Introduction to algorithms third edition

CSE331: Introduction to Algorithms

2018.05.29 06:18 hartloff CSE331: Introduction to Algorithms

For discussion about the summer 18' offering of CSE331 at the University at Buffalo

2008.03.27 18:25 C

The subreddit for the C programming language

2008.06.04 11:55 cryptography

For people interested in the mathematical and theoretical side of modern cryptography.

2024.05.21 15:19 zyada7med performance drop while recording with obs with arc a750

hello there i recently got a new a750 limited edition card the performance was really good for the price i didn't try to record games but i just got ghost of Tsushima and wanted to record some clips but i found magor fps drop from just opening obs in the background! first pic is the normal game with nothing opened and like just opening the program and not even recording lost me around 10fps (second pic) and when i start the recording itself it loses around 3 more fps (third pic).
i didn't find posts about this topic so is there a problem with my system? any help would be appreciated and have a great day yall
submitted by zyada7med to IntelArc [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:19 lsdryn2 Electric Forest 2024 Tips and Tricks

Hello Forest Fam and future Google Algorithm victims!
Due to people not using the search function before posting, this thread exists.
Feel free to read The Complete Electric Forest Guide v2.0 (V3.0 coming after this year's festival, I promise).
Or perhaps even this archive of useful posts. Maybe that will tickle your fancy.
Have a tip, trick, or some advice for neweless experienced Forest Fam?
Leave it below.
submitted by lsdryn2 to ElectricForest [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:46 DakuNo2 Some beautifully heartbreaking flashbacks from college

I’ve never posted here before but I feel like I have a story that will resonate with you all.
—— Edited to add: I (26F) was diagnosed at the age of 24. So this happened pre diagnosis. ——
I was reminded today about my days in college and how I was a much better student in college than I was in school.
Where I come from, any child who does well in school is pressured into pursuing STEM in college. Fortunately, I was never good in school (too inattentive) and my parents were not the kind to pressure me into doing anything (they tell me now, that I was never the kind to listen to anyone. Sounds familiar?).
So naturally, when I went to college, I chose courses that seemed interesting and fun to me. I chose to major in literature. In my college, you have to apply for a seat toward the end of your 2nd year (it’s a 3 year course).
The list of students who made it to the final year was released announced on a WhatsApp group. My name wasn’t on it. 30 minutes later, there was another text. It read:
“After careful consideration, we’ve decided to chosen 4 more students to sit through the course despite their poor records.
  1. Some kid
  2. A different kid
  3. A third kid
  4. OP
Please keep in mind that you all will have to work harder and improve your record moving forward.”
My grades weren’t too bad but my attendance was pretty low. So I guess it’s fair.
Now, our faculty was by far the best in the city but since they had known all the students for 2 years, their minds were set. Even us students knew where we stood with them. It’s not unfair to say that they were biased. They liked the kids that they liked and rightly so. These students were very engaged in class, always participated in conversations, wrote poetry, etc. I didn’t do any of that. While I enjoyed literature and reading and ruminating (I had moments when I genuinely believed that my introspection skills were superior to some of the best students but I’d dismiss it because if I was so good then I’d be more liked by the faculty right?), I was never able to pay attention in class. I used to be zoned on all the time. This is why my attendance was so low. I was really scared of being called out by the professors for not paying attention. Anyway, I used to score average grades in my class projects and tests. Not bad at all but not great either. However, our semester-end exams used to be held in a different college and they were graded anonymously.
When our exam results were announced, I scored the highest grades in my course (I figured this out because everyone was sharing their score on the WA group). The next day, everyone in class was talking about how the exams were so difficult and it’s so difficult to score well. One of our professors said, “Yeah, I really don’t know what happened this time. Some of the brightest students scored poorly while some of our lowest graded students did very well. It’s messed up.” And then she asked, “Who had the best score out of all of you?” I raised my hand and she said, “OH”.
I can see the humour in it now but I remember feeling humiliated back then. There was no convincing her. For her, this was an act of God. Under no circumstances could she be a human being who was biased towards charismatic people and didn’t favour those who were hard to like (totally fair, btw. I mean not entirely fair but I get it). It was all some conspiracy to her. And honestly, I had been failed by the system so many times by that point, that I believed her.
I feel really sad for that young woman who failed to succeed on most days and even when she managed to win one, those wins were invalidated.
Anyway, I thought this story belonged here. I hope it acts as a reassurance for you all. May we find the strength to believe in ourselves and let ourselves celebrate our accomplishments because they’re too far and few between.
TL;DR: My achievements were undermined by a professor because I wasn’t a model student.
submitted by DakuNo2 to TwoXADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:53 throwaway832012 Hello, I need advice on what to do regarding a girl I'm dating.

This is a throwaway.
Hi... never made a post like this but here goes.
For some background, I've only dated one girl before this (I'm 20m), and we had 3 amazing dates, strong connection, she was really forward so kissed first date and went further by the third. However, she was moving to a different city for uni which I knew going in so I'd hoped we would have a summer relationship before that... but she didn't want to lead me on and wasn't interesting in a relationship - fair enough, we parted on good terms. I thought about her for a long time afterward though. I did not lose my virginity though.
So, yesterday I went on a date with this girl, met her on a dating app and we seemed to have some stuff in common and the texting felt pretty natural. She looked attractive in most photos, some were a little less but I didn't care. I look much better in real life than in photos too after all. So I offered to pay for the date, and we met there.
Anyway, I notice she doesn't look quite as attractive in person than in most of the photos I'd found attractive, not that she was cat fishing or anything, I think it was more my problem. I didn't care, I don't go on dates too often. We talked a lot, got along well.. but I don't know, by the end I wasn't really feeling it for some reason. Despite that, I asked her if she wanted a second date and she said yes, I said yes too..
I'm just really confused, I feel down about the entire thing and I don't know why. I desperately want to lose my virginity I feel ashamed of it all the time, though I know it's stupid... all my friends have lost theirs and are in relationships so yeah, as I said I'm just desperate.
I asked this girl what she's looking for during the date, and she said a relationship but that atm she is just seeing whats out there... I don't want to be a complete asshole and continue dating just to drop her after I get laid, since I clearly didn't feel it on the first date.
I intend on having a second date and if I feel the same way then I'd probably end it, I just want some insight on this whole thing from people with more experience. And I know I am an asshole... and I am sorry. Sorry for the venting, been drinking.
*Edit* Also, I think one of my main issues is how I keep comparing this girl to the first girl I dated, I don't know why I do but I can't help it.
submitted by throwaway832012 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:37 djminger007 UTXO Swap with Intents

