El forasteros mc

Dadme un pico de diamante y ponedme los chunks delante.

2019.08.30 13:26 alpesitx Dadme un pico de diamante y ponedme los chunks delante.

Subreddit dedicado a todo lo relacionado con el youtuber ElRichMC.

2014.06.26 16:15 Account Suspended


2010.07.18 23:16 darksober Wacko, Texas


2024.05.19 06:00 qusizislife de puro iPhone a iPad estudiantil 🗣️🗣️

de puro iPhone a iPad estudiantil 🗣️🗣️ submitted by qusizislife to latesitoo [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:49 enieto87 Veo en la plaza mocambo...

Tenían un tubo de PVC un drenaje...
Del McDonalds al drenaje... de la plaza...
Que mamada más grande...
Siguen hablando los culeros árabes de Arturo de Suecia...
Por mi parte... ya hasta su mujer dijo que se lo lleven... a trabajar ahora de regreso...
Es más su yerno el presidente Lopez Obrador va por el... que lo encaminen...
Que entre el y el hijo madreaban a los policías municipales... hasta que se lo lleven igual a unas experiencias... de reformamiento...
Yo ya no soy inocente...
Dijera Magallanes... "Peeeerro... ya me dijeron que no te ves ni en el espejo..."
Todo como vampiro pero azul... era Rumsfeld... de donde van a sacar eso los pobres esos de Suecia... primero aunque tengan pólvora... pero si no estudiaban... cual espejo...
"Todo médico especialista debe de seguir estudiando toda la vida..."
Se trataba de eso...
Era un brinco perron... de cosas la gente muy poca tiene percepción... muy poca sabe que es el oro...
Ese guey que va allá... todo su peso era más que de puro oro...
Aprieta una tecla... y ya...
Cualquier otra cosa... quien competía con el Hardware de Apple...
Esta tarjeta lleva un laminado... así una mamada rupestre....
Ahora "este software... tiene un vector..." cualquier culerada... los logaritmos...
submitted by enieto87 to LasAventurasDeEnrique [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:30 Radiant-Bike-9543 que debería hacer? se que escribí una biblia pero necesito opiniones x fissss 😭😭 (perdón por las faltas ortográficas, no me fije en ellas al escribir)

En las vacaciones de colegio, mi mejor amiga d tda la vida se habia metido a unas clases de boxing, en donde conoció a una chica que es de mi nuevo colegio y de mi promoción. Mi mejor amiga le hablo de mi, ya q iba a entrar cmo la chica nueva en su cole y le paso mi ig, osea instragram. Ese mismo día, mi meja me había contado tdo y pues le empecé a hablar 3 días después a esa chica q ella había conocido, que le pondremos como nickname "manzana" Jjajsjsj. Le empecé a hablar y pues la vrd me habia caido dms bien. Le conte que me iba para su cole y me dijo para que me meta a su grupito de amigas para que no ingrese sin ninguna amiga, y yo le dije q ya, q estaba bn. Asi que me paso sus ig de tdas las d su grupito (eran 10 en total, conmigo 11) pero como a mi me daba un poquito de verguenza hablarme cn tdas ellas d frente les empece a hablar poco a poco a 3 chicas mas d su mismo grupito, q las llamaremos "arandano", "estrella" y "banana" jsjsjs. Entre las 4 de ellas, osea manzana, arandano, estrella y banana, con la que mas me empece a hblar a diario fue con arandano, y pues fue xq teniamos muchas cosas en comun y tdo.Y como principalmente entre a ese cole por mi deporte, conoci a otra integrante de ese mismo grupito que la llamaremos "granadilla", la mejor con la que me llevo (segun lo que siento yo) xq paso mas tiempo con ella por los entrenamientos del cole y tdo. (digo tdo esto xq es importante para q se entiendo lo q viene dsp)
Ya, ent dsp acabron las vacaciones y ya era tiempo d entrar a mi nuevo cole, y obv q estaba re nerviosa, aunq ya prácticamente tenia un grupito dentro. En el cole de mi prom, hay 3 secciones (A, B, C obv) y a mi me toco en el A, en donde me toco con 5 chicas del grupo. de esas 5 chicas, ya conocía a estrella, granadilla y a banana, pero aun no conocía a "kiwi" ni a "mora". En el B estaban arándano y otras 2 chicas q las llamaremos "lechuga" y "vainilla"; y en el C, estaban manzana y otra chica q llamaremos "rabano". Entre las chicas d mi grupito q me toco en mi clase, osea esas 5 de la seccion A, me acogieron bien la verdad, y como siempre he sido muy sociable no tarde en encajar con ellas y con el grupo en general bien. Ese, el grupo en el que estoy ahora, se podria decir que es el grupo de las populares y que medio colegio odia, incluyendo promociones mayores. Pero el problema es que, mientras pasaban los dias hasta hoy, osea desde que comence el colegio, osea desde el 5 o 6 de marzo hasta ahorita, el 18 de mayo, me he dado cuenta que el grupo es DEMASIADO toxico. Arandano, por la confianza que me gane de ella, rajo de banana en whats conmigo (yo nomas escuchaba su raje, nunca raje d banana tambien), estrella no se lleva para nada bien con manzana, ya que, bueno, estrella, como lo dice el nombre que le puse, es como la lider del grupo. Por lo que veo, estrella es la que presenta a las demas del grupo a sus amigos hombres y tdo (el cole es solo de mujeres), y es por eso que literalmente todos los amigos que tienen las del grupo, fueron gracias a estrella. Y por eso, osea, estrella rajo de manzana delante de todas las demas del grupo, ya que cada vez que nos presentaba a un amigo nuevo, manzana queria con el, y por eso tipo le incomodaba que manzana estuviera en el grupo y todo. Y lo peor de todo, esq si es cierto, manzana tiene una clara dependencia masculina que hace que quiera besarse con lo primero que vea que es hombre, pero bueno, a mi la verdad no me importa que se chape con cualquiera, pero a mi en lo personal no me gustaria presentar a algun amigo mio de mi antiguo cole a las de el grupo y que se lo termine chapando manzana, porque despues de eso hay problemas. Pero bueno, siguiendo con el tema, estrella hasta hizo que todo el grupo se ponga en contra de manzana y recientemente ya nos reconciliamos con ella. Pero aunque ya nos reconciliamos con manzana todas, pude notar que manzana igual es un poco insegura con ese tema que ya habia pasado desde antes de q estrara al cole. Lo se porque el otro dia que habiamos salido a un lugar en grupo todas, manzana y su mejor amiga del grupo que es banana se habian sentado en una mesa chiquita en la cual yo me uni despues porque estaba cerca de un enchufe en mc donalds, mientras q las demas estaban en una mesa grande. Y pues cuando literalmente me sente, como yo soy nueva en su grupo y pues escucho de todo, ella me pregunto si estrella cuando yo estaba en la mesa grande habia dicho algo de ella y todo, y yo le dije que no (xq es verdad). Tambien pude notar que el grupo se parte en dos grupitos, un grupito es conformado por arandano, manzana, lechuga y banana, y el otro por estrella, kiwi, vainilla, rabano y mora. Granadilla se pasea entre esos dos grupos. Yo la verdad mas paro con el grupito de arandano, manzana, lechuga y banana, pero no es como si todas las 11 no estuviéramos unidas siempre, solo que por ejemplo en la hora del comedor, obvio estamos las 11 en una misma mesa, pero por ejemplo en la parte de la izquierda nos ponemos yo, arandano, manzana, lechuga, banana y granadilla, y en la parte de la derecha se ponen estrella, vainilla (la mejor amiga de estrella), kiwi (la que literalmente parece estar pegada como chicle a estrella durante toda la clase y que van al gym juntas), rabano y mora. Pero bueno. No se, la verdad yo tambien veo que estrella manipula a las demas a su favor y eso incomoda pues, pero no se que hacer. Por momento todas las chicas de mi clase en general, sean de mi grupo o no, les caigo bien porque me conocen. Pero a las chicas de las otras secciones que no son de mi grupo les caigo fatal, porque yo tengo "imagen de creida" segun todas las personas de mi cole q no me conocen. Y pues no se que hacer, osea, yo la verdad no he tenido ninguna perjudicacion en ese grupo, pero por ejemplo estrella ya ha rajado de mi con un amigo que tenemos en comun (el me termino diciendo) y pues no se. Lo de que ella habia rajado de mi yo ya converse con ella de eso y quedamos bien pero no se. que debería hacer?
submitted by Radiant-Bike-9543 to u/Radiant-Bike-9543 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:14 WokenOmegaHero18 Code is 240669659

