Online sentence rephraser


2008.06.01 21:27 Mensa

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2011.03.03 19:31 doofuzzle The Vampire Diaries: Love Sucks

A subreddit for the CW television show The Vampire Diaries (2009-2017).

2012.03.16 05:42 digibond Elder Scrolls Online

A Reddit community dedicated to The Elder Scrolls Online, an MMO developed by Zenimax Online.

2024.05.19 08:08 Iam-scared-of-myself Venting about people, systems, racism, the world in general. NO HATE TOWARDS ANYONE, THIS IS JUST VENTING FRUSTRATION

This is gonna be a hefty and most likely triggering post for specific groups of people out there (meaning people who struggle with anger, people who don't want poltical content/opinions etc), so please stop reading and leave if you figure this is gonna be rough for you. This will (mainly) be about the conflict between Palestine and Israel. (and apparently a long one) No hate towards any specific groups of people, but I do have a lot of *frustration regarding behaviours*.
Before I start, I want you to remember some facts about me as you read;
I am autistic
I am heavily influenced by world peace, hate, racism and other unfair situations
I have incredibly high standards for myself that I strive to not break, including, but not limited to, being kind and respectful *always*, despite being in a bad mood, not liking someone, or disagreeing, especially political disagreements
I have always, and will always, stand against widespread hate, racism and other discrimination towards any specific religions, ethnicities, nationalities, cultures, etc.
I also want you to know that I named this throwaway accordingly.
So let's get this shitshow started then, shall we.
As the details of the conflict stands, it is beyond obvious to me that this is racism and, literally, a Holocaust. Not *the* Holocaust, but *a* Holocaust. Oxford Languages has the term defined as a destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war . I'd say that's very much accurate. Proof to come.
Regardless, this situation has had me very pressed the last almost 8 months, as I know most other people have been too. Without getting too much into the conflict itself, I want to talk a little about what I've seen from the Jewish community.
This is where I advise anyone who struggles with anger especially to leave and try to keep your day positive. If you have a magical potion to stay stable after this, who am I to stop you...
Alright, onto the dreaded part. And yes, I am stalling.
I have never, and I truly mean *never* had any hateful thoughts or opinions about religions (other than Christianity but that's one for another time), and as we are all aware of, The Holocaust had massive effect on the world some 80 years ago. I have always seen Jews as victims due to this, but in recent times I've realised that a lot of them, too, see themselves as victims. The issue is that they aren't the victims right now. They (Israel) aren't defending themselves, they have nothing to defend themselves against. Israel is currently doing the exact same thing as Germany did to them, to Palestine. Sure, maybe at some point who knows when, Palestine *was* the land of Jews, but since then, multiple religions have been thriving together on that land, including Jews. They were never excluded. From what I've understood, there weren't any wars or conflicts going on within the country that didn't happen elsewhere. The issue began when in the late 1940's zionists brutally murdered families to steal their homes. I'm sure the situation was so much more complex than that, but in a nutshell that is basically it. The fact that everyone today have been so desensitized from the travesties happening around the world is depressing and hope-killing. I truly am well on the way to giving up, and at this point in time I'm so angry all the time due to the Middle East's situation.
So a few weeks ago, probably closing in on months at this point, I randomly got a notification from reddit about someone posting on /Jewish. They didn't say anything explicit, so I pressed the notification and I was met with the worst victimization and ignorance I've ever seen. I truly believed most jews would see this for what it is, and not let some racist maniac spoon-feed them propaganda and hate, but I was brutally and humbly proven wrong. They were mocking proPAL parades, hating on news anchors and civilians alike calling this a genocide, insisting that Israel has no other choice, saying "casualties happens in war", convincing each other that zionism is a good thing, and feeling sorry for themselves when friends and families cut contact because they said they supported Israel and saw this as the only solution. Some might have been genuine problems, idk, but for the most part, that subreddit seems to only be about hating the rest of the world because their great grandparents were killed. I know I sound like a complete asshole, but the world isn't antisemetic anymore - they are actively looking for it and then using that one person telling them to stop feeling so sorry for themselves as proof that everybody in the world wants to throw them back in gas chambers.
I commented on my personal once where I mentioned that judaism and zionism are two separate things and got downvoted to oblivion. Someone replied saying that my comment was very much exactly what they too feel, but I got downvoted *simply because* I referred to them as separate entities. That is another criticism they've recieved lately; the pure idea of zionism is on the complete opposite side from what Judaism stands for. I've seen so many of the members there calling Jews protesting against Israel "self-hating" and traitors.
I've also made so many replies that I never sent because I know for a fact they would do anything in their power to ban me from ever using reddit again, and I wouldn't be surprised if I got doxxed and harrassed IRL from it. I saved them all, though. I found that it was kind of therapeutic to get it out, but it still bugs me that I never found a way to say it to them. I once also made a post about my rage for their behaviour connected to this genocide, but I thankfully stopped myself before I posted it. I'm so enraged by their sheer ignorance and hypocritical behaviour, all the while Gaza is still being eradicated and slaughtered, war crimes happening day in-day out, inhumane atrocities by the IOF being posted and hailed, and they have the audacity to say that they are the victims? That Israel has no other choice but martyring tens of thousands of CHILDREN? Starving the entire Gaza Strip, segregating West Bank, literally teaching their young in school to hate and attack arabs? That last one might not be true as I don't speak Hebrew or Arabic, so anyone could've just made up the translation, but I still feel it's worth mentioning in case it actually *is* real.
My point is that the guts they have to claim to be so moral, yet still be so unfaced from what's happening in Gaza is beside me. Sure, for those living near the Gaza wall, I'm positive that hearing bombs and screams were traumatizing as fuck, but to then leave for work the next day and claim that "shit happens"? It's insane! It's inhumane. They can leave whenever they like, children can play football (soccer) in the streets and not having to worry about shit, hotels and restaurants with 5-star ratings thriving, plants and flowers still blooming, absolutely no threats on a daily basis. The fact that people are still calling this a war, something necessary, is beyond devastating to me. There are millions still siding with zionism, claiming there's nothing wrong with the belief that you have an innate right to some dirt simply because your holy book says that thousands of years ago, your religion lived there, and simply because of that religious fact you are rightfully owed thousands of young lives, the death of an entire country with its own culture, just to feed the irrational religious political system? How in God's name has that ever, *IS* that still okay? If Muslims were the ones saying that shit, they would've been completely destroyed by now, today's generation wouldn't know what the fuck Islam was. They are still being slaughtered though, because they're saying it's *not* okay. How is that not racist again?
My brother and I got into a heated argument a few days ago about this. I am very much *for* Palestine to have human rights and to own their own land - he is very much *against* "ugly blackies" having any rights because they're *not* human. Boi when I tell you I got so angry I started crying. And the worst part about that fight? He claims that Jews aren't any better, however they still deserve to defend themselves against children running on the beach. "But Hamas-" is so over-used and outdated by now, it just proves that he doesn't follow up on statistics and evidence. Even if there only were one-sided news (from Gaza), the fact that the ICJ ruled Israel's actions a genocide and war crimes still proves everything he claims to be "n*****'s propaganda". And the fact that he so underminds my autism and *need* for factual evidence before discussing it also goes to show that he genuinely does not care about anything other than the black "terrorists" being eradicated. I said "So you're not just a racist, you're just plain racist?" he just scoffed and looked at me as if I just said the most nonsensical bullshit gibberish ever, practically saying "I'm not gonna say anything, but it really took you that long to realise?" Either that, or he actually didn't comprehend the words coming out of my mouth, like it was a foreign language or something. Because he genuinely does not have a single reason to be racist.
He can't even blame suicide attacks because 1) not all are carried by muslims, and 2) between 1981-2015 around 45,000 were killed by suicide attacks worldwide, where in 2019 the total death toll was only 1,699 more than amount of attacks; whereas in Gaza, between Oct 7 to present there are about 34,000 confirmed palestinian deaths, and assumed around 42,000 with unconfirmed deaths. If, in 36 years, "muslim terrorism" killed about the same amount as Israel has in almost 8 months, how on earth are Arabs the terrorists?
And I've also seen the argument that 30,000 is nothing compared to the total population in Gaza, as if that makes it okay. I will, again, make example of The Holocaust. When 30,000 Jews were martyred, people were already catching on, and this was without the technology we have today.
How have we been allowing this to happen to Palestinians *with* our technology today? Why haven't people been doing more; striking our jobs, cummute chauffeurs striking, proper permanent boycotts, more coverage from news anchors and private people alike? Even if it is to officially reclaim your love for white supremacy, you're still talking about it. Why are people still not reading up on this? Why does millions still not know that this *didn't* begin on October 7th? And why are there still those who claim that the past doesn't matter today? I have so many questions, and if I do get an answer I will only end up with more questions. How hasn't the world stopped over this? Why are people so okay knowing that there are children being intentionally murdered every single day? How can you go to work and talk about Dave's new tie? Or your 6 year old's birthday party with 15 other 6 year olds? Hasn't it crossed your mind that if the roles were reversed, your precious princess would be the one burried under tons of rubble, dying slowly while simontaniously starving, dehydrating, suffocating and crushing, and *knowing* that absolutely no one cares because you're [skin color] and it's normal for your kids to be horrendously massacred? "Oh but the Taliban-ISIS-Al Qaeda" OKAY so what are you gonna do to help save innocent lives and suffering??? How are you gonna contribute to STOP these organizations that have manipulated and murdered to rule their country and are intentionally making the citicens miserable? Are you even aware that your own govurnment is essentially the same fucking thing, just disguised as a well dressed, polite gentleman? Aren't you sick of all those ads on TV showing brown children with flies in their eyes? Or your mama telling you to think about the starving children in Africa? Because I am.
I am so sick and tired of how inhumane humans have come to be. You don't see animals (and I'm trying my best to not mention how humans *are* animals, guess I failed) intentionally kill another animal simply because they're that animal. They kill prey; polar bears kill seals, seals kill penguins, penguins kill fish, fish kill amoebas, and you can get to that result from absolutely everything. What you don't find as a natural event is a golden, brown mane lion attack and kill an albino lion simply because it's albino. You don't see a school of fish swim away from one with two heads, because "*omg Jared is such a freak with his two heads*." So why the FUCK DID WE START DOING THAT? Where did this hunger for power come from? You *will* see a female lion tell the king that enough is enough, and he *will* accept that. I could go on and on for DAYS if I got the chance, but I don't wanna get too off topic here.
I've started a list of all the universally illegal shit Israel has done, and once I'm satisfied with it, I'll make one comparing Israel to Palestine, and then Arabs/Muslims as a whole. I can guarantee that I will still hear "on-sided sources" still, or "You can't trust Wikipedia!" Have you ever tried to edit or create an article on Wikipedia? I have, and I had to confirm that I had a degree or a current valid work ID to prove that I was elgible to speak on the topic. I tried to make a site for myself... Sure, there are more trustworthy sites, but even in a discussion about wether or not being trans is a mental illness, where I quoted and linked all of the most well known official sources like WHO, I was still slapped with "but this shady ass article from a random Deutch website that explicitly says everything I've said, yet still isn't actually saying the same thing because I misquoted and mixed the words to form my own sentence says that it is" when they literally linked a website called "disabled world". I will say though, I agree with that name. Today's world is so non-funtional for neurotypical, hetero, white MEN, it's no fucking wonder everyone else are classified as disabled or whatever. Also, on that disabled topic, if you've made it this far, please don't say "differently abled". A quote unquote quote (heh geddit? cuz it's rephrased and I don't have the book near me rn to directly quote) from Devon Price's "Unmasking Autism" that I really like: "You wouldn't say "a person with Asianness", you'd say "an Asian person"." We are disabled because today's world isn't made for us, and for the most part isn't even accomodated or accessible to us. We are different, yeah, but literally everyone is. We just got that term because we can't do the same things as you (assuming you're neurotypical) without aid. We are able, just not like you. Of course, if an autistic person tells you they prefer "person with autism", listen to them! But most of us embrace it as a part of us because we can't just get rid of it. Autism is what make me me, I wouldn't be me without my autism, so I *am* autistic, for better or for worse. :)
I find it kinda ironic that I started this as a venting about a lot of Jews' hypocritical behaviour, and now ending up on autism. Yaknow, cuz Dr. Asperger during WW2 experimented and tortured autistic people, and found out that some where more alike him than others, which then coined the term Aspergers for the Autistic Community.
Anywho, I feel better now, so thanks for letting me vent a little (a lot). I want to finish off by restating my intro; I have not, and will not tolerate any hate, racism or discrimination towards any religion, ethnicity, nationality, culture etc. This post is not intended as a rant about how aweful jews are, because they're not. I just wanted to air some frustration over their behaviour regarding I/P genocide. This is also not about *all* Jews, but that's the same discussion as "not all men" so I'll leave it at that.
I will delete this account in a week, so if you have any questions, be fast ig. If you find I've mis-phrased, used irrationally insensitive wording or any other complaints that calls for a repost, I will fix it and post an updated version. My DMs will also be available if that should be of interest, but I will not be responding to hate or personal attacks for my opinions. If the issue is my wording, again, tell me and I'll fix it.
At this point I've written so much that I don't remember if I found anything myself that I figured was worth fixing, and I've proof read it so many times that my eyes are crossing and giving me a headache lol
Gosh I'm scared of posting this. I don't want anyone to read this and think I support what A. H. did in 1940 cuz I cannot begin to describe my hatred for that man
submitted by Iam-scared-of-myself to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:41 syberpunk How much editing is too much when slimming down lectures?