Nice post on the new UTXO swap thats coming out from the ECO-Funding from a community member on X; talking about this project in particular but other ones coming up ; is a project funded by ECOFUND from a hackathon that went on in Asia
UTXOswap is the first intent-based trading DEX in the BTC ecosystem, initially supporting RGB++ and CKB ecosystem asset trading, with plans to expand to other BTC ecosystem assets like Runes.
What UTXOswap Achieves:
  1. Maximizes liquidity and trading efficiency.
  2. Automatically converts transaction fees during trades, supporting payment with any asset without the need for pre-reservation.
  3. Facilitates seamless multi-chain wallet interactions.
Let's delve into the details of the light paper, shall we?
Why does UTXOswap "maximize liquidity and trading efficiency"?
Maximizing liquidity and trading efficiency means executing orders as quickly as possible and at the best price.
First, let's introduce two mainstream DEX (decentralized exchange) trading forms to better understand:
  1. Order Book: Examples include Omiga (partially, as it doesn't support buy orders) and the manually coded clownDEX by Clown. In an order book system, buyers and sellers list their desired prices on-chain, with visible but limited liquidity.
  2. AMM (Automated Market Maker): Popular examples include Uniswap and Ray. AMM works by adding tokens to liquidity pools, allowing trades with these pools. Prices are determined by set algorithms, and liquidity providers earn fees from each trade. This system democratizes market making, allowing anyone to provide liquidity and automate price determination.
Both DEX models have issues:
UTXOswap introduces an "intent-based" swap system that merges and extends both models to address traditional issues and maximize liquidity.
What is "intent"?
"Intent" refers to the desired trade. Sellers express an intent to trade A for B, and buyers express an intent to trade B for A. Swap matches these intents for execution.
Differences between "Intent" and "Order Book":
  1. On-chain vs. Off-chain: Order book listings are on-chain, whereas intents are submitted off-chain and only successful trades are on-chain, reducing gas fees.
  2. Flexibility: Order books only support limit orders, while intents can include various trade types like direct trade, market price trade, and TWAP, allowing complex expressions such as "trade A for at least one B" or "trade A for five B plus ten C." UTXOswap plans to support more intent types like Dutch auctions in the future.
Liquidity Sources:
UTXOswap aggregates liquidity from buy/sell intents, AMM pools, and third-party market makers, ensuring the best possible trades.
A buyer submits an intent to trade "1000U for at least one SEAL." UTXOswap searches:
  1. For matching seller intents.
  2. AMM pool prices.
  3. Third-party market maker prices.
If any source offers the best trade, UTXOswap executes it. If partial trades are found, UTXOswap combines them to fulfill the buyer's intent.
Users can access a broad liquidity pool, propose intents, and achieve optimal trade prices. UTXOswap also offers customizable price curves and selectable fee rates for AMM, maximizing LP returns and incentivizing liquidity provision.
Fee Conversion Innovation:
UTXOswap's notable innovation is automatic fee conversion, eliminating the need to reserve fees.
In traditional swaps, users must reserve fees. UTXOswap, however, automatically converts equivalent tokens to cover fees, allowing seamless transactions without pre-reserving assets.
Multi-Chain Wallet Interaction:
UTXOswap users can use BTC wallets for LEAP, L2 trades, and more, with BTC addresses mapped to CKB addresses. UTXOswap also supports ETH, Solana, Tron, and plans to expand cross-chain asset support.
UTXOswap's support for mainstream BTC wallets like Unisat and OKX brings significant traffic, addressing the flow issues of specialized wallets in the RGB++ ecosystem.
Liquidity is vital for financial products.
submitted by djminger007 to NervosNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:25 fxdatalabs_Yp What benefits do AI-powered predictive modelling tools offer for financial forecasting?

The Advantages of AI-Powered Predictive Modelling Tools


Financial forecasting has always been crucial for businesses, investors, and financial institutions. With the advent of AI-powered predictive modelling tools, the accuracy and efficiency of these forecasts have seen a significant boost. In this article, we'll explore the benefits these advanced tools bring to financial forecasting and how they are revolutionizing the industry.

Understanding Predictive Modelling in Finance

Predictive modelling involves using statistical techniques and algorithms to predict future outcomes based on historical data. In finance, this means forecasting market trends, investment risks, and financial performance, among other metrics. AI-powered predictive models leverage machine learning and big data to enhance these predictions.

The Evolution of Financial Forecasting

Traditionally, financial forecasting relied heavily on manual data analysis and expert judgment. However, the integration of AI and machine learning has automated much of this process, allowing for more precise and timely predictions. This evolution has transformed financial planning, risk management, and investment strategies.

Benefits of AI-Powered Predictive Modelling Tools

Enhanced Accuracy and Precision

AI-powered predictive models analyze vast amounts of data quickly and accurately. They identify patterns and correlations that might be missed by human analysts, leading to more accurate forecasts. This precision helps businesses make informed decisions, reducing the margin for error.

Real-Time Data Analysis

One of the standout features of AI-driven tools is their ability to process and analyze data in real-time. This capability allows financial analysts to adjust their strategies promptly based on the latest market trends and economic indicators, ensuring that decisions are always based on the most current information.

