Natalie brooks the treasures of the lost

Forget reality... surrender to your darkest dreams

2017.06.13 21:51 seagullplus Forget reality... surrender to your darkest dreams

This game didn't have a sub for whatever reason, so I made it.

2010.10.26 13:10 Minim4c The Natalie Portman subreddit

Reddit's arrogance in all but ignoring the mods needs has resulted in only harming our users. This sub went dark due to the terrible handling of Reddit's API pricing changes and policy decisions. /Save3rdPartyApps/. Under duress and for the benefit of our users, we are reopening the Subreddit despite this issue not being resolved.

2017.08.19 14:12 Lugia3210 Wait, wrong sub

For posting screenshots of people forgetting what sub they're on or people misinterpreting the purpose of the sub they're on.

2024.05.21 12:01 AutoModerator Weekly book club by

This week's book club list is as follows (enjoy reading and comment which your favourite is below):

  1. The Lost Art of Compassion: Discovering the Practice of Happiness in the Meeting of Buddhism and Psychology by Lorne Ladner: Dr Lorne Ladner rescues compassion from this marginalised view, showing how its practical application in our life can be a powerful force in achieving happiness. Combining the wisdom of Tibetan Buddhism and Western psychology, Ladner presents clear, effective practices for cultivating compassion in daily living.
  2. Choosing Happiness: Keys to a Joyful Life by Alexandra Stodda: Happiness lies in the passions we pursue and in the pressures we decline. It is in knowing how to work and when to play. It is in the treasured objects we keep nearby and in the ordinary moments we elevate into small celebrations. It is in the note we write to a friend and the kindness we show a stranger. It is in the colors we love and the music that transports us. It may be as simple as sunlight on your face; as sudden as a shared smile; as sensuous as a single flower on your desk, candles on your nightstand, or cookies hot from the oven. Happiness is what you make it, where you make it. Happiness is our best choice.
  3. Health, Wealth and Happiness: You Can Control Your Destiny by David Singh: David Singh's dramatic journey from the jungles of Guyana to the helm of one of Canada's largest financial planning companies provides the backdrop for this guide to lasting happiness. Advocating wise investments, careful planning, and healthy eating choices, this inspirational book uncovers the secrets to a happier and more successful life.
  4. What All the World's A-Seeking: Or, The Vital Law of True Life, True Greatness Power and Happiness by Ralph Waldo Trine: Ralph Waldo Trine was an influential member of the New Thought movement. He was one of the first people to write about the Law of Attraction. Long before Rhonda Byrne discovered the secret that one's positive thoughts are powerful magnets that attract wealth, health, and happiness, Trine already knew it.
  5. Authentic Happiness: Using the New Positive Psychology to Realize Your Potential for Lasting Fulfillment by Martin Seligman: I have read about 80 pages and I am enjoying Seligmen's friendly, engaging writing style so far. Also, there are interesting facts about each person's 'range' of happiness being fixed on a spectrum.Great so far. Will attempt to update review when I have completed the book.
  6. Happiness Hypothesis: Putting Ancient Wisdom to the Test of Modern Science by Jonathan Haidt: Jonathon Haidt is a terrifically productive thinker about psychology. This is book is a credo and a guide book to your own happiness via an accomplished romp through the psychological literature which Haidt uses to explore the truths of ancient religion. I'm surprised it's not a wild best seller, but I think I know why - it doesn't have an singular and catchy formula for your salvation which you can learn in your lunchtime and hear about ad nauseam on late night TV infomercials. Just well written, well thought out commentary on the formula for a happy and fulfilled life distilled from the psychological literature.
  7. It's All in Your Head: Thinking Your Way to Happiness by Stephen M. Pollan, Mark Levine: If you've ever wanted to have a conversation with someone on a normal level about undoing negative thinking patterns, this book is about the closest you'll ever get in written form. The style is conversational, pragmatic, and realistic. Kind of like talking to a favorite uncle or aunt who is just "on the mark" about dealing with life. The book focuses on 8 behaviothought patterns that hinder us from being happy NOW, and provides simple, easy "exercises" to do to help overcome them. It is also one of those rare self-help books that the whole family can read, enjoy, and profit from. In my opinion, this book is better than any other I've read by Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Nathaniel Branden, and many others. If you've ever thought you can be happier, YOU CAN, and this book can help you get there.
  8. Handbook on the Economics of Happiness by Luigino Bruni, Pier Luigi Porta: This Handbook provides an unprecedented forum for discussion of the economic issues relating to happiness. It reviews the more recent literature and offers the interested reader an insight into the vast scope of the field in terms of the theory, its applications and also experimental design. The Handbook also gives substantial indications as to the future direction of research in the field, with particular regard to policy applications and developing an economics of interpersonal relations which includes reciprocity and social interaction theory.
  9. Freeing your child from negative thinking: powerful, practical strategies to build a lifetime of resilience, flexibility, and happiness by Tamar E. Chansky: This book is excellent for those who wish to embrace Food Combining i.e. what has become known as the Hay Diet. It is where one avoids mixing starch-based foods and protein-based foods in the same meal.
  10. The 7 Steps of Spiritual Intelligence: The Practical Pursuit of Purpose, Success and Happiness Volume by Richard A. Bowell: Pioneering researcher and educator Richard Bowell delivers the first and only self-help guide to the power of spiritual intelligence (SQ)-the next evolutionary stage in our pursuit of purpose, success, and happiness. He introduces the latest breakthroughs in neuro-science. Life lessons from such exceptional individuals as Nelson Mandela to Ghandi and Mother Theresa take readers on a self-guided journey to personal development and growth.
So, which one are you picking up next or have read? Let us know with a comment and upvote and share this post and our sub bodychemistry to stay tuned for more reading lists every week!
Love, marmalada
submitted by AutoModerator to bodychemistry [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:22 Sprkxx Eight Months Later, Still Can’t Let Go.

I’m a 16-year-old male, and I still have a backpack filled with things I treasured from my first love relationship. (P.S. I’m really bad at explaining myself and bad with words, so bear with me. Also I’m leaving a lot of things out.) My girlfriend and I were together since the 6th grade and ended things at the beginning of my junior year. I have tried to get rid of this backpack filled with things I treasured, but I just can’t seem to do it.
I hated the way things ended because I felt like I could have done more. I froze in the heat of the moment and was lost for words when she told me she wanted to end our relationship. I just agreed and said, “alright then.” I honestly don’t know why I didn’t try to stop us from splitting up—it just happened so fast. I felt so much regret the following day; I just sat in bed for hours on end.
Two weeks later, I opened up Instagram to see her with another guy—her new boyfriend. This made me feel a mix of emotions. I couldn’t believe she moved on so quickly after so many years together. It made me question if what we had meant anything to her at all and if she really loved me all those years. I blocked her the second I saw her story. I was stunned. I then deleted everything in my camera roll that had anything to do with her and tried forgetting about her. But I still have this backpack filled with our things. After eight whole months, I still have it. What should I do?
submitted by Sprkxx to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:17 Prize-Sun-1189 Asylum 10x AU Weekly

Sick of vanilla and looking to take the grind out of rust? Look no further, Asylum 10x brings the end game to you sooner!
10x Gather 10 x Stack Sizes No Blueprints
Weekly Wipes - Friday
Team Size: 6
Direct Connect:
• AlphaLoot • Raid Protection • MyMini • Kits
• Raidable Bases • Lost Treasures • Convoy • Sputnik
• Shipwreck • Arena • Insta Barrels • RP Shop • SkinBox
• Clans • Teleport • Spawn Kits • Instant Craft • VIP
• QuickSmelt • : FurnaceSplitter • BGrade • Building Skins
• Auto Doors • Vote Nights • Remover Tool • Trade
submitted by Prize-Sun-1189 to playrustservers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:48 Mundane_Spoiler [H] Lots of games [W] Trepang2, Fungeon games, Risk of Rain Returns

Games -> My tradables
Steam Amanda the Adventurer
Amnesia: Rebirth
Before We Leave
Black Book
Book of Demons
Bravery and Greed
Broken Age
Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons
Call of Juarez
Chicken Police
Corridor Z
Crown Trick
Crying Suns
Dagon - The Eldritch Box DLC
Dead Age 2
Dead Island Definitive Edition
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition
Demon Pit
Destroy All Humans!
Draw Slasher
Drawful 2
Driftland: The Magic Revival
Edna & Harvey: The Breakout - Anniversary Edition
Expeditions: Viking
Forgive Me Father
Founders' Fortune
From Space
Fury Unleashed
GameGuru Classic
Go Home Dinosaurs!
God's Trigger
Going Under
Human Fall Flat
Interrogation: You will be deceived
Iron Danger
Just Die Already x2
King Of The Castle
Lust for Darkness
Lust from Beyond: M Edition
Mediterranea Inferno
Moon Hunters
Nex Machina
Nomad Survival
Oddworld: Soulstorm Enhanced Edition
Orbital Racer
Out of Reach: Treasure Royale
Paradise Lost
Popup Dungeon
Post Void
Ring of Pain
Roarr! Jurassic Edition
Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos
RPG Maker VX
Say No! More
Slinger VR
Styx: Shards of Darkness
Super Panda Adventures
Super Star Path
Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga
Telefrag VR
The Amazing American Circus
The Excavation of Hob's Barrow
The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante
The USB Stick Found in the Grass
ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove
Tooth and Tail
Treasure Hunter Simulator
We are alright (Wszystko z nami w porządku)
Worms Rumble Worms Rumble - Legends Pack
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack + X-Morph: Defense + X-Morph: Defense - Soundtrack + X-Morph: Defense - European Assault + X-Morph: Defense - Survival Of The Fittest + X-Morph: Defense - Last Bastion
Yoku's Island Express
submitted by Mundane_Spoiler to GameTrade [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:41 ignaciokaboo Story of Adam and Eve: literal, parable, or mythological?

Is the Story of Adam and Eve literally true, parable, or pure myth?

According to The Book of Akash, the story of Adam and Eve is a Midrash (Jewish story for children meant to teach a moral lesson) based upon Pharaoh Ay (as Adam) and Queen Khiyah (as Eve), who lived in the walled Garden of Meru-Aten and were cast out of Meru-Aten by General Horemheb who wanted to become Pharaoh.The Book of Akash says:*Ay was a reincarnation of the the soul of the first Adam (Adapa of Eridu), who later reincarnated as Enoch, Adamu the second king of Assyria, Melchizedek king of Salem, and then as Ay son of Yuya.
*Ay was the father of Nefertiti who married Amenhotep IV who changed his name to Akhenaten. Nefertiti had six daughters and one son: Tutenkhamun (Tut). Akhenative closed down the temples to Amun, putting the priests out of business, and built the City of Aten (Atentaten), and also a royal residence called the walled Garden of Meru-Aten, in what is now Amarna, Egypt. Meru-Aten had fruit trees of all kinds, and a sacred fig tree dedicated to Hathor goddess of fertility. It also had a petting zoo and evaporation pond.
*After Tut died, Ay was made Pharaoh, at the age of 70, but his wife died years before. Soon after being made Pharaoh Ay's only son, Nakhtmin, died. This left Ay without an heir to the throne.
*Ay knew that if he begot another son, that son had to have the blood of Amenhotep III (father of Akhenaten) in order to have the divine right to the throne. So Ay marries Khiyah (Ankhesenpaaten) who was Queen as wife of her brother King Tut. Khiyah was the daughter of Akhenaten, the son of Amenhotep III. Amenhotep III was married to Ay's sister who was the mother of Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten). Akhenaten claimed to be Aten in the flesh and Ay was given the title "Father of the God".
*Horemheb, general of the army, desired to be Pharaoh. So he had Akhennaten poisoned, then Nefertiti, then Tut, and tried to marry Khiyah, but she rejected him and she tried to marry a Hittite prince but Horemheb had the HIttite prince assassinated as soon as he reached Canaan (then controlled by Egypt).
*Ay married Khiyah (Ankhesenpaaten later renamed Akhensenpaamun), so that his "claim" to the throne would be strengthened (her paternal grandfather was Amenhotep III and her maternal grandfather was Ay son of Yuya father of Nefertiti. Yes, Ay married his own granddaughter. Why? So that he could beget a son (Nakhtmin was dead) who had royal bloodline back to Amenhotep III, and thus had a "divine right" to the throne of Egypt.
*Akhensenpaaten/Akhensenpaamun (nicknamed "Khiyah") agreed to marry her grandfather because she was "tempted" by the Cobra Crown: symbolic of the Wisdom of the Gods. Only the King and Queen of Egypt wore the Cobra Crown. This is the meaning that Eve was "tempted" by the serpent. It was not real serpent, but a crown. It "tempted" Khiyah like diamond rings "tempt" women.
*Eve being made from the "rib" of Adam is a play on Hebrew words, since "penis" and "rib" is the same word in Hebrew: TSELA. Eve (Khiyah) was made from the TSELA (penis) of Adam (Ay): meaning she was made out of his seed (i.e. daughter or granddaughter).*The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil does not refer to a literal tree, but to "carnal knowledge" (sex) which can be both for good and for evil.
*The Tree of Life is not a literal tree, but a symbol of the placenta. Every placenta has large veins that resemble a "tree" on it. YWHW "took away the tree of life" and prevented Adam and Eve from partaking of it: the meaning is that YWHW prevented them from conceiving a son (because what they were doing was a sin unto death).
*Egyptians in that time ate figs and wore fig leaves when they wanted to conceive a firstborn son. The firstborn son was heir of the family and responsible for taking care of the parents when they became too old to work. The fig tree was sacred to Hathor, goddess of wisdom. The Garden of Meru-Aten had a sacred fig tree. Eating figs and wearing sewn-together fig leaves (sacred to Hathor) was thought necessary to ensure that a couple would conceive a healthy first-born son.*Via his spies at Meru-Aten, General Horemheb discovered that Ay and Khiyah were trying to conceive a son. Horemheb then took his generals and raided Meru-Aten at night. They tied their swords with rags and poured oil on them and let them in order to see (flaming sword). Egyptian generals wore armor of polished brass and thus were called "Shining Ones" (Hebrew: "Cherubim"). Horemheb cast them out of the Garden of Meru-Aten into the desert where they perished. Their servants found them and buried them in sheep skins.*Horemheb becomes Pharaoh, but has no heir (he was gay).
*Ay was the reincarnation of Enoch. Enoch was made the Angel Metatron and adopted by YWHW as a firstborn Son (Third Book of Enoch). As Metatron he was "Mediator" between YWHW and human kind. But with his major sin as Ay, the Soul of Enoch lost his "station" as Metatron. He lost his inheritance. He became the Prodigal Son.
*Ay and Khiyah had to reincarnate, be born of literal virgins (Mary and St. Ann), live sinless lives, celibate lives, and Ay, being Adam/Enoch reincarnated, had to die on a fig tree in order to atone for the "original sin" of the Soul of Adam in the Garden of Meru-Aten in 1320 B.C. in Amarna, Egypt.*Jesus knew who He was. He called himself "the Son of Man" (a term for Enoch). He knew that he would have to die on a fig tree in order to atone for committing the "original sin" with Khiyah in the Garden of Meru-Aten: where Ay and Khiyah ate figs, and wore fig leaves, and tried to beget a son and heir to the throne
.*The punishment of Khiyah (who became Mary) was to lead a celibate life, and to watch her beloved Son be tortured and die on a cross made from a fig tree. This is why Jesus cursed a fig tree on His way to Jerusalem: because it reminded Him of the Original Sin, and that He needed to die on such a tree. He was not looking forward to it, but knew He had to do it in order to regain His lofty station as the Angel Metatron.
*Atonement was made, and the Soul of Adam/Enoch regained the station of Metatron (Mediator) and First-Born. Ay was the Prodigal Son who lost his inheritance, and Jesus was the Prodigal Son who was welcomed back by the Father.*How do I know this? Guessing ? No. I was to the right of Jesus, on another cross, and said to Him : "Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom" and Jesus replied: "Truly I say unto you, today you will be with me in Paradise." My name was Ebion. I was an Essene, and the Romans crucified me for "stealing from Rome" (i.e. not paying taxes and telling other Jews not to pay taxes to Rome either). In the eyes of Rome I was a "thief". But I was a celibate and spiritual man, an Essene. I knew Jesus was the Messiah, and he called me to follow Him, but I refused because I did not want to lose my position as Treasurer of the Essenes in Jerusalem. I knew Who He was, but I could not leave my high station and the admiration of the other Essenes. How do I know this? I was told that by a psychic woman, and also Jesus appeared to me, emerging from a wall in my room, when I was 18. He was porcelain white, and had a crown of thorns. He moaned, and I saw a large drop of white blood running from a large thorn in His temple running down the right side of His head. As God and Jesus are My Two Witnesses: that is what I saw and what I heard.
*Jesus never wrote a book during His life. But He wrote a book through my hand, called The Book of Akash. It contains the truth about God and the Cosmos: the only two things that exist. Answers to all the mysteries of the Cosmos can be found therein.*The following YouTube video explains somewhat about the history of Ay son of Yuya, Khiyah, Tut, and Horemheb (played by a black man in the video). The video suggests that Ay had Tut killed in order to become Pharaoh. Not true at all. Ay loved his grandson Tut. It was Horemheb who poisoned Akhenaten (because he closed down the Amun priesthood and temples), and Nefertiti, and Tut, and Nakhtmin. Horemheb was a very evil man, and did evil, and gained the throne for himself by murder and strategy.
*The story of Adam and Eve in Genesis is a Midrash (Jewish moral parable story for children). It was based upon the real story of Pharaoh Ay and Queen Khiyah. The "details" of the story were hidden in metaphors (talking snake, Eve being made from the "rib" (tsela) of Adam, Cherubim with flaming sword, etc.). The story is not "myth" but based upon real people and real events in ancient Egypt in 1324 to 1320 B.C.
*Jesus has reincarnated five times. I met His fourth reincarnation, who was a miracle worker from Lebanon who was born in Jerusalem in 1909 and died in New York City in 1984. I first saw His face in 1977 when I was 16 years old. He visited me with lightning with no thunder, to my home, in the year 2005. His fifth incarnation is alive on Earth today, incognito. No...not me (God forbid!) but a man who works miracles. Jesus will incarnate for the 7th time in the 24th century (2300s), and, after Armageddon, will establish His Kingdom, called the United Order, a political, judicial, economic, and religious Order, that will last a thousand years.*We all have up to 6,000 lifetimes in order to reach Nirvana, and if we do not reach Nirvana by that time we shall be thrown into the Lake of Fire (when the Giant Red Sun engulfs the Earth) and simply cease to exist.
*Our current life is our Day of Account for our deeds in our last life, and our next life will be our Day of Account for our actions, good and bad, in this life.
*We are all judged by the Universal Law of Karma, and we are all judged according to our works, good and evil, and receive an exactly just recompense for our actions: good and evil. Whatsoever we shall sow, that also shall we reap.
Watch the YouTube video. It is a good introduction to the true historical story of Ay and Khiyah. But, again, please note: Ay did not harm Tut, but loved him. Ay did not marry Khiyah for sex, but to beget a son and heir who had a divine right to the throne of Egypt. It was a sin unto death, and they died. And they came back and atoned. Jesus is the Prodigal Son. Watch the video. It is not long. Please share this post with others. Thank you.
submitted by ignaciokaboo to postmormons [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:40 ignaciokaboo Story of Adam and Eve: literal, parable, or mythological?

