Middle finger ascii one line


2020.07.10 03:11 OMPOmega QualityOfLifeLobby

In order to raise the quality of life of not only the lower income population below the poverty line but also the middle class, one must identify the source of the hardships afflicting both—not just those who are below the poverty line. Here we discuss and identify the problems affecting all and how to fix them. The end goal should be to invite people to join this subreddit whenever a pervasive social issue is discussed in other subreddits. Focus on solutions. Invite more people. Crosspost often

2009.01.27 12:36 Norman

This is a sub for the Norman keyboard layout. This is an alternative to QWERTY to the likes of Dvorak, Colemak, Colemak-DH, Workman, Asset, Capewell, Carpalx QFMLWY/QGMLWB/QGMLWY, Minimak, etc.

2014.01.09 03:20 Mister Rogers Neighborhood

Mister Rogers Neighborhood

2024.05.22 01:31 Can1sMajoris Logical Explanation.... Fog?

I'm a total believer of the paranormal, however, I'm also first in line when looking for a logical explanation. I guess mine for this one would be fog? It wasn't a foggy night but it's possible. I got a notification from my Nest at 4:44am. When I checked it, I saw smoke. There are no vents around this area of my house.
To save some time, it comes in about half way through the video.
submitted by Can1sMajoris to Paranormal [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:31 Fit_Benefit2865 Why would my therapist terminate in this way?

I recently experienced a really painful experience with termination and am still struggling to understand why my therapist (a psychologist) would terminate in this way.
I will try and keep the story as brief as possible (although it is going to be long) and obviously this is only my side of it.
I have been seeing this therapist for almost a year. They are my first one. I am male. They are female. She is slightly younger than me.
I initially went there to discuss my relationship problems. It was one of those scenarios where I wanted to do couples therapy with my wife but she refused and ultimately I said OK Iwill go alone.
I would be lying if I said I did not form a deep attachment to her but this attachment was never in a way which was sexual or where I desired her to be part of my life outside of her office. And this is being 100% honest with myself.
I have been a very closed off person including to my wife and whatever reason my ability to try and open up to my therapist was an extremely new experience for me and resulted in this attachment which I have discussed with her.
Our communication outside of sessions would be an email or two from me a week mainly to jot my thoughts down about what I would like to discuss with her in session.
My continued attendance with her became a problem for my wife in that she thought it was a form of emotional cheating. All of this was relayed to my therapist. I am not after any commentary about whether my wife is wrong or right to feel this way - it is what it is.
My final session with my therapist, from my perspective went somewhat along these lines:
1.) We discussed an ultimatum my wife had given me essentially regarding termination of therapy or the end of our marriage
2.) We discussed this in the context of my wife setting a boundary and whether I could seek therapy elsewhere
3.) I discussed that I did not wish to do this process again (therapy) with anybody else and I wouldn't be doing that
4.) What we didn't discuss was whether I actually wanted to terminate therapy. I never once communicated that I wanted to or that I was going to terminate with her
5.) I would describe whathappened next is that she manipulated the conversation into a termination as though it was being guided by me but she was essentially putting words in my mouth, cancelling our further sessions and pushing me out the door, early.
6.) I was so overwhelmed by what I perceived her to be doing that I essentially shut down, unable to communicate that I could see what she was doing and that I did not agree to terminate. I was getting more and more hurt and angry every second I was in the room. I beleive she was acutley aware of this.
7.) I felt that the session was highly manipulative on her part - in that I truly believe she used her power over me and skills to make it seem like I was terminating when it was in fact her.
I eventually got the courage to call her out on this behaviour as feedback via an email.
I eventually got a reply as follows:
Hi X

Firstly, I appreciate the honesty and feedback. Thank you for expressing it. It was never my intention to make you feel unwelcome in my office, or as though you could not continue to receive treatment from me. My intention is always to help my clients and provide them the support they need to grow.
However, it is my professional responsibility to you to assess the impacts of treatment from our sessions. After the discussion we had regarding me as your therapist in the first half of our session on Thursday, it became apparent that my appointment as your therapist has become a maintaining factor to reaching positive therapy outcomes which you seek. I understand the magnitude of this but truely believe you are capable of meaningful engagement and continued progress whether it is here or at another clinic based on how far you have developed since our first session.
Kind regards,
My reply was as follows:

Hi Therapist
I really do appreciate your reply.
I guess from my perspective we should have had that conversation. As I said in my prior email I would have listened to you and respected that. I don’t know why you felt that we could not or should not have that conversation. Instead, I walked away feeling the way I did. I actually felt really manipulated.
I do really thank you for your honesty with me today and can honestly tell you that it actually helps me a lot to understand and give me closure.
I have not received any further reply.
I essentially take her email as an admission of what she did (the final paragraph). I just don't understand why she would not have discussed this with me. This is the whole point of therapy!! Open and honest communication..
Regarding her comments, I actually would agree with her... I take her last paragraph to mean either of the following:
1.) I went to her originally trying to better my relationship with my wife and ultimately that seems to have failed and the process while perhaps being beneficial to me overall has created a greater wedge between my wife and myself; or / and
2.) The connection I have formed with her is working as a road block to me wanting to open up more to my wife
Both of these things are probably true and I take no issue with this - I just don't understand why she would not have this conversation with me and ultimately left me feeling really manipulated.
I am wondering from a therapist perspective how and why this could have happened this way??
submitted by Fit_Benefit2865 to TalkTherapy [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:31 HomesteadingHobo Insurance Adjuster Tried to “Help Us”

