Silly softball award ideas

Is this a weird situation I was put in or am I reading too much?

2024.05.22 02:02 Intrepid_Basil_278 Is this a weird situation I was put in or am I reading too much?

I (31M) was introduced to a girl (27F) for arranged marriage a month ago. Parents introduced us and we have been taking things organically. We met 4 times after which I started opening up to her and mentioned a few things about myself which pointed to introversion. A couple of weeks later she invited me to the birthday party (25+ people) of a close friend of hers. I asked her what to introduce myself as there and she suggested 'friend'. I took that to mean no one at the party knew I was a marriage prospect and that she was asking me to be guarded around her and her friends. I also took that to mean there were no specific expectations from me at the party and decided it was fine to be low-key given I was tired that night. Unknown to me, her idea to invite me there was to see what I was like in social situations around her .. whether I need too much support or if I could socialize on my own. Also, her close friends who were hosting the party were told beforehand she was bringing a marriage prospect.
Overall, my behavior there came off detached and went against the expectations of her and her friends. They tried to make me feel "comfortable" by pointing me to employees from my company to socialize with and all that but I felt it was a bit silly to be pushed to socialize when I was not particularly in the mood to. And further I insisted I was fine being there. At one point, she came to me after talking to her friends and suggested I should leave the party. I was shocked and I insisted I was fine and stayed there. By the end of the party, she became closed off to me signaling indirect rejection.
Now my question is, is this a weird situation or did I mess up?
I am willing to put in some effort to mend this situation since a few things I want match in her but a few concerning things: my invite to the party was some sort of a covert test and this is not sitting well with me. is this a common thing in these situations or am I reading too much? The fact that she was not open with her communication about my status there ('friend') confused me about how to act around her. Also, being asked to leave? when i was clearly telling people i was fine there, perhaps on the quieter side? i don't know if it's a sign of incompatibility but it made me feel humiliated.
submitted by Intrepid_Basil_278 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:02 JAM_Passive Apprentice of the Year

Apprentice of the Year
Before getting to the award, I'd like to talk talk about my journey from open shop to the UA.
About 2 years or so ago, before I knew about unions, I was working for an open shop plumbing/HVAC company. $15/hr, mostly residential with the occasional commercial. I liked my co-workers, boss was cool, one of my supervisors was cool, the other was a toss up on any given day. Ladies in the office were cool too. Good all around. I was a helper or apprentice, that title changed whenever the boss wanted it to, made no difference in my pay or hours.
I went to a job with one of the guys, and it was to work on a tankless water heater. Long story short, the water heater was piped in backward. That's not important. What is, is the man we did the job for: Mr. Stevens. He was a retired pipefitter of about 30 years from a UA in Chicago. He had a bunch of union stickers from many different locals on the fridge in his garage where we were working. He asked me if I ever thought about joining the UA. I told him no, and I had no idea what that was. While my coworker was on the phone getting approval for the work from a warranty company, Mr. Stevens talked to me about how the UA gave him better wages, the good retirement that he's currently enjoying with his wife, health benefits, and everything he could advertise. I was listening intently because that sounded wonderful to me. He was describing everything I thought my at the time company was supposed to be.
Before we left, Mr. Stevens gave me his number. He told me if I had any more questions to call or text him, he'll be available. He also told me if I was interested in getting in the UA, he'd write me a letter of recommendation for the board members. I thanked him and we went on our way.
Over the next few months, I looked into unions, the UA specifically. I saw pro-union stuff, and anti-union stuff. I'm here, so as you can see, there was too much good for me to care about any of the anti-union stuff, which were mostly lies or exaggerations. Come March of 2023 when applications opened up, I speedran eveything I could have. I called Local 43's office, got all the info I needed. Filled out my application, got my HS transcripts, did the Helmets to Hardhats, got with the VA to work out my GI Bill, smoked the ACT WorkKeys test.
My supervisors did eventually find out about me doing all that. One of the board members owned the plumbing company next to my boss's and I guess they're friends and talked to each other, and my boss talked to my supervisors. The cool one made a joke about the dues I'd have to pay (exaggerated the amount) and the other one was visibly not pleased and made a sly remark about it. Fortunately nothing negative came of it for me.
Anyway, finally, the interview. Easily the only thing I was stressed out about. I got a fresh cut, bought a nice (but cheap) blue suit, bought a nice pair of lowkey business casual shoes, bought a cheap black tie, even lightly put on cologne. I walked in to the waiting room and thought I fucked up. The other interviewees had on jeans, those nice dress(?) cowboy boots, and tucked in button-up long sleeve shirts. I make no exaggeration when I tell you, I was the ONLY one in a suit and tie. Internally I'm freaking out wondering "What was I thinking? It's the South, I should have dressed like them! The board is gonna see me an think I'm some prim & proper (derogatory) Yank!" An assumption I made based on the reaction I got when I joined a Fire Department and I told one of the Firefighters I'm from NY. Fortunately, this was not the case.
Nothing to be done about it at that point, I get called into the room. I've been through a board or two in the Army, so I knew I could fake it at least, but I'm still nervous. What I did do immediately that I'm still proud of to this day is I remembered to shake everyone's hand and look at them. Just like I've practiced, a nice firm handshake and eye contact. Sat up straight, hand positioning, made eye contact when answering, answered audibly and clearly, practiced it all beforehand and executed.
They did get Mr. Stevens' letter of recommendation and had me tell them about the work we did for him. And they wanted me to tell them about my time in the Army. That took up a large portion of time thankfully. No matter where you go, men love a good story. Around the last 5 -10 minutes, they had me tell them about my previous company. I didn't badmouth the company, I didn't have much negative to say about it anyway, aside from the hours being wonky occasionally and learning being difficult sometimes if they guy you're with didn't feel like teaching you that day. Sometimes, you really were just a helper. Hand them the tools and move back.
Before I left, one of the men stopped me at the door and told me he was glad I dressed like a professional. He said "Some of these guys come around here and dress like they're about go to the bar and not an interview. I know this is blue collar work, but we're still professionals. Just a blazer goes a long way, and we appreciate that you took this seriously."
All that work (and I'm not gonna lie, there's no doubt in my mind that me being a veteran damn near guaranteed me in) paid off as me and the rest if the 1st years swore in. And starting at $17.60 ain't too bad.
Fast forward to today. Today was the last day of class at my Local. They did awards, congratulations, and all the flair that comes with it. Among the awardees, was me. I haven't earned an academic award since elementary. By the time I got to HS, I realized schooling (at least traditional) isn't something I enjoy or care for, and my effort (or lack of it) reflected that. I stopped doing homework altogether as it was only 15% of our grades, I did well on tests and quizzes, and did classwork depending on length/difficulty and necessity. Graduated HS stress free and got the same diploma as everyone else.
This was not the case during this past school year. I put in the effort for this. I paid attention and asked for help. Especially with math, I asked for a lot of help with math. And I suppose that showed and reflected. I earned Apprentice of the Year for the 1st Year Class. I feel really good about it. I intend to put my ass into and try to earn it for the next 4 years. Joining the UA is one of the best decisions I've ever made. I fucking love the UA, and I love my Local Union 43.
Note: I still talk to Mr. Stevens to this day. I sent him a picture of my award and he's treating me to dinner this weekend.
submitted by JAM_Passive to UnitedAssociation [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:31 BitterActuary3062 I would like to make a red rain jacket look like a ladybug

