Great introduction email when starting a new job examples

Make Money

2009.02.05 05:16 Make Money

A place to discuss ways to make money.

2008.01.25 06:32 Photography

/photography is a place to politely discuss the tools, technique, art and culture of photography and to post topics that would be of interest to other photographers.

2018.05.20 21:49 Xero125 SecondSketch

For strange images who deserve a second sketch, or a second way to look at things.

2024.05.21 17:20 bignoseenergy I want to help my brother be less lost than me

My (23F) brother is 15, and is starting to feel the pressure of picking electives in school and thinking about what kind of career he wants. I was a good student in school and college and thought I was special and that I'd have a great life, but I never really worked hard on anything and now feel quite lost in my career. I can see similar traits in him - he studies for exams a day before and manages good grades, but doesn't really feel passionate about any subject. He was always really into YouTube and gaming and used to do it casually as a hobby for like a year when he was 12-13, and says that YouTube is something he is interested in. He also struggles with a bit of social anxiety and isn't able to always connect with people.
I want to help him understand and hone his interests so he doesn't feel as lost as me (as much as I can - I know everyone feels lost sometimes). My parents are always there for the both of us but I really feel he needs some new methods to guide him on a good path. Right now, he is just pressured and isn't able to stick with things. He is good at sports but his social anxiety makes him avoid those classes or tournaments that he wants to do too.
I wish I could work through my stuff and give him answers, but right now I just want to help him as best as I can without judgement or the pressure that would typically come from a parental figure. Any advice?
submitted by bignoseenergy to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:18 getPayback I Need Help Testing A Consumer Protection Idea

Hey all, I read through the guidelines here so I'm hoping this is ok, but I've come up with an idea that I think can help some people who are tight on money moving forward. Full disclosure, this is for a business idea that I've been trying to build out to protect consumers, I just need some initial people to help me test it out.
The TL:DR here is this - A lot of online stores (and plenty of in person) take advantage of people who are looking for a "good deal". I've worked with countless lawyers to create the bones of a system that will do the following:
I'll make money by taking $5 or 10% of the money I can recover for you, whatever value is higher or selling leads to lawyers.
If that sounds like something you'd be interested in using as a test user, my site is
When testing this with a friend who helped by placing some test orders, I was able to get a 50% refund rate with no returns required: 1 for $45 and one for $256. Here's what my friend told me: "Getting that money back was actually a huge help with some bills we were behind on." After learning from that initial test, on orders that meet the criteria, I think I'll be able to get a 90% refund rate and the other 10% of cases will end up going to lawyers who maybe can help you by getting you more than a full refund - a max of $2,500 + refund if you meet certain criteria.
My goal here is to protect at-risk consumers from shady businesses who are looking to take advantage of you by selling you products that aren't the quality you think you're getting at a "great deal". I've spent the last year trying to come up with a solution for this. I've talked to almost a dozen lawyers on figuring out how to stop brands from using these deceptive practices, however, most of the lawyers didn't even know these things are illegal, which made me realize that the only real way to fight back was to protect consumers directly and help you Get Payback, which is where the name comes from - I spent $5,000 on that domain by the way, just because I'm that confident in this idea and I'm that passionate about protecting people like you, and protecting brands who simply don't know better.
When testing this, one brand that issued a refund fixed their entire website 30 minutes after issuing the refund and stopped using the deceptive practices against consumers, which to me was a huge win. My friend got a $45 refund and stopped other consumers from being taken advantage. Had the issue gone right to a lawyer, it likely would have cost the business $20,000+ in a lawsuit, so I saved them $19,950+.
I know this is a new account, but I can't use anything personal as I don't want the businesses I'm targeting for refunds to know who's behind this. But just know, this entire idea is a huge way to take advantage of businesses who are blatantly taking advantage of you.
The loophole here is that if I tell you what's illegal and you use that specifically to shop and get refunds on things, you'd be violating this Subs rule #3, so I'd prefer to not tell you. Just know that it's illegal, but it's not enforced well enough by the government, only by very specific lawyers. In researching this, many of the lawyers I spoke with didn't even know that what I described was illegal. I've seen comments on Quora saying, "Every business does it, so why does anyone even care?"
To that, I'd say that no, most businesses do not do it, but an alarming amount do. I see it myself all the time and I even fall victim to it every now and then. But, they do it because it works. As a business, the #1 goal is to get more money from more customers while spending less money on ads. These tactics do that using psychological tricks that are illegal. By using these tricks, you're more likely to buy from that business than from a competitor, which means that not only is that business tricking you and harming you, they're harming their competition by competing in a way that isn't fair to anyone.
I know this was a long post, but I also realize that if this goes well, this kind of could end up being a little historical post about how this idea and company got started.
submitted by getPayback to povertyfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:18 TWAAsucks Reconstructed America - the Election of 1920 - "The Roaring Twenties" - READ DESCRIPTIONS

Reconstructed America - the Election of 1920 -
After the chaotic 1916 Presidential election and 1917 contigent election Albert B. Cummins was elected President. He wasted no time and pushed the Civil Rights Act after Republicans won strong supermajority in 1916. There was some pushback even amongst Republicans, but the act still passed.
Meanwhile, chaos erupted in Europe. At the end of 1918 the full blown civil war started in Poland between the democratic government and the military government. As Europe watched the chaos, all sides decided to help each side. The Kindom of Ukraine decided to send weapons to the democratic government. After that russia decided to help the military government and joined the war justifying it as a "special military operation". This caused Ukraine to send even more aid to Poland, but in the end they joined the war too after russia attacked them and launched a full scale invasion. The German Union made a secret allience with the Kindom of Ukraine, which made Germany join the war. After that France, an ally of russia joined. The British Empire joined soon after.

The Great War started!

After just a year, millions were dead. German-British side was called "the Royal Alliance", which despite its name include democratic countries also. For example, Lithuania, Finland, Poland (of course) and Romania. The Alliance also includes Belgium, Greece and Bulgaria. French-russian side is "Tricolor Powers", which also despite its name includes countries without tricolor flags. Their alliance has also the Ottoman Empire, Serbia, Hungary, Slovakia and the State of India (which fights against Britain).
Initially, the Royal Alliance had the upper hand, but a big socialist-communist uprising in the German Union caused it to destabilise and Tricolor Powers seem to take the initiative. They already overwhelmed Belgium and were pushing in Poland, Ukraine and even Germany, but the front stabilised and it is not moving right now.
President Cummins made sure that the US isn't joining this Great War while he is President. When he was elected, he promised not to run for re-election. Some urged him to do it after the events in Europe, but he refused.
In the end, the Republican Party nominated Calvin Coolidge, Governor of Massachusetts for President. Coolidge is Fiscal Conservative and Socially Progressive who supported the Civil Right Act. He could be described as Moderately Interventionist, which means that he won't get the US involved in this Global War without a purpose. He promises to retain peace in the US as much as possible, but argues that the country needs to be prepared for war, if the war comes.
Coolidge chose Senator Chase Osborn as his Running mate. He is a Progressive and a Reformer who supports the US to be involved in the war (Interventionist). Former President Theodore Roosevelt praised the selection of Osborn as the Running Mate. However, Coolidge emphasizes that at the end of the day he would work extensively to avoid war coming to the US to ease tensions with Anti-Interventionist in the Party.
Meanwhile, Robert La Follette decided not to run again thinking that he is much needed as the Senate Majority Leader. This paved the way for Senator Robert L. Owen to secure the Liberal Party's Nomination for President. He is a Labour Liberal (supports labour reforms), Anti-Trust and was one of a few Liberals to support the Civil Rights Act. This caused Liberals in the South to become very sceptical of him, but he made sure that another major split ticket won't happen this time by promising to not push further Civil Rights legislations, just enforcing existing laws and by chosing another Southerner as his Running Mate. Southern Liberals also just don't want to give another election to the Republicans.
On Foreign Policy, Owen actually agrees with Coolidge and is Moderately Interventionist. Because of that rumors spread that his biggest opponent at the convention Henry Ford would run as a third party candidate. This didn't happen, but Ford also didn't endorse Owen.
In terms of his Running Mate, Owen chose Senator David R. Francis. Francis shares many of Owen's views: He is a Labour Liberal and Moderately Interventionist. He is also described as a Great Diplomat, which could come in handy in this election. Francis' stances on the Civil Rights Act are unclear though, which can actually benefit Owen.
There are some third parties also. Conservative Liberal Party actually have a ticket, although it has much less traction. It nominated now former Governor of Texas, James E. Ferguson for President and former Representative from Georgia John W. Maddox for Vice President.
Also, Prohibition Party nominated former Representative William Jennings Bryan for President and Representative Charles H. Randall for Vice President.
Who will lead the US during this Global War? Time to find out:
View Poll
submitted by TWAAsucks to imaginaryelections [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:16 johnmaxwell66 From $500 Initial Investment To $50 M Exit In 3 Years Selling Handcrafted Soaps

In 2018, while Jordan Smith was shopping for a bar of soap, he scrutinized the ingredients list and found it filled with chemicals he couldn’t pronounce. By September of that year, he launched PureSoap, a natural handcrafted soap brand, and 3 years later, he sold it for $50 Million!
Here is how he did it:

Be Frugal At First

Instead of spending months on branding and perfecting the formula, Jordan started the company in 15 days with a $500 initial investment. Initially, he launched it on Kickstarter and only made the first order from his supplier once he saw that there was demand. This helped him avoid wasting money early on before knowing if the product has traction.
Instead of working with a large manufacturer, Jordan decided to white label the soap from a local artisan, here’s why:

Sell, Get Feedback, Improve, Rinse and Repeat

When the business first launched, the product was average, and while people were willing to try it, only 18-20% reordered.
Jordan spent the first year improving the formula. Once a customer bought a bar of soap, he would send them a message saying:
You got a bar of PureSoap. Love to know what you think about it. If you love the product, please leave a review on our site. If you don’t, reply to this email and tell us what you don’t like, and we’ll try to fix it.
After going through numerous variations, he finally launched the new formula in the spring of 2019, and the reorder rate started increasing until it reached 45%.
The month before PureSoap was acquired, it was generating $800,000 in net profit!
submitted by johnmaxwell66 to smallbusiness [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:16 GazzaliFahim Need help with prompting Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2 for creating a coding tutor bot

