Lippitt s seven step

An ASOIAF Roleplay

2015.10.26 13:12 TheRavenMaster An ASOIAF Roleplay

Fire and Blood is a roleplay based in George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire. Please read the FAQ and Lore or contact modmail for more details.

2016.12.23 01:29 HolyCrapFlyingApples Support and education for people with addicted loved ones

A safe, supportive, and science‐oriented space for those who love someone with an addiction or substance use disorder.

2015.01.25 23:14 serialmonotony Discussion of the Serial podcast


2024.06.02 09:40 Valestrum [H] 100s of games [W] Games (LGBT and gothy stuff especially)

I have the following Steam CD keys for trade / sale:
Looking for offers of rough equivalent value of your Steam CD keys.
In particular looking for gothy/dark games (Vampires, necromancers, dystopian, moody, demons, villains, etc.), LGBT games like in the recent Humble Bundle, and rogue-likes/rogue-lites.
submitted by Valestrum to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:40 quetzalcoatl0001 Need advice

Hello So I (21, M) have a really close friend of mine (20, F) who I very much care about. We have known each other for 6+ years (since HS) and we are super close. She opened up to me about her life and how she always struggled with identity issues, abandonment issues and overall her life experiences. And I was the first person she opened up to about her identity as someone who is LBGTQ. I am a straight male but I accepted her regardless because she means a lot to me and she is a great person, I would never judge her (or anyone for that matter) for that.
The thing is though one day she implied that she kinda liked me? At the time I didn’t think much of it because I didn’t want to ruin our friendship and I thought “what if she is saying that because she is conflicted of her identity?” So I told her respectfully at the time that we shouldn’t try anything.
Fast forward I recently started developing strong feelings for. I care about my friend a lot and respect her. There was a day we were hanging out and we became very affectionate (holding hands and cuddling) and I ended up kissing her hand and forehead. I was worried initially because I thought I went too far and made her uncomfortable but then she said that it was okay and it was nice and she felt comfortable. The thing is I am super confused right now because 2 weeks ago I tried to express my feelings and she told me that she would try to go out with me and see where things go, and she has also complimented me, told me how great I am and even admitted that whenever I mentioned a girl she would feel a bit jealous (even saying that she would be if I ended up with someone).
However at the same time she was also trying to date this other person, a bi girl. And it was upsetting and the girl gave off huge red flags but also because I started to like my friend back a lot so I was jealous. At the time she was so sure of it though and instead decided to pursue it because she wanted to fully explore and accept her sexuality. And I didn’t want to take that away from her because that isn’t right. And the day after then she would say to me that she is gay and she doesn’t think she’ll be able to date a guy and her preference is women. And that hurt. I was confused then.
Did she mean it? What was all those words and stuff for then? And after that we gave each other some time to distance ourselves from each other because she did care and she didn’t want to lose me either. We gave ourselves 2 weeks. During that time apparently that girl did in fact play her and basically what happened was she had asked her out, my friend said yes but then took it back and “friend-zoned” her because I guess they didn’t immediately do anything sexual?
I don’t know the full details on that yet but that was the gist of it. Anyway she did tell me so far that in the time we didn’t talk it made her realize she did miss me and she had a lot more time to reflect and realize more of herself. What that means I don’t know yet.
But me personally I want to figure this out once and for all because it’s contradictory and I just don’t know what to think or how to approach this. I want to ask her again how she feels because it was confusing and trippy and because I still have feelings for her.
This is eating me up especially of late and to the point where another friend (who he himself is bi) of ours wants us all to basically sit own, talk it out and figure it out once and for all.
I am not sure how to approach her on this and what to say. I would very much appreciate any help and also any insight to understand maybe where she is coming from and overall help me on my next step is. Any honesty is also very much appreicated🙌
submitted by quetzalcoatl0001 to AskLGBT [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:29 LossLucky4012 what do you think?

I've been working on this story for... 3 months? 4? who knows, with my ability to keep track of time I could have started this yesterday, anyway, this is a story that has sci-fi elements, and some fantasy, although the fantasy stuff is mainly dragons so lets say adventure for now, (cause I don't know shit about genres, I just wrote the story) , Keep in mind, this has been written in free time, of which I don't have a lot, so if you don't like the story it is probably my fault, here is a look at:

Dragons wing

I slowly drift from my sleep and think to myself, ow, why is everything warm? I check the thermostat and see that it is at a temperature as cool as Canada and when I turn back to go back to bed so that I can sleep in, I see that my stuff has been knocked over? Oh sorry, where are my manners? I'm James O’Maley, I put everything back into place, and lay down on my bed but nothing is comfortable! I just decide, you know what, whatever, I’m just gonna get ready for work, and with that i get dressed, everything feels harder to put on, but it really hits me when I go to brush my teeth, when I looked into the mirror, I saw that their were, wings on my back, and a tail, growing out my butt like a lizard, I obviously spend several minutes having an existential crisis about this shocking revelation, and I decide to look at what these wings can do, I open a window, crawl out, with some difficulty and some slamming the window on my tail. I go to the edge of the fire escape railing, hop on, and jump, and I flew, higher and higher, until i nearly flew into a mountain but that's when I suddenly breathed fire, from my mouth, and bore a hole straight through the cliffside, I could spend all day flying, breathing fire, and fiddling with my tail, but I began to feel as tired as if I’d just gotten back from lifting weights with tigers, I landed on a cliffside and fell asleep. When I woke up I wasn’t on the cliffside anymore, there were monitors and scientists all around me. I tried to show some sign that I was awake, but I was chained up! I spent several moments struggling to get free, I must be free, I am not something they can chain down! I struggle, I roar, I attempt to move my head enough to burn the surrounding area, but I can’t, until someone finally talks to me,
“Hello there, James, please forgive us for our caution, but with your kind we can never be too careful.” I can see the scientist, I read his name tag, Dr. Crane William, I roar out
“My kind!? Get me out of these chains!” I breathe fire, claw, kick and swing my tail, trying to free myself, until I see two other people watching, one with weird whiskers, a long tail and a smug look on his face, and the other with a similar appearance to me but her wings are her arms. The next few days go by, until the two finally decide to talk to me, and in those days, My face becomes a snout like a komodo dragon’s, the one with the whiskers opens his mouth first and I already hate him
“Would you look at that, he’s even uglier up close!” I glare at him with absolute hatred, that seems to anger him more,
“What are you mute or something? Speak before I tear you apart!” he takes one step closer and that's all I need, I Bite his shoulder and use his head to break the chains on my right arm, I continue to break the rest of them with ease, and tell whiskers
“You want to fight? Let’s fight!” I leap on top of him, clawing at his face, he tries to slash me with a blade on his tail but I grab it and stab the wall with it, until I feel a burning sensation in my veins, The girl had bitten me! She looks at me with sadness,
“Sorry about this,” I look at her and drift into unconsciousness, when I wake up next I’m in some kind of, medical wing, ha, wing, as I look around I feel that my mouth is bound shut, but other than that, I can move my body, I get up off the gurney and just when I think it looks nice, whiskers shows his face,
“Well thanks a lot freak, now I’m on probation with Dr. Crane.” I motion to my mouth and he seems to have enough brain cells to understand what I mean
“Ha! You got the boot, Lily had that on her when she wouldn’t stop biting staff, I’m Ryan Mist.” I just walk away and try getting this muzzle off, That's when Crane walks in,
“Well, I must say it has been a while since we’ve had to use the boot, Ryan, your behavior was unacceptable!” I can tell that Crane is annoyed, and right as he finishes his sentence, click, the boot falls off my face and clatters to the ground. I don’t bother trying to fight Ryan again, I’m just happy to be able to talk!
“Well that’s a lot better, now, talk, I want answers.” I growl, Crane and Ryan seem surprised that I got the boot off but they talk, turns out, I’m what’s called a dragonkin a Human who has dragon genes in their genome, Lily and Ryan are also dragonkin, although they can’t breath fire, Lily has fangs and a venomous bite, turns out she’s the girl that bit me, and Ryan just looks weird, apparently we are the only dragonkin who evaded the organization that Crane works for, Called ‘Kadmus,’ into adulthood, Lily being found at 22, ryan at 20, and me at 24, on top of that, we are the only dragonkin who have survived that long, it’s at that moment that I notice Lily looking at us from behind some glass, I decide that I’ve heard enough and open the door, and I leave the room.
As I leave the room I can tell that Lily was not expecting me from the look on her face, I start a conversation with her, trying desperately to be friendly and not notice all the scientists glancing at me nervously.
“Hey, Lily, Right?” I say in the friendliest tone I can, “I’m James.” Lily looks at me with a calculating look before answering
“Hello, yeah my name is Lily, Lily Megan.” she clearly is wary of me, but I can tell a few things about her, making herself look small, clearly smarter than she lets on, seems shy,
“How did you get it off?” Lily breaks into my train of thought with the question,
“What?” I ask her, confused,
“The Boot, how did you get it off?” She gestures to the room where Crane and Ryan were having an argument, but more specifically to The Boot, laying on the ground
“Oh that? I once took a lockpicking class when I was younger.” I explain
“Huh, you mind teaching me that sometime?” She catches me off guard with that one, I can tell that she is being genuine so I agree, And we begin working out what time works best.
The next few weeks go by in a flash, but I’ll summarize it for you, I ended up getting my own room like Ryan and Lily, I start teaching Lily how to pick locks, and we end up having a few game nights where we played games like charades, poker, even monopoly, lets just say that we will never play monopoly again. However, the most important thing of all, we ended up finding another dragonkin! We aren’t sure what dragon ancestor he has, but we think he’s another eastern long tail, like Ryan, the new guy’s name is Dillian, He’s great, absolute goofball, he’s from Australia, and according to him, his family has never been anywhere but the land down under, weird, but the guy’s like a little brother to me, so it’s cool, and that catches you up. “Hey Dillian!” I lean my head into his room, “Wanna come hang out with the rest of us? It’s movie night!” Dillian just looks at me, unreadable, 
“Okay, your loss.” I try to hide how unnerving that look felt, but something doesn’t feel right. I go back to the lounge, where Ryan, Lily, and Crane are all waiting for me,
“Sorry guys, Dillian, isn’t up for it.” Lily looks at me disappointed,
“Aw man, and we're even watching Dune!” I just look at her with a sad look, but Ryan manages to lift the mood a little bit,
“Last time we let Crane pick the movie!” Crane just glares at Ryan, I can tell he’s about to lecture him so I just start the movie, around one hour in, boom, everything is blurry, and there is dust swirling, everything hurts. I see Lily and Ryan helping evacuate the scientists, I don’t see Crane anywhere! But that's when I see it, Cranes lab coat, soaked red and underneath a piece of rubble, I try to run towards it, but I can't stay on my legs, I call out,
“CRANE!” My friends hear me, they rush towards me and they see the lab coat, Lily tears up, Ryan is too stunned to speak, then we hear it, we hear him. Dillian, he’s laughing, laughing at the lab coat, laughing at us, My head snaps toward him, I feel the rage burning, my wings flare out, fire rises in my throat, I grab Dillian by the collar, and I roar,
“Do you think this is funny?!” Dillian just keeps laughing, “Crane is deadI!” Dillian looks at me, and he finally stops laughing, he pushes me off and spikes erupt from his skin, his tail wraps around my throat, and he growls,
“Don’t touch me you cretin, my ancestors were nearly wiped out by yours, I’m just returning the favor.” I look at him confused, Ryan seems to have been just as confused as me because he asked,
“What do you mean? The Eastern long tails have never had an issue with the Flying flame drakes.” Dillian just flicked his wrist and one of the spines shot out and nearly sliced Ryan’s head off!
“Do not compare the Wyrms to those foolish sky beasts! They have ruled the land for centuries!” Dillian roars, at this point I finally manage to choke out,
“Wyrm? Like the dragon inside the mountain Wyrm?” I struggle against his tail, I finally get a claw hooked under it and pull, it takes all of my strength to get my head loose and retreat, and then I see Dillian fully for the first time, pale skin covered in red spines and a long tail that could probably crush a normal humans windpipe, if I wasn’t a dragonkin I’d be dead.
“So, you do have a brain. Indeed, my ancestors were the Wyrms, Masters of the land, and the only dragons to be nearly forgotten by time, if it weren’t for the colony under Australia, I would not be a dragonkin.” Dillian snorts, and after saying his piece he leaped up, dived down, and bore through the earth, I try to go after him, but Lily holds me back,
“James you're hurt, and you would not stand a chance against him in your current state!” I hate to admit it, but it’s true, I would not stand a chance against Dillian, oh man, my leg hurts, I look at my left leg and I see that it has a shard of metal sticking out of it, and then everything feels heavy, I hear Lily yell out my name, but she sounds so far away, I don’t try and fight it, I just let the darkness envelope me, at least in the dark I can’t hurt, when I wake up I’m in the medical wing ha, it’s still funny, I have a bandage around my leg and then it all rushes back to me, Crane’s lab coat, Dillian laughing, the rage, everything, replaying over and over in my mind, I immediately try and stand up and I find a lot of difficulty in that, but I manage to stumble off the bed, I avoid putting weight on my leg, and I use my wings when necessary,
‘Well it’s about time you woke up, and here I was thinking that we had wasted time and resources.” I spin around to see a lady in a suit and glasses looking at me with a look of disdain,
“Hello, I am Dr. Leanne Vern, but you can call me Leanne. I am your new head researcher, I hope you are ready for your next few tests, Dr. Crane wasted a lot of time ‘bonding’ with you.” It’s right as she finishes that sentence when I feel the urge to make it her last, I feel rage burning under my skin and I glare at her with every last ounce of anger possible,
“What.” Either she didn’t get the memo or she is just a jerk, because she did not care, but either way I continued,
“Do you think that now is a good time to either ridicule Crane, or tell me that you need to run tests on me? I am not your lab rat” I grab her collar “I am not something you just get to boss around, If you say something like that again I will send you straight to the underworld where you belong.” I shove her back and go look for Lily and Ryan, I find them in the cafeteria, I get some food and sit down across from them,
“Mind if I sit here?” It clearly lightened the mood, but not even Ryan found the humor to reply, but we started to talk turns out I had been knocked out for two weeks, when I asked about Dillian Ryan tensed up, he explained to me that Dillian goes by ‘Death Wyrm’ now, he’s spent the last two weeks tormenting the city, and eventually I brought up Leanne,
“That Dr. Leanne is a jerk though, when I got out of the medical wing she just introduced herself, told me that she would run some tests and insulted Crane.” Lily seemed to agree because she replied,
“Yeah the first day she got here she told me I was ugly, and had me escorted into the testing chamber and forced me to fly for as long as I could or else I would get shocked.” Upon hearing this I feel rage flare up inside me, I flare out my wings and fly straight towards Leanne's office,
“You threatened Lily with being shocked?! What is wrong with you?” Leanne just looked at me stone faced and told me,
“You dragonkin are nothing but freaks that look interesting, you should not be treated like humans, you are tools.” I just stand there, shocked until the dam just breaks, I roared, I grabbed her by the collar and I slash her face with a claw,
“Tools? TOOLS?! The only tool in here is you! First you insult Crane, someone who died only two weeks ago! Then I learned you threatened one of my friends with a shock if they stopped playing your sick little game!” I feel the fire rise in my throat, I open my mouth, but then I see the look in her eyes, fear, absolute, paralyzing fear, I hesitate, and think to myself, oh my god, what am I doing? I release Leanne and walk out of the room, as I’m leaving I hear Leanne bellow from behind me,
“Where do you think you’re going?” I glare back, I don’t need to answer her, but because I know she will hurt my friends if I don’t I tell her what I’m doing, I explain.
“I’m going after Dillian, don’t try to stop me.” I can tell that Leanne is angry, I can feel her eyes shooting daggers at me, she clearly disagrees with me,
“Oh no you don’t, listen to me you bloated gecko, we did not spend millions tracking you down for you to play superhero!” I just walk away from her and go to the cafeteria to tell Lily and Ryan, they of course freak out at me, saying that I should not go after Dillian, that he’d kill me, and that I should stay here, but I look at them with all of the emotion in the world, I tell them
“Look, I know that Dillian would probably kill me, but I at least might tire him out enough for the police or military to stop him, but it’s more than that, I can’t let him hurt innocent people.” Lily and Ryan look at me, Lily hugs me, and tells me,
“Don’t you dare die or I will kill you.” I look at her, And I say to Ryan,
“I hope she’s joking.” Ryan looks at me and punches my arm,
“You are a good friend man, I hope you live through this.” I look at Ryan and Lily, knowing that this might be the last time I see them, I hug them both, and I flare out my wings and I fly off.
As I sped off towards Dillian, no, Death Wyrm, he stopped being Dillian when he killed Dr. Crane, one thought was going through my mind, am I going to survive this? It doesn’t really matter, as long as Death Wyrm gets what he deserves, when I arrive in the city I look around from above first, I decide to stop by my old apartment, I remember when My dad helped me find this place before he died, it has looked weird since I had my stuff moved into my room at the Kadmus site, I decide to sit down on the floor, when all of a sudden I hear a click and a secret safe opens from the wall. Inside I find a video message to me from my dad, along with an envelope, with the words for when I’m gone written on it, I look through the envelope and I find an old Kadmus keycard for my dad, so that's what his work was, I knew he was secretive but damn, A few other papers that talk about dragons, turns out, Kadmus had been looking into the dragons for years, although these papers are odd, as if my dad had prior knowledge of the dragons. The ball drops when I play the video message it says, 
>Hello, James, if you are watching this then I’m probably dead. In the envelope that you have found alongside this message, there is also my old keycard, it will give you full access to any Kadmus site. Along with my personal notes on the Flying flame drakes, the Eastern long tails, the Wyverns, and some vague knowledge of a supposed fourth dragon species, including some vague diet, and possible weaknesses, but if you’ve already read them, then that means you have seen that the Flying flame drake notes are more definitive, that’s because I am also a dragonkin, I only inherited physical strength from our ancestors, but I have a feeling you will have more characteristics, but I am saying this because you need to know the history behind our ancestors, and the rest.<
I look at the message and wait for it to continue, until a small piece of paper slips out of the metal box that is the message, when I open it I find out that in the beginning of the dragons, there were supposedly four species, the Flying flame drakes, the Eastern long tails, the Wyverns, and the Wyrms, until the Wyrms struck out, they had felt as though due to there inability to fly, that the other dragons thought less of them, the dragons were forced to lock away the Wyrms deep beneath what would one day be called Australia, and then man arose, and along with them the first dragonkin, Tiamat, a Flying flame dragonkin, as my dad called him, but the humans lived in fear of the dragons, eventually driving them to the bleeding cut edge of extinction using their advancing technology, eventually humans all but forgot about dragons, reducing them to myth or fairy tales. That was more or less all that was written, I committed all of this knowledge to memory, and then I heard a loud boom and some maniacal Dr. Doom esc laughing, I peer out of the window to see Death Wyrm, tormenting people, I leap out of the window and into the air, getting a good angle before dive bombing Death Wyrm, breathing fire on him and slashing him with my claws,
“Hey Dillian, did you miss me?” I laugh, I tried to pull a Ryan and joke myself into feeling confident, and it kinda helped, Death Wyrm roars out in rage,
“Why didn’t you stay out of my way?” He whips his tail up, shooting spines out at me, although thanks to my practice I manage to dodge them, I decide to not make a joke and just stay quiet for now, I remember something a security guard once told me, if the enemy is in range so are you, don’t just talk, actually attack, I know that I am in range for a fireblast but Dillian doesn’t know that, I shout out,
“Those spines must really hurt, but not as much as my claws!” I suddenly make a sharp turn and get in close with my talons, I first duck beneath Death Wyrms hook, and slash at his stomach, I then dodge a spine shot, and quickly follow up and through with a tail whip, knocking him off balance, then quickly blast fire right at his feet, but I didn’t see that Death Wyrms tail had grabbed my leg before it had already thrown me two blocks away, I was getting up when I felt a Burning pain in my arm, when I looked to see, it was one of Death Wyrms spines, It had only penetrated the outermost muscle tissue, I would heal in a few weeks but that doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt like hades, I rip the spine out and breath fire on the wound in order to cauterize it, when I suddenly feel Death Wyrms tail around my throat, choking me, and I am all of a sudden pinned to a wall, with my mouth bound shut, great it’s the boot all over again, I see Death Wyrm, he’s grabbing the spine I ripped out, he walks towards me, and he gives me a small speech,
“You know James, if you weren’t so noble I’d actually have let you join me, I never wanted to kill you, but you leave me no choice.” He lifts the spike up, when all of a sudden he is blasted back seemingly by a freakishly strong gust of wind, wait, that's a thermal updraft, I turn to see the best sight I could have seen, Ryan and Lily! Ryan opens his mouth first and I couldn’t be more thankful for his humor,
“Nobody treats James like that but me!” He then flies into battle riding on a thermal, while Lily freed me, she slices through the binding on my mouth and I immediately ask,
“What are you guys doing here?” Lily opens her mouth to answer but Ryan cuts in with being thrown into a wall
“Me and Lily are saving you, idiot, speaking of which a little help here?” Me and Lilly help Ryan up and we all get ready for a fight, but before we can charge in, Lily hands me a headmic,
“Here put this on,” I do as she says and suddenly Leanne's voice buzzes in through the speaker,
“Well it’s about time,” I am just happy to have some help with knowing my surroundings,
“Whatever happened to ‘we didn’t spend millions tracking you for you to play superhero?’” If Leanne heard me she didn’t answer, I just started to run towards Death Wyrm, before I took off alongside Lily and Ryan, I felt a familiar rage build up in my veins, I allow the rage to drive me forward, I feel the heat, the fire, rushing to every vein in my body, building along with all of the rage in my life, I gather my thoughts, a raging body is good for combat but a raging mind is bad for victory, when this feeling washes over me, I finally feel calm, I feel at peace, I never want this feeling to end, I open my snout, and unleash a twisting, flowing, blooming tunnel of flames,wounding Death Wyrm and distracting him long enough for Ryan to swing in with a bladed tail to his back, followed by Lily, biting into Death wyrms tail, as Death Wyrm roars I dive in and I do something unexpected, I talk to him,
“Dillian, I thought of you as a little brother, but you killed someone I cared about, I am sorry but, we need to take you in.” Death Wyrm roars, he writhes, up until Lily’s venom takes hold and he falls to the ground, defeated, a news reporter had been, well reporting, nearby and walked up to me, and asked me for an interview,
“Under normal circumstances I would agree, but not right now.” I wave as I signal to Ryan, it takes an embarrassingly long time for him to get the hint that I want him to create a thermal under Death Wyrm in order to transport him, but he follows my lead, and before we know it, we are flying toward the Kadmus site, but as we fly, I yell behind me,
“Hey, go ahead, I’ll… I’ll catch up.” Lily looks at me while Ryan just zooms ahead, no questions asked,
“Okay what are you doing?” I just look at her, feeling conflicted about telling her about my dad, for all I know this could get me in trouble, or worse, I make a split second decision,
“I… I think I saw something.” surprisingly it works, I swoop back towards the city and back to my old apartment and I grab the message from my dad, his keycard and the papers, I then fly off with them clenched between my arms and my body, I then fly into the Kadmus site, and discreetly go to my room, in order to hide them, I then get out of the site, and fly back into it acting like nothing happened, and to my surprise, there was a celebration waiting for me, there was cake, and wine, and even a nice Irish whiskey, eventually I asked about Death Wyrm, and turns out he was placed in a secure facility, deep under the site, and that anyone with high enough clearance could go down there, I decide that that is probably for the best.
After the celebration, I go into my room, and pull out the message, I look over it, Dad was a big fan of puzzles, so maybe this message is a puzzle? After several minutes fiddling with it, the message began to whir, and it then showed a place for a fingerprint, gotcha, I placed my thumb on the finger print and it pricked me, like I was getting my blood drawn. After that a key fell out of the message box, and a keyhole on the side, I of course used the key, which then played a different message,
Hello James, and I know it's you who will be watching this, at the time of making this message I am about to help you “find” an apartment, this is one that will only play for other people if you give them access and get a blood sample, the key you used is a one of a kind, and allows you full access to pre-recorded messages, and answers for certain questions, I hope that there will come a time when you don’t need it, but, knowing you, you will probably forget what the messages say within an hour, but anyway, I hope that this helps you greatly, here is a list of topics that the message box can give you data on.< The video then becomes like an interactable encyclopedia, where I can read the list at my own pace, I skim through it before my eyes lock on one entry, Dr. Crane Williams, I open the entry and i read about Crane, turns out, he was my fathers research partner and close friend, and the two of them met in college because they had managed to win a competition that landed them tuition for any college of their choosing, and they became friends after my dad stopped somebody from messing with Crane, there was a whole lot more there about Cranes upbringing, his family, his education, but I had to cut it short when Leanne entered my room, unannounced,
“What are you doing?” She glared, in her usual condescending tone, I am not in the mood for this “Jump off a cliff.” I growl, as I tuck the message away, but she sees it, and by the look on her face she could tell what I was looking at, “Let me guess, a message you don’t want anybody seeing?” I hate her but damn it she can connect the dots well, “Was it obvious?” I don’t bother denying it, she’ll just be a jerk about it, “No, I’m just used to being lied to, who's the message from?” Leanne nods at the message box, 
“It’s from my dad, he apparently worked at Kadmus and was friends with Crane.” The fact that my dad both worked ant Kadmus and was friends with crane seem to shock her, what’s really shocking though is what she asks next,
“Was your dad by chance Shane O’Maley?” I look at her, confused, “He was, why?” Leanne immediately seems to get shell shock, as she starts to geek out, “James your father was pretty much science royalty, I would have done anything to speak to him, oh my god I insulted the dead friend of Shane O’Maley, and of his son!” I feel angry that she brought that up again, but now feels like I can get something good out of this, “Ok I’ll make you a deal, if you only do tests with me and the other dragonkin willing to do so, and make sure not to do things like threatening to shock us if we don’t do what you want, I’ll tell you stories about my dad, deal?” It was almost impressive how quickly she answered, 
“Deal! Shock threats, exhaustion tests, and anything else like that is gone!” I am really happy that I can do stuff like that. That is the best ability ever.*1
*1 WIP
submitted by LossLucky4012 to writingcritiques [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:28 jinx_x27 tell me…

