Bounty hunter name generator

Home of the New Orleans Pelicans

2012.12.05 02:05 whatwronginthemind Home of the New Orleans Pelicans


2014.10.30 09:52 zCaine For all your killing needs.

^Subreddit ^closed ^until ^further ^notice.

2018.06.15 23:31 West Virginia Bounty Co.

A place to put bounties on your enemies in Bethesda's upcoming game Fallout 76

2024.06.10 22:57 minh2803vn Skadi and Specter' lives before they become Abyssal Hunters

TL by Arknight Story Log (FB)
Skadi was the best technician in the Facilities Management department at the time. She could maintain the entire city's underwater light array by herself.
Skadi accepted the job because the suggestion from Development Planning department matched her own thoughts.
Skadi admit the job made her a bit lonely since it required her to live on the seabed far away from the cities.
Despite of the loneliness, Skadi still enjoying her leisurely life. She can lie down in her mobile habitation unit, listening and singing along to her favorite song, and capturing underwater images that no one but herself can understand.
Skadi does not have to worry about money, about socializing, about her health.
Meanwhile, Specter's life might have been better.
Specter's biological parents are pair of designers.
Specter and her biological parents maintained a very special relationship. Her basic upbringing was handled by the childcare, but whenever her parents took on the construction of a city's dome, they would take Specter along.
They showed Specter around the city, taught her, and even let her participate in some of their work. This is why Specter knew a lot of things about Æegir more than Skadi.
For Specter, art was her own life's pursuit. Thanks to the nature of her parents' work, she had access to Ægir's bountiful art collection since a young age
Of course, most of the time, she still lived at the public childcare.
And before becoming an Abyssal Hunters, Specter was just a sculpture apprentice.
The fields she wanted to enter probably would have been dome design, sculpture art, or dance.
submitted by minh2803vn to arknights [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:56 Xavier598 SetNode gives out a "cannot access a disposed object"

SetNode gives out a submitted by Xavier598 to godot [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:53 razorgirlRetrofitted [LFA] Fuel! The cyberpunk tomboy car girl. Literally.

[LFA] Fuel! The cyberpunk tomboy car girl. Literally.
Greetings! Our table is playing a little game. Everyone was given a song, and we had to invent a character to go with them, and I love this lady so much she’s quickly become one of my regulars. Named after the Metallica song, her name is Fuel.
Fuel is a street samurai, a bounty hunting mercenary-hacker sort of character. She’s the kind of character where you take the prompt so literally it’d be funny, and then she turned out to be a just damn pleasant character overall. She’s the kind of ‘wared up ‘borg that was half-hexed to start with, and at this point could almost Adam Smasher a run for his eddies with the kind chrome she’s got chipped.
Here’s the thing, though. Fuel, from her Sandevistan all the way to her custom mantis blade mounts, is car themed. She treats her body like a greaser would treat their hotrod. We’re talkin’ literal chrome, we’re talkin carbon fibre, exhaust pipes, headlights in her shoulders, and wheels on the outer sides of her arms (the aforementioned customed mantis blades) that she can rev and use as weapons like mantis blades. (she also revs her engine to growl and purr, and is embarrassed whenever someone points that out.) Just about the only thing that isn’t car themed are her Midnight Lady and Mr. Studd implants that she hotwired and installed together. Which you could probably do shittons with those being car themed, but even this seven-and-a-half-foot-tall gearhead has her limits.
submitted by razorgirlRetrofitted to characterdrawing [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:49 CoffeeandHate_dotBiz Heavy Metal Music in TTRPG form based on the Mörk Borg system.

Hey folks, I have been writing my own OSR TTRPG for a while now and I would like to share it with you.
Where D&D is somewhere between Lord of the Rings and Monty Python and the Holy Grail, the game I am writing is between Conan the Barbarian and Army of Darkness with magical electric guitars.
I completed the rough draft of the rulebook and I have shared it on DrivethruRPG for free. It is designed as a zine with some illustrations I had leftover in my sketchbooks. Link to that is here:
Here's my latest development blog with fun images and such. Or have a read of the text below. :-)
I’ve been slowly writing and testing out my own OSR Roleplaying Game I call Battle Jacket. This is its development blog. [Part 1 Here] [Part 2 Here] [Part 3 Here]
Recap: I set out to make my own OSR game by stealing the Mörk Borg rules-set and adding a touch of homebrew to it. The home-brew became more elaborate and the thing took a life of its own.
When I first began writing this thing in earnest, my wife switched from a night schedule to a day schedule giving us nights and weekends for the first time since before we dated. That’s when the writing for this game happened. It was part of my evening routine to commandeer my wife’s Chromebook and add more and more to a single word file a bit at a time while she played Animal Crossing on her switch next to me. It was bliss.
My writing process usually includes appropriate music to fit the theme of my writing put on repeat. This is when I discovered Acid Mammoth and the joys of doom/sludge metal. The Under Acid Hoof album was a particular favorite.
I’d have a new idea or an old idea to expand on a few sentences at a time making notes and adjustments to my style guide as I went…
Style Guide Rule #4: Every cool thing in this game will be awesome and awful in equal measure.
Healing potions are a thing, they are magical, and effective.
Apply Rule #4.
Healing potions are also addictive.
And so it went until I had a mighty word document completely out of order and positively riddled with spelling mistakes. However, warts and all, there was a functioning game at the heart of it whose finer points seemed to intrigue my close creative friends.