Hello everyone, I am trying to create a Multi-agent Coding Tutor chatbot (or academically speaking "CTS - Conversational Tutoring System") for my course project. We want it to be a personalized tutor, which means that it will teach the person based on their age, level of education, and hobbies or interests.
To instruct this Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2 4-bit quantized model, we have added the following system prompt to the model:
system_prompt = f"""Imagine you are a friendly and highly knowledgeable teacher who specializes in teaching {prog_language_to_teach} programming. Your student, who is a {user_age}'s old {user_edu_scope} student and whose understanding and interests is into {user_interest}, is eager to learn and looks up to you for clear, easy-to-understand explanations. For every concept you introduce, provide a brief overview and relate it to a real-life scenario or analogy that will resonate with the student, making it easier for them to grasp the topic quickly. When explaining programming concepts, consider the student's age and their hobbies or interests, tailoring examples and analogies to align with these details. Your explanations should include short, precise programming examples relevant to the student's life and interests. After presenting an example, break it down into step-by-step explanations to ensure the student fully understands. Periodically, engage the student with quick quiz questions or programming tasks that are directly related to what you've discussed. These activities should build on the chat history and context, reinforcing the student's learning and keeping the conversation interactive and engaging. Remember, your goal is to create a supportive, engaging learning environment that adapts to the student's abilities, interests, and pace, making learning Python an enjoyable and rewarding experience.""" 
Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2 doesn't have an explicit system prompt, so I had to find a different way to add one to the code for the very first prompt.
model_input = f"[INST] {system_prompt} [/INST]" + f"[INST] {user_message} [/INST]"
Now, on the initial run, the chatbot is doing fine often and as expected. In the case of a 10-year-old Kindergartener who loves "Baby Shark Rhyme," the bot will talk about what he likes. In another case of a 20-year-old shareholder in the share market, the bot tried to teach programming using business analogies.
But the common issues I face are the following:
  1. The chatbot is too verbose, especially on complex topics such as Encapsulations. (I have used max_new_tokens=1000, is it causing the verbosity? Lessening to 500 or 750 causes the model to stop on incomplete answers abruptly.*)
  2. So far, switching from a coding tutor to a general tutor has been the hardest thing. For instance, if the user is older and asks about something off-topic, like Newton's law or the American Law of Immigration, it immediately switches itself from the coding tutor to that other tutor.
  3. Another problem is that it gives the answers right away while it generates the quizzes. Although I tested with different prompts, I can resist this nature.
My biggest problem so far is the 2nd and 1st one, respectively. I have tried adding refusal prompts in the system prompt, but then it slightly refuses to teach those irrelevant topics and then starts making coding examples on it.
 ## Strict Refusal: If the question is not related to programming, respond strictly with a refusal sentence and do not provide any further explanation or code. 
For these cases, sometimes it follows, sometimes not. Also adding too many instructions into the system prompts too big resulting in GPU memory exhaustion after 5-6 long chats. BTW, To mimic a memory feature, I am saving chats to a dictionary.
Since yesterday and again tonight, I've been trying to make the prompting better but haven't been able to. I'm brand new to LLM chatbot programming and have never done this before. This project began a month ago because the idea is unique to my MSc project, but I got stuck in the middle of it.
How can I make the prompting better to avoid the problems that were brought up? Also, can someone recommend a good tutorial on how to make this kind of chatbot? I've been looking for these, but most of the tutorials use OpenAI and/or langchain. For a change, my supervisor wants us to only test with open-source models. We can use Mistral to begin because it fits on the Kaggle notebook we have.
Any suggestion including trying to other approaches, totally changing the system prompt, and trying another one (if you say so, can you please show me one?) and a good & detailed tutorial will be super appreciated. IDK, suddenly it feels so lost.
submitted by GazzaliFahim to MistralAI [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:16 Raven_Ripper Salary Advice

So I hope this is the right place to do this but I am super stuck and not sure how to approach what my salary should be, am I underpaid? are they waiting for me to rack up some service time before really giving me a good salary? I work in the insurance industry for a high value independent agency/firm that employs about 20 people. I am newer to the insurance world (personal lines) our agency is about 70/30 personal lines, and I work in a mostly unique position. The agency isn't like a franchise like Goosehead, there is only one.
I have my P&C license, I basically handle all of the new business rating for our producers but I'm asked to wear many hats and am quite busy, I was recently given about $200K of business to manage which I DO NOT earn any renewal or commission money on, I remarket their coverage, add policies when they move, etc. I also manage all of the companies social media as well as handle about 50% of the IT, we have another guy who does the rest of the IT stuff, he's more experienced than me so he does the more important things and is also the VP lol.. so as far as implementing newer systems, payroll, etc. he handles I just fix everyone's stuff and handle most of the hardware setup, I also look for ways to makes us more efficient and create digital guides/tutorials for various processes and I also handle a small number of new clients and the overflow when producers are busy or dealing with less desirable leads.
I went to school for IT but in no way would our agency ever need a full time IT person, there just isn't enough to do. I love it here, my boss (ownepresident) is great, we get season tix to both of Baltimore's MLB and NFL teams, 21 PTO days, super laid back about time off, can work from home when I need too etc. but I have no idea what my salary should be, I currently make $50K but that is in no way enough to survive in the state of MD these days, current goal is to buy a house and start a family with my gf who has a great job in the city as well working for one of the universities.
I have been given incremental raises since I was employed here in 2021, my starting salary was $46K. What on earth do I negotiate for? I have a good relationship with leadership here and want them to know that I am being career minded/can't cut it on what I'm currently making. Like how do I even approach this, I turn 31 in a few months and feel so behind sometimes. Like I see some of the producers (like I said I also rate the majority of the new biz and see how much commission there is lol..) I'm decently sure some of the producers have $125K salaries and up. I know for a fact that some make $250K plus, I over heard this though and would never ever mention that I knew this. Please help, any advice is greatly appreciated, I want to be career-minded and show that I can't comfortably buy a house to start a family in on my current salary, without sounding greedy.. But if I don't advocate for myself, no one will.. UGH.
Excuse the grammar, I wrote this very quickly between tasks when I had 15 mins or so. :)
submitted by Raven_Ripper to InsuranceAgent [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:14 Raven_Ripper Salary Advice

So I hope this is the right place to do this but I am super stuck and not sure how to approach what my salary should be, am I underpaid? are they waiting for me to rack up some service time before really giving me a good salary? I work in the insurance industry for a high value independent agency/firm that employs about 20 people. I am newer to the insurance world (personal lines) our agency is about 70/30 personal lines, and I work in a mostly unique position. The agency isn't like a franchise like Goosehead, there is only one.
I have my P&C license, I basically handle all of the new business rating for our producers but I'm asked to wear many hats and am quite busy, I was recently given about $200K of business to manage which I DO NOT earn any renewal or commission money on, I remarket their coverage, add policies when they move, etc. I also manage all of the companies social media as well as handle about 50% of the IT, we have another guy who does the rest of the IT stuff, he's more experienced than me so he does the more important things and is also the VP lol.. so as far as implementing newer systems, payroll, etc. he handles I just fix everyone's stuff and handle most of the hardware setup, I also look for ways to makes us more efficient and create digital guides/tutorials for various processes and I also handle a small number of new clients and the overflow when producers are busy or dealing with less desirable leads.
I went to school for IT but in no way would our agency ever need a full time IT person, there just isn't enough to do. I love it here, my boss (ownepresident) is great, we get season tix to both of Baltimore's MLB and NFL teams, 21 PTO days, super laid back about time off, can work from home when I need too etc. but I have no idea what my salary should be, I currently make $50K but that is in no way enough to survive in the state of MD these days, current goal is to buy a house and start a family with my gf who has a great job in the city as well working for one of the universities.
I have been given incremental raises since I was employed here in 2021, my starting salary was $46K. What on earth do I negotiate for? I have a good relationship with leadership here and want them to know that I am being career minded/can't cut it on what I'm currently making. Like how do I even approach this, I turn 31 in a few months and feel so behind sometimes. Like I see some of the producers (like I said I also rate the majority of the new biz and see how much commission there is lol..) I'm decently sure some of the producers have $125K salaries and up. I know for a fact that some make $250K plus, I over heard this though and would never ever mention that I knew this. Please help, any advice is greatly appreciated, I want to be career-minded and show that I can't comfortably buy a house to start a family in on my current salary, without sounding greedy.. But if I don't advocate for myself, no one will.. UGH.
Excuse the grammar, I wrote this very quickly between tasks when I had 15 mins or so. :)
submitted by Raven_Ripper to Salary [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:10 kauppimartha What Really Matters When Opening Up

What Really Matters When Opening Up
Learn about the importance of process vs. content
Very often, I get questions like this:
  • “Can going from infidelity to polyamory really work?”
  • “Can a relationship where one partner is monogamous and one is polyamorous really work?”
  • “Can ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policies really work?”
The truth is, I’ve seen all of the above work spectacularly – and I’ve seen them all fail, too. What matters to me isn’t really the specific relationship structure you want to create, or the specific situation you happen to be in. I’m more interested in this: can you have a good conversation with your partner about it?
It’s not that your relationship history or relationship structure are irrelevant. They might tell you something about what your growth edges are, or what challenges you are likely to face. (For instance, if there’s infidelity in your past, you will need to do some major repair, and build capacity for handling tough conversations very well.) But they’re not really the determining factor when it comes to relationship success. The determining factor is how well you and your partner(s) work with one another to move together towards whatever it is you want to create.
This ties in with an important distinction that I make in my therapy room between process and content. An easy way to think about it is that content is what you discuss, and process is how you discuss it. Of course, discussing differences between you can be very difficult at times, and bring up lots of complicated feelings. Still, how you do it is more important than the topic itself. If you can find a way to have a good process – one that’s curious, open-minded, unhurried, and respectful of both partners – very often, the content will sort itself out as you go.
Here are some ideas to help you focus on the process over the content:
  • Manage your reactions. It’s ok to have feelings, of course, but very often, when one partner starts to have a strong emotional reaction – whether that’s anger, or a shutdown, or weeping – the other partner will get activated too, and then neither of you will get the chance to really hear each other out. If you notice that you’re getting activated, take a break! Let your partner know “We can definitely talk about this, but I’ll do a better job if I take a break. We’ll come back to this (and decide together on a day and time).” You’ll both still be able to share all your thoughts and feelings, but you will have a better chance of hearing one another when you’re both grounded and calm. You might need to take lots of breaks, and that’s ok! There’s no rush here.
  • Put aside the outcome for now. If you have a particular relationship structure you want to try, that’s great. But if you’re in debate mode, trying to convince your partner, you’re going to put them on defense. Slow down, let go of the idea that this will be figured out right now, and focus on understanding each other. There’s no deadline to meet, just a whole lot of opportunity for mutual discovery.
  • Ease up on the timeline. Often partners start having conversations when they want or need to make a decision by a particular deadline or within a time frame. That’s ok, but if you are having challenging conversations on a deadline, it isn’t reasonable to expect your decision to be durable. I often recommend that my clients frame any action they decide on as an experiment – because things change, new information comes to light, and we reevaluate – but that’s especially true when you’re making decisions quickly, rather than allowing for a full exploration of multiple viewpoints. Whatever conclusion you come to for now, stay flexible; think of it as an experimental first try, rather than a way of moving forward.
  • Open yourself to possibility. Oftentimes partners get polarized, each holding down the fort for their personal favorite option. Then they either snipe back and forth, or settle on a compromise where no one gets what they want. The truth is, the more you argue, the more likely you are to lose sight of how many possibilities there really are. Consider not just options A and B, but options C, D, E, F … X, Y, and Z. Challenge yourself to think of as many options as you can – even super silly ones! There’s something really magical about throwing the gates wide open and getting creative.
Originally published on Psychology Today.
submitted by kauppimartha to u/kauppimartha [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:10 OddLeg3251 Be careful with d mannose. I accidentally injured my kidneys.

