Amazon music joe greatest hits

Truth, justice, and a better tomorrow

2009.01.22 20:31 Truth, justice, and a better tomorrow

Clark Kent. Kal-El. The Man of Steel. The Last Son of Krypton. A place to discuss Superman and all things Superman related.

2016.09.13 13:32 cameradoelectric The Best of "Diamond" Joe Biden

Selections from The Onion

2012.06.03 05:06 cslayer23 Fall Out Boy

Welcome to the largest Fall Out Boy community on the web

2024.05.21 19:59 sixinaboxdesign Slightly lost

Absolutely loving this game so far, I've been playing it with my partner who is slightly in love with the music, however we've hit a snag, we know how to mine stone brick but can't work out how to store it after the fact and are driving ourselves a bit crazy.
Any help?
submitted by sixinaboxdesign to brocula [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:55 thebuzznetwork Nigeria x Jamaica Collaboration Hits Best Spotify Playlist Of Specially Curated Naija x Jamaica Music Collaborations Ft. Popcaan, Burnaboy, Stefflon Don, Bnxn, Kranium, Timaya, Bryon Messia, Dexta Daps, Patoranking, Davido. Updated Frequently, Stream, Like & Share! Curated by The Buzz Network.

Nigeria x Jamaica Collaboration Hits Best Spotify Playlist Of Specially Curated Naija x Jamaica Music Collaborations Ft. Popcaan, Burnaboy, Stefflon Don, Bnxn, Kranium, Timaya, Bryon Messia, Dexta Daps, Patoranking, Davido. Updated Frequently, Stream, Like & Share! Curated by The Buzz Network. submitted by thebuzznetwork to HotSpotifyPlaylists [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:53 MrRobotPT Anyone wants to trade?

Anyone wants to trade? submitted by MrRobotPT to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:53 Dizzy-Platypus6709 Music and Feelings

Sometimes I will listen to an old album and be hit incredibly hard with nostalgia which I can never help but have overwhelming feelings of sadness.
For example this evening I was listening to The Streets 'geezers need excitement' and 'its too late' (in album order) and those two songs played immediately after each other brought back incredibly happy memories of me and (at the time) my best friend sitting in his car at a lake, smoking weed and talking about absolutely everything at age 16.
Now I'm 32 live half way around the world from that place and haven't seen my pal for nearly a decade. This evening I was transported right back to that place and I nearly cried.
Who else gets this and what music makes you feel this way?
submitted by Dizzy-Platypus6709 to Music [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:52 Plastic-Guava-6941 Remembering Humanity

