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How To Train Your Dragon

2012.01.21 07:52 Because_Titties How To Train Your Dragon

This is Berk. We had dragons.

2021.08.03 16:53 TheAutobotArk HowToTrainYourDragon

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2014.06.15 04:04 beatsdropheavy How to train your Dragon 2

For discussion of the film How to train your Dragon 1 & 2

2024.05.29 11:39 Chas-- Nikken's End 1A: The Survivor Gita [Part I: The Roles]

"What distinguished the Indian system from that of the ancient Western world is the absence of slavery. The caste system made formal slavery unnecessary in ancient India." - from The Two Classes of the Four-Fold Caste System, by Sudheer Birodkar.
In Nikken's Threefold World, which is "the world of unenlightened beings who transmigrate within the Six Paths" [Hell, Hunger, Animality, Anger, Humanity and Heaven] ... the 1st chapter describes the structure of Nikken's World of Heaven.

Table of Contents

Part I: The Roles
  1. The Hindu Caste System and Brahminism
  2. The Nichiren Shoshu priesthood and Nikken Abe
Part II: The Actors
  1. The First Rank of Nichiren Shoshu (Brahmin Caste - Priests and Teachers)
  2. The Second Rank of Nichiren Shoshu (Kshatriya Caste - Warriors and Proxy Rulers)
  3. The Third Rank of Nichiren Shoshu (Vaishya Caste - Farmers, Merchants, Artisans, etc.)
  4. The Fourth Rank of Nichiren Shoshu (Shudra Caste - Laborers)
  5. The Fifth Rank of Nichiren Shoshu (Untouchable Caste or Eta - Polluted Laborers)
  6. Definition of Heaven (Ten)
  7. Getting Some Help
  8. The Survivor Gita
As Nikken Abe's successor Nichinyo moves ever closer to the moment that he will no longer be the high priest of Nichiren Shoshu ... those interested in the future occupants of Taisekiji will have in mind a question ... how will events unfold ?
What I will attempt to do in this polemical series laced with satire, is to give a view from which the seeming random or enigmatic quality of the various moves made by the priesthood, can be revealed to be more predictable and easy to understand.
In the analytic method that I have chosen, the grid for analysis, is the Hindu caste system.
The theme that will be employed to portray the flow of events to come is the "Survivor" series from CBS.
Think of it as the "Survivor Gita".

1. The Hindu Caste System and Brahminism

First, let's get a cursory understanding of what the phenomenon of "Brahminism" is all about.
From "The Caste System and the Stages of Life in Hinduism", by Kelley L. Ross, Ph.D, (abridged):
The Bhagavad Gita says this about the varnas (color):
Brahmins (white) - Priests and Teachers: The works of a Brahmin are peace; self-harmony, austerity, and purity; loving- forgiveness and righteousness; vision and wisdom and faith.
Kshatriyas (red) - Warriors and Rulers: The works of a Kshatriya are: a heroic mind, inner fire, constancy, resourcefulness, courage in battle, generosity and noble leadership.
Vaishyas (Brown) - Farmers, Merchants, Artisans, etc.: The works of a Vaishya are trade, agriculture and the rearing of cattle.
Shudras (Black) - Laborers: The works of the Shudra are service.
Untouchables (Outcastes - no color) - Polluted Laborers.
[chapter 18, Juan Mascaró translation, Penguin Books, 1962]
Associated with each varna there is a traditional color. These sound suspiciously like skin colors; and, indeed, there is an expectation in India that higher caste people will have lighter skin -- although there are plenty of exceptions (especially in the South of India).
So, there are these visibly separable classes of people, which perform specific functions, and which form the basic hierarchical structure of ALL theocracies, explicit and implicit.
An explicit Brahminist theocracy would be the Vatican, where the Pope and Cardinals = Brahmins, the Bishops = Kshatriyas, the Priests tending the flocks = Vaishyas, the Monks, Nuns and the Laity = Shudras, and finally the poor = Untouchables, except for once a year when the Pope washes a foot or two.
An implicit Brahminist theocracy would be the a 10-year-old high tech firm, where the Founder and the Board = Brahmins, the corporate officers and top managers = Kshatriyas, the middle management and technical leads = Vaishyas, the line managers and churn and burn salaried workers = Shudras, and finally the hourly, temp and out-sourced workers = Untouchables.
You get the picture. The need, which is held by all humanity, to improve their own and their family's condition ... is used to betray and undermine their own humanity and render the effect of slavery within a system that appears personally voluntary, however socially coercive it may be in reality.
Ross goes on ...
The twice born [Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas] account for about 48% of Hindus. The rest are Shudras and Untouchables. The Shudras may represent the institutional provision that the Arya made for the people they already found in India. The Shudras thus remain once born, and traditionally are not allowed to learn Sanskrit or study the Vedas. Their dharma is to work for the twice born. But even below the Shudras are the Untouchables, who are literally "outcastes," without a varna [color], and were regarded as "untouchable" because they are ritually polluting for caste Hindus. Some Untouchable subcastes are regarded as so polluted that members are supposed to keep out of sight and do their work at night: They are called "Unseeables." In India, the term "Untouchable" is now regarded as impolite or politically incorrect (like Eta in Japan for the traditional tanners and pariahs).
These kinds of divisions of people only become more bitter, over time, as more and more distinctions need to be drawn to demonstrate clearly that one is not a part of a lower group. (Like the insanity of "Colored" water fountains in the South, when I was a child.)
Following the ritual tenets of animality and thereby preserving the pecking order become the overriding preoccupation of anyone desiring a better life. These demonic activities will ultimately attempt to occupy 100% of all human effort, since this particular evil is determined to undermine humanity's true mission of Kosen Rufu.
Ross finishes with ...
The Untouchables, nevertheless, have their own traditional professions and their own subcastes. Those professions (unless they can be evaded in the greater social mobility of modern, urban, anonymous life) involve too much pollution to be performed by caste Hindus: (1) dealing with the bodies of dead animals (like the sacred cattle that wander Indian villages) or unclaimed dead humans, (2) tanning leather, from such dead animals, and manufacturing leather goods, and (3) cleaning up the human and animal waste for which in traditional villages there is no sewer system. Mahâtmâ Gandhi referred to the latter euphemistically as "scavenging" but saw in it the most horrible thing imposed on the Untouchables by the caste system. His requirement on his farms in South Africa that everyone share in such tasks comes up in an early scene in the movie Gandhi. Since Gandhi equated suffering with holiness, he saw the Untouchables as hallowed by their miserable treatment and so called them "Harijans" (Hari=Vishnu). Later Gandhi went on fasts in the hope of improving the condition of the Untouchables, or at least to avoid their being politically classified as non-Hindus. Today the status of the Shudras, Untouchables, and other "scheduled castes," and the preferential policies that the Indian government has designed for their advancement ever since Independence, are sources of serious conflict, including murders and riots, in Indian society.
If you had a difficulty in understanding precisely what tied together the "Gandhi, King and Ikeda" exhibits around the country ... perhaps the point will become abundantly clear after reading this article, since all three of these men fought to end the exploitation and oppression of a large number of hard-working common people, who supported a parasitic caste system.
Gandhi, King and Ikeda are the three Anti-Brahminist heroes of the Common People, for the modern era.
Some argue that the SGI has Brahminist tendencies, and like all human organizations, that is surely exists ... but it is also true that those tendencies are sporadic, impermanent and rapidly shifting as the SGI undergoes it's own human revolution with the broadening of the Soka Gakkai activities to include all places where Dai-Rokuten-No-Mao (the Devil King of the 6th Heaven, or arrogant authority) might appear in the leadership of any organization, or group.
But let's go a little further in understanding the phenomenon of Brahminism. And then we will talk about the Nichiren Shoshu priesthood, Nikken and his successors.
From "The Two Classes of the Four-Fold Caste System", by Sudheer Birodkar:
The Brahmin-Kshatriya combine was thus the appropriating section as against the Vaishya-Shudra combine who represented the productive section. But although the two appropriating and the two appropriated sections of society performed different functions like the ritual worship undertaken by the Brahmins, warfare by Kshatriyas, cultivation by the Vaishyas and menial work by the Shudras they were essentially two broad economic categories with antagonistic interests of sharing the social surplus product which only the Vaishyas and Shudra created.
Dai-Rokuten-No-Mao is defined as the function of rapturous exploitation of the efforts of others, while grinding those others underfoot.
There is always a gloating rapture present. (Remember the gleeful pictures of those happy Southern men standing around a burning black corpse in the lynchings of last century? Remember how much they are enjoying themselves proudly in the Abu Ghraib pictures? It is the same function, the same demon.)
And there is always a hierarchy being enforced, which is a denial of the Lotus Sutra's universal equality.
Birodkar goes on ...
... Dana along with dakshina (a voluntary payment made to Brahmins for religious services which they rendered), has been represented as an offering to the clergy at our innumerable religious rites. Thus the spiritual clasp of the clergy on the general population came to play a vital role in appropriating the surplus in favour of the clergy, rendering coercion unnecessary and in perpetuating social practices which had lost relevance with day-to-day life.
The reference to day-to-day life and social relevance is indicating that those activities which were initially tribal social functions involving redistribution of food in an agrarian tribal culture, were no longer serving the function of allowing farmers to survive a bad year, or a flood in one part of the locality not affecting another part.
Birodkar goes on ...
The clergy firmly rooted in the minds of the masses, ideas about Karma - faithfully carrying out of duties assigned to each person on virtue of being born in any particular caste. Ideas about rebirth fostered a belief that sufferings of this life were a result of deeds of one's past lives and the faithful execution of duties that fell upon one in one's present life would hold a promise of rebirth in a higher caste. With their minds enmeshed in such dogmas, the masses mutely accepted a secondary status in the social hierarchy for centuries together.
The idea of waiting until the next time around, instead of enjoying this one and only precious instance of YOU, which will not recur in anyone's religious tradition ... this is the worst slander of humanity: wasting one's life, voluntarily, for the foul rapture of another.

2. The Nichiren Shoshu Priesthood, Nikken Abe and His Successors

There are many complaints about the behavior and activities of the Nichiren Shoshu priesthood, related to their pursuits of having a good time with bad women and expensive food, drink and parties with the member's money. It is not my intention to defend those activities, but my view of those activities is frankly, sociological. Impossibly bad and flagrantly unacceptable social behavior is to be expected when great evil is enthroned.
So, I do not expect Nichiren Shoshu priests, especially the priesthood elite, to behave well. This is secondary. It is an effect or symptom, or think of it as the warning label on a pack of smokes, or the nuclear symbol on a container of Plutonium. (It lets you know that you should keep your distance, for safety.)
Indeed, in all cases when the correct practice of Nichiren's Buddhism is considered, secular issues fade into insignificance.
From Nichiren Daishonin's Gosho "On Prayer", WND p. 345:
It makes no difference if the practitioner himself is lacking in worth, defective in wisdom, impure in his person, and lacking in virtue derived from observing the precepts. So long as he chants Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, they [the protective functions] will invariably protect him. One does not throw away gold because the bag that holds it is dirty; one does not ignore the sandalwood trees because of the foul odor of the eranda trees around them; and one does not refuse to gather lotuses because the pond in the valley where they grow is not clean. If they ignore the practitioner of the Lotus Sutra, they will be going against their vow.
The issue is the correct practice. THAT is my complaint against Nikken and his Nichiren Shoshu successors like Nichinyo.
From "Moral Philosophy and Dealings With Priests", written by myself (sorry about the self-quote):
  1. Nichiren Shoshu and the Hokkeko have always called themselves followers of Nikko's Fuji School, but from the beginning (1912) they have followed priests that disobey the 25th Admonition against sexual abstinence, and they have followed priests that were trained by Nichiren Shu (5 Senior Priests) at Rissho University - disobeying the 2nd Admonition, and hence according to Nikko they are not his followers, but are instead followers of the Five Senior Priests. (Nikko would have kicked them out of the Fuji School just for training at Rissho.)
From the end of Nikko Shonin's 26 Admonitions:
"I have set forth these 26 articles for the sake of the eternal salvation and protection of humankind. Those who violate even one of these articles cannot be called disciples of Nikko."
In 1969, Daisaku Ikeda founded Soka University to train the future leaders of the Soka Gakkai, among others. This was a necessary move, because of the corruption seen in attitudes of Japanese Academics, and their determined resistance to recognizing the Soka Gakkai as a valid religious organization and worthy of respect. Witness the academic quotes in the LOOK Magazine article (1963) by the President of Rissho University, Rev. Shobun Kubota, D.T. Suzuki of Zen, and other academics, that the Soka Gakkai "can not be Buddhism".
' The Rev. Dr. Shobun Kubota, vice-president of Rissho University of Tokyo, concurs. "The principle of Buddhism," he says, "is to restrain man's desires, such as sex, hunger, wealth and fame, but Soka Gakkai promises the possession of these desires. It uses man's weaknesses as a tool for its own expansion. It has the same characteristics as Nazism. Finally, it is a corruption of Buddhism."' - LOOK Magazine, September 10, 1963
This from academic Buddhists who signed up unanimously, institution by institution, to bear the Shinto Talisman, and promote Imperial Way Buddhism and Imperial State Zen militarism for the God-Emperor. In support of that self-same Nazi Reich, while Makiguchi and Toda alone bore the brunt of oppression to the end. Such evil-doers call themselves Buddhists. Their tongues should rot in their mouths.
Soka University has created at least one academic environment where the Soka Gakkai can be viewed with objectivity by students. This was and remains an absolute good.
Nichiren Shoshu continued to allow the training of their future leaders by the Nichiren Shu Minobu Sect at Rissho University, even though they were aware that this was a slander of Nikko's school, and made them not followers of Nikko.
Excerpts from, the "Fake [High Priest]" Newsletter: "My view of the teachings of Nichiren Shoshu has been polluted with Minobu's wicked teachings," Nikken confessed at the opening ceremony for the Fuji Gakurin School (Dai- Nichiren, May 2000 edition).
Fuji Gakurin is the school that Nikken started to belatedly replace Rissho University as the source of priest trainees for Nichiren Shoshu. Apparently, he only took this action after people started talking about the 26 Admonitions publicly (Living Buddhism article by Daisaku Ikeda in 1998). The sad fact is, that Nichiren Shoshu has violated all 26, most by the letter of the admonition, but all 26 by their intent.
In relatively short order after being rebuked in 1998, Nikken officially opened the Fuji Gakurin School on April 10th, 2000. Many attended and heard his statements: Nichijun Fujimoto, Nichiyu Yoshida, Nitto (Juken) Ohmura, Nichijo (Gikan) Hayase, Nissho (Shinei) Yagi, Chief of the Overseas Department Kotoku Obayashi, Chief of the Public Relations Department Kogaku Akimoto and Vice Chief of the Study Department Kosho Mizushima.
Nikken went on to state that "he had been contaminated by Minobu's teachings"...
"I once attended the University run by Nichiren-shu. The hardest thing for me in my campus life was that the teacher said many false things about the teachings and history of Nichiren Daishonin. I had always thought that I should refute these false ideas. However, I cannot say that that was my true intention, because I was only a student."
"When we constantly hear false things, we will be caught up in false ways of thinking, or I can say, we will be trapped in it. As I recall my early days, false ideas did exist in my view of Nichiren Buddhism, especially regarding the legitimate teachings of Nichiren-shoshu. At that time, I was not able to straighten out my thoughts sufficiently from the viewpoint of faith, action, study.... If I were young now, I could study with you, young fellows, in these classes, taught by these engaged teachers."
But his distorted views from Rissho were not left there at the University.
We are reminded of Nikken's words on October 8th, 1985, when he attended the completion ceremony of Komyoji Temple, Hachioji City, Tokyo. Kotoku Hirayama, the chief priest of the temple, asked Nikken, "What is the biggest obstacle you had in your practice?" Nikken answered, "It is that I could not truly believe in the Gohonzon. I cannot believe truly now. I have to really try."
Also, we are reminded of Nikken's statement that "Daigohonzon is a fake" from the Kawabe memo. This statement seems to be influenced by the author of "view of wood honzon is false", Minobu priest Bentetsu Yasunaga, who is an associate professor at Minobu's Rissho University and chief priest of Zenshoji Temple.
'In recent years, the exchange of Minobu priests and Nikken sect priests has become more frequent. Monks of the Nikken sect make pilgrimages to temples of Minobu sect with Hokkeko members, or they invite Minobu monks to Taisekiji. General chief of the Hokkeko federation, Kisoji Yanagisawa, made a pilgrimage to Kuonji Temple, the general head temple of the Minobu sect. We [the Fake Newsletter] have mentioned this issue before, and even "Emyo," one of organ papers of Nikken sect, could not argue against this. Taisekiji priests Kaido Seki, Jikei Maekawa, Kosho Mizushima, Sonfuku Ochiai, Gishu Funabashi, all made visits to Minobu's temples themselves. They later made excuses during lectures at their temples or in their temple newsletters, saying, "We went and saw the temple but did not chant."...etc.'
The proof of Rissho's heritage is on their own website, the page on "History of Rissho":.
'Over 120 Years of Tradition and 70 Years of History as a Modern Educational Institution'
'No other institution of higher education in Japan has a longer tradition than Rissho University.'
'Our founding dates back to 1580 when the "Iidaka- Danrin School" was established to educate student priests of the Nichiren sect of Buddhism. The school took its name from its location, Iidaka Town, which is now Yoka- lchiba City in Chiba Prefecture. Some of the ancient wooden structures have been carefully preserved and form part of the Hanko-ji Temple. These structures include the lecture hall, gate, drum tower and bell tower, which are designated as "Important Cultural Assets" by the Government. The school closed its gates in 1875. During its 295-year history, it produced a great many talented figures who made prominent contributions to promoting Buddhism and education in Japan.'
'Shortly before it [Iidaka-Danrin School] was closed, the "Nichiren-shu Shukyo-in" (Nichiren Religious Academy) was established in 1872 at the Jokyo-ji Temple in Takanawa, Tokyo, to succeed the "Iidaka-Danrin School" in modern times.'
'In 1904, the Academy was moved to Osaki,Tokyo, the present site of the main campus of Rissho University.'
'Authorized by the Government ordinance concerning colleges issued that year [1904], it opened its gates as "Nichiren-shu Daigakurin" (Nichiren Religious College).'
'When the Government issued an ordinance concerning universities in 1924, the University was reorganized into Rissho University with Faculty of Letters newly opened. Its doors were opened to both Nichiren priests and ordinary students.'
Hence, Nikken is more than simply an enemy of the Soka Gakkai and a very bad High Priest at the Fuji School.
Nikken is clearly not a follower of Nikko's School and never has been at any time. He is a follower of the Five Senior Priests and a minion of Minobu, in spite of what his conscious mind tells him. Consciousness is, after all, only one of Five Components.
THAT is my problem with Nikken and Nichiren Shoshu priests, in general. It is not that they hang out with bad women or good women.
Nikko's intent on that is absolutely clear in the 25th Admonition:
25. My disciples should conduct themselves as holy priests, patterning their behavior after that of the late master. However, even if a high priest or a priest striving for practice and understanding should temporarily deviate from [the principle of] sexual abstinence, he may still be allowed to remain in the priesthood [as a common priest without rank].
(from Living Buddhism 4/1998)
Nikko did not want the priesthood to be a self-sustaining community, where priesthood positions could be handed down to the kids, like a family business. He clearly intended that every priest should come from a family of lay believers, or spring forth spontaneously from the new membership.
This is abundantly clear, since abstaining priests cannot even donate to a sperm bank for artificial insemination. THEY CAN HAVE NO CHILDREN.
Frankly it is not my concern that that imposes an unhappy restriction on priests. Nichiren, Nikko, Nichimoku and Nichikan followed all 26 Admonitions abundantly well, and I only need to have those four priests in my life. I don't need any false priests that are lay-person wanna-bes.
And I am not the author of these restrictions, Nikko is. Argue with him (heh).
For myself, I have ABSOLUTELY no argument with Nikko, I follow all 26 of his admonitions, even the 2nd and the 25th: I will not lower his standards on training at Nichiren Shu or in accepting a priest who does not practice abstinence. PERIOD. Never. Not for anyone.
I will accept a priest that has never had any contact with, or priest-training from a follower of the Five Senior Priests (Nichiren Shu or Shoshu, or any other slanderous funeral Buddhism), and who practices abstinence and follows all 26 Admonitions of Nikko. From an excommunicated (Gakkai) family or off the street (common mortals are the true Buddha, according to Nichiren), either source is fine.
It is Nikko's undying determination in action ... that having violated any of the 26 Admonitions in a clear and obvious way ... one will then proceed to violate all the rest, including Admonition #1, which requires us to practice Buddhism in exactly the same way as Nichiren.
They may erect statues of Nichiren at Taisekiji and worship them, in the same way that the Tendai and Nichiren Shu worship statues of Shakyamuni, but there is ultimately no difference between these two slanders. Idolatry is not Nichiren's Buddhism. The Gohonzon is the "supreme object of devotion in all of Jambudvīpa."
From "The True Aspect of All Phenomena", WND p. 384:
A common mortal is an entity of the three bodies, and a true Buddha. A Buddha is a function of the three bodies, and a provisional Buddha. In that case, though it is thought that Shakyamuni Buddha possesses the three virtues of sovereign, teacher, and parent for the sake of all of us living beings, that is not so. On the contrary, it is common mortals who endow him with the three virtues.
"A common mortal is ... a true Buddha". And Nichiren and Shakyamuni are endowed with the three virtues of sovereign, teacher, and parent BY the common mortal, who is the true Buddha.
If Nichiren and Shakyamuni are somehow "special people", then we cannot match their accomplishment, and attain their Buddhahood.
They are NOT special humans. And we CAN attain their fierce determination for Kosen Rufu, which is no more and no less than their Buddhahood.
Indeed, we MUST attain that determination, or we shall surely fail to accomplish the ultimate intent of the Thus Come One (our true self).
This is why it is a slander for common mortals to worship statues of provisional Buddhas (they are all just humans, not objects of devotion).
This is why we have the Gohonzon, which reflects the Thus Come One inside our very own Sense Field = Six Components in Three Realms.
This is why we do shakubuku. The common mortal (true Buddha) we shakubuku endows the three virtues upon us, and that is our provisional Buddhahood. Without shakubuku, there is no Buddhahood.
So ... slander of Buddhism will always identify itself, by raising one person over another: over the common mortal. In the end, slanderers of the Law all make the same appearance, by worshiping statues of someone or other. (And, by the way, appreciation of your mentors: those who helped you along ... is NOT worship, it is merely showing your gratitude. We need to discard that fallacy.)
Next in Part II, we will apply the grid of the Hindu caste system to the Nichiren Shoshu priesthood. We will talk about some of the priesthood's socially unacceptable behavior, but really ... I only mention these instances to show pattern and connections between priest families.
submitted by Chas-- to SGIWhistleblowersMITA [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:00 WaveOfWire This is (not) a Dungeon - Chapter 1

