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r/PCBuild: Where Pc Building enthusiasts can receive and give advice about anything!

2013.05.02 22:36 Juiiceboy r/PCBuild: Where Pc Building enthusiasts can receive and give advice about anything!

This is a sub for Pc-Building enthusiasts, where you can get and give help about anything! (Questions, Budgets, etc.)

2008.09.24 02:07 Computer Help

Computer help from your peers and experienced hands. Our Discord: Best Free Antivirus: BitDefender or Kaspersky.

2019.11.20 09:10 Off My Chest Philippines

A Filipino community where we work to make it a safe space in which you can unload your burdens, as well as celebrate your wins and milestones. This š’‚š’Šš’Žš’” to be a non-judgmental space where you can vent things you want off your chest and find support in each other. May posting here bring relief to you.

2024.05.19 02:18 IndecisiveDucky Associating songs/things to your ex

Throughout our relationship my ex and I associated a lot of things to each other; Howlā€™s Moving Castle, Kimi ni Todoke, Pucca/Garu, Hello Kitty/Dear Daniel, Lamp songs, Mac Demarco, etc. When I look at those things now, I just get kind of sad because before they had a lot of meaning to them. I canā€™t even listen to Merry-Go-Round of Life without tearing up.
Anyways, all this to say, is there a way to detach them from things you like? Is it bad I hope he might think of me when he sees these things too lol :,)
submitted by IndecisiveDucky to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:18 AdministrativeSun970 I 21F am in a sexless marriage with 22M. AITA?

I have been married for a year now with my husband. Weā€™ve been together for over 2 years now and had a wonderful emotional and physical relationship. Over the past 8 months or so our sex life has dwindled into nothing.
Iā€™ve brought it up multiple times and he feels bad because his sex drive has gone down. I just donā€™t know what to do. We are so young. The last time weā€™ve had intercourse was in feb I think and before that was a couple months as well. Iā€™ll offer but he either turns me down or lets me give him a blow job but will tell me after he feels bad if he says no. So then I feel so much worse.
I feel like I canā€™t ask because if I do it makes him feel bad. I mentioned that I had been taking care of myself and one night I told him I was in the mood. He said he was not so I told him I was going to go downstairs and take care of myself. I felt guilty immediately. He came downstairs and went outside to smoke, then went back up.
When he went back up so did I. I felt like I was doing something wrong and the mood was completely gone. He said that I was doing nothing wrong but he felt bad. He was mentally off the rest of the night and is still bringing it up in a joking manner.
I feel like this is going nowhere. Iā€™ve brought up that I feel unattractive to him at this point. He continuously tells me thatā€™s not the case and it just his sex drive is lower. Heā€™s brought up going to the doctor about it. I love him more than life but this is not something I knew would happen when I married him.
Do I urge him to go to the doctor? Do I pretend nothing is wrong? I feel terrible.
submitted by AdministrativeSun970 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:18 WhiteOleander5 Iā€™m a shit mom

TL;DR - Iā€™m a shit mom since having my second baby 4 weeks ago
How do people do this? How do you get over the guilt that comes with the second child? Or is it just me?
Guilty that I canā€™t give my first as much attention as heā€™s used to and guilty that I canā€™t give my second as much attention as I gave my first.
I feel like my newborn spends so much time in her bassinet while with my first I held him all day. I feel so guilty like sheā€™ll think I donā€™t love her. Probably irrational but skin to skin is a real thing with babies.
Iā€™ve tried a carrier with her but Iā€™m worried sheā€™ll get hurt - my son is 3 and he has had some regressions with his sister coming along - more hitting, kicking, biting, not listening, pooping in his underwear, just generally acting out etc etc. I feel like Iā€™m playing defense the entire time Iā€™m alone with them - today he got mad I couldnā€™t get him something bc I was breastfeeding his sister and so he ran up and tried to pull her hair and then when I pushed his hand away he tried to slap her head and I pushed him away harder and then he grabbed my hair to pull and was dragging my head down whilst Iā€™m trying to feed her and I yanked him off and yanked on his hairā€¦ he started bawlingā€¦ I feel like such an awful mom. I apologized and we talked about it but idk. How do others do this?? How do you protect your newborn from a younger child while simultaneously keeping both of them alive?
Heā€™s not in daycare, we have a part time nanny but she will be ending with us in two weeks bc my son will be starting preschool, but he doesnā€™t start preschool until the end of August.
Iā€™m 4 weeks postpartum. Luckily my little girl is so far pretty chill - much more than my son was at her age - but Iā€™ve resorted to quickly feeding her and then putting her back in her bassinet to keep him away from her. But then I feel awful sheā€™s alone in her bassinet all day and night except when Iā€™m feeding her. Sheā€™s so sleepy itā€™s not like she plays much yet.
And then of course I feel awful that my firstborn is so clearly struggling with this change. Iā€™m tired and although we try to do one fun thing a day, we definitely arenā€™t on the go like we used to be and I simply canā€™t give him my undivided attention.
In general just feel like Iā€™m failing both of them and like a really shit mom šŸ˜­
Any suggestions? Does this get better or easier at all? Am I ruining my newborn? Am I ruining my son?
submitted by WhiteOleander5 to Mommit [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:18 Decent-Swordfish-584 empty vent

i donā€™t have anyone to talk to but i want to get it out i really want to kill myself i no longer see a reason to try anymore i know itā€™s lame to give up but i donā€™t care anymore i plan on killing myself i need to get things cleaned up and fixed around me and then i will die i no longer care about those who i hurt i just want to be free from everything no matter what choices i make theyā€™re wrong i can never do anything right i just want it all to stop so yeah im just ready for it all to end
submitted by Decent-Swordfish-584 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:17 Past_Albatross4895 Boyfriend has had phone off for 6 hours ! Pls help

