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Dragon's Dogma

2011.07.09 16:08 D3Sanc Dragon's Dogma

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2019.05.28 02:15 MrEdinLaw ForYourSo

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2024.05.21 11:38 I-Lick-Doorknobs The Erlking's Literary Origins.

Ever since the end of Canto 6 I've wondered where specifically Mirror Heathcliff's title came from. The source most people jump to is the poem by van Goethe, in which a father and son ride through a forest, only for the son to be killed by the Erlking. You may be asking yourself, "What does this German poem have to do with the story of Canto 6?". I honestly have no clue. At first I thought there might be some deep connection that I just couldn't see, but I eventually began to wonder if the poem had any connection at all. The Erlking is from folklore; there are many interpretations of him that Limbus could be drawing from. So I looked through various versions of Erlkings and Wild Hunt leaders across folklore and literature in an attempt to find any that resemble ours, with some interesting results.
I found a story that I believe to be the primary inspiration for our Erlking, one that connects Limbus's retelling of Wuthering Heights to a far older love story.
I present to you: Sir Orfeo
This is a British poem written in the late 13th to 14th century about a man saving his wife from a fairy king.
It starts with a king named Orfeo being told by his wife, Heurodis, that the Fairy King visited her in her dreams and told her that she would be taken to his kingdom the following day. The next day, Orfeo and his knights guarded Heurodis while she sat in an orchard, but that didn't stop her from vanishing into thin air. Orfeo, heartbroken, gives up his throne to wander the lands as a hermit, taking only his lyre with him. Orfeo would live in a forest for years, often spotting the Fairy King or mysterious processions of knights and hunters. After a decade, Orfeo sees Heurodis riding in one of these processions, but the couple don't have chance to even say a word to each other. Orfeo follows the group to the Fairy King's castle and sees many undead, his wife among them. He plays his lyre for the Fairy King asks for the return of Heurodis as payment, which the king agrees to after some convincing. The pair then return to their home and lives as royalty.
It's easy to compare Heathcliff's story to Orfeo's. Both flee home with broken hearts, only to return years later. Both have their loves whisked away by a fairy king with an undead procession. Both reconnect with said loves by overcoming the king.
There. A likely inspiration for Limbus's Erlking. All done, mystery solved, back to the MD mines. Right?
Anyone with a passing knowledge of mythology probably noticed that Sir Orfeo looks a lot like another, way more famous story.
It's literally just Orpheus and Euridice. I mean the dude's name is Orfeo it isn't subtle. The only difference is the ending.
I don't think this was intentional, but you can interpret the Erlking not just as Book Heathcliff or Sir Orfeo's Fairy King, but also as Orpheus. Heathcliff/Orfeo and the Erlking/Orpheus both want the same thing, to be with the person they love. Most Heathcliffs, like Orpheus are doomed to never reach that goal because they don't fully trust their partners. Our Heathcliff, like Orfeo, succeeded where they failed.
Thanks for reading my deranged ramblings.
For the rare literate PM fan, you can check out Sir Orfeo here.
submitted by I-Lick-Doorknobs to limbuscompany [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:38 Specific-Web43 Could my [23M] tonsilitis be infectious towards the back-end of antibiotic treatment?

Started having symptoms Thursday 12 days ago, it wasn’t bad so I left it untreated until Saturday, which is when it got excruciatingly bad, so I went to the ER first day Sunday morning. Immediately started taking Penicillin 1,5mg/unit (?) 3 times a day until this Saturday. In the meantime I didn’t see my girlfriend, only saw her on Saturday which was also my last day of taking the antibiotics. At this point I was symptom-free, but developed a very occasional cough. Between seeing my GF this Saturday until today she has this morning started having a dry throat and a slight pain when swallowing.
Everywhere I looked on the internet I found sources saying anywhere from 24h-72h after antibiotic treatment does the tonsillitis stop being infectious. Between Sunday (when I started the treatment) and Saturday (when I met my GF) this timeframe has obviously passed. Anyhow my question is: Is there any feasible way she could have contracted it from me regardless? Or are we looking at a normal cold?
submitted by Specific-Web43 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:37 avvann the cup

I’ve been a greg for a while but I don’t really post on here but after seeing the starbucks controversy i feel like i have to say something. the way you guys are acting on this subreddit is so disgusting. it isn’t just a cup it represents a company that has sued its union workers who have publicly supported palestinians (not to mention their horrible treatment of their union workers in general). while we should focusing on the bds boycott list, it doesn’t mean to continue to support companies outside of it that support israel. the idea is to boycott as many companies as possible and starbucks is pretty easy to boycott! i have seen danny’s community post and im glad he addressed it. i don’t expect him to be very outspoken on international conflicts but him being silent about it + having the starbucks on display did put a bad taste in my mouth. you guys need to stop idolizing internet people and start to do some critical thinking.
submitted by avvann to DannyGonzalez [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:37 Parking-Profile-9227 AITAH for not wanting to split a vacation with my bf who makes around 90k a year and I’m barely making ends meet?