I live in Texas for context. On May 6th we had a storm that broke a large tree limb above our house. It struck the top of the house, and created no visible damage but we wanted it checked out since we don’t know what to look for in roof damage. The insurance adjuster was assigned to come out May 17th.
On May 16th the super storm came though and greatly impacted us. A large tree damaged our car, our fence was crushed from a falling tree, and the power lines to our house were damaged. We have been without power for 5 days now, all our food has gone bad, and we have to eat out every meal. We do not expect to have power several more days.
The first adjuster came out on the 17th for the initial claim of a tree limb fall. During the adjusters inspection she stated that was helping us out and marking it as wind and hail damage to ensure we meet our deductible of 5000$. We told her that yes it hailed last night during the storm, and the shed was hit by a branch as well. The adjuster then noted it down and left.
May 18th we were told by insurance that a hotel could be covered since our power line was knocked out and we had no place to live. We proceeded to book a hotel as per insurances instructions and initiated a claim for the most recent storm. The claim was for the hail damage, fence damage, and reimbursement for the hotel and associated food costs.
The second adjuster called on May 20th to inform us that we can only put a claim in for the fence, and it won’t reach our new deductible of $5000. I told the adjuster that we had hail damage on May 16th, and asked why is that not factored into the second claim.
The adjuster informed me that the hail was from a previous storm, and that it’s irrelevant to the newest claim.
After several discussions the second adjuster suggested we drop the first claim, or ask them to omit the hail damage from the first claim. Then have an adjuster come and reevaluate the property for hail damage done on May 16th.
Are there any potential issues we need to be aware of if we drop the claim, or have them submit the first claim as only a tree limb falling from the storm on May 6th? This was all we intended to put a claim in, but the first adjuster went ahead and put in hail damage as part of the claim to “help us out.” I asked the adjuster, and she couldn’t tell me anything about how that would work, or impact us. All she could tell me is that it is noted on our file.
Ideally our first claim is for a tree like that fall, and the second claim is for the hail damage from May 16th, for the fence damage, the power outage due to the downed line in our yard, the food expenses and hotel expenses.
Currently the way they marked it in their system, is for the first claim at $10,000 and the second one for $4500. This leaves us with a total bill of $9,500. If the adjuster didn’t “help us out” and marked it for only tree damage we would have the first claim for $200, and the second claim for $14,300. This would leave us with a portion of $5,200.
If anyone has any insights on this it would help a ton. We are stressed and struggling and can barely afford a one deductible let alone two.
submitted by HomesteadingHobo to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:31 No_Advance_3856 Anyone used an Autobrush with their 3yo?

I’m at why wits end mainly because I genuinely have horrible teeth health wise. I have super thin enamel and very cavity prone teeth. I’ve had fillings every few year since I was a child and 3 root canals. As such I’m a stickler for oral hygiene as I don’t want my child going through the same. Up until a month and a half ago he would let me brush his teeth first then finish off himself. Now he just won’t brush teeth at all. It’s a struggle. He’s big and tall (45” 40lbs) for his age and I’m small and short (100lbs 5’ even) so it’s literally wrestle mania. I’ve tried all the tricks, singing, making it a game, doing it together and even having him do it himself. We’ve also tried different tooth pastes and texture/types of brushes to no avail. I’ve had to hold him down the last three nights and my husband says I’m just making it worse but honestly oral hygiene isn’t an optional no and a battle I’m not willing to lose out on. My teeth look great but I’ve always been in and out of the dentist. It’s not cheap and it’s painful.
Anyway today I relented and washed his teeth like I did when he was a baby, with a silicon finger brush and he didn’t mind it for the most part. He has a super soft tooth brush and one that’s medium. Both age appropriate but I guess he doesn’t like them? I’ll see how we fare with the silicon brush again in the morning and tomorrow night but was considering an auto brush for him? Maybe it would be fun and it’s a 30 second clean. Has anyone used one? Thoughts?
submitted by No_Advance_3856 to toddlers [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:31 SgSpecial180 Can we get some larger maps?

One of my biggest gripes is one I think would have an easy fix, give us some large open maps. Sure it's too late to help the campaign, but they could be added to Wargames.
One thing I loved about HW1/2 is that you could have multiple battles going on at once across the map, so it felt like you were really having to strategically manage things and not just build to the unit cap and send your death ball forth. I liked setting up mining operations around the maps, guarded by small garrisons. When they got in trouble you'd have to peel off some ships from the main fight to hyperspace to their rescue (which of course isnt possible as that mechanic is gone, along with placing turrets in empty space) and it just felt engaging.
I'd wager others feel the same, and I think it could be an easy win by the devs to release some larger maps that maybe had megaliths around resource areas or in the middle of the map so you could still take advantage of the terrain system.
submitted by SgSpecial180 to homeworld [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:30 zemolho The Mother Flame might be a curve ball

Hey everyone. I just had a thought I was eager to share, although I don't have much to back it up, I would like to see if anyone would be willing to entertain this idea.
The Mother Flame was revealed as to be a fire produced energy source. Many of us are linking it to nuclear energy. But what if in ancient times the big energy source was watehydrolic energy? I was thinking about what the Red Line might be and came to the conclusion that it could be a huge dam. What if on one side of the globe there was only ocean and on the other only desert?
The people on top of the Red Line might have been the ones hoarding all the water and perhaps only letting some pass to the other side at their leisure.
What if some day it all just came pouring out? A flood so great that wiped the other side of the globe. Now, I don't know how this would have worked but why is Fishman Island the only (known) passage through the Red Line? Maybe a great effort between the races was put to break the Dam. Maybe the hole was there but it had a giant gate to let water through. Maybe Zunisha was some kind of plug in the hole and one day it stood up to take a piss and that was it's great sin.
Although this might lead nowhere I do have to add that this is something we have seen before in One Piece. Back in Alabasta, Crocodile used the Dance Powder, which would create rain at a certain location at the expense of causing droughts in other areas. Vivi wanted to take down the tyrant, maybe how Nefertari D. Lili once did too.
Anyways, any thoughts?
Thanks you for your time!
submitted by zemolho to OnePiece [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:30 Proper-Rub-634 WHO IS MY TRUE FRIEND?

