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2024.05.21 16:19 beeby8 How do I save my family from falling apart and we get our lives back?

So I am 26 years old. I am from Melbourne Australia. I am single and I live with my mother, my step-dad, my brother and my sister in law who have just moved back in recently after having moved out of home 3 years ago, but have moved back in to save money to eventually move out into the country somewhere. They are not really city/suburb people. The prefer regional/rural areas.
Anyway, the problem in our family is my step dad. I would say for the last 5-6 years, he has withdrawn alot from us. He spends the majority of his time (when he is not at work) sitting outside smoking, drinking and watching YouTube videos on his phone. We barely see him except for weekends because he works the afternoon/evening shifts.
When we do see him on weekends, he barely ever wants to do anything with us. We are always inviting him out to do things with us, but the majority of the time, he says no and uses the excuse of staying home to look after the dogs to get out of it. The only thing that we really do anymore is watch our show together on Saturday nights (if we haven't got something on, which we often do), but even that he is starting to lose interest in.
He also get sick quite often. He has a really bad cough due to his heavy smoking. I have never smoked in my life. My mum, brother and sister in law have, but they have all given up regular cigarettes now and either vape or use marijuana. I would honestly prefer if they just ditched the vapes and just smoked the marijuana to be honest and I have never had a problem with people who smoke pot as long as you do it safely and don't drive on it. It smells way better than cigarettes or the horrible artificial smell of vapes. Anyway, that's not the point.
He (my step dad) has also claimed to be on a meat and dairy only diet for the past couple of years now, basically the complete opposite of a vegan, yet we constantly see him eating bread, chips and other regular foods that are not part of his carnivore diet. He also makes a massive mess in the kitchen every time he cooks his food and never cleans it up because he cooks and attempts to clean in the dark without the light on.
We all think (myself, mum, my brother and sister in law) all think he had some severe health problems like potentially lung cancer and maybe even early onset dementia, but her just will not go to the doctor.
My brother and sister in law even said that one of the main reasons they moved out in the first place 3 years ago was because of how uncomfortable they felt around him and now they are saying the exact same thing again. They said it again literally tonight.
He also does not have a very good relationship with either of his biological children (my step brother and step sister). He says that he wishes that he talked to and saw them more, yet he makes little to no effort to see them or spend time with them outside of special occasions like birthdays, despite the fact that his son lives 10 minutes around the corner. His daughter lives a few hours away, but you would think he would make the time to see her more often, especially since his daughter now has a daughter, making him a grandfather.
He also sleeps in a completely separate room to my mum too which I believe severely impacts their relationship. Couples who do not sleep in the same bed together (for the most part) I believe do not wore every well in general. Now to be fair, this is mainly due to the fact that he snores very loudly and has too wear a massive CPAP machine at night which would keep mum awake, so he eventually just moved into the spare room. That part of it I get, but it's still not ideal.
And the worst part is, all that is just scratching the surface. My mum is constantly ranting and complaining to me about how much she has had enough and is fed up with him just doing nothing and not wanting to be a part of the family any more and just retreating into himself and I completely agree with her as well.
My mum and step dad have been together for 20 years this year, but I know for a fact that she does not love him anymore and wants to break up with him and end the relationship. Not only has she flat out told me this in private, but she wouldn't even have to tell me for me to know.
The biggest problem however and the primary reason why she won't separate from his is money. They have a mortgage for the house in both their names, many contracts are in both their names as well for things that we have done to the house like adding the solar panels, the battery backup for the solar panels, the renovations etc. A few joint accounts too.
Mum has told me so many times that if she were to win the lottery, she would leave him in a heartbeat. The money side of things and so many things being in both their names makes the situation so much harder. Mum has also said that she could not afford to live in our house if they split up as just a one person salary would not cover everything. I currently do not have a job and am actively;y looking for a new one after leaving a toxic work environment recently, but I do my part by paying for the houses monthly internet bill which lowers the cost of my board and my brother and sister in law also chip in in their way, but I still don't know if that would be enough.
Now of course, I love my step dad. I really do. He has been my main father figure in my life for the past 20 years since my mum divorced my real dad in 1999 when I was 2 years old. I still see my real dad on a regular basis and we have a good relationship, but I obviously have not lived with him 24/7 like I have with my step dad for 20 years. It's just that unfortunately, he is just not working in our family anymore and something has to change.
I guess what I am asking for is some advice and some help. Is there a way that we can move on from him? Is there a way where we can get him out of our lives without our lives being shaken up in the process. We have lived in this house for 18 years and it is our home. The thought of moving somewhere else just because we wouldn't be able to afford it anymore is heartbreaking to me. I know I may eventually move out one day if I get a girlfriend or whatever, but more heartbreaking for my mum than anything else.
So my question to you all is, has anyone out there reading this experienced the same sort of thing I have just described to you and if so, how did you manage to get out of it (if you did) and get your family back again? Any sort of advice or information or whatever else you can give me would be so much appreciated.
Thank you for reading and listening.
submitted by beeby8 to family [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:01 althinfos Shred Fat Fast: Can You Really Lose Weight in 30 Days?

Ever wondered, "How to lose weight in 30 days?" It's a common question with a tempting yet complex answer. While shedding massive amounts of weight quickly might sound appealing, it's crucial to understand healthy and sustainable weight loss practices. This blog post will explore realistic strategies to jumpstart your weight loss journey within 30 days and set you on the path to long-term success.
Setting Realistic Goals:
It's important to set achievable goals to avoid discouragement. Aiming to lose 1-2 pounds per week is a safe and sustainable approach recommended by health experts. This translates to a total of 4-8 pounds within 30 days, a fantastic kickstart to your weight loss journey!
Diet for Weight Loss:
Your diet plays a central role in weight loss. Focus on a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. These foods are packed with essential nutrients and fiber, keeping you feeling full for longer and reducing cravings. Lean protein sources like fish, chicken, or beans are also crucial for building muscle mass, which helps boost metabolism.
Reduce Processed Foods, Sugary Drinks, and Unhealthy Fats:
Processed foods are often loaded with unhealthy fats, added sugars, and sodium, all contributing to weight gain. Sugary drinks like soda and juice are high in empty calories and can sabotage your weight loss efforts. Similarly, unhealthy fats found in fried foods and processed meats can increase your risk of chronic diseases.
Increase Activity Level:
Exercise is another vital component of weight loss. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week. This doesn't have to be strenuous. Activities like brisk walking, jogging, swimming, or cycling are excellent choices. Even incorporating short bursts of activity throughout the day, like taking the stairs or doing jumping jacks during commercials, can make a difference.
Stay Hydrated:
Drinking plenty of water throughout the day is crucial for weight loss. Water keeps you feeling full, reduces calorie intake, and aids digestion. Aim for eight glasses of water daily or adjust based on your individual needs.
Prioritize Sleep:
Getting enough sleep is often overlooked when it comes to weight loss. When sleep-deprived, your body produces more ghrelin, a hunger hormone, and less leptin, a hormone that signals satiety. Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night to regulate your hormones and support weight loss efforts.
Mindful Eating:
Mindful eating practices can significantly impact your weight loss journey. Pay attention to hunger and fullness cues. Eat slowly, savor your food, and avoid distractions while eating. This allows your body to register satiety signals and prevents overeating.
IV. Conclusion:
Losing weight in 30 days can be a fantastic kickstart to your weight loss journey. Remember, consistency and healthy habits are key to long-term success. Don't get discouraged if the scale doesn't move as quickly as you'd like – focus on progress, not perfection. By incorporating these strategies into your routine, you'll be well on your way to achieving your weight loss goals!
Looking for more in-depth articles on healthy weight loss strategies? Explore our blog for a wealth of information on how to lose weight in 30 days. Additionally, check out our product reviews for how to lose weight in 30 days to find tools and resources to support your goals!
submitted by althinfos to althealthinfos [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:01 FelicitySmoak_ Tuesday, May 21, 2013 - Jackson v. AEG Live Day 15

Tuesday, May 21, 2013 - Jackson v. AEG Live Day 15
Trial Day 15
Katherine, Rebbie and Trent Jackson are at court.
LA Times reported that the Jacksons offered a settlement.
Kevin Boyle , a lawyer for Katherine Jackson and Michael's kids , said they offered to settle the lawsuit against AEG, but that they never got an answer. Kevin Boyle said the family made the offers in January & March. Boyle would not provide details but said AEG's insurance would have paid, which means they could have settled the case without them paying a dime of their money. He said AEG has never offered to settle & they haven't apologized.
Marvin Putnam, an attorney for AEG, said it was inappropriate to discuss settlement discussions:
"We don't settle matters that are utterly baseless. We believe that is the case in this matter. I can't see why we would consider a settlement as anything other than a shakedown"
CNN Reports there was a snack controversy during trial: AEG lawyers gave a bag of peppermint candy to the bailiff to hand out to the jury this week. Even Katherine Jackson enjoyed the treat but Jackson's lawyer raised an objection, suggesting jurors might be influenced if they realized the source of the sweets. A compromise was reached. Each side can provide snacks for jurors, but they'll be placed at the bailiff's desk before jurors enter court so they have no clue who brought it.
Shawn Trell Testimony
Jackson direct
AEG Live General Counsel, Shawn Trell, told jurors that he had forgotten that Kenny Ortega was working under a signed contract.
Trell said he met with his attorneys last night and reviewed one doc -- Kenny Ortega's contract.
"He had a written contract," Trell said. "I remember the email dynamic. I'm not too proud to admit that I didn't recall the cover contract," Trell said he was changing his previous testimony to add that Ortega had a written contract, not only emails between him and AEG
Next topic was Insurance: Cancellation/Non-Appearance/Sickness. Trell said he started working on insurance for the tour in November of 2008. Panish showed several chains of emails where the parties talked about the insurance for the tour
Email from Bob Taylor insurance broker to Trell on 1/7/09:
"Prior to speaking with carriers we ask the artist to attend medical with a doctor...A full medical with both blood/urine tests. The doctor also wants to review the medical records over the last 5 years to ensure full disclosure. Insurers require further medical examination to be carried out by their nominated doctor. They may restrict illness coverage or death from illness coverage until this examination has taken place"
Email from 4/30/09 - Wooley to Trell :
"We have no coverage against Michael sickness unless and until he submits to another medical in London
Email from 5/28/09 - Trell to Taylor:
"We really need to get that medical done"
Email from 6/23/09 - Trell to Taylor :
"Any update on the availability of Term insurance?" (life insurance)
Trell said if they secured life insurance, they would get money if Michael died.
"We would get the money owed to us, yes," Trell testified.
Trell also said he continued discussions with an insurance broker about additional coverage to recoup AEG Live's investment if the tour had to be canceled.
Email from 6/24/09 -Taylor to Trell :
"Insurers have refused to move on this. Huge amount of speculation in the media regarding artist's health. They feel if they're to consider providing illness to cover this particular artist, they must have very through medical report"
Email from 6/25/09 - Gongaware to Taylor :
"If we don't get sickness coverage, we are dropping this policy"
Email from 6/25/09 - Taylor to Gongaware :
"The consultation in London is critical. The doctor is holding the afternoon of the 6th July open at Harley St. But keep in mind the visit could take 2 hours plus"
Next topic: Budget/Costs. Panish showed an email from AEG's Rick Webking to Michael's estate with 1st report of artist advances/expenses. This was a letter sent to the estate containing the expenses incurred, Trell said.
"It seems to me we submitted this report for their review, I don't see any request for payment," Trell said.
Trell said he spoke with Randy Phillips and Paul Gongaware about Michael's physical condition prior to coming to testify.
"I had heard about rehearsals in which Mr. Jackson was fantastic," Trell said
Trell said he's aware of email from Ortega saying doctor was not allowing Michael to attend rehearsal on June 14, 2009.
"I was aware of the doctor not allowing him to attend rehearsal," Trell said
Email from 6/17/09 from Phillips:
"...Ortega, Gongaware, Dileo, and his doctor Conrad from Vegas and I have an intervention with him to get him to focus and come to rehearsal"
Email from 6/17/09 from Gongaware to Phillip's assistant:
"We need a physical therapist and a nutritionist"
Email from Production Manager - Gongaware/Phillips on 6/19/09 :
"Paul/Randy I'm not bring a drama queen here. Kenny asked me to notify you both Michael was sent home without stepping foot on stage. He was a basket case and Kenny was concerned he would embarrass himself on stage, or worse yet, be hurt. The company is rehearsing right now, but the DOUBT is pervasive"
Email from Randy Phillips to Tim Leiweke on 6/19/09 :
"We have a huge problem here."
"I think he recognized there was a problem on the 19th," Trell said. "I would take it seriously, as I believe Mr. Phillips did."
Trell agreed with a statement by plaintiff's attorney, Brian Panish, that company executives knew by then there was a "deep issue" with Jackson
Does Trell consider that exchange a "red flag" that AEG Live should have noticed, Panish asked.
"I would take it seriously, as I believe Mr. Phillips did," Trell answered. "I don't know I would use the word 'red flag'
One of the emails shown to the jury was from Jackson estate co-executor John Branca, sent 5 days before Jackson's death & marked 'confidential':
"I have the right therapist/spiritual advisosubstance abuse counselor who could help (recently helped Mike Tyson get sober and paroled) Do we know whether there is a substance issue involved (perhaps better discussed on the phone)
The email was sent the same day that a meeting was held at Jackson's home with Murray. No further info given to jury.
Trell said Mr. Phillips never told him about this email
Email from Ortega to Randy Phillips on 6/20/09: (chain of emails)
"I honestly don't think he is ready for this based on his continued physical weakening and deepening emotional state"
Trell said he didn't see these emails. He said he spoke with Randy Phillips about Phillips' perception of Michael, in order to prepare for testifying, but not about specific emails. Trell has been designated as the most qualified person to speak on behalf of AEG
Email from Phillips to Gongaware on 6/20/09 at 1:52 am :
"Tim and I are going to see him tomorrow, however, I'm not sure what the problem is Chemical or Physiological?"
From Gongaware to Phillips, on 6/20/09 at 5:59 am :
"Take the doctor with you. Why wasn't he there last night?"
From Phillips to Gongaware, on 6/20/09 at 2:01 pm :
"He is not a psychiatrist so I'm not sure how effective he can be at this point obviously, getting him there is not the issue. It is much deeper"
Trell said Randy Phillips went to a handful of rehearsals, three at the Forum and two at Staples Center. The head of the marketing department attended rehearsal on June 23, 2009.
"She was blown away by it," Trell testified.
He said he was unaware of issues with Jackson at rehearsals.
"I knew of no problems with Michael Jackson at all",Trell testified.
Trell said he never saw the emails from Phillips directing people to exclude images from This Is It of Michael looking "skeletal" while rehearsing.
"What were his observations of Michael's physical condition during rehearsal," Trell said. "I asked for his (Phillips) personal opinion."
Next line of questioning is about human resources and background checks. Trell said they can be valuable and useful tools when hiring. Background check costs around $40 to $125. Trell said AEG Live could afford this fee. "We don't do background checks on independent contractors," Trell said. Trell said he was involved in the hiring by AEG Live for the This Is It tour. His department was responsible for retaining independent contractors. Trell said he is not familiar with background check process for hiring.
"I am not familiar with the process of doing background checks," Trell said. "No training."

Panish: "There was no hiring criteria for the This Is It tour, correct?"
Trell: "Not to my knowledge"
Trell testified that when it comes to independent contractors, they have either worked with the artists, AEG or known in the industry. Trell agreed that no background check was done on anyone working on the This Is It tour. AEG Live General Counsel Shawn Trell told jurors that no legal or financial checks were done involving Conrad Murray or anyone else who worked as an independent contractor on the This Is It shows.
Depending on the nature of the position, a background could be done, Trell said, like for potential employees in the financial area. Trell said he thought a background check would be appropriate for people working in financial roles, but not tour personnel who weren't employees of AEG
As to independent contractors, Trell said there's no supervision and monitoring like there's for employees
Panish: "You don't do anything to check into background, supervise or protect the artist?"
Trell: "No, safety is a concern"
Trell said that AEG did not hire Murray, that the doctor was like many independent contractors,
"When they leave the environment, what they do on their own time is their own business"
Trell testified he doesn't believe the artist is more at risk because AEG Live doesn't do background checks
"We did nothing to monitor Dr. Murray," Trell said. "We did not monitor whatever it was that he was doing, no."
"It called for Michael Jackson being able to terminate Dr. Murray at will," Trell said about the contract. "If the concerts didn't go forward, and he was terminated under this provision, Dr. Murray would not be paid going forward," Trell explained
As to Dr Murray being under dire financial straits, Trell said that he doesn't know if he agrees with it, everyone's perception is different
Trell: "I certainly wasn't aware of it at the time"
Panish: "Because you didn't check, right?"
Trell: "That's right"
"I don't think conflict of interests are a good thing, and we would want to prevent it," Trell said
Email from Kathy Jorie to Shawn Trell on 6/24/09 at 12:54 am:
Subject: Revised agreement with GCA Holdings/Dr. MurrayIt had two attachments Attachments: Revised Michael Jackson -AEG GCA Holdings Murray Agreement 6-18-09 Final MJ -- AEG GCA Holdings Agreement (Dr. Murray) 6-23-09
Email chain from 6/23/09, 5:39pm from Jorrie to Wooley, Murray
Subject: RE: Michael Jackson - Revised Agreement with GCA Holdings/Dr. Murray Email:
"I have redlined the Word version so that you can see all of the revisions. In addition, I've attached clean PDF version for execution" (The email says that if Dr. Murray approved it, he was to print it, sign and send it back to Jorrie)

Panish: "Did Ms. Jorrie call this contract a draft?"
Trell: "She called it a Final Version"
"Every document is a draft until it is executed," Trell said.
Panish showed emails exchanged among AEG executives that contained drafts of Murray's contract. Although Murray had signed a contract with the company, neither Jackson nor anyone from AEG had added their signatures. Trell testified that a copy of the contract had never been sent to Jackson
With Trell on the stand, Panish played part of an interview that AEG Live President Randy Phillips gave to Sky News television soon after Michael's death.
"This guy was willing to leave his practice for a very large sum of money, so we hired him," Phillips said.
Panish also showed jurors an e-mail between AEG lawyers suggesting that Phillips told other interviewers AEG Live "hired" Murray.
Panish: "Isn't it true that Randy Phillips made numerous comments that AEG Live hired Dr. Murray?"
Trell: "I know he has made that statement"
Panish said AEG higher-ups became concerned after Phillips made such admission. Trell said he didn't know if that was true. Bruce Black is the General Counsel for parent company of AEG and AEG Live. Michael Roth is AEG's media relations
Email from Kathy Jorrie to Bruce Black and Michael Roth on 8/25/09:
Subject: AEG Live president says AEG Live hired Dr. Conrad Murray
Panish shows Trell a deposition, under oath, given by insurance broker Bob Taylor on another case. Trell said he has never seen or read it. Trell denied having a telephone conversation with Mr. Taylor where Trell asked him if a doctor's compensation was covered in the insurance.
Panish: "Does that refresh your recollection that AEG was employing Dr. Murray?"
Trell: "Mr. Taylor has this completely wrong"
After lunch break, Brian Panish asked if Shawn Trell wanted to change anything else in his testimony, to which he said "No"
Bruce Black, attorney for Anschutz, was present in the meeting with LAPD. Trell met with the police on 1/12/10. Trell told the police that day that Dr. Murray would receive $150,000 compensation per month. Trell also said that Dr. Murray requested and AEG would provide necessary medical equipment and a nurse. More than five months after Jackson's death, Trell said, he informed LAPD detectives that Murray initially requested $5 million to join the tour but eventually agreed to a salary of $150,000 a month for 10 months.
Panish: "As far as you know, all the agreements written for TII tour was done under AEG Live Productions, right?"
Trell: "Yes"
Panish: "Was Dr. Murray trying to help AEG get insurance?"
Trell: "The policy was in both names, so he was helping both parties"
Trell said Dennis Hawk, who represented Michael, was in touch with Taylor regarding the insurance
Panish: "As of June 2009, you don't even know whether Mr. Jackson had a personal manager
working for him, right?"
Trell: "Well, my understanding at the time there were a couple of people acting in that capacity"
Email on 6/2/09 from Randy Phillips to Jeff Wald:
"Jeff, remember getting Michael to focus is not the easiest thing in the world and we still have no lawyer, business manager, or, even real manager in place. It is a nightmare!"
Trell said the only time he saw an artist's signature required to retain an independent contractor was for Dr. Murray. Trell said his understanding was that Dr. Murray worked for Michael for 3 years; didn't know how many times MJ saw Dr. Murray.
"I've never spoken with Dr. Murray ever. And I met/spoke with Mr. Jackson once," Trell said.

