Kci ar 15 100 rd mag user manual download

FN Fusil Automatique Léger

2012.10.17 04:58 nabaker FN Fusil Automatique Léger

The unofficial fan club to the Fusil Automatique Léger, first designed and manufactured by Fabrique Nationale d'Herstal in 1954.

2013.03.03 16:50 iamdestroyerofworlds ОДНА З НАС! ОДНА З НАС! ГУБЛЬ-ГУБЛЬ !

YUROP is a shrine to the awesomeness of the continent, islands, regions, member and non-member states of Her Greatest Europa, the progressive Union of Peace, home of the freest health care, the finest food and the diversest and liberalest of them all.

2024.05.22 04:59 MazingerZERO I had a mishap a few days ago where I was so tired from work that I went and deleted half a dozen ACs when I meant to clear some sharecode space and duplicates in my inventory. Here they are, remade after hours of headache. I use my user 4 slots for backups now. I also made some new ACs meanwhile.

I had a mishap a few days ago where I was so tired from work that I went and deleted half a dozen ACs when I meant to clear some sharecode space and duplicates in my inventory. Here they are, remade after hours of headache. I use my user 4 slots for backups now. I also made some new ACs meanwhile. submitted by MazingerZERO to armoredcore [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:58 Mac_Adamia [WTS] dedicated ar22 parts and mags

Timestamp https://imgur.com/a/Mr6bbNS Paypal f&f only and price includes shipping
6 cmmg 25 rd mags $70
Psa ar22 bolt $90
4.5 cmmg dedicated ar22 barrel $120
Cmmg ar22 charging handle $15
submitted by Mac_Adamia to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:54 OsirisAI Stock Information for BTCUSD - 60m

#BTCUSD #60m #Crypto───────────
Ensemble model * Overview: The synthetic investment attractiveness indicator equals 1 (out of +/-100). The model ensemble is uncertain with regards to future market movements.
Optimal past * Optimal past: The optimal lookback period for modelling is currently 420 candles. The market is currently bullish, appreciating by 10.0% during the latest phase.
Elliot Waves * Elliot Waves: The market's trend has changed and currently goes up.
Price Bound Modelling * HAR model at confidence level 95.0%: the HAR model forecasts volatility of 0.4632% in the next candle, the price will fluctuate around 69998.18 and with 95.0% probability will not go below 69465.21 or above 70531.15.
Forecast * MA model at confidence level 95.0%: the MA model forecasts a return of 0.1424% in the next candle, the price will fluctuate around 70056.69 and with 95.0% probability will not go below 69343.11 or above 70770.27.
Stability Indicators * Generalised extreme value: According to the indicator, the market is stable
Seasonality test * Seasonality test: According to the generalised seasonality test, there are seasonal effects on the market with cycle periodicity 5.
Distribution analysis * Best-fit distribution: Best-fit distribution has changed, and now it is Power
Not investment advice.
#BTCUSD #60m #trading #Distribution analysis
submitted by OsirisAI to OsirisFinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:54 OsirisAI Stock Information for GOLD - 3h

#GOLD #3h #Commodities───────────
Ensemble model * Overview: The synthetic investment attractiveness indicator equals 2 (out of +/-100). The model ensemble is uncertain with regards to future market movements.
Optimal past * Optimal past: The optimal lookback period for modelling is currently 348 candles. The market is currently bullish, appreciating by 12.0% during the latest phase.
Elliot Waves * Elliot Waves: The market's trend has changed and currently goes down.
Price Bound Modelling * HAR model at confidence level 95.0%: the HAR model forecasts volatility of 0.3385% in the next candle, the price will fluctuate around 2417.22 and with 95.0% probability will not go below 2403.76 or above 2430.67.
Forecast * MA model at confidence level 95.0%: the MA model forecasts a return of 0.1791% in the next candle, the price will fluctuate around 2421.25 and with 95.0% probability will not go below 2399.79 or above 2442.72.
Stability Indicators * Generalised extreme value: According to the indicator, the market is stable
Seasonality test * Seasonality test: According to the generalised seasonality test, there are no seasonal effects on the market.
Distribution analysis * Best-fit distribution: Best-fit distribution has changed, and now it is Power
Not investment advice.
#GOLD #3h #trading #Distribution analysis
submitted by OsirisAI to OsirisFinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:52 _seylin 05/24/2024 Patch Notes

Follow the Official Materia Magica discord for up-to-date news and information regarding the game. https://discord.gg/fGhyyNjKPN
submitted by _seylin to materiamagica [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:23 adulting4kids Tarot History

The history of tarot is a fascinating journey that spans centuries and traverses various cultures. The origins of tarot cards can be traced back to 15th-century Italy, where they emerged as playing cards. The initial purpose of these decks was purely recreational, serving as a game known as "tarocchi" or "triumphi."
  1. Early Playing Cards (15th Century):
    • Origin: Tarot cards likely originated in northern Italy in the early 15th century. The oldest surviving complete deck is the "Visconti-Sforza" deck, dating back to the 1440s.
    • Function: Originally used for games, tarot decks were adorned with symbolic imagery, including allegorical illustrations and trump cards.
  2. Tarot in France (Late 15th Century):
    • Migration: Tarot cards crossed into France in the late 15th century, and the game evolved with the addition of the 22 trump cards, known as the Major Arcana.
    • Symbolism: The Major Arcana introduced iconic characters and archetypal symbols, enhancing the cards' allegorical significance.
  3. Occult Associations (18th Century):
    • Esoteric Interest: In the 18th century, interest in the occult and mystical arts surged in Europe. Tarot cards gained esoteric significance, with scholars attributing hidden meanings to the cards beyond their gaming purpose.
    • Etteilla: The French occultist Etteilla published influential tarot interpretations, contributing to the transformation of tarot into a tool for divination and self-discovery.
  4. The Rider-Waite-Smith Deck (Early 20th Century):
    • Revolutionary Design: In 1909, A.E. Waite and Pamela Colman Smith collaborated on the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, featuring vivid illustrations and intricate symbolism. This deck became immensely popular and served as the foundation for many modern tarot decks.
    • Divinatory Focus: The Rider-Waite-Smith deck emphasized the mystical and divinatory aspects of tarot, influencing the widespread adoption of tarot for spiritual and introspective purposes.
  5. Tarot in the New Age Movement (20th Century Onward):
    • Popularization: The mid-20th century witnessed a surge in interest in mysticism, the occult, and alternative spiritual practices. Tarot cards gained popularity within the New Age movement, becoming a tool for self-reflection, divination, and personal growth.
    • Diverse Decks: The latter half of the 20th century saw the creation of diverse tarot decks, each with unique themes and interpretations, catering to different spiritual traditions and personal preferences.
  6. Modern Tarot Practices (21st Century):
    • Global Appeal: Tarot has transcended cultural boundaries and gained a global following. The internet has played a significant role in disseminating tarot knowledge, making it accessible to a diverse audience.
    • Integration with Psychology: Many practitioners view tarot through a psychological lens, using the cards as a tool for introspection, therapy, and personal development.
The historical evolution of tarot reflects its transformation from a simple deck of playing cards to a versatile tool for divination, self-exploration, and spiritual guidance. Today, tarot continues to captivate individuals worldwide, offering a unique blend of ancient symbolism and contemporary relevance.
  1. Diverse Tarot Systems and Cultural Influences:
    • Cultural Adaptations: Tarot has adapted to various cultural contexts, leading to the creation of decks that draw inspiration from different mythologies, traditions, and artistic styles.
    • Themed Decks: Modern tarot enthusiasts can explore decks inspired by Norse mythology, Celtic traditions, Eastern philosophies, and more, allowing for a rich diversity of interpretations and connections.
  2. Tarot and Popular Culture:
    • Media Exposure: Tarot has found its way into mainstream media, with references in literature, movies, and television series. This exposure has contributed to its widespread recognition and acceptance.
    • Creative Interpretations: Popular culture has inspired artists and creators to produce tarot decks with themes ranging from fantasy and science fiction to contemporary pop culture references, showcasing the adaptability of tarot symbolism.
  3. Tarot in Digital Age:
    • Online Platforms: The digital age has transformed tarot readings, making them accessible through online platforms and mobile apps. Virtual tarot readings and communities provide a global forum for discussion and learning.
    • Digital Decks: Tarot decks are now available in digital formats, enabling users to explore and engage with the cards through virtual platforms, expanding the reach of tarot practices.
  4. Tarot as a Personalized Tool:
    • Self-Expression: Many individuals now create their own tarot decks, infusing personal symbols, experiences, and artistic styles into the cards. This personalized approach enhances the connection between the user and the cards.
    • Intuitive Reading: Modern tarot practices often emphasize intuitive reading, encouraging users to trust their instincts and personal interpretations rather than relying strictly on traditional meanings.
  5. Scientific and Skeptical Perspectives:
    • Psychology and Tarot: Some psychologists view tarot as a projective tool that can tap into the unconscious mind, offering insights into one's thoughts and emotions.
    • Skepticism and Tarot: Skeptics often approach tarot from a psychological or statistical standpoint, exploring the phenomenon through the lens of cognitive biases and the placebo effect.
  6. Tarot Communities and Education:
    • Learning Resources: The availability of books, online courses, and workshops has contributed to the education and skill development of tarot practitioners. This has empowered individuals to deepen their understanding of tarot symbolism and interpretation.
    • Community Engagement: Tarot communities, both online and offline, provide platforms for sharing experiences, seeking guidance, and fostering a sense of community among practitioners.
As tarot continues to evolve, its rich history merges with contemporary influences, shaping a dynamic and diverse landscape. Whether embraced for spiritual guidance, artistic expression, or personal insight, tarot remains a versatile and enduring tool that resonates with individuals on their unique journeys of self-discovery.
  1. Tarot Ethics and Professionalization:
    • Code of Ethics: In modern tarot practices, professional readers often adhere to ethical guidelines. These guidelines emphasize confidentiality, client empowerment, and responsible use of divination tools.
    • Certification and Training: Some tarot practitioners pursue formal training and certification programs to enhance their skills and professionalism, contributing to the recognition of tarot reading as a legitimate and ethical practice.
  2. Scientific Research on Tarot:
    • Psychological Studies: While scientific research on tarot is limited, some studies explore the psychological aspects of tarot reading. Research has investigated how individuals interpret symbols, engage in reflective thinking, and experience a sense of empowerment through tarot readings.
    • Cognitive Science Perspectives: Tarot's intersection with cognitive science has led to examinations of how the mind processes symbolic information and the impact of belief systems on perception.
  3. Tarot and Intersectionality:
    • Inclusivity: Tarot communities increasingly emphasize inclusivity, recognizing the importance of diverse perspectives, cultures, and identities. Decks that reflect a broader range of experiences and backgrounds contribute to a more inclusive tarot landscape.
    • Intersectional Readings: Practitioners may integrate intersectionality into their readings, acknowledging the complexity of individual identities and experiences within a broader social context.
  4. Tarot's Influence on Art and Literature:
    • Literary Works: Tarot symbolism has inspired numerous works of literature, poetry, and art. Authors and artists often incorporate tarot themes to explore psychological, spiritual, and philosophical concepts.
    • Tarot in Visual Arts: Tarot continues to be a muse for visual artists, with contemporary artworks reimagining and interpreting the traditional tarot archetypes in new and innovative ways.
  5. Tarot and Holistic Wellness:
    • Mind-Body-Spirit Connection: Tarot is increasingly integrated into holistic wellness practices that emphasize the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. It complements approaches like meditation, mindfulness, and energy healing.
    • Wellness Retreats and Workshops: Wellness retreats and workshops may incorporate tarot as a tool for self-reflection, personal growth, and stress reduction, aligning with the broader holistic wellness movement.
  6. Tarot and Technology Integration:
    • Mobile Apps and Online Platforms: Technology has facilitated the accessibility of tarot through mobile apps and online platforms, offering virtual readings, digital decks, and interactive tarot experiences.
    • Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality: Emerging technologies like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) have the potential to transform tarot experiences, providing immersive and interactive readings.
The ongoing evolution of tarot reflects its adaptability to societal changes, technological advancements, and a growing understanding of its psychological and symbolic dimensions. As it continues to weave through various aspects of contemporary life, tarot remains a dynamic and versatile tool with enduring relevance.
  1. Tarot and Social Media:
    • Online Communities: Social media platforms, such as Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, have become hubs for tarot enthusiasts. Tarot readers share daily card pulls, interpretations, and create educational content, fostering a vibrant online community.
    • Global Connections: Social media has facilitated global connections among tarot practitioners, allowing for the exchange of diverse perspectives, interpretations, and deck recommendations.
  2. Tarot in Mental Health Practices:
    • Therapeutic Applications: Some mental health professionals incorporate tarot into therapeutic practices, using it as a tool for self-reflection, exploration of emotions, and promoting therapeutic dialogue.
    • Mindfulness and Coping: Tarot readings can be used as a mindfulness practice, helping individuals cultivate self-awareness and coping strategies for managing stress, anxiety, and mental health challenges.
  3. Tarot's Evolving Symbolism:
    • Living Symbolism: Tarot symbolism is not static; it evolves over time. Modern tarot decks often reinterpret traditional symbols to reflect contemporary values, ensuring that the cards remain relevant and resonant with current cultural contexts.
    • Innovative Decks: Artists continue to create innovative tarot decks that explore diverse themes, introducing new symbols and archetypes that speak to a wide range of experiences.
  4. Tarot and Ritual Practices:
    • Ritualistic Use: Tarot is incorporated into various ritual practices, from simple daily card pulls to more elaborate ceremonies. These rituals can serve as a form of meditation, intention-setting, or connection with spiritual energies.
    • Seasonal Celebrations: Some practitioners align tarot practices with seasonal changes, using specific spreads or decks to explore themes associated with the solstices, equinoxes, and other significant astrological events.
  5. Tarot and Gender Representation:
    • Expanding Archetypes: Modern tarot decks often challenge traditional gender roles and expand archetypal representations. Decks may feature diverse gender identities and expressions, offering a more inclusive and fluid understanding of the archetypal energies within the cards.
    • Feminist Tarot: Some decks explicitly adopt feminist perspectives, reimagining traditional tarot symbolism to empower and celebrate the diverse experiences of individuals across the gender spectrum.
  6. Tarot as Literary Inspiration:
    • Literary Works and Tarot: Tarot continues to inspire literary works, with novels, poems, and plays incorporating tarot themes and archetypes. Authors explore the psychological and symbolic depths of tarot, infusing their narratives with mystical and esoteric elements.
    • Narrative Exploration: Tarot's narrative potential serves as a source of inspiration for storytellers, offering a structure that mirrors the hero's journey or provides a framework for exploring characters' internal and external conflicts.
The dynamic interplay between tarot and contemporary culture reveals its enduring appeal and adaptability. From social media platforms to therapeutic practices, tarot remains a versatile tool that resonates with individuals seeking insight, connection, and personal growth in an ever-changing world.
In conclusion, the history and evolution of tarot reflect its remarkable journey from humble playing cards to a multifaceted tool deeply embedded in modern culture. As tarot continues to weave its way through diverse aspects of society, from online communities to therapeutic practices, its enduring relevance lies in its adaptability, symbolism, and capacity to inspire self-discovery.
From the mysterious origins of the 15th century to its current role as a global phenomenon, tarot has transcended cultural and historical boundaries. As it integrates with technology, influences art and literature, and finds new applications in mental health and wellness, tarot remains a dynamic force that resonates with those seeking spiritual insights, artistic expression, and personal transformation.
Whether approached through a psychological lens, as a form of self-reflection, or as part of broader cultural movements, tarot's journey reflects the human quest for meaning, connection, and the exploration of the inner self. Its rich tapestry of symbolism continues to captivate individuals across the globe, making tarot a timeless and ever-evolving companion on the diverse paths of human experience.
submitted by adulting4kids to tarotjourneys [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:05 zanesix Apollo save tool just... doesn't work at all?

