Hesi hints ob gyn

Advocate for yourself! Be persistent! Be a huge PITA!

2024.05.21 22:31 Larry-Man Advocate for yourself! Be persistent! Be a huge PITA!

We shouldn’t have to do this. But it turns out my requisition didn’t go through to the GYN!
This is after forcing an ultrasound from a walk-in clinic.
This is after having to call the radiologist to remind them I need to see them.
This is after calling the MRI clinic to ask questions.
Be persistent. Because finally I have a consult with the OB-GYN next week Thursday! It only took me tracking down the correct information.
Do not settle for the shitty system. Be loud. Take up space.
submitted by Larry-Man to Fibroids [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:18 lentilcracker When to start mat leave [on]

Hi everyone, I’m in Ontario and I am a director in healthcare. This is my first baby after a few losses (my last pregnancy ended in November of last year at 17.5 weeks) and I’m due December 24.
My job is very high visibility, high stress and high risk and a temporary backfill will need to be hired for my role to lead a few huge initiatives while I’m away. I’ll likely take about 15 months away. I won’t be able to work up until my due date, I’ll need to give my work a hard date I’ll be going off so I can overlap with my replacement for at least a few weeks.
I’m worried November 28 is too early, but I’m also worried I’ll go into labour early. I’m 36 next month and the baby is measuring a week ahead already and my pregnancy I think is going to be labelled high risk because of my history of loss. I’m moving from a reproductive endocrinologist this week to an ob-gyn so I can finally ask them questions. I’ve heard from so many other leaders at work they went off one or two weeks before and then gave birth early and had nothing ready and I’m scared that will be me. Work occupies a lot of my time and mental space so I like the idea of 3.5 weeks to get ready for the baby.
For other moms who had really demanding careers, how early did you go off? How much advance notice did you give? I think we will need to start recruitment in September for someone to start in November to begin to overlap with me so I’m thinking I need to notify my VP in August that I’ll be going off end of November.
Appreciate any advice ❤️
submitted by lentilcracker to BabyBumpsCanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:10 Mysterious_Theory328 Life feels destroyed after this diagnosis.

NOTE: I posted this elsewhere yesterday when I was completely spiraling. I feel a a fraction of a bit better today. I'm leaving this in word-for-word. Even though I say at the end I don't know why I posted this, I guess I do want to hear about other people's experiences. Its felt better to get this out.
The last three years of my life have been pretty tough, but I really thought I had come through the other side. I (M39) decided to go back to school, as I was not very happy in my former field. It was an extremely tough thing to do, as I would be taking a pay cut for the foreseeable future. My ex-girlfriend and I had been together for almost three years at this point and owned a house together. She said she supported my decision and understood my time would become limited considerably while I was in my program. Well that was a fucking lie. Almost immediately she started complaining about me "not taking her out" like I used to, or not doing as many projects around the house. The program I was in was already anxiety-inducing enough. To cut a long story short (because this isn't event what this post is about), I came to see our relationship was transactional, developed severe anxiety, and started to suffer health-related problems like high blood pressure. By the skin of my teeth I passed my program, became licensed, but had lingering issues around everything that had gone down in that span of time.
Over the last six months I have put in a lot of work and truly felt very hopeful for my future. I saw a therapist, got on some medications, lost 20 lbs. and got into great shape. Starting this new field has been a challenge, but also rewarding in the way I was looking for. I met a girl at work which I was very hesitant about d/t setting and some lingering anxiety issues. There was common interest, and I really explained what I had gone through and where I felt like I was. We both agreed to take things VERY SLOW. Hiking, lunch, movies, very casual for the first month. We finally had our first "serious" date - a fancy late night dinner and tickets to a show. We had some wine at her house after, and after some light touching and kissing, we had the conversation of getting tested because we were very much both interested in pursuing more. She had an ex give her chlamydia and had an upcoming OB/GYN appointment and was planning and getting a full workup. I thought "Well I've only slept with two women in the past eight years and have had no issues," but knew I hadn't been tested since 2016, which had shown I was clean.
I got my results back last Friday. HSV II. I'm fucking stunned. I mean I couldn't fucking breath. Full blown panic attack. I have never had any issues with my penis at all. Never any pain urinating, nothing. All the anxiety that I had worked so hard to get rid of came back and crushed me over this last weekend. It was all I could do to to get through my 12-hour shifts. I immediately hit up both of my ex's to figure out who the hell had given me this, as there was no other way. Last ex proceeds to tell me she had been tested about six months ago when she started dating her new boyfriend. I confirm she's clean for HSV II. She proceeds to berate me for being an idiot and a near 40 year-old with a disease now. I'll admit I'm not very proud of this, but she assumed I had caught something after her and I did not tell her that that left only the possibility of my relationship before her passing this to me.
So on to the title and why I'm so devastated. I'm really racking my brain on how I could have this but never see anything wrong with my penis. Then I read something that was my 'getting struck by lightening' moment. It was a post that is very similar to mine. Guy gets tested, guy gets HSV II diagnosis, perplexed at no previous penis symptoms. But he does get pretty bad cold sores from time-to-time. His Dr informs him that it's very possibly to get HSV II on your face. Now I never thought I had a cold sore before, but I remember back in 2017 getting an infected hair follicle in the hair right below my bottom lip after shaving. I went to the Dr, he looks at it and says "Yup, looks like an infection," give me antibiotics, but it doesn't go away for about two weeks. About two years after that, same thing happens: I shave, my follicle gets infected, I get more antibiotics from the Dr, and though it's not anywhere near as bad as the first time it still takes about two weeks to heal. Then almost exactly a year ago the same thing pops about, but this time I haven't shaved. Call my Dr, gives me antibiotics without even looking at it. I start looking at HSV II outbreaks in the same area as I was getting my infected follicle. I find a few pictures that look dead-on from what mine looks like. I at least though "Well, it's on my penis, condoms exist," but I'm not exaggerating in the least when I tell you after my realization I felt like the hopeless protagonist at the end of an HP Lovecraft novel where he realizes there is indeed a fate worse than death.
I'm finally able to get ahold of my ex from back in 2016. She confirms to me that she indeed has HSV II, but didn't think to tell me because we hadn't spoken in years. "I figured if you didn't reach out then we were good." This confirms she cheated on me because we were tested together. I don't even care about that now. Now my focus shifts to the girl I'm currently dating. She knows something is up. So I just started at where we work and on the other hand she's been there for six years. She is like family to most people on the floor. I'm the annoying new guy who barely knows anyone. She has her OB/GYN appointment today and I realize I need to tell her that not only do I have HSV II, that it's on my face and there is possibility she might have it on hers' too. She is very calm about it but I can tell in her voice that she is shook. I hope to beyond all fucking hope that her test comes back all clear. I'm also legitimately contemplating put in my resignation at work, a job I just fucking started. There's no way this doesn't get out at work and I don't become ostracized. I don't know how I'm going to approach this in the future, I don't see any romance in my life anymore. And this is so fucking selfish, but if I gave this to her I am legitimately scared on how this will make ME feel. I'm scarred that that guilt will cripple me and I'll be doomed to live in constant anxiety. I don't feel any better writing this all out, in fact I feel worse. I have no idea why the fuck I'm posting this.
submitted by Mysterious_Theory328 to Herpes [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:52 ManateeSeeCow My wife got a UTI from stress, is this common?

