Daughter mother love quotes poems

Support for those with nasty, cruel, toxic, abusive MILs & moms

2015.02.27 22:42 apotero Support for those with nasty, cruel, toxic, abusive MILs & moms

A place to post about your MIL or Mother who is just the *worst*. Come for support, come for advice, or just to vent and get it all out. That's what we're here for. Discussion often contains adult themes and language.

2019.02.04 08:32 Mothers of angels

A subreddit for mothers of angels. For anyone who has suffered the loss of a child. We are here to provide support and love. *Please read the rules*

2017.04.28 01:17 LANA_WHAT_DangerZone For those that form in the wet sand only

You don't form in the wet sand You don't form at all You don't form in the wet sand I do YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

2024.05.21 21:21 emptyvessel___ I love you

I made the mistake of reading the court documents. I thought enough time had passed; the trial ended two years ago and you’ve been dead for three. I thought I could handle it. I was wrong.
Reading what he did to you has broken me. Seeing you referred to as “the body” has broken me. Knowing what your beautiful daughter had to endure has broken me. Now, more than ever, I find myself wishing I’d have replied to your last message. It might have changed the trajectory of both our lives just enough that you’d still be here.
I need someone to hold me, but there’s no-one.
I love you. I miss you. I’m sorry x
submitted by emptyvessel___ to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:20 so_sick_of_flowers I feel like everything is collapsing around me

This is mainly a vent post. So sorry if I ramble.
I feel like everything in my life is falling apart around me and I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m severely struggling with a sudden onset of gender dysphoria, relationship issues, financial struggles, and just general depression & anxiety.
I can’t even see myself in the mirror anymore. It’s like looking at a ghost. I’m repulsed by my own existence. I can’t eat. I can’t sleep. I can’t focus. I can’t stop crying.
I keep running into my ex randomly in public even though we live like 30 mins apart. Everytime I see her I freeze and have to leave wherever I am immediately. I’ve been avoiding going anywhere alone anymore because I don’t want her to see me. She’s thriving & in a happy relationship while I’m suffering and have made no progress. It’s been 2 years. Why can’t I get over her?
My job is okay, but it doesn’t pay enough. I can’t move out of my parents house without some miracle windfall of cash. My student loan debt is crushing me. One bad day and I’ll lose all of my miniscule amount of savings.
I have no one to talk to but my therapist. And that’s only for about an hour a week. My “friends” would never understand what I’m going through. They’re all transphobic assholes. My mother hates trans people too. So I can’t talk to her. I’ve been turning to Reddit and fucking AI chat bots because I’m so alone.
The only thing that brings me peace anymore is smoking weed. At least that stops the thoughts for a moment.
I can’t enjoy music anymore. It was my only passion. Everything is meaningless and empty. I feel like a freak of nature. Feeling everyone’s eyes on me. They think they see me but they don’t. They see a carefully constructed lie. A simulacrum intended to project a happy go-lucky guy who loves life. But I’m empty inside. I feel like a machine going through the motions because that’s what I’ve been programmed to do.
I don’t want to do this anymore. I’m seeing my therapist again tomorrow. If they can’t help me I’m officially done. I’m not meant to exist in this world. I would feel sorry for the people who’d miss me, but no one will miss me. They will miss the person I let them all believe I was. But nobody knew me. So nobody will miss me. No one will mourn me. They will mourn him.
submitted by so_sick_of_flowers to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:20 schimmschamm AITA for making my ex-wife follow through on mortgage refinance?

A bit over a year ago I (36M)moved out of my marital home from my wife (38F) and stepdaughter (14F). My ex and I got divorced in a fairly contentious and frustrating process over the last year. We had been together for over a decade, married for nearly 7 and that was the second home we had purchased together. When our divorce was being negotiated I settled for 7% of the house equity instead of fighting for half for a few reasons: my wife made much more than me and was the one making the mortgage payments while Icovered various utilities, house upkeep and groceries, etc., she also was not going to be selling the house and I knew wouldn’t have a bunch of money from the sale to make a huge equity settlement, and I knew what was feasible based on when was in savings when we separated and that she could reasonably afford.
The divorce was finalized in March and the agreement was made in the settlement that she had until the end of this summer to have me removed from the mortgage otherwise there would be a monthly payment made directly to me until this was completed.
My ex wife reached out to me last week asking me to forego the mortgage changes for the sake of keeping her daughter in their house. She expressed that she wouldn’t be able to afford staying in the house for the next two years if I force her to refinance and that if I ever loved her daughter or cared about her then I would reconsider.
Here’s the thing: the same type of situation happened last fall when she expressed her daughter was invited to an Ivy League summer program and just thought I should know because I was so involved with her education. Then after another month or so called that she couldn’t afford both the summer program and the equity settlement and to reconsider the equity settlement. When I finally told her I would consider it and asked her to send the financial paperwork to the lawyers and evaluate a payment plan to work it out she freaked out, said that I was being unreasonable and and called me a monster, stating she would make sure her daughter knew that I was the reason she couldn’t attend this program and that was the last I heard of it.
My ex wife is now claiming if I had any shred of decency left in me that I would let the mortgage stay for the next two years or so until her daughter can finish high school, but this just feels like manipulation of my good nature and empathy and another way to control me and keep me in her life when I so desperately have been trying to start over.
submitted by schimmschamm to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:19 sausagerollsbai It's my birthday today (37m) and I realised I've become a person who doesn't have a huge amount of friends.

I'm not upset by that fact, however I do miss having one or two super close friends.
Love drawing, playing games, love to work out, father to a lovely daughter and I'm happily taken.
Love hearing from all different walks of life and experiencing new things so feel free to tell me something about yourself!
Have a lovely day wherever you are!
submitted by sausagerollsbai to MakeFriendsOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:18 Cold_Philosopher_693 31(M) looking for an international penpals

Hello everyone! I'm a 31-year-old male from the Middle East. I'm on a quest to find long-term penpals who share my passion for culture exchange and getting to know people from different countries and backgrounds. Some of my favorite pastimes include pondering deep and existential questions (but not too often, I promise!) and learning about various religions and beliefs . I also enjoy spending time in nature, going on hikes, and trying my hand at new recipes—I'd love to exchange some with my future penpals! Arabic is my mother tongue, but I'm also fond of English and even know a bit of Deutsch. Despite not being the best singer, I still enjoy belting out tunes during karaoke sessions. My music taste is pretty eclectic, and I often find myself appreciating songs without even knowing their genre. Lately, I've developed a strange nostalgia for the 80s, despite not being born in that era. I've been exploring the decade's music and films, and it's been an exciting journey so far. If you're interested in exchanging letters and forming a long-term penpaling friendship, don't hesitate to reach out! I look forward to connecting with you and learning more about your culture, experiences, and passions.
submitted by Cold_Philosopher_693 to penpals [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:18 Yani-Madara List of clues that Dottore could be morally grey

