Vitamin string quartet download free

Classical Music

2008.05.11 04:24 Classical Music

Whether you're a musician, a newbie, a composer or a listener, welcome. Please turn off your phone, and applaud between posts, not individual comments.

2011.01.27 18:41 Learn Java

Resources for learning Java

2012.09.02 10:42 xuol free sheet music for various ensembles

/ArrangeMusic is a subreddit where musicians can leave any arrangements of popular tunes. These arrangements are free for everyone to download, print, and distribute.

2024.05.21 23:17 zjovicic Levels of meaning in music

I made a classification (and ranking) of music, based on levels of meaning.
I am curious to see what do you think of this system?
Level 0 - Noise, random sounds
(analogue in language: inarticulate sounds and screams that can't be written down)
Level 1 - Incoherent - stuff like integral serialism, which, while it has tones (it's not noise), and structure, such structure is imperceptible to humans, and virtually impossible to remember. It sounds like random sequence of well defined tones, but still random. You could listen to Boulez's Structures dozens of times, without remembering a single musical idea from it. Each time you listen to it, is like the first one. And it's intentionally made that way. Boulez said, the idea was to make the listener focus only on the present moment, practically deleting the past, erasing the memory, so that every sound sounds fresh, like new sound, unrelated to what came before it.
(analogue in language: random sequence of letters: weoquifgqwodihwqiudghiuzdgziuwqdbv
Level 2 - Coherent, but meaningless - music that is well structured, its structure easily perceived and often enjoyed by humans, its structure respects all the rules of making good music, sounds good, can be remembered, can be learned and enjoyed. But... it's basically forgettable. It's music that sounds goods, that speaks in a musical language that humans can easily understand, but that ultimately doesn't say anything. It uses good language, but says nothing. It feels kind of bland, generic. In that category could easily be included some less important Haydn symphonies, or maybe even, large parts of output of most composers. It's like most works sound decent, maybe they try to say something, but they end up saying nothing and people tend to forget them.
(analogue in language: "Shurdles have zandily dorfed little cangles all across the Handerland." Or perhaps: "Meaningless green ideas sleep furiously.")
Level 3 - Meaningful - this is the music that contains timeless ideas, you need to hear it only once, and you'll remember it for your entire life. As if such ideas always existed in Plato's world of ideas, and only waited to be discovered. Such ideas don't need to be particularly profound, but they are always musically meaningful. Your brain perceives them as meaningful and readily remembers them. This category includes all the catchy melodies in the world, in all genres of music. So, it includes Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, but it also includes "Jingle Bells". It includes Handle's Messiah, but it also includes "Smoke on the water" guitar riff. It includes Vivaldi's Spring, but it also includes Gloria Gaynor's "I will survive".
(analogue in langauge: I think, therefore I am. A penny saved is a penny earned. All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy.)
Level 4 - Profound - All the works that are profound are also meaningful, but only some of the meaningful works are profound. Profound works, not only contain meaningful and memorable melodic passages, but also combine them in meaningful and profound ways, that often communicates some deeper ideas or emotions to the audience, or gives the listeners a unique and deep intellectual, aesthetic and emotional experience. I think top 10% of the output of famous composers belongs to this category. Examples: Bach's Mass in B minor, Beethoven's 9th symphony, or 14th string quartet, etc...
(analogue in language: Brothers Karamazov by Dostoevsky, Hamlet by Shakespeare, etc...)
I think music quality and artistic merit also follows this categorization, with Level 4 being at the top, and Level 0 being at the bottom.
So here's how I would rank some musical works.
  1. String quartet no. 14 (Beethoven), Mass in B Minor, Symphony no. 3 (Beethoven), Carmina Burana (the whole work), Mozart's Requiem, Beethoven's 9th symphony, etc.
  2. Spring (Vivaldi), Für Elise (Beethoven), Jingle Bells, Sweet Child O'Mine, Yesterday, Bolero, Radetsky March, O Fortuna, Hotel California, Schubert's Ave Maria
  3. Random Haydn's symphony. Random Vivaldi's violin concerto. Random pop / rock song. Random Schubert's art song.
  4. Boulez - Structures 2; most of integral (and not just integral) serialism stuff, A cat walking on a piano, a child playing random tones on piano
  5. Vacuum cleaner sounds, washing machine sounds, car engine...
There are exceptions though.
Musical works can be profound for non-musical reasons, but this is a rare exception, and often a bad excuse for a work, that is in essence bad.
Perhaps it could be argued that John Cage's 4'33'' is profound because it communicates meaningful ideas about the importance of environmental sounds and how they can be considered music, or perhaps Boulez's Structures are profound because they represent an attempt to erase the memory of trauma caused by World War 2, and start anew. So their importance comes from general artistic statement that they tried to make (more like conceptual art), not from any merit of their music itself.
What do you think of my controversial ranking of Jingle Bells above "a random Haydn's symphony", and also a random Haydn's symphony, above pretty much any work of integral serialism?
submitted by zjovicic to classicalmusic [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:16 Geckogirl12344 2.5 hours and only .60 left to go!

Can you accept my invitation so that I can get a free gift? Download Temu App and search the code below to accept my invitation! 236244580
submitted by Geckogirl12344 to TemuCodesUSA [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:15 tiniyt An EASY and quick way to use consistent icons for notebook covers in UpNote. (Example Provided)

An EASY and quick way to use consistent icons for notebook covers in UpNote. (Example Provided)
Icons are significantly easier to recognize than full-sized images. UpNote doesn’t natively support using emojis or icons, relying instead on full images. Unfortunately, these images are not rectangular, requiring additional modifications to fit the desired scale. However, I found an easy method to download consistent icons in any color, with over 5,000 icons available. While some may not work, the majority of those I tested worked perfectly.
Here's how you can do it:
  1. Go to Tabler Icons.
  2. Select your desired color and stroke.
  3. Choose the size 24px (other sizes may work, but I haven't tested them; 24px is perfect).
  4. Download the icons as PNG files and add them to your notebooks.
Here’s an example of how my notebooks look:
Screenshot of notebooks with icons.
Additionally, there are other sites with icons, such as Heroicons. Feel free to try them as well. Enjoy and have a great day.
submitted by tiniyt to UpNote_App [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:15 ArtFraga Petri Dish Chords - Guitar Tabs - Sci Inspi by Sci Inspi

