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Was ist passiert, wo bin ich gelandet?

2024.05.21 18:42 cinatic12 Was ist passiert, wo bin ich gelandet?

Sorry text wird lang und wahrscheinlich auch langweilig. Ich sitze da, leer, ein flaues Gefühl in meinem Magen, extrem übermüdet, aber irgendwie auch glücklich und dankbar.
Die letzten 10 Tage waren so extrem, was ist passiert? Die ersten "Wallungen" kamen auf, GME macht sich auf meiner Watchlist bemerkbar, Superstonk & GME subreddit gehen wild, schreie aus dem Jungle, dann der Tweet von Roaring Kitty (RK) und die Kursexplosion am ersten Börsentag nach dem Wochenende.
Wie wild gehe ich sämtliche Kommentare durch, suche nach "verwertbaren" Informationen. Stolpere über Kommentare wie, "Bin ich in einem Fiebertraum", "buy", "buckle up" und diesem Tendieman lied hier ( und etliche weitere Kuriositäten.
Wahrscheinlich kennen einige den Hintergrund über GAMESTONKS, diamond hands usw. letztes mal hatte ich es kaum am Rande mitbekommen da ich einfach sehr beschäftigt war. Diesmal hatte ich Urlaub und auch nicht viel zu tun, weil nicht verreist und wurde direkt eingesogen in diesen Hasenbau.
Die Hinweise und Gifs die RK getweetet hatte waren so genial wie erstmal nichts- oder eher vielsagend, mitreissend, "Dog days are over" usw. überall liest man "buy, hold, buckle up". Als der Kurs bei 20 € war wusste ich instinktiv, dass ich besser rein sollte, ich hatte noch geld auf meinem broker, meine Gedanken gingen hin und her, ich verglich ständig die Charts mit 2021, schaute auf die Optionchain und sah das viele Puts unter wasser gewesen wären und die Anzahl der Calls massiv hoch angelegt waren, muss aber natürlich alles nichts heißen, mir fehlt die Erfahrung, ich habe keine ahnung was abgeht.
Ich musste einfach mit jemanden Reden, wende mich also an meinen Onkel, er hat mich nur angeschaut, als wäre ich komplett abgedreht, ich merkte selbst, dass das für "Außenstehende" komplett Irre wirken muss: "Ja... Ne Katze... mhm... der twittert und das wird Steil gehen, ich fühl das...", er fragte mich nur ob das mein ernst ist und ich wiegelte die Sache wieder ab und begann das Gespräch mit Smalltalk in ruhige Gewässer zu lenken und zu beenden, ich dreh durch, def. zuviel reddit, ich fange an geisteskrank zu werden...
Kurse haben sich mittlerweile wieder etwas abgekühlt und laufen seitwärts, wie wird es weitergehen? Wird es wieder abstürzen wie die "kleineren" bumps in den letzten 6-12 Monaten? Aber warum macht RK dann so eine riesen Welle, er würde sich doch lächerlich machen, nein das kann nicht alles sein. Ich war verunsichert und entschied mich auf Nummer sicherzugehen, was solls.
Kursexplosion bis zu 80 € in den Pre Hours, verdammte schße, Chance vertan, die Memes gingen weiter, es sieht verheißungsvoll aus, es scheint eine Geschichte zu erzählen und alle Rätseln was es wohl bedeuten soll. Die krudesten Theorien kommen auf, mir kam das alles sehr weird vor, es kam mir eher so vor als wäre jetzt alles vorbei. Trotzdem kamen immer mehr Kommentare mit "buckle up" und "buy hold & DRS" auf. DRS steht übrigens für Direct Registered Shares. Das hat diverse Gründe aber das Perfide daran ist, dass diese Aktien nicht schnell wieder verkauft werden können, was ja sehr unvorteilhaft eigentlich ist in dieser Crunchtime, aber wenn die Aktie "to the Moon" geht, spielt das ja auch keine Rolle mehr...
Die Affen waren also wieder gemeinsam stark... ( scheiße schreiben), den besten Kommentar den ich sah, neben 1000 anderen: 10 Zeichen wie man erkennt ob man sich in einer Sekte befindet:
Kurs verläuft seitwärts, die wildesten Theorien werden geteilt, auf Twitter und in den TV Medien erheben sich die Stimmen, mir scheint aber so als will diesmal niemand so richtig Welle machen. Cramer zitiert Buffet: "Die Leute schlucken Rattengift", einzelne Kommentare auf Twitter erscheinen wie "Dafür kommst du diesmal ins Gefängnis RK / Keith Gill". Ich bin hin- und hergerissen, habe mir alles mögliche dazu aus den letzten Jahren angeschaut und auch die Anhörung über die Geschichte in 2021 (\_k dauert 5h) wo er vor der Senatorin meinte "i am not a cat", insgesamt ist die Anhörung ein kompletter Witz, ich habe das Gefühl wegen Corona war man einfach anderweitig beschäftigt
Freitag, Sa, So:
Der Kurs bricht stark ein, der niedrigste Stand lag bei 18.90 €, bin dann bei 19.10 € rein, "all in", die Bouncing Cat wird kommen, ich war mir ziemlich sicher, doppeldeutig, weil RK sich im letzten GIF eigentlich verabschiedet hatte, ich war aber fest überzeugt am Montag macht er zusätzlich noch weiter. Ich war zum Schluss schon gut im Plus. After Market ist der Preis allerdings stark gesunken und ich merkte wie mein Herz in die Hose rutscht. Über das Wochende habe ich zweifel bekommen, die Kommentare häufen sich das RK nur ein Betrüger ist, "Hoffentlich ist er mit seinem Pump & Dump endlich fertig, kann seine GIFs nicht mehr sehen" usw.
Viele Benutzer fangen jetzt, klar ging ja alles so schnell, erst an sich zu fragen was DRS überhaupt ist und merken wie unvorteilhaft es ist. Erst jetzt konnte ich fühlen, was die jenigen durchmachen mussten die wegen FOMO bei höheren Beträgen rein sind in der Hoffnung auf eine weitere Kursexplosion. Was, wenn ich bei 60€ reingegangen wäre, all das Geld aus hart ersparten Jahren. Ich sah Bilder von Leuten die 300k ge"yolo"t haben. In der Anhörung wurde übrigens von Personen erzählt, die sich in diesem Zusammenhang 2021 das Leben nahmen, man nahm sich auch Reddit zur Brust, ich schätze Moderation und Kontrolle wird möglicherweise noch ein Thema in Zukunft werden, kein Wunder warum Themen über GME nach 2021 bei WSB nicht mehr gern gesehen sind.
Ich habe mir auch andere Videos und Posts von u/DeepFuckingValue angeschaut, hier hat er am ende aus einem Einsatz von 0.30 $ satte 8 Mio. gemacht, offenbar nur als Witz:
Insgesamt lagen seine Einnahmen 2021 wohl bei 50 Mio.
Ich habe extrem schlecht geschlafen, ich wachte auf und las das heute in EU kein Handel stattfindet wegen des Feiertags, plötzlich war ich mir unsicher, das zählt doch nicht für regionale Tage oder etwa doch? Fck, wie dumm bin ich eigentlich, wieso habe ich das nicht geprüft, Puls direkt auf Anschlag wurde fast ohnmächtig. Sollte sich rausstellen das RK nicht zurückkommt und der Preis in den Keller gehen, wäre ich verdammt 24h zuzusehen, das wäre die Hölle. Puh, stimmte doch nicht, am Montag wird normal getraded, wieso haut man das einfach so raus...
Meine Gedanken kreisten, kann man RK wirklich dafür verantwortlich machen, für was genau eigentlich, für das posten von memes, erklär das mal nem Richter? Er hat nie jemanden gezwungen, er hat doch vielmehr viele mitgenommen auf seine reise, andererseits wäre die Masche ziemlich perfide. Ist er überhaupt beteiligt an der ganzen "Gehirnwäsche" via Posts etc., dürfte ja kein Zufall sein oder sind das Leute die einfach mitzogen, opportun waren. So oder So ist doch jeder eigenverantwortlich, das heißt aber auch, wie 2021, wird man niemanden zur Verantwortung ziehen können. P&D ist ja auch nicht neu, Betrug in der Form gab es schon immer. Aber das Ausmaß, die Kreativität, die genialität ist so einzigartig, aber eben für alle die Geld liegen lassen mussten unendlich Grausam.
Ich verkaufe also gleich zu beginn mit gewinn bei 21.30, nicht die erhofften 420.69 % gains und die Lambobestellung musste ich natürlich auch wieder canceln, aber hey alles gut gegangen... Kurs schwankt stark, bis 18 €, steigt aber kurz vor Handelsschluss wieder rasant an sogar bis 22 €. Egal ich bin raus, ich kann wieder gut schlafen.
So nun bin ich hier, mir geht es soweit gut, auch ohne lambo, vor allem bin ich leer, fragend und zweifelnd, ich habe mich wirklich abgeholt und verbunden mit RK gefühlt. Es ist traurig, dass er nicht mehr da ist, ich frage mich wie viele an so einer Geschichte beteiligt waren, ist das alles eine Eigendynamik oder war das alles so aufwendig produziert und arrangiert, welche Akteure gab es, wie viele Leute haben ihr Geld verloren und wie viele gewonnen.
Und wie perfide ist diese Welt eigentlich. War es wirklich ein großes P&D Schema, gehebelt durch Social Media Influenzer? RK hat 1 Mio. Follower, WSB hat 16 Mio. User, angenommen 10 Mio. Personen haben im Mittel 1k reingesteckt, dann reden wir von 10 Mrd. € Kaufkraft, jedenfalls wäre das eine riesen Umverteilung, allerdings weniger von oben nach unten und ich glaube die wenigsten Privatpersonen konnten da rechtzeitig raus...
Leute müssen Jahre arbeiten und andere werden in wenigen Stunden durch solche Aktionen extrem reich. Viele glauben auch immer noch dass der "Bang" erst noch kommen wird, dass die 45 Mio. Aktien die Gamestop verkaufen wird keine Verwässerung darstellen sondern etwas gutes sind. Kurs ist gerade wieder fast 10 % runter
Nun das Karussell im Casino wird sich weiter drehen. Zum glück hänge ich jetzt erstmal nicht mit was weiß ich wievielen 100tausenden € minus da drinnen und muss nun "abwarten" ob und was passiert oder sich alles als enttäuschung rausstellen wird und mir möglicherweise irgendwann eingestehen müssen, dass ich mich habe blenden lassen... und dennoch aus irgendeinem Affen/Neandertalerbereich meines Gehirns kommt ein "aber was wenn du jetzt den MOASS verpasst"? Fck nein... Mal wieder weiß ich einen scheiß und scheine dadurch auch nicht schlauer geworden zu sein, aber danke kosmisches Rauschen dass ich diesmal verschont bleiben durfte aber danke dass ich als Zuschauer dabei seien durfte.
Nach dieser Schilderung hat man jetzt vielleicht ein gewisses Bild von RK im Kopf, ich fande die unterschiedliche Darstellungen in den Medien krass, z.b. sein hearing in Dumb Money, hier das original:
hier aus der doku:
submitted by cinatic12 to einfach_posten [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:34 PatBrownDown Carousel Cruise Weekend Sunday Car Show