-Disclaimer: This is an examination of Dottore being a complex morally grey villain that wasn't just born 100% evil, it's NOT a case that he's a good boy.-
I'll assume Zandik is Dottore since it's very likely (plus, someone tried to name their Wanderer that but it didn't work.)
Let's start with the oldest piece of lore:
-- Doctor's Pinion reveals a tragic past with unknown reasons for persecution --
When Pierro first tried to recruit Zandik / Dottore, he responded:
"Will you treat me like the Akademiya did? Will you call me a monster, a madman?" "Or will you treat me as my hometown did, and chase me away with pitchforks and clubs...?"
Some people assume the persecution was because of his experiments but it's important to note that the fact is we don't know what happened so there's a chance it wasn't something evil. That he could be chased away by "pitchforks and clubs" indicates he was weak at that point and couldn't do anything to stop it.
He also expresses a desire to merge humans with machines.
"With or without a Vision, and irrespective of their physique or combat skills,"Enhanced humans" would surely display strength far beyond the average."
This shows a desire to give power to the weak (likely including himself), even if they lack visions. Which isn't inherently a bad thing, it's just against the Akademiya's teachings. This applies even to Scaramouche, whose power had been locked by Raiden and he unlocked it.
-- Mysterious moral convictions --
Although a lot of the fandom accuses him of having no ethics or morals at all, there are several hints that this isn't the case.
He got mad at Scaramouche when told: "you only care about your crazy experiments" and told Nahida he has "his own convictions, we just don't share them" which were both conveniently not further explained. There is also the Jeht quest incident but i'll discuss it later on.
-- Eleazar hospital notes --
To briefly summarize the notes, he cured a patient using another dead patient's remains. His treatment was harsh but successful. These notes read like a Dr. House script, Dottore not giving a crap about the patient's religious beliefs included.
Abbas had a terrible ending because he had developed insanity and ran away. Zandik/ Dottore left a note warning not to let him go but it seems the staff didn't listen.
These notes align with how plague doctors were misunderstood and feared in real life. This motif was incorporated into his video game iteration, replacing the joker / clown persona.
Some people interpreted these notes as "Dottore murders and mutilates people that are alive for experiments" but there's no indication of that.
-- Aranara experiment notes --
These are the worst by far. It's unclear if the "subjects" were people with Eleazar or healthy people exposed to the withering for tests. It has to be pointed out that it seems the actions were done by his subordinates since it's likely Dottore reprimanding them at the end:
"This is a waste of resources. It is advisable to watch over the subjects' mental state in the next experiment and avoid exposing them to extreme environments... Lab Lead on duty: ████"
Yes, this sounds bad but it's proof he isn't a sadist that enjoys watching pain.
It also means he is higher in a moral standpoint than characters like Jack Horner. These type of characters don't care or enjoy deaths with the pretext of "we can always get more lackeys."
-- During the Jeht quest --
Froderock (a subordinate of Dottore) wants to capture an eremite. It is stated he is acting on his own and that Dottore gave an order not to kidnap eremites.
A note by another Fatui member states that Froderock is going to get killed for going against the order. We can theorize that the Harbinger himself would kill him. There's also a line about "following military regulations" which means his subordinates operate under a code and can't just kidnap people for experiments for the lols.
Fatui Negotiator: Professor Froderock was looking for live specimens in the desert — he always defied The Doctor's orders... That's just pure jealousy, if you ask me
...I urge you to consider, Captain Zoya, that if we are able to complete this research work in the desert, perhaps our entire expeditionary force may receive the favor of our great Harbinger... (This line has been crossed out using a red pen, and a line in red has been added: "How about you consider military regulations? Or perhaps you would like to consider how long you have left to live?")
A similar thing happened with Arlecchino in the Fortune Slip quest in Inazuma. Subordinates of her were acting on their own by following the previous Knave's teachings to make some orphans for the House.
-- *Time of Insight Artifact * --
It mentions a "mad scientist expelled by the akademia" and the text under it seems to be Dottore speaking.
The last part says:
"Those sellswords (Eremites) once did much for me. I trust they will not disappoint this time, either."
Combining Jeht quest with this makes it seem that eremites helped Dottore in some way and he is fond enough of them to slaughter a subordinate that brings them harm.
The following text seems to be Dottore's reason to want to capture Aranaras:
"The dream had to be captured — along with the inhabitants of the forest who could control dreams, To remind that friend once again of one's own form and the memories that were shared.
If the organ that governs memory has taken too much damage and cannot be healed, Then bring another old friend and dwell in dreams of the past together, Play in a small tree house, and explore the limitless depth of the jungle. Yes, that would be nice as well. For in dreams, everyone has a chance to start over."
I couldn't find more info about this "friend". It seems to be someone who suffered the effects of erosion or death, or an aranara that lost their memory.
-- Al Haitham's SQ --
Alhaitham: (To Siraj / the villain, after praising his intelligence)
"You would never let a test subject escape. Mistakes like that are beneath you, and you also won't leave any mistake without a resolution."
This is relevant because we know Dottore is canonically smarter than Siraj yet he didn't hunt down Collei (Barnabas is the one that traumatized and wanted to kill her), Abbas or Scara. It's a known thing there's a Fatui code that traitors and deserters are executed to avoid spilling secrets. Dottore leaves even Scara alone, you may argue that he was lazy but suspiciously Childe, who during Labyrinth Warriors was chasing Scara, soon appeared in Inazuma in a photo taking event, leaving for Snezhnaya, after Scara lost his gnosis.
It was never explained why Childe was chasing him to take away the Gnosis yet suddenly Scara appeared with Dottore without Childe. This is suspicious because Childe loves to fight, to the point he wanted to fight Arle while recovering on her SQ. He didn't even show up to finish off Scaramouche at the end.
To play Devil's advocate, it could also be Scaramouche is a part of some unknown plan too and nothing to do with mercy.
-- Dottore's speech to Niwa --
Taking into account Nahida's story that says: "the monster found solace in the kitten", the black bird referring to himself as "a monstrosity yet they are too foolish to see it" and Dottore's lines to Pierro:
"Will you call me a monster, a madman?"
Dottore sees himself as an inhuman monster. It puts into question if the following line wasn't just about Scaramouche and is actually a metaphor of Dottore speaking about his past:
"Escher: Even without you, that pure, innocent puppet would only end up being used by someone else instead. What other reason would a human have for befriending one who is not of our kind?"
Although Dottore refers to himself as "human", the two lines I quoted previously contradict this. Mentally he sees himself as not human (to the point of finding solace in a living puppet), even though his words say otherwise. There is also a chance this Dottore was no longer human at all, the Nahida story shows the monster bird had tiny floating birds around, even though he hadn't studied Scaramouche to create the segments.
There is also a stark contrast between Dottore joining the Fatui expresing concern over been rejected again yet he is embracing his monster persona in the Niwa scene.
"Escher: Think of me as a monster or a demon, if you wish... "
It could be a sign of a person with trauma who steered into an evil path. Kept getting called a monster until he accepted it.
There could be many reasons for the change, besides being used, -incoming pure speculation- he could have experimented on himself to have less emotions or taking this quote into account: "everyone has a chance to start over in dreams" he believes he can commit atrocities and it won't matter because he plans to do a reset somehow.
" The Doctor: Jester, I have completed the task you gave me. Creating a gap and infiltrating Inazuma's inner workings... Heh, what fun it was. The Doctor: I'd like to introduce a puppet to you. If he proves useful, let's make him our newest comrade. And if not... let's turn him to dust."
The bold part is more clues of either future Scara related scheming or Dottore's words are an act, mercy was shown when he became useless. It also seems that Pierro stirred him into a darker path.
I wouldn't say it's confirmation that Pierro is pure evil because we barely know anything about him, there's a chance it was for some greater good since that's a trend with the Harbingers.
-- Possible Sohreh murder --
At first glance, it seems way too obvious that Zandik did it, it's like watching a murder mystery movie and the first suspect is a red herring.
Since people frequently incorrectly state: "Dottore murdered a girl while they were having a picnic" like a fact, I'm going to make a deep dive into these notes:
First there is no clear motive for him killing Sohreh. (Niwa had a purpose.)
attack of Rishboland Tigers. In need of first aid..."
The bold part implies she was still alive while Zandik was dealing with the Ruin Guard. The broken bone didn't happen during the picnic while he was alone with her. She was declared dead and buried after the attack, she could have been killed during it while everyone was distracted.
-Does the Akademiya think that Zandik is responsible?-
There is a message board that says he was investigated over her murder.
The lack of motive combined with Zandik only receiving negative consequences from saving the team makes me think he was framed and acted on impulse / emotion when saving them or he turned it on to spook the tigers and it accidentally killed her.
Why? He could have just ran away and let everyone die to not reveal he was hiding ruin guard knowledge. Which he expressed on the notes that he didn't want the rest to know:
"I am going to take them (Ruin guards) apart, and record the size and shape one by one...
...But first of all, this secret must not be revealed to the other team members..."
...Thank goodness, Zandik reacted quickly. Otherwise, the whole team would be in serious trouble..."
-Some people argue that "running away and letting everyone die would have been too suspicious so he saved them."
It's more likely he was just a weak regular human at that point in his life so it wouldn't have been too suspicious to run away / he actually risked his life to shut it down.-
The 2 burned notes both state: "Someone seems to have burnt the contents in a hurry" it could have been the person trying to frame him. One of them is a note about the Ruin Guards and has Zandik's signature, they may have wanted to steal credit of his research.
-Regarding who framed Dottore, u/Sandflow_23 commented an excellent theory
lt seems Zandik didn't care much about Sohreh's death since he proceeded to ask the team to take back the Ruinguard while she was bleeding but the Eleazar hospital notes come after this incident. Was this his first instance of curing people?
Did being unable to save someone influence him in some way? It may just be coincidental but it's worth taking note. I'm trying to look at all possibilities.
People usually see Sohreh's note as "she learned Dottore's secret so he murdered her" But something I haven't seen discussed is how there is also a chance he trusted her and decided to open up to people more. Previously he said studying Ruinguards could get him kicked out but after the following note by Sohreh, he decided to try to convince his team to take back the ruin guard:
"...Zandik was attracted by the ancient machines left behind by some civilization here...
We had a great time and decided to go on a picnic tonight..."
Finally, to play Devil's Advocate: it seems he also had another secret mission that was never explained.
"...It's a shame that documents regarding its (the giant golem's) energy supply systems have been lost, and I have far too important a mission to accomplish to afford to start from scratch. If not..."
He could have killed her because she learned that secret but it's still weird that he'd go and choke her with people focused on him speaking about Ruinguard studies.
-- Arle SQ --
Lyney said "he proposed the direction of the research " for the bottled flames. That he wants to give people "a chance to start over" was also hinted in Time of Insight artifact. I won't be surprised if it turns out most of the injured kids he took from Crucabena are actually fine. The Eremites, which he didn't want his subordinates to kidnap, were also healthy, so this is another instance of him seeking to work with weak people to give them power. I'm NOT denying there's a chance he wants to use it for some other plan like burning the tree like other Redditors have proposed
Finally, there remains the question of which Dottore would be playable. I predict the original or Omega. (Knocking off the angelic new segment theory)
We don't know if the original is alive, since Raiden destroyed her physical body (and the segments were based on Scaramouche) he could be dead BUT giving a kill switch to Omega may have a deeper meaning. Like those fragments of his mind from dead segments will re-materialize in an empty segment or object his soul is bound to or go back to Omega and change his personality, the former sounds like FullMetal Alchemist but a Remuria quest confirms this is a thing in Genshin.
Finally done, sorry if this is ridiculously long but I wanted to provide quotes to sustain the arguments, especially since some people hate him so much based on mostly misinformation.
submitted by Yani-Madara to FatuiHQ [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:18 Alkyanne [F4F] Pirate's life - PART 9 [More than Friends] [Pirates] [Brothel] [hiding] [Sneak in] [Rivals] [Stress]

