American prison mug shots

Wendi's Great Escape?

2024.05.21 15:57 Zealousideal-Fix-203 Wendi's Great Escape?

With Wendi's reported plans to move to Texas, it is possible she will try to follow in her Mom footsteps of seeking to flee justice.
Texas is perfect. An American can often cross into Mexico on foot without interaction of either US or Mexican authorities (I've done it many times). Once in Mexico, Wendi would purchase a new identity with Mexican passport - about $5,000. Quite a few US fugitives have done it. Then Wendi can travel where she wants as a Mexican. One fugutive who murdered his wife in Georgia ended up in China teaching English - I guess it pays well. You're always looking over your shoulder, but it beats prison. In any event, Wendi would probably not be able to take her sons. But hey, can't take them with her to prison either.
Donna was stupid. Announcing her intend on a monitored line, then flying out of a US airport. Wendi might have learned from that experience.
Honestly, if Wendi gets away, I'd partly blame Georgia Cappleman and the prosecution. No excuse for Wendi not being in detention. There's more than enough to convict Donna without Wendi's testimony. They're draging their feet.
submitted by Zealousideal-Fix-203 to dan_markel_murder [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:36 wyntersreadit I got shot in the back of the head and woke up.

I was trolling this British black dude who was tall and part of a gang, saying his girl cheating etc, i THINK it was irl, but eventually he said “one sec” or something similar to his group and his accent changed to american n i hid in all black clothing, on my ass, cradling my legs and my arms together with my head tucked down and forward, I covered my black shirt over my head too, for some reason i think i was in a gap between a wall and a wooden piano and i had hoped the dark clothes i wore and covering my head by extension, in a “dark” gap, would make him miss me, or at least juke him. But he, for some reason, knew where to find me, he said something to me before shooting me in the head and it sounded like a loud genuine gunshot going to both my ears and i woke up with my head just about clearing up from the idea of being shot. I felt brief adrenaline when i transitioned from sleep to being awake.
submitted by wyntersreadit to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:33 Keeblerman Do people living in countries outside the U.S. see guns as often as Americans?

As an American who grew up in the "Bible Belt", I've seen hundreds if not thousands of different guns in my life. These include handguns, bolt rifles, shotguns, semi-automatic rifles, etc. I've also shot at least two dozen different guns myself. Do non-Americans see guns often in their day-to-day, other than police or military? Have you ever shot a gun? Do many other countries have anything even close to the second amendment?
submitted by Keeblerman to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:13 hoggersbridge Engines of Arachnea: The Bug Planet (Chapter 27: Seeds of Treachery)

Link for all the chapters available here: Engines of Arachnea on Royal Road
“That’s strange,” Exar said a minute later, “I’m not picking up any of the satellite constellations. If it was just one of them knocked out, I’d put it down to a scheduled maintenance. But all of em? Fishy, that’s what it is.”
“I don’t understand,” Rene’s spirits plummeted at the news. He should have known it wouldn’t be so easy.
“Me neither, chief. But take it easy!” Exar assured him, “There’s an easy fix for that. Just hike me up someplace with better reception. Any place where we can get above all these damn trees is good.”
“I’m afraid that’s not exactly an option, noble Exar.”
Rene briefly summarized the situation, filling in the details whenever Exar interrupted him with a question, which was not often.
“Got it,” Exar said after listening attentively, “In short, you’ve got a tribe of devolved humanoids on your tail, also infected by the same parasitoids as our young miss over here. Comms are down, and our closest exfil point is at least thirty-nine klicks due southeast, where our friends, ‘the Fleet’, will be waiting for you.”
“How did you measure the distance so precisely?” Rene asked.
“The T.O.R.U. you were piloting is currently in power cycling mode, but it’s still sending out its mayday message for the repair crews. Judging by the fact that it ejected us via safety pod, the unit must’ve suffered potentially catastrophic damage to its subsystems. Not to worry, though. My inbuilt Geiger counter just gave the all-clear, so there was no meltdown in the reactor core.”
“The most pressing issue is that you have less than 72 hours’ worth of fungicidal doses left, and nothing with which to defend yourself but the monomachete from your kit. In addition, this young lady—”
“Zildiz,” Rene supplied him.
“My bad—Zildiz. I like it, very exotic. Zildiz belongs to a culture which behaves aggressively towards Exodus Industries development projects here on the ground. That everything?” Exar briskly concluded.
Rene nodded. Exar then immediately began outlining a plan of action. Their first priority was to gain altitude and establish communication with ‘Exodus Industries’, an entity which Rene assumed was the ancestor-gods’ equivalent to Fleet Command.
Exar would then signal for help using the spinning bowl (which it referred to as an ‘allcomm antenna’) and an interstellar shuttle would be sent to transport them to the one of the moons.
The moons! Rene was giddy at the prospect of becoming the first man to have returned to mankind’s celestial origin. He tried not to get his hopes too high, however, knowing life’s avowed fondness for ruining every dream a man ever had.
Failing that, Exar would use the high vantage point to triangulate their position using nearby geographic landmarks. Once they had their bearings, it would be a simple matter of hiking over to the nearest hardened base and knocking on the airlock doors.
“I must say, you’re taking all this bad news remarkably in stride, wise Exar,” he told the beeping sphere.
“Oh, puh-leeze! This ain’t my first rodeo, pardner. We E.X.A.R. units have dealt with far worse in our time.”
“Really? Worse than Arachnea?”
“Oh, is that what the kids are calling this place these days? Sure is catchier than 65 Syngman Bb, lemme tell ya. But yeah, this here is nuthin.”
Exar chuckled, a child amused by the backwardness of his senile grandparents.
“Alien plague strains from the thawed-out heart of an asteroid. Cosmophage armadas unleashed by rogue A.I. Not to mention all those privateer raids on the fringes of Pact space. We’ve dealt with them all, helped people survive through the worst the galaxy can throw at them. And with 95% success rate, too, if I may add,” Exar said somewhat immodestly, “Anywho, that’s enough of me jawing. Let’s go mobile, chief.”
“What, right now?”
“The mist’s our best shot, bo-sing. Natural concealment. No telling how long it’ll last.”
Before they left, Rene had Exar explain the functions of all the tools in the kit. The sphere confirmed what Rene had suspected: the slate fed on the radiance of the suns. Exar called it a ‘solar cell panel’. In turn, the pronged cords attached to the solar cell could transfer energy to artefact he wanted to use.
He connected the panel to the mysterious gauntlet with the underslung pipe, which Exar informed him was a ‘laser designator’, a tool meant for guiding in airdropped supplies or flying machines.
“It also doubles as a heat source. Just up the wattage on that sucker with the slide wheel on the edge of the hand. See it?”
Rene put on the gauntlet and activated it by means of a green switch under the thumb. A tight needle of red light shone from the tube, and Rene understood that it was basically like the electrochemical torches that miners used. When he adjusted the slide wheel the needle of light narrowed and grew brighter. Where it touched the granite walls of the burrow there, sour-smelling wisps of smoke rose.
Hot enough to scorch stone? He would have to be careful where he pointed this.
“Go easy on it, though,” Exar advised him, “That kinda power output will drain the juice in a jiffy.”
“The juice?” Rene repeated stupidly.
Exar made it clear to him that the artefacts could store ‘the juice’ from the panel. Moreover, the panel could be mounted on the front or the back of the jumpsuit by means of the same backpack rigging that held the breathing apparatus, allowing the user to collect the juice and charge up to two devices (Exar included) even while on the move. Even the bulky survival kit could be could be fastened to his loadout with a set of clasps at the bottom of the pack which Rene hadn’t noticed.
“As for me, I can hitch a ride on your backpack as well,” Exar told him brightly. And indeed, there was a spherical indentation above the breathing apparatus where Exar could fasten himself in with his stubby spike legs.
Rene whistled appreciatively at the compact nature of the jumpsuit’s design; the entire survival kit was so cleverly put together, a testament to the ancestor-gods’ practical mindset.
He secured his gear, choosing to split the juices between Exar and the gauntlet, and got ready to leave. Rene crouched at the hatch of the burrow like a man in a trench waiting for the shrill whistle that would propel him up and over into the desolate no-man’s land.
Then he noticed Zildiz still huddled in place, not even daring to look at him or the talking sphere. Rene had originally been grateful that Exar’s appearance had shut her up, but this state of catatonic shock of hers worried him.
“Coming?” he asked her.
“I’m not going anywhere with that…that thing!” she stated categorically.
“Was it something I said?” Exar sounded hurt.
“The simulacrum said it would cut me out of my exomorph. That would kill me, Fleet-man.”
“Madame, I got no intention of hurting you!” Exar protested, “But the fact is, you’re sick. The parasite’s attached to so many of the organs in your body, that I fear that it’s totally coopted their functions. Our people have the technology to reverse all that.”
“I will not heed the promises of a slaved intelligence!” she snapped.
Their argument was interrupted by a chorus of hair-raising screams from the jungle beyond. Even in those guttural, inhuman voices there was no mistaking the notes of grief and rage.
“They’ve found Kryptus,” Rene surmised, “Just like you said they would.”
“I take it the natives are restless,” Exar tittered nervously, “Tailo, methinks we gotta go.”
Rene saw Zildiz hesitate, weighing the balance of her fears and forming an internal consensus. He made a move to tip the scales in his favor, and spoke to her from the heart:
“Zildiz. I swear to you that as long as it is within my power to protect you, I will not allow you to come to harm. You are a prisoner of penultimate importance to the Fleet. I’d sooner die than fail in my mission to get you back to civilization. If you doubt my intentions, consider the fact that nobody in their right minds would’ve tried so hard to keep you alive, not unless they have very good reasons to do so.”
“I am not like the Leapers or your people, the Gallivants. I am a soldier of the Fleet, and my priority is the continuation of my species—our species,” he added firmly, “Now, I can’t begin to imagine what horrors and depravities your kind have suffered these past few centuries, or what the Vitalus has taught you to believe. But in my mind, we are all one people under the same god. If that god is the Vitalus, then it is clear that he hates us. Why else would he, in all his supposed omnipotence, condemn us to live in this unending state of warfare and ignorance? Why does he forbid the full use of the human intellect, the sole source of our comfort and security in an uncaring universe? Why must he despise us so?”
“I don’t know the answers to those questions. But I do know this: I do not hate you, Zildiz of the Gallivants. In fact, I would very much like to help you. Will you let me do that?”
Rene stood up and lifted the hatch, turning to offer her a hand.
“Besides! If you come with me, we can go ask the gods in person.”
This is certainly new, Zildiz thought, unsure of what to make of Rene’s offer. His suggestion of a pan-kindred alliance bound together by their shared ancestry was ridiculous, of course. She knew enough of the mathematical models and the general principles of nature to know that such an undertaking was doomed by definition. And yet here was an opportunity unlike any other.
Rene meant to take her to one of the last remaining holdfasts of the Betrayers. Who would have thought that those ancient demons were still clinging on to life, lurking in some nameless abyss, waiting for their chance to wreak one final act of vengeance upon an unsuspecting Arachnea.
And here she was, uniquely placed to destroy them all in one fell stroke. Once she was nestled in that abode of evil, a single transmission from her magnetosynaptic organ to the Vitalus was all it would take to bring Its righteous fury down upon them.
The rewards would be immense. At the very least they would make her a Matriarch. Her gilt helix would live on forever in the generations to come, her legacy enshrined in the undying architecture of the genome. Her children would never go hungry or cold for the rest of their lives. She and her brood could have their pick of exomorph grafts.
Infrared eyes for night stalking, hypo thorax stabilizer tendons for prolonged flight, extra waste ducts, subdermal heat signature regulators, biochemical afterburners to add thrust, not to mention a whole slew of offensive weaponry—nothing would be off the table!
All she had to do was take Rene’s hand.
She did. The Fleet-man lifted her up out of the burrow, trying not to look too surprised at her acceptance.
A very naïve race, she decided. He caught her calculating gaze and must have mistaken it for the beginnings of friendship, for he said:
“Glad to have you aboard, Zildiz. Now let’s get the hell out of here.”
Link for all the chapters available here: Engines of Arachnea on Royal Road
submitted by hoggersbridge to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:50 Zoliv13 [H] Bundle games from Humble/Fanatical/IG [W] Wishlist/Offers (Update 21/05/2024)

I'd like some fair exchange for those, i'm willing to put more than one game against a game i really want, depends on the offer. I could accept Paypal, but that's not my goal (just getting games i'd like to play). I might want to keep something in those lists, i also have some other Humble and Fanatical games i'm not sure i'll play, so they might appear one day (could be money for an exchange if you have something from my wishlist, don't hesitate to ask). I'm from Europe, that might matter for Keys or gift links. Also, i have many games now, and a lot to do yet, so i might be very picky, even for games on my wishlist (it's more a list for interesting games, that i might want in an undetermined future if i have time).
(HB Unrevealed Key = i have it still unrevealed, but will provide a key, considering the Humble view on trading games)
For people living in France, i also have some old games in boxes that i can send by post, ask me if interested.
My IGSRep page
My SGSFlair page
My GameTrade page
My Barter (come to Barter, it's so much better !)
My SteamTrade
*** I have Amazon Prime, so i already have the games that drop there ***
*** Please tell me what you're interested in in my list and don't just drop yours ***