Earlier last year, I expressed to my boyfriend (42m) that I (31f) wanted to go on a vacation to between feb-march to see manatees in their local watering hole in FL near my sister. He asked if we could wait until his semester (he’s the head of a program at a local private university) to go and make it an us vacation.
Originally, I was planning to stay with my sister (no hotel, just driving to the springs, eating subs/healthy snacks along the way).
But I agreed to wait for him. He starts looking into hotels that are on a beach that are $500 each and sends me links… I tell him no, this is too much so let’s not go. He says he’ll pay for the hotel and not to worry about that.
I agree and we end up going after his semester. By this time the manatees had all but left (I saw one) but I was okay because I got to see my sister and have a solid trip overall.
Next day after arriving home, he adds in our shared notes app a Venmo itemized “shared expenses” section. This section includes the hotel, restaurants he picked out, and the one Uber ride (my sister drove us most of the way).
I’m annoyed now because I guess he forgot that he offered to pay for the hotel since it was his decision, and because he knows I’m struggling financially. Also, because he picked out the places to eat - I assumed they were his treat. AITAH?
It’s effecting how I feel about our future together so I haven’t seen him in person since because I want to figure this out. Any help is appreciated! TYIA
submitted by Parking-Profile-9227 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:37 Infinite_Pie7814 Feeling bad for nachoing with disabled SS

I posted here a while ago. I'm married (1 year) to my DW (together for 5 years). She has SS (12), who is severely disabled. No walking, talking, eating by himself, wears a diaper etc. He sits in a wheelchair but has to have support on his chest with a belt so he doesn't fall over.
When I got together with DW, he was with us every other weekend. BM decided a year ago it was to much for her and now he is with us every other week. I support DW with everything I can, finances, doing more housework, sometimes I feed or even wash him. I don't watch over him alone because he has severe epilepsy and his seizures are really heavy.
I feel bad a lot of times because I can't really care for him in a medical way (and, to be honest, I don't want this responsibility). DW is exhausted, she is working every other week full time and when he is here part time.
We have nurses who go to school with him and care for him after school till DW comes home. Recently it is hard to find new nurses because one got pregnant and the last few where not able to care for him properly.
BM still get's full child support, because here in my country child services help with calculating the amount of child support, but they are very slow. I told DW to go to a lawyer but she is kind of procrastinating on contacting one. I understand she is very stressed and has so much to organize, but because of that she struggles financially. I support the best I can, and she doesn't want me to support her more, but we can't do stuff we did before and it makes me sad.
In the past I tried to suggest solutions but often DW get's angry with that. I said maybe there are residental home who take him part time, and he is where at the weekend, but she said she doesn't want me to "plant this thought inside her head".
BM is only coping with the situation because she is living off child support and has every other week for herself,, she doesn't have a job.
It makes me angry but my suggestions always end in an argument.
So I read about nachoing and I recently began to just listen to DW and say something like "Oh, this sounds hard." or "Tell me if I can do anything for you". But I don't take action by myself. I still do most of the cooking, groceries, cleaning, organization etc. I also bought SS some clothes. But I'm not always there, "nagging" to find a lawyer. I just listen and then I kind of...push away the thought and do my thing.
I feel very bad because I see DW getting more exhausted every day and I think she will get a "caregiver burnout". We have a few couple moments and I enjoy them. But sometimes, when DW has to stay at home when SS condition is very bad, I visit another friend or my family or do something outside the house...I feel bad for letting her alone with him. Because, you can't really interact with him. Yes, he grabs your hand or a toy and he laughs sometimes. But beside that, he is just not able to really do...anything. You can interact, but his ability to respond is very limited and it makes you feel like talking to yourself.
I sound like a big *** but I just don't want my life to be miserable. I love DW and love couple time, but nachoing is the only approach with which I can cope with this situation.
submitted by Infinite_Pie7814 to stepparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:37 OutsidePark3099 I, 29 F, is embarrassed (and baffled) of my bestfriend, 30 F

We have been bestfriends since we were kids. We did everything together and we have been for each other’s heartbreaks. People who know us call us sisters/twins since we’re always together. I have one dilemma though. Sometimes, I get embarrassed of her.
I don’t know how to specifically describe this because it’s mostly the little things piling up. But let’s just say she lacks knowledge of the SIMPLEST things. She’s slow to jokes, she doesn’t know some basic things like, she reacts way too much, etc. This has lead me to “warn” people before I introduce her or I just don’t bring her at all.
Examples: - She and I were at a dinner party with some of my co-workers and we were talking about the weather. One brought up hail and how it was not supposed to hail here in our country but climate change is happening. Then she loudly asked what hail was. Some looked at her. Some didn’t care. But I explained it to her like it’s no big deal. But we went to the same school and I’m pretty sure it’s basic knowledge.
Another is how she doesn’t know how to assemble simple furnitures and asked me to do it for her. Again, no biggie to me. It wasnt a hassle and she asked nicely.
My need for advice is should I confront her about it? But if I do, what do I even say without sounding offensive?
submitted by OutsidePark3099 to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:37 Ashurnibibi I'm an unapologetic bot enjoyer who plays diff 9 and rarely dies. Here's my no 1 favourite bot loadout.