I (18F) have two friends (both F). Let's call friend 1 Melon and friend 2 Kiwi. Melon is my cousin and was my best friend growing up. We both studied grades 7 and 8 together, but in grades 9 and 10, we changed schools and ended up in different classes. Melon, being extroverted, made a lot of new friends, while I, being shy and reserved, spent most of 9th grade alone. In 10th grade, I started sitting with a new girl, Kiwi (who was also in my 9th-grade class). Kiwi was first friends with my cousin Melon, even though she was my classmate. So, we got closer and Kiwi became my only friend after Melon. Our friendship was mostly just for school; we weren't best friends who shared secrets and stuff.
In 11th and 12th grade, we all decided to go to the same high school/college, but Kiwi and I ended up together in the same high school while Melon decided to go to a different school. This didn't affect our friendship; we were still good friends. During these two years, my friendship with Kiwi deepened, and I became comfortable sharing everything with her. Kiwi used to like Melon more and they were in contact 24/7, but during high school, she got closer to me. The three of us used to hang out together and had a lot of fun (those memories are my favorite).
Fast forward to now, we are currently in 12th grade (about to finish). We all decided to join an academy to prepare for the aptitude test for different universities. When we joined the academy, Kiwi and Melon started to not get along and began fighting over little things. As their friend, I felt guilty that my two friends were fighting and that I wasn't doing anything to resolve their issues. So, I tried hard to resolve their conflict. We decided on some universities, but again Melon decided to take the test at a different university. Melon told us that she has health issues and wants to go to a university where there is no heavy workload. This didn't sit well with Kiwi, she thought Melon was making excuses. I realized that Kiwi was wrong, and we should respect Melon's choices.
One day when I was absent from the academy, Melon told Kiwi that she is jealous of my friendship with Kiwi and doesn't like it when Kiwi tries to get closer to me. Kiwi later told me about this. I felt bad but chose to ignore it. Our classes started at 8:00 am, so I had trouble waking up and sometimes skipped classes. During those times, Kiwi and Melon would talk behind my back, saying I was lazy and questioning how I would pass the test. Our driver told me about this 😭, which made me sad. Again, I ignored it, thinking they were just concerned about me. (Not to brag, but I am better in studies than both of them and I was the only one who passed the university test).
So the main point of the story is that Kiwi and Melon used to talk to each other but didn't really like each other. One day, Kiwi was not talking to Melon. We were seated with Kiwi in the middle and Melon on her side, which Kiwi didn't like because she only wanted to sit with me. She whispered in my ear to come sit in the middle, and Melon overheard. So, when Kiwi was outside the class, Melon told me to sit in the middle and she sat in Kiwi's place, which made Kiwi furious. She took her bag and sat in the back seat alone. I was confused about why she was mad. Melon was hurt and messaged Kiwi, saying, "You hate me this much that you don’t even want to sit with me."
This made Kiwi mad, and she thought I had told Melon that she didn't want to sit with her (which I didn’t). Kiwi started messaging me, blaming me for telling Melon everything we talked about, and said she didn't want to talk to me anymore. This hurt me and I started to cry. Melon noticed and tried to calm me down. I told her that I was fed up with their fighting and it was stressing me out and affecting my studies (because whenever they fought, if I talked to Melon, Kiwi would get jealous, and if I talked to Kiwi, Melon would get jealous. I felt stuck between them).
Melon told me to leave Kiwi because, according to her, Kiwi was using me to make her feel jealous and left out. She said I became friends with Kiwi because of her and that Kiwi doesn't really like me, etc. I decided to ignore both of them. When Kiwi came back ( Melon suddenly held my hand and started clinging to me when she saw Kiwi coming towards me), Kiwi saw that asked me why I wasn't talking to her. I didn't reply, and she thought that Melon had told me not to talk to her. She left the class and started crying. Melon and our driver came outside, and we noticed Kiwi was crying. I chose to ignore it (so heartless of me). Melon tried to calm her down and told her that I was cold and stone-hearted and wouldn't come to stop her from crying(😤)
Later at home, Kiwi called me to ask what happened. I told her everything and she told me everything Melon had said about me. I was angry and told her what Melon had said about her, that Kiwi was using me. We both concluded that Melon is two-faced and she was the cause of our fight.
Later, Kiwi told me everything Melon had said behind my back. Since Melon is my cousin, she had told Kiwi all my family matters, which I don't like to share with anyone. Kiwi told me why she wasn't close to me at first because Melon used to backbite me, which made her not like me. Kiwi also shared many things Melon had told her that I didn't want to be shared. She told me Melon's secrets, which hurt me even more because, despite being her cousin and best friend, Melon had not told me anything. So, I started hating Melon and ignored her everywhere on social media. That made Kiwi so happy that she used to upload our TikToks to make Melon jealous.
Later, Melon came to my house to clear everything up. She asked me to tell her everything she did wrong, so I told her everything. She cried and apologized for sharing my matters and said that she had never said anything bad about me to Kiwi and that Kiwi used to badmouth me (I don't know anymore who is telling the truth). Being her cousin and best friend , I forgave her because I love her more than Kiwi and felt bad for her as she doesn't have any other friends now except me and Kiwi.
She told me not to tell Kiwi that we are friends again and said she would apologize to Kiwi too (she also told me that she doesn't like Kiwi anymore). Now if I tell Kiwi, she will be upset with me for becoming friends with Melon again WHAT SHOULD I DO 😭😭
submitted by Proper-Rub-634 to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:30 Myc0naught Hey y'all, I'm 3 stickers away from completing my album. Anybody wanna do a trade?

Hey y'all, I'm 3 stickers away from completing my album. Anybody wanna do a trade?
I've only got one 5⭐ to trade, but that'll put me that much closer to the finish line 😁😁
submitted by Myc0naught to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:30 VerifiedIllumanati I don't like having lucid dreams.