Carousel Cruise Weekend Sunday Car Show
WVSR Annual Carousel Cruise Car Show Sunday, August 25th 8:00am Riverfront Carousel Park (101 Front St NE) • Vendors • Food Trucks • Awards
Registration $20 per car• Pre-Registration: • Download Flyer: • Become A WVSR and Carousel Cruise Sponsor:
Don't forget about the Carousel Cruise Saturday Night Cruise-In!
WVSR Annual Carousel Cruise Car Show - Sunday, August 25th 8:00am
submitted by PatBrownDown to SalemOR_Events [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:26 GrumpsTheMovie When Pokémon announces the Mega Z forms

When Pokémon announces the Mega Z forms submitted by GrumpsTheMovie to pokememes [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:26 ElonsTinyPenis Something I admire about the younger generations from a Gen X'er.

If you know any Gen X'ers you know we are a feral generation who mostly raised ourselves. One thing I admire about younger millennials and especially Gen Z is that you men aren't afraid to express feelings in a healthy way. I literally cannot cry unless I'm in 10 out of 10 pain or find out someone close to me died. I don't like this. I've had some hard times recently and know crying would be such a healthy release but I just can't do it. If I start I immediately tell myself to pull it together and force myself to stop. I know this is stupid and toxic. I'm actually in therapy to unlearn my own toxic masculinity because this isn't the way to be. To you younger men, don't be like me. Don't allow yourself to be formed by societal norms that try to dictate how a man should act and think. There is no one right way to be a man. My way is probably the wrong way.
submitted by ElonsTinyPenis to gaybros [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:17 Final-Zone-8451 Looking to report company for hiring illegal labour using a possible organized crime entity acting as Employment Agency. Can't find suitable outlet.