I have been trying to wrap my head around this for hours... I download a save from their database, I apply it to my hard drive. I make sure the save game matches both the User ID and Account ID of a legitimate save. I boot up the game. Save corrupt. I download a save from the internet. I manually put it in the correct directory on a USB drive. I put the USB drive in the PS4. I copy it to the hard drive and let Apollo resign it. Again, save corrupt. It's obviously doing something, but whatever that something is my PS4 obviously refuses to accept, even if visually they are signed identically.
Nothing fancy here. Just a 9.00 PS4 with GoldHEN and v1.4.2 of Apollo Save Tool downloaded from the homebrew store. What gives? I have studied both this and this video thoroughly and cannot decipher anything I am doing wrong. I have also followed what is essentially the text version of these videos here. Still, always shows as corrupt. I know I'm new to PS4 modding, but come on... this should be so simple!
Seriously. What the hell? These were all downloaded from WITHIN Apollo, for my EXACT game version. How could they not work? Both IDs match a legit save and Apollo sees it as good to go. Why doesn't the console? Any answers greatly appreciated as it seems that I'm the only one on the internet so far with this issue. it's either this or I make a github issue for their tool blatantly failing to do its job. At least it "Activated" my profile, whatever that means.
submitted by zanesix to ps4homebrew [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:56 ColdWaterBottle03 [WTS] PL and DMPL Morgans, Lafayette Dollar, 1871 S Quarter, 1936 York Commen Rattler CAC, Mercs in Old Holders, DDR Walker, MS69 ASEs, 1858 Flying Eagle Cent, Proof Franklins in Fattys, 1982 No P Dime, and More!!!

Proof: https://imgur.com/a/pC5emOh
If there is anything you are interested in, just let me know. I am always willing to hear any offer. The worst thing I will do is shoot back a counteroffer.
Payment plans are available. More details at the bottom of the post.
All non-pms are on coinsales
All Prices are USD
I am Located in the US
I prefer chat, but pms are fine
I prefer to make sales, but I am willing to entertain trades.
For any coins you may want still shots of, or possibly a video in different lighting, please let me know. I will never have an issue doing this.
I have US coins and foreign coins. Look through it all, you may find something you did not know you wanted. If you want something I do not have, let me know. I may possibly be able to obtain some, or I could already have it.
All grades are my personal opinion, except those that are professionally graded. All Coins I marked as damaged, for the most part, I am unsure if they would grade straight or not; I just wanted to be transparent about them even though they still may be straight grade.
I promise to never give anyone my password and I have 2FA enabled.
1879 S MS65 DMPL Morgan (Soapbox) https://imgur.com/a/dSM7SRF (1400.00)
1879 S MS64 Morgan (Toner in a Fatty) https://imgur.com/a/Te21BkM (135.00)
Images: https://imgur.com/a/bXzRSU3
1880 S MS64 Morgan (Semi PL and Purple Toner in a Gen 1 Soapbox) https://imgur.com/a/wLZeRnc (195.00)
1881 S MS63 VAM-1A Morgan (Toner) https://imgur.com/a/Dp3GFsK (85.00)
1884 O MS67 Morgan (Crazy Mega Toner) https://imgur.com/a/R97TekR (4200.00)
1884 O MS63 DMPL Morgan (Purple Toner in a Gen 1 Soapbox) https://imgur.com/a/K8LT2xN (500.00)
1884 CC MS64 Morgan (Toner in a Soapbox) https://imgur.com/a/b9NofJA (550.00)
1884 CC MS64 Morgan (Semi PL Lust Bomb in a Soapbox) https://imgur.com/a/YyD6l6w (515.00)
1886 MS62 PL Morgan (Rattler) https://imgur.com/a/vMDnM9P (200.00)
1892 O Morgan High VF (Bright) https://imgur.com/a/ku4xPq5 (55.00)
1896 Morgan Belt Buckle https://imgur.com/a/VcyvNjP (45.00)
1896 Morgan AU (Toned) https://imgur.com/a/e7c4enc (50.00)
1896 Morgan AU (Toned) https://imgur.com/a/g01zDBo (50.00)
1896 AU Morgan https://imgur.com/a/Rc313b7 (40.00)
1898 Morgan AU (Toned) https://imgur.com/a/TzJgNcA (50.00)
1898 MS62PL Morgan (Soapbox) https://imgur.com/a/BycvAyH (150.00)
1900 Lafayette MS60 Soap Box (Toner) https://imgur.com/a/JZdDjVm (900.00)
1921 MS63 PL Morgan (Soapbox) https://imgur.com/a/eRBR2Nw (500.00)
1921 MS63 PL Morgan (Soapbox) https://imgur.com/a/VfFMADA (500.00)
1921 MS63 Peace Dollar (Fatty) https://imgur.com/a/UbYm0VG (1050.00)
1923 MS63 Peace Dollar (Gen 2 Soapbox) https://imgur.com/a/9yg4TVy (70.00)
1934 D MS62 DBL DIE OBV VAM-3 Peace Dollar (Soapbox) https://imgur.com/a/ScGb7bg (350.00)
1934 D AU58 VAM-3 DDO LG D Peace Dollar (Soapbox) https://imgur.com/a/dHDSh01 (250.00)
1972 S PR69DCAM Silver Ike https://imgur.com/a/ZvzTrmV (30.00)
1972 S PR69DCAM Silver Ike https://imgur.com/a/6L9ztbd (30.00)
1973 S PR69DCAM Silver Ike https://imgur.com/a/yqKTUSf (40.00)
1997 Proof Silver Eagle (OGP) https://imgur.com/a/kZd3qoZ (80.00)
2005 Silver Eagle First Strike MS69 https://imgur.com/a/pxRPFuS (40.00)
2005 Silver Eagle MS69 https://imgur.com/a/zxzSuSv (38.00)
2005 Silver Eagle MS69 https://imgur.com/a/GCkFghF (35.00)
Video 2: https://imgur.com/a/Yl2VsqP
2011 Silver Eagle First Strike Struck at San Francisco MS69 https://imgur.com/a/wbiDsUC (40.00)
2013 (S) Silver Eagle First Strike Struck at San Francisco MS69 https://imgur.com/a/X5IzVR9 (40.00)
2013 (S) Silver Eagle Early Releases Struck at San Francisco MS69 https://imgur.com/a/SV5Xj43 (40.00)
2021 Peace Dollar in OGP https://imgur.com/a/BlwZkB5 (205.00)
Half Dollars
1854 O G Seated Half https://imgur.com/a/5YDXLlt (30.00)
1877 G Seated Half Dollar (Cleaned) https://imgur.com/a/GiX4bzc (25.00)
1892 AG Barber Half https://imgur.com/a/AFFhmVx (35.00)
1916 S AG Walking Liberty Half https://imgur.com/a/1weOxxW (50.00)
1921 S AG Walking Liberty Half https://imgur.com/a/enXOi59 (50.00)
1936 York Half Dollar (Green CAC and Rattler) https://imgur.com/a/1BD0GBz (280.00)
1946 AU58 Half Dollar DDR (Subtle Blue and Gold Toner in a Soap Box) https://imgur.com/a/cnLo0uV (325.00)
Error Link: https://www.pcgs.com/coinfacts/coin/1946-50c-doubled-die-reverse/6632
1953 D MS64FBL Franklin (Crack on Case, so the Price is Discounted) https://imgur.com/a/ag9u9xU (40.00)
1956 PF67 Type 2 Franklin (Fatty) https://imgur.com/a/wSp88Pe (60.00)
1958 MS66 Franklin (Toner) https://imgur.com/a/xPXZujb (75.00)
1960 PR65 Franklin (Rattler) https://imgur.com/a/YNKqQ9G (40.00)
1962 PF67 Franklin (Toner in a Fatty) https://imgur.com/a/gzkvg20 (40.00)
1962 PF67 Franklin (Toner in a Fatty) https://imgur.com/a/TNSnBme (35.00)
1963 PF66 Ultra Cameo Franklin https://imgur.com/a/WNMCpYG (130.00)
2014 S PR69DCAM First Strike Limited Edition PR Set Kennedy Half https://imgur.com/a/CDL35LL (35.00)
1871 S G Seated Quarter (Key Date!) (Counterstamped) https://imgur.com/a/yfl3y0h (425.00)
1893 S Barber Quarter VG (Gorgeous Toner) https://imgur.com/a/WcLNcJb (35.00)
Video 2: https://imgur.com/a/mr6RPW0
1905 O Barber Quarter F https://imgur.com/a/mntr7ex (48.00)
1x Face (1936, 1936, 1937 D, 1945) (Under Melt!) https://imgur.com/a/5G9pq7N (22.00)
1837 F Dime (Bent) https://imgur.com/a/Aa5Ats5 (30.00)
1929 D MS64FB Merc (Toned) https://imgur.com/a/vK1aCx4 (175.00)
Video 2: https://imgur.com/a/VAeQgL2
1942 MS65FB Mercury Dime (OGH) https://imgur.com/a/BoyszIc (45.00)
1944 MS66 Mercury Dime (Green CAC and Fatty) https://imgur.com/a/srJTfWG (70.00)
1957 D MS66 Dime (Toner) https://imgur.com/a/Cfl2KJY (40.00)
1964 PF68 Ultra Cameo Dime https://imgur.com/a/0jkPTSz (40.00)
1982 No P Dime (Rattler! and Haze) https://imgur.com/a/c7AQGiQ (450.00)
Video 2: https://imgur.com/a/y3i4wos
Images: https://imgur.com/a/OC0PJPN
1938 D MS63 Buffalo Nickel (Fatty) https://imgur.com/a/hunfpfF (30.00)
1942 PR63 Jefferson Nickel (Toner) https://imgur.com/a/C91dcKR (50.00)
1963 PF69 Cameo Nickel (Very Pretty Coin) https://imgur.com/a/ESByy63 (50.00)
1858 Flying Eagle Cent FR https://imgur.com/a/7uqYwO1 (12.00)
1873 Open 3 AU Details Corrosion IHC (Attractive Coin!) https://imgur.com/a/nuAw0vJ (125.00)
1937 S MS66 RD Wheat Penny https://imgur.com/a/A4wskUD (30.00)
1946-D MS67 RED Soapbox https://imgur.com/a/JCwe4i1 (145.00)
Maximinus I Denarius MS ⅘, ⅘ https://imgur.com/a/5u7GLt1 (350.00)
ROMAN EMPIRE: Maximinus I, AD 235-238, AR Denarius (20mm, 3.59 gm, 12h). NGC MS 4/5 - 4/5. Rome, ca. January AD 236-April AD 238. MAXIMINVS PIVS AVG GERM, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust of Maximinus I right / FIDES M-I-LITVM, Fides standing facing, head left, with standard in each hand, one on each side. RIC IV.II 18A.
Shipping for coins (non-coins vary) is 5 Dollars for 12 ounces total weight or less, 8 dollars for over 12 ounces; I am accepting Zelle (Preferred), PPFF (No notes pls), Cashpp, and Venmo FF (No notes pls). (USA only for these rates, special rates of other locations).
For Canada: Shipping for coins (non-coins vary) is 15 Dollars for 8 ounces total weight or less, 23 Dollars for 9 ounces or more.
I can risky ship anything that can be reasonable sent in a regular envelope with a stamp or two for a dollar of shipping
Disclaimer: I lose all responsibility once I drop the package at the post office, but I will help in any way I can for any issues that occur. I will ship once payment clears (once it no longer says pending in my bank account) (Zelle normally is good to go the next day, PP and Venmo can take a few days). Also, deposits can be made for any item for 25 percent or more of the agreed price, but the deposit is nonrefundable. All Payments are nonrefundable.
submitted by ColdWaterBottle03 to CoinSales [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:46 danielflick Going mad! Can't get options for xorriso to work. What am I missing?