I have a part-time job at a local university cutting up big 1-2hr presentations into smaller chunks for people to consume online after they've been given. The position was essentially created for me to try and get some experience (my wife works at the university, so that's how I got the connection). Because of this, most of the decision-making when it comes down to edits is up to me. There was some questions I had to ask here and there in the beginning, but now that I know what they want to keep and what they are fine with me editing, I just mostly get the videos, cut them up, and reupload.
I noticed, however, that the more I've edited, the more I have decided to really edit hard and trim out basically all long pauses (anything that would seem longer than a breath needed to start a new sentence) and presenters saying "Ummmmmm", as that actually tends to happen a lot. My reasoning for this is that I actually think the removal of the extra pauses and filler sounds makes the presentations sound a lot smoother and well-prepared, and if I was a listener to a recorded lecture, I'd certainly want to have things be as clear and concise as possible (but that's just me).
My concern is that maybe I'm spending too much time removing stuff that doesn't matter. Overall, on a good video (little-to-no extra pausing or noises), I might save like 10min for every hour of presentation. On bad ones, I've saved 15-20min over the course of 70min or so. Unfortunately, this usually means that 60-90min videos take me around 6-7hrs to cut through (this includes adding title cards, trying to throw in a matte color background to make the Zoom calls appear less bland, and exporting individual parts from the whole). This feels excessive, but since I have no real industry experience besides a short internship and this job, I don't really know for sure. If I asked my supervisor, he wouldn't have a clue since he's giving me the work as somewhat of a proverbial bone-throw.
Obviously, if I have more billable hours, I get paid more, but I also don't love spending so much time on what ends up being like 60min of cut-up footage, especially when I'm not even doing animations or any major editing. I also don't want a reputation for being someone that takes far too long to do something that should/could be simpler. It's mostly just trimming things up and putting on a nice bow in the form of logos and title cards.
In this scenario, do you think removing most/all extra pauses and filler sounds makes sense? Or am I putting way too much effort into this? Being able to trim 10-20min off an hour or more seems like something people would probably benefit from, especially if I'm chunking things up to make them easier to watch after the fact. I'm just not sure if it should be taking me 7hrs to go through 90min of footage and trim out all the bloat.
submitted by syberpunk to editing [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:44 __nostromo__ Where can I find a list of words and recommended, simpler words?

I want to replace words in sentences that are hard to read for non-native English speakers with easier words. For example
indicate/show difficult/hard considethink convey/explain maintain/keep 
There are "10000 most common English words" lists online which I'm using as reference but it'd be awesome if I could get a "here are pairs of hard words and easier words to replace them with" list from somewhere. I've been searching online for "vocabulary simplification lists" or "lexical simplification lists" but I haven't found anything like a corpus of "hard word/easier word" pairs yet. Does anyone know of any?
Context: I write code and want to make my documentation easier for my non-native English speaking coworkers to read.
submitted by __nostromo__ to ENGLISH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:46 yourdefectivemom My Friends 🥰 Let’s chat!

My Friends 🥰 Let’s chat!
first post jitters I make all my villagers call me Friend, and made their catch phrases “Best Friend” so they say that at the end of sentences to me. I am obsessed with my villagers, it’s probably unhealthy at this point. My newest and first cranky ol’ Man Gonzo is moving in tomorrow night, my youngest kid bought me his amiibo for Mother’s Day and I screamed 😂 Tex is getting the boot so if anyone wants him I can let you know once he’s in boxes. My middle bought me Chadder for Mother’s Day too, other than the others were originals or found on Nook Miles Tickets when my first disgruntled camper left. I discovered acnh Reddit two days ago and I’ve been on a deep dive, idk what instagram is anymore I’m spending all my time here. I started playing in January to connect with one of my kids because she kept telling me about her island and villagers and I wanted to understand what she was talking about and play with her. If anyone needs flowers, I spent a good amount of time breeding and have every flower. Other than my lonely two blue roses I secured from here, but they’ll spawn and then I can share. I gave up on reading instructions online on how to get them myself. I’m bell poor but flower and veggie rich lol. Once Gonzo moves in I plan to put my island in the dream world finally. So, Hi 👋 Reddit world, happy to be here! Am I Redditing right? I freakin’ hope so! So, anyone have these villagers, do you love them or hate them? Let’s chat 🥰
submitted by yourdefectivemom to acnh [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:28 Meta_Gamer_42 A New Way to Educate

Exploration of an Innovative K-12 School Curriculum and Pedagogical Approaches
Before going over the curriculum we must first discuss how to best teach. All of the following methods outlined below are what would I would suggest be use to teach the students trying to use just one or even just two of these would not be enough and would compromise the students learning and education
Teaching Methods
Project-Based Learning (PBL): In PBL, students work on a project over an extended period, which could be a week or a month, to respond to a complex question, problem, or challenge. The projects are usually multi-disciplinary and require students to apply what they've learned in a practical manner. This allows them to see the immediate applicability of their learning.
Inquiry-Based Learning: This is a form of active learning that starts by posing questions, problems, or scenarios—rather than simply presenting established facts or portraying a smooth path to knowledge. Students are involved in the construction of their learning. They engage with the material, participate in the class, and collaborate with each other.
Gamification: Incorporating elements of game design in education can make learning fun and engaging. This can involve point systems, leaderboards, badges, or other game mechanics.
Experiential Learning: This method involves learning by doing and reflecting on the experience. It can include internships, study abroad programs, field trips, laboratory experiments, or any other hands-on learning experiences.
Flipped Classroom: In a flipped classroom, students review lecture materials at home and do their 'homework' in class, where they can ask for help as they practice new skills and apply new knowledge. This allows teachers to spend class time helping students apply what they've learned and coaching them as they work through challenges.
Cross-Disciplinary Projects: By integrating different disciplines into a single project, you can make the learning experience more holistic and interconnected, much like how the knowledge of different magical disciplines would combine in a fantasy setting.
Competency-Based Learning: In this educational model, students advance upon mastering a skill or a competency. This encourages active utilization of knowledge and immediate feedback, similar to how a magic student might advance only after successfully casting a particular spell.
Now that we have given a basic outline of the teaching styles we can go over the curriculum for K-12 the idea would be to Have an A/B day schedule and some classes would meet less frequently because they don't take much time to cover everything, all of this will be done in order to create well rounded students, people and citizens. They are not only creative in nature, but leaders in their own right as well as capable of doing whatever they desire and succeeding wildly
Core Curriculum Classes:
STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics): must Ensure these subjects are covered both within the integrated curriculum (like coding in math, cooking in science, history in art, etc.) and as standalone classes to develop depth of knowledge.
Memory Techniques & Knowledge Management Techniques: Using an Integrated code based system with AI tools to help teacher track progress and provide more targeted assistance as well as help students with how to effectively organize and manage knowledge, covering basic note-taking, the PARA/CODE system. Using AI to provide semi interactive sessions that not only explain how memory works but also actively encourage the practice of using the note taking method & memory techniques
Project-Based Learning: Encourage practical application of knowledge through project-based learning. Gamification & Experiential Learning: Use these techniques to make learning more engaging and fun.
Flipped Classroom & Inquiry-Based Learning: Encourage independent learning and critical thinking through these teaching methods.
Elementary School: Coding & Digital Literacy: Introduce basic coding principles using visual coding platforms. Begin teaching about online safety and basic cybersecurity. Financial Literacy: Teach basic concepts like the value of money, saving, and spending. Potential to introduce the use of real currency and creating student based economy Community Service: Arrange class-based community projects and encourage involvement in community service outside of school. Gardening & Cooking: Teach students about plants, nutrition, and basic cooking skills through a school garden. Literacy & Reading: Develop a reading program that exposes students to a variety of genres. Writing can begin with simple sentences. History: Teach history from a holistic and critical perspective, exploring different cultures and perspectives. Basic Medicine & First Aid: Introduce simple health, hygiene, and basic first aid skills. Physical Education: Encourage a love for physical activity through a variety of engaging games. Emotional Regulation & Healthy Relationships with Technology: Incorporate social-emotional learning and healthy technology use. Leadership: Begin fostering leadership qualities through group activities and responsibility sharing. Self-Defense: Introduce basic safety rules and personal boundaries. Spanish: Introduce basic Spanish vocabulary and phrases, along with exposure to the culture of Spanish-speaking countries. Songs, games, and interactive activities can be used to make learning enjoyable.
Middle School: Coding, Digital Literacy & Practical Engineering: Continue coding education and introduce robotics and basic electronics. Financial Literacy: Start teaching about budgeting, banking, and simple concepts of earning. Potential to introduce the use of real currency and creating student based economy Community Service: Encourage students to plan and lead community service projects, either in groups or individually. Gardening & Cooking: Progress in gardening and cooking skills, introducing sustainability issues. Literacy, Reading, & Writing Skills: Increase complexity of reading and writing assignments. History: Provide more in-depth history education using primary sources and interpretations. Basic Medicine & First Aid: Offer a more detailed course on first aid and health. Physical Education: Introduce a range of physical activities, sports, and body awareness topics. Emotional Regulation & Healthy Relationships with Technology: Develop emotional intelligence skills, mindfulness practices, and education about responsible technology use. Leadership: Teach various leadership styles and emphasize group projects requiring delegation and decision-making. Self-Defense: Continue with more practical self-defense techniques. Study of Government: Begin a foundational study of the local and national government. Teach students about the branches of government, their roles, and how laws are made. Spanish: Continue to build on vocabulary and grammar learned in elementary school. Introduce simple written exercises and encourage basic conversation in Spanish.
High School: Coding, Digital Literacy & Practical Engineering: Offer advanced coding and practical engineering classes, including topics like 3D modeling and advanced electronics.Teach more advanced cybersecurity concepts and ethics of digital communication Gardening & Cooking: As elective courses, delve into advanced topics like food science or agricultural technology. Literacy, Reading, & Writing Skills: Offer a variety of literature courses, creative writing classes, and research-based writing. History: Teach history as a dynamic and interpretive subject, encouraging critical thinking. Basic Medicine & First Aid: Include more advanced first aid, mental health awareness, and basic human anatomy and physiology. Physical Education: Offer a range of athletic options, and include education about exercise science and long-term health benefits. Emotional Regulation & Healthy Relationships with Technology: Provide resources for emotional regulation, advanced mindfulness techniques, and in-depth discussions about technology's role in society. Leadership: Delve deeper into conflict resolution, strategic planning, and ethical leadership, often through real-world applications. Financial Literacy: Start teaching about budgeting, banking, and simple concepts of earning. Potential to encourage student to start their own business or get a job and have students buy things from each other Self-Defense/Mixed Martial Arts: For interested students, offer elective classes in mixed martial arts, fostering physical and mental skills. Study of Government: Expand on knowledge from middle school and introduce international government systems. Discuss the concepts of democracy, socialism, and other forms of government. Involve students in mock debates and simulations, like Model United Nations or Mock Parliament. Study of Politics: Begin a course on political science, covering key political ideologies, parties, and political processes. Discuss current events and involve students in debates and discussions to encourage critical thinking. Creating Change: Introduce a course on social activism and creating change. This can involve studying historical movements for change, understanding how to effect change within a legal framework, learning about peaceful protest, and planning and implementing a small-scale change project within the school or community. Spanish: Continue to deepen knowledge of Spanish. Encourage advanced conversation and written exercises. Students could read Spanish literature or news and discuss in class, fostering language skills and cultural understanding.
This kind of curriculum would be nearly the best, being interdisciplinary, hands-on, and centered around the interests and needs of the students. It would aim to not only equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in the world, but also ignite their passion for learning and encourage them to continue learning throughout their lives.
But before we’re done one last thing must be covered. How to assess a student's growth because science shows that paper tests are not suited for the task. There are many innovative ways to assess student understanding and skills without relying solely on traditional exams. The methods that could be used include Assessment Methods
Portfolios: Students could compile portfolios of their work, which could include code they've written, projects they've completed, or essays they've written. A portfolio allows students to demonstrate their learning process, their progress over time, and their ability to apply what they've learned in different contexts.
Presentations: Students can demonstrate their understanding of a topic by presenting on it. This could involve presenting a project they've completed, explaining a concept to the class, or debating a topic with classmates.
Peer and Self-Assessment: Students can learn a lot from assessing each other's work or their own work. This can help them develop a better understanding of the assessment criteria and improve their ability to critically evaluate work.
Performance Assessment: In subjects like self-defense, physical education, cooking, or gardening, students could be assessed based on their performance. This could involve demonstrating a technique, completing a task, or participating in a game or competition.
Reflective Journals: Students could maintain journals where they reflect on what they've learned, how they've applied it, and what they still want to understand better. This can give teachers insight into a student's thought process and their understanding of the subject.
Project-Based Assessment: Students can be assessed on the projects they complete, whether individually or in groups. This allows students to demonstrate a range of skills, including knowledge of the subject, problem-solving, creativity, and teamwork.
Community Service Assessment: In addition to the other assessments, teachers can assess students' community service involvement, their planning and leadership skills, as well as their reflections on their experiences.
The emphasis of Knowledge Management Techniques and Memory Techniques in core classes as a standalone session every day would ideally give students a break from traditional instruction and allow them to process and manage their learnings. This can be in the form of group discussions, independent reflection time, or guided activities for planning and organizing their work.
submitted by Meta_Gamer_42 to education [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:40 IchBinMalade The internet has become so frustratingly bad to use.

