Spanish adjectives that start with r

r/Spanish: Learn, teach or discuss the 2nd most spoken language by natives

2009.02.25 08:00 pallaviwensil r/Spanish: Learn, teach or discuss the 2nd most spoken language by natives

This is the biggest Reddit community dedicated to discussing, teaching, and learning Spanish. Answer or ask questions, share information, stories, and more on themes related to the 2nd most spoken language in the world by native speakers.

2009.11.23 07:29 ineededanewaccount r/LearnSpanish: Language community

The subreddit for anyone interested in Spanish. If you have something to share or a question about the Spanish language, post and we'll help the best we can! Remember to provide enough context, read the sidebawiki, and use the search function.

2012.01.22 14:11 stesch memesAndJokesAboutEverythingProgrammingAndCS

For anything funny related to programming and software development.

2024.05.22 01:32 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] I went with Spirit Island and Twilight Struggle as my first games and I'm enjoying it. I'm looking for more games that feel "worth learning" in terms of depth but aren't *crazy* hard to get started, and can be played with one or more people, so that I can run through it alone bef

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:30 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] I went with Spirit Island and Twilight Struggle as my first games and I'm enjoying it. I'm looking for more games that feel "worth learning" in terms of depth but aren't *crazy* hard to get started, and can be played with one or more people, so that I can run through it alone bef

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:30 AutoModerator ANNOUNCEMENT - AVOID BEING SCAMMED

As the sub grows, so does it's exposure to scammers. As mods, we do our best to protect the sub, but need y'all's help as well. We are a community. We do not like reading modmails when our fellow members get scammed, but do know that most could have been prevented given they follow the tips we've laid out. Below are these tips on how to stay protected:
How to message the mods -
Banned and sketchy users -
* Always use PayPal/Venmo G&S when buying from someone with under 15 flair on the sub. A scammer will give a BS reason why they can't accept G&S. Anyone with under 15 flair MUST accept G&S as a form of payment according to the rules of the sub. This rule is non-negotiable. If they will not, please report them to the mods.
* Ask a potential seller to comment on your post. This proves that they are not banned from the sub. That doesn't always mean they are a scammer though. It could just mean that they do not meet the sub requirements to become an approved member. They still need to accept G&S though. Check the banned list and vet the seller through their profile.
* Ask for specific timestamped pictures. A "timestamp" is a picture a seller takes with a handwritten note including their username and date next to the item they are selling. Ask for this with "odd" requests such as a picture of the bottle on its side or with the cap off, etc. If they are not willing to provide that then avoid the transaction and report them to the mods. Scammers are becoming crafty and often try and photoshop the timestamp in with a picture they found on google. Be aware and inspect timestamps closely for evidence of photoshopping. Look for blurred edges of paper, shadows not matching up with others in the picture, etc. If you are in doubt, don't hesitate to contact us with the picture.
* "Sellers" who start the conversation off with "WTS (insert frag you're looking for)" are 99.99% most likely a scammer. Scammers will always give you a great deal, or ask you to name your price. Any "seller" who is willing to accept half payment upfront then the other half after delivery to avoid using G&S is most likely a scammer. If it seems to good to be true or fishy, it most likely is.
Please do your due diligence, folks. If you're ever in doubt, reach out to us. Stay safe!
submitted by AutoModerator to fragranceswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:28 acndavid Sanctum partnered with the @wenwencoin team to launch wenSOL, the official LST for the Wen community! 🐱

Sanctum partnered with the @wenwencoin team to launch wenSOL, the official LST for the Wen community! 🐱
It's been a while since the last launch, so we've got a few LSTs lined up this week.
First up, we've partnered with the u/wenwencoin team to launch wenSOL, the official LST for the Wen community!

What is wenSOL?

wenSOL is a liquid staking token (LST) that represents SOL staked to the Wen Validator.

How does wenSOL work?

When you deposit SOL for wenSOL, your SOL is staked. The staking rewards from that SOL accrue to the wenSOL token, which starts at 1:1 with SOL and grows in value over time.
By simply holding wenSOL, you earn staking rewards!