"He was a significant expense," Trell testified about Dr. Murray.
Trell said AEG Live didn't do anything to check Dr. Murray's competency as doctor, other than checking his physician license. Trell said AEG didn't do anything to determine Dr. Murray's financial conditions in 2009.
Jury was shown an email that Phillips sent to Kenny Ortega on night of June 20, 2009. It was email urging Ortega to stand down.
Email on 6/20/09 Phillips to Ortega :
"Kenny it's critical that neither you, me, anyone around this show become amateur psychiatrist/physicians. I had a lengthy conversation with Dr. Murray, who I am gaining immense respect for as I get to deal with him more. He said that Michael is not only physically equipped to perform & discouraging him to will hasten his decline instead of stopping it. Dr. Murray also reiterated that he is mentally able to and was speaking to me from the house where he had spent the morning with Michael. This doctor is extremely successful (we check everyone out) and does not need this gig so he is totally unbiased and ethical"
Panish asked Trell whether Phillips "characterization to Ortega, given no background check was done, was a lie". Trell responded that he didn't know what Phillips knew or was thinking when he wrote that email to Ortega. Trell also said he expected Randy Phillips to testify at some point during the trial, so he could address the email himself
Panish then asked Trell, "Sir, you never checked out one single thing about Dr. Murray -- you've already told me that, correct?"
"As of the date of the email, that would've been correct",Trell said.
When pressed by Panish, Trell said that Phillips' statement that Murray had been checked out, along with the executive's claim that the doctor 'does not need this gig' were inaccurate.
"I don't know where Randy's understanding or impression comes from", Trell said.
Trell testified that Phillips might have been "misinformed" or simply was stating his impression of the Las Vegas cardiologist
Panish: "But no one at AEG checked Dr. Murray to see if he was successful or not, isn't that true?"
Trell: "Yes"
Panish then asked several pointed questions about whether Shawn Trell agreed with Phillips telling Ortega they'd checked Murray out. One of Panish's questions was whether Trell thought Phillips' email was 'acceptable conduct'
Panish called Phillips' statement "a flat out lie" and asked Trell whether he agreed with it or if it signified how AEG did business. Trell said he didn't know what Phillips thought he knew when he wrote the message.
"I know this statement is not accurate, but you'd have to speak with Mr. Phillips about what he thought or meant in saying it," Trell said.

Panish: "That's a flat out lie, isn't it sir?"
Trell: "I don't know what Mr. Phillips intended to say, this should be a question to him"
Panish: "You don't know if he was successful or facing bankruptcy, did you?"
Trell: "No"
Trell: "I know the statement is not accurate. You have to speak with Mr. Phillips about what he meant to say"
Panish: "Do you agree with the CEO of your company making untrue statements?"
Trell: "I don't know that he didn't know it wasn't true when he said it"
Trell said Phillips never told him that he checked Dr. Murray out. As to reference in Phillips' email about Dr. Murray being unbiased, ethical, not needing this gig, Trell said it was Phillips' impressions. He said AEG typically only runs background checks on candidates applying for full-time jobs with AEG, not independent contractors.
Panish: "Isn't it true AEG Live does not do background check on independent contractors?"
Trell: "That's true"
Trell said that no one from AEG interviewed Dr. Murray because he was an independent contractor.
"Did anyone from AEG ever at any time interview Dr. Murray", asked Brian Panish
"No", Trell replied.
Panish showed a document used by AEG entitled "Disclosure and Authorization to Conduct Background Check". Doc is used for employment, promotion, retention, contingent or the rate staffing, consulting, sub-contract work, or volunteer work. Panish asked if there was any reason why Dr. Murray was not given a background check.
"He wasn't an employee, he wasn't applying for a full time position with the company," Trell explained.
Trell said theoretically they could've asked to check Dr. Murray's background and credit.
AEG Cross
Jessica Bina began her examination by showing the letter submitted by AEG's CFO to the Estate of Michael Jackson for their review. She asked Shawn Trell about the estimate presented to Jackson's estate that included Murray's $300k fees. She asked why it was prepared. Shawn Trell said it was done at the request of the estate. He said Jackson's estate wanted to know state of tour finances when Jackson died. Trell said the report was requested by the Estate after a series of meetings after Michael's death.
"The purpose of the meeting was to wind up the business affairs of the tour due to Michael's death", Trell said. "It was my understating in June Tohme was back in the picture in some capacity. I'm not sure which, Mr. DiLeo was in it too," Trell said
Bina: "Is there any request for payment?"
Trell: "No, there's no demand for payment, it's for review"
Stebbins Bina asked about the inclusion of Murray's fee in the document. Bina showed the report that was attached to the letter. Murray's fee on the document had a footnote. Trell read what that footnote said, and explained why estate wasn't asked for Murray's fee. Next to "Management Medical" there's a reference to footnote 3.
Note 3: 'Contract is not signed by Michael Jackson and such signature was condition precedent to any payment obligation' - Footnote on Murray fee.
Trell testified Webking, the CFO for AEG, did not ask Michael's Estate for payment of Dr. Murray's salary
"You testified you were somewhat confused (by the inclusion of the $300,000)?", Bina asked Trell as she projected the list, dated July 17, 2009, on a screen for jurors.
"Do you see there's something in parentheses?', Stebbins Bina asked, zooming in to blow up a footnote from AEG CFO Frederick Webking that stated Michael Jackson never signed Murray's contract, so its terms were not enforceable.
"Is Mr. Webking asking the estate to pay?", Stebbins Bina asked Trell. "No", he replied, explaining that upon reflection he believed Mr. Webking was just being 'thorough' by including the $300,000 as a budgeted cost.
"Did Mr. Webking make a mistake as you thought yesterday?",she asked.
"No, he did not", Trell answered
Second report made to the Estate on 9/18/09, there was no amount next to management medical. Stebbins Bina then showed a Sept. 2009 report of This Is It's finances to Michael Jackson's estate. Murray's fee is not listed in that document
Trell went through his job description with AEG. He said he has five lawyers in his department and has worked on thousands of agreements. Trell explained what PMK is -- Person Most Knowledgeable, identified by the company to testify on its behalf. Trell said he didn't know about all the topics he was designated, so he had to do some studying and interviews with people
As to Ortega's contract, Trell said he was aware of a string of emails being at least a part of the original agreement with Kenny.
"When we were done here yesterday, I looked at Kenny Ortega's original agreement," Trell said.
Trell noted he hadn't looked at Ortega's agreement since it was entered into in 2009. Before the afternoon break, Trell and jury were shown Kenny Ortega's tour agreement. It was signed in April 2009. The agreement was three pages of legalese, with several pages of emails attached that confirmed the terms. The first three pages included some paragraphs that described who owned the rights to This Is It content. A large number of emails are part of the agreement as exhibits. Trell said he recalled the emails exchange and admitted again not being proud of forgetting the cover contract portion. Bina showed Ortega's executed contract with everyone's signature on it. Trell said Kenny Ortega was paid after his contract was signed.
Trell, Phillips and Kathy Jorrie were involved in drafting and negotiating the contract with Michael Jackson. For MJ, Trell said Dr. Tohme Tohme and attorneys Dennis Hawk and Peter Lopez represented him. He said there were multiple drafts.
"It's my understanding they were talking to, or at least receiving offers from, a competitive of ours, Live Nation," Trell said.
Trell also said that before signing an agreement with AEG, Jackson had been considering a tour offer from its main competitor, Live Nation.
Bina showed the jury the final tour agreement. Trell said he went to MJ's home at Carolwood to sign it. Upon arrival, Trell said Mr. Jackson got up from where he was seated, and said 'Hi, welcome, I'm Michael." Trell said it was pretty funny, since he was a very distinct person. Trell said they shook hands, he had a good firm handshake and his voice was not what people think
"He popped up, came over, introduced himself, was very cordial, there was a real positive energy, good vibe in the room," Trell said. "He seemed genuinely enthused," Trell added. "He had the contract in front of him, said he read every page, seemed very enthused." Trell said they all signed it and Mr. Jackson was really keen on the 3-D stuff, that he was already down the road in his mind. "I was probably there just a little less than an hour. And that was the only time I met him," Trell recalled.
Bina discussed the contract for the tour agreement:
A first class performance by Artist at each show on each of the approved itineraries. Contract:
Artist shall perform no less than 80 minutes at each show, and the maximum show length for each show shall be 3.5 hours. Artist shall approve a sufficient number of shows on itineraries proposed by promoter or producer as to recoup the advances made.
Trell said compensation was agreed on 90-10 split. Artist received 90% of what's defined contingent compensation.
Trell explained to jury how concerts get paid for. One scenario is artist pays for production up front. A second scenario is that the promoter gives artist an advance, and then they use the money to put together the show. The third option, Trell said, is the artist pays someone like AEG Live to produce and promote the show, with costs to come out of their pay. Trell called the second and third option like an interest-free loan. In Jackson's case, AEG agreed to a 90/10 split of show's proceeds. Jackson would have received the 90% portion, Trell said. Jackson was also on the hook for a 5% production fee
AEG Live was promoter & producer.
"We advanced the money necessary to mount the tour," Trell explained. "It's interest free money".
Trell testified that Jackson's advance, which covered his $100,000-a-month rent on his mansion and a $3-million payment to settle a lawsuit that would free up his performance rights, was considered a loan to be paid back to AEG.
Part of the advance was to pay off the settlement agreement of $3 million in London court. The underlying dispute was that a company owned the rights for Jackson's live performance.
"The rights needed to be freed up," Trell said.
The advances were to be paid back to AEG Live before the split of revenue. Production Advances were capped to $7.5 million. Contract:
Artist was responsible for all the production costs in excess of the cap and had to reimburse promoter.
"Michael Jackson was known to have very elaborate productions," Trell said. "Production values can get significant, for lack of a better word, it really depends on how many bells and whistles they want," Trell said.
Trell said AEG would not advance money without the artist requesting it.
Trell said it's not only typical and customary, but standard and artist needs to secure either non-appearance or cancellation insurance. Their interest in the policy, Trell said, was to cover the advances and production costs incurred with the production of the show.
"If the were no obligations to AEG, the payout would go back to the artist", Trell explained, "It just recoups our loan made to the artist."
Trell was also asked about elements of tour insurance policies and an agreement with former manager Tohme Tohme. Jackson's contract called for him to represent to AEG that he didn't have any health conditions that would keep him from performing.
Artistco hereby represents and warrants that artist does not possess any known health conditions, injuries or ailments that would reasonable be expected to interfere with Artist's first class performance at each of the shows during the term
Oh Tohme's $100k per month agreement, Trell was shown a January contract that Jackson signed to pay that amount. However, Trell said Tohme's agreement was predicated on Jackson getting tour cancellation insurance by a certain date. Deadline passed and by that point Tohme was no longer Jackson's manager, so he wasn't entitled to be paid his monthly fee.
January 24, 2009 -- agreement entered with Dr. Tohme Tohme. Trell said Michael was involved and signed this agreement. "This agreement was entered into January 26, Trell testified.
"There are conditions that needed to be met before any payment could be made."
One of the the conditions was placement of non-appearance insurance, Trell said. That placement was done in late April, early May. In May, AEG received letter from MJ saying Tohme didn't rep him anymore.
"No payments were ever made under this agreement," Trell explained.
Court Transcript
Rebbie Jackson attending court
submitted by FelicitySmoak_ to WhereWasMJToday [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:30 Dr_Nithya_gyn Period mood swings: Why they happen and how to manage them

Period mood swings: Why they happen and how to manage them
Premenstrual syndrome, or PMS, is a familiar foe for many women. It's that time of the month when emotions swing like a pendulum, cravings go wild, and fatigue sets in like a heavy fog. While some experience mild PMS symptoms, others face a more intense version called PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) leading up to their period.
This blog focuses on PMS and PMDD, offering knowledge and comfort for women experiencing these cyclical changes. and provides guidance on when to seek professional advice from Obstetrics and gynecology services.
Understanding the Why Behind the What
The exact cause of PMS remains a mystery, but it's likely a combination of hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle. As ovulation approaches and progesterone levels dip, our bodies can experience physical and emotional changes.
The Spectrum of PMS Symptoms:
PMS symptoms can vary from woman to woman, both in intensity and duration. However, some common culprits include
Mood swings: Feeling irritable, anxious, or tearful for no apparent reason.
Tender breasts: Increased sensitivity and pain in the breasts.
Food cravings: An intense desire for specific foods, often sugary or salty.
Fatigue: Feeling drained and lacking energy.
Bloating: A feeling of abdominal fullness and puffiness.
Headaches: Experiencing headaches more frequently during the premenstrual phase.
Difficulty concentrating: Having trouble focusing and completing tasks.
Sleep disturbances: Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.
PMDD: When PMS Takes Center Stage
PMDD is a more severe form of PMS, affecting an estimated 5% of women. It involves the same PMS symptoms but at a much more intense level. These symptoms can significantly disrupt daily life, causing emotional distress and impacting relationships
Living with PMS: Self-Care Strategies for Relief
The good news is there are ways to manage PMS symptoms and find relief. Here are some self-care strategies to consider:
  • Search a Healthy Diet: Opt for whole foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. Limit processed foods, caffeine, and sugary treats, which can worsen symptoms.
  • Prioritize Sleep: Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night. Establishing a regular sleep schedule can help regulate your hormones and boost energy levels.
  • Exercise Regularly: Regular physical activity, even moderate exercise like brisk walking, can significantly improve mood, reduce stress, and combat fatigue.
  • Manage Stress: Practice relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises to counter PMS-induced anxiety.
  • Track Your Cycle: Keeping a menstrual calendar can help you identify patterns in your symptoms and anticipate PMS flare-ups.
  • Connect with Others: Talking to friends, family, or a therapist can provide support and understanding. Don't hesitate to confide in your partner about your PMS experiences.
Beyond the Blog: When to Seek Professional Help
It's important to remember that PMS shouldn't rule your life. If your symptoms are severe or significantly disrupt your work, relationships, or daily activities, consult a healthcare professional. They can help you determine the best course of action, whether it's further exploring lifestyle changes or considering medications like:
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): This type of therapy can help you identify and change negative thought patterns that contribute to PMS-related distress.
  • Antidepressants: In some cases, low-dose antidepressants can help regulate mood swings and improve emotional well-being during PMS.
  • Hormonal Therapy: Hormonal birth control pills or other hormonal medications can be prescribed to manage hormonal fluctuations that trigger PMS symptoms. It's important to discuss your medical history with your doctor to determine the best course of action.
Remember, You're Not Alone
PMS and PMDD are common experiences. By understanding these conditions, adopting self-care practices, and seeking professional help when needed, you can navigate the premenstrual phase with more ease and control. Open communication with your partner and support network can also create a more understanding environment during this time.
Taking Charge of Your Cycle
PMS doesn't have to define you. With knowledge, self-care, and potential medical support, you can manage your symptoms effectively and live a fulfilling life throughout your menstrual cycle.
submitted by Dr_Nithya_gyn to u/Dr_Nithya_gyn [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:49 The_Naked_Buddhist A Deep Dive into the political beliefs of Aon Tu, as presented via their Twitter accounts. Presented without comment.

