Runescape fletch bot


2009.04.20 00:31 Beltran22 RuneScape

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2011.05.08 08:10 Botting Runescape

Discuss RuneScape botting, scripting, and everything in-between!

2012.02.13 21:34 PopeVsJesus RuneScape Flipping Community

A subreddit dedicated to the art of merching, or flipping, in the MMORPG RuneScape. Join us!

2024.05.18 16:51 Odd-Hotel9359 Seeking Architecture Acvice for multiple bots

First of all this is about a different game (Albion online) but i feel like my question fits for multiple types of games aswell as for runescape since albion is kinda the same but with better graphics and a bit different logic. ANYWAYIll get to the point.
I have created a bot for the game albion online with python that sets buy and sell orders on the market by checking if certain images are on the pc screen. If so behave on programmed logic. It works fine (like 99%) for now on the pc but obviously is bound to a screen aswell as the current set display resolution. It uses python, and opencv to recognize images within a certain threshhold.
I want to expand soon and was looking for other ideas that are maybe more reliable than using a monitor. Since this subreddit is dedicated for runescape botting i think ill get the best replies here.
Since i plan to do more types of bots aswell as bots that move around and pickup items (very common in albion) i thought ill set it up properly once to be able to more easly expand later on so i have the following ideas:
1st The current bot works with python respectively pyautogui, pil and opencv to check if within a treshhold an image is found on the screen. This works for like 99% of the time, only sometimes my script fails since it doesnt find some buttons but i think i could get around that with better error handling or tweaking. The backside of this is that were bound to a monitor and a gaming pc. Obviously since it uses the current pc the pc cannnot be used for other activities.
2nd Ive looked into machine learning and object detection which i would feed my images into it. And then based on if image is on screen click. Same downsides as 1st. But at least the clicking on images would be more accurate (i think, id have to do more research on it).
3rd Sort of combine either 1st and or 2nd but on mobile. There are libraries (adb) to connect ur phone to a pc and with that i could just run python code on the phone and do all the image recognition on it. I was thinking that id just get multiple phones and connect them to a pc (possibely a pi) and then just let that handle the logic. Since the game is run on the phone the pi doesnt need a lot of cpu with that would be relatively "cheap" to run instead of running a gaming pc with a graphics card.
4th Same as 3rd but instead of using real smartphones i could use virtual machines. Id then for that cause setup a specified server for it obviously.
5th Ive got my feet wet with packet analysis by downloading a radar hack and looking into the source code. Im confident that within a bit of time i could get that to run and manipulate packages sent between server and my client (arp spoofing i think). Question is how undetectable that eould be by easy anti cheat. Id have to do a bit more research on the anticheat.
Does anyone have experience with any of those methods? Is it even possible to run a bot headless? Id be glad for any advice.
Thanks in Advance
submitted by Odd-Hotel9359 to RunescapeBotting [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 17:31 ScottDark RS3 Ironman vs OSRS Ironman

Help me choose which one to play. I made a poll on both reddit for both versions of the game but the bias is so heavy it is hard to decide.
I've played Runescape on and off since 2004 but never played IM. It's a different beast and not sure which version of the game to invest my time into. From what I know first hand and what others have discussed that PvM content is generally more varied in RS3 and the progression is faster and you get into bossing content faster. I've heard people mention that OSRS has a lot of "useless skills" from some other posts particularly fletching, smithing, etc. where outside of quest requirements it's better to just go kill bosses for gear instead of spending all of that time making gear from those skills for instance.
I've heard people mention that have played both versions of the game in ironman say that OSRS endgame is less varied, has less skills and overall content and that RS3 is probably going to be a more fufulling ironman experience. Then there's the flip side of that on people saying they hate the daily, weekly and monthly stuff tasks they have to keep track of and it feels like a chore to do.

Help me decide. I sure as hell can't. I play Runescape 3 on and off had maxed and billions of xp on my main account before necro came out and still play every now and then. I've also played osrs as well and the games main appeal for me would be runelite and all of the plugins and the mobile app is probably way better than RS3.
What do you think I should go for?
View Poll
submitted by ScottDark to MMORPG [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 17:05 M0CR0S0FT Oldschool Runescape Live bot busting stream

Oldschool Runescape Live bot busting stream submitted by M0CR0S0FT to osrsbots [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:46 GlitteringFormal8043 Do you think an auction house like Old School RuneScape would work on PoE? Long text alert!

