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Security Clearance

2017.05.23 22:00 gpupdate Security Clearance

A place to ask questions and share advice about the security clearance process.

2016.04.16 04:53 derpinmarine saiyanpeopletwitter

Dragonballs largest meme subreddit. Feel free to share memes and funny social media posts.

2012.12.28 03:43 DavidQui Cinematic Shots

The art form of film and television simply would not exist without cinematography— and some stand above others when it comes to this inspiring art form. So please, join us in sharing your favorite moments of cinematic beauty!

2024.05.19 02:31 Bmging3r Sou babaca por ter ficado alterado com uma funcionária mentirosa?

Eu sou H gay (33) anos, solteiro e estou viajando com meu cachorro e uma funcionária que recebe um salário de R$:4.000,00 com todos os direitos para tomar conta do meu cachorro ( Nao critiquem isso. Tenho consciência política e me proporciono um estilo de vida compatível com meu esforço de trabalho. Não exploro mão de obra de funcionário, recebem muito acima do mercado, são constantemente incentivados a encontrar suas aptidões , não possuem horário fixo e essa especificamente trabalha comigo a 3 anos ) Estamos em uma viagem internacional , é a primeira vez que ela sai do Brasil e eu entendo perfeitamente que ela fique desfocada. Meu cachorro faz o primeiro passeio as 5:30 AM ( Eu que levo obviamente) depois começo a trabalhar e preciso de silêncio absoluto, tenho TDHA e faço trade de cripto e por um descuido posso me F* tomando um scam. Ela não tem hora fixa para sair com ele , mas costuma ser 9:00 AM. Depois ela volta as 9:30 AM, deixa ele comigo e normalmente em nossa rotina comum, ela fica com ele até as 17:00 só para ele não ficar sozinho. Nós estamos a uma semana fora e todos os dias ela saiu , fez inúmeras compras em diversos lugares , aproveitando mesmo a viagem ( eu incentivei que ela saísse , ela tem um cartão para usar com toda autonomia ) e ao longo desses últimos dias , ela voltou pra casa com uma esfira, uma pizza e um hambúrguer ( terça - não jantamos - Quarta - Não almocei / comi pizza a noite - quinta - Comi resto da pizza no almoço e hambúrguer a noite / sexta - sai para almoçar e fiquei bem irritado pq percebi que bem embaixo do prédio em que estamos tem 2 lojas gigantes de produtos Fit e orgânicos que ela sabe que eu adoro e durante terça , quarta , quinta e sexta. Ela saiu todos os dias para fazer compras , gastou 150 dólares por dia e só trouxe coisas que eu não como. Dizia que estava tudo fechado e que não tinha achado nada que eu pudesse gostar. Hoje eu sai com o cachorro um pouco mais cedo e descobri os dois mercados gigantes embaixo do nosso prédio com TUDO que eu peço pra comprar normalmente, quando eu vi que estava aberto, fiquei com muito ódio pq eu literalmente passei fome de verdade , já estava me sentido fraco e as lojas bem escancaradas e ela afirmando com toda convicção que não tinha nada aberto e o que tinha era o que ela trouxe ( 1 pizza - 1 hambúrguer - - esfira ) uma refeição por dia . Eu tomo muito estimulante com anfetamina e quase não sinto fome mas todos os dias que ela saiu , pedi que ela trouxesse algo . Eu comprei as coisas na loja e subi furioso , acabei alterando o tom de voz com ela , mas sem usar nenhum termo ofensivo … eu fiquei decepcionado e triste como ser humano e não como empregador . Eu falei “ Não é possível, você só pode estar fazendo de propósito ? Em um tom alterado. Ela subiu para o quarto e está arrumando a mala. Eu ainda deixei o cartão e $ em cima da mesa para que ela pudesse usar sem precisar falar comigo depois da minha alteração . Estou triste pq não consigo entender pq ela mentiu ? Será que ela gostava de me ver com fome? Nao tinha a menor chance dela não ter visto . Impossível de verdade.
submitted by Bmging3r to EuSouOBabaca [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:25 misscreativegal86 Do you financially support a family member? Easily earn $75 for just 1 hour!

We are looking for anyone who is 35+ years old (especially males) who financially support family members.
Do you help out your adult children or aging parents? If so, we want to hear from you about your experiences! Join us for a 60 min online discussion group taking place May 21st or 22nd at 6 pm or 7:30 pm Eastern.
~Project details~
📅 Event Date: May 21st and 22nd
⏰ Time: 60 minutes
📍 Location: Online
🎁 As a thank you for your time and contributions, we will gift you a $75 dollar electronic gift card 7-14 days after the study completion!
submitted by misscreativegal86 to paidstudy [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:24 misscreativegal86 Time Is Running Out To Sign Up! Arts & Crafters Still Needed, Particularly Gen Z Males, For a Fun Community In Which You Can Earn Multiple Rewards

Are you passionate about crafting and eager to enhance your favorite craft stores?
Participating in this study gives you access to a vibrant online hub where fellow craft enthusiasts unite. Share your thoughts on improving your shopping experiences, policies, and products.
Expect a dynamic range of activities and discussions within the community. As a token of appreciation, members receive rewards such as gift cards, entry into sweepstakes, and surprise perks for their active participation. Plus, forge connections with like-minded individuals should you choose to.
submitted by misscreativegal86 to paidstudy [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:24 LibraryGullible4679 Sibling is facing foreclosure, frustrating circumstances... how should I help?