I have customized my install but I can't get an ISO to build. It seems this is some type of next level black magic as many posts for 22.04 mention isolinux which no longer exists! Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!
First I downloaded the ISO:
wget https://releases.ubuntu.com/22.04/ubuntu-22.04.4-live-server-amd64.iso
then extracted:
7z x ubuntu-22.04.4-live-server-amd64.iso -x'![BOOT]' -oiso
I have a known working user-data that I have been using on Ubuntu 20.04 so I copied that over.
I updated the grub.cfg:
sed -i 's---autoinstall ds=nocloud\\\;s=/cdrom/nocloud/ ---g' iso/boot/grub/grub.cfg
I pulled the info from the image:
user@pc:~$ xorriso -indev ubuntu-22.04.4-live-server-amd64.iso -report_el_torito as_mkisofs
xorriso 1.5.4 : RockRidge filesystem manipulator, libburnia project.
xorriso : NOTE : Loading ISO image tree from LBA 0
xorriso : UPDATE : 820 nodes read in 1 seconds
libisofs: NOTE : Found hidden El-Torito image for EFI.
libisofs: NOTE : EFI image start and size: 1024860 * 2048 , 10068 * 512
xorriso : NOTE : Detected El-Torito boot information which currently is set to be discarded
Drive current: -indev 'ubuntu-22.04.4-live-server-amd64.iso'
Media current: stdio file, overwriteable
Media status : is written , is appendable
Boot record : El Torito , MBR protective-msdos-label grub2-mbr cyl-align-off GPT
Media summary: 1 session, 1027543 data blocks, 2007m data, 946g free
Volume id : 'Ubuntu-Server 22.04.4 LTS amd64'
-V 'Ubuntu-Server 22.04.4 LTS amd64'
--grub2-mbr --interval:local_fs:0s-15s:zero_mbrpt,zero_gpt:'ubuntu-22.04.4-live-server-amd64.iso'
-partition_cyl_align off
-partition_offset 16
-append_partition 2 28732ac11ff8d211ba4b00a0c93ec93b --interval:local_fs:4099440d-4109507d::'ubuntu-22.04.4-live-server-amd64.iso'
-iso_mbr_part_type a2a0d0ebe5b9334487c068b6b72699c7
-c '/boot.catalog'
-b '/boot/grub/i386-pc/eltorito.img'
-boot-load-size 4
-e '--interval:appended_partition_2_start_1024860s_size_10068d:all::'
-boot-load-size 10068
Finally, I tried so many edits of this my eyes are crossed:
xorriso -as mkisofs --grub2-mbr --interval:local_fs:0s-15s:zero_mbrpt,zero_gpt:'ubuntu.iso' --protective-msdos-label -partition_cyl_align off -partition_offset 16 --mbr-force-bootable -append_partition 2 28732ac11ff8d211ba4b00a0c93ec93b --interval:local_fs:4099440d-4109507d::'ubuntu.iso' -part_like_isohybrid -iso_mbr_part_type a2a0d0ebe5b9334487c068b6b72699c7 -c 'boot.catalog' -b '/boot/grub/i386-pc/eltorito.img' -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table --grub2-boot-info -eltorito-alt-boot -e '--interval:appended_partition_2_start_1024860s_size_10068d:all::' -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 10068 -isohybrid-gpt-basdat -o ubuntu-autoinstall.iso -V 'Ubuntu autoinstall' new/
Here is the failure output:
xorriso 1.5.4 : RockRidge filesystem manipulator, libburnia project.
Drive current: -outdev 'stdio:ubuntu-autoinstall.iso'
Media current: stdio file, overwriteable
Media status : is blank
Media summary: 0 sessions, 0 data blocks, 0 data, 946g free
xorriso : WARNING : -volid text problematic as automatic mount point name
xorriso : WARNING : -volid text does not comply to ISO 9660 / ECMA 119 rules
Added to ISO image: directory '/'='/home/devops/iso/new'
xorriso : FAILURE : Cannot find in ISO image: -boot_image ... bin_path='/boot/grub/i386-pc/eltorito.img'
xorriso : aborting : -abort_on 'FAILURE' encountered 'FAILURE'
It seems to be tripping on the iso image and I have tried every variant imaginable (including absolute paths when I know that the command should use relative).
Am I missing something? If I get this working, it will be my personal mission to send notes to the 100 or so sites that give examples with the corrections! LOL
I remember running into this maddening problem with xorriso in the past so I used this command for Ubuntu 20.04 but it no longer seems to support the newer Ubuntu (because of the missing isolinux).
[genisoimage ]()-quiet -D -r -V "ubuntu-22.04-autoinstall" -cache-inodes -J -l -joliet-long -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/boot.cat -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -eltorito-alt-boot -e boot/grub/efi.img -no-emul-boot -o ../ubuntu-22.04-autoinstall.iso .
submitted by danielflick to Ubuntu [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:46 joalricha [GNOME] update on my current rice

[GNOME] update on my current rice submitted by joalricha to unixporn [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:38 jaycsilver [MS] 75313 UCS AT-AT - 100 Spots at $1/ea

[MS] 75313 UCS AT-AT - 100 Spots at $1/ea
MAIN raffle being mini-stepped (MS): https://www.reddit.com/lego_raffles/s/JVIYt998Su
What is a Mini-Step (MS) raffle? A mini-step raffle is a tool used to raffle a small group of spots off for an actively running main. The spots in the main raffle are bundled into prizes to be awarded in the mini-step raffle. More details about MS raffles: https://www.reddit.com/lego_raffles/wiki/index/?rdt=50069#wiki_mini-step_.28ms.29_raffles
100 spots @ $1 each. This Mini-Step is raffling off 5 spots in the MAIN valued at $20 each for a total value of $100. These spots are currently being held in the main.
There will be 3 winners. 1st and 2nd get 2 spots, 3rd gets 1 spot. The same person can win multiple times but not on the same number (bot will be called once). After the raffle, the raffle host will call the spots for the Mini-Step winners in the Main.
You do NOT need a spot in the MAIN to request a spot in the Mini-Step. If the Main cancels, the winners of the Mini-Step will be refunded the full value of the spots they won from the Mini-Step.
There will be a 10 spot limit for the first 10 minutes. Limit will lift with announcement. All spots requested over the limit before the announcement will be disregarded.
Payment required w/in 10 minutes of raffle filling.
No comments in payments. Comments will result in a ban.