Improved Risk Management

Predictive modelling tools can identify potential risks and vulnerabilities in financial plans and investments. By assessing historical data and predicting future trends, these tools help in developing robust risk management strategies, minimizing potential losses.

Cost Efficiency

Automating data analysis and forecasting processes reduces the need for extensive manual labor, cutting down operational costs. Businesses can allocate resources more efficiently, focusing on strategic initiatives rather than routine data crunching.

Better Decision Making

With accurate and timely data at their disposal, financial professionals can make better-informed decisions. Predictive models provide insights that guide investment choices, budget allocations, and financial planning, enhancing overall decision-making processes.

Identification of Market Trends

AI-powered tools can analyze market data to identify emerging trends and patterns. This foresight allows businesses to capitalize on new opportunities, stay ahead of competitors, and adapt to market changes swiftly.

Personalized Financial Advice

For financial advisors and firms, predictive modelling tools offer the ability to provide personalized advice to clients. By analyzing individual financial data, these tools can suggest tailored investment strategies and financial plans that align with each client's goals and risk tolerance.

Fraud Detection and Prevention

Predictive models are also effective in detecting fraudulent activities. By analyzing transaction patterns and identifying anomalies, these tools can flag suspicious behavior, helping prevent fraud before it causes significant damage.

How Predictive Modelling Works

Data Collection and Integration

The first step in predictive modelling is gathering data from various sources. This data can include historical financial records, market data, customer information, and more. The integration of diverse data sources enriches the predictive model's accuracy.

Machine Learning Algorithms

Machine learning algorithms form the core of predictive modelling. These algorithms analyze the data to identify patterns and relationships. Common techniques include regression analysis, decision trees, and neural networks, each suited for different types of predictions.

Model Training and Validation

Once the algorithms are set, the model is trained using historical data. This training phase involves adjusting the model's parameters to optimize its predictive accuracy. Validation is crucial to ensure the model performs well on new, unseen data, avoiding overfitting.

Deployment and Monitoring

After training and validation, the predictive model is deployed in a real-world environment. Continuous monitoring and periodic updates are essential to maintain its accuracy and relevance as new data becomes available.

Challenges and Considerations

While AI-powered predictive modelling offers numerous benefits, it also comes with challenges:

Future Trends in Predictive Modelling for Finance

The future of predictive modelling in finance looks promising, with ongoing advancements in AI and machine learning. Some emerging trends include:


AI-powered predictive modelling tools are transforming financial forecasting by providing enhanced accuracy, real-time insights, and improved risk management. As these technologies continue to evolve, their impact on the finance industry will only grow, offering exciting opportunities for businesses and investors alike.
For more insights into AIM[L]( [a]([d]( [D]( Science Development, please write to us at: []([]( FxisAi

AIFinance #PredictiveModeling #FinancialForecasting #DigitalTransformation

submitted by fxdatalabs_Yp to u/fxdatalabs_Yp [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:24 shyaran Even Instagram ads treat me like an incubator

Hey friends, so I (f) turned 25 recently and since about a few months I started getting ads for pregnancy related things like diapers etc. in social media.
Even if I block them, I get new ones 2-3 days later??? It's so weird, because besides the child free sub reddit, I don't view any children related content. Like I even mark videos of animals with children in them as "not interested" to keep my feed and algorithm crotch goblin free.
Have you experienced this too?
Edit: Typo
submitted by shyaran to childfree [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:24 Connect-Shock-1578 Is there a code optimization class in OMSCS?

I’ve tried to do my homework and look through the course list, but the closest I can find is compilers offering a “brief introduction to code optimization” in the third part. I’m hoping for a class focused on optimization, such as profiling the assembly code to figure out unideal branches and fix them, etc.
Just to make sure I’m not missing something obvious, is anyone aware of such a class? Thank you!
submitted by Connect-Shock-1578 to OMSCS [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:13 Many-Sale8199 Essential Tips for Writing a Stellar Research Paper

Hey Redditors,
I’m diving into writing a research paper and thought I’d share some tips that have helped me along the way. Whether you’re a newbie or looking to refine your skills, these pointers can guide you through the process.
  1. Choose a Clear, Focused Topic: Start with a broad area of interest, then narrow it down to a specific question or hypothesis. A well-defined topic helps you stay on track and makes your research more manageable.
  2. Conduct Thorough Research: Use a variety of sources—books, academic journals, reputable websites. Take detailed notes and organize them by theme or argument. Don’t forget to keep track of your sources for citations!
  3. Develop a Strong Thesis Statement: Your thesis is the backbone of your paper. It should be clear, concise, and reflect the main argument or finding of your research. Everything in your paper should support or relate to this statement.
  4. Create an Outline: Organize your thoughts and structure your paper before you start writing. An outline helps you see the big picture and ensures a logical flow of ideas.
  5. Write a Compelling Introduction: Grab your reader’s attention with a strong opening. Provide background information and clearly state your thesis. Your introduction should set the stage for the rest of the paper.
  6. Craft Clear, Coherent Body Paragraphs: Each paragraph should focus on a single idea that supports your thesis. Start with a topic sentence, provide evidence or examples, and explain how it relates to your argument. Use transitions to maintain flow.
  7. Use Credible Sources: Back up your arguments with evidence from credible sources. Peer-reviewed journals, books by experts, and official statistics are generally reliable. Avoid questionable websites and outdated materials.
  8. Analyze, Don’t Just Describe: Go beyond summarizing your sources. Critically analyze the information, compare different viewpoints, and explain the significance of your findings. Show how your research contributes to the field.
  9. Write a Strong Conclusion: Summarize your main points and restate your thesis (in a new way). Discuss the implications of your findings and suggest areas for future research. Your conclusion should leave a lasting impression.
  10. Revise and Edit: Don’t submit your first draft. Take time to revise for clarity, coherence, and consistency. Check for grammar, punctuation, and formatting errors. Consider getting feedback from peers or mentors.
  11. Properly Cite Your Sources: Avoid plagiarism by correctly citing all sources. Follow the required citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.) consistently. Proper citations add credibility to your paper and acknowledge the work of other researchers.
  12. Stay Organized and Manage Your Time: Break down the writing process into manageable steps and set deadlines for each. Use tools like reference managers (Zotero, Mendeley) to keep your sources organized. Staying on schedule reduces stress and improves the quality of your work.
Remember, writing a research paper is a process. Don’t rush it, and give yourself time to think, write, and revise. Good luck, and happy writing!
submitted by Many-Sale8199 to WordWeaversDen [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:10 Petsi04 Am I stuck or just dumb?
I've been wondering around the map for quite some time now in order to find something cause I'm stuck on the main game progress. I have a key, which I can't find a door for, three flames(cause I can't reach the last one) and I'm also missing one lit candle(the one in the center of the 3x3 square). My items are in the screenshot(and idk if I'm right but I believe the first two rows are necessary items to beat the game and the those in the third row are optional??).
Anyways, I got to this room using the remote and b-ball at the top of the map, however, I don't see a path to go back or one to progress forward lol. I suppose it has something to do with the purple door, which has an image of me looking up, but I tried everything I could come up with and got nothing. I also managed to push the one yellow button in the room to the right(under the entrance).
EDIT: Just realized I could bubble over to the other side in the room to the right, which led to me pushing a second yellow button, still stuck tho.
Couldn't find anyone stuck in this room so I had to make a post, thanks in advance!
submitted by Petsi04 to animalWell [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:05 Finttz I keep having a revelation in a dream.

