Etitle insurance forclosure

Minnesota small estate and creating a EIN

2024.05.07 23:20 Pilot_tastic Minnesota small estate and creating a EIN

My aunt passed away a few months ago. I am the legal heir in line of succession. She had the state of Minnesota's legal limit of $75,000 or less in assets so I did not go through probate. She has many debts and her home was/is in forclosure. I submitted a affidavit for collection of her personal property for her life insurance policy and received this without applying for a federal EIN number.
She had a small amount ($3000 or less) in a Thrift Savings account, through her federal employer. The last step to claiming this for myself is to get a EIN number. If I do this, will creditor's be able to come to me to use this small amount to pay towards her debts? Is the amount in a federal savings account taxable? Is it even worth it to try and received these funds if it is eligible for creditors to claim?
submitted by Pilot_tastic to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 17:06 Uncle_Buck_BRC Forclosure imminent - pre-forclosure advice

So! Out of the blue, my partner and I get a phone call from a lawyer trying to get ahold of her father. Turns out his house is in pre-forclosure. We live i. The state of Washington. He owes 20k on his house and it is set for auction in mid April. He never told us and is very private in nature and a bit hard headed. He had 12k saved up and I’ve spent the last month earning 12k to help him pay it off. I was told to contact a California based “non-judicial foreclosure trustee” to get the exact numbers and was given a form to have him fill out.
He’s not signing it. He wants to fight it. He believes he was wronged. His initial payment was 800+ dollars per month and now it’s 1.4k. He also mentioned something about being charged for insurance when he already had insurance….but won’t get into specifics about the fees/charges he thinks he has been wrongly charged.
The date for auction is rapidly approaching and I can’t make him sign the reinstatement form. He wants to fight. I think it’s better to just pay the money and reinstate the loan but if he is going to go the hard way, what are our options?
Does anyone have any good lawyer recommendations to fight this? Or can you convince him for me that it is foolish to not pursue reinstatement?
I’m in over my head…and I don’t want to see them houseless
submitted by Uncle_Buck_BRC to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.01.10 01:48 CBRN_IS_FUN Stall a forclosure, sell a house?

I'm in Florida. Long story slightly shorter. I owned a house with my ex. I had got sick with lupus and was out of work. We went on a covid forbearance. Filed for divorce. She wouldn't sign the paperwork for my VA benefit to modify the forbearance to the end of the loan. Suddenly two years behind due to failed forbearance and payments go to oldest bill first. Divorce final, I got primary custody. Forced to sell since I couldn't pay her buy-out. Couldn't afford house and rental payments. Going into forclosure on the 1st of next month. I also get legal insurance through my employer next month. Hearing is middle of next month.
Is there any way to stall so I can get a lawyer on board? Any neat ideas?
At the same time the ex is filing a motion for contempt accusing that I am sabotaging the sale of my house. It's not true, she claims I refused to accept offers or lower the sale price - all conversations have taken place in a three way chat between her, myself, and our realtor. I directly asked if I had ever refused offers or to lower the sale price and the realtor answered never.
We have an offer that would push us upside down and she's really pushing to take it instead of countering, but I don't know what, if any, ulterior motive she might have with that. And saying no worries me about the court dates for both the forclosure and her contempt hearing.
submitted by CBRN_IS_FUN to asklegaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.01.10 01:45 CBRN_IS_FUN House sale

My ex is taking me to court (contempt motion over divorce order) accusing that I am sabotaging the sale of my house. It's not true, she claims I refused to accept offers or lower the sale price - all conversations have taken place in a three way chat between her, myself, and our realtor. I directly asked if I had ever refused offers or to lower the sale price and the realtor answered never.
The house goes into forclosure next month, court date in the middle of it. I get legal insurance on the first, but can't afford a lawyer otherwise. She wouldn't sign to end a forbearance we took together making us two years late.
We have an offer that would push us upside down and she's really pushing to take it instead of countering, but I don't know what, if any, ulterior motive she might have with that. And saying no worries me about the court dates for both the forclosure and her contempt hearing.
submitted by CBRN_IS_FUN to AskLegal [link] [comments]

2024.01.10 01:32 CBRN_IS_FUN Can I stall a forclosure.

I'm in Florida. Long story slightly shorter. I owned a house with my ex. I had got sick with lupus and was out of work. We went on a covid forbearance. Filed for divorce. She wouldn't sign the paperwork for my VA benefit to modify the forbearance to the end of the loan. Suddenly two years behind. Divorce final, I got primary custody. Forced to sell since I couldn't pay her buy-out. Couldn't afford house and rental payments. Going into forclosure on the 1st of next month. I also get legal insurance through my employer next month. Hearing is middle of next month. Have a current buyer offer, but would be upside down on all the fees from forclosure and such.
Is there any way to stall so I can get a lawyer on board? Any neat ideas?
submitted by CBRN_IS_FUN to AskLegal [link] [comments]