Is the Story of Adam and Eve literally true, parable, or pure myth?

According to The Book of Akash, the story of Adam and Eve is a Midrash (Jewish story for children meant to teach a moral lesson) based upon Pharaoh Ay (as Adam) and Queen Khiyah (as Eve), who lived in the walled Garden of Meru-Aten and were cast out of Meru-Aten by General Horemheb who wanted to become Pharaoh.The Book of Akash says:*Ay was a reincarnation of the the soul of the first Adam (Adapa of Eridu), who later reincarnated as Enoch, Adamu the second king of Assyria, Melchizedek king of Salem, and then as Ay son of Yuya.
*Ay was the father of Nefertiti who married Amenhotep IV who changed his name to Akhenaten. Nefertiti had six daughters and one son: Tutenkhamun (Tut). Akhenative closed down the temples to Amun, putting the priests out of business, and built the City of Aten (Atentaten), and also a royal residence called the walled Garden of Meru-Aten, in what is now Amarna, Egypt. Meru-Aten had fruit trees of all kinds, and a sacred fig tree dedicated to Hathor goddess of fertility. It also had a petting zoo and evaporation pond.
*After Tut died, Ay was made Pharaoh, at the age of 70, but his wife died years before. Soon after being made Pharaoh Ay's only son, Nakhtmin, died. This left Ay without an heir to the throne.
*Ay knew that if he begot another son, that son had to have the blood of Amenhotep III (father of Akhenaten) in order to have the divine right to the throne. So Ay marries Khiyah (Ankhesenpaaten) who was Queen as wife of her brother King Tut. Khiyah was the daughter of Akhenaten, the son of Amenhotep III. Amenhotep III was married to Ay's sister who was the mother of Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten). Akhenaten claimed to be Aten in the flesh and Ay was given the title "Father of the God".
*Horemheb, general of the army, desired to be Pharaoh. So he had Akhennaten poisoned, then Nefertiti, then Tut, and tried to marry Khiyah, but she rejected him and she tried to marry a Hittite prince but Horemheb had the HIttite prince assassinated as soon as he reached Canaan (then controlled by Egypt).
*Ay married Khiyah (Ankhesenpaaten later renamed Akhensenpaamun), so that his "claim" to the throne would be strengthened (her paternal grandfather was Amenhotep III and her maternal grandfather was Ay son of Yuya father of Nefertiti. Yes, Ay married his own granddaughter. Why? So that he could beget a son (Nakhtmin was dead) who had royal bloodline back to Amenhotep III, and thus had a "divine right" to the throne of Egypt.
*Akhensenpaaten/Akhensenpaamun (nicknamed "Khiyah") agreed to marry her grandfather because she was "tempted" by the Cobra Crown: symbolic of the Wisdom of the Gods. Only the King and Queen of Egypt wore the Cobra Crown. This is the meaning that Eve was "tempted" by the serpent. It was not real serpent, but a crown. It "tempted" Khiyah like diamond rings "tempt" women.
*Eve being made from the "rib" of Adam is a play on Hebrew words, since "penis" and "rib" is the same word in Hebrew: TSELA. Eve (Khiyah) was made from the TSELA (penis) of Adam (Ay): meaning she was made out of his seed (i.e. daughter or granddaughter).*The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil does not refer to a literal tree, but to "carnal knowledge" (sex) which can be both for good and for evil.
*The Tree of Life is not a literal tree, but a symbol of the placenta. Every placenta has large veins that resemble a "tree" on it. YWHW "took away the tree of life" and prevented Adam and Eve from partaking of it: the meaning is that YWHW prevented them from conceiving a son (because what they were doing was a sin unto death).
*Egyptians in that time ate figs and wore fig leaves when they wanted to conceive a firstborn son. The firstborn son was heir of the family and responsible for taking care of the parents when they became too old to work. The fig tree was sacred to Hathor, goddess of wisdom. The Garden of Meru-Aten had a sacred fig tree. Eating figs and wearing sewn-together fig leaves (sacred to Hathor) was thought necessary to ensure that a couple would conceive a healthy first-born son.*Via his spies at Meru-Aten, General Horemheb discovered that Ay and Khiyah were trying to conceive a son. Horemheb then took his generals and raided Meru-Aten at night. They tied their swords with rags and poured oil on them and let them in order to see (flaming sword). Egyptian generals wore armor of polished brass and thus were called "Shining Ones" (Hebrew: "Cherubim"). Horemheb cast them out of the Garden of Meru-Aten into the desert where they perished. Their servants found them and buried them in sheep skins.*Horemheb becomes Pharaoh, but has no heir (he was gay).
*Ay was the reincarnation of Enoch. Enoch was made the Angel Metatron and adopted by YWHW as a firstborn Son (Third Book of Enoch). As Metatron he was "Mediator" between YWHW and human kind. But with his major sin as Ay, the Soul of Enoch lost his "station" as Metatron. He lost his inheritance. He became the Prodigal Son.
*Ay and Khiyah had to reincarnate, be born of literal virgins (Mary and St. Ann), live sinless lives, celibate lives, and Ay, being Adam/Enoch reincarnated, had to die on a fig tree in order to atone for the "original sin" of the Soul of Adam in the Garden of Meru-Aten in 1320 B.C. in Amarna, Egypt.*Jesus knew who He was. He called himself "the Son of Man" (a term for Enoch). He knew that he would have to die on a fig tree in order to atone for committing the "original sin" with Khiyah in the Garden of Meru-Aten: where Ay and Khiyah ate figs, and wore fig leaves, and tried to beget a son and heir to the throne
.*The punishment of Khiyah (who became Mary) was to lead a celibate life, and to watch her beloved Son be tortured and die on a cross made from a fig tree. This is why Jesus cursed a fig tree on His way to Jerusalem: because it reminded Him of the Original Sin, and that He needed to die on such a tree. He was not looking forward to it, but knew He had to do it in order to regain His lofty station as the Angel Metatron.
*Atonement was made, and the Soul of Adam/Enoch regained the station of Metatron (Mediator) and First-Born. Ay was the Prodigal Son who lost his inheritance, and Jesus was the Prodigal Son who was welcomed back by the Father.*How do I know this? Guessing ? No. I was to the right of Jesus, on another cross, and said to Him : "Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom" and Jesus replied: "Truly I say unto you, today you will be with me in Paradise." My name was Ebion. I was an Essene, and the Romans crucified me for "stealing from Rome" (i.e. not paying taxes and telling other Jews not to pay taxes to Rome either). In the eyes of Rome I was a "thief". But I was a celibate and spiritual man, an Essene. I knew Jesus was the Messiah, and he called me to follow Him, but I refused because I did not want to lose my position as Treasurer of the Essenes in Jerusalem. I knew Who He was, but I could not leave my high station and the admiration of the other Essenes. How do I know this? I was told that by a psychic woman, and also Jesus appeared to me, emerging from a wall in my room, when I was 18. He was porcelain white, and had a crown of thorns. He moaned, and I saw a large drop of white blood running from a large thorn in His temple running down the right side of His head. As God and Jesus are My Two Witnesses: that is what I saw and what I heard.
*Jesus never wrote a book during His life. But He wrote a book through my hand, called The Book of Akash. It contains the truth about God and the Cosmos: the only two things that exist. Answers to all the mysteries of the Cosmos can be found therein.*The following YouTube video explains somewhat about the history of Ay son of Yuya, Khiyah, Tut, and Horemheb (played by a black man in the video). The video suggests that Ay had Tut killed in order to become Pharaoh. Not true at all. Ay loved his grandson Tut. It was Horemheb who poisoned Akhenaten (because he closed down the Amun priesthood and temples), and Nefertiti, and Tut, and Nakhtmin. Horemheb was a very evil man, and did evil, and gained the throne for himself by murder and strategy.
*The story of Adam and Eve in Genesis is a Midrash (Jewish moral parable story for children). It was based upon the real story of Pharaoh Ay and Queen Khiyah. The "details" of the story were hidden in metaphors (talking snake, Eve being made from the "rib" (tsela) of Adam, Cherubim with flaming sword, etc.). The story is not "myth" but based upon real people and real events in ancient Egypt in 1324 to 1320 B.C.
*Jesus has reincarnated five times. I met His fourth reincarnation, who was a miracle worker from Lebanon who was born in Jerusalem in 1909 and died in New York City in 1984. I first saw His face in 1977 when I was 16 years old. He visited me with lightning with no thunder, to my home, in the year 2005. His fifth incarnation is alive on Earth today, incognito. No...not me (God forbid!) but a man who works miracles. Jesus will incarnate for the 7th time in the 24th century (2300s), and, after Armageddon, will establish His Kingdom, called the United Order, a political, judicial, economic, and religious Order, that will last a thousand years.*We all have up to 6,000 lifetimes in order to reach Nirvana, and if we do not reach Nirvana by that time we shall be thrown into the Lake of Fire (when the Giant Red Sun engulfs the Earth) and simply cease to exist.
*Our current life is our Day of Account for our deeds in our last life, and our next life will be our Day of Account for our actions, good and bad, in this life.
*We are all judged by the Universal Law of Karma, and we are all judged according to our works, good and evil, and receive an exactly just recompense for our actions: good and evil. Whatsoever we shall sow, that also shall we reap.
Watch the YouTube video. It is a good introduction to the true historical story of Ay and Khiyah. But, again, please note: Ay did not harm Tut, but loved him. Ay did not marry Khiyah for sex, but to beget a son and heir who had a divine right to the throne of Egypt. It was a sin unto death, and they died. And they came back and atoned. Jesus is the Prodigal Son. Watch the video. It is not long. Please share this post with others. Thank you.
submitted by ignaciokaboo to exmormonuncensored [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:19 Mundane_Spoiler My tradables