Hi all. Every day I see people saying they struggle with bots and how they just aren’t fun. As a certified bot diver, I know how those missions can turn into absolute disasters in a second. However, there is a loadout that I think is the most flexible and efficient in almost all situations that I think will greatly help you and might even change your mind about playing bots. If not, at least I tried. This is what I take with myself when I just want to win.
A summary first, then some explanations.
Armour: heavy fortified (explosion resistance) Primary: Pummeler SMG Secondary: grenade pistol Grenade: stun
Stratagems: ballistic shield, AMR, rest to taste. I like Eagle airstrike and railcannon.
Armour: go heavy. While mobility is everything against the bugs, positioning is everything against bots. Speed isn’t essential, so pick protection. The Fortified perk gives you explosion resistance which is crucial because trust me, there will be times when it feels like the entire world is blowing up around you. There is also the white heavier medium suit whose name I forget, that one works well too if you find yourself too slow.
Primary: the Pummeler. If you don’t have it, the Defender works well too. They both reliably kill everything except the following: hulks, tanks, scout striders, factory striders. The reason we’re taking the Pummeler instead of the higher DPS Defender is the stagger effect it has. Its time to kill isn’t fantastic but you can lock down groups of enemies by alternating between them, kind of like how you used to with the pre-nerf Slugger. The reason for taking an SMG in the first place is the ballistic shield. More on that later.
Secondary: the grenade pistol. Two reasons: fabricators and close scout striders. We’re not bringing other explosives, so the GP is our factory killer besides any Eagles or orbitals you might take. Its real strength, however, is its ability to one-shot scout striders at ranges too close for the AMR. It’s not always consistent and you might have to hit them another time, but that’s not a problem because you’ll be reloading behind your shield, which the striders cannot penetrate. You can also use it against devastators but probably not much, since it does have limited ammo. Although it is fun arcing a grenade over a heavy dev shield and nailing them in the face.
Grenade: stun. We’re taking this for hulk hunting. I don’t know how long exactly the stun is, but it’s really good. Easily long enough to switch to the AMR, line up a shot, fire, line up another, and fire again. No more hulk. It can also shut down groups of smaller enemies but that’s mostly handled by our primary.
Now for the stratagems.
Ballistic shield: this is the centerpiece of the loadout. Underrated, underutilised, unbelievably good. This thing is bulletproof, literally. It will block everything ranged except explosions and fire. Small arms? No problem. Raider or heavy dev machine guns? Ping right off. Scout strider cannons, tank MGs, even the heavy frontal miniguns on factory striders? Not getting through this bad boy. The best thing about it is that it’s directional, meaning that you can choose which side you want to protect. Just carrying it covers your left, aiming covers your front, and pulling out your support weapon covers your back.
Now I did say it doesn’t work against explosives. This is a downside, but that’s why we’re bringing armour with the fortified perk. I suggest against trying to block rockets and cannons since they can break the shield, but this is unlikely to happen if you use it as intended. It’s also useless against flamethrowers, which is why we’re carrying stun grenades for disabling and hopefully eliminating those hulks that carry them.
What’s great about bringing the shield is that it makes you think about your positioning in a way fighting bugs never does. Against bugs you run and kite, never stopping because if you do, you’re dead. Against bots, this will not work. You will be killed, over and over again. You have to be slower, more methodical. Unlike bugs, bots are easy to outrun, but if they catch you out of cover, especially if they get a flank on you, you’re toast. With the shield, however, you can pick the weaker flank, take a deep breath, and attack them instead of them attacking you. What’s neat about this is that this tactic is viable even without the shield but doing it with it first builds up your skill and especially confidence; it’s a bit daunting at first.
I could ramble on and on about the ballistic shield but I think I’ve gone on long enough already. Let’s move on to the last part of the loadout, which is...
The anti-materiel rifle, or AMR: yes, materiEl. In my opinion, the true Swiss army knife of the automaton front. Some might protest and say the autocannon is it. I disagree, because while the AC is a great weapon, it lacks two things the AMR has: a free backpack slot needed for the shield, and good sights. If I’m not bringing the shield, I do take the AC sometimes. Despite its name, the AMR is perfectly good against personnel too. Since we’re bringing an SMG, we’ll be using the AMR for long-range chaff clear too. It’s also usable, if not ideal, for close range, although the massive recoil makes it challenging for that purpose. Still, if you get cornered with it you can forsake accuracy and just mag dump anything in front of you and chances are it’ll work because despite appearances, this thing has an insane fire rate. It’s not ammo efficient, but it’s better than dying. However, we’ll primarily be using the AMR for precise shots at weak points. It kills all devastators with one shot to the head, scout striders with one or two shots to where the legs attach, and hulks with two shots to the optic. It destroys the factory strider’s miniguns with four-ish shots, kills them outright with one and a half mags to the underside. It downs gunships with four to an engine. It’s useless against tanks unless you can get a shot at the backs of their turrets, but we still have two unused stratagem slots for those.
As for those, nothing else is “mandatory" for this build so pick what you like or what suits the mission. I like the basic Eagle strike because of its utility in killing everything. The railcannon is great for those moments when you see a hulk you want to absolutely, positively just delete in an instant. Precision strike works wonders against tanks, as do the 110mm rockets. 120mm is great for groups and factory striders. 380mm levels big bases and stuff like dropship depots and command bunkers. You get the idea.
So there you have it, IMO the most versatile bot loadout you can bring. As I said, this is my win button for when I’m not interested in experimenting and just want to get the job done. It’s effective and it’s fun. If you’re a bugdiver struggling against the socialist menace or just need something different to mix up your Scorcher & AC life, give it a try. I promise you won’t be disappointed. Any questions, feel free to ask. SES Queen of the Stars, over and out.
submitted by Ashurnibibi to helldivers2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:36 Flexion2000 Season max grind to 150 still possible?