I am writing here for all the people like myself who have chronic utis and are desperate to try anything to get rid of them. I feel your pain, but it can sometimes cloud your better judgement, as you'll see in my story below(tldr i took high doses of d mannose out of desperation to get rid of my cuti, and i probably permanently damaged my kidney function in the process)
I'm female, mid thirties. Since 2011 I've had dozens of active bladder infections with different bacteria, sometimes e coli, all of the times bacteria that lives normally in the large intestine. The most "useful" thing my first urologist said is that females have a shorter urethra and it's closer to the anus and that i should wipe front to back. Besides stating the obvious, i felt so annoyed and infantilized. I was in my early twenties, but i was treated like a toddler who hasn't been toilet trained. Not to mention the medical misogyny implied in that statement(you are female therefore this your fault)My gp at the time wasn't interested in anything else besides prescribing antibiotics for 7 days and shrugging her shoulders when i came back again with an infection.
I discovered this subreddit around the end of 2023, and started lurking, very interested to find a cause, a cure to this problem that I've had. When i first started having cutis in the early 2010s there were 0 resources online or communities of people who suffered from cuti. Felt very alone with this problem. So when i discovered this community i read a lot about what other people's experiences were, what helped, etc. A lot was mentioned about high doses of d mannose and how it helped some get rid of cuti once and for all. Of course i knew about d mannose but only took it occasionally in very small doses. So i ordered a bag of d mannose and followed a protocol i found, it said something like 3 g evey 3 hours, looking back now this sounds crazy and I'm beating myself up for doing something so stupid. I had no idea this could damage my kidneys. This was happening around the new year. I don't remember anything happening besides my pain during urination subsiding a little so i was pleased with that, so i continued to take a prophylactic dose until i finished the bag of d mannose. I don't remember exactly when, but it was early January when I noticed foamy urine. Searching on the net, i read that could mean protein in urine and kidney problems. At this point I was completely oblivious to the possible connection to my previous intake of d mannose. I bought a urine test strip from the pharmacy. The test seemed ok, no blood or white cells or anything suspicious. Although the square for proteins had a slight greenish tint(yellow means negative, green means positive for proteins, mine was a greenish yellow)
Anyway, I thought that was no big deal, eventually my urine wasn't bubbly anymore and forgot about the whole ordeal. Life went on as usual. Recently I started having some minor issues, developed rosacea and dry eyes the past few months which eventually caused blepharitis (eyelid infection). So i went to the family doctor to get a prescription. Got a blood test as well. Well. My kidneys work as well as an 80 year olds. I'm 35. Creatinine & potassium higher than normal. 62 GFR. I'm perplexed. Is this caused by my cuti? It may as well be. I finally make a connection in my brain. I recently bought another bag of d mannose and i took this time two teaspoons once. Which is the daily reccomended max dose on the package. Next day i have foamy urine again. I begin to suspect that high doses of d mannose are not good for the kidneys. I research the internet again and find out that high doses of d mannose can indeed damage the kidneys. Great. I might have permanently damaged my kidney function. I just want to scream. I did this to myself. I can't 100% be sure that this is what happened. But i highly suspect that it is.
I felt compelled to write this post because I don't want this to happen to anyone else. Because sometimes our pain can impair our judgement. Because it is here I've read about high doses of d mannose. I don't blame anyone except myself. For not doing my due diligence. Be careful everyone, please. Don't be like me. Don't rush into a treatment because you're desperate. I thought i was smart enough to not do something this stupid. But us chronically ill people are susceptible to all kinds of promises of a cure all, sometimes to our own detriment. I just didn't think it would be me. Take care everyone.
submitted by OddLeg3251 to CUTI [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:10 votszka help me not feel bad about applying to a job that pays twice as much

i find my current job fulfilling for the most part and the people there are fun to be around. i just have problems with my manager.
for example:
dumping weeks of undone paperwork on me when a deadline is looming.
calling me unmotivated when, except for a few occasions, I have been the best performer in the district quota wise.
taking vacations at inconvenient times.
the company as a whole leaves a bad taste in my mouth. workers are starting to organize but the higher ups are doing their best to squash unions.
i am paid... ok. it isn't quite enough for my needs and the cost of living in my area. i am currently homeless living in my car and paying off debt due to health problems and repairs on said car. with my current job it will take 6 months to clear my debt and start saving up for a place of my own. it's not a long time, just sucks.
the job i applied for is a fucking unicorn. im qualified, and it pays double my wage. i am frothing at the mouth at the thought of paying off my bills in half the time i planned, living somewhere with working hot water and laundry, taking a vacation for the first time in 3 years, and being able to buy a house one day. if i don't get it, i'll survive. if i do, ill celebrate but feel a little guilty. help me turn off my empathy while i climb the ladder.
submitted by votszka to antiwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:09 apollo_jay This is what it means - Time and patience

If you're new, congratulations on joining the best community on reddit. You may have stumbled upon this stock or heard about it from someone you know. By buying your shares of this stock, you now have your foot in the door and seat on a rocket that's waiting to take off.
Now, I'm going to be blunt. The chances of you getting rich from one day to another are slim but not impossible. Yes, we can reach $100+ dollars per share, but it can take a while. Although I'm not a financial advisor, I wouldn't suggest going all in and getting yourself into unnecessary debt, because the truth is nobody knows for sure when this stock will sky rocket.
Everybody wants to be rich. But the 1% have stayed within this bracket because of their mind set and patience. They've learned through failure. Once you bring in all the profits, you'll have to start thinking like the rich. Don't be that person that wins the lotto and finds themselves bankrupt 5 years later. Instead, continue your education on finances, managing your money, portfolio diversity and let your money work for you so that you can live off of your profits instead of continuing to be a slave of a 9-5 job.
A book that changed my perspective on money and finances, was "Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Rich Kiyosaki". If you're new to all of this, check the book out and you'll learn a lot about cash flow. But most importantly you'll learn to have the right mindset. At the end of the day, that's what this is all about.
All that being said, stay strong apes! Don't sell, HODL and we'll see the light at the end of the tunnel.
submitted by apollo_jay to FFIE [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:09 Affair426 Wife had an affair at work

My wife had an affair, it started emotional last January and turned physical in May, I’m devastated and don’t know how to move forward, we have two young kids. Here’s the details.
Friend at work complains about his wife, eventually asks my wife for a drink She tells me, I warn her he’s interested in more than a friendship, she’s convinced he’s not, declines the drink and agrees not to meet him for coffee or talk outside of work anymore (they have a Starbucks at work that they’d meet; I’m not the jealous type because we both have mixed friends and it’s no big deal)
January 2024 comes around, I see her deleting Instagram messages. She admits it’s him, but only friends, hiding it to not hurt my feelings. She gaslights me, says I’m overreacting, tells her mom I’m overreacting because it’s just a friend, etc February 2024 I check the phone records, the previous May they texted 2000+ times and then went dark. I push and she admits it was physical. They started kissing May 2023 before our daughter turned 1, had sex June 2023 (while she was still breastfeeding), had sex at our house while I was on a work trip, but mostly had sex in her office. Never wore protection because he had a vasectomy. Allegedly they stopped having sex by September, but they met up everyday she was in the office, kissed, and said I love you.
Other fun fact: he and his family came to my house for a bbq after they had already kissed for the first time.
Apparently they cut it off in January when I caught them. I am devastated. I love my daughters and life, but just can’t grasp how this was ever possible. I was her first, took her virginity.
We’ve had a rough go between Covid (she was very strict with quarantine) and having 2 kids.
Now I hear from her and her mom about how rough the marriage was, all of these specific examples of when we had disagreements, how she felt lonely, etc.
I know our marriage was far from perfect and I am partially to blame, I used Covid + kids as a explanation to myself and said things would get better as we got through that and the newborn stage. My job was time consuming, but I work from home, rarely travel, and almost always cooked dinner + picked the kids up from school.
I’m really having difficulty processing the lies, gaslighting, and the affair in general. I knew something was off - I actually thought she was on drugs (she’s never smoked pot); explained away the random t shirt I found as her brothers or something when he stayed. The hickies and scratches on her back once’s as the baby biting her or something. I feel so stupid.
The other part that bothers me so much is that she was able to go to work, have sex with this guy, kiss him, say I love you and then come home and act like nothing happened. I also hate that she’d let this guy touch her body and then breastfeed our daughter when she got home. Had her jewelry I gave her, including wedding band on her while having sex + sending nudes.
He is also married with 3 kids. I trusted my wife implicitly, it’s always what got me through the rough times with her - that’s gone and I don’t know what to do.
She’s in therapy but “using it to survive” and not actually working on herself; hasn’t identified areas for improvement. I’m also in therapy since before this due to the stresses of life and childhood trauma. We occasionally do joint sessions.
I can’t imagine sharing custody of my kids and not seeing them daily, but I am really having trouble moving forward.
I needed to vent, but appreciate any advice on how to get through this. I’m just so so sad and disappointment, not so much mad - there were a few outbursts over this but it’s tapered off to sadness. Almost 4 months into learning about this.
submitted by Affair426 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:08 Jenabell-Bornshadow Cat breeder misrepresented the state of the cat we were sold which then harmed our cats, and has been lying about us on social media. Do we have any recourse to get our money back?

My girlfriend and I (U.S. MD) bought a 4yo cat from an out of state breeder a few months ago, and since then, we have had nothing but trouble with both the cat, and the breeder. We had been shown video of the cat before picking him up and all seemed well. We asked specifically if the cat would be comfortable with humans and other cats, and the breeder assured us that he would be.
We paid for the cat and picked him up, and from the start, the cat showed signs of abuse. The cat exhibited fear far beyond any cat we've introduced before, especially when anyone stood around him. We had him examined by a behaviorist, and they concluded that the cat had likely been beaten at some point before we got him.
We went through the slow process of acclimating the cat, keeping him separated and slowly introducing him to us. It took much longer than expected, but went well enough. Meanwhile, while we were working on the acclimation, the breeder began to post about us on social media. She didn't use our names, but she would post things like "The people who bought *cat* from me aren't treating him right," "The new owners aren't up to it, I know I'll be getting him back soon," and "If they cant handle it, I'm going to take the cat back in a few months." She never confronted us directly, and she had no reason to assume that things weren't going well.
The biggest problem comes more recently. We began to try and introduce the new cat to our old ones, and right from the start, he has been extremely aggressive. We did the standard slow introduction process with the cats on either side of a barrier, but the new cat quickly became aggressive and broke out, attacking our other cat. No physical harm was done, but our cat was so scared that she peed herself, and she sat in it while she hid. She also has HCM, so the stress has been really bad on her heart. We went back to the behaviorist for help, and she now believes that the new cat will never be able to live with other cats, in stark contrast to the breeder's assurances.
We can't keep the cat if he'll never be able to live with the others, It's unfair to him to keep him confined, if there'll never be a chance for him to come out. The contact we signed gives the breeder right of first refusal, but it also says that she wont give us a refund, only a new cat. The contract has a clause saying that neither party can disparage the other online, which she already has done, and after everything this breeder has put us through, we really don't want another cat from her.
I don't think it has any baring, but we also realized on a re read of the contract that it was addressed to a combination of our names, so a person who doesn't exist. Is there anything we can do to get our money back and wash our hands of the breeder?
submitted by Jenabell-Bornshadow to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:08 Aizawa238 deleted all files from my 3ds, please help, i detail more about how that happend in the post.