Throwaway account. Genuinely, this is my sibling's situation, not mine. Much of the 'story' of this is what the sibling related to me. Sibling has had financial issues in the past. This may belong in FinancialAdvice, but I sense things may beyond money fixing...
Sibling is in Alabama, I am in Georgia.
Sibling is self employed in a profession that involves taking many direct payments, and uses Square to accept those payments. Sibling purchased a home in August of last year. They claim that they [attempted] to use Square to make the mortgage payments, however apparently the mortgage company never actually accepted them. Sibling and their spouse apparently ignored many letters before realizing the situation and were months past due. Between them and the mortgage company, it was finally realized the failure to make/accept via Square, so Sibling began the process of getting the money back from Square and succeeded.
Sibling apparently also banks with a non-mainstream online-only bank, so then getting the funds from Square to that bank was a process. The mortgage company apparently told Sibling that they HAD to overnight a cashiers at the time she was finally in possession of the funds. They get online bank to increase withdrawal/ATM limits, and over the course of several days they get the cash in hand... at this point I'm just going to round the amount to 15 thousand dollars.
Sibling takes cash to local, mainstream brick-and-mortar bank they have a car note with and get a cashiers check, takes that to FedEx, and send check and paperwork as instructed.
It takes two weeks for the mortgage company to come back and say "Got your FedEx envelop - and the paperwork - but no check." Commence cashiers check cancellation process... money is locked up for 90 days according to brick-and-mortar bank.
1-2 weeks later, the foreclosure notice is in the newspaper and they're getting notice of foreclosure. (Don't ask me what notices they've gotten or ignored, I'm aware these things don't happen overnight.) I would have thought all this is was a scam if I didn't find the notice in the newspaper myself.
Courthouse steps sale is in 10 days.
I am liquid enough to help my sibling - I've known about the situation for 48 hours at this point. After the initial story from my sibling, my spouse and I slept on the situation and decided that if there was something we could do, we should do it...
I asked sibling "If a wire or ACH could happen today, would it solve this problem." They waited until the end of the day to call/text me back (they were working, maybe I didn't imply strongly enough that I was willing to make a payment). That was Friday. Little/no contact since then from sibling.
So, I have two areas of questions:
  1. What do you think the options for my siblings actually are at this point? The mortgage company has referred the whole thing to Brock and Scott for the foreclosure, and with them involved, it's not clear to me whether a payment is possible at this point, who it would be to, a deadline, etc... (Not that I'm trying to get directly involved). Apparently bankruptcy is an option to stop foreclosure? If the story is true, perhaps they could even exit bankruptcy before it's complete?
  2. If I do help my sibling, are there logical safeguards I should put in place? Some form of written agreement? Do you have recommendations on how to go about this? I want to verify the status of the cashiers check cancellation and that that money IS coming back, and if possible or logical draw up an actual contract with my sibling about this (if that's a logical thing to do?)
I greatly appreciate any input you may have. (including if it is just a statement of direct advice to my sibling of 'Go get an attorney.')
I have redacted some known details or minutiae for the sake of length of this post. Happy to fill in any gaps I have knowledge of.
submitted by LibraryGullible4679 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:24 misscreativegal86 Do you financially support a family member? Easily earn $75 for just 1 hour!

We are looking for anyone who is 35+ years old (especially males) who financially support family members.
Do you help out your adult children or aging parents? If so, we want to hear from you about your experiences! Join us for a 60 min online discussion group taking place May 21st or 22nd at 6 pm or 7:30 pm Eastern.
~Project details~
📅 Event Date: May 21st and 22nd
⏰ Time: 60 minutes
📍 Location: Online
🎁 As a thank you for your time and contributions, we will gift you a $75 dollar electronic gift card 7-14 days after the study completion!
submitted by misscreativegal86 to PaidStudies [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:23 Thump4 💲 G M E 💵 The Green, Cash-and-Criminal-Siphoning, Tornado-Spawning, Category 6 Hurricane of Our Evolving Stock Market

💲 G M E 💵 The Green, Cash-and-Criminal-Siphoning, Tornado-Spawning, Category 6 Hurricane of Our Evolving Stock Market
1. Introduction, 2. Developments, 3. GameStop's Business Tailwinds, 4. Technicals, 5. TLDR

1. Introduction

Just as meteorologists propose that a new 'Category 6' is needed for Hurricanes, a new category 6 financial event is clearly needed to describe what is happening, and what will continue to happen, with the Monstrous Hurricane that is GameStop Corp. This cash-siphoning hurricane continues to properly-serve GameStop Corp's long term shareholders.
Human beings cannot control the weather, and although they did try to, Citadel/Virtu cannot control the stock market.

