Truyen nguoi lon vietnam

Chửi bậy vô học thì thứ 2 không ai dám nhận chủ nhật :))

2024.05.19 04:20 Benjamin_059 Chửi bậy vô học thì thứ 2 không ai dám nhận chủ nhật :))

Chửi bậy vô học thì thứ 2 không ai dám nhận chủ nhật :))
Như đã có hẹn vs bạn u/fillapdesehules hôm nay sẽ là bài chửi bậy của một nhóm nghi là sale hoặc chạy dịch vụ. Với bọn này thì chỉ có chửi thôi chứ nói lý lẽ gì nữa
submitted by Benjamin_059 to VinFastCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:38 ravedeath1917 Kommunistisches Programm – National Revolution and Downfall of Cambodia (1980)
The Events after the Fall of Phnom Penh and the Programme of Khieu Samphan, the Peasantry and the Enablers of Capital
With the end of the Indochina war in 1975, not much remained of Cambodia’s economy either. More than half of the rice fields lay fallow, and the few industrial enterprises, the port facilities in Kampong Som, the railway lines and the bridges had been destroyed by US bombs. Although the figures are not unambiguous, their magnitude alone shows what heavy blood sacrifice imperialism also demanded of this people: In the five years of war, around 800,000 people were killed, more than 40,000 were maimed, almost 200,000 were wounded.
The constant flow of refugees inflated the capital from its original population of around 600,000 to over 3 million, meaning that by the end of the war almost half of the Khmer people were crammed into their metropolis. As is well known, the imperialist world press howled in horror and disgust when it learned of the forced exodus of this human aggregation. The US bombardment drove people from the countryside into the cities – the revolutionary nationalists had to force them back. Both actions were cruel and devastating for those affected, because both times they happened under terrible conditions, the first time under the imperialist hail of bombs and the coercion of its local police, the second time under the pressure of hunger and the state coercion of the newly installed revolutionary patriotic power. But for the imperialist propaganda machine there were no connections here. Of course, it only saw the terror of the Khmer Rouge, so supposedly of Communism. Here again was a wonderful opportunity to play out the bourgeois farce of humanism and love of one’s neighbour to the full. No mention of the mass murders in the imperialist war against the Southeast Asian peoples, no mention of the unspeakable destruction of these only weakly industrialised agrarian societies. These sacrifices were noticed at most when the insane war spending of the USA threatened to drag the entire imperialist West into the vortex of economic problems as a result of the currency crises caused by it. After all, to this day, these gentlemen are consistently proud of their efforts to preserve “freedom”.
Cambodia became the main object of these friends of mankind over the next few years. Here, indeed, all cherished values and conceptions were thrown overboard. A state without money, without postal services, without cars and motorbikes, without public transport, without telephones, television, books and the cities extinct. Only “communists” could have committed this crime; as is well known, they can be trusted with anything inhumane and in Cambodia they truly acted as the incarnation of “darkness” and “evil”. What was perpetrated before in the name of the heroes of “light” and “reason” – not a word about that, of course. It was a central organ of the imperialist offensive on the human intellect – Reader’s Digest – that first announced in 1977 that at least 1.2 million people had been murdered in the two years since the fall of Phnom Penh. Ever new figures were quickly added, which journalists claimed to have learned from the numerous refugees. It is not necessary to assume that all these reports were forgeries, because in fact the Khmer Rouge set an extremely radical course from the beginning, which certainly brought much horror, misery and also deaths. But today’s sated imperialists should perhaps sometimes look at the history books: What misery, what terror, what torment against the population is archived there – and that over centuries. The French Revolution also produced at least 100,000 deaths in the most important four years – and it did so with a machine specially designed for the purpose. It was not by chance that it was the steam engine and the guillotine that inaugurated the industrial age in a revolutionary way. But do the distinguished British gentlemen, who even then scoffed at these butchers in Paris, have fewer lives on their consciences? Those who still don’t know have to have it written on their cheat sheets all the time: The establishment of bourgeois rule has always been brutal and extremely bloody. The destruction of the traditional smallholder form of economy, the annihilation of small-scale trade and crafts always passed over those affected like a merciless steamroller. And under unspeakable tortures, the majority of these people who were expropriated without compensation were pressed into the factories and, if necessary, forced by brutal violence to slave as many hours of their day as possible for the lowest possible wages. All that was not so long ago. But it is always amusing how hastily today’s representatives of capital pretend that these are youthful sins of foreign predecessors. And this process of constant dressing for factory labour, of the destruction of both man and nature, continues both in depth and in breadth. It will only come to an end when this capitalist basis has been revolutionarily annihilated because of the contradictions it constantly produces.
However, if one wants to understand the “mysterious” processes in Cambodia, one has to be clear above all about the material and social conditions. A devastated country that was still largely worked by small peasants; a chaotically bloated capital city to which the majority of these same peasants had fled. The terror of the bombs had charged this population, once peaceful and living in the eternal grind of farm labour, with fear, but above all with unbridled rage and blind hatred. Hatred against the city in which they had to take refuge, anger against the American bombers which destroyed their existence, but particularly anger against their own corrupt aristocracy, the military as well as the city dwellers in general who sought to prolong their raison d’être by making a pact with imperialism. Now the old mixture of foreignness, subservient spirit and unease found its general discharge in a primal hatred of the rural population for their oppressors in the cities. A frenzy of revenge arose, which certainly accounted for most of the brutalities in the first year of liberation.
In order to understand this social side of this revolution in Cambodia, which gave it the ferocious expression of blood, revenge and chaos that one encounters in practically every revolution carried out mainly by peasants, one must always bear in mind the social structure already described. The strong urban-rural divide was not between agriculture and industry – the latter was practically non-existent – but it was the extreme contrast between agriculture and all the ominous trades that bourgeois statistics usually classify under the heading of “services”. Here, actually “unproductive” administration and trade – moreover, predominantly created and nourished in the service of imperialism – and “productive” agriculture faced each other. Of the “peace population” in Phnom Penh of about 600,000, this included about 200,000 Vietnamese and over 100,000 Chinese, out of a total of about 800,000. So the Cambodians did not even make up the majority of the population in their capital. Aristocracy and officials on one side, poor peasants on the other, too poor to make a living in the countryside, coming to the city because they hoped for a job, or later bombed into it. Cambodians were almost completely excluded from the trade and merchant sectors. These sectors were mainly in the hands of the Chinese and Vietnamese.
In this approaching whirlwind of social unrest on the part of the peasants, which is growing in strength, another social force tries for its survival. Young intellectuals, most of them educated in Paris, the educational centre of the former colonial ruler, want to break the corrupt tangle of local aristocracy and foreign power by force. Without any reservoir in the own ranks of the urban bourgeoisie, for the latter is practically non-existent and if it is, then hardly to be enthused for nationalist accumulation programmes with a more rigorous cut; without a proper bourgeois class, these petty-bourgeois radicals lead a practically hopeless struggle for change. Forced very soon into the rural underground by Sihanouk’s authoritarian regime, they try to implement their programme of industrialisation based on agriculture with the help of the only social class that counts – namely the rural population, the small peasants and farm workers.
One simply has to quote these illuminating passages of the Khmer Rouge’s “chief ideologist” at length, because after all the imperialist wailing, one probably does not think it possible that these “monsters” can think at all. (A Trotskyist group, persistent in its obtuseness, even opined that these “monsters” were the embodiment of… a return to feudalism!) One thing is immediately quite clear: these petty-bourgeois intellectuals, widely referred to as Marxists, communists, etc., are never ever in the tradition of the “German” Karl Marx, but of the German Friedrich List, who, under the slogan “Freedom is the goal, limitation is the necessity”, set his protectionist credo against the imperialist ideology of the free traders in the last century. The Khmer Rouge leaders are thus spiritual sons of the ancestors of today’s imperialists, those imperialists who now see in them the personified devil of communism, although they only wanted to be flesh of their flesh.
These views of Samphan and thus the leaders of the Khmer Rouge were also quoted at length because they are so popular today. In the face of the growing exploitation of the countries of the so-called Third World by Western imperialism, theories are emerging everywhere that vehemently propose the same position of “cutting off” the “underdeveloped” countries from the dominance of the world market ruled by Western capital as a panacea. And it is certainly no coincidence that one of the main representatives of these academic “revolutionaries”, the Egyptian Samir Amin, raves about the radicalism of the Khmer Rouge even after their expulsion and predicts a chain of new “Kampucheas” for the African future. Against the massive reality of the increasing internationalisation of capital and the growing global control of Western and increasingly Eastern imperialism, such “progressive” petty-bourgeois theorists place their faith in autarky, national accumulation and so-called autocentric development. Against the capitalist propaganda of progress and prosperity through freedom of trade and capital investment, which in reality in fact produces nothing but growing pauperisation and exploitation, the Good News on the other side says: Only if one can free oneself from imperialism at least for as long as it takes to be able to develop one’s productive forces independently, only then will one achieve prosperity and security for humanity.
In this respect, both sides represent only two sides of the same coin. Both claim to be able to achieve “the greatest happiness for the greatest number” within the framework of and through capitalism – as the forefather of these bourgeois tendencies, Adam Smith, already formulated this elementary lie of capital.
The utopians of capital have to acknowledge time and again that, contrary to their proclamations, the social antagonisms both within the “developed” and “underdeveloped” countries and between these countries are becoming increasingly acute. And while capitalism is pushing the development of the productive forces ever more sharply in order to satisfy its insatiable hunger for surplus value, it is precisely because of this highly productive technology that it is less and less able to transform the pauperised masses into active proletarians, i.e. to force them to the machines or into the office. While the imperialists, in their frenzied mania for surplus value, are at least throwing the whole world into growing unrest and undermining ancestral immobile relations ever more thoroughly, the heralds of an apparently radical autarky are causing nothing but confusion in the ranks of the pauperising masses. They talk of economic independence, stable economic cycles and adapted technology – all concepts that really bring out their illusionist anachronism.
And to see Cambodia of all places as a concrete approach or even an example for the feasibility of such utopias seems almost tragicomic in view of the results that are now available. But it is also a total misreading of the factual development under the Pol Pot government. Demonisation and idealisation of the Khmer Rouge have the same basis. They assume that the measures taken after the conquest of power in Cambodia were deliberate and planned. One side sees only the terror and coercive measures with which the leaders, supported by relatively small armed forces, tried to get a grip on a witch’s cauldron of panic and violence and to escape the total catastrophe of starvation – and the chaos that would ensue in turn. They see this terror and these coercive measures as completely detached from the economic and social emergency. The others confuse the factual state of extreme social backwardness in Cambodia and the emergency measures taken with an economic and social programme.
We have outlined the devastating situation in Cambodia shortly before the moment of liberation. However broad and deep the peasant unrest in the countryside may have been at the time, it must be remembered that a large proportion of these peasants stayed in the capital out of necessity during the main phase of the fighting. In any case, the Khmer Rouge, hardly more than 70,000 men anyway, fought for a long time mainly in the sparsely populated outskirts of Cambodia.
When the Khmer Rouge troops approached the capital in 1975 – likely with only about 20,000 men – it soon became clear that it was imperative to deal radically with this hopelessly bloated big head. Estimates vary, but it can be assumed that of the 7-8 million Cambodians, at least 2.5, but probably over 3 million were crammed into the capital (“peace population” as mentioned 600,000). With the severing of the umbilical cord to imperialism, Phnom Penh was up in the air as its former bridgehead. There was no possibility whatsoever to control or even feed this veritable hell of collaborators and starving refugee masses. The general shortage of rice had driven prices to dizzying heights: from 10 riel per kilo in December 1971 to 125 riel in December 1973 and on to 300 riel in early 1975, reaching a record 340 riel in mid-February. The retreat of the imperialists and the advance of the Khmer Rouge must have acted as a double signal: On the one hand, to storm against the hated parasites and the urbanites in general, on the other hand, to return to the countryside in chaos. The Khmer Rouge had to evacuate the city and channel the returning flow to avoid a total catastrophe. The fact that the displaced people left a wide trail of blood behind them on their way out of the city (for the time of the Khmer Rouge government, there is consistent talk of at least 1 million deaths) was unavoidable under the given conditions. It is significant that the majority of the massacres affected the urban population and certain national minorities: precisely intellectuals, military officers of the old Lon Nol regime, Sihanoukists, capitalists, merchants etc., and apart from the Cham (Muslims) almost exclusively the Vietnamese and Chinese minorities, whose social situation we have already pointed out.
Whether it was spontaneous peasant terror or executions organised by the Khmer Rouge, it was partly revolutionary violence against the supporters of the old regime, which as such does not speak against but for the Khmer Rouge, and partly pogroms, which the leaders at most accepted and tried to direct in the interests of the state monopoly on the use of force. But it is not so important whether the Khmer Rouge leaders had to accept or order these massacres. What is decisive is that they were forced by material development to eliminate or to have eliminated precisely those strata on which they wanted to rely. This, together with the evacuation of the cities, deprived them of any social support other than the peasantry. Thus they were at the mercy of this peasantry, which had to be disciplined for the actualisation of their “programme”. The conflict with it was therefore programmed for the time after the famine had been averted.
After the worst of the chaos had been overcome, it was attempted to use these structures, which had prevailed in a rather primitive way during the hunger phase, for one’s “industrialisation programme” by maintaining and further intensifying collectivisation. Necessity was to become a capitalist virtue. The complete lack of such “civilisational” achievements as the intercourse of money and commodities was supposed to make for an ideal, indeed classic, “truck system”, i.e. payment in kind alone. The peasants were forced into ever new production battles, because now surpluses were to be produced for export – i.e. for exchange with foreign means of production – which indeed happened and animated the leaders even further. The general command was under the iron slogan: “Work hard and try to achieve maximum results with a minimum of investment”, and the focus was on absolute labour effort.
Once a sufficient level of production had been restored, however, the whole construction was bound to collapse completely sooner rather than later. Anyone who has even a pale inkling of the travails of the infamous Stalinist collectivisation in Russia – and the Russian state was on an incomparably higher social level and had quite different means of power at its disposal – can easily imagine how the intellectual would-be enablers of capitalism in Cambodia, then practically hanging in the air, would have to perish in an orgy of violence – unless, with the help of a foreign power, they could get a grip on the chaos and create more stable conditions through a series of concessions to the peasantry. Most likely, however, they would be finished even then, like a man trying to hold on as long as possible to a wildly thrashing bull and then falling to the ground exhausted. In any case, the arena crowd was already eagerly awaiting the outcome of the tragedy.
Sovereignty, neutrality, non-alignment – this credo runs through all declarations as a complement to “autarky”. But already in the face of the first offensive by the Vietnamese, it must have slowly become clear to the Khmer Rouge leaders that these fine words could only have one meaning in our unpleasant world, namely to place themselves under the protection of the People’s Republic of China. In Pol Pot’s interview, which we have just quoted, a strange acronym appears: CPK. This means “Communist Party of Kampuchea”. And yet, to the boundless amazement of bourgeois commentators, the Khmer Rouge had never tried to dress up their declarations or their constitution with Marxist or pseudo-Marxist vocabulary – which is certainly very sympathetic to us. On the contrary, they have displayed an obvious and pedantic aversion to these concepts. Neither “vanguard of the proletariat” or “communist party” nor “proletarian internationalism”, neither “classless society” nor “dictatorship of the proletariat”, but also not “new democratic revolution”, “mass line”, “creation of a new man”, “peaceful coexistence” etc. etc. had ever been spoken of. If similar contents had to be expressed, they were paraphrased with other words. But this did not happen because the Pol Pot folks would have been particularly honest and wanted to do us Marxists a favour. This happened because in their dogged nationalism they wanted to distance themselves clearly from their neighbours Vietnam, but also China, who professed to be “socialist”. The national character of all these revolutions and states, the national character of their confrontations and of their whole politics is expressed even in the fact that the weakest link feels compelled by the instinct of self-preservation to dispense with the “Marxist” or “socialist” cloak for the capitalist programme! This is what “socialism in one country” has come to! And the adoption of the “Marxist” “vocabulary” here is a sign of the surrender of the so sacred national sovereignty. If, as already mentioned, no announcement had ever mentioned a party or revolutionary phases (there was always talk of a “revolutionary organisation” and even of “Angkor traditions”), Pol Pot told his astonished people and all those who wanted to know the following story on 27 September 1977: the CPK had already existed in Cambodia since 30 September 1960 and had achieved this miracle of a national-democratic revolution. He told it the day before he left for Beijing, on which, fighting a losing battle against the Vietnamese, he has been completely dependent ever since.
As a “plaything of foreign powers”, the nationalist intellectuals of Cambodia perished. The peasantry, largely decimated under the pressure of the imperialist frenzy and its consequences, as now under the pressure of Vietnam’s national expansion, is an example of the fate that capitalist society reserves for small and weak peoples in its emergence and development. To such peoples the proletariat alone would and will secure the right of self-determination, because unlike the bourgeoisie it does not seek national privileges but wants to abolish them, because unlike the bourgeoisie it can create voluntary union, because unlike the bourgeoisie it liberates itself not by exploiting others but by abolishing all exploitation.
submitted by ravedeath1917 to Marxism [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:14 NoCondition3949 Thế nước mạnh, vận nước lên
submitted by NoCondition3949 to TroChuyenLinhTinh [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 11:26 ornithologicality Travelling to Northern Vietnam real soon, need advice/inputs on the culinary choice.