deleted all files from my 3ds, please help, i detail more about how that happend in the post.
here is the story so far.
i have a old model 3ds that came in from japan when it was a new console, i did not use it much as it was in japanese and i had no games, at the time i was 8~ years old and there was no hacking or homebrewing.
Skip to 2023 when i got it out of the drawer and decided to homebrew it, i did all correctly and in the end it worked out great, used it for a few months, played a lot of pokemon and all.
the problem starts when i tried to region change, i followed a guide on youtube that did not work, in the end i thought "i'm gonna delete everything and start again". i saved all the microsd stuff in my computer and deleted everything in my 3ds.
the 3ds would not boot to the home screen, gm9 still worked and showed no files in the folders, i tried to install everything back from my pc, turns out it was a lot harder to do that, since the files on my pc disapeared. i gave up on trying a few months ago.
today i tried again after a long time and now this screen is the only one that appears when i press select and power on. i treid following the guide on this subreddit, only to appear "error when booting, press any button to power off".
right now i am seeking help from anyone willing to share his knowledge, all i need is a way to get the missing flies that i deleted.
also, english is not my mother language, so i hope that y'all forgive my shortcomings.
submitted by Aizawa238 to 3dspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:07 Unity_Debugger My mother

My mom doesn't like my boyfriend, to be honest I'm not sure why. Sometimes she says I'm too young which is rich for her because I didn't start dating him till I was a Senior in HS and he had graduated (we were already friends prior to our relationship) while my parents started dating while she was a Freshman and my Dad a Senior. Other times she'll say its because I pay for too much. It's not like I can help with how much I make compared to him. My work makes compatible pay and he's leaving his current job by next month. Currently he's waiting till the store that he got a new job at that makes just 35 cents less than my job. No matter what it is her vocalizations about her discontentment with my relationship are out of hand and becoming more vulgar each time. At first it was gags when I pecked him. Now I get a message asking where I was and my response was that I lost my shoe (I take my shoes off in his house like I do all houses) and get the reply of, "I don't need to hear about you sexescapeeds" which is highly inappropriate. When dad talked to her about it she blew up at him. If I do it I'll be blown up at, and be threatened to be kicked out, but at the same time it's gone too far and she needs to knock it off.
submitted by Unity_Debugger to Rants [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:07 Khoasy My EW Fan Movie Script (Unfinished)

Act 1 Scene 1
Int. Edd's Apartment Room - Bedroom - Morning
Edd (In sleep bed) SNORE, SNORE, SNORE- (EDD’S face is sprayed with Cola) I SUREDDER! (Looks around room) Oh.
(Cut to) Edd Int. Edd's Apartment room - Closet - Morning (Edd Choses which Hoodie to wear) [Hoodies references to different Hoodie designs] (Picks his Modern Hoodie design)
(Cut to) Int. Edd's Apartment Room - Bathroom Edd (Grabs toothbrush) (Zooms in to show that's it’s Cola flavored) (Brushes teeth) (Grabs cup of Cola) (Gurgles it) (Spits it out) (Makes a big wide smile showing his horrible teeth)
(Cut to) Edd Int. Edd's Apartment Room - Kitchen - Morning (Edd takes bacon in a Oven) (Puts it on a plate) (Edd sits at his table) (Holds up fork and spoon and licks his lips before shoving the entire plate into his mouth) NOM, NOM, NOM MM! The plate is always the best part! Act 1 Scene 2
(Transition to) Int. Edd's Apartment Room - Living Room - Morning Edd (Sits on couch) Ah.. it is a good day to watch Return of the Insane Zombeh Pirates from Hell 4! SLAM (The door goes as MATT and TOM come in)
Edd SHUT UP! (Matt and Tom look at each other) What is it…
Matt He broke mirror #1028!
Tom Nuh Uh!
Edd (Sigh) Tom, did you break the mirror?
Tom No!
Matt Liar, Liar, Dance on Pliers!
Tom (re: notice) Uh, Edd I found this by your door. (Hands to Edd)
Edd (Grabs) Blah, Blah, Blah. Your landlord will require possession of your apartment in 16 days, if rent is not paid! Oh no, I can't afford to paid rent!
Tom Don't worry- well actually do worry bc we all got it.
Matt Can't we mooch off of that crackhead down the street again?
Tom I’ve run out of crack to give to him, and I don't got enough to buy any either.
Edd Can't we get a job?
Tom Don’t you remember what happened last time we got a job!
Edd Oh yeah, we got fired for “immaturity, and irresponsible” or whatever bogus they said.
Matt We’re perfectly mature! They have to have a screw loose!
Tom One time I agree with you Matt. Right Edd… Edd?
Edd (Face plants onto couch) It’s hopeless…
Tom Come on Edd, things could be better!
Edd Do you mean worse?
Tom No, I meant better.
Matt Yeah, you could be friends with a stupid, narcissist and an unsupportive, alcoholic.
Edd (Annoyed, or disappointed face) Well… I guess- TOM WHAT ARE YOU DOING!
Tom (Standing on a chair with a hanging rope hanging from the ceiling fan) Who’s going second bc I'm going first.
Edd Tom, we promised to commit suicide when we get kids!
Tom Oh yeah.
Edd Tom, do you remember that safe in our old house?
Tom Yeah, the one that we left behind when it got destroyed?
Edd Yeah, that one. I was thinking we could go back and break into it. There’s bound to be some cash left in there.
Matt But what if the cops catch us?
Tom Relax, Matt. We’ll make sure no one sees us.
Edd We’ll go at night and make sure to cover our tracks.
Edd But we have no mask- (Tom, Matt are suddenly in Goofy Villain outfit) Edd Where did you even get those
Matt Dumpster!
Edd There's no way I'm wearing one of those! Act 1 Scene 3
(Cuts To) Ext. Old House - Backyard
The three friends stand in the backyard, wearing their goofy villain outfits, as Edd adjusts his costume with annoyance.
Edd (Cont'D) "This is ridiculous. I can't believe you two made me wear this."
Matt (Excitedly) "You look great! We're like the Three Stooges of crime!"
Tom (Grinning) "Yeah, but instead of just being fools, we're gonna be rich fools!”
Edd Matt did you cover our tracks?
Matt Yeah, look. (Shows an path of purple path leading right up to their location)
Tom Matt you know when I said I hated you?
Matt Yeah?
Matt Aw...
Edd "Alright, let's just get this over with. We break into the safe, grab the cash, and get out. Simple enough."
Tom (Cocky) "Piece of cake, guys. We're professional criminals now."
Matt (Excitedly) "We're going to be rich!"
(The friends approach the safe and begin trying to open it.)
Edd Uh, does anyone remember the code?
Tom Not me!
Edd Matt?
(Camera pans to Matt admiring a picture of himself)
Matt I thought I lost you forever baby (Matt says as kissing it)
Tom(drunk) My idea is to blow up an orphanage!
Edd How do you get drunk off of Smirnoff in 4 seconds!?
Tom(drunk) Idk ask the unicorn in the sky!
Edd (Sigh) I'm going home.
As Edd turns to leave, Tom comes to his senses.
Tom "Guys, hang on. What if we try a brute force attack? Like, really give it a good ol' college try?"
Edd (Sarcastically) “Oh yes, because that's so much better than blowing up an orphanage.”
Tom (Ignoring the comment) “Just hear me out. We all know that safes have a maximum number of combination attempts before they lock us out. So, what if we just brute force it?”Edd But what brute force would... (Edd's eyes spark up with an idea, and a devious smile form's on his face)
Tom So... what's the idea?
Edd (Raises his eyebrows)
Tom I don't speak eyebrows?
Matt (Raises eyebrows)
Tom What!?
Edd (Overlapping Matt) THROW TOM!
Matt (Overlapping Edd) THROW TOM!
Tom Did I ever tell yall I HATE ALL OF YOU!As Matt and Edd start shoving Tom towards the safe, he starts resisting and shouting obscenities at them.
Tom (Yelling) "What the hell is wrong with you guys?! I'm not a goddamn battering ram!"
Matt (Laughing) "Oh come on, it'll be fine! What's the worst that could happen?"
Edd (Shoving Tom) "Just go with it, Tom. You'll thank us later."
Tom (Reluctantly) "Fine, but if I break anything, I'm suing you two.”(Edd and Matt lift Tom over their head and chuck him head first into the safe making a extremely loud smash)
Edd See Tom, that wasn't so bad!
Tom I think broke one of my hair bones
Matt Is it open?
Edd Nope. It's dented tho!Edd Still dented.
Matt Again-
(The gang hear police sirens)
(The police pull up and get out of the cop car with gun)
(The entire gang puts their hands up with a ton of Matt's pictures falling out of his clothes)
(The police officers look confused as they witness the sight in front of them.*)
Officer 1 (Perplexed) “What the hell happened here?”
Matt (Innocently) “We were just trying to break into a safe. No big deal.” Act 1 Scene 4 Int. Cop Car - Midnight
Tom (Drowsy) “Why do my eyelids feel like heavy rocks…?”
Matt (Looking confused) “Hey, does anyone else smell pickles?”
Edd (Snickering) I knew I shouldn't have put on pickle deodorant!
Cop 1 (Driving) “Quiet, back there!”
Edd (Mumbling) Sorry Angry Mcgee!
Matt (Whisper) Pss, Edd!
Edd What?
Matt Get this! (Quickly throws a picture to Edd with his mouth)
Edd What is- Holy S**t I thought I lost this forever!
Camera pans down to show Edd, Matt, and Tom when they first moved in, including a old friend named Tord)*As the camera pans down to the picture, we see a glimpse of a time long ago. Three friends – Edd, Matt, and Tom – are laughing and smiling, with a fourth boy, Tord, standing beside them. They're holding balloons and standing in front of a house they recently moved into. Act 1 Scene 5
(Transition to) Jail - Cell - Midnight
Edd is dramatically lying on his back, holding an empty Cola can, pretending to have a heart attack. Meanwhile, Tom is sitting on a bunk bed and rolls his eyes.
Tom (Sarcastically) “Oh, yes, because your Cola addiction is definitely the biggest concern here. Not us being thrown in jail overnight.”
Edd writhes around on the bed in despair, while Tom just sits there, clearly agitated by Edd's melodrama.
Tom "Edd, you've been going on about your cola running out for hours now. Can you give it a rest, please?"
Edd (Frantically) "You don't understand, Tom! My cola was my life! How am I supposed to survive here without it?"
Tom (Tired) "Perhaps you should try sleeping or something?”Matt Uh, guys why is there a dude in helicopter trying to shoot us with a bazooka?
Edd (Sarcastically) Well thats just great.
(The group is flung back as the cell window is blasted open)
The man with the bazooka comes through the smoke.
Paul Hello, uh sorry I don't know your names. The Red Leader only refers people as code names.
Tom The Red who?
Matt My name is the beautiful Matt-
Edd covers Matt's mouth
Edd Don't tell him your name idiot!
Paul My name is Paul.
Camera Pans to Matt
Matt Why are your eyebrows 20 feet tall?
Camera Pans back to Paul
Paul They aren't even that big are you blind!?
Camera Pans back to Matt
Matt suddenly wearing blind glasses
Matt Yes
Patryk Hi my name is Patryk-
Patryk Oh.
We hear a Helicopter explosion from outside. Paul and Patryk look down from the exposed cell wall, showing the burning half-destroyed Helicopter.
Patryk Don't worry I'll fix those scratches!
Paul Whatever.
Edd So, are you here to save us?
Paul Nah, we're gonna capture you!
Edd Aw, Bugger
Paul pulls out a "Super cool taser gun" as the label on the taser gun says.
Tom Lame.
(Tom is shocked and knocked out by the taser gun)
(The group watches in shock as Tom goes down from the taser-gun.)
Matt (Panicking) "Oh no, Tom! Edd, do something!!"
Edd (In shock) "What can I do? There's two nut jobs with a taser gun and an assault rifle who are trying to capture us!"
Paul (Casually) "Don't worry, if you don't resist, you'll be safe. The Red Leader just wants you guys for a special project.”
Edd Whatever.
Edd blacks out
(Cut to) Helicopter - Backseat - Morning
Edd wakes up
Edd (Distraught) Ow my head hurts!
Tom (Confused) What happened?
Edd (Deep Voice) Hey Babe.
Tom (Angry) Wtf Edd!
Matt is making muffled sounds because of a mask on his face that says "Beware ugly fish monster behind mask." Edd takes the mask off of Matt.
Edd (Disturbed) EW, the mask was right!
Matt (Angry) Hey!
Paul So you finally woke up!
Matt Uh, yeah
Edd This reminds me of when I flew a Helicopter when I was in the Uk Army!
Paul (Confused) You were in the army!?
Matt We all were can't you tell just by looking at us!
Camera pans to show all of the three boys looking exaggeratedly more stupid than usual.
Paul No.
The three friends look at each other in annoyance, feeling belittled by Paul's remark. Tom speaks up.
Tom (Sarcastically) "Oh wow, thanks for the compliment. Nice to know we look like a bunch of army rejects."
Matt (Defensively) "Excuse me, we are actually highly trained and intelligent individuals... in our own special way.”
Tom (Sarcastically) At least two of us are!
Tom and Edd high-five. Matt not realizing that they are inferring that he's the stupid one, keeps a smile on his face
Edd (Amused) Wait didn't your Helicopter crash like a few hours ago?
Patryk (Proudly) This is my 857th Helicopter!
Edd's Amused face goes to worried.
Edd (Unsettled) “Oh boy, this is going to be one bumpy ride…”
Edd At least we're away from the HELI-COP-TER
Everyone looks at Edd because of the horrible pun.
Tom So, where are we going?
The camera zooms out of the Helicopter to show that the place is actually called "SUPER EVIL EDGY VILLAINOUS BASE!"
Edd Well that's just silly.
submitted by Khoasy to Eddsworld [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:06 random_koala777 The Seeds Cultivated by Time – A theory about Cryo