Lately, both in person and on this sub, I have seen a worrying amount of misinformation spreading about the political party Aon Tu. This misinformation either states that they are a left/liberal party or that they are not right/conservative. This is however clearly wrong as any amount of inspection of their statements and social media makes clear; any clear dive into their policies and statements make it clear that they are instead very right wing, if not far right. They use the many familiar terms associated with similar parties, hold the same stances, and even retweet them and their content.
In order to illustrate this below I am presenting the various tweets made by Peadar Tóibín (the current leader of the party, their founder, and currently sole elected official) as well as their official twitter account. I have limited it solely to tweets due to time and space constraints, I have also had to limit the amount of tweets due to the same constraints There is more and I strongly encourage anyway to check their accounts for themselves. If there is interest I can do a deep dive into their other socials and statements, however I do not think there is a way to access the backlog of debates they have had on RTE and radio unfortunately. I believe this thread will stand on it's own however and other such threads won't be needed.
I will present the below tweets without comment, sorting them only into sections for ease of reading. Some may contain a note below in order to give more context as to what the tweet is referencing. The one section I did not include was the various tweets on the referendum, this is because due to recency I did not think it was needed.
Edit: Fixed some formatting errors below that escaped notice when first posting, as well as one entry being under the wrong heading.
Vaccine Denial:
Tweeted by Aon Tu; 12/07/2021
Aontú opposes vaccine Passports for indoor Hospitality.
Its discrimination against many people mostly the young.
Its mandatory vaccination through the back door.
Again the Irish Gov is alone in the whole of Europe in the extreme path it's taking.
Tweeted by Toibin; 17/10/2021
99.7% of the adult population in Waterford is fully vaccinated, yet it has one of the highest Covid-19 incidence rates in the country.
The truth is the Gov don't know why this is happening.
Now they will refuse entry to pubs to 0.3% unvaccinated to see does that work. #NPHET
Tweeted by Toibin; 10/01/2022
No, it's not April Fools day.
That people being paid by the state are actually discussing this is incredible.
FF/FG/Greens need to knock this madness on the head ASAP.
Note: Linked news article can be found here; Nphet to consider mandatory vaccination, department preparing paper on legal and ethical aspects
Tweeted by Toibin; 12/10/2022
I have submitted this question;
To ask the Minister for Health, has he or his department ever received any data, evidence or information from Pfizer that indicates that that the Pfizer Covid Vaccine was ever tested in terms of its ability to stop the transmission of Covid?
Anti Covid Lockdown:
Tweeted by Toibin; 15/11/2020
480 people got Cancer today.
24 people died of Cancer today
27 people died of Heart Disease and Stroke today.
This will hardly get a mention in the media today.
Tweeted by Toibin; 13/05/2021
8 deaths related to Covid were reported yesterday.
We share our deepest sympathies with these families.
The manner in which Covid deaths are being reported is concerning.
They were all from March or earlier.
Reporting them yesterday gives people a false impression of risk.
Tweeted by Toibin; 26/05/2021
The majority of people who died from Covid caught Covid in a Nursing Home or a Hospital.
So while the whole country was shut closed most people died in locations that were run by or regulated by the government.
This is an incredible situation.
Note: A video is attached.
Tweeted by Toibin; 05/06/2021
All the the people with Covid in Hospital in Ireland would fit on 1 Double Decker Bus.
Yet people were baton charged in Dublin last night and
Pubs and Restaurants wont open indoors for another month.
#ItsTimeForCommonSense #OpenHospitality #southwilliamst #Aontú
Tweeted by Toibin; 14/07/2021
The Government's Hospitality Discrimination Bill has passed all stages in the Dáil after only a few hours of debate.
It will be now legal to discriminate against certain Irish citizens.
A sad day for Ireland.
Note: The bill which has a picture taken of it in the tweet can be read here.
Tweeted by Aon Tu; 30/10/2021
Some citizens are allowed into pubs.
Some citizens are not.
It's stunning that this has happened in the 21st century.
It's stunning that so much of society has just accepted it.
Worst of all, it's not even working.
Tweeted by Toibin; 24/11/2021
I have recieved information that the Goverment,
has carried out NO scientific research into the effectiveness or otherwise of the Covid Pass.
At all.
#FollowTheScience #TheySaid
Tweeted by Toibin; 17/12/2021
Are the Gov going to say that a healthy young person thats triple vaccinated along with their Covid Pass can't have a pint after 5pm.
What's the point of it all so?
Tweeted by Toibin; 21/01/2022
Very interesting to see Nphet and the Dept of Health go from researching Mandatory Vaccines to lifting restrictions in 10 days!
Anti LGBT:
Tweeted by Aon Tu; 24/10/2022
Women live in period poverty just a few miles from the Dáil.
Instead of helping them,
your virtual signalling political establishment
put a tampon machine in the men's toilet in the Dáil.
Tweeted by Toibin; 16/02/2023
Plans by FF, FG & Greens to change the law to allow 16 year olds to legally change gender, against advice of medical experts,
shows how completely alienated the political bubble is from the people of Ireland.
Aontú will oppose this and seek a return to commonsense and science.
Tweeted by Aon Tu; 05/03/2023
When Minister O Gorman refused redress to many who had been in Mother and Baby Homes because of the 'lack of money', he raided hundreds of thousands from the Magdalene Scheme and Travellers supports & diverted the funding towards the LGBTQ+ Community.
Note: There is an article linked in the tweet, about an accusation made by Toibin. Read it here
Tweeted by Aon Tu; 06/03/2023
Varadkar is wrong. 9 &10 year old children are too young to be taught about transgenderism. We have a duty of care to children.
No research has been has been carried out on the impact of such education.
Tweeted by Toibin; 07/03/2023
I've asked the Minister for Ed what research has the Dept of Education carried out
on the impact on primary school children of delivering material on Transgenderism to them in the classroom?
We've a duty of care to children.
Education should be based on evidence not ideology.
Tweeted by Aon Tu; 08/03/2023
Tóibín asked Varadkar if his Gov had carried out any research as to the impact on 8 & 9 year old children of teaching about transgenderism in primary school.
Leo refused to answer the question.
Radical changes are being introduced against majority consent.
Note: There is an attached video.
Tweeted by Aon Tu; 15/03/2023
Many people have been shocked by Paul Murphy's announcement.
But what's more shocking is that FF, FG, SF and the Greens,
are on exactly the same page as the hard left parties on teaching this ideology in every primary school in the country.
Tweeted by Toibin; 21/05/2023
This is incredible. All the actual crime that is happening on our streets and Gardaí are wasting time like this.
Even though there was no arrest here, this harassment creates a clear chilling effect on free speech and political discourse.
Note: There is an attached video in the tweet retweeted by Toibin, in it a Gardai is holding a polite conversation with an American holding a sign against "Gender Ideology." In their Twitter bio they describe themselves; "Father of two girls. Traveling the world to expose gender ideology and why children cannot consent to medical transition."
Tweeted by Aon Tu; 07/07/2023
Growing concern among parents that the new curriculum for 12 & 13 years in school is not age appropriate & is not science based.
Gender identity ideology is now mandatory for schools & thousands of parents will have no option but to withdraw their child from class.
Note: This article is linked on the topic of a statement made by Toibin.
Tweeted by Aon Tu; 23/07/2023
This is why so many are angry with the Minister for Culture Wars, Helen McEntee.
Homicides are up, murder attempts are up, rape & sexual assaults are up, theft is up. Yet....
Gardaí management are focused on allowing male born Gardaí use women’s toilets.
Note: There is an attached article; here
Tweeted by Aon Tu; 28/09/2023
The Green Party are becoming increasingly authoritarian in nature.
If you dissent from government sanctioned views, you will be investigated.
This is the opposite of a liberal democracy.
Note: There is a linked article; it pertains to an investigation by the IABA into the usage of their premises by a "Christian Group" advocating for the removal of all LGBT+ content from the SPHE curriculum.
Tweeted by Toibin; 14/03/2024
It is reckless beyond belief to give dangerous chemicals and irreversible surgery to children with gender dysphoria.
This must be made illegal in Ireland immediately.
Note: Includes a retweet of this news article.
Anti Hatespeech bill:
Tweeted by Aon Tu; 15/06/2023
Helen McEntee has become the Minister for Culture Wars.
Incredibly Varadkar accused PBP of being a threat to Free Speech.
FG, FF & the Greens are the biggest threat to free speech.
Note: There is a link article here.
Tweeted by Toibin; 26/07/2023
US gives Dublin a security warning for US citizens travelling to Ireland.
Meanwhile Minister McEntee is too busy with the Hate Speech Bill and Safe Zone Bill to worry about real people suffering actual crime.
Tweeted by Toibin; 28/03/2024
Helen McEntee is distracted by the Culture Wars.
People just want her to do her job, & make the streets safer.
Instead, she spent the last two years on a Hate Crime Bill no one wants. #BinTheBill
Note: There is an attached video.
Tweeted by Aon Tu; 15/02/2023
In the Dáil yesterday the hard left tried to close down a discussion on migration by calling people names.
This issue is too important. People have a right to respectfully ask questions and challange government policy.
Note: There is an attached video; it does not depict such name calling but rather Toibin accusing the government of name calling.
Tweeted by Aon Tu; 24/07/2023
Another day and another culture war imported by the government from America.
Note: A retweet from Gript media with an attached video.
Tweeted by Toibin; 12/03/2024
There is a battle over the narrative of the referendum defeat happening at the moment.
Some within the political & media bubble want to erase the fact that so many people have had enough of the culture wars and want the country to get back to commonsense and bread and butter.
Tweeted by Aon Tu; 19/03/2024
At a Dept of Education 'In Service' day,
their staff told secondary school teachers not to use the word 'Mother' in class as they said it was not inclusive.
They are implementing Gov policy.
Aontú disagrees wholeheartedly with this policy.
Happy Mothers Day.
Tweeted by Toibin; 10/04/2024
Says the man who seeks to delete more Irish sovereignty with the EU migration pact.
Note: A retweet from Simon Harris talking about the need to defend Ukraine's sovereignty.
Tweeted by Aon Tu; 11/04/2024
The decision by FG, FF and Green MEPs to cede the power to control immigration into Ireland to Brussels was a serious mistake. Aontú oppose this pact and will fight to retain and regain sovereignty in Europe #aontú
submitted by The_Naked_Buddhist to irishpolitics [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:01 AutoModerator Weekly book club by

This week's book club list is as follows (enjoy reading and comment which your favourite is below):

  1. The Lost Art of Compassion: Discovering the Practice of Happiness in the Meeting of Buddhism and Psychology by Lorne Ladner: Dr Lorne Ladner rescues compassion from this marginalised view, showing how its practical application in our life can be a powerful force in achieving happiness. Combining the wisdom of Tibetan Buddhism and Western psychology, Ladner presents clear, effective practices for cultivating compassion in daily living.
  2. Choosing Happiness: Keys to a Joyful Life by Alexandra Stodda: Happiness lies in the passions we pursue and in the pressures we decline. It is in knowing how to work and when to play. It is in the treasured objects we keep nearby and in the ordinary moments we elevate into small celebrations. It is in the note we write to a friend and the kindness we show a stranger. It is in the colors we love and the music that transports us. It may be as simple as sunlight on your face; as sudden as a shared smile; as sensuous as a single flower on your desk, candles on your nightstand, or cookies hot from the oven. Happiness is what you make it, where you make it. Happiness is our best choice.
  3. Health, Wealth and Happiness: You Can Control Your Destiny by David Singh: David Singh's dramatic journey from the jungles of Guyana to the helm of one of Canada's largest financial planning companies provides the backdrop for this guide to lasting happiness. Advocating wise investments, careful planning, and healthy eating choices, this inspirational book uncovers the secrets to a happier and more successful life.
  4. What All the World's A-Seeking: Or, The Vital Law of True Life, True Greatness Power and Happiness by Ralph Waldo Trine: Ralph Waldo Trine was an influential member of the New Thought movement. He was one of the first people to write about the Law of Attraction. Long before Rhonda Byrne discovered the secret that one's positive thoughts are powerful magnets that attract wealth, health, and happiness, Trine already knew it.
  5. Authentic Happiness: Using the New Positive Psychology to Realize Your Potential for Lasting Fulfillment by Martin Seligman: I have read about 80 pages and I am enjoying Seligmen's friendly, engaging writing style so far. Also, there are interesting facts about each person's 'range' of happiness being fixed on a spectrum.Great so far. Will attempt to update review when I have completed the book.
  6. Happiness Hypothesis: Putting Ancient Wisdom to the Test of Modern Science by Jonathan Haidt: Jonathon Haidt is a terrifically productive thinker about psychology. This is book is a credo and a guide book to your own happiness via an accomplished romp through the psychological literature which Haidt uses to explore the truths of ancient religion. I'm surprised it's not a wild best seller, but I think I know why - it doesn't have an singular and catchy formula for your salvation which you can learn in your lunchtime and hear about ad nauseam on late night TV infomercials. Just well written, well thought out commentary on the formula for a happy and fulfilled life distilled from the psychological literature.
  7. It's All in Your Head: Thinking Your Way to Happiness by Stephen M. Pollan, Mark Levine: If you've ever wanted to have a conversation with someone on a normal level about undoing negative thinking patterns, this book is about the closest you'll ever get in written form. The style is conversational, pragmatic, and realistic. Kind of like talking to a favorite uncle or aunt who is just "on the mark" about dealing with life. The book focuses on 8 behaviothought patterns that hinder us from being happy NOW, and provides simple, easy "exercises" to do to help overcome them. It is also one of those rare self-help books that the whole family can read, enjoy, and profit from. In my opinion, this book is better than any other I've read by Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Nathaniel Branden, and many others. If you've ever thought you can be happier, YOU CAN, and this book can help you get there.
  8. Handbook on the Economics of Happiness by Luigino Bruni, Pier Luigi Porta: This Handbook provides an unprecedented forum for discussion of the economic issues relating to happiness. It reviews the more recent literature and offers the interested reader an insight into the vast scope of the field in terms of the theory, its applications and also experimental design. The Handbook also gives substantial indications as to the future direction of research in the field, with particular regard to policy applications and developing an economics of interpersonal relations which includes reciprocity and social interaction theory.
  9. Freeing your child from negative thinking: powerful, practical strategies to build a lifetime of resilience, flexibility, and happiness by Tamar E. Chansky: This book is excellent for those who wish to embrace Food Combining i.e. what has become known as the Hay Diet. It is where one avoids mixing starch-based foods and protein-based foods in the same meal.
  10. The 7 Steps of Spiritual Intelligence: The Practical Pursuit of Purpose, Success and Happiness Volume by Richard A. Bowell: Pioneering researcher and educator Richard Bowell delivers the first and only self-help guide to the power of spiritual intelligence (SQ)-the next evolutionary stage in our pursuit of purpose, success, and happiness. He introduces the latest breakthroughs in neuro-science. Life lessons from such exceptional individuals as Nelson Mandela to Ghandi and Mother Theresa take readers on a self-guided journey to personal development and growth.
So, which one are you picking up next or have read? Let us know with a comment and upvote and share this post and our sub bodychemistry to stay tuned for more reading lists every week!
Love, marmalada
submitted by AutoModerator to bodychemistry [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:31 Toteldejesus How octogenarian Cecile Guidote-Alvarez rushed to the beauty salon to tackle West Philippine Sea

On a rainy Saturday afternoon not so long ago when internet connection was fluctuating in most homes, the 80-year-old Cecile Guidote-Alvarez, widow of the late Senator Heherson Alvarez, carrying a mini iPad, hurriedly alighted from a three-wheeled pedicab Toktok and stormed her way into a popular coffee shop in a mall in Manila.