Xin chao!
Hi, my friends and I are travelling to Vietnam soon for the first time and I'm super duper excited because I've heard great things about the culinary. So, I just want to make this trip as perfect as possible (culinary-wise) because I'm also the person in charge of the culinary itinerary. My goal is to taste the authentic Vietnamese dishes, drinks & desserts, especially the signature dishes from Hanoi. Most items on the culinary list aim for the dishes not the restaurant, so if you have any other recommendations on which restaurant to go, or any dishes we might miss, please please let me know, 😂
Anyway, here's the list:
Day 1 Hanoi
Day 2 Sapa
Day 3 Sapa, Hanoi
(Very clueless on anything worth trying in Sapa for culinary)
Day 4 Ha Long Bay
Day 5 Ninh Binh
Day 6 Hanoi
I would really really really appreciate if any locals or experienced tourists have any inputs on our culinary itinerary and please help me plan the best culinary experience in Hanoi for my friends. 🙏 Cam on!
PS. My main priority surprisingly is to try Banh da ke and I've heard it's very difficult to find, if you know any good spots that sell this particular snack around Old Quarter, preferably in the morning, please drop the location.
PPS. This is such a long post, thanks for reading all the way and the intention to help. 🫶
submitted by ornithologicality to VietNam [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 10:39 Bocchi981 [Giải ảo] VNDCCH đã nhận viện trợ bao nhiều từ Liên Xô, Trung Quốc và khối XHCN?

Ta đánh Mỹ là đánh cả cho Liên Xô, đánh cho Trung Quốc, cho các nước xã hội chủ nghĩa và cho cả nhân loại, đánh cho cả bọn xét lại đang đâm vào lưng ta.
 Dài quá đéo đọc: Lượng viện trợ quá khủng khiếp, không thua kém gì so với Mỹ đã viện trợ cho VNCH. Phần lớn lấy nguồn từ báo chí nhà nước đã đưa tin công khai. 
Bè lũ phản động tay sai ngu dốt của BTG như DLV, Bò đỏ vẫn đang ngày ngày chống phá, xuyên tạc sự thật lịch sử.
Chúng nó dùng nhiêu chiêu trò hèn hạ, bóp méo nhằm biến thứ lịch sử khách quan thành một chiều nhằm có lợi cho chúng.
Chúng nó là lũ nguy hiểm nhất, là lũ xét lại, lũ phản động điên cuồng đang bảo vệ lợi ích cho chủ nhân của chúng, chúng bán rẻ lương tâm, tự moi móc con mắt và con tim ra để mù lòa mà không nhìn sự thật.
Để chống lại bọn này, chúng ta cần lập luận bài bản để bẻ gãy luận điểm xuyên tạc của chúng.
Bài này tao chủ yếu tập trung vào việc Bắc Việt đã nhận viện trợ bao nhiêu - điều mà sách SGK luôn luôn né tránh. 

1. Báo chí chánh thống đã nói về mặt viện trợ của khối XHCN như sau
Qua 20 năm, Liên Xô, Trung Quốc và các nước xã hội chủ nghĩa anh em đã viện trợ cho Việt Nam tổng khối lượng hàng hóa là 2.362.581 tấn; khối lượng hàng hóa quân sự trên quy đổi thành tiền, tương đương 7 tỉ rúp. Chi tiết phần viện trợ tôi sẽ để bên dưới.
Thời điểm năm 1975 là 1 rúp Liên Xô = 0.25 USD, và giá vàng tại thời điểm đó là 1 ounce vàng = 150 USD.
Vậy, 7 tỉ rúp Liên Xô sẽ có giá trị tương đương với:
7 tỉ rúp liên * 0.25 USD/rúp liên = 1.75 tỉ USD (Thời giá 1975)
1.75 tỉ USD * (1 ounce vàng / 150 USD) = 11.67 vạn ounce vàng = 116 700 ounce vàng .
Biểu đồ Đôla-Vàng , tao sẽ lấy Số liệu vào ngày 12/5/2024 khi tỷ giá 1 ounce vàng = 2360.5 USD
116 700* 2360.5 = 27,78 triệu USD.
Vì Liên Xô và khối XHCN là nền kinh tế đóng, không trao đổi với khối TBCN nên tỷ giá này có thể chưa chính xác nhưng hãy nhìn vào số lượng viện trợ dưới đây.
Ngay sau chuyến thăm, theo thỏa thuận giữa Chính phủ Bắc Việt với Chính phủ Liên Xô, Trung Quốc và Mông Cổ, về kinh tế, chỉ trong năm họ đã giúp đỡ VNDCCH như sau
1. Liên Xô giúp các thiết bị máy móc, kỹ thuật trị giá 306 ngàn triệu đồng (ngân hàng Việt Nam Dân chủ Cộng hòa) để khôi phục và phát triển 25 xí nghiệp;
2. Trung Quốc giúp khôi phục hệ thống đường sắt, bến tàu, tu sửa cầu đường, xây dựng nhà máy dệt, nhà máy thuộc da, nhà máy giấy…, trị giá 1.224 ngàn triệu đồng trong 5 năm;
3. Mông Cổ giúp ta 500 tấn thịt và một số bò và cừu để lập một nông trường chăn nuôi.
Đến cuối năm 1962, Liên Xô đã giúp miền Bắc 1.400 triệu rúp, giúp xây dựng 34 nhà máy lớn, 19 nông trường và cải tạo 27 nông trường, một số trường đại học, một bệnh viện lớn…
Tranh tuyên truyền tình hữu nghị Việt-Trung-Xô
Khối lượng hàng quân sự Liên Xô, Trung Quốc và các nước xã hội chủ nghĩa (bao gồm Tiếp Khắc, Ba Lan, Hung-ga-ri, Bun-ga-ri, Ru-ma-ni, CHDC Đức, CHDCND Triều Tiên và Cu-ba) viện trợ từ năm 1955 đến 1975, qua từng giai đoạn như sau:
- Giai đoạn 1955-1960: tổng số 49.585 tấn, gồm: 4.105 tấn hàng hậu cần, 45.480 tấn vũ khí, trang bị-kỹ thuật trong đó: + Liên Xô: viện trợ 29.996 tấn, +Trung Quốc viện trợ 19.589 tấn.
- Giai đoạn 1961-1964: tổng số 70.295 tấn, gồm: 230 tấn hàng hậu cần, 70.065 tấn vũ khí, trang bị - kỹ thuật trong đó: + Liên Xô: 47.223 tấn + Trung Quốc 22.982 tấn, + các nước xã hội chủ nghĩa khác: 442 tấn.
- Giai đoạn 1965-1968: tổng số 517.393 tấn, gồm: 105.614 tấn hàng hậu cần, 411.779 tấn vũ khí, trang bị-kỹ thuật trong đó: + Liên Xô: 226.969 tấn, + Trung Quốc: 170.798 tấn, + Các nước xã hội chủ nghĩa khác 119.626 tấn.
- Giai đoạn 1969-1972: tổng số 1.000.796 tấn, gồm: 316.130 tấn hàng hậu cần, 684.666 tấn vũ khí, trang bị-kỹ thuật; trong đó: + Liên Xô 143.793 tấn, + Trung Quốc 761.001 tấn, + Các nước xã hội chủ nghĩa khác 96.002 tấn.
- Giai đoạn 1973-1975: Tổng số 724.512 tấn, gồm: 75.267 tấn hàng hậu cần, 49.246 tấn vũ khí, trang bị - kỹ thuật; trong đó: + Liên Xô: 65.601 tấn, + Trung Quốc: 620.354 tấn, + Các nước xã hội chủ nghĩa khác: 38.557 tấn.
Đối với hàng hóa phục vụ quân sự, từ năm 1955 đến 1975, Liên Xô, Trung Quốc và các nước xã hội chủ nghĩa chi viện cho VNDCCH gồm nhiều chủng loại vũ khí, đạn dược và phương tiện chiến đấu, cụ thể theo bảng số liệu sau:

2. Tài liệu quốc tế nói gì về Trung quốc viện trợ Việt Nam giai đoạn 1955-1975

Chủ tịch Trung Quốc Mao Trạch Đông và Chủ tịch nước Việt Nam Hồ Chí Minh năm 1955 tại Bắc Kinh. Ảnh: FlickChưa rõ nguồn.
Theo nghiên cứu của Li Ke và Hao Shengzhang có tên gọi [The People’s Liberation Army during the Cultural Revolution](,+Wenhua+dageming+zhong+de+renmin+jiefangjun+(The+People%27s+Liberation+Army+during+the+Cultural+Revolution)+(Beijing:+CCP+Historical+Materials+Press,+1989&source=bl&ots=Rd7O4MKoM9&sig=ACfU3U2\_gR5MyG8RCdJKr6lSfaluEVQxeA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj10MXMkN\_oAhWdyIsBHdnAAcQQ6AEwAHoECA0QKA#v=onepage&q=Li%20Ke%20and%20Hao%20Shengzhang%2C%20Wenhua%20dageming%20zhong%20de%20renmin%20jiefangjun%20(The%20People's%20Liberation%20Army%20during%20the%20Cultural%20Revolution)%20(Beijing%3A%20CCP%20Historical%20Materials%20Press%2C%201989&f=false)*”* (bản gốc tiếng Trung), một trong những nguồn khả tín nhất về lịch sử chiến tranh của quân đội Trung Quốc trên toàn thế giới, các chuyến hàng viện trợ quân sự chở đến Việt Nam bao gồm:
Trong giai đoạn 1963 đến 1975, người Trung Quốc trang bị cho miền Bắc gần 2 triệu khẩu súng, gần 50.000 khẩu pháo các loại và thậm chí là gần 500 xe tăng – thứ vũ khí xa xỉ và đắt đỏ thời chiến. Và đó mới chỉ là đến những loại quân trang thiết yếu cho chiến tranh, chưa tính những khoản viện trợ khác.
Theo ghi nhận của Washington Post, báo cáo của chính phủ Trung Quốc cho thấy có đến 310.000 quân Trung Quốc hiện diện tại Việt Nam trong thời kỳ đỉnh điểm của chiến tranh Việt Nam giai đoạn 1960 – 1970. Tổng chi phí mà họ đài thọ cho chính quyền Bắc Việt (hay Việt Nam Dân chủ Cộng Hòa) cả về kinh tế lẫn công cụ, vũ khí quân dụng là hơn 20 tỷ USD. Một đóng góp khổng lồ trong giai đoạn 1955 – 1975.

Trong tổng hợp của Li Ke và Hao Shengzhang mà chúng ta nhắc đến ở phần trước, thống kê chính thức ghi nhận Trung Quốc ủng hộ:
Gộp lại tất cả, Trung Quốc cung ứng đến hơn 687 đầu mục sản phẩm cho quân đội Bắc Việt chỉ ở Lào, phản ánh tầm quan trọng sống còn của các nguồn viện trợ Trung Quốc cho các hoạt động của quân đội Bắc Việt ở mọi mặt trận.
3. Báo chí nhà nước Việt Nam nói gì về việc Viện trợ của Trung quốc?