Like title says, currently I’m at 117 but I have a few days to play yet before I’m going on holiday but I am now second doubting myself if I can still achieve the max season rewards.
If I’m doing some basic math (please do correct me) : 19 days left = 1 level per day But weekly challenges give me around 3 levels(?).
3 weekly = 9 levels + 19 = 140
I’m hoping I am wrong here or at least maybe someone knows a way how to boost this more.. the scorebooster is something I use only on the weekly challenges to max it out.
submitted by Flexion2000 to fo76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:35 SGweightjourney Nausea bad after I had kfc chicken

Oh my ……. Ok so I’m 4 days in to 2nd wk and I was around my friends yesterday she ordered a kfc I had 4 chicken strips and beans WELL old habits die hard cos Iv never felt so rank ( normally kfc for me would b a big daddy box meal just for reference. ) my belly has been in bits since and the sicky feeling is just not nice . I was woken up in the night sweating and running to the loo to b sick honestly never felt so bad in that moment today Iv only had water and feel very sore in my belly . So I guest I’m unconsciously testing myself . Yea it was a better choice of kfc but clearly WAY WAY to fatty so it’s a lesson Iv learned . Who else has done this with food ? I’m grateful to this injection because it’s teaching me hard lessons and I need them .
On a brighter note in wk 1 I dropped 5kg And here’s my observation to myself on other diets I would needed to treat my self with food to say welldone ( crazy I know ) but now Iv had a wake up call …with out monujaro I would be fighting cravings for fatty food today but today I sit here never wanting fat again that’s a win in so many ways xx what a crazy 24hours to understand so much about me x ups and downs are ok all part for learning x 🙏
submitted by SGweightjourney to mounjarouk [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:35 tyynyliinaa Package is available for pick up but i havent recoeved a notif for a week!??? (no personal info)

I have ordered a few packages and some of the sellers habe notified me that the package is to be picked up and i know that bc Vinted says at the tracking thing that its "taking a bit longer" and the status says "on the way" but they have been for pock up for a week already??!!! Am i ever gonna get them? The tracking code also doesnt work when i try for my local post where they usually come through so i cant even see where they are... Ive messaged vinted but haven recieved an answer. Wth do i do?
submitted by tyynyliinaa to vinted [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:35 Outside-Ebb7712 I finally broke up with my toxic girlfriend.

After 2 years, I (M24) broke up with my girlfriend (F22). It was a beautiful and healthy relationship at the beginning, but it changed beyond recognition. Over time, she began to show her toxic, manipulative, and narcissistic nature. The whole world revolved around her, she could never admit her mistakes, and she blamed others for everything. She constantly blamed her parents for her anxieties, saying they didn't listen to her, understand her, or care if she was sad during her childhood. This is not true at all.
To clarify, we lived together in an apartment for about 6 months. The first two months were great, and she helped with household chores and cooking. But after those two months, something broke. When she came home from work, she would lie in bed all day watching TikToks and reality shows. I took care of the entire household—cooking, cleaning, and everything else. The only thing she occasionally did was laundry, and even then, I had to push and beg her to do it. Our sex life suddenly ended, and we didn't have sex for about 2 months. I've always been the type who likes to cuddle and have close contact with my partner. I could only cuddle her when she wanted to; if she didn't, she would just say that she was comfortable and didn't want to be touched.
She was nice only when she needed something; on those days, things were okay with her. But the next day, when she didn't need anything, she was withdrawn and indifferent. I tried to do everything for her, often driving her to and from work, buying her gifts, and getting her whatever she craved. I tried to be her support, but toward the end, she started rejecting it. It's weird because she kept telling me she loved me. About a month ago, she told me she loved me but couldn't fall in love with me. She said the problem was within her and that often, even when I did or said nothing, I annoyed her. This hurt me deeply, and I considered ending it back then.
Meanwhile, she started chatting with her ex-boyfriend, whom she met at a bar while out with her friend. They had a bad breakup, but they supposedly cleared things up and became friends, chatting every day since then. I felt strange and bad about it. Her relationship with me felt like it was out of principle, and she was just using me. She was only nice when she needed something. A week ago, she went on vacation to Turkey with her family, a trip I couldn't attend. We got her passport and everything ready together. On the first day of the vacation, she texted and called me, and I saw she was happy, which made me very happy. But after the first day, she only messaged me once every two days. When she returned from Turkey, I was on a hike with her dad. When I got home, I went to take a nap, and she was at her parents' place. I woke up to her knocking, standing there with three friends. I didn't get a kiss or a hug. She immediately left with her friends to go to a bar. I heard some quiet mocking and smirks but didn't address it. She closed the door, and everything hit me—all the sadness and melancholy of the past months. I felt like crap. I unpacked her suitcase with tears in my eyes, packed my things, and called my dad to come get me. I had a few beers on the hike and didn't want to risk driving. I texted her that I was going home. Her response was that she fully understood.
She had already told me that she was sorry for her behavior but didn't know any other way and that I didn't deserve this. Yesterday, I went back to clarify things and get the rest of my stuff. She told me that during her time in Turkey, she didn't miss me at all and didn't feel the need to text me. She realized then that this wasn't how it should be. We shed a few tears, and she asked if she could cuddle with me one last time, which broke my heart. I felt like crap. She helped me pack my things, and I left. She's probably going to stay with a friend. We were renting this apartment, so we'll just cancel the lease.
On the hike, her dad told me he was very happy that she found a guy like me and that he was sorry for how she was treating me. Even though she's his daughter, he said I didn't deserve this and should pack up and leave. He said she was like her mother and that I didn't want to end up like him. He told her the same thing when she came home—that she shouldn't treat me like trash and should either start acting normal or break up. Her mother told her she hoped she'd find another tyrant who would bully her and make her life hell like all her previous boyfriends.
Sorry for the long text, but I needed to vent and also put my thoughts together in case I need to remind myself why this was the right decision. There are probably many mistakes, so I apologize. English is not my first language, and this is my first experience with Reddit. Thank you for your feedback.
submitted by Outside-Ebb7712 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:33 Mylastlovesong In my opinion, good Sith should logically exist: change my mind (please don't insult me ​​and read the whole post)