PayPal Info: [REDACTED]

Tip BlobAndHisBoy
Number of vacant slots: 0
Number of unpaid users: 0
Number of unpaid slots: 0
This slot list is created and updated by The EDC Raffle Tool by BlobAndHisBoy.
1 r1955 PAID
2 nik0nguy601 PAID
3 Zatara26 PAID
4 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
5 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
6 damnstraight PAID
7 Background_Badger942 PAID
8 Background_Badger942 PAID
9 Background_Badger942 PAID
10 r1955 PAID
11 r1955 PAID
12 r1955 PAID
13 r1955 PAID
14 Background_Badger942 PAID
15 nmde305 PAID
16 nmde305 PAID
17 nmde305 PAID
18 nik0nguy601 PAID
19 r1955 PAID
20 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
21 damnstraight PAID
22 r1955 PAID
23 ssj3dvp11 PAID
24 nmde305 PAID
25 ssj3dvp11 PAID
26 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
27 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
28 damnstraight PAID
29 Background_Badger942 PAID
30 cdr_warsstar PAID
31 ssj3dvp11 PAID
32 r1955 PAID
33 jasonmoon20 PAID
34 r1955 PAID
35 Background_Badger942 PAID
36 damnstraight PAID
37 jasonmoon20 PAID
38 cdr_warsstar PAID
39 r1955 PAID
40 r1955 PAID
41 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
42 r1955 PAID
43 damnstraight PAID
44 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
45 Background_Badger942 PAID
46 nmde305 PAID
47 r1955 PAID
48 jasonmoon20 PAID
49 nmde305 PAID
50 damnstraight PAID
51 r1955 PAID
52 cdr_warsstar PAID
53 r1955 PAID
54 r1955 PAID
55 damnstraight PAID
56 ssj3dvp11 PAID
57 Zatara26 PAID
58 ssj3dvp11 PAID
59 r1955 PAID
60 Background_Badger942 PAID
61 damnstraight PAID
62 r1955 PAID
63 r1955 PAID
64 nik0nguy601 PAID
65 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
66 r1955 PAID
67 damnstraight PAID
68 Zatara26 PAID
69 Background_Badger942 PAID
70 r1955 PAID
71 r1955 PAID
72 nmde305 PAID
73 r1955 PAID
74 jasonmoon20 PAID
75 ssj3dvp11 PAID
76 nmde305 PAID
77 nmde305 PAID
78 cdr_warsstar PAID
79 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
80 r1955 PAID
81 r1955 PAID
82 r1955 PAID
83 r1955 PAID
84 Background_Badger942 PAID
85 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
86 ssj3dvp11 PAID
87 Zatara26 PAID
88 ssj3dvp11 PAID
89 jasonmoon20 PAID
90 Zatara26 PAID
91 nik0nguy601 PAID
92 nmde305 PAID
93 r1955 PAID
94 cdr_warsstar PAID
95 r1955 PAID
96 ssj3dvp11 PAID
97 nik0nguy601 PAID
98 r1955 PAID
99 damnstraight PAID
100 ssj3dvp11 PAID

submitted by jaycsilver to lego_raffles [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:31 stollba [FLASH] 75181 UCS Y-Wing - 106 spots @ $5 each

GPay and Venmo preferred. PayPal available via PM or if you have it already. No notes or comments of any sort in GPay or PayPal. If paying with Venmo, pizza/coffee/party emojis preferred.
Escrow for u/FlatwormBig9148
Item Name Set Number: 75181 UCS Y-Wing
Lego Price: $482
Shipping: $48 (24x16x6, 7lbs, 19060 to 98043, UPS insured)
Raffle Total/Spots: $530 - 106 spots @ $5 each
Price justification: BL 6mo avg
Call spots: Yes
Spot limit per person: Y, 3
Duration of spot limit: 30min, lifts via announcement
Location(Country): US
Will ship international: No
Timestamp pics: https://imgur.com/a/veQMHgd
Description: Second edition UCS Y-Wing.
Payment required w/in 15 minutes of raffle filling.
PayPal payments are to be Friends and Family only with NO COMMENTS. Comments will result in a permanent ban
GPay: https://gpay.app.goo.gl/HEbsfK
Venmo (EMOJI ONLY): https://venmo.combstoll1

*PayPal Info: GPay and Venmo preferred. DM if you need PayPal. *
*Cash App Info: Cashapp banned. *

Tip BlobAndHisBoy
Number of vacant slots: 0
Number of unpaid users: 0
Number of unpaid slots: 0
This slot list is created and updated by The EDC Raffle Tool by BlobAndHisBoy.
1 sirius5715 PAID
2 probablynotahobbit PAID
3 Grenaed PAID
4 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
5 jasonmoon20 PAID
6 nik0nguy601 PAID
7 nik0nguy601 PAID
8 probablynotahobbit PAID
9 Original6Shooter PAID
10 azcpl121314 PAID
11 azcpl121314 PAID
12 phroz3n PAID
13 azcpl121314 PAID
14 jethro2126 PAID
15 ssj3dvp11 PAID
16 damnstraight PAID
17 nmde305 PAID
18 damnstraight PAID
19 jethro2126 PAID
20 probablynotahobbit PAID
21 Grenaed PAID
22 Original6Shooter PAID
23 jaycsilver PAID
24 ssj3dvp11 PAID
25 ShuckleStorm PAID
26 robob280 PAID
27 nmde305 PAID
28 timotatoe PAID
29 gyratorycircus PAID
30 Shu3PO PAID
31 Forward_Day_1462 PAID
32 jaycsilver PAID
33 jethro2126 PAID
34 robob280 PAID
35 azcpl121314 PAID
36 ShuckleStorm PAID
37 DrSeussFreak PAID
38 jasonmoon20 PAID
39 Ok_Experience9994 PAID
40 lowep PAID
41 DrSeussFreak PAID
42 ShuckleStorm PAID
43 DrSeussFreak PAID
44 jasonmoon20 PAID
46 jasonmoon20 PAID
47 jethro2126 PAID
48 Ok_Experience9994 PAID
49 nmde305 PAID
50 gyratorycircus PAID
51 kraftymonkey PAID
52 jethro2126 PAID
53 jethro2126 PAID
55 phroz3n PAID
56 cdr_warsstar PAID
58 ImSoChopped PAID
59 jethro2126 PAID
60 Forward_Day_1462 PAID
62 jethro2126 PAID
63 jasonmoon20 PAID
64 jaycsilver PAID
65 jethro2126 PAID
66 jasonmoon20 PAID
67 jasonmoon20 PAID
68 jasonmoon20 PAID
69 Zatara26 PAID
70 jasonmoon20 PAID
71 timotatoe PAID
72 Available_War941 PAID
73 Original6Shooter PAID
74 jasonmoon20 PAID
75 jethro2126 PAID
76 azcpl121314 PAID
77 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
78 Available_War941 PAID
79 gyratorycircus PAID
80 azcpl121314 PAID
81 timotatoe PAID
82 azcpl121314 PAID
83 nik0nguy601 PAID
84 Forward_Day_1462 PAID
85 robob280 PAID
86 jasonmoon20 PAID
87 Available_War941 PAID
88 azcpl121314 PAID
89 damnstraight PAID
90 jethro2126 PAID
91 azcpl121314 PAID
92 jasonmoon20 PAID
94 damnstraight PAID
95 ssj3dvp11 PAID
96 jasonmoon20 PAID
97 jasonmoon20 PAID
98 phroz3n PAID
99 Ok_Experience9994 PAID
100 jasonmoon20 PAID
101 jethro2126 PAID
102 serthbeety PAID
103 azcpl121314 PAID
104 azcpl121314 PAID
105 azcpl121314 PAID
106 kraftymonkey PAID

submitted by stollba to lego_raffles [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:12 8ta4 Seeking Speech-to-Text API Recommendations: Word-Level Probabilities, High Accuracy, Low Latency

Are there any speech-to-text APIs that can give word-level probabilities, match or beat Deepgram in accuracy, and have low latency for short audio?
About a month ago, I shared my experience with Deepgram on this subreddit, and the response was incredible. Recently, u/111ewe111 asked me what specific issues I was having with Deepgram. So, I thought I'd make this new post to answer those questions and the feedback I got since my needs have changed.
Here's what I need from a speech-to-text API, in order of importance:
  1. Word-level probability: I need a probability for each word in the transcript.
  2. Accuracy: The API must be accurate, especially for common words in clear audio, finalizing the transcription only after the user finishes a sentence to make sure full context is considered.
  3. Latency: The API needs to be fast, ideally under 0.25 seconds per call for a single sentence.
  4. Cost: It should be affordable, aiming for under $1.215 per hour.
  5. Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS): This isn't a must-have, but it would be nice if the API supports CORS for direct use from the browser.
Comparing speech-to-text API accuracy has been fruitful, like comparing apples to oranges, as many providers claim their solution is the best. This self-serving marketing makes it hard to determine the true accuracy of each API.
I checked out a bunch of APIs that Deepgram mentioned in their blog post "Best Speech-to-Text APIs in 2024." Only the Nova-2 model from Deepgram and the Whisper API from OpenAI were able to return the API call within one second. But the Whisper API that OpenAI provides doesn't give you word-level probabilities. That's a dealbreaker.
Deepgram claims to be the most accurate and fastest API, but I ran into two issues:
  1. Latency: Deepgram usually takes about 0.5 seconds to return a transcript for a single sentence. Most of this time is spent on TCP slow start, making the network the bottleneck.
  2. CORS: Deepgram doesn't support CORS, which is a bummer for browser-based apps.
Most speech-to-text providers give you options like a streaming API and a prerecorded API. Take Deepgram, for example.
With their streaming API, you get low latency because it processes the audio bit by bit as it comes in. But it might end up finalizing the transcription in the middle of a sentence. When that happens, the API loses the context for the rest of what's being said, which can sacrifice accuracy.
Now, if you go with their prerecorded API, you'll probably get better accuracy since it looks at the full context of the audio. However, you're sending the whole audio file over, which can run into TCP slow start issues.
There are a few potential solutions:
To give you a bit more context, I'm designing an app that checks pronunciation. The goal is for the whole process to take less than a second. This involves three API calls: two for speech-to-text and one for text-to-speech. The text-to-speech call takes about 0.5 seconds, so each speech-to-text call needs to be around 0.25 seconds. I'm still figuring out if this is even possible. If you want to give me some feedback on the design, here's the link!
All the latency numbers in this post were tested using Google Colab. It runs on Google's infrastructure, which helps minimize network latency. This way, I can be pretty sure that the network itself isn't the bottleneck during these tests.
Now, let’s talk about cost. I have a budget of $100 per month, assuming 30 hours of usage each month. That gives me:
$$\frac{\$100}{30 \text{ hours}} \approx \$3.33 \text{ per hour}$$
I have three API calls: two for speech-to-text and one for text-to-speech. Let's estimate the number of characters processed in an hour. Assuming a fast speaker at 200 words per minute and 5 characters per word, I get:
$$200 \text{ words/min} \times 60 \text{ min/hour} \times 5 \text{ characters/word} = 60,000 \text{ characters/hour}$$
I'll use OpenAI's text-to-speech API, which costs $15 per million characters. The cost per hour for text-to-speech is:
$$60,000 \text{ characters/hour} \times \frac{\$15}{1,000,000 \text{ characters}} = \$0.90 \text{ per hour}$$
Next, I subtract the text-to-speech cost from my total hourly budget:
$$\$3.33 - \$0.90 = \$2.43 \text{ per hour}$$
This $2.43 covers my two speech-to-text API calls:
$$\frac{\$2.43}{2} = \$1.215 \text{ per hour}$$
Given all these requirements and challenges, I'm looking for recommendations for speech-to-text APIs.
submitted by 8ta4 to AskProgramming [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:08 _Triple_ [STORE] 900+ KNIVES/GLOVES/SKINS, 100.000$+ INVENTORY. BFK Lore, Gloves Amphibious, Skeleton Fade, Bowie Emerald, BFK Auto, Gloves MF, Talon Doppler, Gloves POW, Bayo Tiger, Gut Sapphire, Stiletto MF, M9 Ultra, Ursus Doppler, Flip Doppler, M9 Stained, Nomad CW, Paracord CW, AK-47 X-Ray & A Lot More

Everything in my inventory is up for trade. The most valuable items are listed here, the rest you can find in My Inventory

Feel free to Add Me or even better send a Trade Offer. Open for any suggestions: upgrades, downgrades / knives, gloves, skins / stickers, patterns, floats.

All Buyouts are listed in cash value.


