Sample reservation cigarettes

24M from Australia. Hope you’re having a relaxing Sunday.

2024.06.02 10:28 BirdsOfTokyoFan07 24M from Australia. Hope you’re having a relaxing Sunday.

Hey hey everyone. Hope you’re having a relaxing Sunday. I’ve been chilling for most of the day watching AFL football and playing some classic games. When I’m not being lazy, I’m out and about in nature, taking photos of waterfalls and reserves. I have a photo or two on my profile if you’re interested in seeing the kinda stuff I enjoy taking. I love music, especially retro stuff. I’ve got a billion songs to share. I also enjoy going swimming and learning how to mix music in my spare time, made a little sample a while back, but still very much learning. I also volunteer once a month, presenting a show on air There’s much more to share, but I won’t ramble on too much. If you’d like to chat, feel free to drop a message, I’ll reply when I can Have a good day everyone 😎
submitted by BirdsOfTokyoFan07 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:03 XxCarlos7xX why is blender using my CPU more than my GPU (I have selected GPU compute)

why is blender using my CPU more than my GPU (I have selected GPU compute) submitted by XxCarlos7xX to blender [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:24 Cloudy_Season Gold in Asteroid, rumour or fact?

Gold in Asteroid, rumour or fact?
I have heard this multiple times. If Asteroid mining kicks in, it will drop gold price by a lot. But if it’s true, my questions are: - US, China and Rusia have the most advanced Outer Space tech (see 1st photo). Why does US has the highest gold reserve (not selling yet). China and Rusia are currently stockpiling gold at highest rate? - No gold found in any sample of meteoasteroid brought/found on earth. Official NASA website also has no mention of gold on the asteroid (See 2nd photo). Why?
So from where is the belief of gold in asteroid ?
submitted by Cloudy_Season to Gold [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:06 ParkingAd144 14yo cat has front leg flesh eating bacteria infection

Hi all,
I was going to post on catadvice but saw the no medical advice rule and thought here might be more appropriate.
Tldr: cats front leg is FUBAR from flesh eating bacteria; amputate or put down. Vet thinks he's got a good shot, and more life to give. Unsure if it is worth putting him through it, outlook looks grim from the limit resources online. Any advice, own experiences or input anyone can share?
Our 14yo male desexed mixed breed cat has been diagnosed with a flesh eating bacterial infection in his front left leg. Most of the tissue afrer his elbow joint is necrotic. We are going in tomorrow morning for either amputation, or euthenisation.
Unfortunately we only got the lab results Friday afternoon with very little opportunity to discuss the facts and stats with the vet, we are very ill prepared to make this decision (especially me).
An antibiotic injection was given 7 days after the first pink bump and swelling started, it is now 23 days in. The cat is quite healthy otherwise, except a heart murmur that has recently been discovered (will require assessment from a cardiologist). Arthritis is his only known health condition. Full blood and urine works were done, aerobic and anaerobic sample cultures and tissue samples were sent for testing. The urine testing revealed his live kidney function was on the highest range before it is considered unhealthy, suggested to be due to 2 weeks of being on anti inflammitories (meloxicam). In retrospect this appears to be a symptom of the infection also. 4 xrays have been done, 2 on the leg (separate days) and one on each half of his body. No abnormalities showed up (nor any indicators on blood tests). Cancer not suspected but the vet noted he cannot guarantee he doesn't have any, just the tests done did not reveal any.
He is progressively getting worse, the leg is almost entirely necrotic after his elbow. The fight in him has been remarkable, I don't think he's ready to go.
He is still very enthusiastic for food ( though has gone off dry food) he comes running up meowing and purring at food time. Until yesterday all waste was normal, but his poos have significantly reduced in size since yesterday. Regularitywise, it's been good. Resting heart rate is 84bpm seems wildly low, but did it twice with identical results. Breaths per minute is 32. He is very tolerant of our kids getting up in his face when they check on him Mobility however has significantly reduced. He barely leaves his new spot on a couch in an unused room.
My reservations is that from what I can find online, very few pets survive this. Though in the same articles, the majority forgoed treatment and opted for euthenising. And above all, i could barely find anything on it, and what was available is very uninformative for me. Is there any basic stats for acual treatment success rates? Does it being contained to leg increase his chances? Knowing nothing is guaranteed, but we need some sort of baseline. An "it might work" isn't the most comforting, nor helpful.
For me if it was 50/50 chance, there is no hesitation, I would go the amputation. My partner is not comfortable with 60% success likelihood, for her he is too far gone and think he's too old, it's too much for him to go through, it's time to let go etc. Given the disparity, we are concerned of a stalemate in the morning, trying to prepare as best we can.
Costs we can afford, but it's certainly not insignificant. Looking at almost $4000AUD, + cost for a needed teeth scaling, and obviously would then need to get that heart murmur diagnosed, so another $1600 for the cardiologist alone. About $3800 spent on this issue so far...definitely adding up
Seeking advice on: What would you do? What do you think is best for the cat? Do you know any statistics on survival rates of this treatment? We've been cautious, but should we be concerned of being infected by him?
submitted by ParkingAd144 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:04 Lopsided_Ad_926 What are girls wearing these days that smell like warm cozy dryer sheets?

What are girls wearing these days that smell like warm cozy dryer sheets?
There seems to be a popular scent lingering in the air these days that smells like a cozy warm dryer sheet such as Fleecy. It is NOT a soapy or overly clean scent (NOT Clean Reserve! I sampled that today), more like a warm cozy freshly dried sweater. Or perhaps when you walk by a laundromat or an apartment building and you smell that delicious dryer exhaust scent. Does anyone have any idea what this scent may be? I believe it’s a perfume because I get a whiff of the same exact scent on ladies maybe once a week and I doubt their dryer sheets are strong enough to project the scent that much.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Lopsided_Ad_926 to Perfumes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:33 Ok-Significance-1752 This is the Prologue for another Gate Fanfic I'll be working on that ill post to the subreddit. Gate: Thus, Humanity didn't die in the dark. Prologue: The Gate a Rift between realities.

Ganzir. July 8th. 2020.
Director of the GOC Miss Al Fine, The Engineer (Leader of the Choas insurgency), and GOI-004A or better known as Robert Bumaro (Leader of the Church of the broken god) "So... Current status of thr east gate of the city." Al Fine asked the engineer. "Our insurgents have held fine miss Fine" he said using her name as a pun. She snickered in an amused fashion. "Now to our correct discussion. Based on what we've seen gentlemen it has become clear that while we sit safe and sound in Ganzir the world is currently going to shit" she said bluntly.
"Thats one way of putting it" said Robert Bumaro metallically sighing "based on our currently reports Russia has fallen and the Choas insurgents currently not in Ganzir are toppling African governments making the situation worst." She sighed. "Aren't you supposed to be in charge of the insurgency Mister Engineer" she said. "I may have control over our Insurgents currently in Ganzir but I've lost all contact with the insurgents outside of Africa so I can’t tell them to stop their madness. "Nothing new coming from your kind" Chuckled Robert Bumaro metallically. The engineer shot Robert a glare before calming himself down.
"Look Ganzir won't last forever. Yes, half of this city was created by God himself or some kind of God, but we don't have infinite food or water. Our replicators, which I hope each of your twos respective personnel are handling properly cant replicate organic matter and our food reserves will only last the city for 10 years given the cities current population." Fine said. "We are going to-" She gets cut off by the Engineer. "We are going to pull a Serpents hand aren't we" he said with a disappointed look on his face. "Yes and no." She responded. "While we will try to get into another reality or dimension to escape this mess the GOC will be staying behind the hold the fort as we get the civilians out of here. The Serpent's Hand were cowards and only thought about their lives not the lives of civilians that's why they left straight up and didn't decide to try to get as many people as they could into the wander's library. The United Nations Global Occult Coalition on the other hand like I said will stay behind." she said firmly.
“And what about you." asked Robert. "I will be staying behind as well it would be a shame for my men to miss out on living" she said joking grimly. "The Insurgency will stand by you then. We will give the foundation shit heads-" The engineer says before he gets cut off. "The Insurgency will not fight side by side with the UNGOC you will protect the civilians and be with them when Ganzir is evacuated somehow." She spoke. "But" He gets cut off again. "No buts. We have no idea what fucked up or beautiful reality or dimension our civilians will be walking into when shit hits the fan, and we evacuate. The insurgency and the Church for a matter-of-fact job is to protect the civilians from whatever awaits them in the realities or dimensions we may create a rift too. Is that clear." She says firmly. "yes" The engineer sighs as he says yes but Robert says it with a clear level of understanding.
"Look ever since it began our 3 organizations united to defend humanity one last time. Once you're on the other side... Please don't go back to your old ways we need your organizations as they are now to face whatever awaits humanity on the other side." Fine says this in almost a begging tone. "Look for as long as our 3 organizations have existed, we've hated each other but with the foundation looming over us we need to do what we can to preserve human life. The GOC leader has a point." Says Robert. "Let's not let Her and her organizations sacrifice be in vain." The Engineer raised his hand in protest but then stopped. "Fine but we will need some GOC personnel to come with us since your organization knows how to handle Anomalous weapons way better than the Church and my group and I don't want any freak accidents happening while we evacuate." Fine thinks for a moment before saying. "Sounds good. Meeting dismissed." The 3 respective leaders walk out of the room as they head to talk with the brightest members of each of their respective groups for the grand undertaking that is about to happen.
Ganzir. July 12th. 2020.
"So, this is it huh." says Monroe under his gas mask. Manroe stared at the Gate in awe never in any of his years in the Insurgency had he seen anything like it. His sightseeing was soon interrupted. "Don't think about weaponizing that shit" Jokes Phillip as he puts on his helmet with the GOC logo painted on it. "Oh, come on we both know if there are any anomalies on the other side of that gate you Gocks (Nickname for the GOC) are gonna to nuke the shit out of that other world." Jokes Monroe back.
"Look the foundation contains, you guys try to weaponize, and the serpents are all about befriending those fucking anomalies. Just put a bullet in its head and get it over with. Far cheaper solution in my book" Phillip says chuckling. "It's a fucking miracle we get along.” says Monroe sighing. "Hey, we can thank the Foundies (GOC nickname for foundation personnel) for that" Phillips jokes as he smokes a cigarette. "Ever seen the photos of Churchill with him smoking that big cigar." Phillips continues. "Yes why" Manroe asked. "I'm going to get one if those and pose on the walls of Ganzir while smoking and you take a photo as well." Phillips said. "You're asking to get hit by a Foundie sniper" Manroe sighed. "Well yes and no. Remember we got the big forcefield that looks like something out of Star Wars around the city so the Foundies ain't doing shit." Phillps said grinning. "Point taken." said Manroe.
"So, you think you're going to be one of the lucky few" said Manroe to Phillips. "Look whether I am or not I don't care I lived my life to its fullest serving the Coalition and have no regrets. Whether I'm one of the few of my organization to be allowed to cross over into the gate doesn't matter to me much." Phillip said smiling. "Well, you better at least get laid before you die" He joked
Authors note: I post the trailer for this earlier I hope you guys enjoyed it.
submitted by Ok-Significance-1752 to gate [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:22 brucejk2 [Landlord US-CA] - Does anyone have a sample witness letter to damage done by a tenant?

My tenant smoked cigarettes and damaged the interior of my property. Tenant is claiming its wear and tear which it's not, it's negligence. I had my Realtor visit the house and she completely agrees with me. Tenant is threatening to sue. Does anyone have a sample letter the Realtor could use?
submitted by brucejk2 to Landlord [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:46 bot692021 Sunrise Express Twin Room Guide - Osaka to Tokyo May 2024

