Corn cob slippers.

Proud home of the smash hit reality show Coffin Flop.

2024.01.15 08:11 GATTACA_IE Proud home of the smash hit reality show Coffin Flop.

“I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson” Seasons 1-3 now on Netflix

2017.06.01 20:40 shhsfootballjock For all news Corn

Street vendors across Mexico sell this style of roasted or grilled corn—topped with mayonnaise, chili powder and Cotija cheese. You can serve the unadorned corn on a platter with small bowls of the sauce, cheese and lime on the side so everyone can make their own.

2023.10.13 22:53 boilons catonthecob

This is a sub about cats eating corn on the cob

2024.06.02 05:48 wafflefluff5899 Allergic to one specific corn

May be totally random and a dumb question but my boyfriend (who has pollen, nut, and fruit allergies) cannot eat Aldi brand sweet corn without having an allergic reaction. He never has a reaction to any other corn on the cob, even the fresh corn from the farmers market. Anyone have any clue what this could be stemming from?
submitted by wafflefluff5899 to Allergies [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:11 vocal-introvert Cat gnawing on corn cob?

My cat dragged a mostly-eaten ear of corn out of the trash and has been gnawing on it. It doesn't look like he's getting into the cob itself, just the leftover bits of kernal. 1) Is this dangerous/should I be monitoring his health for anything? 2) If not, is it safe for me to allow him further corn cobs in the future (keeping an eye on them to make sure he doesn't go past the kernal bits)? It seems like it'd be slightly better for him than chewing on the armchair is. Thoughts?
submitted by vocal-introvert to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:09 gregornot The Beatles' only visit to Atlanta lasted around 10 hours, but was remarkable for one key reason: monitor speakers on the stage allowed them to hear themselves play - a rarity during the whirlwind of Beatlemania.

The Beatles' only visit to Atlanta lasted around 10 hours, but was remarkable for one key reason: monitor speakers on the stage allowed them to hear themselves play - a rarity during the whirlwind of Beatlemania.
The group landed in Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson Airport at 2pm, having flown in on a chartered aeroplane from Canada. Although crowds of fans were at the airport to greet them, the plane taxied to a remote area where they discreetly boarded, along with their entourage, three limousines.
The Beatles were taken to the baseball stadium, where a locker room had been designated as their dressing room and headquarters. Some tables and chairs had been assembled in the area, and temporary beds, known locally as 'cots', were also provided. Ringo Starr, amused at the word, climbed into one and sucked his thumb loudly.
The hired caterers offered to make The Beatles hamburgers, but they requested corn on the cob instead. Their meals also included top sirloin, leg of lamb and pork loin, along with the corn, pole beans, fruit and apple pie. The group was so impressed with the quality of the food that they signed the china plates for the caterers.
submitted by gregornot to beatles [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:43 darkplacesigo [Homemade] BBQ Ribs, Corn on the cob and warm potato salad.

[Homemade] BBQ Ribs, Corn on the cob and warm potato salad. submitted by darkplacesigo to food [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:00 michaelyup Grilled corn

How should I make corn on the grill?
My brother has twin newborns and I’ve been going over and cooking a meal every weekend to help out. Today I have burgers to go on the grill, air fryer fries and corn on the cob.
Suggestions for the corn please!
submitted by michaelyup to Cooking [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:57 jbfirey Lazy mom lunch

Lazy mom lunch
10 mo old lunch. Corn on the cob, avocado, melon, and cucumber
submitted by jbfirey to foodbutforbabies [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 19:53 Geordietackler I’m pissing watching her eat that corn on cob with her fake nashers 😭😭🤣🤣🤣

submitted by Geordietackler to GeordieJulieAskew [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 19:29 Glad_Complaint_4874 Cannot wait see her attempt to eat these corn on the cobs wonder if she takes the teeth out or just risks cracking them🤔😂

submitted by Glad_Complaint_4874 to GeordieJulieAskew [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 18:24 cealild Protein goal. How to hit it?

Very new at tracking macros.
40 protein 40 Oils 20 Carbs with 1600 calories to lose body fat and to bulk muscle. Resistance and cardio training too.
I'm not hitting the protein target. I am overshooting on oil or on combined calories if I aim at the protein goal of 160g. For calorie management, I am not adding calories spent in exercise to my calorie goal.
QUESTION. How do you hit your protein goals and remain within your calorie limits?
I am IF and targeting one meal at 20 hours at 20:4. Unless there's a food I'm missing, I'm trying to use up the foods below.
I'm not eating starches other than what's in apples, carrots, avocados, strawberries, corn on the cob and other fruits/veg that are eaten raw.
For protein I am eating roast chicken legs and thighs. No skin. Eggs boiled or poached. Fresh made grilled beef burger. Steaks fried in own fats and only the leaner sections. Canned tuna, sardines, haddock in brine. Whey protein drinks with 22g protein output at 110 calories.
I am focusing on food protein over supplements.
Added oil is olive oil, butter is rare, rape seed rarer for oven.
submitted by cealild to workout [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:12 lordofcatan10 Where can I buy corn on the cob at this time of year?

