Supplier exit letter

Dark Enlightenment: The place to discuss Neoreaction and Mencius Moldbug.

2013.06.09 02:04 Dark Enlightenment: The place to discuss Neoreaction and Mencius Moldbug.

A place to discuss the terrible state of the modern world that has resulted from the progressive religion of egalitarianism. Topics: Dark Enlightenment, Neoreaction, Moldbug. "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

2014.08.12 22:42 wihz Boston Tenants

For discussions, news, and organizing on subjects related to Boston area tenant's rights, issues, and resources.

2024.05.18 21:27 Bbobsillypants Nature of Big Donuts 6 - a Stargate x NOP crossover fic - Fear

Atlantis Commission
Officer Report - Lieutenant Colonel John Shepard
Well this had definitely been a very interesting couple of hours. This dimension and its people had very odd opinions and ideas. Apparently the prey species of this dimension were all obligate cowards, whose instincts compelled them to be non-violent and run from threats. At least according to themselves. There were apparently some of them who were “predator diseased” as they called it, a disease which often resulted in increased violence, aggression, lack of empathy, and unheard like behavior. It sounded to me like some form of infectious psychopathy, but the venlil assured us it shouldn't affect us since we were predators, which didn’t really ease my fears, but hopefully it was something we could figure out when we got home if it ever became a problem.
Gotta love mandatory quarantine periods woo hoo!
As scary as this odd disease sounded, my main concern at the moment was to try and turn a professed coward into someone who could at the very least defend themselves.
I looked down to the table of gear ahead of me and then over to the mostly naked Venlil to my side, and then even farther to Tiel’c who thought It would be a good idea to help oversee Farva’s rapid fire training course. I fiddled with the bluetooth earpiece which was rigged up to one of our handhelds to run a translation program to speak directly with the captain. A big step up from our unknowingly one sided communications earlier.
I stepped on the other side of the plastic table and placed my hands down upon it and looked on at my new student..
“Welcome Captain Farva to our very impromptu accelerated course on Human arms armor and basic infantry tactics.” I said gesturing to the hodge podge gear we had managed to assemble for the good captain. “Are we ready to begin?”.
She flicked her ears, somewhat nervously by the looks.
“I’d take it that's a yes then?”
“Oh yes sorry”
“Alright then, well given that most of our crew is human and the only other alien struts around naked all the time, the only gear we have on hand is for humans, So you're going to be running size smalls and it's all going to fit all a bit big” I say as I toss her the tactical vest. ”Here try this on, we can try to tighten it up if it's a bit loose anywhere”. The captain wrestles with the buckles a bit, and Teal'c helps her tighten up some of the top straps, as the Venil’s shoulders weren't as broad as humans. Farva gave Teal’c an odd look, but seemed appreciative none the less.Once finished, she grasped the vest in her paws with interest. “This armor seems quite lightweight, which is nice, weight is often an issue that causes us to forgo armor, since heavy armor would hurt our running ability.” Farva remarks. “Also the sheer amount of pockets seems quite excessive, what do you need all these for?”
“Well for starters it's currently missing these '' I hand Farva one of the armor plates which she looks over. “That is a depleted Naquadria ceramic composite plate. It’s designed to stop bullet impacts and dissipate energy weapon blasts. It slots into that chest compartment in the front and back of your armor.”
“This isn't quite what Id imagine for the armor of your kind”
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“Well judging by your ships I would have imagined you would put more emphasis on defense Your predatory nature would make you less likely to run away from conflict allowing for more encompassing armor to cover more than just your chest, since you have less need to run.”
She would put it like that.
“Well there are a number of reasons for that, a lot to do with those excess pockets you mentioned. For starters you will not be carrying the same amount of gear that the standard infantry unit would normally be carrying, we are preparing you for a quick in and out op. Normally us expedition teams need to be deployed into unknown territory for extended periods of time, we need to carry everything we might need with us from food, bullets, weapons, to comms gear, sensors, repelling equipment etc. The weight from all that gear adds up fast; In order to stay sufficiently mobile and combat effective; we only carry enough armor to protect our vitals, head and torso, anything else can hopefully be patched up by a field medic.”
Tielc gave his piece as well. “It is important to know when to run both towards and aways from one's foes, not every battle can be won through strength alone, but by strategy and cunning. Being able to reposition oneself quickly is therefore highly advantageous”
Farva seemed to freeze at Teal'c's statement, not out of fear I think, she instead had a distant look in her eye. To snap her out of her slump I handed her a standard ballistic helmet.
Seeming to get the idea she looked at it oddly and tried it on. It confirmed to her head shape decently well but depressed her ears to either side of her head, kind of resembling what one might imagine a sad bunny rabbit to look like “I don't think this will be something I can bring with me” she said ” I can't use ear signals and this will muffle my hearing.”
“Why don’t you keep it on for the time being, I think any extra hearing protection might be useful considering what we are about to try next.” I hand Farva some ballistic ear protectors, slightly modified and somewhat ramshackle. “One of the corporals worked closely with Nurse Fila to get an idea for safe decibels levels for your kind, we were also able to get these earbuds molded to fit into your ear canal better”
Farva took them and slipped them in. “These are a bit uncomfortable, what do I need these for?”
“You'll need them for this” I say as I unsnap the clasps on the weapons case revealing its contents.
The content seems to capture Farva’s interest, getting a slight tail wave.
“Okay So this here is a p90, It carries a 50 round top loading magazine of teflon coated armor piercing ordnance. With a cyclical rate of fire of 900 rounds per minute.”
Farvas ears perk up at this. “This seems like an efficient design, I take it these are a flashlight and laser sight for accuracy?” She asked, pointing to the top of the weapon.
“Yes we also have holographic and acog optics which will help line up targets from farther away.” I look on as Farva picks up the weapon and inspects it, testing the weight as I note that it will weigh a fair bit more once loaded. But she doesn't seem to be struggling with the weight. I can't help but notice good firearm safety as well, she keeps her finger well off the trigger and takes care to keep her weapon pointed aways from anyone else.
“This seems like a solid design but I'm not sure how useful those weapon optics would be, as they are not designed for my side facing eyes”
“I'm sure our master at arms can figure something out, why don't we give it a test fire first tho, before we send it off to make adjustments.” I instruct her on how to load the weapon and turn the safety off. I warn her of the sound it makes. And while definitely taken aback by the recoil and sound at first, she quickly gets the hang of it, she has some respectable shot groupings in both single fire and in short bursts. And keeps the rounds reasonably centered while firing in full auto.
She did a whole lot better than I would have initially suspected given her performance in the hanger bay a day before.
“The rate of fire seems useful” Farva spoke “This would be useful for our soldiers, our accuracy falters when we are panicked, and the increased shot count should guarantee some hits based on volume of fire alone” she finished with a dejected expression.
She quickly places the weapon back in its case, as if it burned to touch.” I don't know if I should be armed for this mission, at least not with that weapon, I don't want to miss and hit one of you in the back!”
“What? Nonsense, you are a great shot, and this is just a precaution in case we get separated or flanked and need some covering fire. If our guys are doing their job right you shouldn't need to fire a single round anyways.”
Captain Farva’s breathing started to hasten, earlier I might have thought it was fear, but I was starting to get an idea of what the captain's issues were. I’ve seen this before.
“I.. I can’t be trusted with this responsibility, every time I am left in charge of something, every time people put their lives in my paws I ....”
“Farva, don’t you start with me now you hear.” I said sternly, swiftly capping off her inevitable spiral of self doubt.
“But.. no.. you don’t understand”
Stopping her again I spoke. “But nothing, what happened before on that ship, and back at that colony is in the past. I don’t know your whole situation, but from what I have gathered from the crew It was nothing good. You feel responsible and it's eating away at you, and frankly it doesn’t matter if that's true or not. Accidents happen, people make mistakes, and when that happens we need to learn, take those lessons to heart, and don't let it stop us from helping people in the present. If you let guilt, or fear of mistakes stop you, then bad guys have already won, all without having to have fired a shot”
Farva is quiet for a short time, I was hoping I got through to her, I'm not the best and pep talks and this certainly wasn’t your typical weapons demo, if only everyones could go as smoothly as Ronan’s.
Farva spoke quietly, arms pressed up against her chest, she looked so sad, defeated, and small. Well more than usual anyways. “We can't be strong like you humans, we are too emotional and when we are scared we run away or we lock up and...”
“And that is clearly not the case with you captain Farva” Teal’c finally reentered the conversation having heard enough. “You have shown courage with every action you have taken so far, your actions have saved the lives of many of your crew, every time you have been threatened you acted not just to protect yourself but others as well. You attempted to contend with beings many times your size without even thinking about it, all in the effort to protect others, and this is only in the time we have known you, this speaks nothing of your actions over the colony. You are a warrior of admirable courage Captain Farva, your self doubt is unearned.”
A single tear rolled down Farva’s eyes which she quickly wiped away. “That was very nice of you to say, but I'm not brave like you say, I was terrified out of my mind the whole time.”
Teal’c looked puzzled. “I did not call you brave, I said you were courageous.”
Farva shot back with the little venlil one up one down ear flick I had very quickly learned was confusion.” I'm confused you just said brave twice”
“Hmm it appears your language does not contain the word I am using, I apologize I am not used to speaking through a translator” Teal’c relented “ There are two words I am using admittedly in slightly different forms, bravery and courage. Bravery or to be brave is to lack fear, to not be afraid to begin with. Courage tho, Is a trait far more admirable. Courage is to be afraid, to have fear, to worry about one's own mortality and personal safety. It is to acknowledge risk, danger, to feel fear, but to act in spite of it.”
“Had I not met your kind before I would have thought predators don't feel fear.”
“Everyone fears feel Farva, It is how we overcome it that determines our worth as warriors”
Teal’c picks up the p90 and returns it to Farvas hands.
“Your people need a warrior Farva, a warrior who protects the innocent and guides the lost to safety. You have shown how collected you can be in the heat of battle, You have already proven your worth in our eyes Farva, now you must do the same in your own. The greatest enemy lies not without” Teal’c places his hand firmly on the venlil’s chest “But within”.
After Action Report - Venlil Colonial Defense Force
Subject : Chief Engineer Donu
I fiddled with my holopad, Its small surface area proving to be a consistent source of annoyance in my current endeavor. Gone was the large workspace afforded to me by my holotable back in my office. Instead I had to work with the scaled down portable holotablet I was just fortunate enough to have strapped to my person when I was beamed away from our last ship. I was stuck with its smaller keyboard and slower rendering speeds.
An annoyed smooth skin alien looked over my shoulder at my device, attached to it was a jury rigged fiber optic cable, slotted into a terran silicon to crystal patch cable, which would convert the electrical signals broadcasted by my tablet into a bandwidth that the terrans crystalline based computers; which they used for highly complex tasks like hyperdrive and transporter systems; could use, and then It was patched again in a even stranger connector to patch into the odd asgard computer stones.
All in all it looked like someone tried to plug a regular computer into some crystal construct like you would find in a fantasy holonovel, and again plugged that into a harchen heat rock sauna lounge. Finally branching out from this conglomeration was a simple copper based wire that connects to a computer terminal at which currently sat the late Doctor Rodney Mckay. A title upon initially hearing led me to believe he was a medical doctor, which led to a flurry of medical questions that he had absolutely no means of answering.
While this odd alien nomenclature was interesting, what intrigued me more was his actual area of expertise, theoretical astrophysics, as well as a number of other diverse specialties and fields. Not to mention not only was he a great scientist who had he been raised in the more civilized portion of this galaxy, would have knowledge and aptitude that would put him alongside some of Aafas greatest minds, but he was also an engineer without peer, at least in this galaxy. His interactions with general Samantha Carter hinted at her possibly being his match if not more. For a species that was supposed to glorify violence the decision to have a scientist be arguably the most senior member of what was by their admission a military vessel spoke to their commitment to knowledge and understanding, a very noble prey-like goal.
I looked warily at the lines of code at my screen, the asguard translation program had earlier scanned our ship and was able to parse written languages, but complex files, like images and 3d design schematics were harder to encode and decode from our perspective systems. As is stands we have 3 completely separate computer architectures, the asguard can talk to human computers and the venlil computers can talk to the asguard computers, It sounds like we would have everything we need to get a human C.A.D schematic into a venlil holotablet right? Wrong! And you're stupid for entertaining such a idiotic notion! Parsing text from raw binary is relatively straight forward, you're just looking for patterns, repeating bit combinations that might infer letters and then iterating them over millions of times looking for patterns, letters, words, and then with a bit of help from some undecoded analog audio transmission, spoken language. This is a far cry from actual procedural communication protocols,the ones that allow for file transfers, exactly what we needed if we were to get Rodney's redesigned part schematics into a format and medium that can be plugged into a suitable fabricator. Assuming one still exists, which I can reasonably assume it does.
Speaking of which, I have just made something of a breakthrough. For upon my screen appears a simple geometric hydrogen cube, we’re talking vertices, planes, material data, everything we need for a usable design file.
I let out an excited pent up yip, the culmination of hours of frustrating software integration work. Unfortunately I startled Rodney, who lets out a panicked gasp and clutches his chest pelts with one of his paws.
“Oh god…..” He gasps, pointing at me “Please.. don’t do that”
“Sorry!” I say a bit meekly. I slowly approach him so as to not make him unnecessarily uncomfortable and show him my work.
“I got the file exchange set up, all we need from you is to finish any modifications to your part, upload them to my holopad, and then we can print away at any class 3 or above fabricator we can scrounge up on Brayga colony.”
“Ok.. um.. got it, I'm almost done i’m just you know” He points a lone grasping appendage at his screen,”Running some simulations, making sure everything is up to spec.” keeping his response kurt. “Sorry for freaking out there.”
I nod my head in the human display of affirmation and return to my workstation to further bug check my work, to test potentially problematic edge cases for when he finishes. Tho Rodney's continued odd behavior intruded on my thoughts.
I should have felt empowered, being able to intimidate this ‘massive beast’, but I didn't. I didn't like being feared, his people have been nice to me, Rodney himself courteous to a fault and desperate for positive attention.
I thought I could expect predators to be fearless but that clearly wasn't the case, rodney was fearful, nervous, had I not known better I would say defective, and while it annoyed his crew, they didn't berate him for it, or attempt to assert dominance, they encouraged it even with placating words and tried to help him through it, they encouraged and supported him like a proper herd, even if sometimes it took the form of what the human would call a playful ribbing. I supposed I could help him as well.
I approached him again, careful to make my approach known to him, making sure to approach from within his limited field of vision. He looks up at me with a wide eyed glare, had I not known him I might have assumed it was hunger, but I did and knew it to be concern.
“Uh high Donu.. um whats up?”
“Why are you afraid of us rodney?”
“Wa-What, me afraid?” he gives out a panicked laugh ”uh no no, I'm not afraid, you know just a bit weirded out I'm just getting used to you all, it's not a fear thing it's a a…. Just getting used to new aliens thing, ask Hermirod we went through this whole song and dance right buddy”
Hermirod furrowed his brow and gave an irritated sigh from across the room.
I reached out to take Rodney by the paw.
His whole body flinched at my mere touch, I quickly withdrew my paw.
“Oh.. um.. I didn't…”
“Rodney! It's okay, your crew doesn’t seem to care when you show fear, and neither do I. Why are you afraid of us? You are almost twice our size and surely double our strength, most venlil would scream and run in terror at the mere sight of you. What's wrong?”
Rodney let out a sigh. “Oh its, we don't have to talk about this, I can deal with this, I deal with scary situations all the time, it's fine, I'll be fine.”
“Rodney, my people are a very emotional, empathic people, we are open with our feelings and with our fear, and the fear of the one can affect the herd, please let me help you. I don’t know what to expect from your society but I promise I wont judge you for your fear or emotions, I mean look at many of my crew mates, we are no one to judge”
Rodney shot back “You didn't seem to be so bothered”
“I’m too old to care, I was about to retire, hell I was about to die as far as I knew, Brayga colony was supposed to be a quiet place to lay back, work on some hobbies, plant a garden and pester the young men of my colony until I either dropped dead of boredom or got lucky” I joked.
That seemed to raise Rodney's mood somewhat. He sighed and seemingly relented.
“It’s… a dumb story, I don't even know why it affected me so much, I come from a place on earth called Canada, people don't usually believe me when I say I am from there, us Canadians are notoriously friendly and I guess I haven’t exactly filled that mold for a lot of my life, but hey I'm working on it, people like me, I have lots of friends back at Atlantis” He says the last sentence in a way as if it isn't me he's trying to convince.
“I'm sure you do, Rodney, You seem like quite the charming individual when you're not cowering!”
“Ha ha thanks, maybe you could come and visit sometime. Tell that to doctor Becket, really nice guy, smart man, he would love to meet you, he loves investigating new species. But back on topic, oh boy, so me and my sister Jeannie were on a family trip to rural Vancouver to visit my grandpa's farm, he kept a lot of goats, not for eating or anything, they were essentially pets that he would use for milk”
“Wait hold on? You drink milk from other animals! Do your females not produce enough milk for their young?”
“Oh um no, we just sort of drink it or ferment it into cheese!”
“Ferment? You mean spoil?
I reeled from this plasma blast of a statement, I like any right minded venlil had a number of nightmares about being an arxur’s cattle before, especially when I first learned about those things in primary school, but never once had it crossed my mind that we could be used for something so weird. What the speh was I supposed to do with that information?
“Maybe you should get back on topic”
“Yeh sorry about that uh.. Anyways the momma goat had just had a litter of babies, and their real cute when their little, so late in the day when my grandpa was asleep we snuck out to the pens so we can play with the little baby goats, our grandpa told us not to but you now how kids are.”
At this I think back to a young Nyan, as I teach him the inner working of the hyperdrive, I tell him he’s not cleared yet to operate in this engine compartment alone, but I could tell from the occasional caught black hairs and dropped writing implements, there had been a number of curious unauthorized expeditions into its inner workings, he didn't really listen either.
“My sister as always was trying to be the voice of reason, wanting to take it slow. If I was paying attention I might have noticed the angry moma goat who didn’t appreciate the strange human messing with her children.”
The color seemed to drain from his face.
“I uh…” He began to stutter again ”I screamed, a lot, it was rather undignified, she ran right at me, thank god it wasn't a male goat, one with horns, I tired to run but I was hit in the back and knocked over and kicked real good in the head, like wake up in the vet clinic a quarter mile down the road kind of bad”
“This goat was a prey animal?”
“That would be what your kind focuses on”
“Oh sorry”
“Anyways It seems dumb but I have just never been good with animals since then, especially ones that look like you; no offense; I'm getting better but when I first saw you guys in the hangar bay, I was just that dumb kid again, getting in way over my head, scared for my life. I guess there is something to be said about childhood trauma. I really should be over this, I'm getting better with it I swear it’s just”
I take his paw again, he doesn't flinch this time.
“I'm a venlil, a prey animal, I know fear, I know what it is to live in fear, It rattles your brain, it turns your paws to wet grains. It takes great strength to overcome it, to push it aside just long enough to protect the herd. Your herd relies on you Rodney and you are doing a great job in spite of your fear, in spite of having to work with those you fear. You have achieved intellectual feats that rival the greatest minds of the federation and all that while struggling with a traumatic experience. Fear isn’t dumb and there is nothing wrong with you for feeling it.”
“Thank you” Rodney says “That means a lot, I won't be like forever I promise, I just need some time.”
“We will laugh about this someday,” I assured. “Nothing as big and intelligent as you should be afraid of anything”
“Are you calling me fat?” Rodney exclaimed with fake offense.
We both chuckled.
My kind words had resulted in a more upright posture, and a more cheerful demeanor from the human, almost like when I congratulated Nyan on his work, and it got me a look at that happy snarl of his, that I was starting to grow quite fond of.
After Action Report - Venlil Colonial Defense Force
Subject : Apprentice Engineer Nyan
Oh wow! I get to write a report for this mission! I never get to write reports, Donu says they're too boring, but there’s so many interesting things going on all the time. Sometimes I sneakily write my own! Just for fun of course, nobody sees them, which is probably for the best as I sometimes get excited and embellish them slightly. One of the reports I wrote was about the time Donu used nothing but a wad of electrical tape, a bottle of high grain venlil alcohol and a pocket knife to repair a venlil medical ship just in time to get out of the way of a big scary space predator, with glowing red eyes and a million tentacles!
Anyways Im not sure If im suppose to write these In present tense first person or past tense. I asked the captain and she said it's whatever so long as I make sure any pertinent dialogues are properly quoted(“”).
“Nobody usually reads these things anyways.” She said, but this one is surely going to be so exciting, who could look away!
I mean who's gonna scoff at a chance to read about friendly predators from another dimension! A dimension of friendly predators who give warm head scratches and hand out yummy strayu not strayu treats called donuts, that are somehow fluffier than strayu, and have a nice moisture to them. I asked for the recipe but Samantha said we wouldn't have the ingredients back on Venili prime to make them, and Teal'c said the recipe is an old family secret. Its weird predators would be so protective of their plant snacks.
There are so many weird things about these predators, they have nurturing instincts that make them find us cute. They stay perfectly balanced even if they don’t have tails, swinging their arms and body all over the place to keep upright like a lopsided gyroscope, it's pretty funny looking!
They also wear artificial pelts all the time, which I thought was weird, I thought maybe the ships temperature was set by the angry gray alien since he’s the only crew member beside the venlil who walks around naked all the time, maybe he had a fit when it was to warm, and the humans obliged him cause they were worried they would make him even angrier, and wore clothes to make up for the cold. I thought this made sense, a lot of their technology does seem to come from the Asguard, maybe he has more say in the goings on of the ship because of that. But apparently humans just like wearing pelts all the time. They feel uncomfortable without them and don’t like it if you try to remove them or look up their upper artificial pelts they call shirts.
The humans are so weird, I don’t even have to embellish my reports to make it more interesting. Like that time with the big tentacled space predator. That may sound real compared to this stuff but it Isn't, Ha! I bet you fell for it at first, hook line and sinker! Like the humans would say. I think I used that saying right, I'm not sure what it means, but Shepard brought it up when he was telling a story about the wraith.
The humans are so nice, instead of exterminating their predators they try to cure them! Their doctors are working to modify the wraith so they don't have to eat humans anymore, so they can be friendly predators too.
Anyways I should probably get to the actual report part of this report. Farva says I should start after I went off with Samantha to work on some special astrophysics equations she said I would be good at. I kind of wanted to go with Donu to help Rodney get the new parts they needed, or Farva to help rescue our people, but the humans and even the angry gray alien got really weird when Farva mentioned taking me on the mission. Samantha seemed to want me to help her really badly so I didn’t mind. Samantha says I have the most important part to our mission. She's teaching me about how humans communicate through subspace, and about stellar drift equations. We are working on what she calls the exit strategy.
submitted by Bbobsillypants to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:17 Marmite20 Do terms of exit letter override terms of employment contract if employment contract has been terminated?

