Stomach ache nausea headache

Daily sharp/stabbing feeling in throat. (31 yo M)

2024.06.11 07:42 FortuneMost Daily sharp/stabbing feeling in throat. (31 yo M)

My immediate question is presented in the first paragraph, but if you feel like reading more I feel there's a lot more to this.
For some time now, maybe at least a year, I've had discomfort under the left side of my jaw, just below my ear, and it would sometimes follow down along the underside of my jaw or down towards my Adam's apple. A few weeks ago, I noticed some tonsil stones on my left tonsil and managed to pop out 2 decently sized ones. Within 15-20 minutes, I felt so much relief, the most I'd felt in months. Strangely enough, I also wound up with tons of relief from pressure in my sinuses/head in addition to relief from the neck pain/discomfort; it even felt like I could breathe easier and think more clearly. Since then, I've had the feeling come back nearly daily, but to a much lesser degree. Every time I start to have the feeling I push it out again by forcing the back of my tongue against the back of the jaw and eventually I feel something pop loose and swallow it. The only problem is it often gets stuck in the back of my throat and feels super painful. It literally feels like I'm forcing myself to swallow glass as it works its way down, which winds up taking hours, and that's if I fully get it to go down (usually by eating something bulky to help force it down). I get a lot of relief once it makes it's way out of my throat, but then I also wind up with a burning pain in my stomach once it makes it there. Could this all just be tonsil stones? I didn't think they were a daily thing, but I'm wondering if maybe I just have some horrible bacteria in there that my body reacts to?
Some other strange symptoms that I think may be related to this:
For about 4 years now I've been having all kinds of strange symptoms that no one, despite having seen many specialists and had tons of tests/imaging done, has been able to identify a reason for. The most troublesome of these include constant pressure in my head/sinuses, headaches, constant brain fog, pain all the way down my left arm, and intermittent discoloration in the left arm (I can provide a picture, but essentially it looks like someone put a tourniquet on it), chest pain, abdominal pain in the URQ, and more. If you can think of a relevant test or diagnostic procedure, I've probably had it done. For the chest pain, I was diagnosed with Microvascular Angina, which is essentially a positive stress test with the rest of the cardiac workup clear. At the beginning of these symptoms, I had elevated liver enzymes for several months and transient positive smooth muscle antibodies that resolved. This led to a liver biopsy, which came back normal, and the enzymes and antibodies eventually resolved. I've developed duodenitis since this started. I had a scope nearly 4 years ago when these symptoms started that was normal, but a recent one in January showed the duodenitis. My GI said he initially thought it was celiac based on how it looked when he was in there, but the biopsy was negative.
I'd largely given up on finding answers and had accepted that this was likely for life, until recently, I switched to a more potent mouthwash and noticed significant relief. I'd always just used some all-natural one my wife bought, but she'd been complaining of my breath constantly smelling of death (which didn't make much sense because I'd been eating extremely healthy and brushing my teeth). This one had the highest concentration of CPC I could find, and to much shock the first time I used it I noticed a very sudden and significant improvement in my head/sinus pressure, brain fog, and even the pain in my neck/jaw. This sent me down a road of exploring ENT-related solutions, all of which pushed me closer and closer to normal. In my nose I started using hypertonic saline sprays multiple time a day and rinsing with a neti-pot (the first week or so I did this I was blowing out blood-tinged, neon yellow snot). This wound up giving me even more significant and immediate relief than the mouthwash did. Additionally, instead of just brushing in the morning and before bed, I also started brushing and using the mouthwash religiously after anything I ate, sometimes before (my theory being whatever the mouthwash was keeping in check would be less present to consume what I was eating). I also started brushing my tongue, which gave me the idea to try brushing my tonsils since I'd heard before stones could be a cause of bad breath and I could barely see some stones sticking out (something I'd never had before, or at least noticed) and that's when I noticed the massive relief from removing them. Shortly after that was when I noticed that if I felt the jaw/neck discomfort come back I could use my tongue to force something out from back there and again get that significant immediate relief each time. The first few times I did this, whatever I was forcing out was significantly larger than what comes out now. It would feel like a large chunk of food stuck in the back of my throat that I would get the sensation of swallowing, but often felt like it would get stuck. Each day I'd force it out, it'd feel like it was getting smaller to the point where whatever it is today comes out feeling very small, but as the beginning of my post discusses, it feels very painful in my throat as I try to swallow it. To be honest, I can't even be sure what I'm pushing out is tonsil stones since I can't see it after it comes out, I just feel it at the back of my throat. Interestingly, I've recently noticed that antihistamines help the throat pain go away and help me swallow whatever it is, but even then, I feel like part of it's left hanging at the top of my throat. Otherwise, I feel mostly normal today as long as I keep up with the daily routine of concentrated mouthwash, religious brushing, nasal rinses, and forcing it out whenever I get the jaw/neck discomfort. Literally, everything has largely resolved for weeks now, including the arm discoloration, which seemed bizarre.
I know this seems really strange and doesn't make much sense, but like I said, my best guess is there's some type of bad microbe overgrown in my tonsils/oral/nasal cavity. Does any of this sound like anything someone here has heard of? I also have an upcoming ENT appointment at the end of the month, but I'm wondering how do I even discuss this? Unfortunately, I've seen many doctors who see my chart and all the seemingly disconnected symptoms and instantly treat me like the stereotypical anxious patient. Personally, I feel like all of this is important, but I don't want to ramble and waste the visit time and risk losing credibility along the way. What's the most important things I should touch on to make sure I'm taken seriously and this leads to the appropriate investigation/testing/treatment?
submitted by FortuneMost to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 07:30 AzrathStr Journal through NC