Hello, I worked for a lawncare and irrigation company that hires illegal Mexican workers through what seems like a fake employment/immigration agency. It is a common practice in the industry, and I believe these workers are all being brought over and controlled by one guy essentially. I have been to his house, I know his name. I know how his business operates to some extant. Workers go to one of his several front business to pickup their payment in cash. My former employer pays the guy and he pays the workers cash. They are all on travel visas, not legal to work. Many of these workers I would consider my friends, and there's no racism or bigotry intended here. I believe that it is a detriment to our economy and our standard of living when a large, nationwide franchise can do things like this. It also makes it hard for Canadian workers to compete, as the Mexican workers are willing to put in 14 hour days for minimal pay. They also don't have any rights themselves, as they have no recourse if their money isn't paid in full.
I'm making the post to ask for help on where to report this. I've been on all the Ministry of Labour sites looking for the correct avenue, but it's mostly to report labour violations against me, rather than general complaints. I would like to essentially just send an email or leave a voicemail saying what I know, and hoping an investigation will be done. It's not something I can do by filling out a form. I might prefer anonymity but if that's not possible I would be willing to give my name, etc.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Final-Zone-8451 to ontario [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:16 zklabs First thing's first: Liberals are Conservatives

Liberals are Conservatives. This is the first thing to understand. You can tell this because they will try to "reach across the isle" in an action called the Overton Window. In The U.S., thanks to Capitalism and its dubious connection to democracy in the so-called American Experiment, any action utilizing the Overton Window is so far right that if you reach across the isle then you're dallying in far-right territory.
Imagine two circles. One is Liberal and one is Conservative. Now put them on top of each other because both are actually Liberals. Now take the Liberal circle and push it to the left, but then move it an arbitrary distance above the z-axis. Now rotate the entire plane so that you can see a shadow formed next to the Conservative circle, where z=0. Keep rotating the plane until the parallax orients the Liberal circle above the Conservative circle. This is the true perspective of U.S. politics.
What I mean by this is that the shadow is what we see of Liberal politics. It is an illusion. Meanwhile the Conservative circle is true to its nature and honest about it. The contents of the Liberal circle look soft and diffuse like a bed of clovers you may want to take an afternoon nap in to regain what energy constitutes your stature. This is how they sedate you. Meanwhile, the truth of the Liberal circle is elevated and obscured from view, hiding its direct overlap with the Conservative circle.
So now you understand both parties are the same; Trump and Biden are the same. From here we will be exploring each guru's participation in utilizing the Overton Window to raise circles higher and lower along the z-axis and rotating the entire plane to appear differently than it truly is under the perspective of what could be understood as the perspective of God, or the one light of truth under which all is either subject or shadow.
submitted by zklabs to DecodingTheGuruz [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:55 Dangerous-Driver-204 Anyone knows what is a “Affidavit for support”?

I’m applying for F1 visa from India. My sister and her husband will be sponsoring part of my education. Some redditors suggested me to get an affidavit of support signed from them for my visa interview. Now what is affidavit of support? Is it just a notary letter on a stamp paper or the form i864?
submitted by Dangerous-Driver-204 to f1visa [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:55 Pitiful_Assist7261 German Comintern

submitted by Pitiful_Assist7261 to AgeOfCivilizations [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:46 NameN0T_Found Full franchise characters?

Now that we have Super and Z in the game, I would love if they also had full franchise characters, as in versions of the characters without the brackets at the end (z) (super) etc, and instead it’s just “Goku” or whatever. And they have to cycle through every single form of the character.
For example “Goku”; Kaioken, Super Saiyan; Ssj2; ssj3; (maybe ssj4); super saiyan god; super saiyan blue; ultra instinct sign; mastered ultra instinct.
I think it would be very gimmicky, but would be fun as hell imo. I main’ed frieza in bt3 just because I love how many transformations he got. So being able to cycle through all of a characters transformations from both series would be awesome.
submitted by NameN0T_Found to SparkingZero [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:33 InfamousBolt Anyone knows what is a “Affidavit for support”?

I’m applying for F1 visa from India. My sister and her husband will be sponsoring part of my education. Some redditors suggested me to get an affidavit of support signed from them for my visa interview. Now what is affidavit of support? Is it just a notary letter on a stamp paper or the form i864?
submitted by InfamousBolt to usvisascheduling [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:31 yourewolch Survival Tournament Sign Up

Summer Sweat 2024 - Survival Tournament is live! Sign up for either the tournament itself or to become a tournament judge via this link: The sign up closes 13th of June 11:59pm (GMT+2).
Hope to see you there!
submitted by yourewolch to gotlegends [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:00 cbbtriviabot It's Trivia Tuesday!

Trivia Link

Complete standings

Register for weekly reminders

Or remove from registry list at the same link

Team Registration

Welcome to Trivia Tuesday! Trivia Tuesday is a weekly competition run by cinciforthewin and jloose128. If this is your first week and you want more information regarding the rules, prizes, and more, click here for a complete overview.
If you have a question regarding a grading error or general questions about the competition, ask jloose128 either in the comments or through private message. Questions about team registration and the bot can be directed towards cinciforthewin.
For the answers to last week’s questions, click here! Be sure to check these answers with your scores to make sure your quiz was graded correctly.
submitted by cbbtriviabot to CollegeBasketball [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:55 beingash22 Need advice on my upcoming euro trip

Hello fellow redditors,
First time here, please forgive me for not following any guidelines or not being staright forward with my questions.
I am planning a trip from 30th August to around 10th or 11th September this year. I plan on travelling to Netherlands (Amsterdam and Rotterdam), Munich, Austria (Vienna, Slazbard and Hallstatt) and finally go to either Prague or Budapest to return back to India.
I have bifurcated my trip into: 3 days for Netherlands 3 days for Bavaria, Slazbard and Hallstatt(as they are close enough to visit) 4 days for Vienna and Budapest and 2 more days for travelling and returning bsck to India.
I will be using the euro rail global pass of 4 days for travelling between each country. Is this itinerary worth it? - If possible can anyone who have visited these places recommended what places are a must visit and can be avoided in each city.
Also, will this cause an issue while applying for visa? as there are multiple countries I am visiting.
Related to the weather, I have heard in the recent past, its been dodgy. Nothing can be predicted and rain can play a spoilsport in our plans any day. But, will most be a drizzle for an hour or so during the starting week of September. Can anyone please confirm.
BTW, the budget I am allocating for this entire tour is around 4000 euros. Accomodations will be mostly in form of hostels.
Any recommendations or tips will be appreciated. Thank you in advance! 🙇
submitted by beingash22 to Europetravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:33 KryptoTarnn I-130 got approved, nvc help