Okay so this is like the third time I had the same dream about a location in the long dark (that probably doesn't exsist.) there is this cabin on top of a small hill with a river infront of it, the cabin is the size of mountaineer's hut but it's styled like a Milton house, the interior is a little bit like Trapper's cabin, possible future location?
Edit: I'll write a more detailed description as requested, the cabin in my dream is nearly similar to the cabin near Lower Raven Falls in Bleak Inlet, the cabin in the dream is located in the corner of a map on a small hill surrounded by trees and there is a long river infront of the cabin, there is no bridge going over it as the river is quite narrow.
As I mentioned the cabin looks like one of the wooden milton houses or the ones in coastal highway, it's yellowish and has 2 small windows on either side of the door, the house is as big as mountaineer's hut in TWM. Inside the cabin the bed is in the middle next to the right wall and the bed is facing the left wall, infront of the bed is a shelf and there is a stove in the corner of the cabin and that's all I can remember about the interior.
Every time I see this dream i'm escaping into the cabin from a blizzard or a bear.
submitted by Finttz to thelongdark [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:36 Outrageous_Panic_613 CIPP/E Study Pack for Sale

CIPP/E Study Pack for Sale
This is everything I used to pass my exam last week!
I am in Ireland, but can post to anywhere in EU if you are willing to cover the postage fees.
  1. Ustaran Third Edition Textbook (colour coded, small rip to cover of book)
  2. Majid Hatamian Practice Exams
  3. Study Notes focusing on the 10 most examinable chapters
I will also throw in other practice exams, other assorted notes that I have.
If you are interested please send me a DM. I can accept payment via PayPal/Revolut.
submitted by Outrageous_Panic_613 to cipp [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:35 c_sinc Currently shortlisting and application quality is down

So I’m currently shortlisting for an admin job within my team (26k north west based hybrid) and I can’t believe the low quality of so many of the applications. I was part of a hiring round back in November and we received around 85 apps with most being ok and 20ish being very very bad. This time around we’ve had closer to 120 apps but the overall quality is way down. Most talk about how passionate they are about wanting to work for us as it’s the sector they want to be in but with literally no reference to the person spec in the job description. Others read like they’re written by AI and just don’t make any sense. Looks likely I’ll only end up interviewing internal candidates.
Edit: A few people mentioning the salary being low. It’s Third Sector so is on the lower side but higher than other orgs for similar roles
submitted by c_sinc to UKJobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:32 molovesyou taken completely off the schedule

Im a full time shift lead with absolutely no hours.
Ive worked at cvs for over three years now, and I got promoted to a shift lead around last thanksgiving. I haven’t always had the best schedule and things constantly moved around because of school, but out of the six of so gm’s we’ve been through (i know), everyone’s been able to work with me. Now we have a new gm and I am completely taken off the schedule despite my availability being very open monday thru friday. I recently stopped working weekends so i can use that time to spend with my friends and family since everyone else works during the week as well.
After the third schedule has came out and i’m not on it, I finally decided to ask why. I ignored it because i was busy finishing up college and graduating :), but now i need hours. I was told because I can’t work weekends, Im not able to have any other hours — when he’s hired about three new people and they all work during the week.
This is kind of crazy to me and everyone i tell it to and while I am looking for another job anyway… why was I taken off the schedule? I can admit i used to complain about things like being left alone on shifts and having to close the store early with no responses from anyone… maybe they’re tired of my complaints 😂😂 but i think a full time shift lead with absolutely no hours is insane. I have no clue what to do about it either other than just find another job I guess, but shit doesn’t seem fair. I could definitely move some things around to work sundays air every other weekend, but why should i have to do that when I have open availability monday through friday….
edit: my availability is from 8am-10pm monday through friday. i do not take my breaks.
submitted by molovesyou to CVS [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:19 TeGoRE Issues analysis of the Automaton faction; Solutions, discussion, general awareness post


Hello fellow Helldivers. My name is Elliot, alias TeGoRE, a player with 155 hours on the game and plenty of experience gathered from 3rd party sources, especially Reddit and YouTube. I primarily play on difficulty 7, so this post will be biased specifically towards that difficulty.
As you all may know by this point, a lot of people are upset with the Automaton faction, its issues, balancing, bugs, etc. In this post I will be attempting to bring awareness to specific issues rather than asking for vague and general "fixes" the faction would need. I will also be referencing the other faction currently present in the game, the Terminids, as a point of comparison throughout the post.