The Battle for Zor'thal
The skies of Zor'thal burned red as the Insectoid swarm darkened the horizon, their shrill war cries piercing the air. Amid the chaos, Commander Sarah Williams stood at the edge of a crumbling barricade, her uniform scorched and tattered. She wiped the soot from her face and looked back at the terrified Zor'thali huddled behind her—a once-proud avian species now reduced to desperate survivors.
"Hold the line!" she shouted, her voice hoarse from days of relentless fighting. Human soldiers, battered but unbroken, snapped to attention, their faces steeled with determination. They had come to Zor'thal not for conquest, but to protect these gentle beings who painted the skies with colors unseen on Earth.
The battle raged on, and the humans fought with a ferocity that defied their exhaustion. Sarah's mind flashed back to a moment when a young Zor'thali child had handed her a small, hand-carved figure of a bird. "For luck," the child had said, eyes wide with hope.
Hours turned into days, and the Insectoids seemed endless. Sarah watched as Corporal James Reed, a seasoned soldier with a heart of gold, charged into the fray to save a wounded Zor'thali elder. He took a hit meant for the elder, his scream lost in the roar of the battle. Sarah's heart clenched, but she pressed on, her duty clear.
Finally, after a brutal final assault, the Insectoids were purged from the area. The battlefield was a graveyard of broken bodies and shattered dreams, but Zor'thal was saved. The Zor'thali wept as they mourned their dead and honored the humans who had fought so bravely.
Years later, at an interstellar summit, the Zor'thali Chancellor stood before a vast assembly. His feathers, once vibrant, were now dull with age, but his eyes shone with gratitude. He recounted the darkest days of the invasion, his voice trembling as he spoke of the human sacrifices.
A Xendari representative, known for his cynicism, interrupted, "Why should we trust the humans? They are known for their aggression and self-interest."
The room fell silent. Commander Sarah Williams, now an ambassador, rose from her seat. Her gaze was steady as she walked to the center of the hall. "When the Insectoids descended upon Zor'thal, they intended to eradicate every living being. We fought not for gain, but because it was the right thing to do. Thousands of our soldiers lie buried on Zor'thal, having given their lives to protect those who could not protect themselves."
She paused, her voice cracking with emotion. "I still carry the figure of a bird given to me by a Zor'thali child. It reminds me of why we fought. For them, for their future."
The Xendari representative, known for his bluster, found himself speechless. The truth hung heavily in the air.
The Defense of Iylara
The lush forests of Iylara were a living tapestry of greens and blues, now marred by the fiery onslaught of the Insectoids. Admiral James Harris stood on a ridge, his heart heavy as he surveyed the burning landscape. The Iylari, an aquatic species known for their wisdom, were fighting a losing battle. Their beautiful coral cities, once vibrant with life, were being reduced to rubble.
"Admiral, we need to fall back," a young lieutenant urged, his voice tinged with fear.
"No," Harris replied firmly. "We hold our ground. We are their last hope."
As the humans dug in, the Insectoids advanced, their insectile drones tearing through defenses. Harris watched as a group of Iylari children, their scales shimmering with tears, were shepherded to safety by human medics. He clenched his fists, determined to give them a future.
The battle was fierce. Harris led charge after charge, his mind a blur of strategy and survival. He saw Lieutenant Davis, barely twenty, carrying an injured Iylari on his back through a hail of enemy fire. Davis fell, his body shielding the Iylari from harm. Harris's chest tightened, but he couldn't afford to grieve—not yet.
After nearly a year of unrelenting combat, the Insectoids were finally repelled. The humans had paid a steep price, but the Iylari were saved. The once-pastoral fields of Iylara were scarred with the memory of their sacrifice.
Decades later, during a historic Galactic Council meeting, an elderly Iylari senator stood to speak. His scales had lost their luster, but his voice carried the weight of lived experience. "When the Insectoids came, we were doomed. It was the humans who stood with us, who fought and died for our freedom."
A Myraxian representative, known for his disdain of human involvement, sneered. "Why should we trust these humans? They are warriors, not diplomats."
The senator's eyes narrowed. "The humans are indeed warriors, but they are also protectors. When the Insectoids ravaged and consumed our forests and slaughtered and ate our people, it was the humans who stood with us. They asked for nothing in return, except to see justice done. I remember a young soldier, David, who carried me from the flames. He was just nineteen Terra years! "
Admiral Harris, now retired and attending as an honorary guest, nodded solemnly. The Myraxian opened his mouth to retort but found no words. The senator's voice trembled as he continued, "David gave his life so I could live. How many of us owe our lives to such sacrifice?"
The assembly was silent, the weight of their debt to humanity undeniable.
The Liberation of Vornax
The frigid plains of Vornax were a harsh and unforgiving battlefield. The Insectoids had invaded, enslaving the crystalline Vornaxians for use as biofuel. General Marcus Lee stood on the front lines, his breath visible in the freezing air. His troops were exhausted, but their resolve was unbreakable.
"General, our supplies are running low," Captain Rodriguez reported, her voice shaking from the cold.
"We can't stop now," Lee replied. "The Vornaxians are counting on us."
As they advanced through the ice and snow, Lee saw the desperation in the eyes of the Vornaxians. They had endured unimaginable horrors, and the humans had come to be their last hope. The humans fought in subzero temperatures, their bodies pushed to the brink, but they never wavered.
One night, as they set up camp, Lee sat by a fire with a young Vornaxian girl who had lost her family. She handed him a small, crystalline shard. "For courage," she whispered, her voice barely audible.
Lee held the shard tightly, feeling the weight of her trust. The next morning, they launched a final assault on the Insectoids hive stronghold. The battle was fierce, and the humans fought with a primal fury. Lee watched as Sergeant Johnson, a father of two, charged into enemy lines to protect a group of Vornaxian prisoners. He fell, but his sacrifice allowed the prisoners to escape.
After two grueling years, the Insectoids were scorched from Vornax. The humans had liberated the planet, but the cost was high. The Vornaxians wept as they buried their saviors, their crystalline tears shimmering in the cold light.
Years later, at a commemoration ceremony on Vornax, an elder Vornaxian spoke before a gathered assembly of intergalactic dignitaries. His voice was filled with emotion as he recounted the sacrifices made by the humans. "They came to us in our darkest hour, not as conquerors, but as liberators."
A Kreeva representative, known for their isolationist views, scoffed. "Why do you honor the humans so? They are known for their imperial ambitions."
General Lee, attending as a guest of honor, stepped forward, his voice steady and powerful. "When the Insectoids enslaved the Vornaxians, we fought and died for their freedom. We did not conquer; we liberated. Thousands of human lives were lost to ensure that the Vornaxians could live free from tyranny."
The elder Vornaxian, crystalline eyes glistening, added, "The humans gave everything so that we could have our future. I still visit the grave of a human soldier who saved my family, who lies buried in our soil as one of our own. His name was Michael, and he was just twenty-three."
The Kreeva representative, usually quick to argue, found himself silent in the face of such conviction and sacrifice. The weight of the moment pressed down on the assembly.
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submitted by Plastic-Guava-6941 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:51 Hello_its_Mee_85 So much more than just a dance