A senior citizen in panic mode, she told the stunned baristas she’s looking for a Wi-Fi connection because she was about to interview retired Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonio Carpio via Zoom.
The coffee shop, a known world brand, has Wi-Fi exclusive to its employees, so the old lady was told to try other establishments. She went from one coffee shop to another only to be told the same, until a kind stranger led her to a well-known beauty salon with a free internet connection.
The lady salon attendant was very accommodating to the octogenarian, even typing the password on her IPad. Of course, she needed to avail herself of their salon services. Initially, she opted for a haircut, but since she needed to talk and hear clearly who she was talking to, she settled for a foot spa with pedicure.
“They lowered the volume of the piped-in music, and since there were less customers because it’s been raining all day, I was able to do my interview,” Guidote-Alvarez said.
For the next half-an-hour, the hair dressers and manicurists working with their scissors, nail clippers and cuticle removers on their customers’ hair and fingernails, listened to Carpio and Guidote-Alvarez discussed how Filipino fishermen and the Philippine Navy ships helplessly negotiate their ways in Scarborough Shoal amid the territorial disputes in the West Philippine Sea.
“They were all very nice to me. I was able to finish my interview, with newly pedicured nails,” she told The Diarist.
For those who’ve worked with Guidote-Alvarez, her steadfast, almost stubborn, nature to accomplish a task, is nothing out of the ordinary. She would improvise, find alternatives, call up friends and former students, wake them up from sleep, just to get things done.
But now, in her 80s, legally blind and nearly deaf, she has mellowed down.
Cecile Alvarez with her mentors, National Artist for Literature Alejandro Roces, Jr and Fr. James Reuter. SJ
In her twilight years, Guidote-Alvarez has been solely hosting the 57-year-old Radyo Balintataw on DZRH, one of the oldest radio stations in the Philippines, where she tackles a wide range of topics, from climate change, women’s health, theater, culture, dance, to current issues, apart from playing old recordings of classic radio plays she produced and directed, dating back to the late ‘80s.
She shared with how she started and continues to host one of the longest running advocacy programs on AM Radio.
Theater on TV
After founding the Philippine Educational Theater Association (PETA) on April 7, 1967, or exactly 57 years ago, Guidote-Alvarez thought of the need to expose PETA’s members to television, so she started conceptualizing Balintataw, which in Filipino means the pupil of the eye, but in a larger context has something to do with having wild imagination, or what you might see if you have a third eye.
“I designed Balintataw as a bridge between cinema and the stage, where the youth being trained in theater skills can have a ready-made laboratory experience linked with the film and entertainment industry that would likewise have a natural on-the-job training and orientation regarding the theatrical discipline of working with a literary script, whether dramatic or comic—not the regular improvised script done on taping or copycat scripts from foreign themes,” Guidote-Alvarez wrote in her yet-to-be published Memoir of a Freedom Fighter’s Wife.
“A primary goal when I conceived PETA was to initiate and sustain artistic expression that draws meaning and power from the lives of the people, and sharing the literary gems with a greater number of audiences through a Broadcast Theater-Film Program with Balintataw on Channel 5,” she added.
“No matter how little the pay, at least it provided our local writers with a little honorarium. I sought permission for award-winning pieces of the Palanca Playwriting contest to be fleshed out to reach the masses. The much-awarded playwright Bert Florentino served as our literary manager, assisted by Mauro Avena. Eventually, Isagani Cruz took over when Bert left for the US,” she wrote.
“Writers need exposure and encouragement through a regular TV performance that will give them a sense of achievement and inspire them to keep on writing with some kind of honorarium. I was glad Lupita Aquino (now Kashiwahara) agreed to be TV director and Robert Arevalo as TV host.
She got members of the PETA Kalinangan Ensemble to serve as stage directors. “This is to undertake preliminary preparation with a rehearsal with the actors for character development and memorization and preliminary staging,” she wrote.
Five months after PETA was founded, Balintataw TV premiered on Channel 5 on Aug. 19, 1967, coinciding with the Buwan ng Wika birthdate of President Manuel Luis Quezon.
The first play, whose title escapes her now, featured Armida Siguion-Reyna and Maria Eva “Chingbee” Kalaw. She employed photo journalist and award-winning photographedocumentarist/cinematographer, Romy Vitug, to work with her in filming outdoor scenes for Balintataw.
In the pre-Martial Law Balintataw, among those initiated into television were Lino Brocka, Elwood Perez, Nick Lizaso, Maryo delos Reyes, Mario O’Hara, Joey Gosiengfiao, Behn Cervantes, and Frank Rivera.
Among the stage actors who crossed over to television were Lily Gamboa, Angie Ferro, Lorlie Villanueva, Jonee Gamboa, Joy Soler, Sherry Lara, Gardy Labad, Noel Trinidad.
Like with PETA, Guidote-Alvarez directed and managed Balintataw for five years. Because of Martial Law, she and husband Heherson went on exile in the US to escape a military shoot-to-kill order on Heherson, who was tagged as a subversive.
Post-Martial Law
Internationally acclaimed auteur Lav Diaz mentioned in several interviews how he learned writing radio and TV scripts in Balintataw.
This happened in the late 1980s, when the Alvarez couple returned from exile.
Despite its absence on the air in the Martial Law years, Balintataw was honored by Star Awards as among the 20 unforgettable outstanding broadcast programs in the Philippines.
“This encouraged me to consider reviving Balintataw on TV. Another blessing was a FAMAS award for having an important role in the development of cinema recognizing Balintataw as a bridge for synergizing cinema with the stage, providing a pathway of entry of our PETA artists into film and for movie stars to consider enriching their experience by acting on the legitimate stage,” Guidote-Alvarez wrote.
Though she didn’t return to PETA anymore because it had been surviving well and had its own set of officers led by Brocka, she just tapped some of its members for the return of Balintataw.
For 14 years, the Alvarez couple lived in the US as political exiles, shown here during a Ninoy Aquino Movement meeting. Cecile revived Radyo Balintataw upon their return in the late 1980s.
Channel 4 stint
“I arranged to revive TV Balintataw on Channel 4 in 1989. We began with a drama about a rebel returnee, title escapes me now, but I clearly remember it was written by Lualhati Bautista and directed by Maryo de los Reyes. We also had a good story series on the hazing of Lenny Villa, an Aquila Legis Frat neophyte,” she wrote.
At the time, Heherson had been elected senator after having served as Agrarian Reform Minister and eventually Cabinet Secretary during the first year of the Cory Aquino Administration.
“We were able to unravel the deadly hazing process from a fellow neophyte who broke the code of silence as we revealed graphically, acted the cruel process used. I had Jose Mari Avellana direct it. This presentation won all the awards. Lav Diaz was training with us and he started writing teleplays. We also had Nora Aunor in an adaptation of Bert Florentino’s The World Is An Apple, adapted by Frank Rivera, and I had Nick Lizaso direct.”
Emmy Awards
Balintataw TV was selected as one of five soaps for social change recognized by Emmy Awards. The Philippines was one of five countries cited, with Mexico, India, Brazil and Kenya.
“The nomination was made possible by the wonderful support from David Poindexter. It was a supreme honor for our country to be recognized in the Emmy Awards, to be cited among the five Third World countries using soap opera for social change.”
Poindexter was a Methodist minister and TV producer who founded the Population Communications International.
Surviving on radio
“In spite of the cry about how television can be deadening the minds of the people with copied themes with an eternal favorite love triangle story, there was really no funding for Balintataw,” she wrote.
“Sponsors would go naturally to the commercial stations where big stars were paid highly for the starring role. Balintataw may have substance but we could not afford payment of bankable stars,” she added.
“Financial stress forced me to drop TV and remain on radio because I didn’t want to kill Balintataw per se just because we didn’t have funds.”
Creative classroom
“We have focused on Balintataw as a creative classroom on the air. I was able to talk to Fred J. Elizalde of DZRH and the president of the network, Mr. Jun Nicdao,” she wrote.
In the ‘80s, the HIV/AIDS became a global epidemic and in the Philippines, the general populace was still clueless on how to deal with it.
“In order to get funding, the first series I did was about the explosive news regarding AIDS in Asia. I got the DOH Secretary at the time, Dr. Juan Flavier, to act as himself, providing the data. It was easier to start off with an AIDS radio serial.
They did a minimum of 13 episodes to raise awareness about the disease.
“From then on, some of our television scripts we transformed into a radio version. DZRH provided us with our initial production staff, so we used some from the network and some of its resident artists and drama talents. Our time slots were changing but always coming after the long-running horror drama, Gabi ng Lagim.
“We worked on the themes of overseas workers, the drug problem, corruption, aside from portraying contemporary and literary classics serving as social commentaries,” she wrote.
Women playwrights
“We dramatized the works of noted women writers and playwrights like Estrella Alfon, Genoveva Edroza Matute and Marilou Jacob, who is distinguished in being a founding president of Women’s Playwright International.
“Apart from our PETA staple of writers, we involved young, upcoming and budding university and community theater groups.
“We also had a lot of foreign plays, where we could feature theater festivals beyond borders. We could do Shakespeare, we could do Euripides but also the current playwrights in the Arab region we translated in our language.
“We brought in Chinese contemporary plays, Malaysian, Indonesian and from other women writers from ASEAN member countries.”
Virtual history book
“The significance of Balintataw is portrayed as a virtual history book on audio as it unveiled events in the country. Radio is fresh, instant and up-to date,” she added.
When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, Balintataw became Guidote-Alvarez’s outlet and therapy. Having lost her husband on the second month of the pandemic, a widow cocooned at home, she began hosting it six days a week, learning how to use an iPad and interviewing via Zoom.
The word “Balintataw” has been associated with her name.
Visual artist and editorial cartoonist Benjie Lontoc in casual meeting told us how in his younger days, when AM Radio was a national past-time, he was surprised to hear a Filipino adaptation of No Exit by Jean Paul-Sarte. This was when radio was airing soap, fantasy adventures targeting housewives and children.
Another was the airing of Larawan as a radio play in the 1990s, with Guidote-Alvarez as the voice of Candida Marasigan.
Leopoldo Salcedo (left) as Manolo in a confrontation scene with Dante Rivero as Tony Javier in PETA’s 1968 ‘Larawan’ directed by Cecile Guidote-Alvarez. (Photo from PETA archives)
In the 1960s, she directed Larawan, the first Filipino adaptation of Joaquin’s A Portrait of the Artist as Filipino for PETA’s second season. It ran from December 1968 to January 1969 at the Raha Sulayman Theater at Fort Santiago in Intramural. In the cast were Rita Gomez (Candida), Lolita Rodriguez (Paula), Leopoldo Salcedo (Don Manolo) and Dante Rivero (Tony Javier).
Guidote-Alvarez has a funny recollection of the radio play. It was Nick Joaquin himself who told her years ago how his pedicurist suddenly started a conversation about Larawan.
Joaquin was relaxing on the barber’s chair having a post-haircut pedicure and foot spa when the lady pedicurist asked him how the story would end. Joaquin was stunned because he didn’t want to be known in the barber shop as Nick Joaquin the famous National Artist for Literature, but just a regular customer.
“He told me he almost fell out from the chair. He was a very private person and the pedicurist recognized him as the playwright,” Guidote-Alvarez, laughing, told
When she was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 2000, she was given only three years to live. It’s been more than two decades since then. She has also conquered COVID-19 twice.
Over and beyond her work in theater and various advocacies, Guidote-Alvarez is among the few surviving practitioners of AM Radio broadcasting.
The beauty salon incident wasn’t a first for the octogenarian radio host. She occasionally went back there to interview guests and record her shows whenever Wi-Fi connections in her home fluctuated.
Despite all setbacks, man-made or otherwise, the steadfast Cecile Guidote-Alvarez’s voice continues to be heard in this mass media platform in an era that knows mainly Spotify. As Joaquin wrote, “to remember and to sing, that is her vocation.”
(Except Saturday, Radyo Balintataw airs daily on DZRH 666 Khz AM radio after ‘Gabi ng Lagim’, and live streamed on Some episodes have been uploaded on YouTube.)
submitted by Toteldejesus to u/Toteldejesus [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:27 self_made_human Dating as an Indian doctor, and other disasters [Lighthearted]

Context: I'm a doctor from India, freshly single after a relationship we were both expecting to result in marriage and a long, happy life together ended as a bitter taste in our mouths. Thus, I found myself single after 7.5 years, and well, with work the way it is, why not give dating apps a try? In an actual hospital, the odds are good but the goods can be very odd, and they know how to wield a scalpel better than I do. Sure, I know they're not good for your mental health, but eh, what's the worst that can happen? Spoiler, some people can be VERY wacky..1
I recently spoke to a cute med student on the dating apps, same med school as my younger brother.
She tells me she knows my brother. I mean, who doesn't? He's a looker, all the girls and a good quarter of the guys want to know him, in the biblical sense, but she wasn't so crass. All good.
She she says she knows my dad. Okay.. But I've heard worse.
She goes on to say that not only are our parents colleagues, they're from the same med school. What a coincidence!
I ask my brother about her. You know, due diligence. He gives me a look, and tells me to keep my filthy paws off her if I know what's good for me. Huh. That's new. I swear he's never had that particular reaction before, and I wanted to know why, but he just shook his head, asked me to confirm her surname, and wandered off.
Then she says that hey, your dad was visiting our place just a month or so back, how's he doing? Quite well, thank you for asking. What field of medicine are your parents in? Gynecologists themselves?
I matched into psychiatry. Then I found out, after a very reasonable amount of flirting, that I had matched with my psychiatrist's daughter on a dating app. I told her that I had literally called him a month back to share the good news. The former, the latter was nothing but bad.
My dad delivered her by c-sec. He does that to a lot of people, it's not a very exclusive club, after all, how could it be, when I'm a member?
My fucking brother, he was laughing his ass off in the next room, the walls, while thick, weren't nearly enough to hide the chortles or my beet red face. Then the asshole goes on to tell my parents about her, and I limp back home from work, only to have my dad ask me if I want to marry her.
I chuckle and throw my employee ID card somewhere it won't be missed. Then I take a good look. He's not joking. This is the opposite of good, but what am I good at except brushing off commitment?
No? Then stop fucking around, SMH (he's also shaking his head, and I mine). She's a Good Girl™, studious, from a respectable family. You want to get married? I can call her dad right now. He's not kidding either. I thought I was dead inside, but apparently it's always possible to make room for desert and to make what's already dead roll over and die again.
I assure him that as someone about to move countries and stay in Scotland for 3 years and change, marrying an Indian med student only halfway through her course is the ABSOLUTE LAST THING I want to be doing.
Ah, but they're well off enough, and so are we. We could fly her out every six months or so to see you.


My mom was in the room and giggling her ass off. Thank you for the moral support, mom.
I tell my dad that I don't think a healthy marriage involves the newly weds living a continent away, seeing each other every blue moon. He doesn't seem all that fussed, and I realized that roughly summed up the first few years of his marriage, given how he was on the sigma grindset. I suppose there's a reason they had their honeymoon when I was three years old. No, I tell him, given that if there's ever going to be a shotgun wedding, her dad will be the one wielding one, only to keep me at bay. He's my fucking shrink, he knows things. He'd need a shrink himself if he let me anywhere near his cute and nerdy daughter, and I'm not licensed yet.
At this point, my mom asks me if I care to examine the latest batch of single ladies lovingly handpicked out for me by my aunt in London. I've well and truly had enough, I stomp out of there with steam, tinted pink with dying brain tissue, hissing out of my ears.
My life is a farce. Joke's on me. So are the drinks, but only because I'm going to be downing a lot of them.
[1] Notes from Hinge and Bumble's Unpaid Psychiatry Services
submitted by self_made_human to medicine [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:23 self_made_human [Lighthearted] Dating as a doctor, and other disasters

Context: I'm a doctor from India, freshly single after a relationship we were both expecting to result in marriage and a long, happy life together ended as a bitter taste in our mouths. Thus, I found myself single after 7.5 years, and well, with work the way it is, why not give dating apps a try? In an actual hospital, the odds are good but the goods can be very odd, and they know how to wield a scalpel better than I do. Sure, I know they're not good for your mental health, but eh, what's the worst that can happen? Spoiler, some people can be VERY wacky..1
I recently spoke to a cute med student on the dating apps, same med school as my younger brother.
She tells me she knows my brother. I mean, who doesn't? He's a looker, all the girls and a good quarter of the guys want to know him, in the biblical sense, but she wasn't so crass. All good.
She she says she knows my dad. Okay.. But I've heard worse.
She goes on to say that not only are our parents colleagues, they're from the same med school. What a coincidence!
I ask my brother about her. You know, due diligence. He gives me a look, and tells me to keep my filthy paws off her if I know what's good for me. Huh. That's new. I swear he's never had that particular reaction before, and I wanted to know why, but he just shook his head, asked me to confirm her surname, and wandered off.
Then she says that hey, your dad was visiting our place just a month or so back, how's he doing? Quite well, thank you for asking. What field of medicine are your parents in? Gynecologists themselves?
I matched into psychiatry. Then I found out, after a very reasonable amount of flirting, that I had matched with my psychiatrist's daughter on a dating app. I told her that I had literally called him a month back to share the good news. The former, the latter was nothing but bad.
My dad delivered her by c-sec. He does that to a lot of people, it's not a very exclusive club, after all, how could it be, when I'm a member?
My fucking brother, he was laughing his ass off in the next room, the walls, while thick, weren't nearly enough to hide the chortles or my beet red face. Then the asshole goes on to tell my parents about her, and I limp back home from work, only to have my dad ask me if I want to marry her.
I chuckle and throw my employee ID card somewhere it won't be missed. Then I take a good look. He's not joking. This is the opposite of good, but what am I good at except brushing off commitment?
No? Then stop fucking around, SMH (he's also shaking his head, and I mine). She's a Good Girl™, studious, from a respectable family. You want to get married? I can call her dad right now. He's not kidding either. I thought I was dead inside, but apparently it's always possible to make room for dessert and to make what's already dead roll over and die again.
I assure him that as someone about to move countries and stay in Scotland for 3 years and change, marrying an Indian med student only halfway through her course is the ABSOLUTE LAST THING I want to be doing.
Ah, but they're well off enough, and so are we. We could fly her out every six months or so to see you.


My mom was in the room and giggling her ass off. Thank you for the moral support, mom.
I tell my dad that I don't think a healthy marriage involves the newly weds living a continent away, seeing each other every blue moon. He doesn't seem all that fussed, and I realized that roughly summed up the first few years of his marriage, given how he was on the sigma grindset. I suppose there's a reason they had their honeymoon when I was three years old. No, I tell him, given that if there's ever going to be a shotgun wedding, her dad will be the one wielding one, only to keep me at bay. He's my fucking shrink, he knows things. He'd need a shrink himself if he let me anywhere near his cute and nerdy daughter, and I'm not licensed yet.
At this point, my mom asks me if I care to examine the latest batch of single ladies lovingly handpicked out for me by my aunt in London. I've well and truly had enough, I stomp out of there with steam, tinted pink with dying brain tissue, hissing out of my ears.
My life is a farce. Joke's on me. So are the drinks, but only because I'm going to be downing a lot of them.
[1] Notes from Hinge and Bumble's Unpaid Psychiatry Services
submitted by self_made_human to slatestarcodex [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:19 quack785 So tired of my wife mocking the way I look

Back in the spring of 2022, I decided I needed to take charge of my health since I was approaching 40. I started eating better, bought an ebike and began commuting to work, exercising more, etc. I went from 250 lbs to 195 in about 7 months and have just maintained the same weight since then. (I’m 6’2” for reference).
Once I got below 200 lbs, the negative comments began from her. She calls me things like scrawny, sickly, unhealthy, small, too skinny, emaciated, and tonight introduced a new one: “spindly”. She does it in front of friends and our daughters, and will ask them their opinion about my size which makes for some awkward situations.
I’ve told her so many times that it hurts my feelings, but she is always making these snide remarks and it’s really affecting my self confidence. I feel that I’m in the best shape of my life at 40 due to the diet and exercise changes I’ve made, but it seems that these changes just annoy her. She even told me recently that she thought I looked better when I was overweight, which is baffling to me since I can hardly bear to look at pictures of my old self.
I’m determined never to go back to that unhealthy lifestyle again, but sometimes I wonder if I put half the weight back on then she’d stop with the constant negativity. Has anyone else ever experienced this from their spouse?
submitted by quack785 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:03 stockinvest-us GameStop Corp. (GME) Technical Analysis: Bullish Trend Amid High Volatility and Speculative Interest 📈🎮

🚀 Unlock Exclusive Insights on GME: Get deeper analysis and expert views on GME's latest market trends before you read on. Click Here to Dive In 🌟
Technical Analysis
GameStop Corp. (GME) closed at $23.14 on May 20, 2024, marking an increase of $0.93 (4.19%) over the previous trading session. The stock experienced a volatile session with a low of $18.94 and a high of $23.36. The Relative Strength Index (RSI14) at 59 suggests that the stock is neither overbought nor oversold.
The 50-day moving average sits at $14.89, and the 200-day moving average is at $15.46. Given the current price significantly above these averages, the trend seems bullish in the short to medium term. The MACD (3-month) indicator at 4.22 supports this bullish sentiment. The Average True Range (ATR) of 28.02 indicates high volatility.
The immediate resistance level is identified at $27.67, with the support at $22.21. Considering the trading volume of 51,425,779, which is significantly higher than the average volume of 18,090,535, there is considerable interest and activity in the stock.
Fundamental Analysis
GameStop's market cap stands at $7.09 billion, indicating a mid-cap stock. The company's recent earnings per share (EPS) of $0.02 coupled with a sky-high P/E ratio of 1157 reflects an extremely high valuation, likely driven by speculative interest rather than fundamental performance.
Recent news indicates that GameStop is experiencing some turbulence. Preliminary Q1 results highlight soft sales, and the potential departure of influencer Keith Gill, along with decreasing meme-stock frenzy, could impact future sentiment. Despite these challenges, the company's efforts to stabilize its financial health are noteworthy.
Analyst sentiment remains lukewarm with a consensus rating of 'Hold,' based on 3 'buy,' 4 'hold,' and 1 'sell' ratings. The median target price of $15.30 suggests a potential downside from the current levels.
Next Trading Day (May 21, 2024)
Given the strong closing and high volume, a price increase can be anticipated. However, the proximity to the support level at $22.21 implies caution.
Upcoming Week
Due to high volatility noted in recent sessions and an overall bullish trend aligned with technical indicators such as MACD and moving averages, the stock might test higher resistance levels before experiencing any significant corrections.
Intrinsic Value and Long-Term Potential
The intrinsic value of GameStop appears to be heavily influenced by external factors rather than its financial health. The current P/E ratio is significantly elevated for a retail stock, indicating that the market price may be over-inflated. Long-term prospects depend on GameStop's ability to adapt and stabilize its core business amid digital transformation and market speculation.
Overall Evaluation
Despite recent gains and a favorable technical setup, the stock presents significant risks due to it [...]
👉 Dive deeper into our analysis and predictions! CLICK HERE NOW
submitted by stockinvest-us to StockInvest [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:03 stockinvest-us GameStop Corp. (GME) Technical Analysis: Bullish Trend Amid High Volatility and Speculative Interest 📈🎮