"Fun factor" analysis; Loadout restrictions

I'll begin with what I believe will be the major point of discussion here. The automatons are just not fun. I understand this is a critical take, but please read before jumping straight to comments.
Let's compare the "fun" factor of Terminids to Automatons here. The Terminids allow you to run pretty much any loadout, while still letting you have impact on the game. You can run pure fodder clear loadouts with light penetration primaries and support tools and contribute to the mission that way, allowing your teammates to clear the heavies with ease. You can also run pure heavy clear with big bulky primaries and anti-tank tools, still contributing to the mission by destroying any charger and bile titan that comes into sight hence allowing your teammates to shoot the other fodder present without being spat on by a 400 ton oversized shrimp or being charged at by a walking rock. With both loadout cases you can also bring stratagems or change out your primaries and other tools (secondary and grenade specifically) that will allow you to have at least some impact on the heavies or lights, respectfully.
The Automatons don't allow for such loadout variety, and considering all the nerf barrages we've been receiving it's obvious that loadout choices are quite restrictive when it comes to fighting automatons. When was the last time you ran flamethrower against the Automatons? Any of the guard dogs? Any other sentry besides autocannon, EMS mortar or maybe the rocket sentry? Gas or airburst strikes? Light penetration or non-precision primaries? You get my point.
The faction requires a playstyle too specific for the casual player. You need to equip high precision weaponry (AMR, Counter sniper, Dominator, etc.) or medium penetration weaponry (Liberator penetrator, Counter sniper, Autocannon, etc) alongside way too many anti-tank tools. Sure, you can bring fodder clear, but the only realistic fodder is the regular troopers or the strider unit. Maybe berserkers. Only reliable (not saying it's the only viable one might I add) fodder clearer would be the grenade launcher, maybe the arc thrower. Furthermore, once on the actual battlefield, you can't necessarily play aggressive. Jump into a pile of bots and you'll be jumping back out limb-by-limb. You have to stay in cover, picking enemies one by one, slowly advancing forward. Then get all your progress denied by a bot drop :^)
We can then conclude that one of the contributing factors to why the Automatons aren't fun is the fact that it's too restricting and too sluggish. Let's look deeper, and analyse why your loadout and playstyle get so restricted;

Enemy analysis, its' contribution to the fun factor

The enemy types of the faction just do not let you vary your loadout enough.
Devastators specifically are the biggest issue. The regular devastator is well-thought out, a heavier bulkier unit with obvious weakspots and not too much firepower which could be compared to the hive guard in terms of mechanics. However, for the heavy devastator and rocket devastator, these are built to just bullshit you into dying. And good luck killing them if you have a light-pen weapon or generally don't have a longer-ranged or high-precision tool, as their primary body (excluding the abdomen) has enough HP to take three full counter sniper magazines (I do not know how a rocket devastator managed to do that, but it did) and just shrug it off. I don't think I need to talk about heavy devastators, they've been brought up enough... I will just briefly skim over it. They're too accurate. "Suppressive fire" does nothing to them. Their 70%-body-covering shield can eat anti-tank projectiles no problem. Sometimes a pack of devastators can be more devastating (badumtss) than a pack of hulks, depending on what devastators they are. If the "heavy" unit of a faction gets outperformed by common enemies, it's an obvious issue.
Another obnoxious enemy type is the berserker. As the name implies, they're a rage-crazed bot with only one directive: charge at you and kill you, no regard for its personal being. Which would be fine if they didn't have the health pool of a damn tank. One unit alone can eat an anti-tank projectile. And they typically spawns in packs of 4. Their weakspots don't even count as weakspots from what I can personally tell, shooting them in the head or the abdomen does about the same damage as just plain out shooting them. They're hard to kill at their core, and if they're backed up by support fire from the other enemy types behind them, you're pretty much helpless.
The rest of the enemy units are fine, in my opinion. They're well thought-out, with obvious counter-measure mechanics.
Hulks can be compared to Chargers. Heavy, tanky units at first, but mechanic rich enough to be an easy take-down once you figure out what you're doing. They have a giant heatsink which is where you have to shoot at regularly to take them out reliably. Not a weakspot might I add, just a point which you can shoot. Think Charger's butt. If you're a space cowboy shooting their tiny faceplate with anti-tank, or even medium penetration tools, can kill them as well. Lastly, just pumping them full of anti-tank projectiles (typically 2 rockets from any of the support weapons) will take them out just fine. There's other cool tricks you could pull off, such as throwing impact grenades between their feet, making them land behind the hulk, which would then take it out in 2 impact grenades if done right. Thermite grenades also deal a lot of damage to their legs, which can take them out too. Lastly, their arms can just be plain out shot off with the right tools. In conclusion, they are threatening at first, but once you use your brain to figure out its weakness, you're going to shrug them off.
Factory Striders are the Bile Titans of the Automatons. They are a bit less obvious but can still be handled decently well by a complete newbie. 2 miniguns on the front, shoot them off with medium penetration for easier kiting. Rocket the top cannon off for further success. Their big exposed abdomen is the obvious weakspot anyone can figure out. Shoot it enough and it'll die. For the more experienced, the front panel eye alongside the opening vents can also be points of advantage. Oh also can we talk about how they're a giant walking factory? Just bomb that bitch! 500kg, orbital precision strike, a regular airstrike, etc. It's a giant target just BEGGING you to throw stratagems at it.
Striders are simple as well. Big impenetrable front plate, completely exposed sides and back. A baby could do it!
Troopers are just fodder. Shoot 'em, they fall over.

Issue with dropships

If you played at least a few hours on the automaton front, you may know that the dropships can be shot down. However, when was the last time you saw that actually do anything?
The explosion deals too little damage, only sometimes killing the trooper units it's carrying. The body of the dropship itself seems to do no impact damage on the automatons, but loves to damage the shit out of you. The automatons also don't seem to care when they fall down 50 feet. Especially dropships with tanks. Shoot them down at the highest point of their drop, tank flies down at crazy velocity, lands with literally 0 damage to itself, then the dropships smacks on top of the tank doing fuck-all to it.
Oh and you can't forget the fact that the debris is solid cover FOR THE BOTS. You can't shoot through it. They can. They can also walk through it, you can't. ??????????