I very rarely have lucid dreams, but the ones I have tend to stick with me. I still remember one of my first I had around the time I was in middle school. I was taking a nap in the living room, and at some point, the dream became lucid. Instead of simply continuing on with the dream, I instead found myself in a circular room with a plethora of doors of all colors. In usual dream fashion, I seemed to innately know I was inside my own mind, each door leading to another possible dream.
The lucidity of the dream all but wore off as I embarked on an adventure exploring the depths of my own mind. All in all, it would've been a good dream. Unfortunately it all came to an abrupt halt as suddenly all the doors swung open at once, and the dream doors now all led to a single, impossible room and at it's center was a black hole straight out of science fiction, consuming everything as it made an extremely loud grinding noise that felt like someone taking a jackhammer to my skull.
I immediately woke up, sleep paralysis taking a firm hold of me, the light of the afternoon sun doing absolutely nothing to ease my panic and terror. Eventually. It subsided and the fear gave way to the understanding that I had just experienced something terrifying, but ultimately harmless. I didn't know at the time, but this was my first hint something wasn't right.
The next lucid dream I had (at least the one I remember) started a bit silly. I had read somewhere that, in a lucid dream, you should NEVER look in a mirror (something about your brain exaggerating your own self image causing your reflection to look imperfect and uncanny) Unfortunately my excited curiosity got the better of me and that was the first thing I did. What I saw made me laugh, thinking that knowing how fucked up my face was gonna look was going to keep me from being scared.
For the first few moments, it did. I couldn't Help but laugh at the exaggerated proportions of my own face, how my eyes were so tiny and my cheekbones were impossibly stretched. This is where things get difficult to describe in words. You know how when you face two mirrors together, how they reflect each other infinitely? It was like that, only I was the mirror… looking at the mirror… looking back at me. As I said, it's hard to put it in words but what I saw shook me to my core. The overwhelming sensation that was seeing something not meant for me. That my own bug eyed reflection had simply been a warning that I gleefully sped right past.
Once again I awoke and promptly filed what I had just experienced into “damn dreams are WEIRD” and for a while, things were normal again. Standard affair of “suddenly naked in places I'd rather not be naked” or “Suddenly having to go back to high school in my 30s” or the long running classic “I'm still in the navy and back on a ship”
That was until the third lucid dream. Like the others, everything was normal until I was walking down a sidewalk and suddenly, I inexplicably started crying. That's when two women rushed over to me and tried to help, but suddenly I was lucid. With lucidity also came the gravity of the situation. Here was two kind strangers I had created, given life and empathy to, that would simply cease to exist once I woke up. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” I kept repeating to them, bawling my eyes out.
That's when I heard the voice.
“Something wrong, my little shepherd?”
It came from the back of my skull not masculine or feminine, not high or low pitched, it simply was.
“Who’s speaking to me?”
“We’ve met twice before. You’ve seen my mouth and have looked into my eyes. You tend your flock as you slumber and I consume them when you wake. A beautiful symbiosis beyond the veil of your reality. Awaken now my shepherd and I will sate my appetite. “
I no longer want to lucid dream
submitted by VerifiedIllumanati to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:29 throwaway295719 Pregnancy test accuracy

Hi sub,
My girlfriend is 4 days late for her period. She took two tests today, a digital and normal line test. Both were negative. Can we roll with that and assume they’re accurate since both came up negative this far past her date?
We’ve only had outercourse and occasional fingering, but never PiV of any kind so we knew the chances were tiny to nonexistent as it was, we just wanted to be safe.
She had normal pms for a few days but it’s backed off some today and still nothing, which isn’t normal for her. I guess my question is just do y’all think we should test again at some point or just leave it be?
She’s usually like clockwork so it’s just weird and starting to make her nervous that somethings wrong
submitted by throwaway295719 to amipregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:28 MarkPaynePlays Just had a nigh perfect session today

I just had so much fun playing today that I absolutely have to share this.
Oh boy, this session had everything except romance, and the party was in the middle of a dungeon (and they still are) so I’m gonna go ahead and say that’s okay. There was intrigue, there was stealth and recon, there was a dragon, there was loot, there was teamwork, there was roleplay, there were shenanigans, everyone got their moment to shine and we ended on a cliffhanger.
And as the DM, I am proud to say that not a lot of this was my doing, the group just suddenly clicked and the stars aligned. I have been struggling lately in terms of enjoying the game as we play. I have a lot of fun planning the sessions and I have a lot of ideas after we play, but the sessions themselves have been more stressful than fun. Today was the complete opposite. I knew I had prepared well and had all the maps and handouts ready from the previous session so I just went with the flow and had an absolutely wonderful time.
There was a fight with an adult dragon, whose breath weapon recharged every turn btw, and it got very hairy for a minute. But there was a beautiful small redemption arc for the elven ranger whose failed stealth check initiated the combat, when they scored two critical hits and freaking CHUNKED my beautiful white wyrm. But I got to play around with fly, breath weapon, frightful presence and legendary actions, so I am very satisfied.
Two party members went unconscious, but the newest addition to the party (their previous character just died two sessions ago) happens to be a peace domain cleric so obviously they got their chance to shine.
The dragon tried frightful presence and flying away as a last ditch effort after being blasted by the aforementioned ranger, but the warlock managed to just get into range for a final strike.
The dragon’s hoard was raided, magical items were found, and their packs are now bulging with coins and dragon parts.
The party then proceeded to scout the rest of the dungeon, and managed to lure a minor bad guy from a previous dungeon (they managed to escape) away from the big bad of this section of the campaign and into a trap. Cue the hold person and an angry vengeance paladin, and it’s bye bye bad guy. The party is currently in a flying castle and they dumped his body from the sky. Great fun was had by all as we imagined the various scenarios that could play out when the body finally hits the ground.
The warlock then uses disguise self to make themselves look like the minor bad guy they just threw down, and boldly attempts to lure the actual big bad into the same trap. Cue the low deception roll from them and a high insight check from me, and the stage is set for a glorious cliffhanger. Big bad stares at them with nothing but hatred in their eyes, and begins to cast detect magic..
Now, I am fully aware that I am not doing a great job of explaining the epic nature of the session we just had (plenty of other things happened as well), but it was one of those sessions where the dice just simply wrote the story. There were critical failures and successes exactly when the story called for them - arcs were being bookended, started and finished left, right and center - and this feeling that I am currently experiencing is the reason this is the greatest game ever created. No amount of preparation or planning or writing could have resulted in a better scenario than what the fates had in store for us today.
submitted by MarkPaynePlays to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:28 Theeft AC freezing over help

AC freezing over help
Started my AC finally this year and I’m not getting any cold air out of the vents.
I did a coil cleaning last year with coil cleaner and a garden hose.
Ac unit outside fan is running and so is the blower motor below the condenser.
Came home and the exterior compressor had frost which then made me check the condenser and that is as you see it. Completely frozen over.
What would cause a complete frost over like this when both the blower motor working? I can feel air being blown. I checked the drain lines and the main one has no water and the smaller one was completely full which i disconnected and allowed all the water to drain out. Any help I would appreciate it!
submitted by Theeft to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:28 acndavid Sanctum partnered with the @wenwencoin team to launch wenSOL, the official LST for the Wen community! 🐱

Sanctum partnered with the @wenwencoin team to launch wenSOL, the official LST for the Wen community! 🐱
It's been a while since the last launch, so we've got a few LSTs lined up this week.
First up, we've partnered with the u/wenwencoin team to launch wenSOL, the official LST for the Wen community!