When creating/designing any printed product, certain particulars have to be nailed down before any meaningful work can take place. (You hear that graphic design clients?!) The first particular is what size the final product will be. The size of each page vs. the size of the font vs. the amount of illustration will determine the rough page count.
Standard zine size in the U.S. is about 8.5x5.5 inches. A single letter sized printer paper folded in half. A bit slimmer than an A5 size. The smallest font size I am willing to print is 10 pt. Since this all began as a bit of a lark, and it was happening in the back drop of my regular full time illustration work, I decided this zine would be text-heavy. I would pour through my old sketchbooks and my various inktober drawings for suitable illustrations that I would pepper about the text. I set the personal rule for myself, that I would make this zine using only art that I had already made. Nothing new, but nothing I had used yet, including the cover.
Graphic Design Golden Rule: When designing for page layout, you are allowed to use exactly two fonts. One for body text, one for titles. That. Is. It. Be sure to choose a body font that has as many options as possible. Regular, bold, oblique, light, condensed, ultralight, etc.
Johan Nohr broke the hell out of this rule, as well as several others, but yet so ingeniously that it worked to great effect. I tried to follow in his footsteps in this way. I gathered all my favorite Blambot fonts and tested out different ways to use them and arrange them. In short order I realized that Johan is a graphic artist of the highest order… and I am not.
I chose Marion for my body text for its low X height, the serifs, and the general legibility. After many fits and starts, I settled on Mortuary and Mortuary Deco as the title fonts from (Pro tip: Need a cool ass font? Check Blambot first. Nate Piekos RULES!)
Small format means higher page count, but sparse illustration and low X height drops that page count back down. With these particulars decided, the only thing left is to drop the text in and star massaging it into some kind of order.


The cover proved a bit of a challenge. In truth, cover illustrations are a weakness of mine at the best of times, but as luck would have it, I had this guy all drawn up and ready to go.
The title took some doing. Especially considering I hadn’t come up with a name for this game yet. I did understand that I was making “Heavy Metal the TTRPG,” so I began some word associations, word webs, and other brainstorming crap they taught us in grade school. I eventually settled on “Battle Jacket,” the colloquial term used to by bikers, punks, and metal heads to describe their patch ridden denim jackets (sleeves optional).
Title Making is not a strong suit for me, so this was a great opportunity for me to do some learning. The best solution I could come up with was to arrange the text in the title font, Mortuary, and try adding stylizations by hand with ink on paper. Process below.


I finished this sucker and printed a few copies out from my desktop printer. I sprung for some fancy red cardstock for the covers. It seemed fitting.
I’m not sure if this is a generational thing, or a human thing, but having had an idea, making that idea into substance, and holding that idea in my hand is something of a powerful moment. I had a stupid fun idea, I worked on it, and then I held a complete idea in my hands.
I’ve been self-publishing my comics for more than 10 years now so I figured I’d be a little innured to this bit of the process, but as I held this little zine and reread my lore and ideas, I felt proud. I remember remarking to my wife how I felt so much more proud of this stupid little zine than I thought I would be.
I called some friends, handed them copies of the zine and got a much warmer response than I predicted. They were excited to actually try the game out!
This was the moment it stopped being stupid. This was the moment it stopped being a lark.
Here’s a free download of this first version of the game/zine warts and all.
There have been many play-tests since I first printed this version and, at time of typing, I have printed and tested two more versions as well as written two one-shot adventures for the world.
Next time: One-Shots and play-testing!
Thanks for reading,
-Gabe D.
submitted by CoffeeandHate_dotBiz to MorkBorg [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:48 tempmailgenerator Solving Attachment Error in Python Email Automation

Tackling Python's Email Attachment Dilemma

In the realm of automating email processes through Python, encountering errors can disrupt what should be a smooth and efficient task. Specifically, when attempting to send an email with an attachment from a Python notebook, users might face a TypeError that halts their progress. This issue often arises in the context of integrating Python with data management systems like Snowflake, where the objective is to export data as a CSV file and email it as an attachment. Understanding the root of this error is crucial for developers and data analysts who rely on Python for automating their email communication, especially in scenarios involving data reports and notifications.
The error message "TypeError: expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not NoneType" typically indicates a problem with how the attachment is specified or opened within the Python script. It's a common stumbling block for many, highlighting the importance of meticulous coding practices and thorough debugging. Addressing this issue not only requires a deep dive into the specifics of Python's email and file handling libraries but also a solid understanding of the data extraction process from platforms like Snowflake. This guide aims to navigate through the troubleshooting process, ensuring that your automated emails with attachments are sent out without a hitch.
Command Description
import smtplib Imports the smtplib module to allow email sending via SMTP protocol.
import pandas as pd Imports the pandas library for data manipulation and analysis, referring to it as pd.
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart Imports the MIMEMultipart class for creating a message that can include multiple parts, such as body text and attachments.
from email.mime.text import MIMEText Imports the MIMEText class for creating MIME objects of major type text.
from email.mime.base import MIMEBase Imports the MIMEBase class for creating a base MIME type that can be further extended.
from email import encoders Imports the encoders module to apply different types of encoding (e.g., base64) to the MIME attachment.
from datetime import date, timedelta Imports the date class for working with dates and timedelta for representing the difference between two dates or times.
import snowflake.connector Imports the connector module from Snowflake to enable communication between Python and the Snowflake database.
from pandas.tseries.offsets import Week Imports the Week class from pandas to generate date ranges offset by weeks.
def query_snowflake(): Defines a function to query data from Snowflake, assumed to return a pandas DataFrame.
def send_email_with_attachment(df, filename, mail_from, mail_to, subject, body, server, port, username, password): Defines a function to send an email with an attached CSV file, using SMTP server details and login credentials.
df.to_csv(index=False) Converts the DataFrame to a CSV format, not including the index in the output.
server = smtplib.SMTP(server, port) Creates a new SMTP object for connecting to an SMTP server, specifying its address and port number.
server.starttls() Upgrades the SMTP connection to a secure connection using TLS.
server.login(username, password) Logs in to the SMTP server using the provided username and password.
server.send_message(msg) Sends the email message through the SMTP server.
server.quit() Closes the connection to the SMTP server.

