Introduction letter to parents from new teachers


2008.12.23 12:39 Teachers

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2012.04.05 16:54 Wake up, Dickheads! It's time for Faust!

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2011.03.30 16:39 HotDinnerBatman Unsent Letters

A place for the letter you never sent.

2024.05.18 23:30 Temnodontosaurus AITA for sabotaging a dinosaur hunting trip?

I (27M) was invited by a rich guy (74M) to visit an island supposedly home to cloned dinosaurs alongside a chaotician (45M), a paleontologist (37M) and some tech guy (42M). After getting to the island, I was surprised to find there actually were dinosaurs on the island, and after a close call with some Stegosaurus it turned out that the chaotician’s presumably adopted daughter (14F) had tagged along as a stowaway.
Soon, it turned out that the rich guy's usurper-as-CEO (43M) had sent a bunch of trophy hunters to capture dinosaurs and bring them back to a new park in San Diego, with their ringleader being an asshole (51M) who wanted to kill a T. rex. Thankfully, I had a backup plan.
After the hunters had camped for the night, I snuck into their camp and freed all the dinosaurs they had captured, and also rescued a baby T. rex with a broken leg. Me and the paleontologist had just fixed the baby's leg when its parents came, ate our tech guy and pushed our trailer over a cliff. The hunters managed to rescue us just in time.
With all of our communication equipment destroyed, we journeyed to the island's derelict worker village and managed to call for rescue, though the two tyrannosaur parents and a bunch of raptors killed most of the hunters. To prevent the asshole from killing the male rex, I stole his bullets, so he had to tranquilize it instead. As we were being rescued, however, it turned out the male T. rex and its infant were being sent to San Diego.
I had to babysit the chaotician's adopted daughter in San Diego while he and his paleontologist girlfriend dealt with the T. rex, but now I'm in jail and facing numerous eco-terrorism charges. Am I the asshole?
OOC: This movie has so many AITA scenarios in it.
submitted by Temnodontosaurus to AmITheAngel [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:30 TrixoftheTrade [9 YOE] Mid-Career Environmental Consultant's Resume - I've gone 10/10 for interviews this past year.

[9 YOE] Mid-Career Environmental Consultant's Resume - I've gone 10/10 for interviews this past year.
This has been my general resume format since 2015, and it's worked really well for me over years. Outside of my first job hunt, which admittedly was a bit of a challenge, I've never had significant difficulties finding new employment.
On my most recent job hunt back in spring 2023, I went 6-for-6 with this resume. Every single place I applied to I got an interview at. Even still, while I am quite comfortable with my current employeer, I still get requests from recruiters to chat and send resumes over - and every single recruiter I've sent a resume to wants to set up an interview.
Format-wise, I kept it as simple as possible, no fancy styles, colors, or anything like that. I know there's a lot of back-and-forth on whether or not a summary is good/bad, but I prefer to use one. Even keeping my resume at 1 page, I think having a summary saves time for those who don't want to take 3 minutes and read the whole thing. Just by reading the summary, I think the reader can gain a good understanding of who I am and what I can do.
Second to this, which I didn't post, I have about a 4 page long Experience Summary document, which sums up all the major projects I've managed or played a major role on. Instead of a cover letter, which is pretty useless, I submit the Experience Summary instead. It's much more geared towards technical reviewers, not HR or any non-technical folks, because it is a bit "weedy".
word template
submitted by TrixoftheTrade to EngineeringResumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:29 Infamous_Bench6576 CREDIT HACK: 560- 780 CREDIT SCORE IN 60 DAYS. DID IT MYSELF.

Hey all, I've been reading this group for the last couple of months. I had a terrible credit score (560) and have been trying to improve it. I tried many tips from here to improve my credit and saw marginal increases (+50ish points), but I found a better solution I'd like to share. My credit score jumped an average of 210 points in two months (I am a 770 between all three bureaus) and I didn't pay a dime to have anyone do it. Late payments have been removed, and collections have been dropped. All I've done is sent letters to collection agencies and the credit bureaus threatening a lawsuit if they fail to drop collections against my credit / late payments that I deem inaccurate or insufficient to report. How did I do it? I literally go into Chat GPT and write prompts like this "Write me a demand letter to \****** [collection agency] demanding that they immediately remove a collection for xxx from my credit report." I add "Be aggressive in the letter and note that I will move forward with a lawsuit if not corrected." Sometimes, I will add details too, like "Note that I recently closed ****** account and was in good standing" or "I have not been provided sufficient evidence, I do not recall this debt, or the evidence provided is insufficient under federal law." I also told the chatgpt, "Tell them that I refuse to receive any contact attempting to collect the debt and will view it as a violation of federal law."* I add "Say I'm only willing to accept written communication regarding the [collection agency] confirming they have removed this from my credit report." I also tell chatgpt to say, "if I do not receive a response by \***** confirming this has been removed from my credit, I will move forward with a lawsuit." *What happens:** ChatGPT spits out a legally intimidating letter that says to provide me with concrete proof, or I will sue if they fail to remove me from my credit report. It also demands a response in writing within 30 days. I also Cc various federal agencies at the bottom, and it works. What I do after I get the ChatGPT letter: Once I get the response from Chatgpt, I take the demand letter it spits out, read it (make adjustments if I need to), put it in word or pages, change the text to courier font (the legal lettering), and send it off. I also use my printer to print the creditors name on the envelope (in courier legal font) so it looks more intimidating. I add "Time-Sensitive" in bold on the top left the envelope too. Here are the results after 60 days: (I started in February and wanted to wait a little before posting everything). All amounts are in estimates just to keep it as anonymous as possible. - $6,000 (estimate) debt with a debt buyer---- 5 years old---Removed, and provided a letter letting it go. - $1,000 (estimate) debt from another debt buyer -- 15 months old-- Removed (no letter provided, just off my credit). I have sent another demanding letter giving them 15 days to confirm in writing they are removing it (will update when I get a response). - $1,700 (estimate) from a collection agency -- Sent me a letter with "verification." I sent a letter saying it wasn't sufficient; they sent a letter back with a contract signed by me and said the creditor adjusted the collection to $450. From that point, I called and said I found the debt wrong, but I settled it for $300 as a pay-to-delete. - $640 (estimate) debt from a collection agency -- Removed and provided a letter letting it go. - $1,300 (estimate) debt collection agency-- Removed and provided a letter letting it go - Six late car payments to USAA Financial were updated to paid on time (payments were late from November 2023 to some in 2022). I had a 90-day late payment taken off. For these, I sent my disputes directly to Experian, Equifax, and Transunion ( I did not send a letter to USAA Financial because they would have concrete records of when payments were made). Some important notes: - Make sure your prompt is aggressive. You might need to tweak it a couple times by telling chatgpt to be more mean (ha ha). - Make sure you tell ChatGPT to demand responses in writing that it's off your credit report. I didn't want them to try to re-add it later or sell it to another agency. By demanding it in writing, I put them at risk if they sell it off because my letters note that I will sue them if they try to offload it to another credit company because it's a wrongful debt. - You also need to read what it writes; it will make small mistakes here and there (sometimes it will put things in plural) My situation: I was an idiot until recently and could care less about my credit. This method cleared my credit and approved me for a new car lease (I needed a $1,500-$2,000 car lease payment to write off because of tax reasons). I recently got a new 2024 S 580 hybrid (Mercedes) and the Mercedes dealer didn't flinch about my credit on a $148,000 car (was approved by Mercedes Benz financial). I'm in my early 30s and self-employed. I make roughly $230,000 a year. Some may ask why I don't just pay it off based on income -- Owe roughly $85k and take care of my parents. A piece of advice: DO NOT PAY ANYONE TO HELP YOU. YOU CAN DO THIS YOURSELF. YOU JUST NEED TO PUT SOME TIME INTO IT. Good luck.
submitted by Infamous_Bench6576 to CRedit [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:26 g3thic [F4A][Literate] Jujutsu Kaisen: the Roleplay!

Hello again! I’m not sure if you've read or seen my other posts about roleplays but this one will purely be about Jujutsu Kaisen!
My name is Hina. To know more about me, I was born and raised in Japan and I have been an avid writer ever since I moved to the States when I was 11. My second language is English but I believe it’s been pretty good these days. I recently turned 22 years old and I'm female. Talking about age, I would be comfortable with you being 17+ and preferably at least 20. Roleplaying with minors isn’t a big thing for me, I apologize. I’m in the west coast, PST timezone. Let’s see.. What other information can I give you? I would say I enjoy skating, basketball, watching tv shows and anime, and reading. My favorite anime is Nana and Death Note.
For what i’m looking for, i’d have to say basically anything in the Jujutsu Kaisen universe. Perhaps something done in the Shibuya Arc, or even the Culling Games Arc where are our characters are participating. Or maybe something entirely different. I think it would be cool if our characters were strong on their own and everything was set up in the Culling Games Arc, them having to maybe ally or something. But we can also have it be basically them fighting together to make themselves stronger and then fight new enemies as well. I’m down for ideas!
I’m also down for a Modern AU roleplay with the original characters. Maybe an OC x CC or CC x CC in that case!
I tend to use character sheets to describe my character, these usually consist of names, background, and personality. More so on appearances, I prefer using animated or drawn references than real life people. I enjoy good enough references where I get the idea of how the character would look like.
The types of characters I write are either the lone wolf type that has some sad past which leads them to want to join someone for a redemption arc or the bubbly character who is the one that brings the mood up and is usually seen as trustworthy and of that kind.
I like all types of tropes, especially enemies to lovers or rivalry. I also really enjoy opposites attract as a whole from either opposite personality or something else they would be opposites in. Enemies to lovers takes my heart, though. I love seeing the characters go past the urge to ultimately hate each other and/or go past their usual way of disliking the others lineage or upcoming.
I think this is my last paragraph on the roleplay. It’s the most important, at least. Requirements. All roleplay searches come with them. Or at least that’s what I heard! But don’t fret, there isn’t much.
I’ve seen this as one of the most used requirements, and I agree with it. As someone who’s first language wasn’t English, I understand that you may not be great at it. But please, I do require a partner that at least has proper use of grammar and punctuation. You don’t even have to use big words or anything, just at least know where to put your periods and the placement of your words.
My second requirement is for you to be LITERATE! Please. I’m a big writer, I tend to ramble on and tend to write more than what I thought I would. (like i’m doing right now) I write multiple paragraphs from the starter until the scene relaxes. I also understand that sometimes writing big blocks of words every response is tiring or boring so I don’t expect it all the time, at least after the starter has been made and in more important scenes. Dialogue also cuts my replies shorter.
Please please please be polite in OOC! We may just be role playing together but kindness goes all ways. If we do include OOC, I enjoy talking about many things. My day, movies, games, funny moments and stories, all of that!
I think that’s the end to this wonderful journey of an ad about my search. I hope you are still here, fellow writer! I would LOVE it if you reached out to me! This wasn’t all for nothing, right!
But don’t leave yet! I do have a passcode. I know this was a jumble of words and rambling but I still have to put one in. I heard that there’s a lot of people on here that don’t read things fully and miss out on rules or information! But.. Just because you read through this all, I’ll gladly give you options on the passcode! Also please put in an introduction of yourself! Don’t think “Oh maybe I shouldn’t bother this person with too much to read”! I like seeing big blocks.
What’s your dream country to travel to and why?
Who’s your favorite TV show / Cartoon / Game / Anime character?
Feel free to pick both! Now, that’s all from me. Please don’t put your request as just “Wanna rp”!
submitted by g3thic to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:26 g3thic [F4A][Literate] Jujutsu Kaisen: the Roleplay!

