On access scan messages


2009.06.16 03:34 laverabe Scholar

This subreddit is for requesting and sharing specific articles available in various databases.

2019.08.23 12:34 5aligia The Only Joke They Know

The subreddit dedicated to the one-joke. To simplify the one-joke is a joke used to stereotype trans people and make fun of them. Often it's formatted as, "My pronouns are (Object/Object)", "I identify as (Object)", "Did you just assume my gender", and similar. Not all jokes regarding to trans people are the one-joke. The one joke does not have to be malicious and can also be satirical and funny at times

2016.10.10 11:15 1DrK44np3gMKuvcGeFVv MyEtherWallet: Ethereum's Best Wallet

MyEtherWallet is a self-custody, open-source, client-side wallet that provides easy and secure access to Ethereum, Layer 2s, and beyond. https://www.myetherwallet.com/

2024.05.22 00:24 swiftgoose1042 photo pass

hey all, me and my friends are visiting towers tomorrow and we've purchased the ultimate photo pass, but i'm not overly sure how it works. in the email it says something about going to the photo team first and getting a QR code to scan to activate the pass? but i've also seen some people saying you don't have to do that. and then to my knowledge when you get off the rides you just have to look for your photo on the screens and then put the code on the picture into the app? again, not overly sure how it works because i've seen mixed messages about it. thanks!
submitted by swiftgoose1042 to altontowers [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:18 Routine-Love-1424 I've had success with SP but stuck in a rut and need help moving forward

Hi :)
Apologies for any grammar errors, English is not my first language. I'm a firm believer of the law since discovering it at the beginning of the year. As soon I discovered this law so much of my life made sense. I have definitely manifested things in the past, from jobs to money to previous relationships ending (I did not want them to end but realise now that I was the cause of them ending by having negative assumptions/self-concept). I know I can be a powerful manifestor and I don't doubt the law, but I feel stuck in a rut right now with a situation I am trying to manifest and would appreciate some insight on how to move forward. Buckle in as it is a long story, but you will hopefully see some successes in this post too if you are doubtful of the law yourself, which I am happy to give my insight on.
I am a woman, and my SP is also a woman. I strongly believe that I manifested her because before we met I was unintentionally manifesting my perfect partner, and bam, along comes this girl who is just my type and ticks every box. It was almost like I dreamt her up. We didn't delve straight into a relationship, we first met on discord (long-distance) just by chance and I was very intrigued by SP from the offset, almost as if I knew she would be important to me. I now know that it's having these beliefs in the first place that created what would later unfold with her. What I used to call intuition I now know was my own power. I knew that SP liked girls because we met on a discord server for the LGBTQ+ community, and we both shared our experiences of being newly out, late-blooming lesbians etc. However, SP did make it clear that she was married to a man, so despite my intrigue towards her I did not actively try and pursue anything. Her marriage and the fact she lives in a different country, I guess she felt out of reach, but I still thought about her a lot. The key is that I didn't think about her in an obsessive way, I wasn't attached or obsessed yet. I believe the barriers I saw between us stopped the attachment from growing. Remember, I didn't know about the law at this time so I didn't have the mindset that circumstances don't matter, there are no barriers etc. But I believe that my thoughts and "gut instinct" about her paired with my detachment did create movement, because she messaged me privately. I felt she was being flirty but again I didn't pursue it as she was married and seemed off limits. At this point she was merely a crush.
Fast forward a year later, I actually have a crush on someone else at this point, someone a lot more "accessible". The crush wasn't a deep one (yet) but an exciting one, but before it has chance to go anywhere my SP came fully into my life. Before this point SP had been somebody who I saw post occasionally on discord and whenever I did I would think about her, I called her my online crush jokingly to my friends etc., but we only talked on occasion and openly on the server. It was nothing deep. But this all changed just as I started crushing on someone else and suddenly SP privately messaged me, and we have never gone a day without messaging since. I'm mentioning this because I wonder if anybody can provide insight as to why my SP coming forward finally manifested when I started crushing on somebody else.
As soon as we started talking the attachment hit. My other crush I forgot about so quickly and all attention was on SP. Now that I knew her on a more personal level my feelings grew stronger and it went from an online crush to falling deeply in love. It all unfolded very naturally and authentically. Remember that SP is married so we had no intentions to fall in love, and I didn't consciously manifest this because I didn't know the law at the time, but I do believe in it because of what happened. I felt so connected to SP and I remember just feeling "intuitively" that SP felt the same. Even though she had a husband I told myself that she must be unhappy as I knew she was a lesbian who had only recently discovered her sexuality 5 years into her marriage. All of this manifested, SP revealed she had developed feelings for me and she told me that not only was she unhappy with her husband, he was very abusive and she was having doubts about her marriage. We got closer and closer and developed a deep friendship, she relied on me a lot for emotional support in her toxic marriage, and when we met in person everything was perfect. She was financially trapped in her abusive relationship but told me that as soon as she could get out she would leave and be with me. Everything between us was pure and beautiful and I had no doubts or insecurities, which is why I think I managed to manifest a perfect relationship between us. When I say perfect I mean in terms of feelings and how she was showing up for me and the fact that our feelings were reciprocated. The not perfect part was her marriage, and on reflection I think I had limiting beliefs about her leaving because I always felt it was financially impossible. I believe this is why she hasn't left. But I did have confidence and security in how she felt about me, and I knew that she was in love with me and was only with her husband due to finances, so her openness and feelings manifested. She affirmed to me many times I was the only one she loved like that. Despite the situation, I had never felt so loved, and I looked forward to our future.
But here is where things started to change, as time progressed (it had been around a year of being close to her at this point) I started to experience doubt and my self-concept started to slip. I started to really worry about the 3P even though this had never been an issue before. Before I had KNOWN she didn't love him and only loved me, but now I started having doubts of "she hasn't left yet, she must be happy with him again" even though I knew logically the reason she hadn't left was due to not being able to financially afford the divorce, scared of him etc. I would flit between that logic and the emotions I had about it all and I also started having this belief that she was going to end any chance of a future with us and say she wanted to just be friends. Well guess what, exactly that happened. I was shocked because we had such a beautiful love that I never imagined ending, but I know now that my insecure thoughts created this reality. I will say that during this time she would still tell me she was unhappy with 3P and still had hopes to be with me one day, but she just couldn't promise a future with me because it felt like emotional cheating on 3P which I understood. We remained close, still talking every day, I would say she seemed a lot more inconsistent with me in terms of the future but has always maintained the feelings are still there (just doesn't like to talk about it as much as we once did because it makes her feel guilty towards 3P). Again, analysing this, I think my own doubts have created this inconsistency because sometimes I would be positive about us, other times negative, and I think this is what was reflected to me in the 3D.
At the beginning of this year things seemed quite bad between us and we were fighting a lot, which is when I discovered the law. I started to apply the teachings and by February time I had major movement. SP was very loving, talking about a future again, things were great between us. The one thing I still haven't cracked I think, is the limiting belief about her actually being able to leave her marriage. A reminder again that she has always told me she wants to leave her marriage, the only reason she stays is logistical and financial difficulties, but sometimes I think the logistical and financial difficulties overwhelm me and cause self-limiting beliefs. I've been trying all the methods, SATS, affirmations, self-concept work and believing I am chosen, and trying to live in the end. As I said I have had some success as recent as 2 months ago, but the past month things are worse than ever and I'm almost in shock over it, which is why I need help.
SP is now telling me that she is happy with her husband, things have improved and she is no longer wanting to leave. The reason I am so shocked is because this has never been the story and it's a complete 360, it almost makes me feel like I'm living in a parallel universe (which maybe I have shifted to that reality from my own thoughts). 3P has always been abusive and I have seen it with my own eyes, so to hear this from her is baffling. I'm trying to affirm that this is just her morals talking or her fears, she is trying to be true to her marriage etc. and she doesn't mean it, but I'm really struggling and I guess I'm reacting to the 3D. I know I shouldn't be doing this but this is why I'm asking for help on how to move forward. I fully believe in the law but I almost can't believe the 360 that's happened. From deeply in love to her cooling things off slightly because of her guilt, to her now saying she wants to stay with 3P. It's almost like I can't believe I could completely flip the narrative here and part of me even feels like the old reality wasn't real.
The only saving grace here is that she has told me that she still loves me, so I don't have to work on that, but the issue is she loves both of us. And she has chosen 3P right now. And I'm shocked because I never thought she would say that. So I guess basically I'm wanting advice on how to move forward in manifesting getting my SP and having her leave the 3P. I know some people are against 3P removal but this 3P is toxic and abusive, I wouldn't want her to be with him regardless of my feelings. It's like I know that I created this but I also feel so hopeless now. I already had limiting beliefs about her leaving just for logistics, now she's saying she is happy again it's making me doubt even more. On top of that we have long distance between us whereas 3P she already has a house and a marriage and a life with him. Any insights and hope and advice to move forward would be so appreciated. Or any techniques/affirmations I could use?
Part of me wonder if this just the bridge of incidents? Weird things have been happening recently too with previous SP's showing up either in my life or in my dreams. But the SP I want, this has happened :(
I'm visiting SP in her country soon and I would love to hear all the things she used to tell me and for 3P to just not be an issue. (SP and I still very close and talk every day regardless)
I know I'm a strong manifestor I just need some help. I would love to be writing a success story in 6 months time about how SP and I made it.
submitted by Routine-Love-1424 to NevilleGoddard2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:16 Competitive_Phone332 What Do You Think Of My Pay Plan?

