Headache dizziness runny nose and stomach ache

Should I go A&E for COVID now?

2024.05.21 09:51 MaisieXOX666 Should I go A&E for COVID now?

27 female UK - got dysautonomia (really bad heart symptoms) and gastroperisis (bad digestive symptoms) - 2 central nervous system disorders, from REALLY MILD COVID 2 years ago.
I've now been dealing with quite severe COVID for 7 days now. More than just cold symptoms. Arms going numb, visual hallucinations (I've never had these), in and out of fever like nightmare dreams, can't sleep for more than 6 hours, fever was 38.4 on the 6th day but not at the moment, conjunctivitis, headache that hasn't gone the whole time but was really severe day 3/4, teeth have killed for a week like all of them are so painful only co-dydramol is helping, can't stop blowing nose like 2 box of tissues in one day, cough becoming painful. Had worst sore throat, that's fine now though but has turned into painful cough, short of breath at times.
What's concerning me is the non-cold like symptoms, none of which my friend has. I.E conjunctivitis, arms going numb, hallucinations. Plus, the high fever so late into it on day 6. The fact I'm not getting better, wake up day 7 with conjunctivitis and friend has already completely cleared COVID, never got conjunctivitis or severe runny nose/headaches etc.
My friend caught it same time, and at day 5 she was better, no signs of it now - at day 7 I'm just getting worse. She had it much milder than me from the start, but we caught it at the same place the same night, fell ill the same day a few days after, but she likened it to a cold whereas I feel like it's literally attacking most parts of me, going deeper than a usual cold. Her teeth never hurt, she never got numb arms, or anything. I've done a lot more to get better, she was eating fish and chips, drinking alcohol, not taking vitamins, and she's fine now. Ive been eating mostly just fruit and veg, drinking electrolytes with vitamins in, zinc lozenges every 5 hours, taking 3 different vitamins throughout the day, tumeric tea, ginger shots, vaporrub on chest etc (for nose and head). And I'm actually getting WORSE on day 7.
submitted by MaisieXOX666 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:47 MaisieXOX666 Should I go to A&E? (UK)

27 female UK - got dysautonomia (really bad heart symptoms) and gastroperisis (really bad digestives symptoms) - 2 central nervous system disorders, from REALLY MILD COVID 2 years ago.
I've been dealing with severe COVID for 7 days now. Arms going numb, visual hallucinations (I've never had these), in and out of fever like nightmare dreams, can't sleep for more than 6 hours, fever was 38.4 on the 6th day but not at the moment, conjunctivitis, headache that hasn't gone the whole time but was really severe day 3/4, teeth have killed for a week like all of them are so painful only co-dydramol is helping, can't stop blowing nose like 2 box of tissues in one day, cough becoming painful. Had worst sore throat, that's fine now though but has turned into painful cough, short of breath at times.
What's concerning me is the non-cold like symptoms, none of which my friend has. I.E conjunctivitis, arms going numb, hallucinations. Plus, the high fever so late into it. The fact I'm not getting better, wake up day 7 with conjunctivitis and she has completely cleared COVID, never got conjunctivitis or severe runny nose/headaches etc.
My friend caught it same time, and at day 5 she was better, no signs of it now - at day 7 I'm just getting worse. She seemed to have it much milder than me from the start, but we caught it at the same place the same night, fell ill the same day a few days after, but she likened it to a cold whereas I feel like it's literally attacking most parts of me (I wish it just felt like a cold, lol.) I've done a lot more to get better, she was eating fish and chips, drinking alcohol, not taking vitamins etc. ive been eating mostly just fruit and veg, drinking electrolytes with vitamins in, zinc lozenges every 5 hours, taking 3 different vitamins throughout the day, tumeric tea, ginger shots, vaporrub on chest etc (for nose and head).
submitted by MaisieXOX666 to COVID19positive [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:44 Remote_Match_6280 28F Swollen tongue

Swollen tongue with cold symptoms
28F, 5’8”, 145lbs. Never smoked, no drinking or drugs.
UCTD (treated as lupus) Selective IGM deficiency. daily medications: plaquenil, Keflex, and adderall.
Hi! I’m having a bit of a panic because my frequent common cold has come with a fun new symptom: swollen, sore tongue.
I catch a cold once a month, maybe every 2 months. And it’s always pretty standard. Sore throat, cough, insanely runny nose, high fever, malaise, headache. Dayquill and 2 days off takes care of me.
I started getting my normal symptoms yesterday morning, and by last night it was full blown. This morning however, I noticed my tongue doesn’t fit in my teeth anymore. Ive trained myself to rest my tongue in my lower jaw because I have an overbite and I don’t want to make it worse. But today my tongue doesn’t fit in either my upper or lower jaw. Also, the sides are very sore, like when you eat too much sour candy. It isn’t causing any difficulty breathing but i literally can’t close my teeth and it’s exacerbated my sore, dry throat.
I’ve been taking dayquill and added in naproxen when the fever stopped declining (highest has been 103.1 and won’t go lower than 101) I took a Zyrtec when it was suggested by the minute clinic that the tongue thing could be an unrelated allergy; but it hasn’t gotten any better.
I tested negative for strep, flu, and Covid.
I had an uncomplicated wisdom tooth removal 4 days ago; and have had no pain, swelling, bleeding, or sign of infection since. But I wanted to add in case that’s relevant.
submitted by Remote_Match_6280 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:53 where-is-the-bleach is it easier to play dumb with doctors?

I have found when I go to doctors with my speculations they write me off as a hypochondriac. For example, I have a CSF leak that happens sometimes and has been confirmed by another doctor that doesn’t practice anymore and of course they didn’t put it in my chart. So my new neurologist thinks I am a hypochondriac and using webmd as the source eventhough i have explained another doctor was the one who confirmed. Is it easier to just play dumb and describe all the symptoms without saying anything? like saying “i have a runny nose but not just snot and i get a headache and pressure in my head with it” where any doctor would hopefully connect the dots themselves instead of me saying it exactly. i feel like this would work instead because i feel like most doctors go straight to defense being like no there’s no way it’s this rare thing you probably got off webmd and don’t even check. (the doctor knows all my diagnosis’s) also should i just get a new neurologist at this point?
submitted by where-is-the-bleach to ehlersdanlos [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:24 -zubeneschamali- Am I experiencing migraines?

I’ve been having some strange issues for the last few days, especially last night and tonight.
Tonight I got a headache that wasn’t very bad at first and got a little worse as time passed. I mainly feel it in my temples and around my eyes. While I was driving home I got very nauseous and got close to vomiting. I took Tylenol and I feel better though my stomach still feels off.
Obviously I’m always thinking about viruses, but it’s May and it’s not likely, plus I was able to eat dinner fine and it tasted good, though I ate it while still a bit nauseous.
I feel a bit dizzy too, and like my eyes are straining.
My brain feels a little weird too, like I’m a bit confused. Like I can’t think straight and can’t tell what emotion I’m feeling. I don’t feel right.
I’m getting a bit more nauseous and dizzy now and I’m worried about what could happen but I just want to know if this could be a migraine.
submitted by -zubeneschamali- to emetophobiarecovery [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:35 semur01 Is this the right schedule for my (4) meds + probiotics? Will I be ok?