Steam Amanda the Adventurer
Amnesia: Rebirth
Before We Leave
Black Book
Book of Demons
Bravery and Greed
Broken Age
Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons
Call of Juarez
Chicken Police
Corridor Z
Crown Trick
Crying Suns
Dagon - The Eldritch Box DLC
Dead Age 2
Dead Island Definitive Edition
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition
Demon Pit
Destroy All Humans!
Draw Slasher
Drawful 2
Driftland: The Magic Revival
Edna & Harvey: The Breakout - Anniversary Edition
Expeditions: Viking
Forgive Me Father
Founders' Fortune
From Space
Fury Unleashed
GameGuru Classic
Go Home Dinosaurs!
God's Trigger
Going Under
Human Fall Flat
Interrogation: You will be deceived
Iron Danger
Just Die Already x2
King Of The Castle
Lust for Darkness
Lust from Beyond: M Edition
Mediterranea Inferno
Moon Hunters
Nex Machina
Nomad Survival
Oddworld: Soulstorm Enhanced Edition
Orbital Racer
Out of Reach: Treasure Royale
Paradise Lost
Popup Dungeon
Post Void
Ring of Pain
Roarr! Jurassic Edition
Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos
RPG Maker VX
Say No! More
Slinger VR
Styx: Shards of Darkness
Super Panda Adventures
Super Star Path
Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga
Telefrag VR
The Amazing American Circus
The Excavation of Hob's Barrow
The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante
The USB Stick Found in the Grass
ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove
Tooth and Tail
Treasure Hunter Simulator
We are alright (Wszystko z nami w porządku)
Worms Rumble Worms Rumble - Legends Pack
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack + X-Morph: Defense + X-Morph: Defense - Soundtrack + X-Morph: Defense - European Assault + X-Morph: Defense - Survival Of The Fittest + X-Morph: Defense - Last Bastion
Yoku's Island Express
submitted by Mundane_Spoiler to u/Mundane_Spoiler [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 08:16 tentmama Lost my best friend / roommate to a move and a boyfriend

I lived with my friend for 3 years with her partner. We were incredibly close - spent most of our days and most of our weekends together, survived a pandemic and some wild roommates and countless beach trips, late night conversations, and camping trips.
My friend chose to move to Denver to help support her bf’s mental health. After she moved the bf got really jealous of our friendship. She was feeling the pressure of his jealousy and major things even in our long distance friendship have changed.
I’ve lost / been downgraded by other friends when partners come into their lives, and it never stops hurting. For context, I’m long time single and date but haven’t met anyone I want to spend my life with yet. I treasure my close friendships extra hard because of this.
It’s been 8 months, and I’m still grieving so much. She was replaced by pretty meh roommates, and I’ve recently had a ton of other friends move away from the city. My heart is absolutely broken still, 8 months in. Some days I feel like I will never recover or be the same. I’ve gone through romantic breakups that hurt less than a tenth of this.
I miss her, and I know it likely won’t ever be the same as it once was, I still wish things could be different.
submitted by tentmama to lostafriend [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:38 themainesource 2024/25 NBA Offseason Trades Eastern Conference

Preface: In a lot of these trades you could add or subtract a pick or two based on how you view certain guys, please don't get too caught up if I had a guy traded for 2 1st and you think it should be 3. We see plenty of trades in the league be holy overpays or teams moving off guys for a lower price than we as fans anticipated. Also, a good bit of these trades have big names in them and are just fun/what-if scenarios.
Detroit Pistons
Pistons bring back the hometown guy. Help set some semblance of a culture in Detroit. Get a 1st Round pick swap when Cade should be peaking and Warriors are in their post-Curry era.
Warriors focus should be flexibility, would likely have to attach pick(s) to clear cap space, retool around Curry either in free agency or at the next trade deadline cycle (move on from CP3 and others), and could use 2nds to grab other role players.
Washington Wizards
Wizards are in the asset collecting stage. Whether or not it is the Pelicans/Heat that will trade their guys— the Wizards should look to have their hand in any mid-to-large level trades that take place this offseason and take on cap for assets. It doesn’t move the needle for them now but gives them more ammo later.
While Pat Riley may stand firm on his word and keep Jimmy, there is still a chance he gets moved this offseason. Getting back two wing players on relatively good contracts (Ingram expiring) and Kuzma making a fair $23M, which is a good salary-matching number for trades, might be a better alternative than extending Jimmy Butler. The Heat would also maintain a relatively good fit around Bam and see if BI can be a more consistent contributor under Spo-- then decide to extend him or let him walk after the season.
Brandon Ingram has been shown to take a backseat in the playoffs, and the West is only getting more competitive. While Jimmy isn’t a prolific shooter he would help stabilize their offense and take their defensive potential to the next level. They should seek more shooting even with the emergence of TM3 to feed off the slashing style of their top guys. The Pelicans would have to extend Jimmy and their cap situation would get tighter but their next goal should be moving McCollum off the books anyway. I'd make that move and figure everything else out later.
Charlotte Hornets
Consider this a thought experiment on which side of the fence you are on about the health of Lamelo Ball. Yes, this is a trade that could easily get you fired if he consistently plays 65+ games instead of the ~30ish he has in the last two seasons. I’m not saying it should happen but if you’re on the side of it probably being a consistent theme that he'll be missing the majority of a season every other year this would be an interesting haul for the Hornets. Swap picks this year and get the future Brooklyn picks which as a franchise seem very lost right now— plus it gives you some freedom to push to compete knowing you'll probably have some good picks to fall back on. The Hornets hope to have Jalen Green become a more efficient scorer and get to pair Whitmore's massive frame alongside Brandon Miller which would be intriguing.
Rockets are meddling in that play-in tier. Alperen is him but you may have to take a gamble on another “him” to move into that next echelon. The Rockets would be insanely good at playmaking inside and out pairing Sengun and Ball. Move off the Dillion Brooks overpay and get you a guy that if he plays 65+ plus games you might be in the running for the 4-6 seed every year, if he’s hurt you didn’t give up your own picks to do it.
Toronto Raptors
I never really know what the Raptors intend on doing each transaction cycle but with the Timberwolves cap situation forcing them to make some decisions— the Raptors might be able to poach KAT for a reasonable price. They can buy a high-level shooting big to play off Scottie and RJ. I could see Masai fighting tooth and nail to only give up 1 moderately protected 1st round pick here.
YES, the Timberwolves have just made the WCF, and if they make it to the finals and win they may bite the bullet and be willing to have one of the highest payrolls in the NBA for years to come. But let's say they don't... they may look to avoid some of the constraints that come along with being over the aprons. They could potentially get under the tax aprons with this move, and get some rotational guys that could play and contribute in a competitive Western conference.
Brooklyn Nets
Nets get your picks back. I don’t care if they didn’t accept the Rockets offer, run it back. Or send Mikal somewhere else (Cleveland?) to get those picks back.
I'll give you another Nets trade if you're tired of the Mikal talk.
The Nets get rid of basketball squatter, Ben Simmons, which is a win in my book. Focusing their time and resources on their other guys.
Spurs finally get someone who will pass the ball to Wemby. The Spurs are no strangers to letting guys rest and fully rehab. Simmons most likely won't ever be that all-NBA level defender and distributor again— but as a rebuilding team, you might as well see what you can salvage. Also, Simmons is in the last year of his contract-- they could resign him if he shows signs of being a guy who wants to play basketball or use his vacant salary to round out their roster around Wemby.
Atlanta Hawks
Atlanta has one of the more intriguing offseason decisions coming up with them now owning the first overall pick in the draft. They have a plethora of tradable contracts and only one true untouchable in Jalen Johnson. They could run it back with Sarr or Risacher added in but I believe Murray will be shipped out of Atlanta to "recenter” their team around Young, Johnson, and whoever the first overall pick. They get to try their hand at the other renowned defensive guard over the last 8-years to put next to Trae Young. They could also pick up a fake first in 2026 to attach with players in future deals. The Sixers would hope to get Murray back to displaying the defensive tenacity he showed on the Spurs (he has been less locked in as of late) while still maintaining the ability to go after a high-end free agent(s) before extending Maxey. The Grizzlies get an expiring contract and high-level rebounder in Capela after moving on from Steven Adams to put next to JJJ. Losing Marcus Smart would be a tough pill to swallow, he’s the guy you never want your team to get rid of when they have him but the Morant, Smart, Bane lineup is less than optimal— especially when you can move Bane back to the 2 and slide G.G. Jackson into the 3. Moreover, moving from #9 to #16 may not be that much of a drop off in talent in this year's draft and the Grizz could either stay put and draft or trade that pick for a rotational guard.
Chicago Bulls
Bulls bring in CP3 as a mentor for Coby White, they hope to flush out the MIP runner-up potential to the fullest. They could also flip GP2 or buy him out later down the line as they have a solid backcourt rotation already. Get off of LaVine's contract.
For the Warriors, they would hope that LaVine can return close to all-star form, he feels like a guy who would fit into the Warriors movement shooting philosophy. Also, feels like he would become a fan favorite in San Francisco.
Miami Heat
It's time for the inaugural Tyler Herro mock trade. If you're the Heat you give Danny Ainge a ring and see if he's still interested in Herro. Check the DARKO DPM, Sexton or the sexGod is coming-- He had a very efficient season in fewer minutes this year in Utah. Get a dog and bring Yurt back for the vibes. Heat could include Duncan and take a gamble on Spo's ability to resurrect Collins or Clarkson.
I don't know why the Jazz would do this. I don't know why Danny Ainge does half the things he does, good or bad. All I know is Danny Ainge likes Herro a lot and maybe likes his ceiling a touch more than Sexton.
I'm picturing Ainge and Riley sitting in a sauna turning the temperature knob up and seeing who submits first... winner gets a pick-swap.
Philadelphia 76ers
A dream scenario here for the Sixers as they need to fill the spaces between Maxey and Embiid. Avdija has great length which shows up on the defensive end and has excellent rebounding efficiency from the 4 spot. His shooting improved this last year and would be a massive payoff if it cracked the 40% percentile on 4-5 3PA per game for the Sixers. Wizards likely view Deni as a cornerstone piece (I just really want him on the Sixers).
The Wizards could fetch a higher price for Avdija by holding onto him for one more year and letting him improve (which I believe he will do). The sell here is you get more 1st Round Pick equity to spend while you’re still searching for a legit franchise cornerstone and a solid rotational big in Reed after losing Gafford (Gafford is better than Reed). The Wizards reportedly want 3 first-round picks this year which the Sixers could supply plus additional capital to sweeten the deal.
Indiana Pacers
The Pacers move on from a guy who has fallen out of their playoff rotation and snag Kennard who fits their run-and-gun style of play. Grizzlies pick up Smith to bolster their frontcourt depth and could pair his length with JJJ to make for some nasty interior defense.
Orlando Magic *unserious\*
The Magic are in big need of a real rim protector and Robert Williams is a high-level rim defender. His biggest detriment to the Magic would be his spacing as he'd occupy driving lanes for Banchero and Wagner. The other side of this trade is more of a funny scenario to me as I think the Bulls front office would do this trade to prop up a former #1 pick as a sign to the fans that they are serious about contending, which they aren’t.
Cleveland Cavaliers
Preface: This only works if Lebron wants out. The Cavs get to roll organically into the Lebron farewell tour and try to retain Mitchell long-term by pairing him with Lebron. Lebron, Mitchell, and Mobley have a very similar feel to the Lebron, Wade, and Bosh Heat… not quite as good of course but the archetypes are there. Also, pick up a stretch five in Olynyk which Lebron would appreciate. The Lakers have limited leverage because Lebron can opt out, so they might as well get an All-Star level talent in return for him. Raptors just try to get in the mix, by picking up a young center and some draft capital.
Milwaukee Bucks
Don’t have much to say here. Pat Connaughton is probably the one contract they could/should move to snag a veteran who’s a bit younger than Pat but with more versatility at the wing spot, they’d pray for Cody Martin to pop off their bench. I just don’t see Doc playing young guys unless his hand is forced. Hornets take a flier on Jackson. You could toss in some protected seconds to the Bucks to replenish their draft stores.
New York Knicks
Who knows how a 36-year-old Bojan recovering from a foot injury will look next year? They'll likely lose Hartenstein in free agency (if they don't use his bird rights) and will need someone who can play a similar role. Get some athletic freaks and depth that Thibs can use to carry out his war crimes.
Trailblazers eat the Bogdanovic contract for draft capital.
Boston Celtics
There’s something about Kispert that feels like he should be a Celtic… I don’t know what it is. The C’s need win-now contributors and could look to move the 30th pick. Kispert is a solid rotation guy that the Wizards like and would be somewhat hard to pluck him from them. I think it’d be worth a shot for the C’s to kick the tires and find out his value.
submitted by themainesource to nbamocks [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:28 BGodInspired What Can Zacchaeus the Tax Collector Teach Us About Transformation and Redemption?

The Unlikely Meeting: Zacchaeus the Tax Collector and Jesus

Have you ever felt too small or unworthy to be noticed, let alone loved? Then you’ll find the story of Zacchaeus, the tax collector from the Bible, both fascinating and uplifting. Let’s dive into this remarkable tale of transformation that shows us no one is too far from grace and change.

Who Was Zacchaeus?

Zacchaeus was a chief tax collector and a wealthy man, living in the ancient city of Jericho. In those times, tax collectors were often despised by their communities for their collaboration with the Roman Empire and their dishonest practices. Despite his wealth and status, Zacchaeus was a man searching for something more, which led him to seek out Jesus.

The Encounter That Changed Everything

One day, hearing that Jesus was passing through Jericho, Zacchaeus wanted to see Him. However, his short stature was a hindrance amidst the crowds. Not one to be easily discouraged, Zacchaeus climbed up a sycamore tree for a better view. What happened next was unexpected and transformative:
This story is not just about Zacchaeus; it’s a powerful example of Jesus’ teachings on forgiveness and redemption. It’s found in the Gospel of Luke 19:1-10, highlighting the joy of salvation that comes when we encounter and accept Jesus into our lives.

Applying Zacchaeus’ Story to Our Lives

Zacchaeus’ story teaches us several key lessons:
  1. Seek and You Will Find: Zacchaeus’ eagerness to see Jesus led to his transformation. When we seek Jesus earnestly, He reveals Himself to us.
  2. Grace is Available to All: No matter our past, Jesus offers us grace and a chance for redemption.
  3. True Repentance Brings Change: Zacchaeus showed his repentance not just in words but in actions. Our faith should inspire us to make real changes in our behavior towards others.
Many can identify with feeling distant or unworthy of Jesus’ love. Zacchaeus’ story is a reminder that no one is too insignificant for Jesus. He reaches out to everyone, inviting us into a personal relationship with Him.

