Colitis pain relief


2024.02.05 07:57 lonyduck PainReliefExercise

Pain relief exercises for different parts of the body

2015.11.18 19:58 blackbeltsecrets Sciatica Pain Relief

Anything that people have done to help and aid the relief of sciatic nerve related pain and therefore generally sciatica pain relief.

2017.05.10 20:38 Openworldgamer47 A subreddit for individuals that experience 24/7 headaches, not migraines.

/ChronicPain/ is more active!

2024.05.15 21:20 Mickcalei [Amazon] Biofreeze Pain Relief Gel Multi-Pack Variety Pack $27.99 & More + Free Shipping with Prime (Now: $27.99, Was: $34.99)

[Amazon] Biofreeze Pain Relief Gel Multi-Pack Variety Pack $27.99 & More + Free Shipping with Prime (Now: $27.99, Was: $34.99) submitted by Mickcalei to Deals_Finder [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:13 d5f1s Head pain every day

I experience daily head pain that persists continuously, every second, minute, and hour without relief. Even during periods when it subsides somewhat, I still feel a constant ache. However, when the pain intensifies, I also experience a burning sensation in my neck and head. Does anyone have an idea what might be happening?
submitted by d5f1s to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:05 AikaMichaelis I came here to finally share my story. 25F - Please be kind and sorry for the long text. I really needed.

This was something I avoided a lot, out of uncertainty, insecurity, fear. Understanding sexuality and the need to understand more only really came in adulthood. I entered into a relationship with my partner of 6 years. Initially everything was perfect, as I believed with all my strength that I was demisexual and that was something that brought us together a lot. Having that pressure to already jump into kissing and sex was a huge relief for me. But over the years my partner always scored something that I rarely initiated sex. I just followed. Focusing more on satisfying him because satisfying him was good for me.
These comments started to turn into arguments, my partner felt insecure. That I didn't love her because I didn't show it sexually. Which had no attraction. This made me remember that I've never felt this since I was a teenager, even with my hormones pulsing. Even though I wanted to have sex, I couldn't imagine having sex with someone or being attracted to someone. Even though I knew what dating was, I didn't feel like it. Even though I knew what kissing was, I didn't feel like it. I felt pressured to date by my "friends" and luckily for me, the person realized I wasn't interested. At the time I wanted to please so much that I would have done that and felt terrible afterwards. At that time I had already researched asexuality in biology class and I felt very seen.
A few years later I was put back in the situation of fitting in. I was almost of age and for some people it was unthinkable not to have kissed. I got into a terrible situation that caused me trauma and a lot of pain. Again, I wasn't sexually attracted to him, but he tried to make advances sexually. If it weren't for my parents, the worst would have happened, because in addition to not being able to impose myself on me, he was manipulative. I wouldn't be able to deny it even if I didn't want to do it and he would make me feel guilty about it. It didn't last long, even though it seemed like a long time. I was sad to be alone again. Years later I got into a relationship again at a distance that this time lasted more than a year. He was my friend, he kept me company. We play together. Over time he demonstrated that he was sexually attracted to me. That attention was good, for the first time someone validating my body and finding it beautiful. So I liked that and encouraged it. The first time I felt the hormones acting and making my body react in a good way. But that went away pretty quickly. I was quite bored. I think the funny thing was that unconsciously I wanted someone who was unavailable. I believe to protect myself. The relationship ended and even though I offered what he seemed to want, he never came to see me.
(NOTE: I had a few web dates when I was younger, but again without sexual attraction. Just a slight physical attraction or admiration because one of the people was quite muscular and I had never thought that someone like that would want to have a relationship with me. Yes, self-esteem was very low for many years.)
I have currently been dating someone for 6 years and that person is sexually attracted to me. We had our first kiss on the person's initiative and many of the first times were on the person's initiative. In this case, it wasn't that I didn't want to, or felt forced, it just seemed right for me even without an explicit desire. Initially sex was like an explosion of good sensations, I was a virgin after all. I don't know if the adrenaline, or the hormonal period of the month made me feel at the time. As time passed (it was quite quickly) this passed. Initially I thought it was because we didn't know each other's bodies. That's why I felt dissatisfied. Even knowing our bodies I wasn't able to feel the same way my partner seemed to feel. Besides, most of the time it was my partner who initiated it, with exceptions only on my fertile days.
We had a lot of arguments and fights because of this. Me feeling guilty and apologizing for it. And not understanding what's going on. But over time I had more and more clarity. I understood that I was never sexually attracted to my partner. Initially I dated because I felt alone and with my partner I was able to learn a lot about socialization, emotions, connections, affection. So I understood that this is what attracts me, the person. I stopped feeling so pressured about it when we finally actually talked about it. Even without completely understanding, my partner came to accept this. To respect. I still feel a little confused, doubtful and uncertain.
So there you go. I only feel excited on my fertile days and sometimes horny. Sometimes I watch porn, but I find it disgusting even if it's anime or 3D, so it only works when I really want the reward otherwise I get disgusted and leave. What makes me masturbate on normal days is not excitement but the reward that comes afterwards, as it calms, regulates and makes me sleepy. I don't feel sexually attracted. I can imagine it, but I wouldn't actually want to do it. Even drawing NSFW, writing or reading webcomics I only feel excited on fertile days. I only dream about sex on those specific days. Having sex with my partner seems like I don't feel right, my touch doesn't seem to work well. I feel the touch, but it's like there's something protecting me, or it's not strong enough, or I don't feel it right. And I don't want to start if it's not for hormones.
I don't know if there's something wrong with me, I want to understand. Please be kind! I need understanding. And also welcoming. I want to understand my place so I can explain it to my partner with more certainty so I don't feel so insecure anymore. (NOTE: I don't think my partner will leave me, I just keep beating myself up for not being able to give it. It makes me nervous and anxious not knowing for sure.)
submitted by AikaMichaelis to asexuality [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:55 Caroline71681 Pain Recommendation

Hi All I’m having some intense pain on my spine today. It’s been quite some time that I’ve dealt with pain. This is a bone deep burning pain. Any suggestions on pain relief? Heat or cold and what NSAID? Feeling desperate here. Thank you
submitted by Caroline71681 to scoliosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:53 QuietandDark Acid reflex/nausea?

