Quotes about a daugther moving away

Colorado Springs

2009.11.27 05:42 Colorado Springs

Welcome to Colorado Springs, Colorado!

2008.01.25 07:52 Boston, MA

A community for the city of Boston and surrounding area

2008.07.19 20:02 Tijuana

Welcome to Tijuana! Sister city to San Diego and over all borderland. This city is not as scary as the media might have you believe. Our community is small but the city is gigantic. There is much more to Tijuana than you can imagine.

2024.05.22 01:23 drshaggy313 Fort Worth TX dog attack

Hello everybody, I’m not sure what to do in my current situation and wanted to see if anybody here would have an idea of what I should be doing.
So i live in Fort Worth Texas in an apartment complex, and I have a service dog. So my service dog and I went for a walk to the dog park provided by the complex. As I was entering my dog was attacked by an unleashed pitbull. After we were able to separate the dogs, the owner of the other dog essentially ran away, I was never able to ask about rabies etc.
So I report it to animal control. Animal control apparently cannot do anything, and recommended to me to keep a gun on my person for a future encounter with that dog. I guess that one way to control an animal. 🙃🤷🏻
I also reported the attack to my apartment complex. Here is the problem.
My apartment complex has gave me a paper stating I never added my dog to the lease. So now I have 5 days to either rehome the dog or move out. I have a service dog and the leasing company was told prior to move in, they stated that service dogs are not pets so they declined on adding my dog to the lease. They literally just “she isn’t a pet so there’s no need. “
Well she was attacked while on leash and she’s being asked to leave? Like what am I missing, I’ve paid rent every month on the first. Never made a complaint, nothing. So what should I do? What would you do?
submitted by drshaggy313 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:23 Materialgworl96 Psycho neighbour refuses to fix raccoon problem. Help?

I need suggestions on what I can possibly do from a legal standpoint about a neighbour who has let his property go. Now with a wild raccoon who nearly attacked me this afternoon in the mix, I’ve had enough.
We live beside a very interesting individual. He is known to be hostile and aggressive, and is not cooperative whatsoever. He chased the previous tenants of my house with a shovel (I WISH I was kidding), and screamed at his neighbours on the other side of him recently. I don’t say this to be mean- but he’s a total nutcase. I am a young woman, and I’m afraid to knock on his door to speak to him directly.
About a month ago, we noticed a large hole on the upstairs siding of his attic. It’s directly beside us, because we live in a townhouse. We’ve managed to contact his “landlord” aka (his mother who’s moved away but left the property in his care) who promised weeks ago that workers would come to patch the hole and remove the animal. Week 4, nothing.
This evening I called the city and filed a property standards claim, as well as a private animal removal company who basically told me “unless it’s in your attic, I can’t do anything without the homeowners consent”. Until they call and schedule a service, I have to deal with a hostile wild animal on my roof, my fence, backyard, and almost attacking me two days in a row.
What am I supposed to do now? Please, someone, let me know. Any support helps!
submitted by Materialgworl96 to kitchener [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:22 Low-Conversation3548 Would like some advice on how to cope with life drastically changing

Hello! For context, I am new to Reddit and don’t know if I am posting this in the right place. I am a 25f who is at her wit’s end with no direction because of everything that has happened to me in this past year (2024). Ever since I was a teenager I have been a hard worker - working retail, restaurant, and even at schools (sometimes two or three jobs at once) in order to save up enough money to move out of my parent’s house - because I genuinely needed OUT due to all the household pressures being put on me as the oldest of 7 siblings. At 23, I was finally able to accomplish my goal and found a teeny apartment about an hour and a half away in a decent town and I was ecstatic! Unfortunately, I was paying off student loans from my Associates degree as well as Culinary degree because my parents refused to file FAFSA and since I was a dependent, I got zero money from them (which I never expected or asked for anyways) or from the government to help me through school. If I’m being frank, it’s been really rough since I moved out. Luckily I have a very supportive partner (we don’t live together) who also reminds me that I was not okay, mentally nor physically, while living with my family and sometimes we have to choose the lesser “evil” or in this case if I prefer being mentally stable over somewhat financially stable. Within the past year my health, however, has gone unexpectedly downhill. I’ve been hospitalized 4 times since February and was even sent into Medical Leave from my full time job since I could not physically work anymore. I can’t drive, have developed extreme anxiety and PTSD due to my health (towards food, my life changing drastically from being very active to not even being able to stand up quickly or jog from one side of the house to another), and have been diagnosed with many things from countless doctors. My chronic illnesses have left me completely helpless. And I now have more worries and stress than I have ever had before. I just found out this semester that my Pell Grant for Summer 2024 won’t pay my full summer tuition after it had paid for my last two semesters in order for me to finish my Bachelors, I just got a ton of ER bills in the mail as well as from my Cardiologist, Gastro, Rheumatologist, and Neurologist from all the tests they have been and still are running on me, and I still have two more tests scheduled next month and July that I am debating if I should even do it because of how much money it’s going to cost me. All this with a grand total of $2000 as of right now in my name. Since I left work, seeing my bank account deplete due to bills and rent and just day-to-day expenses is completely wrecking me and I don’t know what to do. I’ve applied to hUNDREDS of at home jobs and I have hobbies I even tried to make money from… but nothing is working. The only thing getting me through is the free therapy sessions my school offers for being a student. I feel like I’m spiraling at every moment and that sometime soon Im just gonna poof! Disappear! Because it’s all just so much. Nobody around me knows about any of this either because I’ve kept it all in. Honestly, I figured typing this all out would help to organize things in my head a little bit better! My hope is that somebody will help guide me to any programs, job listings, or even give advice on how to cope through all of this since I don’t really have anybody in my life to help me. Thanks for reading, if you got this far, and I hope things are looking up for you fellow human :)
submitted by Low-Conversation3548 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:22 MiserableToBeAround I think he lost interest.

