Premade html templates

HTML templates

2015.05.14 14:49 Fellini85 HTML templates

Hand-picked free html templates.

2015.05.12 10:20 Fellini85 HTML templates stuff

Hand-picked free html website templates.

2008.03.04 17:07 LaTeX


2024.05.19 00:09 DiligentAssignment89 Former college teacher turned technical writer looking to make my next move. Struggling to represent previous academic experience for industry audiences.

Former college teacher turned technical writer looking to make my next move. Struggling to represent previous academic experience for industry audiences. submitted by DiligentAssignment89 to resumesupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:45 jepessen Compile time dependency injection with concepts: some resource?

I'd like to write a little program for learning the basics of clean architecture.
I'd like to implement the interfaces that are used in the business logic layer by using template bindinds with concepts, in order to determine at compile time the right interfaces, avoiding to create an interface, a realization of it and then passing the pointer in the constructor. Instead I'd like to:
So my question is: where can I find some good resource about concept and using them for dependency injection?
submitted by jepessen to cpp_questions [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:19 Faithhal The Ultimate Guide to Custom T-Shirts: Unleashing Your Creativity and Style

In the world of fashion, custom t-shirts have become a popular way for individuals and businesses to express their unique identities. From personal statements to branding tools, custom t-shirts offer endless possibilities. This guide will explore the benefits, design process, and tips for creating your perfect custom tee.

The Benefits of Custom T-Shirts

  1. Personal Expression: Custom t-shirts are a canvas for self-expression. Whether it's showcasing your favorite quote, an inside joke, or a personal artwork, these tees allow you to wear your personality on your sleeve—literally.
  2. Branding and Marketing: For businesses, custom t-shirts serve as walking advertisements. They help create a cohesive brand image and can be used for promotional events, employee uniforms, or merchandise.
  3. Event Memorabilia: Custom t-shirts are a fantastic way to commemorate special events like family reunions, weddings, or corporate events. They provide attendees with a memorable keepsake that unites the group.
  4. Fundraising: Organizations often use custom t-shirts as a fundraising tool. Unique designs can drive sales and raise awareness for causes, making them both a profitable and meaningful choice.

The Design Process

Creating a custom t-shirt involves several key steps:
Conceptualize Your Design: Start by brainstorming ideas. Consider the purpose of the shirt and the message you want to convey. Sketch out rough ideas or use design tools to bring your vision to life.
Choose the Right T-Shirt: The quality of the t-shirt is crucial. Select a fabric that suits your needs—whether it's a soft cotton for comfort or a moisture-wicking material for sports activities. Pay attention to the fit and style, from classic crew necks to trendy V-necks.
Select a Printing Method:
Design Elements:
Finalize Your Design: Use design software to refine your creation. Check for any errors and make sure all elements are properly aligned. Many custom t-shirt companies offer design templates to help with this process.
Order and Production: Once your design is complete, place your order with a reputable custom t-shirt provider. They will guide you through the production timeline and quality checks to ensure your t-shirts turn out exactly as envisioned.

Tips for a Successful Custom T-Shirt


Custom t-shirts are more than just clothing; they are a medium for creativity, branding, and connection. By understanding the design process and considering the tips outlined in this guide, you can create custom t-shirts that not only look great but also resonate with your audience. So, unleash your creativity and start designing your perfect custom t-shirt today!
submitted by Faithhal to u/Faithhal [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:46 Careless_Ad_7706 Resume roast : want to get into a good startup please help

Resume roast : want to get into a good startup please help
I want a genuine review and recommendation. If anyone hiring please dm.
submitted by Careless_Ad_7706 to developersIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:45 kitenitekitenite Compiler question: Preprocessing templates before compiling

Hey all,
Apologies if this is a bit advanced. I'm trying to plug into the compile step and modify the AST to amend a data attribute to DOM elements (HTML templates).
This is to inject information into the DOM at compile time without modifying the source code. The idea is to have the preprocessor run as a build step every time the project is built to do the injection.
I'm able to do this easily for Svelte, React, and Nextjs but am having a lot of trouble with Angular. I've tried schematics, ngx-ast-transform, and webpack loaders but none gives the AST that the Angular compiler would return.
Is there an official preprocessing step for angular? Has anyone tried something similar?
submitted by kitenitekitenite to angular [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:36 icrywhy Should the service method be called inside the controller method which renders the thymeleaf page OR inside a restcontroller method?