A journal of how I felt on certain days and in certain moments..
When I fell for you, it was your blue eyes, your long gorgeous hair and amazing smile, body, But more than that.. it was your laugh, your kindness, compassion, your humor, holy fuck I love your humor and how you can take a joke and also laugh at my silliness, I love your optimism, your laugh and positivity and just overall personality, it became my addiction to be completely honest with you.
I just felt we connected so well, I knew then and there I was falling in love with you and that you could be the one. Back when we first met I tried a lot more.. I don’t know what changed in me to put me on a path of not putting in as much effort as I should have and that you deserve other than stress factors and some depression. I have never been the best with expressing my emotions and my communicating but I have grown a lot from how bad I used to be with those two traits..
I know I was exhausted and burnt out on life and putting soooo much effort into the wrong professions and wrong people in relationships before I met you. I used to try so hard for my partners and I was never appreciated or respected.. go figure when I meet you.. the blue eyed beauty of my dreams I had nothing left in the tank, that’s the universe and it’s perverse irony isn’t it?
I wish everyday that I would have opened myself up more and proven to you I am capable of giving you the love and happiness you deserve because only I know myself and I know how much I care and love you, I know my intentions. I wish we would have taken 90 minutes out of every week just to sit down and talk about us, our relationships, plans and goals.. so much things can be bottled up when we are never having serious deep discussions about our individual and jointed lives, resentment forms, doubt and false images or ideas of the other. I hate myself for not proving how much I loved you consistently in the way of which you needed to be loved.
When you would drive an hour just to see me for two or three days, I should have been off of my video games and waiting for you because even though I wasn’t perfect or even good at my showing it, I was excited to see you every weekend.. maybe I really am just a grumpy old man.
I should have involved myself in your family but I’ll be honest, I was terrified at becoming apart of it because I haven’t had a fully functional immediate family, I am a very lovable person for the most part and I get along usually with everyone but for some reason I have it in my head that I will just complicate other peoples lives and I am a burden, I don’t know why I think like this even when it isn’t true but I do.
I’m not sure what gave you the idea that I wouldn’t go to shows with you, all I wanted was to go to a show with you in the beginning but I don’t know why it never worked out when I tried to plan it.. I meant it when I said I would marry you at EDC. I love dubstep and EDM I just didn’t want it to become my whole personality, I didn’t want to be consumed or addicted to any one lifestyle and I wanted to focus on settling down with you..
I don’t know, I just try to stay balanced as much as I can.. maybe you understood me wrong or I conveyed myself the wrong way. Most of the time when I said you had no culture and all that I was just teasing you. I don’t care that you watched reality shows, or only listened to EDM, I support what you love and want to share it with you and I only wanted to share myself and what I loved with you too.. because when I share what I love or find interesting I am giving you pieces of myself, things that impacted me through growing up or life if that even makes sense and sometimes my feelings would be hurt when you didn’t care. I wanted to go out with you to a concert so badly, just feel the music with you and have you close, give kisses and dance together. I am very high energy at shows when I have the drive, I just was afraid I would become too into it all and lose focus.. but seems like I lost focus anyway..
I doubt you’ll ever see these writings because I don’t think you’re coming back, you probably view me as some mean loser who doesn’t deserve you and a lot of that is my fault but if I could go back in time and remind or tell myself what to do to prevent losing you I would 200% but unfortunately I can’t.
I chose you 100%, flaws and all, I chose to love you and would have worked through near anything to grow old with you.
Everyday seems to be less and less difficult but then I either have a nightmare when I am asleep or just a memory when I am awake and I feel the pain of the loss of you, I can’t even explain or put into words how bad it hurts. I have this habit of checking my Snapchat, thinking to text you and then realizing you aren’t there anymore.. I don’t know if it’s just me feeling this, probably is.. but it really sucks. How pitiful am I honestly.. writing these things, missing you so much, hurting unbelievably.. I am so hungry sexually as well because I haven’t had you in what feels like forever. I have had a few extremely terrible nightmares the past few days and they are so bad..
I wish so badly that you would just reach out and talk to me but I know it isn’t going to happen.. you no longer love me or see that I 100% belonged to you, my heart, mind and body. One minute I feel ok, the next I feel like a mess with my chest hurting, why does this always come in waves? I know I am good enough to treat you the way you want and deserve and the fact I lacked energy and wasn’t able to continue it consistently from the beginning just eats at me soooo much. There’s not really anyone I’d rather talk to about my day and feelings other than you. It’s bad when you find someone who isn’t your person and it shows obviously, but it is worse when you find you know you found your person and know you are and can be what they need you to be but just lack the energy and it perhaps being the wrong time.
I wish I didn’t make a big deal out of starwars or that I explained how I was feeling differently, I shouldn’t have snapped at you that way and been an asshole with a low blow. You’d have probably come over that weekend and I could have held you in my arms and loved you, maybe we’d still be talking and together. I know you were already on the fence but I just wish you understood that I never would have given us up and I have had some traumatic relationships as well. No one wants to hear how the man feels though, so I just keep it buried, no one cares. Well I hope you are happy and loved the way you want, usually the grass isn’t greener on the other side and only I know my intentions or how I felt about you, maybe that’s the biggest problem, that only I knew.. I guess I should have put it out there more so you could have known too.
I am so stupid sometimes, I know that my loving you was definitely not one of my stupid thoughts or decisions. How foolish I am to tell you “I can do better” when I know how I feel about you, I guess it was just me bluffing because I wanted to hurt you back when you hurt me which isn’t healthy, just a trauma response.. I literally just wanted to marry you and take care of you.. how can I even hope to take care of you when I lost track of myself and made you fall out of love with me. Maybe I’m just a dumbass and how I feel doesn’t even matter, clearly you are wanting to move on and forget I ever existed and to find someone new.. I hope I will be ok when I enlist in the national guard. I don’t really have anyone currently to write letters to. All I think about is how I’ll be in the barracks at training and everyone will be opening their letters from people they love and I’ll probably be standing there like a dumbass with no one to write to. It will be difficult but I guess I need it because I’m kind of drowning. I miss your face and your laugh and holding your head on my chest so much, your smell, your cooking.. your smile, your intimacy, your hugs, your eyes, your jokes and playfulness..
I talk to other people and it’s just meh.. like they’re cool and all and some are good looking but they just aren’t you. You are perfect in my eyes and I should never have pushed you away. I should just have come around more and spent the night with you and not have you do so much work every weekend. I didn’t take you for granted, I appreciated everything you ever did for me and all of your love. I just suffered heavily from burn out. I have regrets, I’m a human.. so human.. my biggest regret is just not loving you more when I had the time and chance to do so.
Have you ever been terrified to go to sleep? Because you don’t know what may be waiting for you in the dream world? That’s how I feel right now honestly..
FUCK! I just can’t stop missing you! I often think of our times together, how I tripped on that wood board at your house and you laughed at me for hour, I miss our inside jokes and how we cuddled and would do whip it’s, like 300 in a night which was crazy lol.. I can’t stand to be without you. I feel like I lost my other half. Why did I mess this one up? It isn’t just me but I know if I would have gave more effort your attraction to me would not have faded.. I literally don’t want anyone else. Just you, I know it’s pathetic of me because you left. Seeing my sisters snap story and seeing you and how beautiful you are just literally reopened my wounds. My heart sank to my stomach so fast.
At this point I don’t even know if you loved me anymore.. How could I? It isn’t like I treated you terribly, was abusive and a horrible boyfriend to you I understand my faults and admit I could have done better and showed my initiative and still you found it easier to walk out on me than to stick with me to figure things out, it’s my fault for being a dumb dick though that last night. I never told you or claimed to be perfect or that we would never have problems or adversity.. I told you that I loved you and would never leave, that our relationship would be worth it.. I know I am not worth it to you nor our relationship anymore, from my view you seem to have this idea that things would stay the same between us forever and we weren’t going to grow yet you also fail to see that the obstacles we could or would have chose to face together are what would have brought the growth and change you wanted and needed so badly, I needed you to communicate to me, not be afraid of me, I would’ve done whatever you needed to make you feel happy, be direct with me, blunt even, I appreciate that stuff, if I had mustard on my face, I’d want you to tell me, our problems together were the same thing.. It sucks so bad loving someone who appears to not care about you anymore because you pushed them away. I’d have never let us fall into a cycle where you weren’t happy 24/7 if you had just talked with me, nothing was worth losing you over to me.
Today I am fucking drowning. I feel my heart in my stomach and guts.. pulsing and aching with such a pain and nauseating feeling it is crazy.. casually go on Snapchat and look at my sisters story and I see you.. you look beautiful, but it definitely reopened my wounds of trying to move on like you asked me to.. it is like putting salt in my wound after I am stabbed or shot but worse.. I think you may be the person I have loved the most through out my life and oh my god does it hurt losing you.. I am glad you’re having a good time and hopefully happy.. that’s the first time I’ve seen you in 3-4 weeks and it wasn’t even on purpose or trying to. I’m sorry.. I am trying so hard to move on because I know you want that and aren’t in love with me anymore.. I am fighting soooo hard right now not to call you or try to get ahold of you.. but what’s the point I guess right? I have never missed anyone so fucking much or bad in my life.. you were my everything and I’m such a dumbass for not showing you more. Sometimes I absolutely hate myself and my issues of lack of intimacy and of socializing.. I want to connect so bad but I am so afraid. I don’t know why I am even so terrified.
I wish so badly you could just touch my hand and absorb what I feel and see.. so you could understand what you mean to me.. I would conquer the world for you if I could, give you the moon, the stars, the entire universe and all or anything you ever wanted just to be next to you and give you kisses and cuddles.. how I miss your head on my chest when we laid down together. I miss everything about you Allee.. everything. I haven’t been crying or anything lately but I feel like it right now. Maybe I should just let it out.. maybe it will help..
I used to be such a hard worker and tried so hard in nearly everything I did.. I just got taken advantage of and treated so poorly and so I guess it really struck fear into me. Fear of rejection, fear of abandonment, fear or intimacy, of true connection and showing my love and just opening myself up to others including you. I mean yes, it would have helped if you talked with more about your feelings and or what bothered you more instead of bottling it up but I should have taken more initiative instead of being a lazy POS who didn’t ever take you out and do things with you.. how I regret it and not building more and new memories with you and taking pictures together and just showing the world we are silly together and in love.. this isn’t just me writing bull shit or what anyone would want to hear or even what I want to hear.. this is truly how I feel in my soul, my heart, my mind..
I have changed so much through the years, I am not stopping changing. Just wish I would have had you when I was changed or before I was treated poorly, so I could have shown you who I really am and how hard I try for someone I care about, I am getting back to my values and this is honestly an awakening..
submitted by AzrathStr to nocontact [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 07:19 Fair-Ad8245 Your beats are causing mental health problems (spiritual)