NOTE: Exit letter has not yet been signed by me and only by my employer as I am still reviewing terms of the letter.
My contract was terminated by my employer at the end of April. I was still owed a salary by them for the month of May as they gave me a one month notice and salary to be paid in lieu of notice. We are usually paid at the end of each month but they decided to pay me my final salary for the month of May around the start of the month of May. I had already been paid my salary for April at the end of the month of April. HMRC has charged me a higher tax rate as their system has taken into consideration two salary payments that were made in the same month and assumed I am receiving a higher salary threshold.
I checked my payslips for the month of April and May and both were submitted as in the same exact period whereas May payslip should have been submitted as a separate payslip for the month of May. I raised this issue with my employer and asked they to resubmit to HMRC the correct payslips and rectify the issue so tax can be adjusted and I can be paid the difference. I was charged nearly £1,500 in overdue tax. I have bills and rent to pay and I can't afford to lose that kind of money especially as I was let go from my job.
I asked my employer why they decided to pay me early and not at the end of the month as they usually do and per our payroll schedule. The exit letter states that I would be paid my salary in the normal way via payroll. One would therefore assume that this would mean that it would follow the same schedule. They said that the exit letter does not specify a date as to when they would pay.
I checked my employment contract and it specifies that I am to be paid around the end of the month. However, given that my employment contract was terminated in April and the payment of my final salary was paid out for May in lieu of notice, does that provision in my contract still stand or does the wording in my exit letter prevail over the term of my employment contract?
submitted by Marmite20 to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:39 Houseofsun5 Proper aircon done for under £500

Proper aircon done for under £500
So with summer coming up I started looking at Aircon, I have cab aircon but that's no use in the back. I looked at the roof mounted stuff and with the entire package it's was going to be really expensive and be a permanent all year round lump of extra weight and wind resistance on the roof. The storage locker solutions I didn't have the room for what with inboard water tanks, heating system, batteries and using the storage space that's left for storage.
Solution found is a 240v/24v/12v portable unit from ebay. I built a little plinth to lift it up above bedline and sink level in the toilet, that's screwed in place. Cut a letter box shaped hole then made backing plates the same size as the rear exhaust vent. Placed the exit vent one side then screwed it into the unit from the bathroom so it locks itself into position then screwed the aluminium to the wall to make it look tidy and seamless. Because I want it removable and to retain it's portability I just used a ratchet strap to lightly hold it to the plinth with a anti slip mat under neath. That with the exhaust vent screwed together locks it nicely into position and means one screw, one strap and unplug it and it's removed. I have a drip tray with the drain pipe going to it positioned behind the unit out of sight,.filled it with sponge so it's mostly spill proof unless I let it over fill, a full night's running doesn't seem to make the sponge much more than a bit wet,. certainly no loose water to slosh around. So if I did forget to empty it one morning and drove, nothing will spill.
24 hours testing so far, absolutely fantastic, it's like being in the freezer aisle of Sainsbury's, the strap actually had the side benefit of making it even quieter as it dampened the case vibration, even flat out on high fan it's pretty quiet,.sleep mode absolutely sleep through able. Only really used it hooked to 240v shore power so far, 12v test ...I am going to get a fuse and remote isolation switch to fit into the circuit before I try the 12v.
Total cost including ratchet strap, bit of aluminium, extra wire to extend the 12v input thats supplied, connectors, shelf from homebase to make plinth plus AC unit itself ...£490.
submitted by Houseofsun5 to VanLifeUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:08 aldis_bin_raider296 DBM NEXUS: chapter one

DBM NEXUS: chapter one
I'm so exited to present this to you all! This is my love letter to the community and as such
The first 4 people to comment on this post will be featured as cameos in the story (please say who's side you're on)
Anyway back to being evil!
submitted by aldis_bin_raider296 to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:04 Fab0110 Residence Evidence for Naturalisation/Citizenship for Spouse - Advice Needed

Hi All
In the process of applying citizenship, meet all requirements just had one niggling doubt and want clarity
We have the passport to prove with stamps entry and exit for last 3 years. As applying for Spouse Citizenship requirement is only 3 years. Having read the guidance my understanding is that if we have the stamps to prove, then we don't need letters/documents as proof such as P60. Ive included the screenshot from the guidance.
Please can I get some clarity
submitted by Fab0110 to ukvisa [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 11:11 rlx029 Uk Standard Visitor Question

Just a query though as I had invited my family to be a tourist here on the UK, so I had applied them for a standard tourist visa of 6 mos. In application; from cover letter to itinerary it had stated their date of entry and exit. Decision is still waiting for now.
However, something came up and plans had changed, that they cant be leaving on the designated date, but rather 20 days later on the targeted plan due to academic agenda of on of my fam.
Would there be any possible implication, or things that it might affect us? Would it cause an issue?
submitted by rlx029 to ukvisa [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 10:04 Quick-One-2999 My boyfriend broke up with me but still loves me and wants to stay friends