Hey, y'all. Tomorrow morning I'm starting my treatment. I was given Metronidazole (e/8hrs), Clarithromycin (e/12hrs), Amoxiciline (e/12hrs), and Omeprazole (e/12hrs). I also bought Probiotics with 5B+ bacteria in them for once a day.
How is this for a meds schedule?:
---AM--- 7:00 Metronidazole + Omeprazole 8:00 Breakfast with Probiotics right before 9:00 Amoxiciline 10:00 Clarithromycin
----PM---- 3:00 Metronidazole 7:00 Omeprazole 9:00 Amoxiciline 10:00 Clarithromycin 11:00 Metronidazole
Also, feel free to express your comments, opinions, concerns, conspiracy theories, thoughts and prayers, etc on my proposed treatment.
*Other things to consider for my individual case: -Exactly 2 weeks ago I got a surgery for an inguinal hernia. I'm off all of those meds already, and my stools have already been ok at this point. -My colon and stools have all been fine throughout the many months (probably under a year) that I've likely had the H. Pylori. All of the problems had only caused gastritis and esophagitis at a relatively mild degree. -I have barely taken antibiotics in my life. Maybe once or twice after being sick, and probably given antibiotics through the IV after my 2 surgeries. Never felt anything bad with them. -My symptoms while having H. Pylori, however, have been bad and of many kinds. Nausea, chills, dizziness, extreme acid reflux, disgust to eat, extreme discomfort, but never stomach aches, never actually vomiting (but always "almost"), and never diarrhea except for a couple of times with very specific meals (probably other bacteria and not Pylori related).
submitted by semur01 to HPylori [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:06 EvenSatisfaction1254 My mono recovery after 21 months

Hello all. The title is not clickbait. Just wanted to provide a post now that I am nearing the 2 year mark from infection. I have posted on here previously but deleted it as I wanted to just give this one post some light. For context, I’m in my early/now mid 20s, was in the middle of grad school, was an athlete/active/outgoing. My timeline is below (If you’d like to just skip to how I’m doing now, just keep scrolling down until the April 2023-Present). I would also like to say beforehand that the vast majority recover significantly faster than this. This is not the norm, and please don’t panic if you just got sick. You’ll likely recover in weeks.
August 2022: Initial infection. Swollen tonsils, rash, fever, etc, labs eventually come back positive for mono.
September 2022: Acute infection symptoms still prevailing, somewhat improved late in the month. Other notable occurrences: ER visit from tonsils obstructing my breathing.
October 2022: Felt like I got hit by a bus. Insane flu like symptoms, fatigue, brainfog, PEM, muscle aches, nerve pain, dizziness, dissociation, feeling of body not able to remember to breathe (very weird version of shortness of breath), horrible GI/IBS like issues, light sensitivity, noise sensitivity, genuine short term memory loss, motion sickness, heart palpitations/PVCs, temperature sensitivities, began losing weight/muscle from inactivity
November 2022 - June 2023: Virtually zero progress. Symptoms I listed above would cycle over and over randomly. I became obsessed with trying to feel better, track symptoms/what treatments worked or didn’t, and every single movement I did every day I thought about in terms of feeling worse or better. Doom-scrolled most of the day. Horrible on the mental health. I thought I had ME/CFS and that I’d have a slow and painful life, one that I’d rather not live if I have to be honest. Was barely able to keep up with all of the exams/labs/assessments/classes that came with grad school. I almost had to drop out. No parties. No sports. No hanging out. Couldn’t drive. I missed most of my classes. I felt like I had the flu every single day, all day. In any moment where I felt I could be doing better or I found something that might be helping, it didn’t. Went right back to flu like symptoms. Months 3-11 were truly hell. At this point, I lost 40 pounds of good muscle/fat and all my athletic abilities were gone. I felt so left out, alone, isolated, and depressed.
June 2023-September 2023: I am struggling to keep up at my internships. The hot weather made my brainfog worse, and I still had significant GI issues, light sensitivity, and noise sensitivity. On a positive note, my overall cycling of symptoms began to become less and less intense as it neared September.
October 2023: I will never forget this month. As I was still struggling at new internships, I vividly remember a string of days that I felt were better than usual. Usually after this happens, it goes right back to the same old stuff. But this time, it didn’t. Everyday became a “not bad” day. This was progress that I never ever thought would be possible.
November 2023-March 2024: Very slowly, this string of “not bad” days kept turning into some “good” days. I still had some ups and downs but, by winter time, I genuinely was able to feel like a functional human being again. I was able to go to work, study, hang out, and drive again. My brainfog has improved. All of my symptoms above have improved. The only one that really did not was noise sensitivity. Would I have occasional flares of awful GI problems? Yes, but so does every 20 something year old in this day and age from all the processed stuff we’ve been consuming. Occasional pain or headaches? Yes, but very normal amounts, just like any other normal person.
Late March/April 2024-Present: My brainfog, fatigue, and other symptoms, are afterthoughts. I don’t think about my symptoms most of the time anymore, because I don’t have them. My noise sensitivity improved so drastically over the past month that I’m now able to listen to music consistently for first time since getting sick. Having caffeine feels normal again somehow. I’m able to have some alcohol again. I can drive again. I went to bars and clubs with friends for the first time again. I went to weddings again. I went to trips with my family, friends, and significant other again. I graduated college. No more PEM crashes. Despite all odds, despite these symptoms, despite it being nearly 2 years, I have recovered. The only remaining symptoms of occasional muscle aches/heart skips/GI problems I really think are just from being so inactive for so long for the first time in my athletic life, and my autonomic nervous system/vagus nerve still being a little fried (but about 90+% back to normal). All those nights of crying, suffering, having horrible brainfog to the point of thinking I’m losing my mind, the nerve pain, heart palpitations, feeling so alone and wanting to not live life anymore, were gone. I don’t care what everything says here, and online. You can recover. I did in 2 years. The people who have also done this really must have decided to never update their progress on here, or anywhere. I don’t blame them in a way, this was by far the worst and darkest time in my life. But I can live again. I feel free.
I love you all and really hope you realize no matter how horrible you’re feeling right now, you can recover. There is no magic bullet right now that fixed it for me either. I’m sorry. The amount of tests I did at doctors offices, supplements I’ve tried, prescriptions I’ve tried, all either did not help or were incredibly inconsistent. Time was truly what healed me. Not over weeks, and not even over some months. It was over many many months. My heart breaks for all of you suffering and I will not forget everyone that’s still suffering. I hate how I can’t give everyone here exactly what I desperately used to scroll for; a treatment. But I can give you my assurance. I believe in you all, and I can’t wait for when I hear about some of your recoveries. Thanks for the read. Feel free to message with anything.
  • Ev ____________________
Some meds I tried over the course of the last 2 years that either did not work, or were mid at best and had side effects (this is simply documenting what I tried and I DO NOT endorse/recommend any of these. Please ALWAYS talk to your doctor or pharmacist before trying any medication): B complex, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, zinc, ginger, 2nd gen antihistamines (like Claritin, Zyrtec, Xyzal), melatonin, Metamucil, ondansetron, modafinil, caffeine, CoQ10, ICS/ICS+LABAs (Pulmicort and Breo specifically), albuterol, monolaurin, bupropion, glycine. There were a bunch of others (like ibuprofen, Tylenol, viscous lidocaine) that I used in the beginning to help the initial infection, and a bunch of others that I did not try long enough to put on here. There were also a bunch of events and symptoms I did not mention above for simplicity sake. Please talk with your provider or pharmacist with any medical questions or if you think you may be having any other serious health issues. Thank you all again for the read, I will update you all once I get back into working out again in the coming weeks!
submitted by EvenSatisfaction1254 to Mononucleosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 01:20 Contactunderground Contact Network History Project: Were “psychotronic” attacks against contact activists in the 1990s a precursor of the “Havana Syndrome”? Directed Energy Weapons not only affect the human body but might be targeting human consciousness itself at the level of what is called the astral body.”

