Linkedin logins

If an account is restricted, will LinkedIn still charge after premium trial period ends?

2024.06.01 17:17 CompetitiveWeb89 If an account is restricted, will LinkedIn still charge after premium trial period ends?

I created a second LinkedIn account to get premium free trial under the name “John Doe” to do an excel course. I understand this was stupid and a violation of TOS. The account was restricted and I can’t login nor can I verify the account because I used a different name. In this case, will LinkedIn charge me after the trial period is done? If so, any advice on how I can rectify this would be appreciated. I contacted support but they have been supremely unhelpful. Again my dumb mistake, just trying to fix it.
submitted by CompetitiveWeb89 to linkedin [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:02 Ok-Accountant8637 Can I Send $5000 Through Zelle?

Yes, you can send $5000 through Zelle. Zelle is a popular digital payment system that allows users to send money quickly and easily to friends, family, and other contacts. The service is often used for splitting bills, paying rent, or transferring funds between bank accounts. While there are limits on the amount of money you can send through Zelle, many banks allow for transactions of up to $5000 per day.
In order to send $5000 through Zelle, you will need to have a bank account that is connected to the Zelle network. Most major banks and financial institutions in the United States support Zelle, so if you have an account with one of these providers, you should be able to use the service without any issues. Additionally, you will need to have the Zelle app installed on your mobile device or be enrolled in Zelle through your bank's online banking platform.
When sending a large sum of money through Zelle, it is important to double-check the recipient's information before completing the transaction. Once the money has been sent, it is typically processed within minutes, so it is crucial to make sure that you are sending the funds to the correct person. If you accidentally send money to the wrong recipient, it may be difficult or impossible to recover the funds.
While Zelle is a convenient and secure way to send money, it is important to be aware of the potential risks associated with using the service. As with any online transaction, there is always a possibility of fraud or scams. Be cautious when sending money to individuals you do not know personally, and never share your Zelle login information or other sensitive data with anyone.
In conclusion, can I send $5000 through Zelle? Indeed possible, as long as you meet the necessary requirements and take precautions to ensure the security of your transaction. With its fast and easy payment process, Zelle is a convenient option for transferring large sums of money quickly and securely. Just remember to verify the recipient's information, use the service responsibly, and stay vigilant to protect yourself from potential scams or fraudulent activity.
submitted by Ok-Accountant8637 to u/Ok-Accountant8637 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:05 MukilaENFJ How do I delete my unaccessible (unverifiable??) LinkedIn account?

Story: I created a LinkedIn account using my own personal mail ID. I had posted few things, then after a while I wasn't active. By the time, another LinkedIn account was created by our college, using students' Institutional mail ID and it was premium. But I didn't use it. All of a sudden both the LinkedIn accounts was restricted and I verified my personal LinkedIn ID and tried deleting my Institutional LinkedIn account but I failed. It's because I can't login into the account without verifying my ID. Persona doesn't verify my account as I already have another verified account in the same ID. I am stuck people. What do I do now? I want to delete the other account but I can't login to that account cause I can't verify it.
submitted by MukilaENFJ to linkedin [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 10:41 Master-Constant-4431 Password strength lost me

I was trying to reconnect into my LinkedIn acct after years of inactivity to check what's new. Had to reset my password obviously as I don't have any of the login info, and was unable to create a new password that was strong enough for the site... After many attempt and all the special chars, still wasn't good enough for them. They lost me as a subscriber there. Why don't they let me create the password I want? It's not like there's confidential info on there... I hate when websites do that, let me decide of what level of security is appropriate please.
submitted by Master-Constant-4431 to linkedin [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 21:09 Ranorkk I turned Auto-Lnikedin into an NPM package!

A while ago, I shared my Auto LinkedIn project on GitHub. Now, I’m excited to announce that I’ve taken it a step further and turned it into an NPM package! 🎉
Auto LinkedIn helps you save time by automating routine LinkedIn tasks. With this tool, you can easily handle tasks like logging in, searching profiles, and sending connection requests. I’m also working on adding a messaging feature, which will be available soon!

What's New?