So basically, me and this boy who moved from across the state like 1/4 through the school year this year had really hit it off, and since I was always the weird kid we were kind of each others first friends. He laughed at everything I said, and I even made fun of him for laughing so hard at things that weren't even funny, and even now I've never seen him laugh that hard or be that happy with anyone else. We had one project together, and this same process repeated. He was glaring at pretty much anyone that talked to me too much and tried to get my attention back on him by talking about literally anything, which even my best friend said she was weirded out by him 'side-eyeing' her. (I stalk his spotify now- and one of is songs on there is Going Away to College by blink-182 "I'm jealous of everybody in the room") Once when he was presenting for a project and there was something interactive, he ignored the twenty other students who also needed help with it and just helped me lol while all his partners were yelling at him to help everyone. (it was a bit high stress) And I was generally clearly a priority.
We paired up for this big project, and I guess halfway through he got mad at me. We were a little hostile to each other, but I thought we made it better at the end.
We slowly interacted less after, and now he avoids laughing at anything I say like the plague and actively avoids being near me as much as possible. Ex: I sat near him because we were using the same materials, and he cleaned up the area (?) and then left asap and then i heard him say my name to someone right as he left. He does seem to notice me staring at him-- I do this incredibly often-- and if I do make a comment on something he says he'll keep saying like he's encouraged or something. There are two girls people like to say that he likes sometimes, and one of them is a lesbian that he acts playful/teasing with, she doesn't reciprocate at all. And just some other girl that he doesn't really actually show any interest in. Even with his friends, or them, he doesn't seem as happy or laugh as much as he did when we got along.
Another thing, he even seems depressed now. He hardly smiles, and once recently he refused to do a presentation, and got asked by the teacher about it. All I heard was the teacher saying 'Well if you need it, you can always talk to me'. (What she says to kids with social issues in school, usually.)
It makes me unbelievably sad and I wish I could be there for him, but I feel like he hates me now. Is it even possible he's just doing the nervous thing boys do when they like someone or something? Idk. It would just be so different from the way he acted before, which in retrospect was pretty clear he liked me. He's only been at the school 9-8 months.
submitted by MiserableToBeAround to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:22 203PR RECAP - Tuesday May 21, 2024. CALL THE AMBULANCE. CALL THE AMBULANCE. But not for us 🦍😏

Read here to catch up on yesterday’s recap - https://www.reddit.com/FFIE/s/yyNlzndKOc
Read here to catch up on FFIE in general (some of your questions might be answered!) - https://www.reddit.com/FFIE/s/hDH5ANRYji
Okay! We made it through another wild day. You apes fought HARD, and won today’s battle! But before we dive into today’s recap, a quick PSA 🗣️
Robinhood / TD Ameritrade / Fidelity / Charles Schwab / Webull / Interactive Brokers / Ally Invest / Trading212 / Vanguard - https://www.reddit.com/FFIE/s/snKwVTMwmM
Public - https://www.reddit.com/Superstonk/s/VzFGwTxPFO
Today we opened pre-market hours with a price point of 1.63/share. From then on until 10:30, we saw a steady price dip, bringing us to a low of 1.29/share. Because of how steady it was declining, this can tell us one thing. The big investors were dumping shares on us (mentioned again later) and we were just eating them right back up. They eventually eased up and we saw a NICE climb to 1.62/share at 11:45AM, to which we then began steadily declining again, bringing us to a daily low of 1.25/share. We closed the market day at 1.39/share, which is still GREAT. Please remember late market declines are normal, and alone they can’t determine our current state. Evaluations need to be done at a whole.
That being said, you guys can all give yourselves a huge pat on the back 👏🏼 “But Big Ape, we’re down from yesterday! You lie!” Hold on little ape, remember we talked about volume? No? You should! Remember, “Today’s Volume is the total of buys & sells of a stock in a certain time period. For a stock like FFIE, 677.89M is a BIG number.” Now that number provided is actually from YESTERDAY. So what was today’s number? A SHOCKING 220.14M 😱 What does that mean?
It means you crazy apes held your promises. It means you held your shares like your lives depended on it, and when the dips came, you ate them right up! Because the selling was mostly one sided, and so was the buying, with almost ALL OF US holding (👏🏼👏🏼) , all these contributed to us cutting the volume by 1/3!!!
But if we all held, then why were we -22.78% when the market closed??? Well, i’ll be completely transparent with you - I’m still figuring out all the details about this BUT, here’s what we do know - Today’s low volume means there wasn’t as much fighting going on within the stock market. It was a smooth game of hedge’s selling, and us holding for the dip, and buying more. Not a lot of trading going on compared to yesterdays volume of nearly 700M (Look at how volatile yesterday was!)
You all trusted one another to hold, while simultaneously keeping your end of the promise. Talk about a team bonding exercise.. very well done!! 🦍🖤
“But Big Ape! I goofed up and bought when the share price was higher! I’m not seeing any gains!” Well, it’s still a fight and we won’t see gains for a few more market days. But I understand little ape. You need reassurance. Well luckily for you Hope is my middle name. (It’s not.)
Here’s what else we know:
(Source for this segment - https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/FFIE/key-statistics/ )
As of the last update, FFIE has 42.41M shares outstanding. What does this mean? Let me put it like this. FFIE is a pie (company). Of that Pie there are 42.41 million pieces (shares). All of those shares aren’t available for everyone to buy and sell though. This is where the float comes into play.
As of the last update FFIE has a float of 17.09M shares. Those are pieces of the pie available for everyone in the stock market to play with.
The short % of this float is at 85.71%. What does this mean? It means the big boys have shorted 85.71%. “I still dont get it!” Okay, let me try it again.
When investors borrow shares, they do it in hopes that the price of those shares will fall. If that were to happen, they’d sell those same shares at a profit. This is what they’re trying to do to us.
You might be hearing a lot of numbers being thrown around, 60%, 90%, 80%. Places like Ortex are wrong because they’re only accounting for some of the shorts not all. Shorts positions aren’t released until every 2 weeks. The number provided is the number of ALL shares.
So, 85%, is that a good thing? Well you might be hearing that we were at 95%, or 97%. I’m not sure exactly how credible that is, but let’s focus on what we have. 85% is a GREAT number, the Hedge’s dumped 250k shares on us today causing the big first dip we saw and we ate that shit right up.
Today was a perfect representation of how we can maintain our position if we collectively move as a unit. I’m working on a Q&A post so if you have any questions regarding FFIE, or how stocks work feel free to comment, but first! Please try looking for your answer through this subreddit, as we have a lot of genius apes who have spent a lot of time making educational posts for you to read! I’ll link some in this post later tonight.
I have to run for now but I will be back tonight with some edits as well as a new post regarding what tomorrow could look like, what we can expect, and how we can fight tomorrow.
submitted by 203PR to FFIE [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:21 Vertical_puts_only Mid level Firm or small outfit?