Do you think an auction house like Old School RuneScape would work on PoE? Long text alert!
So basically OSRS or Old School RuneScape has an auction house and it works like this. I'll use PoE terms so it makes easier to illustrade the idea. Keep in mind the way I translate the OSRS ingame trade mechanics are just to make it digestible to the PoE community and are not by any means how it must be. With that said:
OSRS has a trade restriction under 20 hours active play time. This would translate to 20 hours + finishing campaign on PoE. This is to reduce botting.
1 - Everyone has a set amount of trade slots, you can buy more for ingame currency, slots are where you put your orders in.
The amount of slots is to reduce botting and discourage flipping.
2 - Every transaction above a low threshold has a tax equivalent to 1% of it's price up to a maximum of much higher threshold cost.
The trade tax is also to prevent botting and discourage flipping. An equivallent for PoE would be every transaction over 10 chaos up to 1 mirror has a 1% tax.
3 - Every item has a limit to how many you can buy, usually that limit is much more than the "maximum possible use limit for any given player".
To put it in perspective, it would be like 400 scarabs of domination every 4 hours, not any scarab, just scarabs of domination. (something that you really can't use in just that amount of time). This is to discourage flipping as well.
4 - When trading, prices are shown to the player at current average, The player has the fast option to make it 5% cheaper, more expensive or type the price. Respectively represented by "⌄", "⌃" and "...".
5 - Every sell/buy go for a queue.
5.1 - Queue for buying goes for the cheapest item and then the oldest item for sale.
This means that If you order a tabula for 10 chaos and the cheapest tabula is listed for 8 chaos > You receive the tabula and 2 chaos back.
5.2 - Queue for selling goes for the oldest request for the price setted by you.
If you intent to sell a tabula for 10 chaos, you'll always receive the 10 chaos for the item OR not sell. Players are able to remove offers at any time.
6 - sell/buy orders don't need to be completed by one single player. If you intend to buy 200 scarabs, you could be buying from 20 different players and all automatically. The bar shows the current progress of your buy order.
How it really works? TLDR.
  • Instabuy and instasell are possible. Usually if you want to instabuy something you would have to pay 5% more, if you want to instasell something you would make 5% less.
  • It's possible to buy items cheaper, especially farming goods ( like scarabs on PoE) cheaper if you are able to wait for them to be bought overnight. Same is true for selling items, if you are patient you can wait for someone that is willing to pay more for your goods.
  • The economy is much more alive, as people don't need to be online to sell or buy. Trades are way easier as one order can buy from multiple sellers, and the other way around is also true.
  • Flipping is possible and profitable, but it is not the best by any means. The limited amount of slots, the 1% tax and the maximum by of any item limits the power of flippers by a good amount without making it completly impossible.
To be honest, I don't know if it would really work as intend as PoE is a really complex game, but I see how it should be adapted to work well without the draw backs of having an auction house.

Edit - Constructive feedback from people

Keep in mind this are mostly not my ideas, this are almost all from comments by people who commented on the chat. Both problems and solutions come from comments!

Problem 1

Item rolls in OSRS are static, this means every item is the same so it does not matter which one you get. On PoE almost every unique/rare has rolls which contribute to the final price of the system, therefore making an instabuy where you just type HeadHunter for exemple would not be optimal as it ignores the rolls on the item.
solutions 1 - More indepth search for items that can have rolls
solutions 2 - Hybrid system where every not rollabe item (scarabs, fragments, bubble gun currency, chaos, divines) can be bought instantly and a close to current system where you can Search for stats like PoE site trade is now but also instantly.
solutions 3 - Make the new system only able to trade items that don't have rolls (scarabs, alchys, chaos, divines, fragments, etc)

Problem 2

How would tax work for cases which it cannot be divided such as 0.05 divines tax or 0.01 chaos?
solution 1 - torchlight infinite system, everytime you get taxed it does not tax you right away, it adds up until it reaches an amount for exemple: When it reaches 1 div total summ of taxes from all sales, it charges you 1 divine. Every trade is free until it reaches a 1 divine total summ of taxes.
obs: on this system, first 200 sales have no tax.
solution 2 - Add divine shards to harby and charge 1 shard per div
solution 3 - Don't tax at all, see first what happen and add it later if it really is needed.
solution 4 - Create a new currency which is obtainable only by playing and it is non-tradable (PoE 2 solution)
submitted by GlitteringFormal8043 to pathofexile [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:16 MamboJambo54 Skill revamps