I-130 got approved, nvc help
So my i-130 got approved. I'm canadian living in canada, and wife is usc.
I thought it was consular processing, but I guess now?
My approval says what it does in the img. Is this i-485 process? I was supposed to do consular..
If it is i-485, I'd have to move down and file it? Maybe 1-2 month wait?
submitted by KryptoTarnn to USCIS [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:22 Spidey007 [Dragon Ball Z/MCU: Final Arc] The Janemba Saga- Gohan’s Ascension

To note, this is a continuation of the sagas I wrote that took place after the Cell Saga. The two sagas were written with inspiration taken from MCU Peter Parker's arcs in Far from Home and No Way Home. The goal was to develop Son Gohan into a proper lead for the show. If you'd like to check them out, here are the links!
Bojack (Far From Home) Saga:
Broly (No Way Home) Saga:
There are many things I find wrong in the Buu saga:
  1. Goku coming back: This derails the narrative tremendously as he snatches back the torch from Gohan. He's going to play a role, but he will stay dead.
  2. Gohan's writing: In canon, we ended up with a rusty, goofy, badly written character who lost all the development from the previous sagas. He became a useless disappointment and did not uphold his role as a protector of the earth. This won't go anywhere near that direction.
  3. SSJ3 and fusions: These elements were unnecessary as they did nothing to solve the plot and only provided fluff. This can be introduced in Super, but that's another story.
  4. Goten and Trunks SSJ: I wasn't a fan of how they easily transformed, treating it as an easy power-up. Here, it will be earned.
What I want to do here is combine the Buu saga with Fusion Reborn. For that movie, there are tons of elements at play that can be used to make the grand finale of Dragon Ball Z, more grand. The goal here is to increase the stakes, trim all the unnecessary fat, give everyone a chance to shine, and keep the main focus on Gohan. I also want to replace Buu with Janemba, as I find him much more threatening due to his unique abilities which would be perfect to challenge Gohan. It's also here that we avoid the rinse-and-repeat problem that came with Buu and his many forms.

Without further ado, here is the...... Janemba Saga!

