Bagel dog costco


2020.03.30 23:47 CostcoHotDog05 CostcoHotDogCult

We are a cult where we talk about our favorite meal The Costco HotDog.

2024.03.30 01:48 Fabulous-Net96 TheBunStaysOn

Costco Hot Dog on Solana Blockchain $COST (Cryptocurrency Meme Community) *No affiliation to Costco Wholesale*

2024.05.21 08:59 GrottyBoots Dinner. Hot dog and Costco Pinot Grigio

Dinner. Hot dog and Costco Pinot Grigio submitted by GrottyBoots to WienersAreNotHotDogs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:16 arba925 Dog ate raisins

My dog ate a raisin bagel on Friday. Fortunately within the hour of having eaten it, I was able to rush her to the hospital and induce vomiting. They placed her on IV fluids for 24hrs, then when her labs were normal they sent her home with me.
The next day, they did want some labs. We went back and her creatinine had shot up from 1.3 to 1.6. They admitted her again and has been on IV fluids for 25hrs. Her creatinine went back to 1.3. They are continuing the IV fluids and have been tapering down this afternoon .
I am terrified that her kidneys will go up again. I'm also terrified of permanent renal damage.
Is there anything I should request of the doctors before they discharge her again to be sure?
submitted by arba925 to DogAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:15 CostcoHotDog05 This is Crisis

I made this sub because i love the sacred dog but my favorite meal when im at Costco is under attack.
In NY where i live, the dog is staying at 1.50 which is great but after covid, if you havent noticed, they been decreasing in size. On Thursday i went there and cant believe how small they have gotten. After covid they decreased in size i would say about 20% and even after covid it decreased to another 10%. The Hotdog feels like a tiny bit bigger than a normal hotdog. I am sadden that my childhood meal will be taken away from me and many others. The dollar fifty will soon be too expensive if the size keeps falling. Enough is Enough Costco. I want my size back. I want to feel full and having about 30% of the dog left which you have taken away from us. My fellow members, may god be with us.
submitted by CostcoHotDog05 to CostcoHotDogCult [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 05:30 Dguapo Costco dodgers dog

Costco dodgers dog
I think the new one isn't as well liked but if you really want some for home. This was la habra Costco
submitted by Dguapo to Dodgers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:08 missbazb Dinner. Hot dog and Costco Pinot Grigio

Dinner. Hot dog and Costco Pinot Grigio submitted by missbazb to shittyfoodporn [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:53 momming_af She's looking rough for 43

She's looking rough for 43
That haircut is ridiculous and she looks terrible! That is the face of a drunk. The extra swelling & retention in the face & eyes. Also I noticed she tried to give a little mini clapback in her latest video on the comic sans. You aren't funny! Nobody but your haters & true DCP followers know wtf she's talking even about. All this says is that It clearly bothers her and she's paying attention, so HI LUSH! Better go catch up on that tax lien because you can't make prison snackerty boards unless you are on good behavior and get to work in the chow hall.
submitted by momming_af to doughertydozenexposed [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 02:55 daecurri Missing dog. Nashville West

Anyone missing a small dog in the Nashville west area? Behind Costco and Publix. No collar. Male dog. Small breed but I’m not sure. He’s safe in my backyard with water but I can’t keep him overnight.
submitted by daecurri to nashville [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 01:38 patlao Bots are real and pretty amazing

Bots are real and pretty amazing
I found this wallet which traded Slothana today and pretty sure its a bot
I used to analyze it a little
This wallet has made 28,747 trades, profited $890,627. Not sure when it was launched but it never sleeps. I scrolled through a little and there is not an hour that it didn't trade in the last 3 days. It has an 83.53% win ratio and seems to have traded every crypto coin that exists. Its probably programmed to use the Elliot Wave Theory.
I read that up possible up to 95% of BTC trading volume is fabricated this way. They are everywhere in every exchange.
It's like being on a roller coaster and although you can't affect the ups and downs you are allowed to scream and raise your hands and sneak a few pictures in. It's thrilling and you want to stand in line to get back on.
submitted by patlao to Slothana [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 22:37 Low-Cardiologist4373 My future father in law brought up wedding plans at the day of my father's funeral