Hey y’all. Looking for some advice on where to go with my career and what you have experienced.
The situation: I’m 28 and just graduated with my bachelors. I interned twice at a top 20 public accounting firm and have a job offer with them for late August. I found out just in March during the second internship that remote was no longer an option, as it was in the initial job offer, and I have to live within 60 miles of an office to have the job.
The kicker here is I own a home in the southeast, and the nearest office of the larger firm is 5 hours away. I’m from the Midwest and so if I were to take this job, I would move to the Midwest by August at least for a few years to start my career. My wife has been a travel nurse for the last two years, and I’ve been traveling with her while finishing my degree. I mentioned this just to bring up that on a personal level. I’m ready to quit traveling and settle down. If we moved to the Midwest for the larger firm job, it would not be for more than four years and I would have to move again somewhere warmer.
However, I interviewed this morning, and have another interview this week with a small firm near where I live. It’s a single ownepartner firm, and there are six employees. I really enjoyed the conversation with the partneowner felt good about the position. I have interview with the senior manager and manager on Thursday. However, others I’ve spoke to mention it might be hard to move up the ladder with being at such a small place.
Would I be really hindering my career by accepting the position in a small boutique firm instead of the top firm? I care about my career, but don’t sit at night and dream about being a partner if that makes sense. I’m curious on y’alls experience with different sizes of firms and how that affected your career.
submitted by Vertical_puts_only to Accounting [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:20 Few-Car8785 Advice for gaining a stray cat’s trust

Advice for gaining a stray cat’s trust
I know this may be a very frequently asked question, but I would really appreciate some direct advice so I thought I’d give it a shot. Me and my gf recently moved and, about a month and a half ago, we saw a beautiful black cat wandering around outside my door: noticing it was kinda skinny, which made us think it could be a stray, we left some food outside (never touched water even with different containers, so it probably has a safe spot for it, the city is full of water fountains) and in no time it was gone. As the days went by, we started to see the cat more and more often, and as of now we find the cat waiting outside our front door every day around lunch-time and dinner-time, waiting for her meal (in the video you can see it chill in a vase waiting for its food). In this month and a half, the cat is still really wary and tends to run away when we get too close to it, but doesn’t appear as scared as before: no more tail tucked between the legs, even when leaving the food near to us, with enough time of still standing and with a lot of caution, it will eat. We’ve being very patient as we know how difficult gaining the trust of a cat, especially if it’s a cat used to wildlife, but we would appreciate every advice possible to help the cat make trust us!
Note: as of today we put the food regularly in front of our door as seen in the video and the cat has no problem to come and eat it while we are literally next to it and in its sight, but because it’s summer we keep the mosquito net closed, so there’s always this kind of wall between us and the cat. The cat is still very wary about us getting close, but could the mosquito net be an obstacle that prevents a possible contact??
There’s some media for you to appreciate her beauty, we think it’s a female, we named her Eden
submitted by Few-Car8785 to cats [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:19 csrich32 It’s finally hitting me that I’m having a baby🥹

I have gone through my entire pregnancy with minimal symptoms currently 24+4 days. I had a little bit of morning sickness at the end of the first trimester, but it only lasted about 2-3 weeks. Since that has gone away, I had a tough time truly believing since I wasn’t showing due to my size(currently 315 lbs), and I couldn’t feel the baby. Well around 21 weeks I started feeling flutters and was so relieved. It would only happen at night time. Around 23 weeks I was starting to feel actual kicks multiple times throughout the day. Right now, I just put my hand on my belly and she kicked it🥰🥹 I was able to feel from the outside. I haven’t been able to see her move much from the outside but as I’m typing this, I’m a bit emotional because it’s just finally hitting me. After going through a MMC, I have definitely spent this pregnancy anxious. SO! If you are worried about movements and showing. Don’t be! It will happen and do not compare yourself to others! My bump is starting to round out and I’m actually starting to look pregnant🤰🏻 September can’t come soon enough!
submitted by csrich32 to PlusSizePregnancy [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:19 ermulll69 Living room carpet got soaked during recent storm, is this the best solution?

Living room carpet got soaked during recent storm, is this the best solution?
Last night water got in through the main entrance to our garden level apartment and flooded about 50% of the carpet. We contacted the property managers in the morning and moved all the furniture and items away from the wet parts of the carpet.
They weren’t able to send anyone until about 4 hours later and by this time the carpet really started to smell bad. Their solution was to dry the carpet by ripping it up and setting up a fan. They said it should take a few days for it to complete dry.
Is this the ideal way to deal with soaked carpet? I feel like mold will start to grow and that wouldn’t be very ideal. The worst part of it is the smell, so much so I don’t think my roommate and I want to sleep in our rooms tonight. Should we ask that they fully replace the carpet or is this normal practice?
submitted by ermulll69 to Apartmentliving [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:18 QueenofPentacles112 My Friends

My Friends
Here is one of my barn swallow couples. And yes, they are mine lol. Because they nest at my apartment building every year and I fiercely protect them like they are my own children!
People in my building and the building next to me have knocked down their nests, one time even with babies in it. The first year I moved in there were probably 4-5 families at my building and more at the other building. Now there are only 2 families that came back this year. All because they are inconvenienced by their poop ☹️. In my opinion, the natural insect repellent they provide, their awesome personalities, and their aerial acrobatics are all worth it for the poop. Also, preserving the lives of animals who were here before us and have sacrificed so much because of us, that is also worth something to me.
Anyways, I believe that they know when they have an ally. At least I like to pretend they do lol. I do feel that sometimes animals have an instinctive knowledge of those who come in peace. But I also see my barn swallows not flying away or swooping at me when I walk past. I try not to linger near their nests for too long. I'm honestly afraid of scaring them off for good, but I also want to leave them undisturbed and respect them, so I do try not to get too close. But when I'm on my porch on the top floor (where they don't have available space to nest), they come visit me! They'll sit on my balcony and chat with each other, look for insects, and fly off within a minute or 2. Or they'll fly around up here and do some mosquito and fly extermination for me.
I love them so much for some reason. I feel like such a dork because I talk about them all year, waiting on their return. I feel so lucky that they reproduce here and I get to see them build amazing and sturdy nests at lightning speed, the way they work together to feed and protect their babies, their awesome dynamics they have with each other and other birds. I could go on and on
submitted by QueenofPentacles112 to birding [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:18 furyian24 Lying Neighbors

