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2012.01.29 05:54 stick and pokes!

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2014.12.17 08:35 BlackStallion54 justfuckmyshitup

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2008.06.24 03:01 Tattoos

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2024.05.18 23:29 The-Mr-E Walk Me Home: Dating a Monster Girl - Part 13 - Eyescraper

SYNOPSIS: Walking your OP monster girlfriend home is easy. No one messes with you. Getting back to your house on your own? That's the tricky part.
What's worse than an eldritch building? How 'bout a bigger one?
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Chapter Cover Art (From Mood Writing Sample)
Norman took one look at the towering building to his left. Then he took off.


The new hunting cry boomed through his body. It was much louder than the first building’s, albeit shorter, like a tap on the shoulder from a titan proclaiming its presence to the world.
Of course, the tap of a titan could flatten a man.
Norman fell. His legs had simply stopped working. Jaws clenched, he forced his will into wobbly muscles. His palms slammed into the waterlogged street, stopping the fall. With a sharp push, he sprang back to his feet and ran on.
Norman yanked out the remaining two flash grenades on the go, strung them together, armed and drew back for a throw.


That quick boom pounded through him. His fingers faltered. The flash grenades slipped from his grip and fell. He was still recovering from the sound when they went off at his feet. The nightsight filtered the flash, so he didn’t go blind. He’d gutted the flash grenade’s speakers, so he didn’t go deaf. The peeping building could deafen him all on its own … no, this wasn’t a peeping building. He’d slew a peeping building. They were small fries by comparison.
This was an eyescraper.
Tentacles the width of busses unsheathed from its sides. Even if he’d managed to launch the grenades and bathe it in smitelight, he suspected that wouldn’t be enough.
Norman sliced at its eyes with a focused beam. It barely flinched. Maybe if it got close enough, he could affect it a bit. By then, it would be too late.
Throbbing chuffs thundered from the monster. It sounded like a laugh.
Norman shot it a defiant glare. He bolted. Not fast enough. He could feel the giant closing in. So, he moved faster. Then faster, and still faster. His muscles blared their warnings. Rain lashed his face. He felt the air begin to resist his movements as he reached a speed at which it mattered. It was in his way, so he pushed through it too. No one was there to tell him he was moving far faster than any human known to history. All he cared about was hearing that thing fall behind him, and so it did. The tremours of its tremendous movements grew fainter.
At the end of the street, an apartment building came into view. Norman threw himself against it, climbing with the reckless abandon of a madman. He was halfway to the top.


His grip went limp. He fell. Struck the ground. His head bounced. The world grew fu...z z y.


Something was yapping in the background, but it wasn’t important. He felt fine. Everything was fine. Why not rest? Why was he even-?


What? No he didn’t! Promises weren’t for trolls! Why would he leave Amy anyway?
Oh, right. There was a skyscraper running him down. To think he lived in a world where that made any sense. He rubbed his throbbing head. It was hard to think, though.


Brain fog would have to wait.
In two twos he jumped onto the side of the building and kept going up and up without breaking the momentum of the leap. Adrenaline had challenged gravity. Gravity lost. There was no pause to assess handholds. There was no rain stinging his face. In his mind, there was only ‘CLIMB, CLIMB, CLIMB!’ Crest the rooftop. ‘RUN, RUN, RUN!’ Descend the other side ‘JUMP!’ Gravity greedily reclaimed Norman, dragging him 4 storeys down at breakneck speed. He hit the ground in a parkour roll. Bruised a bone. Nearly fractured a shoulder. Wrenched his spine. Joints, muscle, ligaments almost popped. They didn’t.
He was running again.
Norman had never heard a building shred like paper. He’d never thought to wonder what it sounded like.
*( ( BMMM! ) ) ( ( BMM! ) ) ( ( BOOM! ) ) \*


Now he knew.
Those booms … was it the eyescraper’s tentacles breaking the sound barrier, or punching holes through the apartment building? Maybe both. It didn’t matter. What mattered was that it was tearing the building in two with the ease of one parting curtains. Buildings were not designed to be parted. Two became legions as the sundered building collapsed.
Norman rushed for an abandoned truck, slid beneath the trailer. Not quite fast enough. Most of the rubble didn’t reach him directly, but upon hitting the ground? It pulverised into a blast of cloud like a sandstorm. Hissing beneath the trailer, the dust stung at his ankles. He ignored it, racing for the truck’s cabin at the front. Perched on the step beneath the door, he braced as the dust raced beneath, around and above him. The cabin was his shield. He flinched to a duck when its windows shattered as the dust cloud blasted straight through them. The truck rocked and slid slightly, bombarded by wind and dust. It lurched as a chunk of debris finally reached it, crumpling the trailer like cheap foil.
Time to move.
Particles prickled Norman’s eyes, finding their way through the nightsight. He took a fresh glimpse of the path ahead before clouds of grey engulfed it all.
He dashed on. A split second later, the cabin was levelled under a larger slab of concrete. More sporadically thundered down around him. His eyes were squeezed shut, denying entry to any more particles. He scrambled through the street, dodging obstacles from memory. As for the concrete rainfall that couldn’t be seen? He had some prayers about that, but it probably came out like half-baked gibberish.
Norman chanced opening his eyes. They watered like crazy. At least most of the dust was gone. Behind him, the eyescraper’s menacing silhouette was picking through the rubble. Finally, an unblocked street was in sight. He rounded the corner.
Another peeping building, rumbling in from the new street. Alright. Straight it was.
Maybe not. A third building emerged from the rainfall ahead. All streets blocked. He glanced about. All alleys still blocked. This really was a hunting net, but this much energy for a tiny human? Predators weren’t usually like this.
He ran for the nearest building that wasn’t occupied by eldritch calamari.

( ( BOOMM! ) )

The eyescraper’s tentacle crossed his path. Its supersonic shockwave sent him flying.
Norman came to. Rain poured against his face as he lay on his back. How long was he out? Why was it so cold? The atmosphere didn’t quite feel right. It didn’t look right either. Something about the colours, or subtle lack thereof. Everything seemed a bit desaturated. Norman sat up and coughed his lungs out, evicting a mix of dust and rain water collected in his slackly gaping mouth. Buildings towered above him on every side, a bit too close for comfort.


Oh, right, those weren’t just buildings.
Norman raised a finger, gesturing to wait. “Could you *kaff!* quit subwoofin’ at me for, like, ten seconds!”
“Plucky.̵͚͐͝ for all seasons I .̵̦̺͐̅see,” came a skin-crawling voice from behind him.
Norman swung back his smitelight. It barely moved half a foot, then it stopped. Rather, something stopped it. That ‘something’ was cold. So cold. His wrist felt the chill without even touching it.
Norman turned, slowly, so as not to trigger further attacks. He found himself looking up.
Eight feet tall. Dark grey skin. A grin that went a little too wide. Dagger teeth. An open-chested jacket, revealing sinewy muscles with luminous markings like tattoos. His ebony eyes bore penetrating white pupils. Of all his traits, the dreadlocks stood out most. They belonged in a nightmare, dancing through the air with a life of their own. Somehow, they looked blacker than black, absorbing every ray of light or heat that came their way. That icy chill in the air shifted with the movements of his dreadlocks. They seemed to drink life from the air itself. Norman almost found it hard to breathe. One dreadlock clutched Norman’s smitelight, only by the tip, but its grip was iron.
Norman stared the tall man down.
The nyctal’s grin grew by a smidgeon.
Taking a calculated risk, Norman released the smitelight. Perhaps a peace offering would do good.
“Good.̷̧͋͌̎̿ boy,” the tall man nodded, admiring the smitelight as the dreadlock rotated it. “Clever.̴̧̤̩͈͓̖͂ͅ toy.”
Norman noted an understated Jamaican accent in his voice.
More dreadlocks slithered across the smitelight, as if tasting its every nook and cranny.
Norman did his best to look casual as he scanned for an escape route. The eyescraper’s tentacles had wrapped around the street, fencing him in.


Norman looked at the tall nyctal again.


The nyctal’s eyes shifted to Norman inquisitively. He frowned, raising an eyebrow as the comments piled up. Finally, he smirked mischievously.
“Your fanbase has peculiar tastes,” purred the tall man.


The tall man handed Norman his smitelight.
Norman’s suspicious gaze flicked between the nyctal and the weapon. Finally, he reached out and took hold of the smitelight.
It crumbled in his fingers like ice-cold ashes. If not for the insulation gloves, he might have gotten frostbite.
The nyctal laughed.
Norman didn’t find it particularly amusing.
The tall man sauntered towards the eyescraper. Beyond it was a darkness even the nightsight had difficulty piercing. He beckoned Norman as if it were an afterthought.
“Please come in, .̵̭̻͌̓̂Norman.̶̲͕͇̅̑̚,” the nyctal instructed.
Norman stared stubbornly, hands in his pockets as he rocked on his heels. He felt for his smartphone. It wasn’t there. When had he lost it?
Without looking back, the nyctal held up Norman’s phone. It disintegrated between his fingers as he rubbed them together.
Norman glared. At least the guy hadn’t pickpocketed deeply enough to find other things.
“Hey. To whom do I owe the … pleasure?” Norman almost had to push the last word through his teeth.
The nyctal stopped in the eyescraper’s doorframe. Shrouded in shadow, little could be seen of him, save the piercing white pupils peering out. Then the glint of his Cheshire grin.
“.̴̜͓̭̻̤̍̈́̆͑͑John Crow.̸̻̮̓̈́̏̓͘,” he answered, before receding into the darkness.
The eyescraper’s tentacles dragged in across the street, corralling Norman towards the building. With an exasperated groan, he trudged towards the main entrance.
“I want my bed,” grumbled Norman.
Become a free member on Patreon to read Part 14, 'Sleeping Giant', early! It will be released there today or tomorrow. For the visual 'mood writing' version (previously called 'artitext') and more Caribbean sci-fi, become a paid member for only $3! See links in comments.
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submitted by The-Mr-E to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 17:36 SpydersGame A reminder of how far we've come.

I held through Quad Witching Day. All of them.
I held when GME was put on the SSR…again
I held while I watched Uncle Bruce on YouTube
I held while I learned about tendies, diamond hands, and your wife’s boyfriend
I held through Redditors donating to The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund
I held when we learned that Kenny doesn’t share mayo
I held through ‘flash crashes’ and ‘short ladder attacks’
I held when DFV quadrupled down at $155
I held through Daisy Ridley pointing at me every day saying “You’re not selling.”
I held when they told me "iTs All oVEr bUY SilVEr"
I held through the Shareholder vote
I held through the Lego invasion
I held when Gamestop tweeted “Oops, MOASS, my bad”
I held through the invention of Knights of the New
I held through the addition to the Russell 1000
I held through the Rick_of_Spades, uh…fulfillment
I held and bought the dip before the rip…over and over again
I held when Gamestop changed it’s logo to monochrome
I held while we tracked Kenny’s jets
I held through the Q1 earnings release
I held through the dip after the Q1 earnings release
I held through July 14th, Bastille Day
I held when the mods did a live broadcast from the shareholder meeting
I held through RUNIC GLORY
I held when Melissa Lee said “Naked shorts, yeah” on national television
I held through the creation of Satori
I held through Today’s the Day guy, and Elliot Waves Guy
I held through the “buildings with lights on” phase
I held through people losing bets and eating Ghost Peppers
I held through the #CitadelCokeBreak drone video
I held through Low Volume Guy and Sideways Trading Guy
I held through CONE POO SHARE
I held through the Q2 earnings release
I held through the dip after the Q2 earnings release
I held through #kengriffinlied
I held through the initial DRS rush
I held through GMErica
I held through the Wu Tang album reveal
I held through T+35 and T+12 and all the T+
I held through the Fidelity push
I held through #MGGA
I held while Reverse Repo guy and Gherkinit gave us daily updates
I held through the first RobbingHood lawsuit…so far
I held through the SEC “report”
I held through Raven5150 asking GME to moon already, so he could sleep in for once
I held through Kenny’s “bad comedy joke.”
I held through the Dorito of Doom
I held through the rumors of a Loopring partnership
I held through the Fidelity exodus when they “accidentally” reported 11 million extra shares available to short
I held through the Toys for Tots blitz of 2021
I held through Kenny announcing that he was a gamer
I held through the second DRS rush
I held through the Evergrande collapse…again
I held through the JASON FUCKING WATERFALL filing
I held through Computershared showing 1 million shares DRS’d…so far
I held through the next day, when the earnings report disclosed 5.2 MILLION shares DRS’d
I held and bought the dip the next day
I held through the shuttering of Anchorage and Tybourne
I held when Jon Stewart showed the world how broken the stock market is
I held when therealpulte took Superstonk by storm
I held on April 16th, 2022, through the flurry of cat posts
I held when our chairman called short sellers ‘dumb stormtroopers’
I held when Ryan bought 100k new shares
I held when GME called for a vote to increase shares for a stock dividend
I held when we placed a TON of pixels on r slash Place
I held when Ryan took the fight to BCG
I held when Pulte did his Superstonk AMA
I held when Ryan Cohen briefly became Warren Icahn
I held when Pulte bought GME, then bought more
I held (and cheered) when $HOOD hit an all time low (again)
I held when the FBI arrested Bill Hwang
I held when Ryan Cohen tweeted about General Tso’s chicken
I held when GameStop released their browser extension wallet
I held when the S&P 500 hit a new low
I held when Ryan got his 8th booster and grew 2” taller
I held when inflation hit 8.3%
I held when everyone decided they liked the Spice Girls
I held when 100% Utilization hit 69 days and counting (nice!)
I held when Gabe Plotkin decided he was going to wind down Melvin Capital
I held when GameStopNFT tweeted their first tweet
I held when the daily RRP hit 2 TRILLION DOLLARS
I held when GameStop released their Cypto wallet
I held when RC tweeted about Uranus
I held as Diamonthände patiently announced the opening of the German market…again
I held when the CTB Rate went through the roof
I held when Superstonk released the KenGriffinLiesBot
I held when Dave Lauer sent his anti-PFOF petition to the SEC
I held when ElTristesito ate the mayo. All of it
I held when BluPrince headed off to the big green candle in the sky
I held when Maxine Waters released the congressional report.
I held when we hit 100% utilization for 100 days in a row
I held when they announced a 4 to 1 stock dividend
I held when that guy locked his grandma in a cage
I held when RC tweeted “Whoops” and dropped the NFT Marketplace (at 4:20pm)
I held when the Marketplace launched with a Ready Player 1 level Easter Egg Hunt
I held when that marketplace did 3 million dollars worth of business in two days
I held when Blockbuster started tweeting…and Ryan Cohen answered
I held when GME did a stock split distributed via dividend
I held when all hell broke loose after that
I held when the German SEC (BaFin) told brokers to assure delivery of a dividend
I held when multiple brokers affirmed that the DTC told them to treat it as a standard split
I held when GameStop released a statement reiterating that it was indeed a dividend
I held when everyone was randomly awarded with Sneks…again
I held on the day of the Golden Cross…again
I held when the towel stock went through the roof
I held some more when Ryan Cohen got out of the Bath
I held when VictoriousVTT got on Cramer’s show and said “Shorts never closed. Boom!” LIVE
I held when they released NFTs of Game Informer Magazine
I held when Robbie from IMX made the cover of Forbes
I held when Eat The Rich was released on Netflix I held when Koopapeter made his tattoo bet…and won
I held when Ben Bernanke won the Nobel Prize
I held when this totally nuts thing happened that proved us all right. Trust me, bro.
I held when Jon Stewart interviewed Gary Gensler for the second time
I held when RC tweeted a pic of him with Carl Icahn
I held when Gold_flake made a bet about a banana…and lost
I held when Fidelity posted their Meme Stock Guy Halloween costume…and I took that personally
I held when Ortex reported 115 MILLION shares shorted
I held when FTX shattered into a million little pieces
I held when our chairman broke 2 years of silence with a GMEDD interview
I held when the Gamestop Wallet was released for iOS
I held when the hedgies DRS’d 14 million shares…and pulled them out in Q3
I held when we STILL DRS’d an additional 500k shares on TOP OF THAT
I held when Reddit threatened to shutdown Superstonk for ‘brigading’
I held when SBF was arrested in the Bahamas
I held when Gamestop released it’s first PowerUp Rewards NFT
I held when [REDACTED]
I held when 2022 became 2023
I held when when Ryan asked us to draw him like one of our French girls
I held when Ryan bought AliBaba…or didn’t.
I held when Buck the Bunny took over the NFT Marketplace
I held when DFV’s brother became a minor celebrity
I held when everyone got excited about turtlenecks
I held when SVB blew up
I also held when Credit Suisse dropped 20% in a day
I held when 2022 Q4 announced positive earnings for the first time in 2 years
I held the next day when the GME jumped 35%
I held when Milan opened it’s first flagship GME store
I held when the Canadians bought all the GameStop blankets
I held when First Republic Bank failed…and was bought out by JP Morgan
I held when GS teamed up with Telos and announced GameStop Playr
I held when Matt Furlong was terminated as CEO
I held when Brian Sozzi wrote an open letter that trashed GameStop and Ryan Cohen
I held when Ryan Cohen responded by buying $10 million worth of GME shares
I held when Elixir announced a partnership with GS to help create GameStop Playr
I held when RC challenged Warren Buffett to a thumb war
I held when the SEC released a bulletin that basically said “BOOK IS KING”
I held when Dismal-Jellyfish predicted MOASS on October 24th, 2023
I held when the film “Dumb Money” was released
I held when the SEC announced they were investigating RC for his towel sales
I held when Ryan Cohen was named CEO of GameStop
I held when his email to employees was leaked two days later
I held when GME boosted 40%...on no news
I held when he re-tweeted a Mike Tyson tweet about pigeons
I held when RC became Chief Investment Officer of GameStop
I held when RCIO tweeted in Japanese
I held when the NFT marketplace was shut down
I held when AI predicted that GME would end 2024 at $34.73
I held when Ryan Cohen started looking for cloud engineers
I held when RCEO tweeted about P.E.N.I.S.
I held as I upvoted more purple circles
I held through countless articles to FORGET ABOUT GAMESTOP
I held when Roaring Kitty reappeared and tweeted for the first time in 3 years
I held when he tweeted again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again
I held when the volume skyrocketed.
I held when the stock was halted. Over and over and over.
I held when the price shot up to 80 (320 pre-split)
I held when the price worked it’s way back down.
And here we are today.
I’ve DRS’d and held on five different subs, for thirty six months, on the roller coaster ride of my life.
I held through all that.
submitted by SpydersGame to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:52 Boaring1 21 [M4F] Ontario/Anywhere I want a long lasting connection that will develop into something beautiful