My father passed away last August (2023) and my then fiance (now husband) and parents came with me to Canada for my father's funeral. The same date of my father's funeral, my future in law (now FIL) has brought up wedding plans to my mom when we were at my childhood house in the evening. I looked down and I said "dad would have wanted me to have a small wedding and save money for a down payment on a house". I was in tears at this point. My husband's father got up and said to my mother "sometimes me and Natalie clash, this is one of those times and I have to leave now". So my husband''s parents left and I spent the night crying. When my husband (then fiance) and I returned home a couple of days later, my husband's mom said that her husband (my FIL) was so angry that he was cussing out and discussing if they have a connection with me. Then my husband's mom said to me two days after my dad's funeral that she doesn't feel a connection with me. After that, I was done with planning a wedding and my mom didn't have the energy to continue either. The family dog unexpectedly passed away in October 2023 and that's how my husband and I got our wish of a small wedding in January 2024. The only apology I got is "I am sorry if I upset you". I am culturally Polish and while I do eat North American food, it's usually low sodium, lower fat and sugar because my father had kidney disease and needed a specialized diet so we all supported him like that. I also have to medically be on a specialized diet. My in laws are obese and eat things that I am not used to or cannot eat. Some of the things I do eat in small amounts. My husband really enjoys culturally blending and making healthy foods too. This situation occured one month after my father's death. My MIL made soup from Costco rotisserie chicken (I already think it's too salty), she asked me on text what I think of it. I said it was too salty and she said to add some water. I told her it was better. I put lemon thyme in it that I grew from my garden. Aftery husband and I come from the local farmers market, my MIL asked about the soup. I said, perhaps it's the way I grew up eating but I think it still salty. My FIL asked about my uncle and aunt (who are local to the area) if they want to come to the house, I said "usually when my husband and I make plans it's last minute but this should be okay. Sure" I go upstairs to pee. My husband's dad said to my husband "why can't I get a straight answer out of her? I am so nice to her. Start to notice. If I was shit talked, you would defend me right?". I had a mental breakdown and needed to see a doctor and therapy. Then I listened to the whole conversation about me, it was heavy criticisms about me to my husband and how I took care of the family dog. The family dog had behavioral issues I took responsibility of further training. We learned later that he had an undiagnosed tumor that was possibly the cause or a factor in his behavior issues. He was a 100 pound saint Bernard poodle mix. My mom thought that the "start to notice" was an attempt to divide my husband and I so when I have a valid criticism of my in-laws, my husband would become defensive and create a division. That happened in September 2023, the family dog passed away in October 2023. My husband and I got married in January 2024 in a small wedding. Now, the in laws are planning a bigger wedding part on their dime in June 2024 for the people they wanted to invite to the small wedding. So for June 2024, I created an e-invite on canvas and my FIL asked for my login information 3 times so he can create the RSVP on Canvas. I explained what Canvas is and that people can order physical prints or screenshot to email their intended guests. He didn't like that so he looked for another software that has the RSVP, did his own invite. I said that canvas was recommended to me by my sister who was a photographer. So since we all live in the same house while my husband and I are saving for a house, I am forced to have a relationship with them. How do I manage this? Any tips?
submitted by Low-Cardiologist4373 to inlaws [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 18:38 Fobulousguy Dunno what he means…what?

Dunno what he means…what?
Chatting with my parents who are located in Korea. We were talking about food court options. Anyone else in here that speaks Korean know what he could have meant? Maybe it’s a translator app that got it wrong but afraid to ask 😂.
submitted by Fobulousguy to Costco [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 17:48 reesespieces2021 I am 33 years old, make $114,900, live in Northern Connecticut, and spent $112 on dog grooming this week!