Hi all, as the title states - I am looking for feedback on my pay plan. I've worked at a large new and used Subaru dealer in MA for the past 2 years. Our current pay plan is as follows:
\ 100% commission based with some bonus opportunities from the dealer and manufacturer, no hourly/base pay **
Right now, just about every single car leaving the lot is a $200 mini... we are selling new cars below employee pricing, and I don't think I've hit 15 once so far this year - it's been very rough to say the least. We have no receptionist at our dealership, which means that us sales people are responsible for answering/redirecting all incoming phone calls, as well as taking messages for others. We are also responsible for stocking in new vehicles, snow removal, writing online car descriptions (that one is funny to me because it seems like a task more designated for the INT team, but who am I to decide that?), and so many more tasks that most other dealerships have other employees to take care of. I am feeling so much frustration because management has been promising us for more than 6 months that volume is expecting to be ramping up and it hasn't - if anything, it's been steadily slower and yet they have hired two new sales people (14 of us total now). I am only paid for the vehicle I sell and I feel the work here is not matching the compensation. Hell, even when the market was "great" I did not even clear $7,500 for a 5 week month delivering 18 cars.
I absolutely LOVE my coworkers, and I really do look up to my GSM and SM's - they have taught me so much and do so every day, however they aren't paying my bills. If things do not change NOW, I will lose everything my apartment, my car - it's not like I'm not putting in the hours and the hard work. My closing ratio is high and my surveys/reviews are excellent - the traffic is horrifically low, and its like another slap in the face blowing every deal out to a mini on top of it. I feel as though they are expecting sales people to take the hit and ride out the slow market, all while higher-ups are reaping volume bonus incentives.
I guess my question here is: what is your pay plan like? what are your thoughts on mine? can you give me any advice? thank you in advance for reading all of this, and I really do appreciate any and all feedback. wishing you all a busy and prosperous May!
submitted by Competitive_Phone332 to askcarsales [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:11 Brilliant_Maddy Online Stat Math Helper for Hire Reddit Online Help for algebra trigonometry Equations inequalities Functions (domain, range, composition) Graphs graphing Trigonometric functions and identities Reddit Assignment Exam Quiz Course Class Test Homework Help Reddit do my online homework Reddit

Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your comptia or any other WGU Exam or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
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Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your comptia or any other WGU Exam or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your comptia or any other WGU Exam or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
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submitted by Brilliant_Maddy to Statisticshelpers_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:10 yaris205 Strange issue with SD card, as if permanently stuck in read-only mode.

(No the little slide lock isn't on)
So my PC suddenly shut down when I was transferring files so now my SD card is acting very strange.
I can access the files fine and even transfer stuff over but when I refresh it it will revert back to it's previous state as if I did nothing, same goes for deleting stuff.
I've tried everything I know under my belt and I'm afraid it might be bricked. Here's a list of stuff I've already tried:
1) Tried formatting on multiple different systems and configurations.
2) Deleted the volume and tried creating a new one.
3) Cleared read-only mode in diskpart and disk genius.
4) Scanned and repaired bad sectors (no bad sectors found).
5) And finally I even tried to erase the sectors in disk genius.
No matter what I do the card just reverts back to it's previous volume as if nothing happened. Most of the time it will even tell me formatting etc was successful.
submitted by yaris205 to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:08 alexior41100 [DnD5e][LFP][Beginner and 🏳‍🌈 Friendly][Free Session Zero][Tue/Wed][FoundryVTT][PAID] Vecna: Eve of Ruin - Who will save existence?

Vecna: Eve of Ruin🎲

The evil lich-god Vecna has unearthed secrets he can use to unravel and remake the multiverse. Stopping Vecna will require working with three of the multiverse's most famous archmages, traveling to far-flung locales, and rebuilding the legendary Rod of Seven Parts.
Vecna: Eve of Ruin is a high-stakes adventure in which the fate of the multiverse hangs in the balance. The heroes begin in the Forgotten Realms and travel to Planescape, Spelljammer, Eberron, Ravenloft, Dragonlance, and Greyhawk as they race to save existence from obliteration.
A level 10 to 20 adventure.
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submitted by alexior41100 to FoundryLFG [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:08 alexior41100 [DnD5e][LFP][Beginner and 🏳‍🌈 Friendly][Free Session Zero][Tue/Wed][FoundryVTT][PAID] Vecna: Eve of Ruin - Who will save existence?

Vecna: Eve of Ruin🎲

The evil lich-god Vecna has unearthed secrets he can use to unravel and remake the multiverse. Stopping Vecna will require working with three of the multiverse's most famous archmages, traveling to far-flung locales, and rebuilding the legendary Rod of Seven Parts.
Vecna: Eve of Ruin is a high-stakes adventure in which the fate of the multiverse hangs in the balance. The heroes begin in the Forgotten Realms and travel to Planescape, Spelljammer, Eberron, Ravenloft, Dragonlance, and Greyhawk as they race to save existence from obliteration.
A level 10 to 20 adventure.
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submitted by alexior41100 to lfgpremium [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:08 alexior41100 [DnD5e][LFP][Beginner and 🏳‍🌈 Friendly][Free Session Zero][Tue/Wed][FoundryVTT][PAID] Vecna: Eve of Ruin - Who will save existence?

Vecna: Eve of Ruin🎲

The evil lich-god Vecna has unearthed secrets he can use to unravel and remake the multiverse. Stopping Vecna will require working with three of the multiverse's most famous archmages, traveling to far-flung locales, and rebuilding the legendary Rod of Seven Parts.
Vecna: Eve of Ruin is a high-stakes adventure in which the fate of the multiverse hangs in the balance. The heroes begin in the Forgotten Realms and travel to Planescape, Spelljammer, Eberron, Ravenloft, Dragonlance, and Greyhawk as they race to save existence from obliteration.
A level 10 to 20 adventure.
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submitted by alexior41100 to roll20LFG [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:06 Killerqueen180 I was laughing my ass off at this!

Laughing my ass off at this!
I was just causally scrolling through my phone email junk to you know have a look to see what I got, and this email was just soo……. Well I had to share it and see if anyone else had also received this at some point.
The email is as followed.
Hello pervert, I've sent this message from your iCloud.
I want to inform you about a very bad situation for you. However, you can benefit from it, if you will act wisеly.
Have you heard of Pegasus? This is a spyware program that installs on computers and smartphones and allows hackers to monitor the activity of device owners. It provides access to your webcam, messengers, emails, call records, etc. It works well on Android, iOS, and Windows. I guess, you already figured out where I’m getting at.
It’s been a few months since I installed it on all your dеviсеs because you were not quite choosy about what links to click on the intеrnеt. During this period, I’ve learned about all aspects of your private life, but оnе is of special significance to me.
I’ve recorded many videos of you jerking off to highly controversial роrn videos. Given that the “questionable” genre is almost always the same, I can conclude that you have sick реrvеrsiоn.
I doubt you’d want your friends, family and co-workers to know about it. However, I can do it in a few clicks.
Every number in your contact Iist will suddenly receive these vidеоs – on WhatsApp, on Telegram, on Instagram, on Facebook, on email – everywhere. It is going to be a tsunami that will sweep away everything in its path, and first of all, your fоrmеr life.
Don’t think of yourself as an innocent victim. No one knows where your реrvеrsiоn might lead in the future, so consider this a kind of deserved рunishmеnt to stop you.
I’m some kind of God who sees everything. However, don’t panic. As we know, God is merciful and forgiving, and so do I. But my mеrсy is not free.
Transfer 1500 USD to my Litecoin (LTC) wallet: ltc1qjaqw0e6t5xmfgm7zlythfd0gjnzpws6gdly76u
Once I receive confirmation of the transaction, I will реrmanently delete all videos compromising you, uninstаll Pegasus from all of your devices, and disappear from your life. You can be sure – my benefit is only money. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be writing to you, but destroy your life without a word in a second.
I’ll be notified when you open my email, and from that moment you have exactly 48 hours to send the money. If cryptocurrencies are unchartered waters for you, don’t worry, it’s very simple. Just google “crypto exchange” or "buy Litecoin" and then it will be no harder than buying some useless stuff on Amazon.
I strongly warn you against the following: * Do not reply to this email. This email and return address were created inside your iCloud mail. * Do not contact the police. I have access to all your dеviсеs, and as soon as I find out you ran to the cops, videos will be published. * Don’t try to reset or destroy your dеviсеs. As I mentioned above: I’m monitoring all your activity, so you either agree to my terms or the vidеоs are рublished.
Also, don’t forget that cryptocurrencies are anonymous, so it’s impossible to identify me using the provided аddrеss.
Good luck, my perverted friend. I hope this is the last time we hear from each other. And some friendly advice: from now on, don’t be so careless about your online security.
I mean I’ve had scams before but this….. btw I’m in Britain.
submitted by Killerqueen180 to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:05 itsauntiechristen Disappointed in long distance cubs making offers they cannot fulfill

I would have chosen "Venting" for my flair but it did not appear as an option. This is NOT a "seeking" post so cubs, DO NOT DM me if we don't already know each other. I will just delete it. Here is my "disappointment" story:
I am a Cougar (51F) and I posted my info on one of the "seeking" posts in the appropriate subreddit a couple of weeks ago. I specifically said that I was looking to meet a cub within 2 hours driving distance of me for a FWB type relationship. I am poly with a couple of partners but no one with this specific dynamic. Of course I got quite a few messages and I hit it off really well with one guy - but he lives 5 hours drive from me. To me, this was actually NBD because I don't mind road trips. He drives a lot for work so if HE came to see ME, he wanted to fly. Ok - fine.
I should have looked up the dates before I started typing so forgive the vagueness. But I texted quite a bit with this guy over the course of about 2 weeks and we talked on the phone once for 4 hours. It felt like we had a unique connection and there was definitely mutual attraction there. He told me he was "talking with" one other Cougar he met on Reddit and they had met for lunch once but it wasn't serious. So...I was getting excited to meet him and see if we vibes as well in person as we did via text and phone. We started planning for me to visit him on Memorial Day Weekend.
Then last week (I believe) he texted me to ask if I had bought tickets or made reservations yet. He said he had had lunch with the other woman - who lives within 2 hours of him - and she asked if they could be exclusive and he said "yes." Of course this is his choice and I respected it, but I DID ask some questions because I felt like it came out if nowhere. I said something like, "You are willing to be exclusive with someone you have met only twice and not even made out with?" To which he replied, "I never said we hadn't made out." OH. Okay. That's a bit different. 😞
I told him I was disappointed and that I felt like he had downplayed his interest in the other woman when getting to know me. But I had NOT made any reservations so I wasn't out any money. Then - he blocked my cell number, and blocked me on Instagram AND Reddit! Holy crap! That just felt mean and unnecessary!!
So I shook it off (took a couple of days) and went on with my life. Started talking with another cub from Reddit - again - he is a 2 hour PLANE ride away but not a quick car trip. Hmmm. I have tried to take it slower with this guy. We have also been communicating for about 2 weeks now, and the first week he seemed very enthusiastic, but then over the past weekend he was busy and I didn't hear much from him. I asked on Sunday night what he had been up to and he said mostly going out and drinking beer with friends. Cool, sounds like fun.
So today we are texting and I asked him if he wanted to talk about planning for me to visit him. He said he was stressed from work, not in the mood to talk about it, can we talk later. His waning interest feels familiar so I asked point blank if he has started to date someone local. He said he has met a couple of people but isn't dating them. I asked if he was interested in one in particular and he said yes, but he hasn't made a move. So - my Spidey sense is tingling big time. Part of the problem is that I am poly so I don't think starting to date someone is a reason not to meet someone else. But he has told me that eventually he wants to find a wife and get married and be monogamous. The SOONEST I could go for a visit would be June 7 which is over 2 weeks away. And if he is anything like that other guy, he will probably have a girlfriend by then. 😠
So... I get it. Dating can suck. I'm an adult and I can handle disappointment. But I'm not sure how to guard against this SAME thing happening again!! Some ideas: don't even agree to TALK to guys who live more than 2 hours drive from me, stop talking to younger men because 2 weeks seems like forever to them and I usually need a minimum of 2 weeks to plan a visit.
Cubs - if you are reading this, can you PLEASE avoid being like these 2 guys? I made it CLEAR what I was looking for, where I live, etc. These guys acted like they were interested in spite of the distance but basically ditched me for people who are more immediately accessible. If you only want to date local people, that's totally fine and your choice, but for Pete's sake, don't start talking to someone who lives far away and requires planning to see if you can't wait 2 weeks to meet them!!
Ok - end of ranting/venting. Please be kind in the comments. I would appreciate hearing different perspectives. Ideas to avoid this in the future?
submitted by itsauntiechristen to CougarsAndCubs [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:04 Killerqueen180 Laughing my ass off at this!

