Topamax muscle fatigue

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2021.07.18 22:38 News about Monkeypox

News about Monkeypox

2024.05.22 00:15 SimpleFitnessGains 3 Of The Best Warmups To Avoid Injury

3 Warmups To Avoid Injury, and a starter tool to get your fitness journey rolling along!*** Adjustable Dumbbell Set For At Home!!
  1. Bodyweight Squats- The knees are one of the most injury prone areas in the body because of how much brunt they have to bear on a day-day basis. Bodyweight squats before any grueling leg workout can prevent any serious, career altering knee injuries
  2. Pushups- Similarly for the upper body, the pushup is a challenging enough exercise that it will prove to be an adequate warmup, but not too fatiguing that it will impede the workout. Your muscles will receive an excellent initial stimulus and be ready to go
  3. The Exercise Itself- This one may, at first, sound somewhat surprising, but the best way to warmup for a tough exercise is to do the exercise itself with a lighter weight. It recruits all the required muscle fibers and prepares the body adequately for what is to come
submitted by SimpleFitnessGains to SimpleFitnessGains [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:05 cecsix14 Anyone taking tirz and TRT at the same time?

49M here. Been on tirz with great success (SW 225 CW 195 GW 180) for about 8 weeks. I also am trying to stay on top of weight training and, if not building muscle, at least maintaining it. I also believe TRT would help offset the fatigue I’m experiencing. Just curious if anybody else has done either TRT or any other hormone replacement or muscle enhancing peptides while on Tirz and what your experience has been?
submitted by cecsix14 to tirzepatidecompound [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:53 TiredElephant_c Kidney problem of some sort? Idek how to describe just pressure bloating and mild pain in lower abdomen for a while now. Frequent urination especially recently. Fatigue. Mild nausea this morning. [Male 28]

I don’t even know how to describe what’s wrong honestly. I just don’t feel quite right and am concerned is maybe the best way I can think to describe it bc I’m not really in pain but I have a certain degree of discomfort and my abdomen can feel mild pain sometimes particularly when laying on my side or bending over and occasionally I do get a bit of pain. I guess 1 of the best ways to describe it might be that I have tenderness and a bloated feeling in my abdomen, or a feeling of pressure. I think I’ve generally felt this way for several weeks with significant fatigue but I think it’s gotten more substantial recently especially today to the point where today I’m now urinating like every half hour or more frequently. I’m a bit concerned about kidney failure now or something related to my kidneys. Earlier today at the advice of my friend I was concerned about Type 1 Diabetes so I went to an urgent care facility and when they asked me what’s wrong I didn’t know what to say and said I might be interested in doing a diabetes screening and described the symptoms of frequent urination and tenderness in the abdomen. They told me that I needed a doctors order in order to run lab tests (that they can’t just test without me seeing a doctor 1st and a doctor ordering it which Idrg bc don’t they have doctors at that facility that can order them 🤷‍♂️) so I went home and scheduled a doctors appointment for Friday. I won’t get into it much here but that seems silly to me that I can’t just decide to have lab tests done to see what might be going on with me. Idk how urgent this might be and the thought of waiting more days for something that could have been done today is a bit frustrating and scary to me but I guess that’s my fault for not keeping up with my regular physicals and bloodwork and for waiting to see a doctor for so long after having the notion months ago that something feels a little off.
Uhm so, idk what to expect tbh. I’m worried about everything from Kidney problems to a urinary tract infection to a bacterial infection to pre diabetes or something (although I guess it’s probably not that but I wouldn’t really know). There’s no history of diabetes in my family afaik. Uhm I don’t eat a lot of sugar.
1 strange theory I have that I want to mention is that I’m concerned it could have to do with Grapefruit juice. I drink about at least 12 oz. of Florida’s natural Ruby Red Grapefruit juice everyday and have for years. I’m particularly concerned about the grapefruit juice after reading this:
“Grapefruit juice can cause kidney failure in some people due to its high potassium content People with kidney infections should be cautious because their kidneys may not be able to filter out excess potassium, which can be life-threatening.”
“Grapefruit can also cause kidney toxicity, also known as nephrotoxicity, which can lead to kidney failure and damage. Other side effects of grapefruit juice on the kidneys include: • Muscle breakdown: When grapefruit is used with certain statins, it can cause abnormal and potentially serious muscle breakdown. The FDA reports that this risk can lead to kidney failure. • Liver damage: The FDA reports that this risk can lead to kidney failure. • Neurological side effects: The Mayo Clinic reports that these include confusion and memory lOss. However, grapefruit also contains a flavonoid called naringenin, which regulates a protein that decreases growths related to kidney cysts. A 2014 study by scientists at Royal Holloway, University of London, found that naringenin can prevent kidney cysts from forming.”
Uhm just laying down writing this now I think just realized I may be able to feel slight pain or pressure or bloating in my back which I read earlier today is sign of a kidney problem.
Idk what to do and am just a little scared and concerned I guess about waiting.
Medications I take include methadone daily at 29 mgs in the mornings.
I intake nicotine pretty heavily through a vaporizer.
What other information should I include uhm, I’m a 5’7” male, 28 years old, I weigh about 135 - 140 lbs, probably on the lower end rn but idrk.
Yeah idk my abdomen just feels weird in a way I’ve never experienced before and like tense and like pressure and I feel like I don’t want to bend over or twist it.
I think I might have a tonsil stone (Bc of a large white growth in my throat most visible when I shine a flashlight in my mouth down my throat) and possibly a skin / staph infection on another part of the body but that’s probably an unrelated issue. I only say that bc I have a boil looking skin bump on my rear. And that I’ve heard those can be staph infections. And I suppose I’m worried about that having possibly spread.
Sorry for being so thorough with possibly unrelated stuff. I just want to include as much information as possible bc idk what might be important in ways I don’t understand.
Uhm if I think of anything else I’ll post it in the comments. But yeah I just don’t feel great man, like I felt a bit nauseated and a bit ill this morning for a short while. I’ve felt extremely fatigued for weeks now sleeping an extremely excessive amount and rn walking around writing this I just feel a tension in my abdomen and sides and just torso / lower torso? Idk just torso in general. I really just don’t know how to describe it. Even my heart and arms sometimes kind of ache a bit recently. Idk even legs or limbs occasionally feel an ache that idk could just be anything. Maybe I’m getting a bit hypochondriac.
I don’t know what to think.
Thanks a lot for any time. I’m sorry I wrote so much. Nobody likes a kiss ass but I’ll say it anyway, I have great respect for the profession of healthcare provider. Like in a bit of a religious sense I think that kind of helping people in some of their worst moments and most needy and weak moments is admirable in a way almost nothing else is.
Think I might go back to a facility and try to see someone 1 more time or at least talk to them a bit more and explain better bc my family is encouraging me to. I don’t want to bother them unnecessarily though especially if I caused this and it’s some strange obscure phenomenon. Idk that’s all.
submitted by TiredElephant_c to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:45 ticklemydill Question about persistent symptoms, specifically the brain fog