FYI This will be a very mundane money diary. I am a homebody and pretty low key. I’m not trying to change my spending habits too much but I do try to be mindful of what I spend.
Section One: Assets and Debt
Retirement Balance: $202,167 (181,807 in 401k, 1,587 in Roth, 18,773 in brokerage). I started investing in my 401k as soon as I started at my company in 2012 - I had no idea what I was doing and only put in 3% since I was only making 38k, every year or so as I have made more money I have upped my contribution, currently at 13%.
Equity if you're a homeowner: I currently have about $125k in equity in a condo, I bought in June 2020 so low rates and prices were still low. I put 35k down, and saved for it by living with each of my parents after college while I paid off my student loans.
Savings account balance: $13,294.78
Checking account balance: $8,384.80
Credit card debt: $0 - I pay in full every month.
Student loan debt: $0 paid it off in about 3 years, I got my BA in Communications, and the company I work for paid for the majority of my MBA and I paid out of pocket for the rest.
Section Two: Income
Income Progression: I've been working at my company since 2012 and have held a bunch of different roles. I started at $38,000 and worked my way up to $114,900. I have mostly worked in operations, a little in tech, and most recently took on a role in product at the end of 2023.
Main Job Monthly Take Home: $4713
Deductions (Monthly Totals):
Retirement: Total: $1149 broken down: 401k: $619; Roth 401k: $530 (both of these are company sponsored and I get a 5% match for the traditional 401k)
Social Security: $516
Federal Taxes: $1218
State Taxes: $582
PTO Purchase: $191 (I buy extra time off and can use it at the end of the year or cash it out, it’s basically a christmas fund since I usually cash it out and it pays out right before the holidays)
Health Insurance: $238
Dental: $13
FSA: $50 This is my first year utilizing an FSA and I did it to buy and Oura ring, I’ll probably cancel it for next year
Side Gig Monthly Take Home: $70 (lol) at the end of 2023 I started a life coaching business after working on my certification in the summer. It’s been a slow start but it’s more about doing something fulfilling than it is about making money (for now).
Any Other Monthly Income Here: N/A
Section Three: Expenses
Rent / Mortgage / HOA fees: Mortgage: $1265, this will likely go up this year since they re-evaluated properties last year. HOA is $375/month
Renters / home insurance: it’s in escrow so I have no idea - I get an email once a year and file it away, if it seems high I reach out to my agent
Savings contribution: $100
Investment contribution: $50 into IRA, I’ll be reevaluating soon and adding a monthly sum to my brokerage as well
Debt payments: N/A
Electric: $60-200 depending on the season, last month was $64, August last year was $174
Propane: $100-500 Nov-Apr (used for heat, stove, and water, the April fill lasts until late fall)
Wifi/Cable/Landline: Internet is $51
Cellphone: $45
Subscriptions: Netflix $17, Hulu/Disney/Max $45, Apple $3, Oura Ring $7
Gym membership: I have a home gym for weightlifting and pay $80 for a year of programming, and pay $47/month for my peloton membership
Pet expenses: $181 every 5 weeks for dog daycare, $36 for food (Costco!), and probably $50 for misc things
Car payment / insurance: $387 for my car - recently refinanced and saved $60/month. I’ll still make the $450 payment to pay it off sooner. Insurance is $496 for the next 6 months
Regular therapy: $80/month for 2 appts covered by insurance, this is my copay, and $90/month for maintenance physical therapy
Paid hobbies: does Kindle Unlimited count? I paid for 2 years up front so it’s like $8/month, other hobbies are hiking and traveling, so those are more ad hoc expenses
Day One Monday
7:15am I finally wake up, I tried to wake up earlier but my body and brain just weren’t ready. I get up, get dressed in leggings, tank top, and a sweatshirt, and head down stairs to take my pup R for a walk.
8:00am I make my coffee, toast a bagel, and cut up some strawberries. Then I log onto my work laptop. Not a ton of emails from the weekend which is a plus, and the morning is light on meetings which is AMAZING. I was on vacation 2 weeks ago and I still feel behind so I want to take advantage of the “free time” and get some work tasks done. I do have one meeting at 11:30am but I should be more of an observer.
12:00pm I have therapy during lunch. It’s done online, and I love my therapist. We started working together to help with some food issues I had but now we focus a lot of my childhood trauma and my relationship with my mom.
1:00pm Back to work, but first I heat up some leftover pizza and make ⅓ of a salad bag kit thing for food. I have until 2pm before I have to be in a meeting so I get a little more work done.
4:30pm Meetings wrapped up at 4pm but I linger online for another 30 mins to tie everything up. I head out to take R for her evening walk, then pop into my basement gym for a work out.
6:30pm I am showered, make dinner (asian style meatballs, rice, and snap peas with some teriyaki sauce) and I am ready to sink into my couch. I realized that I can’t renew one of my library books and it’s due Wednesday so my big plan is to read. A lot.