So basically my bf and I were head over heels and were pretty fresh with having dated for just around ≈3 months when we started fighting more but mostly bc he had less time bc of school, work, hobby, etc. and I didn’t feel reassured enough anymore. We always fixed it but one day he was busy asf and didn’t text all day and I spam called, texted, etc. and he said he doesn’t understand how I can’t trust him enough when he finally answered and said he was busy all day. I said I thought he was ignoring me since he was online every now and then and posted on his story and he said he just didn’t have time to even text me smth like 'won‘t be available today' wich I asked him once to and he apologized. He said he feels kinda disappointed but questions if we should keep going with the relationship and said he needs a break also for himself overall to work on himself since he himself is just pissed all day, makes my mood worse while arguing and doesn’t have the time I need anymore. I said I don’t want time but reassurance and I feel like he still didn’t get that. He said he‘ll always love me tho and wants to date again after the break but lwk stay friends (but rn I always have to reach out first too even on the anniversary thing) and he promises to date me again but j can‘t promise how long this break will be and says I shouldn’t wait for him, move on and date someone else cause me waiting and loving him forever or saying that will hurt me in the long run. He says he doesn’t mind if I‘d wanna date someone else, he just won’t tho until he‘s better. He also started gambling a little and taking edibles but it keeps him calm. He took out the pfp on his insta wich was my fav pic of him and one day ignored me completely but still has all the apps for couples we had, has my pictures still on every app, 52 or so saved of me and my love letters. He also told everyone about me already and loved posting me on his socials, asking me to let him and all that pretty early so he prob was serious about me.He‘d also stay otp even when gaming with his friends. Idk is he trying to forget me? Does he really want to date me again? I told him I‘ll also work on myself but he j said I‘m perfect and doesn’t know what I could work on. He said he wants to stay friends but one day ignored me and read my messages the day after but started to at least read my messages but doesn’t respond only once when I wished him happy monthly anniversary of knowing me we both were so exited about. Idk he is confusing me. Especially since on the day we broke up we called afterwards and when I started crying stayed up for me and also said if I’m crying about it I’m understanding it wrong and it doesn’t mean our end and somehow I ended up on the topic of my wedding and how make up will be useless bc I’ll cry sm since I cry a lot in every emotion even happiness and corrected me saying 'on our wedding' and still complimented me,etc. Idk if he is acting that way bc of past trauma where he got cheated on and lost an important person in his life, etc. and doesn’t like help from others for that reason. What should I do? I mean, he kept the number of his ex unblocked until she asked about me but also blocked every other girl following him when neither of us knew her and even after the break up when a girl slid into his DMs he saidd he doesn’t want anyone texting him and was pissed.
Does he still like me or just wants to make the break up easy for him?
submitted by Quick-One-2999 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 03:59 gloomchen Post WWE SmackDown on FOX Discussion Thread - May 17th, 2024!

SmackDown Episode #1291
Venue: VyStar Veterans Memorial Arena (Jacksonville, FL)
Attendance: ~9,600

Results of Tonight's Show

Match Stipulation Winner
Bianca Belair vs. Tiffany Stratton Queen of the Ring Tournament Match Bianca Belair
LA Knight vs Tama Tonga King of the Ring Tournament Match Tama Tonga
Jade Cargill vs. Nia Jax Queen of the Ring Tournament Match Nia Jax
#DIY vs. Legado del Fantasma Tag Team Match #DIY
Randy Orton vs. Carmelo Hayes King of the Ring Tournament Match Randy Orton


  • SmackDown kicks off tonight straight into Bianca Belair vs. Tiffany Stratton, a match which has had absolutely no online controversy or weird speculation
  • Post match, Cathy Kelley interviews Bianca in the ring, asking about her knee. She says yeah, it's bothering her but that's no reason for excuses. And next week nothing is stopping her from becoming Queen of the Ring.
  • Logan Paul strolls through backstage before being interrupted by LA Knight exiting Nick Aldis' office. They have a brief staredown before Nick invites Logan into his office.
  • Byron Saxton interviews Jade Cargill backstage, asking her how she prepares for someone as dominant as Nia Jax. She says, Jax is just in her way. Bianca strolls in and Jade congratulates her on her win, asking her about her knee. She says it'll be fine, even if she has to stand across the ring from her.
  • Backstage with the Bloodline, with Tama Tonga chattering like an angry cat who can't get to a bird. Paul Heyman asks Solo Sikoa if he's talked to "him" today. Solo says, all the time…
  • Cathy Kelley asks LA Knight how he feels about his upcoming match. Knight says he can get him introduced to a BFT and then grab his crown. Carmelo Hayes walks up, noting he was a top draft pick and… Knight says, who was the first round draft pick when Tom Brady was drafted? Hayes says their match will end with H-I-M, with Knight countering with everybody saying L-A-KNIGHT YEAH.
  • Post-match, LA Knight is complaining to Charles Robinson about the 3-on-1 situation when Carmelo Hayes interrupts saying oh he couldn't get the job done huh? Knight shoves him, and Robinson holds them apart.
  • Nick Aldis is in the ring for our contract signing. Logan brings a bunch of Prime bros with him to the ring. Cody asks Logan if he knows what happened here 32 years ago on this day? It was Wargames '92, and it's memorable if you're a fan of professional wrestling, but Logan is just a tourist. It's time for him to make Cody Rhodes a Grand Slam champion. Logan doesn't want to here it, he just showed up to sign a contract - except the crowd keeps drowning him out with boos whenever he tries to say this. He tells the crowd they're horrible. He reviews the contract, but then tears it up and says he only agreed to compete for the WWE Undisputed Championship ONLY. Logan has his attorney pulling out the contract with his terms, and tells Nick Aldis to make Cody sign it. Aldis says this isn't what they agreed to & it's unprofessional. Logan's litigator asks if he's threatening his client? Cody interrupts, tells Nick he's doing a good job, then tells him to leave it to him & Logan to resolve. Logan says Cody's done nothing to deserve a shot at his US Championship, but Logan is worthy of every title in this industry. He throws the contract at Cody, who comes back angrily saying the honeymoon is over, everyone's going to see what Logan is like on the inside. He signs the contract before tossing Logan out of the ring and taking out his cronies.
  • Cathy Kelley talks with Nia Jax, who knows Jade Cargill is impressive, but she's not going to be the Queen of the Ring.
  • Austin Theory & Grayson Waller join the commentary desk for the tag team match.
  • The commentary desk addresses the QR codes that have been appearing recently, and they address the Twitch feed last week -- but all they have are more questions than answers.
  • Byron Saxton speaks with AJ Styles, noting his last couple of weeks have been challenging. Where does he go from here? Styles notes his loss in Lyon, and in the first round of the KOTR tournament. Next week, he goes to Nick Aldis' office, and will find out from there.
  • Byron Saxton attempts to speak with Bayley, but she's interrupted by Chelsea Green & Piper Niven. Bayley says she doesn't have time to talk, how about they do it in the ring next week?
  • Next week, from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia: the King & Queen of the Ring Semi-Finals!
  • Cathy Kelley attempts to interview Randy Orton in the ring after his win, but the Bloodline interrupts. Randy grabs the mic and interrupts them saying, are you going to intimidate ME? I'm RANDY FREAKIN' ORTON, a 14 TIME WORLD CHAMPION. And since we're doing introductions, next week he'll introduce him to his foot up his ass, as well as the 3 most deadly letters in sports entertainment... R-K-O!
Additional Plugs
Next week's Smackdown will be pre-taped from KSA (airing live in Europe).
submitted by gloomchen to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 03:13 Gyanbng123 Today’s Headlines

“You have to believe in yourself when no one else does.” Spread togetherness everywhere you go. Let humanity progress with the thought of humanity and polarity.
Very Good Morning 🤝💐
Today's Headlines from :
Economic Times
📝 RBI urges ARCs to follow the regulations in letter & spirit
📝 Trai to tighten rules to check pesky communication
📝 Five lakh sellers onboard ONDC so far: DPIIT secy
📝 UN raises India's 2024 growth forecast to 6.9%
📝 Zydus Lifesciences Q4 Results: Drug makers posts threefold YoY jump in net profit to Rs 1,182 crore
📝 TV Today Network Q4 Results: Net profit jumps nearly 2-fold to Rs 11.46 crore
📝 India's forex reserves rise for second straight week, up by $2.56 bn
📝 HDFC Bank raises USD 500 mn from IFC for on lending to women borrowers
📝 BEML Ltd bags order worth Rs 250 crore from Northern Coalfields for rear dump trucks
📝 Startup funding falls 34% on year to $118 million this week
📝 Delhivery forms subsidiary to offer drone services
Business Standard
📝 India must up its share in global manufacturing: FM Nirmala Sitharaman
📝 FPI selling tops $3.5 billion amid Lok Sabha poll jitters, flows to China
📝 Ola in talks with Mysuru-based Kaynes Semicon to make chips for its EVs
📝 PB Fintech's Dahiya, Bansal divest Rs 1,109 crore worth of shares
📝 Bandhan Bank Q4 results: Net profit declines 94% to Rs 54.6 crore
📝 JB Pharma Q4 results: Net profit soars 43% to Rs 126 cr, revenue up 13%
📝 SII to acquire 20% stake in needle-free tech company IntegriMedical
📝 GSK Pharma Q4 results: Profit rises 45% on growth in NLEM drugs, vaccines
📝 Go Digit IPO: Issue subscribed over 9.6 times on final day, QIBs bet big
📝 OpenAI enters into Google ecosystem with Drive integration in ChatGPT
📝 Medical device companies get a three-month extension for licences
Financial Express
📝 JSW Steel net profit falls 64.5% to Rs 1,299 crore
📝 Vodafone Idea plans Rs 50-55K crore capex over 3 years
📝 Diagnostic startup, Healthians plans overseas expansion
📝 Misconduct order passed by ICAI against PwC firms
📝 Nippon Steel Boosts Efforts to Woo US Steel Workers, Politicians
📝 Russian court seizes 463 mln euros of UniCredit assets
📝 Granules India Q4 Results: profit rise by 8.4% YOY
📝 Siemens Gamesa's India wind biz up for sale at $1 billion valuation
📝 Cremica eyes fundraise as investor plans exit
📝 CoreWeave raises $7.5 billion in debt for AI computing push
📝 Indian companies should reduce dependence on China, reiterates Jaishankar
📝 Atul Auto Q4 results: Net profit rises to ₹4.8 cr, revenue at ₹160.14 cr.
submitted by Gyanbng123 to IndianStockMarket [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 02:25 Voodoo_Clerk I'm Indebted to a Voodoo Shop (Part 5)