Does this happen to other wives too, that you can get a UTI from stress?
My wife (44f) hasn’t been feeling right for a day or two and this morning she felt much worse so she went to the urgent care this morning and (as she suspected) she had a UTI that she is now taking antibiotics for. It is rare for her to have a UTI (she’s had maybe 4 or 5 ever over entire 20+ year marriage) and she swears they are always brought on when she has a ton of stress in her life and that throws off her body chemistry.
She works a full-time job and there’s been a bunch of changes there recently that are really stressing her. We also have a kid big milestone event coming up soon. And two of our kids (we have three kids total) have birthdays in back-to-back months in this same time frame. And even though I (45m) do a lot with all these events too, it is definitely just a ton of stuff for both of us to manage and get done. And in this case, I think her added work stress put her over the edge.
I am so glad she knows her body well enough that she got professional medical attention this morning, but I feel terrible that this whirlwind of events all at the same time appears to have had this physical effect on her. She is normally very resilient to any issues in that area. Like when we have intercourse she almost never gets up to pee after (she just likes to bask in the moment and snuggle with me and often falls asleep after). She has even joked that her OB/GYN has told her in the past that she should get in this habit — but she just doesn’t need to, so she doesn’t do it and it seems fine. But then somehow stress is what causes these infections for her.
So I was just really curious if other wives here have experienced getting UTI’s from stress like this??
submitted by ManateeSeeCow to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:58 veggiemonstr Women, do you have a PCP that you love?

Looking for a PCP for annual exams and women’s wellness exams that is kind and actually cares. Extra points if she’s understanding of different cultures.
I have received some OB/gyn recs but those drs don’t offer services as a PCP.
I used to visit Dr. Caroline Kramer and she was so wonderful but is now retired. I tried a new PCP and had a terrible experience. Here are some things I liked/didn’t like:
Liked about Dr. Kramer: - She listened to my unique needs and provided solutions based on my needs as an individual - she was kind and actually cared - she responded in the portal very quickly (no longer than 24 hours) and addressed all my questions thoroughly - understanding of different cultures
Don’t like about current PCP: - gives generic advice (i.e. eat fish - I am vegetarian) - doesn’t empathize at all - I often feel like she’s crossing me off a task list - pushes me to get lab work for vitamin D deficiency every 3 months, even after I felt better. When I expressed concern that the lab work wasn’t covered by insurance she just said health comes first - wouldn’t answer my questions about vitamin needs in prenatals (I am trying to conceive) until I got more vitamin d testing done. When I did get 2nd round of vitamin D testing done, she just said the results look good and to get testing again in 3 months!!!! - when she did answer questions on the portal, she linked a website (which I had already read) or provided generic answers without addressing my specific questions about dosage etc. - front desk staff is very rude
I have felt very stressed and anxious dealing with the current PCP. If you have any recs, please help! Thank you so much.
TL;DR: Do you have a PCP you love that does annual physicals and women’s wellness exams?
submitted by veggiemonstr to raleigh [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:38 CryptographerHot7863 Horrible periods and now HPV+ CIN 2/3

