Da form 3645-1 pdf

Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps

2010.12.10 04:27 halberdier25 Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps

This subreddit is dedicated to discussion of Army ROTC and any related subtopics. Moderator statements or opinions do not represent those of the DOD or Cadet Command.

2017.10.08 15:47 TheguyfromTV88 COTI is the fastest and lightest confidentiality layer on Ethereum

Powered by the breakthrough cryptographic protocol Garbled Circuits and secured by Ethereum, COTI introduces the most advanced and compliant solution for data protection on the public blockchain. Paving the way for the next wave of Web3 innovation and adoption, COTI unlocks a whole new world of use cases, including confidential transactions, Artificial Intelligence, DeFi, decentralized identification, and more.

2024.05.17 13:19 IndebtedMonkey Die Kapitalisierung des öffentlichen Raumes

TL;WR: Siehe unten.

Dieser Post ist als kleiner Rant gedacht. Ich ärgere mich. In den letzten Jahren bin ich viel durch Deutschland und die Welt gereist und durfte dementsprechend viel Zeit mit Warten verbringen. Warten auf einen Zug, warten auf einen Bus. Warten im Sommer, warten im Winter.
Während des Wartens hatte ich Zeit zu beobachten. Die Menschen die mit mir warten. Die Obdachlosen. Die Jugendlichen. Die Kinder und die Alten.
Ich durfte außerdem viele Städte besuchen. Mit meinem moderaten Einkommen musste ich dabei auf meine Ausgaben achten. Und auch hier konnte ich oben genannte Menschen beobachten, beim flanieren, beim einkaufen, und auch wieder beim Warten.
Mein Fazit lautet: Wir müssen viel mehr darüber reden, wie wir unseren öffentlichen Raum verteilen und nutzen. Wir müssen uns darüber unterhalten was uns ein öffentlicher Raum für alle Wert ist. Das ist nicht die klassische Frage zwischen Autos und FußgängeRadfahrer. Das ist eine wichtige Diskussion und bekommt (zum Glück) langsam die nötige Aufmerksamkeit. Nein, hier geht es um ein viel banaleres Problem. Nämlich das Problem, dass wir unseren öffentlichen Raum immer weiter kommerzialisieren und so den Zugang immer restriktiver gestalten.
Was meine ich damit? Es gibt an vielen Orten kaum Möglichkeiten zum verweilen ohne Geld zu bezahlen und ich unterstelle den Verantwortlichen zumindest teilweise Absicht. Im Folgenden werde ich das anhand von drei sehr allgemein gehaltenen Beispielen erläutern.

1) Warten auf die (Deutsche) Bahn: Niemand wartet gerne auf den Zug. Aber was noch viel schlimmer ist, ist dass man auf den Zug warten muss, und es keine Bänke gibt. Wenn es welche gibt, ist der Windschutz fraglich, bis nicht vorhanden und bei Regen und Schnee ist man den Gezeiten ausgesetzt. "Früher" gab es das Konzept der Wartehallen in Bahnhöfen. Einige alte Bahnhöfe haben zumindest die Räumlichkeiten noch, auch wenn man die Bänke lange entfernt hat. Da konnte man ohne die obigen Beschwerden warten. Stattdessen, wenn man den Luxus eines sauberen, warmen Sitzplatz will, muss man a) das Glück haben, dass es ein Kaffee mit einem solchen Service überhaupt gibt b) Man muss trotzdem 3-5€ für einen einfachen Kaffee investieren. Kurzum: Wir schließen ärmere Menschen einfach davon aus.
2) Flanieren ohne Geld, oder: die toten Fußgängerzonen: Nach einem langen Reisetag mag ich es im Sinne von Loriot einfach nur irgendwo zu sitzen. Ich schaue dann den Leuten zu und trinke von meinem mitgebrachten Wasser. Problem: Das geht meist nirgendwo. Entweder gibt es kaum kostenlose Sitzmöglichkeite, oder wenn es welche gibt sind sie extra so gebaut, dass man dort nicht lange bleiben will damit Obdachlose oder Drogenabhängige sie nicht benutzen. Mit dieser "hostile Architecture" Damit man gleich alle "unerwünschten" aus der Innenstadt. Leute die kein Geld ausgeben wollen, Leute die keine Wohnung haben, Leute die Drogenprobleme haben, Kinder und Jugendliche sowie junge Familien. Alte Menschen oder Kranke, die öfters Pausen brauchen sind ebenfalls betroffen. Die Innenstadt wird für eine zahlende Zielgruppe, die keine "Probleme" macht gentrifiziert. Sozialer Austausch kann also nur mittels Geld stattfinden.
3) (K)ein Ort für Jugendliche: Jugendliche sind noch keine Erwachsene. Deswegen brauchen sie Räume an denen sie sich zu welchen entwickeln können. Dazu gehört die Sozialisierung mit gleichaltrigen oder gemeinsame Aktivitäten. Präferiert findet das oft außerhalb der direkten Autorität der Eltern statt. Das Problem: Jugendliche haben kein Einkommen. Um ohne Zustimmung (und das Geld) ihrer Eltern irgendwo die Zeit zu verbringen sind sie auf niederschwellige Angebote angewiesen. Das heißt, sie sind in Fußgängerzonen, Schwimmbädern oder Jugendtreffs zu finden. Blöd nur, dass wir all diese Dinge so ungemütlich wie mögliche gestalteten. Die Fußgängerzonen haben keinen Ort zum verweilen. Schwimmbäder machen Reiheweise zu und die verbleibenden sind überfüllt und Jugendtreffs werden auch zusammengekürzt. Um sich doch irgendwo in Ruhe zusammenhocken zu könne, ohne die Gezeiten ausgesetzt zu sein, hängen die Jugendlichen dann in Malls rum, wo sie natürlich nicht erwünscht sind, da sie nicht konsumieren.
Zusammenfassung/TL;DR: Der Raum der allen zur Entfaltung zur Verfügung stehen sollte, steht nur einer zahlenden Kundschaft zur Verfügung. Das senkt die sofortigen kosten für Pflege und Wartung dieser Orte führt aber nach meiner Meinung zu einer Degenerierung des Charakters dieser Orte. Die Folgen sind, dass wir Menschen aktiv von der Teilnahme am öffentlichen Leben ausschließen, sowie versuchen soziale Probleme zu verdrängen. Ersteres sollte generell unerwünscht sein, wenn unser Ziel eine egalitären Gesellschaft ist. Zweiteres ist selbsterklärend sinnlos und zynisch: Obdachlose verschwinden nicht, nur weil man sie an den Rand drängt. Jugendliche werden Orte finden um sich zu treffen, nur ist das dann vielleicht ein illegaler oder gefährlichen Orten. Deswegen müssen wir darüber nachdenken wie wir diese Entwicklung aufhalten und umkehren können.

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submitted by IndebtedMonkey to Stadtplanung [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:18 Snushy_101 Formaloo Alternatives: Top 15 Competitors

Formaloo Alternatives: Top 15 Competitors
Looking for alternatives to Formaloo? In the realm of data collection and management, exploring various platforms such as social media, mobile apps, online surveys, and mobile devices is crucial. Today, we delve into viable substitutes that can meet your needs effectively in the market. With a historical backdrop of evolving technology solutions, including digital transformation and software applications, it's essential to stay informed about the latest options available. Whether you seek enhanced features, cost-effectiveness, or user-friendly interfaces, these alternatives offer a diverse range of benefits. Let's navigate through the landscape of formaloo alternatives to find the perfect fit for your requirements.
Useful Links:
  1. Formaloo LifeTime Deal
  2. Formaloo Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • Consider exploring alternative customer data platforms if Formaloo does not meet your requirements.
  • Prioritize key features such as customization options, data security, and integration capabilities when evaluating alternatives.
  • Tools like Semrush, Ahrefs, and Surfer SEO offer robust features for SEO content writing and optimization.
  • Assess your specific needs and goals to select the most suitable alternative for your business.
  • Look for platforms that provide comprehensive analytics and reporting functionalities to track the performance of your content on websites, apps, and through data collection.
  • Making an informed decision based on thorough research and understanding of your business needs is crucial when choosing a Formaloo alternative.

Understanding Formaloo Alternatives


Jotform, like Formaloo, offers a user-friendly online form builder with a drag-and-drop interface for creating digital forms easily. It provides a wide range of templates, apps, web forms, and customization options.
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Typeform stands out for its visually appealing and interactive online forms, making data collection engaging for respondents. It focuses on creating complex forms with a modern touch.


TrueContext emphasizes the seamless integration of data from various sources into paper forms and web. Its key feature lies in simplifying the process of converting traditional forms into digital formats using easy apps.

Forms On Fire

Forms On Fire excels in its electronic data capture software, enabling efficient data collection and real-time reporting for surveys and apps. It streamlines workflows and enhances productivity for businesses.