Hi! My name is Carson, I’m from Ontario Canada!
I love gaming on PC, horror of any kind is so much fun, I love D&D and other TTRPGS like it, I love watching YouTube videos about almost everything, I adore Magic the Gathering only really playing commander, I love animals and taking care of them, I love music, I really like Pokemon games with my fav being legends arceus, I love piercings and tattoos (still have yet to get my first one lol), I collect action figures like the giga geek that I am! I can’t think of any more interests that I have but I assure you I have more!
I plan on going to school in the winter for journalism, I want to become a games journalist!
I do smoke weed from so if thats not for you I apologize.
Physically speaking, I can be described as an actual dwarf. Like from LotR or any other type of fantasy genre! I’m short, stout and am growing a large beard!
About you! All I care about is that you don’t want kids!
If you’re at all interested, please send me a message!
P.s. I do have a lot of anxiety so it may take me a little bit to hype myself up to respond lol!
submitted by Boaring1 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:56 mgkmagic mgk's interview with Marvin magazine issue 13

mgk's interview with Marvin magazine issue 13
mgk aka machine gun kelly on genre:sadboy, his exoskeleton, rap album, rock album, Lana Del Rey, Trippie Redd, bands, etc. The full interview below is from Marvin magazine issue 13, which can be purchased on Marvin's official website.
It Has Always Been About the Music for mgk
The Artist Recently Teamed up With Trippie Redd for Their Collaborative Ep ‘Genre : Sadboy.’ Now, He’s Truer to Himself Than Ever Before.
mgk has topped the Billboard 200 chart with his 2022 pop-punk entry, ‘mainstream sellout.’ He has been nominated for GRAMMY Awards, won Billboard Music Awards and earned hundreds of millions of Spotify streams. Today, mgk is the main attraction at Dust Studios in Los Angeles.
A fresh coat of ink covers the rapper’s arms and chest, mimicking the rain clouds he loves so much back in his hometown of Cleveland. “It was supposed to be spread out over the course of a year, just because of the amount of ink,” he reveals. “But I did mine in a month.”
When people ask if he’d been sedated for the process, mgk says he’s shocked. “My eyes started opening to this phenomenon, which is essentially opting out of the point of what a tattoo is, which is cathartic pain.”
mgk soon references his lyrics, which — particularly on his latest project, an extended collaborative EP with rapper and fellow Ohio native Trippie Redd — tend to be expressions of isolation, roller coaster relationships, shifting between self-medication and sobriety, and the purgatorial aspects of extreme fame.
“I’ll call out for help in my lyrics, and not one fucking person will give two shits,” he says, reasoning that his public bluster and occasional hot temper must indicate stoicism.
“Essentially, I think they believe the exoskeleton of confidence that I had to put on because I was being fucked with by the outside world. That’s even from down to idols that I had growing up,” he continues.
“Like, they all turned on me, you know what I mean? And I’m like, ‘Guys, what? What am I supposed to do? Because I can’t just be a turtle and go into my shell. I have to come out. I have to bite back.’”
Most recently, mgk has poured his innermost thoughts into his aforementioned project with Redd, ‘genre : sadboy,’ a spare, ruminative collection of tracks that gently dovetail between trap, hip-hop and acoustic pop. “I can’t quiet my thoughts/ Don’t let them out this Pandora’s box/ I ruined my wedding, now I wish I had a rope/ So, I could still tie the knot,” mgk spits on the sorrowful closer “summer’s gone,” which, at face value, appears to reference his broken engagement to Megan Fox.
His ongoing friendship with Redd, who appeared on 2019 single “Candy” and on 2020’s “all I know,” has been important to him both personally and professionally.
“Growing up in Ohio, everyone kind of knows about everyone,” mgk says. “I fell in love with how much of an art piece he was. I related in so many ways — how easily misunderstood he could be. Because I was rapping in the early 2010s, but I was wearing studded denim jackets, punk patches, ripped jeans and things that weren’t really aesthetically hip-hop.”
When the pair return to Ohio, which they do often, mgk and Trippie usually attempt to meet up and record. During one session, which mgk calls a “special night,” they began recording music, which kicked off their path to making what would become ‘genre : sadboy.’ “We felt really good about these records because they didn’t feel like some of the other records we had made. [In the past], we had experimented with pitching our voices really high, or doing stuff that felt like 2017, 2018 rager music. Stuff that if we didn’t put it out now, then it wouldn’t make sense to put it out later.”
Around the time they teamed up to create ‘genre : sadboy,’ mgk says, “life started to kick both of our asses simultaneously.” He and Redd would spend hours on FaceTime, talking about everything from each other’s psyches to “magic,” “family” and “why certain things are or are not happening for us personally [and] career-wise. … It’s nice to have somebody you can find solace in.”
The idea of feeling misunderstood comes up frequently in mgk’s lyrics. Active since the mid-2000s, mgk grabbed the baton from Y2K nu-metal upstarts like Limp Bizkit and Linkin Park and spent the next two decades merging rap and rock as it suited his mood and creative expression.
As for the EP title ‘genre : sadboy,’ mgk points out the symbolism behind its artwork. “On the cover, ‘genre’ is over my body because that’s one of the big arguments behind mgk: ‘What genre is he? Why is he allowed to do this genre? I don’t like that he does this genre.’ And then ‘sadboy’ is over Trippie’s body because the argument with Trippie is that fans love his ‘sad boy music,’ and they’re mad that he released [2023’s] ‘Mansion Musik,’ which is rager songs. They wanted the ‘sad Trippie’ back.”
Ultimately, neither mgk nor Redd were interested in winning over critics or new audiences with their latest collaboration. This one’s for the existing fans — and, of course — for themselves. “I wanted to just give it away right away,” mgk says of the short time leading to the EP’s release. “Like, yeah, this is a niche project. We’re not doing this for numbers. We’re not doing this to try and get the masses on our side. This is for people who are just sad and want to put this on. Individually, I don’t think that [Trippie and I are] allowed to make those albums. Because people want a roller coaster.
We’re associated with hype shit. Our concerts are hype. I envy people like Lana [Del Rey] because they’re allowed to just make these mood albums. I wanted to have an excuse to make my own, and this seemed like the perfect place to do it.” Though he’d always hinted at having an expanded music palate, rolling through hip-hop to trap to metal, hard rock and pop, in 2020 mgk fully embraced the guitar, releasing the pop-punk-inspired “tickets to my downfall,” which featured drums and production by Travis Barker, who was swiftly turning into a genre godfather, appearing on WILLOW’s howling “t r a n s p a r e n t s o u l” and Avril Lavigne’s sneering pop-punk reentry “Love Sux.”
“He’s someone whose front door was always open to me plenty of times during ‘Tickets To My Downfall’ and ‘mainstream sellout,’” mgk says of Barker, who also produced the singer’s 2022 album. That album featured WILLOW on “emo girl” and Bring Me The Horizon’s Oli Sykes on the thrashing “maybe.”
Despite being credited with the 2020s pop-punk revival, raking in awards for ‘Tickets To My Downfall’ and hitting No. 1 on the Billboard 200 with ‘mainstream sellout’ — not to mention nabbing high-profile TV and film roles (2018’s “Bird Box” and portraying Mötley Crüe drummer Tommy Lee in 2019’s “The Dirt”) and earning over $30 million at the box office on the ‘mainstream sellout’ tour — mgk cannot help but feel underappreciated.
Sure, the numbers speak for themselves. But for someone as vulnerable as he is, mgk is quick to note that you can have the biggest and best house on the block — and it can still be empty when you get home.
Reflecting back on the last decade-plus of his life and career, mgk is blunt about the reality of his lived experience.
“I still haven’t found a home, because I didn’t grow up with one,” he says. “I also think a lot of people just skip my background. They just bury that whole thing and act like my life started when I was like 28 and started getting some real success. What about the 10 years I spent underground? What about those years on Warped Tour? When I did the pop-punk album, every band acted like I was brand new. And I was like, ‘But you guys were with me on those stages when I was opening for you at 1 p.m.’”
"So many people walk up to me and they’re like, ‘Dude, what you did, what you did,’ and I’m like, ‘Why is that narrative never told?’"
“I’ve never been a critic favorite,” mgk continues. “I never really looked to them [for] praise. I look to see if they have any valid points that maybe I could soak in and utilize for the next project. Which is why my next solo project will not be a rock album. But when I do decide to do a rock album, I’ve taken in so many of the critics’ opinions, which are actually valued and understood, that [it] will be a really, really intelligent, powerful rock album.”
So there it is: mgk’s next studio release will not be a rock album. “I think it’s always smart to give people what they want,” he ruminates. “And right now it feels like they want a rap album.” But does mgk want to do a rap album? “I do,” he says. “I’ve learned to drop every chip on my shoulder...
There is one part of my stomach that just cannot be filled by any other genre other than doing a great rap album.”
When mgk looks back at his favorite artists from earlier generations, ones that were deemed sellouts or not taken seriously, he holds a spark of hope. Maybe some years in the future, his critical success will catch up with those Spotify streams. “I remember blink-182 in middle school, and everyone said, ‘That’s such a poser band.’ Now, all those kids grew up, their egos dropped, they had families and now they’re all like, ‘Dude, I can’t wait to go see blink-182 at the When We Were Young festival.’ I pray that the same thing comes [for me]. Honestly, I don’t know. If it does, great; if it doesn’t, fuck it.
As soon as that redemption arc theory leaves his mouth, mgk changes his mind. “Actually, I don’t care. I do what I do because I love it. I’ve never been a money guy. I’ve never once looked at my bank account in my life. I am strictly here because there’s a hunger inside me that can’t be satiated. No matter how many records are sold, no matter how many concerts are sold out, I just am in love with music and in love with art.”
Written by: Rachel Brodsky Photography by: Jimmy Fontaine
submitted by mgkmagic to MachineGunKelly [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:24 dream-delay YSL Design Dive: Cassandra et Cassandre

YSL Design Dive: Cassandra et Cassandre
Note: This is a fashion design dive (not deep dive, as I am a YSL noob) from someone who isn't much of a fashionista, for anyone who might be interested in fashion (gay)lore. Let's get on Taylor's fashion level ya'll!
TLDR: There are a few things we know for sure...
To begin:
AM Cassandre (AKA Adolphe Jean-Marie Mouron), the namesake behind the Cassandra bag, is the man behind the YSL logo design and many award winning art deco posters and typefaces.
YSL Logo by Cassandre
He was also a painter, did stage design, and served in the French army in WWII. He moved from Ukraine to Paris when he was young, had two wives, both of whom he divorced, ultimately ended up moving to the countryside later in life with a longtime friend of his, and sadly took his life after his success took a "downturn" (although we can see he was a very successful man).
Dubonnet Poster by Cassandre
Now that we have reviewed the man behind the logo and some themes of his life that mirror aspects of TTPD (war, success, depression, art, theatre), let's dive into some of the YSL designs I have been perusing that carry themes from TTPD (I honestly don't know what has come over me lately, as the only designer thing I own is a second hand 2000s Miu Miu bag I bought off eBay that might be fake).
Cassandra Bags
Let us begin with this beautiful line of Cassandra bags that Taylor was seen with. I would die for this bag. There is just something about it that screams "classic," and you know it's never going out of style. It's the same type of bag you'd picture on the arm of Carol, from the movie Carol.
YSL Charm Bracelet
Now lets take a look at this gorgeous Cassandre Multi-Charm Bracelet. UM CUTE! And perfect for if you're a little masc. It's subtle and reminds me of the tattoo Taylor has around her head in the Fortnight music video, but with a little YSL flavor.
Taylor in Fortnight MV
Although YSL's summer '24 line is all about vintage aviation, the spring '24 line is very TTPD. Floral black and white brooches, leopard print, ocre yellow, tortoiseshell (which reminds me of academia), I could go on.
Overall, I think it's fun to look at the fashion that Taylor plays with. It might carry meaning, it might not, but since I am hyperfixating on high fashion right now, I am gonna draw some comparisons and celebrate the esteemed artists that worked for the fashion houses. Thanks for reading!
submitted by dream-delay to GaylorSwift [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:37 St_Augustine_Discord Live Music and Events Wednesday May 15th

Live Music

Wednesday Pier Farmers Market

Chamber Music Series: 9B Woodwind Quartet

West King Wednesdays

Improv Night at Colonial Oak Music Park

Isabelle Scott, Harpist

I am unable to post the sources because they are getting flagged as spam since they are all similar in name. So please visit this site for the list.
Written out urls here tinyurl.com/yjkw32kd

For future events please visit the Discord.

submitted by St_Augustine_Discord to StAugustineBeach [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:37 St_Augustine_Discord Live Music and Events Wednesday May 15th

Live Music

Wednesday Pier Farmers Market

Chamber Music Series: 9B Woodwind Quartet

West King Wednesdays

Improv Night at Colonial Oak Music Park

Isabelle Scott, Harpist

I am unable to post the sources because they are getting flagged as spam since they are all similar in name. So please visit this site for the list.
Written out urls here tinyurl.com/yjkw32kd

For future events please visit the Discord.

submitted by St_Augustine_Discord to StAugustine [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:43 Boaring1 21 [M4F] Ontario/Anywhere I want a long lasting connection that will develop into something beautiful

Hi! My name is Carson, I’m from Ontario Canada!
I love gaming on PC, horror of any kind is so much fun, I love D&D and other TTRPGS like it, I love watching YouTube videos about almost everything, I adore Magic the Gathering only really playing commander, I love animals and taking care of them, I love music, I really like Pokemon games with my fav being legends arceus, I love piercings and tattoos (still have yet to get my first one lol), I collect action figures like the giga geek that I am! I can’t think of any more interests that I have but I assure you I have more!
I plan on going to school in the winter for journalism, I want to become a games journalist!
I do smoke weed from so if thats not for you I apologize.
Physically speaking, I can be described as an actual dwarf. Like from LotR or any other type of fantasy genre! I’m short, stout and am growing a large beard!
About you! All I care about is that you don’t want kids!
If you’re at all interested, please send me a message!
P.s. I do have a lot of anxiety so it may take me a little bit to hype myself up to respond lol!
submitted by Boaring1 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 01:38 critical_courtney [Hot Off The Press] — Chapter Seven

