Make up your own graffiti tags

Everything to do with Graffiti Tagging and Throw-Ups

2013.03.17 23:55 Mental_Graffiti Everything to do with Graffiti Tagging and Throw-Ups

This subreddit is dedicated to Graffiti tagging. Discuss graff, tags and throw-ups, artists and styles here! For help with your graffiti and tags: PLEASE post in graffhelp Any sketches to blackbookgraffiti

2010.11.22 19:02 wallychamp Vandals & Scribes

Less art, more vandalism. Bombing, wildstyles, freights, handstyles, and any regional graffiti.

2011.07.03 19:45 brainswho /r/handstyles

The buttery essence of tags..

2024.06.02 09:29 LossLucky4012 what do you think?

I've been working on this story for... 3 months? 4? who knows, with my ability to keep track of time I could have started this yesterday, anyway, this is a story that has sci-fi elements, and some fantasy, although the fantasy stuff is mainly dragons so lets say adventure for now, (cause I don't know shit about genres, I just wrote the story) , Keep in mind, this has been written in free time, of which I don't have a lot, so if you don't like the story it is probably my fault, here is a look at:

Dragons wing

I slowly drift from my sleep and think to myself, ow, why is everything warm? I check the thermostat and see that it is at a temperature as cool as Canada and when I turn back to go back to bed so that I can sleep in, I see that my stuff has been knocked over? Oh sorry, where are my manners? I'm James O’Maley, I put everything back into place, and lay down on my bed but nothing is comfortable! I just decide, you know what, whatever, I’m just gonna get ready for work, and with that i get dressed, everything feels harder to put on, but it really hits me when I go to brush my teeth, when I looked into the mirror, I saw that their were, wings on my back, and a tail, growing out my butt like a lizard, I obviously spend several minutes having an existential crisis about this shocking revelation, and I decide to look at what these wings can do, I open a window, crawl out, with some difficulty and some slamming the window on my tail. I go to the edge of the fire escape railing, hop on, and jump, and I flew, higher and higher, until i nearly flew into a mountain but that's when I suddenly breathed fire, from my mouth, and bore a hole straight through the cliffside, I could spend all day flying, breathing fire, and fiddling with my tail, but I began to feel as tired as if I’d just gotten back from lifting weights with tigers, I landed on a cliffside and fell asleep. When I woke up I wasn’t on the cliffside anymore, there were monitors and scientists all around me. I tried to show some sign that I was awake, but I was chained up! I spent several moments struggling to get free, I must be free, I am not something they can chain down! I struggle, I roar, I attempt to move my head enough to burn the surrounding area, but I can’t, until someone finally talks to me,
“Hello there, James, please forgive us for our caution, but with your kind we can never be too careful.” I can see the scientist, I read his name tag, Dr. Crane William, I roar out
“My kind!? Get me out of these chains!” I breathe fire, claw, kick and swing my tail, trying to free myself, until I see two other people watching, one with weird whiskers, a long tail and a smug look on his face, and the other with a similar appearance to me but her wings are her arms. The next few days go by, until the two finally decide to talk to me, and in those days, My face becomes a snout like a komodo dragon’s, the one with the whiskers opens his mouth first and I already hate him
“Would you look at that, he’s even uglier up close!” I glare at him with absolute hatred, that seems to anger him more,
“What are you mute or something? Speak before I tear you apart!” he takes one step closer and that's all I need, I Bite his shoulder and use his head to break the chains on my right arm, I continue to break the rest of them with ease, and tell whiskers
“You want to fight? Let’s fight!” I leap on top of him, clawing at his face, he tries to slash me with a blade on his tail but I grab it and stab the wall with it, until I feel a burning sensation in my veins, The girl had bitten me! She looks at me with sadness,
“Sorry about this,” I look at her and drift into unconsciousness, when I wake up next I’m in some kind of, medical wing, ha, wing, as I look around I feel that my mouth is bound shut, but other than that, I can move my body, I get up off the gurney and just when I think it looks nice, whiskers shows his face,
“Well thanks a lot freak, now I’m on probation with Dr. Crane.” I motion to my mouth and he seems to have enough brain cells to understand what I mean
“Ha! You got the boot, Lily had that on her when she wouldn’t stop biting staff, I’m Ryan Mist.” I just walk away and try getting this muzzle off, That's when Crane walks in,
“Well, I must say it has been a while since we’ve had to use the boot, Ryan, your behavior was unacceptable!” I can tell that Crane is annoyed, and right as he finishes his sentence, click, the boot falls off my face and clatters to the ground. I don’t bother trying to fight Ryan again, I’m just happy to be able to talk!
“Well that’s a lot better, now, talk, I want answers.” I growl, Crane and Ryan seem surprised that I got the boot off but they talk, turns out, I’m what’s called a dragonkin a Human who has dragon genes in their genome, Lily and Ryan are also dragonkin, although they can’t breath fire, Lily has fangs and a venomous bite, turns out she’s the girl that bit me, and Ryan just looks weird, apparently we are the only dragonkin who evaded the organization that Crane works for, Called ‘Kadmus,’ into adulthood, Lily being found at 22, ryan at 20, and me at 24, on top of that, we are the only dragonkin who have survived that long, it’s at that moment that I notice Lily looking at us from behind some glass, I decide that I’ve heard enough and open the door, and I leave the room.
As I leave the room I can tell that Lily was not expecting me from the look on her face, I start a conversation with her, trying desperately to be friendly and not notice all the scientists glancing at me nervously.
“Hey, Lily, Right?” I say in the friendliest tone I can, “I’m James.” Lily looks at me with a calculating look before answering
“Hello, yeah my name is Lily, Lily Megan.” she clearly is wary of me, but I can tell a few things about her, making herself look small, clearly smarter than she lets on, seems shy,
“How did you get it off?” Lily breaks into my train of thought with the question,
“What?” I ask her, confused,
“The Boot, how did you get it off?” She gestures to the room where Crane and Ryan were having an argument, but more specifically to The Boot, laying on the ground
“Oh that? I once took a lockpicking class when I was younger.” I explain
“Huh, you mind teaching me that sometime?” She catches me off guard with that one, I can tell that she is being genuine so I agree, And we begin working out what time works best.
The next few weeks go by in a flash, but I’ll summarize it for you, I ended up getting my own room like Ryan and Lily, I start teaching Lily how to pick locks, and we end up having a few game nights where we played games like charades, poker, even monopoly, lets just say that we will never play monopoly again. However, the most important thing of all, we ended up finding another dragonkin! We aren’t sure what dragon ancestor he has, but we think he’s another eastern long tail, like Ryan, the new guy’s name is Dillian, He’s great, absolute goofball, he’s from Australia, and according to him, his family has never been anywhere but the land down under, weird, but the guy’s like a little brother to me, so it’s cool, and that catches you up. “Hey Dillian!” I lean my head into his room, “Wanna come hang out with the rest of us? It’s movie night!” Dillian just looks at me, unreadable, 
“Okay, your loss.” I try to hide how unnerving that look felt, but something doesn’t feel right. I go back to the lounge, where Ryan, Lily, and Crane are all waiting for me,
“Sorry guys, Dillian, isn’t up for it.” Lily looks at me disappointed,
“Aw man, and we're even watching Dune!” I just look at her with a sad look, but Ryan manages to lift the mood a little bit,
“Last time we let Crane pick the movie!” Crane just glares at Ryan, I can tell he’s about to lecture him so I just start the movie, around one hour in, boom, everything is blurry, and there is dust swirling, everything hurts. I see Lily and Ryan helping evacuate the scientists, I don’t see Crane anywhere! But that's when I see it, Cranes lab coat, soaked red and underneath a piece of rubble, I try to run towards it, but I can't stay on my legs, I call out,
“CRANE!” My friends hear me, they rush towards me and they see the lab coat, Lily tears up, Ryan is too stunned to speak, then we hear it, we hear him. Dillian, he’s laughing, laughing at the lab coat, laughing at us, My head snaps toward him, I feel the rage burning, my wings flare out, fire rises in my throat, I grab Dillian by the collar, and I roar,
“Do you think this is funny?!” Dillian just keeps laughing, “Crane is deadI!” Dillian looks at me, and he finally stops laughing, he pushes me off and spikes erupt from his skin, his tail wraps around my throat, and he growls,
“Don’t touch me you cretin, my ancestors were nearly wiped out by yours, I’m just returning the favor.” I look at him confused, Ryan seems to have been just as confused as me because he asked,
“What do you mean? The Eastern long tails have never had an issue with the Flying flame drakes.” Dillian just flicked his wrist and one of the spines shot out and nearly sliced Ryan’s head off!
“Do not compare the Wyrms to those foolish sky beasts! They have ruled the land for centuries!” Dillian roars, at this point I finally manage to choke out,
“Wyrm? Like the dragon inside the mountain Wyrm?” I struggle against his tail, I finally get a claw hooked under it and pull, it takes all of my strength to get my head loose and retreat, and then I see Dillian fully for the first time, pale skin covered in red spines and a long tail that could probably crush a normal humans windpipe, if I wasn’t a dragonkin I’d be dead.
“So, you do have a brain. Indeed, my ancestors were the Wyrms, Masters of the land, and the only dragons to be nearly forgotten by time, if it weren’t for the colony under Australia, I would not be a dragonkin.” Dillian snorts, and after saying his piece he leaped up, dived down, and bore through the earth, I try to go after him, but Lily holds me back,
“James you're hurt, and you would not stand a chance against him in your current state!” I hate to admit it, but it’s true, I would not stand a chance against Dillian, oh man, my leg hurts, I look at my left leg and I see that it has a shard of metal sticking out of it, and then everything feels heavy, I hear Lily yell out my name, but she sounds so far away, I don’t try and fight it, I just let the darkness envelope me, at least in the dark I can’t hurt, when I wake up I’m in the medical wing ha, it’s still funny, I have a bandage around my leg and then it all rushes back to me, Crane’s lab coat, Dillian laughing, the rage, everything, replaying over and over in my mind, I immediately try and stand up and I find a lot of difficulty in that, but I manage to stumble off the bed, I avoid putting weight on my leg, and I use my wings when necessary,
‘Well it’s about time you woke up, and here I was thinking that we had wasted time and resources.” I spin around to see a lady in a suit and glasses looking at me with a look of disdain,
“Hello, I am Dr. Leanne Vern, but you can call me Leanne. I am your new head researcher, I hope you are ready for your next few tests, Dr. Crane wasted a lot of time ‘bonding’ with you.” It’s right as she finishes that sentence when I feel the urge to make it her last, I feel rage burning under my skin and I glare at her with every last ounce of anger possible,
“What.” Either she didn’t get the memo or she is just a jerk, because she did not care, but either way I continued,
“Do you think that now is a good time to either ridicule Crane, or tell me that you need to run tests on me? I am not your lab rat” I grab her collar “I am not something you just get to boss around, If you say something like that again I will send you straight to the underworld where you belong.” I shove her back and go look for Lily and Ryan, I find them in the cafeteria, I get some food and sit down across from them,
“Mind if I sit here?” It clearly lightened the mood, but not even Ryan found the humor to reply, but we started to talk turns out I had been knocked out for two weeks, when I asked about Dillian Ryan tensed up, he explained to me that Dillian goes by ‘Death Wyrm’ now, he’s spent the last two weeks tormenting the city, and eventually I brought up Leanne,
“That Dr. Leanne is a jerk though, when I got out of the medical wing she just introduced herself, told me that she would run some tests and insulted Crane.” Lily seemed to agree because she replied,
“Yeah the first day she got here she told me I was ugly, and had me escorted into the testing chamber and forced me to fly for as long as I could or else I would get shocked.” Upon hearing this I feel rage flare up inside me, I flare out my wings and fly straight towards Leanne's office,
“You threatened Lily with being shocked?! What is wrong with you?” Leanne just looked at me stone faced and told me,
“You dragonkin are nothing but freaks that look interesting, you should not be treated like humans, you are tools.” I just stand there, shocked until the dam just breaks, I roared, I grabbed her by the collar and I slash her face with a claw,
“Tools? TOOLS?! The only tool in here is you! First you insult Crane, someone who died only two weeks ago! Then I learned you threatened one of my friends with a shock if they stopped playing your sick little game!” I feel the fire rise in my throat, I open my mouth, but then I see the look in her eyes, fear, absolute, paralyzing fear, I hesitate, and think to myself, oh my god, what am I doing? I release Leanne and walk out of the room, as I’m leaving I hear Leanne bellow from behind me,
“Where do you think you’re going?” I glare back, I don’t need to answer her, but because I know she will hurt my friends if I don’t I tell her what I’m doing, I explain.
“I’m going after Dillian, don’t try to stop me.” I can tell that Leanne is angry, I can feel her eyes shooting daggers at me, she clearly disagrees with me,
“Oh no you don’t, listen to me you bloated gecko, we did not spend millions tracking you down for you to play superhero!” I just walk away from her and go to the cafeteria to tell Lily and Ryan, they of course freak out at me, saying that I should not go after Dillian, that he’d kill me, and that I should stay here, but I look at them with all of the emotion in the world, I tell them
“Look, I know that Dillian would probably kill me, but I at least might tire him out enough for the police or military to stop him, but it’s more than that, I can’t let him hurt innocent people.” Lily and Ryan look at me, Lily hugs me, and tells me,
“Don’t you dare die or I will kill you.” I look at her, And I say to Ryan,
“I hope she’s joking.” Ryan looks at me and punches my arm,
“You are a good friend man, I hope you live through this.” I look at Ryan and Lily, knowing that this might be the last time I see them, I hug them both, and I flare out my wings and I fly off.
As I sped off towards Dillian, no, Death Wyrm, he stopped being Dillian when he killed Dr. Crane, one thought was going through my mind, am I going to survive this? It doesn’t really matter, as long as Death Wyrm gets what he deserves, when I arrive in the city I look around from above first, I decide to stop by my old apartment, I remember when My dad helped me find this place before he died, it has looked weird since I had my stuff moved into my room at the Kadmus site, I decide to sit down on the floor, when all of a sudden I hear a click and a secret safe opens from the wall. Inside I find a video message to me from my dad, along with an envelope, with the words for when I’m gone written on it, I look through the envelope and I find an old Kadmus keycard for my dad, so that's what his work was, I knew he was secretive but damn, A few other papers that talk about dragons, turns out, Kadmus had been looking into the dragons for years, although these papers are odd, as if my dad had prior knowledge of the dragons. The ball drops when I play the video message it says, 
>Hello, James, if you are watching this then I’m probably dead. In the envelope that you have found alongside this message, there is also my old keycard, it will give you full access to any Kadmus site. Along with my personal notes on the Flying flame drakes, the Eastern long tails, the Wyverns, and some vague knowledge of a supposed fourth dragon species, including some vague diet, and possible weaknesses, but if you’ve already read them, then that means you have seen that the Flying flame drake notes are more definitive, that’s because I am also a dragonkin, I only inherited physical strength from our ancestors, but I have a feeling you will have more characteristics, but I am saying this because you need to know the history behind our ancestors, and the rest.<
I look at the message and wait for it to continue, until a small piece of paper slips out of the metal box that is the message, when I open it I find out that in the beginning of the dragons, there were supposedly four species, the Flying flame drakes, the Eastern long tails, the Wyverns, and the Wyrms, until the Wyrms struck out, they had felt as though due to there inability to fly, that the other dragons thought less of them, the dragons were forced to lock away the Wyrms deep beneath what would one day be called Australia, and then man arose, and along with them the first dragonkin, Tiamat, a Flying flame dragonkin, as my dad called him, but the humans lived in fear of the dragons, eventually driving them to the bleeding cut edge of extinction using their advancing technology, eventually humans all but forgot about dragons, reducing them to myth or fairy tales. That was more or less all that was written, I committed all of this knowledge to memory, and then I heard a loud boom and some maniacal Dr. Doom esc laughing, I peer out of the window to see Death Wyrm, tormenting people, I leap out of the window and into the air, getting a good angle before dive bombing Death Wyrm, breathing fire on him and slashing him with my claws,
“Hey Dillian, did you miss me?” I laugh, I tried to pull a Ryan and joke myself into feeling confident, and it kinda helped, Death Wyrm roars out in rage,
“Why didn’t you stay out of my way?” He whips his tail up, shooting spines out at me, although thanks to my practice I manage to dodge them, I decide to not make a joke and just stay quiet for now, I remember something a security guard once told me, if the enemy is in range so are you, don’t just talk, actually attack, I know that I am in range for a fireblast but Dillian doesn’t know that, I shout out,
“Those spines must really hurt, but not as much as my claws!” I suddenly make a sharp turn and get in close with my talons, I first duck beneath Death Wyrms hook, and slash at his stomach, I then dodge a spine shot, and quickly follow up and through with a tail whip, knocking him off balance, then quickly blast fire right at his feet, but I didn’t see that Death Wyrms tail had grabbed my leg before it had already thrown me two blocks away, I was getting up when I felt a Burning pain in my arm, when I looked to see, it was one of Death Wyrms spines, It had only penetrated the outermost muscle tissue, I would heal in a few weeks but that doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt like hades, I rip the spine out and breath fire on the wound in order to cauterize it, when I suddenly feel Death Wyrms tail around my throat, choking me, and I am all of a sudden pinned to a wall, with my mouth bound shut, great it’s the boot all over again, I see Death Wyrm, he’s grabbing the spine I ripped out, he walks towards me, and he gives me a small speech,
“You know James, if you weren’t so noble I’d actually have let you join me, I never wanted to kill you, but you leave me no choice.” He lifts the spike up, when all of a sudden he is blasted back seemingly by a freakishly strong gust of wind, wait, that's a thermal updraft, I turn to see the best sight I could have seen, Ryan and Lily! Ryan opens his mouth first and I couldn’t be more thankful for his humor,
“Nobody treats James like that but me!” He then flies into battle riding on a thermal, while Lily freed me, she slices through the binding on my mouth and I immediately ask,
“What are you guys doing here?” Lily opens her mouth to answer but Ryan cuts in with being thrown into a wall
“Me and Lily are saving you, idiot, speaking of which a little help here?” Me and Lilly help Ryan up and we all get ready for a fight, but before we can charge in, Lily hands me a headmic,
“Here put this on,” I do as she says and suddenly Leanne's voice buzzes in through the speaker,
“Well it’s about time,” I am just happy to have some help with knowing my surroundings,
“Whatever happened to ‘we didn’t spend millions tracking you for you to play superhero?’” If Leanne heard me she didn’t answer, I just started to run towards Death Wyrm, before I took off alongside Lily and Ryan, I felt a familiar rage build up in my veins, I allow the rage to drive me forward, I feel the heat, the fire, rushing to every vein in my body, building along with all of the rage in my life, I gather my thoughts, a raging body is good for combat but a raging mind is bad for victory, when this feeling washes over me, I finally feel calm, I feel at peace, I never want this feeling to end, I open my snout, and unleash a twisting, flowing, blooming tunnel of flames,wounding Death Wyrm and distracting him long enough for Ryan to swing in with a bladed tail to his back, followed by Lily, biting into Death wyrms tail, as Death Wyrm roars I dive in and I do something unexpected, I talk to him,
“Dillian, I thought of you as a little brother, but you killed someone I cared about, I am sorry but, we need to take you in.” Death Wyrm roars, he writhes, up until Lily’s venom takes hold and he falls to the ground, defeated, a news reporter had been, well reporting, nearby and walked up to me, and asked me for an interview,
“Under normal circumstances I would agree, but not right now.” I wave as I signal to Ryan, it takes an embarrassingly long time for him to get the hint that I want him to create a thermal under Death Wyrm in order to transport him, but he follows my lead, and before we know it, we are flying toward the Kadmus site, but as we fly, I yell behind me,
“Hey, go ahead, I’ll… I’ll catch up.” Lily looks at me while Ryan just zooms ahead, no questions asked,
“Okay what are you doing?” I just look at her, feeling conflicted about telling her about my dad, for all I know this could get me in trouble, or worse, I make a split second decision,
“I… I think I saw something.” surprisingly it works, I swoop back towards the city and back to my old apartment and I grab the message from my dad, his keycard and the papers, I then fly off with them clenched between my arms and my body, I then fly into the Kadmus site, and discreetly go to my room, in order to hide them, I then get out of the site, and fly back into it acting like nothing happened, and to my surprise, there was a celebration waiting for me, there was cake, and wine, and even a nice Irish whiskey, eventually I asked about Death Wyrm, and turns out he was placed in a secure facility, deep under the site, and that anyone with high enough clearance could go down there, I decide that that is probably for the best.
After the celebration, I go into my room, and pull out the message, I look over it, Dad was a big fan of puzzles, so maybe this message is a puzzle? After several minutes fiddling with it, the message began to whir, and it then showed a place for a fingerprint, gotcha, I placed my thumb on the finger print and it pricked me, like I was getting my blood drawn. After that a key fell out of the message box, and a keyhole on the side, I of course used the key, which then played a different message,
Hello James, and I know it's you who will be watching this, at the time of making this message I am about to help you “find” an apartment, this is one that will only play for other people if you give them access and get a blood sample, the key you used is a one of a kind, and allows you full access to pre-recorded messages, and answers for certain questions, I hope that there will come a time when you don’t need it, but, knowing you, you will probably forget what the messages say within an hour, but anyway, I hope that this helps you greatly, here is a list of topics that the message box can give you data on.< The video then becomes like an interactable encyclopedia, where I can read the list at my own pace, I skim through it before my eyes lock on one entry, Dr. Crane Williams, I open the entry and i read about Crane, turns out, he was my fathers research partner and close friend, and the two of them met in college because they had managed to win a competition that landed them tuition for any college of their choosing, and they became friends after my dad stopped somebody from messing with Crane, there was a whole lot more there about Cranes upbringing, his family, his education, but I had to cut it short when Leanne entered my room, unannounced,
“What are you doing?” She glared, in her usual condescending tone, I am not in the mood for this “Jump off a cliff.” I growl, as I tuck the message away, but she sees it, and by the look on her face she could tell what I was looking at, “Let me guess, a message you don’t want anybody seeing?” I hate her but damn it she can connect the dots well, “Was it obvious?” I don’t bother denying it, she’ll just be a jerk about it, “No, I’m just used to being lied to, who's the message from?” Leanne nods at the message box, 
“It’s from my dad, he apparently worked at Kadmus and was friends with Crane.” The fact that my dad both worked ant Kadmus and was friends with crane seem to shock her, what’s really shocking though is what she asks next,
“Was your dad by chance Shane O’Maley?” I look at her, confused, “He was, why?” Leanne immediately seems to get shell shock, as she starts to geek out, “James your father was pretty much science royalty, I would have done anything to speak to him, oh my god I insulted the dead friend of Shane O’Maley, and of his son!” I feel angry that she brought that up again, but now feels like I can get something good out of this, “Ok I’ll make you a deal, if you only do tests with me and the other dragonkin willing to do so, and make sure not to do things like threatening to shock us if we don’t do what you want, I’ll tell you stories about my dad, deal?” It was almost impressive how quickly she answered, 
“Deal! Shock threats, exhaustion tests, and anything else like that is gone!” I am really happy that I can do stuff like that. That is the best ability ever.*1
*1 WIP
submitted by LossLucky4012 to writingcritiques [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:48 cozefdm You guys do not pay attention