Weaning off of fluvox for the first time in 10 years. Been going super slow with it, but since starting to lower down, I've had this awful persistent feeling in my throat like I'm going to vomit. I think it's GERD without the actual burning pain. Tried omeprazole with some relief for like 2 weeks but it's back again 😮‍💨 tums sometimes helps. Anyone else had this issue/know any remedies?
submitted by QuietandDark to OCD [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:48 JRuck504 My Startup Journal for Anyone Interested

I will make daily updates in here. It's been quite a journey for me. Will post my history prior to effexor below.. So far am on day 3.
Day 1 - 5/13/2024
Took at 10:00
Anxiety was sky high when I took but settled some 45 minutes after taking.
12:00 feeling jittery and kinda spaced out?
14:00 extreme anxiety
17:00 nausea / dry heave
18:00 headache
Stomach rumbling at night which was kinda funny listening too tbh.
Day 2 - 5/14/2024
Took at 10:10
Really bad anxiety after taking.
Felt really weird before noon
At noon stated reading a book called Hope and Hell for your Nerves by Dr. Claire Weeks.
From 12:30 - 13:45 I felt an overwhelming calmness that freaked me out kinda. I felt at peace, really strange.
16:00 nausea when I yawn
Increased jitters and burning chest (anxiety) at night while settling down for bed.
My story and history :
since December I have been suffering with anxiety which has progressively gotten worse to the point where it has made me depressed as well. As of this post I am at an all time low and am in desperate need of relief. If you make it to the end I will explain what I am going through.
I am a male in my late 30s and have had two bouts of anxiety / depression in my life both of which lasted 3 months (2015 and 2020), and were cured with therapy. This time seems different..
I have a very stressful job which requires me to work 7 days a week with the only break being when I take vacation or slow times in the industry. It pays really well and helps me provide my wife and two young kids a good life so I put up with it in the hopes I can manage the stress better in time. I mention the above because I truly believe it has alot to do with the state I am in now.
I have always been caring, outgoing, light natured, and humerous throughout my life and also pretty sensative. I really want to go back to that and hope treatment will help.
I also realize I am my own worst enemy in getting treatment as you will see in the paragraphs below.
When I was a teenager into my early twenties I was carefree and would try most drugs to fit in. Extacy, lsd, mushrooms, pills, etc.. Never touched the extremely hard stuff. Marijuana was my best friend and I smoked a ton of it. Hello panic attack! I remember the first time I got one after smoking Marijuana in my early twenties. It was horrible! I couldn't smoke Marijuana anymore afterwards because it would induce a panic attack. I told myself it was God's sign telling me to stop so I did. I haven't smoke Marijuana since.
Fast forward a few years from then I was introduced to a medical condition called gout. It is very painful and the first time I was treated for it I was given narcotic pain medication and an anti inflammatory. I took both when I got home and it provided relief. Being this was my first experience, I wanted to research gout a little more and I did just that on the internet. Here comes the part where my life changed for the worse..
For some reason, I also asked google if you could overdose on the pain medication I was currently taking. No clue why I wanted to know but as soon as I read you could, I instantly had the worst panic attack I ever experienced.
Ever since that point in my life I have refused to take medication in fear of another panic attack. From that point forward, my mind associated taking medication with panic. For the years afterwards I always had a panic attack when I tried to take anything including something as simple as advil.
Anytime I would be prescribed something I would obsessively research it, watch videos on it, read reviews, etc.. I would psych myself out and not take it.
Fast forward to 2015 when I finally moved out of my parents house. I won't go too much into it but I had my first bout of extreme anxiety and depression from it. It was a big change for me and it took a few months to pull myself out of it with the help of a therapist.
Life was absolutely WONDERFUL after that. I was on my own, found the love of my life, got married in 2018, and was the happiest I had ever been.
2020 was my second episode of anxiety and depression. In a matter of 6 months I lost my grandmother, godmother, my one year old boxer puppy, and my father in law. I also had my first child. Not to mention it was covid time...After everything settled down from the chaos it hit me like a ton of bricks. Bam!..anxiety and depression. It was awful and I knew I needed help. I started therapy and it helped tremendously. It was suggested that I also see a pyschiatrist. I did and he prescribed me prozac to take along with therapy. I was not going to take it. We all know how I am with my phobia of medication.
One day I said screw it and out of nowhere threw it in my mouth and swallowed. I expected the worse. Nothing happened...I continued to take it for 4 days and didn't notice anything bad happening to me. I was happy about that.
The 5th day I had a panic attack because I started to feel really strange. I don't remember exactly how I felt but I remember calling my sister and telling her I feel really weird. She assured me it is normal and to keep on which I did.
The 6th day I took my pill in the AM and all was well. I was tired so I stayed in bed. Out of nowhere I felt a rush of bad bad bad energy take over my body. It is hard to explain. It was like a rush of anxiety but with it was a sense of hopelessness and dread. I had experienced in my first bout back in 2015 but not this severe. I was scared and called my psychiatrist and left a message. I immediately went to my mother's and cried cried cried. The feeling subsided. My psychiatrist called me back very quickly and when I explained what I felt he told me to stop taking it and to take the ativan he prescribed if needed.
I stopped the medication and never took an ativan. I got better over the next couple months through therapy and all was well.
I did have a tiny breakthrough and convinced myself to take a medication to stop my reoccurring gout attacks. It is called allopurinol and is regarded as one of the safest medications out there. It took alot of courage and of coarse I read every review there is on it but I eventually just threw it in my mouth and fell asleep. Have been taking it daily for two years now.
Fast forward to December of last year 2023. The stress from work and medical issues throughout 2023 must have built up and I had a breakdown. I started to get anxiety and small feelings of the hopelessness I mentioned above. December into January into February I dealt with it and kept telling myself it will pass like the other times. It didn't and kept getting worse. I finally sought help from a psychologist in late February / early March. After the first few sessions I would immediately get a high from the previous hours talk. It was fantastic but eventually wore off a few hours later.
The anxiety I was experiencing / am experiencing is absolutely horrible. Non stop jaw clenching, chest pains, tension, blurred vision, lack of good sleep, extremely heightened senses, etc. I am good at telling myself it is anxiety and will go away. I don't freak out over it into full blown panic but I feel like I am always borderline panic while also being exhausted. It's very uncomfortable. I have had multiple health checkups and all is fine.
I decided to call my old psychiatrist because it had been 3 months with minimal relief. I was told he was retiring and he referred me to someone else who I am now seeing.
He prescribed me Paxil and klonopin in marxh and of coarse my phobia stopped me from taking it. We did a gene test to see which medicine would work for me and paxil was a good fit. I just couldn't do it. For the next few weeks I seemed to be getting better by getting out and doing things. I even started fishing again which was a huge passion of mine. Things were looking up!
Anxiety was going from an all day thing to maybe a couple hours type of thing! I was hopeful...
Let me introduce you to my buddy kidney stones...
Middle of April I woke up to EXCRUCIATING pain. I eventually went to the ER that day after hours of suffering and they told me I had 2 kidney stones. They sent me home with the same narcotic pain medication that started my panic attack journey when I was younger and also some other medication. From that Tuesday to Thursday I was in crippling pain and refused the pain medication. It got to a point where I almost blacked out from the pain so I had no choice but to take it. I popped it and finally got some sleep. I think I didn't freak out after taking it because my body was in shock from the pain. I woke up 30 minutes later to the excruciating pain again and said enough was enough. I went back to the ER and they did an emergency surgery and put a Stent in me to stop the pain. It worked and was a huge relief.
After catching up on sleep and recovering, I started to get my anxiety back. The next two weeks while waiting on my second surgery my anxiety, which was on the right path prior to this stone, came back to it's previous 10/10 levels. Jaw clenching, blurred vision, etc..
I toughened it out AND not to mention, completed a full 14 day coarse of a strong antibiotic due to a kidney infection! I was so proud of myself. With my newfound proudness, I called my Pyschiatrist and set up an appointment for the following week after my second surgery to discuss some things.
I had my second surgery last Friday the 3rd and they removed both stones. I went home Friday night with another stent in me which I was told to remove from home on Monday by pulling a string that was hanging out of my penis head (sorry for TMI) which in turn pulls the stent from my kidney down and out through my penis. I did that on Monday and it wasn't bad at all.
The Saturday after my surgery went fine. I'm sure I felt good because I was still coming off anesthesia but boy o boy that Sunday I woke up after sleeping 12 hours to a horrible panic attack. Imagine waking up from a dead sleep to the biggest adrenaline dump you could imagine. It was awful and lasted ALL day! I experienced derealization and every symptom you can think off. I should have taken a klonopin but my phobia told me it would make it worse so I didn't. It settled down into the evening and I was absolutely exhausted.
Monday I woke up to another panic attack but not as severe and Tuesday another panic attach which was even less severe. Wednesday the same and this morning has been the first morning I haven't woken up to an adrenalin dump. With that being said, this whole week has been absolutely horrible with 10/10 anxiety. I rarely get breaks from it. At night it calms down and I feel normal. Because of that, I chase that normal feeling and stay up way too late lol.
Anyway, leading up to my psychiatry appointment today, the last few weeks I have been obsessively looking up the 2 ssris and 1 snri my gene test said I was compatible with. Prozac (go figure), paxil, and effexor. I was also compatible with welbutrin.
Paxil I am terrified of because it is supposedly the dirtiest and worst for weight gain (I am a 240lb male).
Prozac I tried previously and I think I didn't give it enough time. I am not 100% sure that dread / hopeless feeling was suicide ideation but the feeling is in a class of its own compared to my normal anxiety.
Effexor I am scared of because of the withdrawel and alot of YouTube reviewers said it made them feel high and wired for the beginning. The horror stories of coming off it scares me too.
Welbutrin I hear great things about but heard it is bad for anxiety which is my main concern.
My overall fear is that any of these will make me lose control and make me not myself. I am also scared that I don't remember what normal feels like and feeling normal will scare me. Crazy to say that. Ultimately he prescribed me Effexor 37.5 for 2 weeks and then upping it to 75mg. He said to take the klonopin if I need it starting up. I have 15 of them.
I know I need to do something because I can't live like this. My wife, my 4 yr old, and my 2 yr old need their father and husband back. It's not fair to them. I'm tired of staying in bed all day. I'm tired of not caring if I wake up. I'm tired of not being the best employee I can be, I'm tired of not being in contact with my friends anymore, I'm tired of not caring about my hobbies, Im tired of being tired, and most importantly I'm tired of feeling like this.
I will start the effexor and update this thread with my progress.
submitted by JRuck504 to EffexorSuccess [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:42 AwstinEvans TIFU by overdosing on Cetirizine