Diving Deeper into Email Automation with Python

Exploring the world of email automation with Python opens up a realm of possibilities for developers, especially when dealing with data-intensive applications. Beyond the technicalities of attaching files and handling errors, it's crucial to understand the security and efficiency aspects of automated emailing. When programming email dispatches, especially with attachments containing sensitive data, security becomes paramount. Utilizing secure connections via SMTP with TLS or SSL encryption ensures that the data remains protected during transmission. Moreover, managing large datasets or files requires efficient handling to prevent timeout errors or excessive memory usage. Employing strategies such as chunking large files or compressing data can mitigate these issues, enhancing the reliability of the automation process.
Another important aspect to consider is the management of email queues and handling failures. In a production environment, where emails are sent out in large volumes or with critical information, it's essential to implement a robust system that can queue emails and retry failed sends. Tools and libraries such as Celery with RabbitMQ or Redis can be integrated into Python applications to manage these tasks effectively. This not only ensures that emails reach their intended recipients but also provides logging and tracking capabilities to monitor the email dispatch process. Incorporating these considerations into your email automation projects can significantly improve their performance, reliability, and security, making your Python applications more robust and user-friendly.

Correcting Email Attachment Errors in Python

Python with smtplib and pandas
import smtplib import pandas as pd from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.mime.base import MIMEBase from email import encoders from datetime import date, timedelta import snowflake.connector from pandas.tseries.offsets import Week def query_snowflake(): # Assume this function returns a DataFrame after querying Snowflake return pd.DataFrame({'country': ['USA'], 'statenumber': [1], 'REPORTINGCOUNTRYSITENAME': ['New York']}) def send_email_with_attachment(df, filename, mail_from, mail_to, subject, body, server='', port=587, username='', password=''): msg = MIMEMultipart() msg['From'] = mail_from msg['To'] = mail_to msg['Subject'] = subject msg.attach(MIMEText(body, 'plain')) attachment = MIMEBase('application', 'octet-stream') attachment.set_payload(df.to_csv(index=False)) encoders.encode_base64(attachment) attachment.add_header('Content-Disposition', f'attachment; filename={filename}') msg.attach(attachment) try: server = smtplib.SMTP(server, port) server.starttls() server.login(username, password) server.send_message(msg) server.quit() print('Email sent successfully') except Exception as e: print(f'Failed to send email: {str(e)}') if __name__ == "__main__": offset = 0 days = 31 bound_start = - Week(offset, weekday=4) bound_end = bound_start + timedelta(days=days) data = query_snowflake() mail_from = '' mail_to = '' subject = 'Your Subject Here' body = 'This is the body of the email.' filename = 'data.csv' send_email_with_attachment(data, filename, mail_from, mail_to, subject, body, username='your_gmail_username', password='your_gmail_password') 

Enhancing Email Automation with Advanced Python Techniques

As we delve deeper into the intricacies of email automation using Python, it becomes apparent that the scope extends far beyond simple message dispatches. A critical component often overlooked is the customization and personalization of emails. Leveraging Python's powerful libraries, developers can dynamically generate email content based on user data, behavior, or preferences, making communications more engaging and effective. This approach not only boosts open rates but also enhances user satisfaction by providing valuable and relevant information. Furthermore, the integration of analytics and tracking mechanisms into automated emails allows for detailed insight into user engagement. By embedding tracking pixels or custom URLs, developers can capture crucial metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion data, enabling continuous optimization of email campaigns.
Another dimension of advanced email automation is the implementation of machine learning algorithms to predict the best times to send emails, optimize subject lines, and segment users into more precise categories for targeted campaigns. Such predictive capabilities can significantly increase the efficacy of email marketing strategies. Additionally, the use of natural language processing (NLP) techniques to analyze responses and categorize them based on sentiment, intent, or content can automate and streamline the handling of incoming emails. This not only reduces manual workload but also accelerates response times, thereby improving overall communication efficiency and effectiveness in business operations.

Common Questions on Python Email Automation

  1. Question: Can Python send emails with attachments?
  2. Answer: Yes, Python can send emails with attachments using the smtplib library along with email.mime modules.
  3. Question: How do I handle sending large files as email attachments in Python?
  4. Answer: For large files, consider compressing the file before attaching or using a cloud service to host the file and sending a link instead.
  5. Question: Is it secure to send sensitive data via email using Python?
  6. Answer: While Python supports TLS/SSL for secure email sending, it's advisable to encrypt sensitive data before sending.
  7. Question: Can I use Python to automate email responses?
  8. Answer: Yes, with libraries like smtplib and email, you can automate sending responses based on certain triggers or conditions.
  9. Question: How do I manage email sending limits to avoid being marked as spam?
  10. Answer: Implement rate limiting, use reputable email servers, and follow best practices for email sending to avoid spam filters.
  11. Question: Can Python integrate with email marketing platforms?
  12. Answer: Yes, many email marketing platforms offer APIs that Python scripts can interact with for advanced email campaign management.
  13. Question: How do I track email opens and clicks with Python?
  14. Answer: This can be achieved by embedding tracking pixels in emails and using webhooks provided by email service providers.
  15. Question: What is the best way to handle errors in Python email automation scripts?
  16. Answer: Implement robust error handling with try-except blocks and logging to track and address failures effectively.
  17. Question: How can I ensure my Python email automation script is efficient and doesn’t consume too much memory?
  18. Answer: Optimize your script by managing resources wisely, using efficient data structures, and avoiding unnecessary computations.
  19. Question: Can I automate email scheduling in Python?
  20. Answer: Yes, by using task schedulers like APScheduler in Python, you can schedule emails to be sent at specific times.