I’m probably posting into the void but I wanted to create a discussion on how we could improve each skill and gather ideas. I was inspired by the survey to give some ideas on how skilling could be improved.
Philosophy around the revamps: I would like to see skilling be both more fun and more useful. I personally believe we should have both afk and active skilling methods. This allows people to play how they prefer and not feel burned out from being too bored or having to focus on one thing for a long time.
Please add more ideas or add to the ideas below!
Agility training method: Agility Dungeon: Filled with traps, obstacles and timed. Faster completion means bigger xp drop. How to make agility useful: More shortcuts in the overworld. In combat and boss battles, damage could be mitigated by chance of dodging a trap in the boss arena.
Archeology: Well made skill, continue to add more archeological sites.
Cooking: Time to become a master chef! Increase to 120 and add more complicated dishes. Instead of just cooking a lobster, add some butter, lemon, herbs. Takes longer to create each dish but higher xp. Uses: these new dishes will both heal and buff, such as temporary increase damage. They will also have a tasty rating where higher cooking makes it more likely to cook tastier dishes.
Construction: Player owned house rework needed or just scraped and replaced with a more useful idea. I would be happy to see the houses removed at this point.
Crafting: Crafting ranged and magic armour more In line with levels. But also the ability to create mods for armour and jewellery for combat buffs rather than the masterwork route of mining and smithing rework. Could also be reworked to modify skilling outfits to buff skilling activities as well.
Divination: This has both an active and passive skilling method. It isn’t the most fun skill but hard to come up with how to make it fun.
Farming: Love POF, more content and animals.
Fishing: new method- Big Fish: Similar to fish flingers but in the overworld, more involved fishing where you gain more xp for fishing larger fish. Larger fish could work with cooking for increasing tasty rating of dishes. Update when we have a new region with some new fish.
Firemaking: I personally enjoy accidental firemaking. Would love to hear some creative ideas like this rather than just more logs to burn.
Fletching: Again same as firemaking I think accidental fletching was a good direction. Creating more useful bows and improving level scaling is important for this update. Creating modifications see armou weapon modifications below.
Herblore: I am happy with current herblore. Ironman issue: Getting number of herbs can be tedious. A new way to gain herbs outside of combat and farming would be good.
Hunter: More creatures to hunt, would love to see this expanded in the next new location added. A more involved skilling method such as Ken it hunting, which involves tracking down dangerous creatures. Croesus mushrooms are already satisfying afk method.
Mining: new ore and 120 skill
Runecrafting: Runecrafting is one of the most needed revamps in my opinion. I would like to see a brand new training method rather than just increase in xp rates. The namesake of Runescape is runes. I feel like they need some love. Possible new skilling method: New alters added to be used for new spells/spellbook. Instead of just having everything created through the abyss, reward players for exploring the world and going to the alters themselves. We could spend more time in the alter, where we might need to power it up before we create the runes. This would mean we would make more runes per trip but also get a bigger xp drop per trip.
Smithing: modifications new metals 120 skill
Thieving: Heists: It’s time to rob a bank, add heists in museums and banks across RuneScape. You have a limited time to steal as much as you can from a building and get out. This could be a good post 99 method as I think we are a bit above pickpocketing now.
Woodcutting: More trees! Better levelling curve.
Armou weapon modifications: My concept around this is to modify equipment in a similar way to invention however it will have different uses. For example, add scope to bow means the range of bow is greater with an increase to accuracy, but a decrease in speed. Certain weapons and armour will have modification slots. This brings some more options for boss drops as well, dropping loot that can be used in an artiisan skill to create weapon specific modifications. This could add a new dimension to loot and combat.
submitted by MamboJambo54 to runescape [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:22 Top-Pound-1708 The “But… Bots!” argument has become so overdone