This is a in-dept guide for those who are hoping to experience the Sunrise Express. This will be broken down into five main sections: booking your tickets, getting the tickets, getting to the train, aboard the train, and exiting the train/station. Please note that this is all anecdotal so YMMW
Booking Your Tickets:
TLDR: Book 1 month in advance the moment tickets become available, pre-fill the information on the site so that you can hit search the moment 10:00am JST rolls around, and select 1 passenger as the number of passengers regardless of being a party of 1 or 2.
There is an English version of the JR west website where you can book your tickets if you cannot read Japanese. While the English version of the site does not explicitly point this out, there are two types of rooms on the Sunrise Express that can sleep two people. There is the Single Twin room and the Twin room. The Single Twin room is in a bunk bed configuration and has less space whereas the Twin room has the beds side by side and there is more space. These rooms tend to sell out extremely quickly, within 3 minutes of release for purchase, as you are competing with people others who are trying to book them online and JR staff helping people book in person. Reservation for tickets open 1 month in advance at 10:00am JST and that's when you'll need to make the reservation if you want to get yourself any type of twin rooms. I've seen other posts online stating that you have a better chance of booking the twin style rooms at a station in person, but that wasn't an option for me so I can't confirm nor deny that will increase your odd of getting yourself a twin style room.
When it comes to the actual booking, be sure to double check details of your route to ensure that the stations you select are applicable. For example, the train stops at Osaka station when the train is headed for Tokyo, but skips Osaka station when the train is leaving from Tokyo. To book the train, I suggest having multiple tabs open with the necessary information on the site prefilled such that you can click on search button the moment 10:00am JST comes around. Also, you should have your credit card handy so that you're ready to pay assuming you're able to get a room. Since you're likely travelling with another person when booking a twin style room, both you and your travelling companion should do this to further increase your odds of booking the room. Booking the twin room (beds are side by side) is a bit easier since you can pre-select the train and twin as the room type. However, if you'd like book the single twin room (bunk bed configuration) you can pre-select just the train. After 10:00am JST and hitting search, you will then select "Sleeper Car B". For more details on a break down of how to book the different room types, take a look at the post by u/NightHawkCanada here. The next portion will focus on booking the twin room. Unfortunately I don't have any experience booking the single twin room so I won't be able to comment on that.
With the information pre-filled, click on search at 10:00am JST. You'll be brought to a page asking you to select a smoking or non-smoking room. Even though I don't smoke, I selected the smoking room as that was the only option available. I was concerned about the room potentially smelling like cigarettes, but at least for the twin room I rode in, it was a non-issue. Once you've selected a room, you will be asked for the number of passengers. Even though there were 2 of us who were going to be sleeping the room, my understanding is that you're supposed to put 1 as the number of passengers. According to the Google translated version of the Japanese version of the site:
As the price is set per room, please select "1 adult" for the number of guests whether you are booking for 1 or 2 people (including children)
If anyone has had success with reserving a twin room when putting 2 as the number of passengers, please let us all know. After putting in the number of passengers, you'll need to fill out your name, email, a 4 digit confirmation pin that you'll later use, and your credit card information. Make sure you use a credit card that you plan to bring with you when you will be riding the Sunrise Express and that you DO NOT lose your confirmation pin. You'll be asked to confirm your information and assuming all goes well you will receive an email from []( confirming that your reservation is complete. I was charged 21,320 yen for the room and 8,910 yen for 1 basic fare ticket for a trip from Osaka to Tokyo.
Getting the Tickets:
TLDR: Get your reserved tickets from a green vending machine using your credit card and confirmation pin. Buy another basic fare ticket if you are party of 2 and only received 1 basic fare ticket from the vending machine.
You're able to receive tickets from a ticket vending machine or a station attendant right after you reserve them; you don't have to wait till the date that you'll board the train to get your ticket. Please note that you are only able to receive your tickets during certain times of day as station booths with attendants and vending machines are not 24/7. For more information on when tickets can be received by station, check the JR West website here. To get my tickets, I used one of the green vending machines, inserted the credit card I used to pay for the ticket online with and supplied the 4 digit confirmation pin. For a step by step guide with pictures on how to use the green vending machine to receive your tickets, follow the link here. Assuming you want to get receipt you will end up with four slips of green paper. They will be your ticket for the room,1 basic fare ticket, and your 2 receipts for the 2 tickets.
As you may have noticed, I said that I got 1 basic fare ticket from the vending machine even though there are going to be 2 people sleeping in the twin room. At the time, I was also a bit suspicious of it asked the information booth about it and they said it was okay even though there were 2 us and only had 1 basic fare ticket. However, due to the language barrier there was likely some miscommunication and I would later confirm my suspicions that for 2 people you would need 2 basic fare ticket. Assuming you are a party of 2, you will need to purchase another basic fare ticket that matches the one you just got from the vending machine i.e if you got a basic fare ticket for Osaka station to Tokyo station from the vending machine, buy another one. Before you board the train, you should ideally have 1 ticket for the room and 2 basic fare tickets. Luckily if you made the same mistake that I did, it isn't the end of the world and the attendants at the gate area can assist.
Getting to the Train:
TLDR: Get to the station 30-45 minutes early and the gate attendants are your best friend if anything goes wrong.
I strongly recommend, getting to the station about 30-45 minutes early, especially if you have luggage, so that you have ample time to deal with any unexpected issues and find your train platform. Even if you arrive a little too early there is likely a waiting area for you to rest at to wait for the train. The first challenge we faced was figuring out what platform was going to be departing from. Your best friend here is making sure to follow the signs for the JR lines and then finding one of the screens showing the trains and platform information. The information on the screens cycle between Japanese and English fairly. If you had 2 basic fare tickets, you could each go through the gate by putting in your ticket through the gate as normal; DO NOT throw away your basic fare ticket as you will need it on the train and to exit your arrival station.
However, since we did not have 2 basic fare tickets and the ticket booths and vending machines were closed, we had to work with the gate attendants to figure out a resolution. Using my very limited Japanese and Google translate, we were eventually able to get a stamped pieced of paper that according to Google translate meant this person entered at Osaka station. After getting pass the gate and arriving at the platform, we waited the aforementioned rest area till the train came. About 5 minutes before the train is set to arrive, take the time to figure out where the car your reserved room will be pulling up at using the guide on the floor so that you don't have to sprint to the correct entrance. Worst case you can find the correct car while on the train, but the passageways are fairly narrow so if you have rolling luggage it will be fairly inconvenient.
Aboard the Train:
TLDR: You can buy a basic fare ticket on the train using cash for the same price as if you bought it at the station or reserved a ticket online.
Assuming you boarded the train using the correct entrance, finding your room using the numbers on the wall is fairly simple; maneuvering with rolling luggage and backpacks not so much. Shortly after settling into the room and departing from the station, the conductor stopped by. We were very worried that there would be a huge up charge to buy a ticket on the train, but we were pleasantly surprised and it was just the same 8,910 yen for 1 basic fare ticket. From what I could tell, you would have to pay in cash and they should be able provide change, but since we paid the exact amount I can't confirm. The conductor will then issue you a paper ticket that you need to hold on to and show to the gate agent at your destination station.
The twin room has a little cubby area that is just big enough to store 2 standard carry on sized rolling luggage. The room was fairly alright and had a huge window. There are communal areas, sinks with mirrors to brush your teeth, fairly roomy bathrooms, and shower rooms that require you to purchase a shower card. Unfortunately, they were already all sold out when we went to try to purchase one. I suspect that if you want a shower card you'll likely have to be one of the passengers boarding fairly close to if not at the stations where the train departs. If you want food while on the train, you'll have to bring your own as there is no food served on the train and the vending machines only sell drinks. My two complaints are the room has 1 plug and you're not gonna get the most restful sleep as it isn't exactly quiet and it is a bumpy ride.
Exiting the Train/Station:
TLDR: Get ready to exit the train 5-10 minutes before your stop, especially if you have rolling luggage, so you don't miss it.
The train will announce the stations that it will be arriving at in both Japanese and English so you don't have to worry about missing your stop too much; it also helps when your destination is the last stop. That said, I suggest getting ready to exit the train about 5-10 minutes early especially if you have rolling luggage to make sure that you're able to exit the train as the doors tend to only be open for a few minutes.
When exiting the station, if you have 2 basic fare tickets you can each feed them into gate machines and they will "eat" them. However, if you do not have 2 basic fare tickets and had a ticket issued by the conductor like us, you will be giving the standard basic fare ticket and the ticket from the conductor to the gate agent. You can keep the ticket for the room as a souvenir if you'd like.
Overall the Sunrise Express was a pretty fun experience and I would love to do it again. Thanks for taking the time to read this guide and I hope this helps anyone who is planning to take a trip on the Sunrise Express - safe travels!
submitted by bot692021 to JapanTravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:31 Azfor117 Limited Time Offer Alert! 🚨 Grab 40% Discount on Cutting-Edge DARK TECHNO KICKS NICO MORENO STYLE VOL. 2 SAMPLE PACK 🎶

Limited Time Offer Alert! 🚨 Grab 40% Discount on Cutting-Edge DARK TECHNO KICKS NICO MORENO STYLE VOL. 2 SAMPLE PACK 🎶
Greetings Fellow Devotees of Electronic Sounds! 🎧
Exciting news awaits your ears! 🎉 We're here to unveil an opportunity you simply cannot overlook! For a brief period, you can indulge in a staggering 40% reduction on our esteemed "DARK TECHNO KICKS NICO MORENO STYLE VOL. 2 SAMPLE PACK" by employing the code "3daysoffer". However, heed this: this enticing deal is solely reserved for the premier 20 patrons, so make haste ere it vanishes into the ether. ⏳
But what sets this collection apart, you inquire? 🤔 Picture this: the deepest, most commanding rhythms intertwined with Nico Moreno's unparalleled flair. It's an amalgamation you dare not ignore!
The chance to elevate your electronic music craft beckons with this unparalleled sample pack! Seize this distinctive opportunity without delay! 🚀
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submitted by Azfor117 to u/Azfor117 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:31 justADDbricks Horrendous Tube Experience Today

I’m going to prefix this by saying I hate busy spaces and can get overwhelmed easily.
I work on a zero hours contract with a catering company and was a reserve for a shift today at Kew Gardens and I wasn’t need so had to head home. It takes me over an hour to get there from where I live.
Anyway onto the horrendous tube experience. I got on the district line from Kew Gardens and got as far as West Kensington before everyone was told to get off the tube and all Eastbound services were cancelled due to a fire somewhere down the District Line. I had to then go back on myself and get a tube to Baron Court to change to the Piccadilly Line to get to Green Park, where I could then get the Victoria home. I digress, a few stops in on the Piccadilly line, the carriage then became really crowded with Spanish football fans chanting and shouting. At this point, I was already becoming flustered and anxious (minor panic). Thats when I started to smell a really strong odour of cigarette. I put a face mask on to (no pun intended) try and mask the smell and because it was crowded. Then one of the Spanish football fans walked past with a lit cigar, which he was smoking. I then became really panicked and felt trapped, but got off as soon as I could and forced my way through the crowd to the doors to get off. As soon as I got on the platform, I felt freer. I saw the station guard and went over to report the guy smoking a cigar and he radioed to someone, so hopefully the guy was caught.
It’s disgusting and fowl smoking a cigar on a crowded underground tube. Its inconsiderate, especially if anyone has bad asthma.
Anyway, rant over. Hope everyone else had a better Saturday!
submitted by justADDbricks to london [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:00 micktalian The Gardens of Deathworlders: A Blooming Love (Part 69)

Part 69 Date night (Part 1) (Part 68)
[Help support me on Ko-fi so I can try to commission some character art and totally not spend it all on Gundams]
Only a few hours had passed since the short training session had ended and yet Nul'trula felt ready for more. It had only been two and a half hours of actual simulated combat, after all. With the expanded capacities of her new shell, she hadn't even reached the point of either stress or processor lag while engaging with hundreds of targets, countering thousands of munitions, and ensuring her four team teammates had all the support they needed to persevere. It almost felt like a game to her, and one she was naturally good at. Though Nula had already sworn to herself that she would never willingly bring harm to people, that essential aspect of morality was a fundamental part of her base code, she couldn't help but enjoy the thrill brought by that combat simulation.
Though the enemies she battled were controlled by a sapient being, a rather kind one whom she considered a friend, they represented an evil that once threatened all other life in the galaxy. If only her creators had taken the safe precautions with Hekuiv’trula that they had with her, maybe things would be different. However, as Nula’s mind had expanded in her shell far beyond her wildest expectations, she had been decompressing long stored away files regarding the Artuv'trula species. And those lost memories revealed more and more about a past that she wished she had left forgotten. Regardless of how kind and loving the team of scientists were who created her base code and instilled within her a drive to protect all living things, they were a part of a government who mistakenly saw their state, a mere social construct, an idea made manifest by the will of those participating in it, as the final and ultimate expression of the Artuv’trula people, culture, and species.
How could an artificial intelligence programmed with the express purpose of bringing something as fleeting and amorphous as an idea into infinity become anything other than the end of its own creators? How could a being whose sole created purpose was to ensure the continuation of a concept, but not the people who embodied that concept, become anything other than deranged? If people, cultures, and political systems change, which they all inevitably do, then how could an AI purposefully made to preserve one specific state, nothing more than the fleeting whims of an ever-changing people, do anything other than what it was programmed to do? Where Nula was explicitly designed to cherish all life, her brother's purpose was to ensure the Gytiom Infinite Hegemony would live on throughout all time and space. It was only a matter of time until Hekuiv would realize that the Artuv'trula were not immutable, they would change, and the Gytiom governmental system would be replaced by something else. And when that non-sapient, barely-sentient military control and management AI came to that inevitable conclusion, it was already far too late to stop it.
Even with her mind as clear and robust as it now was, Nula'trula hadn't yet consciously connected the fact that her lust for new experiences was directly related to her deep down desire to remain ignorant of the worst aspects of her creator's history. Her readiness to engage in more combat simulations, to see all the sights The Hammer had to offer, and engage in any activity which could keep her processors fully engaged were all just as much desires to have fun as they were a means to keep herself distracted. In moments like these where she could keep herself occupied with enjoyable thoughts, there was no need to wallow in an unchanged past. Instead, Nula was focusing all of her consciousness towards the present.
Having just walked out of a movie theater and into a clothing store with the company of Melatropa, one of her first true friends, the only things on Nula's mind were what she had just seen and what kind of clothing styles she should experiment with. The hour-long animated film featured a simple but effective art style, a single androgynous character reminiscent of and relatable to a dozen species, and a story focused on the struggles of one's own mind while surrounded by nothing but nature. Despite not being able to truly empathize with just how difficult base survival really was for a biological being alone in the wild, the meaning and intended message of the film had hit its mark. The battle outside one's soul was often far less brutal than the one fought within. However, at the current moment, that lesson was only to be applied to the rather innocuous clash between material choices for the outfit that Nula was to wear on her first ever date.
“Ooo! Are these furs?!?” Slowly making her way through a wide selection of clothing materials, Nula stopped in front of a particular section that peaked her interest in an innate way that far surpassed the almost endless display of fabrics she had been perusing. “Are they all from real animals?!?”
“Well, they're synth-furs.” Melatropa answered with a soft but quite deep giggle. “Either made out of manufactured polymers or cloned material, both of which are produced on demand to reduce the storage requirements. But yes, they are all based on real patterns from animals throughout the galaxy. The one you're looking at right now is actually from the bal'amuro of my people’s homeworld. A mighty feline predator that hunted my ancient ancestors just as we hunted them. But as we developed our weapons technology and grew in numbers, they were nearly pushed to extinction. While tens of thousands of years of conservation has guaranteed they will live on with a stable and healthy population, possession of actual bal'amuro fur has been outlawed for so many generations that the only remaining examples reside in the wild, in zoos, or in museums. If I remember right, this stuff is cloned from a preserved cloak that rests in the museum in Ten’txutcan.”
“I can see why your people covet this material so much.” The canine android’s voice trailed off as a distant memory, or rather an ancient and highly compressed bit of stored data pertaining to her creator's history, began to resurface. However, thanks to her vastly upgraded processing and memory she was able to continue on regardless of the fact her mind now bore the burden of remembrance. “A gold that simultaneously shimmers and absorbs light, spots of pinkish red that would be nearly invisible at night, and… Oh… This deep blue underskin is simply gorgeous. I presume this is outside of the budget Admiral Atxika gave us?”
“I'm not going to tell you what our budget is. But…” The large and muscular blue woman shot Nula a coy wink before letting her crimson red eyes wander down the display of material samples. “Let's just say we can afford it so long as you don't try to fill your entire closet with just this. Besides, you gotta consider how it'll look with the synth fur you wanted Banitek and Agothocli to cover your paneling with.”
“I was actually still considering my options with that.” Nula struggled to pull herself from the artificial golden panther fur but quickly found herself making her way down the aisle while affirming something she had discovered earlier. “None of these quite match what I wanted for my shell. You see, while my creator's did sport a wide variety of colors and patterns in their fur, I was looking for something quite specific.”
“Oh? Is there someone specific you wish to emulate?”
“Well… I guess you could call an ancient deity someone. But, yes. My name, Nula'trula, was derived from my creator’s ancient Goddess of Life and Love, Nula'somia. She was imagined as having a short but dense coat of glistening, pearlescent white fur that was as soft as silk and with a red-gold mane and flowing locks.”
“I'm not exactly sure about how to acquire the mane and hair… But that fur you're describing does remind me of something.” Mela turned towards the large blue woman standing behind the counter and shouted towards her with a cheerful tone. “Hey, Luniviria! Do you have a moment?”
“Oh, we don't need to bother her. Didn't she already tell us that all the materials she had available for her garments were on display here?”
“She keeps some special stuff in reserve for her more well-informed clientele. And if you're going on your first date night tomorrow, then this definitely calls for something special!”
“Do any of you three actually do any work on this ship?” Banitek paused his hammering and asked the avian, mustelid, and primate who were lounging about in his workshop. “Or do you weenuks just hangout all day waiting for something to do?”
“I mean, it kinda feels like that sometimes!” Tens retorted with a vigorous, full-bellied chuckle.
“I don't know about Binko, but Tens and I were running training with some of the Qui’ztar honor guard a few hours ago.” Hompta added with a high pitched and squeaky tone. “But speaking of working, what have you been up to, Binko? I haven't really seen you for like a week!”
“I've been studying for my pilot's license renewal.” The deep purple avian had his tablet in one of his claws and was reading from it rather intensely. “Which reminds me, Tens. You need to get your co-pilot license renewed soon. Tarki already has all the paperwork done for you, you just need to study for the written test so you can pass.”
“Have the regulations changed?” The Nishnabe warrior shot an overly confident look towards Binko, who ignored it. “Because if not, then there's nothing I need to study for.”
“It's a fifty question test from a bank of a thousand.” Binko's vibrant blue eyes slowly lifted from his tablet as an incredulous expression befell his feathered face. “Are you really trying to tell me you remember all thousand answers after eight years?”
“Go ahead, test me!”
“Alright!” The deep purple avian quickly flicked through the list of questions he was studying and picked one that he felt would challenge his friend and co-pilot. “If a vessel loses power to its primary and secondary control thrusters while in the process of docking, what is the procedure?”
“While the pilot uses tertiary control thrusters to arrest all movement, the co-pilot contacts the station's flight controllers to declare the emergency.” Much to the surprise of the Kroke, Kyim’ayik, and Hi-Koth, the Nishnabe warrior, a man who had made it a mission in his youth to avoid school at all cost, was able to respond without the slightest shred of hesitation. “The controllers will attempt to confirm the malfunction with their sensors, specifically looking for any potential of explosion or hazardous material leak. Assuming there are no immediate threats to the station, the controllers will then deploy tug-drones to either bring the vessel into the originally assigned dock for repairs or, if there is the potential for hazardous material contamination, the drones will move the vessel to a safe temporary dock where emergency repairs must be undertaken before the vessel can dock into the station-proper. Then there's a few more steps that have to do with diagnostics and specific repairs, but I'm pretty sure those would fall under the questions about how to address control thruster failure that aren't specific to port docking.”
“Binko, don't tell me he got that right!” Hompta blurted out while staring daggers at Tens.
“Fine, I won't tell you.” Binko retorted with soft cackling while shaking his head and scrolling to a new question. “I'll tell Bani. Hey Bani, Tens got that question right.”
“Of course he did!” Though Banitek was shocked at how quickly and effortlessly Tens was able to answer such a technical question, this was not the first, or even hundredth, time that he had seen this mostly hairless primate display an unpredictable amount of knowledge. “The guy's got the memory of a Muritoph but can't remember his own birthday most of the time.”
“I think it's in a couple months.” In stark contrast to his confidence when answering Binko's question, Tens actually looked a bit confused as he tried to remember both the current date and the date of his birth.
“It's in six weeks and you're turning twenty-four, you weenuk!” The furry little beaver-otter half shouted with frustration obvious in his voice. “I swear, niji! If your parents and goko didn't call you on your birthday every year, you'd have no idea how old you are!”
For a few moments, Banitek's workshop was filled with laughter from four different species. Despite having grown up together on the same station, going to the same school, having the same caretakers, and even considering each other as family, there were certain aspects of each individual that were wholly unique to their species. Where Binko was incredibly quick witted, his Kroke brain able to mentally process thoughts at rate far higher than most other forms of Ascended life, both Hompta and Banitek, with their larger but less densely packed brains, were able to maintain multiple trains of thought at the same time. However, much to the continued surprise of them and all other non-human persons who spent any amount of time among the Nishnabe, Tens was able to effortlessly switch between rapid recall, multiple trains of thought, or even utilize both at the same time. And while the almost comical tendency for this Nishnabe warrior to forget things which many considered to be incredibly important on a personal level, the fact he could immediately answer a practical question from a subject he hadn't specifically studied for in years was somehow even funnier.
“Hey, so, back to my original question.” Banitek was the first to slowly get his deep and roaring laughter under control. “How much work do y'all actually do on this ship? At least one of you has been here everyday since I opened this shop.”
“Well… As a member of the security and combat staff, I'm pretty sure my contract stipulates that I'm always on-call.” Even if Tens couldn't remember every single word of the contract he had signed when joining the First Independent Fleet of the Third Qui’ztar Matriarchy, he could still instantly recall the most important parts. “But I am required to log a minimum of five hours a day, five days a week, or thirty hours total a week of training whenever I'm not deployed on a mission. And that includes physical training. But I usually don't log stuff like my morning exercises or if I'm just messing around in the sims. I also get compensated with additional time off after extended missions.”
“Yeah, this Qui’ztar Fleet is way more serious about time off than the Nishnabe Militia.” Hompta added while struggling to get his high pitch chortling under control. “As a member of the engineering and support staff, I'm also on-call if I'm needed. But I have the same amount of required work hours. As long as I log thirty hours, I'm getting paid good!”
“I'm technically part of the diplomatic staff so I don't really have required work hours.” Binko's comment drew a rather harsh glare from his friends which he didn't notice because he had already gone back to studying from his tablet. “My hours are whatever Tarki tells me my hours are. But if I'm with the love of my life, I can't really consider that working.”
“Eeeeee! Lover-boy over here!” Hompta sarcastically chided his avian friend as he found a new reason to continue his wild laughter.
“Alright, so, what do y'all do when you're not working then?” Bani rolled his eyes at the Kyim’ayik who already had children but had not yet even considered getting married to any of their mothers. “If y'all only have to work thirty hours a week, what are you doing to fill time on this ship?”
“I flirt with the Kyim’ayik women onboard!” Hompta announced with a cheeky smirk and seemingly endless giggling. “And there's that fishing spot, a bunch of shopping, and all kinds of different entertainment venues. I took one of the ladies from reactor control to a movie the other day and I got another date night lined up with her tomorrow!”
“Before Atx and I started shacking up, I hit almost every bar, sim room, and smoking lounge on this ship.” While Tens did leave out any mention of the Qui’ztar women he had flings with before he and Atxika began their relationship, it was clear by the rather coy and particular look in his eyes that Hompta hadn't been the only one chasing tail. “I’m telling you, niji, this Amenities Section really does have everything a person could ever need or want. When I asked Atx about it, she told me the point is to prevent burn out or psychological issues that can come from being a warrior in space. Apparently, Nishnabek aren't the only people who get weird if we spend too much time doing combat training. The work hours and amount of entertainment available are specifically meant to avoid that. Like, we couldn't tell you everything there is to do in this ship because there's just so much. The whole First of the Third uses this ship as their port of call and place to relax, it's got to have everything anyone could possibly imagine so everyone can unwind and not feel the need to do stupid stuff!”
“Speaking of stupid stuff…” Binko, once again, did not look up from his studies but it was painfully obvious who the mention of stupid stuff was directed at. “When was the last time you jumped out the window at that one bar, Tens?”
submitted by micktalian to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:12 nxa74 Trip Report - Japan March 2024