2. Developments

"DFV" Week
"DFV Week" may be behind us. There could be more weeks of tweets. We will never know. Yet, it can be summarized what the man, myth, and legend was telling us:
From a psychological perspective, Roaring Kitty expressed himself through his tweets considerably well. He 'memed' to us that GameStop has influenced his life at this point, that people in his social circles still don't really understand him and routinely make fun of him as being 'the GameStop guy'. He missed us. He misses streaming and investing. He misses the market.
He chastised his friends who now all-of-a-sudden care about him, now that he's on the news again. GameStop has come to define him, and he doesn't really know who he is anymore: but what he does know, is that he wants to do the right thing. He truly feels as if his ''return'' is an aspect of him doing the right thing. Advocating for his company that he is still clearly a part of, likely by ownership of droves of shares.
The government and regulators, however, are watching him. He feels trapped. He feels alone. As someone who regulators do not want communicating on the market, he is a main character against a criminal syndicate that has impacted all sectors and most countries. He understands the importance of GameStop as it relates to fixing the broken system that has led to Generation Z and Millennials having the lowest societal-fraction of wealth in history.
"Hang in There"
SuperStonkers are wise enough, and zen enough, to realize that it is not likely that DFV tweets ten times a day for the remainder of the year. That takes a lot of work, whether he led a team to create those memes, or made them himself, it was clearly a gargantuan effort. He has been dying to 'return' for a long time now: 3 years. And he made his return, whether brief or not, legendary.
He ended the week with a clear message:
  1. Short sellers are in dire straights: they no longer have any sense of a bear thesis, and GameStop is only beginning its business dominance
  2. Bad actors, both regarding SHF and other subs, are under the microscope. It's 'out of his hands' and 'the cops are coming' to get bad actors.
  3. There is no rational 'exit strategy,' and that it is a clearly a strong idea to hold the stock forever to collect depositaries/dividends/subscriptions/warrants/etc over time, and that it could be a family-friendly investment that provides long term dividends in a manner that can be transferred by trust to your family.
  4. Hold on / Hang on / Buy More because something 'big' is coming
GameStop's Friday Filings: Dividend Discussion
CEO Ryan Cohen owns a considerable amount of shares of the company. Yesterday, GameStop Corp announced implications of how its shareholder dividend(s) could look over time via the implementation of its Preferred Stock 'Depositary' Shares . These shares, for each series, will be used for voting and will count as preferred shares. They apparently cannot be sold short. They may be in the form of cash distributions or non-fungible-tokens since GameStop has already created its non-fungible-token website and infrastructure. These depositary shares, for voting purposes, can be voted upon by mail and will have the powers of preferred shareholders.
Holders of GameStop Common stock can receive the depositary shares via Dividend
Today's filings with the SEC reveal substantial information about how GameBank ($GME) can issue its dividend using either cash assets, any legally approved assets, etc.
On Friday, and as many here have pointed out, Barnes and Noble stock went up over 200% due to issuing a subscription to shareholders. This subscription allows all stock holders on issue date to buy 17 more shares at the listed price in the paperwork.
Guess what: the share owners have to be located to issue said subscription, and there are only as many issued as there are shares. The mechanism for this? All shorts must close with this option. This is additional to the previous option I stated today. Which MOASS option will Ryan Cohen choose? He could choose any, depending on how he feels while drinking his morning tea. He could initiate MOASS now at the sleight of hand, impending now at any time.
This is when GameStop would likely sell their 45 million shares, so they profit as much as shareholders will, perhaps for a quick $5 billion dollars more in cash on hand. The S-3SR filing for the right for GameStop to issue subscriptions to stock holders.
Example of How Quickly this can occur
9th of May - Barnes and noble releases registration statement declaring their right to issue subscriptions (we are here, since GME released their declaration of right today)
14th of May - Barnes and noble issue prospectus to shareholders that they grant the subscription right
17th of May - date of subscription rate issue and 200% price increase (note that it is estimated that GameStop Corp with current 1.5 Billion shares visible as 'on loan' has been sold short roughly 100x more than Barnes & Noble was, so GME's rise would be much higher than 200%)
According to The Options Clearing Corporation, over 1.5 billion shares of GameStop Corp are now on loan. This is 5x the float of the stock. Barnes and Noble jumped 200% on subscriptions, and it was hardly shorted.
Impact on short sellers during a subscription issuance
As one redditor yesterday put it: "When a company offers subscription rights to its shareholders, it can significantly impact short sellers in several ways:
Obligation to Cover Rights: Short sellers may need to cover the cost of the subscription rights if they are borrowed and sold shares. This means they might have to buy the rights in the market to pass them on to the holders of the shares they borrowed, potentially increasing their costs.
Price Adjustment: The stock price usually adjusts to reflect the value of the subscription rights. This can affect short sellers because the value of the shares they are shorting changes. If the rights are valuable, the stock price might drop by an equivalent amount when the rights are issued, impacting the short seller's position.
Complexity in Managing Positions: The introduction of subscription rights adds complexity to managing a short position. Short sellers need to keep track of the rights, understand their value, and manage the timing of their actions to cover any resulting obligations. This could involve additional transactions, which increase costs and risks.
Potential for Short Squeeze: If the subscription rights are perceived as highly valuable or if many short sellers need to cover their positions simultaneously, it could lead to a short squeeze. This happens when short sellers rush to buy back shares to close their positions, driving the stock price up.
In summary, the issuance of subscription rights can increase the costs and risks for short sellers, potentially leading to a more challenging environment for maintaining a short position."
GameStop (GameBank) could also rebrand $GME through a new offering. The company could then do some kind of restart that force closes all shorts and then they start off as a new company (a company restart where we get a share for share type of thing, get paid, then have cash to buy the new company i.e. GMERICA). It may be true that the news shares would only be purchased through computershare and booked.
This is very legal: GME has added new companies (i.e. the $217 Million that is now unaccounted for) and is therefore already a “new” company.
On this, it can be expected that a new price runup occurs next week. GameStop Corp, if it sells 45 Million shares immediately into this high-volume, would then have about $2.5 Billion dollars in cash on hand.
It had been prophesized for years that Keith Gill would return, GameStop would set up the lethal bear trap, and that the "Legally-Approved Mother of All Short Squeezes" would be the only rational conclusion, followed by a company with such high reserves, that it would survive forever. This is the cash absorbing, rapidly-rising share price, company of GameStop today.

