Cerita main dgn kawan perempuan

Sebuah harapan dibalik orang yang tidak berduit

2024.05.15 02:05 DanielAnakBudi Sebuah harapan dibalik orang yang tidak berduit

Di post ini, aku mau cerita bedasarkan kisah nyata dari sebagian besar orang yang pernah ngobrol sama aku (plus dengan pengalamanku pas bersama mereka) dan mungkin ini bisa menggerakkan hati atau kita makin positif sih. Ada 2 cerita yang bakalan aku bahas, dan kalian bisa pilih aja mau cerita mana yang mau kalian baca. And ofc, i make it short to save everyone's time.
The story has 2 perspective : Gojek, dan Tukang parkir (niatnya mau ada tambahan 1 lagi, yaitu cerita tentang guruku.. maybe next time i guess.)
Let's start with Gojek.
Gojek Kejadian ini terjadi pasca tahun 2021-an (kalo ga salah). Ceritanya, Sahabat jauh dari solo pulang ke sentul dan aku main sama beliau sambil ngobrol bareng kondisi-nya disana. Kami bercengkrama sampai dengan jam 8 malam, dan aku memutuskan untuk pulang (karena nyokap udah nyariin). Aku akhirnya dianterin pulang dengan mobil nyokap sahabatku yang kebetulan lagi satu jalan dari AEON. tapi, aku denger kabar kata-nya bokap-nya temen tiba-tiba sakit dan Nyokap-nya perlu beli obat. Aku nawarin untuk nemenin beli obat + nunjukin apotik terdekat, tapi akhirnya aku cukup minta diberhentiin aja di Lampu merah dekat CCM. Karena aku takut-nya mengganggu juga + takut pulang kemaleman. Cukup ucapan semoga cepat sembuh, dan akhirnya pergi ke kantor polisi perempatan CCM buat pesan Gojek.
Jujur, aku kaget ketika yang dateng ketika pesen Gojek yang dateng adalah perempuan. Aku ga permasalahin kamu kerja jadi apa... tapi dengan kondisi malem seperti ini dan beliau berani narik Gojek? oh my. That's a daring move and deserve my respect. Tapi pas aku mau naik, beliau bilang.. ini baru pertama kali dia ambil pesanan malem-malem dan kebetulan aga capek (kalo ga salah inget). Aku tawarin untuk ngendarain motornya (it was a scoopy. its has good handling but slow as snail speed. but it has good fuel economy. hehe, maaf terlalu mendiskripsikan motornya).
Kami ngobrol di jalan dong... tanya-tanya abis ngapain dan ini itu. Sampai aku nanya ke beliau "Ibu kenapa mau kerja jadi Go-Jek?". Beliau dengan lumayan santai-nya bilang something along like "Karena ada-nya ini pada saat ini, dan saya harus membiayain kedua anak saya". Aku sambil mengucapkan maaf nanya kepada beliau "Maaf bu, saya kalo boleh nanya.. Suami ibu apakah tidak kerja?". Beliau bilang "Suami saya kabur". That bring a chill on my spine... karena ini ngobrol secara langsung. Beliau bela-belain Nganter barang sampai malam, dan bahkan nyoba nge-gojek. it's somewhat shows how mother figure should always be. She wants nothing but her kids to become succeed and didnt end up like her.
And today 2024, i share her story to here... it shows that maybe even at the very rock bottom, you cannot see down but only up. and you need to keep on going whatever your situation is.
okay, Mari kita langsung aja cerita kedua.
Tukang Parkir Mixue Miksu (ga boleh nyebut merek meskipun keliatan dikit, atleast its for the sake of the funni)
Nah, ini sebenarnya kejadian yag masih baru-baru banget. Cerita-nya ini abis ngampus.. Karena lagi kepengen makan eskrim, pergilah aku ke Miksu deket Sate Tegal Laka-laka yang ada di cibinong. Kebetulan disitu ada tukang parkir (yang kebetulan sering ketemuan dan dia ramah).. ngobrol lah aku sama beliau. He give me many wise words dan saran sebelum beranjak ke dunia yang bener-bener dewasa. it was all fun and game.
But then, i ask him... "Tapi pak, dengan pemikiran dan wawasan yang luas. Kenapa bapak jadi tukang parkir?" He said ketika beliau di pelabuhan tanjung priuk, dulunya dia kerja sebagai pengangkut barang dan disukai sama bos-nya karena etos kerja-nya yang tinggi (Sambil nunjukin kertas kerja-nya, dan dokumen penting lainnya ketika kerja di pelabuhan tanjung priuk. I was surprised how did he trust me to the point to show me this). He got paid handsomely, dan dia kerja dari pagi ke pagi. Sampai ketika orang dalam plays along dan kompetisi yang ga sehat mulai masuk. Dia suka disenggol dan begitu sebagai-nya... dan bahkan sudah berfikir kalo sebagai pengangkut barang udah bukan passion dia lagi (karena terkadang dia mesti berantem pas ngangkut barang di jalan entah sama pungli, dll).
Dan dimasa dimana dia udah kepala 5 atau 6 ini (kalo ga salah). Dia hanya ingin meninggal dengan tenang aja. Dia bilang sama aku "Keinginan muda dan tau pasti berbeda. Semakin kamu tua, kamu semakin belajar kalo dalam hidup itu ga semuanya bisa kamu dapatkan. tapi kamu ga boleh nyerah, dan harus tekun".
He's respectable person... even as tukang parkir. Maybe some people doesnt have a choice and ended up like him. Bahkan orang berjasa kayak beliau aja di-injek". like damn..... Hope he's having a good day
That's the story for today folks. Have a good day !
edit : typo :b
submitted by DanielAnakBudi to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:37 reddit999998 Mohon pendapat korang apa yang aku perlu buat

Just some info berkenaan aku, 28M dan dah ada kerja stabil. Before ni memang aku tak pernah langsung couple. Kira tak pernah ada GF sampai sekarang. Bukan sebab tak ada chance, since sekolah sampai tempat kerja mmg ada org ajak couple, tapi aku jenis mindset aku mcm tak apalah, chill dulu, malas nak couple2 ni. So tu lah sampai sekarang aku tak ada. Nak cari sendiri pun tak cari2 pun
So cerita dia, baru2 ni makcik aku ada bagi satu no perempuan ni kat mak aku, dia suruh aku try dia ni. Aku baru start chat dengan dia dalam hujung minggu baru ni. Cuma aku tak bagitau yang aku kerja kat mana dan aku bagitau kat dia yang aku prefer kalau kenal lebih sikit baru boleh share. Kiranya kami just sembang2 biasa dan tak kerap, maybe 5-10 mesej macam tu dalam sehari. Vibe dia pun macam takut2 lagi
Info pasal dia, umur macam aku juga, kerja stabil, anak Datuk, pejabat dia tak jauh pun dengan pejabat aku, dalam 30 minit. Yang aku suka, walaupun dia anak Datuk ke apa, dia tak sombong ke berlagak ke, tulis pun ayat macam perempuan melayu terakhir. Aku pernah jumpa ayah dia sekali time kerja. Dan aku sebenarnya dah tengok social media dia, dan dia tak aktif sngt dalam social media, tak tunjuk sangat dan jenis islamik sikit.
Aku tak share pun social media aku kat dia, kiranya dia ada limited info pasal aku, dan dia tak tahu pun nama penuh aku. Setakat sekarang, tone dia tu nampak macam dia still was2 dengan aku lagi, sebab ya lah, aku tak bagi bnyk info lagi pasal aku, dan dia pun macam reluctant lagi nak share life dia. Tapi makcik aku cakap dia ni peramah. So maybe aku tak unlock side yang tu lagi kot. Sekarang pun time chat pun dalam ptg malam kejap 3-4 mesej mcm tu, time kerja dia tak reply. Wish goodnight ke apa ke pun dia tak reply. Tapi mesej lain dia reply
Soalan dia, apa yang aku perlu buat lepas ni? Sebab sekarang macam fasa kenal2. Adakah aku perlu call dia ke, bagitahu social media aku ke, VC dia ke, jumpa dia ke as soon as possible, bagitau aku kerja mana ke, ataupun just sembang2 dulu? Apa yang perlu aku buat untuk move forward dengan dia ni? Sebab target aku kalau betul ngam dengan dia, aku memang nak kahwin terus.
Mohon pendapat korang semua, sori aku clueless sikit pasal ni.
tldr: 28M tak pernah couple, makcik bagi no perempuan untuk try, macam mana nak teruskan
submitted by reddit999998 to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:41 tersxin Budaya lucah