So over the past few days, my allergies have been flaring up worse than they have any year before this one. I had never really had allergies up until about 3 years ago, and since then they have been getting worse and worse with each passing year. My eyes have been super itchy, which has never been a problem, and the roof of my mouth has been a bit more itchy and annoying than usual. Because of this, I obviously started taking allergy pills to remedy it, specifically "Aller-Tec," or, as it is generically called, cetirizine. I haven't had the best sleep schedule as of late, mostly due to getting off of college for the summer, where 5–6 a.m. nights in the studio were pretty common, so getting up at noon has been pretty normal for me. Right when I wake up, I take one pill to help for most of the day, and it works just fine until around 9 or 10 p.m., when my allergies start to flare up again and I take another. It's around here that I should mention that I have felt like utter garbage the past few days. My mood has been all over the place. I am constantly tired, depressed, and really on edge. To the point where yesterday I yelled something at my mom, something I NEVER do. I am typically a pretty "happy-go-lucky" guy, and I love my mom. On top of this, when I get in bed at night, I have been having horrible chest pains and ciculatory issues that cause numbing and aching pains all over my body, making sleep incredibly difficult. 2 nights ago, the chest pains got so bad that I thought I was actually having a heart attack at 20 years old. Of course, I just assumed that my mood being all over the place was due to the fact that either I have been struggling to find summer work or that I'm away from school and my friends. Even just yesterday, I assumed that my chest pains were due to the fact I had been sitting on my ass playing Skyrim for over a week and not getting enough sunlight, so I went on a 2-hour bike ride to get some exercise in. These pieces all came together last night, when I was playing some games with friends over Discord. My allergies started flaring up again, to the point where I could barely see my monitor through the tears in my eyes. The roof of my mouth was on fire, and my nose was flooding with snot. I excused myself for a minute to go and get some more allergy pills. As I was about to take my second pill within 8 hours of the last, I decided I wanted to check the label to see if it was maybe okay to take MORE than what I was already taking. Of course, the label clearly stated, "DO NOT EXCEED MORE THAN ONE CAPSULE PER DAY." I was horrified because, not only have I been taking more than one, but in one instance, I had technically taken 3 within a 24 hour period. I immediately ran upstairs to check my computer, and lo and behold, the top results for cetirizine overdose symptoms are as follows:
Symptoms of Overdose
I had been actively overdosing on allergy pills the past few days. Part of this shock was actually relief funnily enough because me feeling like shit the past few days, and treating other people like shit, was not really a problem with me, but actually the obsene amounts of stimulants in my system. I can happily report that last night I fell asleep just fine with no chest pain and woke up today feeling a whole lot better. My parents were horrified when I told them, my brother (rightfully so) called me a "fucking idiot." And before anyone in the comments says anything, I have already called my doctor for prescription strength allergy medications. The moral of the story is, obviously, please read the labels on medication bottles.
TL;DR: I have been feeling like garbage the past few days with no clue as to why, turns out I have been overdosing on allergy medication.
submitted by AwstinEvans to tifu [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:30 Predaplant Superman #24 - Find Your Way Home

DCNext Presents:


In The Tug
Issue Twenty-Four: Find Your Way Home
Written by Predaplant
Edited by AdamantAce & VoidKiller826
First Previous [Next]
Superman floated in space, staring into the pocket of dark energy in front of him. His brain clouded with sorrow, and he did the only thing he could think to do.
He held up the dust that was all that remained of Kal-El, the alternate version of his father from the Dark Multiverse.
He closed his eyes, and he hoped. He hoped that whatever unknown cosmological science governed this Dark Multiverse would stitch this man back together, even from particles of dust.
He had already lost his father once. He knew out there, somewhere in another universe, there was another version of himself, another Jon, who also lost his father, and probably never even learned what had happened to him.
If he could, he had to give that version of himself his father back.
Jon was so afraid that he would have to return home in failure that he didn’t want to have to open his eyes. But he couldn’t stay in this moment forever. So, slowly, he opened his eyes.
The dust in his hands was formed into the shape of a man, and it weighed about the same amount as Kal had when Jon had been carrying him through the stars.
Jon didn’t know yet whether to be relieved or not. He held Kal’s form aloft to the dark energy once more, offering it to see if it would complete the transformation, but the energy didn’t respond. He tried a few more times, from a few more angles, but nothing seemed to work.
Disappointed, Jon turned around and headed for Earth.
As he did so, he looked down at the lifeless humanoid pile of sand in his hands. It reminded him of one of his father’s old foes, the Quarrmer. It was pretty uncanny, actually: a Superman-shaped pile of sand that sapped energy from those around it.
Jon supposed that this was how the Quarrmer was formed, originally. While the Quarrmer was intelligent and could communicate to a limited degree, as far as Jon knew, he had never described exactly who he was or where he came from.
Maybe this was it.
It gave Jon an odd sort of comfort. Superman’s foes had felt dangerous and scary to him as a child. Inhuman, almost. And while Jon’s father had always tried his hardest to make sure that Jon knew that all the foes he fought were people with hopes and dreams just the same as Jon himself, the Quarrmer had always felt unearthly and detached in the way that he mimicked the Superman persona, with no real personality to himself.
But maybe, somebody had cared about the Quarrmer once. Cared about him enough to bear him across the universe.
It was a bittersweet feeling for Jon to recognize.
It wasn’t that long before Jon made it back to Earth. That was one of the fun things about being Superman: he could cross star systems in the blink of an eye.
As he flew down towards Metropolis, he got a strange feeling that something was off. Only took a couple seconds for it to click: some of the buildings were missing, or different.
He was in the past, sometime in the mid-00s.
Of course. He had been in such a hurry to save Kal that he must have broken the time barrier as he travelled through space. His father had always warned him not to do that, to let events progress at their natural pace and in their natural order.
Well… he looked over his shoulder, and there he was. The first Superman, in the flesh.
“And who do you happen to be?” he asked with a smile.
Jon panicked as he turned around. It was bad enough that he nearly fumbled the sandy form of Kal in his hands, but he eventually regained control.
“Hi, you know you can time travel, right? Well, I’m your son. From the future.”
Clark chuckled. “Well, I guess that’s as good of an explanation as any other. To be clear, you are Jon, right? Not another future son that I don’t know about?”
Jon shook his head. “Nope, I’m Jon.”
“Fair enough,” Clark said. He pointed at Kal. “And who’s this? You want me to help you with him?”
“Oh!” Jon said. “It’s kind of complicated, but it’s a version of you from an alternate universe. Tried to get him to this energy source he needed, and even flew so fast I time travelled, but I didn’t make it in time.”
“Are you sure?” Clark asked, raising an eyebrow slightly. “He seems to be moving.”
And so he was. He started to stir, raising an arm.
“Come on, we should get him to the ground,” Clark said, beckoning Jon downwards to Centennial Park.
Together, they laid Kal out on the grass.
Clark tried to step towards Kal, to examine him more closely, but Jon held out an arm. “You should step back, Dad.”
“Why, what’s wrong?”
Jon took a deep breath. “I think he might be able to sap a ton of energy from you if he touches you.”
“Because he could sap energy from me, and because you’re even more similar to him. And… because I think I recognize him. I think he’s somebody you end up having to fight against.”
Clark sighed, disappointed. Jon could read the look in his eyes: he knew his father hated having to fight. “Well, if he’s going to be a danger, and you know who he is, you’re going to have to take the lead in helping me deal with him, alright?”
Jon nodded. “I can do that. Keep away, keep other people away, and if we can trap him or contain him somehow we should be safe. He isn’t that strong without leaching power from us.”
“We should wait and see,” Clark replied. “After all, he hasn’t done anythingto anybody yet. Did you say that he’s really just a problem for us?”
“He can be a bit dangerous if he does absorb too much energy,” Jon recalled. “But otherwise, yeah, he’ll only hurt us.”
As Kal… the Quarrmer… stood up for the first time in his new form, he reached out towards Clark. Clark backed up; he could feel the power bleeding out of him. “Whoa, this guy’s worse than the Parasite!”
“Watch out!” Jon shouted, moving forward to try and draw the Quarrmer’s attention away from his father.
To any onlooker in the park, the fight was over in an instant, as the Supermen became rays of light zipping around the park, trying to play keep-away.
When the dust settled, the Quarrmer was in a temporary cell of glass constructed by Clark out of sand from the waters of Metropolis Bay.
Jon and Clark looked at each other sadly.
“I wish we didn’t have to do this,” Jon said, breaking eye contact to stare at the ground. “He didn’t do anything to deserve this. Not really.”
“It’s the hardest part about being Superman, son,” Clark replied. “It always hurts to have to use force to stop somebody. But sometimes, it’s the only way to save people.”
“Yeah,” Jon nodded. “Can we, like... go somewhere else and talk?”
“Follow me.” Clark took off up into the sky, and Jon followed.
“I know I probably shouldn’t ask that many questions, with time travel and all, but are you well?” Clark asked as he led Jon through the Fortress of Solitude.
Jon took a few seconds to put his answer together. “In a lot of ways, yeah. But I’ve lost a lot, too.”
“I don’t mean to pry, but... that includes me, doesn’t it?” Clark asked. “If you could go home and talk to me there, you’d probably rather do that than talk to a version of me who only knows you as a five year-old.”
Jon looked at Clark’s face. It was solemn, clearly respectful of his feelings, but it still held so much care and love.
Jon started to cry.
“Come here,” Clark said, pulling Jon in for a hug. “I remember when my pop died, too. It isn’t easy for anybody.”
“Yeah,” Jon said. He was still crying; it was hard for him to get the words out. “And I met that other... that other you. The sand one, the Quarrmer. But he wasn’t sand, he had a me, too, and I couldn’t get him home to his me, and I...”
He leaned into his father’s embrace as the words failed him.
Clark’s arms were nice and firm around Jon, keeping him grounded in the moment. With a sense of loss, Clark started to speak.
“I haven’t told you about the greatest mistake I ever made. Maybe you know about it, maybe I told you at some point in my future, but I know I haven’t told you yet here, so I’m going to do it now. When I was a kid, maybe fifteen or so, I met another boy from space. The rocket that had brought him here had given him some sort of amnesia, so he didn’t know who he was, but he had powers like me. Not exactly the same, but pretty close, close enough that I was overjoyed.”
“I had never met anybody like me in my life, and here was a perfect friend, delivered to me out of the sky. We could’ve been brothers. We basically were, for a few weeks; he took the names Bob Cobb and Mon-El. Pretended to be my cousin from out of town to everyone in Smallville, but when school let out and we took to the skies, we were brothers.”
“It was like nothing I had ever experienced before. I was able to talk about all the things on my mind, all the little things I could see and hear that nobody else could, all the wonders of the universe that Ma and Pa would never understand no matter how hard they tried, and he was there, right alongside me, seeing the same things, offering a perspective that I never could’ve seen by myself. And like I said, we’d go out flying every day, and I’d point out all my favourite bits of the planet that I could never take anybody to see.”
Jon looked up at his father, who seemed lost in thought. There was a faraway sorrow in Clark’s eyes, but also nostalgia.
“One day we were just fooling around, and I thought it’d be fun to play catch with meteors in the atmosphere, all around the curvature of the Earth. So we lined up on opposite sides of the planet and we started firing the meteors back and forth.”
“Now, Mon was doing fine at first, but then he started to slow down. But I was young and dumb, so I didn’t check on him right away. I thought he was maybe just having an off day, so I kept sending the meteors as long as he was returning them. But after a while it finally started to concern me, so I flew over to see what the matter was.”
“Turns out, the meteors contained lead, and lead was incredibly toxic to his species. He was dying, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. And you have to believe me, I tried everything. I did all the research I could. I’ve kept up on the sort of biology that’s relevant to Mon’s case, and even now, I don’t think there would’ve been anything I could have done. So I did the only thing I could think of that would save his life, even temporarily. I sent him to the Phantom Zone.”
“I don’t think I’ve told you yet about the Phantom Zone, either, but you almost definitely know about it by your time. So you know how terrible it truly is, to condemn somebody to an eternity walking the universe as a ghost. He could be here right now, watching us from the Zone. I hope he’s forgiven me for what I did all those years ago. I made a mistake, and he was the one who had to pay the price. I lost the closest friend I’d ever had that day.”
Jon had stopped crying by the time Clark finished. He had heard pieces of this story before, but Clark had never told him that Mon-El’s poisoning was his fault. He hugged Clark back, and the two men stood there, bonded by blood, by their mistakes, and the symbol that they shared, taking in comfort from each other.
“I think I’m going to head back to my time,” Jon told him. “Thanks for everything, it really means more than you know.”
“Well, I would say ‘any time’, but maybe that’s not a good idea. Good luck, Jon. You’re not your mistakes, and I hope you know that I always love you.”
“Goodbye,” Jon said. He turned away from Clark, thought better, and wrapped Clark up in another hug. “I love you too.”
Clark hugged his son again, then watched as he headed towards the Fortress’s exit.
It was beautiful, seeing Jon grow up into such a thoughtful man.
He knew that he had to cherish his time with him, as limited as it might be.
Jon surveyed the Metropolis skyline once again. Yep, definitely 2024, the day he left. He could even see the firemen helping out the students stranded due to the fire Kal had put out before they had left on their journey through the stars.
He started to fly through the city on his normal patrol route, slowly enough that people on the streets below could see him and take pictures if they were quick enough. He needed the extra time just to think... and he was sure people would appreciate the chance to snap a picture, too.
In the span of a day, he had grown closer to Kal than he had ever expected, and then lost him forever.
Well, maybe not completely lost... but the Quarrmer definitely wasn’t the same man as Kal had been before.
It was painful to make such a big mistake, especially after losing Jay, as well.
But if this was going to be Jon’s nadir, he had to count his lucky stars, because things could still be much worse.
He had friends and family who loved him, and who he loved in return.
He had a job that was important and where his colleagues genuinely wanted to help him grow.
And at the end of the day, he was still Superman, and the relief on people’s faces when he helped them out was something that genuinely made him happy and kept him going, day after day.
He just knew he had one person who he still owed a visit today.
He broke off from his patrol and headed to Stryker’s Island, where the most serious super-criminals in Metropolis were held.
The guards waved him in easily, and he passed by cell after cell, each containing the worst people that he and his father had ever butted heads against.
Jon hoped that, one day, the prison would be empty, and they would all be reformed.
There it was. Slowing down, Jon walked the last few steps down the corridor instead of flying. The wall of the cell was glass; he could see the Quarrmer sitting within.
Jon reached out towards the wall of the cell. The Quarrmer noticed him, and started making his way to the glass wall himself.
The two stared at each other through the glass.
Slowly, the Quarrmer moved his hand up to his mouth. It struck Jon what he was going to do the second before he completed the action, and Jon almost turned away, not wanting to accept what was going to happen.
But he knew that would be impolite, especially after all they had been through together. And so he watched the being that was once Superman finish signing “Thank you.”
submitted by Predaplant to DCNext [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:21 ConsciousKink I can't be the only one