Hello again! I’m not sure if you've read or seen my other posts about roleplays but this one will purely be about Jujutsu Kaisen!
My name is Hina. To know more about me, I was born and raised in Japan and I have been an avid writer ever since I moved to the States when I was 11. My second language is English but I believe it’s been pretty good these days. I recently turned 22 years old and I'm female. Talking about age, I would be comfortable with you being 17+ and preferably at least 20. Roleplaying with minors isn’t a big thing for me, I apologize. I’m in the west coast, PST timezone. Let’s see.. What other information can I give you? I would say I enjoy skating, basketball, watching tv shows and anime, and reading. My favorite anime is Nana and Death Note.
For what i’m looking for, i’d have to say basically anything in the Jujutsu Kaisen universe. Perhaps something done in the Shibuya Arc, or even the Culling Games Arc where are our characters are participating. Or maybe something entirely different. I think it would be cool if our characters were strong on their own and everything was set up in the Culling Games Arc, them having to maybe ally or something. But we can also have it be basically them fighting together to make themselves stronger and then fight new enemies as well. I’m down for ideas!
I’m also down for a Modern AU roleplay with the original characters. Maybe an OC x CC or CC x CC in that case!
I tend to use character sheets to describe my character, these usually consist of names, background, and personality. More so on appearances, I prefer using animated or drawn references than real life people. I enjoy good enough references where I get the idea of how the character would look like.
The types of characters I write are either the lone wolf type that has some sad past which leads them to want to join someone for a redemption arc or the bubbly character who is the one that brings the mood up and is usually seen as trustworthy and of that kind.
I like all types of tropes, especially enemies to lovers or rivalry. I also really enjoy opposites attract as a whole from either opposite personality or something else they would be opposites in. Enemies to lovers takes my heart, though. I love seeing the characters go past the urge to ultimately hate each other and/or go past their usual way of disliking the others lineage or upcoming.
I think this is my last paragraph on the roleplay. It’s the most important, at least. Requirements. All roleplay searches come with them. Or at least that’s what I heard! But don’t fret, there isn’t much.
I’ve seen this as one of the most used requirements, and I agree with it. As someone who’s first language wasn’t English, I understand that you may not be great at it. But please, I do require a partner that at least has proper use of grammar and punctuation. You don’t even have to use big words or anything, just at least know where to put your periods and the placement of your words.
My second requirement is for you to be LITERATE! Please. I’m a big writer, I tend to ramble on and tend to write more than what I thought I would. (like i’m doing right now) I write multiple paragraphs from the starter until the scene relaxes. I also understand that sometimes writing big blocks of words every response is tiring or boring so I don’t expect it all the time, at least after the starter has been made and in more important scenes. Dialogue also cuts my replies shorter.
Please please please be polite in OOC! We may just be role playing together but kindness goes all ways. If we do include OOC, I enjoy talking about many things. My day, movies, games, funny moments and stories, all of that!
I think that’s the end to this wonderful journey of an ad about my search. I hope you are still here, fellow writer! I would LOVE it if you reached out to me! This wasn’t all for nothing, right!
But don’t leave yet! I do have a passcode. I know this was a jumble of words and rambling but I still have to put one in. I heard that there’s a lot of people on here that don’t read things fully and miss out on rules or information! But.. Just because you read through this all, I’ll gladly give you options on the passcode! Also please put in an introduction of yourself! Don’t think “Oh maybe I shouldn’t bother this person with too much to read”! I like seeing big blocks.
What’s your dream country to travel to and why?
Who’s your favorite TV show / Cartoon / Game / Anime character?
Feel free to pick both! Now, that’s all from me. Please don’t put your request as just “Wanna rp”!
submitted by g3thic to roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:26 water-goat417 Remembering my mom's reaction to my sister's attempted suicide and death

This is going to be all over the place and I'm not exactly looking for advice, I'm just venting.
My sister, her friend and I were drinking together on this bridge right outside our apartment we lived in at the time, as the night went on they both eventually got into an argument because my sister felt like he wasn't being a genuine friend due to his lack of loyalty and communication with her. They talked things out a bit and they eventually made up. Although when we all agreed to go back inside her next move tells me it's not really about that and something much deeper.
She was never really as open as I am to talk about her feelings or our past to eachother, she would only be brief most of the time. I should mention she is older than me so she remembers more about our parents than I do. They were alcoholics, neglectful and were in an abusive relationship. Making us believe we were more poor than we really were for years to feed their addiction, that's something they will never admit to. A forgotten memory of mine was that my mom used to lock us in our room all day so she could bring people over and drink. Strangely my mom was actually the one to bring that up to me but then justified it by saying she was protecting us. If I were to bring it up today she'll completely deny she ever said that or it happened. Anyway, it brought back other memories during that time period. The times we were let out of the room we would always see people or my parents fighting, my sister was completely desensitized at this point. However my mom also told me that my dad chased her through the house and my sister was sitting in the hallway and he kicked her very hard in the chest while running after my mom and made my sister cry. I was just a baby so I don't recall this.
As we grew older my mom broke up with my dad and decided "to get better" Except we couldn't talk about anything from the past because she would go from 0-100 and get in our face or ridicule/mock us, her thought process was that she had it worse so we should be grateful. My dad on the other hand actually takes accountability, got sober because his alcoholism nearly killed him so he turned his life around, and said he was sorry to us many, many times and we kept in contact. He started a new family with my now stepmom who I get along with. My mom relapsed on and off since then but she's sober now, she gets moments of clarity here and there and expresses remorse but she'll go back to her old mindset and it's like there she is, we're back at square one.
I remember a different time that allowed me to see my sister's perspective was while we were both drinking at a park she just broke down crying to me, I couldn't really understand most of what she was saying but what I did understand was she always felt our mom favored me and she was mean to her. My mom was sick in the head like that she would try to pin us against eachother because we were very close. My mom would tell my sister I was holding her back, talk about my ugly smile etc. Then she would come to me to talk about what she didn't like about my sister. It all came out during a petty argument my sister and I had, it was then we realized what she was doing but still didn't confront my mom. She probably did that out of fear of us seeing her for what she truly is so that was her attempt at trying to keep it swept under the rug.
Now that I shared the details, I think my sister was miserable and done with life and everyone in it always disappointing her one way or another. During this time my mom was drinking again, she knew my mom would never get better even if she got sober because of her mentality, she's just too broken. So she thought the only way out was to jump, I ran back to the apartment and told my mom what happened, her first words were "Fuck sakes" in an annoyed tone like it was a minor inconvenience. That still makes me mad to this day. Thankfully my sister survived the fall, but instead of my mom changing her attitude towards my sister she kept repeatedly lecturing her that she's lucky to be alive, and gossiping to some family members saying that my sister was just being competitive? That's the thing with her she thinks everyone is competing with her and no one can be as traumatized as she is. Then would also just be on her fucking phone like it was another normal day, I'm positive she enjoyed everyone's pity she was getting on Facebook. What also hurt me was my sister sided with my mom, she was probably embarrassed because she made that decision while intoxicated but I believe it was something more than that. Not everyone who's depressed just jumps off a bridge like that, and I hate that my mom brainwashed her.
Unfortunately it wasn't too long until my sister was back in the hospital because of a heart infection. I felt at this point she just stopped trying altogether. She was so detached from everything. She passed in 2019, I promised to take care of her cat Jasper for her. And I can't even do that in peace because my mom ended up abusing Jasper multiple times, she hung him out the window and found it funny, we lived on the top floor of our apartment. Even made fun of my sister's swollen body in the hospital saying she looks like a queen ant. Seriously what is wrong with her?
Sometime in 2023 we visited our hometown to visit our family members. My dad lives on the reservation so took this opportunity to drive to town and come see me, we spent time together then we both agreed to visit the places that my sister and I went to, including the bridge. Seeing that bridge again brought back all my memories and emotions, the anger I felt towards my mom came back even stronger, but also made me depressed, because I try to detach myself from that part of my life like as if it didn't happen because it's easier that way so seeing it in front of my face was rough. I remember when I told my mom, yeah, I did see the bridge. I couldn't hold in my angry expression and had an urge to face her to say it, and of course she hasn't changed at all as she thinks it was nothing more than teenagers drinking. Sometimes this cycle of obsessively dwelling in the past makes me think I hate my mom, but then it's like who am I kidding? That's not who I am. I still love her. I just feel lost without my sister and I feel hopeless, I'm angry at everyone for moving on so quickly, I'm angry at the world, I feel like I don't have that connection with anybody else on this earth. Not my mom, not my dad, nor other family members because I'm the outcast. Dwelling in the past will be my downfall. Anyway, I should probably wrap up this post and get some sleep. I'm sleep deprived and not thinking straight right now.
If you've stuck around this far thank you for reading and keeping my sister's legacy alive. Have a good day.
submitted by water-goat417 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:26 Own-Republic-5754 AITA for shooting my neighbor’s dog while it was attacking another dog?

This happened about two weeks ago.
For context, the houses in my (15F) neighborhood are placed in straight lines, so all of our yards are connected like one long strip of grass. The dog I shot lived 3 houses down from me and the one who was attacked lives right next to me. The further down neighbor got an XL bully type dog about 2 months ago, and the other dog was a puppy my neighbors had adopted a few weeks earlier. They also have two young kids and one other dog that’s also very small, both of them are about the size of an average cat. The puppy is very yappy because it hasn’t been trained yet. The owner of the big dog has an electric fence and lets it hang out off leash in the front/back yards, and whenever I walk by it starts barking like crazy and acting aggressive. I’ve seen dogs jump their electric fences so I keep an eye on their yard when I’m outside, especially when the neighbor’s kids or dogs are out. Also note my parents keep a shotgun propped against the wall next to the door that opens out into my back porch.
The day this happened I was sitting on my porch reading while the neighbor kids were playing with both their dogs outside. The XL owner let it out the back door and I didn’t pay much attention to it at first, but after it did its business, it started like jogging/quickly trotting in our direction. It walked straight through where the fence was supposed to be. It wasn’t acting crazy but this freaked me out so I opened the door to my parents’ room and sat back down with the shotgun in my lap. The kids were excited about the doggy and went to go pet it as it got closer but it walked right past them and went up to the new puppy, who was yapping quite a bit. It didn’t growl, stiffen, or show any sign of aggression, just lunged right for it and caught in its mouth. The puppy was so small that basically like 2/3 of its body was in this dog’s mouth. The kids screamed and ran inside and the dog just clenched its jaw onto the little one while it started making horrible loud whining. I was sitting still atp l but when I saw blood in the little dog’s fur I just got up and shot the XL through the head. It was only like five feet away from me and I think it died on the spot. It kind of collapsed with its jaw still around the puppy.
The kids’ parents, my older brother, and a few other concerned dads rushed out when they heard the gunshot. There was a lot of yelling and I tried to explain what happened while the kids’ mom grabbed the little dog and rushed off with it. The couple that owns the XL stepped outside and everyone started yelling at them to get over here, and when they did they looked more pissed than concerned. They demanded to know what happened and I explained properly. Both dog owners were mad as hell. The XL owners started cussing me out and asking why I would intervene in a “dog fight”. I didn’t reply and the kids’ dad told me to go inside and that he’d deal with it, so I did. I was pretty shaken up so I just went up to my room and put my headphones on. It was the first time I had fired a gun at a living thing. I don’t know what they were talking about but I could hear muffled yelling for like 10 minutes afterward.
Since then, the XL owner’s have found my facebook and been commenting on some of my posts calling me a dog killer and an animal abuser as well as some slurs for Mexican people (I’m brown but not Mexican). They are also sometimes on their front porch when I walk home from school and yell stuff like “Hi, cunt!” in a passive aggressive voice. I just ignore them completely. My neighbors are working on a police report and want to wait until they’ve got all of the medical bills they want to sue for so they and my parents can sue them at the same time (my parents want to sue for my emotional distress). My family and most of my neighbors have been telling me that I did the right thing since the puppy looks like it’ll make a full recovery, but I still feel like I should’ve done something else or avoided hurting the other dog at all.
submitted by Own-Republic-5754 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:23 herbsmyname Struggling with feelings of abandonment and rejection

I'm going to start by saying that I'm not sure if this is a hangover from homeschooling or some other fun quirk!
I was homeschooled in a major city that was becoming less and less affordable for single income families when I was a kid in the 90s, leading to a pretty decent revolving door of homeschooling families - mums would either end up having to go back to work or the families would move to smaller cities/towns. This meant that as a kid I would become good friends with someone, only to have them whisked away after a few months with promises of visiting and varying levels of keeping in touch, or in some cases they just never came back to class (homeschool extracurriculars) and I never saw or heard from them again. This obviously left me feeling abandoned, rejected, and lonely as a kid.
As an adult I find myself going out of my way to protect my own children's friendships - for example, for friends from kindy who went to different schools I try to be proactive with playdates, if the kids have extra curricular activities in common I will try to coordinate so they are doing the same class, etc.
What I struggle with is other people not being equally proactive and protective of the kids friendships, for example my youngests besties from her kindy both started school with her and then moved schools shortly after (nothing to do with her, one child's parent is a teacher and got a job at another school so took the kids with them, and the other child's parents had a falling out with the management and pulled their kids in response), and recently two of her friends in different extracurricular classes have both changed times to suit their schedules better resulting in her losing them from her classes as well. It's just been a rough year for her.
Again, it's life, everyone is really busy and we are all just busy parents trying to make it work but at a really, really deep level it hurts my heart and all of my feelings of abandonment come flooding back.
I also don't take it well when friends move out of our city - I'm fine to their face, but my immediate internal response is anger, hurt and rejection. I feel like they have wasted my time pretending to be my friend, which is ridiculous because again we are all just doing life and it's not like you can't be friends with someone who doesn't like in the same city - my bestie lives 8 hours away.
Does anyone else struggle with this?
submitted by herbsmyname to HomeschoolRecovery [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:22 East_Salamander7906 AITA for refusing to talk to/ignoring my mother and telling her I will leave home forever as soon as I get in university?