What is wenSOL?

wenSOL is a liquid staking token (LST) that represents SOL staked to the Wen Validator.

How does wenSOL work?

When you deposit SOL for wenSOL, your SOL is staked. The staking rewards from that SOL accrue to the wenSOL token, which starts at 1:1 with SOL and grows in value over time.
By simply holding wenSOL, you earn staking rewards!

What's so special about wenSOL?

wenSOL is the official LST for the Wen community, supported by a highly performant and secure validator.
Stakers will be able to get WNS NFT airdrops and WEN rewards.
Further Wen ecosystem integrations are also planned!

Is wenSOL safe?

wenSOL is powered by the SPL stake pool program.
It is > one of the safest programs in the world > audited 9 times > used by the largest stake pools on Solana > secured more than $2.5B of staked SOL over more than two years without an issue!
You can now stake with wenSOL today!
Source: https://x.com/sanctumso/status/1792905436263313533
Referral code needed to start (you can use this one or any other) : XRQF81
For more info about referral codes and how to join check here
submitted by acndavid to SanctumSolana [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:28 CNAmama21 Safety question!

Not sure where to post this so hopefully someone here can help me.
We had our closest call in a long time with a tornado today in Iowa.
Usually, we just sit down in the basement wherever. But today I felt safer going in the dark part of the basement that had us surrounded by totes and everything. But, something I thought of just now… did I stupidly put us in MORE danger?
So that part of the basement is also closest to the water heater and furnace. Like 6-7 feet away from us. I just figured since it was in a corner and we had things surrounding us that it was safer. Instinct was screaming at me that it was safer. But now I’m questioning that big time.
Our house is old and falling apart. Jacks holding floors up, just a crappy house (yes we eventually have plans to move) so for some reason I had this fear that sitting in the middle of the basement or the other corner was not as safe? I feel like a tornado could easily tear everything out maybe even our basement itself, or collapse the floor in on us if we are sitting in one of the areas where the jacks are.
I also thought about corralling everybody under the stairs, but that didn’t feel right to me either.
So did I make a good decision or was mine the more dangerous one?
submitted by CNAmama21 to Tornadoes [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:28 becausej Looking for Advice (1400-1800 usd)

My current PC, which has a Ryzen 7 3700X cpu & Radeon RX 5700 gpu is rapidly losing performance with it's age. I'm looking for advice on if I need a new one/what to do. My concern should I choose to replace just one or two parts is that I'm unsure what's causing the issues (I know the GPU is having issues) and I'm concerned if I replace it part by part and end up having to do it all anyway then it'll be super expensive and a lot of work. I'm happy to offer more info about what I have/am looking for if needed. I haven't build a computer before, but from what I've read it should be manageable following youtube guides?
What will you be doing with this PC? Be as specific as possible, and include specific games or programs you will be using.
Gaming PC for LoL/Fortnite/Apex and probably bits of other stuff like minecraft/OW etc. I'll also be using it sometimes for work/school running probably mostly java/python code.
When do you plan on building/buying the PC? Note: beyond a week or two from today means any build you receive will be out of date when you want to buy.
I'm planning to buy with memorial day weekend sales this weekend.
What is your budget for the build?
I'm hoping for around $1400 - $1600, but it can go a bit higher if it would be a big improvement.
What, exactly, do you need included in the budget? (ToweOS/monitokeyboard/mouse/etc)
I think tower and everything inside, but my monitomouse/keyboard are all fine.
Which country (and state/province) will you be purchasing the parts in? If you're in US, do you have access to a Microcenter location?
In US and have a microcenter 20 minutes away.
If reusing any parts (including monitor(s)/keyboard/mouse/etc), what parts will you be reusing? Brands and models are appreciated.
Mouse and keyboard should work with anything I think, monitor is LG.
Will you be overclocking? If yes, are you interested in overclocking right away, or down the line? CPU and/or GPU?
No overclocking for me.
Are there any specific features or items you want/need in the build? (ex: SSD, large amount of storage or a RAID setup, CUDA or OpenCL support, etc)
Would like at least a 1 TB SSD.
Do you have any specific case preferences (Size like ITX/microATX/mid-towefull-tower, styles, colors, window or not, LED lighting, etc), or a particular color theme preference for the components?
I have pretty much no visual or size preferences (but would prefer a bit quieter if possible - maybe water cooling?)
Do you need a copy of Windows included in the budget? If you do need one included, do you have a preference?
I believe I do need a copy of windows - ideally 10 and not 11.
Thank you!
submitted by becausej to buildmeapc [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:26 Ur_Anemone New study unpacks why society reacts negatively to male-favoring research