Why are my cravings heightened during ovulation? Which also happens to be the only time I experience flare ups on and off for atleast 8-10days.
well today I gave in😩... here I am eating deep fried chicken knowing very well at the back of my mind that later in the night my sleep will be interrupted by stabbingly excruciating pains and I will be in the toilet curled up like a baby.
Fuck endo.
Also before I go. Experimenting earlier today I realized an ice pack on my lower abdomen gives me quicker relief than a heating pad.
what has worked for you?
Cheers lovelies.. Hang in there, You are never alone 💕
submitted by ConsciousKink to endometriosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:18 Ok-Airport569 personal narrative essay: Choice (TW ED's)

Im a 16 year old high school student, and I was tasked with writing a personal narrative essay. I felt it was too personal to share with my peers, but i really need someone to tell me if it sucks or not before i turn it in. Here it is:
Change “I don’t think I can change, Mom” … “You can.” … A beat of silence followed her words. I took a moment to reword my sentence. “I don't want to “change” I responded. This is the conversation I had with my mother on the day she found out about my eating disorder. She was so angry because she believed that when I said, “I can't change,” it was a lie. She thought everything was a choice. I believe that once a person has made a clear decision, they will not change it no matter the consequences. We must learn to manage our emotions and live with the results of our decisions, even if they're not always the best. I try my best to make the right choices but often fail. Oftentimes, I take actions I think to be best for me, even if they are harmful. Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder defined by regular episodes of binge eating, during which a person feels a loss of control over their eating. The person then "purges" the food through self-induced vomiting, laxatives, fasting, or excessive exercise to avoid weight gain. This disorder has been a part of my life for over a year. It has caused tremendous stress on me and my family, and it's not something I would wish upon my worst enemy. I learned that when people don’t want to change, they won’t. This can be taken positively or negatively. That's just what I believe. This is my story. I went on a trip to Poland last year during spring break. A few days before I left for the trip, when school hadn’t gotten out yet, I was teased for being overweight. Feeling insecure about my weight, I took it hard. That night, I resolved to do whatever it took to shed my extra weight, and I truly meant it. Over the next few days, I ate as healthily as possible. My mom told me to “lose weight the right way,” so I tried to. I started going for walks every evening and cut down on unhealthy snacks. It was tough at first, but I was determined to make a change. When I arrived in Poland, my focus shifted to food. I became obsessed with what I ate, how much I ate, the calorie content of food, and the potential weight gain from eating. This pattern became a cycle that I couldn't break out of. It consumed my thoughts then, and it still consumes them now. I remember starting to track every single thing I ate. I would wake up at 4 in the morning and do situps for hours, getting back into bed before my family would wake up. Everything revolved around losing weight. It’s all that mattered. I felt the need to be perfect like those girls who teased me. I felt like I had to prove my worth. I began journaling everything – my calorie intake, my weight, my body measurements, and all the negative thoughts swirling around in my head. This journal only served to make me even more sick. Here is an example of a journal entry I wrote on March 15th, 2023; “...43.28.34... 43 hours, 28 minutes, and 34 seconds. The clock resets. That's the exact amount of time I starved before I stupidly broke the fast. I wasn't supposed to fast today, but I got through hour 40 and was feeling so good. I wanted to wait to eat until dinner tonight (48 hours), but that didn't happen. I'm at 400 out of my 800-calorie limit. Disgusting. I was doing so well.” During the entire week in Poland, I couldn’t savor any moment. I was too preoccupied with concerns about my weight and food consumption. By the time the trip was over I had lost 5lbs. My mother had become increasingly worried about me throughout the trip, and she would get angry any time I refused food. It was very frustrating for me. In my eyes, she was trying to hinder my progress. Over time, I slowly improved and began to eat normally again, only to relapse in January 2024. This time, it had returned even stronger than before. I went days without eating. Eventually, my mom got fed up and mirrored my behavior, refusing to eat whenever I did. This made me furious as it felt like she was making fun of me. After a few days of this, I got into a fight with my mom. She would say things like “You think that's beautiful!?” while pointing to a person with anorexia. This upset me. It made me feel as though what I wanted to be was ugly. It made me feel like no matter what I did, I would always hate myself. I was so blinded by my anger that I couldn't see hers. I was so tired of her trying to guilt-trip me into eating. I know she was (and is) hurting because of my actions. No mother wants to watch her kid starve, especially not by their own choice. It was a really tough time for both of us, and I regret the pain I caused her. However, all that did was force me to hide more efficiently. I still struggle with bulimia to this day, and I continue to lose weight rapidly. I'm uncertain about my next steps. I've made a decision that I don't want to change. My parents refuse to force me to change, I don't blame them, they can’t help a person who doesn’t want help. I'm slowly falling toward rock bottom and no one is there to catch me. Writing this essay was challenging for me. I'm not entirely convinced that it was the best topic to choose, but what's done is done. Generally, people are afraid of change and reluctant to step out of their comfort zones. I can relate to that because stepping into the unknown can be intimidating. However, our choices are not always in our best interest, and we are aware of that. For instance, people who smoke know it's harmful, but they continue to do it due to various reasons such as addiction, stress relief, or social influences. We often stick to what we know, even when it's not the best for us, because familiarity provides a sense of security and comfort, even if it's detrimental to our well-being. That's what my eating disorder is to me: comfort. In conclusion, recognizing the allure of familiarity, even when it's not in our best interest, is the first step toward positive change. It's a difficult journey, but acknowledging the issue is a significant milestone.
submitted by Ok-Airport569 to writing [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:05 Glad_Day_8239 My Experience with BPC-157