I think the biggest problem with beginners in this sub is that they don’t study actual graffiti… I think a lot of people really like the idea and they seen graff on tv or something and thought hmmm maybe I can do that… but if you studied the graffiti in your city you would be able to see a style, a pattern, similarities, differences. it does not resemble what is posted in this sub for the most part.
You guys need to be LOOKING, OBSERVING, paying attention to the similarities and the differences you see in graff.
The similarities are structural and tend to be that way for a reason (IT LOOKS GOOD) The differences is the style ! ( MAKE IT UNIQUE) Study both, ask yourself why does that look good? Why does that look bad? Find favorite pieces or throwies and tags and then look for them, it’s part of the graff game that we play.
If you can’t get to spots in your city go on instagram and search #”yourcitygraffiti”
Stop with all the extra do dads and unnecessary lines and weird bar shapes!!! Where did u learn that? and why do you keep doing it?!! Real graff writers hate it!
And all the toys gassing up other toys is terrible stop it
submitted by cozefdm to graffhelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:26 DreamExtraordinaire Bras from Adore Me - 38h (UK) & 38k (US)

So, I did make a post about this earlier but under a different tag - at this point, I feel I'd be better off including visuals for it cause I feel a little crazy?
Adore Me apparently doesn't do UK sizing, which I wasn't aware of when I signed up for their Elite package (that's ok tbh). My struggle is I've fallen in love with their Marca line, and it's the best fitting bra I've honestly ever tried (with matching panties, too!).
I swear it feels like it fits to me??? It's a 38H, though, and everyone is saying that is several cups too small. Now, with the Paxton (NIPPLE WARNING YALL THEY HAVE A MIND OF THEIR OWN YOU'VE BEEN WARNED), I can very much see why it's several cup sizes too small. It, and the Marca, are the same size but different designs by the same brand.
I wore the Marca all day without any issues. It's the first time an underwire didn't feel like it was trying to gore a hole into my ribcage after five minutes - the straps didn't hurt, my nips didn't escape beyond the areola peeking behind the lace... If I had any complaints, it would merely be the lack of side coverage, but I know that area is more love handle and less boob, and that's something I've been working on.
Now, on both bras, the underwires do feel like they extend too far outward - enough that I cannot rest my arms comfortably at my sides. The front-facing photo of the Marca shows how this effects my arms posture from further away, causing them to stray away in a sort of bow-legged effect that feels as awkward as it looks.
I am taking my time trying things out - as I am sure y'all understand, finding the perfect go-to bras to get us through the days takes time. Especially when we are new to it and have never worn such things before. Adore Me lets me try a whole box of lingerie for only 20 bucks, that just so happens to come with some bras, thus why I ended up trying it first. I've been in sports bras for over a decade and just... honestly, yall, it's all so intimidating and getting that box made it a lot less scary than trying to find things on my own.
Is the Marca really that bad of a fit? I'd wanted to get it in other colors, but now I don't know. I figured I could just adjust the wires for comfort based on some of the guides here or something for the arm thing. It's gotta be better than worn out sports bras or nothing at all, right?
This stuff is all so confusing and intimidating when you're used to hiding under as many baggy things as you can, lemme tell you what, man. Tired of that life tho. Thank y'all for the help and this safe space to figure my shit out.
submitted by DreamExtraordinaire to ABraThatFits [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:12 Stage-Piercing727 Best 12000 Lumen Flashlight

Best 12000 Lumen Flashlight
Are you in need of a bright and reliable flashlight for your next outdoor adventure? Look no further! In this article, we have compiled a roundup of the top 12000 Lumen flashlights on the market, designed to illuminate even the darkest of paths. From durability to versatility, each flashlight on our list has been carefully selected to ensure that you find the perfect fit for your needs. So, let's dive in and discover the best 12000 Lumen flashlights to help you see clearly and confidently in any situation.

The Top 18 Best 12000 Lumen Flashlight

  1. Mighty Nebo 12K Rechargeable LED Flashlight: Powerful and Versatile - Impeccably designed, the NEBO 12K Rechargeable Flashlight offers a powerful, rechargeable, and versatile lighting solution for adventurers and professionals alike.
  2. 990,000 Lumen Rechargeable Flashlight: Waterproof, Portable, & Durable High-Lumen LED Light - Experience unmatched brightness and durability with the 990,000-lumen rechargeable flashlight, packed with essential features like a 12000mAh battery, USB fast charging, and waterproof design, making it the perfect companion for outdoor enthusiasts.
  3. Portable 12000 Lumen LED Work Light for Indoor and Outdoor Use - Illuminate your workspace with ease thanks to the Husky 12000 Lumens/6000 Lumens Portable LED Work Light, offering a slim, portable design with a pivoting adjustable head and durable, cool-to-the-touch LED bulb, perfect for both indoor and outdoor use.
  4. WUBEN X1 LED Flashlight: Super Bright, Waterproof, and Durable - Experience unparalleled brightness with the WUBEN X1 Rechargeable Flashlight, offering 12000 lumens, 7 programmable modes, and fast charging capabilities making it the ultimate super-bright tactical flashlight for all your adventures.
  5. Powerful Super Bright USB Rechargeable Flashlight with 12000 Lumens - YXQUA XHP70 12000 Lumen Flashlight: Super Bright, USB Rechargeable Powerhouse, Adjustable Focus, Durable Rubber Cover, Ideal for Emergencies and Outdoor Activities
  6. Ultra-Bright 12000 Lumen Flashlight for Emergency and Outdoor Use - Experience ultimate brightness with the SKNSL Rechargeable LED Flashlight, offering 120000 lumens and IPX6 waterproof protection, making it a versatile choice for all outdoor adventures.
  7. 100000 Lumen High-Powered LED Flashlight with Rechargeable Battery and IPX6 Waterproof Design - Rechargeable 100000 Lumen Flashlight with Advanced XHP99 LED, Power Bank Charging, and IPX6 Waterproof Durability for Camping, Mountaineering, and Emergency Use!
  8. Super Bright 12000 Lumen Fenix LR50R Rechargeable Flashlight - Experience unparalleled brightness and convenience with the Fenix LR50R rechargeable flashlight, boasting a stunning 12000 lumen output, versatile power sources, and an array of features perfect for any outdoor adventure.
  9. Ultimate 12000 Lumen Waterproof Flashlight for Emergency and Outdoor Use - Illuminate the world with the Vastfire Worlds Brightest Heavy Duty Flashlight, featuring 100,000 lumens and a versatile 4-in-1 design for outdoor adventures, camping, emergency situations, and everyday use.
  10. ULTRA BRIGHT WUBEN A9: High Lumens Flashlight with Type-C Rechargeable Battery - Experience unmatched brilliance with the WUBEN A9 12000 lumen flashlight - perfect for outdoor adventures with impressive beam distance and multiple adaptable lighting modes.
  11. Bright and Powerful 12000 Lumen Flashlight - Illuminate your surroundings with the WUBEN A9, a powerful 12,000-lumen flashlight designed for maximum brightness and exceptional beam throw.
  12. Super Bright Solar-Charged Spotlight with Multi-Mode Functionality - Experience ultimate brightness with the Victoper Spotlight, featuring 200,000 lumens, 12,000 mAh rechargeable battery, solar charging, 6+3 versatile modes, and extra accessories.
  13. Ultra Bright Handheld 12000 Lumen LED Flashlight with Rechargeable Battery - Perfect for Camping, Hiking, and Hunting - Experience superior brightness and ease with the Decovolt Rechargeable Spotlight, featuring 12000 Lumens, IPX4 waterproof protection, and a 10000mAh long-lasting battery for all your outdoor adventures.
  14. Extra Bright, Waterproof Rechargeable Flashlight for Emergency and Outdoor Use - Unleash the YIERBLUE's power with a 12000 Lumen Flashlight, boasting IP67 waterproof technology, long-running LED, and versatile 4-setting functionality, making it your perfect hands-free LED companion in nature!
  15. High Lumens Rechargeable LED Flashlight for Bright and Wide Vision - Experience unmatched brightness and versatility with the lemihui 120000 lumen rechargeable LED flashlight, featuring 5 lighting modes, durable aluminum alloy construction, and a portable design that makes it the last flashlight you'll ever need.
  16. Nitecore TM12K 12,000 Lumen Rechargeable Flashlight: The Ultimate Outdoor Companion - The Nitecore TM12K is a powerful, rechargeable flashlight with advanced features, providing an impressive 12,000 lumen output, making it perfect for diverse outdoor activities, while boasting USB-C fast charging and customizable options.
  17. SamYoung Super Bright LED Flashlight with Waterproof Design and 30-Hour Runtime - Brighten your world with the SamYoung Spotlight 12000 Lumen Flashlight, featuring a massive 10000 mAh battery and IP65 waterproof design, providing 30 hours of illumination and unmatched durability!
  18. Upgraded Rechargeable Flashlight: Super-Bright 12000 Lumen, IP67 Waterproof, 5 Light Modes, & Up to 1000ft Cast with Zoomable Capability - Illuminate your surroundings with ease! This rechargeable 120,000 Lumen flashlight features 5 lighting modes, zoomable spotlight, and an upgraded Type-C charge cable, now waterproof and durable for any adventure.
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🔗Mighty Nebo 12K Rechargeable LED Flashlight: Powerful and Versatile
As a flashlight enthusiast, I recently had the chance to try out the Nebo 12K Rechargeable Flashlight, and let me tell you, it did not disappoint. This flashlight boasts 5 different light modes, making it a versatile companion for any outdoor activity or emergency situation.
The highlight of this rechargeable flashlight is its impressive run time, particularly in low mode. With 12 hours of use on low mode, you can be sure it will last during those long power outages or camping trips. Not only does it have a long run time, but it also provides a powerful beam that reaches up to 721 feet.
One feature I appreciated was the 2x adjustable zoom, which allows for flexibility and precision when illuminating a subject. Additionally, the IP67 waterproof rating gave me peace of mind when using the flashlight in wet conditions, knowing it would not easily malfunction.
The NEBO 12K truly shines as a multi-purpose tool, effectively functioning as a camping light, hunting light, EDC flashlight, and even doubling as a power bank for your USB-rechargeable devices.
There were a couple of drawbacks, however. The flashlight itself can be quite heavy, weighing in at 2 pounds, which may be a consideration for some users. The high setting only reaches up to 3,000 lumens, which might not be the brightest available on the market.
In summary, the Nebo 12K Rechargeable Flashlight offers versatility, durability, and an impressive beam distance, making it an excellent choice for outdoor enthusiasts and emergency preparedness. The only downside is its weight and the relatively low lumen capacity on the highest mode, but overall, I am quite pleased with my experience using this flashlight.

🔗990,000 Lumen Rechargeable Flashlight: Waterproof, Portable, & Durable High-Lumen LED Light
I recently tried using this Super Bright LED Flashlight during a camping trip, and I must admit, it was an impressive and necessary piece of gear for my outdoor explorations. With a maximum output of 990,000 lumens, it was brighter than most of my other flashlights combined. The upgraded LED chip and battery really made a difference.
One of the standout features of this high-lumen rechargeable flashlight was the large 12000mAh battery that allowed for up to 24 hours of continuous operation at low light mode. It was perfect for nighttime hikes or scouting while navigating through dense forests. The fast charging port was also a nice touch, significantly speeding up the charging process.
I enjoyed the fact that this flashlight had 4 modes - high, medium, low, and strobe - which were incredibly useful in different situations. The easy-to-use switch made it simple to toggle between modes and turn off after use. The durable yet lightweight construction, coupled with its waterproof design, made it a suitable companion for any adventure.
Overall, my experience with the Super Bright LED Flashlight was both exhilarating and eye-opening, as it truly illuminated the darkness and provided comfort on my camping trip. The superior performance, versatility, and safety standards, along with the great after-sales service, make this a must-have piece of gear for any outdoor enthusiast.

🔗Portable 12000 Lumen LED Work Light for Indoor and Outdoor Use
In my search for a portable work light, I came across the Husky 12000 Lumens LED light. With its 5 ft grounded power cord, I found it extremely practical for use both indoors and outdoors. The pivoting, adjustable head provided me with the flexibility to direct the light exactly where I needed it.
One of the features that stood out to me was its LED bulb, which not only illuminates my workspace effectively but also remains cool to the touch. The work light is also plug-in, making it easy to keep it powered during long work sessions without the need for constantly replacing batteries.
The sturdiness of the light impressed me. Despite its portability, it has a solid construction that helped me achieve a steady working environment. This light truly deserves the 5.0 rating that is so highly praised by its users. It's become an essential part of my daily toolkit, and I highly recommend giving it a try.

🔗WUBEN X1 LED Flashlight: Super Bright, Waterproof, and Durable
I recently tried out the WUBEN X1 Rechargeable Flashlight and was completely blown away by its incredible brightness. With up to 12000 lumens, this torch definitely lit up my path like a beacon. It's equipped with 3 high-quality LEDs, which burst into a blinding light instantly. The 7 modes and programmable settings let you customize its output to fit your needs perfectly.
Charging this flashlight is a breeze, thanks to its ultra-fast charging ability. The Type-C to Type-C charging cable enables a quick 27W charge, fully powering the built-in batteries in just two hours. With a maximum running time of up to 220 hours in energy-saving mode, you'll never have to worry about being left in the dark.
The WUBEN X1's design is incredibly comfortable and practical. Its flat, ergonomic shape fits perfectly in your hand, making it a pleasure to use. It even comes with a storage bag and paratrooper lanyard for added convenience.
One of the standout features of this flashlight is its durability. Made from hard-anodized aerospace-grade aluminum alloy, it can withstand any punishment you throw at it. Plus, with an IP55 waterproof rating, you can use it fearlessly in the rain.
Overall, the WUBEN X1 Rechargeable Flashlight is an impressive piece of kit that provides both convenience and reliability. It's definitely a must-have for outdoor enthusiasts and those in need of a versatile, high-quality torch.

🔗Powerful Super Bright USB Rechargeable Flashlight with 12000 Lumens
The YXQUA XHP70 12000 Lumen Flashlight has been a reliable companion during my hiking trips and late-night walks. The bright CREE XHP70 LED lamp illuminated my way through the darkness, while the zoom feature allowed me to control the brightness intensity and illumination range. With its five modes, I could choose the perfect setting for any situation, and the intelligent power indicator light never let me down with low battery reminders.
One particularly impressive feature was the built-in rubber USB cover; it not only added durability to the flashlight but also made it less prone to accidents. While adjusting the focus and brightness was a simple and straightforward process, one downside was the tendency of the glass not to cool down quickly, which could potentially burn my hand.
Using this flashlight has been enjoyable and convenient, fulfilling its purpose as a powerful, rechargeable, and versatile light to keep away darkness and danger.

🔗Ultra-Bright 12000 Lumen Flashlight for Emergency and Outdoor Use
These SKNSL Rechargeable LED Flashlights truly shine with their impressive 900,000 lumen output, providing brightness you can count on. I was particularly drawn to the 7 modes, making it a versatile choice for all kinds of adventures.
One thing I really appreciated is the use of COB technology in these flashlights. It made the focus easily adjustable, switching between wide range and spot illumination, greatly aiding in my detection of surroundings.
However, it did take some getting used to with handling the light for long periods of time due to the intense brightness, which felt more like a sun's intense glare.
But overall, these LED flashlights provide a powerful and rechargeable source of light in emergencies or during your outdoor treks. With their IP6 waterproof rating and strong aluminum alloy body, they are built to handle any weather or situation.

🔗100000 Lumen High-Powered LED Flashlight with Rechargeable Battery and IPX6 Waterproof Design
I've been using this super bright and versatile flashlight for all sorts of outdoor activities, and let me tell you, it's been a lifesaver! The XHP99 LED chip provides a whopping 100,000 lumens, making it perfect for lighting up even the darkest of corners.
One of my favorite features is the advanced rechargeable design - not only do I save on batteries, but the charging speed is lightning fast! And the multiple output functions let me power up my phone in a pinch or use it as a tool during emergencies. Plus, the large capacity battery keeps the flashlight going strong for at least 8-12 hours thanks to the included 5000mAh lithium batteries.
But hey, don't let the powerful performance fool you - this flashlight is incredibly durable and waterproof, making it just as great for camping, mountaineering, or any outdoor adventure. And with its adjustable focus and 5 different lighting modes, it's the ultimate tool for whatever situation you find yourself in. So if you're looking for the ultimate, rechargeable, super-bright flashlight, look no further!

🔗Super Bright 12000 Lumen Fenix LR50R Rechargeable Flashlight
I had the chance to try out the Fenix LR50R rechargeable flashlight, and let me tell you, it's a game-changer. This little powerhouse puts out a whopping 12,000 lumens - brighter than any flashlight I've ever owned. But what impresses me the most is its versatility. It's perfect for search and rescue, but I've also found it handy for when I need a little extra light while camping.
The Fenix LR50R is easy to use, too. With dual stainless steel side switches, you can quickly cycle through its six brightness modes and SOS, beacon, and strobe functions. The built-in tripod mount is a nice touch, making it convenient to use in different settings.
Now, let's talk about the battery life. The included 16,000 mAh battery pack can be fast-charged with the USB Type-C charging cable, and it has enough juice to keep the flashlight running for over 58 hours on eco mode. Plus, the LR50R can also be powered by one to four 21700 batteries, making it a great backup for when your primary battery dies.
The Fenix LR50R isn't without its minor cons, though. It's definitely on the heavier side, so it might not be the best option for those who prefer a lighter flashlight. Also, while the flashlight itself is well-made, the included accessories could use some improvement - I found the holster and lanyard a bit flimsy.
Overall, the Fenix LR50R rechargeable flashlight is a powerful and versatile tool that's perfect for those who need a reliable light source in any situation. Its high lumen output, easy-to-use interface, and long battery life make it a standout choice among other flashlights on the market.

🔗Ultimate 12000 Lumen Waterproof Flashlight for Emergency and Outdoor Use

As I embarked on a camping trip, my go-to companion was the Vastfire World's flashlight - a powerful 100,000 lumen marvel. Its large 10000mAh capacity kept me lit up for the entire journey, and its adjustable focus allowed me to easily switch from wide-angle to long-range illumination.
The four different brightness modes were perfect for various situations, and the OLED power display ensured I never ran out of battery. The side white and red lantern was a lifesaver during nighttime endeavors, providing both powerful light and useful features like emergency red strobe.
This flashlight even doubled as a portable power bank, giving extra life to my devices! The window breaking functionality was an unexpected and reassuring bonus, and the IPX6 waterproof feature made sure the elements never got the better of it.
My Vastfire Worlds flashlight truly became my indispensable tool on outdoor adventures, camping trips, and nighttime tasks. It was reliable, versatile, and portable, making it the ultimate must-have.

🔗ULTRA BRIGHT WUBEN A9: High Lumens Flashlight with Type-C Rechargeable Battery
I recently got my hands on the WUBEN A9 flashlight and let me tell you, it was a delightful experience. The first thing that caught my attention was its ultrabright light. It's powered by a custom 10200 mAh rechargeable battery pack that can emit up to 12000 lumens of output.
This flashlight comes with a multitude of lighting modes. It has 4 basic modes: Turbo/High/Med/Low, and 2 modes for emergency: SOS/Strobe. The side switch design allows me to operate the flashlight with just one hand.
What I truly appreciate about this flashlight is its rechargeable feature. It can be charged via a Type-C charging cable, making it eco-friendly and budget-friendly. When fully charged, the flashlight can last up to 3.6 hours in Turbo mode and up to 23 days in Low mode.
The durability of this flashlight is top-notch. It's made of hard anodizing aircraft grade aluminum alloy and is IP68 waterproof and dustproof.
In the package, you get the flashlight, a 10200 mAh rechargeable battery, a shoulder strap, a Type-C charging cable, an adapter, 2 spare O-rings, and a user manual.
Overall, the WUBEN A9 is a reliable, ultra-bright, and eco-friendly flashlight that's perfect for all your outdoor adventures.

🔗Bright and Powerful 12000 Lumen Flashlight
I recently had the chance to try out the WUBEN A9, a high power flashlight. With an impressive 12,000 lumen output and a maximum beam throw of 420 meters, this flashlight was designed to shine brightly and far. In my daily life, I often found myself reaching for this flashlight when I needed extra light during camping trips or late-night walks.
What stood out the most about the WUBEN A9 was the quality of the three LED chips, which provided a beautiful wide beam. At the same time, the flashlight was incredibly powerful, making it a great choice for situations that required a bit more illumination. However, there were a few areas where I felt the flashlight could have been better.
One con was the battery life, which could be improved for long-term use. Additionally, the user interface required some getting used to, and I felt that there might have been a simpler way to navigate through the various settings.
Overall, the WUBEN A9 is a reliable and powerful flashlight that offers enough light for those who require it. With its unique wide beam and maximum lumen output, it's perfect for those looking for a bright and practical light source in their daily lives.