Seven years have passed since the climactic battle against Broly. Gohan, now a young adult, has diligently pursued a delicate balance between his studies and training. During this time, he has honed his Super Saiyan 2 form and significantly elevated his combat skills. However, he deliberately restrains his power, refusing to succumb to the depths of his inner rage. Gohan believes that his technical prowess alone will suffice, opting to suppress the primal fury within him. Despite his reservations, Gohan attends a prestigious private school on an academic scholarship, alongside his steadfast companion Videl and their circle of friends. Gohan has embraced the responsibility of preserving peace on Earth as a valiant hero, adopting the mantle of Saiyaman. His suit has undergone a sleek redesign, shedding the theatrical poses in favor of a more streamlined appearance. Functioning as a dynamic duo reminiscent of Superman and Batman, Gohan and Videl tackle the city's crime wave together. Videl, having mastered her ki abilities under the tutelage of Piccolo, has grown stronger over the years. Glimpses of their everyday lives reveal the struggles of Gohan as he endeavors to balance the demands of school, training, and personal relationships. Amidst the challenges, he harbors a subtle resentment towards his duty, as it often encroaches upon his cherished personal time. Nevertheless, Gohan persists, fueled by his unwavering determination to live up to his father's legacy.
However, the tranquil facade is shattered when a harrowing turn of events unfolds. The narrative transitions to an otherworldly realm, distinctly separate from Earth. A mysterious figure cloaked in darkness materializes, none other than the malevolent wizard Babidi. Harnessing the unholy power of dark magic, Babidi establishes a sinister connection with his loyal minion Dabura, the King of the Demon Realm. United in their nefarious purpose, they orchestrate an audacious invasion of Otherworld, intent on freeing the formidable demon Janemba. Ages ago, Janemba had been sealed away in this celestial realm by the Supreme Kais. Babidi's malevolent ambition revolves around shrouding the universe in eternal darkness. To achieve this nightmarish vision, he plans to infect the denizens of Earth using the insidious Majin spell, thereby expanding his dominion across countless planets.
In the midst of this burgeoning chaos, Gohan, disguised as Saiyaman, finds himself investigating a peculiar incident involving the possession of one of his dearest friends. Videl, resolute and fearless, engages in a fierce battle against the malevolent puppeteer controlling Sharpner. With unwavering confidence, she urges Gohan to let her confront the threat alone. Sharpner, his strength unnaturally augmented, puts up a formidable resistance, but Videl's experience enables her to subdue him without resorting to fatal measures. As Sharpner awakens from his trance, Gohan seeks answers regarding the enigmatic force that had seized control of his friend. Sharpner reveals that a voice called Babidi had whispered malevolent commands into his mind. Armed with this critical information, Gohan summons Vegeta and Piccolo to join him in unraveling the unfolding crisis, embarking on a journey towards the epicenter of the ominous power emanating from a series of potent and wicked ki signatures, ultimately leading them to Babidi and Dabura.
Meanwhile, Earth becomes a battleground, besieged by an onslaught of resurrected zombies, soldiers, and former villains who once terrorized its populace. Though the trio finds themselves torn between aiding their beleaguered planet and confronting the imminent threat directly before them, they know their immediate priority lies in thwarting Babidi's scheme. Distracting them with his grandiose monologue, Babidi probes their minds, seeking susceptible individuals to manipulate. Initially targeting Vegeta, Babidi redirects his attention toward Piccolo, sensing his inherent duality as a being born of both good and evil. With a combination of Babidi's insidious spell and the lingering malevolence of Piccolo Daimao, the Namekian warrior struggles to resist the overwhelming influence. His powers surge exponentially beyond their previous limitations, clouding his judgment and driving him to confront his former student, Gohan. Amidst the shock of this unforeseen twist, Gohan assumes the responsibility of awakening Piccolo from his trance-like state, determined to restore his mentor's clarity. As the battle rages on, they sense a tremor that reverberates throughout the planet, an unmistakable ki signature brimming with icy coldness, signifying the presence of a singular entity—Janemba.
Bracing himself for the impending clash with this malevolent force, Gohan prepares to face Janemba head-on, while Piccolo embarks on a personal mission to neutralize Babidi. Meanwhile, Vegeta remains locked in a fierce struggle against Dabura, the Prince of Saiyans confronting the King of the Demon Realm. The confrontation unfolds with brutal intensity, and Vegeta finds himself teetering on the edge of defeat. Sensing his adversary's advantage, Dabura unleashes a legion of demons to tip the scales further in his favor. Pushed to his limits, Vegeta fights valiantly, but the odds appear insurmountable. Dabura, consumed by arrogance, revels in his imminent triumph, announcing his intention to unleash the full might of the demon horde upon Earth. Faced with the dire consequences of such a cataclysm, Vegeta musters every ounce of desperation within him. In a moment of self-sacrifice, he unleashes a devastating attack upon Dabura and his minions. The resulting explosion weakens Babidi's forces, repels the encroaching Demon Realm, and safeguards their dimension from untold chaos and devastation.
(Note: I wanted to keep Vegeta's sacrifice but make it matter and count. In canon, it didn't stop Buu, and he sent himself into cold oblivion on a lie. Here, he makes a difference in the long run and has a definitive redemptive moment. )
Startled by the sudden disappearance of Vegeta's powerful ki, Trunks defies the protests of his comrades on the Lookout and rushes towards the chaotic battleground. His heart pounds with trepidation as he races through the smoke-filled air, only to be confronted with the lifeless body of his father lying motionless on the ground. Overwhelmed by a torrent of despair and seething rage, Trunks' trembling hands reach out to shake his father awake, his desperate pleas echoing through the desolate landscape. But his efforts prove futile, and a profound sense of loss engulfs him.
In the midst of this heart-wrenching moment, a surge of raw energy courses through Trunks' veins, igniting a transformation that surpasses the boundaries of his mortal self. Radiating an aura of vibrant golden light, Trunks ascends to the legendary state of the Super Saiyan. His eyes ablaze with determination and fury, he is now ready to face the battle that lies ahead.The scene shifts, revealing the remaining Z-Fighters locked in a perilous struggle against hordes of relentless zombies. Fatigue weighs heavily upon their weary bodies as they fend off the relentless onslaught. Suddenly, a streak of intense power streaks across the sky, and Trunks descends before his comrades, newly transformed and brimming with indomitable strength. A burst of energy erupts from his fingertips, shattering a ki blast launched by one of the zombies, diverting it harmlessly away. In the eyes of his adversaries, astonishment mingles with mockery as they behold the sight of a mere child standing before them.Unfazed by their taunting laughter, Trunks addresses his comrades with unwavering resolve. He declares that he will shoulder the burden of the battle, vowing that not a single life will be lost on this day. With unparalleled speed and precision, he charges towards the encroaching horde, obliterating each zombie with astonishing ease. Their forces crumble beneath the might of his wrath, and the battlefield is transformed into a graveyard of defeated foes.As the last of the zombies falls, Trunks relinquishes his Super Saiyan form, his energy spent and body drained. Collapsing to the ground, he succumbs to exhaustion, his breathing ragged and labored. In this moment of vulnerability, Yamcha, recognizing the young warrior's valor, rushes to his side and gently lifts him from the battlefield, cradling his battered form with utmost care.
(Note: Kid Trunks' transformation is a direct reference to when Future Trunks found Gohan dead after the battle with the androids, and then he transformed. )
While this tumultuous event unfolded, the responsibility of safeguarding the Lookout fell upon the young shoulders of Goten. As time passed, a sudden intrusion disrupted the tranquility of the platform, as a malevolent henchman, infused with the dark power of King Cold, materialized before him. Though momentarily shaken, Goten summoned his courage and engaged in a valiant struggle against his formidable adversary.Initially, it appeared that Goten held his ground admirably, skillfully countering the attacks launched by the nefarious duo of Salza and Dore. However, their sinister coordination gradually began to overpower the young warrior. In a devastating display of force, Salza executed a malicious kick that sent Goten hurtling towards the precipice of the Lookout, teetering on the brink of unconsciousness.