Petri Dish guitar tabs download as PDF and Guitar Pro on:
Click here for a free preview of the score (first page)
This score has 6 PDF pages
Credit: this score was transcribed/uploaded by @GPTabs
If you cannot find the score, it might be because of a copyright issue. Click on "Request" button at to request and get the score.
submitted by ArtFraga to RareTabs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:14 doedobrd How to fix my CustomTkinter YT downloader .exe file

I made a small project using CustomTkinter and Pytube to download YouTube videos with a simple GUI.
the program has zero errors when run as a .py file in the IDE and Windows if I double-click or use the terminal.
I then proceeded to use auto-py-to-exe to convert the file into a .exe file. I followed the instructions on the CustomTkinter website and although I had some trouble I managed to get through the process.
the final .exe file, however, does run but only for a moment before closing itself again. By running the .exe from a cmd terminal based in the directory of the file I was able to get an error message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "PyInstaller\hooks\rthooks\", line 158, in
File "PyInstaller\hooks\rthooks\", line 36, in _pyi_rthook
File "PyInstaller\loader\", line 419, in exec_module
File "pkg_resources\", line 77, in
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pkg_resources.extern'
[55288] Failed to execute script 'pyi_rth_pkgres' due to unhandled exception!
I was unable to find a solution to this and so I have ended up here.
Do you know what could be causing this error? or if indeed this is the reason the program does not properly function?
Full code:
import tkinter
import customtkinter
#from pytubefix import YouTube
from tkinter import filedialog
from moviepy.editor import *
from pathvalidate import sanitize_filename
#from pytubefix import Playlist
#from pytubefix.cli import on_progress\
from pytube import *
app = customtkinter.CTk(fg_color="black")
app.title("YouTube Download")
app.after(201, lambda :app.iconbitmap("normally this is the path to the file but i have removed it for privacy"))
font = customtkinter.CTkFont(family='Trade Gothic LT Bold Condensed No. 20', size=30)
font2 = customtkinter.CTkFont(family='Trade Gothic LT Bold Condensed No. 20', size=20)
menu = ''
currenttype = ''
def MainMenuGUI():
menu = 'main'
app.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
app.grid_rowconfigure(1, weight=1)
app.grid_rowconfigure(2, weight=1)
app.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
app.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1)
WhatLabel.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, padx=100, pady=50)
Videobutton.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=customtkinter.W, padx=50)
AudioButton.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=customtkinter.E, padx=50)
PVideobutton.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky=customtkinter.W, padx=50, pady=50)
PAudioButton.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=customtkinter.E, padx=50, pady=50)
def mp4_to_mp3(mp4, mp3):
mp4_without_frames = AudioFileClip(mp4)
mp4_without_frames.close() # function call mp4_to_mp3("my_mp4_path.mp4", "audio.mp3")
def DownloadGUI(dtype):
global menu
menu = dtype
global currenttype
currenttype = dtype
app.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=100)
app.grid_rowconfigure(1, weight=10)
app.grid_rowconfigure(2, weight=1)
app.grid_rowconfigure(3, weight=100)
title.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=customtkinter.S)
link.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2)
download.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=customtkinter.N)
finishLabel.grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=customtkinter.N)
backbutton.grid(row=3, column=1, columnspan=1)
if currenttype == "Video" or currenttype == "Audio":
title.configure(text="Insert a YouTube link")
download.configure(command=lambda: startdownload(dtype=currenttype))
title.configure(text="Insert a playlist link")
download.configure(command=lambda: startdownloadP(dtype=currenttype))
link.delete(0, customtkinter.END)
def startdownload(dtype):
ytlink = link.get()
ytobject = YouTube(ytlink, on_progress_callback=Vprog)
global menu
menu = str(dtype) + 'Download'
path = tkinter.filedialog.askdirectory(initialdir="/", mustexist=True, parent=app)
pPercent.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=customtkinter.S)
Vprogbar.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=customtkinter.N)
if dtype == "Video":
video = ytobject.streams.get_highest_resolution()
elif dtype == "Audio":
audio = ytobject.streams.get_audio_only()
if os.path.exists(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + ".mp4"):, filename=sanitize_filename(audio.title) + "1" + ".mp4")
clip = AudioFileClip(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + "1" + ".mp4")
clip.write_audiofile(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + ".mp4"[:-4] + ".mp3")
if os.path.exists(str(path)+"/"+sanitize_filename(audio.title) + "1" + ".mp4"):
os.remove(str(path)+"/"+sanitize_filename(audio.title) + "1" + ".mp4")
else:, filename=sanitize_filename(audio.title)+".mp4")
clip = AudioFileClip(str(path)+"/"+sanitize_filename(audio.title)+".mp4")
clip.write_audiofile(str(path)+"/"+sanitize_filename(audio.title)+".mp4"[:-4] + ".mp3")
if os.path.exists(str(path)+"/"+sanitize_filename(audio.title)+".mp4"):
finishLabel.configure(text="downloaded", text_color="white")
finishLabel.configure(text="Download has failed", text_color="red")
title.configure(text="Insert a YouTube link")
link.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2)
def startdownloadP(dtype):
vcount = 0
vccount = 0
playlink = Playlist(link.get())
path = tkinter.filedialog.askdirectory(initialdir="/", mustexist=True, parent=app)
pPercent.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=customtkinter.S)
ppPercent.grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=customtkinter.N, pady=20)
Vprogbar.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=customtkinter.N)
Pprogbar.grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=customtkinter.N, pady=10)
for _ in playlink.videos:
vcount += 1
Pprog(vcount, 0)
for vid in playlink.videos:
vccount += 1
Pprog(vcount, vccount)
global menu
menu = str(dtype) + 'Download'
if dtype == "VideoPlaylist":
video = vid.streams.get_highest_resolution()
elif dtype == "AudioPlaylist":
audio = vid.streams.get_audio_only()
if os.path.exists(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + ".mp4"):, filename=sanitize_filename(audio.title) + "1" + ".mp4")
clip = AudioFileClip(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + "1" + ".mp4")
clip.write_audiofile(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + ".mp4"[:-4] + ".mp3")
if os.path.exists(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + "1" + ".mp4"):
os.remove(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + "1" + ".mp4")
else:, filename=sanitize_filename(audio.title) + ".mp4")
clip = AudioFileClip(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + ".mp4")
clip.write_audiofile(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + ".mp4"[:-4] + ".mp3")
if os.path.exists(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + ".mp4"):
os.remove(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + ".mp4")
finishLabel.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=customtkinter.N)
finishLabel.configure(text="All videos downloaded", text_color="white")
def Vprog(stream, chunk, bytes_remaining):
total_size = stream.filesize
bytes_downloaded = total_size - bytes_remaining
percentage_complete = bytes_downloaded / total_size * 100
per = str(int(percentage_complete))
pPercent.configure(text=per + "%")
Vprogbar.set(float(percentage_complete / 100))
def Pprog(total, current):
percentage_done = current / total * 100
per = str(int(percentage_done))
ppPercent.configure(text=per + "%")
Pprogbar.set(float(percentage_done / 100))
def Back():
if 'Download' in menu:
urlvar = tkinter.StringVar()
title = customtkinter.CTkLabel(app, text="Insert a YouTube link", fg_color='White',corner_radius=10, padx=50, font=font)
link = customtkinter.CTkEntry(app, width=350, height=40, textvariable=urlvar)
finishLabel = customtkinter.CTkLabel(app, text="", text_color="white")
pPercent = customtkinter.CTkLabel(app, text="0%", text_color="white")
ppPercent = customtkinter.CTkLabel(app, text="0%", text_color="white")
Vprogbar = customtkinter.CTkProgressBar(app, width=400, progress_color="red")
Pprogbar = customtkinter.CTkProgressBar(app, width=400, progress_color="red")
download = customtkinter.CTkButton(app, text="Download", command=lambda: startdownload(dtype=currenttype), fg_color="#e8e6e6", text_color="black", hover_color='#c0c0c0')
backbutton = customtkinter.CTkButton(app, text_color='black', text="back", width=50, height=50, fg_color='#333333', hover_color='#c0c0c0', command=Back)
WhatLabel = customtkinter.CTkLabel(app, text="What would you like to download?", fg_color='White',corner_radius=10, padx=50, font=font)
Videobutton = customtkinter.CTkButton(app, text='Video', width=250, height=150, font=font2, fg_color='#b01214', hover_color='#590404', command=lambda: DownloadGUI(dtype='Video'))
AudioButton = customtkinter.CTkButton(app, text='Audio', width=250, height=150, font=font2, fg_color='#b01214', hover_color='#590404', command=lambda: DownloadGUI(dtype='Audio'))
PVideobutton = customtkinter.CTkButton(app, text='Video Playlist', width=250, height=150, font=font2, fg_color='#b01214', hover_color='#590404', command=lambda: DownloadGUI(dtype='VideoPlaylist'))
PAudioButton = customtkinter.CTkButton(app, text='Audio Playlist', width=250, height=150, font=font2, fg_color='#b01214', hover_color='#590404', command=lambda: DownloadGUI(dtype='AudioPlaylist'))
submitted by doedobrd to learnpython [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:12 ArtFraga Dakota Rose – Hammer Down Chords - Guitar Tabs - AOR & Hard Rock by AOR & Hard Rock

