Lamictal rash with pictures

PetAdvice: questions, stories, etc. about your pets.

2012.02.10 21:15 HorrendousRex PetAdvice: questions, stories, etc. about your pets.

A friendly group for people who need pet advice.

2013.08.30 18:06 dmuse Women Who Rip

A women surfer safe space to promote, inspire and support women in the lineup. We love surfing, we rip, come join Girl Surfers! We are obviously female friendly but still welcome all genders, ages, races, what have you.

2024.05.22 00:29 h974974 [Acne] Perioral dermatitis, fungal or hormonal acne?

[Acne] Perioral dermatitis, fungal or hormonal acne?
My daughter went to college with clear skin after battling acne for a few years in high school. The closed comedones started popping up on both sides of her mouth in March about two months after she got off of yaz birth control, then the pimples started. It's limited mostly around her mouth cheeks and jaw. Both sides of her face get the same amount of acne. She has a couple pimples around her hairline/eyebrows but her forehead and nose are pretty clear. The redness on her cheeks is just because she played volleyball in the sun today, she usually has no redness unless it's around an inflamed pimple. The closed comedones are flesh colored.
She's a drooler which initially made me think it was perioral dermatitis. She started using a zinc bar and diaper rash cream and changed her tooth paste with no improvement. Now she's home and has begun oil cleansing before washing her face and using chemical exfoliants like salicylic acid and AHA. I thought we'd wait to try retinol. We have an appointment with a dermatologist. I'm just wondering, everyone's thoughts about what they think it is. I will update with what the dermatologist says and eventually progress on what worked or didn’t work.
*Posted a picture of everything she was using in the comments. Her routine was kinda sporadic but she always washed her face twice a day and moisturized. Everything she uses is fragrance free
submitted by h974974 to SkincareAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:49 TwoProfessional4607 I’m insanely obsessed with my English teacher, and iv done despicable things

Lol, I thought this would be funny to write about as a first silly little post as it is the most interesting thing in my life. (Don’t mind any typos)
First of all, to anyone who wants to tell me to stop or get over it or give me any valid reasonable and rational advice,I will not listen so don’t bother.
As these stories go, I 15(f) in love with English teacher 26(f). I’m obsessed with her, and have been for almost msot 2 years, it would have been longer if she had come into my life sooner.
I’m not a love at first sight person, so it took a while for it to come about. And iv always had problems with getting violently obsessed with things, I believe it’s some kind of coping mechanism, you know? If I don’t have something to live for then I fall in love with something, subconsciously of course. First it was cartoon characters then celebrity’s and the for the first time a real person who I know in real life! (Except she’s my teacher and she’s 26) but also the first woman iv ever fallen for (iv always known Im pan so it wasn’t a shock really). I think another HUGE reason I love her is because I don’t have a mother, she was abusive, druggy, alcoholic yadi-yadi-yada, and so I don’t live with her and I don’t like her and she isn’t there for me, and so I meet a kind female adult who I look up to? Obviously I get attached and I see her as a mother figure. I really do, I want to be just like her, I want to make her proud, I seek her validation, i want to fuck her. You know, regular motherly things!
The first day I met her, first day of year 10. From the second she walked into the class I felt her energy and her vibes and I had that feeling where you instantly like someone and want to be friends with them and think they are super cool. Now, she is not hot, like Obviously to me me right now in this moment she’s the most beautiful and pretty person iv ever seen she’s so cute and hot and all that, but Obviously that’s because I’m obsessed with her everything about her is great, but she’s the kind of ugly that when she first walked into the class people snickered.
She has a rash on her chin, a noticeable moustache, she looks at least 30 despite being much younger, her eyes are creepy looking and small, her skin is really red and dry and way too textured, she does weird ugly facial expressions, she has a big nose, her hair is never brushed and always greasy, she has really small eyelashes blah blah blah.. (she obviously has some really nice features as well, but I’m trying to prove i don’t like her for her looks)
Now In her defence I think they were laughing because she has the hugest ass iv seen in my entire life, not cuz of her face. (She wears really tight leggings everyday) But, she is overweight and a lot of people bring her down cuz of it but that has nothing to do with any of it for me obviously, and I obviously didn’t laugh when she walked in.
The point is, I instantly liked her and her personality, she has that school mum vibe, she’s witty she’s confident she’s loud, she’s funny, she’s so weird (like she does and says the weirdest stuff, she’ll start dancing out of no where with no warning, she shortens words all the time and then says them three times like: “fab fab fab” she has just the weirdest tendencies and mannerisms it’s insane), shes always so exited and jolly, she’s like a ball of sunshine yet at the same time she’s so sassy and passive aggressive, when I’m older I wanna be just like her you know!
And that’s how I felt for a long time, I would just enjoy her lessons because of the energy and vibes she’d bring! She makes everything so much fun just by being there, she’s also a drama teacher so she’s great at getting a crowd going and stuff. But it seemed no one else liked her, they either fat shamed her, or said she was a bitch, or found her annoying.
They aren’t wrong she is all of those things, but she’s only a bitch to you if you don’t respect her and then she’s passive aggressive and makes your time in her class hell, and as her favourite student who kissed her ass everyday it was fun for me to watch people get roasted by her and never have to worry about it. She is annoying to a lot of people because she hypes everyone up, and she’s loud and obnoxious and confident, she laughs at her own jokes and she’s giggly and she does stupid accents, she’s the walking talking definition of “QUIRKY” and so 15 year olds find her incredibly cringey and jarring. But as an immature individual my self I found her energy like something I have never seen anyone have so i from the first day thought she was my favourite teacher ever!
I often take the role of like comic relief when it comes to my friends so I often make the joke myself, and once I felt this admiration for my English teacher, and this giddy happy feeling in me when I saw her, I thought it would be a great idea to pretend/ hint to having a crush on her to my friends as a joke so they can make fun of me. It was small things like “oh my english teacher! … oh.. I liiiiikkkee herrrrrrrr~!” Id day when people mention her, no one caught onto the joke for a couple months until one day, after a holiday I had dyed my hair and she walked past me and she complimented it, I thanked her and INSTANTLY MY HEART WAS POUNDING AND I GOT ALL GIGGLING, my friend was next to me and found it funny obviously. And then the more I went to her lessons I couldn’t stop getting all sweaty and nervous around her, and every time she’d do something cute, like squeal when she’s frustrated and make weird noises or do a fake accent, or tell a joke I’d feel so unbelievably happy, and I couldn’t stop talking and thinking about her, but Eveytime I’d think about her or look at her id get a huge ick of like.. but ewww she’s so not hot! I can NOT be in love with THAT.
By summer I was still feeling this Same way, one day she wore a dress and like the dopey idiot she is, she lifted her leg and from where I sat I saw her panties. I WAS DISGUSTED, and looked away. And then looked back.. but then looked away.. and then looked back.. and then looked away.. (and did it a couple more times) but I felt sick in my stomach the whole time! It was not a hot thing at the time.
Then the year ends and it’s the summer holiday, (now up until this point I was quite caught up with my David walliams obsession. yes the 56 year old.. and so I didn’t really care about her all that much. On the first day back, before school started I went to a birthday party and I saw her walking outside of the school, when I saw her my heat was beating so fast, i hadn’t seen her in 6 weeks and I was not expecting to see her then, I said hi to her and i couldn’t stop thinking about that moment so intensely, and every thought I had about her being ugly didn’t matter to me, it’s not like I forgot about it, I know what she looks like, but I just think everything about her is so beautiful, it’s part of her and so its perfect.
That feeling got worse and worse as the year went by, every time i see her I shake, i sweat, I have panic attack like symptoms, but I feel so happy, like manic, I am overwhelmed, I want to punch things, I want to scream.
Then we get to the part where to silence this obsession I did regrettable and wierd things that she will never know about, some of the despicable things iv done in “the name of love” for her include:
Eating her hair Licking her spit of the table Kissing her chair when she leaves the room Following her around school Drawing her Writing poems about her Writing songs about her Making edits of her Taking photos of her Recording her voice when she talks to me Stealing her trash Licking her pens Making AI chat bots with her personality Making a bingo game about her (that one is just funny, and all my friends played it too, during her lessons lol)
And many other things I won’t mention. Obviously I’m not proud of any of this, and I didn’t really need to do it, some of it I did “as a joke” for my friends, some of them I did just because I could.. but the recording her voice one is essential! Anytime we’d have a heart felt convo I’d record it so I can listen to it if I ever loose the will to live (surprisingly frequently).
Now our relationship as student and teacher was/is very good.
We’ve had some lovely moments, she told me she cared about me outside of the classroom.
A personal favourite of mine: One time she was marking my work and it was just us in the classroom and I rested my head on her shoulder as she was going through it with me, and she looked down at me and she smiled and then we stayed like that for ages while she marked my work.
All my friends said I was delusional and that she probably hates me, but she has a huge ego and i believe she likes to keep me around to give it a boost every now and then.
I wore a matching outfit with her once (on accident) and she was very happy about it
Anytime I’d ask her what I can do to improve my grade she’s say to me “oh no! But you’re doing really well! I thought you did great!”
She’d never get mad at me or shout at me for anything, if we are doing a one between two activity she’d give me the only extra sheet in the class
I asked her to sit at the front to her because I “concentrate better at the front” (i only asked cuz i wanted to sit closer to her) she gave me a sly smirk and then the next lesson she moved me to the back of the class, and also moved her self to the back of the class.
We took a selfie together and the whole time she was giggling, I gave her a Christmas card, she lets me follow her around the school, she gave my friends dirty looks when they were being mean to me
I sent her stupid emails of pictures of capybaras (it was an inside joke between us) and she responded with a way to enthusiastic response for such a simple image lol!
I sand “you belong with me” by TS and she stood in the crown and when it got to the “you belong with me” bit I pointed at her and she pointed back! Singing the words back to me
Oh, and let us not forget the amount of eye contact. I never look people in the eye, one of my first exes I barely ever looked into their eyes all the time I knew them, I just suck at eye contact. Until I met her, since I’m so insecure about her forgetting me or loosing me or something I often stare at her when she’s teaching to make sure that she doesn’t forget me. And some how in the last couple of months she stares at me as well.
Anytime she tells a joke she looks straight at me to see how I respond (always with giggles even when it’s the lamest thing iv ever heard. It’s often not funny at all.) and the entire time shes teaching the lessons I will stare at her. IN HER EYES. Like, I’ll often smile calmly, but if she hasn’t looked at me in like 4 minutes then I’ll stare deeper, but she usually looks into my eyes and hold it for a while sometimes she’ll even smile at me and then stutter and forget what she’s saying before looking away and continuing. She’ll stare deeply into my eyes, throughout the lesson, and I also always catch her looking at me first.
Once she was helping me with my work, she got really close to me, and she stared into my eyes and then I see her getting small glances at my lips (with this one I may be a little delusional) she leaned in and she kept getting confused. Like, she yaps a lot, and a lot very loudly. So it was odd for her to be standing there her arm touching mine talking to me and being like “…. Um-.. heh-.. where was i..” and she flicks through my paper and then looks back at me and goes silent and then swallows and then looks down and then flips through it again and then says something small and short followed by more silence.
I also have a theory shes on drugs, for many reasons but one time I needed her to take a photo of my book, and she was acting so weird, tired but like really like dizzy and loopy and breathless. And she went to take a photo of my book, and got behind me and she leaned into my book, and I felt her heavy loud breath on my neck as her stray hairs were tickling the side of my face and her shoulder was touching my back, she she just stood there and stared at my book for ages until i was like “um so.. you can.. take a photo or something..” and then she slowly did it hahahaha!
Obviously it’s now exam time and so school is basically over and I have no more lessons, so I didn’t go into depth about how much she means to me as a person but to sum it up into one sentence; I would want to seriously kill my self with out her in my life.
And so the thing I had been fearing for so long, the last English lesson, the last time seeing my dear beloved. Well obviously it’s life or death so I have to tell her how I feel and get her to stay in contact with me.
The last lesson ends I go up to her after a morning of: pissing my self, shitting my self, throwing up in my mouth, constantly putting on perfume, checking my hair and chewing the mintiest of gums. And I start my speech, I won’t go into it but I told her how I felt about her (minus the being in love bit I played it off as platonic duh, im not fully stupid).
I told her that she means so much to me, and she’s (one of) my favourite people in the world (that’s a white lie she’s my only favourite) I can’t go on with out her, I need her, iv felt this way since the first lesson, your so fun, you mean so much to me! I cant loose you, I don’t know what I would do with out you!!!!
I cried in her arms as she hugged me! And i didnt even need to ask she suggested we could stay in contact, in-fact all i had said was “I’ll miss you so much :(“ and she already suggested we stay in contact, but Obviosuly I still did the whole speech cuz at some point she needed to know. Her response was basically that she already knew, but she was very pleased to hear it, and everything is going to be perfectly okay.
She said we can stay in contact (through email, cuz apparently there is a “legal thing unfortunately” stopping her from giving me her number (yes I did ask for her number, but in a total no homo way.)
She said I can talk to her anytime about anything as much as I like, and that’s good enough for me!
I also gave her a drawing I did of her and me together which was cute, her response to that was “oh very cool! she walks over. she takes it in her hands, very excited to see it. This really throws her confidence off, she’s really not expecting this. OH THIS IS AMAIZING! her voice cracks THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH! this is lovely! thank you, this is soo good! oh-muh-gud it’s SO good! oww I love it! thank you.. I’m wearing the same top as well, how fun~.. HOW FUN!!!! how fun!! … she takes it and puts it in her bag i will prop this up, on my desk! wicked wicked awesome!” (I recorded her reaction so that’s how you know it’s word for word)
In conclusion, im creepily obsessed and its a problem, but I don’t really regret anything cuz it’s all gotten me to this point where I can talk to her when ever I want and that’s all I could ever ask her. Yes I want to fuck her, but that’s not important to me I just need her in my life, she’s my world she’s my reason of living, and I’m so happy things are this way! I’m doing my exams now so I get to see her everyday when I come into school (by see her I mean wait outside the staff room so I can catch a glimpse of her knee). I’m also glad I’m not in her lessons anymore cuz I’d always get so twitchy around her, anytime she’d be near me and I’d be trying my best not to lunge at her, when I see her my mouth waters I just wanna grab her and kiss her all over! Eeek! She’s adorableeeee!
I love herrrrr ❤️❤️❤️
submitted by TwoProfessional4607 to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:25 Silver_liver The Ashtapadan Chapter 21. Seeing TWO handsome men at the lecture? Gentry's not learning anything today!