Not a hot take, or at least it shouldn’t be. It’s so tiring seeing endless posts here/on socials about how X new update is actually shit because bots can now farm it. Bots have existed since the beginning of Runescape and will only get better as things like AI continue to develop to add layers of complexity to scripts. Bots will never be out of the game and many bots exist that even someone who thinks every player who doesn’t type back is a bot will not pick up on.
Yes, new updates can be abused by bots. Yes, bots will forever exist. Yes, I suppose bots are not favorable to have around but it’s just a reality of the game. If they upset you so much you should rethink how you view the game. Especially if you’re someone who advocates against new updates because you think bots are the main issue. Bots are complex enough to do any type of activity in the game now. Literally every update can be farmed. It’s like the equivalent of someone getting upset at a new update because it will bring in more gold to the market. Like yeah, no Shit buddy every update does. Every update will have bots partake in it. It’s not something that you need to be eternally worked up about. 🤷🏻‍♂️
submitted by Top-Pound-1708 to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:04 JMOD_Historian [runescape] (ID:1csj8ai) JMOD Comments On Thread: Primal equipment on surface

I have found the following J-Mod comments on the thread Primal equipment on surface

submitted by JMOD_Historian to TrackedJMODComments [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:40 f1ghtkiln Prayer flicking bot question

So I’ve seen videos of bots able to switch prayers without even having the prayer book open. As someone coming from very simple bots using things such as pyautogui, explain to me how that works. I understand that people use client APIs to make more advanced bots. I’ve just always viewed RuneScape as a “click this to do this” game and bots are changing prayers seemingly impossibly in my eyes if you understand what I mean.
submitted by f1ghtkiln to RunescapeBotting [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 10:07 asppppp The botting situation is so bad that they're part of youtube guides

eg: Video title: "never run out of gems on your ironman again" @ 2:27. "without the karamja diary you may have to compete with bots"
So now I have to get karamja hard diary if I don't want to compete with bots who mine 10x faster than me because I can't get a glory for a long time
Jagex please: make new accounts forced to pay for their first 2 months of membership on that account with real money.
Watch the bot owners whine in the comments pretending to be concerned real players. "But this will be bad for runescape's health, it'll deter new players :((". What % or new players pay for membership with bonds - the answer is probably close to 0, unless they have friends in game. You know what's bad for runescape? 25%+ of the playerbase being bots
submitted by asppppp to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 03:17 SudsyGiraffe Calling All Skillers: Help Bring a Skilling Raid to Life in OSRS!

I’ve been thinking about how most of our current raids in Old School RuneScape lean heavily towards combat, with a sprinkling of skilling to mix things up. Why don't we flip the script and introduced a raid where skilling isn’t just a side dish, but the main course?  

Introducing a Skilling Raid Concept:

This idea revolves around a raid designed entirely around non-combat skills. Imagine a world where your mastery of skills like Mining, Smithing, Herblore, Runecraft, and more dictate your success in raid challenges, reshaping the standard raid format into a skilling paradise. I see this as a chance to make skilling a more desirable activity, not just a stepping stone to complete quests or to be able to fight bosses. Share your ideas and help come up with a great initial concept that Jagex could potentially run with!

Goals For Raid Design:


Some example ideas for bosses/challenges/puzzles:


Example reward ideas:

I'd love to hear what amazing ideas everyone here has for potential bosses/loot/mechanics, or any other constructive ideas for making this something Jagex takes seriously! I'd also like to know what area you think would make a great location for the next raid and how the bosses would thematically fit in there. If I get a bunch of good feedback, I'll try and put together an update with some of the best ideas fleshed out a bit more.
submitted by SudsyGiraffe to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 19:23 Fix--Wildy Suggestion: Aggressive random events in the wildy.