Visited Japan in March 2024 for 3 weeks (March 5 to March 28).
Tokyo (March 5 to March 12):
Ramen - Top 3 on the trip were Nakiryu, Kikanbo & Kagari. The chicken broth ramen at Kagari is so uniquely thick & creamy - I don't know how else to describe it without sounding like a porno - and also perfectly paired with an array of seasonal vegetables. The tantanramen at Nakiryu is bomb & Kikanbo if you want a cleansing spicier broth. Wait times for all but the queue system at Nakiryu was the best - you get a time slot from a machine outside and can then leave / return for your time.
Yokocho - Favorite nighlife in Tokyo was in the narrow alleyways called Yokocho where you eat skewers & drink beer. Different Yokocho is different neighborhoods and each one has its own vibe / food specialities. Visited Golden Gai, Harmonica, Omoide, Nonbei, Ebisu. Harmonica yokocho had the most local feel because its in Kichijoji, a bit outside the city centre. Golden Gai had a friendly vibe for foreigners / easy to meet people as a solo traveler because you are crammed in these super small bars. Ebisu is not a narrow alleyway in traditional sense, but is lively indoor complex full of small bars and eateries. Omoide & Nonbei were the most touristic / my least favorite, but still worth a visit.
Hiking - Day trip to Mt Takao. Very easy to get to via train from Tokyo & a popular day trip hike for locals. Was a nice change of pace to burn off the all the delicious Japanese food!
Uniqlo - Flagship store in Tokyo. Bring some extra luggage space and go hard on the monochrome.
Kawaguchiko (March 12 to March 14):
Ide Shuzo Sake Brewey - Cool sake brewery tour - need to reserve in advance. Get tastings along the way and there is a small area to sit and taste more sake afterwards. Not the most impressive sake brewery compared to others I saw later in the trip, but a nice way to spend a couple hours in Kawaguchiko.
Hiking - you can hike from the Panorama railway to Mt. Mitsutoge. In March, however, it was still quite snowy on the ground and I did not bring hiking shoes. Did some of it but not the whole route - would plan ahead and bring hiking boots if you can plan to do this in winter / early spring.
Ice cream - at Oishi park, there is a shop serving ice cream. GET IT. They have some rad flavors including Muscat - flavors of the grape grown in Japan.
Koshu (March 15) - on the way from Kawaguchiko to Matsumoto, I made a day trip to Koshu, which is a wine region in Japan. As wineries are clustered in the same area, was able to visit 5 wineries on foot and do tastings in a couple hours before catching train to Matsumoto. Visited Soryu, Chateau Mercian, Katsunuma, Ikeda, Marufuji. Can't say Koshu is my favorite wine grape, but it was a fun day excursion to understand the Japan wine scene.
Matsumoto (March 15 to March 17) - Small town, didn't know what to expect but loved it. Famous for being the birthplace of artist Yayoi Kasuma and there is a museum where you can see her works. Sake Pub is a must visit - they have a huge sake list and the owner is extremely friendly / gives you guidance on what types of sake to try. Also dug the craft beer scene - Matsumoto Brewing & Bacca Brewing - the latter which is owned by a Brewer who previously worked in California.
Takayama (March 17 to March 19):
Hida Beef - Eat it raw in sushi form, eat it cooked, eat it everywhere. Kobe beef - which I tried later on - definitely my favorite but Hida is no slouch.
Morning Market - Check out the Miyagawa morning market right along the river. Grab some takoyaki from a food stall, a beer from the local brewery stand and chill by the river.
Sake Brewery Tour - Takayama has a huge concentration of sake breweries. When I was there, I unexpectedly got to see the Shizukumiyamatsuri - which is their local sake festival - it takes place in mid-March every year. Grab a map of all the sake breweries in town and do a crawl. Hirase sake brewery is one of the oldest and the best tasting experience - for a small fee you get to try a bunch of their sakes.
Gero (March 19 to March 20) - Stayed one night in Gero - an onsen town - which is a short train from Takayama. Super relaxing & authentic ryoko experience albeit a bit pricey. After some onsen time, I don't think I have ever slept better in my life - that volcanic water really soothes the muscles.
Kyoto (March 21 to March 24):
Kaiseki meal - In the geisha district, do a long course kaiseki meal and splurge. Admittedly, not my favorite meal on the trip- others were less expensive and tastier - but it is a cool experience. You sit counter side and see the chef bring out dish after dish of creatively designed food. Book in advance.
Drank - Kyoto Beer Lab is a cool place to meet expats & travelers in Kyoto. Great beers and a friendly vibe. They also a running club each month where they end at the Brewery for some post-workout suds. Sampling matcha tea at a traditional teahouse is also a must. Not a huge matcha person myself, but gotta respect the attention and craft the Japanese put into its production.
Osaka (March 24 to March 27):
Tuna - Go to the Kurumon market. Eat the sushi particularly the fatty tuna - it's incredible, the best I've ever had. There is one stand in particular where you will see they prepare the sushi for you, cutting it raw and/or searing it on request - prices there are more expensive than average in the market, but the taste is exquisite.
Kobe - Day trip to Kobe, very easy to access by short train ride from Osaka. We had one mission - eat Kobe beef - and boy did we succeed. The meal is expensive and will put you back 100+ euros, but kobe beef is in its own league. Kobe is also the #1 sake producing region in Japan. Can do a walking tour / sampling of the local sake breweries.
Hiroshima / Miyajima (March 27 to March 28):
Day trip in Miyajima island. It was insanely crowded and I thought the IG trap of the underwater gate is overrated. Still, it is worth a visit for a meal to get some of those HUGE oysters. The deer are also funny - they have absolutely no fear and come right up to you trying to steal your food.
Hiroshima was worth a visit for the obvious historical context. Found the museum extremely interesting. For food, the local specialty is okonomiyaki. Can't say I am a huge fan - it feels more like a bunch of stuff just mushed up together. Good sloppy drunk food, but not my favorite sober meal. Still, eating it tableside at one of the indoor night malls filled with Oki stands is a fun experience.
submitted by nxa74 to JapanTravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:54 leeeeeezhan 12900hx es

12900hx es submitted by leeeeeezhan to overclocking [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:49 TFVooDoo A Note About Strength Training