2023.09.06 05:26 M_M_G_11 Heart of a Teacher_The SubTo Experience

The community that has been created by Pace is unparalleled. The content is diverse and rich and it keeps coming. It is not just about learning to purchase and sell real estate. He not only personally educates the group, but he brings in experts (at his expense) in various specialties/disciplines that are pivotal and interconnected to the real estate business to further educate his students, i.e., business/corporate structure, tax strategies, insurance, estate planning, team building/leadership, sales training, raising private capital, mindset, comping and underwriting, wholesaling, pre-forclosure, etc. There is so much collaboration occuring within the group, helping and supporting each others real estate endeavors. Meet ups occur almost monthly with fellow SubTo students in all 50 states.
Pace Morby has the heart of a teacher and its evident in his interactions with his students and desire to constantly add value to the community he has created. I have not found a better mentorship.
submitted by M_M_G_11 to SubToPaceMorby [link] [comments]

2023.07.31 19:34 Leather_Minimum_5286 I'm Struggling... Advice?

I need advice. throwaway acct
Im currently fighting with my county due to regulations about my living situation. according to my county building inspector, im not allowed to live in my RV on my property, nor am i allowed to have a tiny house.
my county demands that i put a mobile home that is verified by the manufacturer to be rated for residential use, or i get hefty fines, up to 500 dollars daily until i remove my RV and get a proper house or mobile home on my property. They dont really care what i do if i have a mobile home on the property. i have 30 days to come up with the money to get a down payment taken care of. i can take care of the monthly payment after that point, but my husband is out of a job, and im disabled so its hard to find a job i can actually do, and i have 2 kids on the spectrum who i cant leave home alone for a traditional job.
my bills are tight on my check, but i can swing a small payment every month for the mobile home, i jusst dont have enough time to save as i get paid once monthly, and theyre giving me 30 days before they open a legal case against me. i cant afford the fines or going into forclosure on my property, so thats the best i can do to save myself.

does anyone know of any programs for housing assistance, or any jobs i can do from home so i can watch my kids and not have to worry about a building being accessible? i have a degree in education, but im not certified as a school teacher, and i cant afford my disability being taken away, and my medical insurance unless i can afford what i was making and pay for medical insurance on top of some quick cash to get a down payment.

i've also checked facebook to see if anyone is getting rid of an old dilapidated mobile home, but i still cant afford to get one moved as it can be upwards of a few grand to do so where i live.

im definately willing to do whatever i can to come up with the money in time, but my options are limited in terms of mobility. im great on the phone, i type quickly, etc. so if anyone can point me in the direction of jobs i can do, or ways to make money quickly that would be phenomenal. i attempted to donate bodily fluids like blood and plasma and even bone marrow, but im not eligible due to anemia and cholesterol and things like that, so thats off the table unless anyone knows of a place with loose regulations, though im not keen on potentially dying or something.... and ive already sold all i can, we dont have a whole lot to spare right now, but im still a couple hundred short of any kind of down payment after what ive made, and my small savings account

thank you so so much for any kind of assistance you can provide, im just at a loss and all of the scams out there about jobs from home are so discouraging. i dont know what we'll do if we lose our property. our RV has seen better days and i dont think i can move it as frequently as i would have to in order to boondock places, and i cant exactly afford tires and things right now...
Thanks again for anything youre able to point me in the direction of in terms of housing programs and jobs
submitted by Leather_Minimum_5286 to povertyfinance [link] [comments]

2023.06.11 06:31 ashsci Partner is boiling down our financial issues to my Postpartum anxiety from over a year he right?

My son is about to be three in the fall. He was born premature, had a 2 month long NICU stay, and two surgeries his first year of life, all during the pandemic so there was very little outside support. During this time, I was a stay at home mom that was in a fog, sleep deprived, and overwhelmed by the constant needs of my baby and by exclusively pumping (as our baby couldn't latch). My partner has always been a supportive co-parent to me. He worked full time when our son was a baby and took care of him everyday when he got home from work at 10p to 4am so that I could sleep. I greatly appreciated all of his help but could not help but feel the need to control every detail of how my partner took care of the baby. I would often correct him in the moment and reprimand him after the fact, if he didn't do something just as I had explained. I would have fits of rages, where I would slam dishes I was washing, slam pans on the stove when cooking, and would scream about random inconveniences (not always related to him). I was NOT myself. During this time, I noticed my partner retreat inward, was more to himself but I was so focused on our baby that I related it to other issues (being fired from his job and his father's rapidly declining health). I didn't have the ability to do therapy because I had no insurance and couldn't pay for it but I did research on how to control my anger, listened to audio books about controlling my anger, started meditating again, and went back to work part-time. I got better but not all at once, it took me about two years from when my son was born to get out of that fog. I felt our relationship was going well throughout everything we had gone through in the last few years. However, my partners mental health has continued to decline. This last year or so, he is just constantly on his phone playing games or scrolling social media, is short tempered with our son often, sleeps in late to jerk off EVERY MORNING(seriously...), goes through phases of staying out to all hours of the night drinking in bars and has been lying about our finances. His car was evicted, our house almost went into foreclosure, and he ranked up over $3000 in penalties and fees for not paying our HOA. I do not have control over our major bills. They were all put in his name when we bought the house because I did not have good credit since I was a stay at home mom at the time. Even though I don't have the bills in my name, I made sure to always ask if he was doing okay money wise and able to pay the mortgage this month, HOA and his car payment. He would always quickly answer that he had enough to cover the bill/he already paid it. When his car was evicted and when I got the forclosure notice, I was in shock (happened months apart). He was extremely apologetic and remorseful for hiding his financial struggles with me. But this last time, when I found out he was lying about paying our HOA, he was not as remorseful, he didn't even apologize. He opened up and explained that he has been depressed since everything I put him through during my Postpartum anxiety. He goes on to explain he had to let something give (as in our finances) in order to survive, and that he can't bounce back to normal just because I am feeling better. I feel that some of his feelings are valid but am appalled by him boiling down all of his financial issues to my Postpartum anxiety that I recovered from over a year ago. I feel so hurt. I do not feel safe being in a relationship with someone who lies about money. I just don't know what to think honestly. Any comments or advice is greatly appreciated! I appreciate everyone who has read this far!
submitted by ashsci to beyondthebump [link] [comments]