What's so special about wenSOL?

wenSOL is the official LST for the Wen community, supported by a highly performant and secure validator.
Stakers will be able to get WNS NFT airdrops and WEN rewards.
Further Wen ecosystem integrations are also planned!

Is wenSOL safe?

wenSOL is powered by the SPL stake pool program.
It is > one of the safest programs in the world > audited 9 times > used by the largest stake pools on Solana > secured more than $2.5B of staked SOL over more than two years without an issue!
You can now stake with wenSOL today!
Referral code needed to start (you can use this one or any other) : XRQF81
For more info about referral codes and how to join check here
submitted by acndavid to SanctumSolana [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:28 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] I went with Spirit Island and Twilight Struggle as my first games and I'm enjoying it. I'm looking for more games that feel "worth learning" in terms of depth but aren't *crazy* hard to get started, and can be played with one or more people, so that I can run through it alone bef

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:27 ironuzi9600 23/M seeking friends from other countries

Hello my name is Omar and I'm from New Jersey ,USA. I am a 23 year old and I'm looking to make some foreign friends (: I love making friends from different countries and getting to know their way of life and culture.
I love wrestling, soccer (yes I know it's called football lol), swimming, weightlifting and video games. I also am learning how to cook more often and I like to bake too. I also like to work on my own car that I call Blue Bonita
Usually I'm watching WWE and maybe some AEW, and with football usually premier league or MLS. (Manchester City fan ;) )
I have a PS5 and mainly just play WWE, FIFA, Call of duty and hitman (:
I am Hispanic, with a Mexican heritage although I was born in the US. I am usually shy but I can talk a lot sometimes. I am very introverted and like to have minimal friends as possible. I speak English fluently and Spanish almost fluently.
I love to listen to Reggaeton, Bachata, Salsa, a little bit of rap and r&b. Maybe a tiny bit of pop ;D
I'm a chatterbox and I love to talk a lot and about anything.
I love cats and I have 3 of them. Though I'm fond of every type of pet.
If you'd like to chat or possibly become my friend, don't hesitate to message me (:
submitted by ironuzi9600 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:26 LegitimateDistrict38 Difficulty curve compared to WotR?

Currently playing through with a friend of mine and we started on daring but have since increased the difficulty to Hard as we were cruising through everything pretty easily. Even on Hard things are pretty easy for us. We’re still very early on, haven’t even cleared the first star system. I’m wary to increase the difficulty as WotR had some crazy difficulty spikes at times, but is that still the case here? Or is it just the beginning of the game is very easy?
submitted by LegitimateDistrict38 to RogueTraderCRPG [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:26 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] I went with Spirit Island and Twilight Struggle as my first games and I'm enjoying it. I'm looking for more games that feel "worth learning" in terms of depth but aren't *crazy* hard to get started, and can be played with one or more people, so that I can run through it alone bef

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:24 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] I went with Spirit Island and Twilight Struggle as my first games and I'm enjoying it. I'm looking for more games that feel "worth learning" in terms of depth but aren't *crazy* hard to get started, and can be played with one or more people, so that I can run through it alone bef

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:22 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] I went with Spirit Island and Twilight Struggle as my first games and I'm enjoying it. I'm looking for more games that feel "worth learning" in terms of depth but aren't *crazy* hard to get started, and can be played with one or more people, so that I can run through it alone bef

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:20 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] I went with Spirit Island and Twilight Struggle as my first games and I'm enjoying it. I'm looking for more games that feel "worth learning" in terms of depth but aren't *crazy* hard to get started, and can be played with one or more people, so that I can run through it alone bef