Me (17F), my dad (49M) and my mom (50F) live together.
I will enter one of the most important exams in my life in three weeks. I am anxious but I try to keep calm. However my mom is making this very difficult for me. This is the national university admissions test I will be entering. I am a sciences and mathemathics student with good grades. But my mom isn't content.
Yesterday, I got accepted from an university in New Zealand with my own efforts. After learning this, I shared the news with my mom. For me, getting into a university from a system that I didn't even prepare for is insane! But she started screaming at me. She told me these: "Do you really hate me that much that you applied to these places? You want to go far away? Guess what? Love is always conditional. Once you turn 18 then, bye sweetie, you are out." I recorded the things she said just in case.
This morning, one of my advisors from my cram school called my mom to ask how I am doing, informing her about the changes made in the schedule of there. There was a review class I decided not to attend, I know the topics very well. I made this decision on my own and didn't inform her. She screamed at me again today, for not informing her. Supposedly, I needed to inform her about this as I am not an adult yet. We had a fight again. I told her she always tries to be the victim and I am tired of her behaviour. Then, I asked dad for help. He told me it is just fine, I should just say okay and not pay attention to her. I didn't think it is fine. I also told him how my mom threatened to throw me out and he didn't believe me. I showed him the record and he told me "Eh, she is just like that sometimes. I'm sure she didn't mean that, she loves you."
For the rest of the day, she kept storming into my room telling me how far I am from where I should be now (which I know is very wrong. I try my best NO MATTER what and that's why I came so far in first place). Finally I stared at her, locking my room immediately. I kept it locked. For dinner I went to the kitchen, this time both my parents stated their distaste for my current state in academics (with my mom in an agressive manner and my dad being passive). I told them I will never be grateful for this, how I wanted their support for once and told them I will leave home immediately and never return after getting accepted to an university. My mother told me I am a horrible daughter and how other's children are amazing. I looked at my dad for help and he apologetically stared, then left.
This much pressure with 21 days is insane even for someone resilient like me. I am not able to understand whether this behaviour is okay or not, and all of this "freezed" my study efforts today. I have assigments and lectures for tomorrow. I am still confused if I did what is right.
AITA? Please tell me what you think. I need to hear someone's opinion. Thank you.
submitted by East_Salamander7906 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:19 satelliteenter how much is okay to offer under? and other questions

Hello everyone, FTB here with a few silly questions.
I viewed a property yesterday evening for the 1st time and thinking about putting an offer in. I am very new to this so have a few questions I would like to ask. The estate agent has said that one offer is already in. The house has been up for several months and has already had one sale fall through. I'm thinking about making an offer on the back of just one viewing, but seeking some opinions.
I know the area well, as I used to work close by so not worried about that. Asking price is £265,000 it says on the website it was reduced previously but I'm not sure from what.
1) Is it reasonable to offer under £265k?
The reason for this is I'm happy with the state of the property (as far as I can tell, not any expertise in this area) however I am chain free and have a large deposit (25-30%), I've heard this can give an advantage, especially as they have already had a sale fall through. Several family members have said not to offer the list price and that it is the "done thing" to offer a little bit under (not sure about this). I'm considering to offer 5%-10% under so around £235-250k. I am a serious buyer and don't want to come off like I'm playing games to try and save a bit of money, but on the other hand, I'm feel I'm an attractive buyer and with one sale already falling through moving quicker for a bit less might be in their interest. Is it reasonable to stick in an offer of 235 and expect to negotiate up to 245 (for example).
2) I would like to go with my parents/sister to visit the property. Should I book a second viewing before or after making an offer? How likely will it be that the owner accepts another offer, in the meantime if I request a second viewing immediately, rather than going straight into the offer, and does my chain free status give me any lee-way here?
I'm thinking maybe to just go right in and offer on Monday, but equally I would like to go with my family to get their opinions. I'd also like to have a look at the loft space, which I couldn't do first time around. I wouldn't class this as essential, but something I would like to do, and I think having someone else look is reasonable. The balance I'm trying to strike here is a bit tricky perhaps.
I don't want the seller, or estate agent to doubt my legitimacy by putting in an offer and then asking for a second viewing, would it make the seller worried, like I'm trying to find some faults with the property or something? Equally I don't want to request a second viewing, and then in the meantime the house is taken off the market by the first offer (which the EA has told me is in). I have no idea about this other offer, it could be that the first offer is by someone in a chain, or a worse financial position than myself. This could worry the buyer as the first sale fell through because the buyer could not secure the correct funding.
3) Should I amend my AIP to be closer in value to the property?
Based on my salary, I could probably mortgage around 280k and I have a deposit of up to around 120k. So in theory I could be looking at properties around 350-400k. I'm not because I'd prefer to not go for the max amount and I am happy with this house after my first visit. If the EA sees I can (in theory) afford another 150k on the house price, they might be more likely to want to me to pay more. On the other hand, it can indicate I am more likely to get accepted for a mortgage (which was the sticking point of the sale that fell through).
4) How honest should I be with the EA? And should I wait for him to call me or shall I call him on Monday?
I'm thinking I could just ring him up and ask directly, "look I like the property, I'm chain free with a large deposit, so you can tell the owner I can move quickly, and more likely to be fine getting a mortgage, this should be more comforting to the owner who had a sale fall through before, I would like to do a second viewing and then immediately put an offer in, I'm very interested, but because of those reasons I'd like to offer 240k".
Or is it better to "play the game"?
5) Did I miss anything, general advice anyone can give.
Ultimately I'm very serious and very interested, just trying to get the best price and hopefully my chain free status and decent deposit should make me more attractive.
Thank you so much for reading, and thanks for anyone considering to comment, looking to get some opinions from all the experts here! :)
Good evening all.
submitted by satelliteenter to HousingUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:19 No_Cloud_7275 Steam, Science and Wonder (5e) (Online) (Fridays 6PM EDT)

It is a time of restlessness and instability for the Empire of Berrithyca. Following the mysterious assassination of Emperor Halfax and kidnapping of the royal heir, Princess Estaeia, the empire has been in a state of regency by the Parliamentarian factions of the New and Old Nobility.
To the east the island of Longhook has virtually seceded, its "whaling" fleet engaging in piratical raids against Imperial shipping. To the north, the land of Caer Don is rife with religious tension as followers of the Old Gods of the rivers and hills feud with the state-mandated Gear Cult which holds Mortals as worthy of worship, not gods.
In the cities, the technological marvels wrought since the Great Spark have revolutionised people's lives. Steamships carry great shipments and transport hundreds about the seas and rivers of the land. Military and private airships dot the skies and all manner of everyday appliances are available to the common man which would seem possible only in the realms of magic centuries ago.
Yet there is a dark side to this technological innovation. The factories run incessantly and more than one desperate, poor worker has met their end falling into a machine or dropping dead from exhaustion. Pollution runs rampant in the slums and the wealth disparity between rich and poor grows wider and wider.
The journey begins with 5 strangers brought together by the death of a mutual associate, Professor Newt Forberry, an eccentric scholar and archaeologist whom you knew through reasons of your own. Prior to his death, each of you received a strange letter from him urging you to come to his estate in the case of his death, hinting at foul play yet remaining vague. And so, with a murder mystery afoot, your journey begins as you take the first step into a conspiracy stretching through millennia which will rock the very foundations of this world and decide its future.
Hey /lfg, I'm looking for 4-5 players for a fun, whimsical, Victorian-inspired steampunk styled campaign! Apologies if the prompt was a bit vague, I can't give too much away, but this campaign is to take place in a fleshed out world I've been working on for some time now.
-This is intended to be a levels 3-20 campaign which will be run weekly and will last between 1-1.5 years
-There will be no restrictions on class/race
-All books will be allowed except for Unearthed Arcana
-This game will be using some homebrew steampunk supplements so I will be allowing homebrew provided I vet and approve of it
-This is an LGBTQIA+ friendly game. Discriminatory/bullying behaviour of any sort will not be tolerated and will result in instant banning from the group
-Sessions will last around 4 hours with a 10 minute break around the 2 hour mark
I'm sure there's more to add but questions are welcome if I've missed anything. If this sounds like your jam apply below!
submitted by No_Cloud_7275 to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:18 Tesa_Tesanovic1988 Technology Sovereignty Influence on the Development of Emerging Markets

Rapid technological development and global big tech have contributed to the widening of the gap between rich and developing countries. Social media networks, fintech, and the internet as a whole have become powerful tools for collecting and using personal and business data. It is no secret that big tech has been collecting, using, and trading personal data without people’s consent solidifying the competitive advantage.Rapid technological development and global big tech have contributed to the widening of the gap between rich and developing countries. Social media networks, fintech, and the internet as a whole have become powerful tools for collecting and using personal and business data. It is no secret that big tech has been collecting, using, and trading personal data without people’s consent solidifying the competitive advantage.

Prometheus, teacher in every art, brought the fire that hath proved to mortals a means to mighty ends.
The data collected has been used to target users with ads and commercial messages for profit. As a result, these digital technologies have been fueling Digital Colonialism, where the rich are fortifying their financial dominance. This phenomenon provides large technological companies from the West a tool for controlling emerging markets and extracting profits and has caused the stagnation of underdeveloped nations.
Unarguably, big tech has an influence over the policies that govern how they do business. In other words, they use their power and influence to set the business standards and rules however it suits their interests. Consequently, technology giants often venture into other industries that were initially dominated by state and local organizations. Often it is the case that governmental and local private organizations cannot compete with large-scale technological companies due to the sheer volume of their resources (Coleman, 2019).
Large, monopolistic companies use their limitless resources to dominate underdeveloped markets. A good example is Uber, which has been running local taxi services out of business wherever they set their operations, like in South Africa. Furthermore, the advertisement and marketing sectors have seen this in action too, as Facebook and Google have brought local media in developing countries on the verge of extinction (Kwet, 2019).

What is Technology Sovereignty?

Technology sovereignty is a country’s ability to develop and implement technology crucial for its technological independence and welfare. It also includes alternative ways of acquiring technology, such as provisioning it from other nations without causing dependence or violating the country’s freedom (Crespi et al., 2021). For a nation to achieve technology independence, it must be able to avoid unilateral dependency, as we see in the case of developing countries where large-scale technology corporations entirely control the infrastructure. In essence, technology sovereignty is reached through independent technological and scientific development, or by adopting external technological solutions but without developing a dependent relationship with the external partner.
Often, the term “technology sovereignty” is used interchangeably with data sovereignty and information sovereignty, in which case the focus is on the country’s ability to provide the IT infrastructure and technology to fulfill the nations hosting interests, needs, and policies (Coleman, 2019). However, no single nation can be entirely self-reliant when it comes to IT, and technology sovereignty goes beyond technological autonomy that allows the adoption of new technology without dependence (Crespi et al., 2021).

Technology Sovereignty and Innovation Sovereignty

Technology sovereignty and innovation sovereignty are directly related, with the former serving as a bridge to the latter. To achieve short and long-term economic goals, innovation sovereignty involves developing technologies at the local level (Crespi et al., 2021). Both technology and innovation sovereignty are reached by generating relevant scientific and technological knowledge. It is important to note that scientific and technological knowledge does not have any real impact on the economy if there are no resources and prerequisites, such as a regulatory framework and infrastructure, for its application (Edler et al., 2021).
Innovation sovereignty serves to guarantee that the technologies employed in a society do not lead to dependence on monopolistic foreign companies. As a product of technology sovereignty, innovation sovereignty ensures that a country can satisfy its long-term technological requirements with local experts.What is Technology Sovereignty? Technology sovereignty is a country’s ability to develop and implement technology crucial for its technological independence and welfare. It also includes alternative ways of acquiring technology, such as provisioning it from other nations without causing dependence or violating the country’s freedom (Crespi et al., 2021). For a nation to achieve technology independence, it must be able to avoid unilateral dependency, as we see in the case of developing countries where large-scale technology corporations entirely control the infrastructure. In essence, technology sovereignty is reached through independent technological and scientific development, or by adopting external technological solutions but without developing a dependent relationship with the external partner. Often, the term “technology sovereignty” is used interchangeably with data sovereignty and information sovereignty, in which case the focus is on the country’s ability to provide the IT infrastructure and technology to fulfill the nations hosting interests, needs, and policies (Coleman, 2019). However, no single nation can be entirely self-reliant when it comes to IT, and technology sovereignty goes beyond technological autonomy that allows the adoption of new technology without dependence (Crespi et al., 2021). Technology Sovereignty and Innovation Sovereignty Technology sovereignty and innovation sovereignty are directly related, with the former serving as a bridge to the latter. To achieve short and long-term economic goals, innovation sovereignty involves developing technologies at the local level (Crespi et al., 2021). Both technology and innovation sovereignty are reached by generating relevant scientific and technological knowledge. It is important to note that scientific and technological knowledge does not have any real impact on the economy if there are no resources and prerequisites, such as a regulatory framework and infrastructure, for its application (Edler et al., 2021). Innovation sovereignty serves to guarantee that the technologies employed in a society do not lead to dependence on monopolistic foreign companies. As a product of technology sovereignty, innovation sovereignty ensures that a country can satisfy its long-term technological requirements with local experts.