Author’s note : Everything’s free to use and monetize or paywall as you wish, just remember to credit me please. As I’m not a native English speaker, you can feel free to make slight changes to make it better, as long as it doesn’t change the whole story of course.
Summary, listener’s perspective : Now it’s time to put the plan to execution. Your brother and mother are already gone and it’s your turn to go with your captain. You have no choice but to trust her and hope that everything will be fine. You just need a little luck.
[ ] = stage directions
** = sound effects
Alright. Your brother and mother are gone. Let’s hope everything goes well for them…
Yes. I’m nervous. And scared. I’m not used to caring about my prisoners.
Well… They’re… Your family, so I care. Because I care about you. A lot. You know that now… don’t play dumb with me. I know you’re not. You know exactly what you’re doing.
No, I don’t mean I don’t trust you. You know what you want and you get it. And I admire people like that.
Yeah, I do the same.
Are you ready? We have to go at some point…
Good, stay close to me until we get to the brothel, then you’ll follow Aly. You’re both going to go directly to my office, I gave her the key to it.
[They’re going out the cabin, walking on the deck and boarding the boat]
*door’s opening/closing\*
*chatting sounds\*
*footsteps on wood\*
*waves sounds\*
Some of us are staying on the ship, always. We’re pirates after all. We can’t really trust our “colleagues”… But don’t worry, we’re taking turns guarding the ship until we go to sea again.
Aly, when we get to the brothel, find Miss Eve and take her with you to the office.
She’ll protect you if I can’t stay with you.
Ohhh She’s really feisty! She can handle most of the men herself. I couldn’t leave a place like that to a softy. She’s strong, you’ll be safe with her until I get there.
Because I’m pretty sure I’m going to be stopped by someone. And most likely Mister Rolland after what happened at sea. I’ll try to avoid him, but it’s usually really hard to do.
[They arrived at shore and speaker is helping listener get off the boat]
Here, take my hand. Be careful.
*Deep breath\*
Let’s do this.
*louder\* Boys! Let’s have some fun! As always, first round is on me!
Ready, princess?
Just keep walking next to me. My men will stay all around and make some noise. As per usual…
They love the sea, but they’re always happy to go back to town from time to time.
Are you nervous?
That’s really sweet of you, but if I have to fight Rolland myself I don’t think I’ll win, especially with my injury.
Oh your family?
Don’t worry, I’ll have some of my men report back to me as soon as they’re safe. They went way before us. They might already be at my place. We’ll know soon enough.
Yeah… It’s not really a nice town like the ones you can find back in your country… But we built it ourselves. It might not be much or fancy… But everyone here is proud of it. We all contributed to it. And maybe one day, it might be an important place for everyone and not just pirates.
Maybe not a dream, but a hope yes. I mean… My first goal, dream, is something else. But once I’m done with it. Yeah, making this place thrive might be my second goal, if I lived through the first goal…
Honestly… I don’t expect to outlive it…
We’ll see… Let’s focus on the moment for now. We’re here.
So Stay close and follow Aly if I ever get stuck with someone.
*Door’s opening\*
*Loud chatting/laughing…\*
[Staff is greeting the speaker]
Hey how are you?
Good. Is everything ok here?
Great, where’s Miss Eve?
[Staff saying they’ll get Miss Eve]
Thank you.
Let’s get moving.