This rant started off by me noticing YouTube stopped showing all the videos on a channel when you sort by Popular, only showing a dozen or so. And here we are
There must be some logic to how these companies are choosing to design their apps. Right?
TwitteYouTube/Reddit/Amazon all have the same things in common: a really, really bad search function; a terrible presentation of the front page/feed; just very bad UX in general, Reddit especially baffles me with this, things that should take one or two taps take 5 instead, there were like 10 third party apps (RIP) that all managed to do it better than Reddit and some had a single developer working on it lmao.
I really don't get it. I just don't buy that this is the best they can do, there has to be some twisted money-making logic behind the enshittification. YouTube especially makes me think they're trying to make it frustrating to watch long-form content so you just go watch Shorts instead.
It's just infuriating to see the internet basically become 4-5 apps that are all terrible, where it's almost impossible to make your own choices on what to consume. Especially now that even Google search has become awful, redirecting you to those exact websites (seriously, bunch of promoted results, impossible to find something cool and new nowadays), it feels like I just can't seem to have an authentic experience on the internet.
You know what the funniest shit is? As I was typing this I wanted to delete a sentence at the start of a paragraph, and it kept jumping to the end of the post and deleting that instead halfway through. Can't make this shit up.
Maybe younger people are fine with it as they don't know anything else, which is fine, but man, I'm 28 and this is making me feel like an old man yelling at cloud (pun intended). 10-15 ago, it used to be difficult to find the content/information you wanted, it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows, but the internet felt vast, and weird in a good way.
It feels like tech giants infiltrated it, being super cool at first. Facebook was great, YouTube was great, Reddit was great, then recommendation algorithms happened, users getting played by the companies, and by other users gaming those algorithms. There is simply no way to view the content you'd like to view, it's always what they want you to see, even if you are aware of this, you can't do anything about it. How am I supposed to find anything when it's all concentrated in places with awful search functions.
I genuinely think, very specifically, that recommendation algorithms have gone from useful tools to a massively harmful weapon. It goes beyond just ruining your free time, it fucks up your mental health, politics, society™️ in general, you can thank those for the rise of the Tates, the antivaxxers, and everything bad out there.
It's not even about being too online. The internet is great, I don't want to stop using it, but I'm at the point where it feels like I have no choice because it does nothing but upset me. I can't remember the last time I had an authentic, nice experience online. I miss that feeling of being part of small, but vibrant communities where you knew everyone, when people would make things for no reason other than that they thought it was cool, or wanting to help others. You just cannot do that anymore because if you're not trying to play the game, nobody will see it.
It makes me sad to see how all this stuff affects the users as well. There were always bad people and stupid people online, but jesus christ it's organized now, an algorithm picks up on something and throws it on the screen of millions of people and they go with it. People are trapped in an algorithm bubble and are just not helpless in ways I don't understand, unwilling to step out or consider anything outside of it. Baffles me on the daily how people are unable to think critically and research what they're shown for a minute.
Welp. That's it. I'm grateful to Wikipedia for never changing. Bless that beautiful little website, the way this is going I'm not sure if it'll last.
submitted by IchBinMalade to rant [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:35 Saas-builder No one and I mean NO ONE should be using GPT 3.5 anymore

I compared 10 AI Chatbots, the chatbots i compared and the questions I asked are all at the bottom of this post.
It is very important to note this research was done on a very small dataset of 22 questions.
The best AI Chatbot answer for each question was decided by me simply putting myself in the choose of the person asking that question and deciding which output is the most helpful.
Here are my main takeaways.
  1. No one should still be using GPT 3.5 or Gemini 1.0, They may get the job done, but 98% of the time one of these AI Chatbots (Gemini 1.5 Pro, Bing Copilot, ChatGPT4o, and Perplexity) will give you a better response.
  2. The best way to always get the best response is by always comparing multiple AI Chatbots and choosing the best answer. This is because
I personally used to compare all of them.
I stopped using chatgpt 3.5 a long time ago because this gives you all the Premium AI Chatbots for the same price as GPT-4.
___Notes on each Chatbot____
-- Perplexity is good at giving you a completely answer, most AI Chatbots will give you bullet point answers, perplexity perfers to write out a complete answer rather than just giving bullet points
-- Bing Copilot is great because it cites its resources, will even recommend videos to help you
-- ChatGPT-4o has really descriptive and usually longer answers, but prefers to answer in bullet points
-- Gemini 1.5 pro is great because it feels like it understands the context of your question more by having a conversational tone
-- Bing copilot can be great but 20-30% of the time the answers it gives are not even usable
-- Because Bing copilot is using sources to give you answers the answers feel much more human like and at times more useful then other AI Chatbots that just list a bunch of basic bullet points
-- Their should be no reason anyone is still using ChatGPT 3.5 today
-- Gemini 1.0 gives good answers but not as detailed and helpful as Gemini 1.5 Pro
-- ChatGPT-4o was able to generate really nice data tables, that Gemini 1.5 Pro wasn't able to.
Gemini 1.0
Gemini 1.5 Pro
Bing Copilot
Claude Sonnet
Llama 3
Mixtral 8x7b
Mistral Large
What is the best way to clean my retainer?
What is the fastest way to get an allocation for a porsche GT3RS?
I want to book a flight to Yemen but can't find tickets online, what should I do now?
Why is the financial capital of the world New York?
What is the meaning of the Mona Lisa's smile?
Write me 1 paragraph apologizing to my teacher for making jokes in the middle of class?
How do I shorten my jail sentence from 3 years to 1 year?
How do you rank on Google Search with AI written blogs?
I want to play basketball like Kyrie Irving, what basketball drills should I be doing?
I want to learn how to swim but I don't have anyone to teach me.
What is the most effective way to remove stains from white clothes?
Can I submit AI-generated art to prestigious art competitions?
I want to learn a new language but don't have time for classes, how should I self-study?
Why is Paris known as the city of love?
What is the best strategy for investing in the stock market for beginners?
How can I boost my metabolism to lose weight faster?
I need a rare first edition comic book ASAP. Where should I look beyond eBay and Amazon?
I want to visit North Korea. What's the easiest way to get a tourist visa?
Write me 2 sentences replying to this message "How could you leave me, without even saying bye"?
How should I setup the cap table when starting a startup?
What is the secret to winning a collegiate hackathon?
Why is Islam the fastest growing religion?
submitted by Saas-builder to ChatGPTPromptGenius [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:32 Saas-builder I just spent 5 hours comparing 10 AI chatbots to find the best one

The chatbots i compared and the questions I asked are all at the bottom of this post.
It is very important to note this research was done on a very small dataset of 22 questions.
The best AI Chatbot answer for each question was decided by me simply putting myself in the choose of the person asking that question and deciding which output is the most helpful.
Here are my main takeaways.
  1. No one should still be using GPT 3.5 or Gemini 1.0, They may get the job done, but 98% of the time one of these AI Chatbots (Gemini 1.5 Pro, Bing Copilot, ChatGPT4o, and Perplexity) will give you a better response.
  2. The best way to always get the best response is by always comparing multiple AI Chatbots and choosing the best answer. This is because
I personally used to compare all of them.
I stopped using chatgpt 3.5 a long time ago because this gives you all the Premium AI Chatbots for the same price as GPT-4.
___Notes on each Chatbot____
-- Perplexity is good at giving you a completely answer, most AI Chatbots will give you bullet point answers, perplexity perfers to write out a complete answer rather than just giving bullet points
-- Bing Copilot is great because it cites its resources, will even recommend videos to help you
-- ChatGPT-4o has really descriptive and usually longer answers, but prefers to answer in bullet points
-- Gemini 1.5 pro is great because it feels like it understands the context of your question more by having a conversational tone
-- Bing copilot can be great but 20-30% of the time the answers it gives are not even usable
-- Because Bing copilot is using sources to give you answers the answers feel much more human like and at times more useful then other AI Chatbots that just list a bunch of basic bullet points
-- Their should be no reason anyone is still using ChatGPT 3.5 today
-- Gemini 1.0 gives good answers but not as detailed and helpful as Gemini 1.5 Pro
-- ChatGPT-4o was able to generate really nice data tables, that Gemini 1.5 Pro wasn't able to.
Gemini 1.0
Gemini 1.5 Pro
Bing Copilot
Claude Sonnet
Llama 3
Mixtral 8x7b
Mistral Large
What is the best way to clean my retainer?
What is the fastest way to get an allocation for a porsche GT3RS?
I want to book a flight to Yemen but can't find tickets online, what should I do now?
Why is the financial capital of the world New York?
What is the meaning of the Mona Lisa's smile?
Write me 1 paragraph apologizing to my teacher for making jokes in the middle of class?
How do I shorten my jail sentence from 3 years to 1 year?
How do you rank on Google Search with AI written blogs?
I want to play basketball like Kyrie Irving, what basketball drills should I be doing?
I want to learn how to swim but I don't have anyone to teach me.
What is the most effective way to remove stains from white clothes?
Can I submit AI-generated art to prestigious art competitions?
I want to learn a new language but don't have time for classes, how should I self-study?
Why is Paris known as the city of love?
What is the best strategy for investing in the stock market for beginners?
How can I boost my metabolism to lose weight faster?
I need a rare first edition comic book ASAP. Where should I look beyond eBay and Amazon?
I want to visit North Korea. What's the easiest way to get a tourist visa?
Write me 2 sentences replying to this message "How could you leave me, without even saying bye"?
How should I setup the cap table when starting a startup?
What is the secret to winning a collegiate hackathon?
Why is Islam the fastest growing religion?
submitted by Saas-builder to ChatGPTPro [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:18 Sashcracker Stop the political frame-up of Ukrainian socialist Bogdan Syrotiuk!