chapters 1&2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
The lecture was supposed to be on Rationality 101, apparently not for Newcomers only. Serene was there to have her back but G was having a hard time focusing.
The boring black uniform more fitting for a hotel receptionist defaced the godlike beauty standing in front of a huge screen. Gentry couldn’t believe her eyes: this was the man she had her hands on a little while ago?
No, it couldn’t be.
It had been just an avatar, too perfect in its unblemished visage, too pure for this world. Yet the man whose face she remembered as if it was etched on the back of her eyelids, who she’d been constantly thinking about, who her hands itched to snatch, was standing right there, in the flesh.
Back in the dreamy simulated world she caught herself thinking that a trim waist like this couldn’t anatomically work on a human, yet here he was: a towering spread of fit shoulders perfectly balanced above the flexible whip of his midsection. The light-grey eyes that betrayed every movement of his pupils were as real as the ones that reflected the mock moon during her test. Below them lay the sharp slope of the cheekbones one could cut themselves on.
The only thing a bit different, apart from the outfit choice, was the young god’s hair. In the simulation, it was flowing and probably too long to be practical. This person’s mane was much shorter and fell down his neck in a neat ponytail, tastefully tamed with a single hairpin.
She had to get her hands on this treasure.
He was making last minute preparations for the lecture, looking through the papers on the desk, dark strands framing his face, light grey eyes sharp in careful concentration.
Professor Q, huh.
He said this was his name, and so did the note on the lecture hall door.
She was sure it was the man who had melted in her arms making the most delicious sounds a male throat could produce.
Had he recognised her?
At the time of the simulation session, she didn’t have a camera that could pick up her facial features but just to be on the safe side, she decided to go by “G” in his class. There were bound to be lots of people with a name starting with a G, right? What would be the odds it was this particular newcomer that Q had tested that would end up in his class?
The man finally lifted his eyes at the audience and a gentle smile momentarily graced his features before disappearing as if he didn’t see someone he’d expected to.
The holoboard on the wall behind him obediently lit up following his nonchalant gesture. Gentry found it annoying that one needed a pair of special glasses to see all the augmented reality stuff and really navigate the city but again, with Sereen’s help she had more or less gotten used to it in the couple of days she had to deal with the necessities like settling down, getting food and finding her way around Ashtapada.
Still, could they use a piece of chalk or, at least, a marker to write on the board? No need to show off your Fully Automated Luxury Space Communism tech just to write a couple of notes on the board!
On second thought, high-tech-crazy or not, if this city brought up men like this one, she would definitely do her best to stay here to… reap the benefits!
They took a desk next to a huge clear floor-to-ceiling window that overlooked the winter garden.
“Professor Q seems a little distracted today,” Sereen said, swiftly tapping a couple of buttons on G’s wrist to show her how to confirm that she was attending the lecture. “He’s usually much more chatty and friendly. I wonder what got into him.”
“Is he?” Gentry responded with an artificial air of indifference. “I just hope he’s more open to a discussion than that Poe guy.”
“He is! And Professor Poe isn’t that bad,” Sereen reprimanded before chuckling a little — since his little secret became known to students, he became known as Holopoe. “Just wait and see, it’s gonna be a blast. Q’s lectures are always very engaging.”
It proved to be utter bullshit.
After fiddling with the symbols on the interactive screen for ten minutes into the class, students getting more and more agitated behind his back, the lecturer seemed to give up. Turning back to the audience, he absentmindedly nodded to a couple of people in the lecture hall and sighed with a painfully fake smile.
“For today’s class, we are going to need to read a certain extract from a book,” he said, tone apologetic for some reason, but it solidified G’s conviction that she already knew this person. “I’ve just sent it to each of your wristcomms. We’ll have some quiet time and read it by ourselves, alright?”
“Reading from the comm?” Sereen mumbled to herself. “Couldn’t he just print them out?”
The rest of the students’ grumbles showed that they shared her disappointment. Q could only hopelessly smile again before returning to his work on the board.
Reading from the little semi-transparent screens was indeed torture. Quickly giving up on trying to awkwardly use gestures for scrolling through the text, she looked out of the window to entertain herself with the garden outside. From the modest height they were sitting at, the people below were quite discernible, partly hidden by the greenery, spread here and there in small groups and pairs. Gentry longed to be there, too. What was the use of being here with the most attractive person in the whole world if the only thing she could see was his back?
Well, the back didn’t look half bad, if she was honest, and what was below also pleased the eye.
But still. It would soon bore even the most easily entertained.
Her gaze fell to a small clearing where a lone male figure was sitting, writing something in a notebook. By the looks of it, the notebook was a real paper-made thing without the bells and whistles usual for Ashtapada. The next thing G noticed was a pair of slender legs, barefoot, stretched to dip the toes into the clear water of the artificial stream.
God bless the urban designers of this place!
The figure lifted the head and in an inconceivably graceful motion, swung the long blond bangs away from the face.
G straightened her back. Was it... Ok, maybe Q was the most handsome man she’d seen in her life but this... This was the younger boy she’d noticed a couple of days back, the one in a plaid skirt, shamelessly flirting with everyone within reach. Today, he wasn’t wearing one but the blue jeans hugging his thighs, rolled up almost to the knees, presented a picture just as tantalizing. Even with the hair was a completely different colour, even though the half-up, half-down style kept his face hidden, she was absolutely certain it was the same person.
Just you wait, young beauty, as soon as this “lecture” was over, your princess in shining armour was coming to pick you up!
Suddenly snapping out of the dull weariness, she turned on the auglasses S helped her obtain earlier and tapped away on her comm screen.
What a chance to give the local text sharing feature a go!
“The garden is pretty, but with a blossom like you, it is truly breathtaking. I wonder if anyone has picked this sweet flower or if anyone dares to,” she typed a cheesy note and folded the message into a neat 3D figurine of an origami paper crane with her fingers in the air.
Was S watching? Screw it, even if she was, she couldn’t read the message with her glasses off, right?
Carefully aiming the device at the lone figure, she launched the crane downwards, and it fluttered like a weightless butterfly in spirals, through the glass and right into the young man’s lap, not disturbing the notebook pages. He started at first at the intrusion but then turned his own glasses on and unfolded the message. A shy smile appeared on his plump lips, and he looked flattered, turning his head around to see if the sender was in sight. Catching no one, he typed something below the initial message and deftly folded it back into a crane that, to G’s surprise, flew directly at her, in uneven spirals along the wall. The man traced it with a smile, propping himself back on his arms, his whole slim body and face on full display now.
God, was he good-looking.
Easily passing the physical border of the glass again, the crane crashed into Gentry’s wristcomm, dutifully delivering the message and betraying her tactical position at the same time. An amused kind of surprise showed on the young man’s face and he waved at her to show that she had been exposed. She waved back, trying to look nonchalant but probably failing miserably.
Very smooth, G, way to go.
The message read, “Is a flower only good for looking at? Not this one.”
Oooh, this boy was playing with fire!
“Hey, G,” Sereen nudged. “Have you finished reading?”
“Mm? Oh, yeah.” Gentry lied easily. She had skimmed the first couple of paragraphs and was sure she’d be able to come up with something if asked.
“Done everybody?” the deep gentle voice called from the holoboard and G’s attention snapped back to the dignified face.
The class murmured affirmatively.
“I’m sorry today’s lecture isn’t as fun as usual,” he admitted. “I must say I’m still unsure how to approach such complex topic as this one. But with your help, I hope we’ll figure it out.”
Everyone seemed to perk up.
“You just read an extract on paradoxes,” Q went on. “And you might be wondering why we are raising a philosophical topic on a rational thinking course.”
“There you go,” Sereen whispered. “He’s back to normal!”
G humphed. This did seem interesting. Was it a good idea to read the extract after all?
Q continued, “In the text, you might have encountered the definition of a paradox. Would anyone explain it with their own words?”
A raised hand and the lecturer’s nod brought some courageous soul to their feet.
“It’s when you start with the correct premises, use consistent logic but wind up with an impossible conclusion,” they said. “There are three types: falsidical, veridical and antimony-type, which are...”
“Correct,” Q smiled and nodded the person back down. It was a smile worth starting a thousand wars over.
“Now there’s a reason why I asked you to read about them. Why do you think people have been fascinated with paradoxes for such a long time?”
S raised her hand and received a kind invitation.
“I might be wrong,” she said. “But it seems that they point at the limitations of our thinking, things that seem rational but in fact aren’t. We feel that with our all-conquering logic we can solve any puzzle but it’s not always the case. Right?”
“This is very insightful,” the teacher confirmed. “It is believed by many that what’s rational is true and therefore what rationality cannot explain must be false.”
“I definitely know someone who would die on that hill,” Gentry grumbled under her breath.
“I’m sorry?” Q asked. “Is there something you wanted to add... sorry, I don’t know your name?”
Still half mad with professor Poe, Gentry stood up. “It’s G, I’m a Newcomer. I was saying how a human mind can fool itself into thinking it knows what it looks at as long as it makes sense. But in reality, it’s not there, like the sky.”
That was the only thing she remembered from that last lecture! She felt the tips of her ears heat up but the kind and considering look on Q’s face showed her gamble paid off.
“These are very insightful observations, G, why don’t we try exploring them together?” — he waived her to sit down and turned back to the class — “Five minutes to discuss how paradoxes might reveal the weaknesses of rational thinking. Send your answers to the board when you’re done.”
“Whoa, daring as usual,” Sereen smiled. “I knew you’d enjoy his class.”
“Now, consider these two questions,” Q said to another student who stood up at his hand wave. “If an unstoppable force meets an indestructible object, what is going to happen?”
The person seemed to contemplate it for a while and the teacher didn’t rush him.
“Isn’t it one of those which are impossible to solve because the existence of the one automatically disproves the existence of the other?”
Q nodded, “Correct. The second one about the barber in a small town is of the same sort. Sereen?”
S stood up too, “The one that shaves all and only men that don’t shave themselves?”
“Yes,” he confirmed. “At first, a premise like this seems perfectly reasonable, doesn’t it?”
“It does,” S responded, somewhat rashly. “But it’s clear that a barber like this cannot exist.”
“Wait, really?” Gentry whispered as Q nodded in satisfaction and urged her friend to go on.
“Yes, if we ask ourselves if this barber shaves himself. If he doesn’t, then he is part of the group which he does shave that do not shave themselves, but if he is in this group, then he does shave himself which makes it impossible for him to be this barber by definition.”
While the rest of the class was catching up with the logic, Q’s smile got only wider, more inviting.
“What does it tell us about the nature of the premise then?” he asked.
“That although it seems that it sounds logical on the surface, it is in fact nonsense and we don’t even need to hear the rest of the riddle to discard it completely,” S concluded.
The man chuckled.
“Well, I wouldn’t be that brash, to be honest, but on balance, you’re right,” he said. “If you stay after the lecture, I might recommend a couple of books on the topic. Your Newcomer friend is welcome to stay, too.”
G put up the best of the aloof fronts, “I’d be happy to, Professor.”
“Q is fine,” he smiled again and went on addressing the rest of the class that immediately exploded into a heated discussion.
“Basically, what I think we’re supposed to learn from this,” S concluded after a while, standing up so that everyone could hear her. “Is that before applying rationality, we have to make sure that all the premises we are dealing with are in fact realistic. Otherwise, there is no way rational thinking will help us.”
“Excellently put, as always,” Q applauded. “I’d love to see if everyone agrees or has something else to add to the discussion but our time is up. Feel free to write me a letter with your reflections on the topic.”
As interesting as the class was, the urge to leave the premises as soon as the teacher dismissed everyone seemed to be universal and applicable even to the Ashtapadans.
“I have to go now,” Sereen said. “Text you later, ok?” And with a reciprocal nod to Q, disappeared in the doors, joining the rest of the students.
Sadly, she couldn’t recall what they were talking about after the lecture, nor what titles Professor recommended for some home reading. She just hoped she didn’t make a fool of herself.
What Gentry did remember though was that after Q left as well and she came up to the panoramic window, Sereen and the mysterious flower boy were leaving the garden together. And it was hard not to notice that her new friend took off her wristcomm before they took off, and hid it in the tall grass.
submitted by Silver_liver to RoleReversal [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:46 Sensitive_Post7030 Romance scam or no?