Conclusion: Embrace the Call to Transformation

Zacchaeus the Tax Collector’s story is a beautiful illustration of grace and transformation. It teaches us that no one is beyond redemption and encourages us to actively seek Jesus in our daily lives. Remember, it’s not about our past but our willingness to climb down from our “trees” and welcome Jesus into our homes and hearts.
Are you ready to experience a transformation like Zacchaeus? Open your heart to Jesus today, and watch as He turns your life around in the most unexpected ways. Reach out, seek Him, and be ready to embrace the changes that come when you allow Him into your life. Your personal encounter with Jesus could be the turning point you’ve been longing for.
Let’s not wait any longer. Today is the perfect day for your own transformation story to begin.
If you want to want to research more Bible Answers on your own, please try our Bible Answers GPT. It’s easy to get lost in the interesting responses you’ll find… every search is like a new treasure hunt 🙂
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submitted by BGodInspired to BGodInspired [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:23 CaylanAngelFshh Going back to 1st Strike

So basically in the current 14.10 patch We've lost Ingenius hunter, have Massive Nerfs to Sudden Impact and Relentless hunter also; we can safley say the Domination Tree is gone horse shit now.
Mages are keeping on to be the new cancer meta with new AP items that make u get brain aneumerisms( i might spelt that wrong and other words too) and ADC's even with LT removal are on the Rise again.
I am to believe that Qiyana Can no longer Dominate Early laning phase if played Correctly even if you do perhance you fall off Wickedly Mid-Late game because we get uber dunked on by the slightest of CC that comes to hit us after EoN is popped
What's the Solution? - 1st Strike!
Now i think people are gonna fight me because although 1st strike is a keystone rune that is obv for scaling purposes i feel like the gold generation made by this rune when playing aggressively early game is very good, esp when paired up with Cash Back and treasure hunter.
Honestly even if you dont ever get to have kill pressure early because FS doesn't deal enough damage early it makes up massively later on when ur 3+ Items because playing Aggressively can earn you upwards 2k+ gold for free by late game just by taking trades all game long and securing takedowns with ur team
True Damage from FS Scales with the amt of damage you do in 1 combo (more items u have bcuz of gold generated=more damage from You) so Oneshottabiliy in lategame is def Possible
Hubris may not be so dogshit with this rune, As it scales with takedowns the more AD=More FS damage+also scales with Profane Active
You are not Limited to one Build, As you can also go more Bruiser type Build with a hint of lethality, True damage from FS makes up for what you dont have from Full lethality
now maybe im all Babble and bullshit so feel free to flame me in the comments Below if you think my reasoning is bad, but in all honesty Qiyana is def not fun in this meta, but its a Route we might consider to Cope with until phreak kills himself irl ingame, and As Qiyana mains ourselves we dont take to playing meta Acceptable as we would rather get analgapped by horsecock irl ingame than play a Mage or a Tank.
Thank you for reading too btw if u took the time to actually do that lol
submitted by CaylanAngelFshh to QiyanaMains [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:32 Clementinecharming 600 stamps!!!!

600 stamps!!!!
😭 this is going to get so expensive from here on out! But I finally hit my goal of 600 stamps and now have one completed album page!! And I’m totally broke so back to saving.
submitted by Clementinecharming to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:23 TheSnipenieer A tale of two sloops and a gally: a three-way fisticuffs!

Me and a bud were doing a quick sail. We expected another friend to join later, so we were doing a quick Lost Shipment voyage on the The Sloop of Silly. Oh, how silly would our misadventure get.
During our voyage we sailed past two ships. The first was a Sloop flying their Guild Emissary. While we were searching for clues on Barnacle Cay, they were fighting off a Megalodon. The other was a Galleon, docked at the ruins of Ancient Gold Fortress. By the time we reached our shipwreck, the Sloop was off east, and the Galleon had been at the Sea Fort for a while. We decided it was safe to begin the salvage, but by the end the winds had turned: the Sloop was upon us!
All fights begin with the evaluation: "Do we stand a chance against these guys or no?" In this case, their sails bore the livery of the Silver Blade. They're experienced. Then, we led them on in a chase, and a boarding was conducted. Our enemy was laid bare: A solo player, default blunderbuss, but they had those tell-tale ghost eyes! Our meeting on their ladder was cut short with a well-placed shot.
So we put our heads together, and decided that it was best to embrace that oldest and most noblest of pirate traditions: we fought, to run away! Off, off we went, to Plunder Outpost and to sell our goods! We passed by the island twice, selling off two treasure chests filled with trinkets we had found, and also a... chest of fortune? Just, there, unattended, on the pier leading towards the Sovereign's tent? Fortune indeed!
With our pockets 20,000 gold pieces heavier, we decided enough was enough. We couldn't just keep circling the Outpost, selling off crate after crate. The sloop would wise up! And worse, it'd be boring! But we did not believe ourselves capable of fending off this sloop alone. They were good, and clever positioning wouldn't save us forever. Our numbers advantage wasn't enough: we needed more numbers! Thankfully, we had just the ally in mind.
We sailed directly towards the ruinous old fort, and with speaking trumpets raised we outlined our goal: "Aid us in defeating this sloop, and all of our loot would be yours!" (We did not inform them our loot was a few Merchant crates). The Galleon was not initially onboard, the crew much too busy fretting over hotmic with lines such as "Get on the boat quick!" "Shitshitshitshit." "DUDE WHERE ARE YOU???"
Our fight with the Sloop continued. Utilizing the Sea Fort, we had been able to fire on them, securing a much-needed victory for crew morale. But it was not enough, and they recovered with characteristic skill. All the while, we attempted to gain the favor of the Galleon, of which they refused while loading loot with haste. They finally disembarked, looking to secure what loot they had, and we brought the fight with them.
Back on Plunder Outpost, the Galleon finally conceded. They'll finish selling their loot, then they will join us in glorious fisticuffs! We also learned that they were rather new, unknowledgeable of the locations of shopkeeps, and I helped point them the way to speed them up.
We continued to navigate around the island, leading the Sloop on. They gained the edge in positioning, forcing us away from the outpost, but we were able to weasel our way out. Sailing back towards the Galleon, we realized that they were sailing towards us. The cavalry had arrived!
But the celebration was much too hasty. After all, this is the Sea of Thieves. You trust no one, not even your friends and allies. The Galleon raised their cannons, and began firing upon us. Betrayal! In an instant, we were forced on the backfoot, with our sail crumbling away to their cannon fire.
But we did not sink. Their inexperience showed, and with terrible sail management they zoomed right by. Meanwhile, the sloop became stuck against the Galleon's side, missing the vital chance to commence a circle of death. Without any ship capitalizing on us we were able to repair and recover, to our astonishment. The fight was still on!
Cannon fire was exchanged between all ships. The Galleon was our primary target, and we launched barbs alongside our shots. The ninth circle of hell was reserved for traitors, after all! We thanked the Sloop for being an honorable combatant, and focused our fire on the Galleon, avoiding the well-placed ire of the Sloop.
But then things took a turn for the worse. As my crewmate put so well, "Bad equals mad." The Galleon had enough of the fight, and began calling us all manner of nasty things, the worst coming in the form of a racial slur. Curs! The worst of the worst! Our spar was no longer for loot and honor, but now, it was a fight of morals! The Sloop agreed, and joined with us in truce against the now toxic Galleon.
Together, we were a force to be reckoned with. Our duo cut throw the Galleon like blades through a plant skeleton! (I say "our," but to be honest, it was mostly the other Sloop.) It simply was just good business.
In the end, with the Galleon sent to the Locker, we convened with the Sloop. They were getting off for the night, engaging with us in what we assume to be end-of-session fisticuffs. They gave us their loot and supplies, wished us well, and logged off for the night. Truly, a great man and pirate, a pearl among the undersea rough.
With that, we close the book on that tale of the Sea of Thieves. An amazing encounter with players of all skills, resulting in betrayal, friendship, and some racists getting beat up. Truly, everything one could wish for in a multiplayer interaction!
submitted by TheSnipenieer to Seaofthieves [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 05:08 HeidelbergPanther99 [TOMT][MOVIE][Pre 2010] CoEd Group Looking for Treasure Slowly Get Killed off by One of Their Own Members

I watched a movie years back, I believe on TUBI or some other free streaming service. In the movie a group of people were looking for treasure/lost artifacts or something of that nature in a abandoned building (might have been a mansion but I remember the movie took place in a building for i think almost 90% of the movie, so they werent outside digging or anything) . Slowly members of the group were getting picked off. In the finale of the movie the final girl and man began fighting in the basement / boiler room (?). It was revealed that the final dude was the cause of the others deaths as he wanted to keep the findings for himself. While the final guy and girl are fighting , they somehow end up in a container of water because they fell through the floor grills (the floor they were on reminded me of the steel mill in the final scenes of Terminator 2: Judgement Day but with water instead of molten steel but not as big and not mutli-leveled) . Another dude ( not the final, evil guy) who was believed to be dead came to the aid of the final girl, killing the evil guy. I think he got shot and sank to the bottom of the water. I've been trying to find this movie for years and this is the sole reason I keep track of all movies I watch now in an Excel sheet.
Notable Things:
submitted by HeidelbergPanther99 to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:29 Ravens_Fan_16 Favorite Star in Hazy Maze Cave?

My favorite star from this level is either the 1st or 4th stars. I voted for Swimming Beast in the Cavern as it was a memorable star that featured a unique character. I remember the sign in Dorrie's lair hyping her up to be a monster. Being able to ride on and control Dorrie was a pretty original concept compared to the other stars in this game.
Previous Results
Course 1 - Bob-omb's Battlefield - Big Bob-omb on the Summit
Course 2 - Whomp's Fortress - Chip Off Whomp's Block
Course 3 - Jolly Roger Bay - Treasure of the Ocean Cave
Course 4 - Cool, Cool Mountain - Li'l Penguin Lost
Course 5 - Big Boo's Haunt - Go on a Ghost Hunt
View Poll
submitted by Ravens_Fan_16 to SuperMario64 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:28 Ghost_Mech A detailed list of items that will show up in the Game Progress Relief Treasure Box (Firelink Chest/Lost and Found Chest).

A detailed list of items that will show up in the Game Progress Relief Treasure Box (Firelink Chest/Lost and Found Chest).
A link to a video by illusory wall that explains this unique chest and how it actually works.
submitted by Ghost_Mech to darksouls [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:04 edgiscript [F4M] Now I Will [Royal Kitsune Speaker] [Commoner Human Listener] [Enchanted Mystical Land] [Choosing A Mate] [Unwilling To Willing Listener] [Speaker Attempts To Bribe, Seduce, And Threaten]