1/2 Red Riding Hood (DIG Key)
112 Operator (HB Unrevealed Key)
911 Operator (HB Unrevealed Key)
A.D.M (Angels,Demons And Men) (DIG Key)
Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion (HB Unrevealed Key)
Alien Cat 2 (Indiegala Key)
Arata Haunted Asylum (DIG Key)
Arcade Paradise (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Army Men RTS (HB Unrevealed Key)
Autonauts vs Piratebots (HB Unrevealed Key)
Baba Is You (HB Unrevealed Key) (GOOD offers only)
Calico (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Cargo Transportation: Low Poly (Indiegala Key)
City Siege: Faction Island (Indiegala Key)
Click and Slay (Fanatical Key)
Codename Ghost Hunt (DIG Key)
Cold Cable: Lifeshift (DIG Key)
Combat Tested (Fanatical Key)
Conflict Area (DIG Key)
Conflict Area (Indiegala Key)
Crazy Sapper 3D (Indiegala Key)
Creatures Inc. (Indiegala Key)
Cube Shifter (DIG Key)
Dagon - The Eldritch Box DLC (HB Unrevealed Key)
Dark Forest (Indiegala Key)
Destroyer: The U-Boat Hunter (HB Unrevealed Key)
Detached: Non-VR Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
Detached: Non-VR Edition (Indiegala Key)
Dezinsector (Indiegala Key)
Doodle Derby (HB Unrevealed Key)
DreamWorks Dragons: Dawn of New Riders (HB Unrevealed Key)
Duke Nukem Forever: Hail to the Icons Parody Pack (HB Unrevealed Key)
Duke Nukem Forever: The Doctor Who Cloned Me (HB Unrevealed Key)
Endless Void (DIG Key)
EnHanced (DIG Key)
Euler Wars (DIG Key)
Excive A-1000 (Indiegala Key)
Fear Of Mine (Indiegala Key)
Fishermurs (Indiegala Key)
Flyist (DIG Key)
Forep Man (DIG Key)
Frick, Inc. (HB Unrevealed Key)
GAI Stops Auto: Right Version (Indiegala Key)
Gravityball/Space Hockey (DIG Key)
HOGuru Presents: The House With Too Many Zombies In It (DIG Key)
Il Sole e la Luna (DIG Key)
GameGuru (HB Unrevealed Key)
Hack 'n' Slash (HB Unrevealed Key)
HoloSprint (DIG Key)
Hotel Transylvania 3: Monsters Overboard (HB Unrevealed Key)
Incandescent (DIG Key)
Intelligence (Indiegala Key)
Izmir: An Independence Simulator (HB Unrevealed Key)
Jumanji: The Video Game (HB Unrevealed Key)
Legendary Eleven (DIG Key)
LifeZ - Survival (DIG Key)
Lord of the Click 3 (Indiegala Key)
L.S.S II (DIG Key)
Lust from Beyond: M Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
Mechs & Mercs: Black Talons (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Meeple Station (HB Unrevealed Key)
Mello Haunted House (DIG Key)
Minute of Islands (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
MirrorMoon EP (HB Unrevealed Key)
Morbid: The Seven Acolytes (HB Unrevealed Key)
NAVALNY: A Nightmare of Corrupt (DIG Key)
NeverSynth (Indiegala Key)
Oracle Trials (DIG Key)
Orbital Racer (HB Unrevealed Key)
Patriots: Back to Civilization (DIG Key)
Paw Patrol: On A Roll (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Planet TD (HB Unrevealed Key)
POBEDA (Indiegala Key)
Quantum Replica (Fanatical Key) x2
Raccoon: The Orc Invasion (DIG Key)
Railroad Tycoon 3 (HB Unrevealed Key)
Rogue Bots (DIG Key)
Shiba Army (DIG Key)
Sid Meier's Railroads! (HB Unrevealed Key)
Sit on bottle (Indiegala Key)
Slime Up (DIG Key)
Snowboard (DIG Key)
Soul Grabber (DIG Key)
Soulstice (HB Unrevealed Key)
SPACE ACCIDENT (Indiegala Key)
Space BloX (DIG Key)
Spider-Robots War (Indiegala Key)
Stacking (HB Unrevealed Key)
Starlight Alliance (DIG Key)
StarCrossed (HB Unrevealed Key)
Steel Vampire (Indiegala Key)
Stick Fight: The Game (HB Unrevealed Key)
Stick Fight: The Game (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection (HB Unrevealed Key)
Supreme Ruler Cold War (Fanatical Key)
Swag and Sorcery (HB Unrevealed Key)
Swords and Soldiers 2 Shawarmageddon (Fanatical Key)
System Shock: Enhanced Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
System Shock: Enhanced Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
Telefrag VR (HB Unrevealed Key)
Teleglitch: Die More Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Amazing American Circus (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Amazing American Circus (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Big SokoBang (DIG Key)
The Detective Chapters: Part One (DIG Key)
The Inner World (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Invisible Hand (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Orphan A Tale of An Errant Ghost - Hidden Object Game (DIG Key)
Ticket to Ride (HB Unrevealed Key)
Time Lock VR 2 (Indiegala Key)
Townsmen - A Kingdom Rebuilt (HB Unrevealed Key)
Tricone Lab (Indiegala Key)
Tristoy (Steam Gift)
Turbo Golf Racing (HB Unrevealed Key)
Vampire Survivors (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Waves of the Atlantide (DIG Key)
Weapons Genius (Indiegala Key)
Win The Diamond (DIG Key)
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (HB Unrevealed Key)
Yet Another Hero Story (Indiegala Key)
YOU DON'T KNOW JACK Vol. 2 (HB Unrevealed Key)
Zack 2: Celeste's Map (Indiegala Key)
Zen Cube (DIG Key)
Zibbs - Alien Survival (Indiegala Key)
Zombie Claus (Indiegala Key)
Zombie Wars (DIG Key)

Removed / Banned / Delisted / Purchase Disabled games :
Challenges, Lootboy, second hand, might have some dupes in it (also might not be up to date) => i can exchange them for games but also for trading cards, based on grey market value Vs trading cards market value :

Consoles (from IGN) :
Backfirewall_ (XBox) Home Sheep Home: Farmageddon Party Edition (XBox)
Enclave HD (Nintendo Switch America Region)

Wayfinder Early Access on PS5

Wishlist :
Various offers welcome, i'll browse lists, and most wanted are (not always up to date) :
DLCs : * The Surge The Good, the Bad and the Augmented DLC * Vermintide 2 DLCs : Warrior Priest Career - Sister of the Thorn * Borderlands 3 Season Pass 2 * Rocksmith DLCs * Lego Season Passes (Jurassic World - Marvel Super Heroes - Movie - Hobbit - Incredibles - Worlds) * Dead by Daylight DLCs (A Nightmare on Elm Street - Ash vs Evil Dead - Chains of Hate - Charity Case - Curtain Call - Ghost Face - Headcase - LEATHERFACE - Resident Evil Chapter - Stranger Things Chapter - The Bloodstained Sack - The Halloween Chapter - The Saw Chapter - Sadako Rising Chapter - Forged in Fog - Resident Evil: PROJECT W) * Resident Evil Village Winters Expansion * Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty * Saints Row - Expansion Pass * Rain World: Downpour
See here for the rest of my wishlist.
+ offers, i'll browse lists, and eventually take Paypal, but i'm more interested in Paypal & TF2, but i'm more interested in games trades
submitted by Zoliv13 to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:50 Zoliv13 [H] Bundle games from Humble/Fanatical/IG [W] Wishlist/Offers (Update 21/05/2024)

I'd like some fair exchange for those, i'm willing to put more than one game against a game i really want, depends on the offer. I could accept Paypal, but that's not my goal (just getting games i'd like to play). I might want to keep something in those lists, i also have some other Humble and Fanatical games i'm not sure i'll play, so they might appear one day (could be money for an exchange if you have something from my wishlist, don't hesitate to ask). I'm from Europe, that might matter for Keys or gift links. Also, i have many games now, and a lot to do yet, so i might be very picky, even for games on my wishlist (it's more a list for interesting games, that i might want in an undetermined future if i have time).
(HB Unrevealed Key = i have it still unrevealed, but will provide a key, considering the Humble view on trading games)
For people living in France, i also have some old games in boxes that i can send by post, ask me if interested.
My IGSRep page
My SGSFlair page
My GameTrade page
My Barter (come to Barter, it's so much better !)
My SteamTrade
*** I have Amazon Prime, so i already have the games that drop there ***
*** Please tell me what you're interested in in my list and don't just drop yours ***

1/2 Red Riding Hood (DIG Key)
112 Operator (HB Unrevealed Key)
911 Operator (HB Unrevealed Key)
A.D.M (Angels,Demons And Men) (DIG Key)
Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion (HB Unrevealed Key)
Alien Cat 2 (Indiegala Key)
Arata Haunted Asylum (DIG Key)
Arcade Paradise (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Army Men RTS (HB Unrevealed Key)
Autonauts vs Piratebots (HB Unrevealed Key)
Baba Is You (HB Unrevealed Key) (GOOD offers only)
Calico (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Cargo Transportation: Low Poly (Indiegala Key)
City Siege: Faction Island (Indiegala Key)
Click and Slay (Fanatical Key)
Codename Ghost Hunt (DIG Key)
Cold Cable: Lifeshift (DIG Key)
Combat Tested (Fanatical Key)
Conflict Area (DIG Key)
Conflict Area (Indiegala Key)
Crazy Sapper 3D (Indiegala Key)
Creatures Inc. (Indiegala Key)
Cube Shifter (DIG Key)
Dagon - The Eldritch Box DLC (HB Unrevealed Key)
Dark Forest (Indiegala Key)
Destroyer: The U-Boat Hunter (HB Unrevealed Key)
Detached: Non-VR Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
Detached: Non-VR Edition (Indiegala Key)
Dezinsector (Indiegala Key)
Doodle Derby (HB Unrevealed Key)
DreamWorks Dragons: Dawn of New Riders (HB Unrevealed Key)
Duke Nukem Forever: Hail to the Icons Parody Pack (HB Unrevealed Key)
Duke Nukem Forever: The Doctor Who Cloned Me (HB Unrevealed Key)
Endless Void (DIG Key)
EnHanced (DIG Key)
Euler Wars (DIG Key)
Excive A-1000 (Indiegala Key)
Fear Of Mine (Indiegala Key)
Fishermurs (Indiegala Key)
Flyist (DIG Key)
Forep Man (DIG Key)
Frick, Inc. (HB Unrevealed Key)
GAI Stops Auto: Right Version (Indiegala Key)
Gravityball/Space Hockey (DIG Key)
HOGuru Presents: The House With Too Many Zombies In It (DIG Key)
Il Sole e la Luna (DIG Key)
GameGuru (HB Unrevealed Key)
Hack 'n' Slash (HB Unrevealed Key)
HoloSprint (DIG Key)
Hotel Transylvania 3: Monsters Overboard (HB Unrevealed Key)
Incandescent (DIG Key)
Intelligence (Indiegala Key)
Izmir: An Independence Simulator (HB Unrevealed Key)
Jumanji: The Video Game (HB Unrevealed Key)
Legendary Eleven (DIG Key)
LifeZ - Survival (DIG Key)
Lord of the Click 3 (Indiegala Key)
L.S.S II (DIG Key)
Lust from Beyond: M Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
Mechs & Mercs: Black Talons (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Meeple Station (HB Unrevealed Key)
Mello Haunted House (DIG Key)
Minute of Islands (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
MirrorMoon EP (HB Unrevealed Key)
Morbid: The Seven Acolytes (HB Unrevealed Key)
NAVALNY: A Nightmare of Corrupt (DIG Key)
NeverSynth (Indiegala Key)
Oracle Trials (DIG Key)
Orbital Racer (HB Unrevealed Key)
Patriots: Back to Civilization (DIG Key)
Paw Patrol: On A Roll (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Planet TD (HB Unrevealed Key)
POBEDA (Indiegala Key)
Quantum Replica (Fanatical Key) x2
Raccoon: The Orc Invasion (DIG Key)
Railroad Tycoon 3 (HB Unrevealed Key)
Rogue Bots (DIG Key)
Shiba Army (DIG Key)
Sid Meier's Railroads! (HB Unrevealed Key)
Sit on bottle (Indiegala Key)
Slime Up (DIG Key)
Snowboard (DIG Key)
Soul Grabber (DIG Key)
Soulstice (HB Unrevealed Key)
SPACE ACCIDENT (Indiegala Key)
Space BloX (DIG Key)
Spider-Robots War (Indiegala Key)
Stacking (HB Unrevealed Key)
Starlight Alliance (DIG Key)
StarCrossed (HB Unrevealed Key)
Steel Vampire (Indiegala Key)
Stick Fight: The Game (HB Unrevealed Key)
Stick Fight: The Game (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection (HB Unrevealed Key)
Supreme Ruler Cold War (Fanatical Key)
Swag and Sorcery (HB Unrevealed Key)
Swords and Soldiers 2 Shawarmageddon (Fanatical Key)
System Shock: Enhanced Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
System Shock: Enhanced Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
Telefrag VR (HB Unrevealed Key)
Teleglitch: Die More Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Amazing American Circus (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Amazing American Circus (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Big SokoBang (DIG Key)
The Detective Chapters: Part One (DIG Key)
The Inner World (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Invisible Hand (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Orphan A Tale of An Errant Ghost - Hidden Object Game (DIG Key)
Ticket to Ride (HB Unrevealed Key)
Time Lock VR 2 (Indiegala Key)
Townsmen - A Kingdom Rebuilt (HB Unrevealed Key)
Tricone Lab (Indiegala Key)
Tristoy (Steam Gift)
Turbo Golf Racing (HB Unrevealed Key)
Vampire Survivors (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Waves of the Atlantide (DIG Key)
Weapons Genius (Indiegala Key)
Win The Diamond (DIG Key)
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (HB Unrevealed Key)
Yet Another Hero Story (Indiegala Key)
YOU DON'T KNOW JACK Vol. 2 (HB Unrevealed Key)
Zack 2: Celeste's Map (Indiegala Key)
Zen Cube (DIG Key)
Zibbs - Alien Survival (Indiegala Key)
Zombie Claus (Indiegala Key)
Zombie Wars (DIG Key)