440hz is fl studio default frequency Which is known to cause anxiety and irregular heartbeat Does anybody know how to change it on fl?. I think a vst that changes pitch would be the best
Science suggests the modern twelve-tone scale is out of sync with the natural world, which has a profound negative impact on our physical and mental health – from suppressing emotions and limiting intuition and consciousness to evoking physical sensations, such as fatigue, pain, and disease.
The current reference frequency for tuning musical instruments is 440 Hz. Some theorists and musicians claim that the 432 Hz tuning has better effects on the human body, and there is a large amount of proof that supports this statement.
Because of this harmonic misalignment, listening to 440 Hz music makes people anxious, nervous, or aggressive, because it is not in harmony with the natural frequency of the planet earth.
440Hz Effects: The variables stomach-ache, anxiety and peacefulness improved after listening to music tuned at 440 Hz. The variables headache, tiredness, stress, happiness and satisfaction with many people improved after listening to music tuned at 432 Hz
Here are the better frequencies 963 Hz – The “Frequency of the Universe”
A higher, 963Hz frequency promotes spiritual awakening, activate the pineal gland, and enhance intuition and psychic abilities.
963 Hz – The “Frequency of the Universe”
A higher, 963Hz frequency promotes spiritual awakening, activate the pineal gland, and enhance intuition and psychic abilities.
396 Hz – The “Liberating Frequency”
396Hz frequency sound helps to release negative thoughts, emotions, and energy patterns and promote a sense of liberation and freedom.
417 Hz – The “Resonating Frequency”,
417Hz sounds can help to clear negative energy and influences and promote positive change and transformation.
528 Hz – The “Love Frequency”
Love frequency promotes relaxation, reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep quality, enhance creativity, and promote a sense of well-being.
639 Hz – The “Connecting Frequency”
639Hz aims to promote harmonious relationships, increase communication, and promote emotional healing and balance.
741 Hz – The “Awakening Frequency”
In alternative medicine, 741Hz sounds are believed to promote a deeper level of awareness, enhance intuition, and promote spiritual growth.
852 Hz – The “Intuition Frequency”
852Hz frequency helps to establish clarity of thought and improve communication, as well as enhance spiritual awareness and intuition.
174 Hz – The “Foundation Frequency”
This frequency is believed to help reduce pain, promote a sense of safety and security, and support physical and emotional healing.
285 Hz – The “Healing Frequency”
That’s a good one! This particular sound is believed to help promote physical healing, especially of wounds and injuries. 1074 Hz – The “Spiritual Frequency”
This high pitch frequency once again helps with spiritual growth and awareness, enhance intuition, and improve communication with higher consciousness.
1174 Hz – The “Balance Frequency”
A higher alternative of the 528Hz frequency helps to balance energy centers in the body, promote mental clarity and alertness, and enhance creativity and productivity.
submitted by Fair-Ad8245 to flstudioproduction [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 07:17 Fair-Ad8245 Your beats are causing mental health problems (spiritual)