2022.12.01 20:16 PNW-4LIFE Feedback on CRM tags

Feedback on CRM tags
Setting up a FieldNotes CRM account and they allow you to categorize contacts by "spheres" and "groups".
I am using groups to separate the specifics on loans for clients and track loans/leads in process. Sphere will be for everyone. One contact can have multiple tags of each. For example, I have a client, that is a friend, that did buy a primary residence with a conventional loan at 4% and a HELOC. So this person would get tagged with the following: Friends & Family, Client, Closed, Multiple Loans, Rate 4's.
What I am looking for......
Feedback on a tag that I might be misssing or any feedback in general. Thanks folks!

PS. The ones crossed with red are preloaded into the system and I cant remove. I do not plan on using these tags.
submitted by PNW-4LIFE to loanoriginators [link] [comments]

2022.10.02 05:06 Whipkinator Homeowners Insurance for electrical

Hello, We are looking at a forclosure home, and upon walkthough today it's in very good condition compared to photos. We are very interested and it fits perfectly in our budget and we have the preapproval. It seems as though the previous owner was doing renovations and was interrupted halfway. It's livable, but we have found that the electrical is hooked up to a panel with fuses(no knob and tube wiring). I've seen some say yes and and some say absolutely not- but is it going to be insurable or should we just pass on it? If it is insurable, are there any recommendations for companies that would insure it until we can get it replaced? or advice to companies that would insure it for a higher price until we can get it replaced and then lower our rate? Our insurance would be the only thing stopping us from securing the financing for this place so we are trying to exhaust all of our options. Since it is a foreclosure, I don't think they would fix it beforehand.
Thank you!!
submitted by Whipkinator to FirstTimeHomeBuyer [link] [comments]

2022.09.03 18:00 pickleeater Totaled Truck Title Being Held Electronically by Huntington's 3rd Party for 9 months. Can't get my money because of it. What do I do?

I purchased a brand new truck in December of 2021. Less than a month later, I slid off the road in a bad ice storm 1/4 mile from my house and ran into a telephone pole and totaled it. What a bummer.
My insurance company is great and paid off the entirety of the loan very quickly, along with the cost of the telephone pole.
I had put a decent amount of money down when I bought it, so the insurance company still owed me a few grand. They told me to just have Huntington release the title and they'd be able to get the money to me within days.
The problem is that Michigan switched to e-titles last year and Huntington literally can't figure out how to release the title.
I've been on the phone with them probably 10 times, I've been in a physical Huntington bank another 10x (in 3 different towns), I've been to the Secretary of State four times to try and get them to help. A worker at SoS has given me her direct line, she's called Huntington multiple times for me, and my insurance guy has also been on the phone with Huntington multiple times. Huntington wrote a letter saying they released the title but since it's an etitle and in a 3rd party's name, the letter does not suffice. Huntington can't understand this at all and tells us every time that they've fixed the problem, wait a few days, and go back to SoS where I will find that my problem has been fixed.
This has been going on for nine months now and I'm getting awfully frustrated and literally don't know what else to do.
Does anyone have any advice? I just want my money.
submitted by pickleeater to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2022.07.16 19:21 secondhand_bra The worst bank in India (Rant)