Dakota Rose – Hammer Down guitar tabs download as Guitar Pro and PDF on:
Click here for a free preview of the score (first page)
Credit: this score was transcribed/uploaded by @sambrown
If you cannot find the score, it might be because of a copyright issue. Click on "Request" button at to request and get the score.
submitted by ArtFraga to RareTabs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:11 ljjttl Please help.

Can you accept my invitation so that I can get a free gift? Download Temu App and search the code below to accept my invitation! 241262556
submitted by ljjttl to TemuNewUsersASAp [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:10 Hot-Tax-8169 Help pls

Can you accept my invitation so that I can get a free gift? Download Temu App and search the code below to accept my invitation! 240242498
I haven't downloaded Shein btw so I can click that link for u if that is needed.
submitted by Hot-Tax-8169 to TemuNewUsersASAp [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:09 droids73 Just need 15 coins please! Only got 5hours left

Can you accept my invitation so that I can get a free gift? Download Temu App and search the code below to accept my invitation! 241516202
submitted by droids73 to TemuNewUsersASAp [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:06 alexa_tuning [ AVAILABLE ] Ideas of Quantum Chemistry: Volume 2 Interactions 3rd Edition Third Edition by Lucjan Piela Textbook Ebook PDF reddit. Publisher: Elsevier. eText ISBN 9780444642479ISBN 9780444642496ISBN 9780444642462 ISBN-13: 9780444642486 ISBN-10: 044464248X

TITLE : Ideas of Quantum Chemistry Volume 2 Interactions Third Edition 3rd.Edition by Lucjan Piela Digital Textbook Ebook PDF Download Reddit
AUTHORS : Lucjan Piela
EDITION : 3rd Edition - Third Edition
PUBLISHER : Elsevier
Feel free to message or Send me a chat request on Reddit / Discord / Email if you need the Textbook Pdf
Discord ID: textbookfinder#1311
Email id: [](
Original Textbook Cover Photo:
Thank you :)
submitted by alexa_tuning to FindMyTextBookForMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:04 Prudent-Table945 Free gifts- I have clicks for everything today!