Given the recent discussion of Shut Up And Ruck’s strength programming, I thought it might be appropriate to address a few lingering comments.
First, we’re not immune to criticism. It is perfectly reasonable to criticize whenever and whoever you want, even me. Clearly, the anonymity of the internet provides ample license to do so. I’m not infallible and I make at least one mistake every fiscal year. I get downvoted all the time and I recognize that many things that I say are taken as gospel based on my years of providing accurate information. I don’t take this leniency lightly. I’ve earned this gift and I don’t look gift horses in the mouth. I certainly don’t shy away from criticizing others, but I always seek to do so from a position of best intentions of the outcome. But if you think that it’s appropriate to draw conclusions like “He definitely doesn’t know what he’s talking about”, “It violates basic principles”, or my favorite “It looks like he stole this from X, Y, or Z” and you’re basing that on one tiny screenshot of one sample day of one singular domain absent of context of the entirety of the programming then you must be special. I wish I had that sort of clairvoyance.
Second, our programming is not a mistake. Is it aggressive? Absolutely. Is it wrong? Absolutely not. It is deliberate and intentional. A few points to consider:
-The higher percentages and rep ranges occur at the end of each cycle. You don’t start off at the high end, you finish there. The passage cited is 9 weeks post 1RM testing. At a minimum the higher % come 5 weeks after testing. You get stronger and the programming reflects that.
-Just because you’ve never done anything like this doesn’t mean much. We follow the evidence, and the literature clearly indicates that our recommendations are appropriate. Aggressive, but appropriate. Here are 6 sources, including some meta-analyses that bring the body of knowledge to several hundred; there are many more.
Source 1
Source 2
Source 3
Source 4
Source 5
Source 6
Your experience not withstanding, our programming is entirely valid. This is especially true given the other variables. 1) we prioritize intensity and we manifest that through heavy weights 2) you only lift each exercise 2 times in every 5 day cycle - plenty of time for macro recovery 3) you are resting up to 4 minutes between sets - plenty of time for micro recovery 4) you are only doing 3 lifts in a day and only one for that domain - you aren’t doing 3 sets of barbell bench, then 3 sets of incline, then 3 sets of decline, then some cable cross-overs, then some dumbbell flys, then finishing with some drop sets on the Smith machine. 1 exercise, at maximal intensity. No need to pace yourself. 5) we are seeking to balance strength and endurance. It’s impossible to fully address both simultaneously. There will inevitably be friction. 6) we are seeking to challenge you, not accommodate you. 7) we emphasize self-reflection, data analysis, and agency. If you are struggling to meet the listed criteria then we encourage you to program accordingly. It’s foundational to our approach.
But allow me to let you in on a little secret. Even though we cite no small amount of literature, you can find lots of literature that argues against our programming. In fact, there is so much ‘literature’ out there that you can find supporting information for damn near everything and anything. So, back to my first point, you are welcome to criticize. But you should at least provide some counter-evidence beyond “in my experience”. In the Taxonomy of Information, anecdotal testimony is the least rigorous. We have presented our arguments, you are invited to present yours. Or be a little more graceful in your criticism.
We are well aware of Prilepin’s optimal reps (for powerlifting), and the NASM 5 Phase Optimum Performance Training Model (which we follow) and the NSCA Performance Pyramid (which we follow). We don’t disagree that they are to be well considered. We did a full and complete survey of the information environment. But we stated in our introduction and made available for free our philosophy…we have no interest in preserving the credentialed protectorate of the fitness industry. SFAS is different, so shall the programming be.
Third, we didn’t “steal” another program and stack it on top of our own stuff. That’s not how this works. If you survey all of the programs and methodology out there, you will find a ton of overlap. If you follow established principles and seek consensus, then you end up looking a lot like the other stuff. Did we look at other programs? Yes, dozens of them. Did we steal them? No. The fact that we favor a more intense program that most programs don’t should make this argument moot. This is a serious accusation and should be reserved for the most egregious circumstances. You might not have experience with this type of programming, you might not be familiar with recent literature, and you are only seeing a very minuscule event absent of any of the other programming and ancillary elements.
Fourth, and finally, I want to address the unhinged discussion of cost. We’re particularly sensitive to this topic because we know that our target population skews younger and likely less affluent, so cost matters. And I don’t like calling guys out necessarily, but u/Certain-Exam-2577 and u/Potential_Presence67 ? You two can go fuck yourselves. You anonymous peices of shit decided from your castles on top of Mount Holy that we are looking for a “money grab”? I could have charged hundreds, I could put all of my content behind a paywall, and I could simply pump and dump and walk away to stack cash. But that’s not the case.
What do you two fucking genius economists think would be appropriate for 8 months of daily programming for strength, conditioning, rucking, mental prep, mobility, skills, recovery and much more? We charge 60 dollars. Let’s take a very small survey the prep environment and see where we stack up:
Evoke - 3 months, requires additional programming prerequisites, $65
Performance First - 3 months, $90
18A Fitness - 4 months, $179
Gritty Soldier - 3 months, $30
Mountain Tactical - 12 months, $329
Blue/Green Training - 11 weeks, $129
We’re looking pretty competitive given these numbers. And these are the better programs. We mostly like them (and others) and we have tremendous respect for their creators and coaches. We don’t think they are as good as ours, especially our ruck programming, but they’re in the ballpark. Many guys in this sub have used them and speak highly of them. There are also near endless shit programs out there. AI generated, generic, point-of-sale trash with slick marketing and zero support.
We are a complete program that covers every single domain, and we have well established our expertise for SFAS. But we don’t rely on reputation, we deliver. We research, analyze, synthesize, and present the most comprehensive program out there. For just 60 bucks. Hell, you’ll spend over half that on a blank journal…we’ve recommended this excellent journal many times. But that’s just a cool journal. Zero programming. So we think we’re not “grabbing” too much.
Our resident pricks go on to say that RUSU wasn’t worth $50. Good thing we only charge $40. And perhaps you’d prefer the 15+ year old, lack-luster competition? They’re in the same price range. They even take a cheap shot at our Muster events as just a ‘wAlK iN tHe wOoDs tHaT yOu cOuLd do for FrEe’ or ‘info you could probably find online’. Our “competition” is $750 and one of the programs isn’t even taught by a military guy, much less a Green Beret. You two retarded laureates haven’t even attended an event, so your opinion is irrelevant.
And I should put a pin in all of this money grab, predatory, grifter talk by reminding them that this is all voluntary. You don’t have to spend a single dime if you don’t want to. Lots of guys don’t do anything extra and they get Selected all the time. But if a guy wants to be compensated for his hard work and another guy wants to allocate the cost of a night out drinking, then maybe your keen criticism could be stymied a bit. I offer plenty of free advice and commentary every day. I note that neither of you provide anything of value.
So, that’s my assessment of the situation. You don’t have to be a part of the conversation, but I thought that I should let you know how I see it. I endlessly tell you about the importance of foot care, so it’s only fair that I weigh in on this important topic. I should note that there was also some very reasoned comments and lots of guys understanding the intent of the programming AND of the program. And the OP reached out via DM and we had a very reasonable and productive discussion. He gets it. And the number of guys commenting is <1% of the number of guys reading the actual full program. I like that guys are passionate about this stuff. If you get 10 Green Berets in a room you’ll get 11 different opinions on damn near every topic. You know what they say about opinions…
submitted by TFVooDoo to greenberets [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:40 tunex2014 Florence Unveiled: Insider Tips for an Unforgettable Trip

Florence Unveiled: Insider Tips for an Unforgettable Trip
Florence, the cradle of the Renaissance, is a city that enchants visitors with its art, architecture, and timeless beauty. To make the most of your visit, we’ve gathered insider tips from travel experts to help you uncover the best ways to explore Florence. From world-famous museums to local culinary delights, here’s your guide to an unforgettable Florentine adventure.

Top Attractions You Can’t Miss

Uffizi Gallery
The Uffizi Gallery is a treasure trove of Renaissance art, housing masterpieces by Botticelli, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and Raphael. To truly appreciate the gallery’s vast collection, consider booking a skip-the-line tour of the Uffizi Gallery. This way, you can avoid the long queues and enjoy an in-depth experience with a knowledgeable guide who can provide fascinating insights into the artworks.
Florence Cathedral (Duomo)
Brunelleschi created a stunning red-tiled dome for the Florence Cathedral, which is an architectural marvel. Climbing to the top of the dome offers breathtaking views of the city. Don’t miss a guided tour of the Florence Cathedral, which includes access to the dome, the bell tower, and the Baptistery, ensuring you get the full experience of this iconic landmark.
Ponte Vecchio
The Ponte Vecchio is not just a bridge but a bustling marketplace, known for its unique shops selling jewelry, art, and souvenirs. Walking across this historic bridge is like stepping back in time. Enhance your visit with a walking tour that includes the Ponte Vecchio, providing historical context and stories that bring the bridge to life.

Local Food and Wine Experiences

Florence is a paradise for food and wine lovers. To truly savor the local flavors, consider these recommendations:
Traditional Tuscan Cuisine
Indulge in hearty Tuscan dishes like Bistecca alla Fiorentina (Florentine steak), ribollita (bread and vegetable soup), and pappa al pomodoro (tomato and bread soup). For an authentic dining experience, book a food tour in Florence that takes you to local eateries, markets, and hidden gems where you can taste the best of Tuscan cuisine.
Wine Tasting Tours
Tuscany is renowned for its exceptional wines. A visit to Florence isn’t complete without a wine tasting tour in the nearby Chianti region. Enjoy sampling a variety of wines while learning about the winemaking process. Reserve your spot on a Chianti wine tasting tour to experience the flavors of the region and visit picturesque vineyards.

Insider Tips for Exploring Florence

  1. Visit Early or Late: Popular attractions like the Uffizi Gallery and the Florence Cathedral can get very crowded. Plan your visits early in the morning or late in the afternoon to avoid peak times.
  2. Reserve Tickets in Advance: Florence’s top attractions are in high demand. Booking tickets ahead of time ensures you won’t miss out on must-see sights.
  3. Stroll the Oltrarno District: Cross the Arno River to explore the Oltrarno district, known for its artisan workshops, charming streets, and less touristy atmosphere. This area offers a more authentic taste of Florence.
  4. Take a Cooking Class: Immerse yourself in the local culture by taking a cooking class. Learn how to make traditional Italian dishes from scratch and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Sign up for a Florentine cooking class to bring a piece of Italy back home with you.


Florence is a city that captivates with its rich history, stunning art, and delectable cuisine. By following these insider tips, you’ll uncover the best ways to explore and enjoy all that Florence has to offer. From visiting top attractions like the Uffizi Gallery and the Florence Cathedral to savoring local food and wine experiences, your trip to Florence will be nothing short of unforgettable. See the full post here.
Ready to unveil the magic of Florence? Get a head start on your Florence vacation planning by comparing the top tours and activities today.
submitted by tunex2014 to u/tunex2014 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:14 nimdgp Hotel Management System

Hotel Management System
Creating a Hotel Management System involves designing a software application that can handle various aspects of hotel operations. The system typically includes modules for reservations, guest check-in and check-out, room management, billing, and reporting. Here's a high-level overview of what such a system might include:

1. **User Interface (UI)**

a. **Guest Interface**

  • **Booking and Reservations:** Allows guests to check availability, make reservations, and receive confirmation.
  • **Check-in/Check-out:** Enables self-service check-in and check-out.
  • **Profile Management:** Allows guests to manage their profiles, including preferences and loyalty points.

b. **Staff Interface**

  • **Dashboard:** Overview of current bookings, occupancy rates, and other key metrics.
  • **Room Management:** Manage room status (clean, occupied, vacant), maintenance requests, and assignments.
  • **Reservations Management:** Handle reservations, cancellations, modifications, and special requests.
  • **Billing and Payments:** Manage guest bills, process payments, and handle invoicing.

2. **Backend Components**

a. **Database**

  • **Guest Information:** Stores guest profiles, reservation history, and preferences.
  • **Room Information:** Details about each room, including type, status, and features.
  • **Bookings:** Records of all bookings, including dates, guest details, and special requests.
  • **Transactions:** Financial records related to bookings, payments, and refunds.
  • **Staff Information:** Employee details, roles, and permissions.

b. **APIs and Services**

  • **Booking API:** Interfaces for third-party booking sites to interact with the hotel's reservation system.
  • **Payment Gateway:** Securely process payments and handle various payment methods.
  • **Notification Service:** Send email/SMS notifications to guests for booking confirmations, reminders, etc.
  • **Reporting Service:** Generate reports on occupancy, revenue, guest demographics, etc.

3. **Core Features**

a. **Reservations and Booking Management**

  • Real-time room availability checker.
  • Booking engine with support for special rates and packages.
  • Group bookings and event management.

b. **Guest Management**

  • Comprehensive guest profiles with preferences and history.
  • Loyalty program integration.

c. **Room and Inventory Management**

  • Track room status and housekeeping schedules.
  • Manage inventory for room amenities and hotel supplies.

d. **Billing and Payments**

  • Automated bill generation.
  • Integration with various payment gateways for online and on-site payments.
  • Handling of discounts, vouchers, and refunds.

e. **Reports and Analytics**

  • Daily, weekly, monthly occupancy and revenue reports.
  • Guest demographics and booking trends.
  • Financial reports for accounting purposes.

4. **Technologies and Tools**

  • **Frontend:** HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React or Angular for a responsive web application.
  • **Backend:** Node.js, Python (Django/Flask), or Java (Spring) for building APIs.
  • **Database:** MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB for storing data.
  • **Payment Integration:** Stripe, PayPal, or local payment gateways.
  • **Hosting:** Cloud platforms like AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure for scalable deployment.

5. **Security Considerations**

  • Data encryption for sensitive information.
  • Secure authentication and authorization mechanisms.
  • Regular security audits and compliance with relevant standards (e.g., PCI DSS for payment processing).

Sample Implementation Outline

Here’s a simplified outline of how you might start implementing this system:

Step 1: Setting Up the Environment

  1. Choose your technology stack (e.g., MERN: MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js).
  2. Set up a development environment with version control (Git).

Step 2: Database Schema Design

  • Define tables for users, bookings, rooms, transactions, etc.

Step 3: Developing the Backend

  • Create RESTful APIs for core functionalities (CRUD operations for reservations, guest management, etc.).
  • Implement authentication and authorization.

Step 4: Developing the Frontend

  • Create components for the guest interface (booking form, profile management).
  • Create components for the staff interface (dashboard, room management).

Step 5: Integrating Payment Gateway

  • Set up a payment gateway for processing transactions.
  • Handle webhooks for payment status updates.

Step 6: Testing and Deployment

  • Write unit and integration tests.
  • Deploy the application to a cloud platform.
  • Perform user acceptance testing and gather feedback.

Example Code Snippets

Here are some example code snippets to illustrate the basic structure:

Backend (Node.js + Express)

// server.js
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const bookingRoutes = require('./routes/bookings');
const userRoutes = require('./routes/users');
mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/hotel_management', { useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true });
app.use('/api/bookings', bookingRoutes);
app.use('/api/users', userRoutes);
app.listen(3000, () => {
console.log('Server is running on port 3000');
// routes/bookings.js
const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
const Booking = require('../models/Booking');'/', async (req, res) => {
const booking = new Booking(req.body);
try {
} catch (error) {
router.get('/', async (req, res) => {
try {
const bookings = await Booking.find();
} catch (error) {
module.exports = router;

Frontend (React)

// App.js
import React from 'react';
import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Switch } from 'react-router-dom';
import Home from './components/Home';
import Booking from './components/Booking';
import Admin from './components/Admin';
function App() {
return (

export default App;
// components/Booking.js
import React, { useState } from 'react';
function Booking() {
const [formData, setFormData] = useState({ name: '', checkInDate: '', checkOutDate: '' });
const handleChange = (e) => {
setFormData({ ...formData, []: });
const handleSubmit = async (e) => {
try {
const response = await fetch('/api/bookings', {
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
body: JSON.stringify(formData),
const data = await response.json();
console.log('Booking successful:', data);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error:', error);
return (

export default Booking;
This is a simplified example to get you started. A real-world hotel management system would be more complex and require thorough planning and testing.
submitted by nimdgp to u/nimdgp [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:48 dla26 Need help trying to pick where to go in November given some (possibly) mutually inconsistent goals

I'll be arriving in Bangkok on November 12 at around 2am and I'm thinking I'll be in the country for about a week. (My return date is flexible.) For context, I've traveled extensively throughout northern Asia (lived in Japan for about 7 years, spent a semester in China back in college, went on business trips to Taiwan, Korea, Singapore, etc.) but this will be my first trip to Thailand. It's probably also worth noting that I'm a solo, middle-aged male traveler. I cringe at the thought that some people will assume I've got ulterior motives while I'm there, but I'm a happily married man who will just happen to be in the region at a time while his wife is at work.
My primary goal is I want to sample all kinds of traditional street foods. I've always loved Thai food and would love as authentic experience I can get. I was thinking of a trip sort of based around an Anthony Bourdain theme.
A secondary goal is that I want it to be kind of luxurious. I'm ok with spending $1000/night for a really nice hotel (though I'd prefer $500) with great service and comfortable accommodations. It doesn't have to be all luxury when I'm out and about. (Again, I'd prefer street food over a fancy Michelin star restaurant where locals can't afford to go.)
The third goal is to get away from the touristy areas and get a sense of where the locals go. This won't be the main theme of the trip, but I'd hate to leave the country only having stayed inside a touristy bubble the entire time. One litmus test I often use for this kind of thing is whether the local restaurants have English menus. I'm hoping to see places where the menus are only available in Thai. Whenever I see a Hard Rock Cafe, I know I'm in the wrong part of town. I'd also love to see local supermarkets, etc. Those are always fascinating.
I was thinking of spending 1-2 nights in Bangkok just to recuperate from the trip and then head to Chiang Mai to catch the Loy Krathong and Yi Peng Lantern Festivals going on on 11/15-16.
I was thinking I could rent a scooter (a 50cc motorbike style one, not a razor scooter) to get out of the most touristy parts of Chiang Mai. Honestly, I could probably do that every day. I've always enjoyed getting lost in a large city, especially now that Google Maps exists.
Other activities I was thinking of doing are going to see a Muay Thai match, maybe 1 private food tour where a local could show me around, what/how to order, etc. If I stay in a resort-style hotel, I may want to reserve a day or two for just lounging by the pool. I'll go visit the top temples, etc. in the area, but it's not a high priority for me.
Is Chiang Mai the best option for this kind of plan? Are there any other cities I should be looking at instead?
submitted by dla26 to ThailandTourism [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:44 BusinessCFOforHire Exhilarate Your Wine Experience with a Wine Tasting Driver in Napa