When the right notes hit and a tingle appears It stops my chaotic thoughts from being too fierce The emotions of the music are powerful, I cannot flee Makes me want to move, I guarantee
tapping my feet and rocking back and forth jumping expressively, waving my arms and more moving dramatically with the lyrics, letting everything go giving it my all, feeling it from head to toe
It effectively fills, it does not drain Bringing ease in my active brain real enjoyment, a treasurable bliss Something I would never, ever, want to miss
submitted by Hello_its_Mee_85 to Poems [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:49 No-Mastodon-7351 25 best movie songs list

Hits: Correct pick for #1, nothing else comes close.
Misses: No Moon River?? It passes the "building musical motifs into a song" test, plus there's an iconic performance right in the middle of the movie.
Goofs: Say It To Me Now is one of the few non-original songs in Once. It was first released on a Frames album in 1996. To rub salt in a cinephile's wound, the album is called Fitzcarraldo.
submitted by No-Mastodon-7351 to patrickhwillems [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:47 Unhappy_Act_2830 Seriously?

Pre ordered the vinyl April 25, still no delivery date and I see they updated the estimate to freaking mid July?! It said June 23 yesterday
submitted by Unhappy_Act_2830 to billieeilish [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:44 LiseEclaire [Leveling up the World] - Nobility Arc - Chapter 941

Out there - Patreon (for all those curious or wanting to support :))
At the Beginning
Adventure Arc - Arc 2
Wilderness Arc - Arc 3
Academy Arc - Arc 4
Nobility Arc - Arc 5
Previously on Leveling up the World...
The ground kept disintegrating in a five-mile radius. The number of point and line attacks targeting Dallion was so great that even the domain itself had trouble keeping up to protect him. Spikes would injure dozens, occasionally killing one or two in the process, but that would do little to hinder the mass of steel.
The noble with the steel tendrils slashed through the air, sending hundreds of line attacks in one blow. While each was individually weaker than those of a normal person, together they were a serious threat. It didn’t help that they indiscriminately sliced through soldiers on their way. The countess had no value of human life, least of those belonging to her.
Splitting into instances, Dallion combined a vertical line strike with a multi attack.

VALORR’s attack has been sliced in two.
Attack has no effect.