You know... had to find a place and there is a subreddit for everything. Glad I found this place. I'm just going to write because I want to beat the living shit out of this man every time I see him and I need to calm my ass down. My left leg is itching to land a roundhouse on this man.
A few months ago, I was talking about cars with a neighbor who lived across the street from me. We usually have talks about his car, my car, and my bike, and we talk about old-school cars. Just one dude having a fun conversation with another.
I had left my garage open, and my dogs. I have 2 of them. One I rescued from a family who couldn't keep it. The other landed on my lap and I've been taking care of it and is now considered my own.
Well, these 2 got out, and started roaming around about 70 ft from my property. Started sniffing around and found the scent of another dog and was curious. I didn't notice this at first of course.
They end up in this man's front yard. Who knows maybe they marked their territory a little drizzle here and there on their grass. Anyway, this man comes out and starts yelling "Get your dog off my yard". I didn't hear him at first or could make out what he was saying, and I realized my dogs had gotten out. I call my dogs, and they are well-trained, they both respond quickly and come running back.
I was a bit offended damn man. They meant no harm. Don't have to yell and shit you know. They are smelling another dog. They are interested in finding out more about this other animal that took a shit and piss in your yard. That's what dogs do. Anyway, I yelled back sorry! I meant it, I was sincere about it. I even started walking over there to show concern of course. He does not respond to me other than saying loudly, "Leash your dog". At that point, I'm over it, my buddy and I crack some jokes about the dude to laugh it off.
Like wtf got up this guy ass at 9 pm? Do you stare out the window all night looking for dogs that may end up in your front yard? We have a good laugh and we talk some more car, my dogs are cool with my buddy. Animals know instinctively who is friendly and who isn't. Oddly that's what I've noticed.
The next morning, after I have taken my kids to school. This jackass walks up to me in his version of workout clothes. I have never seen him ever since I've been taking my kids to school every morning but today was a special day. He has his airpods on, sneakers, and running shorts. Then he comes up to me and talks some mad shit. He's obviously spent the entire night thinking about how he's going to put me in my place or some shit. I just tell the guy to walk away. He says to me "What are you going to do about it?" Say what? What is this? Do what, I asked you to get out of my face right?
Jesus man... this dude, is pushing like the mid-50s to early 60's. I'm younger obviously, I'm thinking you trying to go toe to toe? I tell him to walk away. He tells me his wife is Korean and I'm Korean so he's trying to make some level of connection here, implying he knows something about my culture and he is disappointed as he should know there is some level of cultural impact I should have being a Korean and the way I have responded to him is not to his liking. Thus, I must show some level of respect or bend a knee or some weird shit, as if he understood Koreans to be something different than I am. Entitled as fuck this guy. He wants to feel superior and wants to be bowed down to. A total sense of entitlement right? Superiority complex of some kind. Fuck he annoys the fuck out of me. I keep calm and tell him to get the fuck out of my face but nicer. "Just leave man, no need for you to be in front of me, just gotta go move along," is what I told him.
No offense but I'm looking at this white dude here, and look I can say it because my uncle is white, married my aunt and we had a great relationship. No disrespect but who the fuck is this dude to start bringing up Korean this Korean that, we're in the US man. He acts disrespectful to me and gives me the middle finger as he walks away after me telling the guy on at least four other occasions to get going and stay out and away from my personal space. I'm like whatever, I'm over it. He means nothing really. He means less to me than let's say, a piece of rubber or something. I could care less.
Then he went ahead and told the HOA that my dogs had taken multiple shits in his yard, and I have never bothered to pick up after them. I make sure to pick up shit especially if it's on someone else's yard right. Of course, I respond back to HOA, and tell them, they got bigger things to worry about and they really have bigger shit to worry about than some bs complaint.
I'm sure that got that little ball sack of low-life fucking pissed right. I mean I got 2 tiny dogs. Each weighs less than 10lbs. One is around 6 lbs other is around 7.5 lbs. They are not fucking pit bulls here. Apparently, he also said my dogs were vicious.
That never went far. Anyway, yesterday, my kids got home from school, they wanted to visit a neighborhood friend and left the garage open. A lady was walking by. She was Asian, I can tell. How? I have cameras. I was also upstairs and looked out my window which is directly above the garage because I didn't hear the garage door close.
Well these 2 little shits went barking at her. She didn't flinch just kept on walking. I tell the kids close the garage. Today the big man over there and another lady who lives across the street from him, (I suppose birds of a feather flock together) rang my doorbell after I dropped my son off at school. I come downstairs, and this asshole pounds my door to show his impatience. I'm thinking cops? I open the door it's this asshole and his neighborhood lady friend.
I ask them what's the visit for, she tells me that when she was walking yesterday, my dogs "attacked" her and the dickhead standing next to her adds more dramatic impact and says, they even bit her. I'm fucking laughing inside. I saw the whole thing myself from upstairs. The lady my dogs barked at was Asian, her hair was black, I can still see her face from my upstairs bedroom window. I saw my dogs run up and bark at her and sniff her shoes and bark some more before my kids called them in. This lady was covered in long white sleeve and long white walking pants, white sneakers, a hat to cover the sun, and a face mask because she's Asian of course and we all hate the sun. Her walking stature was that of a woman in her mid 40 to 50's, and this lady in front of me that was supposedly attacked was again not Asian, and the lady claiming that she got attacked is about 30 years older, not even capable of walking no more than 200 feet from her property. She does not wear walking attire obviously made in China or Korea. I know because I'm Korean and older women wear exactly that type of clothing in Korea or Asia when they walk in daylight. They like to avoid the sun, but get their walks in. Jesus.... the fucking lies in this shit is humor at this point.
The lady in front of me is too old, let alone is capable to walk past my property or take daily walks. I work at home remotely man, I would have noticed if this lady was to type to take walks at 3 pm. I pick my kids up and I'm active outside during that time.
This lying POS goes a bit further and says, he thinks my dogs even broke skin. I look at her finger. I see nothing. No bite marks nothing, not even a scratch. No blood. Just straight-up lies. I apologize to the lady regardless. I tell her I'll cover her medical expenses (which means medical report, and doctor bill) she stutters a little, says no need. If she broke skin, and my dogs bit her, she would be at my house the minute it happened. Fucking lying ass dumb idiots. This man now dragged this lady into his lies you know.
Then I look at this mother fucker in the eye and my fucking legs are twitching, and in my mind, I want to land a roundhouse, I gauged the distance, and it would land on the right side of his face. Shit would have been a 10/10 perfect kick I'm thinking.... yea dipshit, something else you should know about Koreans, most of us take some sort of martial arts early in our youth and that never really stops. Seeing how you say you know so much about my culture, did that not enter your fucking head?
Anyway, I look at this sorry excuse for a man, a fucking coward and I ask him why he's here? If the lady is the one who got bit, then perhaps this is between me and her, right? He says he's there with her because he cares. Like hell, you do. You dragged this lady in your lies and she's going along with you but it's not the truth. You sorry ass POS, now dragged another individual into your BS. You still can't get over our last encounter and you are dying to come over and start some new shit. I asked you to walk away, but you didn't like it. You felt disrespected. In your spare time, you've been scheming ways to get back because you were never satisfied.
Anyway, he brings my dogs up again and says he'll call the police. I tell him to do what he's gotta do. That pissed him off because I called his bluff and he can't pull through and execute. I'm fucking with his ability to do anything about it. He now feels small again.
He said I should leave the neighborhood. I bought this fucking house, so I tell him you have money? You wanna buy me out? He has none, he says, "I don't want another house" Okay well then shut the fuck up right. I tell him at this point he should leave. The audacity of this little shitbag to tell me to move out of my own house is something else. Once again this sense of entitlement, where do you get it from?
Anyway, he's giving me the middle finger this whole time like a bitch hiding behind his safety blanket or something right. He's doing all kinds of weird shit right now. Like throws both fingers up, turns around does a 180, and gives me another two fingers. He's doing this like 10 times. What the fuck is wrong with this guy right? In front of the old lady which he seemed to have convinced to carry out the lies with him. I can tell at this point, she's about had it. She no longer wants to be involved. Again, if a person got bit by a "vicious dog" and was bleeding, she would not have acted this way right? She got called out on her hand, she tried to play along with his lead, how my dogs broke the skin, getting bit by them... all that, but she's got no bite marks, and my dogs don't bite. I know this. At the end she tells me she doesn't want my dogs on her yard, but she's okay with other dogs on her yard. So it's a personal thing, okay no worries I tell her.
Then he brings up the culture thing again. "You know my wife is Korean.... she's disgusted with you...blah blah" I respond, "I am Korean and my entire family is Korean and they would be disgusted with you," and then I tell him, "You don't understand us Koreans, we have mutual respect and honor, you have none, and that's why you're not getting any"
Guy walks away looking as small as he is, caught in his lies. When I knew all along what happened, his face turns fucking tomato red. Just what the fuck? How sick is this guy in the head? Anyway, I don't expect anything, just thought I'd write, for the internet and the entire world.
submitted by furyian24 to neighborsfromhell [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:16 ohnobugzilla2 Non-custodial parent not purchasing plane tickets for children to visit