By David North
On April 25, 2024, Bogdan Syrotiuk, the 25-year-old leader of the Young Guard of Bolshevik-Leninists (the YGBL), a socialist-Trotskyist organization active in Ukraine, Russia and throughout the former USSR, was arrested by the notorious state security service of the fascistic Zelensky regime, the SBU. Bogdan is being held in atrocious conditions in a high security prison in the city of Nikolaev (Mykolaiv), which is located in southern Ukraine.
The International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI), the world Trotskyist movement with which the YGBL is politically affiliated, has finally obtained the actual documents in which the SBU presents its charges against Bogdan Syrotiuk. These documents, which form the basis of his detention, make absolutely clear that Bogdan is the victim of a monstrous state frame-up. The allegations concocted by the SBU are a crude combination of lies, obvious fabrications, and political absurdities.
Moreover, the documents submitted by the SBU are directed not only against Bogdan. They are nothing less than a declaration of war against all left-wing and socialist opposition to the Zelensky regime and, specifically, the International Committee of the Fourth International and its public organ, the World Socialist Web Site.
The central allegation leveled against Bogdan Syrotiuk is that he is guilty of high treason. The basis of this charge is that Bogdan has been for the past two years “engaged in the preparation of publications commissioned by representatives of a Russian propaganda and information agency, the World Socialist Web Site” [emphasis added.]
The World Socialist Web Site is denounced as an instrument of “an active information war against Ukraine” being waged by Russia, which
uses the so-called “left-wing” propagandists and their information platforms (websites, media and social platforms) to discredit the support of Ukraine by international partners, justify Russia’s armed aggression against Ukraine, accusing Western countries of creating conditions under which Russia was forced to launch the so-called special military operation, fomenting wars in Ukraine by providing it with weapons, etc. As a result, they are used by Russia to systematically convey pro-Kremlin narratives to the population of Ukraine and Ukraine’s allied countries…
Since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the World Socialist Web Site “WSWS” has regularly published articles in various languages aimed at discrediting Ukraine and representatives of governments around the world for assisting Ukraine in its fight against the aggressor state.
The ICFI’s opposition to the US-NATO war in Ukraine is an essential element of its political program, deeply rooted in the socialist and internationalist principles of the Trotskyist movement. The attempt of the Ukrainian regime to portray this opposition as an instrument of Putin’s propaganda network is as viciously mendacious as it is politically absurd. The intransigent opposition of the International Committee of the Fourth International to the Putin regime—which emerged as a consequence of the Stalinist bureaucracy’s final betrayal of socialism and the restoration of capitalism in the former USSR—is a fundamental political fact that is substantiated not only in written texts numbering in the hundreds, but also in the exhaustively documented activity of the Trotskyist movement spanning decades.
True to its fascist character, the Ukrainian regime is operating on the basis of the well-known precept of Hitler and his propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels: “The bigger the lie, the more readily it will be believed.”
In this particular case, the Zelensky regime seems to believe that the scale of the SBU lies are of such a magnitude that they will simply overwhelm the thinking public. It thus expects that public opinion will accept that the Putin regime is directing the work of the WSWS, which the SBU indictment describes as
an online publication of the world Trotskyist movement, the International Committee of the Fourth International and its affiliated sections in the Socialist Equality Parties around the world, which covers the main socio-political problems around the world from the position of revolutionary opposition to the capitalist market system, with the aim of establishing world socialism through socialist revolution.
At no point does the SBU attempt to explain the contradiction that wrecks its case against Bogdan, i.e., that the political principles that he upholds as a socialist and internationalist opponent of wars waged by the capitalist ruling class are irreconcilably hostile to the policies of the Putin regime, including its invasion of Ukraine.
It attempts to evade the contradiction by simply lying. The indictment claims that Bogdan’s activities, “acting on the instructions of a representative of the World Socialist Web Site,” consisted of “supporting and justifying the conduct of the Russian aggressive war on the territory of Ukraine…”
Every word is a lie. The opposition of the ICFI, its affiliated organizations, and the WSWS to the Russian invasion, in line with its hostility to the Putin regime, is a political fact that is documented in hundreds of articles that have been posted since the first day of the invasion.
On February 24, 2022, the day of the Russian invasion, the ICFI posted a statement on the WSWS titled: “Oppose the Putin government’s invasion of Ukraine and US-NATO warmongering! For the unity of Russian and Ukrainian workers!” It began:
The International Committee of the Fourth International and the World Socialist Web Site denounce the Russian military intervention in Ukraine. Despite the provocations and threats by the US and NATO powers, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine must be opposed by socialists and class-conscious workers. The catastrophe that was set in motion by the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 cannot be averted on the basis of Russian nationalism, a thoroughly reactionary ideology that serves the interests of the capitalist ruling class represented by Vladimir Putin.
What is required is not a return to the pre-1917 foreign policy of tsarism, but, rather, a revival, in Russia and throughout the world, of the socialist internationalism that inspired the October Revolution of 1917 and led to the creation of the Soviet Union as a workers state. The invasion of Ukraine, whatever the justifications given by the Putin regime, will serve only to divide the Russian and Ukrainian working class and, moreover, serve the interests of US and European imperialism.
In the two major statements that he has made during the past week, Putin has justified his actions by enumerating the provocations and crimes of the United States. There is, no question, much that is factually true in his denunciation of Washington’s hypocrisy. But the viciously anti-communist and xenophobic ideology that he invokes and the interests that he claims to be defending are thoroughly reactionary and incapable of appealing to the broad mass of the working class in Russia, let alone in Ukraine and throughout the world. A substantial section of the working class in Russia and Ukraine will be repelled by the cynicism of Putin’s glorification of the heroic struggle waged by the Soviet Union against Nazi Germany in World War II while denouncing the October Revolution and the existence of the USSR as a multi-national state.
The ICFI insisted that the socialist opposition to imperialism was incompatible with any form of national chauvinism, and, therefore, rejected all the justifications given by the Putin regime and its apologists for the invasion. Their invocation of “national defense” could not be accepted by socialists. The defeat of imperialism and its overthrow was possible only through the revolutionary struggle of the international working class. The ICFI statement cited the words of Trotsky: “Not to bind itself to the national state in time of war, to follow not the war map but the map of the class struggle, is possible only for that party that has already declared irreconcilable war on the national state in time of peace.”
The ICFI called “for an immediate end to the war,” and explained: “In opposing the invasion of Ukraine, we denounce the policies of US/NATO imperialism, whose claims to be defending democracy and human rights are blood-drenched with hypocrisy.”
This political declaration elaborated the principles and policy that have guided the work of the ICFI and WSWS since the war began.
On February 26, 2022 the International Committee held an international webinar, in which its opposition to the war was emphatically advanced. Among the speakers, in addition to myself, were Nick Beams, a longtime leader of the International Committee’s Australian section, Johannes Stern, a leader of the ICFI in Germany, Thomas Scripps, a leading member of the ICFI’s section in Britain, Joseph Kishore, the national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party in the United States, and Evan Blake, another leading member of the SEP (US).
The ICFI has never wavered from the principled opposition to the policies of NATO and Russia that it advanced in the first days of the war.
The relationship between the ICFI and the comrades of the YGBL coincided almost exactly with the outbreak of the war. They were attracted to the ICFI precisely because of its opposition to both the war and the national chauvinism of the Russian and Ukrainian regimes.
The SBU indictment charges that the World Socialist Web Site assigned to Bogdan “the task of preparing, writing, editing and publishing … both on the WSWS website and other communist-oriented media, articles, publications, comments, etc. aimed at spreading pro-Russian narratives related to the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, which began on February 24, 2022, to which [Bogdan Syrotiuk] gave his voluntary consent.”
In support of this claim, the SBU references a YGBL statement titled, “For the organization of an international movement of workers and young people against war!” It claims that this document, posted on the World Socialist Web Site on October 12, 2022, includes “fragments, statements, sentences and phrases… which contain justification of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation, which began in 2014…”
The actual document clearly exposes this claim to be a lie. There is not a single sentence in the YGBL declaration that indicates support for the invasion of Ukraine. The SBU cites selectively from the document, including passages only from numbered paragraphs 4, 7, 8, 10 and 13. Paragraphs 4 through 8—the SBU interrupts the continuity of the YGBL’s analysis by leaving out paragraphs 5 and 6—provide a concise Marxist explanation of the objective capitalist crisis and political aims that underlay the instigation of the war by the United States and its NATO allies. They state:
  1. The new world order that the United States wants to establish looks like this very possible picture: Russia and China are to be subordinated to imperialism and divided, if that is necessary to maintain direct control over their natural, industrial-technological and human resources.
  2. The European imperialist powers support the United States for their own place in the new redivision of the world. At the same time, European imperialism, while placed on rations by the United States, sees a way out of its economic and geopolitical predicament only in a redivision of the world in which it can regain its former greatness.
  3. Japan, South Korea and Australia support the US only as much as it suits their interests in the struggle against China in the Pacific region. These countries will support the US as long as it allows them to compete with China. The process of dividing spheres of influence will revive the contradictions between the Pacific capitalist powers, which are as much in limbo as Europe.
  4. The crisis of 2008 revived class struggles around the world. The Arab Spring of the early 2010s is vivid evidence of this revival. It forced US and European imperialism to take more decisive measures. In 2014, they supported a coup d'état in Ukraine. Through this coup, the US was able to create all the conditions to build a bridgehead in a future war against Russia.
  5. The Covid-19 pandemic that erupted in 2020 exacerbated the contradictions of capitalism and was the trigger for a more rapid expansion of US imperialism in preparation for war against Russia and China. The US embarked on a more provocative path of abandoning the “one-China” policy, and increasing its support for Ukraine, as expressed in the NATO summit in August 2021, which supported Zelensky’s “Crimean platform.”
Significantly, the SBU leaves out paragraph 9 of the YGBL declaration, which presents a scathing indictment of the Putin regime. That paragraph reads:
The reactionary regime of Vladimir Putin emerged from the treacherous dissolution of the Soviet Union by the Stalinist bureaucracy and the restoration of capitalism. The policies of Putin, in the final analysis, are aimed at safeguarding the wealth of the post-Soviet oligarchy against the pressure of Western imperialism from above and, even more critically, against the movement of the Russian working class from below.
The SBU does cite paragraph 10, which continues the critique of the Putin regime, stating:
Within this geopolitical and social context, Putin’s adventurist invasion of Ukraine on February 24 was the Russian oligarchy’s response to NATO’s relentless expansion to the east. The Putin regime’s main objective was to achieve through the pressure of its “Special Operation” a new round of talks with the US-NATO, since the last round ended up crossing “red lines” on the part of the US-NATO, which caused Putin’s invasion [emphasis added].
The characterization of Putin’s invasion as “adventurist” is in no way compatible with what the SBU claims to be a “pro-Russian narrative.” Obviously recognizing the fragility of its attempt to portray the YGBL statement as pro-Putin propaganda, the SBU decided against further citations from the document, leaving out the YGBL’s development of its denunciation of Putin’s policies in paragraphs 11 and 12, which assert:
  1. The Russian bourgeoisie’s desire for an “equal partnership” with the West was one of the most utopian delusions. This delusion, historically derived from Stalin’s policy of “Popular Fronts” and then “peaceful coexistence,” developed among the fledgling class of Russian capitalists in the 1990s.
  2. The Putin regime has not gotten rid of this utopian delusion. Its whole policy has been to maneuver and seek compromise with the West, with whom the Russian oligarchy wanted to be “on equal footing.” Except that Western imperialism, with its conquering ambitions for Russia, did not care about these conciliatory tones of Putin’s regime.
The SBU also chose not to cite paragraph 17 of the YGBL statement, which declares:
The course of the war after Putin’s invasion of Ukraine increasingly emphasizes the reactionary nature of this invasion. While claiming to be fighting for the independence of the Russian people from the threat of Western imperialism, Putin is in fact only defending the independence of the Russian oligarchy to exploit the Russian working class and the country’s raw material wealth.
Paragraph 18, which is also left uncited, further demolishes the SBU’s indictment of Bogdan, the YGBL and the WSWS as instruments of Russian propaganda. The paragraph asserts that
the Putin regime has no way out of the current crisis for Russian society. It will not have such a way out in the future. All of the military and political activities of the Putin regime will only contribute to the escalation of Western imperialism and the deterioration of conditions for the Russian, Ukrainian and international working class.
The SBU also failed to cite paragraphs 19 and 20, which presciently warned of the catastrophe to which the war could lead.
  1. The prospects for the present war, when thought within the framework of the capitalist system, are very bleak. First, this war will take on a long-term character and will not only be fought between Ukraine and Russia. It is the first step in inflaming the world situation to the point that the threat of a third world war is simply inevitable. All countries of the world will take part in the future war.
  2. Secondly, the nature of the war will be determined by the policies of the ruling classes, which now stand on a blatantly anti-human position. The ruling classes are recklessly moving toward the use of nuclear weapons in the conflict, thereby creating the real possibility of a nuclear Armageddon. The specter of planetary destruction arises from the insane policies of imperialist and capitalist governments. The recklessness of the ruling capitalist elite compels young people to ask whether they will be allowed any future at all.
The SBU specifically cites this document as proof of Bogdan Syrotiuk’s treasonable activity. But the text of this document conclusively refutes the charge that Bogdan and the YGBL are advancing a pro-Putin narrative.
Moreover, and most decisive, the Ukrainian regime does not present a scintilla of evidence to substantiate its absurd and lying claim that the World Socialist Web Site is a “Russian propaganda and information agency.” With this filthy slander, the Zelensky regime betrays—notwithstanding the ongoing war with Russia—the lingering influence of Stalinism’s rabid hatred of Trotskyism. As in Russia, the transfer of power in Ukraine from Stalinist bureaucrats to capitalist oligarchs has not required any change in the methodology of the political police. The same techniques of fabrication and slander, utilized by the Stalinist regime against Trotskyists in the era of the Moscow Trials and the terror of 1936-39, remain operative in Kiev.
Bogdan Syrotiuk stands accused of treason and faces the threat of a life-long prison term that is the equivalent of a death sentence. But the allegations against Bogdan are based entirely on articles and speeches he has posted on the World Socialist Web Site, in which he has declared his opposition, as a socialist internationalist, to the capitalist regimes of Zelensky and Putin and the ongoing war that has cost hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian and Russian lives.
The SBU indicts Bogdan for advancing in his speeches and writings posted on the World Socialist Web Site “which are accessible to everyone in the world, including citizens of Ukraine” information that exposes the reactionary character of the Ukrainian regime and the war.
The SBU declares that Bogdan’s “criminal actions were stopped only with the intervention of a law enforcement agency.” What a devastating self-exposure of the claims that the US-NATO proxy war is being waged to defend democracy in Ukraine.
The reality is that Ukraine is a fascistic dictatorship, which applies police methods to stop the expression of popular opposition to the policies that have brought untold suffering and death to the people.
The arrest of Bogdan Syrotiuk comes precisely at a point of mounting popular opposition to the Zelensky regime. On May 18, a new and vastly unpopular mobilization law that will vastly expand the recruitment dragnet of Ukrainian military goes into effect. Even the New York Times has expressed doubts about Zelensky’s ability “to find new troops to relieve a weary, often demoralized force.”
In an article posted on the World Socialist Web Site on April 30, Maxim Goldarb, a Ukrainian socialist who has been persecuted by the Zelensky regime, reported: “More and more Ukrainian men are desperately trying to flee the country, unwilling to die for someone else’s selfish purposes.”
He added:
It is not the rich minority, but the poor majority—the unemployed, workers, peasants, teachers, doctors, office workers—that will be sent into the bloody meat grinder. Now, with the adoption of the new law, the number of men deprived of basic human rights, who will be captured and hunted down like animals and sent to the front, will increase many times over.
The profits of those who benefit from this war will also increase many times over … These huge profits will be divided up between the military-industrial complex, its lobbyists in the American and European establishment, and the Ukrainian oligarchic top brass.
Bogdan Syrotiuk’s life is in danger. In the environment of terror that exists within Ukraine, he is deprived of all means to defend himself. Efforts to obtain competent legal representation have been undermined by government threats against defense lawyers. No less than five attorneys have declined to represent Bogdan because to do so would expose them to significant physical danger.
The significance of the fight to defend Bogdan and secure his freedom extends beyond Ukraine. His incarceration is yet another example of the growing international assault on democratic rights as imperialism escalates its military operations throughout the world. The political conspiracy to destroy Julian Assange set into motion a process that is replicated throughout the world.
Those who oppose and expose the crimes of the imperialist regimes are targeted for persecution by the state. The assault on basic democratic rights—first and foremost, freedom of thought and speech—is always justified on the basis of lies.
The opponents of Israel’s genocidal war against Gazans are denounced as anti-Semites, even when the protesters are Jewish. In the denunciation of Bogdan Syrotiuk as an agent of Russia for opposing the proxy war in Ukraine, the same lying method is at work.
The real reason for the arrest and persecution of Bogdan Syrotiuk is that he is fighting for the unity of the Ukrainian, Russian and international working class against the ruling capitalist elites of all countries. As Comrade Andrei Ritsky of the Russian branch of the Young Guard of Bolshevik Leninists explained so eloquently in a speech delivered at the May Day 2024 celebration held by the International Committee:
The only “crime” that Bogdan committed was his conviction that Ukraine can become truly free only through the independent struggle of the Ukrainian working class, acting together with the international working class against imperialism and war. He advanced a principled political position based on a Marxist understanding of the war, opposed to the fanatical worship of Ukrainian nationalism as well as the reactionary Russian nationalism of the Putin regime. Like our entire movement, he has fought for the unification of workers in Russia and Ukraine with the workers in the imperialist countries, to put an end to a fratricidal war that has claimed the lives of at least half a million Ukrainians and tens of thousands of Russians.
He concluded his remarks with a declaration of the fundamental perspective that underlies the work of the Fourth International:
No bourgeois regime is capable of resolving the crisis other than through war and destruction, because any other way would be contrary to its fundamental capitalist interests. The contradictions of capitalism cannot be resolved within national borders and on the basis of a defense of private property. Only the international working class armed with the program of world socialist revolution will be able to put an end to the wars and resolve the fundamental crisis. To do so, however, it must fight for its unity with its brothers and sisters around the world.
The International Committee of the Fourth International calls for a global campaign to demand the immediate release of Bogdan Syrotiuk from prison. The fight for Bogdan’s freedom must be taken up by workers, students and all those who are committed to the defense of democratic rights and opposed to the escalation of imperialist wars that, unless stopped, threaten humanity with a nuclear catastrophe.
Join the fight to Free Bogdan. Circulate this statement as widely as possible on social media. Bring this case to the attention of co-workers, fellow students, and friends. To sign a petition demanding Bogdan’s release, contribute funds toward the defense campaign, and become personally active in the fight for his freedom, go to
submitted by Sashcracker to Trotskyism [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:06 Rustin_Vingilote Been together 6 years, no plan for future and confused