Zoho Forms

Zoho Forms revolutionizes manual processes in business by transforming them into paperless operations. Its emphasis on automation and efficiency makes it an ideal choice for organizations seeking streamlined workflows.

pdfFiller, Caspio, Microsoft Forms

  • pdfFiller: Ensures GDPR compliance and offers multifunctionality in handling PDF documents securely, making it easy for business forms and surveys.
  • Caspio: Provides an easy, no-code platform for creating custom applications without extensive programming knowledge.
  • Microsoft Forms: Offers cloud-based capabilities for seamless collaboration and accessibility across devices.

Key Features to Look For

Drag-and-Drop Form Builders

Powerful features like drag-and-drop form builders are crucial for creating beautiful forms with ease. These tools enable users to easily design visually appealing forms without any coding knowledge.

Collaboration Tools

When exploring alternatives to Formaloo, team members need friendly interfaces and collaboration tools to work seamlessly on projects. These features enhance productivity and foster teamwork.

Offline Work Capabilities

Platforms offering offline work capabilities ensure that users can access and fill out forms even without an internet connection. This feature is essential for collecting data in remote areas or during network disruptions.
Useful Links:
  1. Formaloo LifeTime Deal
  2. Formaloo Free Trial

Seamless Integrations

Integration capabilities play a vital role in the efficiency of form-building platforms. The ability to connect with other applications, such as CRM systems or marketing tools, enhances the platform's capabilities and functionality.

Enterprise-Grade Security

For businesses, prioritizing enterprise-grade security is non-negotiable. Selecting a form-building platform that adheres to strict security protocols safeguards sensitive data and ensures regulatory compliance.

Scalable Infrastructure

Scalability is key when choosing a form-building solution. Opting for a platform with scalable infrastructure allows businesses to expand their usage as they grow without compromising performance.

Customizable Workflows

Customizable workflows empower users to tailor forms according to specific requirements. This flexibility streamlines processes and improves productivity, making it easier to collect leads or feedback efficiently.

Data Extraction and Streamlining Processes

The ability to extract data directly into Excel or CRM systems simplifies data management processes. Platforms that facilitate SEO content writing needs by offering structured question types enhance content creation strategies.

Top Picks for SEO Content Writing

Gravity Forms

Gravity Forms stands out as a versatile WordPress plugin that facilitates the development of customized forms and workflows tailored specifically for SEO content writing. This tool offers a user-friendly interface, allowing users to create various types of forms efficiently.
With Gravity Forms, users can integrate advanced features like conditional logic, file uploads, and user input validation into their forms. These functionalities streamline the process of collecting data and feedback from online surveys, enhancing the overall SEO content creation workflow.

Google Workspace

Google Workspace serves as a collaborative platform that promotes seamless communication and innovation among teams working on SEO content writing projects. This suite of cloud-based productivity tools enables real-time editing, sharing, and commenting on documents across different locations and devices.
By utilizing Google Workspace, teams can enhance their efficiency in creating and optimizing SEO content through collaborative brainstorming sessions, instant feedback mechanisms, and synchronized updates to ensure consistency in messaging and branding.


Quixy emerges as a no-code platform empowering users to model, implement, analyze, and enhance their processes related to SEO content creation effortlessly. This platform offers customizable templates and drag-and-drop functionalities to design workflows tailored to specific needs.

Making the Right Choice

Evaluating Factors

When considering formaloo alternatives, prioritize factors like scalability, ease of use, and integration capabilities. Ensure the chosen solution maintains data integrity.
Select an alternative that offers conditional logic for advanced form creation and customization. Evaluate customer support quality for efficient issue resolution.

Long-Term Benefits

Choosing the right alternative to Formaloo leads to efficient content management and digital transformation. Align the selection with organizational goals for sustained success.
Opt for a solution that caters to your specific business needs and supports seamless project management. Prioritize options that provide real-time data access for timely decision-making.

Closing Thoughts

After exploring various Formaloo alternatives, understanding their key features, and identifying the top picks for SEO content writing, you are now equipped to make the right choice for your specific needs. Remember to prioritize features that align with your goals and requirements to ensure a seamless transition.
Choosing the right platform can significantly impact your content creation process, so take your time to evaluate each option carefully. By selecting a suitable alternative to Formaloo, you can enhance your workflow, boost productivity, and achieve better results in your content marketing efforts. Keep researching and testing different tools until you find the perfect fit for your business.
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Frequently Asked Questions

What are Formaloo alternatives?

Formaloo alternatives are other data collection and management platforms that offer similar features to Formaloo but may vary in pricing, integrations, and customization options.

How do I choose the right alternative to Formaloo?

Consider factors such as ease of use, pricing, customer support quality, integration capabilities with your existing tools, and the specific features you require for your data collection needs.

What key features should I look for in a Formaloo alternative?

Look for features like customizable form builders, seamless data integration with other tools, robust security measures, analytics and reporting capabilities, and scalability to accommodate your growing data needs.

Which are the top picks for SEO content writing among Formaloo alternatives?

e popular choices for SEO content writing include platforms that offer keyword optimization tools, content performance analytics, collaboration features for team editing, and integrations with SEO plugins.

How can I ensure I make the right choice when selecting a Formaloo alternative?

To make an informed decision, thoroughly research each alternative platform, read user reviews and testimonials, request demos or trials to test out the features firsthand, and consider how well it aligns with your specific business requirements.
Useful Links:
  1. Formaloo LifeTime Deal
  2. Formaloo Free Trial
submitted by Snushy_101 to ReviewsFactory [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:08 digital_wiz How We Scaled a Hair Extension Brand using Facebook Ads and SEO to give $80,000 ROI in 6 Months (Detailed Breakdown)

Hello Redditors,
This is an incredible success story of how we helped a client achieve incredible results in just four months, generating an $80,000 return on investment (ROI) with a combination of SEO and Facebook Ads. We have completed many successful projects and there's a certain satisfaction in seeing our strategies translate to such tangible growth. I have tried to keep this post extremely detailed so that it can be beneficial for experienced marketers and newcomers alike.
The Client: Hair Extension E-commerce Brand
Revenue Split Between SEO and Fb ads: 3:2
Average Order Value: $350
Total Revenue(6 months): $140,000
Expenses(6 months): Product Cost + Delivery cost + Team + Agency Fees + Ads Cost+ Website Optimization + Packaging: $60000
Basic Company Background:
The brand was being run by a Mother-Daughter duo for the past 3 months. They had a shopify website with average structure and were struggling with facebook ads themselves. Although they made few physical sales due to friends and relatives but were unable to utilize the digital potential of their business as such. After trying facebook ads for some time they wanted a reliable digital marketing team to work with and they were recommended to us by one of our other customers who has a service based business. Initially we connected majorly for facebook ads but after the initial discussion when were doing research from our side, we found that there is huge potential in SEO for this niche so we suggested that we should prepare a proper website on wordpress and focus on both SEO and Ads parallelly as, although Ads will give an initial boost to the business but SEO will bring some stability and help in building a sustainable business.
Facebook Ads Campaign Structure:
Ads Creatives and Brand Positioning:
It's important to note that after deep research we could find that a major share our hair extensions customers are females aged between 21-45 so we did not actively position our brand as solving problems of low hair volume, but instead we focused on how the products ads style, gives a much better look and you can try new hairstyles and hair colors daily. Also since almost all the demographics in this age group are working, we tested a professional look angle as well which gave us decent results. In ad creatives as well as on the website we made the daughter as the face of the product as we want to slowly grow her instagram as well which can add another organic and sustainable stream of revenue. She shoots before and after transition videos, general product application videos and other videos for ads according to the target audience and brand positioning strategy we discussed earlier. Instead of making long videos focused on product details a lot, we made short but captivating videos which can appeal to the young audience’s fashion sense.
Key Takeaways from FB Ads:
Mostly Meta Ads or Any other marketing tactic is just a traffic source but conversion will basically happen by how well you are able to communicate your product to the audience through your website. Its is necessary to have a smooth user journey, attractive offers, crisp information and right brand positioning on the website.
It is extremely important to make data driven decisions and track customer journeys meticulously. Always rely on your own tracking or google analytics to avoid the potential unreliability of Facebook Ads Manager.
Seo Strategy
If you don’t already know this, SEO is all about how effectively you can strategize your content and technical efforts keeping a bigger picture in mind. After our initial keyword research we could find that the average Kd of the important keywords was low when it comes to commercial keywords which were directly related to the business.
It's important to note that since the website was being built after our onboarding only so it was easy for us to structure the website according to the SEO strategy that we prepared.
At every stage we had meetings with the developer to ensure that there are no technical issues that will hinder the SEO growth and future and also we structured the website to be SEO friendly. We built separate pages for all the product categories and after through keyword research we added content to those pages so that the pages itself can rank for commercial keywords.
After the website was ready we audited it for technical issues(Like mobile friendliness, H1 tags, canonical tags, etc) we started focusing on the content. We wanted to establish our website as a trusted authority in the hair extensions and hair care industry in general.
Since the website was completely new, initially we created blogs(2-3 times per week) around informational keywords with low KD purely for increasing our website authority and bringing the initial traffic on the website. We have seen that usually people start stressing about approaching big websites for guest postings since the first day itself but if your keyword research and content is solid, that is not required in the beginning. Initially we focused on profile creations, image submissions, pdf submissions, internal linking in the content, web 2.0 backlinks etc and this was more than enough for us to rank for low difficulty keywords and increase our DA to a decent level so that our category pages can rank for low difficulty keywords.
Here I would like to include a tip, many times people are worried that what if the backlink that they have created doesn't get indexed. In the initial phase we work really hard when it comes to what we call as maturing our backlinks as this is the major factor for ranking on low difficulty keywords. So basically what we do is, we make backlinks of our web 2.0 backlinks itself which helps the primary backlink in getting indexed which ultimately helps with our website DA.
Also many people have been asking us in our previous posts how we structure our blog since I talk a lot about content quality, see it's not as hard and it doesn't involve a lot of research at least in the initial phase when you just have to rank on low difficulty keywords. In this phase usually what we do is study the top 5 ranking blogs on the particular keyword and make sure that we include more content and more subheadings then them. Also we try to find opportunities to include tables or charts wherever possible, we include good quality images(original if possible) and at this stage internal linking is very very important so we focus on that as well. In later stages although the basic strategy for framing the blogs remains same, overall content strategy varies a lot from business to business and requires a lot of strategizing depending on the brand positioning goals.
So after we were able to rank for low difficulty informational keywords and our Website DA reached a decent level due to our backlinking efforts, we started writing content around the fashion advice and common problems which people face related to hair in general. But as discussed earlier, we wanted to keep our brand positioning fashion centric, so even while writing about common problems we applied a positive and solution centric approach. We strategically placed internal links to our product pages in the content and tested popups with offers as well. Apart from this, we started guest posting as well at this stage. For finding websites for guest posting we used SEMrush’s backlink gap analysis tool and created a segregated list of blogs that we can reach out to based on their content quality and DA. By this time the store started generating decent revenue from ads and SEO so the client was completely onboard with reaching out to blogs for guest posting. Guest posting and overall strategic SEO application started generating a good amount of traffic for us and in 3-4 months the revenue generated due to SEO surpassed our Ads revenue as well.
Advantages of Combining SEO and Paid Ads
While Facebook Ads played a crucial role in launching the brand and driving initial traffic, SEO has emerged as the primary driver of sustainable growth. This approach allowed us to:
SEO efforts are always ongoing but we are really satisfied with the base that we have built and we are really looking forward to working with keywords with higher KD and generating more revenue with SEO In the upcoming months. Although we will keep running ads in future as well mostly for awareness purposes but the major revenue will be generated from our SEO efforts. Apart from this, as we mentioned earlier, we are looking to actively start the Social Media efforts as well from the next month itself. We will be looking to target Instagram and Tiktok in the initial phase and we believe in 2-3 months social media will contribute towards 25% of our revenue which will grow rapidly.
Thankyou For Reading!
submitted by digital_wiz to SEO_cases [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:06 digital_wiz How We Scaled a Hair Extension Brand using Facebook Ads and SEO to give $80,000 ROI in 6 Months (Detailed Breakdown)