So with 5 years of experience in this sector and having 7-8 banks account I want to talk about the worst bank in India which is Kotak Mahindra Bank.
Now I have account in these banks or has experience with their banking
1) Hdfc Bank 2) ICICI Bank (Experience of handling dad's current account for 4 yrs) 3) Yes Bank 4) Kotak Mahindra Bank 5) Bank of Baroda 6) Federal Bank 7) Equitas Bank (Closed after few weeks of use) 8) DBS Bank 9) SBI Bank (used only for few months then closed) 10) Experience with lot of co-operative banks 11) IDFC First Bank (Experience with employees and some branch visit) 12) Axis Bank (Handled Dad's current account for a year)
Now the reason why Kotak sucks and not just kotak but also majority of their subsidiaries or service like Kotak Securities, Kotak consumer loans, Kotak insurance etc is that they start their relationship with customer on basis of lies. Their employees, no matter what services or even if it's different branch or different city will lie to you in the beginning to get your money. I'm not sure but I do think it's the bank management telling them or training them to lie to customer. From their Bank employee to their Sub-Brokers to their loan recovery agent they all lie so flawlessly and without any hesitation or guilt it's just mind blowing.
So first of all I started with Kotak with an 811 account, banking wise the features are decent for 0 balance account but the app sucks, 7/10 time it's useless. I know this is the case with majority of the bank in India but even if it's 0 balance the bank still charge you if you have not used the account for few months.
Now a year later I had a client who wanted to transfer his physically held shares in his and his son name in Demat which is an offline and hectic process. He needed a join demat and a lot of brokers I called didn't wanted the work as it was not worth their time. So I called Edel & Kotak, from that Kotak seemed good to me, their guy came to my office, told me that there will be ₹1100-1200 account opening fees which will be reversed in terms of brokerage and client will have to deposit minimum ₹5000 to open it. As the shares were far valuable than this and the stock was trading at months high I agreed and adviced the client to go ahead. As I had kotak bank account he said I should open too, as I already had Zerodha I said 1100 is too much but then I thought it will good to hold stocks for 5-10+ years or apply for IPOs so I went ahead, my kotak bank account had only 1-2k in it and my rest of the money was in stocks and all my incoming payments were due so I had to spend 1-2 week on 1-2k only, I told him this and said we will open account later, he said the amount won't be deducted from my kotak account, it will deducted when I make a direct deposit in the demat, after lot of yes no I went forward. I didn't know when the account was activated as I didn't received any sms, then I saw around ₹1500 debit in account. I called him but he didn't pick up my phone.
Now later the client's dematerialization was rejected by BSE due to some signature mis match, so he tried to withdraw rest of his find from kotak demat but his balance was negative. He showed me his demat balance on the phone app, they had debited the total ₹5k, when I called that guy he had no fucking explanation for it and then he never picked up my phone again stating he doesn't pick up call during market hours. I used my account for few months, applied for an IPO, sold it later then withdraw the fund, for some reason I couldn't withdraw the remaining ₹2000, I called him and he again never answered. Later I bought some shares worth ₹2k and they debited my kotak account for some maintanence charge which was extremely high compared to Zerodha or Upstox. I literally stopped using the bank account and demat. They had debited around ₹4k + in total with no explanation for the charges.
The client was a very old man so he lost those rejected certificate so we couldn't do it with another broker, when I met the client again after few months for other work he showed me his Kotak demat was negative ₹4000-5000 something. I was shocked, when I checked mine it was negative 1500 something.
Now few months passed by, I'm going through a liquidity crunch due to some home emergencies, my phone drops total dead as it was 5 yrs old, I need a new phone but I don't want to liquidate equity and I didn't had any credit card and HDFC Bank that time was not allowed to issue new credit cards so couldn't get that too and others will take time. So checked on Flipkart for any EMI offers and found out that Kotak was giving debit card EMI, I can't do any work without my phone so I went ahead and bought a 15k phone on 9 months EMI (Including intrest). Buying process was hassle free, paid few EMIs through the app using pay pending EMI feature, but after few months the feature stopped working so I added the amount in Bank account for auto debit on the due date in morning and it didn't got debit, I called the customer care and they debited it after few days and charged me 750 for late payment on 1750 EMI. Their app after that time never worked, I did lot of reinstalling, like literally 15-20 times, tried Gpay, tried their Bill pay feature but they kept charging me late penalty and it pilled up to 8k charges for fucking 15k phone from which I already had paid 12k. That EMI payment feature just won't work and the bill won't show up on Gpay until the due date is passed.
No fucking way I was going to pay that so I defaulted on that month EMI and wrote them an e-mail that if they don't waive this charges I won't pay my last 2 remaining EMI. No reply for 10 days, then their employees or recovery agent started calling me, I told them my situation and they would straight up lie that my all charges are waived or they will waive and I had to do is pay the current EMI and send them screenshot (So they can basically meet their recovery goal). They think I'm retarded or something to fall for this and will pay the EMI without settlement, waiver or foreclosure letter.
Now I got tired of these calls so I decided next time their employee tells me my charges are waived I will record the call, pay the Emi then file complaint about how their employees defraud customer just to meet their recovery goals. Got the call, he promised my charges are waived after EMI payment I will get foreclosure letter and all I will have to do is pay last EMI and loan will be closed. I knew he was faking it but I took the risk, I paid, he said wait for 5 mins for your forclosure letter and then he stopped replying and blocked my number. Unfortunately the call didn't got recorded (pace plam) but WhatsApp chat were there but not enough. I took this to Kotak on twitter, they lodged a complaint, I immediately got a mail stating they have taken my complaint for reversal of charges (This was not a reply to my e-mail, they did this after I threatened them that I will post this story online everywhere) few days go by and their twitter team says they can't find any proof of their employee promising me waiver of charges and same day I got an email stating my complaint for waiver of charges has been rejected. My only reply to that was fine, I won't be paying my next even if my Cibil tanks.
I defaulted on the next EMI and got call from another agent giving same promise of pay the emi and I will send the letter, I said repeat this and started recording the call, when he heard the prompt that this call is being recorded he immediately cut the call and I have not received any call from them.
Not only all these, all the people I know who have account in kotak of any type have told me that they have been charged by bank multiple times without zero explanation and their employees straight lie to you to sell you new services.
So whatever you do, don't go for any thing that is offered by Kotak or it's subsidiaries. Also whatever salesperson on phone or recovery agent promise you, it's never true, their only intention is to meet their daily or monthly goal, doesn't matter if it fucks you. So never believe them.
submitted by secondhand_bra to india [link] [comments]