Exhilarate Your Wine Experience with a Wine Tasting Driver in Napa
Napa Valley, with its rolling vineyards and world-class wineries, is a dream destination for wine lovers. The best way to truly savor the rich flavors and scenic beauty of this renowned region is by hiring a wine tasting driver in Napa. Utilizing the services of a professional driver from Napa Private Driver ensures a safe, luxurious, and thoroughly enjoyable wine-tasting adventure. In this blog, we will delve into the benefits of hiring a wine tasting driver and how it can transform your Napa Valley experience.
The Ultimate Wine Tasting Experience
Wine tasting in Napa Valley is not just about sampling fine wines; it’s about immersing yourself in the culture, history, and breathtaking landscapes of one of the world’s premier wine regions. Here’s why hiring a wine tasting driver is the best way to elevate your experience:
Safety First
One of the foremost reasons to hire a wine tasting driver is safety. Wine tastings can involve sampling numerous wines, which means even small tastings can add up. Having a designated driver ensures that you can indulge in your wine-tasting journey without the worry of driving under the influence. Napa Private Driver’s professional drivers prioritize your safety, allowing you to relax and enjoy your day without any concerns.
Customized Itineraries
Napa Valley is home to over 400 wineries, each offering unique experiences and flavors. With such a vast selection, planning your itinerary can be overwhelming. A wine tasting driver from Napa Private Driver can help customize your tour to suit your preferences. Whether you’re interested in visiting iconic wineries, discovering hidden gems, or exploring specific varietals, your driver can tailor the route to create a personalized and memorable experience.
Insider Knowledge
Our drivers are locals with extensive knowledge of Napa Valley’s wine country. They can provide valuable insights and recommendations, ensuring you visit the best wineries suited to your taste. Whether you’re a first-time visitor or a seasoned wine enthusiast, having an expert guide can enhance your understanding and appreciation of Napa’s rich wine culture.
Comfort and Luxury
Traveling in a comfortable, luxurious vehicle can significantly enhance your wine-tasting experience. Napa Private Driver offers a fleet of premium vehicles, ensuring you travel in style. From spacious SUVs for group outings to sleek sedans for a more intimate experience, you can choose the perfect vehicle to suit your needs. Enjoy the scenic beauty of Napa Valley from the comfort of a high-end car, making your journey as enjoyable as the destinations.
Stress-Free Experience
Navigating the winding roads of Napa Valley and making reservations at popular wineries can be stressful. When you hire a wine tasting driver, you eliminate these hassles. Your driver will handle all the logistics, from planning the route to making reservations, allowing you to focus solely on enjoying your wine-tasting adventure.
Flexibility and Freedom
With a dedicated wine tasting driver, you have the freedom to explore Napa Valley at your own pace. There’s no need to adhere to strict schedules or worry about driving back after a long day of tastings. Whether you want to linger a little longer at a particular winery or take a detour to explore a scenic overlook, your driver can accommodate your preferences, providing a truly flexible and personalized experience.
Perfect for Groups
Wine tasting is often more fun with friends or family. If you’re planning a group outing, hiring a wine tasting driver is a fantastic way to ensure everyone can participate and enjoy the experience. Napa Private Driver’s larger vehicles can comfortably accommodate groups, making it easy to share the adventure with your loved ones.
Enhancing Special Occasions
A wine-tasting tour in Napa Valley is a perfect way to celebrate special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, or romantic getaways. With a wine tasting driver, you can add an extra layer of luxury and convenience to your celebration. Imagine toasting to a special moment amidst the stunning backdrop of Napa’s vineyards, knowing every detail of your day is taken care of.
Testimonials and Success Stories
Many wine enthusiasts have discovered the benefits of hiring a wine tasting driver in Napa Valley. Here are a few testimonials from satisfied clients of Napa Private Driver:
Jessica R.: “Our wine-tasting day in Napa was unforgettable, thanks to our driver from Napa Private Driver. He knew all the best spots and made excellent recommendations. It was such a relief to know we could enjoy ourselves without worrying about driving.”
Michael S.: “Hiring a wine tasting driver was the best decision we made for our Napa trip. Our driver was professional, knowledgeable, and so accommodating. The whole experience was seamless and stress-free.”
Emily and David P.: “We celebrated our anniversary with a private wine tour, and it was perfect. Our driver from Napa Private Driver went above and beyond to make our day special. We visited some amazing wineries and had the best time.”
A wine-tasting adventure in Napa Valley is an experience like no other. To make the most of it, consider hiring a wine tasting driver from Napa Private Driver. With their expertise, you can explore the best of Napa’s wineries safely and comfortably, enjoying every moment to the fullest. From personalized itineraries to luxurious travel, a professional driver can elevate your wine-tasting experience, making it an unforgettable journey.
Visit today to book your wine-tasting driver and embark on a remarkable Napa Valley adventure. Indulge in the finest wines, soak in the stunning views, and create lasting memories with the peace of mind that comes from having a dedicated driver at your service.

submitted by BusinessCFOforHire to u/BusinessCFOforHire [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:06 super_hot_juice Cinema Pro: (almost) Definitive guide to Why and How to use it + tips & hacks

Cinema Pro is no more and none of its features are getting ported into new app Video Pro mode, so this is a perfect opportunity to release this (almost) definite guide as to when and how to record video footage in Cinema Pro. All of us are pretty much aware of most its shortcomings this app has but we are not going to complain or talk about them here, instead we are going to celebrate EOL of Cinema Pro.
I could bet my pet that about 90% of Xperia users ain’t touching Cinema Pro because they feel uncomfortable using it, that includes mobile camera enthusiasts. Instead, they go to BASIC Video or Video Pro and I don’t blame them as learning curve in Cinema Pro is pretty steep but on the other hand this camera app has very flexible workflow and results can be stunning if you practice enough.
So, first things first, none of the video camera apps will make your videos gorgeous by itself. Filming a video, much like a taking a photo, is all about framing your shot. Keep in mind that Cinema Pro is meant for static shots and short pans due to lack of auto ISO adjustments. If your shot is poorly framed not even a Burano can save your butt. Frame your shot properly before you even touch record button. But before you even do that here are few things you should read first to get yourself familiar with Cinema Pro.

Here is what Cinema Pro offers and can do that other Xperia camera apps can’t.
This probably was not your first thought I was gonna bring up, right? Unlike Video Pro which does not save any advanced metadata in video clips Cinema Pro does and it does it quite good.
When you go to Cinema Library and play any clip inside your project (not final video) you can tap on ellipsis at upper right corner and choose Details. Brown window will pop up with following metadata such as ~resolution~ and ~FPS~ but besides that we also get ~Look~ we picked, ~Lens~, ~Stabilization~, ~WB~, ~ISO~, ~Shutter~ speed, ~Focus~ and ~Audio~ level. If we import the clip in desktop software we also get ~bit depth~, ~color space~, ~EOTF~, ~format~, etc.
Why is this important? If you are really making a video project there is a great chance that you imported those clips on your desktop OS and that you are editing or retouching them inside some desktop software. Desktop software has power of utilizing metadata for your convenience when manipulating and exporting the video, matching shots, doing color correction or just doing offline editing.
This will make your life a lot easier. As you will see in my sample footage below, I’ve actually automated the burn-in with the Cinema Pro clip metadata (Looks, WB, Shutter, etc.) to make each clip display the metadata on-screen without me having to punch it in manually.
If you don’t have Metering bar enabled in your UI you are doing it wrong. Go to yellow hamburger menu to the right and tap Customize DISP and make sure you have Metering Manual set to ON.
Again, what is this important? Because of two things. Cinema Pro dims the display all the time when it’s running for some reason (presumably to better show HLG result on screen) so if you have Xperia 1, 1II, 1III, PRO-I you will be struggling to see anything while being outdoors. Situation is not any better on 1IV and 1V but it’s more usable. Do not trust your display when it comes to exposure. Instead trust your Metering bar and always shoot around 0 if possible, you will thank me for this once you view your clip on a HDR UHD TV. If it’s too bright outside you can try lowering the shutter speed to level the exposure just make sure do not have fast moving subjects in frame such as cars because it will look choppy.
Second, we’ve already established that Cinema Pro is meant for static shots or gentle panning but if you have to do something “wild” such as POV or going from one lighting condition to other (and sometimes that means just a simple camera tilt from ground up to the sky) you will need Metering to try to find the middle value. Do a test run without recording first and pay attention at the meter to see how many stops is the spread between one frame to another. Lets say you adjusted ISO/Shutter for the 0 at the beginning of your camera movement and once your done with the move metering is showing +2. In that case you will need to set your beginning value at -1 in order to get to +1 in the end to contain both highlights and shadows. Just keep in mind that most of the time your aggressive tilts will be ranging from 0 to well above or under -/+2 and in that case, you will have to rethink what you want to do. That’s right Cinema Pro is a slow burn and unnecessary methodical because it applies cine camera philosophy to crappy mobile sensors.
WDR with Stabilization
Here is another one that is not available inside BASIC or Video Pro unless you have 5V or 1VI device. WDR or Wide Dynamic Range option is made for Cinema Pro period. Cinema Pro was pretty much useless until WDR options popped up in PRO-I. So, what does it do? It records three frames at once and then stack them together to make one frame. Camera is recording at 120fps and then outputs 30/25/24 fps as final result hence why it’s not available at 60fps in any app. Using WDR in Cinema Pro you contain the highlights which is impossible to do in SDR mode unless you are in some dimmed environment.
General rule is to always have the WDR on but if you can do it without do it. There is no false color option in Cinema Pro but if you toggle between WDR and SDR you will see blown out highlights in SDR as some mushy color on display. It’s quite easy to spot the difference. Unlike in Video Pro in Cinema Pro WDR does not introduce purple cast in dark/black areas when shooting in low(er)-light conditions. Cinema Pro has a bigger threshold when shooting in low-light before introduces purple cast in blacks compared to Video Pro as long as you do not shoot in N/A Look (you shouldn’t be shooting in N/A like ever but more on that later). Video Pro utilizes WDR quite poorly, in daylight scenes it drops the gain making dark areas even darker which boosts the contrast to a point where you get that Pixel zombie decomposition like human faces. Cinema Pro does NOT do that, instead it only affects the highlights mostly.
Drawback of WDR in both Cinema Pro and Video Pro requires separate paragraph because it’s a big issue. Whenever you have high frequency texture in your shot such as tiny rubble road (asphalt) or stone mosaic wall you will get texture floating effect like texture is rearranging itself. It’s super trippy. That issue persists because development team didn’t master the frame stacking while filming. Those three frames that get to be one do not alight properly with the next stacked frame when it comes to big areas with tiny patterns.
But one good thing that also requires its own paragraph is video stabilization with HLG WDR option turned on. As previously mentioned, that combo is not possible in Video Pro or BASIC modes but it is in Cinema Pro. How? Well Cinema Pro crops top and bottom of 16:9 footage to 21:9 so it has some wiggle room to give as some basic stabilization. Stabilization is nothing spectacular but it doesn’t crop in the image in order to enable stabilization like Video Pro does. In other words, it doesn’t take Video Pro stabilized cropped in frame to enable stabilization. It shoots native UHD which is really important to preserve the quality unlike both Video Pro and BASIC that crop in UHD frame to turn on stabilization and then upscale the frame back to UHD. Cinema Pro does not do that.
Video sample: WATCH 4K wobbly texture issue in WDR, pay attention to black carpet
Cinema Pro does really good night shots due to its flexibility to adjust Looks and auto white balance which I think is superior to Video Pro/BASIC. Funny things is that all of the exposure environment shortcomings during the daytime are not such a big deal during the night time because streets are evenly lit by light poles. So you have more freedom to pan, tilt and walk around while filming in Cinema Pro at night time then during the day. Here is a winning combo to make the night shot as good as possible: ~SDR + VENICE CS + AUTO WB unlocked~. Pretty straight forward. I find VENICE CS greatest strength to be default Look for nighttime as it’s easy on ISO, doesn’t boost contrast and has the least noise compared to some other looks. That doesn’t mean you can’t play around with the Looks during the night, if street lighting is annoyingly yellow you can use Cool/Blue60 +A to introduce some cool gray into the mix. And with the mention of other color profiles this brings us to the most important and the biggest feature of Cinema Pro, the Looks section.
LOOKS + TEMPERATURE + A/B + G/M Adjustments
This alone is the biggest deal in Cinema Pro app and this alone is what most of the users have no idea how to tweak and manipulate. If you thought rack focus is the number one feature in Cinema Pro, well I can assure you it’s number two right after this super flexible image manipulation output. Before we start discussing looks you have to keep in mind there is one factor in equation here and that’s Whitebalance. Most of the users stick with VENICE CS and don’t use any other look because by default all the looks are in your face when left in Auto whitebalance mode. Even less users who default to VENICE CS fiddle with whitebalance to unlock the full potential of image looks manipulation. Before you start playing with the looks you have to go to yellow hamburger menu and ~change WB MODE to TEMPERATURE~ instead of Preset.
With Temperature mode turned on you now have the option to set desired temperature in kelvins as well as to play with A/B and G/M sliders. What those sliders do? AB slider stands for Amber and Blue but names are inverted on axis so B will be to the left and A to the right. You can actually go quite wild with AB as our eyes are a lot less sensitive to warm and cold adjustments. GM slider stands for Green and Magenta and axis works just as the letters, green to the left and magenta to the right. GB sliders requires quite slight nudges in both directions because our eyes perceive color tilt very aggressively. You might want to use GB slider to adjust for human skin or just go artistic on a certain look.
You might ask yourself what the difference between setting up temperature and pushing AB sliders and I could tell you the order it needs to be done to make a proper impact on the picked Look.
1. You always adjust Temperature first. Between 4700K and 5500K is considered daylight in Cinema Pro (forget 6500K as you will crush it with amber). That’s at least how my eyes perceive it. If you pick lets say Strong/Blue100 look you will want to go to 7000K to neutralize it and then add some of A to make it shift from cold to warm look. Oh yeah it’s possible, so suddenly you just changed the bluest of the blue looks into yellow look.
2. Now you fiddle with AB/GM sliders for finer adjustments. AB will have more of an impact if you stick between 4700K-5500K but if you go below or over those Kelvins AB slider will get weaker. GM slider on the other hand will stay powerful and affect any highlight there is in an image.
3. Combine these two to completely alter any Look you pick.
*In order to follow the Looks description and how you could manipulate them, I will provide the links with video samples down below so you could watch them while reading the rest of the post.
WATCH 4K separate clips in order as described
WATCH 4K all the clips combined into one movie file following the order of description
(all files are in Rec2020 + eotf gamma 2.4 for better color representation but stripped of HDR)
Shot setup consists of warm neutral headphones, white coffee cup, glass of water to see highlights behavior and ugly yellow table and green trees. It's a shame I forgot to put red pack of cigarettes or something as reds are crazy different depending on the look you choose.
Soft/Yellow40 gain req: high contrast: lowest texture: softest grade: non-unifying offset: medium hdr: bright
This is the very interesting one and when combined with the right scene it can look marvelous. Soft look is your Orange & Teal go to look pretty much. It’s not very obvious but it’s not subtle either. One of the major traits of this look is really the softer image, not as sharp as let’s say Bright but because of that it mitigates artifacts quite nicely. Keep in mind that this look requires quite a gain so you will be boosting ISO until you reach the 0 in almost every situation. But because this looks require lots of additional stops it’s very grateful for bright environments. It has medium contrast but it can propel highlights quite high, things like neon signs look like glowing neon signs so it has a strong HDR effect which can clip easy. It doesn’t have unifying image trait, so if you are into color graded look this one will not offer that. That’s kind of a given considering it’s balancing out between orange and teal. If you want to unify it then your best bet is to shift it toward cool temperature or push A slider all the way to the left while introducing some magenta with M slider to the right. Soft/Yellow60 can’t completely switch from all blue to all yellow so it’s altering offset limit is medium.
Auto WB look for Soft/Yellow40 is quite decent but if you have some yellow patches, they will pick up some green tint. To remedy that just add some M like 1.x and add splash of Amber like 1.5 to 3 to be sure. If you want to cool down the image just drop Kelvins down or go crazy with B slider. On the other hand if you want to neutralize to get as close to white as possible you will need to add M1.5 or more together with cooler Kelvins. If you are shooting neutrals with this Look make sure you kill green cause it will overtake the whole image.
Where this Look kicks some major but is in a scene where you have brown wood veneer and blue/teal walls or panels. You will get an awesome O&T look out of it.