Does anyone in here have persistent symptoms? Either literally all the time or just most of the time?
I have pretty bad brain fog, fatigue and muscle twitching all day long and was just curious if anyone else’s symptoms barely ever go away.
submitted by ticklemydill to Fibromyalgia [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:24 4TheGenuis Being healthy and athletic after remission

Before sarcoidosis, i was very active , i was going to the gym, climbing, biking, running etc. This disease lead me to my bed for several months with a lot of pain and inactivity. I was not myself anymore.
After several years of treatment, the remission ! I was back to the gym before the news but because of the weight i gained due to the treatement and the sedentarity, the muscle i lost etc, sport is hard ! Even after 6 months, i don't feel any progress. I still have a lot of fatigue, soreness even dizziness sometimes.
I wanted to have a coach but they said no because of my condition. They are scared to not be able to create an efficient program without bad effects.
Do you think i can be back to my athletic condition or sarcoidosis ruined this part of my life?
submitted by 4TheGenuis to sarcoidosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:19 cloudiekittie what to expect after GES?

i'm getting a 2hr GES done on thursday, and I don't know what to expect in terms of treatment. i've already lost 20lbs in 3 months (quite a lot for me, started at 146lbs), and i cant eat even 1000 calories on a day to day basis. i'm currently on pepcid, carafate and multiple anti nausea meds but nothing has helped my appetite. i've gone vegetarian, cut out dairy, tested for different allergies and, again, no luck. i'm currently eating only soft/liquid foods as much as i can since its the only way im able to function after eating. in the past month or so i've also began having muscle cramps and spasms, increased fatigue and dizziness, difficulty thinking and heavily increased pain that i believe to be related to my inability to eat but my "labs look great!". ive also heard a lot of bad things about most GP meds like reglan. how they cant really be taken long term, take forever to work if they even do and i'm just nervous i dont. have the time based on my symptoms. i cant keep keeping on like this.
tldr: whats the best plan of care? i know i shouldn't ask strangers on the Internet, but i swear u all know more than Doctors
submitted by cloudiekittie to Gastroparesis [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:57 mango-moths thoughts on possible autoimmune?