Comment code for anything and I’ll do it as soon as you do mine!!
Can you accept my invitation so that I can get a free gift? Download Temu App and search the code below to accept my invitation! 236222429
submitted by Prudent-Table945 to Temu_Canada_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:03 Prudent-Table945 Free Gifts - I have clicks left for everything today so comment whatever code!

I’ll do mine as soon as you do yours- Canada only!
Can you accept my invitation so that I can get a free gift? Download Temu App and search the code below to accept my invitation! 236222429
submitted by Prudent-Table945 to TemuCANADAcodes [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:01 Freightliner_Diesel What is this tool bar after a Windows 10 to 7 transformation? (Highlighted in yellow)

What is this tool bar after a Windows 10 to 7 transformation? (Highlighted in yellow) submitted by Freightliner_Diesel to u/Freightliner_Diesel [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:00 ANIKAHirsch The Liberal Feminist Library

The Liberal Feminist Library
Want to read more about Liberal Feminism? Enter the Liberal Feminist Library!
Inside the Library, you'll find a collection of all the original writings which have appeared on this subreddit, since it's creation. So far, this collection includes three volumes.
They are now being made available for free public download, as an attempt to counteract the online censorship of my perspective, along with many others. If you think my opinions about Liberal Feminism are important, significant, or even worth listening to, then I encourage you also to read and download these pamphlets.
You'll find the links to each volume below.
Volume 1:
Volume 2:
Volume 3:
Happy reading!
submitted by ANIKAHirsch to IAMALiberalFeminist [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:59 702Johnny Quick start guide / tips for Retroarch on iOS / Ipados

(PSA) I want to start off by recommending retroarch for iPad users. Delta is a FANTASTIC app. I highly recommend it. That being said, if you want to play on an iPad in landscape mode, there is only the iOS version of Delta on iPad. The developer is working on the app for iPad, but as of writing this, retroarch scales perfectly.
(PSA) When it comes to cores. On the apple version of this app, all the cores apple has approved are already included in the app. Can’t add or remove any cores like you can on all the other platforms when running retroarch. If a core is not in retroarch on an apple platform, it is not an approved core or is limited by apple restrictions and will not play well. Apple is not allowing JIT. This is a problem for ps2, psp, and GameCube for sure.
(PRO TIP. .7z to .zip) Using the files app, you can unzip a .7z file. Just rename it to .zip and select it. The files app will unzip it. Done. No need for an unzipping app.
(REQUIRED.) Some cores will crash or not boot a rom. I have found this to be mostly related to bios files not being in the app. (To add bios files = Use the files app. Go to on my iphone. Then find the retroarch folder, and select it. Then select the subfolder that is also named retroarch. After that scroll down to the folder named system. Dump all of your bios for all systems into this folder. I would add any bios you can find for the systems you are playing. This will stop the crashing and increase compatibility with games from different regions.) , (To find what bios are missing, open the retroarch app. Go to settings, core, Manage cores, Scroll down to the core you want to use, Select the core. Then scroll down to firmware. Just below that, you will see which bios are optional. Which ones are missing and required. The (!) is just a bullet point.) If you try to load a rom and it still crashes use a different core to launch that game if it is available. It could be a compatibility issue between the core and the rom. Or it could be region locked and you still need another bios file.

1.) (REQUIRED.) If you want to save yourself some annoyances with Retroarch on iOS, then after you make a change to your settings, hit home in the navigation menu, select configuration file, then save configuration file. I choose the overwrite option, but you can choose what best fits you. We can do this on other platforms by just tapping the back button until it exits the application, but there isn’t a back button on iOS.

2.) (OPTIONAL.) I like to turn on vibration/ haptic feedback. Go to settings in the navigation menu, input and scroll down to haptic feedback. I turn both options on and leave the vibration strength at 100%.

3.) (OPTIONAL.) I like to change the user interface. You can do this in two ways. A.) Changing the theme. Go to settings, user interface, appearance, select color theme and then choose your favorite. Mine is material ui dark. A.1) If you want you can also choose another app icon. The setting is the first option under user interface. B.) I like the stock setup, but you can change the entire layout to be different. You can go to settings, drivers, and select menu. The stock option is glui. You can choose the option you like the best in this section.

4.) (OPTIONAL.) I like to change the date and time format at the top to be something I am more used to. Go to settings, user interface, menu item visibility and select “style of date and time” towards the end of the list.

5.) (REQUIRED.) GETTING GAMES IN THE APP. Then we get to importing content. In the iOS version, Retroarch wants the roms to be placed into a folder that is inside of the Retroarch app itself. What I do is take the roms I want to play on Retroarch and move them into the Retroarch app. Here is how I do that. I have a folder already on my iPhone with the roms I want to play on Retroarch. (I store my roms on device. Using the Files app, then on my iphone and save the folder on your phone first. We move it to where it needs to go in the next step.). My folder is named “Retroarch Roms”. It can be really helpful to stay organized. Especially if you also use the Delta and ppsspp apps. I use the files app to locate this folder. Then I select it and move it. Or you could copy it but be mindful of files sizes and storage space. (I put “copy it” in here for a major reason. If you store all your roms in retroarch. And one day you want to delete and reinstall the app…. Bye bye roms. My library is too big to back up to iCloud. But that might be a good option if it works. I have not tested it.). Then move or paste this folder inside of the Retroarch app folder under downloads. (Files app, on my iphone, scroll down to retroarch – select it, then select the subfolder that is also named retroarch, then scroll down to downloads, select it. Your entire folder or multiple folders can go here.) Then hit the playlist menu (middle navigation button.) and select import content. Then scan directory. Click documents/retroarch, scroll down to downloads, then select scan this directory. Then let it do its thing. I like to leave the app open and on screen so the iphone/ipad doesn’t limit background activity. After it is done you can come back to the playlist menu to look through and launch your games. After you have launched a few games, You can go to Home, history and launch your recently played games from there. There is a favorites tab in the playlist section, but I don’t use it personally.