2022.06.20 07:31 Mrsspooksdale death of buyer

A friend was renting to own a mobile home and land to her daughter who had got sick and quit paying aprox. A year and has now died, she had no will. Grandma was paying the taxes(in the daughters name as the buyer) the insurance and some of the bills. The daughters kids will not speak to grandma and left no forwarding address, can the friend just do a forclosure, post the notice on the door and in newspaper and courthouse and just resale the home/trailer
submitted by Mrsspooksdale to RealEstate [link] [comments]

2022.06.02 06:36 UnconventionalAlly I believe the current housing market is cancerous.

I believe in my core that the current housing market, the way it operates, is a blight that will destroy and devour the nation in which it thrives.
It is my firm belief that we should socialize housing. Every family should be given a home that fits them, free of charge, no rent.
Basic issues:
  1. Where do we get the money to pay for it?
  2. If we all get the same "cookie cutter" style homes, wouldn't it strip us of our individuality?
  3. Wouldnt removing the housing market hurt the economy?
  4. Why would anyone continue working if they get whatever they want without working?
Some answers:
  1. At this point in time, billions are spent each year on homelessness by not only the federal government, but by state governments as well. With just one years total government spending on homelessness applied to individual shelters, more than 200,000 homes could be built.
Take into consideration the amount of property owned by banks or other entities post-forclosure that remain empty. If using existing structures, we could increase that number to 300,000 or more with only the funding from one year.
  1. The basic housing provided is just that, basic. You can still work, and if you have enough money, you can buy a house and get exactly what you want. For those who find themselves having a harder time with life, they will never be without a home.
  2. On average, most peoples rent takes up a third of their monthly income. For my case, it was closer to half. After paying that, car payment, insurance, and utilities, I was lucky to be left with about a quarter of my income. That didn't leave me much money to spend.
I couldn't buy a new phone, computer, game console, TV, watch, car, atv, go-cart, or almost any other luxury device. The purchasing of these products are the backbone of our economy. The capitalism that spurs innovation. Right now, a frightening amount of money is going into wealthy peoples bank accounts and sitting there before being directed to these various companies in various markets. We strengthen the housing or rental market at the cost of all other markets, causing a cascading failure that falls back on the housing market each time the economy gets bad.
You may think its small, but when 1/3 of the country's income is going directly to a handful of entities, its removing a large portion of funds from the market. Funds that could be used by millions to buy jeans, shoes, headphones, wallets, glasses, etc.
People would be far better equipped to cover a plethora of issues that may arise such as Healthcare, childcare, and food needs, thus easing the burden on other government initiatives.
  1. Yes, a home is provided. Ideally, food should be free as well. Even considering my ideal situation, you would have plenty of motivation to work. Do I want a better house? Do I want a TV? How about a game system? Games to go with it? How about more food than the allotted (foodstamp style)? Maybe you want mcdonalds?
All aspects of capitalism, all items that we covet and trade our money for would still exist, including buying homes. The only difference is that no person would be forced to buy or rent a place to avoid cold nights on the street.
Worst of all of this is that when these institutions fail, the government bails them out. When the people are too broken to continue paying their rising rent, and the companies who made them that way can't get their money, the government steps in to fix it. That doesn't help the people who were forced out of their homes. It only helps those who were never in any fear of financial strain to begin with. After all, a company going bankrupt often leaves a handful of golden parachutes for the higher ups.
Agree? Disagree? I would love to hear your opinions. This is just something I thought of and figured it sounded good. I love intellectual and respectful conversations on all topics, especially with people who disagree. Thanks for reading.
TL/DR: The housing market is bleeding the us market by taking upwards of 1/3rd of the populations income and siphoning it to accounts of wealthy people, severely limiting the spending power of the American people, which directly correlates to the current state of the market. When people have money to spend and spend it, the market likes that. When people are broke, the market feels that hard. Our current housing system only hurts the economy.
submitted by UnconventionalAlly to IntellectualDarkWeb [link] [comments]