I have a Spring Boot Application with tight Thymeleaf webpage integration. If you have a slight idea about the Thymeleaf and how their controllers are designed, the controller function returns the thymeleaf webpage/template stored in the index.html. Basically, if the template name is test.html stored inside static, then the controller function to return the template will have a get annotation of the respective route. Then the function is designed which returns a string that is the name of the template.
Now, I have a question that should I design the RestController and then call this rest controller inside the controller function which handles the template redirection? Or should I directly call the service method inside controller function that handles the template redirection?
A lot of tutorials on YouTube do it in the latter method. But I feel the first method is correct. Please advise me on this. This is just a college project so it doesn't matter too much but knowing the best practice would be good.
submitted by icrywhy to learnjava [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:52 Hot-Butterscotch-129 "Seeking Figma Pro to Integrate Design Elements into Our Webflow Template!"

Description: "We've recently purchased a Webflow template for our website, and need expert assistance to enhance it using specific design elements from "". We aim to maintain our template's original structure while integrating fonts and styles from "". We’re looking for a Figma expert who can use plugins like 'Web to Figma' or 'HTML to Figma' to seamlessly import these elements. If you have experience in merging website designs while ensuring a sleek, professional look, we'd love to hear from you!"
submitted by Hot-Butterscotch-129 to FigmaDesign [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 09:37 editableforms Software License Fillable PDF Template

Software License Fillable PDF Template
Download our fillable Software License PDF template to effortlessly create detailed licensing agreements. Customize terms, conditions, and usage rights for any software product with ease and precision.
Software License Fillable PDF Form
submitted by editableforms to u/editableforms [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 09:22 editableforms Farm Lease Fillable PDF Template

Farm Lease Fillable PDF Template
Download our fillable Farm Lease PDF template for an efficient way to create comprehensive leasing agreements. Easily customize terms, conditions, and details for any farm rental arrangement.
Farm Lease Form
submitted by editableforms to u/editableforms [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 09:10 editableforms Equipment Lease Fillable PDF Template

Equipment Lease Fillable PDF Template
Download our fillable Equipment Lease PDF template for a hassle-free way to formalize leasing agreements. Easily customize terms, details, and conditions for any equipment lease arrangement.
Equipment Lease Form
submitted by editableforms to u/editableforms [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 05:57 Michaael115 creating a layout of 4 images with 2 images above the other 2 images

I need help creating a CSS layout that takes my 4 images in my html:
Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Image 4
I want these 4 images to essentially create a square (2 images on the top, and 2 images on the bottom) with rounded corners. Every time I try to do this, the image in the top right is not the same size as the other 3 images.
This is what I have:
.grid-container { display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(2, 1fr); /* Two columns */ grid-gap: 10px; /* Gap between grid items */ padding-bottom: 20px; } .grid-item { width: 100%; /* Ensure each item takes full width of the column */ } .grid-item img { max-width: 100%; /* Ensure images don't exceed their container width */ height: auto; /* Maintain aspect ratio */ } 
however it is not working correctly, thanks!
submitted by Michaael115 to csshelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 05:33 yourdope Cleanest and fastest WooCommerce Theme based on Gutenberg Blocks?

Hello fellow devs I am looking for a theme you've worked on and loved to build a woocommerce site. I usually use a theme called bootscore which is based on bootstrap I dont use Gutenberg blocks at all I just write raw html page templates using bootstrap but lately I stumbled upon a Guternberg based theme called Lorenty it's based on underscores and was amazed by the cleanliness and the speed and was wondering if you happen to know and worked on something similar for Woocommerce? Thanks so much.
submitted by yourdope to Wordpress [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 05:22 web_themes ElderHome - Elderly & Senior Care HTML5 Website Template

ElderHome - Elderly & Senior Care HTML5 Website Template submitted by web_themes to u/web_themes [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 00:28 tmdag why creating gnome extensions has to be so frustrating ?

