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Xbox/PC Game Pass

2017.09.09 05:14 consumedsoul Xbox/PC Game Pass

Game Pass Console, PC and Cloud News, and Discussion

2018.06.11 06:50 TwoSetViolin For all things TwoSet Violin.

Unofficial subreddit for TwoSet Violin, for all you TwoSetters out there who aspire to one day be the world's next Ling Ling. Show us your best dank memes & videos of you shredding. The TSV team do not moderate this subreddit.

2011.05.15 18:42 BentSlightly Internal Revenue Service News, and Taxpayer Disputes.

Get help with your taxes from experts and fellow taxpayers. Stay ahead of the curve with news and updates. Find answers to your questions quickly and easily. Save time and money by learning from others who have been there before. Subscribe today and start dreading tax compliance less!

2024.05.22 01:20 randomaccount_hmf Auto Loan Principal Selection

Pretty much the title. First time car buyer, dealership has been pretty good to me and no junk fees. Few “optional” (but pre-installed, so not optional) items to make sure they get their cut of profit, but the price is pretty good.
I decided to finance externally with my credit union because my credit is good and the rates are decent for my relatively short credit history and historical/market rates recently (~7% APR for 72 mo).
So… when I am selecting the total amount to request for the loan (I’m approved for more than I need so I have flexibility), should I pack in any extra/rounding or just use exactly the “out the door” worksheet price less my down payment amount? I don’t want to have any hiccups when I go back to the dealership to buy it later this week, if I can avoid it.
submitted by randomaccount_hmf to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:19 Babamamafufu Keyboard help

I can't seem to find the solution to this, but I have a Logitech combo keyboard amd I would like to type in numbers/letters and it should come out as either "iiiiiiiiiiii" "ssssssssssss" "7777777777". But instead, I get a row of the many ways to say i :íïīîì. And I can't even hold down the numbers, it just gives me one number. I used to do this with ios 16, but my ipad updated by force yesterday and now I can't do this feature. I disabled all settings from the general keyboard settings and nothing works
submitted by Babamamafufu to iPadPro [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:19 AraevinTeshurr 34 [NB4A] #online #newengland looking for friends or maybe more : )

Hello there! Can I interest you in an emotionally available human being? Do you like your boundaries respected, enjoy long conversations, and nontoxic positivity? I provide all those things free of charge.
As far as hobbies and interests go, I am a huge nerd, D&D, manga/anime, Magic the Gathering, gardening, and retro vidya games are my jam. I'm leftist, child free, and atheist so use that info how you see fit. Not picky on my pronouns but he/him or they/them fit pretty well.
As far as looks goes, pictures can be provided upon request. I'm 6'2, thin, fluffy brown hair, brown eyes, and wear glasses. I'm fairly attractive, and get hit on by all genders.
Marked NSFW but I can guarantee that you will never get unsolicited sexual messages from me. I may be open to that kind of talk but will need to get to know you first.
If you're local we can probably meet, long distance will have to remain pen pals for a bit. Discord handle can be provided but I will want to chat for at least a day.
Tell me a little about yourself in your opener, you can also tell me to read something in your profile if you'd prefer. Let me know what your fav pajamas are in your first message so I know you at least skimmed. I prefer chat to direct messages but will respond to either if you follow instructions. I don't respond to empty profiles and low effort openers.
submitted by AraevinTeshurr to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:19 mashal-63009 weirdest thing you've heard/seen a teacher do?

weirdest thing you've heard/seen a teacher do?
and here's another one!! (much more variety on this one cmon guys)
this one is from the GCSE subreddit (another one bigger than us -_-) (And for context, its British-only. we can be so much more funnier than those posh bo'e o' wa'er kids)
and again (since im boring and have no exciting stories) ill tell you guys a few from their sub - i need to tag all of these ones too? \sigh** :
  • Back in Year 7, my old computer science teacher had a personal youtube channel. He kept it very secret until someone in Year 8 found it. I gotta say, some of these videos were the weirdest stuff I've ever seen. Like this:
  • Also in Year 7, I had a maths teacher who would eat beans from the can with a ruler. A RULER! The worst thing was that he would clean it with a tissue and put it back in the drawer. (u/Bisexual-nobody)

  • My computer science teacher in year 8 showed us how to access the dark web (u/remuslupin_fan)
  • Once a teacher who chatted ab how he used to live near a bridge where people went to kill themselves. He then proceeded to use it as an example of forces in physics (u/Ok_Imagination7898)
  • Ours told us to imagine kicking a cat when we were learning about vector diagrams - He felt bad saying it. (u/madilol_turnip)
  • Mine uses throwing the head teacher off of buildings to explain terminal velocity lol
  • My computing teacher in y9 got really pissed at my class and started screaming that his inner Hitler was coming out and that we weren't allowed to breathe without his permission. Safe to say he was suspended for 2 weeks as soon as the head teacher found out. (u/Preston-Reddit)
  • We found a YouTube channel of our form teacher once, smoking weed and playing fifa 19. He soon got fired. (u/Madz1712)
  • My teacher was a boxer and a few of his fights were on YouTube, don't think he ever won a single fight and you can imagine the kind of bullying material that gives students (u/Few-Artist8533)
  • My Indian computer science teacher had a YouTube channel called PapaJesus4Life and was about different Christian stuff. There was one about how she converted. She dreamt of a green cow, other crazy stuff, then jesus said something to her. It's so funny because she is so serious and a little strict (u/eggpotion)
  • In year 7 I had a maths teacher who was new and the first thing she did was call a student a dog (because he drank water without permission) (u/foyage347)
  • My computer science teacher in year 8 made people do push ups and then sued the school (u/PlayfulLook3693)
  • My old cs teachers almost got scammed by PayPal. (u/Fulcrum_ahsoka_tano)
  • I had an English teacher who would crash through the door yelling "There's a boy speaking. If I find him I'll flog him" (u/Professional_Pace928)

AHHH finally
So, olevels? what are your funny stories to share?
submitted by mashal-63009 to Olevels [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:18 Jonessuper05 Plans for me (M18) and my gf (F17) all suddenly cancelled. Furiously panicking!