[Hot Off The Press] — Chapter Seven
My Discord
Buy me a cup of coffee (if you want)
Previous Chapter
Chapter Seven:
The newsroom was quiet at 5:30 p.m., which was a little strange on a Friday evening. Usually, the Friday news dump would have our reporters scrambling on at least one or two stories. We’d expected our governor to announce her decision on a new offshore wind farm application today, and she’d so far sent nothing.
If Brian isn’t responding to my texts there must still be some last-minute meetings going on in Augusta, I thought. Brian Tildry was the governor’s executive assistant and my best source for news tips when it came to Maine’s executive branch.
I walked over to our breakroom, opened Apple Pay, and got a candy bar from the vending machine.
Sugar and caffeine are a journalist’s two best friends, I thought as I started to feel woozy for the second time today.
Right as I started to open my Snickers bar, our IT person walked into the room and all but cornered me. The smell of cigarettes and hand sanitizer filled the air.
“Frankie Dee, do you know what happens when you don’t respond to my text messages?”
Sighing and lowering my dinner from my taste buds, who were now about to start a revolution at being denied sugar, I scanned our super short computer engineer. “Fun-sized,” I occasionally called them.
Their name was Ghost, and they looked every bit the part. Pale skin, undercut, hair dyed white, and colored contact lenses that made their irises the color of flour. Ghost’s nails were painted gunmetal grey, and it was difficult not to stare at their tongue piercing every now and again.
But they were a fucking wizard on a keyboard and didn’t give me too much shit about not being able to pay as well as news outlets in Boston’s market.
“I’m sorry, Ghost. I’ve been on a Zoom call for the last hour with a new applicant for our printing press apprenticeship. I didn’t even have time to glance at my phone,” I said.
After rolling their eyes, the IT expert said, “You know, when you’re using your phone for a Zoom call, you can respond to iMessages on your laptop, right? That’s why I set that up for you two months ago.”
Rubbing my temples, I apologized again.
“Because when you don’t respond to my texts asking me what time I can take our servers offline for maintenance tonight, I have to leave my den and come find you. Do you know what happens when I leave my den?”
I shook my head.
“People talk to me! Emma wanted to see my Cowboy Bebop tattoo, Richard asked if his computer had a virus (it didn’t), and Craig wanted me to listen to some new song from an Australian DJ. I don’t have the spoons to be a social butterfly, Frankie,” Ghost said.
I fought a grin. Our IT expert was. . . not the most social person around. They preferred to stay in their office, and if you had a tech problem, you were supposed to email them. Don’t call them. Don’t holler for them. And definitely don’t knock on their door.
We called their office a den because it was an icebox to keep the servers cool, the lights were usually off, and Ghost did not like to leave it. Hell, some days I didn’t even see Ghost in person.
They were the only staff member with access to this building’s basement, and they used it to come in and out of the news office unseen. I almost respected that level of antisocial dedication.
“I’d hardly call three conversations totaling less than 45 seconds much of a social outing, Ghost,” I snickered.
And they honest to god hissed.
“Answer. My. Texts. Please.”
“Um, do I text you back now, or can I just tell you face-to-face?”
“Well, I’m already here, so you might as well tell me in person. I swear to god, I’m going to take that job in Montreal,” they muttered.
I stifled another giggle. Some people thought Ghost was a little prickly. And they absolutely were. But I always got a kick out of their quirks and did my best to be accommodating.
“Midnight should be fine? I think our web traffic tends to drop off then for the night,” I said, rubbing my chin.
They nodded and turned to leave.
“Well, you certainly smoke enough to fit in with the other Québécois, but how is your French?”
I watched our IT expert leave the room shortly before calling back, “Je t'emmerde.”
I’ll need to remember to Google what that means later, I thought.
The refrigerator in the breakroom started to hum and rattle as I stared at the yellow-ing appliance. Don’t get me wrong. We kept the inside immaculately clean. But she was approaching 30 years running. We didn’t have the money in our newsroom budget to replace it. Just another piece of technology we kept operating with engine grease and chewing gum. It matched the outdated blue and white cabinets that squeaked no matter what angle you opened them from.
My shoes also squeaked as I walked across the white tile floor and finally started to eat my Snickers.
I was half-finished with my dinner when I returned to my office and found Dawn waiting for me. The sight of her pleasant curves and sparkling emerald eyes spun my heart faster than a Beyblade.
“H — hi, Dawn.”
“The dinner of champions?” she asked, standing up and placing both hands on her hips. Hips I truly missed feeling against mine.
C’mon, now. Professional, Frankie. Keep things professional, I thought, pushing those feelings away as best I could.
Before I could answer, the witch walked forward, snatched the candy bar from my jaw, and folded the wrapper, placing it on my desk.
“I know I don’t need to remind you of this, but dessert comes AFTER dinner, Frankie,” she said, gently pushing me toward the door after grabbing my small leather purse.
All I could do was gasp.
“Hey now!” I protested, but surprisingly, none of my employees came to my defense. In fact, I’m pretty sure Emma was audibly laughing.
When we got outside, I anchored myself as best I could.
“Where are you taking me?”
She raised an eyebrow.
“To get a proper dinner. Because I’m assuming the last real meal you had before that Snickers bar was a bowl of cereal this morning,” she said.
I crossed my arms.
“Frankie Dee, you’ve been in this office for — what — 12 hours today? Let’s take a fucking dinner break.”
When I cocked my head to the side, she added, “As colleagues, not girlfriends. Geez. Lighten up. Coworkers get lunch together all the time. We can keep it professional. We don’t even need to trade chapstick.”
With a slight wink, the witch left me paralyzed. The warmth of her cinnamon breath and the brush of her painted lips against mine like an artist shading a canvas was a potent memory. As I froze, Dawn giggled and again softly moved me down the sidewalk.
We wound up walking down Congress Street a few blocks to the Munjoy Hill Inn, a tall and narrow building, its first story made of brick, and everything above that faded white siding. Seagulls screamed above us, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw one shit on a cyclist who nearly lost control of their bike and swerved madly to the left.
He cursed and stopped to wipe his arm clean with a napkin from his pocket.
That was the thing about these seagulls. You never knew when they were going to dump on you. I remember standing in line waiting for ice cream on a hot summer day when one shit on my shoulder, and some of it got into my hair.
Fucking birds, I thought, shaking my head, remembering how I swore the entire walk home, all during the shower, and on the jog back to the newsroom.
My foot scraped against the concrete on the sidewalk’s edge, jarring me back to reality.
“Ope, easy there. You good? Looked like you tried to slip off the curb,” Dawn said, grabbing my arm before I faceplanted on Congress Street. “Let’s get you some proper dinner before you collapse.”
The witch opened a single heavy wooden door and motioned for me to head inside. I said nothing, having eaten more than a few meals here. It was actually one of Dad’s favorites. He brought me here as a kid all the time for meal breaks. He was better about eating than I was.
The interior of Munjoy Hill Inn was mostly exposed brick and chalkboards on the wall detailing drink selections and menu choices in plenty of colorful sketchings.
Dawn found us a table next to the long wooden bar where a woman wearing a yellow button-down shirt and a blue jacket was shaking a cocktail in a mixer.
The bartender made her way over to our table as the restaurant started to fill for the evening dinner rush. I ordered a personal pan pizza, to which, Dawn suggested I add a bowl of greens. She ordered a turkey sandwich.
“At least try to get a few vegetables with dinner, won’t you?” she asked as the bartender took our menus.
I scoffed.
“I’m getting onions on my pizza. Thanks, MOM,” I said, slumping in my chair. This fucking witch, I swear.
“What are you bitching about? I didn’t say anything about the garlic bread, did I?”
I started to retort but was interrupted by the witch reaching into her purse and grabbing something to tie around my wrist.
Before I could ask what she was doing, the witch had her hands back on her side of the table, and a tumbled gemstone was secured to my wrist with thin, black leather straps.
“What is this?” I asked, pointing to the polished black stone.
“Tourmaline. It absorbs negative energy. I’m hoping it’ll reduce your grumpiness about being forced to eat veggies with dinner. Is it working?” she asked.
I didn’t want to do her the favor of admitting I did strangely feel a little better with this rock tied to my wrist. And it was very pretty, like an oil slick, but with more of an artistic flair.
Behind us, a group of guys cheered at the Blue Sox game playing on a mounted TV. One nearly spilled his beer shouting something about a “hell of a pitch.”
“It’s pretty,” I confessed. “But is it professional?”
She shrugged.
“If you don’t want it, give it back.”
I clutched my wrist and pulled back with a frown.
Dawn leaned over the table, her shadow covering the ciders we’d ordered, and she said, “Then it’s professional.”
Scoffing, I drowned any snide remark I had left lingering in the booze.
Our food came, and I found myself more ravished than expected. The garlic bread and pizza, I inhaled like a plate of cookies in front of a pink starfish. And the greens? Child’s play. I ate them faster than Billie could’ve.
I immediately placed a second order for two more sides of garlic bread while Dawn giggled into her sandwich.
“See what happens when you actually eat? You feel better,” she said.
Finishing my cider, I found myself staring at the bracelet again. Its weight on my wrist felt. . . reassuring somehow. It was like someone made a small effort to protect me when the whirlpool I was struggling to avoid being swallowed by each day tore another piece of my ship.
“I got our loan request back from Gorham First Security Bank,” I mumbled.
Dawn raised an eyebrow.
“They declined since we’re already paying back another business loan to Portland Community Credit Union. And my father only got that loan because he’s golf buddies with the president of that particular financial branch.”
With a long deep sigh, I suddenly felt more vulnerable and yet relaxed than I had in a long time. Maybe it was having a warm meal in my belly. Perhaps it was the liquor. Or it could’ve been the pretty witch sitting across from me that just made me want to spill every little secret tucked away in my heart. I swear, she could coax every lock in Fort Knox to retire with a gentle smile.
“I don’t mean to add any pressure, but if your astrology section launch could bring in a few more thousand subscribers, it’d be pretty great,” I said, staring out the window at a woman walking her golden retriever down the sidewalk.
Dawn placed a hand on mine.
“This newspaper is going to be the death of me,” I mumbled without thinking. And the witch’s eyes widened.
“Hey, we don’t have to talk about work, you know? We can talk about literally anything else.”
I devoured another piece of garlic bread, feeling the buttery goodness bring a little bit of relief to my sudden downpour of spirit. I wasn’t sure I wanted to ever get up from this table. Every weight in my body decided to drop anchor here tonight, and dammit if I lacked the confidence to shake it off.
“I’ve got one. If you could date any fictional witch, who would it be?” Dawn asked, finishing her sandwich.
The question caught me off guard, and I shook my head, mind rising from the current that’d been dragging it down for the last few minutes.
“Excuse me?” I asked.
“What? You’re obviously not going to date me because of ethics or some shit. So pick a fictional witch who doesn’t work for you to take on a date. Who do you choose?”
A small Swanson-sized giggle escaped my throat as I considered the possibilities. This was an outrageous question. I dealt with facts. Indisputable data and information that my subscribers trusted me to deliver to them in a timely manner.
“Does Raven from the Teen Titans count? Her grown-up version? I’m pretty sure she was a witch.”
That earned me a small sympathetic smile from the new astrology editor.
“More like an intergalactic telepath. Try again, FeeDee.”
I ignored her use of the wrong name and pictured another group.
“Oh! Those girls from Scooby Doo. You know — the ones in the band?”
Dawn let loose a bellowing laugh that caught the attention of our baseball neighbors as they stared for a few seconds. When she got wind back in her lungs, she said, “The Hex Girls?”
“Yeah! The Hex Girls.”
My dinner partner nodded and stole a piece of garlic bread, tearing off a small bite before putting it back in the wicker basket.
“Okay, The Hex Girls. All of them?”
“Why not?” I asked. “Any or all. They could put a spell on me.”
That mischievous grin worked its way back onto the witch’s face, the dangerous one that lured me to her house. . . and couch. . . and bed. I stifled a quick gasp. She definitely noticed but said nothing.
“How about you?” I asked. “Who would you pick?”
Without hesitation, Dawn said, “Oh, Bonnie Bennett for sure.”
“From ‘Vampire Diaries’?” I asked.
Dawn nodded with a satisfied smile on her face.
“She was so badass. I’d fight Enzo for her any day,” the witch said as my phone vibrated. I checked a text, and it actually turned out to be a picture from one of my friends, a journalism professor at South Portland Community College, which sat right on the beach.
There was a fire. A large white boat with yellow paint down the side.
Shit, I thought, zooming in and realizing it was a ferry. She’d snapped the photo from the Spring Point Ledge Lighthouse. That’s the Bug Light Ferry.
Standing up with every muscle in my body and mind starting to protest, I felt my hands shaking.
Come on, Frankie! I thought. This is breaking news. You’ve done this thousands of times! Get to work.
But my chest was starting to ache and throb. My legs wanted to give out and sit back down as weakness filled me.
“What’s wrong?” Dawn asked with more concern in her voice than business partners typically give each other.
“There’s a fire on one of the ferries that goes out to Peaks Island. I gotta get back to the newsroom,” I said, grabbing the table for support.
More pain radiated from my chest, and I took short breaths, closing my eyes and willing it away. It didn’t work very well.
“Why don’t you sit down? Text Emma or something. Isn’t this why you have an evening city editor?”
I shook my head.
“I mean — yes. That’s why I do. But what good is a managing editor who isn’t in the trenches with her reporters? They respect me because I’m always willing to hop in wherever there’s a gap. Covering meetings, writing stories, proofreading, and even taking pictures. I do it all, and this is going to be an all-hands-on-deck night.”
Dawn furrowed her brow.
“You’re awfully pale, Frankie. And you’ve already put in 12 hours today. I can see your legs shaking from here. Why don’t you sit back down, and I’ll give you a ride home? Seriously, I’m worried.”
My heart was at war. On one front, I was demanding it give me the strength to power through an evening of breaking news. On another, it swooned over someone actually telling me to give it a rest for once. And not just anyone. . . but the girl I’d give anything to stop being professional with.
The bartender came over with our ticket, and I put some cash on the table.
“Keep the change,” I said, turning to go and nearly colliding with one of the baseball bros. He steadied me, and I apologized.
Dawn was quickly beside me as I called Craig.
“Where are you?” I asked, as soon as he picked up.
“City Hall. They’re about to meet and vote on —” I interrupted him.
“Scrap it. Take your camera and head to Bug Light. There’s a ferry on fire, and I want pictures. Use the big lens. Hustle over there, but take your time with the photos. It’s getting darker, so you’ll need to keep the camera more steady to get clear shots.”
“You got it, boss,” he said.
I sighed and walked outside, nearly spilling into the street again. What was it with my legs and this particular section of sidewalk? Fuck.
“Don’t call me that,” I said, hanging up and immediately calling Emma.
She answered, and I fired off a list of things to do, telling her I was on my way back to the newsroom.
“Call the PIO for the US Coast Guard Station in SoPo. He doesn’t answer after hours, but he will check his voicemail through the night, so leave him a message. I’m going to text a contact who works in the dispatch office for the Bug Light Ferry system.”
“Yes ma’am,” Emma said, hanging up.
My chest throbbed even harder as I walked uphill toward the newsroom. Dawn tried one final time to convince me to let my night crew handle this.
“I truly think you should rest, Frankie. You’re sweating and really pale.”
Huffing, I walked and talked.
“Seventy-five years the Portland Lighthouse-Journal has served as the leading source of news for Maine’s biggest city. Equity firms want to buy us out. Subscribers call and ask why they need us when they can get their news for free on Facebook. And the TV stations try to take our content at least three times a month. But we’re still here. A Ricci at the helm of this paper keeping the public informed is what’s kept us afloat for 75 years. And I can’t quit now, Dawn. I won’t. These are the moments they need us, and I refuse to let our readers down.”
My hand clutched the doorknob of our office, and I took a steadying breath. It was going to be a long night of breaking news push alerts, redoing the front page layout, evening press conferences, and hopefully, news that everyone made it back to shore alive.
I’d be there to cover it all with my team, chest pain be damned.
submitted by critical_courtney to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 22:37 karenvideoeditor [The Zoo] - Part 1