6.) (UPDATES.) I like to make sure a few things are up to date. So, I hit the home menu at the bottom. Go to online updater. Make sure on demand thumbnails is toggled on. (This will add box art on demand as you scroll through your playlist/library.) Then just below that update core files and all the others below it. Update all of them. Then scroll back up to playlist thumbnail updater (This is how you download box art manually for each playlist/library.) and select any system libraries/playlists that are missing album art. If it is your first time, I would just select them all to make sure box art is there when you browse your library. If you want some free to use roms go to content downloader and some homebrew and other roms are in there for each system.

(PSA.2) After you are done changing any settings. Do not just close the app. Make sure you save the configuration file like I mentioned at the start of this post. If not, the settings you changed will be “forgotten” but the roms and album art should still be there. Man, I wish someone told me that before I wasted my life 3 times in a row.

7.) (PS1) Firmware for ps1. To run games correctly you will need firmware for the ps1. PSX rearmed can get you started and playing but the “beetle psx hw” core for ps1 has an upscaling capability. This will make games look tremendously better. Firmware location. After a quick search on the interwebs, you have what you need. (To find what bios are missing, open the retroarch app. Go to settings, core, Manage cores, Scroll down to the core you want to use, Select the core. Then scroll down to firmware. Just below that, you will see which bios are optional. Which ones are missing and which are required. The (!) is just a bullet point.) Use your files app. Go to on my iPhone. Find the Retroarch app folder. Click the folder in there named retroarch. Scroll down to system and dump the bios files there. I can’t say where to get them, but “psx bios” should be easy to find in an archive if you search the googles. Make sure the spelling matches specifically. You can look in settings. Scroll down to directory. And you can scroll through where the app is currently looking for bios and you can change that if you need to. You can also go to settings, select core, manage cores, then scroll to the core you are looking for, then select the core. Scroll down to firmware section and select the “looking in” option to see where it wants the bios. It will tell you if any bios are missing as well. This can apply to any core. Not just ps1 cores.

8.) (SEGA SATURN.). Make sure all the Saturn bios are in the system folder inside the Retroarch folder (Look at the other bullet points on this post to see how. Some games will not launch unless the core has the correct bios. ). Roms. After extracting a rom, it should be a folder full of bin files. Put that whole folder (For each game/rom) in a Saturn roms sub folder. (Make a new folder called “Saturn Roms”.) Using the files app, go to on my iphone, go to the retroarch folder, then the retroarch sub folder. Then scroll down and select downloads. This is where you want to store the Saturn Roms folder. When you import content into retroarch. It will scan the folders and subfolders that have all the bin files. Games will appear as one in the playlist/library.

8.) (FAST VIDEO OR AUDiO) Sync issues. I turned on audio sync and it ran sonic super fast. Other people have had the opposite problem and need to turn it on. The same goes for video sync. The fixes are different depending on the device. Go to settings, video, synchronization, and adjust. You can change the refresh rate in the settings, video, output, vertical refresh rate in this section. This should only be adjusted if you are having issues. Audio sync is under settings, audio, synchronization. It says recommended to turn on. Mine goes crazy if I toggle that on. So I leave it off.

9.) (CORE OPTIONS.) Some systems have multiple cores available. I change them out on the fly by hitting playlist in the navigation menu (Middle option.) Scrolling down to the system I want to play. Then selecting the game, I am looking for. (Do not select run yet.) Then scrolling down and selecting set core association. If you want to use the same core for an entire playlist/library. You can go to settings. Playlists, manage playlists, then select the system you want to set a core for, scroll down to default core, and you can pick the one that works best for your needs.

(DIRECT LINK.) Below is a direct link to the app on the app store for those that have trouble finding it.

submitted by 702Johnny to emulators [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:58 702Johnny Ipad Emulation - Retroarch

Quick start guide / tips for Retroarch on iOS / Ipados

(PSA) I want to start off by recommending retroarch for iPad users. Delta is a FANTASTIC app. I highly recommend it. That being said, if you want to play on an iPad in landscape mode, there is only the iOS version of Delta on iPad. The developer is working on the app for iPad, but as of writing this, retroarch scales perfectly.
(PSA) When it comes to cores. On the apple version of this app, all the cores apple has approved are already included in the app. Can’t add or remove any cores like you can on all the other platforms when running retroarch. If a core is not in retroarch on an apple platform, it is not an approved core or is limited by apple restrictions and will not play well. Apple is not allowing JIT. This is a problem for ps2, psp, and GameCube for sure.
(PRO TIP. .7z to .zip) Using the files app, you can unzip a .7z file. Just rename it to .zip and select it. The files app will unzip it. Done. No need for an unzipping app.
(REQUIRED.) Some cores will crash or not boot a rom. I have found this to be mostly related to bios files not being in the app. (To add bios files = Use the files app. Go to on my iphone. Then find the retroarch folder, and select it. Then select the subfolder that is also named retroarch. After that scroll down to the folder named system. Dump all of your bios for all systems into this folder. I would add any bios you can find for the systems you are playing. This will stop the crashing and increase compatibility with games from different regions.) , (To find what bios are missing, open the retroarch app. Go to settings, core, Manage cores, Scroll down to the core you want to use, Select the core. Then scroll down to firmware. Just below that, you will see which bios are optional. Which ones are missing and required. The (!) is just a bullet point.) If you try to load a rom and it still crashes use a different core to launch that game if it is available. It could be a compatibility issue between the core and the rom. Or it could be region locked and you still need another bios file.

1.) (REQUIRED.) If you want to save yourself some annoyances with Retroarch on iOS, then after you make a change to your settings, hit home in the navigation menu, select configuration file, then save configuration file. I choose the overwrite option, but you can choose what best fits you. We can do this on other platforms by just tapping the back button until it exits the application, but there isn’t a back button on iOS.

2.) (OPTIONAL.) I like to turn on vibration/ haptic feedback. Go to settings in the navigation menu, input and scroll down to haptic feedback. I turn both options on and leave the vibration strength at 100%.