I 30 m Swede decided one day roughly two months back I wanted to brush up on my Spanish. I went out on a language exchange app called Speaky and while for the most part the experience was miserable I started talking to a pleasant mexican woman (30). Initially my intentions were purely to learn Spanish, and we had good fun showing small tidbits of our every day life to each other.
She quickly asked to switch to whatsapp, which typically is one of those red flags which you read on every romance scam article. I however didn't mind much because Speaky was full of sleazy eggplant emojis and accounts asking for hookups as well as bots. Besides, at this point I my headspace was that I would never meet this person anyways. There we were chatting as well as doing some video calls. We quickly started chatting every day.
But of course there's more to this story otherwise I wouldn't be writing here. She came across as lightly flirty and I just figured it was good fun and didn't mind (again, I was never supposed to meet this woman). However, things evolved into more explicit proclamations of romantic interest from poth parties involved (another red flag due to the short time that has passed). She also starting sending these really cute messages to me on the regular which I initially thought nothing of but now might consider lovebombing (third red flag).
Eventually talk went to the idea of me going to visit her (Figured I'd do the traveling since I'm from a wealthier country.) That's when, roughly two weeks back, my warning bells went off and all these suspicions came rushing all at once. And I directly confronted her about them.
Now this far down it might seem like a dead ringer for a romance scam, but there is more to it. She has showed me pictures from her university she studied at which seem legit as well as images from her work. She has a substantial amount of followers on social media with certain videos reaching millions of viewers (and from what I've seen no bitter person accusing her of being a scammer or not either). She claims she's from a well off family with roots from Spain and even Germany which she sent me images of. She even sent me photos of an ID (which frankly made me uncomfortable) with the same last name as some of those old (supposedly) family pictures. She has never asked me for money either which she did point out.
This soothed me and perhaps rashly I bought tickets to Mexico shortly after. We continued talking and had fun chatting. After some time we also engaged in some explicit video call activity as well as send NSFW pics to each other. Quite quickly we also talked of future plans (which makes sense if it was legit since just visiting each other would take a big investment) and we both stated we wanted something long term with children and marriage and the whole deal with the idea of her moving to Sweden if all would work out (which could be construed as another red flag as supposedly traditional family warnings is also sign).
I had up to this point mentioned it to a few friends but not to my mother. When I finally did tell her she INSTANTLY went to the idea of it being a scam (she might also be the most cynical person I know). Some time later I worked up the courage (I didn't want her to dislike my mother) to tell my Mexican friend of my mother's reaction and we talked about what we could do about it and decided on me showing my mother what had already been shown to me as well as have them having a video call so my mother could ask questions directly. I talked with my mother and it was decided, however as the day approached my mother said she felt too uncomfortable with idea of the video call so instead she and just had a long talk about the risks both of Mexico in general and romance scams. She painted quite a gruesome picture (she's quite good at it). She also had some questions to send to my Mexican woman.
Passport, home adress, name of her company. She also suggested for me to reverse image search the photos I had been sent, which I did (I just got the social media pictures to no big surprise). She also wanted me to ask for me and my mexican friend to instead meet in Spain as that had been mentioned between us and it would be neutral ground.
Being the mama's boy that I am I obliged. To which my mexican friend got upset, now whether that is from justified disappointment due to my distrust or from manipulation I cannot tell, and she was not keen on traveling to Spain (we had also been talking about my visit to Mexico for a while now), atleast not now, initially. She did however send me photos of her passport and home adress.
She asked what I thought of it all and I said I wasn't sure. It ended with a quite cold conclusion that I needed time to mull things over.
If you've read this far I thank you, wholeheartedly.
Now I sit here with a ticket to mexico (if it isn't used I will consider it an expensive life lesson). A mother who considers Mexico to be the most dangerous place in the world (and me partly agreeing) - my stay would be in CDMX which I've heard is relatively safe.
If I were to travel to Mexico what would be the risks, would they be greater from her knowimg of my coming or they as great if I just traveled alone as a nordic man?
Any other thoughts? Is this a romance scam or not?
submitted by Sensitive_Post7030 to Romancescam [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:12 hcaz818 Selling 21 Bolt Premier in Slate Gray (MO)

Hey fellow and potential Bolt owners. I am selling my 2021 Bolt EV Premier in Slate Gray. I am moving across the country and closing on a property in CHI near end of June and staying at my in laws until then who are located in St Charles, MO. We will be heading out there next Monday and the car will be there shortly after.
I have to admit, this is a fantastic car. I love it. Though I won’t need it in CHI. A few things about the car, minor curb rash on rear passenger wheel and lower driver side door. She needs a bath For sure and is getting close to 30K miles. New battery under recall repair order done around 15K miles. I Bought it in Feb 22 and have thoroughly enjoyed it. Sale will include OEM charger. Clean title with no accidents.
Pricing it on the low end of KBB - $15,100.
submitted by hcaz818 to BoltEV [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:36 jason_hut Cold Sore?

24M, 6'1, 200mg Lamictal, Occasional Cigarette smoker So about 12 days ago I woke up with what felt like a bruised/swollen bottom right lip. Not any tingling, just felt tender. Over the next few days, the swelling went down except for in more isolated spots still on the bottom of the right lip that felt like small bumps (near the border but I think on the lip). there hasn't really been any pain, only annoyance from licking the spot and really drying the skin. Then about 9 days in a couple of white heads similar to the one in the picture popped up and rose to the surface very quickly. I popped them and a tiny bit of white pimple-like fluid came out. Now another tiny white head popped up and the skin is just extremely dry. Everyone I've asked to look at it doesn't think it is/was a cold sore but I cant figure out what else it could be. Thoughts?
Sorry for the shitty picture!
submitted by jason_hut to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:13 Ill_Pie3839 Mysterious Full Body Itch

This is basically my last hope in finding a diagnosis.
I’m a healthy 21 year old male. And have had a full body itch for nearly 6 months.
Age: 21 Gender: Male Ethnicity: British Location: West London Prior
Areas affected, listed from most affected to least:
1) Upper legs (pictured) 2) Front torso 3) Chest 4) Upper arms 5) Lower legs 6) Lower arms 7) Hands and feet 8) Back (very rare) 9) Anything from my neck upwards experiences no itch
1) No dry skin 2) No signs of infection (blister, puss, spots) 3) Hair follicles seems irritated 4) About 5 red lumps with no opening (0.5cm diameter) 5) Some small white lumps with no opening, almost like a stinging nettle rash
Sensation: Ranges from a light itch like a feather, almost like my body hairs are being stroked, to sometimes a very aggressive stinging itch.
Things that make it worse:
1) Heat 2) Sweat 3) Wearing clothes
Things that help (but don’t eradicate):
1) Moisturiser 2) Showering 3) Steroids (prednisolone)
Events to be noted that might be credited:
1) I moved to a new location 6 months prior to itching beginning 2) I began using topical minoxidil on my head 4 months prior to itching 3) I have supplemented with protein powder and creatine for 3/4 years
Further comments:
1) My diet is varied, ie good balance of protein, carbs and fat (have not changed diet in 6+ years) 2) I consume fruit and veg daily and supplement zinc, magnesium and multivitamin 3) I do drink alcohol and smoke electronic vapes (weekend only) 4) I exercise daily 5)I am not stressed or suffer from anxiety/ any other mental disorder 6) I wash clothes regularly and shower twice daily
I have been prescribed scabies treatment 3 times and followed procedures but to no avail.
I have attached a picture of my thigh.
I am in ongoing assessment by doctors but they keep giving me basic answers and don’t seem to want to help me.
Would appreciate any tips or ideas to research as nothing I find online seems to agree to my situation.
Thank you!
submitted by Ill_Pie3839 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:18 prettytired25 Insane flares??? Help!