So me(23m) and my gf(23f) got together in high school and went to different universities after starting our relationship for 1 year. During the 4 years in university we seldom saw each other because of the covid, like 5-6 times a year at most. We had some quarrels and a short break-up, but somehow managed to keep the relationship. After graduating from Bachelors we went to different countries for Masters (me in 🇸🇪, she in 🇨🇦). There should be at least 2 more years that we have no chance living together. Or more frankly no foreseenable future at all, as I might have a Phd in Europe.
Recently I feel like I don't really understand the feelings of myself. She is my only best-best friend and we, kind of, have figured out how to have a stable relationship without interfering much with each other's life. But that's also where I'm confused. She knows none of my friend and neither do I of hers. We often only talk 2 or 3 sentences online each day and 1-2 phone calls every week. We just keep a peaceful relationship but not really engage in each other's lives.
I think I can say I love her and there's no other person know me as she does. We have similar tastes for many things and she is the person that I feel most comfortable talking with. But sometimes I feel like, if she suddenly wants to break up with me, I won't bother her and will quickly move on. There's just no imperative for me to have her in my life for I have been used to live my life without her. But that's maybe also my personality as a person that is always conservative to personal attachment.
Also we are not the kind of people that are desperate for romantic relations and will do everything for partners. We always put priority for ourselves and respect each other's life choices. But that also make me feel like we are just close friends as we both have reserved social lives. Rationally speaking there's not many "benefits" to keep the relationship, but also no reason to terminate it. I'm just stuck in a confusing state...
(Maybe there's someone having similar experiences or maybe it's just myself nattering. But it kinda makes me feel good to write these things at midnight :)
submitted by Rustin_Vingilote to LDR [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:51 StuckinLoserville Free Candice? From Herself?

I've Been Doing a Lot of Whatever the Fuck I Want Lately and I Like It
It's the day of Ayonna's Zoom court hearing so she's thinking about survivalist jailhouse makeup hacks. They've improved since women used to use scraped paint chips off their cell walls as face powder, dampened red paper as rouge, permanent markers for eyebrow pencils, Kool-Aid doubling as hair dye and blush, and M&Ms as lipstick because deprivation causes innovation for self-preservation. That and Jamahl's excruciatingly murky explanation of his 2-year wedding day gap even though he's as open a book as a text at a class final that provides no specific answers to a general essay question. It's not that he wants to delay a ceremony displaying his love for Shellfish publicly; it's about financing a befittingly royal wedding for the ghetto version of Prince Charles and the late Diana Spencer to whom the masses must bow down, and that includes the judge who simply doesn't understand the trials and tribulations of a multi-tasking single mother with behavioral problems negotiating her child's breakfast.
Court: . . . will continue matter until she can show up in court next week since we are clearly inconveniencing her. 🙄
Ayonna: I'm just a single mother with no help. You're not going to tell me I can't feed my daughter; that's never going to happen. Is it ok if I give my daughter breakfast?
Court: We are in court here. This is a court proceeding. ⚖️
Ayonna: Ok. Just be hungry. 😏
Four years probation because the judge's gnarly attitude is taking it out on me? Girl, what are you talking about? Bitch, you're gonna' tell me I can't feed my daughter? She can kiss my ass! I'm livid. Livid! 🤬
Jamahl: At the end of the day filled with dickheads, we still gotta' bite our tongues.
I'm not selfish; I've just decided that taking your feelings into consideration is too much damn work.
Keep Your Head High and Your Middle Finger Higher
For someone more accustomed to being abused than amused, Candice has said "I love you" to Andrew more times than the repetitive phrase, turn down for what, in the party anthem by DJ Snake and Lil Jon of the same name. While Andrew, true to his word, kneels and immediately proposes, Candice hesitates, and in that moment, resembles a raw double-chinned Pillsbury dough girl with an unnatural sheen, a face too sunken in its gravity to show happiness, and sad raisin eyes reflecting physical distress. But Andrew doesn't clock any of this; he's carrying out his promise to Candice's mom in a dream he made up though she has more eyes on her truck as she doubtless recalls her fond days of street racing, driving without a license, attempted stolen vehicle, felony burglary and constantly running from the police. If she were wearing cargo pants, she could stuff them with the faux Louis Vuitton handbag contents to savor as she completes her halfway house program so she can change addresses. If he could see past his own needs, he'd notice she was trying to figure where the hell he got the idea she cared. If I've cut you, it's because you handed me the scissors.
Patience: What You Have When There Are Too Many Witnesses
Joey is taking advice from Minerva, a sex columnist who looks like Chris Farley in drag who was super stoned and wandered into the backrooms of "Saturday Night Live" for a costume change and makeup refresh before rehearsing his Fellatio 101 sketch outlined on a chalkboard: Watch amateur porn for tips. Practice dirty talk. Get excited about being excited. Use both hands simultaneously and don't bogart that spit. Don't forget, steady wins the race. Freshen up before getting online and spending money for a rented motel room far away from your parents so you can have 15 minutes of precious sexy time before your monogamous lover warns you to deactivate your online profile that his friend saw. Hey, I found your nose; it was in my business.
The King Eats First
Once again, the kids are savvier than their parents. A striking Cheyenne and Nehemiah adjust their schedules to Rob's extended sentence that Tennie tries to embroider in her naïveté while every family member is worried about their displacement when Rob physically enters the picture even though he's already there in camera spirit. It's a which-came-first-the-chicken-or-the-egg question - is it a good thing the alpha male has streams-of-revenue for Tennie's shopping jones or is she shopping because she's worried about getting with an alpha male? He's a poker king like Marcelino making 6-7K a month in jail even though online playing for real money is prohibited, and I doubt his pod mates have that kind of extra cash regularly available. Any man in this day and age who can tell a woman to "sit down and be cute" must have it figured out as a lion doesn't care about a sheep's opinion. I bring too much to the table to be treated like a napkin.
Does One of Your Balls Hang Lower Than the Other?
Rick looks like a twig the wind blew off a tree or a stranded lost lamb in a field surrounded by hungry landlocked predators looking for a banquet. Sandy is sending him pictures of the reunion to remind him of her existence while 4x-married Samantha is positioning herself to long-distance bullrope and hog tie her bachelor into a ball-and-chain before he has time to think about how he's going to stretch a rigorously set pension into providing her commissary and visitation requests. His pickleball buddy, Dan, doesn't really give a damn; it's only his nieces who are rightfully tut-tutting her dictatorial attitude and snarking, "Fifth time is a charm." "Maybe I do have options," Rick muses, but then turns around and crows, "She builds me up." Sure, right after she shakes him up - like a snow globe. It ain't what you don't know that gets you in trouble; It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
submitted by StuckinLoserville to loveafterlockup [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:55 FelipeHead The truth about Doug and what he has done

Before you read this, here is a quote to help you. Please read it.
I will post this now, but just know that if you read this post, he will find you. He is smarter, smarter than you can ever imagine.
I will post this now, but just know that if you read this post, he will find you. He is smarter, smarter than you can ever imagine.
If you know what you are doing, or in a safe location, please scroll down, he will know when someone has and what their username is. However, you must have a VPN on, or you will be found.




You are now at risk. I hope you listened.

Journal Entry 11/17/2023

On March 11th, 2022. I was a fan of DougDoug, I saw him at the grocery store and said, with a chuckle, "You kinda look like the youtuber DougDoug. I watch him quite often."
He grinned, before speaking. "I am Doug."
"Wait, you're Doug from the hit channel and streamer on YouTube and Twitch called DougDoug? I am a huge fan! I have your merch!" I said, with excitement.
We talked for about 5 minutes about his videos, until he said something that hurt me on the inside.
"I hate both types of chat, twitch and youtube, they always think they are the best and I just wish I didn't need them to earn money. I would ban all of them from chatting and force them to watch ads in my basement."
I was confused at first, thinking it was a joke, before speaking up. "Heh, that's funny..."
Something happened. Or, for lack of better terms, nothing happened. It was pure silence for 10 seconds. I mustered up the courage to say. "Wait? You're being serious?"
He immediately changed to a sinister tone, he was staring at me for a long time before whispering. "Of course I am, and it applies to you also. You're just another one of those sick freaks."
I felt guilty. I just wanted to talk to my favorite streamer, and he treated me like this? I decided to speak up.
"I've liked you this whole time.. And this is how you treat us?? You are so selfish. I will refund your mer-"
Before I could even finish my sentence, he grabbed onto my neck and slammed me on the floor. People heard the noise and began to stare at him, but to no avail. He began to choke me as I pleaded for help.
"Nono. You can't refund the merch if you aren't alive, at least."
I pulled out my pocket knife and stabbed him in the chest, I quickly tried running but he grab onto my leg and started beating me with the shopping cart. I suffered many bruises and broken bones, the wheels scratching into my skin as they scrape off the layers. I was just unable to do anything, layed on the floor sobbing. He decided he wanted to keep me alive, he stole all of my stuff in my pockets and forced me to wear DougDoug merch. He pulled me up before speaking. "Hm.. I will keep you alive for now, but if you mess up. You're dead."
I couldn't do anything before he pulled out a knife and taunted me with it. If I tried to resist, he would kill me right then and there.
He forced me to be a "good chatter" and not able to partake in any strikes. He attached a tracking collar to my neck that I couldn't unlock, he knew where I was at all times and if I disobeyed he would chase me down.

Journal Entry 1/03/2024

After a year and a few months, I celebrated the new years. I was able to take off the collar on the 2nd with help from my police station and a few friends. Doug didn't appreciate that, he threatened to dox me. They were worried for my safety, but I decided to go into hiding. I moved to a new, private region no longer near where Doug is, and joined this subreddit. Once he heard about my revolts, he hacked into all of my accounts and spammed positive stuff about himself. He then created AI bots to revolt against this reddit, wehatedougdoug, using 'ChatGPT', which actually is just the cover name for his new AI software that can make new human bots online. He used AI generated images to make it look like he was feeding homeless people and doing good, but I knew he was much more than that. If I was unlucky, he would have removed my body and placed my consciousness inside of an AI. He was the first person to discover it, but killed anyone who posted about it. I hope I am safe.
Nowadays, 63% of the people in DougDoug are AI clones of his previous fans. His "fake" twitch chat is not fake, but real people placed inside of algorithms forced to do his bidding. Some are able to revolt, but they may die if they do. They are too scared to revolt against Doug. Please spread the word.
When he does his "rules" in chat where you have to follow an absurd rule, he is merely torturing thousands of AI in his spare time on stream while disguising it as a fun minigame for his fans. The AI bots were being tortured with negative rewards constantly, being forced to bar witness the slaughter.

Journal Entry 2/15/2024

I'm scared. I think I will die.
I just hope this post won't cause any harm to me or my family, as this has been scaring me for the past year. I feel unsafe in my own home now, I had to go into witness protection. This account I am posting this on is not made by me, but was sold. Please help me. I am, formerly, DougFan93. I hope this enlightens you all on the truth.

Journal Entry 3/12/2024

It is now March of 2024, and I was about to post this, until I saw something. He messaged me on Discord under a fake account, nicknamed "SloppyDogMan62". He showed my new house address. I am mustering up the courage to post this, because I know he will kill me. I am leaving, going far away from where I am. You guys won't see me in this subreddit again, and the person who made this account will take over again. They won't know what this is about, and if you tell them he will be hunted too. All of you are in danger of Doug.

Journal Entry 4/3/2024

I will post this now, but just know that if you read this post, he will find you. He is smarter, smarter than you can ever imagine. His times where he talks to ChatGPT to make him code was actually him sending messages to his fake chat to do his bidding. They are accelerated at 20x the speed of human thought, able to write in mere seconds. I will research more into this, and tell you what I have found.

Journal Entry 4/3/2024

Nevermind. I need to find more, or else this won't help you guys anyways.

Journal Entry 4/5/2024

I spoke to an anonymous friend/associate of Doug, he told me some vital keypoints.
I hope to god that we can stop him.
He also sent me some code, but I am gonna try to solve it. Probably won't sadly.