Note: If you have questions about monetization and the like, try here first: An Introduction To The Book That Is Me : ASMRScriptHaven (
Note: If you'd like to see my library, try here: Masterlist for edgiscript : ASMRScriptHaven (
Note: Takes place in the throne room or courtyard of a mystical, enchanted land. Sounds of a water fountain nearby or a babbling brook may be added for ambiance. Any other soothing sounds you want may be added to assist in the ASMR effect if you feel it would help, but all additional sounds, including those already mentioned, are optional.
Note: The princess' name, Emi, can be changed to your own.
(Optional sounds: Heavy door opens and footsteps are heard. A prisoner in chains is being brought forward.)
Emi: Guards, I thank you for bringing my dearest one. Please remove his chains and leave us.
(Optional sounds: Sounds of chains being removed and carried off.)
Emi: Welcome, dearest one, to my throne room. I am Princess Emi, protector of this forest and these lands.
That is correct. I am a kitsune. My mother is kitsune. My father is human. They were the Queen and King protectors of these mystical lands for over a thousand years.
Or, I should say, they are the protectors of these lands. They are currently in the process of abdicating their throne to me so that they might live out the rest of their lives fulfilling their hearts’ desires to wander and explore this great world of ours. They have always desired to travel beyond the borders of our kingdom and see for themselves the wonders we have only heard about in whispers.
Among other things, yes. They have longed to see such things for themselves. And now that I have reached 900 years of age, they have finally felt that they were able to relinquish the burden of the throne to me, their only daughter, so that they may leave our kingdom knowing that their people and their kingdom will remain safe.
I have spent most of my life learning from their loving guidance and am now ready to take my place as our kingdom’s queen. I would see my kingdom’s and my people’s prosperity and their peace continue for another thousand years until one day I hand over the throne to my daughter.
Oh, dearest one, I have heard such stories of kitsune that you speak of. You humans tell some truly fascinating tales. I find them to be most amusing. I will enjoy having you share more of your stories with me once you are fully mine.
There are so many aspects of who we are and what we do that you get so wrong, but I suppose that is to be expected with as little contact as we have had with your world and your people. I’m sure the legends and fables of your land must have changed with each telling over the last few millennia. I will enjoy correcting your understanding of our kind once I am made Queen.
Why, my becoming Queen has everything to do with you, my dearest one. You see, to fully claim the throne, I must have a consort by my side. My mother and my father demanded it be so, and as my Queen and my King, I must show them my love and obey their commands. More specifically, I must have… you.
Oh, don’t be so modest, dearest one. I have spied out all of the land for nearly a decade, and you among all are most worthy. That is why I refer to you as “dearest one.” You are the most precious treasure I have found among the humans and so, by my right as heir to the throne of our kingdom, I have claimed you as my own.
I ordered my guards to bring you before me, which they have done. Now all that is left is for you to lay your head on my lap in order to accept the impartation of my ability to make you a permanent member of our mystical realm.
That is correct, dearest one. You are not one of us yet. Do you see that band upon your arm?
(Brief pause.)
Yes, the one my guards informed you never to remove. It is a mystical band infused with my power. It keeps you in our realm temporarily.
If you were to remove it now, the cacophony of images and sounds that you would perceive would seem nightmarish indeed. Your human minds are not designed to perceive the mystical wonders of our realm. Without being changed by my power, and now without that band on your wrist, entering our plane of reality as you have done might cause madness and possibly death.
So now, dearest one, take your place kneeling before me and I shall impart to you the blessing that will remove any need for the band.
(Gentle laughter.) Please, don’t make me laugh with your jesting, dearest one. Of course, you would not refuse such a demand. It is not your place to refuse me.
Yes, that is why you were taken from your home by my guards and brought before me in chains. As you were not familiar with who I am and the situation, I could not risk my will not being accomplished.
But now you have been informed. I am your Queen. I have declared that you should be my mate, my dearest one, the king to all others in my land. Therefore, it is so. It is as simple as that.
(Confused.) Dearest one, surely you’re not serious. You truly wish to oppose my will in this matter? Or at least to question it? What purposes would that serve? You cannot return to where we found you when we took you. I forbid it.
Of course, you have the ability to return to your world and your home, but I do not desire for that to happen.
Perhaps I have not made myself clear. My will reigns supreme, and I have chosen you to be my dearest one. There is nothing more to it than that.
Oh, I begin to understand. I have not made it clear what I mean by calling you “dearest one.” Forgive me, dearest one. I just explained to you how your misunderstanding of our kind amuses me, and yet I have just presumed that you understand our ways. How silly of me. Allow me to explain.
As the time of my coronation began to approach, my parents tasked me with finding the most precious, the most loving, the dearest treasure in all of the land to make my own. He was to be the most valuable possession, the one thing in all of my kingdom that has no equal in my sight.
The queen of our kingdom has always referred to her consort as “dearest one,” a title which marks you as my greatest treasure. While I, and all of the other citizens in my kingdom, referred to my father as “king”, my mother only ever referred to him as her “dearest one.” She truly cared for him more than any other treasure in her domain, as I will treasure you.
Yes, my dearest one. My greatest possession. Nothing else compares to you in my sight.
I think I understand your confusion on that subject. My dearest one, you may seem average or even unattractive to your kind. I would not know of such things.
In your realm, you measured such levels of attraction physically. In this mystical realm, I primarily see your spirit and your nature. I have witnessed your kind actions born of a pure heart. Your loving kindness to all is well known in your land and ours.
In fact, you have been granted safe passage and protection through our woods for some time now without you even being aware of our existence. You have felt a kinship to our land for a while because of our unseen hands guarding your way.
You are truly beautiful to me, dearest one. In fact, as I look upon you now with the loveliness and brightness of your spirit gently radiating around you, you are the most beautiful being I have ever laid eyes on. That is why I claimed you as mine.
Yes. Mine. You will be my consort, my dearest one, but never forget that I am queen and ruler above all in my land including you. It is my will that reigns supreme in this kingdom. You will be my most cherished possession forever.
(Confusion.) Dearest one, why do you still balk at my command? Am I not attractive to you as well? Is there something about me you find displeasing?
Dearest one, you enthrall me with your adoring words concerning my beauty, but if I am so attractive in your sight, what is causing your hesitation? Why are you not thanking me for choosing you for this honor?
Exactly. I am making you my GREATEST possession. You will be my MOST CHERISHED possession. I believe I have made this clear to you already.
I see. It is the word “possession” that you find… intimidating.
No matter. I have already explained to you that I will be the Queen of these lands. My will is all that matters. Every blade of grass, every leaf, every flower, and every subject in my land belongs to me. All are my possessions to do with as I please.
I protect and care for all that is mine, and you, my dearest one, will be my most valued, my most desired possession. As you are now in my lands, you will never again age. You will never again come to any harm through sickness or natural causes.
But those are benefits all enjoy in my lands. You, dearest one, will sit at my banquet table enjoying the finest delicacies that the greatest chefs in all of your world have only dreamt of creating. You will enjoy the finest clothes, have access to the greatest treasures, and witness first-hand all of the most amazing sights this realm has to offer.
But most of all, dearest one, you will have complete and unlimited access to me. I will cherish and adore you, gracing your beauty with much more than my simple presence. You will be caressed and fondled to your heart’s desire. You will be pampered and adored in every way I know how. You will share my bath and my bed. I will cuddle you, snuggle you, relax you, and treasure you to the best of my ability.
Of course. I will care for you as I care for all of my people.
Dearest one, why do you continue to belabor that word? I am, or rather I will be the Queen. I protect and see to the well-being of all. Why do you have to insist that I need to learn the value of true love?
(Irritation growing.) Dearest one, stop this at once. I am Queen. The way you speak of what love should be is insulting to my position as ruler of this land. You are MY subject. Not the other way around. You will love me by showing me your fealty and your obedience. I do not bow to your whims and desires. I will place you highest in the land apart from me. I will grant you a place at my table. I will even grant you a place in my bed. What more could you ask for?
(Upset.) How dare you. A Queen need not ask. A Queen dare not ask lest she appear lessened in the eyes of her subjects.
Love is not for a queen. Love is for inferiors. By obeying me, my subjects show me that they love me. I loved my parents, my queen and my king. To say that I love my people or even you, my dearest one, would be to say that you have a place over me. You are not my love. You are my possession.
That’s right, my possessions. All in my land are. As are you, so I suggest you learn to appreciate my gifts to you before I decide that you need to be shown your place.
Well then, that’s exactly what I shall do. You can forget eating at my table. You will be forced to accept the scraps that our animals enjoy for their meals. Your clothing shall be that of the ragged cloths we use to clean our floors. It will continue this way until you are ready to show me your love and your obedience.
My dearest, why do you continue to provoke my wrath? If it is preferable to you to partake of the bitterness that our land has to offer rather than accept my lo… my gifts to you, then maybe you should not be allowed into my bed. Maybe it would do you some good to sleep in the coldest, darkest chamber of our basement where we store our wines and other items that must be kept in the chilliest areas of my domain.
You… you are asking me to call my guards at this moment to escort you there now? You would deny me your presence in all things? You desire to live tormented by solitude, darkness, and cold rather than rest in my lov… in my soft, warm embrace?
Dearest one, I plead with… I order you, do not continue down this path. I have no desire to harm you in any way. I wish only to adore you, to cherish you, to keep you safe within my arms.
Yes, to keep. You would be mine. You already are mine. What you want, what any of my people want, is irrelevant when it opposes my will. You need to learn here and now that there is no opposition to my will. I am sorry if that lesson will have to be learned painfully, but you are leaving me no other option.
What do you mean, then neither am I. Dearest one, you have no options. You must accede to my… Dearest one, what are you… No, dearest one. Do not remove the band. You will…
(All speaking and all normal sounds stop. Suddenly, the listener only hears the stuff that fuels nightmares. This can be a mix of whatever you want. In order to keep it ASMR, I suggest something soft like a mix of moaning, wind whistling, creaking of wood, soft creepy sounds. But if you want, you can go with screeching, shrieks, or something like that. This lasts only about 10-15 seconds. But towards the end, it seems to grow slightly in intensity as if it’s overwhelming the listener until it suddenly stops as the band is readded by Emi.)
(Panic.) Dearest one? DEAREST ONE? Can you hear me? Can you see me? I have replaced the band on your arm. Are you back with me?
(Brief pause as listener recognizes her.)
(Relief.) Oh, thank goodness. You’re here. You’re safe in my arms. Please, dearest one, please, never do that again. I could never bear it again to see you writhing and screaming in such agony. I lo…
(Pause as Emi realizes what love she feels.)
(Stunned.) I love you. I do. I did not believe it possible for a queen to feel such things. I always thought it was a weakness to feel love in this way towards anyone beneath me. I thought it denigrated the sanctity of the throne. I thought that feeling such love would place me, the queen, in the place of a… a servant needing to make sure that the will of another’s superseded my own.
What do you mean, that’s exactly what love is and that’s exactly what a queen should be?
I see. So that is why you appear so bright, so radiant to me. It’s because of your love for others. That is what makes you so gloriously attractive to me now.
(Quiet realization.) Really? I have become even more radiant to you as well when I stepped off of my throne to save you? Did I… did I have it all wrong? I wonder now, did my parents know this would happen? Is that why they made me choose my own dearest one knowing that I would be forced to come to this understanding of what love truly is? A true queen and protector must… truly love.
(Pause as she considers such things, then she returns to her throne.)
(Dejected.) Dearest one… I mean, human, you are free to leave.
(Sorrowful, trying to remain royal but finding it difficult.) Yes. I… release you. You are no longer my… dearest… I see now that keeping you against your will did not protect you. It protected me.
I am the queen. I am the protector of these lands. In order to do that, I must love them all, and I love you more than any other. By obeying my own desires, I see now that I was only doing what was in my selfish interests and not truly caring for you. I was not loving you the way a queen should. The way a loving… wife… should have.
I… I am not fit to be your consort. Please forgive me, human, for the grief you have endured due to my actions. You may return to your home… I will miss you.
Human. I have released you. You may return home. Please, I beg of you, do not continue to approach me now. Your presence torments me knowing that I cannot…
Human? Why… why do you… kiss me? You have made it clear that you will not be mine.
Now you will? Now that I have released you?
(Brief pause.)
Now that I have loved you.
(Becoming choked up with tears of joy.) Human… my dearest one, please, do not kneel.
Yes, I know that I told you to lay your head on my lap in order to receive my gift that would allow you to remain in my realm. I no longer wish for you to receive my gift in that way. Please rise. I long to embrace you. I wish to hold you like this, our hearts beating as one pressed up against each other as I impart to you the power of my love for you that will keep you safe in our lands.
My dearest one, it is done. You are now mine.
No, wait. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t call you mine.
Oh, it’s ok to say that, dearest one?
Yes, we do belong to each other. (Soft laugh.) I like that very much. Dearest one, you may now safely remove the band from your wrist. You are no longer in any danger from our lands.
Now, with the band removed, and you fully mine, I order you to follow me into my bed chamber. I wish to show you how much I do love you, my dearest one.
Yes, that’s right. I order you. (Soft laugh.) Please.
submitted by edgiscript to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:59 Siyahseeker Guess the Kirby game by description!

  1. A cybernetic company manager builds a universe-wiping machine in an effort to save a lost loved one.
  2. A sailor searches for a treasure, then betrays you later on.
  3. A mysterious man attacks just because of his social awkwardness.
  4. A witch causes havoc with blocks.
  5. A robot creates havoc with blocks.
  6. You become small because of a skull king.
  7. Food shortage? Go beat up a penguin.
  8. C A K E.
  9. The planet is dying because of darkness, so you travel different planets to wipe it out.
  10. A big misunderstanding caused by the hero thinking he knows what he’s doing…
Let me know how many you get! (it’s painfully easy, I know. Just decided to make a quiz.)
submitted by Siyahseeker to Kirby [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:02 rei_mayo I try to integrate my OCs and other characters in Honkai : Star Rail !

Hello !
So... I'm rei_mayo, and I have a little bit unrealistic project. I create OCs and I imagine characters in lore what would they be in game.
I'm French, so I'm sorry for my bad English ! I prefer precise that there is just original or official content in the post ! This is just from the currents versions of the game and from my head !
Since one year, I work in my free time on this project and there is multiple things :
-First part : the lore of the project, like the background and the location ;
-Second part : the relics, and the elevation materials ;
-Third part : the characters, and the banners ;
-Fourth and last part : the plot of the history (in the big lines).
I prefer to precise why I do this. When I play video games, I love to create characters when it's possible, and in MiHoYo games, it's not possible... But, create characters that only me like, it's very selfish, so I would like to present them to have notices if they are fantastic !

First part :

So, the history would be in a location called the "Shìjiè-Chuán of Xianzhou" (nb : mean Ship-World (世界船) in Chinese). The Shìjiè-Chuán is the capital and the most important part of the Alliance. A little time after Lan became an Aeon, Yaoshi asks to an Emanator to kill the Emperor of Xianzhou and to make a plague mark in the original planet of Xianzhou.
Lan discovers that and he purifies the planet, kill Abominations, destroys the plague mark. With the remains of the planet and the Xianzhouan (?) planet, he creates a huge boat, the Shìjiè-Chuán.
For comparative, the Shìjiè-Chuán is so huge that all the other boats can fit in with no problem. It's contains important locations like :
-The Judgment Palace : The place where the Ten Lords and the Generals Arbiters judges the most dangerous criminals. Despite the fact the criminals are jail in the Xuling, they really are judge in the Shìjiè-Chuán.
-The Starry Streets : Streets where neon, big screens and buildings are. The popular streets of the Shìjiè-Chuán, mix of tradition and modernity.
-The Fallen Garden : A garden where plants of all the planets who were saved by the Hunt are. It's also the place where the Yamato was before the Emanator of Lan gets him.
-The Shackling Prison : The prison of Xianzhou, where all the criminals of the Alliance are located. In the depths of the prison, just one person is remained... Shuhu, Emanator of Abundance.
-The siege of the Ten Lords Commission : The place where all the Ten Lords (not included the Fallen King and the Stellar Queen) are when there is no process. It's also the place where all the Judges, the Wraith Wardens and the Aurumations are when they don't have missions.
-The boats Goldsmithery : The place where the boats of the Alliance are repair. Actually, the Cangcheng is here for reparation after the destruction of Rahu.
-Other places... How to discover them ? Play~
And here is some clarifications !
So, who is the Marshals ?
In my idea, Hua is a false Marshal, to cover and hide the Shìjiè-Chuán, but she's really powerful. She would be a Fu Hua expy... And I will talk about her later...
The reals Marshals are Rei -The Fallen King- and Xingxing -The Stellar Queen-.
Rei is the Emanator (and the only) of Lan. Called the Fallen King because of a legend, he's considered like the most powerful person of the Alliance. He carries a divine katana called the Yamato-Shinigami. (nb : Yamato > Yama, Hindu god and judge of the dead. The Chinese god Yanluowang or Yanluo Wang has his origins in Yama. Shinigami > Death Kami). I will talk about him later.
Xingxing (nb : star (星星) in Chinese) is an Emanator of Nous and a Eclairor (?) of IX. Called the Stellar Queen because she uses stars with martial art for fight, she done renovations in the Shìjiè-Chuán for make it more modern. I will talk about her later too.
The Marshals are the boss of Xianzhou and of all the factions who follow the Hunt, like the Galaxy Rangers. They rule all the commissions, and are very important, but they rule different commissions. For example, The Fallen King rule the Cloud Knights, but the Stellar Queen rule the Artisanship Commission. The only Commission they rule together is the Ten Lords Commission.
Who is the Ten Lords ?
In my idea, the Ten Lords Commission would be composed with eight Lords and the two Marshals, and that would be the Ten Lords. In game, it's said that nobody knows where the commission is despite the members of the Commission them-self, but she would be in the Shìjiè-Chuán. The Ten Lords would be :
-The Fallen King ;
-The Stellar Queen ;
-Yuen (I will talk about her later) ;
-Styx, an Emanator of Finality and a member of the Galaxy Rangers (I will talk about him later);
-Athena (I will talk about her later) ;
-and other people... NPCs, so we don't care about them.
Who is really Hua ?
In my idea, Hua would be a "Marshal". When she (in my mind, she's a she) appears in public, she is the Marshal, but in the Shìjiè-Chuán, she's judge like a General. Her title would be the "Fenghuang" (nb : phoenix of Chinese mythology).She would be in the General of the Cangcheng when he would be repair.
But... The Cangcheng is destroyed, no ?
Yes, he was devoured by the activated planet Rahu. But in the year 8098 (so two years before the game), Rei destroyed Rahu (and killed ~10 000 000 000 of abominations). That liberated the remains of the Cangcheng, and Xianzhou is trying repair him.
Why Shuhu is in the prison ? Shouldn't be dead ?
Technically, she's in prison, but it's precised that nobody knows if it's the really Shuhu of not. In fact, in each prison of Xianzhou, a few reproductions mecha-organics were made by the Stellar Queen for hide the real Shuhu. In the Shìjiè-Chuán, she's just a spirit, seal in a transparant box cell. She just wants to talk with five persons : The Fallen King, the Stellar Queen, Yuen, Blade and Jing Yuan. The unique persons who know that Shuhu is alive are the Ten Lords, the Generals and the Stellaron Hunters. Her real body and remains are with the Abundance, but originally her remains were with Xianzhou, and her spirit was with the Abundance.
Now, here is some more lore that I created :
The Trinity of the Abundance :
If you never see Yaoshi, THEY have a lot of plants in THEIR representation. There is a wheat, a bramble, and a large tree.
I imagine that the members of Abundance considered that these three plants are divines. For them, the wheat represent the immortality, the bramble represent the price to pay for become immortal and the thanks to Yaoshi, and the tree represent the life the Abundance offer to the mortals.Traditionally, the Emanators must wear one of these three symbols. For example, Shuhu wears brambles for gives her blood to Yaoshi.
At the opposite, each plant that the Hunt has purified is considered as a sin. For example, each lotus in the Xianzhou Alliance is a sin for Abundance. But the lotus in the planets of Abundance are holy. The lotus is the incarnation of Yaoshi THEM-SELF, but only if it's in a planet of Abundance.
Rakshasa and Luocha :
If you know Luocha, I think I don't to explain that is said that he's related to the Abundance. And Luocha is an other name for "Rakshasa", a type of evil spirit of the Buddhist mythologize who are cannibals. So, I will tell you who they are :
So, after the planet of Luocha get destroyed and his wife gets killed under his eyes, Yaoshi gave to him immortality and powers to become an Emanator of Abundance. Luocha asks to resuscitated his wife, but Yaoshi tells that THEY will do that if Luocha destroys one of the different boats of the Xianzhou Alliance. But Luocha, who was a doctor in his original planet, cannot do that. But the time past, and he couldn't do that... But Yaoshi implants an sort of mara in him, like an evil spirit, so Luocha decided something.
I imagine that Luocha create a another corpse/puppet with remains of different corpses, and transverse the evil part of him in this, but not his powers and his immortality, to trying to find an another way to resuscitate his wife. He create a coffin with powers of Abundance for conserve the corpse of his love, and decided to leave the Abundance, and became a interstellar merchant for trying to discover how to resuscitate his wife.
But Yaoshi couldn't accept that. So THEY gave powers and life to the puppet contained Rakshasa, and THEY gave immortality. And Rakshasa became an Emanator of Yaoshi, for avenge him and Yaoshi. But because he was born from Luocha spirit, he has his savior of doctor.
Rakshasa tries, with Shuhu and the living planet Rahu, to destroy the Shìjiè-Chuán. But the Stellar Queen fought him, and "kill him". But Rakshasa false his death, and he takes with him the remains of Shuhu.
Rakshasa is known for his cannibalism and for his experiences. He's like a Dottore in term of personality, but more crazy and more psychopathic.
The Yamato-Shinigami and the divine spirits of the Hunt :
So, what is the Yamato-Shinigami ?
This saber is an odachi created by Lan, to purge the Abominations and for the Emanators of Lan. So, Lan created this saber with a galaxy and imaginary energy for this first Emanator, but when he dies, Lan hid the saber in the Shìjiè-Chuán for the next Emanator... A long time ago, Rei meditated in the Stellar Garden after the death of his mother, and the Yamato has called him. Since this event, he and the Yamato are lied and the odachi is his saber.
Lan doesn't choose the Carrier of the Yamato, but it's the saber himself who choose his owner. The saber has only two owners in his life : The first Emanator of Lan and Rei.
Lan doesn't place the powers he gives to his Emanator in the Emanator, he place the powers in the Yamato. More the Emanator does miracles and heroics acts, more the Emanator gain the power. Actually, Rei have 100% of his powers, but there is a state more powerful : the Resonance.The Resonance is a phenomenon that caused when the willpower of the Emanator and the willpower of the Yamato are the same, and the power of the Emanator are increase so much that the people say when the Fallen King reach this state temporary, he becomes powerful as a Aeon.
But this state can be permanent, if the willpower of Rei became so strong that him and the Yamato become just one. The spirit in the saber changes his form according to who is the person who meet him. And he doesn't fight, the spirit of the Yamato-Shinigami doesn't fight with Emanators. The Yamato measure ~225 cm/~7,3 feet, and his pound is unknown. (The pound depend of who carries the blade. Very light for the carrier but very heavy for the other)
But what are the divine spirits of the Hunt ?
Do you know the Lighting Lord ? I think yes.>! In the lore, it's "said" and showed that the past General of the Luofu, Teng Xiao, uses the Lightning Lord, like Jing Yuan. But not the same sword, because of the Starfall Reverie has been forged by Blade when he was Yingxing.!< So I imagined that :
The first Generals, when they passed away, Lan take there spirits and gives a lot of power. Since the creations of these spirits, they are give to the Generals, until they choose to retire. Then, it's give to the next Generals, and this cycle is repeated. These spirits are unlike of the spirit of the Yamato, because they don't give their powers and doesn't are in a weapon. Plus, the spirit of the Yamato can't fight with his carrier.
Technically, the General Arbiters are Emanators, like Rei, but the divine spirits changes all. Rei does have powers of Lan/The Hunt and he has the Yamato-Shinigami, but if he fights without, he changes nothing (just the fact that the Yamato uses as a multiplying for the slashes. But if the Generals fights without the spirits, it would changes. (it's a theory/created lore, so please, not rude in comments !)
So the divine spirits would be like the reasons why the Generals of the Hunt are considered as Emanators.
So, now, I think the first part is finish... Let's go to the second part !