Witnessing her son's battered and vulnerable state, Chi-Chi, consumed by a mixture of horror and fury, lunged at Salza in a desperate attempt to defend her child. Yet, her efforts proved futile as Salza callously seized her by the throat, mercilessly constricting the life from her. From his weakened position, Goten, wide-eyed and mouth agape, struggled to remain conscious, his mind besieged by the conflicting emotions of impending death and the weight of disappointment.
In that critical moment, he closed his eyes, his teeth sinking into his lip until blood stained his mouth. His trembling hands clenched into tight fists. And then, something within him snapped, unleashing a primal force that lay dormant within.Goten vanished, replaced by an embodiment of unbridled rage. Transformed into a Super Saiyan, his furious aura radiated with an intensity that defied comprehension. With a surge of unrestrained power, he propelled himself towards Salza, obliterating his malevolent foe with a devastating blast that eradicated him from existence. Undeterred by the remaining henchmen who sought to avenge their fallen comrade, Goten engaged them with a newfound ferocity.In a breathtaking display of combat prowess, it took mere moments for Goten to dispatch his adversaries, consigning them to the depths of the afterlife. Unaware of his mother's watchful gaze, Chi-Chi bore witness to the astonishing transformation of her once-innocent son, her heart filled with awe at the unfathomable power he now wielded.
(Note: This is a reference to when Superman had attacked Zod for attacking Martha in Man of Steel. With this, Goten is able to break out of his shell and experience some development. I also did not want Chi-Chi to die, but to have it be close. This way, she can witness firsthand her son fighting to avenge her and realizing that his saiyan blood kicked in to save them all, which would lead to some development towards her accepting that they have the natural power to fight, but also protect. )
Simultaneously, amidst the chaos, Piccolo found himself embroiled in a fierce battle of magic. His objective was to shatter the impenetrable barrier erected by his adversary, Babidi, to halt the relentless proliferation of Majin-infused beings. The odds were stacked against him, but with unwavering determination, Piccolo summoned the strength to rupture the barrier, ultimately delivering a fatal blow to Babidi. In doing so, he succeeded in halting the insidious spread of the Majin curse.Meanwhile, Gohan, driven by an overwhelming surge of power in his Super Saiyan 2 form, charged headlong at the formidable Fat Janemba, intent on swiftly ending the confrontation. Displaying remarkable valor, Gohan engaged his adversary with all his might, momentarily gaining the upper hand in fleeting bursts of fury. However, Janemba's energy continued to surge unabated, gradually overpowering Gohan and relegating him to a defensive stance.With the battle reaching its climax, Janemba unleashed a devastating onslaught aimed at obliterating the planet. In a desperate bid to protect all that he held dear, Gohan fearlessly interposed himself between Janemba's lethal assault and the world, extending his arms wide as he summoned the last vestiges of his ki to create a resolute energy shield. The technique demanded one final act of defiance, compelling Gohan to redirect the unleashed energy back towards Janemba, propelling the malevolent entity backward and teetering on the precipice of annihilation. Yet, the maneuver exacted a heavy toll on Gohan, leaving him grievously injured and drained of consciousness, hurtling through the sky and crashing deep into the untamed wilderness.
(Note: This maneuver is a mix of what Gohan did against Broly in Movie 10, and what Future Gohan did in his last battle against the androids.)
Subsequently, Supreme Kai, recognizing the dire condition of the young warrior, transported Gohan to the realm of the Kais. As Gohan gradually regained consciousness, he found himself surrounded by the presence of Supreme Kai, Kibito, and his father, Son Goku. Unbeknownst to Gohan, while the realms beyond had been engulfed in pandemonium, Goku had valiantly sought to subdue numerous formidable adversaries, most notably Broly. Upon learning of Gohan's presence on that distant planet, Goku implored for the opportunity to visit his son, a request that was granted amidst the bittersweet reunion.During their heartfelt meeting, they shared the weight of overseeing the turmoil ravaging Earth, realizing that Janemba still lingered, amassing the remnants of malevolent ki left unvanquished. Panic washed over Gohan as he urgently expressed his need to return to Earth, but his pleas were met with cautionary words from his loved ones. They acknowledged his unpreparedness to face Janemba anew, warning of the potential consequences should he engage the foe prematurely. Supreme Kai disclosed his true intention in bringing Gohan to this realm—to unlock the dormant power lying dormant within him. However, the process demanded a profound reconciliation of Gohan's dual nature as both human and Saiyan. To initiate this transformative ritual, Gohan would be immersed in a meditative trance within the sacred confines of a cascading waterfall, which would serve as a mirror reflecting his true self. Only then would he embark upon the arduous journey of unlocking his latent potential, fully aware that failure could result in dire consequences, even death.
Nervously, Gohan steeled himself for the imminent trial, drawing strength from the unwavering support of his father. With resolute determination, he approached the cascading waterfall, where Supreme Kai initiated the trance, enveloping Gohan in an ethereal aura of introspection.As the ritual commenced, Gohan's gaze fixated grimly upon vivid recollections of his past battles, struggling to reconcile the moments when he had succumbed to his own wrath. Before long, a projection materialized, representing his suppressed Saiyan essence—a separate entity demanding to be acknowledged. A tumultuous clash ensued between the two facets of Gohan's being, with the young warrior faltering in his attempts to gain the upper hand, for each surge of anger only fueled his other self. Finally, a profound realization washed over Gohan, piercing through the haze of conflict. He ceased resisting and, instead, extended a hand of acceptance and understanding to his Saiyan counterpart, embracing the essence of his true nature. In that transformative instant, the boundaries dissolved, merging into a harmonious unity. Gohan's eyes fluttered open as he awakened from the trance, reborn in his newfound Ultimate Form, his essence finally whole and indomitable.
(Note: Yes, this is a direct reference to Naruto obtaining true mastery of his nine tails form in Shippuden. I did not like Gohan's canon mystic ritual because it did not feel earned. He just sat around for a long time doing nothing and gained nothing from it. I wanted to fix that. So here, he went through a more direct ritual at the risk of death to be able to unlock his true abilities. )
In the midst of these events, Trunks and Goten find themselves under the tutelage of Piccolo within the formidable Hyperbolic Time Chamber. News reaches Piccolo that Gohan is undergoing a transformative process to unlock his latent potential, but the looming return of Janemba threatens to disrupt their plans. Exiting the chamber, Trunks and Goten emerge stronger than ever, having mastered their Super Saiyan forms and honed their teamwork to near perfection, compensating for their inherent power limitations.As Janemba crosses paths with them, the clash erupts in a spectacular display of martial prowess. Individually, they stand little chance against the overwhelming might of Janemba, but when united, a different narrative unfolds. Their combined efforts aim to sustain the battle long enough, providing Gohan with the precious time he needs to complete his ritual. Piccolo assumes leadership, valiantly holding his ground, although it becomes increasingly evident that Janemba possesses a distinct advantage. Piccolo strategically diverts Janemba's attention, creating openings for Goten and Trunks to launch coordinated assaults that vex their adversary, even if their impact is minimal. Nonetheless, every second counts.
In a fateful turn of events, Janemba unleashes an assault that overwhelms Piccolo, incapacitating him and leaving only Goten and Trunks to face the malevolent entity. Swift as a phantom, Janemba materializes in front of Trunks, delivering a devastating blow to his abdomen, leaving Goten as the lone defender. Standing tall, Goten defiantly assumes a battle stance, mustering his courage. However, before Janemba can unleash a devastating attack upon him, an unknown figure delivers a powerful kick to Janemba's head, hurtling him towards the distant mountains.
The camera pans, revealing the figure to be none other than Gohan, resplendent in his newfound form.
(Note: This entrance directly mirrors that of Future Gohan when he was about to begin his final battle against the Androids!)