Hi y'all. I'm pretty much at my wits end.
I have a dermatologist appointment today but thought I'd ask around here anyway.
Backstory: I had eczema when I was really really young, honestly so young that the only thing I remembered of it was having a patch of it on my butt and my mom applying cream to it and then never really dealing with it ever again. She thought I had eczema on my face though it appeared as white patches and I vaguely remember this but for at least a decade or more I did not have eczema. My skin was perfect, genuinely so clear I didn't have to use much product on it.
Fast forward to November of 2019; I started taking hormonal birth control and noticed within a few months that I started getting eczema patches (also was having facial rashes but I thought this was due to trying out a new skincare) I went to the dermatologist who prescribed me Triamcinolone 0.1% ointment for my body rashes. I don't ever EVER remember using steroids much. I'd use it one to two days, and would stop when it starts to fade. Anyway my eczema was pretty lowkey in general and in 2021, we adopted a cat. I did notice my eczema worsening slightly ever since getting my cat but was managing with Triamcinolone (I think at this point my dermatologist prescribed me a tub of it I think December of 2021)
Again, I don't use steroid much and when I do I think it's really just for emergencies (my eczema was genuinely such a secondary aspect of my life I don't even remember much of how I managed it other than letting it ride and maybe applying steroid when needed). I remember the tub expired and I hadn't used even half of the ointment. I was also prescribed Mometasone and Fluoccionide? But I never used either of them as I didn't feel comfortable to.
In September of 2022, I caught COVID while overseas and it caused a pretty gnarly flare on the inner side of my elbows. Since I was overseas I just managed with moisturizing but I remember applying steroid when I came home. We adopted a second cat later this year.
Since then I think my eczema HAVE gotten worse, but there was a period of at least 6 months where I wasn't using steroid creams at all because I was either just dealing with it or it was barely there.
Fast forward to 2023.
I noticed a rash on the top of my right hand that I was initially managing with just moisturizing. But I remember having such intense itch on this rash that I kept itching, and at one point I itched with my shirt and it caused it to be infected. It was so gnarly, bright red, oozing, literally would not stop oozing, painful. I went back to my dermatologist 5 days later when I realized that oh this might be worse than just a regular eczema. She gave me Mupirocin and another tube of Triamcinolone (since my previous one expired) as well as a course of Doxycycline. I used the Mupirocin as directed for I think 10 days, and was not yet using Triamcinolone as I was worried about using it when it looked like there were still open wounds on it. I didn't finish my Doxy course because it was giving me horrible stomach pains. I came back to the dermatologist January 3rd and she told me it was OK to use Triamcinolone twice daily up to two weeks.
At this point I was already having eczema rash on my arms as well and some on my back but I don't think I was using Triamcinolone much on them (I'm pretty sporadic with using the steroid, I never really committed to the full 2 weeks)
Now, this is where things became a doozy.
January 5th: Caught strep, had difficulty breathing and had to go to urgent care. I was prescribed antibiotics, Prednisone (20mg, twice daily for 5 days), and Albuterol. I had asthma when I was younger and it's almost like it came back when I caught strep. My eczema was calm during this time and I thought it was because it rained a lot this week but now I realized it may be the Prednisone. Could not remember if I was using Triamcinolone as well on my hand during this time.
Sometime in early February: Went for a run and literally rolled my ankle so bad. Unrelated to everything else but my body sustained injury and looking back at old pictures I was starting to get patches of eczema on my legs.
Then I caught what felt like the flu in mid February and this is the first time my eczema flared to my face. My left eye was half swollen but at this time I thought it was from my sinus being blocked as it went away in a few days (though the rash stayed).
Early March: Got admitted to the hospital from Appendicitis. I spent 3 nights at the hospital and my eczema was literally non existent. No itchiness, just intense dryness but nothing else. I remember my friend noting my face was super dry but my rashes were slowly drying out. To be fair I was in so much pain the first day I was knocked out most the time from the pain medication they gave me and I was on a couple antibiotics due to the infection.
I came home from the hospital and this is when things start to really get insane. I got home, laid in bed, and immediately could not stop itching my neck and body. My face became swollen the next day but I was unable to take allergy meds because I was on antibiotics and had to wait for that course to be done. That eventually settled out.
I figured maybe I was having an allergic reaction to the cats (and thought maybe my mattress too, we had vacuumed it a few times and I suspected it disturbed the dust mites inside). I slept outside and on an air mattress for I think a few days, if not up to a week. The cats were still sleeping with me at this time and I was somewhat itchy but it wasn't the worst. Then I decided I was going to sleep in the bedroom again and this caused the worst flare I had ever ever EVER gone through. My face became so swollen, my left eye swollen again and it was oozing (this had NEVER happened to me before other than my infected hand) I don't know why this oozed since I never scratched my face, and my inner elbows, wrists and top of right hand got so red and puffy. At this point too my eczema on my right hand was starting to spread towards my palm. These areas also got pretty dry especially on my face. I called Teladoc Dermatology and they prescribed me Mupirocin for the oozing, Tacrolimus for the inflammation on my face and Triamcinolone for the body. He told me to apply Mupirocin first until the oozing calms, then stop and apply the other ointments.
At this point I had become SO SO SO terrified of TSW. It was all over my Tik Tok, my algorithm, I couldn't stop thinking and worrying about it and fearing that this flare is because I'm going through it. He told me to use Triamcinolone for twice daily for two weeks, then once daily for two weeks, then every other day for two weeks to help prevent rebound. I only used Triamcinolone twice daily for 5 days, then I did once daily for a few more days and by the time I saw my current dermatologist, I was using it every other day (I essentially tried to taper within the two weeks).
My current derma prescribed me Clobetasol and told me to mix 2oz of Clobetasol with 7.5oz of Vanicream or Cerave and smear myself in it once a day at night for one week, then once a day at night every other day for the second week. It was a very controlled instruction.
BUT I was SO afraid of TSW that I did not do this.
Instead, I took a one week break and I did 3 weeks of Triamcinolone, and even then I did it sporadically. I did about 10 days of once daily and then the second half I did twice daily. When I started doing twice daily was when I finally saw some improvements.
The problem is it has been a week since I last used any steroids and I have rebounded. Although my eczema rash genuinely looks so weird and I am having the dermatologist look at it properly today. My arms are constantly dry, my right hand (the problem spot since December) now have what looks like blisters on them and I never have eczema that look like this even though it's apparently common. The frustrating thing is that it feels like my eczema just keeps spreading. They are full body and it's freaking me out because it looks as if I have TSW even though I don't think I ever used steroids for that long at all, and I was only prescribed it back in 2020.
To be fair I thought I should've committed to the Clobetasol treatment because then we can see if the strongest steroid worked or not but I felt like I was going to flare again anyway and didn't want to use something really strong only for it to not work.
I had an allergy test done and I am allergic to both species of dust mites, dogs, cats, along with some other environmental things. I just don't understand why I am only now flaring uncontrollably like this. I am 95% covered in eczema. Either spots or just straight up long red rash. I am taking antihistamines daily and have been taking Probiotic pills pretty consistently (partly because I was on so many antibiotics back to back). I've been using Hyphocolorus Acid Spray as well.
On Sunday night, I tried to sleep over at my friend's place who did not have cats to test and see if my cats are my main trigger and I kept waking up itching myself, both my arms and legs and my chin and neck started oozing again. Which was INSANE as I did not itch either of them. The oozing on both have mostly stopped (I've only used Mupirocin and Vaseline to help control the infection and moisturize) but I just don't understand.
I'm scared, I have never had eczema become so severe so fast and I'm genuinely so scared. Something feels wrong but I don't know what it is. The way my eczema looks look like a combination of an allergic reaction and just a rash but I don't understand how I can have such an intense allergic reaction towards things I've been around all the time. We've lived in the same place since June of last year and the only thing I can think of is that we had the heater on almost daily in the winter and we found out end of April that our heater is incredibly dusty.
I'm getting my IUD removed next week as well as I'm confident birth control has something to do with my eczema coming back, and I plan to get allergy shots.
I'm just tired, it's consumed my life and it's causing me a lot of health anxiety. I look so genuinely terrible I can't even understand it.
submitted by prettytired25 to eczema [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:01 MomGoneMad85 Daughter Bit By A Tick

Hello all! I found a tick on my daughter’s head a week ago. We are not sure how long it was there as she bathed the evening before and we didn’t notice it. Two days later, she came home with an itchy spot on her chest. It progressively got itchier and bigger so I took her to urgent care and they gave her amoxicillin and a steroid. The bite wasn’t on her chest, at least I don’t think she got bit there. Then again, I have no idea where she picked it up to begin with. Do you all think it’s lyme disease? Also should mention that she also had a low grade fever of 100.4 over the weekend after the rash showed up. Should I follow up with testing after she finishes her antibiotics? Pictures of the progression of the redness and the stupid tick I pulled off her head.
submitted by MomGoneMad85 to Lyme [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:55 CDown01 Eagles Peak Pt.7