Second part :

The relics :
For the relics, I imagine some relics and some planet ornaments :
1 : Set of the Tearful Child of the Moon :
Memories of the Moon's Child : Beyond dreams, the tearful child of the Moon remembers his mother during the day, and finds her again at night. The child of the Moon is said to protect his mother from nightmarish creatures as she searches for her lost husband among the stars.
Protective cuddly toy of the Moon's Child : Beyond dreams, the tearful child of the Moon protects his mother with his teddy bear during the day, and finds her again at night. It is said that the child of the Moon is always accompanied by his faithful teddy bear, which the Sun himself is said to have woven for him.
Moon's Child pajamas : Beyond dreams, the tearful child of the Moon protects his mother and walks the land by day, and finds her at night. The Moon Child is said to always be dressed in extremely light blue pajamas, and to protect him from any enemies he may encounter.
Warmth of the Moon's Child : Beyond dreams, the tearful child of the Moon protects his mother, the Moon, during the day, and joyfully reunites with her at night. It is said that the child of the Moon never despairs because of a gift from his mother, his maternal love.
Effect :
2 pcs : Increases Imaginary DMG by 10%.
4 pcs : Increases CRIT rate by 15% and the CRIT DMGS by 25% for 2 turns after the porter uses his skill or his ultimate. Not cumulative.
2 : Set of the Blazing Goddess.
Divine Crown of the Blazing Goddess : A crown of incandescent flowers that ignite the hope of being rescued. The crown shines like a beacon for a castaway, and illuminates the hope of new and flourishing days.
Divine brambles and roses of the Blazing Goddess : Bracelets sinking into the flesh and blooming incandescent roses of blood, awakening Beauty to the divine state. It is said that these roses are the most beautiful in all existence, and that it only blooms in contact with the blood of Beauty.
Divine dress of the Blazing Goddess : A burning and brilliant dress, making even the stars admire it. The flames of this dress conceal inestimable treasures, the words and thoughts of Beauty, which leave in diamond whispers and stellar sighs.
Graceful step of the Graceful Grace of the Blazing Goddess : Beautiful shoes covered in burning flowers, growing roses with every step. It is said that the whole universe could not help but admire these flowers with their incandescent beauty, and that the flowers admired Beauty itself.
Effect :
2 pcs : Increases DoT by 20%.
4 pcs : Increases DoT by 15% when an ally or the porter deals DoT to an enemy. Increases fire DMGS by 15% when the porter uses their ultimate. The effect lasts 2 turns and can be accumulate 3 times.
3 : Set of the Keeper of the Fighting Will.
Ancient helmet of the Keeper of the Will : An old ancient helmet found on the ashes of a battlefield. When putting it on, you can hear the soldiers screaming and fighting, while the previous owner of this helmet beat to the rhythm to galvanize his troops.
Galvanizing Wands and Drum of the Will : Ancient drumsticks accompanied by a drum found on an old battlefield. If you strike the drum even once with the old sticks, you can feel your body filling with the will to fight.
Ancient chain mail of the Keeper of the Will : An old, slightly battered piece of mail, found on an old battlefield. Despite the age of the armor, it shines with a burning brilliance of an insatiable will to win and fight.
Ancient sandals of the Keeper of the Will : Old solid wooden sandals found on an ancient battlefield. When we put them on, a thrill spreads through our body, and a will to victory and battle is triggered.
Effect :
2 pcs : Increase Energy Regeneration Rate by 20%
4 pcs : For each enemy eliminated thanks to the porter's ultimate, increase the Energy Regeneration Rate by 5% and the DMGS by 15% for all the allies for 2 turns. The effect can be accumulated 3 times.
4 : Set of the Hopeless Plague Doctor.
Terrifying mask of the Hopeless Plague Doctor : The mask of a doctor who kills, destroys, and inoculates plague and immortality to the mortals. The hope go away and the despair arrives, to condemned all the patients, and give their blood to the greatest of the greatest Aeon, the Abundance.
Needle claws of the Hopeless Plague Doctor : The claws of a doctor who kills, destroys, and inoculates plague and immortality to the mortals. The plague in one, the despair in another, the immortality in another and the last takes the blood of the patients to give to THEM.
Calamity dress of the Hopeless Plague Doctor : The dress of a doctor who kills, destroys, and inoculates plague and immortality to the mortals. The blood and the suffer of all the people who became patients of this mad doctor are in this dress... But there is also the benediction of the Abundance.
Bloody boots of the Hopeless Plague Doctor : The boots of a doctor who kills, destroys, and inoculates plague and immortality to the mortals. Blood. Just blood. Only blood. Blood of THEM. Blood of Abundance. But serve as the shoes of the doctor. Of the mad doctor.
Effect :
2 pcs : Increases Max HP by 15%.
4 pcs : When the wearer consumed their HP or the allies's HP, their CRIT Rate and their CRIT DMGS get increased by 6% for 2 turns. This effect can be accumulated 4 times.
5 : Set of the Godly Hope Doctor.
Kindly mask of the Godly Hope Doctor : The mask of the doctor who has acceded to the redemption. Before, he was a Emanator, who tries to destroy for heals his love. But now, he's a doctor, a healer, and a benefactor... Despite his kind mask, a deep sadness live in his spirit, but he always live with his mask who hide his suffer.
Holy gloves of the Godly Hope Doctor : The gloves and the pendant of a doctor. The redemption and the kindness breathe in those objects, who have heals so many people. An holy energy can be feel in these accessories, and all the kindness of a man who loved his wife live in this.
Greatest coat of the Godly Hope Doctor : The coat of the doctor who heals all his patients. In this coat, all of the kindness and the healing power of this doctor are concentrate, but there is, hide in the depths of the clothe, a melancholy... A melancholy of his ancient planet.
Divine boots of the Godly Hope Doctor : The boots of the doctor who always heals his allies. In those shoes, all the journey of this doctor is gathered... Even if a kindness is present, the deep sorrow of all the travels that is here.
Effect :
2 pcs : Increases Max HP by 15%.
4 pcs : When the wearer heals their HP or the allies's HP, their Outgoing Healing and their ATK increase by 20% during 2 turns. This effect can be accumulated 4 times.
6 : Set of the All-mighty Burning Father.
Effect :
2 pcs : Increases Max HP by 20%.
4 : When the wearer deals Break DMGS or Super Break DMGS, the wearer and the allies gains Stack of "Blazing Child", up to maximum 6 stacks. "Blazing Child" increase the HP, the Break DMGS and the Super Break DMGS by 20% for each stack, and when the wearer gains 6 stacks, then the Energy Regeneration Rate increase by 10% and the Super Break DMGS increase by 50%.
Now, it's time to present the planet ornaments !
1 : ~Set of the Judgment Ship~
Judgment Palace of the Shìjiè-Chuán of Xianzhou : Sealed within this planar sphere is Shìjiè-Chuán, sacred land of Xianzhou. The World Ship floats and admires a new starry landscape every year to escape the abominations. You can see the Palace of Judgment, the Star Garden, the Goldsmith of Ships, and all kinds of other places, each one as important and fabulous as the last.
Promise of the Lovers of the Shìjiè-Chuán of Xianzhou : In Shìjiè-Chuán, it is said that the wind and rain bring back the dreams and promises of old. And some say that the promise of two lovers kissing in the rain can be heard in the Star Garden.
Effect :
2 pcs : Increases the CRIT DMGS by 25%. If the CRIT Rate reaches 40/50, the CRIT DMGS are increase by 25%/35%, and the CRIT DMGS are increase by 10% each time that the porter uses their ultimate. The effect can be accumulated 2 times, and lasts 3 turns.
2 : ~Set of the Floral Echo of the Ashes~
Flowering ashes of Fjoralys : Sealed within this planar sphere is Fjoralys, a once flowery and warm planet. When the Destruction came, life and people on the planet all died. Not one survived. Except a little girl, daughter of the stars. Now, flowers of yesteryear rise from the ashes of Destruction, like a phoenix rising from the ashes.
Star goldwork of Fjoralys : In the flames of Fjoralys's destruction, only the stars and a little girl witnessed the massacre. And when life, flowers, and trees resurfaced, the stars cried with joy, washing the earth of all this sadness to put, in its place, colorful joy and flowers... Thousands of them.
Effect :
2 pcs : Increases DoT by 12%. If the wearer deals DoT to an enemy, then the DoT dealt to enemies increases by 26%.
So, let's go to the next part !
3 : ~Set of the Duality of the Rulers~
Starry Yin and fallen Yang of the duality of Rulers : Sealed in this planar sphere are two complementary wills, that of the two rulers of Xianzhou, a brother and a sister. Depending on the inclination of the sphere, we can see different memories appear and disappear, like fleeting winds facing the erosion of time.
Brotherhood of the duality of Rulers : Tears, blood, joy and friendship are condensed in these threads of destiny. It is said that the years erode certain things, but the threads of destiny grow and become denser to the rhythm of the emotions of the two Rulers.
Effect :
2 pcs : Increases Break effect by 12%. Each time that the wearer or an ally deals Super Break DMGS, the wearer gains a stack of "Rule of Flame", up to maximum 4 stack(s). A stack of Rule of Flames increases Break Effect by 20%.
4 : ~Set of the activated planet Rahu~
Floral sea of ​​lotuses of Abundance : Sealed within this planar sphere is the living planet Rahu, eater of Cangcheng and guardian of the lotus scourge. It is said that the living planet blows billions of lotus petals that rip the life force from humans and offer them to the abominations. On this planet lies its heart, the lotus floral sea, where abominations and Emanators bathe in the human suffering.
Bridge of Immortal Hope of Abundance : It is said that every Emanator must pass through the "bridge of immortal hope" if he wants to be in total symbiosis with his body. This bridge was carved from the flesh and blood of Yaoshi, after THEY fought with the Emanator of Lan thousands of years ago, and it now glows a beautiful blood red, and screams the damned who did not know how to listen to their bodies.
Effect :
2 pcs : Increases the CRIT DMGS by 10%. If the HP of the wearer reaches 3000 or more, then their CRIT DMGS increases 20% more. Each 1000 HP more than 3000 HP increase the CRIT Rate by 5%.
5 : ~Set of the Sacred Land of Annihilators~
Sacred Temple of Annihilating Destruction : Sealed within this planar sphere are the ashes of the old and new worlds, in the form of the Temple of Destruction. Everything in this palace has been destroyed by Nanook and THEIR Ravager Lords, and the Antimatter Legion pines and enjoys the suffering extinguished by the devastating breath of Destruction itself.
Petals and sobs of annihilating Destruction : On the planets that the Legion destroys, the Ravager Lords always bring back two things, a person, the sole survivor, and flower petals sticky with blood. The petals then mingle with the sobs of the last living creature, creating pitifully perfect flowers and trees.
Effect :
2 pcs : Increases ATK at 14%. If the HP of the wearer reaches 4000/5000 or more, then the DMGS of their ultimate and their skill increases by 15/25%.
6 : ???
2 pcs : ???
4 pcs : ???
7 : ???
2 pcs : ???
4 pcs : ???
So now, the elevation materials !
The Hunt : Ancient runny cord of the Divine Bow :
A thread who was once part of the Divine Bow of the Aeon of the Hunt, and who was emit after of a battle. It's now a shooting star. Used to level up Traces slightly for Hunt characters.
Purge Echo of the Divine Bow :
An image of the bow that Lan uses, who remain in the space and the time after THEY throw an arrow. Used to level up Traces moderately for Hunt characters.
Full Incarnation of the Divine Bow :
The bow that Lan uses, constitute by imaginary energy and stars, who can destroy space-times and galaxies. Used to level up Traces significantly for Hunt characters.
The Nihility : Fragment of lazy memory :
A glowing fragment of the memory of someone who has been blessed by the Nihility. Used to level up Traces slightly for Nihility characters.
Once nihilistic reminiscence :
The glowing piece of the memory of a past Eclairor of the Nihility. The rare images of the memories are colorless. Used to level up Traces moderately for Nihility characters.
Memory of an Auto-Annihilator :
A red glowing jewel, who contain all the life of an Auto-Annihilator. All the memories are scramble by the black sun. Used to level up Traces slightly for Nihility characters.
The Abundance : Godless tear of the Abundance :
Plague of the Immortal :
Suffering of the thousand recoveries :
The Harmony : (I don't have ideas, sorry T^T)
And for the other paths... You have to wait (Sorry T^T)