Discover how Auto LinkedIn can simplify your LinkedIn experience! For more details and installation instructions, check out the GitHub and NPM pages.
submitted by Ranorkk to SideProject [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 14:39 rasalsi1 🌟Announcing Our Next Batch of Summer Training in Bioinformatics 🌟

🌟Announcing Our Next Batch of Summer Training in Bioinformatics 🌟
Are you ready to delve into the world of computational biology? Join us for an immersive Summer Internship that offers unparalleled training in experimental and methodological principles.
📅 Start Date: 4th June 2024.
Duration: 45 Days
📌Registration Process:
Step1: Call/Whatsapp: +91 7038770985, +91 7875793891 & +91 7798668315.
Step 2: Pay fees using options like account transfer, Phonepay/Gpay, UPI, EMI, or Razorpay. Share your preferred payment mode to receive details.
Step 3: After payment verification, get a confirmation email within 24-48 hours with a registration form. Submit the form promptly. Also, receive login details for accessing the course on Spayee. Keep them secure.
Don't miss out on this chance to enhance your skills and kickstart your journey in bioinformatics! Limited seats are available.

rasa #rasalsi #summertraining #onlinetraining #shorttermtraining #miniproject #handsontraining #certificate #bioinformatics #skills #skillenhancement #internship

For more updates, follow us on:
submitted by rasalsi1 to u/rasalsi1 [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 12:09 vasaiv LinkedIn Login, Sign in LinkedIn

submitted by vasaiv to it [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 01:24 TBelcherLuvrofButts Excessive Hibernation Reminders

In the past two hours I have received 24 email “Reminders” that my account is in hibernate mode. It’s from the email:
Is this normal? Like 24 emails in a 2-hour period is ridiculous. Once a week seems too much. Is it spam? Is someone trying to hack my account? I can’t report it because that requires I login.
submitted by TBelcherLuvrofButts to linkedin [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 17:13 1amN0tSecC I am currently in my 4th year and this is my resume. I have been applying for internships in Glassdoor but has not been receving interview calls. Any suggestions and Referalls if possible . 🙏🏽

I am currently in my 4th year and this is my resume. I have been applying for internships in Glassdoor but has not been receving interview calls. Any suggestions and Referalls if possible . 🙏🏽 submitted by 1amN0tSecC to developersIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:14 Hello_Anxiety For Awareness to all

Hello po sa lahat. Last Sunday nag comment ako sa isang YT Channel regarding sa issue ng West Philippine Sea. Then nung Monday, bigla na lang na hacked yung LinkedIn account ko, then sumunod yung Facebook account ko. Tapos ngayon lang Tuesday ng 11:53 PM, na access na ng hacker yung Google Account ko pero na secured ko agad kasi pang gabi work ko. Based sa report sa google activity ko, dahil raw sa Calendly. Habang chinecheck ko mga naka stored password sa Google Account ko, nakita ko pati Icloud account ko naka saved pa pala sa Google account ko, then nung inopen ko yung Icloud account ko, I found out na na-access na ito ng hacker at naka login sa ibang device. Ang kinakatakot ko baka na-access na niya ito nung Monday pa lang. Sa mga magtatanong na baka may nilog-in ako ng Google account ang sagot ko po ay wala. Iniisip ko ng mabuti ang mga dahilan, either dahil ba to sa comment ko sa issue ng West Philippine Sea or doon sa Google report regarding sa access ng Calendly.
submitted by Hello_Anxiety to buhaydigital [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 15:33 Angel_Sorusian_King Can you delete LinkedIn account without having access to it.

I have been having trouble with linkedin for a while, see my Last post , I decided to go through with verifying with my ID, and it worked! Found out why my account was restricted, it was because of the pfp apparently, which, I don't even remember what it was.
After telling me the pfp was the issue they proceeded to follow up with an email on how they will be keeping my account as restricted .-. because of that violation that I can not fix without access to my account, wonderful right? Oh it gets worse
I then, found out you can contact linkedin via twitter, I tried via the website but that requires being logged in, gee, who made this shitty design. So I go, contact their help account on twitter. They respond, I dm the details, they respond almost 12 hours later, how I can try to log in to the account, follow those steps, and I would get a case number and get assistance.
So i go to do that, and it turns out! I can't do that! Because I have supposedly reached the max attempts to log in
" You have reached the maximum number of attempts. Please try again at a later date. "
So I am, very annoyed, at this situation. And would like to delete the account, without having access. I barely even used it so might as well, I can always make another, which won't happen.
Any help is appreciated.
submitted by Angel_Sorusian_King to linkedin [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 09:13 343Bot [Student] CS Student looking to land second internship, need help fine-tuning my resume