Hello. I am needing urgent help. Me and my boyfriend who knows I have BPD had a argument earlier + last night he brought all the stuff I gave him and pictures of me and us to me. I got visibly mad and said some stuff I shouldn't have. I stormed off and slammed the door as he was walking off to his car to leave. I didn't kno he wanted to break up he never even explicitly said that. I tried to call him to talk it out and his phone has seemingly been off for 6 hours now. I can't stop crying. And assuming the worse. What if he's hurt? What if he's dead? And that's the last thing I said to him? I called his job and he's not there, his brother can't get ahold of him. Please tell me what I can do in this situation. I don't know if it's my BPD anxiety or I truly have a feeling he is hurt somewhere with no way to call anyone. Please someone help me, rationalize, or give me advice, am I having a BPD episode or is something legitimately wrong?? Will he contact me when he's ready? I can't shake the feeling he's hurt. I haven't stopped sobbing.
submitted by Past_Albatross4895 to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:17 Other_Chance_5089 thin bangs

thin bangs
Hi all! Iā€™m in my forties and have had bangs on and off throughout the years - after about 4 or so years of not having them, I went for it again. I like how I look when I see them facing myself directly in the mirror, but tilting my head in natural light, I can see that itā€™s very thin even though the hair comes all the way from the top of my head. Some of it is because of my cowlick, but a lot of that is because my hair is so thin itā€™s sheer against the light. Hairdressers usually tell me I do have a full head, so itā€™s thick enough that I donā€™t have bald spots or anything, but it still looks somewhat sparse in the front. Thing is, I have a major fivehead and a long face, so I do tend to feel like my face looks more balanced and I look more youthful with bangs. Does this look very bad to you all? I used Batiste sweat activated dry shampoo and Kristin Ess dry texture spray to give it a bit more body and grit. Any tips? Thank you in advance. :)
submitted by Other_Chance_5089 to finehair [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:17 Fun_Will1296 What Does Someone Do If They Lost Their Best Friend?

Months ago my best friend, a literal sister from me stopped talking to me. Iā€™ve been thinking about this for a while and Iā€™m not sure what to do about it. I reached out to her asking if I had done anything wrong and she told me that I hadnā€™t been inviting her to hangout but she was the one who had our group chat on mute. Everyone Iā€™ve told this to has told me itā€™s not my fault but I am such a bad over thinker that I am constantly thinking itā€™s my fault and that I did something wrong. She stopped looking at me in the hallways and saying hi. Stopped everything. I reached out to her sister and got so nervous but it made me so emotional when her sister spoke to me like she had just spoken to me the day before. Her family was like mine, my mother passed away and her mom was my mom. We joined this new friend group and she hangouts out only with this one girl from the group. I wonder if Iā€™ve been replaced or I am just overthinking that too. But I keep finding myself telling myself that I shouldnā€™t worry this much but any moment I get to catch my thoughts thatā€™s what I think about. Can someone give me advice on this, anything to ease my mind?
submitted by Fun_Will1296 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:17 Willing-Priority2314 Need help with neighbors leaving fecal matter in backyard

My neighbors have lived next to me for about five years. For the most part we have been on pretty good terms. They are heavy smokers and often smoke marijuana and cigarettes. I like to keep a few windows or screen doors open when Iā€™m home and often the smell gets in when they smoke. I get really bad headaches from the smell so I try to close them as soon as I catch a whiff. By then it is usually too late and the smell is in my house. I have previously asked them to just shoot me a text when they are lighting it up. They smoke quite often and itā€™s multiple people so they have different schedules. All I asked was for them to send a quick text before doing it. I donā€™t have to respond, you donā€™t have to do anything else. They didnā€™t do this for the longest time. I would remind them and explain I have really bad migraines because of it. I take pills for it and do all that I can to combat it from my side all that I ask is that they do the bare minimum. Only recently after years of asking have they started to do this and I have thanked them and said how much it helps. This isnā€™t the problem, I just thought it was important to add to show their mentality when asking for simple considerations.
For the last few years my backyard has been getting remodeled. For a while it has been a bunch of dirt and whatnot. Recently had time to pay more attention to it and finished the remodel. The same neighbors have four big dogs and they use their backyard as a dumping ground for fecal matter. Emphasis on four really big dogs who leave four times the amount of feces and at a larger size. Also the wind blows from their house to ours. As I previously mentioned, I havenā€™t used the backyard recently due to remodeling so havenā€™t been back there as much. I have left some of the windows and whatnot open but never have smelled it to the point of it being an issue. Since it is newly refurbished, Iā€™m trying to use my backyard more but the stench is unbearable. Itā€™s hot and is left sitting out there for weeks at a time. I texted them again and explained the situation. Iā€™m not looking to start something up again but I have remodeled and will be using the backyard more. Iā€™m not throwing any loud ragers, just small garden parties. I even told them that you donā€™t have to keep it squeaky clean but if I am throwing a party a certain day can I text you ahead of time so you have time to remove it before the party? We agreed. First few times it worked. I texted and they removed. I donā€™t like having to tell them to clean up their own dog poop but I understand compromises must be made. However the last year or so they have become worse and worse with maintaining their end of the deal. Sometimes they donā€™t text back till the day after the party, they donā€™t remove it, or have passive aggressive remarks. I donā€™t throw many parties and they arenā€™t even always outside. Iā€™d say once a month maybe, so that is only twelve times a year they have to remove it. It has gotten to the point where they havenā€™t cleaned it up. Iā€™ll set up for outside but the smell is so unbearable my guests end up going back inside. I spent a lot of money and put a lot of hard work into this remodel and would like to use my own backyard. It is my daughterā€™s birthday this week. I texted them same thing as usual. ā€œHey Iā€™m having a small party for Lucy and a few of her friends in two days, just wanted to let you know so you have time to clean up the dog stuff, thank you!ā€ A day before the party I got a really passive aggressive reply (more rude than usual) saying, ā€œI canā€™t drop everything Iā€™m doing every second you want throw a party, I wonā€™t bend to your whim anymore, no wonder your old neighbors left they probably hated you, please stop these threats and harassing me and my husbandā€ I was shocked. We have always been cordial enough and Iā€™m very understanding if something is going on in their personal life, if there was an emergency or they are out of town, etc. I responded back asking them if they were gonna remove it. No response and night before the party now, they still havenā€™t removed it. I have been patient and understanding for years, this week Iā€™m filing an official complaint with police and their landlord. It is apparently illegal in our city to leave any pet feces on public or private property, itā€™s a serious health and house code violation. Is there anything I should know or do before filing a complaint. I will not be warning them or giving them any heads up. I have given them plenty of time and leeway but they take advantage of it. I wonā€™t be doing anything petty like egging or TPing so donā€™t try to suggest that. Thanks to anyone who reads all of this.
submitted by Willing-Priority2314 to neighborsfromhell [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:17 silenuus [M4F] I ask of you, are you my master?