A wave of elation washes over Goten as he beholds the return of his beloved elder brother, while Trunks and Piccolo visibly exhale with relief. Gohan and Piccolo exchange a brief but meaningful exchange, Gohan acknowledging his newfound strength while Piccolo recognizes that Gohan has ascended to an entirely different echelon. Janemba regains his footing, reemerging before them, demanding their attention and focus. Gohan asserts that he will confront Janemba directly, urging the others to evacuate. Though reluctant, Piccolo and the young warriors comply, dispersing to various parts of the world to address the chaos that plagues their surroundings.
With an air of fury, Janemba charges at Gohan, his fist extended menacingly. Yet Gohan intercepts the attack, seizing Janemba's fist in a vice-like grip, and in a flash of teleportation, they are transported to the dreaded realm of H.F.I.L. (Home For Infinite Losers).
(Note: I have Gohan teleport Janemba because at least this way their battle will not damage Earth. Also we will assume Gohan has figured out some sort of Instant Transmission movement like Goku.)
The eyes of Earth's denizens, the Kais, and the denizens of the Otherworld are fixated on this pivotal moment, the culmination of a battle that will determine the fate of the universe. And so, the clash commences, a cataclysmic struggle that echoes through the very fabric of existence.
In a breathtaking display of power, Gohan initially dominates the battle, effortlessly overpowering Janemba with his newfound might. However, the tables turn when Janemba unveils unexpected abilities: space-time manipulation and a formidable sword. Gohan is caught off guard, unsure of how to counter such unorthodox tactics. Desperation and frustration consume him, causing his control over his own power to slip away.Amidst the chaos, Gohan experiences a moment of revelation, a surge of understanding regarding his opponent's abilities. He realizes that in order to anticipate Janemba's next move, he must heighten his senses by channeling his ki, allowing for precise timing and swift reactions. With this newfound clarity, Gohan regains his composure, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. Seizing an opportunity, Janemba materializes before him, poised to strike with his sword. Yet, in a stunning display of strength, Gohan catches the blade with both hands, shattering it into pieces.
The tide of the battle begins to shift, albeit slightly, in Gohan's favor. Frustrated and bewildered, Janemba exclaims, "Just what...are you?!" Gohan responds with unwavering resolve, proclaiming, "I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am the protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth. Ally to good! Nightmare to you!"
(Note: I'm taking Goku's dubbed speech against Frieza and repurposing it for Gohan. As he's inherently more the justice-driven hero archetype rather than the fighting maniac that is Goku, it makes more sense. We'll just assume Goku gave Frieza the manga version of his speech. This is also the most pivotal moment of Gohan's journey as he comes to terms with being a protector. Throughout the show, he's been struggling between his desire to be a scholar and his responsibility to be a hero. That dubbed speech is exactly the moment that Gohan's arc comes full circle. Here, he finally embraces what he was always meant to be..... the hero.)
With renewed determination, Gohan launches various assaults in a bid to defeat his formidable adversary. However, his attacks fail to inflict lasting damage, and Gohan himself begins to exhaust his ki. It is then that he realizes the true nature of Janemba's existence—he is an embodiment of pure evil ki, unlike any opponent Gohan has faced before. A desperate plan takes shape in Gohan's mind. Mentally reaching out to his friends and even Videl, he calls upon them to gather their ki, reminiscent of the Spirit Bomb technique. Initially, only the Z-Fighters respond, but their combined energy proves insufficient.As Gohan valiantly defends against Janemba's onslaught, he mentally pleads with the people of Earth to lend their aid. Uncertainty and doubt cast a shadow over the crowd until Hercule steps forward, berating them for refusing to support the man who once saved them during the Cell Games. Revealing the truth of Gohan's identity as the Delivery Boy turned hero, the tide of public opinion shifts. People extend their hands, offering their energy to their savior. Shocked by the sudden turn of events, Gohan is relieved by the surge of ki coursing through him, providing a momentary opening to kick Janemba away. The collective assistance grants Gohan a substantial reservoir of energy, which he then summons forth, infusing it with the very essence of his soul—a daring and perilous maneuver.
Driven to his breaking point, a furious Janemba ascends into the sky, conjuring a colossal sphere of malevolent ki capable of obliterating the entire universe. Gohan remains calm, his gaze fixed upon the impending cataclysm. With unwavering resolve, he declares, "This is the end for you, Janemba." Closing his eyes, Gohan raises his left hand above his head, conjuring a radiant sphere of rainbow light. Seizing the opportunity, Janemba hurls his devastating attack towards Gohan. Sensing the imminent danger, Gohan's eyes snap open as he crushes the ball of energy in his palm. Swiftly pivoting, he hurls the fragmented energy towards the oncoming attack, effortlessly piercing through it, and hurtling towards Janemba, finally eradicating the universe's peril once and for all.
(Note: This is the same technique as Kid Buu's Planet Burst move, the one that destroyed Earth. I also repurposed Gogeta's stardust breaker technique for Gohan as I feel it makes sense for him to have it. It also makes him stand out from Goku even more in this case.)
As the dust settles, Gohan maintains his energy long enough to witness Janemba's demise. A triumphant smirk graces his face as he remarks, "Heh, looks like I finally did it." Exhausted, he collapses to the ground, almost completely drained. The onlookers erupt into joyous cheers, celebrating Gohan's hard-fought victory. Supreme Kai teleports Gohan from the depths of H.F.I.L back to Earth, specifically to the Lookout, where his family and friends eagerly await his return. In a heartwarming scene, Gohan is enveloped in embraces and expressions of relief. It is here, amidst the warmth of their loved ones, that Gohan and Videl share their first kiss—a tender moment of connection and celebration.Meanwhile, the Dragon Balls work their magic, rectifying the chaos caused by Babidi's dark influence. The majority of those who perished are revived, yet there are exceptions, including Vegeta. Accepting his fate and determined to atone for his past deeds, Vegeta expresses his desire to continue growing stronger in the afterlife, entrusting the protection of his family to his son. Tearfully, Trunks vows to make his father proud, with Goten stepping forward to support his friend in this emotional moment. Fond farewells are exchanged as everyone prepares to return to their respective homes.
Gohan and Goten engage in a heartfelt conversation, their bond as brothers strengthening. However, their exchange is interrupted by Chi-Chi, who unexpectedly interrupts their conversation. To their astonishment, she expresses pride in their valiant efforts to safeguard the world, finally relenting and granting them permission to train and protect. The three embrace, their family united and resolute.In a different realm, Vegeta stands before King Yemma, awaiting judgment. To his surprise, he is granted an Otherworldly body, a result of Goku's recommendation and Vegeta's ultimate sacrifice that tipped the scales of justice. With this second chance, Vegeta is granted the opportunity to train ceaselessly and, more importantly, to settle his unfinished business with Goku. The final scene between Goku and Vegeta unfolds, their fists colliding in a charged confrontation, their image freezing .( mirroring the intensity of Rocky and Apollo in Rocky III, leaving their ultimate showdown to the imagination.)
A decade passes, marked by a time skip. Tien and Krillin have established their own martial arts schools, dedicated to passing on their unique styles to the next generation. Goten and Trunks, under the tutelage of Piccolo, diligently train to harness their extraordinary powers. Gohan, now a respected scholar, has married Videl, and together they have a daughter. At home, Videl imparts the basics of combat to their daughter, Pan. Gohan, having just finished delivering a lecture on energy at the university, senses a disturbance reverberating across the planet. Instinctively, he rushes to the rooftop, pressing a button on his wrist. In an instant, he transforms into his iconic Saiyaman costume, soaring into the horizon with a mischievous grin. He breaks through the fourth wall, symbolizing his unwavering resolve to protect and inspire.
The screen fades to black.
The End.
There we have it! My final wrap-up of the MCU Peter ParkeGohan development journey! Honestly, I did have thoughts of just going straight into revising the Buu arc, but I felt there was more to be done before that. Gohan needed to go through the development I gave him in my two written arcs as there were lessons there that shaped him.
I also felt that a trained Gohan, who is naturally intellectual, would be a perfect antagonist in Janemba. He had to learn to outsmart him, and not just have it be a straight-up slugfest.
What do you guys think? Share your thoughts below!
submitted by Spidey007 to fixingmovies [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:05 happyscrub1 k1 visa and 221g confusion.