🔗Super Bright Solar-Charged Spotlight with Multi-Mode Functionality
When I tried the Victoper Spotlight flashlight, I was blown away by how incredibly bright it was. The 2624 feet (800m) irradiation distance made it perfect for all kinds of occasions.
And the 12,000 mAh large capacity battery meant it never ran out of charge—even for an entire night! . Charging it during the day using solar power was an added bonus.
The various modes, including Strong Light and Weak Light, plus side modes like Strong Light and RED-BLUE Strobe, made it extremely versatile. Not only that, but getting extra accessories with my purchase was a fantastic added touch. Overall, the Victoper Spotlight was an essential tool for all my brightness needs.

🔗Ultra Bright Handheld 12000 Lumen LED Flashlight with Rechargeable Battery - Perfect for Camping, Hiking, and Hunting
This ultra-bright handheld spotlight from Decovolt boasts a powerful 12000 lumen LED that generates a focused spot beam, illuminating distances up to 2600ft/800m. Its unique rechargeable design offers three adaptable settings - High, Low, and Flash - and an impressive battery capacity of 10000 mAh. The ergonomic handle and low weight ensure comfort and long-lasting use without fatigue.
With its high-quality ABS plastic construction, this flashlight is designed to withstand the elements as well, with an IPX4 waterproof rating. Ideal for a range of outdoor activities like hiking, camping, and hunting, its durability and versatility make it a must-have for anyone seeking reliable, bright lighting.

🔗Extra Bright, Waterproof Rechargeable Flashlight for Emergency and Outdoor Use
Last month, I decided to give the Yierblue Rechargeable Spotlight Flashlight a try during one of my usual camping trips. At first, I was skeptical about its claimed brightness, but it truly was extra bright compared to the small models I've used before. The LED light had a lifespan of 50,000 hours, which was impressive considering how often I used it, and its 1000,000 lumen beam was able to cast light up to an incredible 550 yards.
One of the features I found particularly helpful was its IP67 waterproof and floating ability. I submerged it into the river near my campsite by accident, but not only did it perform like a charm, but it actually floated back up to the surface! This added layer of durability was a definite pro, especially when paired with the High strength ABS housing and silicone protective case.
The flashlight's versatile capabilities added even more convenience to my outdoor adventures. With an output port that served as a power bank to charge my devices in emergencies and built-in 10000 mAh batteries, I was confident I would never be left in the dark. The 4 adaptable light settings made it suitable for various activities, from working on a farm to hunting or simply providing hands-free lighting.
Despite all its advantages, one thing I did notice was that the flashlight tended to be quite heavy in comparison to others, making it less ideal for extended periods of use or carrying around on long hikes. Additionally, though the provided red filter was great for specific purposes, such as hunting, I would've appreciated a more adjustable or easily removable feature to further customize the light.
On the whole, my experience with the Yierblue Rechargeable Spotlight Flashlight has been a pleasant one. The brightness, waterproofing, and versatility of the device made it a valuable addition to my camping gear, while its weight and filter issues were minor inconveniences. Overall, I would recommend this flashlight for anyone in need of a heavy-duty, extra bright light for their outdoor adventures.

Buyer's Guide

When it comes to choosing a 12000 Lumen flashlight, there are several factors to consider to ensure you're getting a high-quality product that meets your needs. In this buyer's guide, we will provide you with the important features, considerations, and general advice to help you make an informed decision.

Important Features


The primary feature to look for in a 12000 Lumen flashlight is, of course, the brightness. This amount of light output is suitable for various environments, including camping, hiking, emergency situations, and even industrial settings. Always check the manufacturer's specifications to ensure the flashlight delivers the advertised brightness.

Weight and Portability

A 12000 Lumen flashlight can be quite heavy, so consider the weight and portability when making your decision. If you plan to carry the flashlight frequently, choose one with a comfortable grip and a balance of size, weight, and power. Additionally, consider whether the flashlight comes with a carrying case, holster, or any other accessories that may aid in portability.


Since a 12000 Lumen flashlight is likely to be used in outdoor or rugged environments, durability is crucial. Look for a flashlight with a sturdy, waterproof, and shock-resistant build. Check the materials and construction, as well as the manufacturer's warranty, to ensure the product can withstand the wear and tear of everyday use.

Battery Life

A 12000 Lumen flashlight requires a significant amount of power. As such, it's essential to consider the battery life. High-capacity rechargeable batteries are usually recommended for these types of flashlights. Additionally, a fast charging time and the ability to use replaceable batteries can be great advantages.

Beam Type and Beam Pattern

Different flashlight models come with different beam types and patterns. A focused beam is ideal for long-distance illumination, while a wider beam pattern is better for close-up tasks. Consider the activities you'll be using the flashlight for and choose one with a beam type and pattern that suits your needs.

Additional Features

Some 12000 Lumen flashlights come with additional features, such as strobe or SOS functions, multiple brightness levels, waterproofness, and even built-in charging ports. Evaluate which features are most important to you and choose a flashlight that meets your preferences.



Before making your purchase, establish a budget. While a high-quality 12000 Lumen flashlight may come with a higher price tag, always consider whether the product offers value for money. Additionally, factor in any additional costs for carrying cases, batteries, or other accessories.

Brand Reputation

Do some research on the brand's reputation, customer reviews, and overall satisfaction with their products. A trusted brand with positive reviews is more likely to provide a high-quality and reliable 12000 Lumen flashlight.

Warranty and Support

A good warranty and customer support can give you peace of mind when purchasing a 12000 Lumen flashlight. Typically, flashlights with longer warranties and accessible support channels demonstrate a manufacturer's confidence in their product.

General Advice

When choosing a 12000 Lumen flashlight, consider your needs and preferences to make an educated decision. Don't be afraid to ask questions or seek advice from knowledgeable sources, such as experienced outdoorsmen, reviewers, or sales representatives. Additionally, always read the product manual and follow the manufacturer's guidelines to ensure safe and optimal use.


What is a 12000 Lumen Flashlight?

A 12000 Lumen Flashlight is a highly powerful and bright flashlight that can illuminate large areas or objects in complete darkness. It is designed for use in emergency situations, hunting, camping, outdoor activities, or any scenario where a powerful light source is needed.

What are the advantages of a 12000 Lumen Flashlight?

  • Extremely bright light
  • Long battery life
  • Compact and portable design
  • Various modes and settings
  • Durable and rugged construction

What types of 12000 Lumen Flashlights are available?

There are several types of 12000 Lumen Flashlights, including handheld flashlights, headlamp flashlights, and rechargeable flashlights. Some models may have additional features such as retractable clips, built-in backup batteries, or waterproof designs.

Are 12000 Lumen Flashlights expensive?

Prices for 12000 Lumen Flashlights can vary based on brand, features, and quality. While some higher-end models may be more expensive, there are also budget-friendly options available that still deliver impressive performance.

How do I choose the right 12000 Lumen Flashlight for my needs?

  • Consider the size and weight of the flashlight
  • Think about what features are important to you (e. g. , rechargeability, battery life, waterproofing)
  • Read reviews and compare prices of different models
  • Determine your budget

How long does the battery last in a 12000 Lumen Flashlight?

Battery life in a 12000 Lumen Flashlight can vary greatly depending on the model and how it is used. Some flashlights may have a battery life of just a few hours, while others can last up to 50 hours or more. Always refer to the manufacturer's specifications for accurate battery life information.

What is the difference between a 12000 Lumen Flashlight and a lower-lumen flashlight?

The primary difference between a 12000 Lumen Flashlight and a lower-lumen flashlight is the amount of light they produce. A 12000 Lumen Flashlight is significantly brighter than a lower-lumen flashlight, allowing it to illuminate larger areas or objects in complete darkness more effectively.

Are 12000 Lumen Flashlights safe and reliable to use?

Yes, 12000 Lumen Flashlights are generally safe and reliable to use. However, as with any powerful tool, it is essential to follow proper safety guidelines and handle the flashlight responsibly. Always keep your eyes protected from the bright light and avoid pointing the flashlight at others.

Where can I purchase a 12000 Lumen Flashlight?

You can purchase a 12000 Lumen Flashlight from various retailers, both online and in-store. Some popular options include Amazon, Walmart, and outdoor gear stores. Make sure to read product reviews and compare prices before making a purchase.
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2024.06.02 05:45 SlowbroJJ What makes a hero?
*After a certain tag match on Smackdown the lights begin to flicker before turning off. The large screen on the ramp shows the church goers filling the rows as they all carry candles. A new song begins to play faintly in the background as JJ in his simple dress shirt and preacher cap takes his place at the podium. Behind him? Pictures of TooRare and Steve are now pinned to the wall. TooRare is circled while Steve has been X'd out.*
"...What makes a hero? A simple question. Someone who puts others before them? No. Someone who saves those that cry out in need? Certainly not. One who the people cheer for as they step up to a challenge that seems impossible? No..."
"Those people are self centered. Selfish. Egotistical. But you maybe asking yourself why the good preacher would talk about this rather than a sermon? It's because a sinner so awful has stepped into the light. One who brings even the disgusting sin of Wrath into my heart."
"I believe we crossed paths once before. Yet you continue the same sins you did even then. I told you that acting as a hero was unbecoming. That you needed to drop the act. Even when I was a sinner? I saw you for what you are. An egotistical brutal man that needs to be stopped."
"Everything you do is for your own ego. You are guilty of the sin of Pride. You come out and have the crowd chant your name. You stand in that ring and clap along with them in your own twisted hymn...and they play along with you as if you were preaching the good word."
"Do you know how sick you have to be that even I, at my worst, could see you for the monster you are?"
*JJ is seething at this point but quickly catches himself and takes a moment to regain his composure. He clears his throat*
"But no one is beyond saving Dan. Conrad. OMB. Gorey. TooRare. Steve. You can be saved just like they were. You can come to my church and pray with your brothers and sisters and repent for your pride."
"...Or you can turn me away. Choose to continue to sin and I will strike down on you with God's fury."
"But for the sin of Pride? I must humble you if you choose this. Understand that I will not just dash you against the stones Daniel. I will take your identity and destroy it before everyone you love. Where the crowd screams your name the loudest. Where your music plays just a little bit louder that even the good lord in all his wisdom can hear it..."
"...So when I break you ....He can hear you scream the same thing that they always cry out when they turn me away. I'm sorry."
"...And all God's people said Amen."
submitted by SlowbroJJ to LoserleavesReddit [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:20 arvarnargul Chuck 01x04 teleplay review

Intro: In a series of reviews that will begin (or return) here; we are going to try and take a critical look at the Chuck series, especially the unfolding of the story as scene through the teleplay. In this case we are assuming multiple things about a potential watcher:
What is this all for: This started as a project to improve my critical reviewing skills for a hobby of movie script writing and analysis. Chuck happens to have published 3 original scripts and all the text of every episode has been published to a searchable database. This affords an opportunity to break from my movie writing woes and infinite revisions to just have fun enjoying Chuck and trying to deepen my understanding of the intersection of script writing with filmography and visual editing. Having said this, it should be known I have no affiliation to the show, no additional insider knowledge, and I do not write scripts for a living. So, consequently, feel free to ignore everything I say :). I do hope, however, we can go on this journey together and appreciate the excellence that is a love story called Chuck.
So, don't freak out, and lets get started.

Chuck 01x04 (Chuck vs the Wookiee): TEASER - We open with the gang playing "Know Ya!", which isn't actually a real board game, but based on the game Paddles. It's amazing that Morgan can't stand Ellie/Awesome being in love/winning, but marches triumphantly whenever he gets a question correct. I also like we see, in frame, Chuck watching Sarah pick off olives; he's beginning to notice things just like a real spy. The deep sadness and yet storied confliction on Chuck's face when he discovers Peaches 1 and Peaches 2 was great.
For those who don't know about dogs:
I find it very interesting how Sarah has "spidey sense" about potentially being watched. At no point previously did either Sarah nor Casey display this trait and I'm not totally sure how an open window was enough to do this; I wonder if Sarah's comfort being around Chuck's family is causing her to develop a "feeling of being watched" as she is comfortable with the Bartowski's? For those who missed it, Sarah talks about having a sister I think at the time this was just a throw-away line to protect her cover, but in season 5 Sarah does actually have a little sister if you count the little girl she rescues One last thing about Sarah here, when Bryce is being discussed, I really like how it was played where she acts quiet and shocked, but not saying anything. The facial expressions of Yvonne here are really special and you can tell Sarah lives a life of secrets. This is carried outside when Chuck asks Sarah about her relationship with Bryce. She is totally looking down and to the right, a classic indication of an emotional response searching for rationalization (ie. she is clearly lying)
As they end the game and exit to the courtyard, there teleplay of Chuck does something I've been wanting to see forever; they switch perspective to keep both characters in camera and follow them around from a 3rd perspective. We know this is supposed to indicate they are being watched, but I really enjoy getting to see them together reacting and talking instead of the constant close-ups and cuts. Normally Chuck will be shot with something between a medium close up (MCU) and Medium Shot (MS) to emphasize their characters and highlight their faces and expressions. This works really well because Chuck's cameras are typically either shoulder level or hip level based on the operators moving through their space. In many more modern TV shows, the technology of boom cranes and gyroscopic gimbals allows for content to be show from ground level to overhead giving directors the opportunity to tell their story through a variety of shifting profiles. If Chuck were shot today, we would see everything from full body shots all the way to extreme closeups without the need for continual jump-cuts and re-shoots because the technology is there. At least for this episode, it's nice to see the director explore more hip/knee level motion and more cowboy framed shots when having a distant observer perspective. does a fantastic breakdown of all the different shot type and camera perspectives for you want to read more!
As we transition into Sarah's hotel room, did anyone pick up on how NICE this is? She has double sinks, a king bed, a sitting mirror, free standing tub, and a great view. I doubt any agency in the "real world" would ever spring for something like this for multiple years for one of their agents, it's fancy! Enter Carina, tell me, who saw Sarah fight with a soap sock and think of iCarly and the famous "butter sock". Also during this fight, why is Sarah wearing a golden bikini? I know she is about to get into the shower, but what plausible reason is there for her to a) wear a bikini at all and b) it to be a bright golden yellow?? If you slow this fight scene way down, you will notice Yvonne's strikes actually come close to hitting Mimi as she has had a lot of training, whereas Mimi's strikes are miles from Yvonne and she just over-acts their impact. The most noticeable is the kick into her table, Sarah goes flying back, but we can tell from the angle, Carina missed her by a good 2 ft. This was just some sloppy editing and not getting the camera into position. I give it a pass because you have probably 3 camera operators wearing stabilized camera rigs trying to rotate around a room with 2 girls fighting and they just missed the angle by like 2 feet. I did really like at the end of the fight Carina had the option to go for the gun but instead went for the fish. If you didn't know they were not enemies before, this should have been a big clue! Carina calls Sarah's life in LA boring #1


Carina aka: Maria Elena Argalberdi was born Jun 16, 1978 in Alberdi Argentina with a Buenos Aires passport. Maria Elena is actually the name of a famous song in Mexico and eventually had a movie. This Chuck learns on Flash #1 and is the precursor to meeting the general for the first time. I know I've mentioned this before, but to reiterate; the pictures in Casey's apartment are all wrong; he has photos of Chuck and Morgan that don't happen until season 5 (lost footage) he has a map of Echo Park and Malibu already on display, and he has tactical information for each member of the Buy More (which he has no reason for at this time). It is interesting they talk about an opium cartel in Afghanistan as Afghanistan is known for it's huge poppy fields for heroin drug money.
The NADAN-I-NOOR diamond:
We open back to see Carina and Sarah looking at classified files within the restaurant. THIS IS AGAINST THE LAW, you do not look at classified files out in the open and especially not where there are clearly other customers around. Venturing into the BuyMore, there is a monster truck rally on the TV's showing grave digger and reaper, two famous trucks from this time period. Morgan wants to spread his wings and be the fourth wheel to the perpetual 3 wheel party and Sarah, ever the schemer, literally glows when she thinks of the plan to have Carina go on a date with Morgan. I THINK this was just to help maintain their cover, but also maybe Sarah is just needling Carina? If you look in the back of the store when Chuck is talking to Sarah and Carina, there is a really cool Nerd Herd poster that says "Bringing peace to your computer emergency". "if a yawn could yawn" is Carina calling Sarah's job boring #2. One thing I really like with the double data is the way the camera jumps between the couples: boy/girl, boy/boy, girl/girl. I think they way they try and keep private conversations via screen time is a really nice, typical, teleplay trick that really works well here. In a "real" environment, everyone could hear everything, but by splitting the camera focus or playing with perspective, the viewer clearly knows "this is a conversation between girls the boys don't hear it". We see Chuck noticing Sarah picking off olives #2 while they watch a movie about penguins: who mate for life, present their love in the form of rocks, and are pack animals. In Chuck's bedroom as he talks to Morgan, Chuck has a box of King Edward Invincible underneath bongos; for those who don't know this is a famous box for mild tobacco cigars. So I wonder what Chuck is up to in his free time :P.
On the Nerd Herd call with Carina, she opens a bottle of wine with a butter knife. This is actually a pretty famous thing that is done all over the world with everything from a key to a saber. In fact they make a specially type of knife with an extra wide blade for this it Italy. I do want to ask the question; is Carina dressed in red lingerie (Chuck's favorite color she stole from Sarah) really necessary for this scene? I know that Carina is all about improvising and she often uses her sexuality to progress her cause (Casey), but I think we could have gotten away with just the top. I can certainly see the rationalization for going this far, but I think as an artistic choice it wasn't necessary. What IS necessary however is to talk about how Chuck's world implodes when Carina tells him about Sarah and Bryce. Also the perfect act transition ending right at Chuck's jaw dropping and the work boyfriend!


I'll say it again, the back an forth with Chuck and Sarah should have been a medium close up, shoulder level straight on shot instead of the constant cuts. Seeing their reaction in real time would have been easier and it would have allowed the Weinerlicious to be maybe 15 ft smaller to not need so many cameramen rotating. "Unless talking to your boyfriend is a matter of national security, the ketchup bottles won't refill themselves". Why yes it IS a mater of national security for Sarah to talk to Chuck... also if any one of us stood up to our boss like Sarah did, I'm pretty sure we'd be fired on the spot!
Malibu is ~2hours for Echo Park with standard LA traffic. Seriously, how do girls in high heels walk down stairs; we see Carina and Sarah walking sideways so there is enough space on each step to fit their shoes. Girls, how do you do that and not fall especially with narrow staircases and 3-6inch heels! Inside the room with the stone there is a bust of Cesare, archenemies, da vinci, and biblical David. There is also some famous paintings the best of which is Vemieer's "young girl with a pearl earring" which is rather appropriate considering it's meaning. There is also a Van Gogh of man in a wheat field and a Monet in one shot too. If ANY of these paintings were real instead of reproductions, they would be worth millions, in fact the young girl with a pearl is estimated at 40million, which is 1.5x the sell value of the Nadan-I-Noor! If we take a look at the engineering drawing of Flash #2 on the pedestal, we would see this design creates a closed circuit around the tongs the diamond rests on; which might explain it's red hue. If a person were to touch the diamond, it would close the circuit on their body allowing the 4000volts to travel through their heart. A person can die with ~20volts, though it's usually more like 50 in most occurrences. 4000volts is enough to kill a herd of elephants and completely overkill for a person. Also the amount of power that would take is more than the city of Malibu... this is to say the trap is real, the numbers are complete nonsense; thinking lightning! Nice shot by Sarah with the plate (there are some great bloopers on this too where she misses badly)! A remote controlled jet ski... i'm not even going to calculate the nonsense for this; it's just total nonsense. Almost as much nonsense as Casey using his phone to track Carina's call. That would take minutes, even with today's technology to back trace like that and way more power than just pushing a button on a razer flip-phone from the 90's!
back at the house, Chuck i playing halo with the legendary skulls as his weapon; this is nice because in the BuyMore at the end of the episode there are dudes dressed as master chief! I really like the changing perspective here with Chuck and Morgan. Chuck's reactions remain in focus while Morgan tells a story behind him, then it switches as Chuck starts to move around until bringing both into focus for the final line "we still have each other and that's really sad". The side cut to Sarah picking locks to the hotel door is classic early 2000's TV and i'm all for it, even if it is super cheezy. BTW as someone who used to lock pick in college, that's .... not how that works, but good try. We get our Flash #3 on the diamond in Morgan's back nuclear explosions. I wonder if the refractive capability of a diamond this pure is enough to focus laser to induce fission or if the value of selling the diamond is enough to buy nuclear material on the black market? Either way, we end the act with... the man with the golden gun!


Chuck uses Sarah's plate move against Carina, nice inter-episode call back; he's clearly watching/learning, but his aim is terrible. This was actually clever as Sarah has perfect aim for she is a professional, while Chuck is still definitely a civilian and has no aptitude for fighting. I really like both these types of simple call backs but also how seemingly throw-away lines/actions help tell the broad story of the show. Chuck talking to Carina also shows Chuck has this weird, innate aptitude to get people to re-evaluate themselves and grow internally. You can watch Carina "grow in real-time. When we get to the hotel and Carina opens her trunk first there are a few glocks, a couple rugers, and a 1911; then she switches to blades and we see some folders, some strait blades, an illegal gravity blade (still illegal today), and a kbar... nice selection! Carina, always the flirt, gives Chuck some very insightful works about the nature of being a spy, but also maybe some way to get through to Sarah.
Inside the hotel we see Carina and Sarah speaking; Carina is speaking Swedish, while Sarah replies in Polish. "Om jag slänger nycklarna till dig, kommer du tappa dem då?" which is Swedish for "If I throw you the keys, will you drop them?" Sarah answered in Polish: "Tylko jak rzucisz jak twoja mamusia", which means "Only if you throw it like your mommy". This is just great!
I want to talk about how fast Chuck managed to find an address for DC, print a label, open a box, put the label on, and get the diamond there all before the door gets broken. Somehow on screen time this is like 10seconds, but in real life this would have to be like 3minutes minimum? Either that door is remarkably strong or... TV magic??


Even with all the flirting, as we say goodbye to Carina >! for now !< she is still joking with Casey and every the professional. I like how they show when it's "game time" it's all about the job, but spys can be people too! Carina still calls Sarah's life boring #3 (the common trifecta of episode repeats).
Sarah's face when Chuck brings the pizza with no olives is the reason I think Yvonne makes the perfect Sarah. She exudes the hidden beauty needed and has the acting to so such emotion for Chuck being sweet. The whole scene with Chuck and Sarah asking questions, then Chuck backing off, then Sarah acting stoic like she WANTS to open up but doesn't know if she can really trust Chuck, is ready to move on from Bryce, and should for the nature of her job. This was probably the most well acted 20seconds of the entire episode. Finally, we hear Sarah's middle name is Lisa. Now we never officially know if Chuck hears this or not both due to camera focus and distance, it's never officially confirmed in the entire show. When the intersect is updated in season 4 we see Sarah's picture and it lists Lisa as a middle name, so we assume it's official, but it's never confirmed at any point. Finally, I really like how they end the episode with Sarah closing her eyes as the fade to black.