Removed / Banned / Delisted / Purchase Disabled games :
Challenges, Lootboy, second hand, might have some dupes in it (also might not be up to date) => i can exchange them for games but also for trading cards, based on grey market value Vs trading cards market value :

Consoles (from IGN) :
Backfirewall_ (XBox) Home Sheep Home: Farmageddon Party Edition (XBox)
Enclave HD (Nintendo Switch America Region)

Wayfinder Early Access on PS5

Wishlist :
Various offers welcome, i'll browse lists, and most wanted are (not always up to date) :
DLCs : * The Surge The Good, the Bad and the Augmented DLC * Vermintide 2 DLCs : Warrior Priest Career - Sister of the Thorn * Borderlands 3 Season Pass 2 * Rocksmith DLCs * Lego Season Passes (Jurassic World - Marvel Super Heroes - Movie - Hobbit - Incredibles - Worlds) * Dead by Daylight DLCs (A Nightmare on Elm Street - Ash vs Evil Dead - Chains of Hate - Charity Case - Curtain Call - Ghost Face - Headcase - LEATHERFACE - Resident Evil Chapter - Stranger Things Chapter - The Bloodstained Sack - The Halloween Chapter - The Saw Chapter - Sadako Rising Chapter - Forged in Fog - Resident Evil: PROJECT W) * Resident Evil Village Winters Expansion * Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty * Saints Row - Expansion Pass * Rain World: Downpour
See here for the rest of my wishlist.
+ offers, i'll browse lists, and eventually take Paypal, but i'm more interested in Paypal & TF2, but i'm more interested in games trades
submitted by Zoliv13 to GameTrade [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:50 Zoliv13 [H] Bundle games from Humble/Fanatical/IG [W] Wishlist/Offers (Update 21/05/2024)

I'd like some fair exchange for those, i'm willing to put more than one game against a game i really want, depends on the offer. I could accept Paypal, but that's not my goal (just getting games i'd like to play). I might want to keep something in those lists, i also have some other Humble and Fanatical games i'm not sure i'll play, so they might appear one day (could be money for an exchange if you have something from my wishlist, don't hesitate to ask). I'm from Europe, that might matter for Keys or gift links. Also, i have many games now, and a lot to do yet, so i might be very picky, even for games on my wishlist (it's more a list for interesting games, that i might want in an undetermined future if i have time).
(HB Unrevealed Key = i have it still unrevealed, but will provide a key, considering the Humble view on trading games)
For people living in France, i also have some old games in boxes that i can send by post, ask me if interested.
My IGSRep page
My SGSFlair page
My GameTrade page
My Barter (come to Barter, it's so much better !)
My SteamTrade
*** I have Amazon Prime, so i already have the games that drop there ***
*** Please tell me what you're interested in in my list and don't just drop yours ***

1/2 Red Riding Hood (DIG Key)
112 Operator (HB Unrevealed Key)
911 Operator (HB Unrevealed Key)
A.D.M (Angels,Demons And Men) (DIG Key)
Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion (HB Unrevealed Key)
Alien Cat 2 (Indiegala Key)
Arata Haunted Asylum (DIG Key)
Arcade Paradise (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Army Men RTS (HB Unrevealed Key)
Autonauts vs Piratebots (HB Unrevealed Key)
Baba Is You (HB Unrevealed Key) (GOOD offers only)
Calico (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Cargo Transportation: Low Poly (Indiegala Key)
City Siege: Faction Island (Indiegala Key)
Click and Slay (Fanatical Key)
Codename Ghost Hunt (DIG Key)
Cold Cable: Lifeshift (DIG Key)
Combat Tested (Fanatical Key)
Conflict Area (DIG Key)
Conflict Area (Indiegala Key)
Crazy Sapper 3D (Indiegala Key)
Creatures Inc. (Indiegala Key)
Cube Shifter (DIG Key)
Dagon - The Eldritch Box DLC (HB Unrevealed Key)
Dark Forest (Indiegala Key)
Destroyer: The U-Boat Hunter (HB Unrevealed Key)
Detached: Non-VR Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
Detached: Non-VR Edition (Indiegala Key)
Dezinsector (Indiegala Key)
Doodle Derby (HB Unrevealed Key)
DreamWorks Dragons: Dawn of New Riders (HB Unrevealed Key)
Duke Nukem Forever: Hail to the Icons Parody Pack (HB Unrevealed Key)
Duke Nukem Forever: The Doctor Who Cloned Me (HB Unrevealed Key)
Endless Void (DIG Key)
EnHanced (DIG Key)
Euler Wars (DIG Key)
Excive A-1000 (Indiegala Key)
Fear Of Mine (Indiegala Key)
Fishermurs (Indiegala Key)
Flyist (DIG Key)
Forep Man (DIG Key)
Frick, Inc. (HB Unrevealed Key)
GAI Stops Auto: Right Version (Indiegala Key)
Gravityball/Space Hockey (DIG Key)
HOGuru Presents: The House With Too Many Zombies In It (DIG Key)
Il Sole e la Luna (DIG Key)
GameGuru (HB Unrevealed Key)
Hack 'n' Slash (HB Unrevealed Key)
HoloSprint (DIG Key)
Hotel Transylvania 3: Monsters Overboard (HB Unrevealed Key)
Incandescent (DIG Key)
Intelligence (Indiegala Key)
Izmir: An Independence Simulator (HB Unrevealed Key)
Jumanji: The Video Game (HB Unrevealed Key)
Legendary Eleven (DIG Key)
LifeZ - Survival (DIG Key)
Lord of the Click 3 (Indiegala Key)
L.S.S II (DIG Key)
Lust from Beyond: M Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
Mechs & Mercs: Black Talons (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Meeple Station (HB Unrevealed Key)
Mello Haunted House (DIG Key)
Minute of Islands (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
MirrorMoon EP (HB Unrevealed Key)
Morbid: The Seven Acolytes (HB Unrevealed Key)
NAVALNY: A Nightmare of Corrupt (DIG Key)
NeverSynth (Indiegala Key)
Oracle Trials (DIG Key)
Orbital Racer (HB Unrevealed Key)
Patriots: Back to Civilization (DIG Key)
Paw Patrol: On A Roll (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Planet TD (HB Unrevealed Key)
POBEDA (Indiegala Key)
Quantum Replica (Fanatical Key) x2
Raccoon: The Orc Invasion (DIG Key)
Railroad Tycoon 3 (HB Unrevealed Key)
Rogue Bots (DIG Key)
Shiba Army (DIG Key)
Sid Meier's Railroads! (HB Unrevealed Key)
Sit on bottle (Indiegala Key)
Slime Up (DIG Key)
Snowboard (DIG Key)
Soul Grabber (DIG Key)
Soulstice (HB Unrevealed Key)
SPACE ACCIDENT (Indiegala Key)
Space BloX (DIG Key)
Spider-Robots War (Indiegala Key)
Stacking (HB Unrevealed Key)
Starlight Alliance (DIG Key)
StarCrossed (HB Unrevealed Key)
Steel Vampire (Indiegala Key)
Stick Fight: The Game (HB Unrevealed Key)
Stick Fight: The Game (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection (HB Unrevealed Key)
Supreme Ruler Cold War (Fanatical Key)
Swag and Sorcery (HB Unrevealed Key)
Swords and Soldiers 2 Shawarmageddon (Fanatical Key)
System Shock: Enhanced Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
System Shock: Enhanced Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
Telefrag VR (HB Unrevealed Key)
Teleglitch: Die More Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Amazing American Circus (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Amazing American Circus (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Big SokoBang (DIG Key)
The Detective Chapters: Part One (DIG Key)
The Inner World (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Invisible Hand (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Orphan A Tale of An Errant Ghost - Hidden Object Game (DIG Key)
Ticket to Ride (HB Unrevealed Key)
Time Lock VR 2 (Indiegala Key)
Townsmen - A Kingdom Rebuilt (HB Unrevealed Key)
Tricone Lab (Indiegala Key)
Tristoy (Steam Gift)
Turbo Golf Racing (HB Unrevealed Key)
Vampire Survivors (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Waves of the Atlantide (DIG Key)
Weapons Genius (Indiegala Key)
Win The Diamond (DIG Key)
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (HB Unrevealed Key)
Yet Another Hero Story (Indiegala Key)
YOU DON'T KNOW JACK Vol. 2 (HB Unrevealed Key)
Zack 2: Celeste's Map (Indiegala Key)
Zen Cube (DIG Key)
Zibbs - Alien Survival (Indiegala Key)
Zombie Claus (Indiegala Key)
Zombie Wars (DIG Key)

Removed / Banned / Delisted / Purchase Disabled games :
Challenges, Lootboy, second hand, might have some dupes in it (also might not be up to date) => i can exchange them for games but also for trading cards, based on grey market value Vs trading cards market value :

Consoles (from IGN) :
Backfirewall_ (XBox) Home Sheep Home: Farmageddon Party Edition (XBox)
Enclave HD (Nintendo Switch America Region)

Wayfinder Early Access on PS5

Wishlist :
Various offers welcome, i'll browse lists, and most wanted are (not always up to date) :
DLCs : * The Surge The Good, the Bad and the Augmented DLC * Vermintide 2 DLCs : Warrior Priest Career - Sister of the Thorn * Borderlands 3 Season Pass 2 * Rocksmith DLCs * Lego Season Passes (Jurassic World - Marvel Super Heroes - Movie - Hobbit - Incredibles - Worlds) * Dead by Daylight DLCs (A Nightmare on Elm Street - Ash vs Evil Dead - Chains of Hate - Charity Case - Curtain Call - Ghost Face - Headcase - LEATHERFACE - Resident Evil Chapter - Stranger Things Chapter - The Bloodstained Sack - The Halloween Chapter - The Saw Chapter - Sadako Rising Chapter - Forged in Fog - Resident Evil: PROJECT W) * Resident Evil Village Winters Expansion * Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty * Saints Row - Expansion Pass * Rain World: Downpour
See here for the rest of my wishlist.
+ offers, i'll browse lists, and eventually take Paypal, but i'm more interested in Paypal & TF2, but i'm more interested in games trades
submitted by Zoliv13 to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:26 pohltergiest Catching up on the Tohoku Times