9:30pm I need to go to bed. I pack my food for the office for tomorrow, brush my teeth, take my meds, and let R out one last time and head up to bed. I listen to Ologies (an awesome podcast) to wind down and go to bed a little after 10pm.
Daily total: $0
Day Two Tuesday
5:25am My alarm went off at 5am but I just could not do that. So I snooze until 5:25 and get up, put on leggings and a sports bra, let me pup out, eat a few bites of banana and then head up to do a 20 min peloton ride (Leanne Pop Ride). I finish right around 6am and then get ready for work.
7:00am Out the door! The pup, who is 3 btw so not actually a puppy, goes to doggy daycare today so my commute will take closer to an hour. I get work a few minutes after 8am, toast my bagel and begin going through emails.
12:30pm I am starving. I had to be in person at a company town hall from 11am-12pm and when I got back to my floor the kitchen was super busy so I couldn’t heat up food. I finally do and it’s an ok Factor meal - I’m trying them out to help make work days easier. I also snack on cheetos and some almonds. I should not go 4 hours without eating.
4:30pm After an afternoon full of meetings, including a lovely 1:1 with an old manager, I am off to pick up R from doggy daycare (I buy her daycare days in a package so this is prepaid), but first I pay for parking. $12
5:30pm I take myself for a quick walk while listening to IWT. I’m totally addicted to hearing about other people’s finances. I find money psychology fascinating and have been working on mine a lot for the last couple of years.
6:00pm I put on comfy clothes, wash my face, and heat up leftovers from last night for dinner then settle in for another night of marathon reading. I got through 181 pages yesterday and I make it to 375 (PS. book is The Women by Kristin Hannah - it’s really good but also heartbreaking).
9:30pm It’s bed time again. I brush my teeth, let R out, and head upstairs for bed. I continue listening to Ologies (the episode on bears!) and lights out at 10ish.
Daily total: $12
Day Three Wednesday
6:00am I force myself to wake up for another office day and I am exhausted. I manage to get up, let R out (we usually walk before I leave but it’s raining), and get ready - the office is “dress for your day” so I wear jeans and a black long sleeve shirt with my Rothys. I leave my hair in its wild natural state, throw on some SuperGoop glow screen, a little blush, and lash princess mascara. I leave a few minutes after 7am and get to work at 7:30.
8:00am I have an impromptu working session with my boss, which is really helpful as I prep for a big product launch. I eat the yogurt I planned to eat yesterday as a snack for breakfast with the coffee I made at home. The rest of the morning is filled with meetings.
10:30am I take a quick break and do some online shopping. I gained some weight during covid and I have been slowly building up my new bigger wardrobe so I place an order with old navy for 3 work tank tops, a jean jacket, a pair of cargo joggers, and a work out tank top for $94 - I apparently have enough points for $10 off.
12:00pm After a busy morning, I leave the office to work from home for the afternoon. I pay for parking ($12). I have a quick lunch using a Caesar salad kit and some chicken, and then dive back into meetings.
4:15pm I wrap up work and walk R. By 5pm I sit on the couch, determined to finish this book - because it’s due today, so I have to return it before the library closes at 8pm… I also get a notification that another book is ready to be picked up, so I grab that.
7:00pm BOOK IS DONE! The library is close by so I quickly drop it off, come home, eat and then waste away in front of the TV until 9:30ish when I do my usual night time routine.
Daily total: $106
Day Four Thursday
6:00am My alarm goes off and I am cranky but force myself up. I am not a morning person but I want to get in a peloton ride and this is my only time today. I throw on leggings and a tshirt and walk R. I am on the peloton by 6:45am and do a 30 min Disney Ride with Leanne - I’m apparently on a Leanne kick.
7:30am Quick shower and get dressed in athleisure for the day. I log onto my laptop right around 8am.
12:30pm I have survived another morning of meetings and finally have a break for lunch. I make a quick salad and add some chicken and enjoy this 30 minutes of not being in a meeting.
4:00pm Done with work for the day, I snuck in a walk with R at 2pm. Now we’re off to a former coworker's house for an Italian feast. A group of us get together monthly for happy hours, but P offered to show us her amazing culinary skills so I grab a bottle of red wine from my collection and hit the road.
8:45pm Home after an amazing dinner that included homemade pasta, eggplant and chicken parm, meatballs, and red wine. I don’t drink often so I have a feeling tomorrow will be rough - not necessarily hungover but a little extra tired. I go up to bed at 10pm and fall asleep around 10:30pm.
Daily total: $0
Day Five Friday
7:15am I let myself sleep in a little for a work day. I get up and take R for a walk. I begin work right around 8am. I have meetings all morning (you’ve probably noticed a trend here, I work with a lot of people that are in India and our time only overlaps before 11am) but I block my Friday afternoons to get work done and I am very much looking forward to not having meetings.