★ Butterfly Knife Lore (Factory New), B/O: $7194.77

★ Butterfly Knife Autotronic (Minimal Wear), B/O: $2025.74

★ M9 Bayonet Ultraviolet (Field-Tested), B/O: $557.87

★ M9 Bayonet Stained (Well-Worn), B/O: $529.41

★ M9 Bayonet Boreal Forest (Field-Tested), B/O: $465.39

★ Talon Knife Doppler (Factory New), B/O: $1295.27

★ Bayonet Tiger Tooth (Minimal Wear), B/O: $746.28

★ Karambit Bright Water (Field-Tested), B/O: $688.15

★ Flip Knife Doppler (Factory New), B/O: $547.93

★ Flip Knife Autotronic (Minimal Wear), B/O: $476.69

★ Flip Knife Case Hardened (Battle-Scarred), B/O: $278.18

★ Flip Knife Black Laminate (Well-Worn), B/O: $258.83

★ Flip Knife Urban Masked (Field-Tested), B/O: $181.64

★ Stiletto Knife Marble Fade (Factory New), B/O: $686.04

★ Stiletto Knife Doppler (Factory New), B/O: $665.41

★ Stiletto Knife, B/O: $601.39

★ Stiletto Knife Crimson Web (Field-Tested), B/O: $418.25

★ Stiletto Knife Night Stripe (Field-Tested), B/O: $227.80

★ Stiletto Knife Boreal Forest (Field-Tested), B/O: $194.96

★ Stiletto Knife Safari Mesh (Field-Tested), B/O: $192.79

★ Nomad Knife Crimson Web (Field-Tested), B/O: $518.11

★ Nomad Knife Scorched (Field-Tested), B/O: $169.78

★ Nomad Knife Forest DDPAT (Battle-Scarred), B/O: $166.88

★ StatTrak™ Nomad Knife Blue Steel (Field-Tested), B/O: $335.79

★ Skeleton Knife Stained (Well-Worn), B/O: $442.05

★ Skeleton Knife Urban Masked (Minimal Wear), B/O: $426.24

★ Skeleton Knife Boreal Forest (Field-Tested), B/O: $314.03

★ StatTrak™ Skeleton Knife Fade (Minimal Wear), B/O: $2361.28

★ StatTrak™ Skeleton Knife Urban Masked (Field-Tested), B/O: $376.53

★ Ursus Knife Doppler (Factory New), B/O: $557.12

★ Ursus Knife, B/O: $471.42

★ Ursus Knife Blue Steel (Minimal Wear), B/O: $212.37

★ Ursus Knife Case Hardened (Battle-Scarred), B/O: $187.66

★ Ursus Knife Damascus Steel (Field-Tested), B/O: $178.18

★ Ursus Knife Ultraviolet (Battle-Scarred), B/O: $155.13

★ Ursus Knife Boreal Forest (Battle-Scarred), B/O: $124.26

★ Huntsman Knife Black Laminate (Minimal Wear), B/O: $204.83

★ Huntsman Knife Black Laminate (Field-Tested), B/O: $184.50

★ StatTrak™ Huntsman Knife Lore (Battle-Scarred), B/O: $224.11

★ Bowie Knife Gamma Doppler (Factory New), B/O: $2142.02

★ Bowie Knife, B/O: $230.44

★ Bowie Knife Damascus Steel (Factory New), B/O: $209.20

★ Bowie Knife Ultraviolet (Minimal Wear), B/O: $180.51

★ Bowie Knife Ultraviolet (Field-Tested), B/O: $131.03

★ Falchion Knife Night (Field-Tested), B/O: $132.54

★ Falchion Knife Urban Masked (Well-Worn), B/O: $112.81

★ Falchion Knife Scorched (Field-Tested), B/O: $108.81

★ Falchion Knife Forest DDPAT (Field-Tested), B/O: $107.82

★ Falchion Knife Safari Mesh (Field-Tested), B/O: $107.46

★ StatTrak™ Falchion Knife Ultraviolet (Field-Tested), B/O: $143.08

★ Paracord Knife Crimson Web (Minimal Wear), B/O: $486.48

★ Paracord Knife Blue Steel (Battle-Scarred), B/O: $163.12

★ Survival Knife Blue Steel (Battle-Scarred), B/O: $138.26

★ Survival Knife Night Stripe (Field-Tested), B/O: $131.03

★ Gut Knife Sapphire (Minimal Wear), B/O: $1127.79

★ Gut Knife Gamma Doppler (Factory New), B/O: $286.17

★ Gut Knife Doppler (Factory New), B/O: $246.55

★ Gut Knife Marble Fade (Factory New), B/O: $240.77

★ Gut Knife, B/O: $210.49

★ Gut Knife Lore (Field-Tested), B/O: $194.22

★ Gut Knife Case Hardened (Battle-Scarred), B/O: $151.51

★ Gut Knife Blue Steel (Minimal Wear), B/O: $124.94

★ Gut Knife Rust Coat (Well-Worn), B/O: $118.99

★ Gut Knife Boreal Forest (Minimal Wear), B/O: $109.80

★ StatTrak™ Gut Knife Doppler (Factory New), B/O: $237.96

★ Shadow Daggers Gamma Doppler (Factory New), B/O: $264.92

★ Shadow Daggers Marble Fade (Factory New), B/O: $253.03

★ Shadow Daggers Tiger Tooth (Factory New), B/O: $237.22

★ Shadow Daggers Crimson Web (Field-Tested), B/O: $153.40

★ Shadow Daggers Autotronic (Minimal Wear), B/O: $144.42

★ Shadow Daggers Blue Steel (Field-Tested), B/O: $105.20

★ StatTrak™ Shadow Daggers Damascus Steel (Minimal Wear), B/O: $150.46

★ Navaja Knife Fade (Factory New), B/O: $365.99

★ Navaja Knife Doppler (Factory New), B/O: $228.93

★ Navaja Knife Marble Fade (Factory New), B/O: $227.43

★ Navaja Knife Slaughter (Factory New), B/O: $209.06

★ Navaja Knife, B/O: $203.16

★ Navaja Knife Case Hardened (Well-Worn), B/O: $132.57

★ Navaja Knife Damascus Steel (Factory New), B/O: $121.69

★ Navaja Knife Damascus Steel (Minimal Wear), B/O: $109.95

★ Navaja Knife Damascus Steel (Field-Tested), B/O: $100.41

★ StatTrak™ Navaja Knife Fade (Factory New), B/O: $369.01

★ StatTrak™ Navaja Knife Damascus Steel (Field-Tested), B/O: $109.95


★ Sport Gloves Amphibious (Minimal Wear), B/O: $2394.67

★ Sport Gloves Omega (Well-Worn), B/O: $572.33

★ Sport Gloves Bronze Morph (Minimal Wear), B/O: $338.88

★ Sport Gloves Big Game (Field-Tested), B/O: $323.66

★ Specialist Gloves Marble Fade (Minimal Wear), B/O: $1652.07

★ Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike (Field-Tested), B/O: $599.14