Contact Network History Project: Were “psychotronic” attacks against contact activists in the 1990s a precursor of the “Havana Syndrome”? Directed Energy Weapons not only affect the human body but might be targeting human consciousness itself at the level of what is called the astral body.”
Contact Network History Project:
Joseph Burkes MD 2024


In my judgment, flying saucers threaten all terrestrial elites, but not necessarily the planet’s people. Given what is a perceived threat to the status quo,
both corporate and Executive Branch Intelligence operatives have historically been compelled to deal with UFOs as a non-human intelligence counterintelligence challenge.

As a Working Group Coordinator in the 1990s for the Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind Initiative, I observed signs of obvious surveillance of our contact efforts. Young men in civilian clothing with a military bearing were frequently present at our research sites. Team members were blatantly photographed on arrival at a fieldwork location. On one occasion, military helicopters and on another F-14s buzzed us during our investigations.

Contact activists who are staging Human Initiated Contact Events (HICE) aka CE5, might in some ways be ideal targets to try out what are now called Directed Energy Weapons. This is because we already are under surveillance and the effects of such non-lethal technology can be readily monitored via telephone conversations and email.

Importantly, as the result of a de facto policy of ridicule and denial, most people imagine that those attempting to contact aliens” are probably mentally ill. Once targeted and attacked, contact activists would find little sympathy from the larger society, including police and medical authorities, if they dared to complain about such attacks. Thus, the technology can be developed with little interference.

“The Havana Syndrome”

During the past few years, current and former US government employees have reported being targeted by are called “Directed Energy Weapons.” The failure of US Executive Branch to identify the precise source of these alleged attacks and to adequately deal with the long-term health consequences of them, has led to charges of a coverup. The victims describe experiencing a wide range of symptoms: headaches, dizziness, blurred vision and memory loss and insomnia.

Shari Adamiak, a Prominent Leader in our Human Initiated Contact Network
Shari Adamiak was a Working Group Coordinator in the CE-5 Initiative from 1991 until her death in 1998. She played an immeasurable role in the formulation of the CSETI Contact Protocols and the development of contact teams that operated primarily in the Western United States during the 1990s. Several times Shari also accompanied the CSETI Director Dr. Greer to Southern England to investigate the relationship between UFOs and Crop Circle phenomena.

Shari Adamiak
Directed Energy Weapon Attack in the United Kingdom

As a fellow contact team leader, I always paid close attention to what she shared with me about her work. If memory serves me correctly, after returning from the UK in 1994(although it might have been 1993) I heard a very disturbing account from her. While in Southern England, Shari and two other crop circle investigators were sitting at an outdoor café. A commercial van of some sort pulled up and parked about twenty yards away. Suddenly all three women developed the following symptoms, vertigo, nausea, light headedness, muscle ache and headache. According to Shari all were feeling perfectly fine before the onset of the symptoms which lasted perhaps ten or fifteen minutes and then gradually resolved. Shari stated the van then drove away.

“Psychotronic” Weaponry Appears to Target Human Consciousness
In 1994 both Steven Greer MD and Shari Adamiak reported to our network that they had been targeted with what Greer called “psychotronic” weaponry. (In Shari’s report posted below she used the term “psychoelectronic.” In his oral history book “Hidden Truth Forbidden Knowledge,” the CSETI leader described a series of attacks starting in the fall of 1994. One reportedly occurred in New York City after a meeting with a member of a European royal family.
“After falling fast asleep, I awakened hours later. I couldn't raise my arms; I couldn't roll over; I couldn't move! I was in a state of complete physical paralysis. I
knew what was going on; a directional electromagnetic weapons system hit me. It was coming through the window above my bed. Projected into the room was the single most extreme sense of evil and terror I've ever felt in my life. I could tell they were attempting to extract my astral body out of my physical body.”

This appears to be different from what Shari described above in the UK attack but is similar to what she stated happened to her in New Mexico in October 1994 during a UFO investigation. I have posted a portion of her official CSETI report on that mission below as part of my Contact Network History Project.

Readers please note that "CTS" is the abbreviation for "Coherent Thought Sequencing. This is the term Steven Greer MD coined for group meditation involving either thought projection to, and /or remote viewing of "extraterrestrial spacecraft", combined with the group's intention to interact peacefully with the non-human intelligences piloting those craft.

The high desert near Roswell was where Shari was reportedly attacked again

OCTOBER 1- 7. 1994


A small Rapid Mobilization Investigative Team (RMIT) of three CSETI members met in Albuquerque, New Mexico to investigate activities in the state, and to take a reconnaissance trip to the Roswell area. Members of the team for this mission included: Steven M. Greer, M.D., international director of SETI; Shari Adamiak, CSETI executive council, coordinator for the RMIT, the working groups, and the Denver, Colorado group; and Patrick Sullivan, a CSETI member from Pagosa Springs, Colorado.

The starting date of the mission followed immediately after Steven Greer's appearance on the Larry King Live special the previous night near Area 57, Rachel, Nevada.

We traveled to the Roswell area after joining up on October 2nd. Here we spent time in prayer and thought to help heal the area and the energy from the crashes of space craft in New Mexico in the late 1940s and 1950s.

Our trip was primarily of an investigative nature. Besides wanting to do research around Roswell, we were also following up on activity reported in Midway, outside Roswell. We also wanted to investigate the White Sands area, as it had been the site of extreme activity in the past and is also an area that Dr. Greer feels may be the site of a future, cooperative landing and meeting between extraterrestrial intelligent beings and representatives from this planet, including government, military and civilian (a small CSETI team).