Hey guys I promised an update on my experience in some of the comments so here it is. I’ve been experiencing hamstring tendinopathy for almost two years due to powerlifting and it got so bad I eventually just had to stop squatting and deadlifting. I tried PT two previous times with mixed results so I researched peptides as kind of a Hail Mary last resort. After a long consideration I decided to order the oral pill form mostly because I didn’t feel comfortable with needles although I may try it in the future. My dosage was 300mcg twice a day, once in the morning before eating anything for 30min and once again at night approximately 30min before bed. After the first week I noticed significant pressure relief in the area and decreased inflammation. Another week in and daily activities such as putting on pants and getting out of the car was becoming much easier. After around 3 weeks I started squatting and deadlifting again and all things considered it feels significantly better. Not where I used to be but as far as pain goes it’s not nearly as bad as it used to be. If I had to put a percentage on it I would say it’s about 70% better than what it was before taking BPC. Personally I haven’t experienced any side affects other than occasionally the pill feels very heavy in the morning but goes away after 10 minutes. Now I did combine physical therapy with this so I’m not attributing all this progress to the peptide however I wholeheartedly believe it was a gigantic help along with it. In the future I might do the injections along with TB-500 just to see if that gets me back to being 100% but time will tell. Hope this helps anyone looking for someone’s anecdotal and if you have any questions I’ll try to answer them below
submitted by Glad_Day_8239 to bpc_157 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:01 rowdyruffboys Question about lingering pain after a flare

Context: I have been on allopurinol for a couple months and have reduced both purine rich and trigger foods from my diet. A couple weeks ago, I ate some marinated crab with roe, which hadn't been an issue, especially in moderation, but this ended up triggering the worst gout flare I've ever had in my life. My foot was practically double the size of the other. I was able to secure some colchicine for more rapid relief.
Fast forward to two weeks after the gout flare, my ankle, which is where the attack was centered on is exhibiting a couple of weird things and I wanted to get a bit more information on whether it's lingering symptoms of gout, or something worse.
My concern: It's been more than two weeks since the flare occurred. While I understand lingering pain can persist, this pain does not seem to be going away nor getting milder. It's also weird to me that the pain is so sharp and only for specific movements/positions.
Does this seem normal? I obviously don't want to suspect joint damage, tissue damage, or something worse. I realize I should probably go see a doctor before my insurance runs out, but wanted to see if anyone else has experienced something like this, and whether I would be able to wait it out.
Happy to provide additional information if requested
submitted by rowdyruffboys to gout [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:47 matrixinthepark Relief after cortisone shot!

I started feeling pain in my wrist around January of this year and started to sleep with a wrist band which helped. Then around March it started to worsen so I got a thumb spica which also helped.
But around April, the pain started to last all day, especially after weight lifting, so after researching online, I failed the finkelstein’s test and realized I had DQ. So I started doing some physical therapy stretches which didn’t really help.
Finally I went to the doctor and got a referral to a sports doctor who I saw last week on May 8th. He was very supportive and said it was up to me if I wanted the cortisone shot. I decided right then and there to do it since I tried everything else. He didnt use an ultrasound. He asked where the pain was and used his fingers to guide.
The shot itself didn’t hurt. BUT after the freezing wore off, the next few days my thumb/wrist hurt WAY more than it ever did before. I was crying at night and regretting the shot.
May 7 to May 10, the pain was at 10/10 and dropped to like a 7. May 11-13, it was between 2 and 5. And as of yesterday, the pain is complete gone and my thumb/wrist feels normal. Last night was the first night I slept without a thumb spica and I woke up with zero pain! So I just wanted to share that there is hope after a cortisone shot.
I don’t know how long this relief will last but I’m being mindful of how I use my thumb, as using it to play games on my phone too much was the culprit. The unfortunate thing is I’ve been starting to feel some strain on my other hand, but again just going to try and be mindful of how I use it.
I do have 2 questions for those who have also found relief:
  1. Did you continue to sleep with the thumb spica even tho there was no pain?
  2. When did you start to weight lift again?
Also, I noticed a day after the shot a dull pain in my hip area. Could it have something to do with the location of the shot? I also could have just pulled something during a workout that day, so I’m not sure if there is a correlation at all.
Thanks for reading!
submitted by matrixinthepark to DeQuervains [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:44 Peaklifeelite "Unlocking Gut Health: The Powerful Duo of L-Glutamine and Humic Acid for Crohn's, IBS, and IBD Relief"