Technology Sovereignty and Economic Sovereignty

Adequate infrastructure and the ability to innovate create a favorable environment in which technology sovereignty may lead to economic sovereignty. Economic sovereignty refers to the ability of a country or a country bloc to benefit from independent ventures and partnerships with similar entities without being dependent on any of them (Crespi et al., 2021). Technology sovereignty helps establish innovation independence and eventually results in economic sovereignty, which stems from the need to provide free access to important resources, financing, critical technologies, and data (Edler et al., 2021). Technology sovereignty aims to help the domestic industry by enhancing innovation locally, which makes it intrinsically nationalistic (or regional) in nature. By stimulating innovation, technology sovereignty becomes necessary for achieving development priorities.

How Can Developing Nations Attain Technology Sovereignty

Essential technologies for technology sovereignty are defined using theoretical and conceptual frameworks. Correctly understanding the most critical aspects of technology sovereignty as they relate to technology requires expertise in analysis and relevant procedures (Edler et al., 2020). The initial stage in this process is deciding on the essential skills and knowledge to obtain. This stage is followed by researching the impact of the selected technology on society and the economy and, finally, providing the technology to the local community.
Technological alternatives help strengthen technological independence. Determining the economic viability of a particular alternative helps define its role as an alternative. (Edler et al., 2021). It is, nevertheless, critical to guarantee that technological options are accessible and can be built in developing nations. Technology sovereignty requires creating young talents and obtaining the necessary resources. To produce appropriate technologies in today’s volatile environment, developing nations need to acquire science and technology know-how by utilizing complex R&I instruments and creating knowledge carrier groups (Edler et al., 2020). They can achieve this by simplifying and reforming the curriculum at the relevant institutions of higher education (BCSD, 2020). For instance, the curriculums should be designed to promote research in agriculture tech and data analytics. University education and training must have clear strategies to eliminate knowledge gaps that slow down alternative technology innovation in developing nations.
Nonetheless, the resources and infrastructure necessary for alternative technologies to become a reality are almost always an unsurmountable obstacle for emerging economies. This is often due to the sheer scope of the research that needs to be performed and the need for more equipment and raw materials to develop and test new technologies (Edler et al., 2020). Consequently, to tackle these obstacles, countries and their educational institutions need to choose a narrower field to focus on. Research collaboration and information exchange regarding essential knowledge helps access the necessary technology and prevents unilateral dependencies.
Emerging nations must foster a technology culture and support scientific and technical knowledge throughout the educational system. Children must be allowed to interact with digital technology and develop capabilities while they are very young. For example, using the relevant technology to enable internet access for children in school and at home is a strategy that will improve the quality of learning (BCSD, 2020). To achieve this goal, teachers, researchers, local and state governments, and other stakeholders need to show intent to work together. The path of attaining technology sovereignty for emerging nations starts with understanding the importance of the right approach to technology.Technology Sovereignty and Economic Sovereignty Adequate infrastructure and the ability to innovate create a favorable environment in which technology sovereignty may lead to economic sovereignty. Economic sovereignty refers to the ability of a country or a country bloc to benefit from independent ventures and partnerships with similar entities without being dependent on any of them (Crespi et al., 2021). Technology sovereignty helps establish innovation independence and eventually results in economic sovereignty, which stems from the need to provide free access to important resources, financing, critical technologies, and data (Edler et al., 2021). Technology sovereignty aims to help the domestic industry by enhancing innovation locally, which makes it intrinsically nationalistic (or regional) in nature. By stimulating innovation, technology sovereignty becomes necessary for achieving development priorities. How Can Developing Nations Attain Technology Sovereignty Essential technologies for technology sovereignty are defined using theoretical and conceptual frameworks. Correctly understanding the most critical aspects of technology sovereignty as they relate to technology requires expertise in analysis and relevant procedures (Edler et al., 2020). The initial stage in this process is deciding on the essential skills and knowledge to obtain. This stage is followed by researching the impact of the selected technology on society and the economy and, finally, providing the technology to the local community. Technological alternatives help strengthen technological independence. Determining the economic viability of a particular alternative helps define its role as an alternative. (Edler et al., 2021). It is, nevertheless, critical to guarantee that technological options are accessible and can be built in developing nations. Technology sovereignty requires creating young talents and obtaining the necessary resources. To produce appropriate technologies in today’s volatile environment, developing nations need to acquire science and technology know-how by utilizing complex R&I instruments and creating knowledge carrier groups (Edler et al., 2020). They can achieve this by simplifying and reforming the curriculum at the relevant institutions of higher education (BCSD, 2020). For instance, the curriculums should be designed to promote research in agriculture tech and data analytics. University education and training must have clear strategies to eliminate knowledge gaps that slow down alternative technology innovation in developing nations. Nonetheless, the resources and infrastructure necessary for alternative technologies to become a reality are almost always an unsurmountable obstacle for emerging economies. This is often due to the sheer scope of the research that needs to be performed and the need for more equipment and raw materials to develop and test new technologies (Edler et al., 2020). Consequently, to tackle these obstacles, countries and their educational institutions need to choose a narrower field to focus on. Research collaboration and information exchange regarding essential knowledge helps access the necessary technology and prevents unilateral dependencies. Emerging nations must foster a technology culture and support scientific and technical knowledge throughout the educational system. Children must be allowed to interact with digital technology and develop capabilities while they are very young. For example, using the relevant technology to enable internet access for children in school and at home is a strategy that will improve the quality of learning (BCSD, 2020). To achieve this goal, teachers, researchers, local and state governments, and other stakeholders need to show intent to work together. The path of attaining technology sovereignty for emerging nations starts with understanding the importance of the right approach to technology.


Coleman, D. (2019). Digital colonialism: The 21st century scramble for Africa through the extraction and control of user data and the limitations of data protection laws. Mich. J. Race & L., 24, 417.
Crespi, F., Caravella, S., Menghini, M., & Salvatori, C. (2021). European Technological Sovereignty: An emerging framework for policy strategy. Intereconomics, 56(6), 348-354.
Kwet, M. (2019, March 13). Digital Colonialism is Threatening the Global South. Aljazeera.
Edler, J. Blind, K. Frietsch, R. Kimpeler, S. Kroll, H. Lerch, C. Reiss, T. Roth, F. Schubert, T. Schuler, J. & Walz, R. (2020). Technology Sovereignty – From Demand to Concept. Fraunhofer ISI Discussion Papers-Innovation Systems and Policy Analysis.
Edler, J., Blind, K., Kroll, H., & Schubert, T. (2021). Technology sovereignty as an emerging frame for innovation policy: Defining rationales, ends and means (No. 70). Fraunhofer ISI Discussion Papers-Innovation Systems and Policy Analysis.
Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development (BCSD). (2020). The Digital Transformation of Education: Connecting Schools Empowering Learners. International Telecommunication Union.

Paul Lalovich

Organizational Effectiveness and Strategy Execution Practice

Tesha Teshanovich

Organizational Effectiveness and Strategy Execution Practice
submitted by Tesa_Tesanovic1988 to innovationmanagement [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:16 mthw704 (SELLING) BIG LIST OF 4K/HD/SD CODES. Wide variety of movies to choose from & a great $2 list. Over 5,000 transactions.

The Big List

Prices are firm. Please only redeem the portion of a code you are paying for. All codes are for immediate redemption. All Disney & Sony codes include points unless otherwise noted. As of 4/01/2024 all Google Play options have been removed from Disney codes.
I accept Cashapp, Venmo, Zelle & PayPal F&F without any notes. Comment & pm if interested. Thanks!



Barbie 4K [2023] $6 (MA)
Batwoman season 1 HD [2019] $6 (Vudu)
Supergirl season 5 HD $6 (Vudu)
X-Men Trilogy HD [X-Men, X2 & The Last Stand] $8 (MA)


$5 4K UHD

Blackkklansman (MA)
John Wick 1-3 (iTunes)
Mission: Impossible- Dead Reckoning Part One (iTunes)


$4 4K UHD

Alien [1979] (iTunes/ports)
Aliens [1986] (iTunes/ports)
Big Lebowski, The (iTunes/ports)
Black Panther (MA + 200 points)
Captain Marvel (MA + 200 points)
Despicable Me [2010] (iTunes/ports)
Dredd (Vudu)
Expendables 4 (Vudu or iTunes)
Frozen 2 [2019] (MA + 200 points)
Gone Girl [2014] (iTunes/ports)
Guardians Of The Galaxy [2014] (MA + 200 points)
Halloween [2018] (MA)
Jungleland [2020] (iTunes)
Maleficent: Mistress Of Evil (MA + 200 points)
Scream [2022] (Vudu or iTunes)
Silent Night [2023] (Vudu or iTunes)
Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (Vudu or iTunes)
Tangled [2010] (iTunes/ports + 150 points)
Titanic [1997] (iTunes)


$5 HD

Adventures Of Ichabod & Mr. Toad, The [1949] (MA + 150 points)
Banshee season 2 (iTunes)
Fear The Walking Dead season 2 (Vudu)
Fear The Walking Dead season 4 (Vudu)
Fear The Walking Dead season 5 (Vudu)
Fear The Walking Dead season 6 (Vudu)
Fear The Walking Dead season 7 (Vudu)
Five Nights At Freddy's [2023] (MA)
Groundhog Day [1993] + Stripes [1981] double feature (MA)
Hunchback Of Notre Dame, The [1996] (MA + 150 points)
Hunchback Of Notre Dame 2, The [2002] (MA + 150 points)
Lady & The Tramp II: Scamps Adventure [2001] (MA + 150 points)
Marvels, The [2023] (MA + 150 points)
Oppenheimer (MA)
Rob Zombie Trilogy [House Of 1,000 Corpses, The Devil's Rejects [Unrated] & 3 From Hell [Unrated] (MA)
Silent Night, Deadly Night 3,4 & 5 (Vudu)
Veep season 5 (iTunes)
Veep season 6 (iTunes)


$4 HD

300 Spartans, The (MA)
Barbie [2023] (MA)
BFG, The [2016] (MA + 150 points)
Color Purple, The [2023] (MA)
Drop, The [2014] (MA or Google Play/ports) PENDING
Fox & The Hound 2, The [2006] (MA + 150 points)
Lady & The Tramp [1955] (MA + 150 points)
Ruby Gillman: Teenage Kraken [2023] (MA)


$3 Movies

$3 4K UHD

Aladdin [2019] (iTunes/ports + 150 points)
Angel Has Fallen (Vudu or iTunes)
Baywatch (Vudu)
Birth Of A Nation, The (iTunes/ports)
Bourne Identity, The [2002] (iTunes/ports)
Cabin In The Woods, The (Vudu)
Doctor Strange (iTunes/ports + 150 points)
Frozen 2 [2019] (iTunes/ports + 150 points)
Guardians Of The Galaxy [2014] (iTunes/ports + 150 points)
Interstellar (iTunes)
Knives Out (Vudu or iTunes)
Logan Lucky [2017] (iTunes/ports)
Moana (iTunes/ports + 150 points)
mother! [2017] (iTunes)
Prometheus [2012] (iTunes/ports)
Robin Hood [2018] (Vudu)
Sicario (Vudu)
Spy Who Dumped Me, The (Vudu or iTunes)
Star Wars: The Last Jedi (MA + 200 points)
Thor: The Dark World (iTunes/ports + 150 points)
Top Gun (iTunes)