Previous Part
“I knew it, I knew he’d pull something like that!”
Was the only thought running through my head as I watched Keith get forced into the truck outside. I was scared for Keith and I was angry, that kind of anger you feel in the pit of your stomach. Not at Keith though, my fury was directed at myself for freezing again. I just sat in the window and watched him get taken. Headache or not I should’ve done something, anything! Instead I just sat there and watched, powerless as always. My first instinct was to go running back home, maybe Frank and Stein could help somehow. Imagine my surprise when I walked in the door and they were looking for me. Well maybe I wasn’t to surprised, I hadn’t told them I didn’t plan on coming back home when I left yesterday.
“Bianca! We were just going to come looking for you, Keith had this idea and… are you alright?”
Frank asked, concern covering his face like a shadow. I must’ve looked like a mess, and the hot wet feeling on my face told me I’d started crying at some point on my way over as well.
“Are you ok? Did something happen?”
Frank repeated in his best fatherly voice. I could barley stammer out the words.
“Keith… gone… they took him.”
My babbling was enough though, realization shown on both their faces. Stein said something to Frank that I couldn’t hear then they nodded to each other.
“He was almost spot on with the timing. Well we best start getting around to do our part then.”
Stein said in his usual uncaring and mildly haughty manner. I don’t know why but it really boiled my blood this time. Keith was gone and he’s just moving on with things?
“Does no-one care about what just happened?! We agreed to look out for him and what did we do? Nothing!”
I screamed at no-one in particular. Those two just gave me a look like I was a misbehaving child.
“We’ve done what we could Bianca, besides Keith is the one who suggested what we’re about to do next.”
Frank stated, in an even and calm tone that made me stop and realize how ridiculous I was acting. Freaking out wouldn’t get us anywhere, even though I really wanted to. So I took a deep breath and stepped back for a second to collect myself.I hated to admit it but in a way their cold, calculating, order of operations approach would probably help here. Those two would never crack under pressure like me. While they didn’t talk about it, I’m sure they’d seen far worse working with the government.
Stein was rushing around looking for car keys when I came back into the kitchen. Frank however, stopped what he was doing to come over to me. I held up my hand to stop him when he opened his mouth to say something.
“No, you don’t have to try and convince me, I’ll come with you. What was Keith’s plan anyways? What did he put you guys up to?”
I asked, much calmer than before but still a little on edge. I couldn’t help but to feel at least a little responsible for what happened to Keith. I know it wasn’t my fault but I came with him for a reason. As much fun as last night had been I wasn’t taking it seriously. I should’ve stayed up to watch for Shaoni, maybe looked around for something she left when she was there before. Regardless, I had to be better next time.
“Keith thought that maybe someone from the reservation a little while outside town may have heard legends about Shaoni. She’s the Thunderbird, that’s an important figure in their stories and legends. Being so close to where she had been sleeping for years he thought there might be a connection. So he asked us to go out and ask around.”
Stein answered me before Frank had a chance to, walking into the room and tossing a jacket my way.
“And put this on, its cold out there.”
It was actually funny how often Stein tried to care and actually came off as so much colder. Almost like he was doing it because he had to, not because he actually cared about me.
“Don’t mind him, he’s just stressed with everything going on lately.”
Frank explained, trying to comfort me. He was right of course, but it didn’t change the fact that it still rubbed me the wrong way.
Ten minutes later I was in the car headed out toward the reservation. It wasn’t a very eventful ride and the pine trees didn’t make for great scenery, I’d seen it all before anyways. Frank and Stein were quiet the whole time and we couldn’t find Rocco before we left. Part of me wondered where he was and part of me didn’t want to know. This gave my mind time to wander and I found myself thinking my life before meeting Frank and Stein. It was weird, I usually tried not to think about it at all but something had brought those memories roaring back. Probably due to Keith asking about it the other day. No-one ever seemed to care about that, my past that is. Every now and then I’d get bored and wander around town. Someone might come up to me and talk but not like Keith did. The only real questions they asked were usually something along the lines of “What’re you doing tonight?” And other variations of that. They were usually looking for something I had no interest in. Sometimes it wasn’t entirely their choice to talk to me. I’d just use my powers simply to have a conversation with someone. Keith actually cared about me though, at least I think so.
A loud honk broke me out of my trance, we had arrived on the reservation. The improvised trailer park we’d arrived in wasn’t much to look at. A dog or two ran around the cluttered ground, free from any sort of leash. An older car missing most of the front end sat raised on a few blocks of concrete. The trailers themselves were run down and rusted. Despite the sorry sight of the place three men sat around a fire, laughing and generally having a great time. The trio looked up as we walked over, recognition passing over their faces. We must’ve looked out of place here in our shiny SUV and Frank and Stein’s three piece suits. Those two were always overdressed when they went out. The only place they fit in was the lab and they seemed more than fine with that.
“Stein! Is that you?”
Exclaimed the man on the left, standing to meet us. He looked happy to see Stein, though I had never seen the guy before in my life. Which meant he must’ve been a friend from before I knew Stein.
“My friend! How have you been? Have you had any difficulties with your… condition.”
Stein replied, cutting his eyes at the other two men like he didn’t trust them.
“They know old friend, no need to beat around the bush here.”
He had to have some supernatural abilities, that’s the only way Stein knew anyone. The question was, what was he?
The man’s name was Sam, Frank told me as we joined the men at the fire. I asked him for more, like what he meant by condition but he wouldn’t budge. Condition usually meant supernatural but a lot of them just looked like normal people. I’m sure everyone has some picture of a succubus in their head and I’m… not that. So I couldn’t even begin to guess at what Sam’s “condition” was.
“So what brings you out here Stein? I hate to say it, but I never expected to see you again.”
Sam said, trying to be as friendly as possible while ultimately telling Stein he didn’t really want him here. He didn’t feel nervous, that much I sensed for sure. No, it was fear that drove him to try and push Stein away, but what did he have to be afraid of?
“I assure you I’ll be gone before I overstay my welcome. I just have a few questions I’d like answers to. It’s entirely possible that you know nothing as well, in which case I’ll be gone even sooner. But you wouldn’t lie to me just to see me gone, now would you?”
Stein almost threatened, some of the friendliness slipping out of his voice. There was more going on here than what I could see or even sense. I’ve got a really good sense of what people are feeling at any given time but the context of those feelings can get lost on me. Sam was feeling fear, way too much fear for the situation. Maybe he knew what Stein was going to ask but I couldn’t tell for sure. I looked to the two scientists, cutting my eyes from Frank to Stein trying to see if they wanted me to step in and calm them down.
“Stein… I can’t… if she knew I talked to you she’d come here. The things I’ve done… what you helped me stop doing. She wouldn’t see it that way if she came here… she would…”
Sam blubbered out, completely losing his composure before Stein raised a hand and cut him off.
“She? You mean Shaoni, we’re aware of what’s going on. We still do have some questions about her though, ones I hope you have answers to.”
At the mention of her name all three men shot up, so I stepped forward. Frank protested but he was to slow to stop me. It’s difficult to describe how I can make people do what I want, these days I just kind of will it to happen and it does. I can force an emotion, or a feeling onto someone else by imagining it myself and projecting it onto them. Frank and Stein think it has something to do with pheromones my body produces. These pheromones can induce certain emotions or feelings if I want them too. In this case I wanted these men to feel tired, cooperative, compliant, and that’s just what they became. Just as soon as they tried to stand they buckled to their knees. I was pushing a little to hard so I eased up a bit, I didn’t want to just put them to sleep or something. Sam got back to his feet and sat down in his chair as the others did the same.
“I’d like to know about Shaoni, The full story, as much as you know.”
I commanded more than asked Sam as he just nodded towards me, a vacant look in his eyes.
“Where should I start exactly little lady?”
Sam asked me, his tone a mix of nervous and compliant.
“I want to know what you know about her, all of it, then we’ll go.”
I answered, trying to ignore the looks Frank and Stein were giving me. They knew I was taking a risk, he didn’t want to share what he knew so I was forcing it out of him. He wanted to tell me now but it wasn’t really “him”. I was in his head, and while he wasn’t going to fight me on anything now, I was sure a part of him was screaming deep down. Fighting desperately to keep his mouth shut to avoid the consequences of telling me anything. I tried not to think about what I was doing to him as Sam began his story.
“Well to start her name wasn’t always Shaoni, It’s hard to keep one name when you’ve lived as long as her. Her name meant “Stormcaller” as near as it translates to your language. She was an elder in a long forgotten tribe in what you know as Canada today. She was renowned for her ability to over see trials and solve debates among her people, always able to set right apart from wrong. The exact name and place of her tribe have been lost to the ages but I do know that it was wiped out. As the story goes the tribe met its end at the hands of “explorers”, all save for Stormcaller were killed. She fled far into the forests and eventually stumbled upon four spirits, the original Thunderbirds. At this time they were still great spirits, created by Nanabozho. Those spirits took pity on Stormcaller, allowing her to live with them in the four corners of the world. With them she learned many things, how to fight, how to think as only a spirit can, and most of all she sharpened her already formidable sense of justice. That need to see justice done, and the proper sense to see what was right from what was wrong is what lead the chief of the Thunderbird spirits to bind itself to her, giving her the powers she’s said to have today, letting her exist as spirit and man made one.
The other Thunderbird spirits eventually followed this example, choosing representatives of their own, each representing an Ideal: Courage, so that our people would never falter in the face of adversity. Solidarity, so that, divided as they may be at times our people were one at heart. Duty, so that our people would never forget their place in the world and the customs and traditions we upheld. Finally there was Justice to lead them all, so that no wrong would be left to stand, and so that one among the ideals would keep the rest in check. These four formed a council that watched over our people for many years.
As imperialism grew in the world and more crimes were committed against their people this council became more and more warlike. Often Stormcaller, now simply known as Justice spearheaded these actions. She sought to right the wrongs committed against her people and hold all responsible accountable for their actions. In accordance with her duties as the embodiment of justice for our people. This war of hers would prove to be her downfall, every day her sense of justice became more absolute, more black and white. She stopped consulting the council to help guide her decisions, believing she and she alone knew what was best for her people and fellow ideals. One thing that changed when the Thunderbird spirits bound themselves was their immutability. As a spirt nothing could harm them, they were eternal, they were and always would be. But once they had become one with a man they could be ended, They would live forever but man’s mortality meant they could be killed unlike before. Something Justice would learn for herself in time.
As her warlike nature grew, Justice began to involve the ideals in open conflict with those who sought to take their peoples land and desecrate their way of life. Eventually Solidarity fell in battle, and those who saw him fall learned of the greater forces at play. These people sought to learn the truth of the power the had seen from Solidarity and doubled their intrusions into sacred land, searching for answers. Suddenly the hunters had become the hunted, perhaps if Justice had not clung so tightly to her convictions everything would’ve ended differently. Instead Justice doubled down on her pursuit to right every wrong she could lay her eyes upon, spurred on by the death of Solidarity. Eventually Courage fell and so to did Duty, only hardening Justice’s resolve. It was only when she revealed herself to her people one day and they fled from her, afraid of what she would do. Afraid that they to had committed some wrong that she sought to right in her own violent way. This reception forced Justice to realize what she had allowed herself to become. Justice had become Vengeance, lost in anger for wrongs she could never hope to right she had lost herself, becoming something else entirely.
She shed her name, her duties, her people and disappeared into the world. Watching what would come for her people broke her. She had lost what she sought to guide and guard, let the people the Thunderbird spirits sought to protect so long ago fall to ruin. Her need to see justice done never left her, but what was once a raging inferno became nothing more than a spark. If she came across one that had escaped justice, hidden their tracks or found a way out she would know. She would right the smaller wrongs of the world in her own way, stoking what remained of the flame within and finding her own purpose in the world. Eventually she would take on a new name, Shaoni, why I do not know but it is what she choose. Her sense of justice was still absolute, she saw no shades of grey just right and wrong. But the scale of her judgment was reduced, no longer would she try and right every wrong the world had to offer but only those she could reach. The world is a dark place though, and sometimes a lesser evil can ease pain. Shaoni didn’t see lesser evil as something she could abide and so her judgements often left more pain in their place. She grew weary of her pursuit once again, seeing how little she had changed and how much pain she had brought. She chose to settle down and remove herself from the world. Shaoni would never be able to die, not from the passing of time. She could remove herself from the equation in a cave not to far from where we stand now.”
Sam’s story hurt to listen too, in some ways it only seemed like Shaoni did what she thought was right. Yet time and time again she failed to see shades of grey, and that cost her everything. It made me think of who I was years ago in a way, not that I was some all powerful spirit thing like her but still. What would Shaoni think of the person I was? How would she judge me for my actions before I meet Frank and Stein? I certainly wasn’t a saint, but did that mean I couldn’t be better? I shook my head, now wasn’t the time to think of things like that. I stopped forcing Sam to answer my question, leaving him to his own devices. There was always some lingering effects after I… did my thing. I’m not sure how exactly it felt for them but I don’t imagine it was pleasant. Realizing you weren’t really in control of yourself has a way of causing issues for a person. Sam seemed to be shaking it off pretty well though, I’d seen worse things happen after I’d finished with someone, like Keith losing hours of time sitting in the kitchen. Playing with emotions can cause stress in the brain, especially since I’m forcing an emotion or feeling on them. More than once I’d seen someone left with uncontrollable swings in mood or a complete lack of emotion or feeling of any sort because of me. I hopped that wasn’t going to happen again here.
“Bianca what was that!”
Frank complained, finally breaking free of the spell the situation had cast over him. He ran over to the other two men that hadn’t gotten up from their chairs like Sam. Worry crashed over me like a wave as I realized why Frank sounded so concerned. One of the men was seizing on the ground, his body shaking violently as spasms coursed through him, had I done that? Sam was in a blissfully ignorant sate, he just sat in his chair watching the fire, unaware of what was happening to his friend. Frank and Stein leapt into action, holding the seizing man on the ground. Stein pulled off his belt and placed it in the mans mouth, trying to keep him from biting himself. My eyes were fixed on the third man who lay motionless on the ground. I took small steady steps toward him, hoping against hope that I could find a pulse. As I got closer I realized his chest was rising and falling. He was alive but who knew what he was going through right now. I felt distant, Frank was yelling something at me but I didn’t catch a word. I had to do it right? I had to make them tell us what they knew, it could help Keith right?
“What did you do to them?”
Sam asked me, apparently free of the aftereffects of my influence. I snapped my head to the side and watched him take a threatening step towards me. I backed away, afraid he might do something rash. I shouldn’t have done that, Stein could’ve convinced them on his own.
“What did you do to them? What’s wrong with them?”
Sam asked again, his voice growing more desperate. Stein picked that moment to appear at my side.
“Sam they’ll be ok just give them a minute. She didn’t mean to hurt you or your friends, just let it go. I’m helping her the same way I helped you, she’s not always in control.”
Sam softened a little bit at that but he was still wary of me. What Stein said was a lie, I had control of my abilities most of the time these days but Sam didn’t know that. Frank walked over to where we were standing with a relieved look on his face.
“They’ll be alright, they just need rest. What about you, are you feeling alright Sam?”
Frank asked, nodding towards him. Sam didn’t answer but it was plain to see he was doing far better than his friends.
“I’d like you all to leave.”
Sam ordered, putting his metaphorical foot down. Whatever favor he owed Stein didn’t matter anymore, he wanted us out. People were beginning to come out of some of the other trailers, gawking at the scene in front of them. As the three of us were leaving Sam said one more thing,
“Stein, this makes us even.”
He growled in an even but angry tone. You could just tell he was staring daggers at us the whole way back to the SUV. I turned back for a moment and I could’ve sworn his skin was wriggling and changing. Like he was just barley holding back something. What concerned me even more was what he felt, not anger or worry, but fear.
The ride back was less than pleasant. You know that feeling when you’ve done something wrong but no one really wants to address it yet? Yeah, that’s what was going on here, the air was practically electric.
“We needed him to talk…”
Stein cut me off immediately, shouting,
“Sometimes you don’t need to help! Look… I know you meant well but you can hurt people with that power of yours. I’ve never seen it that bad before but then again you’ve never done it to a group of people that long. Who knows what longterm consequences it might have. Just… be more careful in the future.”
Stein wasn’t as angry as he tried to appear, part off him was even relived, maybe because I had been the one to handle the situation instead of him.
“I know, I know its just… Keith is stuck out there at that mine with her, I couldn’t leave with nothing.”
I agreed, He was right, it was a risk but how could I have just let it be? No-one else was going to look out for him so that fell on us now. As much as I hated having to force things out of people I was good at it, really good. Despite how I felt about what I could do to people that was the easiest way to get Sam to speak back there.
“Where did this whole drive to help Keith come from anyways? A few days ago you talk him into watching the house and throw some money, our money, at him for the trouble. I’ve seen you do that a few times before with others so you could come with us when we went to stock up on things. Regardless of our misgivings surrounding your methods. So it didn’t go that well this time and he found out about you and us. Something like that was bound to happen eventually. What I can’t picture is why you go out of your way to help him. I don’t personally have any issue with you jumping to his defense. Its not too hard to understand why someone would, considering his situation. But for you, well it seems out of character for you.”
Frank chimed in with a question of his own. I’m sure he didn’t mean anything by it hurt to see him so surprised that I’d consider helping another person.
I never answered Frank’s question, I thought about it a lot the rest of the way back though. Why was I so intent on helping Keith? All my life I’d done things just to survive, even when I was really young I had to find a way to get by on my own. Sure I had my mother but she had her hands full with her own life. She didn’t have much after my father left and did everything she could to make ends meet. I just tried to stay out of her way and help where I could. I never complained when she forgot to make dinner, or when there just wasn’t food around the house. I’d just go without or take what I needed from someone else. Even back then I knew it was wrong but I always had looks on my side. Combine that with pity and not a lot of people would say no to the cute hungry kid. After Brooke, I only had myself and I just kept doing what I needed to. This was different though, I didn’t have to help Keith but I wanted to help him all the same. I didn’t get around town much and I always felt like I just existed around Frank and Stein. With Keith I wasn’t just this thing lying around the house, I was a person, a friend even. That was it, the first time it really clicked for me, Keith was my friend, not because I had wanted him to be or because I made him think he was. No, he was actually there for me and it was all his choice. I didn’t have to puppet him around myself, he actually wanted to be there. I didn’t have to wonder if it was just me and everything I could do pulling him in. For the first time in years someone had actually cared enough to ask about me, Frank and Stein never really did because they knew how much it hurt. Keith didn’t know how much it hurt to talk about but still. I needed to actually talk about all that happened to me with someone who listened for real.
Coming to that realization only made me want to do something stupid. Like run up to that mine and try to get Keith out of there myself. But that’s exactly what it was, stupid. If we wanted to get Keith back we’d need something better than just me. We’d need a real plan, one I’d just started thinking of. There was something else eating at me to. Keith had offered to take some burden from Shaoni back in Imalone, I had an idea what it might be and it scared me. If I was right well, Keith was in more danger than we all thought.
When we pulled back into the driveway Tuck was waiting at the door.
“Where’ve Y’all been?! I been lookin’ for ya damn near all afternoon! Somein’ happened o’re at Keith’s place, He’s gone. I cain’t find that “lab assistant” of yours neither.”
Tuck said hurriedly, his southern accent that he usually tried to hide seeping out into his words.
“We know, it was those trials he told us about. I presume he told you as well then?”
Stein informed him as he got out of the car and marched towards the door, barely making eye contact. Stein had an idea, I could read it all over him. He got this way when he was away from home and wanted too test something, once he was back there was no standing between him and his lab.
“Yeah, the kid told me something like that. Would explain where all those people were goin’ to. Couple of the regulars in town, ones I know look up to that damn bird, left this morning headin’ towards the old mines.”
Tuck spoke to no one in particular, nodding to himself as if to check off the fact that Keith disappearing and people leaving town were two related things.
“Why don’t you come in then, you might be able to help out with the situation. We just learned a few things about this… “damn bird” of yours. I really would’ve appreciated if you told us about that years ago. Perhaps you’d like to tell us what you know of the Thunderbird in the lab?”
Stein ordered rather than asked, pointing to the door for no more than a moment before continuing on his march to the basement. Frank and I filed in after them but I didn’t join them in the lab.
I looked around the house for Rocco but couldn’t find a trace. It wasn’t like him not to leave some trail of destruction in his wake. Well hidden or not, we usually found evidence of whatever he was up to but this time there was nothing. I had no clue where he’d gotten off to, maybe I was better off not knowing. After I gave up I joined the others in the basement, to their surprise I actually had decided to make an appearance. Frank and Stein were a little rattled at first but soon went back to their work. Tuck just beamed at me proudly, like he knew something I didn’t. We set about comparing notes on Shaoni, and separating fact from fiction based on Frank and Stein’s many years working with the supernatural. It was… nice, in a family bonding kind of way. Keith had brought us all together, gave these scientist a new problem to solve. Gave Tuck a chance for some kind of justice for the friends he’d lost in the mine collapse all those years ago. For me, he’d brought me together with the family I’d fallen in with. Strange as they were, this was my family, or at least the closest thing I had to it. I had to help, not just for Keith but for them. I’d been a burden, scared to go outside, hateful of what I could do despite using it to make life easier for myself. Worst of all I’d been stuck in my own head, I’d gone through awful things, done awful things, used my body and my charm to get through life. I’d been every bit as evil as Brooke had been to me. I did everything he’d done to me to others, only it was so much easier for me to do it. I hate myself for it, maybe I always would, but I couldn’t let that stop me now. I had to set all that aside and be there for the people in my life, I had to be a person again, not just hope everyone would treat me like one.
submitted by CDown01 to AllureStories [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:07 Many-Alternative1192 Small rash on inner thigh that causes hives