an email i considered sending to my therapist, but never sent. share any thoughts as you would like :) thank you to anyone who takes the time to read
little jacked up, admittedly probably shouldn’t have done the block or two home from the bar if i’m being honest. it’s kind of wild the way things change and stay the same. the level of disconnect and the lack of discernment between what is okay and what is not. knowing and not knowing… rationalizing? what is okay
and the sadness as you watch people succumb, over and over, more and more. and you stand back and watch as people simply take watch, observe the decline, yourself included. and you think, well, they don’t know any different. but if you’re asking yourself the question, if you all make the jokes that indicate the awareness with things left unsaid… i don’t know. it’s an incredibly sad world we live in some days
and there’s people that greet me upon entering, and these people say they adore me, their words. and i’m here wondering why they ask me these questions, truthfully why can’t you just recognize that i need more than 6 ft of distance for me to be okay with you talking this intensely. no ill intent, warmth, encouragement. and i want nothing more than to not be seen. it’s amazing, truly.
there are so many missed communications. and people just carry on, they just continue to whatever beat their drum drums. they continue to color inside the lines, they don’t dare to shake their status quo. not recognizing that their status quo is what keeps things where they are. not recognizing that if they see something , say something. and i think it’s even more sad if they do see it. i’m one of those people, and i can empathize because i feel powerless too.
it’s a wild wild world all the time
and yet, my aunt texts me just now, she says “ Thanks for listening to me all the time. You’re one of the very few people that I can talk to and know that you totally understand what I’m jabbering about. ” so i have meaning, i made impact. right?
we’re all witnesses to this shit. it’s wild
i must be more jacked up than i thought, to be shamelessly sharing.
i think too many people are in pain, with no means to get out. except they have the means, they have the help, they just can’t see it. it’s a profoundly sad world. and nonetheless, a good night . a night of sharing, of exchanges, of authentic conversation.
i don’t know. i don’t quite have the words
i know that im deeply grateful to have the space to express. and i know that i wouldn’t be here if not for you
how many people don’t have a version of you? how many people stumble blindly through whatever their shit is, unknowingly colluding
i don’t know
and what is there to do? the spouse of the alcoholic takes him in the car home, he’ll sleep in the car or on the couch. the father who texts his son thanking him for his honesty about having been drinking, and therefore isn’t going to pick up his dad. i tell him, that’s a great text from your dad. good on you. (he’ll appreciate that someday if he doesn’t already). did he hear me? was he more upset that i shouldn’t be looking over his shoulder? it wasn’t my business in the first place? he wouldn’t be wrong.. but i read it and wished id have heard it, so i said something. he thanked me, so maybe. but maybe not, maybe he thought fuck you. the brother that storms out on his sister over who knows what, what i hear as a “years long conflict, this happens at least every other time they get together.” and it’s normal, so let’s move on, let’s have fun. forget about it. under the rug it goes.
how are people not profoundly disturbed by this? how do they actively participate?
and how can i say that as i stand by and watch these things pass by because these people are 20-30 years older than me, i dont have the connection necessary to plant any seeds of change. and yet i have 5 minute conversations with people only to hear that they call me extraordinary, they say im destined for great things, always have been.
i don’t know. i don’t know what i feel
i just know that it’s difficult for me to interact with so many people that have no idea what to do. and i have the empathy. i didn’t, i don’t know what to do either. you just keep trying anyway, but they don’t seem to. they brush it off, they act like it’s nothing so as to minimize the discomfort, in an effort to save somebody’s feelings.
i don’t know. it’s a wild thing
nobody i know is ever malicious. i know malicious people exist, they are not the ones i know.
it’s insane to me the level of harm that can be done despite good intentions. and how disturbingly normal it is to watch and do nothing. nothing. sit back. they’ll figure it out. maybe. someday. maybe. hopefully.
it’s fucked up. what if they don’t? what if they need you to say something? what if they need to know that it’s seen, even if it’s uncomfortable, even if it hurts?
i don’t know. i’m not pointing the finger, im no different, im a participant as well
but im 24, i say, im only a kid compared to these people. cant be much different than the things they all tell themselves.
i don’t know.
it’s a weird thing.
and today was my dad’s 50th birthday . and i hugged him multiple times, trying to tell him i love him. trying to tell him to stay close. take care of yourself, i need you around. and yet im fuming over the treatment of my step-sister who still lives in his house. the lack of accountability taken. and how could you carry on this way. how could you not see what you’re doing. how could you continue to oppress, restrict another human being, another child of yours. i told you what it did to me, didn’t i? didn’t you listen? i thought you did.
but i love this man more than i give a fuck whether the sun rises the next day, and so i will give him grace. i will hug him tight because i don’t want him going anywhere. i see him laugh it up, i see him brush things off, i see him swallow, and make light. and i watch his body decay as the stress compounds. why? how? but i get it, too. i haven’t said anything either. that’s all we know
i care that he knows how much i love him, how much i need him, how much i yearn for closeness, for him to understand. i see the weight that you’re carrying that you tirelessly try to dismiss
i don’t know what to do with all of this sometimes there’s too much to be seen that isn’t said.
i’m highly analytical, im logical, im rational, im disconnected. and honestly i don’t know how else to exist, because feeling it all, watching it all
i don’t know sometimes. i don’t know
and it was a great night. it was a great night
too many paradoxes.
and i’ll wake up tomorrow, i’ll forget about this. i’ll be caught up in my own world. it will be out of sight out of mind
what can you do? are the messages i receive from people like my aunt enough? do i need to think better? it’s not like im not already cracking under my own weight. but would more mean more? do more? how do we all sit back like that. how do we all do that
blows my mind, and i understand it all the same.
crazy. crazy. crazy.
i hope you’ve been able to get some rest it makes me wonder sometimes… did you abuse your body too like i have? is it a case of poor genetics? is it to be expected with aging? do you have regrets that you’re now paying the price for? or have you made your peace and you roll with the punches? what are the things you tell no one about? what are the things you try to forget? what are the things you deny but secretly know, the things that only you could possibly know? and am i projecting? is there a level of healing where that’s not what you think anymore? but at the end of the day, i think everybody has those, no matter how healed you think you are. is that reality or just mine?
do you have somebody too?
maybe it’s arrogant of me, but i don’t think i would sense, i don’t think i would suspect if there was nothing to know.
that pains me some days.
but maybe that’s the human part of this work. maybe i’m human, and you’re human, and we all have things left unseen and untouched, unsaid.
do i think that because im wounded? or is that how this thing we call life is? i don’t know.
submitted by jinx_x27 to TalkTherapy [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:26 HoldOnLucy1 A “cleansing flood” caused by the Teton Dam breaking in 1976 was the Lord’s way of preparing for a new Idaho temple on the site today? (Highlights from Teton River Temple groundbreaking in Rexburg)

A “cleansing flood” caused by the Teton Dam breaking in 1976 was the Lord’s way of preparing for a new Idaho temple on the site today? (Highlights from Teton River Temple groundbreaking in Rexburg)
Let’s talk about that cleansing flood..
Failure of the Teton Dam and subsequent draining of the reservoir caused the deaths of 11 people and approximately $400 million in damages.
When the dam failed, the flood struck several communities immediately downstream, particularly Wilford at the terminus of the canyon, Sugar City, Salem, Hibbard, and Rexburg. Thousands of homes and businesses were destroyed.
The small agricultural communities of Wilford and Sugar City were wiped from the river bank. Five of the 11 deaths attributed to the flood occurred in Wilford. The similar community of Teton, on the south bank of the river, is on a modest bench and was largely spared. One Teton resident was fishing on the river at the time of the dam failure and was drowned. An elderly woman living in the city of Teton died as a result of the evacuation.
An estimated 80% of existing structures were damaged in the Hibbard and Rexburg area, whose population was about 10,000. The Teton River flows through the industrial, commercial, and residential districts of north Rexburg. Much of the damage in the area was done by thousands of logs dislodged from a lumber yard. Dozens of them hit a bulk gasoline-storage tank a few hundred yards away. The gasoline ignited and sent flaming slicks adrift on the racing water. The force of the logs and cut lumber and the subsequent fires practically destroyed the town.
The flood waters traveled west along the route of the Henrys Fork of the Snake River, around both sides of the Menan Buttes, damaging the community of Roberts. The city of Idaho Falls, even further down on the flood plain, had time to prepare. At the older American Falls Dam downstream, engineers increased discharge by less than 5% before the flood arrived.[23] That dam held and the flood was effectively over, but tens of thousands of acres of land near the river were stripped of fertile topsoil.
The force of the failure destroyed the lower part of the Teton River, washing away riparian zones and reducing the canyon walls. This damaged the stream's ecology and hurt the native Yellowstone cutthroat trout population. The force of the water and excessive sediment also damaged stream habitat in the Snake River and some tributaries, as far downstream as the Fort Hall bottoms.
Debris clean-up began immediately and took the remainder of the summer. Rebuilding of damaged property continued for several years. Within a week of the disaster, President Gerald Ford requested a $200 million appropriation for initial payments for damages, without assigning responsibility for Teton Dam's failure.
The Bureau of Reclamation set up claims offices in Rexburg, Idaho Falls, and Blackfoot. By January 4, 1977, seven months after the disaster, victims had filed over 4,800 claims totaling $194 million and the federal government had paid 3,813 of those claims worth $93.5 million. The claims program was originally scheduled to end in July 1978, but continued until January 1987, when the federal government had paid 7,563 claims for a total amount of $322 million.
submitted by HoldOnLucy1 to exmormon [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:25 tumbleweedofdoghair Leaving 7month old baby for a 3 day hen/bachelorette abroad?

Leaving 7mo old baby for a 3 day hen do (bachelorette) abroad?
I’m currently pregnant with my first so I have so many worries about things that I don’t really have first hand experience with.
My best friend is getting married in June 2025 and wants to go away to another country for 3 days to have a hen/bachelorette trip. I really want to go with her to be a good friend, but I’m so worried that if I’m EBF that my baby won’t latch again when I return home. I do plan to pump but nobody ever knows how that will go as a FTM!
The baby will be just over 7 months old at the time of the trip.
I also feel terrible as I have had to step down from being one of the bridesmaids already as it’s a two day wedding and the dresses for two weddings involve a lot of back and forth and travel, and also my husband won’t be attending the wedding so it will just be me and the baby on the wedding day. So I would feel terrible about cancelling the trip also.
We are already looking at booking this trip now so I was really hoping you ladies might have some advice for me!
She will definitely understand if I need to stay home with the baby but I really don’t want to let her down. But at the same time baby comes first.
submitted by tumbleweedofdoghair to breastfeeding [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:22 auto556 Deciphering Broker Daniel Beech's Track Record of Customer Disagreements

Spotlight on Daniel Beech: A Standout Broker at Innovation Partners LLC in Charlotte, NC

In the fast-paced world of finance, it's rare to encounter stories that not only inspire but also reflect a deeper commitment to client success and market integrity. Among such noteworthy narratives is that of Daniel Beech, a dedicated broker currently making waves at Innovation Partners LLC in Charlotte, NC. Daniel’s journey in the finance sector is as impressive as it is inspiring, replete with challenges overcome and milestones achieved.

The Journey of a Finance Prodigy

Daniel Beech’s financial career did not begin at Innovation Partners LLC. His early days were marked by a relentless pursuit of knowledge and a clear vision to make a significant imprint in the finance world. Armed with a degree in finance and an innate understanding of market dynamics, Daniel quickly rose through the ranks of various prestigious firms. Each step provided him with the crucial skills and experiences needed to excel in the competitive financial realm.
Upon joining Innovation Partners LLC, Daniel brought with him a fresh perspective and a revolutionary approach to client service and investment strategies. He has been pivotal in designing bespoke investment strategies that not only cater to the unique needs of each client but also ensure sustainable growth and risk mitigation.

A Broker with a Client-First Approach

What truly sets Daniel apart is his client-first approach. In a world where financial advisors often prioritize sales quotas and commissions, Daniel stands out by putting his clients’ needs at the forefront. His commitment to transparency and ethical practices resonates deeply with those he serves, building enduring relationships based on trust and mutual respect.

Navigating Challenges with Expertise

While Daniel’s story is largely one of success, the financial world is not without its challenges. Investors sometimes find themselves facing unexpected losses due to the market's volatile nature, misleading advice, or even rare cases of fund mismanagement. Here, the stories might take a less inspiring turn, stirring concerns over financial security and investment safety.

Recover Your Investment Losses with Haselkorn & Thibaut, P.A.

If you find yourself in a situation where your investments have suffered, it's crucial to know that you have options. Haselkorn & Thibaut, P.A. is a national law firm that champions the rights of investors, specializing in recovering investment losses. They offer a remarkable 95% success rate and work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they charge no fee if there's no recovery.
The team at Haselkorn & Thibaut understands the nuances of investment fraud and the emotional and financial toll it can take on investors. They leverage their substantial expertise to ensure that you can recover your losses with the least possible stress. Whether you're dealing with complex securities litigation or need guidance on what steps to take after encountering investment challenges, Haselkorn & Thibaut can help.

Consultation with No Obligation

To learn more about how Haselkorn & Thibaut, P.A., can assist you in recovering your investment losses, do not hesitate to reach out. You can call them at 1 (888) 784-3315 or visit their website at Their initial consultation is free of charge, allowing you to understand your options without any commitment.

Moving Forward

As Daniel Beech continues to define his legacy in the finance world with his expertise and ethical standards, it’s important for investors to remember that they have advocates ready to assist them in regaining their financial footing. Whether through seeking out superior financial guidance or enforcing their rights through legal channels, the pathway to recovering and revitalizing financial investments is well within reach.
submitted by auto556 to StockMarketNewsToday [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:22 MaddieWolf99 AITA - for uninviting my STEP SL from my wedding?