★ Specialist Gloves Crimson Web (Well-Worn), B/O: $231.57

★ Specialist Gloves Buckshot (Minimal Wear), B/O: $126.21

★ Moto Gloves POW! (Minimal Wear), B/O: $996.99

★ Moto Gloves POW! (Field-Tested), B/O: $383.31

★ Moto Gloves POW! (Well-Worn), B/O: $276.00

★ Moto Gloves Turtle (Field-Tested), B/O: $180.28

★ Hand Wraps CAUTION! (Minimal Wear), B/O: $502.29

★ Hand Wraps Giraffe (Minimal Wear), B/O: $180.73

★ Hand Wraps CAUTION! (Battle-Scarred), B/O: $178.32

★ Driver Gloves Queen Jaguar (Minimal Wear), B/O: $181.01

★ Driver Gloves Rezan the Red (Field-Tested), B/O: $101.66

★ Broken Fang Gloves Jade (Field-Tested), B/O: $127.88

★ Broken Fang Gloves Needle Point (Minimal Wear), B/O: $124.55

★ Bloodhound Gloves Guerrilla (Minimal Wear), B/O: $127.94

★ Hydra Gloves Case Hardened (Field-Tested), B/O: $102.55


AK-47 X-Ray (Well-Worn), B/O: $478.95

AUG Hot Rod (Factory New), B/O: $425.83

StatTrak™ M4A1-S Hyper Beast (Factory New), B/O: $413.95

M4A4 Daybreak (Factory New), B/O: $309.51

StatTrak™ AK-47 Aquamarine Revenge (Factory New), B/O: $305.43

AK-47 Case Hardened (Well-Worn), B/O: $196.38

StatTrak™ M4A4 Temukau (Minimal Wear), B/O: $174.64

P90 Run and Hide (Field-Tested), B/O: $167.03

AWP Asiimov (Field-Tested), B/O: $153.33

Souvenir SSG 08 Death Strike (Minimal Wear), B/O: $140.00

M4A1-S Printstream (Battle-Scarred), B/O: $124.70

StatTrak™ M4A1-S Golden Coil (Field-Tested), B/O: $117.48

AWP Asiimov (Well-Worn), B/O: $115.97

StatTrak™ Desert Eagle Printstream (Minimal Wear), B/O: $112.96

StatTrak™ AK-47 Asiimov (Minimal Wear), B/O: $110.85

Souvenir M4A1-S Master Piece (Well-Worn), B/O: $102.42

AK-47 Bloodsport (Minimal Wear), B/O: $100.53

Trade Offer Link - Steam Profile Link - My Inventory

Knives - Bowie Knife, Butterfly Knife, Falchion Knife, Flip Knife, Gut Knife, Huntsman Knife, M9 Bayonet, Bayonet, Karambit, Shadow Daggers, Stiletto Knife, Ursus Knife, Navaja Knife, Talon Knife, Classic Knife, Paracord Knife, Survival Knife, Nomad Knife, Skeleton Knife, Patterns - Gamma Doppler, Doppler (Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, Phase 4, Black Pearl, Sapphire, Ruby, Emerald), Crimson Web, Lore, Fade, Ultraviolet, Night, Marble Fade (Fire & Ice, Fake FI), Case Hardened (Blue Gem), Autotronic, Slaughter, Black Laminate, Tiger Tooth, Boreal Forest, Scorched, Blue Steel, Vanilla, Damascus Steel, Forest DDPAT, Urban Masked, Freehand, Stained, Bright Water, Safari Mesh, Rust Coat, Gloves - Bloodhound Gloves (Charred, Snakebite, Guerrilla, Bronzed), Driver Gloves (Snow Leopard, King Snake, Crimson Weave, Imperial Plaid, Black Tie, Lunar Weave, Diamondback, Rezan the Red, Overtake, Queen Jaguar, Convoy, Racing Green), Hand Wraps (Cobalt Skulls, CAUTION!, Overprint, Slaughter, Leather, Giraffe, Badlands, Spruce DDPAT, Arboreal, Constrictor, Desert Shamagh, Duct Tape), Moto Gloves (Spearmint, POW!, Cool Mint, Smoke Out, Finish Line, Polygon, Blood Pressure, Turtle, Boom!, Eclipse, 3rd Commando Company, Transport), Specialist Gloves (Crimson Kimono, Tiger Strike, Emerald Web, Field Agent, Marble Fade, Fade, Foundation, Lt. Commander, Crimson Web, Mogul, Forest DDPAT, Buckshot), Sport Gloves (Pandora's Box, Superconductor, Hedge Maze, Vice, Amphibious, Slingshot, Omega, Arid, Big Game, Nocts, Scarlet Shamagh, Bronze Morph), Hydra Gloves (Case Hardened, Emerald, Rattler, Mangrove), Broken Fang Gloves (Jade, Yellow-banded, Unhinged, Needle Point), Pistols - P2000 (Wicked Sick, Ocean Foam, Fire Element, Amber Fade, Corticera, Chainmail, Imperial Dragon, Obsidian, Scorpion, Handgun, Acid Etched), USP-S (Printstream, Kill Confirmed, Whiteout, Road Rash, Owergrowth, The Traitor, Neo-Noir, Dark Water, Orion, Blueprint, Stainless, Caiman, Serum, Monster Mashup, Royal Blue, Ancient Visions, Cortex, Orange Anolis, Ticket To Hell, Black Lotus, Cyrex, Check Engine, Guardian, Purple DDPAT, Torque, Blood Tiger, Flashback, Business Class, Pathfinder, Para Green), Lead Conduit, Glock-18 (Ramese's Reach, Umbral Rabbit, Fade, Candy Apple, Bullet Queen, Synth Leaf, Neo-Noir, Nuclear Garden, Dragon Tatto, Reactor, Pink DDPAT, Twilight Galaxy, Sand Dune, Groundwater, Blue Fissure, Snack Attack, Water Elemental, Brass, Wasteland Rebel, Vogue, Franklin, Royal Legion, Gamma Doppler, Weasel, Steel Disruption, Ironwork, Grinder, High Beam, Moonrise, Oxide Blaze, Bunsen Burner, Clear Polymer, Bunsen Burner, Night), P250 (Apep's Curse, Re.built, Nuclear Threat, Modern Hunter, Splash, Whiteout, Vino Primo, Mehndi, Asiimov, Visions, Undertow, Cartel, See Ya Later, Gunsmoke, Splash, Digital Architect, Muertos, Red Rock, Bengal Tiger, Crimson Kimono, Wingshot, Metallic DDPAT, Hive, Dark Filigree, Mint Kimono), Five-Seven (Neon Kimono, Berries And Cherries, Fall Hazard, Crimson Blossom, Hyper Beast, Nitro, Fairy Tale, Case Hardened, Copper Galaxy, Angry Mob, Monkey Business, Fowl Play, Anodized Gunmetal, Hot Shot, Retrobution, Boost Protocol), CZ75-Auto (Chalice, Crimson Web, Emerald Quartz, The Fuschia is Now, Nitro, Xiangliu, Yellow Jacket, Victoria, Poison Dart, Syndicate, Eco, Hexane, Pole, Tigris), Tec-9 (Mummy's Rot, Rebel, Terrace, Nuclear Threat, Hades, Rust Leaf, Decimator, Blast From, Orange Murano, Toxic, Fuel Injector, Remote Control, Bamboo Forest, Isaac, Avalanche, Brother, Re-Entry, Blue Titanium, Bamboozle), R8 Revolver (Banana Cannon, Fade, Blaze, Crimson Web, Liama Cannon, Crazy 8, Reboot, Canal Spray, Night, Amber Fade), Desert Eagle (Blaze, Hand Cannon, Fennec Fox, Sunset Storm, Emerald Jörmungandr, Pilot, Hypnotic, Golden Koi, Printstream, Cobalt Disruption, Code Red, Ocean Drive, Midnight Storm, Kumicho Dragon, Crimson Web, Heirloom, Night Heist, Mecha Industries, Night, Conspiracy, Trigger Discipline, Naga, Directive, Light Rail), Dual Berettas (Flora Carnivora, Duelist, Cobra Strike, Black Limba, Emerald, Hemoglobin, Twin Turbo, Marina, Melondrama, Pyre, Retribution, Briar, Dezastre, Royal Consorts, Urban Shock, Dualing Dragons, Panther, Balance), Rifles - Galil (Aqua Terrace, Winter Forest, Chatterbox, Sugar Rush, Pheonix Blacklight, CAUTION!, Orange DDPAT, Cerberus, Dusk Ruins, Eco, Chromatic Aberration, Stone Cold, Tuxedo, Sandstorm, Shattered, Urban Rubble, Rocket Pop, Kami, Crimson Tsunami, Connexion), SCAR-20 (Fragments, Brass, Cyrex, Palm, Splash Jam, Cardiac, Emerald, Crimson Web, Magna Carta, Stone Mosaico, Bloodsport, Enforcer), AWP (Black Nile, Duality, Gungnir, Dragon Lore, Prince, Medusa, Desert Hydra, Fade, Lightning Strike, Oni Taiji, Silk Tiger, Graphite, Chromatic Aberration, Asiimov, Snake Camo, Boom, Containment Breach, Wildfire, Redline, Electric Hive, Hyper Beast, Neo-Noir, Man-o'-war, Pink DDPAT, Corticera, Sun in Leo, Elite Build, Fever Dream, Atheris, Mortis, PAW, Exoskeleton, Worm God, POP AWP, Phobos, Acheron, Pit Viper, Capillary, Safari Mesh), AK-47 (Steel Delta, Head Shot, Wild Lotus, Gold Arabesque, X-Ray, Fire Serpent, Hydroponic, Panthera Onca, Case Hardened, Vulcan, Jet Set, Fuel Injector, Bloodsport, Nightwish, First Class, Neon Rider, Asiimov, Red Laminate, Aquamarine Revenge, The Empress, Wasteland Rebel, Jaguar, Black Laminate, Leet Museo, Neon Revolution, Redline, Frontside Misty, Predator, Legion of Anubis, Point Disarray, Orbit Mk01, Blue Laminate, Green Laminate, Emerald Pinstripe, Cartel, Phantom Disruptor, Jungle Spray, Safety Net, Rat Rod, Baroque Purple, Slate, Elite Build, Uncharted, Safari Mesh), FAMAS (Waters of Nephthys, Sundown, Prime Conspiracy, Afterimage, Commemoration, Dark Water, Spitfire, Pulse, Eye of Athena, Meltdown, Rapid Eye Move, Roll Cage, Styx, Mecha Industrie, Djinn, ZX Spectron, Valence, Neural Net, Night Borre, Hexne), M4A4 (Eye of Horus, Temukau, Howl, Poseidon, Asiimov, Daybreak, Hellfire, Zirka, Red DDPAT, Radiation Hazard, Modern Hunter, The Emperor, The Coalition, Bullet Rain, Cyber Security, X-Ray, Dark Blossom, Buzz Kill, In Living Color, Neo-Noir, Desolate Space, 龍王 (Dragon King), Royal Paladin, The Battlestar, Global Offensive, Tooth Fairy, Desert-Strike, Griffin, Evil Daimyo, Spider Lily, Converter), M4A1-S (Emphorosaur-S, Welcome to the Jungle, Imminent Danger, Knight, Hot Rod, Icarus Fell, Blue Phosphor, Printstream, Master Piece, Dark Water, Golden Coil, Bright Water, Player Two, Atomic Alloy, Guardian, Chantico's Fire, Hyper Beast, Mecha Industries, Cyrex, Control Panel, Moss Quartz, Nightmare, Decimator, Leaded Glass, Basilisk, Blood Tiger, Briefing, Night Terror, Nitro, VariCamo, Flashback), SG 553 (Cyberforce, Hazard Pay, Bulldozer, Integrale, Dragon Tech, Ultraviolet, Colony IV, Hypnotic, Cyrex, Candy Apple, Barricade, Pulse), SSG 08 (Death Strike, Sea Calico, Blood in the Water, Orange Filigree, Dragonfire, Big Iron, Bloodshot, Detour, Turbo Peek, Red Stone), AUG (Akihabara Accept, Flame Jörmungandr, Hot Rod, Midnight Lily, Sand Storm, Carved Jade, Wings, Anodized Navy, Death by Puppy, Torque, Bengal Tiger, Chameleon, Fleet Flock, Random Access, Momentum, Syd Mead, Stymphalian, Arctic Wolf, Aristocrat, Navy Murano), G3SG1 (Chronos, Violet Murano, Flux, Demeter, Orange Kimono, The Executioner, Green Apple, Arctic Polar Camo, Contractor), SMGs - P90 (ScaraB Rush, Neoqueen, Astral Jörmungandr, Run and Hide, Emerald Dragon, Cold Blooded, Death by Kitty, Baroque Red, Vent Rush, Blind Spot, Asiimov, Trigon, Sunset Lily, Death Grip, Leather, Nostalgia, Fallout Warning, Tiger Pit, Schermatic, Virus, Shapewood, Glacier Mesh, Shallow Grave, Chopper, Desert Warfare), MAC-10 (Sakkaku, Hot Snakes, Copper Borre, Red Filigree, Gold Brick, Graven, Case Hardened, Stalker, Amber Fade, Neon Rider, Tatter, Curse, Propaganda, Nuclear Garden, Disco Tech, Toybox, Heat, Indigo), UMP-45 (Wild Child, Fade, Blaze, Day Lily, Minotaur's Labyrinth, Crime Scene, Caramel, Bone Pile, Momentum, Primal Saber), MP7 (Teal Blossom, Fade, Nemesis, Whiteout, Asterion, Bloosport, Abyssal Apparition, Full Stop, Special Delivery, Neon Ply, Asterion, Ocean Foam, Powercore, Scorched, Impire), PP-Bizon (Modern Hunter, Rust Coat, Forest Leaves, Antique, High Roller, Blue Streak, Seabird, Judgement of Anubis, Bamboo Print, Embargo, Chemical Green, Coblat Halftone, Fuel Rod, Photic Zone, Irradiated Alert, Carbon Fiber), MP9 (Featherweight, Wild Lily, Pandora's Box, Stained Glass, Bulldozer, Dark Age, Hot Rod, Hypnotic, Hydra, Rose Iron, Music Box, Setting Sun, Food Chain, Airlock, Mount Fuji, Starlight Protector, Ruby Poison Dart, Deadly Poison), MP5-SD (Liquidation, Oxide Oasis, Phosphor, Nitro, Agent, Autumn Twilly), Shotguns, Machineguns - Sawed-Off (Kiss♥Love, First Class, Orange DDPAT, Rust Coat, The Kraken, Devourer, Mosaico, Wasteland Princess, Bamboo Shadow, Copper, Serenity, Limelight, Apocalypto), XM1014 (Frost Borre, Ancient Lore, Red Leather, Elegant Vines, Banana Leaf, Jungle, Urban Perforated, Grassland, Blaze Orange, Heaven Guard, VariCamo Blue, Entombed, XOXO, Seasons, Tranquility, Bone Machine, Incinegator, Teclu Burner, Black Tie, Zombie Offensive, Watchdog), Nova (Sobek's Bite, Baroque Orange, Hyper Beast, Green Apple, Antique, Modern Hunter, Walnut, Forest Leaves, Graphite, Blaze Orange, Rising Skull, Tempest, Bloomstick, Interlock, Quick Sand, Moon in Libra, Clean Polymer, Red Quartz, Toy Soldier), MAG-7 (Copper Coated, Insomnia, Cinqueda, Counter Terrace, Prism Terrace, Memento, Chainmail, Hazard, Justice, Bulldozer, Silver, Core Breach, Firestarter, Praetorian, Heat, Hard Water, Monster Call, BI83 Spectrum, SWAG-7), M249 (Humidor, Shipping Forecast, Blizzard Marbleized, Downtown, Jungle DDPAT, Nebula Crusader, Impact Drill, Emerald Poison Dart), Negev (Mjölnir, Anodized Navy, Palm, Power Loader, Bratatat, CaliCamo, Phoenix Stencil, Infrastructure, Boroque Sand), Wear - Factory New (FN), Minimal Wear (MW), Field-Tested (FT), Well-Worn (WW), Battle-Scarred (BS), Stickers Holo/Foil/Gold - Katowice 2014, Krakow 2017, Howling Dawn, Katowice 2015, Crown, London 2018, Cologne 2014, Boston 2018, Atlanta 2017, Cluj-Napoca 2015, DreamHack 2014, King on the Field, Harp of War, Winged Difuser, Cologne 2016, Cologne 2015, MLG Columbus 2016, Katowice 2019, Berlin 2019, RMR 2020, Stockholm 2021, Antwerp 2022, Paris 2023, Swag Foil, Flammable foil, Others - Souvenirs, Agents, Pins, Passes, Gifts, Music Kits, Cases, Keys, Capsules, Packages, Patches

Some items on the list may no longer be available or are still locked, visit My Inventory for more details.

Send a Trade Offer for fastest response. I consider all offers.

Add me for discuss if there is a serious offer that needs to be discussed.

submitted by _Triple_ to GlobalOffensiveTrade [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:05 Baby_Wolverine Possible suggestions to fix Harvest Beast supplies and mid-tier crafting/itemization

I had no plans on writing a longer post than anything I wrote this whole semester at college, but there's a TLDR if you want at the bottom.
I recognize that largely this is no longer the place to post suggestions, but I figure there's no harm in sparking thoughts in other people. Inspired by what I thought of while replying to the earlier post about memory beasts being obtainable through maps.