I have multiple issues happening with my reproductive bits all at once. Starting with an ovarian cyst that’s become more painful over the years (10+ yrs). Then my periods became more and more symptomatic and painful in November 2023. I already have an IUD to control the bleeding that was super successful for the last 15+ years (yes I replaced them). But now, sex is painful, cramps just about 2 weeks or more each month. I’m living under a heating pad and gain almost 10lbs during my cycle each month. I found out about a month ago that I have HPV and CIN 2/3.
Due to the above my Dr has referred me to surgical OB/GYN to discuss a hysterectomy among other procedures. I have a consult with her June 4th. I’m 43, mother to one awesome son.
Anyone take a similar path and have experience, strength or hope to share?
submitted by CryptographerHot7863 to PreCervicalCancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:28 Relevant_Ad8993 hormone replacement therapy

41y in peri. Went to OB after a very long heavy period was Rx’d estradiol patch 0.05. She said to wear it for 2 weeks around my period— have had to call 2x to clarify that statement— and then 2 weeks off. Also have a Mirena for progesterone.
Had immediate relief for anxiety brain fog joint aches and I’m also trying to shed a few lbs and during certain time of the month it has been difficult patch has helped.
Haven't found much in the way of people on for 2 weeks. Also due for my period any day now and it’s late. Callled Drs and said could be peri could be patch delay.
Have an appt with a menopause only GYN next month whose whole life work is Meno. Want to go right to the source so to say… hoping she’ll put me on daily patch. It seems thats how much people are?
Still getting hot flashes but not as bad. Wondering if anyone else has had similar experience?
submitted by Relevant_Ad8993 to Menopause [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:26 pls_LeaveMeAlone Hitzewallungen + Gynokadin Dosis selbst erhöhen?

brauche mal wieder kurz euren Rat bzw. Erfahrung 😊
Mein Endo ist wsl erst Juni wieder erreichbar und seit der zweiten GNRH Spritze vor ca. zwei Wochen (Enantone Gyn) hab ich fast jeden Tag mehrmals (zw. 10-15 mal) Hitzewallungen mit teilw. Schweißausbrüchen vorwiegend an Kopf, Hals und Beinen.
Kennt sich da jemand aus, ob das normale Hormonumstellung-NW sein kann oder schon Anzeichen für "künstliche Menopause"? Bin erst bei knapp 2 Monaten HRT mit 2 Hub Gynokadin 0.6mg pro Tag und erster HRT-Bluttest soll erst Ende Juni gemacht werden.
Auch überlege ich, die Dosis selbst etwas zu erhöhen weil ich mich allgemein weder körperloch noch psychisch wirklich so viel besser fühle. Überlege 4 Hub pro Tag aber kann mir vorstellen, dass der Endo das nicht gut heißen wird..
Danke euch und LG
submitted by pls_LeaveMeAlone to germantrans [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 05:55 Green_leaf47 Update on “power saver mode” (impact of exercise), but also HRT not working as well now?

Hi fabulous people. 40 days ago I posted about HRT helping lots with sleep and hot flashes, but still feeling like I was constantly in power saver mode with no will/energy to do anything that wasn’t absolutely necessary. I saw an OB/GYN and he didn’t want to prescribe testosterone (which I was hoping would help). After that and hearing how so many others here are also struggling, I got really angry at … well, everything. I channeled that anger to fuel regular workouts. I’ve always been at least somewhat active, but this was focused gym-time doing challenging weights along with some running stairs/hills. I increased weights over the last 6 weeks as I’ve gained strength. I also minimized sugar and carbs and cut calories overall by not eating until I actually felt hungry, and then smaller portions - enough to not feel hungry. I started feeling much more energized and have actually been initiating more things daily and am able to keep busier. I feel like I have more motivation and will, which made it easier to continue to work out after the rage fueled workouts of the first couple of weeks. Plus I lost 5 lbs which had seemed IMPOSSIBLE previously. Interestingly, my hair has started to get greasier faster. Pre-menopause/perimenopause I had to wash it daily because it would get greasy by the end of the day. Then after menopause I could go 3-4 days before it got greasy. Now I’m washing at least every 2nd day. Sex is even sounding a little more appealing, and I had completely lost my libido. Is it possible my T is increasing through working out? Anyone else experience this?
Now here’s the big downside. For some reason my HRT seems to have stopped working as well as it was. I went from the best sleeps I’d had in a decade and no hot flashes on HRT for the first 7 months, and now I’m getting uncomfortably warm at night and sleep is poor and worsening (even when I’m not hot). This is super distressing. Wondering if the timing with the workouts and possible increased T is related to decreasing estrogen, or just a timing coincidence and my estrogen was dropping anyway. Or something else? Again, anyone else experience this after starting intense workouts? Thoughts? It feels like a double edged sword - if one thing gets better, something else gets worse.
Thanks, and wishing you all cool days and nights, good sleeps, chill moods, managed symptoms, and as high functionality as is possible. And if that’s not possible, at least an outlet for rage that doesn’t damage anything important, and moments of connection and humour here.
Edited to add: also started bleeding more over last 4 weeks - had spotting before but this is like a period, on and off. Had an US done. Not sure if all this stuff is related.
submitted by Green_leaf47 to Menopause [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:36 Obvious_Intention302 Bush on OB-GYN rights