Những năm 1954 - 1964,Trung Quốc giúp Việt Nam 900 triệu Nhân dân tệ không hoàn lại (trong đó, phần xây dựng kinh tế là 640 triệu).
Theo 02 Hiệp định đã ký kết ngày 18/2/1959 và 31/1/1961, Trung Quốc đã cho Việt Nam vay 900 triệu Nhân dân tệ (300 triệu Nhân dân tệ và 141,750 triệu Rúp) với lãi suất 1% để phát triển kinh tế và văn hóa.
Ngoài viện trợ kinh tế, Trung Quốc còn đào tạo 4.755 cán bộ, công nhân cho Việt Nam và gửi 5.837 chuyên gia sang giúp Việt Nam.
Ngoài sự giúp đỡ của Trung ương, 4 tỉnh biên giới của Trung Quốc (Quảng Đông, Quảng Tây, Vân Nam, Hồ Nam) đã ký kết thỏa thuận giúp đỡ 7 tỉnh biên giới của Việt Nam phát triển nông nghiệp, giao thông, công nghiệp...
Hồ Chí Minh và Mao Trạch Đông
Ngày 30/5/1965, hai nước ký Hiệp định về việc Trung Quốc giúp Việt Nam nâng cấp, mở rộng, làm mới 12 tuyến đường ô tô dài 1.782 km (trong đó làm mới 772 km, cải tạo 1.010 km) nhằm tăng khả năng vận chuyển phục vụ kinh tế - xã hội và tác chiến.
Theo đó**, Trung Quốc đưa sang Việt Nam 4 sư đoàn, tổ chức thành 22 trung đoàn** (công binh, đường sắt, tên lửa, cao xạ, hậu cần...) với danh nghĩa Đội công trình làm đường của Bộ Giao thông Trung Quốc để tổ chức thi công.
Chi phí làm đường, ngoài các khoản chi mua vật liệu tại chỗ, thuê nhân công phụ và giải phóng mặt bằng do Việt Nam chịu, số còn lại Trung Quốc viện trợ không hoàn lại. **Bộ đội Trung Quốc còn giúp miền Bắc xây dựng 15 tuyến cáp dưới biển vùng Đông Bắc (**ngày 30/8/1966 bàn giao).
Ngày 20/7/1965, hai sư đoàn pháo phòng không Trung Quốc sang giúp Việt Nam bảo vệ 2 trục đường sắt từ Đáp Cầu lên Hữu Nghị Quan và từ Tiên Kiên lên Lào Cai. Bộ đội Trung Quốc tham gia chiến đấu 1.659 trận, bắn rơi 126 máy bay Mỹ. Từ năm 1965 - 1968, có 346 chuyên gia và 310.011 bộ đội Trung Quốc sang giúp Việt Nam.
Ngày 4/12/1968, Quân ủy Trung ương, Bộ Quốc phòng chủ trương đưa bộ đội và chuyên gia nước ngoài đang công tác tại Việt Nam về nước; theo đó, tháng 1/1969 số chuyên gia và bộ đội Trung Quốc rút về nước.

Quan hệ Trung Quốc - Việt Nam giai đoạn 1950-1975
Từ năm 1965 - 1968, Trung Quốc viện trợ quân sự cho Việt Nam:
- 170.798 tấn thiết bị, vật tư để xây dựng 8 công trình quân sự sản xuất thiết bị toàn bộ, tổng giá trị (quy đổi) hàng triệu Rúp
- Nhà máy Z1 trị giá 3.319.340 Rúp, công suất sản xuất 50.000 khẩu súng tự động 7,62 K63/năm.
- Nhà máy Z2 mở rộng trị giá 3.319.340 Rúp sản xuất các loại đạn súng máy, súng trường, 12,7 mm; xưởng đúc vỏ đạn cối trị giá 273.280 Rúp; xưởng gia công nhồi đạn cối trị giá 1.789.300 Rúp; xưởng sản xuất đạn B40, lựu đạn chống tăng, trị giá 816.240 Rúp;
- Xưởng sản xuất ống nổ đạn cối trị giá 1.026.000 Rúp; xưởng sản xuất ngòi nổ đạn cối trị giá 1 triệu Rúp; xưởng sửa chữa súng trung, đại liên trị giá 2.280.000 Rúp.
Về vật chất, từ năm 1965 - 1968, Trung Quốc đã viện trợ không hoàn lại cho Việt Nam 36.448 tấn vũ khí, đạn, lương thực, thực phẩm, thuốc men… trị giá 922 triệu Nhân dân tệ.

Trong giai đoạn 1969 - 1972, Trung Quốc viện trợ cho Việt Nam
- 761.001 tấn hàng quân sự, trị giá 686.659 triệu Nhân dân tệ (năm 1969 là 250 triệu Nhân dân tệ; năm 1970 là 86,659 triệu Nhân dân tệ; năm 1971 là 350 triệu Nhân dân tệ).
- Còn giúp 60 triệu USD để mua sắm tại chiến trường (gồm cả tiền mua 420.000 tấn gạo và 100.000 tấn thực phẩm tại chỗ).
Tính chung từ năm 1955 - 2/1971, Trung Quốc đã viện trợ không hoàn lại cho Việt Nam là 6.447 triệu Nhân dân tệ và 10 triệu Rúp, cho vay dài hạn không lấy lãi là 300 triệu Nhân dân tệ và 227 triệu Rúp. Tổng số tất cả quy theo Rúp là 1.775 triệu Rúp.

Trong Chiến Tranh Việt Nam, viện trợ và vốn vay dài hạn của Trung Quốc chiếm 46% tổng số viện trợ và vốn vay dài hạn các nước dành cho Việt Nam; riêng viện trợ không hoàn lại của Trung Quốc chiếm 71%.
Phần lớn số viện trợ này tập trung vào giai đoạn 1966 - 1968.
Ngoài ra, từ năm 1955 - 1975, Trung Quốc đã đào tạo cho Việt Nam 16.275 cán bộ, công nhân kỹ thuật; từ năm 1955 - 2/1971, Trung Quốc đã cử 7.000 chuyên gia kỹ thuật sang giúp Việt Nam về thiết kế, thi công xây lắp, quản lý các ngành giao thông, bưu điện...

Bọn bò đỏ luôn luôn xuyên tạc, chế giễu VNCH là con chó của Mỹ, chỉ biết ăn bám viện trợ rồi thua chạy, đu càng nhưng chúng có bao giờ dám nhắc tới lượng viện trợ khủng khiếp này đến từ Liên Xô, Trung Quốc và khối XHCN hay không để tiếp tục công cuộc "Giải phóng miền Nam"?
Lịch sử không có chữ nếu, nhưng sự thật vẫn luôn là sự thật dù nó có bị che giấu, vùi dưới lớp cát thì vẫn luôn lấp lánh như giá trị của chính nó.
Cổng thông tin điện tử Ngành kinh tế quân đội (
Những nguồn chi viện lớn cho cách mạng Việt Nam (

submitted by Bocchi981 to TroChuyenLinhTinh [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 13:45 KhangVietnam Steam got banned fr

Steam got banned fr
Yesterday i heard this shocking news: Steam is officially banned in Vietnam
What i trying to explain here: Vtc, Vng and their *Chinese game inside but with Vietnamese language outside* and they found out nobody is playing their *game*, Steam doesn't pay taxes and ton and ton of other *taxes* like bribe to Vietnamese Government and those guys were really mad about that and decided to ban Steam and force every Vietnamese folks (including me) to play crappy Chinese game like Vo Lam Truyen Ky, Audition
here's my pov of my steam (6:40 PM, May 8th 2024)
submitted by KhangVietnam to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 19:10 DadaRedCow Ho Chi Minh City streets flooded after 30 minutes of heavy rain, people shivered wading through rotten water

Heavy rain on the afternoon of May 7 caused a number of roads in Thu Duc City (Ho Chi Minh City) to be deeply flooded, the water in the sewers overflowed black, giving off a strong stench, making passersby shiver. This afternoon (May 7), in Ho Chi Minh City, there continues to be widespread early season rain such as Thu Duc City, District 12, Go Vap District, Tan Binh District, Tan Phu...
Recorded in Thu Duc City, around 2:00 p.m., the sky turned dark clouds covered and then quite heavy rain appeared in many areas.
Some roads were locally flooded after heavy rain lasting more than 30 minutes, such as Le Van Viet and Man Thien streets (the area bordering Hiep Phu and Tang Nhon Phu B wards), Nguyen Xien street (Long Thanh My ward). )...
Some roads were flooded with deep water, causing cars to stall. Besides, the flooded water was pitch black and had a strong stench, making people shudder.
After a record heat wave lasting many months, for about a week now, many areas in Ho Chi Minh City have had the first rains of the season. The heavy rain lasted for more than 1 hour on May 5 in Binh Chanh district, District 12, Binh Tan... causing Quach Dieu street (Binh Chanh district) to be flooded for about 500m.
Previously, on May 4, many districts in Ho Chi Minh City such as District 3, Binh Thanh, District 1... also received showers, lasting about 30 minutes. Although these rains are not too heavy, they have helped to alleviate some of the sweltering and oppressive heat caused by the intense heat over the past few months, bringing a cool and pleasant atmosphere to people.
According to the Southern Regional Hydrometeorological Station, in the next 10 days, high altitude disturbances (causing rain) will tend to work well, affecting the weather in Ho Chi Minh City. Forecast from May 8-16, some areas in Ho Chi Minh City have a probability of rain from 60-75%. On May 10 alone, all areas of the city are forecast to have a 75% chance of rain. The lowest temperature in Ho Chi Minh City will be from 26-27 degrees Celsius, the highest from 33-34 degrees Celsius.
The meteorological agency warns that during thunderstorms there is a possibility of tornadoes, lightning, hail and strong winds; Prevent the possibility of heavy rain causing local flooding.
submitted by DadaRedCow to VietNam [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 17:39 NoCondition3949 Vận nước đang lên? : HCM: Đường xá ngập sau mưa lớn 30 phút, người dân rùng mình lội nước thối
submitted by NoCondition3949 to TroChuyenLinhTinh [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 05:50 bahute67 Điển hình bọn cánh tả nữ quyền brain-dead.

submitted by bahute67 to TroChuyenLinhTinh [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 08:53 Sea-Green-9320 nguoi dan ba ay mang ve dep truyen thong cua nguoi phu nu

submitted by Sea-Green-9320 to u/Sea-Green-9320 [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 07:11 Anhtuan2809_deptrai Chu Binh trong Tu Vi la gi? Tong quan, dac diem va y nghia

Chu Binh trong Tu Vi la gi? Tong quan, dac diem va y nghia

Chữ Bính trong Tử Vi, biểu tượng của hành Hỏa, là ngọn lửa sáng của trí tuệ và sức mạnh. Nó vẽ nên bức tranh về tính cách rực rỡ và số phận đầy nhiệt huyết của những người mang dấu ấn này trong cuộc đời.

Nếu bạn có hứng thú với nội dung chúng tôi vừa đưa ra, mời bạn tìm hiểu thêm tại:
#chubinhtrongtuvi #chu_binh_trong_tuvi #thansohoconline
submitted by Anhtuan2809_deptrai to lasotuvi [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 11:37 Temporary-Spite-6001 Yeah, not even close. Bị ban rồi... Chưa được 1 tiếng đồng hồ nữa.

Không biết phải thằng u/khoile112 không, không hiểu tay này là gì mà vừa là mod của TroChuyenLinhTinh, vừa là mode của VietNam.
Bài mình đã đăng ở VietNamPolitics thì chưa bị ban:
What does it mean? It means they are afraid of us! I think this is a BIG win.
submitted by Temporary-Spite-6001 to TroChuyenLinhTinh [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 05:51 Curious-Chard1786 I asked chatgpt which communist revolutions occurred where citizens had rights to bear arms.

There hasn't been a prominent example of a successful communist revolution occurring in a country where citizens had strong, widespread rights to bear arms.
  1. Russian Empire (before 1917): Before the Russian Revolution, there was no constitutional right for citizens to bear arms. The Tsarist regime maintained strict control over the population, which included limitations on armaments among the general populace. The availability of weapons among revolutionaries often came through military defections or seizures of arsenals during the conflict.
  2. China (before 1949): In pre-revolutionary China, under the rule of the Republic, there were few formal protections regarding the right to bear arms for ordinary citizens. During the Chinese Civil War, much of the weaponry used by communist forces was either captured from Nationalist forces or provided by foreign allies such as the Soviet Union.
  3. Cuba (before 1959): Before the Cuban Revolution, there was no explicit constitutional right to bear arms. The Batista regime maintained control over firearm possession. Rebels, including those led by Fidel Castro, acquired arms through various means, including smuggling and capturing weapons from government forces.
  4. Vietnam (before 1975): Before and during the Vietnam War, there was no widespread legal framework allowing civilians to own weapons freely. Much of the Viet Cong’s weaponry was supplied by North Vietnam, China, and the Soviet Union, or captured from South Vietnamese and American forces.
  5. Cambodia (before 1975): Cambodia, under the rule of Prince Norodom Sihanouk and later under the Lon Nol regime, did not have widespread legal civilian access to firearms. The Khmer Rouge armed itself primarily through support from North Vietnam and China, in addition to capturing weapons from government forces
submitted by Curious-Chard1786 to Libertarian [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 04:14 cosmic_bolshevik Celebrate the 49th anniversary of the Liberation of the South and unification of the country with brilliant flags and flowers 🇻🇳🌼

Celebrate the 49th anniversary of the Liberation of the South and unification of the country with brilliant flags and flowers 🇻🇳🌼 submitted by cosmic_bolshevik to MarxistCulture [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 01:27 MariSi_UwU The eighth myth. Pol Pot is a US agent! The ninth myth. The money was canceled forever!

It is connected with the fact that when the valiant Vietnamese soldiers, who obeyed the revisionist Le Zuan, who gave the Vietnamese people to bonded labor to pay debts to the revisionist Soviet Union, the Khmer Rouge were enrolled in the "Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea." But the paradox is that not only the United States and China, but also a number of other, including neutral, states recognized this government as legitimate. Romania and the DPRK also recognized it as legitimate.
The Khmer Rouge themselves have not lost their identity in the coalition government. Their party stood apart, their armed forces stood apart, their territories stood apart, their propaganda stood apart.
We must not forget that in the 1960s and 1970s it was the Khmer Rouge who resolutely and consistently fought with the United States for the independence of Kampuchea. It was Pol Pot's supporters who stood up to the end (as opposed to Ieng Sari, Khieu Sampfan and Son Sen, who bent under different bourgeois camps) against bourgeois power in Cambodia in the 1990s, including against American and Chinese imperialism.
If Pol Pot were alive now, he would be wildly amused by accusations of an agreement with American, Chinese or some other imperialism. For him, they were limited, at most, to cooperation similar to that of Mao Zedong with the Kuomintang or Lenin with the United States. Moreover, it arose in many ways spontaneously. It was directed against the revisionists. Those who, if we do not count those who established the state capitalist regime in Vietnam already in the 1970s, then, in any case, those who established it in the 1980s, and in the 1990s in Cambodia quickly changed their mask and openly proclaimed an orientation towards capitalism.
The question of the abolition of money is not a terrible question for a knowledgeable Marxist. Money is only the most convenient form of universal equivalent, moreover, already under socialism, money ceases to be money in the full sense of the word. Instead of a fetishized equivalent, they become a formal means of calculating human labor. The further into socialism, the closer to the extinction of commodity-money relations. Not under communism, but already under complete socialism, money should be destroyed.
The Khmer Rouge had a special environment. They didn't need money at that particular time period. Calculations of labor costs were carried out spontaneously. Money dying (moreover, equalization has not been introduced) It contributed to hitting all kinds of speculators and consolidating socialist relations, which was both possible and necessary in a special era of famine and the extinction of the people. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that there was money before 1975. Cooperation in agriculture has already been carried out. 75% of the country was occupied by the Khmer Rouge before 1975, and economic development was already underway there. The Khmer Rouge has successfully passed its period of cooperation.
That's what Pol Pot himself said about money:
"As for the abolition of money and payments, I want to tell you the following: In the 1970s and 1970s, we already liberated 75-80% of the country. We had almost all the military and political power, but not the economic power, but the economic power was in the hands of landowners and capitalists. In the liberated areas, we set a price of 30 rells per tao of rice (12 kg), which was the price at which peasants had to sell rice to the revolutionary troops. But the landowners and capitalists set prices at 100-200 rells per tao of rice, and as a result, the peasants began to sell it to the Lon Nol clique. As for us, we had nothing. The population faced problems in providing food, and the same applied to our army. It also reflected badly on our national liberation war. After analyzing the situation, we decided to create cooperatives that would concentrate in their hands the entire economy, agriculture, management, food, distribution, exchange between cooperatives with each other on the one hand, and exchange between cooperatives and states on the other hand. This allowed us to solve the issue of food, it also allowed us to improve the living conditions of our people. People were inspired, they sent their sons and daughters to our Army to fight the enemy. When the cooperatives established mutual exchange, money began to fall in value by itself. In 1974, the value of money fell by 80%. After that, we asked people what they thought about money now, and in rural areas they reacted positively to these changes. After people from the cities were evacuated, they were immediately accepted by cooperatives. All this allowed us to completely abandon monetary circulation. What will happen in the future? It depends on the people. If the people deem it necessary to return to the use of money, then this will be the case. If not, then no. It's not for nothing that I told you that we don't have a clear idea how we're going to move forward. It will all depend on the situation and on the revolutionary movement of the masses." (Pol Pot, interview with the Yugoslav delegation)
Hence, we see that even in such convenient conditions, it was not planned to permanently cancel commodity-money relations. If, in the course of the development of cooperatives and industry, it were necessary to return to monetary relations for convenience, then this would be quite done. The Khmer Rouge were not covered by any dogma in their path to full socialism.
submitted by MariSi_UwU to u/MariSi_UwU [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 13:33 PermanentD34th Thêm tin hot : Các nữ tiếp viên xinh đẹp VnAirlines bị ép phải "phục vụ" cho Vương Đình Huệ.