3. GameStop's Business Tailwinds

Ken Griffin and Jeff Bezos have collaborated on several financial projects together
While it's clear that Jeff Bezos is enjoying the wealth that was mostly created by the naked-short-selling criminal racket that unfairly allowed his company to benefit at the expense of his competitors (i.e. colluded targets and subsequent victims of the naked short selling complex that became much of Wall Street), Ken Griffin is the one who is depicted in recent photos as being under more stress than his collaborator.
Ryan Cohen is taking on Amazon, Citadel, and Virtu directly. Although he bested Jeff Bezos already in the pet arena with Chewy, he is looking to completely dominate Amazon across gaming and other retail sectors

4. Technicals

MOASS is still actively playing out
12 days ago, I disclosed in another sub [from a technical perspective] that 'MOASS' was starting. There was a clear chart breakout of a 3-year long wedge. Then it became clear: that about 500 Million FTDs would be on the books.
"FTD Train Stacking" Failures to Deliver need to be bought back
There were $7 Million worth of FTDs from March 28th, 2024 to April 2nd, 2024 (a two day trading period). C+35 from those dates is May 2nd, 2024 to May 3rd, 2024 (the first dates that GME's price started accelerating). Thus, there is lock-step evidence of the first 'FTD train' being stacked, and broker dealers being too overwhelmed (i.e. no shares available) to settle them. Thus, since the goal of bad actors who FTD is to hopefully buy the shares back at cheaper prices this week... if price is not cheaper (it's not)... then they become even more overwhelmed. This exact same FTD "train stacking" phenomenon is what led to the GME Sneeze of January 2021, in perfect 35 day volume-infused runups that were indicative of FTD buybacks in accordance with Reg SHO Rule 204.
I presented this chart about 9 days ago
Bears are begging for a bear trend, yet a bear trend still could see a fibonacci retrace to $60
Longs are expecting a continuation of a macro bull trend that leads to a required retest of 2021's price. The price already obtained $80 this week, and there is volume present that could allow this continuation.
Max pain for May 17th for the majority of the week was $18, but the week ended at $22. Options are handsomely-undergoing 'gamma ramps', as they have since May 2nd's initial MOASS-evidencing price rise. The price has began this process around $10 per share.
Max pain for each week is inching its way higher, which reflexively increases share price
Options gamma ramp-ups are yet another accelerant to this process, and an early-January-2021 similarity is present in current ramp up.
GameStop is a green hurricane that is actively taking over the global equities market by cash infusion
All of this is a watershed moment and is thanks to all of the teamwork by GameStop's board, officers, employees, and shareholders- all of whom led to the company's current profitability, debt-free stature, and its strong and rapidly-growing cash position.


GameStop Corp's mixed shelf filing, and its discussion of dividend and subscription information, is now leading to a position where short-sellers have no idea where the exit is. Ryan Cohen has shut multiple doors on them at once.
For the sake of their financial survival, short-sellers of GameStop need to get out. Ryan Cohen and the board showed on Friday that they are aware of this. Subscription and/or dividends are able to force short sellers to be obligated to pay.
Short-sellers only alternative now is to go through GameStop's shareholders (via share price rise for the demand to meet the limited supply) and/or GameStop itself now (cash infusion). Further, FTDs for the last 2 weeks have to be bought back, and options gamma only makes this messier for those still short (1.5 Billion shares, 5x the float, is shown as loaned out). Technicals clearly reveal that 'MOASS' is still actively playing out.
Further, like in 2021, GameStop is rapidly accumulating cash [even though the price is still 100% higher than what it was two weeks ago] through a minor offering while the price is in the middle of a price runup. This further evidences that the board was confident that there would be a 2021-like 'sneeze' [at the minimum], and the company's market cap will continue to grow in sync with its price rise.

🌪 💵The only name for this can be described as a "green hurricane with tornadoes" that quickly siphons up cash, as GameStop Corp actively takes over and dominates the global equities market 💵🌪

submitted by Thump4 to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:22 jakemar5 Questions and theories through Oathbringer

I just finished Oathbringer and am fully invested in figuring out all of the intricate details of this series that has quickly become my new obsession. I’ve loved diving into the lore and seeing how our characters have been handling growing through their serious brokenness. Just wanted to post a lot of my thoughts, ideas, and questions here. Please let me know if any of these can be answered with information through OB. Otherwise, I’m sure most of this is RAFO and I’ll see as I jump right into Dawnshard and RoW!
Gods, Heralds, all things of power:
Secret Organizations:
Bridge Four:
Other mysteries and thoughts:
submitted by jakemar5 to Stormlight_Archive [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:22 Think-Performer917 Olavo ressuscitou por aqui?

Olavo ressuscitou por aqui? submitted by Think-Performer917 to BrasildoB [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:22 misscreativegal86 Time Is Running Out To Sign Up! Arts & Crafters Still Needed, Particularly Gen Z Males, For a Fun Community In Which You Can Earn Multiple Rewards

Are you passionate about crafting and eager to enhance your favorite craft stores?
Participating in this study gives you access to a vibrant online hub where fellow craft enthusiasts unite. Share your thoughts on improving your shopping experiences, policies, and products.
Expect a dynamic range of activities and discussions within the community. As a token of appreciation, members receive rewards such as gift cards, entry into sweepstakes, and surprise perks for their active participation. Plus, forge connections with like-minded individuals should you choose to.
submitted by misscreativegal86 to PaidStudies [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:21 strwbryui [H] Shiny PoGo Lvl 1 Masterball Mesprit, Azelf, Uxie; Research Shiny Cresselia; Shiny PoGo Jirachi + PoGo Shinies [W] PayPal