🚀 Unlock Exclusive Insights on GME: Get deeper analysis and expert views on GME's latest market trends before you read on. Click Here to Dive In 🌟
Technical Analysis
GameStop Corp. (GME) closed at $23.14 on May 20, 2024, marking an increase of $0.93 (4.19%) over the previous trading session. The stock experienced a volatile session with a low of $18.94 and a high of $23.36. The Relative Strength Index (RSI14) at 59 suggests that the stock is neither overbought nor oversold.
The 50-day moving average sits at $14.89, and the 200-day moving average is at $15.46. Given the current price significantly above these averages, the trend seems bullish in the short to medium term. The MACD (3-month) indicator at 4.22 supports this bullish sentiment. The Average True Range (ATR) of 28.02 indicates high volatility.
The immediate resistance level is identified at $27.67, with the support at $22.21. Considering the trading volume of 51,425,779, which is significantly higher than the average volume of 18,090,535, there is considerable interest and activity in the stock.
Fundamental Analysis
GameStop's market cap stands at $7.09 billion, indicating a mid-cap stock. The company's recent earnings per share (EPS) of $0.02 coupled with a sky-high P/E ratio of 1157 reflects an extremely high valuation, likely driven by speculative interest rather than fundamental performance.
Recent news indicates that GameStop is experiencing some turbulence. Preliminary Q1 results highlight soft sales, and the potential departure of influencer Keith Gill, along with decreasing meme-stock frenzy, could impact future sentiment. Despite these challenges, the company's efforts to stabilize its financial health are noteworthy.
Analyst sentiment remains lukewarm with a consensus rating of 'Hold,' based on 3 'buy,' 4 'hold,' and 1 'sell' ratings. The median target price of $15.30 suggests a potential downside from the current levels.
Next Trading Day (May 21, 2024)
Given the strong closing and high volume, a price increase can be anticipated. However, the proximity to the support level at $22.21 implies caution.
Upcoming Week
Due to high volatility noted in recent sessions and an overall bullish trend aligned with technical indicators such as MACD and moving averages, the stock might test higher resistance levels before experiencing any significant corrections.
Intrinsic Value and Long-Term Potential
The intrinsic value of GameStop appears to be heavily influenced by external factors rather than its financial health. The current P/E ratio is significantly elevated for a retail stock, indicating that the market price may be over-inflated. Long-term prospects depend on GameStop's ability to adapt and stabilize its core business amid digital transformation and market speculation.
Overall Evaluation
Despite recent gains and a favorable technical setup, the stock presents significant risks due to it [...]
👉 Dive deeper into our analysis and predictions! CLICK HERE NOW
submitted by stockinvest-us to StockInvest [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:26 Interesting_End_1979 Media Review on the Article: Social Media and Mental - Health link below:

Post to Media Website
Title: ‘Social Media and Mental Health - Are you addicted to Social Media?’
Author: Lawrence Robinson and Melinda Smith M.A.
Evidently, social media has become predominant within society, and it exists as a means of communication, news broadcast, entertainment, etc. and it is necessary to navigate it’s variety with caution, awareness, and balance so as to not become overly consumed by it’s pull. This article reviews statistics and the effects of social media on the mental health of the individual, weighing both the pros and cons of media usage, and it draws upon research studies and findings. In light of the 7 media keys identified in Infinite Bandwidth by Eugene Gan, I was able to attribute them to this article.
First Media Key: Balance
Balance is vital in setting the base of our attitude toward the media, as expressed in Infinite Bandwidth (29) which is practiced in the virtue of temperance. Temperance is a key virtue to strive toward when using media so as to not become too invested or addicted. Both this article and Infinite Bandwidth discuss the tendency of addiction to social media and it’s link to greater health issues, “these researchers found that 80 percent suggest a close link between too much “screen time” and multiple behavioral and health problems with tobacco use, sexual promiscuity, obesity, academic performance…” (Infinite Bandwidth, Gan 30). The article states that “social media can create psychological cravings” (Social Media and Mental Health) therefore navigating internet and media usage with a balance is crucial for the overall well-being of the human person. The article also encourages self-reflection to maintain healthy management and use of media. An example in this article of how to achieve balance with media usage is to identify your personal motive behind usage since social media is designed to keep your attention; therefore it's important to be conscious of it.
Second Media Key: Attitude Awareness
The second media key attitude awareness focuses on the importance of being aware of the messages being conveyed in specific media, and what they are trying to communicate. Human beings learn through the senses as interpreted in Infinite Bandwidth (38) when Gan discusess the power of the senses, for through them we come to know the world. Naturally, human beings are drawn to visible things, and the media makes things quite appealing. Media also affects thoughts, opinions, views, and ideas in ways that we are not always conscious of so it is important to be aware of the effects. The article encourages individuals to be mindful of the various attitudes and messages being expressed within media while also being aware of how social media can affect personal mood and mental state. Ultimately, before getting sucked into the sensual pull of social media, both the article and Gan Eugene’s book express the significance of maintaining attitude awareness when using media. Social Media and Mental Health prompts the idea for parents to set limits and moderation for their children with media usage which can encourage the habit of temperance and balance.
The Third Media Key: Dignity of the Human Person
The third media key in Infinite Bandwidth highlights the value of the inherent and indestructible dignity of every human person; and humanity created in the image and likeness of God, “These are the truths by which man is to live. In life, we’re supposed to nurture our spirits, care for our bodies, give ourselves in love, and defend the dignity of others. And nothing changes, or at least nothing should change, in the realm of media.” (Infinite Bandwidth, Gan 53). The dignity of the human person should be upheld in the media. The article identifies various aspects of media that undermine the dignity of the human person, largely in the realm of comparison and lowering standards of self-worth to social media portrayals; it guards against falling into these and losing a healthy mindset about worth. “Sharing endless selfies and all your innermost thoughts on social media can create an unhealthy self-centeredness and distance you from real-life connections” (Social Media and Mental Health). Here the article identifies an aspect of media that detracts from individual value and self-worth. Therefore it is vital to uphold balance, attitude awareness, and mindfulness when using social media specifically, to avoid losing truth, especially regarding human dignity.
The Fourth Media Key: Truth-Filled
The fourth media key holds the significance of mainting truth in media, and delivering accurate and realistic material, words, expressions, images that are truthful in accordance with your life and experience. Quoted in Infinite Bandwidth from Communio et Progresso is, “Modern man cannot do without information that is full, consistent, accurate, and true. Without it he cannot understand the perpetually changing world in which he lives, nor be able to adapt himself to the real situation” (Infinite Bandwidth, 70). In sum, man needs truth in order to live to the fullest and inorder to be grounded in reality. Therefore, truth should be held in the media, but of course it is not because of our fallen human nature, but it is nonetheless important to seek it out in media, and to not give into falsehood. Social Media and Mental Health explains some artifcial and unrealistic images and expression that are apparent in social media which are harmful in that they lead people away from reality and realistic expectations and create unhealthy comparison which negatively impacts mental health, here the article encourages individuals to steer away from these appealing yet unrealistic sights to remain grounded in reality. “People only post what they want others to see. Images are manipulated or carefully posed and selected. And having fewer friends on social media doesn’t make your child less popular or less worthy” (Social Media and Mental Health). Movies, tv shows, news broadcasts can all convey falsities which detract from truth and create confusion, so it is crucial to consciously navigate and not be misled.
The Fifth Media Key: Inspiring
This media key emphasizes the beauty in using media as an outlet to lead people to truth, beauty, and goodness, and ultimately to God. Media can be used to express and proclaim truths, not only by words, but through example through images that are made up of natural beauty or artwork, which naturally move the human soul to higher truths. Infinite Bandwidth mentions the many signs in the created universe that point toward a higher being and purpose of life. The media can be used as a space to share knowledge, truth, and beauty to positively impact the minds of those who come across it. The article Social Media and Mental Health lists many pros of media usage including it’s space to bring creativity and expression, and another pro is the ability to address and shed light on important pressing issues and matters. These are areas that can inspire people to learn, find truth, and contribute positively toward human flourishing.
The Sixth Media Key: Skillfully Developed
The sixth media key expresses “the Church’s urge for us to take advantage of the opportunity to ‘be active in using all the aids to communication that lie within the media,’ but to speak that language with knowledge” (Infinite Bandwidth, 102). It encourages us to contribute to the media in a skillful way that is in line with the current communication of the culture so as to effectively and efficiently be expressed and understood by others and to be done so with quality. The article Social Media and Mental Health advocates for this necessity as well and encourages this type of use, especially concerning grounding it in reality. A skillfully developed platform of media influences individual growth and contemplation, it leaves a mark.
The Seventh Media Key: Motivated by Relevant to Experience
This final media key demonstrates the effective way in which truth can be communicated through relatable, common, and shared human experiences that people identify with and can understand on a deeper level. In Infinite Bandwidth Gan explains how Christ used parables and stories that were drawn to relevant and relatable experiences of the Jews at the time. These stories were so effectively grasped because those who listened to them could understand and identify with them. “He captured their attention with ideas and images that were familiar, and He used those ideas and images to make His point” (Infinite Bandwidth, 118). Stories, examples, and characters can express very relatable experiences of human life that people can learn from, be inspired by, and be moved by. Even through fiction, this can be done if it is drawn upon realistic human experiences, it can provide insight into truths about life. The article expands on this concept in its exploration of positive aspects of media when people truthfully share common human experiences or express fundamental truths and ideas through various media platforms.
submitted by Interesting_End_1979 to u/Interesting_End_1979 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 02:49 savvydeal Discovering Popular Amazon Products - What’s Trending Right Now?

Hey Redditors,
I’ve been diving into the world of Amazon to find out what products are currently trending, and I thought it would be great to share some insights and hear from you about your recent favorite finds. Amazon is constantly updating its lists of best sellers, hot new releases, and most wished-for items, so there’s always something new to discover. Here’s a rundown of some categories that are particularly popular right now:

1. Electronics

2. Health and Personal Care

3. Home and Kitchen

4. Fashion

5. Toys and Games

6. Beauty

7. Books

8. Outdoor and Sports

9. Pet Supplies

10. Automotive

I’d love to hear from you all! What popular Amazon products have you recently bought or have your eye on? Let’s share our finds and recommendations.
submitted by savvydeal to u/savvydeal [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 00:49 stockinvest-us Faraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc. (NASDAQ: FFIE) Soars 74.76% in a Volatile Trading Day 🚀📉

🚀 Unlock Exclusive Insights on FFIE: Get deeper analysis and expert views on FFIE's latest market trends before you read on. Click Here to Dive In 🌟
Technical Analysis
Faraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc. (NASDAQ: FFIE) closed at $1.80 on May 20, 2024, reflecting a significant gain of 74.76% during the trading day. The stock experienced a wide trading range with a low of $1.20 and a high of $2.25. Notably, FFIE's Relative Strength Index (RSI14) stands at 79, indicating the stock is currently in overbought territory. The Average True Range (ATR) of 25.01 indicates high volatility in the stock's price movement. The 50-day and 200-day moving averages are $0.15 and $7.53, respectively, suggesting that the stock has seen extreme price swings. The market capitalization for FFIE is relatively small at $76.33 million, and the trading volume spiked to 677.89 million shares, far exceeding the average volume of 70.17 million shares.
Fundamental Analysis
Fundamentally, FFIE is a struggling company with a negative EPS of -$129.06 and a P/E ratio of -0.01, signifying no earnings and financial distress. The forthcoming earnings announcement on May 23, 2024, could significantly impact the stock, depending on whether the reported results meet or miss market expectations. There's also news of a major shareholder influencing the stock movements and substantial trading volumes, likely caused by speculative trading. While the stock has risen dramatically recently, it is essential to consider the broader financial health and long-term viability of the company.
Prediction for Next Trading Day (May 21, 2024)
Considering the current heightened volatility and the overbought RSI, FFIE is susceptible to a pullback. The substantial increase in share price and volume combined with the technical indicators suggests a potential correction or at least a consolidation around current levels. Traders should be cautious of sharp movements driven by meme stock dynamics.
Upcoming Week Forecast (May 21-25, 2024)
For the upcoming week, significant attention will be on the earnings announcement on May 23. As meme stocks often react to news and speculative trading, this event could either bolster the recent price surge or trigger a steep decline if the results disappoint. The lack of a clear resistance level further complicates the prediction; however, the existing support at $1.65 is likely to be tested if selling pressure increases.
Intrinsic Value and Long-Term Investment Potential
Given FFIE's negative EPS and P/E ratio, the intrinsic value is challenging to ascertain with traditional valuation methods. The company’s financials do not support a strong long-term investment case under the current circumstances. The speculative nature of the recent price movements further indicates that FFIE is being traded more on hype rather than fundamentals. Any long-term outlook for FFIE depends heavily on the company's ability to turn around its financial health and generate positive earnings in the future.
Overall Evaluation
Given the analysis of technical indicators and fundamental data, Faraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc. falls under the 'Sell' category for the following reasons:
Investors should exercise caution and consider the high volatility and speculative nature of this st [...]
👉 Dive deeper into our analysis and predictions! CLICK HERE NOW
submitted by stockinvest-us to StockInvest [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 00:42 crimsonsun_2000 My partner no longer desires me sexually, what should we do?

My partner finds my physical appearance unattractive and has no sexual desire for me as a resultI (M41) have been with my partner (F40) for 19 years, we love each other and our relationship outside of our sex life has no issues, if anything its in a really good place and has been for a while. Its worth pointing out that our poor sex life isn't even a huge problem if it were a phase or a less permanent issue.
I have ADHD, but it went undiagnosed for 40 years, and when I became 30 the depression that had always been part of my life due to a lack of treatment and medication took a greater hold of my life. Since treatment the depression is entirely gone, I'm like a new man, and I'm trying to make up for a lost decade in all parts and aspects of my life. Sadly that decade took a hard toll on my physical appearance. I gained more than 7 stone during that time, as my body no longer shed weight instantly as it did while I was younger and I also gained a horrible hernia about 6 years ago which I'm seemingly waiting forever to have operated on. The result is that my partner no longer finds me desirable, she is simply not turned on by me and I understand that. I'm someone who needs my partner to be into sex, that's what turns me on. So shocker our sex life has become non-existent and those few attempts we did make over the last few years ended with neither party having a happy ending and generally a failed experience.
My body type has changed to one I know isn't one she finds attractive but its more than that. She was abused by her stepfather who was very overweight, short and an alcoholic so her type is the opposite of that, for the first decade of our relationship I was. I'm 6'3. I was underweight and I rarely drink and am never drunk around the home. Sadly all my weight gain went to my stomach, its all in the middle and I realise my physical size combined with her past trauma kills any attraction.
This isn't something we can fix without a drastic physical transformation on my part. I've been losing weight and trying to improve my physical appearance since being treated, and it is going in the right direction, but its going to take years, if its ever possible to undo the weight game entirely. As I'm getting older, its harder and harder to improve my physical health and the weight does not like to come off. I completely overhauled my diet, I record everything I consume and never go over allowance but the losses have been minimal. So this is a long term problem that's not going to go away, and I cannot change what she finds attractive and what she does not, my weight is an issue, I always knew that it would be but depression is a dark place and its pointless to dwell on the fact I let myself gain so much weight, I wasn't mentally able to do otherwise.
The real issue is, I want a sex life, its important to me. I enjoy sex and so does she. So knowing all this, we discussed opening up our relationship. However, we have different wishes and wants in that department. For me, I'd be happy to sleep with other people if its something we did together. To me, sharing pleasure and experiences is what's important, as long as it's done together that's fine. For her she would be fine if it was by ourselves and not together, which is the exact opposite of my position so its pretty clear our needs in that regard are not compatible. So it's not a solution I can see us both being happy and comfortable with or workable for us.
So we have a situation where we both like sex, but she isn't attracted to me so no longer desires me, I have no wish to have sex with someone who is not into it, the idea is abhorrent to me. Yet I do want a sex life, I do not want to give up on it. Yet I have no idea how to proceed. I am committed to our relationship, and I want to spend the rest of our lives together, as we have most of our adult lives but having a sex life is healthy and important, as well as we enjoy, want and both deserve to have our needs met.Spicing up things, does not change the lack of attraction, we have a massive array of toys and things like roleplay costumes that have always been involved in our sex life. I love to see her happy so I have picked up tools of pretty much every variety to push new ways of achieving or finding pleasure. The act itself is not the issue, its the lack of attraction and interest. No amount of roleplay is going to undo her physical repulsion to me.
It is also hard to find time to invest in our sex life, we have a 7-and-a-half-year-old daughter who is autistic and currently home-schooled. So finding time to devote to our sex life hasn't been a priority for a a very long time. While depressed it wasn't a consideration of mine really, but while I'm happy to invest time on this now and make arrangements around it, it's pretty pointless as she has zero desire towards me currently. Its going to take years to undo the weight gain, and even if I remove it all, its likely to leave horrible physical results anyway. I don't see a solution, I will not have sex with someone who does not wish to, or is doing it out of a sense of guilt rather than desire.
Yet I also do desire a healthy sex life again.Its a lot to unpack, and I'm sure I've failed to express my feelings fully, I should say if it were the choice between losing her or not having sex again I would choose not a sexual relationship but if I can find a solution or try as much as possible before that point I'm absolutely committed to do so.
TL:DR My partner does not desire me sexually, due to physical changes in my appearance. I'm looking for suggestions to what we should do, as we love each other regardless.
submitted by crimsonsun_2000 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 23:53 ar_david_hh Armenia on 2024-05-20

11-minute read.