Khốn nạn thằng mất dạy, chỉ thấy thương các em tiếp viên xinh đẹp, ngon nghẻ lại phải bú cặc, dạng lon` để cái buồi già của thằng Huệ đâm.
Đính chính: Phan Ngọc Linh, ko phải là Nguyễn Ngọc Linh
Nguyễn Đức Hạnh sinh năm 1978, ko phải là 1964
submitted by PermanentD34th to TroChuyenLinhTinh [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 04:22 Dark_Lord106 Cẩn thận thk dư luận viên đi cắn trộm

u/Mr_Hai_DLV là 1 thằng rẻ rách đi cắn trộm, chửi ng khác nma đéo có lập luận gì xong lại đi xóa comment để ko bị ban
submitted by Dark_Lord106 to TroChuyenLinhTinh [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 14:26 Mountain-Bar-320 M1 MacBook Pro - Frequent Kernel Errors Help

I'm currently residing in Vietnam and I have a 2021 MacBook Pro M1 14. These kernel errors were soon after moving on from Ventura, but I'm beginning to think it's hardware related now.
I began having issues about two weeks ago, whereby my laptop was stuck in a boot loop. When I could get it to boot (seemingly random), it would crash soon after with kernel reports (many different ones). I blanked the hard disk and reinstalled the OS multiple times (when it wouldn't crash out of recovery, again seemingly random) to no avail. I also had the black screen come up referring to doing a DFU restore, but I had no access to another Mac nor a Genius Bar.
Eventually I went to an authorised apple repair place and after battling through the language barrier, they did a full DFU restore. This has stabilised the system mostly, I can always get it to boot now but it will kernel crash a few times a day with the same log (below), just different cores that panic.
Can anybody suggest any steps forward before I accept it's a hardware issue and go back to the store? I've tried all the diagnostic tools with no issues and it does still error in safe boot? Can anybody translate the log?
panic(cpu 0 caller 0xfffffe001aec61dc): ANS2 Recoverable Panic - assert failed: [11194]:MSP 1 asserted: assert 14838, args: 5 134807552 134807552!!!! - Timer(14)
assert failed: [11194]:MSP 1 asserted: assert 14838, args: 5 134807552 134807552!!!!
RTKit: RTKit-2419.101.1.release - Client: t6000.release-AppleStorageFirmwarePreASP3-373.100.78~145~373.100.78~145
!UUID: 9b885ffe-af87-300a-804e-640289032777
Time: 0x000000041600c1b2

Faulting task 14 Call Stack: 0x000000000001a964 0x000000000001a2c8 0x000000000001a0dc 0x000000000001c774 0x000000000001e254 0x000000000001e150 0x00000000000f9170 0x00000000000f92cc 0x00000000000f93a0 0x000000000006f7c8 0x0000000000054be0

Chinook ASC Async error info:
l2c_err_sts 0x5000fbfc00000000, l2c_err_adr 000000000000000000, l2c_err_inf 000000000000000000
lsu_err_sts 000000000000000000, fed_err_sts 000000000000000000, mmu_err_sts 000000000000000000
dpc_err_sts 000000000000000000

Mailbox (0): (0)
Inbox AKF_KIC_INBOX_CTRL = 0x00107801, AKF_KIC_MAILBOX_SET = 0x11111101
Outbox AKF_AP_OUTBOX_CTRL = 0x00028801, AKF_AP_MAILBOX_SET = 0x00000000

dir endpoint timestamp msg
==== ============ ================== ==================
[TX] ioreporting 0x00000000089163ec 0x0080000000000000
[RX] ioreporting 0x0000000008916d4c 0x0080000000000000
[TX] ioreporting 0x0000000008916db0 0x0080000000000000
[RX] ioreporting 0x0000000008917954 0x0080000000000000
[TX] ioreporting 0x00000000089179d8 0x0080000000000000
[RX] ioreporting 0x000000000891850c 0x0080000000000000
[TX] ioreporting 0x0000000008918574 0x0080000000000000
[RX] ioreporting 0x000000000891a140 0x0080000000000000
[TX] ioreporting 0x000000000891a1c4 0x0080000000000000
[RX] ioreporting 0x000000000891b650 0x0080000000000000
[TX] ioreporting 0x000000000891b6b4 0x0080000000000000
[RX] ioreporting 0x000000000891c494 0x0080000000000000
[TX] ioreporting 0x000000000891c518 0x0080000000000000
[RX] ioreporting 0x000000000891ce54 0x0080000000000000
[TX] ioreporting 0x000000000891cec8 0x0080000000000000
[RX] ioreporting 0x000000000891d6a0 0x0080000000000000
[TX] ioreporting 0x000000000891d718 0x0080000000000000
[RX] ioreporting 0x000000000891deac 0x0080000000000000
[TX] ioreporting 0x000000000891df14 0x0080000000000000
[RX] ioreporting 0x000000000891e75c 0x0080000000000000
[TX] ioreporting 0x000000000891e814 0x0080000000000000
[RX] ioreporting 0x000000000891ef54 0x0080000000000000
[TX] ioreporting 0x000000000891efc8 0x0080000000000000
[RX] ioreporting 0x000000000891f808 0x0080000000000000
[TX] ioreporting 0x000000000891f880 0x0080000000000000
[RX] ioreporting 0x000000000892028c 0x0080000000000000
[TX] ioreporting 0x00000000089202f4 0x0080000000000000
[RX] ioreporting 0x0000000008920f18 0x0080000000000000
[TX] ioreporting 0x0000000008920fa0 0x0080000000000000
[RX] ioreporting 0x00000000089218c8 0x0080000000000000
[TX] ioreporting 0x0000000008921940 0x0080000000000000
[RX] ioreporting 0x00000000089224e4 0x0080000000000000
[TX] ioreporting 0x0000000008a55448 0x0080000000000000
[RX] ioreporting 0x0000000008a55d18 0x0080000000000000
[TX] ioreporting 0x0000000008a55d80 0x0080000000000000
[RX] ioreporting 0x0000000008a5636c 0x0080000000000000
[TX] ioreporting 0x0000000008a563b0 0x0080000000000000
[RX] ioreporting 0x0000000008a56928 0x0080000000000000
[TX] ioreporting 0x0000000008a56964 0x0080000000000000
[RX] ioreporting 0x0000000008a56e3c 0x0080000000000000
[TX] ioreporting 0x0000000008a56e74 0x0080000000000000
[RX] ioreporting 0x0000000008a575c0 0x0080000000000000
[TX] ioreporting 0x0000000008a57604 0x0080000000000000
[RX] ioreporting 0x0000000008a57ff8 0x0080000000000000
[TX] ioreporting 0x0000000008a58040 0x0080000000000000
[RX] ioreporting 0x0000000008a58748 0x0080000000000000
[TX] ioreporting 0x0000000008a5878c 0x0080000000000000
[RX] ioreporting 0x0000000008a58f74 0x0080000000000000
[TX] ioreporting 0x0000000008a58fbc 0x0080000000000000
[RX] ioreporting 0x0000000008a5959c 0x0080000000000000
[TX] ioreporting 0x0000000008a595f0 0x0080000000000000
[RX] ioreporting 0x0000000008a59ed8 0x0080000000000000
[TX] management 0x0000000008a59f74 0x0070000000000020
[RX] management 0x0000000008a5a184 0x00b0000000000020
[TX] syslog 0x0000000008a5a220 0x0080000080000010
[TX] syslog 0x0000000008a5a244 0x0010400000000000
[RX] syslog 0x0000000008a5a56c 0x0010410013738000
[TX] syslog 0x0000000008a5a89c 0x0050000000000000
[TX] syslog 0x0000000008a5a8a4 0x0050000000000001
[TX] syslog 0x0000000008a5a8ac 0x0050000000000002
[TX] management 0x0000000008a5a8d4 0x00b0000000000020
[RX] syslog 0x0000000008a5ad00 0x0050000000000000
[RX] syslog 0x0000000008a5ad40 0x0050000000000001
[RX] syslog 0x0000000008a5ad84 0x0050000000000002
[TX] syslog 0x0000000008d25b18 0x0050000000000003
[TX] syslog 0x0000000008d25bcc 0x0050000000000004
[TX] syslog 0x0000000008d25c64 0x0050000000000005
[RX] syslog 0x0000000008d25d0c 0x0050000000000003
[RX] syslog 0x0000000008d25d78 0x0050000000000004
[RX] syslog 0x0000000008d25da4 0x0050000000000005
[TX] syslog 0x0000000008d262e8 0x0050000000000006
[TX] syslog 0x0000000008d26390 0x0050000000000007
[TX] syslog 0x0000000008d263e8 0x0050000000000008
[TX] syslog 0x0000000008d26444 0x0050000000000009
[TX] syslog 0x0000000008d2647c 0x005000000000000a
[TX] syslog 0x0000000008d264c4 0x005000000000000b
[RX] syslog 0x0000000008d266a4 0x0050000000000006
[RX] syslog 0x0000000008d266c4 0x0050000000000007
[RX] syslog 0x0000000008d266ec 0x0050000000000008
[RX] syslog 0x0000000008d26720 0x0050000000000009
[RX] syslog 0x0000000008d26770 0x005000000000000a
[RX] syslog 0x0000000008d267a4 0x005000000000000b
[TX] syslog 0x0000000008d75360 0x005000000000000c
[RX] syslog 0x0000000008d755d4 0x005000000000000c
[TX] syslog 0x0000000008dfe6b8 0x005000000000000d
[TX] syslog 0x0000000008dfe758 0x005000000000000e
[TX] syslog 0x0000000008dfe7f4 0x005000000000000f
[RX] syslog 0x0000000008dfead4 0x005000000000000d
[RX] syslog 0x0000000008dfeb3c 0x005000000000000e
[RX] syslog 0x0000000008dfeb84 0x005000000000000f
[TX] syslog 0x0000000008e31968 0x0050000000000000
[RX] syslog 0x0000000008e31f98 0x0050000000000000
[RX] management 0x00000000092df718 0x0050002000000002
[TX] syslog 0x00000000092e45d4 0x0050000000000001
[RX] syslog 0x00000000092e49f4 0x0050000000000001
[TX] syslog 0x00000000092e8360 0x0050000000000002
[RX] syslog 0x00000000092e85f8 0x0050000000000002
[TX] syslog 0x0000000009a7aa10 0x0050000000000003
[TX] syslog 0x0000000009a7aa9c 0x0050000000000004
[TX] syslog 0x0000000009a7aaec 0x0050000000000005
[TX] syslog 0x0000000009a7ab50 0x0050000000000006
[RX] syslog 0x0000000009a7af8c 0x0050000000000003
[RX] syslog 0x0000000009a7b04c 0x0050000000000004
[RX] syslog 0x0000000009a7b050 0x0050000000000005
[RX] syslog 0x0000000009a7b0c0 0x0050000000000006
[TX] syslog 0x000000000a00b180 0x0050000000000007
[RX] syslog 0x000000000a00b858 0x0050000000000007
[TX] syslog 0x000000000a39a8ec 0x0050000000000008
[RX] syslog 0x000000000a39ae74 0x0050000000000008
[TX] syslog 0x000000001db59354 0x0050000000000009
[RX] syslog 0x000000001db597b4 0x0050000000000009
[TX] syslog 0x00000001b655dd88 0x005000000000000a
[RX] syslog 0x00000001b655e840 0x005000000000000a
[TX] syslog 0x0000000415017a28 0x005000000000000b
[TX] syslog 0x0000000415017b88 0x005000000000000c
[RX] syslog 0x0000000415081ae8 0x005000000000000b
[RX] syslog 0x0000000415081b74 0x005000000000000c
[TX] syslog 0x0000000415081dc4 0x005000000000000d
[TX] syslog 0x0000000415081e04 0x005000000000000e
[RX] syslog 0x00000004150826e8 0x005000000000000d
[RX] syslog 0x00000004150827ec 0x005000000000000e
[TX] syslog 0x0000000415fd2c1c 0x005000000000000f
[RX] syslog 0x0000000415fd3608 0x005000000000000f
[TX] syslog 0x0000000415ff9a50 0x0050000000000000
[RX] syslog 0x0000000415ffa290 0x0050000000000000
[TX] syslog 0x0000000416003448 0x0050000000000001
[RX] syslog 0x00000004160037a4 0x0050000000000001
[TX] syslog 0x000000041600be78 0x0050000000000002
RTKit Task List:
name pri stack use status resource warning
0 rtk_ep_work 057 784/2048 SEMWAIT 0x2aab00
0x000000000000eef4 0x000000000000fd80 0x000000000001accc

1 smc_mbox_work_loop 016 864/4096 SEMWAIT 0x2a8ec0
0x000000000000eef4 0x000000000000fd80 0x000000000001accc

2 tracekit_ep 001 416/4096 SEMWAIT 0x2a3e90
0x000000000000ef3c 0x000000000000fd80 0x000000000001accc

3 tracekit_log_tx 001 416/4096 SEMWAIT 0x2a2a20
0x000000000000ef3c 0x000000000000fd80 0x000000000001accc