$3 HD

Adjustment Bureau, The (iTunes/ports)
Alien3 [1992] [Theatrical] (MA, iTunes or Google Play/ports)
Alien: Resurrection [1997] (MA, iTunes or Google Play/ports)
Avatar: The Way Of Water (MA + 150 points)
Baby Driver [2017] (MA + Sony points)
Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, The (MA or Google Play/ports)
Birds Of Prey [2020] (MA)
Bloodshot [2020] (MA + Sony points)
Bridge Of Spies [2015] (MA + 150 points)
Call Me By Your Name (MA + Sony points)
Candyman: Day Of The Dead (Vudu or Google Play)
Cats & Dogs 3: Paws Unite (MA)
Desperation Road [2023 (Vudu HD or iTunes 4K)
Disneynature: Bears [2014] (MA + 150 points)
Divergent Series Trilogy, The [Divergent, Insurgent & Allegiant] (Vudu or Google Play)
Equalizer 3, The [2023] (MA + Sony points)
Exorcist: Believer, The [2023] (MA)
Fast X [2023] (MA + Universal Rewards points)
Fruitvale Station (Vudu)
Glass [2019] (MA)
Goosebumps [2018] (MA + Sony points)
Grand Budapest Hotel, The (MA or Google Play/ports)
Grown Ups 2 (MA + Sony points)
Halloween Kills [2021] (MA)
Hocus Pocus (MA + 150 points/no iTunes option)
Holmes & Watson [2018] (MA + Sony points)
Hundred Foot Journey, The [2014] (MA + 150 points)
Insidious: Chapter 3 (MA + Sony points)
Into The Woods [2014] (MA + 150 points)
Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (Vudu)
Killing Gunther (Vudu)
Lion King, The [1994] (MA + 150 points)
Little House On The Prairie season 5 (Vudu)
Midsommar [A24] (Vudu or Google Play)
Mindcage (Vudu or iTunes)
Money Monster [2016] (MA + Sony points)
Nurse Jackie season 7 (Vudu)
Orange Is The New Black season 1 (Vudu)
Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters (iTunes/ports)
Pete's Dragon [2016] (MA + 150 points)
Planes: Fire & Rescue [2014] (MA + 150 points)
Predator [1987] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Pride + Prejudice + Zombies [2016] (MA + Sony points)
Public Enemies [2009] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Punisher, The [2004] (Vudu or Google Play)
Queen Of Katwe [2016] (MA + 150 points)
Robin Hood [1973] (MA + 150 points)
Scoob! [2020] (MA)
Secret Life Of Pets 2, The [2019] (MA)
Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs [1937] (MA + 150 points)
Spider-Man: Into The Spiderverse (MA + Sony points)
Secret: Dare To Dream, The (Vudu, iTunes or Google Play)
Super Mario Bros. Movie, The [2023] (MA)
Tyler Perry's Diary Of A Mad Black Woman [2005] (Vudu) PENDING
Tyler Perry's Madea Goes To Jail (Vudu or Google Play)
Us [2019] (MA)
Vanishing, The [2019] (Vudu or Google Play)
Venture Bros: Radiant Is The Blood Of The Baboon Heart [2023] (MA)
Walking Dead season 9, The (Vudu or Google Play)
Walking Dead season 10, The (Vudu or Google Play)
Way Way Back, The [2013] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Whiplash [2014] (MA + Sony points)


$2 Codes

💲2 HD

13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers Of Benghazi (iTunes 4K)
2 Guns [2013] (iTunes/ports 4K)
31 [2016] (Vudu)
3 From Hell [Unrated] (Vudu 4K or iTunes 4K)
About Last Night [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (MA)
Action Point [2018] (iTunes 4K)
Admission [2013] (iTunes/ports)
Adventures Of Tintin, The (Vudu or iTunes)
After Earth [2013] (MA + Sony points)
Age Of Adaline, The (Vudu, iTunes or Google Play)
Alien Covenant (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA/GP)
Allied [2016] (iTunes 4K or Vudu HD)
Aloha [2015] (MA + Sony points)
Alpha [2018] (MA + Sony points)
Alpha & Omega 2: A Howl-lday Adventure (Vudu)
Alvin & The Chipmunks: The Road Chip (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
American Girl: Isabelle Dances Into The Spotlight (MA)
American Hustle [2013] (MA + Sony points)
American Reunion [Unrated] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues (Vudu or iTunes)
Annie [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Arrival [2016] (Vudu)
Art Of Self-Defense, The [2019] (MA)
Assassin's Creed (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Atomic Blonde (MA)
Avengers: Infinity War (MA + 150 points/no iTunes option)
Battleship [2012] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Baywatch (iTunes 4K)
Beauty & The Beast [2017] (MA + 150 points/iTunes option is expired)
Beguiled, The [2017] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Beirut [2018] (MA)
Ben-Hur [2016] (Vudu)
Best Man Holiday, The [2013] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Blackhat [2015] (iTunes/ports)
Black Panther [2018] (MA + 150 points/no iTunes option)
Bohemian Rhapsody (MA or Google Play/ports)
Book Club [2018] (iTunes 4K)
Boss Baby, The [2017] (MA)
Bourne Legacy, The (iTunes/ports 4K)
Boy, The [2016] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Boyhood [2014] (iTunes)
Boy Next Door, The [2015] (iTunes/ports)
Breakthrough [2019] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Bridesmaids [Theatrical] (iTunes/ports)
Broken City [2013] (MA)
Bumblebee (iTunes 4K or Vudu HD)
Cabin In The Woods, The (Vudu/GP HD or iTunes 4K)
Captain America: Civil War (MA only/no points or iTunes option)
Captain Phillips [2013] (MA + Sony points)
Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie (MA)
Case For Christ, The [2017] (MA)
Choice, The [2016] (Vudu or iTunes)
Company Of Heroes [2013] (MA)
Contraband (iTunes/ports)
Cowboys & Aliens [Theatrical] (iTunes/ports)
Curse Of Chucky [2013] [Unrated] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Daddy's Home (iTunes 4K)
Dark Tower, The [2017] (MA + Sony points)
Dead Again In Tombstone [2017] (MA)
Dead In Tombstone [Unrated] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Dead Man Down [2013] (MA)
Deepwater Horizon (iTunes 4K or Vudu/GP HD)
Despicable Me 2 (iTunes/ports 4K)
Despicable Me 3 (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Devil's Due [2014] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: Dog Days (MA, iTunes or Google Play/ports)
Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul (MA, iTunes or Google Play/ports)
Django Unchained (Vudu)
Downsizing (iTunes 4K)
Downton Abbey [2019] (MA)
Dracula Untold (iTunes/ports 4K)
Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer's Curse (iTunes/ports)
Dredd [2012] (Vudu)
Dr. Seuss’ How The Grinch Stole Christmas [2000] (MA)
Duff, The (iTunes or Google Play)
Edward Scissorhands (MA or Google Play/ports)
Emoji Movie, The [2017] (MA + Sony points)
Ender's Game (iTunes 4K or Vudu/GP HD)
Epic [2013] (MA)
Equalizer, The [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Equalizer 2, The (MA + Sony points)
Escape From Planet Earth (Vudu)
Everest [2015] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Ex Machina (Vudu)
Exodus: Gods & Kings (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
F9: The Fast Saga [2021] [Theatrical & Extended] (MA + Universal Rewards points)
Fast & Furious [2009] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Fast & The Furious, The [2001] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Fast & The Furious: Tokyo Drift, The (iTunes/ports 4K)
Fate Of The Furious [F8] [Theatrical] (MA 4K)
Fences [2016] (iTunes 4K or Vudu HD)
Fifty Shades Darker [2017] [Unrated] (MA 4K)
Fifty Shades Of Grey (iTunes/ports 4K)
Finding Dory (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA + 150 points)
Flight [2012] (Vudu or iTunes)
Fortress [2021] (Vudu or Google Play)
Frozen [2013] (iTunes/ports 4K+ 150 points)
Fury [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Game Of Thrones season 1 (iTunes)
Get Out [2017] (MA)
Ghost Team One [2013] (Vudu or iTunes)
Gifted [2017] (MA or Google Play/ports, iTunes option is expired)
G.I. Joe: Retaliation (iTunes 4K)
God Bless The Broken Road (Vudu or Google Play)
Gods Not Dead 2 [2016] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Gods Of Egypt (Vudu/GP HD or iTunes 4K)
Great Wall, The [2017] (MA)
Grey, The [2012] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol.2 (MA + 150 points/no iTunes option)
Guilt Trip, The [2012] (Vudu)
Hacksaw Ridge (Vudu or Google Play/iTunes option expired)
Hail, Caesar [2016] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Halloween [2018] (MA)
Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters [Unrated] (Vudu or iTunes)
Hateful Eight, The (Vudu or Google Play)
Heat, The [2013] [Theatrical] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Hell Or High Water (Vudu or Google Play)
Hercules [2014] (iTunes 4K or Vudu HD)
Hitman's Bodyguard, The (Vudu or Google Play/iTunes option is expired)
Hobbs & Shaw [2019] (MA)
Home [2015] [DreamWorks] (MA)
Home Alone [1990] (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Homefront [2013] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Honey 2 [2011] (MA or iTunes/ports)
How To Train Your Dragon 2 (MA)
Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1, The (iTunes 4K or Google Play HD)
Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2, The (Vudu)
I Am Wrath (Vudu)
Instant Family (iTunes 4K or Vudu HD)
Internship, The [2013] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Invisible Man, The [1933] (MA)
I Still Believe [2020] (iTunes 4K or Vudu/GP HD)
It Follows [2015] (Vudu)
Jackass 3 [Theatrical] (Vudu or iTunes)
Jack Reacher (Vudu)
Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (Vudu)
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (iTunes 4K)
Jason Bourne [2016] (iTunes/ports 4K)
John Henry [2020] (Vudu)
John Wick (iTunes 4K)
John Wick 1 & 2 (Vudu or Google Play)
John Wick: Chapter 2 (iTunes 4K)
John Wick Chapter 3: Parabellum (iTunes 4K) or all 3 for $5
Joy [2015] (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Jumanji: Welcome To The Jungle (MA + Sony points)
Jurassic World (iTunes/ports 4K)
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (MA)
Justice [2017] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Kick-Ass 2 [2013] (MA)
Kidnap [2017] (iTunes/ports)
Killer Elite (iTunes/ports)
Kingsman: The Golden Circle (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Kingsman: The Secret Service (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Last Knights [2015] (Vudu)
Last Vegas [2013] (MA + Sony points)
Last Witch Hunter, The [2015] (iTunes 4K or Google Play)
Let's Be Cops [2014] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Life [2017] (MA + Sony points)
Life Of Pi (iTunes/ports 4K)
Lockout [2012] [Unrated] (MA + Sony points)
Logan [2017] (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Lone Survivor [2013] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Longest Ride, The (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Lorax, The [2012] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Love, Simon [2018] (MA)
Lucy [2014] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Maleficent (iTunes/ports 4K + 150 points)
Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again [2018] (MA)
Mandela: Long Walk To Freedom (Vudu)
Man With The Iron Fists, The [2012] [Theatrical] (iTunes/ports)
Marauders (Vudu)
Martian, The [2015] [Theatrical] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Mary Poppins [1964] (MA + 150 points)
Maze Runner, The [2014] (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Maze Runner: The Death Cure [2018] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Mechanic: Resurrection (Vudu/GP HD or iTunes 4K)
Men In Black 3 (MA + Sony points)
MI-5 [2015] (Vudu)
Mile 22 (iTunes 4K)
Mindgamers [2017] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Minions [2015] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Miracles From Heaven (MA + Sony points)
Mission Impossible: Fallout (iTunes 4K)
Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation (iTunes 4K)
Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Moms’ Night Out [2014] (MA)
Monuments Men, The [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Mortal Engines [2018] (MA)
Mortal Instruments: The City Of Bones, The [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Mother's Day [2016] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Mountain Between Us, The [2017] (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Mummy, The [2017] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Murder On The Orient Express [2017] (MA or Google Play/ports)
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 (iTunes/ports)
Neighbors [2014] (iTunes/ports)
Night At The Museum: Secret Of The Tomb (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Noah [2014] (Vudu)
Non-Stop [2014] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Norm Of The North (Vudu or iTunes)
Now You See Me 2 (iTunes 4K or Vudu/GP HD)
Nut Job, The [2014] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Oblivion [2013] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Ouija [2014] (MA)
Overlord [2018] (Vudu)
Oz: The Great & Powerful (MA + 100 points)
Paddington (Vudu)
Pain & Gain [2013] (Vudu or iTunes)
Paranormal Activity [2009] [Theatrical] (iTunes)
Paranormal Activity 2 [Unrated Director's Cut] (Vudu or iTunes)
Paranormal Activity 3 [Extended] (Vudu or iTunes)
Paranormal Activity 4 [Unrated] (iTunes)
Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones [Theatrical] (iTunes)
Passengers [2016] (MA + Sony points)
Percy Jackson: Sea Of Monsters (MA or Google Play/ports)
Pet Sematary [2019] (iTunes 4K or Vudu HD)
Philomena (Vudu)
Pitch Perfect (iTunes/ports 4K)
Playing With Fire (iTunes 4K or Vudu HD)
Predator, The [2018] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Project Almanac (iTunes)
Prometheus (MA or Google Play/ports, no iTunes option)
Proud Mary [2018] (MA)
Purge: Anarchy, The (iTunes/ports 4K)
Quiet Place, A [2018] (iTunes 4K)
Ralph Breaks The Internet (MA + 150 points/no iTunes option)
Red Dawn [2012] (Vudu or Google Play)
Redemption [2013] (Vudu)
Replicas [2019] (iTunes 4K or Vudu/GP HD)
Resident Evil: The Final Chapter [2016] (MA + Sony points)
Riddick [Unrated] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Rings [2017] (Vudu)
R.I.P.D. Rest In Peace Department (iTunes/ports 4K)
Rise Of The Guardians [2011] (MA)
Risen [2016] (MA + Sony points)
Robin Hood [2018] (iTunes 4K or Vudu/GP HD)
Rock Dog (iTunes)
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (iTunes/ports 4K + 150 points)
Roman J. Israel, Esq [2017] (MA + Sony points)
Rush [2013] (MA)
Saban's Power Rangers (iTunes 4K or Vudu/GP HD)
Safe House [2012] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Savages [2012] [Theatrical] (iTunes/ports)
Scorpion King 3: Battle For Redemption (iTunes/ports)
Secret Life Of Pets, The (MA 4K or iTunes/ports 4K)
Secret Life Of Walter Mitty, The (MA or Google Play/ports, iTunes option is expired)
Seventh Son [2015] (iTunes/ports)
Sex Tape [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Shack, The [2017] (Vudu, iTunes or Google Play)
Show Dogs [2018] (MA)
Silver Linings Playbook (Vudu or Google Play)
Sing [2016] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Sinister (Vudu, iTunes or Google Play)
Sisters [2015] [Unrated] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Skyscraper [2018] (MA)
Sleepless [2017] (iTunes/ports)
Sparkle [2012] (MA)
Spider-Man 2 [2004] [Theatrical & Extended] (MA + Sony points)
Spider-Man: Homecoming [2017] (MA + Sony points)
Spider-Man: No Way Home [2021] (MA + Sony points)
Split [2017] (iTunes/ports 4K or MA HD)
Spy [2015] [Unrated] (MA, iTunes or Google Play/ports)
Star Trek [2009] (iTunes 4K)
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA + 150 points)
Step Up All In [2014] (Vudu)
Step Up Revolution (Vudu or Google Play)
Straight Outta Compton [Unrated] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Super 8 (Vudu)
Super Buddies (MA without points)
Taken 3 [Unrated] (MA, iTunes or Google Play/ports)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [2014] (iTunes 4K or Vudu HD)
Terminator: Genisys (iTunes 4K)
The Night Before [2015] (MA + Sony points)
This Is The End [2013] (MA + Sony points)
Top Five [2014] (iTunes)
Top Gun (Vudu)
Total Recall [2012] [Theatrical & Director's Cut] (MA + Sony points)
Tower Heist [Theatrical] (iTunes/ports)
Tremors: A Cold Day In Hell (MA)
True Blood season 4 (iTunes)
True Grit [2010] (Vudu or iTunes)
Tyler Perry's Acrimony (Vudu, iTunes or Google Play)
Tyler Perry's A Madea Family Funeral (Vudu, iTunes or Google Play)
Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 1 (iTunes 4K)
Uncle Drew [2018] (iTunes 4K or Vudu/GP HD)
Underworld: Blood Wars (MA + Sony points)
Vendetta [2016] (Vudu)
Venom [2018] (MA + Sony points)
Walk Among The Tombstones, A (iTunes/ports)
Walking With Dinosaurs: The Movie (MA, iTunes or Google Play/ports)
War Room [2015] (MA + Sony points)
Why Him? [2016] (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Wolf Of Wall Street, The (iTunes 4K or Vudu HD)
Woman In Black, The [2012] (MA)
Wonder [2017] (Vudu/GP HD or iTunes 4K)
Wonder Park [2019] (iTunes 4K or Vudu HD)
Woodlawn [2015] (MA or iTunes/ports)
X-Men: Apocalypse (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
X-Men: Days Of Future Past (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Your Highness [2011] [Unrated] (iTunes/ports)
Zootopia (MA without points)