Personal Experience recently

I'll preface this with the fact that in all my 5,104.5 hours, I have never once actually attempted to use the Harvest beasts, even though I (for every league except the last and the current) ran my memories and captured the beasts. I'll admit to using them each once or twice, to see how they work as well as test if I could get incredibly lucky, but after comparing the outcome to the cost, I decided it is not worth it for a user of my general wealth.
That's a problem I've encountered a lot more increasingly lately as I've been taking it slower and slower, but especially this league has been bad. While a lot of the early/majorly important stuff have been getting easier to obtain (specifically with the introduction of the Black Morrigan), the more mid through entry late-game stuff has been increasing in price. 9d per attempt at veiled boots, priced out of best in slot farming unless you drop a MB/HH in the first 2-5 attempts, 10.5d for a divination scarab to HOPEFULLY get a full Mageblood/Mirror Shard in under 9 maps. It has never been worth it as a (level 100 most leagues, multiple characters, usually total worth of around of a mirror) somewhat laid back player in my eyes to actually USE a 10d drop. Sure I could drop a full mageblood in a map, but I also could not. Sure I could get lucky with my first pair of boots and get MS/Chilled, or I could get it on the 15th attempt, spending 100d+ on what used to be a relatively cheap process. The boots are around a 20% chance to get a specific mod, a charge ring, or an explode bow is astronomically small, and the odds of them dropping has been reduced time and time again. If I wanted to make a bow myself, I'd have to not only imprint and roll the implicits I want (3-5d per attempt pre-project, 10d per attempt now) with extremely unlikely odds, but Id even likely want to get a 3 implicit bow considering the massive investment, which I would ALSO need to roll an exorbitant amount of harvest "synth an item." This is no longer something that is feasible for someone who drops a mirror, even if they have all the required knowledge already. A year ago today if I dropped a mirror, I could go for attempting to make myself a stupidly nice bow, and sure it likely wouldn't be mirror tier, but I would've at least thought about trying. Whether it is a falsehood in the first place, or because of the insane cost of crafting high tier items, hat sentiment is now gone.
I'll be the first to accept that this is a problem for the 5%, and not the majority nor the 1%. I've considered myself a 5% player, though maybe some of you would say I'm a 1% and the mirror crafters are the 0.1%, but that's not the point. I am nowhere near the point of being comfortable rolling Exceptional IchoEmber for the 1.5% damage boost after finishing my Orbs of Conflict. I settle for 1-2 good mods on one Elevated/Awakened item rather than making 5-10 and using the best while selling the remaining. I'm okay with "only" a 130% adorned, and non-synth implicit jewels. I play the game for fun, and that's it. Fun to me is optimizing/improving without being meticulous; would I like to one day have a mirror tier item on every slot in a character, maybe, but I don't think I ever will.
That's a lot of text just to say "I'm not rich (in game) and the game is getting less and less accessible to my wealth bracket" but it makes me think a lot about why the game is feeling less approachable as time goes on, and maybe this is it. This also doesn't even address the Einhar Beast portion of the post.

Continue Revitalizing Einhar to Revive mid-tier crafting

I would not by any means consider myself to be "a crafter" but I have always crafted my own gear because I enjoy to do so, and enjoy learning the mechanics. Would a super high mirror tier crafter have more accurate input? Most likely. But we are not mirror tier crafters. We don't have mirror shops, or stream on twitch, and we are still baffled with some of the items the people who TRULY understand crafting can make in this game. We browse the reddit, and we likely have a knowledge difference similar to that of a Professor and a Student.
And that's okay.
What isn't okay in my opinion is that the last thing that I feel like was truly introduced as a "new" crafting mechanic rather than easier access to another mechanic is Eldrich implicits. Sure vivid vultures are in the game, but I have never had the money to even think about them. I've never synthesized my own item since Harvest league because it's cheaper to buy one or 2 mod synth items, and I've never used a watcher eye reroll beast. Even though Eldrich orbs (chaos etc.) are rather expensive due to the extreme value they provide, there is a limit to what they can be used for. Nobody would rather have an Eldrich Dmg per power charge/Mana res efficiency helmet than a Synth 92% res multi/+1 power charge, and that would mean that for the VERY end game Eldrich orbs often cannot be used, and thus do not cost unreasonable amounts.
My idea for Einhar Beasts is to make the memory beasts available through mapping, but a similar and/or weaker variant.
What this looks like to me is a keystone for Bestiary behind Natural Selection (More likely for less common) that allows you to obtain beasts through other mechanics, while also specc'd into those mechanics, something like: "Unnatural Optimization" or some play on the former's name, that has "Allows artificial production of Beasts from other League Mechanics."
This could be a couple things, my original thought was for the Adolescent Vivid Vulture: Reroll a Synthesis Implicit Modifier on an item with 2 or fewer Synthesis Implicit Modifiers. This could be gated behind an Atlas Passive along the lines of "There is a 50% chance when upgrading a Harvest Crop to Unique it would instead become an Adolescent Beast." Or maybe 50% chance to be accompanied by? I'm not a numbers guy and I don't enjoy running current Harvest, so I don't know the impact either would have. This would essentially open up mid tier beast crafting without damaging the current insanely high tier crafting we have, aside from potentially making it (barely) easier to approach. An Incursion Beast that "Randomly Removes or Adds 3% Quality to an Uncorrupted Gem" Or maybe the same for gem level. Takes out the "Nothing happened", but also can't obtain double corrupt, basically an upgraded Vaal Orb Something fun like a Vaal Side Area Beast "Adds a COMPLETELY random corrupted implicit to an item." so maybe you get +1 Arrows on your body armor, maybe you get Resolute Technique on your +attack crit body armor. An Ultimatum Beast that "Adds 15% quality to an uncorrupted item, and randomizes the quality." A Breach Beast that "Creates a random non-atlas armor with a single Breach modifier" or "Turns a Breach Unique into a random iLvl 75 armor with one related modifier" to also add some value to breach itself rather than just as a source of monsters. An Expedition Beast that "Sets all modifiers on an uninfluenced item to Tier 3." (Expedition doesn't need anything more imo, it's in a very comfortable place with Rog early, then the others later) A Legion Beast that summons a Highly Experienced General? Idk this is the one that doesn't make sense, but with exp issues now Legion is essentially just a source of incubators, which is alright but doesn't FEEL good.
Maybe you would need some other lines in Unnatural Optimization to include "The Scarabs glinting with gold shudder" and you just need a scarab, Bestiary, and then that mechanic; or maybe you don't. Maybe it just adds modifiers to give ways to engage with content you enjoy outside of "Hey kid, I heard you like quant."
Returned as finishing the TLDR: Maybe even just throw all these beasts into Einhar encounters in Kirac missions? It gates their spawn rate and forces them to be rare, but also allows for some amount of "targeting" by being able to select "Capture the Artificial ____ Beast" as your mission instead of "Complete the ____ encounter"

Why EinhaBeasts?

Well, the dude's cool. Only person on his level was Z̵̢̢̫̬̈́̏̿a̵͍͔̪̚ṅ̶͍͖̟͊͐á̷̞͐̓͊̕ but she got stolen from us. I also wouldn't mind Einhar revealing he can just teleport through space and time on a whim to join me and Alva to hunt for treasure or to tag along and help kill Chayula.
Also, a lot of the issue I take with this game (that largely has/is been/being fixed) is that content often requires you to Do X so you can have fun with Y. Find Contracts so you can run Heist, get Sulphite so you can run Delve. There is also "farm Delirium and you can run Simulacrums." The difference being that you don't NEED simulacrums to have fun with the content. Compared to clicking 3 or 4 rocks is the Delve "content" in maps, and opening a strongbox while hearing Huck's voice lines is Heist's "Content" in maps. Delirium IS the content, Simulacrums are a separate optional location, and many don't even run them.
In truth I LOVE the implementation of Beasts: they are a miniboss in the content they belong. In maps you will find all types of tough, boss-like versions of monsters you have seen, that aren't necessarily just "same mob but in yellow." They summon waves of monsters, or effects, or have generally neat interactions that stir up the monotony of mapping (AND STILL CAN BE BYPASSED WITH ENOUGH DAMAGE) without feeling like it is pulling you away from mapping. It adds to the content it is found in, and even more seamlessly than Essence/Strongboxes because there is no interaction to start them.
You could enter a Breach and all of a sudden see a Red Beast spawn in a similar fashion to a Breach Lord, or see a Beast Marker in Expedition and say, "Okay, miniboss time let's not make him too hard." Maybe wave 11-13 in Ultimatums have a chance to spawn a single Beast that you need to kill in a time limit, or that stingy prick Merchant in your Incursions could have a chance to be replaced with a Beast you can capture.
You might actually enter that Vaal Side Area for once? Even if only to check if the boss has been replaced with a Beast and then leave.


Here we are, you made it. Thanks for reading if you did make it through, and thanks for checking this out if you didn't.
1. I play the game a lot, and have a lot of time, and I'm rather wealthy as a result; but I don't optimize and I play for fun so not THAT wealthy. 2. We have seen a lot of expansion of crafting mechanics (Awesome!) for early, middle, and high end, but lately we have been losing access to only mid-tier crafting (Not awesome!) which widens the gap 3. Items are always priced off of optimal use (10d scarabs, Hinekora's lock, vivid vultures, etc.) rather than casual use. 4. Because Items are priced based on the best use, it leads to many feeling uncomfortable using the items THEY FOUND themselves, because they would likely be able to just sell it for more value 5. Implement mid-tier Beast Crafts (inconvenience fee included via Menagerie) to add lesser versions of Harvest Beasts and similar for many league mechanics. Examples located right before "Why Einhar" 6. Beasts are very non-intrusive in the content they are, and serve to enhance the content similar to a Deli boss, medium challenge for medium reward, skip/remove when you are past medium rewards 7. Einhar cool, thanks for reading, enjoy the farming stupid beast
submitted by Baby_Wolverine to pathofexile [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:55 OsirisAI Stock Information for PLATINUM - 1d

#PLATINUM #1d #Commodities───────────
Ensemble model * Overview: The synthetic investment attractiveness indicator equals 12 (out of +/-100). The model ensemble suggests the market will tend to be bullish in the nearest future.
Optimal past * Optimal past: The optimal lookback period for modelling is currently 306 candles. The market is currently bullish, appreciating by 9.0% during the latest phase.
Elliot Waves * Elliot Waves: The market's trend has changed and currently goes up.
Price Bound Modelling * HAR model at confidence level 95.0%: the HAR model forecasts volatility of 1.7653% in the next candle, the price will fluctuate around 1050.71 and with 95.0% probability will not go below 1020.21 or above 1081.22.
Forecast * MA model at confidence level 95.0%: the MA model forecasts a return of 0.0273% in the next candle, the price will fluctuate around 1050.81 and with 95.0% probability will not go below 1015.3 or above 1086.31.
Stability Indicators * Generalised extreme value: According to the indicator, the market is stable
Seasonality test * Seasonality test: According to the generalised seasonality test, there are no seasonal effects on the market.
Distribution analysis * Best-fit distribution: Best-fit distribution has changed, and now it is Student's T
Not investment advice.
#PLATINUM #1d #trading #Distribution analysis
submitted by OsirisAI to OsirisFinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:39 Queen_Gambit Squadron Battle Manual VS Heat of Battles ?