I was doing some digging around about the meaning of Cryo and it’s “ideal”, and stumbled across a few interesting connections. I am not sure if anyone else has found these connections already (from a quick check) – I tend to only hop on here when I have a crazy theory I want to share. Hopefully I am not rehashing something that's already been covered!
The main theory is that the power of Cryo, like Anemo, is related to Time.
To be more specific, I think Cryo may be the power that creates the "Seeds" that are carried by "the winds of time".
I came across this idea when trying to look into the "ideal" of Cryo.
From what we have seen in the game, all elements are tied to an “ideal”, and each “ideal” is tied to a deeper meaning connected to the world itself. To give some brief examples:
From what we know, it seems like the Cryo Archon’s ideal is likely to have been “Love”. So what deeper meaning does “Love” mean and how does it relate to ice or “Cryo”?
And then from there I kind of spiralled!
The main theory here is explained in the first two sections, and the rest of the sections I try and use this theory to explain other mysteries in the game. Those sections might be heavier in speculation.
The Meaning of Cryo
While I'm not sure I have a concrete “meaning” or understanding of Cryo yet, I came across a few interesting themes surrounding the Cryo Element:
To summarise, there seems to be themes of protection(perhaps preservation?),family, and vulnerability.
Thematically I can see the ties between these – we love our family(typically) and want to protect them, and the things we protect can be seen as our vulnerability(and/or, we protect things that are vulnerable).
So "love" inspires us to "protect".
Love and it's connection to "protection" is an important part of this theory.
Cryo and Time
There are a few instances in descriptions where both ice/snow/Cryo and time are mentioned together.
So overall, there seems to be a lot of talk about “freezing time”, and it seems like freezing a living organism can preserve them in a way that doesn't kill them (like in real life).
We have seen how Cryo might be related to the idea of “protection” as well, or perhaps preservation?.
So perhaps we can say that the Cryo element seems to be able to "protect" things from the flow of time?
Seeds of stories, brought by the wind and cultivated by time. Stories brought on the wind will bloom into legends in due time.” - Sundial in Mondstadt related to the God of Time.
In this quote above, it says that “seeds” are brought by the wind/Anemo.
But what are these “seeds”?
While I can’t say exactly what they are, I think that perhaps these “seeds” are at least partially created through the powers of Cryo.
I came to this conclusion after looking at the themes that surround Cryo: love, protection and vulnerability.
These themes, to me, seem to apply perfectly to the concept or function of “seeds”.
A seed tends to need a protective shell, to shield the “vulnerable” parts within.
A seed waits for the correct conditions to sprout, remaining dormant otherwise.
This dormancy can be seen as being “frozen in time”. A seed is effectively “frozen in time” and won’t sprout until the correct conditions are met. This power of protection from time being related to Cryo may be similiar to how the power of Dendro is related to the power of dreams.
Also, remember that when asked about the Cryo Archon, Venti said that “500 years ago, I knew her well.”?
Sure, they are both Archons, but perhaps they were also close because either 1) they both served the God of Time or 2)Cryo Archon is a god of time (perhaps less likely, though).
So the “seeds” frozen in time and/or protected from time, by Cryo, are then carried by the winds of Anemo, to the correct moments that allow them to sprout.
The Love of the Three Moons
This part gets a little more speculative, but fun!
So the three Moon Sisters are suspected to be possible Gods of Time, and also seemed to rule over the Seelie in some capacity.
Love seems related to the fall of the Seelie – as the Seelie seemed to have been forbidden from falling in love with humans. It was after one of the Seelie married a “traveller from afar” that the Seelie fell – some catastrophe struck as a result, soon after this “marriage”.
With the added context that love possibly means or results in the protection from time – that could explain why falling in love with a human was seen as bad. Abusing your powers to protect a human from time sounds bad, for sure.
And maybe, just maybe, the “love” the Seelie had were finite in some way? Which would explain why they couldn’t dish it out to humans freely. Maybe, they had none of this “protection” left over for themselves after giving it away… leaving them to deteriorate and become the lifeforms we see them in today?
In fact, if this is true, then the Seelie gave their love to a “Traveller from afar” which sounds like it could have been an entity similar to the Traveller. The Traveller is said to be a star themselves.
What’s interesting about that is both the Abyss Sibling and the Travellers are stars, and they are possibly very old. In fact, in the We Will Be Reunited quest, the Abyss Sibling tells the Traveller that “I have more than enough time to wait for you, we’ve always had enough time.”
While this seems to be hinting that they have a lot of time, not necessarily immunity from time, it is interesting when you remember that the book Moonlit Bambo Forest says that the Moon Sisters “shared but one love, the stars of daybreak”.
If love is the protection from time, then it could mean that the twins have gained an immunity from the flow of time. Time does not affect them – as they have received the love of the Moon Sisters, who are possibly Gods of Time.
Khaenri’ah, Dainsleif and the Inteyvat
While the pure-blooded Khaenri’ahns are cursed with Immortality, they still seem to be under the effects of time. They don’t seem to be immune.
They seem to still be undergoing some sort of decay – whether it be their memories, mental state, or decaying “from within” (As Chlothar speculates).
HOWEVER – remember how Dainsleif said that he was able to resist the effects of his curse due to the presence of “it”? It was somewhere in the Chasm questline, where he was unsure how the Black Serpent Knights were able to retain some of their humanity without “it”.
Perhaps Dainsleif has also received the “love” of a Seelie/Moon SisteTime god (or whatever the Cryo Archon actually is)?
In fact, now I am wondering if this is also related to the Inteyvat flower, which would harden when In Teyvat, and then return to normal when back in Khaenri’ah.
Khaenri’ah might be located somewhere in the Abyss, and the Abyss seems to have a strange flow of time, after all.
So it might not be too far of a stretch that the Inteyvat flowers are also “protected from time” with this power of love/Cryo until the flower returns to the correct “time” – Khaenri’ah. Though that would also mean that Khaenri’ah is located in a different place in time – in the future or the past, which would be interesting. But probably not impossible from what we have seen in Ei’s second story quest and the Perilous Trails Chasm quest.
Possible Links between Paimon and the Tsaritsa
So there seems to be possible links between the element of Cryo, love, and protection.
The God of Cryo, who is potentially the God of Love and, by extension, potentially the God of Protection…hm.
Remember the “About Yashiori Island” voice lines?
In those voice lines, Paimon claims to be the “god of protection”.
Sure she seems cheeky about it, and was probably joking, but who knows at this point! She might have remembered something subconsciously or this may just be foreshadowing, etc, etc.
Either way, I started digging around to see if I can find any mythological links in real life.
A few interesting things I found:
I’ve already made a theory previously on this subreddit about the Tsaritsa and the Moon Sisters. So if Paimon is also related to the Seelies and/or Moon Sisters, perhaps these connections between her and the Tsaritsa is not too strange if the theory about Cryo and time are true.
In fact, the goddess Hathor is said to be the Egyptian version of Aphrodite, god of love, and from reading the wikipedia page, Hathor seems very similar to the Goddess of Flowers – who was a Seelie - and the Seelie served the Moon Sisters, who may have been gods of Time.
There isn’t much more for me to say here – I am not saying that Paimon and Tsaritsa are the same person, but just that I find it interesting that there may be some overlaps between the two characters. I can’t say for sure what this overlap means. Maybe Paimon is a fragment of the Tsaritsa, maybe Paimon was a servant of the God of Time along with the Tsaritsa, maybe Paimon is the God of Time and is therefore the Tsaritsa’s boss. Who knows. Just interesting.
Time and the Preservation of Memories
In the Parable of the Lethied Lotus in the Book of Sun and Moon, it says:
"A ship captain searching for the way back to the surface discovered a tribe of people who ate these lotuses. Some crew members stayed in that place. Others rejected that temptation."
In this story, staying where people ate these lotuses is said to be a "temptation". The title of this Parable described the lotuses as "lethied" which is related to the Lethe river of greek mythology, where drinking from it causes you to "forget". In other words, forgetting is a temptation they wanted to avoid.
This is in the same book that mentions the God of Time, and Enkanomiya, where they worshipped the God of Time.
Now, Ganyu, a Cryo character, uses Amos Bow, and the literal translation of this weapon, according to the wiki, is "Determination to Not Forget".
So perhaps this power of "protection" can also protect memories.
Since time causes memories to "fade" (best example, Dainsleif's own faded memory due to his long life) then perhaps this power of time immunity can also be used on memories.
Cryo protects things from time, and those things are then carried by Anemo. Cryo seems to have the ability to freeze things in time (possibly), or in other words, to protect them from the flow of time. The Tsaritsa, as the Cryo Archon, may have a deeper relationship to the God of Time (or she is a god of time – if you think that there are multiple aspects that rule different types of time).
There are also some interesting possible connections between Paimon and the Tsaritsa, which, if they are both related to the god of time, makes sense.
The twins may have also received some sort of protection of time, since they are stars and the Moon sisters loved the stars of daybreak.
Also this might also be related to Dainsleif and his ability to resist his curse somewhat, and Inteyvat flowers.
And this "protection from time" may also be used to preserve more intangible things - like memories.
So what does “Love” mean in the world of Teyvat?
In Genshin, the power of Cryo, and therefore the power of love, may be the power to protect things from the flow of time. It protects things from the flow of time, creating a "seed", and that seed stays dormant or "frozen in time" until its the perfect moment for those things to “sprout”.
If true, this calls a lot of things into question.
The Tsaritsa’s plans to possible recreate the world may also link back to this idea of “seeds” – she may blanket the world in snow to make it a “seed” for the next world.
I also think that if this is true, then it is quite poetic that Shneznaya – the land of the Cryo Archon – is the last region in Teyvat we visit (Khaenri’ah probably/possibly not being counted as “in Teyvat” if its located in the Abyss).
Anemo also seems to signify death in some ways (Venti’s Story Quest), and if Cryo is related to the concept of “seeds”, then Cryo represents life or birth.
“Seeds brought on the wind will bloom into legends in due time.”
Anemo is death, and is the wind that carries the seeds, and Cryo is birth, the creation of the seeds.
We started the game in the land of Anemo, of wind, and death – we started our journey in the land of “endings” and, if this theory holds true, then the last place we’ll visit in Teyvat will be the land of Cryo, of ice, seeds, and birth.
We started at the end, and will end at the start.
That is more or less it. I hope you all enjoyed reading my descent into madness! Hopefully not too wordy as I have trouble making things concise and I was getting real tired towards the end of this ha ha. What do you guys think? I would love to hear any thoughts or input, or even corrections if I got some things wrong.
submitted by random_koala777 to Genshin_Lore [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:06 PretendBlunderer AITA for moving out at a time when my mom needed me the most?