I’ll start with the job posting, I guess. I spotted it on Indeed while making my daily check for anything and everything that would hire someone with my biology degree, and it seemed on the up and up. Their website looked decent, the guy on the phone sounded nice, and I was looking for anything even slightly related to working with wildlife. Being a nightshift guard at a zoo was fine, especially when I took the incredibly generous rate of $25/hr. into account. That’s eleven bucks more than my dad makes at the local grocer, and he’s been working there for thirteen years. Then again, from the P.S. on the posting, I thought there might be good reason for the rate.
It said at the end, almost as an afterthought, ‘Zoo is haunted.’
When it comes to ghosts, they’ve never made much sense to me. Considering how badly our brains function from just getting jostled around on a football field, I’m not sure how ghosts could exist without a brain at all. I’d be excited as the next person to find proof, but YouTube videos are always fishy and the people on TV are essentially actors who only focus on the entertainment factor for their ratings. So, since I’d never seen anything that vaguely resembled a ghost, I’d say binge-watching Supernatural on Netflix last year was the extent of my experience in that department.
It seemed that the zoo hadn’t been here for long since it wasn’t even on Google Maps yet. There was a bit of a commute, it was half an hour away, but since I’d worked local jobs while I attended college online for the past four years, I’d saved up the money to buy a car. It wasn’t anything fancy, just an old Nissan sedan that I’d bought from someone in the next town over, with faded red paint and a mismatched back right door painted blue. It accomplished the job of transportation, though, which let me search the job market further away, a good thing considering how small a town I lived in. I really didn’t want to leave home yet, so moving for a job in a city or another state wasn’t an appealing option.
The website said very little. It had yet to fill in drop down menus that would excitedly describe their attractions. So far it only had some small sections about conservation and education, though that was intriguing because it mentioned that all the animals they had were endangered. I read that notation and wondered what the animals were. Mammals were always favorites of mine, which I know is a bit of a cliché, loving the furry ones. But when it comes down to it, I’ll take any animal over a person.
The employee entrance to the zoo was a door in the large steel gate that surrounded the property, a few yards down from the sliding gate that presumably opened to let visitors in. I pressed the button on a panel beside it, glancing up at the camera, and I was buzzed in. There was a short path that led to the building near the front and I knocked politely before going inside.
The interviewer, a plain metal nameplate on his desk describing him as Director of Security for the zoo, welcomed me in and sat on the other side of his desk, lounging back in his desk chair. His name was Andrew Higgs, and he had a British accent, which I thought was cool. I sat in one of the two loveseats in front of the desk.
Andrew was dressed business casual, with a blue Polo shirt, a thin black jacket, and I saw he was wearing slacks when he stood up to shake my hand. He was black, with dreadlocks that stopped just short of his shoulders, and a closely trimmed mustache. There was a tattoo, an artistic rendition of a hippo, on the right side of his neck, which bode well in my opinion. So many places hiring these days were overly uptight about their employees’ appearance, but it seemed that wouldn’t be the case here.
We went over the basics before he picked up the piece of paper off his desk, my resume, which he’d printed out. “Well, I spoke to all three of your references,” Andrew noted. “They had some good things to say. You were a great employee on the farm you worked last summer, your boss said. Punctual, hard-working, took instructions well…”
That was nice to hear. I’d spent this past summer working at a dairy farm, mostly assigned to the goats and cows they kept for milk. Aside from the staggering muscle pain that tapered from agony to merely miserable by the end of the summer, it wasn’t a bad job. I did have an old shoulder injury that I always had to work around, but it was my left shoulder and I was a righty, so it wasn’t that difficult to manage.
If anything, the muscle pain in my back and legs from being on my feet all day distracted from the typical issue I dealt with. My standard exercising day-to-day was typically either riding my bike or yoga, although yoga is mind-numbingly boring, so I need to listen to a podcast to pass the time. So, in fact, through the job, I was sort of grateful that my brain was focusing on a different area of my body that was in pain. Yeah, chronic pain is weird.
“He also said you don’t work well with others,” Andrew added, glancing up to me. “You kept submitting complaints about incompetent coworkers?”
I pursed my lips and let out a long breath through my nose, considering the most delicate way I was capable of replying to that before saying, “I dislike stupid people.”
Andrew gave me a half-smile and sighed, replying, “Well, I must confess I’m not fond of them either.” He looked back down to the paper. “This job will be a great fit for you.”
The job interview seemed like a formality, and I don’t know why. I was twenty-three and the ink had barely dried on my degree from the online college I’d attended. I’d been applying to jobs for months and had been thrilled when I’d gotten a call for an interview for this one, but also surprised. Call me a cynic, but I expected more invasive questions about any past work I’d done for a job in security, since I was a woman.
It's not like I was petite. Actually, the most common word I’d heard to describe me is ‘built’, and I fall short of being labeled overweight only because of muscle mass. One comment I recall from high school was being teased for being shaped like a rectangle. Even so, there was no good reason to look a gift horse in the mouth, but of course, me being me, that meant I examined its teeth closely.
“So, you’re hiring me? Just like that? Why?”
Andrew, chuckled. “Look, you’ve got BA in wildlife biology, and specializing in animal behavior is just the cherry on the sundae. That tells me you know animals are not people, and even if you feel like you know them, they can still be unpredictable. They can hurt you. But also, it makes me know you care.”
I suppose that did make sense, and it was true, so I’m glad he knew that. Most of my job on the night shift would be watching cameras and then walking around the place to make sure all the animals were as they should be, but it was more than that. Working at a zoo meant knowing where the line was, and sometimes it wasn’t exactly at the fence, but sometimes just putting a single finger through that fence meant losing that finger. As a whole, humans are generally idiots. Looking at you, anyone who really, honestly thinks that a bobcat would sense your boundless love enough to let you pat it.
“The website didn’t have much about the animals,” I said. “I know this place is new, so you might not have info on them up on the site yet. Do you have a map for me?”
“Oh, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it,” Andrew said with a wave of his hand. At that point, it had seemed to be a reasonable thing for him to say, but I will tell you, the reason was not what I thought. “Just to confirm, you’re not an early bird, Miss Mason? This schedule isn’t a concern?”
I shook my head. “Nah, I’m pretty talented at sleeping in, actually. I never really got past that teenage talent of staying up until five and sleeping in until three. And you can just call me Ripley.”
That made him smile. “Good. Then I won’t worry about you falling asleep on the job, Ripley.”
“Oh, no way.”
“All right. So. You saw the note at the end of the job posting?”
He just stared at me and I was forced to answer, “That the zoo is haunted.”
“Right. What are your thoughts on that?”
There was no easy answer to that question, especially depending on how seriously he took it. “Do you know the best word the Brits gave to us?”
“What’s that?”
Andrew slowly smiled and pointed at me with the end of the pen in his hand. “I think I’m going to like you,” he remarked. “Look…this is the part of the interview where we switch gears. If this was a regular zoo, you’d be a shoo-in for the job. But we’ve got other boxes to check. This outfit is…basically a preservation society. As you saw on the site, all the species are endangered, but what it didn’t say online is that the only people who came to visit are private parties.”
“So, that means…what?” I asked. “You bring in super-rich people who feel special when they get to see the animals you’re rehabilitating and taking care of? Then they donate oodles of money so they can brag to their rich friends about their charity contributions and having seen the animals here?”
Andrew raised his eyebrows. “Pretty much got it in one. It’s just more preservation and less rehabilitation. And a lot of our patrons really do care about the animals, or else they would just donate and not visit. You’ll see tourists a couple times a week, but we decided not to have anyone until we’re settled in here, and that means a person who’s on during the night shift that I can count on. And I don’t know if I can count on you yet.”
“Wait, I’ll see the tourists?” I asked. “They visit at night?”
“Everything we have is nocturnal,” he told me. That struck me as odd, but he continued before I could question it. “Listen up, and I’ll start with the basics. Have you ever seen anything weird? Possibly supernatural?”
“Nope,” I said with a shrug.
The fact is, I got along with my classmates, but I never did have any close friends. So, I thought maybe that’s why I missed out on all those reckless teen moments that started every horror movie. Maybe it left me without a bunch of exciting stories to tell. But hey, at least I didn’t break my leg falling through the floor of an abandoned building in eleventh grade.
Yes, that happened. It was a classmate of mine by the name of Brent. And yes, he’s just as much of a moron as you would imagine.
“If you see the ghost here,” he said, his tone emphatic, “will you freak out?”
I paused. “You’ve seen the ghost?”
“All the time,” Andrew told me. “It’s a young woman in a blue shirt and tan slacks, looks like she just walked out of a lake.”
“Do you have a picture?”
“No, and absolutely no photos or video are to be taken of her,” he said, his tone abruptly turning stern. “It’s cause for immediate dismissal. We have video cameras for security, but they all record off-site in a secure location, and Suzanne Cooper, the owner, manages it herself. Firstly, the ghost deserves privacy rather than exploitation, she’s not to be displayed like one of our animals, but secondly, people believe in ghosts. One leaked photo of her connecting it to us means we get overrun by ghost hunters, and if we trace it back to you, you’re done.”
Andrew seemed next-level serious about that, so I nodded. “Understood. That makes sense.”
The animals were the priority after all, I knew. I preferred them over people anyway, and that included dead people. Even if I could get a video of this ghost doing cartwheels back and forth through a wall, I would never post it and spread word of where I’d taken it. Andrew was right; the zoo would never get the paranormally-obsessed to stay away and would definitely have to relocate.
He continued, “If you’re curious, she’s never so much as tried to hurt anyone. But the zoo has moved before, and she moved with us.”
“She moved with you?” I asked, my eyebrows rising. “Is it like one of those stories where she’s attached to something in the zoo rather than a place?”
“More complicated than that,” he said. Then he grimaced. “She died because she was too ambitious with one of our animals. It never should have happened, but she… She was foolish, you’d say. Attempted to interact with one of the animals, got too close, and honestly, she should have known better. I thought she did.”
“Holy shit,” I whispered. “What killed her?”
He stared at his hands and shook his head. “It was before my time.”
It was clear Andrew was a true believer, but I still really wasn’t sure at that point. How was I supposed to react, though? Zoos have fences and tall barriers for a good reason. Not just to keep the animals away from us, but also the other way around, and ‘death by stupidity’ is not uncommon amongst humans. So, the story wasn’t outrageous, but still, I’d never so much as experienced something unexplainable. But if I saw a ghost, I suppose that’d be that.
“I just need to know, plain and simple, if you’re the kind of person who can handle things that are terrifying,” Andrew told me, splaying his hands. “Our last night shift bloke there was with us for years and years, but we spent months going through other employees. There were six we tried before we found him.”
“Six?” I exclaimed.
He snorted. “Yes, six. Let’s see…” Andrew counted off each one on his fingers. “The first two, the first night they saw the ghost, they lost it. One called me in a panic, babbling, and I had to get out of bed and drive to the zoo to send him home, and the second quit, although at least she made it to the next morning and didn’t drag me out here,” he said, his voice thoughtful. “They just thought I was blowing smoke up their bums with the whole thing.”
He shrugged. “Then, the third one was a bloke who was asleep when I got there in the morning, so I had to fire him. Then another ghost freak-out. The fifth bloke was someone who couldn’t deal with the animals, and then the sixth was so scared of the ghost that when I got here, he was already outside the zoo, pacing, waiting for my car. Apparently he’d said some stuff, rude or mean or whatnot, to try to get her to leave him alone and she had followed him back into the security room, so he fled. I need the opposite of those folks. Alright?”
At this point, I was starting to take it more seriously. Sure, this could just be Andrew’s thing, that he believed in ghosts and then made up these sightings to ensure I believed him. But if I saw her? What would I do?
Well, this would be my job, so I would have to take it seriously. Maybe that was why the pay was so good, to make employees think twice before ditching it. From Andrew’s perspective, if it really was haunted, he was the one who had to deal with applicant after applicant quitting as soon as they laid eyes on the guest who would never leave.
“So…honestly, I can’t say I won’t freak out, considering how next level this is,” I told him, feeling compelled to go with honesty, “but yeah. I think I can handle it, mostly because it’s important for someone to look after this place, look after the animals, so I’d do my best to work around anything that freaks me out. I mean, I have to say that I’ll believe it when I see it. But if ghosts really exist, as long as it isn’t some serial killer who stuck around to keep gutting people, I’ve always thought it’d be cool to find out we can exist after we die.”
The thing is, I think I did believe him. I thought there might really be a ghost there, because otherwise, why take it so seriously? It could’ve been that Andrew had only glimpsed her out of the corner of his eye a few times and could ascribe it to lack of sleep, but he was literally worried about word getting out. I thought that being halfway to believing him would give me the mental preparation I needed if I saw her. At least, I’d hoped so.
It turned out that most of my time would be spent at the security desk in the main building, near the entrance. Real-time footage played through thirty-five cameras around the zoo, all on a large screen that was five cameras across and seven cameras top to bottom. The cameras were impressive. I would mention the resolution, say something about them being 4K, but Andrew explained some stuff about how it’s actually the lens that is the biggest selling point. Looking at these cameras on the giant screen, I could see practically every corner of the place, and if I brought up one camera in particular to encompass 2/3 of the screen, I could zoom in so far that it felt like I could use it to check if one of the animals had fleas.
The zoo was well lit, not surprising considering nighttime was apparently the zoo’s business hours, and all of the tall lamps had red bulbs. For those of you who know why, A+ to you. For those who don’t, fun fact, it’s because red is closest to the dark and your eyes don’t need to strain to adjust to it. That meant I didn’t need my flashlight all that often, and even that was red, a solid name-brand one that had been on my desk when I arrived. I kept the white lights on back in the security room, though, because I didn’t want to make my brain think it was time to get tired.
When I headed out for my first sweep on that first night, I had the folded map in my pocket, but I already knew my way around. The layout of the zoo wasn’t that difficult to memorize, since there were only eleven expansive enclosures, and after the interview I walked around for half an hour to start training my memory. I’ll admit, working in a dark environment was creepier than I thought it would be.
I do want to mention the high quality of the zoo. The size of each enclosure was considerable, and the greenery was natural, hinting that they’d hired a pricey professional just to do landscaping toward the front of the enclosures after buying the land. The backs of the enclosures backed up into forestry, and from the estimate I got from Andrew, it seemed each of the animals had plenty of roaming space, including the small lake at the northwest corner and a manmade lake for one of the animals in particular. When I considered all of that, the thought passed through my head about how horrible it would be if word got out about the zoo having a ghost and needing to relocate, because it’d be devastatingly expensive.
My orders were to walk the zoo once every hour. This was my first security gig, so I’m not sure if that’s more or less than typical, but I had my comfy hiking boots on, the ones I’d saved up for and invested in a couple years earlier and were perfect for a job where I had to do laps around an area. This job was one that I didn’t have to worry about my shoulder pain worsening, since it was mostly about being on my feet. I take one or two Vicodin a day, depending on how bad my pain is. It came in handy in high school, actually. With a flexible ‘take as needed’ prescription, I occasionally sold pills for extra cash.
There wasn’t much to step in and there weren’t even any dips in the concrete sidewalks that I followed around in a route that easily led me back and forth until I made my way back to the office. The first three nights were actually boring. I would have thought Andrew had been pranking me about the ghost, but like I said, it hadn’t felt like that. And he hadn’t been specific about when she showed up for new people, or even for him.
To keep myself busy, I’d brought my e-reader with me, and I got into a cycle of looking over each of the cameras every time I hit the end of a chapter. I’m a pretty fast reader, so it was a good system. Also, every once in a while, I looked up if something moving caught my eye, like an owl flying close enough for the camera to catch it, but that’s about it.
Then, every hour on the hour, I did a walk through. The fourth night, I was passing by the small lake at the back left corner of the property when I saw her.
People say that you can tell if someone’s staring at you, that there’s some sixth sense humans have. It’s not true; they’ve done experiments. But the thing is, all those experiments were of someone human looking at them. After this last shift, I would guess that the sixth sense that sends goosebumps down your arms, the one that makes you feel an intangible pressure, that slides your body toward fight or flight mode, might be true of…other things.
Slowly coming to a stop at the disturbing feeling, I hesitantly looked around, through the trees. Then my heart skipped a beat and my breath hitched. It was startling because she wasn’t moving. Just standing among the trees, staring at me. I broke out in a cold sweat as I stared back at her, unsure what to do. I didn’t run. I didn’t try to talk to her. I just stood there. So, there’s my answer to Andrew: I didn’t freak out. I just froze.
The woman was Latina, her skin tone pallid from death, and was dressed as he’d described her, in slacks and a silky blue blouse. And she was soaked, as if she’d just walked out of the lake. Beyond that, her shirt was drenched in blood from what looked like claw marks across her abdomen. Her eyes were dark and penetrating, boring holes into me, as if she were able to get any and all knowledge that she wanted about me simply by glaring. The fabric of her shirtsleeves clung to her skin and was dripping, as was her long black hair. Speaking of her hair, it appeared to have seaweed woven into it, or maybe she also grew seaweed along with hair. Not my area of expertise.
The look on her face was indescribable. There was something deep in her eyes, behind her closed-off expression, that made my heart beat rapidly. Maybe I would’ve projected some emotion into her face if I’d had any idea of what she was capable of, whether she could move objects, or possess me, or if all she did was hang around. As things stood, I was left just projecting my fears, which gave me the impression that she was cross with me simply for being present. It felt like I was trespassing, even though I was a dozen feet back from the fence that encircled the enclosure. And also, this was my job so I was explicitly allowed to be here.
She was disturbingly close, and remained unnaturally still. If she had attacked me, I wasn’t sure what I would’ve done. Ran, probably, but considering ghosts probably don’t follow the laws of physics, maybe she could’ve chased me at Usain Bolt speed. For all I knew, she could teleport.
After an amount of time that felt awkwardly long, I finally spoke up.
“Hi,” I croaked.
The woman slowly tilted her head but didn’t otherwise move. I’d forgotten to ask Andrew for her name, I realized, but he had mentioned her death had been before his time, so maybe he didn’t know.
Swallowing hard, I tried to take a slow, deep breath, even though it felt like there was a cinder block on my chest. “So, I, uh…I work here now,” I said slowly. “I’m night shift security.” Pausing, I kept trying to gather information from her demeanor but failed. “Is that okay?”
At that, I saw a hint of curiosity flash across her face. “Why would it not be?” Her voice sounded completely normal, which was an off-putting contrast to her appearance.
Good question. Hell if I know the answer. “I don’t know. I mean…you were here first. I don’t know if you feel like I’m…intruding…or something.”
“You’re just doing your job,” she said, her tone softening a smidge.
I waited to see if she wanted to say anything else before saying, “Right.” Can I get you anything? A towel? Some bandages? “I’ll be going now.”
The woman made no movement to come after me as I gradually took one step, then another, keeping her in my sights as I walked off. I finally had to turn to face forward, unable or unwilling to be seen by her foolishly walking away backwards. Instead of continuing my sweep, I took the path that would lead me back to the security room. I kept looking behind me and felt her eyes on me all the way back, though I didn’t see her following me. At that point, even if she hadn’t moved an inch, my brain was on red alert when it came to self-preservation and figured I would continue to feel like a wet hand might grab me from behind at any moment.
Finally, I returned to the security room, swiping my card across the panel at the back door with a beep. Opening the door, darting inside, and slamming it behind me, I walked to the far side of the room and turned around, putting my back to the wall. Until I’d gotten back, I hadn’t noticed how fast I’d been walking, how quickly I’d been gasping for air. Leaning back against the wall, my legs turned to jelly and I slowly slid to the floor.
And that was it. My first sighting of the ghost. I’d thought that if I had seen her, there would be some part of me that was skeptical, that would reason my way out of it, convinced it was a prank. But I knew. She wasn’t a person. At least, not anymore.