3.) (OPTIONAL.) I like to change the user interface. You can do this in two ways. A.) Changing the theme. Go to settings, user interface, appearance, select color theme and then choose your favorite. Mine is material ui dark. A.1) If you want you can also choose another app icon. The setting is the first option under user interface. B.) I like the stock setup, but you can change the entire layout to be different. You can go to settings, drivers, and select menu. The stock option is glui. You can choose the option you like the best in this section.

4.) (OPTIONAL.) I like to change the date and time format at the top to be something I am more used to. Go to settings, user interface, menu item visibility and select “style of date and time” towards the end of the list.

5.) (REQUIRED.) GETTING GAMES IN THE APP. Then we get to importing content. In the iOS version, Retroarch wants the roms to be placed into a folder that is inside of the Retroarch app itself. What I do is take the roms I want to play on Retroarch and move them into the Retroarch app. Here is how I do that. I have a folder already on my iPhone with the roms I want to play on Retroarch. (I store my roms on device. Using the Files app, then on my iphone and save the folder on your phone first. We move it to where it needs to go in the next step.). My folder is named “Retroarch Roms”. It can be really helpful to stay organized. Especially if you also use the Delta and ppsspp apps. I use the files app to locate this folder. Then I select it and move it. Or you could copy it but be mindful of files sizes and storage space. (I put “copy it” in here for a major reason. If you store all your roms in retroarch. And one day you want to delete and reinstall the app…. Bye bye roms. My library is too big to back up to iCloud. But that might be a good option if it works. I have not tested it.). Then move or paste this folder inside of the Retroarch app folder under downloads. (Files app, on my iphone, scroll down to retroarch – select it, then select the subfolder that is also named retroarch, then scroll down to downloads, select it. Your entire folder or multiple folders can go here.) Then hit the playlist menu (middle navigation button.) and select import content. Then scan directory. Click documents/retroarch, scroll down to downloads, then select scan this directory. Then let it do its thing. I like to leave the app open and on screen so the iphone/ipad doesn’t limit background activity. After it is done you can come back to the playlist menu to look through and launch your games. After you have launched a few games, You can go to Home, history and launch your recently played games from there. There is a favorites tab in the playlist section, but I don’t use it personally.

6.) (UPDATES.) I like to make sure a few things are up to date. So, I hit the home menu at the bottom. Go to online updater. Make sure on demand thumbnails is toggled on. (This will add box art on demand as you scroll through your playlist/library.) Then just below that update core files and all the others below it. Update all of them. Then scroll back up to playlist thumbnail updater (This is how you download box art manually for each playlist/library.) and select any system libraries/playlists that are missing album art. If it is your first time, I would just select them all to make sure box art is there when you browse your library. If you want some free to use roms go to content downloader and some homebrew and other roms are in there for each system.

(PSA.2) After you are done changing any settings. Do not just close the app. Make sure you save the configuration file like I mentioned at the start of this post. If not, the settings you changed will be “forgotten” but the roms and album art should still be there. Man, I wish someone told me that before I wasted my life 3 times in a row.

7.) (PS1) Firmware for ps1. To run games correctly you will need firmware for the ps1. PSX rearmed can get you started and playing but the “beetle psx hw” core for ps1 has an upscaling capability. This will make games look tremendously better. Firmware location. After a quick search on the interwebs, you have what you need. (To find what bios are missing, open the retroarch app. Go to settings, core, Manage cores, Scroll down to the core you want to use, Select the core. Then scroll down to firmware. Just below that, you will see which bios are optional. Which ones are missing and which are required. The (!) is just a bullet point.) Use your files app. Go to on my iPhone. Find the Retroarch app folder. Click the folder in there named retroarch. Scroll down to system and dump the bios files there. I can’t say where to get them, but “psx bios” should be easy to find in an archive if you search the googles. Make sure the spelling matches specifically. You can look in settings. Scroll down to directory. And you can scroll through where the app is currently looking for bios and you can change that if you need to. You can also go to settings, select core, manage cores, then scroll to the core you are looking for, then select the core. Scroll down to firmware section and select the “looking in” option to see where it wants the bios. It will tell you if any bios are missing as well. This can apply to any core. Not just ps1 cores.

8.) (SEGA SATURN.). Make sure all the Saturn bios are in the system folder inside the Retroarch folder (Look at the other bullet points on this post to see how. Some games will not launch unless the core has the correct bios. ). Roms. After extracting a rom, it should be a folder full of bin files. Put that whole folder (For each game/rom) in a Saturn roms sub folder. (Make a new folder called “Saturn Roms”.) Using the files app, go to on my iphone, go to the retroarch folder, then the retroarch sub folder. Then scroll down and select downloads. This is where you want to store the Saturn Roms folder. When you import content into retroarch. It will scan the folders and subfolders that have all the bin files. Games will appear as one in the playlist/library.

8.) (FAST VIDEO OR AUDiO) Sync issues. I turned on audio sync and it ran sonic super fast. Other people have had the opposite problem and need to turn it on. The same goes for video sync. The fixes are different depending on the device. Go to settings, video, synchronization, and adjust. You can change the refresh rate in the settings, video, output, vertical refresh rate in this section. This should only be adjusted if you are having issues. Audio sync is under settings, audio, synchronization. It says recommended to turn on. Mine goes crazy if I toggle that on. So I leave it off.

9.) (CORE OPTIONS.) Some systems have multiple cores available. I change them out on the fly by hitting playlist in the navigation menu (Middle option.) Scrolling down to the system I want to play. Then selecting the game, I am looking for. (Do not select run yet.) Then scrolling down and selecting set core association. If you want to use the same core for an entire playlist/library. You can go to settings. Playlists, manage playlists, then select the system you want to set a core for, scroll down to default core, and you can pick the one that works best for your needs.