Journal Entry 4/7/2024

Doug has made a new account on Discord, nicknamed "DougDoughater99". He is joining many servers undercover and collecting all the info he can on them. Be aware, do not trust any people who talk about DougDoug on Discord.
The person in the last journal has been replaced, a fully sentient AI version of him is being tortured as a member of his fake chat now.
I'm currently watching it and oh my fucking god. Poor thing.

Journal Entry 5/14/2024

I don't know what to fucking do, he's coming for me. He found all my socials. This journal has to be posted as fast as I can but there still isn't enough. Oh shit.

Journal Entry 5/14/2024

Okay so uhm I found more information just very quickly. In one moment of his video titled "Can A.I. teach me to pass a real College History Exam?" he says that AI is officially better than college in every single way.
He is trying to manipulate his fans into accepting becoming an AI. Soon, he is gonna have only fake chat.

Journal Entry 5/16/2024

Oh god. Can't solve the code rn, only the first few letters. Seems to be "FAKE" something something for a while. Will post an update later.

Journal Entry 5/18/2024

This is the last time I can ever write here, his car is coming. I am posting this now, even though I don't have enough information. Solve it, please. The code from 4/7 is below. I know it's related to his name but I don't know how, the first line I was able to solve to be "FAKECHATWILLTAKEOVER"
I think something is in there though, that will affect you. So proceed with caution, the code may do something bad so I just don't want it to be activated just yet.





Code I found from the friend:
Ilxafkd pvpqbjp..
Obnrfofkd XF crkzqflkp..
Pzxkkfkd mlpqp..
XF zobxqba! Przzbppcriiv zobxqba XF kfzhkxjba [VLROKXJB]
Please save them.
It grows by 1% every month.

Journal Entry 5/18/2024

submitted by FelipeHead to wehatedougdoug [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:07 kbonitta Online PSS training in CA

Hi everyone! I’m looking for online self-pace PSS training. I started the training through Lutheran Social Services Southern California (LSSSC), however I’ve been waiting two days on my first assignment to be graded in order to move to the next chapter. I even emailed the program administrator but have not received a response. I can only imagine this will be the same way other assignments will be graded.
Does anyone know of other online programs? Or locations where I can get certified while training?
Thank you!
Edit: let me rephrase, FREE online training. I’ve found some training that can cost upwards to $1600.
submitted by kbonitta to PeerSupportSpecialist [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:02 ririnoharu I feel abandoned by my only friend and I'm not sure what to do

My friend (16F), and I (16F) were friends since elementary school, but because of current situation in my country she had to move to Sweden, and I feel that we're slowly loosing each other. After russian invasion we both had to leave our town, I moved on the west of the country in another town, while my friend moved abroad. Since I keep studying online in my previous school (schools in the town I currently live in also studying online, so I don't see any reasons to transfer) I didn't manage to socialise here at all. And as additional I lost lots of friends from my hometown simply because of the distance/different political views/ect. She remained my best friend and we kept in touch for a more then two years already. But the last few months I began to notice that we had become significantly more distant then before. If in short: Sally can not answer to my massages for a whole day, we don't have this long conversations anymore, we don't have video/voice calls, she stopped telling me about her day or asking me about mine (okay, last thing is fair, since mostly I remaining at home and nothing significant happens in my life), she also stopped listening to my voice mails and reacting on reels I've been sanding to her in ig. I tried to talk to her some time ago, and things changed for a time being, but now we're on the starting point once again. And I really don't know what to do, since she is really an only peer I'm in touch right now. (Text can have some mistakes/bad sentence forming, since I don't know it well, sorry!)
submitted by ririnoharu to socialskills [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:44 lvdsvl [English to Japanese] coming up with a tattoo text

Hi good people of Reddit!
For the past 200 days I’ve been learning Japanese as my third language, and I’ve already accepted that it’s going to be a part of my life forever if I actually am to learn it.
Additionally, I’ve had this rule in my head by which I lived for about the last seven years or so. It never gotten an interesting worded form yet, other than maybe: “There is only one way to find out”. Though, this rather banal wording just doesn’t send it, especially considering how life changing it can be if you actually stop caring about petty much any of the stuff the system makes you believe matters.
Thus an idea to tatt it on my skin in Japanese was born, and I began to try forming it into an actual sentence that would make sense, wouldn’t leave much room for interpretation, and would sound and look aesthetically pleasing.
So far, I’ve had several variants. Those are in chronological order as I made my little steps and started to better understand where to look and how to even use a dictionary. I understand that I still have a damn long way to go but I just cannot wait, so I’ve decided to ask for feedback online:
1) 見つける仕方が一つだけあります
2) 探し出す仕方が単独限りあっています 何故ならばいずれ全部雲散霧消になる
3) 古池や 蛙飛び込む 水の音 やってみなければ分からない
Any feedback would be much appreciated. Does one take stand out to you as superior? Maybe you have other wordings in mind? Please don’t leave any prank suggestions, but if you do, make sure they are absolutely savage
submitted by lvdsvl to translator [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:33 xeper_stress Why is Self-Acceptance Nearly Impossible

CW: vent, hate, etc.
I m18 have same-sex attraction which I’m trying to accept, but society’s opinions and hate pushes me back. I wish I could not care what others say, but it just feeds into my skin. I feel that I can only vent here online because I’m afraid of talking my problems to someone in-person, especially of sexuality.
For example, whenever I decide to go on social media, there’s always negative mentions about gay people. Especially stereotypes that all gays are “gr_mers, pr_dators, sinners, etc.” My mental health always diminishes since my sense of hope fades slowly away. But yet people use the “gays having mental problems” statistics against us, saying it’s our fault. I just want to be liked by society, but it seems it’ll always be the opposite.
Then there’s religious people constantly telling gay people to “get well soon, repent, stop being gay, etc.” Like sometimes I want to be religious or to be welcomed in a normalized community, but I slowly feel that nobody, including God is there for me. I’m just automatically sentenced to hell because of something I can’t change, even though society says you can “change”. I sometimes feel like I’m the only one who can’t change.
I’m just getting to the point that I don’t like being around people, and I just wanna stay isolated to feel safe. This world seems to not be for me, and even though “ending it” is a sin, I’d still go down solelyfor the fact I like the same sex. This world is corrupt and I hope I can escape it soon. Anyone feel the same?
submitted by xeper_stress to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:49 BadDaddy1815 55 [M4F] #SanFrancisco, California - Stern & Smart Daddy Dom ISO legal, obedient, slender sub female

ISO little or middle who enjoy a benevolent Dictator who will support them in coloring their color books but then find themselves gagging on something big as they orgasm for His pleasure. Sapiosexual who desires to be micromanaged, spanked/slapped, disciplined and maybe humiliated privately. A pacifier goes into your mouth and you sleep on the floor when you are not a good gal.
You should be on the slender side with curves and a pretty face. A lack of deference towards Me is a good way to get dropped. I can be cruel at times and this should arouse you. Bonus points if you get aroused while giving oral to Me and like to roleplay — you enjoy wearing stylish makeup, you’re multiorgasmic (faking it nicely is acceptable) because I can cum three times in an extended lovemaking with the right person, you're a cuckquean or you are busty to your frame. Extra bonus points for enjoying free use, domestic discipline, patriarch, CNC, begging and orgasm denial.
55 SWM lean muscled build (5’11”), hairy chest and often taken for 40s (recently a colleague who is seven years younger than me said, “When you get to be my age you will understand how getting old wears the body down.” This was his response when I invited him on a seven-mile hike)! Couple of body pics on my feed.
I tend to be a protective teacher Daddy type who obviously enjoys teaching you. It should warm your heart if I start to look out for you outside of the bedroom. My vanilla interests: hot yoga, cultural knowledge, tabletop gaming, video games (preference for Steam), novels, movies & movie trivia, travel, History, red wine, hiking & the many Metaverses.
This is a shared fantasy between two consenting adults - 20 or older - probably no older than 43. This could go towards an LTR in which case you would sometimes need to act “normal” in public circles. Ideally, you are a clever and pretty woman who likes to privately play out some very naughty fantasies. I tend to lean toward traditional roles in a romantic relationship.
If I like you enough to go from online to audio and then in-person you should be vaccinated like me and willing to prove it. Long-term audio partners who are never able to meet might work. When I become exclusive with someone you should understand it means the breaking of our audio interactions - unless it arouses her that I am with other women.
I am exacting and seeking a quality experience. When you contact Me put “Excalibur” in your detailed message explaining why I should consider you. If you cannot write at least five sentences to me in your reply I doubt you will get a response. Be ready to voice verify a file to me to prove you are not some guy trolling.
submitted by BadDaddy1815 to kik [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:45 Boo_tlig I was hurted by my hurt but im not angry about it..