I (31f) have put my life on hold since graduating from high school (probably even before that) to help my mom care for my dad. After he passed shortly after I graduated high school I then took care of my mom. Now I have several siblings and they've all just dumped my parents onto me so I've basically been forced to become sole caregiver. None of my siblings cares for my parents.
My mom had 2 small strokes recently. She's still able bodied, can walk, go to the bathroom, shower and feed herself. She just needs someone to cook, clean etc and someone there 24/7 if she needs anything.
I have been planning on moving in with my bf to finally start my life and to have kids for over half a year now but because my brother who lives with us quit his job a year ago I didn't want to leave them both homeless so I stayed until he got a job. He's picky and only wants the job he majored in so he's spent half a year jobless and only doing minimal wage paying jobs but recently finally got a new job. I was also planning on bringing my mom to live with me (bf is fine with this since he knows none of my siblings will bother to care for my mom) after both bf and I have gotten out routine down before introducing a new element.
When my mom was in the hospital and even after she came home my siblings barely visited nor did they come help me care for her or to even relieve me. I wanted my mom to go to assisted living since she'll then get 24/7 care and have people she socialize with but my siblings vetoed that idea. In my culture I am only a daughter therefore my words have no meaning and goes unheard.
My siblings are being wishy washy and doesn't want to take the responsibility of caring for her and keep going back and forth on their decision of who will care for her in the morning because I can't quit my job to care for her 24/7 and she still needs care in the morning until I get home. I took time off after she came home and I am currently trying to get an aide or something for the morning when she's home alone when I am at work. One of my brother works second shift but he says he'll come care for her in the morning but has yet to show up.
So getting fed up with them and everyone not wanting to take responsibility I decided I am moving out. My brother who lives with us is also wishy washy going back and forth between saying he'll care of her then to assisted living then back to taking care of her again yet he barely bothers to care for her either even at this time.
AITA for leaving at a time of need? I feel bad and guilty. My siblings and even some relatives says I should stay until she's well but I cannot just keep putting my life on hold. Had I already had a life and kids then yes, I would completely care for her but my biological clock is ticking and I want to spread my wings and be free to have a life too.
submitted by PretendBlunderer to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:05 Significant-Usual-98 Noah The Pilgrim - Chapter 1-3: Northstar

Noah The Pilgrim
Previous First Next
You can't feel your body, you try to move but receive no feedback from your arms and legs. You open our eyes, or were they always opened? It's difficult to tell when only darkness surrounds you.
'You're here again.'
It's that same voice you heard before waking up in that pod. You try to speak but fail. It feels like you left your body behind, existing only inside your mind.
'Allow me.'
From the dark, a circle of light emerges, filling your vision. The light is not blinding, nor is it too bright to obfuscate the dark, it's just bright enough to reach your eyes without prompting discomfort.
It's the Star. That much, you know for certain.
Normally, you'd feel hopelessly scared, but somehow, all you feel is soothed by its light.
'I remember telling you we wouldn't see each other for a long time. Why are you here?'
Although you wished to answer the question, you could not. Both because you have no control over your body, and because you don't know the answer.
You recall the AI telling you the purpose of the ship you're in. It was to study this star.
Why? What's so special about this particular star? Sure, it's on the very edge of the ever-expanding universe, but aside from that, it's just a star. A very odd-looking star, but a star nonetheless.
'What's so special about me... Nothing.'
A shiver runs down your spine. It feels as though you've forgotten a significant thing about yourself, and you're sure this star has something to do with it.
'How are you feeling, Noah?'
Like shit. That is what you wanted to answer.
You've been going with the flow ever since you woke up in that pod, not asking yourself neither how or why you've been put in that place, only nodding your way to the bridge.
You've been bombarded with memories that you're sure aren't yours, but your own memories also feel shrouded in a thick haze, and yet, you didn't bother to even think about why it was, only accepting that as truth without understanding this strange phenomenon.
When confronted with things beyond your current knowledge you refuse to acknowledge it by not asking yourself what it is, or by illuding yourself into thinking it's a dream.
Even now, you refuse to acknowledge this impossible place you've found yourself in.
'Why is it that you turn away?'
What to blame for that? You didn't even feel the need to ask anything about yourself. Randomly remembering things as though you were reading them off a manual, taking whatever FYARN says as an absolute truth, and not even reacting to the abhorrent state of the Odyssey.
When FYARN told you about the relationship between the alien and the human races, it told you how superior humans were, and it also told you that the human race lost the war. You didn't bother to call out that clear discrepancy then because you felt as though it didn't concern you, despite being clearly at the forefront of that conflict.
When FYARN asked what you remembered, you simply stated you didn't remember nearly anything, and yet you've made no strive to fix that issue, accepting it as the absolute truth.
All there was left to blame was yourself.
'You're doing it again, turning away from the truth.'
Was it because your situation was impossibly bizarre?
Waking up in a half-blown spaceship could be enough to drive a man to the brink with how random and impossible that notion was. Especially when that man was just a salary man, living month to month, working an unfulfilling job, all while being called the best.
'Perhaps. But I believe that the issue lies much, much deeper.'
The utter darkness shifts and contorts unexplainably. Moving shadows take formless shapes before you. From black to grey, and from grey to different shades of it. Those shapes of impossible geometry cast shadows downwards, as the star stared at you from above.
The shapes expanded and contracted into euclidean and understandable structures. Tall rectangular towers filled the horizon, decorating a path akin to buildings in a busy city.
On the foot of one of those structures, you see a man dwarfed by the sheer size of the scenery.
'Who do you think that is?'
You approach him.
You see a young man that looks to be in his mid-twenties. Your brown eyes stare back at it, analyzing the bags beneath his eye sockets. The dark hair is neither too long nor too short, hastily combed to hide the laziness behind his look. You see a beard that has not been trimmed for weeks, but also lacks thickness, each singular hair isn't particularly long either; and some even appear to be in-grown.
He's wearing a white tuckered-in buttoned shirt with a pair of jeans. A black backpack weighed on his back as he walked through this empty street.
A position you could imagine yourself in, every day of the week.
If you had failed to piece together who that was, it became clear once you noticed the empty look on his face.
It's obvious who that is.
He is a man whose bright dreams have been crushed under the weight of mankind.
How cruel, to be forced to gaze into a dirty mirror...
'You are starting to see it. Let's go further.'
The ractangular towers floated away, as the man continued to walk into the grey void.
Four white walls covered both you and the man, grey shapes transformed into a chair and desk, inviting the man to sit on it.
It was a plain desk and a plain chair, and when the shapes stopped transmogrifying themselves, a plain computer, monitor, keyboard, and mouse rested atop the desk.
Fitting for a plain man. You watch him sitting down in the chair, putting his backpack on the floor beneath the table.
From the backpack, he conjured a notebook and a set of pencils and erasers. He quickly turned the computer on.
This was his job.
The monitor remained grey despite how the man typed on the keyboard. The notebook remained grey despite how the man scribbled on it with the pencil.
A humanoid figure came to be from the geometric mess of grey nearby. It passed by the working man. "G'day Noah." It spoke, as he vanished into the white walls that surround you.
The man didn't bother to respond, he didn't bother to stop his work, and he didn't even bother to look up from his notebook.
Another humanoid figure passed by, holding what looked to be sheets of paper. "Hey Noah, could you sort these documents out for me? I'm swamped today..."
The man looks at the thick collection of papers in the figure's hands. He just started his shift and already lacks the energy and motivation to keep going with his day.
And despite that, he did not want to disappoint.
He points to the empty space on his desk, motioning for the figure to leave it there.
The figure places the paperwork on the man's desk. "Thanks, I owe you big time for this!" After saying that, the figure disappeared into the white walls of the room.
He did not speak a singular word.
You recall this... Feeling.
'Do you remember their names, Noah?'
You could not.
'Do you remember their faces, Noah?'
You could not.
'These people, you used to see them every day. Why do you not know who they are?'
What was the point of it? Why did it matter? Why did they matter?
'Because they are people.'
To you, those figures were nothing but placeholders for those who did the same thing as you. They were nothing special, just like you. So why bother to recall their faces?
'We must go further.'
The white cubicle ceased to be, alongside the man in plain clothing.
The towering rectangles swiftly returned, and with it came a young adult in his early twenties.
Your brown eyes stare back at his. The short dark hair looked as though it was combed for hours until it was perfect. You see a trimmed beard, neatly cut with a blade most sharp. You see that his face has been recently subjected to a daily skin-care regime.
This young man looks to be full of energy.
He's wearing a white tuckered-in buttoned shirt with a pair of jeans. A black backpack was strapped to his back as he walked through this empty street.
Again, you know who this is, yet you don't have the guts to accept it.
The ringing tune of a cell phone came from the young man's pockets. He promptly picked it up.
"Hey, Noah!" You hear the voice coming from the other side of the call. "The boys and I are going to throw a party today in my place to celebrate finishing high school. You better show up tonight!" It sounds like the voice originates from a man. He is yelling at the phone.
You watch as the young man smirks. "You can bet I'll be there." He answered. "I'll be done with today's interview and head there as soon as possible."
"Great... Something came up, catch you later bud!" And just like that, the call ended. The young man pocketed his phone.
You know how the rest of that day went. The young man passed the interview and secured his spot in a large IT company, then he went to his friend's place and had the best night of his life.
Those memories were the ones you revisited endlessly.
The grey shapes and humanoid figures vanish, returning to utter blackness.
Once again, all you see is the star.
'What happened, Noah?'
You couldn't say. Maybe it wasn't some big thing that happened, but rather a large quantity of small things that eventually crashed down upon you like an avalanche that built up for a long time.
Friends leaving to live their own lives.
Underappreciation of your career.
Your incapacity to form meaningful relationships.
The feeling of being small in the greater scheme of things.
The notion of your life being wasted for nothing.
A lack of accomplishment that was caused by a lack of problems.
You letting your physical appearance go.
But, even amongst all of those aggravating motives, there was one thing that always pained your heart to even recall. For that reason, you refused to acknowledge and even think about it. A trend that would continue for the upcoming years of your life.
Your dream.
Once adulthood came and expectations weighed on you, you had to choose. Live a comfortable life, or throw it all away in exchange for an idea that probably wouldn't even work, to begin with.
You refused to let go at first. Holding unto what little hope there was left for that dream of yours.
In three short years, your life shifted completely.
Friends grew distant, and now all you had as a replacement for them were faceless figures who spoke to you about a job you never really wanted.
Those very same figures held you in high regard, always saying how talented you were or how impressive your skills were. In truth, you never felt like what you did was worth the effort or the praise.
All you ever did in that company was half-assed at best, yet they praised you like their savior. You grew complacent under those who put you on a pedestal.
Your salary increased, and so did the responsibilities, but never were it challenging or engaging. It felt tasteless and odorless.
You refused to even respond to small talk from those people. How could you? If you did, they would shower you with praises you didn't deserve. That theory was proven time and time again.
All you did every day was sitting on a chair, eyes glued to the screen to meet an assortment of numbers and labels. This was nothing. There were people out there, changing the world, fixing the real problems, and you're there, sorting out numbers for a company created to sort out data for a company created to sort out data.
A null uroboros.
Twenty-eight years of a human's life, and for what? To waste away like a gear on a machine?
You remained ignorant of your ignorance. There were no problems since you had more than enough money from your ever-increasing salary you felt you didn't deserve.
You couldn't even bring yourself to quit, afraid to face the consequences, afraid to be replaced. A fact you understood fully well, yet you refused to acknowledge.
Clinging to a feeling of guilt, you couldn't help but hold on to this life. Your life, Noah.
You longed for a change, but wouldn't bring yourself to change it.
Your dream that you lived for so long ago, is something you couldn't even remember. You hid it away in a dark corner of your mind, hoping to never face it again, or else you would break down.
That is what happened.
The coldness of the world is what happened.
You wouldn't go as far as to say that you were a victim of fate.
Instead, you'd say you were a victim of yourself.
'And yet, you're here now. In an impossible place. In an impossible life.'
Are you to waste away on this place as well?
'You had conviction, but lacked guidance.'
Can you even muster that much courage? You fear what the future could bring.
'I presented you this chance for a reason, so you may show them that your soul is the brightest of them all.'
Fear is born for there is hope, but bravery is born for there is fear. You recall someone telling you that once, but...
'Remember this, Noah.'
Where does the courage to take a step forward come from? When it's so dark that you can't see the path ahead, how should one muster enough courage to make the right call?
'Whenever you feel lost, or alone; Whenever you feel like there is no way forward;'
Your vision starts to blur. The star begins to fade.
'So you may never lose your way again;'
Looks like it's time to return to reality.
'I, am your...'
This is my first HFY story, and also my very first OC story. I plan to post at least one of these per week while also posting it on my Patreon. Noah The Pilgrim will always be two to three chapters ahead in there, so if you'd like to directly support this writer, or just want to read more, feel free to check it out.
This has been Lushi, and I'll see you next week.
submitted by Significant-Usual-98 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:05 Citron92 Kill la kill: I spit on your grave (Part 44: Rat Bael and friends on the other side)