(DIRECT LINK.) Below is a direct link to the app on the app store for those that have trouble finding it.
submitted by 702Johnny to iPadPro [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:56 Creative_Camel Just getting started with my studio and recording so Cakewalk or Reaper?

As the title says I’m new to the digital world… but been an amateur musician for decades. Last time I was writing music and recording it was reel to reels and such with mixers and eq racks. Fast forward after marriage, kids, college tuition and kids weddings. So now I’m moving into amp sims thanks to NeuralDSP, and I’ve written about a half dozen songs that I want to record. Plus 7 or 8 covers. I’m a guitarist by training but also have a couple of MIDI keyboards too. I’ve got a Focusrite interface and powered monitors too.
So knowing my background which would you recommend? I’ve also got a free download of Ableton Lite and MPC beats as well as Reaper on my laptop but found Reaper unappealing. Some internet research brought me to cakewalk and this sub. I’d appreciate anyone’s suggestions in this area.
submitted by Creative_Camel to Cakewalk [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:56 ConfectionSea6331 How I was able to purchase the Homecoming Package

I know that times are tough for folks all around and sometimes spending money on things like video games takes a backseat when it comes to other minor expenses. I am no exception to this. I hope this is allowed here and I have debated on whether or not to post it. I’ve been seeing more and more folks expressing a genuine desire to purchase the Homecoming Package but having a lack of funds is making that difficult to do.
Well, if you have some free time and you don’t mind repetition, you can easily make enough money to pay for HC doing surveys on your phone. They are super easy and best of all, you don’t have to leave your couch or chair to do them. There are lots of survey apps you can download depending on your location and type of phone. I’m in the US so I have access to pretty much all of them. Each survey will pay a small amount of either cash or points you can redeem towards gift cards. Most surveys are between 5-45 minutes and range anywhere from .25-2.00. Some even higher. Once you start getting into the survey stuff, you can find some home product studies that pay much more. I’m currently doing a conditioner study for 3 weeks and I am making 85.00!!!
The majority of them offer both Google Play gift cards and App Store gift cards. A lot of them even offer cash out to PayPal or Venmo. It also comes in handy for other small purchases or pocket money, etc… My favorite two are Qmee and Swagbucks. If you are interested in getting started and need some help, just let me know and I can help ya navigate getting set up. Happy Tsuki’ing!
submitted by ConfectionSea6331 to tsukiodysseygame [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:54 doanything4u C4c please

2 hours left on free gifts: Can you accept my invitation so that I can get a free gift? Download Temu App and search the code below to accept my invitation! 239222359
And fishland:
Can you take the gift & accept my invitation? We can both get free gifts this way!🎁 Download Temu App and search the code below to accept my invitation! 235286124
I'm not totally convinced anything is winnable, I hope I'm proven wrong...
submitted by doanything4u to TemuThings [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:53 thechefjade Take your cooking to new heights with my FREE eBook! 📖 Over 50 plant-based recipes from 16 cuisines are waiting for you. 🌱 Download now and cook like a pro! 👩🏻‍🍳 Link in bio.

Take your cooking to new heights with my FREE eBook! 📖 Over 50 plant-based recipes from 16 cuisines are waiting for you. 🌱 Download now and cook like a pro! 👩🏻‍🍳 Link in bio. submitted by thechefjade to FoodLosAngeles [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:53 702Johnny Quick start guide / tips for Retroarch on iOS / Ipados

(PSA) I want to start off by recommending retroarch for iPad users. Delta is a FANTASTIC app. I highly recommend it. That being said, if you want to play on an iPad in landscape mode, there is only the iOS version of Delta on iPad. The developer is working on the app for iPad, but as of writing this, retroarch scales perfectly.
(PSA) When it comes to cores. On the apple version of this app, all the cores apple has approved are already included in the app. Can’t add or remove any cores like you can on all the other platforms when running retroarch. If a core is not in retroarch on an apple platform, it is not an approved core or is limited by apple restrictions and will not play well. Apple is not allowing JIT. This is a problem for ps2, psp, and GameCube for sure.
(PRO TIP. .7z to .zip) Using the files app, you can unzip a .7z file. Just rename it to .zip and select it. The files app will unzip it. Done. No need for an unzipping app.
(REQUIRED.) Some cores will crash or not boot a rom. I have found this to be mostly related to bios files not being in the app. (To add bios files = Use the files app. Go to on my iphone. Then find the retroarch folder, and select it. Then select the subfolder that is also named retroarch. After that scroll down to the folder named system. Dump all of your bios for all systems into this folder. I would add any bios you can find for the systems you are playing. This will stop the crashing and increase compatibility with games from different regions.) , (To find what bios are missing, open the retroarch app. Go to settings, core, Manage cores, Scroll down to the core you want to use, Select the core. Then scroll down to firmware. Just below that, you will see which bios are optional. Which ones are missing and required. The (!) is just a bullet point.) If you try to load a rom and it still crashes use a different core to launch that game if it is available. It could be a compatibility issue between the core and the rom. Or it could be region locked and you still need another bios file.

1.) (REQUIRED.) If you want to save yourself some annoyances with Retroarch on iOS, then after you make a change to your settings, hit home in the navigation menu, select configuration file, then save configuration file. I choose the overwrite option, but you can choose what best fits you. We can do this on other platforms by just tapping the back button until it exits the application, but there isn’t a back button on iOS.

2.) (OPTIONAL.) I like to turn on vibration/ haptic feedback. Go to settings in the navigation menu, input and scroll down to haptic feedback. I turn both options on and leave the vibration strength at 100%.

3.) (OPTIONAL.) I like to change the user interface. You can do this in two ways. A.) Changing the theme. Go to settings, user interface, appearance, select color theme and then choose your favorite. Mine is material ui dark. A.1) If you want you can also choose another app icon. The setting is the first option under user interface. B.) I like the stock setup, but you can change the entire layout to be different. You can go to settings, drivers, and select menu. The stock option is glui. You can choose the option you like the best in this section.