Bush on OB-GYN rights submitted by Obvious_Intention302 to Presidents [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:07 Mysterious_Theory328 Physical contact and relationships are a thing of the past now

The last three years of my life have been pretty tough, but I really thought I had come through the other side. I (M39) decided to go back to school, as I was not very happy in my former field. It was an extremely tough thing to do, as I would be taking a pay cut for the foreseeable future. My ex-girlfriend and I had been together for almost three years at this point and owned a house together. She said she supported my decision and understood my time would become limited considerably while I was in my program. Well that was a fucking lie. Almost immediately she started complaining about me "not taking her out" like I used to, or not doing as many projects around the house. The program I was in was already anxiety-inducing enough. To cut a long story short (because this isn't event what this post is about), I came to see our relationship was transactional, developed severe anxiety, and started to suffer health-related problems like high blood pressure. By the skin of my teeth I passed my program, became licensed, but had lingering issues around everything that had gone down in that span of time.
Over the last six months I have put in a lot of work and truly felt very hopeful for my future. I saw a therapist, got on some medications, lost 20 lbs. and got into great shape. Starting this new field has been a challenge, but also rewarding in the way I was looking for. I met a girl at work which I was very hesitant about d/t setting and some lingering anxiety issues. There was common interest, and I really explained what I had gone through and where I felt like I was. We both agreed to take things VERY SLOW. Hiking, lunch, movies, very casual for the first month. We finally had our first "serious" date - a fancy late night dinner and tickets to a show. We had some wine at her house after, and after some light touching and kissing, we had the conversation of getting tested because we were very much both interested in pursuing more. She had an ex give her chlamydia and had an upcoming OB/GYN appointment and was planning and getting a full workup. I thought "Well I've only slept with two women in the past eight years and have had no issues," but knew I hadn't been tested since 2016, which had shown I was clean.
I got my results back last Friday. HSV II. I'm fucking stunned. I mean I couldn't fucking breath. Full blown panic attack. I have never had any issues with my penis at all. Never any pain urinating, nothing. All the anxiety that I had worked so hard to get rid of came back and crushed me over this last weekend. It was all I could do to to get through my 12-hour shifts. I immediately hit up both of my ex's to figure out who the hell had given me this, as there was no other way. Last ex proceeds to tell me she had been tested about six months ago when she started dating her new boyfriend. I confirm she's clean for HSV II. She proceeds to berate me for being an idiot and a near 40 year-old with a disease now. I'll admit I'm not very proud of this, but she assumed I had caught something after her and I did not tell her that that left only the possibility of my relationship before her passing this to me.
So on to the title and why I'm so devastated. I'm really racking my brain on how I could have this but never see anything wrong with my penis. Then I read something that was my 'getting struck by lightening' moment. It was a post that is very similar to mine. Guy gets tested, guy gets HSV II diagnosis, perplexed at no previous penis symptoms. But he does get pretty bad cold sores from time-to-time. His Dr informs him that it's very possibly to get HSV II on your face. Now I never thought I had a cold sore before, but I remember back in 2017 getting an infected hair follicle in the hair right below my bottom lip after shaving. I went to the Dr, he looks at it and says "Yup, looks like an infection," give me antibiotics, but it doesn't go away for about two weeks. About two years after that, same thing happens: I shave, my follicle gets infected, I get more antibiotics from the Dr, and though it's not anywhere near as bad as the first time it still takes about two weeks to heal. Then almost exactly a year ago the same thing pops about, but this time I haven't shaved. Call my Dr, gives me antibiotics without even looking at it. I start looking at HSV II outbreaks in the same area as I was getting my infected follicle. I find a few pictures that look dead-on from what mine looks like. I at least though "Well, it's on my penis, condoms exist," but I'm not exaggerating in the least when I tell you after my realization I felt like the hopeless protagonist at the end of an HP Lovecraft novel where he realizes there is indeed a fate worse than death.
I'm finally able to get ahold of my ex from back in 2016. She confirms to me that she indeed has HSV II, but didn't think to tell me because we hadn't spoken in years. "I figured if you didn't reach out then we were good." This confirms she cheated on me because we were tested together. I don't even care about that now. Now my focus shifts to the girl I'm currently dating. She knows something is up. So I just started at where we work and on the other hand she's been there for six years. She is like family to most people on the floor. I'm the annoying new guy who barely knows anyone. She has her OB/GYN appointment today and I realize I need to tell her that not only do I have HSV II, that it's on my face and there is possibility she might have it on hers' too. She is very calm about it but I can tell in her voice that she is shook. I hope to beyond all fucking hope that her test comes back all clear. I'm also legitimately contemplating put in my resignation at work, a job I just fucking started. There's no way this doesn't get out at work and I don't become ostracized. I don't know how I'm going to approach this in the future, I don't see any romance in my life anymore. And this is so fucking selfish, but if I gave this to her I am legitimately scared on how this will make ME feel. I'm scarred that that guilt will cripple me and I'll be doomed to live in constant anxiety. I don't feel any better writing this all out, in fact I feel worse. I have no idea why the fuck I'm posting this.
submitted by Mysterious_Theory328 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 02:36 rsotoCGM Help me find the OB/GYN in Canary Islands who assisted in the birth of my husband in 1988 to get him a birth certificate

