to_date, page_number=1, order='desc', fetch_contact=True): """Fetch detailed call data including contact details for each call for the specified date range and page.""" # Convert the provided dates into UNIX timestamps from_date_timestamp = int(datetime.strptime(from_date, "%Y-%m-%d").timestamp()) to_date_timestamp = int(datetime.strptime(to_date, "%Y-%m-%d").timestamp()) # Construct the API endpoint URL with query parameters url = f"{self.base_url}/calls" params = { "from": from_date_timestamp, "to": to_date_timestamp, "page": page_number, "order": order, # Include the order parameter "per_page": 50, # Fetch 50 calls per page "fetch_contact": fetch_contact # Include contact details in the response } # Make the HTTP GET request response = requests.get(url, params=params, auth=self.auth) formatted_calls = [] # Check if the request was successful if response.status_code == 200: calls_data = response.json().get('calls', []) for call in calls_data: formatted_call = { "CallId": call.get('id'), "CallLink": call.get('direct_link'), "CallStartedAt": datetime.utcfromtimestamp(call.get('started_at')).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if call.get('started_at') else None, "CallAnsweredAt": datetime.utcfromtimestamp(call.get('answered_at')).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if call.get('answered_at') else None, "CallEndedAt": datetime.utcfromtimestamp(call.get('ended_at')).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if call.get('ended_at') else None, "Duration": call.get('duration'), "CallStatus": call.get('status'), "CallDirection": call.get('direction'), "FromNumber": call.get('raw_digits'), #"Asset": call.get('asset'), #"Recording": call.get('recording'), #"Voicemail": call.get('voicemail'), "Archived": call.get('archived'), "MissedReason": call.get('missed_call_reason'), #"Cost": call.get('cost'), "Number": call.get('number', {}), "User": call.get('user', {}), "Contact": call.get('contact', {}), #"AssignedTo": call.get('assigned_to', {}), "AssignedTeam": call.get('teams', {}), #"TransferredBy": call.get('transferred_by', {}), #"TransferredTo": call.get('transferred_to', {}), "Comments": call.get('comments', []), "Tags": call.get('tags', [{}]), "Participants": call.get('participants', {}), "IVROptions": call.get('ivr_options', {}) } formatted_calls.append(formatted_call) return formatted_calls else: print(f"Failed to fetch detailed call data: {response.status_code}") return [] # Replace 'your_api_id' and 'your_api_token' with your actual Aircall API ID and Token api_id = 'XXX' api_token = 'XXX' aircall = AircallAPI(api_id, api_token) # Start time of fetching data for rate limit calculation from_date = - timedelta(days=7) #from_date = from_date.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0) from_date = from_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") to_date = #to_date = to_date.replace(hour=23, minute=59, second=59) to_date = to_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") all_calls = [] page_number = 1 calls_per_minute_limit = 7000 # Assuming a maximum of 3000 calls can be fetched per minute calls_fetched = 0 start_time = # Initialize start time # Fetch all calls info from Aircall for the specified date range while True: current_calls = aircall.get_calls_detailed(from_date, to_date, page_number) if not current_calls: break # No more calls available, exit loop all_calls.extend(current_calls) calls_fetched += len(current_calls) page_number += 1 # Check if the rate limit is reached, if so, pause the fetching if calls_fetched >= calls_per_minute_limit: end_time = elapsed_time = (end_time - start_time).total_seconds() if elapsed_time < 60: time.sleep(60 - elapsed_time) # Pause to respect the rate limit # Reset counting calls_fetched = 0 start_time = # Convert the list of calls to a pandas DataFrame df_calls = pd.DataFrame(all_calls) # Print the DataFrame print(f"Total Pages Fetched: {page_number - 1}") #print(df_calls.columns) #print(df_calls) # Define a function to extract the required columns from the 'Number' dictionary def extract_number_info(number_dict): if number_dict: return { "ToNumberId": number_dict.get('id'), "OptionDialled": number_dict.get('name'), "ToNumber": number_dict.get('digits') } else: return None # Apply the function to create a new DataFrame with the extracted 'Number' information df_number_info = df_calls['Number'].apply(extract_number_info).apply(pd.Series) # Define a function to extract the required columns from the 'User' dictionary def extract_user_info(user_dict): if user_dict: return { "UserId": user_dict.get('id'), "UserName": user_dict.get('name'), "UserEmail": user_dict.get('email') } else: return None # Apply the function to create a new DataFrame with the extracted 'User' information df_user_info = df_calls['User'].apply(extract_user_info).apply(pd.Series) # Define a function to extract the required columns from the 'AssignedTeam' list def extract_assigned_team_info(team_list): if team_list: team_info = team_list[0] # Assuming there's only one team in the list return { "AssignedTeamId": team_info.get('id'), "AssignedTeamName": team_info.get('name') } else: return None # Apply the function to create a new DataFrame with the extracted 'AssignedTeam' information df_assigned_team_info = df_calls['AssignedTeam'].apply(extract_assigned_team_info).apply(pd.Series) # Concatenate the extracted information DataFrames with the original DataFrame df_calls_info = pd.concat([df_calls, df_number_info, df_user_info,df_assigned_team_info], axis=1) # Print the DataFrame with the extracted information print(df_calls_info['Comments']) 
submitted by AdSpecialist1637 to learnpython [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 17:09 popsnd i824 update