I really hope I am just doing it all wrong and someone could help me out here.
So I have decided to create an extension fro gnome, based on my bash script. I found guide how to start and debug here: . So far so good. I managed to create an example using template. it works fine. But now...
In order to test ANY change in your code, you cannot just reload your extension, you need to reload whole gnome session! The hell ?! But OK, we have a way on Wayland (only) to spawn another instance for testing. It takes a while to initialise this instance.
Sugestion is to set env vars:
export G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all export SHELL_DEBUG=all 
This gives TONS of debug logs. Finding your own logs is like finding needle in a haystack .
My own, "console.debug()" logs from JS are shown as "GNOME Shell-DEBUG". So naturally, I would be ok with just setting $SHELL_DEBUG variable, right? No. Variable that allows those is called $G_MESSAGES_DEBUG. Which makes total sense of course.
So lets make a work-around when starting gnome session:
#!/bin/sh -e export G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all export MUTTER_DEBUG_DUMMY_MODE_SPECS=1366x768 #export SHELL_DEBUG=all # Start the nested GNOME session in the background dbus-run-session -- gnome-shell --nested --wayland 2>&1 grep "GNOME Shell-DEBUG" & 
This will at least limit output to Shell-DEBUG by grepping them.
But now, (even without us limiting that overwhelming output), NONE of js errors are present there! If you made a mistake - well tough luck, you won't even get any error output, you won't know why. the only output i am getting is my own from console.debug() functions but nothing else. I was hoping that maybe journal is going to have something, but no, empty. If you made mistake, you will never know what happened, and you have to re-run gnome instance again and keep guessing.
I am unable to pass this.Settings() object to Indicator class, why? I have no idea, as soon as I pass this object, extension just won't load and no errors are present anywhere. Trial and error here, keep re-spawning Gnome session each small line change to see if you are lucky this time.
I also tried LookingGlass, which I have no idea how to utilise. It locks your system and only states that extension did not error-ed out.
I am frustrated as I lost two days trying to do something that supposed to be super simple.
Maybe its JS (I am not JS developer), maybe its Gnome, maybe its user or all of above. I would love to give back to community by contributing ideas but this is just wasting my time.
Please tell me i am doing something totally wrong and there i a better way!
submitted by tmdag to gnome [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 00:19 Seardragon ~600 jobs applied to over the last 10 weeks, no offers.

submitted by Seardragon to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 23:35 wildfunctions Modern Svelte with Typescript tutorial?

This is the first time I've had to ask something like this with a framework. It seems that SEO for beginner Svelte tutorials has been polluted by other libraries, or perhaps there aren't many tutorial resources for beginners. I don't know. It feels odd though. Inauspicious.
I'm struggling to find a modern Svelte w/ TS tutorial that just starts from scratch. Everything I find begins with a template or existing project setup. Of the tutorials I find that are from scratch, they are all dated. Anyone have a recommendation of something that starts with the basics, then builds accordingly?
Here are examples of highly-ranked-yet-worthless tutorial results. This goes on, page after page, when looking:
* but uses sveltejs/template and degit?
* honestly no idea how to use this. Clicking the "solve" button doesn't do anything for me.
* great, but I have to use the jointjs package. no thanks. i'd rather just learn svelte.
* um, pretty informative but I have to use SvelteKit?
* super old, and seems to predate typescript support forcing strange circuitous solutions.
submitted by wildfunctions to sveltejs [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 22:51 vanquish28 Best Practice For Firewall Rule Requests?

While I might be jumping the gun here, I'm getting my head wrapped around security groups and VPC ACLs and still need to understand Firewall Manager.
But I am wondering what the best way to keep requests from the dev and DevOps team for new firewall and security group requests is?
Keep in mind the devs are planning to also leverage Cloudformation IaC templates with AWS EKS.
How do you keep things organized if they are building out templates, DevOps deployments, new private subnets, etc?
Edit: I think I am on the right track looking at the AWS EKS user guide.
The Kubernetes control plane seems to have security groups when deployed so I could manage the security groups with the AWS Firewall Manager.
submitted by vanquish28 to aws [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 22:02 eazzen_official Incognito mode is excellent for discarding cookies and site data, and preventing tracking by sites that exploit your visit history, etc. If you're like us and use incognito mode a lot, you may want to preserve some of your incognito tabs. So we created: Incognito Saver!