submitted by rsotoCGM to CanaryIslands [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 00:34 LesbianFortnite I’m currently questioning my sanity because of this.

I just had my first OB/GYN appointment with a man, regarding potential endometriosis. I am in horrific pain and struggling badly. I’ll try to keep this short but basically I went with my boyfriend, the OB walked in, I don’t usually talk about appearance but this guy looked like a tool and had a visible tattoo of a woman with her boobs out, and with no introduction or hello immediately says “So you think you have endo?”. I start sharing my symptoms as much as I could, but I was being talked over constantly and interrupted. I would try to say something and he’d immediately just talk over me and talk as if he personally goes through it. I would say something, and he’d also just completely change the subject. Idk overall it was horrible. He then said I either had to take birth control or get surgery but that he “had enough surgery in his life”. He then told me he could give me a pelvic exam and pap smear right then and there before I left.
After my about 7 minute appointment, he starts acting super nice and how he should be acting with me, his patient, to my boyfriend while they both talked about music. My OB was more in depth and concerned about this music talk than about me.
I was very sad and upset when leaving, and my boyfriend just kept asking me what was wrong, not in a concerned way but in a what is wrong with you 😒 kind of way. I briefly just said that the OB was a tool and I knew that would happen, and my boyfriend just kept acting as if the OB did absolutely nothing wrong, and he was genuinely confused as to why I was so upset and sad. He then just wasn’t really trying to talk to me and seemed more mad that I was mad, than because of what happened to me :(
My boyfriend left my house shortly after, and while I was leaving my room to walk him out my dad started messing with me and I said “what?” and he told me to watch my tone, and as I was walking away to my room, starting to cry, he told me to have fun in there and chuckled :(
I literally feel so sick because of all that’s happened today idk what to do. Thought I’d just rant.
submitted by LesbianFortnite to RadicalFeminism [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 23:39 zzzzzelbort Dr Says Unbearable Cramps with Kyleena are “A mystery”

I just returned from the ob/gyn where my doctor told me the results from my ultrasound showed there’s literally nothing that would be causing the almost unbearable cramps I’ve been having on and off for months.
I started having intense cramps about 2 months after getting my Kyleena IUD in, but figured it was normal. When the Kyleena was inserted it was so painful I almost passed out, but that doctor said it was normal and cramping for 3 months after was normal. After the 5th month I made the appointment to be seen by a new doctor. Now we are at about the 7th month after waiting for ultrasound availability and she said it’s a total mystery and the ultrasound showed everything was perfectly normal, including the IUD placement which she initially said could be too low and causing the pain.
I have been having these cramps seemingly sporadically, but particularly after sex, and they are bad enough to make it nearly impossible to sleep and last for a couple days at a time.
Has anyone else with a Kyleena experienced this? I’m so discouraged because I thought I’d have an answer after these appointments and I walked away once again totally clueless. I don’t want to get it removed pointlessly but I’m so tempted to if it’ll help at all.
submitted by zzzzzelbort to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 23:12 LesbianFortnite First endo appointment with a male doctor went horrible