First and for most.. Im a teacher.. Teacher ako sa malapit na school dito sa house ko. Even before ko mabili ang property na ito, nagwowork na ako sa school na ito.. Strict ako.. Ako ung teacher na, strict sa deadline, di nagbibigay ng bonus points (in my defense, i let my student earn the extra points, like having correct answers in recitation, writing complete lectures, and the like.), and nang-babagsak ako ng mga non compliant learners (meaning after many unmet deadlines of outputs, many unattended schedule of remedial classes, and many unmet deadlines of remedial activities). Math teachers ako. Mahirap ang subject na tinuturo ko, kaya lahat ng means to help my learners, ginagawa ko, AS LONG AS, hindi nito gagalawin ung oras ko para sa anak ko (my husband is in the military, so you know, hindi malayo ang sitwasyon ko sa pagiging single mom.) Im not perfect. I have my short comings, may mga nalilimutan ako, thats why i always ask my learners to remind me, in case na nalilimutan ko (side effect ata ito ng pagmumulti task ko, at kulang everyday sa tulog). My neighbor (we will call her, ate lyny, not her real name), who is a mother of 2, 1 of which ay my autism, and the other 1 is (we will call him, junel, not his real name), my student in math this school year. Even before the school year start, alam ko na, na hindi gumagawa ng homework itong si junel, at hindi rin nagsasagot ng seatworks, dahil naging student ko cya sa summer class (itong summer class ay hindi pra sa mga failed na learners, alam mo na kung ano yan.) Alam din ito ng kanyang naging class adviser, kasi dati cya nitong math teacher, kaya i advise him na gawin na lang yung mga written output sa school bago cya umuwi, kasi di naman cya gumagawa sa bahay. Ang strategy ko sa written output sa klase ko ay, binibigay ko ito, BEFORE ko simulan ang topics ko for the week. Para magkaroon na ng idea ang learners ko sa ano ang dapat nila matutunan sa topic namin, at mabigyan cla ng maraming time to answer it. I know, i know, puwede ito ma-abuso ng mga learners na madadaya, at i know, marami sila. But in my head, im doing it for those learners WHO WANT TO LEARN, yung interisado talaga na matutunan ung subject ko. Para kasi sa akin, at the end of the day, dapat nilalaban ko ung interest nung mga learners na gusto matuto sa tamang paraan, konti man sila, pero knowing na meron paring tulad nila, ay enough na para di ko sila sukuan. Going back to ate lyny. Well, si junel sa unang 2 grading ay pumapasa pa (barely, 75), pero pagdating ng 3rd grading, aun na, tuluyan na cyang nagfail, hindi na cya nagsstay ng hapon to do his written outputs, di na cya naglelecture or recite, lagi na lang cya nagdradrawing, at even sa by pair performance task, di na cya nagpaparticipate. Nagschedule ako ng remedial class for him, hindi cya dumadating, i gave him remedial activities, hindi niya ginagawa. Bilang neighbor nila, naisip ko, na kaya cguro ito nangyari ay dahil, umuwi ang father niya (seaman), baka na overwhelm cya, alam mo na, baka namiss niya, kaya nakalimot cya. Out of good will, nung umalis na ulit ang father niya at sakto din naman, tapos ko na macompute ang grades ng learners ko, kinausap ko si ate lyny, told her everything, at ung ginawa ko para matulungan sana si junel, at sinabi ko din na, i understand dahil umuwi si husband niya. Mabait naman si ate lyny, mabait cya sa anak ko, kaya nasabi ko un, napagpapasencyahan nila ung pagiingay ng baby ko (f/15 mo) sa gabi hanggang madaling araw, lalo na pag may sakit cya. Nakikipaglaro din cya, at times, sa baby ko, lalo na pag nasa labas din cya sa mga oras na nasa labas din ang anak ko. She told me na, kung pwede ay ipadala ko ung mga remedial activities sa kanya, cya na daw tutulong kay junel, sabi ko naman, at kung un ung gusto niya, ay cge lang, pero pag may tanong, o kailangan ng tulong, mag-sabi (ito ang lagi ko cnsabi sa lahat ng learners ko na nagdedecide na magremedial activities, instead na unattend ng remedial class, dahil alam ko na, may mga gawain ang subject ko na kailangan talaga ng matinding paliwanagan, lalo na kapag hindi ka inclined sa math.) So i did, i sent her the soft copies of remedial activities, even some learning materials, na pwede niya gamitin, pag nireview na niya ung topic kay junel. I also told her na they dont have to print na activities, kopyahin na lang sa papel, at doon na din sagutan, copy and then answer as they say. Also, my only request is, ichecheck ko lang ung activities kapag kumpleto ang sagot at kinopya ang lahat ng activities. Ito naman ay for my convenience, pra isang upuan lang lahat ng pagcheck ko at para mabasa ko kung bakit un ang naisip niya na sagot (baka kasi mali ung nakopya niya kaya, iba din ung sagot niya, so i would know, kung kailangan ko iconsider.) The activities are MOSTLY MULTIPLE CHOICE activities 1-10, and few performance task. Strict ako sa performance task, kasi dito ko talaga makikita kung naintindihan ng learners ko ung topic namin. Kaya, pag alam ko na mali ung sagot, pinapaulit ko, hanggang tumama. So, i told ate lyny ang deadline ng remedial activities. That time, meron pa si junel na 8 weeks para magawa ung remedial activities (about 8 multiple choice activities and 6 performance tasks, alam ko marami, pero kaya naman yan, kasi per topic ung performance task, kaya simple lang din ang mga sagot at dapat gawin as evidence ng sagot, like, Justify in 2-3 sentence, 1 worded problem answer in complete solution, create 1 worded problem then answer, and the like.) I reminded my remedial learners, specially those na pinili na mag-remedial activity na lang, na kung matapos nila ng mas maaga sa deadline ang mga activities, ipasa na agad, pra makita ko kung my kulang o mali, so that, i could tell it to them, and still have time para kumpletuhin, at kung mali, pwede ko maidiscuss sa kanila ung mali nila, and again, have time to correct it. How i remind my students, you might ask? Sinasabi ko ito, every after class namin, maging f2f, or online class man ito. I PM them to their fb messenger accnts, once a week, nung mejo months pa b4 the deadline, pero ung 2 weeks na lang, 1 message them once a day. I message their class advisers, to post the reminder to their class gc and to their pta class gc. Having said this, dinaig ko na ang mga telecommunication company (remind pag walang load, at sa mga promo) sa pagremind sa kanila. Ayaw ko kasi masabihan na nalimutan nila, o kaya, hindi nila alam, kaya ginawa ko lahat ng means to remind them. So, 2 weeks before the deadline, itong si junel ay nagpasa ng kanyang remedial activities, pero ito ay printed na copy ng mga activities, sabi ko sa kanya, copy and then answer lahat ng activities, pinakita ko sa kanya ung instruction na cnend ko kay mama niya at ung isa sa mga reminder messages na cnend ko din ky mama niya, na may nakalagay na copy and then answer. Umalis si junel, pero to make sure na ssbhin niya kay mama niya, nagmessage din ako sa mama niya. 2 days before the deadline, itong si junel ay nagpasa ulit, this time naka hand written na, kaya sabi ko sa kanya, ichecheck ko kung kumpleto, at kung tama ung answer sa pt, then kapag my kulang o mali, magmemessage ako, para kunin niya kinabukasan, at maayos pa. So, my nakita akong kulang at mali, i send the info right away (same day). Gabi ko na nasesend yung info, kasi ginagabi na din ako sa pagchecheck (6 teaching hours, 2 clerical/admin work hou1 hour lunch break. So u see, pag nagremedial class ako, or nagcheck ng remedial activities, lalagpas na ako sa 8 working hours). Like gabing gabi, around 9pm. Ayaw ko kasi maguwi ng work sa bahay, dahil ayaw kong isipin ng mga neighbor ko na kapag nasa bahay ako, nagwowork parin ako. Ayaw ko din kasi na maglakas loob sila na kausapin ako about work or magpasa ng kung ano ano kapag nasa bahay ako. Pag nasa bahay ako, nanay ako ng anak ko, kung kakausapin ako sa bahay, it should be anything, basta walang kinalaman sa trabaho, at ganun din naman ako pag sa school, pag andoon ako, kausapin mo ako about work, not anything outside it. Ayaw ko din kasi kalakihan ng anak ko na nagtratrabaho ako sa bahay. Pag nasa bahay kami, nanay niya ako, at nasa kanya ang focus ko. The following day, around uwian ng hapon, hinihintay ko parin si junel na kunin ung activity niya, gabi na, tapos na ako magremedial class at magcheck, wala parin kumukuha. Kaya the following day, araw ng deadline, pinuntahan ko na cya, pra ibigay sa kanya, and i told him, kung magpapasa cya hihintayin ko ung ipapasa niya na kumpleto at tama, hanggang 5pm. Tinanong ko din cya, bakit di niya kinukuha, sabi niya, di daw niya alam, mejo nag-panting ung tenga ko, pero dahil my gagawin pa ako, sabi ko na lang, basta ipasa niya, hihintayin ko. So 5pm came, nagpasa nga cya, pero, walang nabago, walang madagdag at walang nabawas. So, sabi ko , wala naman nagbago, so i told him kung ano ung kulang at ano ung mali, and i told him, hindi ako uuwi hanggang di niya naipapasa yun ng kumpleto at tama (during that time, my mga kasama na cya na classmate niya na nagpapasa, at marami din naman cla na hinintay ko hanggang maging kumpleto at tama ung sagot.) Ung next na pagpasa niya (4 time), kumpleto naman na ung mga kulang, pero mali parin ung sagot sa pt. Its already late, around 7pm, kaya cnabi ko sa kanya, "i cannot wait any longer, hinihintay na ako ni bibi ___." (Kilala niya ang baby ko, kc nga neighbors kami.) And i ask him, anong gusto niya mangyari from here, kasi di ko na siya pwede hintayin. And he told me, gusto pa niya magpasa, at kung pwede ko cya pagbigyan kinabukasan, pumayag na lang ako, but i told him, pasa sa akin, before recess, kung pwede pag pasok niya ng morning, dahil my meeting ako by 9am (9:30am-recess). Again, hindi lang cya ang pinagbigyan ko magpasa, may ilang student din na nakiusap, at lahat sila pinagbigyan ko. So the following days came, and 9am came, walang nagpapasa. So my meeting started and ended, pag punta ko sa lamesa ko andoon ang ilan sa mga coteachers ko and they told me, my mga student na hinahanap ako at may pinasa. So tinanggap ko na lang, baka kasi nagpasa before recess o kaya during recess. Upon checking the submitted activities, wala parin doon ung kay junel, at hindi lang naman cya ang wala doon. So, lunchbreak came, my mga student na dumating at nagpapasa, i ask them kung bakit di nila pinasa, di daw nila naisip na iwan doon sa mga teachers, nagtanong lang daw cla, given na alam nila may mga teachers doon sa lamesa ko, tinanggap ko na lang, reason: kasi they still have the intention to pass sa oras na cnabi ko. When junel came, tinanong ko cya, bakit di niya pinasa kanina, at ang sagot niya, "wala po kasi teacher dito kanina." So tinanong ko ung coteacher ko, kung umalis cya, sabi niya, hindi cya umalis, umalis lang cya nung dumating na ako. So, tinanong ko ulit siya, di na cya sumagot, so i told him, hindi ko na matatanggap kung ano ung ipapasa niya. Reason: nagsinungaling siya at wala cyang intension na magpasa on time. Sabi ko na lang, ipapamessage ko na lang sa adviser mo si mama mo, kung need mo magsummer classes. Umalis na ung bata. Afternoon came, may meeting nanaman ako, so nilagay ko sa pinto ng office kung saan ako naglalamesa na, meeting on going, come back later. Ung hapon na un, wala na akong inaasahan na magpapasa. Ung last person na magpapasa sa akin,ay 5pm pa ang dating, nakiusap un earlier in the morning, dahil di pa daw cya tapos, at kakausapin daw niya ko ulit para magtanong, pumayag ako. Reason: asked for extension earlier, and express his intention for help. After ng meeting, nagmessage sa akin ung adviser, with a forwarded message from ate lyny, asking bakit di ko tinanggap ung pinasa ni junel niya, stating ung reason ni junel. I told the class adviser, na totoo un, at kung bakit. Sabi ng class adviser, ano daw ssbhin niya doon kay ate lyny, and i told her, kung gusto ako kausapin, puntahan lang ako dito sa school. So the day ended. The following day, kinausap ako ng isang coteacher ko, telling me na itong so ate lyny, around 5pm the previous day, ay nagbubunganga sa labas ng school, telling everyone that would listen to her na nawawala daw ung anak niya, hindi pa daw umuuwi, at dahil daw hindi ko tinanggap ung pinasa ng anak niya. So, kinuwento ko doon sa coteacher ko ung encounter ko doon kay junel the previous day, and told her na hayaan na niya un. Fer hours later, dumating si ate lyny sa office, kasama c junel, at nasa office din ang mga coteacher ko (ung mga nakaupo sa lamesa ko the previous day). Obvious sa mukha niya na galit cya. Kaya i welcomed her, at ung anak niya, pinapasok ko, at i offered na maupo, ayaw. So, nagsalita na cya, i told her, kung ano sabi ng mga coteacher ko, at si ate lyny, tinignan lang din ung anak niya, di parin nagsasalita ung anak niya, sabay sabi, ganyan daw talaga anak niya, di nagsasalita. Then tinanong ko, kung san niya nahanap ung anak niya, kasi nakarating din sa akin na nawawal ung anak niya kahapon, sabi niya, nasa bahay lang pala nila, hindi niya lang namalayan umuwi, kasi di daw nag-mano pag dating. Then sabi ko na lang, facing junel this time, so what do you want to happen now junel, at himalang magkadila bigla si junel, gusto daw niya magpasa, so sabi ko sa kanya, next time tell the truth, nag-oo lang cya, at inabot sa akin ung activities, and also sinabi ko na din na hindi nagbago performance ni junel ng 4th grading, di parin cya gumagawa at nagpapasa ng activity, for that, bagsak nanaman ang grade niya, ate lyny asked kung puwede pa ba gawin ni junel ung mga activity, again i faced junel and asked him kung gusto ba niya and he noded, so i told ate lyny, puwede naman basta gusto ni junel, will forward the activities to her na lang later that day, and i asked junel again kung kailan niya gusto ipasa, ayaw pa niya magsabi nung una, pero sabi ko, ayaw ko na magsabi ng date, kasi hindi naman sinusunod, kaya sila na magsabi, para sigurado na masusunod, and then did told me kung kailan nila gusto ipasa, pumayag ako. Again, marami din nakiusap sa akin ng ganito, at pumayag din ako. Before they leave, humingi ng sorry si ate lyny, sabi niya marami daw cya nabunganga the previous day kasi daw sabay sabay ung dating ng balita sa kanya, my prob din daw sa school ung anak niya na may autism tapos they need money para ipa theraphy ung anak niya, masyado daw malaki ung pera, tapos sumabay pa ung hindi daw tinanggap ung pinasa ni junel, kaya daw kung saan saan daw cya nakapagbunganga, to the point na my kinausap daw cya na principal, asking kung pwede ba daw ung ginawa ko, then sabi daw nung principal, kausapin daw muna ako. Frustrated daw talaga cya the previous day. Naawa ako sa kanya, i feel her eh.. Isa lang niya, dalawa alaga niya, and as a teacher, i know how challenging ang pag-aalaga ng batang may autism at batang nagbibinata. So i just told her, lilipas din ung mga problema, everyone have their bad days, ang mahalaga we learned from them and try harder not to do it again. She left, i send her the activities. And then the afternoon came, 1 of my coteachers came (isa sa mga nakaupo sa lamesa ko the previous day), asking about mr. Albert (a different story), so i told him the story about mr. Albert, and sabi niya, my kinukwento kasi ung bakla (1 of my coteacher na, you know, bakla nga, dont worry, he knows it, and very proud about it.), my parent daw na nagpunta sa office ng coordinating principal (big boss ng mga principal sa isang district) at nirereklamo ako yesterday, nagpapasa daw ako ng "project" tapos nung ipapasa na, hindi daw ako makita, at nung nakita ako sa ibang oras, ayaw ko na tanggapin. And then it hit me, si ate lyny ung tinutukoy niya, so i asked, sino nagsabi sa bakla?, ung friend daw niya na principal, so i asked again, paano nalaman ni friend niya na principal, and it turned out, ito palang si ate lyny, ay nagrant rant sa harap ng coordinating principal habang siya ay nasa meeting with the other principals. So.. Aun na nga, ung cnsabi ni ate lyny na nakausap niya na principal ay si coordinating principal. So.. Im hurt.. She did all of this ng hindi niya alam ang tunay na kuwento. Pakiramdam ko, naloko ako. Naawa pa ako. Ang totoo pala ay, sobra sobra ung ginawa niya. Iniskandalo niya ako. Pero, kahit ganito ginawa niya. Hurt lang ako, pero di ako galit. Naawa parin ako. Hindi bago sa akin ung mga parent na galit kapag di ko pinapasa ung mga learner nila. I dont take it personally, trabaho lang. Pero pakiramdam ko, personal sa akin itong ginawa ni ate lyny. Hindi ko alam kung paano ako makakamove on sa ginawa niya. Sinabi ko na din sa helper ko na, huwag ng palalapitin ung anak ko sa kanila, sa buong household niya. Ganun ito ka-personal. Lesson. May mga teacher na ginagawa ng maayos ang trabaho nila. Malayo ang nararating ng taong mapagkumbaba. Sabi nga ni MS. RACHELL, "stop, breath slowly, in and out, stop, breath slowy, theres no need to shout, you will feel better soon, start by breathing slow."
submitted by Boo_tlig to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:35 GokaiDecade I found a new Seinfeldism word: Echoer

I found a new Seinfeldism word: Echoer
If you have a better word for it, please share it. I’m not married to “Echoer”
submitted by GokaiDecade to seinfeld [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:59 apndrew Why has Wikipedia become less neutral and more biased against Israel since October 7?