Incognito mode is excellent for discarding cookies and site data, and preventing tracking by sites that exploit your visit history, etc. If you're like us and use incognito mode a lot, you may want to preserve some of your incognito tabs. So we created: Incognito Saver! submitted by eazzen_official to chrome_extensions [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 21:21 WellingtonKool Can Github Copilot be used for custom code generation?

A common task I have is to create a kendo grid in a razor page. The process is very formulaic. Can I point copilot at a model class and have it generate the markup for the kendo grid while following certain rules like, if the class property is of type decimal and ends in the suffix Pct, format the column as a percentage...?
Another example would be to again point it to a class and have it generate a form with appropriate controls based on the class properties while using my html structure and css classes? ie. Could I show it a completed form based on a class that it could use as a template to learn from?
submitted by WellingtonKool to VisualStudio [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 21:03 Jedicavebros Mapping app development questions

Hi Craig, Ive been on a recent journey to learn more about front end devlopment in the context of mapping applications. Ive been working as a backend gis developer for 2 years now doing semiautonomous routing of robots, but have recently moved to a cloud platform team limiting my time with playing with maps. I decided the best thing to do is learn how to develop a simple webapp on my free time. As a dedicated wanderer I have been hevily inspired by your app both in my bike and work life. Im excited to see what your new routing feature will look like, I have been thinking about how to "solve" the postman problem in this context for a year now, I unfortunatly missed the beta test. Im thinking about making some app to help me visualize the diffrence between 2 filters of osm data (similar to qgis filter but allowing me to extend with multi layer queries/spatial operations).
I have a few questions for you: 1. How is your experience with Mapbox GL vs something open source like MapLibre GL.
  1. What language is your backend in. Currently using postis/ python (FastApi/maybe geopandas) as preformance isnt my main hurdle
  2. Do you recommend learning a frontend framework, doing mostly SPA so has been managable with html templating, picking up tailwind to help with css.
  3. How have you handled scale as more an more people are joining
  4. Whats your background as a developer, is this your full time job?
submitted by Jedicavebros to wandrer [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 20:23 tempmailgenerator Automating Email Composition in Excel with VBA

Enhancing Email Efficiency: A VBA Approach

In today's fast-paced business environment, the ability to communicate efficiently and effectively with clients is paramount. For many professionals, this involves sending personalized, multi-paragraph emails that not only convey the right message but also reflect the brand's identity through formatting, such as colored text, bolding, and hyperlinks. The challenge, however, lies in streamlining this process, especially when the task requires integrating data from tools like Excel and Word. Traditionally, mail merge has been a go-to solution, yet it falls short when it comes to maintaining formatting in the transition to email clients like Outlook.
This is where Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) comes into play, offering a powerful solution to automate and customize email composition directly from Excel. By leveraging VBA, it's possible to create a script that not only inputs data such as names, invoice numbers, and account details into a pre-designed email template but also preserves the desired formatting. This method promises a significant reduction in manual effort and time spent on copying and pasting document contents, thus enhancing team productivity and ensuring consistency in client communications.
Command Description
CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Creates an instance of Outlook Application.
outlookApp.CreateItem(0) Creates a new email item.
.HTMLBody Sets the HTML formatted body of the email.
.Display / .Send Displays the email draft in Outlook or sends it directly.

VBA Scripting for Enhanced Email Automation

The VBA script provided automates the process of generating an email with customized content directly from Excel, targeting Microsoft Outlook as the email client. The core of this script revolves around creating an instance of the Outlook application and manipulating it to create a new email item. By employing the `CreateObject` function with the parameter "Outlook.Application", the script dynamically interacts with Outlook, bypassing the need for manual operation. This automation streamlines the workflow, particularly for users who regularly send emails with standardized but personalized content. The `CreateItem(0)` method is crucial as it initializes a new mail item, setting the stage for content insertion. The flexibility of VBA allows for dynamic content insertion, making it possible to personalize emails with client-specific data, such as names, invoice numbers, and account details.
The script's pivotal feature is its ability to insert HTML-formatted text into the email body via the `.HTMLBody` property. This method ensures that the email retains desired formatting, including bold text, hyperlinks, and colored text, directly reflecting the user's specifications. Such capability is especially significant in maintaining brand consistency and enhancing the readability of emails. By concluding the script with either the `.Display` or `.Send` method, users are given the choice to review the email before sending or automate the sending process entirely. This dual functionality provides flexibility, catering to different user preferences and scenarios. Overall, the script exemplifies how VBA can be leveraged to simplify repetitive tasks, reduce errors, and save time, all while maintaining high standards of communication.