12pm I use lunchtime to bring R to the groomers. R is a standard poodle so she goes every 6 weeks and she’s looking a little scruffy. I also stop at Costco for gas ($53.78). I had to schedule a meeting at 1:30pm 🙁 so I make sure I am back with plenty of time to eat lunch before the meeting.
3:30pm I wrap up work early since I have to work Sunday morning. I fit in a quick work out before I go to get R from the groomers and pay for it ($112.10 with tip for a full groom and teeth brushing).
5:30pm Home and time for a Peloton ride. I do 30 minutes, then shower, eat, and take care of R.
8:00pm I finally get to start season 3 of Bridgerton. I only watch 1 episode because I am exhausted. After that I put on an episode of Brooklyn 99 and by 9:45pm I am heading up bed (wild Friday night, I know).
Daily total: $165.88
Day Six Saturday
8:00am I woke up earlier with a killer sinus headache, thanks pollen, but was able to sleep longer and I feel a little better. I get up and let R out, take some ibuprofen with my lexapro, make my coffee and a bagel and head to the couch to relax for a little bit.
11:15am I have a 4th birthday party and a going away party today so I leave to drop my pup off my dad while I’m at the 4th birthday, because his house is on the way and our dogs are besties and love to be together. I stop and grab a card, they asked for no gifts so I honor that ($4.59). I get to the party around 12:30pm (it’s about 30 minutes from my dad’s, but we chatted for a few minutes before I left for the party).
4:00pm People are starting to leave so I decide to head out. Iit was great to see the little ones and some of my family members. I go back to my dad’s to hang out until we leave for the other party, I read while my dog snuggles on my legs and my dad watches TV.
6:00pm we head to the party but stop at a grocery store quickly to grab something to bring. We decide on a cannoli chips and dip platter, and my dad pays.
8:45pm We leave a little early because I have to work in the morning. I had a good time catching up with some people. I get R from my dad’s and end up home at 10pm. I watch a couple episodes of Brooklyn 99 while scrolling instagram, and head to bed at 11pm.
Daily total: $4.59
Day Seven Sunday
7:00am Up and ready for the release. Most of my time working will just be sitting and waiting at my desk for the demo to start so I can sign off on the changes we released to our apps. I was hoping this would be super quick, but there was a problem with another app that is holding up our testing. I do some French lessons on Duolingo to pass some time.
10:15am Finally done with work! I decide to watch an episode of Bridgerton before I do anything else. Season 3 feels different to me, I can’t quite explain it but it just feels off compared to the past 2 seasons.
12:00pm I take R for a long walk, and we run into neighbors along the way and chat a bit. Once I’m home, I have lunch, a smoothie bowl with some special K, and head into the basement to do a work out.
2:30pm I placed a pick up order for groceries and I have to go get them. This is my second week doing it and so far I think it’s saving me time and money. Even with the little bit they charge, I’m not grabbing random snacks that I see as I go. Groceries come out to $47.96.
3:00pm Home, I shower, change the sheets on my bed and decide to rest for the afternoon. I finish a book (The Happy Ever After Playlist by Abby Jiminez), finish the first half of Bridgerton, and return the book to library. I also take R for a walk in a field so she can get some zoomies out.
9:45pm Up to bed. I take a melatonin since I’m not super sleepy and I am out by 10:15pm.
Daily total: $47.96
End totals:
Food + Drink: $47.96
Fun / Entertainment: $0
Home + Health: $0
Clothes + Beauty: $94
Transport: $77.78
Other: $112.10
Lastly, reflect on your diary!
I feel pretty good about this week. Even though it was $331 and change, it was relatively low spend. I didn’t spend much on entertainment but I did go out a few times and had fun. I was able to keep groceries low this week by using things in my freezer and pantry, and doing the order pick up - this saves me a ton of money.
I’m hoping I can continue my lower spend momentum, I love seeing no spend days - and I include days that I pay for parking because I don’t really have a choice and that’s the cheapest full day rate downtown.
I almost spent $500 on a down payment for a trip to Yellowstone - traveling is one of my hobbies. But doing this diary and really thinking about next year made me pause. I’m still considering it but I want to price out if I can do it on my own at a better price.
I do want to not spend much on clothes but rebuilding a casual and professional wardrobe is taking time. I also need to get rid of more clothes that don’t fit me. It’s just such a pain to do it and then I have to decide what to do with them. I used to send them to thredup but now they charge you and it’s just a pain.
I’ll end there - I’m looking forward to your comments.
submitted by reesespieces2021 to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 17:24 dootz01 Brandles Syrup Soaked Pork And Beans Breakfast