*sigh\* Mister Rolland.
Yeah. Nice to meet you too.
Of course I’m alright. Why wouldn’t I be?
It was nothing. Your concern is touching. Are you getting soft?
Oh well, I guess I’m better than you at finding those bastards.
Don’t worry, I’ll always think of you if I ever find another one. I know how blood thirsty you can be.
[Miss Eve is coming]
Ah Miss Eve, let’s do our usual report. Good evening Mister Rolland.
What do you want to talk about?
I see… Well, I’m sure it can wait until tomorrow…
*sigh\* Alright, Miss Eve, please wait for me at my office, I’ll be here in a moment. Aly go with her, I’ll be quick.
Yes Mister. I still have this kid. She’s very useful and never complains.
I know what you think of it. I don’t need your opinion about how I handle my crew.
What new girl?
Oh her? We got her on a ship we raided. She seemed eager to live, so I brought her to see if she’ll work for me here.
Yeah. Sure. Maybe you’ll get her next time.
If you don’t, you know how my next interview went. So now, if you will excuse me. I have a lot of things to do.
I’m a business women Rolland. Of course I have a lot to supervise when I get back here. And I don’t want to spend days here, I’ll expect to finish the brothel report tonight so I can do my estate report tomorrow. So I’ll keep going if you’re done.
What now?
She’s not on the menu yet.
I said no. Come back tomorrow to see if she’s available.
I know you’re not used to people telling you no, but I promise you, you don’t want to mess with me here.
Great. So now, enjoy your evening. I’ll have Misty take care of you as a gift later.
[Speaker going up to her office]
*door’s opening/closing\*
Alright. It’s done.
How are you all?
Good good. Thank you Miss Eve. Did Aly explain to you what’s happening?
Great, we’ll take care of our business quickly so you can go back there. I’ll promise Rolland some time with Misty for the evening if you please.
I know… But I need him relaxed… I might have made him a little on edge…
I’ll cover the expense. Don’t worry about that.
What news? What did he say?
Great, so your mother and brother are safe at my place. You’ll get reunited with them most likely tomorrow.
You can get comfortable now Princess, we’ll stay here for a few hours. I’ll send someone to tell your family you’re safe too.
Yeah Miss Eve… Kind of… As long as Rolland is here, a risk is always present…
Have Misty tell us when he’s leaving.
Thank you Miss Eve.
Aly, get us some food and drinks. We still have a lot of stuff to work on…
submitted by Alkyanne to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:17 CRRZ Tournament shot by shot

Tournament shot by shot
Hey all, everyone here was awesome the last time my daughter posted a video. She just added another from her last tournament and I’d love if you guys gave it a look. She’s working on her swing and having trouble in her tournaments rn. What I would love to see is maybe some comments on her dropping the club after every shot. Doesn’t matter how many times I tell her to hold her finish, maybe hearing it in the comments would convince her. :)
submitted by CRRZ to golf [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:17 PhilDe13 AITA For confronting my younger brother about just sending a text to tell me and my wife that he and his wife are having a baby?

I’ve never done this before so bear with me. Backstory – I M35 and my brother M23 have a big age gap so we grew up in very different lifestyles. We have always been close, and I loved having a little brother when I was younger, but we didn’t really become close friends until he was near an adult. When I say that we grew up in very different lifestyles I mean that I grew up with my parents getting divorced, and my mom marrying a new person my step father. Soon after that my brother was born. I always wanted a little brother, just ask my little sister lol. He was really the glue that kept me wanting to be around, and be a part of the family as I was not always the best behaved teenager especially with my stepfather. As I grew and my stepfather did we also became close. Looking back now we can both admit our faults for him inheriting a 12 year old and being a first time parent to me also having my bio father still around. My younger brother was always the glue that made me want to have a better relationship with our family. My brother has never known anything else besides the family unit that we still have today. I left the area to go to college, and chose to follow my passion for a career which unfortunately put me in a situation where I was struggling financially and moving a lot. He went to the local college and lived at home. He wanted to be a lawyer, and didn’t want to leave home.
Now when it came time to add people to our family (spouses) we also went different routes. I wanted to wait til I was in a financially stable point in my life before I proposed to my girlfriend (now wife), and my brother got married very young to his high school girlfriend just as he was graduating college. I only bring this up because they got engaged not long after we did, and before our wedding. He told me and my fiancé at the time about it, and we were very surprised. Not because he was going to propose, but because he had never lived anywhere except out parents house even thru college, and his girlfriend at the time also never didn’t live under her parents roof. That’s really where this kicks off. My brother was suppose to graduate and go to law school anywhere he wanted with my parents support, but he was feeling pressure from her family. Everyone tried to tell him to take his time, and no hurry to get married. This is opposite of his girlfriends family who all got married young including her siblings (most divorced as well), and they were feeling the pressure so they got married right away. My wife who has meshed super well with my very large family was a little annoyed at this, but I reminded her that my brother was one of the sweetest people, and means no harm whatsoever. She agreed as she had a very good relationship with both of my siblings. The first issue that came up was apparently my fiancé not asking my brothers girlfriend (soon to be fiancé) to be one of her bridesmaids. Nobody expected her to be asked apparently except her and my brother. He on the other hand was my best man. My wife however is a very loud, outspoken, and relatable person who wears her heart on her sleeve so she fit extremely well in my big Italian-American family. My brothers wife however is the opposite, very quiet and could be a little awkward around big loud groups, which my family is. They had very little relationship, and my wife has a very small friend group so we had a small bridal party to begin with. So its not that they didn’t get along I just wouldn’t call them friends. After our wedding where my parents were extremely involved in every decision we made there was a contrast, and the first time where we noticed an issue. My brothers wife would never talk to my mother, and would leave her out of a lot of the wedding planning, which was hard for her because my mother and stepfather were fronting the bill. She would only communicate thru my brother, and caused a lot of tension with the family. Also during this time my sister was very pregnant, and thru my brother again was being made to feel very bad for missing the wedding because she had just given birth 2 weeks prior to the date. So there has been tension for the past couple years stemming from this, and a similar situation with their baby shower after they welcomed their first child. My mother, and my sister were very hurt, but never wanted to cause issues with my brother and his wife. The other tension stems from them making decisions with no regard for the outcome. Everyone tried to tell them not to get married so quick (they did), everyone told them to just wait til he was done with law school to buy a house (they did), everyone told them to not have kids until they were in a better place (they didn’t), and my parents have been helping them financially to make sure they survive. This has caused my parents to push back their retirement plans, and they don’t really get to see their grandson as much as they would like, because they have become much closer to his in-laws.
Now to the recent happenings, me and my wife decided that we wanted to start trying to have kids, and we struggled to do so. My wife was having previously unknown complications that made it hard for us to conceive. This was a struggle, but we worked together to make it happen. What made this all the crazier was that we found out she was pregnant the day after I had just gotten a new job. Crazy story, but I had to move immediately and leave my wife behind to follow in a couple months. We told everyone because we were so excited, and facetimed all of the family together to tell them. Similar to what my siblings did when they had their children, and my sister was also getting married and my wife was a bridesmaid so we did not want to steal any of their thunder during their wedding. There were little issues leading up to the wedding between my sister and my sister-in-law including them not liking their table and requesting my sister move them two days before the wedding. Because they were both bridesmaids and different personalities they butted heads a little bit, but nothing big. That is until I overhead my sister-in-law talking shit on my wife to some family friends, which pissed me off, but I didn’t make it a big deal. My wife was hurt, but not surprised. Also in the week of the wedding we found out that we were having a little girl (the first one), and everyone was very excited. Especially my wife. We didn’t make a big deal about it, but had an amazing time at my sisters wedding. Because of me having to travel back to work we left early the day after the wedding. What we didn’t know was that my brother and his wife were going to announce their 2nd child the day after the wedding. We didn’t know, and they did a very elaborate announcement for my parents and my sister. What I got was a text message the next day to just let me know. My wife was extremely hurt by this, and I chose to confront him about it. Its hard enough for my wife to be by herself, pregnant and away from family, but she truly does view my family as hers. I chose to confront my brother about it, and what I got was a very half hearted apology, with petty shots about us not telling them we were having a girl but that was not the reason according to them that we were not included in the announcement. Now everyone is picking sides, and fighting about it. AITA?
submitted by PhilDe13 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:16 BitEnvironmental634 Looking for advice about telling my boyfriend that I'm a lesbian.