4 Null 015 576/4096 SEMWAIT 0x3b0d00
0x000000000000ef3c 0x000000000000fd80 0x000000000016da3c 0x0000000000054be0

5 Update 015 1680/4096 SEMWAIT 0x3b1c00
0x000000000000ef3c 0x000000000000fd80 0x00000000000d0c10 0x0000000000054be0

6 GC 015 1200/4096 SEMWAIT 0x3b2d00
0x000000000000eef4 0x000000000000fd80 0x00000000000c972c 0x0000000000054be0

7 BG 015 2304/4096 SEMWAIT 0x3b3a40
0x000000000000eef4 0x000000000000fd80 0x000000000006d6a4 0x0000000000054be0

8 Push 015 1408/4096 SEMWAIT 0x3b4c70
0x000000000000eef4 0x000000000000fd80 0x00000000000da738 0x0000000000054be0

9 Raid 015 912/4096 SEMWAIT 0x3b5b70
0x000000000000eef4 0x000000000000fd80 0x0000000000150098 0x0000000000054be0

10 PreNand 015 1584/4096 SEMWAIT 0x3b6880
0x000000000000eef4 0x000000000000fd80 0x0000000000171038 0x000000000016ed74 0x0000000000171620 0x0000000000054be0

11 DataXfer 015 464/4096 SEMWAIT 0x3b7ce0
0x000000000000ef3c 0x000000000000fd80 0x0000000000134fbc 0x0000000000054be0

12 PostNand 015 1008/4096 SEMWAIT 0x3b8c40
0x000000000000ef3c 0x000000000000fd80 0x0000000000175154 0x0000000000054be0

13 Cmd 015 3616/8192 SEMWAIT 0x3bacd0
0x000000000000eef4 0x000000000000fd80 0x000000000016bb00 0x0000000000054be0

14 Timer 015 1664/4096 RUNNABLE 0 [Faulting task]

15 power 000 1472/4096 WAITING 0x1e0770
0x000000000000ef3c 0x000000000000f618 0x000000000001982c

16 System Thread 015 1152/4096 SUSPENDED 0
0x000000000000eef4 0x000000000000f618 0x000000000000be8c

17 aspcore timer tick 061 432/4096 SEMWAIT 0xffffffff400febb0
0x000000000000eef4 0x000000000000fd80 0x0000000000054ce4

Mailbox (1): (4)
Inbox AKF_KIC_INBOX_CTRL = 0x00024401, AKF_KIC_MAILBOX_SET = 0x11111101
Outbox AKF_AP_OUTBOX_CTRL = 0x00020001, AP instance uninitialized

dir endpoint timestamp msg
==== ============ ================== ==================
[RX] user02 0x00000003002a82bc 0x040d00048080201f
[RX] user02 0x000000030198b8dc 0x040d000480801f1f
[RX] user02 0x000000030a2e0040 0x040d00048080201f
[RX] user02 0x000000030b9c33b0 0x040d000480801f1f
[RX] user02 0x000000040e8855f0 0x040d00048080201f
[RX] user02 0x000000040ff68ad0 0x040d000480801f1f
[RX] user02 0x0000000414412c80 0x040d000480802020
[RX] user02 0x0000000415af637c 0x040d00048080201f

Link 0: Present, link up (Gen4 X1), ltssm 0x14(L1_IDLE), VID/DID 0x106b/0x2006, linksts 0x99000435, pcielint 0x00003000, LTSSM debug trace captured OK:
0 2101613 0 2101813 0 2100a13 0 200ca14 0 200cc54 0 1208cc94 0 1200ccd4 1b3f 1000ccd4
L-state entries: [L0] 148070 [L1.0] 182121 [L1.1] 1600 [L1.2] 32450
Link 1: Present, link up (Gen4 X1), ltssm 0x14(L1_IDLE), VID/DID 0x106b/0x2006, linksts 0x9900063d, pcielint 0x00003000, LTSSM debug trace captured OK:
0 2100a13 0 200ca14 0 200cc54 0 1208cc94 0 1200ccd4 0 1100cd14 0 1100cd54 68 1900cd54
L-state entries: [L0] 146489 [L1.0] 180901 [L1.1] 1594 [L1.2] 32818
Link 2: Present, link up (Gen4 X1), ltssm 0x14(L1_IDLE), VID/DID 0x106b/0x2006, linksts 0x9900063d, pcielint 0x00003000, LTSSM debug trace captured OK:
0 2100a13 0 200ca14 0 200cc54 0 1208cc94 1 1200ccd4 0 1100cd14 0 1100cd54 17bbe 1900cd54
L-state entries: [L0] 146262 [L1.0] 180244 [L1.1] 1579 [L1.2] 32403
Link 3: Present, link up (Gen4 X1), ltssm 0x14(L1_IDLE), VID/DID 0x106b/0x2006, linksts 0x9900063d, pcielint 0x00003000, LTSSM debug trace captured OK:
0 2100a13 0 200ca14 0 200cc54 0 1208cc94 0 1200ccd4 0 1100cd14 0 1100cd54 17bc3 1900cd54
L-state entries: [L0] 149208 [L1.0] 185078 [L1.1] 3511 [L1.2] 32359

Link 0: Unknown, link disabled
Link 1: Unknown, link disabled
Link 2: Unknown, link disabled
Link 3: Unknown, link disabled

CC: 0x00460001, CSTS: 0x00000001
Admin SQ: 0x1001556c000, size: 254, tail/head: 0/0
Admin CQ: 0x10015564000, size: 254, tail/head: 23/23
I/O SQ : 0x10015070000, size: 254, tail/head: 0/0
I/O CQ : 0x10015568000, size: 254, tail/head: 236/236
Nand_Desc : 0x2000003048424065
Unmasked HWINTMON [0] 0x0
Unmasked HWINTMON [1] 0x0
Unmasked HWINTMON [2] 0x0
Unmasked HWINTMON [3] 0x0
Unmasked HWINTMON [4] 0x0
Unmasked HWINTMON [5] 0x0
ASP summary:
HR=0x5fd018bb HW=0x37a98f33 CW=0x18def6 NR=0xd0f29397 NW=0x7663a8d8 M=0 Bu=24504 Bi=1632 V=137743KB L=8024 Q=1,1 E=0x186e
KE=0x11 KY=0x0 KD=0x0 KT=0x2bd7d LA=0x15016d36 KW=0xfbfe KQ=0
KT: EV=1024 id=10
0-0x15010f89 1-0x4fee8f4 2-0xb274816 3-0x139338da 4-0x15010f76 5-0x4ff1b38 6-0x82197c4 7-0x818b67b 8-0x818db01 9-0x818c24e 10-0x15016d36
KLA=0x15016d36 LSSTS=0x15016d4f DIFF=0xffffffe7 Plf=0x0
FBB=0xf8 GBB=0x0 RXBD=0x0 RB=0x0 PROB=0x0
UB=0x52 UECC=0x0 IUECC=0x0 PFAIL=0x0 EFAIL=0x0 CPF=0x0 CRF=0x0 RRFH=0x0 RRFI=0x0 E2EF=0x0
FWU 0xa
Intr cycles: min=0xbd max=0xc3 ave=0xc0
User cycles: min=0x4 max=0x1c ave=0x7
F[0]=49 F[1]=0 F[2]=0 F[3]=0 F[4]=0 F[5]=98 F[6]=0 F[7]=0 F[8]=2 F[9]=0 F[10]=1 F[11]=0 F[12]=769 F[13]=51 F[14]=24 F[15]=1 F[16]=0 F[17]=0 F[18]=0 F[19]=11
B: GM=0 S=1

MSP FW Version: s5e.ofw.toshiba_itlc_3d_g4_2p_256gb-

Board ID: 0x8

Buf: W=0
Shared: C=32545

hostTime: hT[0]=0x818c1fb hT[1]=0x0 hT[2]=0x0 hT[3]=0x0
[0]:FF00, FF00, 0
[1]:FF01, FF01, 0
[2]:FF02, FF02, 0
[3]:FF03, FF03, 0
[4]:FF04, FF04, 0
[5]:FF05, FF05, 0
[6]:FF06, FF06, 0
[7]:FF07, FF07, 0
[8]:FF08, FF08, 0
[9]:FF09, FF09, 0
[0]:FF0A, FF0A, 0
[1]:FF0B, FF0B, 0
[2]:FF0C, FF0C, 0
[3]:FF0D, FF0D, 0
[0]:1027, 1027, 1
[1]:FF0F, FF0F, 0
[2]:FF10, FF10, 0
[3]:FF11, FF11, 0
[4]:FF12, FF12, 0
[5]:FF13, FF13, 0
[6]:FF14, FF14, 0
[7]:FF15, FF15, 0
[8]:FF16, FF16, 0
[9]:FF17, FF17, 0
[10]:FF18, FF18, 0
[11]:FF19, FF19, 0
[12]:FF1A, FF1A, 0
[13]:FF1B, FF1B, 0
[14]:FF1C, FF1C, 0
[15]:FF1D, FF1D, 0
[16]:FF1E, FF1E, 0
[17]:FF1F, FF1F, 0
[18]:FF20, FF20, 0
[19]:FF21, FF21, 0
[0]:FF22, FF22, 0
[1]:FF23, FF23, 0
[2]:FF24, FF24, 0
[3]:FF25, FF25, 0
[4]:FF26, FF26, 0
[5]:FF27, FF27, 0
[6]:FF28, FF28, 0
[7]:FF29, FF29, 0
[8]:FF2A, FF2A, 0
[9]:FF2B, FF2B, 0
[10]:FF2C, FF2C, 0
[11]:FF2D, FF2D, 0
[12]:FF2E, FF2E, 0
[13]:FF2F, FF2F, 0
[14]:FF30, FF30, 0
[15]:FF31, FF31, 0
[16]:FF32, FF32, 0
[17]:FF33, FF33, 0
[18]:FF34, FF34, 0
[19]:FF35, FF35, 0
[0]:FF36, FF36, 0
[0]:EC2, 1025, 728
[0]:FF38, FF38, 0
[0]:FF39, FF39, 0
[0]:FF3A, FF3A, 0
[0]:7FF4, 7FF3, 32
[0]:FF3C, FF3C, 0
[0]:FF3D, FF3D, 0
[0]:FF3E, FF3E, 0
[0]:FF3F, FF3F, 0
[0]:FF40, FF40, 0
[0]:FF41, FF41, 0
[0]:FF42, FF42, 0
[0]:1028, 1028, 0
[1]:FF44, FF44, 0
[2]:FF45, FF45, 0
[3]:FF46, FF46, 0
[0]:8003, 8003, 128
[0]:8000, 8001, 384
[0]:FF49, FF49, 0
[0]:FF4A, FF4A, 0
[0]:FF4B, FF4B, 0
[0]:8004, 8004, 0
[0]:FF4D, FF4D, 0
[0]:FF4E, FF4E, 0
[0]:E54, FF2, 32
[0]:FF50, FF50, 0
[0]:FF51, FF51, 0
[0]:FF52, FF52, 0
Mode Estimates:
0 SLC estimate 1256, MLC/TLC estimate 1256 1 SLC estimate 1256, MLC/TLC estimate 1256 2 SLC estimate 1256, MLC/TLC estimate 1256 L estimate 4000 

0 Budget 2147483647 Adjust 0 1 Budget 2147483647 Adjust 0 2 Budget 2147483647 Adjust 0 3 Budget 2147483647 Adjust 0 4 Budget 2147483647 Adjust 0 

mLH=0x0 hIM=0x16 hBIM=0x2d lRM=0x2b4f3 lWP=0x3 hP=0x5dc0
lWM[0]=0x29793 lWM[1]=0x291f4 lWM[2]=0x29792 lWM[3]=0x2906e td=0x1000 hXW=0x0 Cds=0x0 ES=0x2d9 ePFM=0x0 s=1