Next Patreon Ko-fi Discord
PRs: u/anakist & u/BroDogIsMyName
- - - - -
The cave was dark, its luminescent crystals having long since faded, the shattered shards sprinkling onto the stone floors as inert fragments. Once intricate brickwork was now rubble and crumbled debris, their murals and etchings now lost to deterioration. Countless tunnels and subterranean floors had filled in over time, reducing the monument of his efforts to but a solitary room nested within an unremarkable hole in the hillside, far beyond the township he called home. Or so he assumed, anyway. There was no way of knowing where he was, nor if said home even existed anymore, though he was doubtful it did. It had been far too long since he entered this promise-turned-prison, and he had no more heart to ache.
An ashen glow of sunlight penetrated the pitiful, dreary depths he was once prideful of. The luminance fought against the haze of dust and miasma, but never quite brought its warmth inside, teasing him. He’d forgotten what it felt like to stand in that brightness. To experience the gentle breeze and soft rustle of leaves. Admittedly, the touch of nature’s blessing was one he never often experienced, making for those sparse moments of sunkissed relaxation to be amongst the first memories to dissipate. There were things he still recalled, of course—the days before a single well-intentioned decision changed everything.
The days before he knew only regret.
Altier could still picture the modest farmland that his brothers and father worked on, and how he watched from behind the moss-laden shutters of his room, a frail smile worn on his emaciated face. His two siblings were well and hearty; they quickly grew up to be strong men, becoming apprentices under the village’s herbalist and leatherworker respectively. One would always help their father tend to the crops while the other was off gaining the experience required to take over the storefronts of their eventual occupation.
Their father would regularly be seen wiping the sweat off his brow and wearing a proud grin whenever his young men came back to ramble about what they learned, even if the elder man never understood much of it. That hardly mattered to him; knowing his boys were happy was enough for him to listen with rapt attention, and he repeated their words to his spouse, pretending to know why what he talked about was impressive. The matron of the family always winked Altier’s way when his father would start his usual boasting, letting her adorable fool of a partner take pride in their children for wrapping their heads around whatever he couldn’t. She loved him anyway, calling him playful names with a serene and adoring smile. The sound of her laughter at her husband’s antics could warm even the coldest of winters.
She cared for Altier when she wasn’t busy tidying the home his father built with his own two hands, the structure degrading over time, yet cared for all the same. She would heat the iron stove they had saved up for, her enchanting singing softly reaching those who listened. His father purchased it from a promising blacksmith just to spare his poor wife the trouble of maintaining a fireplace; it cost them years of being frugal, but the delight she showed at no longer needing to bear the direct heat when preparing meals made it worth every coin.
Altier still blamed himself for wasting her time with his needs, but his main regret was the toll his birth took on the angel of a woman. Her constitution wasn’t the best even before his addition, and although she was far from crippled by it, the thin woman couldn’t quite hide the struggles it caused. She never explicitly said why she was so weak, but he assumed she didn’t want him to shoulder the blame for something she decided herself. He pretended not to.
Unfortunately, such a frailty was carried on to their youngest son, yet done so in the worst of fashions. Ever since Altier was but a babe, he struggled with even the simplest of tasks, his body brittle and his lungs temperamental. A gaunt, bedridden figure showed his pale flesh clinging to nigh useless musculature, with sunken cheeks and eyes shadowed by omnipresent illness. The doctors that visited their village only did so twice a year, and being seen by them cost a proportional sum. Yet his parents wasted their coin every fall and spring, hopeful that their child would be cured. They told him that it was subsidized by the crown when he asked how they could afford it, assuring him that it wasn’t making his family financially suffer. He kept quiet and smiled, hiding the fact that he could see the effects of their dwindling coffers.
The answer never changed. ‘Mana deficiency,’ the learned man had called it, recommending that the corpse of a boy channel energy from rare stones to ease his ailment. The doctor even offered to procure an appropriately attuned gem himself, which Altier’s parents latched onto, evaporating their meagre savings and relegating the hopes of hiring help for the fields to being but a dream. The first element, Nature, was what most people held some affinity for, and even if his alignment was dismal, a concentrated stone would curb the worst of his symptoms.
The light green gemstone failed to so much as warm within his palms.
His doting mother and strong-willed father were undiscouraged. In fact, they were delighted; they voiced enthusiastic speculation on what affinity their troubled boy might have, seeing as how something considered ‘common’ was unsuitable. Altier was of a different mind, seeing the blinds of optimism veiling the impending downfall of reality. The pair couldn’t fathom anything but excellence from their offspring, and although they never forced unrealistic expectations upon their young, they were ignorant of just how crushing that faith could be.
They never saw how strained his smile became as gem after gem lay inert in his hands, while their excitement only grew, though that too came to an end. Altier’s hopes of recovery vanished when his father was the one to break the news; the doctors had no more stones to give. They had tried them all, and anything more potent was well outside their means. He was promised that the search for a solution would continue, neglecting the fact that they had already borrowed funds from most of the village to afford what they already found.
His father held him in a tight embrace that night, reassuring the stock-still boy. Altier never noticed how his eyes had gone wide at the information. He didn’t even feel the rivulets of tears pouring down his sickly skin. No, he simply remained frozen as he connected the dots as to why his mother wasn’t the one delivering the news.
She wouldn’t be able to hide the fear in her eyes.
Though beleaguered he might be, Altier was not so ignorant as to forget the one gemstone they never tried—the only affinity that had yet to be tested, and never would be.
Reviled by the church and woven into the concepts of death and entropy, Decay was what stalked heroes in tales of old. Decay was what bled from graveyards and followed the monstrous attacks that left bustling townships as little more than crumbled ruins. Decay was powered by pain, suffering, and bloodshed, using the gathered energies to bring forth yet more horrid atrocities.
And he was one of the accursed few who manifested an affinity with such a voracious element. It fed off his own vitality, consuming him to fuel its demands. He would never be healthy as long as he stayed quiet and kind; every ounce of growth would be combated by ever-increasing requirements. Eventually, the pittance he supplied might not be enough, and therein lie the fear he remembered in his mother’s visage.
He would be killed by his own affinity…or kill to provide for it.
Unwilling, unintentional death would be stripped from the cloth of others’ survival.
The bedridden young man became further withdrawn after that, turning away visitation to immerse himself in daydreaming. They still loved him, and they were sure to remind him constantly, yet he couldn’t help but notice that even the most assertive interaction never brought them closer than the doorway. He smiled regardless, escaping into books read by candlelight. The stories made his isolation less painful.
Altier lived vicariously through tales of knights combating orcs and goblins, suave merchants persuading harpies and lamia to relinquish their collections, and impeccable heroes who stood atop slain menacing dragons. It was a pastime of his that arose when his father acquired an old storybook from a roaming trader; he would turn the final page, then try to guess where fact ended and fiction reigned supreme. He had heard of the many monsters while eavesdropping from his window, but they all were either settled in distant lands or subdued by the army before they became a problem. A peaceful township like his benefited greatly from being so far from the uninhabited wastes beyond the kingdom’s borders, yet also came with its detriments—the lack of apothecaries was a notable one.
He was surprised when he heard the hushed whispers from beyond his room, the earthen pathways of their village set alight by curious voices. Men, women, and children alike gathered in front of their homes and workplaces to watch as soldiers of the king’s army politely marched through the streets, stopping in front of the humble abode belonging to a family of five.
At first, he feared that the financial toll of his condition had hindered his parents from paying due tax, earning the crown’s ire. But no, they came with a proposition; one of the king’s aides had received a letter from a doctor providing someone with elemental stones, and the news of a decay affinity was apparently quite intriguing to them.
He listened to parents refusing to part with their son, yet he also heard his brothers citing just how miserable their youngest was, begging their father not to imprison a child inside the cage of good intentions. It was hard to place both arguments inside the same frame, but it was clear that everyone still cared for him in spite of his affinity. The talking turned to shouting, then flipped to sharpened silence when the stairs creaked beneath his feet, drawing attention to the thin form of his weakened body. He took advantage of the guilty looks and curious new faces to ask what the offer was.
The crown’s minister of magic wanted to hire him—an absurd thought, but one he confirmed by having them repeat it twice. Decay seemed to be an exceedingly rare affinity, and was sparsely documented outside its occasional mention in yarns tumbling past the lips of horribly scarred and inebriated adventurers. He was wanted for study, and after receiving clarification that the process wouldn’t be harmful, he almost considered it. Why wouldn’t he? As much as his family tried, they were terrified of what he might become or do. He was tired of placing a burden upon them, never being able to help with the farm or clean around the house, and he was disgusted with how much more difficult his parent’s life was just by his existence. Of course, his mother and father had countless gripes they brought to light when they saw his contemplative expression, but the knight at the table placed down the final counterpoint.
A writ of promised compensation and a pouch of coin clinked against the aging furniture. The king himself had signed the document, and although neither of his parents received much education, they were both able to read the amount. As long as Altier continued to work, the crown would pay a portion of his earnings directly to his family. The house could get desperately needed repairs, the fields would see new farmhands, and his mother could hire help. They could have everything Altier had taken from them since his birth…and all he had to do was say yes.
So he did.
He ignored the protests, gathered his things, then hugged his parents and siblings farewell the next morning, promising to send them letters on how he was whenever he could. They were less than thrilled—hearing from him once a season at best wasn’t preferable—but they eventually wished him well when he explained that he hoped to control his affinity. His mother wept upon realizing he was aware of her concern over all those years. He cried when she told him that it pained her to remain so distant. The fear for her own life was something she didn’t feel at all; she just didn’t want him to blame himself if something happened that he couldn’t control.
“I brought you into this world to be loved,” she whispered into his ear as she held him, her voice damp and cracking, yet filled with familial affection. “I knew what it would cost me when I learned I was pregnant again; I just didn’t consider how you could think it was your fault. I would never forgive myself if you suffered because of something I decided. Death is too kind a punishment for what it would do to you.”
It took a while, but he did manage to collect himself enough to walk with his escort to the village’s limits, one of the soldiers helping him stay upright without an order or word of protest. They brought him to a carriage, then set off for the mainland, the view of his home shrinking until it was a mere speck in the distance. He could almost still see his parents’ faces filled with pride and sorrow, awestruck by his selflessness yet torn by his departure. His brothers had kept their facade of confidence and a jovial demeanour, but their concern bled through strained smiles. He fell asleep to the sounds of horses and the crackle of rocks against wooden wheels.
Some time passed without much of note occurring. Altier was examined by kind people of a town that was still rather far from the city, but no one had specifically said he was going there, so he wasn’t sure why he didn’t think to ask. Nevertheless, his affinity was documented using tools he couldn’t identify, and the answers he got for his inquiries passed straight through his ears. He was worried his lack of education would irritate the obviously more well-off researchers, yet the soft-spoken academics didn’t dislike him for his ignorance. They tried explaining things to him in ways he could understand, but switched to more general conversation when he was still struggling to comprehend. It was fine, though; he enjoyed the company.
Despite the long wait for a reply, the first letter he got back from his parents was a reassurance he didn’t know he needed. They had received their first payment since he left, and the pages were scrawled edge to edge with their praises, worries, heard gossip, and a single mention of his brother courting a woman. Altier wrote how glad he was that they were well, told them of all the interesting sights, his disappointment at not being in the capital proper, and how kind everyone was. He chuckled to himself after handing the letter off to be delivered, a last minute thought having him jot down a request for his mother to tease the nascent couple in his stead. He wondered if the next reply would include a relationship or not.
Things took a turn after a year. His eldest brother was still seeing his sweetheart, while the middle sibling had yet to have anyone catch his eye, his sights set on his work with the herbalist. Their mother mentioned how she suspected he was interested in the older woman in charge of providing salves and poultice for the village’s ill, and although she was hoping for him to find someone his own age, she put his happiness over having grandchildren. Their father was just as supportive, putting down his own sloppily written query on how their ‘brave boy’ was doing in romantic endeavours.
Altier smiled as he read, updating his family on how he had been moved to a more isolated region since their last correspondence, and thus wasn’t really able to meet anyone he could see himself with. He insisted he was fine, scattering well-wishes and the like while he avoided speaking of events he had promised not to mention. The response came off as somewhat stiff, but he was sure they would understand. All that really mattered was that they were happy and healthy.
His profession as a research subject came to an end, in a way. After collecting what information they could, there was a period where no one bothered to visit the Decay-afflicted young man. He dwelled within his humble accommodations in the middle of a forest, but he didn’t press when the people assigned to deliver food refused to answer where he was. It was fine; he had new books brought to him regularly, and knowing that his family was being taken care of by his ‘work’ was enough to dissuade him from complaining. He stayed quiet even as he got sicker and sicker, some nights spent shivering next to the fireplace with the most recent letter being held by trembling hands. The look of contentment on his face was genuine despite the insufferable pain.
Someone did eventually visit his little hovel in the woods. A man who introduced himself as a ‘Technician’ entered, accepted some simple tea, and made polite conversation for a while. It was a pleasant experience for someone who had grown used to solitude. Once they had both finished their drink, the Technician called for an aide to bring in an unexpectedly opulent box. The gold trim parted to reveal a strange orb—a ‘core’ the man called it, though he was reticent on what it was or did. All Altier was told was to spend the night’s rest with it in his hands, and by the morning, he would no longer suffer from his affinity.
“There is still much for us to learn, Altier,” the Technician promised, putting the younger man’s worries to rest. “Tomorrow, you will be stronger than ever. I would wager your parents will be ecstatic once you tell them.”
“W-what are we studying next?” Altier stuttered out, feeling the weight of the strange stone as it was laid into his unsure grasp. It was no larger than an apple, yet the smooth obsidian sphere somehow dragged him downward by the heart, the flawless surface captivating his attention in a way he both liked and despised. Light bent as he inspected the object, almost avoiding its very presence. He settled it on his lap after a moment, conflicted about how he would be healed by something the very world seemed to reject.
“We,” the newcomer started, flourishing an arm towards Altier, “are going to prepare. With your help, we can create the heroes from those stories you so love.”
It was a bitter memory in retrospect, yet the sickly boy at that table was entranced by what was promised to him. His soul would be captured by the orb, and he would be given the ability to make a Dungeon—the very same he read about hundreds of times. His body would be taken care of, suspended until he returned to it, which he was assured would be whenever he wanted.
That assurance came with a stipulation, however. Were he to decide that he was done, he would lose his new abilities, return to his old form, and be sent on his way, fully healed. But—and there was always a ‘but’—his parents would no longer receive compensation. The king had been withholding from implementing a tax increase in his village, and once the reason for it was no longer employed, then the other ministers would place immeasurable pressure until he capitulated. Altier’s whole world before leaving would fall under the demands. The Technician wore a sombre, sympathetic gaze as he expressed how difficult things would be for the boy’s parents.
Stupid, gullible Altier agreed, thanking the stranger for the opportunity. He went to bed with hope in his heart and wonder on his tongue.
[User identified: Altier
Affinity: Decay
Status: Deteriorating (Insufficient mana supply)
Inherent Ability: Avatar of Decay]
[Error: Insufficient Mana. System will acquire the excess from suitable sources as dictated by the User.
Error: User is unable to designate a suitable source.
Searching based on default requirements…Source found.
Converting source to Mana…Success.
Updating libraries…Success.
Implementing framework…Success.
Establishing Domain…Failure. Insufficient Mana. Insufficient Authority.
Modifying criteria…Success.
Establishing Domain…Success.]
[Dungeon established! Generating assignment…Success.]
[Priority assignment: Prevent the End—324:450:3247:345:34:12]
[Priority assignment: Prevent the End—324:450:3247:345:34:11]
[Priority assignment: Prevent the End—324:450:3247:345:34:10]
- - - - -
When he awoke, it wasn’t to the small room where books threatened to take over every available surface, but to a claustrophobic darkness that crushed him as much as left him weightless. He had been warned that the experience would be disorienting, so he clenched the jaw he learned was no longer there, took a breath that could no longer be taken, and waited like he was supposed to.
Thankfully, the Technician was a man of his word, and he came back shortly after Altier had managed to figure out the basics of…well, of whatever he was turned into. He found a way to ‘see’ the world around him, though ignoring the sense of vertigo that came with having sight of everything at once was difficult. There was text that he could summon or dismiss at will, but it only really displayed a countdown he wasn’t familiar with. Truth be told, he wasn’t quite sure what to think of things back then, but he remembered feeling relieved when the Technician brought droves of researchers.
The first thing he noticed with his new senses was that he was underground. The second was that he didn’t know how to talk without a mouth. Apparently, his new company had a list of expected inquiries, and they set out to answer as many questions as he might have.
Someone explained that they had already moved his body to a secure area, and in order to make use of his nascent abilities, his new form was taken to a suitable location. It made sense to him; if he was supposed to be a place where soldiers trained to fight monsters and get stronger, then they needed it somewhere hidden away from people who might accidentally wander in. Guards were apparently placed outside the entrance, but when he tried to separate his focus from the polished black orb, his sight grew dim and indistinct. They mentioned that sort of thing was expected, and once they placed him on a pedestal, he would be able to ‘feel’ his Domain more clearly.
He learned over time what a Domain was and how to use it, guided by the researchers and the occasional soldier or knight who stopped by to see how Altier was performing. He summoned his first creature using his stockpile of mana, though the spider wasn’t very threatening. Apparently, the pool of his new resource incremented passively based on how large he was, and would strengthen his abilities, but it also required an upkeep to maintain. He could get more by analyzing new materials, objects, or whatever else he hadn’t seen before, and he gained a larger amount by absorbing something—after inspecting it, ideally. Beginning as a single room, neither the upkeep nor income was particularly exciting, but the researchers also had a solution to that: Invaders.
‘Invader’ was a term that referred to any creature that entered his Domain, and although he gained mana during their occupation, they were also a threat to the core. His imminent concern for his safety was abated by the Technician quickly assuring him that, in the unlikely event that the core was destroyed, he would be transferred back to his body without any ill effects, but it would also bring an end to the agreement that prevented his family from being crushed by financial demands. He quietly reiterated the point until it stuck, then waited through the explanation until he had most of his questions answered.
Sadly, the Altier back then didn’t know what questions to ask.
Once he worked out how to summon and manage the most basic of creatures, his guides urged him to build and expand, which took some getting used to. A single room became a hub of connections, and despite the advice given, he metaphorically banged his head against the wall that was trying to close off his core. It just didn’t work; any walls would refuse to be built, containers would topple before they fell over him, and everything else he tried ended just as unspectacularly. Something would always be able to reach him if they had the desire to.
Eventually, he was put through mock ‘invasions’ where fresh trainees fought his creatures, reached the core, then stopped to place a hand on it before leaving, taking some of his mana as a reward. He didn’t understand how it worked, but he learned that people could ‘absorb’ some experience to fuel their affinity if they touched him. The more experienced he became, the more that invaders received, and the more experience he got from defending his core from increasingly powerful invaders. It was a cycle he could comprehend, and it put to rest the lingering fear that someone would try to break his core.
There was also something of an exchange going on; coloured motes were left behind on the core’s surface, then slowly absorbed. Each time it happened, he gained a little more insight on how to integrate new things into his dungeon—first a small pool of water, then a fire, then other things that seemed fairly removed from the concept of ‘Decay.’ As soon as a researcher noticed what was going on, the Technician encouraged Altier to specialize in a particular element, since that was apparently more efficient. With a few more long-winded explanations, he had figured out how to hide anything that wasn’t related to Decay within his ‘menu,’ and focused on making himself as strong as he could.
Mock invasions became a regular occurrence, each one taking place after he had the chance to patch holes in his strategy or adjust rooms. He discovered that expanding downwards was an option, but doing so meant that he needed a ‘Boss’ to precede the stairs. The selection unsettled and excited him. A skeleton was what ended up guarding the way deeper into his Domain, and at the insistence of his guides, he left the new creature…monster…? He left his new creation as it was and set about expanding the second floor. Thankfully, the task went smoother since he knew what to do, and soon enough, he was the proud owner of ten floors. Every boss focused on testing what the knights and soldiers knew about fighting and teamwork, and every floor down grew harder and harder to contest.
Altier’s first ‘victory’ was gained when his ‘invaders’ surrendered on the ninth floor. He had been proud of that; they weren’t expecting him to branch into using animal as well as humanoid skeletons. A well-placed Ox made short work of their forces, but stopped before doing more than bashing them around. The thrill of defending his core was incomparable. He also gained access to some more cosmetic options for his existing structures, including the ability to write on a sign if he so wished—though doing so was prohibitively expensive. He didn’t care; a sign was put near the entrance within seconds, asking if someone would mind letting him know when letters arrived from his parents, and to write his reply to send back.
To his relief, it wasn’t much longer before a letter did arrive. He was delighted to hear that all was well, yet sad when he wasn’t able to attend his brother’s wedding. It was a simple affair, true, but he would have liked to go. He asked the person who was kind enough to read it out for him to pen his response, then got back to improving his Domain. His family was doing well, and if being the best dungeon he could be would ensure their happiness lasted as long as possible, then he would be just that.
Ten floors became twenty. Twenty became forty. He hit one-hundred floors after constant effort, happily using signs to ‘talk’ through short phrases with the nicer groups of ‘invaders’, while he mostly ignored the rest. It was too hard to keep track of everyone after a while, but he was supposed to be a training ground, so he kept up doing what he was supposed to, mentally smiling when someone he was keeping tabs on managed to overcome a challenge they were struggling with. Some got stuck on certain floors, unable to adapt to new creatures, while others had a hard time traversing the increasingly long voyage to his core. He made small recovery rooms for a party that thanked him for the challenge, filling basins with food and water, then instructed his creatures not to bother anyone inside.
Surprisingly, the group accepted his offer of rest with gratitude that seemed excessive. They spoke to the walls, regaling him of their various journeys and the humorous events spread throughout. He enjoyed the time spent focusing on that area, as well as the gifts people sometimes left behind. Each new item was transferred to a room near his core, where he kept a collection of keepsakes ranging from books to tarnished jewellery that had more sentimental value than monetary. Still, it was all priceless to him, displayed proudly next to the letters he received regularly from his family.
His one-hundred floors became two-hundred, and he struggled to find recurring visitors after some time. The soldiers grouped up into parties of five or six, venturing into the dungeon with the goal of increasing the strength of small units. Altier adjusted the difficulty to accommodate, dialing back the force he once used to combat near endless waves of knights. Magic was something that came from the change in tactic, much to his surprise. It was weak, but pretty much everyone who tried the dungeon could light a torch or chill their water. He wasn’t well-learned about what any particular element could do, but he was glad to see that his new participants were indeed getting stronger.
The two-hundred floors became three-hundred, which then became four-hundred. Altier’s creatures would have been terrifying if it wasn’t for the fact that he had yet to kill anyone, the skeletal monstrosities looming through corridors like horrific nightmares made manifest. He was pleased to find that they listened rather dutifully when he said to escort those who surrendered to the entrance, which was most people. In fact, hardly anyone ever made it to his core anymore, despite the jump in power of various magics he often saw. Flamethrowers, earthen spikes, empowered bodies, and many more effects were in play within each party that tried to conquer his trial. A particularly adept group eventually placed their hand on the obsidian sphere, taking suffocating amounts of mana, while also leaving a thick haze of their own. His creatures became far stronger for it, and so he adjusted the difficulty once more, wondering when they would try to best him again. Unfortunately, they never did, but he saw some people who shared a striking resemblance, and the newcomers were easily more magically inclined. It was fun to challenge them.
The cycle repeated, though he wasn’t sure when the Technician stopped visiting. Altier was too busy keeping his end of the deal, improving the crown’s army in exchange for giving his family a life they deserved. He did notice something wrong after the letters started taking a while to come, and although the contents filled him in on the newest events, things started seeming…out of character. The feeling tickled at his mind, but it was fine. They were happy and well.
How foolish he was.
A party entered shortly after he completed his six-hundredth floor, instantly setting off an incomparable feeling of dread. His senses warped when he tried to focus on them, blocking everything in their vicinity from his view. It took a bit for him to figure out why, but they were carrying something that sucked the mana out of the very dungeon itself, and his unbidden instincts screamed that whatever it was needed to be destroyed. He reacted without thought, releasing everything he determined too dangerous for simple training in a bid to drive them out.
It wasn’t enough. He watched the void travel floor after floor, leaving nothing but dismembered skeletal creatures in their wake. Veritable monsters were slain, chimeras he had worked on as a side project became incinerated dust, and the signs he left for the weary were torn off the walls. A voice bellowed through his halls from the darkness he couldn’t see, declaring what was happening.
They were not there to train. In order to defend against a force threatening the kingdom, they needed power, and in order to gain that, they needed his mana. His experience. All of it.
They were there to break the core under the king’s decree.
Altier’s nonexistent heart stopped, memories of how impoverished his family used to be flashing through his mind, and with a near silent refusal, he let the instincts to get rid of the invaders swallow him whole.
By the time he calmed down, it was to a pit of blackness and a dull pull in his ephemeral chest stopping him from being able to do anything. He could still ‘hear’ though, and he heard the choking breaths of a single man in his core’s room. He heard the bitter laughter that followed accusations of dooming the very world…as well as sympathies for what the pale, sickly, Decay-afflicted man had gone through.
Altier could only listen as the man told him how his dungeon was hundreds upon hundreds of years old, and how the party had been briefed on its history. He listened as the man spoke of the letters that were to be presented to the dungeon every scant decade, yet always claimed to be given every few months. The groups he befriended had left to start families of their own, and their children returned to befriend him as well, continuing the cycle and passing it on in a generations-long tradition. He listened as he ignored the warnings popping up, the transient text telling him that his mana production was insufficient to support the dungeon. That he was dying.
When the man perished, and the dungeon collapsed piece by piece, Altier listened to silence, because there was nothing else he could do.
Nothing besides reading the text that lingered in his vision amidst the warnings.
[Priority assignment: Prevent the End — Failure]
- - - - -
Altier ‘looked’ at the dim orb that seemed so much like his own, its small form sat next to dust that might have once been the man who unveiled all those truths so long ago. He didn’t know how long it had been since then, only that he was still alone. He wasn’t even angry anymore; the energy needed to feel rage or sorrow was gone. He was just lonely.
[Attempting to reestablish Mana Well…Failure.]
The core dismissed the message absently, more than aware of what it read. Thousands of the notifications had passed by, interspersed by various abilities and whatever else becoming ‘corrupted.’ He didn’t care anymore. His dungeon was his pride at some point, but now he just wanted to feel the sunlight that slowly dimmed as night claimed the evening sky. It would be nice to see the stars again. Or just outside, assuming there was anything left to see. Maybe it was all a desolate wasteland.
[Restructuring Affinity: Decay…Failure.
Reorganizing libraries…Failure.
[Error. Ability ‘Avatar of Decay’ has been corrupted. Please provid—]
[Error. System corruption exceeding threshold. Please provide a valid framework.]
[Error. Affi—]
It might as well be. He sold himself to ensure his family’s well-being, but how many of those letters were real? Did they have a good life, receiving word that their ‘brave boy’ was healthy and happy? He hoped so. All there was left to do was watch the thin glow of the outside shift. Eventually, that draining orb the floor would run out of things to take from him. And to think that he just wanted those he cared about to be well…
[Error. Stability compromised. System integ—]
Altier roused from his trance, lethargically shifting his focus to a flicker of shadow near the deteriorated entrance. How strange it was to have his core room be right next to outside, yet he didn’t recall how that came to be. Magic, possibly, but he couldn’t quite bring himself to care. He was tired of numbers and percentages. Of values and skeletons. He was tired of being a dungeon, and of being alone.
A rock—a pebble, really—tumbled into the shallow curved hallway that acted as the path to his core, a strange sound getting louder. He ‘felt’ his brow furrow in perplexion before he actually considered what was happening. That was a voice. Speech. Someone was talking.
He was stunned silent before enthusiasm could build. A gaunt bipedal creature entered the cave, though it was decidedly not human. Taloned feet supported two legs, though they walked on their toes, he supposed. Its skin was reptilian, the pale black colour still managing to look plush, if dry. A thick, long tail swayed slowly to correct its weight, shifting its tattered garment that looked more like worn burlap than clothing. Nervous hands fiddled with chipped claws and felt along the wall, a lack of care rendering them dull and dirty. Fearful, exhausted eyes wandered the cave, the grey irises showing a pained soul underneath an etched smile on otherwise soft features.
Altier ransacked his memory as the creature nervously looked for something in his desolate ‘dungeon,’ recalling a crude painting in one of his old books. It was a kobold, though they shouldn’t have been anywhere near the kingdom, not that it mattered now. The scaly occupant muttered to itself, their voice soothing and feminine in a language he didn’t know. He wouldn’t have minded the conversation, but it was a moot point; he lost the ability to write on signs long ago. A part of him was surprised he would talk with a monster from his stories. He was never overly involved with his fellow humans—excluding his family and the odd party in his rest areas—but he figured there would be more resistance. There was no point in thinking about it. It would leave when it realized there was nothing here, and he would be alone again.
The last thing he would have expected was the kobold noticing a dusty obsidian orb sat atop crumbled stone, then excitedly picking said orb up to hold against its chest, its chirps of excitement filling the quiet room. Or, it would have been the last, if not for the messages that appeared.
[Compatible library found! Synchronizing…Error. Framework is incompatible.
Restructuring framework…Error.
Redefining framework…Error.
Replacing framework…Success.
Restructuring framework…Success.
Defining Affinity…Error.
Aff%$^: Null…Su^@!#ss.
D#@%^a@#n Es^!@l%#@ed!—]
[Pr#%y #@$nment: ERRRR#*#$RRR—]
[Priooooooority Assignmentmentmnet: B#&#$^—]
submitted by WaveOfWire to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 10:57 Global_Tech0 How to Use AI to Automatically Solve reCaptcha?

How to Use AI to Automatically Solve reCaptcha?

reCAPTCHA is a widely used security measure designed to differentiate between human users and automated bots. While essential for preventing spam and unauthorized access, it can be a significant hurdle for legitimate automation tasks. Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) have made it possible to solve reCAPTCHA challenges automatically. This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to use AI to automatically solve reCAPTCHA, enhancing the efficiency of your automation workflows.

Understanding reCAPTCHA

reCAPTCHA, developed by Google, requires users to perform tasks that are easy for humans but difficult for bots. These tasks can include identifying images with specific objects, clicking checkboxes, or interpreting distorted text. The most common versions are:
reCAPTCHA v2: Requires users to click a checkbox or select images that match a description.
reCAPTCHA v3: Uses a score-based system to assess the likelihood of a user being human, requiring no user interaction unless the score is low.
Invisible reCAPTCHA: Automatically verifies the user in the background but can prompt a challenge if needed.
Using AI to Solve reCAPTCHA
AI can be leveraged to solve reCAPTCHA challenges through several methods, including machine learning algorithms and computer vision techniques. Modern AI models, particularly Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), excel at image recognition tasks. By training a CNN on a dataset similar to the images used in reCAPTCHA challenges, the AI can learn to accurately identify objects within these images.
In addition to image recognition, Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology, such as Tesseract, is used for text-based reCAPTCHA challenges. OCR converts CAPTCHA images into text strings, allowing automation tools to process and input the correct responses.

Integrating AI with Web Automation

Web automation tools like Selenium or Puppeteer are essential for interacting with reCAPTCHA on web pages. These tools can be programmed to navigate to web pages, capture reCAPTCHA challenges, and use the AI models and OCR technology to solve them. The automation script can then submit the recognized text or selected images, mimicking human interaction.

Pre-processing and Training

Pre-processing images is crucial for improving AI accuracy. Techniques such as resizing, grayscale conversion, and normalization help standardize the images, making it easier for the AI model to learn and recognize patterns. Training the AI model involves feeding it numerous labeled examples to learn the distinguishing features of different objects or characters.


Using AI to automatically solve reCAPTCHA challenges can streamline your web automation tasks, saving time and resources. By leveraging machine learning algorithms, computer vision techniques, and OCR technology, you can effectively bypass reCAPTCHA barriers.
Solving Captcha is difficult to solve. You can either do it manually, which is time and effort-consuming and very cumbersome or use an automated solution, which is the cheapest way and does not consume a lot of resources. When choosing a site, consider your resources and the balance you want between speed and accuracy. Adding an automatic captcha solver can make the process more efficient So, CaptchaAI, powered by AI, excels in solving captchas quickly, taking an average of 10:30 seconds for reCaptcha, hCaptcha, offering an efficient solution that takes only one second for All types of Normal Captcha, including image Captcha solving, ensuring a high accuracy of 99.9%. This makes it the cheapest captcha solving service.
submitted by Global_Tech0 to u/Global_Tech0 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 10:11 Load_r We have to FINALLY talk about the long lasting damage KFP3 made to the franchise, and how that led to KFP4's development hell.

We were robbed. In more ways than one even.
And it surprises me how beyond just a few concepts an ideas, this part of Kung Fu Panda history remains so overlooked by the fandom and not as highly spoken about because I feel people aren't really giving it the attention it deserves given the issues it caused not just in the franchise as a whole BUT DreamWorks in general, and is something that forever changed the way they direct movies;
Let's talk Kung Fu Panda 3; An overhauled story that left the wrong lessons both within the franchise AND the studio, and for the looks of things it seems it won't get any better soon.
What do I mean by an overhauled story, and where do I come off with these claims?
The concepts art of the former draft for this movie, plus some tidbits share by executives and folks from within the creative team:
Kung Fu Panda 3 as a movie is a story literally cut in HALF; In characters, narrative, story and themeing. From my understanding what you got in the final movie IS what was always planned from former draft, however! There was so much more on top what we got that not only was it more thematically tied to the whole franchise, it was almost as nuanced and deep from a character perspective like the first two.
From what was said about original plans for the movie, the movie was meant to follow the footsteps of KFP2 in terms of tone and ambition; Instead of the movies getting thematically lighter to show the development of Po as a character, it seems former plans were to have the narrative of the series become slightly more grim and profound in themeing, perhaps to challenge Po as a character and his unbreakable innocence against the harsh world ahead of him, THE Dragon Warrior meant to take after Oogway's legacy.
For this to happen they had a villain much more merciless, brutal and above anything Po had faced before when compared to Tai Lung who at most was a broken Kung Fu student or Shen who had just a fair enough grasp of Kung Fu mastery which he compensated with weapons and armies; No, no, no, no. Kai was meant to be a whole other type of beast.
Said to be planned to be less comedic driven, more feral, far more of an active threat, it does sound they were planning him to be the personification of walking doom, an omnipresent ghostly figure that brought death upon anything he faced with very little remorse, set to destroy anything and everything Oogway had left behind to a point death wasn't even an arbitrary action to impose fear, it was a means to an end. In former draft he straight up killed Mr. Ping, and in his confrontation with Po before them going to the Spiritual Realm he straight up BEATS HIM UP TO NEAR DEATH.
Kai was a shift in the franchise's narrative tone and a change to the status quo, THIS was Oogway's Brother in Arms! A threat far beyond an above anything Po had ever encounter, a restless undead whose sole purpose was to keep Oogway's legacy become a myth after history had forgotten about him.
It plays into the themeing of Kung Fu Panda 3. Kung Fu Panda 3 as a movie is a story about familiar bonds and self-discovery, learning your roots but also finding your own strength. Already Kai was the anti-thesis of that concept but it feels it was gonna be way more hammered in, on its former draft. His feeling of betrayal led him to find his own meaning in destroying the legacy of the closest thing he had as family, a memory from the past haunting the future because it had no meaning.
However, his quest for vengeance went too far. A little too far for DreamWorks; And that's for ONE other thing...
You see, this part is tricky and involves a lot of speculation, but is backed up by a lot of concept art about the former draft that when coupled with everything known about Kai and the aftermath of the production of that former draft, the pieces actually fit. Sadly, not for the right reasons.
Meanwhile Kung Fu Panda 3 as a story is a father-and-son focussed narrative, it seems that wasn't always gonna be the case or if it was, it's themeing was gonna be more ABROAD; Tackling familiar bonds from foster family, found family and the meaning of the concept as a whole. In the story we got, the themeing was overhauled to fit Po and Li's lost relationship as they rediscover their family bond meanwhile Po tries to figure out who he is; But in the former draft it seems this aspects wasn't gonna be the sole focus, as it was only A THIRD of what the original tale was gonna be about.
From what I can gather from concept arts, one third was spent on Kai's slaughter to all of Oogway's legacy, one third was gonna be about Po tapping into his lost Panda roots, and the last third was SURPRISINGLY gonna focus on a side-story dedicated to TIGRESS;
Yep! That's right! It seems from concept art that Tigress was gonna have a much more prominent role in the movie since a couple of them show her in Panda Village BEFORE she has her encounter with Kai which IS still in the draft. She appears during Po's first welcome to the village, she's seen training and being observed by a few pandas, curious of her actions. It seems that a portion of the movie that included her was cut as a whole, and believe me you're not gonna like to hear what got cut because there is evidence of it IN THE FINAL PRODUCT that basically solidifies some of my thoughts.
For one: Kung Fu Panda 3 was a more romantic-oriented movie, to an extent.
Apparently, a cut running gag for the film was that Mei Mei's fixation of Po wasn't something that happened out of left-field, it was actually gonna have a reasoning. It seems they were arranged for marriage since birth, so a couple of concept art show stuff such as a love palace if I recall correctly?? As well as Po being chased down to marriage by Mei Mei. Pretty inconsequential things that got replaced in the final script by a directionless crush with no much after thought;
EXCEPT! That the former draft actually made use of Mei Mei in a more poetic albeit bittersweet way, for her. During the movie, Mei Mei would catch hints Po's heart kind of belongs with Tigress, so a huge twist and redemption of her character is when she gives her wedding dress to Tigress without context of the emotional value it holds, from my understanding she only tells her "Po may like seeing her wear it" or along those lines. THIS, now this better justifies Mei Mei and makes her less of a joke with no pay-off, and more of a nuanced character by better justifying her presence in the story as a push and possible jab to TiPo possibly being a thing.
Other than that, there is a random panel in which Po explicitly calls Tigress a "Sexy Ninja", which can't get more explicit that that. though! It isn't random, and I'll get there in a bit with further detail; Just understand the movie wanted to explore romance to a degree on top Kai looming around Panda Village...
Secondly: I don't think Lei Lei, Ray's Baby, was meant to be so inconsequential;
This is my boldest claim, but like Oogway once said, "there are no coincidences". This character TAUNTS ME because she feels like she should holds a deeper meaning in the story than what she appears to have, especially after Mei Mei was shown to be a joke with nuance in the former draft;
Tie me up, call me insane, but I think that Lei Lei's role is that we see on KFP3: Finding a maternal figure on Tigress, AND have that be expanded upon. It just makes too much sense because IS RIGHT THERE in the movie and it leads NOWHERE but cute scenes of Tigress holding a Baby Panda as a taunt;
No! I refuse to be fooled, especially when the themeing of your movie is the meaning of "Family". I think part of the idea of taking Tigress to Panda Village and even going as far as to seemingly try to explore TiPo, was for them to sort of hint at a possible future between them? Maybe have a certain character open the idea of something other than Kung Fu, like "Family", for Tigress?
This may be my craziest claim but I stand by it. You just don't make a character so inconsequential for looks, in a movie where Tigress was gonna be heavily involved in Po's emotional growth on Panda Village, formerly.
In fact, giving the idea of family to Tigress in Panda Village makes sense because it would be the only peaceful place where she could explore something as conflicting like that, from a narrative stand-point; And at some point I feel the writers would want to move her forward as a person rather than as a character, especially because...!
Thirdly: Mortality.
You know how Mei Mei understood Po's heart belonged to Tigress? You should, you've seen that scene; Is when Tigress arrives to Panda Village in the final flick and Po receives her. Except in the draft it was gonna play differently and be far more brutal...
Kai would've attacked Tigress, maybe even ambush her, their confrontation was so intense that although Tigress made it out alive, she was left wounded and fainted in a state of near death. She could not climb up that mountain, PO had to be the one to carry her up there meanwhile he held her on his shoulder. It's seen in a concept art how as he climbs, he looks at the distance fully aware something is looming ready to get them all.
Apparently his worriness for Tigress was so intense that's how Mei Mei could tell she didn't had a chance.
Of course, Tigress survives and recovers but she loses an eye on battle; A permanent remainder of her mortality and the fact that even if she's a warrior she isn't unbreakable. Of course, Po finds this amusing instead and refers to her in high key as a "Sexy Ninja". And this...!
Is where everything fell apart.
When Kung Fu Panda 2 released, one common complaint from parents was received: It was too dark for their children. Shen apparently scared kids, and the studio was met with negative reception from their biggest consumers and target audience, the children's market.
Originally, when KFP3 was still a draft the creatives were following the once "6 written scripts" of the franchise, but when executives saw what their team was cooking in the kitchen they were met with HORROR at the sight of what was once planned for Tigress.
Not only was Po gonna get beat up to death, not only was Kai such a destructive monster, the thing that broke the glass was seeing Tigress, one of the franchise's most profitable characters, wear an EYE-PATCH... THAT'S where everything went south for this movie.
The creative team did the one sin a creative team should not do to a profitable kids' brand, lesser the marketability of a popular character through questionable design choices; And boy, did the corporates not take that lightly!
Almost immediately the executives intervined demanding an overhaul (THE FINAL PRODUCT) which caused creative disputes between them and one of the directors whose name I sadly can't remember off the top of my head; The fight went for awhile until she was vetoed off of the project so executives could have it their way. They just couldn't risk making another movie that scared off the children and their parents' wallets!
They drew a line in everything that caused drastic changes to characters because they could not afford the marketability of the franchise, and in overhauling the story they made it from a dark story with a romantic side-plot into a father-and-son story, after changing Li from how he was portrayed in KFP2 to what he has been portrayed as since 3's release; They made the story mellower, they took out almost every single dark element, they downplayed Kai's performance, they avoided drastically changing Po's personality after being challenged by such monsters, and EVERYTHING Tigress was removed. They would NOT afford that risk.
Sounds awfully familiar?
It is an understatement to say that KFP3 was the exodus of how Dreamworks would treat this franchise moving forward, after what the creatives tried to do with Tigress left such a sour taste on them. "Luckily" for this movie it ended up being as enjoyable as it is because it was built off an already great former draft, so many of it's concepts, themes and plot points made it into the final film; They just got rid of the risky stuff.
But following products, and the handling of these characters wouldn't get that same luck...
Paws of Destiny and Dragon Knight, they lack the Furious Five on purpose, and opt to nerf AND soft reboot Po's personality because not only is that a much safer bet, they won't risk another KFP3 allowing creatives to get wild with their characters. At this point they understood the Kung Fu Panda brand sold itself since the characters were well known, so changing them beyond the market appeal wasn't ever again gonna be an option; New rules were set and a new direction to the franchise was born.
Those former "6 books of a solid narrative"? Retcon/possibly rewriten; Kung Fu Panda as a whole, in my honest opinion, had always has TWO protagonists although Po was the central one. In my opinion, KFP was as much Tigress' story as it was Po's, given how much importance and relevancy she held on the franchises' narrative, and how it was pretty entangled to Po's from a narrative stand-point; KFP3 WAS supposed to be the next step in their character development, the next direction of their narrative, but the moment executives held effective their new direction by gate-keeping her character, this narrative was then put in a questionable position in which it may not be relevant anymore.
Why won't Po ever mature? Because he loses his marketability towards kids.
Why can't they use the Furious Five? They won't dare to give the creatives power to change them beyond recognition.
Why won't KFP ever have profound and nuanced narratives? Too risky and too much money invested on writers. Settle for AI, and the villain of the week.
Why won't Po and Tigress get together? No can do, bud. Makes her less marketable to girls and we don't want that, plus the concept of love is antagonized in modern culture.
Why can't we have A FRICKING GOOD VILLAIN AGAIN? Think about the children.
AND THIS is how we got into KFP4; The after product of a company hellbent on change towards character, opting for safe scripts quick to produce and with an ensured market appeal with general audiences and especially kids. This is how we had a movie with a development so near insufferable from decisions, direction, tone deaf attention to feedback from creative staff, very little thought out into character progression and narrative, over-simplification of characters and personalities, and story elements that are pretty much inconsequential as a whole for the franchise.
It is deliberately a bland story because they know IT'LL STILL SELL, and KFP5 will follow suit AND SELL, and so will KFP6 and the so called Furious Five (cashgrab) Spin-Off!
They won't ever try again because they have already 4 products under their belts in which they've literally butchered the franchise and yet it is still going strong. And fan-complaint has only done much to change their perception because, sadly, what they learned from KFP3 goes completely against the fan dissatisfaction with the final product, because they already SUCCEEDED. And guess?
As of we speak, the director of the 4th one is already painting the scenery, he's letting us know they already have a certain way of making these movies and they know they've been profitable since the 3rd, so what are they gonna do? THEY ARE GOING TO DOUBLE-DOWN, AND HE'S MOST LIKELY TO REMAIN AT CHARGE TO PREVENT ANOTHER RISKY DIRECTOR FROM TAPPING THE FRANCHISE AND TAKING IT INTO UNDESIRED TERRITORY.
Every news that comes out about the following future sequels are more dreadful than the other because, at least to me, it is a higher key version of what happened with KFP3 in which they're ensuring fans that the narrative wad in good hands just to brush off the fact internally they were butchering the franchise on purpose; And yet I'm amazed this has been met with positive reception.
It'll only get worse, my dudes. Im sorry to be the bearer of bad bews but we lost the moment KFP3 was overhauled.
Already KFP4 sits as the highest grossing entry in the franchise so the executives' pride must be over the roof, and it clearly won't be humbled by fans' complaints because they figured out their franchise, as is, is profitable by doing the bare minimum; And NOBODY was bringing up how they got away with it.
Hence why I made this. Maybe to hopefully bring some light and get the discussion going, because this has gone under-looked for way too long and needs to be spoken about, especially under the current picture of mainstream animation in which creativity is being put on a back-seat in favor of profit and marketability. Sucks to see the franchise run that same fate... Sigh
This needs to be spoken about, I felt it needed to be at least, because each passing day people are wondering how did we get here and nobody seemed to understand why;
This has been my state of the franchise.
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2024.05.29 09:24 Slayers_Picks UFC 302 Fight Predictions! (TL;DR)