Code is 240669659 submitted by WokenOmegaHero18 to TemuNewUsersASAp [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:47 enieto87 No dejo de enojarme... "Se le tiene que salir de el Alfonso..."

Que poca madre...
Le llaman "El Alfonso" un espacio entre los dos pulones... como "Una gonoda" dicen...
Saben lo de "Con una gonorrhea..."
Ustedes creen que en ese salón social me dieron solo los pulmones de la niña esa? O hay más putas madres en esa sopa? Porque cualquier mamada esa como decir "El Alfonso" puede ser una chingadera como de Falopio... "Los opiodes..."
Un día estaba con la hija de xochitl fuimos a comprar una pipa para opiodes en fantasias el triunfo.. no existen fantasias el triunfo solo fantasias Miguel y almacenes el triunfo...
Eso me lo dijeron en el 2012... 2013... esto me lo pusieron en el 2014...
Dice McNamara... después del cometa ison ya todo todo había acabado...
Que yo ya la mantenia....
Entonces de que creen que se trata...
Ese es el pedo... a mi si me da un chingo de coraje...
Porque entonces no te vas a chingar a tu madre... a que te mantengan...
O esperan aquí mantener a todo el pueblo... el nuevo Brunei... no tiene sentido de nada...
En Japón nadie quiere lo mantengan...
Pinche gente caras de verga...
submitted by enieto87 to LasAventurasDeEnrique [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:00 SailorKnight3 Shame that it has come down to this...

Shame that it has come down to this... submitted by SailorKnight3 to karens [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:25 Nervous_Stress9779 Just gonna leave this here

Just gonna leave this here
In case the carrot continues to drop wages yknow.
submitted by Nervous_Stress9779 to InstacartShoppers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:10 Outrageous-Flower589 Did I just hit the jackpot?

Did I just hit the jackpot?
Pioneer RT 707 Tape player for 30$? I don’t know much about these. Tested it out and it works flawlessly. Not a scratch on it
submitted by Outrageous-Flower589 to hifiaudio [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:51 torredepaso Me construí un librero para ampliar la sección de ciencia ficción y fantasía: Me faltó espacio. 😅

Me construí un librero para ampliar la sección de ciencia ficción y fantasía: Me faltó espacio. 😅
Mis libros de SciFi y Fantasía estaban amontonados entre mis otros libreros, decidí darles un espacio digno y construí este librero, según yo me iba sobrado incluso para meter nuevas adquisiciones. Al final tuve que dejar afuera varios de Sanderson porque se llenó jaja. Cómo estaban todos separados no dimensioné bien cuánto espacio ocuparían. Ni modo, vamo a tener que hacer otro librero. 😎
submitted by torredepaso to libros [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:23 Jerges1 ¿Conocen novelas cuya trama sea una minitrama?