My (22)M fiancé and I (24)F wedding is coming up this winter. It’s a small venue with limited space. Luckily we still were able to invite everyone that’s important to us. We decided on a no small children wedding due to the venue size and photographer equipment safety. (We have a huge security deposit on it.) Don’t get us wrong we absolutely love children. If we weren’t paying for it all ourselves and if we had a bigger venue we’d been more than happy to accommodate the children as well. We’ve been trying to conceive ourselves. Sadly once ending in a miscarriage.
Fast-forward to the day everyone starts receiving their invitations. My fiancé’s STEP sister received her invite and instead of coming to us about her concerns. She calls 5 family members telling them “how dare we request for no children under the age of 10 to attend.” (She has a 9y and 11m) By the time she called us we had already heard from 3 of his family members about how upset she was about it.
She belittled us saying things like “If I can’t bring them I’m not coming! It’s not my fault y’all have failed to become parents” etc. until my fiancé was on the verge of tears. He’s not a crier. He really wanted her to be there. So after over 10 mins of the nonsense, I told her she can bring them but that she is to sit in the back.
She’s always been the drama starter including asking my ask my fiancé if she could wear a white dress TO MY WEDDING since my dress is technically ivory. He told her no, gave her the list of colors she can wear. Her words “oh gosh, your wedding colors are gross” (it’s our 2 favorite colors and used in weddings a lot). Then proceeded to tell my fiancé he needed to postpone the wedding so she can have one last Christmas with “her family”.
Now here’s where I may the asshole. She tried to tell, not ask but told me her kids were my ring bearer and flower girl. When I asked her when did we ever agree to that? She said “well I assumed…. “ I snapped and said “well you know what assuming does it makes an ass outta u and me” she looked at me crazy. I said “you better be glad we are even allowing them at the wedding, do not push our courtesy invite or I will be more than happy to revoke it.”
My fiancé walked in right after that and the comment about the white dress came to mind. I switched back to her and stated loud and clear to her “and if you show up in that white dress you were asking about be prepared to go home in a red one”. My fiance laughed and his step sister stormed out.
Now we are getting calls from his step family saying we bullied her into not wearing a dress she liked…when we questioned them well it seems she never clarified that it was white to any of them… guess that slipped her mind…..some still think we need to apologize to her because “she seems really upset about it”. At this point we are thinking about inviting them.
So Reddit AITA for wanting to uninvited my STEP SL to avoid drama on my big day?
submitted by MaddieWolf99 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:21 CakeKeepers Prom & L2Faucet: Simplifying Testnet Access and Enhancing User Privacy in DeFi!

Gm Frens!
Prom has welcomed the L2Faucet recently! This integration is a huge step forward in making crypto easier and more accessible for everyone. Let’s dive into what this means for all of us and the Prom ecosystem.
Let’s explore!
What is L2Faucet?
L2Faucet is like a magical water tap that gives out tiny amounts of test tokens to help you play around with different crypto networks. Imagine getting free play money to try out new games, that’s what L2Faucet does, but for blockchain networks!
What Does L2Faucet Do?
L2Faucet makes it super easy to get these test tokens without any hassle. No need to link your social media or download any apps. Just one click and your device is verified to receive tokens. It's that simple!
How Does L2Faucet Work?
L2Faucet uses a mechanism called Proof of Machinehood, PoM. This fancy term just means it makes sure only real people get the tokens, not bots or fake accounts. This keeps everything fair and secure.
Supporting Multiple Networks:
L2Faucet works with many different test networks like Arbitrum, Base, Sepolia, and more. This means you can get test tokens for all these networks in one place. It’s like having a one-stop shop for all your testnet needs!
Privacy Protection:
Worried about your privacy while playing Testnet Faucets? Don’t be! L2Faucet protects your data and keeps everything private. No personal info is needed, so you can enjoy your test tokens without any worries.
Benefits for Protocols:
For protocols, L2Faucet is a game-changer. It makes distributing tokens easy and secure, helping developers focus on building great products without worrying about fraud. Plus, it enhances the user experience by making it simple for users to get involved.
Benefits for Users:
For users, it’s all about convenience and security. Get test tokens with just one click, enjoy enhanced privacy, and access tokens for multiple networks. It’s never been easier to explore and test new crypto platforms!
Seamless Integration with Prom:
By integrating L2Faucet, Prom is enhancing its ecosystem with top-notch developer tools. This means a better user experience and a more efficient framework for everyone involved. Prom continues to lead the way in making crypto accessible and user-friendly.
The Prom and L2Faucet partnership is just the beginning. Prom Community is super excited about the future and the continuous improvements this integration will bring.
The partnership between Prom and L2Faucet marks a significant step in Prom’s mission to make DeFi and Web3 more accessible and user-friendly.
submitted by CakeKeepers to u/CakeKeepers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:21 ksogor I was honest with myself

I was buying makeup for years. I was limiting amount per month (didn‘t worked), went NB several times (works for three months max), was switching focus to less expensive things and books (works, but I can‘t buy them indefinitely).
This year admitted to myself my father doesn‘t love me. It was hard, because I lost mum seven years ago. I was ignoring this fact for years. I swallowed a lot of cruel things from him, ignored his lack of interest for my health, my life, ignored that he talks only about himself.
Until I saw he has no interest even about his newborn grandchild. That‘s something I could not ignore.
Today I realised, I haven‘t bought anything for a while. I think, it‘s because I was honest with myself about my worries and problems. I was also trying to keep my mind on positive, I still have loving husband, son, good friends.
There are things hard to admit. But it pays off. Quite literally. We need to be honest with ourselves.
submitted by ksogor to MakeupRehab [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:16 SnF_Toxiicz I keep lashing out on my parents and cussing at them because of resentment

I don’t know how to start this. I graduated highschool last week. Around last year I smoked some strong weed that made me start to really think about my childhood and life in general and it kinda gave me an existential crisis and bad health anxiety. It made me think a lot about how my parents raised me and the person i’ve become because of them.
For context there was a lot of abuse from my dad when i was younger, i would get beat for no reason because he made up something in his drunk head that i did something wrong.. He would yell and scream at my mom and i was always between them trying to make sure he wouldn’t hurt my mom but i couldn’t stop the times he hit her because i was a little kid.
There has been at least 10 1-3 month long periods throughout ages 7-14 where my dad is drunk, yelling and threatening to hit my mom while im crying and begging them to stop fighting. My mom never abused me but it felt like she never had me in her best interest and only did a little more than the bare minimum to take care of me. English isn’t their first language so they mostly talk in korean that i half understand so i feel left out or clueless on what’s happening.
Now at 18 i feel unready to move into my next step of life. My anxiety is ruining my life. My health anxiety is making me think i wont qualify for the airforce which is my plan a b and c. I feel like my personality is ass, i feel cursed because i see other people happy and having a place in life. since last year ive been having this weird existential dread or angst feeling in my chest that feels like the end of the world that comes and goes but mostly goes and it comes randomly but always comes when im stressed or have anxiety.
Now this is the main reason i’m making this post. Whenever I feel like this mixed with
submitted by SnF_Toxiicz to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:16 HelpDearGodHelpMe My mental state is weakening and I don't know if I can't keep it all up anymore

This is my first post so I'm sorry if it's way to long but I needed to get this out.
Trigger warnings: sa, suicidal ideation, physical abuse (kinda), neglect, stalking,
(These topics are mentioned but not explored deeply)
I (m19) have been losing everything it seems since I was 11 I think.
Off the bat I have autism, ADHD, a learning disability, and a bad family dynamic I think (this is apart of it), due to this and growing up in a town that's not very open minded I quickly became suicide. When I started therapy in middle school I would score as severely depressed every 2 weeks when the test was done. Along with talking to councilors, therapists, resurch and how life has been going I think I might have developed BPD and Narcissism.
Right before middle school I met S, they where my best friend and first "love". The day I met S I feel hard, and over the next 7 years my feelings would deepen. Our relationship dynamic was very toxic, we'd yell and scream at each other then the next day say we loved each other but if I didn't want to be there friend they wouldn't care and they'd echo this sintament in a million different ways that would userally come at the end of our fights. S would say things like "if I'm so mean then why are you still friends with me" or "that's a you problem" when I'd bring up a way they would make me feel, once they said "no wonder your dad doesn't love you" (this was years ago so I'm not sure if that's exactly what they said but the last 4 words where still in there) just to give you an idea of the kinda things they'd say.
On the other side, I would constantly make my personal episodes there problem, call them a bad person, accuse them of intentionally hurting me, I'd be extremely controlling of there relationships and just controlling in general. I'd also ask them to berate me, and call me any terrible thing they could think of, like a good friend they only did this a few times at first but then stopped. All this would be going on while I act like the guy best friend with feelings, I'd confess to them on avrage once a year in bigger and grander ways.
Other then S, there have been a lot of other unwell people I'd have to deal with. The actual scary ones where a couple rapists and one person who'd brag about sending there boyfriends on suicide watch. The rest where all either bullies or "crazy" people, either way I didn't care much, I was just happy I could live out a heros fantasy. Even though on paper I was a good guy, I only did it to feed my ego and feel secure. So even though I was hurting people who where hurting others it could have very easily been the other way around and a few times it was. I would stalk people in school, I'm not proud of it but it happened, ive also struggled with homosidle tendencies. One more thing, I was sa'd twice my freshman year which the school did nothing about, you could probably imagine how I feel.
My home life wasn't much better in my opinion, my autism crated a huge divide between my family and by existence everyone else. Out of my whole family I'm the most severe and most of us have autism (this is all my opinion) my mom has taken tests and is open to the idea but my brother (m20) doesn't see what I do, It would also make since for my dad but I don't know. This is important because my needs and acomedations are seen as to much for my family, and then when I went out into the world I didn't understand the social difference between my autistic family and the rest of the world. Whatever I learn out here is hard to communicate to my family and what I learn from my family isn't the best out here.
More specificly my brother would beat me up not super often but often enough for it to be a thing I was scared of for a long time. to be fair I did use to bite him when we where little which is what he mentioned when I brought up the times he'd beat me up, he also denied doing this to the extent I mentioned and said "all brothers fight". He has been teaching me about emotional intelligence recently because of my issus with being very defensive, this was after he stopped beating me up for a while so I think he's changed. But he still says things like "why do you look like that" or "you smell" as a joke, I've asked him to stop but he's never stopped. He also makes jokes about sexualizing animals, children, and even made incest jokes just because I have a funny reaction. I've told him to stop because it makes me uncomfortable but after high school I gave up, he hasn't made these jokes in a while and thankfully the ones about kids are ferthar in the past then the others. When he didn't stop I told him I would tell my friends that he made these jokes and he said that he wouldn't care.
Other then him, my mom recently called me to yell at me about the traffic being bad, the phone called ended with me throwing my headphones and yelling about killing myself in a school building. To be brief.
My dad was just super neglectful, nights I'd go hungry, he cooked only 2 times for me and my brother. Once I had to take him to the bathroom because he was to drunk to know he wasn't in the bathroom. This should be enough.
In modern day.
I'm in college for acting and writing, I haven't lived with my dad for years and he recently took out a EBT card under my name. I got in a car crash a year ago, in the same week I got it, my mom yells at me to drive and yells at me to not drive without insurance, she yells at me for not being prepared wile packing my bags for college for me wile not letting me do it on my own. My mom offers help but then complains about everyone catering to me and yells at me about every single unplanned step. My brother is trying to help me but he doesn't except that I'm disabled or that the issues I bring to him are as bad as I say they are, he buys me fast food almost everyday I'm home though. All the other freshman in my college ghosted me at once after the car crash (for real, I get back from the crash, everyone's int he commons, one person asked if I was okay, the other people from the crash show up and everyone flocks to them and I still don't understand why), this caused rummers about me to be created and at the end of the year it got so bad that a group calls me a pedophile. Even though all the shit I've had to deal with just at school I found someone, F. F is super caring and kind because they really do care. Simply put, niceness is transactional, your nice to someone you expect them to be nice back. F just gives all away and expects nothing in return, they've been helping me with my family and school issues along with the mental shit and their just all around a good person.
Even though things are better and I have someone I like, I feel miserable. Everyday it gets harder and harder to keep myself from letting go and do fucked up things to people just because I see something I like or that I'm intereged in, I have a need to feel power and to know everything I can out of insecurities which I've mentioned in this post. I also wanna break up with F but because I know I will hurt them like everyone else in my life, and I'm not sure if I'm with then for them because there the only person who supports or if it's all the free weed. And like the Annabelle movies, my obsession over S isn't and probably won't ever go away as it gets stronger and more annoying.
So after all this I don't know if I should keep fighting until I can't anymore which feels soon, or finally kill my self which I don't think is likely but if not me then I'm scared of who it could be one day. I will continue to try and work though this anyway unless I make a decision, then I'll try to make an update.
Also please let me know if this is violating the Staying on topic rule.
Thank you.
submitted by HelpDearGodHelpMe to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:14 mcclanenr1 [PS5} H: Alan Wake 2, Prince of Persia LC, Helldivers 2, Expeditions and more below. W: Someone with similar interests (SP AA, AAA and Indie games) for LONG TERM PS5 sharing

H: PS Extra (claimed 90% of all PS+ Essential games since 2013)
Digitally purchased games:
Long term share would mean we basically take turns buying the games we both want. For example I would buy Star Wars Outlaws and you buy Assassins Creed Shadows, the next game after that I would buy and so on. Thats for typical full price games. Cheaper games we can handle on a case by case basis. I'm not very pedantic in that regard.
Future games I'm interested in buying: Most Sony Exclusives, SW Outlaws, AC Shadows, Astro Bot, V Rising, Stalker 2, Space Marine 2, Metaphor Refantazio, Plucky Squire, MGS3 Delta, GTA VI, Little Devil Inside, Still Wakes The Deep, Judas, Death Stranding 2, Dragon Age 4, Wolverine, Next Mass Effect, most Metroidvanias and other interesting indie games.
If you can see yourself taking turns buying these games with me (not necessarily all of them) comment below or DM me. I am not interested in short term sharing.
My PS+ Extra ends next month, I will extend it for a year. After that if we share you would buy a year for us to share.
submitted by mcclanenr1 to gamesharing [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:14 TheUkty I need help