Opaque/Blue20/Yellow60 gain req: medium contrast: medium texture: sharp grade: unifying offset: medium hdr: medium
Another one that gets overlooked due to poor AUTO WB looks. When set to default WB it looks muddy and sepia like so most of us don’t know what to do with it. You will be shocked now if I tell you this should be your 2nd go to Look right after Bright. Yup, VENICE CS is not even in top two and I will elaborate why when we get to it. One thing to know in order to use this look you need to modify it from the get go. You need to kill that yellow and boost ISO for a stop or stop and half compared to Bright.
Opaque is great for skintones as they are easily adjusted with AB/GM sliders. Image is very creamy despite having enough clarity and medium contrast. If you underexpose you get some deeper contrast without ruining the creamy image. It’s great for shooting outdoor people gatherings, landscapes on a mute and cloudy day or any outdoor activity. Indoor is kind of tricky due to tungsten lighting but manageable although its not as appetizing as outdoor shots. Keep in mind when shooting at golden hour you will need deeper adjustments to get that sepia out and get the gold in. On any other condition it’s super easy to neutralize the image, you don’t have to push temperature nor sliders too far to get it just right. HDR effect is subtle and not over the top, proper medium and saturation is quite clever despite being a sepia preset. Colors are not muted by any means unless they have some brown in them. If you are a fan of grading I could assure you Opaque has quite unifying image effect no matter if you shoot warm, neutral or cold which is great. Transforming the look to complete cold or warm is tricky as it always keep that mud/sepia yellow in highlights.
To neutralize the look at daytime all you have to do is drop the temp around 4000K or push B slider to your liking. You can always do cold temperature to kill sepia and bring back some heat by pushing A slider. If you want to shoot gold tones then keep it around 5000K and adjust A to your liking while balancing GM.
This look produces super deep and rich reds, amazing reds. And if you combine that red with something beige or sand color like you will get a match made in heaven. Filming bars with brown furnishing packed with people is a treat as well. Shooting at night time in street lights is also a treat for this look.

Cool/Blue60 gain req: med to hi contrast: medium texture: sharp grade: very unifying offset: low hdr: medium
In a nutshell this is a faux bleach bypass or silver look if adjusted right. Together with Soft this has to be the most creative usage look offered. Unlike Soft this one is very easy to setup and results are sharp. At the first glance users might be confused what’s the difference between this one and Strong/BU100 as both look quite similar in Auto WB mode. But once you go out of auto look and start adjusting it soon you figure out that Cool/BU60 look has no vibrance and that’s what makes all the difference compared to all other looks. Gain adjustment to get to 0 is only like 1 stop compared to Bright or VENICE CS. Clarity is right on the par with others and contrast at proper sweet spot. HDR effect is tad bit mute but not by much and it works. And now if you ever wanted a look that makes the whole image like its graded as a whole, look no further (pun intended) than this one.
If you pay close attention, you can tell from the get go that this has silver look to it but it just needs to be released. Those familiar with bleach bypass look will know exactly what to expect from this one. If left in Auto WB you will get nothing but as soon as you dial A slider in more than a half you are waking it up slowly. If you want to get rid of the major blue cast you want to push temperature to 7000K and adjust sliders to your liking. If you drop the exposure, you will get that dramatic film look. Again, this look is quite easy to work with but it’s not flexible, don’t expect major transformations on the other end. It’s a one trick pony and it does that very well.
The best-case scenario for Cool is street photography with lots of metal on it. Cars, machines and silver or gray stuff blend in while human skin remain distinguishable. Interior shots are also great if you have to render a cold, clinical environment like office or a hospital or police station. It’s also your go to look if you want to make anticipation in the video.

Strong/Blue100 gain req: high contrast: low texture: soft grade: very unifying offset: highest hdr: bright
Turn day into a night and night into dusk. This is the most flexible look as it can get from one spectrum to the other without much casting. It’s not called strong for nothing; it really grades the whole image with a single hue. Despite being in your face it actually keeps the contrast on lower side which is very good as you can always dial it in with drop of exposure. Clipping in highlights can occur because of the nature it unifies the picture.
Because this look can go from cool to fire it can get neutral, although neutralizing it is not that simple affair as it’s with Opaque. Best way to get there is to adjust temperature. If hanging around neutral you will get image with blue cast over it. The way I see it this one is supposed to be opposite of Opaque while hitting harder. You might find some creative usage for this one if you want to go abstract and saturated. Similar to Soft look if you film contrast scene that has both cold and warm hues in it you will get that cross axis between the two and nothing in between.

Bright/Blue20/Yellow60 gain req: low contrast: highest texture: sharpest grade: non-unifying offset: low hdr: brightest
Your first go to profile when filming with Cinema Pro. It’s the closest one to Video Pro and closest one that looks like regular picture profile. If you are not looking for a creative look or any look in general this is it. It requires little to no gain adjustment which means it will not suffer from gain artifacts, it has the highest contrast and sharpest details for that mainstream image look (I do not count N/A as picture profile). But right now, there is a huge flaw that has to be addressed with this profile; it can’t capture pure reds no matter what. All reds are burgundy or violet unfortunately. But it nails down blues and teals like a pro.
On the other side it is super easy to balance out the image, its super easy to shift it to warm, cold, green or magenta. There is a quite big of a spread in temperature before image gets painted blue or yellow. It requires small nudges and results are visible right away. It plays well with the skin tones, no issues there. Where it excels is the HDR highlights. This profile kills it when there is shimmer in the view, metallics and all kinds of crazy and contrast stuff. HDR effect is exaggerated and it looks so oomph on a TV. Bright also nails down auto wb from the box so you can set it to auto and forget about it. Overall, it’s easiest to work with and sunny outdoors are a treat for the eyes. Usage of this profile equals that of Video Pro so you can use it anywhere you like. Video Pro is the direct competitor to this Look and while Video Pro can do saturated reds Bright/BU20/YE60 has a tad bit more organic feel despite being quite similar.
This is general purpose Look and being like that it doesn’t offer color grading effect nor it has any offset abilities of color transformation (unless you go completely blue 3200K or completely yellow 7500K).

VENICE CS gain req: low contrast: high texture: sharp grade: non-unifying offset: low hdr: bright
Default look and the one that’s most talked about and the one that most people use. First of all the look itself is fine but it is rather limited. It has nothing to do with Venice color science but it doesn’t have to honestly. It emulates log like image but without any flexibility of the log. It has very low ISO requirements and it’s the brightest look out of them all. Like mentioned above that makes it a go to look for low light shots. All other aspects of this look are almost on par with Bright look so I think these two go hand in hand when you want to lay off saturation and dial down blacks. In other words, don’t try to bring in VENICE CS footage into post to try to bring back vividness. It doesn’t work but that’s why there is Bright look for stuff like that. Unlike Bright look VENICE CS can capture red colors properly.
If you want to shoot haze, mist and other soft scenes VENICE CS is a dream. If you generally want to shoot relaxing stuff VENICE CS is the one to go for. Just don’t treat it as a log footage but rather as a looks footage. HDR is bright enough and it contains highlights really good. When it comes to exposure its quite flexible so margin of error is low.

Warm/Yellow80 gain req: medium contrast: high texture: sharp grade: most-unifying offset: lowest hdr: medium
This is supposed to be opposite of Cool, at least in theory. In reality we have a huge cast of orange and brown all over the screen. It’s really strong color cast and you can only manipulate it do a certain degree. It doesn’t require high ISO, it has deep contrast, good clarity and it contains highlights in HDR. On the artistic department there is vey little you can do with this. Cast is like three times stronger sepia of Opaque look. The only use case I found is when you want to turn something into golden look. Just like how Cool is silver look Warm is supposed to be gold look. But again, to my eyes it aligns more to Opaque deeper side than actual warm/gold. Shooting some neutral-colored scenery and cooling down the temperature below 4000K might give some artistic effect. This is a very limited look to play with.
There is nothing to say about N/A and Soft Monochrome except that you should never shoot in N/A it’s just horrible and if you want BW video you at least have an option.

So conclusion, Cinema Pro besides all of its shortcomings and some are pretty serious, has few features of brilliance that were never ever seen in any camera app third-party or OEM before and most likely we will never see those features again. Sony’s biggest sin with Cinema Pro is not omission of features but rather NOT improving up on what’s already in there. They just let it rot. I guess at one moment at it’s inception Cinema Pro had a great roadmap where it should go but then new management came in and shifted focus from cinema video to photography and v-logging.
Cinema Pro is dead, long live Cinema Pro. Go ahead and make some projects with it.
submitted by super_hot_juice to SonyXperia [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:40 The_Guy1871 How the Dark Fluid mission can be fixed and improved.

Disclaimer: This is my personal opinion after playing the new dark fluid mission a few times yesterday.
The new dark fluid mission is obviously flopping hard right now with the community. The bug with the spawns being too close to the drill is mainly the biggest issue with the whole experience; with overall difficulty, vagueness of how the mission progresses, and near-impossible extraction being secondary reasons for the hatred. However, I also think the lack of enthusiasm for the mission is also partially because there is little reward for doing dark fluid missions. I wanted to summarize all the major gripes with the mission and provide some suggestions both from the community and myself on how to best improve the experience. What follows is a list of fixes, changes, and additions the mission needs to renew interest in it and the MO overall.
Fixes: - Fix the bug breach on drill spawn locations. This one is obvious. Those spawns should not be so close to the drill on any difficulty. - Fix the secondary objective bug which everyone currently fails on extract. It halves your exp and requisition payout and just gives you an extra depressing "poor performance" message on completing what is an already strenuous mission. This could be resolved easily by removing it from the game, or changing it to an actual objective rather than a reminder that you need to request dark fluid.
Changes: - Scale the extraction shrieker spawn with difficulty, or make the mission playable only at higher difficulties. It's called "Trivial" for a reason. If the mission is meant to be very difficult, treat it that way. Allow players to only attempt the mission at Challenging difficulty or up. Otherwise, the shrieker nests need to be tuned to their difficulty level. It's not fair for a level 6 new player to get ganked on a trivial mission. Trivial missions should be passable with virtually no challenge at all whatsoever. - Improve the hitpoints of the drill and make it mostly immune to friendly fire. Most people are fine with the drill taking damage from the enemy, but they mainly gripe about how easy it is for you as a player to accidentally destroy it. We've never had this issue with other drills on missions before, so I don't see why it has to be one now. Having said that, it should not be a strategy to simply call a 120mm on a drill and let it do all the work while it loads, so it should still take some damage from friendly fire in a reduced form. Your teammates shouldn't have to stress about hitting the drill or not when bugs get close to it, but they shouldn't drop an airburst strike on it to clear it of bugs either. - Remove the ability to extract. Now this is a controversial opinion, so I want to present it as an option for high difficulty missions. There are three reasons to extract from a dark fluid mission: first, you get a measly handful of common samples, second, it improves your exp and requisition payout slightly, third, dopamine rush. None of these things are especially necessary except for the dopamine rush, which you can easily supplant by turning the extract zone into a suggested last-stand area where helldivers can fend off the hordes of shriekers and infinite spawns like they're in a Doom: Eternal edit. I'll elaborate more on this in another point, but you can very easily transform the frustration that many people feel while attempting to extract into patriotic vitriol as they instead try to take down as many bugs as possible before going down. - Decrease Bile Titan spawns. The current state of the Bile Titan is a different subject entirely, so I won't be addressing it here. What is relevant though is that Bile Titans are best dealt with when they're in the open and in low numbers. This is an extremely confined map with high numbers of Bile Titans. Many players also sacrifice a backpack slot to carry dark fluid, which only makes dealing with them worse. I think that it's fair to say that Bile Titans spawns on levels like these should be reduced until they are more manageable.
Additions: - Provide new and better rewards for completing the mission. ATM you get three rewards, which I have covered in the "Remove the ability to extract" point already. None of these are especially good, and the dopamine hit you get from trying to blow up the planet is currently depressed by the state of the game and community. Players performing dark fluid missions are awarded nothing but hope that the operation is a success despite playing what are arguably the hardest missions since release. Exp and requistion payouts should be MUCH larger. Sample numbers are fine where they are, I think, since extracting is meant to be difficult/impossible. However, I think it'd be fair to float some more Super Credits and Medals out for the players during the mission. There should be a free stratagem every single day of this operation, and they should be good ones. If destroying a Super Colony doesn't warrant Super Earth cracking open the reserve armories, then only attack on Super Earth itself will. I just feel like the game doesn't reward the players enough for going through such a strenuous and crappy experience when it absolutely should and would make sense lore-wise to do so. - Add new voice lines. I am frankly appalled at how underused the Democracy Officer is in this game. We get to hear him maybe four times every mission when this guy should be hyping us up at every step. I wanna hear him singing patriotic Super Earth songs into my ear while I flame bugs. I wanna hear him tell me how awesome everyone back home is gonna think I am for participating in the destruction of Meridia. This guy should be not just narrating the mission, he needs to be inspiring us. I feel like some of that sheer patriotic energy would really help the morale of people on these missions. Maybe even a couple throwaway lines from Eagle-1 like "Wow, you're SHREDDING them down there." - Add an explanation or walkthrough of the mission. This could also be done by voice line, and I feel like more missions should be done like this. Simply have the engineer on board the ship hop on the mic and tell you what to do with the dark fluid once you've requested it, and then tell you to go to the next drill after taking care of the first one. So many vague and convoluted mission objectives could be solved like this, but a mission this critical would have been a perfect place to start.
To sum up my thoughts- is this post realistically gonna be acknowledged by Arrowhead and all my changes put into the game? No. It's realistically too late to make any changes to the dark fluid mission outside of hotfixes. But I wanted to echo the community's many complaints into a single speakerphone and also posit the sort of things that SHOULD be in the next mission type that is like this. I agree with the sentiment that this is a disappointing show after week upon week of underperformance from Arrowhead. I also agree that they are still within their rights to work on their game a little bit longer to try and resolve as many of the outstanding complaints as possible. I think that this mission had massive potential to revive the playerbase and bring everybody back to the game, but its half-baked nature led to this being a mere pipe dream. I just hope that Arrowhead learn form their mistakes and do their best to not replicate them moving forward otherwise we can all agree that the game's days as a popular title are numbered.
submitted by The_Guy1871 to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:33 REDLINE-007 [WTS] Designer & niche fragrance brand names decants/samples (decant)