Issues with Automaton-specific side objectives

I will only bring up the ones that have actual issues behind them. If it isn't brought up here, then I personally believe it is fine.
Barely does it's job. Shoots down one dropship per reinforcement, and as we learned earlier shooting the dropships down doesn't even do anything to begin with. Often times the rockets hit terrain as well. Completely pointless side-objective.
Add some sort of indication to the spectating players when the person they're spectating is inside a jammer field, and therefore cannot reinforce them. Too many posts about too many people getting kicked for not reinforcing when they literally cannot.

Bugs (not the Terminid kind)

The faction is riddled with way too many bugs, which just suck the fun out of it. Bots shooting through obviously solid cover, bots seeing you from across the map / through cover and then calling reinforcements, their seemingly 50/50 resistance to explosive damage, then other misc bugs not worth addressing.
This obviously drives people away. A terminid can't shoot me through a rock, I'd prefer fighting that terminid.

Conclusion of analysis; Solutions, final thoughts

The Automaton faction enemies & its mechanics at its core are fine, most enemies making complete sense. Most mechanics, while rich in function, are not very obvious. To play the faction well you need to invest some time into learning how it works. This deters the casual player back to the terminid front, which is a bit more brainless, requiring you just "hurr durr shoot bugs". Here's some solutions to consider:
Rework the devastator enemy type, specifically its specialists types:
The spawn rates of the specialist types could be reworked instead, allowing space for the default devastator instead rather than constantly spewing the specialist types. When was the last time you saw a dropship bring just normal devastators?
Please please please do something about berserkers. Lower their health pool. Maybe make the weakspots actually do something. Perhaps make them spawn less frequently if they're in the major enemy pool. Or, instead of that, make the packs smaller. They're a major ammo sink currently and by the time you're done killing them all the other enemies are already in your face.
Dropship crashes should actually do something. If I use up my support weapon's ammo to shoot down a dropship, I would want it to actually contribute to me destroying the bots, not just create a flashy explosion and extra 1-way cover for the bots.
SEAF SAM Site needs a rework of sorts. Make it always spawn on higher terrain, maybe buff its firerate (see actual SAM sites for reference), or keep the firerate as is if dropship crashes actually start doing something, instead improving its turn speed and lock-on speed. Primary issue is terrain though.
"oh yeah this spot is PERFECT for a SAM site!" said the seaf engineer after ordering it be built in a trench enclosed by cliffs from all 4 sides "what the hell is this" said the helldiver when stumbling upon it
Realistically speaking, the only people who perform well when fighting against Automatons are those who have tens of hours of experience on their belt alongside a team with similar skill level, using proper "meta" (god forbid) loadouts to properly counter the bot menace. The casual solo-queue player just crumbles.

Conclusion & Goodbyes

I may have missed some things, but I tried to grab everything problematic about the faction to the best of my ability. I will most likely not edit the post due to it already being gigantic. However any comments adding onto the post are obviously appreciated. :)
If you're here to find a tl;dr, don't bother. No way in hell I'm summarizing 11.5k+ worth of characters. Just read the analysis conclusion.
If you're here after reading everything above, thank you. I hope this was a fun read and brought attention to why you might not be having as much fun on automatons, maybe made you realize what needs to be done in order to counter the currently sluggish faction. I just hope I helped in some way.
If you're a developer, thank you for creating an amazing game. I've been in love with Helldivers 2 since the very start (upon finding it reaching sky-high popularity), enjoying every hour of gameplay. But just like with any game, it has its flaws, and I hope these are properly addressed. The community has been asking for changes, and I hope my post brought awareness to it.
submitted by TeGoRE to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:13 TerrWolf Respect Karate Kid (DC Pre-Flashpoint)

"Good-bye, lover-- It's been fun... And I always did want to go in battle. You get to keep your planet, kid... Don't forget me... Don't forget me"
Bio: Val Armorr was the son of Japan's greatest crimelord, Kirau Nezumi, also known as Black Dragon, When he was born, his mother, the American secret agent Valentina Armorr, tried to hide him from his father, but she failed and was killed for her affront. Japan's biggest hero Sensei Toshiaki, the White Crane, eventually killed Black Dragon for his crimes and adopted the infant Val. He raised Val as if he were his own son, and trained him in all manner of the martial arts.
Origin in scan form (Superboy vol 1 #210)
Alternate look at his origin (Secrets of the Legion of Super-Heroes #2)
Databook entries

Original Val

Note: Karate Kid needs to concentrate and channel his chi to perform feats of strength (Adventure Comics #359)
Statements and styles
Against skilled opponents (Solo)
Against Skilled opponents (groups)
Against superpowered opponents (1v1)
Against Superpowered opponents (groups)
Against Skilled Superpowered opponents
Weak Point Sensing

Retroboot Val

Despite dying.....Val Armorr's back and in the past! (Justice League of America vol 2 #7) How? Never explained! (Justice League of America #10) Here's his feats. Note: All feats are done while he's dying (Countdown Weeks 14-15/ 38-37) from what's later revealed to be the Morticoccus Virus
submitted by TerrWolf to respectthreads [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:13 Global_Tech0 How to Solve CAPTCHAs Effectively With OCR Solvers?

How to Solve CAPTCHAs Effectively With OCR Solvers?


CAPTCHAs (Completely Automated Public Turing tests to tell Computers and Humans Apart) are security measures designed to prevent automated bots from accessing websites. While they are effective in keeping bots at bay, they can also be a hassle for legitimate users. One efficient way to overcome this challenge is by using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) solvers. In this article, we will explore how OCR solvers work and how to use them effectively to solve CAPTCHAs.

What Are OCR Solvers?