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:20 RougeKC Post War Part 7

2304-2306 Operation Orange Blade: This is a two year short war, fought between the neo-national Separatist the Rangers of Anger, against the Tribes of New Canaan leading the NCR to aid their ally to secure their borders.
2300-2308 Operation Brass Thunder: A slow burn clean up effort to stabilize western and south western Colorado after large amounts of refugees and fatalists flood into the region because of the Wars of Bonita and Escondito.
Side note: it was a violence heavy conflict due to large about of BOS deserters in the region that created powerful militias, use recovered weapons cashes leading to an unexpected brutal slog.
2310-2315 Operation Mountain Reign; Establishing infrastructure through out the Colorado Territory and establishing an alliance network within the region.
2310: The Maxson Madness/ Operation Freezing Icarus
A Impromptu raid and neighborhood shootout of a local ba grill being ran by and housing alleged R.O.T. sympathizers this event ended up setting the ground work for the Venturan civil war of 2313, after several member fled the country and went to Ventura.
2310- ongoing Operation Desert Rain: The Long range regional focus on maintaining stability and peace in and between the allied territories and this extensions while monitoring the Fatalist cult.
2313-2315 The Venturan Civil War: Not to be confused with the War in Ventura, the Venturan Civil War was a conflict that started after the Republic of Texas withdraws support of the fledgling country leading to mass panic and war to ensue in the power struggle. This event was ended by the NCR invasion in 2315 Side note: The NCR would use this opportunity to get the ROT Border with little resistance after hearing the group if Fugitives were spotted around the Ventura area.
2315 The mobilization for the invasion of ROT: Due to the ever-increasing pressure from the Fatalist Cult and their second somewhat loss after fighting two ideological wars against the ROT, an invasion was launched after a Red Raider group was caught trying to sneak into the town of Anonci. Before landing within ROT territory a standby was called due to a weighing political pressure back in NCR against possible ten year long war.
Notable events: the dissolving of the MWBoS ROT Alliance: Due to unexplained circumstances, the Mid-Western Brotherhood of Steel, after mysterious learning about the ROT involvement with the back door funding of the Fatalist Cult and the wild nature of their actions the alliance was broke and War was declared. 2312
The MWBoS-FC War The prolonged finally declared war against the FC. 2312
The NCR-MWBoS concurrent Non Aggression pact ROT/ War effect This discussion series ended with the NCR and MWBoS enacting a nonaggression pact and a semi-alliance as they both declared war against the ROT.
Side note: By this point, the Republic of Texas had expanded into Oklahoma, as well as parts of Louisiana. It had overstretched most of its resources, and trying to keep all areas properly equipped was now a well and weakened state that the FC was willing to turn on their once benefactors.
Additional side note with all these failing and no backers it’s was only a matter of time before subtractions broke off and multifaceted civil war would dissolve the fragile union.
2315-2318 Operation Flash Reaction: The stabilization of Civil War Ventura As part of the invasion plan taking over the only possible ally of the Republic of Texas was mandatory though Ventura has fallen to multiple war lords lead factions it’s largest was still looking to get into the ROT’s good graces. This but if knowledge lead to a Special Interest Task Force being sent into directly eliminate the leader of the largest war lord faction who technically had the remaining standing government and the majority of resources under his control.
Additional side note:
After the dissolving of the ROT the plan to stabilize Ventura took the majority of the newly directed effort. This endeavor took three years but only because it was difficult to squash all the small pockets of resistance across the region. With no hope the ROT would come to help or any other nation to assist, the smaller groups later surrender or fled the nation.
2319-2325 The Rise of the Grizzly Brotherhood and their Clash with the NCR
After the Venturan Civil War and Operation Flash Reaction a couple of the remnants of several different factions came together to form that most terrifying alliance in the entire Western United States. The Grizzly Brotherhood. This Masterminded collective set up shop in the great expanse of Wyoming just out of the NCRs reach but not for long. After a scout patrol ambushed a group of NCR Soldiers a war was waged between the two factions that lasted six years.
submitted by RougeKC to NoncannonNewVegas2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:19 mashal-63009 weirdest thing you've heard/seen a teacher do?

weirdest thing you've heard/seen a teacher do?
and here's another one!! (much more variety on this one cmon guys)
this one is from the GCSE subreddit (another one bigger than us -_-) (And for context, its British-only. we can be so much more funnier than those posh bo'e o' wa'er kids)
and again (since im boring and have no exciting stories) ill tell you guys a few from their sub - i need to tag all of these ones too? \sigh** :
  • Back in Year 7, my old computer science teacher had a personal youtube channel. He kept it very secret until someone in Year 8 found it. I gotta say, some of these videos were the weirdest stuff I've ever seen. Like this:
  • Also in Year 7, I had a maths teacher who would eat beans from the can with a ruler. A RULER! The worst thing was that he would clean it with a tissue and put it back in the drawer. (u/Bisexual-nobody)