Brandles Syrup Soaked Pork And Beans Breakfast
He covered all of his food with maple syrup, and poured it into his cup of pork and beans. Now that he's found a Costco like super store, he's buying more food like he had in the U.S., like bacon, steak, burgers, hot dogs, hash browns, bread, sugary cereal, snacks, and huge bags of candy. He never eats vegetables, adds msg to all of his food, and mostly cooks for himself. People comment that his skin color and eyes look terrible, that he looks unhappy, has gained weight, and he looks depressed.
submitted by dootz01 to 90dayfianceuncensored [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 17:15 adwise27 Race Report - Cleveland Marathon - My Icarus Story

Race Information


Goal Description Completed?
A 3:05:00 No
B 3:10:00 No
C 3:30:00 No

Splits (roughly)

Mile Time
1 7:02
2 7:01
3 7:09
4 7:10
5 7:04
6 7:10
7 7:48
8 7:35
9 7:22
10 7:30
11 7:17
12 7:22
13 7:47
14 7:56
15 8:17
16 8:15
17 9:09
18 8:39
19 8:49
20 9:47
21 10:09
22 9:46
23 10:05
24 10:11
25 11:23
26 9:46


29 M Pfitz 18/55 This was my first road marathon and my first planned training block I have ever done. My ultimate goal this year is to qualify for Boston so I can cross it off my bucket list and go back to trail running. I finally got a spot in the Chicago marathon this fall so I was planning on using this block/race as a stepping stone to get me ready for a 2:55 or below in Chicago. I had figured I could get into 3:10 shape for Cleveland, so that’s the goal time I set back in Jan of this year. I used that goal time for my pfitz training paces for the entire block. The training went well, and I adjusted the plan slightly to meet my needs. I work from home and can get most of my runs in during my lunch hour. With small kids at home, I did everything I could to not take away any family weekend fun. My schedule roughly turned into:
Monday – Workout
Tuesday - General aerobic
Wednesday – Med Long Run
Thursday – Recovery/Easy
Friday – Long run (don’t tell my boss)
We are usually very active on the weekends, but I would try to get an extra run on the treadmill for 30 minutes every Sunday as a “shake-out” for my Monday workout and a way to get a couple extra miles in. I was able to get into a groove and hit almost every workout on mileage and pace. I ran a half marathon week 12 at 1:31. A 10k time trial week 14 – 41m and then another 10k time trail week 16 where I managed a 39:45. My 18 mile LR with 14 mile MP was smashed. Really just felt like I nailed everything. Loved the plan, 10/10 would recommend. The book has so much great info in it as well.


My taper went well, Pfitz has a 3 week taper and based on some research (reading reddit threads, letsrun pages, talked to my crazy uncles, etc.) I decided to keep that 16th week at 50 miles instead of the 44 he recommends. Based on my races/time trials I was hoping I could manage a 3:05 but would still be happy with a 3:10. It being my first race, I knew that I could blow up and figured a 3:30 would be a “everything went horribly wrong” scenario. lol
So I live in Cleveland and as you might assume, our weather is total garbage from October til March. I had been watching the weather like a hawk, and saw it was going to be in the 60s w/90% humidity at the start line and would rise in the the 70s. I have run outside in 60+ degree weather maybe 5 times since Thanksgiving. At this point, I should have adjusted my target to a 3:15/3:20. I also tried to carb load. 750g of carbs Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Featherstone nutrition has a great and easy guide on it. However, it sucked. Not sure if it helped at all, will probably just eat more but not kill myself trying to get to the carb levels. Went to the convention center Friday afternoon to pick up my bib.