4.) (OPTIONAL.) I like to change the date and time format at the top to be something I am more used to. Go to settings, user interface, menu item visibility and select “style of date and time” towards the end of the list.

5.) (REQUIRED.) GETTING GAMES IN THE APP. Then we get to importing content. In the iOS version, Retroarch wants the roms to be placed into a folder that is inside of the Retroarch app itself. What I do is take the roms I want to play on Retroarch and move them into the Retroarch app. Here is how I do that. I have a folder already on my iPhone with the roms I want to play on Retroarch. (I store my roms on device. Using the Files app, then on my iphone and save the folder on your phone first. We move it to where it needs to go in the next step.). My folder is named “Retroarch Roms”. It can be really helpful to stay organized. Especially if you also use the Delta and ppsspp apps. I use the files app to locate this folder. Then I select it and move it. Or you could copy it but be mindful of files sizes and storage space. (I put “copy it” in here for a major reason. If you store all your roms in retroarch. And one day you want to delete and reinstall the app…. Bye bye roms. My library is too big to back up to iCloud. But that might be a good option if it works. I have not tested it.). Then move or paste this folder inside of the Retroarch app folder under downloads. (Files app, on my iphone, scroll down to retroarch – select it, then select the subfolder that is also named retroarch, then scroll down to downloads, select it. Your entire folder or multiple folders can go here.) Then hit the playlist menu (middle navigation button.) and select import content. Then scan directory. Click documents/retroarch, scroll down to downloads, then select scan this directory. Then let it do its thing. I like to leave the app open and on screen so the iphone/ipad doesn’t limit background activity. After it is done you can come back to the playlist menu to look through and launch your games. After you have launched a few games, You can go to Home, history and launch your recently played games from there. There is a favorites tab in the playlist section, but I don’t use it personally.

6.) (UPDATES.) I like to make sure a few things are up to date. So, I hit the home menu at the bottom. Go to online updater. Make sure on demand thumbnails is toggled on. (This will add box art on demand as you scroll through your playlist/library.) Then just below that update core files and all the others below it. Update all of them. Then scroll back up to playlist thumbnail updater (This is how you download box art manually for each playlist/library.) and select any system libraries/playlists that are missing album art. If it is your first time, I would just select them all to make sure box art is there when you browse your library. If you want some free to use roms go to content downloader and some homebrew and other roms are in there for each system.

(PSA.2) After you are done changing any settings. Do not just close the app. Make sure you save the configuration file like I mentioned at the start of this post. If not, the settings you changed will be “forgotten” but the roms and album art should still be there. Man, I wish someone told me that before I wasted my life 3 times in a row.

7.) (PS1) Firmware for ps1. To run games correctly you will need firmware for the ps1. PSX rearmed can get you started and playing but the “beetle psx hw” core for ps1 has an upscaling capability. This will make games look tremendously better. Firmware location. After a quick search on the interwebs, you have what you need. (To find what bios are missing, open the retroarch app. Go to settings, core, Manage cores, Scroll down to the core you want to use, Select the core. Then scroll down to firmware. Just below that, you will see which bios are optional. Which ones are missing and which are required. The (!) is just a bullet point.) Use your files app. Go to on my iPhone. Find the Retroarch app folder. Click the folder in there named retroarch. Scroll down to system and dump the bios files there. I can’t say where to get them, but “psx bios” should be easy to find in an archive if you search the googles. Make sure the spelling matches specifically. You can look in settings. Scroll down to directory. And you can scroll through where the app is currently looking for bios and you can change that if you need to. You can also go to settings, select core, manage cores, then scroll to the core you are looking for, then select the core. Scroll down to firmware section and select the “looking in” option to see where it wants the bios. It will tell you if any bios are missing as well. This can apply to any core. Not just ps1 cores.

8.) (SEGA SATURN.). Make sure all the Saturn bios are in the system folder inside the Retroarch folder (Look at the other bullet points on this post to see how. Some games will not launch unless the core has the correct bios. ). Roms. After extracting a rom, it should be a folder full of bin files. Put that whole folder (For each game/rom) in a Saturn roms sub folder. (Make a new folder called “Saturn Roms”.) Using the files app, go to on my iphone, go to the retroarch folder, then the retroarch sub folder. Then scroll down and select downloads. This is where you want to store the Saturn Roms folder. When you import content into retroarch. It will scan the folders and subfolders that have all the bin files. Games will appear as one in the playlist/library.

8.) (FAST VIDEO OR AUDiO) Sync issues. I turned on audio sync and it ran sonic super fast. Other people have had the opposite problem and need to turn it on. The same goes for video sync. The fixes are different depending on the device. Go to settings, video, synchronization, and adjust. You can change the refresh rate in the settings, video, output, vertical refresh rate in this section. This should only be adjusted if you are having issues. Audio sync is under settings, audio, synchronization. It says recommended to turn on. Mine goes crazy if I toggle that on. So I leave it off.

9.) (CORE OPTIONS.) Some systems have multiple cores available. I change them out on the fly by hitting playlist in the navigation menu (Middle option.) Scrolling down to the system I want to play. Then selecting the game, I am looking for. (Do not select run yet.) Then scrolling down and selecting set core association. If you want to use the same core for an entire playlist/library. You can go to settings. Playlists, manage playlists, then select the system you want to set a core for, scroll down to default core, and you can pick the one that works best for your needs.

(DIRECT LINK.) Below is a direct link to the app on the app store for those that have trouble finding it.

submitted by 702Johnny to iosgaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:52 thechefjade Take your cooking to new heights with my FREE eBook! 📖 Over 50 plant-based recipes from 16 cuisines are waiting for you. 🌱 Download now and cook like a pro! 👩🏻‍🍳 Link in bio.

Take your cooking to new heights with my FREE eBook! 📖 Over 50 plant-based recipes from 16 cuisines are waiting for you. 🌱 Download now and cook like a pro! 👩🏻‍🍳 Link in bio. submitted by thechefjade to FoodNYC [link] [comments]