Este término probablemente lo conozcan mejor quienes hayan leído El Guion de Robert McKee, pero básicamente una minitrama es una trama minimalista, centrada más que nada en el conflicto interno de los personajes y en las cuales el protagonista suele ser pasivo, a diferencia de lo que McKee llama una arquitrama, que es una trama arquetípica y un tipo de historia contada desde tiempos inmemorables (como en los mitos griegos), en las que el conflicto es externo y el protagonista es activo.
Creo que lo más parecido a una novela con minitrama que se me ocurre son las novelas de Jane Austen como Orgullo y Prejuicio o Sentido y Sensibilidad, centradas más que nada en los sentimientos y la psicología de los personajes.
Pero ustedes, ¿conocen alguna novela que sea así?
No se debe tampoco confundir la minitrama con la antitrama, la cual contradice absolutamente todo convencionalismo narrativo tradicional y en la cual entran géneros como la antinovela, como Ulises de James Joyce o Rayuela de Julio Cortázar.
submitted by Jerges1 to libros [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:23 Friendly-Shirt-1088 Boicots y Palestina - ¿para qué sirven?

El otro día vi una nota diciendo que McDonald's perdió no se cuántos millones de dólares gracias al boicot de los pro-palestina.
Al chile quiero entender, pero, ¿cuál es el beneficio de que McDonald's pierda dinero? Digamos, ¿cómo eso ayuda a Palestina? No es como que ellos financien la guerra con sus ganancias. Y esto aplica a cualquier empresa, digo Mc porque fue la que me salió en la nota.
Edit: de hecho me gustaría añadir, que estos boicots hasta hacen más daño que ayuda en su totalidad. Perfectamente McDonald's podría despedir a un montón de personas para mitigar las pérdidas. Quienes se van serían personal de restaurante, es decir, la clase trabajadora. Es solo un ejemplo, no digo que así vaya a pasar.
submitted by Friendly-Shirt-1088 to Ticos [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:17 Nicdutch The perfect combo!

The perfect combo!
Un Cheese bacon, une poutine et un Pepsi.
Cantine La Fringale de McMasterville. Great fries, great cheese and the sauce has a little sugary taste. Délicieux!
submitted by Nicdutch to poutine [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:56 enieto87 Que venían pidiendo créditos con la misma concatenación...

"Mari Jose Gamboa" una persona de aquí conocida...
Atropello a un marihuano tatuado y con "PIERCINGS"
Que tenían ya no ni a Erin ni a Eve... menos a McCarthy o a McNamara... con la última es con la que la confunden...
Como una encargada de "Un programa" era ficticio como si fuera el Dr Astro Jose o Johnny Kim... aquí todos perdedores...
No es equiparable... esa gente era lo máximo...
Si no eran perdedores porque no tenían gente genuina... original...
PIERCING... yo creo que va más allá de John R Pierce...
"De Monit se le puso Graphana..." Aso madre cuando me dijeron... sentí el hierro de la sangre de esas niñas... en la segunda palabra... hervir...
"A Enrique le gustan los tacos de moronga..."
Y para todo ya tenían un putazo como tenían a Erin bajo la hipnosis... una cosa tremenda.. de abuso psicológico y cuanta madre que le hablában llorando y gritándole...
Unas letanías... tremendas...
Como cualquiera... dirían... "Yo creo ese guey ha de ser su marido..." te haces pendejo...
Aquí ya sabes que va a pasar... yo llego a ver mamadas fuera del criterio de mi propio consenso con el grupo de gente que yo quiera.. "Los Johns..." y rápido... 3 seg van a aparecer en la pantalla... duro... por putos pasados de verga.
submitted by enieto87 to LasAventurasDeEnrique [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:41 enieto87 Otra vez me enoje...

Veo a mi amiga Niurka, como me quiere, porque se acuerda de mi de nino, me dijo... cuando iba al show cubano. en Merida...
Llego una persona de nombre "Aranda", me pregunto... "Tengo un Gallo muy muy fino..." pero te lo cambio, por unas gallinas negras, se que tienes... si si tengo varias gallinas negras retintas, muy negras, muy bonitas me regalo mi tio Caimo.
Ya tienen pollas, "Trato hecho", creo que le cambie el gallo por 3 gallinas negras.
Cuando me contaron bien bien de que se trata eso... y que la brujeria... que enganaron a Erin, con lo del Palo Mayombe... "Si yo solo mate un gallo..."
Eso significaba no se que tantas, pero tantas putas madres increibles...
"Tu sabes para que usan a las gallinas negras..." ahi te vayas imaginando... "El McPato..."
submitted by enieto87 to LasAventurasDeEnrique [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:50 NeedySet Honduras momento

Honduras momento submitted by NeedySet to Honduras [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:09 TontoPolar Ayudenme gente me dice que mis audifonos bluethot no se pudieron conectar a la pc, ya intente actulizar drivers y nada, no se si a alguien mas le ha pasado. :c

submitted by TontoPolar to Bluetooth_Speakers [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:54 Yarbles The Official Report of the April RVA Reddit (no we haven't) Bookclub