Few notes: There are 5 official songs in this episode:

I think this was a great episode and really showcased what they can do when additional cast members join the team and when they are not afraid to play with perspective. Mimi as Carina is a great addition to the ensemble and I wish we saw her more, but every time she drops in, it's always a wild episode and it's fantastic. Watching Chuck learn about Sarah and seeing Sarah start to open up is a good way forward and heck Casey had some of the best humor in the episode. Overall, it was fast paced, had some nice character development, as funny in the best way, and moved the main theme along, 8/10.
submitted by arvarnargul to chuck [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:47 Count-Daring243 Best 1911 Magazine Base Pads

Best 1911 Magazine Base Pads
Welcome to our latest roundup featuring the innovative 1911 Magazine Base Pads! In this article, we'll be diving into the world of 1911 pistol accessories, showcasing the best base pads on the market. Whether you're a seasoned shooter or a newcomer to the scene, our detailed overview will help you make an informed decision for your next purchase.
Get ready to explore the top picks for 1911 Magazine Base Pads and discover why they're essential for enhancing your shooting experience. Let's dive in!

The Top 13 Best 1911 Magazine Base Pads

  1. Copia Single Pistol Magazine Pouch: Glock 48 - Raven Concealment's ambidextrous Copia Single Pistol Magazine Pouch provides premium, duty-grade retention for over 100 handgun models and their double-stack magazines, including Glock 48 magazines.
  2. Adjustable Magazine Pouch for 1911 Firearms - Enhanced Durability - Safariland's adjustable magazine pouch offers high-quality, secure magazine storage and seamless integration with various tactical belts, providing you with optimal control and adjustability.
  3. 1791 Stealthy 1911/SIG P220 Magazine Pocket - The 1791 Snagmag 1911 8Rd/Sig P220 RH is a sleek, lightweight, and comfortable magazine pouch designed for right-handed use, offering quick and easy access to your magazines while maintaining a classic, timeless appeal and ensuring durability.
  4. 1911 Mag Pouch for Organized Gun Access - Experience ultimate organization with the Benchmaster Single Stack 1911 Mag Rack, a lightweight and durable solution designed specifically for 1911 guns.
  5. Premium Quality Rifle Cheek Pad for Enhanced Comfort and Stability - Experience enhanced rifle butt-mounting with the reliable, non-slip, and stylish Pachmayr 500B Rifle LG Blk/Blk Base Pad, designed to be a superior replacement for traditional hard plastic or metal buttplates.
  6. High Impact Polymer Taurus Grip Extensions for Enhanced Comfort and Control - The Pearce Grip EXT for Taurus 709/740 offers superior comfort and control with a high-impact polymer design and added gripping surface, ensuring a better shooting experience.
  7. Magpul GL L-Plate for PMAG 17 GL9 and PMAG 15 GL9 - Discover unparalleled versatility and durability with the Magpul GL L-Plate, the perfect companion for your PMAG 17 GL9 and PMAG 15 GL9 magazines, available in packs of three, easy to install, and made in the USA.
  8. High-Capacity Glock Magazine Base Plate - Get superior functionality and durability with the CRUXORD 3% Flag Magazine Base Plate, fitting most Glocks and crafted in the USA.
  9. 1911 Magazine Base Pad Replacement for .45 ACP 47 Series - Experience seamless magazine performance with the Wilson Mag Std .350 Base Pad, a reliable and compatible solution specifically designed for 45 ACP caliber 1911 magazines.
  10. Ed Brown 1911 Magazine Base Pad for 45 ACP 7RD Silver - Experience seamless concealed carry with Ed Brown's 7-round 45 ACP Silver Magazine for 1911s, featuring a removable base pad for a perfect fit.
  11. Wilson Combat Low Profile Base Pad for 1911 Magazines - Ultra-reliable Wilson 500BLP45 base pad designed for 1911 .45 ACP magazines, offering exceptional durability and craftsmanship made in the USA.
  12. Tactile Lock-Plate Type 1 Magpul Magazine Base Pads - Upgrade your tactical capabilities with the Magpul Tactile Lock-Plate, providing easy loadout identification and functionality with gloved hands, perfect for AM4 users.
  13. Strike Industries Canik TP9 Magazine Extension with Locking Plate - Strike Industries' Extended Magazine Plate for Canik TP9 enhances reloading efficiency with no snag design and adds 5 rounds to 9mm capacity, perfect for 1911 Magazine Base Pads.
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🔗Copia Single Pistol Magazine Pouch: Glock 48
You know how there are those days when you just need to keep your Glock 48 magazines on you but don't want them digging into your side? Raven Concealment's Copia Single Pistol Magazine Pouch has been my trusty sidekick during those moments. This duty-grade mag holder accommodates a variety of handgun models, including my trusty Glock 48. Its clever design makes it easy to use ambidextrously, which means both lefties and righties can get in on the action!
One thing I really appreciated was its flexibility. Depending on your style preferences, you can choose between the standard tall body-style or short body-style. The tall body-style works with all of Raven Concealment's modular belt attachments, while the short body-style is compatible with OWB closed loops, OWB QMS, and IWB Soft Loops. Plus, you get 1.5-inch standard OWB belt loops to keep everything secure and snug.
However, if you are on the lookout for something more stylish or vibrant, this may not be the best option as it comes in neutral shades like black and tan. But hey, practicality doesn't always need to be flashy, right?
All in all, if you're in need of a reliable magazine holder that adapts to your needs, look no further than Raven Concealment's Copia Single Pistol Magazine Pouch. It's like your silent buddy, always there when you need it!

🔗Adjustable Magazine Pouch for 1911 Firearms - Enhanced Durability
In my daily life as a tactical enthusiast, I've found the Safariland Adjustable Magazine Pouch to be a reliable and convenient addition to my gear. With its ability to adapt to various belt systems and offer precise resistance for magazine removal, this pouch is a versatile and dependable companion.
One aspect that stood out was the closed low-cut front, which effectively secures the magazine and prevents it from accidentally falling out of the pouch. However, I did notice that the built-up channel inside the pouch can be a bit tight when drawing the magazine out, which may require some adjustment on my part.
Overall, this magazine pouch has proven to be a valuable accessory for my firearm, providing me with the ease and security I need while on the go.

🔗1791 Stealthy 1911/SIG P220 Magazine Pocket
Carrying a spare magazine doesn't have to be a bulky, awkward task. 1791's Snagmag 1911 8Rd/Sig P220 RH is a game-changer. This sleek, black magazine pouch, designed specifically for right-handed users, easily fits into your pocket, ready for a quick swap when you need it.
Made from authentic leather in the U. S. A, its construction is solid and durable. It's lightweight, comfortable, and, when you flip it open, you have easy access to the extra ammo you need. It's a pocket-sized lifesaver in any situation, perfect for a concealed carry or for enhancing your performance while practicing with your firearm.
However, it may not be for everyone. It's a bit of a niche product, and it might not suit all shooting styles. But for those who have tried it and have found it useful, it's a convenient, reliable way to ensure you're always prepared. The leather construction also adds a tactile touch, making it more than just a mere tool, but a piece of equipment you can feel confident in.

🔗1911 Mag Pouch for Organized Gun Access
The Benchmaster 1911 Rack has made my life so much easier. With its quick access feature, I can get my hands on the right magazine every single time. I love how it keeps my magazines securely held in place whether they're loaded or unloaded.
The durability and build quality of this rack is impressive, and it's light enough to take with me when I travel yet sturdy enough to handle the wear and tear of everyday use. Its moisture-resistant design ensures my mags stay protected in any weather conditions. On the flip side, the price tag seems a bit high for this particular product, but after using it, I must say it's worth the investment.

🔗Premium Quality Rifle Cheek Pad for Enhanced Comfort and Stability
The Pachmayr Pad 500B is a versatile solution for rifle enthusiasts seeking a reliable and durable alternative to traditional hard plastic or metal buttplates. With its attractive design and quick mounting mechanism, this cheek pad offers a secure and comfortable shooting experience.
However, some users might find the size and weight of the product to be cumbersome. Overall, the 500B is a worthwhile addition to any rifle owner's arsenal, delivering both style and practicality in a well-crafted package.

🔗High Impact Polymer Taurus Grip Extensions for Enhanced Comfort and Control
I recently tried the Pearce Grip EXT for my Taurus 709/740 and found it to be a game-changer for my shooting experience. The High Impact Polymer construction felt surprisingly reliable, offering not only added comfort but also improved control over my gun.
One of the standout features for me was the increased gripping surface; it made a world of difference when it came to handling and stability during firing. My hands no longer felt cramped or out of control when using the gun, thanks to the extension's thoughtful design.
However, I did encounter a minor issue with the installation process. It took me some trial and error to get the magazine extension to fit securely onto the Taurus, as I needed to remove the spring first before sliding it onto the pistol. With a little patience and a bit of creativity, I managed to make it work successfully.
Overall, my experience with the Pearce Grip EXT was positive, and I appreciated the improved comfort and control it provided during my shooting sessions. Though there was a minor hiccup with the installation, this did not detract from the overall functionality and effectiveness of the product.

🔗Magpul GL L-Plate for PMAG 17 GL9 and PMAG 15 GL9

I recently had the chance to try out the Magpul GL L-Plate and I must say, it's a game changer when it comes to adding a bit more surface area for easy reloads without causing any damage to the floor plates. The durability factor is on point, as it's made from a reinforced polymer with a rubber overmold and can easily fit both the PMAG 17 GL9 and PMAG 15 GL9 without a hitch.
One thing that stands out is how these l-plates install without any tools and fit right into place of the original PMAG floor plate. The rubber bottom adds an extra layer of protection when it comes to handling the mags roughly, and I've found it especially helpful during malfunction drills. I'd definitely recommend this l-plate to anyone struggling with getting a proper grip on their pmags, especially when using a magwell.

🔗High-Capacity Glock Magazine Base Plate
Recently, I had the chance to try out the Cruxord Magazine Base Plate 3% Flag. As a gun enthusiast, I was excited to see if this product would fit my Glock 19. After installing it, I noticed a slight improvement in the magazine's fit and function. However, it's essential to mention that it's not a significant improvement, and I didn't notice any significant performance enhancement.
One of the features that stuck out to me was the product's design and material. The aluminum construction made it sturdy and well-built. Additionally, the product's compatibility with various Glock models was a plus.
However, there were a few downsides to the product. Firstly, the price point was on the higher side, which might make it less accessible for some users. Secondly, while the product has a matte finish, the shine could be a turn-off for some users.
Overall, the Cruxord Magazine Base Plate 3% Flag is a decent product with some positives and negatives. While it might not revolutionize the way you use your Glock, it could be a useful addition if you're looking to enhance the fit and function of your magazine.

🔗1911 Magazine Base Pad Replacement for .45 ACP 47 Series
I recently came across the Wilson Mag Std. 350 Base Pad for 1911 magazines and decided to give it a shot. It promised to be a great fit and an easy installation, and, fortunately, it lived up to the hype! The first thing I noticed was how well it fit into my Ruger SR1911 magazine. It was like a glove made just for it! The installation process was simple too - just pop it in and you're good to go.
One thing I appreciated was its ability to help guide the magazine into the well, thanks to being slightly taller than other base pads. However, I did find that these pads were a bit cheaper than their aluminum or steel counterparts, making them a great budget option if you're looking to save a bit.
But I must admit, I did hit a snag when I tried to use these pads with a solid base plate magazine. The pads couldn't fit and I had to resort to other alternatives. Luckily, I found a workaround, but it would have been better if I had known ahead of time.
Overall, these base pads are perfect for users who own detachable base plate magazines, as they can provide reliable protection for your mags while they're seated. However, for those who prefer solid base plates, they might not be the best choice. Nevertheless, I trust Wilson Combat to deliver high-quality gun parts, and these base pads are no exception.

🔗Ed Brown 1911 Magazine Base Pad for 45 ACP 7RD Silver
I've been using this 1911 Magazine from Ed Brown for a while now, and it's been quite the experience. I love that it comes with the removable base pad installed, allowing for a perfect fit with my concealed carry gun. The magazine has been a lifesaver during those long gunsmithing sessions, but it also looks fantastic on my gun.
One thing that stood out to me is the innovative follower design – it's been smooth and reliable every time I've used it. The heavy gauge metal tube adds an extra layer of durability, which is always a plus. However, one downside I've noticed is that the base pad seems to be a bit taller than my other magazines, making it slightly tricky to remove when I need to. Overall, I'd say it's a minor inconvenience in the grand scheme of things.
The 1911 Magazine from Ed Brown is a high-quality product that's perfect for those who want a reliable and stylish addition to their concealed carry arsenal.

🔗Wilson Combat Low Profile Base Pad for 1911 Magazines
The Wilson 500BLP45 base pad offers a reliable and dependable fit for Wilson Combat magazines. Made of high-quality matte black steel, it provides a sleek profile that seamlessly blends with any firearm. After using it, I noticed the low-profile design was perfect for my everyday carry gun, allowing for a more comfortable grip.
My only concern was fitting it onto older generation magazines, but with a little adjustment, it worked like a charm. Overall, it's a solid accessory from an American-made brand with a reputation for excellent performance.

🔗Tactile Lock-Plate Type 1 Magpul Magazine Base Pads
The Magpul MAG803-GRY Tactile Lock-Plate Type 1 Ar, M4 Polymer Gray 5 per Pack is a cleverly designed magazine enhancement that offers users the ability to swiftly and effortlessly distinguish different magazine loadouts. By utilizing raised tactile features, it's simple to differentiate between varying ammo types like ball, tracer, supersonic, and subsonic with the slightest touch.
One of the key aspects that stands out is the ergonomic design that includes 1/8" raised ridges, which protrude through the magazine floor-plate opening. This ensures optimal functionality even when wearing gloves, making it highly convenient for any situation. The product comes in two distinct configurations – Type 1 and Type 2 – offering users a choice between a single ridge or double ridge for a visceral distinction.
However, it's crucial to note that the Magpul Tactile Lock-Plate does not fit PMAG 40 AM4 GEN M3 floor-plates. Nonetheless, it is compatible with standard PMAG 10/20/30 AM4 GEN M3 and PMAG AR 300 B GEN M3 floor-plates, ensuring seamless integration for these magazines.
Despite the occasional need for minor modifications to make it work, overall, the Magpul Tactile Lock-Plate is a reliable and practical solution for users seeking an efficient means to identify their magazine loadouts with tactile precision.

🔗Strike Industries Canik TP9 Magazine Extension with Locking Plate
As a reviewer who's been using the Strike Industries Extended Magazine Plate for Canik TP9, I can say that it's designed to provide smoother magazine reloading with its slow drag, no snag design. The impact-resistant polymer and the locking steel plate make it a sturdy accessory.
However, I noticed a downside to it too - it didn't quite provide the extra five rounds capacity I expected from it, and it didn't fit well on my magazine well. Overall, the experience has been a mix of positives and negatives, so I understand why it's received mixed reviews.

Buyer's Guide

Before we delve into the details of magazine base pads, let's first understand what they are and why you might need them. Magazine base pads, also known as extended base pads or magazine adapters, serve two primary purposes: enhancing the magazine's stability and capacity.

Features to Consider


Magazine base pads can be made from various materials, including plastic or aluminum. Plastic pads tend to be more affordable but may not offer the same level of durability as aluminum pads, which are generally more robust and resistant to wear and tear.


The magazine base pad should be compatible with your firearm and magazine combination. Verify the dimensions before making a purchase, as ill-fitting parts can cause jams, misfeeds, and discomfort while shooting.


The weight of a magazine base pad can affect your shooting experience. Lighter pads may reduce felt recoil, while heavier pads can improve stability and control. Consider your personal preference and shooting requirements when choosing a weight for your magazine base pad.

Material Shape and Design

Magazine base pads come in various shapes and designs to accommodate different handgun platforms. Some pads have a flared base, while others have a raised or extended back. Ensure that the shape and design of the pad match your firearm to ensure proper function and comfort.

What to Consider Before Buying

Magazine Capacity

A primary reason for using a magazine base pad is to increase capacity. If you require a higher ammunition supply, select a pad designed for your specific handgun and magazine combination. Be sure to verify the advertised capacity and compare it with your existing magazine to ensure accurate sizing and function.

Price and Value

Different manufacturers may offer pads at different price points. Research and compare prices before purchasing to ensure value for your money. Keep in mind that higher-quality materials and more robust designs may command a higher price.


As previously mentioned, verify the compatibility of the magazine base pad with your firearm and magazine before making a purchase. A pad that does not perfectly align with your gun or magazine can cause issues like light strikes, failure to eject, or even damage to your equipment.

Advice and Recommendations

Training and Practice

It's essential to practice with your equipment, including any additional accessories such as extended base pads. Proper training can help you identify potential issues with your gear and make adjustments to improve your performance and safety.

Maintain Your Equipment

Regularly inspect and clean your magazine base pad, as well as your handgun and magazines. Keeping your equipment well-maintained can prevent performance issues and prolong its lifespan.

Buy from Reputable Dealers

Purchase your magazine base pad from a reputable dealer known for its quality products and customer service. This will help you avoid counterfeit or substandard parts that could compromise your equipment's performance and safety.

Consider Safety First

Always prioritize safety when handling and using new equipment such as extended base pads. Read the manufacturer's instructions carefully and consult with a firearms expert or experienced shooter if you have any questions or concerns about proper usage.

Experiment and Adjust

As your shooting preferences and requirements may change over time, consider experimenting with different magazine base pads to find the best fit for your needs. Your personal comfort and performance should always be the top priorities.


What are 1911 Magazine Base Pads?

1911 Magazine Base Pads are a type of accessory designed for 1911-style firearms. These pads are intended to provide a more comfortable grip and better control over the magazine during reloading. They are typically made from durable materials such as polymer or metal and can be customized to fit specific models of 1911 firearms.

Why would someone need a 1911 Magazine Base Pad?

1911 Magazine Base Pads can offer several benefits for shooters. They provide a more ergonomic grip, allowing for easier and quicker reloading. They can also help reduce recoil by cushioning the magazine against the shooter's hand. Additionally, they can enhance the overall appearance of the firearm by adding a unique touch of personalization.

What materials are 1911 Magazine Base Pads typically made from?

1911 Magazine Base Pads are usually made from materials such as polymer, aluminum, or steel. These materials offer a combination of durability, lightweight, and customizable appearance that appeals to many shooters.

Are 1911 Magazine Base Pads compatible with all 1911 handgun models?

No, 1911 Magazine Base Pads are not universally compatible with all 1911 handgun models. Different manufacturers produce pads that are specifically designed for particular handgun models or series. It is essential to choose a pad that matches the make and model of your 1911 firearm.

How do I choose the right 1911 Magazine Base Pad for my handgun?

When selecting a 1911 Magazine Base Pad, you should consider the specific make and model of your firearm. Look for pads that are designed and manufactured to fit your handgun's model series. Additionally, take note of the pad's material, color, and any additional features that you may find appealing.

Can I install a 1911 Magazine Base Pad myself?

Installing a 1911 Magazine Base Pad typically requires no special skills or tools. Most pads are designed to be simple to install with hand tools. However, some pads may require the use of a small screwdriver or other specialized tools. Always refer to the manufacturer's instructions for proper installation.

How much do 1911 Magazine Base Pads typically cost?

The price of 1911 Magazine Base Pads can vary depending on the manufacturer, materials used, and specific features. Generally, you can expect to pay between $20 to $60 for a high-quality, well-designed pad. However, prices can be higher or lower depending on the brand and the pad's specific features.

Do 1911 Magazine Base Pads come in different colors or finishes?

Yes, 1911 Magazine Base Pads are available in various colors and finishes. Some manufacturers offer a wide range of colors and styles, allowing customers to choose a pad that best matches their personal taste and the appearance of their firearm.
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submitted by Count-Daring243 to u/Count-Daring243 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:46 PlatinumRooster The Final(s) Nail In The Coffin - A perpetual decline for an amazing game, and concerns about Nexon.

TL;DR: Shooters have notoriously had a difficult time staying alive while under Nexon's banner.
Go ahead and spam your downvotes, but if you're someone that actually likes to engage in conversation, I urge you to read on.

Intro -- Personal

For starters, The Finals is my favorite FPS game to come out in the last 5 years. I've played since the second CBT and have loved just about every second of it. Prior to my time with The Finals, I was an Apex Legends nerd since release. The pro match hacking incident in Apex Legends is what pushed me over the edge; an edge that I was already barely hanging onto after 3+ years of awful decision-making, balancing, bugs, and tone-deaf MTX offerings. And going even further back 13-ish years (my time with League of Legends), I played Combat Arms for about 4 years and ran a very successful Guild.
Keep Combat Arms in mind for a little later.