submitted by karenvideoeditor to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 21:24 DamienD88 Pierce Brosnan V

Pierce Brosnan V submitted by DamienD88 to cyberpunkcharacters [link] [comments]

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2024.05.12 05:45 Gemman_Aster Atomic Shop items you can request through Bethesda Support

As always I shall try to keep this list updated at least once every four weeks until the post is again automatically locked after six months, preventing further edits.
In order to request any of these items you must go to the appropriate link for the Xbox Series X/S, Windows, PS5 or Steam. If you are playing on an older system it is simple to reach its page from one of these direct links. I am sure it goes without saying your player account must have sufficient Atoms available to pay for the item/s you choose. As part of the process Bethesda Support will respond to your request by ticket and email with the total cost of whatever you order.
This page from the Wikia entry for Fallout76 may help with working out some of the bundles' contents. I cannot swear for the accuracy of the data however as with all wikis it is community-created support material.
I have had quite a few comments asking how long you can expect to wait. The answer is that it varies. In my own experience I have had items redeemed for my character within two hours. I have also had to wait for more than a month. Much of the process seems to be automated now and I would say the average time these days seems between two to four days.
This list is up-to-date as of 12.05.2024:
  1. Ace Full Assault Power Armor Paint
  2. Alien Plushie
  3. Alien Technology Bundle
  4. Aluminum Trees
  5. Amateur Inventor's Laser Gun Paint
  6. American Flag Set
  7. Angry Fist Shake
  8. Animatronic Cat
  9. Appalachian Thunder Pipe Gatling Gun Paint
  10. Armored Raider Skull Gas Mask
  11. Armory Weapon Paint Bundle
  12. Army Issue Plasma Caster Paint
  13. Astroturf
  14. Atomic Blast Lamp
  15. Barbed Chained Tire Set
  16. Beer Barrel Fridge
  17. Big Game Hunter
  18. Big Red Button Icon
  19. Black Bear Mascot
  20. Black Cat Bundle
  21. Black Knight Paint
  22. Black Pip-Boy Paint
  23. Black Rider Power Armor
  24. Blood Eagle Bow Skin
  25. Blood Eagle Bundle
  26. Blood Eagle Power Armor Paint
  27. Blood Eagle Totem
  28. Bloody Arktos Refrigerator
  29. Bombs Away Mobile
  30. Bone and Felt Antler Headband Set
  31. Bone Gas Mask
  32. Bonnet
  33. BOS Backpack
  34. BOS Scouting Tower
  35. Bottle Icon
  36. Boxing Ring
  37. Brambles
  38. Brew-haha Bundle
  39. Brotherhood Armory
  40. Brotherhood Bundle
  41. Brotherhood High Tech Stash
  42. Brotherhood of Steel Digital Deluxe Bundle
  43. Bubble Blower Machine
  44. Bucking Brahmin Bundle
  45. Bucking Brahmin Mask
  46. Bucking Brahmin Ride
  47. Bunker Bundle
  48. Burgundy Modular Sofa Set
  49. C.A.M.P. Structure Starter Bundle
  50. Cactus Set
  51. Camden Park Mega Bundle
  52. Camo Secret Service Armor Paint
  53. Camo Secret Service Underarmor
  54. Camo Utility Cap
  55. Cappy's Nuka-Cola Train Bundle
  56. Captain Cosmos Outfit
  57. Captain Cosmos Power Armor
  58. Captain Cosmos Power Armor Bundle
  59. Caravan Trader Outfit
  60. Carnivorous Plant
  61. Cash Register Vending Machine
  62. Castle Bed
  63. Cat Topiary
  64. Cement Tire Set
  65. Chalk Letter Kit
  66. Charleston Fire Station
  67. Charleston Fire Station Bundle
  68. Christmas Sitting Room Bundle
  69. Cinder Blocks Wallpaper
  70. Clandestine Gauss Weapons Bundle
  71. Clandestine Service Gauss Shotgun Paint
  72. Clandestine Service Minigun Paint
  73. Classic Jukebox
  74. Classic Performance Stage
  75. Classic Western Bundle
  76. Classical Column
  77. Classy Girl Player Icon
  78. Clean Bathroom Bundle
  79. Clean Billboard
  80. Clean Boxing Ring
  81. Clean Chally Outfit
  82. Clean Mannequin Set
  83. Clean Shower
  84. Clean Sink
  85. Clean Small Generator
  86. Clean Toilet
  87. Clean Water Purifier
  88. Clean White Picket Fences
  89. Coal Duster Excavator Power Armor Paint
  90. Coffin Backpack
  91. Coffin Decoration
  92. Coffin Stash Box
  93. Collectron Bundle
  94. Colored Oval Lights
  95. Comforts of Home Bundle
  96. Comin' to Town Bundle
  97. Communal Firepit
  98. Communist Bunker
  99. Communist Collectron Station
  100. Communist Fence
  101. Communist Handmade Gun Skin
  102. Communist Militant Outfit
  103. Communist Military Safe Stash Box
  104. Communist Officer's Gas Mask
  105. Communist Salute Emote
  106. Communist Spy Bundle
  107. Communist Spy Outfit
  108. Contemporary C.A.M.P. Bundle
  109. Cowboy Hat
  110. Cowhide Outfit
  111. Creepy Mothman Player Icon
  112. Crypt Crook Backpack
  113. Cuddles Outfit
  114. Cultist Dungeon Bundle
  115. Dark Harlequin Face Paint
  116. Dark Matter Combat Rifle Paint
  117. Dark Wood Laminate
  118. Dart Board
  119. Dead Man's Hand Posters
  120. Death Awaits Skull Totem
  121. Death Ray Bug Zapper
  122. Decorative Room Divider
  123. Deep Cave Bundle
  124. Deep Cave Hunter Outfit
  125. Diamond Eyes Face Paint
  126. Down Home Comfort Bundle
  127. Down Home Dweller Bundle
  128. Down Home Wallpaper Set
  129. Duster
  130. Easter Bundle
  131. Easter Rabbit Plushie
  132. Electro 2000 Fireplace
  133. Elm Tree Set
  134. Encampment Bridge
  135. Encampment Fences
  136. Encampment Fortress Bundle
  137. Enclave Backpack
  138. Enclave Bundle
  139. Enclave C.A.M.P. Bundle
  140. Enclave Power Armor Paint
  141. Enclave Turret Set
  142. Equalizer Power Armor Paint
  143. Eye Patch Bundle
  144. F.E.T.C.H. Collectron Station
  145. Fancy Thanksgiving Display Case
  146. Farm Life C.A.M.P. Bundle
  147. Fasnacht Bundle
  148. Fasnacht C.A.M.P. Bundle
  149. Fasnacht Collectron Station
  150. Fasnacht Mask Bundle
  151. Fasnacht Mask Display
  152. Fasnacht Mystical Mask Bundle
  153. Fat Man Aviator Paint
  154. Feral Ghoul Bundle
  155. Feral Ghoul Costume
  156. Fez
  157. Fire Chief Bundle
  158. Fire Hazard Backpack
  159. Firewatch Tower
  160. Firing Range Posters
  161. Fish Lamp
  162. Floor Walker Outfit
  163. Flower Cart
  164. Fluorescent Light Set
  165. Flyboy Bundle
  166. Flyboy Icon
  167. Flyboy Outfit
  168. Four Poster Bed
  169. Free States Scout Armor Paint
  170. Freedom Stars Neon Sign
  171. Freight Wagon
  172. Fringed Dress
  173. Future-Tec Bundle
  174. Gag Glasses Bundle
  175. Gala Dress
  176. Gala Tuxedo
  177. Gatling Plasma Copperhead Paint
  178. Ghillie Netting Bundle
  179. Ghoul Icon
  180. Giant Neon Letters
  181. Gladiator Outfit
  182. Glow-in-the-Dark Map
  183. Gold 50 Cal Machine Gun Paint
  184. Gold Mr. Fuzzy Kiddie Ride
  185. Gold Mr. Rocket Kiddie Ride
  186. Golden Years Set
  187. Good Fortunes Bundle
  188. Grafton Monster Mascot Outfit
  189. Grahm Plushie
  190. Grahm's Green Bundle
  191. Green Thumb Bundle
  192. Greenhouse Kit
  193. Greenhouse Kit Bundle
  194. Grognak Battlecry
  195. Grognak Hero Bundle
  196. Grognak Plushie
  197. Gurney Bed Set
  198. H.A.R.E. Power Armor Skin
  199. Halberd
  200. Halloween C.A.M.P. Bundle
  201. Halo and Horns Set
  202. Hammock
  203. Hanging Planters
  204. Haunted House C.A.M.P. Bundle
  205. Haunted House Floor
  206. Haunted House Porch Set
  207. Haunted House Staircase
  208. Hay Bales
  209. Heart Balloons
  210. Hellcat Outfit Bundle
  211. Hellfire Regulator Power Armor Paint
  212. Hero Statue Set
  213. High-Powered Weapon Racks
  214. High-Tech Stash
  215. Holiday Nuclear Tree
  216. Holiday Tree
  217. Holidays Emote Bundle
  218. Hot Tub
  219. Hubris Comics Magazine Rack
  220. Hubris Comics Wallpaper
  221. Hunting Lodge Bundle
  222. I Survived!
  223. Imposter Assaultron Head
  224. Inflatable Snowman
  225. Inner Tube Deck Chair
  226. Jail Walls
  227. Junk Fences
  228. Junkyard C.A.M.P. Bundle
  229. Junkyard Dog Collectron Station
  230. Junkyard Power Armor Paint
  231. Kill, Laugh, Love Neon Sign
  232. Landscape Painting
  233. Large Nuka-Cola Bottle
  234. Large Succulent Set
  235. Laser Grid Door
  236. Laundered Blue Dress
  237. Laundered Cream Dress
  238. Laundered Rose Dress
  239. Leper'chaun Outfit
  240. Leprechaun Bundle
  241. Leprechaun Outfit
  242. Liberator Bot Lamp
  243. Liberty Prime Power Armor Skin Set
  244. Light Bulb Letters Set
  245. Light Wood Laminate
  246. Lion Dancer Outfit
  247. Log Cabin Kit
  248. Log Cabin Porch Set
  249. Lover Girl Icon
  250. Lucille's Lullaby
  251. Lumberjack Bundle
  252. Lumberjack Outfit
  253. Makeshift Mega Mansion
  254. Mascot Head
  255. Matte Black Equalizer Power Armor Paint
  256. Matte Black Handmade Paint
  257. Mausoleum Bundle
  258. Meat Cooler Backpack
  259. Medical Scrubs
  260. Medical Smile Mask
  261. Medieval C.A.M.P. Bundle
  262. Megaton Hairstyle
  263. Military Beret Bundle
  264. Mini Deathclaw Statue
  265. Mini Nuke Planter
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submitted by Gemman_Aster to fo76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 23:45 DamienD88 Lucy Liu/Ada Wong Inspired V

Lucy Liu/Ada Wong Inspired V submitted by DamienD88 to cyberpunkcharacters [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 21:56 Boaring1 21 [M4F] Ontario/Anywhere I want a long lasting connection that will develop into something beautiful

Hi! My name is Carson, I’m from Ontario Canada!
I love gaming on PC, horror of any kind is so much fun, I love D&D and other TTRPGS like it, I love watching YouTube videos about almost everything, I adore Magic the Gathering only really playing commander, I love animals and taking care of them, I love music, I really like Pokemon games with my fav being legends arceus, I love piercings and tattoos (still have yet to get my first one lol), I collect action figures like the giga geek that I am! I can’t think of any more interests that I have but I assure you I have more!
I plan on going to school in the winter for journalism, I want to become a games journalist!
Physically speaking, I can be described as an actual dwarf. Like from LotR or any other type of fantasy genre! I’m short, stout and am growing a large beard!
About you! All I care about is that you don’t want kids!
If you’re at all interested, please send me a message!
P.s. I do have a lot of anxiety so it may take me a little bit to hype myself up to respond lol!
submitted by Boaring1 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 04:54 shaneka69 Chrisean Rock Numerology Report

Chrisean Rock Numerology Report

This Numerology report will be for Chrisean Rock who was born in Baltimore Maryland and who is a star based on her connection to Blueface and Natalie Nunn's Baddies show on Zeus Network.
Chrisean's Numerology Report will be a decoding all from her name, not her birthday. Her birthday is one thing that can't ever change in her lifetime so that energy is fixed and general.
Chrisean's full name is "Chrisean Eugenia Malone". I will first decode her first name separately as it's the most significant energy and then I will do a full name decode as well.
Let's start breaking down her name.
C - This is the third letter of the alphabet which gives it the energy of 3 and 3 energy could be very social or creative. This can also give someone a child like impression or there could be something about them that is very jolly or it reminds you of a child sometimes. This can make them come off approachable at times as well. Names that start with this letter, it makes three and the letter C the most significant energy. This shows how Chrisean and anyone else who has a name that starts with this letter approaches the world and people around them in a very curious manner. These people wake up every day waiting to explore and seeing what they can learn or find out for that day.
H - H is connected to energy that has pressure but this is also connected to ambition as well. This could be why Chrisean has a lot of ambition and the capability of mastering something in her lifetime which also fits well with the number 9 which is connected to her R and I letters.
R - This letter vibrates at the number 9 even though it is the 18th letter and this gives someone the capability of mastering themselves or mastering something physical or amazing. This also gives them strong, ambitious energy as well and we can see that she has a very fit body and into sports, plus she has an Aries Mars.
I - This is the 9th letter of the alphabet which makes someone very adventurous by nature and they have the capability of being quick to take action. This is very spontaneous energy so when people have this letter in their name, they can definitely shock people a lot. This also contributes to someone being a traveler of some sort so people with this letter in their name, especially more than once can indicate someone that is likely going to be taking trips or flying planes. They basically will get out of their hometown even if they return to it, but they will know what another country and city looks like for sure.
S - Being the 19th letter of the alphabet gives this letter the energy of one, but it is the energy of empowerment right from within and this could be someone that wants to do their own thing as well. These people could be impulsive or they know how to take initiative, especially when something has really motivated them or sparked their interests.
E - This is the 5th letter of the alphabet which gives someone the energy of creativity and this can also make someone visually appealing or they could have some type of creative skill. This also contributes to the energy of complexity, but she only has this once so it's not too complex, at least not from this letter. This letter gives her a fighting power or a fighting spirit so she is capable of utilizing her natural strength to overcome difficulty.
A - This is the first letter of the alphabet which contributes to independence and action.
N - This is the 14th letter of the alphabet which vibrates at the energy 5 just like E, but a matured version. This adds onto her capability of overcoming difficulty and also being creative or making something tangible from her creativity.
Looking into her full name, she has a Destiny Number 1, soul urge 5, and personality #5.
5 is the number connected to romance, children, war, and unpredictability which is definitely fitting as she always shocked people with her actions and how combative she is, but she is pretty aware as well.
Based on her #1 Destiny number, She is meant to come into her personal power and experience some ease, but this 1 energy may also contribute to her child-like actions as well. She is wise, although the 1 energy is connected to new spirit type of energy. The fact that she has this matches with her strong Aries Mars influence. The 1 destiny number also is why she takes things personal to a fault.
Her having a 5 soul urge gives her natural fighting powespirit. This also connects to her romantic nature and how she always wanted Blueface to please her or she put their romantic life on blast, but not for attention, just from a natural place.
If you liked this report, you can support me at $astroneek
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submitted by shaneka69 to NumerologyPage [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 11:37 kiwasabi Satanic Panic Fully Justified According to John Todd Former Illuminati Satanic Witch who exposed the hidden Satanic and occult agenda behind rock music and pop culture. The Beatles White Album and Sergeant Pepper Lonely Hearts Club Band album are part of the Illuminati Luciferian religion.