440hz is fl studio default frequency Which is known to cause anxiety and irregular heartbeat Does anybody know how to change it on fl?. I think a vst that changes pitch would be the best
Science suggests the modern twelve-tone scale is out of sync with the natural world, which has a profound negative impact on our physical and mental health – from suppressing emotions and limiting intuition and consciousness to evoking physical sensations, such as fatigue, pain, and disease.
The current reference frequency for tuning musical instruments is 440 Hz. Some theorists and musicians claim that the 432 Hz tuning has better effects on the human body, and there is a large amount of proof that supports this statement.
Because of this harmonic misalignment, listening to 440 Hz music makes people anxious, nervous, or aggressive, because it is not in harmony with the natural frequency of the planet earth.
440Hz Effects: The variables stomach-ache, anxiety and peacefulness improved after listening to music tuned at 440 Hz. The variables headache, tiredness, stress, happiness and satisfaction with many people improved after listening to music tuned at 432 Hz
Here are the better frequencies 963 Hz – The “Frequency of the Universe”
A higher, 963Hz frequency promotes spiritual awakening, activate the pineal gland, and enhance intuition and psychic abilities.
963 Hz – The “Frequency of the Universe”
A higher, 963Hz frequency promotes spiritual awakening, activate the pineal gland, and enhance intuition and psychic abilities.
396 Hz – The “Liberating Frequency”
396Hz frequency sound helps to release negative thoughts, emotions, and energy patterns and promote a sense of liberation and freedom.
417 Hz – The “Resonating Frequency”,
417Hz sounds can help to clear negative energy and influences and promote positive change and transformation.
528 Hz – The “Love Frequency”
Love frequency promotes relaxation, reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep quality, enhance creativity, and promote a sense of well-being.
639 Hz – The “Connecting Frequency”
639Hz aims to promote harmonious relationships, increase communication, and promote emotional healing and balance.
741 Hz – The “Awakening Frequency”
In alternative medicine, 741Hz sounds are believed to promote a deeper level of awareness, enhance intuition, and promote spiritual growth.
852 Hz – The “Intuition Frequency”
852Hz frequency helps to establish clarity of thought and improve communication, as well as enhance spiritual awareness and intuition.
174 Hz – The “Foundation Frequency”
This frequency is believed to help reduce pain, promote a sense of safety and security, and support physical and emotional healing.
285 Hz – The “Healing Frequency”
That’s a good one! This particular sound is believed to help promote physical healing, especially of wounds and injuries. 1074 Hz – The “Spiritual Frequency”
This high pitch frequency once again helps with spiritual growth and awareness, enhance intuition, and improve communication with higher consciousness.
1174 Hz – The “Balance Frequency”
A higher alternative of the 528Hz frequency helps to balance energy centers in the body, promote mental clarity and alertness, and enhance creativity and productivity.
submitted by Fair-Ad8245 to FLStudioBeginners [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 07:15 Fair-Ad8245 Your beats are causing mental health problems (spiritual)