So it’s silly, but I’m wanting to alter a rain jacket to look like a ladybug. Is there a way I could add antenna without damaging my jacket? I couldn’t find any information on what type of fabric on the one I’m looking at. So if anyone has any kind of advice I’d love to hear it, even if it’s just the best & worst fabrics to use
My original idea is making them from water resistant fabric & wires.
submitted by BitterActuary3062 to sewing [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:30 lonelyants Company pulled "bait and switch" with my new schedule. I'm not sure what to do.

I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to ask for this kind of advice, but it's the first place I thought of.
I work from home in customer service for a large company that is constantly expanding without hiring new people. For this reason, existing employees are currently having their assigned schedules stripped away so that new ones better aligned with "business needs" can be assigned based on our metrics (highest metrics = first to pick, lowest = you get what's left).
As fucked up as this system sounded, I'd been dying for a new schedule and worked my ass off for a shot at some sort of work/life balance. When schedules were finally announced I got exactly what I asked for, with the stipulation that I'd need to do some additional training I'd previously declined as it meant almost doubling my workload for no additional pay. I agreed to this ONLY because my new schedule was an absolute dream, and (in my mind) just as good as a raise.
A week later, we get an email saying that the start date for our new schedule was being pushed back. I was annoyed, but I got over it since there was no mention of those schedules being changed. I go through with my training - it's hell - and continue working as usual while counting down the days until I'm able to clock out while the sun is still up. For those few weeks, my manager was out of office several times on 3-4 day vacations. Our team would occasionally receive forwarded emails from other managers with important info that she wasn't there to give us.
A week ago, I get a message from my manager a few minutes before I get off asking why I hadn't submitted my new shift preferences list as it would be due that evening. I checked every single email I'd received since it was announced that our new schedules were being postponed - I got nothing. I let her know this, and she says she can't find the email either and will just use the one I submitted originally. Again, I'm annoyed, but I figure my new new schedule can't be too different as my metrics had been consistently high.
I got that new new schedule today, and it is more or less my current schedule without the consecutive off days (think 10 hour shifts, off Mon, Wed, Fri). Out of maybe 20 possible schedules, it was more than halfway down my original preference list. I checked and double checked, and my metrics are actually higher now than when my dream schedule was awarded. I genuinely have no idea how this happened, and I waited around for half an hour after I got off in hopes of asking my manager but she marked herself out of office not long after I sent an email asking for clarification. No prior notice she'd be away, and no word on when she'll be back.
What am I supposed to do about this? I'm infamously bad at putting my foot down, but I can't imagine continuing at this company without getting the scheduled I worked for.
Tl;Dr: I was promised a new, easier schedule based on my high metrics. I agreed to take on additional work for this easier schedule. I just found out that - despite me taking on the additional work and still keeping my metrics high - I will actually be getting a different, shittier schedule. Who do I yell at and how loud?
submitted by lonelyants to antiwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:11 newsnuggets UGH I got this candle at Highclere on my Downton tour this spring…it’s only been 2.5 months and it’s almost gone! I don’t want to burn it out, but I don’t want to not use it forever because that’s silly. Any ideas on what to make the glass holder into afterwards? It smells like lady Mary’s bedroom 🥹

submitted by newsnuggets to DowntonAbbey [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:10 XmenOmnibus1990 The Future of KFW