For sale fragrance decants/samples, prices are listed below in US dollars. All atomizers come in black plastic spray bottles with a lid & individually marked with labels. Shipping orders by Canada Post first class airmail with tracking, rates: to Canada $10 USD and USA $7 USD NEW DISCOUNTED RATE. I accept PayPal G&S (please pay any associated fees to PayPal) or Interac (Canada Only, no fees), local Pickup in Vancouver, BC, Canada is also possible. Please pm/chat me if you are interested.
Feedback, Photos & Fragrantica Page:
Fragrantica Page
\**Just in time for summer**\* >>> Parfums De Marly SEDLEY, GREENLEY, ALTHAIR>MANCERA CEDRAT BOISE, CEDRAT BOISE INTENSE, HINDU KUSH, RED TOBACCO, AOUD LEMON MINT> ARMANI Acqua Di Gio EDP, Acqua Di Gio PARFUM >INITIO Narcotic Delight>TOM FORD Grey Vetiver Parfum and more...*
The Price list is in USD and updated on 05.31.2024
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO Eau de Parfum 2022 - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO PARFUM 2023 - 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - 11, 10 ML - $20
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO ABSOLU 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Profondo 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Profondo Lights 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Profumo 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Stronger with You 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Stronger Intensely 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Stronger Absolutely 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI City Glam 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10
ARMANI Si Fiori 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10
ARMANI Si Passione 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10
ARMANI Code Feme 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8.50
AZZARO Wanted By Night 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8.50
AZZARO The Most Wanted EDP 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8.50
AZZARO The Most Wanted PARFUM 2022 - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Atelier Cologne Ambre Nue 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $11.25
Atelier Cologne Oud Saphir 2 ML - $5.50, 5 ML - $13.50
Atelier Cologne Clementine California 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10.50
Atelier Cologne Rose Anonyme 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10.50
Atelier Cologne Bois Blonds 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10.50
Amouage Interlude Black Iris 2 ML - $6.50, 5 ML - $16
Amouage Interlude Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Meander 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Enclave 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Lyric Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Boundless 2 ML - $6.50, 5 ML - $16
Amouage Memoir Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Dia Man 2 ML - $6.50, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Jubilation XXV 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Beach Hut Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Epic Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Reflection Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Beloved Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Aedes De Venustas Grenadille d’Afrique 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Atelier des Ors Rose Omeyyade 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Intenza 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Bergamotto Di Calabria 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Chinotto Di Liguria 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA OUD EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Leather 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia MIRRA 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
ACQUA Di PARMA FICO di AMALFI 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua di Parma Arancia di Capri 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Colonia Club 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Quercia 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Mandorlo Di Sicilia 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Mirto Di Panarea 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Essenza 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ABERCOMBIE & FITCH FIERCE 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $14
ARIANA GRANDE Cloud 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Anna Sui Flight of Fancy 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Al Haramain L’Aventure 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
Al Harmain L’Aventure Blanche 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF CDNIM 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF CDNIM Parfum Version 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF CDNIM Milestone 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $16
ARMAF Tres Nuit 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF Derby Club House 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
BURBERRY Mr. Burberry 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $14
BURBERRY Mr. Burberry EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $14
BURBERRY LONDON For Her EDP 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $14
Bond 9 New York Nights 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15, 10 ML - $24
BVLGARI Goldea The Roman Night 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $16
BVLGARI Mon Jasmin Noir 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $15
BENTLEY INTENSE Eau de Parfum 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
BERDOUES Collection Perfumes GRAND CRU Eau de parfum made in FRANCE:
MILLÉSIME OUD WA VANILLIA - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
MAASAÏ MARA - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
SOMEI YOSHINO - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
PÉNG LÁI - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
AZUR RIVERA - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
Banana Republic ICON COLLECTION Eau de Parfum:
Tobacco & Tonka Bean - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Gardenia & Cardamom - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
83 Leather Reserve - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Dark Cherry & Amber - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Neroli Woods - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
17 Oud Mosaic - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
78 Vintage Green - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Peony & Peppercorn - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Linen Vetiver - 2 ML - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
90 Pure White - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
06 Black Platinum - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Cypress Cedar - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
CARNER BARCELONA Botafumeiro - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10ML - $15
CARNER BARCELONA Ambar Del Sur - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10ML - $15
CHANEL Gabrielle Essence 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure Homme Sport 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure Homme Sport Cologne 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure Homme Sport Eau Extreme 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Egoiste Platinum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Pour Monsieur EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Creed Aventus 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
Creed Aventus 10th Anniversary 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Aventus Cologne 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Aventus For Her 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Viking 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Viking Cologne 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed EROLFA 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Neroli Sauvage 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Millesime Imperial 2 ML - $8, 5 ML -$20
Creed Original Vetiver 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Original Santal 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Green Irish Tweed 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Oud 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $29
Creed Himalaya 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Tabarome 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Bois du Portugal 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Virgin Island Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Silver Mountain Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Maifair 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Princess Oud 2 ML - $11, 5 ML - $27
Creed Pure White Cologne 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Creed Jardin d’Amalfi 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Creed White Amber 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Carolina Herrera Saffron Lazuli 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $24, 10 ML - $45
Carolina Herrera Bad Boy 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
CARTIER Pasha Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
CHOPARD Amber Malaki 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
COACH New York Eau De Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
COSTUME NATIONAL Soul 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $10
Calvin Klein ETERNITY 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
Calvin Klein Truth 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
Calvin Klein Truth for Her 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
COTY ASPEN 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
DIOR Fahrenheit EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
DIOR Fahrenheit Le Parfum 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR Homme 2020 EDT 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR Homme Le Parfum 2020 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
DIOR Homme ORIGINAL 2021 EDT - 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
DIOR Homme Cologne 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR SAUVAGE EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
DIOR SAUVAGE Parfum 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
DIOR Jadore EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
DIOR Addict Shine 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $16
Dolce & Gabbana The One EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Dolce & Gabbana The One For Her EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
D & G The One INTENSE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
D & G Velvet Amber Sun EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Dolce & Gabbana K (KING) 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $12
Dolce & Gabbana K (KING) EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
Dolce & Gabbana INTENSO EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $16
Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue For Her 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
D & G Light Blue Eau Intense 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
D & G Light Blue Intense For Her 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
DIESEL Spirit of The Brave 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $12
Demeter Pineapple 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Elizabeth & James White Nirvana 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17.50
Etat Libre d’Orange You or Someone Else 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
English Laundry Windsor 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
English Laundry Notting Hill 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Frederic Malle Portrait of a Lady 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25, 10 ML - $50
Francis Kurkdjian L’Homme A la Rose 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Francis Kurkdjian Grand Soir 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
Francis Kurkdjian Baccarat Rouge 540 - 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Francis Kurkdjian Baccarat Rouge 540 Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Satin Mood EDP 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Silk Mood Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Petit Matin EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Universalis 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Vitae 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Guerlain Oud Essentiel 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Guerlain Shalimar Eau de Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Guerlain Mon Guerlain EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
GUCCI Guilty EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
GUCCI Guilty Pour Homme EDP 2020 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8
GUCCI Guilty OUD 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $14
GUCCI Guilty Love Edition 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
GUCCI Made To Measure 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
GUCCI Bloom Profumo 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $13
Geoffrey Beene Grey Flannel 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Giorgio Beverly Hills Wings 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
HERMES Terre EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
HERMES Terre Parfum 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
HERMES H24 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
HERMES TWILLY Eau De Parfum - 2 ML - $4
HERMES Rhubarbe Ecarlate - 2 ML - $4
HERMES D'Orange Verte - 2 ML - $4
HERMES Un Jardin Sur Le Toit 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10.
HUGO BOSS Bottled 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
HUGO BOSS Bottled EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Intense 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Elixir Parfum 2023 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
HUGO BOSS Bottled Infinite 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Night 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Hugo Reversed 2 ML - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS FEME 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HOLLISTER SoCal 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5 10 ML - $10
IMAGINARY AUTHORS Saint Julep 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
INITIO Narcotic Delight 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Oud For Greatness 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Side Effect 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Atomic Rose 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Musk Therapy 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Rehab 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
ISSEY MIYAKE Pulse Of The Night 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6
ISSEY MIYAKE L'Eau d'Issey Noir Ambre 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
ISSEY MIYAKE L'Eau d'Issey For Man 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML -$9
Jo Malone Wood Sage & Sea Salt 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jo Malone Oud & Bergamot 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jo Malone Myrrh & Tonka 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male Parfum ELIXIR 2023 ML - $5.25, 5 ML - $13
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
Jean Paul Gaultier Ultra Male 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male SnowGlobe 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
KILIAN Let's Settle in the Bedroom like Adults 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $10
KILIAN Angel's Share 2 ML - $12
LACOSTE L.12.12 EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE L.12.12 EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE Inspiration 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE Touch of Pink 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
Lattafa Oud For Glory Bade Al Oud (Initio Oud for Greatness Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Alhambra Fabulo Intense (Tom Ford Fxxing Fabulous Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Khamrah (Killian Angels Share Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Kismet Magic (Killian Angels Share Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Velvet Oud EDP (Tom Ford Ombre Leather Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Woody Oud (Tom Ford Oud Wood Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Alhambra Rose Petals EDP (Tom Ford Rose Prick Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
L'Aventure Al Haramain EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
L'Aventure Blanche Al Haramain EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
Lalique Encre Noire 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
Lalique Encre Noire A L'extreme 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LANCOME Hypnose 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LANCOME La Vie Est Belle 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Mancera Cedrat Boise 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Cedrat Boise INTENSE Edition 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11.50, 10 ML - $21
Mancera Red Tobacco 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Hindu Kush 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Aoud Lemon Mint 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Instant Crush 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Black Intensitive Aoud 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Maison Martin Margiela By the fireplace 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Maison Martin Margiela Sailing Day 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Maison Martin Margiela By the Lemon Trees 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
MONTBLANC Explorer 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
MONTBLANC Legend EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5
MONTBLANC Legend Night 2 ML - $2 5 ML - $5
MONTBLANC Individuel 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5
MOSCHINO Toy Boy EDP 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
MUGLER A*Men Pure Havane 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
MUGLER Cologne 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10ML - $17
Mercedes Benz Club Black 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Mercedes Benz SELECT 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Marc Jacobs DECADENCE 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Miu Miu Miu Miu 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
NISHANE ANI Extrait De Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Nasomatto Duro 2 ML - $9.50, 5 ML - $23
NAUTICA Voyage 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Narcisco Rodrigues For Her EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $11
Ormonde Jayne Tolu 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
PACO RABANNE XS 2018 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Penhaligon - The Favourite Eau De Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Althair 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Greenley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Kuhuyan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Akaster 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Percival 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Kalan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Darley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Nisean 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Habdan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Pegasus 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Pegasus Exclusif 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Layton 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Layton Exclusif 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Oajan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Sedley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Shagya 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Godolphin 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Galloway 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Carlisle 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Herod 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada Marienbad 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada Day for Night 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada L’Homme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Prada L’Homme INTENSE 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
Prada Luna Rossa Carbon 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
Prada Luna Rossa OCEAN 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
PINO Selvestre Original 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
ROCHAS Moustache EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Reyane Tradition Insurrection II Pure Extreme 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Ralph Lauren POLO BLUE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML-$15
Ralph Lauren POLO RED 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $12
Ralph Lauren Blue 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Ralph Lauren Pure Turquoise 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Revlon Charlie Red 5 ML - $2, 10 ML - $5
Revlon Charlie Gold 5 ML - $2, 10 ML - $5
Serge Lutens Ambre Sultan 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
Serge Lutens Clair de Musc 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Serge Lutens La Couche du Diable 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11
SHISEIDO Relaxing Fragrance 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Swiss Arabian Royal Mystery EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
SEAN JOHN Unforgivable 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $15
Sarah Jessica Parker Lovely 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
TAUER Parfums, Andy Tauer No.2 L'Air Du Desert Marocain 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Teo Cabanel Barkhane 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11
Tiziana Terenzi Ursa 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Tiziana Terenzi Chimaera Extrait De Parfum 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
TOM FORD Ombre Leather EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Grey Vetiver 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Grey Vetiver Parfum Edition 2023 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD Beau De Jour EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Black Orchid Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD NOIR EDP 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD NOIR EXTREME EDP 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD OUD WOOD EDP Private Blend 2 ML - $11, 5 ML - $26
TOM FORD Tuscan Leather EDP Private Blend 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
TOM FORD Venetian Bergamot Private Blend Discntd. 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD COSTA AZZURRA 2021 EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD COSTA AZZURRA EDP Private Blend Discntd. 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
STERLING JUST JACK COLLECTION by ARMAF Eau De Parfum (Clones of Tom Ford fragrances):
TOBACCO LEAF (TOBACCO VANILLE Clone) 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
NEROLI (NEROLI PORTOFINO Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
HOMME NOIR (NOIR Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
NOIR ENDURANCE (NOIR EXTREME Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
BLACK IS BLACK (NOIR DE NOIR Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
OMBRE SUEDE (OMBRE LEATHER Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
FANTA FAB (THE Fuckxxing FABULOUS Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
ITALIAN LEATHER (TUSCAN LEATHER Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
Tommy Bahama Set Sail St. Barts 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Torry Burch Torry Burch 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Usher UR 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb Extreme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb Infrared 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf FlowerBomb 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
VERSACE Man Eau Fraiche 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
VERSACE DYLAN Blue 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8
VERSACE Pour Homme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE EROS EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
VERSACE EROS EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE EROS FLAME 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE Pour Homme OUD NOIR EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE Bright Crystal 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Ambre Impérial Van Cleef & Arpels 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Xerjoff Erba Pura 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Xerjoff Naxos 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Xerjoff Lira 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL MYSLF EDP 2023 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
YSL Y EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
YSL L’Homme EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $9
YSL La Nuit de L’Homme EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $9
YSL L’Homme Le Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
YSL La Nuit de L’Homme Le Parfum 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
YSL LIBRE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
YSL Tuxedo 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL Caban 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL Trench 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL 37 rue de Bellechasse 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
ZARA Denim Couture 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Cuba Royal Cuba Paris (Clone of 1 Million Paco Rabanne) 2 ML- $2, 5 ML- $4, 10 ML- $8
Cuba Red Cuba Paris 2 ML - $2, 5 ML-$4, 10 ML-$8
4711 Original Eau de Cologne 4711 - 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
submitted by REDLINE-007 to CanadianFragranceSwap [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:33 REDLINE-007 [WTS] Designer & niche fragrance brand names decants/samples (decant)