Armenia's military industry is developing

HOST: The share of the domestic arms industry in the armed forces has been rising in recent years. The state has decided to create easier conditions for the development of the industry.
HIGH-TECH MINISTER (Mkhitar Hayrapetyan): Whatever is possible to produce in Armenia with the use of Armenian scientific potential and manufacturing capacities should be done domestically to minimize reliance on imports. The myth that Armenian producers are incapable of creating high-quality products has been shattered.
At the moment, there are ֏170 billion ($438 million) in contracts signed between the defense ministry and 27 representatives of domestic industry. We expect to bring it to ֏190 billion ($490 million) by the end of this year by involving two more companies.
Most contracts are about communication tools, control systems, radio-electronic warfare tools, drones, modernization activities, etc.
LEONID NERSISYAN (expert): It's not a secret that hefty investments were made in the manufacturing of drones. We've also seen a production of 122 mm and 82 mm shells; it's necessary to expand to 155 mm because we are purchasing new [Indian] artillery that uses those.
HIGH-TECH MINISTER: (1) The state is enacting legislative reforms to make the industry attractive for investments. (2) We are promoting R&D for new technologies and the generation of new ideas. We are financing research activities, the creation of prototypes, and their experimentation. The chain ends when a company's product passes the state experimentation process and enters serial production.
HOST: In 2018 the scientific-research budget was ֏2.4B. Today it's ֏4.1B ($10.6M), with an additional ֏1.5B dedicated for prototypes.
MHER MARKOSYAN (expert): We need more laser tech experts. The state must cherish mil. industry employees and encourage young scientists to gain experience.
HIGH-TECH MINISTER: As part of the 2024 budget, we do have a component to train and retrain industry experts. New specialists must enter this industry.
MHER MARKOSYAN: The war in Ukraine has made it more difficult to import components. Something that would normally take 1 week now requires 5 months. There are also horrible logistics problems. We do find solutions to import products but these solutions are expensive.
LEONID NERSISYAN: Even countries under the UN's embargo are able to import weapons so it's a matter of price. For example, it turns out that 70% of the electronics inside North Korean missiles are American.
HOST: Some Armenian manufacturers have reached international levels and could soon begin to export their products. However, there are logistic complications here as well. For example, in 2021 Armenia faced difficulty transporting the mockups of larger weapons to the Abu Dhabi expo [Moscow forced the jet carrying Armenian products to be unloaded and kept delaying the cargo's transfer to Abu Dhabi].

the National Academy of Sciences has received a device that uses powerful lasers to melt metal and ceramic dust to create 3D objects for space and other industries: VIDEO


India's Ambassador about defense cooperation between India and Armenia

AMBASSADOR: Our defense cooperation is proceeding very well. Defense cooperation is not only defense technical cooperation, but also we are looking at capacity building. On both fronts, we are proceeding very well.
REPORTER: During a joint press conference with MOD Papikyan, the Greek Minister spoke about the possibility of Armenia-Greece-France-India quadrilateral cooperation in the defense area.
AMBASSADOR: All 4 states have very good relations but at the moment it is still premature to talk about a quadrilateral format. But yes, there are convergences.
REPORTER: The Indian government said it's going to appoint Defense Attachés to Armenia and several other countries to strengthen the military links. What can you tell us about this?
AMBASSADOR: PM Modi has a very clear-cut policy and initiative of “Make in India”, including in the defense sector. We are now seeing that many countries in the world are buying Indian defense equipment. Defense Attachés are being posted to coordinate the process.

... India's Ambassador about AM-IN economic ties and trade

REPORTER: What was the volume of trade last year, and what trends are seen in the bilateral export and import markets?
AMBASSADOR: The $200 million trade we made was far below the potential. India is the Pharmacy of the World with more than 60% of the vaccines worldwide coming from India, including those supplied through the WHO and other mechanisms like GAVI. So we see more potential here. Both sides are working towards increasing the import of Indian medicines and vaccines into Armenia. We are also looking at the high-tech sector.

... India's Ambassador about Pashinyan's "Crossroads of Peace" trade unblocking project

REPORTER: The Government of Armenia proposed the “Crossroads of Peace” logistics project. There were opinions that it matches with India’s vision in the South Caucasus. What is India’s opinion on this initiative?
AMBASSADOR: When countries need to prosper, connectivity is the key. And connectivity is something that we, in our own region, have been working very closely with our neighboring countries. So similarly, we find that for any region, if you want to move to the next level of prosperity, you need to have connectivity projects. Naturally, we see this “Crossroads of Peace” project of the Armenian government in that light, that it would be a win-win situation for all the regional partners. So indeed for us there is no other way than to have more connections between countries, whether it is in terms of roads, railways, etc. We look at it positively and enthusiastically.

... India's Ambassador about international trade through Iran's Chabahar port

REPORTER: India plays an important role in the development of Chabahar port. You mentioned that the prospects of facilitating the use of Chabahar port for Armenia are being considered as well. What are those possibilities?
AMBASSADOR: The Chabahar port is jointly developed by India and Iran. In our discussions with the Armenian side, they have manifested an interest in using the Chabahar port. Armenia's Minister of Territorial Administration visited the Chabahar port in December. We are waiting for the details from the Armenian side and we will consider it once we receive concrete proposals.
REPORTER: What role can Armenia play in the development of a communication route from India to Chabahar to the Black Sea?
AMBASSADOR: This goes back to my comment about connectivity. Armenia being a landlocked country definitely needs more connectivity projects. If it materializes, I think it would help Armenia to overcome the fact that it is a landlocked country.

experts at the European Training Foundation will assess Armenia's secondary vocational education system

The European Training Foundation is a European Union agency that helps transition and developing countries harness the potential of their human capital through the reform of education, training and labour market systems, and in the context of the EU's external relations policy.
A group of experts have arrived for the May 21-23 assessment. They will hold consultations with state agencies, students, employee unions, and others.
by 2030, 90 percent of school and college graduates should be able to find jobs and work according to employers' requirements.
source, source, video,

Yerevan and Paris reached an agreement to cooperate in urbanization, transport, and waste management over the next 3 years during a visit by Yerevan Mayor Avinyan to Paris


Yerevan subway is diching Soviet-era physical zhetons (tokens) as part of transport reforms and switch to a universal payment system

OFFICIAL: We are updating a total of 49 entrance gates; it will be completed next month. You'll be able to use the old gates with tokens for now. Soon you will pay with a QR code, Telcell mobile wallet, bank cards, etc. ... last week over 15,000 passengers used the electronic payment methods.

Yerevan municipality launches a process to move garbage containers underground

A public tender is launched to design a pilot program. In October the city said they studied the international practice for collecting the trash from underground bins and found two methods: lifting the bins to allow Yerevan's existing tech to collect the trash, or remove the bins. The latter would be more expensive.
video, video,

government launches the construction of two roads for Tavush border village Kirants: VIDEO

PASHINYAN OFFICE: The 3 remaining coordinates of Kirants were pinpointed with the use of a computer and the border posts will be installed later. The rest [another 8 posts in Kirants] are already there. The good news for Kirants is that around 25 hectares of land that have been unreachable for 33 years will be returned to the village. The border resembles the 1976 line.
As we said earlier, yes, there is a need to build a bypass road, which can be accomplished in 2-3 months. We will also rebuild the road between H-26 and Acharkut and Kirants, which is an alternative road for Kirants. As for property issues, the volumes are small and the government will compensate in such situations. //
The 3 remaining border posts were reportedly installed in Kirants on Monday. Here is how the road issue will be addressed:
Azerbaijan is located between Kirants and Sarigyugh villages. Kirants is currently connected to Sarigyugh with two roads: a direct connection through the interstate road, and a secondary road that connects Kirants to nearby Acharkut before reaching Sarigyugh.
Approximately 300 meters of the direct road falls under the Azerbaijani side, so the government will build a 750-meter bypass road parallel to it. Preliminary construction activities have begun; they are working on the details.
As for the secondary road passing through Acharkut, the government has begun rebuilding and widening it to allow cargo trucks to use it.
So there are currently two construction projects, with one connecting Kirants to Sarigyugh directly, and the second connecting Kirants to Sarigyugh through Acharkut. Both roads are expected to be ready in 3 months.
video, source, video, source, source, video,

Final battle? The opposition co-leader Bagrat Galstanyan will hold a "decisive" massive rally on May 26 to oust PM Pashinyan

GALSTANYAN: Պատմե’ք մարդկանց մայիսի 26-ի մեր հանրահավաքի մասին, այն վճռական է լինելու: //
Former mayor of Yerevan Hayk Marukyan called for Pashinyan and the ruling party to resign. "այլևս անելիք չունեն, նրանք պետք է հեռանան"
source, source,

Serj Sargsyan's HHK party co-leader is against forming an anti-Pashinyan alliance with Edmon Marukyan and Sasna Tsrer

Edmon Marutyan's LHK, Ruben Vardanyan's Aprelu Yerkir, and the Sasna Tsrer (BEVER) whose followers committed terrorists attacks on police stations in 2016 and 2024 have decided to join the ongoing anti-Pashinyan protests led by Kremlin's favorite Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan.
HHK's Edward Sharmazanov is against forming an alliance with Edmon Marukyan's LHK because they did not actively campaign against Pashinyan's reelection in 2021.
As for Sasna Tsrer, they committed attacks on police stations and called HHK "evil", so Sharmazanov is against working with them.

update: threats after bribes

One of the several low-income residents of Vanadzor who last week reported receiving bribes to join the former regime's ongoing anti-Pashinyan protests says someone called and threatened their family for reporting the bribe to the police. Authorities are investigating the call.

a fight broke out between protesters and students who refused to join the "Holy Struggle" led by Archbishop Galstanyan

AUTHORITIES: On Wednesday we received reports about a fight between the students of Yerevan's Manuk Abeghyan School and protesters. The participants engaged in a fight, disturbed peace, and used slurs. Eight students (all under 18 except for one) were detained.
SCHOOL DIRECTOR: It started after a group of protesters used loudspeakers to encourage our students to join them. After realizing that students didn't want to join, they began to hurl insults at the students. Several students left the building and a fight broke out in the backyard.

82,000 Armenian drivers take advantage of a new law that absolves them of old citation debt if they pay 50%: VIDEO

It was part of a package law that slashes the size of future traffic citations by almost half if the driver pays electronically within the first two weeks of the violation. Some 21,000 drivers have already signed up at to get a discount on their future citations.
It's meant to reduce the financial burden on drivers, the paperwork burden on police, and improve the payment discipline.

Armenian poet and 18th century TikToker Sayat-Nova's statue is unveiled in Turkmenistan during an international forum of Culture Ministers: PHOTO


Armenia circulates gold collector coin dedicated to Charles Aznavour’s 100th anniversary: IMAGE

Obverse: monument to Charles Aznavour in Gyumri
Reverse: portrait of Charles Aznavour, the number 100 in the form of stylized musical notes, piano keys and microphone.
Minted in Poland. The coin is worth ֏10,000 ($25).

International Criminal Court wants to arrest Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Gallant, and the Hamas leadership

PROSECUTOR: On the basis of evidence collected and examined by my Office, I have reasonable grounds to believe that Benjamin NETANYAHU, the Prime Minister of Israel, and Yoav GALLANT, the Minister of Defence of Israel, bear criminal responsibility for the following war crimes and crimes against humanity committed on the territory of the State of Palestine (in the Gaza strip) from at least 8 October 2023:
(1) Starvation of civilians as a method of warfare as a war crime
(2) Willfully causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or health
(3) Willful killing, or Murder as a war crime
(4) Intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population as a war crime
(5) Extermination and/or murder, including in the context of deaths caused by starvation, as a crime against humanity;
(6) Persecution as a crime against humanity
(7) Other inhumane acts as crimes against humanity
full statement, official video 4:57, source,

Iran's President Raisi and Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian die in a helicopter crash while returning from a meeting with Ilham Aliyev to inaugurate the opening of a new dam on the Iran-Azerbaijan border

Shortly before the crash:
RAISI: Maybe someone doesn't like our meeting and joint successes with Azerbaijan. It doesn't matter to us. The important thing is that we implement together whatever is in the best interest of our people. The enemies do not want progress in Azerbaijan and Iran, but we believe that any progress in Azerbaijan is our progress, any threat to the borders of both countries will be a loss for both countries.
ALIYEV: Today the world is witnessing how great the friendship is between Azerbaijan and Iran. We support each other in all international structures and will continue to in the future. No one can divide us. //
Memorial services will be held in Yerevan's Blue Mosque on Thursday.
source, source, source, source, source, Kremlin's conspiracists, source, source,

Azerbaijani dissident activist Arif Yunusov about Iran helicopter crash

REPORTER: Will there be radical changes in Iran after the death of Raisi?
YUNUSOV: I doubt it. The real power is in the hands of Khamenei. Now there are reports about his son [replacing him in the future]. As for the internal disturbances caused by opponents, as you know, there are periodic waves in Iran. These protests are sometimes ethnicity-based. If in the past it was Azerbaijanis, today the protests are by Kurds. There is also the youth that's tired of being ruled by religious mullahs. The death of Raisi doesn't change anything in internal or foreign policies. They will just change the President's last name.
REPORTER: I have a feeling Iran will soon blame Israel for the helicopter crash.
YUNUSOV: I have already seen that on Iranian Telegram channels but official Tehran won't rush with that. They will conduct an investigation and conclusions will be made. If Tehran blames Israel, then there must be good evidence for it because credit where credit is due - Iran usually conducts such investigations quite well. If you remember the liquidation of the father of Iran's nuclear weapons, Israel still denies participation but Iran found enough evidence that Israeli agents used the territory of Azerbaijan to infiltrate, carry out the project, and return through Azerbaijan. Let's wait and see the conclusion of the crash investigation. The accusations by Telegram channels and analysts "don't count".

... Arif Yunusov about AM-AZ border delimitation

REPORTER: Is the ongoing Tavush-Gazakh delimitation really a bilateral process, as Baku claims?
YUNUSOV: No. The U.S. is still interested in the delimitation process and influences both parties behind the curtains. There was a high-profile Azerbaijani visit to Washington. Although the official press release didn't share details, we can safely assume they discussed the AM-AZ relations. If this delimitation continues in spite of Russia that means the U.S. is currently a moderator in this process. This is not purely a bilateral process despite Aliyev's efforts to present it that way.
REPORTER: Is the U.S. a guarantor that the delimitation won't end in Tavush?
YUNUSOV: Not a "guarantor" but the U.S. is the force that is really trying to accomplish something and is actually doing something. The full demarcation will last a long time. The main objective of the U.S. at the moment is the signing of an AM-AZ peace agreement. I don't think they'll be able to sign it before November, however.
REPORTER: How is the Azerbaijani public reacting to the border delimitation?
YUNUSOV: Positively. People truly want to have a demarcated border. The Azerbaijani regime often mentioned "Western Azerbaijan" and the return of Azeris there, but in reality, nobody in Azerbaijan took that seriously because they all understood it was an attempt to pressure Armenia. As soon as information came that the border was partially delimited, it was met with a positive response by the public. The Azerbaijani public understands that it's normal for Azerbaijan to gain and lose control of territories during this process, just as we did during the delimitation with other neighbors.
submitted by ar_david_hh to armenia [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 22:56 bbuehler17 Day 43 - Takeaways so far

Sitting down and starting to write this is a surreal feeling because I have far surpassed my wildest expectations. For the majority of my life, I have been "good" at everything, but great at nothing. I've been able to surpass expectations on natural skill alone so trying hard was never something that was instilled in me intrinsically. I am 25 years old and I am finally realizing what has been missing.
Over the last 18 months, I have not felt like myself, even though there has been an incredible amount of positive change. From August 2022 to February 2024,2 I have:
Through all of this, the vast majority of people I've encountered have told me how incredible I'm doing, how amazing it is that I've been able to do what I've done, and how hard they see me working. however, I have always felt like I am just coasting by in an almost space cadet mode of operating 24/7.
Leading up to the decision to start 75H I had reached what felt like a physical rutt for the first time. I have always been very active and played sports in college (Again, feeling somewhat undeserving), but come the beginning of April my health felt like it was suffering, the workouts I was choosing to do had lackluster intensity and I was constantly physically exhausting despite prioritizing recovery and sleep.
Come the beginning of April, feeling like shit physically, mentally, and emotionally and although I had done tons to try and be "healthier" over the past few months nothing was helping. I stopped drinking (for other health reasons) in January, I was taking supplements to try and boost focus and attention, as well as improve overall health but nothing was working. The last straw was when on my birthday I got sick with unexplainable waves of nausea, bloating, and body aches.
Four days after all of this, I decided there was no better time than the present to start to change my life. After a small weekend trip for my birthday, Monday morning was go time and I haven't looked back since.
I am running in the mornings and lifting/doing yoga in the afternoons, I am following a diet of whole, unprocessed foods, zero added sugar and zero snacking. I am crushing my water and am through 2.5 books so far. Although this wasn't the point of my diet I am also down about 16 pounds, a welcome positive side effect.
I have more energy every day, consistently, than any one singular day in the past year I can remember. I feel so focused and am so excited to start my day. Action begets action in every sense of the phrase.
For anyone contemplating starting, get up and go. I am so incredibly happy I did! Cant wait to share what else I learn after I finish and the progress I've made!
submitted by bbuehler17 to 75HARD [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 22:54 kasutori_Jack 2024 r/baseball Power Rankings -- Week 8: Mariners Enter Top 10 as Phillies Take #1, Pirates Board Astros Ship and Take Flight, Twins Toppled, Athletics Forgot to Stretch, and Nationals Lampooned