The Final(s) Nail In The Coffin

At the time of the first The Finals trailer, HYENAS had been running in closed testing for about 8 months and was luke warm, to say the least. I actually find it very eerie how similar the HYENAS and The Finals were in terms of theming: heisters/contestants fighting for cash in arenas and needing to 'Cash Out'. HYENAS was a game I had on my radar for a bit and was semi-excited to tell my friends about because Apex Legends was in a really rough position and was growing stale in it's growth - we were looking for something else. It had some interesting movement mechanics, which myself and my friends were enamored by in Apex Legends, but nothing too crazy. I was hopeful. After about 2 testing runs, I phased out of HYENAS pretty hard and lost interest as it wasn't really what we were hoping it would be.
Breaking Convention
Fast forward to that 8-month mark, and the trailer for The Finals launches. It's this over-the-top explosive FPS with some crazy arena gimmicks, and holy shit it was pretty. The destruction was incredible, and the developers were touting server-side destruction so that it would be consistent for all players. The gameplay and graphics looked so familiar, and as it turned out, it was made by a bunch of ex-DICE devs. Count me in. Oh, and these were the same cats that released that short but impressive looking trailer for their other game Arc Raiders? Exceptionally promising pedigree, and an already promising duo of upcoming projects to boot. Couldn't be more excited. However... to this day, I don't know if I was getting struck by the Mandella Effect, but I swear I didn't see Nexon's publisher tag in the first few trailers. In any case, by the end of my first beta test, I was well aware and to say I was concerned would be an understatement.
The Good
Embark have done a phenomenal job at creating something unique in a market of Battle Royales and old titans slapping each other with wet noodles on bi-annual cycles. The Finals is insanely unique. Whereas a lot of games that try to break conventions like this tend to have iterations across many years and multiple development studios up to an eventual peak, the formula of The Finals feels like the final iteration of a genre that has never existed. Performance is top notch, the game does what it needs to do graphically and still has additional bells and whistles, and it had a near flawless release (all things considered). Were you to ask me, I could not imagine another game like The Finals existing in it's current exceptionally polished state. The next game like The Finals, whenever it comes out, will likely be exceptionally different. However...
The Bad
Lightning eventually breaks out of the bottle and disappears forever. The Finals, in all of its game design competency, has major issues for lasting in a market like today's and thankfully, for once, it's not actually due to it's MTX implementation and a greedy publisher (I say that cautiously, more on that later). No - the issue that The Finals has and why it's on a trajectory for shuttering is that it has almost zero skill expression. Let me explain.
Were The Finals released 12-ish years ago, it'd be a behemoth of an IP by now and likely would have changed the trajectory of the market in terms of player and audience capture. What do I mean by that? Well, lets look at games 10+ years ago - specifically FPS'. What was the primary appeal and objective? The appeal was an easy to pick-up game which allowed you to get into the action almost immediately. The objective? Click heads faster than your opposition. Game design around that time was rather linear in how it delivered the objective mechanism to the player. Give player gun, player click button; happy player. Competitive games have all existed, but competition now is vastly different.
Today, skill expression is the name of the game. It's not enough to click heads the fastest - that's not how you get your high anymore.
For DayZ, it was a masterful bait and deception. For PUBG, it was about maneuvering long before your opponent did and mastering weapon control. For Fortnite, it was about 'cranking 90s' and building the most optimal structure AROUND your opponent. For Overwatch, it was about chaining a series of abilities together into a combo that 6 players couldn't predict. For Apex Legends, it's about mastering movement in such a way that your opponent gets whiplash. Hell, even in Counterstrike - a game about holding angles - it's about mastering grenade throws.
The Finals... does none of that. You're not baiting anyone around fixed objectives. You're not out maneuvering when spawns are fixed. While structures exist around you, they serve more as an element of chaos than necessarily for control. There's no abilities to string together in some wombo-combo. Grenades are static and don't have a lot of physical attributes to facilitate against the environment like physics. And lastly, and this one hurts me the most because I was absolutely a sweaty try-hard in Apex Legends that spent hours in the shooting range practicing; while there is speed and movement in the game, you're not breaking the game's engineering to manipulate your movement in unintended ways - ways that become SO common... that the developer themselves puts those exploits in future season trailers for the game making them canon mechanics.
In other words, the skill ceiling is about as high as the desk players sit at to play the game. If you can move a mouse or a controller and click buttons, you're in. You just need to get familiar with the maps and weapons and... that's about it. :/
The Ugly
Don't believe me? Lets get numerical. Go look at Twitch stats for The Finals. Now, Twitch isn't an arbiter of truth in terms of a game's performance metrics, but it shows what players are watching. I'll save you the click: The Finals (at the time of writing) is the 215th most watched game. It's a whole 20 rows down on the front page. Now, players love watching high-skill play, but this also shows that even casual viewers still prefer casual games over The Finals. There is no external appeal. As much as I love this game, I'm not above a good joke, so I just wanted to highlight the irony of The Finals being a gameshow... and not being very popular as a show. Lol.
With all of the above said, the game is still in a relatively good position at this moment. Despite having very low player counts (no, I'm not the kind of person to spell doom for a game just because it's player count is dropping - it's on a normal interest decline curve), it requiring a low amount of players to start a game at all is a good thing. Unlike a BR or even a normal TDM-like game, you need a minimum of 9 players to start a round. A 9-player minimum goes a long way in expanding the ability to find a game with only 15,000-ish players. It puts it right in the comfy zone of co-op games like DRG or Vermintide. However, competitive games requiring a stalwart player count to be viable unlike co-op, so that's a bit of a problem right now.
So with that being said, it can always improve right? Something can change to bring back players and bolster it's numbers again, right? Well... um...

Nexon -- The Gravedigger

Nexon & Me -- We Don't Talk About It
My relationship with Nexon is long and... tenuous, at best. To me, Nexon is that family member that only ever comes to larger family get-togethers likes weddings or baby showers. They tend to give out some of the highest ticket gift cards but once the party is over, everyone finds that the giftcards are empty or deactivated. Nexon, over the years since it's arrival in the West in 2005-ish, has been flakey at best, and absent at worst. I'm envious of those who don't have a relationship with Nexon like I do because Nexon has truly been that family figure in my life of gaming since Maplestory - I have been apart of just about every major release pre-2016. I'm 31 now - that's over half of my life. Spoilers: It's not all been good. I'm happy to say that I've been able to communicate with a small handful of you over the last 18 months who have shared my same concerns and have the same history with them that I do.
I played Maplestory religiously. I played Mabinogi diligently. I played Kart Riders confusingly. I played Sudden Attack curiously. I played Combat Arms consistently. I played Vindictus excitedly. All of the previous, and a few more, intermixed with other games not made by Nexon - aside from Runescape, Nexon has been with me just as long, if not longer (depending on how you look at it). I know how Nexon is. I know how Nexon works. I know how Nexon behaves. With that said, it doesn't bring me any joy to pop the virgin cherry for some of you who don't know much about them.
Nexon Doing Nexon Things
I'll only be mentioning relevant titles here to paint the picture that needs to be seen.
(From here, the only relevant conversation pertaining to this thread will be about FPS')
With all of the above information about Nexon's history, its fair to surmise that Nexon has a turbulent cycle serving as a publisher for games. This does not bode well for Embark.
I'd like everyone to remember that the people we engage with on a daily basis in the Discord are passionate Embark folk. This critique of Nexon has no bearing on Embark, however it's important to remember that they'll likely be affected, and it's a shame. Even in the best case scenario that The Finals doesn't shut down, but just maintains a low player-count, it will not serve well under Embark. Unfortunately it will affect Embark's pedigree more than it would ever affect Nexon as Nexon has the same priveledge and power of the likes of EA.
I'll be honest, when I first found out Nexon is the primary publishing house behind Embark, Nexon's history of shuttering games wasn't the first thing I thought of. The first thing I actually thought of was it's history of MTX in it's game. We all joke about horse armor and FIFA packs, but Maplestory led the charge of overbearing MTX in the West. Given today's game market, I was admittedly expecting a lot worse in terms of monetization for The Finals. I'm happy to report that I'm pleasantly surprised with it's current state. I still wouldn't say it's TRUE 'micro' like Helldiver's, but it's way better than a lot of other offerings, especially for me personally coming from a game like Apex Legends.
However, Nexon's influence still can't be ignored. You see, with a history like Nexon's you probably expect what we've all witnessed in the market over the last decade, but Nexon doesn't operate that way. They have a penchant of being rather silent during most, if not all controversies. Hell, just in general - controversies aside. Unlike bodies that we're familiar with like EA, Take-Two, Ubisoft and the like, Nexon doesn't speak outside of their games often, if ever. If you were at a public execution, all of the companies we're familiar with would likely be the Officiant at the pulpit. But Nexon? They're the executioner - completely silent and performing a duty without remorse. This is always how they've acted.

Closing Thoughts

I know I said above that the MTX concerns for The Finals kind of faded away for me as it doesn't seem to be an issue we'll have to worry about, and while it's not the main point of this post, I still find it necessary for players to keep in the back of their head, especially since Embark have other games coming out. Were The Finals not to shutter due to low player count, this is my PSA to all players moving forward, whether it be about The Finals or beyond: Nexon cannot be trusted.
"Well, duh! You can't trust companies anyway, nor should you. It's a company. It's incentive is profit."
To that I say, "That's not my point".
In today's market, we're typically used to a controversy happening in the game on top of whatever PR blunders is going on with the organization, but that's not what would really happen here. The Finals doesn't have any issues beyond it's declining player count, but I want everyone to remain aware of Nexon's moves going forward. Just because we don't necessarily see the smoke here doesn't mean that there isn't a fire somewhere else.
So, for your own interest if you'd like to research on your own, here are some topics of concern:
  1. Variety of game closures and sunsets under contentious situations with developers and publishing partners alike.
  2. Account security breaches (I guess a more relevant tangent would be GameGuard. Nexon was the first to widely use GameGuard when Maplestory came to the West. I personally don't care, but I know some others would.)
  3. Various cases of government scrutiny world-wide due to addictive Gachapon implementations.
  4. Speaking of Gachapon (and P2W), their recent suit around manipulating odds for a P2W item outside of it's listed values:
  5. And lastly, most recently, Nexon pulling back public support for Maplestory's would-be world-first level 300 player when he used the opportunity to address genuine concerns about the game's current state, including the above lawsuit.
submitted by PlatinumRooster to thefinals [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:32 zenpathfinder [WTS] Huge Gold & Silver Sale - Good Stuff!

Howdy good folks! My daughter who is just a year from graduating with a teaching degree to teach 6th grade had her car die and I gotta either help her fix it or get her another one that will last her a few years till she has a job (teacher, so maybe it needs to last her forever considering those salaries). Help a homie out.
I am hoping not to have to sell all this stuff, so when I reach my needed amount I will be closing this sale. BIN Early, BIN Often :P
I am not gonna give my password to anyone ever!! 2FA IS ENABLED!! I hope you all do the same.
I tried to make some interesting lots, if you see something in one of the lots, make me an offer and I may pull it from the lot.
Offers accepted on multiple items.
More pics available via chat. Just ask.
I have one trade offer for a 100oz Engelhard at the bottom of this post.
BIN it and Win it. First to BIN gets it. Otherwise I decide the order in which I respond to chats.
1x - 1oz 1988 Gold Panda in Capsule - - - $2375
1x - MASSIVE 6.33g Gold Nugget from Oregon - This is beautifully wrapped around quartz and would make an amazing pendent - (more pics in the proof album) - $450
1x - 1/10 gold 2022 Perth Kangaroo - - $260
1x - 1/10 gold 2023 Perth Lunar Rabbit - - $275
1x - 1/10 gold 2022 Perth Lunar Tiger - - $285
3x - 1/10 gold Canadian Maple Leaf, 1999, 2021, 2022 - - $260 each
1x - 1/10 gold 2018 Canadian Polar Bear - - $265
1x - 1/10 gold 2023 Brittania, Chuck-e-cheese obverse - - $260
2x 1x - 1/10 gold China Panda, 1988, 2014 - - - $265 each
1x - 3g gold China Panda 2023 - - - $265
3x 2x - 1g gold Geiger, factory sealed in plastic assay - - $95 each
10.44 ozt of silver hand pours from various makers, they range in size from 10g to 127g and are all pretty spiffy - $330
If you are interested in this lot, I will send pics via chat. THe attached pic has a 100g loaf not included in this lot, but is for sale.
1x - GlassPanther Bender Statue with base (2+ oz) - - $75
1x - GlassPanther 2oz Anvil - - $75
1x - GlassPanther Shut UP and Take My Money Pocket Piece - - - $40
1x - Lot of two YourMailmanSays lego Star Wars pours (1.25oz total) - -$60
1x - YourMailmanSays hand poured Mail Truck (just under an oz) - - $50
1x - 3oz Monarch Skull Pour - - $99
1x - 3.52oz Crazy Train Bullion Kit-Kat, amazing piece - - - $175
1x - 5oz Barbarian Bar, neat art, not sure who artist is - - $175
1x - 10oz 2014 Kookaburra in Original Factory Capsule - - $380
1x - 10oz 2015 Kookaburra in Original Factory Capsule - - $380
1x - 10oz 2018 Kookaburra in Original Factory Capsule - - $380
1x - 10oz 2015 Lunar Goat in Original Factory Capsule - - $380
1x - 10oz 2016 Lunar Monkey in Original Factory Capsule - - $380
BIN ALL 10oz PERTH (50oz total) FOR $1800
1x - 7.5oz (8 bars) Lot, neat stuff from 1970s, Babe Ruth, Einstein, MLK JR, South East Refining, Stage Coach Silver divisible bar, Labor Day 1973, Fathers Day 1973, Liberty Dog Tag - - - $250 for all
1x - WH Foster 1968 Sunshine Mining 3oz Bar #638 - - - $175 (comps reached $499)
1x - WH Foster 1968 Consolidate Silver 3oz Bar #638 - - - $150
1x - Sheet of 8 Factory Sealed 1oz Stagecoach Silver Divisible (into 1/4) Bars - - - $295
1x - 5oz Johnson Matthey Bar #040211, still in factory package - - $190
The Lunar Skulls below are very low mintage and have absolutely stupid comp prices (mine are about half price). The proof coins are limited to 500 and the burnished are limited to 2000. Amazingly cool artwork and if you collect the lunar series stuff, you will love this really cool twist on the subject.
Any blemishes are on the capsules, the coins are very BU. Happy to send more pics if needed.
1x - 2017 Year of the Rooster Skull Proof 1oz - from Republic of Gabonaise - $55
1x - 2017 Year of the Rooster Skull Burnished 1oz - from Republic of Gabonaise - $55
1x - 2016 Year of the Monkey Skull Proof 1oz - from Republic of Palau - $55
1x - 2016 Year of the Monkey Skull Burnished 1oz - from Republic of Palau - $55
1x - 2015 Year of the Goat Skull Proof 1oz - from Republic of Ghana - $55
BIN ALL 5 Lunar Skulls for $250
1x - 100g Doduco Feinsilber Loaf - $110
1x - Silver 2023 Beskar Bar, some toning - - $39
KINESIS MINT LOT - 2x 100g Justice bars, 8x 1oz Justice Bars, 5oz Silverback Bar. All still sealed in factory packaging and all serialized (19.43 ozt total) - - - $650
Samoa/Scottsdale Mint 2024 Dragon Round Lot - 5x 1oz dragon on factory sealed strip & 5x 1/2oz dragon on factory sealed strip (7 1/2 total oz) discounted from Scottsdale Mint's prices - - $230
1x - Generic (but pretty cool stuff) Lot all in Air-tites, 20x 1oz rounds - - - $625
1x - Odd sized Canadian, Aussie, and British Mint lot (21 total OZ) - $725 * This lot includes - - * 5x Canadian Wildlife 1 1/2 oz coins, no capsules would fit them * 2x Perth 2oz Rounds in capsules * 3x 2oz Queens Beast Rounds in capsules * 1x 2oz Canadian Kraken in Capsule
I have a 100oz ENGELHARD BAR in Original package that I would trade for:
93 ASE (If you have 5 tubes I would work out difference with you to keep them full if you like).
95-100 OZ of miscellaneous other silver, show me what you have and we can decide what is fair. If plain generic, then 100 to 100.
We each cover our own shipping. I would use Priority Mail and add signature confirmation.
PAYMENT - Zelle or Venmo (NO NOTES), Paypal F&F, fiat cash, checks, money orders. Checks and Money orders need to fully clear first before I ship anything.
SHIPPING - $5-9. Insurance at your request, charged at cost. I pack and ship like I like to receive it. Nicely secured, padded, and no jingling. I hand deliver to post office for scanning and will provide tracking.
RESPONSIBILITY - It ends when the package shows delivered in tracking. If you have a problem with porch pirates I recommend signature confirmation, which I can provide at cost. All items verified on a Sigma at my LCS. I stand behind what I sell 100%.
SECURITY - All my proof pictures will contain my ZENPATHFINDER silver round name badge that u/UnresolvedEgo made. I love it. You should consider a name badge of your own if you sell. I am no dummy and any "mod" that says I am banned and they need my password to see my chats gets a nice teabagging pic and is reported. I will always use my custom name tag to provide proof via chat, just ask. I have 2FA on my account.
submitted by zenpathfinder to Pmsforsale [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:03 Obvious-Meal-5174 AITA for wanting to break up with my clingy girlfriend?

I (M16) been dating this older girl who's 19 for about 6 months now. At first, it was great. She was sweet, caring, and we had a lot of fun together. But lately, her clinginess is starting to overwhelm me.
She always wants to be around me, like she can't stand being apart for even a minute. It feels like she's attached at the hip, and I can't shake her off. Even when I want to hang out with my friends, she insists on tagging along, hanging onto my every word. I can barely have a conversation with them without her interrupting or wanting to be the center of attention.
She texts and calls me constantly throughout the day. If I don't respond immediately, she gets upset or worried. I've tried to explain that I need some space and time to myself, but she doesn't seem to get it. She always wants to know where I am, what I'm doing, and who I'm with. It's like she doesn't trust me, even though I've never given her a reason not to.
I've been contemplating ending things, but I don't know how to do it without hurting her feelings. She's really invested in our relationship, constantly talking about our future together and all that jazz. But honestly, I'm just not ready for that level of commitment. I'm only 16, and I feel like I should be enjoying my teenage years without this kind of pressure.
Last night, we went out for dinner, and I could feel her eyes on me the whole time. It made me feel suffocated, like I couldn't even enjoy my meal in peace. She kept asking me if something was wrong because I seemed distant, but I didn't know how to tell her the truth. I know she cares about me, but her clinginess is becoming too much to handle.
I've been trying to figure out how to gently break it off, but every time I see her smile, I chicken out. How do you break someone's heart without shattering your own? It's like trying to disarm a bomb without setting it off.
I know I need to do it soon, but I'm worried about being labeled as the jerk in the situation. I don't want to be the bad guy, but I also don't want to stay in a relationship that's making me unhappy. So, AITA for wanting to break up with my clingy girlfriend?
submitted by Obvious-Meal-5174 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:01 DonFiglioni Explanations