New study unpacks why society reacts negatively to male-favoring research
Research suggesting men are superior to women in certain aspects is often viewed less favorably than research showing the opposite. But why? A recent study examined this issue, finding evidence that perceived harm to women is a key factor driving negative reactions to male-favoring findings. The new study has been published in the International Journal of Psychology.
“For the last few years, my lab has been studying how people react to research on sex differences,” said study author Steve Stewart-Williams (@SteveStuWill), a professor of psychology at the University of Nottingham Malaysia.
“A very consistent finding is that people react less positively to research that puts men rather than women in a better light. For example, people see fictitious research showing that men are better at drawing, more honest, or smarter than women as lower in quality than otherwise-identical fictitious research showing the reverse.”
“We wanted to know why. Our hypothesis was that a key contributor is that people see male-favoring research as more harmful to women than female-favoring research is to men. Our new paper describes an experiment we conducted to test this hypothesis.”…
“As with our previous studies, we showed participants bogus research finding either a male-favoring or a female-favoring sex difference, then quizzed them about their reactions to the research,” Stewart-Williams explained. “The twist, however, was that before doing this, we surreptitiously exposed them to either a statement about how research on sex differences can be harmful to women (by reinforcing harmful stereotypes) or a statement about how it can be helpful to women (by making medical interventions safer for them).”
In line with previous findings, Stewart-Williams and his colleagues observed a general aversion to male-favoring research findings. Participants rated research that purported to show males as more intelligent than females less positively than research suggesting the opposite.
Interestingly, the sex of the participant did not significantly alter the strength of this aversion. Both men and women exhibited similar levels of negative reactions to male-favoring findings, challenging the notion that gender-ingroup bias (a preference for one’s own gender) plays a major role in these reactions.
The study also investigated the role of the fictional lead researcher’s sex in shaping reactions to the research. Here, a subtle but intriguing pattern emerged: participants reacted slightly less positively to male-led research, particularly when the findings favored males. This effect was more pronounced among male participants, suggesting that the credibility or acceptability of male-favoring findings may be somewhat contingent on the perceived gender neutrality of the researcher presenting those findings.
Another significant aspect of the study was the experimental manipulation of participants’ pre-existing attitudes towards sex-differences research through the preliminary passage they read. Those exposed to a passage highlighting the potential drawbacks of sex-differences research reacted more negatively to the fictitious findings than those who read about its potential benefits. This was especially true for female participants in the context of male-favoring research, reinforcing the idea that concerns about harm to women underpin much of the aversion to such findings.
“As predicted, participants in the ‘harmful’ condition had a stronger negative reaction to the male-favoring findings than those in the ‘helpful’ condition,” Stewart-Williams told PsyPost. “This suggests that perceived harm to women is an important driver of the aversion to male-favoring findings.”
Collectively, these findings support the notion that perceptions of harm and protective attitudes towards women play a crucial role in shaping reactions to sex-differences research. This suggests a genuine concern for the potential societal impact of male-favoring research, particularly in terms of reinforcing harmful stereotypes or undermining efforts towards gender equality.
“The male-favoring aversion comes from a good place: People want to protect women,” Stewart-Williams said. “But the fact that it comes from a good place doesn’t necessarily mean that its effects are good. I always tell students that to improve the world, we need accurate knowledge about the world. Sometimes, that knowledge might be a bit of a downer. But if we want to craft successful interventions and policy, we’re better off knowing than not knowing.”…
The study, “The harm hypothesis: How perceived harm to women shapes reactions to research on sex differences,” was published January 3, 2024.
submitted by Ur_Anemone to afterAWDTSG [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:26 WurstofWisdom No more negativity about our fantastic council.

I’m sick of hearing about how our council and city Is performing. Everyday we have people complaining about “council did this/council forgot about this” etc. But there is plenty to be positive about! Just today - here are three stories to make you feel good about the city.
Council is wisely using its funds on painting lines on paths. No one asked for it, knows what it’s for and it’s a little on the piss but other then that pretty happy to see my rates spent on this than silly things like graffiti removal or street cleaning!
In a meeting to hear resident feedback, our wise councillor'sshut down a pesky resident who had the audacity to ask the major (oh great one!!) to stop playing her phone whilst people made submissions. A ridiculous request really. Why should we expect the mayor to pretend to listen to feedback they are going to ignore anyway? And remember being critical of the mayor is sexist & racist - it’s good the chair cut off the person being mean to her.
Lastly,concerned that council would let you decide what to name your private access street? Have no fear, council is on top of that too! Yes, it may delay projects and cost time and money. But that’s not important, you need to look at the bigger picture and ensure that the driveway has a nice unique name.
submitted by WurstofWisdom to Wellington [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:25 TheChessWar Micheal Afton Moveset