A magus cannot rest, even in the rain.
The barrage hammering his umbrella only distracted him for a moment from the bitter cold that misted his breath. Around him, the decent people of the world took shelter, seeking the warmth of cafes and restaurants until the worst of the deluge passed. Those unlucky enough to be stuck outside huddled beneath umbrellas, newspapers, or a hood. But even in the heated stores and restaurants, fear reigned. People stole nervous glances up from their phones, scanning the streets for a quick moment before looking back down. They hugged their coats tight; parents gripped their childrenā€™s hands to keep them from running into some alley they would never return from. There was no question: something besides rain weighed on the city. This wave of ā€œincidents'' had claimed multiple lives and left the police at a loss. But who could blame them? The duty of resolving these incidents lay on the master's clan. The Ritual required the blood of heroes, not of innocents, and he would not allow such to be spilled on his watch.
ā€œThis way, Master,ā€ his Servant murmured. She walked a little ahead of him, hidden beneath a heavy yellow raincoat. It had taken some convincing to get her to conceal herself; she refused to shed her armor even in publicā€¦ which meant that people would be taking pictures wherever they went. The coat, at least, would hide this stranger from the eyes of ordinary people. What it could not hide ā€“ even from the back ā€“ was the aura of raw determination that radiated from her. He could imagine her face on the other side: a strict, cold stare that withered injustice at a glance.
He gave a soft murmur of approval before following her away from the main thoroughfares, toward the docks and warehouses that dominated the coast. The dock district was the epicenter of the ā€œincidentsā€ ā€“ and no surprise. Dark, oppressive, and cramped, this urban snarl promised a well-hidden warren for vermin to hide in, as well as an excellent hunting ground. Drunk sailors and longshoremen made easy prey, to say nothing of the odd out of towner who got lost around here. They all had been devoured for mana. To involve sleepwalkers in the matters of magi violated all principles of honor and decency, and to him fell the duty of executing the culprit.
Thus, they walked onto the predatorā€™s turf. Their logic was simple: the fastest way to deal with an ambush is to spring it. A stalking predator only emerges from the underbrush when it thinks it has the upper hand. The question then, is whether they had prepared enough to compensate for this home-field advantage. Crossing into the maze, though, the young Master wondered whether any plan would be enough. It was almost pitch black beneath the thick rainclouds; shining signs and windows cast thin lines of light along the alleyways and roads, glinting on the water choking storm drains. There could be anything hiding in these blind alleys and derelict buildings; each one could hide a coiled serpent. The damp air felt thick enough to chew.
A moment later he walked right into his servantā€™s back. Sheā€™d drawn up short, dropping into a martial posture.
ā€œClose?ā€ he murmured.
The scent of the enemy led them to a dark back alley. A pile of garbage in a rusted dumpster decomposed beneath a rat king's tangle of wires above, a snarled mess that ā€“ in theory ā€“ powered this building as well as several others by stealing power and internet. The Master stole a glimpse over his shoulder at the road beyond the alley's mouth. Still save the rain. When he glanced back, a pulse of mana turned his servant's blade red hot; it melted through the padlock with one clean slice. As the chain splashed to the ground, hissing in a puddle, she edged the warehouse's door open with raised sword. As they entered the offices in the back of the warehouse, the smell hit him: sickly sweet, nauseating. Mana. The predator lurked nearby. They had reached its den.
As they walked through the rear offices, the miasma only grew thicker. Lights were off, and while his Servant could see with her reinforced senses, he could only make out shapes in the murk, broken up by the occasional beam of neon light cutting through a window. The long linoleum floor stretched out forever between rows of mold-gnawed cubicles. Sweat beaded on his brow. Every footstep sounded like a thunderclap in the cavernous silence. As the offices ended, they faced another door ā€“ this one leading out onto the floor. Here, the fog of disease grew thickest. His servant shared a momentary glance with him before she eased it open.
The creak of the unoiled hinge was like a scream. His blood ran cold.
He had heard that a certain magus had arrived in the city to participate in the Rite of the Holy Grail. They called him the Mycoidist: his research had given him mastery of a parasitic fungus that would seize control of its victim, leaving them an empty husk he alone controlled. Now he saw that grizzly work firsthand: cordyceps-infested victims glistening with sporelike structures. Nothing human remained of them: they ambled around the room, obeying their master like machines. It was, perversely, the ideal magic for the Ritual: they had no need of their souls, so the Servant could feed on them with impunity, leaving empty husks for the master to use. The young magus murmured a few words to increase the weight of the invisible spores around him, dragging them to the ground; they would not reach his lungs. His servant had her own defenses ā€“
Not that she would tolerate such injustice for long.
She sprung forward, blade flashing through the air. The cordyceps rushed forward to meet her, giving a gutteral, abhuman howls that echoed in the rafters. The master raised his hand, crest on the back of his hand shining a brilliant blue-green in the low light. In answer to his incantation, several metal pipes ripped themselves out of the wall. It felt like a crude use for ten centuries of his family's research into magecraft, but undeniably gravity had many applications. For example: turning rebar into javelins flying at eighty miles an hour. True enough that the fungal horrors did not die easily, but each spear would stake one to the nearest surface, leaving them trapped. They had almost cleared the room when ā€“
ā€œMASTER!ā€ she snapped . He barely had time to react before she shoved him aside, throwing him to the ground with a soft grunt. A split second later, the enemy Servant's blade split the air where heā€™d stood. A clash of steel, a burst of sparks: his partner deflected the strike sending her opponent flying away. ā€œStay close, master. I cannot guarantee yourā€“ā€