The report that follows is real-time dictation and field notes from this mission.

Respectfully submitted,
Shari Adamiak
CSETI Executive Council


Real-time dictation from the field each night follows:
~October 2, 1994:~

We are outside of Roswell, New Mexico on our first night of a RMIT. Present are Steven Greer, Patrick Sullivan, and Shari Adamiak. We have just camped out on a road of a county road between Midway and Dexter. We have seen one anomalous object flying in the East, very low to the horizon headed towards the North. Did not appear to have any strobing lights. When Steven signaled to it, the object rose up a little bit and became noticeably brighter, changing from red to white. Also, as that was occurring, I saw a shooting star at about 25° above the Eastern horizon headed North.

10:50pm and two shooting stars just seen in the zenith by Patrick and Steven. Patrick just reported a very brilliant shooting star, shooting from East to West by the Milky Way. It's about 11:00. Patrick said it was the fastest "shooting star" he's ever seen. Just a moment later a second shooting star was seen by Patrick almost parallel to the other. It's just a minute or so after 11:00 and we have just been observing in the SE a very unusual strobing object visible only through the night vision scope, moving very low to the horizon with a rapid strobe to it. We can't see it with the naked eye.

At 11:40pm we had an experience during Coherent Thought Sequencing (CTS) where Steven and I both felt there was something directly over us and at the same time Patrick reported seeing a strobing above us. Steven then felt they were directly behind his head. The hair on the back of his neck stood up. He got up and on the very low Northern horizon was able to see the red-amber colored light.

It's about midnight. We're having an unusual sighting over in the East. We've been watching an object that moved South and then became stationary. Now it looks as if it could be a planet rising. It has a red-amber look to it or the object could be just totally stationary. We did signal to it. It seemed to flare up. It's about 5° above the horizon, directly across from us in the East. This object that we were looking at appeared to have positioned itself in front of either Regel or Betelgeuse in Orion, which that was a part of and is now fully risen and is beautiful in the Eastern sky.

~October 3, 1994:~

We are out at a site East of Roswell. It's just a minute or two before 7:00pm. We're getting something to east. It’s partly cloudy. It’s in the 70s. It looks like it will be fairly clear for most of the night. West. We are directly across from the mountain Capital to the West. To our East there is a vent for a gas well that's burning.

It's 7:50 and in the East towards Midway we are observing some twinkling, strobing type lights. There are two or three of them. They seem to be like the lights described that Mr. Escamillo has on video from Midway. About a minute later, we don't see them at all. Oh, I just saw one flash farther to the East. We are not sure if these could be aircraft or something anomalous. They are dim to bright and white. These white blinking objects have continued on to the East, traveling in the South part of the sky. They are continuing to do strobing and flashing but in no regular pattern. They appear to be chasing each other randomly across the sky, rather slowly.

It's 10:15pm and there is one single white bright light appearing in the South that is signaling back to us. It is very low on the horizon, maybe even on the ground. The object just signaled back twice after a signal sent to it of two flashes. It is in the area of Bottomless Lakes State Park, which is due South of us. It's about 5 or 10 minutes later and this light in the South is again signaling. It's moved just a bit. It moves a bit to the East or the West, but it's still completely low, right on the horizon. We don't know if it's terrestrial or extraterrestrial at this point. It is 10:35 when this signaling has reoccurred again. Steven is now looking at it through the night vision binoculars and he says it is a continuously illuminated object that's on right now, even when it is not signaling to us. It just now flashed again faintly. We will continue to signal to this and report. The sky has also become completely clear except for around the very far edges and just in the East. Through the night vision scope, Patrick is seeing that there is also a corresponding strobing light in the sky about 10° above the horizon that's in synch with the one that's here on the ground. But we cannot see the one in the sky without using the night vision scope.

It's 11:00 and the light across the road in the South by the Bottomless Lakes has just illuminated itself about 5 or 6 times to us. It definitely seems to be under intelligent control. The last round of signaling that's going on now started up just after we broadcast the tones out over the walkie-talkie. It's just a few minutes after 11:00 and Steven saw an extremely fast moving "meteorite" just to the East of zenith. He said it was faster than anything he's ever seen move. Also, it happened to Patrick last night - that same type of extremely fast moving object.

It's 11:55 and we were just hit from behind to our East by some beam that was low and on the ground that swept right across the field encompassing us.


Narrative Report:

Soon after this round of light signaling, we did a Coherent Thought Sequencing. I was in a deep state of unbounded mind when I felt my body struck by an invisible beam of negative energy. It caused nearly total paralysis except that my body was wracked with small convulsions from what I sensed to be a psychoelectronic, non-lethal weapon. I could hear myself moaning slowly. I felt that the beam was coming from my left, towards Bottomless Lakes. I sensed three shadowy figures that appeared to be human men. The beam had the effect of separating me from my teammates. Since I only had the faculty of mind at my disposal during the attack, I mentally asked where Patrick and Steven were. I finally could sense Patrick out I front of me, distance away. I could not see or sense Steven. I kept asking mentally, “Where is Steven?” in as authoritative tone as I could manage while under attack. Receiving no response, I began to mentally call to Steven. He must have mentally picked up my thoughts because I felt him take my hands even though he was not there physically. He then hugged me and the attack ended. I sensed that it was our combined energy that was able to break the beam. I then rather passed out for a few minutes.

When our CTS ended, I clearly recalled everything that happened and knew I had not dozed off and had a dream. It was ultimately real. I was still a bit weak from the attack. Steven asked if something happened. I said, "you won't believe this" and proceeded to tell Steven and Patrick most of what occurred. Patrick had been unaware of any of this during our CTS. When I finished, Steven said, "wait until you hear this". During the CTS, he heard a voice that said, "are you ready to go?" He then felt that the energy was instantly scrambled and he lost the connection. He could hear me faintly moaning and sensed that I was in distress. He then came to me etherically and hugged me. The dove tailing of our experiences was incredible. For some days, I pondered on this event. It had a profound effect upon me, and still does to this day. I knew it was highly significant that we were able to break the attack with combined positive energy. I also instinctively and absolutely felt that the attack had come from human beings. I knew that it was not sent by extraterrestrials. The beam carried with it fear and terror which I knew were being projected upon me by an outside force. I did not feel that fear and terror from within my own being, but I was forced to experience it.

We then saw the ground-based lights at Bottomless Lakes flashing randomly again. It was nearly 1:00 by now and we decided to pack up. And drive over there to investigate. As we were in a flat open area, and anyone at Bottomless could have seen us coming for literally a mile. We drove around the Bottomless Lakes State Park, shining our 1.5 million candle power light all about. No traces of anyone or any vehicles were seen. There is a county road that cuts out of Bottomless Lakes which could make for an easy get-away for any one in that park.