Hello Redditors,
This is an incredible success story of how we helped a client achieve incredible results in just four months, generating an $80,000 return on investment (ROI) with a combination of SEO and Facebook Ads. We have completed many successful projects and there's a certain satisfaction in seeing our strategies translate to such tangible growth. I have tried to keep this post extremely detailed so that it can be beneficial for experienced marketers and newcomers alike.
The Client: Hair Extension E-commerce Brand
Revenue Split Between SEO and Fb ads: 3:2
Average Order Value: $350
Total Revenue(6 months): $140,000
Expenses(6 months): Product Cost + Delivery cost + Team + Agency Fees + Ads Cost+ Website Optimization + Packaging: $60000
Basic Company Background:
The brand was being run by a Mother-Daughter duo for the past 3 months. They had a shopify website with average structure and were struggling with facebook ads themselves. Although they made few physical sales due to friends and relatives but were unable to utilize the digital potential of their business as such. After trying facebook ads for some time they wanted a reliable digital marketing team to work with and they were recommended to us by one of our other customers who has a service based business. Initially we connected majorly for facebook ads but after the initial discussion when were doing research from our side, we found that there is huge potential in SEO for this niche so we suggested that we should prepare a proper website on wordpress and focus on both SEO and Ads parallelly as, although Ads will give an initial boost to the business but SEO will bring some stability and help in building a sustainable business.
Facebook Ads Campaign Structure:
Ads Creatives and Brand Positioning:
It's important to note that after deep research we could find that a major share our hair extensions customers are females aged between 21-45 so we did not actively position our brand as solving problems of low hair volume, but instead we focused on how the products ads style, gives a much better look and you can try new hairstyles and hair colors daily. Also since almost all the demographics in this age group are working, we tested a professional look angle as well which gave us decent results. In ad creatives as well as on the website we made the daughter as the face of the product as we want to slowly grow her instagram as well which can add another organic and sustainable stream of revenue. She shoots before and after transition videos, general product application videos and other videos for ads according to the target audience and brand positioning strategy we discussed earlier. Instead of making long videos focused on product details a lot, we made short but captivating videos which can appeal to the young audience’s fashion sense.
Key Takeaways from FB Ads:
Mostly Meta Ads or Any other marketing tactic is just a traffic source but conversion will basically happen by how well you are able to communicate your product to the audience through your website. Its is necessary to have a smooth user journey, attractive offers, crisp information and right brand positioning on the website.
It is extremely important to make data driven decisions and track customer journeys meticulously. Always rely on your own tracking or google analytics to avoid the potential unreliability of Facebook Ads Manager.
Seo Strategy
If you don’t already know this, SEO is all about how effectively you can strategize your content and technical efforts keeping a bigger picture in mind. After our initial keyword research we could find that the average Kd of the important keywords was low when it comes to commercial keywords which were directly related to the business.
It's important to note that since the website was being built after our onboarding only so it was easy for us to structure the website according to the SEO strategy that we prepared.
At every stage we had meetings with the developer to ensure that there are no technical issues that will hinder the SEO growth and future and also we structured the website to be SEO friendly. We built separate pages for all the product categories and after through keyword research we added content to those pages so that the pages itself can rank for commercial keywords.
After the website was ready we audited it for technical issues(Like mobile friendliness, H1 tags, canonical tags, etc) we started focusing on the content. We wanted to establish our website as a trusted authority in the hair extensions and hair care industry in general.
Since the website was completely new, initially we created blogs(2-3 times per week) around informational keywords with low KD purely for increasing our website authority and bringing the initial traffic on the website. We have seen that usually people start stressing about approaching big websites for guest postings since the first day itself but if your keyword research and content is solid, that is not required in the beginning. Initially we focused on profile creations, image submissions, pdf submissions, internal linking in the content, web 2.0 backlinks etc and this was more than enough for us to rank for low difficulty keywords and increase our DA to a decent level so that our category pages can rank for low difficulty keywords.
Here I would like to include a tip, many times people are worried that what if the backlink that they have created doesn't get indexed. In the initial phase we work really hard when it comes to what we call as maturing our backlinks as this is the major factor for ranking on low difficulty keywords. So basically what we do is, we make backlinks of our web 2.0 backlinks itself which helps the primary backlink in getting indexed which ultimately helps with our website DA.
Also many people have been asking us in our previous posts how we structure our blog since I talk a lot about content quality, see it's not as hard and it doesn't involve a lot of research at least in the initial phase when you just have to rank on low difficulty keywords. In this phase usually what we do is study the top 5 ranking blogs on the particular keyword and make sure that we include more content and more subheadings then them. Also we try to find opportunities to include tables or charts wherever possible, we include good quality images(original if possible) and at this stage internal linking is very very important so we focus on that as well. In later stages although the basic strategy for framing the blogs remains same, overall content strategy varies a lot from business to business and requires a lot of strategizing depending on the brand positioning goals.
So after we were able to rank for low difficulty informational keywords and our Website DA reached a decent level due to our backlinking efforts, we started writing content around the fashion advice and common problems which people face related to hair in general. But as discussed earlier, we wanted to keep our brand positioning fashion centric, so even while writing about common problems we applied a positive and solution centric approach. We strategically placed internal links to our product pages in the content and tested popups with offers as well. Apart from this, we started guest posting as well at this stage. For finding websites for guest posting we used SEMrush’s backlink gap analysis tool and created a segregated list of blogs that we can reach out to based on their content quality and DA. By this time the store started generating decent revenue from ads and SEO so the client was completely onboard with reaching out to blogs for guest posting. Guest posting and overall strategic SEO application started generating a good amount of traffic for us and in 3-4 months the revenue generated due to SEO surpassed our Ads revenue as well.
Advantages of Combining SEO and Paid Ads
While Facebook Ads played a crucial role in launching the brand and driving initial traffic, SEO has emerged as the primary driver of sustainable growth. This approach allowed us to:
SEO efforts are always ongoing but we are really satisfied with the base that we have built and we are really looking forward to working with keywords with higher KD and generating more revenue with SEO In the upcoming months. Although we will keep running ads in future as well mostly for awareness purposes but the major revenue will be generated from our SEO efforts. Apart from this, as we mentioned earlier, we are looking to actively start the Social Media efforts as well from the next month itself. We will be looking to target Instagram and Tiktok in the initial phase and we believe in 2-3 months social media will contribute towards 25% of our revenue which will grow rapidly.
Thankyou For Reading!
submitted by digital_wiz to MarketingHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:03 digital_wiz How We Scaled a Hair Extension Brand using Facebook Ads and SEO to give $80,000 ROI in 6 Months (Detailed Breakdown)