I am 20F and think that I might have an autoimmune disease. Due to a family history, I got an ANA in april that came back positive 1:80 Speckled Pattern. My main symptoms are fatigue, muscle and joint stiffness especially in the mornings and evenings, joint pain particularly in my elbows, knees, fingers, and hips that is often worse in the evening, swelling in my fingers, and lightheadedness and dizzy spells. I have my first appointment with a rheumatologist in a few weeks but was wondering if anyone had any thoughts or ideas about what could be going on?
submitted by mango-moths to Autoimmune [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:33 ForeverExhausted17 HELP. 28 years worth of messed up symptoms but doctors say I’m normal.

I’m at my wits end and I really need some help or direction. I (28f) have always had issues with my hormones. I’m average height and weight and my family has a history of low hormones but not anything that’s been treated by a doctor.
I didn’t have a period until I was 17 and that was only after multiple sonograms, ultrasounds, blood tests, and putting me on estrogen/progesterone to medically induce a period. Back then, I was told I was too skinny so my body wasn’t producing hormones like it should. There was also talk about possibly having PCOS. Once my body started menstruating on its own with the help of birth control, my periods were awful and painful. I had suicidal ideation while I was on birth control so I stopped taking it.
Afterwards, my periods would start and stop randomly for years. I think I went almost a year without a period and then ended up having one for 6 weeks straight. At this point, I went to an OBGYN and she told me I could have a partial hysterectomy due to my severe side effects of birth control. At 26, I had my uterus removed and that has been one of the best decisions I made. The OBGYN found lots of endometriosis during this process as well.
But lately I’ve become more aware of symptoms that I probably should’ve taken account of before. No libido, extreme fatigue, irritability, really hot sometimes and sweat during the night, muscle weakness and loss.
I had been looking at previous hormone tests and they all fall in the “normal” range. I’ll be honest, I don’t know how to read all of them but the testosterone test. My T serum test peaked at 19 years old with 25 ng/dL. My most recent serum test before my hysterectomy was 14 ng/dL and records show it has steadily dropped over the years. I recently had a free testosterone direct blood test done and it came back as 0.8 pg/mL.
Every single test has been labeled as normal but I still have all these weird symptoms. I have an appointment with an endocrinologist next month but I’m afraid they’ll say the same thing. I know google doesn’t hold much weight but everything I’ve looked at has said at least my testosterone is low. But no doctor has said anything is low.
I just want to live a normal life and feel good in my body again. Please help or give advice, anything at all!! I feel so alone and like I’m going nuts.
submitted by ForeverExhausted17 to endocrinology [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:29 ForeverExhausted17 HELP. 28 years worth of messed up symptoms but doctors say I’m normal.

I’m at my wits end and I really need some help or direction. I (28f) have always had issues with my hormones. I’m average height and weight and my family has a history of low hormones but not anything that’s been treated by a doctor.
I didn’t have a period until I was 17 and that was only after multiple sonograms, ultrasounds, blood tests, and putting me on estrogen/progesterone to medically induce a period. Back then, I was told I was too skinny so my body wasn’t producing hormones like it should. There was also talk about possibly having PCOS. Once my body started menstruating on its own with the help of birth control, my periods were awful and painful. I had suicidal ideation while I was on birth control so I stopped taking it.
Afterwards, my periods would start and stop randomly for years. I think I went almost a year without a period and then ended up having one for 6 weeks straight. At this point, I went to an OBGYN and she told me I could have a partial hysterectomy due to my severe side effects of birth control. At 26, I had my uterus removed and that has been one of the best decisions I made. The OBGYN found lots of endometriosis during this process as well.
But lately I’ve become more aware of symptoms that I probably should’ve taken account of before. No libido, extreme fatigue, irritability, really hot sometimes and sweat during the night, muscle weakness and loss.
I had been looking at previous hormone tests and they all fall in the “normal” range. I’ll be honest, I don’t know how to read all of them but the testosterone test. My T serum test peaked at 19 years old with 25 ng/dL. My most recent serum test before my hysterectomy was 14 ng/dL and records show it has steadily dropped over the years. I recently had a free testosterone direct blood test done and it came back as 0.8 pg/mL.
Every single test has been labeled as normal but I still have all these weird symptoms. I have an appointment with an endocrinologist next month but I’m afraid they’ll say the same thing. I know google doesn’t hold much weight but everything I’ve looked at has said at least my testosterone is low. But no doctor has said anything is low.
I just want to live a normal life and feel good in my body again. Please help or give advice, anything at all!! I feel so alone and like I’m going nuts.
submitted by ForeverExhausted17 to Hormones [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:14 unearthlyworld Chronic pain and no answers