Kenapa jais serbu orang berzina,ketuk pintu hotel orang walaupun orang itu mungkin suami isteri,tetapi pada masa yang sama tidak menghalang perkara yang mendorong zina??
Kalau korang tgk tiktok,anak muda BODOH,tkleh nk salahkan sbb orang muda mmg bodoh,tpi kumpulan ini mempopularkan budaya romen di tiktok dan disokong seperti ianya biasa dan berjenaka tentangnya seperti daddy ash atau video lucah yang tersebar..Di dalam negara Islam Agama Islam Keluarga Islam..Tak malu ke?Takda muka ke??Bayangkan kalau perempuan tu,anak kau,kakak kau,dan akan jadi mak orang..Apa kata keluarga,dan kawan kerana kita hidup dalam masyarakat Islam..Apa jadi kalau dia bunuh diri..
Disebabkan budaya ‘menormalisasikan’ zina inilah mendorong zina..Tpi yang kau tahu,serbu hotel mcm zaman p ramlee line telefon takder..Apa nk jadi??Buat secara terangan,walhal zaman dahulu masyarakat malu untuk menunjukkan dosa..aku tk stuju kalau kau ckp kerajaan tkleh kawal,atas alasan terlalu banyak..Sbb kau tak kawal tu lah yg byk..Kawal harga bleh plak
submitted by tersxin to NegarakuMalaysia [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 02:22 Bujanginam I am M22 planning to stay single seumur hidup biar bisa ngumpulin duit lebih banyak, any advice, please?

I am M22 baru aja lulus, 2 bulan nganggur belum dapet kerja. Mau nanya buat bro and sis, kalau misal saya hidup sendirian, apakah nanti Net Income (Total Pemasukan dikurangi Spending) akan lebih gede dibanding punya pasangan dan beranak?
Asumsinya, kalau misal saya berpasangan, tentu income saya berasal dari dua sumber, yaitu saya dan istri, (saya gamau beristri IRT),
Tapi, di sisi lain, spending nya tentu lebih besar, antara lain:
Rumah harus lebih besar karena ane hidup berkeluarga. Kalau ane hidup sendiri, rumah kecil ga masalah.
Ada biaya buat ngurus dan sekolahin anak. Harus nyari lingkungan yang bagus buat perkembangan anak (yang mana cost lebih mahal juga, lol). Asumsi saya istri pasti mau punya anak, karena jarang perempuan mau childfree di Indonesia, gak kayak di USA.
Ditambah lagi, transfer ke ortu sama mertua.
Variabel waktu juga pertimbangan, kalau single, ane pulang dari kerja bisa pake waktu buat develop skill buat naikin value ane di mata bos, misal, kuliah sampe S3, atau ikut kursus biar, bisa naik jabatan.
Waktu ane juga bisa kepake buat hal lain di luar kerjaan, misal buat hobi di musik atau main game.
Kalau berkeluarga, waktu ane dipake buat interaksi dengan istri dan anak anak.
Kekurangan dari being single adalah sumber pemasukannya cuma ane sendiri, beda kalau punya istri yang kerja, sumber incomenya ada dua (as i said ane ga mau punya istri IRT). Tapi, hal tersebut dibarengi dengan spending yang makin gede jg.
Saya ga masalah hidup sendiri kalo emang net incomenya lebih banyak. Ada saran dari bros and sis? Thank you in advance
submitted by Bujanginam to finansial [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 07:27 Lans__ “Perempuan yang haram dikahwini”

It's basically a syllabus for Form 5 students in the Pendidikan Islam subject. Let me recap what I found outstanding about this topic...
Macam mana pulak dengan syllabus tentang lelaki yang haram dikahwini? Tajuk ni tak mention pulak kahwin dengan budak perempuan ni haram? Pegang tangan dengan perempuan yang bukan mahram tu haram tapi kahwin sampai 4 tu moral pulak? Kenapa lelaki je boleh kahwin 4, perempuan tak boleh? Takut jadi beta cuck ke? 😂
I find this syllabus to be extremely one-sided, unfair, misogynistic and highly weird...
submitted by Lans__ to MalaysianExMuslim [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 13:07 TopBass7989 Anyone have experience with supplements for adhd symptoms/executive dysfunction?

Hi everyone. From what i know, drug based meds, and nootropics are kinda hard to get in our country, not to mention mahal gile. Ive read a lot on here about ppl stacking supplement to manage those symptoms, but sad that most of it susah nak dapat kat malaysia.
So im considering natural compound yg boleh beli without prescription, also kalau boleh with harga yg not too expensive.
Its been a week that ive been digging the internet for info on which supplement should i start taking, but akhirnya got overwhelmed dgn overflowing maklumat, mind got paralyzed and still cant decide anything.
Main goal is nak manage executive dysfunction, brain fog, so i can bertahan lama with a job, kalau tak, mcm sbelum ni ive been job hopping since 2019. Xmampu bertahan lama sbb very poor work ethic, stress management ke laut, disorganize as hell, motivation no where to be found, unable to start a task or unable to complete task, no in between. Those times yg i manage to bulldoze through pun because i depended heavily on caffeine. But then at the end, the side effects taken toll on me.
Im thinking maybe max i can buy 3-4 types. But confuse to choose. Few to name yg available online like shopee etc,, lions mane, rhodiola rosea, l theanine, l tyrosine, l taurine, creatine, saffron, omega 3, samE, mucuna, st john wort, bacopa, ashwaganda, and so many more.
Will anybody share experiences on this? Since i will start working again in a month of two, I really need advice which to choose and start consume. I think preferably yang tak take too long to show effect.
Very grateful for anyone's reply. Thankyou!
submitted by TopBass7989 to myhappypill [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 08:59 Cold_Desk4824 Is this true?

Is this true? submitted by Cold_Desk4824 to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 08:48 PROTROLLERs Adakah kamu setuju Bangsa KDM di bawah rumpun Dayak.

Mcm yang kita tau, kita selalu panggil kdm² sja kan teda nama rasmi. Baru² ini Datuk Ewon Benedick telah mencadangkan pengunaan terma Momogun untuk bangsa kdm. Momogun National Congress (MNC) telah bekerjasama dgn YB Datuk Ewon Benedick untuk mempopularkan penggunaan Momogun ini. Contoh penggunaan Momogun: Momogun Tatana
Manakala Datuk Jeffery Kitingan pula mau penggunaan rumpun Dayak bagi semua kaum di Sabah. Contohnya: Dayak Tatana Imej Dayak di Sabah terumanya di Kuala Penyu memang dikaitkan dengan unsur negatif. Ada cerita bilang dayak putung kepala orang kita la etc.
Jadi soalan sia, apakah gelaran yang paling sesuai untuk nama "payung" KDM?
submitted by PROTROLLERs to Sabah [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 15:33 Ptg_Menyerah ULPT: Jangan cepat mandiri kalau sibling kalian belom

EDIT: Okay guys noted, setelah balas2an dgn bbrp dr kalian gw rasa main disagreement nya adalah apakah keadilan ortu adalah hak dasar seorang anak.
Yg mana gw rasa iya karena mereka dengan sadar bikin lebih dari 1 (unless kembar)
Tapi general consensus sepertinya bebas aja sbg ortu mau bikin brp dan alokasi nya bagaimana.
Interesting dan yaudah no hard feelings. Thanks for your thoughts guys.
Original post below