I’ll try to keep this short but basically I and my primary doctor suspect I have endometriosis. I’ve been suffering very badly, it’s horrible.
I decided to finally set up an appointment with OB/GYN. All of the female doctors were booked but there was one male doctor who’s schedule was almost completely clear. When I went to set up the call I was told I could even see him within the hour. Anyways I saw him today and the appointment went horrible.
He walked in, and with no introduction just said so you think you have endometriosis? I told him what was going on, or at least tried to as he was just constantly interrupting me and talking over me, Id tell him a symptom and he’d interrupt as if he had personal experience with the issue, and as if I knew nothing about what I was talking about. Then said it’s either surgery, or birth control. I asked about non hormonal birth control he said it didn’t exist, so I mentioned I had taken it before and he was like “Ohh you mean progesterone only 😒”. He instantly sent in a prescription without even talking to me about side effects or literally anything for that matter. He literally gave me no information about anything just starting like throwing things out there I couldn’t understand him at all I don’t know what even happened in that appointment 😭 He then just kept saying he had enough surgery to deal with and that he could give me a pelvic exam right that second??.
The appointment was maybe 6-7 minutes long. My favorite part was when he was kinder to my boyfriend, and talked more in depth with him about music than about my potential endo :(. Oh he also told me to just simply take ibuprofen before my period to make it lighter???
Can someone give me any advice or direction on what to do next? Who do I schedule with? Idk what to do.
submitted by LesbianFortnite to endometriosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 21:50 aware_nightmare_85 Those who've had either hysterectomy or endometrial ablation, what was your experience?

First wanted to say I'm not looking for medical advice, just wanting to hear other's experiences with either a hysterectomy or endometrial ablation.
I very recently turned 38, divorced 11 years, chronically single, not sexually active for 6+ years (on the ace spectrum), do not have children, and have never wanted to have children. I suffer from PCOS and insulin resistance, of which I take hormonal birth control and Metformin to keep my cycles in check. As of July 2023, diagnosed with non-Hashimoto hypothyroidism which is being mostly well controlled with Levothyroxine. Unfortunately my menstrual cycle has gone haywire since my thyroid stopped working. I can count on both my hands the number of weeks I HAVEN'T been either spotting or fully on my period since July last year. Because of the excess bleeding, I am now anemic and have been medicated for three months with little to no improvement on my labwork (presumably bc my body can't keep up with the constant bleeding). I live alone so the anemia has made it tough to take care of myself, even basic hygiene. I had to subscribe to a pre-made meal service because I am tired of cereal but don't have the stamina to cook a meal. I wanted to discuss drastic measures with my OB/GYN, like hysterectomy or endometrial ablation as it's obvious my uterus is trying to kill me! My doc has stated concern before about blood clots from birth control and it's no longer serving a purpose if it's not stopping my periods/bleeding.
I am just mostly wondering for those who've had either procedure, what was the process like getting your doctor to agree and how has your life been affected, for better or worse?
submitted by aware_nightmare_85 to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 21:41 MaukatoMakai What other common meds are taken for fertility besides Clomid?

I don’t get periods. I am in the process of freezing my eggs and had to take provera just to stimulate one. But once I meet that person, I’d like to try to conceive naturally first. My current fertility benefits are through my job and I’m in a pretty volatile industry so I’m just planning ahead in case I can’t afford to do IVF in a couple years with those eggs.
I figure if provera can give me a period, maybe something more common I can get from an OB/GYN can help with ovulation? Is there anything else commonly prescribed to PCOS patients trying to conceive?
submitted by MaukatoMakai to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 18:59 Affectionate-Poet920 need help making a school list (NJ Resident, ORM)

from NJ, went to school in NY, ties to MO and TX
3.65 cGPA, 3.44sGPA (humanities major, 1 C, no Ws)
MCAT: 511 (126/128/129/128)
Activities: ~180 paid scribing hours, 200 non-clinical volunteering hours (tutoring and fundraising), 200 shadowing hours (120 ob/gyn, 80 onc), 1000 research (550 bench and 450 clinical), 2000 leadership hours (resident assistant, orientation leader, hall council president, club president x2, school council), 500 hours working on campus (non-clinical)
1 gap year of EMT work (prospective)
Considering applying ED to NJMS (met with the Dean and he said I should retake MCAT/ have a shot with current score but depends on how my app is framed)
I want to stay in the northeast as an NJ resident but need help with schools based on these stats. Please help!!!
New Jersey Medical School
Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson
Cooper Medical School of Rowan University
Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at the University at Buffalo
Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine
Albert Einstein
Albany Medical College
New York Medical College
Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University
Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell
New York University Long Island School of Medicine
Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine
Drexel University College of Medicine
Tufts University School of Medicine
Georgetown University School of Medicine
George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences
Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine
Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine
Saint Louis University
Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine
NYIT College Of Osteopathic Medicine
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (Erie, PA)
Texas Tech
Texas A&M
submitted by Affectionate-Poet920 to premed [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 16:14 FlounderWonderful603 Is it fine to wait till 8weeks for checkup

I am 5 weeks pregnant and I tried getting appointment with doctor in Jersey City. The first appt available is in second week of June which is almost end of my 8th week. I read online that you should get checkup done between 6-8weeks. Would it be fine to wait till then? If not, can I go to any OB/GYN for initial checkup and then visit the doctor I booked appt with in 8th week? Please advise.
submitted by FlounderWonderful603 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 14:36 Psychological-Pie857 GOD’S DOCTORS In rural Virginia, religious and community groups are filling cavities, treating diabetes, and stepping into a health-care void.