End of Narrative Report

Links to articles supportive of themes outlined in the above report:
If flying saucer intelligences threaten all terrestrial elites, but not necessarily the Earth’s people, then it is understandable that governmental response to UFOs is a counterintelligence one.
“Science, Counterintelligence & UFOs”
Researcher Val Germann wrote this important multi-part article in 1997. He has given me permission to repost his work on my blog site.

Staging Human Initiated Contact Events adjacent to a high security research lab involved challenges of surveillance for my team. https://contactunderground.wordpress.com/2022/05/19/did-a-fateful-phone-call-trigger-the-appearance-of-blackhawk-helicopters-during-contact-work/

During fieldwork in the high desert, my contact team was blatantly photographed on two separate occasions. We had UFO sightings first in the west, then in the north. We anticipated the next would be in the east. Instead three waves of jet fighters heading east buzzed us.

submitted by Contactunderground to Experiencers [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 23:54 Traditional-Lack2296 Cryptic pregnancy

I’m 17 F and I’m really scared that I might be experiencing a cryptic pregnancy. I’ve never really touched reddit for any problems but i’m getting desperate and I don’t know who to talk to. I’m also too scared to go to the doctor because if I am pregnant my life is completely over, but I can get into that later.
Weird things that have happened to my body from November-May (keep in mind I had unprotected sex for the last time on September 30th): 1. I’ve had thrush/yeast infections twice within 4 months - once in November and another time in January
  1. Before or during the first time I had thrush, and before I went to the GP about it, I had my period. During my period, my blood had a bad odour to it, like really bad
  2. Around April - even now - there would be periods of time where I’d constantly feel nauseous for no reason but wouldn’t vomit. I also get dizzy and headaches often
  3. I’ve recently been feeling a rising motion only in the top of my stomach. It’s not painful but it’s weird? When I press it my stomach gurgles and acts like gas if that makes sense
I think I covered all of it.
On the bright side: 1. I’ve had 7 regular periods since the last time i had unprotected sex (30th of September ‘23). I understand you can have implantation bleeding and mistake it for a period, but surely 7 regular, nothing out of the ordinary period means i’m not pregnant? To be truthful I’m just trying to convince myself it’s impossible.
  1. I’m in no pain whatsoever. No abdominal pain that’s out of the ordinary. The only pain I get is light cramping before and during my periods, but that’s been my reality since even before I had sex.
  2. My diet hasn’t changed to my knowledge. I eat the same foods with the same eating habits. If anything I’ve lost weight rather than gaining it.
I have an idea that the replies may just suggest I should take a test or get it checked out, but I’m so so scared. If my reality is that I am pregnant, that means i’ll be 7 months/31 weeks along, so I am in no position to abort it. I wouldn’t even think of aborting the child if I was older or if I was in a stable relationship even now, but I genuinely can’t, especially with that man being the father. “Why would you have unprotected sex if you knew the consequences” I made a stupid decision with a stupid boy who I thought really liked me, and I should’ve never done it, I know. I’m very regretful. I think after writing this, it’s evident to me that I’m looking for people to talk to rather than advise, because it’s pretty clear what I should do, but i’m terrified. Thank you for reading if you have made it this far. Any responses would be appreciated.
submitted by Traditional-Lack2296 to amipregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 23:02 lisaredmond93 My Effexor withdrawal timeline

Hi guys,
Just wanted to share my experience of withdrawing from Effexor in case it helps someone. I’ve been fully off them for almost a week and I’m feeling good overall.
I was on 75mgs for 18 months. When I wanted to come off them my doctor halved my dose to 37mg for two weeks. During this point I had some discontinuation symptoms of dizziness and disrupted sleep. Nothing too bad. I was afraid of going straight off from 37mg so I took out half the beads and then a quater for the final two days. Not sure if this helped but the brain zaps started when I quartered the dose.
The symptoms were strongest in the first four days. The first and third day off them were the worst. I made sure to not schedule much in my week so that I could take naps during the day if needed (I work from home). The first day was the only day I needed to nap and it helped a lot.
The symptoms I had were brain zaps, dizziness, stomach cramps, excessive thirst, shakiness, irritability, sweating and hot flashes. I was also very emotional and would cry very easily when watching something sad, which I wasn’t able to do on the meds. I mostly felt hungover for the first four days. The symptoms came in waves and were annoying but nothing debilitating and I was able to keep working, at times with difficulty. I’m on day 6 now and most of my symptoms have gone away. I sometimes have slight brain shivers and shaking but nothing too bad.
What helped was:
Wishing everyone the best of luck who’s coming off it. I was very lucky that it wasn’t half as bad as I expected.
submitted by lisaredmond93 to Effexor [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 20:49 Effort_Secret Fatty liver and a plethora of issues

It’s gonna be a long one, back in January I was hit with pure panic attacks, I felt “off” my balance was everywhere. I couldn’t even walk or work or anything. At the time I didn’t know what was going on. The dizziness was intense. Fast forward, went to the ER cause I was having burning pain from the bottom of my feet to the back of my head. Felt like I was gonna pass out. At this time I was 309lbs for a 6’2 male also prediabetic. I was told it was “anxiety” my BP would be slightly elevated but nothing crazy. It would be off and on. One week I’ll feel alright but then I guess maybe a flare up would occur and I’m bed ridden for a while. Idk, Before I got the knowledge, I know now. I implemented veggies and fruits and a plain chicken diet. no more sugar.
Anything I ate just ran through me, I had nausea through the roof and diarrhea. Omeprazole did not help with the acid reflux. I was bloated etc.
Got an ultrasound on all my organs and found that my liver was fatty. (I haven’t had alcohol in years) it was probably due to poor diet.
I was negative for h pylori (twice) And my blood tests were great. My sinuses are acting up, they constantly crack and release pressure. Saw an ENT and they said it can be allergies, I take fluticasone and Zyrtec and it still happens 😵‍💫
Recently got a stool test and everything is fine but I guess I’m having malabsorption issues. (Haven’t heard from my doctor on this one yet)
I still get neuropathy in my face but it’s very slight pins and needles. I’m not prediabetic anymore since I dropped 50 pounds. Last time I checked i was 260. In July I will be getting a Endoscopy done cause from time to time my stomach does burn with aches
I do walk and go to the gym from time to time.
Just wanted to know if anyone has or is dealing with the same issues as me. Any advice would be deeply appreciated
submitted by Effort_Secret to FattyLiverNAFLD [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 19:23 useryourfav woke up nauseous

this morning i woke up nauseous around 5am and stood up felt out of breath and dizzy. i took a pill for my nausea and it went away and i fell asleep. i woke back up instead of nausea i had to use the bathroom so i went. i didn’t have a appetite but i just ate and feel a little sick now after it but i layed down and felt better. i have a small headache and stomach ache like i have to poop. i ate lamb chops with a spicy rice yesterday and then i had ice cream which im lactose intolerant and i have gastritis.
submitted by useryourfav to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 19:22 useryourfav woke up nauseous and still hours later feel like it

this morning i woke up nauseous around 5am and stood up felt out of breath and dizzy. i took a pill for my nausea and it went away and i fell asleep. i woke back up instead of nausea i had to use the bathroom so i went. i didn’t have a appetite but i just ate and feel a little sick now after it but i layed down and felt better. i have a small headache and stomach ache like i have to poop. i ate lamb chops with a spicy rice yesterday and then i had ice cream which im lactose intolerant and i have gastritis. 16F 130 4’10
submitted by useryourfav to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 19:18 Majestic_Page_216 Am I "potsy" enough