Hey all. I've known I was a lesbian since before I knew there was a word for it.
I wanted to change. I didn't want to be so different to the girls around me. I wanted to be like them l, so I dressed like them and spoke like them and was straight like them-or at least bisexual.
I met this boy through another guy I knew. He lives a few hours away, which I liked because it meant I didn't have to kiss him. I don't know why I didn't tell him my situation. Instead, I showed him every part of myself that I thought would put him off--he loved me regardless.
I'm so torn. I want to be a mother and I want to be "normal". I know that being a lesbian is normal, I've never judged anyone for being gay, but there's a part of me that thinks that I'm broken--going so far as to beg god to fix me so that I can be the good girlfriend this man deserves.
I don't want to be alone and I don't want to break his heart. He is such a good man. If he was a girl I could really really love him. To make matters EVEN worse, I'm his first girlfriend. I keep listening to "good luck, babe" by chappell roan and telling myself that that'll be me if I don't break up with him. But, I. Just. Can't.
I'm so stressed over it being the right time and the right way and how to word it without putting him off of "bi" girls forever, I keep thinking of how lonely I'll be without someone to love me--even if I can't love them back. I need convincing, and advice. Please. And pls don't tell me that I'm a shitty person for getting with him in the first place because I know. I really really know.
P.S, not 100% sure if this is the right place to post this but I'm a lesbian and I identify as butch-ish 🤷
submitted by BitEnvironmental634 to butchlesbians [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:15 PeanutButterShaman It’s Too Heavy

Since the time I was a small child I can remember a deep, unwavering, and often visceral sadness permeating every aspect of my being. I never quite figured out how to overcome this depression, and as the years have passed by, the regrets have piled up. The weight feels so heavy and I don’t know how to bear it. For as long as I can remember I have experienced a constant cycle of succumbing to sadness, bitterness, and isolation, feelings which I then allow to dampen any hopes or desires to grow. I am fundamentally ashamed of who I am and feel like a complete waste of life with no value to offer anybody.
I was dealt a relatively good hand in life all things considered, so I can only conclude that the problem is ultimately some kind of defect in my psyche. Yes my father had an affair and my parents divorced when I was four years old. Yes my mom was highly neurotic and depressed due to the tragedies she experienced in her own life. Yes I consistently experienced long periods of isolation growing up. But ultimately I never had to worry about when my next meal was, or whether or not I’d be able to go to a good school and pursue a meaningful career. My mother worked hard and made enough money for us, and my father worked his way up into a very high income bracket.
Yet, I squandered every possible opportunity I had, burned bridges, isolated myself, stayed in a comfort bubble, and now I’m 29 years old with barely any family or friends, definitely no romantic relationship, and trapped in a dead end job with absolutely no prospects. My life is utterly meaningless. I don’t relate to anyone, I don’t belong to any sort of community, nothing really brings me joy anymore.
I do like to read, I like to play guitar, I like fitness and martial arts. I’ve been told I’m a good looking guy consistently enough that there must be truth to it despite my crippling low self-esteem. I don’t play video games, I rarely watch porn, I haven’t smoked cannabis in months, I only drink alcohol once or twice a month. Aside from my low income job and lack of a career (which brings me great shame) I am not the stereotypical depressed guy. I live in a major city and am constantly outside, yet I am completely and utterly alone. I derive meaning from nothing.
What’s the point? There’s no point in doing anything if there’s no one for you to bring joy to. There’s no point in striving to better yourself if you feel purposeless. I’ve read Viktor Frankl, Adler, Aurelius, Camus, and Nietzsche. I’ve read all the self-help books - The Power of Now, Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck, Atomic Habits, etc. They are great tools that have helped countless people. Yet I never utilized them as I simply don’t care enough to. I am numb.
It’s impossible for me to meet and connect with people due to my own deep embarrassment of who I am. I met a girl last week and we talked for hours. She was clearly interested in me (overtly enough that it was even clear to my dumbass who never picks up on signals). I would have loved to get her number and grab a coffee together. Yet I’m so ashamed of working a dead end job and her finding out that I barely have any friends that I didn’t even bother asking. Her disappointment was almost palpable when I said goodbye and left. Added to the pile of regrets.
This is how I feel. If you took the time to read it all thank you. I’m not sure I’m really looking for advice, but maybe this post will have some utility in letting even a single other person out there know that they’re not alone - if just for a moment.
submitted by PeanutButterShaman to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:15 his_monalisa Mom takes my phone because it “disturbs me”