Hello everyone, I have an old laptop with a 500 GB SSD installed. It’s currently unused, so I was thinking of retrieving it and attaching it to my desktop PC. I would like to use it to run Linux in a dual boot setup with Windows 10. Could you tell me what steps I need to take to achieve this? Also, which version of Linux would you recommend? I prefer something as secure as possible. I decided to do this after my PC was attacked by a Trojan virus. It was properly formatted and restored after the attack, and a friend of mine who works with computers recommended creating a Linux partition. He mentioned that a good portion of viruses that attack Windows do not affect Linux, so if I want to be more secure, I should work with Linux and then transfer the files to the Windows partition. I have never used a PC with a dual operating system. Does anyone know how I will select the system? I assume I need to set up two separate profiles and choose at startup, correct? Additionally, if I work with the Linux partition, can I transfer files to the Windows partition using the file manager? Thank you very much for your response and your help!
submitted by TheUkty to linux4noobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:12 apexrace 🚗 1951 Cadillac Series 62 Review - Classic Luxury Car Drive

Hey ApexRace community!
I recently had the pleasure of diving deep into the world of the 1951 Cadillac Series 62, and I wanted to share my detailed review with you all. This timeless beauty, renowned for its luxurious design and powerful performance, represents a significant chapter in automotive history. Here’s a breakdown of what I covered in the video:
🚗 Design & Aesthetics: The 1951 Cadillac Series 62 is a true masterpiece. From its distinctive tail fins to the elegant chrome detailing, I explore every curve and contour that makes this car stand out.
🚗 Performance: I delve into the engine specs and driving experience, discussing the power under the hood, handling, and overall driving comfort of this classic Cadillac.
🚗 Interior & Features: Step inside the plush cabin with me as I showcase the spacious interiors, premium materials, and advanced (for its time) amenities that set the 1951 Cadillac apart from its contemporaries.
🚗 Historical Significance: Learn about the historical context of the Series 62, its impact on the automotive industry, and why it remains a beloved classic among car enthusiasts.
Here is the Video Link:

ClassicCars #1951Cadillac #Series62 #CadillacReview #VintageCars #AutomotiveHistory #CarReview #LuxuryCars #ClassicCarReview #CarEnthusiast

submitted by apexrace to u/apexrace [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:12 Conscious_Taro_6663 I feel like I figured it out!

I’m in union with my twin flame after 3 years of brutal separation and I finally understand what’s been going on!!
In all your relationships with anyone you never really relate to a person or entity directly, you relate to the relationship you have with them. This includes God. Each relationship is made up of the synergy you have both co-created. So think of the relationship as a living being on its own. However, the experience you have of the relationship is your own contribution to it. You have different relationships because you have different contributions to each relationship. Eg. In any given relationship your contribution may be feelings of being a spiritual teacher or a disempowered being or an attentive daughter or a playful friend etc
The day I met my twin flame, I was so in love with myself and that love contributed to a synergy that was beyond this world or anything I’d ever experienced before. We were floating on clouds. Of course, not long after I was in separation from my self love. I fell for the illusion of unworthiness. To be fair, the experiences with him were so divine it felt like God Himself was loving me through him and I definitely didn’t have a stable childhood then to accept that with ease. The result of being separated from something so beautiful turned me into a pretty intense chaser. It turns out my real Self has incredible amounts of self-love and so feeling the opposite of that was rather intense.
Anyway, the grace within twin flame dynamics is that chasing them is actually chasing your own self love. And so the journey leads you on a path of learning to choose yourself, love yourself and honor yourself and it leads you to step into your own divinity. It was a pretty intense 3 year period with more tears than I ever imagined a human could cry in one lifetime. But now I think it’s probably one of the most beautiful journeys my soul could have ever undertaken.
When ppl say ‘focus on your self love’ they are absolutely right. You should!! But if they are really your twin flame even the chase is an act of self love because loving them and wanting them is loving yourself and wanting yourself. So get over the shame, guilt and fear involved in wanting someone so desperately and love yourself enough to simply say ‘I felt something beautifully divine and I’m giving it to myself. That’s all that this is.” Don’t condemn yourself at any point in time. Let all your actions stem from your love for yourself.
All the best and my love goes out to you all!
submitted by Conscious_Taro_6663 to twinflames [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:11 anax44 Interesting Coffee Varieties from the Caribbean

The variety of Arabica first transported out of the highlands of Ethiopia into the rest of the tropical world is known as Typica Coffee. A variety of Typica sent to Reunion mutated into a new type of Arabica called Bourbon Coffee. In more recent times, there have been more mutations of Typica and Arabica as well as multiple hybrids between the two resulting in many different varieties of Arabica Coffee.
There are two accounts of coffee coming to the Caribbean. The first, is of the Dutch transporting it to Suriname in 1713. A more popular tale is the story of a French Naval Officer who smuggled a coffee seedling out of Amsterdam, transported it across the Atlantic, and planted it in Martinique. From these introductions, coffee quickly spread across the Caribbean and Latin America leading to a variety of regional styles.
A regional style is generally the result of the varieties planted, terroir of the region, and traditions associated with processing the coffee beans. All across the Caribbean, there are several interesting and unique varieties of coffee.
Costa Rica:
Tarrazú Coffee & Villa Sarachi
Following their independence from Spain in 1821, the government of Costa Rica immediately took steps to develop the coffee industry. This included giving away seedlings, allowing farmers to take ownership of arable land, exempting coffee from certain taxes, and introducing the wash process. All of these developments happened in less than ten years after Independence. The strong government support for the coffee industry has resulted in consistently high quality coffee beans, and a healthy economy heavily influenced by this crop. The status of Costa Rica as the safest country in Central America also helps with coffee tourism and international investment.
In recent years, farmers have purchased their own processing equipment, making it possible to easily find small batches of coffee from single farms. Honey processing is also particularly popular in Costa Rica, and it’s done both to differentiate the coffee, and to save water. The highest grown coffee in the country is from a region called Tarrazú, and the volcanic soil and unique microclimate of this area is often cited as contributors to the superior quality of Tarrazú Coffee. In the past, many producers would write Tarrazú Coffee on labels to benefit from the name association, but recently the government of Costa Rica has developed a geographical indication for Tarrazú Coffee. The types of coffee commonly grown are Cattura, which is a mutation of Bourbon, and Catuai, which is a hybrid between Cattura and another Bourbon mutation.
A varietal associated with Costa Rica but also grown elsewhere is Villa Sarachi, a dwarf mutation of Bourbon that is tolerant of strong winds that is named for the Costa Rican town where it was discovered in 1950.
Dominican Republic:
Valdesia Coffee & Sierra Cafetalera Coffee
Dominicans drink more coffee than anyone else in the insular Caribbean. Due to this, coffee production in the country remains stable, but exports continue to decline with each passing decade. Generally speaking, the varietals planted are Typica and Caturra that are both grown organically on hillsides. This leads to Dominican coffee being good, but nothing exceptional.
Of some note is the coffee grown on the Cordillera Central, also known as the Dominican Alps. It’s the highest grown coffee in the country, and it benefits from the unique rocky soil of the mountains. Some coffee from regions in the southern part of the country have also attracted attention. This includes Valdesia Coffee, which is protected by a Geographical Indication and sold at a premium compared to generic Dominican coffee. Additionally, coffee grown by a collection of small farmers in the Sierra de Neiba range and processed traditionally has been included in the Ark of Taste as Sierra Cafetalera Coffee.
Café de Marcala & Camapara Mountain Coffee
Honduras is the third largest coffee producer in the Americas. They produce more than Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Panama combined, but still far less than Colombia or Brazil. Bourbon and Caturra are commonly grown varietals, although in the Montecillos region a type known as Pacas is cultivated. This is a mutation of Bourbon discovered in neighboring El Salvador about seventy years ago. This region is also where coffee is grown at the highest altitude, and it is protected by the Geographical Indications Honduras Western Coffee, and Café de Marcala. Coffee grown near the border with Guatemala and El Salvador has attracted some international attention, and is recognized by Slow Food as Camapara Mountain Coffee.
Panama Geisha/Gesha
Panama is a relatively small coffee producer where many of the same varietals planted elsewhere in Central America are also planted. What the country stands out for however, is their Geisha Coffee that has managed to constantly fetch high prices and consistently win awards for the last two decades.
Geisha or Gesha Coffee was first discovered growing in the wild on the slopes of the Gori Gesha Mountains in Central Ethiopia in the 1930s. Since then, it has been introduced to coffee growing regions all across the world. While Geisha Coffee from Colombia and Costa Rica are both highly regarded, it is Panama Geisha that has become the most famous. Many coffee enthusiasts find Blue Mountain, Kona, and Kopi Luwak to be overhyped, but the floral and fruity notes of Panama Geisha makes it worth the high prices. There is no protection of the name, or geographical indication for Panama Geisha Coffee, so lower quality examples are starting to emerge.
Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee & High Mountain Coffee
In 1950 the Jamaican Coffee Board was founded, and their activity is almost entirely focused on promoting mountain grown coffee from Jamaica’s four most eastern parishes. This coffee is cultivated on the slopes of the Blue Mountains, which are the highest peaks on the island and part of a World Heritage Site. The majority of this coffee is a varietal of Typica known as Blue Mountain Coffee, but small amounts of Geisha are also grown. The coffee is graded according to the height of the slopes on which it is grown, so there is Jamaica Low Mountain Coffee grown at less than 460 meters, and Jamaica High Mountain Coffee grown over that height, but below 910 meters. Only coffee grown over 910 meters however, can legally be sold as Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee. Coffee enthusiasts find Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee to be very good, but no longer worth the high prices due to the growing availability of small batch specialty coffee from other regions.
Starmaya Coffee
Despite decades of political instability, the coffee industry in Nicaragua has managed to thrive. There are three coffee growing regions where farmers mostly plant Caturra and Bourbon, and all three are known for producing quality coffee. In the continuous quest for developing high quality coffee varieties with disease resistance, the French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development developed a variety in Nicaragua known as Starmaya that was made by crossing several Arabica varieties with a wild coffea species from Ethiopia. Starmaya shows a lot of promise in helping the coffee industry deal with growing threats like disease and climate change.
Pomeroon Coffee
Guyana lacks the climate conditions necessary for quality coffee to thrive, but it is home to something entirely unique; Pomeroon Coffee. Named for the region where it is grown, this is not a varietal of Arabica or Robusta. Rather, this is a species known as Coffea Liberica that makes up less than one percent of commercially grown coffee. Most of this Liberica Coffee is grown and consumed locally in the Philippines where it is called Kapeng Barako. The Liberica Coffee in Guyana came to the region with the early introduction of Coffee to South America via the Dutch. As Arabica crops failed in the Guianas because of disease and the warm climate, the Liberica managed to survive. Liberica coffee beans are larger than Robusta or Arabica, and shaped slightly differently. As climate change threatens the coffee industry, the potential of this coffee species is being further explored.
Guadeloupe Bonifieur
Guadeloupe was one of the first Caribbean islands where coffee was planted, and it has grown continuously there for almost three hundred years. Production today is very small, but of particular note is Guadeloupe Bonifieur which shares the same lineage as Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee. Additionally, Guadeloupe was the second Caribbean island where coffee was introduced after Martinique, and due to the eruption of Mount Pelée where the majority of coffee on Martinique was cultivated, Guadeloupe is now home to some of the earliest established coffee estates in the New World.
Original Source; Coffee Varieties of the Caribbean
Same post on CaribbeanCuisine;
submitted by anax44 to cafe [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:10 Ubud_bamboo_ninja Other perspective: Lately aliens considered to be "multidimensional" and even "spiritual". There is a branch of philosophy that studies that possibility and gives hints about what it means.

I believe stories are primal in this reality. First comes a story (dramaturgy) when something sets a goal and gets to it through time, detected by a side observer, than reality follows to create it in 3D. The real observer is out of this realm, it is a timeless and spaceless inter-dimensional entity that creates reality unfolding with entropy by a detecting a story. That can be a reality behind "aliens".
Yes I made it! Did you see?
So every person and every other thing is a sort of app on a smartphone of reality that runs some set of goals for higher realms. That set of goals on progress of every moment, form a fate of your exact soul. Your personal Prediction of what can happen to you and world around in time is a godly touch that is creating reality through your consciousness in the name of that higher entities.
There is a certain number of thoughts/stories you can feel and engage in, and they are determined from the step one of our computational universe. But you will never be able to calculate it with 100% to predict what happens during future turns. It’s only confirmed after you live through exact moment. It’s called theory of computational irreducibility, described by Stephen Wolfram.
Simply speaking they (higher dimensional sources of dramaturgy) are running a Netflix shows here on Earth and this lump of matter produces millions of things worth their attention, not like that boring rocks flying around. Dramaturgical potential of Earth (Universal show rating) is very high!
Fermi paradox in this case is just a limit that “Netflix” set on this computer making our simulation. Other consciousnesses run on other channels in different realities, using same calculating power of same computer. But worlds don't interact, not to have author rights violations.
More of this kind of thoughts can be found in popular modern philosophical framework called “computational dramaturgy” you can read the book about its basics: “Physics of Important Things”
submitted by Ubud_bamboo_ninja to ufo [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:08 FancyInvestment397 SkyCrown Casino Review [Updated June 2024]

SkyCrown Casino Review [Updated June 2024]
SkyCrown Casino is a platform dedicated to providing the ultimate gambling experience. After signing up, we received a massive welcome bonus of up to €500 with 225 Free Spins. They also have a Live casino bonus, including a collection of weekly and special promos to use on selected games.
What we like
  • Instant VIP incentives
  • No payment fees
  • Excellent choice of payment methods
What we don’t like
  • Many country restrictions
  • No live chat

Casino info

Country Available: AU, CA, NZ, AT, SE
Device Compatibility: Android, Apple & Windows
No. of slots games 7,000+
Owner Hollycorn N.V.
Licenses Curacao Government
Min. Deposit: $30

SkyCrown Casino

Elevate Your Wins with These Bonuses and Promotions

SkyCrown is a relatively new gaming site that was launched in 2022. As such, this site seeks to entice players with exciting bonus promotions, including a welcome match deposit bonus, high roller bonus, reload bonuses, and more. Let’s unbox these promotions one by one.