Thermal Throttle Levels: read: 1, prog: 1, comm: 1

fgen: [0 - 200] [1 - 200] [2 - 200] [3 - 192]
fsec: [0 - 0] [1 - 0] [2 - 0] [3 - 0] [4 - 0] [5 - 0] [6 - 0] [7 - 0] [8 - 0] [9 - 0] [10 - 0] [11 - 0] [12 - 0] [13 - 0] [14 - 0] [15 - 0] [16 - 0] [17 - 0] [18 - 0] [19 - 0] [20 - 0] [21 - 0] [22 - 0] [23 - 0] [24 - 0] [25 - 0] [26 - 0] [27 - 0] [28 - 0] [29 - 0] [30 - 0] [31 - 0] [32 - 0] [33 - 0] [34 - 0] [35 - 0] [36 - 0] [37 - 0] [38 - 0] [39 - 0] [40 - 0] [41 - 0] [42 - 0] [43 - 0] [44 - 0] [45 - 0] [46 - 0] [47 - 0] [48 - 0] [49 - 0] [50 - 0] [51 - 0] [52 - 0] [53 - 0] [54 - 0] [55 - 0] [56 - 0] [57 - 0] [58 - 0] [59 - 0] [60 - 0] [61 - 0] [62 - 0] [63 - 0] [64 - 0] [65 - 0] [66 - 0] [67 - 0] [68 - 0] [69 - 0] [70 - 0] [71 - 0] [72 - 0] [73 - 0] [74 - 0] [75 - 0] [76 - 0] [77 - 0] [78 - 0] [79 - 0] [80 - 0] [81 - 0] [82 - 0] [83 - 0] [84 - 0] [85 - 0] [86 - 0] [87 - 0] [88 - 0] [89 - 0] [90 - 0] [91 - 0] [92 - 0] [93 - 0] [94 - 0] [95 - 0] [96 - 0] [97 - 0] [98 - 0] [99 - 0] [100 - 0] [101 - 0] [102 - 0] [103 - 0] [104 - 0] [105 - 0] [106 - 0] [107 - 0] [108 - 0] [109 - 0] [110 - 0] [111 - 0] [112 - 0] [113 - 0] [114 - 0] [115 - 0] [116 - 0] [117 - 0] [118 - 0] [119 - 0] [120 - 0] [121 - 0] [122 - 0] [123 - 0] [124 - 0] [125 - 0] [126 - 0] [127 - 0] [128 - 0] [129 - 0] [130 - 0] [131 - 0] [132 - 0] [133 - 0] [134 - 0] [135 - 0] [136 - 0] [137 - 0] [138 - 0] [139 - 0] [140 - 0] [141 - 0] [142 - 0] [143 - 0] [144 - 0] [145 - 0] [146 - 0] [147 - 0] [148 - 0] [149 - 0] [150 - 0] [151 - 0] [152 - 0] [153 - 0] [154 - 0] [155 - 0] [156 - 0] [157 - 0] [158 - 0] [159 - 0] [160 - 0] [161 - 0] [162 - 0] [163 - 0] [164 - 0] [165 - 0] [166 - 0] [167 - 0] [168 - 0] [169 - 0] [170 - 0] [171 - 0] [172 - 0] [173 - 0] [174 - 0] [175 - 0] [176 - 0] [177 - 0] [178 - 0] [179 - 0] [180 - 0] [181 - 0] [182 - 0] [183 - 0] [184 - 0] [185 - 0] [186 - 0] [187 - 0] [188 - 0] [189 - 0] [190 - 0] [191 - 0] [192 - 559] [193 - 1] [194 - 54] [195 - 1] [196 - 25] [197 - 1] [198 - 87] [199 - 1] [200 - 0] [201 - 0] [202 - 0] [203 - 0] [204 - 0] [205 - 0] [206 - 0] [207 - 0] [208 - 0] [209 - 0] [210 - 0] [211 - 0] [212 - 0] [213 - 0] [214 - 0] [215 - 0] [216 - 0] [217 - 0] [218 - 0] [219 - 0] [220 - 0] [221 - 0] [222 - 0] [223 - 0] [224 - 0] [225 - 0] [226 - 0] [227 - 0] [228 - 0] [229 - 0] [230 - 0] [231 - 0] [232 - 0] [233 - 0] [234 - 0] [235 - 0] [236 - 0] [237 - 0] [238 - 0] [239 - 0] [240 - 0] [241 - 0] [242 - 0] [243 - 0] [244 - 0] [245 - 0] [246 - 0] [247 - 0] [248 - 0] [249 - 0] [250 - 0] [251 - 0] [252 - 0] [253 - 0] [254 - 0] [255 - 0] EAN b=0x748dcc0 f=0x205 sz=0x8000 cB=0x2 tcB=0x0 dBS=0x0 dBB=0x0 BGtd=0x0 UPtd=0x0
NVRAM value string [40A0DDD2-77F8-4392-B4A3-1E7304206516:storage-prev-assert]:[0x662a497a,11194,1,14838,5]
NVRAM value string [40A0DDD2-77F8-4392-B4A3-1E7304206516:storage-prev-assert-stored]:[0x662a497a,0]
Sleep Count: 1432
Wake Count: 1410
Duty Cycle: 23
Client 0 wev 0x0 wsz 0 s 4294967295 e 4294967295 ps 4294967295, pe 4294967295
Client 1 wev 0x0 wsz 0 s 70355 e 70400 ps 4294967294, pe 4294967294
Client 2 wev 0x0 wsz 0 s 70272 e 70272 ps 4294967294, pe 4294967294
Client 3 wev 0x0 wsz 0 s 4294967295 e 4294967295 ps 4294967294, pe 4294967294
Client 4 wev 0x0 wsz 0 s 720 e 720 ps 4294967294, pe 4294967294
Client 5 wev 0x0 wsz 0 s 97543 e 97600 ps 4294967294, pe 4294967294
Region 0 s 0 e 64 lg 0 md 0 sm 64
Region 1 s 64 e 832 lg 0 md 0 sm 2766
Region 2 s 832 e 11456 lg 166 md 0 sm 0
Region 3 s 11456 e 87296 lg 945 md 8 sm 8
Region 4 s 87296 e 87808 lg 0 md 0 sm 512
Region 5 s 95488 e 97792 lg 3 md 0 sm 0
Region 6 s 87808 e 95488 lg 120 md 0 sm 0
Region 7 s 0 e 0 lg 0 md 0 sm 0

Sleep Count: 1432
Wake Count: 1410
Duty Cycle: 23
Sleep Count: 1432
Wake Count: 1410
Duty Cycle: 23

RTBuddy(AP): Debug info:
_iopStatus = 0x8
_powerStateChangeLocked = false
Mailbox Status:
IDLE_STATUS: 0x00000008
INBOX0_CTRL: 0x00107801
OUTBOX0_CTRL: 0x00029901
AP->IOP Mailbox Log:
Timestamp Dir Message
0x0000000008dfe830 [RX] 0x005000000000000e 0x0020680000000002
0x0000000008dfe838 [RX] 0x005000000000000f 0x0010780000000002
0x0000000008dfea4c [TX] 0x005000000000000d 0x0000000000000002
0x0000000008dfea94 [TX] 0x005000000000000e 0x0000000000000002
0x0000000008dfead0 [TX] 0x005000000000000f 0x0000000000000002
0x0000000008e31c08 [RX] Interrupt
0x0000000008e31c1c [RX] 0x0050000000000000 0x0010890000000002
0x0000000008e31f18 [TX] 0x0050000000000000 0x0000000000000002
0x00000000092df608 [TX] 0x0050002000000002 000000000000000000
0x00000000092e46ec [RX] Interrupt
0x00000000092e4710 [RX] 0x0050000000000001 0x00109a0000000002
0x00000000092e497c [TX] 0x0050000000000001 0x0000000000000002
0x00000000092e83f4 [RX] Interrupt
0x00000000092e8408 [RX] 0x0050000000000002 0x0010ab0000000002
0x00000000092e8550 [TX] 0x0050000000000002 0x0000000000000002
0x0000000009a7ab58 [RX] Interrupt
0x0000000009a7ab94 [RX] 0x0050000000000003 0x0040bf0000000002
0x0000000009a7aba0 [RX] 0x0050000000000004 0x0030cf0000000002
0x0000000009a7aba8 [RX] 0x0050000000000005 0x0020df0000000002
0x0000000009a7abb4 [RX] 0x0050000000000006 0x0010ef0000000002
0x0000000009a7ae90 [TX] 0x0050000000000003 0x0000000000000002
0x0000000009a7af00 [TX] 0x0050000000000004 0x0000000000000002
0x0000000009a7af58 [TX] 0x0050000000000005 0x0000000000000002
0x0000000009a7afac [TX] 0x0050000000000006 0x0000000000000002
0x000000000a00b2ac [RX] Interrupt
0x000000000a00b2d0 [RX] 0x0050000000000007 0x0010f00000000002
0x000000000a00b760 [TX] 0x0050000000000007 0x0000000000000002
0x000000000a39a9f4 [RX] Interrupt
0x000000000a39aa34 [RX] 0x0050000000000008 0x0010010000000002
0x000000000a39ad78 [TX] 0x0050000000000008 0x0000000000000002
0x000000001db593f4 [RX] Interrupt
0x000000001db59420 [RX] 0x0050000000000009 0x0010010000000002
0x000000001db59704 [TX] 0x0050000000000009 0x0000000000000002
0x00000001b655df58 [RX] Interrupt
0x00000001b655df94 [RX] 0x005000000000000a 0x0010010000000002
0x00000001b655e7d8 [TX] 0x005000000000000a 0x0000000000000002
0x0000000415017bf0 [RX] Interrupt
0x0000000415017c50 [RX] 0x005000000000000b 0x0020020000000002
0x0000000415017c5c [RX] 0x005000000000000c 0x0010120000000002
0x00000004150186bc [TX] 0x005000000000000b 0x0000000000000002
0x0000000415018804 [TX] 0x005000000000000c 0x0000000000000002
0x0000000415081f50 [RX] Interrupt
0x0000000415081f74 [RX] 0x005000000000000d 0x0020240000000002
0x0000000415081f80 [RX] 0x005000000000000e 0x0010340000000002
0x00000004150826d4 [TX] 0x005000000000000d 0x0000000000000002
0x00000004150827cc [TX] 0x005000000000000e 0x0000000000000002
0x0000000415fd2da4 [RX] Interrupt
0x0000000415fd2dd4 [RX] 0x005000000000000f 0x0010450000000002
0x0000000415fd35a4 [TX] 0x005000000000000f 0x0000000000000002
0x0000000415ff9b90 [RX] Interrupt
0x0000000415ff9bcc [RX] 0x0050000000000000 0x0010560000000002
0x0000000415ffa27c [TX] 0x0050000000000000 0x0000000000000002
0x0000000416003538 [RX] Interrupt
0x0000000416003554 [RX] 0x0050000000000001 0x0010670000000002
0x000000041600376c [TX] 0x0050000000000001 0x0000000000000002
0x000000041600bf70 [RX] Interrupt
0x000000041600bf8c [RX] 0x0050000000000002 0x0010780000000002
0x000000041600c1cc [TX] 0x0050000000000002 0x0000000000000002
0x00000004160178d0 [RX] Interrupt
0x00000004160178f4 [RX] 0x001041000fbf0000 0x0010890000000001
0x0000000008a563f4 [RX] 0x0080000000000000 0x0010cd0000000004
0x0000000008a56918 [TX] 0x0080000000000000 0x0000000000000004
0x0000000008a56990 [RX] Interrupt
0x0000000008a569a4 [RX] 0x0080000000000000 0x0010de0000000004
0x0000000008a56e28 [TX] 0x0080000000000000 0x0000000000000004
0x0000000008a56fdc [RX] Interrupt
0x0000000008a56ff0 [RX] 0x0080000000000000 0x0010ef0000000004
0x0000000008a575a0 [TX] 0x0080000000000000 0x0000000000000004
0x0000000008a57634 [RX] Interrupt
0x0000000008a57644 [RX] 0x0080000000000000 0x0010f00000000004
0x0000000008a57fe4 [TX] 0x0080000000000000 0x0000000000000004
0x0000000008a580f0 [RX] Interrupt
0x0000000008a5810c [RX] 0x0080000000000000 0x0010010000000004
0x0000000008a58738 [TX] 0x0080000000000000 0x0000000000000004
0x0000000008a587ac [RX] Interrupt
0x0000000008a587c4 [RX] 0x0080000000000000 0x0010120000000004
0x0000000008a58f64 [TX] 0x0080000000000000 0x0000000000000004
0x0000000008a59034 [RX] Interrupt
0x0000000008a59044 [RX] 0x0080000000000000 0x0010230000000004
0x0000000008a5955c [TX] 0x0080000000000000 0x0000000000000004
0x0000000008a59618 [RX] Interrupt
0x0000000008a59628 [RX] 0x0080000000000000 0x0010340000000004
0x0000000008a59ec4 [TX] 0x0080000000000000 0x0000000000000004
0x0000000008a59f94 [RX] Interrupt
0x0000000008a59fa8 [RX] 0x0070000000000020 0x0010450000000000
0x0000000008a5a170 [TX] 0x00b0000000000020 000000000000000000
0x0000000008a5a2ac [RX] Interrupt
0x0000000008a5a2d0 [RX] 0x0080000080000010 0x0020570000000002
0x0000000008a5a2d8 [RX] 0x0010400000000000 0x0010670000000002
0x0000000008a5a558 [TX] 0x0010410013738000 0x0000000000000002
0x0000000008a5a98c [RX] Interrupt
0x0000000008a5a9b0 [RX] 0x0050000000000000 0x00407b0000000002
0x0000000008a5a9b8 [RX] 0x0050000000000001 0x00308b0000000002
0x0000000008a5a9c0 [RX] 0x0050000000000002 0x00209b0000000002
0x0000000008a5a9c8 [RX] 0x00b0000000000020 0x0010ab0000000000
0x0000000008a5acec [TX] 0x0050000000000000 0x0000000000000002
0x0000000008a5ad30 [TX] 0x0050000000000001 0x0000000000000002
0x0000000008a5ad74 [TX] 0x0050000000000002 0x0000000000000002
0x0000000008d25b44 [RX] Interrupt
0x0000000008d25b5c [RX] 0x0050000000000003 0x0010bc0000000002
0x0000000008d25be4 [RX] Interrupt
0x0000000008d25bf4 [RX] 0x0050000000000004 0x0010cd0000000002
0x0000000008d25c8c [RX] Interrupt
0x0000000008d25c9c [RX] 0x0050000000000005 0x0010de0000000002
0x0000000008d25cd4 [TX] 0x0050000000000003 0x0000000000000002
0x0000000008d25d54 [TX] 0x0050000000000004 0x0000000000000002
0x0000000008d25d98 [TX] 0x0050000000000005 0x0000000000000002
0x0000000008d26350 [RX] Interrupt
0x0000000008d26360 [RX] 0x0050000000000006 0x0010ef0000000002
0x0000000008d263a4 [RX] Interrupt
0x0000000008d263b4 [RX] 0x0050000000000007 0x0010f00000000002
0x0000000008d26410 [RX] Interrupt
0x0000000008d26420 [RX] 0x0050000000000008 0x0010010000000002
0x0000000008d264c8 [RX] Interrupt
0x0000000008d264e8 [RX] 0x0050000000000009 0x0030140000000002
0x0000000008d264f0 [RX] 0x005000000000000a 0x0020240000000002
0x0000000008d264f8 [RX] 0x005000000000000b 0x0010340000000002
0x0000000008d26654 [TX] 0x0050000000000006 0x0000000000000002
0x0000000008d26698 [TX] 0x0050000000000007 0x0000000000000002
0x0000000008d266d4 [TX] 0x0050000000000008 0x0000000000000002
0x0000000008d26710 [TX] 0x0050000000000009 0x0000000000000002
0x0000000008d26758 [TX] 0x005000000000000a 0x0000000000000002
0x0000000008d26794 [TX] 0x005000000000000b 0x0000000000000002
0x0000000008d753e4 [RX] Interrupt
0x0000000008d753f4 [RX] 0x005000000000000c 0x0010450000000002
0x0000000008d7553c [TX] 0x005000000000000c 0x0000000000000002
0x0000000008dfe80c [RX] Interrupt
0x0000000008dfe828 [RX] 0x005000000000000d 0x0030580000000002

Debugger message: panic
Memory ID: 0x1
OS release type: User
OS version: 23E224
Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 23.4.0: Fri Mar 15 00:10:42 PDT 2024; root:xnu-10063.101.17~1/RELEASE_ARM64_T6000
Fileset Kernelcache UUID: 9EC7FBEFD78CA9C9BCFBF3637BA3DB70
Kernel UUID: 52F71D8C-FEDF-3A4B-9B6B-8463C5251B20
Boot session UUID: EC934B9D-7FF4-4A0C-A816-C04F157D7B27
iBoot version: iBoot-10151.101.3
secure boot?: YES
roots installed: 0
Paniclog version: 14
KernelCache slide: 0x000000000fae8000
KernelCache base: 0xfffffe0016aec000
Kernel slide: 0x000000000faf0000
Kernel text base: 0xfffffe0016af4000
Kernel text exec slide: 0x0000000011020000
Kernel text exec base: 0xfffffe0018024000
mach_absolute_time: 0x416178bb3
Epoch Time: sec usec
Boot : 0x662a46a5 0x000352cb
Sleep : 0x00000000 0x00000000
Wake : 0x00000000 0x00000000
Calendar: 0x662a497a 0x00054f27