Hello Redditors,
This is an incredible success story of how we helped a client achieve incredible results in just four months, generating an $80,000 return on investment (ROI) with a combination of SEO and Facebook Ads. We have completed many successful projects and there's a certain satisfaction in seeing our strategies translate to such tangible growth. I have tried to keep this post extremely detailed so that it can be beneficial for experienced marketers and newcomers alike.
The Client: Hair Extension E-commerce Brand
Revenue Split Between SEO and Fb ads: 3:2
Average Order Value: $350
Total Revenue(6 months): $140,000
Expenses(6 months): Product Cost + Delivery cost + Team + Agency Fees + Ads Cost+ Website Optimization + Packaging: $60000
Basic Company Background:
The brand was being run by a Mother-Daughter duo for the past 3 months. They had a shopify website with average structure and were struggling with facebook ads themselves. Although they made few physical sales due to friends and relatives but were unable to utilize the digital potential of their business as such. After trying facebook ads for some time they wanted a reliable digital marketing team to work with and they were recommended to us by one of our other customers who has a service based business. Initially we connected majorly for facebook ads but after the initial discussion when were doing research from our side, we found that there is huge potential in SEO for this niche so we suggested that we should prepare a proper website on wordpress and focus on both SEO and Ads parallelly as, although Ads will give an initial boost to the business but SEO will bring some stability and help in building a sustainable business.
Facebook Ads Campaign Structure:
Ads Creatives and Brand Positioning:
It's important to note that after deep research we could find that a major share our hair extensions customers are females aged between 21-45 so we did not actively position our brand as solving problems of low hair volume, but instead we focused on how the products ads style, gives a much better look and you can try new hairstyles and hair colors daily. Also since almost all the demographics in this age group are working, we tested a professional look angle as well which gave us decent results. In ad creatives as well as on the website we made the daughter as the face of the product as we want to slowly grow her instagram as well which can add another organic and sustainable stream of revenue. She shoots before and after transition videos, general product application videos and other videos for ads according to the target audience and brand positioning strategy we discussed earlier. Instead of making long videos focused on product details a lot, we made short but captivating videos which can appeal to the young audience’s fashion sense.
Key Takeaways from FB Ads:
Mostly Meta Ads or Any other marketing tactic is just a traffic source but conversion will basically happen by how well you are able to communicate your product to the audience through your website. Its is necessary to have a smooth user journey, attractive offers, crisp information and right brand positioning on the website.
It is extremely important to make data driven decisions and track customer journeys meticulously. Always rely on your own tracking or google analytics to avoid the potential unreliability of Facebook Ads Manager.
Seo Strategy
If you don’t already know this, SEO is all about how effectively you can strategize your content and technical efforts keeping a bigger picture in mind. After our initial keyword research we could find that the average Kd of the important keywords was low when it comes to commercial keywords which were directly related to the business.
It's important to note that since the website was being built after our onboarding only so it was easy for us to structure the website according to the SEO strategy that we prepared.
At every stage we had meetings with the developer to ensure that there are no technical issues that will hinder the SEO growth and future and also we structured the website to be SEO friendly. We built separate pages for all the product categories and after through keyword research we added content to those pages so that the pages itself can rank for commercial keywords.
After the website was ready we audited it for technical issues(Like mobile friendliness, H1 tags, canonical tags, etc) we started focusing on the content. We wanted to establish our website as a trusted authority in the hair extensions and hair care industry in general.
Since the website was completely new, initially we created blogs(2-3 times per week) around informational keywords with low KD purely for increasing our website authority and bringing the initial traffic on the website. We have seen that usually people start stressing about approaching big websites for guest postings since the first day itself but if your keyword research and content is solid, that is not required in the beginning. Initially we focused on profile creations, image submissions, pdf submissions, internal linking in the content, web 2.0 backlinks etc and this was more than enough for us to rank for low difficulty keywords and increase our DA to a decent level so that our category pages can rank for low difficulty keywords.
Here I would like to include a tip, many times people are worried that what if the backlink that they have created doesn't get indexed. In the initial phase we work really hard when it comes to what we call as maturing our backlinks as this is the major factor for ranking on low difficulty keywords. So basically what we do is, we make backlinks of our web 2.0 backlinks itself which helps the primary backlink in getting indexed which ultimately helps with our website DA.
Also many people have been asking us in our previous posts how we structure our blog since I talk a lot about content quality, see it's not as hard and it doesn't involve a lot of research at least in the initial phase when you just have to rank on low difficulty keywords. In this phase usually what we do is study the top 5 ranking blogs on the particular keyword and make sure that we include more content and more subheadings then them. Also we try to find opportunities to include tables or charts wherever possible, we include good quality images(original if possible) and at this stage internal linking is very very important so we focus on that as well. In later stages although the basic strategy for framing the blogs remains same, overall content strategy varies a lot from business to business and requires a lot of strategizing depending on the brand positioning goals.
So after we were able to rank for low difficulty informational keywords and our Website DA reached a decent level due to our backlinking efforts, we started writing content around the fashion advice and common problems which people face related to hair in general. But as discussed earlier, we wanted to keep our brand positioning fashion centric, so even while writing about common problems we applied a positive and solution centric approach. We strategically placed internal links to our product pages in the content and tested popups with offers as well. Apart from this, we started guest posting as well at this stage. For finding websites for guest posting we used SEMrush’s backlink gap analysis tool and created a segregated list of blogs that we can reach out to based on their content quality and DA. By this time the store started generating decent revenue from ads and SEO so the client was completely onboard with reaching out to blogs for guest posting. Guest posting and overall strategic SEO application started generating a good amount of traffic for us and in 3-4 months the revenue generated due to SEO surpassed our Ads revenue as well.
Advantages of Combining SEO and Paid Ads
While Facebook Ads played a crucial role in launching the brand and driving initial traffic, SEO has emerged as the primary driver of sustainable growth. This approach allowed us to:
SEO efforts are always ongoing but we are really satisfied with the base that we have built and we are really looking forward to working with keywords with higher KD and generating more revenue with SEO In the upcoming months. Although we will keep running ads in future as well mostly for awareness purposes but the major revenue will be generated from our SEO efforts. Apart from this, as we mentioned earlier, we are looking to actively start the Social Media efforts as well from the next month itself. We will be looking to target Instagram and Tiktok in the initial phase and we believe in 2-3 months social media will contribute towards 25% of our revenue which will grow rapidly.
Thankyou For Reading!
submitted by digital_wiz to ecommerce [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:44 hereiam58 Available - Milstead’s Health Policy & Politics: A Nurse’s Guide, 7th Edition - Author - Nancy M. Short - ISBN - 1284228517 9781284228519 9781284238723

I have this book available immediately in searchable converted pdf form and original publisher epub for $7.
I offer a book-finding service for $7 for the first book and $3 for each additional book in the same transaction, as long as I have them, so if there are any others, I will do them cheaply if I can find them Upon your agreement that you will pay the $7, I will create a sample that includes the cover up to the first page of chapter 1, and then pages 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500. You can then pay via PayPal, Venmo, Cash App, Wise, or debit/credit card.
Upon payment, I will provide you with the book in a permanent Google Drive folder.
Just contact me if interested.
submitted by hereiam58 to Textbooks_for_CHEAP [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:40 hereiam58 Available - Willard And Spackman’s Occupational Therapy, 14th Edition - Authors - Glen Gillen; Catana Brown - ISBN - 9781975174880 1975174887 9781975174903 1975174909

I have this book available immediately in searchable converted pdf form and original publisher epub for $7.
I offer a book-finding service for $7 for the first book and $3 for each additional book in the same transaction, as long as I have them, so if there are any others, I will do them cheaply if I can find them Upon your agreement that you will pay the $7, I will create a sample that includes the cover up to the first page of chapter 1, and then pages 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500. You can then pay via PayPal, Venmo, Cash App, Wise, or debit/credit card.
Upon payment, I will provide you with the book in a permanent Google Drive folder.
Just contact me if interested.
submitted by hereiam58 to Textbooks_for_CHEAP [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:32 HashTagFinallyWoke Immigrant Store Clerk Khushwilder Singh Pursuing The American Dream Robbed & Killed, Kiree Hayes, Tyler Miller & Damien Cobb Charged with Murder

Immigrant Store Clerk Khushwilder Singh Pursuing The American Dream Robbed & Killed, Kiree Hayes, Tyler Miller & Damien Cobb Charged with Murder
Kiree Daron Hayes, Tyler Miller, Damien Cobb, Khushwilder Singh
submitted by HashTagFinallyWoke to Justice4Victims [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:29 Rhendricks Over/Under May 17th - Vs Red Sox, 7:15 CT - Brayan Bello Vs Kyle Gibson

Hey Everyone! Welcome to the Cardinals Reddit Daily OveUnder Contest! I’ll post these daily as long as I’m able to, but I’m sure real life will get in the way here and there. This is all for fun. No prizes other than bragging rights.



