Dental week preschool


2010.04.26 01:08 serious_demilune Dentistry

Discussions and links of interest for dental professionals on all things dentistry. Questions and stories from patients should be redirected to askdentists.

2013.01.24 00:44 predental PreDent: A place for us predents to post links and have discussions with each other.

A place for us predents to post links and have discussions with dentists, dental students, other pre-dents, or anyone interested in the dentistry field.

2021.10.30 20:58 ben123111 Pibby

πŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ’š COME AND LEARN WITH PIBBY! πŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ’š This season, we’ll have fun wit/h/./#/β‰ βŒ·βŒ·//////////////////////DArkn∊∬ spills over the horizon///. .///////////// ///////// Pibby is ripped out of her safe, preschool world and thrown into unknΓΈwn lands. She has to grow up, πŸ’œLEARNπŸ’œ, and become a bβˆ†dass to stop the cartoon Aβ‚±βŠ™Cβ‹€LΒ₯⍴$βˆ‘////////////////

2024.06.03 12:00 AutoModerator Weekly Classifieds and Events

Welcome to our weekly odds and ends post!

If you are looking for events, please check out our exhaustive Events Calendar!

Every parent level comment should begin with one of the following categories:
[For Sale] concert tickets, beauty and grooming services, Ikea bookcases
[For Free] dental checkups and couches that you can totally have for free but you have to move them yourself
[Want to Buy] * Rave tickets, a used toaster, a cute puppy*
[Job Request] You're new to the city and are looking for work in IT or you hate your job and need some leads. Be sure to include your skills and qualifications. A lot of people on this sub love to help others but they can't do that if they don't know your background and interests.
[Job Announcement] You're looking for new team members for a fantastic job that ISN'T a scammy ca$h4work gig or MLM
[Living Arrangements] You need a roommate, an apartment, or are offering a living arrangement. Be sure to clarify your tidiness expectations because you never know what you're going to get when accepting a roommate and I'm NOT GOING TO DO YOUR DAMN DISHES ANYMORE REBECCA
[Personals] You're lonely, new to the city, want to play extreme Frisbee, or need someone to eat Ian's Pizza with because no one wants to do that alone. We understand.
[Event] An advertisement for your amazing upcoming event - like a urban foraging excursion or band performance that is totally going to blow the roof off
submitted by AutoModerator to milwaukee [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 11:41 send_me_jokes_plz Is it okay to give my dog mostly dry food if I give my cats mostly wet food? Does that make me a bad dog owner?

I'm getting a dog in a few weeks. I currently have 3 cats. Because of UTI issues in the past, my cats currently eat a diet of ~90% wet food and ~10% dry food or dental treats. The extra moisture in the wet food seems to have completely resolved the UTI issues that two of them were having.
I've been budgeting, researching, and preparing for the dog for a few months now, and am at the point where I want to choose what food to feed it. I've had dogs in the past, but it's been a while.
My cats don't drink much water, even before I switched to wet food, no matter what type of water dish I used. Cats get most of their hydration from their food naturally, so dehydration leading to urinary tract issues is fairly common in them.
Dogs drink plenty of water, typically. From what I can tell, they don't have the same issues with hydration that cats do. I'm thinking that I want to feed the dog about 25% wet food and 75% dry food, high quality ingredients for both, but it makes me feel bad that the dog wouldn't be given the same "luxury" as the cats. At the same time, I know cats and dogs have very different dietary needs and many dogs are perfectly healthy eating just dry food.
Will a diet of mostly dry food be okay for my pup, or would it be better to splurge like I do for the cats and give the dog mostly wet food too? It makes me feel like I'd be treating the dog unfairly somehow, but it's been a decade since I had a dog so my mind might just be focusing on the "wet food is better" because of how much time and money I spent dealing with the kitties UTIs
submitted by send_me_jokes_plz to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 11:32 jonesneville54 A Detailed Look at Same Day Teeth Implants near Me and Their Costs

Same Day Teeth Implants

In today's fast-paced world, convenience and efficiency are paramount, even when it comes to dental care. Same day teeth implants, also known as immediate load implants, have revolutionized the field of dentistry, offering a quick and effective solution for those in need of dental restoration. Unlike traditional implants, which require a healing period before the final crown can be placed, same day dental implants allow patients to leave the dental office with a fully functional set of teeth in just one visit. This advancement is particularly significant for adults who may have busy schedules or who are seeking swift improvements in their dental health.

Benefits of Same Day Dental Implants

Same day dental implants offer numerous advantages that make them an attractive option for many adults. Here are some key benefits:
Improved Aesthetics
One of the most appealing benefits of same day dental implants is the immediate improvement in appearance. Patients no longer have to deal with gaps in their smile or temporary dentures while waiting for traditional implants to heal. With same day implants, you walk out of the dental office with a complete, natural-looking set of teeth.
Enhanced Functionality
Same day dental implants are designed to function like natural teeth. This means you can eat, speak, and smile with confidence the same day you receive your implants. The immediate functionality is particularly beneficial for those who rely on their teeth for professional or social interactions.
The convenience factor cannot be overstated. Traditional dental implants require multiple visits over several months, whereas same day implants significantly reduce the number of appointments needed. This is especially advantageous for adults with busy lifestyles who cannot afford to take time off work repeatedly.

Procedure and Process

Understanding the procedure involved in getting same day dental implants can help alleviate any concerns or apprehensions. Here's a step-by-step overview:
The process begins with an initial consultation where your dental health is thoroughly assessed. X-rays, 3D scans, and impressions of your mouth are taken to plan the procedure. During this consultation, the dentist will determine if you are a suitable candidate for same day implants.
On the day of the procedure, the dentist will prepare your mouth by removing any damaged teeth if necessary. Your jawbone will be prepared for the implants, which may involve minor adjustments to ensure a perfect fit.
Implant Placement
The dental implants are then carefully placed into your jawbone. Advanced technology and precise techniques ensure that the implants are positioned correctly for optimal stability.
Immediate Loading
Once the implants are in place, temporary crowns are attached to them. These crowns are fully functional and allow you to use your new teeth immediately. Over the following weeks, the implants will naturally fuse with your jawbone, providing a stable foundation for permanent crowns.
Post-Surgery Care
After the procedure, you will receive detailed instructions on how to care for your new implants. Regular follow-up appointments will be scheduled to monitor your progress and ensure that the implants are healing correctly.