I was just causally scrolling through my phone email junk to you know have a look to see what I got, and this email was just soo……. Well I had to share it and see if anyone else had also received this at some point.
The email is as followed.
Hello pervert, I've sent this message from your iCloud.
I want to inform you about a very bad situation for you. However, you can benefit from it, if you will act wisеly.
Have you heard of Pegasus? This is a spyware program that installs on computers and smartphones and allows hackers to monitor the activity of device owners. It provides access to your webcam, messengers, emails, call records, etc. It works well on Android, iOS, and Windows. I guess, you already figured out where I’m getting at.
It’s been a few months since I installed it on all your dеviсеs because you were not quite choosy about what links to click on the intеrnеt. During this period, I’ve learned about all aspects of your private life, but оnе is of special significance to me.
I’ve recorded many videos of you jerking off to highly controversial роrn videos. Given that the “questionable” genre is almost always the same, I can conclude that you have sick реrvеrsiоn.
I doubt you’d want your friends, family and co-workers to know about it. However, I can do it in a few clicks.
Every number in your contact Iist will suddenly receive these vidеоs – on WhatsApp, on Telegram, on Instagram, on Facebook, on email – everywhere. It is going to be a tsunami that will sweep away everything in its path, and first of all, your fоrmеr life.
Don’t think of yourself as an innocent victim. No one knows where your реrvеrsiоn might lead in the future, so consider this a kind of deserved рunishmеnt to stop you.
I’m some kind of God who sees everything. However, don’t panic. As we know, God is merciful and forgiving, and so do I. But my mеrсy is not free.
Transfer 1500 USD to my Litecoin (LTC) wallet: ltc1qjaqw0e6t5xmfgm7zlythfd0gjnzpws6gdly76u
Once I receive confirmation of the transaction, I will реrmanently delete all videos compromising you, uninstаll Pegasus from all of your devices, and disappear from your life. You can be sure – my benefit is only money. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be writing to you, but destroy your life without a word in a second.
I’ll be notified when you open my email, and from that moment you have exactly 48 hours to send the money. If cryptocurrencies are unchartered waters for you, don’t worry, it’s very simple. Just google “crypto exchange” or "buy Litecoin" and then it will be no harder than buying some useless stuff on Amazon.
I strongly warn you against the following: * Do not reply to this email. This email and return address were created inside your iCloud mail. * Do not contact the police. I have access to all your dеviсеs, and as soon as I find out you ran to the cops, videos will be published. * Don’t try to reset or destroy your dеviсеs. As I mentioned above: I’m monitoring all your activity, so you either agree to my terms or the vidеоs are рublished.
Also, don’t forget that cryptocurrencies are anonymous, so it’s impossible to identify me using the provided аddrеss.
Good luck, my perverted friend. I hope this is the last time we hear from each other. And some friendly advice: from now on, don’t be so careless about your online security.
I mean I’ve had scams before but this….. btw I’m in Britain.
submitted by Killerqueen180 to u/Killerqueen180 [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:01 Gossip-Luv2 Retrieved the content of Tweets on SLB's eccentricities - The Mythmaker’s Legacy - Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, I am the Greatest of Them All!