Looking to see what repercussions I might face, if any, in this situation.
I moved about 1200 miles away from my home state last year with my children, their father lives in our home state still. We amended and agreed to a new parenting plan when I moved that gives him 6.5 weeks of visitation per year, the kids take unaccompanied minor flights, and we take turns paying for them.
I paid for their November flights, he (well, his gfs mom) paid for their December flights, I paid for their March flights, and he is supposed to be paying for their June flights.
The kids are supposed to leave on June 2nd and stay with him for three weeks, he hasn’t purchased the tickets yet. I understand there is still time, but if he doesn’t, is there any action that he can take against me for him not being able to see them?
The parenting plan clearly lays out the visitation times and dates, and who is responsible for purchasing tickets and when. I have held up my end of the agreement, he hasn’t. I offered to let him purchase one way tickets this time and I would finance the trip back myself, he still hasn’t purchased the tickets.
Legally speaking, if he tried to take this back to court, would not sending them on my own dime when he was responsible for travel arrangements this time look badly for me?
submitted by ohnobugzilla2 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:15 ohnobugzilla2 Non-custodial parent not purchasing plane tickets for children to visit

Looking to see what repercussions I might face, if any, in this situation.
I moved about 1200 miles away from my home state last year with my children, their father lives in our home state still. We amended and agreed to a new parenting plan when I moved that gives him 6.5 weeks of visitation per year, the kids take unaccompanied minor flights, and we take turns paying for them.
I paid for their November flights, he (well, his gfs mom) paid for their December flights, I paid for their March flights, and he is supposed to be paying for their June flights.
The kids are supposed to leave on June 2nd and stay with him for three weeks, he hasn’t purchased the tickets yet. I understand there is still time, but if he doesn’t, is there any action that he can take against me for him not being able to see them?
The parenting plan clearly lays out the visitation times and dates, and who is responsible for purchasing tickets and when. I have held up my end of the agreement, he hasn’t. I offered to let him purchase one way tickets this time and I would finance the trip back myself, he still hasn’t purchased the tickets.
Legally speaking, if he tried to take this back to court, would not sending them on my own dime when he was responsible for travel arrangements this time look badly for me?
submitted by ohnobugzilla2 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:15 ElegantHovercraft116 I 23M stupidly texted my 22F ex and her parents after breakup. Advice?