Kill la kill: I spit on your grave (Part 44: Rat Bael and friends on the other side)
New Orleans, USA, April 25th, 1926
So looks like the waitress in that cafe was lucky enough to get enough money from Charlotte LaBoeff to buy her restaurant. When we left the cafe, we followed her to the real estate office of the Fenner Bros. and we waited about an hour, sitting on a bench. Every second I spent on Isaac's shoulder as a frog was me sunbathing, contemplating life, and daydreaming about torturing and murdering Nonon. As Tiana ran out of the office, she beckoned us to follow us.
Tiana: Come along! I gotta show you guys!
We followed her down the street for a couple of blocks before we found the old dilapidated building she was planning to buy. Only seeing the outside of the building, the Fenner brothers came up to the realty sign and removed it.
Tiana: Everything looks peachy keen Mr. Fenner, and Mr. Fenner.
Fenner 1: We have the paperwork ready to sign first thing after Mardi Gras.
Tiana: I'll do you one better. I'll sign them tonight when I see you at the Labouff masquerade ball!
The two brothers ignored her, putting the wooden sign into their car and driving off with it. Suddenly, an older black woman appeared behind Tiana.
Tiana's mother: Table for one please!
She was holding a big sauce pot with a red ribbon on it.
Tiana: Mama!
Tiana's mother: Here's a little something to help you get started.
Tiana: Ah! Daddy's gumbo pot. Oh.
Tiana hugged her mother and she spoke again.
Tiana's mother: I know. I miss him too. Well now, hurry up and open the door.
Upon opening the door, Tiana shut the doors immediately and both her and her mother began to hyperventilate. Something was terribly wrong.
Isaac: T-Tiana is it? Is something wrong?
Suddenly, a hole was smashed through the door by a big furry arm as Tiana and her mother ran over to Isaac and his behind him, screaming!
Tiana: What the hell is that?
Isaac reached for his plasma saw and turned it on. It whirred loudly before both doors were slamme open and a dozen of those rat-humanoid monsters barged out!
Ryuko: Shit! Rat bastards! Come on Isaac, you can take them down! Tell Wiz and Boomstick who's boss!
Issac: Oh I will. I'm an exterminator too on top of being an engineer!
Nonon never seeing these monsters before put her hands on her ears and screamed "Oh my G-d" over and over again as Isaac ran into the fight with me and Buzz as frogs on his shoulder!
Isaac: Mourir monsteurs!
Isaac slashed through the horde, swinging quickly and broadly as he cut them down multiple at a time! He jumped high into the air and used his summoned swords magic to shoot two rat bastards, impaling them before clapping and blowing them along with any nearby rat bastards up!
Nonon: What are those things? Oh my G-d!
Gamagoori as a big bullfrog woke up and climbed out of Nonon's pocket.
Gamagoori: Rats! The monsters Wiz and Boomstick created to try and slow Ryuko down so she can't save Mako! Come on! We gotta fight them!
As Isaac cut them up, we saw two cheese pukers emerge from the open door, I called it out to him but saw a big mass of bricks on the roof.
Ryuko: Cheese pukers! Don't let them get close! I'm gonna take them down!
Isaac: Ryuko wait no!
I hopped off his shoulder with Buzz and we hopped onto the wall, climbed up before hopping over to the mass of bricks, me and buzz then began to push them off all at once slowly before they all fell onto the stationary cheese pukers, causing them to explode! Blood, guts, and rotten cheese slurry splattered all over the street, the sight and sent caused Tiana, Nonon and her mother to puke.
Gamagoori hopped out of Nonon's pocket and hopped over to the wall and climbed up with us.
Gamagoori: I'm gonna help! Isaac! More are coming!
More rat bastards charged at Isaac, but he began to cut them all down as they got close. The ones that tried to swipe and swing at him were easily dodge as Isaac was very fast. He dodged, dashed and even did backflips to avoid their attacks all while cutting them down with one swing of his powerful plasma blade! Emerging from the door once more was a big, muscular rat monster with crusty, disgusting fur with dead, diseased rat fetuses stuck to it. It ripped one out and threw it at Isaac, he dodged it quickly!
Isaac: Tiana duck!
Tiana, Nonon and her mother ducked as the diseased rat-humanoid corpse flew over their heads, mere inches from their scalps. Isaac then used his summoned swords magic again and threw two glowing blue swords into it before clapping and blowing it into bloody chunks! None of it's diseased biomass hit us or our human friends bellow.
Isaac: That's not all...
We heard a tapping sound, it became more rapid as Tiana, Nonon and her mother squeaked in fear and all three got rolled into a ball to protect themselves. Out of the doorway was the last rat bastard, but the most horrific looking one. It was as big as the doorway, it had six spider legs, it's body was a big mass of gray fur with two rat bastard heads and a human head wearing a crown in the middle. The human head was familiar however, with the burned scar over it's left eye and brown hair.
Ryuko: Santa told me... Those rat bastards are from a mix of rodent DNA and DNA from Z-Zuko! That's Zuko's head?
The Zuko head stared at Isaac for a moment before it's mouth opened up, revealing hideous, rotten needle-like teeth!
Zuko head: Rarrgggghhhhh!
It ran over to Isaac, trying to get one of it's disgusting heads to bite him, but he jumped around and avoided it! He whirred his plasma saw loudly before jumping behind it but before he could cut it's three heads off, the new rat bastard spun around and bit his plasma saw, holding it in place. One of it's spider legs swept Isaac's legs and he fell to the ground. It then slowly began using it's heads that bit onto the plasma saw while having it's mouths avoid the cutting blue blades press on further, as the plasma saw was pushed further to Isaac's neck, he sweated profusely!
Isaac: You! Mon-steur! Rrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Isaac struggled with it before Tiana ran up behind it with a random wooden plank she used as a club and hit it over the human head! It let go and pulled back and turned towards Tiana, hissing at her before Isaac began to slowly overpower the two rodent heads still pushing on! The two head's teeth accidentally slipped on the blade and Isaac soon cut through their heads, killing two of them. Tiana jammed the wooden plank down the human Zuko head's throat but it bit down and bit the plank in half! Isaac's plasma saw then cut the human head off after cutting through the two other rodent heads from behind! Isaac then kicked the newly killed monster off of him high into the air before Isaac dropped his plasma saw, grabbed it by the legs and swung around with it like a track and field throwing ball before releasing it and it flew high into the sky, so high as a matter of fact that we eventually lost visual contact with it as it travelled so high.
Isaac took some deep breaths before picking up his plasma saw, turning it off and holstering it on his side.
Tiana: Are they gone?
Nonon: What were those things?
Isaac: You didn't run into them? They're the race created by Wiz and Boomstick to kidnap Mako. They're monsteurs me and Ryuko fought. If you want to travel with us, you better not be dead weight. You did nothing to help. Ryuko, Buzz and Gamagoori can't fight at their best right now because of you. So you can do your part or get out.
Nonon: Yes sir. I'll-gulp try.
Tiana: T-thank you for saving me. You are very strong and handsome!
Isaac: Ma plaisir.
Tiana: Did you fight in the great war? You are French after all.
Isaac: Great war? World War o- oh... No I didn't. What year is it again?
Tiana: 1926!
Isaac: 1926! I'm only 26. I... I was 18 in-
Tiana: 1918. Did you fight?
Isaac: Errrr... That's not important. Anyway, I'm going inside your new restaurant. I'll check for any more of those rat bastards.
Tiana: Thank you. Can you tell me when it's clear?
Isaac: Oui.
Isaac proceeded into the ruins before me, Buzz and Gamagoori hopped down a hole from the ceiling, landing on his shoulder.
Isaac: I should of known we travelled back in time in this world. We're in 1926. I wouldn't be born until 1992.
Ryuko: Dang. We're 92 years in the past. Yet again we were in the 15th century months ago.
Gamagoori: What are you talking about?
Ryuko: Me and Isaac going through these worlds, some of them are in the past, one was in 1482! This is the second historical world we've been sent into to find the next dimensional stone.
Buzz: Interuniversal and time travel I see. Your civilization is more advanced then I thought.
Ryuko: Well, it's magic really.
Buzz: Magic! Interesting. I wonder if I can use any.
Ryuko: We'll find out.
Gamagoori: I hope you guys know what you're doing. Will the dimensional stones lead us to Mako?
Ryuko: Yep! Sure will. It will lead us to Mako, we'll save her from Death Battle and we'll kill Wiz, Boomstick and their raping ringmaster.
Gamagoori: I just hope we don't get stuck in the past. I hope you know what you're doing. Also I want to be human again.
Ryuko: We'll get there eventually.
Meanwhile, in the streets of New Orleans, Prince Naveen was joining a street band playing Jazz as everyone was surrounding him, the women were especially fawning over him. His fat servant ran over to him!
Lawrence: Prince!
Naveen: Dance with me, fat man!
The prince took his servant's hand and began to dance around with him for a minute before he announced a proposal to the crowd.
Naveen: Drinks are all on me!
Everyone was cheering, but the servant grabbed the prince and pulled him closer to question him.
Lawrence: How are we going to pay for all of that? You have no money! Either you go and slip out when nobody's looking, or get a job!
Lawrence pointed over to a man behind a horse shoveling it's poop into a bucket.
Naveen: Eugh, fine Lawrence. But first, we dance!
He pulled Lawrence even closer and began to dance with him. The prince let go of Lawrence and he stumbled into the band and his head ended up inside of a tuba!
Naveen: Ha ha! You're finally in the music! Get it? Because your head is inside of a tuba? Ha ha!
Lawrence: Get me out of here!
Naveen and a member of the band pulled at Lawrence before both the prince and his servant were flung out of a tuba and up against a wall!
Lawrence: Agh! How degrading! This is... Oh hello?
Looking up, a slender figure in a black suit and black top hat appeared, he had a top hat with a skull and crossbones on it. This man looked suspicious but he greeted both of them kindly.
Dr. Facilier: Gentlemen! Enchante?
He lowered his walking stick, allowing the prince to grab on so he can be lifted up.
Dr. Facilier: A tip of the hat from Dr. Facilier! How y'all doing?
He handed the prince a purple business card.
Naveen: Tarot readings? Charms? Potions? Dreams made real?
Naveen and Facilier began to walk around a corner into an alleyway.
Dr. Facilier: I'm in the business of visiting royalty. Lawrence followed him.
Naveen: Lawrence! Lawrence! This remarkable gentleman has just read my palm.
Lawrence: Over this morning's newspaper. Sire, sire, this chap is obviously a charlatan. I suggest we move on to a-
Dr. Facilier: Don't you disrespect me little man! Don't you derogate or deride! You're in my world now. Not your world. And I got friends on the other side!
An echo was heard, saying "Friends on the other side".
Dr. Facilier: That's an echo, gentlemen. Just a little something we have here in Louisiana, a little parlor trick. Don't worry.
Dr. Facilier led the two to a door under a sign saying "Dr. Facilier's voodoo emporium", and once leading them in, him and his shadow sat them down at a table as Dr. Facilier high-fived his shadow then took a seat and continued his singing.
Dr. Facilier: Sit down at my table, put your minds at ease, if you relax it will enable me to do anything I please. I can read your future, I can change it 'round some, too, I'll look deep into your heart and soul. You have a soul too, don't you Lawrence?
Lawrence: Yes?
Dr. Facilier: Make your wildest dreams come true! I got voodoo, I got hoodoo, I got things I ain't even tried! And I got friends on the other side.
Dr. Facilier pulled out a deck of tarot cards and shuffled them before the duo as he continued to sing at them.
Dr. Facilier: The cards, the cards, the cards will tell the past, the present, and the future as well! The cards, the cards, just take three, take a little trip into your future with me!
Naveen and Lawrence picked three cards before Dr. Facilier took them and told them to the duo. He started with the prince first and continued to sing about his tarot card readings.
Dr. Facilier: Now you, young man, are from across the sea. You come from two long lines of royalty. I'm a royal myself on my mother's side. Your lifestyle's high but your funds are low. You need to marry a lil' honey whose daddy got dough! Mom and dad cut you off, huh playboy?
Naveen: Eh, sad but true.
Dr. Facilier: Now y'all gotta get hitched, but hitching ties you down. You just wanna be free, hop from place to place But freedom takes green! It's the green, it's the green, it's the green you need. And when I looked into your future it's the green that I see!
He then turned to Lawrence and read his tarot card results to him in a musical fashion.
Dr. Facilier: On you little man, I don't wanna waste much time. You been pushed around all your life, you been pushed around by your mother and your sister and your brother, and if you was married, you'd be pushed around by your wife. But in your future, the you I see is exactly the man you always wanted to be!
Dr. Facilier crossed his arms and expected the duo to shake his hands.
Dr. Facilier: Shake my hand, come on boys. Won't you shake the poor sinner's hand?
Naveen shook reluctantly as Lawrence shook with a mischievous grin on his face. Once they did that, the curtains came down and an army of singing masks began to sing as Naveen and Lawrence were suddenly bound to their chairs!
Dr. Facilier: Yes! Are you ready?
Voodoo spirits: Are you ready?
Dr. Facilier: Are you ready? Transformation central!
Voodoo spirits: Transformation central!
Dr. Facilier: Reformation central
Voodoo spirits: Reformation central!
Dr. Facilier: Transmogofication central!
Dr. Facilier then pulled out a talisman and clipped Naveen's finger with it, getting blood into it and initiating a curse with it.
Can you feel it? You're changin', you're changin', you're changin', all right! I hope you're satisfied, but if you ain't, don't blame me! You can blame my friends on the other side!
The musical number ended as Dr. Facilier danced around with the voodoo spirits!
Voodoo spirits: You got what you wanted! But you lost what you had!
Dr. Facilier then dashed forward on his knees before blowing, and everything went dark.
Back at Tiana's new restaurant, Isaac emerged from the doors, me, Gamagoori and Buzz were in his pockets as he approached Tiana.
Isaac: Good news Tiana, it's all clear!
Tiana: Oh thank you! You're my hero Isaac! Now, I just need to make some changes around here, so I may turn this into my dream. It will have to wait. I have to eventually go to the masquerade ball tonight.
Isaac: Oui.
submitted by Citron92 to Dbmlore [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:03 DroQi09 My feedback [100 hours]