For sale fragrance decants/samples, prices are listed below in US dollars. All atomizers come in black plastic spray bottles with a lid & individually marked with labels. Shipping orders by Canada Post first class airmail with tracking, rates: to Canada $10 USD and USA $7 USD NEW DISCOUNTED RATE. I accept PayPal G&S (please pay any associated fees to PayPal) or Interac (Canada Only, no fees), local Pickup in Vancouver, BC, Canada is also possible. Please pm/chat me if you are interested.
Feedback, Photos & Fragrantica Page:
Fragrantica Page
\**Just in time for summer**\* >>> Parfums De Marly SEDLEY, GREENLEY, ALTHAIR>MANCERA CEDRAT BOISE, CEDRAT BOISE INTENSE, HINDU KUSH, RED TOBACCO, AOUD LEMON MINT> ARMANI Acqua Di Gio EDP, Acqua Di Gio PARFUM >INITIO Narcotic Delight>TOM FORD Grey Vetiver Parfum and more...*
The Price list is in USD and updated on 05.31.2024
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO Eau de Parfum 2022 - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO PARFUM 2023 - 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - 11, 10 ML - $20
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO ABSOLU 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Profondo 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Profondo Lights 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Profumo 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Stronger with You 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Stronger Intensely 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Stronger Absolutely 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI City Glam 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10
ARMANI Si Fiori 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10
ARMANI Si Passione 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10
ARMANI Code Feme 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8.50
AZZARO Wanted By Night 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8.50
AZZARO The Most Wanted EDP 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8.50
AZZARO The Most Wanted PARFUM 2022 - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Atelier Cologne Ambre Nue 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $11.25
Atelier Cologne Oud Saphir 2 ML - $5.50, 5 ML - $13.50
Atelier Cologne Clementine California 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10.50
Atelier Cologne Rose Anonyme 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10.50
Atelier Cologne Bois Blonds 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10.50
Amouage Interlude Black Iris 2 ML - $6.50, 5 ML - $16
Amouage Interlude Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Meander 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Enclave 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Lyric Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Boundless 2 ML - $6.50, 5 ML - $16
Amouage Memoir Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Dia Man 2 ML - $6.50, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Jubilation XXV 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Beach Hut Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Epic Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Reflection Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Beloved Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Aedes De Venustas Grenadille d’Afrique 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Atelier des Ors Rose Omeyyade 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Intenza 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Bergamotto Di Calabria 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Chinotto Di Liguria 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA OUD EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Leather 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia MIRRA 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
ACQUA Di PARMA FICO di AMALFI 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua di Parma Arancia di Capri 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Colonia Club 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Quercia 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Mandorlo Di Sicilia 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Mirto Di Panarea 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Essenza 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ABERCOMBIE & FITCH FIERCE 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $14
ARIANA GRANDE Cloud 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Anna Sui Flight of Fancy 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Al Haramain L’Aventure 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
Al Harmain L’Aventure Blanche 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF CDNIM 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF CDNIM Parfum Version 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF CDNIM Milestone 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $16
ARMAF Tres Nuit 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF Derby Club House 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
BURBERRY Mr. Burberry 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $14
BURBERRY Mr. Burberry EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $14
BURBERRY LONDON For Her EDP 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $14
Bond 9 New York Nights 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15, 10 ML - $24
BVLGARI Goldea The Roman Night 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $16
BVLGARI Mon Jasmin Noir 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $15
BENTLEY INTENSE Eau de Parfum 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
BERDOUES Collection Perfumes GRAND CRU Eau de parfum made in FRANCE:
MILLÉSIME OUD WA VANILLIA - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
MAASAÏ MARA - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
SOMEI YOSHINO - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
PÉNG LÁI - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
AZUR RIVERA - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
Banana Republic ICON COLLECTION Eau de Parfum:
Tobacco & Tonka Bean - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Gardenia & Cardamom - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
83 Leather Reserve - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Dark Cherry & Amber - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Neroli Woods - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
17 Oud Mosaic - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
78 Vintage Green - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Peony & Peppercorn - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Linen Vetiver - 2 ML - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
90 Pure White - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
06 Black Platinum - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Cypress Cedar - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
CARNER BARCELONA Botafumeiro - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10ML - $15
CARNER BARCELONA Ambar Del Sur - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10ML - $15
CHANEL Gabrielle Essence 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure Homme Sport 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure Homme Sport Cologne 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure Homme Sport Eau Extreme 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Egoiste Platinum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Pour Monsieur EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Creed Aventus 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
Creed Aventus 10th Anniversary 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Aventus Cologne 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Aventus For Her 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Viking 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Viking Cologne 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed EROLFA 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Neroli Sauvage 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Millesime Imperial 2 ML - $8, 5 ML -$20
Creed Original Vetiver 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Original Santal 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Green Irish Tweed 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Oud 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $29
Creed Himalaya 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Tabarome 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Bois du Portugal 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Virgin Island Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Silver Mountain Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Maifair 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Princess Oud 2 ML - $11, 5 ML - $27
Creed Pure White Cologne 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Creed Jardin d’Amalfi 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Creed White Amber 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Carolina Herrera Saffron Lazuli 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $24, 10 ML - $45
Carolina Herrera Bad Boy 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
CARTIER Pasha Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
CHOPARD Amber Malaki 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
COACH New York Eau De Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
COSTUME NATIONAL Soul 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $10
Calvin Klein ETERNITY 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
Calvin Klein Truth 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
Calvin Klein Truth for Her 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
COTY ASPEN 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
DIOR Fahrenheit EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
DIOR Fahrenheit Le Parfum 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR Homme 2020 EDT 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR Homme Le Parfum 2020 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
DIOR Homme ORIGINAL 2021 EDT - 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
DIOR Homme Cologne 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR SAUVAGE EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
DIOR SAUVAGE Parfum 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
DIOR Jadore EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
DIOR Addict Shine 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $16
Dolce & Gabbana The One EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Dolce & Gabbana The One For Her EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
D & G The One INTENSE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
D & G Velvet Amber Sun EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Dolce & Gabbana K (KING) 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $12
Dolce & Gabbana K (KING) EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
Dolce & Gabbana INTENSO EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $16
Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue For Her 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
D & G Light Blue Eau Intense 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
D & G Light Blue Intense For Her 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
DIESEL Spirit of The Brave 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $12
Demeter Pineapple 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Elizabeth & James White Nirvana 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17.50
Etat Libre d’Orange You or Someone Else 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
English Laundry Windsor 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
English Laundry Notting Hill 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Frederic Malle Portrait of a Lady 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25, 10 ML - $50
Francis Kurkdjian L’Homme A la Rose 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Francis Kurkdjian Grand Soir 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
Francis Kurkdjian Baccarat Rouge 540 - 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Francis Kurkdjian Baccarat Rouge 540 Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Satin Mood EDP 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Silk Mood Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Petit Matin EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Universalis 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Vitae 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Guerlain Oud Essentiel 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Guerlain Shalimar Eau de Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Guerlain Mon Guerlain EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
GUCCI Guilty EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
GUCCI Guilty Pour Homme EDP 2020 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8
GUCCI Guilty OUD 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $14
GUCCI Guilty Love Edition 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
GUCCI Made To Measure 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
GUCCI Bloom Profumo 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $13
Geoffrey Beene Grey Flannel 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Giorgio Beverly Hills Wings 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
HERMES Terre EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
HERMES Terre Parfum 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
HERMES H24 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
HERMES TWILLY Eau De Parfum - 2 ML - $4
HERMES Rhubarbe Ecarlate - 2 ML - $4
HERMES D'Orange Verte - 2 ML - $4
HERMES Un Jardin Sur Le Toit 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10.
HUGO BOSS Bottled 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
HUGO BOSS Bottled EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Intense 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Elixir Parfum 2023 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
HUGO BOSS Bottled Infinite 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Night 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Hugo Reversed 2 ML - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS FEME 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HOLLISTER SoCal 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5 10 ML - $10
IMAGINARY AUTHORS Saint Julep 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
INITIO Narcotic Delight 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Oud For Greatness 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Side Effect 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Atomic Rose 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Musk Therapy 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Rehab 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
ISSEY MIYAKE Pulse Of The Night 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6
ISSEY MIYAKE L'Eau d'Issey Noir Ambre 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
ISSEY MIYAKE L'Eau d'Issey For Man 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML -$9
Jo Malone Wood Sage & Sea Salt 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jo Malone Oud & Bergamot 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jo Malone Myrrh & Tonka 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male Parfum ELIXIR 2023 ML - $5.25, 5 ML - $13
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
Jean Paul Gaultier Ultra Male 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male SnowGlobe 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
KILIAN Let's Settle in the Bedroom like Adults 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $10
KILIAN Angel's Share 2 ML - $12
LACOSTE L.12.12 EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE L.12.12 EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE Inspiration 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE Touch of Pink 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
Lattafa Oud For Glory Bade Al Oud (Initio Oud for Greatness Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Alhambra Fabulo Intense (Tom Ford Fxxing Fabulous Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Khamrah (Killian Angels Share Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Kismet Magic (Killian Angels Share Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Velvet Oud EDP (Tom Ford Ombre Leather Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Woody Oud (Tom Ford Oud Wood Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Alhambra Rose Petals EDP (Tom Ford Rose Prick Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
L'Aventure Al Haramain EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
L'Aventure Blanche Al Haramain EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
Lalique Encre Noire 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
Lalique Encre Noire A L'extreme 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LANCOME Hypnose 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LANCOME La Vie Est Belle 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Mancera Cedrat Boise 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Cedrat Boise INTENSE Edition 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11.50, 10 ML - $21
Mancera Red Tobacco 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Hindu Kush 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Aoud Lemon Mint 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Instant Crush 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Black Intensitive Aoud 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Maison Martin Margiela By the fireplace 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Maison Martin Margiela Sailing Day 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Maison Martin Margiela By the Lemon Trees 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
MONTBLANC Explorer 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
MONTBLANC Legend EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5
MONTBLANC Legend Night 2 ML - $2 5 ML - $5
MONTBLANC Individuel 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5
MOSCHINO Toy Boy EDP 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
MUGLER A*Men Pure Havane 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
MUGLER Cologne 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10ML - $17
Mercedes Benz Club Black 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Mercedes Benz SELECT 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Marc Jacobs DECADENCE 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Miu Miu Miu Miu 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
NISHANE ANI Extrait De Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Nasomatto Duro 2 ML - $9.50, 5 ML - $23
NAUTICA Voyage 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Narcisco Rodrigues For Her EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $11
Ormonde Jayne Tolu 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
PACO RABANNE XS 2018 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Penhaligon - The Favourite Eau De Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Althair 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Greenley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Kuhuyan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Akaster 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Percival 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Kalan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Darley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Nisean 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Habdan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Pegasus 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Pegasus Exclusif 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Layton 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Layton Exclusif 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Oajan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Sedley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Shagya 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Godolphin 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Galloway 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Carlisle 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Herod 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada Marienbad 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada Day for Night 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada L’Homme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Prada L’Homme INTENSE 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
Prada Luna Rossa Carbon 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
Prada Luna Rossa OCEAN 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
PINO Selvestre Original 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
ROCHAS Moustache EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Reyane Tradition Insurrection II Pure Extreme 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Ralph Lauren POLO BLUE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML-$15
Ralph Lauren POLO RED 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $12
Ralph Lauren Blue 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Ralph Lauren Pure Turquoise 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Revlon Charlie Red 5 ML - $2, 10 ML - $5
Revlon Charlie Gold 5 ML - $2, 10 ML - $5
Serge Lutens Ambre Sultan 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
Serge Lutens Clair de Musc 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Serge Lutens La Couche du Diable 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11
SHISEIDO Relaxing Fragrance 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Swiss Arabian Royal Mystery EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
SEAN JOHN Unforgivable 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $15
Sarah Jessica Parker Lovely 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
TAUER Parfums, Andy Tauer No.2 L'Air Du Desert Marocain 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Teo Cabanel Barkhane 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11
Tiziana Terenzi Ursa 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Tiziana Terenzi Chimaera Extrait De Parfum 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
TOM FORD Ombre Leather EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Grey Vetiver 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Grey Vetiver Parfum Edition 2023 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD Beau De Jour EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Black Orchid Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD NOIR EDP 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD NOIR EXTREME EDP 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD OUD WOOD EDP Private Blend 2 ML - $11, 5 ML - $26
TOM FORD Tuscan Leather EDP Private Blend 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
TOM FORD Venetian Bergamot Private Blend Discntd. 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD COSTA AZZURRA 2021 EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD COSTA AZZURRA EDP Private Blend Discntd. 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
STERLING JUST JACK COLLECTION by ARMAF Eau De Parfum (Clones of Tom Ford fragrances):
TOBACCO LEAF (TOBACCO VANILLE Clone) 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
NEROLI (NEROLI PORTOFINO Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
HOMME NOIR (NOIR Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
NOIR ENDURANCE (NOIR EXTREME Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
BLACK IS BLACK (NOIR DE NOIR Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
OMBRE SUEDE (OMBRE LEATHER Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
FANTA FAB (THE Fuckxxing FABULOUS Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
ITALIAN LEATHER (TUSCAN LEATHER Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
Tommy Bahama Set Sail St. Barts 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Torry Burch Torry Burch 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Usher UR 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb Extreme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb Infrared 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf FlowerBomb 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
VERSACE Man Eau Fraiche 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
VERSACE DYLAN Blue 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8
VERSACE Pour Homme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE EROS EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
VERSACE EROS EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE EROS FLAME 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE Pour Homme OUD NOIR EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE Bright Crystal 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Ambre Impérial Van Cleef & Arpels 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Xerjoff Erba Pura 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Xerjoff Naxos 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Xerjoff Lira 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL MYSLF EDP 2023 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
YSL Y EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
YSL L’Homme EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $9
YSL La Nuit de L’Homme EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $9
YSL L’Homme Le Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
YSL La Nuit de L’Homme Le Parfum 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
YSL LIBRE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
YSL Tuxedo 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL Caban 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL Trench 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL 37 rue de Bellechasse 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
ZARA Denim Couture 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Cuba Royal Cuba Paris (Clone of 1 Million Paco Rabanne) 2 ML- $2, 5 ML- $4, 10 ML- $8
Cuba Red Cuba Paris 2 ML - $2, 5 ML-$4, 10 ML-$8
4711 Original Eau de Cologne 4711 - 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
submitted by REDLINE-007 to fragranceswap [link] [comments]