Micheal Afton MOVESET
Lightweight with 2 jumps
Not really a gimmick just wanted to mention this. Micheal will not be referencing enard at any point During the attacks. As michaels moveset is less about micheal specificity and is more meant to be a security guard composet moveset. Which is the same reason that he will use Ucn items. I know that's williams torment and stuff but it works better on michael.
Basic Attacks
Jab: Flash Light (Mike presses on a flashlight which causes it to flash)
Doesn’t do damage but can flinch
(Flashlights in the fnaf series)
Dash: Foxy Scare (Mike dawns a foxy mask and jumps forward)
Pretty strong Knockback but meh damage
(Michael Scaring his brother and Withered Foxy Jump Scare)
Side Tilt: Decomposing (Slowly Punches at an upward angle)
Does mid damage
(Final walking sprites when micheal fully decomposed)
Up tilt: Walking (Micheal does a basic uppercut)
Does Great Knockback but no damage
(Micheal Walkin down the street)
Down Tilt: Scary Slide (Micheal Wears a foxy mask and slides)
Basic Sliding down tilt. Does minor damage but can cause a stun
(Micheals bed scare)
Side Smash: Faz Coin (Faz Coins start to appear around michael as the move charges)
If you charge for the shortest amount of time you will get a random plushie where he throws the plushie where it acts as a basic gravity affected projectile. Does a lot of knockback and has a 20% chance to freeze but barely any damage. if you charge for a medium amount of time rockstar freddy will punch forward. Does medium knockback and damage. And if you charge the Longest amount of time you get a death coin which Michael will throw forwards. From there it flies into a straight line until it hits a wall or a foe where it will disappear. It does no knockback but tons of damage And if the foes damage was over 80% damage when hit by the death coin, it’s an instant kill.
(Ucn coin purchases)
Up Smash: Wiring Malfunction (Micheal holds a wire that emits flame)
Does decent knockback and has a chance to stun or burn
(fnaf 3 fire)
Down Smash: Music Box (Micheal Spins the handle of a music box)
Does Great Knockback but no damage
(Music Box general use)
Neutral Air: Music Box (Micheal Spins the handle of a music box)
Does Great Knockback but no damage
(Music Box general use)
F Air: Death Coin (Micheal Throws a death coin)
It flies into a straight line until it hits a wall or a foe where it will disappear. It does no knockback but tons of damage And if the foes damage was over 80% damage when hit by the death coin, it’s an instant kill.
(Death Coin)
B Air: Plushies (Throws Random plushie behind hims)
A basic gravity affected projectile. Does a lot of knockback and has a 20% chance to freeze but barely any damage.
(Plushies in ucn)
Up Air: Wiring Malfunction (Micheal holds a wire that emits flame)
Does decent knockback and has a chance to stun or burn
(fnaf 3 fire)
Down Air: Panic (Micheal shakes the feet below him)
Hits great damage and knockback
(the panic animation shared between afton and CC)
Grab: Flashes opponent with camera stunning them.
(Camera security breach)
Pummel: Uses a fazer blaster
F Throw: A hoard of people crowd surf the opponent
(the events before the bite of 83)
B Throw: A hoard of people crowd surf the opponent
(the events before the bite of 83)
Up Throw: A pedestal with a button appears under the foe that micheal presses shocking the opponent
(sister location controlled shock)
Down Throw: A Fredbear suit appears which micheal puts the opponent into the suits mouth before it crushes them
(Bite of 83)
Neutral Special: Doors
A Door appears in front of michael. Acts like Steve's blocks with bigger hitboxes and major restrictions. First only can be placed on the ground. Second, only 2 doors can be on screen at a time. But in exchange for those hindrances there are some benefits. First the doors will not disappear unless you make them by pressing the b button near a door or if you lose a stocks your doors still disappear. And second micheal is unaffected by the doors hitbox. Meaning he can walk through them or even attack between them. Speaking of which if you use the jab next to a door the flashlight will now instead freeze opponents. And all projectiles including michaels will disappear after touching a door. So overall its a great way to control the outcome of a match in the right hands but if used incorrectly could give your opponents a major leg up.
Side Special: Audio Lure
Micheal will pull up his computer and use an audio lure. From an icon appears that you can move. Press B at your desired location and a sound will play. From there there’s a 50% chance the opponent will move to the location. Note they will stop at ledges and avoid on stage hazards like lava so you can’t move the foe to their death. But it is still a powerful ability. And you can use side b while charging a smash attack or while doing another special.
Up Special: Dee Dee
Dee Dee picks micheal up and flies with their propeller hat before dropping him. Acts exactly like king k rools up b with a key difference. If michael lands on the stage after using up special one out of six random animatronics will appear each lasting 25 seconds. Shadow Bonnie who will fly around the stage trying to get to someone and teleport the person touches to a random part off the stage before disappearing. Micheal can be that person but it cannot go through Michael's doors. plushtrap acts like a slower moving, bigger claptrap who can’t jump and freezes with light attacks also can’t go through doors. Lolbit and the minireenas who serve the same function of blocking the screen. Nightmare chica who acts like a slower Roden who instead of summoning hands just punches you straight up. And bonnet who acts like plushtrap who can jump. The move can only be used twice within 25 seconds as only 2 animatronics can appear at a time. The second time you use the move xor will appear instead fulfilling the same role. Also no minireenas and lolbit can’t appear at the same time
Down Special: Cameras
Mike will pull up his monitor and check his cameras. The screen will then freeze. As little text boxes appear above the screen basically explaining important info like the matchup of the foe compared to michael, Their weight, counters to there specials, recommended strategies, etc. you can exit it by pressing the b button again where you can’t use the move for 20 seconds. Which is the wise move since just like in fnaf the text will only be on screen for 3 seconds before static appears and disappears with michael being stunned and unable to use the move for 40 seconds. So just like in fnaf you need to scan the scene and focus on what's important and plan your next action accordingly.
Final Smash: Connection Terminated
The move starts with micheal charging up a punch. But before he can punch the opponent the screen cuts to black as an altered version of henry's speech plays before cutting back to the match where michael is mysteriously gone as the screen slowly shrinks with fire on the border. Additionally the entire stage is on fire making the ground no longer safe. The torment ends after 15 seconds where it cuts to an animatic of the fnaf 6 pizzaplex in ruin. When it cuts back to the stage michael has mysteriously come back
Security guard outfit
Purple skin (Ennard and purple guy reference)
Gray skin and shirt (Souls reference)
Blue Shirt (Phone Guy)
Striped shirt (Crying Child)
Pink (Pink Slip)
Orange Hair and pink shirt (Elezabith
Orange Skin with a top hat and blue shirt (Glamrock Freddy)
Stage Entrance: Walks out of his house the same way he does in the fnaf 5 cutscenes
Puts On Foxy Mask
Eats pizza
Puts on freddy mask (invincible while in the taunt)
Victory Animations
A Pink slip appears on screen
Fire appears on screen (always happens when winning with final smash)
A Black screen appears Before 6 Am appears on screen (always happens when winning timed match)
submitted by TheChessWar to supersmashbros [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:25 The_Nothin [M4M] Just looking for someone I can Talk to and have fun with through Rp

I'm honestly looking for any kind of Rp I have plenty of Ocs and Ideas sooo a few things to mention I Love Romance, Action, and so so much more in up for anything anything really ^ I'm honestly on thr hunt for someone Who can Rp as Ghost or König from MW cause it's what I'm truly in the mood for, but other then that I have a few ideas I could list them off for you so we can talk and get started right away but please understand I've only been Role-playing for about 4 years now so I'm very sorry if my Rp style is not good enough for you but I'll try my hardest to be good for you and so we can make it amazing for us both ^ Some other things Im 19, can type more then 10+ lines if i feel that Rp is good enough, i do get busy often so if i dont reply just message me a few times cause i have bad mood swings i may see it but not answer so please son't be scared to spam me and i also do love flirting and such soooo be ready for that, I will also bring up all my Ocs i have made myself with the help of a Base, im also only writing all this cause of the 200 word limit ^
-Ghost(or König) Find out that there is gonna be a new rookie joining them for their next mission just to find out is a shy boy who was even to scared to speak to them but of course they manage to get through the mission with flying colors with him and take him out for completing the first mission
-Ghost(or König) Meet one of the best snipers in the world being top of the ranking board 0-10 as they had to work together to stop a heist or what ever but of course flirting will play along with all of that to
-OcxOc can be anything you want cause it our own characters together
-OcxCc or CcxOc can be anything you want as well because i know some people like playing as other characters Just if your interested please do let me know cause I'm bored like really bored
Other then those i can do anything pretty much I'm open for any suggestions as I love roleplays and i haven't been able to do one in so long I can do MxF but prefer MxM
submitted by The_Nothin to RoleplayPartnerSearch [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:25 jimsteringraham When should I start counting everything?