[Student] CS Student looking to land second internship, need help fine-tuning my resume
I ended the summer application cycle with only an unpaid internship offer which I have accepted for the experience and I am really hoping to leverage it to land a paid offer in the fall semester. I've reformatted this resume to feature my experience and highlight the tech I've used, but I feel like it could be improved. I'd really appreciate any advice on what could be changed to up my chances of getting callbacks.
submitted by 343Bot to EngineeringResumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 14:06 Honeysyedseo How I Landed Meetings with Mark Cuban & John McAfee Through Cold Emails

How I Landed Meetings with Mark Cuban & John McAfee Through Cold Emails
You're 1 cold email away from a life changing deal, customer or partnership.
My cold emails have generated millions & gotten me meetings and/or responses from Cuban, McAfee & CEOs.
Below are 1,823 words on every cold emailing lesson & tactic I've learned over 15 years, for free. If you use email & make money, it's for you.
If you find any value here, here just drop me a "thanks" in the comments.
Let's get into it:


We love it and we hate it. We love it because it's our free foot in the door with anyone on the planet. We hate it because we get dozens per day and 99.99% of them are a nuisance.
But I’ll help you with that. By the end of this email you’ll know ~80% of what I’ve learned about cold emailing over the last 15 years, including:
  • When to use cold email vs not
  • Where to get valid emails
  • How to stand out from the crowd
  • Which software options to choose
  • How to set the tech up on the backend so you don’t get sent to spam

When to use cold email

I can’t think of any situation where it wouldn’t hurt to know how to cold email. And when I say cold email, I mean all of the following situations:
  • Reaching out to someone much more important or influential than you
  • Reaching out for your dream job
  • Mass emailing potential customers
Cold email is most effective when you’re selling either a high-ticket or recurring product or service.
Cold emailing is best when you’re selling something that requires someone to book a call to close a deal.
Maybe you’re a fractional CFO and you charge $5k/month. Cold emailing is perfect for you. Email > open > interested reply > book a call > close the sale.
If you only close .5% of your emails then you only need 2,000 relevant emails to build a $50k/month business.

So where do you get valid emails?

Ah, so many places. My favorite is a bit under the radar, however, and very, very cheap.
Upwork or Fiverr
Now I’m not talking about hiring a Filipino VA on Upwork to scrape emails, although that works too. It just takes too long and I’m impatient. This is an actual post of mine on Upwork from January
That was for a project I was helping a friend with.
Upwork Job Post
You’re looking for something that is already found. You just need to find the Upwork VA that already did this job for someone else so you can buy their CSV for $20.
I’ve done this about a dozen times and it almost always works. So your job post might say,
“I need names and email addresses of veterinary clinic owners in Ohio.”
And then buy the CSV for $20 instead of waiting 2 months and paying $500.
You can message relevant freelancers on Fiverr with the same request.
If this doesn’t work then just use something like Apollo, Clearbit or a Chrome extension that can scrape them from LinkedIn such as Hunter.
Once you have your emails DO NOT EMAIL THEM until you have validated them. You have no clue how old they are, and about ~5% of emails go bad every year, so please validate them.
I have been using Bulk Email Checker for years and it’s the best and cheapest I’ve found, but there are dozens of options.
If you can, get as much info on these emails as possible. At a bare minimum get their first name, because you’ll be including that in the email and it makes a massive difference on response rates and deliverability.