Okay first of all, ini akan terkesan perhitungan banget atau jahat emang tergantung perspektif kalian terhadap keluarga. But hey this is real.
Bagi kalian yang umur 20an menjelang mandiri, dengan ortu yang masih support sibling lain. Gw sarankan jangan mau mandiri cepet2 dan tidak membebani ortu. Karna tidak ada garansi sibling kalian akan melakukan hal yang sama.
Apalagi kalau kalian younger sibling dan older sibling kalian belom mandiri, janganlah kalian mandiri duluan karna youre missing out and punishing yourself.
Menurut gw paling fair adalah younger sibling mengikuti umur mandiri si older sibling. Karna gini.
Misal ada 2 saudara, si anak pertama A dan anak kedua B
Si A managed to land a good job dan bisa mandiri di umur 25. Setelah umur 25 si A gak minta duit sepeserpun dari ortunya.
Di saat ini si B masih umur 20. Tetapi seiring waktu jalan, ternyata si B baru bisa mandiri di umur 32. Dimana berarti ada gap 7 tahun dimana duit ortu mengalir ke si B namun tidak ke si A.
7 years is a long time. Asumsi aja miara anak dewasa idup itu kalo middle class bisa 6 juta sebulan makan minum, sabun, bensin, kuota dll nya.
6 juta x 7 tahun = 504 juta!!!
Kalau warisan kalian nanti misal ada 2M, eh dibagi rata masing2 1M.
Padahal ternyata kalo diitung2 itu si B dapet 1.5M loh! Hanya karna si A cepet2 mandiri.
Ini secara gak langsung menghukum si A padahal si A yang perform better. Dan yang perform worse justru di reward dengan extra support tersebut.
Jadi menurut gw, kalo kalian anak pertama, diskusi dulu sama ortu dan sibling, tetapkan umur mandiri di umur berapa, dan terapkan harga mati umur sekian both of you harus mandiri.
Kalo kalian anak yang kecil, simply contek aja kakak kalian mandiri umur berapa supaya fair. Kalau salah satu ada kendala, harusnya di balancing pada aset warisan.
Itu 500jt aja masih ilustrasi, gw bahkan liat sendiri yg lebih parah wkwkw.
Jadi walau kalian udh bs mandiri, kalo masih gak fair, menurut gw charge aja expenses kalian juga ke ortu kalian dan uang kalian ditabung.
Sebenernya ini juga bisa di apply kalau ortu yang bergantung pada anak2, tapi misal cuma si A yang bisa nanggung biaya hidup ortunya.
Aset nya disimpen, hidup dari uang si A, eh pas bagi warisan dibagi 2 rata. Itu jg gak bener dan menghukum yang mampu.
Sekian ULPT nya. Wdyt?
submitted by Ptg_Menyerah to finansial [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 19:38 Tough-Win-2254 You know kan kita semua exmuslim, aku terfikir kan cane nak cari partner sebagai seorang exmuslim?

I mean you may say, blh couple dgn cina or indian dlm negara kita tapi ada dua problem, dorang kena, ‘convert to Islam’ on paper, now this is not even a big problem as kita still blh tipu semua. But ada lagi satu masalah lagi besar which is that, dorang mestilah akan teruskan jadi non muslim meaning makan babi etc. Now the problem with this is that blh kena kantoi buat benda haram oleh other Muslims aka kawan aku or family aku. If this happens, mmg mati lah aku.. x kan lah aku nak suruh die pindah ke negara luar.. die sanggup ke nak pindah? Tinggalkan keluarga etc.. what if die x nak? Aku skrg tgh dlm diploma. I mean thsi is a question yg aku dh fikir sejak aku first murtad. Jadi, mcm mana nak cari gf kalau benda cam ni blh jadi?
submitted by Tough-Win-2254 to MalaysianExMuslim [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 13:13 donkeydooda Over 120 playlists I've spent hundreds of hours making. Every genre and mood! Rock/Hip-Hop/Electronic/Alternative/Soul/Blues/Reggae/Pop/etc