Catching up on the Tohoku Times
Finally finding some time after resting to do my writing. The bike shop experience was a little sweaty in the hot weather, and while we were outside working on our bikes, not only did the wife of the mechanic go get us an iced coffee and an ice cream, she later made us care packages with an energy gel and a bunch of electrolyte tablets. Looking inside, it would seem this shop has been the home of a pro-level team for a long time, so I imagine they have a lot of these things on hand, but it was still very nice.
My wheel repair went well, the bumps and wobbles straightening out with the spoke repair. Bryce had them look at his front wheel, which had a different problem. He took a look at it, and after some consideration he said it was a "maintenance challenge" and proceeded to pull out a lot of wrenches. Bryce gleaned that the hub of the wheel needed tightening, and he did not have the correct wrenches to deal with this decidedly north american model. But he did have ones that were close enough and with some effort he managed to make it better to ride. After all was said and done we asked how much for the repairs and he tells us that he's a volunteer for the day, that this is his son's shop and he's just hanging out for the day because it's a holiday! We were flabbergasted but again he would not take any payment. We talked with him a bunch and he told us that he's in his 70's and attributes his good health to his biking, which he proudly states he's been doing for over 60 years now. We said he was an inspiration and said our goodbyes.
We were lucky to get the repairs done so quick, as it gave us just enough time to hit up the aquarium. We needed to ride just 12km to get there, and a nice tunnel took us through a mountain range instead of us having to go over it. I was tired, the stress of the string of repairs really getting to me. But we arrived with an hour and a half til closing and got to see the aquarium which was a big white building tucked up against sea cliffs on the sea of Japan. I felt instantly more at ease, the temperature feeling more moderate by the water, which was calm as the day went on.
The aquarium was lovely, with an obvious focus on jellyfish. I don't usually like aquariums or zoos due to what appears to be inadequate facilities for the inhabitants, but jellyfish in a tank? I don't think jellyfish care, or have the ability to care. This is like having a series of terrariums in my mind, jellyfish are one step above insects in my mind. And jellies they had, loads and loads of jellies, some on the larger side and lots of teeny tiny ones that almost can't be seen at all without magnification. They really do look like little automatons, just wiggling around. The tanks were all very tastefully lit, highlighting UV reactive cells, long streaming tendrils (that I'm sure have a proper name), and rainbow shimmering reflective cells that look deceptively like teeny tiny LEDs on little ridges. The prime attraction was the dream theatre, a dark room with a 5m tall tank circulating with hundreds or thousands of jellies and lit with a dreamy blue and purple light. We saw posters of famous artists performing in front of the jellyfish tank, the theatre being aptly named.
We missed out on the jellyfish ramen noodles, it being a bit too late in the day, but we did get to enjoy the late day views from on top of the aquarium. Why did we ever leave the ocean? Flat roads, sunsets unmarred by dumb terrain, beaches. It's the best. I love beaches. Looking at the map, we'd have to cover 120km to get to Akita to take the ferry to hokkaido, so we decided to cover some ground while we still had light so as to not overload the next day should something happen. On we went. We zoomed past pastel-lit beaches, seeing folks sitting in pairs, waiting for the sunset. We've seen people stop right on highways if they have a good view of the sunset. We had no such time to enjoy it today.
An hour or so later, we covered 20km to Sakata. Bryce wanted fried chicken for dinner, so we went to a takeout place and got way too much chicken for the two of us to eat. It can be hard to tell what you're getting, as one piece of karaage can be anything from a morsel to a meal, in this case we had more of a meal per piece along with rice and cabbage. We got some drinks from a vending machine and ate the food by a river, watching the water go by as the light faded. For once, we couldn't finish all the food, which was a shock. I always finish the food. Good job, random chicken place, you win this round.
I found a big empty looking beach in the middle of nowhere on the map about 10km north of our position, so we prepared to set out for a night ride. Rain was in the forecast for the next morning, which meant we needed a private place that we wouldn't be bothered for an extended time during daylight hours. And we'd need to reduce our kilometers for the next day as we'd probably have to bike some of it in the rain, which sucks. As we were biking through the city, we happened upon a summer festival, people filling the streets. The usual assortment of festival treats didn't steal our attention, but I stopped for a moment to examine a line of white painted ladies in front of a stage that were talking turns talking about something or another. If only we had the time to watch the performance!
We instead used our valuable time biking to a convenience store to one again get water, food, and some canned coffee for the next morning. Always an exciting time. We left the city, things now fully dark. The highway was not the best, lots of cracks and parts filled in with patches, and my focus wasn't the best. Obstructions become much harder to see in the light of a headlight, even harder to see when you have to use the dimmest setting as the headlamp always seems to be close to dying. My body bitched that it was the wrong time of day to be biking, I should already be setting up camp and kicking back, not pressing for an extra 10km.
We did eventually make it to the beach intact, if a bit worn out, rolling down a sandy road until we had to push our bikes over dune-encrusted paths. Nobody here except a handful of night fishers, but they only care about fish. We pushed our bikes along the beach until we found a lonely pair of shelters for picnics and began setting up there. It seemed like a good spot, and we could tie up the tarp for extra rain protection. Giant wind fences on the beach would help with any gusts coming off the sea, but we weren't expecting a lot of wind anyways. Feeling like I'd have extra time in the morning, I got to sleep instead, feeling more tired than ever.
I slept very long, clearly the need for sleep piling up on me. We got to bed a little later than I wanted, but it was indeed raining when I woke in the morning, so I went back to sleep and luckily got a few more hours. We discovered in the morning light that we were not the only ones to think highly of the shelters, with little ants crawling all over the outside of the tent. Not a big deal, but a little unnerving considering we haven't always been perfect about getting the zippers all the way closed. We had some breakfast in bed (which inevitably led to a spilled coffee) and read for a little bit, but debates about getting going started pretty quickly. The rain didn't look like it was going to let up, which meant we were going to have to get going or risk riding at night again.
It was late in the morning when we were ready to go, rain gear donned and our spirits as high as they would be all day. We had 95km to ride, half a day to do it, and we were already soaked. On we went. Rice planting is in full swing now, everywhere we go there's farmers hurredly planting thousands of tiny sprouts in prepared fields. Early on there was a bit of a roadside attraction in the form of a curiously coloured pond, which we dutifully checked out. The pond was indeed a brilliant blue green colour and very clear, like the water of some onsens we've seen. Reading a sign, the pond was the source of the little rivers nearby and the water was extremely cold which kept it from fouling.
As we rode, the mist rising off the hills looked like smoke. We hoped the rain would turn to just mist soon. Wiping my face for the hundredth time, we slowly pedaled on. Rain pants tug on my skin, making knee pain feel more prominent. We bike slower too, I think the water on the road is just harder to bike on. Feels like slow motion compared to fair weather riding. After 30km, I needed to stop and get some real food in me, I found a mandarin restaurant serving spicy ramen, which sounded perfect for a cold, stiff day like this. We left our dripping rain gear outside where it might get slightly dryer simply by gravity, and went in, still sorta dripping anyways.
Inside, the restaurant was filled to the brim with knickknacks and collectables and was bright and cheery despite the weather outside. I found a place to plug in my headlamp and we both ordered big bowls of spicy soup and colas for the sugar and caffeine boost we'd need to keep going. The soup was flavorful and delicious, with a ground pork that was sweet instead of savoury. Last time I made sweet pork it was kinda gross so it was neat to have a sweet pork that wasn't bad. I ate my whole bowl, needing all the calories I could get, and settled down a bit to check the radar for the area.
As can be expected for the coast, the weather was temperamental. It was good we got going, as the section behind us was being hammered, while we could expect a bit of a reprieve from the rain as we moved forward. That was about as good as we could hope for and with the clock striking 2 (and playing a song) in the restaurant, we departed.
The sky brightening a bit from a dreary grey to a less dreary grey, our moods lifted for a while while our jackets dried off in the breeze. The sights were beautiful, in a desolate sort of way. Something about staring off into seemingly infinite ocean is unsettling to me. The evergreens on rocky spits in the ocean reminded us of the west coast trail, a few unbothered sections of coast here and there revealing what this land is supposed to look like under all the concrete pylons and coast management techniques Japan loves.
After an hour, I began having some real issues. My heart rate had spiked, my vision was a little odd, and I was starting to not feel well. Not good. I drank a bunch of water, which helped, but eventually my body decided the spicy ramen was too oily and spicy for my guts and I went to destroy a convenience store. I felt better after, but I really should know better by now. There's so much oil in the cooking here though, it's hard to avoid sometimes.
We kept riding, now with no rain gear and keeping up a respectable pace. We went on a desolate road, giant windmills standing guard on the coast overlooking fields of windburnt trees all bent away from the water. Looks like this coast gets absolutely hammered by the wind, maybe I shouldn't complain too much about the rain if it's not windy as well. Things were looking up, our pace put us on schedule to arrive at 6, well before dark which put us in better spirits. Better spirits until Bryce's tire blew out.
Pulling apart the tire layers, incredulous that the so-called "flatless" tires would fail us now, we found a shard of black glass stabbed straight through the thickest part of the tire and a centimeter into the tube section. Well there's no bike tire on earth that can survive that, that one's just bad luck. We felt a little better about that as we set about replacing it. At least with the new rim Bryce had it was much less of a fight to get the tire on and off to replace the tube. Getting the bead to set was a pain, Bryce cycled the tube pressure three times and we even soaped the edge to get it to budge. It seemed good enough to me, but the rim of the tire definitely seemed a little inconsistent. The rain starting again, we debated what we should do, I argued that if he was careful and avoided bumps the bead might set itself and we didn't have any other techniques we could try. He wasn't able to pull the tire over any more and my hands were too weak to be of much help. We were wet and cold by this point, so Bryce agreed with this and we remounted and got moving. We could always take the train if we had to, but that wasn't an option we wanted to do just yet.
I was in the rear and I could immediately see and hear something was wrong with Bryce's bike, even though I was focused on the tire bead to see if it was setting properly. It looked like his front and back tires were tracking different paths and one or both seemed to be leaning? I know the front tire had a hub issue so I thought maybe they're just a bit off but after a while I called a halt as it looked just too messed up not to try reseating the axle. While we were redoing the rear axle, we discovered that a bolt holding the rear pannier rack was close to coming out altogether, the source of the terrible rattling I've been hearing for weeks now! That was a relief to fix, and the wheel seemed to be sitting better. Now we were quite a bit later, projections looking more like 7 o'clock and getting dark by the time we got to the city.
The sky was getting lighter, but it was the sun starting to sink below the cloud layer, signaling the end of the day and the last of our riding light. I was so tired by this point, bone tired. The rain makes every kilometer feel like two, I was sneezing again, feeling sad. Lots of harsh feelings were welling up, life starting to roar back into focus as all the things I pushed away for the past year demanded answers right now. I tried my best to file away the petitions as I could, but mostly I just tried to keep my head up as my mood sunk lower with the sun. My sinuses decided they'd had enough and shut down, making my head feel like it was a size too big. In the last light of the day we got to Akita, the end of our Tohoku adventure. The kindness of the people we met saved us from finding the whole region cursed.
I demanded burgers and fries to lift my soggy mood, nothing in my tool box keeping me happy. Luckily there was a good looking place near our hotel to try and it was a countertop kinda place. We went in to find a fully charming establishment full of locals and a pair of chefs working the counter. I was feeling just awful but Bryce had a good time interacting with people. Everyone was very curious about the two colourful and very wet foreigners who had wandered in after parking very large and heavy bikes. I joined in on the answers, having the better language skills whenever Bryce couldn't parse what was being asked, but I was more focused on the pile of fries and the chili burger I ordered. People were flabbergasted that we came all the way from the southern end of the country, the chefs assuming we must have come from Tokyo instead. Some of the other patrons started rattling off Canadians they knew, with Justin Bieber ("Justinoo Beeberu!") and Celine Dion topping the list. I ordered a BLT sandwich as I was still starving even after a whole meal. The chef brought over a bottle of nice sake to have as a toast to the brave travellers, which I had to refuse as I would like to recover from this cold sometime this century. There's so much booze that it's hard not to here.
To alleviate the embarrassment of having to refuse the booze, he offered me a ginger ale instead, which I graciously accepted. The other chef laughed as they pulled out a bottle "Canada Dry" she said, to the laughter of the bar. Taste of home in a strange place. I polished off my BLT (and considered a second) and while I'm sure Bryce could have spent all evening taking free shots of excellent sake with the bartender, we had to be up early, so we said our goodbyes and waved as we wheeled our bikes into the dark city. I left in a good mood, but tired as hell. Bryce was positivity beaming from the fun interactions, and the four drinks he had. The hotel was nearby, so it wasn't too hard. A parking attendant ushered us to a spot near the guardhouse, and we locked up there. He asked us when we were thinking of getting the bikes the next day, and when we said 430 in the morning he was a little taken aback. He understood that the ferry was early but that was too early for him.
The hotel room was nice enough, but all I wanted was a bath and sleep. There were bath salts at the front desk and we took turns soaking in the tub. I wasted no time, doing my thing, arranging my clothes for the morning, setting an alarm and going to sleep. 415 would be just around the corner.
submitted by pohltergiest to RainbowRamenRide [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:26 Excellent_Battle_703 What if Donna, Allen, Arnold, Lacey, Julie, Dexter, Andrew, Otis, Dr. Stevens, Rachel or Susie survived? What's change to story, how would they fare against Governor and later antagonists and they would affect story arcs? (WARNING: BIG SPOILERS!)

Let's start with Donna: assuming if she get out of that walker's way, She probably fired her gun, Group will still leave regardless that she shot or not... Allen would be in much more better state of mind, Ben and Billy, their twins sons would be much more better, Especially Ben, He'll be not suffering psychological effects of Donna's death... She would probably died when Governor attack the prison but if she didn't died... She still died when Negan and Savoirs threw the Grenades, Allen and the twins I guess still alive.
Second one: Allen. Since Donna didn't died in this what-if, he would be in much more better state, Assuming he still get bitten, He would survived through the power of will to survive for his wife and their boys, He get the peg-leg like Dale. Ben and Billy would be in normal state of mind. I'm guessing Allen would died in Pike incident by Whisperers.
Third and Fourth: Arnold and Lacey. Considering Hershel mentioned to Rick that the group stay until Carl healed from the wound, they would still leave the farm.
And when Tyreese and some of group start cleaning the gym, Rachel and Susie both would be still going to the Barbershop in the prison, then When they both about to get killed by Thomas, Arnold was Checking on them both, He saw Thomas is about to do it... Arnold give Thomas the brutal beatdown (Like when he's beating up the walker before getting killed by his zombified brother Shawn) Arnold give the chase against Thomas and catch him and beat him to near death. And thus Rachel and Susie survived... Arnold would prevent Otis's death when Walkers get in the prison.
About Lacey, I think She would be one of shooters of the group. And I think Arnold would be joining the raid of the national guard station with the team.
(In this what-if, Thomas would take advantage of Patricia's naiveness and run to the Armory (Assuming he knows it as well) And would try to start rebellion.)
Fifth and Sixth: Greene Twins, Rachel and Susie, since they're saved by Arnold, They survived obviously, I think they would have the guns after that Thomas incident, They would be moderately good shooters, and eventually they would be evacuated the prison to the farm, Hershel, Billy and Maggie would be in much good mind.
Seventh: Otis, If he survived when walkers get in the prison, He would be helping the garden, and probably joined the raid on Woodbury national guard station. Assuming he survived past the governor's attack, he would have same fate as Dale.
Eighth: Julie... she break up with Chris, and later Chris would held him at gunpoint, But if she was quick enough, she pulled rounds into Chris, killing him, he reanimated, Group still know that everyone turned no matter what, Tyreese would be pretty okay without losing Her. She would fired at Governor with Billy, when Governor chopped of Tyreese's head off. She died when Governor attack.
Ninth and Tenth: Dexter and Andrew, since Thomas was caught early, Dex and Andy didn't put the rebellion, instead them go to the Armory, it's Thomas, Rick killed Thomas same way he did with Dexter... I think in this what-if, Dexter would eventually become one of key members of the group... He joined the expedition to Helicopter with Rick, Michonne and Glenn, also I think Michonne would give him wink wink and this causes the Carol situation with Andrew, but let's assuming Michonne still give Tyreese the wink wink. Anyway when four arrived at Woodbury, then the Nickel tour, and then they got imprisoned, Dexter would be tortured by Governor, earning him some permanent scars, and when they about to leave the Woodbury, (Michonne still go to Governor to fight him) When Dr. Stevens is about to get bitten by a walker, Dexter saved him by reacted just in time. Later, Andrew and Dexter would join the raid on Woodbury national guard station, I think Andrew would be good shot... They both would have same opinion as Axel, three won't leave the prison as there's nothing for them outside. Dexter and Andrew would be protecting the prison, since there's more people surviving, They would probably cause more damage to governor's army.
Eleventh: Dr. Stevens, since he's saved by Dexter, He survived and become the group's doctor, He's the mentor to Alice, He would helped Tremendously... And when Governor is giving the speech to the Woodbury townsfolk, He would said that they kidnapped Dr. Stevens. I think his fate would be left unknown if he didn't died in Governor's attack but didn't leave in time...
With many people survived... They would put up more damage on Woodbury army...
Still... What's your takes and thought on this what-if, how they would fared in later arcs and antagonists... What part of story changed?
Your thoughts?
submitted by Excellent_Battle_703 to theroamingdead [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:47 Human_Holiday_4758 Deathcore/Metalcore - Best One Song Encyclopedia