Zone info:
Zone map: 0xfffffe10068ec000 - 0xfffffe30068ec000
. VM : 0xfffffe10068ec000 - 0xfffffe14d35b8000
. RO : 0xfffffe14d35b8000 - 0xfffffe166cf50000
. GEN0 : 0xfffffe166cf50000 - 0xfffffe1b39c1c000
. GEN1 : 0xfffffe1b39c1c000 - 0xfffffe20068e8000
. GEN2 : 0xfffffe20068e8000 - 0xfffffe24d35b4000
. GEN3 : 0xfffffe24d35b4000 - 0xfffffe29a0280000
. DATA : 0xfffffe29a0280000 - 0xfffffe30068ec000
Metadata: 0xfffffe30068fc000 - 0xfffffe300e8fc000
Bitmaps : 0xfffffe300e8fc000 - 0xfffffe30116bc000
Extra : 0 - 0

TPIDRx_ELy = {1: 0xfffffe1b397ea800 0: 0x0000000000000000 0ro: 0x0000000000000000 }
CORE 0 PVH locks held: None
CORE 1 PVH locks held: None
CORE 2 PVH locks held: None
CORE 3 PVH locks held: None
CORE 4 PVH locks held: None
CORE 5 PVH locks held: None
CORE 6 PVH locks held: None
CORE 7 PVH locks held: None
CORE 0 is the one that panicked. Check the full backtrace for details.
CORE 1: PC=0xfffffe0019921158, LR=0xfffffe0019921158, FP=0xfffffe4e5bbb7e20
CORE 2: PC=0xfffffe00180b98bc, LR=0xfffffe00180b98bc, FP=0xfffffe4e5d493ef0
CORE 3: PC=0xfffffe00180b98bc, LR=0xfffffe00180b98bc, FP=0xfffffe4e5b77fef0
CORE 4: PC=0xfffffe00180b98bc, LR=0xfffffe00180b98bc, FP=0xfffffe4e5d49fef0
CORE 5: PC=0xfffffe00180b98bc, LR=0xfffffe00180b98bc, FP=0xfffffe4e5d463ef0
CORE 6: PC=0xfffffe00180b98bc, LR=0xfffffe00180b98bc, FP=0xfffffe4e5b72bef0
CORE 7: PC=0xfffffe00180b98bc, LR=0xfffffe00180b98bc, FP=0xfffffe4e5d12fef0
Compressor Info: 0% of compressed pages limit (OK) and 0% of segments limit (OK) with 0 swapfiles and OK swap space
Panicked task 0xfffffe166d0a0238: 0 pages, 524 threads: pid 0: kernel_task
Panicked thread: 0xfffffe1b397ea800, backtrace: 0xfffffe4e5d487860, tid: 882
lr: 0xfffffe001807df70 fp: 0xfffffe4e5d4878f0
lr: 0xfffffe00181cb7d4 fp: 0xfffffe4e5d487960
lr: 0xfffffe00181c9b48 fp: 0xfffffe4e5d487a20
lr: 0xfffffe001802bba8 fp: 0xfffffe4e5d487a30
lr: 0xfffffe001807d84c fp: 0xfffffe4e5d487de0
lr: 0xfffffe001889f424 fp: 0xfffffe4e5d487e00
lr: 0xfffffe001aec61dc fp: 0xfffffe4e5d487e90
lr: 0xfffffe001a8db0d8 fp: 0xfffffe4e5d487ec0
lr: 0xfffffe0018798eb8 fp: 0xfffffe4e5d487ef0
lr: 0xfffffe0018799a68 fp: 0xfffffe4e5d487f20
lr: 0xfffffe0018034f08 fp: 0x0000000000000000
Kernel Extensions in backtrace:[BFD8D86E-6E2B-3FDE-8CAF-9015DF04D919]@0xfffffe001a8d9f60->0xfffffe001a8db913[055E667B-789A-3D5D-9F9E-A2F951C4608E]@0xfffffe001aea0620->0xfffffe001aee29b7

submitted by Mountain-Bar-320 to mac [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 09:31 ravedeath1917 Kommunistisches Programm – National Revolution and Downfall of Cambodia (1980)
The Events after the Fall of Phnom Penh and the Programme of Khieu Samphan, the Peasantry and the Enablers of Capital
With the end of the Indochina war in 1975, not much remained of Cambodia’s economy either. More than half of the rice fields lay fallow, and the few industrial enterprises, the port facilities in Kampong Som, the railway lines and the bridges had been destroyed by US bombs. Although the figures are not unambiguous, their magnitude alone shows what heavy blood sacrifice imperialism also demanded of this people: In the five years of war, around 800,000 people were killed, more than 40,000 were maimed, almost 200,000 were wounded.
The constant flow of refugees inflated the capital from its original population of around 600,000 to over 3 million, meaning that by the end of the war almost half of the Khmer people were crammed into their metropolis. As is well known, the imperialist world press howled in horror and disgust when it learned of the forced exodus of this human aggregation. The US bombardment drove people from the countryside into the cities – the revolutionary nationalists had to force them back. Both actions were cruel and devastating for those affected, because both times they happened under terrible conditions, the first time under the imperialist hail of bombs and the coercion of its local police, the second time under the pressure of hunger and the state coercion of the newly installed revolutionary patriotic power. But for the imperialist propaganda machine there were no connections here. Of course, it only saw the terror of the Khmer Rouge, so supposedly of Communism. Here again was a wonderful opportunity to play out the bourgeois farce of humanism and love of one’s neighbour to the full. No mention of the mass murders in the imperialist war against the Southeast Asian peoples, no mention of the unspeakable destruction of these only weakly industrialised agrarian societies. These sacrifices were noticed at most when the insane war spending of the USA threatened to drag the entire imperialist West into the vortex of economic problems as a result of the currency crises caused by it. After all, to this day, these gentlemen are consistently proud of their efforts to preserve “freedom”.
Cambodia became the main object of these friends of mankind over the next few years. Here, indeed, all cherished values and conceptions were thrown overboard. A state without money, without postal services, without cars and motorbikes, without public transport, without telephones, television, books and the cities extinct. Only “communists” could have committed this crime; as is well known, they can be trusted with anything inhumane and in Cambodia they truly acted as the incarnation of “darkness” and “evil”. What was perpetrated before in the name of the heroes of “light” and “reason” – not a word about that, of course. It was a central organ of the imperialist offensive on the human intellect – Reader’s Digest – that first announced in 1977 that at least 1.2 million people had been murdered in the two years since the fall of Phnom Penh. Ever new figures were quickly added, which journalists claimed to have learned from the numerous refugees. It is not necessary to assume that all these reports were forgeries, because in fact the Khmer Rouge set an extremely radical course from the beginning, which certainly brought much horror, misery and also deaths. But today’s sated imperialists should perhaps sometimes look at the history books: What misery, what terror, what torment against the population is archived there – and that over centuries. The French Revolution also produced at least 100,000 deaths in the most important four years – and it did so with a machine specially designed for the purpose. It was not by chance that it was the steam engine and the guillotine that inaugurated the industrial age in a revolutionary way. But do the distinguished British gentlemen, who even then scoffed at these butchers in Paris, have fewer lives on their consciences? Those who still don’t know have to have it written on their cheat sheets all the time: The establishment of bourgeois rule has always been brutal and extremely bloody. The destruction of the traditional smallholder form of economy, the annihilation of small-scale trade and crafts always passed over those affected like a merciless steamroller. And under unspeakable tortures, the majority of these people who were expropriated without compensation were pressed into the factories and, if necessary, forced by brutal violence to slave as many hours of their day as possible for the lowest possible wages. All that was not so long ago. But it is always amusing how hastily today’s representatives of capital pretend that these are youthful sins of foreign predecessors. And this process of constant dressing for factory labour, of the destruction of both man and nature, continues both in depth and in breadth. It will only come to an end when this capitalist basis has been revolutionarily annihilated because of the contradictions it constantly produces.
However, if one wants to understand the “mysterious” processes in Cambodia, one has to be clear above all about the material and social conditions. A devastated country that was still largely worked by small peasants; a chaotically bloated capital city to which the majority of these same peasants had fled. The terror of the bombs had charged this population, once peaceful and living in the eternal grind of farm labour, with fear, but above all with unbridled rage and blind hatred. Hatred against the city in which they had to take refuge, anger against the American bombers which destroyed their existence, but particularly anger against their own corrupt aristocracy, the military as well as the city dwellers in general who sought to prolong their raison d’être by making a pact with imperialism. Now the old mixture of foreignness, subservient spirit and unease found its general discharge in a primal hatred of the rural population for their oppressors in the cities. A frenzy of revenge arose, which certainly accounted for most of the brutalities in the first year of liberation.
In order to understand this social side of this revolution in Cambodia, which gave it the ferocious expression of blood, revenge and chaos that one encounters in practically every revolution carried out mainly by peasants, one must always bear in mind the social structure already described. The strong urban-rural divide was not between agriculture and industry – the latter was practically non-existent – but it was the extreme contrast between agriculture and all the ominous trades that bourgeois statistics usually classify under the heading of “services”. Here, actually “unproductive” administration and trade – moreover, predominantly created and nourished in the service of imperialism – and “productive” agriculture faced each other. Of the “peace population” in Phnom Penh of about 600,000, this included about 200,000 Vietnamese and over 100,000 Chinese, out of a total of about 800,000. So the Cambodians did not even make up the majority of the population in their capital. Aristocracy and officials on one side, poor peasants on the other, too poor to make a living in the countryside, coming to the city because they hoped for a job, or later bombed into it. Cambodians were almost completely excluded from the trade and merchant sectors. These sectors were mainly in the hands of the Chinese and Vietnamese.
In this approaching whirlwind of social unrest on the part of the peasants, which is growing in strength, another social force tries for its survival. Young intellectuals, most of them educated in Paris, the educational centre of the former colonial ruler, want to break the corrupt tangle of local aristocracy and foreign power by force. Without any reservoir in the own ranks of the urban bourgeoisie, for the latter is practically non-existent and if it is, then hardly to be enthused for nationalist accumulation programmes with a more rigorous cut; without a proper bourgeois class, these petty-bourgeois radicals lead a practically hopeless struggle for change. Forced very soon into the rural underground by Sihanouk’s authoritarian regime, they try to implement their programme of industrialisation based on agriculture with the help of the only social class that counts – namely the rural population, the small peasants and farm workers.
One simply has to quote these illuminating passages of the Khmer Rouge’s “chief ideologist” at length, because after all the imperialist wailing, one probably does not think it possible that these “monsters” can think at all. (A Trotskyist group, persistent in its obtuseness, even opined that these “monsters” were the embodiment of… a return to feudalism!) One thing is immediately quite clear: these petty-bourgeois intellectuals, widely referred to as Marxists, communists, etc., are never ever in the tradition of the “German” Karl Marx, but of the German Friedrich List, who, under the slogan “Freedom is the goal, limitation is the necessity”, set his protectionist credo against the imperialist ideology of the free traders in the last century. The Khmer Rouge leaders are thus spiritual sons of the ancestors of today’s imperialists, those imperialists who now see in them the personified devil of communism, although they only wanted to be flesh of their flesh.
These views of Samphan and thus the leaders of the Khmer Rouge were also quoted at length because they are so popular today. In the face of the growing exploitation of the countries of the so-called Third World by Western imperialism, theories are emerging everywhere that vehemently propose the same position of “cutting off” the “underdeveloped” countries from the dominance of the world market ruled by Western capital as a panacea. And it is certainly no coincidence that one of the main representatives of these academic “revolutionaries”, the Egyptian Samir Amin, raves about the radicalism of the Khmer Rouge even after their expulsion and predicts a chain of new “Kampucheas” for the African future. Against the massive reality of the increasing internationalisation of capital and the growing global control of Western and increasingly Eastern imperialism, such “progressive” petty-bourgeois theorists place their faith in autarky, national accumulation and so-called autocentric development. Against the capitalist propaganda of progress and prosperity through freedom of trade and capital investment, which in reality in fact produces nothing but growing pauperisation and exploitation, the Good News on the other side says: Only if one can free oneself from imperialism at least for as long as it takes to be able to develop one’s productive forces independently, only then will one achieve prosperity and security for humanity.
In this respect, both sides represent only two sides of the same coin. Both claim to be able to achieve “the greatest happiness for the greatest number” within the framework of and through capitalism – as the forefather of these bourgeois tendencies, Adam Smith, already formulated this elementary lie of capital.
The utopians of capital have to acknowledge time and again that, contrary to their proclamations, the social antagonisms both within the “developed” and “underdeveloped” countries and between these countries are becoming increasingly acute. And while capitalism is pushing the development of the productive forces ever more sharply in order to satisfy its insatiable hunger for surplus value, it is precisely because of this highly productive technology that it is less and less able to transform the pauperised masses into active proletarians, i.e. to force them to the machines or into the office. While the imperialists, in their frenzied mania for surplus value, are at least throwing the whole world into growing unrest and undermining ancestral immobile relations ever more thoroughly, the heralds of an apparently radical autarky are causing nothing but confusion in the ranks of the pauperising masses. They talk of economic independence, stable economic cycles and adapted technology – all concepts that really bring out their illusionist anachronism.
And to see Cambodia of all places as a concrete approach or even an example for the feasibility of such utopias seems almost tragicomic in view of the results that are now available. But it is also a total misreading of the factual development under the Pol Pot government. Demonisation and idealisation of the Khmer Rouge have the same basis. They assume that the measures taken after the conquest of power in Cambodia were deliberate and planned. One side sees only the terror and coercive measures with which the leaders, supported by relatively small armed forces, tried to get a grip on a witch’s cauldron of panic and violence and to escape the total catastrophe of starvation – and the chaos that would ensue in turn. They see this terror and these coercive measures as completely detached from the economic and social emergency. The others confuse the factual state of extreme social backwardness in Cambodia and the emergency measures taken with an economic and social programme.
We have outlined the devastating situation in Cambodia shortly before the moment of liberation. However broad and deep the peasant unrest in the countryside may have been at the time, it must be remembered that a large proportion of these peasants stayed in the capital out of necessity during the main phase of the fighting. In any case, the Khmer Rouge, hardly more than 70,000 men anyway, fought for a long time mainly in the sparsely populated outskirts of Cambodia.
When the Khmer Rouge troops approached the capital in 1975 – likely with only about 20,000 men – it soon became clear that it was imperative to deal radically with this hopelessly bloated big head. Estimates vary, but it can be assumed that of the 7-8 million Cambodians, at least 2.5, but probably over 3 million were crammed into the capital (“peace population” as mentioned 600,000). With the severing of the umbilical cord to imperialism, Phnom Penh was up in the air as its former bridgehead. There was no possibility whatsoever to control or even feed this veritable hell of collaborators and starving refugee masses. The general shortage of rice had driven prices to dizzying heights: from 10 riel per kilo in December 1971 to 125 riel in December 1973 and on to 300 riel in early 1975, reaching a record 340 riel in mid-February. The retreat of the imperialists and the advance of the Khmer Rouge must have acted as a double signal: On the one hand, to storm against the hated parasites and the urbanites in general, on the other hand, to return to the countryside in chaos. The Khmer Rouge had to evacuate the city and channel the returning flow to avoid a total catastrophe. The fact that the displaced people left a wide trail of blood behind them on their way out of the city (for the time of the Khmer Rouge government, there is consistent talk of at least 1 million deaths) was unavoidable under the given conditions. It is significant that the majority of the massacres affected the urban population and certain national minorities: precisely intellectuals, military officers of the old Lon Nol regime, Sihanoukists, capitalists, merchants etc., and apart from the Cham (Muslims) almost exclusively the Vietnamese and Chinese minorities, whose social situation we have already pointed out.
Whether it was spontaneous peasant terror or executions organised by the Khmer Rouge, it was partly revolutionary violence against the supporters of the old regime, which as such does not speak against but for the Khmer Rouge, and partly pogroms, which the leaders at most accepted and tried to direct in the interests of the state monopoly on the use of force. But it is not so important whether the Khmer Rouge leaders had to accept or order these massacres. What is decisive is that they were forced by material development to eliminate or to have eliminated precisely those strata on which they wanted to rely. This, together with the evacuation of the cities, deprived them of any social support other than the peasantry. Thus they were at the mercy of this peasantry, which had to be disciplined for the actualisation of their “programme”. The conflict with it was therefore programmed for the time after the famine had been averted.
After the worst of the chaos had been overcome, it was attempted to use these structures, which had prevailed in a rather primitive way during the hunger phase, for one’s “industrialisation programme” by maintaining and further intensifying collectivisation. Necessity was to become a capitalist virtue. The complete lack of such “civilisational” achievements as the intercourse of money and commodities was supposed to make for an ideal, indeed classic, “truck system”, i.e. payment in kind alone. The peasants were forced into ever new production battles, because now surpluses were to be produced for export – i.e. for exchange with foreign means of production – which indeed happened and animated the leaders even further. The general command was under the iron slogan: “Work hard and try to achieve maximum results with a minimum of investment”, and the focus was on absolute labour effort.
Once a sufficient level of production had been restored, however, the whole construction was bound to collapse completely sooner rather than later. Anyone who has even a pale inkling of the travails of the infamous Stalinist collectivisation in Russia – and the Russian state was on an incomparably higher social level and had quite different means of power at its disposal – can easily imagine how the intellectual would-be enablers of capitalism in Cambodia, then practically hanging in the air, would have to perish in an orgy of violence – unless, with the help of a foreign power, they could get a grip on the chaos and create more stable conditions through a series of concessions to the peasantry. Most likely, however, they would be finished even then, like a man trying to hold on as long as possible to a wildly thrashing bull and then falling to the ground exhausted. In any case, the arena crowd was already eagerly awaiting the outcome of the tragedy.
Sovereignty, neutrality, non-alignment – this credo runs through all declarations as a complement to “autarky”. But already in the face of the first offensive by the Vietnamese, it must have slowly become clear to the Khmer Rouge leaders that these fine words could only have one meaning in our unpleasant world, namely to place themselves under the protection of the People’s Republic of China. In Pol Pot’s interview, which we have just quoted, a strange acronym appears: CPK. This means “Communist Party of Kampuchea”. And yet, to the boundless amazement of bourgeois commentators, the Khmer Rouge had never tried to dress up their declarations or their constitution with Marxist or pseudo-Marxist vocabulary – which is certainly very sympathetic to us. On the contrary, they have displayed an obvious and pedantic aversion to these concepts. Neither “vanguard of the proletariat” or “communist party” nor “proletarian internationalism”, neither “classless society” nor “dictatorship of the proletariat”, but also not “new democratic revolution”, “mass line”, “creation of a new man”, “peaceful coexistence” etc. etc. had ever been spoken of. If similar contents had to be expressed, they were paraphrased with other words. But this did not happen because the Pol Pot folks would have been particularly honest and wanted to do us Marxists a favour. This happened because in their dogged nationalism they wanted to distance themselves clearly from their neighbours Vietnam, but also China, who professed to be “socialist”. The national character of all these revolutions and states, the national character of their confrontations and of their whole politics is expressed even in the fact that the weakest link feels compelled by the instinct of self-preservation to dispense with the “Marxist” or “socialist” cloak for the capitalist programme! This is what “socialism in one country” has come to! And the adoption of the “Marxist” “vocabulary” here is a sign of the surrender of the so sacred national sovereignty. If, as already mentioned, no announcement had ever mentioned a party or revolutionary phases (there was always talk of a “revolutionary organisation” and even of “Angkor traditions”), Pol Pot told his astonished people and all those who wanted to know the following story on 27 September 1977: the CPK had already existed in Cambodia since 30 September 1960 and had achieved this miracle of a national-democratic revolution. He told it the day before he left for Beijing, on which, fighting a losing battle against the Vietnamese, he has been completely dependent ever since.
As a “plaything of foreign powers”, the nationalist intellectuals of Cambodia perished. The peasantry, largely decimated under the pressure of the imperialist frenzy and its consequences, as now under the pressure of Vietnam’s national expansion, is an example of the fate that capitalist society reserves for small and weak peoples in its emergence and development. To such peoples the proletariat alone would and will secure the right of self-determination, because unlike the bourgeoisie it does not seek national privileges but wants to abolish them, because unlike the bourgeoisie it can create voluntary union, because unlike the bourgeoisie it liberates itself not by exploiting others but by abolishing all exploitation.
submitted by ravedeath1917 to Ultraleft [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 01:16 TaitenAndProud "Citizen Diplomacy" is a BAD thing