Thanks to Patron Member u/Entharo_entho - Here is the wiped out Tweet retrieved
Context - Wiped out from Internet
In March, I got a chance to work with filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali right after he made Gangubai Kathiawadi, and Alia Bhatt, playing the titular character in the film, retweeted me.
The headline (in my head) was going to be, ‘The Boy From Kamathipura Goes To Bhansali Mandi.
Then reality struck in April.
One of my closest friends Sweta called me from the Shivapuri National Park near Kathmandu and put me on speaker. Two other friends Mona and Ayush were listening to the WhatsApp call.
How’s it going with Bhansu?’ Sweta asked.
We are not working together anymore,’ I said.
Whaaaaaaaat?’ the three people shrieked, creating a wavy disturbance in audio frequency.
Whyyyyy?’ they cried, collectively anguished.
He said he is not feeling the vibes.’
Vibes,’ I said aloud, causing a seismic tremor in the audio frequency.
What vibes?’ Sweta jibed, ‘Maybe he can’t feel the vibrator.
Laughter upped the vibes.
First, a little context on how I got that far. Check this, this, this & this.
So my tweets were going viral in February-March.
In the second week of March, a woman DM’d me saying she loves the tweets. I said thank you. She said she works at Bhansali Productions.
Whoopsie Daisy!
I asked if I could be a part of the production. She checked with SLB and team. He said he wants to meet now.
I was in Calcutta.
I called an actor friend in Bombay and told him about it.
They will book your tickets and put you up in 5-star,” he said, “Like Hollywood.
This is Bhansaliwood,” I said, “Yahan dhanda hamesha manda hai.
I flew (on my own expense) and met him.
I was ‘prepared’ by his team for the meeting with His High and Mightiness.
I was told:
Arre, then what do I say?
I sashayed in a brown kurta and white linen trousers. Please see Madhuri Dixit-Nene’s brown ghagra for aesthetic reference I used from my very limited wardrobe of the only kurta I had at the time. By the way, the chorus sings ‘Jhanak Jhanak Payal Baaje,’ aesthetically referencing you know what, right?
He was lunching with his minions (strictly calling them minions from his pov) when I arrived in his pristine white dining hall in a building called Magnum Opus. Where else should he reside, no? Both his house, and his office (where I was ‘prepared’ earlier) were tastefully done in creamy white.
It was, as I said to my friend later, like walking into a cumulus cloud, or like sitting on his favourite singer Lata Mangeshkar’s lap. Calm, serene and quite surreal. I was inside his snow globe. Violins from a Bach concerto (in my head) were replaced with say Madan Mohan’s doleful rendition of ‘Mai ri main ka se kahoon peedh apne jiya ki.’ (Side effect of writing this on Mother’s Day.)
I look for books when I enter a house for signs of intelligent life. There were lots of lamps and candelabras but where were the stacks of books they were perched on? The aesthetic was high on film set disposable kitsch. I stared into a cumulative void.
The minions were intensely debating Darjeeling momos. What’s that? I spent my childhood there. Never heard of this GI tag!
SLB relished his meal and said, “I want puranpoli today.
Puranpoli appeared not out of thin air, but a house-help flipping wishes instantly on a griddle on the fifth floor. We were on the first floor. Although the puranpoli is shaped like a flying saucer, it doesn’t fly, perhaps burdened by the weight of excess ghee and crowd-pleasing expectation. It does, however, reach SLB’s plate at the speed of light.
Give him some,’ he asked a minion to serve me while I waited on the sofa.
I’ve had lunch, thank you,’ I said, trying to behave. The plate arrived. I took a mousy bite to exhibit my failing attempt to transform into a champion minion.
When he came to chat, he noticed the unfinished food and gently reminded me how there were days he went hungry. I should have rolled my eyes for my own lean days.
One should not waste food,’ he said.
I don’t,’ I said, ‘I was going to parcel it home in a doggy bag.
Hearing the word doggy, his well-behaved dog came over to inspect me.
He observed me. I petted her perfunctorily. Am a cat person. Stereotypical writer stuff — allergic to undesired petting and attention.
So, what have you done?’ he asked, sitting on a sort of empire-style bergere chair. Full marks for faux-ornate.
A novel, some writing for a series,’ I said nervously, dismissively.
Anything I might have seen?’ he asked.
No, not worthwhile.’
Are you interested in direction also?
No, am not delusional.
A moment passed. I might have displayed an errant repartee.
I mean, I can only write, or am trying to,’ I said. L’esprit de l’escalier.
He gave me a spiel on writing, how screenplay is an art not many understand, etc, et cetera.
I nodded to make his voice disappear.
What are you writing now?
I showed him the cover of my new book, The Last Courtesan, featuring my mother, on my phone.
Oh, this is so fascinating,’ he said.
He spoke rapturously about Calcutta’s great food and colonial architecture when I mentioned growing up in Bowbazar kothas. If you watch any of his interviews now on YouTube you will realise he only speaks in raptures. He’s always explaining things like an impassioned conductor at a dime-store opera. It can exhaust the boorish audience immediately. He spoke about living in the Kamathipura area as a child when I said I had lived there. The mythmaker was interested in exoticising his own legend as an ‘outsider’.
But how will you work here if your mother is in Calcutta?’ he said, ‘I am a maa-ka-bhakt.
Everything is about him or his mother. I have reached that stage too, though only by circumstances unavoidable.
Actually it was my mother who asked me to come here. I told her it would only work out if you understand that I will have to vacillate between the two cities initially. Jaise Sanjay ki Leela hai, waise meri Rekha.
Corny dialogue, but worked. No one calls him by his first name, except perhaps his own mother. He is sir for everyone.
If I am speaking to you for so long means I like you,’ he said. ‘Otherwise, I would have asked you to leave long ago.’
Barely five minutes into the conversation, he asked me to return to his office and inform his team that I was going to be a part of his writer’s room.
I went back to his office and read a script. This is the part I cannot mention. His legal team sits in the adjacent room.
I flew to Calcutta and was to return after a week. I had to make arrangements for my mother’s tri-weekly dialysis sessions at a nearby hospital, figure out a tiffin-delivery service for her, find a house help (she sent four nurses scurrying in the past), all of which is a bit of a task in this retrograde city.
Remember the woman who had DM’d me about my tweets? She messaged. She had met SLB after my meeting. He said this about me: ‘What a wonderful find. That boy has so much potential and is talented. Most importantly, he is sensitive.’
I told her I’d get this engraved on my tombstone.
Like how he wants to take Alia Bhatt’s golchakkar in Dholida to his grave.
It’s a shot that I will take to my grave. If there’s any shot that I want to be played when I breathe my last, it would be Alia doing that shot. It is the best thing I have seen an actor do in a very long, long time.
I was only emulating the high priest of hyperbole in my tombstone comment. Perhaps I was regressing into a minion.
I had only managed a few tasks for mother when I was back in Bombay. It worried me that the old, frail woman with shaky limbs and slurred speech was trying to be brave to send me to work. I hadn’t worked since the pandemic; she was in and out of hospitals so frequently that I had surrendered the thought of getting another job ever again. Taking care of her was my full-time job.
The first day in his office was to chill in my new, aesthetically pleasing kurta I had shopped for in Gariahat. There was a security camera in every corner that was apparently accessible on his phone. My skin tingled with this information. Chilled. He was at home. Probably watching. That’s a great way to create a myth.
The next day, there were more minions on the lunch table in his first floor apartment. The magically appearing steamy and fragrant sheera was delicious. A minion deemed it the best sheera in the city. I nodded to make that statement evaporate.
A courier boy interrupted for a document signature. SLB flared at a spelling mistake in the document papers.
Go wash your face and come back,’ he yelled at the young man.
The minions at the table laughed nervously. I so wished I was wearing a mask to cover my surprise emoji face.
The minions on the table were writers and assistant directors.
Dastavez,’ SLB said, ‘would that be correct to use?’
Kaaghzaat,’ the minion replied.
Kaaghzaat is paper, dastavez is document,’ said the second minion.
You always mislead me,’ SLB sternly reprimanded the first minion. ‘Don’t ever do that again.
Only that minion tried to laugh, offering an apology. He shut the minion down.
My mask, my mask emoji face.
A third minion was sulking in a corner before I arrived for the writing session. This minion had reportedly offered a script suggestion, which he disliked and barked down. I liked this minion the most. Relatable.
A faint noise of a person running or perhaps just a rumbling sound from somewhere outside interrupted the room. He looked up at the ceiling and said, ‘No one lives there. Am certain it is a ghost. I hear running sounds all the time. I have heard sounds of furniture being dragged.
I wondered if he actually believed in half the things he uttered, or was he just saying it to create enigma about himself. Mythical thoughts certainly kept him preoccupied.
Reality bored him. SLB had nothing good to say about the ‘current plague’ of South Indian films upsetting the Bollywood cartel. He compared them to a circus. He wasn’t kind to the actors he had worked with in his last film. He cracked lame jokes about everyone and everything. The minions laughed and kept him busy. I chuckled a few times to blend in. The mythmaker revelled in his prophesies about the impending doom of charlatans with no aesthetics: just crass, commercial peddlers pimping art. It was all said to amuse and bemuse while he fussed over the yellow shade of fabric from several swatches.
When he left for his music session, the minions bitched him out, and how! All the horror stories I had heard over the years about his moods, behaviour, language and violent temper were true. How else will he create myth about himself as a maestro? The Glomar response. Let the plebs indulge in hearsay. I will neither confirm nor deny. The minions sang effigy songs in happy tunes, if I may stretch this part a bit like his penchant for high camp.
That night, when I went to my actor friend’s house, where I was temporarily staying, I said to him, ‘I don’t think I will last a week there.
I was rattled by how he spoke to the courier boy and the minions, with no filter. Well, at least it was clear he had no tact, endearing as that might be of a ‘genius’ if one compromises with his erratic behaviour. The CEO of his company does it beautifully and advises to develop a ‘thick hide’ around him. Cows, essentially.
The words genius, great, master, maverick, were so loosely bandied by his office staff even in his absence that I was tempted to add auteur, if they could spell or pronounce it. They worked in perpetual fear of him turning up at any hour and checking on their tidiness. A minion whined she wasn’t dressed appropriately for his surprise visit. Once, he even cut pay for unscheduled leave, said another minion. A minion narrated a shot he copied from a photographer in Gangubai Kathiawadi. Another minion recounted how he made her cry on shoot by screaming at her for a silly mistake. Minions couldn’t leave the office till his evenings were scheduled. It was a well-paying job so long as they did not have to see ‘chacha’s’ face and only applaud his cinematic sorcery.
His office team would assign me desk-work and warn me not to inform him about it.
What am I supposed to say if he asks?
Make up something,’ I was told.
Why should I?
You will slowly understand,’ I was told.
His team of assistants would sneak around me. I didn’t know who was reporting what back to him. He would interrogate the management team. They would lash out at me for informing the assistants. The management wanted to control me a certain way because ‘sir’ does not need to know everything. It was quite a guessing game. He had created an ecosystem of complete chaos and loved the hubbub. New people were hired for him to use the ‘new energy’ to rekindle the ‘old energy’ that needed to be reminded it could be snuffed out and replaced. He thrived on confusion because it all boiled down to him to sort out the mess. He was the provider so long as the minions ingratiated and served their grand master.
One time he called me upstairs, what his CEO called the god’s chamber aka the Shahenshah’s durbar: his office on the seventh floor. Walls were lined with giant posters of his films. We minions sat on the fifth floor. I was of course by now a week old in the toady mill. On the seventh floor, production team members, set designer, director assistant, young people sat on the floor, armed with notebooks and laptops, alert and sugar-tongued. He sat on a throne and dictated each one about their duty. A masseur massaged his leg. He asked me what I thought of a script. I said it was lovely. He asked me to elaborate. I said I liked a character’s resolve. He denied it was written. I said that’s my interpretation. A minion promptly backed me.
What changes do you suggest?’ he asked.
We should sit on it collectively and decide,’ I said.
He mumbled something. My suggestion was dismissed. I was dismissed. I bowed out. A minion whispered to me, ‘We all walk on eggshells around him.’ I had to be a chicken in a coop I suppose.
Another time he dismissed my suggestion for a scene saying, ‘That’s not how art is made.’ I had referenced a scene from Bandit Queen to illustrate my point. Just like his entire oeuvre is homage to a classic. How else does he make his art?
Allow me to illustrate with a frame from his first film Khamoshi: The Musical. The second image is from Pakeezah.
Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam references Red Beard, Woh 7 Din.
Devdas references Pakeezah more than once.
Black references The Miracle Worker.
Saawariya references Pyaasa, Awaara.
Guzaarish references Whose Life Is It Anyway?
Goliyon Ki Raasleela: Ram-Leela references Franco Zeffirelli’s Romeo and Juliet, West Side Story.
Bajirao Mastani references Mughal-E-Azam.
Padmaavat references Mirch Masala.
Gangubai Kathiawadi, let’s give him the benefit of doubt is all his own, original artistry.
The American filmmaker Jim Jarmusch once meta quoted the French filmmaker Jean-Luc Godard when he said:
Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. Devour old films, new films, music, books, paintings, photographs, poems, dreams, random conversations, architecture, bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light and shadows. Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul. If you do this, your work (and theft) will be authentic. Authenticity is invaluable; originality is non-existent. And don’t bother concealing your thievery — celebrate it if you feel like it. In any case, always remember what Jean-Luc Godard said: “It’s not where you take things from — it’s where you take them to.
SLB believes he takes art and betters it, removing the grubby coat of slime from the sublime, often not concerned with acknowledging the source. He is a master’s master, elevating it to an otherworldly experience, the creator of a mythoverse.
He asked me to rewrite a scene I didn’t agree with. He banged the script folders on the table like a petulant, little child. I watched his posture change into a frump. Tiger Shroff’s ‘Bacchi ho kya,’ dialogue comes to mind.
You are talking like those critics who find fault but don’t know how to write. They should write the film,’ he said.
That argument will never make sense to me but since I write movies now and not just about them, I rewrote the scene in half an hour and showed it to him. He found it rubbish.
I was not called to the writer’s room for a week.
His CEO said I should go to his house; hang around him, like the other assistants whose only purpose in life is to feed his ego. We are slaves to his vision, she said. She thought I was a better writer than the team he had assembled. ‘From whatever I read, only three lines of your work on social media, I could sense it,’ she said.
Either she was encouraging, or bluffing with a perfectly Zen face. From the hundreds of Ganesh idols stacked in her room, it was clear she wasn’t a reader. She was good at reading numbers, data, and stats. She would sense a sign if one of the metal idols sucked milk from a spoon on the day she enquired about box –office figures.
There was more than one right-wing hardliner in his office. Secular staff was invisible. A pretty minion in baby pink t-shirt, whose main grouse was that another minion called him a Barbie doll, said he was happy with the Modi government building roads in his home state Bihar. Another minion countered him by asking: What about the persecution of minorities by the same government? The pretty minion said he didn’t care for that. He was assisting ‘sir’ because he wanted to be an actor. Which lead me to wonder how many Muslim actors has this production worked with? Silly of me to think, right? Given that I myself don’t use my Muslim surname. I’ve now successfully planted a myth in your head. That’s how it works.
In the time that I was in Versova during my brief stint at Bhansali Productions, I met several people with their own SLB horror story. A producer said, ‘He is a difficult man but life changes for good after you work with him. Some people want to go through hell first. Life bann jaati hai.’ I didn’t understand why purgatory was necessary. Another former assistant said, ‘When you work with the worst (SLB) and the best (KJO), you are ready for the rest.
A young woman gave him a thesis she wrote on his films. He asked her to write a book on her. She said she wanted to assist as a director. She never heard from him. A filmmaker said SLB was too friendly with another assistant, suggesting intimacy. A writer wasn’t given credit in a film.
Another writer was promised his script will be turned into a film but it never took off and now he feels his life has been ruined. A young filmmaker’s debut movie SLB produced was delayed, not promoted, and called ‘kachra’ to his face.
The young man said SLB is sexist, homophobe, classist, fat shamer, emotional abuser, and a body shamer. “He is a joyless pit of darkness where happiness goes to die. And those are the nicest words I can think of to describe him,” he said. Another filmmaker said a choreographer was in a relationship with SLB and wanted to marry him but he wouldn’t even touch her, a hotly discussed conversation amongst his minions.
Everything sounds hokum. A successful man is likely to upset a few. The few will talk. Their words may ring true through a gossamer veil of implausibility. Myths magnifying his persona.
There are too many myths about his personal life, aroused by his silence on the subject but all too obvious in his work. When people want to confirm with me, I am equally appalled at their lack of aesthetics. Like the great reader of curtains, Edgar Allan Poe, you only have to look at SLB’s use of billowy curtains in films to guess.
Above stanza, courtesy Poe, poem: The Raven.
Hope you get the drift, or draft, hawa ka jhonka! By the way, am digressing now, is the weirdly named character Sameer Rosselline in Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam the first mainstream Hindi film hero to pass wind? The ruffled curtains are first to be cautioned though.
Unlike most people willing to swallow their pride to work with SLB, few like the eponymous Gangubai character choose izzat. The house-help employed in my actor friend’s house was asked to work as a cook in his house. When she heard the whimsy, dessert-craving demands, she declined the offer. I identify with her no-nonsense style.
In November 2021, a filmmaker read a film script I wrote and said, ‘This is SLB territory. Only he can make it. It is the modern love-story he has been wanting to make for a long time.
Are you sure?’ I asked, somewhat flattered but also bewildered.
Yes, we just have to change the setting from Calcutta-Bombay to Calcutta-New York. It is what he has been trying to crack. I’ll get him to read it.
I never spoke to SLB about my script. I did not want to look like a schemer. I had only got a chance because of my mother’s story. I had come to write courtesan songs. Hindi films are recognised by their songs. His films have show tunes that live on long after the sequins and mirrors reflect a decadent style. He employs the old-fashioned method of making Hindi films, which is to stitch scenes around a song, not the other way round. And when you glean your references from the best of classical melodies, how can you falter?
My own SLB story is that after watching Saawariya in 2007, I wrote a few songs, moved to Bombay, lived in Versova, close to Magnum Opus, and hoped to meet him, but made no effort even though I came in close contact with people who worked directly with him. I never requested for a meeting. Over the years, I too had heard a few horror stories about him. I only believe in what I see. I waited when he would call for me, my work would have to speak for itself.
A day before Good Friday, his CEO sat me down and said it’s not working out.
There’s a mythical story of how Lata Mangeshkar was on her way to record a song for SLB but the heavens poured and she had to turn her car back. A typical SLB frame of hope and hopelessness.
Never work with your idols. You’ll have a better story to imagine and create myths.
I was so relieved to leave. I hadn’t got a moment to read, or write, let alone think since I got here. Why I wanted to work with SLB was to not believe in hearsay. I will either confirm or deny.
Great,’ I said, ‘everyone deserves an off on Good Friday.
The office was unsure about public holidays. SLB’s mood dictated the calendar.
Before returning to Calcutta, I met a friend entrenched in the film business.
When she heard of the fiasco, she said, ‘I’ve heard he is very anal, is he?
The vibrator jokes never stop.
submitted by Gossip-Luv2 to BollyBlindsNGossip [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:00 Dr-ThrowawayAccount Options for addressing billing issues when terrified of bosses?