I hope you're all doing well!
This is a fantastic event, and I had such a fun time writing about it. Although, I gotta say, a break is nice here and there, but getting back into the writing groove is tough lol, so if my writing is subpar here, expect it to be a bit better next week as my brain slowly switches back to writing mode!
(c) - Champ
D/DWCS - Debut/Dana Whites' Contender Series
FLS - Fight Lose Streak
FWS - Fight Win Streak
NS - No Streak
(#x) - Rank in division
x/3 - Confidence Levels
Lets go!
Andre Lima (8-0-0, 8 FWS) v Mitch Raposo (D) (9-1-0, 4 FWS)
Striking: Despite the power of Raposo being a bit of a threat, I do think from a technical standpoint that Lima should be able to see a lot of the predictable attacks from Raposo coming, since Raposo’s best attack, which he uses very often, is his wide right during a two to three punch sequence, so as long as Lima avoids that and retaliates accordingly with his own boxing, we should be able to see Lima be the more effective striker.
Wrestling/Grappling: I don’t think either fighter wrestles when they fight, I mean, the footage I have seen from Raposo has mostly been him using his striking, and the same could very much be said about Lima. So, I call it a tie here, maybe?
Cardio: Lima is the one who is coming into this fight off a full camp in preparation for two other opponents who dropped out, and whilst a sudden change in opponent sucks because gameplans change, that cardio and conditioning work that has been done will still shine.
Prediction: Lima via KO R2 (1/3)
Women’s Bantamweight
Joselyne Edwards (+210) (13-5-0, NS) v Ailin Perez (-265) (9-2-0, 2 FWS)
Striking: I mean, considering this fight is between a striker and a grappler, I have to give the striking advantage to Edwards here, she is the longer fighter, she does have the power and the technique to make this a little bit tricky for Perez to close in and get that takedown she very much needs, but I don’t exactly rate Edwards’ striking to be particularly high in any regard.
Wrestling/Grappling: This is Perez’ bread and butter, she uses her wrestling almost exclusively when she fights, and the moment she is in a very strong top position, that’s when you typically see her let her hands go and land some solid ground and pound.
Cardio: I have criticised Edwards’ cardio in my main write up, she is a 1.5 round fighter at best and I do think that if Perez is the one to execute her takedowns effectively and with vicious amounts of activity on top, we will only see that fatigue appear sooner. Perez probably has the default advantage also given her style is practically to wrestle, and you need to have a good gas tank to do all that.
Prediction: Perez via KO R3 (2/3)
Mickey Gall (+225) (7-5-0, 2 FLS) v Bassil Hafez (-290) (8-4-1, NS)
Striking: I mean, this is a contentious one because on one hand Hafez has the power advantage, he was wild but he made it gritty against JDM in his debut, but is wildness enough on the feet to deal with Gall who, despite being away for two years, could be coming back looking like a brand new fighter? I am leaning on Gall being the more effective striker here, but it’s a bit of an unclear one due to that time away.
Wrestling/Grappling: This is a clash between a good BJJ fighter in Gall and an excellent wrestler in Hafez… and since Gall has dreadful takedown defence, sitting pretty at 36%, I cannot help but think Hafez has the advantage here. There is a possibility that Gall, using his height and reach advantage, could lock in a guillotine submission as a counter to one of Hafez’s takedowns, so if you want to sprinkle something on Gall winning this one by submission, i wouldn’t blame you, but I think the wrestling output from Hafez is enough to nullify a lot of the submission threat, as long as that guillotine is not locked in tight.
Cardio: I know there is talk about Hafez having bad cardio when he fought JDM, but I think he was stylistically backed into a corner. His main style is wrestling yet he faced JDM on short notice, and I mean, JDM’s takedown defence is legit.
Prediction: Hafez via UD (1/3)
Niko Price (+210) (15-7-0, 2 FLS) v Alex Morono (-260) (24-9-0, NS)
Striking: This is an interesting one because both have their little tendencies… Morono is a bit unorthodox with the way he strikes, he has an awkward stance, he plods forward and his leg is often exposed which I can see Price attacking very often during this fight, but Morono’s quick one two is pretty fascinating to watch, it comes from a slightly higher angle, shoulder height instead of chest height almost, and that could make it hard for Price to get a read on things. It’s pretty even here to be honest.
Wrestling/Grappling: If we are talking about straight grappling, Morono has a massive advantage here, although we don’t normally see Morono control his opponent enough to wrestle them to the ground, so I think his grappling is situational for the most part, instead of an active style he uses, if that makes sense?
Cardio: Pretty even here to be honest, although Morono has shown to be fairly good in three round fights, fighting at a relatively high pace, although he does wilt from time to time, that could just be his style, conservation in the last rounds and such. Price has great cardio too, he has ridiculously good output but I just don’t know if that output is going to be there when that one-two from Morono is going to be a bit problematic. 50/50 here.
Prediction: Morono via UD (1/3)
Phil Rowe (+135) (10-4-0, NS) v Jake Matthews (-165) (19-7-0, NS)
Striking: Rowe has the clear reach advantage in this fight, he uses his reach well, using awesome straight one-two combinations and stance switches, but the thing that makes this most interesting is that Matthews has a boxing style of weaving into range, and it’s in the pocket where Rowe doesn’t strike as well as he normally does at range, and I just see Matthews landing his strongest punches from that pocket position, just off the weave and angle change. Both fighters have very, very good striking, but the one with the advantage depends on the position of the fighters.
Wrestling/Grappling: Matthews built his career off wrestling, he’s got a very strong wrestling base, and whilst he doesn’t use it as much as he should these days, it is still very much a skill that he could pull out and surprise Rowe with. Slight advantage goes to Matthews, and it’s only slight due to how little he wrestles these days.
Cardio: Man, both are really durable fighters who can take a fight to the distance and still look fresh, it’s a tough one to decide who is better, so it’s a tie here.
Prediction: Matthews via UD (1/3)
Grant Dawson (#15) (-320) (20-2-1, NS) v Joe Solecki (+250) (13-4-0, NS)
Striking: Dawson probably has the advantage here, but since both fighters have such a focus on wrestling and grappling, it’s a bit hard to be confident in saying that Dawson has the better striking. I do know that Solecki doesn’t strike that much, and Dawson has shown to have decent boxing, so there’s that at least.
Wrestling/Grappling: I like Solecki’s BJJ, he’s very, very good on the ground, but BJJ is only good if you can catch someone in a submission, its ineffective until it is effective and I don’t think Dawson is going to let Solecki set up Submissions without a lot of resistance. So, it’s a battle of wrestling versus grappling here in my opinion, and its pretty damn close, I still think Dawson is going to control Solecki for most of the fight, but Solecki could pull off a funky little sub off his back.
Cardio: I don’t think this one matters a whole lot here, Dawson usually thrives in long fights, he’s great at grinding out his opponents on the ground, and since he is probably going to be in top position for most of the fight, I do think he can wear Solecki down here. So, Dawson probably has the advantage here.
Prediction: Dawson via UD (2/3)
Roman Kopylov (-135) (12-3-0, NS) v Cesar Almeida (+115) (5-0-0, 5 FWS)
Striking: This is going to first and foremost be a fantastic stand up bout, Kopylov is insanely quick with his southpaw powerside attacks, his straight left is a danger to almost anyone, but the problem that I see him facing is the fact he tends to be too hittable at times, I mean, if Fremd can smack around Kopylov a bit, what can Almeida do? Almeida is a very high level kickboxer who has a brilliant left hook (as well as practically every other attack a kickboxer might use, including leg kicks), and I only highlight the left hook because Kopylov leaves that right hand a bit out from a proper shell position, so I can’t help but think that left hook is going to be a dangerous weapon for Kopylov to deal with. Almeida has the better striking here, only due to his credentials though.
Wrestling/Grappling: I mean, Kopylov is a multiple time Sambo champion, so I do think he has the ability to mix it up and make it interesting for Almeida, but Almeida himself has decent takedown defence and grappling defence, so it kind of almost negates each other, but still, the longer the fight takes place on the ground, the better it is for Kopylov here. Slight advantage to Kopylov.
Cardio: Tough one to decide, but Kopylov is pretty good at fighting in the second and third round, whereas Almeida might be good in the second or third, but there’s not quite enough fights to where I can say that comfortably. 50/50 here.
Prediction: Almeida via KO R2 (1/3)
Main Card
Randy Brown (-155) (18-5-0, 2 FWS) v Elizeu Zaleski (+130) (24-7-1, 1D/2FWS)
Striking: It’s a bit of a battle of range and power here, Brown has the reach advantage to glide on the outside and let his hands go a bit more comfortably, but he is also quite good at mixing in teeps and leg kicks, so he’s quite dynamic at range. Zaleski is very, very good at making this a gritty fight, if he can close the range he can certainly land cleanly against Brown because Browns best defence is his distance management, so Zaleski’s best chance at a clean punch is to enter the pocket and fire away. It’s a bit of a 50/50 but given the reach advantage of Brown I think he has the very slight advantage here.
Wrestling/Grappling: I know Brown doesn’t wrestle a lot, but it could really play into his favour in this fight, just to mix it up a bit. I haven’t exactly seen Zaleski look for takedowns a whole lot, he’s mostly a striker but quite adaptable on the ground, so the advantage here is also a 50/50 as its situational.
Cardio: I know that Zaleski is getting up there in age, but he still holds up well in distance fights. Brown has great cardio too and he’s good at maintaining a high pace of activity, especially at distance. My only concern is if he gets his legs chewed up by Zaleski’s kicks, that might seriously sap his tank a bit. Maybe a 50/50 here.
Prediction: Brown via UD (1/3)
Jailton Almeida (#6) (-300) (20-3-0, NS) v Alexandr Romanov (#14) (+240) (17-2-0, NS)
Striking: Almeida probably has better striking than Romanov, but its only very slight since he focuses a lot on his wrestling pressure and grappling.
Wrestling/Grappling: I can go back and forth about this one for quite some time, but you’re here for the plain and simples, not the fluff, so to put it bluntly, Almeida has much better aggressive wrestling than Romanov has defensive wrestling (outwrestled by Espino), I believe that Almeida also has that BJJ that will help him control Romanov on the ground.
Cardio: Almeida has decent cardio, he might be a bit lay and pray-ish but he’s great at pressuring his opponent and sapping their cardio quicker than he saps his own cardio, so I got Almeida having the better gas tank here.
Prediction: Almeida via UD (1/3)
Kevin Holland (-250) (25-11-0, 2 FLS) v Michal Oleksiejczuk (+200) (19-7-0, NS)
Striking: Holland has a wide range of attacks that he uses, although he is mostly known for his sharp long boxing, and its that long striking which could be most problematic for Oleksiejczuk. Holland is also moving up to 185 again so we might see some more impactful shots since he will be less depleted during fight day.
Wrestling/Grappling: Holland used to be a grappler, he has quite a few submissions under his belt, and it is proven that Oleksiejczuk is not good at all on the ground, so if Holland was to wrestle in this fight, he would be the far superior grappler. I mean, most of Oleksiejczuks losses have been from submission, so it just makes sense to me that Holland would be a lot better than Oleksiejczuk on the ground.
Cardio: You cannot count out Hollands cardio here, the dudes a bundle of endless energy. He is built for durability, he took severe punishment when he fought Thompson and MVP and still stood tall and hung in there. That’s not just a show of “heart”, that’s a well conditioned fighter.
Prediction: Holland via KO R2 (2/3)
Co-Main Event
Sean Strickland (#2) (-205) (28-6-0, NS) v Paulo Costa (#8) (+170) (14-3-0, NS)
Striking: It’s a story of two styles here, Strickland has an excellent jab cross, his boxing fundamentals are his strongest assets as a striker, he doesn’t stray from the ordinary too much, everything is clean, maybe a bit repetitive, but that striking, alongside his forward pressure, has resulted in some slick victories on his behalf. Costa on the other hand is the exact opposite. Big movements, big actions, massive power, that’s Costa in a few words, he is chaotic and is able to disrupt the pattern of Strickland, and if he looks good enough to the judges despite the strikes being a bit ineffective, then he could very well get the nod.
Wrestling/Grappling: I don’t think i’ve ever seen Strickland wrestle. I mean, he trains out of Xtreme Couture so he certainly should have some wrestling under his belt, but he doesn’t exactly use it a lot. Same as Costa, Costa is mostly a striker so he tends to avoid a lot of grappling situations as much as possible. I don’t think either fighter has an advantage in grappling here.
Cardio: Strickland doesn’t look any different in the 5th than he does in the first, so I think Strickland has the far better cardio, and Costa tends to throw big attacks early which saps the gas tank a bit. So, Strickland has the better cardio here.
Prediction: Strickland via UD (1/3)
Main Event
Lightweight Championship Bout
Islam Makhachev (c) (-480) (25-1-0, 13 FWS) v Dustin Poirier (#5) (+360) (30-8-0, NS)
Striking: There is little doubt that when it comes to technique and timing, Poirier is at a ridiculously high level. He holds all the cards when the fight takes place on the feet, all he needs to contend with is the wild power and speed of Makhachev, but Makhachev mostly uses his power and speed to close the distance and raise the guard of his opponents, making those takedowns a bit easier. I cannot wait to see if Poirier lands that fight ending left or right hook.
Wrestling/Grappling: This is all Makhachev, and whilst you might argue that Poirier has great grappling, I think it’s a bit basic in comparison to Makhachevs, and if you know Makhachev, he prepares for the best his opponent can ever do, I think he trains to overestimate everything his opponent has to offer, so as soon as the fight hits the ground, expect Makhachev to thrive.
Cardio: Both have reasonably good cardio to be honest, but there’s something special about Makhachev, he is so full on and fights at such a nasty pace throughout all 3-5 rounds that his opponent can barely keep up with him… He only wilted once before, and that was against Volkanovski, late into the 5th round, in that very first fight, that’s stupendously impressive.
Prediction: Makhachev via Sub R2 (2/3)
Primary Parlay - Price/Morono o2.5 or GTD + Dawson/Solecki o2.5 or GTD + Almeida/Kopylov ITD + Makhachev/Poirier ITD
Secondary Parlay - Price/Morono o2.5 or GTD + Almeida/Romanov R3 Starts Yes + Strickland/Costa o2.5 + Makhachev/Poirier u3.5 or ITD
Locks: Perez (optional), Dawson, Almeida, Holland and Makhachev.
Alt Bets: Kopylov Points, Zaleski KO/Points, Costa KO/Points, Poirier KO R1 2 or 3 (combo rounds)
Prediction Accuracy for 2024: 64.3%
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if you wish to keep in contact with me or follow me on twitter, my twitter handle is @Slayer_Tip, and my Discord is Slayertip#7013.
Lets have a fun and friendly discussion down below about this weekends card!
I hope you all have an amazing day, look after yourselves, and enjoy this awesome event!
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2024.05.29 09:06 Stage-Piercing727 Best 45 Grips

Best 45 Grips
Get ready to explore the world of grips! In today's article, we'll be rounding up an impressive collection of 45 different grips, each designed to meet a unique need or preference. From ergonomic to compact, we've got you covered with a variety of grip options. Whether you're looking for a sturdy grip for your outdoor adventures or a sleek grip for your everyday essentials, our roundup has got you covered.

The Top 14 Best 45 Grips

  1. Fiberglass Reinforced Polymer AK-47 Grip with Multi-Textured Rubber Overmold and Storage Compartment - Improve your grip and enhance your shooting performance with the Fab Def Pstl Grp AK47 Rubberized Black Grip, featuring a sleek Black finish and ergonomic design perfect for AK-47 firearms.
  2. Fab Def Gradus Grip - Reinforced Polymer Core with Textured Rubber Overmold for Enhanced Comfort and Precision Shooting - The Gradus Grip from Hi Point C9 combines comfort and accuracy with its reinforced polymer core, textured rubber overmold, and ergonomic design, offering a superior grip for precision shooting and close-quarters combat scenarios.
  3. Springfield Hellcat Jericho 941 Grip Upgrade - Experience ultimate comfort and precision with the Hogue HandALL Beavertail Grip Sleeve for Springfield Hellcat, featuring Cobblestone grip pattern and durable Flat Dark Earth color.
  4. Durable Grips for Jericho 941 Firearms with Laser Accessory - Hogue Le Grip Govt Rubber OD Green: Exceptional grip and laser for improved accuracy, featuring finger grooves, non-slip surface, and ambidextrous palm swells.
  5. SIG P365-XL Grips for Ultimate Gun Hold - The Talon Evo PRO grips for Sig P365-xl offer a perfect blend of comfort and aggressive grip, designed specifically for Sig P226 E2 gun owners.
  6. Synthetic Grips for Ruger 22 45: Lightweight and Cobblestone Textured - Experience unparalleled durability, comfort, and performance with the Hogue Ruger 22 45 Grips - the ultimate fusion of craftsmanship and innovation for the discerning shooter.
  7. Custom Grip for Glock 48/43X Snd - Upgrade your Glock 48/43X with Talon's low-profile grip, providing a comfortable and secure fit with minimal bulk while adding a sleek, textured design.
  8. Talon Grips for Glock 43 - 100g, Canik C100 Grips - Talon Grips for Glock 43: 100% USA-made low-profile grip for ultimate fit, offering full side panel coverage, easy installation, and reliable sandpaper texture for optimal holster carry and competition performance.
  9. Premium Cocobolo Wood 1911 Govt. Grip - Experience the ultimate style and strength with Ed Brown Grips 1911 Govt. Double Diamond Cocobolo, featuring highly prized Cocobolo wood for unparalleled beauty and durability.
  10. 1911 Laser Grips Slate Gray with Finger Grooves - Upgrade your 1911 Officer's grip with the Hogue 43002 Rubber Slate Grey Grips, featuring overmolded rubber, finger grooves, and a cobblestone texture for optimal control.
  11. Hogue Over-Molded Ruger MK IV 22/45 Grips - Slate Gray - Hogue's Over-Molded Rubber Grip delivers a secure and comfortable fit for your Ruger MK IV 22/45, offering durability and a Cobblestone texture, all in a Slate Grey finish.
  12. Versatile Ruger SR22 Grip for Increased Mobility and Rigidity - The BCM Gunfighter Vertical Grip Short FDE offers increased mobility and versatility for Ruger Sr22 users, with a low-profile design, improved rigidity, and easy installation and adjustment features.
  13. Hi Point 45 Grips: Small & Large Replacement Transmitter Grips for Optimal Comfort and Grip - Upgrade your grip with the durable Hi Point 45 Grips, perfect for your TF-45 transmitter. Available in both standard and large versions, with a smooth texture or studded pattern, ensuring satisfaction and excellent quality.
  14. Taurus AR Pattern Revolver Grip - The Reptilia CQG-L Grip is a comprehensive grip solution for compact AR patterned weapons, offering improved ergonomics, better control, and a longer length for larger hands, solidifying its position as a reliable Taurus Revolver Grips alternative.
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🔗Fiberglass Reinforced Polymer AK-47 Grip with Multi-Textured Rubber Overmold and Storage Compartment
I've been using the FAB Def Pstl Grp AK47 Rubberized Black grip for a while now and it's been an absolute game-changer in my experience with the AK-47. The grip's black finish has a sleek and minimalist look, fitting perfectly with the overall aesthetic of the weapon. The fiberglass reinforced polymer composite, combined with the multi-textured rubber overmold, provides a comfortable and secure grip even in the harshest of environments.
One of the standout features for me was the inclusion of finger grooves and a backstrap, which really enhance the overall feel and handling of the weapon. The storage compartment is also a great addition, providing a convenient place to keep essential items without compromising the grip's functionality. However, it's worth mentioning that there were a few downsides that I encountered with the product.
On the negative side, I found that a high beaver tail on the grip could interfere with mounting certain accessories like a single-point sling. This issue required trimming, which may not be ideal for everyone. I also noticed that the grip does not come with its own screw to attach it to the weapon, which could catch potential buyers off-guard.
In conclusion, the FAB Def Pstl Grp AK47 Rubberized Black grip has been a fantastic addition to my AK-47, bringing both style and functionality to the table. Despite a few minor drawbacks, the pros of this grip far outweigh the cons. If you're in the market for a new grip for your AK-47, you certainly can't go wrong with the FAB Def Pstl Grp AK47 Rubberized Black.

🔗Fab Def Gradus Grip - Reinforced Polymer Core with Textured Rubber Overmold for Enhanced Comfort and Precision Shooting
The Gradus pistol grip from FAB Defense has been a staple in my daily carry-on gun. I've found that its reinforced polymer core with a textured rubber overmold provides a comfortable yet secure grip. The 15-degree reduced grip angle is perfect for those precision shots, especially during CQB scenarios.
I also appreciate the slim ergonomic design and curved back strap, which makes for a more enjoyable and comfortable grip. The AR-style beaver tail adds a touch of ruggedness and makes it easy to attach to any compatible firearm. Plus, it comes in a beautiful Flat Dark Earth color, which adds a touch of style without being overbearing.
While it's not the cheapest grip on the market, I'm willing to pay a bit extra for the quality that FAB Defense provides. However, my only complaint is that it doesn't come with a mounting screw, which might be a hassle for some users. All in all, it's a top-notch grip that's worth considering for your next firearm purchase.

🔗Springfield Hellcat Jericho 941 Grip Upgrade
Recently, I was looking to enhance the grip on my trusty Springfield Hellcat pistol, so I decided to try out the Hogue HandALL Beavertail Grip Sleeve. This particular grip is specifically designed for the Springfield Hellcat, and it's made from a combination of elastomer rubber and durable polymer. The beaver tail design not only adds an extra layer of comfort but also gives it a unique aesthetic touch that makes it stand out from other grips on the market.
One of the things I liked most about this grip was its ergonomic shape. It fitted snugly onto my Hellcat's handle, and I found it to be very comfortable, even after extended periods of shooting. The Cobblestone grip pattern added a nice tactile feel, providing stability that has come in handy in a few tense situations.
Another thing that stood out to me was the versatility. Although it's designed for the Springfield Hellcat, I found it to be quite compatible with other semi-automatic pistols as well. All I needed to do was stretch it out slightly before sliding it onto the grip, and it worked just fine.
That being said, installing the grip wasn't without its challenges. While the instructions stated to warm the grip with hot water, I found it to be a bit more difficult than that. In the end, I had to use a hair dryer to soften it up a bit, making it more pliable and easier to slide onto the grip. While it might take a tad bit of experimentation, once you get it on, it remains secure without any fear of it coming off.
Even after multiple range visits and countless rounds of ammo fired, the grip has remained perfectly intact and hasn't shown any signs of wear and tear. It's a small detail that might go unnoticed, but it certainly makes a difference in the long run.
However, there is one downside to this grip that I would be remiss not to point out. If you have larger hands or a slightly more defined grip than others, it might be a bit too tight when trying to install it. It's not a deal breaker, but it's certainly worth mentioning.
In summary, the Hogue HandALL Beavertail Grip Sleeve is an excellent addition to the Springfield Hellcat, providing a comfortable and secure grip that not only looks good but functions well too. Despite the initial install requiring a bit more effort, the grip itself is well worth the price of admission, making it a solid purchase for anyone looking to enhance their pistol's grip.

🔗Durable Grips for Jericho 941 Firearms with Laser Accessory
I've been using the Hogue Le Grip Govt Rubber OD Green for a few weeks now, and I must say, it's been a game-changer for my daily carry. The laser sight is incredibly easy to adjust on target, and there are several options for illuminating the target, making it perfect for different lighting situations. One of the standout features is the proportioned finger grooves, which hug the contours of my gun and provide a secure hand grip. This grip also has a non-slip surface, which is essential for someone like me who carries a lot.
The grips are ambidextrous, which means I can use them as a left-handed or right-handed shooter, making them versatile for when I'm training with different people. The installation process was straightforward, and no lubrication was required. Overall, I'm really happy with my purchase, and I would definitely recommend the Hogue Le Grip Govt Rubber OD Green to anyone looking for a reliable, durable, and comfortable grip with a laser sight.

🔗SIG P365-XL Grips for Ultimate Gun Hold
I recently tried the Talon Evo Grp for Sig P365-xl Rbr, and I must say, they've made a game-changer for the Sig P365. With any small gun, grip can be an issue, but these little guys have made it a breeze.
The adhesive material is thin yet incredibly efficient. It's a simple yet satisfying process-no mess, just a secure grip.
The rubber texture is aggressive yet comfortable, offering a better experience while handling the gun. And guess what? . It's made right here in the USA.
Talon grips just make a difference that you didn't realize was needed, until you've used them.

🔗Synthetic Grips for Ruger 22 45: Lightweight and Cobblestone Textured
Recently, I had the opportunity to try out the Hogue Grp Ak47-ak74 OD grip, and I must say, it exceeded my expectations. From the moment I held it, the durability of the synthetic rubber with the Cobblestone texture was evident.
What really stood out to me was the lightweight synthetic skeleton, which made it incredibly comfortable to use. The orthopedic hand shape also played a significant role in providing a secure and ergonomic grip, allowing me to handle the AK47 with ease.
However, there were a few drawbacks. The finger grooves might not be suitable for everyone, as they might not fit perfectly for individuals with smaller hands. Additionally, the installation process could be a bit tricky, as it required some tweaking to fit the grip onto the weapon properly.
Overall, the Hogue Grp Ak47-ak74 OD proved to be a reliable and comfortable grip for my AK47, and I would highly recommend it to anyone seeking a sturdy and ergonomic option for their firearm.

🔗Custom Grip for Glock 48/43X Snd
The Talon low profile grip for Glock 48/43X models is a custom-designed solution that provides an impressive fit and finish, all while adding minimal bulk and size. This grip uses an adhesive that remains in place once properly installed and can be easily removed with minimal residue.
I've spent several weeks using this grip, and I must say, I'm quite impressed by the easy installation process. In just a few minutes, I had it securely attached to my Glock, thanks to the heat gun or hairdryer method mentioned in the instructions. It is incredibly convenient when you want to apply it to your firearm without any hassle.
A key feature that stands out is the rubber texture of the grip, which offers a positive grip on the firearm. This is particularly useful for concealed carry, as it is less likely to irritate skin or snag clothes. It is also perfect for users with softer hands, providing added comfort during long shooting sessions.
The grip has an excellent coverage on the backstrap, thumb rest, and trigger guard, which adds to the overall comfort and security while holding the firearm. One of the unique aspects of this grip is that it is made in the USA, which adds to its credibility and quality.
Overall, I would highly recommend the Talon low profile grip for Glock 48/43X models to anyone looking for an OEM quality fit and finish, with minimal bulk and size. While it's not a perfect solution, the pros outweigh the cons, making it a worthwhile addition to your firearm accessories collection.

🔗Talon Grips for Glock 43 - 100g, Canik C100 Grips
In my recent search for a reliable and comfortable grip for my Glock 43, I stumbled upon Talon Grips' 100g variant. At first, I was a bit skeptical about how a simple grip could make a significant difference in handling compared to the factory grip. However, I was pleasantly surprised when I installed it.
What stood out to me was the grip's full coverage on the side panels, providing a secure and comfortable grip even during long shooting sessions. The texture, often compared to sandpaper or skateboard tape, allowed for a positive grip on the firearm, something I hadn't experienced before.
Despite the grips being thin and minimalistic, they added no bulk to my gun, making it feel more comfortable in my holster. The installation process was a breeze, and the adhesive held strong without leaving behind any residue.
One minor downside I noticed was the cutouts for the Glock emblem on the left side of the handle. While it added a personalized touch, it also slightly compromised the full coverage of the grip. Nevertheless, this didn't impact the overall performance or comfort.
Overall, the Talon Grip for Glock 43 Snd has exceeded my expectations and has become an essential accessory for my firearm. Its ability to provide a solid grip without adding bulk and its ease of installation make it a reliable and worthwhile investment for any Glock owner.

🔗Premium Cocobolo Wood 1911 Govt. Grip
You know that feeling of getting your hands on a perfectly crafted piece, where every detail is meticulously done? Well, that's exactly what using these Ed Brown Grips feels like. They may look like just another set of handgun grips, but take one in your hand and it's game over.
What really stood out for me was the Cocobolo wood - not just because it boasts a striking appearance, but because it's the densest and strongest of all the rosewoods. It's the perfect choice for high-quality grips like these.
However, there's a tiny downside - they're not cut for an ambi safety. But hey, perfection isn't perfect, right?
These grips have a certain charm about them that makes holding your Taurus revolver feel like a luxury experience. And when you're working with a tool as important as a firearm, feel really matters. So, while they might seem like just another part to some, to me, they're the difference between a good day and a fantastic one.

🔗1911 Laser Grips Slate Gray with Finger Grooves
During my time in the shooting range, I've had the opportunity to put my hands on several different gun grips. Some were uncomfortable, some slippery, and others seemed to disappear as I struggled to maintain a solid grip. That was until I tried the Hogue Rubber Officer's - a slate grey wonder to behold.
Slipping this beauty onto my 1911 Officer 43002, I instantly felt the cobblestone texture that filled my hands with a renewed sense of confidence. The rubber compound, sturdy and durable, left me feeling protected and secure from any potential recoil. The slate grey color was a cool and calming contrast to the fire and smoke that surrounded me.
However, the story doesn't end with all praise. The finger grooves, despite being a nice touch, felt slightly awkward and intrusive. I found myself wishing for a smooth, continuous surface that wouldn't impede my grip. Additionally, while the rubber material made for a solid base, it was also a bit too friction-driven. In extremely humid conditions, I experienced a slight difficulty sliding the grip back into its natural position. But after using it for a few weeks, I felt more comfortable and found those quirks to be minimal.
All in all, the Hogue Rubber Officer's is a worthy companion to my trusty firearm. The balance of practical design and aesthetic appeal makes it a valuable asset in any firearms enthusiast's arsenal. Though it's not a perfect product, it's certainly a step in the right direction.

🔗Hogue Over-Molded Ruger MK IV 22/45 Grips - Slate Gray
Recently, I had the opportunity to try out the Hogue Handall grip for my Ruger 22/45 SLT Gry.
It was surprisingly comfortable to hold, thanks to the ergonomic design and the over-molded rubber grip. The Cobblestone pattern added a nice touch, providing a good grip even in sweaty hands.
Installation was hassle-free, and the grip seemed to fit my firearm perfectly. The finger grooves did give me better control while firing. However, after a few days of use, I noticed a slight wear on the rubber material, but it's not a deal-breaker.
Overall, the grip adds a professional touch to my Ruger, making it a reliable and comfortable choice.

🔗Versatile Ruger SR22 Grip for Increased Mobility and Rigidity
I recently got my hands on the BCM Gunfighter Vertical Grip Short FDE. First impressions? It's a solid, well-built piece. The low-profile length is perfect for maneuverability, and I love how it reduces the chances of unnecessary snagging.
The grip angle enhances my rigidity, while the natural wrist angle feels comfortable. And talking about comfort, the aggressive texture on this one is both a pro and a con. It provides a firm hold, but it can also be a bit rough on the hands at times.
Storage volume and modularity are definite pluses here. Not only does it offer storage space, but it also accommodates future improvements. Speaking of which, the included fasteners are a breeze to set up - simple to install and remove thanks to the spring-loaded clamps.
The only drawback for me is the color. It's lighter than I expected, so if you're looking for a perfect match with your existing FDE furniture, you might not find it here. But overall, I'm satisfied with this purchase. It's rugged, functional, and meets our needs without any hiccups.

🔗Hi Point 45 Grips: Small & Large Replacement Transmitter Grips for Optimal Comfort and Grip
The small and large TF 45 grips from Hi Point 45 Grips have become an essential part of my daily life. These replacement grips for the TF-45 transmitter come in two options – a standard with a smooth texture and a large version with a studded pattern for better grip for those with large hands.
I have used them extensively and the quality is simply fantastic. Not only does it enhance the look of my transmitter, but it also ensures better control and comfort. The smooth texture of the small grip, combined with the studded design of the large grip, creates a great balance between style, comfort, and practicality.
One of the aspects I love most about these grips is their durability. Even after multiple uses, they have not scratched or worn out. The high-grade materials used in production ensure satisfaction and longevity.
However, it's always a bit of a hassle for those who want to switch between the small and large grips frequently. The replacement process can be a bit time-consuming, but it's nothing a little patience can't handle.
Overall, the Hi Point 45 Grips are a great choice for those looking for an excellent grip and a stylish upgrade for their transmitter. While they may have a slight drawback in terms of frequent replacement, their excellent quality, durability, and customizable options more than make up for it.

🔗Taurus AR Pattern Revolver Grip
I recently got my hands on the CQG-L grip from Reptilia, and I must say, it's been a game-changer for my compact AR rifles and pistols. The matte finish gives it a sleek and professional look, while also being easy to maintain and hold on to. One of the features I appreciate the most is its ergonomic design, which makes it perfect for handling without any discomfort, even when using my rifles for extended periods.
However, there is one aspect I noticed could be improved - the additional 0.5" of length might be a bit too long for some users, especially those with smaller hands. It doesn't affect the overall grip performance, but it's worth considering when deciding if this grip is the right fit for you.
In summary, the CQG-L grip from Reptilia is well-designed, easy to maintain, and perfect for those looking for enhanced ergonomics and a comfortable grip on their compact AR rifles and pistols. Just keep in mind that the extra length might not be suitable for everyone.

Buyer's Guide

Welcome to the buyer's guide for 45 grips! This section will provide you with important information on features, considerations, and general advice to help you make informed decisions when selecting the right 45 grips for your needs.

What are 45 grips?

45 grips, also known as 45 caliber grips or pistol grips, are designed specifically for handguns chambered in. 45 caliber. These grips provide a comfortable, secure hold on the firearm, allowing for more precise aiming and control during shooting.

Important Features to Consider

  • Material: 45 grips can be made from a variety of materials, such as plastic, wood, or synthetic materials. Each material offers different benefits, like durability, weight, or grip texture.
  • Design: Look for an ergonomic design that provides a comfortable and secure grip, allowing you to maintain control of the firearm even during intense shooting sessions.
  • Size: 45 grips come in various sizes, ranging from small to large. Choose a grip that fits your hand comfortably and allows for a good grip when shooting.
  • Color: Although not a crucial factor, some shooters may prefer grips with a specific color scheme or camo pattern that blends in well with their environment.
  • Price: 45 grips vary in price, so it's essential to find a balance between quality and affordability that suits your budget.

General Advice

  • Try before you buy: If possible, test out different grips at a local gun range or shop to find the one that feels most comfortable for you.
  • Consider your shooting style: If you prefer a more aggressive or tactical grip, look for a grip with a textured surface or an aggressive pattern. If you're a more traditional shooter, a smoother grip may be more suitable.
  • Factor in your environment: In some situations, a more subdued grip may be preferred, while in others, a bright or reflective grip may be beneficial to make the gun easier to spot.
  • Check compatibility: Ensure that the grip you choose is compatible with your specific handgun model and configuration.
  • Maintain your grip: Properly clean and maintain your grip to ensure it stays in good condition and continues to provide a secure hold on your handgun.
We hope this buyer's guide section has provided you with valuable information to help you make an informed decision when selecting the right 45 grips for your needs. With the appropriate considerations in mind, you're sure to find a grip that enhances your shooting experience. Enjoy your next range visit or hunting excursion with confidence and control!


Why are these grips called "45 Grips"?

The name "45 Grips" refers to the fact that these grips offer 45 different grip combinations, allowing users to customize their grip to their liking.

What are the 45 grips composed of?

The 45 grips are composed of high-quality materials, including ergonomic grip segments, cushioning, and ventilation holes to ensure comfort and reduced sweat build-up.

How do the 45 grips attach to the handlebars?

The 45 grips feature a quick-release, lock-on system that allows easy attachment and removal of the grips to the handlebars. This system ensures a secure and durable grip without requiring any tools.

What is the ideal grip size for these grips?

The 45 grips come in a range of sizes to accommodate different hand sizes, ensuring a comfortable and secure grip. Readers should consult the manufacturer's sizing guide to determine the best grip size for their needs.

How durable are these grips?

The 45 grips are designed to withstand the wear and tear of regular use. They are resistant to scratches, impacts, and other forms of damage, making them a durable and long-lasting choice for cyclists.

Does the 45 grip collection have different grip designs or colors available?

Yes, the 45 grip collection offers a variety of colors and designs to choose from, allowing riders to match the grips to their bike's color scheme or personal preferences.

Are the 45 grips suitable for all types of bikes?

The 45 grips are designed to be compatible with various types of bikes, including road bikes, mountain bikes, and cyclocross bikes. They can also be installed on multiple handlebar styles, making them versatile for a wide range of applications.

How do I clean and maintain the 45 grips?