Hey people!
I'm an absolute music addict who appreciates all genres, and at the request of some friends at the start of lockdown 2020, started to summarise all music genres I like into catchy long but well culled playlists. Here are all the ones made over the last 4 years for you to hopefully explore subgenres, vibes, artists, etc broken down by main genre-
GO WITH THE FLOW - Blues x Rock / 360+ catchy blues-rock songs exploring every corner of the genre
SLUDGE FACTORY - Blues x Hard-Rock / 270+ heavy blues-rock songs with more grinding riffs, sludgier grooves and heavier distortion than the previous playlist.
FEELING ALRIGHT - Reggae x Rock / 210+ songs that can be best described as emulating the more chilled Sublime songs, somewhere in between reggae and soft rock.
TASTE LIKE FUNK - Funk x Rock / 160+ songs to get your groove on to with chicka chicka guitars, slappa da basses with rock umph to your dose of funk
TO THE SEA - Surf/Roots/Jam x Rock / 380+ songs of chilled artists like Jack Johnson, Dispatch, John Butler Trio, Xavier Rudd, etc
STRANGER BY THE MINUTE - Progressive Rock / 170+songs. While prog-rock doesn’t lend itself to playlists, here’s the best that can be done with a collection of the catchiest songs in the genre
STREAM OF CONCIOUSNESS - Heavy Progressive Rock / 170+songs. Heavier sibling to the above playlist.
TWISTED TRANSISTOR - Industrial Rock / 220+songs of grinding mix between electronic and rock creating industrial sounding production and soundscapes
LIVING IN CHAOS - Punk x Rock / A mix of oldschool punk, rebel rockers, more emo punks, Irish punk, heavier pop-punk songs and female punk voices. 230+ songs.
WHAT'S MY AGE AGAIN? - Pop x Punk / A 90/00s pop punk retrospective of 220+ catchy songs from across that scene.
INNOCENT - Pop x Rock / Poppy songs from rock bands and pop songs with soft-rock production for a cathcy, boppy playlist.370+ songs.
IN MY ELEMENT - Alternative Rock / That alternative rock vibe from the 90s onwards240+ songs.
WITH A LITTLE HELP FROM MY FRIENDS - Woodstock '69 / A collection of 110+ of the best songs from the artists at Woodstock'69
EPIC - Stadium Rock / 180+ of the most epic stadium rock songs to blast out of your speakers
ROCK OF AGES - Classic Rock / An attempt to put every rock hit from the 60s, 70s and 80s in one playlist. 600+ songs
RIDE THE LIGHTNING - Classic Metal / Catchy, oldschool metal tunes 170+ songs
FISH OUT OF WATER - Hip-Hop x Hard-Rock / 200+ songs exploring hard-rock that incorporates hip-hop sensibilities like nu-metal, rap metal, etc
SUFFOCATE - Angsty Rock / 240+ songs of angst ridden catchy heavy rock
LIGHT GRENADES - Heavy Rock / 260+ of heavy hard-rock but with no growling vocals
EXPLODE - Heaviest Rock / 120+ of heavy hard-rock with shouting allowed
COMMON PEOPLE - Brit-Pop & Indie Classics < 2010 / 360+ catch all hits playlist from that 90s and 00s indie-rock sound, especially in the UK.
TASTE IN MEN - Indie Boys < 2010 / 690+ collection of catchy indie songs released before 2010 with male vocalists that aren't included in the previous playlist.
THERE ARE TOO MANY OF US - Indie '10s / 550+ collection of catchy indie songs released between 2010 and 2020
DAYS ARE GONE - 21st Century 80s / 200+ songs from this century with that upbeat synthy 80s vibe
BITTER SWEET SYMPHONIES - Violins of the British Isles / 180+ songs of which 90% are indie-rock, with the rest made of classic rock & pop and trip-hop with prominent violins from bands across the British Isles.
WIRES - Piano x Rock / 200+ songs where bands either added a piano or replaced the guitar for the keys as the lead instrument.
SLEEPWALKERS - Dreamy Indie/Pop / Dream-pop (indie) weaved in between dreamy feeling pop/alt songs. 400+ catchy floaty songs to get lost in.
UNTIL THE SUN NEEDS TO RISE - Indie x House / Dancey indie songs with a dum dum kinda beat mixed with mellow house with instrumentation and interesting layers going on. Catchy and vibey. 220+ songs.
WHITE WINTER HYMNALS - An Indie/Folk Christmas / Majority are original songs in a wintery/christmasy indie/folk style. The covers try to follow the vibe. 130+ songs.
COME AS YOU ARE - Acoustic / 370+ Acousticy songs from every variety of band and genres
NAKED AS WE CAME - Cordless Strings / 190+ songs of low-key acoustic guitar strings, violins, pianos accompanied by vocals
GODS & MONSTERS - Indie Myths & Fables / 100+ indie songs about ancient warriors and demi-gods to fairies and trolls.
NEW SLANG - Cover Versions / Covers that diverge enough from the original. A lot of interesting different takes on classics and newer songs. 250+ songs.
SILKSPUN - Indie Synthage / Synths accompanying indie music 240+ songs.
CAUSTIC STORM – Deep Dark Bass Instrumentals / A playlist with late sunset rave vibes. Not hectic bro-step but deep dark bass in a fusion of dubstep, dub, garage, house and ambient. 180+songs
STORM – Dark Bass Vocals / Vocal sibling of the previous playlist with dark bass production accompanying various styles of vocals. A mix of alternate pop, dubstep, ambient, trip-hop and more general bass music 200+songs
JAH WAR – Sounds of Dread / This can be seen as a conceptual playlist for a Jamaican apocalyptic party (sounds of dread as in the sense of dread but also dreadlocks). But another musical way to look at is as a dancehall/dub/industrial playlist explored mainly through the sonic output of The Bug. 100+ songs.
BODY MOVIN' – 90s Alternative Dance / That alternative dance sound from the 90s where you hear bouncey instruments rather than the synthage of mainstream dance. 130+ songs.
DIESEL POWER – Industrial x Electronic / An energetic playlist of electronic songs with industrial aesthetics and vice versa with loose definitions. There should be a drum, bass or synth hitting you every second. 180+ songs.
BOOM BOOM TAP – Drum & Bass / Mainstream more song structured Drum & Bass 130+ songs.
BASS CANNON – Dubstep / The biggest dubstep songs and other gems from the scene you may have missed 160+ songs.
HYPEST HYPE – Bass Music x Hip-Hop MCs / The absolute most energetic playlist possible: dubstep, drum&bass and other bass music with hype MCs on top. 130+ songs.
MOVING TOO FAST – UK Garage / garage? 2 step? eski beat? Whatever, here be all the good tunes from the British Garage scene. 90+songs.
THE BAY - Funk x Hip-Hop / 110+ songs of smooth, slick rhymers from The Bay in San Francisco (or close by) on funky production or bands.
WHAT COOL BREEZES DO - Jazz x Hip-Hop / 210+ songs with very prominent jazzy production, to the point the production is more of a focal point than the vocals.
DREAM BLVD - Sunday Morning Jazz/Hip-Hop / 130+ jazzy hip-hop songs with that mellow sunday morning feeling
BIG TINGS REDONE - Reggae x Hip-Hop / Fusion of reggae beats, production or bands and hip-hop MCs. 130+ boppy tunes
LYNGUISTICS - Blues x Hip-Hop / While this is a blues x hip-hop playlist, it's pretty much explored through the focus of one group: Cunninlynguists. I hope you'll see why with 90+ songs of mellow soulful bluesy production.
BLUEGRASS STAIN'D - Blues-Rock x Hip-Hop / It would be a stretch to call all of the 170+ tracks on here blues-rock, but there is at least bluesy guitar. All hip-hop songs with differing ratios of blues and rock influence to the production.
FLOW FOREVER - Oldskool Hip-Hop / 190+ songs. All the biggest and pioneering artists of the hip-hop game pre-1995
DROP IT LIKE IT'S HOT- Hip-Hop-Hits 1995-2010 / 200+ songs. All the biggest hits from the radio between '95 and '10
CHECK THE RHIME - 90s Alternative Hip-Hop / 210+ songs of alternative hip-hop artists that started their careers in the 90s
YOUNG KINGS & QUEENS - UK Hip-Hop/CHILL / If you're a hip-hop fan who appreciates bars, I'd say you're pretty up to date with the UK scene if you listen to these 190+ chill songs.
SCARE THE SNARE - UK Hip-Hop/HYPE / More aggressive bars and beats on these 170+ tunes. But still no low effort rhymers.