Hi everyone!
I'm selling the following Shiny Pokemon:
All are still in GO and available for Custom OT unless stated otherwise
Shiny Level 1 Mesprit, Azelf, Uxie (All in Masterball); OT: Sammie (or Custom), ID: 072536; Self-caught in the Wild $50 each
Shiny Level 1 Mesprit (Pokeball), Azelf (Greatball), Uxie (Ultraball); OT: Sammie (or Custom), ID: 072536; Self-caught in the Wild $20 each
Shiny Level 1 XXS Uxie (Ultraball); OT: Sammie (or Custom), ID: 072536; Self-caught in the Wild $40
Shiny Level 1 Uxie (Pokeball); OT: Sammie (or Custom), ID: 072536; Self-caught in the Wild $20
Shiny Level 15 Jirachi (Pokeball); OT: Sammie (or Custom), ID: 072536; Self-caught $60
Shiny Level 15 Jirachi (Greatball); OT: Sammie (Already in Home), ID: 414613; u/WolfkingPogo > me $70
Shiny Level 15 Cresselia (Masterball); OT: Sammie (or Custom), ID: 072536; Traded from a Facebook user on messenger Offer
Shiny Level 15 Cresselia (Pokeball); OT: Sammie (or Custom), ID: 072536; Self-caught from timed research Price $17
Shiny Level 15 Cresselia (Ultraball); OT: Sammie (or Custom), ID: 072536; Self-caught from timed research Price $17
Shiny Level 15 Spiritomb (Pokeball); OT: Sammie (or Custom), ID: 072536; Self-caught Price $15
Shiny Level 20 Attack form Deoxy (Premierball); OT: Sammie (or Custom), ID: 072536; Self-caught from Raid Price $10
Shiny Level 20 Speed form Deoxy (Premierball); OT: Sammie (or Custom), ID: 072536; Self-caught from Raid Price $10
Can provide proof upon request! Thank you!
[My reference]
submitted by strwbryui to Pokemonexchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:21 IceyRedRose TTPD: Initial Reaction (Round 21) 👻

TTPD: Initial Reaction (Round 21) 👻
How Did It End? has been eliminated
submitted by IceyRedRose to TaylorGamesWannaPlay [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:14 horimiyagirl the beatles white album but they make a 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 album instead

The 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴les (𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 Album) - The 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴les (1968)

  1. 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 In The U.S.S.R.
  2. 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 Prudence
  3. 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 Onion
  4. Ob-La-Di, Ob-𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂-Da
  5. 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 Honey Pie
  6. The 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 Story Of Bungalow Bill
  7. While 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 Guitar Gently Weeps
  8. Happiness Is A 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 Gun
  9. Martha My 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 Dear
  10. I'm So 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂
  11. 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂bird
  12. 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴ies
  13. 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 Raccoon
  14. Don't 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴 Me By
  15. Why Don't We 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴 It On The Road?
  16. I Will (𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴)
  17. (𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂) Julia
  18. 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴day
  19. 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 Blues
  20. 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 Nature's Son
  21. Everybody's Got Something To 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴 Except Me And My Monkey
  22. 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 Sadie
  23. 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 Skelter
  24. 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂, 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂, 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂
  25. 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 1
  26. 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 Pie
  27. 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 Truffle
  28. 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴 Baby 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂
  29. 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 9
  30. 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 Night
submitted by horimiyagirl to beatlescirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:10 InBabylonTheyWept Human Secrets: Part 3

My first visitor arrived wearing a vacuum suit. I’d have assumed it was for quarantine protocols, except that a second distinctly inhuman model lay in his arms. The second suit had longer limbs, more fingers, a visor that was just a little too wide for a human. The shape itself was an invitation. It was for me, and I did not need to be told to put it on.
“Are we in danger -” I began to ask, and was immediately cut off.
“Yes,” the human replied.
“-of a hull breach.”
I continued most out of verbal momentum, but the human mulled those four words over for a moment before replying again.
“No,” he decided. “Not that.”
His voice was familiar, even if the faces all tended to blur together for me. I was speaking with the human that had brought me from the station to wherever this was.
“You don’t talk much, do you?” I asked, and he smiled sadly back. There was a sympathy in his gaze, even if his eyes reminded me too much of his teeth - sharp and slick and white as bone.
“Old habit,” he said. “But worth keeping. You’ll know after you meet Agi. ”
Humans always felt like they were trying to bait you into asking more questions. Instead, I activated the final seals on the suit, and followed behind. If he was baiting for questions, I was not fool enough to think he would actually give answers.

I wasn’t sure what aesthetic design I expected from the human station, but the consistent and extreme maximinimalism took me by surprise. The hallway outside my room had a floor coated in fine sand (I winced on behalf of their particulate filters) along with row after row of large, leafy plants growing from pots. The plants had grown so wide that one simply had to push through them to make it down the hall.
“Like home,” the human leading me forward said. I wasn’t sure if he was genuinely defensive about the design choice, or just naturally standoffish.
We went through three discrete sections after that, each slightly more absurd than the one prior. First there was a hall devoted entirely to industrial hazard signs. Every wall, every door, ever window, had helpful labels describing entirely unrelated forms of death.
Drowning Risk hung over a fountain, complete with a single hand reaching up from a sinking body. Crush risk hung over every door, each with a crumpled icon of what was unmistakably a human form. It wasn’t until I passed a cabin with a biohazard risk sign overheard that the dots clicked.
“Pride?” I guessed.
‘Pride,” the human said back. It wasn’t quite an agreement, but I didn’t think he gave straight answers. Something had beaten it out of him.
After that, there was a vast expanse of clocks. There was no consistent pattern to their construction - a few were simple, legible digital devices. Others became clockwork mechanisms of brass and steel. At the end there were a few made of carved wood, far more intricate and finicky than made any practical sense. I stopped to look at one, and a sculpture of a winged thing burst out of it, whistling and tweeting, before smacking me straight in the forehead.
I took that as an omen to keep pushing forward.
The final space was clearly intentionally claustrophobic. The hall narrowed so thin that we could only pass forward by by turning sideways. It looked like devices normally tucked into the walls had been moved out, sometimes putting passerby at genuine risk. A transformer hummed in one part, copper wires exposed, and I have to take great care to not even brush against it. If the man leading me forward was perturbed by this, he did not show it.
And then we entered a commons.
Pride, I recognized. The two others, I did not. All of five of us were wearing vac suits.
“Ersatz!” Pride said, genuinely delighted to see my escort. It was a new name to keep track of, but it was still a relief to know he had one. Helped him feel less like a force of nature.
“Pride,” Erstaz said. He gestured for me to take a seat. It seemed like Pride had intended for me to sit next to him.
“How are you feeling?” he asked me. “Cold sweats? Itching? Sneezing? The awakening of primal urges you would have preferred to remain buried deep in your subconscious?"
“Has anyone ever drowned in your fountain?” I replied, and instead of laughing he looked quite thoughtful.
“Not by accident,” he said, and I laughed because I wanted it to be a joke. “But that aside, I am glad you’re feeling well. I’d assumed we’d have a few days of quiet after getting here. Fortunately, an opportunity that’s too good to miss just came our way. Would you like to know why we’re all wearing vac suits?”
I did. I truly desperately did. I knew he was being dramatic, and I knew the other three humans had little patience for it, but I couldn’t help playing along.
“Yes. I would like to know that very, very much.”
“The first step to getting back to Earth has fallen into our laps,” he said. “We have an opportunity to steal an IFF token that’ll get us past orbital defense. And that’s not even the best part! Order, would you like the honors?”
One of the two unmet humans turned to me. His name seemed like it was sarcastic - his hair was wild, his eyes were darting, and his hands scittered over the table like massive five legged insects.
“We’re gonna take it from the fuckin’ burger clown,” he said, and the table erupted into cheers. I cheered too. I think that was the exact point where I simply accepted that nothing was ever going to make sense ever again.
(It was an enormous relief.)
submitted by InBabylonTheyWept to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:07 Thebigass_spartan Heaven Ascended Pucci is way stronger than he is made out to be. Stay with me now.