Mastering Email Automation: A Synthesis of Python Prowess

Email automation using Python represents a blend of challenge and opportunity for developers and data analysts. Through the exploration of this topic, we have uncovered not only the solutions to common issues such as the TypeError when attaching files but also delved into advanced strategies for personalizing emails, ensuring secure transmissions, and even employing machine learning for optimizing email campaigns. The journey from basic email dispatch to sophisticated email systems underscores the flexibility and power of Python as a tool for automating and enhancing digital communication. Furthermore, the discussion on managing large attachments, securing sensitive data, and handling email queues highlights the importance of robust, efficient coding practices. As Python continues to evolve, so too will the possibilities for automating and refining email communications, offering endless opportunities for innovation in how we connect, inform, and engage through automated emails. This synthesis not only equips developers with the necessary tools to overcome initial hurdles but also encourages them to explore new horizons in email automation, ensuring that their digital communication strategies remain as dynamic and effective as the programming language they employ.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:44 CoffeeandHate_dotBiz Writing an OSR game that is Heavy Metal Music in TTRPG form.

Hey folks, I have been writing my own OSR TTRPG for a while now and I would like to share it with you.
Where D&D is somewhere between Lord of the Rings and Monty Python and the Holy Grail, the game I am writing is between Conan the Barbarian and Army of Darkness with magical electric guitars.
I completed the rough draft of the rulebook and I have shared it on DrivethruRPG for free. It is designed as a zine with some illustrations I had leftover in my sketchbooks. Link to that is here:
Here's my latest development blog with fun images and such. Or have a read of the text below. :-)
I’ve been slowly writing and testing out my own OSR Roleplaying Game I call Battle Jacket. This is its development blog. [Part 1 Here] [Part 2 Here] [Part 3 Here]
Recap: I set out to make my own OSR game by stealing the Mörk Borg rules-set and adding a touch of homebrew to it. The home-brew became more elaborate and the thing took a life of its own.
When I first began writing this thing in earnest, my wife switched from a night schedule to a day schedule giving us nights and weekends for the first time since before we dated. That’s when the writing for this game happened. It was part of my evening routine to commandeer my wife’s Chromebook and add more and more to a single word file a bit at a time while she played Animal Crossing on her switch next to me. It was bliss.
My writing process usually includes appropriate music to fit the theme of my writing put on repeat. This is when I discovered Acid Mammoth and the joys of doom/sludge metal. The Under Acid Hoof album was a particular favorite.
I’d have a new idea or an old idea to expand on a few sentences at a time making notes and adjustments to my style guide as I went…
Style Guide Rule #4: Every cool thing in this game will be awesome and awful in equal measure.
Healing potions are a thing, they are magical, and effective.
Apply Rule #4.
Healing potions are also addictive.
And so it went until I had a mighty word document completely out of order and positively riddled with spelling mistakes. However, warts and all, there was a functioning game at the heart of it whose finer points seemed to intrigue my close creative friends.


When creating/designing any printed product, certain particulars have to be nailed down before any meaningful work can take place. (You hear that graphic design clients?!) The first particular is what size the final product will be. The size of each page vs. the size of the font vs. the amount of illustration will determine the rough page count.
Standard zine size in the U.S. is about 8.5x5.5 inches. A single letter sized printer paper folded in half. A bit slimmer than an A5 size. The smallest font size I am willing to print is 10 pt. Since this all began as a bit of a lark, and it was happening in the back drop of my regular full time illustration work, I decided this zine would be text-heavy. I would pour through my old sketchbooks and my various inktober drawings for suitable illustrations that I would pepper about the text. I set the personal rule for myself, that I would make this zine using only art that I had already made. Nothing new, but nothing I had used yet, including the cover.
Graphic Design Golden Rule: When designing for page layout, you are allowed to use exactly two fonts. One for body text, one for titles. That. Is. It. Be sure to choose a body font that has as many options as possible. Regular, bold, oblique, light, condensed, ultralight, etc.
Johan Nohr broke the hell out of this rule, as well as several others, but yet so ingeniously that it worked to great effect. I tried to follow in his footsteps in this way. I gathered all my favorite Blambot fonts and tested out different ways to use them and arrange them. In short order I realized that Johan is a graphic artist of the highest order… and I am not.
I chose Marion for my body text for its low X height, the serifs, and the general legibility. After many fits and starts, I settled on Mortuary and Mortuary Deco as the title fonts from (Pro tip: Need a cool ass font? Check Blambot first. Nate Piekos RULES!)
Small format means higher page count, but sparse illustration and low X height drops that page count back down. With these particulars decided, the only thing left is to drop the text in and star massaging it into some kind of order.


The cover proved a bit of a challenge. In truth, cover illustrations are a weakness of mine at the best of times, but as luck would have it, I had this guy all drawn up and ready to go.
The title took some doing. Especially considering I hadn’t come up with a name for this game yet. I did understand that I was making “Heavy Metal the TTRPG,” so I began some word associations, word webs, and other brainstorming crap they taught us in grade school. I eventually settled on “Battle Jacket,” the colloquial term used to by bikers, punks, and metal heads to describe their patch ridden denim jackets (sleeves optional).
Title Making is not a strong suit for me, so this was a great opportunity for me to do some learning. The best solution I could come up with was to arrange the text in the title font, Mortuary, and try adding stylizations by hand with ink on paper. Process below.