He couldnā€™t sense an Assassinā€™s aura ā€“ no mortal could. But he didnā€™t need to, not one he had spotted a softer target. For a split second, his crest pulsed as he reduced the hold of gravity on his body. For all those around them, it looked like an impossible burst of speed as he headed for the front exit. ā€œKeep him off my back! Iā€™ll hunt his master.ā€
His servant had no time to answer before Assassin erupted from the shadow, poisoned dagger whistling through the air. As the servants fought a hypersonic duel behind him, he followed the faint presence of the heretic through the open cargo bay doors, bursting back out into the rain. Dozens of infected longshoremen wandered there, the spores even growing on a stacked labyrinth of crates. The Mycoidist leapt up onto a nearby crane, one foot planted high on the metal beams.
ā€œWell, well. You seek the hunter in his den!ā€ His raspy voice betrayed decades of self-serving evil. ā€œI canā€™t begrudge you your courage, butā€¦ how does the old saying goā€¦ discretion is the better part of valor?ā€
The cordyceps froze, only to turn on the young master in unison. Must be two dozen, at least. This horror explained the disappearances at least ā€“ each one was a human being, a living person that the master had failed to protect.
His teeth ground. ā€œYouā€™re a madman whoā€™s betrayed every principle of a Mage's honor, to say nothing of your humanity. Spare me your advice."
ā€œSuch righteousnessā€¦! Your familyā€™s legacy is famous butā€¦ Iā€™m afraidā€¦ it ends here, with you. You and your crest will be put to work in my service, oh magus of gravity, butā€¦ my, my, what is this?ā€
All around the young master, that spectral blue-green light shined like a vicious halo. He seized any projectile he could: the metal of a torn-out downspout from a nearby building, pipes ripped from the ground and walls, the metal prods from a forklift. At its full potential, his sorcery could control dozens of objects.
ā€œThis land is the grave of countless mages,ā€ the young master hissed. ā€œTime for you to join them.ā€
The steel hail fell.
I hope you enjoyed this (rather long) introduction ā€“ and to be clear, itā€™s more a tone piece than a starter. (Though, if you wish to build on those characters/that situation, I donā€™t mind!)
The classic Fate/stay night games and shows have always been favorites of mine. Itā€™s simply one of the greatest weeb high concepts ever: seven modern mages summon seven heroes of history and myth to fight to the death for the wish-granting power of the Holy Grail. Only one pair can survive and claim the prize ā€“ but often at a terrible cost to themselves, their values, and those they love. To secure the loyalty of their servants, each master possesses three command seals: spells they can use to issue absolute commands ā€“ even impossible ones ā€“ to their partners. What ensues is a brutal war to the death, as they stalk each other through a vicious urban jungle. Alliances shift, ideals clash, characters are tested ā€“ Itā€™s the kind of high concept that makes you jealous you didnā€™t come up with it! It also practically begs to be expanded: the system invites making up new Servants, Masters, and settings.
So, now with some more Fate coming out (still early in Samurai Remnant!, I thought Iā€™d return to RPing for it. In particular, I want to go back to basics: I want to come up with a pair of characters, Master and Servant, and put them through hell as they try to win the war and fulfill their wishes. This would harken back to the tone of the original, so Iā€™ll say up front to expect this RP to have some fairly dark content, like horror, NSFW, violence, gore, civilian death, all that good stuff. Iā€™m a proud authorial sadist: I like to put my characters through hell to find out who they really are. However, I want to juxtapose that heaviness with moments of fun and joy. A romance would be great ā€“ Shirou and Saber's starcrossed love has lived rent-free in my head for over a decade.
Beyond that, I am open to both canon characters and OCs, but I do not double. If you're playing a canon, it should be because you want to, not as a transaction. I'm also open to both canon settings and experimental ones, making our own little alternative universe, tweaking the rules, and so on. Really, my main requirement is that I'm looking for something that hews close to the tone of early Fate, especially Fate/Zero. I want grimy streets, ruthless mages, heroes out of time whose blades flash brilliantly against the concrete backdrop. I want melodramatic debates about the nature of heroism, the price of kingship, and the possibility of justice. I want One Last Night whiled away together before the dawn separates the lovers. I want horrors both eldritch and manmade, and I want to really see what makes these characters tick.
A few words about writing style. Lately, I have drifted toward a "lazy lit" style where I do write long posts when necessary like opening the RP or a scene, but keep it snappy and short for most posts. I find this keeps the plot moving along at a good clip; responses come faster when they don't have to be five paragraphs long.
One last note: I have nothing against it, but Iā€™m not familiar with Grand Order or its offshoots. If a character or concept from Grand Order inspires you, by all means pitch me on 'em, but be ready to adapt them to the tone and setting Iā€™ve described.
To summarize:
  • I want a classic Grail War scenario: Seven masters each summon a Servant from the past to battle for the Holy Grail.
  • I donā€™t need our RP to take place in any official setting. We can use some alternate world, an original world, some ridiculous fandom crossover, or any mix thereof.
  • I'm fine with OCs, canon characters, and any combination thereof, but I don't care for doubling.
  • I expect a fairly dark, serious tone broken up by lighter moments.
  • Be prepared for NSFW and horror content.
  • A strong masteservant relationship. If itā€™s a romance, I prefer to write the M in M/F relationships.
A little about me:
  • 33(ohgod)m, enthusiastic if aging weeb on the West Coast.
  • Veteran of both freeform and system-based RP, starting in the heady days of livejournal nearly, oh, fifteen years ago?
  • You can gauge my literacy level from the sample above.
  • Posting Style: Lazy lit, pretty frequent.
  • Friendly OOC. For me, half the fun of RP is meeting people from all different walks of life.
What I need from you:
  • To be 21 or older
  • To be enthusiastic and communicative
  • To add your own ideas to the plot
If youā€™re interested, shoot me a PM, not a chat. Include:
  • Your age, pronouns, time zone, and anything else youā€™d like me to know about you.
  • What you want out of this RP
  • An idea for a setting concept or character
  • An example of your writing
submitted by silenuus to roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:17 cavestoryguy Firefox closing private windows when pc sleeps