Same Day Dental Implants Cost

Understanding the cost associated with same day dental implants is crucial for making an informed decision. Several factors can influence the overall cost:
The type of materials used for the implants and crowns can significantly affect the price. High-quality materials may come at a higher cost but offer better durability and aesthetics.
The cost of dental procedures can vary depending on your geographic location. Dental practices in urban areas or regions with a higher cost of living may charge more for same day implants.
Additional Procedures
If additional procedures such as bone grafting or extractions are required, these will add to the overall cost. It's essential to discuss all potential expenses with your dentist during the consultation.
It's worth noting that while the upfront cost of same day dental implants might be higher compared to other dental solutions, the long-term benefits and convenience often justify the investment.

Finding Same Day Teeth Implants near Me

When considering same day dental implants, finding a reputable and convenient provider is crucial. Here are some tips to help you locate the best options in your area:
Research Online
Start by searching for "same day teeth implants near me" online. Look for dental practices that specialize in this procedure and have positive reviews from previous patients.
Ask for Recommendations
Word of mouth can be incredibly valuable. Ask friends, family, or colleagues if they know of any reputable dental implant providers in your area.
Check Credentials
Ensure that the dental practice you choose has qualified and experienced professionals. Check their credentials, certifications, and any associations with professional dental organizations.
Schedule Consultations
Don't hesitate to schedule consultations with multiple providers. This will give you an opportunity to ask questions, compare costs, and get a feel for the practice before making a decision.

Real Patient Stories

Hearing from individuals who have undergone same day dental implant procedures can provide valuable insights and reassurance. Here are a few testimonials from satisfied patients:
Jane's Story
"I was always self-conscious about my missing teeth, but the idea of waiting months for traditional implants was daunting. Same day dental implants changed my life. The procedure was quick, and I left the office with a beautiful smile. The best part? I could eat and speak normally right away!"
Mike's Experience
"As a busy professional, I couldn't afford to take multiple days off work for dental appointments. Same day teeth implants were the perfect solution. The entire process was efficient, and the results were stunning. I highly recommend it to anyone considering dental implants."
Same day dental implants offer an innovative, convenient, and effective solution for adults seeking to restore their smiles and improve their dental health. With benefits like immediate functionality, enhanced aesthetics, and reduced appointment times, it's no wonder this procedure is gaining popularity.
While the same day dental implants cost can vary, the investment is often justified by the long-term benefits and quality of life improvements. If you're considering this option, take the time to research providers and read patient stories to make an informed decision.
Ready to take the first step toward a brighter, more confident smile? Start by searching for "same day teeth implants near me" and schedule a consultation with a trusted provider. Your journey to a stunning smile begins today!
submitted by jonesneville54 to u/jonesneville54 [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 11:09 Relevant-Jello-3343 Dentist injection advice please

Hello, I’m newly diagnosed with MCAS last week I had crown prep at the dentist, I had an injection in my gum. I had a debilitating flare up of pain, fatigue etc that I’m still trying to get over. I think it was from the injection. I have to go back tomorrow to get the crown fitted and I’m terrified about it setting me off again but I need to get the dental work done. Help! Do you have any advice for me??( I’m in the uk)
submitted by Relevant-Jello-3343 to MCAS [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 08:03 RedditIsMyDr Nocardia Infection

My dog was diagnosed with a strain of nocardia in February concomitant with a dental infection. He’s been on Clavamox for months. If even a day is skipped, symptoms come back full force. Does anyone have suggestions? No vets in my area have treated it and seem to be only vaguely familiar with the existence of Nocardia. I haven’t had much luck with Dr. Google, either, which is how I landed here.
Dog, Bichon Frise, 8 years old, Male / Neutered, Normal weight (13-15lbs), Located in TN.
Drooling that begins clear and quickly progresses to pus-like foul-smelling discharge, pawing at mouth, refusing to eat due to pain, fever, lethargy.
Antibiotics began beginning of February when dental infection was found. Dental cleaning / extraction performed. During procedure, Vet found lesion on lip at back of mouth that he was suspicious of cancer. Sent biopsy. Showed inflammation but nothing indicative cancer or other conditions.
Culture + antibiotics + prednisone end of March. Came back with Pasturella M. and aerobic actinomycete.
Clavamox 125mg / twice daily given continuously since mid-April. Increased dose from 1.4 ml to 2 ml (125 mg) at this time.
The liquid Clavamox/Clavacillin was on back order so we gave pill form (same dosage) for approximately 2 weeks, and began giving dry food (had been wet for comfort) Symptoms returned with gusto. Not sure if due to dry food or pill vs. liquid. Began liquid Clavacillin again approximately two weeks ago. Just started dry food again and monitoring for symptoms. He seems to have some pain with chewing the last day, but no drooling or fever as of yet.
Is there anything else I can be doing to help? Different treatment options? Or do I just need to stick with it for longer? I hate having him on antibiotics for months, seems like it could be damaging in some way.
Side note: I bought some chlorhexadine β€œmouthwash” for dogs (Vet One ChloraZinc), but I was afraid that might be eliminating the good bacteria and allowing the nocardia full reign.
Please help if you have any experience with this. I’ve called a dozen local vets who are mostly willing, but unfamiliar.
Thank you.
submitted by RedditIsMyDr to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 07:39 throwaway47184y3228 I feel like I'll never feel better. I've been waiting 15 years.