Dozens of red rectangles blinked in and out of existence, though even they proved unable to stop everything. The solution was for Dallion to fly higher into the sky, even though that would make him a prime target. At the same time, it also gave him the possibility to perform an area attack of his own.
Taking a deep breath, he did a spiral attack aimed at the archduchess, followed immediately by a magic music attack. It would have been better if he still had rays of destruction remaining, but most of the clay cylinders had already been used up, and Dallion didn’t want to risk venturing into his realm to make more.
As expected, hundreds of soldiers leapt in front of their nobles, performing an array of defensive line attacks. None proved strong enough to stop the spiral attack, but managed to slow it down so that the only thing that reached Priscord were drops of blood.
“I’ve over ten thousand, in case you’re counting,” she said in an amused voice. “And that’s without counting the reserves. But should you somehow manage to deal with them, the emperor has entrusted me with several legions as well.”
The boast made Dallion think. There seemed to be more beneath the spite. While ten thousand awakened was a massive army, it wasn’t the largest, and it definitely wasn’t worth bragging about. With the exception of the archbishop, all conquerors had armies in the millions. Not only that, but while she claimed that the emperor had entrusted her with his legions, there didn’t seem to be any cloud forts in the air.
“Then how about I take them at once?” Dallion whispered.
A wide patch of ground beneath the archduchess and her armies suddenly fell through, creating a deep pit. The armies in full plated armor scattered, in an attempt to escape, yet less than a thousand seemed to do so. The empress, in contrast, didn’t budge. The horse she had mounted remained floating in the air, as if nothing had changed. Not only that, but magic threads had also extended, keeping the two harpsisword nobles in the air as well.
Harp, what’s that? Dallion asked.
It’s not a creature I’ve seen, the nymph replied.
Having Vihrogon here would have been better, although Dallion strongly suspected that the creature had been created, or rather modified, like the crimson furies.
Taking no chances, Dallion quickly closed up the enormous pit. Before he could manage, however, thousands of soldiers flew up, filling the air. A few hundred were squished by the earth, slamming together, though not nearly as many as Dallion had hoped.
“Living armor,” he said. How come he hadn’t noticed that before? Whatever magic there was in the armors, it had to be hidden deep inside. “They’re a bit smaller than I remember them.”
“The original creators had a lot to compensate for,” Priscord replied. “I don’t.”
A new series of attacks filled the air.
In the blink of the eye, the entire space was filled with instances. Even if the common soldiers weren’t able to split into more than twenty, that made close to a quarter million facing three hundred.
A moment of shock went through Dallion, quickly replaced by a new sensation—the thrill of battle and the desire to defeat everything thrown at him.
The archduchess had covered all the angles: echoes to grant her minions strategy, artifacts to give them flight. It was also noticeable that despite their low levels, their speed was quite close to a hundred—another magic artifact or spell that had been cast. Even so, there was one thing that the woman had forgotten: a thousand people with a thousand separate skills couldn’t compare to one who could manage a combination of all, especially within his domain.
“Countess,” Dallion shouted, deliberately aiming to irk her. Red rectangles flashed non-stop as line attacks canceled each other constantly. “You’ve never been to the Academy, have you?”
“No.” The archduchess retained her cool. “I never considered it worth anything much, even when I gained my current title.”
“Let me tell you one thing…”
Of all the remaining buildings, books and scrolls flew out of the shelves. Like swarms of insects, they amassed, flying from all directions straight towards Dallion. It would be several minutes until all of them arrived on the scene, but that wasn’t of consequence, especially for what Dallion had in mind.


Reality shifted. It didn’t shift just for Dallion. In less than a second, everyone in the real world was transported into the realm of his new domain. In many regards, things were no different than they had been before. Here, just as in the real world, Dallion maintained control over the realm. There were also a number of differences as well. For starters, Dallion’s feet existed here, as did a host of area guardians.
“Goldy, get her,” Dallion ordered.
The golden colossus emerged from the ground, dashing straight for the countess. In contrast to everyone else, its strength and speed were considerably faster, not to mention it was immune to spells.
Not in the least taken aback, Priscord snapped her fingers. All the armors of her soldiers—nobles included—burst, increasing tenfold. Apparently, the living armors were also blooming items as well. Being taken into the awakened realms had boosted their size and abilities to a considerable degree. How considerable, would soon be seen.
“You disappoint me.” Archduchess Priscord yawned. “Did you think that I wouldn’t have a counter for this? You think you’ll impress me by being a domain ruler? I’ve fought in such battles decades before you showed up.”
“That’s not the reason I brought you here.” Dallion attempted to complete a guard sequence, but the attackers didn’t let him, always disrupting it halfway through. “As I was saying, the Academy is probably the one place in the world that has the largest number of physical books.”
At that single moment, a spark of concern emanated from Priscord. She had grasped what Dallion was going for, and by all accounts it was too late to do anything about it.
Scholar skills combined with music, spell craft, and attack, releasing thousands of aether quills from the hundreds of thousands books and scrolls that existed in the realm. Like deadly hail they ascended on Priscord’s army on all sides. The outermost layers of the army tried to block the quills’ advance only to be drilled full of holes, like bullets drilling through a rotten scarecrow. And best of all, Dallion didn’t have to worry about the colossus guardian, since they didn’t affect him in the least.