TLDR because I realized after finishing that this is absolutely massive; Pucci with MiH has means to defeat his top tier contenders like Josuke, Johnny, Valentine and Giorno and it isn't that farfetched to believe he's a top 3 in the verse.
The top JoJo's characters have been pretty much common sense for a while now. Wonder of U, GER, Tusk, SnW:GB, D4C:LT, MiH, Heavy Weather,... (these are not in order, I just named them off the top of my head). I agree with the lists most times, except for many times where Pucci is placed. What if I told you Pucci can realistically be top 3 at least, if not top 2 (very situational)? Stay with me now. It is currently 00:32 AM, bored out of my mind with the Bleach OST blasting in my ears, so I decided fuck it, let me write this up as it's been on my mind debating myself for a couple days now. So to break this down, I'm just going to go over some general basics like who and why the top is well... the top.

Who are the top JoJo's characters? And why?

There are still ongoing debates on where some characters place specifically. Wonder of U is unanimously agreed on being the strongest stand in JoJo's and I agree. The debates come later though, like who is top 2? Can Tusk Act 4 bypass RTZ? Can Go Beyond kill Giorno before Giorno gets Gappy? Can Love Train contest with Wonder of U? All of these are valid topics people use to debate who deserves the top 2 or top 3 spot.
Wonder of U is unanimously accepted to be THE strongest stand due to the many statements behind it in part 8 that justify its abstract existence, dura neg, logic manipulation and just its overall insanely powerful hax ability and it was only barely defeated in a 3v1 (in which 1 of them had A LOT of knowledge and prep time) with the need of an ability that completely defied all laws of physics and universal logic. It worked because it logically should never work.
Go Beyond has arguments towards being the strongest since well... it beat Wonder of U. But then come the arguments that Josuke simply had a lot of help to barely pull it off to begin with, let alone doing it solo. So Go Beyond is already not above Wonder of U, but what about everyone else? I mean, it's an ability that doesn't exist but exists at the same time. It doesn't make logical sense, and that's what makes it so powerful. It has no logical counterplay to it and general defenses like RTZ (will come to it later), Love Train (will also come to it), infinity, GGGH,... just cannot negate and these are abilities the characters that use them rely heavily on to be threats. GER wouldn't be what it is without RTZ, same for D4C, Gojo and the Green Baby, so that makes Go Beyond pretty strong and a very big threat by default. the one issue with it is it's just way too unreliable to pull off consistently. It took Josuke the help of Yasuho and Paisley Park to guide his bubble to WoU, and then a direct point blank shot to WoU's face to finally put it down, even then he had to tank and push through many calamities sent towards him. So Go Beyond just simply isn't reliable enough to justify it being that strong, especially when the other stands just have more consistently strong abilities.
Tusk Act 4. This stand basically does everything you could ask. Basically unrivaled offensive capabilities with the infinite rotation, very flexible range with the wormholes,... The one thing holding it back is the setup it needs to be pulled off. Johnny NEEDS to ride on a horse and reached the perfect sync state between jockey and horse to form the golden ratio and channel the infinite rotation. This is a prerequisite that cannot be argued. Johnny had to use Slow Dancer against Valentine and then had to do the same thing to save Jorge from the misfortune put upon him when Johnny wished to save his wife. What makes Tusk so powerful is the IF it lands aspect. The only counterplay to the infinite rotation is simply cutting your affected limb off before it spreads, and Diego only managed to do that thanks to prior intel and the insane resolve it took to chop his leg off with no regret. The other counter to it is if Johnny himself decides to spare you, so I can't really count it as counterplay. The infinite rotation has been shown and stated to have the strongest gravitational influence in the JoJo's verse since it has unanimous control over the entire multiverse purely through gravitational influence. MiH only has universal influence, C-Moon's influence is way more personal.
D4C:LT. Only the greatest defensive ability in the JoJo's verse. A power able to redirect any misfortune towards the user to any timeline in the multiverse and attract fortune to the "center" (in this case, Valentine). This ability has caused massive scale environmental destruction, basically colliding the forest with the sea purely through attraction, while also killing Gyro simply by rejecting any potential dangers. The only way this ability was defeated was by having an attack that can affect the entire multiverse at once hit it, basically preventing it from redirecting the attack to another timeline since the attack already exists in these timelines to begin with. Love Train is one of these "just because A beats B and C is stronger than A, doesn't mean C beats B". There are legitimate arguments to believe Love Train can redirect all of WoU's calamities. The corpse has shown direct fortune manipulation in part 8 when Johnny prayed to the corpse to cure his wife from her illness, only to redirect the misfortune to his son, then redirected the infinite rotation back to Johnny when it was struck when Johnny used it on Jorge to cure him, only for calamity to strike Johnny later on very Wonder of U like when the boulder crushed him. The corpse has shown direct manipulation over the concept of fortune and misfortune, which is the foundation that built the calamities Wonder of U uses (calamities are basically misfortunes specifically targeted towards someone). Yet Love Train lost to Tusk, so does that make Tusk stronger than WoU? No.
GER. The previously believed to be strongest stand in the verse. Maybe it could've been sheer popularity since the part 5 anime garnered a lot of hype, which attracted a massive amount of people, spawning many misconceptions, highballs,... that simply do not make sense and well, many fans just weren't familiar with the manga, where most of the truly OP stands were invented. RTZ is what made GER what it is in the powerscaling scene today. A very strong ability that will revert and nullify the will and actions of any person who poses a threat to Giorno, no matter Giorno's physical state. The issue is, unless you're posing a direct threat to kill Giorno, RTZ will not activate (no, doing things like exploding the planet will not work since that technically still counts as a threat that can harm or kill Giorno, in this case kill). Now, the only form of counterplay we've seen for GER isn't even canon since it came from the Eyes of Heaven game where Over Heaven DIO rewrote GER's reality and made it that it can't nullify DIO's attacks (this happened the moment TWOH and GER clashed fists), but due to the canonity of the feat being all over the place, we just can't take it as fact, but by following general rules like the fact RTZ works through the manipulation of cause and effect, then by logical construction, forms of acausality bypass RTZ, so there's the counterplay, which is by no means an easy or accessible way to beat someone. so GER is indeed pretty strong and a very strong contender.
MiH, the main contender of this post and the whole reason I'm making it. Now, many people like to downplay MiH by saying it needs to speed up to be a threat, which I disagree. Pucci was speedblitzing Jotaro very early into time's acceleration and by comparing the watch's seconds arm to the moment on the rooftop compared to the moment in the ocean, the speed difference was MASSIVE. By that we can already say base MiH is at least FTL+ so no, in a lot of cases, Pucci does not have to play the waiting game (yes many characters are way faster than that, but many aren't. FTL+ is pretty fast for most verses if we're sticking to the action-adventure shounens). Now, of course, it still means you should try to deal with Pucci as soon as possible because the longer you wait, the bigger his advantage becomes. MiH has shown virtually no weaknesses other than large scale environmental manipulation to disrupt Pucci's bodily functions. MiH's base speed is already faster than most, if not all, of the stands I mentioned above (the only arguable ones would be Tusk and GER). Now, for me what makes MiH so strong and I don't know if it's overlooked or not, but it's the fact Pucci has complete control over the timeline once the universe resets.