There's a former Illuminati member whistleblower named John Todd who came to prominence around 1978 due to cassette tapes that were circulating which were recordings of him talking about his time serving as a Satanic Witch for the Illuminati from the time he was about 13 or 14 years old. He claims that the Illuminati has their witches cast spells and demons upon the rock albums when they're creating the master tape. John Todd claimed that television shows like Bewitched and I Dream of Jeannie were created in order to popularize the ideas of Witchcraft. Looking back, I had a girlfriend who loved Harry Potter books, and it was due to that influence that we ended up buying an Aleister Crowley tarot card deck. It's no coincidence that Harry Potter became the best selling book of all time and one of the most popular franchises ever made. I really do believe that Harry Potter was made to help popularize occult and witchcraft concepts. Dungeons and Dragons definitely has ties into the occult world as well based on its themes, and John Todd also said that J.R.R. Tolkien was an Illuminati member and that the Lord of the Rings trilogy was a retelling of the Satanic Bible. He claims that witches believe that the events of Lord of the Rings actually took place.
Does that mean you need to hate Harry Potter and DND? Not really. But you may not want to let their occult themes percolate too much into your self identity. The Illuminati is a demon worshipping death cult, so it's best not to honor death and Satanic themes too much if possible. I've noticed that the Harry Potter girl fans really do seem to get shaped by that whole world. There seems to be a mergence within their self identity of Harry Potter Witchcraft themes along with emo / goth music, as well as embracing concepts like Halloween and Nightmare Before Christmas, etc. By the way, in The Golden Web (LINK), it was said that Halloween is called that because Hallow / Hollow means the moon, and ween is to "wean you off the love of life and the living and to transition you to love of death". One young lady I know literally has a tattoo of a big heart where her hand is holding the hand of the Grim Reaper. And this is a lady who was raised a Christian and even still wears a cross. So all of these things are designed to slowly chip away at traditional Christian morality and belief systems. Personally I don't consume hardly any pop culture anymore for this reason. I mostly just focus on learning more of the truth and trying to wake up others.
The more time goes on since discovering John Todd's information, the more confirmations I have about his material. For instance, one outlandish claim he makes is that The Beatles White Album is actually part of the Luciferian religion, that it's actually a Satanic document of sorts. It was only finally recently that I realized the "Paul is dead" conspiracy is all entirely real, and that Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album cover is literally a funeral depicting the death of the old Beatles, and welcoming in the psychedelic Sergeant Pepper band as a replacement. Sergeant Pepper also features Aleister Crowley on the cover, and was supposed to have Hitler on the cover but he was airbrushed out and covered with a tree or shrub at the last minute. The Beatles albums from Sergeant Pepper and onwards are loaded up chock full of backwards masking with creepy messages about Paul being dead (LINK). The line "It was 20 years ago today Sergeant pepper taught the band to play" is said to reference Aleister Crowley's death on December 1st 1947, since Sergeant Pepper came out in 1967. Sergeant Pepper is theorized to actually be Aleister Crowley. So anyway, John Todd was once again proven completely right when it came to his point about The Beatles being part of the Illuminati Luciferian religion. And now it makes sense why John Lennon said, "There are only 100 people in the world who really know what our music is about". For more about "Paul is dead" and The Beatles links with Aleister Crowley, check out the documentary The Winged Beatle (LINK)
The most suppressed secret of the Illuminati Mystery Babylon Luciferian religion is the power of the human consciousness and spirit to shape reality. This is why they attempt to cast spells on us in order to program our subconsciousness so that we will manifest the reality which they desire most, which is Hell On Earth. Satanism / Luciferianism operates completely contrary and reversed to the natural order, it seeks to pervert all that is good and righteous and replace it with death, disorder, chaos, etc. This is why Christian style morality that is the backbone of the American moral fabric has been attacked for decades. And I would argue that John Lennon's comment about "We're bigger than Jesus right now" was a deliberate attack on Christianity itself. Especially since he doubled down by saying that, "By 2012 the masses will be where we are today and Paul should be Jesus by then!" (LINK) I actually speculate that this and other quotes meant that The Beatles were being considered as a possible theme for the One World Religion as part of the New World Order (The CIA Aquarius Group Operations document lays out this plan, sans The Beatles...that's my own speculation... LINK).
So what can you do to fight back against the Satanic subversive influence of the Illuminati? Most of all you have to learn to program your own mind and subconsciousness, as that's what gives you the power to harness creative powers which allow you to shape reality. The parasitic elites know that the human spirit is able to create or attract anything it wants simply with the power of thoughts, words, and actions. That is why they attempt to hijack this power and upload their own programming in a subversive manner through backwards masking, SPELLing / double meanings, etc. Satanism is a reversal of the laws of nature and the natural order, and backwards masking is the culmination of the core of their belief system.
"Crowley's book “Magick”, one of his teachings is for adepts to learn to talk, write, and play phonograph records backwards. This is believed to have inspired and encouraged the use of backward masking in the music industry and directly tied it to the occult. This was also believed to have become a method for infiltrating the minds of unsuspecting people. The passage in Crowley’s 500 page book can be found in Appendix VII, sections (a-f). It says: a) Let him (The Adept) learn to write backwards, with either hand. b) Let him learn to walk backwards. c) Let him constantly watch, if convenient, cinematograph films, and listen to phonograph records, reversed, and let him so accustom him self to these that they appear natural and appreciable as whole.
d) Let him practice speaking backwards: thus for "I am He" let him say, "Eh ma I."
e) Let him learn to read backwards. In this it is difficult to avoid cheating one's self, as an expert reader sees a sentence at a glance. Let his disciple read aloud to him backwards, slowly at first, then more quickly." (LINK)
John Todd- Demons Behind The Music (LINK)
John Todd - Tape 3b - They produce rock music to put demonic influence in your life Music is a spell (LINK)
submitted by kiwasabi to conspiracyNOPOL [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 20:24 No_Contract_9868 Sooner then Expected: Scooby-Doo 1.1 Chapter Two

Chapter 2: Detention
The four vehicles parked in the school’s parking lot. Fred, Shaggy, Velma, and Daphne barely knew each other. But this moment was a turning point in their lives, for better or worse. The four entered Coolsville High, barely noticing each other. Fred went to the locker room, Shaggy to the janitor’s closet, Velma to the science lab, and Daphne to the cosmetology lab. Fred was stopped by a cheerleader with bright blonde hair. She was Shanon Wetherby, descendant of William Weatherby. He was a rich benefactor and one of Coolsville’s founding fathers. “Why didn’t you call me last night? I was waiting for you.” she said, running her hand across his chest. Fred swatted her hand away. “It was a mistake, Shanon.. You're with Red. I-” as he began, a man grabbed him and slammed him into the wall. He had dark red hair and wore a green vest, white tank top, and torn jeans. He also had a tattoo of a heart with a knife through it on his bicep. His name was Redford Harrington. Red for short. “You think you can sleep with my girl and get away with it, you motherfucker!” Red yelled, punching Fred in the gut. Fred fell before getting up just to get punched in the face. “STAY DOWN, JONES!” Red yelled. As Fred felt the blood drip from his nose, he got up as Red turned away. “Hey, Red.” Fred said. As he turned around, Fred punched him in the face, breaking his nose and knocking him out. Just then, the team’s coach, Jax Minner, walked in. “The hell?! JONES! OFFICE! NOW!” he yelled. Fred got his bag and moved down the hall.
Daphne was working in the car shop, trying to perfect the new engine she had developed. A universal piece, it was a twin-pump engine that could ionize the fuel, supercharging it to allow increased speed. At base, the engine could push a car to 500 mph, a van to half that. She was tightening a bolt on another specialized part when her stuff caught fire. Daphne quickly used the extinguisher. It was too late, as the sprinkler went off. Meanwhile, Shaggy was sitting in the closet of the science lab. Outside, Velma Dinkley was working on a science project with several of her classmates: Gibby Norton, Marcie Fleach, Howard Roberts, and Verona Dempsey. Gibby was an expert in robotics. Since he was a kid, he was building little trinkets out of tv and car parts. Right now, he was working on an advanced reflective fabric. Its planned use was to make an invisible suit. There was Marcie, an expert chemist. Between her experiments with rare elements from the Coolsville mines and her advanced aphrodisiac called Aphrodite’s Kiss, she was a genius. At the moment, she was working on a form of super helium. Strong enough to make titanium float like a feather. Unfortunately, it had the distinct smell of hot dog water. There was Howard, an amateur musician. He loved sound, and loved the work of H.P Haitcroft. Specifically his novel The Shrieking Madness of Char Gar Gothakon. Using this as inspiration, he began working on the military application of sonic energy, namely with the S.C.E.A.M (Sonic Resonance Cannon/Electrically Anodized Mask). It was a mask protected by an electric field, essentially anodizing it. This was done to shielded the wearer from the helmet's emitters, which emitted powerful sonic pulses as a form of echolocation. It could be redirected to release the sonic energy as a weaponized blast.
Lastly, there was fashion expert Verona Dempsey. She was incredibly jealous of Velma. She was working on an unstable fabric that could stretch infinitely. They all had job offers: Gibby from the Crownley Corporation. Marcie from Quest Labs, Howard from Destroido Corp., and Verona from Blake Fashion. Everyone had somewhere to go but Velma. She was developing a radar sensor built to track paranormal signatures. But she never got it to work. Shaggy found it cool. He sat in the closet, smoking a blunt. Usually, this would go unnoticed. But Verona was well aware of Shaggy’s habit. As soon as Shaggy lit his blunt, the fire sprinklers went off. Most projects were fine: the electric field on the SCEAM protected it, water can’t really affect helium, and the fabrics were waterproof. But Velma’s short circuited, causing a fire. Shaggy fumbled out of the closet to help her out. “Jinkies! How long have you been there?!” she said in shock. Everyone but the two have left the room. Shaggy instinctively poured water on it, causing it to spread. “Like, shit, man!” he yelled as the science teacher, Professor MIchael Pomfrit, came in and put it out. “BOTH OF YOU! OFFICE! NOW!” he yelled, pointing to the hall. The same thing occurred with Daphne by the school mechanic Max Minner.
The same four kids who entered the school were now walking to Principal Deedle’s office. “Fighting, two fires, and smoking weed.” he said, rubbing his brow. “How the hell did you four manage to cause so many problems this early in the morning?” he said. “Like, bad luck.” Shaggy said. Deedle shook his head. “Detention. Tonight. But first, the Sheriff requested your help. Consider it community service. Right outside of town, there was an….accident. A suit of armor was being transported to the museum. It didn’t make it. The police don’t have enough room to transport it. I believe Mr. Rogers has a van.” he said. “You gotta be kidding me, this is cruel and unusual punishment.” Fred said. “The Sheriff said he would wave your assault charges and Mr. Rogers’ charges of possession and using an illegal substance.” Deedle responded. Fred sighed. “Have fun, kids.” he said, dismissing them. The day proceeded as normal, except for two things. One, Fred was shunned. Everybody looked at him like he was a bad guy. Secondly, at the end of the day, the four got a call. When they answered, they heard the same message. “Mysterium Incorporatus. Reprehendo Vehiculum.” Then it hung up. “My latin is rusty. But it sounds like Mystery Incorporated. Check the vehicle. Does he mean-?” Velma said The four looked to each other and ran to Shaggy’s van. As they opened the back door, they saw Scooby-Doo passed out on the carpet. On the dash, was an envelope with a wax seal of a question mark. Fred opened the envelope. It read: Dear children. My name is Vincent Van Ghoul. You may know me from my books. But that’s part of the story. Monsters are real. My organization, Mystery Incorporated, is dedicated to protecting the world from the supernatural. But, we’re stretched thin. So I come to you with an offer. Join the cause. But I understand skepticism. Go to the malt shop. Follow this through to the end. Sincerely, Vincent Van Ghoul. “Raggy, rhat's rong.” Scooby-Doo asked, waking up. “I don’t know dude. But things are getting weird.” Shaggy said. “Fred, I’m too baked to drive. Can you?” he asked. Fred nodded as everyone loaded into the car. Velma started tweaking with her device as the gang drove off on their greatest journey
submitted by No_Contract_9868 to Scoobydoo [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 03:49 No-Technician-4893 Fallout 4 Mod Load Order Help

Need help figuring out which mods do the samething that I need to delete and help with mod load order, my current issue is not being able to load outside the vault my game will hiccup on the load screen and then crash
Xbox Series S

Full Mod list in the Order I downloaded them in

Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch [UF Cheat Room (XB1) Munitions - An Ammo Expansion Munitions - Vanilla Ammo Addon Munitions - Reduced Ammo Patch [XB1] [English] Full Dialogue G04 Normal Difficulty Survival A Touch Of Life - Complete [XB1] Cheats, Tweaks, and Unlock SKK Fast Start new game [Xbox] Simple Attack & Death Reaction Search and Destroy - Lite No Combat Boundaries Smart Al - An Immersive-Gameplay Arbitration - A Gameplay Overhaul NPC Accuracy Adjustment CURSE - Combat Overhaul P. L.U.N.D.E.R. Immersive Fallout (DLC) Fallout 4 Al Overhaul DLC Creatures in the Commonwealth Worldwide Ghouls (XB1) Improved Lighting Ballistics CROSS Crit Gore-verhaul Radio 76 Cheat terminal [Xb1] New and cleaner remade perk grid SKKSurvival Utilities SKK Autounlock loot and terminals SKK Open anything SKK Quick Player Respec Spadey and Pizza's Additional Stocks Wood Finishes for the Lever Action Vault Outfit Redux Upgradeable Vault Suit See through scopes Cowboy Carbine(Winchester mod) Pip-Boy dual colors - Green Mutant Ethnet's Melee Sounds and Material Tactical Weapon Foley - Weapon Automatically Turn Off The Radio XB1] Clean Faces Of Settlers Floppy Eared Dogmeat(One Flopped) F4NV Main Menu Music Simply Louder Weapons and Guns Classic Dismemberment Sounds Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul-... Realistic Sound XB1 Ambient Wasteland Pip Boy Color Enabler Pip-Boy W.S. I High Quality UnSe Fusion Cores - UWU XB1] Unlock Ballistic Weave Oldschool Detection Pre-War Money Cannot Be Scrapped Unlimited Resources Shipment [XB1] No Sneak Indicators Normalize Sensitivity Crafting Blur Removal (XB1) Infinite ammo for companions Legendary Modification No Crafting Animations Everyone's Best Friend (Dogmeat) Weapon Drop Standalone Bullet Impact Overhaul XB1 FreeMaker Sunlight Alignment Tweak - Bet... 3RD PERSON - ADS STYLE F COB Sidearm Training Shotguns And Rifles Tactical A... Tactical Stealth 3RD Person An... Running with Hands Animations Swimming Animations / XB1 Sprint Reload Immersive Animation Framework In game Third Person Camera Co... Companion Status HUD Power Armor HoloHUD - Cleaner Immersive HUD HUD) DEF_HUD Preset Mk./ HUDFramework Binford 6100 Inventory Organiz... Moribund World (XB1) Plenty 'o' Exploration - Xbox Atomic World 2.0 Project Apocalyptic Commonwealth Crowded Commonwealth - New Loc... Improved VATS Visual FX [XB1 Enhanced Flickering Fire... Interior Fog Remover Visible Galaxy 4k Enhanced Lights and FX Dilapidated Roads - Charcoal Fixed Enhanced Blood Textures Clarity - A Visual Overhaul NAC X Fixed NAC X - Far Harbor NAC X - Nuka World Clarity + NAC X (Patch) [XB1] Vivid Weathers - Fallout... [XB1] Vivid Waters (Vivid Weat... [XB1] - Vivid Weathers - Nuka ... XB1/Vivid Weathers - Far Harb... Ironsight Blur Removal (BX1) Circle the wagons - Red Rocket... Commonwealth Weaponry Supersto... F04 Extras Power Armor Uniform... Ballistic Weave Book Craft and Sortp ammo by SKK 20mm Anti Power Armor Rifle P.. Super Mutants XL Crimsomrider's Accessories - N... Tales from the Commonwealth XB... Small Game Shotgun - A .410 Le... Bullet Time for Xbox One Dogmeat's Backpack Unofficial Compatibility Patch. FALLOUT 4 STATS REMADE. V.A.N.S. Goggles Loot Detector IMVR Regions and Grid (Default... Backpacks of the Commonwealth Laser Garand Better Beards Super hero body with tattoos IXB1] Pip-Boy Flashlight - Lar... VaultGi2077 Recreations - Fa... Green in the Commonwealth (3.0... Follower Revive System S.B.S. (Simply Better Sneaking)... Tactical Distraction System - Commonwealth 2.0 - Encounter NPC's Travel XB1] No Borders Stealthier Pip-Boy Immersive Containers by Senter... True Tracers and Bolt Lasers Project Clean Commonwealth - Diamond City Spitfire (Enhanced Muzzle FX) Retexture: Fusion Core Some Trees by El Ha [XB1] Unrestricted Settlements... No Build Limit - All DLC Place Everything!!! XBOX (XB1] STS - All-In-One LOOKUP FAILED - Creation Club ... Amazing Follower Tweaks F04 Ed... Fallout 4 Settlements Reborn [... Buffed Minutemen Militia 2 Xb... SKK Instant Battleground - Fig...
submitted by No-Technician-4893 to Fallout4Mods [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 03:46 No-Technician-4893 Need help sorting or deleting mods

Need help figuring out which mods do the samething that I need to delete and help with mod load order, my current issue is not being able to load outside the vault my game will hiccup on the load screen and then crash
Xbox Series S