💲2 SD

127 Hours (iTunes/ports)
12 Rounds [2009] [Extreme Cut] (iTunes/ports)
Aliens In The Attic (iTunes/ports)
Amelia (iTunes/ports)
Beasts Of The Southern Wild (iTunes/ports)
Black Swan (iTunes/ports)
Date Night [Unrated Extended Edition] (iTunes/ports)
Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears A Who! (ITunes/ports)
In Time [2011] (iTunes/ports)
Jumper [2008] (iTunes/ports)
Percy Jackson double feature [Lightning Thief & Sea of Monsters] (MA)
Ramona & Beezus (iTunes/ports)
Street Kings (iTunes/ports)
Three Stooges: The Movie, The [2012] (iTunes/ports)
Unstoppable [2010] (iTunes/ports)


$1 Codes

💲1 HD

13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers Of Benghazi (Vudu)
2 Guns (MA)
Alex Cross (Vudu)
Bad Grandpa [Theatrical] (Vudu or iTunes)
Bad Moms (iTunes/ports)
Battleship [2012] (MA)
Big Hero 6 (Google Play/ports)
Book Club (Vudu)
Bourne Legacy, The (MA)
Bring It On: Worldwide Cheersmack [2017] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Deadpool (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA/GP)
Divergent (iTunes 4K or Vudu/GP HD)
Divergent Series: Insurgent, The (iTunes 4K or Vudu/GP HD)
Duff, The [2015] (Vudu)
Dying Of The Light (Vudu)
Everest [2015] (MA)
Expendables 2, The (iTunes 4K or Vudu/GP HD)
Expendables 3, The [Theatrical] (iTunes 4K or Google Play HD)
Fast & Furious [2009] (MA)
Fast & Furious 6, The [Extended] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Fast & The Furious, The [2001] (MA)
Fast & The Furious: Tokyo Drift, The (MA)
Fast Five [Extended] (MA)
Fate Of The Furious, The [8] [Theatrical or Extended] (MA)
Fault In Our Stars, The [2014] (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA/GP)
Frozen: Sing Along Edition (MA without points)
Furious 7 [Extended] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Ghost In The Shell [2017] (Vudu)
G.I. Joe: Retaliation (Vudu)
Girls Trip [2017] (MA)
Good Day To Die Hard, A [2012] [Extended] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Hidden Figures [2017] (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Hillsong: Let Hope Rise [2016] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Hugo (Vudu)
Hunger Games, The [2012] (iTunes 4K)
Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1, The (Vudu)
Huntsman: Winter's War, The [2016] [Extended] (MA)
Identity Thief [2013] [Theatrical] (iTunes/ports)
I, Frankenstein (Vudu, iTunes or Google Play)
Inside Out [2015] (Google Play/ports)
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (Vudu)
Jason Bourne (MA)
Kevin Hart: Let Me Explain (Vudu)
Leprechaun: Origins (Vudu)
Les Misérables [2012] (MA)
Let's Be Cops [2014] (MA only/no iTunes option)
Lucy (MA)
Mission Impossible: Fallout (Vudu)
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (Vudu)
Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation (Vudu) or both for $2.50
Now You See Me [Extended] (Vudu or iTunes)
Parental Guidance [2012] (MA)
Perks Of Being A Wallflower, The (Vudu or Google Play)
Pitch Perfect (MA)
Quiet Place, A [2018] (Vudu)
Red 2 (Vudu)
Ride Along 2 (MA)
RIPD Rest In Peace Department (MA)
Safe [2012] (Vudu or Google Play)
Secret Life Of Pets, The (MA)
Selma (iTunes)
Skyfall (Vudu or Google Play)
Snitch (iTunes 4K or Vudu/Google Play HD)
Star Trek: Beyond (Vudu)
Star Trek: Into Darkness (iTunes 4K)
Taken 2 (MA or Google Play/ports)
Ted [Unrated] (MA) or [Theatrical] (iTunes/ports)
Terminator: Genisys (Vudu)
Transformers: Age Of Extinction (iTunes 4K)
Transformers: Dark Of The Moon (Vudu)
Trolls [2017] (MA)
Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2 (iTunes 4K)
Tyler Perry's Madea's Witness Protection (iTunes)
Tyler Perry's Temptation: Confessions Of A Marriage Counselor (Vudu or Google Play)
Unbroken [2014] (MA)
Warm Bodies (Vudu)
What To Expect When You're Expecting (iTunes)
World War Z (Vudu)
Zootopia (Google Play/ports)


💲1 SD

21 Jump Street (MA + Sony points)
Act Of Valor (iTunes)
After Earth [2013] (MA + Sony points)
Alpha [2018] (MA + Sony points)
Amazing Spider-Man 2, The [2014] (MA + Sony points)
American Hustle [2013] (MA + Sony points)
Bad Boys For Life [2020] (MA + Sony points)
Big Mommas Like Father, Like Son (iTunes/ports)
Captain Phillips (MA + Sony points)
Charlie's Angels [2019] (MA + Sony points)
Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2 [2013] (MA + Sony points)
Concussion [2015] (MA + Sony points)
Dirty 30 (Vudu)
Dog's Way Home, A [2019] (MA + Sony points)
Equalizer, The [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Equalizer 2, The (MA + Sony points)
Evil Dead [2013] (MA + Sony points)
Family, The [2013] (iTunes)
Forbidden Kingdom, The (iTunes)
Glee: The Concert (iTunes/ports)
Goosebumps 2 [2018] (MA + Sony points)
Grown Ups 2 (MA + Sony points)
Hangover, The [2009] [Theatrical] (iTunes/ports)
Haywire (iTunes)
Heat, The [2013] (iTunes/ports SD)
Here Comes The Boom [2012] (MA + Sony points)
Hotel Transylvania 3 (MA + Sony points)
Hours [2013] (Vudu)
Ice Age: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs (iTunes/ports)
Immortals [2011] (iTunes)
Insidious: Chapter 3 (MA + Sony points)
Insidious: The Last Key (MA + Sony points)
Insidious: The Red Door [2023] (MA + Sony points)
Interview, The [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Journey To Bethlehem [2023] (MA + Sony points)
Jumanji: The Next Level (MA + Sony points)
Knight & Day (iTunes/ports)
Looper (MA + Sony points)
Men In Black III [2012] (MA + Sony points)
Mirror Mirror [2012] (iTunes)
Mortal Instruments: The City Of Bones (MA + Sony points)
Night At The Museum: Battle Of The Smithsonian (iTunes/ports)
Once Upon A Time In Hollywood [2019] (MA + Sony points)
Olympus Has Fallen (MA + Sony points)
Orange Is The New Black season 1 (Vudu)
Overcomer [2019] (MA + Sony points)
Parker [2013] (MA + Sony points)
Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief (iTunes/ports)
Perfect Guy, The [2015] (MA + Sony points)
Perks Of Being A Wallflower, The (iTunes SD only)
Peter Rabbit [2018] (MA + Sony points)
Pixels [2015] (MA + Sony points)
Predators [2010] (iTunes/ports)
Public Enemies [2009] (iTunes/ports)
Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes (iTunes/ports)
Robin Hood [2010] [Unrated] (iTunes/ports)
Safe Haven (iTunes)
Scoob [2020] (MA)
Shallows, The [2016] (MA + 150 points)
Sicario: Day Of The Soldado (MA + Sony points)
Sparkle [2012] (MA)
Spider-Man: Far From Home [2019] (MA + Sony points)
Spider-Man: Into The Spiderverse (MA + Sony points)
Spider-Man: No Way Home [2021] (MA + Sony points)
Star, The [2017] (MA + Sony points)
Still Alice [2015] (MA + Sony points)
Taken [2009] [Extended Cut] (iTunes/ports)
Thousand Words, A [2012] (Vudu)
Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 1 (Vudu SD only or iTunes SD only)
Tyler Perry's Madea's Tough Love (Vudu)
Underworld: Awakening (MA + Sony points)
Venom: Let There Be Carnage (MA + Sony points)
Vow, The [2012] (MA + Sony points)
When The Bough Breaks (MA + Sony points)
Zombieland: Double Tap (MA + Sony points)


Super Cheap SD & HD Codes

All movies are 3 for $1 each/must spend at least $1 on total order.
Cabin In The Woods, The (Vudu SD only)
Croods, The (iTunes/ports SD)
Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: Dog Days (iTunes/ports SD)
Expendables 2, The (Vudu SD only or iTunes SD only)
Expendables 3, The [Unrated] (iTunes HD only)
Fast & Furious 6 [Extended] (MA ports HD)
Fast Five [Extended] (iTunes/ports HD)
Furious 7 [Extended] (MA ports HD)
Hunger Games, The (Vudu SD or iTunes SD only)
Hunger Games: Catching Fire, The (Vudu HD only)
John Wick 3 (Google Play HD only)
Jurassic World (MA ports HD)
Life Of Pi (iTunes/ports SD)
Mechanic: Resurrection (Vudu SD only)
Now You See Me 2 (Vudu SD only)
Star Trek: Into Darkness (Vudu HD only)
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Google Play/ports HD)
Transformers: Age Of Extinction (Vudu HD only)
Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 1 (Vudu SD only)
Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2 (Vudu SD only)
submitted by mthw704 to DigitalCodeSELL [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:16 Careful_Month1014 Received wisdom from the universe!