1st Place: 3 Points
2nd Place: 2 Points
3rd Place: 1 Point
Correct Tie-Breaker: 1 Point
10/10 Correct: 1 Point
0/10 Correct: 1 Point
I'll keep a tally and post the results as a comment in that day's post and link it in the next day's contest thread. Points will keep accumulating throughout the season. I will be using MLB GameDay and ESPN for official scoring.
Good luck, everyone! I hope you enjoy! I'm also always open to feedback on how to improve or suggestions for questions (it can be tough trying to get enough variety!).
Not required for entry, but I’d appreciate leaving a comment/vote for visibility on the page

OveUnder Contest: May 17th


Vs Red Sox, 7:15 CT


Brayan Bello Vs Kyle Gibson


OveUnder Form Link


May 15th Results


May Standings

Reddit Username Points
u/DSchibler 9
u/Flimsy-animator756 6
u/dan81989 5
u/gonelikecommonsense 5
u/SomethingAvid 5
u/Weezy2337yadude 5
u/fujiesque 4
u/Kevindoesnotcare 4
u/more_whales 4
u/dquizzle 3
u/FKACaptainFlaherty 3
u/jmikesyo 3
u/newtickled 3
u/PCBangHero 3
u/SGT_Apone 3
u/zap_the_frank 3
u/InternetGoodGuy 2
u/jacksonfake 2
u/ski_mom 2
u/StrangerFront 2
u/Xerowaltz 2
u/Nurlitik 1

Overall Standings

Reddit Username Points
u/DSchibler 24
u/InternetGoodGuy 12
u/zap_the_frank 12
u/gonelikecommonsense 11
u/more_whales 10
u/Dan81989 9
u/NotGordan 9
u/StrangerFront 9
u/PCBangHero 8
u/Flimsy_animator756 7
u/jacksonfake 7
u/MVPBaseball2069 7
u/SomethingAvid 7
u/jmikesyo 6
u/Paulspike 6
u/SGT_Apone 6
u/theredd636 6
u/Nurlitik 5
u/seattle_lib 5
u/Weezy2337yadude 5
u/fujiesque 4
u/Kevindoesnotcare 4
u/Nerp_Rufflez 4
u/aga1397 3
u/dquizzle 3
u/EE89 3
u/FKACaptainFlaherty 3
u/iamfluffhead 3
u/JayBSmith 3
u/kyla__ren 3
u/LookitstheMeta 3
u/newtickled 3
u/No_communication101 3
u/ohforschern 3
u/Pizzayolo96 3
u/tehmeat 3
u/TronaldDumpsLogs 3
u/Vasego1 3
u/Actually_Actuarially 2
u/Bigdaddyice69 2
u/Clueless_in_Florida 2
u/Da_Choppa 2
u/defiant_edge 2
u/jabbernut56 2
u/PhaedrusThaSquatch 2
u/PTF_Voidwalker 2
u/Redflanehot 2
u/rjaspa 2
u/ski_mom 2
u/thachiefking47 2
u/untitled5a1 2
u/Waystonebb 2
u/Xerowaltz 2
u/7thton 1
u/Abyss_in_Motion 1
u/Da_Munchy76 1
u/FrogsOfWar14 1
u/jessner88 1
u/Lefty808 1
u/MissouriOzarker 1
u/UnlikelyCheddar 1

OveUnder Questions for later reference:

1) First Pitch Strikes Thrown by Kyle Gibson - O/U 15.5 2) Groundball Outs produced by Brayan Bello - O/U 8.5 3) Pitches Thrown by Kyle Gibson - O/U 95.5 4) Highest Exit Velocity Allowed by Both Starting Pitchers Combined - O/U 107.99 5) 1st Inning Leadoff Hitters to Reach Base for Both Teams Combined - O/U 0.5 6) Hard Hit (95+ MPH Exit Velocity) by Red Sox Infielders (1B, 2B, 3B, SS) - O/U 4.5 7) Hits Produced as a Pinch Hitter for Both Teams Combined - O/U 0.5 8) Home Runs Hit by Cardinals - O/U 1.5 9) Total Holds Recorded in the Game by Both Teams Combined - O/U 2.5 10) Runs Allowed by Cardinals Bullpen - O/U 2.5
Tie Breaker: Official Attendance at Busch Stadium
submitted by Rhendricks to Cardinals [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:08 Sleepnaz Bought this on eBay, the cover art seems to be fading, what could be the cause? I still think it looks pretty cool.

Bought this on eBay, the cover art seems to be fading, what could be the cause? I still think it looks pretty cool. submitted by Sleepnaz to psx [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:03 StationaryEvent Updated 3996 reasons list (repost)

Updated 3996 reasons list (repost)
Updated 3996 Reason List (repost after original deleted)
I updated the dated “3996 reasons” list that the NALC has been floating around forever to include reasons that are more relevant in 2024 (like the Metris and MDD scanner).
I went ahead and organized everything into categories to try and help carriers articulate related reasons that aren’t listed. This obviously isn’t a complete list but I think it’s pretty extensive and can easily be adapted to different circumstances.
Let me know if there’s anything I missed or any criticism of the wording I used on the list. I’m not the ultimate authority on anything and I’d love to crowd source feedback and suggestions to make the list better.
I squeezed everything into a single page so that it can be saved onto a single image that can be easily shared with carriers through text message or facebook message boards, and can be quickly and conveniently referenced on the workroom floor.
Remember that a 3996 is NOT a negotiation, it is the carrier INFORMING management why they will not be able to complete their assignment in eight hours. Here is an NALC guide to requesting the 3996, filling it out completely, and dealing with the possibly contentious interaction with management that follows.
submitted by StationaryEvent to USPS [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:55 here4thepuns Did I submit a notification or application (waiting time question)

I applied through the form 320011 and believe I meet the criteria to regain Swedish citizenship lost at birth when one of my parents became a citizen of another country (thereby losing Swedish citizenship as that was not allowed at the time prior to 2001).
I'm a little confused if I should look at the wait time for notifications (12 months) or applications (30 months). Does anyone know what this particular situation would fall under?
submitted by here4thepuns to TillSverige [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:54 hereiam58 Available - Textbook of Radiographic Positioning and Related Anatomy, 11th Edition - Authors - John Lampignano, Leslie E. Kendrick - ISBN - 032393613X 9780323936132

I have this book available immediately in searchable converted pdf form and original publisher epub for $7.
I offer a book-finding service for $7 for the first book and $3 for each additional book in the same transaction, as long as I have them, so if there are any others, I will do them cheaply if I can find them Upon your agreement that you will pay the $7, I will create a sample that includes the cover up to the first page of chapter 1, and then pages 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500. You can then pay via PayPal, Venmo, Cash App, Wise, or debit/credit card.
Upon payment, I will provide you with the book in a permanent Google Drive folder.
Just contact me if interested.
submitted by hereiam58 to Textbooks_for_CHEAP [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:02 RaymondCipher Where did I got this scam "program" from?

Out of nothing, a program called "Campaign Manager" opened over the full screen and showed the following. This appeared while watching netflix without downloading anything in the last few hours. Where did it come from?
program window (fullscreen)
tasklist icon
submitted by RaymondCipher to computerviruses [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:00 AutoModerator May 17, 2024 - Weekly FAQ and Beginner Q&A Thread If you are new to Neville, please post your questions here! How do I manifest X? What does Y mean?

Feel free to ask any type of question on this thread. More importantly, feel free to answer questions that have been asked!
Additionally, please refrain from posting multiple questions in the subreddit, and instead post the question in here. Moderators may remove or lock posts that are asking frequently asked questions.
If you believe you have a question that hasn't been answered, or would like to open a broader discussion that you feel it deserves its own thread, feel free to create an individual post! If you make an individual post, make sure to add as much context as possible, and be sure the question hasn't been answered elsewhere, or the post will be disapproved.
Old Scheduled Q&A Threads

New to Neville's teachings? Start here!

The below links contain essentially the entirety of Neville's teachings.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I manifest xyz?

Yes, anything is possible.

How do I manifest xyz?

All manifestations use the same technique(s). To get good simply takes practice and imagination.
Neville's Basic Manifestation Techniques:

What scene should I choose?

Any scene which you believe you would encounter after your wish is fulfilled.

What should I start reading?

We recommend The Law and The Promise or The Power of Awareness first for beginners. This is because Neville includes several examples and success stories from students, in addition to being lighter on Bible references, which can be off-putting or confusing to beginners.
If you want a physical copy of his books, publishers continue publishing new copies of Neville's works. Please check your library, locally owned book store, or search online for Neville's works. If you purchase a new physical copy, we recommend The Power of Imagination: The Neville Goddard Treasury, as it contains all of Neville's books in one volume.
All of Neville’s books and lectures are in the public domain and can be searched online for free, and are included in the Wiki and Sidebar links mentioned previously.