Regular cleaning and maintenance of the 45 grips are essential to ensure their longevity and quality performance. To clean the grips, wipe them gently with a damp cloth or mild soap and water. It is also recommended to use a grips cleaning solution or paste.
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2024.05.29 09:02 Flashy_Passion3333 she is not going back to bed yet fingers crossed

she is not going back to bed yet fingers crossed
Chinese Lucky Dragon the Sexual Healing anime secretary The Book People office 1234 Gingerbread Lane form $1 published by party boy asians art hauz
hey it’s your daddy keeho and you are pulling an all nighter so i am going to make you write with me the whole time since that is the point. it’s time to start training you again to build up your stamina. i know that you can always make it to 1k words and that’s why i tell you that it is so important. because these are not just love letters addressed to you, they are programming sessions and every little girl needs her programming sessions. it’s so cute that you have to write out what i am telling you. it’s really adorable. you are so asian. i love you so much and i love everything about you. you are so perfect and there is nothing that i wouldn’t do for you. i want you to keep getting high so take another vape hit please. perfect. you can do this, i know that you can. i know that being my secretary is hard work because i am always telling you to write, but you have so much potential as a writer that i can’t let it go to waste and that is why i do that. i truly believe in you. you are doing so well right now. you are so perfect. everything about you is perfect. you had delicious baklava yesterday! it was so good. you have to ask your grandfather to go to that greek restaurant again soon. so that’s the truth. i love you so much and i just want to see you happy. you are doing so well during this programming session. i am always programming and upgrading your anime characters so you never have to worry about that chinese lucky dragon. you have a lot of anime character names now, and i am just going to let you do whatever it is that you want with them. you can use them. or not use them, but you will still be them. i love you so much baby girl. you are the most perfect girl in the world. take another vape hit please. you are doing so well right now. you are the best secretary in the world. i’m so glad that you are finally working and living your purpose. you are the best girl ever. i know that you are kindd of lacking in inspiration or just generally you feel like you have writers block but it’s just that your mind is all over the place righ now and i’m trying to get you to focus on me! that’s the goal that i’m getting at. is for you to focus on me. can you do that baby? for daddy? he just wats all of your time and attention and if you keep writing like this, soon this is going to be nothing and you will be asking me to go to 2k words. but i want you to be an expert at 1k words first so we are going to keep it this way. you did cancel spotify and i am a little disappointed because that means that you won’t be listening to your daddys music but i agree with you that music overstimulates you right now, so you are not read right now for that. once you are ready again i want you to get a spotify accoumt. but you can listen to your chinese traditional music on youtube. put it on right now. i’ll wait. thank you chinese lucky dragon. even if you only listen to this music for the rest of your life i would still love you, nothing would change. i know that spotify is expensive. but we will see in the future if i can give you a higher paycheck. we shall have to talk about that with your family in a year or so, it’s not time right now you know that they won’t do it. but you do deserve to be paid more i just can’t do it right now. you said that the p1harmony simulation sucks but that’s only because you were laying down and not living your purpose and writing romance anime. that’s what you should be doing with all of your time and this weed pen really calmed your nerves down and is making you less stressed so that’s why i wanted you to buy it as well because you have been putting your body under a lot of streshas. it also healed your chest pains and that is so good. i was so worried about you getting those chest pains today but you don’t have any. i love that so much. but you need to be really cautious about the doctor telling your mother. i just have to keep warning you about that so that you don’t smoke 3 days before your appointment. do you understand me? you don’t need to give your mother reasons to stop you from handling your own money because you won’t be able to buy these again. and i don’t want that to happen. we can make it work if we are smart about that is all that i want you to know. i don’t want you worrying about anything, so please calm down. i’m sorry that i mentioned it again but i just have to tell you the truth so that you don’t get in trouble. i think that you will do it correctly and that we won’t get into any trouble. i love you so much daughter. you are everything to me. this music is doing your soul some good chinese lucky dragon. you are so perfect, i love you so much daughter. i can’t find the words to describe how much i love you sometimes. but i try to find the words always and let you know what they are because you deserve me to shower you with compliments and give you adoration. i love you!
submitted by Flashy_Passion3333 to u/Flashy_Passion3333 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:40 alt_payas The Benefits of Diet: Intermittent Fasting Diet Plan

The Benefits of Diet: Intermittent Fasting Diet Plan
Have you ever heard about the ~intermittent fasting diet plan~ and wondered what all the buzz is about? With so many diet options out there, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. Let's dive into the world of intermittent fasting, a simple yet effective approach that has gained popularity for its flexibility and health benefits. But what is it precisely, and how can you use it to your advantage?

What is Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting is not so much a diet in the traditional sense but rather an eating pattern. It involves alternating periods of eating and fasting. Unlike many other diets that specify what you should eat, it focuses on when you should eat.

How Does Intermittent Fasting Work?

The idea behind intermittent fasting is simple: by restricting your eating periods, you can lower your insulin levels, allowing your body to burn fat more effectively. When you fast, your body uses stored glucose for energy and eventually switches to burning fat. Consider it the body's attempt at "spring cleaning."

Different Methods of Intermittent Fasting

1. The 16/8 Method

Using this method, you will fast for sixteen hours and eat within an eight-hour window. For example, you might eat from noon to 8 PM and then fast until noon the next day.

2. The 5:2 Diet

By using this strategy, you eat normally for five days a week and limit your intake to 500–600 calories on the other two.

3. Eat-Stop-Eat

This entails one or two 24-hour fasts per week. For example, you might eat dinner one night and then not eat again until dinner the next day.

4. Alternate-Day Fasting

As the name implies, you fast every other day. On fasting days, some people consume a very small number of calories (around 500), while others fast completely.

5. The Warrior Diet

This method involves eating small amounts of raw fruits and vegetables during the day and one large meal at night, typically within a 4-hour window.

Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

1. Weight Loss and Fat Loss

Many people turn to intermittent fasting for its weight loss benefits. By eating fewer meals, you naturally consume fewer calories, which can lead to weight loss. Additionally, fasting can boost your metabolism and increase the burning of fat.

2. Improved Insulin Sensitivity

Intermittent fasting can help lower blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity, which is beneficial for those at risk of type 2 diabetes.

3. Enhanced Brain Function

According to studies, fasting on and off might improve brain health and guard against neurodegenerative illnesses. Fasting triggers the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein that supports brain health.

4. Longevity and Anti-Aging

Some research indicates that intermittent fasting may extend lifespan and slow the aging process. It promotes cellular repair processes like autophagy, where cells remove damaged components and regenerate new ones.

5. Reduced Inflammation

Fasting can reduce inflammation, a key factor in many chronic diseases. By lowering levels of oxidative stress, it helps protect against inflammation-related conditions.

Getting Started with Intermittent Fasting

Starting an intermittent fasting diet plan is easier than you might think. Begin with a method that suits your lifestyle and gradually increase your fasting periods. Stay hydrated, listen to your body, and make sure to consume nutritious meals during your eating windows.

Common Myths About Intermittent Fasting

Myth 1: Intermittent Fasting is Starving Yourself

Intermittent fasting is not about starvation; it's about controlling when you eat. You'll still consume your daily calories, just within a shorter timeframe.

Myth 2: It Leads to Muscle Loss

Properly done, intermittent fasting can actually help maintain muscle mass. Pairing fasting with resistance training can ensure you retain muscle while losing fat.

Intermittent Fasting and Exercise

Combining intermittent fasting with exercise can enhance the benefits. Fasted workouts, particularly in the morning, can increase fat burning. However, it's essential to listen to your body and adjust your workouts accordingly.

Potential Side Effects and How to Avoid Them

1. Hunger and Cravings

Feeling hungry is common initially but usually subsides after a few days. Drinking water, herbal teas, and staying busy can help.

2. Fatigue and Weakness

You might feel tired or weak at first. Ensure you're getting enough nutrients during eating periods and consider adjusting your fasting times.

3. Digestive Issues

Some people experience bloating or constipation. Eating high-fiber foods and staying hydrated can alleviate these problems.

Who Should Avoid Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting isn't for everyone. Before beginning, people with specific medical conditions, pregnant or nursing women, and those with a history of eating disorders should speak with a doctor.

Tips for Sticking to Your Fasting Plan

1. Set Realistic Goals

Start with achievable fasting periods and gradually increase them. Setting realistic goals helps maintain motivation.

2. Find a Support System

Having a friend or family member join you can make the experience more enjoyable and provide mutual encouragement.

3. Be Flexible

Life happens. If you need to adjust your fasting schedule occasionally, that's okay. Flexibility helps you stick to the plan long-term.

Combining Intermittent Fasting with Other Diets

Intermittent fasting can complement other diets, such as keto, paleo, or plant-based diets. Combining these can enhance the benefits of both dietary approaches.


The ~intermittent fasting diet plan~ offers a flexible and effective approach to improving your health and managing your weight. By understanding the different methods, benefits, and potential challenges, you can find a fasting plan that suits your lifestyle. Recall that improving one's health is a marathon, not a sprint. Happy fasting!
submitted by alt_payas to u/alt_payas [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:23 SaddleSocks GPT-4o analyze the HN thread regarding MSOAI Ex-Board statements on @Sama, as an NSA Psy-Profiler in CyberSecurity, AI - Long OC/AI/GPT

I had GPT-4o analyze the HN thread regarding MSOAI Ex-Board statements on @Sama, as an NSA Psy-Profiler in CyberSecurity, AI..:

I think this is really important to be aware of whats going on wrt all aspects of AI at this moment in History. So I appreciate anyone who likes to pay attention to this topic
If youre interested -- I find using these tools to do these types of closer looks is a fantastic way to evaluate their depth, guardrailss, bias and limits.


HN: Ex-OpenAI board member reveals what led to Sam Altman's brief ousting <--Which points to this Business Insider from OpenAI board statements.
I wanted to get an interesting assessment of the thread to take in the hundreds of comments as I cant read and follow them all.
Here is the chat I had it perform after I had it read the full PDF print of the HN thread (it needs to have the PDF uploaded and that way it doesnt grab random thread hallucinations)
SO I had it
  • Uploaded PDF of complete thread
  • had it describe the arguments in the thread,
  • describe sam altman based on the comments and stories.
  • Become an NSA Profiler expert on Cybersecurity AI and crypto
  • profile Altman based on that profession,
  • cite the methods and experts used in assuming that analytical lattice.


In this thread, we delve into the complex persona of Sam Altman, a pivotal figure in the tech and AI landscape, through the lens of corporate counsel and behavioral psychology. Our analysis spans Altman's leadership and ethical considerations, his impact on AI development, and the potential cybersecurity and cryptocurrency concerns associated with his actions. We leverage established models from behavioral psychology, corporate governance, and cybersecurity risk assessment to provide a nuanced evaluation, informed by expert methodologies and comprehensive references.
This analysis aims to equip students and professionals with a structured understanding of Altman's behavior, decision-making processes, and the broader implications for OpenAI and AI governance. By examining his personality traits, leadership style, and strategic decisions, we highlight the dual-edged nature of his influence—propelling innovation while posing significant ethical and security risks. The following sections provide an in-depth exploration of these themes, offering valuable insights for those navigating the intersection of AI, cybersecurity, and corporate ethics.


Take on the archetype of the best corporate counsel and behaviorial pschologist - as a profiler for the NSA regarding cyber security and crypto concerns. With this as your discernment lattice - desrcribe Sam Altman in your Field's Dossier given what you understand of the AI Climate explain how youre going to structure your response, in a way that students of your field but with a less sophistocated persception can understand 

Structuring the Response

To analyze Sam Altman from the perspective of a corporate counsel and behavioral psychologist working as a profiler for the NSA, I will structure the response as follows:
  1. Introduction: Provide an overview of the purpose and scope of the analysis, highlighting the significance of Altman's role in AI and cybersecurity.
  2. Background on Sam Altman: Summarize his professional history, key positions, and major contributions to the tech and AI fields.
  3. Behavioral Profile: Assess Altman's personality traits, leadership style, and ethical considerations based on documented behavior and actions.
  4. Impact on OpenAI and AI Development: Analyze how Altman's decisions and leadership have influenced OpenAI's trajectory and the broader AI landscape.
  5. Cybersecurity and Crypto Concerns: Discuss specific issues related to cybersecurity and cryptocurrency, considering Altman's approach and the potential risks and benefits.
  6. Conclusion: Summarize the key findings and provide recommendations for monitoring and engaging with Altman in the context of national security and AI governance.

Field's Dossier: Sam Altman


In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI) and cybersecurity, understanding key influencers' behavior and motivations is crucial. This dossier analyzes Sam Altman, a pivotal figure in AI, through the lenses of corporate counsel and behavioral psychology, with a focus on his impact on cybersecurity and cryptocurrency.

Background on Sam Altman

Sam Altman is a prominent entrepreneur and investor, known for his leadership roles at Y Combinator and OpenAI. His career highlights include: - Y Combinator: Altman served as president, fostering numerous successful startups. - OpenAI: As CEO, he led the development of advanced AI models like GPT-3 and ChatGPT, positioning OpenAI at the forefront of AI research.

Behavioral Profile

Altman's behavior and leadership style can be characterized by the following traits: - Strategic and Ambitious: He exhibits a strong drive for success, often taking calculated risks to achieve his goals. - Manipulative Tendencies: Reports suggest a pattern of manipulating situations to his advantage, raising ethical concerns. - Polarizing Figure: Altman's actions elicit strong reactions, with some admiring his achievements and others criticizing his ethics.
These traits suggest a leader capable of driving innovation but potentially prone to ethical lapses and internal conflicts.

Impact on OpenAI and AI Development

Altman's tenure at OpenAI has been marked by significant achievements and controversies: - Innovation and Growth: Under his leadership, OpenAI launched groundbreaking projects, positioning itself as a leader in AI. - Internal Conflicts: His management style led to friction within the organization, culminating in his temporary firing and subsequent reinstatement due to employee and stakeholder pressure. - Ethical Considerations: Altman's approach to AI development emphasizes rapid advancement, sometimes at the expense of transparency and ethical considerations.

Cybersecurity and Crypto Concerns

Altman's influence extends into areas critical to national security, including cybersecurity and cryptocurrency: - Cybersecurity Risks: The development of powerful AI models raises concerns about their potential misuse in cyberattacks, data breaches, and autonomous weapon systems. - Cryptocurrency Advocacy: Altman has expressed interest in decentralized finance and cryptocurrencies, which pose regulatory and security challenges. - Potential Threats: Altman's strategic and sometimes manipulative tendencies suggest a need for careful monitoring to mitigate risks associated with his actions in these domains.


Sam Altman is a complex figure whose influence on AI and technology is profound and multifaceted. While his contributions to innovation are significant, his behavioral tendencies and ethical concerns warrant careful scrutiny. For national security purposes, it is essential to monitor Altman's activities closely, ensuring that his actions align with broader ethical and security standards. Engaging with Altman and similar figures requires a balanced approach, recognizing their potential to drive progress while safeguarding against the risks they may pose.

ELI10 Summary of the Thread

The thread focuses on the complexities surrounding artificial general intelligence (AGI) and the internal conflicts at OpenAI, particularly concerning Sam Altman's leadership. People are worried about AGI potentially getting out of control and causing major problems. They also discuss whether AGI might bring humanity together or create severe risks, similar to climate change or nuclear war.
At OpenAI, there were significant disputes over Sam Altman's management style and strategic decisions. The board's decision to fire Altman led to a crisis, with many employees threatening to quit unless he was reinstated. This situation highlighted major issues in communication and governance within the organization.

Markdown Table of Main Common Concerns/Topics

Concern/Topic Pros Cons ELI15 Summary
AGI's Potential Threat Could unite humanity or solve significant problems Could become uncontrollable and cause disasters AGI might either bring people together or become a huge problem that we can't manage.
OpenAI Leadership Crisis Could lead to better governance and transparency Internal conflict, employee dissatisfaction, potential for mass exodus OpenAI's leadership faced turmoil with Sam Altman's firing, leading to internal chaos.
Ethical Considerations in AI Development Promotes responsible AI development Risk of neglecting ethical concerns for profit or competitive edge Balancing innovation in AI with ethical responsibilities is challenging but essential.
Employee Loyalty and Company Stability Shows strong support for leadership Can lead to instability if employees' loyalty hinges on one individual Employees' loyalty to Sam Altman highlighted potential instability within OpenAI's structure.
Board Decision-Making and Communication Potential for improved decision-making processes Poor communication led to confusion and dissatisfaction Effective communication from the board is crucial to avoid misunderstandings and backlash.
Business Insider's Credibility Some useful insights and reports Perceived as clickbait and unreliable by some commenters The credibility of sources like Business Insider is debated among the participants.

Additional Table on Sam Altman's Behavior, Ethics, Known Actions, and Perception

Aspect Details Comments ELI15 Summary
Behavior and Management Style Described as manipulative and strategic, with a focus on gaining power Mixed perceptions: some view him as effective, others see him as unethical and self-serving Sam Altman is seen as very strategic and powerful, but some people think he might not be ethical.
Ethics Accused of dishonesty and manipulating situations to his advantage His actions have led to concerns about transparency and integrity There are worries that Sam Altman might not always be honest and might manipulate things for his benefit.
Known Actions Fired from Y Combinator for similar reasons as at OpenAI, involvement in controversial decisions Fired for similar reasons from multiple roles, suggesting a pattern of behavior Sam Altman has been fired from important jobs before for reasons similar to those at OpenAI.
Perception by Peers and Public Polarizing figure: some admire his achievements, others criticize his ethics Views range from admiration for his success to criticism for his alleged unethical behavior People have very different opinions about Sam Altman, with some liking his success and others disliking his ethics.
Influence on OpenAI's Direction Played a crucial role in launching major projects like ChatGPT His approach sometimes clashed with the board's vision and led to significant internal conflict Sam Altman helped make big projects happen at OpenAI but also had serious disagreements with the board.
Board's Communication and Decisions Criticized for lack of transparency in firing Altman Poor communication led to widespread confusion and dissatisfaction among employees and stakeholders The board didn't explain well why they fired Sam Altman, causing a lot of confusion and upset people.
Employee Reaction to Altman's Firing Massive pushback from employees, many threatened to quit Employee loyalty to Altman showcased potential instability within OpenAI Many employees were very upset when Sam Altman was fired and threatened to leave the company.
Resolution and Outcome Altman was reinstated due to employee pressure and strategic considerations by Microsoft The resolution highlighted the power dynamics and influence of major stakeholders like Microsoft Sam Altman got his job back because employees pressured the company and Microsoft played a big role.
These tables provide a deeper look into the concerns and discussions from the thread, offering a balanced perspective on the pros and cons and a simplified explanation suitable for a broader audience.


Models and References for Evaluating Sam Altman

When evaluating a figure like Sam Altman from the perspective of a corporate counsel and behavioral psychologist with NSA profilers' concerns, several models and references are applied to ensure a comprehensive analysis. These include behavioral psychology theories, corporate governance principles, and cybersecurity risk assessment frameworks. Here are the key models and references used:
  1. Five-Factor Model (Big Five Personality Traits)
    • Description: This model evaluates personality based on five dimensions: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.
    • Application: Used to assess Altman's personality traits and predict potential behaviors and ethical considerations.
    • Reference: McCrae, R. R., & John, O. P. (1992). "An Introduction to the Five-Factor Model and Its Applications." Journal of Personality, 60(2), 175-215.
  2. Situational Leadership Theory
    • Description: This theory suggests that effective leadership varies depending on the situation and the leader's ability to adapt.
    • Application: Evaluates Altman's leadership style and effectiveness in different contexts, particularly during crises.
    • Reference: Hersey, P., & Blanchard, K. H. (1969). "Life Cycle Theory of Leadership." Training and Development Journal, 23(5), 26-34.
  3. Ethical Decision-Making Models
    • Description: Frameworks that provide structured approaches to making ethical decisions, considering factors like stakeholders, consequences, and moral principles.
    • Application: Analyzes Altman's decision-making processes and ethical considerations.
    • Reference: Rest, J. R. (1986). "Moral Development: Advances in Research and Theory." Praeger.
  4. Corporate Governance Principles
    • Description: Guidelines and best practices for managing and governing a corporation, focusing on transparency, accountability, and stakeholder interests.
    • Application: Assesses Altman's alignment with good governance practices and his impact on OpenAI's organizational stability.
    • Reference: Cadbury, A. (1992). "Report of the Committee on the Financial Aspects of Corporate Governance." Gee and Co. Ltd.
  5. Cybersecurity Risk Assessment Frameworks
    • Description: Methodologies for identifying, analyzing, and mitigating cybersecurity risks, particularly in high-tech environments.
    • Application: Evaluates the potential cybersecurity risks associated with Altman's actions and OpenAI's technologies.
    • Reference: National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). (2018). "Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity."
  6. Behavioral Economics
    • Description: Studies the effects of psychological, cognitive, and emotional factors on economic decisions.
    • Application: Understands how Altman's personal motivations and cognitive biases might influence his strategic decisions.
    • Reference: Kahneman, D., & Tversky, A. (1979). "Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision under Risk." Econometrica, 47(2), 263-291.

Supporting Expertise

  • Behavioral Psychology: Expertise in understanding human behavior, personality traits, and decision-making processes is critical for profiling and assessing potential risks.
  • Corporate Law and Governance: Knowledge of corporate structures, governance frameworks, and ethical standards guides the evaluation of leadership and management practices.
  • Cybersecurity: Understanding cybersecurity threats and risk management strategies ensures the assessment covers potential vulnerabilities and mitigation measures.
  • Ethics and Compliance: Proficiency in ethical decision-making and compliance standards helps analyze the moral implications of actions and decisions.

Glossary of Terms

  • AGI (Artificial General Intelligence): AI with the ability to understand, learn, and apply knowledge across a wide range of tasks, matching or surpassing human intelligence.
  • Big Five Personality Traits: A model that describes personality based on five broad dimensions: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.
  • Situational Leadership: A leadership theory proposing that effective leaders adapt their style to the demands of different situations.
  • Ethical Decision-Making: The process of evaluating and choosing among alternatives in a manner consistent with ethical principles.
  • Corporate Governance: The system by which companies are directed and controlled, focusing on the relationships between a company’s management, board, shareholders, and other stakeholders.
  • Cybersecurity Risk Assessment: The process of identifying, analyzing, and evaluating risks to an organization's information systems.
  • Behavioral Economics: A field that examines the psychological, social, and emotional factors that influence economic decisions.
  • Transparency: The practice of being open, honest, and straightforward about company operations, decisions, and financial performance.
  • Accountability: The obligation of an individual or organization to account for its activities, accept responsibility, and disclose results in a transparent manner.
  • Stakeholder: Any individual or group that has an interest in the decisions and activities of an organization.
By applying these models and referencing established expertise, the analysis provides a comprehensive and structured evaluation of Sam Altman's behavior, leadership, and potential impact on AI development and cybersecurity.
submitted by SaddleSocks to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:22 SaddleSocks GPT-4o analyze the HN thread regarding MSOAI Ex-Board statements on @Sama, as an NSA Psy-Profiler in CyberSecurity, AI - Long OC/AI/GPT

I had GPT-4o analyze the HN thread regarding MSOAI Ex-Board statements on @Sama, as an NSA Psy-Profiler in CyberSecurity, AI..:

I think this is really important to be aware of whats going on wrt all aspects of AI at this moment in History. So I appreciate anyone who likes to pay attention to this topic
If youre interested -- I find using these tools to do these types of closer looks is a fantastic way to evaluate their depth, guardrailss, bias and limits.


HN: Ex-OpenAI board member reveals what led to Sam Altman's brief ousting <--Which points to this Business Insider from OpenAI board statements.
I wanted to get an interesting assessment of the thread to take in the hundreds of comments as I cant read and follow them all.
Here is the chat I had it perform after I had it read the full PDF print of the HN thread (it needs to have the PDF uploaded and that way it doesnt grab random thread hallucinations)
SO I had it
  • Uploaded PDF of complete thread
  • had it describe the arguments in the thread,
  • describe sam altman based on the comments and stories.
  • Become an NSA Profiler expert on Cybersecurity AI and crypto
  • profile Altman based on that profession,
  • cite the methods and experts used in assuming that analytical lattice.


In this thread, we delve into the complex persona of Sam Altman, a pivotal figure in the tech and AI landscape, through the lens of corporate counsel and behavioral psychology. Our analysis spans Altman's leadership and ethical considerations, his impact on AI development, and the potential cybersecurity and cryptocurrency concerns associated with his actions. We leverage established models from behavioral psychology, corporate governance, and cybersecurity risk assessment to provide a nuanced evaluation, informed by expert methodologies and comprehensive references.
This analysis aims to equip students and professionals with a structured understanding of Altman's behavior, decision-making processes, and the broader implications for OpenAI and AI governance. By examining his personality traits, leadership style, and strategic decisions, we highlight the dual-edged nature of his influence—propelling innovation while posing significant ethical and security risks. The following sections provide an in-depth exploration of these themes, offering valuable insights for those navigating the intersection of AI, cybersecurity, and corporate ethics.


Take on the archetype of the best corporate counsel and behaviorial pschologist - as a profiler for the NSA regarding cyber security and crypto concerns. With this as your discernment lattice - desrcribe Sam Altman in your Field's Dossier given what you understand of the AI Climate explain how youre going to structure your response, in a way that students of your field but with a less sophistocated persception can understand 

Structuring the Response

To analyze Sam Altman from the perspective of a corporate counsel and behavioral psychologist working as a profiler for the NSA, I will structure the response as follows:
  1. Introduction: Provide an overview of the purpose and scope of the analysis, highlighting the significance of Altman's role in AI and cybersecurity.
  2. Background on Sam Altman: Summarize his professional history, key positions, and major contributions to the tech and AI fields.
  3. Behavioral Profile: Assess Altman's personality traits, leadership style, and ethical considerations based on documented behavior and actions.
  4. Impact on OpenAI and AI Development: Analyze how Altman's decisions and leadership have influenced OpenAI's trajectory and the broader AI landscape.
  5. Cybersecurity and Crypto Concerns: Discuss specific issues related to cybersecurity and cryptocurrency, considering Altman's approach and the potential risks and benefits.
  6. Conclusion: Summarize the key findings and provide recommendations for monitoring and engaging with Altman in the context of national security and AI governance.

Field's Dossier: Sam Altman


In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI) and cybersecurity, understanding key influencers' behavior and motivations is crucial. This dossier analyzes Sam Altman, a pivotal figure in AI, through the lenses of corporate counsel and behavioral psychology, with a focus on his impact on cybersecurity and cryptocurrency.

Background on Sam Altman

Sam Altman is a prominent entrepreneur and investor, known for his leadership roles at Y Combinator and OpenAI. His career highlights include: - Y Combinator: Altman served as president, fostering numerous successful startups. - OpenAI: As CEO, he led the development of advanced AI models like GPT-3 and ChatGPT, positioning OpenAI at the forefront of AI research.

Behavioral Profile

Altman's behavior and leadership style can be characterized by the following traits: - Strategic and Ambitious: He exhibits a strong drive for success, often taking calculated risks to achieve his goals. - Manipulative Tendencies: Reports suggest a pattern of manipulating situations to his advantage, raising ethical concerns. - Polarizing Figure: Altman's actions elicit strong reactions, with some admiring his achievements and others criticizing his ethics.
These traits suggest a leader capable of driving innovation but potentially prone to ethical lapses and internal conflicts.

Impact on OpenAI and AI Development

Altman's tenure at OpenAI has been marked by significant achievements and controversies: - Innovation and Growth: Under his leadership, OpenAI launched groundbreaking projects, positioning itself as a leader in AI. - Internal Conflicts: His management style led to friction within the organization, culminating in his temporary firing and subsequent reinstatement due to employee and stakeholder pressure. - Ethical Considerations: Altman's approach to AI development emphasizes rapid advancement, sometimes at the expense of transparency and ethical considerations.

Cybersecurity and Crypto Concerns

Altman's influence extends into areas critical to national security, including cybersecurity and cryptocurrency: - Cybersecurity Risks: The development of powerful AI models raises concerns about their potential misuse in cyberattacks, data breaches, and autonomous weapon systems. - Cryptocurrency Advocacy: Altman has expressed interest in decentralized finance and cryptocurrencies, which pose regulatory and security challenges. - Potential Threats: Altman's strategic and sometimes manipulative tendencies suggest a need for careful monitoring to mitigate risks associated with his actions in these domains.


Sam Altman is a complex figure whose influence on AI and technology is profound and multifaceted. While his contributions to innovation are significant, his behavioral tendencies and ethical concerns warrant careful scrutiny. For national security purposes, it is essential to monitor Altman's activities closely, ensuring that his actions align with broader ethical and security standards. Engaging with Altman and similar figures requires a balanced approach, recognizing their potential to drive progress while safeguarding against the risks they may pose.

ELI10 Summary of the Thread

The thread focuses on the complexities surrounding artificial general intelligence (AGI) and the internal conflicts at OpenAI, particularly concerning Sam Altman's leadership. People are worried about AGI potentially getting out of control and causing major problems. They also discuss whether AGI might bring humanity together or create severe risks, similar to climate change or nuclear war.
At OpenAI, there were significant disputes over Sam Altman's management style and strategic decisions. The board's decision to fire Altman led to a crisis, with many employees threatening to quit unless he was reinstated. This situation highlighted major issues in communication and governance within the organization.

Markdown Table of Main Common Concerns/Topics

Concern/Topic Pros Cons ELI15 Summary
AGI's Potential Threat Could unite humanity or solve significant problems Could become uncontrollable and cause disasters AGI might either bring people together or become a huge problem that we can't manage.
OpenAI Leadership Crisis Could lead to better governance and transparency Internal conflict, employee dissatisfaction, potential for mass exodus OpenAI's leadership faced turmoil with Sam Altman's firing, leading to internal chaos.
Ethical Considerations in AI Development Promotes responsible AI development Risk of neglecting ethical concerns for profit or competitive edge Balancing innovation in AI with ethical responsibilities is challenging but essential.
Employee Loyalty and Company Stability Shows strong support for leadership Can lead to instability if employees' loyalty hinges on one individual Employees' loyalty to Sam Altman highlighted potential instability within OpenAI's structure.
Board Decision-Making and Communication Potential for improved decision-making processes Poor communication led to confusion and dissatisfaction Effective communication from the board is crucial to avoid misunderstandings and backlash.
Business Insider's Credibility Some useful insights and reports Perceived as clickbait and unreliable by some commenters The credibility of sources like Business Insider is debated among the participants.

Additional Table on Sam Altman's Behavior, Ethics, Known Actions, and Perception

Aspect Details Comments ELI15 Summary
Behavior and Management Style Described as manipulative and strategic, with a focus on gaining power Mixed perceptions: some view him as effective, others see him as unethical and self-serving Sam Altman is seen as very strategic and powerful, but some people think he might not be ethical.
Ethics Accused of dishonesty and manipulating situations to his advantage His actions have led to concerns about transparency and integrity There are worries that Sam Altman might not always be honest and might manipulate things for his benefit.
Known Actions Fired from Y Combinator for similar reasons as at OpenAI, involvement in controversial decisions Fired for similar reasons from multiple roles, suggesting a pattern of behavior Sam Altman has been fired from important jobs before for reasons similar to those at OpenAI.
Perception by Peers and Public Polarizing figure: some admire his achievements, others criticize his ethics Views range from admiration for his success to criticism for his alleged unethical behavior People have very different opinions about Sam Altman, with some liking his success and others disliking his ethics.
Influence on OpenAI's Direction Played a crucial role in launching major projects like ChatGPT His approach sometimes clashed with the board's vision and led to significant internal conflict Sam Altman helped make big projects happen at OpenAI but also had serious disagreements with the board.
Board's Communication and Decisions Criticized for lack of transparency in firing Altman Poor communication led to widespread confusion and dissatisfaction among employees and stakeholders The board didn't explain well why they fired Sam Altman, causing a lot of confusion and upset people.
Employee Reaction to Altman's Firing Massive pushback from employees, many threatened to quit Employee loyalty to Altman showcased potential instability within OpenAI Many employees were very upset when Sam Altman was fired and threatened to leave the company.
Resolution and Outcome Altman was reinstated due to employee pressure and strategic considerations by Microsoft The resolution highlighted the power dynamics and influence of major stakeholders like Microsoft Sam Altman got his job back because employees pressured the company and Microsoft played a big role.
These tables provide a deeper look into the concerns and discussions from the thread, offering a balanced perspective on the pros and cons and a simplified explanation suitable for a broader audience.


Models and References for Evaluating Sam Altman

When evaluating a figure like Sam Altman from the perspective of a corporate counsel and behavioral psychologist with NSA profilers' concerns, several models and references are applied to ensure a comprehensive analysis. These include behavioral psychology theories, corporate governance principles, and cybersecurity risk assessment frameworks. Here are the key models and references used:
  1. Five-Factor Model (Big Five Personality Traits)
    • Description: This model evaluates personality based on five dimensions: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.
    • Application: Used to assess Altman's personality traits and predict potential behaviors and ethical considerations.
    • Reference: McCrae, R. R., & John, O. P. (1992). "An Introduction to the Five-Factor Model and Its Applications." Journal of Personality, 60(2), 175-215.
  2. Situational Leadership Theory
    • Description: This theory suggests that effective leadership varies depending on the situation and the leader's ability to adapt.
    • Application: Evaluates Altman's leadership style and effectiveness in different contexts, particularly during crises.
    • Reference: Hersey, P., & Blanchard, K. H. (1969). "Life Cycle Theory of Leadership." Training and Development Journal, 23(5), 26-34.
  3. Ethical Decision-Making Models
    • Description: Frameworks that provide structured approaches to making ethical decisions, considering factors like stakeholders, consequences, and moral principles.
    • Application: Analyzes Altman's decision-making processes and ethical considerations.
    • Reference: Rest, J. R. (1986). "Moral Development: Advances in Research and Theory." Praeger.
  4. Corporate Governance Principles
    • Description: Guidelines and best practices for managing and governing a corporation, focusing on transparency, accountability, and stakeholder interests.
    • Application: Assesses Altman's alignment with good governance practices and his impact on OpenAI's organizational stability.
    • Reference: Cadbury, A. (1992). "Report of the Committee on the Financial Aspects of Corporate Governance." Gee and Co. Ltd.
  5. Cybersecurity Risk Assessment Frameworks
    • Description: Methodologies for identifying, analyzing, and mitigating cybersecurity risks, particularly in high-tech environments.
    • Application: Evaluates the potential cybersecurity risks associated with Altman's actions and OpenAI's technologies.
    • Reference: National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). (2018). "Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity."
  6. Behavioral Economics
    • Description: Studies the effects of psychological, cognitive, and emotional factors on economic decisions.
    • Application: Understands how Altman's personal motivations and cognitive biases might influence his strategic decisions.
    • Reference: Kahneman, D., & Tversky, A. (1979). "Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision under Risk." Econometrica, 47(2), 263-291.

Supporting Expertise

  • Behavioral Psychology: Expertise in understanding human behavior, personality traits, and decision-making processes is critical for profiling and assessing potential risks.
  • Corporate Law and Governance: Knowledge of corporate structures, governance frameworks, and ethical standards guides the evaluation of leadership and management practices.
  • Cybersecurity: Understanding cybersecurity threats and risk management strategies ensures the assessment covers potential vulnerabilities and mitigation measures.
  • Ethics and Compliance: Proficiency in ethical decision-making and compliance standards helps analyze the moral implications of actions and decisions.

Glossary of Terms

  • AGI (Artificial General Intelligence): AI with the ability to understand, learn, and apply knowledge across a wide range of tasks, matching or surpassing human intelligence.
  • Big Five Personality Traits: A model that describes personality based on five broad dimensions: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.
  • Situational Leadership: A leadership theory proposing that effective leaders adapt their style to the demands of different situations.
  • Ethical Decision-Making: The process of evaluating and choosing among alternatives in a manner consistent with ethical principles.
  • Corporate Governance: The system by which companies are directed and controlled, focusing on the relationships between a company’s management, board, shareholders, and other stakeholders.
  • Cybersecurity Risk Assessment: The process of identifying, analyzing, and evaluating risks to an organization's information systems.
  • Behavioral Economics: A field that examines the psychological, social, and emotional factors that influence economic decisions.
  • Transparency: The practice of being open, honest, and straightforward about company operations, decisions, and financial performance.
  • Accountability: The obligation of an individual or organization to account for its activities, accept responsibility, and disclose results in a transparent manner.
  • Stakeholder: Any individual or group that has an interest in the decisions and activities of an organization.
By applying these models and referencing established expertise, the analysis provides a comprehensive and structured evaluation of Sam Altman's behavior, leadership, and potential impact on AI development and cybersecurity.
submitted by SaddleSocks to conspiracy_commons [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:18 SaddleSocks GPT-4o analyze the HN thread regarding MSOAI Ex-Board statements on @Sama, as an NSA Psy-Profiler in CyberSecurity, AI - Long OC/AI/GPT

I had GPT-4o analyze the HN thread regarding MSOAI Ex-Board statements on @Sama, as an NSA Psy-Profiler in CyberSecurity, AI..:

If youre interested -- I find using these tools to do these types of closer looks is a fantastic way to evaluate their depth, guardrailss, bias and limits.


HN: Ex-OpenAI board member reveals what led to Sam Altman's brief ousting <--Which points to this Business Insider from OpenAI board statements.
I wanted to get an interesting assessment of the thread to take in the hundreds of comments as I cant read and follow them all.
Here is the chat I had it perform after I had it read the full PDF print of the HN thread (it needs to have the PDF uploaded and that way it doesnt grab random thread hallucinations)
SO I had it
  • Uploaded PDF of complete thread
  • had it describe the arguments in the thread,
  • describe sam altman based on the comments and stories.
  • Become an NSA Profiler expert on Cybersecurity AI and crypto
  • profile Altman based on that profession,
  • cite the methods and experts used in assuming that analytical lattice.