I am 24. For reference I am Female to Male Transgender, no operations, on testosterone.
I have had pain for a long time, more prevalent in the past 6 years, but have had problems for significantly longer.
I have always gotten bad muscle cramps from a young age, especially in my calf muscles, the earliest I remember I would have been about 7-8 and I would often wake up from them, though that has not happened in a few years now asides from a random once or twice.
The pain is mostly in my joints, especially hips, knees, back (upper, middle and lower,) neck and fingers.
I have PCOS, and T2 Diabetes diagnosed in 2020, at age 20.
I am 173cm, 108kg. I am not too active at this point in time due to my pain, however 2 years ago I was walking an average of 10k steps a day 4 days a week, and actively working out with weights. Did not help the pain at all, and was having to rest often or I’d be in too much pain to stand.
I also have gut issues, seemingly always ulternating between constipated and diarrhoea. Very sensitive to the sun, with l sunscreen on i will still burn on my face which often leads to extreme swelling and my eyes being stuck closed. Overall sensitivity to light, and eye muscle pain. Psoriasis(?) on face which suddenly appeared after a bad sunburn.
I get headaches very often, and nausea, I recently randomly fainted after a brainfreeze which had never happened before, but feeling dizzy and lightheaded is common.
I have jaw pain, TMJ, and have dislocated my jaw twice from overextention (yawning.)
I get severe pain in my fingers and hands, typing even just this causes my thumbs to seize up a bit and makes typing a lot harder on my phone. And I wake up with weakness in my hands daily and am unable to do basic tasks for an amount of time.
Chronic fatigue, anxiety and depression also prevalent throughout my life.
Arthritis of many types runs in my family, my aunt has lupus, both of my maternal grandparents have Ankylosing Spodylitis. All have been ruled out (though need to get retested for Lupus)
Starting to get frustrated at doctors not caring and saying there’s nothing wrong, blaming my weight etc.
Are there any specific tests I should ask for? Any referrals that would be most beneficial? I was told rheumatologist, but then the doctor wouldn’t actually refer me so… yeah.
Just want answers at this point, starting to struggle, 1-2 hours on my feet and my whole bodt is aching for the next 12.
submitted by unearthlyworld to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:59 adowjn If it's not sleep apnea what can it be

I have this issue where I intermittently wake up fatigued and heavy which sometimes lasts most of the day. My mood is also lower on those days. I'm pretty sure it's connected to my sleep quality because sometimes it happens that I'm totally fine at night, then I sleep and the next morning wake up feeling like crap.
I had a sleep study done 8 years ago from which the result was that I had no apnea but that I snored. I'm doing another sleep study next month.
I've been monitoring my snoring with snorelab and even though nose strips improve my snoring they don't solve it completely. I've also tried mouth taping and I wake up many times with it, I think because I'm trying to breathe through my mouth even though my nose is clear. Why does my body want to breathe through the mouth instead? Is it habit or is it possible that breathing through the nose becomes harder when I'm asleep as muscles relax?
I've also noticed that even with my mouth closed, I snore. The snoring sounds like it's coming from a vibration at the top of the throat.
I've also got a nose CAT scan done to check if it's coming from there.
Looking for people who have had similar situations to mine.
submitted by adowjn to SleepApnea [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:54 ForeverExhausted17 HELP. 28 years worth of messed up symptoms but doctors say I’m normal.

I’m at my wits end and I really need some help or direction. I (28f) have always had issues with my hormones. I’m average height and weight and my family has a history of low hormones but not anything that’s been treated by a doctor.
I didn’t have a period until I was 17 and that was only after multiple sonograms, ultrasounds, blood tests, and putting me on estrogen/progesterone to medically induce a period. Back then, I was told I was too skinny so my body wasn’t producing hormones like it should. There was also talk about possibly having PCOS. Once my body started menstruating on its own with the help of birth control, my periods were awful and painful. I had suicidal ideation while I was on birth control so I stopped taking it.
Afterwards, my periods would start and stop randomly for years. I think I went almost a year without a period and then ended up having one for 6 weeks straight. At this point, I went to an OBGYN and she told me I could have a partial hysterectomy due to my severe side effects of birth control. At 26, I had my uterus removed and that has been one of the best decisions I made. The OBGYN found lots of endometriosis during this process as well.
But lately I’ve become more aware of symptoms that I probably should’ve taken account of before. No libido, extreme fatigue, irritability, really hot sometimes and sweat during the night, muscle weakness and loss.
I had been looking at previous hormone tests and they all fall in the “normal” range. I’ll be honest, I don’t know how to read all of them but the testosterone test. My T serum test peaked at 19 years old with 25 ng/dL. My most recent serum test before my hysterectomy was 14 ng/dL and records show it has steadily dropped over the years. I recently had a free testosterone direct blood test done and it came back as 0.8 pg/mL.
Every single test has been labeled as normal but I still have all these weird symptoms. I have an appointment with an endocrinologist next month but I’m afraid they’ll say the same thing. I know google doesn’t hold much weight but everything I’ve looked at has said at least my testosterone is low. But no doctor has said anything is low.
I just want to live a normal life and feel good in my body again. Please help or give advice, anything at all!! I feel so alone and like I’m going nuts.
submitted by ForeverExhausted17 to WomensHealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:47 Faithhal The Safety of SARMS: Debunking Myths and Exploring Risks

Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMS) have gained popularity among fitness enthusiasts and athletes seeking to enhance muscle growth and performance without the side effects associated with traditional anabolic steroids. However, amidst the hype surrounding SARMS, concerns about their safety have emerged. Are SARMS truly a safe alternative, or do they harbor hidden dangers? In this article, we'll delve into the safety profile of SARMS, separating fact from fiction to provide a nuanced perspective on their potential risks.
The Mechanism of SARMS:
SARMS function by selectively binding to androgen receptors in muscle and bone tissue, thereby triggering anabolic effects similar to those of steroids but with purportedly reduced androgenic side effects. This selective targeting is believed to offer the benefits of enhanced muscle growth and performance without the undesirable effects on secondary sexual characteristics.
Dispelling Myths:
One common misconception about SARMS is that they are completely risk-free. While SARMS may have a more favorable side effect profile compared to traditional steroids, they are not devoid of risks. It's essential to recognize that SARMS can still exert hormonal effects on the body, including potential suppression of natural testosterone production.
See also>> Are sarms dangerous?
Potential Risks:
  1. Testosterone Suppression: SARMS, particularly those with stronger anabolic properties, can suppress endogenous testosterone production, leading to hormonal imbalances. This suppression may result in symptoms such as decreased libido, fatigue, and mood changes. Post-cycle therapy (PCT) may be necessary to restore testosterone levels after SARMS use.
  2. Lipid Imbalances: Some studies suggest that SARMS can affect lipid metabolism, potentially leading to alterations in cholesterol levels. Elevated LDL cholesterol and reduced HDL cholesterol levels have been reported in some individuals using SARMS, which could increase the risk of cardiovascular disease over time.
  3. Liver Toxicity: While SARMS are generally considered to have a lower risk of liver toxicity compared to oral steroids, certain SARMS may still exert hepatotoxic effects, especially at higher doses or with prolonged use. Monitoring liver health through regular blood tests is advisable for SARMS users.
Mitigating Risks:
Despite the potential risks associated with SARMS, there are steps that users can take to minimize the likelihood of adverse effects:
In conclusion, while SARMS offer potential benefits for muscle growth and performance enhancement, they are not without risks. It's essential for individuals considering SARMS use to weigh the potential benefits against the potential risks and make informed decisions based on their individual circumstances and goals. Consulting with a healthcare professional or knowledgeable fitness advisor can provide valuable guidance in navigating the complexities of SARMS usage and optimizing safety and effectiveness. Ultimately, by approaching SARMS use with caution and diligence, individuals can minimize risks and maximize the potential benefits of these compounds in their fitness journey.
submitted by Faithhal to u/Faithhal [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:45 Faithhal Are SARMS Dangerous? Separating Fact from Fiction

Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMS) have garnered attention in the fitness world for their potential to enhance muscle growth and athletic performance with fewer side effects compared to traditional steroids. However, amidst the buzz surrounding SARMS, questions inevitably arise about their safety profile. Are SARMS truly as safe as they're claimed to be, or do they pose significant risks to users? In this article, we'll explore the safety considerations surrounding SARMS to provide a balanced perspective on their potential dangers.
Understanding SARMS:
SARMS, as the name suggests, selectively target androgen receptors in muscle and bone tissue, leading to anabolic effects similar to those of traditional steroids but with purportedly fewer androgenic side effects. This selectivity is what sets SARMS apart and contributes to their appeal among fitness enthusiasts and athletes.
The Safety Debate:
While SARMS offer promising benefits, concerns about their safety persist, primarily due to their potential to suppress natural testosterone production, alter lipid profiles, and affect liver health. Additionally, the long-term effects of SARMS usage remain largely unknown, raising questions about their potential for causing harm over extended periods.
For more>> Are sarms dangerous?
Suppression of Testosterone:
One of the primary concerns with SARMS is their potential to suppress endogenous testosterone production. SARMS, particularly those with stronger anabolic properties, can interfere with the body's natural hormone balance, leading to decreased testosterone levels. This suppression can result in a range of symptoms, including decreased libido, mood changes, and fatigue.
Impact on Lipid Profiles:
Another area of concern is the impact of SARMS on lipid metabolism. Some studies suggest that SARMS can alter lipid profiles, potentially leading to unfavorable changes in cholesterol levels. Elevated levels of LDL cholesterol ("bad" cholesterol) and decreased levels of HDL cholesterol ("good" cholesterol) have been reported in some individuals using SARMS, which could increase the risk of cardiovascular disease over time.
Liver Toxicity:
While SARMS are generally considered to have a lower risk of liver toxicity compared to traditional oral steroids, some evidence suggests that certain SARMS may still exert hepatotoxic effects, particularly at higher doses or with prolonged use. Liver enzyme abnormalities and liver damage have been reported in some users, highlighting the importance of monitoring liver health when using SARMS.
In conclusion, while SARMS offer potential benefits for muscle growth and athletic performance, they are not without risks. Concerns about testosterone suppression, lipid alterations, and liver toxicity underscore the importance of approaching SARMS use with caution and diligence. It's crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before embarking on a SARMS regimen, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions or concerns.
Ultimately, the decision to use SARMS should be informed by a thorough understanding of their potential risks and benefits, as well as careful consideration of individual circumstances and goals. By prioritizing safety and responsible use, individuals can minimize the potential dangers associated with SARMS and maximize their potential benefits in pursuit of their fitness objectives.
submitted by Faithhal to u/Faithhal [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:42 CarlosMarcosApproved Cat Napping

Been long hauling for 13 months now. The usual symptoms, esp. fatigue. I sleep for 11 hours most nights but I still have waves of extreme fatigue during the day which hit me like a truck, sometimes in the middle of a conversation! The kind of full-body exhaustion you feel after hiking a mountain or running a marathon where your body aches and your muscles give-out. I feel sleep finally overtaking me, so I close my eyes and recline for a nap. My body relaxes, as does my breathing--but I cannot fully fall asleep. Instead my body does this half-ass nap where my eyes close, my breathing deepens and my muscles relax but not actual sleep. It's soo frustrating!! I call them my cat naps. They're refreshing but too short, so rather than enjoy a full hour of sleep, I cobble together a day's worth of 5min cat naps. I just wish I could nap fully. Anyone else have difficulty napping despite being so fatigued? My body knows it needs sleep, so I close my eyes but my body just can't relax enough or something. Almost like an overtired toddler who doesn't wanna nap because its too overstimulated.
submitted by CarlosMarcosApproved to covidlonghaulers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:33 Foreign_Tutor_6650 Fitness/powerlifting/bodybuilding/mobility coaching!

Want to really level up your progress? Don’t wanna spend $100+ per month on a coach? Wanna get into the gym but not sure what exercises are best? Beginner powerlifter? Wanna gain size and strength better and faster? You’re in the right place! Stop throwing money at supplements and not a coach! What you’re doing in the gym and how you manage fatigue is far more important than any supplement. For 1:1 coaching contact me and for $50/month you can gain a personalized program fit for your goals that will ensure you’re recovering correctly and gaining the muscle/strength you want as well as fixing any form issues, working around injuries/pains, diet tips ect! I also work with people looking to gain/lose weight! Message me- 605-370-1545 DM me on insta @SluisLifts And let’s make your goals happen.
submitted by Foreign_Tutor_6650 to Coaching [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:28 Mobile_Mammoth_6872 2W4DPO