I started playing in October, so obviously I suck lol. Been playing quite a bit and I’m totally hooked. A month or so ago I started keeping very honest scores for myself just to give myself a base line and something to try to improve on.
Yesterday, I played with my father-in-law who suggested I: fluff my lies, move the ball to the fairway when I’m close, re-hit duffs (when time allows), etc.. Pretty much just “do everything possible to improve the probability of hitting good shots”.
I played another 18 today solo and did the same thing. It was amazing. I had three actual pars back to back on the front 9. I also lost like 10 balls today off the tee with my stupid driver slice (well - like 6 from the slice and 4 from compensating for the slice just hitting directly into the woods lmao)
So what are y’all’s thoughts? Is it better as beginner to just work on being able to hit consistent shots from perfect lies and then start to slowly introduce all the variables that one is bound to hit into? Or is it better to go ahead and “exposure therapy” my way into being comfortable with it all?
submitted by jimsteringraham to golf [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:23 Baby_Ellis62 Giving Gladius a try; Need Help Rounding out the List

Gladius Task Force Build:
Vehicles (670pts):
Damage-Dealing Infantry (325pts):
Support Infantry (230pts):
Action Monkeys (260pts):
— End List—
So, if you’ve been doing the math, you’ll see I’m at 1,485pts out of 2,000. I’m strongly considering throwing in 5 Intercessors so I can get some of that “objective secured” goodness; Vanguard really has me spoiled with the Deadly Prize stratagem. I’m open to push-back, but I like having two squads of scouts just because they pull double duty of accomplishing secondaries with their “uppy-downy” and they’re units that hold points well, while still functioning as “pawns” for my army, due to being fairly cheap.
I’d also like to throw in a six-man squad of bladeguard with either a Lieutenant or a Chaplain as a midfield skirmishing unit.
I’m going to need the Aggressors to stay in the Devastator Doctrine for the whole game to best utilize their enhancement, so I either want to put them with Marneus Calgar or a Gravis Captain. If I put them with a Gravis Captain, I’d be able to use Adaptive Strategy at least twice, maximizing flexibility. It looks like I’ll be using stratagems really heavily with this detachment, so I’m thinking I need at least one of the heroes, and it might even be a good idea to take both.
I think the Aggressors would benefit the most from Calgar’s movement special rule, but I also feel like the Vitrix guard would spend half of the game just sitting around in this scenario, which leads me to consider putting Calgar with the Bladeguard… but I feel that the Bladeguard would benefit less from Calgar’s movement ability - so what would you do here?
Let’s just say I take the Bladeguard, the Lieutenant, Calgar, and a Captain (both Tacticus and Gravis captains cost the same, so the numbers don’t matter here) - that puts me at 1,995 points but muscles me out of Intercessors, meaning that I probably won’t have enough manpower to hold objectives; so what would you do here? I haven’t played a game with the Storm Speeder yet, but having +1 to wound on Vehicles for my whole army sounds incredibly powerful when the majority of my list is filled with Strength 4 and 5 weapons.
submitted by Baby_Ellis62 to Ultramarines [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:23 tomoka185 Rude Manager

I was working a 4.5 hour shift on a Saturday. I'm scheduled in Z1, and it's 2PM peak. This is the front of the store, so I expected pressure on presence and security in this zone. However, I am only one of the two BAs on the floor. The rest helping clients are managers. Other BAs on break. Etc.
A lot of clients are coming in, and some are asking for help that would require me to leave my zone. I am communicating on the walkie about the clients that need help out of my zone. I say it once, no response. I let one of the clients know that it will be a little bit as I have to get permission to leave the area. The client get it but seem a little awkward about having to wait when I'm free, just standing there. I ask on the headset again for some help, and no response. I look around, and I see that all of the managers are busy with clients. The other BA is also busy with a client.
So, in my logic, I felt it was best for me to just leave my zone for a brief moment to get these clients helped ASAP. The 1st client that needed help out of my zone just wanted to know where a brand was. I guided her to it half way then pointed to the area. They said thank you, I went back. More clients come in and ask for online orders. Our online order station is located in the very BACK of the store, so it's hard to see and get to. I guided this client halfway to the online station, then headed back. I informed on the headset that this client needed to have their bag scanned out ASAP. No response.
I'm stressed, so I just take it upon myself to help as many clients as I can during this chaotic peak hour. Another client approaches me in this zone, this time asking about a primer, so I took it upon myself just to keep her in the zone and chat to her about my advice and recommendations. I built a good relationship with her, so I wanted to show her my favorite SPF Primer, the supergoop blurring primer. It's in the back of the store however, so I asked on the walkie if someone could grab me the supergoop primer for my client. No response. Frustrated, I told my client I would be right back and informed her to stay in my zone. I speed walked to grab the primer and went back. At this point I'm like a chicken without a head, pure chaos. Every other worker is just ignoring me, talking about other issues on the headset. No one is coordinated.
One of my newer managers observed this and then made a comment about me staying in my zone on the walkie. I told him that I communicated earlier about leaving my zone but no one responded (My walkie WAS working), so I took it upon myself to do it. He then pulled me to the side, WHILE we're still busy with clients, to lecture me.
He told me that I MUST stay in my zone, no matter what. He was talking to me like I was a kid, in the way his tone was. I used to like this manager too, so I was very surprised he was talking to me that way. He then threatened me by telling me that he would send me home for the rest of my shift if I leave my zone one more time... I don't understand his logic? If we're this busy, why is there only 2 BAs on the sales floor? Why would you send me home? I felt very disrespected while he was lecturing, so I cut him off in the middle of it, and EMPHASIZED that I had no choice, and it was because I did not have any other backup. He still didn't care. He told me not to interrupt him and let him finish his point (which I did regret, but still).
What should I do about this? Things are now awkward between him and I at work, and I don't feel comfortable around him anymore. My overall sense of ability at Sephora feels constantly devalued and overlooked for the years that I have worked here.
TDLR; Busy hour required me to leave zone 1 (front of store) a few times since many clients needed assistance out of zone 1. Every other employee was busy with clients, including the managers, so I took it upon myself to help the clients that just came in. Lots of Multi-clienting. My newer manager did not like me leaving my zone that much so he lectured me, which resulted in a threat of dismissal.
submitted by tomoka185 to SephoraWorkers [link] [comments]