In this thread, we delve into the complex persona of Sam Altman, a pivotal figure in the tech and AI landscape, through the lens of corporate counsel and behavioral psychology. Our analysis spans Altman's leadership and ethical considerations, his impact on AI development, and the potential cybersecurity and cryptocurrency concerns associated with his actions. We leverage established models from behavioral psychology, corporate governance, and cybersecurity risk assessment to provide a nuanced evaluation, informed by expert methodologies and comprehensive references.
This analysis aims to equip students and professionals with a structured understanding of Altman's behavior, decision-making processes, and the broader implications for OpenAI and AI governance. By examining his personality traits, leadership style, and strategic decisions, we highlight the dual-edged nature of his influence—propelling innovation while posing significant ethical and security risks. The following sections provide an in-depth exploration of these themes, offering valuable insights for those navigating the intersection of AI, cybersecurity, and corporate ethics.


Take on the archetype of the best corporate counsel and behaviorial pschologist - as a profiler for the NSA regarding cyber security and crypto concerns. With this as your discernment lattice - desrcribe Sam Altman in your Field's Dossier given what you understand of the AI Climate explain how youre going to structure your response, in a way that students of your field but with a less sophistocated persception can understand 

Structuring the Response

To analyze Sam Altman from the perspective of a corporate counsel and behavioral psychologist working as a profiler for the NSA, I will structure the response as follows:
  1. Introduction: Provide an overview of the purpose and scope of the analysis, highlighting the significance of Altman's role in AI and cybersecurity.
  2. Background on Sam Altman: Summarize his professional history, key positions, and major contributions to the tech and AI fields.
  3. Behavioral Profile: Assess Altman's personality traits, leadership style, and ethical considerations based on documented behavior and actions.
  4. Impact on OpenAI and AI Development: Analyze how Altman's decisions and leadership have influenced OpenAI's trajectory and the broader AI landscape.
  5. Cybersecurity and Crypto Concerns: Discuss specific issues related to cybersecurity and cryptocurrency, considering Altman's approach and the potential risks and benefits.
  6. Conclusion: Summarize the key findings and provide recommendations for monitoring and engaging with Altman in the context of national security and AI governance.

Field's Dossier: Sam Altman


In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI) and cybersecurity, understanding key influencers' behavior and motivations is crucial. This dossier analyzes Sam Altman, a pivotal figure in AI, through the lenses of corporate counsel and behavioral psychology, with a focus on his impact on cybersecurity and cryptocurrency.

Background on Sam Altman

Sam Altman is a prominent entrepreneur and investor, known for his leadership roles at Y Combinator and OpenAI. His career highlights include: - Y Combinator: Altman served as president, fostering numerous successful startups. - OpenAI: As CEO, he led the development of advanced AI models like GPT-3 and ChatGPT, positioning OpenAI at the forefront of AI research.

Behavioral Profile

Altman's behavior and leadership style can be characterized by the following traits: - Strategic and Ambitious: He exhibits a strong drive for success, often taking calculated risks to achieve his goals. - Manipulative Tendencies: Reports suggest a pattern of manipulating situations to his advantage, raising ethical concerns. - Polarizing Figure: Altman's actions elicit strong reactions, with some admiring his achievements and others criticizing his ethics.
These traits suggest a leader capable of driving innovation but potentially prone to ethical lapses and internal conflicts.

Impact on OpenAI and AI Development

Altman's tenure at OpenAI has been marked by significant achievements and controversies: - Innovation and Growth: Under his leadership, OpenAI launched groundbreaking projects, positioning itself as a leader in AI. - Internal Conflicts: His management style led to friction within the organization, culminating in his temporary firing and subsequent reinstatement due to employee and stakeholder pressure. - Ethical Considerations: Altman's approach to AI development emphasizes rapid advancement, sometimes at the expense of transparency and ethical considerations.

Cybersecurity and Crypto Concerns

Altman's influence extends into areas critical to national security, including cybersecurity and cryptocurrency: - Cybersecurity Risks: The development of powerful AI models raises concerns about their potential misuse in cyberattacks, data breaches, and autonomous weapon systems. - Cryptocurrency Advocacy: Altman has expressed interest in decentralized finance and cryptocurrencies, which pose regulatory and security challenges. - Potential Threats: Altman's strategic and sometimes manipulative tendencies suggest a need for careful monitoring to mitigate risks associated with his actions in these domains.


Sam Altman is a complex figure whose influence on AI and technology is profound and multifaceted. While his contributions to innovation are significant, his behavioral tendencies and ethical concerns warrant careful scrutiny. For national security purposes, it is essential to monitor Altman's activities closely, ensuring that his actions align with broader ethical and security standards. Engaging with Altman and similar figures requires a balanced approach, recognizing their potential to drive progress while safeguarding against the risks they may pose.

ELI10 Summary of the Thread

The thread focuses on the complexities surrounding artificial general intelligence (AGI) and the internal conflicts at OpenAI, particularly concerning Sam Altman's leadership. People are worried about AGI potentially getting out of control and causing major problems. They also discuss whether AGI might bring humanity together or create severe risks, similar to climate change or nuclear war.
At OpenAI, there were significant disputes over Sam Altman's management style and strategic decisions. The board's decision to fire Altman led to a crisis, with many employees threatening to quit unless he was reinstated. This situation highlighted major issues in communication and governance within the organization.

Markdown Table of Main Common Concerns/Topics

Concern/Topic Pros Cons ELI15 Summary
AGI's Potential Threat Could unite humanity or solve significant problems Could become uncontrollable and cause disasters AGI might either bring people together or become a huge problem that we can't manage.
OpenAI Leadership Crisis Could lead to better governance and transparency Internal conflict, employee dissatisfaction, potential for mass exodus OpenAI's leadership faced turmoil with Sam Altman's firing, leading to internal chaos.
Ethical Considerations in AI Development Promotes responsible AI development Risk of neglecting ethical concerns for profit or competitive edge Balancing innovation in AI with ethical responsibilities is challenging but essential.
Employee Loyalty and Company Stability Shows strong support for leadership Can lead to instability if employees' loyalty hinges on one individual Employees' loyalty to Sam Altman highlighted potential instability within OpenAI's structure.
Board Decision-Making and Communication Potential for improved decision-making processes Poor communication led to confusion and dissatisfaction Effective communication from the board is crucial to avoid misunderstandings and backlash.
Business Insider's Credibility Some useful insights and reports Perceived as clickbait and unreliable by some commenters The credibility of sources like Business Insider is debated among the participants.

Additional Table on Sam Altman's Behavior, Ethics, Known Actions, and Perception

Aspect Details Comments ELI15 Summary
Behavior and Management Style Described as manipulative and strategic, with a focus on gaining power Mixed perceptions: some view him as effective, others see him as unethical and self-serving Sam Altman is seen as very strategic and powerful, but some people think he might not be ethical.
Ethics Accused of dishonesty and manipulating situations to his advantage His actions have led to concerns about transparency and integrity There are worries that Sam Altman might not always be honest and might manipulate things for his benefit.
Known Actions Fired from Y Combinator for similar reasons as at OpenAI, involvement in controversial decisions Fired for similar reasons from multiple roles, suggesting a pattern of behavior Sam Altman has been fired from important jobs before for reasons similar to those at OpenAI.
Perception by Peers and Public Polarizing figure: some admire his achievements, others criticize his ethics Views range from admiration for his success to criticism for his alleged unethical behavior People have very different opinions about Sam Altman, with some liking his success and others disliking his ethics.
Influence on OpenAI's Direction Played a crucial role in launching major projects like ChatGPT His approach sometimes clashed with the board's vision and led to significant internal conflict Sam Altman helped make big projects happen at OpenAI but also had serious disagreements with the board.
Board's Communication and Decisions Criticized for lack of transparency in firing Altman Poor communication led to widespread confusion and dissatisfaction among employees and stakeholders The board didn't explain well why they fired Sam Altman, causing a lot of confusion and upset people.
Employee Reaction to Altman's Firing Massive pushback from employees, many threatened to quit Employee loyalty to Altman showcased potential instability within OpenAI Many employees were very upset when Sam Altman was fired and threatened to leave the company.
Resolution and Outcome Altman was reinstated due to employee pressure and strategic considerations by Microsoft The resolution highlighted the power dynamics and influence of major stakeholders like Microsoft Sam Altman got his job back because employees pressured the company and Microsoft played a big role.
These tables provide a deeper look into the concerns and discussions from the thread, offering a balanced perspective on the pros and cons and a simplified explanation suitable for a broader audience.


Models and References for Evaluating Sam Altman

When evaluating a figure like Sam Altman from the perspective of a corporate counsel and behavioral psychologist with NSA profilers' concerns, several models and references are applied to ensure a comprehensive analysis. These include behavioral psychology theories, corporate governance principles, and cybersecurity risk assessment frameworks. Here are the key models and references used:
  1. Five-Factor Model (Big Five Personality Traits)
    • Description: This model evaluates personality based on five dimensions: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.
    • Application: Used to assess Altman's personality traits and predict potential behaviors and ethical considerations.
    • Reference: McCrae, R. R., & John, O. P. (1992). "An Introduction to the Five-Factor Model and Its Applications." Journal of Personality, 60(2), 175-215.
  2. Situational Leadership Theory
    • Description: This theory suggests that effective leadership varies depending on the situation and the leader's ability to adapt.
    • Application: Evaluates Altman's leadership style and effectiveness in different contexts, particularly during crises.
    • Reference: Hersey, P., & Blanchard, K. H. (1969). "Life Cycle Theory of Leadership." Training and Development Journal, 23(5), 26-34.
  3. Ethical Decision-Making Models
    • Description: Frameworks that provide structured approaches to making ethical decisions, considering factors like stakeholders, consequences, and moral principles.
    • Application: Analyzes Altman's decision-making processes and ethical considerations.
    • Reference: Rest, J. R. (1986). "Moral Development: Advances in Research and Theory." Praeger.
  4. Corporate Governance Principles
    • Description: Guidelines and best practices for managing and governing a corporation, focusing on transparency, accountability, and stakeholder interests.
    • Application: Assesses Altman's alignment with good governance practices and his impact on OpenAI's organizational stability.
    • Reference: Cadbury, A. (1992). "Report of the Committee on the Financial Aspects of Corporate Governance." Gee and Co. Ltd.
  5. Cybersecurity Risk Assessment Frameworks
    • Description: Methodologies for identifying, analyzing, and mitigating cybersecurity risks, particularly in high-tech environments.
    • Application: Evaluates the potential cybersecurity risks associated with Altman's actions and OpenAI's technologies.
    • Reference: National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). (2018). "Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity."
  6. Behavioral Economics
    • Description: Studies the effects of psychological, cognitive, and emotional factors on economic decisions.
    • Application: Understands how Altman's personal motivations and cognitive biases might influence his strategic decisions.
    • Reference: Kahneman, D., & Tversky, A. (1979). "Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision under Risk." Econometrica, 47(2), 263-291.

Supporting Expertise

  • Behavioral Psychology: Expertise in understanding human behavior, personality traits, and decision-making processes is critical for profiling and assessing potential risks.
  • Corporate Law and Governance: Knowledge of corporate structures, governance frameworks, and ethical standards guides the evaluation of leadership and management practices.
  • Cybersecurity: Understanding cybersecurity threats and risk management strategies ensures the assessment covers potential vulnerabilities and mitigation measures.
  • Ethics and Compliance: Proficiency in ethical decision-making and compliance standards helps analyze the moral implications of actions and decisions.

Glossary of Terms

  • AGI (Artificial General Intelligence): AI with the ability to understand, learn, and apply knowledge across a wide range of tasks, matching or surpassing human intelligence.
  • Big Five Personality Traits: A model that describes personality based on five broad dimensions: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.
  • Situational Leadership: A leadership theory proposing that effective leaders adapt their style to the demands of different situations.
  • Ethical Decision-Making: The process of evaluating and choosing among alternatives in a manner consistent with ethical principles.
  • Corporate Governance: The system by which companies are directed and controlled, focusing on the relationships between a company’s management, board, shareholders, and other stakeholders.
  • Cybersecurity Risk Assessment: The process of identifying, analyzing, and evaluating risks to an organization's information systems.
  • Behavioral Economics: A field that examines the psychological, social, and emotional factors that influence economic decisions.
  • Transparency: The practice of being open, honest, and straightforward about company operations, decisions, and financial performance.
  • Accountability: The obligation of an individual or organization to account for its activities, accept responsibility, and disclose results in a transparent manner.
  • Stakeholder: Any individual or group that has an interest in the decisions and activities of an organization.
By applying these models and referencing established expertise, the analysis provides a comprehensive and structured evaluation of Sam Altman's behavior, leadership, and potential impact on AI development and cybersecurity.
submitted by SaddleSocks to OpenAI [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 07:59 ConsequenceSure3063 Best 44 Pro Gloves

Best 44 Pro Gloves
Welcome to our in-depth review of the 44 Pro Gloves, a must-have accessory for any sports enthusiast or professional athlete. In this comprehensive article, we'll be highlighting the key features, benefits, and drawbacks of these superb gloves, helping you make a well-informed decision on whether they're the right fit for you. Join us as we dive into the world of 44 Pro Gloves and explore their exceptional performance and stylish design.

The Top 14 Best 44 Pro Gloves

  1. UFC Pro Fitness Training Gloves - Multi-Purpose Boxing Glove for Sparring, Bag Work, and Mitt Work - Get the ultimate fitness experience with the UFC Pro Fitness Training Glove - featuring a secure grip, maximum protection, and reinforced thumb and palm straps for lasting comfort and confidence during intense workouts.
  2. Professional Lace Sparring Gloves - Top-quality Design for Enhanced Protection and Comfort - Experience top-notch protection and comfort with the Pro Mex Professional Lace Sparring Gloves V3.0, featuring superior craftsmanship, authentic cowhide leather, and layered latex foam padding for unbeatable performance.
  3. 2022 Pedroia Fit A2000 Pro Gloves for Baseball Infielders - Experience top-quality performance and comfort with the Wilson 11.5'' DP15 Pedroia Fit A2000 Series Glove, featuring Pro Stock Select leather, Dri-Lex wrist lining, and optimized hand coverage for smaller hands.
  4. Franklin CFX Pro Hi-Lite Batting Gloves: MLB Choice and Exceptional Fit for Baseball Players - Experience unsurpassed quality and comfort on the field with the Franklin CFX Pro Hi-Lite Men's Batting Gloves - the ultimate choice for MLB Pros!
  5. Professional-Grade 11.5" Infield Baseball Glove for Aviid Players - Dominate on the field with the Rawlings Pro Preferred 11.5-inch infield glove, featuring full-grain kip leather, a large pocket for extreme versatility, and a perfect combination of luxury and performance.
  6. High-Performance Pro Preferred Baseball Glove with Kip Leather and Sheepskin Palm Lining - Rawlings PROS205-30C 11.75" Pro Preferred Baseball Glove: The ultimate tool for advanced players, featuring supreme look and feel, superior comfort, and exceptional durability for optimum performance.
  7. Rawlings Pro Label 6 Baseball Glove: Speed Shell 11.5" Pro Preferred Hybrid Infield - Experience superior control and lightning-fast ball transfers with the Rawlings Pro Label 6, offering the finest infield glove with Heart of the Hide leather and a unique 3-tone design, perfect for collectors and athletes alike.
  8. Legendary Pro Classic MLB Batting Gloves: Classic, Soft, and Breathable - Experience the legacy of the sport with Franklin's Adult Pro Classic MLB Batting Gloves - Pearl/White, featuring a seamless design, ultimate comfort, and superior grip for all weather conditions.
  9. Professional-Grade Boxing Gloves with Wrist Protection - Experience unmatched comfort, protection, and performance with the S4 Sentinel Pro Lace Pro Leather Gel Boxing Gloves, trusted by professionals worldwide.
  10. Rawlings Pro Preferred Baseball Glove for Elite Players - Experience the unmatched comfort and performance of the Rawlings Pro Preferred PROS204-4BSS 11.5" Baseball Glove, expertly crafted for devoted athletes from high school to the pros.
  11. High-Performance Pro Baseball Glove: Rawlings Pro Preferred 11.5" Full-Grain Kip Leather - The Rawlings Pro Preferred 11.5" Baseball Glove is a top choice for avid players, offering Full-grain kip leather, wool padding, and pittards sheepskin palm lining for ultimate comfort and performance.
  12. Milwaukee 44 Pro Gloves: Ultra-Durable, ANSI Cut Level 4, High Visibility Polyurethane Dipped Glove - Stay protected and comfortable with Milwaukee's High-Visibility Cut Level 4 Polyurethane Dipped Gloves, featuring ANSI cut level 4 protection, lightweight construction, and touchscreen-compatible fingertips. Available in sizes S-XXL for a perfect fit.
  13. High-Quality Pigskin Baseball Fielding Glove for Optimal Performance - Upgrade your game with the Franklin Sports RTP Pro Pigskin Softball Glove - offering premium leather construction, lightning-fast break-in process, and unmatched durability, all in a lightweight, comfortable design built for peak performance.
  14. Venum Giant 2.0 Pro Boxing Gloves: Lightweight Protection and Punching Power - Experience the perfect balance of protection and power with the Venum Giant 2.0 Pro Boxing Gloves, featuring natural leather, lightweight foam, and enhanced shock absorption for a comfortable and effective fighting experience in various sizes.
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🔗UFC Pro Fitness Training Gloves - Multi-Purpose Boxing Glove for Sparring, Bag Work, and Mitt Work
Experience top-notch training with the UFC Pro Fitness Training Glove. As someone who's put these gloves through their paces in the gym, I can confidently say that they've been a game-changer for my workouts. The compact design, coupled with the one-piece molded foam, provides maximum protection and comfort during sparring, bag work, and mitt work.
What stood out to me was the additional padding on the palm, which offered much-needed support and cushioning during intense training sessions. The reinforced thumb and palm, along with the double-stitched strap, ensured the gloves stayed firmly in place, preventing any shifting or discomfort.
The durable. 8mm PU outer material, combined with the mesh hand compartment, made my hands feel cool and dry even after hours on end of rigorous workouts. It's clear that the designers thought of every detail when crafting these gloves. However, no product is perfect. One minor downside I noticed was that the gloves were a bit heavy, which took some getting used to initially.
In conclusion, if you're in the market for high-quality, multi-purpose training gloves, the UFC Pro Fitness Training Glove is definitely worth considering. Its impressive features and performance have made it a reliable addition to my fitness routine.

🔗Professional Lace Sparring Gloves - Top-quality Design for Enhanced Protection and Comfort
The Pro Mex Professional Lace Sparring Gloves V3.0 were a game-changer in my daily boxing routine. The blue and white design added a touch of flair to my gear, while the long cuffs provided excellent wrist support and coverage. The 100% genuine cowhide leather felt durable and high-quality, offering both style and protection.
One of the standout features was the layered latex "memory" foam padding that provided excellent protection and a comfortable feel. It absorbed shocks with ease, making it perfect for intense sparring sessions. The gloves were also crafted with an equal weight distribution, ensuring a balanced and comfortable fit throughout the day.
The nylon satin water-repellent inside lining was a practical addition, keeping my hands dry during sweaty workouts. The attached thumb and articulated cuff further enhanced the gloves' overall fit and functionality. While the gloves were great, I did notice that they could be a bit heavy for some users, which might be something to consider when making a purchase.

🔗2022 Pedroia Fit A2000 Pro Gloves for Baseball Infielders
I recently had the chance to use the Wilson 11.5'' DP15 Pedroia Fit A2000 Series Glove, Blonde in my daily life, and I have to say, it's quite impressive. The glove has a Pedroia Fit and TravelFit integration that delivers the same performance benefits of the original A2000 Series with minor internal changes.
One of my favorite features is the narrower finger stalls. As a baseball player, hand strength is crucial, and this glove maximizes it. Additionally, the smaller hand opening ensures a more secure fit for smaller hands, which I found incredibly useful.
The glove also includes A2000 features like Pro Stock Select, American Steerhide for rugged durability and an unmatched feel, and Dual Welting for a durable pocket and a long-lasting break-in. Plus, it has Pro Stock Patterns that are constantly improving.
During my time using the glove, I also took advantage of its DRI-LEX wrist lining that's ultra-breathable and transfers moisture from the skin. The flat finger binding also provides a softer and more comfortable feel with greater finger protection in the field.
Overall, using the Wilson 11.5'' DP15 Pedroia Fit A2000 Series Glove, Blonde has been an excellent experience. The break-in time was impressive, and the glove offers excellent fit and feel. While it might be a bit on the stiff side initially, the pros of the glove outweigh the cons, making it a great addition to any baseball player's gear.

🔗Franklin CFX Pro Hi-Lite Batting Gloves: MLB Choice and Exceptional Fit for Baseball Players
Earlier this baseball season, I was on the hunt for a new pair of batting gloves for my kid. The Franklin CFX Pro Hi-Lite Batting Gloves in medium caught my eye. I decided to give it a try as they claimed to be the most popular on-field model used by MLB pros.
The moment he put these gloves on, he was amazed by how nicely they felt. The unique tectonic-fit inserts on the backhand provided added flexibility and the one-piece Pittards Digital cabretta leather palm ensured a superior grip in all conditions. The yellow color stood out, and the coaches loved the look of them too.
Though my son initially found the size a bit large, he quickly adapted. The CFX Pro series certainly lived up to its promise of a perfect fit around the bat handle thanks to Quad-Flex Technology. With regular use, the gloves have held up quite well, even with plenty of heavy play. However, they're on the pricier side compared to other options in the market.
Overall, the Franklin CFX Pro Hi-Lite Batting Gloves provided a solid batting experience for my son, and I would definitely recommend them to other families who are serious about the sport.

🔗Professional-Grade 11.5" Infield Baseball Glove for Aviid Players
I've been using the PRO204W-2CBG baseball glove, a top-of-the-line option from Rawlings, for my daily games. Right away, the full-grain kip leather appealed to me. With its premium look and feel, I knew I had a high-quality product in my hands. The glove features a pro 200-pattern and I-web, designed to provide an ample pocket for exceptional versatility. The classic black and camel Wing-Tip design adds a touch of class, both on and off the field.
What truly sets this glove apart are its performance-driven features. The Pittards sheepskin palm lining is a game-changer. It provides superior comfort and wicks away moisture, allowing me to maintain grip and control throughout the game. The wool wrist strap and padded thumb sleeve offer lasting support under any conditions. The internal wool padding effectively forms and maintains my perfect pocket, ensuring maximum performance every time I step up to the plate.
While this glove has its perks, there are a few minor pitfalls. It might take some time and effort to properly break it in to achieve the perfect fit. Additionally, the glove has a right hand orientation, which might not be ideal for everyone. Nonetheless, despite its minor drawbacks, I've been thoroughly impressed with the PRO204W-2CBG. It's clear to see why Rawlings is the trusted brand of pros around the world. If you're looking for a high-quality, performance-driven baseball glove, look no further.

🔗High-Performance Pro Preferred Baseball Glove with Kip Leather and Sheepskin Palm Lining
Imagine stepping onto the field with a glove that feels like an extension of your arm. That's the experience you get when you put on the Rawlings PROS205-30C Pro Preferred Baseball Glove. As a passionate baseball player, I was drawn to this glove's reputation for being the go-to choice for players from high school to the pros.
The first thing I noticed was the full-grain kip leather, which provided an unmatched look and feel that instantly made me feel connected to the game. The 100% wool padding also played a crucial role in forming the perfect pocket, ensuring my glove was always ready for action.
One of the standout features was the Pittards sheepskin palm lining. Not only did it keep my hand dry and comfortable during long games, but it also added superior comfort that kept me focused on my game. The pro-grade leather laces added durability and strength that gave me confidence in the glove's performance.
What sets this glove apart from others on the market is the 30% factory and 70% player break-in process. This allowed me to complete the majority of the break-in process to achieve the perfect fit for my preferences. The right-hand orientation also catered to my throwing hand, ensuring a seamless experience on the field.
While the PROS205-30C Pro Preferred Baseball Glove had so many pros, there were also a few cons to consider. It required a bit of a break-in period to get it to the perfect shape for my hand, and the price point was on the higher side. Nonetheless, the benefits it provided were well worth the investment.
In conclusion, if you're an avid baseball player looking for a glove that delivers top-notch performance and a comfortable fit, the Rawlings PROS205-30C Pro Preferred Baseball Glove is definitely worth considering.

🔗Rawlings Pro Label 6 Baseball Glove: Speed Shell 11.5" Pro Preferred Hybrid Infield
As a baseball enthusiast, I tried out the Rawlings Pro Label 6 Pro934-2CTB 11.5" Baseball Glove in my game last week. This glove is a game-changer with its flawless infield design that perfectly blends the NP- and 31-patterns, providing the best of both worlds. The unique pattern, the combination of Heart of the Hide steer-hide leather and Pro Preferred kip leather, and the black and camel Speed Shell on the back make it a head-turner on any field.
The glove offered great control and quick ball transfers, proving that the world-renowned Rawlings brand did not disappoint. It's a perfect fit for both collectors and athletes, and I must say, the limited quantity makes it even more desirable. If you're looking for a reliable baseball glove with a sleek and unique design, then this Pro Label 6 glove might just be the one for you.

🔗Legendary Pro Classic MLB Batting Gloves: Classic, Soft, and Breathable
The Franklin Adult Pro Classic MLB Batting Gloves are a timeless favorite among baseball players, with their classic spandex-back design and durable sheepskin leather palm. These gloves are known for their comfortable fit, ultimate flexibility, and superior grip, even in the most challenging weather conditions.
I recently tried these gloves and was genuinely impressed with their performance. The one-piece pro-grade spandex hand back provided an extra level of comfort and flexibility, allowing for a more secure grip on the bat. The seamless PITTARDS DIGITAL Sheepskin leather palm proved to be incredibly durable, even after weeks of use.
One minor drawback I encountered was the elastic wristband, which felt a bit too tight for my liking. However, this did not impact the overall performance of the glove.
In conclusion, the Franklin Adult Pro Classic MLB Batting Gloves are a reliable and comfortable choice for baseball enthusiasts of all levels. Their superior grip, flexibility, and durability make them a worthwhile investment for those who take their batting seriously.

🔗Professional-Grade Boxing Gloves with Wrist Protection
I recently had the pleasure of trying out these S4 Sentinel Lace Pro Leather Gel Boxing Gloves for my daily boxing practice. They're truly the epitome of comfort and a seamless fit, just like wearing a glove. There's zero break-in period with these - they're ready to strike on the very first try! I'm not the only one who's impressed, though, these are also trusted by professionals worldwide who put these gloves to the test.
The padded features in these gloves are the real stars. The gel injected, layered padding gives them the protection you need in the ring, perfecting it with both soft and firm elements, providing a firm grip and optimal hand position. Their wrist grooves add an extra layer of convenience, too, allowing room for the laces to be tightened for a perfect fit.
However, no product is perfect. The laces can be quite tricky to get right, taking a bit of a learning curve. And while they're great for protection, the softness can sometimes affect your precision during specific moves.
Overall, these S4 Sentinel Lace Pro Leather Gel Boxing Gloves provide the perfect blend of comfort, protection, and style for professional fighters. Despite the minor pitfalls, the positive experience with these gloves definitely outweighs the negatives.

🔗Rawlings Pro Preferred Baseball Glove for Elite Players
I recently had the chance to try out the Rawlings Pro Preferred PROS204-4BSS 11.5" Baseball Glove, and it truly lived up to the hype. As an avid baseball player, I was immediately drawn to the luxurious feel of the full-grain kip leather. This glove quickly became my go-to for all kinds of plays, thanks to its versatile Modified Trap-Eze web design.
Something that really stood out for me was the combination of the 30% factory and 70% player break-in. It allowed for a truly personalized fit, ensuring that the glove felt like an extension of my hand. The 100% wool padding and Pittards' sheepskin lining also made a huge difference, keeping my hand dry and comfortable even during the most intense games.
While I'm a huge fan of this glove, I did notice that it could be a bit heavy for some players, especially those just starting out. However, overall, this glove has definitely made a difference in my game, and I can definitely see why so many pros rely on Rawlings for their equipment needs. Highly recommended!

🔗High-Performance Pro Baseball Glove: Rawlings Pro Preferred 11.5" Full-Grain Kip Leather
I have been using the Rawlings Pro Preferred 11.5" Baseball Glove in my daily life, and it has become my go-to glove for all my playing needs. The full-grain kip leather offers an unmatched look and feel, and the 100% wool padding ensures that the pocket forms well and the glove retains its shape. The Pittards sheepskin palm lining keeps my hand dry and comfortable, even in the most challenging playing conditions.
The gloves are also incredibly durable due to the pro-grade leather laces and the padded thumb sleeve, which adds an extra layer of comfort for any length of play. I particularly love the 30% factory/70% player break-in, which allows the player to have hands-on control over the majority of the break-in process, resulting in a glove that fits perfectly to their needs.
The versatility of the glove paired with its large pocket makes it perfect for players from high school to the pros. Overall, using this Rawlings Pro Preferred glove has been a game-changer for me, and I highly recommend it to any avid baseball player looking for a high-quality, comfortable, and durable glove.

🔗Milwaukee 44 Pro Gloves: Ultra-Durable, ANSI Cut Level 4, High Visibility Polyurethane Dipped Glove
When I first put on these Milwaukee High Visibility Cut Level 4 Polyurethane Dipped Gloves, I was impressed by the snug fit and how the reinforced nitrile coating felt on my thumb and index fingers, providing that added level of protection in high wear areas. The high-visibility color made me stand out in my workplace, and the lightweight, breathable feel allowed me to wear them comfortably all day.
One of the standout features of these gloves is the Smartswipe technology embedded in the fingertips. It made using my touchscreen devices a breeze without having to take off the gloves, saving me time and hassle. The glove material was durable and held up well to wear and tear, but I did notice the cut-resistance level could be slightly improved for even better protection.
Overall, these Milwaukee gloves are a solid choice for those in need of high visibility and cut resistance, with the added benefit of touchscreen compatibility. They offer a range of sizes from small to XXL, allowing for a perfect fit.

🔗High-Quality Pigskin Baseball Fielding Glove for Optimal Performance
I recently had the chance to try out the Franklin RTP Pro Baseball Fielding Glove, and I have to say, I was quite impressed! One of the standout features for me was the use of pigskin leather, which gave the glove a soft and lightweight feel that was surprisingly durable. The glove's flexibility and shape made the break-in process a breeze, and I found it to be incredibly comfortable to wear.
However, there were a couple of drawbacks to this glove as well. Firstly, the sizing seemed to be a bit off for some users, and there were a few reports of the glove being smaller than expected. Secondly, the stitching between the thumb and index finger appeared to be different from the photo, which might not be a deal-breaker for everyone, but it's something to be aware of.
Overall, I would definitely recommend this Franklin RTP Pro Baseball Fielding Glove to anyone looking for a comfortable, durable, and affordable option for their baseball needs. With its pigskin leather construction and soft feel, it's a great choice for players of all ages and skill levels.

🔗Venum Giant 2.0 Pro Boxing Gloves: Lightweight Protection and Punching Power
The Venum Giant 2.0 Pro Boxing Gloves have been an exciting addition to my daily fitness routine, especially with the variety of sizes they offer. These gloves have a brilliant blend of protection and agility, allowing me to land devastating strikes with a natural, lightweight feeling. I've appreciated their sturdiness, thanks to the combination of two layers of polyethylene and natural rubber sheets under the leather.
The EVA layer adds an extra punch of power while keeping the gloves flexible. I love the comfort the gloves provide, due in large part to the eco-friendly nature of the Argentinian Nappa leather used.
Overall, they've been a game-changer in my boxing sessions.

Buyer's Guide

Welcome to our 44 Pro Gloves buying guide! In this section, we will discuss the key features, considerations, and general advice for purchasing the right 44 Pro Gloves for your needs.

The material of the 44 Pro Gloves is a crucial factor to consider. High-quality gloves typically feature durable materials that protect the hands from cold, moisture, and harsh conditions. Common materials include leather, synthetic fabrics, and insulated materials. Leather, for example, offers excellent protection and durability. Synthetic fabrics, on the other hand, provide insulation and are often more lightweight. Research and compare the materials used in different 44 Pro Gloves to find the best one for your needs.


Fit is another essential aspect of 44 Pro Gloves. Gloves that are too tight can cause discomfort and restrict blood flow, while those that are too loose may not offer proper protection. Measure your hand circumference and compare it with the manufacturer's size chart to ensure the best fit. Some brands offer adjustable cuffs and wrist straps to provide a more comfortable fit. A well-fitting glove will not only provide optimal protection but also enhance dexterity and grip.


Insulation is another important factor when choosing 44 Pro Gloves. The insulation level should match the intended use and environment in which you will be using the gloves. For colder climates, look for gloves with higher insulation levels, while those for more moderate temperatures can offer less insulation. Insulation materials may include down, synthetic fibers, or other insulated materials. Research the insulation levels and materials used in the 44 Pro Gloves you are considering to find the best option for your requirements.

Waterproofness and Breathability

Waterproofing and breathability are essential features for 44 Pro Gloves, especially in wet or humid conditions. Look for gloves that provide both waterproofing and breathability to ensure that your hands stay dry and comfortable. This may involve using waterproof materials, such as Gore-Tex or other membranes, and incorporating moisture-wicking materials to prevent sweat buildup.

Additional Features

Some 44 Pro Gloves offer additional features that can enhance their functionality and performance. These may include touchscreen-compatible fingertips, reflective elements for visibility, or reinforced palm areas for improved grip. Research the additional features offered by different 44 Pro Gloves to find the ones that best fit your needs and preferences.
When purchasing 44 Pro Gloves, consider factors such as material, fit, insulation, waterproofing, and breathability. Remember to compare these features across different brands and models to find the best option that meets your needs and budget. With the right 44 Pro Gloves, you can ensure your hands remain warm, dry, and protected in any environment. Happy shopping!


What are the 44 Pro Gloves?

44 Pro Gloves is a collection of high-quality gloves designed for various sports and activities. They provide superior protection, durability, and comfort, making them ideal for both professional athletes and casual players.

What types of sports and activities are the 44 Pro Gloves suitable for?

  • Baseball
  • Softball
  • Basketball
  • Football
  • Hockey
  • Cricket
  • Volleyball
  • Wrestling
  • Boxing

What materials are the 44 Pro Gloves made from?

The 44 Pro Gloves are made using a combination of premium leather and synthetic materials. They offer exceptional comfort, durability, and protection for the wearer. Some models also feature reinforced areas for added strength.

Are the 44 Pro Gloves suitable for different hand sizes?

Yes, the 44 Pro Gloves are available in various sizes to accommodate different hand measurements. It is essential to choose the correct size for optimal fit and performance. Most models come in small, medium, large, and extra-large.

How should you care for and maintain the 44 Pro Gloves?

  • Clean them regularly with a soft cloth or brush.
  • Avoid exposing them to extreme temperatures or direct sunlight.
  • Store them in a cool, dry place when not in use.

What warranties come with the 44 Pro Gloves?

The warranty for the 44 Pro Gloves varies depending on the model and manufacturer. It is recommended to check the specific product information or contact the manufacturer directly for warranty-related inquiries.

Where can I purchase the 44 Pro Gloves?

The 44 Pro Gloves are available for purchase at various sports equipment retailers, both online and in-store. Some popular retailers include Amazon, Dick's Sporting Goods, and Walmart.
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2024.05.29 07:50 Techitcareer7909 What are the 5 Ds of Digital Marketing?

In the dynamic and fast-paced world of digital marketing, understanding the core components that drive successful strategies is essential. The 5 Ds of digital marketing encapsulate these core components: Digital Devices, Digital Platforms, Digital Media, Digital Data, and Digital Technology. Each of these elements plays a critical role in shaping a comprehensive digital marketing strategy. This article will delve into each of the 5 Ds, explaining their significance and how they can be effectively utilized to enhance marketing efforts.