A moment ago, I just got the news that me (M18) and my nevermet gf (F17) of a year suddenly will not be able to meet up at the airport. I'm having my internship in the US the second half of this year, and we've been planning for this specific moment for months now. She would pick me up by car at the airport and has gotten the complete permission from her parents to do so already. My flight has been booked for several days before I move to the dorm provided by my internship. These were supposed to the be days to get used to being with each other in person and spend time together before I'd actually start, and for that I have booked a hotel nearby her town that is pretty far from my internship location. (For myself, because she's not allowed to stay the night with me which makes sense) Really, I have been counting the days, from now to Late July, and we couldn't have been more excited for this perfect plan that has already been arrange
All of it has gone to shit because her shitty helicopter parents just suddenly decided to "ground her" or whatever you would call her being sent to her uncle hours away until LATE AUGUST, for a such a trivial thing as leaving a bowl with yoghurt accidentally resting in her room's drawer. It gets even more ridiculous to the point they had to go through her entire phone as a 17 year old, they're so distrustful of her and it's invading and uncomfortable. This is the petty punishment she gets and I have to deal with all the consequences.
The consequences I will have to deal with now are: - I have to reschedule my flight, which will cost me hundreds - I have to cancel my hotel reservation - I have to arrange transportation myself because I already opted out for a pickup from my internship. Probably taxi/uber which will be costly since it'll be a solid distance from the airport - Our first time meeting is gonna be delayed an entire month. Fantastic.
I feel like I need to talk to her parents but they refuse to do so. I'm so damn tired of this. Don't know what to do. Any help or words that would give me some hope are appreciated...
submitted by Jonessuper05 to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:17 poppypess Vote Claremont, Emmys Edition

Vote Claremont, Emmys Edition
This is late, but my friend and I went to the for-your-consideration event for RWRB. It was a trip.
But it was a work function first. Members of the TV academy—and their plus-ones, if they received one—gathered in a studio in the sweaty belly button of Hollywood. If you were a normal Angeleno like u/sixfivesteve (the friend), you sat in your car blasting the AC while the valet line bumped forward one car length at a time. If you were from a walking city, you pushed past the slow-moving tourists, hoped the flies circling a mysterious stench didn’t lay eggs on you, and checked in with an attendant who wore a concerning amount of black for someone whose job was to stand in direct sun.
There was a (life-changing) screening of the movie, a panel, and a reception. There was also retail politics. Here’s what happened.

Whoever put together the playlist knew what they were doing

The vibe before the screening was jolly. There was a whole bathroom conversation about 1) therapeutic cannabis, because you’ve gotta, and 2) people everyone has run into.
Ushers handed out mini-servings of popcorn that felt stingy as hell but were probably just nutritionist-recommended serving sizes. Steve grabbed candy and water that came in slightly less environmentally disastrous packaging than the stuff you’d get from most grocery stores.
Whoever put together the playlist had done their homework, by which I mean they’ve spent time on the non-broey part of the internet.
This is where I tell you that the event featured strip club music, by which I mean they played “Pony” by Ginuwine. Before and after the screening. It was as if whoever set up the playlist knew that some attendees’ brains—and bits—might explode, reconstitute themselves, and implode again under stimulus (the movie), work event be damned.

The screening was a case for seeing movies in theaters for the sound. Because…

You could hear the beginning of the blow job.
You could hear the beginning of the blow job.
You could hear the beginning of the blow job.
In the space of about a second, I went from living in a world in which that scene had a lil’ zipper sound to one where the zip was followed by a flat, wet drag. The sound had texture. It almost had temperature.
Y’all, I am forever changed. Always see movies in the theater. Nolan, Tarantino, et al have talked about this. They’re right.
Listen to this man before he teaches you a lesson.
Something else I’d seen but never before heard while watching the movie in home setups: Bea says “no!” when Henry declines Alex’s call in the meeting with Philip, Tommy, and other palace staff. She doesn’t just mouth it.
Her interjection interrupts Philip mid-sentence, who glares at her and says, “As I was saying…”
It’s also just fun to hear the audience’s reactions. Some of the laugh lines:
  • “You’ve been wanting him to dick you down for years.”
  • “How many guys have you been with?” “Whoa.”
  • “He is. 😏” An audience member let out a sound like a hyena choking itself with a belt.
  • “I’m down.”
  • “I mean, who says ‘make love’ anymore? Are we gonna listen to Lana del Rey while we do it?” You guys, he said do it. Because I'm twelve.
  • “The B in LGBTQ is not a silent letter.” Man, politicians’ kids must hear all kinds of pamphlet-speak at home.
  • “Little lord fuckleroy.” Sarah Shahi is going from lesbian icon to overall queer icon with this role. Zahra/Sarah got massive applause during the end credits.
  • “We have got to get you a book on English history.”
Somehow no one laughed about Stephen Fry’s pronunciation of homosexual. Hummusseggsual. It’s hummus but it’s also seggs-ual.
Speaking of sexual, the crowd held its breath during the sex scenes.
Emmy voters have watched plenty of sex scenes with their colleagues, but after the bravely-repressing-a-wobble acknowledgement of I owe you an explanation, after ~very bad things~ in Alex's room, after the phrase “make love”—which deserves to be not just roasted but incinerated—the Paris sex scene was…relief? Revel? Revelation?
Look at me trying to talk around the effect the scene (may have) had on the room. People were off-gassing oxytocin. Estradiol. Testosterone. Since it was a work event, the weight and texture of the hush was what you’d get if everyone on a group camping trip was trying to discreetly watch porn. (To paraphrase the dad from Easy A, high-end porn—for governors and athletes, but porn nonetheless.) But I project.