GOD’S DOCTORS In rural Virginia, religious and community groups are filling cavities, treating diabetes, and stepping into a health-care void.
In rural Virginia, religious and community groups are filling cavities, treating diabetes, and stepping into a health-care void.
By Matt Eich and Bryce Covert
Father Markorieos Ava Mina, a patient at CrossOver Healthcare Ministry, in Richmond, Virginia. June 1, 2023.
MAY 18, 2024
Nearly 20 million people gained health-insurance coverage between 2010 and 2016 under the Affordable Care Act. But about half of insured adults worry about affording their monthly premiums, while roughly the same number worry about affording their deductibles. At least six states don’t include dental coverage in Medicaid, and 10 still refuse to expand Medicaid to low-income adults under the ACA. Many people with addiction never get treatment.
Religious groups have stepped in to offer help—food, community support, medical and dental care—to the desperate.
Over nine months last year, the photographer Matt Eich documented the efforts of five such organizations in his home state of Virginia. These groups operate out of trailers and formerly abandoned buildings; they are led by pastors, nuns, reverends and imams. In many cases, they are the most trusted members of their communities, and they fill care gaps others can’t or won’t. —Bryce Covert
The Health Wagon
Wise, Virginia
A doctor visits with a patient at the Health Wagon in Wise, Virginia. March 14, 2023.
The Health Wagon is the oldest mobile free clinic in the country. It was founded in 1980 by Sister Bernie Kenny, a Catholic nun and nurse practitioner, who first offered care out of a Volkswagen Beetle. Today it has four mobile units that operate out of RVs, plus two buildings that offer medical and dental care. It plans to soon open the first nonprofit pharmacy in the region.
This is Appalachia—the western tip of the state, near the Kentucky border. The place has been hit hard by the opioid crisis, and residents suffer from high rates of cardiovascular disease, mental-health problems, diabetes, asthma, and cancer. “We’re the Lung Belt, we’re the Heart Belt, we’re the Kidney-Stone Belt,” Teresa Owens Tyson, who has been with the clinic since its early days and is now its CEO, told me. Most of the people the Health Wagon serves either don’t have insurance or have such high copays and deductibles that they can’t afford to use their policies. Tyson said she’s seen lines of people 1,600 deep waiting at the clinic at 6 a.m. Dental services are in particularly high demand: A 12-year-old recently came in whose teeth were so decayed, the child already needed dentures.
Dr. Robert Kilgore takes a dental impression for dentures. March 14, 2023.
A conference room at the Health Wagon. March 14, 2023.
The Rec
Luray, Virginia
Audre King, Director of The REC in Luray, Virginia on Friday, June 16, 2023.
Reverend Audre King grew up in Luray. He went away to college, got married, and was living hours away in Northern Virginia when he says God told him in a dream to go back home and begin a ministry there.
He tried to buy a long-abandoned building on his childhood block, but no bank would give him a loan. Finally, the owner agreed to sell it to him for cheap if he used it to serve the community. Digging out all of the dirt and dead animals and hooking the place up to electricity and water took months, but in 2017, the Rec was up and running.
It now serves hundreds of hot meals in area where many people live in motels without kitchens. It also provides mental-health programming, kids’ activities, a computer lab, and fitness classes. “Our goal is that anything, for whatever reason, the town or county can’t or won’t be able to fund—a resource they won’t provide—we want to be that help,” King told me.
All of its services are provided almost entirely by volunteers; the only person who gets paid is a bus driver who transports kids from their schools and homes to the Rec and back. King doesn’t take a salary for either the Rec or at the Eternal Restoration Church of God in Christ, where he serves as minister; he works for a gas company.
When he preaches at the church, he’s teaching the Gospel, he told me; but at the Rec, he’s “living the Gospel.” He pointed to Matthew 25:35–40: “For I was hungry and you gave me food … I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me.”
Audre King guides kids across Main Street before a group outing to a playground on Friday, June 16, 2023.
Audre King and Damon Mendez play basketball with participants from the REC. June 16, 2023
Left: Lunch time at the REC. Right: Damon Mendez carries a speaker into the REC. June 16, 2023
CrossOver Healthcare Ministry
Richmond, Virginia
Marilyn Metzler, a registered nurse who has volunteered for 27 years, speaks with Father Markorieos Ava Mina at CrossOver Healthcare Ministry in Richmond, Virginia. June 1, 2023.
Last fiscal year, CrossOver treated more than 6,700 patients, over half of whom came from other countries as immigrants and refugees. Most undocumented immigrants can’t access Medicaid; those who can may still struggle to navigate the complex health-care system, especially if English isn’t their first language. The interdenominational group runs two free clinics offering primary care as well as cardiology and pulmonology, OB-GYN care, dental and vision care, behavioral-health services, pediatric care for children over 3, and a low-cost pharmacy. CrossOver relies on more than 400 volunteers to see patients, and still can’t open up enough appointments for everyone who comes seeking care: “We turn away about 30 to 35 people a week,” Julie Bilodeau, the group’s CEO, told me.