We met up on a rainy Sunday about a month ago and talked about some books. Our pick this month was Killers of a Certain Age by Deanna Raybourn, because Assaulty wanted to read a story from an elderly perspective. The characters in this one were not really elderly - they were maybe 60 - but that's an advanced age for an international assassin. It seemed like most people liked it, though it's not everyone's preferred genre. It did resolve itself really well. I thought there were maybe too many main characters stuffed into a shorter book. The_OG_Bert liked the cold hearted professionalism the ladies conducted their business, they really leaned on their experience to their advantage. At one point they compared notes about the best vein to open up for a discrete kill.
Asterion7 brought a bunch of books he had read to pass out including The Wolf Den by Elodie Harper Stolen Focus: Why You Can't Pay Attention—and How to Think Deeply Again by Johann Hari, and Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel. He also had The Weird: A Compendium of Strange and Dark Stories, which someone had brought to a previous meeting. Maybe that guy will get it back some time. He's finishing and really liked Menewood by Nicola Griffith, the second of the Light of the World series. He and Skyverbyver talked visiting Pompeii and going to museums there that really made The Wolf Den that much more interesting.
Assaulty did the same thing - brought a bunch of books in an attempt to declutter a bit. She shared Still Life with Bones by Alexa Hagerty, No Country for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy, The Moor's Account by Laila Lalami, and The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison. These are all exceptionally good books. She spent the most time on Ruth Ozecki's The Book of Form and Emptiness, and it sounded interesting enough for us to add it to our list. She also talked about other Ruth Ozecki books including My Year of Meats.
The Book of Form and Emptiness is about a neurodivergent kid, and Ozecki weaves in pop references and talks about education and mental conditions. But she approaches these conditions not as tragedies, but as new opportunities for perspective. It has themes about hoarding and decluttering, and even has a positive things to say about schizophrenia. She read Hollow Kingdom by Kira Jane Buxton, Richmond's Unhealed History by Benjamin Campbell, and The Hundred Years' War on Palestine by Rashid Khalidi, saying that the Ottoman Empire part was particularly interesting; and recommends In Memorium by Alice Wynn, about a couple of gay friends who bonded over a shared love of poetry going off the fight World War Uno.
Aimee tends not to pick up a lot of Contemporary Fiction, so she was not likely to get much from Killers of a Certain Age. She talked about The Fig Tree by Goran Vojnović with Olivia Hellewell translating, and a few other books like The Power by Naomi Alderman and is reading the Silo compilation by Hugh Howley. Coconut_sorbet read the three books in the Remembrance of Earth's Past series starting with The Three-Body Problem, and said while they are incredibly heavy and hard to wade through, it's totally worth it. Apparently the fourth book is a fan fiction that someone sent the author and he supported it enough for it to be published.
The_OG_Bert read The House is on Fire by Rachel Beanland, which is about a Richmond Theater kinda near where MCV is now that apparently burned down, and has been working through The Lord of the Rings. He's finding the audiobooks to be a really good way to experiencing the story, but found that the library doesn't always provide the narrator that you like, and that can ruin the flow. Skyver read Spark of the Everflame by Penn Cole, a romantasy that leaves you hanging at book 3.
Aurora has mostly been reading award winning books and we talked bout the differences between Hugos and Nebulas. One basic difference is that fans vote for Hugos while professional panels select Nebulas. Besides Killers of a Certain Age, she knocked out The Tower at Stony Wood by Patricia A. McKillip, which she says is YA but really good. Unfortunately the author passed away and Aimee brought this one in last time. She read The Spear Cuts Through Water by Simon Jimenez unique but dense, saying it's possibly a best book she ever read candidate. The themes are more about the oral tradition and how stories are told, and includes first-, second-, and third-person narratives. What Feasts at Night by T. Kingfisher; The Saint of Bright Doors by Vajra Chandrasekera , calling it a great Sri Lankan story but a little hard to explain; Translation State by Ann Leckie; The Water Outlaws by S.L. Huang, which is like a classic Chinese novel but with LGBT characters; The Terraformers by Annalee Newitz, saying the book had great ideas, but she didn't love the execution.
She liked Some Desperate Glory by Emily Tesh, saying it was the best novel she'd read in a while, so that could be literally out of hundreds of books; and Starter Villain by John Scalzi, who is a lot more popular than I thought. Muffin and Kim both liked this one, saying it was a popcorn read, but hilarious, and none of them wanted to ruin the experience by giving away the plot. There was also Shigidi and the Brass Head of Obalufon by Wole Talabi which sounded like a lot of fun, being a heist story about deities working as independent contractors with the main character being minor nightmare god.
She told us about Palimpsest by Catherynne M. Valente which she read for a book club bingo contest, which both Skyver and Asterion loved. It's very weird, about sexually transmitted passes to parts of a city. The book has a lot of sex in it, but Skyver said it's not sexy or titillating at all, it's mostly a metaphor for addiction. We talked about In the Night Garden and several other Catherine Vallente books, like Comfort me with Apples, Space Opera, and In the Cities of Coin and Spice.
Incorrigible_Muffin read a few books: Recovery Dharma: How to Use Buddhist Practices and Principles to Heal the Suffering of Addiction, which teaches a series of quick, practical techniques; This is How You Lose the Time War by Max Gladstone and Amal El-Mohtar; two John Scalzi books: The Kaiju Preservation Society and Starter Villain; The Other Significant Others by Rhaina Cohen, a series of case studies of deep friendships and platonic soulmates, trying to refocus of what society values to community and friends. She recommended a memoir by Rachel Willis The Risk it Takes to Bloom. The last one talks about becoming a woman, but missing those most important milestones in your life like your body developing through puberty.
She told us about You Dreamed of Empires by Álvaro Enrigue with Natasha Wimmer (Translator), describing it like a Bridge to Tarabithia but with time travel about anti-colonial uprisings; The Other Valley by Scott Alexander Howard, which she said was a mindfuck, but with interesting bureaucracy; and Lilith by Nikki Marmery, calling it lush and sexy and suggested you read it in a natural environment like a garden. I had brought in The Violence by Delilah S. Dawson for Assaulty to borrow, and Muffin said it is an excellent follow-up to Brutalities: A Love Story by Margo Steines. Aimee said it reminded her of The Power by Naomi Alderman. The author of The Violence Dawson got her start by writing Star Wars novels; I thought that was pretty cool.
We talked about Friends Don't Fall in Love by Erin Hahn, which is a sizzly slow burn, but funny; and A Study in Drowning by Ava Reid. But I didn't catch who brought those up.
We talked about the new series Fallout. I thought that someone who hadn't played the game might not be able to get into the series, but Coconut hadn't played it and absolutely loved the show - some of the scenes are right out of the game, and the nostalgia of the experience was the most exciting part of it. The show was set in LA, and I played Fallout 3 and 4 and New Vegas, and the composition of the scenes in the show looked like they were right out of parts of these games. Coconut also said that the Bad Batch star wars cartoon was straight up good storytelling. I've heard really good things about it, but then I look at the art and am immediately turned off. To me it looks like complete ass. Coconut agreed, saying that's the worst part of the experience, but it still manages to impress. I definitely need to give it a try. Asterion7 said the same thing about Xmen 97. Skyver is particularly excited about it, saying that the animated series is the only media that really follows the comics, and the comics were pretty awesome. She used an example: Mystique is Nightcrawler' father in the comics, but Marvel cowardly ran away from that gender fluidity in all their other media content.
Muffin was excited about Walter Goggins being in Fallout because of his work in Righteous Gemstones. Aimee is reading the Silo compilationand respects what the show did. Of the written series, Asterion7 didn't like Dust, and Coconut didn't like either of the second or third books, but both loved the first one. Most people who have seen it have good things to say about Star Trek - Discovery. I keep confusing it with Voyager. I'm not sure why, but I've always avoided it because of that.
Coming up on May 19
Coming up on June 23
Coming up on July 21
Coming up on August 18
Coming up on September 22
submitted by Yarbles to rvaBookClub [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:15 Chef-keef231 Poster and date released by Mexican distributor for the crooked man