I finished this sucker and printed a few copies out from my desktop printer. I sprung for some fancy red cardstock for the covers. It seemed fitting.
I’m not sure if this is a generational thing, or a human thing, but having had an idea, making that idea into substance, and holding that idea in my hand is something of a powerful moment. I had a stupid fun idea, I worked on it, and then I held a complete idea in my hands.
I’ve been self-publishing my comics for more than 10 years now so I figured I’d be a little innured to this bit of the process, but as I held this little zine and reread my lore and ideas, I felt proud. I remember remarking to my wife how I felt so much more proud of this stupid little zine than I thought I would be.
I called some friends, handed them copies of the zine and got a much warmer response than I predicted. They were excited to actually try the game out!
This was the moment it stopped being stupid. This was the moment it stopped being a lark.
Here’s a free download of this first version of the game/zine warts and all.
There have been many play-tests since I first printed this version and, at time of typing, I have printed and tested two more versions as well as written two one-shot adventures for the world.
Next time: One-Shots and play-testing!
Thanks for reading,
-Gabe D.
submitted by CoffeeandHate_dotBiz to osr [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:42 TheDoomedHeretic Am I turning into an asshole, or are these kind of messages as annoying as I react to them being? I used to find the flattery charming, but...

submitted by TheDoomedHeretic to BadRPerStories [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:42 CoffeeandHate_dotBiz Heavy Metal in TTRPG form.

Hey folks, I have been writing my own OSR TTRPG for a while now and I would like to share it with you.
Where D&D is somewhere between Lord of the Rings and Monty Python and the Holy Grail, the game I am writing is between Conan the Barbarian and Army of Darkness with magical electric guitars.
I completed the rough draft of the rulebook and I have shared it on DrivethruRPG for free. It is designed as a zine with some illustrations I had leftover in my sketchbooks. Link to that is here:
Here's my latest development blog with fun images and such. Or have a read of the text below. :-)
I’ve been slowly writing and testing out my own OSR Roleplaying Game I call Battle Jacket. This is its development blog. [Part 1 Here] [Part 2 Here] [Part 3 Here]
Recap: I set out to make my own OSR game by stealing the Mörk Borg rules-set and adding a touch of homebrew to it. The home-brew became more elaborate and the thing took a life of its own.
When I first began writing this thing in earnest, my wife switched from a night schedule to a day schedule giving us nights and weekends for the first time since before we dated. That’s when the writing for this game happened. It was part of my evening routine to commandeer my wife’s Chromebook and add more and more to a single word file a bit at a time while she played Animal Crossing on her switch next to me. It was bliss.
My writing process usually includes appropriate music to fit the theme of my writing put on repeat. This is when I discovered Acid Mammoth and the joys of doom/sludge metal. The Under Acid Hoof album was a particular favorite.
I’d have a new idea or an old idea to expand on a few sentences at a time making notes and adjustments to my style guide as I went…
Style Guide Rule #4: Every cool thing in this game will be awesome and awful in equal measure.
Healing potions are a thing, they are magical, and effective.
Apply Rule #4.
Healing potions are also addictive.
And so it went until I had a mighty word document completely out of order and positively riddled with spelling mistakes. However, warts and all, there was a functioning game at the heart of it whose finer points seemed to intrigue my close creative friends.


When creating/designing any printed product, certain particulars have to be nailed down before any meaningful work can take place. (You hear that graphic design clients?!) The first particular is what size the final product will be. The size of each page vs. the size of the font vs. the amount of illustration will determine the rough page count.
Standard zine size in the U.S. is about 8.5x5.5 inches. A single letter sized printer paper folded in half. A bit slimmer than an A5 size. The smallest font size I am willing to print is 10 pt. Since this all began as a bit of a lark, and it was happening in the back drop of my regular full time illustration work, I decided this zine would be text-heavy. I would pour through my old sketchbooks and my various inktober drawings for suitable illustrations that I would pepper about the text. I set the personal rule for myself, that I would make this zine using only art that I had already made. Nothing new, but nothing I had used yet, including the cover.
Graphic Design Golden Rule: When designing for page layout, you are allowed to use exactly two fonts. One for body text, one for titles. That. Is. It. Be sure to choose a body font that has as many options as possible. Regular, bold, oblique, light, condensed, ultralight, etc.
Johan Nohr broke the hell out of this rule, as well as several others, but yet so ingeniously that it worked to great effect. I tried to follow in his footsteps in this way. I gathered all my favorite Blambot fonts and tested out different ways to use them and arrange them. In short order I realized that Johan is a graphic artist of the highest order… and I am not.
I chose Marion for my body text for its low X height, the serifs, and the general legibility. After many fits and starts, I settled on Mortuary and Mortuary Deco as the title fonts from (Pro tip: Need a cool ass font? Check Blambot first. Nate Piekos RULES!)
Small format means higher page count, but sparse illustration and low X height drops that page count back down. With these particulars decided, the only thing left is to drop the text in and star massaging it into some kind of order.


The cover proved a bit of a challenge. In truth, cover illustrations are a weakness of mine at the best of times, but as luck would have it, I had this guy all drawn up and ready to go.
The title took some doing. Especially considering I hadn’t come up with a name for this game yet. I did understand that I was making “Heavy Metal the TTRPG,” so I began some word associations, word webs, and other brainstorming crap they taught us in grade school. I eventually settled on “Battle Jacket,” the colloquial term used to by bikers, punks, and metal heads to describe their patch ridden denim jackets (sleeves optional).
Title Making is not a strong suit for me, so this was a great opportunity for me to do some learning. The best solution I could come up with was to arrange the text in the title font, Mortuary, and try adding stylizations by hand with ink on paper. Process below.