I (25f) often find myself wondering what I'm here for. The first time I felt what I now recognize as depression was in 5th grade, at the time I called it melancholy because I had just learned the word. I had this habit of hugging my 5th grade teacher every day when I got to school because I needed it. I went to 12 schools from preschool to senior year of HS. I moved around a lot because we were always on the brink of homelessness. Every year when landlords raised rent we had to move. I never got to keep pets because of the moving growing up. I never got to keep friends. My family is very distant both physically and emotionally because everyone is always dealing with some issues or another. I was raised by my dad and have a memory of "meeting" my mom when I was 6 or 7 years old and not knowing who she was, which isn't fully her fault due to her abusive dude and her schizo affective disorder. My dad worked on call even at night so he would have to leave whenever he was called in, and he would be so tired or stressed he just wanted to relax when he got home instead of entertain an energetic child. I turned to books for escapism. I got bullied so often it just wasn't worth it to play with other kids. I was born disabled but am still able to walk, but I never joined any sports I liked because of it. I've struggled to make friends and keep them because people tend to call me annoying or weird and I just don't know how else to be. I feel like I always put in all the effort and then I get taken advantage of (like getting called "rich bitch" because I worked 2-3 jobs at a time, getting invited out then when the bills come they can't pay). When I talk about a special interest of mine, many people just don't care, and I've been told in those words "I don't care". My dad planned an 8th grade graduation party and everyone (family and friends) canceled last minute. I went to homecoming and was pressured into a threesome from a friend and my then-boyfriend (let's call them D & T, respectively) that didn't happen because I was so nervous I threw up. He later told me he never loved me, he vented his love for her (the friend) through me, and I also learned that she secretly hated me the whole 2 years I thought we were friends. 2 years later I went to my then-boyfriends (let's say B) prom and only was able to spend 20 minutes there because he suddenly had to poop and couldn't use a public restroom. I graduated high school and only my dad and stepmom were there, but they didn't have any kind of party or dinner or celebration planned, so I went to B's party and it was really awkward. I got married in a courthouse alone with my husband, and even if we had a full wedding very few would probably come anyway. I graduated college and spent the graduation day alone. Bought my dress alone. Did my own makeup alone. Drove myself there alone. And only my husband, my MIL, and FIL showed up, even though my dad had 2 months of notice and he scheduled a work event for the day I graduated after I told him to reserve that day for me. I also have been molested by an extended family cousin (who is no longer alive) over a two week period (in 8th grade), been raped once by an ex bf who drugged me (at 18 y/o), and statutory by a 23 y/o coworker (at 16) who I found out later was also grooming a 14 year old in another state.
I've done therapy, done medications, exercise regularly. It just never really gets better does it? It seeps through the cracks of your mind. I want to be happy. I want to be happy so badly but around every turn it's just temporary. The happiness is temporary but the sadness and anger and hurt is ALWAYS there. My husband helps when he can but he isn't very well equipped to understand. At this point I'm terrified of making new friends, and resort to watching videos of people reacting to shows I like so it feels like I'm sharing them with someone. I just wonder if it's worth it sometimes, that one day I'll find something that will "fix" me or one day something will click in my head and I'll be "fixed". I feel so utterly broken most of the time, and have for years. It's been 15 years.
submitted by throwaway47184y3228 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 07:14 lunacydress How do you calculate what your salary would need to be to cover costs like your commute costs and other incidentals?

Maybe this very long question would be better in budget or careerguidance ....
I've been unemployed for just over six months. I was let go from a job I had for 16 years (working at the front desk of a dental office, doing everything from typical front desk stuff, to insurance claim submission and accounts receivable), but I'd been unhappy there and was looking for a new job for about 18 months before they let me go, since the ownership of that company changed and I wanted out.
The job I wanted was in a field that is notoriously hard to get into- administrative assistant-type job in a local municipality or public sector (park district, library, school, etc.) I applied to few positions in that field before I got let go, and a bunch since then (as well as a few positions in other types of organizations/corporations) and have only gotten a couple interviews, and no offers. Municipal jobs are the type of jobs where you seem to have to know someone to get into it initially, and then your next job comes from having that specific experience to take to another city/school, whatever.
Well, as I got closer to getting cut off from unemployment, I decided to start temping a few weeks ago. The second position I got placed into happened to be exactly what I want- an administrative assistant for a town. It was presented as a temp position, but I found out from my coworkers the first day that it has the potential to be a permanent position. There hasn't been a real, permanent person in that position since last fall and they've been trying out temps since then, hoping they'd like one.
Apparently, I'm the person they like. I like my coworkers, they like me, the Village Administrator (the decision-maker, along with the Board of Trustees, I'm guessing?) likes me and likes the work I'm doing. It's sort of a great position to be in- they get to see how well I do the job, I get to see what it's like to work there, but we haven't invested much in each other and we don't feel obligated to each other, so I can be pretty candid with them about what I am looking for, and they can do the same with me.
The issue...this town is twice as far from my house as I was looking for. I wanted to stay within 15 miles (if it was going to be fully on-site; if it was hybrid, I'd be willing to go further) and this job is about 30 miles away. If I take the expressway, it's 40-50 minutes each way, but the expressway is stressful. I'm not a timid driver, but it's 40-50 minutes of heavy congestion, lots of semi-trucks, on an expressway that's constantly under construction, so it's very mentally exhausting. If I don't take the highway, it's 50-60 minutes each way, but much less stressful. Still busy roads with lots of trucks, but it's lower speeds, not constantly someone on your ass.
Last week, my contact person at the temp/staffing agency said that they (the town) want to consider making this a long term or permanent thing. There is an amount of money that would make this feasible and worth it to me. I've accepted that because of how hard it has been to get this type of job on my own, going through a staffing agency may be my best bet. I've also accepted that because this is my first job within the field, I may have to make some compromises initially. If this position becomes permanent for me, I could plan on working there for a year or two, make some connections, be able to take my experience to another town that is closer and will hopefully pay me more.
There's some unknowns- I have the feeling that this town doesn't have the budget for the salary I've seen in similar positions I've seen in other towns. I was making $23/hour at the dental office. Other towns I've applied to pay $24-$35, maybe even more, per hour. I'm currently making $22/hour as a temp. I don't know what the benefits would be- one of the other employees told me they *just* got a PPO option for their medical insurance, which seems like a red flag to me. If they went in on a group policy with other municipalities (I know from my dental insurance days that school districts do this a lot), maybe the coverage is good and the premiums aren't much?
I have some medical costs- I see a therapist every two weeks. I have a couple chronic conditions that require medication. When I was employed, I saw a chiropractor every week and got a massage (I pretty much went there just to be able to get a massage that insurance covered). I went on COBRA when I got let go, and I pay about $575/month, and I can stay on that for another year.
The commute is my big barrier- 300 miles and ten hours every week. It's a whole tank of gas, basically. I drive a 2013 Corolla with 143,000 miles on it. It's the car my husband and I use primarily when we go places together (so, his car is only used for his commute and places he goes on his own.) Sure, it's not unheard of for Toyotas to get 200K+ miles on them, but who knows?
How do I figure out what my salary would need to be in order to cover these costs? How do you place a monetary value on your commute time? I have a friend who does some pretty detailed budgeting for herself and she suggested factoring in possibly getting a housecleaner once or twice a month since I'll have less free time. My budget's going to have to include a fund to buy a new car in 2-3 years, probably.
Ultimately, I just don't want this job to cost me money.
submitted by lunacydress to Salary [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 07:14 ThoughtsandwordZ I'm lost, and I feel returning to seasonal work is the answer?