Uma Thurman did an Ariana Huffington laugh during the panel

I laughed and laughed and laughed.
What should I say about the panel? That everyone’s features were somehow both full and sharp enough to thin-slice the cured meat of your choice? That Taylor Zakhar-Perez made a small breeze every time he blinked? That Nicholas Galitzine was a diffident dumpling? That Uma Thurman was an intellect? That Rachel Hilson was lithe and and fresh-faced and ready for any cosmetics campaign you threw at her—which, incidentally, has always described Uma Thurman? That Matthew López was extremely cute? That Greg Berlanti was the dad/uncle some of your friends wanted as a mentor and others had wholesome crushes on? That Sarah Schechter was the friend’s cool older sister made good? That if you put the RWRB cast into an early Almodóvar movie, the result would be credible?
Whatever I can say about the panel, you can get more straightforward coverage and footage of it elsewhere, including this subreddit. (Check out the post from the woman who got so horny from watching the movie that she started going after her husband nonstop.) I did a search on Tumblr for “RWRB FYC panel” for you. You’ll get Galitzine saying “the throes of love.” You’ll get TZP talking about matcha. You’ll get Casey McQuiston—that perfectly cast nonbinary creator-god of the RWRB universe—describing their brush with psychological collapse when TZP tried to have a conversation with them while in costume as Alex Claremont-Diaz. Enjoy.

The campaign trail is paved with selfies

Campaigning for nominations—and eventually, awards—is not so different from running for public office. The panel ended and everyone was set loose on the panelists and the “immersive for-your-consideration experience.” (Sure.)
Getting to the cater waiters to pinch mini-tacos, meh crabcakes, fish and chips with tartar sauce instead of vinegar (why?), and tiny cake cubes was like wading upstream. The crowd was moving in the opposite direction. Why?
Galitzine was taking photos with people. Elsewhere in the immersive whositwhatsit, TZP was doing the same thing with a swarm of his own.
I’d thought they were on display during the panel, but no. This was what they were there for. They were there to shake hands, talk shop briefly—with occasional promises to follow up later—and take selfies. The reward for all this would (theoretically) be nominations and votes. This was a campaign stop. On-theme for RWRB. Cue montage of Alex Claremont-Diaz making fundraising calls.
Can you get a charley horse in your face? I bet the actors had them, but that’s campaign life. Forward Together and all that.
Matthew López and the producers wandered the floor. At one point, I heard Casey McQuiston tell a small group about how they didn’t have any particular in with agents or publishers. It often is about flinging yourself out there, whatever you want to do.

A vote for RWRB is a vote for softness (stop reading here to avoid egghead content)

While we’re speaking in campaign terms, who and what is RWRB for? It’s for people who love love. It’s for people who love fun—who are fun, dammit. It’s for people with uomosexual tendencies (uomo = Italian for “man”). It’s for the occasional lucky straight guy. Most of all, it’s a refuge from straight-guy culture.
Here’s what I mean. The two RWRB panels and the Roast of Tom Brady happened in the same week-long time frame. If you’re reading this, you’re almost definitely in the tank with RWRB. The Roast is straight-guy culture cranked up to eleventy billion by comparison.
If we go by the Roast, straight-guy culture looks like big men the color of medium-rare steak yelling dick jokes from the dais—but using the less funny and more aggressive and self-regarding “cock” instead. It looks like Gronk pretending he can’t read and using Kim Kardashian’s genitalia to make a beef pun. It looks like Nikki Glaser, the token straight-woman comedian, being a good sport while the men in attendance called her ugly.
Don’t get me wrong. I watched and laughed. A good dick joke takes skill, and some of them were damn good. I even thought Julian Edelman was hot for 20 minutes. But the tonal difference between the Roast and the RWRB event—to say nothing of RWRB itself—was jarring. Straight-guy masculine culture is so committed to not being soft. Don’t go soft is basically its motto.
Meanwhile, RWRB is about—among other things—softness. Henry Car-Crash-of-Last-Names gives the object of his attraction the up-and-down, but in a way that’s more endearing than objectifying. He doesn’t do the hard stare. He’s all-in on Byron, Austen, Zadie Smith, and…Streisand. Unlike Gronk, Henry can read, and he reads with relish.
So does Alex, of course. The American is sweet and proactive. When he develops feelings for a friend with (many) benefits, he’s matter-of-fact about it and doesn’t get defensive or evade his emotions.
In other words, Alex and Henry’s masculinity is soft. Soft masculinity acknowledges the dimensions of a person beyond how well they can slam into other men (sporty or sexual) or women (sexual). For a lot of people, soft masculinity is a fantasy and a gift.
It can be a gift to anyone. Look at Steve. He finds that version of masculinity intoxicating, even as someone who’s already a winner of the masculinity lottery, at least as defined by large parts of straight-guy culture. He’s white and tall and strong and has hoes (houses), not in every area code—sorry, rappers who talk about that kind of thing—but some good ones. He loves RWRB. Everything about it. (Lest you thirsty beasts start having big thoughts about him, he’s married.)
Steve even inserted himself into the height contest/debate Galitzine and TZP sometimes have for lulz. He had a “you’re wearing lifts” conversation of his own. Not with TZP. With Galitzine, who joked about wearing lifts himself. It was still not enough to top Steve. (How funny would it be if this is when I reveal that Steve is Conan O’Brien? To be clear, he’s not. Besides, Conan O’Brien is sixfourconan.)
— — — —
The next night, while Steve and I were still catatonic from staying up until alarming hours, another panel took place in front of a crowd of people who didn’t need to consider anything about RWRB. They were already real-ass, excited fans who saw Alex and Henry—and for some of them, Galitzine and TZP—as secular saints of cheerful-romantic-triumphant horniness. Avatars of the kinds of guys you could have a crush on in middle- and high school without raising alarms (unless you were a boy being raised by homophobes, in which case I’m sorry).
The audience on that second night got the news of a sequel from Matthew López, who spoke directly to them from the stage. They cheered and whooped and began their vigil for round two. Sí, se puede.
submitted by poppypess to redwhiteandroyalblue [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:16 ElenorClemm AITHA for getting divorced because I was tired of insisting on couples therapy because of my postpartum depression and he wouldn't accept?