  • My computer science teacher in year 8 showed us how to access the dark web (u/remuslupin_fan)
  • Once a teacher who chatted ab how he used to live near a bridge where people went to kill themselves. He then proceeded to use it as an example of forces in physics (u/Ok_Imagination7898)
  • Ours told us to imagine kicking a cat when we were learning about vector diagrams - He felt bad saying it. (u/madilol_turnip)
  • Mine uses throwing the head teacher off of buildings to explain terminal velocity lol
  • My computing teacher in y9 got really pissed at my class and started screaming that his inner Hitler was coming out and that we weren't allowed to breathe without his permission. Safe to say he was suspended for 2 weeks as soon as the head teacher found out. (u/Preston-Reddit)
  • We found a YouTube channel of our form teacher once, smoking weed and playing fifa 19. He soon got fired. (u/Madz1712)
  • My teacher was a boxer and a few of his fights were on YouTube, don't think he ever won a single fight and you can imagine the kind of bullying material that gives students (u/Few-Artist8533)
  • My Indian computer science teacher had a YouTube channel called PapaJesus4Life and was about different Christian stuff. There was one about how she converted. She dreamt of a green cow, other crazy stuff, then jesus said something to her. It's so funny because she is so serious and a little strict (u/eggpotion)
  • In year 7 I had a maths teacher who was new and the first thing she did was call a student a dog (because he drank water without permission) (u/foyage347)
  • My computer science teacher in year 8 made people do push ups and then sued the school (u/PlayfulLook3693)
  • My old cs teachers almost got scammed by PayPal. (u/Fulcrum_ahsoka_tano)
  • I had an English teacher who would crash through the door yelling "There's a boy speaking. If I find him I'll flog him" (u/Professional_Pace928)

AHHH finally
So, olevels? what are your funny stories to share?
submitted by mashal-63009 to Olevels [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:18 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] I went with Spirit Island and Twilight Struggle as my first games and I'm enjoying it. I'm looking for more games that feel "worth learning" in terms of depth but aren't *crazy* hard to get started, and can be played with one or more people, so that I can run through it alone bef

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:17 Over-Resolution-7939 I don’t wanna be entp

maybe I’m weird but I thought I was some feeler type and was kinda happy with it until I met those mbti freaks in real life, and they basically said how I’m not a feeler and blah blah, anyways fast forward took a cognitive function test and yeah I got entp or intp, and I don’t like it help‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
ik I shouldn’t be posting in the entp warrior place but wtv idc,
just tell me how can I change the mind of the people around me, if I’m entp idc but I can’t let people think I am one else they’ll think I’m like those stereotypes and cringy videos i can’t, like reading on entp was so embarrassing please no nonno ew and those tiktok edits yikes 😭😭 I rlly thought I was seen as some mystical infj or enfj or enfp but noo people saw me as some entp and its not only 1 person, im cooked
i think enfj or enfp is a good one based on what i read
idk why im posting here when I’ll get flamed by the entps, guys im not saying y all r bad, i jst cant be one of y all thats it so help me this time, coz posting this elsewhere my post will get removed for not being relevant to the topic coz its about entp and test
how can i change people s perception of me??
actually not everyone knows mbti so that’s one thing but they associate me with traits that fits entp so no it’s not good and I didn’t even knw I was viewed like that
mbti is fake anyways I can be whatever type I am
let me not even start on the intp allegation , even worst lets not get there, again INTPs don’t come at me, ur not bad I just don’t wanna be associated with u, ur subreddit traumatized me enough
ngl i think im a feeler coz technically I don’t think an entp would post this, coz they’d be too happy to be entp?? Idk man just tell me i am not one and everything will be solved
can high Ne or Ti somehow be an XXFX type? Like maybe I’m ENFP with high Ti
submitted by Over-Resolution-7939 to entp [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:16 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] I went with Spirit Island and Twilight Struggle as my first games and I'm enjoying it. I'm looking for more games that feel "worth learning" in terms of depth but aren't *crazy* hard to get started, and can be played with one or more people, so that I can run through it alone bef