I cant believe I'm saying this. I thought after working seasonally two years ago serving tables in Big Sky and getting depressed i would never want to do it again. However being back home i have been working sales with incentives and benefits. Its stable (ish), but man am I BORED AS SHIT. Same thing every week, work then have two days to MAYBE do something worthwhile? I cant help but always think about the few seasonal gigs ive done in the past few years and sadly MOST of my happy memories are from those fun but chaotic seasons. I try to tell people i work with, they don't understand. I miss camping all the time, seeing the mountains everywhere. The unique activities. Hell, i dont even meet women living where I am. Literally the last time I feel I truly had the opportunity to meet women (which in reality I didn't have much there) was in Big Sky. In short, I guess i have this dream to go back out live the life and meet a girl that likes that too (which i know in honestly will probably lead me to having my heart broken again). At the same time im in my early 30s now, its not like im 21 (wish i was sometimes), and feel pressured to do the responsible move and get an actual career. I miss living in Yellowstone, but i wouldn't be excited serving tables for Xanterra again. I also have some dental issues that i feel i should take care of (mostly broken wisdom teeth and cavities). I found myself in so many ways during my first seasonal job, even met the love of my life whom was a J1 and after many years she left for good one year ago. I just want that again. Im so lost guys, what do i do?
submitted by ThoughtsandwordZ to SeasonalWork [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 06:46 doglookslikealady Should this be a more urgent concern?

Hello to any and all willing to help!
I apologize this is kind of long, but giving enough history to hopefully help answer my question! I'm a 33(F), UT U.S., trying to sort through my mental health struggles with anxiety to figure out if my concerns should have me calling my Primary Doc or just waiting until my next appointment in July. I don't want to let paranoia get the better of me, but I also don't want to ignore warning signs if my brain is trying to tell me something's wrong. I think we just tend to jump to big problems like "brain tumor" or "one in a million case" because of medical TV shows and dramas.
Other than therapy in general, I've been seeing a FNP at a health clinic for about a year, where she tested me for several things when I was having anxiety/panic attacks and other health concerns. She ruled out any issues with my thyroid after I had blood tests done, and she felt it was likely I've just had PCOS and never been diagnosed until now. Since then I've been doing a daily regiment of vitamins and a hormone to try and help with those symptoms and treatments in what she's hoping is a more natural method. She also gave me a prescription for a metabolism medication when I brought up my concerns with wanting to lose weight and difficulties I've had. So overall from this backstory, I daily take Omega-3s, Berberine, a probiotic, a D3 5000, Super B12-Complex, and then Phentermine with Topiramate for the weight loss. Then I have a Progesterone troche tablet I take at night.
Since then, my anxiety (both in general and the panic attacks) had nearly completely gone and my mental health was doing much better overall. I also have had better menstrual cycles and improved nights of sleep where I don't need sleep aids anymore. Until recently.
A few months ago, I noticed that during the day if I was squatting or kneeling on the ground, when I stood back up I would immediately get really dizzy or light headed. Even if I had only been bending my knees for less than a minute. Often it hit me so hard I thought I was going to passing out, but it hasn't happened yet. I would just kind of shake out my legs/knees for a second, thinking maybe it was just a blood flow thing from the position I was in. But this keeps happening, i think daily if not multiple times a day. I'm a preschool teacher in an infant/toddler classroom, so we're often kneeling and squatting to get to the children's levels, throughout the day. I drink plenty of water throughout the day, and recently added one of those "One a Day" multivitamins to the regiment I take in the mornings after someone I talked to speculated I could have low iron levels. I didn't want to take an iron supplement without knowing what amounts I may need, so I wanted to see if the multivitamin would change how I felt at all.
The light headedness hasn't gotten any better, and there are times where I feel so tired and worn down it feels like I'm going to collapse even if I haven't been kneeling or bending my knees. There was a day last week where my insomnia came back and I had to leave for work after getting maybe 3 or so hours of terrible sleep. But for the first hour or more at work my head felt such a weird mix of heavy and light-headed or fuzzy that I started to panic about whether I was having some kind of weird dizzy spell or if it was just from my lack of sleep. I stepped out for a while and tried to rest in the break room for a bit, and eventually I felt a little better, but it kept my anxiety high the rest of that day.
This week my anxiety/panic attacks have been starting to come back, but that could be just the mental worries of this weird dizziness stuff going on.
My main question from all this is, I have a follow-up appointment with this FNP in July, as I haven't seen her for a few months. Is a consistent light-headed issue like this something that I should be calling my Primary care doc for as soon as I can?
Or since I have this other health clinic I've already been visiting in recent months, who has me on this whole vitamin/hormone regiment; would I be okay to just wait until I see her again in a month?
Again, I'm trying to fight between my paranoia, anxiety, and honestly a little confusion about which kind of doctor this would be best for me to go to.
submitted by doglookslikealady to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 06:01 AutoModerator Weekly DAT Discussion Thread - June 03, 2024

This is your place to discuss the Dental Admission Test (DAT). Do you need to vent about studying or content? Decide on the best source of preparatory materials? Discuss scheduling the exam via the ADA? Perhaps ask about the particularities of the exam day? This is the thread to do so!
Note: feel free to make independent DAT breakdown posts. This weekly thread is meant to cut down on the overwhelming number of DAT posts, but not take away from your success!
submitted by AutoModerator to predental [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 05:04 FirelordDerpy The Coruscant Inquirer livestream spots Senator Thalor with lady friend.