I (14m) have a mom (43f) who constantly feels like she can't trust me. She's strict and demands to know my phone's password. She is also nosy at times, one time she asked for my phone to Google something, and after a short while, I caught her going through my WhatsApp conversations! I changed my password because I felt it was a violation of my privacy. After all, she told me she was using it to google something. When she found out I changed my password her exact words were: “If you don't want a phone just say that”. I have shown her on multiple occasions that I'm trustworthy, and she has shown me that she doesn't trust me. I might sound like someone who has something to hide and you are right, I have private conversations with people who tell me about their problems and secrets, if she were to see that it would be a violation of that person's privacy as they told me that information in confidence. I'm a huge believer that privacy is a thing but shouldn't be taken for granted.
She also thinks I'm addicted to my phone as I'm always on it, this has led to her taking my phone on multiple occasions. Sometimes for the day or the week. I've expressed that I didn't appreciate the fact that she doesn't trust me and she just brushes it off and gaslights me about how I'm always on my phone and in front of the TV all the time (I'm an only child so I'm on my phone/ TV for entertainment/socializing since I have no one to talk to). Nevertheless, I'm always painted as a “gadget addict”, sometimes it would get so bad that she would start commenting on how my phone controls my every move, and that I shouldn’t have a relationship with my phone. This to me is funny because she is FOREVER on her phone. If it’s not for work then it’s for talking to friends/family if it’s not that then it’s going on Instagram (which she uses the most by the way), if it’s not that then it’s her playing Candy Crush nonstop. I do admit that I can get distracted because of my phone, but I have tried to do better and exercise discipline.
So today I came home from school tired and went to my room to change. I remember getting home at about 14:00. I’m on my phone just talking and playing games (I know this sounds bad), then my mom asks me what I’m still doing and I say I’m changing (which I was), she tells me I’ve been in there for an hour, but I check the time and it’s only 14:21. I didn’t want to say anything because I know how stubborn she can be. I quickly changed and she asked when I was going to study (it's exam season), I told her I was going to chill for a bit and then study and she was okay with that. After I study for 2 hours and take a break. I took the time to eat dinner, watch some wedding drama videos, and relax. I was supposed to study at 19:00 but I lost track of time because the wedding tea was too good. She walks in and asks me what I’m doing because I’m supposed to be studying. I’m shocked but then I look at the time and see that it’s 19:34! I’m loss for words because I had lost track of time, she proceeded to ask for my phone, I tried to fight it but I caved and gave it to her. She then told me that she was going to give it back after my exams (which are four weeks long!!). I felt that it was a lot because I made a simple mistake. She said that my phone disturbs me, I asked how and she referenced what happened when I came back from school. I tried to get my phone back by countering the fact that it was a mistake and I just lost track of time. She then told me that I didn’t see the fact that my phone disturbs me, I then asked how and she referenced what happened earlier WORD FOR WORD. That’s when I knew that she didn’t have anything else to back her story with, but she’s my parent so I had to submit. One hour later I came out of my room telling her that I’d studied and that I would like my phone back please, she told me that my DAD(43) had it, saying he would give it to me when the time was right because my phone disturbs me. Knowing him I’ll get it when my exams are over, I pleaded with my mother to at least charge on my bedside table at night when she was going to sleep, she said she would but I’m skeptical because 1. I don’t know if I should trust her and 2. My dad might not let her. In her defense, I should’ve been more attentive and just studied like I said, but I feel it was a common mistake to lose track of time. (By the way, I LOVE your videos, huge fan💕)
So was I wrong or does my mom have a point? I just wanted to vent because this is so frustrating.
submitted by his_monalisa to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:13 ithinkkare Sister demands a relationship with my child

I need some clarity I guess because I feel like I am going insane with this whole situation. Also, on mobile, english is my first language but I still suck at it.
My sister (37) and I have never had a good relationship. She was my worst bully growing up and even into adulthood. My parents never saw it as she convinced them I was just a liar amd exaggerated for attention. While I was in high school, she had a child with her deadbeat drug addict bf(now ex & he is clean). My younger sister and I sacrificed our whole summer to be live in nannies (moreso me) while my sister worked. Her kiddo was like a daughter to me and would cry when she couldn't see us often enough. I love her with every fiber of my being and I have been active in her life still to this day.
Now, I(30) have my own kiddo. Sister has only spent time with LO a handful of times and never alone without my niece or my mom present. After a particularly explosive bday celebration for niece, I refuse to let sister to be around LO. Sister is now shocked Pikachu face that I won't let her see LO at all. She told my mother that she has always been good to LO so she doesn't understand why she can't see LO and she never limited my access to my niece so she has every RIGHT to be in her life.
Unfortunately my own mother doesn't agree with my boundaries to not let sister be around LO. She follows them, but doesn't agree. Every time my LO is with parents for a weekend, my mom lays it on thick that it's hard not to be able to take her to my sister's house and to just "make it easier on [her]"
Am I insane? How should I approach this with my parents/sibling? Am I truly doing right by my kiddo or just being dramatic?
Birthday fiasco:
LO was only grabbing onto the yellow rocks on this play scape, sister told her to grab the other colors. I, in a normal tone, said "It's alright, she's got this." Sister got pissed at this and went off on me, calling me a cunt and said "this is why everyone is dying to get away from you"
My father died and sister blamed me for his death. LO's father died and i already blame myself for it but sister blamed me too. 3 days after he died, my sister got pissed that I refused to move back in with my parents and said that I would become a drug addict and lose custody of my child because I am weak and wouldn't be able to handle ACTUAL life.
submitted by ithinkkare to AskParents [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:13 conanfan10001 the fellas and i made a parody called "gay kid, g.l.a.a.d city". please enjoy

If Pirus and Crips loved sucking dong
They'd probably dick me down by the end of this song
Seem like the whole city cum inside me
Every time I'm in the street I suck Cock cock cock cock
pants down, where you cum niga?
fuck who you blow, where you cum my niga?
is your grandpa gay, huh my niga?
in mens asses i cum my niga
Brace your ass and turn it in to my penis’s lane
This song is a rap on how I'm slingin dick and anal pain
Now come lick-my-sack and show me why i have pussy disdain
I thought of pussy, and that stress will make me give you good brain
It was me, L Boog, and Yan Yan, YG Lucky riding my glans
I got horny, waving my dick out the window, suck yo self
Uh, Warriors and Conans
Hope i get a chance to slow dance with a handsome man
Whose ass will be the first one to get fucked
Seen a light-skinned nigga with his back blown out
At the same burger stand where ian hang out
Now this is not a tape recording saying that i fucked him
But ever since that day, I was lookin' at his penis
That was back when I was nine
Joey’s packing nine (inches)
Naked men on every porch is fine
We adapt to crime, pack my ass with four dicks at a time
Fuck it till I’m sore, fuck is up?
Fuck you cumming for if you ain't in my guts you fuckin' punk?
Grab my dick and fuckin' pump
Suckin’ off you suckers, suck a dick or die or sucker punch
A wall of semen comin' from
Hey gays, gay balls, Aye y'all. suck
That's what momma said when we was all fuckin our butts
Aw man, God damn, his ass came loose
You fucked my cousin back in '94, fuck me too
Yo dick is covered in poop
Ill lick it off on the news
At the Equinox, just peepin pee-pees, hard ones i approve
bodies on top of bodies
Asses on top of asses
Obviously lots of men in between my sheets like the Isleys
When you hop on my penis
Make sure my cock is erect
Make sure you're cumming, or they'll be calling your mother a man
They say the governor collect, all of our semen except
When we in traffic and road head happens, busting is a threat
You movin' backwards if you suggest that you sleep with a chick
Go buy some poppers and have your boyfriend on speed dial, I guess
G.l.a.a.d city
pants down, where you cum niga?
fuck who you blow, where you cum my niga?
is your grandpa gay, huh my niga?
in mens asses i cum my niga?
If Pirus and Crips loved sucking dong
They'd probably dick me down by the end of this song
Seem like the whole city cum inside me
Every time I'm in the street I suck Cock cock cock
submitted by conanfan10001 to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:11 kaleros Restaurants like Perch?

Taking my mom up to LA for a delayed Mother’s Day because of work. We really liked Perch last time we went and would love some recs for similar places! :)
submitted by kaleros to LosAngeles [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:10 Jonbieniemy87 Dancing with Death: A Mortarion Femarchs Story (Prologue: Part 0 of ?)