First I want to start this by thanking every 6.1 thousand of you who viewed the first episode of KFW. That is almost as many people who watched the actual first episode of the show according to TEW 2020. Crazy. However, I also don't know how reddit figures out views. If someone needs to click on the post or if even a scroll by works. Either way I am incredibly humbled. I honestly thought the post would get, at most, 100 views and a majority of people to leave a dislike.
I had no idea if people would care about an insignificant wrestling company from the Cornellverse. Rest assured I am ready for KFW news tomorrow and I am hard at work writing the review for episode 2 of KFW. I just wanted to answer another round of questions that no one has ever asked.
The website... Does it work? Does it not work?
As far I can tell it works. It really does. I only live three minutes away from a public library so I wrote down the web address and went down there today. It 100% worked. It also worked when I texted my sister the web address. In doing research it seems a year ago that Reddit banned google sites. No one knows why but for some reason around that time whenever someone tried to link a google sites link it doesn't show.
I have looked into buying an actual domain, to make a real website, but that is way more work then google sites and it costs money. Not a whole lot, sure, but enough to give me pause. At the end of the day this is a silly project for my own amusement and hopefully yours.
The website if anyone wants to give it a try the long way is... and then .com/view/kfw-com
you obviously have to combine the first section with the second. I tried it with an incognito mode on my wives email and it worked so here is hoping. If not I guess the website will be for my benefit.
The websites future?
I really hope it works for you all because I have big things planned for the website. Not only does the news get updated, the roster page, champion page, and the review page but its going to be going through an overhaul. IF you can access it then you can see by clicking on a member of the roster that it just gives the basic Cornellverse backstory for the character in question. Over the next few weeks I plan on going one by one down the roster page and updating their backstories so they have my flair to it. Its going to be a lot of work but I am excited. I have some other plans but that is a surprise.
So is it all website related?
Mostly but I do have things in the work. Technically in my save I am just about to book the Resurrection PPV so I am quite a ways away. So I will be writing reviews, news stories that correlate with what is going on in KFW (sometimes months down the line), and I am reaching out to my brother who works on indie games. I am trying to see if he is willing (if i pay him) to make the opening intro of KFW a reality. I think it would be a really fun thing to see. That is a pipe dream though that will, probably never happen.
If you have any questions or the website doesn't work let me know. If the website doesn't work for whatever reason then its just doomed.
submitted by XmenOmnibus1990 to FantasyBookers [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:58 Socratic_ Dropping

TLDR; Is there a limit to dropping classes? Or a penalty of some sort? I dropped one last semester and need to drop two this semester.
This may be a silly question, but I'm having a really hard time getting my shit together and I don't have time right now to chase down an advisor to speak to.
Last semester, I had to use the "drop" option for one class, and then the "withdrawal" option for another - my first time for both. I couldn't balance life at the time and thought I'd recover from this hiccup by registering myself for those classes in the summer. I originally had summer open / no classes. Already have been registered for fall classes. So I signed up for summer because I didn't want to fall off track even more.
Well as it stands today, with my current schedule, I will not have earned enough hours by my next audit to continue qualifying for the tuition benefit from my employer. So if I spend this time on school, rather than working more hours, I won't be able to continue school in the fall anyway.
If you're not familiar with how the SCAP audits work, that's fine. I don't need everyone on Earth to respond to this post :b I just don't have time to go further into it right now. Just trust me, that's how it works.
Anyhow, the summer classes that I'm enrolled in have already started and I haven't even opened them yet because my family and I have all been sick for the last two weeks. I've been missing school and work (which again, is what allows me to go to school) because of this. I'm stressed.
If you've hung on for this long, thanks. I'm mostly just venting here because I'm really isolated and don't really have anyone to turn to about this stuff. I'll probably delete this post. I'm not interested in rude comments when I'm just looking for some help...
I digress.
What I'm thinking is I should drop these classes before I unnecessarily and inevitably fumble them due to an ongoing illness and life being generally chaotic rn. (I'm also a parent and HOH) in the meantime, increase my work hours to meet the minimum by my next audit, and then pick up where I left off in the fall.
Am I kiiiiinda rambling into the void? ..yes. I think I just need someone to validate my decisions because school DOES matter to me, I just have no fucking idea what I'm doing. Like, ever.
I know I'm not the only one :b
submitted by Socratic_ to ASU [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:49 No-Needleworker-6753 Child on DLA, moving to PIP

My daughter is in receipt of DLA with an award running until the day before her 18th birthday. I was told she would have to move over to PIP when she is 16 from a friend and just wondered if that’s correct, and if so any idea when would she have to switch? She turns 16 in January. Thanks
submitted by No-Needleworker-6753 to DWPhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:45 New-Professional-986 Adding hackathons to resumes

Hi, I'm editing my resume as a computer science major. I was wondering if it would be a good idea to add hackathons that I've participated in to my resume even if I did not win any awards or anything from them. I recently changed my major to CS so I don't have many hackathons under my belt and am just trying to add whatever I can to build my resume. I saw another post that recommended adding the rank you reached like "finished in the top 2% of participants in the ___ hackathon" which I thought was a good idea but this organization did not add any information like that so I have no idea how I ranked compared to the other participants. Also, if I should add them would it be better to add them in a separate "Projects" section or just keep it in "experience"?
submitted by New-Professional-986 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:31 Aggravating_Rate3271 chance an uncertain STEM student for T10 universities 🙏 (looking for what to improve)

Hello! Here is some of my info. Can I get my chances at the top comp sci and physics schools? In no particular order, I'm looking at Stanford, Princeton, MIT, Cornell, UPenn, Caltech, CMU, Berkeley, Harvard, Yale, Georgia Tech, and other top comp sci programs. I have no idea what my top choice college is right now. Keeping info intentionally vague in some areas. Thanks!
Demographics: Male, White, Private School.
Hooks: None :(
Intended Major: Computer Science/Physics
SAT: 1590 (Paper version back in sophomore year, 800M 790E)
PSAT: 1520 (I'm going to try for national merit finalist in the fall)
Current GPA: 4.0 UW / 5.04 W - correlates to ~98 pct average in AP and Honors courses.
Coursework: 10 APs. Just finished AP exams for 5 of them, the others went as follows. AP Chem (5), AP Comp Sci Principles (5), AP Lang (5), APUSH (5), AP Human Geo (4). Predicting 5s on the following exams this year: Calc AB, Biology, Comp Sci A, good chance at 5s on Literature and Euro but I'm less sure about those two.
Note: planning to take 5 more AP’s my senior year, so total AP count is going to be 15.
ECs (no particular order):
  1. Founded and am currently managing a mental health organization that teaches strategies for improving mental health while also excelling academically. The organization has >10 chapters in 3 different states and 2 different countries, and has ~100 official members
  2. Varsity Rower on my school's rowing team since sophomore year, also rowed in Freshman year and went to scholastic nationals.
  3. Member of High School Honors Jazz Band, earned Superior evaluation at sophomore year MPAs.
  4. Astrophysics research project with professor from top state university, and I co-authored a paper about the project that is now published in two journals.
  5. Elected as one of two Student Council representatives for my grade, and work on organizing school related events as well as managing student suggestions.
  6. Personally founded and managed an initiative to get gluten-free food in local food kitchens due to the lack of Celiac awareness in these organizations. Currently, have facilitated the introduction of gluten free meals into my local food kitchen that serves the community, and am reaching out to even more in the area.
  7. Won a Grand Award at the State Science and Engineering Fair (1st in the Physics and Astronomy category out of the entire state) and qualified to be an ISEF finalist.
  8. Member of another student council organization since sophomore year that helps organize school events.
  9. Another astrophysics research project with top professor in the field (reason why this is so vague is because it's in beginning stages, but I expect it will be just as important and go just as far in science fair as my last one if not farther)
  10. Regular volunteer work (total of 100+ hours) as a Math, English, History, Chemistry, and SAT prep tutor for the past 2 years.
Can I get some chances at those colleges I mentioned above? Stats wise, I'm pretty sure I stack up against other applicants, but I'm not sure if my ECs are strong enough plus the fact that I don't have any hooks. If possible, include the chances for regular vs. early for the colleges that have early programs which offer a significant increase in admission. Also, if you have any other colleges in mind that you think would be a good fit please comment those!
submitted by Aggravating_Rate3271 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:25 ava4403 [16f] If you could wake up as anybody tomorrow who would it be and why?