Small rash on inner thigh that causes hives
Hello all! I've had a small rash on my inner thigh that causes the occasional itch and hives. Went to a dermatologist and didn't get any answers. Was hoping someone here might have dealt with it before. Sorry for the low quality pictures, they are hard to get in the right light!
submitted by Many-Alternative1192 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:01 AutoModerator Introduction and Daily Picture Thread

Are you pregnant, supporting someone who is pregnant, or planning on getting pregnant in the future? Then welcome to BabyBumps! This is a daily post where you can introduce yourself and share any photos that you want to share. This is the ONLY place where photos are allowed, please do not make a standalone post with your bump or ultrasound.
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We have some fantastic resources available to you over in our Wiki. With links for those of you trying to get pregnant, answers to common questions and concerns regarding pregnancy, resources and lists pertaining to pregnancy and/or common symptoms, conditions, and complications thereof, resources pertaining to birth, and a list of acronyms you may run into, we hope your immersion into our community is as seamless and supported as possible.
If you're looking for your Monthly Bumper Sub you'll find links here. Please note that these subs tend to go private and that the moderators of Baby Bumps are not affiliated with private subs. We cannot add you or request that you be added. You'll have to message the moderators of your private bump sub and ask to be added; instructions for how to do this can be found in the link provided.
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submitted by AutoModerator to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:03 Kat_Imaginality LA/Long Beach CA, Bit Me (Most likely)

LA/Long Beach CA, Bit Me (Most likely)
LA/Long Beach CA, Bit Me (Most likely)
Came out at night, 12:30am, LA/Long Beach CA area.
I woke up with the rash/bite in the first image on Friday morning, and the picture after that is Sunday morning followed by Monday night (tonight). I did a telledoc video and am on some antibiotic saying it seemed like a spider bite. Inside of my throat started hurting tonight so had trouble sleeping, and felt something crawling on me. Brushed/flailed it off, and turned on the light to find this spider in my bed/on me. I'm sorry it is a bit mangled I hate spiders and killed it before I lost it.
If anyone could tell me what it is I would be eternally grateful. Hopefully the story/bite(?) pictures help.
submitted by Kat_Imaginality to spideridentifier [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:01 Kat_Imaginality LA/Long Beach CA, Bit Me (Most likely)

LA/Long Beach CA, Bit Me (Most likely)
Came out at night, 12:30am, LA/Long Beach CA area.
I woke up with the rash/bite in the first image on Friday morning, and the picture after that is Sunday morning followed by Monday night (tonight). I did a telledoc video and am on some antibiotic saying it seemed like a spider bite. Inside of my throat started hurting tonight so had trouble sleeping, and felt something crawling on me. Brushed/flailed it off, and turned on the light to find this spider in my bed/on me. I'm sorry it is a bit mangled I hate spiders and killed it before I lost it.
If anyone could tell me what it is I would be eternally grateful. Hopefully the story/bite(?) pictures help.
submitted by Kat_Imaginality to spiderID [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:41 elizabethC94 Long Term Mold Exposure