219 bands, 219 songs! Here's the YouTube Music Version:
Deathcore/Metalcore - Best One Song Encyclopedia
Obviously "best song" is a very subjective notion, but I got a bunch of input from the big Deathcore/Metalcore group on FB, as well as Metalcore during the brief period before the post was removed (imagine tongue-sticking-out emoji here!) Anyway, the alphabetized band list by itself is pretty cool, IMHO. Enjoy - and please feel free to make suggestions for additions or changes!
  1. Aborted - Dreadbringer
  2. Abbie Falls - Pitch Black
  3. Across the Sun – May Silence Keep You
  4. After The Burial - Behold The Crown
  5. A Hero A Fake – I Know I
  6. All Out War – Into the Killing Fields
  7. Allt – Paralyzed
  8. All That Remains - This Calling
  9. Alpha Wolf - Akudama
  10. alt. - BACK TO EARTH
  11. A Mourning Star – A World Beyond
  12. Angelmaker- What I Would Give
  13. Annalynn - Closer to the Edge
  14. Annisokay - Coma Blue
  15. Any Given Day – Savior
  16. Architects - These Colors Don’t Run
  17. As Blood Runs Black – In Dying Days
  18. As I Lay Daying - The Sound of Truth
  19. Asking Alexandria - A Single Moment of Sincerity
  20. Atena – Oil Rigs
  21. ATLVS – Comethazine
  22. Atreyu – Crimson
  23. Attack! Attack! – Killing for Sport
  24. Avenged Sevenfold – Unholy Confessions
  25. Aviana – Rage
  26. August Burns Red - White Washed
  27. AVOID - Whatever
  29. Before I Turn – Aglaeca
  30. Being as an ocean - the hardest part is forgetting those you swore you would never forget
  31. Bleed from Within - Alive
  32. Bleeding Through - Revenge I Seek
  33. Bloodywood - Machi Bhasad
  34. Bodysnatcher – Exterminate
  35. Botch – One Twenty Two
  36. Boundaries – I'd Rather Not Say
  37. Breakdown of Sanity – The Storm
  38. Bring Me the Horizon - Shadow Moses
  39. Bullet for my Valentine - Four Words (To Choke Upon)
  40. Bury Tomorrow – Choke
  41. Caliban – Memorial
  42. Carnifex - Die Without Hope
  43. Caskets - The Final Say
  44. Chamber - Replacing Every Weakness
  45. Chelsea Grin – Cheyne Stokes
  46. Chimaira – Pure Hatred
  47. Classic Jack – LAG
  48. Code Orange - Forever
  49. coldrain - 2020
  50. Conquer Divide - Afterthought.wav
  51. Converge – A Single Tear
  52. Counterparts - Whispers Of Your Death
  53. Crimson Eyes – Serenity
  54. Crown the Empire – The Fallout
  55. Crystal Lake - Apollo
  56. Currents - Better Days
  57. Daedric - Alchemy
  58. Dance Gavin Dance – Chucky vs. The Giant Tortoise
  59. Dark Divine - The Fear
  60. Darkest Hour - Goddess of War, Give Me Something to Die For
  61. Darko US - Pale Tongue
  62. Dal Av & Jackson Rose – Insanely Illegal Cage Fight
  63. Dead Crown – Joker
  64. Dealer – Crooked
  65. Defocus – Crooked Mind
  66. Demon Hunter - Cross to Bear
  67. Downswing – Bound to Misery (feat. AVOID)
  68. Dying Wish - Enemies in Red
  69. Earth Crisis – Forced March
  70. Eighteen Visions – Reality Killer
  71. Elwood Stray - Half Life
  72. Emmure - When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong
  73. Enterprise Earth – Reanimate // Disintegrate
  74. ERRA - Lunar Halo
  75. Esprit D’Air - Ocean’s Call
  76. Every Time I Die - Map Change
  77. Fallstar – When Justice Cracks the Sky
  78. Fit for a King - Backbreaker
  79. Fit for an Autopsy – Under a Serpent Sun
  80. Flames of Betrayal – The Rain Reeks of Heaven
  81. Foreign Hands - Separation Souvenir
  82. For the Fallen Dreams – Sulfate
  83. For today - Break the Cycle
  84. Get the Shot – Deathbound (feat Rob Watson)
  85. Ghost Iris – My Dear Rat Kings
  86. Gideon -- Bite Down
  87. God Forbid - To the Fallen Hero
  88. Great American Ghost – Ann Arbor (Be Safe)
  89. Greyhaven - Kappa (River Child)
  90. Guilt Trip – Eyes Wide Shut
  91. Hanabie - Otaku Lovely Densetsu
  92. Harm’s Way – Become a Machine
  93. Haste the Day – 68
  94. Hatebreed – Own Your World
  95. Heart of a Coward – Hollow
  96. Heaven Shall Fall – Hunters Will Be Hunted
  97. Holding Absence - Monochrome
  98. Humanity’s Last Breath - Labyrinthian
  99. Ice Nine Kills – The American Nightmare
  100. If I Were You – System Failure
  101. Imminence – Chasing Shadows
  102. Impending Doom - There Will be Violence
  103. In Heart’s Wake – Survival (The Chariot)
  104. I Prevail - Deadweight
  105. I See Stars - Running With Scissors
  106. InChaos - Butterfly Effect
  107. Ingested – I, Despoiler
  108. Invent Animate - False Meridian
  109. Jesus Piece - Fear of Failure
  110. Job for a Cowboy – Sun of Nihility
  111. Johnny Booth - The Ladder
  112. Killswitch Engage - My Last Serenade
  113. Kill The Lights - Dead From The Start
  114. Knocked Loose - Deep in the Willow
  115. Kublai Khan - The Hammer
  116. Lamb of God - Descending
  117. Left to Suffer – Overwhelming Power
  118. LVNDMARKS - False Reality
  119. Light the Torch - Die Alone
  120. Like Moths To Flames - Dissociative Being
  121. Loathe - Aggressive Evolution
  122. Lorna Shore – Of the Abyss
  123. Make Them Suffer - Uncharted
  124. Misery Signals - Luminary
  125. Malevolence – On Broken Glass
  126. MAYFLOWER – Misery
  127. Maylene & the Sons of Disaster – Caution: Dangerous Curves Ahead
  128. MIRE – Inside
  129. Miss May I – Hey Mister
  130. Motionless in White – Disguise
  131. Mouth for War – Saturate Me
  132. Mugshot – Egodystonic
  133. Myka Relocate – Hide the Truth
  134. Norma Jean - Sword in Mouth, Fire Eyes
  135. Nora – I Should Have Sent Flowers
  136. Novelists FR - Souvenirs
  137. Of Mice and Men - The Depths
  138. Ocean Sleeper - Your Love I'll Never Need
  139. Opal In Sky - The Blight
  140. Orthodox - Cave In
  141. Paleface – Lights Out
  142. Paria - The Absurdity of Solace
  143. Parkway Drive – Dark Days
  144. Patient Sixty-Seven - Hibbertia
  145. Periphery - Stranger Things
  146. PERN – Gasping for Air
  147. Phinehas – I Am the Lion
  148. Polaris - The Remedy
  149. Pupil Slicer - No Temple
  150. Reflections - Help
  151. Reliqa – Tyrant
  152. Renesans - Labor of Hate
  153. Rings of Saturn - Senseless Massacre
  154. Sail’s End - The Sound of Silence 3: Three
  155. Sanction – The Prophet Who Saw Fire
  156. SAVE US – Distance
  157. Scarlet Horizon - Seed
  158. Sea of Treachery – Unleash the Serpents
  159. Serration – Simulations of Hell
  160. Shadow of Intent – The Prelude to Bereavement
  161. Shadows Fall – The Light that Blinds
  162. Shai Halud - Solely Concentrating on the Negative Aspects of Life
  163. Silent Planet - Antimatter
  164. Signs of the Swarm – Amongst the Low and Empty
  165. Silverstein - Your Sword vs My Dagger
  166. Sion – More than Just Myself
  167. Slaughter to Prevail - Viking
  168. Sleep Token – The Summoning
  169. Snapcase – Harrison Bergeron
  170. Spite – led
  171. Spiritbox - The Beauty Of Suffering
  172. Spiritual Chaos - End
  173. Suicide Silence - Unanswered
  174. Sunami – Mind Your Business
  175. Sworn In – Snake Eyes
  176. Tenside - Come Alive Dying
  177. The Acacia Strain - The Impaler
  178. The Afterimage – Secrets
  179. The Amity Affliction – Pittsburgh
  180. The Black Dahlia Murder – What a Horrible Night to Have a Curse
  181. The Browning - The End of Existence
  182. The Chariot - David De La Hoz
  183. The Devil Wears Prada - Danger: Wildman
  184. The Dillinger Escape Plan - One of Us is The Killer
  185. The Empire Shall Fall – Voices Forming Weapons
  186. The Ghost Inside – Aftermath
  187. The Gloom in the Corner – Bleed You Out
  188. The Human Abstract – Vela, Together We Await the Storm
  189. The Ongoing Concept - Feel Again
  190. The Plot in You - Crows
  191. The Zenith Passage – Deus Deceptor
  192. Thornhill - Casanova
  193. Throwdown – This Continuum
  194. Thrown - on the verge
  195. Thy Art is Murder – Holy War
  196. Times of Grace – Medusa
  197. To the Grave – Terrorist Threat
  198. Trivium - Down from the Sky
  199. Undying – the Company of Storms
  200. Unearth - This Glorious Nightmare
  201. Upon a Burning Body – Extermination
  202. Varials – Anything to Numb
  203. VCTMS – Pull From the Hurt
  204. Veil of Maya - Outsider
  205. VEXED – X my <3 (Hope to Die)
  206. Vision of Disorder - D.T.O.
  207. Wage War - The River
  208. Walls of Jericho – Forever Militant
  209. War of Ages – Collapse
  210. We Are The Empty – Carcass
  211. We Came As Romans - What I Wished I never Had
  212. Whitechapel - I Will Find You
  213. While She Sleeps - You Are We
  214. Within Destruction – Void
  215. Within the Ruins – Gods Amongst Men
  216. Wolves at the Gate – Deadweight
  217. World of Pleasure – Carbon Copy
  218. Xibalba – Death Threat
  219. Zao - Resistance
submitted by Human_Holiday_4758 to metalcore_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:34 SpanishAvenger Warfare and conquest have been pillars of humanity across the entire world since the dawn of mankind... when and why did we start pretending that these traits were exclusive to Europe?

Warfare and conquest have been pillars of humanity across the entire world since the dawn of mankind... when and why did we start pretending that these traits were exclusive to Europe? submitted by SpanishAvenger to HistoryMemes [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:30 Ishika2337 The 10 Best Movies Coming to Apple TV+ in May 2024

Apple TV+ is one of the strangest streamers out there, with almost no licensed TV or film content and a small number of originals. That makes the best movies on Apple TV+ easy to find. There simply aren’t that many! Apple is clearly taking a “quality over quantity” approach, with its money spread across genres and targeted at making its subscribers (many roped in with a deal that came with one of the company’s tech products) treat it like a real contender. It also helps that it’s only $4.99 a month, or free for a year if you’ve just purchased a new (and eligible) device.
With films from up-and-comers like Minhal Baig, arthouse favorites like Sofia Coppola and Werner Herzog, some A-list music docs, one of the best animated movies of the 2020s and Martin Scorsese’s latest, Apple TV+ is actually making the case that it belongs in the conversation alongside the more established services. As long as it keeps adding good movies to its roster, that is. It recently snagged a few critical darlings like Killers of the Flower Moon and Wolfwalkers.

10. The Pigeon Tunnel

For a documentary about one of the most celebrated writers of spy fiction, The Pigeon Tunnel can seem—at first glance—deceptively placid. Clocking in at just over 90 minutes, the film features an extended conversation between David Cornwell, AKA John le Carre, and Oscar-winning docmaker Errol Morris. It’s just that. Two people talking, with Morris off-screen, their parrying question-and-answers broken up with archival images and re-enactments of Cornwell’s past, as well as snippets from the classic movies or TV adaptations based on his spy universe: The Spy Who Came in from the Cold, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy and A Perfect Spy.