I don't like the agility changes where it's a localized, static area where bots can be deployed and clans can control with little effort. What I want to suggest here is [something that rs3 does](\_Warbands), but better: Wildy-only Random events.
These would have no specific rotation to them, so players couldn't preemptively camp the zone, but instead would be announced for players currently in the wilderness of a location close to where they'll spawn. The announcement would give everyone in the wildy 1 minute to make their way over to the location. These events last 5 to 10 minutes each and reward items if you can complete it. Rewards would depend on what event is taking place and would always be in the multi combat zone or temporarily turn the zone multi combat. These are essentially popup hotspots for pkers to fight at, but with a fresh way of gathering players at.
Here are some ideas that I think can be fleshed out.
* **Demon Summoning Ritual**: Players stumble upon a group of Zamorak followers conducting a dark ritual to summon a powerful demon. The players must disrupt the ritual by defeating the cultists and destroying the ritual site before the demon is fully summoned.
* **Ancient Temple Siege**: An ancient temple has been unearthed by Zarosian mages, who are using its power to raise an army of undead. The players must infiltrate the temple, defeat the necromancers, and deactivate the source of the undead army before it's too late.
* **Gauntlet of Sacrifice**: Players encounter a mysterious gauntlet guarded by ruthless mercenaries. To progress, players must defeat waves of enemies while also collecting and sacrificing valuable resources to power up the gauntlet's mechanisms and unlock the exit.
* **Elemental Convergence**: A convergence of elemental forces is wreaking havoc on the wilderness, causing chaos and destruction. Players must navigate through the elemental turmoil, battling hostile elemental creatures and restoring balance by closing elemental rifts scattered throughout the area.
* **Dark Druid Grove**: Deep within the wilderness, a group of corrupted druids is conducting a ritual to corrupt the land and spread darkness. The players must venture into the druid grove, fend off the corrupted creatures, and confront the powerful dark druid leader to stop the ritual and cleanse the area.
* **Void Rift Invasion**: A dimensional rift has opened, unleashing hordes of void creatures into the wilderness. Players must defend against waves of shadow monsters while also closing the rift by collecting and channeling energy from special crystals scattered around the area.
* **Bloodmoon Ritual**: During a rare celestial event, a cult of werewolves gathers to perform a bloodmoon ritual, granting them increased power and savagery. Players must disrupt the ritual by defeating the werewolf cultists and extinguishing the enchanted flames fueling the ritual altar. The area would turn bloodmoon red for flair.
* **Greater Demon Assault**: A powerful Greater Demon has been summoned to wreak havoc in the wilderness, drawing adventurers seeking to challenge its might and claim its demonic treasures. Players must band together or compete against each other as they battle the demon and its minions, vying for control over the valuable loot it guards.
* **Undead Dragon's Lair**: Rumors speak of an undead dragon lurking in a remote corner of the wilderness, guarding a hoard of ancient treasures. Players must navigate through the twisted labyrinth of the dragon's lair, facing off against its skeletal minions and rival adventurers, all while evading the deadly breath of the undead beast itself.
* **Ancient Magicks Ritual Site**: A convergence of ancient magicks has manifested in the wilderness, drawing mages from far and wide to harness its power. Players must contend with rival magic-users and fend off attacks from summoned elemental guardians as they vie for control over the arcane energies, using their own mastery of ancient magicks to outmaneuver their opponents and claim the ultimate prize.
* **Zarosian Dungeon Delve**: A mysterious dungeon has materialized in the wilderness, rumored to be a forgotten stronghold of the ancient Zarosian empire. Players must fight their way through multiple floors of traps, puzzles, and fierce guardians, competing against each other to reach the depths of the dungeon and uncover the lost treasures of Zaros.
* **Cursed Temple Ascension**: A cursed temple has emerged from the depths of the wilderness, its dark corridors teeming with malevolent spirits and deadly traps. Players must fight their way through each level of the temple, overcoming increasingly difficult challenges and competing against each other to reach the sacred chamber at the summit, where untold riches await those who can survive the temple's curse.
submitted by Fix--Wildy to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 02:30 XGlitterX77 Come Join Us! Come join us! We are a very active and welcoming server to all people 18+! We are a calm group of casual gamers with a few hardcore guys in the mix. We play a variety of games, and have Movie Nights, but we like to focus on our members and get to know each other feel free to drop in grab some roles and say what's up! This is a server that values activity, and is looking to build in quality not just quantity. We also do data base channels to help you have a place to save important links for your favorite single player games, and are always down to add more upon request.
In Server Bot Games:
Multiplayer Games:
submitted by XGlitterX77 to DiscordAdvertising [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 20:05 TVL257 I can't play OSRS anymore after more than decade of playing it just because we moved to a new house (Error:1020)