Third part :

For the order of apparition of the characters, it would be :
?.0 : Xixian (first phase) 5 star Harmony ; Thunde Yuen (second phase) 5 star Erudition ; Wind, with 4 star character
?.1 : Rakshasa (first phase) 5 star Abundance ; Ice/ Hua (second phase) 5 star Fire ; Destruction, with 4 star character
?.2 : Xingxing (first phase) 5 star Nihility ; Fire/ Rei (second phase) 5 star Hunt ; Imaginary
?.3 : Shuhu (first phase) 5 star Abundance ; Quantum/ Athena (second phase) Harmony ; Wind, with 4 star character
?.4 : Elio (first phase) 5 star Preservation ; Thunder (can change)/ Styx (second phase) 5 star Erudition ; Quantum.
So, who is Xixian ?
Xixian is the Lieutenant of the Shìjiè-Chuán. She's around 60, and she's a long-life specie. She wears a artificial arm, because Rakshasa cut off her arm during the battle of the Shìjiè-Chuán. She trusts the Fallen King and the Stellar Queen, but she's a little overprotective in them.
Xixian is a character of the Harmony who can increase different stats depending on the Path of the character. If it's a Destruction/Hunt/Erudition character, she can increase CRIT DMGS and ATK. If it's a Preservation character, she can increase DEF. If it's a Nihility character, she can increase the Effect Hit Rate and the DoT DMGS. If it's a Abundance character, she can increase the Outgoing Healing Boost. And if it's a Harmony character, she can increase ERR. Her bonus can last for 1 turn. Her ultimate can increase the duration of the bonus of the characters to 2 more turns.
So, who is Yuen ?
Yuen is one of the Ten Lords. Nicknamed as the Erudite, she's the most younger person named in the post of one of the Ten Lords. Despite the fact she's still a child/teenager, she's very wise and intelligent, and she's a very good strategist.
Yuen is a character of the Erudition that inflict wind DMGS. Her technique and her ultimate would change with her talent, Condensation. For example, less enemies are here, more DMGS are inflict : 5-4 enemies in the battlefield : Effect Zone ; 3 enemies in the battlefield : Burst ; 2 - 1 enemies in the battlefield : Unique target. But don't worry, you can choose what type of attack the skill does. Her talent can also increases her CRIT DMGS and ATK.
So, who is Rakshasa ?
Rakshasa is an Emanator of the Abundance, and he was the evil part of Luocha. His body was simply a puppet, but Yaoshi make his body organic... So he would be very flexible. He would fight with needle-gloves.
Rakshasa is a character of the Abundance who can heal... But with a particular way ! So, all the allies have a effect at the beginning of the battle : "Holy Sacrifice", who is his talent. When a character lost HP, the Holy Sacrifice absorbs his loss of HP, until a limit. The skill of Luocha can release the Holy Sacrifice for heals the ally, and makes the effect reborn. Release the Holy Sacrifice can increase the DMGS and the ATK of Rakshasa. Also, his talent take some allies's HP in each turn to increases the Holy Sacrifice. His ultimate, who would be an Burst, can uses the HP of the allies to increase the DMGS and the CRIT DMGS of Rakshasa, and then, he attacks the enemy/enemies. Then, he releases the Holy Sacrifice of all the characters to heal them.
His VA would be the same of Luocha, Craig Lee Thomas.
So, who is Hua ?
Hua is a sort of Marshal of Xianzhou. Even if in public, she appears as the Marshal, she's in reality the future General of the Cangcheng, and she possesses the divine spirit of the boat, the Inferno-Empress. Her nickname is the Fenghuang.
The Inferno-Empress would appears like a gigantic phoenix.
Hua is a character of the Destruction who deals Fire DMGS, but also Super Break Effect. So, the Inferno-Empress would be like the Lightning-Lord, but when shes uses her ultimate, the Inferno-Empress merges with her and she enters in the "Fenghuang" state. When she's in this state, every attack that Hua uses consumes her HP. But, each time that her HP get consumed, her Break Effect increase. The state lasts for 2 turns, and she inflects Super Break Effect. At the end, a sort of a ultimate attack is trigger and all the HP (even the HP that are not here, for example, if her max HP is 10000, but she only has 8000 HP, then her HP are going to be in -2000) are consumed and the Break Effect is increase in a certain value for each 500 HP that are consume, and she inflicts DMGS and Super Break Effect for the enemies who are in Weakness Break. She cans heal herself with the DMGS that she has done, but the heal cannot exceed 75% of her HP ! The Inferno-Empress deals Fire DMGS, and Super Break Effect to the enemies who are in Weakness Break.
So, who is Xingxing ?
Xingxing is one of the two Marshals of Xianzhou, the Stellar Queen, an Emanator of the Erudition, an Eclairor of the Nihility and one of the Ten Lords. She's the possessor of the Stellar Marks, a gift of the Erudition who can permits to create micro-stars and stellar flames to fight. With the power of the Nihility, she create black holes also for fight.
She's 17 years old, and she would uses the same model as for March !
Xingxing is a character of the Nihility who deals Fire DMGS. She cans add more DoT on enemies who already have DoT with her special DoT : Starburn, who can also inflects Burn. Starburn is inflect to the enemies with her skill and her ultimate. She can also reach multiple enemies because she does effect zone attacks. Her talent can increases the DoT DMGS she does to the enemies depending on their HP.
Her VA would be Judy Alice Lee (VA of Melinoë).
So, who is Rei ?
Rei is one of the two Marshals of Xianzhou, the Carrier of the Yamato-Shinigami, the unique Emanator of the Hunt, the chief of the Galaxy Rangers and one of the Ten Lords. Anyway, he's a very important person of the Xianzhou Alliance. He's from a forgotten planet, who has been destroyed by the Abundance. Rescued by the past Marshal, Lingyue when he was six years old, he quickly became one of the greatest fighter of the Alliance at his teenage years.
He is 19 years old, and he is around 1m96/~6,43 feet. (so I think he's one of the most tall character.). He's VERY muscular, and very handsome (according to me)
Rei is a Hunt character (an Emanator of this path) who deals Imaginary DMGS. His gameplay would be concentrate in the CRIT DMGS. Depending on the attacks, it's giving to him "Fallen Royalty" accumulations. When he has a certain number of this accumulation, he entering in the "Fallen King" state, who increased his CRIT rate and his CRIT DMGS and reinforce his skill and his ultimate. For his ultimate, it increases his CRIT rate and his CRIT DMGS, and he gives 9 slashes to the enemy. When he's in the "Fallen King" state, it's would increase his CRIT rate and CRIT DMGS, also gives XIII (4, 4, and 5) slashes to an enemy. For each slash that are a CRIT hit, an additional slash is inflect. Each additional slash increases the Rei's CRIT DMGS, and they do a CRIT vulnerability. If all the all the additional slashes has been concluded, then a last additional slash is inflect. When he does CRIT DMGS when he uses his ultimate in the "Fallen King" state, it's does another hit in the enemy.
Here is his description :
"One of the two Marshals of the Xianzhou Alliance, the Carrier of the Yamato, the Emanator of Lan and the Fallen King. Feared by his enemies, respected by his allies. He always wears a fickle smile, and he always brings death with him.
Lan, the Reignbow Arbiter entrust the Yamato to Rei, the greatest weapon of all the Alliance. As a great strategist, he's also a good brother. He knows all the Stellaron Hunters, and he's apparently in a relation with the Stellaron Hunter named Blade..."
His VA would be Kaiji Tang (the VA of Gojo).
So, who is Shuhu ?
Shuhu is an Emanator of Yaoshi, considered as the "daughter of the Abundance". She's always with a scythe made with the body of Yaoshi and with the bones of her victims. She has a very sense of the sadism and she hates the humanity for all they have done to her.
Shuhu is a character of the Abundance who deals Quantum DMGS. She has three skills : One where she consumes the HP of the allies for increase DMGS and CRIT DMGS, and she attacks the enemies. An other where she consumes her HP for increase DMGS and CRIT DMGS, and where she attacks the enemies. And the last where she attacks the enemies for steal the HP of the enemies for heals her and the allies. In her ultimate, she consumes her HP and the allies's HP for increase her DMGS, her CRIT DMGS and her CRIT rate, and she attacks the enemies for steal the enemies's HP and heals the allies.
So, who is Athena ?
Athena is one of the Ten Lords, nicknamed as the Protector. She's always with a owl named Zhìhuì (nb : wisdom in Chinese (智慧)), and is a real master of the strategy and the war inventions, but she's also one of the more oldest members of the Ten Lords.
Athena is a character of the Harmony who can increase the DMGS and the ATK of the allies with her skill. Her talent can increase all the allies's RES PEN and their SPD. Her ultimate can increase all the allies's CRIT DMGS for 2 turns, for a chosen ally, she cans place her owl for 2 turns, who inflict additional DMGS on the enemy/enemies who the ally attacks. Also, if the ally get attack, the owl defend them with a counterattack.
So, who is Elio ?
Elio is the chef of the Stellaron Hunters (and if you don't know that, you must haven't touch HSR). I imagine him as a cat (practically not imagine, because it's quite official, but not official, so you know), but he uses his puppet... I doesn't draw him because I know that his design already be... You know what. I imagine him very kind and mysterious.
Elio is a character of the Preservation who can predict the DMGS of the allies. His skill would be a shield. For his ultimate, it's would add a status for all the allies and him : "Forecast of the Script". This effect would last one turn, and would cancel all the DMGS the allies receive.
So, who is Styx ?

Fourth part :

The history would be in the Shìjiè-Chuán, and here is the principal plot :
First quest : " You and the Astral Express receive a mysterious call of Jing Yuan, who telling you that he have something important to said to you. The thing in question is that is a feast for the "saviors of the Luofu" (the Nameless) in the... Shìjiè-Chuán ?! Not time for chatting, Jing Yuan gives you the localisation of the mysterious ship, and the Astral Express start his new journey... "
Second quest : " After a few warp jumps, you finally reach the Shìjiè-Chuán, capital of the Xianzhou Alliance. After meet all of the Generals and the Lieutenant Xixian, it's finally the time for you to meet the Ten Lords, including the Fallen King and the Stellar Queen, real Marshals of the Alliance... "
Other quests...? You have to play~
The quest would be a quest long as Penacony... Maybe a little more... And there would be all the Nameless... Yes, Pom-Pom in the quest and he would use his powers ! If he has powers.
In the final boss of the Shìjiè-Chuán, the music would be like, if it's possible, of the song "Bad Apple". In the battle, the people singing for encouraging the ones who are fighting the final boss.
In the 1st phase, it's would be only the divine spirits who singing.
In the 2nd phase, it's would be all the soldiers and the divines spirits who singing.
In the 3rd and the final phase, it's would be all Xianzhou Alliance (yes, Lan included too !) who singing.
The "R" attack ( like the Dan Heng attack during the Phantylia fight ) would be all the divine spirits and the two Marshals conferring their power to the Trailblazer, and then, he/she slashes the boss.
So, it's the end of the post... If you have questions for clarify something, you can in comments, and I would be respond with pleasure !
Bye byeeeeee !
submitted by rei_mayo to HonkaiStarRail [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 02:41 fufu1260 FUCK THIS FUCKING WORLD