Scenes from CrossOver Healthcare Ministry. June 1, 2023.
Maria Santiago Morente receives an ultrasound from Laurel Wallace, D.O., a volunteer at CrossOver Healthcare Ministry on Thursday, June 1, 2023.
Adams Compassionate Healthcare Network
Chantilly, Virginia
About 10 years ago, Yahya Alvi applied for a job at the Adams Compassionate Healthcare Network, half an hour from Washington, D.C. The organization’s president told him that his dream was to open a free clinic. “That is my passion,” Alvi responded. He started by securing empty space at a nearby mosque and taking free equipment from a clinic that was giving it away. At the beginning, he employed only one doctor and himself, and the clinic was open just one day a week.
Today, it operates six days a week and has two paid nurse practitioners in addition to the two doctors. The clinic was founded by Muslims, but it accepts anyone without insurance or the money to pay for medical care, from anywhere in the country and practicing any religion. “Our religion says that all human beings are created by God almighty,” Alvi told me. “And all deserve equal treatment.”
ADAMS Compassionate Healthcare Network in Chantilly, Virginia. November 13, 2023.
A patient receives an eye examination from a volunteer doctor at Adams. August 12, 2023.
Left: Tori Finney, a volunteer, measures a patient at Adams. August 12, 2023. Right: Dr. Fathiya Warsame helps a patient at Adams. November 13, 2023.
Dr. Sadia Ali Aden, the executive director of Adams Compassionate Healthcare Network. November 13, 2023.
Adams Compassionate Healthcare Network. November 13, 2023.
Madam Russell United Methodist
Saltville, Virginia
Pastor Lisa Bryant at Madam Russell Memorial United Methodist Church in Saltville, Virginia. March 13, 2023.
One day in 2021, Steve Hunt was on the side of the road, trying to hitchhike to a grocery store about seven miles from his home in Saltville, Virginia. Hunt had lost his sight a few years earlier, after an infection in his leg went septic and he fell and knocked his retinas loose. Lisa Bryant saw him when she pulled up at a stop sign. She’s a pastor, and she had just finished a service at one church and had to be at another in an hour. She was in a hurry. But just the week before, she had preached about Jesus calling his followers to bring the blind and suffering to him. She gave Hunt a ride.
The interaction came at a crucial time for Hunt. “I was at bottom at that point,” he told me. His house was strewn with glass shards because he kept breaking things. He was struggling with addiction. “Everything was falling down around me, mentally and emotionally,” he said. “I was asking God to kill me that day she picked me up.”
Instead, Hunt started going to the new 12-step program Bryant had started at her main church, Madam Russell United Methodist. “They just kind of pulled around me, supported me,” he said of the congregation. He’s helped Bryant expand that program, the only one in a town where opioid use is rife but all the addiction-recovery programs are oversubscribed. Bryant has also set up community-service opportunities at her church for people convicted of drug offenses, and is working to secure transitional housing for people dealing with addiction.
Bryant doesn’t think the point of being a Christian is just to get to heaven after death, but to see the kingdom of heaven on Earth, too. She’s realized that “giving these people a new community, a healthy community, is one of the best things we can do for them,” she said. “We all need each other. That’s just how we’re created.”
People gather before a meeting of the Saltville 12 Step Recovery Group in the basement of Madam Russell Memorial United Methodist Church. March 13, 2023.
Saltville, Virginia. March 13, 2023.
Support for this story was provided by the Magnum Foundation, in partnership with the Commonwealth Fund.

submitted by Psychological-Pie857 to Appalachia [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:03 AbuFetus Muslimah Arabic-Speaking OB/GYN Doctor in Chicago

Assalamo Alaikom, Alhamdolilah my wife and I got the news that she is pregnant! This is our first. However, we are looking for a female Muslim obgyn doctor who speaks Arabic in the area, and we are having no luck so far. Any recommendations for anyone in the area? We have a preference for the south/southwest suburbs but can go out of our way if we need
submitted by AbuFetus to islam [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:00 AbuFetus Muslimah Arabic-Speaking Ob/Gyn Doctor in Chicago

Assalamo Alaikom, Alhamdolilah my wife and I got the news that she is pregnant! This is our first. However, we are looking for a female Muslim obgyn doctor who speaks Arabic in the area, and we are having no luck so far. Any recommendations? We have a preference for the south/southwest suburbs but can go out of our way if we need
submitted by AbuFetus to MuslimLounge [link] [comments]