At the fisrt, sorry for my english, i'm a little oxidated, but i'll try my best. (it's not my original lenguaje)
But first, a little of context:
It's an story by 7 years. I did meet my (not still) ex-husband on a convention of Anime, i did in cossplayed by Electra and he was Tony Stark, he was had a girlfriend and I was in a toxit relationship (story i'll tell in other time). But in that day, i swear, i did wish had him, i did fall in love. We talk just a little moment, we take a photograph and we keep going with our lives.
One year latter, when i'd brake up my relationship, i fall down in a horrible depression and 1 try to unsiscribe by the life. I'd try to grow up and join a group of single peopple just search fun. I'd was surprised to find that boy again in that group.
Uno month latter, we'd be in a relationship. After two years, we was marrige. Whitout anything more than love, we start this new stage, in the night of weddings, i got pregnant.
At that moment, i wasn´t know i had anxiety and depression cronique, and during pregnancy it only gets worse, and our relationship wasn't the best, we fight a lot, especially because I felt very unprotected by my partner: when we went out there were men who made bad comments to me and I even had to walk home alone after work, not to mention that there were a couple of occasions in which, due to the times , I could only prepare food and run to work, without eating a bite, to be surprised when I returned that he alone finished the food without leaving me anything.
Added to that, the first four months of pregnancy and marriage, he was without work, I had to take care of the household alone; Added to this, to lighten the burden a little, a relative did us the favor of renting us well below the value he had, his house which was uninhabited. Imagine my shame when he asked for the rent and I didn't have the money to pay because my husband didn't go out looking for work. If they hadn't given him an ultimatum, he would have spent years like this, until he asked for a job at the only company where they don't fire anyone.
All of this caused me to spend the entire pregnancy stressed and worried.
The last straw was the day my baby was born, which coincided with my husband's birthday. I had a complicated birth, in which they had to do an emergency procedure: I was hospitalized for two full days, alone, without eating or drinking anything (For those who don't know, the medical service in Mexico is beyond terrible). Not to make it long, my birth was more than complicated; and my mortification was no less when all my relatives, when they were able to come see me, kept telling me how mortified they were, on the other hand my husband looked like a child at Christmas because they brought him gifts for his birthday, even my best friend from school.
When my baby was born, I was aware that I wasn't feeling well, so I decided to take some time to recover before returning to work. And for those who are wondering, it's not like I had a great job, our economic position was not good at all, but my depression only got worse since my baby was born, the complications of childbirth made me feel terribly guilty just thinking about it. that something could have happened to my baby.
Day after day, even though I did not work and did not contribute financially to the house, I made an effort to ensure that the little money that came into the house was enough for everything: milk, diapers and food. Despite everything, I always made sure to prepare a good breakfast and lunch for my husband to take to work, I got up before him so I could have that attention with him; Imagine my disappointment when he often returned with the food intact from when she prepared it for him and told me that he had preferred to buy something to eat. This only made me feel like I was useless. Added to the fact that on more than one occasion he even left the front door of the house open for us: a woman who had just had surgery and a newborn baby, in a neighborhood where, in open secret, it was hot for organized crime, added to the fact that I I felt insecure around him.
My family kept making comments to me about how bad my husband felt for me, how bad I looked (comments that I questioned, because my family never liked my husband). Despite the bad things, he had his attempts to be thoughtful and considerate (in the wrong way or causing me more problems, but I understood that it was his way of showing that he cared).
This was when I began to understand that my husband was like that, disconnected from reality, it was his shell of protection since he practically grew up in foster homes with "relatives" or "acquaintances", many of them were very violent and mistreated him, making him feel alone and vulnerable. I learned much of this from him, the rest his mother herself came to tell me and the rest was a matter of adding 2 + 2.
When I assimilated this and that the situation would not improve, when my baby turned 9 months old, I decided to look for a job, fortunately I found a way to work from what I studied (because yes, I have a degree), and with very humanitarian bosses. those who didn't even mind me occasionally taking my baby to teach classes with me (because yes, I ended up teaching at a basic level). Thanks to this, the situation at home improved a little, but the arguments did not stop over small things, more than anything everything he did or did not do bothered me. I guess it was because of the exhaustion of dealing with everything alone, and for anyone wondering, no, he practically didn't help me with the baby issues; With the household chores (just washing the dishes and sometimes sweeping the common areas), I took care of the rest, in addition to always making sure the house was safe for a one-year-old baby.
One of the breaking points for me (this occurs in the dark time of the pandemic when we all lock ourselves at home), your company was one of the last to send them to rest, however, since my sector was related to dealing with children, I was one of the first sectors to confine themselves to home, so now I was doing homme office. One morning I realized that the man not only lost the keys to the house, but he took mine to leave, locked them and left them stuck outside the door, leaving me locked in with my baby without the possibility of getting out if anything arose. emergency. If it hadn't been for my father, who came to visit me to see how he was doing, who knows what would have happened. Get an idea of ​​how little he cared about the safety of his family.
These, among other things, added up over the years, until I began to ask him, as a last chance to save our marriage (because at this point, I felt broken and discouraged), I insisted that we seek help, couples therapy or at least individual therapy, but he didn't listen to me or wasn't interested. Until the first time I packed my and my baby's things, he realized that I was serious and that I would leave him, he still didn't want therapy, not even when I was honest with him and told him that there were many things that I couldn't do. forgive him, especially for the pregnancy; What did happen was that he began to collaborate more at home and finally began to take responsibilities with our son.
The facts:
What ended up being the final break was a day of extreme heat, where the weather was useless and there were no technicians operating in the area. My son, now 3 years old, is very hot and in any heat his nose tends to bleed a lot, especially that weekend he was very tired, despite that, the only solution I could think of was to put the pool inside the house ( to avoid having it under the sun), I clarify that at that time we lived in a small two-bedroom apartment, which yes, I admit was an impractical solution but it was the only thing that occurred to me. Even before I did it, I notified him of what I was trying to do, not to ask for permission, but just to notify him so he wouldn't be taken by surprise.
When he got home, he didn't say hello, he didn't say anything, he just left his things and left the house to get a taxi. When I caught up with him to ask him, he said he was going to his mother's house to get an air conditioning unit that he planned to bring to install to solve the problem, to which I gave him my list of problems with it, because we didn't have permission to make modifications to begin with. Thus in the department, adding the amount of electricity it used, transportation, among others. To which he also responded with his list of drawbacks that he saw with my solution. The point is that the argument escalated and ended with him throwing the water into the garden and me locking myself in the room with my daughter, enduring the heat of the day.
Neither of us spoke to each other the rest of the day, in the morning, the first thing I did was pack my things and my baby's things discreetly. I called my parents to tell them what had happened and they were more than willing to receive us (something that did not make me so calm because, yes, one of the reasons why I married him in a hurry was that my parents were a cornerstone of my anxiety and depression).
The next night, with my things packed, I waited for my husband to drop the bomb, tell him that he was leaving with our son, he cried a lot, he begged me for another chance; That time I didn't shed a single tear, not because I didn't love him, despite everything, I followed him and I still love him, but I realized that I was loving him more than I loved me and my daughter. . I didn't cry because I spent years crying alone and falling asleep with tears.
I asked him if he would prefer to end the relationship peacefully, where we could still rescue our friendship, before reaching a point where I couldn't even tolerate seeing him.
That was the only time when he finally said that he would take therapy, but I no longer believed him. I know he did it just to convince me, but in the end he wasn't going to do it. So I decided to leave the next day with my things. It was the last time we talked about it.
At the moment:
We have a year apart, we decided to give ourselves a few months to settle in and calm our spirits. Despite this, we have still kept in touch through our daughter, when it is her turn to visit or when she brings him an errand.
I don't deny that I still love him, and now I'm the one who would like our marriage to be fixed, but he is the first to say that he feels better now.
Now that I am living with my parents, my symptoms of anxiety and depression have not improved at all, on the contrary. I don't know if I ever feel like going back to him was a desperate attempt to get out of my parents' house, because he was the only person who made me feel understood and that there was nothing wrong with being who I was (I did). which has mainly contributed to my mental health), because I clarify, my son has a disability and since his diagnosis, he has not contributed much either, I have been with the support of my family in the face of that, but not with my ex-husband or the his family, so I use practically all of my salary on my son and his basic needs; His father gives me alimony for him, but only the equivalent of $20 dollars a week, against medication a month that costs about $100, plus his therapies and special attention.
So I ask.
AITAH for asking my husband for a divorce for refusing to go to therapy?
I really appreciate that you take the time, I know that it is not a short or brief story, I will try to answer your questions in the comments if I have not been clear in any aspect. Right now I'm a mess, I'm discouraged because my situation is currently not good, my profession wears me out emotionally and mentally, added to the condition of my son who makes me feel like I'm not doing things right...
I need to know that there is something in life that I haven't done so badly. In advance, thank you Reddit community.
submitted by ElenorClemm to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:13 aramwinckler22 Noem is not against cartels