The Coruscant Inquirer livestream spots Senator Thalor with lady friend.
"This is The Coruscant Inquirer coming to you live from the Champlain Towers pool and bar where controversial Senator Veran Thalor is meeting with yet another woman, this one possibly identified as Abby Lith, from the New Republic Department of Speeder Vehicles. From our table we're able to pick up their conversation.
"It's not a happy story how this happened." The woman states taking another drink of alcohol. "So I worked in the Imperial Records Bureau, annex twenty-one, and during the attack on Coruscant I was in our office, and when what I would later learn was the Lushankya took off, it took out our building, one moment I'm working on filing documents, the next, the entire building lifts up and then falls down and collapses, I wasn't knocked out, but it felt like I was, and when I regained my senses, I was trapped under the rubble, one of the archive structures had created a pocket for me, but I was stuck, I was ironically half buried in records,"
β€œThe real trauma here is what a beautiful girl like yourself was doing working for the Imperial Records Bureau.”
"You should have seen the other half of my face. and, well, mom always said get a government job, good pay, good pension, good benefits. And with all the trouble, the Records Bureau seemed fairly safe, like, what's the worst that can happen? Yeah, so, I'm lying in the darkness, and I hear the screams of my fellow workers, I don't know how long I sat there, it felt like weeks, but was probably like a day and a half or so, and one by one the screams start falling silent. And It was really hot, there was water dripping on me from some busted pipe, but you could smell smoke and feel the heat from fires somewhere, so...." She trails off
Thalor is caught off guard. β€œI gotta tell you, I’m not used to my dates having a story like this. It’s kind of nice.” He pauses. β€œWell not what happened to you I mean! I didn’t mean it like that. I’m glad you survived.” His usual charm had disappeared and he seemed confused and off his feet.
"Thanks, uh" She takes another drink "I, I'm glad I lived too. But we can talk about something else if you like, you can tell me about you! I don't want to ruin the mood with ghosts of my past"
β€œThat’s all my dates ever want to do. Talk about me. Tell me the rest of the story. I’m listening.”
"Okay, so, all of us had Imperial dental work done, and, for our position it wasn't mandated, but it was encouraged we all get death teeth, it would be one less obstacle if we got promoted and got to work on actually classified projects, and one of my besties, she was hoping we would climb the ranks together and so she pressured me into it. So as I'm lying there in the dark, hearing the last screams and cries of my coworkers fade and, figuring I was going to die no matter what, I decided to just get it over." She shrugs "It didn't work. It was like, twenty seconds of agonizing pain and it burnt my jaw out, damaged my spine, paralyzed me, and didn't even have the decency to kill me. Thankfully it did make me black out, and I woke up several days later when a digging crew found me, any chance at repairing my jaw was gone as it had started to rot. The doctors rightly focused on fixing my spine and making sure I lived but, when it came to a new jaw, I got this non-flattering piece of work, it originally had some fake skin, but, well, it got dried out and, after awhile it wasn't worth trying to apply every morning."
Thalor takes a swig of the Hinch he’s been sipping on. He looks like he's in awe. β€œLike I said this morning, I think it looks great. And… like I said tonight, I’m glad you made it out.”
"I'm glad someone does. I probably could have it replaced, but by now I have a reputation you know, I'm the scary DSV director and consultant for other departments, and maybe I shouldn't be proud of it, but it's really fun to be mean sometimes."
β€œYa know, sometimes it really is. I can drink to that. What do you say we get out of here?”
"Why?" Abby asks in a slightly confused voice before seeming to remember something "I mean yes absolutely! Too many people are looking, including that ugly tabloid reporter over there working for the most pathetic failure of a media organization on the planet." Thalor laughs at that statement before pulling her chair out for her and escorting her out, as they leave she shoots the camera a harsh glare.
The Camera shifts to the reporter who looks like he's about to cry. "This has been the Coruscant Inquirer, and that, that hurt."
submitted by FirelordDerpy to model_holonet [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 04:54 morriskatie Kid only sick when home?!

My daughter is just over 2, and has a cough we cannot get rid of when she’s home. We just got back from being at Disney and after being out of our house for 24 hours, she was fine. Got home about 24 hours ago, and again she can’t stop coughing.
We moved into our home 6 months ago, which was built in 2012, and has been sick since. We thought it was preschool, but she’s been out of preschool for 2 weeks already, so I have a hard time believing that’s it.
What else should we test for? I plan on calling the doctor for an allergy test, but not really sure what else to do? Husband and I are both fine so that leads me to believe it’s not the home? But it could be? Just looking for other experiences I guess. Thanks!
submitted by morriskatie to toddlers [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 04:54 ProcedureInfinite824 Can I trauma dump for a minute? I feel invalidated by someone who messaged me earlier, and someone else a few days ago, so I just feel sick right now, like the last few months trying to process all of this has been for nothing and I'm hurting other people by being in this group.