Good afternoon, all. I hope everyone is recovering nicely and for those with scheduled surgery dates, I hope you’re getting great advice and info. from all of the wonderful people in this group. I wanted to pop on in and post about how things are going because I think I need people to tell me that I’m doing the right or not so right things. I’m listening to my body and giving it relief when I feel any slight discomfort. Please know that I value all opinions and like a new mom, I’m learning as I go. Ok so, I had a robotic assisted laparoscopic total hysterectomy on May 3, I kept both ovaries. I will be 3wpo this Friday and I went back to work Monday, yesterday. I’ve been working from home since 3dpo and decided that I felt good enough to be at work at least half day, so 4 hours, I ended up staying a little over 5 hours. I mostly sat upright at my desk but I did do some walking and quite a bit of standing. Most of the walking and standing was done all at the same time for a about an hour, between 10am and 11:15am. So the other 4 hours were spent sitting upright but I would stand or walk for a couple of minutes to get some relief from sitting, after about 20 - 30 minutes of sitting upright in my desk chair. By the time I left at 1:30pm, I felt the gravitational strain in my pelvic area. It wasn’t painful but I could feel some slight pressure and discomfort. When I got home, I went straight to bed and didn’t get up, for 3 hours, maybe 4. I was scared to get upright because I thought I’d feel that pressure again but when I finally got up and out of bed, I felt completely fine. No discomfort whatsoever. I was actually kinda shocked. I still stayed in bed, only getting up out of necessity. When I woke up this morning, I felt great, no pressure or discomfort at all in the pelvic area but I do feel some soreness in the muscles in my inner thighs. I went back work this morning but did half the walking and standing and I left at noon. I was there less than 4 hours. I did feel the some of the same pressure and discomfort, no better or worse than the day before and like yesterday, I came straight to bed and I’m going to stay here for the rest of the day. I don’t have anything going on at work tomorrow so I can work from home, if I want but I’m wondering if my body needs that activity to build up strength. My energy levels are great and my mood is great and I don’t feel weak or fatigued at all. Also, I haven’t taken any type of pain medicine since I was 1wpo. What are your thoughts?
submitted by Mobile_Mammoth_6872 to hysterectomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:27 Faithhal The Impact of LGD 4033 on Testosterone Levels: What You Need to Know

LGD 4033, recognized as Ligandrol, has emerged as a popular choice among fitness enthusiasts seeking enhanced muscle growth and physical performance. However, amid its promising benefits, concerns linger regarding its potential to disrupt natural testosterone production, leading to suppression.
Testosterone, a pivotal hormone for muscle development, bone density, mood regulation, and libido, faces interference when substances like LGD 4033 are introduced into the body. Studies underscore LGD 4033's capability to suppress testosterone levels, albeit to varying degrees influenced by dosage, duration of use, and individual variability.
Clinical trials have indicated that even modest doses of LGD 4033 can trigger notable suppression of testosterone levels. Consequently, users, especially those engaged in bodybuilding or performance enhancement, must grasp the repercussions. Prolonged testosterone suppression can induce adverse effects like muscle loss, fatigue, mood swings, and sexual dysfunction. Abrupt cessation without proper post-cycle therapy can exacerbate these symptoms, prolonging the recovery period.
To mitigate suppression risks associated with LGD 4033, adhering to recommended dosages and cycles is paramount. Moreover, integrating a suitable post-cycle therapy regimen can aid in restoring natural testosterone production, ameliorating suppression symptoms.
Prospective LGD 4033 users should meticulously assess the potential benefits against the associated risks. Exploring alternative options with potentially lower suppression risks, such as natural supplements or lifestyle adjustments, merits consideration.
For more>> lgd 4033 suppression
In essence, understanding LGD 4033's impact on testosterone levels is indispensable for informed decision-making among users. While LGD 4033 holds promise for muscle growth and performance enhancement, acknowledging and addressing the risks of testosterone suppression is imperative. Consulting healthcare professionals before commencing any SARM regimen is strongly advised to ensure safe and informed usage.
submitted by Faithhal to u/Faithhal [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:25 Faithhal Understanding LGD 4033 Suppression: Effects and Considerations

LGD 4033, also known as Ligandrol, has gained popularity in recent years as a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) for its potential to promote muscle growth and enhance physical performance. However, like many performance-enhancing substances, LGD 4033 comes with its own set of considerations, particularly regarding its potential for suppression of natural testosterone production in the body.
Suppression of testosterone levels is a common concern among users of SARMs, including LGD 4033. Testosterone is a hormone crucial for various bodily functions, including muscle growth, bone density, mood regulation, and libido. When exogenous substances like LGD 4033 are introduced into the body, they can disrupt the natural balance of hormones, leading to suppression of testosterone production.
Studies have shown that LGD 4033 can indeed suppress testosterone levels, although the extent of suppression can vary depending on factors such as dosage, duration of use, and individual response. In clinical trials, significant suppression of testosterone levels was observed even at relatively low doses of LGD 4033.
For individuals using LGD 4033 for performance enhancement or bodybuilding purposes, understanding the risks of suppression is essential. Prolonged suppression of testosterone can lead to a range of adverse effects, including decreased muscle mass, fatigue, mood changes, and sexual dysfunction. Additionally, abrupt discontinuation of LGD 4033 without proper post-cycle therapy (PCT) can prolong the period of suppressed testosterone levels and exacerbate these side effects.
To mitigate the risk of suppression while using LGD 4033, several strategies can be employed. Firstly, it is crucial to adhere to recommended dosages and cycle lengths to minimize the duration of exposure to the compound. Additionally, incorporating a proper PCT protocol following the completion of an LGD 4033 cycle can help restore natural testosterone production and mitigate the symptoms of suppression.
Furthermore, individuals considering the use of LGD 4033 should weigh the potential benefits against the risks and consider alternative options with potentially lower risks of hormonal suppression, such as natural supplements and lifestyle interventions.
In conclusion, LGD 4033 suppression is a significant consideration for individuals using this SARM for performance enhancement. While LGD 4033 may offer benefits in terms of muscle growth and physical performance, users should be aware of the potential risks of testosterone suppression and take appropriate measures to mitigate these effects. Consulting with a healthcare professional before starting any SARM regimen is advised to ensure safe and informed usage.
submitted by Faithhal to u/Faithhal [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:16 noelslawn Possible SCT Causes