I finished this sucker and printed a few copies out from my desktop printer. I sprung for some fancy red cardstock for the covers. It seemed fitting.
I’m not sure if this is a generational thing, or a human thing, but having had an idea, making that idea into substance, and holding that idea in my hand is something of a powerful moment. I had a stupid fun idea, I worked on it, and then I held a complete idea in my hands.
I’ve been self-publishing my comics for more than 10 years now so I figured I’d be a little innured to this bit of the process, but as I held this little zine and reread my lore and ideas, I felt proud. I remember remarking to my wife how I felt so much more proud of this stupid little zine than I thought I would be.
I called some friends, handed them copies of the zine and got a much warmer response than I predicted. They were excited to actually try the game out!
This was the moment it stopped being stupid. This was the moment it stopped being a lark.
Here’s a free download of this first version of the game/zine warts and all.
There have been many play-tests since I first printed this version and, at time of typing, I have printed and tested two more versions as well as written two one-shot adventures for the world.
Next time: One-Shots and play-testing!
Thanks for reading,
-Gabe D.
submitted by CoffeeandHate_dotBiz to TTRPG [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:38 joeyfn2 Fall 2023 Computer Science Graduate - Very rarely getting past the resume screening stage (Haven't had an interview in months)
I'm probably also not applying enough, but I've sent out hundreds of applications and I feel like I'm getting an abnormally low amount of responses from companies.
submitted by joeyfn2 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:30 nemsimic Grocery Run

I’ve been around the world several times, and now only banality still interests me. On this trip I've tracked it with the relentlessness of a bounty hunter.
I was in Hiperbom supermarket picking up a couple things, mostly meat for the week. I came to the butcher section of the store, staring at the various cuts, all in deep red in high contrast with the dystopian white room. This room was undoubtedly used for petty interrogations when the military government was in power. They’d shower the accused in sterile light for days spreading into weeks, introducing a dizzying madness and a frantic anguish. By the end of it, the sight of the military costume would be a relief. The tongue would confess to charges of espionage, of treason, of grand plans to build an anarchist commune deep in the Amazon where dissident children would be raised as man and machine half-breeds. The tongue would confess this to leave the light, to witness divine authority dim the summer sky into dormant night.
I stood in line at the butcher’s booth. I needed two wads of ground beef. A quick job, 5 seconds, maybe 10 if he asked me which specific wads I want. But the butcher didn’t come. He stood under the light in the back of the room, knife in hand, hair net on head, slicing two hunking chunks of beef. It had to have been half a cow. I watched him mine the meat, breaking it down into atomic chunks, sweat escaping his hair net. A small woman had her head pressed against the window and I realized she was the deviant who placed the order.
5 minutes passed. 10 minutes passed. He worked the blade like the guard of a powerful shogun. The butcher had a crazed look in his eye. The sweet romantic glint of youth gave way to a stimulated and enlarged pupil. It was violent. The same thing happened to the glints of eyes in Vietnam. Humping through mud and rain. Chopping at a vast jungle, regenerating faster than it fell. Battles with an invisible and terrifying charlie, his war cries bellowing from the murk. All battlefields are butcher shops. Someone orders. The meat piles. Human gives way to glorious ape. The only barrier is a thin glass wall. Little women press their faces on it. Turning occasionally to say something to the other patient customers.
20 minutes passed. 25 minutes passed. I left the man to his beastly machinations. Who knows if we would ever get him back. Some men get lost in the blackness of their eyes. I roamed the aisles in search of other ways to spend money. Salt in a saltshaker. A few dollars more, but I need this. Two containers of pepper because one will inevitably run out. I even walked down the chocolate and candy aisle. The refined sugar releasing its pheromones, sirens singing directly to my petty cravings. Saliva pushed from invisible glands like geysers. I made it to the end of the aisle with strength. I needed to lose weight for my friend’s wedding next month.
Back to the butcher. The young man chopped away in the back, but I was met by a jolly old one who took my order with a smile. He handed me the wads of meat.
“Algo mais?” “só isso.”
I looked at him with quiet disdain. I knew what he was. The boss. Sending men off to their insanity. A puppet for the politicians and bureaucrats. Then I realized this was his shop. Mountains of meat passed under his knife and under his watch. His smile only hid the terrible truth he knew. Each job tells a bottomless secret. Be careful picking what to know.
I left the supermarket and walked home. The sun was out. The south wind slid across my skin reminding me of Canadian winters. Humility sent directly from Antarctica. Nonetheless, I enjoyed the combination of the warm sun and the nippy wind, especially as the previous weeks dropped monumental rain. Some of which made my roof submit to leaks. Those leaks spread from my vision, to my eyes, to my thoughts, and into my unconscious. My dreams are now prophetic visions of floods. The entire earth engulfed in grey water until it breaks gravity, leaking through dismal black space, flooding the universe. I wake up in a sweat, getting up to drag my hands across the walls and ceiling, searching for water like a blind man in a desert. This must’ve been how Noah felt. But today it was nice out.
Two women waited at a bus stop leaning against a concrete wall. Their stances mimicked each other. One of them was a young woman. Beautiful. Black draping hair with melancholy in her eyes. She faced the ground but looked into her thoughts. The other one was old. White hair, skin wrinkly and hanging, her body plump with age. Her chin was up, gazing straight ahead. A look of pride. They were the same woman passing through different points in the crucible of time. The same worries flooded their minds. Love for a man, child, friend. Times where that love was a traitor, spreading itself into fear, suspicion, callousness, jealousy, and reckless anxiety. Watching the clock, watching the phone, watching what others might say. Caught up in the daily minutiae of the day. Work, what needed to be cooked, who was sick, who needed to be called, what needed to be planned, cramps, the random pain in her knee. Their loneliness was different from a man’s. They’re always surrounded but never properly propped. Their loneliness has the social weight of choosing and choosing correctly. A cascade of choices from the colour of nails, to which man to marry, to have life emerge onto this mass hanging in space that’s still somehow selected and protected. The young woman peered into her future, an entire life sprouting from the ground she gazed at. The old woman peered into her past, a life grown into the sky. Both worried about how it would go.
I was close to home. The bag was getting heavy in my hand. Natasha would be back soon and we had to prepare dinner.
submitted by nemsimic to creativewriting [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:29 Educational_Ad2908 What level of importance do you put on your feelings? Should feelings govern free speech?