I don't know what I'm looking for here. I guess it is the classic, was it bad enough? This is my first time posting with details. If anyone has the time, thank you.
I can't remember much of my childhood. I had really terrible social phobia from the first second I can remember. They threatened to kick me out of kindergarten from crying too much. My parents didn't call a therapist, but instead threatened me saying I'll be held back and go back to preschool with all the little kids if I don't stop. So I stopped. I called childcare "hell" (I'm going to hell today was what I would say in my mind) repeatedly as a child because I was only in 2 times a week, and the rest of the kids were there 5 times a week and had friends. I was alone. I cried every time I was dropped off. I either sat by myself or with an adult. I made up being molested by an older kid during that time, I think to try to get out of daycare? I don't really remember much about that incident. I don't think it happened, but I'm not sure. I do remember making up the name of the perpetrator with some fictional name. I was probably in 1st or 2nd grade. I didn't even remember it happened until my mom reminded me recently. The first time I felt deep depression was in 4th grade when I started to see the world as a negative place when a kid stole from me and other kids would make fun of my hair.
My mom always spoke for me, so I never developed a voice of my own. She controlled everything. My friends, my career, everything, what time I was out, always calling me repeatedly, waiting for me to get home. She often worked late, so I was left with my dad, who was almost always too drunk to do anything with me, so I played by myself and did my homework, and eventually got sucked into escaping the world with video games. My parents had really verbally abusive fights in front on me, which sometimes turned physical. I tried to get between them when they would get physical, and they didn't stop. It scared me to death being between them like that. I thought I was going to die, but I didn't want the police to come and take me away from them. The police were threatened so much.
Sometimes a friend would come over and they would be fighting and my friend would say things like, why are they fighting like that? Looking at me like my life was out of the ordinary, or they would want to call their parents and go home early. My mom and I always fought a lot in front of my friends my whole life. I couldn't see why they didn't like her, and did like my dad. I always found that to be insane, because at least she took me places, talked to me, played with me. I thought she treated my friends well, but maybe they could see the insanity when I couldn't.
I was left to sit there and cry so many times until I just couldn't cry anymore. I cried so much that I got nose bleeds. I was locked in my room and left to cry. I would get so mad that they were ignoring me that I would write on the walls with pen. I got spanked to such an extreme by my mom that it seemed abusive. Eventually I learned if I laughed at my mom while she did this, it would stop. She almost broke my arm once dragging me somewhere when she was mad at me. She doted on me for a while after that. I also remember her asking me if I was touching myself yet when I was in like 6th grade. That was creepy. I didn't even know what she meant at the time.
It got worse when I was a teen. I started to become mentally ill myself. I would shut myself in my room 24/7 and became extremely depressed, with self harming, and SI. My mom and I would fight a lot. My parents never stopped fighting, my whole life. She would scream and yell constantly. She never believed me when I said I was too sick to go to school, yelling at me for it, so I'd go to school in tremendous pain or sick. She started slapping me. I slapped back. I was scared of her anger. I would hold a fork up so she wouldn't come closer in her rage. She called me crazy and out of control. Dad would say things like, your boyfriend is going to break up with you, you need to have sex with him or he is going to leave you, you don't make enough money, and other stuff when drunk sometimes. Basically, put downs. It wasn't often, but it still happened.
As an adult, my mom and I became really close. We wouldn't talk to each other like parent and child, more like friends. I became my dad's therapist as he would run away from home over and over and mom would force me to track his phone and find him in some parking lot passed out from alcohol. One time I found him dead of a suicide attempt. I had to call the paramedics while my mom screamed at him to wake up and performed CPR. He was revived. The ambulance was called multiple times after that. I had an out of body experience during that. I found his search history once on his computer too, and it was gay torture porn. My mom binge drinks sometimes and becomes verbally abusive when she does. One of my first memories is one of these episodes. I was maybe 3, being told I was the worst child in the world over and over again.
My mom and I decided to move across the country when I was 26, away from my dad, but I started to see why he would drink like that. She turned her insanity on me instead of him. I see now that he was a shield in a way, as he was usually taking the brunt of the abuse when I became an adult. She can be a very aggressive, angry, extremely anxious, obnoxious, verbally abusive person. It's funny, because she has so many friends. She calls people all day, every day now. I hate when she tells people what I've said about them to them. It makes me look bad. The amount of times I was told I was insane, worthless, useless, a baby after moving is a lot. Then we fought over text and she called the police on me and got me committed, saying I was suicidal. I get very triggered by people who drink too much or get high around me, which was why my mom and I were fighting. She wrote falsehoods about me on the report. I know it was meant to punish me, not because she was actually worried about me. When my dad found out, he was just upset because his inherited weapons were taken away from me by the cops, didn't really seemed concerned about me, maybe even blamed me. They ganged up on me too, as she would call him on the phone and they would be yelling at me together. My dad died shorty after my hospitalization from his alcoholism, which made me have derealization for a while.
I feel I have a trauma bond with my mom, because I love her more than anyone, maybe even myself, despite everything she has done. Sometimes she is so loving, doting. She cooks for me, she cleans for me. She says she shows her love to me in that way. In her older age, she seems to need me more and more. I can't imagine leaving her. I can't imagine my life without her. I feel like I haven't developed the life skills for anything, because it's always been her doing everything. I feel crippled. When I tell her my struggles, she doesn't seem to get it. Seems emotionally unavailable. Both parents always were. I always said that the minute she dies, I will do myself in, for years. I'm not sure I feel that way still. Maybe sometimes. I miss my dad every day despite his issues too. I know I need to find the strength to move away from my mom.
Both parents had an even worse childhood than I did, so I'm not sure I can even blame them. I don't think a lot of what I've seen and been put through will ever leave my mind. I get so disgustingly attached to particular people. Always much older than me. I obsess about them. I want their attention. That started in high school. I hate when people have a negative view of me, yet my fight or flight has made it so I've acted in certain ways in life, that yes, some people most certainly do have a negative view of me and I'll forever feel shame and regret about that.
I get nightmares about that involuntary commitment. I get nightmares in general sometimes, often of being chased by a violent person. The nightmares were very severe as a child. I get very emotionally triggered by alcohol, drugs, criticism, abandonment, police, mental wards, and probably much much more, it's just hard to pinpoint. I turn to dissociative drugs, stimulants, and benzos to get out of horrible mental jams now, because typical methods don't work on me or make it worse. I'm often fatigued and have nerve pain and muscle tension because of all the adrenaline.
submitted by ProcedureInfinite824 to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 04:09 masamangDamohn A bit burnt out

It's almost finals and I'm still behind on some requirements, most likely getting retained, altho it's not entirely my fault there was alot of school cancelations because of the weather and public holidays, the school probably allow extension(but it would only be week even tho we lost more than that). So I've been thinking of pausing and just take a breather.
Also note the type of dental school where I'm at is the 6 year course one and I'm 5th year clinics 2, I think from what I've seen on this sub it's a different system?
So technically I'm almost there, but I'm burnt out and there's been issue with money, and I was thinking of working but people tell me if I stop studying and work I might never go back studying, but I want to finish, I want to be a dentist but. On top of the money issue and timeline I've been doupting my self general not good head space.
idk what to tell my parents(they're paying for my tuition, but money's been a bit tight lately), and the our dean has been strict and is pretty determined to get rid of a students that don't "look determined" another reason why I can't pause. Also I feel like I've been studying for long and I feel tired.
submitted by masamangDamohn to DentalSchool [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 03:39 i_love_your_shoes_ Application Help - Low RC

Date of submission: Beginning of June Overall GPA: 4.0 Science GPA: 4.0 Bio-Chem-Physics GPA: 4.0 DAT score (include AA and all sections): 24 AA, 26 TS, 21 PAT, 21 QR, 18 RC, 27 Bio, 25 Gen Chem, 27 Orgo State of Residence: Texas
Major: Chemistry Minority? No Reapplicant? No Nontrad? No
Shadowing Experience: 90 total hours, 55 with general dentists, 35 with orthodontists Volunteering Experience: 250 total hours. Co-founded a service club (100 hours), after school volunteer at elementary school (50 hours), hospital volunteer (100 hours) Employment: Preschool teacher before college. In the summers between semesters, I worked at a country club as a server and a private nanny. Research: 600 hours of analytical chemistry undergrad research. Presented at two American Chemical Society conferences. Pending publication. Other Extracurriculars: Not really... I love art, running, and reading... Have you volunteered/shadowed/attended events at any dental schools? No Relevant Honors or Awards: Valedictorian, outstanding graduating student, outstanding researcher, outstanding underclassman, Dean's list each year. LOR type and strength: 3 letters from professors (including my research advisor), all strong. 1 letter from an orthodontist I shadowed, she's a family friend... should be strong. Could get a letter from a general that I shadowed too... Misc Info/Things not stated elsewhere/Red Flags: Super nervous about my low RC, I don't know what happened... I scored higher on all practice tests. Do I need to retake the DAT? ~School list:~ I am struggling to know where to apply out of state... I would prefer to stay in state but am nervous about my RC score impeding admission... any suggestions or advice would be appreciated UT Houston UT San Antonio Texas A&M
UNC (a stretch) UPenn (also a stretch) VCU University of Colorado University of Alabama
submitted by i_love_your_shoes_ to predental [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 03:25 TylerBourbon Are potatoes diced and baked until mushy okay for eating with tooth pain?