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:16 SnackPatrol After ~3 months of adding/testing literally every community server that seemed even remotely decent (<150 ping), & ~1 week curating & formatting this post, I believe I have a solid list, w/ descriptions, of the best ones (they're active don't worry). Will update as needed (NA mainly- May 2024)

Last updated 5/21/24 (Any updated servers at bottom)
Anyone stumbling upon this: About 3 months ago I literally went through every single community server, empty/full/whatever, and added any that sounded interesting, and didn't have crazy ping to Favorites (My region is Northeast US (NJ), FYI). I repeated the process twice. There are still a bunch of good ones out there (I've also had many solid ones in my favs for quite some time) I don't know if anyone cares but been around since Beta & have run a server before.
For reference:

Scroll down a few lines to my "To keep it simple..." header for the best ones. The following link is a much fuller list:

Full server list:

To keep it simple, I think the best ones right now (for me are):

tiny kitty's girl pound - friendly community, runs really solid, nice-looking custom maps, Meme Maps Wednesday is a blast, always has people in it, just be wary of nsfw furry sprays (yeah I know...put cl_spraydisable 1 in console to disable)
1st server: 2nd server:
OPRAH's PETROL STATION - Friendly community, always has people in it, no goofy Instant Respawn which has no place in payload yet half of all community server owners see fit to do that, pre-round scramble
-EOTL- Payload - same deal - This community is the poster child for tastefully modded custom game modes, and is very active. It's very well maintained & polished and even though I may not enjoy every game mode I've been very impressed by this server network (esp. as a former highly-modded community server owner). The EU one fills up most of the time, and I deal with the ping because it's a cool community (it even runs a Battle Royale mode that is surprisingly well-made). Their server "shop" is extremely impressive with the amount of customization available (Taunts, player skins, custom voicelines). I'd recommend downloading their asset pack here as it's fairly sizeable to DL upon server connect:
EU (actually gets players): US:
Trigger Happy Gamers (EU) - Trigger Happy Gamers have been around forever and even though they are in the UK I deal with the ping to play with them because they are an awesome, fun, friendly community. Their main server gets reliably full from around 1 PM - 3 PM EST every day, and on the weekends a little longer. Their Nocrits server also gets full Saturday
main: Nocrits (gets full Saturdays @ 1 PM - 2 PM):
Fucked in the Head - Another community that has been around forever. To be honest, they have equal respawn on Red & Blu, even for Payload, which I hate with a searing passion, HOWEVER, the regulars are entertaining af and give off vibes of drunk buddies goofing off and not giving a fuck that it almost offsets it. It's also decently populated.
Skial Payload & Casual servers * - I never got the hate for this server network, decent spawn times, Halloween mode year round, no power tripping admins, feels like a bunch of randoms having a good time. You can also equip any weapon or cosmetic. The Payload+ EU in particular has some really chill/cool regulars, Dustbowl+ US some interesting/funny peeps. Payload US generally decent also. Their Autoscramble is also on point.
Payload+ EU Payload+ US Dustbowl+ US * (has become very stack-prone lately) ~~~~~
~Trying to get the word out that unlike their other servers, Casual is very barebones- no Instant Respawn, no RTD, normal map pool:
Casual NY Casual US Casual LA ~~~~~ Harvest (32-pl), also: ~~~~~
If you are super super new, their server network might be worth checking out, even if RTD, 2fort & other weird mods aren't my cup of tea:
Uncletopia - Pretty standard Casual experience except the skill level is generally higher, though it seems to be evening out honestly. And tbh from my experience people in these servers seem pretty cool. If you're looking for Vanilla I'd say this is your best bet.
Southern Cross Gaming (Rainbow Swirl in particular) - Stumbled across this & played 1 round with these guys running a cool custom mode but apparently they run stock maps as well as custom maps/game modes. Their rules had a huge emphasis on keeping it fun & being respectful and everyone seemed really cool & laidback. It was full at peak time on the weekend. They also have other servers, even in other games & seem to have been around awhile:
IP: Site:
ciggyland 18+ LGBT+ Furry server run by puppygirls