Since I already expect to be beaten by other fans, I will try to express this theory of mine in a very schematic way step by step
A) Apparently, although there are many nuances and even conflicting sources, we can say that the Jedi and the Sith have at their base two different motivations for acting: in theory, and i underline "in theory", Jedi are moved by altruism, by the idea to act for a greater good, are at the service of the community, give great importance to inner serenity, etc The Sith on the other hand, generally and i underline "generally", are driven by the desire to fully experience their emotions and satisfy their personal passions
B) However, this should not automatically lead all Sith to be evil: living following one's emotions and passions is not necessarily bad. Modern psychology would classify this type of behavior as "Dionysian", which is contrasted with the other classical behavior which is "Apollonian". But these two terms are in no way synonymous with good or evil. So why should a path based on emotions and passions, even emotions and passions of a personal nature, necessarily lead to evil ?
C) I'll give you some examples: a revolutionary who fights for freedom is driven by a great passion, the classic avenger of the night is often driven by a personal revenge against evil. A person who dedicates himself to becoming the greatest sportsman in the world or to becoming an excellent artist is dedicating his entire life to a personal passion and probably also has very strong emotional reasons for doing so but this does not necessarily make him a person evil. In short: there are not only negative personal desires and negative personal emotions, such as ambition, anger, etc Imagine if Anakin had simply killed the desert raiders who killed his mother, but without touching the women and children of that tribe. His act, driven by a strong emotion, would have been less negative and fit into the stereotype of the "avenger of the night": who is a dark hero, almost an anti-hero we could say, but certainly not a villain. The "road warrior" or the Punisher or the Gatsu model character from Berserk would fit perfectly into this category
D) I'll give a direct example of a popular character from another saga, who however has several points in common with a very famous Sith. The character I use as an example is Severus Snape from the Harry Potter saga: if we analyze Snape's motivations we can see that everything he does over the course of the seven books is driven by only two motivations, which are love for Lily and the desire to take revenge against Voldemort. Every single action of Snape, however cold he may apparently seem, is driven by these two reasons... which as you will notice are purely emotional in nature. At the beginning, and perhaps even at the end, Snape doesn't care much about the fact that Voldemort also kills Muggles or at least that isn't his main reason for fighting him: he wants to avenge Lily in the name of his Love for her. So Snape fits perfectly into the description of a Sith: he doesn't do what he does for a lofty reason of love for "community" and for an abstract ideal of the common good, he just does what he does because he is moved by emotion and passion. In this I notice a very strong parallel with Palpatine: both characters have a mask of cold and rational man, both are mentally disciplined enough to hide their true motivations and manage to hatch even very complex plans and plots BUT both are in reality driven by unbridled emotions and passions, simply in Snape's case we talk about love and revenge while in Palpatine's case we talk about ambition. Here we can notice another important thing: the Sith are "motivated" by emotions\passions but are not necessarily "dominated" by them. Not 24/7 at least: Palpatine has the galaxy believe he is a calm and rational politician, he has the clarity to make a very elaborate plan... all this despite being "moved/motivated" by ambition
E) So, having seen in the previous point that you can very well create a positive character who is driven by the desire to satisfy personal passions and fully experience your personal emotions, I return to my initial question: why no Sith is a positive character ? Now I don't pretend that all the Sith are Severus Snape but I can't even understand why they are all evil: I think that there could easily be some Sith who fight for a positive ideal... maybe they will fight in a violent and questionable way, maybe they will be similar to those who in Dungeons & Dragons are called "chaotic good", maybe someone will have a politically incorrect attitude like Deadpooll, but they should still exist
Possible Answer 1: the dark side just streams through emotions and the evilness is a Sith fault) I thought a possible answer might be not in the very nature of the light side and the dark side but in the training that the Jedi and Sith receive. In fact, we know that the Jedi are not the only users of the light side just as the Sith are not the only users of the dark side, so perhaps the fact that the Sith are always channeled towards negative emotions and negative passions could be due to the type of people who (by tradition) the Sith choose as students and because of the training they receive. However, if this hypothesis were true, then it would mean that it is not so much the dark side that is evil (at least not necessarily) but the Sith training! This would make a life based on emotion and passion dysfunctional. So there could be characters (who use the dark side and who are not Sith) who have an emotional & passionate but positive attitude. However, no such character comes to mind.
Possible Answer 2 : the dark side is evil but not necessarily streamed/link by emotions and desires) We might assume that the dark side is actually evil and corrupting, however you see it. The connection with emotions would derive from the fact that the Sith tradition has found a way of approaching the dark side in emotions and personal desires. However, if this hypothesis were true, then there would also be other ways of approaching the dark side that are not linked to desires and emotions, there could be users of the dark side who are calm, cold and thoughtful and not at all interested in their emotions : a sort of "monks" of the dark side or "jedi of the dark side" or "vulcans of the dark side". But I can't think of any example of a "dark side tradition" or "dark side order" that doesn't reference the Sith way in some way.
Possible answer 3: the dark side is a just a boogymen because the plot need a villain) We could think that it is a structural problem of the dark side: dark side users must follow their personal emotions and desires but they will necessarily necome evil in doing this. The Jedi suggest many times that the dark side necessarily brings moral corruption, even if it is true that said by the Jedi it is a source a little biased. At this point my question becomes: if the dark side is necessarily evil & necessarily corrupts & necessarily based on emotion and passion, then honestly the very idea of ​​the dark side seems poorly structured to me. Because if this hypothesis were true it would make a strange and unfair comparison between emotionality and evil, between passion and self-destruction... This seems to me not only extremely bad narratively but also false. There are numerous historical examples of people who have saved lives, in some cases even many lives, simply by following their hearts, their emotions and their passions. It is obvious that even a Jedi has an emotionality that leads him to empathize with the evil suffered by other people, however even an emotionality focused on his own passions and deep emotions can be positive: I think for example of a Sith who fights evil not both because he thinks of the good of his community but because evil disgusts him or because he has revenge to carry out against a powerful evil organization. If you allow me another nerdy comparison I would say Gatsu from Berserk: especially at the beginning he is moved by very strong passions and powerful, very violent emotions, but we cannot say that he is the villain of the story because, even if with extremely harsh means, his aim is to eradicate a great evil... He doesn't do it to save the world: he does it for his personal revenge but his aim is still to stratify evil. Why was a Sith or a dark side user never conceived like this?
What do you think about my question ? Please be kind in the comments, thank you :)
submitted by Mylastlovesong to StarWars [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:33 YoursTruley123 Was I doing something wrong?