OCR solvers are tools that convert different types of documents, such as scanned paper documents, PDF files, or images captured by a digital camera, into editable and searchable data. When applied to CAPTCHA solving, OCR technology can recognize and interpret the characters and images presented in CAPTCHAs, allowing for automated completion of these tests.

How Do OCR Solvers Work?

Image Acquisition: The first step in the OCR process is capturing the CAPTCHA image. This can be done through screen capture tools or automated scripts that identify and extract the CAPTCHA image from a webpage.
Preprocessing: Before the OCR engine can process the image, it may need to be cleaned up. This involves adjusting the contrast, removing noise, and isolating the characters or objects within the image to improve recognition accuracy.
Character Recognition: The core of OCR technology is recognizing individual characters. The OCR engine scans the image and identifies patterns that match stored templates of letters, numbers, and symbols.
Post-processing: After recognizing the characters, the OCR engine may need to correct errors and format the text. This step ensures that the recognized text matches the expected input format of the CAPTCHA.
Submission: Once the CAPTCHA is decoded, the recognized text is automatically entered into the required field on the webpage, and the form is submitted.

Benefits of Using OCR Solvers for CAPTCHA

Efficiency: OCR solvers can decode CAPTCHAs much faster than manual entry, saving time and effort for users.
Accuracy: Advanced OCR solvers have high accuracy rates, especially with simpler text-based CAPTCHAs.
Automation: By integrating OCR solvers into scripts and bots, users can automate the process of solving CAPTCHAs, improving workflow efficiency.


OCR solvers provide an efficient and effective way to solve CAPTCHAs, particularly when dealing with high volumes of CAPTCHA challenges. By understanding how OCR technology works and following best practices for setup and usage, you can significantly streamline the process of CAPTCHA solving, saving time and reducing frustration. Whether you choose a free tool like Tesseract or a commercial service like CaptchaAI, integrating OCR solvers into your workflow can greatly enhance your productivity.
CaptchaAI employs OCR Solver to effectively Solve various types of captchas and solve all types Of Normal captcha in just one second including image Captcha solving. This allows it to efficiently and accurately handle a diverse range of captcha challenges, offering users a versatile solution. The utilization of OCR Solver by CaptchaAI ensures a reliable and efficient approach to solving captchas of different types, Get a free 7-day trial and unlimited solutions with CaptchaAI.
submitted by Global_Tech0 to u/Global_Tech0 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:07 hypotheticaltapeworm [TP] I'm so, so tired of people who think Ganondorf doesn't make sense.

Sp many people think that Zant would be a string villain had he remained a one-dimensional conqueror-type throughout yhe entire game, and that Ganondorf is shoehorned in so fans could have an edgy 2006 battle between epic gritty Link and epic grotty Ganondorf. It's such a common opinion that I find patronizing as someone who really likes Twilight Princess and its story. I think the people who hold this opinion are also completely wrong.
The story without major rewrites, would not make sense without Ganondorf. He is responsible for Zant usurping the throne and gaining access to the Light Realm. Zant is too weak to do this on his own, and too weak to shatter the Mirror of Twilight. We know this from the speech Zant gives after the Lakebed Temple, the explanation given by the Sages after Arbiter's Grounds, and talks with Midna. They sent Ganondorf where they previously Australia'd the Twili.
He does not come out of nowhere, his presence is known after the third of the game's nine dungeons. The story, a sequel to Ocarina of Time, was absolutely written with him in mind.
Someone seemingly strong and untouchable like Zant is revealed at the end of the game (even though it was explicitly spelled out for you after Lakebed) to have been given his power by Ganondorf, who is (in his own words) Zant's god. This makes Zant a puppet. This plot point is not forced, not lazy, not bad writing. It's a twist that adds depth to Zant, making him more than just a generic bad guy, and adds to Ganondorf's level of threat, like he can stage a coup as means to get back to conquering the world after cheating death. Crazy.
I'm convinced that the people who think Ganondorf is a bad villain did not read a word of the game's script and did not notice Ganondorf was in the game until the final boss fight, because if you were paying any attention at all you would understand why Ganondorf is there.
People, I guess, think Zant would be more strong if the Triforce went incomplete the whole game, that Zant inexplicably find Hyrule from another dimension, makong this sequel to OoT feature an unrelated Link and Zelda dealing with some random alien that has nothing to do with the previous conflict. But of course, Ganondorf being there automatically makes his inclusion terroble, right? Way worse than any of those massive plot holes that would arise from his absence, that's for sure. A villain not turning out to be what they seemed at their introduction? Why would you ever do that? Zant must be identical at the end of the game as at the beginning. After all, a strong villain means they work completely alone... even though they're in a sequel to a game that has a villain with an unresolved arc... in a long-running series about three characters and their conflict constantly recurring.
TL;DR- Ganondorf works in Twilight Princess, just know how to read.
Anyway that's my two cents, what say you all?
submitted by hypotheticaltapeworm to truezelda [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:26 Healthy-Emotion8945 The "Six Things We Learned...Swans Edition, HERE IT IS!"