2022.05.21 20:54 stevekimes Classism in Action

“Poor and working people in this country are sent to kill poor and working people in another country to make the rich richer, and without racism soldiers would realize that they have more in common with the Iraqi people than they do with the billionaires who send us to war.
“I threw families onto the street in Iraq only to come home and find families thrown onto the street in this country in this tragic, tragic and unneccesary forclosure crisis; only to wake up and realize that our real enemies are not in some distant land. But not people whose names we don’t know, and cultures we don’t understand. The enemy is people we know very well and people we can identify. The enemy is a system that wages war when it’s profitable. The enemy is the CEOs who lay us off our jobs when it’s profitable; it’s the insurance companies who deny us health care when it’s profitable; it’s the banks who take away our homes when it’s profitable. Our enemies are not 5000 miles away, they are right here at home.”
-Mike Prysner, Iraq War Veteran
submitted by stevekimes to usclassism [link] [comments]

2020.09.29 05:56 CaptainReductio Hmmm.

Watching the Comey Rule...
Facts: I have made Crafts, Art, recordings, music, characters, dialog, and misunderstandings my entire life.
While in college my wife bought me creative cloud for Christmas. So Adobe, you got us, "her" account which she never opened and I always PAID for, continued after college. I made my own account we pay you 60 a month. your a dick
My Wife and Son canvassed for Obama.
I voiced my opinion rationally and persuasively as a dealer and supervisor interacting with customers when INVITED to an ALREADY EXISTING conversation.
I was shunned by my coworkers and one time a victim when I would not tolerate sexual harassment in the casino.
I received a M. A. in philosophy from U. C. and have disagreed with many and from many different perspectives while understood within their historical context track an evolution of human ideas fighting for survival in within the dialog humanity carries on with itself across generations.
The Texas RNC took actions to ban CRITICAL THINKING (i. e. symbolic logic) in public schools.
I have never met any living Democrat ever even consider such a thing.
I was moved to part time under questionable rule changes while the jobs for philosophy teachers was actively being legislated against by southern political forces.
I quit to open Ceasars in my Home state and work with all the disenfranchised Hoosiers and Wildcats that migrated first.
I used my retirement to pay off beneficial the preditory loan company who called us from our original colony mortgage list. (most Americans got bailouts)
I described our situation (my crafting, accumulation of media for a business between my brother and I and my job change and debt payoff) to H and R block and they said we owed 13k
I got fired for at best sketchy reasons whereas we had a recent security risk and I had a dealer with a history of lagging back from break telling me he had to urinate VS. a table with a the lid off that I was closing.
Got DENIED unemployment when Cesar's story reflected inflated write ups for the count.
Moved my family back in with my parents.
Move Brother's brother in law and wife into house for less than Payment.
Went back to work in Indiana got Mats certified to become an addictions counselor.
the IRS begin garnishing my wife's wages at a 170K per year clip.
passed out taxes on to wife's face book account friend.
Account comments suicide.
Another friend takes on the case and gets us 9k back.
Ariving home from my passing my certification exam I found my dad on all 4s acting like he was cleaning the toilet with my mom asking him where the kids are.
The Cincinnati police called me twice when my dad was found in his truck covered in urine with my mom in her wet diaper beside her.
I cried taking the keys away from him.
I took him to the doctor and they found a tumor. the biopsy "had complications"
I quit my job and carried pops to chemo until the day he died.
Whereas my father had pulled myself and my brother together to explain he was naming me executor writing my sister out of the will because she skipped out on My father's payoff of her housing crash.
Which he never actually did.
Our family was on the same page at first with me caregiver for mom and caretaker (with help especially from Vinyard men's group for painting) of the property where a 96 year old former Vegas singer and a Public library employee and her family pay $350 rent. My dad payed water. My sister since lives there rent free in hopes she will pay off her debt.
Taking over, I find that MSD is and has been charging him for sewing and fining him for his cavitat.
Accountant friend seems to be experiencing issues too and withholds tax returns despite several payments. tells us to sue Block.
No Lawyer in Cincinnati will touch block.
Cincinnati insurance charges us Hazard something that caused our escrow to fall short which our 3rd party Bi weekly automatic payment Co was "unaware" of causing nationwide to sell us to Carrington Mortgage.
Carrington Mortgage begins forclosure before we are aware of us being late in a payment.
My daughter graduated in 2018 with full ride academic offers contingent on our tax returns.
House bill passed allowing default judgments without certified mail.
My sister's cell phone got hacked while trying to buy cannibus which legal treatment for her anxiety she understandably experiences with her past.
My unlocked note 5 is stolen while installing a security light.
I receive randomware threats to release videos of me.
My social media account get attacked.
small deposits began to be deposited into the now variable intrest second mortgage which was a prime flex equity account.
My automatic payment began getting denied.
A health care account began being deducted from my mom's account. I called PNC's fraud line and the rep told me I was wrong.
PNC collections begins Asking for my dad denying talking to me at verification time because I'm not my dead dad which they have record of.
I make reports to Google and Microsoft insider force stop my phone and and restart my phone many times. get coinbase and play "Fair" dice game until the GUI begins to hinder my betting.
The server attack in China.
My account gets locked (that wallet on my phone but lost?)
we get 1 each to request ballot from Ohio each person living here
we begin to unemployment mail addressed to someone else at our address.
endless robocalls asking to sell
PNC begins foreclosure.
Can not go to branch.
get lawyer and get guardenship.
Explain situation to lawyers
Lawyer begins asking me the questions from the PNC's loan reinstatement form. I tell him about the Taxes, and he says call HR block.
submitted by CaptainReductio to u/CaptainReductio [link] [comments]