i824 update
i just received this but never made a inquiry about nothing since i filed this case i am not what this means anyone have a idea please message me
submitted by popsnd to USCIS [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 17:08 slcweekender Things to do this weekend: May 2nd - May 5th

I compile a list of everything to do each weekend in the Salt Lake area and send in an email newsletter. In order to avoid self promotion, I post the whole list here - if you find it useful, please consider signing up to receive it in your inbox weekly at

Thursday, May 2nd:

Friday, May 3rd:

Saturday, May 4th:

Sunday, May 5th:

submitted by slcweekender to SaltLakeCity [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 17:08 MailiaV [CA] Half of my last salary

I am professional with more than 20 years in my industry. After feeling exhausted of my job last year, I decided to resign and traveled. Back from traveling, I decided to get back to corporate world. Since February, I have applied for tons of jobs but few available for my experience. I saw one for a position of Advisor (I was VP at my last job) for a great project that I profoundly believe in. I did some research and notice that the organization doesn’t have anyone in communication and the title of « advisor » is probably their highest. I also found that the salary is more than half of what I was making. I applied anyway and suppose that when they will have me in interview, they will probably figure out that I worth more than that and will eventually adapt (which happened to me in 2 occasions in my career). They sent me an email yesterday asking what my salary expectation will be so they won’t waste time in interviewing me if I am asking too much. What a bummer! So my next move: stating my numbers and not having an interview or stating THEIR number and having the interview and go through the process and if they choose me, decline and maybe they will try to offer me more? Ps: I also know that they might choose someone else in the process or if I decline, but not to be arrogant, I also know that the experience I have is precious for them.
submitted by MailiaV to AskHR [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 17:07 muba1527 [hiring] copywriter

Copywriter (Remote) $40 Hourly Full-Time Job Summary: Seeking a talented freelance copywriter to contribute to our dynamic team. As a freelance copywriter, you will work closely with our marketing department to produce compelling content that resonates with our target audience and drives engagement. This role offers flexibility and the opportunity to collaborate with diverse clients and projects.
Key Responsibilities: Develop engaging and persuasive copy for various mediums, including websites, blog posts, social media, email newsletters, and marketing materials. Collaborate with the MTZ Solutionz team to understand client objectives, target audience, and brand voice. Research to understand industry trends, competitor strategies, and target demographics. Craft clear, concise, grammatically correct copy that aligns with client goals and objectives. Edit and proofread copy to ensure accuracy, consistency, and adherence to brand guidelines. Optimize content for SEO to improve search engine rankings and drive organic traffic. Communicate effectively with clients and internal stakeholders to gather feedback and make necessary revisions. Meet deadlines and manage multiple projects simultaneously while maintaining high-quality standards.
Qualifications: Proven experience as a freelance copywriter or in a similar role, preferably with experience in digital marketing, advertising, or content creation. Exceptional writing, editing, and proofreading skills with a keen eye for detail. Strong understanding of SEO principles and best practices. Ability to adapt writing style and tone to suit different clients, industries, and platforms. Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite and familiarity with content management systems (CMS) such as WordPress. Excellent communication and collaboration skills, with the ability to work independently and as part of a team. Portfolio showcasing diverse writing samples and ability to tailor messaging to specific audiences and objectives.
submitted by muba1527 to writing_gigs [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 17:06 muba1527 [Hiring] Copywriter