Noem isn't against cartels
Three years ago South Dakota was exposed as the US leader in helping people hide their money from their governments. Apparently South Dakota has been busy passing laws to protect banks from having to disclose the names of their clients, both from public requests and requests made by any court in the world. But thanks to a whistle-blower who was later killed, a collaboration of worldwide journalists was able to uncover a handful of clients using South Dakotas shady trust banks.
Amongst these were a number of prominent Colombian families who needed our states help to launder their drug money... cartel drug money. This revelation made local, national and world headlines in October 2020. No one knew South Dakota was allowing criminals from all over the world to hide their money.
But the big question is: Did Kristi know about these? Not only did she know, she helped craft and pass key legislation which created them. The lawyers who created these banks built them on legal exemptions and absurd extensions of privacy law. It was these lawyers, the congressional sponsors of these bills, and Kristi Noem as governor who created a permanent safe haven for money from drug cartels. Odds are these South Dakota Trust banks are full of drug money from cartels. Who else would need them??
After this news was exposed, South Dakota legislators had an impromptu meeting to discuss amongst themselves if having money from drug cartels was a problem. They decided it wasn't.
So how did Noem respond when asked to attend a meeting about cartel drug money being laundered in her state??? She declined due to undisclosed prior engagements.
submitted by aramwinckler22 to SouthDakota [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:13 Ollie4442 Finding a specific reel that went hard