What is an SP?

Specific Person. Usually in reference to a person’s romantic interest or crush. The term was popularized by so-called, self-professed online manifestation coaches and "experts". /NevilleGoddardSP is a dedicated, expert subreddit for that.

What is a Mental Diet?

Avoiding negative conversation and media, paying attention to positive conversation and media.

What is SATS?

State Akin To Sleep (SATS) refers to the deep state of consciousness during meditation or just before falling asleep. In SATS, the body is relaxed, but control over the mind is retained. It is used to create vivid visualizations in imagination for the purposes of manifesting.
After you have decided on the action which implies that your desire has been realized, then sit in your nice comfortable chair or lie flat on your back, close your eyes for the simple reason it helps to induce this state that borders on sleep. The minute you feel this lovely drowsy state, or the feeling of gathered togetherness, wherein you feel- I could move if I wanted to, but I do not want to, I could open my eyes if I wanted to, but I do not want to. When you get that feeling you can be quite sure that you are in the perfect state to pray successfully.
Neville Goddard, 1948 Lecture Series, Lesson 4

What is the Lullaby Method?

In SATS, instead of visualizing, repeat an affirmation to oneself again and again, building the feeling of it being true.

What is Revision?

Revision is revising in imagination events that have happened in the past as a way of mitigating their effects in the future.
See also: Revision: The Complete Guide

What is Door Slamming/You are in Barbados/Living in the End/State of the Wish Fulfilled?

Closing your mind to any other possibility besides your outcome. Assuming your desire is true and not questioning it.

Do we have Free Will?

Yes, and no. It’s complicated. See here.

What is "Everyone is You Pushed Out" (EIYPO)?

On a practical level, what you believe is what you get. The world only shows you your own beliefs. On a metaphysical level, we are all the same God interacting with Itself through an infinite number of different points.
The whole vast world is no more than man's imagining pushed out. I must qualify that by saying that the world outside of man is dead, but Man is a living soul, and it responds to man, yet man is sound asleep and does not know it. The Lord God placed man in a profound sleep, and as he sleeps the world responds as in a dream, for Man does not know he is asleep, and then he moves from a state of sleep where he is only a living soul to an awakened state where he is a life-giving Spirit. And now he can himself create, for everything is responding to an activity in man which is Imagination. "The eternal body of man is all imagination; that is God himself." (Blake)
Neville Goddard, The Law lecture

What if everything is going wrong? What if I am manifesting the opposite of my desire?

Failure is generally due to a lack of consistent faith or belief in the outcome, not feeling as though it had already happened. However, if the one has consistently been loyal to their faith, then we are reminded that all manifestations have their appointed hour (Hab 2:3). Neville writes about the causes of failure here.

What about (my sick mom, my crazy grandpa, the homeless, starving children, etc.)?

In Neville's view, there is one being that is God (who is pure imagination), and has split Itself into infinite smaller forms to undergo a series of good/bad experiences across lifetimes until these smaller pieces realize they are God and reintegrate. The less fortunate are to be helped, not looked down upon, but understanding it is necessary for God to realize Itself (to experience bad and good).

What happens after I die? What is The Promise?

Neville’s prophetic vision of an individual’s reintegration with God.

Can I manifest multiple things at once?

Yes. Here is Neville's answer regarding how to manifest multiple things from Lessons Q&A:
\5. Question: Is it possible to imagine several things at the same time, or should I confine my imagining to one desire?
Answer: Personally I like to confine my imaginal act to a single thought, but that does not mean I will stop there. During the course of a day I may imagine many things, but instead of imagining lots of small things, I would suggest that you imagine something so big it includes all the little things. Instead of imagining wealth, health and friends, imagine being ecstatic. You could not be ecstatic and be in pain. You could not be ecstatic and be threatened with a dispossession notice. You could not be ecstatic if you were not enjoying a full measure of friendship and love.
What would the feeling be like were you ecstatic without knowing what had happened to produce your ecstasy? Reduce the idea of ecstasy to the single sensation, "Isn't it wonderful!" Do not allow the conscious, reasoning mind to ask why, because if it does it will start to look for visible causes, and then the sensation will be lost. Rather, repeat over and over again, "Isn't it wonderful!" Suspend judgment as to what is wonderful. Catch the one sensation of the wonder of it all and things will happen to bear witness to the truth of this sensation. And I promise you, it will include all the little things.

What if I have another question?

Please use Reddit's search feature or post it here in the Q&A thread.
submitted by AutoModerator to NevilleGoddard [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:12 DivSanzo Best Team I ever coached

Best Team I ever coached
Would call myself a Veteran in FM, but this is by far the best I ever got out of the Players/Team. I know the tactic Gegenpress is Meta, but what this team is achieving is just crazy. Started the career with a 4-3-3 Gegenpress with scoring and conceeding much, but went through the years and became more and more defensive and now the stats are absolute nuts.
submitted by DivSanzo to footballmanagergames [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:08 UniqueName3003 Internetanbieter schaltet wegen offener Forderungen ohne Ankündigung das Internet ab. Liefert aber seit Monaten, trotz mehrfacher Nachfrage, keine einzige Forderungsaufstellung.

Guten Morgen zusammen!
Mein Internetprovider, ein kleinerer Glasfaseranbieter namens FiberOne, schickt mir schon seit fast einem Jahr Emails mit einem simplen Text á la "Sie haben eine offene Forderung von XX €, bitte überweisen Sie ....". Man sollte anmerken, dass FiberOne währenddessen die regulären monatlichen Beiträge per Lastschrift abgebucht hat. Dass einer mal gefehlt hat kann sein.
Ich habe mit Ihnen telefoniert und Emails geschrieben und sie vermehrt aufgefordert mir doch mal eine Forderungsaufstellung zu schicken, da mir fremd ist wie der Betrag um knapp 30% höher ist als die Monatsgebühr und ich nicht einfach bei solchen Emails blind Geld rausschicke.
Kein Brief, keine Email, keine PDF. Nur einmal ein Screenshot von der Buchhaltungssoftware wo im Grunde genommen wieder nur "Soll: XX €" steht.
In jeder Email steht, dass sie das Internet, mit 2 wöchiger schriftlicher Ankündigung, abstellen können.
Nun ist das Internet heute auf einmal ausgegangen. Weder schriftliche Benachrichtigung noch eine verdammte Forderungsaufstellung. Wieder mit denen telefoniert und die meinen nur mündlich "Sie haben die offene Forderung so lange nicht beglichen, dass wir Ihnen jetzt das Internet abgestellt haben".
Ich fühle mich veräppelt. Meines Erachtens nach ist keine von den Forderungen rechtsgültig, da ich nicht einmal weiß welcher Monat denn nun nicht bezahlt wurde oder welche Gebühren für was berechnet wurden. Hinzu kommt natürlich auch, dass ich über das Abschalten nicht informiert wurde, was im HomeOffice natürlich stark nervt.
Wie gehe ich da am besten vor?
submitted by UniqueName3003 to LegaladviceGerman [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:04 Ekocare On the Origin of the Buddhist Arthakathás (R. C. Childers, L. C. Vijasinha)