Copywriter (Remote) $40 Hourly Full-Time Job Summary: Seeking a talented freelance copywriter to contribute to our dynamic team. As a freelance copywriter, you will work closely with our marketing department to produce compelling content that resonates with our target audience and drives engagement. This role offers flexibility and the opportunity to collaborate with diverse clients and projects.
Key Responsibilities: Develop engaging and persuasive copy for various mediums, including websites, blog posts, social media, email newsletters, and marketing materials. Collaborate with the MTZ Solutionz team to understand client objectives, target audience, and brand voice. Research to understand industry trends, competitor strategies, and target demographics. Craft clear, concise, grammatically correct copy that aligns with client goals and objectives. Edit and proofread copy to ensure accuracy, consistency, and adherence to brand guidelines. Optimize content for SEO to improve search engine rankings and drive organic traffic. Communicate effectively with clients and internal stakeholders to gather feedback and make necessary revisions. Meet deadlines and manage multiple projects simultaneously while maintaining high-quality standards.
Qualifications: Proven experience as a freelance copywriter or in a similar role, preferably with experience in digital marketing, advertising, or content creation. Exceptional writing, editing, and proofreading skills with a keen eye for detail. Strong understanding of SEO principles and best practices. Ability to adapt writing style and tone to suit different clients, industries, and platforms. Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite and familiarity with content management systems (CMS) such as WordPress. Excellent communication and collaboration skills, with the ability to work independently and as part of a team. Portfolio showcasing diverse writing samples and ability to tailor messaging to specific audiences and objectives.
submitted by muba1527 to forhire [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 17:04 Prestigious_Office73 Abandoned and nobody cares

Active duty status, abusive and controlling. Making threats, suspending cellphone service and canceling checks to utility companies as well as rent checks to our landlord. I've been on base and made unrestricted reports of domestic violence with no follow-up assistance or advice for the abuse. He returned from a South Pacific mission and shortly after he returned, the kids and I were forced out of our home due to his unpredictable and aggressive behavior. Instead of taking the time to rest and sort himself (as we discussed) he threw out the contents of our home and I mean everything was thrown away and after he emptied our home he disappeared. Now, the base is telling me they have no record of any reports (and I went at least 6 times, was issued a social worker with fleet and family and wrote letter emails and called his unit with no response even to this day) and 14 months after he maliciously abandoned our family, he was handed an honorable separation for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine. He hasn't called our kids or me since he disappeared which was early 2021.. Does anyone care or should I accept that nobody does or will care to even address the fact that I followed procedures with no actionable recourse?
submitted by Prestigious_Office73 to MilitaryWives [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 17:04 banditojog Waiver for anxiety medicine