Was I doing something wrong?
The first two are when I was focusing dps and damage boost. I personally felt I got the most value from my gameplay and the second when i was pretty much pocketing the tank
If you want to watch the replays- The first games code is (dps focus): XFQ6M1
The second games code is (tank focus): EDWKES
I recently played a game with a tank and a dps that I believe fairly good yet we lost multiple games in a row gold 5 - gold 1. We were playing comp and he would correct me which I found more useful than anything until it became conflicting. For the last week I’ve been on quite a journey as to finding out how to use mercy the most effectively. This mainly being things like using her damage boost and things along that line. And with that I’ve done my fair share on how to use mercy and her damage boost the best. So far I understand that I should be prioritizing dps for damage boost unless they’re not suitable characters and what not but that’s where the conflict comes in. The tank constantly told me that the other supports weren’t doing their job which means I needed to stay on him or that the way I was playing wasn’t going to work for the meta we were in. Even the dps would chime in saying to just focus tank and that they didn’t need the damage boost and that I should just stop wasting time. The tank continued to go on and call it suicide. Mind you I’ve seen the biggest climb in my performance and overall rank (silver 3 - gold 2) since switching my play style doing this within a week so I would genuinely like some pointers and help on wether this tank was just out of it or I should adjust for the lower skill range.
submitted by YoursTruley123 to MercyMains [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:33 ThrowRA_99299 Is it possible to have a healthy relationship if you're disorganized?

I've only recently started looking into attachment styles and finding out that I relate closely with a disorganized attachment style has made a lot of the problems I encounter in relationships make sense.
The problem is, most of my relationships have been with people who treat me horribly. People who are distant and constantly put me down, which triggers the anxious attachment in me and makes me desperate for their approval and affection.
I don't want to be in relationships like this, where if I say one wrong thing they might leave me. I want to feel comfortable and secure and like I have a partner in this world. But if I ever meet someone who treats me like that... it makes me uncomfortable. I switch off and pull away, even though I know it's everything I want and I will regret it, something in my brain screams run run run, and I listen to it every time.
I don't know if it's because, in the past, people have got fed up of me when they get to know me and they end up taking back all of the nice things they've said when they first met me. So maybe now when people treat me kindly I'm worried that they'll take it away again and it'll hurt me, so I pull back before they can?
So, is it even possible to have a healthy relationship if you have a disorganized attachment style? It seems like either way I'm destined to be miserable: partner treats me badly: I stay, but have my self-esteem destroyed and feel anxious and insecure everyday; partner treats me well: I feel uncomfortable and break up with them.
submitted by ThrowRA_99299 to Disorganized_Attach [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:32 tonystarkco Do you use an IDS personally/professionally and how/why?