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Creole dangled that final favor over my head for a few weeks. He didn’t summon me or even contact me as if he was dragging out my final task until he truly felt like doing so. While it annoyed me, I eventually found it to be a blessing. It allowed me to process everything that had happened to me and recharge my batteries. I also did my best to avoid mirrors after my hotel ordeal with my corrupted reflection. Every time I even passed a mirror it felt like at any moment she burst through the mirror and rip me into pieces.
After almost 3 weeks of silence from Creole, I was sitting home alone, having agreed to help my parents fill out their taxes while they continued to work themselves to the bone. I didn’t exactly know what I was doing but I figured that no one ever really knows what they’re doing when they fill out a tax form. I was in the process of chewing the end of my eraser when our doorbell rang.
Now I’m usually the type of person who never answers the door when the doorbell rings. If I don’t know that you’re coming over beforehand then I ain’t answering the door. But something about this doorbell felt different. And after all, I wasn’t getting anywhere with my parent’s tax forms; other than the feeling of dread with how badly we were faring even with both of them working two jobs. So I stood up from the kitchen table and made my way over to the door.
“Jacob?” I asked with surprise and a bit of shock when I saw the bellboy standing at my door. He waved to me happily and then reached into his pocket and pulled out an envelope, handing it to me. I took it from him and was greeted by the familiar handwriting that Creole’s notes carried. “Why didn’t he just call me?” I asked Jacob, forgetting that Creole’s bellboy was now a mute. He simply pointed at the envelope. I looked down at it, opened it, and began to read.
“Mace! So sorry that I’m not able to call you. I’m currently out of town on a business trip. But this is the perfect opportunity for your final favor! Jacob is here to lead you to the shop where I’ve left further instructions. And don’t worry about anyone seeing y’all. Not like anyone will believe ya if you told em. Best regards, K.C.”
That last sentence felt like a threat. It was something that existed constantly in the back of my mind. Especially after I found out that Creole had the police in his pocket. It was best to just grit my teeth, get this final favor done, and never have to think of Ol’ King Creole’s Half Priced Voodoo Store ever again.
“Just give me a minute to get my things,” I told Jacob. He nodded quickly and gave me a thumbs-up. He was such a different person now that it was scary. I hadn’t known Jacob well in high school but seeing him like this caused me to feel sorry for him. He certainly didn’t deserve this, it wasn’t his fault that I had gotten stabbed by one of his customers. And yet it was my fault that he was now a servant of the same monster that held my own life in his gloved hands.
I allowed Jacob into the house while I headed upstairs, followed by the thoughts that filled me with guilt over what had happened to him. I applied more of Creole’s ointment so that my scar and stitches would continue to be hidden. I gathered my lockpicking tools and my pepper spray and finally joined Jacob downstairs. He was busy looking at the pictures hung up on my wall and when he noticed me he quickly spun on his heels and gave me a salute, a cheery smile on his stitched-up mouth.
“Let’s just get this over with,” I told him, barely able to stand his overly cheery demeanor. He nodded and followed me outside. I locked the door and followed him as he led me toward the voodoo store. As I followed Jacob, I took the letter he had given me and started reading it again. Something was bothering me.
“Where the hell does he need to go to be on a business trip?” I asked Jacob, again as if the mute bellboy could answer me. He shrugged his shoulders as he continued down the sidewalk. I looked back down at the letter and suddenly got a terrible feeling about something. Were there other freaks like Creole? If one freak exists, it only makes sense that others also exist. This horrible line of thought was abruptly halted when I walked into Jacob. I was about to get pissed at him but then I realized that we’d arrived at the voodoo shop.
“Oh,” I said, my cheeks getting warm with embarrassment. I had been so absorbed in my thoughts that we’d arrived in record time. Jacob just smiled and opened the door for me, I mouthed a quick thanks and entered the shop hoping to leave my embarrassment outside. Every voodoo doll quickly turned to look at me as soon as I entered. I quickly held my hands up to show them that it was me, and Jacob entering the store behind me put them all at ease. I guessed that they were some sort of security system for when their boss was away.
Jacob led me to Creole’s office and as we passed the basement door whatever was down there quickly began pounding at the door. It surprised me so badly that I screamed and quickly rushed past Jacob toward the office, putting as much distance as I could from the creature in the basement. I entered Creole’s office and quickly sat myself down on the comfy chair where I had received my life-saving surgery from Creole. Jacob followed after me and closed the door behind us.
He went behind Creole’s desk and began searching for something. I meanwhile finally took full notice of Creole’s office, since the last time I had been there I had been on death’s door. His office was filled with photos with a grand majority of them being scratched out in some way. All except one on his desk. I reached out and grabbed the picture frame to look at it. It was an old black-and-white photo of a man and a woman.
“Is that…” I held the photo closer to my eyes to examine it. The man was tall with messy black hair. “Creole?” I whispered to myself as the figure in the picture was a dead-ringer for Creole. Of course minus the button eyes and stitches across his mouth and neck. Just as I was about to examine the woman, the photo was suddenly snatched from my hands. I just about had a heart attack thinking that Creole had somehow returned and taken it from me. But it was only Jacob with more of my directions.
“Right, sorry,” I told him as I accepted the couple of pieces of paper he handed to me. There were Creole’s usual doodles of what I had to retrieve though these were the strangest ones yet. Though thinking back now it certainly seemed hard to top a clock that caused you to decay and a mirror that creates a horror version of yourself.
Creole wanted me to steal some sort of file and a porcelain doll. The porcelain doll made sense, the wall of voodoo dolls was enough to prove Creole’s obsession with dolls. But the file was what interested me more. What exactly did he want that for? Was it some sort of haunted file or something? I looked at the next page which was another letter. Why he couldn’t have just told me everything in the first letter was lost to me.
“Mace! By now Jacob should’ve given you the target of my current desire. After you’ve finished reading this and are ready to begin your final favor he’ll take you to your target. And I’m sure you’re dying to know where it is. It’s in a lovely Massachusetts mansion! The owner rarely ever goes there anymore so it should be a walk in the park for you! Just this last favor and you can finally go free.” He didn’t bother signing this one, but I could care less. The third paper appeared to be completely blank, so I just shoved that into my pocket with everything else.
“Well, I guess I’m ready,” I told Jacob as I stood up. He nodded and reached into his pocket. He rummaged around in there for a moment before he pulled out a key. The bow of it was a skull, which probably meant that it was a skeleton key of some sort. I’m sure Creole had gotten a kick out of it for that reason. The bellboy inserted the key into Creole’s office door and turned it. Before my eyes and Jacob’s buttons, the door began to morph and change into a much more ornate and fancier one. The golden initials CS were stamped onto each door and Jacob swung the door open for me.
“Wish me luck,” I said as he handed to key to me. I assumed so I could make a quick escape if the situation called for it. He held a thumbs up and waved goodbye to me as I stepped through the doors.
I had to blink my eyes furiously after entering the mansion as I was blasted with natural lighting that blinded me when compared to the dimly lit voodoo shop. This place was massive, from a giant chandelier above my head, to massive windows that let in plenty of sunlight into the mansion. But even despite its grandeur it felt, cold. Both in temperature and in feeling. It was the beginning of fall but even so, there wasn’t any reason for it to be this cold. Cold enough to see my breath. I shivered as I took my few steps forward into the mansion.
Right at the entrance next to the grand staircase was a giant family portrait of who I at first assumed were the owners of this massive palace. But judging by the clothes the woman was wearing and the style of suit the older man was wearing I quickly judged that they must be some kind of ancestors. The woman and man both had their hands on the boy in front of them. The mother and I assumed her son both had blonde hair, while the father had thick brown hair with a giant mustache.
“Where would this file be?” I wondered to myself after a moment of staring at the giant portrait. I reached into my pocket to try and find something in Creole’s notes. And to my surprise, the previously blank sheet of paper had suddenly transformed into a map of the mansion. To my surprise the file wasn’t located upstairs but in a downstairs office. Armed with this knowledge, I started making my way towards it, checking the map every so often so that I wouldn’t become lost in the maze of hallways and rooms that this mansion possessed.
The cold started getting to me as I shivered uncontrollably and vapors of breath poured from my mouth. The quicker I got this over with the better, not only as my final favor but because I wasn’t about to have myself catch a cold over this. Finally, I made it to the correct door. I tried to turn the knob and found it locked. I half expected this to just be a snatch-and-go, but I supposed that there was a reason Creole sent me.
Getting on my knees and warming up my hands with my breath, I quickly went about trying to pick this lock. What immediately struck me was how old this lock was. Not like rusty and about to fall apart old but in design old. I’d never come across a lock like this and I had to figure out how to actually go about picking it. My shaking hands and body also added to my struggles and I dropped my tools on more than one occasion.
Finally, after ten minutes of fumbling, cursing, and giving up once, I finally managed to open the door. “Let’s fucking go!” I shouted in excitement. Covering my mouth quickly as my voice echoed throughout the mansion. I quickly entered the room and closed the door behind me. I was surprised to see that it wasn’t an office, but more like a storage room with a few boxes and filing cabinets. He really wasn’t going to make this easy on me, was he?
I opened a few of the filing cabinets and found many of them empty, which sped up the process of finding the file I needed. It was the second to last one that finally yielded results. The only problem was that this cabinet was full of files. Just as I was about to try and steal all of them, one of them caught my eye. I was flipping through them and cursing Creole with every file that I flicked past when one felt different from the others. Mostly because it had a paperclip attached to it and a photo. I pulled this file out and looked down at it. The picture was of a woman who looked exactly like the woman at the entrance of the mansion. Opening it I read through it a little.
Abigail A. Sinclair.
Fell into deep and uncontrollable hysteria after the death of her husband, Cornelius A. Sinclair, and the return of her son from the war. Her son has seen fit to place her under the care of the Boston Psychopathic Hospital. Her son has requested that he not be informed of her progress or if she passes away in our care.
“Jeez,” I said as I flipped through more of the file. The most striking were two photos, one was of Abigail when she was mentally well and the next was her locked in a straight jacket and completely a shell of her former elegant self. Her hair was wild and her face was twisted into a look of intense fear and sorrow. I reached into my pocket to consult my magic pages and found that the map had now turned into a simple phrase.
“That one,” was all it said now. I looked back down at the file and stared at the haunting eyes of Abigail. I felt horrible for her, and I could only wonder what Creole wanted this for. But it was better for me not to think about that. I closed the file and tucked it under my armpit. The paper now changed back to a map and was leading me back towards the main entrance. Walking down the hallways was quicker now that I had an idea of where I was going, and I was back at the main entrance in no time.
The paper now told me to head up the grand staircase upstairs into one of the bedrooms. I assumed to Abigail’s room since judging by her file and the massive portrait she didn’t have a daughter. So I started making my way up the stairs, each of my footsteps echoing throughout the halls. At the top of the stairs, I was greeted by a different portrait, one of a tired-looking man in a suit. He had deep bags under his eyes and perfectly combed blonde hair.
“This must be the son,” I said as I approached the portrait. His scowl was enough to send a chill up my spine. It felt like his angry hazel eyes were staring deep into my soul. I shivered hard and quickly moved past the portrait. I reached Abigail’s room and was happy to see that it was open. The room was pristine and perfect in every way. It felt like it had been deliberately kept this way and I was intruding on a museum piece.
There, sitting on the bed, was the doll. A small little porcelain one. I was going to have to be careful lest I end up accidentally dropping and shattering it. I walked to the bed and carefully picked her up. All I had to do now was make it back to the office and I would never have to deal with shit like this ever again.
I exited the bedroom and headed towards the stairs, passing the portrait of the son. Just as I did I was suddenly and violently grabbed by the throat. In my surprise and shock at being suddenly attacked, I dropped everything I was holding to grip the mystery hand that was choking me. I watched in terror as the porcelain doll began to fall to the floor. Instead of shattering into a million pieces though it was caught in midair by something.
“May I ask what you’re doing here?” A deep voice asked me. I looked up toward the portrait and stared at it as it seemed to come to life. The son stepped right out of the portrait and continued his death hold on me while the doll floated up next to him. I don’t exactly know how he expected me to answer him, but he gave me an opportunity after he dropped me to the floor.
“Wh-” I gasped as I tried to suck in air only to be met with a skeletal goopy form staring at me from the floor. I let out a croak that was supposed to be a scream before falling backward and almost falling down the giant staircase.
“That freak sent you here, didn’t he?” The man asked as he looked down at me on the floor. The strange goopy creature slithered around him like some kind of snake before perching itself on his shoulder and letting out strange gurgles from its bright white mouth. Two beady white eyes stared down at me along with the exhausted eyes of the man who had just stepped out of a painting.
“C-Creole?” I asked him, standing up and reaching into my pocket, rubbing my thumb across my pepper spray. I didn’t know if it would do anything to him, but I needed some sort of protection and this was all I had in that department.
“Yes, that bastard,” he said as he took the file from the creature as it lifted it towards him. He took it and the moment his eyes saw the picture of his mother I could tell he wanted to kill me right there. “Why the fuck would he want this?” he asked me, his creature slithering over to me and opening its giant white maw.
“I-I don’t know! He just told me to get these things!” I told the son, quickly holding my hand up and uncapping my pepper spray. The creature stopped just before it could eat me and then quickly slithered back over to its master. I lowered my hand and watched as the creature morphed into the shape of his shadow.
“Sending a woman to do his dirty work. I knew he was pathetic but not this pathetic,” he hissed and I could immediately tell that he saw me as less than a parasite. His tired eyes were burning with rage as stared at me. I figured he was trying to figure out what to do to me. And I wasn’t going to let him think that over. I pulled my pepper spray out and quickly sprayed him with it.
That caught him off guard and he let out a pained shout, quickly covering his eyes with his arm. That summoned his creature back from his shadow, in fact as I saw him emerge once again it was obvious that the thing was his shadow. I had gotten the spray’s fumes in my own eyes and they began to sting and tears started streaming from them. I took this opportunity to sprint down the stairs. It's some miracle that I didn’t fall and break my shit.
I made it to the main entrance and quickly fished in my pocket for the skeleton key. I shoved it into the keyhole and turned it. I watched and waited for the door to finish morphing and when it did I flung the door open and slammed it shut behind me. I panted and sniffled as now my nose began to run uncontrollably along with the tears in my eyes. I felt a pair of hands hold my face up and suddenly cold water being poured onto my face.
“Jacob?” I asked as the pain and tears began to subside. His pale smiling face was more comforting to me than anything else could’ve been. I shoved my face into his bright red uniform and hugged him tightly. The floodgates opened, I don’t know if it was from the pepper spray or my latest near-death experience but I began to cry uncontrollably into Jacob’s chest. He wrapped his arms around me and gave me a soft hug.
“Macedonia.” Creole’s voice broke this brief comfort session. I looked up from Jacob’s chest and whimpered softly upon seeing him there staring back at me. “I take it, that it didn’t go well?” Creole asked with a smile still on his face. I shook my head and gripped Jacob as if he was going to save me in some way.
“I-I’m sorry sir…he…he came out of the painting and..who was that?” I asked as my thoughts ran at a million miles an hour. Jacob produced a napkin from his pocket and offered it to me. I took it and wiped my eyes and blew my nose.
“That would be a lovely associate of mine. Constantine Sinclair. He doesn’t take too kindly to my antics I’m afraid. Unfortunate that you weren’t able to get those items. I would’ve loved to have that kind of information to hold over his stupid blonde hair.” Creole sighed as he sat down behind his desk.
“Where even were you?” I asked as Creole looked at me. He smiled at me and watched as Jacob continued to comfort me. He seemed to watch us for a moment as he digested the question that I had just asked him.
“I was at a lovely dinner with my other associates and Sinclair. It was going just about as well as it normally does when Sinclair suddenly stood up from the table and immediately headed towards the door. I take it you must have tripped some kind of alarm.” Creole said with a laugh as he began to drum his fingers on his desk.
I stared at him for a moment as I tried to figure out in my head where he could’ve possibly had some sort of alarm. Then I remembered the painting. Was there something about it that he could see through it? Was that how he had been able to see me inside his mansion?
Jacob helped me stand back up and bowed to the two of us before leaving the office. Creole stared at me with those giant buttons for what felt like an eternity. I was sure that he was going to do something horrible to me for this second failure to complete a task for him.
“Welp, a deal’s a deal, Mace.” He shrugged his shoulders as he leaned back in his chair. “You’re free to go.” He shooed me away as he looked down at his desk. I stood there in shock. Surely it wasn’t going to be this easy, was it? Just as I turned to leave though he stopped me.
“There is one more thing though.” The tone in which he said this sent a chill up my spine. He was giddy with excitement and also ominously followed by low chuckles. “Your daddy came to visit me the other day.”
I spun on my heels quickly and stared at him. He was resting his head on his hand and smiled at me. The smile was one of superiority over me.
“He begged me to help with his financial situation. And I’m inclined to help him. Of course, if he doesn’t think his wish over thoroughly. I’d hate to see a repeat of your friends and Jacob.” He threatened me as he drummed his fingers on his desk.
“Stay away from my family,” I warned him, even though I had nothing to back it up with. He giggled at that and stood up from his chair.
“Or what? You’ll call the police? You’ll kill me?” He hummed and shook his head. “How about a trade? I spare your father, and your mother for good measure. And you become my permanent errand girl.” His gross yellow smile sharpened into fangs as he stared at me.
I clenched my fists tightly. I had no choice. He had every good card in the deck. He had a royal flush and I had a one-of-a-kind. I wanted nothing more than to rip his head off. Maybe even go back and try and work for the blondie. But I was stuck here now in this moment.
“I want it in writing. I don’t want you changing the deal.” I demanded. He nodded quickly and reached behind his desk to produce a contract.
“Feel free to read it.” He slid it across the desk toward me. I walked over to it and looked down at it. It was everything he had told me beforehand without any fine print for me to read. He offered me a pen and twirled it around his fingers as I stared at it in thought.
“How long for?” I asked him as I took the pen from him.
“Until I get bored with you,” he said with a smile. I stared at him and then down at the paper. I love my mom and dad more than anything in this world. Including myself. So I signed the paper. I watched as my signature melted into the paper and turned into gold letters on the page.
“Wonderful! You’re free to go home. Don’t worry about Sinclair either. I’ll handle him.” He shooed me away as he rolled the paper up and caused it to disappear from his gloved fingers. I silently left his office in complete defeat. Jacob was waiting at the door for me and he opened it for me.
“Thanks…” I mumbled to him as I left the shop and started my way home. This was my life now. Stuck in a contract with a horrible voodoo monster with no possible way out until he got bored with me. I had no way of escaping this. All I had going for me was that for now, my family was safe. And really at the end of the day. That’s all I wanted.
submitted by Voodoo_Clerk to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 01:38 OrangeXJam I have a problem with my code regarding VS code, at least I think