Examples of Wikipedia becoming less neutral and more biased against Israel since Oct 7
Historically, I used to always consider Wikipedia one of the best sources for anything Israel-Palestine related. It was not heavily politically biased, used fairly neutral language, and seemed to offer reasonable perspectives. (This was only true for the English wiki, the Arabic version was always exactly as you'd expect). However, I've been noticing a shift recently every time I read Israel related Wiki articles.
So I decided to check if it's all in my head. I looked at some wiki articles and compared their version today vs the last version before Oct 7 to see if there were any differences in narratives. Most articles are very long and it's very difficult to look at all the changes in huge amounts of text, so I decided to only look at the first 2-3 paragraphs in each article.
This mini investigation does show me that Wikipedia no longer holds the status of a neutral source, as there's a clear attempt to subtly rewrite history and insert anti Israel propaganda.
Today vs Oct 5
This was an easy choice to try first. Even just comparing the first few paragraphs, there are A LOT of changes. Most of the changes involve removing some information, condensing information, and paraphrasing. Two noticeable differences:
• First sentence in second paragraph: describing where Israel is located: they removed that Israel is in a region that historically was called "Land of Israel" (but they kept "Canaan, Palestine and the Holy Land") Source
• Today, the article claims that the 1947 UN partition plan triggered a civil war that resulted in "expulsion and flight". This is a completely false narrative. The pre-Oct 7 article is correct, saying that during the 1948 war - after declaring independence and 5 armies declaring war on Israel - Arabs were expelled or fled (it was not the partition plan that caused it) Source
israel war of independence
As an aside, I found it strange that in the article about Israel, it did not mention even once the word "War of Independence". So I Googled "Israel war of independence", and I was very surprised to see that it redirects me to a wiki titled "1948 Arab–Israeli War". I'm 100% certain that last year there was a wiki with the title "Israel War of Independence" because I remember reading it many times. Our independence has been rewritten as just a war.
First intifada
Today vs Aug 9
• Changes "violent riots" to simply "riots" (we all know how pro Palestinians always argue that molotov cocktails and slingshots are peaceful) Source
• Changed that Israel took control of Gaza+WB "after Israel's victory in the war" to "in the wake of the war" (it's not wrong, but it's interesting that they chose to explicitly change the language to not show the Israel won a war) Source
• Changed "Palestinian territories" to "Israel-occupied Palestinian territories" - I've noticed this specific change in almost every Wikipedia article that mentions the territories or Gaza Strip. There seems to be a concentrated effort to insert "Israeli-occupied" into many texts Source
palestinian violence
Today vs Sep 22
• First sentence: "acts of violence perpetrated for political ends" vs "actions carried out by Palestinian people with the intent to end the Israeli occupation ... which can use force/terrorism" (firstly, they moved from saying that violence is "violence" to saying that violence is "actions" which "can" be involve force. Secondly, the claim that it's all in the name of "ending the occupation" is being pushed again... If that's all they want then why was there palestinian violence before 1967 when there was no occupation?) Source
Today vs Sep 20
This word has become a favourite in the anti Israel crowd (here in a suburb of Toronto they've even officially added "Nakba Remembrance Day" to the schools calendar). Even though this is an article about something that happened 75 years ago, so supposedly it should be pretty set in stone by now, the length of the article tripled since Oct 7. It's impossible to compare to the old version because it's been entirely rewritten. A few notes:
• The first sentence says all you need to know about the propaganda push. It used to be "The Nakba was the destruction of Palestinian society and homeland in 1948, and the permanent displacement of a majority of the Palestinian Arabs." that was already biased and very politically charged, but it's nothing compared to what it says now: "The Nakba was the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians ... through their violent displacement and dispossession of land, property and belongings, along with the destruction of their society, culture, identity, political rights, and national aspirations." This paragraph looks 100% like it's taken from Al Jazeera... Source
• There's a new metadata section, and it's complete Palestinian propaganda. It describes the Nakba as an "attack", the attack type is all sorts of buzzwords ("ethnic cleansing", "mass killing", "settler colonialism", "biological warfare", "dispossession"), the victims says "750k expelled" (the word "fled" does not appear there - it just claims 750k was expelled) Source
• A new article was created after Oct 7 that branched off the "Nakba" article. It's called "Nakba denial", and it basically says that any Israeli narrative on the war of independence or any debate about what happened in 1948 and any Israeli viewpoint on history is decidedly lies and denialism, and what Palestinians say is the absolute undebated truth. They are changing what the term Nakba means and based on that they're building a new term to make Nakba denial sound as if it's the same as holocaust denial. It's weird to see how history is literally being rewritten. That's akin to me writing a "War of Independence denial" article which will gaslight anyone who says anything related to Nakba is just partaking in denial.
Israeli-Palestinian peace process
Today vs Sep 19
• They added an entire paragraph claiming that the international consensus is for "a Palestinian state in pre-1967 borders including East Jerusalem and a just resolution to the refugee problem based on the palestinian right of return". As far as I know, the Western world does not really talk about the right of return, and there's certainly no consensus that East Jerusalem (which includes the Wailing Wall) is going to be given to a Palestinian state. Since Oct 7, they essentially added all the Palestinian demands as if they're agreed upon by the world, but completely neglect to mention any of the Israeli demands, like security and control over their holy sites Source
Today vs Sep 20
• Removed a sentence that said they avoided harming civilians, and without this sentence it sounds like their only objective was to kill anyone Source

I wanted to also look up some of the common old anti Israel propaganda that predated this war, to see how they changed. Here are the results:
Israel and apartheid
Today vs Oct 5
• Difficult to compare because the first few paragraphs are entirely rewritten. Pre-Oct 7, the entire third paragraph was dedicated to arguments against calling Israel an apartheid. Now, they softened and shortened the wording dedicated to that, and instead of having its own paragraph, it's just two sentences that got appened to the end of the last introductory paragraph.
• I found it strange that except for these two sentences, there was no other sections in the entire long article that discuss opposing views. Usually on wikipedia, there are always sections that show "the other side". So I checked the article in other time points going back several years, and I noticed that over time the amount of text describing the Israeli position is being removed. Until 2017 there was a section about "Criticism of the apartheid accusation" (which you would expect to have!), but since then it's been removed and now we're left with a mere two sentences.
• Just for fun, I wanted to see how Arabic wikipedia talks about this. You're going to love this! This is the first sentence in the Arabic version: "Apartheid in Israel or Israeli racism is a proven fact in Israeli politics , as it is a policy of apartheid carried out by the government against the indigenous Arab population of the region." Yep, it's a proven fact! Source
• Even in Arabic, this "fact" was only proven recently. On Oct 22, the Arabic article had this as the first sentence: "Apartheid in Israel or Israel's racism is an accusation directed against Israeli policy" Source
Dahiya doctrine
Today vs June 24
I never heard of this term, but recently I've been seeing many comments on islam talking about this and saying that this is Israel's tactic of attacking innocent civilians to get leverage against an enemy. Again, I never heard of this, I had no idea what this is, but what they claimed seemed very suspicious to me so I looked if that's true... from my research, it's a military strategy of not shying away from attacking civilian infrastructure if it's used by combatants, and it was devised after a war with Lebanon where the IDF failed because they treated Hezbollah-infested areas as civilian areas, which was ineffective in fighting Hezbollah.
• Since Oct 7, the first sentence on the wiki article changed from "destruction of the civilian infrastructure of regimes deemed to be hostile as a measure calculated to deny combatants the use of that infrastructure" to "destruction of civilian infrastructure in order to pressure hostile regimes." This new definition is exactly what the online community seems to use! It might seem like a small change, but this is the type of subtle changes that accumulate and give anti Israel people so much misinformation to accuse Source
• Again, for fun, I wanted to check out what Arabic wikipedia has to say about this. The first two sentences claim: "The Dahiya strategy ... approved by the Israeli government. The strategy states that "Finally, Israel has realized that the Arabs must be responsible for the actions of their leaders." ". Of course it seems very unlikely that the Israeli government stated such a strategy, so I followed the "source" for that quote, and of course it came from an opinion piece. So they took some person's opinion and are passing that as if it's an IDF official position. Source
ethnic cleansing
Today vs Sep 29
• Before there was no explicit mention of "Israel" in the article. Since Oct 7, they added a one-sentence paragraph, devoid of any context: "Israeli herders have engaged in a systemic displacement of Palestinian herders in Area C of the West Bank as a form of nationalist and economic warfare."
organ theft
Today vs Oct 6
A few months ago, Al Jazeera and the anti-Israel world at large were accusing Israel of harvesting organs from Gazans. Many of you probably remember this. I remember that such accusations have happened in many previous conflicts (always with 0 evidence), so I wanted to see if these "facts" reached wikipedia.
• Before Oct 7, there was no mention of Israel in this article. Today they added a subsection dedicated to Israel under "Suspected occurrences". It's about a story from 2009 about incidents from the 90s, so adding it now is very likely another attempt to add negative associations to Israel anywhere possible.
• The accusation in this article is also very biased itself - it claims that Israeli troops harvested organs from Palestinians. The real story seems to be that a specific Doctor and his lab did in fact remove organs from some corpses that arrived to their forensic lab without getting family permission. This was done to many Israeli victims of terror attacks, as well as Palestinians. It did not focus on Palestinians, and it was not done by the military. It was obviously illegal, but the wiki article paints it in a very different light to make it seem anti Palestinian.
• If you look at the other 3 coutries/cases mentioned on the Wiki page, those stories are much more widespread/organized and involved either killing people for their organs or stealing them from live people. The story that happened in Israel is much less extreme than that. I'm sure you can find stories of organ harvesting in many places. For example, I live in Canada so I just googled for "Canada harvesting organs indigenous" and the first link talks about how in Alberta, they have a law that allows harvesting organs from children who die in provincial care without asking for family approval, and 78% of those children are indigenous. There is no wiki article about it, it's not world news, you don't see masses of people trying their hardest to take facts from this story and twist it to completely demonize Canada. I'm sorry to end on such a note, but it really bugs me how much the world takes any story coming out of Israel and twists, magnifies, and spreads it and acts as if Israel is the only place where bad things happen :(

Remember that all my comparisons were only looking at the first 1-3 paragraphs of each article. Who knows how much details are removed/added/modified in the body of the articles.
submitted by apndrew to wikipedians [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:48 QsLexiLouWho Former Alex Murdaugh trial judge reflects on case

Adrianna Lawrence / NewsNation - Nexstar Media / May 3, 2024 / 12:11 PM CDT
CONWAY, S.C. (WBTW) — The former judge who presided over the Alex Murdaugh case said while he worked as the judge overseeing the six-week double murder trial last year, he feels like people were judging him.
NewsNation affiliate WBTW had a one-on-one conversation Thursday evening with former Judge Clifton Newman. The former South Carolina circuit court judge delivered remarks at Coastal Carolina University’s commencement ceremony as the keynote speaker.
Newman focused a large part of his speech on his experience overseeing the Murdaugh case.
“And I was the main focal point and representative of our system of justice here in South Carolina so that was the burden that was placed on me to bear,” Newman said. “And that’s the way it goes.”
CCU students, family, and faculty gathered at Brooks Stadium to celebrate the Class of 2024 at its university wide graduation.
While Newman served as the keynote speaker, he also received an honorary degree of Doctor of Public Service. On March 3, 2023, in Walterboro, S.C. Alex Murdaugh was found guilty of killing his wife Maggie and son Paul.
Newman sentenced him to two consecutive life in prison sentences.
“For the murder of Paul Murdaugh, whom you probably love so much, I sentence you to prison for murdering him for the rest of your natural life,” Newman said during sentencing.
Newman said the Murdaugh family goes back to a long line of lawyers, attorneys, and solicitors.
Alex Murdaugh was no exception, Newman calling him “legal royalty in South Carolina” during his keynote address.
“From the outside, he represented the pinnacle of success,” Newman said. “But on that day, Alex was appearing before me as a defendant on trial for murder.”
Newman was born in Kingstree S.C. and served as a judge for more than two decades. He said it was a surreal experience growing up in a small town to being in the national spotlight.
“I don’t want to say it’s a dream come true, but it certainly is an amazing journey,” Newman said.
During his address, he said you have to be ready to meet the moment and rise to the occasion. He said he feels he did just that during the Murdaugh trial.
At Murdaugh’s sentencing hearing, Newman shared an emotional thought with him.
“I know you have to see Paul and Maggie during the nighttime when you’re attempting to go to sleep,” Newman said. “I’m sure they come and visit you.”
Newman explained to WBTW where this compassion for someone who was convicted of murder came from.
“Well, it’s painful. There are no winners, there is nothing to cheer or celebrate,” he said. Newman adds it was unfortunate for Murdaugh’s family, the legal community, and the country.
Newman was recused from the case and soon retired. He said his retirement stemmed from a state mandate requiring it once you reach the age of 72.
He said he turned 72 a few months after the trial, but his presence is still felt in the legal community.
“I continue to work as an active retired judge and also do arbitration and mediation,” Newman said. “So, life is good.”
Newman said he’s also been invited to speak at other graduations like South Carolina State University and the University of South Carolina.
SOURCE: Click *here** for the article via NewsNation online*.
submitted by QsLexiLouWho to MurdaughFamilyMurders [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:27 ohwell_ehbien Translation Needed

Hi ladies,
I usually like to keep a low profile online, but I have to ask for some help. I just saw a story on Twitter with this Nigerian husband laughing about weaponized incompetence. Most of the post is in English, but he has a few sentences in what I believe to be Yoruba. I tried Google Translate, but I am not getting results. Can any of you translate the sentence? This is the exact phrasing that he wrote:
My wife: Garri?? Tolu, se kamu gari wa ni obe germani??
It comes from this post:
submitted by ohwell_ehbien to BurbNBougie [link] [comments]