Dealt damage is increased by 1000%

Dealt damage is increased by 1000%

Dealt damage is increased by 1000%

Red rectangles filled the air like a sea of red. There were so many of them that they covered the entire sky, making it seem like a crimson sunset.
The sudden change in circumstances had forced a large part of the army to shift. Even with their boost, they still had to deal with the colossus, while also protecting Priscord from the aether quills. The momentary chaos created a single opening.
The harpsisword seemed to move on its own, slicing through two soldiers that blocked his way. The spark covered edge went through the massive armor as if it were butter, causing it to blast from the inside.

Dealt damage is increased by 1000%

Dealt damage is increased by 1000%

Two red rectangles emerged, after which the soldiers vanished as they were thrust back into the real world, their awakening powers sealed. That wouldn’t get rid of the echoes inside then, but at least made Priscord vulnerable here.
Thrusting his aura sword forward, Dallion cast a series of magic circles. Aether shards began shooting out, while chains targeted the nobles protecting the archduchess. To further cut off her support, Dallion pulled up the ground surrounding her, creating high cliffs. Unlike the other terrain changes in the realm, no one would dare attack these with line attacks out of fear of harming her. At this point, only one unknown remained—the horse.
Three of the nobles flew at Dallion, attacking him with their special weapons. Their armors, too, had blossomed into more elegant versions of living armor.
Bursting into instances, Dallion evaded the tendril sword’s attacks. At the same time, Gem flew in to meet the ax of another attacker head on. A loud cling resonated, pushing the aetherfish back, though by no means diminishing its determination. Meanwhile, Lux transformed the weapon he was inhabiting from a pair of bows to a crossbow, firing bolts of light at the third noble like a machine gun.
“Good work, guys,” Dallion whispered as he flew past, continuing towards his target.
I could take care of them easily, Gleam said, itching for blood.
I need you to keep an eye on Aqui, Dallion insisted.
She’s a great dragon! Even if she’s a cow, killing her won’t be easy.
Keep an eye on Aqui, Dallion said in a firm tone that quickly ended all protests.
A short distance away, the two nobles had combined their music skills, creating a shield around Priscord. Their skills were impressive, though nowhere near anything he’d seen in the former House Elazni. It was a novel use of their powers, though. Dallion made a note to experiment using in the future.
“Move away!” He shouted, using his own music skills, combining it with magic. His own music strands tore through the defensive mesh, striking both of the nobles.

IHIJON has been rendered incapable of movement for 20 minutes.
The status continues to be in effect in the real world.

AVIRA has been rendered incapable of movement for 20 minutes.
The status continues to be in effect in the real world.

That’s two down, Dallion thought, tightening his grip round the hilt of the harpsisword. Only one left.
Splitting into fifty instances, he unleashed a spiral attack right at the archduchess. His expectation was that the horse would transform into something and block the attack. No such thing happened.
Priscord herself leaped off the creature’s back. A one foot dagger appeared in her hand with which she slashed the air, performing a line attack.

Your attack has been sliced in two.
Attack has no effect.

Huh? Dallion instantly performed a series of line attacks.
This was the first time he’d seen a spiral attack be stopped and in such an effortless way. There was no way this could be due to Priscord’s strength. Even if he wasn’t able to see her white rectangle, the woman’s traits were well beneath the hundred. If nothing else, she wasn’t an otherworlder and thus subject to limitations. It had to be some artifact she was wearing.
“Admiring my weapon?” the woman asked, as she kept on negating Dallion’s attacks. “It’s a nice trinket given to me by the emperor. One of several.”
“So, it’s your trinkets versus my trinkets?” Dallion asked, taking the opportunity for a music attack. To his surprise, the harpsiswords held by the paralyzed nobles played on their own, negating it as well.
“Yes.” The dagger glowed purple. “That’s precisely it.”
submitted by LiseEclaire to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:41 Ok_Piano761 2 different pressings of the same album in one CD case, CBS disc and Columbia disc.

2 different pressings of the same album in one CD case, CBS disc and Columbia disc. submitted by Ok_Piano761 to Cd_collectors [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:41 tiredkid774 Just want to share where I'm at.