Here is my dilemma, i have a dental appt on the 10th. The focus was to be on having a new crown put in as my previous crown broke on tooth 13. Currently, 13 is just the cap an the nub for the new crown. We were also set on doing 1 to 2 more fillings as well on a couple of cavities.
The issue right now though is since Wed, my jaw on the opposite of my mouth started feeling uncomfortable and sore when chewing. And every day it built until we're at the point i'm at now, where if I don't chew or do anything, it's mostly painless. But if I chew anything, my gums around 31 and 32 hurt even if if I only take small enough bites to chew on the opposite side with soft foods and do my best to avoid 13. Even in that case, my gums on the side of 31 and 32 will start hurting with the pain radiating down into my jaw like I got punched. I just got to make it a week until the 10th, both for that being the appointment and because I have no money until my next paycheck on the 10th for any sort of dental bills.
I've looked up recommended foods for people with toothaches, and saw things like oatmeal and mashed potatoes, but I was wondering if in your opinions, potatoes that were diced and baked until mushy, if they would be okay for me or if should anything requires any sort of chewing action?
submitted by TylerBourbon to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 03:17 Tiny_Anxious_Turtle Problem coworker (advice please)

Hi all! As the title says, I have a coworker who I’m having some issues with. But before I get into that I need to put down some context.
Warning this will be long I’m sorry!!!
For starters, I started working at a newly opened preschool back in September. When I started there were only 4 kids in the whole school and just me and 1 other teacher. We’ll call her S. S and I have gotten along and worked well with each other since day one and never had any issues with each other at all. We talk to each other and work things out amongst ourselves because we both feel that being honest and open is the best way to go when it comes to disagreements and opinions. We get along so well that we are basically best friends at this point. S and I being the only teachers (she’s lead and I’m assistant) meant that we had all the kids in our room together (ages 3-4) and we had then up until we hit 15 kids and then my boss (we’ll call her M) decided it was time to hire a 3’s teacher. We were excited because even though we loved all our kids, the mix of ages made it really tough to get anything done lesson wise and for the last month or so it was basically all we could do just to keep the kids from destroying the room. We also had a 3 year old child with some difficult behaviors such as throwing toys, dumping all toys out and refused to clean them up, threw books at us, screamed bloody murder if you asked him to do something he didn’t want to do or if he got frustrated with what he was doing, refused to nap and would scream the whole time waking everyone else up and more. S and I along with the parents worked with this child for 2 whole months and he made so much progress. This child went from running around the room dumping toys during group activities and screaming about everything to participating in group activities and learning to use words instead of screams to get what he wanted. He also went from playing pretty much by himself to actively engaging with other children and making friends.
Now back to the problem at hand: My boss decided to hire a new teacher for the 3’s class and we were told this lady had experience with kids and had worked in several centers and church preschools before hand. So this lady comes in (we’ll call her A) and does 2 days of training in our classroom before splitting up into her own room with the 3’s. After the 2 days and splitting up, she kept coming to us and asking us questions about the child with behavior issues (keep in mind we briefed her on all the kids and went even more detailed with him because if his struggles and let her know what works and doesn’t work for him so she was prepared.) and why he isn’t in a school for kids with behavior issues. We told her several times that he’s made tons of progress since being at our school and he’s truly not as bad as he used to be but she did not believe us because he was having some issues transitioning into a new room which was to be expected with his difficulties. He was tested for autism but was diagnosed instead with global developmental delay and we obviously know he struggles with change and takes time to warm up (it took over a month for him to warm up to S and I). No matter what we told her, she still insisted that he needed more help than we can provide and even went to the parents about it within her first week being there and told them he needed one on one help and possibly speech therapy. The kid can talk fine he just gets overwhelmed and has a hard time expressing himself with words. Plus he has to warm up to you before he’ll actually talk to you and answer questions and stuff. The parents told her basically the same things we said and she still wouldn’t believe it. She would constantly talk about this child and how bad he is and wouldn’t stop, going as far as pulling S into her room for extended periods of time just to complain about this kid and pulling our boss into her room several times a day to complain. It got to the point that we stopped even trying to get her to understand anything because it was clear she didn’t want to. Not only were we incredibly fed up with this, we also witnessed her treating the kids terribly. She jerked one kid up off the floor and drug him by his arm to the other side of the room, she would jerk them up off their beds from a dead sleep to wake them up, and when the kid with behaviors wouldn’t sleep, she would force him to lay on his bed and use her body to keep him there. We reported this to our boss and all she said was that she would look into it and talk to A about it. We then had another incident where A wouldn’t let one of our kids into the boys bathroom (it has 4 small toilets and is supposed to be open to everyone at all times) because when her kids were in there she would shut the door so they wouldn’t get β€œdistracted”. Our kid tried to open the door to go and she shooed him out saying β€œdon’t open that door my kids are in here” and made him cry. Well S was comforting him in the hallway and I went to the door to check on them and ask what happened and A snapped at me saying β€œnothing happened, why y’all always think something happened?” I just wanted to know why he was crying. So after that we told him to go ahead and go to the bathroom but before he could get in there she slammed the door in his face. He then would not go back into the Bathroom the rest of the day. We again brought it up to our boss and she said she would talk to A about it but nothing else was done. After several weeks of witnessing her treating kids badly and bad mouthing the kid with behaviors and his parents, S and I had enough of nothing being done so we put in an anonymous report to state about it. State came out about a week later and viewed the cameras and interviewed all of us about it and S and I were completely honest about everything we saw her doing and the things she told us she does and that was that. Well apparently my boss told A that she was the one being investigated so obviously A stopped doing everything she was doing before. I was then placed in her class to be another pair of eyes to make sure she wasn’t doing anything She wasn’t supposed to do. Well A was so worried about doing the wrong things that she decided that she wanted me to act as lead and her step back and observe and assist. I don’t mind stepping up, but I shouldn’t have to do someone else’s job for them because they can’t do it right. The advice I need is what to do about A knowing she’s the one being investigated and how to make state aware of it. Also, if I privately messaged a parent about how she treats their kid, can I be fired? I just don’t like seeing her treat the kids this way or talk negatively about them like she does. Help!!!!
submitted by Tiny_Anxious_Turtle to ECEProfessionals [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 01:59 Piyawan23 Dental hygiene and life insurance...