My husband and I are first time renters, we stared renting from his dad's landlord back in July of 2021. When we first moved in, the lease he provided for us to sign wasn't very "official", it was just something for HIM to hold onto for the first year and then we went monthly. We asked for a copy and never received one. He's one of those independent landlords that kind of does the bare minimum on everything, doesn't document, and mainly collects cash for rent unless he's away in Florida.
My husband and I noticed some mold not long after moving in, it was on the bathroom ceiling in the corner over the tub. As he met with the landlord for rent the next time, he mentioned it to him or which the landlord responded "just paint over it with Killz" and that was it. We didn't think much of it, I guess because we just didn't know enough. We also couldn't move due to it being cheaper than what was being expected from other landlords or management properties, in our minds this was a deal, its a house and it's one we could afford.
Fast forward to January of this year, I start getting weird scalp symptoms and it was terrifying. March rolls around and I start having elevated blood pressure, mind you, my blood pressure was always 120/80 and my health has always been in good condition. My BP started running up to 200/140 (highest it got up to at one point) but never really stayed below 150/100. My temp remained elevated and also would be too low, and my scalp was swollen/tight. I went to the ER three times for these symptoms, I was diagnosed with Bronchitis with unknown organisms, an inflamed lymph node condition (unsure what it was called), and recently diagnosed with IBS per my gastro.
We just realized the scope of how big this problem is, my husband was renovating the bathroom and found that there's severe water damage, he didn the kitchen as well and also noticed water damage, and found a roof leak behind a wall. There's also a spot in the corner of the living room ceiling that had water damage to the point where the ceiling was crumpled and hard there, once it completely crumpled, it exposed a hole in the ceiling leading into the attic. The house also has a crawl space/basement area that will hold water when the drain is clogged up, he's mentioned this to the landlord as well when we noticed that was an issue and he disregarded. Husband took pictures of the floor underneath as there's no subflooring, the hardwood leads right to downstairs.
We started connecting the dots literally two days ago, my symptoms are worsening, my eye is swollen and there's discharge coming from it, I already alerted my pcp, my breathing has been shallow, headaches like crazy, I get spontaneous moments throughout the day where I HAVE to catch my breath, my head and scalp are swollen, hair thinning, rash on my body, face and body are swollen, I feel awful, cant aleep half the time, foggy brain, I can't remember the most basic words or lose track of my thought process, im just miserable.
We're in the process of moving as we speak, I would like to pursue a lawsuit, but one issue is that the communication of there being mold was verbal, so no documentation. We DO know for a fact that this isn't his only house that has mold, my husband did some work on another one of his tenants houses and saw an extensive amount of mold, he told him and it was disregarded as well. I have documented all my symptoms from the day I first started noticing them along with any remedies and appointments I've had because of this. I also have pictures showing the changes this has made, such as the hair thinning, swelling, changes in my facial shape, etc. I know it's hard to pursue a lawsuit due to mold, but I want to pursue for negligence, damages to my property, and medical issues/bills. Do we have a chance?
submitted by elizabethC94 to AskALawyer [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:34 Kirinkirby [H] Events/Pogo stamped shiny Shaymin [W] Paypal

Strongest Return Mewtwo; Pokemon: Mewtwo; Tag: KOR; Nature: Adamant; Trade History: Self-Redeemed; OT: 최강의귀환; ID: 03042; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
Chilseok Jirachi; Pokemon: Jirachi; Tag: KOR; Nature: Rash; Trade History: Self-Redeemed; OT: 칠석; ID: 08013; Proof: WC; Notes: Price: Offer
Kanto Starter Eggs; Pokemon: Bulbasaur; Tag: KOR; Nature: Naive; Trade History: Self-Redeemed; OT: 맛데이치킨; ID: 29722; Proof: WC; Notes: Did hatch and checked this pokemon's Nature, Gender, then i unsaved for leave it unhatched state Price: Offer
Team Plasma Deoxys; Pokemon: Deoxys; Tag: KOR; Nature: Jolly; Trade History: Self-Redeemed; OT: 플라스마단; ID: 05043; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
Strongest Class Metagross; Pokemon: Metagross; Tag: KOR; Nature: Adamant; Trade History: Self-Redeemed; OT: aT센터; ID: 05053; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
Concert Piplup; Pokemon: Piplup; Tag: KOR; Nature: Hardy; Trade History: Self-Redeemed; OT: 음악회; ID: 12152; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
Concert Piplup; Pokemon: Piplup; Tag: KOR; Nature: Lax; Trade History: Self-Redeemed; OT: 음악회; ID: 12152; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
WCSK 2014 Houndoom; Pokemon: Houndoom; Tag: KOR; Nautre: Timid; Trade History: 해민(Naver cafe user) -> 레몬Lemon(Naver cafe user) -> me; OT: WCS14K ID: 07064; Proof: WC; Price: Price: Offer
WCSK 2014 Aggron; Pokemon: Aggron; Tag: KOR; Nautre: Brave; Trade History: 해민(Naver cafe user) -> 레몬Lemon(Naver cafe user) -> me; OT: WCS14K ID: 07064; Proof: WC; Price: Price: Offer
Hope Diancie; Pokemon: Diancie; Tag: ENG; Nature: Naive; Trade History: notyourmama12 me; OT: Hope; ID: 07245; Proof: Video; Price: Offer
20th Anniversary Manaphy; Pokemon: Manaphy; Tag: GER; Nature: Mild; Trade History: lifeshoutslive me; OT: GF; ID: 06016; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
HA Distribution 2015 Serperior; Pokemon: Serperior; Tag: GER; Nature: Quiet; Trade History: lifeshoutslive me; OT: Geschenk; ID: 01225; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
HA Distribution 2015 Emboar; Pokemon: Emboar; Tag: GER; Nature: Calm; Trade History: lifeshoutslive me; OT: Geschenk; ID: 01295; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
HA Distribution 2015 Samurott; Pokemon: Samurott; Tag: GER; Nature: Careful; Trade History: lifeshoutslive me; OT: Geschenk; ID: 01295; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
XY&Z Pokémon Tyranitar; Pokemon: Tyranitar; Tag: KOR; Nature: Bold; Trade History: Self-Redeemed; OT: XY&Z; ID: 10196; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
XY&Z Pokémon Gengar; Pokemon: Gengar; Tag: KOR; Nature: Adamant; Trade History: Self-Redeemed; OT: XY&Z; ID: 10196; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
Pokebank Celebi; Pokemon: Celebi; Tag: KOR; Nature: Quiet; Trade History: Self-Redeemed; OT: 맛데이치킨; ID: 38997; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
Ultra Spooky Cup Shiny Mimikyu; Pokemon: Mimikyu; Tag: ITA; Nature: Adamant; Trade History: _Keroroh_ -> me; OT: PGL; ID: 102618; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
x2 Sorrel's Lucario; Pokemon: Lucario; Tag: KOR; Nature: Serious; Trade History: Self-Redeemed; OT: 민준; ID: 171209; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
Lillie's Alolan Vulpix; Pokemon: Alolan Vulpix; Tag: KOR; Nature: Modest; Trade History: Self-Redeemed; OT: 릴리에; ID: 170822; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
Pokémon Sun & Moon Alolan Vulpix; Pokemon: Alolan Vulpix; Tag: KOR; Nature: Naive; Trade History: Self-Redeemed; OT: 썬문; ID: 170404; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
Pokémon Sun & Moon Alolan Grimer ; Pokemon: Alolan Grimer; Tag: KOR; Nature: Sassy; Trade History: Self-Redeemed; OT: 썬문; ID: 170502; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
Pokémon Sun & Moon Alolan Diglett; Pokemon: Alolan Diglett; Tag: KOR; Nature: Lax; Trade History: Self-Redeemed; OT: 썬문; ID: 170502; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
Pokémon Generations Zygarde; Pokemon: Zygarde; Tag: KOR; Nature: Adamant; Trade History: Self-Redeemed; OT: 제너레이션즈; ID: 180620; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
Snorlium Z Munchlax; Pokemon: Munchlax; Tag: KOR; Nature: Brave; Trade History: Self-Redeemed; OT: 혁진; ID: 868920; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
Ultra Shiny Kyogre; Pokemon: Kyogre; Tag: KOR; Nature: Modest; Trade History: Self-Redeemed; OT: 울트라; ID: 180127; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
Own Tempo Happy Hour Rockruff; Pokemon: Rockruff; Tag: JPN; Nature: Adamant; Trade History: Lord_Van-Cren -> me; OT: A r i a; ID: 759746; Proof: Picture with A-button; Price: Offer
Mallow's Steenee; Pokemon: Steenee; Tag: KOR; Nature: Naive; Trade History: Self-Redeemed; OT: 마오; ID: 170919; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
Akala Island Shiny Tapu Lele; Pokemon: Tapu lele; Tag: KOR; Nature: Timid; Trade History: Self-Redeemed; OT: 아칼라; ID: 181130; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
Dawn's Piplup; Pokemon: Piplup; Tag: KOR; Nature: Hardy; Trade History: 일본국대가즈아(Naver cafe user) -> me; OT: 빛나; ID: 220601; Proof: Picture with A-button; Price: Offer
"Pokémon Get Challenge 2020 Pokémon Volcanion; Pokemon: Volcanion; Tag: JPN; Nature: Timid; Trade History: Govul -> ShaikhAndBake -> me; OT: ゲッチャレ; ID: 201120; Proof: Video; Price: Offer
"Pokémon Get Challenge 2020 Pokémon Genesect; Pokemon: Genesect; Tag: JPN; Nature: Brave; Trade History: Govul -> ShaikhAndBake -> me; OT: ゲッチャレ; ID: 201120; Proof: Video; Price: Offer
"Jirawiwat Thitasiri's Clefairy; Pokemon: Clefairy; Tag: ENG; Nature: Bold; Trade History: orthocresol -> ShaikhAndBake -> me; OT: Jirawiwat; ID: 220618; Proof: Video; Price: Offer
Wolfe Glick's Gigantamax Coalossal; Pokemon: Coalossal; Tag: ENG; Nature: Modest; Trade History: MochiPori -> ShaikhAndBake -> me; OT: Wolfe; ID: 210813; Proof: Video; Price: Offer
Teresa Roca Hisuian Growlithe; Pokemon: Hisuian Growlithe; Tag: ENG; Nature: Lax; Trade History: ToastyMonkey -> me; OT: Teresa Roca; ID: 270222; Proof: Video; Price: Offer
Teresa Roca Hisuian Growlithe; Pokemon: Hisuian Growlithe; Tag: ENG; Nature: Lax; Trade History: ToastyMonkey -> me; OT: Teresa Roca; ID: 270222; Proof: Video; Price: Offer
Pogo shiny
Premire Ball Shiny Genesect; OT: 혁진; ID: 594487; Self-caught in GO
Poke Ball Shiny Celebi; OT: 혁진; ID: 594487; Self-caught in GO
Premire Ball Shiny Articuno OT: Could be customed ID: 594487 Still in GO
Premire Ball Shiny Tapu Koko OT: Could be customed ID: 594487 Still in GO
Premire Ball Shiny Tapu Lele OT: Could be customed ID: 594487 Still in GO
Premire Ball Jarude OT: Could be customed ID: 594487 Still in GO
Poke Ball Shiny Shaymin OT: Could be customed ID: 594487 Still in GO
submitted by Kirinkirby to Pokemonexchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:15 No_General_3976 I (27 F) caught my boyfriend (26 F) cheating on me, but when I confronted him, his reasoning is weird as to how he didn’t cheat. Should I believe him, break up, or try to fix this?