NUTHIN BUT A "G" THANG - Gangsta Hip-Hop / Parental advisory for these 130+ songs exploring the offensive crass corner of hip-hop
STILL DREAMIN - Dreamville Hip-Hop / 140+ songs from J.Cole and his label mates. Mostly a chilled lyrical vibe throughout.
SUNDAY VIBE - Hip-Hop: Super Chill / Super mellow production and MCing vibe to chill to. 140+ songs.
REBIRTH OF SLICK - Hip-Hop: Chill / Chill overall vibe to these catchy songs. 210+ songs.
THE WORDSMITH AND HIS SONS - Hip-Hop: Bop / The songs that are not too hype or too chill that don't fit in other playlists. 330+ songs.
LET THE RHYTHM HIT 'EM - Hip-Hop: Hype / Hype production and hype MCing accompanying these 160+ songs.
DON'T DREAM IT'S OVER - Classic Pop Party / Welcome to a classic pop party with upbeat catchy songs from 60s, 70s and 80s. 390+ songs.
DREAM A LITTLE DREAM OF ME - Classic Pop Chill / Welcome to a classic pop chill with mellow catchy songs from 60s, 70s and 80s. 140+ songs.
SUGA SUGA - Millennial R&B / If you're a millennial, these were all the R&B jams from your childhood. 160+ songs.
LET’S GROOVE - A Trip Down Funkytown / Get your Funk on with this playlist bridging the gap between oldschool funk and the evolution and divergence since. Catchy, boppy, vibey. 280+ songs.
THE BLUEST BLUES - A Trip Down Blues Town / Bridging the gap between oldschool blues classics and the evolution and divergence since. 320+ songs.
SWEET SOUL MUSIC - A Trip Down Soul Town / Pre-90s / The catchiest of soul music before the 90s with all the classics from legends 340+ songs.
FREE ME - A Trip Down Soul Town / Post-80s / A more varied second part to soul including neo-soul, alternative soul, soulful rock, soulful r&b, etc 290+ songs.
GET UP & BOOGIE - Funky Disco / Best of classic funky disco 90+ songs.
THE REVIVAL - Contemporary UK Jazz / Collection of the best of the recent UK Jazz scene 180+ songs.
RIVERS OF BABYLON - A Trip Down Reggae Town / Bridging the gap between oldschool reggae classics and the evolution and divergence since. 320+ songs.
WARM SHADOW – Atmospheric Trip-Hop / 280+ beautiful atmospheric trip-hop songs to dive into.
BIG CALM - Trip-Hip-Hop / 100+ full collection of the best trip-hop songs with MCs instead of ethereal female vocals
FACING EAST – South Asian Beats / A station exploring South Asian music through various beat focused styles that change in intensity as the station plays on 130+ songs.
YIN & YANG – East Asian Beats / A playlist exploring East Asian inspired beats 170+ songs
COOL THIEVES - A Sampling of Samplers / 210+ songs. Here we explore turntablism through a chilled instrumental playlist of samplers. Mellow music to work to.
CLOUD ZERO – Ethereal Instrumentals / Ethereal spacey sounding instrumentals from a variety of genres and styles with a kick of bass to keep your attention. 290+ songs.
TRANSITIONS - Post-Rock / 240+songs of atmospheric and/or pretty instrumental songs on the catchier, less droney side of post-rock.
COMFORT ZONE - Jazztrumental Beats / 340+ jazzy songs that are perfect mix of attentive and background for working to
CLOUDS ARE SLEEPING - Ambient Instrumentals / 220+ lo-fi tunes to have in the background for work
DIRTY ACRES - Kno Your Instrumentals / 80+ Instrumentals from Kno of Cunninlynguists..bluesy & soulful sampling
FEELING ALIVE - Happiness in Sound / Happiest vibe songs from all genres 190+ songs.
BODY MUSIC - Sensual Sonics 1 / Mellow Melodies / Mellow sensual melodies to be heard in your ears and felt through you body with sultry voices and sexy dark bass. Alternative and dark pop genre mostly. 170+ songs.
HARD FEELINGS - Sensual Sonics 2 / Passion Plays / Darker, more intense, more passionate sensuality. 170+ songs.
HEY BABY - Sensual Sonics 3 / Flirty Phonics / Sensual songs with a flirty, fun vibe. 150+ songs
YOU LOOK LIKE RAIN - Cozy Rainy Evenings In / A jazzy/acousticy station for those rainy evenings indoors in the warmth escaping the rainshowers outside. 80+ songs.
BEAUTIFUL THINGS - Pretty x Mellow / Pretty mellow sounds of different genres and styles, mix of vocal and instrumental tracks 230+ songs.
LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL - Pretty Melodies / Pretty less-mellow sounds of an even greater variety of genres and styles, mix of vocal and instrumental tracks 290+ songs.
EVERYTHING'S JUST WONDERFUL - Upbeat & Sad / Songs that the music sounds happy until you start paying attention to the lyrics 120+ songs.
SEASONS IN THE SUN - A Cross-Generational Ode to Sol / Positive vibes from sunny, happy songs from across the generations, with about half pre-90s and half 90s onwards. 180+ songs.
SONGS WE SING - Sing-A-Longs / Mix of classic and more modern songs to get your sing-a-long on to 370+ songs.
BORN TO DIE - The Sounds of Bond / Over 130+ Bond-like songs either in that epic or sultry mysterious vibe.
THE RECLUSE - Lockdown Lyrics / A catchy alternative station of puns for lockdown/covid. No obvious classics you’ll find on other Covid playlists. 100+ songs.
VOODOO - Tribal Drums / Songs focused on tribal sounding drums but not just from tribally-bands. 120+ songs.
RAMBLIN' MAN - Spoken Words / Songs with lyrics said as if talking normally, without melody. 60+ songs.
IT’S ONLY PAPER – No/Mo’ Money, Mo’ Problems / Things are like just stuff man. Who needs them anyway. F that S. There are a lot of pro-materialism/consumerism songs nowadays...here's some balance against all that money and items glorification. 70 songs.
EVERYTHING'S JUST WONDERFUL – Upbeat & Sad / Songs with a happy upbeat vibe but dark or sad lyrics 140+ songs
INTERTIA CREEPS - The Infinite Beat / Songs with a constant beat (drum/synth/bass) as the focal at all times or fading into the rhythym/back in different sections of a song, with a slow escalation on the sound like on an infinite loop 80+ songs
LONDON THUNDER – London's 100 / A 100 songs about London and the spots inside it
EAT, SLEEP, WAKE – A Taste of 2020 / One song from albums from 2020 to act as a jumping point for the year. 150+ songs.
PROPOGANDA – Politikal Energy / Mostly rock and some hip-hop with political themes 240+ songs.
MINILISTS [only 20 songs each]
INDIE BUZZ - Indie vibe songs about bees & honey
TEEN NOSTALGIA ROCK - Reminisce about those teenage days
VIOLENT & FUNKY - Heavy rock songs with a strong dose of funk
POP x DRUM & BASS - Mellow muted drum & bass production mainstream music
EASTMEETSWEST - Indian/South Asian influenced Western Pop & Hip-Hop
DOUBLE MEANING - Songs with lyrics that have two meanings throughout the song
LET THERE BE HORNS - Seemingly random songs with horns
MACHINE GUN - Spitting the rhythm & bass out at bullet speed (Industrial rock & bass music)
HARD-ROCK x BASS - Heavy rock plus bass music
WHILE MY GUITAR GENTLY WEEPS - Wailing crying guitars
LOVE LOVE LOVE - Self explanatory
JINGLE BELLS - Upbeat X-mas songs for a party
OLDSKOOL HIP-HOP: BARS - Best of oldskool hip-hop pioneers
OLDSKOOL HIP-HOP: FUN - Fun mainstream oldskool hip-hop jams
SULTRY SECRET SPY BALL - Sensual mysterious vibe songs extracted from BORN TO DIE
EVIL Hip-Hop - Dark evil beats and lyrics on top
GOLD - Songs about GOLD
JENNIFER CHARLES - Introducing the sexiest sultry voice in music
SUNDAY MORNING SERIES - Mellow sunday morning vibes to relax to
CALIFORNIA SERIES - Songs about California
CLASSI-CAL - Oldschool songs
INDIE-CAL - Indie songs
PARTY-CAL - Energetic upbeat songs
CONDENSED SERIES - Condensed best-ofs of my longer playlists
LET'S GROOVE - A trip through funk & it's evolution
GO WITH THE FLOW - Blues-Rock Radio!
FEELING ALRIGHT - A catchy fusion of soft-rock and reggae
BODY MUSIC - Mellow sensual songs
They're all made by me over hundreds of hours so I hope you enjoy. I think there's should be a playlist for almost everyone! Any feedback is much appreciated!
submitted by donkeydooda to spotify [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 13:06 donkeydooda 120 playlists I've spent hundreds of hours making! Every genre and mood! Rock/Hip-Hop/Electronic/Alternative/Soul/Blues/Reggae/Pop/etc