Hey Sportsfans — it's time for Week 8 of baseball Power Rankings: Nearly a third of the way through this ranking season, is your team headed int he right direction? Please enjoy these baseball numbers.
Every voter has their own style / system and the only voting instructions are these:
"To an extent determined individually, you must take into account how strong a team is right now and likely to be going forward. You must, to some degree, give weight to the events and games of the previous week."
The Royalshad a Guest Voter today -- u/Mozilla_Fennekin
TRANSPARENCY: This link will show you who voted each team where and has added neat statistics!
If something is a little messed up, feel free to pester me let me know.
Total Votes: 30 of 30. Another Perfect Vote!.
# Team Δ Comment Record
1 Phillies +1 The Phillies went 6-1 on the week with the one loss being in extra innings. The team is just firing on all cylinders. Johan Rojas and Nick Castellanos (and Merrifield, Pache, and Stubbs) are borderline black holes in the lineup and yet they have a team OPS+ of 113. Ranger Suarez had his worst start of the year while giving up 0 earned and getting the win while Zack Wheeler bounced back nicely from a rough outing and pitching into the 8th. Aaron Nola had an Aaron Nola week, throwing a CGSO then looking dominant but giving up 3 runs on sudden home runs. The vibes for this team are just off the charts, and they look to carry that into the next week with 3 against the defending champ Rangers before heading out to Coors for a 3 game set. 34-14
2 Dodgers -1 The Dodgers ran some questionable lineups this week where it seems like Dave Roberts was kind of expecting to lose? It seemed like at least one of the star players on the Dodgers sat each game. The good news is that there are so many star players that the team can afford to do that and still go 5-2 on the week. With Buehler back and starting to look good (and happy) it seems the Death Star is fully operational. 32-17
3 Yankees +1 Back-to-back sweeps is fun, even if one was against a minor league team and the other was our version of the Washington Generals. Who do you even rave about on this team right now? Judge and Soto are red-hot simultaneously. Stanton is playing about as well as we could’ve possibly hoped for. The rotation is incredible. Clay Holmes still has not allowed an earned run into mid-May, cementing himself in Yankee lore even if it all falls apart tomorrow. There’s really not any one storyline to go nuts about, the Yankees are really just a well-rounded, high-functioning machine. Most fun the team has been to watch since as a whole unit since 2019. 33-15
4 Orioles -1 The O's now start a stretch of something like 27 games in 29 days. They are moving to a 6-man rotation, which will shorten their already taxed bullpen. The offense continues to have its ups and downs but the starting pitching has been unbelievable. This week the team travels to St Louis and Chicago to play the Cards and the White Sox. No offense to either of those teams but if there is a time for the bats to get right, this is it. 29-15
5 Braves 0 Ok. It's getting old. It's time to start hitting. This offense was HISTORIC a year ago. So far this year...we are in the bottom half the league in runs scored. Unacceptable. We can talk about how soft the Phillies schedule is all we want...but we have to win too. Pitching has been great recently for the most part (aside from Sunday night's game), but we can't seem to hit when we are pitching well or pitch well when we are hitting. It's gonna click...but how long will it take? 26-16
6 Guardians +2 When I did this last week, the Guardians had just lost three of four to the White Sox. Maybe that was the wakeup call they needed, because I'd say this was probably their best week of the season so far. They took 2/3 against the reigning WS champs and then swept our biggest division rival. The crowd in Cleveland was so into those games and they were great to be at. Saturday's game was our first May sellout in 11 years. 30-17
7 Brewers 0 The Brewers had another average week, beating the Pirates and dropping a series to the Astros, but their hot start has been enough to stay on top of their medicore division. Bobby Gas is still the GOAT. 27-19
8 Royals +2 I just watched the new Foolish video which features the 2023 Royals doing something stupid. Last year, the Royals won their 30th game on July 28. They have 29 on May 20. They're 10 games above .500 for the first time since 2015. They have the best position player and the best pitcher right now..... in the AL at least. Our biggest problems are MJ Melendez and a couple outfielders we paid like $10M on combined? Complaining while winning is a privilege. 29-19
9 Cubs 0 The Cubs slumping offense finally hit rock bottom, scoring 3 runs or fewer in 5 out of their 7 games. The injuries to Dansby Swanson and Nico Hoerner loomed large, as their replacements were totally inept at the plate and a massive downgrade in the field, as numerous additional hitters were able to reach base that wouldn't normally do so. The rotation which had been so excellent was slightly more inconsistent, including a disastrous Kyle Hendricks start, but the lack of run support meant it didn't really matter. While Swanson and Hoerner's returns should help the offense, Hendricks unfortunately would be addition by subtraction from the rotation. The last remaining cub from the World Series team and fan favorite has been the worst starting pitcher in baseball so far, and the Cubs cannot afford to continue giving him starts while they need to win games. They will try to right the ship this week against the Braves and their first meeting with the Cardinals 26-22
10 Mariners +1 A bit of a mixed week - the record shows 3-3, but it felt like a miracle to even make it there. Injuries are starting to stack up on the (already not-so-great) offense, and something's gotta give there at some point, right? ...right? Dipoto and co. have the farm talent to make an aggressive trade ahead of the market, and getting a solid hitter for an extra month may be huge down the line (especially if the Astros are indeed coming back to life.) *Up next: 4 @ Daaaaaaaaaaa Yankees Lose, 3 @ Walgreens 25-22
11 Twins -5 What a disaster of a week. The sweep by the Yankees was completely predictible, but then we went to Cleveland and our week did not get better. The sausage disappeared, then the series hinged on bad umpiring, a couple bad pitches, and some excellent Cleveland defense. The 12-game win streak showed how good the Twins could be, and this 6-game losing streak has shown how much we can struggle. Which team will we be for the reat of the season? I don't know, but the rollercoaster is not a fun time. 24-22
12 Padres 0 It really stung to get swept at home vs Colorado, and brought up a lot of bad press, and odd questions about ‘who’s the captain?’ etc. All makes me feel like we're in mid-season form. I really think it’s all overblown. When you lose games you’re supposed to win (or at least not get swept at home), tempers flare up, people in the clubhouse, and in the stands can say things in anger. When you win, everyone talks about the camaraderie, the chemistry between the players, leadership, etc. What I really see here is a team playing to their season expectations so far, and even hanging onto the last spot in the weaker NL Wild Card Race. A few wins in Atlanta was just what the doctor ordered, especially on the national stage Sunday. To make up for the rainout on Saturday, the Padres have a doubleheader today, and don’t have a day off until May 30th. They actually have 12 games in an 11 day span here. 24-24
13 Rangers 0 IL list looking like a MASH unit and the ones who are supposed to be recovering keep getting set back. 3 of the opening day starting rotation are on the IL, and that doesn't even include Scherzer, deGrom, and Mahle who all started the season on the list. Jack Leiter still isn't ML ready unfortunately but his improvements in AAA this year give some hope that development and progress is possible, just going to take more time. Things are going well. 24-24
14 Rays +2 The Rays certainly aren't winning on run differential, not super sure about fun differential, but last week was a big swing for the division and wild card chances. If this newfound consistency continues, September could be exciting- especially if a few more key players return from injury. Shoutouts to Isaac Paredes who is quietly having a really nice follow up to last year, and to Jonny DeLuca who is OPSing over .900 at the moment. 25-23
15 Red Sox -1 I'm breaking new ground in theoretical baseball analysis. Folks, the 2024 Boston Red Sox are a perfect analogue to the 2010 San Diego Chargers. Our offense is cracked, Duran figured out how to field, Abreu out of nowhere is a 3-4 WAR player, and TON is gonna crank 40 dingers with 50 RBIs. Connor Wong has a .900 OPS with a cannon arm. Devers has 5 HRs in his last 5 games. Our starting pitchers are out of nowhere one of the best staffs in the league, and our bullpen is nothing to scoff at. 2nd in the AL by ERA, and 4th by OPS. Despite this, we are UNDER .500!!! Like that Chargers team, we fail in the least quantifiable of ways. Our infield defense has been a rotating disaster, contributing to our 37 unearned runs. Our bats have been fantastic when piling on runs in blowouts, but awful in high leverage situations. We are the ultimate analytics failure. A 26 man roster filled with talent and individual performance, but all of it comes together to produce a mediocre product. There is plenty of time to turn things around, but I just do not know if they've got that Dog In Them to win baseball games. But, if you fuck with the WAR, we're killing it. 23-24
16 Tigers -1 Let's take a moment to notice the sudden emergence of Wenceel Perez, who came into the season as a depth prospect piece. Taking advantage of Parker Meadows' struggles, Perez has slashed a gaudy .300/.373/.533 over his first hundred PAs while maintaining a lot of red on his Statcast page. Whether this will keep up is to be determined, but he's provided a spark in the top third of the lineup while Detroit keeps flirting with the .500 mark. This week: 3 at KCR, 4 vs. TOR. 23-23
17 Astros +7 The Astros are giving me whiplash. Bad, okay, good, bad, good, okay. It would be nice if we were starting to figure things out though; would make for a more pleasant summer. Not too pleasant, though, because it is damn hot. 21-26
18 D-Backs -1 The Diamondbacks can't seem to figure it out. The offense rarely scores enough runs to win a game despite being 4th in the NL in runs scored per game. The pitching is both kinda bad and unlucky. The defense has improved, at least. It's not clear the coming reinforcements due to better health are going to be enough. 22-25
19 Giants +2 The Giants had another 4-2 week and finally beat the Dodgers. I feel okay, and so should you. Snell is back this Wednesday, the bullpen is starting to solidify, the Rivercats are hitting, the schedule isn’t that oppressive right now, Lee is gone forever, and, oh, right. Lee is gone forever. Okay, but other than that one thing, things are okay. Let’s ground ourselves with some numbers: 22nd in MLB in Run Diff, 21st in RS/G, 21st in RA/G, 25th in Bullpen ERA. Well, hmm. But I swear things looked worse 10 games ago. You have to believe me. @PIT and @NYM this week. Believe it or not, a winning week would put the Giants at .500. But I think we’d all be fine with a 3-3 road trip including a good Snell start and no new injuries. 23-25
20 Mets -2 Now that the Knicks season has ended in heartbreaking fashion, it's time for me to start paying full attention to the Mets again. I'm sure this week must've gone well..... OH DEAR GOD WHAT HAPPENED TO EDWIN DIAZ? 21-25
21 Pirates +4 Having Paul Skenes and Jared Jones in your rotation is awfully nice, isn't it? That one-two punch allowed the Pirates to take the first 2 games of a 4-game series in Chicago, with Mitch Keller claiming the finale on Sunday to earn a series victory (but Bailey Falter's performance on Saturday in a 1-0 loss was the best of all). The bats have started to come to life a bit, bolstered by the arrival of Nick Gonzales and the (hopfeully) imminent depature of Rowdy Tellez. As bad as the offense was for the past month, the Bucs are still treading water in a NL Central bereft of a dominant team. 22-26
22 Blue Jays -2 It's the hope that kills you. The Jays very nearly had a perfect week, but lost one to Baltimore and two vs TB by one run in each game, all in uniquely heart-breaking fashion: Baltimore was a walkoff loss after a bad hop led to a man on for Adley to bounce the winning HR off the top of the fence, spoiling a gem by Kikuchi. Then we averted disaster by breaking up a perfect game in the 8th by a not-good pitcher, only to see the comeback fall just short due to a couple bone-headed errors. Then we gave up a late lead on yet another bullpen implosion, spoiling a gem of a game by Gausman. There have been bright spots (keeping things close, Manoah throwing another amazing game, Vlad and others hitting really well), but they're at a tipping point here. With a soft schedule for the next two weeks, they can make a run and get back in the wild card hunt, or stumble and set up an obvious sell-off. 20-25
23 Nationals -4 Rough week for the Natty Daddies as they got swept by division rival Phillies on the heels of losing a series to the dreadful White Sox. I believe the Phillies are hitting their stride so the sweep doesn't bother me (2 close losses) but being shut out in back to back games vs the White Sox is tough to swallow especially given one was to Nationals legend Erick Fedde. What's next - can someone dig up AJ Cole and throw him against the Nats too? 20-25
24 Reds -1 We are trapped in the belly of the Big Red Machine. And the machine is bleeding to death. The sun has fallen down. And the scoreboards are all leering. And the Reds flags are all dead at the top of their poles. It went like this: The Reds tumbled in on themselves. Pitchers clutching hitters as they lost game after game, and gave up more and more runs. The skyline was beautiful on fire, rivers of chili stretching upwards. Everything washed in a thin orange haze. I looked at Mr. Red and whispered: "Kiss me, you're beautiful, these are truly the last days". He grabbed my hand and we fell into it, like a daydream or a fever. We woke up one morning and fell a little further down, For sure it's the valley of death. I open up ESPN, and it's full of more losses. 19-28
25 Cardinals +1 Sweeps are hard. The Cardinals have found some footing and look to have gotten off the mat as they answer a 1-5 week with a 4-2 week. The schedule this week will certainly test how stable that footing truly is as the Orioles and Cubs come to town. 20-26
26 Angels +1 Somehow this team took two of three from the Rangers. Instead of focusing on any negativity this week, I will note and celebrate what likely was one of the season highlights for this team. 18-29
27 Athletics -5 We suck lol, have won one game in the past two weeks and a -22 run diff in our L10. Obviously luck plays a role but other than maybe Rooker (with one good season) no one here is a proven quality player. We're still overperforming our Pythagorean W-L by a game to boot 19-30
28 Rockies 0 The Rockies won seven games in a row for their only winning streak of the season so far. Now it's time to see how many games they can lose in a row. 15-31
29 Marlins +1 Oh look the fish have won back to back series for the first time this season, yaaaaaaay. That being said our bullpen continues to be shaky as a tree branch during a hurricane so that likely wont be happening much against teams over .500. On the plus side, most of our starters have been consistent and luzardo has been doing just fine since returning from the IL. Burger still hasnt quite caught back up to how he was swinging before going out for his oblique injury but hopefully he can start getting on base. Thankfully the prodigal Son Otto Lopez has continued to do work, currently sporting an .885 OPS. Were starting off the week with a 3 game series in milwaukee and then head back home to host the sneks. 15-33
30 White Sox -1 What is there to say about the White Sox? They are the worst hitting team in the league by a considerable margin. They have the 4th worst pitching ERA and judging by the advanced metrics, they've been lucky to achieve even that. Even since they stopped playing like an all-time bad team in early May, they are still playing like the worst team in the league, with their 230/280/365 slash line. They just got outhomered 8-1 in the Bronx while being outscored 17-5 which is pretty typical for the season so far. The White Sox stink and unless you hate yourself, you shouldn't be watching them. 14-33
submitted by kasutori_Jack to baseball [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 21:36 ispyanomalies Snapchat & agenda & Warwick & LGBTQIA+ students family friends ALLIES pls let’s make a confluence of support at WARWICK TOMORROW 5:30/6:00 behind HS FOOTBALL FIELD

Snapchat & agenda & Warwick & LGBTQIA+ ALLIES pls let’s make a confluence at WARWICK TOMORROW 5:30/6:00 behind HS FOOTBALL FIELD
Pride people of Lititz and Lancaster, Warwick students are shining the bat-signal for your lovely supportive souls. This means you, Front St!!
WGAL, 2 other TV news outlets are coming, and I know somebody is talking to one of the CBS national News producers.
Let’s all wear something inclusive and that expresses solidarity, like the extended rainbow or if don’t have, only bright clothes or make signs.
I’m a procrastinator, and follow national and international news.
Just learned about this whole situation the last 72 hrs.
SO, I have no FB, no IG, big on snap 👻 but more nationally, so I can’t reach an audience in Lancaster County/Warwick/Lititz!!!!
Plus we need young and old. Your district could be next.
This law firm based on über Christian legal practice (as evidenced by their website and US SUPREME COURT actions they are a part of ( ) is coming for our Childrens’ sexual health and identities and what bathrooms and sports they can use. But ultimately, their physical safety and lifelong mental health.
They are trying to bring religion into school.
Is thisss-, wait, we’re in America, right? 🤷‍♂️
The biggest red flag, is they want to do it for free, the other is that all 9 republican school board members we’ve learned, fully support this Pennsylvania and Virginia plaguing initiative.
Help me, help you. Help me help you. Not trying to lead, just organize.
I’m late to the game but I have children. In one way or another our whole family is -to the person and puppy, diverse, in one or more ways. We’re no longer talking about skin color, ADA, age, stuff were hopefully closer to being past.
We would need to move, if this Christian Right anti-gay anti-‘woke’ pro-life anti-trans law firm is hired -PRO BONO- by the signature of one human tonight (Emily Zimmerman, President), that our constituents elected.
I don’t think the constituents who voted for these 9 board members would still vote for them if they knew that they planned to create a future SCOTUS loss, by not allowing, but cattle-prodding WARWICK SCHOOL DISTRICT TO DEFY CONSTITUTIONALLY required SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE.
what transpires tonight will affect over 32,000 people and HUNDREDS of children. It will cause deaths. It will cause violence and bullying. It will cause close-mindedness, mockery, and enough tears to fill Lititz Springs Pool
If it works, more and more schools and counties will give way.
Yes, it can be changed when people see kids killing themselves for being bullied and girls giving birth at school.
Yes elections happen. It will eventually get better. But instead of having to fix a wrong, 3 years now when a bunch of 3,4,5,6,7,8 graders get traumatized, why can’t we just get it right the 1st time?
I know of a 10 year old who wants to “come out” in dramatic fashion, next Fall when school opens. Not only is child being told they can’t be who they are, but who they know in their soul they are. They are also being told that because of the ILC and Randall Wenger, Esq. and WSD Board that they can’t for SURE (come “out”),now that they will be going to be a Christian school.
Regarding this monumental Warwick School Board Meeting tomorrow night (which Id like them to move a 3rd time, to the STADIUM), because -we make the JH Auditorium too small- in the next 31 hours.
In order to do that. We need to collaborate. Quickly. Bodies. All we need is bodies. (And speakers. You have until 3:30 tomorrow to email to be put on list. And give them hell. I can’t get thrown out of this one so need to be professional, but please come and spill tea tell stories, shame, anecdotes (heartwarming), and logically raise questions so salient and unassailable that instead of signing the contract ( )
They listen to us instead of the other 8 men & women to their left and right.
We all know somebody that is “different” whether we like it or understand it —>we don’t care. we. Just. LOVE them.
If you don’t know ANYone like that, do nothing. Or be an awesome ally. If you DO, go pick them up, grab some of that Frisco’s Chicken on your way to the Warwick HS Football Field for 5:30/6:00 PM tomorrow night for this Rally.
I didn’t take up this mantle, nor will I. But I will temporarily kick up a storm if need be or do whatever I can to help those already leading the efforts against allowing Warwick to put ILC on retainer, mostly on behalf of this child that doesn’t have a Dad, and other children I know about in the WSD.
Dm me, email and phone I will gladly share if you want to talk, and snap of course.
But pls, anyone on Facebook that can reach just about anybody and everybody. If this matters to your heart, or your children, or you, please hack-up this reddit message however you want, or use your own words, and reshare it on THAT social media platform. Twitter and IG too. Hell, threads and truth social if you’re so inclined. I hear there’s a thing called Tik Tok that some people watch 😉
If you plan to vote for Biden and not Trump, this is miniBiden and miniTrump in your backyard, and Trump wants to burn Of Mice & Men & The Catcher in the Rye, any book that helps a kid figure out if they might be gay, bi, trans, asexual, etc, and force your son or daughter to share bathrooms and sports teams based on what PHYSICAL gender they were assigned at birth, not what they and their parents know and accept them to be.
Gender Identity is not physical. Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes…ya don’t.
[this WILL be edited].
submitted by ispyanomalies to lancaster [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 20:52 MasteringTheFlames In the early days of the pandemic, Gwen Hasselquist's body is found in the Puget Sound. The obituary states the cause of death as Covid-19, the coroner's report rules it a suicide. Friends and family, however, believe husband Erik --quickly remarried and moved to Africa-- killed her.