I found out I still follow discord boy on Spotify and decided to listen to the playlist he made that has over 200 songs and he wanted me to listen to all of them and now I want to listen to it all. augh this brings back memories. I remember when we were texting or voice chatting I was starting to listen to the playlist and he FUCKING PLAYED EACH SONG I WAS LISETNING TO just to make sure we were listening to teh song together and now I feel all bitter sweetness in my heart cause I miss this guy. I miss what we had and I know I say I'm not over bumble bro but fuck If bumble bro weren't on my mind, I'd miss discord boy. cause I still do sometimes miss him. I miss our long video chats. I miss teasing him about Andrea the girl from his game. I miss his good morning texts and I miss voice chatting him right after he was done working and while I was getting ready for class. we never got to look at squish mallows. fuck him for missing out on that. Fuck him for not letting me get a squish mallow keychain for his backpack. FUck him for being one of the better guys. I know he didnt' give his number. But fuck I miss what we had and now here I am listening to his longest playlist. Laughing at his sexy time playlist and kinda disappointed he hastn' added to that playlist. Augh. I wish I had gotten a chance to call him my boyfriend. He has so much potential. but alas I wasn't the girl he wanted. I just was a filler. I was just a backup and time filler. and I was the rebound for the girl he really wanted. GOd I wish men wouldn't do this. make a girl feel so wanted when they dont' actually want her. Augh I miss our voice calls. I miss our texts every day. I miss him. I need help. I need so much help. His memories were literally teh sweetest ever. I'm not over how he got a hot wheels car after going to both the farmers market and Kroger when we were together. I miss him trying to spend time with me before up to the minute before he has to get read for work. FUCK. FUCK Dating.FUcK Men. FUCK me for falling hard and fuck me for being needy and fuck me for not being enough for any of them. I swear to god I'm never enough. I know you all will tell me I'm gonna be enough for one guy one day who will treasure me, but rn my illogical brain tells me I want the guys who might have used me or whatever. Case Right now I just want to feel wanted. Fuck. I miss that feeling of being wanted. I miss feeling like I mattered to someone. I miss having someone who wanted to talk to me every day. Someone who seemed like they cared. but every guy I liked, I fucked up with them. I know I shouldn't blame myself entirely but I have no other reasons when they leave me the in dark or bumble bro shit, when I knew I was the reasons. Why is it so hard to find someone who wants me? I know that's a hyperbole but I mean it. Why can I find someone who I want that wants me back. Why can't I wake up with amnesia and forget all these happy moments, the happiest moment in my life in a while. I'm tired of being in a rut. I'm tired of feeling this way. I just want to feel wanted and desired and cared for. I want to talk to someone every day But no one wants me. NO one wants this basic ass white washed asian (And horny men of reddit, stay the fuck away, you all dont' count) I just want someone to want me. I'm thinking about so many people at once. I fucking hate it. But I had to swear off dating. I had to because people were worried bout e. telling me I need to focus on myself. I need to get over bumble bro. I know I do. But I literally need a distraction to forget him which is horrible. it makes me so sad. It makes me so sad to say I lost the guys who would have been my world. God if discord bro or bumble were here, either one, I'd be so fucking happier than I am right now. Cause right I sometimes wonder why I'm even on this fucking world. Why do I stay alive or why am I alive if no one actually wants me? My sister has her boyfriend and her friends. my odlests sisters have their families, My oldest brother has his family, MY mom and dad have each other, My other brother is fine with solitude. And my best friend prefers to be alone instead and maybe I'm even a chore to them. idk id' have to ask. They say they want me but barely text me and Balme their habits. when I bet they're talking to our other friends cause they would consntalty text and no one would constantly text me. FUCKING HELL WHY AM I ALIVE AND WHOEVER PUT ME HERE NEEDS TO TAKE ME OUT. PLEASE. I'm so fucking done (I feel nothing right now.i'm fine) god I just want to be wanted by someone I want but no one wants me. No wants this piece of rubble. im' too messy. there's seven billion people in the world and no one wants me. they have other people. everyone does. Augh sometimes I wish I could just kill myself so I dont 'need to keep feeling this way but I can't bring myself to do it when I know my family would be crushed, my best friend would not have me in their life forever like they imagined, my friends would have no drama to hear about, my dog would miss me. Discord servers would never know about my death and wonder where I went all their lives, pinging me, asking me where I am. can't do that to them. I can't do it cause they don't deserve it. no one deserves to lose someone to suicide who they could have helped. It's not their fault. I need to communicate better. but I'm too scared. Im' too cared to be too needy or to annoying or whatever. fuck. I hate living this life.i think I gotta turn off this play list it hurts. I need my sad music about missing people and losing people to suicide instead. augh. It hurts. It fucking hurts. And no one knows and since no one knows no one cares. My family thinks I'm perfectly fine. but I've been suffering. I've been suffering being told I might have BPD, being told not to date, being told I'm being a stalker for stalkers BEHAVIORS (that have rarely happened). I'm tired of being scruitienized. I'm tired of being a child and called a child. I'm tired of being confusing and mixing up what I say. I'm so fucking tired of It all. but here I am. FUck this world. Fuck whoever put me here (im sorry god but I'm not well, I want someone who I want to want me but there's n nobody) Like why doesn't god just take me? people tell me he wants me. I could surrender to the devil, just jump off a bridge or stab myself, but nononononono I can't....I can't do it when I have so many things to live for. I can't do it when I know it'll hurt everyone who loves me. I can't do it cause I dont' need discord boy coming to my page one day finding out I killed myself, seeing I talked about him, and how I was hurting thinking it's his fault for leaving. or waht if bumble bro has reddit ? what if he's stalking me???? I can't do it those people. they don't deserve to know that someone they once cared about killed themselves from being in pain because of missing them. I can't do that to them. I just gotta sit and silently suffer wondering why don't just do it. But ig gotta stop thinking about it cause some part me is thinking right now since I'm home alone I could just end it here . I could end it but I can't. but I could. But I can't do it. I wont' do its I won't allow the fucking devil to take me. but at teh same time I could finally be dead and not be in pain or be in a constant state of pain that isn't emotional and mental. I can't. I won't, I refuse. Fuck the devil!
please send some love. Please send some prayers. I'm so numb. I need help. But I'm fine. I wont' do it. I dont 'actually want to do it, I just think of ways I could do it right now. I'm home alone. I could go to my room where a giant pocket knife is sitting on my bedside table. I could I could I could. But I won't. I refuse to. fuck it hurts rn. I just want someone. I want discord boy o r bumble bro or my best friend. But none of them want me right now. And I can't talk to two of them but I dont' want to bother my best friend cause they're tired. So I just sit here and wait for my brother to come home at midnight. ugh. Wish me luck. Need therapy,
submitted by fufu1260 to venting [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 02:41 fufu1260 FUCK THIS FUCKING WORLD

I found out I still follow discord boy on Spotify and decided to listen to the playlist he made that has over 200 songs and he wanted me to listen to all of them and now I want to listen to it all. augh this brings back memories. I remember when we were texting or voice chatting I was starting to listen to the playlist and he FUCKING PLAYED EACH SONG I WAS LISETNING TO just to make sure we were listening to teh song together and now I feel all bitter sweetness in my heart cause I miss this guy. I miss what we had and I know I say I'm not over bumble bro but fuck If bumble bro weren't on my mind, I'd miss discord boy. cause I still do sometimes miss him. I miss our long video chats. I miss teasing him about Andrea the girl from his game. I miss his good morning texts and I miss voice chatting him right after he was done working and while I was getting ready for class. we never got to look at squish mallows. fuck him for missing out on that. Fuck him for not letting me get a squish mallow keychain for his backpack. FUck him for being one of the better guys. I know he didnt' give his number. But fuck I miss what we had and now here I am listening to his longest playlist. Laughing at his sexy time playlist and kinda disappointed he hastn' added to that playlist. Augh. I wish I had gotten a chance to call him my boyfriend. He has so much potential. but alas I wasn't the girl he wanted. I just was a filler. I was just a backup and time filler. and I was the rebound for the girl he really wanted. GOd I wish men wouldn't do this. make a girl feel so wanted when they dont' actually want her. Augh I miss our voice calls. I miss our texts every day. I miss him. I need help. I need so much help. His memories were literally teh sweetest ever. I'm not over how he got a hot wheels car after going to both the farmers market and Kroger when we were together. I miss him trying to spend time with me before up to the minute before he has to get read for work. FUCK. FUCK Dating.FUcK Men. FUCK me for falling hard and fuck me for being needy and fuck me for not being enough for any of them. I swear to god I'm never enough. I know you all will tell me I'm gonna be enough for one guy one day who will treasure me, but rn my illogical brain tells me I want the guys who might have used me or whatever. Case Right now I just want to feel wanted. Fuck. I miss that feeling of being wanted. I miss feeling like I mattered to someone. I miss having someone who wanted to talk to me every day. Someone who seemed like they cared. but every guy I liked, I fucked up with them. I know I shouldn't blame myself entirely but I have no other reasons when they leave me the in dark or bumble bro shit, when I knew I was the reasons. Why is it so hard to find someone who wants me? I know that's a hyperbole but I mean it. Why can I find someone who I want that wants me back. Why can't I wake up with amnesia and forget all these happy moments, the happiest moment in my life in a while. I'm tired of being in a rut. I'm tired of feeling this way. I just want to feel wanted and desired and cared for. I want to talk to someone every day But no one wants me. NO one wants this basic ass white washed asian (And horny men of reddit, stay the fuck away, you all dont' count) I just want someone to want me. I'm thinking about so many people at once. I fucking hate it. But I had to swear off dating. I had to because people were worried bout e. telling me I need to focus on myself. I need to get over bumble bro. I know I do. But I literally need a distraction to forget him which is horrible. it makes me so sad. It makes me so sad to say I lost the guys who would have been my world. God if discord bro or bumble were here, either one, I'd be so fucking happier than I am right now. Cause right I sometimes wonder why I'm even on this fucking world. Why do I stay alive or why am I alive if no one actually wants me? My sister has her boyfriend and her friends. my odlests sisters have their families, My oldest brother has his family, MY mom and dad have each other, My other brother is fine with solitude. And my best friend prefers to be alone instead and maybe I'm even a chore to them. idk id' have to ask. They say they want me but barely text me and Balme their habits. when I bet they're talking to our other friends cause they would consntalty text and no one would constantly text me. FUCKING HELL WHY AM I ALIVE AND WHOEVER PUT ME HERE NEEDS TO TAKE ME OUT. PLEASE. I'm so fucking done (I feel nothing right now.i'm fine) god I just want to be wanted by someone I want but no one wants me. No wants this piece of rubble. im' too messy. there's seven billion people in the world and no one wants me. they have other people. everyone does. Augh sometimes I wish I could just kill myself so I dont 'need to keep feeling this way but I can't bring myself to do it when I know my family would be crushed, my best friend would not have me in their life forever like they imagined, my friends would have no drama to hear about, my dog would miss me. Discord servers would never know about my death and wonder where I went all their lives, pinging me, asking me where I am. can't do that to them. I can't do it cause they don't deserve it. no one deserves to lose someone to suicide who they could have helped. It's not their fault. I need to communicate better. but I'm too scared. Im' too cared to be too needy or to annoying or whatever. fuck. I hate living this life.i think I gotta turn off this play list it hurts. I need my sad music about missing people and losing people to suicide instead. augh. It hurts. It fucking hurts. And no one knows and since no one knows no one cares. My family thinks I'm perfectly fine. but I've been suffering. I've been suffering being told I might have BPD, being told not to date, being told I'm being a stalker for stalkers BEHAVIORS (that have rarely happened). I'm tired of being scruitienized. I'm tired of being a child and called a child. I'm tired of being confusing and mixing up what I say. I'm so fucking tired of It all. but here I am. FUck this world. Fuck whoever put me here (im sorry god but I'm not well, I want someone who I want to want me but there's n nobody) Like why doesn't god just take me? people tell me he wants me. I could surrender to the devil, just jump off a bridge or stab myself, but nononononono I can't....I can't do it when I have so many things to live for. I can't do it when I know it'll hurt everyone who loves me. I can't do it cause I dont' need discord boy coming to my page one day finding out I killed myself, seeing I talked about him, and how I was hurting thinking it's his fault for leaving. or waht if bumble bro has reddit ? what if he's stalking me???? I can't do it those people. they don't deserve to know that someone they once cared about killed themselves from being in pain because of missing them. I can't do that to them. I just gotta sit and silently suffer wondering why don't just do it. But ig gotta stop thinking about it cause some part me is thinking right now since I'm home alone I could just end it here . I could end it but I can't. but I could. But I can't do it. I wont' do its I won't allow the fucking devil to take me. but at teh same time I could finally be dead and not be in pain or be in a constant state of pain that isn't emotional and mental. I can't. I won't, I refuse. Fuck the devil!
please send some love. Please send some prayers. I'm so numb. I need help. But I'm fine. I wont' do it. I dont 'actually want to do it, I just think of ways I could do it right now. I'm home alone. I could go to my room where a giant pocket knife is sitting on my bedside table. I could I could I could. But I won't. I refuse to. fuck it hurts rn. I just want someone. I want discord boy o r bumble bro or my best friend. But none of them want me right now. And I can't talk to two of them but I dont' want to bother my best friend cause they're tired. So I just sit here and wait for my brother to come home at midnight. ugh. Wish me luck. Need therapy,
submitted by fufu1260 to venting [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 02:20 drmoskato Lip-Sync Moskato's Drag Race: S7, E1 - "Born Naked"

Lip-Sync Moskato's Drag Race: S7, E1 -
Welcome, racers. When I call your name, please step forward.
Anneé Maywong, Isis Avis Loren, Kandy Zyanide, Yara Sofia, Megami, Heidi N Closet, and Kitty Space... you are all safe.
Scarlett Harlett, your lavender Spring dress wasn't runway-ready; it looked like a dress I'd get from the mall. Your Fall look was your best of the night, but still under the mark we were looking for. Also, this tearaway... who wears a pink sweatsuit to a resort? And why put a robe over it?
Brooke Lynn Hytes, your Spring look gave water and "Under the Sea" vibes, while your golden Fall look was slightly busy. I would've lost the white boa and gone for a monochromatic styling. Looking at your "Born Naked" tearaway, the blue dress over the reveal was stunning, but the actual nude illusion was slightly wonky in the padding area.
Pangina Heals, you had the best Fall look of the night by far! The prints of your face all over the dress really said, "I am fashion!" Your tearaway was so fashion-centered, but you had a bit of a mishap with the actual reveal not coming off on the first try, and the panic showed on your face.
Endigo, thank you for bringing a blend of Swedish and Japanese fashion to the runway, but I don't think any of your runways matched the other queens' collections. Your Spring look was the worst because you kept tripping over the extra fabric from your train, and your "Born Naked" look wasn't a true naked runway at all. You revealed into a bra...
Tammie Brown, you took us to another planet today, but I think I want to go home. Your Fall look fits more for Spring, and vice versa; your desire to be different is obvious, but it's great to stick to the challenge, too. The tearaway had a lot of clashing fabrics, and your nude illusion is a bit off on the proportions.
Maddy Morphosis, you oppressed us on the runway tonight instead of impressing us. All three looks missed the mark; the fabrics used in the fashion show swallowed you up, and your undergarments were showing in your "Born Naked" look. Also, you didn't exude much confidence in your runway walk, so we didn't know whether or not you liked your clothes either.
Shea Couleé, mama, this stoned bodysuit looks spectacular! It's giving 70's Blaxploitation Pam Grier, and I love it! Your collections were both stunning, with the orange headdress from the Spring look being the best in the category. Your Fall look brought us into the fantasy, but the wig choice could've been a little better.
Based on the critiques, I've made some decisions.
Brooke Lynn Hytes, you're safe.
Shea Couleé, you took fashion risks on the runway and on the main stage, and they paid off big time. Condragulations, you are the winner of this week's challenge!
Pangina Heals, you're safe.
Scarlett Harlett, you're safe.
Endigo, your runways tonight were hard to endure. I'm sorry, my dear, but you are up for elimination.
Maddy Morphosis, your fashion looks were worn, and your nude illusion, no pun intended, needed some straightening.
Tammie Brown, your personality is out-of-this-world, but your runway fashions looked out of style.
Tammie Brown, you're safe.
Two racers stand before me. Racers, this is your last chance to impress me and save yourself from elimination. The time has come... for you to lip-sync... for your life! Good luck, and don't fuck it up!
Lip-Sync Song: "Geronimo" by RuPaul
submitted by drmoskato to RPDRfantasyseason [link] [comments]