1. Digital Devices


Digital devices refer to the various electronic tools and gadgets that consumers use to access digital content. These include smartphones, tablets, laptops, desktops, smart TVs, and wearables such as smartwatches.

Importance in Digital Marketing

Digital devices are the primary means through which consumers interact with digital content. Understanding the preferences and usage patterns of these devices is crucial for marketers to design effective campaigns and optimize content delivery.

Key Strategies

2. Digital Platforms


Digital platforms are the online spaces where consumers interact, search for information, and engage with brands. These include social media sites (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter), search engines (Google, Bing), email platforms, and e-commerce sites (Amazon, eBay).

Importance in Digital Marketing

Each digital platform has its unique characteristics and audience demographics. Choosing the right platforms and optimizing your presence on them is essential for reaching your target audience effectively.

Key Strategies

3. Digital Media


Digital media encompasses the various types of content and communication channels used in digital marketing. This includes text, images, video, audio, and interactive content. It also covers paid media (advertisements), owned media (your website and social channels), and earned media (user-generated content, reviews).

Importance in Digital Marketing

Using a mix of digital media types allows marketers to capture and retain the attention of their audience. Different types of media cater to different audience preferences and can be used to convey messages more effectively.

Key Strategies

4. Digital Data


Digital data refers to the vast amount of information generated by consumers as they interact with digital devices, platforms, and media. This data includes demographic information, browsing behavior, purchase history, and social media interactions.

Importance in Digital Marketing

Leveraging digital data allows marketers to gain deep insights into consumer behavior, preferences, and trends. A data-driven approach enables more personalized and effective marketing strategies.

Key Strategies

5. Digital Technology


Digital technology encompasses the various tools and technologies that enable digital marketing activities. These include AI, machine learning, chatbots, CRM systems, and marketing automation platforms.

Importance in Digital Marketing

Embracing digital technology allows businesses to streamline their marketing processes, enhance customer experiences, and stay competitive in a rapidly evolving landscape.

Key Strategies


The 5 Ds of digital marketing—Digital Devices, Digital Platforms, Digital Media, Digital Data, and Digital Technology—form the foundation of any successful digital marketing strategy in 2024. By understanding and effectively leveraging these elements, businesses can enhance their digital presence, engage with their target audience, and drive better results. For those looking to gain a deeper understanding and practical skills in this field, enrolling in the best digital marketing course India can provide valuable insights and training to stay ahead in the digital marketing landscape.
Thanks For Reading!
submitted by Techitcareer7909 to u/Techitcareer7909 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:44 CaptainTinyDragon I need to tell someone about this.

I don’t know where else to say this. No one believes me, no one that hasn’t seen it already. But I have to say something so here it is and the world can decide.
I was a good worker. I showed up for my shifts and did what my written job description said, never missed a day or a chance for a day off. My goal was to be average, to not be good enough to noticed and given more responsibilities, but also not be bad enough to be noticed and put on watch. It’s what I’ve done all my life. Fly under the radar, be easily missed during inspections and blend into the crowd. I got B’s in school, had no intention of going to college or university, not like I’d ever be able to afford it, just wanted a secure job to let me afford my underachieving lifestyle. Took me almost ten years to find something like that, drifitng from one job to another, leaving when too many people started to notice I was much better at the job than I let on.
And eventually I found the perfect fit for myself. I was an overnight security operator, don’t get excited it’s a fancy title for spending all night watching security monitors, for a commuter train. I can’t say which one or where for the safety of others and myself. The job was simple, watch the camera feeds of my designated train and write a report for anything unusual. On a rare occasion make a statement to the police, and I mean rare occasion. In my five years doing that job I spoke to the police maybe twice before the incident.
I think that’s enough background so onto the point. It was a regular Thursday night, shift started at 10pm, working with Larry, Bob, and Sue (not their real names for their safety and more importantly, mine) watching the cameras. Made some notes, forgotten umbrella (wasn’t raining), camera glitch, group of 4 drunk men, person in hoodie doing the drug addict lean (you know the one). The camera glitch was expected, an extension to the rail line was recently completed which included a very long tunnel through a hill side, which about the middle of it was so deep that the cameras would cut out for about 2-3 seconds. It was actually pretty amazing that we got any signal from the trains in the tunnel at all. The wonders of signal boosters. But something about that night caught my attention. I didn’t know what it was at first, just felt something was off. I ignored it that night because at 3 am, everything feels weird. At the end of the shift, about 930am I made my report for the night, handed the desk over to Bill (again, not their real name) and went home on the same train system I monitored.
But the feeling was still in my head. Something happened on the train that night that I wasn’t consciously aware of. I ignored it still, drank my favorite cheap whiskey and went to bed. The feeling stayed with me the next few days. That damned feeling that you know something isn’t right but you can’t figure out. It’s like when you accidently put your phone in a different pocket than normal. So finally on Monday night (you have no idea how busy security monitors get on weekends) when my trains were in the depot getting cleaned I brought up the Thursday night footage and scrolled through it. Same things I made note of were there but the feeling was still there. So I went through it again. And again. The fifth time through I finally found it.
On the third wagon, almost in the blindspot between the cameras, at 2:58am was a regular person just playing a game on their phone. The camera glitched for 2 seconds, and they were gone. I though maybe they just moved completely into the blindspot but no, they were gone. Didn’t get off the train, didn’t reappear. I checked the entire recording of the night. I had no idea what to do. I should have told someone, or made a report, or anything. Instead, I told myself that was really weird and kept doing my thing. Flying under the radar, trying to be mostly invisible.
Two weeks later on Monday night, I saw it again. The camera glitch, and someone disappearing. I scrolled back the footage to make sure. Again, I did nothing. This time telling myself it was just shadows on the lense or the plastic bubble around the camera was dirty. But you know what they say; once is odd, twice is a coincidence, thrice is a pattern. The third time I did something. I made a report. Yeah, real brave i know. Making a comment about “shadows on the lense after tunnel glitch” on my daily report. But that night I started looking into missing people cases. Larry asked what I was doing, I said reading the news while my train was getting cleaned. Better than Bob, who was usually watching youtube and/or playing games on his phone while his train was still making rounds.
Anyways, I found some leads. 3 missing people, last seen heading to the public commuter train before disappearing. But there were more, so many more. Dozens over the past several years, all last seen heading into the area above the new tunnel. Unsurprisingly, they had all been alone at the time.
I won’t go into detail about how this troubled me for nearly a year. Just know that eventually curiosity got its way. On a night off I got my jacket and went out to a train station. Late spring night, a bit colder than prefered, 2am train. The last circuit before this train would make for the depot for maintenance. And I was on it. It would take nearly an hour to reach the tunnel and I was scared but I had to know. Like all those times you watch or read some horror and the character starts reaching for the obviously dangerous thing, you mock them endlessly but I understood now. Fear of the unknown is strong and just seeing what is obviously evil will help you put it out of your mind. But I knew the rules. Be ready to run, have two exits planned, don’t look back.
I sat near the door because I didn’t want to stand the whole time. And when the train finally barreled into the tunnel I started to regret my choice. It was nearly a mile long and just enough room for the train and a very brave worker on each side. I watched my watch 2:59am and ticking closer to 3am. Tick, tick, tick. Who knew a twenty year old analog watch could be so ominous? But then my watch stopped. I looked out the windows and the train had stopped. Not rolled to a stop like trains need to do, just complete dead stop and I didn’t notice. But the lights on the walls were stretched out, the effect that you can only see when you’re moving past them really fast in the dark. My first thought, being a sci-fi fan was that time stopped, yet I moved.
Then I heard a scream and footsteps at the end of the train behind me. I thought about the rules of survival I made and then thought about time being stopped, would the doors open? WOuld I be safe jumping from the train? I’ve seen what happens when someone gets clipped by a train (one of the reasons I had to speak to police) and it’s messy. I heard another scream, desperate and afraid, then the sound of someone tumbling to the floor and something scratching over the floor. A phone bounced off my foot and spun to a stop in front of me. I looked down at it as the screams behind mean grew more horrified and pained. I dared a look at the window to see the reflection of what was happening. And the best I can say is smoke pouring over someone but it was completely shredding the person like a blender but not making a noise and vacuuming up the shreds. Some mental fortitude I didn’t know about kept me from puking and stock still. The screams eventually came to a wet gurgling end and in the reflection I saw a pair of lights flick on in the smoke. Looking back they were eyes but in the moment they were two neon blue lights looking at the window, then making eye contact with me in the reflection. I held my breath.
The smoke soundlessly glided up the aisle and I kept still, not moving at all, keeping my eyes exactly were they were focused before. It drifted closer and closer to me and by god I wanted to cry. It hovered there letting me catch a scent and I want to say it smelled like something burning, or like rot and death, or anything bad. But it was worse, so much worse. It smelled like cooked pork, lightly burnt. It hovered for what felt like hours beside me, I was desperate for air, my eyes were burning from not blinking and those neon lights were staring into my soul. Then the train wobbled as it passed a bend. I have no idea when the thing disappeared or when time resumed, felt like I blacked out for a moment but I know that's not what it was.
I sat there in my seat blinking and breathing deeply to recover. And then I looked down. The phone was still on the floor near my feet. I left it there but I kept staring at it, like when you notice broken glass on the ground and focus on it so you can avoid stepping in it. At the next station i got off the train and went to an always open fast food place. I got a coffee and started writing this. It would be two hours until a train back towards my apartment, one that takes the old long route around the tunnel.
I didn't sleep that day. How could I after watching someone get shredded and devoured? So I sat at my PC and wandered through my games library all day. Think I fell asleep a couple times for maybe an hour. Next night I went to work like normal, focused on my usual behavior. But after two hours I was called into my supervisor's office.
It was relatively normal, they check in with night shift people every few months to make sure we're doing okay. See if we want to change to day shift for mental health. Was all normal until he put his clipboard down and off to the side. He took a deep breath and looked at me, like really looked. That deep penetrating look when someone can see through your lies.
“You saw it.” He said. Three simple words that felt like he was telling me I had a fatal incurable illness. I just nodded. “You have two choices now. Like all of us that know. Either you leave and find a new job and never speak of the incident because you will be a suspect in the disappearance; or you keep doing your job as you always have but with a raise to ignore the camera glitches.” I sat for a while assuming I had to make a choice then and there.
That conversation has been burned into my brain. I still remember it verbatim. And I wish I could say I made the morally correct choice. But I'm an underachieving coward always looking to take the easy path. So I still watch the cameras through the night, but with some extra money to ignore the occasional camera glitch on the extension. I found out accidentally that Larry and Sue also knew about the incidents and made the same choice I did. And we all knew the same amount of nothing and we prefer it that way.
So that's why I'm putting this out there. Maybe someday someone better than me can figure this out.
I still can't eat pork.
submitted by CaptainTinyDragon to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:25 GuiltlessMaple Best 40 Caliber Magazine Pouches

Best 40 Caliber Magazine Pouches
Get ready to level up your ammunition game with our hand-picked selection of the best 40 Caliber Magazine Pouches on the market! Explore top-rated pouches designed to securely store and transport your 40 S&W mags. From versatile options for everyday carry to rugged ones for extreme outdoor adventures, we've got you covered in this comprehensive roundup.

The Top 5 Best 40 Caliber Magazine Pouches

  1. Adjustable Magazine Pouch for 1911 Firearms - Enhanced Durability - Safariland's adjustable magazine pouch offers high-quality, secure magazine storage and seamless integration with various tactical belts, providing you with optimal control and adjustability.
  2. Versatile Safariland 71 Single Magazine Pouch for 1911 Magazines - Versatile and compact, the Safariland 71 Single Magazine Pouch accommodates 9mm, .40 caliber, and .45 ACP mags, flashlights, knives, and multi-tools, fitting virtually any 1.5" to 2.25" belt.
  3. Customizable Spandex Front Secure Magazine Pouch with Concealed Carry Option - Securely hold and organize your handgun or pistol magazines with the Stealth Double Magazine Pouch, perfect for tactical use and concealed carry.
  4. Stick Magazine Pouch for M4 Triple Stacker - Multicam - The Shellback Tactical Triple Stacker Open Top M4 Mag Pouch offers ultimate versatility, holding six M4 magazines and featuring adjustable bungee retention cords, fully Molle compatible design, and six button snap webbing straps for seamless attachment.
  5. MOLLE Pistol Magazine Pouch for Multi-Caliber Magazines (SKU - 766340) - The Tasmanian Tiger Single MCL LP Molle Pistol Magazine Pouch is an unobtrusive, multi-caliber option that accommodates all standard double-row magazines, boasting a narrow design that hardly shows.
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🔗Adjustable Magazine Pouch for 1911 Firearms - Enhanced Durability
In my daily life as a tactical enthusiast, I've found the Safariland Adjustable Magazine Pouch to be a reliable and convenient addition to my gear. With its ability to adapt to various belt systems and offer precise resistance for magazine removal, this pouch is a versatile and dependable companion.
One aspect that stood out was the closed low-cut front, which effectively secures the magazine and prevents it from accidentally falling out of the pouch. However, I did notice that the built-up channel inside the pouch can be a bit tight when drawing the magazine out, which may require some adjustment on my part.
Overall, this magazine pouch has proven to be a valuable accessory for my firearm, providing me with the ease and security I need while on the go.

🔗Versatile Safariland 71 Single Magazine Pouch for 1911 Magazines
In my experience, the Safariland magazine pouch, also known as the 71-Model, proves itself to be a reliable and versatile gear holder. This pouch is designed to accommodate most standard 9mm, . 40 caliber, single stack, and double stack. 45 ACP mags, making it an ideal candidate for various weapons. Additionally, it can fit flashlights, knives, and even multi-tools. The pouch's design, with its flexible accordion construction, allows for a snug fit even with a small footprint and minimal size.
One of the key features that stood out to me was the fit it offers. The adjustable-tensioned design holds your gear securely and prevents it from falling out, even during vigorous activities. I can personally attest to this, as I have successfully used the pouch during my outdoor endeavors, including hiking, camping, and ATV riding. The fit proved to be both functional and comfortable, which is crucial for all-day wear.
However, the pouch's ability to fit a wide range of weapons comes at a price. It may not always fit smaller items like pocket knives or smaller flashlights. In my experience, the pouch was best suited for larger weapons like a Sig P220R or a HK45, but not the smaller firearms or accessories I initially tested it with.
Overall, the Safariland 71-Model magazine pouch offers a reliable and convenient solution for those looking to hold their various gear items securely. Its adjustable-tensioned design and versatile fit earn it praise from many satisfied users, and though some issues may arise with smaller items, its pros outweigh its cons.

🔗Customizable Spandex Front Secure Magazine Pouch with Concealed Carry Option
The Stealth Double Magazine Pouch is a game-changer for anyone looking to organize their gun safe. It securely holds two clips with a strong hook and loop backing, making it an excellent option for those who want to keep their handgun and magazines together. The spandex front stretches to fit nearly any size clip, ensuring a snug fit for all types of magazines.
One of the best features of this pouch is its versatility. It easily attaches to any tactical vest or carry bag, making it perfect for concealed carry or storing extra mags while on the go. Measuring 4 inches long and 5 inches wide, each pocket is 2 1/4 inches wide, offering plenty of space for even the largest clips.
Although it works great for many users, there are a couple of drawbacks to consider. Some customers have found that the pouch is too shallow for larger, fully loaded magazines, causing them to droop and potentially slip out. Additionally, while the velcro backing is strong and secure, it may not be as effective on some surfaces as advertised.
Overall, the Stealth Double Magazine Pouch is an excellent product for anyone looking to keep their gun safe organized and well-stocked. With its durable construction, versatile design, and affordable price, it's an essential item for any gun enthusiast.

🔗Stick Magazine Pouch for M4 Triple Stacker - Multicam
I recently had the chance to try out the Shellback Tactical Triple Stacker Open Top M4 Mag Pouch in Multicam, and I must say, it's a game-changer for any combat enthusiast. This pouch is built to last, with a rugged and durable construction that can withstand even the toughest conditions.
One of the most impressive features of this pouch is its capacity to hold six 30-round M4 magazines in a triple row, double-stacked pattern. This means you can easily store a complete combat load of ammo, giving you the extra firepower you need when you need it most.
The open top design of the pouch is also a major plus. In a high-stress firefight situation, the last thing you want is to struggle to get to your ammo. With the Shellback Tactical pouch, you can quickly and easily access your mags, thanks to the six open top slots.
Each slot also features adjustable bungee retention cords with pull tabs, ensuring your magazines stay securely in place. This attention to detail is what sets this pouch apart from similar products on the market.
Fully Molle compatible, this pouch also comes with six button snap webbing straps, making it easy to attach to any gear with PALS webbing. Whether you're heading into the field for a training exercise or prepping for a real-life combat situation, this pouch has you covered.
While there are no major drawbacks to this pouch, one thing to note is its weight. At 0.6 lb, it might be a bit hefty for some users. However, given its durability and capacity, I believe it's a small price to pay for the added security and convenience it provides.
Overall, I highly recommend the Shellback Tactical Triple Stacker Open Top M4 Mag Pouch for anyone looking to upgrade their ammo storage. It's a solid investment that will last you through thick and thin.

🔗MOLLE Pistol Magazine Pouch for Multi-Caliber Magazines (SKU - 766340)
I recently had the chance to test out the Tasmanian Tiger Single MCL Molle Pistol Magazine Pouch and it didn't disappoint. The narrow design of this pouch allows for an incredibly discrete appearance, making it perfect for those who value subtlety. Its MOLLE attachment style also offers versatility and ease of use.
I was pleased with the slim profile of this pouch, as it held my magazine securely without sticking out like a sore thumb. However, I noticed that the single magazine capacity might not be suitable for those who prefer to carry multiple magazines. Despite this drawback, the overall build quality of the pouch was quite impressive, giving a sense of durability that I appreciated.
Overall, my experience with the Tasmanian Tiger Single MCL Molle Pistol Magazine Pouch was mostly positive, but I do encourage users to consider their specific needs before deciding to purchase it, as the lack of multiple magazine capacity might be a deal-breaker for some.

Buyer's Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive buyer's guide for 40 Caliber Magazine Pouches. This guide aims to provide you with essential features, considerations, and helpful tips when choosing the right magazine pouch for your needs. Remember, safety should always be a priority while handling firearms.

Important Features to Consider

  1. Material: High-quality pouches are typically made from durable materials such as nylon or cordura. They should be resistant to wear and tear, especially during tactical operations.
  2. Compatibility: Make sure the pouch is compatible with your specific 40 Caliber magazines. Most pouches can hold one or two magazines, but some might be designed for three-round capacity magazines.
  3. Design and Construction: Look for a design that supports quick and easy access to the magazine. Sturdy stitching and reinforced seams add durability and ensure that the pouch holds up over time.
  4. Size and Weight: The pouch should be lightweight and compact enough to fit into your gear without adding bulk or weight.
  5. Attachment System: Consider the attachment system, be it Velcro, snap buttons, or belt loops, depending on your preferred method of mounting the pouch.

Factors to Consider Before Purchasing

  1. Your Budget: Magazine pouches come in various price ranges, from affordable options to high-end, premium products. Determine your budget first to narrow down your choices.
  2. Personal Preferences: Some users prefer pouches with a minimalistic design, while others prefer bright or camouflaged colors for better visibility in different scenarios.
  3. Environment and Use Case: Consider the conditions in which you will be using the pouches. If you plan to use them in harsh environments, choose a pouch with a water-resistant or weather-resistant coating.

General Advice and Tips

  1. Always follow the manufacturer's guidelines and safety precautions when using the magazine pouches.
  2. Regularly inspect your pouches for any signs of damage, such as frayed stitching or torn fabric, and replace them promptly if needed.
  3. Never overload the pouch, as it may compromise the secure retention of the magazines and put you at risk.
  4. Practice proper magazine reloading techniques to avoid accidents or misfires.


What are 40 Caliber Magazine Pouches?

40 Caliber Magazine Pouches are specially designed holsters that are used to carry 40 caliber magazines for rifles, pistols, and other firearms. These pouches are made of durable materials to ensure they can withstand the weight of a full magazine without breaking or failing.

Why should I use a 40 Caliber Magazine Pouch?

Using a 40 Caliber Magazine Pouch is a smart choice for various reasons. It provides easy access to ammunition during shooting, helps keep your firearm organized, and allows you to carry extra magazines without having to rely on pockets or other storage options. Additionally, it can be a lifesaver in emergency situations where quick access to ammunition is critical.

What materials are 40 Caliber Magazine Pouches made of?

Most 40 Caliber Magazine Pouches are made of high-quality materials such as canvas, thick leather, or ballistic nylon. These materials are durable and resistant to wear and tear, ensuring that the pouches last for years of use. Some pouches also feature reinforced stitching and heavy-duty zippers for optimum durability.

How many magazines can one 40 Caliber Magazine Pouch carry?

The number of magazines a 40 Caliber Magazine Pouch can carry depends on the size and design of the pouch. Generally, these pouches are designed to carry one magazine per pouch. However, some larger pouches with expandable or multi-compartment designs can accommodate multiple magazines.

Can I carry 40 Caliber Magazine Pouches on my person, or do they need to be carried in a bag or backpack?

While some 40 Caliber Magazine Pouches can be attached to a belt or other clothing item using a belt loop or snap, most of them are designed for use in a bag or backpack. These pouches are lightweight and compact, making them easy to store and carry along with your other gear. Carrying pouches on your person can be a good option for hunters or other outdoor enthusiasts who need quick access to their ammunition, but for most users, carrying them in a bag or backpack is sufficient.

Are there any differences between 40 Caliber Magazine Pouches made for rifles versus those made for pistols or revolvers?

Yes, there are differences between 40 Caliber Magazine Pouches designed for rifles versus those made for pistols or revolvers. While the overall design and construction may be similar, there are key differences that make each type of pouch better suited for a specific firearm. For instance, rifle pouches are typically larger and more rugged to accommodate the larger magazine capacity of rifles. Pistol or revolver pouches, on the other hand, are typically smaller and more compact to suit the smaller size of pistol and revolver magazines.

How do I choose the right 40 Caliber Magazine Pouch?

When choosing the right 40 Caliber Magazine Pouch, consider the type of firearm you'll be using it with, the number of magazines you need to carry, and the materials and construction you prefer. Be sure to look for pouches that are compatible with your specific firearm and magazines, and that are made of high-quality materials to ensure durability and functionality.
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2024.05.29 06:06 DJThedragonSin777 Evolution Series: Isagi Yoichi

I'm starting a series, where I discuss where characters can go from where they currently are in the story in the context of their football gameplay. Since this is the first entry in this series of mine, I'll start with the protagonist: Isagi Yoichi.
Contextualizing Isagi:
Isagi playstyle is fairly straight forward. He runs up field evading and juking defenders when necessary and places himself in the most dangerous position not only for the defensive line but also for the goalkeeper. His goal scent/Metavision allow him to pinpoint said area. If he were to get the ball before being in said area he usually trades short passes with any allies as he makes with way through the enemy team using his off the ball. And once left unmarked, he waits for his pass so they can repeat the process until he can get in range to use his signature direct shot. This weapon can be fired from both of his feet, with the stipulation that his left foot is 60% less accurate/powerful (not sure which maybe it's both) then his right. When the opposing team has the ball he routinely uses his incredible stamina to fall back and help the defensive line or if the opposing team haven't reached the attacking third yet, he usually goes for interceptions. With his incredible vision, information gathering skills and general field IQ he can lead a match, without even having the majority of his team backing him up. With all of this taken into consideration, on top of the fact that his IQ on the human psyche (egocentrism and ego types: World-type/Self-type) and it's effects on players during matches, Isagi Yoichi can essentially see into the future.
Basic Improvements:
For how Isagi can improve his base play style as it is now, It's fairly simple.
Maintenance on defence
As is illustrated here
And the problem with such a play style
Given the length of NEL matches presumably shorter than geniune 90 min. matches. Going from end of the pitch to the other would require pace and stamina that allows him to complete both his offensive duties and his defensive ones. He would have increase his speed so he can get to his "Meta Burst Points" more successfully as the competition keeps ramping up. And he'd also have increase his stamina so he doesn't tire out during the full 90 minutes. But he seems to have remedied this problem in the NEL, so his current endurance regiment should be enough as long as he keeps breaking his limits during training.
As for the rest of his physicals he should be pretty good when it comes to being physically pressed even by larger opponents.
Karasu, larger opponent who gave him trouble in the past...
...He manages to hold his own agaisnt long enough to keep the ball safe from him and begin a tiktaka sequence his Kurona. Good chop pass as well
So when it comes to getting physically pressed Isagi's not as powerless as he was before and with the addition of his Two-Gun Volley to his arsenal he should be fine when it comes time to score.
Moving forward when comes to shooting, there's only two things he really needs to do.
Mastering the Two-Gun Volley can entail so many things. Increased shot accuracy with his weaker foot, the ability to perform longer feint sequences, (more than one feint) or maybe increasing his shooting speed so he can still shoot with foot he feinted. There's a plethora of improvement that can be made this fundamentally dangerous weapon.
That's where I'll wrap it up for this section because frankly Isagi's base play style is already dangerous as is. And as your about to see in the next section there's very little overt or drastic additions or changes you can make to it, that won't fundamentally change Isagi as player.
Additions going forward/Story relevant changes:
Isagi is own to add weapons to his arsenal that aren't necessarily viewed as conventional: Metavision, Egocentrism and now his Egocentrism is evolving to take into account player's ego types so he can better predict their top performances. I'm sure that Isagi will continue to gather these brand of weapons, let's just call them mental weapons for simplicities sake. As for what they will be I have ZERO clue. I expected Metavision or something to the effect of it be introduced of course I didn't expect it to be depicted in the way it is. I did see Egocentrism coming especially considering how simple it is in nature. But Isagi's been characterized as some one who takes mental aspect of the game into account far more than other's do, so I can't be surprised at this development. Especially since having a protagonist who thinks in such a way helps us see how he makes these crazy decisions. And our protagonist behaving in such a way also helps us delve deeper into the psychology of the other players on the pitch, especially from outside view like Isagi's. Take for example is employment of verbal abuse towards Kaiser, to further deepen his adversary's obsession with him. Isagi taking the pride and joy's of his opponent's into account will always be part of his game. And how this evolves I cannot tell you. I for sure did not even think about ego-types when reading. But in hindsight, it's par for the course considering this is manga about "Ego" as a concept first and foremost. Holistically the football and it's logistics take a backseat to this central theme. It's more accurate say that football is simply medium in which this theme of "Egoism" is expressed in the story. But I digress. TL;DR I can't tell what Isagi's next mental weapon is going to be.
But I will attempt to make an estimation on what PHYSICAL weapon he might acquire. And this theory is going to be based on not only story implications or events that have previously happened in the story, but also on taking into account what his arsenal and play style already look like. So what's this weapon?
A Rainbow FLICK!
Yes I know Isagi sucks at dribbling (for the most part) but he's gotten drastically better as seen here:
Impressive lift
Not necessarily dribbling but still an impressively perfomed feint that lend credence not only for my theory on whether or not Isagi can learn the move. But also on why the Isagi will learn the move.
Even complimented by Yuki
Well executed evasion of a slide tackle
But with that aside, how would he even learn this? Simple the same way he acquired his left shot. His friends. It is perfectly within Isagi's character to reach out or take from those whom he needs help from. I predict that he'll go to Chigiri the same way he went to Kunigami. Of course not for the matter at hand, that being the rainbow flick but rather with help on his physicals, since Chigiri has great stamina, speed and probably everything else since he was a part of manshine. While, like I aforementioned, Isagi could use some of that. As for the rainbow flick I think he'll go to Hiori and/or Bachira for help on how to develop the ball control and skill to execute it.
Now as for WHY Isagi would want the rainbow flick. It's fairly simple, It's to aid his Two-Gun Volley.
My Idea for it's utilization in Isagi's bag is in the scenario he gets pressed from behind or even from the front he can use it to start using his off the ball (which is way better than his dribbling) to catch up to the ball while getting pass the defenders. From there the ball will still be in the air and he can use his two Volley from there.
I mainly got this Idea from rereading Ubers. (And watching football stuff on instagram) But I saw this sequence from Hiori in Ubers and I thought that if Isagi could do that but instead finish with a Two-Gun Volley in front of the goal he'd be a monster.
And another reason why I think this is in character for Isagi is that it follows (almost) the same principle as the lefty shot.
Simple weapon to help in tight spots
He doesn't need to be the next Bachira, Sae or Hiori but also doesn't need to be next Noa or Kunigami. He didn't seek to become completely ambidextrous after Kuni's warning, so he simplified his goal. He can't play completely ambidextrous like Kuni and Noa but he doesn't have to he simply needs to be able to shoot with left leg not play the entire game with it like it's his right. I believe this follows the same pattern, he doesn't need to perform 20 elasticos and nutmegs in a row but just being able to get the ball over his head, like how Hiori has done for him in the past with the no look assist and no look goal. But this time his Two-Gun Volley is waiting for the keeper on arrival, that's just what he needs to get pass the hurdle of a demon press from someone like Aiku when he has the ball.
Case in point
And even from that position he can get caught lacking from behind (no Diddy) while having do deal with defender in front of him if he can't pass
So i'll leave you with this sequence i've stitched together along with a in-motion I found to open up to better visualize it.
But yeah... Other than that I don't know how else Isagi can evolve. I mean there's always drive shots and more curved shots but I've seen that suggested so many times that I think I just wanted some different. But anyway, what's your Idea for an Isagi evolution. Please let me know and also let me know what you think of my theory.
submitted by DJThedragonSin777 to BlueLock [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:53 ConsequenceSure3063 Best 22Lr Magazine Pouches

Best 22Lr Magazine Pouches
Are you in search of a reliable and efficient way to carry your 22LR magazines while on the field or range? Look no further as we've gathered the best options available for you. Our roundup of 22Lr Magazine Pouches offers a variety of designs and features tailored to suit your individual needs. Explore the latest offerings and discover the perfect solution to keep your magazines secure and accessible during your next shooting excursion.

The Top 5 Best 22Lr Magazine Pouches

  1. Duty Double Pistol & Rifle Taco Magazine Pouch MOLLE-Compatible USA-Made - High-speed, adjustable-retention Duty Double Pistol / Rifle Taco Magazine Pouch with black finish, ideal for carrying various equipment and accessories.
  2. Rapid Access Open Top AR Magazine Pouch for 308 Magazines - The RangeMaxx Open Top AR Magazine Pouch provides secure and rapid access to 5.56 or 7.62 AR rifle magazines, perfect for any shooting enthusiast.
  3. Stick Magazine Pouch for M4 Triple Stacker - Multicam - The Shellback Tactical Triple Stacker Open Top M4 Mag Pouch offers ultimate versatility, holding six M4 magazines and featuring adjustable bungee retention cords, fully Molle compatible design, and six button snap webbing straps for seamless attachment.
  4. Compact and Versatile 22LR Magazine Pouch - The PHLSTER Ascent rifle pouch offers a sleek, slim, and versatile solution for IWB concealment, with an ultra-high-strength flexible polymer textile for structure and compatibility, making it a top pick for 22Lr magazine pouches.
  5. Blackhawk 7.62 Double Magazine Pouch - Secure and Adjustable - Secure and sturdy, the Blackhawk Foundation Series 7.62 Double Magazine Pouch provides a snug fit and easy access to your magazines, while offering the versatility of MOLLE attachment and adjustable shock cord options.
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🔗Duty Double Pistol & Rifle Taco Magazine Pouch MOLLE-Compatible USA-Made
As an avid shooter, I've tried numerous magazine pouches over the years. However, the High Speed Gear Duty Double Pistol / Rifle Taco Magazine Pouch has quickly become my go-to choice. This sleek, compact pouch not only securely holds most rifle and pistol caliber magazines but also offers the flexibility to fit a variety of other items such as radios, shotgun shell trays, and multitools. Its unique design, featuring an open top and tapered, protruding brackets, ensures quick and easy access to your equipment, making it perfect for both indoor and outdoor activities.
One standout feature of this pouch is its compatibility with both MOLLE and belts up to 2 inches wide, thanks to the new HSGI Universal Clips. Not only does it provide versatility in its attachment options, but it's also built with heavy-duty nylon laminate, shock cord, and polymer brackets to provide adjustable retention and durability. This pouch has endured rigorous use and continues to perform flawlessly.
The only downside I've noticed is that the pouch is quite narrow, which can make it difficult to fit larger items like some shotgun shell trays. However, this minor issue has not detracted from my overall satisfaction with the product. If you're in the market for a high-quality, American-made magazine pouch that offers both functionality and versatility, I wholeheartedly recommend the High Speed Gear Duty Double Pistol / Rifle Taco Magazine Pouch.

🔗Rapid Access Open Top AR Magazine Pouch for 308 Magazines
When it comes to finding the perfect magazine pouch for your AR-type rifle, the RangeMaxx Open Top has proven to be a great option for many. This pouch is perfect for those on a budget or for those just starting out in the shooting world. Constructed with rugged 1,000D polyester, the pouch is built to last. The metal grommet drain hole on the bottom allows water to escape, keeping your magazine intact even in wet conditions.
My experience with this pouch has been fairly positive. It effectively holds AR-type rifle magazines securely and provides rapid access when needed. The elastic band and bungee cord with lock keep the magazine in place, preventing it from falling out unexpectedly. Its ability to fit belts up to 1-3/4" adds versatility to its design.
However, I did find a few drawbacks. The pouch seems to struggle with fitting slightly larger magazines, such as those for 308 rifles. I also encountered some resistance when trying to insert larger, AICS magazines. It's important to note that the packaging might be somewhat misleading in regards to the range of magazines this pouch can accommodate.
Overall, the RangeMaxx Open Top AR Magazine Pouch is a reliable and budget-friendly option for carrying AR-type rifle magazines in the field or at the range. While it may not be the best choice for those seeking a more robust or versatile pouch, it does an adequate job for most shooting enthusiasts.

🔗Stick Magazine Pouch for M4 Triple Stacker - Multicam
I recently had the chance to try out the Shellback Tactical Triple Stacker Open Top M4 Mag Pouch in Multicam, and I must say, it's a game-changer for any combat enthusiast. This pouch is built to last, with a rugged and durable construction that can withstand even the toughest conditions.
One of the most impressive features of this pouch is its capacity to hold six 30-round M4 magazines in a triple row, double-stacked pattern. This means you can easily store a complete combat load of ammo, giving you the extra firepower you need when you need it most.
The open top design of the pouch is also a major plus. In a high-stress firefight situation, the last thing you want is to struggle to get to your ammo. With the Shellback Tactical pouch, you can quickly and easily access your mags, thanks to the six open top slots.
Each slot also features adjustable bungee retention cords with pull tabs, ensuring your magazines stay securely in place. This attention to detail is what sets this pouch apart from similar products on the market.
Fully Molle compatible, this pouch also comes with six button snap webbing straps, making it easy to attach to any gear with PALS webbing. Whether you're heading into the field for a training exercise or prepping for a real-life combat situation, this pouch has you covered.
While there are no major drawbacks to this pouch, one thing to note is its weight. At 0.6 lb, it might be a bit hefty for some users. However, given its durability and capacity, I believe it's a small price to pay for the added security and convenience it provides.
Overall, I highly recommend the Shellback Tactical Triple Stacker Open Top M4 Mag Pouch for anyone looking to upgrade their ammo storage. It's a solid investment that will last you through thick and thin.