Setting the stage
The date is March 19, 2020. In the news, the US Senate announces a $1 trillion stimulus package to aid the American public through the Covid pandemic, the Department of Education issues guidelines for online learning, and the number of Covid-19 deaths in Italy surpasses those in China. Of less note at the time, Gig Harbor, Washington resident Erik Hasselquist posts on social media that his wife Gwendolyn has tested positive for the coronavirus. The next day, Gwen's body would be found floating in the Puget Sound. In the months and years to come, the case would receive little to no public interest. To those who knew Gwen, it would change their lives. Why does her obituary imply the virus as her cause of death, when the coroner's report rules it a suicide? How did she drive herself 15 miles (24 km) to the Tacoma Narrows Bridge shortly after taking 60 pills of benzodiazepine? Who was the man a witness claims was in the vehicle with her? Why did Erik, just months later, re-marry and move to his new wife's home country in Africa, leaving his and Gwen's two children in the US?
Before we go further, I'd like to take a moment to speak to my sources. This is not a well-known case, in fact I have found exactly zero news articles about this. If you google Gwen's name, you'll find her obituary, a single account each on Instagram and Flickr, and the websites of two true crime podcasts. Luminol has a write-up about her, but in trying to listen to the episode, I experienced a 404 error. Lastly, the Locations Unknown podcast, which has released four episodes totaling 8 hours. Each episode features a guest, Andy. An attorney by trade, Andy is not professionally associated with the case, but rather has a personal connection to the case. He is a friend of a friend to the hosts of the podcast. Locations Unknown is my go-to source for most information here, cross-referencing all other sources as needed. Locations Unknown also submitted FOIA requests to several agencies, and received the police reports from the Pierce County Sheriff's Department, which the podcast has made available on their website. Episode 50 lays the groundwork through Andy's own account of the events. Episode 53 follows up with the police reports, and episodes 66 and 68 each feature extensive interviews with Gwen's loved ones. I first listened to the podcast on Pandora, but it's also available on YouTube with some very helpful visuals. Links to all materials will be provided at the end. That out of the way, back to Gwen's story.
Gwen's disappearance
Our story takes place in Washington State. The Hasselquists live outside the town of Gig Harbor. Located at the north end of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, Gig Harbor is a small community of about 12,000. The Hasselquist home is located roughly a 15 mile (24 km) drive northwest of the bridge, in the rural, wooded community of Glencove.
On March 19, 2020, Erik posts on social media announcing Gwen's coronavirus diagnosis to friends and family. At 5:46 the next morning, Erik posts a video on Facebook from their home's Ring doorbell, announcing Gwen's disappearance and asking for help finding her. Gwen is seen exiting the home, alone. She closes the door behind her, then fumbles for nearly a minute to lock the door. She appears inebriated, lacking the dexterity to lock the door, and stands motionless for a long moment, as if dazed and confused. The video, since deleted, was described by Andy as "really creepy to watch." Later that same morning, at 7:30 AM, Erik posts on social media again: "Today I've watched the sunrise knowing my love likely didn't get to see it." Six hours after that post, around 3:20 that afternoon, police respond to a kayaker who called in reporting a body floating in the water about 6 miles (10 km) south of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge. She has multiple cuts on her left hand and wrist, not believed to be self-inflicted. The police report states of the Ring video, "Gwendolyn may have had the observed injury to the back of her left hand prior to leaving the residence."
August 25, 2020, another police report is filed, stating that the police had received and reviewed the medical examiner's report. The cause of death is found to be "multiple traumatic injuries due to fall," the manner of death ruled suicide. "Additionally, benzodiazepine was detected in the decedent's blood," however the dosage and other details are not mentioned.
Gwen's car and the witness
Around midnight the previous night --that's the evening of March 19 into the early morning hours of the 20th-- a minivan had been found near the middle of the bridge by a state trooper dispatched to investigate the report of the abandoned vehicle. Upon arriving at the car, the state trooper found the van and a witness. The van appeared to have been in a crash, with every passenger-side window broken out. The witness was seen reaching into the van as the trooper arrived. Witness's behavior was described as erratic, and Trooper suspected issues of "both alcohol and mental health." Witness claims to have been offered a ride by a female driver, and that there was a passenger in the back of the van. The female stopped the car, got out, and gifted Witness the car. Officers checked the car's registration, and visited Erik's home at 12:53 that night to inform him that his vehicle had been found. Erik stated his wife was home with him, and the officer noted in the police report that Erik seemed "noticeably unphased" by his vehicle being found stolen. Because Gwen was thought to have Covid, the officers did not enter the home or verify she was there that night.
Because it was presumed to be an unreported stolen vehicle, the witness was taken into custody, at which point he amended his story. He states that he told the woman not to park on the bridge, but she seemed unresponsive. He then left the woman, but returned a short while later. As Witness was walking back towards the van, he says he saw a "dark figure" over the guard rail before the figure disappeared, but could not say it was the woman nor that the figure jumped. Witness ID'd the woman he'd talked to as Gwen based on a photo, but could not identify Erik's photo. Witness was then released from custody.
On August 31, 2020, a final, brief supplemental police report is filed. It begins, "Please note for consideration that during the course of this investigation, a number of family/friends/citizens familiar with Gwendolyn came forward with concerns that her death was not an act of suicide." It discusses her childhood abuse and recent steps to process that in therapy. She is said to be doing well, "reforging old familial bonds, expressed a positive and optimistic outlook on life, and was making plans for the future. It was discussed that she would never abandon her children intentionally." It goes on to note Erik's "concerning history" and strange behavior following Gwen's death. He is an alcoholic, has a history of domestic abuse towards Gwen, and suicidal ideation. Erik insisted that Gwen was despondent over her recent Covid diagnosis, and was therefore driven to suicide. Days later, "a family pet died and Erik was quick to explain on social media that the pet was also taken by COVID19. Erik began isolating the children from Gwen's family and friends." It continues to address the strange circumstances surrounding his hastiness to remarry. The report concludes: "Though unusual, these documented circumstances do not readily identify any overt malicious intent behind Gwen's passing; however they do present cause for consideration. Those with opinions about the welfare Gwen's surviving children were encouraged to report their concerns to local CPS."
So with that, let's get into Erik's actions in the months and years following Gwen's death.
Erik remarries
April 16th, less than a month after Gwen's death. Erik posts on Instagram that both of his kids --roughly 8 and 11 years old-- encouraged him to start dating again. "This house needs more female leadership... No one will ever replace Gwen, but we want this family to be whole again." On May 31, he once again posts expressing his hope to "find a woman." Thursday, June 11, he gets his wish, announcing that he got married the previous Sunday. March 25, 2021, Erik posts on Instagram a photo of him and his wife on a plane. "Today I leave this shithole country to be with my wife. Fuck the US. Not coming back anytime soon." Three comments ask something to the effect of, "who are your kids staying with while you're gone?" to which there are no responses.
The previous information entirely originated from the first two episodes of the Locations Unknown podcast, police reports, and Andy's knowledge of the case. At this point, we're going to start diving into the follow-up podcasts. Episode 66 of Locations Unknown is an interview with Gwen's best friend Dawn, and episode 68 is another interview with Gwen's sister Dora. The two interviews total another three hours in length, but this post is getting long enough as is. So I'll bullet point "a few" key take-aways from each interview.
This was a long interview, and a bit all over the place, and my notes may reflect that. I'll organize them as best I can, but some points may be a bit jumbled due to Dora kind of jumping around the timeline.
Rehoming the kids
Sticking with Dora's interview on the podcast, I think this part deserves a long-form section.
During one of Erik's suicidal outbursts, Erik's kid called his grandparents in Wisconsin, who contacted Dora asking her to take the kids for a few days. Social Services reached out to begin the process of re-homing the kids with Dora long-term. However, by the time she arrived in Gig Harbor after the three hour drive from her home, the local police informed Dora that the kids had already been placed with CPS in Tacoma. On the way, she was in communication with CPS to begin background checks and other steps for her to permanently take in the kids. When she arrived in Tacoma, Dora was told that due to her living across state lines in Oregon, the children could not be placed with her, and instead would end up with other family --distant family the kids only met once-- in Seattle. Dora was able to see the children in their new home, and felt that they were in good enough hands, however this family was an older lady. Her home was described as the type where "everything has a place, not a place where kids would be wanted bouncing off the walls." Dora, on the other hand, already had kids at home, has been with Gwen's kids through the whole ordeal, and was just generally a better fit, CPS bureaucracy aside.
Shortly after the kids were relocated to be with their paternal grandparents in Wisconsin pending custody disputes, Dora made plans to go see them for a week. She had made arrangements for a hotel with a pool, the kids would spend a night with Dora, a rental car large enough for the kids, and so on. Three weeks before the trip, Erik caught word of it, and tightly restricted how much Dora could see the kids. Ultimately, she decided to cancel the trip to avoid causing drama. The kids ultimately were permanently rehomed with their grandparents in Wisconsin, to the best of my knowledge.
Closing thoughts
Anyone still with me through all that? Wow. You're awesome! You've almost made it!
Honestly, I'm not unbiased on this. One host of the podcast in particular is very set in his interpretation of this case. I've listened to it all twice, that's 16+ hours of his bias, and that skews my interpretation of the facts. I tried to set that aside as best as possible and just present the facts and the opinions not of myself and the podcast, but of those who knew and loved Gwen. That said, a few closing thoughts.
The police work in this case, I think, is lacking, to put it lightly. I don't believe it to be malicious in nature, but rather simply a result of the times. It was the very, very early days of the pandemic. Police officers are humans just like anyone else, and were scared. Gwen was going through hard times personally during hard times worldwide, she took a bunch of pills, and jumped off a bridge. On the surface, it looks like a suicide. But there are so many questions. The bloody knife. The man that may have been seen in the car on the bridge. The Tacoma Narrows is a toll bridge. Why were toll booth attendants not interviewed? Were there cameras anywhere on the bridge, and if so, why do the police reports not mention pulling video?
At this point, I'll say it: I think Erik killed her. I understand that we all process grief differently, and if Erik was genuinely ready to remarry so quickly, then all the best to the newly wed couple. But there are so many bits and pieces that just add up to cause concern. If this case is re-opened, given a serious investigation without the effects of Covid fog, and they still rule it suicide, fine. I'll edit this post to put an apology to Erik right at the top in bold. But it needs a second look.
The hosts of Locations Unknown have said that more family and friends than just Dawn and Dora have reached out, but wish to stay off the record. Both Dawn and Dora were closest to Gwen. But the podcast has said that even some people who were friends of Erik before he met Gwen believe Erik killed her. At the time of the most recent episode of Locations Unknown being published (8/10/2022) 10 more interviews were lined up, including with those friends of Erik. In the most recent episode, they said it "certainly would not" be the last. And yet in a recent collaboration with another podcast, they said they've hit a dead end. I'll be following closely to see if they break through it, and I sure hope other people do as well.
So, thoughts? How do you think Gwen died? What did I miss in my presentation and interpretation of this, what other theories do you all have?
Locations Unknown 50 --Overview of the case
Locations Unknown 53 -- Reviewing police reports
Locations Unknown 66 --Interviewing Dawn
Locations Unknown 68 --Interviewing Dora
Police Reports
Luminol podcast article
Gwen's obituary
submitted by MasteringTheFlames to UnresolvedMysteries [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 20:03 JulieG350Jgs Power of the Mind

How to keep your vibrations high to thrive through negative times

1. Stay hydrated: Filtered water with a pinch of Celtic Sea Salt added (see below)

2. Get outdoors as much as possible.=Natural Vitamin D

3. Eat Fresh Whole Foods=vitamins through foods

4. Mind your thoughts: choose positive uplifting thoughts, stay away from ALL negative thinking, and choose to embody happy feelings. Fear, Paranoia and Negativity are tools that empower the Dark Occultist Globalists (WEAPONIZED Negativity AGAINST humanity. See below)

5. Meet more positive like-minded people you resonate with, even if you might disagree at times they won't attack, belittle, argue with or demean you.

6. Get rid of TV and MSM=They program you with subliminal messages, subliminal energetic energies, and negative ideology (mind control/indoctrination). Don't let things you can’t control "control" you (see below)

7. STOP eating processed packaged foods/beverages, reduce to eliminate synthetic chemicals in pharmaceuticals.

8. Cash is King. Digital is part of the Digital ID and control through AI=Internet of Things (Mark of the Beast)

9. Spend more time in nature, walk outdoors, go barefoot and ground in earth to discharge negative magnetic toxins accumulated in body (see below)

10. Read books, light candles, meditate, sing, tap into inner creativity, get a calming hobby, learn to relax, and release workaholic materialistic obsessive ideology.

Grounding/Earthing (People obsessed and possessed over the need to wear shoes except when sleeping are cutting themselves off from the PROVEN health benefits through grounding)
Integrative and lifestyle medicine strategies should include Earthing (grounding): Review of research evidence and clinical observations
Highlights • Earthing (grounding) connects people to the Earth's natural healing energy.
• Reduces inflammation, pain, and stress; improves blood flow, sleep, and vitality.
• Earthing is a simple, profound lifestyle addition requiring no effort or dieting.
• Earthing is a GROSSLY overlooked factor in health and healing.
• Earthing should be recommended by health professionals to patients.
Core components of alternative, lifestyle, and preventive medicine include nutrition, exercise, stress management, and relationships. Missing from this formula is the practice of Earthing (also commonly referred to as grounding; in this paper, we will primarily use the term Earthing).
Earthing simply means reconnecting the conductive human body to the Earth's natural and subtle surface electric charge, an effortless lifestyle activity that systemically influences the basic bioelectrical function of the body. Doing so surprisingly stabilizes the physiology, reduces inflammation, pain, and stress, improves sleep, blood flow, and lymphatic/venous return to the heart, and produces greater well-being.
These are systemic, profound effects. People often report that after they start Earthing, they feel and look healthier and younger. Those with pain report less pain.1 Even mood improves.2
Earthing is easy to do and often achieves rapid results, particularly for individuals with chronic health disorders. ⬇️
Grounding – The universal anti-inflammatory remedy
Grounding or earthing could be the anti-inflammatory antidote for modern man. It is one of the greatest kept secrets when it comes to our health and aliveness, and only a small part of the scientific community really understands the concept. Once health professionals and others realize that grounding is especially important in preventing inflammatory illness, an incredible effect on public health will be realized. The breath of validation from previous published data and real-life testimonials is a testimony of the earth's dramatic impact on healing the human body. ⬇️
Thriving Together Series: The Well-Being Benefits of Grounding
Grounding offers a diverse variety of well-being benefits. It is a simple practice that can significantly improve your health.
The benefits of grounding, according to this U.S. News and World Report article can include:
Stress and pain relief Less inflammation Better sleep More energy Improved circulation Reduced anxiety and depression Stronger immune system functioning ⬇️
Earthing: The Real Health Benefits of Planting Your Feet on Mother Earth
Earthing Benefits Earthing has real, research-backed benefits that include:
Reducing inflammation Reducing pain, including chronic pain Regulating the nervous system and cortisol levels Protecting the body from disruptive electromagnetic fields (EMF) Reducing jet lag Improving blood flow Restoring energy Improving sleep Faster wound healing Regulating immunity Improving mood Reducing blood viscosity (lowering risk of blood clots). ⬇️
A therapeutic method called 'earthing' offers health benefits ⬇️
Celtic Sea Salt
Celtic Sea Salt Benefits ⬇️
What is so special about Celtic sea salt?
  1. Rich in essential minerals
  2. Maintains electrolyte balance
  3. Supports digestive health
  4. Enhances flavor naturally
  5. Promotes better hydration
  6. Benefits for skin health
  7. Alkalizing properties ⬇️
Celtic Sea Salt Blog ⬇️
What Is so Special About Celtic Sea Salt? The Health Trend Everyone's Talking About ⬇️
The power of the mind
Mind this: Research reveals the power of the mind ⬇️
Stanford researchers explore how the human mind shapes reality
“Our minds aren’t passive observers, simply perceiving reality as it is. Our minds actually change reality,” said Alia Crum, an assistant professor of psychology and director of the Stanford Mind and Body Lab. Crum and other Stanford researchers – including many who recently took part in a World Economic Forum IdeasLab panel and Worldview Stanford’s Power of Minds meeting, both sponsored in part by the Stanford Neurosciences Institute – are bridging medicine, psychology, education, business and more to understand not just what our minds can do, but also how they do it. ⬇️
7 Incredible Studies That Prove The Power Of The Mind
Study #1: Visualization creates results: Study #2: Smiling improves mood Study #3: Thought management lowers stress Study #4. The brain can produce serotonin on its own Study #5. People can “think” their way to releasing weight Study #6. Positivity and meditation prolongs life Study #7. The Placebo effect ⬇️
(The mind is so powerful that government/military/scientific agencies have weaponized mind control to harness the energy of each individuals mind to power nefarious agendas AGAINST humanity=Science Fiction is Reality)
Mind-Controlled virtual assistant on a smartphone device
2034-12-16 Adjusted expiration ⬇️
Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors ⬇️
Mind Control Patents ⬇️
Directed Energy Weapons = Targeted Individuals Patents ⬇️
Methods and Systems for Noninvasive Mind-Controlled Devices ⬇️
A declassified CIA document dated 7 Jan 1953 [1] describes the creation of multiple personality in 19-year old girls. "These subjects have clearly demonstrated that they can pass from a fully awake state to a deep H [hypnotic] controlled state ... by telephone, by receiving written matter, or by the use of code, signal, or words and that control of those hypnotized can be passed from one individual to another without great difficulty. It has also been shown by experimentation with these girls that they can act as unwilling couriers for information purposes." BB 32
A CIA document dated 10 Feb 1954 [4] describes an experiment on the creation of unsuspecting assassins: "Miss [deleted] was then instructed (having expressed a fear of firearms) that she would use every method at her disposal to awaken Miss [deleted] (now in a deep hypnotic sleep) and failing this, she would pick up a pistol and fire it at Miss [deleted]. She was instructed that she would not hesitate to "kill." Miss [deleted] carried out these suggestions including firing the (unloaded) gun at [deleted]. After proper suggestions were made, both were awakened. Miss [deleted] expressed absolute denial that the foregoing sequence had happened." BB 36, 37 ⬇️
submitted by JulieG350Jgs to u/JulieG350Jgs [link] [comments]