How to stand out from the crowd

I almost never see a good cold email. Literally, maybe I see one per year. I’ll help you fix that.
Here’s the whole purpose of any cold email:
Start a conversation, don’t try to sell.
You won’t sell from the first cold email, you just won’t. You have to build some semblance of a relationship first, so seek to start a conversation. And yes, this logic holds true whether your product is $100 or $100,000.
Let’s use the example of my tree biz bootcamp because it’s top of mind right now. I’m not doing any outreach for it aside from the occasional tweet, but if I were I would do this:
I’d start with landscaping owner emails, and first email would look something like this
First name, Do you still own (landscaping business name)? Chris Koerner 
That’s it. That’s the whole first email. No link! Wow. Brilliant, right? Hah, just kidding. This would be my first email, that’s it, really! Why? Because I’m starting a conversation and qualifying the lead at the same time!
If they say yes, I respond. If they say no, I don’t. If they don’t respond, I’ll send automated follow ups (more on this later.)
Let’s say they say yes, my next email would be,
Awesome. Do you offer tree trimming? The reason I ask is because we’re hosting a tree biz bootcamp in Dallas and I’d love to see if you’d like to either attend or speak at it. We're happy to pay. Would love to chat either way! 
Ok, so here’s my thinking here.
I could keep up the bait and switch-ish vibe by just asking “Do you offer tree trimming?” But that’s a bridge too far in my opinion.
That’s too much, too many emails. You will lose trust. I’ll just hit them with the pitch in email #2 because I don’t want to feel slimy.
If they respond once their chance of responding twice is much, much higher.
Most cold emails lead with the pitch. STOP DOING THAT! The sunk cost fallacy is real. They’ve already spent the time responding to you once, might as well see this through.
My other strategy is that I’m offering to pay them to speak. That’s a real offer. If they already trim trees and know a ton about operations, I literally need them to speak and am willing to pay them.
Humans need to know what’s in it for them. In the case of this 2nd email, they can either be paid to speak or get more jobs by learning new marketing tactics and adding a 2nd service line.
Emails # 3+ would be to get them on the phone to close the sale, since it’s high ticket you won’t really close it online very effectively.
What about the subject line? Keep it short, stupid.
Quick question used to rule them all, but it’s played out now. For this one I would simply do, trees?
3 words or less is my rule. Seek to pique their curiosity, not to convince them to open directly.

Which software options to choose?

I love Mixmax and Lemlist, but Mixmax gets the nod.
Both offer mail merge and automated follow ups, and that’s what really matters. But Mixmax is cheaper and more user friendly. I've used both for many years.
What’s freaking cool is that you can spend an hour setting up a campaign and then get leads in your inbox on autopilot for months to come, without ever having to login to the software again.
Automated follow-ups turn off when the person replies.
As my British friend Zach would say, “It’s brilliant.”

How to set the tech up on the backend so you don’t get sent to spam

This one is really easy, just follow these exact instructions:
Warm up your inbox by ensuring that you’ve been sending and receiving emails successfully for a month or so.
There are tools you can pay for like Warmbox or Warmup Inbox that will do this for you so you can cut the line, if you’re impatient like me.
Don’t use a gmail account, use a custom domain. I use Namecheap to buy a $10 domain and then Google Workspace for a $7/month email.
Use the Lemlist deliverability checklist, it’s the best guide I’ve found all in one place.
Don't ever use links in your first email. There's more downside than upside. They aren't going to book a call with you or buy your product cold, but the link may be the reason the email goes to spam.
Like I mentioned above, ALWAYS validate emails before sending. If the result is unknown or catchall, just skip.
Add at least one custom variable per email, preferable first and business name. This will show Gmail that not all of your emails are the same.
Add in automated follow-ups that are 1 sentence or less "Just checking in." This will show Gmail that you aren't a one and done kinda guy.


Whew, ok, that’s about it. I feel like there’s many thousands more words I could put in this, but there’s only so much time.
Cold emailing is awesome because it’s scalable and on autopilot. Once you figure out what the formula is for your offer, it’s just simple math.
Send 1,000 emails, get 200 replies, get 20 calls, get 2 sales, etc. Then it’s just a matter of finding enough solid emails.
Would appreciate if you subscribe to Chris Koerner's Newsletter if you learned something helpful.
PS: Below is the 4th or 5th response I got from the late John McAfee back in 2018 when I was pitching a product to him.
John McAffe's Response
I ended up spending the day at his house and partnered with him, but that's a story for another day...
submitted by Honeysyedseo to ColdEmailMasters [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 03:02 Expensive_Still_765 Resume for CS internship - >100 applications no response

submitted by Expensive_Still_765 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 20:16 Akmca123 Not getting any call backs. Web Dev

submitted by Akmca123 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 08:40 Diligent-Ostrich4432 Cash App Account Closed Due to Suspicious Activity: Understanding the Causes and Solutions

Cash App, a widely used mobile payment service, offers users the convenience of sending and receiving money effortlessly. Despite its user-friendly interface and seamless transactions, some users find their cash app account closed due to "suspicious activity." This can be a frustrating experience, especially when the user is unaware of any wrongdoing. This article delves into the common reasons behind such closures and offers guidance on resolving and preventing them.