I’m a 27F and have been dating my boyfriend for close to a year and a half. We just moved in together, into a rental house we’ve been talking about for forever. Lately, he wasn’t wanting to make love or anything related to it. He had lost his job a week before the move, and he said the pressure and stress of finding a new job has been causing him not to feel into it.
I started feeling disconnected, as every day I would head upstairs to my office to work, and then come down for lunch (like normal) and he would always be on his phone playing his games. Then, when it came time to log off, I would come down to relax and he would ask basic questions but nothing more. I would try to engage in conversation, but he would half heartedly answer. I’m not one to beg for attention, so we would continue the night in silence, until it was time to go to bed. He would kiss me goodnight and then stay up playing games.
I asked him multiple times how I could alleviate any stress - look over his resume, help apply to jobs, etc but he wasn’t interested. On top of this, we had the agreement that while he looked for a job, he would take in a higher burden of chores. He rarely cleaned up after himself, would tell me he would do things later then never do so, etc. He would basically sit at home, apply to jobs for an hour tops, then buy four lokos and drink/play games. Every. Day.
Last Friday, we decided to go to the pool, and he was drinking. While there, I heard my snap go off, so I went to look who it was from. We have identical phones, and I didn’t realize I picked his up. We always had shared our face/passwords, so it opened right away and I saw sexting and pictures being sent (all from her, but he sexted back). I quickly sent a screenshot to myself, then put his phone away.
I sat in that pool for about an hour trying not to cry and think rationally about what to do. He had done this once before in the very beginning of our relationship, but it was forgiven and we moved on with boundaries. I decide to try and wait and see what other proof I could find before jumping the gun, as we had just committed to living togethebeing super committed/serious.
When we got home, I couldn’t take it anymore and I asked him why he would cheat again. (I couldn’t stop thinking and spiraling). He got defensive but a little jokey and said he was looking to find a sugar momma to help with expenses because I had been stressed lately covering all the bills. So his sexting was “justified” and not considered cheating. There’s not proof in their messages that this is the case, and no money was brought up. However, I know sugar momma/daddy relationships can be widely different, so I have nothing to base my thoughts on.
I left for my family’s to get some space for the night, and came back midday with a family member for moral support. I confronted him about it again, plus all the other stuff I had been putting up with for a while (disrespect, playing around too rough, not cleaning) and I ended the convo crying/throwing up and ending things. I gave him a month to move out, and that was that.
That night, my family member told me to make sure I wasn’t making a rash decision and that I wouldn’t regret it. They said that no one knows the relationship like the 2 of us do, so make sure I wasn’t following other people’s advice just because you’re upset. Think it through.
In the morning, I talked to him again and said I would be open to a month break, of which we talk about why we want to be together, who we want to be, and if we are truly compatible.
Today, (one day later), he starts drinking again BUT he’s cleaning up. I feel so conflicted. I know it’s too soon to tell, but I want to hear from others how their situations have gone/what perspectives they can share.
How should I proceed?
Edit: he is still snapping this woman
submitted by No_General_3976 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 05:29 QueenOfConnacht Tick bite mystery

Tick bite mystery
So, to preface this is want to say I have been to a doctor and been prescribed antibiotics, but the doctor didn't have much experience with ticks and I have questions they couldn't answer.
Six days ago I pulled a tick off of me that had gone undetected for at least two days. Didn't think much of it, I work outside and am used to ticks. However, last couple days I noticed tenderness; yesterday, a noticed red raised bumps around the bite, and by this morning, it had formed a red ring around the bite. The whole thing, bite and rash, isn't bigger than a penny.
My first thought was lyme, and that's what the doctor I saw is treating me for. However. I wasn't bitten by a deer tick. It was a dog tick, up in the north woods of Wisconsin. I'm not an expert but the species are pretty visually distinct.
Here's a picture of the bite as of evening 5/20, and the tick when it was attached.
Symptoms wise I have an itching, burning sensation and acute tenderness in the area, like a deep bruise. If I have any other symptoms, fatigue, ect, they've been masked by the cold I've had for a couple of weeks now. As far as the doctor, I visited a few hours ago, and the physician on staff said they had little experience with tick bites, had to ask for help from the staff. She ultimately gave me a low confidence Lyme diagnosis and put me on two weeks of antibiotics.
Whatever it is hopefully will get knocked out by those, but I would really like to hear if anyone has experience with tick bites and could tell me any more possible causes for this reaction. Again, dog ticks are pretty distinct from deer ticks, and I never heard of a dog tick being a vector for Lyme.
Thanks in advance
submitted by QueenOfConnacht to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 05:23 QueenOfConnacht Tick Bite Mystery

(21F) So, to preface this is want to say I have been to a doctor and been prescribed antibiotics, but thr doctor didn't have much experience with ticks and I have questions they couldn't answer.
Five days ago I pulled a tick off of me that had gone undetected for at least two days. Didn't think much of it, I work outside and am used to ticks. However, last couple days I noticed tenderness; yesterday, a noticed red raised bumps around the bite, and by this morning, it had formed a red ring around the bite. The whole thing, bite and rash, isn't bigger than a penny.
My first thought was lyme, and that's what the doctor I saw is treating me for. However. I wasn't bitten by a deer tick. It was a dog tick, up in the north woods of Wisconsin. I'm not an expert but the species are pretty visually distinct.
Here's a picture of the bite as of evening 5/20, and the tick when it was attached.
Symptoms wise I have an itching, burning sensation and acute tenderness in the area, like a deep bruise. If I have any other symptoms, fatigue, ect, they've been masked by the cold I've had for a couple of weeks now. As far as the doctor, I visited a few hours ago, and the physician on staff said they had little experience with tick bites, had to ask for help from the staff. She ultimately gave me a low confidence Lyme diagnosis and put me on two weeks of antibiotics.
Whatever it is hopefully will get knocked out by those, but I would really like to hear if anyone has experience with tick bites and could tell me any more possible causes for this reaction. Again, dog ticks are pretty distinct from deer ticks, and I never heard of a dog tick being a vector for Lyme.
Thanks in advance
submitted by QueenOfConnacht to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 01:15 Regular_Membership50 Rash over my beard/cheeks

28M here. I've been having this rash over my face for the past 3-4 years and seemed to not be going away.
A little bit about myself. I always had a "bad oily skin" Suffered with acne most of my life and was put on Accutane many times since I was a 14 and every time the acne comes back few weeks after finishing my Accutane course. I started experimenting with topical tretinoin agents. Initially it couldn’t control my acne, so my dermatologist recommend that I go up with concertation and application frequency. I went up from 0.025 to 0.05 to 0.1 to 0.1.5 to finally 0.2% and I was using it twice daily. My face was perpetually red and flaky but on the other hand I was okay with that trade off as long as I don't have aay more acne. I continue that regimen religiously with me applying moisturizing cream 2-3 times a day. It was embarrassing as I was going to school/work with a thick layer of products (Tretinoin and moisturizer) on my face for the past 3-4 years. Despite all that I was happy with the trade of not having acne.
This brings us to the rash. I'm not sure when it started exactly. But I think it started when I started using the topical Tretinoin. The rash is strange as it does not involve the entirety of my face and only confined on my cheeks and along my jaw (You can see picture). I didn't think it was caused by any of the products I'm using as it is not diffusely involving my entire face and that's where I apply the products. The rash also can be itchy (Not that bad) and make the underlying skin quite friable where it can bleed easily if happen to scratch it (I almost never scratch it). Also, the hair there have changed where I started to have big thick hairs and what appears to be multiple hair strands from the same hair follicle. I tried to look it up and it seem to be something called "Pili multigemini". The last thing about my rash is that it is at it worse in the morning and the redness improves as the day goes by.
I went to multiple dermatologists and non of them seemed to care about the rash or even take a look at it. I don't blame them. They probably see hundreds of patients with similar presentation. So, I'm just someone with "rash"
I just want to emphasis this is causing me a lot of insecurities and I cant grow a beard because of it as growing a beard makes it worse.
With that being said. Now, moving to what I have done so far to try and treat it.
  1. Reducing my Tretinoin frequency: I started to apply my 0.2% Tretinoin less frequently and gradually went from applying it twice daily to now only once daily. However, I substitute my morning dose with Differin face wash. I'm not sure if there is any significant improvement since I cut down when it comes to reddness, but my face is less flaky. But I'm happy I did. Not sure if I should cut the cleanser next or cut the night dose next. But I'll try to reduce the dose to as low as possible without having acne and will adjust things accordingly. I'm currently using 0.2 Tretinoin every night.
  2. Moisturizing: I'm moisturizing religiously, I never skip a day without moisturizing I experimented with something as heavy as CeraVe Moisturizing Cream. But I stopped using it since I reduced my Tretinoin applying frequency from twice a day to once daily. I'm currently using ISIS Pharma Teen Derm Hydra Compensating Soothing Moisturizer in the mornings as it is feels lighter and Cetaphil Moisturizing Lotion at night. Changing the moisturizer did not affect the redness of the rash as I thought maybe "I am allergic to the moisturizer."
  3. Ketoconazole cream: I remember trying this on when my rash just started. A dermatologist diagnosed me with Seborrheic dermatitis. If anything I felt it made my skin worse. It caused it to be more flaky. I also use Ketoconazole shampoo for my dandruff. I use it twice a week. If Ketoconazole works on my rash I would have noticed it by now. I'm thinking of starting it again and try given I'm no longer flaky as I once was.
  4. Steroid cream: I was prescribed a potent one. I think it helped a little but that is not something sustainable to use or add to my skin routine.
  5. Clindamycin solution: I use this not for my rash per say but for my hair follicle problem. My Pili multigemini is much better when I apply clindamycin regularly. I don’t have to spend time in the mirror with tweezers getting all those chunky hairs out. However, I still find some affected hair follicles when I trim.
  6. Trimming facial hair: Trimming facial hair seem to improve my symptoms. I make sure to trim every day or every other day with an electric trimmer.
  7. Hot water: I notice my rash is at it worse in the morning and that is when I shower. I tend to shower with hot water. I started to make sure my face is not exposed to hot water and wash it separately with cold water.
I’m posting this here as I’m desperate. I feel like no dermatologist will be patient enough to hear my story. I’m open for suggestions, recommendations and for people to share their similar experiences.
Here is a picture of the rash.
Left side:
Right side:
submitted by Regular_Membership50 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 01:02 snowbunni13 help!

these pictures are of my seven year old daughter. this rash coveres her entire body, no build up around hands and feet. she’s never had anything like this before, she isn’t allergic to anything (that we know) and there hasn’t been diet, detergent or lifestyle changes. she does have a congestion cough and a little red throat. she didn’t play outside the day they appeared. they come in episodes, there will be nothing then five minutes later she’s covered head to toe. then disappear again an hour later. it’s a repeating cycle. benadryl and topical cream not rlly working to relieve her. they are extremely itchy and irritating. they cannot be bed bugs bc she got them at our grand parents, had another reaction at home and another this morning in the car. they super random and come on strong when they start. THIS ALL STARTED ONLY THREE DAYS AGO. i took her to the hospital and they sent her home bc she didn’t have a fever, said just continue allergy medicine. i thought swimmers itch, bc last weekend we swam at a hotel pool, but it comes and goes? also i have to disclose , her siblings had fever and cough about two weeks ago. our five year old was sick first with a 104 fever and cough. dr just said a virus she tested negative for strep and covid. our infant went in shortly after for 103 fever and a cough and they noticed he had throat sores, the dr told us he had herpagina. everyone has since recovered before all of this started.
submitted by snowbunni13 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 22:16 Which-Ad8625 Malar Rash and chillblains

Malar Rash and chillblains
Iv been having autoimmune symptoms for more than a decade but never knew the they were related. I just thought I had a bunch benign weird symptoms. They would come and go of course. Recently my chilblains and Raynauds has been terrible (so painful) and my doctor mentioned lupus. After some research I felt like I found my people! I am still awaiting the ANA results - I have been low WBC count and Neutrophils for about 8 months now. Negative dsDNA. I’m extremely sensitive to the sun and Iv been having frequent migraines.
I’m not sure if my face rash looks like a Malar or not? My nasolabial folds are generally always red (even in the absence of the cheek and nose rash. But that picture was taken after being in the sun for about 20 mins (with sunscreen of course).
Also, anyone else get terrible chillblains?? I have steroid cream for them but doesn’t seem to help much.
submitted by Which-Ad8625 to Autoimmune [link] [comments]