Shared false memories are often perpetuated when one person's false memory, misquote, joke or inaccurate reference makes it into pop culture where it is seen by millions.
SHATNER, SALLY FIELD & HANNIBAL Jim Carrey in Ace Ventura calling a monacled man the Monopoly guy, or doing Shatner from The Twilight Zone, "There's... someone on the wing! Some... THING!" or imitating Sally Field in The Mask and Hannibal Lecter in The Cable Guy: these were comedic impressions, not quotes.
TANK MAN & THE LINDBERGH BABY I was recently watching episodes of The West Wing which perpetuated 2 more common MEs. Richard Schiff's character mentions people watching TV and seeing a man get run over by a tank - a reference to Tiananmen square. A woman sarcastically confesses to a crime, adding that if you search her house, you'll find the Lindbergh baby. People watching could easily remember these events incorrectly.
GHOST POTTERY Patrick Swayze was still alive during the pottery scene. Family Guy spoofed this scene with Swayze's character as a ghost, and you have probably seen similar spoofs, leading to the false memory that he was a ghost in that scene. YOU WANT SOME CORNBREAD, MR. JINGLES? Michael Clarke Duncan's character rarely interacted with Mr. Jingles and never fed him cornbread. That was a different inmate. The Simpsons spoofed this, with MCD saying "You want some cornbread, Mr. Jingles?" which is how many people remember the movie. SARAH MICHELLE GELLAR'S DRAMATIC MONOLOGUE In I Know What You Did Last Summer, SMG witnesses a murder while performing on stage, to a stunned audience who remain silent. Some people remember the audience erupting in applause. That was a parody scene in Scary Movie.
You may have seen a different version of a popular movie as a child.
PHILOSOPHER'S STONE There are 2 versions of the first Harry Potter movie. The title macguffin is called the Sorcerer's Stone in American releases, the Philosopher's Stone in UK and Canada.
AUSTRALIAN PETER PAN If you remember Peter Pan having a British accent, Tinkerbell saving him from a poisoned cake, and Smee going home to his mother at the end, the you saw an Australian version not made by Disney. This one MESSED with my head after watching the Disney version as an adult.
CALIGULA There are MANY different edits of this film based on it's country and time of release and censorship laws. Some versions include hard-core pornographic scenes which were cut in other versions. Some versions have the order of scenes mixed up. You could watch 2 versions edited so differently that the plot is not even the same. I have seen 2: one that starts with Caligula in bed with his sister, the other that starts with a hunting scene intended to come later.
BRIAN COX AS HANNIBAL LECTER? You may have seen either or both Manhunter and Red Dragon - 2 adaptations of the same novel. Manhunter came out before Silence of the Lambs and featured Brian Cox. Red Dragon was made later as a prequel featuring Anthony Hopkins. There could be many instances of people confusing originals and remakes.
If you tend to watch DVD special features, you may remember deleted or alternate scenes more vividly than the actual movie.
DON'T DROP THAT NECKLACE, ROSE! Yes, there was an alternate ending of Titanic in which Bill Paxton confronted Old Rose on the back of the ship, but it completely messed with the flow and the audience's catharsis. Bravo to James Cameron for chosing the better ending. One of my Favorite movies.
IT'S THE DIRTIEST JOKES THAT STAY WITH YOU Years after watching Team America: World Police on DVD, the only 2 scenes I remembered were a disgustingly graphic scat sex scene between two marionettes, and a scene of man-on-man oral sex that ended with the superior saying it would be hard to make his subordinate into the perfect soldier... because he's gay now. I was dismayed when I watched it a second time and both these scenes were absent. Turns out, years ago, I watched the deleted scenes in the DVD special features.
Historical films VS reenactments
HOUSTON, WE'VE HAD A PROBLEM This is the line as it was actually spoken in real life and, subsequently, in several dramatic reenactments. In the popular movie, Tom Hanks says "Houston, we HAVE a problem."
THAT'S NOT HOW THEY KILLED BIN LADEN! Shortly after it happened, you may have watched one of several dramatic reenactments of the raid, including an animated recreation of the actual helmet cam footage, which differed drastically from how it was portrayed in Zero Dark Thirty. Aside from the production quality, the reenactments were far more enthralling.
FALSE TRAILERS Yes, sometimes a movie trailer is made using whatever footage is available, before the final cut of the film is finished. Therefore, it is not uncommon for scenes from the trailer to be missing from the movie.
WATCH OUT FOR THAT TIE FIGHTER! That's right, Jyn never comes face-to-face with a TIE fighter in Rogue One, despite it being one of the most exciting shots from the trailer.
LIVE. DIE. REPEAT. Not the title of the movie. It was called Edge of Tomorrow, though you wouldn't know it from the constant repetition of the tag line in the trailer and minimal use of the actual title. Most DVD/Blu-ray releases have this tag line prominently on the cover art, so viewers know what movie it is.
SOUNDS LIKE A SEXY HAMBURGER! Seth Rogen never says this in Superbad, in reference to the fake name McLovin, but it is one of the most memorable lines from the time of the film's release.
False memories sometimes form from combining several related ones.
TINKERBELL DOTS THE I No, she doesn't. But you've seen her flitting across the screen and flicking a wand to make words appear or the castle disappear in several different title sequences. See the Disney home video one, for example.
I SEE WHITE PEOPLE! No, the line spoofing The Sixth Sense was not spoken in Scary Movie, but you DID hear it the same year. At the 2000 Oscars, host Billy Crystal did a bit where he had the camera zoom up on celebrities in the audience and he said what they were thinking in that moment. He spoke this line when the camera was zoomed in on Michael Clarke Duncan, to much laughter.
SINBAD THE... SUPERVILLAIN? Sinbad did not play a genie called Shazaam, but in 1996, the same year Shaq played Kazaam, Sinbad played a mischievous character in a ridiculous costume as the main antagonist in the Christmas film Jingle All the Way. You may have combined these 2 images in your memory.
THAT DARN CORNUCOPIA No, it wasn't part of the Fruit of the Loom logo, but it was a frequently reproduced image every kid saw in school when they learned about Thanksgiving. The 2 images were so similar that many teachers made the assumption they were the same, telling kids they may have seen it on their underwear. In fact, the cornucopia image was so common, it seems to have even been used on some knock-off brands of socks and underwear, making this MA totally understandable.
MIRROR, MIRROR ON THE WALL... The evil queen never said it when you were a kid, but Lord Farquad did in Shrek when you were a bit older, which probably misinformed your memory of the original line.
IT'S THE EYE OF THE TIGER... Does the song make you think of the movie Rocky? It shouldn't. It was never used in the original film, only the sequels. Although Rocky's original theme music is just as iconic.
OH, NO! NOT PLASTIC SHEETS! There were none on the floor for Tommy's hit in Goodfellas, but you may be thinking of a similar scene in Lethal Weapon 2.
IS LIBERTY ISLAND A THING? Yes, it always was. You always associated it with the immigrants who came over through Ellis Island when you learned about them in school. Your teachers may not have bothered telling you the name of the island that houses the statue and you assumed it was the same. And here's something else to think about: Liberty Island is located in the waters of New Jersey, not New York.
THAT'S THE WRONG ACTOR! Meg Ryan was not Maverick's love iterest in Top Gun; she was Goose's wife. Some people made that mistake as Ryan soon became a household name and was mentioned in a lot of the film's marketing, especially for the home video release. Ben Affleck was not in Saving Private Ryan, but you have seen him collaborate with Matt Damon many times, and there was an actor named Edward Burns who bares a bit of a resemblance to him. I hope not many of you have made this mistake, but some people remember Angelina Jolie in the original Mission Impossible. It was an actress named Emanuelle Beart... thank God, since she was playing the wife of Jon Voight - Jolie's father. And of course, anyone who watched The X-Files as a kid might remember some episodes with David Duchovney as Agent Mulder, when it was really his replacement, Robert Patrick as Agent Doggett.
Sometimes, a movie or show doesn't go the way you were expecting, or you think "wouldn't this have been better" and your mind dwells on your own version more than on how it actually happened, then, years later, you only remember your version. In some cases, so many people were thinking the same thing, that when you mention your ending later, others say "Oh, yeah! That was great!"
DOLLY'S BRACES She never had any. But she did have pigtails which, like braces, are often associated with youth and feminine cuteness. Add to that the fact that Jaws had metal teeth and you were rooting for them to get together, and it would have given them some great common ground. So when she gave that slow, shy smile at the end, you saw what you wanted to see.
THEY WERE DEAD THE WHOLE TIME! That's not how Lost ended. Whine all you want, or just go and watch it again and pay attention. It was such a popular theory that people were simply expecting it. The popularity of the theory inspired the producers to give us a glimpse into the afterlife in the last season, but by the end, it was made very clear that everything that happened on the island really happened. Christian might as well have been looking directly into the camera when he spelled it out for his son. But many of you couldn't accept that your theory was wrong. If you watched the Jimmy Kimmel Live special that immediately followed the finale, you saw that even Jimmy subscribed to this theory and refused to let it go. It was a classy move for the cast to refrain from berating him about it on his own show.
AVE SOL INVICTUS! The Sun is classified as a yellow dwarf star, which is why it has always been drawn yellow. Since you were a kid, you drew the Sun with a yellow crayon. When you were older, you learned that sunlight is white light, which is composed of every color in the spectrum. White light surrounds us all the time, but we don't see it. We only see the colors that are reflected off surfaces based on their material composition. The Sun EMITS white light, but it APPEARS yellow, or orange-yellow.
That's all I've got for now. I hope I've given you lots to think about and would love to hear your responses!
submitted by DonFiglioni to MandelaEffect [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:48 VIVOffical Governance Proposal: BHG-002

This Proposal serves as core tenant of BHG-002 -005, which together form The Bucket Paper. If any of the following proposals fail to pass by a majority vote (barring extraordinary events). The token launch and airdrop will be postponed to an indefinite date.

PLEASE READ - Important Reminders About Voting in Polls!

  1. You get one vote per poll - once your vote is cast, it cannot be changed or deleted - so if you intend on changing your assets holdings to influence your voting power in a poll, be sure to do so BEFORE voting
  2. Check your voting power BEFORE voting to ensure all expected assets in your Reddit vault are being accounted for in your voting power
  3. There are no caps to how many of one eligible assets a single user can hold
  4. Once a user's vote is cast, the assets the user was holding at the time of their vote will be tracked, and any asset that has already been used in a poll's vote CANNOT be reused under another user within the same poll - this is done to prevent duplicate assets influencing voting power of alt accounts
  5. If you wish to split your vote, you can move eligible assets to an alt account BEFORE voting with the alt

Governance Proposal: BHG-002

by: VIVO, ConeDesk, PermanentNight, Tip2663, and Jojo
This is quite a lot to review, so you may want to pay special attention to: The Community Voting Bot and The Founder's Buckets.
BHG - 001 Bylaws - Amended
Governance within Bucketheads and $BUCKET will be executed by the community, via proposals, and voted on by by the community via our Community Voting Bot*. Votes are weighted based on a users bucket digital assets.* This proposal will amend Bylaws BHG - 001 as seen below, and establish rules by which the sub may govern itself.


Proposal Procedures:

This Section will include all Proposal Procedure Types including: 1. Mod Procedures 2. Approved User Procedures 3. General Community Procedures
Mod Procedure:
A Moderator of BucketHeads may make proposals from time to time on Bucket Community Governance under the following procedure. a moderator may present a proposal to the community as long as four other mods sign their username to it. (That is, willing to be tagged in the proposal and comment approval.)
  1. A Moderator must first present their proposal to the mod team.
  2. Once a proposal is made, the mod team is allowed 1-7 days to discuss the proposal (or until by vote it passes), to propose any changes, and then hold a vote on the proposal via Community Voting Bot.
    If the proposal does not pass, the proposal process ends.
  3. A passed proposal will then be presented to the Bucket Heads community under a Proposal Discussion flair for 1-7 days (must be specified in proposal).*
  4. Proposal Vote via the Community Voting Bot If the proposal does not pass by community vote the proposal process ends. If it passes, the proposal shall be put into effect within a within a reasonable time period.*
    A Moderator may make five proposals within a 7 day period.*

Approved User Procedure:
An Approved User in the Bucketheads community may make proposals from time to time on Bucket Head Governance under the following procedure.
  1. An Approved User may make a proposal under the “Proposal Discussion” flair and must remain up for a period of 1-7 days (must be specified in proposal)
  2. A flair shall be created following the Proposal Discussion with the appropriate proposal flair and number where anyone can post and share their views on the proposal in order to persuade others to vote a particular way, or not at all.
  3. Community Vote: To pass immediately to the mod team the proposal needs a minimum of 48 votes, with a super majority of 65%.*
  4. If the proposal passes, but not by super majority, it gets held for Governance Events.* An Approved User may only make two proposals within a seven-day period.*

General Community Procedure:
Any Bucket Head Community member may make a proposal with or without Approved User status under the following procedure.
Any user may make a proposal under the “General Proposal” flair. These proposals will be sent to the mod team automatically and held for review. The mod team will have 1-7 days to determine if the proposal is approved, denied, or held*. Any moderators can approve a General Proposal by the community, it must be denied by two or more mods for the procedure to end. If the proposal is denied, the proposal ends. If it is approved, the post will go live and must remain up for 1-7 days (specified in the proposal) followed by a Community Vote.
If it passes it will be voted on by the mod team for approval. If it does not pass the proposal ends. If it passes it shall be put into effect with reasonable time period following the end of the Vote.
General Proposals are only required to be reviewed during Governance Events.*
The maximum number of General Proposals in the community at one time is four.*

Proposal Discussion Details:
A Proposal Discussion must have the appropriate flair.
A Proposal Discussion must remain up for a minimum of 24-hours.
Proposal Vote Details:
Polls will have a minimum of 7 days.
All proposal votes must have more than 23 total votes to pass.
All proposals may be held for Governance Events.

Polls, Weighted Voting, and the Community Voting Bot:

Community Voting Bot:
Developed by: PermenantNight, Tip2663, and Adrewmc
Community Voting Bot was designed by Bucket Heads to make voting easy and fair. With this bot comes a weighted voting system that can be run directly from Reddit post submissions and comments, and gives communities the opportunity to develop their own custom Web3 voting strategy specific to their sub, all while keeping their users participating in one place in a trusted fashion. Votes are kept fair given they are weighted based on the ownership of eligible digital assets. A voter's assets held will be tracked for each poll at the time of casting their vote, and will not be eligible to be reused by any other account within the same poll, should they be transferred.
Bot Commands:
!poll: used to create a poll.
!endpoll: used to end a poll. Can only used used by the poll’s creator.
!vote: used to cast your vote.
!votingpower: returns a users voting power.
!votingassets: returns list of digital assets eligible for voting.
Voting Power: the accumulated weight of a user’s vote based on digital asset ownership.
Potential Voting Power: a digital assets weight per vote multiplied by the total amount of that digital asset exist(or will exist).
Voting is calculated by weight of digital assets in each users wallet. Each tier is defined by how closely a digital asset is related to the Bucket and how many of each asset there are. Each tier is recalculated if/when a new digital asset is added to it. This is will keep the tier balanced well into the future. Within each tier an assets weight is calculated using its potential voting power.* Therefore, the potential voting power of each asset in each tier is equal.
Eligible Digital Assets:
Barrel - 848.0 VP

Tier 1:

Tier 2:

Tier 3:

Tier 4:

VP = Voting Power

The Founder’s Buckets

Barrel: 8 - $199.99 VP - 848

Founder’s Diamond Bucket: 50 - $29.99 - 300 VP
Founder’s Cosmic Bucket: 75 - $19.99 - 200 VP
Founder’s OG Bucket: 848 - $9.99 - 100 VP

Signed Knoo Life Bucket: Coming Soon
Founder’s Pressure Bucket: 50 - $29.99 - 300 VP
Founder’s Soft & Sugary Bucket: 75 - $19.99 - 200 VP
Founder's Knoo Bucket: 848 - $9.99 - 100 VP

BHG-002 - BHG - 005 are being proposed as a whole in the form of a “white paper.” Each will have an individual Poll, but if one fails they will all fail.


Should Bucketheads adopt Governance Proposal: BHG-002?
(please be sure to cast your vote as 'a' or 'b' and not 'yes' or 'no'.)

a) Yes - Approve BHG - 002
b) No - Deny BHG - 002
submitted by VIVOffical to Bucketheads [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:25 Throwmeawayfortoday9 I wasn't drunk, Maria was drunk

I am the aforementioned “professor” in a BORU post about me and this is my side. I decided to respond after this event was brought up again with a mutual, Maria, in this story. She and I have both hung out with “boyfriend” (Bob) in group settings and think there are definitely two sides to this story. My main gripe is being portrayed as a drunk and homewrecker. Below is the original BORU post that I found while browsing one day. I am going to state my side because someone did find me after reading this post. I was advised this was the best subreddit to do so. I am responding pararaph by paragraph so you do not need to read the original post, feel free to.
The title in BORU is below as I cannot link other subreddits.

Do I (28F) need to worry about my boyfriend's (24M) friendship with his professor (25F)?

My bf (24M) became friends with his former professor (25F), sometime last year - I don't know what to make of it. They seem to be friendly and talk consistently every week, and from what he tells me, it's usually very surface level. Sometime last year after the course ended, my bf, his professor, and some of his male classmates went somewhere to eat together. My bf brought up that he was going to be attending an event (plastic modeling show), and his professsor showed interest and invited herself to the event and asked if she could stay at his airbnb with his friends. My bf and his friends were all OK with it.
I was an instructor for one class/semester that BF (Bob) attended. I have no say or sway at the school and have not taught since then. I taught a class related to my profession. I did not get to know Bob personally until after the class was over. On the last day, he expressed that I was a great instructor and gave me a miniature he built as a show of gratitude. I also made miniatures (a different type though) and was intrigued that someone else was into this hobby. We stayed in touch. Later, I invited a few students for a meal (girls and guys) and the boy students were the only ones who RSVP’d yes. Bob did mention an event. I did not invite myself, I said me and my friend Linda were interested and may go too. Later on, Bob invited me to join their group’s airbnb because I was looking at hotels. A previous event trip fell through for my and Linda’s friend group and I felt bad she couldn’t go on a trip in the USA before she had to go back to her home country. This trip was to replace that experience. Bob invited us to the airbnb and Linda and I shared a room with 2 beds, Maria ended up coming on this trip as well, which the group was also okay with, and stayed in the same room with me and Linda
I unfortunately couldn't attend the event, but from what my bf told me, he and a few of his friends met up at their airbnb. That same day, his professor comes to my bf's airbnb and tagged a few of her girl friends along (I believe they all stayed in the same place). The next day, they go to the event, went to a bar afterwards and got drinks. A lot of them (except my bf) got pretty drunk and my bf took the liberty of being the designated driver for his professor and her friends. His professor won some model kit from the event, and even in her drunken state, asked my bf if he could stay up with her to work on the kit together. From what my bf tells me, nothing else happened that night.
Respectfully, I had one cocktail and then his friend bought everyone a shot. That was the extent of my drinking. I wasn’t drunk, Linda wasn’t drunk, and no one else in the group ended up being drunk., Maria was though. Maria underestimated how strong the drinks were and she was the DD and we did not have enough time to sober up once she felt the alcohol hit her. She couldn’t drive, I didn’t want to drive her dad’s car, and Linda doesn’t have a US driver's license. Bob offered to drive the car with me, Linda, and Maria back to the airbnb. The other car was driven back by his friend who was not drunk and drove sober. At the airbnb, Bob asked what i would do with the model kit I won, I said i am not familiar with this type of miniature and so I would sell it on facebook marketplace. He said it was actually easy to build, he had built that one before, and he could help me build it right then as all their tools for building were still out on the table. I said he didn’t have to but he insisted and I accepted his help. I was also still not drunk. Next to us in the living room, Maria and 2 of the guys were watching Ouran High Scool Host Club and Cowboy bebop. We all stayed up until 2AM building or watching anime. For half of the trip, me and the girls split off and did our own thing. We did not stay with the group the entire tip because our intent was to piggy back a small girls weekend while also seeing the event.
After the event, everyone from that group created a group chat and they continue to plan and talk about future events together. Since then, my bf and his friends had met up with his professor and got to meet his professor's fiance at an anime convention and it sounded like they all got along well. His professor continues to express interest in other events and it sounds like she may be attending another event with my bf and his friends in the near future.
I trust my boyfriend and don't think he is hiding anything from me. Honestly speaking, I think it's hard for me to understand their friendship as it is his professor. I've had a conversation with him on this, and he's let me know that I have nothing to worry about. I would like to hear other's opinions and see what ya'll think of this friendship? Is this something I need to be concerned about or is it really nothing?
Thank you all!
\Edit: the professor was my bf's former professor. She is classified as an adjunct faculty and works as an accountant as her full time job (which explains why she is a young professor).*
\My bf has not graduated college yet and is still a student at his university.*
Bob and his group went to an anime convention. I and my friend group also went because I was not aware there was one near me until Bob mentioned it. My friend group, I thought, got along well with his friends and it was a great first con experience. I and a few of my friends expressed interest in future events. I think she is hung up on this professor title but, legally, I was an instructor. I was never in any real position of power, I was a contract employee used to fill an open course section at an undesirable time. For the majority of the time I knew Bob, we were equals who were only 1 year apart in age and shared a similar hobby.
Relevant Comments:
You should go to one of the events with him:
"I do struggle with social anxiety so it makes me uncomfortable to be sharing a space with a lot of unknown people. I am hoping to go to the next event though since it's local."
Her relationship with students is grossly unprofessional:
"I'm totally with you - I am also quite confused of her choice of "friends". I am not sure why of all places, does she choose to share an airbnb with her former student and to be drunk with them. She is classified as an adjunct faculty, so she is a professor but is part time (she works full time as an accountant). The whole situation feels weird to me."
Commenter: You say “his professor” what is their specific academic connection? She taught him once years ago and now they’re roughly equals and friends? Or she’s his primary support for a PhD? Or what?
OOP: The first option - she taught him last year and now are now friends. He is no longer in a course with her. I totally understand how it's possible for students and their professors to be friendly, but i've never heard or seen of a friendship where you consistently talk and hang out together so casually.
So she's no longer his professor- they are two adults of the same age and power level:
"It kind of gives me the same vibes like if a student graduated HS and is friends with their young teacher (obv not the same thing, but a student-teacher relationship is there). I think as a teacher, you should still uphold that level of professionalism and mentorship, even if you are no longer the student's teacher.
I also want to note that they are technically not "equals" since they're both in relationships. She can't be acting however she wants with former students."
I respect that they view my actions unprofessionally. I did not view it as such since I was no longer an instructor and have not been since. I taught a 4 month course one day a week. I would not be friends with an 18-22 year old I had nothing in common with.
Update: my boyfriend and I had a more heart-to-heart talk regarding his teacher and he recognizes that it crossed some of my boundaries. He believes that she may be behaving the way she does because when she hangs out with her fiance's friends, she gets bored with them (and may possibly be seeking attention from other people?). Several weeks later, my boyfriend had a conversation with his college instructor regarding their friendship and told her how I didn't feel comfortable of their friendship and how he thinks they should keep communication at a minimum. She brought up how she understands because her fiance also had an issue with how she chose to share an airbnb with my bf. She mentions to my boyfriend that she sees him as a brother and that's why she feels really comfortable with him, but that she will try to respect my boyfriend's wishes of keeping conversations at a minimum.
I did not know it had crossed any of their boundaries at the time until the phone call. I treated Bob the same way I treated all of my friends but I do understand and respect that not everyone has the same view of friendship. My friend group went through a period where we would talk about going to stuff and then no one does any work to follow through. The event Linda and our friends were going to attend that never happened is a good example. I didn’t want lazy friends being the reason why I did not experience things. Bob did follow through on going to things. My husband’s concern was that it was a group of guys we had not met yet in person and we were all girls. I told him that if I thought any one of them was giving off weird vibes, we would immediately leave and get a hotel. As for the phone call, he did call to tell me basically the same and my understanding was that we should talk less because she does not like the closeness. At the time, we were messaging every day and I did make an attempt to reduce the frequency to once a week.
Well, even after that talk, she continues to still message my boyfriend weekly on random life updates. And because she is also part of my bf's chat in discord, one of his friends invited her to attend another plastic modeling show (it occurred recently) and dinner. Since she accepted the invitations, I chose to attend as well so that I could personally meet her. The dinner occurred first and it was very uncomfortable because she practically ignored me the entire night. When she joined us at the table, she greeted my bf but didn't say anything to me (even my bf noticed and got annoyed, but then introduced us). She got increasingly drunk throughout the night and was saying random stuff about my bf to his friends like "he could've been the best student in my class but it's cause he missed some assignments" and "[bf's name] gave me a 5 star review on rate my professor!". She ended up not going to the show, but my bf had a chat with his guys and they told him that they want to respect my feelings too and make it a guys' night next time.
I would like to hear other's opinions and see if you also think she is acting suspicious?
One thing left out is that during the phone call between Bob and I, I asked Bob if his GF would want to ever talk to or get to know me, or all 3 of us hang out, and he said he asked her and she said she did not want to do that and she was uncomfortable at the thought of meeting me. I did stop messaging him frequently and only did so once a week to ask how his job search was going and to let him know the status of a big event in my life. I thought that was what was requested, less interaction, not no interaction. Maria and I went to this dinner because everyone from the airbnb trip was going to be there (Linda did not go). What is not mentioned is that Bob and the GF arrived 40 minutes into eating. I nodded in their direction when they came and said hey in their general direction, not specifically at Bob or her. I did not talk to either specifically because (1) GF does not like me and him talking and I was not about to directly talk to Bob in front of her (2) she said she did not want to talk to me or get to know me and never retracted that statement. I learned Bob and GF thought it was a slight against them that I only said hey to Bob but I didn’t direct it to anyone and I was trying to play it safe. Had I known she came to personally meet me, I would have tried to talk to her. After learning why she came, I was surprised she did not talk to me even though she came to meet me. As for the alcohol, except for them, since they arrived late, everyone had 2-3 drinks already because it was happy hour. Me and Maria made friends with the bartender who gave us discounted cocktails. I even bought a drink for GF so she could get the discount and then pay me back. It is true I said those jokes but I said them in jest and these were jokes already made previously. To be fair, she did not try to talk to me at all, nor did she try to talk to Maria. Later that week, Maria called me to catch up and mentioned the dinner. She commented that GF made no effort to get to know us and thought GF went to monitor him and me. In essence, she ignored me and Maria and Maria and I ignored her. I did not go to the show because I had a prior commitment.
Relevant Comment:
She wants to have sex with your boyfriend. She's crossing major boundaries. Has he stopped conversation with her?
"I wouldn't be surprised if that is her intention cause there's def some shady people out there. I agree, she is crossing some professional and personal boundaries, and I think it's quite unusual behavior for any teacher to act like that. Yes, he has stopped communicating with her. She was consistently messaging him until last hopefully she got the memo.
As mentioned in her post, I did view Bob as a brother. He lived similar experiences to me but I felt like he was where I would have been had I not moved out from my parents when I did. I wanted to see him professionally thrive and accomplish his goals of getting a car and moving out as those were things I strived for but had already attained. As for the 5-6 times we met up, it was in group settings and he met all of my friends and my husband as well. This post, to me, makes it seem like I was always hanging on to Bob but there were many instances of me and my friends breaking off to do our own thing. My husband and Linda’s husband were both okay with us going to the airbnb at the time and later on met and got to know Bob too. Each time we met, if I drank, I had 2 drinks and one time I had 3. I am not sure how Bob told these events to his GF so it may just be lost in translation but the only person who ever got drunk at a meet up was Maria and it was once. I do not agree with her stating that I was constantly drunk for each meet up or always asking/inviting myself to things. He invited me to join his airbnb group (i asked if Linda and Maria could join me), I did ask to join his group for another event until my friend group arrived (which included my husband, Linda, and Maria), and his friend invited me to the group dinner (Maria attended). To this day, his GF has never said a word to me or Maria (she did not say hi, only waved to us), nor us her. I only found out about what she was thinking via this BORU post.
submitted by Throwmeawayfortoday9 to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:13 sadwhovian Writing is hard! A beginner writer's experience.