Hi. New here. I'm 25 and I suffered a concussion back in 2016 and have just kinda been bleh ever since. Recently a nurse that I work with commented that I sound like a pots patient, I have never heard of this before and once I looked into it I'm nervous that I might have it so any helpful perspectives are welcome. Pls be nice to me.
I've been in and out of the doctor since I was 17 with all these weird symptoms for years. Never knew what any of it was and my doctor at the time just assumed I was a "high-stress" person that shows stress psychically thanks to good ole college. Headaches, stomach cramping, temp regulation, tunnel vision every time I stand, heartbeat hammers in my chest for no reason, etc. I believe her and we all move on.
Now fast forward, I've graduated college (also I don't really get stressed....I'm just not an anxious person at all) and still have all of the same symptoms plus some new fun additions. I fainted for the first time last fall. Super weird, I jumped up off the couch to grab a snack during an ad break and woke up on the floor. Pretty sure I seized as well, not a seizure but I think my body seized as a reflex. I don't know. Anyway, I got to my doctor and she told me she doesn't know and to let her know if it happens again. I move on, life goes on.
Every time I stand from a chair or get out of bed, I get dizzy, and have tunnel vision, I've lost vision completely before and had to lay on the floor in fear that I'll collapse or smash into something, and now each time it happens (every day) I'm nervous I'm going to faint again because these are all symptoms I had the day I fainted. I just thought it was normal, this has been my life since I got that concussion.
Finally, I have my own insurance and I go to a new doctor in a new state. I explain everything. We go through all of these tests, EKG, heart echo, heart monitor for two weeks, the whole deal. Bill me 2K and no answers, they tell me my heart is totally healthy and my blood pressure is always a bit low.
Here is some of the data I've collected at home with an approved heart monitor
62-114 bpm 1/30/24 standing up from bed.
86-132 bpm 1/31/24 standing up from bed.
65-107 bpm 4/1/2024 standing from the desk chair.
69-109 bpm 4/1/2024 standing from desk chair.
73-120 bpm 4/3/24 standing from bed.
68-121 bpm 4/4/24 getting out of bed.
76-115 bpm 4/9/24 standing from desk chair.
73-128 bpm 4/11/24 getting out of bed.
74-118 bpm 5/1/24 standing from a chair.
70-118 bpm 5/14/24 getting out of bed.
62-99 bpm 5/16/24 standing from chair.

I tried to be consistent, I definitely forgot for a few months. But it's consistent and while my symptoms are heavily influenced by my period, it happens in all phases of my cycle so it's not like it's symptoms from my period alone.
I have a tilt table test TOMORROW at mayo and I am so nervous that this is going to be that cardiologist appointment all over again where I'm not listened to and dismissed. I'm ok if I don't have POTS, I'm not feining for a diagnosis or anything. However, I am desperate for HELP! I'm really freaked that something is going on and why am I close to fainting every day? I believe that I fit the POTS criteria but I'm the unluckiest person in the world and I'm nervous I won't be "potsy" enough to warrant any help. SOS. I need a pat on the back.
submitted by Majestic_Page_216 to POTS [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 19:16 Shot_Specific_8508 Why am I sick for so long?

14M and for the past few weeks I have been feeling ill, headaches, runny nose, coughing and weakness. what's stranger is that these symptoms have been on and off for months, I would be sick for a week and then for a few weeks I'd feel fine but then feel sick again. My parents are very anti modern medicine so they prefer to not take me too the doctor, but I've been sick so long I cant remember the last time I went to school or did any physical activity.
submitted by Shot_Specific_8508 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 18:25 bookishbunnie I made an info graphic for Prozac

I couldn’t find a good graphic for Prozac to send to my partner, so I made one.
I used Canva for everything except the illustration which is from icons8.com (free vector illustration and icon resource)
submitted by bookishbunnie to prozac [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 18:07 TheRealHippie1 Getting sick from medication

I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes about 5 years ago. I've pretty much kept my blood sugar under control with Metformin. But lately my doctor has been concerned about A1C. About 3 months ago he put me on Trulicity, and from day one it made me sick. * Constipation * Belly aches * Rotten Egg Burps and flatulence * Vomiting * Diarrhea on the day before the scheduled shot. The Doctor told me to discontinue use of the Trulicity. Next he put me on a low dose of Ozempic. The day of the shot I'm fine, the next day starts the gas (burping), flatulence, sick stomach, diarrhea and dizziness. I won't use this drug again. I don't know what to do at this point about the A1C.
submitted by TheRealHippie1 to diabetes [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 13:26 adamja92 10 week update

So, it's been a week since my last update.
Progress is intentionally slow on the walking, but I have managed to increase my steps by around 10 steps per day from 115 to 250 yesterday.
I try to space my steps out as evenly as possible throughout the day - so around 30 steps per hour. I'm still using a knee brace on my left knee and using my wheelchair as a makeshift zimmer.
Until today, I had managed to reduce the knee pain and the amount of time the pain last for despite the increased movement. However, as I write this, I'm currently sat with a hot water bottle on my thigh, as my left leg is feeling quite tight and more painful today. The left calf also seems to be tighter which wasn't really an issue before. The pain is probably 3 or 4/10, so I think within a tolerable level.
I've still been sitting more than lying down, which I think has massively helped my lower back pain. Makes me feel a bit more 'normal' too.
Over the past few days I've developed a deep aching pain in my left forearm, that will last for a few seconds then completely vanish. It's very strange.
"Exercise" I've been doing in the past week:
*Supplements, etc. *
I've decreased my stack in the past week as my nausea was getting worse. I think it might have been the Vitamin C. All still within recommend daily amounts.
Things that seem to have improved * Insomnia * Brain fog * Headache * Burning hands * Bladder issues * Cold/burning hands * Eye pressure pain * Eye stabbing pain * Neuropathic stabbing pain * Buzzing sensation across face * Itching/buzzing on feet * Lower back pain
Same/fluctuate * Knee & thigh pain * Elbows and shoulder pain * Upper back pain * Burning/cold feet * Dizzy/off-balance sensation * Tinnitus * Groin pain * Heel pain * Hip pain * Neck pain
Worse/New * Achilles pain & tightness * Calf pain & tightness * Aching pain left forearm * Nausea
Next steps
I'm still trying to remain as positive as possible and trying to take a proactive (yet gentle) approach to my recovery. Perhaps I'm not doing the right things, maybe I should be resting more, or maybe I'm not doing enough. I don't think anyone can answer that question definitively. However, I have noticed my mood improves when I'm trying 'something'.
I will write my next update at 12 weeks and then 3 months.
submitted by adamja92 to floxies [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 11:43 unknownstudentoflife My (21M) sinusitis is ruining my life, could someone please help me out?