Morning of, woke up at 330. Coffee, bagel, Maurten 320. Gear check and packed my bags. Popped an Imodium on my way out the door as I typically do with my trail races. I got a parking spot in a garage 2 minutes from the start line. Got downtown around 530. Dropped off my bag at gear check and I found a nice place to sit and warm up. Got to meet Harvey Lewis and Sage Canaday, both really nice so that’s cool. I put 3:10 estimated finish time on the registration page, that’s good enough for Corral A at the CLE marathon so Corral A it is.
Went out with the 3:10 pace group and my plan was to stick with them until mile 18-20 then assess how I felt. The first three miles were about 10-15 seconds too quick. I knew in my head that it was not a great idea and that I should slow down, but I felt fine. I felt good. I felt strong. Everyone was chatting that it was probably a little too fast but the pacers didn’t yield. There is a pretty big hill at mile 7/8ish and I crushed it. Around mile 10 I started to feel a little warm, so I pulled off to the side, removed my bib from my tank top, put it on my tights, and took off my tank top. Every aid station I took a sip of water and dumped a cup on my head. I was running with a group of 5-10 people who really turned it on from miles 10-12. I loved their energy, so I stuck with them. We came to a split where half marathon runners went right, and marathon runners went left. They all went right. I went left. Uh-oh.
As I peel off left, I start to realize my mistake. These people I had been running with were kicking to their finish line. “Its okay, you are almost halfway and you are feeling strong. A little warm, but its flat from here until mile 20. Get to 20” Not 10 seconds later and I make a left turn onto a “flat bridge” that might as well have been Mt Denali. I laughed out loud, I knew I was screwed, and a wave of regrets flooded over me. I crossed 13.1 at ABOUT 1:31. I told myself that 3:20 was my new goal and I allowed myself to slow down and wanted to maintain about an 8min/mile the rest of the way. At mile 4,8, 12 I took a gel. I was planning on taking more at 15, 18, and 21. My gel at mile 15 didn’t go down well, and I developed an insane cramp below my rib cage. I had never dealt with that before so I was unsure if I was about to have a heart attack or if it was just GI distress. (That would be my last gel of the day.) I then passed a strong looking runner (he had a tracksmith tank and new alphaflys on) who had passed out on the ground and the crowd ran over to make sure he was ok. “oh shit, that would be me if I push it too much” As you could imagine, my mental strength was chipping away rapidly. I knew my family was at mile 17 so I held it together. Made it to them, dropped off my tank top, gave all the kids a kiss and high fived a couple dogs. I completed my trip thru Clevelands cute western neighborhoods and headed to the Shoreway.
As I ran down the highway ramp to the Shoreway, this is where the wheels started to really fall off. It was hot. It was humid. I knew there was a huge hill ahead of me without an ounce of shade and the breeze was no where to be found. I said goodbye to 3:20 and just wanted to finish in one piece. This was an out and back portion of the race so I could see the strong runners at mile 24 coming back and they looked like they were melting. I took the shoreway out to lakewood, ran/walked between all the aid stations, had people doing yard work spray me with their hose, and focused on keeping my HR down so I could finish and not be one of the many people passed out on the Shoreway awaiting to be rescued by the EMS crew. It was only 70-75 degrees during the last 6 miles but I know everyone struggled immensely, it was really a suffer fest out there. Leg cramps, knee pain, and plantar fasciitis accompanied me for the last couple miles back into town but the crowd support was amazing and kept me going. Was ready to bust ass thru the finish line when I had to pull over to make way for an ambulance, how poetic. I hustled over the finish line with a smile on my face because you know what Andy glaze says. Smile or you are doing it wrong.


Grabbed my medal, grabbed my checked bag, and found a shady bit of grass behind a tent and crashed. After a few minutes I was able to get up, find my family, and head home. Lessons learned.
  1. Should have adjusted my goal time. I knew it was going to be hot. I was literally complaining to my wife every day for 10 days about how hot it was going to be. I let the EGO win. Went out too fast for what it was and blew up. How many times have I read this exact scenario online and vowed it would never happen to me?
  2. I think I ate too much food in the morning which led to GI distress. The stomach cramp was debilitating.
  3. Road marathons are a totally different beast, and I need more practice with all the nuances.
Next steps:
  1. As upset as I am about the results, I am extremely fired up to get back to training. I am taking 3 weeks “off” and then going to start Pfitz 18/70. I will start the plan with workout paces around a 2:55 marathon pace but assess the training more closely as I go thru. I believe I am in 3:05-3:10 shape right now but need to be realistic on what I can accomplish in 20 weeks. A 2:50 is probably a safe BQ time but I would need a miracle.
  2. I have thought about getting a coach, but I am not sold on the idea yet. I think my key is bumping up mileage, which I feel ready for.
  3. Hoping to run a handful of races (10k-halfs) this summer to practice my Racing mindset. I am signed up for the River Run half in September, shooting for a 1:22. Cleveland has a ton of great stuff going on running wise.
  4. Plan on incorporating more weightlifting for my lower body and core. Currently at around 200 lbs. Would love to run Chicago at 195 or lower but not trying to crash diet.
Geatraining tool notes:
There are not a lot of race reports for the Cleveland Marathon, it is a great race and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a spring marathon. I am happy to answer anyone’s questions about the race.
"Never regret thy fall, O Icarus of the fearless flight, For the greatest tragedy of them all, Is never to feel the burning light."
Made with a new race report generator created by herumph.
submitted by adwise27 to AdvancedRunning [link] [comments]


jeremiah babe - DEBT COLLECTORS ARE COMING FOR YOUR HOME BEWARE OF ZOMBIE MORTGAGES - COSTCO HOT DOG NOT AS GOOD submitted by algoazpat0 to EndUkrainianGenocide [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:44 Luigiman9001 Mum keeps trying to ruin me

Every time I do this she's always like "I'm getting hot dogs from Costco" or she'll get/make some delicious food. What do I do? Pisses me off lel
submitted by Luigiman9001 to Water_Fasting [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:36 Striking-End-3384 Dougherty Dozen: Lush, your a fucking horrible ass "cook", you couldn't "cook" your way, out of a damn box. No ones eating any of that shit.