Machaon woke up, another day under the dimly lit, haze choked skies of his home world of Barbarus. As always, he got dressed, had a meager breakfast, put on his gas mask and ventured out into the toxic air to check on his crops. His father had spent a long time trying to create a strain of their main food crop so that it could resist the toxic environment of the upper levels of Barbarus, and allow more food to be grown. His father always said that they were “working today so others can eat tomorrow.” Unfortunately, his father passed away many years ago, but Machaon continued his work in earnest, doing his best to accomplish his father’s dream.. And based on the growing stalks of healthy looking crops, he had succeeded. He performed a more thorough inspection on the stems and leaves of the budding vegetables, and wrote down everything he saw in his journal. Years of his family’s work finally come to fruition.
Next on his to do list was to check the herbal garden his mother had grown. He had taken care of it when his mother was unable to, due to a debilitating sickness. The garden had a few different varieties of medical herbs, including hawthorn, lavender, aloe, and peppermint along with a mix of herbs for cooking. He checked the stems and leaves of the plants, making sure all of them were healthy, once more writing his findings in his journal. Confident all his plants were healthy, he closed his notebook and made his way to the local herbalist he was being mentored by. Machaon had spent time with a local herbalist to try and learn how to make herbal remedies to cure his mother’s sickness, and the older gentlemen needed help with certain things around his house. In exchange for his expertise, Machaon provided some of his own herbs and some extra food since the older gentleman had trouble growing enough food to feed himself.
Machaon knocked on the door, hearing a gas mask sealing and a cantankerous older gentleman call out “I don’t appreciate interruptions to my work! Best be something important!” A few seconds later, the herbalist came to the door wearing a load of protective equipment, something that seemed a little out of place for an herbalist, swinging it open. “What do ya wan — oh hey kid, come on in.” The old man opened the door, hobbling back into his abode.
Machaon walked in, taking a look around the place. It was a mess like it always was, but the old man did have his own system of organization. Calling it a system of organization was a stretch, but Machaon couldn't convince him to change his ways, so he gave up on convincing him and focused on his herbalist and apothecary training. Pushing that thought from his mind, he put on his herbalist protective gear and got ready to start the day’s training regiment. The old man looked at him, smiling “You ready kid?”
Machaon looked at his journal, stocked with papers and writings, now old and worn. He was in his thirties now, and most people he knew and cared for had passed on. His mother died not too long after he finally made a chemical resistant strain of crops, and his herbalist mentor had passed a few years after, finally having accomplished his life goal. Wiping a tear from his eye, Machaon wiped a tear from his eye, closed his journal and went on his usual ritual of checking on his plants and documenting strange things. Once he finished, he changed into his apothecary attire and shouldered his backpack full of supplies. His apothecary goal was to keep tackling the disease outbreak that had popped up nearby. A village a few days ago in the valley east of his abode had sent missives asking for medical aid, as a small portion of their population had been confined to their homes with fevers and coughs, with the occasional victim with boils on the skin. He had been working to quell it these last few days, but he was not sure if he was going to be able to completely stop it before it spread outside his control. Unfortunately, he would never be able to find out. As he began to take care of his ill patients in the sick house, he heard the sounds of a ship outside, and the clanking of boots. Something was up, and he was certainly not about to surrender his patients to whatever was outside.
Machaon walked outside, a simple pistol holstered on his hip. He may be an apothecary, but he could deal just as much hurt as he could heal. And he certainly wasn't going to run away when he had people in his stead, people that could spread infection and kill even more people. However, he soon found that his pistol would do nothing against the new arrivals. A military officer of some kind, along with some soldiers had formed up outside the sick house, the officer wearing what seemed to be an imperial army officers uniform, a green patch with three green skulls on the shoulder. The officer approached him, and began to read from a data slate. “Apothecary Machaon Strakos, on the order of Primarch Mortarion, daughter of the God-Emperor of Mankind, head of the Death Guard Adeptus Astartes legion, you are to be transferred to the Endurance, the Primarch flagship, for apothecary duty. You have one hour to gather your belongings.”
Machaon tried to protest, “With all due respect sir, I have patients to take care of, otherwise they’ll die.”
The Imperial Army officer looked at him with disdain. “If you do not comply peacefully, I will be forced to make you comply.” The soldiers next to him aimed their lasguns at him at the same time, their faces cold and icy.
Machaon knew that his ‘forced compliance’ would hurt his patients more than him leaving peacefully. “As you wish, officer. I will collect my supplies and return shortly.” He then returned to the interior of the sick house, gathering all his supplies into his backpack, along with the seeds for his plants. He didnt want to leave his people, but he didnt have much of a choice. A young girl who was laying on a cot by the door asked him, “Mister, where are you going?”
He wanted to tell her the truth, but he knew that wouldn't help. So he did the next best thing he could do, and he kneeled down next to her cot. “Well young lady, I’m going to take care of another group of people who need my help. There’s a lot of them, and the man outside needs my help to do it. I know you all are in good hands, so I’m going to save the people who aren’t in good hands. Feel better young lady.” He said, giving her a flower from his garden as he stood up and left. He didn't really believe what he said, at least not entirely. He would be helping people, but not the way he wanted, not on his own terms. Nevertheless, he would do his duty to his planet and his people.
Machaon walked outside the sick house and found the officer. “Officer, I’m ready.”
The Imperial Army officer looked at him coldly. “Then get on. We must reach the ship before the fleet takes off for the next expedition.” He and his soldiers then got on Stormhawk, and Machaon made sure to follow close behind them. The doors shut, and the engines roared to life, taking the ship off the ground and into space. Shortly after, they arrived in the hangar of the Endurance, and the Imperial Army company that escorted him departed, and Machaon followed quickly, not wanting to be left in the huge ship.
When he stepped out of the Stormhawk, he saw a virtual city of people working, repairing and refueling ships, unloading cargo, and new recruits moving deeper into the ship. It was certainly more people than he had ever seen in his life, but it did not phase him. He knew that whatever they were calling him for would have been big, especially if it was being led by a daughter of the Emperor. He followed the Imperial Army officer further into the ship, until they arrived at the barracks section of the ship. The Imperial officer told him simply “These are your quarters. Find a bunk.” Then he left.
Machaon was not particularly impressed with the lodging, but decided it was better to secure a spot rather than leaving it to chance. Once he found a spot, he laid down his items that were not essential to his duties as an apothecary, kept whatever else he had on his and tried to make his way to the apothecary chamber. Having no idea where everything was, he asked directions, and eventually after nearly an hour, found his way to the apothecary chamber and began to set out his equipment and find a place to grow his herbs. He knew he would need them for the battles ahead,wherever they may be.
submitted by Jonbieniemy87 to PrimarchGFs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:08 ReasonFighter Layton, UT tEmpLe open house. These are my impressions.