Fiancée had interview and was given a white 221g slip with no documents requested with just administrative processing as reasoning on the form. Fiancée was told that she will get an email later if she was approved or not. The consular took her passport and all the documents and evidence.
No email yet. But later that day, I goto the CEAC website for the 1st time and it states that the visa was issued today. I was expecting to see refusal because of 221g. So what gives? Will refusal show later? Any insights? The country of the embassy is Madagascar, a poor country and a country very few people immigrant to the united states (they goto Europe usually).
submitted by happyscrub1 to immigration [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:59 Lawnguy_ The only correct driver line up prediction for 2025

The only correct driver line up prediction for 2025 submitted by Lawnguy_ to formuladank [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:59 thedrunkenwarforged Monosyllabic Analytic Language with Consonant Mutation. Is this insane

Hello guys
Nautralistic artistic monosyllabic analytic language with consonant mutation. Is this insane? Obviously totally impractical but I like consonant mutation and I think it's a fun idea.
The idea is that this language in its old form (Old Language) will feature nasal, plosive, fricative, and approximant codas, but for now plosive codas are most important (example words would be like: pʰɔt ("red"), zeik ("horse"), maoq ("sun")). In adjectival pairings (so like, 'pʰɔt maoq' "red sun") and maybe some other scenarios, this language will develop consonant mutation, so the onset of the second word will switch to the place of articulation of the coda of the first word ('pʰɔt maoq' would become 'pʰɔt naoq', the place of articulation changing where the manner does not). Then following this, the language loses plosive codas (maybe tone will develop, I'm unsure, feel like that would maybe happen) so "sun" alone would be 'mao' where "red sun" would be 'pʰɔ nao'. So all words gain a particular grade ('pʰɔ' would be alveolar-grade, as words in an adjectival pairing with it would have their onset become alveolar). Anyway by this point it's translated into the modern form.
This language features six significant places of articulation which would affect consonant mutation: labial, alveolar, post-alveolar, velar, uvular, glottal. Glottal wouldn't matter too much because the only glottal sound (/h/) would occur on onsets, so no words would be glottal-grade. Same for post-alveolar, only post-alveolar sounds would be /ʃ/ and /ʒ/ which would occur only on onsets, so no post-alveolar grades. This leaves labial-, alveolar-, velar-, and uvular-grade. Then there are seven manners of articulation: nasal (m, n, ŋ~ɴ (the velar and uvular nasals would be allophones)); plain voiceless plosive (p, t, k, q); aspirated voiceless plosive (pʰ, tʰ, kʰ, qʰ); plain voiced plosive (b, d, g, ɢ (/ɢ/ would only occur due to mutations)); breathy voiced plosive (bʱ, dʱ, gʱ, ɢʱ (/ɢʱ/ would only occur due to mutations)); voiceless fricative (f, s, x~χ (allophone)), and voiced fricative (v, z, ɣ~ʁ (allophone)).
I wonder if this makes sense . So a labial-grade word (I'll label this word A) in an adjectival pair with a word (B) with an aspirated voiceless plosive onset would cause the /pʰ/ sound on the onset of word B. This would happen for all adjectival pairs.
Do you guys think this could feasibly happen . Total mashup of what I think is Celtic consonant mutation + transition from Classical to Mandarin Chinese. Would speakers let this mess gradually happen or would the loss of plosive codas even happen if there's consonant mutation? Thank you anyone who reads this mess
submitted by thedrunkenwarforged to conlangs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:25 Marquis77 PowerShell in Lambda (Docker based) - logging to Cloudwatch

This might be a bit of a nuanced question but here goes. Would anyone happen to know how to get PowerShell's output to log to Cloudwatch "correctly"?
Typically, Cloudwatch logs are formed with:
When the default STDOUT / STDERR is sent, you get weird characters like this:
\[96m \[91m \~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~ 
Does anybody know how to tell PowerShell 7 on Ubuntu to send messages to STDOUT/STDERR that don't include nonsense characters and useless extra lines of text?
submitted by Marquis77 to PowerShell [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:25 SickJuggalo666 [Project ALPHA] 🚀 A 3-in-1 Experience! 🌟

[Project ALPHA] 🚀 A 3-in-1 Experience! 🌟
Hey everyone,
I'm excited to introduce Project ALPHA, a unique FiveM server offering three distinct experiences all in one place! Whether you're into PVE, RP, or a blend of both, we've got you covered. Here's a breakdown of what you can expect:

🌄 1. PVE with Zombies (No Roleplay)

Dive into a world overrun by the undead with no RP restrictions. Focus purely on survival, looting, and base building. Perfect for those who just want to kill zombies and collect loot without the RP aspect.

🎭 2. Roleplay in the Apocalypse

Immerse yourself in a roleplaying scenario set in a post-apocalyptic world. Form alliances, scavenge for supplies, and build your story in a dynamic, zombie-infested environment. This mode is great for those who love combining RP with survival elements.

🏛️ 3. Serious RP Server

For those who prefer a classic RP experience, we offer a serious roleplay server where you can create intricate characters and narratives, with or without the undead threat.

New Release: ZRP (Zombie Roleplay)

We just launched ZRP, our latest addition to Project ALPHA. This mode is a thrilling mix of roleplay and survival against a backdrop of a zombie apocalypse.


  • Base Building: Construct and fortify your base to defend against the undead.
  • Totems: Use these to prevent zombies from spawning in your area, adding strategic depth to your gameplay.
  • Looting: Tons of objects and zombies to loot, with some "boss" zombies dropping high-value items.
  • Red Zones: Engage in PVP within designated areas while still battling zombies. Perfect for those who enjoy high-stakes combat.
  • Custom Clothes: A wide array of unique clothing options to customize your character.
  • Optimized Performance: Enjoy smoother gameplay with friends thanks to extensive optimizations and synced zombie interactions.
  • And Factions!! Join one today!
With vibes reminiscent of Rust, Ark, and DayZ, Project ALPHA ensures there's something for everyone. Our server is constantly updated with new scripts and features to keep the experience fresh and engaging.
Join us today and find your niche in our diverse world. Whether you're here to roleplay, survive, or just enjoy some zombie-slaying fun, Project ALPHA is the place to be!
🔗 Connect Now:
We can't wait to see you in the apocalypse!
— The Project ALPHA Team
submitted by SickJuggalo666 to FiveMServers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:00 Key_Measurement5191 Employment Pass Application (for sponsorship) form 8

I just want to verify something.
Regarding the form, on part 8 (declaration of foreign employee), there is a question ‘have you ever been issued a work visa by another country?
Does it mean an existing valid work visa? Or any visa issued whether it’s valid or cancelled or expired?
Background: I worked previously overseas with a working visa but it is cancelled since I already resigned.
I had chosen “no” since I understood it as an existing valid working visa and sent a filled copy of the form to the HR. Is there any chance that the application will got rejected if I put it wrongly?
submitted by Key_Measurement5191 to askSingapore [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:24 Jura20702 Came back to WoT for the first time in a year or so and now i have a 100% marked Vz. 44-1.

Came back to WoT for the first time in a year or so and now i have a 100% marked Vz. 44-1. submitted by Jura20702 to WorldofTanks [link] [comments]