Just a silly little conversation starter question. Not really sure I have many other ideas to ask other than that. Otherwise just ask me your own intriguing question lol. Anyways, just hit me up :)
submitted by ava4403 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:11 krislauren96 Orascoptic price?

I feel like this is a very silly question but unfortunately Orascoptic doesn’t really give “prices” on their website so I figured I’d come here to ask. I have a pair of loupes I got in dental school (not orascoptic but I don’t care to re buy from the brand I have lol) but of course when I got them I had a nice student discount. So I am quite unsure what a pair of loupes cost without a student discount!
Now that I’m a year into working, my loupes I have keep popping out of the frames every so often and it’s truly a pain to send them back in for 4-6 weeks to be fixed and I am ready to try a new brand if it makes sense financially for me.
I was hoping for a ballpark range of what a new pair of 3.5mag orascoptic loupes with headlight might cost me if anyone has bought some recently? I am not wanting the fancy ergo ones, just the normal orascoptic loupes. I have scheduled a demo but would like to have an idea before I get face to face with a salesperson lol.
Thanks in advance :-)
submitted by krislauren96 to Dentistry [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:02 Hour-Opportunity3048 Miquella’s Sigil

I refuse to call this Miquella’s Great Rune because he dropped that like it was hot. So, his Sigil, made in the image of his Great Rune (maybe).
Anywho, I’m sure this has been said in one way or another but I’m desperate for Elden Ring now more than ever.
So, taking a few glances at these images and with the whole twins have similar Great Runes, I’ll tag on and say Rennala holds Miquella’s Great Rune. This Unborn may be a silly twist of ideas that hints at one having been born but then, well, undoing that in some weird way.
Because of the vague timeline and ambiguity of the story we can’t know when Miquella divested himself of all things golden. Perhaps it was prior to the Night of Black Knives. I do imagine Rennala was in on the plot just as much as Ranni, Marika/Radagon, Miquella and whoever else. I also imagine that Rennala knew the truth of Marika/Radagon, while the Twin Prodigies may not be of her blood, they were still her children by marriage.
Radagon gave Rennala Miquella’s rune for whatever purpose, bound to the egg to protect her from its effects. When he left, she knew what his part of the plot would be, he would eventually hold the Elden Beast trapped within the Erdtree until the means to kill it could come about.
Rennala would open way for Miquella to travel to the Lands Between, maybe even Marika. She would use the rune and mimics to make new bodies should such be needed upon any return.
And. Of course, she would practice and refine her body crafting with albinaurics. That’s why the 2’s and blue eyed archers guard the Haligtree.
Or something. I lost my train of thought.
Gunch my puts now!
submitted by Hour-Opportunity3048 to EldenRingLoreTalk [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:01 id0ntevenkn0th0 I think what I felt was real..

I usually have a gummy before bed to wind me down and relax before sleep. The other night, no idea why, I took 2. I’ve done that in the past and I had racing thoughts and saw colors and geometric patterns while my eyes were closed, but that was the extent of it. I didn’t like the way it felt, so I chose not to overdo it again.
This time around was unlike anything I’ve ever felt in my life. I had the usual “high” silly/random thoughts. Then it became spiritual. Like immensely powerful I can’t even describe the feeling.
I had my thumb pressed down on the voice memo record button for 40 minutes (to my ex boyfriend) while I word-vomited everything that was happening.
Keep in mind, we dated for 5 tumultuous years. Our anniversary was 2-22 and we saw the number 22 everywhere, every single day. During and after our up and down relationship.
I swear I felt the Holy Spirit in me, making the words come out of my mouth. (I grew up Christian but I am not a religious person) The things said weren’t things I was thinking, they just came out. Like I wasn’t in control. I was laying in bed, physically exhausted from involuntary body movements and tensing up, having trouble controlling my breath and crying. It felt like a possession but not in a demonic way at all. I felt an overwhelming sense of love and acceptance understanding and I kept repeating over and over “it’s real it’s all real”.
There was a moment where I verbalized from my conscious mind that I needed it out of my body because I couldn’t take it anymore. And suddenly, a wave came over me and forced out the words (while still recording to my ex) “you’re…you’re the one”. The way it was spoken out of my mouth was not in my control and it was not spoken in a normal flowing manner. I whole heartedly believe that. It was pushed out of me and the feeling rushed through my body so powerfully right after I said it, that it was so overwhelming I sobbed.
Then as I was coming down from it and finally relaxing, I received a message from my son’s dog, Teddy. And I cried as I spoke those words too. It was the wildest thing that’s ever happened to me.
I have been harping on this for days. I’m having a very hard time digesting it.
If I could attach a blip of the voice memo I would so you could hear the intensity of it.
submitted by id0ntevenkn0th0 to SpiritualAwakening [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:57 chercrew817 I'm in love properly for the first time in my life, almost a year after my ex-fiancé left me