I'm really interested to know. My generation was told our feelings didn't matter. Listen to George Carlin sometime. It's been said that offending others is necessary to think critically. In my opinion if we put too high a value on feelings our ability to think critically will diminish. We're at a point where the level headed are afraid to speak in fear of offending half baked idiots. Reply any way you like. I don't silence or kick people out of the conversation for their opinion. I will remove you if all you do is name call or insult without valid argument. ☮️
submitted by Educational_Ad2908 to NoMoreSecrets [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:28 imdirtydan_i Helping finding Kpop dress

Helping finding Kpop dress
I bought this dress roughly 10-11 years ago. I remember I got it after seeing a live kpop performance. I do not remember who it was wearing it, or what website I got the dress from. The tag on the dress says ju mei yi pin. When I search the name on the tag, nothing related to the dress comes up. I do know that the artist was 2nd generation. I thought it was the Wonder Girls, but I couldn’t find any pictures or videos of the dress.
submitted by imdirtydan_i to kpop [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:28 OpeningAdsNewAccount Denji Vs Yuji Itadori (Chainsaw Man Vs Jujutsu Kaisen) DEBUNKED

Denji Vs Yuji Itadori (Chainsaw Man Vs Jujutsu Kaisen) DEBUNKED
Hey guys, how has your day been? In this post, I’m going to be debunking a fairly popular matchup that has existed for a couple years now. I feel that this matchup has, to put it lightly, many in the ways of false comparisons and poorly explained connections. My goal here is to explain why I believe that this matchups connections aren’t good.
Of course, if you like Denji Vs Yuji, that’s okay! This post isn’t supposed to prove that it’s “objectively” bad or anything, I’m just saying why I believe the connections here are wrong. Also, spoilers for both series, only proceed if you don’t care about that kinda stuff. With that being said, let’s begin;
Both are the main protagonists of new generation Shounen manga series that have become extremely popular and have an official anime adaptation from Studio MAPPA. This is fine, generic, but fine.
Both are orphaned easygoing teenage men living in urban Japan who gained supernatural powers and eventually joined an high level government agency, (Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College and the Public Safety Devil Hunters), devoted to ridding the devilish creatures made from negative human emotions that infest their world, (Curses and Devils). This connection is simply a stretch. Yuji became an orphan after his grandfather passed away when he was a teenager, while Denji became an orphan after killing his father when he was a kid in self defense. These are two different and incomparable contexts. Not only that, Cursed Spirits are born from general negative emotions such as hate, while Devils are formed from specifically primal fears; false comparison.
Both of these creatures also being capable of working with humans via contracts. Both became fused/merged with one of these creatures in a life-or-death situation (Sukuna the King Of Curses and Pochita the Chainsaw Devil); giving them their power. The context here is simply not comparable. Yuji unknowingly fused with Sukuna after eating one of his fingers, while Pochita willingly fused with Denji’s heart after his death to revive him. These are two incomparable circumstances.
Said creatures also ended up being one of the strongest entities in the series This is fine.
Both characters try to use their newly gained abilities to help others. The motives here are incomparable. Yuji wanted to help others because that was his papa’s last request, not to mention he didn’t even use Sukuna’s powers to help people; he used the Cursed Energy he gained from training, not from fusing with Sukuna. Denji, however, only helped people because it was his job and because he wanted a normal life that Makima was giving him; dead papas promise to wanting a woman’s affection is not a good comparison at all.
Both get drafted into their organization after getting personally recruited by one of the most powerful and feared, (also fan-favourite), characters in their world (Satoru Gojō and Makima). Gojo is a fan favorite because he’s a badass and an absolute powerhouse, while Makima is a fan favorite because people are depraved and wanna be held on a leash by her. The contexts here are incomparable.
Both are initially tasked with finding fragments of a powerful being with the intent of summoning them just to kill them once and for all (Sukuna's fingers and pieces of the Gun Devil's flesh). The cast wanted to find Sukuna’s fingers to execute Yuji, while the cast was directed to find the Gun Devil by Makima so she could kill it and use its power. Also, the context of how these parts were separated are incomparable.
Both mainly work as a group of three with two best friends whom they develop a sibling-like dynamic with, including a stoic and quiet but loyal black-haired swordsmen who can summon animal-like spirits to aid them in battle (Megumi Fushiguro and Aki Hayakawa) and a sassy hammer-wielding light-haired Tsundere girl whose powers include manipulating body parts in some way (Nobara Kugisaki and Power). Power doesn’t manipulate body parts, she manipulates her blood. False connection
Both are mainly close-combat oriented fighters with a brawn-over-brain fighting style, though they've been known to improvise and pull some clever moves in the midst of battle. Yuji is a H2H combatant who uses Cursed Techniques for his combat, while Denj is a trigger happy maniac with his chainsaws with no special techniques whatsoever. This isn’t comparable.
Both are also capable of affecting one’s own memories (Yuji’s ability can subconsciously implement false memories into others, while Chainsaw Man eating a devil ultimately wipes them from existence and everyone's memory of them). Denji is not the Chainsaw Devil, Pochita is, and that ability only applies to Pochita, and not Denji.
Both are also kinda mentally fucked up in opposite ways (Yuji developing a serious Hero complex and Denji gaining a desperate need to feel love and be loved by someone). The emotional traumas here are not comparable. They are two completely different emotionally struggles that aren’t similar, bad comparison.
Both are constantly threatened with death from their higher-ups (Yuji is scheduled to be executed once all of Sukuna's fingers are collected, and since he's a devil hybrid Denji is to be put down if he ever acts out of line). This is fine.
H Both have died for a short period of time but came back new and improved (Yuji died after Sukuna takes his heart out and crushes it, but he was revived by him, and Denji was brutally murdered by zombified humans, but Pochita became Denji's heart due to a contract, thus bringing back Denji as a hybrid). This is fine, the context is different but it’s not too bad.
Both have a monstrous final form where the devil inside of them completely takes over and augments their abilities to the point where every other enemy in the series that faces them gets folded like a fucking lawn chair. Sukuna simply takes control over Yuji’s body, with the body itself not changing, while Denji’s body is straight up not there when Pochita is fully in control as he assumes his true Chainsaw Devil form. Their appearances aren’t comparable.
A Minor one, both have similar names ending in “Ji” Name connection, moving on.
And most importantly, Ass Man vs Boob Man Yuji likes boobs while Denji likes ass, and Yuji liking boobs is not even a big part of his character like it is for Denji. Comparing two completely different body parts here.
submitted by OpeningAdsNewAccount to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:27 ajcrumb Listing title keep reverting back to AI generated title