I hope i don't annoy anyone with a long read but i would like to share my story since i feel like i finally found my community.
Since i was a kid i have always had weird sicknesses related to my nose or immune system. At the age of 7 my mom realized something was a bit of since every winter i was extremely tired without a proper reason for it.
Fast forward to my early teenage years i had multiple times i felt extremely sick. From weird dizziness to infections. It didn't seem to have a cause.
At 18 years old i had my breaking point. I was so sick that i couldn't do anything for half a year. I went to multiple doctors and specialists and not much seemed to help.
This is when i started realizing i had problems with my sinusitis. And i started looking deeper into what caused it.
Together with my dietician we came to the conclusion that i had a intolerance for lactose and gluten. Since most of the time i got sick i could connect it back to eating something related to it before i got sick.
I stopped eating gluten and lactose and my symptoms got way better.
But the problem is, my sinusitis still didn't go away. In fact. Right now im sick at home since im unable to work.
Last year December it started to come back again. But since i never gotten proper medicine for it i just used nose sprays for a few months but it didnt help at all.
So about a month ago i went to my doctor and they gave me budesonide. My symptoms definitely got worse but i had a feeling it was actually working, since the amount of snot coming out made me realize how much is stuck in there.
I tried to continue working trough the pain but i just couldn't. Resulting in calling me sick and leaving early some times. My boss obviously didn't liked it and i decided to call myself in sick for the rest of the week. Hoping it won't be longer than that.
But the problem is, im currently so sick and tired of it that i feel unable to live my life. Next to the fact that im emotionally so drained of going from doctor to doctor or telling my boss again im to sick to work. I really dont know what to do. But im tired of doing this. Im tired of feeling sick. My last two relationships where partly ruined because of this. I had to stop studying several times.
Last Friday i had a date planned with a girl i liked. But i had to cancel since i was to sick, no one seems to know the daily struggle of having to deal with unbearable headaches all the time, standing up and almost passing out. Not feeling like you're here, dizzyness and constant pain behind your eyes. And all people say is " oh don't we all experience that" or " stop being so sensitive "
Im sorry this turned a bit into me complaining. But i feel you guys are the only one that would understand.
Currently this is all the info i have:
Welp that was a long read, thankyou for taking your time and if you have any advice feel free to share it with me :)
submitted by unknownstudentoflife to Sinusitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 11:36 Rajmangalhospital Neck Pain Signs It's Time to Visit Your Orthopaedic Doctor

Back pain treatment in Pune

Neck pain is a common complaint that influencespeople of all ages and backgrounds. Whether it’s a dull ache, sharp pain, or stiffness, neck discomfort can significantly impact your daily life and productivity. While occasional neck pain is usually nothing to worry about and can often be relieved with rest or gentle stretches, there are times when it’s crucial to seek medical attention from an orthopaedic doctor. In this blog post, we’ll explore the various causes of neck pain and discuss when it’s time to schedule an appointment with a specialist.

Understanding Neck Pain

Before delving into when to visit an orthopaedic doctor for neck pain, let’s briefly examine some common causes of this condition:
  1. Muscle Strain: Overuse of neck muscles, poor posture, or sudden movements can lead to muscle strain, resulting in discomfort and stiffness in the neck. Back pain treatment in Pune
  2. Poor Posture: Spending long hours hunched over a computer or slouched on the couch can strain the muscles and ligaments in the neck, leading to pain and tension.
  3. Degenerative Disc Disease: With age, the discs between the vertebrae in the neck can deteriorate, causing pain, stiffness, and reduced flexibility. Back pain treatment in Pune
  4. Herniated Disc: A herniated or slipped disc occurs when the soft inner core of a spinal disc protrudes through the tough outer layer, pressing on nearby nerves and causing pain that may radiate down the arm.
  5. Cervical Spondylosis: Also known as neck arthritis, cervical spondylosis is a degenerative condition characterized by the wear and tear of the cervical spine’s vertebrae and discs, leading to pain, stiffness, and decreased range of motion. Back pain treatment in Pune

When to Seek Orthopaedic Care

While minor neck pain often resolves on its own with rest and self-care, there are certain red flags that indicate a need for professional evaluation by an orthopaedic doctor:
  1. Persistent Pain: If your neck pain persists for more than a week despite conservative measures such as rest, ice, and over-the-counter pain relievers, it’s essential to seek medical attention. Persistent pain may indicate an underlying issue that requires diagnosis and treatment. Back pain treatment in Pune
  2. Pain Radiating Down the Arm: Neck pain accompanied by numbness, tingling, or weakness that radiates down one or both arms could signal a herniated disc or nerve compression. This condition, known as cervical radiculopathy, often requires medical intervention to alleviate symptoms and prevent further complications.
  3. Difficulty Moving the Neck: Severe stiffness or limited range of motion in the neck may indicate a more serious problem, such as cervical spondylosis or facet joint arthritis. These conditions can cause significant discomfort and functional impairment, necessitating evaluation by an orthopaedic specialist. Back pain treatment in Pune
  4. Neck Pain After Trauma: If your neck pain follows a traumatic injury, such as a car accident, fall, or sports-related collision, it’s crucial to seek medical attention promptly. Traumatic neck injuries can cause fractures, dislocations, or soft tissue damage that may require immediate treatment to prevent long-term complications.
  5. Accompanying Symptoms: Neck pain accompanied by fever, headache, nausea, dizziness, or difficulty breathing warrants prompt medical evaluation, as these symptoms could indicate a more serious underlying condition, such as infection or spinal cord compression. Back pain treatment in Pune

What to Expect During Your Orthopaedic Visit

When you visit an orthopaedic doctor for neck pain, they will conduct a comprehensive evaluation to determine the cause of your symptoms and develop an appropriate treatment plan. This evaluation may include:


Neck pain is a common problem that can significantly impact your quality of life if left untreated. While minor neck discomfort often resolves with rest and self-care, persistent or severe symptoms may indicate an underlying issue that requires evaluation by an Orthopaedic doctor in Baner.
By knowing when to seek medical attention for neck pain and understanding what to expect during your orthopaedic visit, you can take proactive steps to address your symptoms and regain comfort and function in your daily life. If you’re experiencing persistent or severe neck pain, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with an orthopaedic doctor for proper evaluation and treatment. Your neck health is too important to ignore. Back pain treatment in Pune
submitted by Rajmangalhospital to blogger [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:40 korben578 Over a year of nausea and no answers