Funny, chill vibes, lots of custom maps. Seems to get full around peak time. Another diamond in the rough I discovered recently.
Bad Weapon Rehabilitation (Vanilla US)
A really solid rebalancing of all weapons in-game. Nothing really feels overpowered or underpowered anymore, also fun things like flames stay on surfaces & I think spy or engy can radar enemies within a few feet or something to his team? It's really fun and gets full. Here's the site with IPs and stuff (The US server gets full around peak time, esp. on weekends)
(Yes this is the website): - Arena server, the owner ComradeYazoo seems pretty dedicated to starting it up and I hop in whenever I can. Believe it or not it's still very fun with little people but it's gotten pretty packed a couple times. It also has like every good custom arena map, and scrambles if a team wins 3 in a row. North America I believe.
Step in the Arena - Another Arena server I see get randomly populated on Saturday into Sundays around 11 P.M. - 2 A.M. EST. Probably missing a Discord announcement or something from a group of buddies.
The Furry Pound - Some people list this one as one of the best non-UT for Vanilla TF2, however the one time I decided to give it a try I was met with some weird overly dramatic BS happening in Voice chat, and I heard someone else give a similar criticism the other day here. BUT, I've also seen people say they're ok. Might depend on what players/admins are on maybe, IDK:
Main server:
shounic trenches (100-player TF2) - This goes against everything in my being but it's so unique and while not my cup of tea it's definitely a bunch of others'. Some maps such as pl_dbz_b5 & pl_dustbowl were created for this player count & people seem to have a lot of fun there. Again, I think 100 players is too much but I can't argue with how popular it is.
UGC High Tower servers - They run no carts, so it's the TDM High Tower everyone's always dreamed of. They also run Instant Respawn and on any other map I hate that setting with a searing passion but because it's reworked as TDM I feel it actually improves the gameplay (put "high tower" including the space, and without quotes in the search box for a list of 'em in the following link):
UGC also runs other servers which I cannot vouch for but might be worth looking into.
Tropic Crisis Official Servers (NA, SA, EU)
These are the official servers for the Tropic Crisis project which is very very cool. I looked up their stats and most get full around standard peak hours.
Atlanta São Paulo Minsk Buenos Ares
UEAKCrash's House of Nerds - official server of the mapmaker responsible for several very fun official maps. Runs a lot of very cool custom maps, Gets full on Fri, Sat night (must have a Discord/Twitch announcement I'd assume).
Wolves Den - I'm going to make an exception to the "no "friendly"/non-combat server" thing (even though people seem down for combat ~50% of the time) because everyone just always seems to be having fun here. If you want to just screw around on interesting trade-type maps this is the place. Plus they have hilarious custom player models like velociraptors. (Has RTD)
Samwiz1's Stupid Server - Another server I feel obligated to mention despite feeling like it's too much personally. Very goofy and people seem to have fun there.
Swoocehut 2024 Workshop - Seems to be tied to a Discord as far as getting full, but runs a lot of custom maps apparently: Discord: Map rotation:
swagtown epic maps only no random crits 18+ - Suggested by someone on Steam Discussions. Looks alright- seems tied to a Discord as far as getting players, but got full last Tuesday @ standard peak hours. Looks like it runs stock & custom maps. Discord: [](
TF2's Official VS Saxton Hale LOOS - 'Nuff said. Very laidback goofy atmosphere.
GFL Clan (maybe???) - Someone said these guys are chill too, though I hate 2fort with a passion:
Kogasatopia if you're desperate. They run some really fun mods, and solid (especially good gimmicky) custom maps, but their community is 4chan edgelords that like to say racial slurs. However their server is almost always full of people. Again, if you're truly desperate. Just mute chat & voice I guess by entering this in console (replace with 1's to re-enable)- hud_saytext_time 0;voice_enable 0
The Weeabootique if you're desperate. Pretty much the same description as above. Mute chat & voice by entering this in console (replace with 1's to re-enable)- hud_saytext_time 0;voice_enable 0
Custom Weapons servers (including a guide to the best one via TF2Classic)
More Arena Servers
pic of a dog
submitted by SnackPatrol to tf2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:16 IshMorningstar Ugh. Why would I do this?