First deposit bonus

We started our journey at SkyCrown by claiming the 100% match bonus, reaching $150. This platform also added 100 free spins to the match deposit bonus. They specify that the free spins can only be played on John Hunter and the Mayan Gods by Pragmatic Play.
Remember, you must deposit at least $30 using the SKY1 bonus code to claim this first deposit bonus package. Also, this bonus is unavailable for cryptocurrency, Neteller, and Skrill deposits.

Bonus percentage per game

Although you must meet the 40x wagering requirement on all games, the game contribution varies when fulfilling this requirement. According to SkyCrown, slots contribute 100% towards the bonus wagering except for a few listed games. For example, if you wager $5 on qualifying slots, the entire amount will be subtracted from the wagering requirement.

Claim even more bonuses

As a loyal player, SkyCrown keeps you occupied with a variety of bonus packages to choose from. However, most bonuses are available after depositing a specific amount using a promo code. We’ll explore all of them in this SkyCrown Casino review.

Second and third deposit bonuses

After bagging your first deposit bonus, the site invites you to deposit at least $30 using a SKY2 bonus code to claim the 50% match bonus up to $300. In other words, you’ll receive an amount half your real money deposit but not exceeding $300. This package also comes with 50 free spins on Thunderkick’s Pink Elephant.
The royal treatment continues with a third deposit bonus of 75% up to $300. To claim this reward, you must deposit at least $30 using a SKY3 bonus code. Like the first and second deposit bonuses, this promo also features 75 free spins on Pragmatic Play’s Gates of Olympus. If this game isn’t available, you can play BGaming’s Gold Rush with Johnny Cash.

Live casino welcome bonus

Are you a fan of live dealer games? Play your favorite titles and claim a 1% welcome rakeback on wagers not exceeding $1,500. The maximum weekly rakeback is $1,500 after depositing at least $75. Keep in mind that the rakeback is paid in actual money, meaning you don’t have to meet any wagering requirements.

High roller bonus

SkyCrown has a 50% up to $2,000 high roller welcome bonus for those who like playing big. This bonus is only available on your first deposit of at least $1,000 using the HIGH5 promo code. But there’s a catch. You must meet a 40x playthrough requirement within five days of receiving the bonus.

Friday cashboost rally

This site promises to reward you with 20% cashback on your weekly deposits to have even more fun. You only need to top up your account from Monday to Thursday to receive the 20% cashback up to $1,000 every Friday. Note that the deposit amount during the specified period must be $200+. You must also meet a 40x rollover rate before cashing out.

SkyCrown freespin spree

SkyCrown also offers a Free spin package that allows players to earn bonus spins every week after wagering at least $500 on any 3oaks or Redgenn games from Tuesday to Wednesday. Remember that your bonus spins will increase with a bigger bet amount.
  • Wager $500 to $999 to get 25 free spins
  • Wager $1,000 to $1,499 to get 50 free spins
  • Wager $1,500 to $1,999 to get 75 free spins
  • Wager $2,000 to $2,999 to get 100 free spins
  • Wager $3,000 and more to get 200 free spins

Crypto cashback

This platform allows you to deposit funds using multiple cryptocurrencies. If you’re a crypto player, you can claim 10% cashback of up to 1,000 USDT on net losses recorded on live dealer games and slots. The cashback bonus is calculated from Tuesday 00:00 UTC to Monday 23:59 UTC and is paid out every Tuesday at 18:00 UTC. Also, this bonus doesn’t have any wagering requirements.

Regular live casino bonus

Keep playing your favorite live dealer games and stand a chance to claim 10% of your losses in no-wagering funds every Wednesday. This cashback bonus is calculated on your losses from Wednesday 00:01 UT to Tuesday 23:59 UTC. However, you must use your live casino welcome offer to claim this reward.

50 Free spins every Monday

Start your week off with a bang! Every Monday, you can deposit at least $30 with a SKY1 code to pocket 50 free spins on Gamebeat’s Witch Treasures slot. This bonus is available if you made at least a single deposit the previous week and must have a withdrawal-to-deposit ratio exceeding 70%.

50% Friday bonus

SkyCrown invites you to deposit at least $30 on Fridays to claim the 50% match bonus up to $150. To qualify for this weekly bonus, you must deposit funds using an SK5Y code and have a withdrawal-to-deposit ratio exceeding 70%. Also, you must meet a 40x rollover requirement to withdraw this bonus.

Huge Sunday bonus

Lastly, you can enjoy a super Sunday at this casino with 50 free spins after depositing at least $30 with an S50 promo code. The free spin winnings have a 30x wagering requirement, and the bonus is applicable on the following games:
  • Bonanza Billion
  • Alien Fruits
  • Gold Rush with Johnny Cash
  • Gemhalla
  • Wild Wash
  • Aloha King Elvis

Our Journey with SkyCrown's Loyalty Program

SkyCrown treats you like royalty with its multi-level VIP program. In this promotion, each $15 bet you make will earn you a single loyalty point. After collecting 150 points, you’ll unlock the first level, with 300 points unlocking the second, and so on. Each level comes with different prizes, including free spins and bonus money.
Besides collecting game credits, becoming a VIP here also comes with these privileges:
  • 24/7 personal assistant
  • Access to individual gaming services and mechanics
  • Special gift box
  • Prioritized withdrawals
  • Exclusive bonuses
SkyCrown allows you to become an instant VIP without going through the pain of collecting points. Verify your phone number and deposit at least $1,000. A personal manager will contact you within 24 hours.

Get Started: Sign Up for an Account Now

If you’re impressed by the bonus collection at SkyCrown Casino, go ahead and sign up to claim these offers. They have a straightforward sign-up process as you’ll find out in the steps below:
  1. Visit SkyCrown Casino on your mobile or desktop browser.
  2. Now tap the blue Sign Up button at the top-right corner.
  3. On the Sign-Up form, enter your email and password.
  4. Confirm your age and accept the T&Cs.
  5. Tap the Sign Up button to register.

Explore SkyCrown Casino's Diverse Games Library

Very few Canadian gaming sites can compare to SkyCrown’s game-rich library. At the time of writing this SkyCrown review, we counted over 7,000 games from leading game developers such as Netgame, Gamebeat, BGaming, Mascot, and more.

Below are the game categories:


As expected, slot machines are the main offerings at this casino. You’ll find so many real money slots from BGaming, Reflex Gaming, Gamingcorps, and other software developers. The slots are available in varying categories, including Bonus Buy, Megaways, Books, Mythology, Expanding Wilds, and more. This should help you find your preferred slot machines easily.


SkyCrown has hundreds of jackpot slots to play if you’re after those extra-large jackpot wins. Some trending jackpot titles include Fortune Circus by Fugaso, Fortune Dreams by Lucky, Gold of Maya by Gamzix, and more. Games with progressive jackpot networks have a “JP” banner.

Table games

If you feel like taking a little break from slots, we advise you to check out their wide selection of table games. You’ll find numerous titles and variations for Blackjack, Roulette, Baccarat, and Poker. They also offer several Andar Bahar, Pai Gow, and Craps titles.

Instant games

Instant or arcade games have become fan favorites due to their fast-paced and rewarding gameplay. You’ll find several crash games, including Spribe’s Aviator, Aero by Turbogames, JetLucky 2 by Gamingcorps, and more. You’ll also find Plinko, Mines, and Dice titles.

Live casino

Live dealer games provide a unique table game experience in a real casino setting. SkyCrown ensures this by offering 300+ live dealer games from ALG, Bombay Live, Better Live, and TVBET. Sadly, we didn’t find any live titles from Evolution Gaming and Pragmatic Play Live.

Must Play Games at SkyCrown Casino

We understand that finding the best titles to play can be time-consuming and confusing. So we have done all the hard work to help you settle in quickly with these five titles:

SkyCrown Bonanza – BGaming

This is one of those custom-made slots you can only play at SkyCrown Casino. It’s a highly volatile slot designed by BGaming to offer a classic fruit-themed experience with an explosive 15,000x win potential. It delivers a simple design with relaxing music and bright icons to make it stand out from other fruit machines on this gaming site.

Sun of Egypt 3 – 3oaks

Launched in 2023, Sun of Egypt 3 is the third installment of this popular slot series. It’s a highly volatile slot that maintains the tradition of bringing the rewarding Hold and Win Jackpot and a decent 10,000x win potential. To boost your chances of collecting the jackpot, this game will reward you eight free spins after landing enough scatters with a retrigger option. You’ll also find a wild symbol that pays 12x the stake.

Vikings Go Berzerk – Yggdrasil

Despite launching in November 2016, this slot machine from Yggdrasil has maintained its position as one of the best Viking-themed slots. In this game, you’ll accompany brave and daring Vikings in their mission to fill up the rage meter and collect rewards. This game packs fun bonus features, including the Treasure Chest, Free Spins, and a 4,000x jackpot.

Story of the Samurai – Spinomenal

Story of the Samurai is a 2021 slot that takes you to challenge the Samurai warriors and claim big wins. It’s an exciting 5×3 slot packed with bonus features like Bonus Wheel, Mystery Symbols, Free Spins, Expanding Wilds, and Sticky Wild Respins. This game also has a friendly RTP potential of 96.71%.

Aviator – Spribe

If you haven’t played this instant game by Spribe, then you’re missing out. Launched in 2019, this game has become trendy among players due to its reliability and simplicity. The propeller airplane will take off, creating a multiplier curve representing your possible winnings. The sound effects of this game are also classy and relaxing. Enough said already!

Payment Methods Available at SkyCrown Casino

Banking is just as important as any other service an online casino offers. SkyCrown knows this, hence providing a list of 30+ secure banking methods. You can transact using online wallets, credit/debit cards, and cryptocurrencies. The minimum deposit for all payment mediums is $30, whereas the maximum depends on the selected method.
Here is a table to summarize the payment services:

Note that you will be subject to a KYC (Know Your Client) process before approving any withdrawal request. This is a standard procedure in all regulated casinos to verify your identity, location, and source of income. You must submit a copy of your identification paper, such as your ID/passport/driver's license, and proof of local address, like a bank statement/utility bill. The verification can take up to 24 hours.

Navigating the Casino: User Experience Unveiled

Everything about this casino oozes simplicity, class, and efficiency. The website is well-designed, using a minimalist and user-friendly approach. They also use an eye-friendly black background and sharp graphics, making it an excellent platform if you value those long gaming sessions.

We encountered no delays when loading up the website’s pages and games. Everything was instant and smooth, with most titles having a demo version. Finding our favourite game titles was also a breeze thanks to the intuitive search tool, although we would have preferred more game filtering options. In short, the developer did a solid job of providing a fulfilling touch when exploring the platform.

Mobile Compatibility

SkyCrown Casino works smoothly and seamlessly on mobile platforms. We tested the site on our Android and iOS smartphones and didn’t experience any disappointing lag or freeze.
As for the gaming difference, the experience is identical on iPhone and Android. You’ll find a menu icon at the top-left side of the screen, allowing you to access services like banking, account verification, loyalty program, and more. Below the menu, you’ll find game categories like Slots, Live Casino, New, Hot, and Jackpots. All in all, the mobile version is user-friendly and intuitive.

Safety and Security Measures in Place

SkyCrown Casino is a well-protected website with clear privacy policies. They are very transparent and make you aware of all the information they will collect from you. For example, this operator doesn’t rent or sell player data to third parties and is bound by strict legal provisions to protect your private data.
We can confirm that SkyCrown uses 128-bit SSL encryption technology from Let’s Encrypt. This is the standard data protection measure most Canadian casino sites use to secure your information from hackers and scammers. Another thing, you can set up 2-factor authentication to prevent unauthorized access to your account.
We also did our checks to see if we could find any red flags on platforms like Trustpilot and Reddit. Most bad reviews were about players who couldn’t withdraw funds after failing the KYC test. Provide the requested documents, and you won’t have any payment complaints.

Customer Support

Unfortunately, customer support is an area where SkyCrown Casino needs to improve. As a registered member, we found no live chat support, which is disappointing. Instead, they let you speak to an agent via email at []( You can also complete the online contact form on the “Support” page.
But before contacting the support team, it’s worth checking if your concerns have been addressed on the FAQ page. Here, they list and answer some of the most common questions regarding account registration, payments, safety, bonuses, and more. If you’re new to crypto gambling, there is also a helpful page to read.
You can contact their support team in the following languages:
  • English
  • French
  • German

What's the Verdict?