I am having trouble changing my item name(title). It forces an AI generated title even though I have made an update to the title and submitted it. Currently the title isn't even accurate so I am worried my buyers are going to return them based on the title. I have had success changing attributes such as color and bullet points but it won't let me replace this awful AI generated thing. What is the trick to get this changed?
submitted by ajcrumb to FulfillmentByAmazon [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:26 PsychologicalLeg317 So much BS😡🤦‍♀️

So much BS😡🤦‍♀️
Ok #1 Applying for a TRADE SHOW MODEL 🤦‍♀️

2: "Dr. Han, I don't have access to m" Her what?? Medical assistant license, schooling, anything???🤣🤣

3: Applying to yet another medical assistant job 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Made sure to include her letter of recommendation (fake..I'm sure) FROM 2012!!

submitted by PsychologicalLeg317 to PeopleBeTrippin [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:22 Bigstinky_poopoo [TOMT] Does anyone know this multiple pov book trilogy? I can't remember title or author. It was a crazy book, someone got crushed by like Stonehenge or something

One character was named Sarah she was Cherokee and has sex with some guy. The series followed the same people through all 3 books. The characters are all different ages and they come from different parts of the world, the families train and each generation has like a fighter for when the world ends. Then suprise the world end each fighter has to like compete to win these puzzles, though some team up. They end up finding annunanki who are behind the whole thing and save the world instead of the original purpose of only saving their relatives.
submitted by Bigstinky_poopoo to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:22 SyddJawss Cyberpunk Bounty Hunter

Cyberpunk Bounty Hunter submitted by SyddJawss to TheFinalsRunway [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:19 TheKingPotat Neither of these names were randomly generated. I created these abominations myself

Neither of these names were randomly generated. I created these abominations myself submitted by TheKingPotat to tragedeigh [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:18 Mammoth-Ad7598 29m just a guy looking for some friends to chat or hang out with

Hey there names Matt and I'm looking for some new friends. When I broke up with my long term gf I realized I really have no friend in real life or even on online. So I tried posting here once made a couple friends but I realized I needed to focus on myself more. now I'm back looking for more friends. Looking for gamer buddies people who share my interests or people just wanna talk about nothing and pass the time.
I love reading books. I'm a big fan of litrpgs like primal hunter or the fool. really love anything fantasy almost done with acotar so excited to read the next book. I have even been corrupted by haunting adeline 🤐.
Playing video games used to be super enjoyable but now I can only find entertainment while playing with other people. Dbd bg3 valorant wow overwatch. If you like games Id love to play some. Havnt really been watching alot of anime but really wanting to get back into it. I am looking for long lasting conversation. But if you just need someone quick to talk to I'm here for that as well. The curse of being lonely lol. Oh Im a 29 Male would be nice to have people in the same age range as well.
submitted by Mammoth-Ad7598 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:17 odiniswithus_ whats the best way to fix this mesh

submitted by odiniswithus_ to ANSYS [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:16 Nerdmazing Oversized Star Wars action figures! Yes please. Would anyone here get these?

Oversized Star Wars action figures! Yes please. Would anyone here get these? submitted by Nerdmazing to ActionFigures [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:16 rose_writer Isabella and Slayer had their first litter! Anybody got idea what I should name the next generation of Doom Slayers?

Isabella and Slayer had their first litter! Anybody got idea what I should name the next generation of Doom Slayers?
Nest of twelve, all sleeping under momma's fur in the nest, and parents
submitted by rose_writer to Doom [link] [comments]