TL;DR: What are my options to finding claim details not in my EHR without having to involve my boss when I don't have clearinghouse access?
This is gonna be long because I don't really have another outlet to vent about this OR ask my practical question. Buckle up and thanks for reading!
I am working in a group practice. Despite being in the field for over a decade, this is my first time providing services for a fee and dealing with anything billing or insurance related. The practice is run by two owners, let's call them "Sarah" and "Jack." The owners are pleasant enough to deal with 98% of the time, however, they are known for being hot-headed and possibly even verbally abusive. This has been cited by several employees who have left and I have experienced degrees of it myself. To make matters worse, they are VERY private and protective over anything related to the behind the scenes of running their business, which is somewhat understandable. I've been told this started when past former employees took information/resources/clients provided by the company and started their own competing company (though this is hearsay since I didn't work for them at the time). But because this is all very new for me, sometimes I have had questions or made well-intentioned efforts to advocate for my clients that unfortunately have been met with defensiveness, suspiciousness, and variations of "stay in your lane" (a phrasing my boss knows for a fact is particularly triggering for me). So I now find myself having palpable anxiety reactions at the thought of angering them with during conversations.**
It will also be helpful to know that the bulk of the employee turnover has been in the administrative/billing department. In fact, in the 18 months I have worked for the company we have had 3 separate billers, with Sarah & Jack filling in during interims.
Current Situation:
There have been some issues with employees having discrepancies with paychecks/taxes. We are paid our (fair and reasonable percentage) of session fees biweekly "in arrears" (aka once insurance pays). I have been lax in tracking all this and decided to sit down and go through my records as I prepare my taxes (I filed an extension lol). This personal accounting tracking has essentially involved me looking in our EHR (Simple Practice) at key pieces of information: 1) Session dates for the past year for each client, 2) Whether those claims were submitted to insurance vs Self Pay, 3) When the session was paid by insurance (and associated claim #s), 4) The amount paid, and 5) whether that correct amount showed up in the right biweekly paycheck.
In working through this process I have come across several client charts where I cannot go through this tracking for one of several reasons. For most of these the issue is that sessions are marked as "paid" and an amount is listed and there are associated claim #s & clearinghouse references; however, the claim details unable to be viewed. This means for these claims/charts I cannot see the date they were paid in order to figure out which paycheck they belong on to verify I am not missing any fees I was expected to be paid. I have also identified a few sessions that were billed incorrectly (either sent to insurance when shouldn't be or charged full fee to client when they shouldn't be). There are also a few where the amount I was listed as having been paid doesn't match the contract rate but I cannot verify why without any claim details.
I want to be clear that my first thought is that these are honest errors and the issue has a lot to do with too many different billers with different way of processing things AND my limited access as a non biller or administrator in the EHR system.
Dilemma and Complications:
I have tried looking in Simple Practice at everything I can see and there is just missing info no matter how I slice it. Months ago I tried requesting access to Availity but the biller at the time denied that, so I do no have clearinghouse access and don't anticipate Sarah & Jack would be open to giving me any. As much as I can't afford the time to do so, I figured maybe I have to call the insurance companies about each of the claims... But my first attempt at reaching out to BCBS was a bust since I couldn't reach a provider services agent and the member services agent couldn't give me much info, just could "verify" what I asked her (i.e. was claim from 5/1 paid out for $100?). So that doesn't help because the main info I need is the payment date and they couldn't give it to me.
So I tried reaching out to the company's current biller (who overall I like) to see if we could have a phone meeting to review these charts. My thought process was that she would have access to the needed info OR insight as to why it might not be available. But she forwarded the message to Sarah & Jack who asked I deal with them directly about it. The exact response was "Please tell me who you need clarity on so I can look at the charts and we can meet after I have had a chance to review." I know this seems innocuous...but...I am TERRIFIED to do this! For one thing, any prior discussions about possible billing issues have been poorly received. Furthermore, I have already sent emails to Sarah & Jack about some of these billing errors closer to the dates of service, so I fully anticipate they will be defensive if I point out they were not addressed/corrected. I know it is irrational but a part of me feels betrayed by the biller and as if I was "fed to the wolves."
Maybe I am wrong, but I feel like the information I am asking for should be accessible to me as the provider of the service and whose NPI number was used for billing. I am fully aware that some of why I can't see the needed info on my own may be due simply to technology or innocent past mistakes...but I worry Sarah & Jack will not see it this way or understand I am not intentionally searching for errors for malicious or litigious reasons. Honestly, I don't even care about the timing of the payments...I am just trying to do personal finance accounting to make sure I am "whole" for the past year.
So allllll that is to say.....is there any option for info access I haven't considered? Is avoiding Sarah and Jack worth the time to try and keep contacting the insurance companies? If I do have to go through Sarah and Jack, any advice on how to present this info to reduce blow back/anger?
** P.S. I know I can/should quit and that this is not an appropriate way to run a business or treat employees. But I am not in a position to leave at this time. So I am trying to find the best way to navigate the current circumstances until I am able to leave.
***P.S.S. Please be kind. I already feel weak, stupid and shameful for being in this situation. I know I should have dealt with it sooner and that I am a grown ass competent professional who shouldn't be feeling this fearful in a professional situation like this. But here we are.
submitted by Dr-ThrowawayAccount to therapists [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:56 Tc_Woods Remote access while hiding, possible?

I am a member of a couple website/apps that require I disclose my precise location. I access these sites/applications with a mini PC running windows 11 pro.
I’m planning a trip to another state and I’d like to continue accessing these sites.
I have a purchased a windows 11 pro laptop for travel and have installed my regular VPN, Nord. During my attempt to figure how to do this, I have installed Tailscale, TeamViewer and Chrome Remote Desktop.
I have tried every possible combination of the VPN, Tailscale and the remote access tools but… I’m never allowed to gain access and I’m sitting in the state where access is allowed. The site knows I’m running one of these apps/tools. When I try and log in, I get messages that tell me to turn off the VPN, or TeamViewer as examples.
Is there any way to circumvent this? I want to have my mini PC on my desk at home and connect with my laptop in another state? I guess I need a remote access tool that doesn’t show it’s being used.
Am I dreaming?
submitted by Tc_Woods to homelab [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:49 TheeUltimateGiGachad Which better GPT3.5 or copilot?