I saw a fantastic reel that showed snippets of endings of about 30-50 games (all had about 1 second of screen time) and it was something along the lines of “games have the best endings” it had games like RDR2, Omori, the Witcher and tonnes more.
The music sounded science fictiony vibe to it but I can’t put my finger to it, it’s a common song that’s used for those sorts of compilation videos though
It’s an extremely vague request but idk when I saw all my favourite games it felt pretty nostalgic
submitted by Ollie4442 to Instagram [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:13 jmnugent Installing macOS version of CrowdStrike via Workspace One MDM - how do I successfully inject customerid and provtoken ?

OK.. as I understand it, to properly push-install CrowdStrike using an MDM,. there are 3 necessary components:
I believe I have the first 2 parts working (the CrowdStrike app does indeed show up on the MacBook I'm pushing it to). However when I try to launch Falcon, it opens a popup window wanting me to type in my CustomerID and Provisioning Token ;(
The post-install command I have looks like this:
!#/bin/sh /Applications/Falcon.app/Contents/Resources/falconctl license XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-XX YYYYYYYY exit 0 
Where the XXXXXXX is my CustomerID and the YYYYYYY is my provisioning token.
If I manually open Terminal and issue that same "falconctl" command with my License info.. it works.
I'm frustrated at what I'm missing here. I feel so close.. yet so far to getting this working.
submitted by jmnugent to crowdstrike [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:12 future_flora Spark Ad codes... do you know the fine print of what you're authorizing?

In your video's ad settings, tap "Advertising Content Terms of Service" and read that over. Here are some highlights:
submitted by future_flora to TikTokShopAffiliate [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:11 Appliance7717 Dilemma with Airbnb host treatment - no long showers allowed and dog peed on my suitcase and clothes - how should I respond? [Spain]

Dilemma with Airbnb host treatment - no long showers allowed and dog peed on my suitcase and clothes - how should I respond? [Spain]
Hey folks just wanted to get your thoughts on this situation I had recently.
I booked a last minute Airbnb for 3 nights recently in a big Spanish city (Airbnb was outside city center for €40 per night). It was shared with the host (a boomer Spanish lady and her puppy dog). Nowadays, I filter with Guest Favorites and only look at listings where the host is rated over 4.80. This host had 50 reviews, was a super host and the listing was a guest favorite and had a rating of 4.92
I arrived midnight (prearranged well in advance with the host as check in is only until 23h according to the listing). I immediately go to bed without showering as I had one in the previous stay and was going to exercise the next day anyway. I spend all of next day outside and return at night and take a long shower (20-30 mins) before going to bed. I sleep in the next day and the host requests that I don’t shower so long (we communicate in basic French as she doesn’t know English and I don’t know Spanish)… I say all good, I’ll keep it shorter next time. I go inside and I’m in the bathroom for about 20 mins, brushing my teeth, taking a dump etc. and am careful to only take a shower between 5-10 max minutes. I get a message from the host later that evening (translated):
Hi Appliance7717, I wanted to let you know that tomorrow the departure is at 11 o'clock also because I have to leave, I also wanted to let you know that if you would take another shower I would ask you to keep it shorter, thank you Appliance7717.
I showered for 5 minutes today. You want it to be shorter than that?
I did spend more time in the bathroom using the toilet, brushing my teeth etc.
Or I just can’t use the bathroom for long?
No please, if that's the case it's all right.
It's just that it's a huge expense for me.
I’m in the metro when I read this message and get all flustered and take the wrong train etc. and am a bit frustrated but whatever, I’ll check out sharp 11am tomorrow and get it over with. I’d booked a hostel for the next day anyway. I also missed out on seeing the meteorite (!) whilst all this was happening 😆 but I really think I shouldn’t be sweating about this shit on vacation and walking on eggshells over something so petty…
Anyway, next day rolls up and I scramble to get things packed up and ready so I don’t upset her by checking in after 11am. I’m basically on track to check out by 10:30. Now she has a dog, 🐕 which I didn’t mention - doesn’t seem to be well trained, barked quite a lot and woke me from my sleep earlier in the day but I didn’t make a fuss at all. I’m the 5 mins where I happened to be in the kitchen without closing my room’s door, it went and peed over my suitcase and clothes. It also took a sock, chewed it up and took it somewhere else. Mind you, the host didn’t mention anything about the possibility that the dog would be doing this. I’ve lived with dogs in airbnbs before and never had this issue. Nothing in the listing or house rules about taking long showers or what to do regarding the dog like keeping the door closed etc. She dabbed the pee with paper towels, and said that I should have closed the door but did say “Désole (sorry in French). I had to ask for disinfectant spray. I was upset and was banging my hand on the forehead and expressing regret but nothing more. She saw a pair of any shorts I’m soaked in urine but absolutely no offer to clean it, extend checkout etc. It seemed perfectly acceptable that this happened. It really rubbed me the wrong way. Super hosts are meant to go above and beyond in my view, and here she was struggling to be somewhat décent. We didn’t argue or anything there, if anything I was just a bit terse and we said au revoir and I left to go do the cleaning in my next place (took about 3 hours to get vinegar, bleach, hydrogen peroxide etc.)
Thinking of the Golden Rule, I’d never do this to somebody else if I were her. I’d offer compensation or something….
Anyway, my dilemma is that I wouldn’t have any hesitation going after a hefty compensation were it some young dude or couple as host. This lady doesn’t seem financially well off, seeing as taking a long shower has an impact on her profits. And I just feel kinda bad posturing me screwing over this old lady and her puppy dog for some cash. But I absolutely do not appreciate how I was treated and goes fundamentally against my sense of decency and fairness… I also hate how Airbnb has devolved to classify such hosts as superhosts.
What would you do if you were in my shoes? What do you think I should pursue? Should I ask for compensation? Leave a poor review? I see that she already left me a review on the afternoon that I checkout out. I have a feeling that she left a negative review - I noticed this from a previous guests review as well as what the host wrote about that guest.
Host’s review of Guest plus Guest’s response:
Guest, she is a polite and clean girl, but a great consumption of hot water and electricity, I am personally, these guests are not interested since for €134 I believe that as a host I am not interested , as a host I have not had any problems now, now I have only to wait for my electricity , water and gas bills, I am a person with very few resources, and from now on I do not accept promotions, because for it it is not profitable.
Dear Host, during my stay you didn't tell me anything. Other than that, I've never had any issues with other hosts. I was almost not at the house because I was visiting the city. I was just taking regular showers and was charging my phone and laptop when I needed it. What you wrote about me, I don't think it's true or fair and I'm really sorry to read that because I thought we had a great time the whole time.
Guest’s review of Host:
I had a nice stay at Host's place. It's good for 1-3 days since the room is very small and really suitable only for sleeping (no chair, table, ..). The location is okay, a bit far from the centre, but you can get everywhere by bus or by metro.
submitted by Appliance7717 to AirBnB [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:11 abbajabby Pumping rights when traveling for work