I've noticed Firefox on my pc closing private tabs when I leave it to sleep for a few days.
It's not outright shutting the pc down because the non private tabs are fine and still there but not the private tabs.
I don't have a specific number of days for it but it doesn't happen if it's just left for a few hours or 1 day. It's either 2-3 days before it shuts down the private tabs.
Is there a setting I can change for this? I checked but didn't see anything. I appreciate any help. Thanks.
submitted by cavestoryguy to firefox [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:17 MH_Throwaway-200224 One step forwards, Two steps back

Thinking about how alone I actually am despite looking like I have support gives me shivers down my back, when I otherwise feel empty. My mum has had really bad mental health struggles and I do lots of things she used to do to cope: drinking, cutting, stockpiling medication ā€œjust in caseā€, and trying to get away from my own head. She knows how badly Iā€™m currently struggling, or I thought she did, because she says so and I do talk to her about everything, but today I was having a panic attack and stressing badly and she said she didnā€™t realise how I actually felt, and it makes me a bit paranoid. All these people are saying they are willing to support me and want to look after me, they know how I feel etc etc, but they have no idea. Theyā€™re worried from the outside but inside my head itā€™s so much worse and they never will actually understand. Iā€™ve only had one person tell me they donā€™t quite understand but they want to do what they can to help. One person is honest in a world full of liars.
I get that I probably sound selfish, ignorant and possibly even spoilt because some people have no one to turn to, but I think itā€™s just as scary realising that no one can actually help me, even when they say they can. I have horrible thoughts all day, every day, and I want to hurt so badly because I donā€™t feel worthy of living my shitty life, and I canā€™t see any way out other than leaving this world. I havenā€™t experienced much, but itā€™s probably not meant to be. I have a plan, and I just want my body and mind to be able to rest.
submitted by MH_Throwaway-200224 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:17 ColdApproachLog First good approach

Yesterday I could approach a girl and ask her something, she basically rejected me by showing she's uninterested, i just said thanks and moved on, didn't care about the rejection and actually was proud of my approach.
I then realized that I don't have an anxiety of approaching, I just don't like approaching women while they're walking going places, i need to improve my choice of places, then later i might be able to start approaching women walking somewhere.
Today a friend and I were eating in a restaurant and the waitress is cute, we both liked her, when she came to give us our drinks I told her "you have beautiful eyes", she said thanks, i said "what's your name?" she told me her name then i said nice to meet you and shook her hand.
She seemed receptive, so my friend said how will you take her number? because it was kinda awkward to do that there, it's not really a big place and her cowokers are pretty near. Also i prefer not asking for it in front of my friend because girls dont like when you approach or ask them for such things in front of your friends, it seems like you're just trying to show off your balls in front of your friend, well, at least this is what i believe.
when she was close to the restaurant door i went and called her by her name and said can you please help me and pointed outdoor like im asking for directions, when she got close to understand what im saying and said "what?" i asked for her number, that was smooth and i loooved it, the whole approach just taught me stuff, it's easy to compliment just say beautiful eyes if you have nothing to say, also it's kinda hard to say "you look cute" in my language haha, so i needed something specific.
she doesn't remember it so she literally went outside wrote it in a paper and brought it to me. I was so proud of this approach, i don't even care if things will improve between us, but it just gave me the idea that i actually got it i just need to do more approaches.
I'll try to find better places to do approaches in my city, im exploring these days.
submitted by ColdApproachLog to u/ColdApproachLog [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:17 itallmattered_ third party followed me

i manifested my sp (literally scripted exactly who she was) & honestly i manifested the outcome of my relationship. it ended exactly the way i said for months it would because of my insecurities/ poor state of mind at the time. me and my sp broke up a little over a month ago. zero contact & blocked. they got back in touch with friend / third party. iā€™ve been manifesting them back, and for about a week and half i was feeling so good. stopped looking at socials secretly and stopped putting them on a pedestal. i focused on me and my self concept, was getting out more and feeling myself. affirmed and listened to nightly affirmations. along with scripting cause that has always worked for me. then all of the sudden two days ago the third party followed me on tiktok & viewed my videos several times. i ignored it and didnā€™t give her power and then she unfollowed me a day later. every since then iā€™ve gone downward. i canā€™t comprehend why the 3rd party followed me, was it to get attention? idk. itā€™s got me thinking about my sp and her choosing them even if they are friends or whatever they are. now i feel like im totally thrown off. was this movement in my manifestations? did i mess up by giving them back my power. can someone even explain why the third party would do that. idk i know i have to get myself back on track but every since then i been lowkey discouraged and back to occasionally checking socials.
submitted by itallmattered_ to manifestingSP [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:16 BeefZupreme Founders code. Its been asked million of times

WHERE DO i find one? I just want to know legit, reliable place i can purchase a founders code (pc version)
submitted by BeefZupreme to FORTnITE [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:16 Icy_Register_9067 How do you deal with the immediate FOMO of being in your dream destination but with bad company (toxic family etc)?