This isn't going to be a terribly interesting post, just warning you, mostly just me rambling on about how in love with my boyfriend I am.
This is the best relationship I've ever been in. I used to think I might be polyamorous, or maybe even aromantic, but I've realized I've just never really felt the way I should about a partner before. I'm almost 23 years old, I had a fiancé this time last year, and in the last few months, I've realized I was never truly in love with him. I cared about him deeply, but it wasn't like this. My current boyfriend and I got together last Christmas, and almost 5 months in, I still get butterflies and smile uncontrollably when I think about him. I've never had feelings like that last this long into a relationship. I thought romance in fiction was just that - fiction. I've always loved the idea of it, but I never thought people really felt like that. Now I do, and it blows my mind.
He's a librarian, and I like to go hang out there sometimes during his shift, and make out with him in the parking lot before and after his shifts sometimes. Just hearing his voice as he talks to library patrons gives me this sense of peace, even when I'm having a bad day.
We're both autistic with different kinds of sensory sensitivities, and one of his is daylight specifically in the afternoon and evening, but he still watches sunsets with me, even though I always tell him he doesn't have to, just because he knows how much of a romantic I am, and how much sappy things like that bring me joy.
He's a very independent person who doesn't like to ask for things, but he's gradually gotten comfortable accepting my offers to get him lunch when I'm out and about, and even actually asked me for it without me having to offer for the first time recently. It might be silly, but it made me so happy to see him have that growth.
Part of me keeps waiting for the other shoe to drop, for the butterflies to go away, for the honeymoon phase to be over, but I just keep hearing love songs on the radio, instantly thinking of him, and getting a stupid goofy smile on my face. Every time I see a car the same color as his, I think about him. I absolutely yearn for this man. In the words of some meme somewhere, I need him in a way that is concerning to feminism.
My ex-fiancé leaving me was one of the best things to ever happen to me. I knew our relationship was doomed, but I didn’t have the strength to do it myself.
I like to smile and wave at strangers, and this time last year, I always felt like I had to force that smile. It comes to easily to me now. I know the massive improvement isn't only because of him; reaching out to friends and breaking the wall of isolation I'd built around myself, as well as a VERY large amount of therapy have been instrumental in all of this... but a lot of it is him, too. I love him in ways I never knew I could love.
submitted by chercrew817 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:54 WizarDProdigy Losing A Half Of Me - Day 20

It has been another good day. It will probably be a short one. My bosses seemed to be happy today and I tried to be talkative as well. I was in a good mood all day and everything just kind of felt good. I felt bad I wasn't at work the day before but I really needed that day. I feel more energized for taking it. Today I didn't eat the best but I made good decisions. The potato salad was warm so I had some. I wanted to go back for more but I told myself that was enough carbs. I'm proud of myself for doing that and making that decision. I also had a small piece of smoked brisket but once again didn't go overboard. I had cherry tomatoes and some other salads but didn't overeat. For dinner I did make eggs and toast again but I made spicy broccoli as well! I just threw some stuff at it and yum that broccoli hit all the right places. I had Heidelberg 21 grains and seeds toast. Food has been good and it's time to think on what to drink. Thinking about it now, I have been drinking water everyday. I haven't had a soda in I think over a week. I'm extremely proud of that since I love soda. Instead I'm being very picky when I indulge in one and will continue to do so. And don't quote me on the week I think I mentioned the last time I had one on my posts but I'll have to go back and check. Either way I'm doing well and trying my hardest.
Today I walked 40 minutes. I feel like my weight has not changed much. But that's okay. I'm going for the development of healthier habits and then I can go for the hurdle of losing weight. One step at a time. I can't take everything on all at once. I need to be patient and willing to change over time. I can't expect it in a day. I need to let the habits build up to be better than who I was. Right now I am proud of the person I am becoming over the person of 20 days ago. Little by little until it all adds up. If anyone has any thoughts or ideas on the weight loss feeling stagnant, then throw them at me. I know it won't just drastically change over night. I would just love to hear what you have to say about not overthinking it.
Totally random addition to this post but while writing this I passed by a man with his beautiful dog. She had a Sprite bottle in mouth and he told me how she hates litter so they try to pick up one piece every time they walk. I know that's out of the blue but it reminded me of something I used to do when I journaled. I would do the SBIST section or the Something Beautiful I Saw Today. Anything or everything would be put in there and it could have been just as simple as a smile. It helped me to see the beauty in the world where I could. Maybe I'll consider doing it again but the man with his dog definitely counts for one today.
My goal for tomorrow is to relax. It's a silly goal but a goal for my Tuesdays off. Chill and breathe. Have a little fun as well and clean up a bit. I sign off my conjurers of the seeds that shall grow immense power or the seeds that even die off to give the others even more immense power. Seeds are wonderful. Let them be in your foods. Toodleoo. Or toodaloo.
submitted by WizarDProdigy to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:49 TwoProfessional4607 I’m insanely obsessed with my English teacher, and iv done despicable things