TLDR: Irrationally texted my ex parents after a breakup saying mean shit about her no threats just emotional dumb shit. Regret how childish I came off and feel like part of my healing even to move on fully is apologizing to grow. But I don’t want to bother as other redditors have exclaimed I should be lucky no restraining orders have been put out or I’m not in jail. I admit I said ugly shit but nothing that comes to threats or harm. Lmk please
Ex texted a bestfriend behind my back ending of last year ruining the friendship. Broke up with her, during that time I rekindled with someone else while occasionally texting my ex still not back together. Felt like I missed the warmth of my ex and dropped the new girl going back to my ex fully beginning of this year. Missed the support and love from my ex that I never truly got. Girl told me ex about our dirty laundry, causing trust issues in the whole relationship. Trust me when I tell you I felt more than guilty. I balled my eyes out with her and not even for getting caught for the reaction she had and how fragile she always was to me. I mention what she had does because stupidly I should have left when I had the chance. Even other instances where she had initiated things, I knew it might have not been the healthiest but she showed other signs of real true love. Tried fixing them by removing girls, sharing location, etc. I felt scared my ex is gonna get revenge and started being distant at the end which pushed her away as well. I thought we would get back together as always, found out she’s been adding guys she removed a long time ago. I got upset and texted her ugly nasty shit, and texted her dad saying his daughter is nasty etc. I thought by doing this I’d move on quicker by burning bridges, he told me to leave them alone I’m being childish. I understand I fucked up and fully agree. She’s done things and I know I shouldn’t have let be, but staying and getting revenge wasn’t the way. I’m realizing that as the hours even go by everyday I think about it. I want to apologize to the parents for the lack of character I had because I never ONCE disrespected them in their house, to their face. I called them Mr and Mrs always and always asked if they needed anything. I talked to a close female friend who said this stuff needs time and I can apologize if I’d like and if it makes me feel better, or write a letter and burn it. My parents said that’s not my character and said apologize if you feel necessary as I wasn’t raised like that. I feel like it’s too late to backtrack on the stupid shit I said. Am I being selfish by sending a text? I just want this weight off my chest of being the shitty person at the end at least to her parents who didn’t need any of that.
Is it smart to reach back out to the parents to show respect as an adult or just let them be? I know this was a lot but it’s on my heart and brain everyday since. I know I was emotional for no reason as I had done hurt to her in the past too. Seeing her move on so fast is what bothered me but I see she wanted me to feel what she felt. I just feel bad sitting on the thought that I left her parents with such a bad image of myself even thought it doesn’t matter anymore just doesn’t sit with me. Help?
submitted by ElegantHovercraft116 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:15 space_wizard_wub Big toe trauma and PTOA

Looking for people with big toe trauma healing experience
In june of last year i was playing with my dog when I went to kick a toy that was rolling, I missed and just about full forced kicked a base board on the wall.
Initial ER visit with x-rays came back no fracture in my big toe, immobilize for 4 weeks all should be good.
16 weeks rolls around and there is still pain and swelling, i i visit a ortho who x-rays with same result. Possible signs of a healing fracture but that is all. Said it should be good by EOY.
EOY comes still have pain when weight bearing, although less swelling, I visit one ortho in february who gets a MRI done, comes back with
mild arthritis, mild bone edema, mild joint effusion
We start Low Level Laser Therapy and Phsyical therapy in march, and I have been seeing gradual improvement, gaining rom and being able to stand on it with no pain.
We are now at the current day and the last ortho visit gave a timeline of a few more months to healed.
My current status is there is still joint effusion for sure. it hurts when pushing off with the toe or going in to my tipie toes. it’s not really a pain so much as the joint feels gunked up. I have no pain when moving the joint without weight bearing.
my question is, will this gunked up feeling go away as the joint effusion clears or is this a symptom of arthritis that will persist?
TL;DR did a big bang on my big toe last june, doc says it’s healing, but curious what are symptoms of my new found PTOA and what are the injury healing
symptoms - pain when pushing off - pain when squatting and flexing it - toe looks slightly misaligned although both doctors said joint was not misaligned with x-ray - frequent popping (not painful)
(i have some screenshots of the mri in feb if anyone would like to see those, although i have definitely healed a lot since then)
submitted by space_wizard_wub to Halluxrigidus [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:13 space_wizard_wub Looking for people with big toe trauma healing experience

In june of last year i was playing with my dog when I went to kick a toy that was rolling, I missed and just about full forced kicked a base board on the wall.
Initial ER visit with x-rays came back no fracture in my big toe, immobilize for 4 weeks all should be good.
16 weeks rolls around and there is still pain and swelling, i i visit a ortho who x-rays with same result. Possible signs of a healing fracture but that is all. Said it should be good by EOY.
EOY comes still have pain when weight bearing, although less swelling, I visit one ortho in february who gets a MRI done, comes back with
mild arthritis, mild bone edema, mild joint effusion
We start Low Level Laser Therapy and Phsyical therapy in march, and I have been seeing gradual improvement, gaining rom and being able to stand on it with no pain.
We are now at the current day and the last ortho visit gave a timeline of a few more months to healed.
My current status is there is still joint effusion for sure. it hurts when pushing off with the toe or going in to my tipie toes. it’s not really a pain so much as the joint feels gunked up. I have no pain when moving the joint without weight bearing.
my question is, will this gunked up feeling go away as the joint effusion clears or is this a symptom of arthritis that will persist?
TL;DR did a big bang on my big toe last june, doc says it’s healing, but curious what are symptoms of my new found PTOA and what are the injury healing
symptoms - pain when pushing off - pain when squatting and flexing it - toe looks slightly misaligned although both doctors said joint was not misaligned with x-ray - frequent popping (not painful)
(i have some screenshots of the mri in march if anyone would like to see those, although i have definitely healed a lot since then)
submitted by space_wizard_wub to FootFunction [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:12 Lord_Liberty1776 Help with identification

Hello, new member here, joined to learn anything I can about these watches. My grandparents both passed away in the last year and I have inherited their house/things.
While cleaning and moving in, i came across a box in the back of their closet with a few old watches in them. Trying to research them is proving to be harder than I expected.
Comments included on photos
Anything anyone can tell me would be more than welcome and appreciated.
Thank you all for your time and expertise!
submitted by Lord_Liberty1776 to VintageWatches [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:11 Unable_Psychology_85 3 years post op - still struggling

Hi all,
My tear took place December of ‘20, and I got my operation in February of ‘21. I was strong in rehab through about June at which point I moved away from my hometown where I was doing PT and didn’t have insurance through the summer to go. I got really lazy and hardly did any rehab until the end of the year, and since then have done exercises once a week on average. I realize this isn’t as often as I should be, but I am now over 3 years post op and still doing rehab twice a week. Main challenges are swelling, clicking, and tightness in the whole leg. A few times now I’ve pushed myself too hard and then deal with bad pain for a couple weeks following - needless to say I am seeing no progress at this point. I’ve gone to specialists since and since I do have full mobility I am told all I can do is more rehab. Does anyone have any suggestions of exercises that work well for you or anything else I can do to help my case? I’ve thought about scar tissue removal surgery but thought I’d come here before spending any money being evaluated. I am 24M.
submitted by Unable_Psychology_85 to ACL [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:10 ThrowRabcwhy My [18F]fiance [18M] yelled at me for defending myself against his bosses sexual harassment. should I apologize?