Hey people!
I'm an absolute music addict who appreciates all genres, and at the request of some friends at the start of lockdown 2020, started to summarise all music genres I like into catchy long but well culled playlists. Here are all the ones made over the last 4 years for you to hopefully explore subgenres, vibes, artists, etc broken down by main genre-
GO WITH THE FLOW - Blues x Rock / 360+ catchy blues-rock songs exploring every corner of the genre
SLUDGE FACTORY - Blues x Hard-Rock / 270+ heavy blues-rock songs with more grinding riffs, sludgier grooves and heavier distortion than the previous playlist.
FEELING ALRIGHT - Reggae x Rock / 210+ songs that can be best described as emulating the more chilled Sublime songs, somewhere in between reggae and soft rock.
TASTE LIKE FUNK - Funk x Rock / 160+ songs to get your groove on to with chicka chicka guitars, slappa da basses with rock umph to your dose of funk
TO THE SEA - Surf/Roots/Jam x Rock / 380+ songs of chilled artists like Jack Johnson, Dispatch, John Butler Trio, Xavier Rudd, etc
STRANGER BY THE MINUTE - Progressive Rock / 170+songs. While prog-rock doesn’t lend itself to playlists, here’s the best that can be done with a collection of the catchiest songs in the genre
STREAM OF CONCIOUSNESS - Heavy Progressive Rock / 170+songs. Heavier sibling to the above playlist.
TWISTED TRANSISTOR - Industrial Rock / 220+songs of grinding mix between electronic and rock creating industrial sounding production and soundscapes
LIVING IN CHAOS - Punk x Rock / A mix of oldschool punk, rebel rockers, more emo punks, Irish punk, heavier pop-punk songs and female punk voices. 230+ songs.
WHAT'S MY AGE AGAIN? - Pop x Punk / A 90/00s pop punk retrospective of 220+ catchy songs from across that scene.
INNOCENT - Pop x Rock / Poppy songs from rock bands and pop songs with soft-rock production for a cathcy, boppy playlist.370+ songs.
IN MY ELEMENT - Alternative Rock / That alternative rock vibe from the 90s onwards240+ songs.
WITH A LITTLE HELP FROM MY FRIENDS - Woodstock '69 / A collection of 110+ of the best songs from the artists at Woodstock'69
EPIC - Stadium Rock / 180+ of the most epic stadium rock songs to blast out of your speakers
ROCK OF AGES - Classic Rock / An attempt to put every rock hit from the 60s, 70s and 80s in one playlist. 600+ songs
RIDE THE LIGHTNING - Classic Metal / Catchy, oldschool metal tunes 170+ songs
FISH OUT OF WATER - Hip-Hop x Hard-Rock / 200+ songs exploring hard-rock that incorporates hip-hop sensibilities like nu-metal, rap metal, etc
SUFFOCATE - Angsty Rock / 240+ songs of angst ridden catchy heavy rock
COMMON PEOPLE - Brit-Pop & Indie Classics < 2010 / 360+ catch all hits station from that 90s and 00s indie-rock sound, especially in the UK.
TASTE IN MEN - Indie Boys < 2010 / 690+ collection of catchy indie songs released before 2010 with male vocalists that aren't included in the previous playlist.
THERE ARE TOO MANY OF US - Indie '10s / 550+ collection of catchy indie songs released between 2010 and 2020
DAYS ARE GONE - 21st Century 80s / 130+ songs from this century with that upbeat synthy 80s vibe
BITTER SWEET SYMPHONIES - Violins of the British Isles / 180+ songs of which 90% are indie-rock, with the rest made of classic rock & pop and trip-hop with prominent violins from bands across the British Isles.
WIRES - Piano x Rock / 200+ songs where bands either added a piano or replaced the guitar for the keys as the lead instrument.
SLEEPWALKERS - Dreamy Indie/Pop / Dream-pop (indie) weaved in between dreamy feeling pop/alt songs. 400+ catchy floaty songs to get lost in.
UNTIL THE SUN NEEDS TO RISE - Indie x House / Dancey indie songs with a dum dum kinda beat mixed with mellow house with instrumentation and interesting layers going on. Catchy and vibey. 220+ songs.
WHITE WINTER HYMNALS - An Indie/Folk Christmas / Majority are original songs in a wintery/christmasy indie/folk style. The covers try to follow the vibe. 130+ songs.
COME AS YOU ARE - Acoustic / 370+ Acousticy songs from every variety of band and genres
NAKED AS WE CAME - Cordless Strings / 190+ songs of low-key acoustic guitar strings, violins, pianos accompanied by vocals
GODS & MONSTERS - Indie Myths & Fables / 100+ indie songs about ancient warriors and demi-gods to fairies and trolls.
NEW SLANG - Cover Versions / Covers that diverge enough from the original. A lot of interesting different takes on classics and newer songs. 250+ songs.
SILKSPUN - Indie Synthage / Synths accompanying indie music 240+ songs.
CAUSTIC STORM – Deep Dark Bass Instrumentals / A playlist with late sunset rave vibes. Not hectic bro-step but deep dark bass in a fusion of dubstep, dub, garage, house and ambient. 180+songs
STORM – Dark Bass Vocals / Vocal sibling of the previous playlist with dark bass production accompanying various styles of vocals. A mix of alternate pop, dubstep, ambient, trip-hop and more general bass music 200+songs
JAH WAR – Sounds of Dread / This can be seen as a conceptual playlist for a Jamaican apocalyptic party (sounds of dread as in the sense of dread but also dreadlocks). But another musical way to look at is as a dancehall/dub/industrial playlist explored mainly through the sonic output of The Bug. 80+ songs.
BODY MOVIN' – 90s Alternative Dance / That alternative dance sound from the 90s where you hear bouncey instruments rather than the synthage of mainstream dance. 130+ songs.
DIESEL POWER – Industrial x Electronic / An energetic playlist of electronic songs with industrial aesthetics and vice versa with loose definitions. There should be a drum, bass or synth hitting you every second. 180+ songs.
BOOM BOOM TAP – Drum & Bass / Mainstream more song structured Drum & Bass 130+ songs.
BASS CANNON – Dubstep / The biggest dubstep songs and other gems from the scene you may have missed 160+ songs.
HYPEST HYPE – Bass Music x Hip-Hop MCs / The absolute most energetic playlist possible: dubstep, drum&bass and other bass music with hype MCs on top. 130+ songs.
MOVING TOO FAST – UK Garage / garage? 2 step? eski beat? Whatever, here be all the good tunes from the British Garage scene. 90+songs.
THE BAY - Funk x Hip-Hop / 110+ songs of smooth, slick rhymers from The Bay in San Francisco (or close by) on funky production or bands.
WHAT COOL BREEZES DO - Jazz x Hip-Hop / 210+ songs with very prominent jazzy production, to the point the production is more of a focal point than the vocals.
DREAM BLVD - Sunday Morning Jazz/Hip-Hop / 130+ jazzy hip-hop songs with that mellow sunday morning feeling
BIG TINGS REDONE - Reggae x Hip-Hop / Fusion of reggae beats, production or bands and hip-hop MCs. 130+ boppy tunes
LYNGUISTICS - Blues x Hip-Hop / While this is a blues x hip-hop playlist, it's pretty much explored through the focus of one group: Cunninlynguists. I hope you'll see why with 90+ songs of mellow soulful bluesy production.
BLUEGRASS STAIN'D - Blues-Rock x Hip-Hop / It would be a stretch to call all of the 170+ tracks on here blues-rock, but there is at least bluesy guitar. All hip-hop songs with differing ratios of blues and rock influence to the production.
FLOW FOREVER - Oldskool Hip-Hop / 190+ songs. All the biggest and pioneering artists of the hip-hop game pre-1995
DROP IT LIKE IT'S HOT- Hip-Hop-Hits 1995-2010 / 200+ songs. All the biggest hits from the radio between '95 and '10
CHECK THE RHIME - 90s Alternative Hip-Hop / 210+ songs of alternative hip-hop artists that started their careers in the 90s
YOUNG KINGS & QUEENS - UK Hip-Hop/CHILL / If you're a hip-hop fan who appreciates bars, I'd say you're pretty up to date with the UK scene if you listen to these 190+ chill songs.
SCARE THE SNARE - UK Hip-Hop/HYPE / More aggressive bars and beats on these 170+ tunes. But still no low effort rhymers.
NUTHIN BUT A "G" THANG - Gangsta Hip-Hop / Parental advisory for these 130+ songs exploring the offensive crass corner of hip-hop
STILL DREAMIN - Dreamville Hip-Hop / 140+ songs from J.Cole and his label mates. Mostly a chilled lyrical vibe throughout.
SUNDAY VIBE - Hip-Hop: Super Chill / Super mellow production and MCing vibe to chill to. 140+ songs.
REBIRTH OF SLICK - Hip-Hop: Chill / Chill overall vibe to these catchy songs. 210+ songs.
THE WORDSMITH AND HIS SONS - Hip-Hop: Bop / The more lively boppy bouncey upbeat catchy centre of hip-hop. 330+ songs.
LET THE RHYTHM HIT 'EM - Hip-Hop: Hype / Hype production and hype MCing accompanying these 160+ songs.
DON'T DREAM IT'S OVER - Classic Pop Party / Welcome to a classic pop party with upbeat catchy songs from 60s, 70s and 80s. 390+ songs.
DREAM A LITTLE DREAM OF ME - Classic Pop Chill / Welcome to a classic pop chill with mellow catchy songs from 60s, 70s and 80s. 140+ songs.
SUGA SUGA - Millennial R&B / If you're a millennial, these were all the R&B jams from your childhood. 160+ songs.
LET’S GROOVE - A Trip Down Funkytown / Get your Funk on with this playlist bridging the gap between oldschool funk and the evolution and divergence since. Catchy, boppy, vibey. 280+ songs.
THE BLUEST BLUES - A Trip Down Blues Town / Bridging the gap between oldschool blues classics and the evolution and divergence since. 320+ songs.
SWEET SOUL MUSIC - A Trip Down Soul Town / Pre-90s / The catchiest of soul music before the 90s with all the classics from legends 340+ songs.
FREE ME - A Trip Down Soul Town / Post-80s / A more varied second part to soul including neo-soul, alternative soul, soulful rock, soulful r&b, etc 290+ songs.
GET UP & BOOGIE - Funky Disco / Best of classic funky disco 90+ songs.
THE REVIVAL - Contemporary UK Jazz / Collection of the best of the recent UK Jazz scene 180+ songs.
RIVERS OF BABYLON - A Trip Down Reggae Town / Bridging the gap between oldschool reggae classics and the evolution and divergence since. 320+ songs.
WARM SHADOW – Atmospheric Trip-Hop / 280+ beautiful atmospheric trip-hop songs to dive into.
BIG CALM - Trip-Hip-Hop / 100+ full collection of the best trip-hop songs with MCs instead of ethereal female vocals
FACING EAST – South Asian Beats / A station exploring South Asian music through various beat focused styles that change in intensity as the station plays on 130+ songs.
YIN & YANG – East Asian Beats / A playlist exploring East Asian inspired beats 170+ songs
COOL THIEVES - A Sampling of Samplers / 210+ songs. Here we explore turntablism through a chilled instrumental playlist of samplers. Mellow music to work to.
CLOUD ZERO – Ethereal Instrumentals / Ethereal spacey sounding instrumentals from a variety of genres and styles with a kick of bass to keep your attention. 290+ songs.
TRANSITIONS - Post-Rock / 240+songs of atmospheric and/or pretty instrumental songs on the catchier, less droney side of post-rock.
COMFORT ZONE - Jazztrumental Beats / 340+ jazzy songs that are perfect mix of attentive and background for working to
CLOUDS ARE SLEEPING - Ambient Instrumentals / 220+ lo-fi tunes to have in the background for work
FEELING ALIVE - Happiness in Sound / Happiest vibe songs from all genres 190+ songs.
BODY MUSIC - Sensual Sonics 1 / Mellow Melodies / Mellow sensual melodies to be heard in your ears and felt through you body with sultry voices and sexy dark bass. Alternative and dark pop genre mostly. 170+ songs.
HARD FEELINGS - Sensual Sonics 2 / Passion Plays / Darker, more intense, more passionate sensuality. 170+ songs.
HEY BABY - Sensual Sonics 3 / Flirty Phonics / Sensual songs with a flirty, fun vibe. 150+ songs
YOU LOOK LIKE RAIN - Cozy Rainy Evenings In / A jazzy/acousticy station for those rainy evenings indoors in the warmth escaping the rainshowers outside. 80+ songs.
BEAUTIFUL THINGS - Pretty x Mellow / Pretty mellow sounds of different genres and styles, mix of vocal and instrumental tracks 230+ songs.
LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL - Pretty Melodies / Pretty less-mellow sounds of an even greater variety of genres and styles, mix of vocal and instrumental tracks 290+ songs.
EVERYTHING'S JUST WONDERFUL - Upbeat & Sad / Songs that the music sounds happy until you start paying attention to the lyrics 120+ songs.
SEASONS IN THE SUN - A Cross-Generational Ode to Sol / Positive vibes from sunny, happy songs from across the generations, with about half pre-90s and half 90s onwards. 180+ songs.
BORN TO DIE - The Sounds of Bond / Over 130+ Bond-like songs either in that epic or sultry mysterious vibe.
THE RECLUSE - Lockdown Lyrics / A catchy alternative station of puns for lockdown/covid. No obvious classics you’ll find on other Covid playlists. 100+ songs.
VOODOO - Tribal Drums / Songs focused on tribal sounding drums but not just from tribally-bands. 120+ songs.
RAMBLIN' MAN - Spoken Words / Songs with lyrics said as if talking normally, without melody. 60+ songs.
IT’S ONLY PAPER – No/Mo’ Money, Mo’ Problems / Things are like just stuff man. Who needs them anyway. F that S. There are a lot of pro-materialism/consumerism songs nowadays...here's some balance against all that money and items glorification. 70 songs.
EVERYTHING'S JUST WONDERFUL – Upbeat & Sad / Songs with a happy upbeat vibe but dark or sad lyrics 140+ songs
INTERTIA CREEPS - The Infinite Beat / Songs with a constant beat (drum/synth/bass) as the focal at all times or fading into the rhythym/back in different sections of a song, with a slow escalation on the sound like on an infinite loop 80+ songs
LONDON THUNDER – London's 100 / A 100 songs about London and the spots inside it
EAT, SLEEP, WAKE – A Taste of 2020 / One song from albums from 2020 to act as a jumping point for the year. 150+ songs.
MINILISTS [only 20 songs each]
INDIE BUZZ - Indie vibe songs about bees & honey
TEEN NOSTALGIA ROCK - Reminisce about those teenage days
VIOLENT & FUNKY - Heavy rock songs with a strong dose of funk
POP x DRUM & BASS - Mellow muted drum & bass production mainstream music
EASTMEETSWEST - Indian/South Asian influenced Western Pop & Hip-Hop
DOUBLE MEANING - Songs with lyrics that have two meanings throughout the song
LET THERE BE HORNS - Seemingly random songs with horns
MACHINE GUN - Spitting the rhythm & bass out at bullet speed (Industrial rock & bass music)
HARD-ROCK x BASS - Heavy rock plus bass music
WHILE MY GUITAR GENTLY WEEPS - Wailing crying guitars
LOVE LOVE LOVE - Self explanatory
JINGLE BELLS - Upbeat X-mas songs for a party
OLDSKOOL HIP-HOP: BARS - Best of oldskool hip-hop pioneers
OLDSKOOL HIP-HOP: FUN - Fun mainstream oldskool hip-hop jams
SULTRY SECRET SPY BALL - Sensual mysterious vibe songs extracted from BORN TO DIE
EVIL Hip-Hop - Dark evil beats and lyrics on top
GOLD - Songs about GOLD
JENNIFER CHARLES - Introducing the sexiest sultry voice in music
CONDENSED SERIES - Condensed best-ofs of my longer playlists
LET'S GROOVE - A trip through funk & it's evolution
GO WITH THE FLOW - Blues-Rock Radio!
FEELING ALRIGHT - A catchy fusion of soft-rock and reggae
BODY MUSIC - Mellow sensual songs
SUNDAY MORNING SERIES - Mellow sunday morning vibes to relax to
CALIFORNIA SERIES - Songs about California
CLASSI-CAL - Oldschool songs
INDIE-CAL - Indie songs
PARTY-CAL - Energetic upbeat songs
They're all made by me over hundreds of hours so I hope you enjoy. I think there's should be a playlist for almost everyone! Any feedback is much appreciated!
submitted by donkeydooda to makemeaplaylist [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 08:24 CommercialEnd6772 Uang susu dan Uang tepai