I know this gets posted here and there on this sub but I wanted to hear about any examples/get some personalized advice.
I’ve taken medicine such as Fluoxetine and Bupropion in the past, dating back to two-three years ago. Very small doses. The last time I was prescribed Fluoxetine was in September of 2023. I have a doctor’s note dated December 2023 saying I don’t need it anymore and was treated only for situational anxiety and depression in the past.
I’ve asked my therapist whom I’ve been seeing for a few months to write a letter saying I’m mentally well and have only been seeing her for general life issues, which is true (started seeing her because of a break up).
How difficult is it to acquire waivers for these? I’ve seen a variety of answers and would like to know what the current status of mental health waivers in MEPS is.
I’ve also gone into my patient portal and noticed my network has a list of health issues marked “active”, such as major depression and GERD, things of which I was never given an official diagnosis for. Half of the things on that list are just things they casually mentioned as a possibility from a 5 minute doctor’s visit. How fucked am I regarding this list? Is this something MEPS will find even if I’m not officially diagnosed with any of this?
I should note, I was planning on joining Natty Guard before and all they’d asked for through an email was a record of my prescriptions and a letter describing symptoms from a time I went to the ER regarding chest pain and anxiety (turned out to be acid reflux). I already have a doctor’s note saying it wasn’t anything serious and a summary of my ER visit.
I’m kicking myself now. I didn’t know MEPS would care so much about every single doctor’s visit and prescription I’ve had in the past 3 years. I have zero health conditions and am far from being depressed now, but I’m worried my past issues are going to keep me from joining the military.
submitted by banditojog to USMCboot [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 17:04 Known-forex Conversation with Joe Ross, an unquestionable legend of trading, bestselling author and respected mentor with over 50 YEARS of market experience

The interview with Joe Ross consists of dozens of tips for beginners and experienced traders – many of them is yet not known to the public. Joe spoke about his extensive experience gained through 50 years on the market (!!!) and 20 years of training currency traders.
Here’s a sample of what you’ll learn:

Get Your Copy of "Conversations with Joe Ross click here

submitted by Known-forex to Forexstrategy [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 17:02 Mediocre_Soil7814 Post-Interview Call

I had an interview yesterday for an L4 position and the recruiter sent me an email to schedule a 15-minute call. Is this a good or bad sign? I wasn’t expecting to hear anything back so soon..
submitted by Mediocre_Soil7814 to FASCAmazon [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 17:02 muba1527 [Hiring] Remote Copywriter @MTZ solutionz

Copywriter (Remote) MTZ Solutionz Los Angeles, CA $40 Hourly Full-Time Job Description
Job Summary: MTZ Solutionz seeks a talented freelance copywriter to contribute to our dynamic team. As a freelance copywriter, you will work closely with our marketing department to produce compelling content that resonates with our target audience and drives engagement. This role offers flexibility and the opportunity to collaborate with diverse clients and projects.
Key Responsibilities: Develop engaging and persuasive copy for various mediums, including websites, blog posts, social media, email newsletters, and marketing materials. Collaborate with the MTZ Solutionz team to understand client objectives, target audience, and brand voice. Research to understand industry trends, competitor strategies, and target demographics. Craft clear, concise, grammatically correct copy that aligns with client goals and objectives. Edit and proofread copy to ensure accuracy, consistency, and adherence to brand guidelines. Optimize content for SEO to improve search engine rankings and drive organic traffic. Communicate effectively with clients and internal stakeholders to gather feedback and make necessary revisions. Meet deadlines and manage multiple projects simultaneously while maintaining high-quality standards.
Qualifications: Proven experience as a freelance copywriter or in a similar role, preferably with experience in digital marketing, advertising, or content creation. Exceptional writing, editing, and proofreading skills with a keen eye for detail. Strong understanding of SEO principles and best practices. Ability to adapt writing style and tone to suit different clients, industries, and platforms. Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite and familiarity with content management systems (CMS) such as WordPress. Excellent communication and collaboration skills, with the ability to work independently and as part of a team. Portfolio showcasing diverse writing samples and ability to tailor messaging to specific audiences and objectives. Address MTZ Solutionz Los Angeles, CAUSA Industry Arts and Entertainment
application is on remote_writerjobs
submitted by muba1527 to freelance_forhire [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 16:59 muba1527 [Hiring] Remote Copywriter

Copywriter (Remote)

MTZ Solutionz Los Angeles, CA
Job Description
Job Summary:
MTZ Solutionz seeks a talented freelance copywriter to contribute to our dynamic team. As a freelance copywriter, you will work closely with our marketing department to produce compelling content that resonates with our target audience and drives engagement. This role offers flexibility and the opportunity to collaborate with diverse clients and projects.
Key Responsibilities:


MTZ Solutionz

Los Angeles, CAUSA


Arts and Entertainment
submitted by muba1527 to remote_writerjobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 16:58 fark13 Manager Sales Analytics NBC Sports Next - NBCUniversal - United states

Manager Sales Analytics NBC Sports Next - NBCUniversal - United states
Job Description
  • The Manager, Sales Analytics supports the Youth & Rec Sports (YRS) GoToMarket teams’ efforts within NBC Sports Next.
  • The Manager, Sales Analytics conducts and oversees analyses focused on optimizing and understanding sales effectiveness and how it impacts marketing performance, customer retention, and lifetime customer value.
  • Reports to the Senior Director, Sales Strategy and Operations, and will collaborate cross-functionally with Sales, Salesforce Administration, Marketing, Revenue Operations, and Product teams to deliver actionable insights and initiatives that contribute to meeting company goals.
  • A successful Manager will quickly build a deep understanding of the business and be able to effectively communicate results and present recommendations to the Sales leadership team.
  • The Manager will be hands-on, diving deep into the data for specific analyses, while staying focused on the high-level strategy and objective.
Qualifications: Qualifications Basic Qualifications
  • Bachelor's degree or equivalent experience with a concentration in Business Admin, Analytics, Statistics, Industrial Engineering, Operations Research, Finance, or other related fields
  • 3+years in data analytics, data visualization, or data aggregation with preferred experience specific to the SAAS industry
  • Experience supporting Sales functions, either directly or indirectly.
  • Proficiency in Excel and working knowledge of Salesforce and **** SQL or other relevant data mining tools
Desired Qualifications
  • Results-driven, strategic thinker able to thrive in a dynamic, rapid-growth environment.
  • Exceptional candidates will have best-in-class data skills including SQL, Excel, dataset manipulation, and data visualization.
  • Experience as a Data Storyteller (i.e. dive deep into the data, extract key insights and effectively communicate them to the business)
Additional Job Requirements
  • This position has been designated as hybrid, generally contributing from the office a minimum of three days per week.
  • This position is based out of the Minneapolis, MN office. (Current internal remote employees may not need to relocate.)
Additional Information NBCUniversal's policy is to provide equal employment opportunities to all applicants and employees without regard to race, color, religion, creed, gender, gender identity or expression, age, national origin or ancestry, citizenship, disability, sexual orientation, marital status, pregnancy, veteran status, membership in the uniformed services, genetic information, or any other basis protected by applicable law. NBCUniversal will consider for employment qualified applicants with criminal histories in a manner consistent with relevant legal requirements, including the City of Los Angeles Fair Chance Initiative For Hiring Ordinance, where applicable. If you are a qualified individual with a disability or a disabled veteran, you have the right to request a reasonable accommodation if you are unable or limited in your ability to use or access as a result of your disability. You can request reasonable accommodations by emailing
submitted by fark13 to sports_jobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 16:54 ResultsVary Not sure if this the valid place for a Business Complaint, but I need to VENT.