9. Hala

Writedirector Minhal Baig’s Hala is an intimate coming-of-age drama held up by its personal writerly touches and a star-making turn from Geraldine Viswanathan as the title character. Hala’s struggling with the same kinds of things we normally see high school characters struggle with: What to do after graduation, how to manage a relationship with her parents that’s not quite adult and not quite childish, and (of course) boys. Viswanathan’s understated quiet and the warmth in which the situations are shot (almost always centered on her face)—be they at a family dinner or a walk in a Chicago park or a reading of a high school English assignment—make the dramatic ricochet of Hala’s minor rebellion rattle us all the harder.

8. Boys State

The tendency to read too much into Boys State as a representative of American politics—contemporary, functional, broken and otherwise—doesn’t quite line up with the event itself, in which every year the American Legion sponsors a sort of mock government sleepaway camp in Texas for high school boys (girls get a similar program of their own), where attendees join parties, run for office, craft platforms, run campaigns, hold debates, then ultimately exercise their right to vote.

7. On the Rocks

Sofia Coppola’s new movie On the Rocks starts out as a story of possessive fatherhood, with Felix (Bill Murray) narrating to his teenage daughter, Laura: “And remember, don’t give your heart to any boys. You are mine until you get married. Then you’re still mine.” The girl laughs off the declaration as a jape, which turns out to be a catastrophic tactical mistake. In her womanhood, Laura (Rashida Jones), does indeed get married to a man, Dean (Marlon Wayans), and they have two beautiful daughters of their own, eldest Maya (Liyanna Muscat) and youngest Theo (Alexandra Mary Reimer).

6. Bruce Springsteen’s Letter to You

The black-and-white behind-the-scenes documentary accompaniment to Bruce Springsteen’s album of the same name, Bruce Springsteen’s Letter to You is a beautiful and companionable tour through the music and its making from an American master. Director Thom Zimny buys into the album’s concept, which focuses on just how long Springsteen’s been at this thing. Poignant juxtaposition with archival footage and pictures emphasizes just how long the E Streeters have been at this—and reminds us of who and what was lost along the way.
Also Read: The Last Duel

5. Fireball: Visitors from Darker Worlds

Werner Herzog will show you multiple clips from Mimi Leader’s Deep Impact for no other reason than because he likes them, he finds them well-done and evocative—he says as much in that even-keeled, oddly accented voice over—then soon after chastise “film school doctrine” when complimenting a field video shot by a South Korean meteor specialist in Antarctica. Like Nomad: In the Footsteps of Bruce Chatwin, his documentary from earlier in the year, Fireball (co-directed with Clive Oppenheimer, with whom he made 2016’s Into the Inferno) is less about what it’s about (meteorites, shooting stars, cosmic debris—and the people who love them) than it is about Werner Herzog’s life, which is his filmography, which is a heavily manipulated search for ultimate truth.


Sometimes a movie so successfully plunges you into its world that it completely engulfs you in a lived-in experience. From the gorgeous, scenic opening moments of CODA, you can almost smell the Atlantic salt air and pungent scent of the daily catch. The movie transports you to Gloucester, Massachusetts and lovingly drops you into the life of one family. Seventeen-year-old Ruby Rossi (Emilia Jones) is what the title of the movie refers to—a child of deaf adults.

3. A Charlie Brown Christmas

We could get into plenty of arguments over which Charlie Brown animated special is best, but A Charlie Brown Christmas is my favorite pull of the bunch. Charlie Brown’s confrontation with the Christmas season’s commercialism (back in 1965 no less) and a sad little fir tree make this a cartoon classic, as the ultimate funny-pages shlimazel suffers endless social indignities (no Christmas cards) and the holiday blues.

2. Wolfwalkers

Wolfwalkers is filmmaker and animator Tomm Moore’s latest project out of Cartoon Saloon, the animation studio he co-founded in 1999 with Paul Young, and the capper to his loosely bound Irish folklore trilogy (begun with 2009’s The Secret of Kells and continued with 2014’s Song of the Sea). At first blush, the film appears burdened with too much in mind—chiefly thoughts on everything from English colonialism to earnest portraiture of Irish myths, the keystones of Moore’s storytelling for the last decade.

1. Killers of the Flower Moon

Martin Scorsese has made a career telling stories that tackle issues of justice, retribution and betrayal. From his overt and poetic crime films, through to his dark comedies, religious parables and character pieces, he has long been drawn to stories where the ambiguities of life collide with the complexities of survival, and where day-to-day choices result in consequences sometimes obvious, and sometimes far more subtle and insidious.
submitted by Ishika2337 to u/Ishika2337 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:46 MartinBaun All my employees come from lesser known areas of the world.

I'm a foundelead developer and I run a fully remote team. I know this topic has been milked to death, but I think the best employees come from lesser-known countries.
Eastern European countries were great, especially Ukraine, Kosovo, and Bulgaria.
Poland joined the European Union and the rates shot up.
I still think the area is good compared to the rest of Europe. My thinking is mainly tax-driven, but it remains the same. I’ve seen good devs all over, especially in recent months.
Devs from Asia, South America, and even Africa. You can be lucky and find a good dev here who also speaks well but that’s a big chance. Most South American devs speak Spanish and Portuguese. Getting an interpreter isn’t a big deal, though I know most of us would prefer speaking without an intermediary. The greater perception has been that Eastern Europe has the best affordable devs. That still holds but I think now they are worldwide, which is a good thing.
All this to say, don't be biased about where you hire from, especially in a field that requires a lot of thinking and tonnes of investing.
Be picky, but be open.
This is how I've worked it since I started 10y ago, it hasn't failed me yet. Best of luck! ,
submitted by MartinBaun to business [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:16 kiwasabi The Metallica Conspiracy: The reason Metallica hasn't made a good album since The Black Album (1991) is because they were all replaced sometime in the early to mid 90's.

The Metallica Conspiracy: The reason Metallica hasn't made a good album since The Black Album (1991) is because they were all replaced sometime in the early to mid 90's.
While listening to the radio the other day, I had a thought. What if the reason Metallica has sucked since 1996 is because they aren't actually Metallica, but an entirely different band? To me this logically is the only explanation for how Metallica's music changed so drastically and permanently between the release of their self titled album "Metallica" (The Black Album) on August 12, 1991, and their next album "Load" which released June 4, 1996. All of a sudden they changed from being a thrash metal band at their peak to being a mediocre grunge rock Bush wannabe band who cut off their long hair and started wearing eye shadow and earrings.
The whole theme of Metallica's self titled album (generally referred to as "The Black Album") appears to be "Don't Tread On Me". This is confirmed by the cover image of the album itself. On the bottom right corner is the "Don't Tread On Me" snake from the Gadsden Flag which is a rebel flag first created in 1789. The history of the rattlesnake representing American rebelliousness goes back to 1751 when The Pennsylvania Gazette suggested that since the British kept using the United States as a prison colony by sending us their convicts, that we should pay them back by sending them a "cargo of rattlesnakes". (LINK) Three years later a political cartoon was created which depicted a snake cut into 8 segments with the caption "Join Or Die". Each section of the snake represented a colony and warned of the dangers of disunity. The rattlesnake symbol caught on and became a part of several other Revolutionary War flags. Before the departure of the United States Navy’s first mission in 1775, Continental Colonel Christopher Gadsden from South Carolina presented the newly appointed commander with a yellow rattlesnake flag to serve as a standard for his flagship.
According to this video titled "Don't Tread On Me" Gadsden Flag Symbolism & Meaning (LINK), since the flag was designed for the Navy, the meaning of a yellow Navy flag in 1789 meant "capital punishment on board". Thus the yellow color was meant to be a warning to any other ships who might impose on the independence of the United States colonies. Also mentioned in the video is the fact that the snake consists of 33 sections if you include the head and tail, which could be a reference to the 33 degrees of Freemasonry, or the 33 vertebrae of the Kundalini. Also, I noticed that the snake itself is basically a reversed 666. Finally, the shape of the snake symbol is triangular like an Illuminati All Seeing Eye Pyramid. So there's definitely a lot of hidden meaning behind the "Don't Tread On Me" flag it seems.
Anyway, the lyrical content of The Black Album is full of references to a slave who is oppressed by a cruel master such as "With this whipping boy done wrong" (The Unforgiven) and "Do my dirty work, scapegoat" (Sad But True). The overall theme is about rebelling against this cruel overlord, and there's literally a song called "Don't Tread On Me" with the lyrics repeatedly warning what will happen if the message is not properly heeded. "Enter Sandman" appears to be about Project Monarch Trauma Based Mind Control as well as Satanic Ritual Abuse. When it talks about, "Exit light, enter night. We're off to never never land", it's encouraging the traumatized victim to disassociate from reality by splitting off into a new personality and "going off to never never land" (referring to the fairy tale world of Peter Pan, which is a mind control theme). But the song that seems to put it all right out there what happened to Metallica is "The Unforgiven". The lyrics discuss being born into Project Monarch mind control and "learning their rules" and being "deprived of all his thoughts". Then it talks about how the child swears that they will never take away his (free) will. It then speaks about how he has turned into a bitter man who has tried to please them all. Then finally he decides it's a fight he cannot win and he no longer cares, and the old man prepares to die regretfully, "That old man here is me". This all seems to tell me exactly what happened to the original members of Metallica.
Metallica "The Unforgiven" lyrics (LINK)
New blood joins this earth,
And quickly he's subdued.
Through constant pained disgrace
The young boy learns their rules.
With time the child draws in.
This whipping boy done wrong.
Deprived of all his thoughts
The young man struggles on and on he's known
A vow unto his own,
That never from this day
His will they'll take away.
What I've felt,
What I've known
Never shined through in what I've shown.
Never be.
Never see.
Won't see what might have been.
What I've felt,
What I've known
Never shined through in what I've shown.
Never free.
Never me.
So I dub thee unforgiven.
They dedicate their lives
To running all of his.
He tries to please them all –
This bitter man he is.
Throughout his life the same –
He's battled constantly.
This fight he cannot win –
A tired man they see no longer cares.
The old man then prepares
To die regretfully –
That old man here is me.
"On August 8, 1992, during the performance at Montreal's Olympic Stadium; several songs into Metallica's set, during the song Fade to Black, frontman and rhythm guitarist James Hetfield was accidentally burned by improper pyrotechnics forcing the band to cut their set short as Hetfield was rushed to the hospital." (VIDEO LINK)
I've long had a theory that Michael Jackson was replaced by a new body double in 1984 after his Pepsi commercial pyrotechnics disaster which badly burned him. So I made the connection that when James Hetfield was engulfed in flames in 1992 in Montreal by a pyrotechnics failure, it could have been a very good opportunity to switch him with a replacement. This is only a theory of course and I'm not sure if this was when James Hetfield was actually switched out, but as you'll see in the photo comparisons below, he clearly was replaced at some point (it seems likely it was in 1995 sometime before the recording of the album "Load" which took place May 1, 1995 – February 1, 1996). I also find it a little more than coincidental that Metallica was playing "Fade To Black" when this supposed accident took place.
Metallica "Fade to Black" lyrics (LINK)
Life it seems will fade away
Drifting further every day
Getting lost within myself
Nothing matters, no one else
I have lost the will to live
Simply nothing more to give
There is nothing more for me
Need the end to set me free
Things aren't what they used to be
Missing one inside of me
Deathly lost, this can't be real
Can't stand this hell I feel
Emptiness is filling me
To the point of agony
Growing darkness taking dawn
I was me, but now he's gone
No one but me, can save myself, but it's too late
Now I can't think, think why I should even try
Yesterday seems, as though it never existed
Death greets me warm, now I will just say goodbye (goodbye)
Load was released June 4th 1996 and was a major departure from The Black Album. The first track on he album is "Ain't My Bitch" which could be about the new Metallica members disposing of the original lineup. Load in general is a very mediocre grunge rock album that sounds literally nothing like any previous Metallica album. My theory is now that the reason the band all cut their hair and changed their facial hair around this time in their careers was to disguise the fact that they were imposters. As the evidence will show, all 4 original members of Metallica were replaced sometime around 1995 which is why Metallica has never made another good album since 1991: it's because IT'S NOT ACTUALLY METALLICA. Honestly this album is so terrible that I can't listen to it enough to go in depth on my analysis. So I'm just going to say that I find it significant that the first song of the album with Metallica 2.0 is "Ain't My Bitch" which speaks about getting rid of someone who is dragging them down who is so useless, and now it's time to say goodbye. I also find the opening lines extremely significant, "Outta my way. Outta my day. Out of your mind and into mine". This seems to be talking about how a transfer of consciousness is taking place between the old band and into the new members. Of course what this is really referring to is demonic possession.
"Ain't My Bitch" Metallica lyrics (LINK)
Outta my way
Outta my day
Out of your mind and into mine
Into no one
Into not one
Into your step but out of time
What’s wrong?
I’ve already heard this song before
You arrived, but now it’s time to kiss your ass goodbye
Dragging me down
Why you around?
So useless
It ain’t my fall
It ain’t my call
It ain’t my bitch
It ain’t my bitch
Down on the sun
Down and no fun
Down and out, where the hell you been?
Damn it all down
Damn it unbound
Damn it all down to hell again
The following photo comparisons on the left have photographs from 1994 and earlier, whereas the photos on the right are from 1996 and later. As you can see, all four original members of Metallica were very clearly replaced sometime in the early to mid 90's. There are major changes in the shape of the jaw of all 4 members. The smoking gun evidence is the comparisons which show Kirk Hammett and Lars Ulrich smiling. There's no explanation for why their teeth would have changed completely with five or so years. These are very clearly completely different human beings.
Ever wondered why Metallica seems like a mediocre cover band which is trying (and failing) desperately to sound like it used to? Ever wondered why all four members of Metallica suddenly decided to cut off their iconic heavy metal long hair and started wearing eye shade and earrings? It's because THIS IS NOT METALLICA. The last album that was recorded by the original members of Metallica was The Black Album in 1991. James Hetfield and the other members of Metallica were tired of being "Whipping boys done wrong" who were "deprived of all his thoughts". They decided to tell the Illuminati, "Don't Tread On Me" with their magnum opus "The Black Album", and they unfortunately paid the ultimate price. Notice this line which is a direct reference to The Illuminati and it's All Seeing Eye, "Shining with brightness, always on surveillance. The eyes, they never close, emblem of vigilance". Metallica is literally telling The Illuminati, "Don't Tread On Me".
Don't tread on me
I said, don't tread on me
Liberty or death, what we so proudly hail
Once you provoke her, rattling of her tail
Never begins it, never, but once engaged
Never surrenders, showing the fangs of rage
I said don't tread on me
So be it
Threaten no more
To secure peace is to prepare for war
So be it
Settle the score
Touch me again for the words that you'll hear evermore
Don't tread on me
Love it or leave it, she with the deadly bite
Quick is the blue tongue, forked as lighting strike
Shining with brightness, always on surveillance
The eyes, they never close, emblem of vigilance
Ooh no, no, no don't tread on me
submitted by kiwasabi to conspiracyNOPOL [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:08 tunex2014 Top 10 Instagram-Worthy Spots at Niagara Falls for 2024