There’s a lot of smart people on this sub that have the ability to put into words what I could not for most of my life. I’m fascinated reading the SCT symptoms that are in alignment with my own. Finding a cause (well.. cure actually) is what we’re all here for, and many great theories have been suggested. Based on my reading here I wanted to piece together what I’ve learned from others about what may be causing SCT.
Causes that I’ve seen mentioned here include:
Commonalities with other issues/disorders:
If I missed anything major please let me know as I try to understand this thing and hope to make strides forward.
submitted by noelslawn to SCT [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:01 Level_Preference4154 How should I go about getting a proper test?

I’m not currently diagnosed with MCAS but strongly suspect I have it. OTC Anti-histamines and stabilizers have helped me a lot but I still wish I could get a proper test done. I’ve heard about cromolyn and feel something like that beneficial assuming I actually have MCAS. The OTCs are helpful but the breakthroughs are still very much there. I have days where I can feel the tingling, sinus issues, GI distress, nausea, muscle soreness, etc. Days lost to 4-5 hour long naps and fatigue. I feel as though my psychiatric issues could be improved as well. My anxiety and mood disorder seem a little more under control these days but I think as long as I have inflammation the fluctuations in mental health are still pretty unstable. On my physically clear days I notice I have a measurable difference in cognition and psychiatric health. It’s great to not feel like my body is under complete siege 24/7 but not enough.
I went to the ER during a a evere episode about 6 months back. I had one doctor look and confirm that my throat was swollen and red but since all the bloodwork they did turned up normal i got sent home, only to have to figure out what OTC treatment to use (thank god for this community) so I wouldn’t have to call out of work all the time and feel like I was dying. I just have this feeling that if I were put on a strong prescription medication my life could be different.
I have an allergist who did a panel on me a while back but I almost want to call again and request a test for MCAS. I don’t know if an allergist would have a test for MCAS or if I should ask for an immunologist. I don’t even know how to ask for this. I’m used to having my concerns brushed aside so I never even brought up the idea of MCAS.
submitted by Level_Preference4154 to MCAS [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:31 Greedy-Big-2046 I’m so scared any advice would be helpful

So the last couple months I’ve been dealing with what I thought was extremely somatic anxiety. Until I got some blood work done and it came back that my ANA levels were elevated. (1:160 homogeneous, nuclear) I have a mild family history of autoimmune diseases, my mom has lupus and my grandmother has celiac disease.
Over the last few months I’ve been trying to treat myself for the anxiety but I’m afraid that whatever is actually wrong with me I’m only making worse with intensive exercise and work. I’ve tried to fill my time with those things as a result I’m completely exhausted.
Symptom wise things haven’t gotten any better mostly it appears I’m suffering from neurological effects of whatever’s going on.
But there are now some other things that have popped up causing concern
I’m worried I’ve developed lupus and based on the extensive amount of reading I’ve done I feel like it has mostly ruined any sense of a normal life people have had. Furthermore as a single white dude, I know it is rare for my demographic, but I feel like it’s really gonna be hard. Like I don’t have anyone to help me, I’m supposed to be the one making life happen, providing and building. I feel like I’m losing myself and I’m real scared. My rheumatologist has ordered some more test I get done today but in all honesty I don’t think it’s looking too good for me. I get sick a lot more than anyone else I know like I at least miss a few days of work every month, I always just figured I was weak but now I’m starting to think it wasn’t my fault.
submitted by Greedy-Big-2046 to Autoimmune [link] [comments]