I am trying to make a program that basically takes an answer from the user and compares to a correct answer
basically a test program
I wanted to add a timer but it's a bit tricky since you need the timer to keep going regardless of user input part, since if you promote to take a user input everything pauses until you know . . . the user inputs
so I tried using signals and such and I am having 2 problems with VSC
It doesn't recognize 2 parts
first the alarm(time_limit) function where basically quote on quote it says "implicit declaration of function 'alarm' [-whimplicit-function-declaration]
second is the signal(SIGALRM, alarm_handler), for some reasons it doesn't recognize SIGALRM at all although I made sure to include the library it belongs to, being
if it is not obvious I am still new to coding, this is like the biggest project I did so far so I am genuinely lost
Thanks for any help in advance
#include  #include  #include  #include  #include  struct Question_Format { char Questions[100]; char Answers[100]; }; volatile sig_atomic_t time_out = 0; void alarm_handler(int sig) { time_out = 1; } int main(){ char Try_Again = 'Y'; while(Try_Again == 'Y' Try_Again == 'y' ) { int user_score = 0, Question_Number = 0, time_limit = 3; struct Question_Format Questions[100]; char user_answer[100]; FILE *Database = fopen("Question.txt", "r"); if(Database == NULL) { printf("This File Does not exist"); return 1; } while(fscanf(Database, "%99[^,],%99[^\n]\n",Questions[Question_Number].Questions, Questions[Question_Number].Answers) == 2) { Question_Number++; } fclose(Database); signal(SIGALRM, alarm_handler); printf("Please Makre Sure That All of Your Answers Are Written In Small Letters\n"); fflush(stdout); for(int i = 0; i < Question_Number; i++) { time_out = 0; printf("%s\n",Questions[i].Questions); alarm(time_limit); if(fgets(user_answer, sizeof(user_answer), stdin) == NULL) { if(time_out == 1) { printf("Nope, Next Question\n"); } else { printf("Did you just press enter without inputing anyhting ???\n"); } return 1; } user_answer[strcspn(user_answer, "\n")] = '\0'; if(strcmp(user_answer, Questions[i].Answers) == 0) { printf("Yipieeeeeee :) \n"); user_score++; } else { printf("Whomp Whomp :( \n"); } } printf("You got %d from %d\n",user_score, Question_Number); printf("Do you want to take the test again Y/N ?\n"); scanf("%c",&Try_Again); getchar(); } exit(0); return 0; } 
submitted by OrangeXJam to code [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 01:15 bigoleweiner7 No clue what I’m doing but here goes.

No clue what I’m doing but here goes.
Again I’m not sure how to do this but here goes nothing. DFV’s tweet last night with the not an exit sign in it also had some weird letters pop up before “so figure it out”
I googled both of these as they are written and for the “SO FIGUR MB AOB” this popped up
Just noticed as I’m writing this the picture was put at the top so like I said I don’t know what I’m doing
Anyways the second “SQ JOQKR” pulled up this.
These 2 links pulled up something that’s way over my head but they both mentioned CONSTELLATION ENERGY GROUP INC and RH ACQUISITION CORP
Which led me to the last picture.
Could gme be doing something similar with a buyback?
If this is dumber than I am let me know and I’ll remove it or whatever.
And again I have no clue how to post this shit right just know how to hodl!!!
submitted by bigoleweiner7 to GME [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 00:48 MagistrateofYT Momo you deleting shit girl? Where Anne's diary entry go?

Momo you deleting shit girl? Where Anne's diary entry go?
Can you imagine that convo? I can... A - Madeea ieumm Dunn!!!! yew God da cheek ta teal me yew beheavey badcha doint (OK enough I'm not having this convo in anne speak ) M- I did. You know I say 1 thing mean a 2nd & do a 3rd. Why you suddenly act like that's new? A - I can't take this anymore. Rakin hung us out to dry. Vaulty abandoned us! SarahZ lying about being rich AND tough! Brooke looking for new army entirely, kooch is, well actually I'm relieved to be rid of her and her double fisted vagina. What a demented sicko telling us that. Who cares her fat rolls chafe? Not me! Heidi ain't gonna shelter us, nobody cares what the others doing and there you are running your mouth making all of us look even worse. You should have all your lips sewn shut M- fine you coward. But we aren't telling everyone we are done. It's a quiet breakup only we know about. Where we just fade away publicly denying it while making flowery statements about each other. A- no! I'm done with the lies momo and I'm done with yewww M- don't you call me that, you said you would never call me that. I'm telling everyone your husband DID kick you out to swallow dick! A- yewww better not betch!I be live asap about how you were looking into life insurance claims after Carlos accident! You even looked at 4 new phones snd 6 laptops so you could hag harder than ever! M- I swear to almighty Satan if you dare do that EVERYONE WILL KNOW ABOUT YOU SENDING YOUR NUDES TO YAHOOBOY! WHO YOU THINK YOU'RE TALKING TO? I KEPT THE SCREENSHOTS BITCH A - well that makes 2 of us. I have the nudes you sent to Mohammad INCLUDING THE LOVE LETTERS IN LIPSTICK and his police report about how you wouldn't stop! Every day for 3 years you sent new upskirt photos to him. He's traumatized! You know what? I am too after seeing them! I shared them with that cunt TL, why do you think her eyes went bad? This is what you do to everyone Momo! .... More to come
submitted by MagistrateofYT to BottomFeedersofYT [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 00:35 taylorroseap28 LONG EMPLOYMENT POST SORRY! Example email wording needed please re employment

Hi - I don’t want to say too much as even on here I’m terrified of doxxing myself. Worked at my place of work since 2017. Based in England. Been on long term sick leave with full pay because of a series of events that led me to whistleblow a situation (not a criminal situation but breached internal policies and could get seriously bad PR. Sexual harassment in the workplace triggered diagnoses (psychologist reports back this up) because of childhood trauma. Ended up having a suicidal breakdown. Lodged a grievance the day I went on sick leave some months ago to make things official. Only then did they offer to pay for psychotherapy. Employer turns over £110m per annum i.e. decent sized national company. Already had bad press in 2020. my line manager over Teams 2 days before I went off (which was the nail in the coffin) said if I ‘go off with my mental health the [employer] will get rid of you’ and said ‘if you use what happened [sexual advances] with a lawyer against [employer] it will be your golden nugget against [employer]’
I reported all of the above and received a letter mid-week this week saying they will no longer pay me full pay after this next month and i ‘May wish’ to discuss an exit package.
I have contacted Acas for early conciliation but happy to go to the ET and take it all the way for constructive dismissal (or unfair if it came to it?).
What I want is a piece of wording making sure I don’t trip myself up. I want to say how their letter extends on what my line manager said re mental health. I know legally they can get rid of me if they don’t reasonably see me returning, so that isn’t what I want to try and fight. I want to make it clear that I will take this all the way, ACAS are now involved and I have a call with my doctor next week about my next sick note extension.
Any further immediate advice or example wording beyond contacting a lawyer (I know I need to on that front) would be immensely appreciated. Thank you
submitted by taylorroseap28 to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 00:31 HumansDisgustMe123 A Dragons Den Pitch (bad jokes)

Narrator: "Up next is budding entrepreneur duo Vikram and Jessica, who are hoping to entice a dragon to invest in their sweet treats, but do they have what it takes?"
The two walk in, a table is already set up featuring a range of minimalist cardboard boxes with a poncy logo in a Serif font
Jessica: "Hello Dragons, I'm an insufferable trust fund baby with delusions of grandeur, and this here is my platonic best friend and perpetual cuckold Vikram, and together we are *Chocomunchabunchaholics*, a sustainable and environmentally friendly bespoke chocolate company that delivers overpriced organic half-melted dog-vomit in an envelope crammed through your letter box, all orchestrated through our handy AI-powered decentralised crypto app that's guaranteed to crash, render your phone unusable, and sell your private data to Russian hackers.
We started this business when I got cut off from dad's credit card after crashing the Rolls Royce. I needed money fast for my crippling addiction to black market botox, and when I met Vikram during my 12th consecutive gap year, I realised that we had an opportunity to transform the digital chocolate space with my family's connections to the Tory party, and Vikram's ability to slave over a stove for 18 hours straight without complaining.
We're looking for £400,000 for 0.1% of our business. Does anyone have any questions?"
Vikram: "I--"
Jessica: "You don't speak."
Vikram: "....."
Narrator: "It's a fascinating pitch from an entitled wasp and her emotionally deadened lackey, but do their finances paint as sweet a picture? Peter Jones wants a deeper look at the books"
Peter: "So how much do you sell your chocolate for?"
Jessica: "Well for our 70% vegan cacao kale blend, we sell it for £5.99 per molecule"
Peter: "And how many molecules are in a 30g bar?"
Jessica: "945,750 trillion."
Peter: "Right, so to buy one bar it would cost..."
Vikram: "The combined GDP of 1,452,575 United Kingdoms"
Jessica: "SILENCE COOK."
Vikram: "......."
Peter: "...... So one bar costs more money than there has ever been on Earth"
Jessica: "That's correct"
Peter: "And how much money have you made so far?"
Jessica: "Three"
Peter: "Million?"
Jessica: "Pence"
Peter: "......Okay, and is that your net or gross profit?"
Jessica: "I don't know what those words mean"
Peter: "I'm out."
Narrator: "Jessica's lack of business acumen and dire financial state has left a sour taste in Peter's mouth, but what does Steven Bartlett make of this?"
Steven: "So guys, what I'm struggling to understand is where I would fit into this if I invest. What value does a dragon bring to your business?"
Vikram: "We feel that we--"
Jessica glares
Vikram: "I'll go wait in the lift."
Jessica: "...... So to answer your question Steven, we think we'd really benefit from a bigger online presence, and since you're always regurgitating steaming heaps of trash into LinkedIn, we think we'd really benefit from your guidance"
Narrator: "Jessica's words have charmed the smarmy egotist, but Deborah Meaden has spotted a flaw in the product"
Deborah: "Hi Jessica, so I'm looking at your packaging, and I can see you've used the word "sustainable" thirty-five times, and I love sustainable things because they help greenwash my weekly jet trips to Antarctica where I mercilessly club seals for the sexual thrill, so sustainability is great, but some of these ingredients are anything but sustainable"
Jessica: "Which ingredients are you referring to?"
Deborah: "Enriched uranium, cobalt from the child labour mines of the DRC, ceramic tiles from a failed Starship launch, and octane 93 petrol."
Jessica: "So we're in a transitional period right now with our suppliers, and we're hoping to make our product merely toxic by 2025, instead of... you know... fatal."
Deborah: "I'm out."
Narrator: "It's death by chocolate as Deborah Meaden uncovers the truth behind the glowing incendiary confectionery, but what does Sara Davies make of it?"
Sara: "Can I just say I love your energy? Really love your energy, the packaging, the marketing, but there's a problem, and that is, how can I scale this business up when there's already 38,000 different sustainable chocolate delivery apps? I don't think I can invest so I'm very sorry, but I'm out."
Narrator: "The milk is beginning to curdle for Jessica and Vikram, but it's not over yet. They've managed to successfully stroke the ego of known oxygen-thief Steven Bartlett, and perhaps Touker Suleyman can offer a lifeline"
Touker: "I don't get out of bed for 0.1%, I'm out."
Narrator: "....Nevermind then, but it looks like Steven is ready to make an offer"
Steven: "Okay, I'm going to offer you..... all of the money, but I want 40% of the business."
Narrator: "It's the only offer on the table, but it's for 400 times the equity the pair originally wanted to give up."
Jessica: "Can I have a brief schizophrenic episode with your brick wall?"
Steven: "Feel free."
Vikram peeks out of the lift, mixing bowl in hand
Vikram hides in the lift, a few minutes elapse while Jessica mumbles into the cement, then walks back
Jessica: "So Steven, thank you very much for the offer, but is there any chance you can come down to 0.12%?"
Steven: "No."
Jessica: "Then I thank you, but I'm going to have to decline your offer
Steven: "Best of luck Jessica"
Jessica gets in the lift
Jessica: "This was your fault you know."
Vikram: "I'm going back to Mumbai."
submitted by HumansDisgustMe123 to BritishTV [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 00:26 Internal_Prune_5108 contracting 101