As the original question is saying, do you use an IPS for personal/professional reasons?
I want to ask you a few questions and I will appreciate it If you answer back:
I am thinking about adding Zeek to my home office setup, I''ve used it in the past professionally (as Bro) and I liked it but it had a very steep way to learn and set up. Maintenance however was pretty transparent.
submitted by tonystarkco to AskNetsec [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:32 ThrowRA_asdfg123 BF (20M) using masturbation as a self harm method. How can I (21F) help him?

Recently my partner opened up to me that he has been masturbating to thoughts of other people, specifically people we both know for quite some time. He says every time he feels extremely guilty and it’s never enjoyable. It’s not something he enjoys doing and believes it’s a form of self harm. When I first heard this I was so upset and grossed out and I still get a lot of thoughts of betrayal and insecurities but I really really am trying to be opened minded. He says it’s nothing personal about me or them. If it was just porn or something that’s fine but it’s people we know which is gross to them and now I panic every time I see someone who I think one of them could be.
I have never had to go through something like this before and I am really unsure on what to do but I do know that I want to help him so that it stops. For the last year or so his mental health has rapidly declined and he has ADHD which gives him a lot of intrusive thoughts. He started talking medication for ADHD recently but has missed a couple doses the last couple weeks so maybe that’s related to this?
I really want to understand and not take it personal as well as knowing the best course of action for supporting him. I also want someone to just tell me this is okay and that bad mental health can work in weird ways :(
submitted by ThrowRA_asdfg123 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:31 DazzlingInfectedGoat help to trubleshoot connection problems

I need help, to truble shoot a problem on 2 redhat 9 servers.
server1 is a rundeck server, that i use to schedule jobs towards diffrent servers, as a poc. Curently its doing some api calls to server 2, that is a gitlab server.
it uses both a ssh connecton for running a few commands, and a python api script.
Both thing work, but if i schedule it to run every 5 minutes it will stop working after 8 runs. Samething happens if it runs every hour, or every 30 minutes.
I tried to disable selinux on both servers, same problem i disabled the firewall samething happens. When it happens, i cant even use netcat so test if a port is open, or openssl to check the api
openssl s_client -connect server2:443 
how ever running this command from any other server works just fine. I cant ssh from server1 to server2, but i can ssh from any other machine to server1 and 2 just fine.
i cant find any errors in any logs, and the only way to make it work again for a short while is rebooting the server1.
any idea what im missing or how to move forward? Network says everything is open between them, and they see the package gets acknowledge and that is all they see.
submitted by DazzlingInfectedGoat to redhat [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:31 Ldbejs4 I think my gf has been too intimate to her male friends

I am not sure if it is the right place to post about it because I don't think my gf (24f) is necessarily cheating on me (26m).
We are both Asians studying in Europe, and we met each other in the student hall we are living at. We are in a relationship for a year now.
As I said, we live in a student hall with flats of mix genders, and she has a lot of male friends. I don't think it is cheating but I do concern about it sometimes, especially about what she wears sometimes (I know I probably shouldn't).
I went to her flat yesterday and she and some of her flatmates were having a little party with 2 boys and herself. She was wearing I would say rather a very skimpy and inappropriate outfit. I discussed with her telling her I am a little worried and maybe being a little paranoid. She kinda reassured me.
I am also worried about her and her gym buddy (a boy as well).
I don't want to restrict her or control her in any way, and honestly I do feel uncomfortable when she is being close to her males friend and wearing way too skimpy, paranoid about being cheated on. I guess it is because I am from a more conservative cultural background
What is your guys advice on it?
submitted by Ldbejs4 to cheating_stories [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:31 Fit-Scratch1129 Social worker can't show up!

Social worker can't show up!
I want to adopt a dog but my game is having a problem with generating a social worker. Whenever I call and adopt, it says a social worker is on the way with your dog but in 2 hours, this notification pops up and adoption is cancelled. I try to do it a few times but I couldn't manage to do it. I have Nraas Error Trap, Overwatch, Register, Master Controller and Debug Enabler.
submitted by Fit-Scratch1129 to Sims3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:31 UnknownSofa My bf told me that he felt trapped by me