440hz is fl studio default frequency Which is known to cause anxiety and irregular heartbeat Does anybody know how to change it on fl?. I think a vst that changes pitch would be the best
Science suggests the modern twelve-tone scale is out of sync with the natural world, which has a profound negative impact on our physical and mental health – from suppressing emotions and limiting intuition and consciousness to evoking physical sensations, such as fatigue, pain, and disease.
The current reference frequency for tuning musical instruments is 440 Hz. Some theorists and musicians claim that the 432 Hz tuning has better effects on the human body, and there is a large amount of proof that supports this statement.
Because of this harmonic misalignment, listening to 440 Hz music makes people anxious, nervous, or aggressive, because it is not in harmony with the natural frequency of the planet earth.
440Hz Effects: The variables stomach-ache, anxiety and peacefulness improved after listening to music tuned at 440 Hz. The variables headache, tiredness, stress, happiness and satisfaction with many people improved after listening to music tuned at 432 Hz
Here are the better frequencies 963 Hz – The “Frequency of the Universe”
A higher, 963Hz frequency promotes spiritual awakening, activate the pineal gland, and enhance intuition and psychic abilities.
963 Hz – The “Frequency of the Universe”
A higher, 963Hz frequency promotes spiritual awakening, activate the pineal gland, and enhance intuition and psychic abilities.
396 Hz – The “Liberating Frequency”
396Hz frequency sound helps to release negative thoughts, emotions, and energy patterns and promote a sense of liberation and freedom.
417 Hz – The “Resonating Frequency”,
417Hz sounds can help to clear negative energy and influences and promote positive change and transformation.
528 Hz – The “Love Frequency”
Love frequency promotes relaxation, reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep quality, enhance creativity, and promote a sense of well-being.
639 Hz – The “Connecting Frequency”
639Hz aims to promote harmonious relationships, increase communication, and promote emotional healing and balance.
741 Hz – The “Awakening Frequency”
In alternative medicine, 741Hz sounds are believed to promote a deeper level of awareness, enhance intuition, and promote spiritual growth.
852 Hz – The “Intuition Frequency”
852Hz frequency helps to establish clarity of thought and improve communication, as well as enhance spiritual awareness and intuition.
174 Hz – The “Foundation Frequency”
This frequency is believed to help reduce pain, promote a sense of safety and security, and support physical and emotional healing.
285 Hz – The “Healing Frequency”
That’s a good one! This particular sound is believed to help promote physical healing, especially of wounds and injuries. 1074 Hz – The “Spiritual Frequency”
This high pitch frequency once again helps with spiritual growth and awareness, enhance intuition, and improve communication with higher consciousness.
1174 Hz – The “Balance Frequency”
A higher alternative of the 528Hz frequency helps to balance energy centers in the body, promote mental clarity and alertness, and enhance creativity and productivity.
submitted by Fair-Ad8245 to FL_Studio_Advanced [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 07:14 Fair-Ad8245 Your beats are causing mental health problems (spiritual)