I have a mandatory work trip coming up that will require me to be away from my son for 2 nights - my first time away from my son, I am not looking forward to it :( They are paying for our hotel rooms but we have a big team so they are requiring us to have a roommate. I asked if I could have an accommodation for a private room since I will need a private space to pump and they said no that I should choose to room with someone I'm comfortable with or that I can use a cover. I was very unhappy with this response and was wondering if anyone might know if this would be relevant to the law that they have to provide me with a private space to pump since it is a work required trip. Also, am I being irrational for asking for a private space? My team is very spread out across the United States so I only have even met a handful of them in person and am not comfortable enough to pump in front of any of them so I don't think it is an irrational request especially when I work for a large company who makes plenty of money and is offering private rooms to several management positions.
Thanks in advance for any and all help!
submitted by abbajabby to HumansPumpingMilk [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:10 murrimabutterfly Called to a courthouse I can not reasonably travel to. Help

I haven't been officially called yet, but I have my summons and am now on-call. The court house is 25 miles away. My options are to drive, or to use public transportation. It's an hour and a half drive there, in one of the busiest parts of that city where parking is incredibly limited. It's 20 minutes to the nearest train station, and it's about an hour to an hour and a half ride there. It's then a ten minute walk to the courthouse. I work, I'm taking online classes, and I cannot afford a three hour commute to jury duty. I've requested to be excused, but it was denied. Before anyone asks: yes, there are nearer courthouses. Most of them are 20-30 min away at the most. I have no idea why they decided I was in the radius for this courthouse. Any help would be appreciated.
submitted by murrimabutterfly to juryduty [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:10 University1000 Neighbor complaint smoke

Hey gang. So I received another letter about smoke coming from my apartment. We did go out there for the longest time, as well as the past, but after the last notice I got freaked and have done everything in my power to not go on my patio to smoke. I also bring my pot down the street as to avoid any possible conflict, doing anything I can to avoid any problems. Since my new neighbor moved in, they have been complaining constantly about it, even when we have been going down the street. I just got an email today in the mail of complaints about smoke and yet I have been down the street 24/7.
I didn’t go out there today, this week, or the last two months since the last notice. We have people nearby that bbq, use a campfire, etc and we are being blamed for the smells. Even my landlord has seen me down the street.
I’m truly at a loss for what to do. It almost seems like any smoke smell we are blamed for and my new neighbor is out to get me. We deal with her constant noise and guests but have not once complained or bothered her. I guess this was just a vent throw away post, or if any of you have ideas on how to handle this, that too. I have a great relationship with my Nextdoor neighbor as well as another in the building (we swap times outside for our kitties lol). Advice? Similar stories? I’m at a loss.
Have a great day!
submitted by University1000 to Apartmentliving [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:09 nataliescarlett Etsy restock tomorrow!

Etsy restock tomorrow!
Wanted to give a heads-up to my Reddit fam! API Month inspired collection going up tomorrow 🤗 https://www.etsy.com/shop/UpcycledInBrooklyn
With the exception of the cropped shirts (my own pattern), the rest of the patterns are by Requiem Art Design! Used with permission. Check her out if you sew.
Coco's shoes are by TeddyChubsThreads! I'm a huge fan. https://teddychubsthreads.myshopify.com/?syclid=9b2e39cf-1742-4834-9932-ac059a3483c1
Thanks for looking 🩷
submitted by nataliescarlett to RainbowHigh [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:08 Beerfarts69 Credit Karma - Driver Score.