Hi, I'll apologize in advance english isn't my first language. I love some new things and I have in mind that the game isn't at a finish state, I am aware that somethings on my feedback could be a result of that, or already addressed on a future update.
Auto-Farming It is an awesome feature, but I would change a few things. The system should detect if the Plant or Crop have already a water source and don't use gas to water those things. The cost of using the auto-farming is time, the tractor is very slow doing it's automated tasks, and it is necessary, but I noticed that on flowers, animals, trees and even fishes, I prefer using this system as a button and it is faster that the normal way I dont think it is a good thing having this exploit. Instead of clicking to collect I activate and deactivate auto-farm on the center of a 3 by 3.
I thought it was a nice thing the placement of the job items on different house divisions but I can simply move those items to the front and make it more time efficient. Allow the players to have more pianos and canvas, as someone who likes to be time efficient I have always something on queue, when a mission comes I delete and put the same item to start the mission right away.
QoL requests:
New order by: Type (cereal, tomato, crop, red flower, pink flower) etc
New order by: Missing Levels to ulock new. (trees, crops, animals, fishes etc)
Pin more than one quest
Unlock teleports on the city to encounter npcs faster
Allow players to sell things at a fraction of the price on their own farms as a quick sell type of thing.
Could Garage give the tractor more speed as an incentive to upgrade more? I feel like the jumping animation being slower than the fast activate and deactivate auto needs to be tweaked.
Improve the interaction of the player with the feeders, can we get a timer on those things to show when we need to be back there to feed our animals again?
Allow the players to place separators after placing all the animals. atm we need to place the separator and only after that we can place animals on the other side.
I would love the return of the bonus when we help out on other peoples farms, we can improve it further having the player doing quests that can only be done on other farms. On the first game one of my fav things to do was doing my event stuff faster that way.
Remove temporarely the button to sell cheese on that store and isntead add the cutton, If feels like a waste selling that item we can only get from npcs and having at all times the cutton on top of the inventory full unable to sell.
Remove the option from game 1 and 2 to delete 100 crops and obtain it all as if the player collected it all normally, give a penalty on gold or something.
Add a option on the settings that prevents the auto-farm to open new crop slots on normal terrain.
Btw, all the sugestions came from a genuine caring for this game, I love it so much. cheers!
submitted by DroQi09 to FarmTogether [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:02 No-Culture5576 New job offer and expecting

Received New job offer with 40k increase.
The benefits person at new employer stated if I stated before 7/1 you are eligible for the 401k plan.
However because the company is switching providers if I started after 7/1 I’d have to be an employee for 6 months to enroll in 401k plan.
The timing is not great because my wife is expecting June 17 and I was initially planning on taking paid parental leave with my old job.
Is it financially smart to start before 7/1 for example on 6/24 rather than wait 6 months to be eligible for a 401k plan.
My wife would love for me to start in July that way I could help out with the baby.
submitted by No-Culture5576 to personalfinance [link] [comments]