Iā€™m still planning on making the best of the next 10 days but I feel sad that THIS is how itā€™s happening. Logically I know Turkey or Italy or xyz are not disappearing! I can and will visit again once I have both the means and genuine people in my life I want to travel with who respect and love me, but I guess I would love some reassurance right now. Hard to not feel like I ā€œtaintedā€ these places by experiencing them under very stressful circumstances caused by toxic biological family.
Background: Just landed in Turkey on a trip with toxic parents (this is obviously not my ideal situation but I didnā€™t want to turn down a ā€œfreeā€ trip here. I was very grateful but I always pay with my mental health! I just spent the first half day in the hotel room crying and sleep-deprived after an awful being ganged up on by my narc dad and enabler mother. When I told my mom I felt really hurt and would spend the day exploring alone tomorrow (we are doing some tours after), she very falsely accused me of ā€œwanting to be alone so I can meet Muslim guys like the Turkish shows I watchā€. This is obviously a lie and doesnā€™t even make sense but she said it to make me feel shame and guilty for suggesting it.
Especially because I was so happy to have learned some Turkish over the pandemic by accident after their shows were trending on American social media. Iā€™m being shamed for a harmless hobby because my mom wanted to ā€œone up meā€ and win a fight.
Anyways, after this bad 1/2 day and an awful string of family trips (dreamt of Italy for ages- we finally went & it was extremely mentally draining), Iā€™ve decided itā€™s time to not only move out, but also never give in to pressure to go on another ā€œvacationā€ with them.
submitted by Icy_Register_9067 to travel [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:16 DeckedTick Soft Clutch Pedal

Hey all, just replaced my slave cylinder after my old one had a bad boot with a new one from the dealer, but it feels way too soft for my liking. Anyone know of any other slave cylinder that can give me a stiffer feeling clutch pedal?
And this is for my '00 2.5RS Impreza.
submitted by DeckedTick to subaru [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:16 I_am_a_zuchini Friend is smothering me

A friend of mine is recently single after two years. And I cannot deal with him. I love my dear friend but there are boundaries. He text me all day and tried to plan intimate outings with me. Heā€™s tried to plan a two person trip Disney. Heā€™s trying to come to my house all the time. Iā€™ve actively told he needs to branch out to other people because heā€™s draining. I have a job and hobbies that I canā€™t do because he demands all my attention. I understand heā€™s single and he has time that he didnā€™t have before but I didnā€™t ask for this. I told him while he is a close friend that he needs to give me space. I feel like Iā€™m dating a clingy and needy girl. I recently went out with my bf and my friend was blowing up my phone with messages saying that he loves me and sending heart and kissy emojis. My bf was honestly really upset and I explained to him the situation. He calmed but itā€™s an elephant in the room. Itā€™s honestly uncomfortable and heā€™s not listening and my next step is to block him
submitted by I_am_a_zuchini to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:16 Fine-Grapefruit-4193 Tamschei Koschlin

Tamschei Koschlin

Overlaps in Koschei and Tamlin's stories

just reading koschei wiki and wondering why too much of it matches tammy
Koschei ACOwiki:
He is regarded as a powerful sorcerer who has a fondness for imprisoning women. He is the sorcerer who cursed Vassa turning her into a firebird by day, and woman by night and bound her to his lake.
  • Maas goes out of her way to write Tamlin as Feyre's imprisoner
  • We still don't know what the Spring Court pool of starlight does, it could connect to the lake
Koschei wikipedia:
Koshchei often given the epithet "the Immortal", or "the Deathless," is an archetypal male antagonist in Russian folklore.
The most common feature of tales involving Koschei is a spell which prevents him from being killed. He hides "his death" inside nested objects to protect it. For example, his death may be hidden in a needle that is hidden inside an egg, the egg is in a duck, the duck is in a hare, the hare is in a chest, the chest is buried or chained up on a far island. Usually he takes the role of a malevolent rival figure, who competes for (or entraps) a male hero's love interest.
  • Where's Tammy's heart?
  • entrapped male hero's love interest: checks out
In The Tale of Igor's Campaign Konchak is referred to as a koshey (slave). The legendary love of gold of Koschei is speculated to be a distorted record of Konchak's role as the keeper of the Kosh's resources.
  • Spring Court Tithe: love of gold, keeper of resources
Koschei's life-protecting spell may be derived from traditional Turkic amulets, which were egg-shaped and often contained arrowheads (cf. the needle in Koschei's egg).
the needle in koschei's egg?
It is thought that many of the negative aspects of Koschei's character are distortions of a more nuanced relationship of Khan Konchak with the Christian Slavs, such as his rescuing of Prince Igor from captivity, or the marriage between Igor's son and Konchak's daughter. Konchak, as a pagan, could have been demonised over time as a stereotypical villain.
  • Plenty of Tammy apologist posts can back up a reexamining of Tamlin's character distortion, which caused him to read as a demonized villain
Nikolai Novikov also suggested the etymological origin of koshchii meaning "youth" or "boy" or "captive", "slave", or "servant". The interpretation of "captive" is interesting because Koschei appears initially as a captive in some tales.
  • Tam's also technically a slave to Amarantha when we meet him