440hz is fl studio default frequency Which is known to cause anxiety and irregular heartbeat Does anybody know how to change it on fl?. I think a vst that changes pitch would be the best
Science suggests the modern twelve-tone scale is out of sync with the natural world, which has a profound negative impact on our physical and mental health – from suppressing emotions and limiting intuition and consciousness to evoking physical sensations, such as fatigue, pain, and disease.
The current reference frequency for tuning musical instruments is 440 Hz. Some theorists and musicians claim that the 432 Hz tuning has better effects on the human body, and there is a large amount of proof that supports this statement.
Because of this harmonic misalignment, listening to 440 Hz music makes people anxious, nervous, or aggressive, because it is not in harmony with the natural frequency of the planet earth.
440Hz Effects: The variables stomach-ache, anxiety and peacefulness improved after listening to music tuned at 440 Hz. The variables headache, tiredness, stress, happiness and satisfaction with many people improved after listening to music tuned at 432 Hz
Here are the better frequencies 963 Hz – The “Frequency of the Universe”
A higher, 963Hz frequency promotes spiritual awakening, activate the pineal gland, and enhance intuition and psychic abilities.
963 Hz – The “Frequency of the Universe”
A higher, 963Hz frequency promotes spiritual awakening, activate the pineal gland, and enhance intuition and psychic abilities.
396 Hz – The “Liberating Frequency”
396Hz frequency sound helps to release negative thoughts, emotions, and energy patterns and promote a sense of liberation and freedom.
417 Hz – The “Resonating Frequency”,
417Hz sounds can help to clear negative energy and influences and promote positive change and transformation.
528 Hz – The “Love Frequency”
Love frequency promotes relaxation, reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep quality, enhance creativity, and promote a sense of well-being.
639 Hz – The “Connecting Frequency”
639Hz aims to promote harmonious relationships, increase communication, and promote emotional healing and balance.
741 Hz – The “Awakening Frequency”
In alternative medicine, 741Hz sounds are believed to promote a deeper level of awareness, enhance intuition, and promote spiritual growth.
852 Hz – The “Intuition Frequency”
852Hz frequency helps to establish clarity of thought and improve communication, as well as enhance spiritual awareness and intuition.
174 Hz – The “Foundation Frequency”
This frequency is believed to help reduce pain, promote a sense of safety and security, and support physical and emotional healing.
285 Hz – The “Healing Frequency”
That’s a good one! This particular sound is believed to help promote physical healing, especially of wounds and injuries. 1074 Hz – The “Spiritual Frequency”
This high pitch frequency once again helps with spiritual growth and awareness, enhance intuition, and improve communication with higher consciousness.
1174 Hz – The “Balance Frequency”
A higher alternative of the 528Hz frequency helps to balance energy centers in the body, promote mental clarity and alertness, and enhance creativity and productivity.
submitted by Fair-Ad8245 to FL_Studio [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 07:05 kaloisntreal Wisdom teeth or brain tumor

Hi 17(f) I have really bad health anxiety and i’ve been suffering with some symptoms for weeks, but it’s getting worse. I was taken to the hospital for my problems and they checked my thyroid and there’s nothing back about that yet. But i’ve been really nauseous and my top teeth hurt really bad to chomp down and it’s hard to swallow because my throat hurts. Plus my stomach gets upset easy. It’s been hard to focus on stuff and i’m really fatigued i don’t know if it’s from my stress or constant pain. I’m going to my primary doctor tomorrow and i’m going to talk to my mom about going to the dentist. I’ve had my bottom left wisdom tooth taken out and it definitely made me feel bad but not this bad. I’m really scared and i don’t know what to think. Also my pressure headache won’t go away unless i take two tension excedrin. The tooth pain doesn’t go away at all no matter what.
submitted by kaloisntreal to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 07:03 DisastrousHat8355 Exact Opposite Experience

My experience at the Sphere was the literal worst experience of my life. Man I was looking forward to this. It was my birthday trip, I spent the dollas without hesitation, I was READY. I've been to quite a few shows, and I consider myself a professional, but shit did not go as planned.
I have never experienced motion sickness prior to this day. Here's what I learned:
Vertigo bad. Vertigo on Acid... Excruciating Fucking Nightmare.
I was in GA. Once the show started it was overwhelmingly loud for me. So loud it hurt. Gave me anxiety! My body started shaking. Then the visuals. So fucking incredible! I was in complete awe and wonder. I couldn't look away. Most incredible thing I've ever seen. Unfortunately, those same visuals started to quickly make me more sick than I've ever been in my life. The nausea was INSANE. I couldn't even dance or sing along because I felt like I was in a washing machine. I tried breathing techniques, looking at the ground, keeping my eyes on the stage. Nothing helped. I sat for all of set break thinking I'd be able to recover. I never did. I was so overwhelmed by how awful I felt. I wanted to enjoy this experience so bad! It was like getting on a psychedelic spaceship to Mars. And I could not enjoy a single bit of it. Then the migraine came. I should've left but I stayed and tried to power through.
I hated every second. Every sound every sight was so painful for me. Even three days later the nausea and headache still lingered. I just don't think my body could handle the over-stimulation.
Sure I was in my head from the L, thinking about how unnatural this is and how humans were never meant to handle this sensory overload. I thought about how dangerous it is to experience and get used to, that after this the natural world would never be enough and we were already slipping into the matrix...
Anyway, I hated everything about the Sphere experience. I know how much everyone loved it and I am happy for them but boy oh boy was that a bad trip.
I left Vegas the next day. Bailed on my friends, my hotel, and my tickets. I RAN.
Never saw that coming. I think I'm the only person to have had such an experience. I am not built for the Sphere.
Knowing what I know now, the only way I think I could've tolerated it was if I was sober and seated with some dramamine in me. That ship has sailed though. I will never set foot in that thing again. Tragic.
submitted by DisastrousHat8355 to deadandcompany [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:54 Infamous-Asparagus21 Cat won’t eat after coming home from emergency vet