Lol, I thought this would be funny to write about as a first silly little post as it is the most interesting thing in my life. (Don’t mind any typos)
First of all, to anyone who wants to tell me to stop or get over it or give me any valid reasonable and rational advice,I will not listen so don’t bother.
As these stories go, I 15(f) in love with English teacher 26(f). I’m obsessed with her, and have been for almost msot 2 years, it would have been longer if she had come into my life sooner.
I’m not a love at first sight person, so it took a while for it to come about. And iv always had problems with getting violently obsessed with things, I believe it’s some kind of coping mechanism, you know? If I don’t have something to live for then I fall in love with something, subconsciously of course. First it was cartoon characters then celebrity’s and the for the first time a real person who I know in real life! (Except she’s my teacher and she’s 26) but also the first woman iv ever fallen for (iv always known Im pan so it wasn’t a shock really). I think another HUGE reason I love her is because I don’t have a mother, she was abusive, druggy, alcoholic yadi-yadi-yada, and so I don’t live with her and I don’t like her and she isn’t there for me, and so I meet a kind female adult who I look up to? Obviously I get attached and I see her as a mother figure. I really do, I want to be just like her, I want to make her proud, I seek her validation, i want to fuck her. You know, regular motherly things!
The first day I met her, first day of year 10. From the second she walked into the class I felt her energy and her vibes and I had that feeling where you instantly like someone and want to be friends with them and think they are super cool. Now, she is not hot, like Obviously to me me right now in this moment she’s the most beautiful and pretty person iv ever seen she’s so cute and hot and all that, but Obviously that’s because I’m obsessed with her everything about her is great, but she’s the kind of ugly that when she first walked into the class people snickered.
She has a rash on her chin, a noticeable moustache, she looks at least 30 despite being much younger, her eyes are creepy looking and small, her skin is really red and dry and way too textured, she does weird ugly facial expressions, she has a big nose, her hair is never brushed and always greasy, she has really small eyelashes blah blah blah.. (she obviously has some really nice features as well, but I’m trying to prove i don’t like her for her looks)
Now In her defence I think they were laughing because she has the hugest ass iv seen in my entire life, not cuz of her face. (She wears really tight leggings everyday) But, she is overweight and a lot of people bring her down cuz of it but that has nothing to do with any of it for me obviously, and I obviously didn’t laugh when she walked in.
The point is, I instantly liked her and her personality, she has that school mum vibe, she’s witty she’s confident she’s loud, she’s funny, she’s so weird (like she does and says the weirdest stuff, she’ll start dancing out of no where with no warning, she shortens words all the time and then says them three times like: “fab fab fab” she has just the weirdest tendencies and mannerisms it’s insane), shes always so exited and jolly, she’s like a ball of sunshine yet at the same time she’s so sassy and passive aggressive, when I’m older I wanna be just like her you know!
And that’s how I felt for a long time, I would just enjoy her lessons because of the energy and vibes she’d bring! She makes everything so much fun just by being there, she’s also a drama teacher so she’s great at getting a crowd going and stuff. But it seemed no one else liked her, they either fat shamed her, or said she was a bitch, or found her annoying.
They aren’t wrong she is all of those things, but she’s only a bitch to you if you don’t respect her and then she’s passive aggressive and makes your time in her class hell, and as her favourite student who kissed her ass everyday it was fun for me to watch people get roasted by her and never have to worry about it. She is annoying to a lot of people because she hypes everyone up, and she’s loud and obnoxious and confident, she laughs at her own jokes and she’s giggly and she does stupid accents, she’s the walking talking definition of “QUIRKY” and so 15 year olds find her incredibly cringey and jarring. But as an immature individual my self I found her energy like something I have never seen anyone have so i from the first day thought she was my favourite teacher ever!
I often take the role of like comic relief when it comes to my friends so I often make the joke myself, and once I felt this admiration for my English teacher, and this giddy happy feeling in me when I saw her, I thought it would be a great idea to pretend/ hint to having a crush on her to my friends as a joke so they can make fun of me. It was small things like “oh my english teacher! … oh.. I liiiiikkkee herrrrrrrr~!” Id day when people mention her, no one caught onto the joke for a couple months until one day, after a holiday I had dyed my hair and she walked past me and she complimented it, I thanked her and INSTANTLY MY HEART WAS POUNDING AND I GOT ALL GIGGLING, my friend was next to me and found it funny obviously. And then the more I went to her lessons I couldn’t stop getting all sweaty and nervous around her, and every time she’d do something cute, like squeal when she’s frustrated and make weird noises or do a fake accent, or tell a joke I’d feel so unbelievably happy, and I couldn’t stop talking and thinking about her, but Eveytime I’d think about her or look at her id get a huge ick of like.. but ewww she’s so not hot! I can NOT be in love with THAT.
By summer I was still feeling this Same way, one day she wore a dress and like the dopey idiot she is, she lifted her leg and from where I sat I saw her panties. I WAS DISGUSTED, and looked away. And then looked back.. but then looked away.. and then looked back.. and then looked away.. (and did it a couple more times) but I felt sick in my stomach the whole time! It was not a hot thing at the time.
Then the year ends and it’s the summer holiday, (now up until this point I was quite caught up with my David walliams obsession. yes the 56 year old.. and so I didn’t really care about her all that much. On the first day back, before school started I went to a birthday party and I saw her walking outside of the school, when I saw her my heat was beating so fast, i hadn’t seen her in 6 weeks and I was not expecting to see her then, I said hi to her and i couldn’t stop thinking about that moment so intensely, and every thought I had about her being ugly didn’t matter to me, it’s not like I forgot about it, I know what she looks like, but I just think everything about her is so beautiful, it’s part of her and so its perfect.
That feeling got worse and worse as the year went by, every time i see her I shake, i sweat, I have panic attack like symptoms, but I feel so happy, like manic, I am overwhelmed, I want to punch things, I want to scream.
Then we get to the part where to silence this obsession I did regrettable and wierd things that she will never know about, some of the despicable things iv done in “the name of love” for her include:
Eating her hair Licking her spit of the table Kissing her chair when she leaves the room Following her around school Drawing her Writing poems about her Writing songs about her Making edits of her Taking photos of her Recording her voice when she talks to me Stealing her trash Licking her pens Making AI chat bots with her personality Making a bingo game about her (that one is just funny, and all my friends played it too, during her lessons lol)
And many other things I won’t mention. Obviously I’m not proud of any of this, and I didn’t really need to do it, some of it I did “as a joke” for my friends, some of them I did just because I could.. but the recording her voice one is essential! Anytime we’d have a heart felt convo I’d record it so I can listen to it if I ever loose the will to live (surprisingly frequently).
Now our relationship as student and teacher was/is very good.
We’ve had some lovely moments, she told me she cared about me outside of the classroom.
A personal favourite of mine: One time she was marking my work and it was just us in the classroom and I rested my head on her shoulder as she was going through it with me, and she looked down at me and she smiled and then we stayed like that for ages while she marked my work.
All my friends said I was delusional and that she probably hates me, but she has a huge ego and i believe she likes to keep me around to give it a boost every now and then.
I wore a matching outfit with her once (on accident) and she was very happy about it
Anytime I’d ask her what I can do to improve my grade she’s say to me “oh no! But you’re doing really well! I thought you did great!”
She’d never get mad at me or shout at me for anything, if we are doing a one between two activity she’d give me the only extra sheet in the class
I asked her to sit at the front to her because I “concentrate better at the front” (i only asked cuz i wanted to sit closer to her) she gave me a sly smirk and then the next lesson she moved me to the back of the class, and also moved her self to the back of the class.
We took a selfie together and the whole time she was giggling, I gave her a Christmas card, she lets me follow her around the school, she gave my friends dirty looks when they were being mean to me
I sent her stupid emails of pictures of capybaras (it was an inside joke between us) and she responded with a way to enthusiastic response for such a simple image lol!
I sand “you belong with me” by TS and she stood in the crown and when it got to the “you belong with me” bit I pointed at her and she pointed back! Singing the words back to me
Oh, and let us not forget the amount of eye contact. I never look people in the eye, one of my first exes I barely ever looked into their eyes all the time I knew them, I just suck at eye contact. Until I met her, since I’m so insecure about her forgetting me or loosing me or something I often stare at her when she’s teaching to make sure that she doesn’t forget me. And some how in the last couple of months she stares at me as well.
Anytime she tells a joke she looks straight at me to see how I respond (always with giggles even when it’s the lamest thing iv ever heard. It’s often not funny at all.) and the entire time shes teaching the lessons I will stare at her. IN HER EYES. Like, I’ll often smile calmly, but if she hasn’t looked at me in like 4 minutes then I’ll stare deeper, but she usually looks into my eyes and hold it for a while sometimes she’ll even smile at me and then stutter and forget what she’s saying before looking away and continuing. She’ll stare deeply into my eyes, throughout the lesson, and I also always catch her looking at me first.
Once she was helping me with my work, she got really close to me, and she stared into my eyes and then I see her getting small glances at my lips (with this one I may be a little delusional) she leaned in and she kept getting confused. Like, she yaps a lot, and a lot very loudly. So it was odd for her to be standing there her arm touching mine talking to me and being like “…. Um-.. heh-.. where was i..” and she flicks through my paper and then looks back at me and goes silent and then swallows and then looks down and then flips through it again and then says something small and short followed by more silence.
I also have a theory shes on drugs, for many reasons but one time I needed her to take a photo of my book, and she was acting so weird, tired but like really like dizzy and loopy and breathless. And she went to take a photo of my book, and got behind me and she leaned into my book, and I felt her heavy loud breath on my neck as her stray hairs were tickling the side of my face and her shoulder was touching my back, she she just stood there and stared at my book for ages until i was like “um so.. you can.. take a photo or something..” and then she slowly did it hahahaha!
Obviously it’s now exam time and so school is basically over and I have no more lessons, so I didn’t go into depth about how much she means to me as a person but to sum it up into one sentence; I would want to seriously kill my self with out her in my life.
And so the thing I had been fearing for so long, the last English lesson, the last time seeing my dear beloved. Well obviously it’s life or death so I have to tell her how I feel and get her to stay in contact with me.
The last lesson ends I go up to her after a morning of: pissing my self, shitting my self, throwing up in my mouth, constantly putting on perfume, checking my hair and chewing the mintiest of gums. And I start my speech, I won’t go into it but I told her how I felt about her (minus the being in love bit I played it off as platonic duh, im not fully stupid).
I told her that she means so much to me, and she’s (one of) my favourite people in the world (that’s a white lie she’s my only favourite) I can’t go on with out her, I need her, iv felt this way since the first lesson, your so fun, you mean so much to me! I cant loose you, I don’t know what I would do with out you!!!!
I cried in her arms as she hugged me! And i didnt even need to ask she suggested we could stay in contact, in-fact all i had said was “I’ll miss you so much :(“ and she already suggested we stay in contact, but Obviosuly I still did the whole speech cuz at some point she needed to know. Her response was basically that she already knew, but she was very pleased to hear it, and everything is going to be perfectly okay.
She said we can stay in contact (through email, cuz apparently there is a “legal thing unfortunately” stopping her from giving me her number (yes I did ask for her number, but in a total no homo way.)
She said I can talk to her anytime about anything as much as I like, and that’s good enough for me!
I also gave her a drawing I did of her and me together which was cute, her response to that was “oh very cool! she walks over. she takes it in her hands, very excited to see it. This really throws her confidence off, she’s really not expecting this. OH THIS IS AMAIZING! her voice cracks THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH! this is lovely! thank you, this is soo good! oh-muh-gud it’s SO good! oww I love it! thank you.. I’m wearing the same top as well, how fun~.. HOW FUN!!!! how fun!! … she takes it and puts it in her bag i will prop this up, on my desk! wicked wicked awesome!” (I recorded her reaction so that’s how you know it’s word for word)
In conclusion, im creepily obsessed and its a problem, but I don’t really regret anything cuz it’s all gotten me to this point where I can talk to her when ever I want and that’s all I could ever ask her. Yes I want to fuck her, but that’s not important to me I just need her in my life, she’s my world she’s my reason of living, and I’m so happy things are this way! I’m doing my exams now so I get to see her everyday when I come into school (by see her I mean wait outside the staff room so I can catch a glimpse of her knee). I’m also glad I’m not in her lessons anymore cuz I’d always get so twitchy around her, anytime she’d be near me and I’d be trying my best not to lunge at her, when I see her my mouth waters I just wanna grab her and kiss her all over! Eeek! She’s adorableeeee!
I love herrrrr ❤️❤️❤️
submitted by TwoProfessional4607 to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:49 Anoldenglishchurch Thank You Bestie <3