Poster and date released by Mexican distributor for the crooked man submitted by Chef-keef231 to HellBoy [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:02 enieto87 Los tales Creditos... todo es falso... "Es que le estan diciendo"

Es completamente falso...
Me encontre un dia a una persona que trabajo en la tienda "Fabricas de Francia" de nombre "Adal", me saludo, en el Banco Banamex... ah que gusto verte, saludos, hace tiempo ya...
Ahi trabajaban 2... el tal Adal y su companero Marco... el segundo se parecia fisicamente al tal Alan... el violin que llego a La Paz... a buscar a Erin... "Que lo mandaba McNamara..." en cuanto se acredita... se sale... todavia se quejo... "Mi prima es una hija de su puta madre..." mi amiguita...
Siguio... la historia...
El vecino el tal Alfonso, dijo, "Mi hijo ya no vive en Irlanda, ahora en Berlin..." yo ni le pregunte, habla el solo pasa enfrente de mi casa con un perro... "A nadie le interesa", como les interesara... como se dan cuenta, si uno lo escribia o lo decia...
Los tales creditos si algo me decian, era... "Un hombre de tez morena, que trabaja en la tienda Liverpool, cerca del departamento de libros..." agarre un libro de donde basaron sus "Tributaciones", que se llama "Destructora de Reinos" de una escritora de nombre "Victoria Aveyard." algo asi... lo lei... "Senti... esto son puras putas mamadas..." diferente a lo de Roth... ese era, todo a chingar a su madre... pero querian diera la vuelta a informarme la situacion. "Si no te informas... la polvora no truena..." y si, tiene cierto grado de razon... se perdio tiempo, pero es equiparable a muertes. y ni modo... que me gustaria que no... pero pues... yo no puedo ir contra su consciencia... que se donaten... que viva en estilo de vida y la experiencia. es su problema.. ya entendieron...
Me puse a hojear los libros... paso el hombre haciendo un show... "Por eso!! POR ESO!! gritaba... decia meneaba la cabeza..." a mi me daba risa... "Ojala no llegue aqui con los soldados..." que tenga muchas muchas cosas que hacer... Arriba Juarez... POR ESO!!! POR ESO!!... toda la gente gritando...
Y me voy y me voy y me voy.... No quieren los beneficios.... entonces, por favor chinguen ya a su madre...
A la suya... que buena historia, para combinar de entrada la aberracion de "Las madres" "LA M" Los Migueles... los judios... Tiene esto que desasolvar...
No va a ver desmadre... a chingar a su madre...
Quieren aeropuertos, trenes aereos... NI VERGA... NI PUTA MADRE.. NADA...
Es mas los van a poner hasta de Gobernadores... para que mas les metan la verga.
submitted by enieto87 to LasAventurasDeEnrique [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:28 3HaDeS3 Made it to Plat while only playing Xayah on mid lane

Made it to Plat while only playing Xayah on mid lane submitted by 3HaDeS3 to xayahmains [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:19 drake_burroughs Is this the darkest Legion story ever told? We say goodbye to some old friends, hello to the new creative team, and look at Legionnaires 77 - 79 and Legion 121 & 122