Residential Contracting 101
With over 20 years of building experience, I would like to share with you my insights in navigating becoming a successful contractor. With many different avenues of the building world its key to understand what problems will arise on any given day. A man once told a saying that stuck-the 6 p’s in life- Piss Poor Preparation leads to Piss Poor Performance. Preparation builds everything in construction, without preparation the jobsite will not run correctly. The best advice I was ever given was to learn a little about every trade giving you the ability to understand trade lingo and secrets. An example would be painters use the terminology flash; this means when the sub structure bleads through the paint. Subcontractors will give the best pricing if they respect your knowledge of the industry. If the subcontractor feels they will have to hold your hand through the job they will charge an extra fee…i.e. I call it the aggravation fee. In this blog I will explain the key elements in finding success in all aspects of the industry. Contracting is a physically and emotionally demanding job which requires planning and foresight to complete projects on time within budget. Picking your customer is just as important as picking your employees or subcontractors. I have worked for some of the most demanding customers leading me to question at the end if the job was even worth it. Sleepless nights, constant changes, lack of payment, lawsuit threats, adding work that was in the contract are just a few things you could face with a tough customer. With so many moving parts at all times it is critical to be able to adapt to changes within a short time frame. Materials will come in damaged, subcontractors will be late, employees will get sick, but the deadline you set does not change. The stress can be overwhelming at times keeping your mind in a good place is key to navigating all that is thrown at you. Choosing your client picking the right jobs-Keep these questions in mind The first question to be asked is what the time frame is to start the job to see if it fits within the timeframe for your business. If the time frame doesn’t work then move on from the project or let them know when you would be available to start. If the client really wants to use, they will wait until you are available. Taking on too much work will only lead to problems. Construction is a serviced based business, staying on top of the project and client will eliminate an unhappy customer and construction issues that will be over seen. With online presence if details are missed and customer service lacks it will only be a matter of time the phone will not ring. The second question to be asked to the client is do they have a budget in mind for the project. If they answer yes this is good, follow through with what the budget is. If the budget seems low let them know, this will eliminate a tire kicker, educate them on what the price range could be. If the budget seems reasonable then continue the discussion to the next question. If they answer no let them know that you can give them an estimate to see if the project is feasible with their finical capabilities. Taking on a job that is not correctly budgeted will lead to an unsatisfied customer due to non-transparency of the construction cost. The third question to be asked is anyone else bidding on the job, if the answer is yes, understand you might just be number check for the contractor doing the job. Dig a little deeper and find out how many numbers they are getting and why. If your business model is to be competitive be completely transparent with customer, this will gain trust with them. Let them know you get what you pay for and if you they choose the lowest bid it could lead into lack of quality of work.
The fourth question I will ask is there any specific subcontractors they wanted to use. If the answer is yes then I would explain to them you only use the subcontractors you have a working relationship with. Otherwise, this could backfire as the subcontractor might not show, do subpar work, talk behind your back to the homeowner. In my experience I would stay away from using any homeowner to alleviate problems down the road. A quick conversation now can save headaches down the road. The fifth question I will ask are planning on getting the job permitted, this needs to be known it takes more time for the permitting process. Plans will have to drawn submitted and approved to the city before work can commence. The sixth question I will ask if a residential remodel is are you going to be living through the remodel if yes understand this will take more time to navigate the project due to answering questions and cleaning the house on a daily occurrence. I would recommend seeing if the customer would be willing to move into an Airbnb or friends for at least the demo portion of the project. If they do plan on living through the remodel add a couple hours a day to accommodate the extra time that will be required. The seventh question I would ask in a residential remodel is how old the house is to see if there is asbestos that would need to removed by a proper company. A home built before 1979 will most likely have some asbestos in the house, use a licensed company with proper insurance to dispose of the materials. If everything looks good to this point find out a little more about the client personality. If the client seems reasonable, I would bid the job. Unreasonable people can cause you more stress than its worth. These are some red flags I would look out for. Some jobs are not worth the money. Very demanding in the way you are going to perform your job- I.e., tell you how you are going to do your job- You’re the professional not them! Give you a hard time about your price- haggle with price you estimated- The price is the price! If they are a family with little money and you want to help them out is one thing, if they are trying to beat you down is another. Mention they have a lawyer-there is no need for them to bring up that they have a lawyer - Run for the hills as if the job goes south, you will be the one losing out! Tell you what the payment terms are. It’s your business you get paid how it works for your company. If you want to get paid every Friday, put it into your contract-If the clients do not agree move on it will save you frustrations If they talk bad about the last contractor, chances are they will talk bad about you. There is a reason why the contractor does not work for them anymore, unless he did subpar work this a red flag Clients are using an interior decorator that will purchasing all of the materials- The materials could be ordered incorrectly by the interior designer your company will not make the mark-up it deserves. Interior decorators usually add time to the job as well as act like your boss. Charging a little extra for the time and stress that it will entail is only fair. Clients want to purchase the materials- You are using your knowledge to buy the correct materials-The mark up on the materials keeps the doors open working for wages only pays the bills The husband and wife do not get along-You will become the mediator between the couple it will lead to taking sides a losing proposition- A drama free work place is always best! Dangling carrot-if you do this job the next one will be better-Only look at what there offering at the present moment, if its not a good fit do not take the job for a job down the road…Its not worth chasing a job that might not happen! The Art of the Sale First things first selling your company is all about presentation. In meeting your clients for the first time show up with a collared golf shirt tucked in, belt, nice jeans, and newer shoes. Have a truck that a clean, no dents scratches, preferably washed the day you are going into your meeting. Have a leather note pad that is clean no dirt or paint visible. Show up 5 minutes early, if you’re running a little late shoot them a text to let them know. Treat the situation as if were going on a first date, best foot forward. As you introduce yourself give them a warm greeting, letting them know you are very interested in the work. Find out a little about them, hobbies, where they lived, etc etc. You are going to be working with them on a daily basis its nice to know what makes them tick. Having a good working relationship from the start is key forming a solid relationship. As the conversation progresses find out who wears the pants in the family…ie who’s the final decision maker. If its fits the wife, chances it is…..then kindly let the husband know happy wife happy life when their in a stall mate on an issue. As your looking at the project throw in some suggestions of what you think would look good from past experiences, this will get their attention that you have knowledge and want what’s best for them. If you see ways to save them money in their project let them know, money is a large point of the sale keep that in mind. Mention that you’re not the least expensive contractor but you’re not the most expensive either. Your customer satisfaction is your number one goal which leads to more time spent on keeping them happy. One happy customer will lead to another, one unsatisfied customer leads to work in the future. Bring up the fact the finishing the job on time is key goal to your business, many contractors run several jobs at once causing the jobs to be finished way behind schedule. You must stand out as having integrity, good morals, and the ability to problem solve to get the job. The clients will be testing you to see if you’re a good fit as well. Keep in mind as you take your notes that you must not forget anything they mention as it will come back before the job is completed…i.e. we mentioned that to you before we started the job! Take pictures of the proposed area for work, that way you can use it to better right your estimate. Let them know you will give them a detailed outline of when the job will be completed letting them see how long each phase will take and correlate it with your payment schedule. Before you leave their house let them know when the estimate will be sent to them. MAKE SURE YOU HIT THAT DEADLINE! Once you sent the email over with estimate make sure you get confirmation that they received it. Wait at least 2 days before checking with them, hopefully they contact you first! If they want negotiate the price, let them know that it is the best price that you can manage, its not worth losing money before you start. I closed 80% of the work I estimated by being very transparent and friendly. If you come off with an attitude charge double what the going rates are you might only land 1 out of 10 jobs as well as getting the reputation of being expensive. Bidding the job Looking up industry standards on pricing is what I would go buy for pricing. If you google the coat of any installation there will be a cost range for everything. Looking at the cost ranging from high to low I would tend to be in the middle. Some items might be low on the internet if this is the case use your best judgment not to lose money. Closing sales is key to success and keep the doors open for business. Being in the middle on pricing is key as most customers shy away from contractors that are extremely low or high on the price range. I tend not bid out hourly as wages do not pay for retirement. Bidding is better as customers no the exact price of the cost of construction. It also keeps the job moving quicker as time and material contractors take longer to complete projects…Thus costing the client more money and valuable time they could spend in their house. Using a Contract Using a detailed estimate tied to a contract covers your butt in 99% of the time. Having a piece of mind that every aspect of the job is covered in the estimate and contract protects both your company and the client. Key terms to include in your estimate/contract are. Have a schedule on excel showing the start dates and dates of each trade this will show the customer you are organized with time lines. If not written in the detailed in the estimate the item is excluded- This ensures if its not written down its not included. TBD- To be Determined- A phrase on a line item that has yet to had final decision of products or service needed. -The pricing will follow the decisions to be finalized Give out what your written warranty will be for parts and labor this changes state to state. If the homeowner provides the product than no warranty will be given on that particular item. In the contract have a start date and end date with the verbiage subject to change due to weather, product delivery, change orders Have a progress payment schedule to ensure the client understands when funding will be expected-Including if not payment is rendered service to the project will stop. Have written terms of how change orders will be charged-cost plus 20% or a set fee Make sure in your contract that arbitration is required versus going to court- This will save lawyer fees and going to court Many contracts can be found online and each state requires different contracts
Finding leads Finding leads is easy with the right network of people. I personally do not find working for friends or family members a good fit. Relationships get strained when money is involved, causing undue stress for both parties. I have listed a couple of ways to build a network or find work using the internet. Get in contact with realtor’s- Realtors have a big client base of homeowners who need work done Contact local Architects to see if they are working with any general contractors Leave some business cards at your local materials suppliers-Doowindow/lumber-many times clients will ask salesman for a referral. Join a business networking group- BNI is one of many Join a internet website lead generation company- Houzz, Angie’s List, Home Advisor, thumbtack, Yelp run an ad on craigslist Use a marketing company to market your website-This could become costly with little results Create a Facebook business page Create a Yelp business page
Building your subcontractor base Having 2 subcontractors for every trade, gives you the flexibility of completing jobs on time if the one the subcontractors is too busy at the time you need their service. Your subcontractors are the face of your business, choose owner run companies that are professional. Check to make sure there license are up to workman’s comp, liability insurance, state license. Choosing subcontractors with lettered vans, logoed t-shirts is s key to looking professional in the clients’ eyes. In the past I have gotten a lot of subcontractors for material supply shops, stopping by jobsites, researching the internet using Yelp, Home Advisor, etc etc. Once you get one good subcontractor ask them if they know any other trades they would recommend. One good subcontractor leads to another in most cases. The key to having a good group of subcontractors is to let them know that you are there to get help them get the job done. They do work for you but without them you are nothing…keep that in mind! Make them aware a clean jobsite is required at the end of everyday to ensure the proper safety for all parties including theirs! Over the years I have referred a lot of companies work when there is only 1 trade needed. Referring work to subcontractors is a good way to get top priority when you have work that needs to be completed ASAP. Timing is everything in times of emergency having a good group of subcontractors will make your business run smoothly. Pay your subcontractors immediately after performing work, this will make them feel appreciated! A happy subcontractor is one that will gladly go the extra mile for you knowing that there not just a number to your business! Buying lunch once a week for the jobsite is always a good token of appreciation!
Supervising In supervising any jobsite its key to monitor everything from materials on hand, weather, vehicle parking (if applicable), jobsite safety, and subcontractors’ workmanship. If you hired a professional there should be little supervision in the work being performed, on rare occasions a new hire might need some mentoring to get the results completed correctly. If you see a problem with there work address it with the worker directly, no need to call his boss…. building repour with the worker letting him know you got his back goes miles down the road! Checking in on the job first in the morning to answer any questions or changes that need to be conveyed and once in the afternoon to make sure all work be completed is done per construction industry standards. A job that is run blindly will have many more issues than one that is watched over. I have seen many jobs with no site supervision, leading to subpar quality work as well as safety hazards. Its better to be like an eagle than cluck like a turkey!
Working with the City/Inspectors On permitted jobs the city and site inspector will be a large part of how smoothly the job runs. Each phase of construction has an inspection allowing for the project to continue. Make sure your subcontractors are aware that the project is inspected before starting the job. The best way to stay on his good side is to provide a clean jobsite and having the job built to the highest standards possible. When having the site inspected be courteous to the inspector asking any questions or concerns you have with the work during the job. Being completely transparent will save you aggravation of problems down the road. The more he trust you the better if you seem sneaky or rude he will make your life a living nightmare! Many inspectors will have an attitude towards you….I suggest keeping quiet and doing what ever he wants….he’s the boss no need to get in a pissing match you will not win at. How to deal with irate customer Stay calm during any argument with an irate customer. Never raise your voice or show that you are bothered by their disgruntled behavior. If the customer is trying to get more from you than agreed upon stand your ground. Worst case scenario is you walk from the job, which in the long run be more of a loss for the client. I have only run into a couple of these clients; they are unreasonable and not worth losing sleep over a few dollars. Its best to terminate the relationship as it would be my best guess that a referral from this customer would not be one you wanted anyway. If you feel it was just a miscommunication on your end, take reasonability and remedy the problem. Taking accountability for your mistake will go a far way in their eyes and on future issues that arise. Prepping the homeowner pre-construction Before starting the job, it very important to give the homeowners a warning of what will happen during the construction process.
  1. All furniture in the proposed working area must be moved- I would recommend having the clients take care of this to limit the risk of damage to their belongings.
  2. There will be dust that will be in the house up to 3 months after construction-I would recommend hiring a construction cleaning company at the end of the job even so after it is cleaned dust will be present months after words.
  3. There will be conflicts between you in the homeowner at some course of the job. - You will do your best to eliminate them as quickly as they arise-i.e. material damages, miscommunication, job delays
  4. All decisions on materials must be made before the start of the job- this will eliminate job stoppage due to materials not being on site.
  5. All materials will be on site before commencement of job-
  6. Payment structures must be made per contract otherwise job will stop until payment rendered
  7. Cars are to be moved out of the driveway- Ensures ease of loading and unloading of materials/tools
  8. Give the specific hours that workers will be present- i.e. 7-3:30
  9. Determine what areas are allowed to be used as staging for tools/materials
  10. If animals are present in the home that they put outside or in a room during the day
  11. All valuables in the house are locked in safe
  12. Ask if using client’s household bathroom is okay or to bring in Porter Potty
  13. Being transparent as possible is key to keeping a great relationship with your client!
During Construction During construction it is key to take detailed photos to eliminate any damages that were not caused by the construction process. I would also make a video to ensure all areas are included. All subcontractors should also take progress pictures to ensure if problems arise in the future, they will not be responsible for any work that they did not perform. Keep an on-going log of progress to the homeowners and share the pictures for there records. This will keep homeowners excited of the progress being made. When the house is gutted to the studs it is important to have construction photos showing where all utilities are run in the walls or sub floor. If there is a problem in the future there will photos showing all utility locations. Protect all flooring with plywood or floor protective. I also like to protect front door and tarp all areas where subcontractors are to be working. Make sure to cover any chandeliers/furniture/doorways with plastic to eliminate dust. Ask the homeowners if they have any concerns that they could think of. We’re all human and possibly a detail was missed! Post Construction Phase If the project went smoothly appreciation should be shown to the customer. Find out if the husband likes a particular type of liquor. Bring the wife a bouquet of flowers. Send a Christmas card to the family letting how much you appreciated the work. You know you have done a good job if they tell you they will refer you to their friends. The best compliment you could receive is a good referral. In Summary Try to find a knitch in the market, I found kitchens to be a great remodel projects. Bathrooms are tough as they are small, expensive with little profit margin with every trade involved. Windows/doors are also another great knitch as they can be installed quickly. There are so many different remodeling items that can be stream lined to make the selling installing process flawless. Once the core group subcontractors are in place the job almost runs itself. Every day is a learning experience with new materials or methods in construction. Keeping up with codes, materials, fluctuating labor and material cost is a job within itself. Anyone can be a contractor with the right mindset.
submitted by Internal_Prune_5108 to Contracting [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 00:10 SheSeesTheMoonlight Realising I forced myself through a traumatising experience because I followed the rules so much