Streamlining Email Template Filling with Excel and VBA

VBA Script for Excel
Sub GenerateEmailContent() Dim outlookApp As Object Dim mailItem As Object Dim cell As Range Dim emailTemplate As String Set outlookApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set mailItem = outlookApp.CreateItem(0) emailTemplate = "Hello [Name], 

" & "Your invoice number [InvoiceNumber] with account number [AccountNumber] is ready.

" & "Best regards,
Your Company" For Each cell In Range("A1:A10") 'Adjust the range accordingly With mailItem .To = cell.Value .Subject = "Your Invoice is Ready" .HTMLBody = ReplaceTemplate(emailTemplate, cell.Row) .Display 'Or use .Send End With Next cell End Sub Function ReplaceTemplate(template As String, row As Integer) As String Dim replacedTemplate As String replacedTemplate = template replacedTemplate = Replace(replacedTemplate, "[Name]", Cells(row, 2).Value) replacedTemplate = Replace(replacedTemplate, "[InvoiceNumber]", Cells(row, 3).Value) replacedTemplate = Replace(replacedTemplate, "[AccountNumber]", Cells(row, 4).Value) ReplaceTemplate = replacedTemplate End Function

Exporting Formatted Email Content to Excel Cell

Excel Formula Approach
'Note: This is a conceptual representation. Excel formulas cannot inherently 'maintain rich text formatting or execute complex scripting for emails. 'Consider using VBA or integrating with an external application for 'advanced formatting needs. The below "formula" is a simplified 'approach for concatenation purposes. =CONCATENATE("Hello ", A1, CHAR(10), CHAR(10), "Your invoice number ", B1, " with account number ", C1, " is ready.", CHAR(10), CHAR(10), "Best regards,", CHAR(10), "Your Company") 'To achieve actual formatting, consider using the VBA method above 'or an external software solution that supports rich text formatting in emails. 

Automating Email Generation and Formatting from Excel

Utilizing VBA for Email Automation
Dim outlookApp As Object Dim mailItem As Object Set outlookApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set mailItem = outlookApp.CreateItem(0) With mailItem .To = "" .Subject = "Your Subject Here" .HTMLBody = "This is your email body with " & _ "bold, " & _ "hyperlinks, and " & _ "colored text." .Display ' or .Send End With Set mailItem = Nothing Set outlookApp = Nothing 

Expanding Email Automation with VBA

While the initial solution provided outlines how to automate email composition using VBA in Excel, directly embedding formatted content into Excel cells remains a complex challenge. Excel, primarily designed for data analysis and manipulation, offers limited support for rich text formatting within cells. This limitation becomes apparent when attempting to maintain specific text styles, colors, or hyperlinks, as Excel cells do not natively support HTML or similar markup languages. The core issue lies in Excel's data presentation layer, which prioritizes numerical and text data without the intricate formatting options found in word processors or email clients.
To address this, one might consider alternative approaches that leverage Excel's strengths. For instance, generating the email content in a Word document using VBA, which supports rich text formatting, and then automating the process to send this document as an email body or attachment via Outlook. This method utilizes the full range of Word's formatting capabilities before interfacing with Outlook, thereby ensuring that the email's visual appeal is not compromised. Furthermore, exploring third-party tools or add-ins that enhance Excel's functionality could offer a workaround, enabling more sophisticated formatting options directly within Excel spreadsheets. These solutions, while requiring additional steps or resources, provide a pathway to achieving the desired outcome of sending beautifully formatted emails without manual intervention.

Email Automation FAQs

  1. Question: Can Excel cells support HTML formatting directly?
  2. Answer: No, Excel cells cannot natively interpret or display HTML formatting. They are primarily designed for plain text and basic numerical data.
  3. Question: Is it possible to send emails from Excel without using Outlook?
  4. Answer: Yes, it is possible by using third-party services or APIs that can be integrated with Excel through VBA, although Outlook provides the most seamless integration.
  5. Question: Can I automate email sending with attachments using VBA?
  6. Answer: Yes, VBA allows you to automate sending emails with attachments by manipulating the Outlook application object model.
  7. Question: How can I ensure my email retains its formatting when copied from Word to Outlook?
  8. Answer: Using Word as the source for your email content ensures that formatting is preserved when using the ‘Send to Mail Recipient’ feature or when programmatically accessing Outlook via VBA.
  9. Question: Is it necessary to have programming knowledge to automate emails in Excel?
  10. Answer: Basic knowledge of VBA is required to write the scripts for automation, but many resources and templates are available for beginners.