Top 10 Instagram-Worthy Spots at Niagara Falls for 2024
Niagara Falls has been a destination for travelers and honeymooners for centuries, and its popularity shows no signs of waning in 2024. This powerful, awe-inspiring natural wonder straddling the United States and Canada delivers countless picture-perfect moments that are tailor-made for your Instagram feed. From the thundering waterfalls themselves to hidden viewpoints and unique vantage points, Niagara Falls is an Instagrammer’s dream come true. Get ready to capture amazing shots that will leave your followers stunned and desperately wanting to experience the magic of Niagara Falls themselves.
  1. Classic View from Prospect Point
Let’s start with the quintessential, can’t-miss view that belongs on every visitor’s Instagram—the classic vista from Prospect Point on the American side. This vantage point offers an unobstructed, panoramic view of the iconic Horseshoe Falls, the largest of the three waterfalls that make up Niagara Falls. With 600,000 gallons of water crashing over the 173-foot fall every second, it’s a powerful, mesmerizing sight that will make your jaw drop. Brave the mist and roar to capture the full, sweeping view, or get up close and personal by venturing out onto the Prospect Point viewing platform. Just be sure to have a waterproof case for your camera!
Experience Niagara Falls like never before, Book now
2) Niagara Falls Illumination
After the sun goes down, stick around Niagara Falls for an utterly magical sight—the nightly illumination of the waterfalls. High-powered lights that brilliantly illuminate the Horseshoe and American Falls every evening at dusk cast an incredible rainbow of colors onto the cascading waters. The kaleidoscope of illumination reflects off the mist, lending an otherworldly glow to the entire scene that is sure to be a showstopper on your Instagram feed. For the best shots, head to spaces like Queen Victoria Park or the viewing areas near Table Rock Welcome Centre on the Canadian side.
Experience Niagara Falls like never before, Book now
3) Journey Behind the Falls
For a unique perspective that few get to experience, add the Journey Behind the Falls attraction to your Niagara Falls itinerary. This exhilarating excursion takes you through a 130-year-old tunnel to gain access to not one but two observational decks situated directly behind the massive curtain of the Horseshoe Falls. Prepare to get soaked as you witness the incredible power and thunderous roar of over 2,800 cubic meters of water crashing down mere feet in front of you. It’s an unparalleled vantage point for capturing one-of-a-kind photographs and video of this iconic natural marvel.
Experience Niagara Falls like never before, Book now
4) White Water Walk
If getting up close and personal with the full force of Niagara is your goal, head to the White Water Walk on the Canadian side near the base of the Horseshoe Falls. This boardwalk trail leads you along the mighty Niagara River, mere yards away from the thundering torrents as they hurtle towards the final plunge over the falls’ edge. You’ll be able to capture incredible shots of the turquoise rapids crashing against the rocks, feel the power of the whitewater, and marvel at the immense energy of nature so close at hand.
Experience Niagara Falls like never before, Book now
5) Niagara SkyWheel and Clifton Hill
While the falls are inarguably the main draw for photographers, the entertainment district of Clifton Hill in Ontario offers some kitschy-cool, only-in-Niagara photo ops as well. Ride to the top of the towering Niagara SkyWheel, a 175-foot-tall Ferris wheel boasting panoramic views of the falls and Niagara River from its enclosed gondolas. Down below, don’t miss grabbing a few fun, personality-filled shots with the wacky museums, haunted houses, gigantic statues like the Dinosaur Park, and colorful facades of Clifton Hill as your backdrop.
Experience Niagara Falls like never before, Book now
6) Queen Victoria Park
For a more serene Instagrammable setting with incredible falls views, make your way to the historic Queen Victoria Park on the Canadian side. This immaculately landscaped public greenspace follows along the Niagara River gorge, offering pristine flowerbeds, walking trails, gazebos, statues, and scenic lookouts like Inspiration Point and Circus Meadows that provide breathtaking panoramas of the Horseshoe and American Falls. It’s easy to spend hours wandering through this park, capturing all the natural beauty and unique viewpoints along the way.
Experience Niagara Falls like never before, Book now
7) Niagara Whirlpool
Venture downstream from the falls, where the immense power of the Niagara River has carved out a natural whirlpool in the gorge that is truly a sight to behold. Several trails and viewpoints along the Canadian side, like the Niagara Whirlpool Hiking Trails or Great Gorge Scenic Overlook, provide spectacular vantages of the swirling, crashing waters of the Niagara Whirlpool. Seeing the massive volume of water being funneled through this churning vortex is both mesmerizing and humbling. With the right angles and lighting, you’re sure to capture shots that highlight the raw power and beauty of this whirlpool.
Experience Niagara Falls like never before, Book now
8) Niagara Falls Fireworks
Every Friday, Sunday, and holiday evening from May through October, be sure to stick around after dark for Niagara’s incredible fireworks displays over the falls. The dazzling pyrotechnics are launched from the American side, providing a fabulous show that illuminates the night sky and reflects off the churning waters. Some of the best views are from Queen Victoria Park on the Canadian side, but you’ll be able to capture the colorful bursts framed by the falls from all over the Niagara area. Don’t forget to use a tripod and long exposures to truly capture the magic!
Experience Niagara Falls like never before, Book now
9) Cave of the Winds
No list of Instagrammable Niagara Falls spots is complete without mentioning the Cave of the Winds experience. This epic journey takes you down to the very base of the Bridal Veil Falls on the American side via an elevator descent. Then prepare to get completely soaked as you follow wooden walkways directly through the thundering curtain of waterfalls. With churning whitewater from the falls crashing down right next to you, you’ll get shots unlike any others along the way. Waterproof gear is a must, but your followers will go wild for these incredibly unique up-close shots!
Experience Niagara Falls like never before, Book now
10) Niagara Falls Bird’s Eye Views
For the ultimate Instagram-worthy view, splurge on a helicopter or aerial tour of Niagara Falls that provides a true bird's-eye perspective. From this vantage point high above, you’ll be able to capture panoramic shots that showcase the entire scope of the three falls, gorge, river, and swirling whirlpools below. In fact, it’s not until you see Niagara Falls from the air that you truly gain an appreciation for its immense size and power. While a bit pricier, the aerial shots you’ll nab will be second to none and capture the iconic natural wonder from a refreshingly new angle.
Experience Niagara Falls like never before, Book now
With these top 10 Instagram-worthy spots, you’ll be able to capture every angle, viewpoint, and one-of-a-kind perspective that Niagara Falls has to offer. From the classic panoramas and nighttime illuminations to unique behind-the-scenes experiences and aerial tours, these photo ops showcase the full power, majesty, and beauty of this bucket-list natural wonder. So pack your camera (and waterproof gear!) and get ready to fill your Instagram feed with images that will have your followers green with envy and dreaming of visiting this incredible destination themselves. Get the complete story here.
To book tours and tickets to experience Niagara Falls, visit here
submitted by tunex2014 to u/tunex2014 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 08:59 yaiyen Japan in the 1980s: when Tokyo’s Imperial Palace was worth more than California and golf club membership could cost US$3 million – 5 crazy facts about the bubble economy

From fraud fuelled by a stock market-predicting ceramic frog to the ‘economic Pearl Harbour’ which saw Japanese companies buy up New York’s Rockefeller Center and Hollywood’s Columbia Pictures, East Asia’s economic golden age was one wild time for those at the top.
The mid- and late-1980s were the years of Japan’s “bubble economy”, a time when the country was at its economic peak. It was awash with money, fuelling evermore conspicuous consumption, and Western scholars, spurred on by books like Ezra Vogel’s Japan as Number One (1979), sought to predict when Japan would surpass the United States as having the largest economy in the world.
Of course, that story never came to pass. At the end of 1989, the Nikkei 225 stock market reached 39,000, a historic high. Three years later, more than half of that had been wiped out with the market at just 17,000 by the end of 1992.
However, while the good times rolled, Japan enjoyed unprecedented wealth. Here are five crazy facts from that time. The Imperial Palace in Tokyo was worth more than all of California.
Between 1956 and 1986, the price of land increased by as much as 5,000 per cent in Japan. At the peak of the bubble economy, Tokyo real estate could sell for as much as US$139,000 per square foot, which was nearly 350 times as much as equivalent space in Manhattan. By that reckoning, the Imperial Palace in Tokyo was worth as much as the entire US state of California.
It wasn’t just Tokyo that was super expensive, though. Despite Japan occupying the equivalent of only four per cent of the land mass of the entire US – Japan is about the same size as California – the value of the Japanese property market was four-times greater than that of the USA.
Land-price inflation was so distorted that land constituted 65 per cent of Japan’s national wealth, compared to just 2.5 per cent for the UK at the time.
As the Japanese economy prospered there developed an increasing appreciation for the sport of golf. With their aura of exclusivity, golf club memberships were in high demand – and came at attendant high prices. It has been estimated that the value of club membership, as a tradeable commodity, shot up by 400 per cent between 1982 and 1989 – and then an additional 190 per cent in 1989 at the height of the bubble.
Membership of the most exclusive country clubs could cost as much as ¥400 million (US$3.7 million) – the cost of entire golf courses in other countries. As a result, the Nikkei Golf Club Membership Index was created to monitor the value of golf club memberships – and at its zenith the total market value of memberships was estimated at an astounding US$200 billion.
In 1985, Japan, France, West Germany, the UK and the US signed the Plaza Accord, which aimed to lower the value of the dollar in relation to the Yen and German Deutsche Mark. The intention was to make American exports cheaper, easing America’s trade deficit.
submitted by yaiyen to WayOfTheBern [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 08:11 djfredgarde Mom asks for prayers for daughter's Turks and Caicos arrest for 2 rounds of ammo in luggage, 5th American facing 12 years in prison Blaze Media

Mom asks for prayers for daughter's Turks and Caicos arrest for 2 rounds of ammo in luggage, 5th American facing 12 years in prison Blaze Media submitted by djfredgarde to BlazeNewsMedia [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 08:08 Esperagus US Small Business Owner Living and Operating Business in Canada

Forgive me as this may be a bit convoluted. My wife and I are both American citizens who co-own a small professional services company (we do legal recruiting, essentially help lawyers move between different law firms). For the past few years, we have given more and more thought to moving to British Columbia (Vancouver, specifically) and are starting to take the idea a bit more seriously.
In order to take the idea as seriously as possible, we are discussing our specific timeline and how to get there. Using the FSWP, I did an online assessment and came to 77 points, so it sounds like we would have a good shot at being able to go down that pathway, if I'm understanding correctly. Assuming we can get to BC that way, my questions are:
1) How we would continue to operate our US business from Canada. To be clear, our business is done entirely remotely over the phone/email/etc. so it physically doesn't matter where in the world we are. Question is would we be able to continue our American operation from Canada remotely? Or would we have to essentially shutter the American company and create a Canadian analogue?
2) Currently, our business model entails placing attorneys with law firms, who then pay us a fee when they hire said attorney. These law firms treat us as 1099 Independent Contractors. If we were able to keep the company in its current American form, does anyone know how these law firm clients of ours would treat us tax status-wise? In other words, would they continue to view us as the same ol 1099 Independent Contractors who just happen to live in Canada? Or alternatively, would they have to treat us in some more complicated way (e.g. go through the trouble of having to rely on Canadian tax forms, etc. something which they may loath to do and therefore not want to work with us as a result)?
3) Similar question as #2 but with the variation that we have a Canadian company instead (while still working for these US law firms as our customers, who treat us as Independent Contractors). In this Canadian company example, would the US law firms have to treat us differently or go through the trouble of figuring out Canadian tax issues? Or can they, e.g., treat us as US citizens who they pay and let us figure out all the details in our end (i.e. they don't even bother sending a 1099 to the IRS, but rather let us in our Canadian company glory figure it all out on our own)?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Esperagus to ImmigrationCanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:53 TannenBoom Slipped a disc in korea and had to go to the hospital.