Why I believe Made in Heaven is consistently stronger than most of the stands I mentioned above.

Pucci simply has ways to defeat many of the stands that are in the top 5 purely through the fact he can go to the moment where they're weak and beat them. The catch is, Pucci needs to play his cards right for him to be able to pull it off, but I personally don't think it's a stretch that he can pull it off if we go by his BIQ feats in part 6. Pucci is a fighter that plans ahead. He's been building up to the Heaven Plan ever since he heard news of DIO's defeat and learned he'll have to take over DIO's teachings and pull it off himself, he is the successor, the one that inherited DIO's heaven, the resolution of one's destiny. Many of the stands I have noted above have a prerequisite of getting attacked or having a direct threat posed onto them to trigger, like GER and Love Train; or they're simply too situational and unreliable to consistently pull off, like Go Beyond.
Other than WoU, the only legitimate threats I see for Pucci are Tusk and GER. Now, because Tusk exists in every timeline all at once, you could argue the infinite rotation will just ignore the universe's reset but that's taking into account if you believe the parts 1-6 canon has a multiverse like the parts 7-9 canon, yet stating so is headcanon since both canons are completely unrelated to each other so there is no legitimate proof the original JoJo's canon has a multiverse for Tusk to exist in. In fact, a singular universe cosmology is more favored thanks to the universe reset visual explanation we got stating the creation of a new world that can be seen as a parallel dimension, the "start of a new world",... So tusk's threat now mostly relies on the conditions behind the fight. Where does it take place? A vacuum? The original canon? The new canon?
Now GER on the other hand is where it gets tough for Pucci because whether he wins completely relies on if he attacks Giorno or not. If Pucci decides Giorno is too big of a threat to let move on to the new universe, then he'll attack Giorno and trigger RTZ, effectively losing to Giorno. But if he doesn't attack him, then this will allow him to reset the universe then go back to where Giorno doesn't have Requiem and fight him then. This enters way too much into speculation and I would like to believe that by default, Pucci will most likely look into disposing of Giorno before moving on to the new universe (which won't work). Just that there is a CHANCE Pucci wins, just very unlikely.
Now, I get the arguments in saying that while Pucci has control over the timeline, he still isn't above fate or others' destinies. The reason he lost is because Emporio is destined to escape Green Dolphin St. and go to Cape Canaveral (which was heavily implied to have happened when Ermes's counterpart suggests stopping by the space station when the crew hitch-hikes with Anakiss and irene). So saying he can just go back to before they got their abilities just won't work because of their destiny, they are "fated to move on". The issue with this argument is we're already breaking "destiny" by having them fight to begin with, so anything fate related to prevent Pucci is just thrown out the window, but I can see the argument being valid in some cases.
In conclusion, I'm not saying Pucci is stronger than them in crossverse battles. I do believe he is a better contender in fights from verses like Naruto, One Piece, Dragon Ball,... since he bypasses the AP limitations GER has and the speed limitations and setup Tusk might have while Tusk and GER will stomp weaker verses like JJK and Demon Slayer where these limitations aren't that big of an issue. I'm mostly looking at this in battles purely between JoJo's characters. Anyways, the Bleach OST absolutely slaps and don't drink caffeine at 12 AM.
submitted by Thebigass_spartan to PowerScaling [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:01 Subject-Brick1374 So excited where r yall at