I wanted to share a bit of my experience in trying to be better. Didn't know what flair to use so just chose the vent flair. Apologies if it’s a long read.
To sum it up, I think I finally reached a spot where I’ve found comfort in being alone, experiencing it as solitude rather than crippling loneliness.
To this day, I’ve always had trouble with both making friends and maintaining current friendships. I always put myself out of my comfort zone to both reach out to people and make conversations with new people or with current friends. Over time, I noticed that anyone I ever spoke to, whether it be with a current friend or with someone new, rarely returned the favor. I would always be initiating. No matter how much effort I would put in, it was never reciprocated. I’m never asked about my day, what I have going on in my life, or what I’m up to. Later on, I observed that the people in my life are simply not inclined to start conversations with me or initiate. It hurt. Quite a bit, too. What was I doing wrong? People hate me, for sure, right?
That was the wrong way to think, as that just places the blame on other people without considering what I could be doing differently. I learned something recently that’s otherwise probably obvious to most. People are going to be naturally inclined to talk to someone that’s sociable. Basically, anyone that’s good at making conversation, able to say the right things, take interest in what people have to say, and not make it awkward. If person A is more sociable and more approachable than person B, the no-brainer is to hit up person A first, over person B. Learning this, I tried my absolute hardest to change the way I conducted myself when talking to people, trying everything I could to be more sociable, in hopes that maybe someone would return the favor and reciprocate my efforts. Well, nothing worked. No matter how hard I tried, things were just going worse. I was getting ignored, people ghosted me, and current friends preferred to talk to other friends over spending time with me.
It hit me, right then and there. I realized that nothing I do is going to change how I am in other people’s eyes. I don’t think I will ever be someone that’s sociable, approachable, or interesting enough to talk to. People in my life will always have someone over me that they will be more naturally inclined to turn to. As rough as it felt, I learned that was perfectly fine. What I needed to do instead is be appreciative of what I do have, even if people don’t talk to me regularly or if people don’t reciprocate. If I had conversations with current friends, I appreciated them and enjoyed them. Even if 99% of my interactions with the people in my life are aired, I should be grateful for the 1%.
From there, I just diverted efforts to self-improvement, and for some reason I’ve felt less stress ever since. Don’t think I’ve ever felt more free. I’m working to improve my overall health, gymming frequently and watching what I’m eating. I’m taking up hobbies that I used to be interested in, like photography, to see how far I go. Also taking up new interests I’ve always wanted to explore, like music production and mixing. It feels good. I think I’m finally learning how powerful solitude can be, and it’s absolutely incredible. Yes, I will have some moments where I feel lonely, and that’s what I have to work on. Just gotta keep at it, yaknow?
Hope you guys are doing well. Take care.
submitted by tiredkid774 to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:39 BarricadeChild Looking for a Sub $300 IEM to use on the go and at the gym

I'll start with my current IEM setup for the road. Love my 7Hz Timeless but they take a bit to drive, I use an 4.4mm connection cable and I don't want to punish a portable dac/amp with a rough commute (bike), gym and sauna use. So that does mean I'm looking for something that can take and use power, but can be driven simply on a standard jack into an Iphone. 7Hz Timeless Fiio BTR7 - Cable Connect to iphone (and a laptop but less important) not BT. Music: EDM, Rock, & Punk - generally EDM at the gym so thats the tuning I'd lean into.
Format: Tidal/Spotify/Amazon - Nothing lossless but what ever the highest available is on these Platforms. Leaning in more to Amazon lately for whatever reason the algo is getting better than Tidal and the format is higher quality than Spotify.
Tuning Preferences: Might be showing my age but I like a good V shape a bit rounded at the high end because treble can be sharp to my ear and I do listen loud enough to drown the world out and I enjoy "feeling" the bass.
I thought about swapping cables back and forth, and may still do that but I have the OGs not the AEs and MMCX fatigue and breakage has burned me before.
Appreciate any thoughts!
submitted by BarricadeChild to HeadphoneAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:34 MajorTibb Tech N9ne