Edit: Realising I should've added this from the start, I wasn't diagnosed at the time, nobody knew I was autistic, so this is one of those "looking back on it and realising it was autism" kind of things
This is sort of a trauma dump, but looking back on it I suppose it was kind of funny, too. I learned a lot. Here's my story:
When I was a kid, my family took me and my siblings to the city amusement park during Halloween, and it was fun to see all the decorations and costumes, and I loved roller coasters. But at some point during the day, they decided that we were going to go through a haunted house. There were 2, a free one and a pay one, apparently the pay one was scarier and more gory so we went through the free one. WELL. It was SO scary it traumatised the hell out of me. I might have been 12 at this point? I still felt like I was 8. Something about it just seemed so real to me, I couldn't get to grips with what was going on, dead babies in washing machines, bloodied curtain mazes, chainsaws, etc. There was a room about halfway through with all these decapitated heads lining the upper corners of a bedroom, but the ceiling and walls were completely black.
I was already thoroughly freaked out and hated what was going on, so I insisted I go in the middle of the group so nothing jumps out at me. Well, as we're walking through the room, one of the heads flies down off the wall and screams right in MY face! I then saw the vague outline of a person dressed completely in black standing there in the corner, the jerk probably saw that I was the most scared and targeted me. But where it gets really bad is almost right after that, we go through a couple more rooms and then I saw the words of a miracle "EXIT", glowing green letters and the door was right there! I wanted to scream for joy and run outside and breathe the fresh air again, escape all this horrible nonsense. But I didn't. Why didn't I if I wanted to do it so badly? Well, I remembered it like I was forced through or something. But that never happened. I just simply never spoke up for myself. Because my family was going through it, and that's what we were doing from the start, we were told "we're going through this haunted house", I took that literally to a TEE, and the rules mattered more to me than my own mental health and sanity! I'm certain my parents would have helped me out to get out of there, but I didn't even think to question their supposed "authority".
Instead, right next to the exit door, we all got down on out knees and crawled through a lowered ceiling crawlspace and went through the rest of the haunted house... The end was especially traumatising because it was a labyrinth with a flashing strobe light for lighting, so you couldn't tell what was going on, meanwhile there were monsters in there with us chasing us around. I grabbed my dads hand, tears pouring down my face, trying to pull him towards where I thought the exit was, saying c'mon, come on!!! But he wouldn't move. I turned to look at him... and it wasn't my dad, it was some zombified clown monster or something... I screamed and ran for my life, and I heard my family calling me, they had already turned a corner and I was left disoriented and alone! Until I found them then. We exited and I've never been in another haunted house since.
What I've learned from this, and from just now, literally almost 20 years later, is that I HAVE to stand up for myself. It's a new rule of mine, take care of myself, speak up if something is bothering me, even if it goes against predetermined rules. Oh, and rules are questionable! Question everything, so it makes sense and it's something you can agree with! Otherwise, don't do it!
I also learned that I can go through things waaaayy harder than I thought I could, turns out I'm stronger than I believed. So that's a plus. Yay. /s
submitted by SheSeesTheMoonlight to autism [link] [comments]

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Closing Words: Please feel free to reach out to me if you're sincerely interested in having help you with your school work. I am available via text and phone almost 24/7/365.
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2024.05.17 20:51 Glum-Masterpiece7438 Vampire short story I've been working on (tap to read)

Vampire short story I've been working on (tap to read) submitted by Glum-Masterpiece7438 to teenagersbutpog [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 20:38 RoseBlack2222 The Silverwright Incident

Just for a bit of context, I originally wrote this story for Odd_directions which is a fiction subreddit. We're doing an event over there called Monster May where we write stories about giant monsters. I thought it would be fun to try writing one in a kind of analog/found footage transcript style. This story took me about a week to write. You can consider this to be more experimental on my part because I want to continue this style except with a longer narrative as opposed to this one-off story here.
Anyway, let me know what you think of it and I hope you enjoy it.
On May 22, 2008, a wrecked Honda Accord was found on the Alaskan-Canadian border at approximately 5:30 AM. According to the witness who reported this to the authorities, it seemingly appeared out of nowhere, somehow ending up on its roof in the middle of the road. No driver or passengers were present in the vehicle. The only thing found of note was a video camera, the footage of which revolves around a family of four.
Kent Morris: Owner of the vehicle as indicated by the certificates found in the dashboard. Age: 38
Charlene Morris: Wife to Kent and mother to their children. Age: 36
Lena Morris: Daughter. Estimated Age: 7-8
Deb Morris: son, Estimated Age: 1-2
The following is a transcript of the footage.
It begins with the camera turning on with Lena smiling into it.
Lena: I think I got it working!
Kent: How can you tell?
Lena: Um, the red light is on.
Charlene: Lena, turn that thing off! That’s supposed to be for your cousin’s wedding.
Lena: But I’m bored!
Kent: Alright, we’ll tell you what. You can turn it back on when we get near your aunt and uncle’s town. Okay?
Lena: Okay.
The footage ceases and resumes several hours later. A sign reading “Welcome to Silverwright. Come stay for a while” is shown. Deb is then heard crying which is recorded.
Lena: Mom, Deb won't stop crying!
Charlene: Aw, it's probably just his toothaches.
Some funny faces by her and Kent in the rearview mirror help calm Deb down. Now, he laughs and smiles. The next 30 minutes of footage consists of the surrounding forest area and local businesses.
Kent: Hey, I'm getting hungry. Who wants to grab a bite?
Charlene: I could eat.
Lena: Me too! I'm starving!
Kent: Alright, now the question is where can we stop?
Charlene: Margaret was telling me about a new place that opened up in this town a week ago. I think it was called Betsy's.
Kent: What kind of food does it have?
Charlene: Meat and seafood.
Kent: Sure, that should work. Did Margaret tell you where in town it is?
Charlene: No, sorry.
Kent: No big deal, we'll just keep an eye out for it.
The Morris family does come across the restaurant. The building has a cabin-like exterior with a sign showing a crab holding a fish with Betsy's name over it in green neon lettering. They park and exit their vehicle. Lena films the surrounding area. The sound of buttons on the camera being pressed can be heard.
Presumably, this is her trying to figure out more features about it. Lena activates the zoom function. Upon doing so, some figures can be seen moving amongst trees in the distance. The shadowing makes it difficult to discern, but there appear to be at least three or four, wearing hooded black robes.
Kent: Lena, come on!
The camera zooms out and Lena follows her family into the establishment. The inside is bustling with patrons.
Charlene: Lena, why did you bring that inside? I don't want people looking at us funny.
Lena: But you and Dad said I could use it.
Kent: I mean, she's not wrong.
Charlene gives her husband a look of annoyance. The family then gets a booth. Lena sets down the camera which is angled at the window they are seated in front of. They then make their orders.
Waitress: Alright, just to double check that's going to be one surf and turf plate, an order of stuffed crabs with hush puppies, and two kids' chicken tenders with fries, correct?
Charlene: Yes, thank you so much.
Waitress: And the drinks?
Lena: Coke!
Charlene: No, we can't have you bouncing around our hotel room all night.
Lena: But Mom!
Kent: Listen to your mother, sweety.
Charlene: She'll have a Sprite. I'll have an iced tea, heavy on lemon.
Kent: And I'll have a rum and Coke.
Waitress: And dessert?
Charlene: Baked Alaska.
Kent: Let's see. I could go for some apple pie.
Lena: Strawberry Ice cream!
Charlene: Okay, but you're giving some to Deb.
Lena: Why do I have to?
Charlene: Lena, learn to share.
Lena: Yes, Mom.
While waiting for their food, a ringtone sounds. Kent pulls out his cell phone.
Kent: It's Johnny.
He answers.
Kent: Hey, what's up? No, it's fine. We're about to eat. We're at that new place you and Margaret went to. Yeah, that's the one.
How's Sindy been? Nervous, I bet. Hopefully, it goes well. Brett seems like a good guy. What?
Kent covers the phone and looks at Charlene.
Kent: “Hey, Johnny says Margaret wants to talk to you.”
Charlene agrees and is handed the phone.
Charlene: Hi, Margaret. No, the ride wasn't too bad. Deb and Lena actually behaved better than we thought. What do you need? I mean I could, but it's kind of short notice. It's in a few days. How has she not decided on one yet? I know it's her big day, but at some point, she needs to accept that not everything about it is going to be perfect.
Kent: I can attest to that. Always limit the number of drinks people can have.
Charlene gives Kent another glare before continuing her conversation.
Charlene: Alright, if no one else can, I guess I can make a little time while we're here. Okay, see you soon then. Bye.
Charlene hangs up and hands the phone back to Kent.
Charlene: They want me to help pick out a dress for Sindy.
Kent: This close to the wedding?
Charlene: I know. That girl is smart, but it feels like she can't make a decision to save her life.
The food arrives at the table and the waitress tells them to let her know if they need anything else before leaving. The next hour consists of the family eating.
Kent (while chewing): They weren't kidding. This place hits the spot.
Charlene: Don't talk with your mouth full. It sets a bad example for the kids.
Kent: My bad.
Charlene: The food is great, though. Are you enjoying it too, Lena?
Lena: Yep!
After some time, Charlene excuses herself to go to the restroom and tells Kent to watch their children. Kent lets Lena sip some of his Coke.
Kent: Shit, your mother's coming back. Also, don't say that word.
Lena: Shit?
Kent: No, don't! Yes, Lena, that word.
The meal continues. Something to note here is captured through the window. Once again, this relates to the forest. This time, different colored distortions can be seen, similar to digital glitching. Further analysis of this segment shows that the top of the trees appears to bend slightly.
While this could be due to a camera malfunction, it is unclear why this was condensed to such a small distant area. Upon concluding their meal, the Morris family has the rest of their food to go and exits Betsy's, heading to their hotel, a place known as Salt River Inn. Once inside their room, Lena starts jumping on one of the beds.
Charlene: Kent, did you let her have some Coke?
Kent: No, maybe.
Charlene: I said not to. Lena, get down from there this instant!
Lena is presumably too occupied to hear her mother's command.
Kent: Don't worry. I think I know what might help.
Kent turns on the TV, flipping through the channels until finding that Mulan by Disney is playing, having just begun. Lena stops jumping and sits on the bed, watching the screen tentatively.
Kent: See? No problem. Anyway, I'm heading in the shower. Want to come?
Seeing that their children are occupied, Charlene agrees. Mulan continues playing. The parents exit the bathroom around the movie's climax. Just then, the film is interrupted by a screen reading “Silverwright Weather Service” and an EAS beep sounds from the speakers.
Lena: Hey, where did the movie go?
Below is the message as heard.
[Attention residents of Silverwright, hazardous conditions are expected shortly.]
Kent: Johnny said the weather was supposed to be clear. Damn news people don't know a snake hole from their-
Charlene: Kent, be quiet! I want to hear this.
[For your safety, staying inside and away from windows is recommended. Shut off all lights and unplug all electrical devices to prevent damage due to strong currents.]
Charlene: At least it doesn't sound too serious. Hopefully, this will pass by morn-
[It is also advised that battery-operated devices be turned off as well. This includes cell phones, portable gaming devices, and even calculators. If you must have something on, a radio is most suitable for up-to-date information. Be mindful of volume should you choose this. Conditions are projected to last through the next several nights. We now return to your regularly scheduled program.]
Mulan resumes after a McDonald’s Happy Meal commercial.
Charlene: I wonder if Johnny and Margaret saw this too. Maybe we should give them a call?
Kent: No, I bet they’re sleeping already. You know how they are. Even an earthquake couldn’t wake them.
Charlene: Okay, are you keeping your phone on?
Kent: I don’t see why I shouldn’t.
Charlene: What about what the alert said?
Kent: How should I know? It’s probably like having your phone on airplane mode during a flight. It doesn’t mean anything.
The movie finishes. Charlene tells Lena to get ready for bed. She obeys and afterward lays down to sleep.
Charlene: Lena, did you remember to turn off that camera?
Groggily, Lena turns over and tries to shut it off. In her attempt, she accidentally hits the zoom button on the camera again and knocks it on its side, making it face the window. The red blinking light of a radio tower can be seen far away. Someone is climbing it. This is believed to be one of the hooded figures seen earlier in the video.
They reach the top and seem to raise their arms to the sky in a sort of welcoming gesture. The earlier digital-like distortion appears again. Something comes out of it, either a limb or appendage, and lifts the person, out of view. The distortion then pulses violet and rapidly spreads, soon making the sky above Silverwright the same color. Two hours later, Kent’s phone rings.
Charlene: “It’s after midnight. Who’s calling us now?”
The sound of the bed creaking can be heard.
Kent: Johnny again?
Charlene: I bet Sindy's freaking out that the wedding might be canceled. Answer, but tell him whatever it is will have to wait.
Kent: Hey, Johnny, listen. Wait, Sindy?
The bed creaks again as Kent sits up.
Kent: What? Hang on. I can’t understand you. Let me put you on speaker.
Sindy (sobbing): Mom and Dad are gone. I think something’s happened to them.
Charlene sits up as well. Kent replies to Sindy in a leveled tone.
Kent: Okay, Sindy, I want you to listen closely. Are you somewhere safe?
Sindy: I think so. Brett and I got into an argument earlier. My parents said I could come over. We talked for a while and then I fell asleep on the couch. I woke up about an hour ago to grab something from the fridge. I heard something weird coming from upstairs I wanted to see what it was.
Kent (pausing before replying): What did you find?
Sindy: It sounded like my parents were up so I decided to check on them, but they didn’t respond when I knocked on their door. I decided to try opening it and it was unlocked. They were just standing in front of the window. I think they were staring at something.
Kent: Were you able to see what?
Sindy: No, but the only thing near the house is the woods and that radio tower. Wait, maybe that’s what they were looking at. Their radio was acting weird before it happened.
Kent: Before what happened?
Sindy: Kent…I don’t think I’ll ever be able to comprehend what I saw. There was a purple flash and then their windows were busted in. Something grabbed them. I don’t know what it was. It reminded me of a giant hand only dark like a shadow. They didn’t even scream or anything while they were being pulled away. It was like they were okay with what was happening.
Charlene is the one who replies.
Charlene***:*** Sindy, sweety, tell us where you are in the hose right now and we’ll come get you.
Sindy: I’m in the basement. I figured that would be the safest option. Wait, what is that?
Noises akin to a tornado hitting a home sound through the phone speakers.
Sindy: Oh, god, it’s lifting everything! It’s massive! Wait…Its eyes. I understand everything now. I know I’ll be with my parents again soon.
Charlene: Sindy?
Sindy laughs.
Sindy: It’s so beautiful!
The call ends.
Charlene: We need to leave.
Kent: Leave? What about Sindy? What about Johnny and Margaret?
Charlene: We need to get them some help.
Kent: Okay, let’s try calling the police first.
He attempts and the phone keeps ringing.
Kent: Are you fucking kidding me right now?
Charlene: They must be busy.
Kent: What do we do then, go somewhere else to get help? The nearest town is hours away from here.
Charlene: I don’t see what else we can do.
Kent: I guess you’re right. We better pack.
Charlene and Kent repack their belongings. Charlene grabs the camera and carries Deb while Kent has Lena. Then the family exits the hotel room. The hall and lobby are full of people also trying to reach the exit.
Kent: We're never going to get out of here at this rate. Come on. This way.
They go to an emergency side door and push it open, causing the alarm to go off. Upon reaching their vehicle, there is a sound similar to when a microphone is held up to a speaker. Kent and Charlene let out yells of pain.
Kent: Where the hell is that coming from?
Charlene turns. A figure can be seen floating in the sky above the radio tower. Its appearance is reminiscent of a person's shadow that's been stretched out. Beams of pink light come from its eyes that scan the town below. It has an anomalous effect on whatever it touches. Inanimate objects and people alike vanish, the instant contact is made.
Charlene (voice trembling): What in God's name is happening, Kent?
Lena and Deb can be heard waking up with the latter crying. Their parents put them in the car. The camera is placed on the seat between the two children. Lena rubs her eyes.
Lena: Dad, why are we out here?
Charlene and Kent close their doors. The latter starts the car.
Kent: It's nothing, sweety, we just need to go on a little drive.
He backs out of their parking space and exits the lot, speeding down the road.
Lena: But I want to see Sindy!
Kent: We can't right now.
Lena: Why not?
Kent (voice raised): We just can't, alright?
Lena sobs slightly, but suddenly stops when she notices the camera.
Lena: Um excuse me.
Kent sighs. Charlene answers instead.
Charlene: What is it, honey?
Lena: I accidentally left the camera on.
Charlene: Don't worry about that right now. Just stay quiet and let your father drive, okay?
Lena: Okay.
Charlene: Good.
Lena picks the camera up and faces the back windshield. The creature seems larger than before.
Charlene: Kent!
Kent: I know. I see it in the mirror.
He accelerates.
Lena: Mom, Dad, what's that big thing?
Charlene: Something bad?
Lena: Is it gonna get us?
Charlene: No because we're playing a game with it, tag and if we can outrun it, we'll be safe. If you can help, try to calm your brother down.
Lena: I'll try.
The camera pans over the car floor. The head of a teddy bear sticks out from under the passenger seat. Lena grabs it and hands it to Deb. He stops crying.
Lena: Mom, I did it!
Charlene: That's good, sweety.
Kent continues speeding. On the sidewalk, the pink light washes over pedestrians. They freeze and then raise their arms in the direction of the being before vanishing.
Lena: Where did those people go?
Kent: We don't know.
He sharply turns a corner and goes onto a road that leads out of town.
Charlene: Is that it? Are we safe?
Kent: I think so. I don't know who we can go to about this. We'll try, though.
Lena: Dad?
Kent: Yes?
Lena: What's that thing doing?
The creature is rapidly scanning the area back and forth. Then it stares in their direction. The radio bursts to life with its cry from earlier, causing Kent to nearly go off the road.
Charlene: Keep it straight!
Kent: I'm trying!
The entity rips up several buildings and focuses its light on those areas. It grows and then levitates itself in the air. Its next action is technically flying. Although, its movements are more resemblant to swimming. The noise on the radio increases.
Charlene: Faster, Kent!
Kent: I don't think I can!
Lena: It's gonna catch us!
It dives, going out of view.
Kent: Huh? Where did it go?
Charlene: Kent, the road!
Lena focuses the lens on the front windshield. In the center of the road ahead, the being rises, tall enough to reach the sky. Kent tries sharply turning the steering wheel. It's assumed he is about to attempt a U-turn. Before he can, it shoots its lights at them, making them wash over the car.
It lifts off the road, freezing midair.
Kent (laughs): I get it now.
Charlene: Yes, Sindy was right all along.
Lena: Mom? Dad? What are you talking about? I don't like this.
Charlene: Don't worry, honey. It'll be okay soon.
Nothing else changes at first. Then both parents' bodies began to flatten and stretch out. They laugh as this happens. Deb and Lena begin crying.
Lena: What's happening to you guys?
Charlene: It's okay, honey. It won't hurt soon.
Lena looks at Deb who is also starting to go through the same process. She checks her hands and sees that she is as well. Both shriek as their parents' laughter turns into cackling. Simultaneously, all four family members disappear. The car hits the road and flips several times before coming to a stop.
In the months following the discovery of the Honda Accord, its tag number was used to trace back to the address of the Morris family. This lead went cold because the people who were living there had no idea who they were. By using the address of that home, we determined the possible location of Silverwright. According to our calculations, it should have been on the border going into Canada, but when we went to investigate, it was as if nothing had ever been there.
It's unclear whether the town belonged to the US state of Alaska or the Canadian Province of Yukon. However, as far as the two governments are concerned both Silverwright and the Morris family have never existed.
submitted by RoseBlack2222 to foundfootage [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 20:09 Weary_Tax_9274 Article worth millions, hidden after a week