So excited where r yall at submitted by Subject-Brick1374 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:59 yetitherobot Cosy alien/scifi/PNR navigating bureaucracy and handling logistics and the practical things of life

After being inspired by this post (RH but all the same) which reminded me how much I enjoyed {Damaged Goods by Poppy Rhys} and {Crushed Dominion by Poppy Rhys}, I want to collect and get more recommendations for books where:
{Damaged Goods by Poppy Rhys} - human FMC sucked through portal to space world, tickets to earth are pricey and she has to work 3 jobs to afford one and has run-ins with cute UPS red demon alien
{Crushed Dominion by Poppy Rhys} - human FMC sucked through portal, alien MMC immigration lawyer really trying to do his best to help her through her refugee application despite confusion around how she got there
{A Chimera for Christmas by Ursa Dax} - human FMC gets a limited visa to work the seasonal shift at a space station coffeeshop, her fellow barista MMC is a species typically given wide berth by others
{Contaminated by Amanda Milo} - predator-esque alien MMC POV, human botanist FMC breaks into lab but their planet has been quarantined for ages, so MMC and lab mate are really baffled about what to do about the intruder
{The E.T. Guy by V.C. Lancaster} - office romance where human FMC works for the department of ET immigration and alien MMC does IT for her department, grumpy/sunshine
{Space for Love by Emily Antoinette} - human FMC meets alien MMC who is working a a holographic disguised desk clerk and again through mutual friends in his actual form and she's into him but he thinks he doesn't have a shot because he's intimidating
Any similar suggestions for cozy alien scifi to add to the list?
Outside of Risdaverse and Sign Here for Horns and Etta Pierce's spinoff series (which are also all good fun).
submitted by yetitherobot to RomanceBooks [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:58 Fit_Conclusion_1226 Best Political Rom-Com French Movie

Best Political Rom-Com French Movie submitted by Fit_Conclusion_1226 to pj_explained [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:58 Resident_Body_6103 Software Development survey year 12

can i get this survey done? it's on the Premier League. i need responses as i am making a software solution, and this is one of the parts i need done for my data collection methods. it will take, like 5 minutes to do. thanks. https://forms.office.com/RCBct8a9Xs
submitted by Resident_Body_6103 to vce [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:49 Several_Photo8130 The Fall Of Toronto’s Eastend Hoods 📉🔻

Reasons y the eastend hoods are dying
This is all perspective, no pollies involved
Galloway/G-Way: hood’s never rlly been able 2 recover after the constant raids a decade ago. A lotta OGs were allegedly knocked 2
Orton Park: They basically the cities most hated they the real definition of EBK. They j gotta stay out da way n get they bag i ain’t hating
Malvern: Used to be dirty & unmaintained. Now, more innocents buy homes in da area bcs of inflation. This leaves sum blocks less active as they a mix of affordable & metro housing. Empz is an active block styll. They OGs r everywhere 2, mans frm da same block claimin diff sets 😭🤦🏿‍♂️
Flemo Park: Inflation gentrified the area. It used 2 b a low income area w/ metro housing complexes & cheap apartments/condos. Now, immigrants came & apartment rates started increasing. The condos there r also more demandable as it’s close 2 dt. This overall leaves the block less active 🤷🏾‍♂️
GlendoweSilverSprings: During the early 2000s this block was mainly known 4 tamil gang politics (& other shit). Nowadays, there’s hardly any violence on the block & all da youngins grow up with rich asian yutes as the surrounding neighbourhood is an asian filled suburb😭
MnE 081: Can’t lie, not sure y this block isn’t as violent as it was in the 90s/2000s. Ion think it has been gentrified & i’m pre sure it’s one of the bigger project buildings in Scarbs? i could b wrong.
Cataraqui/Block 13: Like Malvern, internal politics j killed da block. There’s also hardly any violence on the block no more so they ain’t out there as they should be 🤷🏾‍♂️
Northside Don Mills: It’s a high demand area around Fairview Mall so the government tore down a lot of buildings to build condos. Gentrification killed it.
Roywood/Parkwoods: This block is surrounded by a suburban community with barely any metro housing. Most da subsidized units r filled w/ old white ppl😂
Parma Court: These niggaz r just bullies atp I have nun to say 😭
Chester Le: The main block is small surrounded by an asian suburban community. Most of the guys on this street grow up around wealthier ppl. When they fall victim to anything, they link brand names frm different hoods n throw 10s down 😭😭
submitted by Several_Photo8130 to Torontology [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:46 Mandu_kim_1 88 GD in a season of la liga on extreme mode

88 GD in a season of la liga on extreme mode
This is of course half a season (19 games). But I do think it’s possible to score 100 goals in those 19 games because I missed some chances during the season.
submitted by Mandu_kim_1 to RetroGoal [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:43 No-Charge1207 Edited ban on r/stupid Roblox bans

Edited ban on stupid Roblox bans submitted by No-Charge1207 to DeservedBansOnRoblox [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:42 OkControl3246 cool wonderkid it :)

cool wonderkid it :)
i know it isnt the all time greatest, but i am in love with cris's mental atributes i wanted to share :)
left foot strong and right foot very strong as well, next endrick?
i messed up with the tittle and idk how to fix it
submitted by OkControl3246 to footballmanagergames [link] [comments]