WW’s car broke down today. Like, 2-3k repair, broke down.
We don’t or I don’t, have the money to fix it. She only just started working. Other things are still behind. She still hasn’t committed to R.
So why, when she called me today did I call off work and go to her and help her? Why did I get the car towed to a mechanic. Why did I spend the hour and a half waiting for the tow truck, looking at different loan options. Selecting one for 3K.
It’s her car. She doesn’t know if she’s staying. We’ve had really good days and I think we’ll get into R.
If we don’t tho, I’m stuck with a 3K loan. I just wanted to help her. Make it so she didn’t have to worry. Why did I do all that? Blah.
ETA: She drives all over for work as a pharmacy tech. She can’t be without a vehicle. I am a GM. I work 10-12 hour days. Not having 2 cars is a huge deal.
submitted by IshMorningstar to AsOneAfterInfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:15 mairin2009 Marketplace 22nd of May 2024

Include Timestamps with your cards
state/providence and country will need to be in your title starting in a week
In this thread you may post your cards, binders, merchandise, or whatever else for trading, selling, price valuations and bypass the normal 5 day posting limit.
We are using YGOBot for feedback and you will confirm transaction through the bot
Please note to get credit for any transaction completed in this thread 1 of the 2 users will need to go to their most recent post and follow the steps to confirm the transaction
feedback bot instructions thread
Happy trading and good luck!!
submitted by mairin2009 to YGOMarketplace [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:14 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] I went with Spirit Island and Twilight Struggle as my first games and I'm enjoying it. I'm looking for more games that feel "worth learning" in terms of depth but aren't *crazy* hard to get started, and can be played with one or more people, so that I can run through it alone bef

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:14 One-Championship-328 Aitah for skipping school to hit an old man ?

Hi im 17m and 2 on monday morning around 8am i was chilling at the park with my football i was playing alone for around 45min and then a teen girl approached me with her dog i guess that she’s around 14-16 yrs old she was well raised and politely asked me to take the ball for a few minutes to play with her dog and asked me to come if i wanted i said no and sat on my phone till she’s done
after a while she gave me the ball back and thanked me while going out of the field to the playground w her dog
And around 2 mins after she’s gone an old man came to me he was healthy and can walk freely and asked me why didn’t u play with her ? I said I don’t want to then he said ok how about u calling her again to the field and play w her for a while then we fuck her and run
I stayed silent for a while i was shocked…. Then i told him wtf? U want to rape a girl at that age ? R u serious? And he said why not? I looked at him in disgust and said fuck off and don’t touch her then he started to asking me to play football with him and kept chatting about different things even though im ignoring him and tell him to fuck off
i knew something was weird about him and honestly i was afraid of that weird conversation cus i thought he had a weapon with him or smth because he got a belt around he stomach while wearing a pajama after that he walked away ,
after that i got a call from school to come and take my certificate and i walked away while feeling concerned about leaving the girl and the man alone at the park but i noticed a man sitting in his car right of the park and i saw her huge dog then tried to stay in my car till the girl goes but i got a called again for being late
i still have some anger against this old man so im gonna be back to that park even though i have a test tomorrow but i can’t sleep while feeling concern about the girl everyday i will teach him a lesson tomorrow morning. But i don’t know if that’s the right thing cause i know i can’t control my anger and i might actually kill him so should i tell the girl about him or report him to the police even though i got no evidence??
submitted by One-Championship-328 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:12 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] I went with Spirit Island and Twilight Struggle as my first games and I'm enjoying it. I'm looking for more games that feel "worth learning" in terms of depth but aren't *crazy* hard to get started, and can be played with one or more people, so that I can run through it alone bef

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]