As a foreigner I was really worried about having no insurance in Korea. I got an mri and xray done in house. And had 5 shots ( no idea what they were to be honest) them they had me do physical therapy with them for an hour. Cost me $220 usd, what the hell is wrong with the American health care system that I am so amazed by how I was treated. I was seen within 10 minutes of walking in. Absolutely love it here and would consider moving here when I am healthier.
submitted by TannenBoom to koreatravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:38 T_da_yung_goat difficult (but good) friend who is not very smart but think they know everything. need some help dealing with them

So, I've been spending a lot of time with one of my friends recently, who has been a friend of mine for a long time. the issue is, he acts like he knows more than me in every topic, and tries arguing with me, even when he's clueless about it. what i mean to say is, it seems like his inherent reflex is to disagree and pull out a counterpoint , which literally seems more like a shot in the dark, and it's very frustrating. for example , when I talked about yao ming was able to dominate(more dominant in a 1v1 setting) shaq through his career, he immediately responded with "that's because shaq was a rookie and yao ming was a seasoned veteran"(shaq drafted in 1992, yao ming 2002). He also for some reason acts like he knows me more than i do in a wierd way like when i said I was in my athletic prime(basketball wise) in x year of college, he goes on to say, "no, you were in your prime in y year of college", even though he was literally not there during x year cuz he had to take a quarter off. I've also been getting back into soccer recently, a huge passion of mine, and he as a result also is getting into it, and acts like he's been into it for just as long. he also has been trying to draw paralells to basketball so he can comprehend better, so says stuff like "kyle walker is the lebron of soccer? i mean both are super athletic." thing is, I really don't mind him being dumb, or not knowing about everything - like who tf does- but the thing is he acts like he knows more, even if some of the things he says is retarded. but today i was talking about how i was one of the slowest people in highschool, and how learning running technique and basically not stepping way in front of my center of gravity while sprinting literally halved my sprint time ( from like 20+ 100m to like around 11.5 -12s 100m) and he's like I have friends in track in high school, and shaving more than .5 seconds is impossible, even though I only met this dude in college. he's also an american citizen who grew up in america, and i grew up in india, coming to the us for college, and any time i talk about india, he says - I have cousins in india, or when i visited india, this is how it was, in a way that is supposed to undermine my point. I was telling him pick-up trucks (like ford f-150 raptors) are basically non existant in india, and he kept saying "I've seen a couple when i went to india" and "how else are people going to transport goods", and when I finally had my other friend from india come in and tell him "yeah they're non-existant" he then acts like he was talking about other commercial vehicles india, not pickup trucks. Idk why I'm getting worked up, but it literally seems like this dude is trying to prove that he's superior or something in a childish way? or maybe he's insecure about his knowledge? or he's just saying random shit to trigger me cuz he likes arguing? idk
submitted by T_da_yung_goat to howtonotgiveafuck [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:47 Old_North8419 You still want justice after [terrorist organization] from another country has murdered your loved ones, but you're now at risk of being tortured, can you still call the police or hire a bounty hunter on these bad actors who will still murder anybody despite you insisting for witness protection?

For example, you want justice towards the [terrorist organization] that has killed [insert name here] but that victim is your loved one, they will assassinate anyone regardless if that person has the "best" security in the world, even to go as far killing the judge and jury, putting their lives at stake, as they'll be killed before a trial even starts, so these people won't be in prison.
Simply going to the police and FBI saying that eg. "I5I5 has killed my loved one!" aint going to work, as you will also put the lives of the officers or agents at high risk of being prey themselves, as the terrorists are fully aware of snitches and law enforcement, plus a judge will be too scared to even confront these type of perpetrators in court even though they have murdered somebody.
Simply bragging about it the same way how media discusses a criminal who has committed murder, won't really do anything other than slander an I5I5-like organization, they will remain unaffected as they are too powerful for such means, they will laugh if you decided to press charges towards them for a criminal trial, as you know... that will only end up with the judge and jury dead.
You still want justice as in putting the perpetrators in prison but they are strong as I5I5 due to them having stolen or captured military hardware, plus they can blow up the prison and courthouse killing everybody inside indiscriminately, to them: they remain indifferent if you are a lawyer, prosecutor, cop, judge, juror, prisoner or a private citizen.
There will also be issues with jurisdiction, that organization is based overseas while the murder took place within your home country of residence done by a conspirator paid by these bad actors on their behalf, so you only caught a scapegoat (now incarcerated) but the true perpetrators are residing elsewhere, they also deny any responsibility as a lie, but the truth is that they did endorse the crime.
Just like what happened in France, the perpetrator of the bombing was only a scapegoat but the real masterminds 'claimed' responsibility but still denied it, while they are based outside the jurisdiction from where the crime took place, so at the end the victims did not get true justice as the real perpetrators basically gottten away with murder due to them living in another country.
Even if you have changed your identity or stayed in hiding, it does not matter, as they can still find you or find the people you are closely associated to, then torture them, using them as collateral to show yourself, the cops will not risk or dare to intervene as their loved ones too will be subjected to the same fate, so how are you doing to get them arrested if the bad actors are this evil?
I guess the cloest thing to it is what happened to a former Saudi national turned to the most wanted fugitive in the world, the police have no stance on this since that guy lived on the other side of the planet in Pakistan, it was not policemen who caught him, it was the SEALs in the role akin to SWAT who shot him there, but that doesn't disband the terrorist organization as it is still around after his death.
A drone strike will only kill ONE leader of that group but won't make the terrorist organization defunct, as they can just literally appoint a new leader right after, the cycle continues never going to end. If you are a private citizen who has become a victim of either being kidnapped, murdered, or tortured by these people in a foreign country you don't recognize, how can the police help you there?
It does not matter if they live in a fortress in witness protection, as an organization equivalent to I5I5 or 4L-Q43DA does not simply care at all if you are in police protection or have the most secure escort. Let's say that everyone who hates the crimes these bad actors commit (as they are disturbing) are now at risk of being kidnapped, tortured or murdered for simply criticizing and shaming them.
You've resorted to hiring a bounty hunter to assassinate the leader of the [terrorist organization] but again, you will put the family of that bounty hunter at risk as the terrorists assassinate and torture those who dare to confront them for their crimes, even journalists have been killed by these bad actors as they know what the implications will be, regardless of how much money you've paid them.
There is literally nothing you can do, if you don't want to risk becoming prey towards these people, so you have no choice but to live with the fact they will justs get away with it, even though it hurts that justice won't be served, as pursuing justice will only cause more bloodshed and kill others at the end, so is it really worth it?
submitted by Old_North8419 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:07 Crowsbeak-Returns We're probably going to lose another of great word now.

So, these imbeciles have gotten it itno their heads because bad word may have in part been developed in part by someone associated with the Eugenics movement we can't use that word. (I suspect the fetal achohol syndrome sufferers who wrote this don't like its become a alternative to a certain other beautiful word we can't use anymore). Also of course attacks the very concept of the asylum system that totally wouldn't be a good place to put every neurotic idiot who subscribes to the thought this article seeks to propagate. Also the attempt to tie that judge to weirdo white nationalists and the right as meaning just the right as a whole rather then a specific small section is funny. Should be noted both sides of the aisle united in TN to actually make this shit illegal and reprimanded said judge
Also I love how they try to turn this into a diatribe against those who would like immigration lowered.
The Sinister History of the Word "Moron," Explained
It's much more than just a casual insult.
By Marlena Scott
September 12, 2017FWHTTB The science of eugenics and sex life, the regeneration of the human race (1914)Z4 Collection / Alamy Stock Photo
OG History is a Teen Vogue series where we unearth history not told through a white, cisheteropatriarchal lens. In this piece, writer Marlena Scott explores the history of of the word "moron," which is tied to the eugenics movement in the United States.
"Moron" is commonly used to describe someone who has made a decision that is perceived as unwise, or to scold oneself over a mistake or slipup. Whichever way the word is flung around, the origins of "moron" are far more sinister.
The term is attributed to psychologist and eugenicist Henry H. Goddard, who used it to describe “feeble-minded” individuals. It is closely tied to the United States’s involvement in eugenics, a scientific term, meaning "well-born," that describes the belief that the human population can be controlled by breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics. It focuses on eliminating “undesirable” individuals, singling out unmarried mothers, people of color, the poor, and those with disabilities. In the United States, eugenics influenced much of the immigration and segregation policies in the 20th century. "Moron" and other words like it — such as "idiot" — were used to support racist, classist ideas and to advance white supremacy behind the mask of scientific advancement.
According to a report from NPR's Code Switch, "moron" was born of Goddard’s fascination with intelligence and his desire to measure what it was and what it was not. In the early 20th century, psychologists grouped people who fell behind the ideal measure of intelligence into three categories that we now recognize as casual insults: “imbecile,” “idiot,” and “feeble-minded.” Goddard, unsatisfied with the existing terms, coined "moron" to embody both low intelligence and behavioral deviance. None of these endured as medical terms, but at the time they were enough to institutionalize someone and sterilize them as a means to prevent them from reproducing.
Goddard organized patients by disease, habit, or condition, as laid out in his 1911 work, Heredity of Feeblemindedness. He analyzed and coded families with the following qualities: "A, alcoholic (habitual drunkard); B, blind; C, criminal; D, deaf; Dwf, dwarf; E, epileptic; F, feeble-minded, either black letter, or white letter on black ground (the former when sex is unknown); I, insane; M, migraine; N, normal; Sx, grave sexual offender; Sy, syphilitic; T, tuberculous; W, wanderer, tramp, or truant." Goddard wrote of one family: “The offspring of the feeble-minded woman and this feeble-minded man were three feeble-minded children and two others who died in infancy. An illegitimate child of this woman is feeble-minded and a criminal.”
"The idiot is not our greatest problem. He is indeed loathsome. ... Nevertheless, he lives his life and is done. He does not continue the race with a line of children like himself. ... It is the moron type that makes for us our great problem," Goddard said in 1912.
The volume of immigrants coming into the country during the early 20th century was the highest it had ever been. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, between 1901 and 1910, 8,795,400 people immigrated to the United States, primarily from the area then known as Austria-Hungary, Italy, and Germany. It was essential to Goddard's work to ensure there were no "feeble-minded morons" in the bunch, so he sent assistants to Ellis Island in 1913 to observe and identify "morons" according to his methods. As previously mentioned, one of Goddard's methods included a pseudoscientific coded guide that looked something like a family tree. Goddard would study families, code their behavior by letter, and draw conclusions that the feeble-mindedness or blindness or deafness of the preceding generation would affect the children. According NPR's Code Switch, 40% of Italians, Hungarians, and Jewish people that were tested qualified as "morons" and were deported in 1913. Deportations doubled the following year.

Those labeled "moron" could be institutionalized, deported, or sterilized in order to create a race of humans deemed superior by those in positions of influence and power, according to a New Yorker piece on the history of eugenics. Eugenics was widely embraced in academia and even celebrated at the World's Fair. In the first half of the 20th century, this movement in the U.S. led to the involuntary sterilization of around 60,000 people, mostly women of child-bearing age, who were subjectively deemed unfit to reproduce.
Federally funded sterilization programs were legalized in 32 states. The state of Virginia passed its Eugenical Sterilization Act in 1924, and to test the legality of the law, Carrie Buck, a poor 17-year-old girl from Charlottesville, was sent to the Virginia Colony for Epileptics and Feeble-Minded — an asylum for those deemed so-called "morons" where her mother, Emma, had been admitted just a few years prior. Carrie was pregnant as the result of rape and, after giving birth, was sterilized at the colony with no understanding of what was happening to her. The move was backed by law and further supported by the Supreme Court, as demonstrated in the 1927 Buck v. Bell case, in which the court ruled that the sterilization of the "unfit" — including the intellectually disabled — did not violate the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. After observing Buck, her mother, and her grandmother — all poor white women — Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. delivered the opinion of the court, writing, "three generations of imbeciles was enough." This decision has never been overturned.
If this thought process sounds grossly aligned with ideals promoted in Nazi Germany, that’s because it is — but eugenics and the attempt to discontinue “feeble” bloodlines is American-bred. In the 1930s, Nazi leadership turned to American eugenics as inspiration in developing tactics to ensure the erasure of European Jews. In Mein Kampf, Adolf Hilter wrote, “There is today one state in which at least weak beginnings toward a better conception [of immigration] are noticeable. Of course, it is not our model German Republic, but [the U.S.] …”
Southern black women were sterilized en masse, often without consent, for much of the 20th century. It was a practice so common that it received a nickname: a "Mississippi appendectomy." The sterilization of Native Americans occurred as late as the 1980s. While some states have formally apologized for their role in the practice, the desire to control “undesirable” groups still persists among some in the U.S., leaving vulnerable populations at risk.
In May, Sam Benningfield, a general sessions judge in Tennessee, announced that he would offer shorter prison sentences to inmates — a population largely impacted by the nation's ongoing opioid crisis — who would undergo vasectomies or receive the birth control implant Nexplanon. "I'm trying to help these folks begin to think about taking responsibility for their life and giving them a leg up — you know, when they get out of jail — to perhaps rehabilitate themselves and not be burdened again with unwanted children and all that comes with that," Benningfield told CBS News. In July, the judge pulled the offer following protest from health officials and civil rights attorneys, according to The Washington Post.
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Nine decades after Carrie Buck was sterilized, white nationalists, white supremacists, neo-Nazis, and the so-called "alt-right" gathered in her hometown for "Unite the Right" rallies on August 11 and 12. Many of those present called for a "purer" race of human beings and chanted phrases like, "You will not replace us." The weekend ended in violence and the death of Heather Heyer, a 32-year-old woman who was killed when a driver slammed into a crowd of anti-racism counterprotesters.
submitted by Crowsbeak-Returns to stupidpol [link] [comments]