Two days ago, I wrote a post about the Blue Ocean Strategy, the link to which is ~ The most common questions in the comments were about how to market and how to invest in paid advertising. I've summarized some of my past experiences and insights to give everyone a new direction and approach.
I've used a Seven-Stage Cycle Theory I developed to answer these questions, which may provide you with new insights on marketing and paid advertising strategies. First, let me introduce the Seven-Stage Cycle Theory, which outlines the complete process of an industry from its nascent stage to its transformation stage. It's crucial to understand which stage of the cycle our current industry is in so that we can adjust accurately. Moving against the cycle is absolutely not feasible; at best it causes losses, at worst it results in total failure.
Next, I'll expand on the Seven-Stage Cycle Theory. Writing this article was not easy, and I hope for your support. Of course, as the business environment changes rapidly, I hope you can point out any shortcomings of this theory, and I thank you in advance.

Nascent Stage
Characteristics: Very few consumers, demand is gradually emerging, very few participants, competition is almost negligible.

Growth Stage
Characteristics: Demand becomes gradually defined, consumers begin to slowly accept, and the market expands. In the early half of the growth stage, supply cannot meet demand. As more players enter, the industry reaches a balance. When supply and demand saturate, it reaches a calculable peak. At this point, industry penetration rates, whether potential demand is converted, the share, purchase price, and room for improvement can all indicate the industry's development ceiling. However, once demand stabilizes, supply continues to rise due to economic inertia because there are always profit-seekers, and supply can easily exceed the actual demand.

Maturity Stage
Characteristics: The industry begins to cannibalize itself, competition intensifies, companies compete for customers by reducing prices and increasing costs to provide differentiated services, and many companies incur losses by the end.

Consolidation Stage
Characteristics: Competition shifts to product advantages, cost benefits, service benefits, and cash flow—it's a battle of endurance. By the end, the industry experiences a shakeout as participants who cannot earn a reasonable profit voluntarily exit the market.

Recovery Stage
Characteristics: The market begins to recover as there are fewer suppliers, but demand remains. This gives remaining businesses the opportunity to improve products and seize life chances. By the end of this stage, the shakeout process is almost complete, yet the market demand remains stable; the total demand does not change, but fewer are sharing the pie.

Harvest Stage
Characteristics: As consolidation and recovery conclude, supply and demand gradually balance out, and profits slowly return; the market starts making money again.

Transformation Stage
Characteristics: Most businesses that survive to this stage are already successful large enterprises, possibly publicly listed, with sufficient competitiveness and funding. They have robust R&D capabilities to plan for future markets, gaining a significant early advantage. For example, a business that fell during the transformation stage is Nokia. You'll find that businesses that have gone through the above seven stages will invest in more industries, place multiple bets, to ensure they do not get eliminated.
Let me give you an example to help you understand this Seven-Stage Cycle Theory better. This example is from my personal experience. In 2019, I met a business owner; I was his client and now we are very close friends. He is the founder of a firm that provides business licensing and tax services for newly established companies—a common service in China that saves these companies the cost of hiring full-time financial staff. His story goes like this: After graduating with a finance degree, he worked in Shenzhen for six years within this industry, making calls daily to sell their services and also visiting clients in person. For many years, he only earned a basic salary as his performance was average. However, from 2017 his transaction rate skyrocketed because in May 2016, our country fully opened up online commercial and tax services for private businesses. The company then established an information department, and being one of the senior employees, he was given some numbers to follow up on. He gradually discovered that the company had placed local ads on Baidu and When people searched for keywords like “how to handle a business license” or “startup company procedures,” their ads would pop up, and when customers filled in their number, they would receive a notification, leading to a high conversion rate. After understanding this, he returned to Changsha to start his own company and began advertising on these search engines and local service platforms, spending about $50 daily to acquire dozens of effective leads, with the cost per click (CPC) at that time being $0.3. From 2018 to 2020, he added 600 clients. He often joked with me that it felt as easy as picking up money.
Each client would pay him between $600 and $1,000 annually for his services. However, as time passed and more players entered the market, the CPC became more expensive, competitors would click maliciously, and many of the leads turned out to be from competitors posing as potential clients to inquire about pricing before undercutting him. This caused him to lose over a hundred clients, and combined with businesses closing down, he was left with about 300 clients. He began to blame himself for not investing more at the right time to capture market share when he was just starting out, when his business development team consisted of just him and two salespeople. Fortunately, he maintains a positive attitude and has now moved into other industries, saying the renewal fees from the 300 remaining clients still cover his daily expenses. He has handed over day-to-day operations to a manager, and if the client base drops to 200, he plans to sell the company to a competitor. This case teaches us that during the growth stage of an industry, we should try to capture as much market share as possible, which will help us better withstand risks when the industry matures.
For us ordinary people, making money is really just about seizing opportunities during the nascent and growth stages of an industry; many companies do not survive until the consolidation stage. But having read this article, you might end up with a different outcome, perhaps even going public—if so, remember to thank me.
A few more points on the nascent stage: do not try to educate consumers or rush in too aggressively, and minimize your investment. The most important thing to do during the nascent stage is to refine a profitable prototype model, as there is plenty of time to perfect the product and service offerings before consumer demand has been fully activated. Whether or not you succeed depends on whether you have a business model that can be scaled up in the next stage.
The core point during the growth stage is that you need to capture market share as quickly as possible, which will determine your scale and position in the next cycle. The goal during the growth stage is to maximize scale, quickly dominate the market, and achieve rapid replication and expansion. This is exactly why my friend now regrets not investing his profits into expanding his team and paid advertising back then; if he had, he might now have 6,000 clients, enabling him to survive regardless of market changes (at the time, he had instead spent his earnings on a BMW and two houses).
In conclusion:In my view, the best marketing strategy is to create supply shortages and control the cycle correctly. If you move with the cycle, you'll achieve twice the results with half the effort, but moving against the cycle is a complete loss. Realizing long-term value is built on the foundation of short-term profits. Business progress is achieved by providing a better experience at a lower cost, not by outdated efficiency and productivity replacing effective production. Regarding paid advertising, you need to assess what stage your industry is in and whether your products and services are sustainable. Some products, once you stop paid advertising, you may find that there is no real demand from consumers.
This is where I end my sharing. I hope to connect with like-minded friends here. Please feel free to comment, and thank you all for your
submitted by Weary_Tax_9274 to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]