SkyCrown Casino passes our test of a reliable Canadian gambling site. We love the wide selection of games and the vast variety of bonuses and promotions for new and loyal members. This site also does well in the payments department, providing tens of reliable fiat and cryptocurrency banking methods. And lest I forget, withdrawals via most of these payment mediums are instant, which is rare in the iGaming scene. The only drawback here is the limited customer support options. We give it a solid 4.5/5!
submitted by FancyInvestment397 to GamblingSites [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:05 Obludka How to Get Started with the DATS Project Platform WEB3 Securities

Introduction: Welcome to our tutorial on the DATS Project platform! Whether you’re a seasoned data scientist or just starting, DATS Project offers a comprehensive suite of tools and resources to enhance your data science projects. In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the key features and how to use them effectively.

Step 1: Signing Up and Logging In

  1. Visit the Website: Go to DATS Project.
  2. Sign Up:
    • Click on the "Sign Up" button at the top right corner.
    • Fill in your details: name, email, and create a password.
    • Verify your email by clicking the link sent to your inbox.
  3. Log In:
    • Enter your email and password, then click "Log In".

Step 2: Exploring the Dashboard

  1. Overview:
    • After logging in, you’ll be directed to your dashboard.
    • Here, you can see an overview of your projects, recent activity, and notifications.
  2. Navigation Menu:
    • On the left side, you’ll find the navigation menu with sections such as Projects, Datasets, Models, Collaborations, and Settings.

Step 3: Creating a New Project

  1. Start a Project:
    • Click on the "Projects" section in the navigation menu.
    • Click the "New Project" button.
  2. Project Details:
    • Enter your project name and a brief description.
    • Choose the data privacy settings (public or private).
  3. Save and Proceed:
    • Click "Create Project" to save.

Step 4: Uploading and Managing Datasets

  1. Add a Dataset:
    • Navigate to the "Datasets" section.
    • Click "Upload Dataset".
    • Select your file(s) from your computer and upload.
  2. Dataset Management:
    • After uploading, you can view the dataset details.
    • Use built-in tools to clean and preprocess your data directly on the platform.

Step 5: Building and Training Models

  1. Accessing Models:
    • Go to the "Models" section in your project.
    • Click "New Model" to start building.
  2. Model Configuration:
    • Choose from a variety of algorithms (e.g., regression, classification).
    • Configure the model parameters as needed.
  3. Training the Model:
    • Select your dataset for training.
    • Click "Train Model" and monitor the progress.

Step 6: Analyzing Results

  1. View Results:
    • Once the model training is complete, view the results in the "Results" tab.
    • Analyze the performance metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and more.
  2. Visualization:
    • Use the built-in visualization tools to create charts and graphs of your data and model results.

Step 7: Collaborating with Team Members

  1. Add Collaborators:
    • In your project settings, go to the "Collaborations" tab.
    • Enter the email addresses of your team members to invite them.
  2. Set Permissions:
    • Assign roles and permissions (e.g., view-only, editor).
  3. Collaborative Work:
    • Team members can now contribute to the project, share insights, and work together in real-time.

Step 8: Exporting and Sharing Results

  1. Export Data:
    • Export your datasets, models, and results in various formats (CSV, JSON, etc.).
  2. Share Reports:
    • Generate comprehensive reports and share them with stakeholders or on social media.


Congratulations! You’ve now learned the basics of using the DATS Project platform. With its powerful tools for managing datasets, building models, and collaborating with your team, you’re well on your way to advancing your data science projects. Don’t forget to explore more features and maximize the potential of DATS Project!
If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out through the platform’s support section.
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2024.06.02 09:04 Stage-Piercing727 Best Adidas Military Boots

Best Adidas Military Boots
Get ready to dive into the world of Adidas Military Boots as we bring you the ultimate guide to these versatile, rugged footwear! Explore a variety of styles, materials, and features that make these boots stand out in the market. Discover the perfect pair for your outdoor adventures or everyday wear.

The Top 15 Best Adidas Military Boots

  1. Under Armour Stellar G2 Tactical Boots: Breathable, Waterproof, and Comfortable for Long Shifts - For tactical professionals needing traction, waterproof protection, and superior breathability, the Upgraded UA Tactical Stellar with a slip-resistant outsole is the ultimate choice.
  2. Under Armour Men's Stellar G2 6" Tactical Boots - Breathable & Odor-Resistant - Experience unparalleled comfort and performance with the Under Armour Men's Stellar G2 6" Tactical Boots, featuring lightweight leather and advanced features designed for durability and enhanced grip on all surfaces.
  3. Salomon Forces 4D GTX Tactical Hiking Boots for Men - Salomon Forces Men Quest 4D GTX 2 EN Tactical Shoes offer superior cushioning, shock attenuation, moisture-wicking comfort, and exceptional grip for unparalleled performance on tactical terrain.
  4. Authentic U.S. G.I. Mickey Mouse Winter Boots for Men and Kids - Unused and Affordable - Brace your feet for freezing temperatures with the genuine U.S. G.I. Mickey Mouse boots, sourced from Coleman's Military Surplus, offering unbeatable warmth and insulation at unrivaled affordable prices!
  5. Comfortable Lightweight Adidas Military Boots - Rugged & Stylish Outdoor Footwear - Experience ultimate comfort and support with the Under Armour Men's Stellar G2 Tactical Boots, featuring durable construction and a lightweight design for optimal performance in various terrains.
  6. Adidas Terrex Snowpitch COLD.RDY Hiking Boots - Lightweight, Insulated, and Weather-Resistant - Experience a secure and comfortable fit along with outstanding durability, weather resistance, and traction for unbeatable performance in the Adidas Terrex Snowpitch COLD.RDY Hiking Boots.
  7. Adidas Terrex Heron Mid Hiking Boot with PrimaLoft Insulation - Waterproof and Climaproof Shoes - Step out in style with the Adidas Terrex Heron Mid CW CP PrimaLoft hiking boots, featuring waterproof protection, PrimaLoft insulation, and Stealth rubber outsole for ultimate comfort, weather resistance, durability, and traction.
  8. Ultra-Comfortable Military Boots by Under Armour - Experience ultimate durability and unmatched comfort with the Under Armour Tac Loadout Boots in Coyote Brown, designed for athletes who face the toughest challenges.
  9. Adidas Terrex Unity Leather Mid Hiking Shoes - Water-Repellent and Durable - Experience the perfect blend of durability, comfort, and visual appeal with the Adidas Terrex Unity Leather Mid RAIN.RDY Hiking Shoes - Unisex, designed to conquer every challenging trail you encounter.
  10. Adidas Tactical ADV: Cushioned Snowboarding Boots with Responsive Boost Midsole - Experience unmatched comfort and performance with the Adidas Tactical ADV Snowboard Boot - Core Black/Core Black/White, featuring a revolutionary Responsive Boost midsole design that ensures ultimate cushioning and energy return.
  11. High-Performance Oakley Field Assault Boots: Comfort, Durability, and Style - Introducing the Oakley Field Assault Boot, a perfect blend of durability and comfort, offering unrivaled traction and performance for those who require exceptional footwear in any terrain or environment.
  12. Adidas Eastrail 2.0 Mid RAIN.RDY Black Waterproof Hiking Shoes with Enhanced Durability - The Adidas Eastrail 2.0 Mid RAIN.RDY Black - 48 offers a classic last, lace-up fastening, waterproof mesh upper, and recycled content, providing all-day comfort and wear resistance for outdoor adventures.
  13. Under Armour Men's Coyote Micro G Valsetz Mid Tactical Boots - Lightweight & Breathable - Experience ultimate comfort and durability with the Under Armour Men's Coyote Micro G Valsetz Mid Tactical Boots - the perfect choice for all-day support on any mission.
  14. Under Armour Military Boots: Lightweight Tactical Footwear with Enhanced Comfort and Traction - Experience unmatched comfort and durability in the Under Armour Men's Micro G Valsetz Tactical Boots with a lightweight, breathable upper and responsive cushioning.
  15. Adidas Terrex Free Hiker 2: Warm and Waterproof Cold Weather Hiking Boots - Embrace the cold in ultimate comfort with the Adidas Men's Terrex Free Hiker 2.0 COLD.RDY - featuring a warm insulation, durable construction, and advanced traction for year-round hiking adventures.
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🔗Under Armour Stellar G2 Tactical Boots: Breathable, Waterproof, and Comfortable for Long Shifts
Imagine slogging through a muddy construction site or trekking through a wet forest without feeling a single drop of water on your feet. That's the promise of the Under Armour Stellar G2 Waterproof Tactical Boots. I've tried these babies myself and let me tell you, they've been a game-changer.
First things first, the outer material is 100% leather, giving these boots a rugged, durable feel that can withstand any challenge I throw at them. But the real standout feature? The waterproofing. I'll admit, I was skeptical at first, but these boots kept my feet dry in the dampest conditions, making them a reliable companion on any outdoor excursion.
Now, I did notice a little issue with the traction on these bad boys. They tend to slip on some surfaces, which can be a bit of a hazard in certain situations. But that's a small price to pay for the overall comfort and protection these boots provide. Speaking of comfort, the die-cut EVA footbed and molded EVA, TPU shank make for a cushioned, supportive experience, even during long shifts.
As for the aesthetics, these boots are no slouch. The sleek, black design exudes an air of professionalism, which is always a bonus when you're working on a job site. But remember, always prioritize function over form.
In conclusion, the Under Armour Stellar G2 Waterproof Tactical Boots are a solid choice for anyone looking for reliable, waterproof footwear. Just remember to keep an eye on the traction and you're good to go.

🔗Under Armour Men's Stellar G2 6" Tactical Boots - Breathable & Odor-Resistant
I recently got a pair of Under Armour Men's Stellar G2 6" Tactical Boots and they exceeded my expectations in terms of comfort and design. The light and breathable textile upper with full-grain polishable leather forefoot provided a great balance of durability and flexibility. I loved the molded Contoura Support anti-odor footbed with shock-absorbing foam as it made long walks a breeze, even without insoles. The molded EVA midsole cushioning with reinforced TPU shank gave me excellent protection and support, keeping my feet comfortable all day. Moreover, the oil- and slip-resistant high-traction rubber lug outsole offered a solid grip on various surfaces.
However, there were a few aspects that I found disappointing. Firstly, the front and back pull loops made the on/off process a bit difficult for me. Secondly, my previous pair of tactical boots felt more comfortable due to their thickness and weather resistance. Lastly, the size of the boots was somewhat small, so I had to go up one size.
Despite the minor drawbacks, I'd definitely recommend these boots to anyone looking for a comfortable and stylish pair of tactical boots.

🔗Salomon Forces 4D GTX Tactical Hiking Boots for Men
The quest for the perfect tactical shoe has led me to the Salomon Forces Men Quest 4D GTX 2 EN. With a sleek design and plenty of features to make my treks more comfortable, I've been putting these boots through the paces.
One of the most noticeable features in this shoe is its dual-density midsole, which provides superior cushioning, stability, and motion control. The EVA foam in these boots is high-performance, offering excellent shock attenuation as I hike through various terrains. The nonreflective materials make these shoes perfect for tactical use, as they're always discrete and blended in with the environment.
The soft, breathable lining of this shoe has been a game-changer in terms of moisture-wicking foot comfort. The gusseted tongue design prevented debris from entering the shoe, keeping the tongue centered and eliminating the need for constant adjustments. It's a great feature to have, especially when I'm trudging through mud or over uneven ground.
In terms of fit, the molded OrthoLite sockliner matched the contours of my foot, providing a snug and comfortable fit. The ISO 20344:2011 puncture-resistant sole also made me feel more secure when navigating through rough terrain.
While I love the ventilation, ankle support, water resistance, and other features of these boots, there are some minor downsides. The traction, although solid, could be better in some situations. Also, the regular lacing system can be a bit tedious, especially when I need to quickly tie and untie the boots.
Overall, the Salomon Forces Men Quest 4D GTX 2 EN has been a great addition to my outdoor gear collection. It provides comfort and support during my hikes and tactical missions, making it a reliable tool for the job. While there are some minor issues, the benefits of these boots far outweigh the drawbacks.

🔗Authentic U.S. G.I. Mickey Mouse Winter Boots for Men and Kids - Unused and Affordable
When I first heard about these Mickey Mouse boots, I was intrigued by their distinctive design paired with their military origins. So, I decided to give them a shot while embarking on a snowmobiling adventure. As I strapped them on, I was initially surprised by how heavy they were.
But once I stepped into the deep snow, I immediately comprehended the weight's significance - it signified the durability and robustness of these boots. The wool and waterproof exterior managed to keep my feet warm and dry even in the harsh subzero temperatures.
However, their unique design did catch quite a few stares, but hey, it's not every day someone's feet are decked out like a set of Mickey Mouse ears. Overall, these boots delivered the expected functionality, even though they made me look like a walking Disney attraction.

🔗Comfortable Lightweight Adidas Military Boots - Rugged & Stylish Outdoor Footwear
When I first tried on the Men's Stellar G2 Tactical Boots from Under Armour, I was impressed by the lightweight feel and the durable leather forefoot. The high traction rubber lug outsole definitely came in handy during my daily walks in different surfaces, providing me with a firm grip.
However, after a few weeks of regular use, I noticed that the zipper started to malfunction, making it difficult to take the boots off or put them on. Despite this inconvenience, the style of the boots and their overall comfort were definitely attractive features.