Full Mod list in the Order I downloaded them in

Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch [UF Cheat Room (XB1) Munitions - An Ammo Expansion Munitions - Vanilla Ammo Addon Munitions - Reduced Ammo Patch [XB1] [English] Full Dialogue G04 Normal Difficulty Survival A Touch Of Life - Complete [XB1] Cheats, Tweaks, and Unlock SKK Fast Start new game [Xbox] Simple Attack & Death Reaction Search and Destroy - Lite No Combat Boundaries Smart Al - An Immersive-Gameplay Arbitration - A Gameplay Overhaul NPC Accuracy Adjustment CURSE - Combat Overhaul P. L.U.N.D.E.R. Immersive Fallout (DLC) Fallout 4 Al Overhaul DLC Creatures in the Commonwealth Worldwide Ghouls (XB1) Improved Lighting Ballistics CROSS Crit Gore-verhaul Radio 76 Cheat terminal [Xb1] New and cleaner remade perk grid SKKSurvival Utilities SKK Autounlock loot and terminals SKK Open anything SKK Quick Player Respec Spadey and Pizza's Additional Stocks Wood Finishes for the Lever Action Vault Outfit Redux Upgradeable Vault Suit See through scopes Cowboy Carbine(Winchester mod) Pip-Boy dual colors - Green Mutant Ethnet's Melee Sounds and Material Tactical Weapon Foley - Weapon Automatically Turn Off The Radio XB1] Clean Faces Of Settlers Floppy Eared Dogmeat(One Flopped) F4NV Main Menu Music Simply Louder Weapons and Guns Classic Dismemberment Sounds Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul-... Realistic Sound XB1 Ambient Wasteland Pip Boy Color Enabler Pip-Boy W.S. I High Quality UnSe Fusion Cores - UWU XB1] Unlock Ballistic Weave Oldschool Detection Pre-War Money Cannot Be Scrapped Unlimited Resources Shipment [XB1] No Sneak Indicators Normalize Sensitivity Crafting Blur Removal (XB1) Infinite ammo for companions Legendary Modification No Crafting Animations Everyone's Best Friend (Dogmeat) Weapon Drop Standalone Bullet Impact Overhaul XB1 FreeMaker Sunlight Alignment Tweak - Bet... 3RD PERSON - ADS STYLE F COB Sidearm Training Shotguns And Rifles Tactical A... Tactical Stealth 3RD Person An... Running with Hands Animations Swimming Animations / XB1 Sprint Reload Immersive Animation Framework In game Third Person Camera Co... Companion Status HUD Power Armor HoloHUD - Cleaner Immersive HUD HUD) DEF_HUD Preset Mk./ HUDFramework Binford 6100 Inventory Organiz... Moribund World (XB1) Plenty 'o' Exploration - Xbox Atomic World 2.0 Project Apocalyptic Commonwealth Crowded Commonwealth - New Loc... Improved VATS Visual FX [XB1 Enhanced Flickering Fire... Interior Fog Remover Visible Galaxy 4k Enhanced Lights and FX Dilapidated Roads - Charcoal Fixed Enhanced Blood Textures Clarity - A Visual Overhaul NAC X Fixed NAC X - Far Harbor NAC X - Nuka World Clarity + NAC X (Patch) [XB1] Vivid Weathers - Fallout... [XB1] Vivid Waters (Vivid Weat... [XB1] - Vivid Weathers - Nuka ... XB1/Vivid Weathers - Far Harb... Ironsight Blur Removal (BX1) Circle the wagons - Red Rocket... Commonwealth Weaponry Supersto... F04 Extras Power Armor Uniform... Ballistic Weave Book Craft and Sortp ammo by SKK 20mm Anti Power Armor Rifle P.. Super Mutants XL Crimsomrider's Accessories - N... Tales from the Commonwealth XB... Small Game Shotgun - A .410 Le... Bullet Time for Xbox One Dogmeat's Backpack Unofficial Compatibility Patch. FALLOUT 4 STATS REMADE. V.A.N.S. Goggles Loot Detector IMVR Regions and Grid (Default... Backpacks of the Commonwealth Laser Garand Better Beards Super hero body with tattoos IXB1] Pip-Boy Flashlight - Lar... VaultGi2077 Recreations - Fa... Green in the Commonwealth (3.0... Follower Revive System S.B.S. (Simply Better Sneaking)... Tactical Distraction System - Commonwealth 2.0 - Encounter NPC's Travel XB1] No Borders Stealthier Pip-Boy Immersive Containers by Senter... True Tracers and Bolt Lasers Project Clean Commonwealth - Diamond City Spitfire (Enhanced Muzzle FX) Retexture: Fusion Core Some Trees by El Ha [XB1] Unrestricted Settlements... No Build Limit - All DLC Place Everything!!! XBOX (XB1] STS - All-In-One LOOKUP FAILED - Creation Club ... Amazing Follower Tweaks F04 Ed... Fallout 4 Settlements Reborn [... Buffed Minutemen Militia 2 Xb... SKK Instant Battleground - Fig...
submitted by No-Technician-4893 to Fallout4ModsXB1 [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 03:40 kiwasabi Three videos which prove that Gangstalking and Targeted Individual / Radio Frequency Non Lethal Warfare Programs against United States Citizens are not only active, but are funded to the tune of at least $270 BILLION DOLLARS. Not too hard to imagine how the DOD lost 2.3 trillion dollars now is it?

Leaked 2017 Gangstalker Recruitment Video

SECURITY INDUSTRY SPECIALIST TELLS ALL: Bryan Kofron Original Podcast #1 from Gangstalkerwars.com

Kenneka Jenkins case azariah exposes the gang stalking program and exposes her Handler

Patents for Mind Control Technology

May 6, 2018 fightingmonarch
Below please find over one hundred patents for some of the mind control technology that is being used against us. You may find it useful for court cases, further investigation, and general informational purposes.
In The Minds of Men, a film by Aaron and Melissa Dykes, you can learn how the CIA developed this technology as early as the 1950s, implanting people with it.
Cybernetics and The Minds of Men
And at least as early as the 1960s, CIA was using microwaves to activate the technology they implanted in us, you know, like the ones that come from the HAARP array, 5G, or all those “cellphone towers” you see….
CIA Mind Control: Doctors Who Stand Against Microwave Harassment
I have attached below some links to my articles on the applications of this technology, how to spot it, and how to fight back.
Mind Control & Misdiagnosis of Physical & Behavioral Symptoms
How To Spot Mind Control Through Unusual Speech Patterns
V2K – Voice To Skull
Some of the assignees or holders of the patents with possibly deep pockets, making attractive defendants for a lawsuit, include Accenture Global Services Ltd.; Advanced Neurotechnologies, Inc.; Alliant Technosystems Inc.; American Science and Engineering Inc.; American Scientific Innovations LLC; American Tech Corp.; California Institute of Technology; Dorne and Margolin Inc.; Dream Weaver JV; General Dynamics Corp.; Georgia Tech Research Corp.; Google Technology Holdings; Intelligent Tech International Inc.; International Business Machines Corp.; Interstate Industries, Inc. d/b/a Hemi-Sync; Leland Stanford Junior University; Life Science and Technology LLC; Lockheed Martin Coherent Tech Inc.; Lockheed Martin Corp.; Lockheed Martin Energy Systems Inc.; Mentec AG; Micron Devices LLC; Motorola Mobility LLC; PhiloMetron Inc.; Pioneer Corp.; Proactive Systems Inc.; Procter and Gamble Co.; Quantum Devices Inc.; Raytheon; Rolls-Royce North American Technologies Inc.; STIMUTECH Inc.; Transparent Corp. Turtle Beach Corp.; University of Michigan; Universal Hedonics Inc.; VitrePixel Holdings LLC; and Wavestream Corp.
Otherwise, it’s hard to sue the government, but I also saw the U.S. Air Force listed as the assignee on at least one patent….
That shouldn’t be a surprise since they are now spraying us with nanotechnology on a regular basis.
Chemtrails, Smart Dust, & Mind Control

At any rate, here are the patents. Just reading some of them helped me to understand the attacks against me and to resist them. Round-robin voices–a man, woman, and child–at different frequencies–are just one example.
Hearing Device – US4858612 – Inventor, Phillip L. Stocklin – Assignee, Mentec AG. A method and apparatus for simulation of hearing in mammals by introduction of a plurality of microwaves into the region of the auditory cortex is shown and described. A microphone is used to transform sound signals into electrical signals which are in turn analyzed and processed to provide controls for generating a plurality of microwave signals at different frequencies. The multifrequency microwaves are then applied to the brain in the region of the auditory cortex. By this method sounds are perceived by the mammal which are representative of the original sound received by the microphone.
Click on Link for Full Patent: US4858612
Hearing System – US4877027 – Inventor & Assignee, Wayne B. Brunkan. Sound is induced in the head of a person by radiating the head with microwaves in the range of 100 megahertz to 10,000 megahertz that are modulated with a particular waveform. The waveform consists of frequency modulated bursts. Each burst is made up of ten to twenty uniformly spaced pulses grouped tightly together. The burst width is between 500 nanoseconds and 100 microseconds. The pulse width is in the range of 10 nanoseconds to 1 microsecond. The bursts are frequency modulated by the audio input to create the sensation of hearing in the person whose head is irradiated.
Click on Link for Full Patent: US4877027
Silent Subliminal Representation System – US5159703 – Inventor & Assignee, Oliver M. Lowery. A silent communications system in which nonaural carriers, in the very low or very high audio frequency range or in the adjacent ultrasonic frequency spectrum, are amplitude or frequency modulated with the desired intelligence and propagated acoustically or vibrationally, for inducement into the brain, typically through the use of loudspeakers, earphones or piezoelectric transducers. The modulated carriers may be transmitted directly in real time or may be conveniently recorded and stored on mechanical, magnetic or optical media for delayed or repeated transmission to the listener.
Click on Link for Full Patent: US5159703
Method and Device for Interpreting Concepts and Conceptual Thought from Brainwave Data & for Assisting for Diagnosis of Brainwave Disfunction – US5392788 – Inventor, William J. Hudspeth – Assignee, Samuel J. Leven. A system for acquisition and decoding of EP and SP signals is provided which comprises a transducer for presenting stimuli to a subject, EEG transducers for recording brainwave signals from the subject, a computer for controlling and synchronizing stimuli presented to the subject and for concurrently recording brainwave signals, and either interpreting signals using a model for conceptual perceptional and emotional thought to correspond EEG signals to thought of the subject or comparing signals to normative EEG signals from a normative population to diagnose and locate the origin of brain dysfunctional underlying perception, conception, and emotion.
Click on Link for Full Patent: US5392788
Method and an Associated Apparatus for Remotely Determining Information as to Person’s Emotional State – US5507291 – Inventors & Assignees, Robert C. Stirbl & Peter J. Wilk. In a method for remotely determining information relating to a person’s emotional state, an waveform energy having a predetermined frequency and a predetermined intensity is generated and wirelessly transmitted towards a remotely located subject. Waveform energy emitted from the subject is detected and automatically analyzed to derive information relating to the individual’s emotional state. Physiological or physical parameters of blood pressure, pulse rate, pupil size, respiration rate and perspiration level are measured and compared with reference values to provide information utilizable in evaluating interviewee’s responses or possibly criminal intent in security sensitive areas.
Click on Link for Full Patent: US5507291
Apparatus for Electric Stimulation of Auditory Nerves of a Human Being – US5922016 – Inventors & Assignees, Erwin & Ingeborg Hochmair. Apparatus for electric stimulation and diagnostics of auditory nerves of a human being, e.g. for determination of sensation level (SL), most conformable level (MCL) and uncomfortable level (UCL) audibility curves, includes a stimulator detachably secured to a human being for sending a signal into a human ear, and an electrode placed within the human ear and electrically connected to the stimulator by an electric conductor for conducting the signals from the stimulator into the ear. A control unit is operatively connected to the stimulator for instructing the stimulator as to characteristics of the generated signals being transmitted to the ear.
Click on Link for Full Patent: US5922016
Brain Wave Inducing System – US5954629 – Inventors, Masatoshi Yanagidaira, Yuchi Kimikawa, Takeshi Fukami & Mitsuo Yasushi – Assignee, Pioneer Corp. Sensors are provided for detecting brain waves of a user, and a band-pass filter is provided for extracting a particular brain waves including an α wave included in a detected brain wave. The band-pass filter comprises a first band-pass filter having a narrow pass band, and a second band-pass filter having a wide pass band. One of the first and second band-pass filters is selected, and a stimulation signal is produced in dependency on an α wave extracted by a selected band-pass filter. In accordance with the stimulation signal, a stimulation light is emitted to the user in order to induce the user to relax or sleeping state.
Click on Link for Full Patent: US5954629
Layout Overlap Detection with Selective Flattening in Computer Implemented Integrated Circuit Design – US6011991 – Inventors, Wai-Yan Ho & Hongbo Tang – Assignee, Synopsys Inc. The present invention relates to a method for efficiently performing hierarchical design rules checks (DRC) and layout versus schematic comparison (LVS) on layout areas of an integrated circuit where cells overlap or where a cell and local geometry overlap. With the present invention, a hierarchical tree describes the integrated circuit’s layout data including cells having parent-child relationships and including local geometry. The present invention performs efficient layout verification by performing LVS and DRC checking on the new portions of an integrated circuit design and layout areas containing overlapping cells. When instances of cells overlap, the present invention determines the overlap area using predefined data structures that divide each cell into an array of spatial bins. Each bin of a parent is examined to determine if two or more cell instances reside therein or if a cell instance and local geometry reside therein. Once overlap is detected, the areas of the layout data corresponding to the overlap areas are selectively flattened prior to proceeding to DRC and LVS processing. During selective flattening of the overlap areas, the hierarchical tree is traversed from the top cell down through intermediate nodes to the leaf nodes. Each time geometry data is located during the traversal, it is pushes directly to the top cell without being stored in intermediate locations. This provides an effective mechanism for selective flattening.
Click on Link for Full Patent: US6011991
Apparatus for Audibly Communicating Speech Using the Radio Frequency Hearing Effect – US6587729 – Inventors, James P. O’laughlin & Diana L. Loree – Assignee, US Air Force. A modulation process with a fully suppressed carrier and input preprocessor filtering to produce an encoded output; for amplitude modulation (AM) and audio speech preprocessor filtering, intelligible subjective sound is produced when the encoded signal is demodulated using the RF Hearing Effect. Suitable forms of carrier suppressed modulation include single sideband (SSB) and carrier suppressed amplitude modulation (CSAM), with both sidebands present.
Click on Link for Full Patent: US6587729
Coupling an Electronic Skin Tattoo to a Mobile Communication Device – US20130297301A1 – Inventor, William P. Alberth, Jr. – Assignee, Google Technology Holdings LLC (formerly Motorola Mobility LLC). A system and method provides auxiliary voice input to a mobile communication device (MCD). The system comprises an electronic skin tattoo capable of being applied to a throat region of a body. The electronic skin tattoo can include an embedded microphone; a transceiver for enabling wireless communication with the MCD; and a power supply configured to receive energizing signals from a personal area network associated with the MCD. A controller is communicatively coupled to the power supply. The controller can be configured to receive a signal from the MCD to initiate reception of an audio stream picked up from the throat region of the body for subsequent audio detection by the MCD under an improved signal-to-noise ratio than without the employment of the electronic skin tattoo.
Click on Link for Full Patent: US20130297301A1
Apparatus for Remotely Altering & Monitoring Brainwaves – US3951134 – Inventor, Robert G. Malech – Assignee, Dorne & Margolin Inc. Apparatus for and method of sensing brain waves at a position remote from a subject whereby electromagnetic signals of different frequencies are simultaneously transmitted to the brain of the subject in which the signals interfere with one another to yield a waveform which is modulated by the subject’s brain waves. The interference waveform which is representative of the brain wave activity is re-transmitted by the brain to a receiver where it is demodulated and amplified. The demodulated waveform is then displayed for visual viewing and routed to a computer for further processing and analysis. The demodulated waveform also can be used to produce a compensating signal which is transmitted back to the brain to effect a desired change in electrical activity therein.
Click on Link for Full Patent: US3951134
Auditory Subliminal Message System & Method – US4395600 – Inventors, Rene R. Lundy & David L. Tyler – Assignee, Proactive Systems Inc. Ambient audio signals from the customer shopping area within a store are sensed and fed to a signal processing circuit that produces a control signal which varies with variations in the amplitude of the sensed audio signals. A control circuit adjusts the amplitude of an auditory subliminal anti-shoplifting message to increase with increasing amplitudes of sensed audio signals and decrease with decreasing amplitudes of sensed audio signals. This amplitude controlled subliminal message may be mixed with background music and transmitted to the shopping area. To reduce distortion of the subliminal message, its amplitude is controlled to increase at a first rate slower than the rate of increase of the amplitude of ambient audio signals from the area. Also, the amplitude of the subliminal message is controlled to decrease at a second rate faster than the first rate with decreasing ambient audio signal amplitudes to minimize the possibility of the subliminal message becoming supraliminal upon rapid declines in ambient audio signal amplitudes in the area. A masking signal is provided with an amplitude which is also controlled in response to the amplitude of sensed ambient audio signals. This masking signal may be combined with the auditory subliminal message to provide a composite signal fed to, and controlled by, the control circuit.
Click on Link for Full Patent: US4395600
Apparatus for Inducing Frequency Reduction in Brain Wave – US4834701 – Inventor, Kazumi Masaki – Assignee, Ken Hayashibara. Frequency reduction in human brain wave is inducible by allowing human brain to perceive 4-16 hertz beat sound. Such beat sound can be easily produced with an apparatus, comprising at least one sound source generating a set of low-frequency signals different each other in frequency by 4-16 hertz. Electroencephalographic study revealed that the beat sound is effective to reduce beta-rhythm into alpha-rhythm, as well as to retain alpha-rhythm.
Click on Link for Full Patent: US4834701
Method & System for Altering Consciousness – US5123899 – Inventor & Assignee, James Gall. A system for altering the states of human consciousness involves the simultaneous application of multiple stimuli, preferable sounds, having differing frequencies and wave forms. The relationship between the frequencies of the several stimuli is exhibited by the equation
g=s.sup.n/4 ·f where f=frequency of one stimulus; g=frequency of the other stimuli of stimulus; and n=a positive or negative integer which is different for each other stimulus. Click on Link for Full Patent: US5123899
Method of and Apparatus for Inducing Desired States of Consciousness – US5356368 – Inventor, Robert A. Monroe – Assignee, Interstate Industries Inc. Improved methods and apparatus for entraining human brain patterns, employing frequency following response (FFR) techniques, facilitate attainment of desired states of consciousness. In one embodiment, a plurality of electroencephalogram (EEG) waveforms, characteristic of a given state of consciousness, are combined to yield an EEG waveform to which subjects may be susceptible more readily. In another embodiment, sleep patterns are reproduced based on observed brain patterns during portions of a sleep cycle; entrainment principles are applied to induce sleep. In yet another embodiment, entrainment principles are applied in the work environment, to induce and maintain a desired level of consciousness. A portable device also is described.
Click on Link for Full Patent: US5356368
Acoustic Heterodyne Device & Method – US5889870 – Inventor, Elwood G. Norris – Assignee, Turtle Beach Corp. (formerly American Tech Corp.) The present invention is the emission of new sonic or subsonic compression waves from a region resonant cavity or similar of interference of at least two ultrasonic wave trains. In one embodiment, two ultrasonic emitters are oriented toward the cavity so as to cause interference between emitted ultrasonic wave trains. When the difference in frequency between the two ultrasonic wave trains is in the sonic or subsonic frequency range, a new sonic or subsonic wave train of that frequency is emitted from within the cavity or region of interference in accordance with the principles of acoustical heterodyning. The preferred embodiment is a system comprised of a single ultrasonic radiating element oriented toward the cavity emitting multiple waves.
Click on Link for Full Patent: US5889870
Apparatus & Method of Broadcasting Audible Sound Using Ultrasonic Sound as a Carrier – US60552336 – Inventor & Assignee, Austin Lowrey III. An ultrasonic sound source broadcasts an ultrasonic signal which is amplitude and/or frequency modulated with an information input signal originating from an information input source. If the signals are amplitude modulated, a square root function of the information input signal is produced prior to modulation. The modulated signal, which may be amplified, is then broadcast via a projector unit, whereupon an individual or group of individuals located in the broadcast region detect the audible sound.
Click on Link for Full Patent: US6052336
Pulsative Manipulation of Nervous Systems – US6091994 – Inventor & Assignee, Hendricus G. Loos. Method and apparatus for manipulating the nervous system by imparting subliminal pulsative cooling to the subject’s skin at a frequency that is suitable for the excitation of a sensory resonance. At present, two major sensory resonances are known, with frequencies near 1/2 Hz and 2.4 Hz. The 1/2 Hz sensory resonance causes relaxation, sleepiness, ptosis of the eyelids, a tonic smile, a “knot” in the stomach, or sexual excitement, depending on the precise frequency used. The 2.4 Hz resonance causes the slowing of certain cortical activities, and is characterized by a large increase of the time needed to silently count backward from 100 to 60, with the eyes closed. The invention can be used by the general public for inducing relaxation, sleep, or sexual excitement, and clinically for the control and perhaps a treatment of tremors, seizures, and autonomic system disorders such as panic attacks. Embodiments shown are a pulsed fan to impart subliminal cooling pulses to the subject’s skin, and a silent device which induces periodically varying flow past the subject’s skin, the flow being induced by pulsative rising warm air plumes that are caused by a thin resistive wire which is periodically heated by electric current pulses.
Click on Link for Full Patent: US6091994
Method & Device for Implementing Radio Frequency Hearing Effect – US6470214 – Inventors, James P. O’Loughlin & Diana Loree. Assignee, US Air Force. A modulation process with a fully suppressed carrier and input preprocessor filtering to produce an encoded output; for amplitude modulation (AM) and audio speech preprocessor filtering, intelligible subjective sound is produced when the encoded signal is demodulated using the RF Hearing Effect. Suitable forms of carrier suppressed modulation include single sideband (SSB) and carrier suppressed amplitude modulation (CSAM), with both sidebands present.
Click on Link for Full Patent: US6470214