Reasons for Account Closure Due to Suspicious Activity
Unusual Transaction Patterns: Cash App employs sophisticated algorithms to monitor transaction patterns. If the system detects an unusual frequency or volume of transactions that deviate significantly from your usual behavior, it may flag your account for suspicious activity. For instance, sudden large transfers or frequent small transactions to multiple new recipients can trigger an alert.
International Transactions: Sending or receiving money from international sources, especially if you usually operate domestically, can be seen as suspicious. Cash App is primarily designed for domestic use, and unexpected international transactions can raise red flags.
Frequent Logins from Different Locations: If your account is accessed from various geographic locations in a short span of time, it may indicate a security breach. This can prompt Cash App to close the account as a precautionary measure to prevent potential fraud.
Use of Multiple Devices: Regularly logging into your account from different devices, especially if those devices are unrecognized or not previously used, can be perceived as a sign of compromised security.
Unverified Identity: Accounts with incomplete or unverified information are more likely to be closed if flagged for suspicious activity. Verifying your identity promptly with accurate information can help avoid such issues.
Connection to Suspicious Accounts: Interacting with accounts that are already flagged for suspicious activities can indirectly cause your account to be scrutinized and potentially closed. This includes sending or receiving funds from these accounts.

Resolving Account Closure
Contact Customer Support: If your cash app account closed, the first step is to contact Cash App support. Explain your situation and request specific details about the suspicious activity that led to the closure. Customer support can guide you through the process of verifying your identity and providing necessary documentation to reopen your account.
Verify Your Identity: Ensure that all your personal information is accurate and up to date. You may need to submit additional identification documents to confirm your identity. This step is crucial in proving that the account was not compromised and that you are the legitimate owner.
Review Transaction History: Go through your recent transactions to identify any that might appear suspicious. If you find any unauthorized transactions, report them immediately. This can help in understanding the reason behind the closure and prevent future occurrences.

Preventing Future Closures
Maintain Consistent Activity: Try to maintain a consistent pattern of transactions. If you need to make a large or unusual transaction, consider notifying Cash App support beforehand to avoid being flagged.
Secure Your Account: Use strong, unique passwords and enable two-factor authentication to enhance your account's security. Regularly review and update your security settings.
Limit Device Access: Minimize the number of devices you use to access your Cash App account. If you must use multiple devices, ensure they are secure and recognize them within your account settings.
Monitor Your Account: Regularly check your transaction history and account settings for any unauthorized changes or transactions. Promptly report any suspicious activity to Cash App support.

Understanding the reasons behind cash app account closed due to suspicious activity can help users take proactive measures to secure their accounts and maintain uninterrupted access to Cash App’s services. By following best practices for account security and staying vigilant, users can enjoy a safer and more reliable experience.
submitted by Diligent-Ostrich4432 to u/Diligent-Ostrich4432 [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 07:49 Loud_Doughnut1404 Linkedin never works on Brave

If I login to Linkedin in brave browser, the feed keeps on loading indefinitely everytime.
I can just see the first post and then have to use Chrome to use it on the web.
Anyone else face this issue?
submitted by Loud_Doughnut1404 to brave [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 02:12 Unknown_bubble25 Wtf create an entire application as an assignment for just some 10-15k INR internship