I’ve got this baby food plan that calls for corn on the cob (for practice holding) but no idea where I could get it right now. Anywhere in town or surrounding areas that would have sweet corn? Or do I have to wait?
submitted by lordofcatan10 to corvallis [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:32 Jpldude Corn on the cob! A puppy's favorite!

submitted by Jpldude to goldenretriever [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:32 Jpldude Corn on the cob! A puppy's favorite!

Corn on the cob! A puppy's favorite! submitted by Jpldude to goldenretrievers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:21 Euphoric-Proposal192 Bacon wrapped corn on the cob

Bacon wrapped corn on the cob submitted by Euphoric-Proposal192 to CampfireCooking [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:53 MaggotMinded Does anybody know what the original line was that got dubbed over in Cape Feare?

In Cape Feare (S05E02), near the beginning of the episode, there is this very odd moment:
Bart: Grampa, Matlock isn’t real.
Grampa: Neither are my teeth, but I can still eat corn on the cob if someone cuts it off and smushes it into a fine paste. Now that’s good eatin’!
What makes it odd is a) the fact that it’s such a tepid line, especially at this point in the series, and b) the animation. Except for his lips, Grampa Simpson’s face remains frozen in a somber expression that doesn’t really match the dialogue.
I’ve read that one possible explanation for this is that the line was dubbed in at the last minute to replace an existing line that got taken out for some reason.
My question is: does anyone know what the original line was supposed to have been, and why it got replaced?
submitted by MaggotMinded to TheSimpsons [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:31 luna_rose9 7 month old not interested in solids

I have been attempting to give my baby solids since he was about 6 MO and he really still shows very little interest. I’ve tried purées, pouches, BLW style food. I’ve tried feeding him from my plate. I’ve tried feeding him in his high chair, in my lap, and on the ground. He’ll eat a few bites here and there, but there’s no consistency with when he wants to eat and what he wants to eat. Usually after 1 or 2 bites, if he eats at all, he’ll turn his head away and get fussy. He watches us when we eat super intently, like he wants to know what we’re doing, but when I offer him my fork or a bite of the snack I’m eating he turns his head away. He puts everything in his mouth (toys, paper, wipes, etc.), but the minute it’s something that’s actually edible, he has no interest. The most he’s done is he will chew on food I give him that’s more for teething than eating (steak, corn cob, raw celery). It’s been a month and when he does actually get a bite of something, he usually gags still. I just don’t know if this is normal or if something’s wrong or if it’s a problem that he won’t eat. He drinks breastmilk from bottles and has about 30-40 ounces a day. Did anyone else have a baby not interested in solids?
submitted by luna_rose9 to NewParents [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 10:42 sensual-loverr Jenna needs to see this - corn on the cob but instead of the corn bone it’s a hotdog

Jenna needs to see this - corn on the cob but instead of the corn bone it’s a hotdog submitted by sensual-loverr to Jennamarbles [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 09:39 SweatyArgument5835 How much I ate today as a 110 lb 5’4 man

How much I ate today as a 110 lb 5’4 man submitted by SweatyArgument5835 to notinteresting [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 05:55 RustyNDull “Operation summer” IG 5/30/2024

“Operation summer” IG 5/30/2024 submitted by RustyNDull to KiraKosarin [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 03:36 hopeful_tatertot Medium rare steak, sweet corn on the cob, and spinach & cheese stuffed mushrooms for my husband and I

Medium rare steak, sweet corn on the cob, and spinach & cheese stuffed mushrooms for my husband and I submitted by hopeful_tatertot to tonightsdinner [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 03:33 Toomanyboogers Cast iron. Grilled onions. Mustard. Pickle de gallo.

Cast iron. Grilled onions. Mustard. Pickle de gallo.
Also cobbed corn and pasta salad.
submitted by Toomanyboogers to hotdogs [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 00:20 Dazzling_Height644 Ugh EVERYTHING is always sweet!

Ugh EVERYTHING is always sweet!
She is having a major sweet binge, everything she is posting has some kind of sweet spin on it!!! Tons of chemicals!!!
submitted by Dazzling_Height644 to KyleaGomezsnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 23:09 PapaQuebec23 Is the Corn Cob a nice place to live?

Offered a transfer to Chicago and I'd be apartment hunting. I liked River North, when I went for my interview. Condos seem to be in my price range.
ETA: I meant no offense. I took the Architectural River Boat tour and that's what the guide called it. He said he was a student in architecture at DePaul, so I figured he was speaking localese. He had some strong opinions about the Sears Tower never being called anything else.
submitted by PapaQuebec23 to AskChicago [link] [comments]