6yr old female tortoise shell
Hello! (Will be making vet appt again)
I made a post before about my cat with her watery eyes. Well since then she developed GI issues which ended us up at the emergency vet. She was eating before this, until she started vomiting multiple times a day. She was diagnosed with a stomach ulcer and was severely constipated (we had no idea bc we have an auto litter box so we weren’t checking her poop, was never an issue until now) and sent home on Sucrafate tablets once a day an hour before eating. She was given IV fluids at the vet and Benadryl as well as anti nausea meds. Since coming home, she refuses to eat. I even tried, against my own feelings, giving her some hamburger meat from our burgers (plain nothing on them) which she refused as well as wet food (which she absolutely LOVES). I tried watering her wet food and warming it as well as putting toppings on like her freeze dried toppers as well as cat treats. (All of which I wouldn’t do, she eats Acana with morsel toppers). It’s been 3 days and she’s barely touched anything. I’ve replaced her food each night as to give her an opportunity for “fresh”. We even tried some Stella & Chewy cat food, nothing. Are there any other tricks I can try? She also won’t drink any water.
submitted by Infamous-Asparagus21 to CATHELP [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:43 Direct_Network_6542 Constant every back neck pain from bruxism.

I’m at my witts end for years now the pain has only gotten worse. My neck is so tense my jaw hurts my teeth are grinded down. My insurance won’t cover a mouth guard. I’m on state insurance I’ve always bought over the counter guards. Please I’m desperate I’m in physical therapy but it’s only temporary I live everyday with and extremely stiff neck and constant headaches and aches. What else can I do ?
submitted by Direct_Network_6542 to bruxism [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:39 Haywire-ESP I dont know what i want

I just turned 21 today and i have experimented with drinking a little in the past year leading up to it. Nothing heavier then a hard lemonade or marguerita mix. And i have never felt "buzzed". But i turned 21 today and bought alcohol for the first time amd had a drink of my own free will and i dont know if i actually want to anymore. I want to know what being " buzzed" is like, but im not sure if its something i want or something i feel pressured to do. I get a slight stomach ache basically every time i drink and slight pressure in my head which from my research seems normal. But i just dont know if its something i actually want to take part of. Normally i would just say thats not what i want and be done with it but having been raised in a morman household i wonder if its just my upbringing weighting on my heart and making it "feel wrong" i know i never want to be an alcoholic and i am kinda scared of how i might act when im actually drunk due to how a few select people i know have acted and situations from shows like friends. (Ross) so i dont know how to feel at the moment. Any advice? How do i figure out what i actually want.
submitted by Haywire-ESP to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:39 RESSl What STD causes abdominal pain in females?

Certain sexually transmitted diseases, such as gonorrhea and chlamydia, can cause stomach and abdomen pain.
The pain can range from mild to intensely uncomfortable, and there can even be symptoms of nausea and diarrhea. If you believe there is a chance you may have an STD, be sure to get tested through an STD screening. Even if you believe the pain to be due to other reasons, such as gas, many symptoms of STD pain are non-distinct. Getting tested can help rule out reasons for your abdominal pain.
Frequent screenings can ensure proper health. Failure to test and address your STD can cause pelvic inflammatory disease(PID), a serious condition that can result in ectopic pregnancies or infertility.
submitted by RESSl to STDFacts [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:36 SonuMonuDelhiWale AC addiction is real

I work from home. Even for work out have things at home only (some dumbbells, a tread mill etc). If I go outside, point to pint in car (again in AC).
Everything one needs is delivered at the doorstep in 10 minutes or max 1 hour.
Basically, spending 99% of my time in temperature around 25-32 degrees cel.
Sunday evening I had to step out for some work. Spent around 90 minutes in market. By the time I was back home, had severe body ache and headache and had to take Monday off. Whole day in AC drinking electrolytes.
Now I am in a position to get back to work (WFH).
Sad situation I have brought myself into. No one should be such a chhui-mui.
submitted by SonuMonuDelhiWale to gurgaon [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:29 icedcoconutmatchas Stomach issues SOS

I know this isn’t the place to ask for vet advice, i’m asking for advice if I should go to the emergency vet. A couple hours after our 3 mile walk, I saw my dog outside going number two. My baby then ran in the house like he was crying and has been crying sitting down, not playing, not acting himself, like he has a stomach ache. I made him white rice with bone broth and coconut oil, and gave him pumpkin chews. I also enticed him to eat grass. He has been moving, but will cry frequently and sit uncomfortably. I gave him a stomach massage with light pressure while he was sleeping. DO I GO TO EMERGENCY VET TONIGHT OR WAIT UNTIL MORNING? I’m in tears and freaking out. He’s currently snuggled up in his blanket on his couch.
submitted by icedcoconutmatchas to PitBullOwners [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:27 Beautiful_Cow_6472 Stomach ache

Almost every morning I wake up feeling nauseas or my stomach hurts really bad there were times I skipped school because of it I noticed it doesn't happen as much during the weekend when I'm not busy could this be anxiety?
submitted by Beautiful_Cow_6472 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:14 Square-Load1406 Scared of appendicitis