I'm from Vietnam, been playing this game on and off since college 2010, we were poor so runescape was like the only thing that could work, so to me this game has a very special place. i may not have a maxed account of all skills, but it's still a part of my life and it did contribute to my english skill a bit i guess
So recently i just got married. We bought a new house, which comes with a choice of either new ISP or use the old one, the old one we used for 2 decades, so i signed up for a new one thinking it would be a nice change of pace, and it's one of 3 if not the most popular ISP used in vietnam, what the worst can happen right? I been using just runelite, then i got hit with the error 1020 after linking it to jagex launcher, I can't unlink the account anymore. From what i researched, it's an IP ban, so Jagex completely blocked most if not all the IP blocks of this ISP (i guess it's a common ISP in vietnam so high chance people who botted was using it, tho it was probably loooooong ago, cause this game isn't known at all in vietnam, i can't even find a community for it), it uses dynamic IP so for the past month, i have been resetting the router every now and then in hope of landing in an IP that isn't blocked, no dice. I can't even submit ticket or whatever on jagex website cause it shows 1020 error in every url i try to open
Some told me to use VPN, but to tell the truth, the games i play with friends don't require that, and good vpn services are quite expensive and unnecessary expense for us just so i can play a game i was playing for more than a decade.
Tbh, i don't expect anything typing this, guess i just wanna let it all out one way or another, maybe a jagex staff sees this and "just fix it lol" somehow. And now i realized i care more than i wanted to admit to.
P/s: some pm'd me to tell me to change the isp back, it's not gonna happen cause I signed for 2 years package, and it's wayyy better than our old internet package for speed. And the old isp did have 1020 problem every now and then, I just didn't care cause runelite bypassed that. It's jagex launcher combined with the current isp being the most used that makes it noticable
submitted by TVL257 to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 01:35 mjcevans Anyone else having client crashes?

Hi all,
Starting tonight I've had crashes everytime I try to load the game through the Jagex launcher. It said my graphics drivers were out of date, so I updated them, even though it's never been an issue before.
It still didn't work so I uninstalled and reinstalled the launcher, and now can't get past the cloud flare bot detection screen. It just hangs for a second, tells me to wait, then asks me to click the box again. This happens with and without a VPN.
So with the jagex launcher out of the question I've tried the old runescape client, and the steam client but both stutter, then lag, then crash & close without giving any errors just like the client in the Jagex launcher did.
I'm currently running windows 10, graphics card is a gtx 1660 if that's of any use
submitted by mjcevans to runescape [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 13:33 Morgify Show me You are Worthy! TzKal-Zuk (RuneScape board game)

Show me You are Worthy! TzKal-Zuk (RuneScape board game)
My first boss/larger figure. It wasn't a flawless run but I hope it was good enough to claim an igneous stone! The edge hilighting is a little sloppy and the magma stone is a mess but I think both the Ek-ZekKil and torso turned out great.
Zuk must have 99 crafting cau a e those are some perfectly chiseled abs.
Though I don't have much time to play these days, Zuk remains my favorite solo boss at 100nm and 200hm i just need pet for the log.
Here are some of the previously finished miniatures if you missed them.
The Culinaromancer
The Noob
The Skiller
The Warrior First attempt Second attempt
[Master Mage](
submitted by Morgify to runescape [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 02:02 lets-bankrupt-reddit Why can't Jagex ban bots for good?

I'm kind of new to Runescape and a programmer by day. It seems there's tonnes of bots in this game, more than most and I'm wondering why Jagex has such a difficult time detecting them?
I've heard a few arguments so far:
1) Bots are actually good for the game. They make items cheaper on the GE and boost Jagex player numbers.
2) Jagex gets a cut of illegal gold sales secretly.
Putting these two aside, and assuming Jagex actually wanted to stop bots, why do you think it is so difficult from a programmatic stand point?
The initial problem is they only have server side information. Yet you think that but analysing things like time logged in, device id, time played, tick missed etc they'd be able to get a good prediction of who's botting with machine learning.
Nuclear option is to record mouse position, deltas and send that every couple of minutes to be predicted by ML.
Finally, you could release your own bots, intially to take away customers from real botters. But then you know exactly who is botting and just routinely ban people with 100% accuracy right after announcing a bot banwave.
submitted by lets-bankrupt-reddit to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 17:40 Cyrus_Bloodbane BOTS.