I just felt like I needed to make a somewhat happier post here at least once, and this one is dedicated to my Best Friend- and I really don't know how the universe works but it definitely works when you least expect it and when you need it most- as I don't think I've ever really had a best friend before you- and I want to thank you for being my best friend because I know we may not have known each other a year at this point but I feel like I've known you forever and honestly Soulmates can be best friends too because you just get me- and I know I can ramble sometimes and I know I talk a load of shit sometimes and can absolutely imagine craziness for sport but you actually come along for the journey- you've actually joined the journey with me and been crazy and fun with me rather than just nod and go "Mmmhmm" or pretend like your listening only to ask me what the hell I'm harping on about- you actually listened when I needed it and you made me feel seen and at a time when I was most lost you found me and I found you; and without you I have no idea what jungle I'd be lost in but I know I wouldn't be as happy as I am right now to have you in my life.
You saved me bestie and I will never not be grateful for your friendship, I love you so so much and knowing that your my best friend makes me feel so lucky because what are other people with normal besties doing- because surly I got the best bestie! You win the number one bestie award! You are the kindest most caring and understanding person I have ever known, we laugh together, cry together and simp over dilfs together! I don't understand how you hadn't been snaffled from the bestie store before because you are quite simply the best and its ironic that as a writer I cant find the words to express how much I love and appreciate you.
Like I say- it's weird how the universe works but I'm glad it worked in the way it did, I love our crazy adventures we go on, wether we are fighting a nether brain and romancing vampires, wizards and druids in Faerun, sitting in the back seat of an impala watching two crazy dudes killing monsters, watching another crazy dude kill evil superheroes or even when we are in the halls of an Immortal moon hunter who has caught us sneaking around- regardless of where we are or what Shenanigans we are up to- you have made me smile more and laugh more this past (almost) a year than I ever have in my life- so thank you for being my best friend and heres to plenty more adventures to go on <3
submitted by Anoldenglishchurch to Rottenboxofchocolates [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:44 alicerox07789 is a second part time job worth it?