Frontend Assignment - Real-Time Collaborative Whiteboard
Problem Statement: Create a web application using React that allows users to upload images and receive real-time predictions from a pre-trained machine learning model. The application should be able to classify the uploaded images into multiple categories.
Minimum Requirements: Users can create a new whiteboard session or join an existing one. The whiteboard should support drawing using different colors and brush sizes. Implement the ability to undo/redo the last action on the whiteboard. Users should be able to see the cursors of other connected users moving in real-time, indicating their drawing actions. Add an option to save the whiteboard content as an image or PDF file. Implement authentication (user signup and login) to ensure that only authorized users can access the whiteboard. The application should be responsive and work on both desktop and mobile devices. Must have: Use React for front-end development. The UX should look professional – see any white boarding tool from Microsoft for UX reference – bad ux choices will have negative points For real-time functionality, consider using WebSocket or a real-time database like PostGres SQL via a docker container. For drawing on the whiteboard, you can explore libraries like Fabric.js or Konva.js. Implement secure authentication using a backend service of keycloak only. Please use keycloak via a docker. User should only be allowed on home screen after login Clean & fluidic layout – use bootstrap (5.0) only Code must be written in TypeScript only, no JS code will be accepted Error-free, Readable, Simple & Clean code Let me stress the previous point - Readable, Simple & Clean code Bonus Points: Allow users to collaborate through live chat while drawing on the whiteboard. Implement an invitation system, where users can invite others to join their whiteboard session via email. Add the ability to export the whiteboard content as a video with a playback of the drawing actions. Quick Hint: You can use local storage to save the user preferences.
submitted by Unknown_bubble25 to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 02:10 Unknown_bubble25 Wtf create an entire application as an assignment for just some 10-15k INR internship

Frontend Assignment - Real-Time Collaborative Whiteboard
Problem Statement: Create a web application using React that allows users to upload images and receive real-time predictions from a pre-trained machine learning model. The application should be able to classify the uploaded images into multiple categories.
Minimum Requirements: Users can create a new whiteboard session or join an existing one. The whiteboard should support drawing using different colors and brush sizes. Implement the ability to undo/redo the last action on the whiteboard. Users should be able to see the cursors of other connected users moving in real-time, indicating their drawing actions. Add an option to save the whiteboard content as an image or PDF file. Implement authentication (user signup and login) to ensure that only authorized users can access the whiteboard. The application should be responsive and work on both desktop and mobile devices. Must have: Use React for front-end development. The UX should look professional – see any white boarding tool from Microsoft for UX reference – bad ux choices will have negative points For real-time functionality, consider using WebSocket or a real-time database like PostGres SQL via a docker container. For drawing on the whiteboard, you can explore libraries like Fabric.js or Konva.js. Implement secure authentication using a backend service of keycloak only. Please use keycloak via a docker. User should only be allowed on home screen after login Clean & fluidic layout – use bootstrap (5.0) only Code must be written in TypeScript only, no JS code will be accepted Error-free, Readable, Simple & Clean code Let me stress the previous point - Readable, Simple & Clean code Bonus Points: Allow users to collaborate through live chat while drawing on the whiteboard. Implement an invitation system, where users can invite others to join their whiteboard session via email. Add the ability to export the whiteboard content as a video with a playback of the drawing actions. Quick Hint: You can use local storage to save the user preferences.
submitted by Unknown_bubble25 to developersIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 11:29 CelesteJA My new account got restricted and now I can't cancel premium subscription

I created a LinkedIn account yesterday using my Google account, so it created an account automatically for me. I saw that it took my Google account name as my profile name, which is NOT my real name; but I didn't think it was a big deal since I was only creating a LinkedIn account to watch some animation courses a creator had made. I signed up to the free month premium membership trial, in order to view the animation courses.
Now today I can't login as it says my account has been restricted. And it wants me to provide a government ID proving my identity. But since my LinkedIn was using my Google account name, my government ID will be useless.
What am I supposed to do? Will I still get charged at the end of the trial period, even though I can't get into my account?
submitted by CelesteJA to linkedin [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 00:34 artcorr31 LinkedIn feed in app

Ok coders.. I have searched all over the place.. asked AI.. and still cannot figure out how to have a LinkedIn feed for my all my employees on my app (xcode15) without needing a login.. Any advice on how to make swift cooperate..
submitted by artcorr31 to xcoders [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 19:51 Top-Inflation-8757 [1 YOE] Full-Stack Role seeking resume review after edits before continuing applications. Not getting interviews

[1 YOE] Full-Stack Role seeking resume review after edits before continuing applications. Not getting interviews
Hello everyone, I got laid off earlier this year and I have been updating my resume as much as I can but I am still not able to land any interviews.
Any help is greatly appreciated and roast if you need to as I really want to improve my resume.
submitted by Top-Inflation-8757 to EngineeringResumes [link] [comments]