Hello, I first had this tagged as "writing help/Beta", but really this is more of a personal vent about how difficult writing actually is (though ofc I wouldn't say no to some tips). I'm not complaining, just sharing my thoughts about the beginning of my writing jouney :)
I have been a fanfic reader for some years, but only a few days ago I started writing my own fic because I was inspired by a trope I love reading. I have a vague idea of the plot, but even writing the scenes I have already played out in my head is so hard! I don't know if I'm explaining it well, but it sort of feels like I would love to read those scenes in another fic, but since I'm the one writing them now, they feel kind of silly and "unreal". On the other hand, the parts where I have to explain stuff and do research about real things are also challenging because they are actually real and what if I get them wrong! What if my made-up plot doesn't make any sense! (*cries*)
I'm doing this because I feel like I read all fics I find interesting in my fandom and wanted to try out this trope myself, but I'm also treating it as an opportunity to overcome my fear of/anxiety about academic writing. What's made the biggest impression on me so far is the amount of power I feel writing fanfic. Yes, I'm limited by my own expectations, but I can still write whatever I want and just make stuff up if it fits the story and that's honestly such a novel and exhilarating feeling!
I guess I'm still finding my style and it's normal to struggle at first, but getting the tone of the story right is such a huge challenge too. I feel like I'm simply copying the last few authors I read because I don't have my own style yet, and I constantly feel the urge to reread my favourites to get immersed into the language use. English isn't my first language and even though I usually feel like I have a good grasp on the language, I keep searching for words and struggling with phrasing all of a sudden.
I guess what I'm trying to say is I get now how personal and challenging writing fanfic can be, and I have even more appreciation for all you writers out there. I'm not even seriously thinking about publishing my little project at this point (if it ever gets finished, lol) because it feels so intimate and like giving up a really vulnerable part of yourself. Thanks to everyone who's sharing their stories with others on AO3 and other platforms, you're totally amazing!
submitted by sadwhovian to AO3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:57 chetleawp How do you reply to this comment?

(I'll have to describe it as I don't want the risk of revealing it, and I will try to be as transparent as possible)
I had a, let's say, fandom friend a year ago who was new to the fandom and I met through my fanfiction. They commented on my work saying how reading my fic introduced them to writing fic/participating in fandom discourse on social media platforms. However, around the time we started talking, the source material was mired with a lot of bad behind the scenes/writing issues, and so the fandom who've been there before (including me) were vocal about criticism of it. The friend and I talked a lot about multiple things in the fandom: both the good and the bad. I must admit that I was quite passionate about the bad parts of it LOL, so I understand that they didn't want to continue talking about it. Hence, we came to a mutual agreement not to talk about those topics anymore as we just had too many different opinions on it and were never going to agree or come to a place of understanding on it.
As time went on, the source became even more of a mess lol, so most of the older people in fandom (again, including me) kind of lost interest in it/wanted to separate themselves from anything new that was coming from the source (as it was no longer the series we loved). I would still make a couple posts about it on social media, again both about what I liked, but admittedly also a lot of sighing about what could've been if the series didn't end up such a mess. I own that I was being negative about it, so I kept it on my blog WITHOUT tagging the source material/any relevant tags that would tie it to the main source, so that people who did still like the series wouldn't see them, unless they were following me. Of course, this friend I made was a mutual, so they would be seeing it. Our convos had eventually died down because of our different level of interests in the series (and I guess my negativity about it lol), which I also owned and basically never interacted with their posts if it didn't interest me/I didn't agree with the take. I did check up on them occasionally via private messages just to see how they were doing though, because I did think of them as a friend.
However, when that was starting to happen, I also started noticing that they were making vague posts calling people out for "continuing to be bitter about the series" and how "they have no lives", while also complaining themselves about how "I'm the only one left who's still posting about them/actually enjoying them...I guess I just overestimated how big of a fan these people really were" and it just always sat a little...not right with me. Maybe it's that saying where if you're offended by something unspecific then that means there's truth to what they're saying and it applies to you (I forgot the actual expression LOL but I hope you get what I mean), which I can admit is partly why I felt some way about it. But I also felt like since I wasn't tagging my posts, then I am fully entitled to post any critic I wanted on my blog; if someone didn't enjoy it, then they're free to block/unfollow me. So I think that's where I really felt upset over, that if that was what they truly felt about me, then as someone who was my mutual and I considered a friend, that they would just tell me straight up that they didn't want to see my posts anymore and so they'd have to unfollow me. Which ofc can hurt, but I'd rather and respect that more than them continuing to vague post about complaints that were very much about me.
So eventually I took a break from the platform so that I wasn't just constantly spewing/consuming negativity: I didn't post, message them or anyone, and didn't pay attention to the fandom discourse or what the friend was also doing. When I came back around a month later, I check up on their blog to see how they're doing, and it seems like they're having a great time with the newer people in the fandom who were interested in a different subsection of the source material. They also still continued to make posts about how negative people were being about our original fandom, and complaining about why no one liked the newer parts of it like they do, and I just had enough LMAO - I softblocked them so that I wouldn't have to see any of their posts that didn't interest me, their vague posting about people, and so that they also would no longer be "subjected" to whatever I wanted to post about the source.
Cue another month: I write fic for this fandom, containing the characters I liked and have always liked, and one of those characters was treated very poorly in the canon (killed off stupidly while character assassinating them basically LMAO). So writing it felt like a fix-it for their story, and also a bit cathartic for me. Once again, I just post it on AO3, I don't tag it on the social platforms they or I used to inhabit. I wasn't even expecting any comments on it because I was assuming the friend and the newer fans who werent as invested in the old storylines and are now really happy about the new ones wouldn't bother with it/me. However, I got a couple comments saying how much they liked the fic, again from people saying that my writing is what got them into the fandom in the first place, and one from a dedicated reader I had from the past who also didn't like the way the series was progressing and so stopped paying attention. I replied to their comment, of course discussing the content of the fic, but also just shared my own experience that I had to distance myself from the fandom/source because it was just not bringing much joy to me anymore.
This friend then a few days later comments on the fic, giving it compliments and sharing what they liked. Which of course I appreciated, because I never even expected them to read it, and they were at some point someone I shared joy with these fics about. But then they wrote a whole paragraph mentioning my offhand comment from my reply to the last user about how I felt a little weird now because I stepped out of the fandom, and thus don't know what the current discourse is about. And the friend was mentioning how they're the only person in the fandom now, and they don't really talk to any older fan from it, because they "had to step away from their mental health", and how amazing it's been because they love seeing the new storylines/characters grow, and their love is just their own. They said something along the lines of "I know you're still miserable about what happened, but sorry I can't be part of that anymore or else my joy will just be tainted with your misery." And they also did the "kind" thing of saying, "I hope you find someone who will share your thoughts with you. 😌". And then they said, "But I don't want to talk about my joy too much with you or else it'll just become misery, so let me continue talking about your fic." And they did, and even offered to gift me fic about the charactepairing I wrote lol.
And I know they're right: I still have negative feelings about the series/how it ended up. But once again, I already cut off ties with them when they first vague posted about how much they didn't like it, I've since stopped posting about it/the fandom in general aside from this fic, and I never expected/posted this fic for them to be the target reader. Like I get setting boundaries (I was never going to reply to them complaining about the series again LOL, I got the hint the first time), but it just sounds a little condescending to me lmao; it kind of feels like they're rubbing the fact that they're having SO much fun being the only fan because of how much they GENUINELY love the series while the old ones who left/had qualms about it were just fake/fickle. And now I don't know how to respond, because it is technically a kind comment, and they did offer me fic (is it a goodbye present to tell me "here's the content you want; now F off" lol?), but it all just leaves a sour taste on my tongue.
Sorry for the rant lol. I just needed other peoples perspective on this to see if all my ~negativity is clouding what's meant to be a well-meaning comment from someone who was supposed to be a "friend".
submitted by chetleawp to FanFiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:27 Technical-Ship-6757 My brother’s gf fed my son meat, I feel devastated.

I am NOT OOP. Original post by u/JupiterLucetius in Vegan, and by a deleted-user in AmIWrong
Editor’s note: Sadly according to the OOP they have OCD and delete everything on their account often, so we don’t have comments posted by the OOP on the original post. Hopefully most can be understood by context.

Start of Post 1

Posted by u/JupiterLucetius
My brother’s gf fed my son meat, I feel devastated. - 31 May 2024
This is just me needing to rant. I feel really heart broken right now.
I (M25) have sole custody of my son who is 6. I've been vegan since I was 11 and I have raised my son vegan. I needed to go out of city for a work trip and I left my son with my brother and his girlfriend. My brother has always been supportive of me being vegan even though he says he "doesn't understand it". I've never had any issues with him pressuring me or my son to have animal products before.
He stayed overnight with my brother and when I picked him up later in the day he was complaining about really bad stomach pains. I rang my brother and asked him if they ate anything out of the ordinary because my son is quite sensitive to new foods anyway. He told me no nothing out of the ordinary.
I ended up calling 111 and they suggested going down to A&E because of how bad the pains were. I put it in the family group chat, and my brother texted me like an hour later saying that they had fed him pizza with cheese and meat in it. He told me my son "enjoyed it" but he felt guilty keeping it from me and that that was what was probably wrong with him.
I went crazy at him, telling him how irresponsible and selfish, he said he's sorry and that it was his GF's idea because they thought he was missing out. He said he was sorry but I just couldn't so I blocked him and now I'm sat here thinking did I over react? I don't think so but my mom is asking me to unblock him. I'm just so angry and so upset.
Edit: for those who keep asking, my son was not aware he was being fed non-vegan food. He understands (as much as he can at his age) and supports veganism.

End of Post 1

Some relevant comments:

Comment thread 1
Meat AND cheese to boot
deleted comment
Honestly that shouldn’t even matter anyway. If you’re agreeing to look after a kid you’re agreeing to meet their dietary requirements. If not make that clear beforehand.
Comment thread 2 mike8675309:
Alot of trust was just lost. Sounds like your brother should take most of the blame as he knew better and didn't stand up for you and your convictions.
Trust lost for sure. But I also seriously doubt this was the first time.
Comment thread 3 MushMoonRoom:
“they thought he was missing out”
yeah I hate when people say "you're missing out!!" like on what? contributing to things that go against my morals? no thanks.

Start of post 2

Posted by deleted-user
AITA for allowing my boyfriend’s nephew to try pepperoni pizza? -1 June 2024
A couple nights ago my BF’s brother (“Noah”) asked if we could baby sit his son (“George”) for the night. This was, I won’t lie, a huge inconvenience for us. I don’t really like children all that much and because I had worked 50 hours so far that week I was looking forward to a chill afternoon with my BF where we both had no work in the morning. My BF agreed to look after the boy (which he does a lot btw) while Noah went on a last-minute business trip. I can understand why Noah did this, he had the opportunity to earn a lot of money in the night, but he had to do the quick deal because the buyer or whatever threatened to walk away if they couldn’t get it signed that night.
Noah and his son are both “vegans”. Honestly, I personally believe Noah’s son is being forced into the lifestyle by his dad and as someone who grew up with controlling parents, I really feel bad for the boy. Noah is so smug with his veganism it grates on me so much and George is skinny, has long hair and is small for his age, he looks ‘vegan’, that sounds bad, but you understand what I mean by that. When Noah dropped on us that we were going to have to look after his son, my BF let him know that we were going to order a pizza. Noah said great and gave my BF the money to order George his own vegan pizza. Great, whatever. Noah dropped him off and we were stuck with the boy again. Now again I feel that Noah forces the lifestyle upon George, so my BF and I decided to order a normal pizza for George. I thought it would be a great time for him to try it in a safe environment away from his father’s influence.
George ate the pizza and loved it; his words were that it “tasted way better than usual”. I knew that I had done right by getting him the pizza, he ate half of the pizza all by himself. My BF and I didn’t think we needed to tell Noah because we knew that Noah would just get all preachy about it, so we kept it to ourselves. George even asked for the other half the next morning, which we gave him as a treat. Noah picked him up and everything was fine.
We got a call later in the day that George was complaining of really bad stomach cramps and asked if he had eaten anything unusual. My BF told him no, mainly because we expected it to just blow over and be nothing. But about 2 hours later my BF texted Noah that George had eaten non-vegan pizza and that might have been what was wrong with his stomach. Noah went off on one about how we ‘broke his trust’ and how he couldn’t believe what my BF had done, called us some really nasty names which I won’t repeat here. We put back that George had really enjoyed the pizza so much that he had asked for seconds, this was probably a petty thing to say, I regret it now even though it was the truth. After that Noah blocked my BF and I on everything. My BF rang his mum and explained the situation to her, and I could tell that she was sympathetic to us even though she said we shouldn’t have given him the food. She told us Noah won’t unblock us.

End of post 2

Some relevant comments:

Comment Thread 1:
Lol I just read the other side of this
Please post the link!
I'm trying to find it!
It was on vegan last night. The post was removed I think or deleted I’m not sure. I had a screenshot of it and I posted it on my profile. I’m glad I wanted to send it to my friend so I took the screenshot lol
I wonder why they deleted it
I could tag the OP of the post on vegan to make him aware of this post or to ask if this is actually the aunt, idk if that’s a good idea though.
This is Reddit hunny bunny. BRING ON THE CHAOS!
Okay well u/JupiterLucetius is this person your brother’s girlfriend?
Comment Thread 2:
I wouldn’t normally post someone’s name without their consent, but since you so happily used both mine and my son’s legal first names on here without my consent, I’ll use yours.
Stacey, you are an incredibly stuck up and horrible person. And you’ve left out an immense amount of details.
Firstly, you have been dating my brother for less than a year, you do not work, you had to move into my brother’s house because you got evicted from your flat. Shut up with the BS that you worked 50 hours that week or whatever, no you’re on universal credit.
Secondly, my brother and I have an agreement where he takes him whenever I have to go on these out of the blue business trips. My brother volunteered for this because he said he loves spending time with MY SON. and I have never had any complaints from him before, literally ever.
Thirdly, yes I am raising my son vegan, that is my personal choice and you have NO say in that. The fact that you lied to my son telling him the food was vegan and he ended up in hospital doesn’t clue you into the fact that you are the ARSE in this situation?
I’m so glad you posted this here actually because at least now you can see what a cockend you’ve been.
I do work, being a housewife is work. I have to do a lot that you don't even see because you have a cleaner come into your house, so sorry we can't all be privileged making 6 figures by the time we're 25. Joseph hates having to drop everything and look after George whenever you feel like it, don't you think that we have a life outside of being your babysitter?
Fuck you Noah, George loved eating the pizza you daft vegan stuck up spoilt POS. He "ended up in hospital" yeah you took him there when Joseph told you he had had meat as a statement and to make Joseph feel guilty. Well, congrats because we had the biggest argument we ever had last night about you and your brat of a child. Now I am sleeping in my car because you won't unblock him. I hope that I get robbed or worse and you can have it on your conscience that I am hurt and it is your fault. I hope that ways on your mind for the rest of your life.
You care so much about the animals that you can't see the damage you are doing to your own family, to your own son. He is weak, short and underweight. I am sure he is bullied at school for his long girly hair. I would bully him because he is just as pathetic as you are. You ruined my life Noah. So what this little echo chamber agrees with you? If they met you in person they would see how insufferable you are.
Genuinely you are psychotic. I couldn’t give two fucks if you’re sleeping in your car because of your OWN actions. Btw I’ve screencapped this post and sent it in the family group chat. I hope you’ll enjoy everyone seeing your true colours Stacey.
And no I didn’t take my son to hospital for effect or after you told me he ate nonvegan food. You and Joey lied to me saying he had eaten nothing out of the ordinary so I had no fucking clue what was wrong with him.
My son is 6 years old you psycho. Saying you’d bully him? What the actual fuck is wrong with you mentally.
Also Joey has NEVER ONCE expressed to me that he didn’t like having George. I would have found other arrangements if that was the case. My mom would happily have him short notice. The only reason Joey does is because they like spending time together or at least I thought they did.
Then keep your precious little Georgie at home with a different babysitter. Why would you drop your kid off with someone that you feel is a "horrible person"?
George loves my brother, he loves him a lot. The only reason I drop George off with him rather than my mom is because George loves him and I thought he loved having George.
He’s never once told me he didn’t want him, or I would have just left him with my mom when I needed to go on the trips.
I haven’t known Stacey for all that long, she’s been dating my brother for less than a year. And been living with him for less than that. I have tried to keep the peace for the sake of the family but fuck her. I could not care less now.

Reminder, I am NOT OOP, please do NOT comment on original threads or contact OOP.

submitted by Technical-Ship-6757 to BORUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:12 First-Interaction741 For Valve Index users — are you satisfied or do you regret getting it?

I own both a Quest 3 set and got the index as well from a friend who ‘went monke’ (his words, honest), and the index is ramping up to be my favorite from the time both he and I have used it. I gave it a test run with some of my favorite games, including short experience-type puzzlers like Retropolis 2 but also my go-to shooter Vail VR (to see how tracking and input will be affected). Hands down, the Index just feels a lot more precise and better sound. I noticed this particularly in Vail with the gunshots sounding just a tiny bit crisper. Then again, this Index in particular was tweaked multiple times so it’s a custom piece by this point.
Not a big difference as I’m making it out to be but noticeable regardless. I suppose it’s only logical considering the original price tag on the Index, but it seems like the more reliable option even with Q3 touting better visual clarity. Again, to use the example of Vail, the rifles’ iron sights and optical elements just render more clearly in Q3, while in Retropolis the cartoonish graphics are smoother and more even. My main problems have been with the finger tracking, which still feels kinda off with the retail piece, and overall Q3 just seems to have a shorter life compared to the much-used-but-still-functional Index that I have now inherited.
Unless the index dies on me tomorrow, I’m really curious to see how it will hold up in the future. What are your experiences with it, for you VR enjoyers out here — buyers regret or nah?
submitted by First-Interaction741 to valve [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:56 Sweet-Count2557 Travel Inn Hotel New York in New York City, USA

Travel Inn Hotel New York in New York City, USA
Travel Inn Hotel New York in New York City, USA
Travel Inn Hotel New York: A Perfect Combination of Value, Comfort, and Convenience in New York City
Price Level: $$
Hotel Class: 2.0
When visiting New York City, many travelers choose the Travel Inn Hotel New York as their top choice. This hotel offers a perfect combination of value, comfort, and convenience, making it an ideal option for families. The rooms are equipped with a flat screen TV, air conditioning, and a desk, ensuring a comfortable stay. Additionally, guests can stay connected with the paid wifi service. The hotel also provides a 24-hour front desk, concierge services, and baggage storage for added convenience. One of the highlights of this hotel is the pool, which has become a popular choice among travelers. For those traveling by car, parking is available. The Travel Inn Hotel New York is located near some of New York City's top attractions, including the Love Sculpture and the Manhattan Skyline. Guests can also explore the city's renowned crab restaurants such as The View Restaurant & Lounge, Eleven Madison Park, and Keens Steakhouse, all within a short distance from the hotel. Additionally, popular landmarks like the Empire State Building, Top of the Rock, and Times Square are within walking distance. With its prime location and excellent amenities, we are confident that you will have a delightful stay at the Travel Inn Hotel New York while experiencing all that New York City has to offer.
Amenities of Travel Inn Hotel New York in New York City, USA
Travel Inn Hotel New York in New York City, USA offers a wide range of amenities to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable stay for its guests. The hotel features a pool and an outdoor pool, perfect for a refreshing swim or lounging under the sun. Guests can stay connected with the complimentary internet and WiFi provided throughout the property. For those who prefer a faster connection, paid WiFi and paid internet options are also available. The hotel offers non-smoking rooms with air conditioning, ensuring a smoke-free and comfortable environment. Each room is equipped with modern amenities such as a flatscreen TV, microwave, and a desk. The 24-hour front desk provides convenience and assistance to guests at any time of the day. Other amenities include parking, baggage storage, bath/shower, complimentary toiletries, hair dryer, parking garage, paid private parking on-site, secured parking, telephone, wake-up service/alarm clock, non-smoking hotel, ATM on-site, iron, seating area, and a video game console. With these amenities, Travel Inn Hotel New York aims to provide a pleasant and convenient stay for all its guests.
Contact of Travel Inn Hotel New York in New York City, USA
+1 212-695-7171
515 W 42nd St, New York City, NY 10036-6205
Location of Travel Inn Hotel New York in New York City, USA
Pictures of Travel Inn Hotel New York in New York City, USA
Tips for Staying in Travel Inn Hotel New York
  • Quieter rooms would be on the back (not facing the street / nightclub)- Bring your own coffee pot LOL- 3rd floor is closest to parking and the pool- We were in 369 and the road noise was very loud! Wish I'd asked for south side.- Top floor is relatively quiet.
Reviews of Travel Inn Hotel New York in New York City, USA
Book Travel Inn Hotel New York Now !!!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 18:55 jujruzu Looking! (Preferably females)