Please read till end
I use ChatGPT on the free plan and can't afford the monthly subscription because of my country's currency and I enjoy the number of free GPT4-o messages and had been satisfied.
Until I heard lots and lots of people trash talking GPT3.5 saying that is retarded and GPT4 is light-years ahead, then I found out that copilot claim to offer free GPT4 with access to the internet (as far as I understand). So should I go with copilot over GPT3.5 and only use ChatGPT for the free daily dose of GPT4-o?
submitted by TheeUltimateGiGachad to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:45 littlenerdkat Books & Resources

Dia dhuit, assalamalaikum, and azul fellawen
I’m looking for some textbooks in either French or English in order to learn Tamazight. I’m the daughter of a musician who worked with linguistic and musical preservation during the Celtic renaissance and revival movements. He mostly worked with our native Gaeilge (the native language of Ireland), Breizh (the Celtic language of France), and some Cornish.
When I got to the age where I was able to look into his work and that whole era of cultural preservation on my own, I noticed that there were a lot of Irish, Bretons, and Amazigh who worked together to spread the message of friendship and diplomacy, and to discuss the similarities between us. Since I was raised in a town where tqvaylith is spoken quite widely, I’m interested in continuing that work of by learning either standard tamazight, or tqbayli and then branching out from there.
The problem is that I’m having an exceedingly hard time finding fully fledged resources to learn. Almost all of the older generation in my area were educated during the black decade and early 2000s, so they don’t have a complete vocabulary, or access to resources.
I’ve exhausted the resources available to be through music- mostly Idir, Lounis Aït Menguellet, Akli Yahyatene, Slimane Azem, and Oulahlou, but these have only given me vocabulary, but not a full understanding of grammar.
I’m proficient enough in both French and English to learn tamazight in either or both, but my Arabic isn’t strong enough for that.
If anyone has any ideas, it would be much appreciated 🫶🏻 thank you in advanced
submitted by littlenerdkat to AmazighPeople [link] [comments]

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2024.05.21 23:36 Incubus_EJ [M4F] - Pathogen - your source for cheap, low-cost assassinations

This starter is an assassin's tale that can take many different directions: romance, thriller, mystery, etc. Shoot me a message/chat if interested! Cheers.
“Pathogen, your source for cheap, low-cost assassinations!” a radio announcer yells. “Here at Pathogen, we take the high cost out of contract killing. Hate someone? Need a rival eliminated… permanently? We got you covered with only a flat, one-time fee.”
Hyzen scoffs and turns off his radio intercepter that scans the dark web for Pathogen activity. It appears they now advertise in plain sight. That takes balls. Hyzen gets up from the couch and makes his way into the kitchen.
“I know you're there,” Hyzen says to no one. He opens the refrigerator and peers inside. “Come on out,” he adds, nonchalantly sticking his hand inside to grab water.
There's silence. But Hyzen hears footsteps. The barely audible sound of bare feet hitting the hardwood floor.
Hyzen turns to stare at a lone shadow figure in the room. “So… Pathogen finally tracked me down, huh? Took you guys long enough.” He takes a drink of water.
“Don't gloat,” . She clenches her fists. “You're just a name on a piece of paper for me now."
“Really? After all we've been through? I'm just a name? That's pretty harsh,” Hyzen says, walking over to grab a peach.
“I don't care. You're a traitor.” glances around the home and sees a mask on a nearby shelf. It's creepy. It's evil. It's a strange combination of black and gray. looks back over at him. “I see you still have your mask, Reaper.”
Hyzen nods. “Of course. That shit is like a collectable.”
charges at him while pulling out a knife. Hyzen throws his peach into the air, blocking her assault then pushes her back with a palm to her chest. He catches the peach on its descent and takes another bite. “You'll need to be better than that,” Hyzen taunts.
grins. “We both know I'm the better assassin.”
Hyzen shakes his head. “Nuh uh. I have a higher body count. Actually, I still have the highest body count.” He expands his arms into the air. “Across all of Pathogen's assassins. It's pathetic, really. I haven't killed in years. Pathogen is nothing without me.”
“Then come back.”
“I don't want to kill you, Hyzen.”
“I don't want you to kill me either, .”
“I told the bosses I'd try to recruit you back… clearly, I failed. Here I come.” No dash this time. approaches calmly, the sound of her bare feet slapping the hardwood floor beneath her.
Hyzen looks at his peach. “Damn… Not even enough time to finish my favorite snack.”
“Peaches are gross,” says and swings at him.
Hyzen ducks, pushing her fist away and throwing a kick. dodges and spins to sweep his leg. Hyzen leaps over the kitchen island and blocks her fist as she follows him. throws some combinations, which Hyzen dodges and blocks with no trouble. He palms her chest again, pushing her back a couple of feet. “You're weak to that? It's been years and you still can't defend against the palm? That little step back is the difference between life and death.”
approaches again. “Shut up.” There's a noise on a monitor, distracting Hyzen as he looks over at a screen sitting on a cabinet in the living room. “Got you!” she yells.
grabs him and swings her leg up and hip tosses him to the ground. She wastes no time, grabbing his arm and pulling it between her legs in an armbar. Hyzen screams as extends his arm without mercy and grabs a knife from her waistband, holding it to his wrist. Bleeding out isn't a bad way to die. A mercy killing.
“Dad?” a voice asks. A little girl walks into the living room, emerging from an adjacent bedroom.
loosens her grip and looks at the girl. Probably three years old and that distraction is enough for Hyzen to break free. Hyzen gets up and throws a downward punch at , but she somersaults backward.
While resets, Hyzen rushes over to his daughter. He turns back around to face , shielding his daughter, who hides behind him.
“It's okay, Lexi,” Hyzen says.
Lexi peers around Hyzen and pokes her head out, locking eyes with . “Who are you?” Lexi asks.
submitted by Incubus_EJ to roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:35 Historical_Key4030 Was Muhammad illiterate?

The Quran claims that Muhammad is illiterate:
Those who follow the Messenger, the illiterate (ummi) prophet... S. 7:157
Definition of 'Illiterate':-
a person who is unable to read or write.
Therefore, if we find sufficient evidence from the Quran and the ahadith which demonstrate that Muhammad was literate, it would necessitate a reevaluation of the Quranic assertion of his illiteracy.
The prevailing belief among many Muslims is that the historical figure of Muhammad was illiterate and therefore incapable of producing the Quran. However, it is important to note that both the Quran and the ahadith provide evidence that Muhammad possessed the ability to read and write!

Evidence from the Quran

The following verses commanded Muhammad to read:
Read! (Iqra) In the Name of your Lord, Who has created (all that exists) … Read! (Iqra) And your Lord is the Most Generous, Who has taught (the writing) by the pen [the first person to write was Prophet Idrees (Enoch)], S. 96:1, 3-4
The mention of the pen clearly indicates that Muhammad was being directed to read a written text, rather than merely recite spoken words.
In fact, the Quran says that Allah will make Muhammad read the Quran so that he won’t forget it:
We shall make thee read (O Muhammad) so that thou shalt not forget S. 87:6
Other places where Muhammad is commanded to read the Quran include:
When you read the Quran, you shall seek refuge in GOD from Satan the rejected. S. 16:98
When you read the Quran, we place between you and those who do not believe in the Hereafter an invisible barrier. S. 17:45
A Quran that we have released slowly, in order for you to read it to the people over a long period, although we sent it down all at once. S. 17:106 And lo! It is a revelation of the Lord of the Worlds, Which the True Spirit hath brought down Upon thy heart, that thou mayst be (one) of the warners, In plain Arabic speech. And lo! it is in the Scriptures of the men of old. Is it not a token for them that the doctors of the Children of Israel know it? And if We had revealed it unto one of any other nation than the Arabs, And he had read it unto them, they would not have believed in it. S. 26:192-199
Your Lord knows that you meditate during two-thirds of the night, or half of it, or one-third of it, and so do some of those who believed with you. GOD has designed the night and the day, and He knows that you cannot always do this. He has pardoned you. Instead, you shall read what you can of the Quran. He knows that some of you may be ill, others may be traveling in pursuit of GOD's provisions, and others may be striving in the cause of GOD. You shall read what you can of it, and observe the contact prayers (Salat), give the obligatory charity (Zakat), and lend GOD a loan of righteousness. Whatever good you send ahead on behalf of your souls, you will find it at GOD far better and generously rewarded. And implore GOD for forgiveness. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful. 73:20
and, when the Koran is read to them, do not adore? S. 84:21
The evidence strongly suggests that Muhammad had access to a manuscript from which he could read to the people. Without access to such a manuscript, it raises the question of what he would have been reading from.
If a Muslim claims that the above texts do not necessarily mean that Muhammad was reading an actual book, because there was no Quranic manuscript for him to read, note what the following passage states:
Those who disbelieve say: "This (the Qur'an) is nothing but a lie that he (Muhammad SAW) has invented, and others have helped him at it, so that they have produced an unjust wrong (thing) and a lie." And they say: "Tales of the ancients, which he has written down, and they are dictated to him morning and afternoon." S. 25:4-5
Not only did Muhammad have the Quran written down, showing that he had access to an actual manuscript that he could read, the Quran even refers to pure pages that Muhammad was reading to the people:
A messenger from Allah, reading purified pages (yatlu suhufan mutahharatan) S. 98:1-2
The term suhuf refers to an actual scripture just as the following verse proves:
The Books (suhuf) of Abraham and Moses. S. 87:19
Therefore, we can now conclude that the Quran provides compelling evidence supporting the claim that Muhammad possessed the ability to read and write. A more in-depth examination of the ahadith is now necessary to further substantiate this assertion.