Hey Guys! These two ingredients have transformed my life. Having suffered for decades with crohn's and tired of the risks of the medications i was being offered I found a natural way to manage my condition. I have been able to get off all my prescriptions now for over two years and just use my GI relief and repair supplement from, 3 capsules in the AM and 3 in the PM in conjunction with 5 grams a day of L glutamine powder mixed into a glass of water. This combined with daily meditation to help lower my stress levels has been a game changer.
Now this is not a magic bullet that will transform you overnight or give instant relief like prednisone but over 30-60 days these ingredients can help reset your gut biome which is critical in reducing the inflammation that is the cause of most of the symptoms associated with these digestive disorders.
I know how it feels to think your only choice is what you are currently taking. (and for me the medications were still not working) But you have to think about treating the cause and not just the symptoms. Getting your gut biome back in balance can dramatically change your health, energy and mindset.
**L-Glutamine: The Gut's Best Friend**
L-glutamine is an amino acid that plays a crucial role in maintaining the health of the intestinal lining. In conditions like Crohn's, IBS, and IBD, the intestinal barrier can become compromised, leading to inflammation and discomfort. L-glutamine helps to repair and rebuild this barrier, promoting gut integrity and reducing symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, and bloating.
Additionally, L-glutamine has been shown to support immune function and reduce inflammation in the gut, further contributing to symptom relief in these conditions.
**Humic Acid: Nature's Gut Soother**
Humic acid is a natural compound derived from humus, the organic component of soil. While it may sound earthy, its benefits for gut health are nothing short of remarkable.
One of humic acid's standout features is its ability to promote a healthy balance of gut bacteria. In conditions like IBS and IBD, disruptions in the gut microbiome can exacerbate symptoms and contribute to disease progression. Humic acid helps to restore equilibrium to the microbiome, reducing inflammation and improving overall gut function.
Furthermore, humic acid exhibits potent anti-inflammatory properties, which can provide much-needed relief for individuals experiencing flare-ups of Crohn's or IBD symptoms. By calming inflammation in the gut, humic acid may help alleviate abdominal pain, cramping, and diarrhea.
**Harnessing the Power of L-Glutamine and Humic Acid**
Combining L-glutamine and humic acid can create a synergistic effect, amplifying their individual benefits for gut health. Together, they work to repair the intestinal lining, support immune function, rebalance the gut microbiome, and reduce inflammation, offering comprehensive relief for individuals grappling with digestive disorders.
Of course, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating any new supplements into your regimen, especially if you have a pre-existing medical condition or are taking medication. However, for many individuals with Crohn's, IBS, or IBD, L-glutamine and humic acid could be valuable additions to their wellness toolkit.
Have you tried L-glutamine or humic acid for gut health? Share your experiences and insights in the comments below!
submitted by Peaklifeelite to Digestivewellness [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:35 Throwawaytoday477 Possible LGV (Lymphogranuloma Venereum) Infection? Only showing IGG - Please help

Hi, I really need some help from this community. Any feedback or recommendations would be so much appreciated. I am a 37yr old male, and I suspect I may have a LGV (lymphogranuloma venereum). Below I have a long-ish summarized timeline of my symptoms, dr visits, and labs.
TLDR:... I have several labs that show IGG for LGV, but not showing IGM/IGA, and the labs and doctors say it is a past infection. Have taken antibiotics but symptoms persist. I am in utter misery, and I visited an infectious disease doctor, and I felt like they blew me off and they agreed with the lab results that this is all a past infection. They believe all my symptoms are auto-immune related.
2020-2021 – Started having sores in the corners of my mouth, and bumps in my mouth along with burning in mouth. Infrequent blisters on lip (never crusted up, just would go away). Rashes on body
2022 – December 2023 – In addition to all of the above continuing, had difficulty urinating, leaking urine, lethargy, body aches. Pain in kidney area. Almost every orifice of my body had burning sensation (eyes, ears, nose/sinus, mouth, rectum, sore throat). Small pustules are present in my nostrils. Sinuses appear to be inflamed. Burning sensation in pelvis area.
Saw doctor multiple times and was tested for various things but only thing showed was a severe Epstein-Barr infection in spring of 2023. Symptoms felt worse and worse, and I went again back to the doctor as I thought I may still be experiencing EBV. I requested to be retested for EBV, test for Lupus (ANA), and was tested for LGV.
Doctor prescribed me azithromycin for my sinuses/ears. Within 36-48 hours of taking azithromycin, I had near immediate relief of urological and sinus symptoms, and within a few days my eyes no longer burned.
Test came back that I was over EBV, showed some ANA stuff, and showed a past infection of LGV (C.TRACHOMATIS L1 AB (IGG) 1:64 H) in December of 2023.
I proceeded to setup an appointment with a rheumatologist to address the ANA stuff. Drew multiple labs and felt I had a sensitive immune system, prescribed steroids. By late Jan of 2024 I felt probably 90% better.
February 2024 – Felt nearly completely ok at this point. Had cystoscopy and nothing unusual was noted.
Early March 2024 – Had sex with wife, and all urological symtoms return within about 2 days, and within a week all prior symtoms return, and worse than ever. Frequent urination, difficulty urination, burning sensation in bladder, pain in lower back and kidney area. Rash on testicles that comes and goes. Burning inside of pelvic area. It seemed to me to be very obvious correlation of the timing of symptoms to sex. Wife shows no obvious symptoms.
March 2024 – Was prescribed azithromycin (500mg/day for 10 days) again, and doxycycline (100mg/2x day for 21 days), and when I started the azithromycin within a day it started helping my urological and sinus symptoms, but seemed to stop helping after a couple of days. I finished both rx’s and with no further relief of symptoms.
3/21/24 – Urine screen for UTI/STI's and blood work for LGV. All negative (did not show LGV past infection now)
4/16/24 – LGV test ran again, and now shows past infection again (C.TRACHOMATIS L1 AB (IGG) 1:128 H), but also shows C. Trachomatis D-K AB (IGG 1:64 H) as a past infection now.
submitted by Throwawaytoday477 to STD [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:16 Acceptable_Bench_574 My stomach has been killing me the last few days, I want it to be over

I'm about to lay down for a nap now to see if it might help my pain but for the past 2 days I've had such bad abdominal cramps and a soreness higher up in my stomach like directly below/behind my ribs. I don't think I could've exposed myself to sb or fp but I'm scared the cramps are indicating somethings seriously wrong with my stomach. I've had 3 bms in the last 2-3 days and they were normal and didn't give me any relief so I don't know if it's constipation. Maybe gas? But it doesn't exactly feel like gas pain. I've been moving around and pressing on my stomach a lot recently too to figure out where the pain is or what if feels like but I'm pretty sure it's made the pain worse. I don't feel nauseous, only sometimes, it's just pain. Any help or advice is much appreciated.
submitted by Acceptable_Bench_574 to emetophobia [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:14 dafurbs88 Endo, SIBO, PCOS, IBS… Anyone Else?

Cliff notes: PCOS diagnosis 12ish years ago. Long history of GI symptoms that resolved entirely after excision surgery in 2021. Endo was found on ovaries, uterosacral ligaments, and cul-de-sac. Endo pain and GI symptoms started up again 3 months post op and slowly got worse. Did 2 rounds of pelvic floor therapy in last 3 years. Saw a new endo specialist who referred me to GI and Endocrinology. GI did bloodwork, stool sample, breath test. All came back normal except breath test showed SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth - common w IBS). No inflammation in intestines, no celiac, nothing abnormal in blood/stool. I’ll start antibiotics for the SIBO as soon as insurance approves coverage of the antibiotic. Endocrinology appt is in July. Endo specialist follow-up is in August.
Current meds: Metformin XR, Mirena IUD, Amitriptyline, spironolactone, adderrall (yay ADHD). Also have scripts for cyclobenzaprine and dicyclomine for pain flares.
Current symptoms: most days wake up with severe lower abdominal/pelvic cramping, most days have bleeding during bowel movements & irregular bowels (sometimes w lightning butt), can’t lose weight even with diet and exercise, occasional extreme fatigue, migraines, lower back and pelvic pain, bloating.
Question: anyone else have similar symptoms and be told it’s just IBS? I’m skeptical. Overall I am doing better than I was before endo surgery, but I wish there were more options for relief and pain prevention. I feel like IBS is just a catch all for GI symptoms that they don’t have any other explanation for. I’m concerned it could be endo but if given an IBS diagnosis then the endo theory will be dismissed.
submitted by dafurbs88 to Endo [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:05 drubnkoffGnT Psoriasis or some other reaction?