Is this the darkest Legion story ever told? We say goodbye to some old friends, hello to the new creative team, and look at Legionnaires 77 - 79 and Legion 121 & 122
The times are dramatically changing and we say goodbye to the longtime creative teams that, believe it or not, crafted this version of the Legion for 6 years. To put this into perspective, Paul Levitz's second run lasted 7 and the 5YL Legion lasted 5. So they're one of the longest runs in Legion history.
I wanted to make a point about the sales on this book to clarify an error I made before. Up to this point, this was the lowest-selling Legion book ever. The only saving moment they had was Final Night, where sales spiked up again because of the book's connection to DC's big crossover. But once that was over, they just went back down again, eventually cratering and heading for cancellation.
But, post-threeboot, Legion sales were even worse. Every Legion book follows the same pattern - nice sales for the first issue and then an almost precipitous drop quickly after.
However, and this is where I'm going to be a little mean, I think that this version of the Legion is the worst-selling Legion book when compared to the rest of the comic industry at the time. I think that Legion v7 selling 15,000 copies a few years ago is much worse than Legion v4 selling 17,000 in 1999.
Let's talk about the high points of this run:
  • I'm going to call out Jeff Moy first. He lasted the entire run, brought a youthful energy and enthusiasm to the book that the other title was never able to match, and made the book his own. Yes, I could nitpick anatomy, perspective, and storytelling problems, but I can't argue with the simple fact that he drew the hardest superhero book for six years, hit all his deadlines, and created a good-looking book. His Legionnaires were fun, happy, and looked their ages. He's also a part of some of the best stories of the run and his contributions were unparalleled. I don't know if he gets put onto the Legion artist pantheon but he definitely deserves consideration.
  • I know it seems obvious to say that Mark Waid was the best writer this run saw, but I don't know if that's something you can argue against. I think they really missed his talents when he left and the book would've been much better if he stayed.
  • Roger Stern and Carmela Merlo brought a competency and professionalism to the writing team when they joined and brought back a lot of the youthful energy the book needed.
  • KC Carlson oversaw one of the worst times in Legion history (the end of 5YL) and somehow made a reboot work that didn't completely offend longtime readers. It's a tough job to oversee two interconnected books (also something that was never attempted before or since) and made it work.
  • We got some classic Legion tales: the Mordru battle, Violet and the Emerald Eye, the creation of the Fatal Five, the Daxamite attack on Earth
  • We got the definitive takes on a few characters: Triad, Invisible Kid, Shrinking Violet... and some great updates on a few: Brainiac 5, Star Boy, Bouncing Boy, Matter-Eater Lad... and some of the best new Legionnaires: Gates, XS, Kinetix, Kid Quantum, and Monstress.
And the low points:
  • For every Moy book that looked good, we got some really bad artwork from Lee Moder and Scott Kolins.
  • I still will never figure out why Tom McCraw kept his plotting job after the bad ending to 5YL and he had just as many misses with this run. I know he's constantly talked about as a Legion historian, but there needs to be more to your job, right?
  • I've seen a lot of posts defending Tom Peyer, but I just never saw it. He'd get one good issue out of 12 and, for the most part, dropped the ball more often than he scored. There were too many times when it just felt like he was phoning it in.
  • Some absolute clunkers of stories: almost everything after the Mordru saga, the reintroduction of Invisible Kid II, almost everything involving McCauley, almost everything involving Apparition and her past...
  • Some horrible new versions of the characters: Apparition, Ultra Boy, Element Lad, Saturn Girl as mind-controller... some shaky new versions: Live Wire, Cosmic Boy, M'onel, Umbra... and the worst new character in the Legion: Koko.
All in all, it's a run that has high highs and painfully low lows. I will still argue that this run needs to be included in any reboot/relaunch of the Legion and ignoring some of these characters and changes would be to the detriment of the series. But I also don't think it comes close to the second Levitz run or the first couple of years of 5YL.
Let's continue the reread:
Legionnaires #77
The entire Legion heads to the beach for sun, sand, romance, and to catch a thief... kinda...
These are the kinds of issues that this creative team has shown they do well so I'm expecting it to be fun. I've said before that I love it when the Legion is hanging out and just being friends.
Let's focus on the important parts of the story:
  • Almost the entire team heads to Summer World, a planet that is basically all beach, so they can relax, spend some quality time together, and bond.
  • While there, Element Lad wants to figure out who's been stealing stuff the past few issues (such as the crystals a while ago), so he's got Sensor, Monstress, and Kinetix to help. They go undercover (yes, the gigantic woman and the talking snake) to try to figure out which really rich person was behind all the crimes.
  • In a fun twist, the criminal ends up confessing and turning himself in as he realizes that the Legionnaires are after him and he can't take the strain and pressure. Yes, it's silly, but it works in this issue.
  • Lori Morning arrives as well, alongside Amilia Crugg, and we get a nice fashion moment with Monstress.
  • To show you just how seriously the Legion is taking Jan's quest for the thief, Monstress deserts him to join Lori and XS to go on some rides. Like I said before, this issue is just about fun and anything remotely heroic is put to the very far back burner.
  • On the romantic front, Chuck and the Luornu's spend some time together and it's revealed that at least two of the three personalities like him. We also get more Dyrk/XS moments, which I'm glad to see, and the introduction of a Monstress/Jan romance... now I'm sad that we won't get much more of this before the change in direction.
  • I also have to give credit for how they handled Kinetix here - she finally gets her personality back and was key to a lot of things going on in this issue.
Maybe it's because I just had a nice, hot vacation, but I really enjoyed this one and loved that it showed the personalities of the Legionnaires again. Although, to be honest, I would've loved to have had just a couple of panels of Gates complaining about the opulence, the sand, and the heat...
It's also the final issue for the writing team and I think Tom McCraw, Roger Stern, and Carmela Merlo really leaned into what they did the best. It's a nice way to wrap up their run.
LSH #121
In a complete change of tone, we're back with the Fatal Five (four?) story. Let's go random stream of consciousness while I read...
We start with a desolate planet called Tenazor and a huge ship crash lands into the surface. Is this the Fatal Five? Someone else?
Oh, and I have to say I love the Walt Simonson sound effects they use here - not sure if they paid him for the style and look but they should.
Half the team is flying back to the Outpost (although at this point I'm honestly not sure who's assigned where, but that might just be my bad memory... or I'm wondering why the lightning twins aren't here) when their beach memories are interrupted by Brainiac 5, who's nice enough to recap last issue. He tells them they warped the whole Outpost through a stargate and they crashed on the planet from the first page... even though the ship that crashed didn't look big enough to be the Outpost.