Idk if my period is coming or not but ive been having burning/aching stomach pain and pelvic pain aswell and im scared its appendicitis
submitted by Square-Load1406 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:04 zer0ex3 I just want to not be fat anymore

My thighs are bigger than my head, my stomach is disgusting, my arms look like those japanese buses, my legs are vile. My face compliments this array of nausea triggers, as it is flawed in every way imaginable. I am repulsive.
I don’t know how anyone loves me, I cant stand to look at myself without crying. I look class 3 obese. I am a flabbergasting 160lbs at an underwhelming 5’9, making my BMI overweight. (Before you say anything BMI is accurate Ive done research.) My doctor says I don’t need to loose weight but she is praying for my downfall.
I just want to be skinny, so I can be perfect and healthy, and people will know im sick when they see me. Ive always wanted people to see me and be shocked at how tiny I am, “how is she standing?” “are you okay?” but the only way people say that is to make sure I don’t eat all the food in a 10 mile radius. Fuck this bs eating disorder, this was supposed to make me skinny but now im just fat with anorexia in my head.
submitted by zer0ex3 to venting [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:49 Dry_Garage4243 AITA for confronting my MIL’s best friend

So back story: I work with my MIL's best friend who has twisted my words before to create drama at 45 years old. During a lunch break at work, the friend (let's call her Jill) and I were in the staff lounge and after asking me how my day was going and me replying "it's alright but i don't feel very good I have a headache my stomach hurts and feel nauseous." She proceeds to ask me "are you pregnant" and I say no i am not as I am on birth control and could feel the pms symptoms starting. She asked "Are you sure" and i said "yes i am sure" and jokingly added "but i guess it's always a possibility when in a relationship".
Anyways fast forward 3 days. I receive a text from my boyfriend of three years and says his mom asked him when I am taking a pregnancy test because Jill told her i said I am pregnant. I can understand how she may may have twisted my words but even if I was actually pregnant it's none of her business to tell. At least I think. Anyways This led my boyfriend (again of 3 years) to say I better not be pregnant because he 110% does not want a baby with me and it would for sure end our relationship. Keep in mind i have a 5 year old already from a previous relationship. When i explained to him exactly what happened he decided to call me all the names in the book and has ignored me since this conversation (going on 2 days).
I confronted Jill at work asking why she would twist my words or even say it in the first place because what if my bf and I were trying for a baby and now she has ruined the surprise. AITH for confronting her?
submitted by Dry_Garage4243 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:49 skitterypants14 Stomach ulcer from aspirin?

39 yr old female 5’6 212lbs. No current medications. No smoking I’ve been having lower back pain/ sciatica really bad the past couple days. I took aspirin 325mg twice yesterday and twice today. I started having abdominal pain an hour after todays aspirin and off/on nausea. Can you develop a stomach ulcer after 2 days of aspirin? Is it just my anxiety mixed with ibs? I’ve been having reflux flare up the past week also.
submitted by skitterypants14 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:36 SirFantastic7721 Time line and symptoms

Hi all,
I first noticed a rash behind my knee on May 27th. It was a little itchy but nothing crazy and I was typically wearing pants so I never really noticed it. Was using hydrocortisone as initially thought it was from a cross country trip and all the sitting and was like a contact dermatitis for sweat behind the knee with yoga pants. Went into urgent care this past weekend (June 8) cause it kept expanding drastically and started wrapping my leg. It also started ringing which is why they thought Lyme disease.
I’m awaiting test results and currently on doxycycline for 10 days.
Since going to the urgent care Saturday I’ve had other symptoms: nausea,fatigued, chills, achy
Prior to the urgent care I had headaches and fatigued but I just thought it was from our recent chaotic phase that my body was still tired
Curious if there’s anything else I should watch out for? I unfortunately just moved so I don’t have a new PCP set up so currently reliant on urgent care / ER / virtual care doctors and just hoping I still caught this in time treatment wise to deal with it.
Photo from first noticing in May 27 and then it expanding on June 7 two weeks later that caused me to go into the ER
submitted by SirFantastic7721 to Lyme [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:02 arstens Nausea from iron supplements

Switched from iron tablets because they were causing stomach pain and nausea and reflux. Now taking maltofer syrup which everyone else says is so good on their stomach but I’m so nauseous all day it’s driving me crazy.
Not preggers and just had a full blood count and everything else is good.
I get anxious about symptoms so does anyone else get it? Any other liquid iron that people suggest (in Australia)
submitted by arstens to Anemic [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:02 Used-Treacle7758 What could my symptoms be?20F

Weird symptoms
Hey yall so i went to the ER but they were unable to find anything im not sure if anyone could have any answers
my symptoms are: heart burn passing gas very frequently and burping a couple times every 5 minutes) frequent urination lower back ache/pain lower abdominal pain(in pelvic area) feels like tingling, pulling ,and ache dull headache all around sometimes a severe migraine vivid dreams sneezing more often than usual crying over tint things constipation
i rarely burp and pass gas semi frequently and i do not get pms symptoms. my iud was taken out mid last month and had a regular period at the end of last month as well
the hospital did a urine pregnancy test but it was negative. did no bloodwork and did an ultrasound that showed nothing wrong with me internally .
i took an anti acid and it did not give me any relief
Any advice would be greatly appreciated
submitted by Used-Treacle7758 to AskDocs [link] [comments]