hi all. looking for advice. i am starting grad school in the fall for public administration, at unc chapel hill. i was awarded a research assistantship which i am absolutely doing for various reasons, and it also comes with health care. it would provide me with a stipend of 1600 a month. my rent is 750 a month, almost half of my stipend. and i am just very concerned that with rent, bills (utilities, phone, internet) groceries, my pets, that i will be financially stressed.
there is an opportunity to stay at my current job remotely, and work 10-15 hours a week. im currently paid 80k a year at this job (consultant), and imagine i would then be making somewhere between 2000-2500k a month if i did this. i would put all of this money into savings, as one of my concerns is that i wouldn’t be saving any money during grad school and fall behind financially.
is this a stupid idea? am i biting off more than i can chew? if there’s anyone who worked 25-30 hours a week while in grad school full time did your social life suffer greatly? i’m essentially looking for a reality check from strangers, as it’s hard navigating these major life decisions by myself.
submitted by alicerox07789 to GradSchool [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:31 P4andaman357 Wacky prison ideas

I'm running a "jail break" session of sorts, and thought I'd ask to see if anyone had some cool ideas for prisons. Locations, silly guard ideas, crazy torture devices, any anything else we can come up with.
submitted by P4andaman357 to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:19 Extra_Bodybuilder638 Is the M1A2 receiving 3rd-gen thermals?

After wondering the entire day why the US thought it would be a good idea to leave the SEPV3 with 2nd-gen FLIR after cancelling the SEPV4 in favor of the M1E3 (pretty much a toned-down Abrams X), and seeing that it would take an estimated 15-ish years for the first delivery, I looked for a source saying otherwise. I found this, stating that a contract was given for around 40 million dollars to create and install a new 3rd-gen FLIR? Does anybody know if this source is credible?
submitted by Extra_Bodybuilder638 to tanks [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:18 BamSteakPeopleCake How long can you delay consequences for a 2yo?

Hi 👋
I know the best consequence for unwanted behavior is something related and immediate (e.g. you hit me with the toy, so I put the toy away right now), and that delaying a consequence will just make it illogical for the child (e.g. you drew on the wall with markers so you won't have dessert this evening), but I'd like to know if I can delay a consequence for like 20 minutes and still have my 2yo understand it.
Here's the situation. At naptime, my son tends to be a bit annoying (not listening, running away when I try to change his diaper, not wanting to wash his hands, etc). Something I've started to implement is setting an alarm. As long as the alarm has not rung, we do the naptime routine (wash hands, change diaper, sleep sack, stories, kisses and hugs). When the alarm rings, I put him to bed and leave the room. The alarm is set approximately 20-30 minutes after the end of the lunch, sometimes sooner.
The idea behind it is that if he wants to run around or play instead of getting ready for his nap, then he doesn't get to spend this time reading stories. But I wonder if he understands the connection between "I didn't come when Mom called me to wash my hands, I made faces at the mirror instead of getting ready, etc" and "I didn't get any story for naptime today and Mom left without kissing me when she usually cuddles for a bit". For me they are connected because they are things we do before naptime, and I also warn him several times that there's X amount of time left and when the alarm rings I am leaving, and we won't have time for stories if he doesn't get ready for bed now. But maybe the consequence is too delayed for him?
A few, maybe useful things to note:
What do you think? Does my 2yo understand the connection between his behavior at naptime and the fact that he doesn't get stories a few minutes afterwards? Should I continue doing it, even if only for my own sanity? Should I tweak it a bit/a lot? Should I completely stop and find another strategy?
submitted by BamSteakPeopleCake to toddlers [link] [comments]