2020.07.13 16:54 NeoGenMike Lost Insurance and looking to change it, looking to know how screwed I am

Hey guys, I feel like I'm doing all I can and I'm stressing a lot about this but im not sure how stressed I should be or If i'm looking at impending forclosure.
My insurance sent a letter in the mail stating they don't like my roof anymore and are canceling the policy on the 21st (A few days from now). I've been in contact with my Insurance Agent and my Mortgage lender and they said they will do what they can, be it a rewrite or finding a temporary insurance to cover the house until I can fix it up.
I'm waiting for estimates to come in on the 25th or so and I probably wont be able to get it done until mid august or september. I have made the lender and agent aware of this but I havnt heard back from them in a few days.
Is it too late at this point to switch to another policy? Should I look for another agent/policy on my own or just keep shaking them down for info?
submitted by NeoGenMike to RealEstate [link] [comments]

2019.12.20 19:53 Aonith [KS] Unsure if I can take legal action against ex-fiancé for refusal to remove me from his insurance and our mortgage.

First Reddit post, so I'm a little nervous especially needing to post to this subreddit, but here goes.
My ex-fiancé and I bought our house August 2018. I believe he was the primary and I co-signed. During this past year, his alcoholism became a major problem financially and I also feared for my safety. I moved out this August and since then have been trying to reason with him to refinance the house in his name alone. I worry that he's at a high risk to lose his job due to his alcoholism and I will be responsible for paying the mortgage, even though I haven't lived there for 4 months and haven't contributed to payments for 10 months.
He has also had me added to his insurance plan since this July or August under "life partner" status. I recently enrolled myself in financial assistance insurance through government healthcare, but I'm afraid they will find that he still covers me in his plan, and I will have to pay full cost for my own insurance. I called his employer's benefits hotline to try to remove myself from his plan, but they can't do anything without his consent.
I have been in infrequent contact with him. Some weeks that I am able to talk to him, he's very compliant with me about taking the steps to remove my name from the house and his insurance. Other weeks I can't get him to answer his phone or respond to messages for at least a week, and then he becomes very spiteful and refuses to cooperate with me.
I don't know what my options are except to wait it out and hope he doesn't lose his job and put our house in forclosure, and hope I don't get in trouble for insurance fraud.
submitted by Aonith to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2019.09.03 22:56 Areyourearsbroke Considering Refinancing, should I?

Here are some details about me. Forgive me, im on mobile.
34 and married. I make 70k a year. My wife makes $17.00 an hour working for her brother. We bought our house in Ohio in 2013. It was a forclosure. We got a mortgage for $62000. The property currently appraises for $129000. Details on the mortgage are as follows. Currently owe $55k, interest rate is 4.375. Its a 30 year fixed. When we first got the mortgage the monthy payment was $552 a month. Every year I get a shortage notice and now its up to $672 a month. My homeowners insurance premium hasnt change. The city I live in has passed a levi but it was only supposed to effect my escrow roughly $20.00 a month. I suppose I could cut the lender a check for the shortage amount but honestly im getting aggrivated with the shortages every year. They sent me a letter saying that my escrow account shouldnt go below 492.00 and it has so they tweaked my escrow to cover it. My escrow has never gone negative though. Ultimatley I know its wiser to have a shorter term, lower interest mortgage. I was holding off on refinancing because I might have a hefty inheritance coming and didnt want to pay to refinance.
70k a year
monthly 390 truck payment 900 health insurance 150 - gas and electric 250 - cell 674 - mortgage 103 - auto insurance 62 - carecredit 0 interest 200 into savings 10% into 401k, employer matches 4% of my 10 29k in joint savings with my wife
submitted by Areyourearsbroke to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2019.08.08 00:10 TheNonAbidingDude AITA: For not loaning my sister money?