Method & Device for Producing a Desired Brain State – US6488617 – Inventor, Bruce F. Katz – Assignee, Universal Hedonics. A method and device for the production of a desired brain state in an individual contain means for monitoring and analyzing the brain state while a set of one or more magnets produce fields that alter this state. A computational system alters various parameters of the magnetic fields in order to close the gap between the actual and desired brain state. This feedback process operates continuously until the gap is minimized and/or removed.
Multifunctional Radio Frequency Directed Energy System – US7629918 – Inventors, Kenneth W. Brown, David J. Canich & Russell F. Berg – Assignee, Raytheon Co. An RFDE system includes an RFDE transmitter and at least one RFDE antenna. The RFDE transmitter and antenna direct high power electromagnetic energy towards a target sufficient to cause high energy damage or disruption of the target. The RFDE system further includes a targeting system for locating the target. The targeting system includes a radar transmitter and at least one radar antenna for transmitting and receiving electromagnetic energy to locate the target. The RFDE system also includes an antenna pointing system for aiming the at least one RFDE antenna at the target based on the location of the target as ascertained by the targeting system. Moreover, at least a portion of the radar transmitter or the at least one radar antenna is integrated within at least a portion of the RFDE transmitter or the at least one RFDE antenna.
Click on Link for Full Patent: US7629918
Click on Link for Full Patent: US3393279
Method & System for Simplifying Speech Wave Forms – US3647970 – Inventor & Assignee, Gillis P. Flanagan. A speech waveform is converted to a constant amplitude square wave in which the transitions between the amplitude extremes are spaced so as to carry the speech information. The system includes a pair of tuned amplifier circuits which act as high-pass filters having a 6 decibel per octave slope from 0 to 15,000 cycles followed by two stages, each comprised of an amplifier and clipper circuit, for converting the filtered waveform to a square wave. A radio transmitter and receiver having a plurality of separate channels within a conventional single side band transmitter bandwidth and a system for transmitting secure speech information are also disclosed.
Click on Link for Full Patent: US3647970
Intra-Oral Electronic Tracking Device – US6239705 – Inventor & Assignee, Jeffrey Glen. An improved stealthy, non-surgical, biocompatable electronic tracking device is provided in which a housing is placed intraorally. The housing contains microcircuitry. The microcircuitry comprises a receiver, a passive mode to active mode activator, a signal decoder for determining positional fix, a transmitter, an antenna, and a power supply. Optionally, an amplifier may be utilized to boost signal strength. The power supply energizes the receiver. Upon receiving a coded activating signal, the positional fix signal decoder is energized, determining a positional fix. The transmitter subsequently transmits through the antenna a position locating signal to be received by a remote locator. In another embodiment of the present invention, the microcircuitry comprises a receiver, a passive mode to active mode activator, a transmitter, an antenna and a power supply. Optionally, an amplifier may be utilized to boost signal strength. The power supply energizes the receiver. Upon receiving a coded activating signal, the transmitter is energized. The transmitter subsequently transmits through the antenna a homing signal to be received by a remote locator.
Click on Link for Full Patent: US6239705
Method & Apparatus for Analyzing Neurological Response to Emotion-Inducing Stimuli – US6292688 – Inventor, Richard E. Patton – Assignee, Advanced Neurotechnologies, Inc. A method of determining the extent of the emotional response of a test subject to stimului having a time-varying visual content, for example, an advertising presentation. The test subject is positioned to observe the presentation for a given duration, and a path of communication is established between the subject and a brain wave detectoanalyzer. The intensity component of each of at least two different brain wave frequencies is measured during the exposure, and each frequency is associated with a particular emotion. While the subject views the presentation, periodic variations in the intensity component of the brain waves of each of the particular frequencies selected is measured. The change rates in the intensity at regular periods during the duration are also measured. The intensity change rates are then used to construct a graph of plural coordinate points, and these coordinate points graphically establish the composite emotional reaction of the subject as the presentation continues.
Click on Link for Full Patent: US6292688
Portable & Hand-Held Device for Making Humanly Audible Sounds Responsive to the Detecting of Ultrasonic Sounds – US6426919 – Inventor & Assignee, William A. Gerosa. A portable and hand-held device for making humanly audible sounds responsive to the detecting of ultrasonic sounds. The device includes a hand-held housing and circuitry that is contained in the housing. The circuitry includes a microphone that receives the ultrasonic sound, a first low voltage audio power amplifier that strengthens the signal from the microphone, a second low voltage audio power amplifier that further strengthens the signal from the first low voltage audio power amplifier, a 7-stage ripple carry binary counter that lowers the frequency of the signal from the second low voltage audio power amplifier so as to be humanly audible, a third low voltage audio power amplifier that strengthens the signal from the 7-stage ripple carry binary counter, and a speaker that generates a humanly audible sound from the third low voltage audio power amplifier.
Click on Link for Full Patent: US6426919
Signal Injection Coupling into the Human Vocal Tract for Robust Audible & Inaudible Voice Recognition – US6487531 – Inventors & Assignees, Carol A. Tosaya & John W. Sliwa, Jr. A means and method are provided for enhancing or replacing the natural excitation of the human vocal tract by artificial excitation means, wherein the artificially created acoustics present additional spectral, temporal, or phase data useful for (1) enhancing the machine recognition robustness of audible speech or (2) enabling more robust machine-recognition of relatively inaudible mouthed or whispered speech. The artificial excitation (a) may be arranged to be audible or inaudible, (b) may be designed to be non-interfering with another user’s similar means, (c) may be used in one or both of a vocal content-enhancement mode or a complimentary vocal tract-probing mode, and/or (d) may be used for the recognition of audible or inaudible continuous speech or isolated spoken commands.
Click on Link for Full Patent: US6487531
Nervous System Manipulation by Electromagnetic Fields from Monitors – US6506148 – Inventor & Assignee, Hendricus G. Loos. Physiological effects have been observed in a human subject in response to stimulation of the skin with weak electromagnetic fields that are pulsed with certain frequencies near ½ Hz or 2.4 Hz, such as to excite a sensory resonance. Many computer monitors and TV tubes, when displaying pulsed images, emit pulsed electromagnetic fields of sufficient amplitudes to cause such excitation. It is therefore possible to manipulate the nervous system of a subject by pulsing images displayed on a nearby computer monitor or TV set. For the latter, the image pulsing may be imbedded in the program material, or it may be overlaid by modulating a video stream, either as an RF signal or as a video signal. The image displayed on a computer monitor may be pulsed effectively by a simple computer program. For certain monitors, pulsed electromagnetic fields capable of exciting sensory resonances in nearby subjects may be generated even as the displayed images are pulsed with subliminal intensity.
Click on Link for Full Patent: US6506148
Apparatus To Effect Brainwave Entrainment over Premises Power-Line Wiring – US8579793 – Inventor, James David Honeycutt & John Clois Honeycutt, Jr. – Assignee, James David Honeycutt. This invention discloses an apparatus and method to affect brainwave entrainment by Very Low Frequency eXclusive-OR (XOR) modulation of a Very High Frequency carrier over a premise’s power-line Alternating Current (AC) wiring. A microcontroller with stored program memory space is used to store and produce the waveforms that lead to brainwave entrainment by controlling an H-Bridge capable of generating bipolar square waves, which output is capacitive coupled to a premises AC power-line and a light sensing device is used by the microcontroller to determine whether to produce daytime or nighttime entrainment frequencies.
Click on Link for Full Patent: US8579793
Method & System for Brain Entrainment – US20140309484A1 – Inventor & Assignee, Daniel Wonchul Chong. The present invention is a method of modifying music files to induce a desired state of consciousness. First and second modulations are introduced into a music file such that, when the music file is played, both of the modulations occur simultaneously. Additional modulations can be introduced, as well as sound tones at window frequencies.
Click on Link for Full Patent: US20140309484A1
Method of Inducing Harmonious States of Being – US6135944 – Inventors, Gerard D. Bowman, Edward M. Karam & Steven C. Benson – Assignee, Gerard D. Bowman. A method of inducing harmonious states of being using vibrational stimuli, preferably sound, comprised of a multitude of frequencies expressing a specific pattern of relationship. Two base signals are modulated by a set of ratios to generate a plurality of harmonics. The harmonics are combined to form a “fractal” arrangement.
Click on Link for Full Patent: US6135944
Pulse Variability in Electric Field Manipulation of Nervous Systems – US6167304 – Inventor & Assignee, Hendricus G. Loos. Apparatus and method for manipulating the nervous system of a subject by applying to the skin a pulsing external electric field which, although too weak to cause classical nerve stimulation, modulates the normal spontaneous spiking patterns of certain kinds of afferent nerves. For certain pulse frequencies the electric field stimulation can excite in the nervous system resonances with observable physiological consequences. Pulse variability is introduced for the purpose of thwarting habituation of the nervous system to the repetitive stimulation, or to alleviate the need for precise tuning to a resonance frequency, or to control pathological oscillatory neural activities such as tremors or seizures. Pulse generators with stochastic and deterministic pulse variability are disclosed, and the output of an effective generator of the latter type is characterized.
Click on Link for Full Patent: US6167304
Method & System for Brain Entertainment – US8636640 – Inventor, Daniel Wonchul Chang – Assignee, Brain Symphony LLC. The present invention is a method of modifying music files to induce a desired state of consciousness. First and second modulations are introduced into a music file such that, when the music file is played, both of the modulations occur simultaneously. Additional modulations can be introduced, as well as sound tones at window frequencies.
Click on Link for Full Patent: US8636640
Method & Apparatus for Manipulating Nervous Systems – US5782874 – Inventor & Assignee, Hendricus C. Loos. Apparatus and method for manipulating the nervous system of a subject through afferent nerves, modulated by externally applied weak fluctuating electric fields, tuned to certain frequencies such as to excite a resonance in certain neural circuits. Depending on the frequency chosen, excitation of such resonances causes relaxation, sleepiness, sexual excitement, or the slowing of certain cortical processes. The weak electric field for causing the excitation is applied to skin areas away from the head of the subject, such as to avoid substantial polarization current densities in the brain. By exploiting the resonance phenomenon, these physiological effects can be brought about by very weak electric fields produced by compact battery-operated devices with very low current assumption. The fringe field of doublet electrodes that form a parallel-plate condenser can serve as the required external electric field to be administered to the subject’s skin. Several such doublets can be combined such as to induce an electric field with short range, suitable for localized field administration. A passive doublet placed such as to face the doublet on either side causes a boost of the distant induced electric field, and allows the design of very compact devices. The method and apparatus can be used by the general public as an aid to relaxation, sleep, or arousal, and clinically for the control and perhaps the treatment of tremors and seizures, and disorders of the autonomic nervous system, such as panic attacks.
Click on Link for Full Patent: US5782874

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2024.05.07 21:11 Boaring1 21 [M4F] Ontario/EST I want a long lasting connection that will develop into something beautiful

Hi! My name is Carson, I’m from Ontario Canada!
I love gaming on PC, horror of any kind is so much fun, I love D&D and other TTRPGS like it, I love watching YouTube videos about almost everything, I adore Magic the Gathering only really playing commander, I love animals and taking care of them, I love music, I really like Pokemon games with my fav being legends arceus, I love piercings and tattoos (still have yet to get my first one lol), I collect action figures like the giga geek that I am! I can’t think of any more interests that I have but I assure you I have more!
I plan on going to school in the winter for journalism, I want to become a games journalist!
Physically speaking, I can be described as an actual dwarf. Like from LotR or any other type of fantasy genre! I’m short, stout and am growing a large beard!
About you! All I care about is that you don’t want kids!
If you’re at all interested, please send me a message!
P.s. I do have a lot of anxiety so it may take me a little bit to hype myself up to respond lol!
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