This is mainly for people with Home Warranties or my Nebraskbros who live in the Louisville area.
Holy tap-dancing shit. Good2Go Plumbing is fucking dogwater. My wife and I, up until about 30 minutes ago, utilized Choice Home Warranty for our house. It's come in clutch a couple times with our AC unit, but we dropped them because of the interaction with said plumber.
Some Backstory: My wife and I noticed that our water heater was leaking. Like. Bad. Every time we walked in my basement, our laundry room had a giant puddle of water. We filed the claim with CHW the second we noticed it, and were assigned Keven at Good2Go Plumbing the next day.
First off - Dude took 3 days to respond to the claim. Then we he responded it was excuse after excuse on why he couldn't come out. First it was "I have a bunch of broken shit I need to get out of my van." then "My wife needed an emergency doctor visit" then (and the only valid one imho) "The Weather is bad." (this was that friday we got bitch slapped by tornadoes).
Finally we got him out to look at the water heater, he looked at it, determined it was fucked and said he would file the claim with CHW. Also, during this time he took a call from his son, who works for him. It was on speaker so my wife heard his son complaining about the job he was on and not knowing what he was doing. Keven's response? Just try your best. But I digress. We obviously are without hot water right now - had to drain the tank to stop the leaking, and he took 5 days to upload pictures and specs to CHW. During which time my wife was constantly updating to see what the status was.
During this time, Keven from G2G is texting my wife. Some of the texts were blaise but then the dude started getting upset towards my wife telling her to "relax, calm down, be patient, it takes time" when the dude is taking days to upload pictures. Then last night he flat out tells her that she's being ridiculous and to stop calling CHW to check the status of the claim, this is where I got involved. You can be rude to me all you want, but when you're rude to my wife, that's crossing the line.
I reached out to him this morning and basically outlined my grievances, told him we cancelled the claim and will take care of it ourselves, and told him how shit his customer service was.
His replies:
"I was planning on getting that claim filed, having the water heater delivered, and installed today (5/2). You guys just needed to hang on one more day. For every bad review I have 100 good ones."
"It's because of ME that your claim was approved" When it was my wife who was submitting everything to CHW because they kept trying to email him and he wasn't responding.
"I can tell you're the type of person who can't to try to get someone in trouble. You LIVE for it."
I'm the dude who will order his steak Mid-Rare, get delivered something closer to well done and still eat it, because Servers already have a hard enough job. I try to keep some small cybersecurity infractions to myself at work because I don't want to get my coworkers in trouble. Dude has the Boomerest of Boomer Mentalities that it's everyone else's fault and not his.
TL;DR - If you live in the Louisville area or utilize a home warranty that contracts with this salty fuck for plumbing - go elsewhere. This dude is a MASSIVE piece of shit and honestly shouldn't be in business anymore.
submitted by ResultsVary to Nebraska [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 16:52 -Bronze Class Waitlists are going to be the end of me

Got an email from the CO-OP office telling me if I don't enrol as a fulltime student I could lose my CO-OP status. I TRIED UOTTAWA, YOU WOULDN'T LET ME!
I enrolled in my classes the first day they were open, but the university doesn't offer enough spaces for summer classes so I'm waitlisted on most of them. Now they've told me I should drop my minor and just do electives to meet the full-time requirement. I'm quite frustrated that admin thinks this as a functional system.
submitted by -Bronze to geegees [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 16:52 tempmailgenerator Email verification issues in your Laravel application

Email verification issues in your Laravel application

Fixing email verification issues with Laravel

Email verification is a crucial aspect of any web application, ensuring that users provide a valid email address during registration. As part of Laravel, a robust and flexible PHP framework, this functionality is often implemented through built-in features that simplify the process. However, sometimes developers have difficulty configuring this check correctly, leading to frustration and delays in application deployment.
This article aims to explore common causes of email verification failures in Laravel applications and provides concrete solutions to resolve them. Whether you are new to the world of Laravel or an experienced developer, understanding these issues will help you optimize your email verification process and improve your application's user experience.
What is the height for an electrician?For not being aware.
OrderDescriptionphp artisan make:authGenerates authentication scaffolding, including email verification.php artisan migrateRuns database migrations, necessary to create user tables.php artisan queue:workStarts the queue system to manage the sending of verification emails.

Understanding the Challenges of Email Verification in Laravel

Implementing an email verification feature in Laravel is crucial to maintain the integrity of user data and avoid unwanted or fraudulent registrations. Laravel offers a suite of robust tools to make this task easier, including built-in notifications and queues to manage emails efficiently. However, developers may encounter issues when implementing this feature, such as incorrect configuration of email services, issues with email queues, or errors in the custom verification flow.
Correct configuration of the .env file is essential to ensure that Laravel can send emails. This includes setting the correct SMTP settings and ensuring email services are configured correctly for the project. Additionally, understanding the role of queues in Laravel can help optimize the sending of verification emails, avoiding delays and ensuring a better user experience. Finally, customizing the verification process to meet specific application needs may require a deep understanding of Laravel events and notifications, allowing fine-tuning how users are prompted to verify their email addresses.