Hey this will be a long one, I have had a year of constant debilitating nausea, retching, acid reflux, severe weight loss, diarrhoea and constipation
I will go into more detail of the symptoms after this explanation.
This all came on when I did a few night shifts, I assumed it was me messing up my sleep so went back to day shifts but the problems hung around, it's still here over a year later.
I was in the UK when it started and was tested by my GP for a full blood count, chrons, colitis, celiac, ibd. They then put me on a year long wait to see a gastro specialist and stuck me on cyclizine.
In the meantime they were sure it was GERD and tried me on many different medications for it. I tried Lansoprasole, Omeprazole, Famotidine, Gaviscon, Nizatidine. All with the same results (no change for around 5 days followed by horrendous stomach cramps to the point where I can't stand up straight or walk. That symptom always went away around 2 days after stopping each h2 or PPI.
So I took the initiative to go back to Australia (my home country) to see a specialist here as the wait was around a week, they ran more bloods, breath and stool samples and ruled out helibactor, parasites, all hormone levels are perfect, all vitamins and nutrients are perfect, liver, kidneys all good.
The specialist said I could have a backed up colon after an x-ray and put me 2 bowel preps, coloxyl with senna, magnesium and prucalopride. After a few weeks of pooing water nothing changed.
He then took me for a gastroscopy where he found my throat was slightly eroded, and where my stomach connects to my intestines is dilated slightly. He has given up at this point and has prescribed me Mirtazapine as he thinks it will help. I think this is a band-aid solution and want to know what is actually wrong. Im not in a position to take it for a few reasons anyway.
Figures for reference: 23 Year Old White Male Croatian, Kiwi, English background, born in Sydney Was 85kg before all these issues, now 65kg 185cm tall Ex Smoker (on and off for years) Do not drink alcohol Was vegan for 3 years, went pescatarian 6 months ago, didn't help the symptoms Was a firefighter before all this in very good shape 10% bodyfat
List of symptoms:
Dry Mouth & Sore Throat
GERD-style symptoms (heartburn & tasting stomach acid)
Chest Pain
Tingly sensation in fingers and feet
Stomach Pain
IBS-style symptoms (constipation & diarrhoea)
Thinning Hair
Weight Loss
Debilitating nausea affects me every single day, I can feel a slight betterment to this symptom in the morning maybe for an hour or so and then it becomes worse throughout the day. For most nights I have been taking cyclizine to be able to try and get some hours of sleep, sleeping upright and waking up every few hours.
Dry Mouth & Sore Throat:
I wake up with both symptoms, and I've always and still drink 3L of water each day. It doesn't matter how much I drink I am constantly with a sore throat and dry mouth.
GERD Style Symptoms include heartburn and tastes of stomach acid.
I experience these alongside the nausea, I get heartburn and have to eat in small amounts. I am not hitting my calorie goals throughout the day, I think I am very malnourished and I constantly feel the need to burp but I can't. I also feel the acid come up my throat into my mouth - this happens with the burp too, if I am able to.
Chest Pain:
The chest pain feels like someone sitting on my chest, imagine your dog or child sitting on your chest, that's how I feel most points of the day. I feel short of breath and am almost trying to breathe more because I feel my lung capacity is reduced.
Tingling Sensations:
This doesn't happen every day but probably 3-4 times a week. It lasts for 30-minute bursts and comes along especially when the nausea is bad. It feels like "pins and needles" and comes along with shooting pains from my fingers up my arm. I also experience this in my feet and it goes into my shins.
Stomach Pain:
The stomach pain is in the top right corner, under my rib and it is a dull, intense pain that can last hours. I also get stomach pain in the lower left of my stomach which feels like a generic stomach ache that lasts for an hour or so at a time - this is random and does not correlate with exercise or food.
I have headaches on the left and right temple of my head and it feels like someone is pressing their thumb into my temple. Sometimes, this can feel like my head is being pushed forward from the highest point of the skull at the back of my head. These also travel into my eyebrow/eye area.
Constipation and Diarrhoea:
This is random, with no distinct cause or correlation. Sometimes it is constipation and diarrhoea in the same toilet run. This is ongoing throughout the night too, waking me up and not allowing me to sleep. The left lower side pain I feel (the stomach ache) also accompanies these symptoms. I have to constantly be near a toilet in case of this.
Thinning Hair:
I'm not sure if this is a coincidence but during this time period I have noticed more hair falling out and thinning hair.
Long Healing Times:
I've noticed bruises, cuts or anything else I seem to take a long time to recover whereas, I never used to bruise easily and if I had a cut it'd heal quickly.
Weight Loss:
I assume this is because I've not been able to keep any nutrients or energy in my system but I've lost about 20kg
I wake up tired, I'm sleeping longer than I have before and wake up exhausted. I am tired throughout the day.
Anything anyone can suggest would be incredible. Or if anyone knows a good Gastro specialist, naturopath, whatever in the Sydney area that is keen to help, bulk billed or private I don't care I just don't want to keep suffering.
Cyclizine helps about 40% in the fact that it stops me gagging and retching but the nausea never goes. Ondansetron doesn't help and makes me feel out of it. Metoclopramide did nothing too with weird sides.
submitted by korben578 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:47 ariesfirefly I am feeling sad and unworthy

In a relationship with a 32M and i am 36F
  1. After a bike ride I was having stomach ache (i had a slight one before we started the ride and yes i should have mentioned, that was my mistake) but he could not even comfort me. We came home, he said take meds and that's it. He got busy on his phone. And I just thought wait when he is sick or having a basic headache I go all about taking care of him from soothing words, hugs, food etc and this is bare minimum that I expected. when confronted he said so what do I do? I can take u to a hospital. I felt deeply sad.
Was i wrong? Was i expecting too much?
  1. He is emotionally a big zero. He says he is a winner in life ( he is doing good for a 32 y old) but he can't do all this emotional shit. This emotional thing is important to me. He says go and date garbage men who have no assets, no goals and lot of emotions. My self confidence and self esteem is down and when i am sad and my mood is off , he asks why are u so depressed, i am like wow who talks like this to their SO
  2. During the whole break up fight he started saying things like- how will you tell your mom (she also likes me), how will you tell your frnds about the break up, how I dated all wrong ones in the past and now I have him so I should be glad and not mess it up.
  3. I told him I can't be with a man who is unkind, disrespectful and has zero empathy. To which he said you won't get a better guy than me now (hinting I am 36 and won't get a good guy he is 32) I said even u won't get a better girl than me to which he said ya of u to say so. How cocky can one be?
  4. i feel taken for granted, unloved and dismissed as he thinks he is some superior man who has a upper hand and i won some jackpot by having him in my life.
  5. He said don't irritate me or i will smash your face. Is this how love and caring looks?
  6. Yes, he does plan dates, rides, drives, helps me in my house but does it mean i overlook other things?
submitted by ariesfirefly to mentalhealth [link] [comments]