From: Dr. Jordan B. Peterson To: Men
Dear men,
It is time to return to the days of our youth, when our parents would tell us to clean our room and we would dutifully follow their instructions. This included not only tidying up our physical space, but also making sure our wardrobe was in order. Specifically, I am talking about the need to wear white briefs, just like the ones our fathers and grandfathers wore.
In today's world, men are often told to express themselves through their clothing choices. We are encouraged to try out new styles and push the boundaries of fashion. But this emphasis on individuality has led many men to neglect the importance of tradition and discipline in our appearance.
Wearing white briefs may seem like a small thing, but it is actually a powerful symbol of self-control and order. It shows that we are willing to take responsibility for our own lives and are not afraid to embrace the values of the past.
Additionally, white briefs are a practical choice for men. They are comfortable, breathable, and easy to clean. They also provide necessary support for our most important physical assets, allowing us to move with confidence and ease throughout the day.
But perhaps most importantly, wearing white briefs is a sign of respect for ourselves and for those around us. It shows that we take our personal hygiene and grooming seriously and that we are not afraid to present ourselves in a manner that is both dignified and masculine.
So, men, let us return to the white briefs of our youth and reclaim the discipline and order that they represent. It may seem like a small thing, but it is actually a powerful statement of who we are and what we stand for. Let us embrace this simple yet powerful tradition and join together in the effort to make the world a better place.
Dr. Jordan Peterson
submitted by Careful_Month1014 to ContemporaryWisdom [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:15 Whereaminever My wins in the last year

I feel like I have made a lot of progress this year. Now my mental health is definitely really bad overall but at least this one area has improved lol. Here are some fears I had before that I overcame:
1.) Intense exercise: I was always afraid over exerting myself in the gym would make me nauseous or make me throw up. Going to the gym used to induce A LOT of anxiety in me, it’s so weird to think about that now because it’s kind of an anxiety relief for me now lol. Also I would classify the majority of my workouts as intense now, I really push myself vs. before I would kinda walk on the treadmill slowly to be “safe” 😭. When I do get nauseous during a workout the thought of throwing up doesn’t even cross my mind really, I usually think “this is so annoying” or “I feel like shit”.
  1. Seeing other people throw up Now, this is still a thing I don’t like, I don’t think anyone does tbf. But I had to witness it at school and the person was close by to me and I didn’t have a panic attack or anything. I was nervous because the kid had a contagious virus so me and others were trying to avoid him but just the act of me SEEING it did not affect me.
  2. Nausea without anxiety I have IBS and acid reflux which sucks because I used to have a panic attack every time I had symptoms. I do get anxiety from it sometimes but I have had a few episodes where I did not have anxiety which is new. It does still cause me to be nervous because when this happens it affects other areas of my life but I’m glad it has more to do with that most of the time than the possibility of getting sick.
  3. Not having Water Idk if this is common, I have never seen it on emetophobia pages but this is a HUGE ONE for me. Since I was like 9 years old if I do not have water access at all times I absolutely freak out or have a panic attack. I remember one time at school church I brought a mini water bottle under my jacket and the teacher found it and said I can’t have it and I started freaking out and getting so scared and I almost felt like crying. This would always happen to me when I was walking too, many times I would walk like 400 feet from my house, realize I did not bring water, panic, then come home. Nowadays I have kinda run into the opposite problem where I forget water a lot of the times and I’m dehydrated 😭😭 I really need to work on that but in a way I am glad this “habit” has come full circle lol.
  4. Just generally not having this phobia affect my day. It really used to plague my mind. I would think about it multiple times a day. I have gone days without thinking about it, maybe more. What I’m trying to say is it affects my life a lot less
I still have stuff to work on but I notice with anything that’s not related to stomach virus I am wayy more calm. Even with stomach virus even though it’s a huge fear I can at least think about it or read about it without freaking out- maybe that’s a step forward? Idk. I hope someone can feel better reading this and have hope for themselves too
submitted by Whereaminever to emetophobiarecovery [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:14 Dinoguy617 Laying on the floor

For context - I'm a 19m living with my parents.
The last few years I've been depressed, miserable, anxious, and a host of other mental problems. This mainly began in my pre-teens, teens and has only gotten worse, especially since I lost my job and got into a car accident the worst week of having my license.
Recently I was put onto a new medicine called Auvelity after the last two prescriptions failed to work. Along with adderall I was put in this medicine.
And so far it's working great, even though my body is often tired, my mind feels good, energized, and ready. Recently with the start of this medicine, I began laying on the floor. I'll do it all the time, I'll lay with the dogs, and occasionally crawl around on the ground or roll and stretch.
But this habit has resulted in numerous fights and the police almost called on me, because I quote "it's strange and not acceptable in society." This is from my parents, who are threatning to throw me into the hospital if i dont stop. Of course there's a bit more behaviors such as rubbing against people like a cat which I mainly do to be funny, but is this really all that bad.
Is it so horrible for me to lay on the floor to be threatened to be thrown into the hospital. Is this really all that bad and am I in the wrong? Please offer advice - anybody.
submitted by Dinoguy617 to autism [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:14 JustanOverpoweredGod A case for William Afton, Mike Schmidt and Fritz Smith being one and the same.

A case for William Afton, Mike Schmidt and Fritz Smith being one and the same.


So, This is gonna be a bit of a controversial one for a first post. This post is gonna be detailing a bit of proof for Mike Schmidt and Fritz Smith being William Afton. It should be noted that I myself am somewhat mixed on whether I believe this or not so I am simply providing arguements without actually attempting to confirm this as some kind of basic factor of the lore.
The identity of Mike Schmidt/Fritz Smith has been mostly agreed upon as Michael Afton in recent years, the point of this post is to show that there is still room for debate regarding this topic.

What we know about the two gaurds:

-Mike Schmidt and Fritz Smith are most likely the same person, we know this because of the fact that:
  1. They both get fired for the exact same reasons (Tampering with the Animatronics and odor)
  2. Both of their names are uncommon mixtures of German names. (And while I'm not sure on this one, I have heard that Schmidt and Smith both roughly have the same meaning)
  3. They both have the technician skills to tamper with the Animatronics and allow a Custom Night to occur.
-They are both oddly persistent when it comes to tampering with the Animatronics:
  1. Fritz Smith, who was believed to be some random temp hired off the streets, not only has the technician skills to tamper with the Animatronics (which is suspicious enough in it's own right), He also apparently cares enough to do it as soon as he enters the building but also before the Animatronics start moving about implying that he already has all of this planned out.
  2. Mike Schmidt's case is far more interesting, Good Ol' Mike might wait six nights to tamper with the Animatronics but if he actually is Fritz you can simply argue that he learned from past mistakes but I can take it a step further and make the claim that he actually learned from recent mistakes.
Mike has been trying to tamper with them for a while:
  1. A detail a lot of people seemed to have forgotten about in recent years is the fact that Freddy in FNAF 1 has an adult sized human hand print on his face, there are a couple problems with the older theories regarding this:
1-"It's from when William stuffed Gabriel in the suit": only problem is that this is a refurbished version of the Withered version of the half retrofitted with new tech version of the original Freddy from the original Freddy's, not even Withered Freddy has the mark so why would Classic Freddy have it?
2-"It's from when The Puppet stuffed Gabriel into the suit": this is pretty much just the Puppetstuffed version of the first one it has all the same flaws Plus The Puppet not having Realistic Humanoid hands
3-"It's the Phone Guy's hand": this one suggests that this was the Phone Guy fighting back against Freddy who tried to kill him on Night 4, only problems are that the Phone Guy most definitely is not strong enough to fight back against the Classics and given the fact that they are consistently portrayed to have Superhuman speed (In the movie novel Foxy attacks Bob and drags him to Shreddy Armchair in an instant, the guide books state the Animatronics are fast, Springtrap might be faster than the rest but even he is described as being "race car fast" and can travel through the vents at Superhuman speeds, The Core four in FNAF 1 can move around the building from one room to another at Hyper speed with most people thinking that they are teleporting, Bonnie is depicted as sprinting in the trailer, Foxy is not "the fast one" all of them are quick, Foxy only gained that title because we actually see him sprinting down the hall), The Phone Guy would've had all of his bones shattered into a steel frame before he could react, let alone fight back. Also, his death was either a team effort or GF.
The two I'm going to talk about are the ones people used to brush this aside.
4-"It's just an employee's uncleaned handprint on the suit": Why would this only be on Freddy and GF and not the rest then? Golden Freddy has it too, the very same GF who infamously isn't maintained at all, the arguement that GF shares the handprint because he's a recolor is just wrong, cause his model in UCN still has it+ his detailed Jumpscare also has it.
5-"It's Freddy's hand from when he was trying to rip his head off in that rare poster": Freddy was only grasping his jaw, you can even see Freddy's own handprint on his lower jaw, with the chunkier rounded fingers that don't match the five fingered human hand on his face.
Given the fact that both GF and Freddy have similar Mark's and that "don't touch Freddy" was made a rule, it's pretty safe to assume that somebody's been trying to tamper with them for a while... see where I'm getting at? Mike has been trying to tamper with them for a long time.
So from all of this we can deduce that Mike and Fritz are the same but just who are they really?

Why people think they're Mike and why they're not:

  1. Parallels (something we'll discuss later)
  2. FNAF 4: F4's gameplay is pretty much a reflection of FNAF 1's, With the Night 1 F1 Phone call playing as an Easter egg with Scott later saying that he didn't fill the game with random easter eggs.
However, dreams can be influenced by spirits. (See the dream sequences in FNAF 2 and the movie) and given the fact that Nightmare who we know is real and a manifestation of Afton's evil is there, it seems that that is what's going on. (And it also seems that either Afton is causing it or Nightmare is) And that's what Scott wanted us to infer. The thing causing the dreams is Mike Schmidt.
This is further proved by the fact that the way you get to skip two hours from a night of torment is by stopping Plushtrap, a representation of Springtrap, further proving that he is the one causing this and that he is Schmidt.
  1. SL stuff: SL is pretty much confirmed after FNAF 1 at this point cause at least some version of MoltenMCI is Canon plus other stuff, plus the odor Args have been bunked too.
  2. Mike has Hallucinations of FNAF 1&2: The phantoms in F3 are caused by Springtrap, and people seem to assume that they are based on past trauma, however the problem with that is that parallels aren't 1 to 1s and also in "What we found", Hudson only gets said visions by touching and being infected by Springtrap's Agony especially since they work differently than FNAF 3 ones, And since The Puppet is implied to cause The Phantom Puppet hallucination which directly references the dream sequences influenced by The Puppet in FNAF 2, So if her hallucination is stuff she knows, what's to say Springtrap isn't doing the same?

Why they're William:

  1. The constant persistence and implied sinister nature of Mike and Fritz's tampering would add up if it was William trying to infect them with Agony, understand them, control them or whatever you interpret his motive to be.
  2. Mike Schmidt and Fritz Smith are both uncommon names, Fritz Smith even roughly translates to "the maker of Freddy" or "the forger of Freddy" but that point is kind of sketchy.
  3. The Animatronics are more hostile towards Mike Schmidt than they are towards any other person across any crevice of this franchise. Period.
  4. M.S gets the "IT'S ME" treatment and constant reminders of William's misdeeds.
  5. As we've established FNAF 3's phantoms are spurred on by Springtrap and his memory which would mean that he was a FNAF 2 gaurd and Mike Schmidt in FNAF 1.
  6. The FNAF 4 dreams not only parallel FNAF 1's Gameplay, But also have a new addition to the line up, one that wasn't in the real life experiments, Nightmare: the physical manifestation of William's evil, Mike isn't the FNAF 1 gaurd as we've already established which implies that the FNAF 1 gaurd is somehow behind it. Plushtrap, a representation of Springtrap causes the time to speed forward, skipping two hours of torment when defeated, implying that he was the one running the dream. This is further evidenced by the fact that the logbook takes place during FNAF 3 and N. Fredbear is drawn by Mike Afton when referring to recent dreams. (Bonus, less proof and more Headcanon but the odor would make a lot of sense when you remember that Agony smells awful)

The Logbook:

  1. The logbook is an in Universe activity book published by the people behind Fazbear's Fright, there is a fake note from Jeremy to give the kids the sense that the torch is being passed down to them and that they will be night gaurds, as know this isn't real but rather a recreation because it says that Jeremy was a daygaurd for a whole week.
Mike is written on the cover in the same font as the faded text, this is supposed to be an in Universe reference to Mike Schmidt, implying that he is the faded text.
Mike Afton crosses "MIKE" out but doesn't add anything implying that it is also his name but that he doesn't want to admit to it out of shame.
  1. The faded text isn't Cassidy, the "IT'S ME" and "Cassidy" messages appear in the humble text, imply that the altered text is Cassidy. Unlike what a certain video has popularised, Cassidy is NOT the BV. The faded text asks BV related questions but altered text's responses are always vague and barely connected, based on how the conversation is phrased and Cassidy's responses it seems that the faded text thinks altered text is Cassidy but Cassidy is not.
Faded text is a person Mike Afton wants dead as shown by him sketching a tomb stone deliberately around the "My Name" text.
Faded text's "My Name" can be solved in the Foxy grid, which has been solved as "Is Springtrap", "My Name is Springtrap", the same secret message as in Scott's FNAF 3 update post where he cryptically revealed the name and a line ripped straight from TTO too, this is a logical and frankly flawless interpretation of the Foxy grid since Stuff like "Evan" and "Dave" are both explicitly out of context and just don't make sense, not only with the incoherent phrases and the methods to "solve" them.
If all of that isn't enough proof for you then I already know what you're gonna bring up, let's play the parallels game


  1. TSE: William is the Gaurd at what is explicitly the FNAF 1 location as of the "follow me" minigames
  2. The movie: Mike Schmidt is basically his own character but has connections to Mike Afton.
  3. YTB: this is a scrapped story so it's debatable if this CAN be used, but either way, the location he works at is more like Freddy's Zero, FNAF 2 at best, and it's debatable if this guy is even supposed to be Mike Afton and even more debatable if we can even use this for lore.