I searched the sub before posting. I hope this isn’t a repeat post that I missed. Long time lurker.
I was checking my credit score through the CK app when I noticed the “driver score”. In March 2024 it began logging my driving habits and “rating” me based on hard stops, acceleration, phone usage etc. as well as a map of the trip.
I do not have a tracker or utilize my insurance companies “safe driver discount”
I was quite alarmed this was happening. Not realizing I had location permissions turned on for the CK app I quickly went into my Settings to turn it off. CK claims they aren’t selling or using this data…Sure, Jan.
submitted by Beerfarts69 to privacy [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:08 ars-moriendi Do CRAs need access to subject photo ID to SDV demographic data?

Hi, everyone!
I've had two monitors from two different studies and sponsors request access to our subjects' photo identification in order to perform SDV. This doesn't sound right to me...
My site recently switched to eSource. Within our screening eSource there is a checklist for the staff member conducting the visit which includes a reminder to make a copy of the subject's photo identification and upload it to our internal database. We do not include a copy within our eSource as we do not feel it has study-related data that isn't already being collected elsewhere. When collecting demographic data, we ask subjects directly and record the information contemporaneously within eSource, making it the technical source of the information. Therefore, photo identification should not be required to SDV. The same concept applies to things like vital signs. We don't take a photo of the vital signs machine and upload it to eSource for proof of the recorded values...
I'm positive I read somewhere that sponsors should not have access to personal identifying information such as full names, addresses, full dates of birth, or photos of subjects. Isn't this the point of using subject initials instead of full names? I explained this to one of the monitors and they were satisfied, but the other monitor keeps giving me pushback. I'm trying to look through ICH GCP guidelines for an actual citation to provide but am having a difficult time finding anything specific enough. Am I just mistaken and it actually is allowed?
Any help is greatly appreciated!!
submitted by ars-moriendi to clinicalresearch [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:08 spanksforskanks MN GI BILL HELP

Has anyone successfully used their Minnesota G.I. bill for tuition at Capella? I have been having nothing but difficulty is getting the applied to my account. I have been told that because it state benefits, it is handled through their financial aid office versus their military education department. I am several weeks into my cycle and I have not received any form of payment. Every time I try to contact the financial aid office they don’t know how to help me and just say that they will escalate it yet. I never receive a callback. The second part of my question is because I am doing the flex path, I have completed enough courses in my building session to be considered full-time. I have been trying to reiterate to them that I need my full-time status in order to receive the $3000 from the state of Minnesota for the semester versus the 500 for part time. They do not seem to know how to help me with this aspect either. I submitted a form requesting a change in enrollment status once I completed my two courses within the first week of the program. They denied my form and said that because I’m not eligible for the federal program, they will not be processing this request as the only reason enrollment matters is because of the Pilgram so I do not feel that they are understanding my needs or knowing how to help me and at this point, I’m going to finish my educational program before getting a resolution to this..
submitted by spanksforskanks to CapellaUniversity [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:07 RottenBananaCore Purchase Questions

Hey all, I am totally new to the tractor game and was hoping for some pointers.
I've been thinking about the B series. The BX seems too small with poor clearance. The L series seems maybe like overkill.
I was thinking about the LA435 loader, BH70 backhoe, and RCK54 mix-mount mower. Not sure about what to use for breaking up soil, or for flail mower, or auger.
The problem(s) I am facing:
Miscellaneous questions:
submitted by RottenBananaCore to kubota [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:05 Zealousideal_Most_22 I Accidentally Mixed Up Packet Material

I need a little clarity because I’m kind of freaking out…I recently got my schedule A letter from my provider and naturally began applying to announcements with it when applicable. There is a position I have been wanting for quite some time, and it keeps getting pulled down due to an error with how the announcement is organized and then put back up. This is the third time. I was not used to having a schedule A letter when I reapplied so I applied to the wrong announcement, but went ahead and applied to the intended announcement as soon as I realized. Basically I put in two apps for one position and both were processed. Tonight I learned I was not referred under schedule A because I accidentally put my letter with the wrong application packet.
I am beyond frustrated with myself! But the other application does not yet have a referral status. I understand there are two different certs for these two different announcements. Is it possible that because of this, if I meet all the basic qualifications of the job (which I am positive that I do), I can still be referred on the other cert? I know this was my mix up so I don’t expect any special consideration to be made for me, and I don’t know if I should reach out to HR and try to explain since all materials technically were in on time, but either way I guess I’m just hoping I can possibly still get my name in front of the hiring manager for a position I was extremely excited about. I still can’t believe this 😔
submitted by Zealousideal_Most_22 to usajobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:03 luckothedice Customer center

My company is interested in using the customer center role to allow customers to log in and see their transactions/cases etc. I have a few questions about customising the view that the customer sees. I'm looking for a way to customise the home dashboard for the customer center role like you can for a standard employee role and can't seem to find any details about it. I can remove links/shortcuts by removing permissions on the role but this only works for some
I know I can create custom tabs and can add search Portlets to them but I have only been able to add the search by logging in as the customer and setting the search there and not found a way to publish a dashboard.
Are there any ways to accomplish this or is there a better option?
submitted by luckothedice to Netsuite [link] [comments]