Umbra and M'onel have already arrived at Tenazor and, since it's under an orange sun, the Daxamite is only at half strength. Which is perfect when going against the Fatal Five. The villains have already started turning the locals into slave labor, because they have to make the villains even more villainous, right?
M'onel tries to fight everyone by himself, uses absolutely no strategy aside from attack, and gets blasted by the Emerald Eye. I will repeat what I said last issue - does any Legionnaire actually think before they rush into battle? He and Umbra are quickly defeated before the rest of the Legion arrives, including Gates and Brainy.
We get a nice moment between Kinetix and Violet, as the latter worries about facing the Eye again and Kinetix reassures her that she's afraid because she hated the evil that she did. They hug and I, once again, wish they did more with Zoe.
Brainy comes up with the incredible plan of while the Legion is fighting the Fatal Five, he'll sneak in and regain control of the Outpost. Yep, that's it. No need to consider strategy, or the best members for attacking the different foes, or how Ferro is going to accomplish anything...
Subplot: Dreamer has, of course, a bad dream about something ending too soon for the Legion. We all know it's this series (only 4 issues to go), but wouldn't it be great to do a subplot with Dreamer where she wakes up, surprised by a good dream?
The battle starts and Karate Kid takes down the Empress (who I guess isn't tied to the Eye at all) with one move. Wow - they could've actually written a compelling fight scene and let the two of them go but, instead, just let Val defeat this killer with one move. Kind of a waste, if you ask me.
As the fight continues, and the Legion actually uses teamwork to go against the Persuader, we get a very strange scene with Gates single-handedly teleporting the Eye away. He also gets to throw in some nice socialist dogma while he's doing it, just in case there was anyone who wasn't sure what his political beliefs are. Just kinda overkill right now...
Element Lad and Kinetix try to change the Emerald Eye into something less threatening, Sensor makes Validus think his lightning is going against him so that Violet and Ferro can knock him unconscious. (That's something I never thought I'd see in a Legion comic).
And then Koko takes off to save a green monkey. Yes, you read that correct. We're interrupting the action to focus on Koko saving another monkey.
Brainy distracts Tharok, allowing Dyrk to cut the power to the Outpost and end the threat. He blasts the villain with a force field (just going to say now that I really liked that they added this to his arsenal - using the force field as an aggressive weapon was a great add to the character).
Element Lad creates a magnesium flare and blinds the Emerald Eye. Another thing I didn't think I'd see in a Legion comic.
We wrap everything up very quickly, as the villains are captured, M'onel flies the Outpost back into space, and Brainy leaves Koko on the planet so the white monkey can bond with the green monkeys. The Legion wonders what harm Koko can do, but we see that he's already leading the monkeys with a Legion wristband on him.
That's not going to go well, is it?
I actually kinda liked this one, if only for the massive amount of teamwork used. They probably didn't need to reform the Fatal Five for this, and they defeated them really, really easily, but the Legion worked as a team, so that was okay for me. Or maybe I'm just in a better mood today...
The more I think about it, the more I feel like the creative team used the Fatal Five for no other reason than they knew this was their last chance. It's their final issue and I think they wanted to go out with a bang, using the best villains in the Legion arsenal. I now kinda wish they had scrapped a lot of the previous issues and done something a little more epic. But that's been a constant complaint for the McCraw/Peyer team - they just never knew how to actually lay out a storyline.
Legionnaires #78
Here we have it - the first regular Legion title written by Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning (Or DnA). Oh, and a barely remembered artist named Olivier Coipel shows up for the final two pages as well. Let's see how they handle these characters...
One of my favorite things to notice during rereads is how well the new creative teams introduce new concepts and ideas and how well they keep characterizations consistent. In some cases, the teams slow build, adding things here and there and try their best not to completely recreate the book. In other cases, they immediately start throwing their new ideas in.
Rereading this book, there are a couple of elements that are almost immediately evident:
  • A more scientific slant to the book. Rather than have the book feel like a regular comic book, DnA immediately throw in basic sci-fi concepts such as Asimov's Law of Robotics (almost too much of that, but I'm still happy they're doing it). Brainiac 5 comes up with a solution to their problems by reprogramming their opponents. The book finally feels like something that is happening in the future. (On a complete aside, why would Brainy use anything by Asimov? Wouldn't Colu have come up with their own rules for robots because they created robots first? Or because they are superior, intellectually, to Earth?)
  • Continuing with that, the introduction of Robotica. Unless I completely forgot some older Legion story, this is the first time we're hearing of a robots-only world... okay, I can think of a couple from the very old days of the Legion but I'm not sure that's what they're referencing. I doubt any reader knew where this was going in this first issue by the writers.
A change in a few relationships:
  • Jo and Tinya immediately change, as they show her want to work away from her husband and do something without him. In one page, they establish that they're not just an annoyingly-attached couple that can't exist without the other. It's also the first time Tinya felt a little like Phantom Girl.
  • Live Wire brings up the idea of marriage to Saturn Girl and she's receptive. Wow - that's fast. But, again, they immediately throw out the "Garth can't handle the separation and acts like a petulant child" storyline and have him acting like a more mature character.
  • XS and Monstress joking together about their teammates, showing that they're more connected than we thought.
  • Brainy no longer being a complete ass, but just kinda snarky and curt. It's a subtle change, but shows some growth.
One smart think DnA did here was just use 4 main characters for the story: Cosmic Boy, Apparition, Brainiac 5, and Monstress. Instead of being overwhelmed by the gigantic team, they went small (something they'll continue for over a year) and focus on just a few of the characters.
And finally, the last two pages start the destruction, as stargates are destroyed and whole systems are wiped out. Death and destruction are coming and heading towards Earth...
LSH #122
Legion of the Damned, Part One
After reading this book, I spent some time trying to think of comic series that underwent dramatic, intense changes in both style and level of quality. I mentioned this before, but I always find it interesting when series get new creative teams and go in dramatically different directions. I like to see what big and small changes they make.
For this series, the change is incredibly dramatic.
The only comparable book I can think of is when Grant Morrison and Richard Case took over Doom Patrol. It went from a fairly standard, somewhat uninteresting superhero book to a trip through Morrison's crazed vision of a broken bunch of heroes. The book was immediately 10000 times better and eventually joined the Vertigo universe to allow Morrison to push the envelope even further.
I can't imagine what it must have been like at the end of 1999, after spending years reading the Archie Legion, to suddenly have everything shift to such a degree.