Setting up email verification in Laravel

PHP with Laravel framework
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\VerifiesEmails; use Illuminate\Auth\Events\Verified; use App\User; class VerificationController extends Controller { use VerifiesEmails; public function __construct() { $this->middleware('auth'); $this->middleware('signed')->only('verify'); $this->middleware('throttle:6,1')->only('verify', 'resend'); } } 

Sending a personalized verification email

PHP in Laravel
User::find($userId)->sendEmailVerificationNotification(); public function sendEmailVerificationNotification() { $this->notify(new \App\Notifications\VerifyEmail); } 

Deep dive into email verification with Laravel

Implementing email verification in a Laravel application is an important step in securing registrations and maintaining a high level of trust between the application and its users. This feature not only helps confirm the authenticity of email addresses provided during registration, but also helps prevent abuse and automated registrations. Laravel makes this process easy with its built-in systems, but effectively implementing these systems requires a clear understanding of the various components involved, such as mailer configuration, queue management, and customization of verification notifications.
It is also crucial for developers to be aware of potential challenges, such as verification emails not reaching users, which may be due to spam issues or incorrect sending server configurations. Optimizing email sending queues and monitoring sending logs can greatly improve the reliability of the verification process. Additionally, customizing the verification process to fit the specific needs of the application can improve the user experience and encourage broader adoption of the application.

Email Verification FAQ in Laravel

  1. Question : Why is my Laravel email verification not sending emails?
  2. Answer : This could be due to incorrect configuration of your email service in the .env file, or problems with queues if they are used for sending emails.
  3. Question : How to test email verification locally?
  4. Answer : Use Mailtrap or a similar local SMTP setup to capture and inspect emails without actually sending them to an external address.
  5. Question : How to personalize the verification email message?
  6. Answer : You can personalize the message by overriding the email verification notification and modifying the email template.
  7. Question : What to do if users do not receive the verification email?
  8. Answer : Check your email server configuration, make sure the email is not marked as spam, and consider using a reputable email service to improve delivery.
  9. Question : Is it possible to resend the verification email?
  10. Answer : Yes, Laravel provides a method to resend the verification email from your application.
  11. Question : How to enable email verification for new registrations?
  12. Answer : Use Laravel's built-in email verification functionality by following the official documentation to configure the appropriate routes and controllers.
  13. Question : Does Laravel support email verification in multiple languages?
  14. Answer : Yes, you can localize verification emails using Laravel language files.
  15. Question : How to disable email verification for certain users?
  16. Answer : You can condition the sending of the verification email based on the specific business logic in your application.
  17. Question : How to manually verify a user?
  18. Answer : You can manually mark a user as verified by changing their status in the database.

Finalization and best practices

Implementing email verification in Laravel, although sometimes complex, is fundamental to the security and integrity of web applications. By following recommended practices, developers can not only resolve common issues but also optimize the user experience. It's essential to ensure email sending is set up correctly, understand how queues work, and customize notifications to meet specific user needs. By considering these aspects, developers can improve the reliability of email verifications and increase user trust in the application. Ultimately, careful implementation of this feature helps create a solid foundation for Laravel applications, fostering a more secure and engaging digital environment.

submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 16:50 HAPPY_lab Help with our Research

At the UIC HAPPY Lab, we are conducting research studying how ovarian hormones (estrogen, progesterone) influence drug effects and behavior. If you are a woman (sex assigned at birth) aged 18-35 years old, use birth control pill (21 days active, 7 days inactive), and currently consume or previously consumed substances on a recreational basis (for example, alcohol, caffeine, cannabis, stimulants etc), you may be eligible to participate. The research involves a screening interview and 8 study visits (total time commitment of up to 26h) and you will be compensated for your time. To see if you qualify, please complete our confidential pre-screening questionnaire at: or email []( for more information.
Study2023-0260, Ovarian hormones and drug effects, PI: Emma Childs, PhD
submitted by HAPPY_lab to psychologystudents [link] [comments]