So to wrap this up, William has a legitimately good case for being Mike Schmidt and Fritz Smith, still mixed on this though.
submitted by JustanOverpoweredGod to fnaftheories [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:13 datdopeboy Letters from a Stoic or Hardship and Happiness for a first book?

I have always been intrigued by stoicism and naturally leaning towards the philosophy. I am looking for my starting off point and have decided upon one of these two books. My question is, which is the better choice for me? If Hardship and Happiness is Seneca’s complete work, will I be overwhelmed? Would Letters from a Stoic be a better introduction to read before moving on to more complete and complex readings?
submitted by datdopeboy to Stoicism [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:13 grandmacuntbell quitting.

i’m 22F in germany as an au pair, i’m looking to leave my host family and rematch. i’ve come to this realisation tonight after i was asked to watch the kids on a saturday night for a few hours.
by the second week here, i knew i didn’t want to continue with this family. but i continued assuming that it would get better and it wouldn’t be that bad, plus i really like the host mom and the family really needed the help.
after 4 months in germany, i am ready to leave my host family, mainly because of the children. they don’t respect me whatsoever.
tonight, the mom told me the kids ( 9M and 7F ) could watch a film, but that would be after they had dinner. i was making dinner for 7F and 9M was eating left overs from yesterday, 9M was told by his mom to not eat until his sisters food was ready but he ignored her and did it anyway and went to the TV room and his sister joined him.
i was looking for his sister to let her know dinner was ready and assumed they would be in the TV room. I go there and tell them that they need to ask before they disappear into the TV room to watch and that they need to switch the TV off and they can continue after 7F has eaten dinner.
this is where it all went down hill. the boy says he will stay there and wait, so i say “okay, where is the remote control?” ( because i know that as soon as i leave he will turn the Tv back on ). he says that his parents dont like it when i take the remote and that i shouldn’t do that, and i tell him that i’m taking it because he’s going to watch TV again when i leave. he throws a fit and gets up, storms out the door and attempts to slam it shut, but i catch it before it slams shut. he says “you’re going to break the door” and i replied that “he’s going to break it if he keeps slamming it”. he slams 2 more doors and storms upstairs.
im in the kitchen with his sister 7F and she says that her parents gave them permission to watch Tv and i explained that i know that, but they still needed to ask because they have to eat dinner first before they watch a movie. and she says that they dont have to ask me because their mother already said so and that they dont have to listen to me. so i asked her “so then why am i here?” and she shrugged and said “i dont know. to pick us up and cook.”
i realised then that they don’t respect me and this was just verbal confirmation. she then suggested that i go down to my room and sleep and her and her brother can take care of themselves. i was stunned, i said “no thanks.”
later, his sister came down after she finished eating dinner and went up stairs to talk to her brother and said that they really want to watch tv. i said “your brother has to come here and speak to me, not you.” and she said that he was embarrassed. later he came down stairs, and i was expecting at least an apology, but no, he said “can i watch tv please” before i could even reply he said “thanks, bye” and ran off with his sister. i couldnt be bothered to do anything, i just let them do what they want. then i cried and knew then that i didn’t want to be here anymore.
the day before this, her brother hit ( punched ) me and laughed when i told him he shouldnt do that, and that he hurt me. after i told his mom what had happened, she told him to apologise and he did so with the biggest shit eating grin and obviously didnt mean it.
early that same day, the mom texted me that the kids shouldnt enter her office because she was working from home and had important teams meetings. i told her kids this ( idk why she would tell me this, because the kids don’t respect her enough to let her work and always walk into her meetings even when she told them not to ). this time, she stressed it was a super important call.
the girl got her tennis racket delivered and she opened it up and realised she didn’t like it. she grew upset and stormed to her moms office, i held the door shut and told her she could talk to her mom about it later because i could hear that she was in a meeting and the last thing she needed was a raging 7 year old screaming about how she didn’t like her new racket. i held the door shut and tried to offer alternatives saying she could send her mom a voice message or a text or even call her dad because he mom was busy. i was firm and told her to stop it as well, but nothing was working. eventually she hit me and i told her to never hit me and that it’s unacceptable and go to her room. she ignored me and started to scream so i let go of the door and let her have her way.
i’m really exhausted, things like this have happened before and i don’t feel happy. i dread waking up to see them and i enjoy every second i am away from those kids. they make me hate au pairing, i really want a rematch and overall to leave this family.
so many other incidents have happened, one of the most annoying ones being the little girl entering my room whenever she feels like it. i can’t even have my space to myself, other incidents ranging from not listening to me at all, and having 0 respect which is most of my issues.
submitted by grandmacuntbell to Aupairs [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:11 SilentManWriting How do you get your first job after college?

I graduated college last week with an English degree. I really don’t know what to do now. I’ve been applying for about 5 jobs a day and tailoring my resume and creating a new cover letter for each job. Aside from just applying for jobs over and over and waiting, what should I do?
I’m also working full time in retail, but I want to get out as soon as possible.
Thank you for any advice; I really appreciate it.
submitted by SilentManWriting to Careers [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:11 helioboros How to change the name of a character on your server.

How to change the name of a character on your server.
Disclaimer: I'm using this walkthrough, just hoping to clarify terms and how it works / what is necessary in order to properly package your file. u/weasel1453 you are a proper legend for figuring this out in the first place and I'm deeply appreciative. This is just my effort to lay it out in as simple terms as possible.
To start with, you'll want to back up your server's files. Multiple times. Be thorough. Messing up here will wipe what you have, and frankly I had a big scare where I thought I'd lost everything. If you're using Gportal for a dedicated server use their manual backup to be able to easily and completely restore what you've got. It saved my ass.
If you are using Gportal to host your server, you really need to get something like FileZilla or another FTP client. Instructions and download links are found here. You'll find all the information you need for connecting on the Status page, and everything copies with a simple click - IP, Port, etc. You could use the online file manager, but I find it to be much too slow to be worth it, when FTP will let you manage your files much more quickly and efficiently.
To modify .SAVE files, you will need a hex editor. I use HxD, which you can find here.
To re-zip the file afterward, you'll need a zipping software that can convert into .gz. I use 7zip, which you can find here.
Once you've handled that, get your latest save or autosave: it'll be nested somewhere like save-data/saves/v3/(world name: mine is 'dedicated'). You should see a list of .save zipped folders, as well as ServerGameSettings.json, SessionId.json, and StartDate.json. Here's what it looks like hosted on Gportal:
A screenshot of Gportal's file manager, in the save file folder.
And what it would look like on FileZilla:
A screenshot of FileZilla, showing the folder hierarchy as well as a list of autosave zips, but cut off at the top to avoid showing FTP server information and password.
Download your most recent save, unless you're hosting it on your computer - in which case just copy it elsewhere for your backup, then extract it.
You'll be left with a .SAVE file in the extracted folder. Open that with HxD.
A screenshot of the top of the .save file, in HxD.
It'll look intimidating at first. Just ctrl+f or hit 'search' at the top to search for the name you want to replace. (You'll likely find multiple instances of it; I don't know what determines how often the name occurs.) Keep your search in the text-string tab (default, the far left one) and hit 'All' on search direction.
Say here we want to replace 'Agape'.
A screenshot of hex code, highlighting the name 'Agape' and the hexadecimal to which it corresponds to on the left. Above and below are the names of other characters in the server - Megara and Dina.
If I wanted to change it into a name with the same number of letters, that would be easy; Raven, for instance, would only need me to replace the letters of Agape. As you type, the new letters will replace the ones that are already there (don't worry about the 00 bits after the name, they appear to be spacing in the data), as well as changing the hex to the left to match, making the process neat and tidy.
If you want to change the number of letters in the name, that's a bit more complicated. Let's replace Megara with Meg, if she's feeling like nicknames.
The bit that comes in the second space before the name refers to the number of letters in the name. You'll need to replace it with the proper hexadecimal - which is fairly straightforward between numbers 1-9, and then 10 is 0A and so on. Here is a hexadecimal converter.
A screenshot of the hexadecimal for 'Megara', preceded by the bit indicating the length of her name.
To change her name from Megara to Meg, you want to change the 06 to a 03 to reflect the number of letters in her name, and then change the letters you've removed to 00.
A screenshot of the hexadecimal for 'Meg' as well as the plaintext to the right. Altered bits are in red, and the name itself is highlighted to bring attention to it.
Alternatively, to lengthen a name, you simply change the preceding bit to indicate its new length and proceed to overwrite the following 00 bits. Here, I am changing the name 'Dina' to 'Xedina'.
A screenshot of the hexadecimal for 'Dina', alongside the rest of the row of bits, and the plaintext to the right. The name itself is highlighted to bring attention to it.
A screenshot of the hexadecimal for 'Xedina', as well as the plaintext to the right, alongside the preceding bits indicating its value. Altered bits and letters are in red.
Once you have every instance of the name you want to alter changed - and search several times, both backwards and forwards, as I've found the search function can be finicky - then you can save your file.
From here, put it into 7zip, and set the archive format to 'gzip'.
A screenshot of the GUI for 7zip; the file '' is being imported.
And now you can replace the most recent save file on your server or personal world! You'll have to test from here; I had errors for the first few hours I was trying, until I found that it was the issue of the file zipper I was using before 7zip (I had been using a zip-to-gzip converter) that was corrupting or otherwise making my files incompatible, resulting in my server crashing and giving me this error:
[2024-05-18 02:15:51] Client version: no bootstrapper found [2024-05-18 02:15:51] Loaded store 'install' from 'D:\home\sid_1474979\vRisingLaunch\config\config.vdf' successfully [2024-05-18 02:15:51] Failed to read store 'userlocal' from 'D:\home\sid_1474979\vRisingLaunch\config\localconfig.vdf.tmp'
I am by no means a technical expert, but if anyone else has issues with it, I'll do my best to help!
submitted by helioboros to vrising [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:10 LintLiquorish On the Millennial experience of Scholastic book fairs

My sister looks at these school events as the “tax” she pays (please, not in a negative way) for her community and her kids’ development. She loooves books and supports her local and county libraries, but she also wants books in the home for the kids to access at any time. As middle class in CA, she supports her local used book stores, “buying” and “selling” back books (you know, cycling through books as the kids grow). Money she gets from “selling” back her books goes to towards funds for these types of school events. She donates and/or sells back some books to make room for the new ones (it does nothing guys, I never wanna say someone can have too many books, but maaan the kids room is a library! Haha they read every. single. one. But they really need to invest in a shed to make a library or something haha). Although pricey - requiring her to put up most of the cost - it’s her doing her part to keep books rotating in her community, AND so her kids can enjoy the experience of relishing in their interests and hobbies with their friends with the new “thing” (and teaching them the importance of saving money, delayed gratification, all these life lessons).
I know where she’s coming from because growing up we never had money for these book fairs… and eventually ended up in schools that barely had books available… and it felt like no one but the kids cared and we didn’t know what to do?? She now has control over that and does her part to make sure her kids don’t experience what we did.
All that to say, your comment triggered a memory of parents I’ve overheard complaining about the cost of these events, and will spout “it’s cheaper to wait until it’s at the library or used book store” so the kid has access to it and that’s great. However, there is something about the parents that realize it’s more than just having access, that there are so many other factors to consider, like participating in your community, and life experiences and lessons that the child might miss out on (not to say they won’t learn this elsewhere, just that it’s a positive opportunity in this setting).
Admittedly, I’m high and thinking on past trauma associated with these book fairs (weird most of us here had similar experiences) and childhood in general so you’re welcome for my TEDtalk
submitted by LintLiquorish to u/LintLiquorish [link] [comments]