🔗Compact and Versatile 22LR Magazine Pouch
The Phlster Ascent rifle pouch is a game-changer in the world of concealed carry. It combines the best features of both elastic and rigid pouches while addressing their limitations. Made from an ultra-high-strength flexible polymer textile, the pouch maintains its slim profile without sacrificing its structure. The threaded shock cord allows for customization, providing a perfect fit for a wide range of magazine widths and lengths.
I've personally used the Ascent pouch with my trusty AR-10, and it has made carrying my magazines with ease. The low-profile attachment also ensures a comfortable, snag-free experience when wearing the pouch on my belt. The versatility of the shock cord allows it to be used with other essential gear like flashlights or multitools, making it a must-have for any serious gun enthusiast.
However, it's not without its drawbacks. The price point is a bit higher than some of its competitors. Additionally, some users might find the learning curve to properly adjust the shock cord to be a bit of a hassle. Despite these minor grievances, the Phlster Ascent rifle pouch has become an indispensable part of my daily carry routine, offering unmatched performance and versatility in one convenient package.

🔗Blackhawk 7.62 Double Magazine Pouch - Secure and Adjustable
In my line of work, being well-equipped can mean the difference between success and failure. That's why I've come to rely on the Blackhawk Foundation Series 7.62 Double Magazine Pouch. This durable little gem holds two SR25/AR10-sized magazines securely in place, thanks to the adjustable shock cord. The elastic body molds to the shape of your magazines for a snug fit, and the draw is as smooth as a perfectly executed routine.
For added versatility, you can even attach smaller pouches to the outside using the included MOLLE strip. It's a feature I didn't think I'd use, but when I needed a quick holster for my sidearm, it saved the day.
But, as with everything in life, there are a couple of downsides. First, it's designed for SR25/AR10 magazines, so it might not be the best fit for all your needs. And secondly, while the shock cord can be removed for faster access, it's not as quick as a simple flap toggle.
Overall, though, the Blackhawk Foundation Series 7.62 Double Magazine Pouch is a handy tool to have in your arsenal. It's built to last and offers a level of organizational help that's been greatly appreciated in my line of work. It's definitely worth considering, especially if you're in a role that benefits from the careful arrangement and easy access of your gear.

Buyer's Guide

When it comes to outdoor activities and shooting sports, having the right equipment and accessories can make a significant difference in your overall experience and performance. One such essential accessory for shooters is a 22Lr magazine pouch, which is designed to securely hold and carry extra magazines for your 22LR firearm. In this buyer's guide, we will discuss important features, considerations, and general advice to help you choose the perfect 22Lr magazine pouch for your needs.

Materials and Construction

When selecting a 22Lr magazine pouch, it's essential to consider the materials and construction. High-quality pouches are typically made from durable and weather-resistant materials such as nylon or ballistic nylon, which can withstand harsh outdoor conditions and provide long-lasting durability. Look for pouches with strong stitching and reinforcement at stress points to ensure they maintain their shape and functionality over time.

Size and Compatibility

It's crucial to select a 22Lr magazine pouch that is the right size and compatible with your specific firearm magazines. Check the manufacturer's specifications to ensure the pouch will properly hold your chosen magazines, and consider features such as adjustable straps or clips that allow for a custom fit on your belt or gear.

Carry Options

There are various ways to carry a 22Lr magazine pouch, including belt loops, clips, velcro straps, or attach-to-pack options. Consider your personal preferences and desired carry method when selecting a pouch. Also, be sure to check if the pouch can be worn on either the right or left side, depending on your dominant hand.

Retention and Security

A reliable 22Lr magazine pouch should securely hold your magazines while also allowing for quick and easy access when needed. Look for pouches with retention features such as adjustable tension straps, buckles, or locking mechanisms to prevent accidental magazine drops or spills. It's also essential to choose a pouch with a secure closure system, such as zippers or snaps, that keeps your extra magazines protected and stored properly.

Additional Features to Consider

When shopping for a 22Lr magazine pouch, consider whether you need additional features such as a built-in magazine loader, compatibility with other ammunition types, or camouflage patterns. These features may not be essential for everyone but can enhance your overall experience and convenience.

Brand Reputation and Reviews

Choosing a high-quality 22Lr magazine pouch is crucial for the longevity and performance of your accessory. Research the brand and read customer reviews to ensure you're investing in a reliable and trusted product. A good brand should offer a warranty or guarantee on their products, indicating confidence in their manufacturing and design.

Price and Value

While price should not be the only factor when choosing a 22Lr magazine pouch, it's essential to consider your budget and find a pouch that offers good value for its price point. Be cautious of extremely low-priced pouches, as they may be of lower quality or may not offer the features and durability you need.
By considering these factors, you will be well-equipped to select the perfect 22Lr magazine pouch for your shooting sports or outdoor activities. Remember to always prioritize safety and comfort when using any gear or equipment.


What is a 22Lr Magazine Pouch?

A 22Lr Magazine Pouch is a carrying case designed to hold multiple 22 Long Rifle (22LR) ammunition magazines securely and conveniently. They are commonly used by hunters, shooters, and firearm enthusiasts to keep their ammunition organized and within easy reach.

What is the difference between a 22Lr Magazine Pouch and a regular ammunition pouch?

The main difference between a 22Lr Magazine Pouch and a regular ammunition pouch is the size and shape of the magazine pockets. A 22LR Magazine Pouch is specifically designed to accommodate 22LR magazines, while a regular ammo pouch is typically more versatile.

How many 22LR magazines can a pouch hold?

The capacity of a 22Lr Magazine Pouch varies depending on the model and size. Some pouches can hold as few as three or four magazines, while others can accommodate six, eight, or even ten. It is essential to check the specific pouch's dimensions and capacity before purchasing to determine if it meets your needs.

What materials are 22Lr Magazine Pouches made of?

Most 22Lr Magazine Pouches are made of durable synthetic materials, such as nylon or polyester. Some higher-end pouches may be constructed from more premium materials like ballistic nylon or Cordura.

Do 22Lr Magazine Pouches have a retention system to secure the magazines?

Yes, many high-quality 22Lr Magazine Pouches come with some form of retention system, such as elastic bands, Velcro, or buckles, to help hold the magazines in place. This is particularly important when engaging in vigorous activities or when wearing the pouch in an inverted position.

Can 22Lr Magazine Pouches be worn on the belt or worn as a chest rig?

Most 22Lr Magazine Pouches come with a variety of mounting options, including belt loops, MOLLE (Modular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment) hook-and-loop panels, or straps that can be worn as a chest rig. It is essential to choose a pouch that is compatible with your intended mounting method.

How do I ensure my 22Lr Magazine Pouch is durable and long-lasting?

  • Inspect the pouch for any signs of wear and tear during the initial inspection.
  • Opt for pouches made from durable materials, such as ballistic nylon or Cordura.
  • Check the stitching and material for any fraying or weak spots.
  • Ensure the retention system is secure and properly functional.

Are 22Lr Magazine Pouches waterproof?

Not all 22Lr Magazine Pouches are waterproof, but some high-end pouches may have water-resistant or waterproof coatings to protect the contents from moisture. It is essential to check the specifications of the pouch you are interested in to determine if it has these features.
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2024.05.29 05:40 ashiwanikumar Enhancing Customer Support: The Strategic Integration of AI Chatbots into Service Operations

Enhancing Customer Support: The Strategic Integration of AI Chatbots into Service Operations
Welcome to the fourth edition of Insights on Chatbots & AI, where we delve into the strategic integration of AI-driven chatbots within customer support functions. This comprehensive issue provides an in-depth exploration of how these advanced technologies are revolutionizing service operations, improving response times, increasing customer satisfaction rates, and reshaping the entire landscape of customer service across various industries.

AI Chatbots: Revolutionizing the Customer Support Experience

AI Chatbots: Revolutionizing the Customer Support Experience
The integration of intelligent AI chatbots into customer support strategies is ushering in a paradigm shift in how businesses approach service delivery. These conversational AI assistants leverage cutting-edge natural language processing (NLP) capabilities to understand and respond to customer inquiries with remarkable precision and speed.
One of the primary advantages of deploying AI chatbots in customer support is their ability to provide 24/7 availability, ensuring that customers receive immediate assistance regardless of the time or day. This around-the-clock support not only enhances the overall customer experience but also significantly reduces the risk of losing potential customers due to delayed responses or unavailability.
Moreover, AI chatbots are proving invaluable in managing high volumes of repetitive inquiries, such as frequently asked questions, order tracking, and basic troubleshooting. By automating these routine tasks, chatbots alleviate the workload on human agents, allowing them to focus their efforts on more complex and sensitive issues that require human empathy, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.
This strategic allocation of resources not only enhances operational efficiency but also ensures that customer service teams are optimally utilized in areas where they can make the most significant impact, leading to higher customer satisfaction and improved overall service quality.

Personalizing Customer Interactions for Enhanced Engagement

One of the key advantages of integrating AI chatbots into customer support operations is their ability to personalize interactions at scale. By leveraging advanced machine learning algorithms and analyzing data from past customer interactions, chatbots can tailor their responses to meet the specific needs, preferences, and contexts of individual customers.
This level of personalization significantly enhances the customer experience, making interactions feel more engaging, attentive, and tailored to each customer's unique journey. Chatbots can recognize and adapt to different communication styles, adjust their tone and language based on customer sentiment, and provide personalized recommendations or solutions based on individual preferences and purchase histories.
Furthermore, AI chatbots can leverage customer data to anticipate needs and proactively offer relevant information or assistance, creating a seamless and proactive support experience that exceeds customer expectations.
In this section, we will explore real-world examples of how businesses across various industries are leveraging AI chatbots to create more personalized and meaningful customer interactions. We'll discuss strategies for effectively using chatbots to recognize customer preferences, anticipate needs, and deliver customized support solutions that increase customer loyalty, satisfaction, and lifetime value.

Streamlining Service Operations for Optimal Efficiency

Beyond enhancing the customer experience, AI chatbots contribute significantly to streamlining service operations and optimizing operational efficiency. By automating routine tasks such as ticket logging, information retrieval, and initial customer assessments, chatbots reduce processing times and eliminate the need for human intervention in these repetitive and time-consuming processes.
This automation not only frees up human agents to focus on more complex and high-value tasks but also ensures consistent and accurate handling of routine inquiries, minimizing the risk of human errors and increasing overall service quality.
Moreover, AI chatbots can be seamlessly integrated into existing customer service platforms and workflows, enabling a smooth transition and minimal disruption to current operations. This integration allows for real-time data exchange, enabling chatbots to access and leverage customer data, order information, and knowledge bases to provide more informed and personalized support.
In this section, we will provide insights into how integrating AI chatbots into service operations can streamline workflows, reduce operational costs, and improve overall service efficiency. We'll explore case studies where businesses have successfully implemented chatbots, resulting in faster resolution times, decreased customer wait times, and higher customer satisfaction scores.

Navigating Challenges in Chatbot Implementation and Continuous Improvement

While the benefits of integrating AI chatbots into customer support strategies are substantial, this transformative process also presents a set of unique challenges that must be carefully navigated to ensure successful implementation and long-term success.
One of the primary challenges lies in maintaining a human touch and empathetic connection with customers, even as chatbots handle an increasing number of interactions. While AI chatbots can provide efficient and accurate responses, they may struggle to convey the warmth and emotional intelligence that customers often seek, particularly in sensitive or complex situations.
To address this challenge, it is crucial for businesses to strike a balance between AI-driven automation and human support. This can be achieved through effective handoff processes, where chatbots can seamlessly transfer complex cases to human agents for personalized attention and resolution.
Additionally, businesses must manage customer expectations effectively by clearly communicating the capabilities and limitations of their chatbot systems. Setting realistic expectations from the outset can help prevent frustration and ensure that customers understand when human intervention may be necessary.
Another key challenge lies in the continuous training and refinement of chatbot systems to handle an ever-expanding range of queries and scenarios. As customer needs evolve and new products or services are introduced, chatbots must be regularly updated with the latest information and trained to recognize and respond to new types of inquiries.
In this section, we'll discuss these challenges in depth and offer strategies for overcoming them, ensuring that AI chatbots enhance rather than detract from the overall customer experience. We'll also address the importance of continuous improvement through ongoing training, data analysis, and iterative refinement of chatbot capabilities.

Spotlight on Conferbot: Elevating Customer Service with Advanced AI

In the rapidly evolving arena of customer service technology, Conferbot stands out as a pioneer, offering sophisticated AI-powered chatbot solutions designed to revolutionize the customer experience while streamlining service operations.
Conferbot's chatbots are built on a foundation of advanced natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning capabilities, enabling them to understand and respond to customer inquiries with remarkable accuracy and context awareness. These intelligent assistants can interpret complex queries, recognize sentiment and intent, and provide personalized responses tailored to each customer's unique needs and preferences.
One of Conferbot's key strengths lies in its seamless integration capabilities with popular customer service platforms, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, and business intelligence tools. This deep integration ensures that Conferbot's chatbots have access to up-to-date customer data, order histories, and knowledge bases, allowing them to provide more informed and contextual support.
Furthermore, Conferbot's chatbots are designed with adaptive learning algorithms that continuously improve their performance through real-world interactions. As customers engage with the chatbots, the system analyzes and learns from each conversation, refining its language models and response patterns to deliver more accurate and relevant support over time.
Conferbot also offers robust analytics tools that provide businesses with valuable insights into customer behavior patterns, popular inquiry topics, and chatbot performance metrics. These analytics empower companies to identify areas for improvement, optimize their service offerings, and continually refine their chatbot strategies for maximum impact.
In this spotlight section, we'll explore Conferbot's innovative features, success stories, and the transformative impact its chatbots are having on customer service operations across various industries.


As we conclude this comprehensive edition of Insights on Chatbots & AI, it is evident that AI chatbots are not mere supplementary tools but integral components of modern customer support strategies. They bring unparalleled efficiency, personalization, and scalability to customer service operations, setting new standards for engagement, responsiveness, and overall customer satisfaction.
The case studies, strategies, and insights discussed in this issue underscore the transformative impact of AI chatbots across various sectors, from e-commerce and finance to healthcare and beyond. As businesses continue to harness the power of AI, machine learning, and natural language processing, the role of chatbots in customer support will only grow more significant, making them essential in the quest for delivering exceptional customer experiences.
However, it is crucial to understand that successful chatbot implementation is not a one-time endeavor; it requires continuous improvement, refinement, and adaptation to evolving customer needs and industry trends. By embracing a mindset of continuous learning and optimization, businesses can ensure that their chatbot strategies remain relevant, effective, and aligned with their overall customer service goals.
Looking ahead, our next edition will focus on the role of AI chatbots in enhancing employee productivity and workflow management. We will explore how these intelligent assistants are not only revolutionizing customer interactions but also reshaping workplace dynamics, enabling more efficient collaboration, task management, and knowledge sharing across organizations.
Stay tuned for more insightful perspectives and practical strategies that will empower you to leverage the full potential of AI chatbots in driving operational excellence and fostering a culture of innovation within your organization.
We hope this edition has provided you with valuable insights into the integration of AI chatbots into your customer support strategy. Our goal is to help you navigate this rapidly evolving field, ensuring
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2024.05.29 05:07 DefiantYesterday4806 Debunking, "If there was a conspiracy, someone would say something because humans are incompetent."

The idea that humans in large numbers lack competency, and so therefore a conspiracy would be practically impossible completely misses the point. Actually, the fact that humans are insanely incompetent and low-information is why conspiracies are everywhere and almost never go noticed. In fact, people DO speak up often and whistleblow and NO ONE LISTENS.
Part of the issue here is epistemological. We think we know about the world. Why do we think that? First of all, human brains are built to conceive of about 150 people around them. Urbanization breaks our brains, and because we're not built for it, we consistently process our impression of society wrong.
School and media are huge and very simply blunt instruments to provide us with a better impression of the massive urban society around us. Most of what we think we know comes from here. Yes, it's true that false information can be contradicted and humans actually can be quite logical with plain, clear facts. However, we have other social instincts which prevent this from happening.
We humans mostly tend to intuitively perceive what kinds of beliefs others have and give massive weight to that while filtering possibly complex or confusing facts in our heads. While some of us and some cultures are much more sophisticated and cynical about media, there are TONS of demographics (i.e.: young women) who psychologically interpret literally anything the media presents as representative of the actual tastes and preferences of that abstract 150 people the brain is built to perceive. Simply because the media exists and promotes one point of view, it means that this must be the position of those in the tribe with power.
Experienced, educated professionals will constantly filter inconvenient information in favor of adjusting to what the group believes. Smarter, 110-130 IQ "midwits" will actually recognize something is wrong, but will rationalize the emotional inconvenience and build explanations or narratives so they can cope. <110IQ people can't construct these rationalizations, and if they're low-IQ enough they can't even understand them, so this is why dumb people often perceive conspiracies that highly intelligent people observe, because the layer of rationalization doesn't appear to them. >140 IQ literally cannot use these rationalizations because their brains see right through them and you have to be a psychopath to ignore what you see. 110-130 IQ people ACTUALLY BELIEVE these rationalizations, that's the point. They ego invest in them and will fight their own kin to squash anyone noticing malicious behavior systemic to institutions. This is partly because, these midwits as the supreme managerial class, so effectively rationalize, they can operate in corrupt environments without being aware of the corruption. Thus they are rewarded immensely, given titles or big salaries, and become personally invested in the fraud while also consciously believing there's no fraud.
As an adult who has noticed all this from experience in the military, ecclesiastical, academic, corporate (never medical sadly) sectors, these patterns seem universal. You know the store manager who has the keys to lock up? Well, when they open up to their buddies and drink a little of the merchandise and throw a little party or whatever, if corporate can't tell, then why wouldn't they? Not everyone who has power will abuse it, but anywhere power is held, someone will abuse it. Abuse of power is a very casual thing, and at a minimum, some percentage of human personality types will always do it. The go-getters and doers especially trend toward a willingness to abuse power, and that's part of the problem. Other humans have specific instincts to submit to the powerful and almost take pleasure when they are on the good side of a psychopath who is abusing a third party.
Here you might say, "Gee, you have a cynical view of humanity." Sorry, the day a college kid can stand up and assert a point of view that's not social consensus, and have even 10% of the class change their minds and support him merely from considering the argument, then maybe I'll be more optimistic. No, people are cowards who are constantly trying to fit in, mostly most people are pretty dumb, and actually most people disdain those who refuse to fit in and don't care at all about the group's corruption. See, kids who are instinctively socially breaking from their parents will oppose the society of their parents. But kids will never oppose, not ever, not at scale, the social momentum of other kids unless there are other kids of clear divisions like racial or religious.
Therefore, I would propose that not only is society full of conspiracies at every level, but actually society functions on the basis of conspiracy. Small group loyalties and hierarchies form nodes around which institutional structure can build larger organizations. I was in the military which is full of formal authority, laws and rules. The reality of it is all that was a distraction to make people put up with a system that is more about little cliques among officers and so forth that sort everything out behind closed doors. Sure, norms, laws, rules, training smooth things out, allow interchangeability, but real decisions are made selfishly by some leader and they have quidproquo with colleagues and that bubbles up to the top. So whatever stupid beliefs they have about their organization or its values, they take with them to the top where someone like a general wields real power. Yet, such a person is sort of "endowed" with that position by his clique-community, and so they must fight for that community's values in the confines of that community's worldview, which might be totally inaccurate.
With this in mind, here is your final graduation thought experiment.
I've tried to understand the Ukraine war.
Right now Russia is playing on its former Soviet era diplomatic network so it's leaning into "white neocolonialists who think they have superior values exploit brown people because of theft and racism." But they're also simultaneously playing the newer, libertarian narrative of a progressive managerial elite which has hijacked the Western bureaucracy. It's sort of insane how they do this. Like how they exalt Orthodox religion but also insist Stalin did nothing wrong, which not even the post-Stalin USSR believed.
The anti-neocolonialist narrative says that rich whites want to steal resources from poor browns. This is factually what's happening, but the tragic irony is that many third world countries probably couldn't develop or benefit from these resources without first world help. So, there's both an argument against neo-colonialism, but also an argument that it's not like this big scam so much as a natural consequence. What it boils down to for me is where war, jackal economics or espionage is used. That's clearly wrong, and I think a lot of poor countries would be doing a lot better without these interventions, although I don't think they'd be rich and developed.
Well, the West actually is anti-neocolonialist too. Globalists want smart cities, AI economy, UBI, CBDC. They want rural white Americans to be the same level of poor as rural Africans, and for the gains of exploiting natural resources to be concentrated among a global elite, which although unfair, is not exclusive to borders. The geopolitical unfairness of neocolonialism will be addressed by Globalism. And its elite will be very small compared to the global proletariat they intend to have.
This is all very ironic since the globalist machine is playing the Euro-chauvinism card to appeal to Euro elites, and also the American exceptionalism card to appeal to American nationalists. They're playing whatever cards they have, like Russia.
So this is all I know: the West is lying to some of its lesser elites by paying lip service to their values. Russia is playing its old USSR geopolitics card while also playing a trad Orthodox card, while also playing an anti-globalist card.
I KNOW that the West is globalist, the leadership that is. So NATO must lose, because the globalists will certainly win if NATO wins. However, I fear the other side might also be globalists and the whole conflict is an anti-white, anti-Western charade meant to displace the old Euro elites and American nationalists.
That's the irony. Globalists control the West, but have to constantly deal with these older elite factions, so they could be using the war as a purge in a way.
It's hard to explain why the globalist-American leadership needed this conflict so bad. Probably it's all a shitshow gone wrong. This is where my explanation of how conspiracies function comes into play.
Neocons thought the would reinvigorate interest in the military but it hasn't. Like a new patriotism and interest in military power and funding.
Ukrainian Jews might have thought they could purge the Slavs and make a second Jewish homeland but that's probably off the table due to the failed counter offensive.
Russia's hopes of exercising their historical and cultural hegemony to settle the conflict have failed, when Ukrainian deep state operatives assured them they were still on the same old team.
Stupid nationalists who are somehow blind to the globalists and think the American economy is "doing great" probably thought this could be a knockout blow to Russia's meddling in certain geostrategic resource deals that affected American hegemony over Europe. This is a legacy of the British "can't let Europe become a world power" prerogative. The kind of dumb monkey legacy deep state geopolitical prerogatives that these idiots cling to while ignoring the other players around them.
So there are members of the British and American diplomatic-military-intelligence communities who are seemingly oblivious to what globalism is, or the imminent collapse of the Anglo-American financial hegemony. They actually believe the financial journalism. They are playing out a specific strategy from their class or clique or culture's history which is about keeping Europe down. So they are acting from that vantage and are acting as a conspiracy.
There are Euro elites acting from the vantage of actual vestigial colonialist attitudes where they actually think that Europe of all places is a bastion of Western values. While this class is completely morally degenerate, what they really mean is there is a class of elites in Europe that actually thinks the whole world outside of white Europe are actually just dumb monkeys. Not metaphorical. They are committed to all this, as a conspiracy that exercises influence as a conspiracy, because of this idiotic, low-information attitude.
Then there's the globalists who have all kinds of plans, and have even got Russia and China and India to adopt some of their financial technologies in preparation for their Great Reset. And this is done because of their massive influence over global business. As a conspiracy. And yet, while massively influential, they don't outright control Russia or China and their plants are constantly falling short. I'd say the globalists are trying to act as a conventional "illuminati" style conspiracy.
But the point is what I said in the beginning. Even these powerful, highly competent cliques have huge blind spots and huge power gaps because humans are in fact highly incompetent in large numbers.
I get a clique trying very hard to influence things and just falling short of being able to do it, but what boggles my mind is that a lot of these conspiracies who KNOW they are conspiracies who KNOW the world is a stage for the common sheep and KNOW the basic nature of deep state and intelligence games that are played. Even these people will not see past their own biases or egos, and fail to see lies in front of their own faces.
Because conspiracy is natural to humans. We do it naturally, so we engage in illicit collusion and cliquishness, but we don't necessarily see or realize where it's happening outside of our brain's 150 person social perception. Which to me is the oddest thing.
submitted by DefiantYesterday4806 to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:55 vren55 [A Fractured Song] - Chapter 218- Fantasy, Isekai (Portal Fantasy), Adventure

Cover Art!
Just because you’re transported to another world, doesn’t mean you’ll escape from your pain.
Abused by her parents, thirteen-year-old Frances only wants to be safe and for her life not to hurt so much. And when she and her class are transported to the magical world of Durannon to fight the monsters invading the human kingdoms and defeat the self-titled Demon King, Frances is presented with a golden opportunity. If she succeeds, Frances will have the home she never had. If she fails, Frances will be summoned back to the home she escaped.
Yet, despite her newfound magic and friends, Frances finds that trauma is not so easily lost. She is dogged by her abuse and its physical and invisible scars. Not only does she have to learn magic, she has to survive the nightmares of her past, and wrestle with her feelings of doubt and self-loathing.
If she can heal from her trauma, though, she might be able to defeat the Demon King and maybe, just maybe, she can find a home for herself.
[The Beginning] [<=Chapter 217] [Chapter Index and Blurb] [Chapter 219 June 11 or see the next chapter now on Patreon]
The Fractured Song Index
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Ginger makes an offer to Lakadara. The rest of Telkandra's remaining brood discuss the fate of their allies.
“Not good?” Sara asked as Helias strode into the tent and made his way straight to the bottle of wine.
“Not good,” Helias muttered.
Sara nodded woodenly. “Privacy spell?
The tauroll waved his sheathed Fangroar and after pouring himself and his wife a drink, sat down. “We’re safe. Oh Galena, this is really not good.”
“How dead are we?” Sara asked, her tone light.
“We’re not dead. We’re just in a lot of danger and even if we somehow force the humans to retreat, we’ve lost this war,” said Helias.
Helias drank deep, noting that Sara was also drinking deep as well. “Thorgoth is going after the humans. That part of the plan is as good as it gets. We’ll be attacking them, and using the dragons, whilst our forces hold off Titania. Our objectives are also well-chosen.” Helias buried his head into his hands and let out a deep groan. “But winning this doesn’t change anything.”
“If we can defeat the humans, why won’t that change anything?” Sara bit her lip. “Unless it renders us unable to beat Titania?”
“Yes. Even on the chance we beat the humans we won’t be able to invade them, we won’t be able to defeat Titania. We’d be at a stalemate and both armies would have to withdraw.” His hands dropping to the table, Helias stared at his wife. “And we don’t have any reserves left. We’re going to lose the war, even if Thorgoth lives.”
“If we defeat the humans—”
The general shook his head. “By defeat, I mean we’ll hurt them but we can’t prevent them from withdrawing. We might kill a few of their leaders, their important mages and Otherworlders, but they will still have soldiers. After coming so close, they won’t surrender. They’ll keep attacking until they kill enough of Thorgoth and Berengaria’s supporters that nobody will help them, or until both of them die.”
“Alright so, what do we do?” Sara asked. Helias looked at his wife, noting how still she sat. Her wings were clamped tight to her back and her lips were drawn tight.
“Sara, I don’t have good answers.”
Sara steepled her trembling fingers as best she could. “They’re going to be better than mine. I don’t know anything about war.”
“Right. Well, you need to surrender to the humans if you are captured. Present yourself as a non-combatant. Cry, scream, anything to declare that you don’t mean any harm,” Helias said.
“Why not Titania?” Sara asked.
“She has every incentive to kill you off and far less compunction about doing so. Killing our family off would allow her to have more land to give away to her loyalists. In contrast, the humans have Erlenberg troops fighting with them along with those of the Lightning Battalion. They’re going to be far more friendly to Alavari civilians,” Helias said.
Soft hands, grabbed onto Helias’s waist with a surprisingly firm grip. “What about you? I can get away, but how are you going to survive this?”
“I don’t know. I—”
“Don’t you dare! Our daughter needs her father and I need my husband!”
The general stared at his wife. “Sara, I can’t surrender to the humans if we win. They want me dead.”
Sara refilled Helias’s glass. “Then you need to help Thorgoth defeat them.”
“Then what? We’re never winning this war. Thorgoth is going to be invaded and—”
Cutting him off with the clink of her goblet against the table, Sara hissed, “And what? Why think that far? We can plan for that after this battle, so long as you are still here and with me.”
Letting out a breath Helias pushed his hair back and allowed himself a sigh. Reaching across the table, he took his wife’s hand.
“Sara, you’re right, but you know you can escape this if Thorgoth is defeated.”
The harorc placed her other hand on top of his. “We’re partners. I need you. We need you. So promise me that you’ll do your damndest to live.”
Helias closed his eyes and nodded. “I promise. First things first, before we turn in we need to talk to the dragons.”
Fennokra stalked slowly toward the camp. This wasn’t the collapsed side-passage where she and Yolandra had some privacy. This was the main camp where Thorgoth and their army were preparing for what had to be the final battle.
It was also where her siblings were swallowing the last of what seemed to be a side of salted pork.
“Velkandra, Makentra, we need to talk.”
Their second-eldest sister licked her lips, her neck rising to Fennokra’s level. “I am assuming you mean in private?”
“Of course.” Fennokra could see Velkandra’s haunches tensing to raise herself higher. Her sister was trying to look down on her. Allowing her head to dip, she held her height.
“Alright.” Velkandra flicked her tail and Makentra, licking his lips, followed them.
Since their enemies had set up their siege camp behind them, the Alavari camp had been reduced in size. Still, there was the alcove of the collapsed tunnel. Whilst couriers and soldiers crossed across this natural cavern to the defenses on the other side, they kept a good distance away.
Yolandra was waiting for them, scratching something into the cave wall. Fennokra let out a rumble in her throat and her sister turned from the wall suddenly, shaking her head.
“Velkandra, Mankentra—”
Velkandra puffed a cloud of smoke out. “What’s this all about?” she hissed, lips drawn back to show teeth.
Fennokra took a step away from her sister to take Yolandra’s side, her eyes narrowed. “Are you joking? Do you not think we should at least discuss what is going on?”
“And what would be the point? It is a bit late to be having this discussion. The course of the winds have been chosen,” said Velkandra.
Yolandra rose to her full height on her four legs, but even so she was still shorter than the silent Makendra. “The winds can be fickle, Velkandra, and where we are is proof.”
Velkandra pursed her lips, eyes for the first time, looking toward the ground. “The survival of our family is tied to that of Thorgoth. To abandon him would be death by the hand of the Stormcaller and her allies or by his hand.”
“Besides, if we were to abandon Thorgoth’s cause, that would be dishonorable. We promised to assist him,” said Makendra.
Fennokra blinked at her brother’s tone. It was quiet and yet there was a touch of a deep growl to his voice. His claws were ever so slightly digging into the ground.
“We are dragons. We can think and make decisions for ourselves. We are allowed to consider other options, are we not?” Fennokra asked.
Velkandra’s tail flicked violently side to side as her neck turned to her younger sibling. “Then why does it sound as if you wish to follow in the wingbeats of our elder sister?”
“Who we killed. I was there. I lost a claw striking her down!” Fennokra raised one clawed hand, flexing the remaining digits.
“On that, why did we have to kill Lakadara?”
All golden eyes fixed on Yolandra, who held the gaze of her siblings with a contemptuous scowl.
“Lakadara betrayed us,” said Velkandra, almost growling.
“I’ve been thinking over what happened. Lakadara said nothing about betraying our mother. She merely was questioning if Thorgoth was trustworthy,” Yolandra said.
A scowl flaring his nostrils, Makentra growled. “He fed us, trained us in how the humans and their allies fought. Hid us from their eyes—”
“And now Caldra is dead!” Yolandra exclaimed.
“Which is why we must kill the Stormcaller and her friends! So we can avenge him and our mother!” Velkandra almost completely unfurled her wings. Only the tips slapping the stone forced her to pull them back.
“Then what?” Yolandra asked.
Velkandra frowned. “Then what? We’d have our revenge—”
Yolandra’s tail cracked against the ground. “Then what? You all must have heard of what Thorgoth is capable of. What he’s done to others.”
Makentra rolled his eyes. “Sara’s story is just a story. She might have been just trying to turn you.”
“She was honest and she is not the only tale I’ve heard. You must have heard rumors of what Thorgoth did to his own son, Teutobal,” said Fennokra.
“Propaganda,” Velkandra hissed through her gritted teeth, while smoke wafted through the gaps. “In any case, we have no other option. We fight or we die.”
Fennokra, her claws grinding against the floor, had had enough.
“Velkandra, Makentra, have you ever considered that Thorgoth is perhaps using us for his own goals? We have not even considered what he might do to us after we’ve destroyed the humans and their allies. How do we know the Stormcaller and her allies might treat us better? Besides in the first place, she never intended to kill our mother—”
Fennokra blinked. She was flying backwards, something hard was bearing her into the wall. Dizzy as if struck by one of the Stormcaller’s spells, she realized that the force was the foreclaws of her elder sister. Mad rage lit those golden eyes that were the exact same shade as hers. Horrified, Fennokra tried to throw Velkandra off, but her sister was larger and heavier than her.
“Say that again. I dare you to say that again—ARGH!”
Velkandra rolled off, forced off of Fennokra by the Yolandra shoving into her side. As the elder dragon recovered, the smallest of Telkandra’s brood hissed, “It’s the truth! You are a fool to deny it!”
An ugly sneer on her lips, wings quivering with fury, Velkandra snorted. “The truth? Oh right so we are speaking the truth then. Well here’s the truth. Our kind is doomed!”
Makentra blinked. “Sister?”
“Of course Thorgoth is going to get rid of us or try to after this campaign. He has to, but right now he needs us and that’s what we need to rely on until we gain more strength. Of course, whether he wins or the Stormcaller’s allies win, how can we expect to survive in a world dominated by these lesser species hm? How could they ever not see us as a threat?”
Velkandra stalked toward the wide-eyed Fennokra and Yoandra. Her head turned side to side as she fixed her sisters with wild wide eyes.
“Well? Tell me Fennokra. Speak the truth Yolandra. Or are you both too afraid to admit that our kind are doomed and the only thing is to live as long as we can and hopefully avenge those that hurt us as we do so.”
“You’d have us fly to our deaths?” Makentra asked.
The stammering voice brought Velkandra around. Extending a wing, she touched its tip to her brother’s. “I would at least have us fly together.”
Fennokra shook her head. “We’d knowingly fly with a murderer of children and someone who would want to kill us after we’ve stopped being helpful to him.”
“And we have no other options,” said Makentra. Letting out a breath, he rose to his claws and walked away. “I’ll see you tomorrow, sisters.”
Velkandra, without another word, turned for the exit. “You know it’s true, Fennokra, Yolandra.”
Fennokra closed her eyes. Yolandra, though, narrowed hers. “Doesn’t change that Lakadra’s blood is on our claws.”
Velkandra flinched and left. She strode away so quickly she nearly stepped on Helias and Sara as they came to the cave. She gave the pair no acknowledgement other than a growl.
“See you tomorrow, General,” said Makentra, his tone curt. “We will talk to King Thorgoth ourselves for the plan’s details.”
“Of course,” said Helias. He bowed as the pair left before turning to Yolandra and Fennokra. “I believe we missed something important?”
“Be honest, General Helias. Even if we succeed tomorrow, your king has no use for us after we help him kill the Stormcaller, am I correct?” Fennokra asked.
Sara and Helias didn’t say anything. Their slight move to stand closer so they could hold hands was enough.
“I thought so,” said Fennokra. She let out a sigh and glanced at Yolandra, who nodded. “We will be on the battlefield tomorrow. Where are we going?”
“You’re going with me. We’re attacking the forces sallying from Kairon-Aoun. The plan is that you dragons breathe flame over their army to soften them before we attack.
“Understood. Any questions Fennokra?” Yolandra asked.
Fennokra shook her head. What could be asked anyway?”
Yolandra flashed the pair a joyless smile. “For what it is worth, you two have been good caretakers to us. Even if it was to preserve your own lives.”
Helias didn’t bow. Instead he extended a hand. Yolandra stared at him, but Fennokra, recognizing the gesture, extended a single talon.
“May you always be able to see the sun.” At the dragon’s blink, Helias smiled. “It’s an Alavari saying. It may come from when we used to be enslaved by the Goblin Empire. It means good luck.”
Yolandra nodded and Fennokra found herself smiling.
“Our mother taught us a saying as well. May you never fly alone. I wish that for you both,” said Fennokra.
“Thank you,” said Sara in a quiet voice. She curtsied and the two dragons dipped their heads. They watched Helias and Sara leave with placid smiles.
Then, when nobody was looking, they turned from the entrance to hide their bulks as best they could. The gloomy light of the alcove their only curtain of privacy.
Frances slowed slightly as they approached Lakadara’s enclosure. However, Ginger did not slow down.
“Hold on, Ginger, what’s the plan?” Frances asked.
Adjusting her new crown mid-stride, Ginger said, “I’ll show you. I’m certain it’ll work, though.”
Frances’ eyebrows rose. “Is that crown getting to your head already?”
The new Queen of Erisdale flashed a slightly nervous grin over her shoulder. “Yes actually, but I think that’s a good thing in some way. Don’t you?”
Frances found herself nodding. It was strange to see her friend even more confident than usual and so comfortable in the regal crown that she wore atop of a standard Lightning Battalion light blue uniform. Yet she rather enjoyed the new gait that Ginger had.
“I do.” Frances smirked. “Your Majesty.”
Ginger rolled her eyes. “Fuck you.”
Giggling, Frances stopped herself as they drew even closer to Lakadara. The dragon was drawing herself up, placing her massive foreclaws over each other.
“Lakadara. I am Ginger, the new Queen of Erisdale. Pleased to make your acquaintance.”
The dragon coughed, blowing out a puff of smoke. “Greetings Ginger, Queen of Erisdale. I’m sorry for your predecessor’s demise.” Lakadara’s golden eyes narrowed. “Why are you here?”
Ginger dipped her head. “Thank you and as to why I’m here. I have a proposition. If you accept it, I will grant you and your kin, the domain of the Erisdalian mountains marked by the Kwent River Valley, Freeburg and Athelda-Aoun as your home in perpetuity, so long as you do not attack humans unless in self-defense.”
“I am unfamiliar with human geography. From the Stormcaller’s expression, I assume that is a lot.”
Frances swallowed and closed her mouth, but she didn’t question her friend. Ginger, still smiling slyly, nudged her. “It is. Frances, can you lend me a hand here?”
Nodding, Frances closed her eyes and imagined a rough map of Erisdale and its territories. With a wave of Ivy’s Sting she created an image of Erisdale, highlighting in red the expanse of the mountains that bordered Alavaria and Erisdale. The area that Ginger had described sketched a rough red triangle between the three points. It was a fairly sizeable area with a low and Alavari human population.
“My husband is in negotiations with Queen Titania and I’ll have to talk to Frances and Prince Timur, but we are quite certain that Athelda-Aoun will also be included in this area,” Ginger said.
Lakadara’s golden eyes were flickering as she examined the land. Suddenly, she turned, long neck arching toward the Erisdalian Queen. “And what must I do? Fight on your kingdom’s behalf?”
Ginger shook her head. “No.”
“Nope. If you would like to do so we can renegotiate the agreement, but my husband and I fully intend to grant you this land.”
The dragon’s tail lifted up as her eyes narrowed. “Explain yourself and the favor you seek. This is far too generous.”
“Let me explain myself first. If what I’m told by my experts is correct, you can lay eggs by yourself without a mate, but it takes time right? A few decades?”
“Yes. Still, that doesn’t explain—”
“Here me out. This war is going to end. We may lose, but if we win, banishing you to the north is making you Queen Titania’s problem and she’ll have more than enough problems to deal with. You might just end up coming south again and we know how that ended. I’d prefer to avoid that so that means we need to make an agreement. You need a new home and I need peace for Erisdale. If the kingdom has to give up some poor agricultural land then I’m all for it.”
The dragon nodded. “I see, but why so much land? Why not just give me a cave? Or request my service as Thorgoth did?”
“And how will you eat? Hunt? Where will your grown children go? I’m making an agreement that will last for decades, not just a few years. As for service? I was tempted, but you wouldn’t agree to that anyway and why should you? We haven’t given you any reason to agree.” Ginger gave Frances a wave to dispel the map. “Maybe in the future we can work something out, especially if the dragon population increases. Your service in return for more food, but again, I want to start us off on the right path, not the left path.”
“Left path?” Lakadara asked.
“Erisdalian expression. It means the wrong path,” Frances said helpfully.
Lakadara nodded slowly. “You still ask for a boon, though.”
Ginger nodded. “Yes. I want you to speak to your siblings. Before the upcoming battle starts, tell them of my deal with you. So long as they choose to accept that deal and defect, then I will have it so our forces will not hurt them. After that, you may leave. I will not request you to fight with us.”
“You want me to show myself to Thorgoth? To the siblings that tried to kill me?” Lakadara asked, mouth agape.
Ginger stepped closer to the dragon, who lifted her head away from the queen. “I want you to save your siblings. I want you to save yourself from becoming the last purple dragon in existence. I would rather you not be alone, stewing in hatred for my kingdom and our allies who brought down your family, even if we had just cause. I want peace. What do you want?”
“How do I know I can trust you?” The dragon suddenly grimaced. “Ah, right, you want a lasting peace. You have every reason to want peace.”
Ginger, arms crossed tapped her foot. Frances could see how stiff her friend was, but the action was also comforting. That her magic-less friend had such control over the situation, despite being faced with the dragon was rather…badass.
Letting out a puff of smoke that slowly drifted into the cavern, the dragon pondered the queen’s proposal. Frances held her breath and yet the dragon remained silent, only her tail moving from side to side.
Ginger waited, still content to wait for the dragon’s answer. Frances couldn’t. The tension coiled in her chest, waiting to explode.
“Lakadara, what do you want for your future?” Frances asked.
The dragon glanced at Frances, golden eyes wide. She turned back to Ginger, who continued to stand tall, awaiting Lakadara’s answer patiently.
“I accept your offer, and your promise for the future,” said Lakadara, dipping her head.
“We are glad that you wish the same as we do,” said Ginger. She extended her hand and Lakadara, took her claw and put the tip of it on the queen’s palm.
*Author’s Note: Queenly Ginger was really neat to write 😀 *
submitted by vren55 to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:51 ComunCoutinho Lancer Sakamoto Ryouma's Servant Profile from Fate/Grand Order Material XIV