So last week me (18f) and my boyfriend (17m) had prom. After he told me he had to talk to me about something and sat me down on the couch. He told me how he had no time for his hobbies because I'm always over on the weekends and that's the only real time he gets to do his hobbies. How I distract him from his school work. He told me that he felt like I was using him as a crunch too much because I have no friends. For a little bit of background I just stopped being friends with a girl that I had been friends with for 9 year because of prom drama and she was the only one who i was close to other than my boyfriend. Anyways, he told me that I had to make more friends to rely on because he feels trapped. He told me even when I'm not around he's constantly thinking of me and worried about how I'm doing due to my metal health not being so great. How it destacks him from his hobbies and schoolwork. He told me that he cares to much about and said he doesn't know what to do. I asked him if he wanted to break up(I asked him this a few times throughout our conversation) and he said he didn't know. I asked him if he loved me because i was his girlfriend or if he loved me for me. He didnt know how to answer the question and said it was strange. After coversatating a little more I went to the bathroom to take a breather and when I came back out he hugged me and said he didn't want to break up and that he did love me. We then came to the conclusion that I wouldn't come over as much and that he wouldn't text me at school. The problem is that can't stop feeling guilty. I feel like I'm holding him back. I also feel like I no longer can talk to him about my feelings because it might distract him. To be honest my mental health has never been great but I don't think I talked to him about it that much. There would be times I would have panic attacks and would call him late at night but besides that I always kept my feelings to my self. Sometimes I would sneak to the bathroom and cry so he wouldn't know at night because I didn't want to bother him. He never asks me about myself either. He never asks me how im feeling, hows school going, what ive done today. So hearing him say that I use him as a crutch hurt and made me feel guilty. It makes me not want to share any of my feelings with him, I know that's not healthy but im scared that it'll just end up pushing him away more. I don't know what to do. I feel like I'm on eggshells now because if I tell him im upset or anything it'll just make him feel more trapped. He's my first boyfriend and we've been dating almost a year. I don't want to break up with him but I don't want to hold him back. I also don't want to ask for space because I feel like that will just make him feel guilty. There's so much more I can say but this is already way to long. So what should I do?
TLRD: My boyfriend told me that he felt trapped by me and that I used him as a crutch to much so now I don't know what to do.
submitted by UnknownSofa to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:31 HauntingScallion8959 Stop chasing and change your assumptions!!!

Last night I realized I got every single SP I chased to turn around and ask me to meet them. This should be proof that ALL of your desires actually want you.
Chasing means you believe they don’t want you. You can initate conversations that’s fine but you need to come from a place of self worth.
We are talking about 5 different SPs here. And most of it was actually unconscious cause I didn’t realize the law but it was working.
Sp 1 (a girl) had me blocked on all platforms. Definitely the most hopeless circumstances I’ve been in. Refused to speak to me when I saw her in person and walked away. Lol it was BAD. But after one year of trying to reconcile I was like she will eventually want to talk to me. Then 2 months later this same person who kept ghosting me in person was waving at me when I saw her from a distance lmao. But this was unconscious. So I didn’t really try to reach out to her for years and then when I did we became extremely close just the way I wanted. Just the way I craved. She asked to meet me. Not to mention I maintained a belief that she was into girls for years despite her denying it and she eventually came out lol.
Sp 2: I chased and begged him to meet me and he kept refusing. I called him and begged for months lol. And then I was like fuck that. He will regret and then not too long after he was texting me again. And then kept asking me to meet him . I kid you not 6 years later this man is still asking me to meet him.
SP 3: : (a boy) I spent hours and hours day dreaming about us making out and having sex. But my god my self concept was on the floor at this point. He rejected me. I got into self love mode and started thinking he is not all that and bro was complimenting me and hinting how he wanted to make out and things. Again this was unconscious and therefore it took years to materialise cause i didn’t maintain assumptions. But we eventually did do EVERYTHING I day dreamt about. This is also the guy that said “I will never ask you out” and then two months into FWB he was hella nervous trying to ask me out and he did. And we dated. The relationship ended cause of my fears and doubts and that got me into conscious manifesting. I initially chased him and tried to manifest him. Stopped moved on. I eventually got back into manifesting him. All I did was convince myself and change my assumptions. Got him to chase me, ask to meet me and text me everyday just like I had craved for after the break up.
Sp 4: I did every manifesting technique in the book to get him to change his mind. All I had to do was change my mind. I started thinking “his loss” and then just weeks later he started saying he was thinking about me at 2 am. “Tables have turned” and asked me to meet him. (I also got rid of his 3p in 2 weeks)
Sp 5: my current SP. I asked him to meet him twice and realized nah he is gonna ask next. Then I kept thinking oh I know you want to walk around York with me in the summer. He literally word for word said he wants to walk around York with me in the summer.
Literally just tell yourself they want you, and they want what you want. Don’t think against it. Don’t question it. Accept it as true. It won’t take that long to show up in the 3D.
submitted by HauntingScallion8959 to NevilleGoddard2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:30 T_wexler [HELP] Robes invisible in NifSkope

It's exactly what the title says. Every other mesh loads into NifSkope just fine except for any robe meshes. The grounded robe meshes work, but none of the other ones. Is there something I'm missing? I'm not a mod maker, so I'm not familiar with how any of the files work or interact with the tools. I'm just wanting to export a robe model so I can put it on a creature model. So if there's another way to do that, I'd also take that advice. Thank you.
EDIT: I've added pictures below:
Regular Model- https://imgur.com/a/3sx8X5f
Robe Model- https://imgur.com/a/MPYSBkO
submitted by T_wexler to tes3mods [link] [comments]