There are jobs that require expertise. When you have appendicitis, you aren't going to ask your neighbor to perform your appendectomy on his kitchen table, are you? When your car needs a new transmission, you aren't going to ask the 8-yr-old kid down the block to do the work, are you? Let's say you've been injured in some industrial accident and need to go to court to get a settlement to pay for your injuries. Are you going to ask your sister-in-law to represent you?
What if they're willing to do whatever it is FOR FREE? Will you consider allowing a completely unqualified person to do something important that has far reaching consequences for your entire life if they'll do it for free?
Now consider politics. Politics is skilled work; it is something that requires knowledge, experience, and coordination across numerous individuals, departments, disciplines, etc. International diplomacy as well! I know that well-connected "friends" and big donors are sometimes rewarded with plum (easy) diplomatic assignments, but those ingénues are never sent into war zones or to deal with powerful aggressors or world powers - this kind of contact is typically of a particularly delicate sort that requires a kind of skilled intervention coordinated across various different official disciplines, including trade, international law, human rights, treaties, tariffs, natural resource allocation, water rights, arbitration, etc. This kind of diplomat may be called upon to intercede between other countries, not just represent their own, and they must at least have the perception of wielding the clout of the country that backs them. And most of all, this ambassador must be trusted to accurately communicate official policy from their own country; competently and effectively convey information from one group to another; must not confuse issues by extending unsanctioned offers or making irresponsible statements; and must be able to avoid offending other governments.
Like I said, it's skilled work.
So what was Dickeda doing out there loose-cannoning his way around various governments??
It wasn't because Icky was such an impressive fellow; it was ALL AND ONLY because the religion he was the figurehead of and, more importantly, his pet political party Komeito, were at that time (1960s-1970s) growing and gaining power; Ikeda had made frequent boasts about gaining most of the population of Japan as Soka Gakkai members and taking over the government. His boasting was gaining him international attention, as everyone can see in the news reports here, and not necessarily of the positive sort. The Komeito political party's then-growing strength was the ONLY thing that gained him an audience from other countries' political leadership. If Ikeda had not publicly, openly declared his intention of taking over the government of Japan, no one would've given him the time of day.
And who knows WHAT Die-Sucky Dick-eata was promising them? There were unsanctioned, unsupervised meetings!
Notice that Icky-Duh's first two stops on his "Meet World Leaders" adventure were Japan's historical enemies: Russia (then the Soviet Union) and China:
The picture that's available of the Soviet meeting doesn't look very friendly at ALL! That's not the look of people who are typically described as being in the process of "Fostering person-to-person ties" 😂 After that, Ikeda started his "Dictator-Meeting World Tour", but that's a story for a different time. What was so special about the Soviet Union and China that Ikeda made those his FIRST stops?
Fishy has hypothesized that Ickydumdum was setting up international alliances in advance, because he KNEW that if he managed to gain that political plurality, enough to change Japan's Constitution, install Nichiren Shoshu as the national religion, and replace the Emperor with himself, that would be a HUGELY unpopular coup, not just at home, but internationally! It's a shame we'll never get to see what sort of spaghetti-brained thinking the Corpse Mentor used to rationalize how all this could happen in ANY reality, because I'm sure that would have been SUPER entertaining!!! 🤣
Blanche also concluded that's why Icky went to the Soviet Union and China FIRST.
For context, Ikeda's grand achievement, the Sho-Hondo, had been completed two years before (1972), after a massive contribution campaign that left Ikeda in control of an unimaginably, obscenely vast financial windfall that he was able to keep hidden from the world thanks to characterizing his political movement as a "religion". No audits, no oversight. As you can see here, DickEata was drunk on his fantasies of world domination and making Taiseki-ji the center of world government, with the Sho-Hondo the focal point of the new world religion, Soka Gakkai! All he needed to do was to take the right steps one at a time - and the international part of his plan started with him securing audiences with the Soviet government and the Chinese government, the two world superpowers outside of the USA! Look at that picture again - isn't that the General Director of the Soka Gakkai colony in the USA, George M. Williams, to Ikeda's right?? Mr. Williams had been charged with the task of gaining enough SGI-USA (then called "NSA") members to take over the government by the popular vote, just as Ikeda was plotting for Japan. Of course he'd be in on the negotiations!
But then came 1979, where Ikeda was publicly censured (and humiliated) by the Nichiren Shoshu priesthood, basically for getting too uppity, too big for his britches, and making it too obvious that he intended to take over Nichiren Shoshu. Ol' Scamsei was forced not only to resign, but to make no public speeches or publish anything FOR TWO YEARS! And Icky-poo submitted and obeyed like the little bitch he was.
Ikeda's excommunication in 1991 was an even greater crisis - it meant game over. NONE of Ikeda's grand schemes and plots would ever happen, because he couldn't do it without Nichiren Shoshu! THAT is why Ikeda was so desperate to take over Nichiren Shoshu! Too bad for Icky, the courts said "No". And now ALL the buildings the Soka Gakkai donated to Taiseki-ji, including the Sho-Hondo, have been demolished and replaced, because Ikeda made that inevitable:
As you might have seen here, the Sho-Hondo was at the center of a Soka Gakkai-initiated turf war with then-High Priest Nittatsu Shonin; because the Soka Gakkai won rights to the Sho-Hondo (on Taisekiji land) on the basis of having PAID for it, that sealed the Sho-Hondo's fate AND the fate of all the Soka Gakkai-"donated" buildings. In Japan, apparently, a gift doesn't mean the gift actually leaves the giver's ownership and becomes the sole possession of the recipient, so by taking advantage of this weird cultural deviance to bully the Nichiren Shoshu priests, it was Ikeda who ultimately decided that ALL the Soka Gakkai-donated buildings would be demolished. They had to be; Ikeda's Soka Gakkai was so vindictive and retaliative (a reflection of Ikeda's own major malfunction) that they could be counted upon to take to the courts to try and claw back those buildings and thus claim possession of large portions of the head temple Taisekiji's real estate.
It was IKEDA's fault the Sho-Hondo had to be demolished. Source
So anyhow, just ONE of the problems with "citizen diplomacy" like Ikeda's is him meddling where he has no business, and just plain messing things up, re: the Vietnam War:
By 1966, then-US Ambassador to Japan Edwin O. Reischauer regarded Ikeda as potentially dangerous:
[Ikeda] strongly supported America's Vietnam policy and passionately advocated the re-militarization of Japan. In complete contrast to his earlier ambiguous stance, I sensed tendencies that were quite racist and authoritarian. It is of vital interest to see how the beliefs of this potentially influential organization will take shape. I intend to work to influence him, to move in a positive direction - opposition to nuclear weapons, for instance.
Obviously Dickeata was not quite there at that point. Funny how that contrasts with the hagiography Icky had has written for himself, isn't it? Also from 1966:
In The Christian Science Monitor newspaper between April and May of 1966, ... Ikeda's second-in-command and Secretary General (top guy) of the Komeito Party Hiroshi Hojo makes the "𝘄𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘄𝗵𝘆 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗨𝗻𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗦𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗲𝘀 𝗺𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗯𝗼𝗺𝗯 𝗡𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗵 𝗩𝗶𝗲𝘁𝗻𝗮𝗺" quote (it's in the 4th installment of the series). He's speaking for the Soka Gakkai leadership using "we". Source
Note that Hojo, Ikeda's right-hand man in Japan, couldn't scratch his balls without Ikeda's explicit permission. Here's the Ikeda rewriting of history:
“Nothing is more barbarous than war. Nothing more cruel.” When I heard of the escalation of the war in Vietnam, I was filled with a profound anger that this very tragedy was being repeated once more in Asia. Ikeda
By 1975, the CIA was already onto Ikeda the Conman; when Ickyderp sent a letter to the US Embassy asking them to pass it along to then-Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, Embassy staff were NOT having it.
And that time Ikeda was desperate to get onto the same official stage with Kissinger, again 1975:
President Ikeda pressed on, "For the sake of our world, please follow through with courage. I will be ready to fly to the Middle East anytime if necessary." 🤣 🤮
What a buffoon!!
Again in 1975:
That's a HUGE risk when you have some unskilled, inexperienced, unqualified nobody trying to horn in on that spotlight (with all its photo-op and headline possibilities, Dickeda's REAL goal along with hopefully getting himself a Nobel Peace Prize) as a "citizen diplomat" and just messing everything all up for the REAL diplomats! It's simply adding to the REAL diplomats' workload without any upside!
submitted by TaitenAndProud to sgiwhistleblowers [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 05:09 Double-Cream-7205 Hand Drawn Map of the Vietnam War

Hand Drawn Map of the Vietnam War submitted by Double-Cream-7205 to MapPorn [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 09:43 win88bz Win88

Win88 la mot nha cai truc tuyen hang dau noi tieng voi su da dang va chat luong dich vu ca cuoc va giai tri tren mang Voi giao dien nguoi dung than thien de su dung va dich vu khach hang 24 7 Win88 thu hut nguoi choi bang cach cung cap trai nghiem ca cuoc dang tin cay va thu vi Diem manh cua Win88 la viec lien tuc cap nhat cac tro choi moi kem theo cac chuong trinh khuyen mai va uu dai lon Voi cam ket ve an toan va cong bang Win88bz la lua chon hang dau cho nhung ai yeu thich ca cuoc truc tuyen Dia Chi 20 D Vinh Quynh Vinh Quynh Thanh Tri Ha Noi Viet Nam Trang web Hotline 0961999777 Email Zipcode 12513 Tags win88 winbz nhacaiwin88
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