DnA have taken everyone's fears of Y2K and turned them into the Blight, an evil alien consciousness that has taken over the Earth, destroyed everything (including Interlac, which is no longer on display), and taken possession of the Legionnaires, turning them into slaves.
At the heart the of Metropolis is The Stem, the huge organism from which the Blight conjure energy ribbons for transportation. It's also believed to be part of the network that brought the Blight to Earth.
There are almost no beings left on Earth, just the Blight. The scared few who are free are trying to escape by getting resistance leader R.J. Brande to use the last remaining stargate to help them get off planet. And leading them are Live Wire, XS, Chameleon, and Shvaughn Erin.
But they face the possessed versions of Umbra, Ultra Boy, and Karate Kid and, except for Cham, fall under the Blight's control. Cham's lost, desperate, trying to find help, when the four Legionnaires from last issue (Cosmic Boy, Apparition, Monstress, and Brainiac 5) finally return to Earth with no clue of what's happened.
Wow, we just got really, really, really dark.
Legionnaires #79
Legion of the Damned, Part Two
DnA and Olivier Coipel continue this story, so I'm going to assume that this whole series was done months earlier to ensure they could hit this bi-weekly schedule. In that case, the previous creative teams had to know that their run was over far sooner than I guessed before.
We start this issue with Cham explaining to the four what happened and just how quickly the Blight took over the Earth and their former teammates. His big reveal, of course, is that everyone was taken to The Stem.
To further stress the darkness of the story, we see inside The Stem and see XS's fate. She's been taken prisoner and is now being processed for power sapping. She's trapped inside a cocoon, breathing some strange liquid, but because of her powers, she cannot be kept unconscious. So she's aware of the horror around her. She's heading towards the end and knows she's about to lose everything.
Then we get a flashback to when the four finally reached the Legion Outpost. Tinya is being her usual annoying self, whining about not getting to see Jo. Monstress is trying to keep positive but Brainy is tired of her tantrums. It's moments like these when you remember that Tinya's around 16 years old... and married... and emotionally immature. Last issue's change is already tossed to show that she sometimes is going to act like a little kid.
As the four board the Outpost, they immediately realize that it's empty, hasn't been used in a while, and something very bad is happening. The Blight recognize they're onboard and blow up the Outpost just as they get away. But the blast destroys their ship and they crash on Earth. I guess the Blight brought the Outpost to Earth at some point, right?
Tinya wakes up from that nightmare (strange that she's super annoying in her own dream) and chats with Cham about how they need to get into The Stem to try to figure out what's actually going on.
Within The Stem, XS is being taken further into the chamber when she starts communicating with a telepath. She's waking up, her speed powers allowing her to get over the sedative. She sees the remaining Legionnaires hanging from the ceiling, like food, and then decides it's time to escape. She also recognizes the telepath - it's Saturn Girl. She bursts from her cocoon, grabs Saturn Girl, and starts running.
Outside The Stem, the five head towards the huge organism, looking for a way to get inside. Brainy spots a opening and explains the science behind how they can get in. I'm just going to point out right now that I really like the way DnA are handling Brainy. He's actually acting super intelligent, and above the rest of the team, and irritating in a stubborn, smug way instead of just being an ass.
Inside The Stem, Jenni's too tired to continue and Imra tells her to leave her behind. Then Imra shares what she's seen, what she's learned inside The Stem and XS is stunned.
To make matters worse, the Blight have sent all the possessed Legionnaires to destroy those who are free.
We'll finish off the Blight next week!
Our next Legionnaire in the spotlight... Element Lad!!!
To me, Jan Arrah is the soul of the Legion and the one who made the Legion a family instead of just a team. Having suffered from quite possibly the most horrific origin story of any super-hero ever created, he became the backbone of the team and one of the best leaders ever. Perhaps he, more than almost any other character except for Dream Girl, benefited from being the team leader during the Levitz run and that's what's coloring my judgment here. But I don't think so. I think the strength of the character has been there from very early on and Levitz and Giffen leaned into it, turning him into a must-have Legionnaire.
Sadly, post-5YL, he has never been used to his potential and most of the creative teams don't seem to understand his importance.
  • Let's go back to the beginning - his entire planet was wiped out by Roxxas, leaving him as the only survivor of the planet Trom. As a child reading these books, I don't think I ever quite understood the magnitude of the suffering or the crime. As an adult, it's stunning that he can even get out of bed in the morning.
  • Looking back through the issues, has Jan always had the best (or worst) hair of any Legionnaire? From the feathered look in the 70's to the awesome perm in the 80's, he's always been styling an epic do.
  • I actually quite liked the way they turned Jan bisexual in the 90's and made it something completely normal and natural. It was epically progressive writing for the time and surprising from one of the big two comic companies. Looking back on it now, however, I do wish that their whole motivation for changing his sexual preference had been for a better reason than "he wears a pink costume."
  • Speaking of costumes, I've always liked the Element Lad costume - especially when he had the Interlac letter E on his chest. It just felt more futuristic, if that makes sense.
  • What I didn't like about that change was how they handled the Shvaughn Erin side of the story. The Jan/Shvaughn romance had been one of the strongest parts of the series, romantically, and a mature relationship that readers were happy to see. I honestly think they were in the same category as Jo/Tinya or Mon-El/Tasmia. But to reveal that Shvaughn was essentially a stalker who changed their gender to get close to Jan really debased it.
  • I always love the issues where Jan lets loose and actually shows just how powerful he is. I mean, think about it - he could kill Superman in a heartbeat. He could've killed Darkseid and ended the Great Darkness Saga in one move. Luckily, his moral code is one of the strongest, but he could easily defeat any other Legionnaire. I think of that early 70's issue where he's about to kill Roxxas but can't - he just can't go against his own morality.
  • I was far less of a fan of Jan in PZH as they just turned him into a stoned airhead who stumbled around, never really did anything of any importance, and seemed completely clueless about any social interaction. When he suddenly turned into a mineral, that made things worse. Sadly, they were only starting to use him in a slightly interesting way at the end of the series.
  • And I really struggled when he turned heel at the end of Legion Lost. I get the reasoning but he just wasn't the character to do it to. It was so out of left field that it felt like something being done for shock value instead of story value.
Thoughts? What are your memories of Element Lad?
Next week we get to the end of the longest Legion title to ever exist and see what happens to the characters after that. See you next week!
submitted by drake_burroughs to LegionofSuperheroes [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:00 -Thinker- Hero Tier List 6.0.1! Added Max Goof

Hero Tier List 6.0.1! Added Max Goof submitted by -Thinker- to DisneyHeroesMobile [link] [comments]