Evidence from the Ahadith

Narrated Anas bin Malik: Once the Prophet wrote a letter or had an idea of writing a letter. The Prophet was told that they (rulers) would not read letters unless they were sealed. So the Prophet got a silver ring made with "Muhammad Allah's Apostle" engraved on it. As if I were just observing its white glitter in the hand of the Prophet… (Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 3, Number 65)
Narrated Anas bin Malik: When the Prophet (ﷺ) intended to write to the Byzantines, it was said to him, "Those people do not read your letter unless it is stamped." So the Prophet (ﷺ) took a silver ring and got 'Muhammad, the Apostle of Allah' engraved on it .... as if I am now looking at its glitter in his hand. (Sahih Al Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 72, Number 764)
Narrated Anas bin Malik: When the Prophet (ﷺ) intended to write to the Byzantines, the people said, "They do not read a letter unless it is sealed (stamped)." Therefore the Prophet (ﷺ) took a silver ring----as if I am looking at its glitter now----and its engraving was: 'Muhammad, Apostle of Allah'. (Sahih Al Bukhari, Volume 9, Book 89, Number 276)
Narrated 'Ursa: The Prophet wrote the (marriage contract) with 'Aisha while she was six years old and consummated his marriage with her while she was nine years old and she remained with him for nine years (i.e. till his death). (Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 62, Number 88)
Narrated 'Ubaidullah bin 'Abdullah: Ibn 'Abbas said, "When the ailment of the Prophet became worse, he said, 'Bring for me (writing) paper and I will write for you a statement after which you will not go astray.' But 'Umar said, 'The Prophet is seriously ill, and we have got Allah's Book with us and that is sufficient for us.' But the companions of the Prophet differed about this and there was a hue and cry. On that the Prophet said to them, 'Go away (and leave me alone). It is not right that you should quarrel in front of me." Ibn 'Abbas came out saying, ""It was most unfortunate (a great disaster) that Allah's Apostle was prevented from writing that statement for them because of their disagreement and noise. (Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 3, Number 114)
Narrated Ibn `Abbas: When the time of the death of the Prophet (ﷺ) approached while there were some men in the house, and among them was Umar bin Al-Khatttab, the Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Come near let me write for you a writing after which you will never go astray."Umar said, "The Prophet (ﷺ) is seriously ill, and you have the Qur'an, so Allah's Book is sufficient for us." The people in the house differed and disputed. Some of them said, "Come near so that Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) may write for you a writing after which you will not go astray," while some of them said what Umar said. When they made much noise and differed greatly before the Prophet, he said to them, "Go away and leave me." IbnAbbas used to say, "It was a great disaster that their difference and noise prevented Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) from writing that writing for them. (Sahih Al Bukhari, Volume 9, Book 92, Number 468)
Narrated Yazid ibn Abdullah: We were at Mirbad. A man with dishevelled hair and holding a piece of red skin in his hand came. We said: You appear to be a bedouin. He said: Yes. We said: Give us this piece of skin in your hand. He then gave it to us and we read it. It contained the text: "From Muhammad, Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), to Banu Zuhayr ibn Uqaysh. If you bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, offer prayer, pay zakat, pay the fifth from the booty, and the portion of the Prophet (ﷺ) and his special portion (safi), you will be under by the protection of Allah and His Apostle." We then asked: Who wrote this document for you? He replied: The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ). (Sunan Abi Dawud Book 19, Number 2993)
Narrated Al-Bara' bin 'Azib (RA):The Prophet (ﷺ) sent 'Ali to Yemen. The narrator mentioned the complete Hadith. He said, "Ali sent a letter regarding their (the people of Yemen) acceptance of Islam. When Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) read the letter, he prostrated in gratitude to Allah the Most High for that." [Reported by al-Baihaqi].
Muhammad also had access to Syriac books. He also commanded Zaid Bin Thabit to learn the Syriac Language and the book of the Jews:
Ibn Hajar said in Al-Fath: It can be made that he learned their language, reading and writing, because he used to read their books to him and write to them if he wanted to write to them. This is indicated by Al-Tirmidhi’s classification of this hadith by saying: Chapter on what was mentioned in teaching the Syriacs, and in it he mentioned another narration that says In it Zaid: The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, commanded me to learn Syriac, and in Sunan Abu Dawud: Zaid bin Thabit - may God be pleased with him - said: The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, commanded me to learn the book of the Jews for him, and he said: By God, no Jews believed in my book. So I learned it, and only half a month passed before I mastered it. I would write to him when he wrote, and I would read to him when he wrote to him.
The author of Awn al-Ma’boud said: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, commanded me, that is, to learn the book of the Jews, so I learned for him, that is, for the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace. He said, meaning, the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, is a conjunction of my command to explain the reason for the matter. The Jews did not believe in my book, that is, I fear if I commanded a Jew. By writing a book to the Jews, or reading a book that the Jews had come to add or subtract from, so I learned it, i.e., a Jewish book, until I mastered it with the dictionary dhāl and waqf, meaning I knew it, mastered it, and taught it, so I used to write for him, i.e., for the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, whenever he wrote, i.e., if he wanted to write.
Al-Tahawi said in Al-Mu’tasir:
It was narrated from Zaid Bin Thabbit, that he said:
The Messenger (PBUH) said: “Do you know Syriac well? I receive Syriac books.” Zaid said: “No.” The Messenger (PBUH) said: “Learn it (Syriac Language).” Zaid said: “So I learned it in seventeen days.”
The evidence from additional hadiths (links given below) attributed to Muhammad strongly indicates his ability to write.

Muhammad's Literacy in the Sirat(s)

Muhammad could read and write as we read in Sirat Ibn Ishaq, Kitab at-Tabaqat al-Kabir' by Abu 'Abdullah Muhammad ibn Sa'd, and Al Sira Al Nabawiyya by Ibn Kathir:
Sirat Ibn Ishaq
Page 106, about the cave of Hira revelation:
So I (Muhammad) read it, and he departed from me.
Page 649, about correspondence with Musaylima
Musaylima had written to the apostle: ‘From Musaylima the apostle of God to Muhammad the apostle of God. Peace upon you. I have been made partner with you in authority. To us belongs half the land and to Quraysh half, but Quraysh are a hostile people.’ Two messengers brought this letter. A shaykh of Ashja’ told me on the authority of Salama b. Nu’aym b. Mas’ud al-Ashja’I from his father Nu’aym: I heard the apostle saying to them when he read his letter ‘What do you say about it?’ They said that they said the same as Musaylima. He replied, ‘By God, were it not that heralds are not to be killed I would behead the pair of you !’ Then he wrote to Musaylima: ‘From Muhammad the apostle of God to Musaylima the liar. Peace be upon him who follows the guidance. The earth is God’s. He lets whom He will of His creatures inherit it and the result is to the pious. This was at the end of the year 10.
Page 256
The apostle wrote to the Jews of Khaybar according to what a freedman of the family of Zayd b. Thabit told me from ‘Ikrima or from Sa‘id b. Jubayr from Ibn ‘Abbas: “In the name of God the compassionate the merciful from Muhammad the apostle of God friend and brother of Moses who confirms what Moses brought…”
Volume 1, Parts II.73.2
He (Ibn Sa'd) said: Al-Haytham Ibn 'Adi al-Ta'i informed us; he said: Mujàlid Ibn Sa'id and Zakariyá Ibn Abi Zà'idah informed us on the authority of al-Sha'bi; he said: The Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him, used to write after the style of the Quraysh: In Thy name, 0 Allah! Then the verse, "Embark therein! In the name of Allah be its course and its mooring," (Qur'an, 11:41) was revealed, **and he began to write: In the name of Allah.**Then the verse, "Cry unto Allah or cry unto the Beneficent" (Qur'an, 17:110) was revealed, and he began to write; In the name of Allah the Beneficent. Then the verse, "Lo ! it is from Solomon, and Lo ! it is: In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful" (Qur'an, 27: 30) was revealed, and he began to write: In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
Volume 1, Parts II.73.3
He (Ibn Sa'd) said: Al-Haytham Ibn 'Adi informed us; Dalham Ibn Salih and Abu Bakr al-Hudhali informed us on the authority of 'Abd Allah Ibn Buraydah, he on the authority of his father, Buraydah Ibn al-Husayb alAslami; (second chain) he (Ibn Sa'd) said: Muhammad Ibn Ishaq related to us on the authority of Yazid Ibn Rumàn and al-Zuhri; (third chain) he (Ibn Sa'd) said: Al-Hasan Ibn 'Umàrah related to us on the authority of Firas, he on the authority of al-Sha'bi; their narrations are mixed up: He (Ibn Sa'd) said: The Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him, wrote [P.20] an epistle to the people of Yaman detailing in it the regulations of Islam and duties on animals and properties. He directed them to treat his Companions and messengers well, and his messengers were Mu'adh Ibn Jabal and Malik Ibn Murarah. He informed them about the coming of their messengers to him and acknowledged the message which he had received from them. They said: The Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him,wrote personal letters to several persons of Yaman; the names of some of them are, alHarith Ibn 'Abd Kulál, Shurayh Ibn 'Abd Kulal, Nu'aym Ibn 'Abd Kulál, Nu'man the prince of Dhu Yazan, Ma'àfir and Hamdan and Zur'ah of Ru'ayn; and the last was the first of Himyarites to embrace Islam... The Apostle of Alláh, may Allah bless him, wrote to them that Malik Ibn Murárah had delivered the message and defended their right in absentia. They said: The Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him, wrote to Musaylimah, the liar, may Allah damn him, inviting him to join the fold of Islam, and sent it through 'Amr Ibn Ummayyah [P. 26] al-Damri. Musaylimah wrote a reply to his epistle saying that he (Musaylimah) was a prophet like him, and asked him to divide the Earth; he also added that the Quraysh were not just. The Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him, said: Curse him; Allah has also cursed him. The Prophet wrote to him: your letter (full of) falsehood and fabrications against Allah has reached me... They said: The Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him, wrote a similar epistle to Bang Mu'awiyah, a branch of Kindah.
'Ath'ath Ibn Zahr and Anas lbn Mudrik waited on the Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him, with the members of the Khath'am after Jarir Ibn 'Abd Allah had broken Dhua'l-Khalasah and had slain those of Khath'am whom he had slain. Then they said: We believe in Allah, His Apostle and what was revealed by Allah. (They said) write a document for us so that we may follow what might be written therein. Thereupon he wrote a document for him and Jarir Ibn 'Abd Allah and those present testified to it.
AL SIRA AL NABAWIYYA by Ibn Kathir (4 Volumes)
when the Messenger of God (SAAS) wrote to Chosroe inviting him to accept Islam, he became enraged, tore up the letter and then wrote his own instructions
the Messenger of God (SAAS) wrote to the Jews of Khaybar as follows, “In the name of God the most merciful and beneficent, from Muhammad, the Messenger of God, …”
He wrote a document for us as follows: “In the name of God, the most Merciful and most Beneficent; this is from Muhammad, the Messenger of God, …”
Amr b. Murra and those others of his people who had accepted Islam then went to the Prophet (SAAS). He welcomed and honoured them and wrote for them a document, the text of which was as follows, 'In the name of God, the most Merciful, the most Beneficent, this document is from God through the tongue of the Messenger of God and is a trustworthy document…”
… the Messenger of God (SAAS) wrote to Mus'ab b. Umayr telling him to establish the Friday prayer
… the Prophet (SAAS)__** wrote up a contract between the Emigrants saying that they would respect one another's strongholds, that they would treat with kindness those in distress and bring peace between the Muslims.**
The sahih collection of Muslim quotes Jabir as saying, "The Messenger of God (SAAS) wrote an aqula, a blood-wit pact, for each sub-tribe." Muhammad b. Ishaq stated, "The Messenger of God (SAAS) wrote a contract between the Emigrants and the Helpers…”
…the Messenger of God (SAAS) sent forth 'Abd All& b. Jahsh b. Ri'ab al-Asadi along with eight Emigrants; … He wrote a letter for 'Abd All& b. Jahsh…
They asked them, “Uthman and Abd al-Rahman, your Prophet wrote us a letter and we have come in response to it…”
When they went to him next day,** he wrote for them the following document, 'In the name of God, the most Merciful, the most Beneficent. This is written by Muhammad, the Prophet, the untutored, the Messenger of God, to Najran…”**
The bishop, Abu al-Harith, went to the Messenger of God (SAAS), along with al-Sayyid, al-Aqib and important persons from their people…. He wrote the document for the bishop and those bishops to come after him: 'In the name of God, the most Merciful, the most Beneficent. From.Muhammad, the Prophet,…”
The Messenger of God (SAAS) then wrote a letter to this Mutarrif…
The Messenger of God (SAAS) wrote them the following document…
“The following is the letter we have that the Messenger of God (SAAS) wrote for 'Amr b. Hazam…”
”He then wrote a document appointing me their leader … He then wrote me another document.”
The Messenger of God (SAAS) wrote a document to this effect, as follows, "In the name of God, the most Merciful and Beneficent. This records what Muhammad, Messenger of God, has given to Rabi, Mutrif and Anas…”
The Messenger of God (SAAS) wrote back to him as follows…
He wrote him a document specifying his charge and his orders to him.
…the Messenger of God (SAAS) wrote to him and he restored it to them.
The Prophet (SAAS) **wrote a letter to those of Banu Jurash who accepted Islam,**ordering them to peform the prayer, pay the zakat, and to donate one-fifth of the booty they took.
The evidence presented in this post strongly supports the claim that Muhammad was literate and not illiterate, as claimed by the Quran and the Muslims! So, the answer to the question in the title is a BIG NO.
submitted by Historical_Key4030 to CritiqueIslam [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:26 Wandering-Villager ICSD Budget