27F in UK with a almost 2 year old.
So I'm scrolling through tiktok and see a "things you wouldn't think could kill you but can" and I seen something about a dental infection rotting the brain... I'm lying down thinking "god, I need to get my teeth checked out... Too expensive I'll just get life insurance to make sure my LO is okay if I go from this" which is a horrible way of thinking but also no one is taking NHS and me and my partner are working our asses off (I do 40 hours and I have LO the rest of the week and so does my partner, I have weekends, he has a couple weekdays) and over paying house bills etc we just dont get enough money.
When I was pregnant surprise surprise, my teeth went really bad. I had to get an emergency dental appointment for a root canal surgery but I had to follow it up, over 2 years later now and I can't even finish up my root canal even though I know I need to. There's this weird abscess looking lump on my gum where they did the root canal surgery and now I'm freaaking outt! I'm not scared of myself going but I'm terrified of leaving my son, no one can look after him like me and also I don't have life insurance, yet.
Fuck UK and dental NHS being booked up!
submitted by Piyawan23 to Mommit [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 01:49 plantsandgames Am I completely to blame for one year old crowns chipping?

Am I completely to blame for one year old crowns chipping?
I received my first four crowns ever, all on my back molars, in April 2023. Since then, they've seemingly all chipped one by one. The first major chip I noticed happened in november. This most recent chip just happened this weekend, while I was eating pretty soft food (pizza) and not chewing aggressively or anything like that, just a sudden crunch and my tooth is sharp.
When they've checked the other chips, they said they still looks sealed and wouldn't recommend replacing right now to avoid excess trauma on the teeth. I'm going to get this new one checked out this week if I can.
They said it could be caused by grinding, an issue I'm aware of and really try to work on with conscious attention to daytime clenching/grinding, meditation, and night guards. They also said it could be because my bite is slightly deep, but the pressure from that is on my front teeth, not the back teeth where this is happening.
With how quickly, frequently and easily the chipping seems to be occurring, I'm wondering if this is normal. Are my bite/habits probably completely to blame? Would I possibly be justified in feeling disappointed about the longevity of this expensive dental work? I'm starting to feel trapped by my teeth, like nothing is safe to eat or I need to avoid my molars for chewing and I'm desperate. Please give it to me straight.
submitted by plantsandgames to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 01:47 MemoryRazzMatazz 35 Weeks and need dental work

I'm 35 weeks today, and on Friday, one of my teeth broke. I don't know what happened; I was eating a pancake and a back molar just broke! I have an appointment with my dentist at 8am tomorrow (Monday). I've sent an email to my midwife asking if there is anything I should be aware of, particularly regarding pain meds/anesthesia the dentist might use, but I haven't gotten a response yet. I'm not sure what will happen (a root canal? a crown? both?) but I don't want it to get infected. I'd also like to be able to eat normally and have my tongue stop being cut!
Has anyone dealt with anything like this before while pregnant? Anyone know what the dentist can/can not give me for pain? Will she be able to fix it while I'm pregnant?!
I actually have a broken crown (directly above my now broken tooth - related?!) that the dentist said she didn't want to fix until after I give birth. She said "nothing elective during pregnancy" and because I've previously had a root canal on that tooth, she considered that elective. This doesn't feel elective anymore, but I'm concerned - can it be fixed while I'm pregnant?!
submitted by MemoryRazzMatazz to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 01:42 Kitsuki6 Silvervine sticks and sensitive stomach?

A little background: I found my cat out behind my apartment building (most likely dumped) about 4 months ago. My vet and I had been battling her chronic diarrhea the entire time, up until we tried her on freeze-dried raw a week ago. Immediate turnaround, her stools became normal for the first time since I found her within a couple days of starting this food (Stella & Chewy's Absolutely Rabbit). Now yesterday, she decided to give me a heart attack by chewing and eating some thin nylon rope. Fun times at the emergency vet. She's fine now, but 1. I'd like to give her something appropriate to chew on, and 2. The vet noted some mild plaque on her exam, so I'd like to pay more attention to her dental hygiene now that we've finally figured out her GI issue. So, does anyone know whether silvervine sticks can cause digestive upset? If that's not a known potential problem, I can give her one and see how she does.
submitted by Kitsuki6 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 01:18 ryanmark234 Security+ (Plus) Exam Prep Help Reddit

If you are unable to Handle your Comptia Certification Exam, get paid help from Online Helpers at Hiraedu!
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Ultimate Guide to CompTIA Certification Study Resources: Prepare for Online Exams with Confidence
CompTIA certifications are a great way to kickstart or advance your IT career. With a wide range of certifications available, it can be overwhelming to know where to start studying. In this blog, we'll provide a comprehensive guide to CompTIA certification study resources, helping you prepare for online exams with confidence.
CompTIA Certification Levels:
Before we dive into study resources, let's quickly cover the three main levels of CompTIA certifications:
  1. Core Certifications: Entry-level certifications covering IT fundamentals, such as A+, Network+, and Security+.
  2. Specialty Certifications: Mid-level certifications focusing on specific areas like cybersecurity, data analytics, and cloud computing.
  3. Professional Certifications: Advanced certifications for experienced professionals, such as CASP+ and PenTest+.
Study Resources:

Official CompTIA Resources:

  1. CompTIA Learning and Training: Download practice questions, exam objectives, and study guides.
  2. Certification Study Guides and Books: CompTIA offers study guides in both ebook and print formats.
  3. Online Learning Platform: Interactive online courses and study materials.

Free Study Resources:

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  3. YouTube Study Channels: Channels like Professor Messer and CompTIA offer video study materials.

Paid Study Resources:

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  2. Pluralsight: Interactive online courses and study materials.
  3. Study Guides and Books: Third-party study guides and books from publishers like Wiley and Sybex.

Additional Tips:

  1. Make a study plan: Set aside dedicated time to study and review material.
  2. Practice, practice, practice: The more you practice, the more confident you'll feel on exam day.
  3. Use flashcards: Flashcards can help you memorize key terms and concepts.
  4. Join online communities: Connect with others studying for the exam to stay motivated and get help when needed.
Preparing for CompTIA certification exams requires dedication and the right study resources. By leveraging official CompTIA resources, free study materials, and paid study resources, you'll be well on your way to passing your exam and advancing your IT career. Remember to stay focused, practice regularly, and join online communities for support. Good luck on your exam!
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