Hey.. I'm recently 18 and my fiance is also 18. I honestly can't share a whole lot of the details around this story. I'm terrified of being caught. I'll probably delete this post later.
My family, we'll they're apart of this.. Cult. I never understood it. I just thought we were normal Christians, but when I was 8 my sister who was only 16 was married off to this guy Chris, and when I was 9 the same thing happened to my other sister when she was 16. This happened again when I was 11. I knew I was next.
When I was 15 my marriage was arranged with this.. Guy. His name was Bill, he was 32. He was an church gower and was suggested by our pastor. I got to meet him a couple times and he was nice. I didn't want to marry him but I had no choice.
I married him the day after my 16th birthday. When I went home with him... I hated it. He wasnt nice anymore. He was married previously to a girl at our church, but he divorced her for "being broken" apparently she was Infertile and after 7 ish months of trying he gave up. But she got remarried immediately with this other guy and she's pregnant..
He immediately tried to Impregnate me. But after a few months he was getting impatient. I think he was realizing that maybe he was the problem.
Bill had a step brother, Gerry. Gerry was an angel... Bill and Gerry were estranged. Their mother had an affair with a darker man, and Gerry was born, it was obvious this was an affair baby. He was dark. I don't want to reveal any details about my location but..dark people are treated badly here. I barely see any..and when I do.. They're on the streets.
Gerry was a saint despite all the hardship growing up.. He was disgusted with his brother and I'd always hear him insulting and ridiculing him.. Anytime he came over he'd take me aside and make sure I was okay.. He was so sweet.. One time when Bill was working late.. Me and Gerry slept together. He was slow.. Careful. I loved it.
That's when I found out I was pregnant. I knew it was Gerry's,but Bill was happy. Gerry knew, I knew. Bill didn't.
It was Gerry's birthday a month ago. He was 18.
Gerry took me aside and asked if I wanted to leave and have a family with him. I didn't even think, I just said yes. I packed my stuff and snuck out two weeks later.
It took a while but we moved far and got an apartment. It was all of Gerry's savings. We were safe for now. It's scary because I was still a minor for one more month. We just need to be quiet and lay low. We were running out of funds so Gerry got a job. It was VERY hard due to the racism and horrible stereotypes Gerry was suffering with.. But he got a job! I was so proud.
I found out Gerry left to go to work in a hurry and forgot his lunch. He'd usually take just a sandwich. He works so hard so I spent 30 minutes making him a way better and nutritional lunch, then brought it to him, I hadn't been out in a while.
I arrived during lunch and Gerry greeted me with a kiss. We were chatting when I gave him his lunch. His work partners were saying how lucky he was, then his boss came over. I introduced myself and he put his hand on my arm and said Gerry was a lucky guy.
Gerry put his arm around me and laughed it off, he said that we were planning my 18th birthday. I think he said this to let the boss know I wasn't over 18 so he'd stop. But he didn't. He put his hand on my chin.. I got flashbacks to Bill.. He used to do that. So I slapped him. I didn't mean to.
Gerry grabbed my arm and pulled me away, apologizing profusely to his boss. He asked me to go. So I left.. Gerry came home a few hours. He seemed distant. I asked and he got really mad.. He didn't yell. But he was definitely angry. He said that he was in deep trouble, and that he understood that what his boss did was disgusting, but he struggled so hard to get a job due to the prejudice and racism. He held my hands and said that he NEEDED this job for me and the baby. He was crying by the end of it. He wiped his tears and gave me a half hearted apology. He slept on the couch and we haven't talked since..
Didn't do something wrong? I think maybe I should go back and apologize to his boss.. Gerry works so hard.. And even though it doesn't seek like it.. He's so genuine. He brings me home flowers every day that he sees on his trail home. He's so excited to meet our baby girl. (He's certain it's a girl)
submitted by ThrowRabcwhy to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:10 FlyHarper Getting diagnosed (childhood trauma)