In folk tales

He usually functions as the antagonist or rival to a hero. Common themes are love and rivalry.
In other tales, Koschei can cast a sleep spell that can be broken by playing an enchanted gusli. Depending on the tale he has different characteristics: he may ride a three- or seven-legged horse; may have tusks or fangs; and may possess a variety of different magic objects (like cloaks and rings) that a hero is sent to obtain; or he may have other magic powers.
  • Tam antagonizes Rhys plenty
  • enchanted gusli: stringed instrument. Harp? Stryga's viol?
  • horse, tusks, fangs, other magic powers: Tam's beast form, wind manipulation, shifting, glamouring, winnowing, healing
The parallel female figure, Baba Yaga, as a rule does not appear in the same tale with Koschei, though exceptions exists where both appear together as a married couple, or as siblings. Sometimes, Baba Yaga appears in tales along with Koschei as an old woman figure, such as his mother or aunt.
In the tale, also known as "The Death of Koschei the Deathless", Ivan Tsarevitch encounters Koschei chained in his wife's (Marya Morevna's) dungeon. He releases and revives Koschei, but Koschei abducts Marya. Ivan tries to rescue Marya several times, but Koschei's horse is too fast and he easily catches up with the escaping lovers. Each time Koschei's magical horse informs him that he could carry out several activities first and still catch up. After the third unsuccessful escape, Koschei cuts up Ivan and puts his body parts in a barrel which he throws into the sea. However, water of life revives Ivan. He then seeks out Baba Yaga to ask her for a horse swifter than Koshei's. After undergoing several trials he steals a horse and finally successfully rescues Marya.
  • Cut up body parts thrown in a barrel and sea water...Jurian in the Cauldron's dark freezing waters being resurrected?
  • idk how Baba Yaga fits, maybe Baba Yaga is "Lorin"
Tsar Bel-Belianin's wife the Tzaritza is abducted by Koschei (the wizard). The Tsar's three sons attempt to rescue her. The first two fail to reach the wizard's palace, but the third, Petr, succeeds. He reaches the Tzaritza, conceals himself, and learns how the wizard hides his life. Initially he lies, but the third time he reveals it is in an egg, in a duck, in a hare, that nests in a hollow log, that floats in a pond, found in a forest on the island of Bouyan. Petr seeks the egg, freeing animals along the way ā€“ on coming to Bouyan the freed animals help him catch the wizard's creatures and obtain the egg. He returns to the wizard's domain and kills him by squeezing the egg ā€“ every action on the egg is mirrored on the wizard's body.
  • Could easily turn this into a "Elain gets taken, Az goes spying to find her, figures out how to kill Koschei, turns out Koschei was disguised as Tammy, so no one's left to run Spring Court, let's give Spring Court to Elain as a sorry you got kidnapped consolation gift."
In "The Snake Princess" (Russian "Š¦Š°Ń€ŠµŠ²Š½Š°-Š·Š¼ŠµŃ"/%D0%A6%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%BD%D0%B0-%D0%B7%D0%BC%D0%B5%D1%8F)), Koschei turns a princess who does not want to marry him into a snake.
  • Who are you Viper Queen?
  • Who is Syrinx? Where'd Jesiba get him? If Syrinx and Tamlin are both chimera, are there other links btwn their characters?
Koschei hears of three beauties in a kingdom. He kills two and wounds a third, puts the kingdom to sleep (petrifies), and abducts the princesses. Ivan Sosnovich (Russian Š˜Š²Š°Š½ Š”Š¾ŃŠ½Š¾Š²Šøч) learns of Koschei's weakness: an egg in a box hidden under a mountain, so he digs up the whole mountain, finds the egg box and smashes it, and rescues the princess.
  • 3 beautiful archeron sisters
  • instead of putting the Archerons to sleep, Tam glamours them when he abducts Fefe
  • We still need to find out what's under Ramiel

Opera and ballet

  • [Koschei is the] villain in Igor Stravinsky's ballet The Firebird.
    • Benois recalled that Pyotr Petrovich Potyomkin, a poet and ballet enthusiast in Diaghilev's circle, proposed the subject of the Firebird) to the artists, citing the 1844 poem "A Winter's Journey" by Yakov Polonsky that includes the lines:
submitted by Fine-Grapefruit-4193 to u/Fine-Grapefruit-4193 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:16 Fluke_TheDuke To Buy/Not To Buy Ferris Wheel

Maybe because in my mind, Disney World is the only theme park acceptable in my valley. Iā€™ve never been to Cali Disneyland so all the dreamsnaps with it just give me coastal trashy fair vibes haha (no shade, theyā€™re fun just not ā€œhappiest place on earthā€ vibes).
Should I scoop it up anyway? Are there other good inspo pics I overlooked? Seems like a classic/ā€œcanā€™t missā€ item. Sell me on it lol
submitted by Fluke_TheDuke to DreamlightValley [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:16 Senor_Schnarf Witness to insanity, or be complicit in violence?