TL;DR: Would people mind offering suggestions for rappers or albums that give similar vibes to Tech N9ne. I'm trying to branch out and having a hard time.
I have a very large amount of Caucacity. As a result I was never really exposed to much rap. My father hated anything that wasn't Sugar Hill Gang's magnum opus: "Rapper's Delight".
Anyway, I was exposed to Tech N9ne and I absolutely love most of his work. When I've tried branching out I haven't found anyone I like as consistently as tech. His voice, his flows, the way he plays with language and pronunciations, and the different genres he dabbles in makes him really stand out to me.
Would people mind suggesting rappers like Tech N9ne (even most of the strange music crew doesn't vibe with me which really bums me out) or maybe albums that give off Tech vibes?
Maybe people don't really like him so maybe this is gonna get me bullied or something but I'm trying to branch out. I also really liked Euphoria, Family Matters, and Not Like Us, but other Kendrick and Drake stuff I've tried hasn't hit me right for some reason. I expect it's my removal from the culture which is a bummer.... Sorry I digressed hard.
submitted by MajorTibb to rap [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:33 EmotionalGuess3370 Song with panicked breathing at the end

Not sure what song it was but heard it on shuffle on amazon music. Sounded like it could have been mitski or chappel roan but have not found it so may not be them. Could have sworn the title was about the world ending or something. At the end of the song is labored breathing like during a panic attack.
submitted by EmotionalGuess3370 to NameThatSong [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:33 BlueDream237 Let's help each other!😊 I'm only 3 cards away from finishing the first album!

Let's help each other!😊 I'm only 3 cards away from finishing the first album!
Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here:
My IGN is Zestyhawk10
Thank you for anyone that can help! I have 4 sends left today. Show proof and it's your's!
submitted by BlueDream237 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:32 PinkestKey 25 [F4M] #Online: Looking for something substantial

Howdy, back again. Starting to lose hope, but still have enough to try again. Being realistic I know I’m just going to get a bunch of “heys” and copy and pasted intros. Please put forth a -little- bit of effort.
I’m a 25 year old burnout from Kentucky. Don’t really know where I’m going or what I’m doing, I’m just kind of faking it.
I like to crochet and listen to music, sometimes watch something spooky. I’m generally unimpressed by anime, so I won’t be able to connect with that. I’ve been known to play the occasional video game, but not a gamer by any means.
I’m looking for someone cool to talk to and potentially build something with. My only requirements are that you’re 23-35, single and childfree, and that you take care of yourself.
Please send me a chat if you think we’d hit it off!
submitted by PinkestKey to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:32 Economy-Season-5991 Trying to complete any

Trying to complete any
Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here:
submitted by Economy-Season-5991 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:32 Far_Flight616 30 [M4F] UK/Anywhere - just looking for someone to chat the evening away with!

Just a bit about me, I’m a 30 year old guy from the Uk, who loves the outdoors and getting active.
I’m currently engineering manager for a consumer electronics company which has its great moments but can also be very stressful. Any advice on how to relax would be welcome!
I also like to play games on PC and chilling with mates on discord. I’m a bit of a geek in most aspects of life really. Music wise I’m into all things, whilst leaning toward indie rock.
I don’t know what else to put here, so go ahead and ask me any other questions or just hit me up for a chat!
This is me
submitted by Far_Flight616 to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:27 SpecialEdShow Looking for some feedback on the DDJ-FLX4 controller, or other similar products, especially when it comes to using a mic.

I'll just drop the TL;DR at the top. When using the FLX4 controller with a mic plugged in, will I hear my voice through my headphones?
My less quick story; I started working at a roller rink on the weekends for fun and a small bit of nostalgia. At some point I had mentioned I was a DJ at one in high school and it majorly attributed to my career in radio broadcast, so they asked if I wanted to helm some sessions as the DJ. From my history, rink DJs just kind of worked off supplied equipment and were more of hosts than anything,no mixing, so I jumped right in. At the last minute, I learned that there was no house setup and that I would just plug in my "gear", cool, I have apple music haha.
They were pretty chill with me outright saying I don't mix, but I also didn't want to be an aux cord DJ, I wanted to at least look like I was setup to "entertain". I found the first app I could use with my apple music account, got an XLR adapter for my ipad hub, and was on my way to greatness.
By my second session, I had joined a DJ pool, for my SOCAN license, and picked up a DJ2GO2 Touch, just because I like having physical controls. Then I got the bug, I started mixing when it was convenient, but I still liked stopping down regularly so I can get to more requests. I am using Algoriddim's DJay Pro, which has been such a pleasure to use, I even find myself using it's "automix" when I play music around the house. I am super lucky to have already had an iPad Pro to pair with the setup, so I am not too deep in money wise, and I get to have fun a couple hours a week. Full disclosure, I use the sync feature when working, but not when practicing at home.
Now I am looking at upgrading, but within reason, because I won't be doing this in any other venue, be it club, wedding, or otherwise. My biggest want is a DJ controller with a mic input, and it seems the most reasonable is Pioneer's FLX4. Reason being that I want to be able to hear my own voice through my headphones, over the music without too much hassle, like I do on the radio. I am going to look later this week, because I want to get better cables for my output anyway, I honestly don't trust amazon XLRs. But I wanted some input about my mic situation.
Thanks for the help!
submitted by SpecialEdShow to Beatmatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:26 thedorknite000 I can't stop looping this song