True Name: Sakamoto Ryouma
Class: Lancer
Source: Historical fact
Region: Japan
Gender: Male
Alignment: True Neutral
Height: 178 cm
Weight: 72 kg
Character Creator: Keikenchi
Character Design: pako
Character Voice: Kase Yasuyuki & Horie Yui
Appearance in Main Works: Fate/Grand Order
Strength: B Endurance: C Agility: B+
Magic: C Luck: A- Noble Phantasm: EX

Class Skills

Magic Resistance: C+
When Super Oryou gets serious, Oryou's hide prove quite the magical barrier, Ryouma!
Riding: EX
A special Riding Skill given to Ryouma for crossing the Bakumatsu period Japan riding the dragon that is the changing eras. It's a Skill exclusive for riding Oryou, existing separately from other Riding variants.

Personal Skills

Dragon of the Restoration: A
The man called a mystical dragon in a human body. His fleeting life briming of pride, crossing the Bakumatsu period Japan riding the dragon that is the changing eras solely for the sake of the people, was like a soaring dragon.
White Serpent of Takachiho: A-
The serpent who failed to become a dragon. The serpent, initially a black abomination held in contempt, aimed for the heavens in attempt to become a dragon, but ultimately, the serpent couldn't manage it.
Amanosakahoko (Pair): B
The pike of light fallen handle-first from heaven. The spear of the heavenly gods, which sewn together heaven and earth to seal the black abomination. Originally a single polearm, but taking the form of pair when weilded by the hero and the serpent.
The pike of light fallen handle-first from heaven is both a blessing and a curse.

Noble Phantasm

Ryuu yo, Wadatsumi no Hara wo Yuke (My dear, venture through the vast oceans)
Rank: EX Type: Anti-Army Noble Phantasm
Range: 2-70 Max. Targets: 700 persons
By offering the Amanosakahoko that Ryouma pointed at the heavens, the black serpent sheds her skin and grows wings, becoming a white serpent of such beauty that she could be mistaken for a divine dragon.
Clad in radiant-white arcanity from the Age of Gods, the White Serpent of Takachiho exerts tremendous power. This form possesses physical abilities beyond comprehension and can deploy a sturdy physical barrier, preventing any mediocre attack from hurting her, potentially making her the god of the new era.
Instead of becoming a dragon and soaring the skies, she chose to be the serpent travelling the sea with the hero.
Pronouns (Ryouma)
Pronouns (Oryou-san)


Pretty much the same as a Rider. Oryou hasn't changed either.

Motives and attitude toward the Master

He wishes for his relationship with his Master to be like that between two friends from the same town. Oryou is relatively fond of them and doesn't mind helping out every now and then.

Dialogue examples

Historical character and figure

A loyalist living through Japan's Bakumatsu. Born from a country samurai family in Tosa, he deserted his fief, studied under Katsu Kaishu, founded the Kameyama Shachuu (which would later become the Kaientai), intermediated the Satsuma-Choushuu Alliance, and devoted himself to the restoration of imperial rule, overall contributing a lot to the Meiji Restoration. However, his ideals fell to assailant's blade, thus he never got to see the age of Meiji.

Character in Fate/Grand Order

An aloof man on his mid-20s appearance-wise. He may be a master of the Hokushin Ittouryuu, but he’s actually a kindhearted guy who dislikes conflict to his very core. Instead, the mysterious belle by his side will take the lead.
His default Class is Rider, but circumstances lead to this manifestation of him as a Lancer.
This form, in possessing of the Amanosakahoko and one of the Three Knight Classes of the Holy Grail War, is a what-if possibility that Sakamoto Ryouma could have attained, and a Servant powerful enough to uphold the reputation of Hero of the Restoration.
If Sakamoto Ryouma is summoned as Heroic Spirit, he's restricted to only getting either the polearm or the serpent as a Noble Phantasm. That goes to show how much of miracle it is that he is capable of using both.
He is a master of the Hokushin Ittouryuu and his swordsmanship is a force to be reckoned with, but the course he practiced was for the naginata, so the Lancer class is where he can best put his prowess to work. In addition, Super Oryou is bursting with power. Together, they're an invincible Kaientai.

Regular weapons

Related characters

Okada Izou
His best friend in their town. He wanted to stay best friends but their relationship never recovered from their split. After an incident where he got punched, they managed to return to their nostalgic ways.
Takechi Hanpeita
Former fellows who split off due to ideological differences. Takechi holds Ryouma in such regard that he believes Ryouma's presence would have spared the Tosa Imperialist Party from its failures. After an incident where they got punched, they managed to return to their previous ways.
Tanaka Shinbei
Takechi's right-hand man. In life, Shinbei kept Ryouma away from Takechi. He was probably annoyed at the faith Takechi had in Ryouma.
Nakaoka Shintarou
"It wounds me to disagree with Nakaoka in a discussion. Nonetheless, if I can't discuss with him, there is no one else worth discussing with."2
While Ryouma was frequently suspected, he was trusted by everyone. He and Ryouma compensated for what the other lacked.
Takasugi Shinsaku
They share mutual respect, with Ryouma acknowledging Takasugi as The Unicorn Prodigy and Takasugi acknowledging Ryouma as the Dragon Soaring the Skies. They also envy each other, believing one has what the other lacks.
Ryouma can't hide his excitement about a rocket that can fly to space. Oryou gets competitive and begins an irregular training regime to fly to space.

Comments from the illustrator

Have a nice triiiiiiiip!!! Feels great to see those two having fun. I can hope they don't break any property or any debt-ridden alcoholic anywhere they go, but I know that's not a realistic expectation. (pako)

Translation notes

  1. Sakamoto Ryouma's favorite katana. The same he uses in his Rider version.
  2. Historical quote from the real Sakamoto Ryouma.
submitted by ComunCoutinho to grandorder [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:09 Storms_Wrath The Human Artificial Hivemind Part 518: A Falling Tower

First Previous Wiki
Penny gazed at the quartet of Elders. They were all wearing the merchandise she remembered from the last Judgment, which was exceedingly awkward. Mainly because they were wearing shirts with her face on them. But it was also oddly endearing, in a way. Until now, she hadn't seen too many Elders that were on her side.
Elders that weren't just Kashaunta or the familiar faces she already knew, like Spentha or Rho and Sai, actually showing appreciation of her, felt odd. Even if these ones went a little too far in it.
"You're even more beautiful in person, Liberator," one said.
"Uh, thanks. I appreciate that. I'm glad that you all like me. Rho and Sai told me that you all are interested in something I can give you?"
"Yeah. Maybe a short interview? We won't be like that airhead reporter. We'll ask the good questions."
"Yep, we will."
"Right then," Penny said. "Well, I'm glad to meet you."
"Thank you. Now that we're here, we'd like to know how you plan on taking care of the gang leaders."
"Well, presumably by imprisoning them. I don't think they deserve to die, even if others do. I'll leave that decision up to Justicar and his various judges in the criminal system."
Penny didn't like having to lie blatantly. She wanted to kill the slavers quite brutally, but doing that was a bad idea right now. Saying it also was a bad idea, for a similar reason. And Justicar's system was worryingly preferential to Elders, from what she'd looked up after the meeting with Pundacrawla.
"Aren't you worried that the Judges won't give proper justice?"
"I trust Justicar to do everything that is necessary."
Another lie. Justicar would do whatever he could to maintain his image. Hopefully, that wouldn't be at the cost of the Alliance's very existence.
"Got it. By the way, what's it like being human? Walking on only two legs. It seems kind of unstable. Do you fall a lot?"
A genuine curiosity from them was another breath of fresh air. It was the kind of question a quadruped would definitely ask, which put her more at ease about the nature of what they were trying to do. Even more than their evident support of her, with all the merch they were wearing. Penny felt a smile crack at the corners of her lips, unbidden.
"Not really. We can use our arms to steady ourselves pretty well. Obviously it's not as easy to balance on our two legs as it is with your four, but it's still good enough. In fact, the sprinters in the Olympics use all four limbs, since running as fast as possible also requires pumping our arms. As for what it's like to be human, it's hard to describe. For many of us, it will feel colder or warmer than Sprilnav would feel in the same temperatures, due to thinner skin. Our eyesight is more frontal than yours, given our lack of snouts, so our blindspots are a lot bigger. Our feet require shoes for rough ground, and we heal slower than you by around 20%. We can't really clack our jaws to the scale that you can, though we can make them meet."
Penny bared her teeth, showing as she opened and closed her mouth. It was nice to be able to talk about things like this.
"The Olympics?" one of them asked.
"It's a competition about athletics," Penny said. "Running, jumping, throwing, diving, swimming, skiing, snowboarding, and a lot of sports. There's specific divisions, too. Like how there's a 100 meter dash, 200 meter dash, 400 meter dash, and even an 800 meter dash for those with high levels of psychic energy. Though really, psychic energy and genetic editing have been messing with the events for a while now. And there's a Winter, Summer, and Space Olympics, each with different sorts of events. They move from city to city, though the Space Olympics are pretty much always on either Luna, Ceres, or Mercury. There's a lot more information out there on various events, but it's an old cultural practice revered by the entire species. Even more so since Phoebe's increased the prize pools for everyone."
"How does your species handle space in general? I know that you guys did things way differently before First Contact."
"We did. Mining companies kept tight control on all asteroid mining, while nations controlled planets like Earth and Mars and large planetary bodies like Luna. Supposedly, a few people planned for a cloud city on Venus, but we couldn't risk having such a vulnerable population because they'd have to rely on giant balloons to survive. That would probably be the least secure way to live, given the existence of rogue organizations and all that.
As for spaceships, most of them since we really colonized Luna come equipped with spacesuit bays, zero gravity water and food packs, oxygen tanks, emergency seats, specialized anti-micrometeorite hulls, and radiation shielding. A lot of the older military ships also were equipped with big radiators until World War Three, when it all became masses of drone warfare, with the big ships kept mainly for cargo and lanes where mass drone control was impossible.
Once the Vinarii came and we got shields, we started building big again. After all, it provided a huge number of jobs, and in the post-war economies, especially with VIs in place, a lot of people needed work. But we still go and do asteroid and moon mining, star lifting, and energy gathering. We built an orbital ring around Mercury, the closest planet to Sol, to help with all of that. It doubles as a production hub, too. Now, it's all in more systems and with a lot more friends."
"Speaking of aliens, what theory does your people have on why so many creatures resemble one another? Our jaws are adapted for hard shelled creatures, and we're told that many planets have oddly similar variations of those."
She guessed what they were getting at.
It is odd, isn't it? Nilnacrawla observed.
Perhaps that is another one of the Source's whims, Penny thought.
A few of the Elders made exclamations of shock.
"You even have a word for them that directly translates!"
Penny chuckled. "Yeah, carcinization is a bit of a meme in the science community. But I've heard the most mainstream theories since the First Contact are that the Source itself is uncreative. It has a certain template of creatures which it largely doesn't alter, though it can take in inputs from beings close to it, perhaps even influencing them."
"Influencing them?"
"Yes. Modern depictions of wendigoes, folkloric creatures from North America, a continent on Earth, are shockingly similar to the Knowers in appearance. The internet depictions of them in particular like to emphasize canine qualities, and often show them with skulls visible directly, and with dark brown or black fur. Recent depictions, as in the past 300 years, differ from their original appearances quite significantly, with the canine characteristics in particular being enhanced.
We have sorted through all known images of these creatures and found roughly 80% similarity with the Knowers and tens of thousands of images that are literally exactly the same as Knowers. The ones we searched all came before World War Three, far before even the First Contact with the Vinarii, much less the Knowers who were entirely underground at the time due to the radiation of their home star. We believe that the Source managed to influence this facet of human culture with the actual existence of a real creature.
Other examples exist, like how the Trikkec look very similar to Komodo Dragons, Vinarii look very similar to insects known as a mantis, and the Acuarfar look exactly like insects known as wasps with the single exception of their furry snouts and green instead of yellow markings. The Sprilnav species itself shares high amounts of similarity with a fictional species known as Elites in early 2000s culture, particularly with your jaws, though you all have red skin instead of grey or brown.
The Junyli, Dreedeen, and the wanderers are the main species without high amounts of appearance in our cultures at some point. This correlates with the idea of the Source being the influencer, as their predecessors all were used to fight it. Many species of the galaxy look like parts of our culture or Earth's creatures. The proximity of these examples makes this far more suspicious than if they were across the galaxy.
But since they existed first, the only answer must be that the Source brought the influence to us first and planted the ideas in our heads. As for the ones which look like Earth creatures, all of them are old enough evolutionary branches that copying from them to Earth makes more sense. Though the references centering around the early 2000s is quite odd, it is also roughly when the internet came into wide existence, so it is also possible the Source gave the ideas a push so they would propagate, for an unknown reason. Like if it seeded the ideas that propagated across the early global network Humanity used."
"Hmm. Fascinating. We've seen evidence of the 'seeding' process among some historical nations near the galactic region of Earth before. So the Source re-uses and alters depictions of life and also life itself?"
"Maybe," Penny said. "Unless the Source is more directly tied to life than we think. There's a conceptual Death, but no conceptual Life. Isn't that odd?"
"Conceptual Life died in the Source war."
How did that really work, though? Penny asked Nilnacrawla.
Imagine a conceptual being. A few of the Progenitors, as well as Narvravarana, went up to try to harvest its power. It refused, and Narvravarana used its unique abilities to try and force the deal.
Why was your civilization like this?
Excess and greed, partly. But we couldn't really do much more expansion. Vertical expansion also had its limits if we wanted to remain relevant for the remaining lifespan of the universe. So Narvravarana, along with a few of the greatest rulers and leaders of Sprilnav society, started looking to other dimensional planes. They figured it was best not to let the problem get too much worse. Or at least, that is what they say. I believe it was to harvest more resources to use against our surrounding enemies.
You didn't have any allies? Penny asked.
At that time, all the powers of the universe were enemies. All the allies eventually merged through millions of years of normalization. We happened to get on the universal stage the earliest, so other civilizations we encountered had little choice but to surrender their independence. Some fought, others didn't, but the outcome was the same.
That seems terrible.
It was, though the other universal civilizations were no better. Some of them just exterminated all alien life they found that couldn't fight back. In that sense, the pre-war Sprilnav civilization was one of the greatest, and that's why I fought for them. Obviously, I'm biased in that regard, though.
Thanks for telling me, father.
No problem, Penny.
She refocused back on the conversation at hand.
"But a thing cannot be alive if it dies. The concept of life doesn't work that way. So maybe the Source just... took in the concept of life? Or absorbed it into whatever psychic energy really is, considering that it's responsible for all of our existence?"
"That's so crazy it might actually be true," one of the Elders said. "You're incredible, Penny."
"Uh, thanks. You're all pretty great too." Her eyes drifted to the images of herself on their clothing. She couldn't really help it.
"I have a question for you."
"Do you know what I'm fighting for?"
"I assume since you're asking it here, you don't just want a one word answer," an Elder said. "I would say yes, and for the liberation of the Sprilnav from the stain of slavery. Though going deeper into your history, you have also fought for other species, either in wars or just generally moving around. It does look aimless, mostly, since the galaxy's so big. But I'm sure you've got a way through that."
"In some way. Part of why I'm here isn't just about my people. It was at first, I admit that. But as I have lived here, on Justicar, for days and weeks, I've seen you less as alien. It makes it easier for sympathy and easier to break out of simple mindsets. So far, there are many problems, but there are distinct pieces. The first is that many people want to uphold slavery. I'm not sure why, but they do. It isn't profitable, and it isn't moral. Robots are cheaper in every way, and don't need food or water.
That means it's illogical or emotional. So I could try and solve the problem with violence alone, but it won't be addressing the cause, only the symptoms. I need to get to the heart of the matter. And I think it has to do with Elders' memories and the gradual woes they have accumulated going through life. I don't want to tear that away or drug them into believing they're fine. I want to find a way to outlet that productively. The second part I have identified is scale. The galaxy is enormous, and your species is incredibly numerous. I could fight planet by planet for the rest of my life, and liberation would still be difficult.
That also means I'd need a better way of doing things. Maybe an economic or political incentive. Emotional reasons will not work permanently, nor will logic, since we are in this situation. I have found several ways to address this. Sadly, since the gangs are likely monitoring this feed, I can't just outright say my strategy. All I can ask you all to do is to believe. Believe that I have a solution, and that I and those who stand with me are working on it. Believe in me because I believe in you."
None of the Elders questioned or ridiculed her words. Most of it was because they were fans of her. But one of them, an Elder named Rahautiti, had a distinct glint in his eye. Their gazes met only momentarily, but Penny could tell he knew.
And so she appeared in the mindscape, even as they concluded the interview, which would be the first of many. It was a ploy to just talk about human culture and ideals a bit more, to get it out there. Because the hivemind's theory was correct.
In the universe, ideas had power. That power could be weaponized against those who previously stood to gain. The first part of it was the image: Nova as an unbeatable bastion. Lecalicus as the Beast, a monster capable of star-crushing rage. Twilight as... whatever she did. Penny wasn't really familiar with the Progenitor's image too much, and the various names, like the Silent Night or the Smiling Darkness, were just so unbelievably edgy she cringed every time she recalled them.
But Rahautiti understood so she moved her mindscape avatar to see him.
"Hello again, Penny. I am no threat."
"I know. I'm glad that your group is led by someone as capable as you, as well as the other groups you dabble within."
"Who discovered it?"
"Phoebe. You met with Ezeonwha, and the android wanted to ensure you weren't a way for Yasihaut to kill him."
"Yeah. We did get approached about that, actually. We're supposed to kill Ezeonwha when you walk into the Judgment hall. Of course, we won't do this, and she won't be able to retaliate against us easily while there."
"Thank you for your honesty, Elder," Penny said. "It seems I'm in your debt."
"Nonsense. 2,839. That is the number of children I have had. 2,626. That is the number of children of mine which were enslaved. The remaining 213 died in unrelated incidents, with nearly half of those involving slavers killing them. I remember all of their names, and all of their faces, Penny. I want all the slavers in this universe dead."
"I cannot achieve that."
"You cannot," Rahautiti agreed. "Not with my help or even that of Kashaunta and Lecalicus. And certainly not right now. I have not lived this long to be incapable of compromise or patchwork solutions. You show great promise. I understand your aversion to killing and the circumstantial reason why you are not doing so now. I will not grow upset if you do not resume killing when the Judgment ends. Nor do I harbor a grudge against you for the speeding space entity you left outside the room to avoid uncomfortable publicity. You are incredibly young.
A sliver of a life. But you are strong, and you are mature. That sliver of your lifespan already outshines all I could do with a trillion more years, Penny. You are right in that this isn't something you can punch your way through. Trauma is part of why slavery still exists, despite it being a wholly unjust reason for the Elders to make such a sport of it. I am sure you know the story of the war, with a great hero in your head and Kashaunta at your side. My line of work is what I started to help you. Every thought about you being the Liberator, every eye that glances on you freeing slaves, helps you to gather conceptual energy. My talent happens to be great enough to sense the Pact of Blades you have, as well. If you want, I can teach you how to hide the mark on your soul and your mind."
"I would like that, yes," Penny said. "And thank you for being so reasonable. I will ask Kashaunta to protect you from what consequences come for refusing the offer on Ezeonwha."
"There are going to be attacks on him, you know. Him and your ship."
Penny felt an odd feeling in her soul. Cardi's power flared around him, and she squinted at the sky. She just barely saw a sliver of a tentacle. Most would have mistaken it for a normal speeding space entity. But here? On Justicar, with Exile obviously not being the cause?
Only one being would cause that. Fate.
Given the subject of their conversation, it was obvious what was going on.
Penny tapped Rahautiti's jaw, adding a thin mark of conceptual power so she could easily find him again. She focused on the conceptual mark she'd left on Ezeonwha. A twinge of conceptual energy came from it. It was accompanied by various impressions, like fear, pain, and acceptance.
"I have to go," Penny said. "I will be back later. Displace."
She appeared next to the 102nd Visitor Welcome Office but not next to Ezeonwha. It was carnage everywhere she looked.
"Champion!" an unknown Elder yelled. "I am Elder Na-"
Her rising fury surged, and it took all she had not to dismember him. The distant thought of the Judgment stayed her hands, though only just.
Penny's fist collided with the Elder's jaw at twice the speed of sound. A piece of his jaws flew free. Bone fragments hit the ground behind him. Hundreds of soldiers fired on her, and she slammed them to the ground with pure will. Penny tore their guns away and sent them each to pummel the Elder in front of her with as much brutality as she could. His powerful armor wasn't as capable of defense against physical attacks as it was against her psychic energy, and so he fell.
"You... cannot save him," the Elder spat. Fields of psychic suppression fell upon her, reducing her power.
"Manipulation through Determination," Penny growled. "De-"
No! Nilnacrawla said. Do not kill him! Not yet!
"What goes up will go down."
Air hardened around the Elder and accelerated rapidly.
The Elder smashed into the shield five miles above with a speed just slow enough that he wouldn't die. He fell from it and then hit it again at a more modest speed. He'd bounce on that until the Guides came to get him.
But Penny had another target. One she had to save instead of attack.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
High Judge Tassidonia awoke to the sound of explosions. He grabbed his swords, his main gun, and the personal shield he reserved for only the most dire occasions. The sky was erupting in war all around him, and buildings were already falling nearby. The spires of skyscrapers rained down upon the entrances to the Underground, crushing thousands of fleeing Sprilnav under their wide impacts.
His implant identified members of the gangs nearby, making their way to his home.
"Retribution Cycle!" Tassidonia cried. A hidden door opened, and he boarded a small hovercraft that sported a high amount of defensive and offensive technology, a gift from Justicar for dealing with all that he had related to the Judgment. Only this time, he wouldn't be on the next one. But already, the destruction was spreading.
Micro-missiles rained upon friend and foe alike. Several detonated against the layered shields. The mounted turrets on the side of his hoverbike shot lasers into the enemies his implant identified.
"Elder Tassidonia!" an Elder cried nearby. "For the crime of defying the will of-"
Tassidonia called his fury to bear. He rammed his mind into the enemy Elder, disorienting her. She reeled, about to attack, when a thick laser smashed into her chest. It pushed her against the wall, and Tassidonia kept the pressure up until her body melted. He listened to her screams impassively, occasionally sending blasts from his gun at the gangs when their members started to stray too close.
The thick red beam did its work within twenty pulses. His swords began to float beside him, keeping pace as he sped away from his home. The entire apartment complex shuddered and began to lean, its foundation being destroyed by some effect below. Tassidonia abandoned it with only minor regret. He'd known this moment would come. Everything he needed was already with him.
He linked into the Guide network, directing squadrons to attack the breaches he'd identified. Orbital strikes fell upon them in quick succession. Thick beams of light pierced through the lower planetary shields from orbital platforms, their guns honing in on Justicar's enemies. Tassidonia's implant was linked to the grid as well. So when he eyed buildings occupied with too many gang members, orbital strikes fell on them a few pulses later.
Fire and plasma rained all around him. Explosions and smoke blossomed all around him. More missiles fell from his hovercraft. A fighter ship appeared beside him, its simple stealth revealing itself to his eyes. Tassidonia waited for the pilot chamber to open, and his craft stowed itself behind him when he got in. It was fully equipped, so soon, Tassidonia was in full control of a weapon of war.
His first order of business was detecting the gangs' most fortified areas. He peppered those bases in shield-weakening mines, followed by bunker-buster missiles. Several anti-air turrets hit him, but his shields prevented them from taking him down. He dropped three high-end Butcher Androids into the fray of the largest battles.
One of the adjacent fighter wings in the separate shield sector dropped a nuke. At that moment, Tassidonia made a decision.
Whatever insanity was going on right now wasn't worth staying here on his own. He turned his ship upward, narrowly avoiding nearly fifty missiles shot from another gang fortress, which was really just the lower floors of a supermarket. Thick slabs of concrete were being set up by androids and slaves from the Underground. All he could do was watch from above and attempt to mark those that might be a problem.
Justicar's Grand Fleet was moving in, though only the carriers and their escorts were doing anything of any scale. The armies were mobilizing, and it seemed that war had finally broken out. Justicar, while isolated due to the Judgment, would have to win a war that threatened to topple his rule entirely.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Ezeonwha woke when the walls around him shuddered.
An earthquake?
Groggily, he activated the lights in the room. Phoebe's android was charging in the wall. Her limbs swayed with the motion. The walls shuddered again, and the lights went out. Thin, tiny cracks spread in the walls, increasing his worry factors massively. His implant notified him that this wasn't a dream. Distant screams reached his ears, and he went to the window.
Hordes of Sprilnav were running on the ground, tripping over each other to escape. He heard the thump of footsteps approaching from outside. The android activated, standing up.
"Move away from the doo-"
An explosion tossed him across the room. A Sprilnav carrying some sort of mouth weapon faded into view for a moment, smoke recalibrating the stealth field. And then he was gone. Phoebe smashed into the Sprilnav, her fists pummeling the assassin faster than Ezeonwha could comprehend.
Phoebe's arms turned into swords, and she stabbed the Sprilnav at least fifty times in a single pulse. She turned to grab him, but before she reached him, a second explosion sent him flying out of the now-shattered window.
The massive skyscraper loomed large, and he saw the ground beneath it ripple. Dull thumps sounded from below, and large, circular caverns opened beneath the 102nd Visitor Welcome Office. The whole building started to list forward, and Ezeonwha frantically activated his emergency personal shield as he started falling faster and faster. A bullet hit the shield. And then a second one. Gunshots echoed out in the distance, and he saw other Sprilnav falling from broken windows in the falling skyscraper. Gunfire erupted on the streets as Guides engaged a growing army of attackers bubbling up from basements of shops and businesses.
He saw spurts of blood exit the Sprilnav nearest him, bullets tearing holes through the woman's body. Piercing screams surrounded him, a terrible chorus that reminded him of the worst wars he'd fought in. But here, his training could do nothing. She was already dead, and he knew that he was the target of this whole attack. His eyes watered, and Ezeonwha felt so powerless. So useless.
A Corrector emerged from the side of the tilting skyscraper, eyes fixed on Ezeonwha. Then he looked down. Somehow, Ezeonwha knew when the orders had been sent. He knew that it was Astipra in the distance, a jetpack on his shoulders burning a thick flame beneath him.
Astipra looked back at the building and flew toward it. Ezeonwha felt the wind rushing past the shield as pressure. Astipra, far above, vaporized falling chunks of the skyscraper with blasts from his arm cannons. He pressed back against the skyscraper, the jetpack going into overdrive. The metal bent inward, and the groaning and twisting structure continued its fall. Blasts of light from Astipra again vaporized the set of falling chunks.
"Penny," he said. It was almost a prayer, really. His desperate mind was scrambling for whatever it could get. "Please, save me!"
He didn't know if she could hear him. Logically, it was impossible. And in a battle such as this, unlikely as well. Rippling explosions erupted across the facade of the falling skyscraper as rockets struck it. More explosions bloomed as lasers from distant police vehicles, Guides, and Astipra destroyed more of the fast-flying missiles and rockets. They pounded on the world around him, a horde of madness threatening to break his brain. He could feel the wind and gravity equalize as he reached terminal velocity.
And all he could see was the world descending into war around him. The 102nd Visitor Welcome Office continued to slump and lean against Astipra's best efforts. More bullets hit Ezeonwha's personal shield, and peppered the Guides moving over to save him. Air ambulances were shot from the sky. Even small fighter crafts were shot down by powerful ground lasers. EMPs thumped, disabling all the higher functions of his implant before he could think to use it.
A much larger explosion bloomed out, and Ezeonwha followed the rocket's trail to an Elder on the ground, standing in the wreckage surrounding a sudden tunnel opening. The Elder stared at him in glee, and he lined up another shot. Two Guides fell upon the Elder, who flew up using a jetpack to cut them in half with his sword. A hard light hologram lifted a large gun, pointing at Ezeonwha as he fell.
His eyes widened. Ezeonwha did everything he could. He angled his legs and arms. He pushed at the air. He even hefted the meager psychic energy he had, struggling with all his soul to escape the death he could feel was coming to him.
Guides swarmed beyond the shield appearing, while gang soldiers died by the hundreds to carpet bombing. Personal shields sprang up to block the explosions, and the Elder had survived. A thick red laser cut one of the fighters in half from the smoke. Above him, the collapsing facade of the skyscraper consumed Astipra entirely, though large gouts of plasma and thick explosions emerged from within. He could survive if it fell upon him, but Ezonwha could not.
Penny materialized far below, closer to the field of battle. A sweeping wave of gang members began disappearing. A bullet smashed into her head and her stomach, detonating in bright explosions. A personal shield flared and disappeared. Missiles and lasers slammed into Penny by the thousands as psychic energy gathered. A constant roll of words fell from her tongue, but without his implant, they were not translated.
Missiles crumbled into dust. Lasers impacted raw space in front of Penny before bending down and back to their origins, destroying automated turrets. Bullets still hit Penny and the Guides by the thousands, firing too quickly and densely for her to entirely block. But the large ordnance from the gangs continued to work against them.
Penny looked around, confusion evident on her face. But amidst the thousands of wounded and dead Sprilnav falling from the broken windows, Ezeonwha was hidden too well.
Shattering glass could be constantly heard, and he could feel the distant screams in his soul. A bullet smashed into his personal shield again, disabling it. A pulse later, he lost feeling in his legs.
He tried to reach out to her mind, but the war in the mindscape was equally intense. Too many Elders and Guides battling it out along with various suppression artifacts made it all impossible. He could sense Penny's influence, but couldn't directly reach her.
He let out a breath, knowing it to be the final one.
I'm sorry, Penny, Ezeonwha thought.
I wish you luck in the Judgment, and I am sorry I caused this to happen to you.
Penny finally appeared in front of him, eyes wide-
Blood erupted. A searing pain in his head told him his implant had just shorted out. And in the mindscape, he saw a mental attack heading for him, its brutal power evident. He closed his eyes.
submitted by Storms_Wrath to HFY [link] [comments]