Here is the background:
My sister and I have not spoken in the last 32 months since my son was born. She saw my son while I was off on leave. I took 3 weeks paternity leave, I had to go back to work with a huge backlog of work. The first 4 weeks back were nuts! Around that time, when my some was about 3 months sister sends me a Facebook message telling me I was a jerk for not calling her recently and keeping her nefew from her.
She blocked me on Facebook and blocked my texts and calls. I was preoccupied and to boot, she never tried to call me once during that time either. Needless to say I was blindsided.
Fast forward 9 months. She wins 500,000.00(USD) in the state lottery.
She BLOWS through the money. She purchased a $50,000 Jeep, a Classic Car, a house, she remolded the house. She had plastic surgery done. She has a small amount left over after paying taxes. But decides to quit her job of 15 years as a Factory Supervisor to "take it easy" since she didnt have any bills, and she went to work part-time at a retail store.
So, after that, she got back togrther with an ex, she put the house in both their names, a later took a mortgage out on her house. and now needs $8,000 to bring it out of default before the bank kicks her out.
To add on to this, she had the same problem 20 years ago. She had a house (not free an clear at the time), but lost it to forclosure because she didn't want to go back to work after having her first kid with the same ex, who was her husband at the time. Basically, they both didnt want to work.
(Because of,my mother telling her so.) My sister knows I have 12 month's reserve for our house payment. Utilities. Groceries. Insurance saved. Shs also knows I have an emergency fund for any other incidental emergency, and money saved that I continue to save toward for a down payment and closing cost for a new home.
I have a stable job, been there 14 years, and have saved and worked 2 jobs, off and on, to get where I am...
Before My sister won the lottery, for years, she leached off my mom. She probably owed my mom $15,000.00 that was not paid back.
So after my sister, blindsided me, by cutting all contacts, and only resurfaced when she needs money. After not repaying my mother, and irresponsibility quitting her job, and mismanaging her money....she wanted $8,000(USD) to save her home....... I refused to do so, even though, financially I can.....
AM I The Asshole?
submitted by TheNonAbidingDude to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2019.07.18 00:07 gsb216200 Legal questions about obtaining a copy (non-original) to my vehicle title

In 2016 I bought a new vehicle from a hail sale in Texas! Which I will never do again in my life at least I am young. You can guess I still drive around with hail dents on my vehicle. (My contract says new even though the sales lady whom I recently contacted stated in text that all the cars were appraised by an insurance company). I was also ripped off on extended warranty which I am having my Legalshield lawyer write letters about 22 days latter no response from the 3rd party company (Legalshield seems to not car either). But the topic came up when I told my Legalshield lawyer I bought the car from a hail sale. He told me that the car most likely has been claimed by the dealer and the title will be marked as rebuilt or salvage. My lawyer told me to contact the bank "BBVA" to obtain a copy of the title the bank has sent me this "vehicle and title info" many times and refused to pass this issue to someone higher in ranks. The bank eventually told me the DMV has the e-title and to ask them for a copy and take the "vehicle and title info" to them. I went to the DMV today they gave me a useless title history which says its a "etitle" also. The clerk told me that they are unable to even pull the file that the bank only can do it or I would have to pay off the car. Can I complain to the FTC about this bank? Am allowed a copy of the title voided if I am the lienholder? What are my rights in Texas and Federally? What should be my next step? unfortunately my legalshield lawyer who seemed to have knowledge about this issue retired and my new lawyer says I will never get the title until I pay it off. There is a big gap in legal opinion here?
submitted by gsb216200 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2019.07.11 20:23 Vinfontaine The legality of using a mailbox address and this conundrum I'm in.

I was traveling and living out of a van. I did this for the past 2 years. I had KY plates and License and used a UPS Store street address in KY for my address on my License and Insurance as I traveled all over the country camping, boondocking, and living the life of a road warrior.
I went back to KY to visit some friends and stupidly let my insurance lapse for a week and ofcourse got pulled over. The town it happened in is wanting to put me on probation and $500 fine. Then after that it will be over and I can go on my way. That's fine I'll pay it and put this behind me it was my dumb mistake.
My court date is next week for sentencing and I am really worried about my address not being a legitimate place of residence where I currently live. Moreover if I use the mailbox for my insurance address as well I can envision this prosecutor going ballistic saying I lied to the court and this spiraling out of control. These small hick towns in KY can be real bad about this.
I really want to keep the mailbox on my drivers license and insurance because I enjoy the anonymity it affords me. If it is going to get me in bigtime trouble I have a place I am currently subletting I could change to but I am only going to be there a month. Should I change DL/Insurance to my sublet address or can I keep my mailbox address?
Another worry to changing to my sublet is I have accrued several medical bills due to having some health problems over the years and also I had a forclosure about 7 years ago. If I change to my sublet I am afraid it could cost me over $100,000 since if I am being currently sued papers could then be presented to me at that sublet address and wage garnishments could happen. Yes it might seem I am avoiding bills but that amount would put me on the street and kill me.
submitted by Vinfontaine to legaladvice [link] [comments]