Untuk yang pernah punya pengalaman atau cerita pernikahan etnis tionghoa, boleh info besaran uang susu dan tepai itu berapa ya 🤣🤣🤣
Jd adik aku mau nikah, tapi ini pernikahan pertama dikeluarga. And we confused how much "uang susu" should be given to pihak perempuan, krn ga ada pengalaman. Bokap nyokap (anak tunggal dua duanya) dulu ga pake acara uang susu uang susu soalnya.
Ive already asked some of my friends but some of them ga pake uang susu, dan yang lain cuma jawab "besaran tiap org beda2" but from my family we would like to appreciate the girl's family appropriately, tp kadang takut angkanya kekecilan.
Kita bukan dr upper class sih, dan calonnya juga bukan dr upper class, tengah2 aja. Jd kita bingung angka2nya dan adik aku ga enak nnya calonnya
Terima kasih sblmnyaa 🙏🙏🙏
submitted by CommercialEnd6772 to Perempuan [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 13:03 Big_Yesterday1548 Have you ever experienced the worst toothache in your life?

Aku perlukan distraction ni coz sekarang ni aku tengah sakit gigi. So aku nak korang kongsi la pengalaman korang time korang sakit gigi. Apa yg korang buat? Terus ke klinik gigi or just ambil painkillers? Or just tahan sakit tu macam tu je?? Or korang ada petua sakit gigi yg korang boleh kongsi?
Sejak awal bulan Mac lagi aku dah mengalami masalah gigi yang teruk, sakit gigi dan kesakitan di sekeliling bahagian kanan rahang/muka , telinga dan leher aku. Masa awal bulan Mac tu, aku tak buat apa-apa sgt coz rasa sakit itu taklah terlalu teruk dan dapat diredakan dengan painkillers (Naproxen Sodium), dan aku jugak kunyah bawang putih tiap kali aku sakit sakit gigi and it really worked!
Sampaila sekarang ni, akhir bulan April and dah masuk bulan Mei, aku mula mengalami sakit gigi yang paling teruk sekali. Aku rasa sakit ini disebabkan oleh gigi atas aku yang retak and dah berlubang. Bahagian kanan rahang/muka, telinga dan leher aku sakit giler sampai berdenyut2. Kadang2 aku bimbang kalau2 jangkitan teruk ni dah sampai ke otak aku. Macam nak pecah kepala aku dibuatnya. Salah aku jugak sebab malas pergi klinik gigi utk check up😭. Padan muka aku.
Semalam, aku ambik masa lebih kurang 4 jam untuk tidur coz of sakit gigi yg teramat sangat! Aku try berkumur dengan air garam and kunyah bawang putih. Sakit tu hilang la sekejap sebelum pusingan ke-2 sakit tu start lagi. Aku ambik painkillers tapi tak berkesan sangat. Serius wei, aku rasa sakit gigi la sakit yang paling teruk sekali sampai tak boleh nak tidur, tak boleh nak buat pape pun. Rasa cam nak nangis je.
Esok aku nak try ke klinik gigi nak cabut terus gigi yg rosak ni. Harap2 semuanya dipermudahkan esok.
Thanks pada yg sudi baca cerita aku and thanks pada yg sudi kongsi cerita/pengalaman sakit gigi korang!
Edit: Aku baru je balik dari klinik (KKM) tadi. Alhamdulillah dah remove pun gigi yg rosak ni. Nasib baik tak sakit time doktor remove coz doktor bg ubat bius. Doktor ckp susah jugak nk remove coz gigi aku dah tinggal separuh 😬 tp Alhamdulillah, semuanya dah settle. Hrp2 lepas hilg kesan ubat bius ni xla sakit sgt.
Again, thanks sangat2 pada yg sudi baca story/experience aku and thanks juga pada yg sudi share story/pengalaman korang😁. Rupa2nya, ramai gak yg senasib dgn aku.
submitted by Big_Yesterday1548 to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 12:57 Puzzleheaded-Star797 Budak-budak cafe racer