From a former board member:
Good afternoon!
To all my fellow Ithaca residents, please make sure to take to the polls today, to vote in the Ithaca City School District Board of Education election. If you believe in public education, making sure our students, teachers and support staff are getting the resources and tools they need to thrive and succeed, you will make time to get to the pools, between 12pm and 9pm. If you don’t have access to transportation, I am happy to transport folks (send me a message on Facebook or email)
As many of you know, I spent 6 years on the Board of Education, until I made the difficult decision to resign two years ago. After receiving many Facebook messages, text messages, and phone calls in the past 24 hours from friends and community members asking me who they should vote for and if they should vote yes/no to the budget, I have decided to share my thoughts publicly so I can get back to my 9-5 job for the day . As a single mom of three and a homeowner, I empathize with the sentiment of people feeling like they can no longer afford to rent or own a home in Ithaca. However, Ithaca has been becoming unaffordable for quite some time, I say this as someone who has lived in this community for 21 years. This feeling did not start with our assessment that increased this past year or the rollout of the BoE budget. Voting NO to the budget will not change your assessment, it will not “stick it” to administrators, who will get their raises along with other unionized ICSD employees as part of contractual negotiations. Voting NO will punish and hurt children, teachers and supporting staff. Teachers and support staff will have less resources and support to educate and inspire our children if we have to adopt a contingency plan. And our most vulnerable students will suffer the most. “How a society treats its most vulnerable is always the measure of its humanity” – Ghandi. In this context, how ICSD cares for and educates its most vulnerable students is an indication of how well the school district fares in educating its school community.
As we have all read about four of our schools losing “Good Standing” status with NYSED, and our Black and Brown students feeling the impact of this the most; how can we as a community in good conscious, say that we will provide our children, our future leaders with less than they deserve to overcome the many obstacles that the pandemic has created. For all the caregivers, educators, mental health workers out there, we all know - no one is okay! Some of us were not okay before we were forced into a few years of isolation, so to expect our educators to be able to reconcile the damages that the pandemic created with fewer resources is setting our educators up for the impossible. And yes, taxpayers should not have to bear the weight of this alone when we live in a town with college/university campuses. So instead of glorifying the problem, why don’t we talk about structural solutions? How many of us know Anna Kelles and Lea Webb personally, socially or professionally? Why don’t we bring in our state representatives to help us think about structural long-term solutions of state aid and university contributions? And while we are at it, invite Governor Kathy Hochul who sits on the Board of Trustees of Cornell University to this conversation; why are we not thinking strategically about those who hold power to shift this paradigm? I know this will take time, and folks are concerned with the now.
What can we do now? We can do an inventory of what ICSD offers and provides our students and staff from academics to extracurricular activities. We can ask the questions of, what is the district allocating funding for and is it effective and for whom? The district has an Evaluation Officer, we need to hear from her on what are the impacts of our initiatives, programs, and the curriculum offerings. Our teachers and support staff have unions and union leaders. We need to hear from the union leaders, not just during budget season or when chaos is amiss, but throughout the academic years so we know how best to support teachers all year long.
I will be voting yes to the budget. Yes, it is a huge increase. But guess what folks? We have 12 schools in our very small city, and we are living during a time of high inflation so the services needed to support all these 12 schools have increased. A typical classroom in our building has many adults. I bring this up because I constantly hear the comparison of salary of ICSD teachers to teachers outside the district who are making more than ICSD teachers. 9/10 times these teachers in other districts are making more money because they don’t have co-teachers, teachers assistants, teacher aides, 1:1s, etc. I am in NO way making the argument to have less support in the classroom or to eliminate positions, I am pointing out that our district has a larger supporting staff than many other districts. Teachers and supporting staff deserve a HIGHER wage without question. But this is not an ICSD only problem, this is a nationwide issue. Our country has not put anywhere near enough funding into public education that is needed. And this is not an excuse for the Board or the highly paid administration team. But we have to be real about what are the root causes vs. symptoms of the problems. Give this article a read if you have time: Schools are bracing for widespread teacher layoffs. Here’s why CNN Politics
Now the tricky part of this post, who I am voting for. I am going to be brutally honest because that is just who I am. After attending the public forum with all seven candidates, I left with very very strong opinions of what I witnessed and heard. I plan to vote for Barry Derfel, Moira Long, and Eldred Harris. I know Barry Derfel very peripherally from sitting on the BoE, as well as when I worked for the Multicultural Resource Center, and he was supporting teachers with culturally responsive teaching as well as participating with the Talking Circles initiative. What I know of Barry, is that he is a supporter of equity and inclusion, meaning NO CHILD GETS LEFT BEHIND. Barry has been a teacher, an administrator, and is a parent – he understands the many facets of public education and how we are thriving as a district and how we are failing as a district. Two truths can stand side by side.
I was on the BoE with both Eldred and Moira during my tenure, and it was not always cordial and a walk in the park between us. But what I can say, is that in those behind the door conversations, heated debates, I rarely ever questioned their commitment to children and teachers and support staff. Moira has always championed for teachers and retirees; she understands their plight and struggles as a former teacher herself. Eldred and I both grew up in NYC (though he is my senior by maybe a couple decades) and understand the struggles of being hyper visible yet unseen, overcoming adversity, attending underfunded schools, and taught by teachers who were tasked with the impossible. I know Eldred to be someone who is going to champion for what is best for every child, someone who is going to tap into their radical imagination to think of another way forward, someone who has institutional knowledge and knows how far the district has come, and someone who is willing to ask the hard questions.
I’m going to close this long monologue by saying I believe in creating space for new voices at the table. However, some of these new voices are advocating for changes that will hurt specific populations of children, like candidates who are advocating to bring back policies such as "tracking", while research shows tracking has a disparaging outcome for students and frankly is a racist policy. I said it. There are also candidates who have flip flopped on their support of the budget, telling ITA they would vote yes and after receiving the teacher’s union endorsement telling community members, they would vote no for the budget. Misleading your constituents is never a good sign and not a good way to build community trust and engagement. If I had to vote for a fourth candidate, it would be Todd Fox. He was honest and transparent about his talents and his lack of knowledge of the processes within public education. However, he spoke with passion and authenticity when speaking about his experiences in the school district as a student, and the support he wished he had as a former ICSD student. What I hope for in a school board member, is someone is not afraid to ask the hard questions, someone who listens with compassion and empathy (even if they disagree), someone who takes the time to get to know their constituents and can be honest with themselves and their fellow board members when they are individually or collectively are missing the mark. And most importantly, someone who is is always thinking about equity, and who is at the table and who is not. Our district is in need of school board members who are looking beyond what their individual child needs and instead is looking at what all of our children need in order to receive an equitable education that allows them to more than survive but to thrive within ICSD.
(excuse my typos I don’t have the energy to edit this another time, apologies)
Nicole LaFave
Nicole LaFave Interim Director of Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging Office of Diversity and Inclusion Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management Cornell University
Edited to add that I’m not the author, just sharing.
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