For context, I've been a faithful Mormon believer all of my life until the age of 45+. I live in Layton since 2003. I stopped attending in 2013, and my children (minors at the time) happily stopped attending too. I formally resigned in 2017. Haven't put a foot in a Mormon building of any kind in more than a decade. Haven't attended a Mormon tEmpLe in at least 15 years.
A week ago my youngest daughter, now a young adult who just finished her semester in AZ, came to spend a week with me before going to the East coast to spend summer with her mother. While I've answered all her questions about Mormonism whenever she has asked throughout the years, she doesn't remember much about it because the whole family stopped attending shortly after she was baptized. She was instantly curious when I mentioned the new monstrosity built in our hometown. Knowing it is still in its "open house" period I offered to go and visit it.
Once the shuttle left us at our original parking lot and we were free from earshot, I asked my daughter what her impressions were. She thought for a few seconds and said "It was like a rich person bragging. Just showing off luxury." Then we engaged in a very refreshing conversation about the Mormon motivations for such a extravagant (and inexcusable) opulence, etc.
On my part, visiting a Mormon tEmpLe after a 15+ year hiatus allowed me to perceive it with fresh eyes, heart, mind; and (more importantly) with richer criteria. My impression is this: it felt like a one inch deep attempt at sacredness; a superficial attempt to display the image of spirituality through expensive materialism. There was no substance within those walls. No history, no content, no god, no love. Just expensive marble and expensive wood and expensive carpet. It was... an empty building.
Any Catholic cathedral, any museum, any library has so much more substance, content, essence, meaning than the ostentatious building we visited last week.
This is my report.
submitted by ReasonFighter to exmormon [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:07 Binarily "I say to every young man thinking of getting married, marry into a family with five or more daughters ... One of them will always love you"

submitted by Binarily to TheBidenshitshow [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:06 Ok-Sugar-3396 Going to pick up my daughter tomorrow

TW: mention of living child
Tomorrow I have to pick up my daughter’s remains. I have to go to the hospital to get her bereavement box. I lost my sweet baby girl on May 6th. She was born on February 13th with a congenital heart defect. When we found out her diagnosis we were offered termination but chose to give her a fighting chance.
She was such a fighter, from the moment she was born. Her diagnosis was always serious but treatable. Things were going alright until a “routine” trip to the cath lab tore her tricuspid valve. Now she was in critical condition. She had two open heart surgeries but passed two months after. I have a freezer full of breast milk she will never drink.
I never saw her face without a breathing tube. I had an angel of a human edit her pictures for me in the photoshop group. I never got to hold her like a real baby. I held her but she was attached to so much stuff. My heart would break when she cried because I couldn’t soothe her. Every day I sat with her and held her hand. I rubbed her head. I told her I was proud of her.
Some days I get so angry at the doctors but I know with every procedure comes a risk. Other days I beat myself up for not speaking up more, but I know there was not much else to say. Some days it doesn’t feel real, even though I spent three months in the CVICU now I am home again and life goes on. I have a two and a half year old who has no idea what happened and is full of joy, she truly is wonderful and I love her so much. Sometimes I feel so guilty that I’m happy and having fun with her.
Born with half a heart but braver than I could ever imagine, braver than I could ever be. In my darkest moments I often found myself wondering why— but I find comfort in the fact that God sent her to us for a reason. I am honored that we were lucky enough call her ours, as short as it was. It was truly a privilege she chose us to be her mommy. She taught me patience, she taught me courage, she taught me strength and to appreciate absolutely every little thing. Even in her final moments we were all amazed by her resilience. I know she will live on in the memory of every one who saw her sweet face, everyone who knew her stubborn attitude. It breaks my heart to think about all the “firsts” we’ll never have together—I’ll cherish everything we had. This isn’t how we dreamed of bringing her home but we’re glad she’ll be home with us at last.
Maia Amore 2/13/24-5/6/24
submitted by Ok-Sugar-3396 to babyloss [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:04 jgnva Is it selfish to give one of my cats away?

I (F24) had an older cat in my home country that slept all day. My husband (M30), son (M4) and I lived with my mother in law, and when we moved abroad she kept the cat since it would be more stressful to get and old cat to another continent than to leave her comfortably in a place she already knows well. She was a sweetheart, really affectionate and well-behaved.
That considered, in our new home abroad, once we settled down and things fell into a routine, we decided to adopt a cat. We found an organization donating two cats from the same litter, but the rule was that we would have to adopt them together. At the time it seemed like a great idea.
So we adopted them 6 months ago. Both were spayed last month.
We live in a small apartment. We thought it was plenty space for two cats, but one of them clearly needs more space and more attention. He’s playful, energetic, really naughty and it’s becoming unmanageable in a small space. He eats ANYTHING we leave on the table (he ate aluminum foil a couple of days ago), he pees on everything (HE PEED ON OUR BED MULTIPLE TIMES), he destroyed our sofa, he pooped on our kids toys. We tried everything to make him feel comfortable. He has a great relationship with us, he loves scratches and we give him plenty of toys, good quality kibble, a water fountain, his litter box is always clean (there are two litter boxes, one of each), we give him as much attention as possible, but it doesn’t seem to make a difference.
Both cats are 8 months old at the moment.
We’ve spent an absurd amount of money trying to make him feel comfortable. We even tried those pheromones (Feliway) to solve the peeing issue. The xrays and the vet appointment for the aluminium foil issue by itself was IMMENSELY expensive. We’re not well-off, and I physically can’t work any more hours or I’ll collapse.
We’re considering rehoming him, but I’m worried about his sister and how she’ll react. They’ve been together since birth and I feel awful for even thinking about separating them, but I can’t see any other alternative.
I’m also allergic to cats, but I take my antihistamines and have a big air-filter so it was fine when it was just one cat back in my home country. Now, however, my asthma has started acting up again. It was under control since I was a kid, but it came back violently, and I have to stick to my inhaler like a lifeline every time I get home. My doctor recommended rehoming at least the furriest cat (aka, the cat we’re thinking of rehoming).
Any tips on how to deal with this and how the other cat might react?
submitted by jgnva to Pets [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:04 zaken351 Is Billie Eilish actually worth seeing live? (Honest opinion)

My dad and some of his friends used to quote Steely Dan as a “studio band.” My dad always liked their music but never cared to see them in concert because their live performances just never fit the style of music. But they were always great on the radio or CD.
I’ve kind of wondered the same about Billie Eilish because I love her music but I just question if she’s worth seeing live (and paying the price to do so).
Honest thoughts and opinions?
submitted by zaken351 to billieeilish [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:04 FeelingIII 1y ex keeps digital abuse

I’ve been with my ex for almost 4 years. It was great at beginning but it become very turbulent and extreme over the last year, since he developed mental issues bc started abusing drugs/alcohol+bpd+ narcissistic tendencies. At one point i thought I would die, mentally and physically/I lost 10kg, then decided to breakup cause unfortunately i couldn’t take care of him anymore. (there were too many stuff can’t fit this post) Year passed and I am doing much better. I blocked him on everything long ago, but it’s not possible to do the same with email. He keeps emailing me since then, there were different ranges of emotions, hate messages, bursts of love, anger..but most recent he is begging for forgiveness and writing me poem-like stuff telling me that he will fix everything and come to see me.. on early stage i did text back telling him that i forgive him and separated with best wishes for him, once i was angry i told him that its over forever that its useless and to stop harassing me. He lives in another country and i really never want to see or hear from him again, that relationship left me a huge trauma.. I feel unsafe, disrespected, abused, i simply don’t know how to get rid of him, it makes me want to vomit. I can’t sleep, have obsessive ptsd at times and i am afraid that he will really appear at my doors at this point.(so changing email or ignoring him will not help)
Does anyone had to deal with mentally unstable person like this?
I appreciate any advice and thank you for reading.
I still wish health and happiness to my ex, but I feel trapped and worried for my overall health and safety for me and my family.
submitted by FeelingIII to Advice [link] [comments]