VBA and Email Automation: A Synthesis

Throughout the exploration of using VBA for email automation, it's clear that while Excel's native capabilities for handling rich text formatting within cells are limited, VBA scripts provide a powerful workaround. By leveraging Outlook's application object model, VBA scripts can automate the creation of emails that incorporate Excel data, preserving the intended formatting. This method not only saves significant time but also maintains the professional appearance of communications sent to clients. Challenges such as integrating rich text formatting and hyperlinks can be effectively addressed through this programming approach. Moreover, the potential to expand Excel's functionality through third-party tools or additional VBA scripting presents a valuable avenue for enhancing workflow efficiency. Ultimately, VBA stands out as an indispensable tool for professionals looking to streamline their email communication processes directly from Excel, underscoring the importance of automation in today's business environment.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 19:36 frodeborli Template literals in PHP

There are some sweet language features I would love to see in PHP. One of them is template literals.
A template literal is a way to execute a php function, that looks like a DSL. So you would do something like:
I need to provide better examples I realize:
The point with tagged template literals is that you could safely embed user input in an sql query written like this:
$result = querySELECT * FROM tablename WHERE column={$_GET["x"]};
The query function would know to properly escape the user value. It would not be possible to embed user values that aren't properly escaped.
There are values that can't be embedded in strings, for example a Closure or a database connection or even a file resource. I think you really need to see it in action tu understand how powerful and revolutionary it can be.
All template engines evaluate the variable before it reaches the template engine - and it must evaluate to something stringable. This limits the use case, since the value becomes serialized before it reaches the template engine. The only way around it, is to create placeholder strings and pass variables in an array or something - which is tedious.
With template literals, you can pass in an object, or a Closure in the string. Then the template literal function can interact with the object BEFORE it is turned into a string.
You could for example write something like this if your library is V8js or lua-sandbox:
v8js` var x = {function($v) { /* php code */}; x(); `; 
In the above example, only template literals could allow a complex type like a PHP Closure to be embedded in the syntax of for example V8 or Lua Sandbox.
You could make a string replacement function that does this:
And this call would make the second character of every word containing only a-z characters. Instead we now have to use preg_replace_callback, and it is still limiting and we may have to run multiple passes.
Another example is for example if you are writing a PEG grammar parser:
$someParser = peg Literal := /[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*/ => {fn($x)=>new Literal($x)} Bool := /truefalse/ => {fn($x)=>$x==true} (* rest of your grammar follows *) ;
I know the above seems strange to some of you, it was to me - but it opens a lot of doors for new innovations. I understand it is hard to imagine the use for this, but I can promise it is one of the more amazing inventions i programming languages i have seen in years, and I programmed for 30 years.
$this->template = htmlsome {some_func()} html;
This would actually be the same as invoking
$this->html = html(["some", "html"], some_func()); 
It is supported in recent javascript and in NIM language. Probably elsewhere too. It would enable you to write a properly escaped query like this:
$db->prepare`SELECT * FROM table WHERE id={$id} AND x={get_user()}`; 
The code editor could properly color code the sql, and the actual function invocation would be:
$b->prepare(["SELECT * FROM table WHERE id=","AND x="], $id, get_user()); 
So escaping the arguments becomes implicit. While typing your query, an sql language server could pro ide autocomplete for your query, since IDEs can recognize that the template literal indicates a specific different language.
It is a really powerful concept for mixing code with strings. Regex also:
$r = new regex`/.*/`; 
Since the syntax for function invocation is so unique, it can easily be implemented and IDEs like VS Code could color code the contents.
$message = markdown` # my Markdown `; // With syntax highlighting and validation 
This could be implemented by hijacking the auto loader, without changing the PHP engine, but the PHP ecosystem doesn't have a system like babel for javascript, so I think it should be part of the language.
Any opinions?
submitted by frodeborli to PHP [link] [comments]