Kenapa ye budak-budak cafe racer selalu rasa dia jambu dimata perempuan. Walaupun muka macam kuih peneram..btw aku tanyakan untuk kawan aku..
submitted by Puzzleheaded-Star797 to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 23:30 tersxin Nakalness

Sedap sangat doh lagu ni..Nakalness dan Aali 3gp dan kumpulan Fpb menunjukkan rakyat tempatan berbakat walau masih muda dan boleh menandingi negara-negara lain walau berbeza warna kulit dan budaya..Nakalness anak muda,umur tk smpai 30,tetapi boleh buat muzik yang BAIK..Muzik yang baik ni universal..Aku tknak cerita pasal artis dia sangat..Tetapi dua lagu dia bagi aku 10/10…Pertama,Badboy,kalau kau minat rentak yang upbeat dan bertenaga,lagu ni adalah lagu yang well done dari segi beat,video simple,tetapi tetap well done,ini lagu HiTS..Lagu rap yang ada FLOW dan boleh nyanyi…Lagu ni beri nafas baru,unik kepada muzik negara selain rap tkda flow,,atau lagu sedih seperti lagu Dawai...Januaari pula lagu sentimental.Lagu ni sangat sedap..10/10…Editing dan Video out of this world dan the best in the world..City life...Dua lagu ni takkan bosan..Ambil masa dan dengar,lagu taraf S menandakan walau underground,boleh mencipta lagu yang berkualiti,bukan pada nama dan warna kulit semata.Tidak perlu perempuan seksi,profanity dan makian dalam karya.
submitted by tersxin to NegarakuMalaysia [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 15:11 Livid-Coyote-1448 Hampir lepak underground

Masa aku darjah 4 aku ada sorang je kawan dan hampir bunuh aku pada masa yang sama Ceritanya bermula semasa aku balik dari bilik muzik tetiba kawan aku dia pergi tolak aku masa ada lori aku dgn lekanya nasib tak break semasa kena tolak
Semuanya akan berakhir kalau aku break di tgh jalan dgn kelajuan lori
Dh la birthday aku
Sebab tu aku rela terkurung dalam bilik Kalau jumaat je aku keluar bilik
submitted by Livid-Coyote-1448 to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 10:08 Relevant_Inflation54 Assalamualaikum, tumpang Tanya..

Ada yang tahu tak "hair pulling" (Trichotillomania) tu apa? Kalau tak tahu tak apa sini nak jelaskan.. Hair pulling ialah satu kondisi dimana seseorang akan mencabut rambut dlm jumlah yg menakutkan akibat stress. Sy berumur 12 tahun Dan sy telah 2 Kali dipanggil ke bilik kaunseling sbb sy ada hair pulling ni. Cikgu sy kata is melibatkan emosi Dan jika dibiarkan akan jadi lebih teruk boleh mengakibatkan seseorang itu depressed Dan bnh diri saya risau tapi bila sy cerita kat kawan semua tak percaya siap ckp Sy tipu lagi cikgu kaunseling sy ckp Cuba stop Dan kawal emosi Sy jenis cepat panas baran..bila stress mula lah cabut rambut Sy ada hair pulling sejak darjah 3 Sy tak tahu kalau ada masalah nak share ke siapa maklumlah ada sorang je kawan kat sekolah tu pun Sy selalu dilupakan siapa ada tips utk stop dri stress? Mohon share, Sy akan baca. Maaf membazir masa utk awk baca post ni. Sekian.
submitted by Relevant_Inflation54 to Ajar_Malaysia [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 11:50 True_Example_1009 Mungkin aku yg tak bersedia

Baru balik dari lepak dgn member ii, tetau dia merajuk (sebenarnya rindu) tapi dia guna pulak cara tu untuk merajuk padahal boleh jer ckp straight to the point. Dia pulak jenis yg takde kawan sbb friendship yg lepas ii membuatkan dia taknak berkawan sangat dah. Aku balik lepak je terus dia badmood sbb aku takde inform dia atau chat dia, padahal masa pegi aku inform masa sampai aku inform otw balik aku inform masa dah sampai aku inform, aku tak faham apa lg yg dia nak? Aku keluar dgn kawan ii kot, keluar pon sekarang paling jarang sbb kebanyakan masa mmg spent time dgn dia lagi ii semalam kira dh spent time together jugakla, Sumpah aku tak faham kenapa semua benda yg dri media sosial kena ikut, kena percaya kena faham? Tak semua lelaki ada perangai yg sweet, yg blh pujuk, yg etis nform mesti ada kelemahan masing ii, dh minta maaf pon masih dry lagi. Aku tak fahamlaa 😇
submitted by True_Example_1009 to SesiKonfesi [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 00:38 caule07 Reddit itu seperti apa?

Reddit itu cara mainnya seperti apa ya? Bercerita atau bagaimana menurut kalian pengguna app yang sudah lama?
Karena saya masih baru disini dan melihat cerita orang seru-seru dan ya saya suka membacanya.
Tikok untuk melihat video lucu but the comment bisa dibilang sudah bisa tercemar gitu, F untuk mencari informasi tapi kebanyakan bapak-bapak main burung, then g sekarang yang paling better, twiter sangat frontal tapi bisa juga menjadi tempat berkeluh kesah untuk diri sendiri. setelah ketemu reddit seperti balik ke dimana sosial media masih natural dan no gimmick tempat berkeluh kesah dan bertanya paket kumplit.
Terimakasih untuk pengalaman baru dan saya merasa bernostalgia.
submitted by caule07 to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 13:43 Fearless-Structure88 You heard that guys? Don't ever ask lanje from your female friends

You heard that guys? Don't ever ask lanje from your female friends submitted by Fearless-Structure88 to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 13:42 Safe-Explanation-161 Trying to improve my language

Guys, aq kerja sebagai rider grabfood. Sometimes, aq unsure dgn English aq.. I'm trying to improve my English, is this the right place for someone like me?
Anyway, nk tanya.. what's the best words selain ayat "I'll drop the food at the table at the main lobby".. ayat ap yg lagi okay eh
submitted by Safe-Explanation-161 to bahasamelayu [link] [comments]