Dougherty Dozen: Lush, your a fucking horrible ass submitted by Striking-End-3384 to FamilyVloggersandmore [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:13 Spiritgirl1226 Lush, your a fucking horrible ass "cook", you couldn't "cook" your way, out of a damn box. No ones eating any of that shit.

Lush, your a fucking horrible ass submitted by Spiritgirl1226 to doughertydozenexposed [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:31 PizzaForGuardians Buying an E46 M3 in 2024 as a Summer Daily

I found a 2004 M3 with 74k miles, big 3 has not been done, so that’s factored into the asking price of $20000. I’m not buying the car to collect, I just want to put on miles and smiles.
Car appears to be in great condition, paint looks great, no rust, no visible oil leaks, and the whole cooling system has been replaced.
I have a dependable daily car, but I want something that’s fun, practical, and would hold its value better than anything comparable within the price range. My goal is to essentially daily this car for the summer month. Short highway commutes to work, Costco runs, hit the fun backroads on the way to the cottage with my dogs in the back, and really just relive what it would have been like to own this car when it was brand new.
I’m confident working on cars and would likely work on all the maintenance items myself aside from the big 3 items.
Before I go ahead with this car, I’m wondering if anyone here has attempted a similar endeavour and if it is something they recommend. Is there anything that I’m not thinking of that would ruin this dream?
submitted by PizzaForGuardians to BMW [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:25 Talentless_Cooking We're to buy hot dogs in Airdrie?

I'm making a challenge video on only eating hot dogs, having not eaten a hot dog in about 25 years, I don't actually know where to find them. I know Costco sells them but I don't have a membership, and I'm going so save Costco for it's own video. Thanks for your help!
submitted by Talentless_Cooking to Airdrie [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:44 Substantial_Rush8435 Costco Hot Dog Coin

Costco Hot Dog Coin
🌭🌭🌭🌭🌭🌭🌭🌭🌭🌭🌭🌭🌭🌭🚀 The Costco Hot Dog thesis remains strong! 🌭 🌭🌭🌭🌭🌭🌭🌭🌭🌭🌭🌭🌭🌭🚀
submitted by Substantial_Rush8435 to CostcoHotDogCult [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:09 cammyy- interesting inquiry for the overwatch community

interesting inquiry for the overwatch community submitted by cammyy- to lostredditors [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:59 ohesnap Looking for roommate (East Harlem)

Looking for roommate (East Harlem)
Hi! My partner and I have a room available in our 2 bed 1 bath apartment and we are looking for a roommate to join us starting in June!
MASTER BEDROOM (11'6" x 8'1") is available see layout photo
We are clean, utility-conscious folks who have been living in this apartment happily for over 3 years now! We are LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC allies ❤
  • Rent is $1,100 including 5G Spectrum Wifi and Air Conditioner to use while living here
  • Bedroom has one small window and closet. More closet space directly outside the bedroom
  • Preferably a one-year commitment, negotiable
  • Open Living Room and Kitchen w/ Bar Stools/Dining Area
  • Large Kitchen w/ lots of cabinet space. Large shower, as well
  • Third floor of a five floor walk-up
  • East Harlem (105th St, between 1st and 2nd Ave)
<10 minute walk to 103rd St 6-Train, <15 minute walk to 96th St Q-Train, <5 minutes to M15, M106, M101/102/103 buses
  • No shared furniture necessary! We have a small couch, small tv, kitchen stools, kitchen appliances (including rice cooker, small blender, toaster oven, dishwasher, pots/pans, cups, utensils)
  • Coin-operated laundry in building basement (only $1.50 each for washedryer)
  • Nearby super markets (including Costco and Aldi), restaurants, Thomas Jefferson Park, etc.
  • Preferably No Pets! We have a hypoallergenic 16 year old small dog (he mostly sleeps) and a bunny
  • Preferably Non-Smoker
Please contact me if interested!
submitted by ohesnap to NYCapartments [link] [comments]