Hiya, I need help mathing the exp boosts I have specifically the overlapping of Heat of Battle and Squadron Battle Manual. I want to start off by explaining what EXP boosts I have in the beginning and then the EXP boosts I get when I apply these two items.
Okay lets play this out. I login and get prepared and think about the other EXP boosts that I have:
Scenario 1: FC is doing Heat of battle 2, initially have Squadron turned off. I ran msq roulette with a mentor and killing the 1st boss gave me +313% Right before the 2nd boss, I used the Sqaudron Battle Manual, killing 2nd boss gave me +328% 313% - 193% = 120%. Does that mean Mentor EXP bonus gives me 120% EXP? Note that adding squadron battle manual, nothing was overridden it added the 15% to the 313% which became 328%.
Scenario 2: FC is doing Heat of battle 3, initially have Squadron turned off. I would run roulette with a mentor and killing the 1st boss gave me +328% already?????????? Right before the 2nd boss, I used the Squadron Battle Manual, killing 2nd boss still gave me only +328%??? Note I mean 328% is a lot but the Squadron bonus didn't do anything????
Scenario 3: I visit another world, FC bonus is now gone, i have squadron turned on. I would run roulette with a mentor and killing 1st boss already gives me +328%?????? 2nd boss irrelevant. So does that mean squadron battle manual automatically gives 15% plus more?????
Help me make this make sense thank you.
I don't have a video clip of running roulette when my free company does Heat of Battle 3, let me know if you want me to make one.
submitted by Queen_Gambit to ffxiv [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:34 Reinhardt-X War of Diplomacy Mod

War of Diplomacy Mod
Hello everyone,
I wanted to share with the AOE2 of a new mod for diplomacy games called "War of Diplomacy". This mod focuses on adding new features that enhances diplomacy games while promoting strategic alliances. In addition to that each players have randomized war goals and diplomatic cards that can play into their favor as well as changing the outcome of match.
Currently War of Diplomacy is available on Poland map with more maps on the way. Below is an infographic that provides detailed information what you need to know about War of Diplomacy mod:
Default Settings: Locked Teams: ON Reveal Map: OFF or EXPLORED SHARED EXPLORATION: OFF
Alliance Center: Available in Castle Age. Cost a hefty sum of gold. To form alliance, send alliance offer to the player you want to form. Accepting alliance offer is free and up to the player to decide whether to accept or not. Player also can withdraw their alliance offer and get gold refunded. To break alliance, send formal break alliance with the player in question.
Victory Condition: There are 4 primary victory conditions.
  • Regicide: Kill all players kings.
  • Wonder Victory: Build & Defend the Wonder.
  • Relic Victory: Capture all relics & hold.
  • Allied Victory: Ally with all surviving players to win.
War Goals: Currently there are 4 war goals that are randomized at beginning of the game. They are secondary victory condition, which means you need to fulfill these objective in order not to be eliminated from the game.
  • Protection: Protect [x]. Lose if either you or your protectorate is eliminated.
  • Assassination: Assassinate [x]. Lose if you are eliminated.
  • Elimination: Eliminate all players. Lose if you are eliminated or allied with all surviving players.
  • Hidden Agenda: Form alliance and maintain for 30 minutes to gain military training speed. Afterwards, you can decide whether to maintain alliance or backstab one of your allied player to gain Reveal Agenda with elimination condition.
Some important notes: Protection is disabled if the protectorate you are supposed to protect resigns before their king is killed. If you have Assassination or Revealed Agenda war goal, you will be disallowed from allying your target as part of the elimination condition.
Relics: There are 8 relics in total across the map. Capture them and garrison them in your temple for bonuses.
  • [1] = Cartography
  • [4] = Spies
  • [7] = Autoenemy
  • [8] = Relic Victory
Diplomatic Cards: There are 25 diplomatic cards to choose from. They are randomized at beginning of the game and upon drawing one, bonuses are automatically given to you right away. Below is list of diplomatic cards:
  • Ancient Relic: All relics gold generation multipled by 200%.
  • Holy Crusade: Paladin > Crusader Knight. If no Paladin technology, available at 60 minutes.
  • Iron Bulwark: Fortifications +1 mARM / pARM & +10% HP.
  • Greek Fire: Fire Units +1 ATK & Fire Tower in Imperial Age.
  • Pious: Villagers move and work 10% faster.
  • Cargo Holds: Trade Carts & Carts generates 10% extra gold.
  • Seafaring: Fishing Ships move and work 25% faster.
  • Cowardly Knights: Units are trained 10% faster.
  • Treasurer: +1% Gold Stockpile per minute.
  • Faithful: Faith units move, attack, convert, and heal 10% faster.
  • Siegecrafter: Siege units +1 ATK & Flamethrower in Imperial Age after Chemistry.
  • Boomer: Max population increased by 10%.
  • Sniper: Fortifications +1 Range.
  • Resourceful: Resources last 15% longer.
  • Blindsided: Holding 7 or more relics and Wonder being built no longer autoenemy.
  • Conqueror: Fortifications +10% Attack Speed & +1 ATK.
  • Mesoamerica's Blessing: Knight-line replaced by Xolotl Warrior.
  • Midas Gold: Food, Wood, and Stone generate gold.
  • Dynamite: Explosive Units +10% Blast Radius, ATK & Movement Speed.
  • Rolling Thunder: Trebuchet +1 Range & +10% ATK
  • Back to Future: Photonman available in Imperial Age.
  • Blitz: Siege units move, unpack and pack 10% faster.
  • Capitalist: Trading fee reduced to 0% & trade units move 15% faster.
  • Pax Imperius: Imperial Units available in Imperial Age.
  • Atheism: Relic and Wonder victories take +100 years longer and -50% enemy Relic resource income.
How do I win War of Diplomacy? Easy enough! Fulfill your war goal and one of these victory conditions i.e relic victory, allied victory, regicide, or wonder victory that works the best in your favor.
Are any modifications?
Trade cogs & trade carts limited to 25, but cost value, population cost, gold generation from trading x3 to balance it out. Powerful units like Siege Onager, Cannon Galleon, and Elephants has slightly longer training time.
Important Note: Before playing War of Diplomacy mod, make sure to enable "Options" > "Interface" > "Toggle Extended Tooltips" to be able to see both War Goal & Diplomatic Card descriptions.
Suggestions / Ideas: If you have ideas or suggestions for maps or game mechanics, let Reinhardt (Triggers & Mechanics) or Boshan (Maps) know.
Where to download: https://www.ageofempires.com/mods/details/238762/
submitted by Reinhardt-X to aoe2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:16 xNezah The Low Stat, High Hour EC App Review

White dude
Iowa resident
First gen, rural (population of 700), and underserved background. Likely low income as well, not entirely sure.
cGPA (with dual enrollment included): 3.3
cGPA (only undergrad): 3.47, upward trend, 3.6-3.7 GPA in last 3 semesters with REALLY rigorous course load
sGPA (everything included): 3.32
MCAT: 508, even distribution, nothing below 126
Registered for Preview, will do casper as well
1 gap year, starting a 1 year master's program at my state school in the fall that is basically the first year of medical school. That is why this is kind of a fuck it we ball cycle, if I dont get accepted this year and dont fuck up, my chances at my state school are genuinely REALLY good next year.
Hours are approximate but very close, I havent gotten to doing the exact math yet, but I did track hours for most things.
Research: 1500+hrs, 1000 in organic chem and 500 in Orthopedic surgery. One first author pub submitted for the ortho research
Clinical Volunteering: ~350hrs as coordinator for free mobile clinic for unserved communities, managed all of the supplies and lab equipment, trained over 300 student volunteers in lab tests and vitals. Clinics legit could not run without me, and that will be included in a rec letter
Leadership: ~100 hours as a fraternity VP and standards chair
Work experience:
2000+ total in a bunch of stuff
~500 hours as a peer mentor for first-generation college students
~100 hours as a private tutor, biology and chem at all levels
Other weird jobs I have had, mostly manual labor: Farm Hand, DNR State Park groundskeeper, tour guide for local architecture attraction, and working in warehouses.
About to get a patient care tech position
Other Misc ECs:
SHPEP Scholar
~30hrs working with a physician on a men's health initiative, targeted school's frats and athletic teams to educate young men on men's health
~30hrs social media manager for a Instagram page educating HS and younger prehealth students on the realities of healthcare and the opportunities at all levels
Hobbies: backpacking, photography, cooking and baking, computers, fitness, and reading
Other relevant info:
School list so far:
Note: You're gonna notice I'm not applying DO. I know everyone's gonna lose their shit over this. 3 reasons why:
  1. Im broke, I can't afford 30+ schools.
  2. DO schools financially exploit the fuck out applicants even more so than AAMC already does, and I just don't wanna deal with that.
  3. Like I said, I'm getting a master's; if I get straight rejected this cycle, I'll be in a much better position to apply across the board in the next one and will apply for DO then.
In no particular order
  1. Iowa Carver (please god just let me in)
  2. Nebraska (where I did SHPEP)
  3. U of Minnesota
  4. UW Madison
  5. Michigan State
  6. Mayo Alix (No shot but I'm still a strong mission fit)
  7. Medical College of Wisconsin
  8. Yale (my one absolutely fuck it why not app, I really like new haven and pizza)
  9. Ohio State (considering removing, outside 10th percentile)
  10. U of Cincinnati (considering removing, outside 10th percentile)
  11. U of Miami Leonard (Consitering removing, outside 10th percentile)
  12. Oregon health and science
  13. Indiana (considering removing, regional bias and outside 10th percentile)
  14. Rutgers, Robert wood johnson (SHPEP is RWJ sponsored, again just trying to leverage anything I can)
  15. Geisel at Dartmouth
  16. Robert Larner at Vermont
  17. University of Missouri - Kansas City
  18. Virgina Tech
  19. West Virginia
  20. University of South Carolina Columbia
  21. Toledo
I really did try to pick schools where my stats were at least on the bell curve and OOS acceptance was above 25%. My concerns overall are that I generally have no idea how to put a school list together and that many of these schools might be super low-yield for OOS. I am also worried that I might have skipped over a lot of schools that I'd be a good mission fit at.
I have had pretty much zero guidance on applying outside of this subreddit, so I really appreciate any and all advice. Be harsh if you have to, I get it.
submitted by xNezah to premed [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:14 CarOBook NIO ET5 Touring Owner's Manual - CarOBook

NIO ET5 Touring Owner's Manual - CarOBook
NIO ET5 Touring owner's manual is in pdf electronic document. NIO ET5 Touring user manual helps car owners quickly grasp the various functions of the vehicle. It is free to download and easy to carry. NIO ET5 Touring manual is a must-have electronic manual for car owners.
Free Download: https://www.carobook.com/en/nio-et5-touring-owners-manual.html
NIO ET5 Touring Owner's Manual - CarOBook
submitted by CarOBook to carobook [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:09 Adept-Emu7018 CZ scorpion 3plus

CZ scorpion 3plus
Finished up this custom cz scorpion build . This was such a fun build and the companies supplying there parts were awesome to work with , this is Equipped with the Enhanced nickel boron NEXUS FIREARMS bolt carrier, FRANKLIN ARMORY binary flat trigger, HBI INDUSTRIES 5.3 inch barrel and aluminum handguard kit, CZ custom folding stock with Mod 1 tail hook kit and Ar 15 grip adapter, FORTIS MFG carbon fiber pistol grip, finger stop and mag release button, Q muzzle device and HOLOSUN 510C and a modified MAGPUL 50 rd drum.
submitted by Adept-Emu7018 to czscorpion [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:07 OsirisAI Stock Information for EURUSD - 1d

#EURUSD #1d #Forex───────────
Ensemble model * Overview: The synthetic investment attractiveness indicator equals 23 (out of +/-100). The model ensemble suggests the market will tend to be bullish in the nearest future.
Optimal past * Optimal past: The optimal lookback period for modelling is currently 301 candles. The market is currently bullish, appreciating by 1.0% during the latest phase.
Elliot Waves * Elliot Waves: The market's trend has changed and currently goes up.
Price Bound Modelling * HAR model at confidence level 95.0%: the HAR model forecasts volatility of 0.3642% in the next candle, the price will fluctuate around 1.09 and with 95.0% probability will not go below 1.08 or above 1.09.
Forecast * MA model at confidence level 95.0%: the MA model forecasts a return of 0.0059% in the next candle, the price will fluctuate around 1.09 and with 95.0% probability will not go below 1.08 or above 1.1.
Stability Indicators * Generalised extreme value: According to the indicator, the market is stable
Seasonality test * Seasonality test: According to the generalised seasonality test, there are no seasonal effects on the market.
Distribution analysis * Best-fit distribution: Best-fit distribution has changed, and now it is Generalised normal
Not investment advice.
#EURUSD #1d #trading #Distribution analysis
submitted by OsirisAI to OsirisFinance [link] [comments]