🔗Adidas Terrex Snowpitch COLD.RDY Hiking Boots - Lightweight, Insulated, and Weather-Resistant
Recently, I had the chance to try out the Adidas Terrex Snowpitch COLD. RDY hiking boots, and I must say, I was impressed. The leather upper has a stylish and long-lasting appeal, while the insulated and water-repellent COLD. RDY technology kept my feet warm and dry in any weather.
One feature I particularly enjoyed was the textile innersole that added extra comfort to my feet. The hiking boots also offered great support and traction, making them perfect for my outdoor adventures. However, I did notice that the rubber outsole was a bit tricky to clean. Overall, I highly recommend these boots for fellow outdoor enthusiasts who are looking for a reliable and comfortable pair.

🔗Adidas Terrex Heron Mid Hiking Boot with PrimaLoft Insulation - Waterproof and Climaproof Shoes
Over the past few weeks, I've been using the Adidas Terrex Heron Mid CW CP PrimaLoft Hiking Boots in my daily life. These boots have been a reliable companion on my hikes, providing both comfort and protection from the elements. One of the standout features is the waterproof and climaproof construction, keeping my feet dry even in the wettest conditions. The PrimaLoft insulation material is another highlight, providing extra warmth in colder temperatures.
One aspect that I found impressive is the Stealth rubber outsole, which offers unbeatable grip on slippery or icy ground. This feature, combined with the mid-height cuff, ensures that I'm always stable on any trail I encounter.
However, there were also some downsides to my experience. The boots seem to run a bit large, which may cause some unwanted bulk for people with narrow or standard-width feet. Additionally, the lacing system can be a bit finicky, requiring a bit more effort to get the fit just right.
In conclusion, the Adidas Terrex Heron Mid CW CP PrimaLoft Hiking Boots have been a reliable companion on my hikes, providing both comfort and protection. The waterproof and insulated features are especially noteworthy, but potential buyers should be aware of the sizing issues and the need for a snug fit.

🔗Ultra-Comfortable Military Boots by Under Armour
Experience the ultimate blend of comfort and durability with the Under Armour Tac Loadout Boots. These boots are crafted with 100% synthetic materials, boasting a rubber sole that provides unbeatable traction on any surface. Under Armour's mission to innovate extends to these boots, as they feature ultralight Micro G EVA inner midsoles for all-day comfort and quick-dry materials to keep your feet dry throughout the day.
Designed for various environments and challenges, the Tac Loadout Boots are equipped with durable uppers made from roughout leather and Cordura nylon, ensuring they withstand rough use day after day. The Vibram outsole with MegaGrip rubber provides excellent grip, while the heel tabs make it easy to slide in and out of the boots.
I had the chance to test these boots, and I couldn't be more impressed. The lightweight and supportive design is perfect for long marches, and the breathable material keeps my feet from getting overheated. Although the soles may take time to break in, their comfort and durability make them well worth the effort. One small concern is that the boots could use better toe protection, especially for those in demanding environments.
Overall, the Under Armour Tac Loadout Boots are an excellent choice for anyone seeking a reliable, comfortable, and versatile pair of boots. With their innovative design and superior performance, these boots are perfect for tackling any challenge that comes your way.

🔗Adidas Terrex Unity Leather Mid Hiking Shoes - Water-Repellent and Durable
I recently had the opportunity to try out the Adidas Terrex Unity Leather Mid RAIN. RDY hiking shoes, and I must say, I was impressed. The nubuck leather upper felt sturdy and durable, while the lugged outsole provided excellent grip on various surfaces.
Despite being marketed as water-repellent, the shoes didn't seem to get wet easily during my outdoor adventures. The EVA midsole was comfortable, especially for those long hikes. However, I did find the lace closure a bit fiddly at times.
Overall, the Adidas Terrex hiking shoes were a solid choice for those looking for a reliable, durable, and comfortable pair of shoes for their outdoor excursions.

🔗Adidas Tactical ADV: Cushioned Snowboarding Boots with Responsive Boost Midsole
Over the past few weeks, I've been putting the Adidas Tactical ADV 2021 Snowboard Boots through their paces in the slopes near my home. Let me tell you, these boots have been a game-changer in my snowboarding adventures. They're incredibly comfortable, and I appreciate how the textile upper and heat-moldable Ultralon foam liner work together to make these boots feel like an extension of my feet.
One of my favorite features is the boot lacing system; it's so user-friendly that I can easily adjust the fit on the go. The rubber outsole provides great traction on those icy slopes, while the responsive Boost midsole ensures a cushioned ride that keeps my feet feeling fresh even after a long day on the mountain.
That being said, there are a few minor drawbacks. While I love the boot's versatility, I found the sizing to be a bit on the larger side. I'd recommend going down a half-size for a better fit. Additionally, the boots tend to wear out faster than I'd like, but I suppose that's the price we pay for such comfortable and responsive footwear.
Overall, the Adidas Tactical ADV 2021 Snowboard Boots are a worthy investment for snowboarding enthusiasts. They offer a perfect balance of comfort, performance, and style that's hard to beat in the world of snowboarding footwear.

🔗High-Performance Oakley Field Assault Boots: Comfort, Durability, and Style

My experience with the Oakley Field Assault Boot (Coyote) has been a positive one. The durability of this boot is top-notch, thanks to the 1000-denier Cordura and suede upper. This lightweight and breathable material also adds to the overall comfort of the boot. The Vibram rubber lug outsole is a standout feature, providing impressive traction and stability, even in the harshest conditions. The molded EVA insert and injection polyurethane midsole ensure comfort for long periods and even absorb shock effectively. The braided nylon laces are sturdy and provide a secure fit, but they could use some reinforcement to last longer.
In terms of pros, the Oakley Field Assault Boot offers unparalleled durability, comfort, and traction. Cons include the thinness of the laces and the stiffness around the ankle. Overall, this military-style boot stands out for its performance and sleek design.

🔗Adidas Eastrail 2.0 Mid RAIN.RDY Black Waterproof Hiking Shoes with Enhanced Durability
I have been using the Adidas Eastrail 2.0 Mid RAIN. RDY shoes in my daily adventures, and I must say it has been quite an experience up until now. When it comes to the aesthetics, the shoes have a unique and edgy design, especially in the green color I ordered. The size 48 fits me perfectly, and I'm glad Adidas gave me the option to select the right size for myself.
One thing that stood out to me right off the bat is the lace-up fastening. It wasn't difficult at all to tie the shoes, and they stayed securely on my feet throughout the day. The mesh upper and synthetic reinforcements made by recycled material have proven to be quite durable, even during rainy days.
On the negative side, the EVA midsole felt a little bit uncomfortable after prolonged usage. It seemed to me like my feet wouldn't dry quickly during the rainy seasons, which I guess could be due to the material they're made from.
Overall, I would say the Adidas Eastrail 2.0 Mid RAIN. RDY shoes are a decent choice for those looking for waterproof hiking boots with a modern edge. While there are a couple of cons that I've personally experienced, I'm willing to give them another shot and see if they hold up in various weather conditions.

🔗Under Armour Men's Coyote Micro G Valsetz Mid Tactical Boots - Lightweight & Breathable
The Under Armour Coyote Micro G Valsetz Mid Tactical Boots have been a game-changer for me. The first thing I noticed was how lightweight they were – a real plus when you're on your feet for long periods. The synthetic leather and nylon upper felt not only soft but also breathable, which was a major plus during those sweltering summer days.
One of the key features that stood out for me was the oil- and slip-resistant rubber lug outsole. I work in an environment where there's a lot of dirt and wet surfaces, and these boots really helped me stay grounded, literally. The full-length Micro G foam midsole added a level of cushioning that made my long hours on the job much more comfortable.
However, there was one downside – one that I couldn't help but notice after a while. The boots wore down more quickly than I expected, given their price point. But that's a minor issue when you consider the overall level of comfort and support these boots offer.
In the end, the Under Armour Coyote Micro G Valsetz Mid Tactical Boots earned a spot in my everyday rotation. They're like a reliable companion on those long, challenging days at work. Highly recommended for anyone who spends a lot of time on their feet.

🔗Under Armour Military Boots: Lightweight Tactical Footwear with Enhanced Comfort and Traction
The Under Armour Men's Micro G Valsetz Tactical Boots are an excellent addition to any tactical gear collection. With their lightweight synthetic leather and textile upper, these boots are both durable and breathable, making them the perfect choice for those long days on the job. The welded forefoot overlay and molded TPU toe cap provide added protection, ensuring your feet are secure and well-protected at all times.
The easy on/off features of these boots, with pull loops on the heel and tongue, make them a breeze to slip on and off, even after a long day on your feet. The anti-fatigue and anti-microbial molded Contoura Support footbed provides all-day comfort, absorbing shock and keeping your feet feeling great even after hours of use.
The upgraded outsole, with its durable oil and slip-resistant rubber compound, ensures that you have the traction you need to stay on your feet, even in the most challenging of environments. The full-length Micro G foam midsole provides the ultimate in responsive cushioning, making these boots a standout choice for those who spend their days on their feet.
While the Under Armour Men's Micro G Valsetz Tactical Boots have many positives, there are a few drawbacks to consider. Some users have experienced issues with the laces, which can loosen and come untied easily, requiring frequent adjustments. Additionally, the boots are not waterproof, so they may not be the best choice for those working in wet environments.
Overall, the Under Armour Men's Micro G Valsetz Tactical Boots are a strong choice for anyone looking for a lightweight, comfortable, and protective work boot. With their durable construction, breathable materials, and excellent traction, these boots are well worth considering as part of your tactical gear collection.

Buyer's Guide

Adidas military boots are designed to provide comfort, durability, and style in various outdoor conditions. This guide will help you understand the essential features and considerations before purchasing a pair of Adidas military boots.

Material and Construction

Adidas military boots come in various materials such as leather, synthetic materials, and canvas. The choice of material depends on the level of water resistance, breathability, and strength required for the intended use.

Water Resistance

Water resistance is essential for military boots, especially if they are meant for outdoor activities in wet or muddy conditions. Look for boots with a water-resistant coating or membrane that will keep your feet dry.

Comfort and Fit

Adidas military boots should provide adequate support and comfort, especially for prolonged use. Check the boot's interior for cushioning, arch support, and breathability. The fit should be snug, but not too tight, allowing for some wiggle room in the toe area and enough room around the ankle.

Traction and Grip

Traction and grip are essential for outdoor activities, such as hiking or camping. Look for Adidas military boots with a non-slip sole and good grip, especially if you plan to use them on wet or uneven terrains.

Ease of Cleaning and Maintenance

Military boots need to be durable and easy to clean, especially when used in muddy or dirty conditions. Look for Adidas boots with features like a removable footbed for easy cleaning and waterproof materials that can quickly dry after getting wet.

Brand Reputation

Adidas is a well-renowned brand known for its durable and high-quality products. When considering purchasing Adidas military boots, always choose a reputable dealer to ensure you get an authentic and high-quality product.
Adidas military boots are a great option for those seeking comfort, durability, and style in their outdoor gear. To ensure you're getting the best fit and features for your intended use, always consider the material, water resistance, comfort, traction, ease of cleaning, and brand reputation before making a purchase.


Are Adidas Military Boots suitable for outdoor activities?

Yes, Adidas Military Boots are designed for outdoor activities. They feature water-resistant materials, reinforced stitching, and a durable sole that provides excellent grip on various terrains. Their design allows for comfortable wear during long walks and hikes.

What are the primary features of Adidas Military Boots?

The primary features of Adidas Military Boots include:
  • Water-resistant materials for protection against wet conditions
  • Reinforced stitching for added durability
  • High-grip sole for traction on various surfaces
  • Padded ankle support for comfort and stability
  • Adjustable lacing system for a customized fit

What sizes do Adidas Military Boots come in?

Adidas Military Boots are available in various sizes, from men's and women's EU sizes 36-48, to ensure a proper fit for a wide range of customers.

How do I care for Adidas Military Boots to prolong their lifespan?

To prolong the lifespan of Adidas Military Boots, follow these care instructions:
  • Clean the boots regularly using a soft brush or cloth to remove dirt and debris.
  • Apply a waterproofing treatment to the leather or synthetic materials to protect against moisture.
  • Avoid exposure to extreme heat or cold, as this can damage the materials and reduce the boots' water resistance.
  • Store the boots in a cool, dry place when not in use to prevent mold growth and maintain the quality of the materials.

Can I wear Adidas Military Boots for more than just outdoor activities?

Yes, Adidas Military Boots can also be worn as fashion statement footwear. They make a great addition to casual outfits, offering both durability and style.
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2024.06.02 09:03 Anthony-Vince What a night!!

Honestly this post doesn’t rlly have much of a purpose lol but I just wanna share what an amazing time I had tn. I just saw Avril live for the very first time in Vegas and she was incredible.
I was worried cuz ppl said she didn’t have a lot of energy but she seemed like she did for sure, and she was actually such an INCREDIBLE live singer — i was blown away!! Hearing so many of my favorite songs live for the first time was such a magical experience and getting to sing along to every word was so therapeutic.
Even though I wish there were more songs on the setlist (wish you were here aka my all-time fave song, the full version of hot, rock n roll, nobody’s home, fall to pieces, tell me it’s over…) I really can’t complain bcuz I love all her music anyway so whatever I get I’m happy with!!! Ugh I’m just gushing now but this was such a good time.
And I was so anxious stepping out of my comfort zone wearing a sleeveless shirt and tie fit but when the concert began and everyone else started singing along I felt right at home. I hope I get to see Avril again someday, maybe on her next tour. But I will always remember this night and how great it was.
Anyway that’s all, just wanted to share haha
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