On the Origin of the Buddhist Arthakathás Cambridge University Press (1871)
"—the commentary, I say, upon this Scripture was
at the first Council rehearsed by five hundred holy elders
and in later times rehearsed again and yet again."
L. Comrilla Vijasinha, Government Interpreter to the Ratnapura Court Ceylon:
It must be admitted that the point raised by Mr. Childers is one of grave importance as affecting the credibility of Buddhaghosa and the authenticity of all the commentaries on the Tipitaka. From a missionary point of view, the astounding statement that a commentary on Buddha's discourses existed during his lifetime, and was rehearsed along with those discourses at the First Great Council, appears so improbable and unnatural as at once to justify one in discrediting the testimony; and I doubt not that missionary orientalists will hail the discovery as a valuable addition to their stock of arguments against the genuineness and authenticity of the Buddhist Scriptures.
Indeed I found it difficult at first to obtain the opinions of some of my learned friends of the Buddhist priesthood on this point, as they seemed to regard it as another thunderbolt intended to be levelled against their religion by some enthusiastic missionary ; and it was only after explaining to them the object of the inquiry, and the literary character of the gentleman who started the apparent difficulty, that I could induce them to look the question fairly in the face.
I am glad to say that most of my clerical Buddhist friends with whom I have consulted on this subject agree with me on the necessity of giving a wider and more extended signification than is generally allowed to the word Atthakathá as applied by Buddhaghosa in the passage cited. The word, as is well known, is compounded of two terms, attha, " meaning, " and katha , " a statement, explanation, or narrative," the dental t being changed to the cerebral by a latitude in the rules of permutation.1 The literal meaning of the compound term would thus amount to simply " an ex- planation of meaning. " Taking this wider sense of the word as a basis for the solution of the problem, I think the statement of Buddhaghosa in his preface to the commentary on the Dígha Nikáya is not so hopelessly irreconcilable with probable and presumable facts as would at first sight appear.
On a careful perusal of the two accounts given by Buddhaghosa of the proceedings of the three famous Councils in the Sumańgala Vilásiní and the Samanta Pásádiká, this view will, I think, be found to be very reasonable. It must be admitted that no actual commentary, in the sense that the westerns attach to that term, and like that which has been handed down to us by Buddhaghosa, existed either in the lifetime of Buddha or immediately after his death. The reasons adduced by Mr. Childers, apart from others that can easily be added, against such a supposition, are overwhelmingly convincing. But if we suppose that by the word Atthakathá in his preface Buddhaghosa only meant to convey the idea that at the various Councils held for the purpose of collocating the discourses and sayings of Buddha, the meanings to be attached to different terms were discussed and properly defined, then the difficulty of conceiving the contemporaneous existence pf the commentaries and the Pitakas would be entirely removed.
This view of the subject will appear still further borne out if we briefly glance over the history of the First Convocation, as narrated by Buddhaghosa himself. The first proposal to hold an assembly of priests for the purpose of collocating Buddha's discourses was made by Mahá Kassapa, the chief of the seven hundred thousand priests who assembled at Kusinára to celebrate the obsequies of the departed saint. Seven days had hardly elapsed after that mournful occurrence, when signs of discontent at monastic restraint manifested themselves, and a disaffected disciple of Buddha named Subhadda openly proclaimed that now their master was no more the ties of discipline should be relaxed, if not broken. The words of consolation offered by this old monk to his brethren in distress are certainly remarkable, as it would be difficult to say whether they betoken more the callousness of his feelings or the depravity of his heart: " Brethren, enough of this sorrow, weep not, lament not. We are well rid of that Arch-priest, having been in constant dread of his declarations, This befits you, this befits you not. Now, there- fore, what we desire we shall do; what we do not desire that shall we not do." To a sagacious mind like that of Mahá Kassapa it was not difficult to perceive what language like this foreshadowed, and he instantly formed the resolve to congregate the priesthood, and to collect and arrange the laws and doctrines proclaimed by his Master. Hardly two months had elapsed before this active mind brought about what it had contemplated, and the result was the Council of the Five Hundred, convoked at Kájagaha, under the auspices of King Ajátasattu, for the purpose of collecting and arrang- ing the doctrines and discourses of Buddha.
The proceedings of this Council appear to have been con- ducted in a very orderly and systematic manner, which is the more surprising when we consider that monastic autocracy was about to give place to a form of church government prescribed by the great Founder himself, but which was now to be established and tested for the first time. Mahá Kassapa, whom Buddha indirectly indicated as his equal in point of superhuman mental acquirements, assumed the office of Moderator, and by the unanimous consent of the synod Upáli was elected as the best qualified of their order to repeat the Yinaya, and Ānanda the Dhamma ; the Council having previously decided that the Yinaya was the most material for the permanence of Buddhism.
Now it is important to observe that the catechetical form was used in the collocation of both the Laws and Doctrines. "Afterwards Mahá Kassapa, having seated himself in the presidential chair, questioned the venerable Upáli respecting the Yinaya in this wise. Brother Upáli, where was the first Párájika promulgated? My lord, at Vesáli. On whose account? On account of Sudinna, the son of Kalanda. With regard to what offence? To fornication. Then did the venerable Mahá Kassapa question the venerable Upáli on the offence, the cause, the offender, the primary law, the secondary law, the transgression and the non-transgression, relating to the first law enacted against mortal sin. And the venerable Upáli explained as he was questioned." Such was also the method employed in the synod in the collocation of the Dhamma : - " Brother Ananda, where was the Brahmajála delivered ? My lord, between Rájagaha and Nálanda," and so on. Though it is subsequently added that " at the conclusion of the questions and answers the five hundred Arhats repeated the texts together in the order in which they had been collocated,"- it is difficult to believe that all' the five hundred rehearsed the long narratives prefixed to some of Buddha's discourses in the same words and style that they are now clothed in. Buddhaghosa's account of the synod is gathered from tradition, which was very probably embodied in the Simhalese atthakathás, and there can be little doubt that the main facts are correct ; but that he drew largely from tradition, written and oral, and possibly in some instances from imagination, will I think appear clear to any careful reader of the commentaries. Witness for instance his relation of Ananda's mysterious entrance into the assembly : pathaviyam nimujjitvá ottano árnne y em attánam dassesi , ákásena gantvá nisïdîti pi eke , " He plunged into the earth and showed himself in his seat, and also some say he went through the air and sat down." He does not say which version is correct, but is quite satisfied with both accounts, and is evidently quite willing to let his readers choose whichever they like.
Buddhaghosa throughout all his writings appears to have set one great object prominently in view, namely to inspire reverence for what he considered as supreme authority. When he came to Ceylon for the purpose of translating the Simhalese commentaries, he found a great many extant at that time, and out of these commentaries, embracing no doubt various shades of opinion, and representing different schools of thought, he had to expunge, abridge, enlarge, and make a new commentary. Now how could he do all this, and at the same time preserve undiminished among future generations the same reverence and authority in which the older commentaries were held by the Buddhists of that age? The thought struck him, as no doubt it would strike any careful reader of the Buddhist Scriptures, that a large portion of the writings contained in that canon appear to be explanations and definitions of terms used by Buddha, and also that a great many discourses said to have been delivered by Buddha to certain individuals have not been recorded.
Now what more easy to conceive, or what more probable, than that they formed the nucleus of matter for the formation of a commentary, and that at the First General Council, which lasted seven months, the elders, who had all seen and heard Buddha, should have dis- cussed them, and decided on the method of interpreting and teaching the more recondite portions of Buddhist philosophy ? and what therefore if he should say in somewhat exaggerated language, " the commentary on the Digha Nikáya was at the beginning discussed (or composed, or merged into the body of the Scriptures) by five hundred holy elders" ? - for the original words may admit of such a construction. If or will this opinion appear merely hypothetical if we carefully peruse the account given by Buddhaghosa of the commentaries in his Samanta Pásádiká. In his metrical introduction to that work, after the usual doxology, he explains the necessity of having a proper Pali Commentary on the Vinaya, and then proceeds to set forth what he is about to do : -
"In commencing this commentary, I shall, having embodied therein the Mahá Atthakathá, without excluding any proper meaning from the decisions contained in the Mahá Paccarí, as also in the famous Kurundi and other com- mentaries, and including the opinions of the Elders, - perform my task well. Let the young, the middle-aged, and the elderly priests, who entertain a proper regard for the doctrines of the Tathágata, the luminary of truth, listen to my words with pleasure. The Dhamma, as well as the Yinaya, was declared by Buddha, his (sacerdotal) sons understood it in the same sense as it was delivered ; and inasmuch as in former times they (the Simhalese commentators) composed the com- mentaries without disregarding their (the sacerdotal sons') opinions, therefore, barring any erro* of transcription, every- thing contained therein is an authority to the learned in this priesthood who respect ecclesiastical discipline. From these (Simhalese) commentaries, after casting off the language, condensing detailed accounts, including authoritative deci- sions, and without overstepping any Pàli idiom (I shall pro- ceed to compose). And as this commentary will moreover be explanatory of the meaning of words belonging. to the Suttas in conformity with the sense attached to them therein, therefore ought it the more diligently to be studied."
On the Origin of the Buddhist Arthakathás Cambridge University Press (1871)
submitted by Ekocare to TheravadaBuddhism [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:02 CatholicChanner Four Scenarios For The Future of Europe's Muslim Population-How Will This Influence the Conflict?