Psoriasis or some other reaction?
So I know I have psoriasis (from a family history, and previous diagnosis of p on my body) as well as some dust allergies, but lately I’ve had these red splotches break out on my cheeks and under my eyes. In the past month it’s progressed and gotten so much worse. Scales and flakes in my eyebrows, lashes, and cheeks constantly. I can’t seem to open my eyes fully in the morning from swelling. It’s getting painful to the point where I can’t focus on work or anything while I’m flaring up. I’ve been putting aquaphor over the redness for weeks and it keeps my from getting a lot of scale buildup, but does nothing for swelling and redness. My older brother also has p and he gave me his tacrolimus to try and see if that helps. I just applied it today and my skin feels like it’s on fire. I had to call out of work. I have a derm appointment but not until September.
I feel like I’m going crazy. Nothing seems to provide relief. Is there anyone out there whose experienced similar and can offer help?
submitted by drubnkoffGnT to Psoriasis [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:03 ConsciousBat6092 Severe Stomach Pains?

Okay so I first started Oz in February and I had mild/medium stomach pains, which went away at about week 5/6.
But then my insurance had a little mixup and I couldn’t take it anymore. But I got it prescribed again and I started taking it like I used too, but this time around I’m having A LOT of issues.
I am experiencing extreme stomach pains. Which I assume to be because I CANNOT burp or pass gas, and my bowel movements are inefficient (i still feel like I’m stuffed)
I tried many laxatives, gas relief pills, smooth move tea, magnesium citrate, etc. But I nothings working. It’s draining me, and I feel so stuffed, very sore around my stomach and back, like my organs are being squished.
Any help is welcomed :)
submitted by ConsciousBat6092 to Ozempic [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:02 AprilBornAprilia First 1,000 kms up. What I love about the RS457 and what I don’t love so much about it.

First 1,000 kms up. What I love about the RS457 and what I don’t love so much about it.
What I love:
  1. The torque and power: Just amazing for city traffic that moves. Gets ahead and gets ahead fast. The tractability is just magnificent. Makes it super easy to ride.
  2. The handling: Really gives you confidence, makes it fun to ride. It’s point and go when you ride. Understands where you want to go.
  3. The tyres: Great grip. Confidence inspiring. Did corners for the first time in my life slightly leaning in. Good for wet roads too with the Rain mode on.
  4. The riding modes: Sport, Eco and Rain- And the traction controls are all actually very useful and they do matter and they do impact the riding, fuel efficiency, safety and more. Eco mode for example is good when cruising and gives nice linear acceleration.
  5. The Display and its features: Good for the most part. I like the music, bike info, phone and speedometer screens. Over time Ive learnt to switch music/mute/control volume and take calls without looking down at the screen.
  6. The pillion seat: A surprise to many but as Strell mentioned the cushioning is actually better on the pillion seat. The height is not on the 6th floor of a building. My better half loves it a lot and is not uncomfortable at all unlike the other sports bikes she’s sat on. Of course, all this is only applicable for petite/slim people. For a super comfortable pillion seat get a cruiser. Or even a car.
  7. The posture is good. Perhaps what sealed it for me. Yea not as great as the R3 in terms of comfort but good. No back pain whatsoever is a relief. Unless you wear a heavy uncomfortable bagpack that is. Even after 300kms+ rides backpain is not an issue. No arm pain. Wrists? Ever so lightly when you ride tough but that could be shaken off too. Or if you yourself lose some weight. Hehe.
  8. The exhaust sound- You need to ride it to understand. Not just listen to it on idle. It moves with you. You move with it.
  9. Mileage seems to be good. Atleast on my bike the figures are unbelievably good. But too early to say.
  10. The matte finish is surprisingly low maintenance
  11. The looks. No further explanation needed.
  12. Value for money and pricing thanks to the Made In India tag.
What I don’t love so much:
  1. The headlights: Yes they are undoubtedly beautiful but Im talking about the efficiency. They’re ok. Not bad at all. But come on, couldve been much better at this price point. Especially the throw down onto the road ahead is not that great. The high beam is fine though.
  2. App connectivity with iOS: Sucks. Need to manually hit a button on the app some 6/10 times when it’s supposed to pair and connect automatically. Hopefully they solve that.
  3. The maps on the display: Now I know most or all non Google map stuff sucks. Bmw, Apple - you name it. But the issue is not about accuracy or sufficiency but the UI/UX is confusing. Tbh I haven’t read that part (or any part) of the printed manual yet.
  4. The tank - wrist clash: Tank being positioned and designed that way, the turning radius is an issue. Not that much of an issue if one is a squid doing snake dance to swerve unnecessarily. Ive got used to the radius however really a top reason not to give the bike to inexperienced riders. It’s really going to be an issue on extremely bad roads too.
  5. The tank could’ve had more fuel capacity. Given that size.
  6. Cost of some of the accessories are in the ‘are you kidding me’ category as you know. I say ‘some’ because essential spare parts are actually pretty well priced and made in India.
Now at the dealer for its first service. If you’re surprised I didn’t mention the brakes, that’s because I found it quite adequate for everyday use. Having said that I dont do track days or ride at blinding speeds.
submitted by AprilBornAprilia to indianbikes [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:50 titaniumphysique 10 Things You Can Do To Avoid Elbow Pain

Bonus Tip #15: Incorporate Self-Myofascial Release: Incorporate elbow relief exercises (i.e., self-myofascial release "SMR" exercises) into your recovery routine. Perform SMR on the forearm extensors, forearm flexors, and tricep muscles at least twice weekly to keep the forearms and triceps pliable. SMR is the fastest way to treat, relieve, and avoid elbow tendonitis injuries and pain.
submitted by titaniumphysique to u/titaniumphysique [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:47 BrooBu 1.5 Month Lip Lift update!

If you want to see the progression it’s in my post history. Second picture shows the before and 3 days, and 3 week update. Doctor was Dr Dahan in Reno, NV and was just under $4000.
Overall I’m still super happy with it, I am so much more confident now! Before I hated how uneven and lumpy my lips were (they were like that even before filler). I got filler and it helped with volume, but couldn’t fix the unevenness. The surgeon measured and my right side was 0.5cm lower than my left.
I had a setback literally on the 1 month date, I mentioned in previous posts that my smile hurt on my right side and it was red, but I thought it was just muscle healing. Turns out my body rejected the internal sutures and I had some spitting out. I got them trimmed, but didn’t see the doctor because I was in a rush (bad idea). 3 days later I had a bump, it popped and it turned out it was a stitch abscess, a rare complication. It was gross, but the pain relief was immediate. My amazing doctor responded to my call within 5 minutes and called in new antibiotics and went over what to do, it was very reassuring. He said in all his years it’s only the second one he’s seen.
I’ve been on antibiotics since then and paused the scar cream to keep neosporin on it. The redness is now almost completely gone and the scar is not visible. The only visible part is the tiny scabs from the abscess and the spitting stitches. Other than that setback, it was really smooth. I still would do it again 100x!
The lips look big in pictures, but honestly I have an oval face and my face is so much more balanced now! Another note, the right side of my lip seems “heavier” because of the extra filler that was put in to compensate. I wanted to dissolve it all, but I’m hoping to wait it out and avoid any potential complications.
No more fillers for me!
submitted by BrooBu to PlasticSurgery [link] [comments]