30yr old female, ten years in the military, single mom, lots of trauma.
I am currently going through the process of being diagnosed with Bipolar II.
I am reaching out because I have spent precious hours or sleep and working hours (called off) reading this reddit bipolar2. I'm has made so much sense to me, especially some of the Posts that made so much sense it felt like it was about me.
I have been treated for mental health since 2013. (19/20yr) It started in the navy after I had a sexual trauma. I was having anxiety attacks, I couldn't be in the workshop without feeling anxiety so intense I was either going to cry rage or run to the bathroom and hide while I try to calm myself. They started me on Prozac and at the time it helped with the anxiety attacks. But I still had high anxiety and I have had depression episodes that felt never ending. The navy doctors never diagnosed me due to certain diagnosis could effect your job. So they would say things like adjustment disorder (which is only 6 months) or traits of BPD, generalized anxiety and depression, and they would test my most severe symptoms. I always thought it was weird that they're giving me drugs before an diagnosis. Even now that I'm a veteran and using the VA it's the same issue. I'm getting a certain set of drug options.
It feels like ok you can have a turkey sandwich, ham, chicken, but those are the options. You can try the turkey with the ham. They would only offer me antidepressants and I have been on almost every single one except paxil and amitriptyline (which I would have happily tried since I have stomach issues too)
Fast forward to now. I have mostly been effected by anxiety and depression. I'll be anxious so much so that I go numb. I don't care about anything. I just want to sleep. I don't do hygiene well(which boggles my brain since I usually have to take one before work and one before bed, due to my trauma I feel a layer of filth that won't go away with a shower) I do the bare minimum for myself and even my kid. The anxiety is constant. My mind is always racing. I used to say it feels like I'm in a racquet ball court and there's thousands of balls bouncing and ricocheting in the glass box. Now I've learned it's called FOI. The difference between the anxiety and depression for me is I can be anxious and not depressed. But my anxiety causes me to be depressed and it can last months. Sometimes it feels like years. It's like sometimes my depression is louder than the anxiety and sometimes my anxiety is louder. It's like my psyche can't handle the anxiety and so it just switches off.
This has effected my family my job and my relationships both friends and boyfriend.
I will feel like I'm not myself.
Things I love I can't motivate myself enough to go enjoy like being outside or swimming. Not even for my kid. It's awful.
I have had a lot of traumatic experience as a child, I.e. physical, emotional, verbal and sexual, both to me and my brother and mom. Because of the abuse it is assumed I might have PTSD or BPD by the doctor I was seeing at the time. But I didn't feel like I had all of the specifiers for either of those. Plus I've had trauma at such a young age it's hard to know what's normal for me and what's not.
By the time I was in my mid twenties I had several patterns of severe depression periods and everytime I came out of the depression I thought I was "cured" the antidepressants were helping, the consistent lifestyle that's now structured is helping, etc. And I would be so relieved from the crushing depression that I didn't question or think about the energy I was having or if it's weird that I traded the depression for other issues like spending too much money, dating men too fast or not in a healthy manner, I was just relieved to be social and going out of my house. I thought I was making bad decisions because I'm a piece of shit and need to try harder to be decent. I'd clean my house, do more things for my kid, basically function like an adult, if not a little extreme.
The times I had a new doctor and they did the generic screening questions I always felt like the bipolar was too extreme for me to fit. My best friend is bipolar and I was not as intense as her. Same as my ex-husband. So I didn't think I was possibly bipolar.
But in my mid twenties, I was starting to wonder why I wasn't getting better, why do I have there ups and downs, it feels like a cycle or a pattern (not a pattern that makes sense)
I asked my doctor if the depression was resistant and I asked why the meds weren't working. I have ADHD (possibly just whatever mental health disorder causing ADHD symptoms?)so I would ask the doctor if maybe the ADHD was causing/manifesting the anxiety or exacerbated it. I read ADHD can make you more susceptible to anxiety and depression.
Basically a lot of Mental health issues share a lot ofbtje same symptoms. I read about the personality disorders and clusters A,B and C. I read the dsm 5 tr specifiers for mood disorders and other mental health issues.
With the help of dsm 5, the specifiers made me realize I have more to my mind than just anxiety and depression.
I'm currently waiting on an extensive screening with the VA to see what's going on.
The nurse practitioner I'm seeing now thinks it could be bipolar II. I hope it's not but I also feel like if it's a diagnosis that can help my treatment then fine. At this point I just want to feel better.
I've been diagnosed with ADHD, traits of BPD, generalized anxiety and depression, PTSD. Most of these didn't feel like they fit me. I would be depressed and that depression would crush me and make me not take care of myself or my home or I was moving so fast, up and about being the Energizer Bunny until I burned myself out and then I was back to being useless.
The DSM 5 specifiers pointed out that I had more than just the anxiety and depression. Some for major depression disorder (MDD), I did see why they might see traits of BPD since I had childhood trauma and there's some patterns of changing jobs and relationships. But I don't feel like I have a lot of fear from abandonment and my moods feel more like I don't have control of them. BPD seems more like your thoughts control your moods and feelings but for me I feel more like I'm being jerked around. I'll start to have energy and the depression lifts to boom, I'm depressed again don't want to shower work or socialize. It's horrible and makes me feel like I'm a horrible person.
I'm hoping by expressing my concern of the pattern/ cycle of depression and anxiety more similar to the hypomania and depression to my provider that the treatment could shift towards a new treatment that's more appropriate.
Right now the provider and I suspect it could be bipolar II. She started me on vraylar but I'm waiting for the VA to approve the prescription. She told me to stop taking the Zoloft 100mg I'm on(which normally I would titrate so I don't have effects from stopping suddenly). I'm having a nervous breakdown. Like I was bad before and now stopping the Zoloft is like gasoline on my mood. I'm not going to work I'm so anxious. So I went to the walk in clinic at the VA and they put me on a low dose of Seroquel. That has been hard. I'm on day two and I'm so out of it and lethargic I slept all day. I didn't go to work. I missed a week and a day. They know a little of what's going on but I know I'm on thin ice, if I don't get my shit together and go back to work soon I'm probably going to be fired.
Right now I'm kind of hoping this reddit could explain some of their personal experiences with getting diagnosed and the treatments they've tried. Especially people with childhood trauma or sexual trauma as a young adult, parents that were alcoholics, abusive, negligent or created unstable homelifes.
submitted by FlyHarper to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:10 University1000 Neighbor complaint smoke

Hey gang. So I received another letter about smoke coming from my apartment. We did go out there for the longest time, as well as the past, but after the last notice I got freaked and have done everything in my power to not go on my patio to smoke. I also bring my pot down the street as to avoid any possible conflict, doing anything I can to avoid any problems. Since my new neighbor moved in, they have been complaining constantly about it, even when we have been going down the street. I just got an email today in the mail of complaints about smoke and yet I have been down the street 24/7.
I didn’t go out there today, this week, or the last two months since the last notice. We have people nearby that bbq, use a campfire, etc and we are being blamed for the smells. Even my landlord has seen me down the street.
I’m truly at a loss for what to do. It almost seems like any smoke smell we are blamed for and my new neighbor is out to get me. We deal with her constant noise and guests but have not once complained or bothered her. I guess this was just a vent throw away post, or if any of you have ideas on how to handle this, that too. I have a great relationship with my Nextdoor neighbor as well as another in the building (we swap times outside for our kitties lol). Advice? Similar stories? I’m at a loss.
Have a great day!
submitted by University1000 to Apartmentliving [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:07 lleu81 Landscapers in Surprise?

We're about to move in to a new build in Surprise and need to find a landscaping company to do our front yard. We're going to need some plants, rock, pavers, and turf. Does anyone have suggestions on a good landscaper to get a quote from?
submitted by lleu81 to phoenix [link] [comments]