The "Six Things We Learned...Swans Edition, HERE IT IS!"
1) Mature Swans fixing problems within the quarter Swans started in dicey circumstances with Carlton kicking the first 4 goals within 14 minutes of the game and being dominated at the centre bounce. Previous editions of the Swans could have easily been blown apart or slowly reduce their deficits quarter by quarter leading to a slog fest of a game. But this year is different and the Swans are a much more mature and confident team as a whole. Not only did the Swans stabilised the damage which kick started their turn over game, the midfield group began their own dominance in stoppages leading to the Swans scoring 3 goals within a space of 4 minutes. Whilst the Swans were still trailing at the end of the first quarter, the momentum had truly switched to Sydney showing how far the team has progressed.
2) Swans set the example in the 3rd (Premiership) quarter Much has been spoken about the Swans' ball use, speed and turnover game; however, it was their stoppage work in the 3rd quarter that completely blew Carlton apart. Sydney finished with an impressive 51 - 13 points from stoppages with their centre bounces produces 31 points compared to Carlton's 4. The Swans had a 10 minute patch where they completely blitzed through the Carlton midfield which included a classy finish by Wicksy and most importantly (DIRECTED TO THE SHAMEFUL VIC MEDIA REPORTING) he got his high fives; beautiful.
3) Jordan clamps and smashes, Cunningham gets the last laugh When [Sam Walsh]() kicked a goal in the first quarter he made sure Cunningham (who was playing on him at the time) knew about it. Sadly for Walsh, James Jordan ensured that was his only highlight of the night, curtailing his influence whilst Jordan still played an important role in in the Swans attack and kicking a goal himself. That's three weeks in a row where Jordan has successfully negated the opposition player and blanked them out of the game; Jordan's versatility to play multiple positions makes him an A grade tagger and the best distributors or drivers of offence for any team in the competition better be aware of James Jordan! Also, Cunningham admitted in a post game interview he got lost in transition from defence and found himself up forward kicking a goal and that's just so beautiful to hear.
4) Swans midfield a class above The Swans midfield is well known for its ability to score goals, their speed through general play, foot skills and frantic pressure; however, on Friday night, the midfield evolved once again through their contested work through stoppages with timely blocks for team mates which opened up space for others to charge through. By the mid point of the third quarter the Swans were not only dominating the Carlton line up, they were toying with them (i.e. Warner's run through the corridor taking cheeking peaks behind him and smiling - he had his own Lewis Jetta moment). Special mention for Rowbottom's efforts with 16 tackles overall and breaking through a congestion of Carlton players to kick a goal.
5) The rising stock value of Hayward and Florent Both players were recruited in the 2016 draft and both are having an outstanding start to the season with Hayward re-discovering his goal kicking form (he is currently 20.7 for the year) and Florent showing incredible composure to dance his way through congestion from defence and providing plenty of run and carry during an attacking play. A special mention also for Florent - he is actually the most impactful interceptor amongst the Swans (better than Blakey) all according to champion data.
6) The Swans are the number 1 attack and defence team in the competition When certain groups doubt Sydney's credentials for the premiership, its always about the forward line or the defence or basically anything they can use to say why we won't win...Well, the Swans have scored the most and have conceded the least points of any teams and these results have continued to improve after each round. Simple as that, nothing else to add - Why wouldn't you back the best team in the comp to win?
submitted by Healthy-Emotion8945 to sydneyswans [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:00 BDfool I thought I could do it today

A few days ago, I woke up only a little shaky after only having 14 drinks in 36 hours, then I got to work at the liquor store I’ve been working at for 3 1/2 years.
I was out of liquor, (I only buy liquor in single shots these days because I don’t trust myself with a bottle), but I didn’t even drink my usual beer before work because I was actually feeling okay. Then I got there and noticed the shakes were making it hard to dole out change so I bought three shots, hoping they’d take the shakes away if I rationed them out for eight hours.
The first one didn’t do enough, immediately took the second, an hour later I took the third, bought three more, they didn’t last two hours, bought a sleeve of ten shots and two 24oz beers.
My shithead coworkers kept going outside to smoke (both of them, together, when their only job was to run register while I did every single other thing there was to do, while they fuck off on tik tok between customers) so every time I went to stock the cooler or grab something in the back I came out to a line of pissed off customers with no one at the register.
That booze I bought was all gone, except for 1 shot I was saving for when I woke up before work. Luckily I have a stockpile of beer at home. I just started looking at this Reddit a few days ago and it made me hopeful, then I found that hope sapped from me. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to stop drinking in this environment. I’ve had a set-in-stone schedule for two years where I never get two days off in a row, so even when I put up with the withdrawals on my day off it’s never quite long enough to last.
I don’t have any questions or anything for you Reddit, maybe you won't be mad at me for wasting a post
Edit: Didn't read rule one until after I posted so I changed the language to make this sound like a few days ago, can't edit the title though.
Edit Edit: it also kind of sucks that I'm supposed to be sober to post on a subreddit about alcoholism when I'm drunk every hour I'm awake, would someone let me know where I should go to talk about my problem while inebriated?
submitted by BDfool to alcoholism [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:59 DawdenFawdeunt Swin-Transformer and Hash-based On-Chain Copyright Detection Technology

The swin-transformer and hash-based on-chain copyright detection technology, which not only improves the efficiency and accuracy of copyright detection, but also provides a new solution for copyright protection through blockchain technology.
The technological innovation of WiMi's swin-transformer and hash-based on-chain copyright detection technology is reflected in the following aspects including application of deep learning, combination of hashing algorithm, integration of blockchain, automation of smart contracts, and optimization of block comparison.
This technology realizes efficient and accurate analysis of video content by combining the deep learning model swin-transformer, which can capture the details and patterns in the video to extract representative feature vectors. And it uses a deep hashing algorithm to generate unique fingerprints of video content that remain consistent even after the video has been compressed, cropped, or otherwise edited.
With the advent of the digital era, copyright protection of video content has become particularly important. The promotion and application of this technology signals a more intelligent, efficient and transparent future for copyright protection. With the continuous progress and optimization of the technology, it will facilitate a more just and reasonable digital copyright ecosystem.
submitted by DawdenFawdeunt to pennystocks [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:58 dreieckli Is "Outer Wilds Archeologist Edition" from Epic Games Store DRM-free as a whole?

Follow-up to this several years old thread:
Is "Outer Wilds Archeologist Edition" (base game + "Echoes of the Eye") in one pack, when bought at Epic Games Store, DRM-Free as a whole, or is also only the base game DRM free but Echoes of the Eye is still DRMed?
I want to buy this game, but when I pay I only would buy things that I own afterwards, e.g. that can be played without restrictions, also in xx yeards, without the necessity of any third party DRM-checker.
submitted by dreieckli to outerwilds [link] [comments]