I'm asking this out of genuine curiosity. Don't be too harsh with the downvotes.
I've realized and accepted long ago, as I'm sure many other have, that Jagex will never assess the botting situation. They need the bots, it's as simple as that. At least that's how I see it.
Anyways! Not the point of this post.
Some people don't mind botting/bots, some do, some care up to a certain point.
I'm genuinely curious as to where you personally draw the line at botting. It could be not at all, or it could be at a certain point. I'd love to hear what you guys have to say.
For me? I'd say anything that doesn't slowly ruin the economy. You want to bot teleporting/high-alching to progress your account a bit because you can't invest 10 hours a day playing this game? Then by all means, go for it. It doesn't hurt me, it doesn't hurt those around me, I personally don't care.
Personal-account progression botting doesn't bother me at all -- people want to keep up with the game, the content, all of that stuff, a lot just can't find the time to keep the account's levels up to par with what is needed. Bots skilling, or farming bosses all the way to the top spots in the highscores going undetected...ehhh, not so much.
Level 3 accounts with 120 Fletching, or 200M Thieving, or 150M Cooking, and nothing else as I've seen in the last few days is just bad, lmao.
So, yeah. I'd love to hear what some of you have to say concerning this kind of stuff.
submitted by Cyrus_Bloodbane to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 16:00 pcicci4 Instant ban on Main

So everyone telling you having a more built up account will help not get banned is probably bs. My 115 CB all quests, 1800 total level, and 10+ year old runescape login account and I pay a yearly membership fee
Got banned in less than 2 total hours of trying to bot for the first time ever on it. Ran a gauntlet bot from Swiftbot/Runemate for 5 runs total and next day I got a 2 day ban.
submitted by pcicci4 to RunescapeBotting [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 00:28 NuukldragorArea52 Theory crafting the best budget low APM Rev Bot PK setup.

Theory crafting the best budget low APM Rev Bot PK setup.
Over the past day I have been trying to figure out a low risk way to kill the Rev bots with no real success. I'll attach an image of my stats, but they're close to max. I'm trying to use this as a money maker, and also a nice starting point to learn PvP slowly.
I would like it to be low APM with as low of risk as possible. I've seen plenty of videos where people do crazy switches every single tick, and I am not really fond of that idea.
So, has anyone else had much luck with this? Any suggestions? I feel like their black d hide and neiz helmet make them surprisingly tanky vs all the methods I've tried. They also deal pretty insane DPS with the webweaver bow against me if I wear any mage setup.
submitted by NuukldragorArea52 to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 16:54 Important-Example288 First 99 target

When I first picked up RuneScape in ~2005 I would say most people's first 99 they aimed for was either Firemaking, cooking or fletching due to them being relatively cheaper (fletching was a slight moneymaker) and quicker XP skills.
As someone who has picked up OSRS again a few weeks ago I'm curious to see how it is now. Looking through guides it seems other skills now offer good alternative that weren't there when I last played.
What would be your first 99s?
submitted by Important-Example288 to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 00:53 ddosama-no1 Anyone else get banned last night?

Anyone else get banned last night?
Me and some other people I talk with all got temps
submitted by ddosama-no1 to RunescapeBotting [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 02:25 alphaboozer Hefin Agility Course Bot for Runescape [Undetectable Python Script] 2024

It's important to clarify that developing or using scripts to automate gameplay, such as a script for the Hefin Agility Course in "RuneScape," is against the game's terms of service and can result in severe consequences including permanent bans. Jagex, the developer of "RuneScape," strictly prohibits the use of third-party software to interact with the game in a way that provides an unfair advantage. Instead of discussing how to create such scripts, let's focus on the ethical and legal implications of using automation in games.
TLDR: Starting location is right next to where you start just to the left with the compass facing true north. Here's the code bitches:
This script is absolutely undetectable and requires pyautogui.

Ethical Considerations of Automation in Gaming

**1. Fair Play
**2. Community Impact
**3. Risk of Account Termination

Legal Implications

**1. Violation of Terms of Service
**2. Potential for Legal Action

Healthy Gaming Practices

**1. Self-Regulation
**2. Community Engagement
**3. Supporting Fair Play


While the automation of tasks like the Hefin Agility Course may seem like a shortcut to success in "RuneScape," it undermines the integrity of the game and can have serious consequences. It is always best to enjoy games within the guidelines set by developers to ensure a fair, fun, and rewarding experience for everyone involved.
submitted by alphaboozer to MobileGameMods [link] [comments]