In search for partners (fantasy, medieval, slice of life etc).
Hey there! Currently in search for roleplay partners since Omegle went down sadly. For personal reasons I won’t be using my real name so we’ll go with Jordan. Female 22, I’m lookin’ for someone who’s detailed and has decent grammar (typical roleplay standards). I’d prefer for said person to send a decent paragraph at least, something to keep the story going (let’s sayy 10+ lines?), understandably replies don’t always have to be long as I know sometimes it’s hard to think of something but just don’t make it happen often or in every other reply. One liners are absolutely out of the question. I’d also like the roleplay to be long term! I’m not very used to Reddit so I do actually prefer Discord but if you’d like to stay here and DM instead then that’s fine too!
I’ve got some prompts stored up somewhere on my phone that I can always send over but bear with me they are old and some may have spell errors or things that need changing (I’ve got quite a few prompts so I’m a little later to go over all of them to change) but if you find one interesting but want to change it up a little that’s fine too! Just let me know. If none of my ideas are not your taste or if you’ve got some of your own then please do share or we could always come up with something together. Any genre is fine with me (fantasy, slice of life, drama etc.) Unclean scenes are also something that is fine with me as long as there is a decent build up to it, I’d rather not jump into those sorts of things straight away. As for my tag it does say I’m looking for other females to roleplay with but males are also welcome! (I’d also important I usually write in first person but you’re free to write in whichever!)
Lastly, timing. Please understand that sometimes I may be too busy to reply as I do have work, sometimes I like to game or other times I may be a little too tired, might need a break. Life happens you know? I’d also understand if you would need the same or if you also get busy, all there needs to be is communication just so we aren’t jumping to any conclusions. My time is HST and I’m usually active throughout the day (night time mostly) but really I’ll always try and send out a reply as quick as I can!
submitted by jujruzu to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 18:03 NDC71334 Booking the breakup of The Judgement Day

Context: For this booking, I will be booking this storyline from the current day of writing this post (5/27) until the official break up of Judgment Day, which will take place at Summerslam
EDIT: This is a VERY wordy post admittedly and moving forward with long-term bookings like this, I’ll make multiple parts for it. Sorry in advance!
The Build to Clash at the Castle 2024:
Clash at the Castle 2024:
The Build to Money in the Bank 2024
Money in the Bank 2024:
(It's not related to this booking, but the women's mitb includes: Tiffany Stratton, Bianca Belair, Iyo Sky, Dakota Kai, Zelina Vega, Chelsea Green, and Naomi. The winner of this match is Tiffany Stratton)
The Build to Bash in Berlin 2024:
Bash in Berlin 2024:
The Build to Summerslam 2024:
Summerslam 2024:
And I would have that Liv and Rhea match be the final nail in the coffin for the Judgement Day, as now they are all broken up and on separate paths (though of course for some, their story with each other will not quite end here).
The End.
What did you think? Did you like it? Did you dislike it? What did you like or dislike about it specifically? How would you do it? Let me know
submitted by NDC71334 to fantasybooking [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 18:00 ZeldaMod General Questions and Meta / Off-topic Discussion Thread - June 2024

Welcome to TrueZelda - A subreddit for discussion of The Legend of Zelda franchise.

This thread is for general discussion, from questions or topics about Zelda that may not merit their own thread, to generalized meta-oriented topics about the subreddit, or even just to chat about other aspects of life.
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If you see rule-breaking posts or comments on the subreddit, please report them.

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The goal of this subreddit is to host in-depth discussions. People are welcome to post their opinions here, and a variety of opinions means not everyone will agree. It is okay to have debates, but it is important to do so civilly. Also, remember that not every discussion has to be a debate.
Please read our Civility Guidelines in detail here.

You make this subreddit!

There has been lots of discussions about Tears of the Kingdom since launch, some about lore, some about gameplay. There definitely has been a lot of critiques about the game. As well as users pointing out this subreddit complains a lot.
Our suggestion: Make topics you want to discuss. Use your upvotes to push them up. Want to discuss your favorite moment in TotK? Post it! Want to share a fun mechanic you learned? Post it! Don’t enjoy a topic? Don’t upvote it! Be the change you want to see. Start making posts about things you enjoyed in the game, what about those elements that you enjoyed, etc. Balance your criticisms with construction.

What we do as mods to help

We do have a soft general policy of no recent reposts. So if a given topic was posted recently, we may remove new posts on that given topic and point the new posters to the recent post instead so that the same topic is not discussed repeatedly to flood the subreddit. Though this is a grey area with the nature of discussion posts - sometimes people will make generalized floor-opening posts, but also people will make other more specific opinionated posts, so the not every overlapping post is necessarily a repost.
We also do try to limit users from gatekeeping the fandom. Like mentioned in the sidebar, this subreddit is not foabout “True” fans. Unfortunately we cannot rename the subreddit and it is an old reddit naming pattern used to mean “discussion”-focused subreddit. We try to limit any user telling other users that someone else is not a "real" fan for any reason. But stepping in on genuine criticism can be tricky too - your user reports can really help bring this issue to our attention when you find it.

Meta Topics and Reading Material

While we mods have been taking notes on the meta feedback we have seen popping up in various threads, it is a lot more productive and effective to discuss these topics here in the monthly thread where other community members can expect to find them and where we mods can keep track of them easier. Please let us know your thoughts and suggestions here in the comments!

Mod Applications

Spoiler Policy

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submitted by ZeldaMod to truezelda [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:29 Aussie_Endeavour Curing Malpractice [Ficnapped!]

Hello! This is my Ficnapping of Curing Malpractice by u/Cummy_wummys, which can be found Here!
Writing my own take on their novel about Novel was quite the novel experience. Hope you enjoy!
Also I'm going to collapse into bed the second I upload this, so apologies if I don't respond to any comments for several hours.
Memory Transcription Subject: Novel, Eager Kolshian Scientist
Date {standardized human time}: October 20th, 2136

Maybe I shouldn’t have stayed up that late into my rest claw. Sometimes I just can’t help it, I get so absorbed in one little avenue of research that the claw begins to slip past. I check the time a while later and, what do you know, the heat death of the universe is drawing just that little bit closer. Was it a bad idea to waste so much time learning about the history of Human clothing? Probably. Was it ever so slightly traumatizing, especially the earlier history? You bet it was. Will I probably do something similar in the near future? Absolutely.
I won’t let my moderately sleep-deprived state stand in the way though, for I have been invited to partake in a Human tradition this paw. It is an honour, one that I must take seriously, and approach with reverence. It is a sign that the Humans have come to trust me, welcoming me into their herd. Of course, I already had my own herd with Ada, Sindre and Hailey, and I’d had pleasant interactions with others such as Bella and Max, but I mean the Humans as a whole! To be fair, it’s probably been apparent that the Humans have been warming up to me for some time… if their insistence of suffocating me with photos of their children was anything to go by.
I shiver at the thought. Never again.
I push that train of thought aside as I approach the security checkpoint to the refugee centre, finding Ledo in his usual place. The Jaur security guard is half slumped over in his chair, absentmindedly scrolling through something on his holopad. I give him a friendly sway of my tail as I approach the checkpoint, and he barely seems to muster up the energy to turn an ear my way.
“Good paw, Ledo. Are you alright?”
He places his holopad down and rubs one of his eyes with a paw.
“Just running on empty over here. My break paws can’t come fast enough.”
I sign my sympathy as I grab my visitor’s badge.
“You’re doing a great job, top notch security officer, really. You’ve earned your rest, and then some.”
He covers his mouth with a paw as he yawns.
“Thanks… enjoy the whole predator watching thing, or whatever it is you do in that place.”
“Thank you! Enjoy your shift… as much as you can.”
With a slightly awkward chuckle, I waste no time in heading into the refugee centre. Just to be safe though… I push open the doors and quickly dash to the side, expecting something to come flying at me like what usually happens. This time though, my precautions seem unnecessary. The lobby is empty, devoid of the children and adults that typically mingle around in it at this time. As I take a few tentative, confused steps inside as the doors close behind me, I realize the reason why. Ada said that the activity I’d been invited to partake in took place outside, in the small courtyard I’d heard mentioned here and there around the centre. Everyone must simply already be outside. Following that notion, I pick up my pace as I walk through the hallways, finding the back door that leads to the courtyard soon enough.
My presumption had been right, as when I go outside I’m greeted with the sound of Human laughter, specifically the moderately pitched squeals and giggles of Human children. The courtyard wasn’t all that large, but by no means cramped, with many children and adult Humans alike enjoying the fresh Venlilian air. Scanning the area, I quickly locate Ada, who is currently engaged in quite an odd-looking activity with Sindre. They are standing on opposite sides of what appears to be a bedsheet suspended between two poles, ties at its four corners so that it's stretched almost flat. They are both holding objects that seem vaguely familiar to me, and which I soon recognize as ‘rackets’, which I’d come across before when researching Human activities on the internet.
“Sindre! Ada!”
They turn to look at me as I rush over to them, faces soon breaking out into wide smiles. Sindre walks towards the bed sheet, bending over to pick up a small yellow ball laying in the grass, while Ada walks over to meet me.
“Heya Nov’, glad you decided to join us today.”
“Well, I couldn’t deny an invitation to be involved in a Human tradition!”
She smirks at my response.
“Tradition? Yeah sure, guess tennis counts as one.”
Information acquired: A name for this event.
“Tennis… It sounds fascinating!”
By now, Sindre has walked over to join us. He lightly taps the racket and yellow ball together, which upon closer inspection seems to be strangely fuzz, with a white line running around it in a wavy pattern.
“You made it just as we were about to start another rally. I’m not the best at tennis, so it’d probably be best for Ada to show you the ropes.”
As he says this, Sindre offers the racket out to me. My eyes go wide and my tail flicks with excitement at the gesture, and I securely wrap two of my tentacles around the handle, making sure that it won’t slip from my grip.
“Ooooo! What do I do with this?”
Ada steps away, back towards the suspended bed sheet.
“You go stand where Sindre just was, I’ll walk you through it. Oh, and don’t mind the bed sheet. We don’t exactly have a proper net.”
I rush over to stand in the spot assigned to me, while Ada mirrors my position on her side of the bed sheet. Sindre tosses the yellow ball her way, and to my surprise she easily catches it with one hand. Well, that was certainly a lucky catch, and an accurate throw from Sindre. Before I can dwell on it though, Ada calls out again.
“Lets just start with the basics. In tennis, you use the rackets to hit the ball when it comes to your side of the court, er- bed sheet. You want to hit it so that it flies over the net and lands on my side, where I’ll try and hit it back to you, repeating until one of us either misses the ball or hits it into the net. If that happens, your opponent gets a point.”
I try and emulate the Human ‘nodding’ expression while listening to Ada. That sounds like an interesting activity… there is just one problem.
“Um, alright. How exactly are we supposed to hit the ball?”
“Just make sure to angle the racket so that the ball shoots back to my side, alright? Since you’re new to this, I’ll go easy on you and just start simple.”
That… didn’t really answer my question. I’m unsure how I’m expected to reliably position my racket to make contact with the yellow ball. Even so, I won’t question the Human. I’ve been invited to partake in this ‘tennis’, so I will accept the opportunity with gusto. Ada shifts her stance slightly, before lightly tossing the ball into the air. As it comes back down, she lifts the racket to meet it, and the ball is sent up and forwards. Alright, here goes nothing.
I lift the racket up into the air and rush towards the bed sheet. As the ball sails over the makeshift barrier, it hits the plastic edge of my racket and falls back down onto Ada’s side. I hear a snicker coming from Sindre, and I lower the racket again as Ada retrieves the ball, my tail wagging.
“Did I do that right?”
Before Ada can respond, Sindre buts in.
“If it worked against Ada, it must be a viable strategy.”
The German briefly glared at him before clearing her throat.
“Well Nov’, running at the net with your racket above your head isn’t going to work in a proper game. You need to figure out where the ball is heading, move there, and then hit it with the racket with the right amount power at the right angle to send it back.”
Oh, sure, might I extinguish the sun while I’m at it? Cure every disease along the way? Of course, I don’t voice these thoughts out loud. Instead, I simply give Ada another nod. She repeats her previous ritual of tossing the ball up into the air before bringing the racket up to meet it. This time, the ball doesn’t come straight on, but veers off to the right. I take a couple hurried steps that way and hold out the racket in the hopes that I judged the ball’s movement correctly. To no one’s surprise, I did not, and the ball thuds into the grass.
“No worries Nov’, let’s try again.”
After I haphazardly throw the ball back to her (and she effortlessly catches it with one hand), Ada hits the ball my way again. This time, the ball veered slightly to the left. A mirror of what happened last time, the ball misses my racket by a considerable margin. In my periphery, I vaguely register Sindre wearing a face of mild concern, though my focus is too homed in on not letting my frustration show to dwell on it. I’m making a fool of myself in front of the Humans.
“Sorry, I’ll hit it next time.”
The next time comes, and I unfortunately can’t stay true to my word. A similar thing happens again and again. Sometimes I just try to shove the racket below where I think the ball will go, other times I try waving it around madly in the hopes that it’ll make contact. It never does.
“One more time! I swear I’ll get it!”
They invited me to take part in this. The least I can do is not be a complete failure. Ada stops tossing to me, concern etched into her features.
“Are you alright Nov’? We don’t have to do this if you can’t-”
“No no, I can. It’s just- I’m a novice. You can’t expect me to just know how to calculate projectile motion in my head… I just need practice.”
Ada’s face morphs into one of confusion.
“Projectile motion… Novel, it’s not that complicated.”
I gawk at the Human incredulously. Before I can formulate a response though, a sigh coming from my left draws my attention back to Sindre. He’s rubbing his forehead with his hand, and sighs in realization.
“Eye placement. Depth perception.”
Ada’s eyes go wide at that, and a hand comes up to cover her mouth.
“Oh crap… Sorry Nov’, I didn’t really uh- consider that…”
I look back over to her, my brain still trying to piece together what Sindre meant. I recall how easily the Humans tossed and caught the ball with stunning accuracy, and how Ada seemed to be able have complete control over the ball with her racket while I struggled to even make contact…
Depth perception…
That… makes sense.
I can’t help but gurgle a little in laughter. So predatory eyes were useful for things outside of hunting… like tennis! I need to jot that down, and make sure to investigate that a little more later on.
“Hey Novel, you ok there?”
I’m snapped out of my thoughts by Sindre’s voice. I give him a friendly tail wag and walk over to him.
“Of course, I’m fine. I’m sorry that I’m incapable of taking part in this.”
I offer the racket back to him, which he takes with a little hesitation when he sees the mucus covering the handle. Ada walks over to the two of us, rubbing the back of her neck in embarrassment.
“Sorry for all that Novel, we should’ve chosen something else to show you.”
I quickly turn to her and wave my tentacles in a placating manor.
“No, don’t be sorry! I’m honored that you wished to share the wonders of tennis with me. You two go ahead and enjoy it, I’ll just sit off to the side and make notes on the uses of binocular vision outside of hunting.”
I feel myself deflate slightly. I had been excited to play a part in a Human tradition, but it seems that I just… can’t. Not on my own volition, at least. Perhaps the Humans can sense my disappointment, because Sindre and Ada share a glance before the former speaks up.
“Nov’, you don’t have to-”
I interrupt him by wrapping a tenacle around both their backs and lightly nudging them towards their respective sides of the bed sheet.
“I insist! Don’t worry about me, I’m a graceful loser.”

Memory Transcription Subject: Novel, Sore Loser
Date {standardized human time}: October 21st, 2136

The Venlil I pass on the street are giving me odd looks, all the while I hold my head up high with pride as many of them turn around to do a second take of what I am wheeling behind me. It may be a teensy, tiny bit more complicated than some of the other things I’d previously brought with me to the shelter, but that was only because I had put my tentacles to good use. The splinters I had gotten in the process were testament to that. Should I have focused on getting a little more sleep during my rest claw? Maybe. Is this thing being held together by nothing but hope and super glue? Only the very best. Would the absolute joy that it’ll put on the Humans’ faces be worth it? You bet it will be!
As I wheel my creation past the security checkpoint, I find Ledo staring at his holopad with his head resting on his paws, eyelids drooping. When he spots me approaching, his ears perk up slightly, only for him to raise his head upon seeing my creation. He puts down his holopad and sits up in his chair, trying to get a better view of it.
“Hello Ledo! How are you? Have you gotten some rest?”
For a moment he doesn't respond, only for him to shake his head and rub his eyes.
“Novel, do I even want to know what that thing is?”
“It’s what will allow me to stand on par with the Humans and engage with them on an even playing field. I spent some of my last rest claw building it.”
Ledo looks back over to me.
“And uh, how much is ‘some’, exactly?”
I wave a tentacle dismissively.
“Irrelevant detail. Trust me, it’ll all be worth it. When I leave the shelter later this paw, I’ll tell you all about it.”
Ledo leans back in his chair with a sigh.
“Well, at least it’d be something other than binging movies. You’re a bit of a weirdo, have I told you that yet?”
“Why thank you! Have a nice shift.”
I bid farewell to the Jaur and my final approach to my destiny begins. Victory is so close I can almost taste it.
The lobby is empty again this paw, so I head right on through while towing my creation behind me. I pass a couple Humans along the way, who I give friendly greetings to as they marvel at my ingenious solution to the problem that had plagued me last paw. Since I’ve arrived a little later this paw (courtesy of a productive rest claw), I waste to time in heading directly to the back of the centre and out onto the grassy courtyard that had been the location of last paw’s utter failure. I will not allow that to happen again!
“Ah, welcome to the courtyard Nov-… Uh, what’s that you got behind you?”
Max’s friendly tone gives way to curiosity, and I feel the pride already beginning to swell just a little more. He was just in the middle of a round of the dreaded ‘tennis’ with Ada, who is on the opposite side of the makeshift net, which she leans over once she spots me.
“Novel… why do you have a catapult?”
It seems that my wonderful creation is also garnering interest from many of the children as well, who briefly stop their various running games to watch me. I finish wheeling the mini catapult into place and take out a tennis ball from my bag (turns out I had already purchased one, thanks past me!) while I finally answer Ada.
“So that I may properly partake in your Human traditions, of course! How can I study them if I can’t even participate? This little thing will allow me to successfully serve a ball to you in just a moment, no depth perception required! Watch and see.”
I place the tennis ball into the cup and begin cranking the lever to wind up the device. Max starts looking a little nervous as I do so.
“Um, Nov’? Are you sure that thing is going to work? Is it even safe?”
The homemade gears turn with a slight clacking sound, which tells me that it’s working just as expected… though Max does make me wonder briefly if I should’ve done a test run of this first… oh well, too late for that.
“Don’t worry, I know precisely what I’m do-”
I’m cut off by the rather disconcerting sound of splintering wood. I only have enough time to faintly register that the sound came from my creation, and that said realization is very bad. A resounding SNAP and the disappearance of the tennis ball at approximately Mach 5 tells me that I did not know the tensile strength of Venlilian wood as well as I thought. The rest of the world has gone silent, and I slowly turn my gaze in the direction the ball had preemptively flown, finding Max standing as still as a statue with the tennis ball resting on the ground in front of him. The silence is broken as the Human lets out a whining sound higher pitched than even the smallest of Dossur can produce, before falling to his knees and grasping his groin in obvious agony.
Some of the slightly older kids cringe in sympathy.
Ada tries not to laugh.
Max steadily raises his hand, pointing a shaky digit at me. His voice comes out squeaky, and pained.
“K-kids… avenge me…”
The children’s eyes lock onto me. I learn what true fear feels like.
All at once, the children let out their war cries, and began rushing over to me. I let out a shriek of my own as I turn back towards the refugee centre and start running like my life depends on it because it probably does! I don’t dare look back at the pack of predators pursuing me, I simply run through the back doors of the centre and sprint down the corridor as fast as I physically can. Even so, I know for a fact that it is not fast enough. I’ve studied Humans enough to know that they are built for chasing prey. Right now, that prey is me!
I try to lose the children by utilizing the building’s layout as best I can. I turn past several corners without slowing down, run up the stairs and even hide behind a pot plant at one point, startling an adult Human as I do so, who quickly rushes back inside their room. I make a mental note to apologize to them later, and file it right under ‘RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! GO GO GO!’
I hear it, the sound of light but determined footsteps plonking their way up the stairs. They’ve found me. This pot plant isn’t going to help me at all! I abandon my frankly pathetic hiding spot and dash further down the hallway, determining that my best shot at survival will be to get back to the main lobby and run out through the front do-
A dead end.
Oh no…
The sound of footsteps grows closer. Just a single pair, but that is more than enough to seal my fate. I push myself against the wall, terror coursing through my mind. This was supposed to be a showcase of how much I respected Humans, I didn’t mean to injure one! Is this really it? Is this really how it all ends? Sought out and killed to avenge the fallen? I-I never got to publish my completed study on Human traditions… or binocular vision… or diets or facial express- a whole lot of things actually!
The footsteps pause, and the sound of giggling breaks me out of my mental spiral. There, standing before me, grinning ear to ear, is a familiar Human child.
“Found you!”
Still grinning, the young boy reaches out a hand towards me. I push myself as far against the wall as I can go.
“W-wait, David! I-I-I thought we got along well! We watched that horrible movie together, remember? We can read that book about cattle again if you want! Or-or anything you want, really! P-please, don’t d-do this!”
I close my eyes tightly, and prepare myself for the end…

A hand lightly taps one of my tentacles, then retracts.
“Tag! You’re it.”
I crack open an eye.
David is already running away from me, giggling again. As he reaches the stairs, he calls out as loud as he can, voice carrying further into the refugee centre.
“Guys! I got her! Novel’s it now!”

submitted by Aussie_Endeavour to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]