I don't know if this is a special interest so much as a stim but every so often it happens that I fixate on a specific song. I'll loop it for hours at a time, for days on end. I'll sing it in the shower, I'll hum it, I'll write the lyrics on my arms. If I'm home alone, I'll even play it while I sleep. It's like I need the song to saturate every cell in my body, to permeate every thought in my consciousness.
My current fixation: In All My Dreams I Drown by Jessica Lowndes and Terrance Zdunich
I've got it so bad this time around that every time I woke up last night, my first conscious thought was trying to remember the next verse! I would drift back to sleep by counting the beats in my head.
My poor husband is so sick of this song. ROFL. Such a shame. I'd love to duet with him. Or even just dance to it with him. Sadly, though we have a large overlap of music we like, it just doesn't move him the way it moves me. Which is fine, I suppose. It just feels a bit lonely. Few things affect me so deeply as a good song and it's a shame I can't share that euphoric high with him.
How about you all? Does music hit you in a similar way? Is there anyone in your life who "gets" it? What do you do with that feeling?
submitted by thedorknite000 to AutismInWomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:26 AdministrativeJob655 Neon Heartbeats, new synth Pop Hit!

Hi, this is my greatest Synth-Pop Hit. Check it out. I Love this song:
This is a critic in a Music Magazine: In an era where music continuously evolves, "Neon Heartbeats" stands out as a brilliant homage to the dark, synth-driven soundscapes of the early '90s. This track, with its brooding ambiance and rich, layered synthesizers, transports listeners back to a time when electronic music was deeply intertwined with themes of introspection and melancholy.
From the very first note, "Neon Heartbeats" envelops the listener in a moody atmosphere. The pulsating beats are reminiscent of the era's iconic electronic rhythms, providing a steady foundation for the track's haunting melody. The use of vintage synthesizers is particularly notable, adding a nostalgic yet timeless quality to the music.
The vocals are a standout feature. The singer’s deep, resonant voice carries an emotional weight that is both powerful and vulnerable, echoing the style of early '90s synth-pop legends. There is a rawness in the delivery, a subtle vibrato that adds depth and intensity, drawing listeners into the narrative of longing and desire woven through the lyrics.
Lyrically, "Neon Heartbeats" explores themes of love, loss, and the passage of time. The verses are poetic and evocative, painting vivid pictures of urban nights and shadowy figures. The chorus, with its repetitive and hypnotic phrasing, reinforces the song's central motifs, making it both memorable and impactful.
The production quality of "Neon Heartbeats" is top-notch. The mix is polished, with each element perfectly balanced to create a cohesive sound. The instrumental bridge provides a refreshing interlude, allowing the listener to fully immerse in the lush sonic landscape before the final chorus hits.
In conclusion, "Neon Heartbeats" is a masterful blend of nostalgia and modernity. It captures the essence of early '90s electronic music while infusing it with contemporary production techniques. This track is a must-listen for fans of the genre and a testament to the enduring appeal of dark, atmospheric synth-pop. With "Neon Heartbeats," Hakasuro has crafted a song that is both a tribute to the past and a statement of their unique artistic vision.
submitted by AdministrativeJob655 to udiomusic [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:24 Radman9999 Happy stroll please I can trade or give it for me for free please I'm desperate

Happy stroll please I can trade or give it for me for free please I'm desperate submitted by Radman9999 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]