Hey all,
So, I live in Canada and have bipolar disorder (which even unaggravated can be a nightmare, and aggravated somehow even worse) and would say I feel my emotions pretty (read, perhaps excessively) intensely.
Like everyone else and their dog, I'm accutely aware of the genocide going on in Palestine. I even subscribe to the subreddit thereof.
Gotta be honest, I am debating unsubscribing because what I see there every day puts me into such despair and makes me miserable and sick, seeing humans treat others this way.
My requested advice is this, should I unsubscribe? I want to for my mental health, but then find myself thinking about how if seeing it is rough, living through it must be indescribably moreso.
I wonder if simple common decency indebts me to the Palestinians, that at the very least I bear witness to their suffering and remember what they go/went through. I feel like, if I were one of them and heard me speak, I'd say "Oh, some guy in Canada wants to turn a blind eye to my suffering because it gives him tHe BiG sAd, quelle dommage!"
Anyway, I was hoping to get others perspectives on what to do with this, as well as how to cope with this cesspool of a world, or if there are other things I can do or not do which may be meaningful.
submitted by Senor_Schnarf to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:15 Unoriginal1deas Starfox 64 is the best aged game of the past 20 years

Okay maybe graphically it has but gameplay wise Star fox 64 is just the top of its class.
Straight up boot up an N64 emulator and start up Starfox and youā€™ll be shocked at how this game is as fun now as it was 20 goddamn years ago.
And thatā€™s not to say other Retro games arenā€™t fun but usually when you play an old game you can see how the groundwork here would go on to inspire 20 years of innovation and evolution from that genre. You boot up final fantasy 7 and have a great time but you can see how an element of spectacle and graphical fidelity can really elevate a turn based RPG, you boot up metal gear solid and have a goddamn great time but you can see how the genre changed and shifted with later game to be a fun mix of stealth and action, you boot up resident evil and it has its charms but you feel the age almost immediately when you touch the tank control. And all of those experiences have their charm but you can see how later entries would improve on those foundationsā€¦. Not goddamn Starfox 64
So for those who donā€™t know Starfox 64 is whatā€™s called a rail shooter, a game where you fly down down a linear track shooting all the enemies along the way to build up points and then fight a boss at the end, I would say before Starfox 64 the most recent rail shooter I played was kid Icarus uprising and that game is immaculate but Starfox just does it better.
So what makes it so special? Insane replayablity and the need to accomplish multiple objectives during each level. So in day Kid Icarus uprising your only goal In the flight levels is to kill as many enemies as possible and reach the end of the stage alive and while thatā€™s true in Star fox they always try to mix it up, firstly on a normal playthrough you go through 7 levels. However thereā€™s multiple planets that you can go to on each level and the way change which stage you go to is by completing hidden side objectives during the level your currently on, but the kicker is that itā€™s not normal just find the 7 hidden doodads and finish the level, on a few of these once you accomplish the hidden objective it completely changes the current level on, fly through all the speed booster in meteo to activate warp speed and now your flying to the other side of the map and the back half of this level is completely different.
But thatā€™s not all, the game make sure itā€™s always doing something to keep you paying attention. You have 3 Wingmen with you on each stage that all provide banter to keep the pace going while each having a unique function (peppy = tutorials, Slippy = visible boss healthbars, Falco = shoots enemies or stage hazards), so every once in a while youā€™ll see your wingmen gettint shot at by enemies and if you donā€™t manage to take down those enemies theyā€™ll have to leave for the rest of the mission and the next one for repairs so your focus is quichkly being shifted to the micro challenge.
But the other big thing youā€™ll be keeping track of is the score attack aspect of the game, because you see each level has a hidden kill count you need to get, and when you reach that score youā€™ll see a medal on the level select screen, and normally Iā€™m not one to car about that kind of stuff but if you manage to hit that score requirement on every stage you unlock the hidden Expert difficulty, which turns the game from a chill game a kid could fumble their way through to something honestly kinda brutal if youā€™re not ready for it, and just having that secret difficulty was all the motivation I needed. And thatā€™s also interesting because the best way to get points is to hit enemies with charge shots that make a small explosion on impact and award bonus points for each additional enemy caught in the blast.
So when you figure all of this out each level becomes a sort of checklist. Youā€™re looking for incoming enemies and hazards to avoid taking damage, youā€™re keeping an eye out for your team members in danger when they pop up, youā€™re looking out for the hidden secondary objectives to change your route through the levels, and your thinking about what part of the level sends in what groups of enemies so you can plan out the best sections to hit with a charge shot or a bomb, and your doing all of that on a sort of timer as you fly through the level tension building up as your nearly at the bossfights but you still havenā€™t hit the score total for the medal requirement and then you hit that boss praying winning gives you enough points to push over the edge, itā€™s just an interesting way to introduce tension In a way that doesnā€™t put the player in danger.
And last thing I wanna mention is controls other rail shooters and I think even Starfox Zero seperate the aiming reticle from the character and I think that might be a mistake actually. So in Starfox the input for move and aim are the same analogue stick and what this does is means that to try and aim and shoot at certain targets and enemies you need to actually put yourself in danger to do damage and I think that adds a lot of depth to the controls that I feel was kinda lacking in Kid Icarus.
But yeah so why hasnā€™t Starfox aged a goddamn day? Because for some reason other rail shooters have never even attempted what Starfox did, with immaculate level design, and a game that can provide steady difficulty while also giving players options on how to tackle missions and alternative paths beyond the typical narrow paths and seemingly endless replay ability I promise you wonā€™t find a 20 year old game that has aged this good.
submitted by Unoriginal1deas to patientgamers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:15 Mistabbcman Why doesn't Peter ever keep the symbiote? (Spider-Man)

One thing I've noticed in Spider-Man media is that whenever Peter gets the symbiote he always ends up getting it removed and I never understood why in universe
Now before you say anything about the symbiote affecting peters mind I will say that although you're right about that you must remember that the symbiote is at least partially sentient and needs/loves peter enough to comply with not doing anything to his brain
You gotta remember that the symbiote isn't inherently evil it just acts accordingly with its host desires and boosts them because that's what it thinks is good if the host says "hey that's not good stop" then it'll most definitely stop
And yeah I could get behind the message of the symbiote being a message for drug abuse but again the symbiote makes you better in literally every way gives you dope ass superpowers and you can literally tell it to not do anything bad
Honestly peter could keep the symbiote boost without having the off brand cum version in sm2 if he just tried once to talk and reason with it
Tldr: with a little communication peter and the symbiote could be great pals
submitted by Mistabbcman to CharacterRant [link] [comments]