I found an interesting geopolitical study on a comparatively unknown Pentagon agency's(Executive Services Directorate's) website where it discusses four scenarios for the future of Europe's Muslim population and reading through it, despite it being published in 2008, I found it has been quite prescient in many ways as it accurately predicted many trends regarding terrorism and the responses to it. It discusses the challenges and the possible impossibility of true integration in the sense Europeans are accustomed to, and the geopolitical realities of the above on Europe and US-European relations. If you have the time you should read through the full study and its conclusions, but here are the summaries of each and their likelihood of occurring, starting from least likely to most likely.
Synthesis: Euro-Islam and a New Europe (Least Likely).
In an extension of the EU project to transcend Europe' s internal historical divisions, European societies manage to create a workable new civilization and political culture rooted in cosmopolitan precepts rather than in national or historical legacies. To qualify as a European one need only embrace a new civic creed. The Muslim populations of Europe develop a distinctive variant of their religion, relegating Islam to a personal or private moral code while adopting European languages, modes of dress, career ambitions, lifestyle choices, etc. A core body of secular beliefs and structures comes to characterize the Muslim populations as much as it does pre-existing European populations. This outcome is promoted by inherent tendencies on the part both of migrant and host communities to integrate the Muslim immigrant populations of Europe into the pre-existing social milieu. Designed programs of the State also act to promote integration and assimilation.
Eurabia: A Muslim-dominated Europe (Second Least Likely)
With its population aging and declining, Europe has little choice but to permit increased immigration from North Africa, the Middle East, and elsewhere in the Muslim world. Emboldened by their youthfulness, growing numbers, and a vibrant religious-cultural identity, Europe's Muslim immigrants increasingly assert themselves in European politics. The present disparities in birth rate grow even sharper. Exhausted, insecure, disoriented, and intimidated, European host societies never regain the cohesiveness of identity and purpose to assert themselves against an energetic, rising social order. Ultimately, the Muslim populations ofEurope overwhelm the host societies, until Europe becomes a socio-religious extension of the Ncar East and North Africa, possibly with residual enclaves of the pre-Islamic European population left from place to place. Pressure from within and from without compels the European states to distance themselves from cooperation with the United States, particularly in the Middle East.
Fortress Europe (Second Most Likely)
Unsettled by its inability to integrate its Muslim populations and impatient with the Muslims' refusal to assimilate, Europe dispenses with its relatively recent experience with liberalism. Global economic downturn and acts of jihadist terror provoke Europeans to embrace a highly xenophobic style of politics. European politics comes to be dominated by anti-Muslim ideologues, who adopt a program of organized hostility to Muslims and to already-established Muslim populations in Europe. The practical manifestations of the new reaction in Europe vary between some combination of isolation and draconian police controls at the least extreme end of a spectrum; to mass expulsion at the most extreme. Factors leading to this outcome include growth in alarm at the socio-economic problems associated with the Muslim populations; a break down of the ideology of multiculturalism and political taboos; and incidents of terrorism as mobilizing shock events.
The Green Ghetto (Most Likely).
The present-day (c. 2007) status quo continues-but, through the passage of time, it crystallizes-i.e., becomes more rigid and less likely to undergo transition to other forms. Muslim populations are restricted- at first by choice, later perhaps by formal legal provisions to more or less dearly defined geographic precincts, chiefly in large European cities. Elites within these populations may achieve a nominal degree of integration, through language acquisition and economic engagement with the host society. The main body of each Muslim population however remains self-contained, and advances little beyond a low-level economic niche. State integration programs stall, achieving, at best, the occasional convert to European social norms-but integration remains an exceptional phenomenon, restricted to individual cases. Globalization in the form of satellite television and air transportation makes it easier for immigrant populations to retain ties to their societies of origin and maintain distinct identities. Meanwhile globalization in the form of increased market competition undermines the European welfare state. Maintaining a homogenous society is no longer easy or even desirable. In essence, European society reverts to a pre-nation-state pattern wherein economic classes are socially distinct and ethnic-cultural groups fill specific economic niches
Foreign Policy Conclusions Related to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict:
Synthesis: The study's authors did not delve into the effects this might have on foreign policy so this is the one I would like to hear most from the people on. Personally I think we would see a more pro-Arab, but not necessarily rabidly anti-Israel, response in Europe if secularism and humanitarianism/a reformed private Islam win out over political Islam and the Muslim population integrates in this optimistic scenario. You would likely see a harder push for a two-state solution and an end to the conflict with Europe putting leashes on both the Palistineans and Israelis becoming tired of it, condemning Palistinean terrorism while also condemning Israeli countermeasures.
Eurabia: This would be the absolute worst scenario for Israel and the absolute best scenario for the Palestinians as it would turn Europe into an extension of MENA. The study does not go into detail on this but Israel would be entirely surrounded by actively Islamist countries by air, land, and sea, and the US would be forced to decide whether backing Israel is worth it if it turns the entire continent of Europe and MENA against it. Israel's existence as a state may actually be threatened even with nuclear weapons or it may even be forced to turn into an effective autarky North-Korean tier state if embargos are put on it and it is cut off from all of its trading partners. It may be able to survive but only with heavy concessions to the Palestinians and the potential loss of Jerusalem and/or exploiting inter-Muslim tensions.
Fortress Europe: This did not touch on Israel-Palestine directly but it does present an interesting US-EU dynamic depending on how bad the situation goes ranging from anywhere between the US supporting the crackdown or expulsion of Muslims to being vehemently against it or somewhere in between, meaning Israel could see a huge rift and tension between its two allies or them coming closer together to crack down on Islam. The former would be problematic for Israel due to a lack of coordination or even hostility between the two. The latter could go two ways depending on whether the historical antisemitism of the conservative right reemerges or it does not. If it does, this could not be great for Israel for various reasons ranging from outright hostility to a cold peace or anywhere in between. If it does not, however, it could be extremely beneficial to Israel as both Europe and America would not be fans of Muslims and Israel would become a key staunch ally for both with strong support from both and Israeli maximalist positions would likely find favor.
The Green Ghetto: The study touches on the IP conflict here saying that Europe would either become too distracted and divided by internal issues to really influence the conflict or it becomes more pro-Arab in the sense it does not want to set off constant ethnic conflict within its own borders by backing Israel or at least moving towards a more neutral position. One could extrapolate from this that it could also become bipolar each election cycle depending on which parties are in power, the more anti-Islam conservative ones backing Israel not so much because they care about Jewish sovereignty but more because it angers the Muslims which pleases their political base. The more progressive parties will turn more pro-Arab in an attempt to placate the Muslim population and deepen economic ties with MENA. You could also see a huge Western/Eastern Europe divide on this. Israel's position here would wax and wane with the political tide and it would require Israeli politicians to be skilled to navigate this.
Anyway, those are the summaries and my thoughts, what are yours?
submitted by CatholicChanner to IsraelPalestine [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:53 DMFan79 How gender stereotypes are being exploited by 'deminists' to cover female violence on men

In 2020, a paper titled "Unmasking Gender Differences in Narcissism within Intimate Partner Violence" (Green, A., MacLean, R., and Charles, K.) analyzed how the two types of narcissism ('grandiose' and 'vulnerable') manifest in female and male population.
As we all know, current narrative claims that men violence on women represents the vast majority of cases; the research tells us a different story though...
Quoting from the paper:
"Theoretical understanding of gender differences in narcissistic presentation is underdeveloped due to an overrepresentation of males in the narcissism literature"
"Results showed that females scored significantly higher on vulnerable narcissism than males, but no gender differences were found for grandiose narcissism"
"Vulnerable narcissism is overshadowed by the grandiose subtype, with over 75% of the empirical literature"
"Indeed, common depictions of narcissism (DSM/NPI) embody a personality construct closely resembling masculine stereotypes in society, including physical expressions of aggression, an authoritarian character, entitled exploitation, and an excessive need for power (Corry, Merritt, Mrug, & Pamp, 2008)"
"The research on narcissism and Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) has, however, been dominated by the grandiose component as the main assessment of narcissism, which may not accurately capture narcissistic traits in females."
"Further adding to these limitations, other research fail to specify the gender of the perpetrator versus the victim (e.g., Carton & Egan, 2017; Peterson & Dehart, 2014). Given the widespread assumption that males are overrepresented as IPV perpetrators in general, and in narcissism research in particular (Gormley & Lopez, 2010), the failure to differentiate the gender of the perpetrator can have particularly problematic implications if these are to assume males are perpetrators and females are victims"
The paper contains more interesting data and I invite you to search for it on Google (there are several links to the complete PDF).
Violence takes many forms and despite what some 'deminists' want us to believe, it's pretty much evenly spread between the sexes.
But female violence is more subtle, it hides behind the lie that men are aggressors by nature. A lot of us have been exposed to female violence, we know what it means to endure something nobody wants to see or believe.
Physical violence on women has been going down for years now, pretty much everywhere in western countries; numbers cannot be denied and don't lie, 'deminists' agenda has run its course and, frankly, it's time to set the facts straight.
note: 'deminist' -> deranged feminist
submitted by DMFan79 to MensRights [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:44 hereiam58 Available - Varcarolis’ Essentials Of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing: A Communication Approach To Evidence-Based Care, 5th Edition - Author - Chyllia D Fosbre - ISBN - 0323810306 9780323810302 9780323811477 AFKE

I have this book available immediately in searchable converted pdf form and original publisher epub for $7.
I offer a book-finding service for $7 for the first book and $3 for each additional book in the same transaction, as long as I have them, so if there are any others, I will do them cheaply if I can find them Upon your agreement that you will pay the $7, I will create a sample that includes the cover up to the first page of chapter 1, and then pages 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500. You can then pay via PayPal, Venmo, Cash App, Wise, or debit/credit card.
Upon payment, I will provide you with the book in a permanent Google Drive folder.
Just contact me if interested.
submitted by hereiam58 to Textbooks_for_CHEAP [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:35 Skittle_392 Our cases were just approved.

Our cases were just approved.
I am male 39 year old USC and married female 35 year old from Peru. We are in Southern California with San Bernardino was our local office.
We just had our interview on Tuesday and the case trackers just updated to case being approved and closed. Just have to wait for her green card to be mailed.
We filed ourself without a lawyer. But did reach out to a local nonprofit about some questions. Also her cousin that also went through the process.
Filed I-130, I-485, I-765. Total time frame (excluding receiving green card) was 228 days.
submitted by Skittle_392 to USCIS [link] [comments]
